; * t. \ 'i : I rl H i! ' " ! i 444 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS to the alternating current, i, the resultant current in the arma- ture coil, r, is: Jo . 7T sin - n • sin (6 - r - 00) - 1 (13) and the ratio of heating, of the resultant current, i0, compared with the current, -~, of the same machine as direct-current gen- erator of the same output, thus is: j0\ - 2/ 6/o)~1 sm (14) Averaging (14) over one half wave gives the relative heating of the armature coil, r, as: 1 f- ^o2 ,a 1 f » *-;%-;! Integrated, this gives: 4k n sin >~T-00) -1 de> (15) 16 ft cos sn2 . sin n n 243. Herefrom follows the local heating in any armature coil, r, in the coils adjacent to the leads by substituting r = ± ~, and also follows the average armature heating by averaging £ ^x . ^ 7Tfromr = — - to r = H—* T n n The average armature heating of the n-phase converter there- fore is: or, integrated : r = .. ^ + 1 - 2 • , n2sm2 - (17) v '