3 A 14 NOTES. 245 that, if p is the density, and X the force acting on the element in the direction of x, we have When w, v, w are very small, we may neglect the terms «*-«— etc., and add the term **-?—-, which is likewise of the second order of magnitude, because in the case of slow motions, the change of the density per ainit of time is very small. It follows that th.e mathematical expression for the statement made in the text. 13 (Page 35). The value cp of the scalar potential that exists at the time t at the point (#, y, z] of the ether, will be found at the time t -f- dt at a point whose coordinates are x -f- wdt} y, z. As the value of the potential for these new values of the independent variables may be represented by we have . at n Applying the same reasoning to the function J?-, one finds 14; (Page 36). Let Sf be a system without translation, and let two points, the one in the moving system S, with the coordinates SGy y, z, and the other in 'S' with the coordinates u?', y, 2 — the re- lation between x and xf being as shown in (58) — be said to cor- respond to each other. Then corresponding elements of volume, and dS', are to each other in the same ratio as x and x', so that dS' - (1 - ft and. if they are to have eq^al charges, the density $' in dSf must be related to the density p in dS as follows:- [fc - A]}dS - ij([d • h] + [d • b]}dS