, 69 NOTES. Neglecting the term —ą in the denominator we see that under tne- influence of the collisions the phenomena will be the same, as if there were a resistance determined by 2m B8 (Page 147). In the case of a mixture the electric moment r is made up of as many parts P1? P2, ... as there are constituents. Beaaoning as in §§116—119 we can establish for each component formulae like (200), so that, if we put a = -J-, we have for the first substance for the second *M ' —~s — F 4_ _L P _ f'p 2 gŁ2 '3 — ' * 2 > and so on. Hence, if .all the dependent variables vary, as s*nt, p ... E + ^p P _ vT ^ "~~" j-ť / ~~~f a Ť fl 9 *~~" x y-......... ^yj, 71 - ' and, if we put ___1____, • 1 + Combining this with (192) we find and for the index of refraction JL 3 Now each term -^IT^V) S^68 tlie value of ^"2 for one of tiie constituents taken with the density my which it has in the mixture, a value that is found when we multiply the constant r for tie constituent in question by the density my. This immediately leads to equation (218). (Page 149). According to the equations (220), if we put a — •Ł, the displacements &, |2, ... are determined by (ft - w^ii - \ (E, + \PJ, etc. -particles for which the interval & lies