TO THE LIGHTHOUSE on the edge of the cliff and began to sing some song about Damn your eyes, damn your eyes. They all had to join in and sing the chorus, and shout out together: Damn your eyes, damn your eyes, but it would be fatal to let the tide come in and cover up all the good hunting-grounds before they got on to the beach. " Fatal," Paul agreed, springing up, and as they went slithering down, he kept quoting the guide-book about " these islands being justly celebrated for their park-like prospects and the extent and variety of their marine curiosities ", But it would not do altogether, this shouting and damning your eyes, Andrew felt, picking his way downv the cliff, this clapping him on the back, and calling him " old fellow " and all that; it would not altogether do. It was the worst of taking women on walks. Once on the beach they separated, he going out on to the Pope's Nose, taking his shoes off, and rolling his socks in them and letting that couple look after themselves; Nancy waded out to her own rocks and searched her own pools and let that couple look after themselves. She crouched low down and touched the smooth rubber-like sea anemones, who were 118