TO THE LIGHTHOUSE what else? oh, yes, it might be cold: a shawl. Choose me a shawl, she said, for that would please Rose, who was bound to suffer so. " There," she said, stopping by the window on the landing, "there they are again/' Joseph had settled on another tree-top. " Don't you think they mind," she said to Jasper, " having their wings broken? " Why did he want to shoot poor old Joseph and Mary? He shuffled a little on the stairs, and felt rebuked, but not seriously, for she did not understand the fun of shooting birds; that they did not feel; and being his mother she lived away in another division of the world, but he rather liked her stories about Mary and Joseph. She made him laugh. But how did she know that those were Mary and Joseph? Did she think the same birds came to the same trees every night? he asked. But here, suddenly, like all grown-up people, she ceased to pay him the least attention. She was listening to a clatter in the hall. " They've come back! " she exclaimed, and at once she felt much more annoyed with them than relieved. Then she wondered, had it hap- pened? She would go down and they would tell her—but no. They could not tell her any- thing, with all these people about. So she must go down and begin dinner and wait. And, like some queen who, finding her people gathered in 128