TO THE LIGHTHOUSE the vapour of something that had burnt itself away. What do you want? they both wanted to ask. They both wanted to say. Ask us anything and we will give it you. But he did not ask them anything. He sat and looked at the island and he might be thinking, We perished, each alone, or he might be thinking, I have reached it. I have found it, but he said nothing. Then he put on his hat. " Bring those parcels," he said, nodding his head at the things Nancy had done up for them to take to the Lighthouse. " The parcels for the Lighthouse men," he said. He rose and stood in the bow of the boat, very straight and tall, for all the world, James thought, as if he were saying, " There is no God," and Cam thought, as if he were leaping into space, and they both rose to follow him as he sprang, lightly like a young man, holding* his parcel, on to the rock. 14 " He must have reached it," said Lily Briscoe aloud, feeling suddenly completely tired out. For the Lighthouse had become almost invisible, had melted away into a blue haze, and the effort of looking at it and the effort of thinking of him 318