.WITH THE CALCUTTA STUDENTS 205 not require so many for transmission. The example of a few true men or women if they have fully imbibed the spirit of non- violence is bound to infect the whole mass in the end. This was just what I experienced in the beginning of the movement. I found that people actually believed that in my heart of hearts I favoured violence even when I preached non-violence. That was the way they had been trained to read'and interpret the utterances of the leaders. But when they realized that I meant what I said, they did observe non-violence in deed under the most trying circumstances. There has been no repetition of Chauri Chaura. As for non-violence in thought God alone is judge. But this much is certain that non-violence in action can- not be sustained unless it goes hand in hand with non-violence in thought. Q. Do you think co-operation between the exploited and the exploiters is at all possible to attain the ideals you stand for? Do you not think that time has come when Congress should take a definite stand for the rights of the masses irres- pective of the interests of the capitalists and the landlords ? Do you not think that it is not possible to organize the masses effectively on nationalistic programme and workers have no need or no other alternative but to array themselves against the capitalists and landlords for the exploited tenants and labour ? Do you not think that a class war is inevitable and interested classes must perish for the sake of a greater humanity ? A. I never said that there should be co-operation between the exploiter and the exploited so long as exploitation and the will to exploit persist. Only I do not believe that the capitalists and landlords are all exploiters by an inherent necessity or that there is a basic or irreconcilable antagonism between their inte- rests and those of the masses. All exploitation is based on the co-operation, willing or forced, of the exploited. However much we may detest admitting it, the fact remains that there would be no exploitation if people refuse to obey the exploiter. But self comes in and we hug the chains that bind us. This must cease. What is needed is not the extinction of the landlords and the capitalists but transformation of the existing relationship bet- ween them and the masses into something healthier and purer. Y0u ask 'whether the time has not come when the Congress