VOL. 102, PARTS 1 & 2 28 FEBRUARY, 1978 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Wollasten, Eiise M. Two new species of Platythamnion J. Agardh (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Eastern and Southern Australia - - - 1 Smaies, Lesley R. & Mawson, Patricia M. Nematode parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Macropus eugenii (Desmarest). 1. Seasonal and geographical distribution - - - - - 2 - 9 Tyler, M. J., Davies, Margaret & King, Max. The Australian frog Chiroleptes dahlii Boulenger: its systematic position, morphology, chromo- somes and distribution - - - - - - - - 17 Piummer, P.§. Stratigraphy of the lower Wilpena Group (ate a Flinders Ranges, South Australia - - 25 Fatchen, T. J. Change in grazed Atriplex vesicaria and Kochia astrotricha (Chenopodiaceae) populations, 1929-1974 - - - - 39 Berry, R. F., Flint, R. B. & Grady, A. E. Deformation history of the Outalpa area and its application to the Olary Province, South Australia 43 Brittan, N. H.. A new species of Thysanotus R.Br. (Liliaceae) from Eyre Pen- insula, South Australia - - - - = - - - 55 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. CONTENTS, VOL. 102, 1978 PARTS 1 & 2, 28 FEBRUARY Wollaston, Elise M. Two new species of Platythamnion J, Agardh (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Eastern and Southern Australia - - - Smales, Lesley R. & Mawson, Patricia M. Nematode parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Macropus eugenii (Desmarest). 1. Seasonal and geographical distribution - ~ - - - - - Tyler, M. J., Davies, Margaret & King, Max. The Australian frog Chiroleptes dahlii Boulenger: its systematic position, morphology, chromo- somes and distribution - - - - - - - - Plummer, P. S. Stratigraphy of the lower Wilpena Group (late Precambrian), Flinders Ranges, South Australia - - . - - - Fatchen, T. J. Change in grazed Atriplex vesicaria and Kochia astrotricha (Chenopodiaceae) populations, 1929-1974 - - - < Berry, R. F., Flint, R. B. & Grady, A. E. Deformation history of the Outalpa area and its application to the Olary Province, South Australia - Brittan, N. H. A new species of Thysanotus R.Br. (Liliaceae) from Eyre Pen- insula, South Australia - - - - - - - - PARTS 3 & 4, 31 MAY Robinson, J. F., Robinson, A. C., Watts, C. H. S. & Baverstock, P. R. Notes on rodents and their ectoparasites collected in Australia in 1974-75 Milton, B. E. & Twidale, C. R. Structure of the Willochra Basin, southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia - - - “ = z 4 Smales, Lesley R. & Mawson, Patricia M. Nematode and other helminth parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby. Macropus eugenii (Desmarest). 2. Site selection within the stomach - - - - - - Bye, J. A. T., Dillon, P. J., Vandenberg, J. C. & Will, G. D. BaLay One of Lake Eyre - - - . - - : Tetzlaff, G. & Bye, J. A. T. Water balance of Lake Eyre for the flooded patie January 1974-June 1976 - - - - - Roberts, J. D. Redefinition of the Australian epiodactyi frog Neobatrachus pictus Peters - - - - - : 2 ™ a Duihunty, J. A. Salt transfers between North and South Lake Eyre - - - Mawson, Patricia M. Macropicola ocydromi n.g., n.sp. (Nematoda: Strongylidae) from a Western Australian kangaroo - - - = “i 43 55 59 al PARTS 5 & 6, 31 AUGUST Grubb, E. A. A. Stratigraphy, palynology and implications of organic bands in a small quaternary basin, near Palmer, South Australia - - Sheard, M. J. Geological history of the Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex, southeast South Australia - - 2 : 2 . 2 Daly, S., Webb, A. W. & Whitehead, S. G. Archaean to early Proterozoic banded iron formations in the Tarcoola region, South Australia - - Tyler, M. J., Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. A new species of om frog from the Northern Territory - - - - : = = Van Deur, W. J. Earthflows in the Yankalilla area of South Australia: significance of rainfall, soil properties and Man’s activities - = : - Hails, J. R. & Gostin, V. A. Stranded shingle beach ridges, upper Spencer Gulf, South Australia: evidence for high wave energy dissipation during the late Pleistocene - - - - - - - PARTS 7 & 8, 30 NOVEMBER McKenzie, K. G. Ostracoda (Crustacea: Podocopida) from southern Australian salt lakes, with the description of Reticypris new genus - - Parker, S. A. & Cox, J. B. Notes on the birds of Pearson, Dorothee and Regeaty Islands, South Australia - 2 a & = F Flint, D. J. Deep sea fan sedimentation of the Kanmantoo Group, Kangaroo Island - - - : 2 : 2 s Mawson, Patricia M. A new genus Adelonema (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) from Australian phalangerid marsupials - - - - - Annual Report of Council - - - - : 2 . 2 : a Award of the Sir Joseph Verco Medal -'— - - - : : 3 = Balance Sheet a. ~ 2 = _ m= 2 ~ = : 4 a 169 175 191 203 223 227 228 229 TWO NEW SPECIES OF PLATYTHAMNION J. AGARDH (CERAMIACEAE, RHODOPHYTA) FROM EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA BY ELISE M. WOLLASTON Summary Two new species, Platyhamnion cuspidatum and P. francisianum, are described from eastern and southern coasts of Australia. Both are small, uncorticated plants characteristic of the genus Platythamnion J. Agardh, with whorls of 4 (2 long and 2 short) adaxially branched whorl-branchlets on each axial cell of the thallus. TWO NEW SPECIES OF PLATYTHAMNION J. AGARDH (CERAMIACEAE, RHODOPHYTA) FROM EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA hy Exise M, WoLLaston* Summary Wo Lcaston, E. M, (1978) ‘Two new species of Platythamnion 1, Agardh (Ceramiaceae, Rhodo- phyta) from eastern snd southern Australia, Trans. R, Sec. 8. Aust, 102(1), 1-7, 28 February, 1978. Two new species, Plaiviammion cuspidataum and P franelsianum, are described from eastern and southern coasts of Australia. Both are small, uncorticated plants characteristic of the genus Platythamnion J, Agurdh, with whorls of 4 (2 long und 2 short) adaxially branched whorl-branchlets on each uxial cell of the thallus. Introduction J. Agurdh (1892) first described the genus Plarythamnion based mainly upon Callitham- nion heteramerphum J.Ag. (type loeality, Santa Cruz, California), Since that time fur- ther species have been recorded from the west coast of North America (Kylin 1925, Wollaston 1972), Japan (Inagaki 1935, Vokida & Inaba 1950), New Zealand (Adams ef al, 1974) and one, P. nediferum (J,Ag) Wollaston from southern Australia (Wollaston 1968). P. nediferum which occurs commonly on coasts of southern Australia is a large plant (lo 20 cm high) with axes densely corticated in the lower parts with rhizoidal filaments. Plaiythamnion cuspidatum sp. nov, and P. francisiunum sp. nov, represent the — first records from Australia of uncerticated species of Platythamnion I.Ag. similar in habit to those occurring on the Pacific coust of Nerth America and in Japan, In all previously described species of Platy- thamnion the position, form and development ol carpogonial branches and carposporophyte are markedly similar, and are typical of the wibe Antithamnicac, Hence segregation of taxa within the tribe is based primarily upon vegetative features and, on this basis, species ol Platythamnien torm a well-defined generic group (Wollaston 1972), Recently liquid preserved material of the two species described below has become avail- able for study and although stages of carpo- sporophyte development are lacking, the plants are readily recognized as spectes of Plery- thamnion and described on the basis of vege- tutive and tetrasporangial features, All measurements quoted are taken within” the gelatinous sheath which covers the thallus. Terminology follows Wollaston (1968), Type specimens hive been deposited in the Her- barium of the Department of Botany, Uni- versity of Adelaide (ADU). Identification of the genus Sexual reproduction in Platythanimion has been described in detail by Wollaston (1968, 1972). However, tetrasporangial features arc less consistent, and position of tetrasporangia of inner cells of whorl-branchlets has been used with vegetative features fo distinguish species of the genus (Wollaston 1972). The genus is most readily recognized by the form und arrangement of whorl-branchlets which occur in whorls of 4 |2 opposite long (major) whorl-branehlets at right angles to 2 opposite shorter (minor) whorl-branchlcts] from cach axial cell, and the pattern of deve- lopment at growing branch apices, Major whorl-branchlets are typically oppo- sitely or adaxially branched from a_ distinct rachis and ure arranged distichously on branch axes so that thallus branches appear to be flattened laterally (Figs 15, 18). In some spe- cies, two branches occur side by side from inner cells of whorl-branchlet rachides (Fig. = Department of Botany, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000. CAG, CO OM C | J Xi C O JOOS 50 ae < ELISE M. WOLLASTON NEW SPECIES OF PLATYTHAMNION (RHODOHYVPTA) 3 10), The arrangement of these branches and of further branches developed from them, furm the basis of species segregation, Minor Whorl-branchlets are never as con splenous nor as rewulucly branched as major whoarl-branehlers and io Australian species (including P, nediferum) are unbranched or wilh I-several short branches arising fron) a short rachis (Figs 2-6, 11). Wollaston (1972) deseribed an enlarged rounded basal cell bear- ing usually three short branvhes for four ol the five Pacific North American species. To- winds the base of the plant, whorl-brarichlets may beeame more densely branched or ure sometimes reduecd in length und branching Thus the form of Whorlhranchlets in. the lower thalluy may help in species identitica- tion, Lateral thallus branches are formed in place ol whorlbeanvblets in distichous. alternate sequence at intervals of several (usually 4-10) axial cells, and near branch apices they con- Inihute to the distinetive pattern of axial deve. lopment. Young lateral branches develop rapidly and grow up to overtop the axial apex whieh ts deflected away from the young lateral (Figs 13, (9), Whorl-branechlets clongate much more slowly and are offen suppressed in development along the inner side of un axis lying Closely adjacent to another branch (Fig. 13), Thus during varly development whorl- hraneblets are often small or completely lack- ing from the inner side of young lateral hranches and fron) primary axes themselves Deflection of branch axes away from futerul hrinehes during development often produces a pseudodichotomous pattern of — thallus branching throughout the plant (Fig. 15), Glind vells ure developed laterally on cells of the ruchis or branches of whorl-branchlets (Figs 3, t4) and are scattered, sometimes abundantly, aver the thallus Key to Anstralian species of Plaiy/lanunion 1. Plant lure, to 20 cm high, lower axes slenscly corticated with rhizoidal filaments P, nadilerun {T.Ag.) Well 1, Plant small, ta 2 cm high, completely becking rhvoidul vortiestion 2 2. Major whotl-branchlets adaxially brinched wilh it sinule row ef branches which are themselves branched fram the outer side, Minor = whorl-branehlets with — spine-like branches P, cispidarim sp. "OV. 2. Major whorbbrinchlets udaxially branghed with hranches whieh wsially geeur im pairs from inner rachis cells und ure themselves biunched from the Inner side Minor wharl- branchlels simple or with | to severi) short branches, , francisianum sp. may. Vhatythamnion cuspidatam sp, nov. (FEGS 1-4, 15-17) Thallis 11-2) em high consisting of brunehed axes without rhizdidal cortication; each Wxial cell bearing 2 uppasite loug (major) whorl-branchlets al right angles ta 2 opposite short (minor) whorl-branchiets, Majiur whorl- branchlets to 250 ym long, branehed from the udaxial side of rachis With abruptly tapered ycute branches, to 100 pm long, which often bear further short branches from the outer side; minor Whorl-branehlets simple or branched, to 130 pm long, often with 3(-4) tapering, actite spine-like branches, Gland cells lateral on cells of whorl-branchlets. Curposporophytes terminal on branches. Sper- Mmatangia forming dense clusters on cells of Whorkbranchlet branches, Tetrusporangia on cells of whorl-branchlet branches, sessile, spherical, to 30 ym diameter, erucitely- divided but often appearing tetrahedral. Thallus ad 2 cm ullus; axes sine corticatione rhizoideorum, Omnis cellula oxtalis ferens 2 ramulos verticillorum Maiores oppositos et 2 rumulos verticillarum. minores oppositos ad angulum 9O° patentes, Ramuli verticdlorum miiores ad 250 ym longi, in Jatere adaxiali Figs | 9, MMatyrthanmion euspidutum, Vig. ! Form of major whorl-branchlet (diagreammanue). Figs 2-6. Forms of minor whorl-branchlets, with spine-like processes shown in figires 5 and 6 and presence of a gland-cell in figure 3, Fig. 7. Spermatangia developing on cells of whorl-hranchlet branches, Fig. &. Sperroulaogial clusters on whorl-branchlet branches. Fig, 9, Tetrusporungia orm cells of whorl-branchlet branches. Figs 10-14, Meayrthunnion francisianumn. Fip. 1). Form of major whorl-breanchlet (diagrammatic )- Fiz. (1. Form of minor whorl-branchlet bearing short branches (diagrummuaue )- Fig. 12. Form of whorl-branchlets towards base of thullus (diugrammutic). Hig, 13. Development of branch apex showing branch axis (a) with lateral branches |) qnd loo and whorl-branchlets developing Goly from abaxial side of |). Fig. 4, Telrasporangia developed on cells of whorl-branchlet branches; a pair of branches one of which bears a gland cell, is shown on the second cell of the rachis. 4 ELISE M. WOLLASTON Figs 15-17. Platythamnion cuspidatum. Fig. 15. Portion of laterally flattened thallus showing whorl-branchlet form and pseudodichotomous branching of axes. Fig. 16. Spine-like branches of minor whorl-branchlets. Fig. 17. Tetrasporangia on branches of major whorl-branchlets. NEW SPECIES OF PLATYTHAMNION (RHODOHYPTA) 5 Figs 18-19. Platythamnion francisianum. Fig. Fig. branch (right). rachidi, ramulis secundariis peracutis ramosi, ad 100 ym longi, gerentibus plures ramulos breves externe; minores ramuli verticillorum simplices vel ramosi ad 130 ym longi, saepe 3(-4) ramulos gradatim acutos spinulosis gerentes. Cellulae glandulosae in lateribus ramulorum verticillorum. Carposporophyti in ramulis terminalia. Spermatangia botryoidea in cellulis ramulorum verticillorum orta. Tetra- sporangia sessilia, globosa, ad 30 ,»m diam., cruciatim sed in facie saepe tetraedrice in cel- lulis ramulorum verticillorum portata. The species is named for the spine-like branches developed on minor whorl-branch- lets. Type locality: Port Kembla, N.S.W., about 20 m deep (J. Watson, 16.ix.1976). Holotype: ADU, A47994, Distribution: Known from the type locality and from Gabo I., Victoria (Shepherd, 19.11.1973). Growing on the mussel Tri- choma hirsuta, on hydrozoans and on other algae. 18. Portion of a laterally flattened thallus showing whorl-branchlet form. 19. Tetrasporangia on whorl-branchlet branches (left), and early stage in development of lateral Platythamnion cuspidatum is distinguished by the branching pattern of the whorl-branch- lets. Major whorl-branchlets are branched adaxially from cells of the rachis with branches which taper abruptly to an acute point and which bear further short branches from their outer side (Figs 1, 15). Major whorl-branchlets are widely spaced and sel- dom extend to adjacent whorl-branchlets above. Where a lateral branch is formed in place of a major whorl-branchlet, the opposite major whorl-branchlet often remains short and unbranched. Minor whorl-branchlets may be unbranched or with 1l-several simple branches (Figs 2-4), but are frequently distinctive in bearing 3(—4) narrow, tapered, acute spine- like branches which develop from the upper end of a short 2-celled axis (Figs 5—6, 16); occasionally this branch axis is extended and may bear further “spines”, or may itself be- come spine-like. Axial growth occurs as typical for the genus and mature axial cells have an average length to breadth proportion of 5:2, up to 150 pm long and 60 »m broad t ELISE M. WOLLASTON in central parts of thallus. bul are vsually shorter an proportion to length at the base of The plane. Rounded groups of carpusporangia occur near branch wpices; however, stages ol carpo spurophyle development have not been avail ible tor study, Spermatangia are horne trom the upper part of cells of whorl-branchlet branches which arise from immer and central cells ef whorl- branchlet tachules. A single spermatangium develops first followed by further sperma- langial cells (Fig. 7). So that up te four Matlire apermulangta may be present on a sinule cell at Oe time, Dense spermatangial Clusters are thus formed (Fig. &), Tetrasporangia ate also formed trom the upper end of cells of whorl-hranchlet hranches. bul ure confined to inner branches which are sotietimes only Z-severil cells long (Wigs 8 17), Plievihamnion euspidatin is applirently jolerwat of pollyted water and very low light vonditions At Port Kembla, N.S.W., if occurs on depauiperate reefs subject to regular inun- dations of ipon-rich Nae [Pe(OH).] with con- sequent low light mtensity (J. Watson, pers. comm. | Platythamnlon francisianum sp. nov. (FIGS 10-14, 18-19) Phallus to | em high consisting of branched axes withowl rhizdidal corticution; ¢ach axial ecll hearing 2 opposite long tmajor) whorl- franchlets at right angles to 2 opposite short (miner) whorl-branehlets. Major whorl- branchlets (o SOO jum long, branched from the adaxial side of the rachis with branches lo 200 jam long which usually occur in pairs from inner cells of the rachis and often over- lap The adjacent whorl-branchlet above, These branches themselves bear further narrow, tapering branches from the inner side. Minor whorl-branchlets to 175(-200) pm Jong, simple or branched with [several simple hranches. Gland cells lateral on cells of whorl- branchlets. Procarp, carposporophyte and spermatangia unknown, Tetrasporangia of cells of whorl-branchlet branches, sessile, sub- spherical, to 36 pm in diameter, cruciately- divided but often appearing tetrahedral. Thallus ad | cm alttis; axes ramosi sine eoricatione rhizoideorum: omnis cellula axi- alis ferens 2 ramulos verticillorum muatores oppositos et 2 ramulos verticillorum minores ad angullim 90° patentes, Ramuli verticillorum mirores al SOQ jut longi am latere adaxiali rachidi ramulos secundarios ferentes ad 200 pi longes sacpe binatin: ex interioribus cel- Wihis rachis el saepe super ramulum verticil> laruin conliguum superum superpositos. Ra- Muli secundarii plures ramulos gradatim decrescentes terunl, Ramulr -verticillorum minores ad 175(-200) ym longi simplices vel famosi cum une aliquotue simplicihus ramu- lis, Cellulae glaundulosae in lateribus ramu- forum verticijlorum Procarpium et carpo- sporophylum ct spermalangia ignotu, “Tetra- sporangia sessilia, subglobosa, ad 36 wm diam., cruciatim sed in facie sacpe tetraedrice in cel- lulis ramutorum verticillorum portata, The species is named for the type locality. Type locality: St Francs L.. Isles of St Pran- cis, S. Aust., S-W face, 55 m deep (Whep- herd, 94. [97|) fMolorype: ADU, A3S087, Djstethytion: Known only from the type loca- lity, growing on Ballla prariata Harvey, Playthamnion francisianum is distinguished by the form of its whorl-branchlets. Major whorl-branchlets are branched adaxally from cells of the rachides with branches which often accur i pairs on each inner rachis cell [Figs 10, 14); these branches are further branched from the inner side, but sometimes appear as if subdichotomausly branched (Fig, 10), Mature whorl-branchlet branches are narrow and gradually tapered to an acute point (Fig. 18). Towards the base of the plint whorl branchlets are shorter (-200 pm long) and more densely branched than those above (Fig 12). Minor wWhorl-branchlets are simple or with |—several short branches (Fig. 11), Axial growth oecurs as typical for the genus and axial apices are overtopped by developing lateral branches and whorl-branchlets (Pigs 13, 19), Mature axial eells have an average length lo breadth proportion of 3:2. (up to 200 ym tong and 130 jm broad) im central parts of the thallus, but are often somewhat longer in proportion to breadth at the base of the plant. Tetrasporangit wre borne from lower cells of inner and central branches of whorl-hranct Jets, but are often lacking or Jess numerous on branches borne on the basal cells of rachides (Figs 14, 19). Although this species is known only fron a single collection jt appears to be clearly distinct, Frrther details of reproduction and Variauow in form await future collections. NEW SPECIES OF PLATYTHAMNION (RHODOHYPTA) L Acknowledgments I am grateful to Mr S. A. Shepherd for Latin diagnoses and to others who have con- tributed to this study, and particularly for technical assistance provided through a grant from the Australian Research Grants Com- mittee. References ADAMS, N, M., Conway, E, & Norris, R. E. in association with E. A. Wr_ia of Stewart Island (1974) The marine algae of Stewart rey Rec. Dom, Mus., Wellington 8(14), 185-245. Acarpu, J. G. (1892) Analecta algologica. Acta Univ. lund, 28, 1-182, pl. 1-3. INAGAKI, K. (1935) Some marine algae recently discovered in Japan and new to Science. Scient. Pap. Inst. algol. Res. Hokkaido Univ. 1(1), 41-49. Kyiin, H. (1925) The marine red algae in the vicinity of the Biological Station at Friday Harbor, Washington. Acta Univ. lund., N.F. 21(9), 1-87 including 47 figs. Toxipa, J. & INABA, T. (1950) Contributions to the knowledge of the Pacific species of Antitham- nion and related Algae. Pacif. Sci. 4, 118-134. WoLLasTon, E. M. (1968) Morphology and taxo- nomy of southern Australian genera of Crouanieae Schmitz (Ceramiaceae, Rhodo- phyta). Aust. J, Bot. 16, 217-417, pl. 1-10. WoL.LasTon, E. M. (1972) The genus Platytham- nion J.Ag. (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) on the Pacific coast of North America between Vancouver, British Columbia, and southern California. Syesis 5, 43-53. NEMATODE PARASITES OF THE KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY, MACROPUS EUGENHT (DESMAREST) 1. SEASONAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION BY LESLEY R. SMALES & PATRICIA M. MAWSON Summary The helminths of Macropus eugenii in Kangaroo I. have been identified at least to genus. Comparison of genus collected in one four-day period from four areas, differing geographically and ecologically, show differences in their occurrence. NEMATODE PARASITES OF THE KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY, MACROPUS EUGENI) (DESMAREST) 1, SEASONAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION hy Lestey R. Smares* & Parricia M. Mawsan* Summary Smaces, L, Ro & Mawson, P.M, (1978) Nematode parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Macrepus eugenii (Desmarest), 1, Seasonal and geographical distribution. Trans. R. Soe. S. Aust. 102(1), 9-15, 28 February, 1978. The helminths of Macropus eugenti in Kangaroo I. have been idenufied at least to genus. Comparison of species collected in one four-day period from four areas. differing geographically and ecologically, show differences in their occurrence, The incidence of strongyle nematodes in the stomach and of their eggs in the faeces, checked at 2-monthly intervals over two years, shows séasona! variation both of total numbers and of the constituent species, and this is linked with climatic conditions suitable for reinfesti- tion with the worms. Introduction A systemutic survey of the helminths of ihe Kangaroo Island Wallaby Mucropus eugenii (Desmarest) was undertaken preliminary to work (Smales (976°) on the life history of the stomach strongyle, Lablestrongylus engenii (Johnston & Mawson, 1940,), The wallaby is one of the sinallest macro- pods. Tts distribution ts now limited to small populations on the mainland of south-western Australia and to some off-shore tslands, the largest of which is Katguroo Island. The hosts for this study were taken from Kangaroo Island, where they are still present in large numbers, The climate of Kangaroo Island is the Medi- ferranean type, with most rain falling in winter. The mean monthly maximum and minimum temperatures and monthly rainfall recorded at Kingscote (April 1972—August 1972) or at Parndana (September 1972-later) were obtained from the Adelaide Bureau of Meteorology (Fig. 1). There appears to have been little, if any, variation, in the temperature for each month over these four years, though there is some variation in rainfall—the Septem- ber fall being low in 1972. the July fall high in 1974, The general pattern of winter rain and summer dryness was maintained through- out the four year period. The vegetation of Kangaroo Island varies. from wet sclerophyll forest to open grassland with serub, the preferred habitat of the wallaby being dry sclerophyll forest with dense under- shrubs, This species appears ta be specialised for life under conditions of much less rainfall than would support the rainforest or wet sclerophyll forest where other wallaby species are found (Ride 1970). The wallabies were collected frony one or more of four farm properties, cach in a dif- ferent part of the island, and with different plant associations, At Brookland Park, on the central plateau, with a rainfall of 831 mm a year, a mallee form of Lucalyprus remota is dominant. Around Pioneer Bend, also on the central plateau, with 559-584 mm of rain a year, E. obliqta and E. casmophylla are the dominants, At Cape Cassini on the northern marginal slopes of the plateau, 559-584 mm of rain, &. eneorifolia is the dominant, associated with Melaleuca tncinate. An association of E. diversifolia and E. rugosa, with E. diversifolia in different forms of mallee ranging from low * Department of Zoolozy. University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5. Aust. 5000. 1 Smates, L. R. (1976) A study of the biology of a nematode Lahiastrongylus eugenti (Johnston & Maw- son) parasitic in the stomach of the tammar wallaby (Maerapuws cugenii (Desmarest)), Ph.D. Thesis, University of Adelaide (unpublished ). 10 LESLEY R. SMALES & PATRICIA M, MAWSON E z 100) c ‘3 c 0 0 1972 1973 AMJJASONDJFMAMJJASONDJS FMAMJJASONDJ FM we 1975 Fig. |, Maximum and minimum average temperature and rainfall for 1972-1975, Kangaroo island, From September 1972 taken at Parndana, previously at Kingscote. tangled shrubs to trees 7.6 m high, is found at Nepean Bay in the Nepean Embayment low- land plain, where there is only 483-508 mm of rain, The species of undershrubs found with each plant association vary and are controlled for the most part by edaphic rather than climatic factors”. Stands of virgin bush have been left on each of the farms and these are often sufficiently large to provide shelter for the wallabies, which require the protection of dense undershrubs through the day, and come out into the farm paddocks at night to feed. Farming procedures were similar on all properties except that the clover fields at Brookland Park and Pioneer Bend were sprayed in August-October of 1973 and 1974 to control Black Spot disease. Kahba- tiella sp., with Thibenzole (Merck, Sharp & Dohme). Before this no spray had been used, At autopsy of each wallaby the stomach wall was checked for lesions, and a low 10% (by volume) sample of the stomach contents taken. This sample as well as the intestinal tract, liver, and thorax, were eXamined for helminths, which were collected and fixed in hot 10% alcohol or 4% formalin, and later identified and counted. Geographical variation In view of the varying rainfall and vegetation in different parts of Kangaroo Island, we sampled and compared the helminth fauna of animals from different areas at more or less the same date. Animals were collected from each of the four areas described above on four consccutive nights in April 1975. Autumn was chosen because the heaviest infestations had previously been observed during autumn and winter, Up to 10 wallabies were shot in each area. Each animal was weighed, sexed, and its age deter- mined from the tooth eruption pattern.! No helminths were found in the bile ducts or liver, The species identified were: from the thoracic cavity, the nematode Dipetalonema sp.; from the intestine, the nematodes Globo. céphaloides trifidospicularis Kung 1948 and Austrastrongylus thylogale Johnston & Maw- son 1940, and the cestodes Tripletaenia sp.. and Progremotaenia spp. A & B; from the stomach, the nematodes Cloacina spp., Labie- sirongylus eugenii (Johnston & Mawson, 1940a), L. longispicularis Wood 1929, Maecro- postrongylus pearsoni (Johnston & Mawson, 1940b), Oesophagenastes kartana (Mawson, * Bauer, F, H. (1959) The regional geography of Kangaroo Island South Australia. Ph.D. Thesis. Aus- tralian National University (unpublished). NEMATODRFS OF KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY it TABLE | Welmintts collected from M4, engenii on Kangaroo Island during April 1975 Nepean Buy Cape Cassini Pioneer Bend Hrookland Purk Number af wallabies 10 VW 8 10 Mean Mean Mean Mean No. No. No. No. Na. Na, No, No. infected worms infected worms infected worms infected worns Progamulaenia sp. A 3 2 0 i) 0 n “ v Progamotaenia sp. B | i] {) 0 4 3.5 5 0 Triplotaenia sp- () 0 2 2 | 1 ih} 0 Cloacina spp. R 105 i) 2351 8 S71.3 i] TOT L, envenii 4 966 9 R744 ' nodule only u ft) Lu longispicularis 0 ) 4 82.5 ! 40 3 616.7 R. australis 7 582.9 7 4571 8 S875 1m 2272 M, pearsant 5 98 5 124 7 14 iy Rs O. kartana 2 1p re eli) 3 463.3 h 36.7 Filarinema sp. 2 5.5 0 0 1 1 3 393 G. trifidospiculariy 5 6 5 OR 3 2 4 a3 Ay thyegale 1 720 WwW T2U 4 720 a 2 Dipetalonema sp. 4 i z I 6 | 10 22 1955), Rugepharvie anstralis (MoGnnig 1926) and Filarinema sp. The species of Cloacéna were not considered separately as not all of them have yet been described: they include ©, curta Johnston & Mawson, 1938, ©, petrogale Johnston & Mawson, 1938, ©, clarkae Mawe yon, 1972, C. semealevae Mawson 1975, and C kartane Mawson 1975. The numbers of each species or species group from each locality are shown in Tuble 1, Filarinema sp. und Labioytrongylus longi- spicularis both appear to be accidental infec- tions as they ogceur much more commonly in the Grey Kangaroo (Afderopus fullpinesus) {Desmarest) which grazes on the same pastures as the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Other species which have been found io the Grey Kangaroo as well as in the wallaby are Macrepostronyy lus pearson’ (rarely), Glohocephuloides — trifide- ypleularixs (not common) and Rugopharynx australiy (very common in both host species), Oevephagonastes kertana is typically found if the oesophagus of the host, and is collected from the stomach only when the infestation is heavy. ‘The vesopbagus was not examined regularly, and O. kertana may have been present in some of the wallabies (hough not recorded from the stomach. Examination of the stomach wall showed thal nodules caused hy third stage L. eugenii larvae! were prescul in all hosts with adult F. eugenii in the stomach. It will be noted that the most striking variations in distribution were m the cases of L. exgenii, Diperalaneima sp., and A. thylegale, The incidence of infection with Cloacina spp. was high from all four localities, but possibly the actiul species within the species group varied, The territorial behaviour and movement pat- tems of these wallabies have not been studied although occasional individuals have been recorded moying up to 16 km (Andrewartha & Barker 1969). However, those collected in the present study were probubly from different. populations, so the observed differences in hel- minth distibution between the sites represent real differences in the infestations on Kangaroo Tsland, Each of the sampling sites had diferent vege- tution and soil types. Rykovskii (1972) sug- gested a close relationship between these fac- tors and the viability of larval stages of tricho- strongyles. Together with the differences in rainfall they may have been important in deter- mining the distribution of the helminths. The low incidence of L. eugenit in hosts from Pioneer Bend and Brookland Park (noted ulso in other collections from the same area in 1975) is noteworthy because in 1972 and 1973 this species was plentiful there. As mentioned ubove, the only difference noted in the collec- tion areas between these periods was the use of sprays on the pasture. Seasonal variation A survey was made of the total sumbers aud incidence of the different species of strongyles in the stomach of the wallaby throughout the Year. It was hoped to find how the wet Winter and hot dry summer affected the different specics. Male wallabies were taken at. two monthly intervals from April 1972 to Janwary 1974 from Pioneer Bend and Brookland Park, and subsequently from these and other areas, Until September 1972 our sample comprised four 12 LESLEY R. SMALES & PATRICIA M. MAWSON 600 400) 2 0 MJ. s. N. J M M. J oS. oN. J 1972 1973 May Eggs per gram (mean) Fig. 2. Mean faecal egg counts: 1972 to January 1974. 3 fe) 8 So Mean number of nematodes. Mod SON OM OM J, 1972 1973 Fig. 3. Total worm burdens: May 1972-January 1974. The figure at each two monthly interval is mean obtained from 4-6 male wallabies. Ss. oN J TABLE 2 Occurrence (% of hosts infected) and relative abun- dance of nematode species collected from the stomach lumens of 99 wallabies between 1972 and 1975, Abun- dance expressed as % of largest total number— 107527 Cloacina spp. Wallabies Relative infected abundance Species % % Cloacina spp. 98 100 L. eugenii 45 76.2 L. longispicularis 20 1.6 R. australis 84 31 M. pearsoni 34 6.5 O. kartana 43 2.5 Filarinema sp. 4 0.03 animals; subsequently 6 animals were taken. To compare seasonal differences, only the 64 animals from Pioneer Bend and Brookland Park were used. To compare relative abun- dance of the different spp., 99 hosts from all localities were used. 6546. 4000) Mean number of nematodes, on de Ss. N. 1972 MM. 1973 Fig. 4. Mean bi-monthly occurrence of three groups of nematodes, May 1972-January 1974. At each autopsy a faecal sample was taken and the eggs per gram counted, using a modi- fied Whitlock counting chamber. Faecal egg counts (Fig. 2) show peaks of egg production in May and November of 1972 and 1973, and in March and November 1974. These peaks indicate times when the potential number of infective larvae on the pasture was high. The stomach of each wallaby was removed and the contents sieved through bolting silk (64 mesh/inch”), diluting the retained solid material to an appropriate volume (200 or 400 ml), and sampling using Clark et al.’s (1971) method of enabling calculation of worm totals to a S.D. of +5 worms. All the nematodes in each sample were fixed in hot alcohol, cleared in lactophenol, identified and counted. Mean total worm burdens were determined for each bi-monthly sample of wallabies (Fig. 3). Highest figures occurred in May and November 1972 and May and September 1973, and lowest in September 1972, January and November 1973, The unseasonably dry weather (see Fig. 1) experienced earlier may have been responsible for the low worm burdens recorded in September 1972. The variation in worm bur- dens of individual wallabies sampled at the same time was often large. The oldest and youngest wallabies usually had the smallest number of nematodes. Only two young animals which had just left the pouch had no stomach nematodes. The relative abundance of each species was determined by expressing the total number (collected from 99 tammars), as a per- centage of the largest total (Table 2). This is to distinguish between a nematode species present in large numbers in a few hosts, and a species present in small to moderate numbers NEMATODES OF KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY 13 Maan number of nematodes. Ma & S Nh tk M M SOS NR 172 73 Fig. 5. Mean bi-monthly occurrences of two nema- tode speices, May 1972-January 1974. o——a =aduils ———-o = larvae % | | | \ \ i \ ‘ \ \ \ \ \ NO dk MJ. . -t S&S NM i972 1973 Fig. 6. Mean bi-monthly occurrence of adult and larval Labiestrongylay eugenii. Only in- fected animals were used to obtain the mean. TABLE 3 Seasonal presence or absence of L. engenii in the stomach lumens of 64 wallabies Present Absent Total May 1972 and 1973 7 3 10 July 1972 and 73 7 x) 10 Sept. 1972 and 73 3 7 10 Nov, 1972 and 73 2 8 10 Jan. 1973 and 74 3 9 12 March 1973 and 74 8 4 12 Total 30 34 64 x" 12.53 where x2 (59%) — 11.07 and ys (2.5%) => 12.83 in a large number of hosts. Only the more common species, Rugopharynx — australis, Muacrepostrongylus pearsoni, Oesophagonastes kartana, Labiostrongylus eugenii and the group of Cloacine spp., were considered in greater detail. The results of the unalysis of seasonal dif- ference in abundance of each of these species ure shown to Figs 5 & 6. The 1972 figures for Cloacina spp. seem to have been influenced by the dry conditions in September of that year. The peak for M. pearsoni in January 1974 was due to one host with an extremely heavy intes- tation, In all, the periods of heaviest infestation occurred during the wet season (Cloacina spp. carly spring, R. australis late autumn and win- ter, M. pearsoni early autumn, OQ. kartana autumn and winter months only, L. eugenii late autunin and winter). Statistical analysis of the data for L. engenii (Tables 3 and 4) gave x values statistically significant at the 5% level, thus indicating that L. eugenii has a cycle of incidence dependent on the seasons. For this analysis counts from March 1974 were included, The populations of L. ewgenii from each host were sorted into adults and larval stages (Fig. 6). No third stage larvae and minimum of fourth stage larvae were found in the stomach lumen between September and January, Observations on the life cycle of L. eugenii have shown that third stage larvae are most likely to be acquired between June and November of any year. These larvae enter the stomach wall and remain there for about eight weeks or longer if development is inhibited?. It is likely that 3rd stage larvae are being ingested during this period and invade the stomach wall. Increasing numbers of these lar vae would be migrating into the stomach lumen as 4th stage larvae from February onwards. Comparisons between individual hosts within the same sample revealed heterogencous age structures, therefore the number of hasts sampled was too small to allow statistical analysis, TABLE 4 Seasonal ubundance of infection with L. eugenii in 64 wallabies Number of Z, eugenii a b c d= Total May 1972 and 73 4 ie 2 3° Ao July 1972 and 73 4 1 0 5 10 Sept. 1972 and 73 9 1 0 0 10 Nov. 1972 and 73 9 u 1 0 Ww Jan. 1973 and 74 10 a] 2 0 12 March 1973 and 74 6 3 1 2 i2 Total no. wallabies 42 6 6 10 64 xt -= 26,77 where x2 (5%) — 28 u—0-500 b—S00-1000 c— 1000-2000 d—2000 14 LESLEY R. SMALES & PATRICIA M. MAWSON Incidence of infestation of L. eugenii with respect to host age was also examined. Those wallabies collected before March 1974 were grouped according to age, with 36 1—3 years old in one group and 22 over three years old in the other. Wallabies less than one year old were not considered, as they were never found to harbour L. eugenii (though other species might be present), An analysis of the incidence of infection was scored in terms of presence or absence of the species partly because of the small host sample size, and partly because of the practical difficulties involved in estimating the number of 3rd stage larvae in the stomach wall. The results of this analysis indicated that incidence of infection was independent of host age. The host sample was too small to analyse in terms of the age structure of the L. eugenii populations. Therefore it was not possible to say whether older wallabies have smaller num- bers of L. eugenii larvae. It was found that the times of peak egg pro- duction as determined by faecal egg counts appeared to be synchronized with those seasons most advantageous to the nematodes. The peaks occurring in May were at the time when weather conditions for survival of infective lar- vae were good and, in fact, numbers of infec- tive larvae present on the herbage at this time have been found to be high.! The November peak occurred when conditions might have been too dry for many larvae to survive. How- ever, such larvae as did reach infectivity did so at a time when there would be a large number of susceptible hosts (joeys just out of the pouch) grazing the pastures. A build up of infective larvae, from those overwintering as well as from recent hatching, would be possible from late winter through to spring. The total worm burdens fluctuated both sea- sonally and from year to year. However, there was a trend towards lowest worm burdens dur- ing the dryest periods of the year. A number of workers (Anderson 1972; Gordon 1958; Parnell 1963) have found that sheep living in areas with winter rainfall record highest worm burdens in the late winter and early spring. Thus it appears that the uptake of infective larvae of trichostrongyles by domestic stock as well as strongyles infesting macropods occurs during or just after wet periods. The success of these Australian nematode species is probably related to this synchronisation of their life cycles with the season. The present study showed that the majority of 3rd stage L. eugenii larvae are ingested during the winter (older wallabies) and spring (wallabies just leaving the pouch), These develop in the stomach wall and escape into the lumen from February on as fourth stage larvae. They develop to maturity in the stomach lumen, pro- ducing eggs from late autumn through the winter. This long prepatent period of about 7-9 months! is probably important in enabling the synchronisation of life cycle with changes in seasons. Seasonal differences in species composition of worm burdens were also observed. However, a detailed analysis of the population structures of species other than L. eugenii was not under- taken. Acknowledgments Our thanks are due to Mr P. Davis for helping to collect the wallabies and Dr I. Beveridge for identifying the cestodes. The work was done with the aid of a grant from the Rural Credits Development Fund and a Com- monwealth Postgraduate Research Award. References Anperson, N. (1972) Trichostrongylid infections of sheep in winter rainfall region, 1. Epizoo- tiological studies in the western district of Victoria 1966-67. Aust. J. agric. Res. 23, 1113-1129. ANDREWARTHA, H, G. & BARKER, S. (1969) Intro- duction to a study of the ecology of the Kan- garoo Island Wallaby, Protemnodon eugenii (Desmarest), within Flinders Chase, Kan- garoo Island, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 93, 127-132. Crark, C. J., Tucker, A, M. & Turton, J, A. (1971) Sampling technique for estimating round worm burdens of sheep and cattle, Expl Parasitol. 30, 181-186. Gorpon, H. McL. (1958) The epidemiology of helminthosis in sheep in winter rainfall regions of Australia. 2. Western Australia. Aust, vet. J. 34, 5-19. Jonnston, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. (1938) Strongylate nematodes from Central Austra- lian kangaroos and wallabies. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 62, 263-286. Jounson, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. (1940a) On a collection of nematodes from Australian mar- supials. Rec. Aust. Mus. 20, 360-366. Jounston, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. (1940b) Nematodes from South Australian marsupials. Trans. R. Soc. S, Aust. 64, 95-100. NEMATODES OF KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY 15 Kuna, C. C. (1948) Some new nematodes from the Australian Wallaby (Macropus rugogrisea fruticus) with a note on the synonymy of the genera Zoniolaimus, Labiostrongylus and Buc- costrongylus. J. Helminth. 22, 93-108. Mawson, P. M, (1955) Some parasites of Austra- lian Vertebrates. Trans. R, Soc. S. Aust. 78, 1-7. Mawson, P. M. (1972) Three new species of the genus Cloacina Linstow (Nematoda: Strongy- lata) from macropod marsupials. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 96, 109-113. Mawson, P. M. (1975) Two new species of the genus Cloacina (Nematoda: Strongylida) from the tammar, Macropus eugenii. Trans. R. Soc. §. Aust, 99, 39-42. Monnic, H. O. (1926) Three new helminths. Trans. R. Soc, S. Afr. 13, 219-298. PARNELL, I. W. (1963) Helminthosis in sheep in Western Australia. Aust. vet. J. 39, 220-226. Ripe, W. D, L. (1970) “A Guide to the Native Mammals of Australia.” (Oxford University Press: Melbourne). Rykovskil, A. S. (1972) Use of indicator plants for the helminthological evaluation of hunting grounds. Trudy VII. Vsesoyuznoi Konferent- sii po Prirodnoi Ochagovosti Boloznei i Obschchim Voprosam Parazitologii Zhivot- nykh, 14-18 Oct. 1969 Samarkand 6(2) Tashkent, USSR: Izdatel S/VO “FAN” Uzbekskoi SSR, 149-151. Woop, W. A. (1929) On a new species of Labio- strongylus, Ann, Mag. nat. Hist. 4, 550-551. THE AUSTRALIAN FROG CHIROLEPTES DAHLIT BOULENGER: ITS SYSTEMATIC POSITION, MORPHOLOGY, CHROMOSOMES AND DISTRIBUTION BY M. J. TYLER, MARGARET DAVIES & MAX KING Summary The external morphology, osteology and karyotype of Chiroleptes dahliit demonstrate that this species is erroneously referred to the Leptodactylidae and is in reality a hylid related to the southeastern Australian species, Litoria raniformis. THE AUSTRALIAN FROG CHIROLEPTES DAHLIT BOULENGER: ITS SYSTEMATIC POSITION, MORPHOLOGY, CHROMOSOMES AND DISTRIBUTION by M. J. Tyver,* MarGaret Davies* & MAX KINGy Summary Tyibr, M. J.. Davies, M, & Kona, M. (1978) The Australian frog Ch/rolepres dalilii Boulenger: its systematic position, morphology, chromosomes and distribution, Trans. R. Sec. 8. Aust. 102(1), 17-23, 28 February, 1978. The external morphology, osteology and karyotype of Chirelepres dallti demonstrate that this species is erroneously referred to the Leptodactylidae and is in reality. a hylid related to the southeastern Australian species, Litorta raniformits. Introduction The Australian frog Chiroleptes dahlii Boulenger (1895) was based on two speci- mens taken at Daly River, Northern Territory by Dahl. Despite its comparatively large size (up to 85 mm snout to vent length) this spe- cies has been reported only rarely, so that little is known of tts morphology. and nothing of its biology and close phylogenetic relation. ships. In referring it to the genus Cyelorana Steindachner, H, W. Parker (1940) had secess to only one specimen: a syntype. The second published report of the species appears to be that of Tyler (1969) who iden- tified as ©. dahfii frogs from Knuckey’s Lagoon near Darwin, previously reported as Hyla anrea by Loveridge (1949). The only additional published record of C. dahlii is one of its collection at Edward River in Queens- land by FP, Parker & Tanner (1971). Through the assistance of Me G. Miles we have received and maintained in our labora- tory u senes of C. dahlii from localities near Darwin. The striking superficial resemblance of these frogs to Litoria raniformiy (Kefer- stein), familiar to us from South Australia, caused us to examine the systematic position of dahtii, Material and methods Data an external morphology reported here ure derived privcipally from specimens depo- sited in various museum collections abbre- viated in the text as follows: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ) Northern Territory Museum, Alice Springs (NTM) South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAM) Western Australian Muscum, Perth (WAM) Osteological details of dahlil were obtained trom a series taken at Beaufort Hill near Dar- win. Those from L. rani/ormis were from the southeast of South Australia, These prepara- tions are housed in the University of Adelaide, Department of Zoology. Karyological data were obtained from speci- mens of daklii from Beaufort Hill and Cannon Hill, and of L. raniformis from Mil Lel, S.A., Renmark, S.A. and fnterlaken, Tasmania, Mitotic chromosomes were obtained from intestinal epithelial cells using an air dried technique described by King & Rofe (1976). Methods of measurements of external fea- tures follow those described by Tyler (1968), whilst skull measurements and descriptive ter- minology follow the pattern adopted by Davies (1978). Systematic position Parker (1940) referred dahlii to the genus Cyclorana Steindachner, a genus that Tyler (1970) and Robinson & Tyler (1973) have shown to exhibit distinct morphological and ! Department of Zoology. University of Adelaide, North Tce. Adelaide, S.A, S000). * Department of Genetics. University of Adelaide. Present ‘address: Research School of Biological Sciences. Australian National University. 18 M. J. TYLER, MARGARET DAVIES & MAX KING Fig. 1. Enlargement of terminal phalanges of the third toe of a cleared and alizarin stained preparation of da/ilii showing biconcave, disc-like intercalary structure (x 12.5). Abbreviations: ULT = _ ultimate (ter- minal) phalanx; pen = _ penultimate phalanx; I.S. = intercalary structure. biochemical affinities with Australopapuan frogs of the family Hylidae. More recently the concept of Cyclorana has changed, and with the sole exception of dalilii, is composed now exclusively of squat-bodied fossorial species (Tyler 1974; Tyler & Martin 1975, 1977). Heyer & Liem (1976) omit Cyclorana from their study of Australopapuan leptodactylids (as myobatrachids), from which action it must be concluded that they regard it a member of the Hylidae. The presence of intercalary structures is currently diagnostic of the Hylidae but not of the Leptodactylidae. Noting the presence of such structures in the species inermis (Peters) and alboguttata (Gunther), Straughan (1969) and Tyler (1974) referred these species from Cyclorana to the hylid genus Litoria. In the absence of other characters of significance at the family level we regard any deviation from this recognition likely to result in the Hylidae becoming a heterogeneous assemblage. Examination of the phalanges of C. dahlii reveals ossified intercalary structures forming supernumerary bones (Fig. 1). From the hylid genus Nyctimystes this species is further dis- tinguished by its horizontal pupil and absence of a palpebral reticulum. Accordingly we transfer the species to Litoria and examine its specific relationships there. With the removal of daflii from Cyclorana the latter genus comprises the following spe- cies: Cyclorana australis (Gray) Cyclorana brevipes (Peters) Cyclorana cryptotis Tyler & Martin Cyclorana cultripes Parker Cyclorana longipes Tyler & Martin Cyclorana maculosus Tyler & Martin Cyclorana maini Tyler & Martin Cyclorana novaehollandiae Steindachner Cyclorana platycephalus (Gunther) Cyclorana slevini Loveridge Cyclorana verrucosus Tyler & Martin Litoria dahlii (Boulenger) Chiroleptes dahlii Boulenger, 1896, p. 867. Phractops dahlii: Nieden, 1923, p. 522. Cyclorana dahlii: Parker, 1940, p. 17. Material examined: Northern Territory— SAM R6448, 15930-34, NTM_ 1836-64, Beatrice Hill (4); SAM R12338, E. Alligator River; MCZ 25994—-5, Knuckey’s Lagoon; Queensland—R9674-6. Strathgordon H.S.; Western Australia— WAM R34601, King River, 15 km S of Wyndham. External Morphology The head is moderately high and slightly longer than broad (HL/HW 1.01—1.12), its length equivalent to slightly more than one- third of the snout to vent length. The distance between the eye and the naris is greater than the internarial span (E—N/IN 1.22-1.39). The SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF CHIROLEPTES DAHLII 19 Fig. 2. Osteological preparations of: A-C, L. dahlii in dorsal, ventral and lateral view; D-F, L. raniformis in dorsal, ventral and lateral view. Scale = 5 mm. 20 M. J. TYLER, MARGARET DAVIES & MAX KING canthus rostralis is straight and scarcely dis- tinguishable. The eye is moderate, its diameter equivalent to approximately the eye to naris distance. The tympanum is large and con- spicuous, its diameter almost equal to the eye diameter. The vomerine teeth are on two pro- minent elevations between and behind the internal choanae, The tongue is broadly oval. The fingers are elongate, lack lateral fringes and the tips are scarcely expanded; in decreas- ing order of length 3> 4 > 1 > 2. The fingers are unwebbed. The hind limbs are relatively short (TL/ S-V_ 0.45-0.51). Toes in decreasing order of length 4 > 5 = 3 > 2 > 1. Webbing is ex- tremely extensive, reaching the tips of all digits and separating all of the metatarsals at least partly. The skin on the dorsal surface is smooth, The throat and chest are smooth and the abdomen and lower thighs very weakly granu- lar. There is no tarsal ridge. In preservative, specimens are predomin- antly various shades of slate with irregular darker variegations. A mid-vertabral stripe is commonly present. The back of the thighs are dark slate with a broad, longitudinal creamish stripe or a series of large dots. In life the animal is similarly a basic slate colour, but there are suffusions of pale green, particularly on the dorso-lateral surfaces. Cranial Osteology Material examined: two dried preparations (SAM R6448 and a specimen obtained live from Beaufort Hill); one alizarin preparation of an entire animal also obtained live from Beaufort Hill. The skull is longer than broad, the slightly clongated snout having a rounded « terminal tip in dorsal aspect (Fig. 2). The dorsal sur- faces of the skull are smooth and unorna- mented, there is no coossification or exostosis present, and the skin overlying the skull is freely moveable. There is no evidence of pre- nasal or dermal sphenethmoid bones. Similarly there are no lateral flanges nor occipital crests present, The nasals are moderately sized and are narrowly separated medially. The maxillary processes of the nasals are sharp and slender and make bony contact with the posterior pro- cesses of the pars facialis of the maxillary. They do not extend to the level of the maxil- lary. The sphenethmoid is well ossified, with the nasals extending anteriorly beyond its anterior terminus, The frontoparietal fontanelle is large and ovoid. The orbital margins of the frontoparietals are straight and postero-laterally the fronto- parietals do not overlap the crista parotica. The squamosals are well developed with the zygomatic ramus being long, extending 76% of the distance to the maxilla. The otic ramus is about half the length of the zygomatic ramus. It does not extend for the whole width of the crista parotica, but slightly overlaps the anterior half. The pterygoid is moderately developed and the medial ramus is in bony contact with the otic capsule. The anterior ramus has an exten- sive articulation with the maxillary at approxi- mately mid orbit, whilst the posterior ramus is poorly ossified and articulates with the ven- tral arm of the squamosal. The quadratojugal is well developed and articulates anteriorly with the maxilla and posteriorly with the ven- tral arm of the squamosal. The parasphenoid lacks odontoid structures and stretches an- teriorly almost to the level of the palatines. The premaxillaries are narrow, toothed structures and are narrowly — separated medially. The alary processes are widely separated, Initially they rise perpendicularly to the dentigerous processes of the premaxillaries and then are inclined posteriorly in a hori- TABLE 1 Cranial features of Litoria aurea group skull shape: nasals: broader than long articulate with and overlap the sphenethmoid which projects anteriorly between, separating them medially (exception: alboguttata) alary processes well developed, inclined pos- of premaxillary: teriorly at angle no less than 45° pars facialis moderately deep, posterior pro- of maxillary: cess articulates with maxillary process of nasal robust and well developed well developed, zygomatic ramus longer than otic ramus. Otic ramus overlaps crista paro- quadratojugal: squamosal: tica palatine processes do not articulate with each of premaxillary: other dentigerous short, inclined at an angle of processes 45° to midline. of prevomers: SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF CHIROLEPTES DAHLII 21 SSE ph DE a Sh OBM an BS AX Be BE Ai BK aa a KK OAK AK AR RK 45 XE 4% AA VR, —>#* A B Fig. 3. A—Chromosomes of L. dahlii ¢ from Cannon Hill, N.T. B—Chromosomes of L. raniformis 3 from Mil Lel, S.A. Note the characteristic satellites on pair 13 in both species. zontal plane. The height of the alary processes is almost 1.5 times the height of the denti- gerous processes. The palatine processes of the premaxillaries do not articulate with each other. The premaxillaries articulate laterally with the pars palatina and pars dentalis of the maxillary. The prevomers are narrowly separated medially. They are large, entire and toothed. Postero-laterally. the prevomers bear wings forming the anterior, medial and _ posterior margins of the choanae. The dentigerous pro- cesses are small and moderately separated. They lie perpendicular to the midline and bear 8-10 teeth. The palatines are narrow slender bones forming the posterior margins of the choanae with the distal ends slightly expanded and lying adjacent to the maxillaries. The palatines do not appear to have postero-ventral shelves. The maxillary bears a well developed pars facialis, the posterior process of which arti- culates with the maxillary process of the nasal. The pars palatina is very small, extending ventromedially to the pars dentalis; the maxil- lary articulates firmly with the quadratojugal at the level of the prootic foramen. Karyotype Morphology All specimens of L. dahlii and L. raniformis analysed had a chromosome number of 2n = 26. The karyotypes of these species grade from large to small and the chromosomes are metacentric or submetacentric. The centro- meres were in the, same position in corres- ponding chromosome pairs in both specimens. A characteristic pair of satellites is present on chromosome pair 13 in both forms (Fig. 3). Phylogenetic Relationships In its gross external morphology, resem- blance to Litoria raniformis and other mem- bers of the Litoria aurea group (sensu Tyler & Davies in press) is quite striking. It shares with the members of that group, moderate to 22 M, J. TYLER, MARGARET DAVIES & MAX KING large size, elongate body form, muscular limbs of moderate length, unwebbed fingers and strongly webbed toes. The single external feature unique to dahlii is the degree of web- bing of the hind foot, which is particularly extensive in that species. Osteologically, the cranial features that sup- port its association with the Litoria aurea group are listed in Table 1. See also Fig. 2A-F. Karyotypically, C. dahlii and L. raniformis have many features in common, Firstly, C. dahlii has a chromosome number of 2n = 26, which is the number most often encountered in the Australian and New Guinea hylids (Morescalchi & Ingram 1974; Menzies & Tip- pett 1976). In contrast, all known Australian leptodactylid species have 2n = 22 or 2n = 24. A number of 2n = 26 was reported for Cyclorana alboguttatus by Morescalchi & Ingram (1974). This finding supports the recent systematic conclusions of Tyler (1974) who referred C. alboguttatus to the hylid genus Litoria. Our unpublished data on the chromosomes of 35 species of Litoria indicate that many species may be grouped together by using characteristics of their chromosome morpho- logy. C. dahlii and L. raniformis share the same karyotypic morphology in terms of cen- tromere position in each chromosome pair, Moreover, C. dahlii possesses satellites on pair 13 which are a characteristic of L. rani- formis and other members of the L. aurea group. The possession of this presumably derived condition suggests a close phylogenetic relationship between C. dahlii and the L. aurea group. Geographic distribution of the Litoria aurea group Tyler & Davies (in press) illustrated the distribution of the L. aurea group which has representatives in southwestern Australia and then in a continual arc from the southeast to the northeast. Litoria dahlii now represents the northern and northwestern species so com- pleting a pattern of continuous distribution composed of largely contiguous populations. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Mr Greg Miles of the Northern Territory Fisheries and Wild- life Branch for the supply of live specimens of L. dahliii Mr P. Kempster photographed the toes of L. dahlii. This study was supported by an Australian Research Grants Committee grant to M. J. Tyler. References BouLeENGER, G. A. (1896) Description of a new snake and a new frog from North Australia. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1895 Davies, M. (1978) Variation in the cranial osteology of the Australopapuan hylid frog Litoria infrafrenata. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 17(22). HEYER, W. R. & Liem, D. S. (1976) Analysis, of the intergeneric relationships of the Australian frog family Myobatrachidae Smithson, Contr. Zool, (233), 1-29. Kina, M. & Rorg, R. (1976) Karyotypic variation in the Australian Gekko Phyllodactylus mar- moratus (Gray) (Gekkonidae: Reptilia). Chromosoma 54, 75-87. Loverince, A. (1949) On some reptiles and amphibians from the Northern Territory. Trans. R. Soc, S. Aust. 72, 208-215, MorescaLcui, A. & INGRAM, G. J. (1974) New chromosome numbers in Australian Lepto- dactylidae (Amphibia, Salientia). Experientia 30, 1134-5. Menzies, J. I. & Tippett, J. (1976) Chromosome numbers of Papuan hylid frogs and the karo- type of Litoria infrafrenata (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae). J. Herpetol. 10(3), 167-173. NrebeN, F. (1923) Anura 1. In Apstein, C, (Ed.) Das Tierreich (46) (de Gruyter: Berlin). ParKER, F. & TANNER, C. (1971) Some frogs from Southern Cape York Peninsula. N. Qld Nat. 39(155), 4-8. Parker, H. W. (1940) The Australasian frogs of the family Leptodactylidae. Novit. zool. 42(1), 1-106. Ropinson, R. L. & TyLerR, M. J. (1972) The catecholamine content of the adrenal glands of frogs as an index of phylogenetic relationship. Comp. Gen. Pharmacol. 3(10), 167-170. STRAUGHAN, I, R. (1969) Hyla inermis (Peters), a species hitherto erroneously referred to the leptodactylid genus Cyclorana (Anura, Hylidae/Leptodactylidae). Zooél. Meded. 43(17), 207-212. TyLer, M. J. (1968) Papuan hylid frogs of the genus Hyla. Zool, Verh., Leiden (96), 1-203. TyLer, M. J. (1969) A synopsis of the frogs of the genus Ayla of north-western Australia, with the description of a new species. Rec. S. Aust. Mus, 16(1), 1-11. TyLer, M. J. (1970) Patterns of distribution and the origins of the Papuan hylid frog fauna. Search 1(5), 246-247. SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF CHIROLEPTES DAHLII 23 TyLer, M. J. (1974) The systematic position and Ty ver, M. J. & Martin, A. A. (1975) Australian geographic distribution of the Australian frog frogs of the Cyclorana australis complex. Chiroleptes alboguttatus Gunther. Proc. R. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 99(2), 93-99, Soc. Qld 85(2), 27-32. TyLer, M. J. & Davies, M. (in press) Species Tyver, M. J. & Martin, A. A, (1977) Taxonomic groups within the Australopapuan hylid frog studies of some Australian leptodactylid frogs genus Litoria Tschudi. Aust, J. Zool., suppl.. of the genus Cyclorana Steindachner. Rec. S. (63). Aust. Mus. 17(15), 261-276. STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER WILPENA GROUP (LATE PRECAMBRIAN), FLINDERS RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY P. §S. PLUMMER Summary A revised nomenclature is proposed for the dominantly clastic sequence of sediments comprising the lower Wilpena Group (late Adelaidean) within the Adelaide fold belt. This sequence, herein termed the Brachina Subgroup, has sharp, locally disconformable lower and upper boundaries, between which formations are defined on the basis of mappable lithozones. STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LOWER WILPENA GROUP (LATE PRECAMBRIAN), FLINDERS RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by P. S. PLUMMER* Summary PLumMMeR, P, S. (1978) Stratigraphy of the lower Wilpenu Group (late Precambrian), Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Trans R. Soc. §. Aust. 102(1), 25-38. 28 February, 1978. A revised) nomenclature is proposed for the dominantly clastic sequence of sediments comprising the lower Wilpena Group (late Adelaidean) within the Adelaide fold belt, This sequence, herein termed the Brachina Subgroup, has sharp, locally disconformable lower and upper boundaries. between which formations are defined on the basis of mappable lithozones. The Brachina Subgroup displays an upward coursening sequence which represents a complete phase of regressive sedimentation, ducing which energy conditions became increasingly vigorous. As the regression progressed, depositional regimes changed from low energy seuling (from suspension) in a subtidal environment to high energy traction deposition in deltaic plain, barner-bar and intertidal mud-, and sand-flat environments. Toward the peak of regression ut least two islands emerged in the central portion of the basin producing local high energy fluvial 10 Marginal murine condivons, Introduction Stratigraphic and sedimentologic studies are usually undertuken with the ultimate aim of palacogeographic reconstruction. In tegions of great thicknesses of sedimentary rocks, especially Where stritigraphic subdivisions ure based solely upon lithologic erteria—such as within the Adelaide fold belt—the form of sub- division must complement this ultimate aim. The present stratigraphic nomenclature defin- ing the late Precambrian Wilpena Group (Dal- garno & Johnson 1964) was devised for in-the- ficld differentiation of major lithologic units to be applied ta 1:250 000 scale mapping (Thom- son 1964), and as such was based on dominant lithology using one tvpe section as a reference -Brachina Creek in the central Flinders Ranges. The Wilpena Group is, however, readily divisible into two coarsening-upward cycles, the lower cycle having a maximum thickness of approximately 2200 m whilst the upper cycle uttains about 4000 m. Detailed stratigraphic Mmupping undertaken throughout the Flinders Ranges within the lower Wilpena Group hus identified five separate and distinct mappable lithozones. Complex intertonguing between these lithozones. produced by sedimentary facies changes, renders the present nomencla- lure inadequate in differentiating belween depositional environments and thus necessitates the formulation of a new and workable nomen- clature to allow unambiguous. application of such termmology throughout the basin of deposition. His herein proposed that the lower Wilpena Group cycle be designated ‘subgroup’ status, whilst the individual jithozones be of “formation” status. in nceordance with the Aus- tralian Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (1973), Present nomenclature In its type section within Brachina Creck the lower Wilpena Group rests conformably upon the sediments of the Umberatana Group (Coats 1964), although local disconfermity is recorded from parts of the northern Flinders Ranges. The lowermost unit, the Nuccaleena FPorma- tion, has at its base a laminated to well-bedded, pink to cream dolomite, which weathers a bulf colour and has a maximum thickness of 10 m. Overlying this is up to 60 m of purple shale interbedded with occasional dolomite lenses, which forms a passage into the overlying Brachina Formation, In the Mount Lofty Ranges the dolomite unit becomes fenticular * Department of Geology, University of Adelaide, North Tce. Adelaide. S. Aust. 5000. 26 P. S. PLUMMER TABLE 1 Stratigraphic nomenclatures for lower Wilpena Group Mawson (1939) Dalgarno and Johnson (1964) ABC Range Quartzite ABC Range Quartzite Brachina Formation "chocolate shales" Nuccaleena Formation and has been equated with a granule-bearing sandstone with siltstone and dolomite interbeds —the Seacliff Sandstone Member of the Brachina Formation (Thomson 1966). The Brachina Formation comprises brown and drab olive green, thinly-bedded siltstones with shale and thin sandstone interbeds total- ling approximately 1200 m in the type area. To the southwest of the type area greyish-red silt- stones and purple shales replace these siltstones, whilst to the southeast the dominantly green Ulupa Siltstone (Mirams 1964) has been defined. Leeson (1970), when mapping the Beltana area of the northern Flinders Ranges, identified three major lithozones within the Brachina Formation and defined them as mem- bers (see Table 1). Directly overlying the Nuc- caleena Formation are purple siltstones which pass upward into drab olive green micaceous siltstones—the Moolooloo Siltstone Member— these being overlain by the massive coarse- grained purple siltstones with minor quartzitic bands of the Moorillah Siltstone Member. The uppermost unit is the Bayley Range Siltstone Member which consists of drab olive green siltstones with grey fine-grained quartzitic inter- beds. Contormably overlying the Brachina Forma- tion, and capping the lower Wilpena Group, is a white flaggy crossbedded quartzite—the ABC Range Quartzite—which is 120 m thick in the type section (Brachina Creek). This unit wedges out in an eastward direction where it is thought to be replaced by the uppermost siltstones and thin white fine-grained sand- stones of the Ulupa Siltstone (Binks 1971). Leeson (1970) Proposed New Nomenclature ABC Range Quartzite ABC Range Quartzite Bayley Range Siltstone Member Bayley Range Formation Moorillah Siltstone Member Moorillah Formation Brachina Formation Moolooloo Siltstone Member Moolooloo Formation Brachina Subgroup Nuccaleena Formation Nuccaleena Formation Although a disconformity marks the top of this sequence in the southwestern Flinders Ranges, elsewhere the dominantly purple shales of the overlying Bunyeroo Formation rest conform- ably upon the lower Wilpena Group. Proposed new nomenclature The lenticularity of the basal Nuccaleena dolomite along the basin margins and within the Mount Lofty Ranges, and the wedging out of the ABC Range Quartzite in an eastward direction has led to the wide usage within the literature of the term Brachina Formation in a context which spans nearly the entire lower Wilpena Group sequence. However, the three lithozones identified by Leeson (1970) within the Brachina Formation are readily recog- nizable and mappable, both within this forma- tion and its lateral equivalent, the Ulupa Silt- stone, throughout the basin of deposition, Also, the upper two of these lithozones are laterally equivalent to the ABC Range Quartzite (Fig. 2). It is therefore proposed that the term Brachina Subgroup be applied to the complete sequence of sediments lying above the Umbera- tana Group and below the Bunyeroo Forma- tion, whilst each of the five lithozones has its status raised (Where necessary) to formation level within this subgroup (Table 1). The term Ulupa Siltstone thus becomes redundant and should be abandoned. Type section Because of the regional intertonguing of the component lithozones of the Brachina Sub- group no single type section can be defined to characterize the full sequence. Also, the present LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 27 138°34’ To Wilpena To Blinman x Reference Section «(Brachina Gorge ABC Range (ABC) Wilpena * Hawker Middle Gorge (MDG) Subsidiary Section 138°03' ABC Range Quartzite Barunga, Bayley Range Formation ap Moorillah Formation Moolooloo Formation Nuccaleena Formation Fig. 1. Locality map, showing study area and locations of reference and subsidiary sections for Brachina Subgroup. 28 P. S. PLUMMER LATE PRECAMBRIAN (Lower Wilpena Group) ABC Range Quartzite Bayley Range Formation Moorillah Formation Moolaoloo Formation Brachina Subgroup Nuccaleena Formation Disconformity Fig. 2. Rock relation diagram for Brachina Subgroup. Lines of section and localities shown on Fig. 1. type section (in Brachina Creek) suffers from structural complications and paucity of out- crop. These problems, therefore, necessitate the definition of a new reference section and a subsidiary section (see Fig. | for localities). The new reference section for the Brachina Subgroup remains within the central Flinders Ranges, being defined 0.75 km north of Bun- yeroo Gorge in the ABC Range at latitude 31°25’S and between longitudes 138°33°30°E and 138°35’E. This section, totalling 1500 m, defines the five component subgroup lithozones and lies within the western limb of an anticline with a dip of 50° toward the west. The sub- sidiary section is located in the southern Flin- ders Ranges 33 km north of Quorn in Middle Gorge, at latitude 32°06’S and between longi- tudes 138°02’E and 138°03’E, and lies within a synclinal western limb which averages a 75°E dip. This section totals 1150 m and defines the four component lithozones south of the region of intertonguing between the shale-siltstone- sandstone sequence and the ABC Range Quart- zite. Both sections are readily accessible, and both display approximately 85% outcrop. Umberatana Group—W ilpena Group Boundary The boundary between the Umberatana Group and the Wilpena Group was originally proposed as occurring at the top of the Elatina Formation and its equivalents (Dalgarno & Johnson 1964, after Webb & Horwitz 1959). It therefore separated a series of pebbly, car- bonate-bearing arenaceous sediments (upper Umberatana Group) from a series of fint- grained clastic deposits (the Brachina Forma- tion) which has a massive to thinly-bedded dolomite at its base (the Nuccaleena Forma- tion). Unfortunately, this dolomite becomes lenticular along the basin margins, in the Mount Lofty Ranges and the Olary area. Here, therefore, the boundary between the Umbera- tana Group and Wilpena Group is marked by LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 29 Hallett Cove a Da wn © & = oO © i a a Oo a © o x 0 = a 2 E 2 Thomson 1966) (After Forbes!) Purple, greyish-red or green shales & siltstones, often with dolomite lenses near base Pink to cream dolomite Alligator Gorge ABC Range Moolooloo (After Plummer?) (This Paper) © Red & grey felspathic sandstone Massive red-brown siltstone * . Scattered coarse sand, granules * 9 (often pink) & pebbles Fig. 3. The Umberatana Group-Brachina Subgroup boundary, separating massive siltstones and sand- stones with scattered coarse sand, granules and pebbles from shales and siltstones, often display- ing a massive basal dolomite. Section locations shown on Fig. 1. !Forbes, B. G.. from field notes. “Plummer, P. S. (1974) The stratigraphy. sedimentology and palaeoenyironments of the late Precambrian Umberatana Group in the Mount Remarkable-Alligator Gorge area, South Aus- tralia. University of Adelaide, B.Sc. (Hons) thesis, unpublished, the boundary separating pebbly arenaceous deposits typical of the Elatina facies from shaley and silty deposits typical of the Brachina facies. This lenticularity of the Nuccaleena dolomite has caused confusion in the Olary region and the Mount Lofty Ranges where a pebbly felspathic sandstone—the Seacliff Sand- stone Member—is said to intertongue with, and replace the Nuccaleena dolomite, because of the presence of dolomitic interbeds within the sandstone. Where the Nuccaleena dolomite is developed in these regions, however, (e.g. Hallet Cove—Fig. 3) it distinctly overlies the carbonate-bearing Seacliff Sandstone Member. 30 P. S. PLUMMER Thus, by the original definition of the Wilpena Group, and on lithologic criteria, the lower boundary of the Wilpena Group (and hence of the Brachina Subgroup) lies at the top of the uppermost occurrence of pebbly carbonate- bearing arenaceous sediments. The Seacliff Sandstone Member, therefore is redefined here- in as the uppermost member of the Elatina For- mation and equivalents within the Umberatana Group (Fig. 3). Nuccaleena Formation The lowermost unit of the Brachina Sup- group is a thin to lenticular, though persistent bed of pink to cream dolomite overlain by purple shales with thin dolomitic interbeds. This unit was defined by Dalgarno & Johnson (1964) as the Nuccaleena Formation. Its basal contact is locally disconformable upon the underlying Umberatana Group, whilst its upper boundary is gradational with the over- lying Moolooloo Formation. Outcrop of this unit occurs throughout the basin of deposition, although the basal massive dolomite becomes lenticular toward the margins of the basin, in the Mount Lofty Ranges and the Olary region. Moolooloo Formation Regional intertonguing of sedimentary facies occurs within the — shale-siltstone-sandstone sequence which gradationally follows the Nuc- caleena Formation. In the central Flinders Ranges three separate and distinct lithozones are readily recognizable, and these are overlain by the ABC Range Quartzite. In the south- western Flinders Ranges, however, interdigita- tion between the upper two lithozones and the overlying quartzite, and their eventual replace- ment by the quartzite, leaves the basal litho- zone as the major representative of the sequence (Fig. 2). This basal lithozone is defined as the Moolooloo Formation. Purple to brown and greyish-red shales and siltstones with minor fine-grained sandstones dominate this formation in the type area where it is 630 m thick. Northward the sequence becomes finer grained, and in the northern Flinders Ranges is present as _ well-bedded shales and fine siltstones, red and purple at the base, but dominantly grey and green. South of the type area the sequence shows abundant graded bedding, from greyish-purple siltstone to purple shale in beds averaging 1—2 cm thick, between which thin (less than 1 cm) white fine- grained sandstones often occur as isolated lenses. In this region the colour change from purple to green is encountered as one moves toward the east (Fig. 5). Moorillah Formation In the central and northern Flinders Ranges the incoming of banded red and white medium- grained crossbedded quartzite and deep purple intraformational conglomeratic siltstone inter- beds marks the boundary between the Mooloo- loo Formation and the overlying dominantly well-bedded dark-purple to red-purple shale- siltstone-sandstone sequence, the Moorillah Formation. Characteristic of this sequence, which is 460 m thick in the type area, is the presence of abundant soft-sediment deforma- tion structures, generally found within massive, thickly-bedded purple siltstones (Fig. 6a). In the southeastern Flinders Ranges, however, this sequence is generally green, although the coarser grained sediments retain the purple hue and still display the soft-sediment deforma- tional structures, thus allowing ready identifica- tion of the formation. Bayley Range Formation Gradationally overlying the Moorillah For- mation throughout the Flinders Ranges, with the exception of the southwestern corner, is a sequence of drab olive-green, wavy-laminated to thinly-bedded shales and siltstones with abundant lenses to thin beds of off-white, fine-, to medium-grained rippled sandstones. In the type area this lithozone is 300 m thick and commonly displays small-scale soft-sediment deformation structures. The term Bayley Range Formation is used to define this unit. Toward the southwest this formation thickens to an estimated 650 m until it interdigitates with the ABC Range Quartzite (Fig. 2). ABC Range Quartzite Dalgarno & Johnson (1964) modified Maw- son’s (1939) original definition of the ABC Range Quartzite by restricting it to the massive quartzite forming the ABC Range. This defini- tion is herein retained, although expanded to include the regional interdigitational relation- ship with the Moorillah and Bayley Range For- mations for completeness. Throughout its dis- tribution in the central and northern Flinders Ranges the ABC Range Quartzite overlies a sharp, though conformable contact with the Bayley Range Formation and consists of mas- sive off-white, medium-grained crossbedded quartzite cyclically interbedded with green siltstones and fine-grained sandstones with thin to lenticular beds of rippled and crossbedded fine- to medium-grained sandstone. Generally LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 31 To Middle Gorge en ERS os nT Buckaringa = \: Wi =ai Gorge ~ <> G 5 rere © , S32 ? Oo = +, RARE 2, OO VY *, re: popes ert ? 9 > > 2, SOoP ie +, <2 . » % s AES Bunyeroo Fm ABC Range Qtz —_— Moolooloo Fm ee Region of disconformity —v-~—__ Disconformity Fig. 4. Extent of the ABC Range Quartzite-Bunyeroo Formation disconformity, and detailed sketch map of its outcrop at Buckaringa Gorge. Thicknesses of ABC Range Quartzite are given for measured sections. Localities not given on figure 1 are: WKG—‘Wuarrakimbo Gorge"; PTG—Pettana Gorge; WNG—Warren Gorge; and RMG—Richman Gap. 32 P. S. PLUMMER Palaeoenv™t. ABC Range Qtz Bayley Range Fm Colour g: grey-green Moorillah Fm PF Pec pueple Moolooloo Fm ihe Nuccaleena Fm = HRRRIZZ0000 tz Palaeoenvironment S: Subtidal T: Tidal to low intertidal |: Intertidal N: Non=marine Fig. 5. Subdivision of Adelaide fold belt into major structural regions, and palaeoenvironmental varia- tions of Brachina Subgroup within these regions. this facies is overlain by a thin (less than 10 m) massive deep purple coarse-grained to pebbly crossbedded sandstone, with local inter- beds of microconglomerates and purple shale and siltstone. This unit caps the Brachina Sub- group and underlies the purple shales of the Bunyeroo Formation with a sharp, yet con- formable contact; isolated lenses of coarse sand are found within the basal 5 m of the latter shales. The thickness of the ABC Range Quartzite in this region ranges from a feather edge to 80 m. In the southwestern Flinders Ranges, how- ever, the ABC Range Quartzite directly over- lies the Moolooloo Formation. The basal 5 to 100 m of the quartzite in this region comprises LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 33 Fig. 6, (a) Soft-sediment deformation. Mocrillah Formation. near “Warcowie” Homestead. (b) Flood-oriented symmetric ripples; flat-topped during ebb tide with late-stage runoff pro- ducing secondary ripples in troughs (X). Ebb-oriented asymmetric ripples in shallow chan- nel (Y). Moorillah Formation, ABC Range. (c) Flood-oriented crossbedding (X); ebb-oriented crossbedding (Y); and ebb-oriented flat- topped ripples (Z). Bayley Range Formation, ABC Range. (d) Sand waves with superimposed asymmetric ripples. Current from bottom left to top right. Deltaic plain facies, ABC Range Quartzite, “Warrakimbo Gorge”. (e) Crossbedding with shale pebbles on foreset faces, and reactivation surface (dashed). Del- taic plain facies, ABC Range Quartzite, Middle Gorge. (f) Large polygonal desiccation crack. Deltaic plain facies, ABC Range Quartzite, Woolshed at. 34 P. S. PLUMMER massive purple, trough crossbedded, or massive white to pink, planar crossbedded medium- grained quartzites, and/or massive deep purple to grey-green siltstones, all generally interbedded with purple shales and siltstones. Following these is the dominant cyclical facies of the ABC Range Quartzite (now a purple crossbedded quartzite with purple shale and siltstone interbeds) which interdigitates with the Bayley Range Formation. Above this dominant cyclical facies are deep purple shale- pebble rich, flat-bedded to shallow crossbedded siltstones which grade into fine-, and medium- grained sandstones, overlain by brown to purple, crossbedded coarse-grained to pebbly sandstones, which are in turn overlain by mas- sive white coarse-grained quartzites with gran- ule beds and occasional microconglomerate lenses. In this region the ABC Range Quartzite reaches an estimated maximum thickness of 1800 m (741 m in the subsidiary section) and appears to conformably underlie, and inter- tongue with the Bunyeroo Formation—except in the westernmost segment of this region, west of longitude 138°02°E, Here pre-Bunyeroo erosion has scoured deep into the quartzite leaving a well-defined discontinuity between the Brachina Subgroup and the Bunyeroo Forma- tion (Fig. 4). South of this region, outcropping sporadically in the Hummock and Barunga Ranges, is a buff crossbedded sandstone—the Barunga Sandstone. This sandstone is corre- lated with the ABC Range Quartzite on the basis of outcrop pattern, petrologic and palaeo- current characteristics. Interpretation of depositional environments The present configuration of the Adelaide fold belt appears to reflect the original basin morphology, at least during Brachina Subgroup time. Four readily recognizable regions are present (Fig. 5) displaying differences in their respective sequences related to variations in water depth and sediment influx. The temporal and spatial arrangement of facies within these sequences, along with their textural and sedi- mentological characteristics, suggest that the regional pattern of sedimentation was regres- sive, with conditions of deposition shallowing from low energy subtidal, through high energy tidally dominated deltaic plain, mudflat and sandflat, to locally high energy fluvial and non- marine environments. The two lowermost formations of the sub- group (viz. the Nuccaleena and Moolooloo Formations) were deposited under low energy shallow subtidal conditions. Although initially clastic deficient, this period of sedimentation was dominated by the settling of clays from suspension. Within the central region beds of silt and fine sand displaying small-scale cross- lamination, ripple marks and flute casts testify to the interruption of this quiet environment by pulses of higher energy traction currents. The red and purple colouration of these sediments suggests that conditions of deposition were oxidizing. In comparison, the Moolooloo For- mation in the northern and eastern regions lacks the coarser material and displays a green colouration, suggestive of greater water depth (Fig. 7a). The presence of graded beds, groove casts and rare flute casts—especially in the eastern region—attest to the existence of trac- tion currents. The end of Moolooloo Formation deposition in the central and northern regions is marked by pulses of coarser detritus (medium sand sized) and the shallowing to a low intertidal mudflat environment, as evidenced by the presence of tidally oriented ripple mark associations (Fig. 6b), many being flat-topped. Thick beds of massive silt displaying abundant soft-sediment deformation structures (Fig. 6a) attest to the rapid ingression of sediment into a saturated environment. The influx of coarser clastic material—the basal ABC Range Quart- zite—occurred in the western region. Reactiva- tion surfaces within sandwave crossbed sets (Fig. 6d and 6e), flat-topped ripple marks and large polygonal desiccation cracks (Fig. 6f) support an intertidal deltaic plain environment of deposition which is bordered by a barrier- bar system. Deeper water remained in the eastern region with green clays and silts still dominant (Fig. 7b). The Moorillah Formation is identified in this region by the presence of red and purple beds of coarse silt and fine sand which display soft-sediment deformation typical of the formation elsewhere. As shallowing through the intertidal zone gradually progressed and the deltaic plain grew steadily seaward, the Moorillah Formation was replaced throughout the basin of deposition by the green shales and siltstones of the Bayley Range Formation. Sand interbeds exhibiting tidally oriented crossbedding and ripple marks, again often flat-topped (Fig. 6c), along with the intertonguing of these deposits with those of the deltaic plain, support the interpretation of an intertidal mudflat environment for this formation (Fig. 7c). The green hue of these LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 35 __ Intertidal - deltaic plain Barrier—bar - Purple ABC Range Qtz ubtidal mudflat Green Moolooloo Fm ——— Intertidal mudflat —— Bayley Range Fm Sox Low intertidal mudfiat “/, Subtidal mudflat Moorillah Fm Fig. 7. Palaeogeographic reconstructions through Brachina Subgroup time: A_ subtidal mudflat; B. initial development of barred delta with adjacent mudflats. 36 P. S. PLUMMER Coastal sandflat _ |, Intertidal - deltaic plain ABC Range Qtz * + Intertidal sandflat ABC Range Qtz —— Intertidal mudflat ~ _>_ Intertidal mudflat = Bayley Range Fm Bayley Range Fm SE Erosion Palaeogeographic reconstruction through Brachina Subgroup time: C. maximum deltaic pro- gradation; D. erosion, and development of intertidal sandflat. LOWER WILPENA GROUP STRATIGRAPHY 37 LS ot ONS | | Tidal mudflat ' Bunyeroo Fm "| Coastal sandflat + (massive) | | Tidal mudflat Bunyeroo Fm ‘t*! Non=marine to varie (ering SANK arans .", Coastal sandflat (massive) . ABC Range Qtz ABC Range Qtz 3 Coastal sandflat —— Intertidal mudflat BR Erosion Bayley Range Fm bor Erosion Palaeogeographic reconstruction through Brachina Subgroup time: E, emergence of islands and development of associated non-marine deposits; start of transgression; F. transgressive tidal mud- flat and remnant coastal sandflat. 38 P. S. PLUMMER sediments, however, is suggested as being due to greater organic activity® in comparison to the greens of the underlying formations which appear to be the result of deposition under greater depths of water. The rapid increase in sand content toward the top of the Bayley Range Formation reflects continued regression, along with uplift of the western margin of the basin and the subsequent erosion of the deltaic plain deposits, forming a well-defined disconformity in the western region. Eventually this formation is replaced by a massive quartzite—the ABC Range Quartzite—deposited in an intertidal sandflat environment in the central region with spillover into the northern and eastern regions (Fig. 7d). Also, this uplift of the western margin of the basin caused an influx of coarse- to very coarse- grained sand from the west which was probably dispersed along the coast by longshore currents. Toward the peak of regression the intertidal sandflat received local injections of coarse sand of a different provenance. This sand, with intercalated microconglomerates, forms a longitudinally oriented cap to the Brachina Subgroup. The material appears to have been derived from the regions of the present day Blinman-Enorama-Oraparinna and Worumba ‘diapir’ complexes and their immediate sur- rounds in the central Flinders Ranges, and it is postulated that islands emerged within these regions shedding the material through high energy fluviatile and mnon-marine mid-fan environments into a marine-dominated distal fan (Fig. 7e). Despite minor renewed uplift in the western region and the resultant reworking of sediment to form a coastal sandflat, a transgression, and subsequent decrease in sediment influx, pro- duced very shallow, low energy conditions of sedimentation under which clays settling from suspension formed the overlying Bunyeroo For- mation (Fig. 7f). Conclusion Regional stratigraphic mapping has revealed the presence of five separate and distinct litho- zones within the lower Wilpena Group that are persistent and readily recognizable throughout the Flinders Ranges. Because lithologic criteria are the basis of subdivision in the late Precam- brian Adelaidean succession the form of nomenclature is designed to reflect palaeogeo- graphic significance. As such, the entire lower Wilpena Group is herein defined as the Brachina Subgroup, whilst each individual lithozone is designated with formation status. It is the intention behind this nomenclature that it be applicable to all occurrences of lower Wilpena Group sediments within the Adelaide fold belt. Acknowledgments For helpful discussion both in the field and during the preparation of the manuscript the author extends his thanks to Dr V. A. Gostin. Valuable criticism concerning the manuscript was also received from Mr B, Murrell, whilst Dr B. G. Forbes made available his field notes of the Olary region. References AUSTRALIAN CODE OF STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLA- TURE (1973) J. geol. Soc. Aust. 20(1), 105- 112. Binks, P. J. (1971) The geology of the ORRO- ROO 1:250 000 map area, Rep. Invest. Dep. Mines S. Aust, 36. Coats, R. P. (1964) Umberatana Group. Quart, geol. Notes, geol, Surv. S. Aust. 9, 7-12. Daccarno, C, R. & Jounson, J. E. (1964) Wil- pena Group, /bid. 12-15. Leeson, B. (1970) Geology of the Beltana 1:63 360 map area. Rep. Invest. Dep. Mines S. Aust. 35. Mawson, D. (1939) The Late Proterozoic sedi- ments of South Australia. Rep. Aust. N.Z. Ass, Advmt Sci, 24, 79-88. Mirams, R. C. (1964 BURRA map sheet, Geologi- cal Atlas of South Australia, 1:250 000 series, Geol, Surv. §. Aust., Adelaide. THomson, B. P. (1964) General outline. Quart. geol. Notes, geol. Surv. S. Aust. 9, 1-3. THomson, B. P. (1966) Stratigraphic §relation- ships between sediments of Marinoan age— Adelaide region. Ibid. 20, 7-9. Wess, B. P. & Horwitz, R. (1959) Notes on the boundaries of the Marinoan Series of the Adelaide System. Aust. J. Sci. 21, 188-189. %JIn present day intertidal mudflats where sedimentary structures are well preserved the sediment usually displays a black colouration due to the reduction activity of abundant microscopic organisms. CHANGE IN GRAZED ARTIPLEX VESICARIA AND KOCHIA ASTROTRICHA (CHENOPODIACEAE) POPULATIONS, 1929-1974 BY T. J. FATCHEN Summary A vegetation transect laid in virgin Atriplex vesicaria — Kochia astrotricha arid shrubland in 1929 was relocated and sampled in 1974, after 45 years of grazing. The A. vesicaria population was almost eliminated within the period, and that of K. astrotricha was much reduced. Merits and difficulties in the re-examination of early data records are highlighted. CHANGE IN GRAZED ATRIPLEX VESICARIA AND KOCHIA ASTROTRICHA (CHENOPODIACEAE) POPULATIONS, 1929-1974 by T. J. FATCHEN* Summary FATCHEN, T. J, (1978) Change in grazed Atriplex vesicaria and Kochia astrotricha (Cheno- podiaceae) populations, 1929-1974. Trans. R, Sac. 8. Aust. 102(2), 39-41, 28 February, 1978. A vegetation transect laid in virgin Atriplex vestcaria — Kochia astrotricha arid shrub- land in 1929 was relocated and sampled in 1974, after 45 years of grazing. The A. vesicaria population was almost climinated within the period, and that of K. astrotricha was much reduced. Merits and difficulties in the re-examination of early data records are highlighted. Introduction reported, and are still in cxistence at the The importance of Atriplex and Kochia' Species to pastoral interests prompted a number of early investigations into their ecology (e.g. Cannon, 1921; Murray, 1931). Although most of the researches were of a descriptive or anecdotal nature, those of Osborn, Wood & Paltridge (1932) rehed heavily on quantitative data, The data records for the 1932 paper in particular were much more extensive than was + Dam Se Mail road are Other tracks ——*—Dog fence Department of Botany, University of Adelaide. They comprise field notes giving the location and a general description of the several study areas: the origin, direction and length of the transects used in sampling; the number and position of individuals of target species along the transects: and the height, widest diameter and condition of foliage for each individual. The basic survey technique was the use of belt \ i Transect ” \Sandhill 4's Davies Damn’ Fr \.Dam =’ oo ON / \ Lyi gers a fi \ nar fT “Sat oe - a \ ~~ a ed Leer \ i ee =--7-™ Billeroo YES"~_L--4--Bo Hut ~s ae 2207 i FROME hs a DOWNS H.S. Fig. 1. Frome Downs area showing location of transect. ! Nomenclature as in Black's Flora of South Australia. * National Parks & Wildlife Division, Department for the Environment, Box 1782, G.P.O., Adelaide, S. Aust. 5001, 40 T. J. FATCHEN Table 1: Number of individual plants in transect. Species Individuals 1929 1974 A. vesicaria 946 4 K. astrotricha 299 80 K. aphylla - 26 K. pyramidata - 9 Total Kochia 299 115 Total shrubs 1245 119 200 150 100 50: Number of shrubs 1000 2000 Distance (m) Fig. 2. Distribution of all shrubs in the transect, 1929 and 1974, transects radiating from stock watering points. Three were laid in virgin pasture on Frome Downs station, S. Aust. (Fig. 1), in 1929, each having a newly sunk dam as its starting point. These data have received no further attention since 1932, despite their potential as a baseline for accurately determining changes in specified plant populations in the long term. This com- munication describes the results of re-examin- ing an early, documented traverse, demonstrates the standard of information obtainable and highlights the problems arising on re-examina- tion. Methods Efforts were made to relocate the three traverses documented by Osborn ef al., but two of the three could not be found, dams having either changed their names beyond recognition or fallen into disuse. The third and longest was relocated and sampled in March 1974. The dam at the start of this transect was originally named Davis’s, but time and changed owner- ship had corrupted this to Davie’s. The 1929 scoring methods were followed (see details in Osborn et al., 1932) with two exceptions: distance was measured by range- finder rather than paces, and foliation was not measured because of the disparity between the 30 20 3 Relative Frequency (°c) 3 20 oO i altotala alto 5 & SS + UR 6 Oa a Og S$ 1 bt Ve 3 Dg” ie US bee SElt 28 & F HF GE DRM Diameter Size Class (mm) Fig. 3. Relative frequency distribution of largest diameters of K. astrotricha canopies, 1929 and 1974, 1929 and 1974 seasons. The transect was sampled from the original starting point, but on a compass bearing allowing for the interven- ing magnetic variation. All perennial Atriplex and Kochia species were scored. The stocking history was sought by reference to station books, past and present lessees and the South Australian Pastoral Board. Results Stocking history Stock records for the area are almost non- existent. Davie’s dam was sunk shortly before 1929, but not stocked because of drought. For the next ten to fifteen years, sheep may have watered from it. Cattle certainly watered from it after 1946, and may have been present from the start. There are no figures on stocking variation in the immediate area of the dam. Rabbits had become established in the area well before 1929. Vegetation change Table 1 summarises the results. The clearest changes with time are (a) the almost total POPULATION CHANGE IN ATRIPLEX AND KOCHIA 41 climination of the Atriplex vesicaria population and (b) the decimation of the Koehia astro- tricha population, ‘These changes were found not only in the immediate vicinity of the dam. but extended throughout the whole transect (Fig. 2), K. aphylla, not mentioned at all in 1929, Was at Significant component of the shrub vege- tation in 1974. Similarly, some A. pyraniiddta wus noted in 1974 but not in 1929, K. astroiricha individuals were smaller in 1974 than in 1929, with the mode of diameter size class reduced from 31-40 cm to 11-20 cm (Fig, 3). A proportional change in height was also noted, Discussion Re-exuminution of the transect wnd evaluation of the resulting data has inherent difficulties, of Which the worst is determination of past stocking rates. Although a dramatic change in the pasture vegetation is documented here, the cause cannot be indentified with certainty. Domestic stock grazing is fhe mast probable, as rabbits were already present in 1929, and no eVidence was found of other faclors such as fire. Given this. the stecking levels Which brought about such changes arc not known, Nor is it certain whether the changes were gradual or sudden, nor even which of sheep or cattle initiated the process. Present experience also indicates that documentation intended to allow future relo- cation of study sites must be more thorough than early investigators realized. No matter how comprehensive the original field notes, reference points such as fences or dams can go oul of commission and memory, or at least change names with time. lnsutficiency in the original data may prevent their most efficient use. For instance, although Fig. 3 suggests a change in K. astrotrichd age structures betWeen times, the original data are not comprehensive enough to test this adequately: the size structure of a pas- ture shrub may be largely dependent on season or grazing pressure. and without supporing evidence independent of these factors cannot be tuken as indicative of age structure. As a further example, both K. apivila and K. pyramidata may well have increased since 1929; or alternatively may have been of no interest then and hence not scored, Nonetheless, despite such limitations, the repeat of the 1929 observations has. yielded two significunt results. First, if stocking is the cause of changes as seems mosi likely, a popu- lation of K. astrotrieha, albert diminished, can survive While a much large population of A. vesicavia is eliminated. Second, irrespective of Whether sheep or cattle were responsible for the mitial changes, cattle grazing has at least maintained the effects of the original impact since 1946, and may have heen the original agent. This in turn suygests that the impact of cattle grazing on these chenopods may not differ significantly from that of sheep grazing, Such results far outweigh the attendant limitations and are relevant im their own right. Purther examination of the rest of the Oshorn et ql, data is likely to yield far more extensive and significant information. Acknowledgments The work was funded by the Sandland Bequest to the University of Adelaide while the author was recipient of a Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award in the Depart- ment of Botany. Messrs L. D. Wilson and HB. L. Napier kindly made available facilities on Frome Downs and assisted in tracing the trans- ect location. References Cannon, W, A. (1921) Plant habitats and habits in the arid portions of South Australia. Pybl, Carnesie Iast. (308), 1-139, Murray, B. J. (19391) A study of the vegetation of the Lake Torrens Plateau, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. 8, Aust. 85, 94-112, Ossenn. 1. G. B.. Woon, I. G. & PALTRIiDGE, T. B. (1932) On the growth abd reaction to grazing of the perennial saltbush Afriplex vesicarinen, Prec. Linn, Soe. NSW, 37, 377-402. DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA AREA AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE OLARY PROVINCE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY R. F, BERRY, R. B. FLINT AND A. E. GRADY Summary The structural and metaphoric history is outlined for a small area of Willyama Complex and its Adelaidean cover rocks in the central Olary Province. Five penetrative events (three major, two minor) affect basement rocks, while the final two phases also occur in the cover rocks. The clear distinction between basement and cover deformations of similar orientation (D3 and Ds) coupled with a more complete deformation history allows concise interpretation of observable mesoscopic structures. Four metamorphic events are indicated: a mid amphibolite facies event associated with the earliest deformation; greenschist facies retrogression associated with the second and third basement deformations (in basement only), and a final greenschist facies metamorphism associated with the final two deformation phases. Six significant faults are recognised, three of which post-date cover deposition. Comparisons made between this area and four others suggest that the general relations are valid over a wide area of the Olary Province. The structural history determined at Outalpa is consistent with the history of Willyama Complex rocks at Broken Hill. DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA AREA AND ITS APPLICATION TO THE OLARY PROVINCE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by R. F, Berry,’ R. B, FLinr= and A. E. Granv! Summary Bemy, Ro F., Puind, R, B. & Grapy, A. B. (1978) Deformation history of the Qulalpa urea and its application to the Olary Province, South Australia, Trany. R. Soc. S. Ausl (22), 43-53, 2% February, 1978, The structural and metamorphic history is outlined for a small area of Willyama Complex und its Adelaideun cover rocks in the central Olary Province. Five penetrative events (three, major, two Minor) affect basement rocks, while the final two phases also occur in the cover rocks. The clear distinction between basement and cover deformations of similar orientation (Dy and Ds) coupled with w more complete deformation history allows concise interpretation of observable mesoscopic structures, Four metamorphic events are indicaled: a mid amphi- bolite facies event associated with the eurliest deformation, greenschist facies retrogression associated with the second and third basement deformations (in basement only), and a final greenschist facies metamorphism associated with the final two deformation phases. Six signifi- cant faults fre recognised, three of which post-cate cover deposition. Comparisons mude between this area and four others suggest thal the general relations are valid over a wide area of the Olary Province. The structural history determined at Outalpa is consistent with the history of Willyama Complex rocks at Broken Hill. Introduction Crystalline basement tacks of the Olary Pro- vince form purt of the lower Proterozoic Willyama Complex which extends from the Olary region of South Australia fo the Broken Hill area of New South Wales. At Outalpa Station, 140 km west of Broken Hill, these rocks are unconformably overlain by metamor- phosed upper Precambrian (Adelaidean) sedi- ments of the Burra and Umberatana Groups. The broad stratigraphic relationships have heen established by Campana & King ({958). The area studied (Figs 1, 4) has a central granodiorite body that is now fully albitised. On its castern flank this is partially hounded by a migmatite zone which grades outwards into structurally overlying psammitic and pelitic schists With elongate pods containing corundum and beryl, Further to the east is a faulted block of massive, coarse-grained quurtz-leldspar-bio- ile gneiss. A high-angle uncontormity separates the older rocks from the onlapping Adeluidean sediments. These consist of a lower sequence of shallow water marine sediments charac- terised by a discontinuous basal conglomerate, ond in upper sequence of pebbly siltstones, shales, quartzites and tillitic units. The lower and upper sequences are correlated with the Burra nd Umberatana Groups respectively. Within the Olary area, the delormational his- tory of the Willyama Complex and Adeclaidean metasediments is only poorly known. Talbot (1967, 1969) has discussed the structural style at Weckeroo, This report on the Outalpa ayea gives a more detailed, phase related interpreta- tion of the deformation history. Structural interpretation of the Outalpa area Structural analysis of the area is based on widespread mesoscopic and macroscopic over- printing criteria’ and the assumption of coherence of orientation of tectonic fubric elements, Fold style could not be used in this analysis as the different phases can have simi- lar and overlapping styles which yppear lo be a function of rock type and deformation inten- sity.. The history of deformation involves five ‘School of Earth Sciences, Flinders University of S.A., Bedford Park, S. Aust. 5042. “Geological Survey of South Australia. 44 R. F. BERRY, R. B. FLINT & A. E. GRADY | 140°03 140°05 ) Lees oe 06 “Outalpa Spring SCALE IN KILOMETRES 1 4 Fault __ "=" = Geological boundary Strike & dip of bedding Strike & dip of schistosity LOCALITY MAP 100 Ud KILOMETRES ‘NEW SOUTH WALES VICTORIA ~~ ADELAIDEAN LOWER PROTEROZOIC BURRA UMBERATANA WILLYAMA COMPLEX LEGEND Diamictites, sillstones & quartzites Bedding trends as shown Basal conglomerate Diorite Granodiorite Quartz - biotite gneisses Sj) trends shown feldspar Pelitic schists Psammitic schists & quartz granofels Migmatite zone $12270 S.A. Dept. of Mines R.Flint Geologist Fig. 1. Geological sketch map of the Outalpa Springs area. DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OQUTALPA AREA Af TABLE | Supunary of structural and metamorphic events recovnised at Outilpa. Structural Camments Schistosity and gneissosity, Granodtorite intrusion, Mid- umphibolite facies melamorphismn Open folding and crenulations Macroscopic tight folding, strong mesoscopic crenulation cleavage. Retrogressive zreen-schist facies metamorphism EROSION Adeluidean sedimentation; deposition of basal Burra Group and overlying Umberntana Group sediments Schistosily in cover metasediments and crenulations in Basement-cover ifteructions giving tight syuelines and broad anticlines in the unconformity, Bar- rovian type Upper greenschist facies Metuamorphism Cleavage and schistosity in cover metasediments, crenu- lations in the basement. Open anticline over the gran- diorite resulling in opposite plunging Fy synclines in cover rocks, Continuing Barrovian type upper greenschist facies Event Time Elements b, Lower Proterozoic Si Dd: S.Fs b, Ss.Fy i, Late Dy faulting ta Block faulting UNOONFORM ITY ——— So-ADEL D, Delamerian Orogeny SuFyty 450-500 m.y. the hasement. fy Block faulting D,, S..bs metamorphism ts Late block faulting, producing local horizontal crenula- tions. penetrative deformational events anu six fatlts of which three affect only the basement. This provides a framework in which to consider in- formation available from other sections of the Olary Province, The deformational history is outlined below and summarised in Table 1, Deformation | (Dy) A strong, pervasive Schistosity (S,) defined by the basal planes of muscovite in the schist zone and biotite in the granodiorite and mig- matite zones constitutes the first recognisable phase of deformation. This schistosity is nor- mally parallel to remnants of bedding and com- positional layering, however rare mesoscopic D, tsoclinal folds were observed, The foliation i the graiodiorite is parallel to the schistosity and gneissosity of nearby metasediments. The granodiovite has an uurcole consisting of uti inner zone of intense migmatite develop- ment and an outer zone of feldspar blastesis, These textures are indicative of temperatures in the range 650-720°C at 2+ kb (Mchnert 1968), The muscovite content of surrounding schists decreases (and biotite content increases ) as the more gneigsic and migmatitic terrains are approached, The gradual disappearance of mus- covite is expected in the middle amphibolite facies due Lo the breakdown of its paragonite component (Thompson 1974) and a range of reactions with coexisting minerals (Thotmpson 1976). The earliest recognised period of defor. mation was associyted with amphibolite facies metamorphism ay has been recorded previously from other areas of the Willyama Complex (e.g, Talbot 1967), Deformation 2 (Ds) A weak crenulation (Su) is recognised locally within the Willyama Complex metasedi- ments. It is restricted to the pelitic units and has been obscured by later deformational phases, Opposite plunging third phase fold axes in the north of the study area (Fig. 3) suggest that the second deformation had produced an open synform in S, prior to both Dy and the fault t, ‘ Recognition of D. folds is difficult where no overprinting critena are available, However, axial planes of crenulations indicate a steep dip for S,, with @ strike varying from 090° to 180" but concentrating at 120°, The fold axes (Fa) have a diffuse orientation, Muscovite erystallised in the wxial plane of this phase but the grade of metamorphism could not be deter- mined, Retrogression of D, mineralogy probably began during this phase, Peformation 3 (Ws) The third phase of folding produced a light eastward plunging mucroscopie untiform (half wavelength of 3 km) over the granodrorite 46 TT So-ADEL R. F. BERRY, R. B. FLINT & A. E. GRADY STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS PRE-DATING ADELAIDEAN SEDIMENTATION STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS POST-DATING ADELAIDEAN SEDIMENTATION ADEL = of ADELAIDEAN METASEDIMENTS LP = of LOWER PROTEROZOIC METASEDIMENTS MN R.Flint Geologist $-12271 S.A. Dept. of Mines DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA AREA 47 (Fig. |). The mesoscopic fubrie elements arc a strong ¢renulation and a crenulation cleavage in more pelitic rocks. This phase has been mast effective in redistributing S) and S., Third phase axial plane structures (S,) are constant in orientation (Fig, 2), except tor slight variations in the southeastern sections Where fate geierationsy ure strongest (Fig, 3), Muscovite crystallised in the axial plune af Dy mesagcepic¢c folds which is compatible with con- lin\itd telrogressive greenschist facies condi- tinns. Adeldidean sedimentation A major unconformity Lruneates the macro. scopic De antiform providing a separation of fold generations into pre- and post-cover. Adclaideat’ sediments are fault-separated into an onlapping basal sequence (Burra Group), and an upper Ulline sequence (Umberatana Group), Further west, Talbot (1967) has shown that equivalents of the upper sequence unconfermahly overtiv the basal sequence: The Adelaidcan rocks are strongly folded, The nerthern Outerops of the Burra Group (Fig. 1. northeast corner) oecupy a tight rorth- ward plunging syneline, A central pocket of Nunta Group conglomerates define a small elon- kote Wusin. Near Outalpa Springs the outcrop SUpeests a southerly plunging syneline but trans: position and metamorphism has obscured bedding ane un exact delineation of the struc. ture Was fot possible. These three patches ure not simply celuted as the northern tongue is associated with a hinge trace which strikes out weross the hasement west of the southern and central guteriips. The variation in plunve of the hinge line of these forth south folds is aseribed lo the Hlth phase of folding, Jn the Umberatina Group bedding is strongly folucd about an east west hinge and the north trending folds can onty be detected by pertur- bulls in the eylindrical ature of these ecusterly trending folds. Note the diffuse nature of the treat cirele containing poles ta bedding (S,-AGEL), Delormation 4 (D,) The fourth generation of folding tn the Willyvara Comples metasediments fs eqitiva- lent to the first event recognised in the cover rocks. Within the older schists cremulations are produced wilh NNE striking axial surfaces. In the basal sequence of the Adeluidean sedi- ments this phase produced a light syncline with an axial plane schistosity (S,) defined by bio- lite, chlorite and actinolite indicating biotite zone greenschist facies conditians (Winkler 1967). No mesoscopic elements were observed within sediments of the Umberatana Group. However, open macroscopic folding of this upper sequence is inferred from the distribu- lion of bedding and F,-ADEL (Fig. 2), The geometry of fourth generation folding is controlled by the basement cover interaction. The Gght syncline in the Burra Group is ussociated with the more schistoye members of the basement, It is similar in style to the syn- elines in the unconformity found ai Weekeron (Talbot 1967). D, mesoscopic structures at Outalpa predominate in the cover syncline and ate common in the nearby basement rocks, They are rare in basement rocks further fram this contact and were not found! im sedinients of the Umberatana Group. The orientation of the |ixial plane of these Mesoscopic structures (S,) is constant over most of the area but refracts across the buse- ment cover contact in the southeastern map area, De/erimuation 5 (D.) The fifth penetrative deformation has pro- duced casterly trending crenulations and gentle mycroscopic folds within the Willyama Com- plex Metasediments. Iv the cover rocks meso- scopic structural elements vary from a slaty cleavage in the pebbly silistones and arenites, to uw schistosity defined by biotite und chlorite in the pelites. Anticlinal folding of the basal unconformity has produced a variable plung- mg complex D, syncline (Fig, 3). Reactivation of basement structures was restricted to a tight fold in the southern fault (f;) where §; 4nd 5, are subparallel, and to minor folds in the conglomerate in the northeastern map urea where S, and S, are subparallel. No major tight synclines in the uneonformily were observed, nor does S, refract across rhe base- ment-cover boundary (Figs 2, 3), As 8, and 8S, are steep and strike al 90° to each other the plunges of F, folds provide an indication of the geometry of the previously singly folded Adclaidean bedding. Fold axts plunges (Fs_auer,) vary over 120° suggesting Fig. 2. Lower hemisphere equal prea projections of sirvctural data from the Qutalpa area. Contours at 16% per 1% area, Computer contouring using. counting cell area shown in brackets. Planar vlements plotted as poles. R. F. BERRY, R. B. FLINT & A. E. GRADY 48 *‘papnypsul die saxv poy pue sdip sanejuasaiday ‘saodvjins asay} JO ays ay] UL SUOTRIIBA JURIYIUTZIS SUIMOYS LIRP dIdodsosau PaInsvau! WoOIj 1[Nsai apysodwios ev juasaidal saury ‘edjeing ie suoneusojap yg ‘Ylp “pig “puz Bulimp psonpord sauvjd [erxe Joj sauly aylg “¢ “SIA -"¥o eT, - Dee , ! S3uLIWO1Y DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA ARFA 49 Open 10 close fourth generation folds. The con- centrated maxima for basement fold axes indi- eates that little reorientation of 5; took place during the fourth and fifth phases. Both the cover deformutions (Dy atid D, | have associated schistosities. S, is restricted to within the light syneline of the Burra Group. This was probably the result of un increased rate of fecovery and reerystallisution due to higher strain and temperature conditions during the development of the tight Dy syncline, The rewionally more significant filth deformation Was associated with the peak of metamorphic conditions (upper greenschist facies) for the cover rocks, Generally, the fifth deformation had a more homovenous effect an both hase- ment ail cover tocks. This suggests that feerys- tallisutian was more advanced and the viscosity diflerence hetween the two (nits reduced. This hypothesis is supported by the changing shear response of the cover. The fault f4, which ts syn-D, is a shear zone while faults postdaiing D, (ee) and tS) have a single shear plane, Faults Six faults, five of which ate indieuted in Piz, 1, can be given relative ages from their interactions with structural elements discussed previously. They are considered in two groups. Faults Pre-datiiig Adeldidean Sedimenhition There are three near-vertical faults whose movement predates the beginning — of Adelaidean sedimentation. The Inferred D., syntorm (as indicated by the systeniatic change of Fy plunge) is truncated by the small fault, f,. The fault is in turn truncated by the uncon. formity at the base of the Adelaidean sedi- ments, We conclude that motion on the fault occurred after D. but before Adeluidean sedi- mentation. As fF, is subpatalicl ta Sy 4 genetic relationship js possible. The fault may have been effected hy the pre-existing S. surface wr may be an antelinul reverse foull sssocinted with the D, compression. The diorite dyke, striking 135° across the urea (Fig 1), has been injected jnto 9 fault over the major part of its length. In the central map area this fault displaces the margin of the eranodiorite by at least several teus of metres. Phe fault is locally folded by Dy but the age relationship of diorite intrusion could pot be determined. A large fault, f. hovnds the casiern gneiss block and is truncated hy ihe unconformity, A large difference in rock types adjucent to fF. indicates a large fault movement. Vhe fault ts unuffected by the third phase deformation and is the last tecognised phase of tectonic activity prior to Adelaidean sedimentation, Faults post-dating Adelaidean Sedimentation Three faults involve displacement of the younger metasediments and postdate al least (hat part of the sedimentation involved in the units recognised in the study area. A shear boundary, fs. dipping 80° to the southeast. beflecis the intense deformation in the younger metasediments during the fourth deformation, The intense deformation was primarily due lo the large variation in com- pelence between the Willyama Complex meta- sediments and the Adelaidean melasediments, Movement continued on fy over @ long period of time and although it was inifiated prior to the development of faull 1, ty displaces f, slightly, The fault ty is near Vertical with a large Vertical displacement. Tt ts folded locally by 19, aud is truncated by f>. Movement on f, was. probably synchronous with the fifth defor- mutton, In the southeast a fear vertical fault, ts, truncates f, and the southern extension of fy. Within. pelitic racks close to this. fault, a nev crenulation, dipping at |0° to Q80°, has been produced, The area af intersection af fy, I, and I, near Outalpa Springs, is a very complex crush zone. A simplified interpretation is shawn in Figure |, Comparison with other studies Other structural studies within the Olury Pro- Vinee have led ip a confused structural history, This 15 partly due te the large variely of rock tVpes studied and ibe varying Wetuils estab- lished. JW an atrempt to synthesise the available information the probable correlations of stritc- tures feumt vartaus arcs are hithlighted (Table 2). Areis from Which data afe available are shown in Figure 4 Hiperaminge Hill Parker’ and Robertson! discuss in detail a smiull aren seutheist of Kalabity Homestead. The carly, pervasive, sillimatite-tmiea schistosity paralicl to pegmuatitic sexréeations observed 1 Parker, AJ, C1972) A petrological and structural study of « portion of the Olary Province west of Wiperantinga Hill, S.A. (Unpubl, B.Sc. Hons. Thesis, Univ. of Adel.) * Roberison, RK. S. (1972) Petrological and structurw! investigation of the Willyuama Complex rocks Wiperaminga Hill area, S.A. (Unopubl, B.Sc, Hons. Thesis, Univ, of Adel.) 50 R. F. BERRY, R. B. FLINT & A. E. GRADY TABLE 2 Comparison of structural interpretations from various studies in the Willyama Block (see text for sources). OUTALPA WIEERAMINER WEEKERUS MOUNT HOWDEN | BILLEROO HUTS BROKEN HILL HILL atlerfalbor (Irom this paper) Muscovite biotite schistosity/gneissosity D,: Muscovite biotite schistosity Muscovite, biotite, sillimanite schistosity Sillimanite biotite schistosity/gneissosity. Some mesoscopic folds. Muscovite biotite schistosity. Mesoscopic isoclinal folds. Muscovite biotite schistosity Dz: Open macroscopic folds, Rare crenulations and mesoscopic folds Sillimanite schistosity in high grade rocks. Weak open macroscopic folds insome medium grade rocks. Tight upright macroscopic folds D,: Tight upright macroscopic folds. Common mesoscopic folds and crenulations, Fault f, may be related to this phase Tight upright macroscopic folds Shear zone crenulation lage unknown) UNCONFORMITY— — Dy: Tight upright | macroscopic folds in Basement the unconformity 7 kinks Gentle folds in cover distant from uncontormity. Crenulations in the Cover basement; biotite ‘ schistosity | muscovite chlorite and cleavage schistosity in strongly deformed | parts of cover ° cover ee ——— Open crenulations in the basement. Blotite | muscovite chlorite actinolite schistosity in | Vertical crenulation cleavage Subvertical crenulation Open upright cleavage (possibly a later | macroscopic folds phase) associated with some of the retrograde sheer zones. Crenulation (c.f. orientation : ? at Wiperaminga Hill) Two later sets of Late crenulations crenulations ? Ds: Open folds in cover Gentle folds in the basement. Crenulations inthe basement and nearby cover. Anew biotite muscovite chlorite schistosity/cleavage inthe cover, \ chlorite | Mesoscopic and macroscopic folds and crenulations in the cover A new biotite muscovite schistosity/cleavage in parts of the cover, RE f int Guologes! correlates well with the S, schistosity of this study. This schistosity was assumed to be the axial plane to isoclinal folds. Cross-cutting relationships of schistosity and bedding were rarely observed. Tight macroscopic folds of the early schis- tosity were developed with an associated biotite- chlorite schistosity and relatively tight crenu- lations. These folds have a steeply dipping axial plane striking from 030° in the west to 105° in the east, with steeply but variably plunging fold axes. This phase is correlated with D. at Outalpa which is also responsible for macro- scopic folds within the basement. A weaker late phase is associated with macroscopic shear zones which dip 80° to 315°. No apparent correlation exists with the Outalpa area. Weekeroo Talbot (1967, 1969, 1962°) defined several deformations in the cover and basement north- 78-12 §.A Department ol Mines and Eneigy west of Weekeroo Station (Fig. 4). Basement layering and schistosity, defined by muscovite and biotite, are parallel except in rare isoclinal hinges. The D, phase (at Outalpa) is corre- lated with this schistosity. Within the basement, a crenulation cleavage with tight macroscopic folds has a subvertical axial plane striking 070°, with fold axes plung- ing 60° to 070°, The Dz deformation of our study is correlated with this folding phase at Weekeroo, A later set of kink bands in basement rocks has moderate to steep axial planes dipping towards 100°. They may correlate with the S, phase at Outalpa (dipping 75° towards 090°). Adelaidean cover metasediments unconform- ably overlying basement as at Outalpa, are folded with poles to bedding forming a diffuse great circle about an axis plunging 40° towards 075°. Axial plane structures developed are a cleavage in psammites and a schistosity in * Talbot, J. L. (1962) A study of the structural and metamorphic relationships between older and younger Precambrian rocks in the Mt Lofty-Olary Arc, South Australia. (Unpubl, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Adel.) DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA AREA 31 “eh Fs ; wa 4 (/BILLEROO HU iy, enue Tay pare a Appt = he Jreron HS rai bop BS ILS, KILOMETRES, hla S yeas! 3S Ay lire ol Meee Fig. 4, Locality map for areas considered in comparison study. Bedding trend lines shown for cover mietusediments. Diagram modified from Canipana & King 1958; and Dickson (1975 )*, pelites. The axial plane predominantly dips. at 80° towards 160°, but the dip direction varies jiround to 120°, Thisy has been interpreted as a single phase of deformation, A bricf study of the mesoscopic structures by the authors revealed that the basement crenulation cleavage (Weekeroo) correlated with S, (Qutalpa) is overprinted by an open erenulation With an axial plane subvertical and striking O10", In the cover the earliest schis- tosity strikes 020° and involves biotite, chlorite and actinolite as at Outalpa. ft is correlated with Sy. This early cover schistosity is folded and erenulated by a later fold phase which com- monly has a subvertical axial plane schistosity striking 040° to 060° which we correlate with the fifth deformation at Outalpa. A new cleavage and schistosity is produced in some areas, This phase at Weekeroo produced tight short wavelength folds parallel to the third phase basement structures which Talbot (1969) has interpreted as basement reactivation features, Mount Howden Flint & Flint? summarised the structure in the vicinity of the Mt Howden mine. An early schistosity and gneissosity dre associated with mesoscopic and macroscopic isoclinal folds. A later vertical crenulation cleavage, striking ‘Flint, R. B, & Flint, D. J, (1975) Preliminary geological investigations on the CURNAMONA 1:250000 sheet. S.A. Dept, Mines unpubl. rept. 75/124. > Nickson, T. W. (1975) Exploration Licence No. 130, Olary Province, 8. Aust. S.A. Dept. Mines Open File, Env, 2441 (unpubl, )- 52 R. F. BERRY, R. B. FLINT & A. E. GRADY 020°, associated with tight mesoscopic folds is subparallel to the early schistosity. We corre- late the schistosity and crenulation cleavage with the Dy and Ds phases at Outalpa. At least two later crenulation cleavage phases were recognised but insufficient evidence was found to separate them in the area examined. The axial planes have a variable strike but always dip steeper than 45° and are probably equivalent to the later phases at Outalpa. Billeroo Huts (Flint & Flint) An early schistosity and gneissosity found in the Billeroo Huts area is overprinted by a very strong crenulation cleavage, which is subvertical and striking 090°. The former surface corre- lates with S,, but the crenulation cleavage can not be clearly correlated with Outalpa, It may be a result of Dz or D5. A weak late crenulation cleavage with a steep axial plane striking 050° has no apparent cor- relation with any structures in our study but is similar to the shear zone crenulation observed at Wiperaminga Hill. Broken Hill A summary of the structural history of the Broken Hill area is presented in Glen ef al. (1977) and a comparison made between struc- tures of the Gawler and Willyama Domains, Similar sequence of events and deformational styles were shown for the two areas. At Broken Hill in the highest grade rocks, the first recognised structure is a sillimanite- biotite schistosity and gneissosity parallel to layering. This varies to a muscovite schistosity, which is oblique to layering, in the low grade rocks. At Outalpa the first deformation has a schistosity which is subparallel to layering. The second deformation of Glen er al. (1977) in the high grade rocks is associated with a sillimanite-biotite schistosity and tight, upright folds. However in medium and low grade areas no mesoscopic structures were observed and the only suggestion of this defor- mation is in variations of S, orientation. The latter case is very similar to D., at Outalpa where S,, fabrics are rare and variations in S,/ S., intersections have been used to imply a D. synform. The third deformation at Broken Hill developed upright open folds trending north- easterly in both high and low grade rocks. Metamorphism is of variable grade and the S,, axial plane is defined by mica, chlorite and more rarely sillimanite. Retrograde shear zones parallel to S. are probably of the same age (Glen et al, 1977), At Outalpa, the third period of deformation produced the dominant macro- scopic folds. D, folds correlate well in style and orientation to equivalent generation folds for the Broken Hill area. The fault f; (Fig. 2) is parallel to S. and has a similar time conno- tation to the retrograde shear zones noted at Broken Hill. Late crenulations at Broken Hill still await more precise determinations before adequate correlations with the 4th and 5th deformations at Outalpa is possible. However the general history of weak crenulations and shear zones is similar for the two areas. Conclusions Detailed structural analysis for an area at Outalpa has established a concise interpretation of observable mesoscopic structures (Table 1). This has been possible because the basement- cover contact between the Wiliyama Complex and upper Precambrian (Adelaidean) cover rocks is exposed, allowing distinction between solely basement and cover deformation phases. This is particularly important as the final cover deformation (D;) has a similar orientation to the much earlier third basement deformation (Dy). Five penetrative deformations have been recognised of which three affect solely basement rocks. The first event (D,) produced a layer- parallel foliation in the metasediments and a foliation in the syntectonic granodiorite. Meta- morphism during this phase reached mid- amphibolite facies. The second deformation (D.) was only a minor folding phase producing macroscopic open folds and crenulations. Crystallisation of muscovite within S. indicates possible initial retrogressive metamorphism. Macroscopic tight folding and the intense development of mesoscopic crenulations and crenulation cleavage resulted from the third penetrative event (D.,). Third phase axial plane structures (S.) are relatively constant in orien- tation and strike at 065° across the map area. The crystallization of muscovite in the axial plane of D. mesoscopic folds is compatible with continued retrogressive greenschist facies conditions. Block faulting on f, and f, occurred prior to Adelaidean sedimentation. Adelaidean sedimentation and deposition of the basal Burra Group and overlying Umbera- tana Group sediments postdate the third deformation. The first cover phase (D,) resulted in north-south oriented tight synclines DEFORMATION HISTORY OF THE OUTALPA AREA 53 and broad anticlines in the unconformity. Crenulations were produced in nearby base- ment schists and shearing occurred on fault fy. Metamorphism during D, reached upper green- schist facies with a biotite-chlorite-actinolite schistosity In cover rocks. The final cover phase (D.) has an east-west striking axial plane which is very constant in orientation. An open anticline produced in the unconformity over the granodiorite has resulted in the opposite plunging F, synclines in Burra Group sediments. Structural elements vary from a slaty cleavage in arenites to a schis- tosity defined by biotite and chlorite in the pelites. Continued upper greenschist facies meta- morphism resulted in further retragression of basement rocks. The fault f, was locally folded by this final folding phase. Comparisons made between Outalpa, other areas of the Olary Province and Broken Hill Suggest that the structural history outlined for Outalpa is valid over a wide area of the Willyama Complex and Adelaidean rocks. The structural interpretation at Outalpa pro- vides a framework to correlate structural elements over a large part of the Olary Pro- vince (Table 1). The §, schistosity and gneissosity are widespread over the entire Willyama Complex, while D. is responsible for most macroscopic basement folds. The first deformation in cover rocks (D,), has resulted in N-S oriented tight synclines and a second deformation, D;, has redistributed the plunges of those synclines and also regionally folded all cover meta-sediments. Recent work from Broken Hill (Glen er al. 1977) has allowed a much improved correla- tion between the structural history al Outalpa and the more detailed studies within New South Wales. Structures predating the Adelaidean unconformity are very similar in the lwo areas. Acknowledgments This work was supported and funded by the South Australian Department of Mines and the Discipline of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Flinders University. References CAMPANA, B. & Kinc. D. (1958) Regional peology and mineral resources of the Olary Province. Geol. Surv. §. Aust. Bull. 34. Gipsy, R.A. Lancs, W. P., Parker, A, J, & Rut- LAND, R. W. R. (1977) Tectonic relationships between the Proterozoic Gawler and Willyama Orogenic Domains, Australia, J. geol. Sac. Aust, 24(3), 125-150. MEHNERT, K. R. (1968) “Migmatites and the origin of granitic rocks”: (Elsevier, Amster- dam.) Tauror, J, L. (1967) Subdivision and structure of the Precambrian (Willyama Complex and Adelaide System), Weekeroo, South Australia. Trans, Ry Soe, 8, Aust, 91, 45-58. TaLpor, J. L. (1969) The effects of the Palaeozoic orogeny on the Precambrian shield of South Australia. Geol. Ass. Canada, Spec. pap. §, 59-66, THomeson, A. B. (1974) Calculation of musco- Vite-paragonite-alkali feldspar phase relations. Cantr. Miner, Petrology, 44, 173-194, THompson, A. B. (1976) Mineral reactions in pelitic rocks. Am. J. Sei., 276, 401-454. WINKLER, H, G. F. (1967) “Petrogenesis of meta- morphic rocks,” 2nd ed. (Springer-Verlag, New York.) A NEW SPECIES OF THYSANOTUS R.BR. (LILIACAE) FROM EYRE PENINSULA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY N. H. BRITTAN Summary A new species of Thysanotus R.Br. (Liliaceae), T. wangariensis N. H. Brittan from near Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia is described and illustrated. It shows similarities with T. dichotomus (Labill.) R. Br. and T. virgatus N. H. Brittan. A NEW SPECIES OF THYSANOTUS R.BR. (LILIACEAE) FROM EYRE PENINSULA, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by N. H, Brirran* Summary Brian, N, H. (1978) A new species of 7h\sanerms R.Br, (Liliaceae) from Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Trans, R. See, S, Ausr,, 102(2), 55-57, 28 February, 1978. A new species of Thysanotus R.Br. (Liliacewe), 7’. wenwariensis N. H. Brittan From near Port Lincoln, Eyre Peninsula, South Austvalia is described and illustrated. It shows simi- larities with 7. dichotomus (Labill.) R.Br. and 7. virgatus N. H. Britten. Vhysanotus wangariensis N, H. Brittan sp, nov. (FIG. 1) Holotypus: Alcock 815, Hundred of Lake Wangary, section 524, roadside near Wangary Hotel, 18xi,1965 (AD 966031110), Lsetypus: (K), Herba perennis, wbi matura uphylla. Rhi- zoma parvum, 5-10 mm diametro, radicibus rigidis, fibrosis, haud tuberosis. Caules plures, recti, 20-40 (-50) cm alti, ramificatione monopodiali-pseudodichotoma, teretes, poreis basi numerosis, superne 4—5, pilis tuberculatis ferentibus. Folia 5-7 em long basi caulium noverum prodientia ante florescentiam mar- cescentia, Umbellae terminales, floribus 1-3, bracteis 2—5, duobus exterioribus 1.5-2. mm longis, Jato-deltoideis, Pedicell 8-10 mm longi, erecti. Segmenta perianthii 11-12.5 mm langa, exteriora linearia, 3 mm lata, obscure 4-5-nervatu, interior elliptica, fimbriis 3-3.5 ma) longis. Stamina 6, filamentis circa 2.5 mm longis, antheris poris terminalibus dehiscenti- bus, antheris tribus exterioribus 3 mm longis, reclis, contortis, antheris tribus interioribus 6-7 mm longis, curvatis, contortis. Ovarium sessile, loculis 3, biovulatis. Stylus terminalis, curvatus, declinatus, 10 mm longus, Capsula cylindrica, 5-6 x 3-4 mm, Semina nigra, 2 x 1.5 mm, arillo flavo, Perennial with small (5-10 mm diam.) rhi- zome with stiff, fibrous, non-tuberous roots, Stems several per rhizome, erect-spreading, 20-40 foccasionally to 50) cm tall, monopo- dially-pseudodichotomously branched, terete, ridges multiple near base, 4—5 in upper parts, with tuberculate hairs on the ridges. Bracts 2-3 (occasionally 4) at each node, one: sub- tending the branch, the other |—2 (occasion- ally 3) very small, on inner side of axil en- closing buds leading to the production of 2-3 (occasionally 4) branches from some nodes. Umbels terminal, 1!—3-flowered, bracts 2-5, outer two |,5-2 mm long, broadly deltoid, inner bracts narrower, equal to or shorter than outer bracts. Pedicels 8-10 mm Jong, erect in flower and fruit, articulated just above the level of the apices of the outer bracts. Tepals 11-12.5 mm long; outer three linear, 3-4 mm wide, obscurely 4—S-nerved; inner three ellip- tic, 4 mm wide, fimbriae 3-3,5 mm _ long. Stamens 6, tilaments ca 2.5 mm long, anthers dehiscing by terminal pore; outer three anthers straight, twisted, 3 mim long; inner three anthers curved, twisted, 6-7 mm. long. The anthers are positioned in two groups of three, the longer three declinate in the same direction as the style. Ovary sessile, 3-locular, 2 ovules per loculus. Style termimal, curved, declinate, 10 mm long. Capsule cylindrical, 5-6 x 3-4 mm, Seeds black, 2 x 1.5 mm, with yellow aril, Distribulion: Eyre Peninsula—Wangary and a few other localities to the N.. N.N.B. and N.W. of Port Lincoln. Ecology, At the type locality it occurs in rem- nants of low heath vegetation on a sandy-loam soil. Specimens examined: Spechr 2544, Flora and Fauna Reserve, Hundred of Hincks, cu 85 km N. * Botuny Department, University of Western Australia, Nedlands, W-A. 6009. 56 N. H. BRITTAN STATE HERBARIUM OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA e 13/11 [hss bdanienty Hott, See S24, Ma LAKE WANGA Ry — Rood site. A Rty block Z/S beg, GLB. Catcrers Ne ; Fig. 1. Holotypus Thysanotus wangariensis N. H. Brittan sp. nov., Alcock 815 (AD 966031110) x 0.43; flower from Brittan 69/03 (cult.) x ca 0.8. A NEW SPECIES OF THYSANOTUS S7 11.x1.1960 (AD 96107089); Aleoek 1688, Hundred of Wangary, 40 km W.N.W. of Port) Lincoln, 14.x1.1967 (AD 96807209); Brittan 69/03, neat Wangary Hotel (type locality), 29,viii,1969 (UWA); Cleland s.n., reserve between Tooligie and Mt Verran, 100 km N.N.E, of Port Lincoln, 9.x1.1960 (AD 97226204), of Port Lincoln, Discussion In South Australia this species may be con- fused with T, juncifolius (Salisb.) Willis & Court (1956), the latter however is usually erect in habit, from a linear, = cylindrical rhizome, taller, up to 70-80 cm, the stem not ridged and with the possible exception of a region near the base, glabrous. The umbels are 3—5-flowered, the floral bracts whitish and membranous and usually longer than the Membranous ouler two bracts. T. wengariensis has a more spreading habit, ca 40 em (occa- sionally up to 50 cm) tall, from a compact, + spherical, rhizome, umbels 1-2 (occasion- ally 3)-flowered, the inner bracts shorter than, occasionally equal to, the two outer bracts, T. wangariensis most closely resembles the two non-South Australian species 7’. dichoto- mus (Labill.) R.Br. (1810)—a Western Aus- tralian endemic—and 7, virgatus N. H. Brit- tan—a New South Wales endemic, The former species both produce leaves in the juvenile state, those in T. wangariensiy being shorter and usually more erect than those of T. dichotomus. The lower parts of the stems in T. wanearlensis are frequently covered in long hairs, this condition is rarely found in T, dichoiomus. The flowers differ in the outer tepals which are broader (3 mm) compared with 1,5-2 (rarely 3) mm ol those of T. dichatomus; they are smooth and obscurely veined on the outer surface in T. wangariensis, whereas they are distinctly 3-5-veined and ridged in T. dichotemus, On the stems only a single bract, which subtends the branch, is found per node in TJ. dichotomuy; in T. wan- gariensis, in addition to this bract, 1-2 (ocea- sionally 3) others subtend buds, which leads to the production of 2-3 (occasionally 4) branches per node in this species, This feature is also found in T. virgatus, to Which T. wangariensis bears a close resem- blance in general habit. 7, virgatuy can be separated on the basis of floral characters, especially the wide, 3-4 mm, 6-7-nerved, outer tepals, inner tepals broader, 5-6 mm wide, with Jonger fimbriae, 4-5 mm, com- pared with the 4 mm wide inner tepals and the 3-3.5 mm long fimbriae of T. wangari- ensts, Acknowledgments The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mr C, R. Alcock, formerly of Port Lincoln, for providing transport and hospitality during his visit to Eyre Peninsula to collect material of the species, to Dr Hj, Eichler, at that time Keeper of the Herbarium, Adelaide Botanic Garden, for permission to consult the collec- tions, to Dr W. R. Barker for checking the Latin description and to the University of Western Australia for the provision of a grant to enable him to visit South Australia. References BRITTAN, N. A. (1972) Thysanotus virgatus sp, nov. (Lilluceas) from Royal National Park, New South Wales. Conir. NSW. Nat. Herb., 4(5), 265-266, Brown, R. (1810) “Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insula van Diemen” (J. John- son, London—in facsimile H, RK, Engelmann, Weinheim 1960), Wiitis, J. H. & Court, A. B. (1956) Changes in’ the nomenclature of three Victorian monocotyledons. Mwuelleria 1(1), 45. VOL. 102, PARTS 3 & 4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY 31 MAY, 1978 OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Robinson, J. F., Robinson, A. C., Watts, C. H. S. & Baverstock, P. R. Notes on rodents and their ectoparasites collected in Australia in 1974-75 Milton, B. E. & Twidale, C. R. Structure of the paige Basin, soutera Flinders Ranges, South Australia - > > Smales, Lesley R. & Mawson, Patricia M. Nematode and other helminth parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Macropus eugenii (Desmarest). 2. Site selection within the stomach - - - - - Bye, J. A. T., Dillon, P. J., rage ean tal J. C. & Will, G. D. Bathymngiry a Lake Eyre - - Tetzlaff, G. & Bye, J. A. T. Water balance of Lake Eyre for the flooded Petiog January 1974-June 1976 - - - = = Roberts, J. D. _ Redefinition of the Australian eect) id frog pia e nes pictus Peters - - - a uj Py Dulbusty, J. A. Salt transfers between North and South Lake Eyre - - - Mawson, Patricia M. Macropicola ocydromi n.g., n.sp. (Nematoda: Strongylidae) from a Western Australian kangaroo - - - = £ 59 71 79 85 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 NOTES ON RODENTS AND MARSUPIALS AND THEIR ECTOPARASITES COLLECTED IN AUSTRALIA IN 1974-75 BY J. F. ROBINSON, A. C. ROBINSON, C. H. S. WATTS & P. R. BAVERSTOCK Summary One monotreme species, twenty species of marsupials and twenty-seven species of rodents were taken during a collecting trip in eastern, western and northern Australia between October 1974 and July 1975. Information is provided on localities, dates, sexes and habitat-type of all species. Extensions of known ranges were recorded for Rattus villosissimus, Zyzomys argurus, Pseudomys delicatulus and P. gracilicaudatus. Data on the present location of specimens collected, observations on the reproductive condition of animals noted in the field and the ectoparasites collected are included. Comments are made on the low population densities of small mammals in Australia and the low number of species occurring sympatrically. NOTES ON RODENTS AND MARSUPIALS AND THEIR ECTOPARASITES COLLECTED IN AUSTRALIA IN 1974-75 by J. F. Rosinson*, A. C. Rosinsony, C,H. S, Wartst & P. R. BAverstockt Summary Rouwinson, J, F,, Roninson, A, C., Warrs, C. H. S. & Baverstock, P. R. (1978) Notes on rodents and their ectoparasites collected in Australia in 1974-75. Trans. R, Soc, 8S, Aust, 102(3), 59-70, 31 May, 1978. One monotrenie species, twenty species of marsupials and twenty-seven species of rodents were taken during a collecting trip in eastern, western and northern Australin between QOcloher 1974 and July 1975. Information is provided on localities, dates, sexes and hubitat-lype of all species. Extensions of known ranges were recorded for Rattus villosissimus, Zyzomys argurus, Pseudamys delicatulus and P. gracilicandatus, Data on the present. location of specimens collected, observations on the reproductive condition of animals noted in the field and the ectoparasites collected are included. Comments are made on the low population densities of small mammals in Australia and the low number of species occurring sym- patrically. Introduction The distribution and habitat preferences of the small mammal fauna of Australia is still very poorly known. Important contributions in this ficld include—Harrison (1961) and Tate (1952) for Qld, Calaby (1966) and Marlow (1958) for N.S.W., Wood Jones (1923) and Finlayson (1961) for south and central Aus- tralia, Bannister (1969) and Glauert (1933) for W.A,, and Calaby & Keith (1974), John- son (1964) und Parker (1973) for the N.T, In addition Taylor & Horner (1973) provided information on all Australian species of the genus Rattiy. A. C, Robinson and J. F, Robinson made a collecting trip between October 1974 and July 1975 in eastern, western and northern Aus- tralia, The aim was to collect us many differ- ent rodent taxa as possible during the Ome available, primarily for studies of their Karyo- types and blood projcins, Trapping localitres were therefore chosen to maximise the chances of capturing specific species, and this generally involved visiting Known occurrences rather than trapping in new areas. Overall sampling was therefore not systematic throughout the areas covered by the survey, but in any one locality efforts were made to sample the major recognisable habitats. This resulted in the cap- ture of a number of small mammals other than rodents and details of these are included. In addition the ectoparasites collected from cach species are recorded, Companion papers record the results of an analysis of the Karyotypes (Baverstock et al. 1975, 1976, 1977a,bc), the blood proteins, the diet (Watts 1977), and the habitat, of most of the rodents collected. In addition some rare and little known ectoparasite taxa will be discussed in more detail in future papers hy the relevant authorities listed in the Acknow- ledgments, Methods The route followed on the collecting trip started at Windorah, Queensland, to Cairns, then north up Cape York Peninsula as far as Portland Roads, south through — coastal Qucensland with a visit to Emerald, then through coustal N.S.W. (with a visit to Mt Kosciusko), through coastal Victoria (with a visit to the Grampians) and then lo Adelaide, * Department for the Environment, Box 667, G.P.O., Adelaide, S. Aust. S001. 7 National Parks & Wildlife Service, Adelaide. t Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science, Adelaide. ao 1. PF. ROBINSON FT AL, Fig. 1. Localities mentioned in the text. Collecting on the second half of the trip began in the southwest of W.A,, then north following the coast to Broome and Derby; a visit to the King Leopold Ranges then, via Wyndam, to Darwin, N.T. From Darwin trips were made east fo Nourlangie Camp on the edge of Armbem Land 205 km E, and south to the Reynolds River. Figure | gives the place names mentioned in the text. Most species were collected in live traps although some in- formation is included on road kills. Forty Sherman folding aluminium traps, forty wire mesh cage traps 13 cm s 13 cm x 35 cm, and fen Wire mesh cage traps 30 em x 25 cm x 45 cm were used. As many of these traps as prue- licable were set at cach locality. Traps were placed 20 nmi apart in lines of twenty traps, with Sherman and small cage traps alternating. The large cage traps were used only when attempts were made to capture large species, ie. Lydramys, Mesembriomys ete. The bait used Was a mixture of peanut paste and rolled oats. Normally traps were left down for two nights in any one location, although shorter and longer periods were employed, depending on the species of rodent we were attempting fo catch, Altogether traps were set on 150 nights for a total of approximately %,500 trap nights. The nomenclature used follows Ride (1970) with the exception of the genus Rares which is that of Taylor & Horner (1973), as mudi- fied by Baverstock et al. (1975). Field identifications were checked in Ade» laide, using karyotypic as well as morpho- logical characters. This was particularly im- portant in Rattus where several species are difficult to identify while alive, but readily separated on their karyotypes. In the case of Queensland Melontys we have followed the unsatisfactory convention that only two species are involved: that small animals caught in grassland are M, Jittoralis, and slightly larger ones caught in closed forest are M. cervinipes. However, some individuals could not be clas- sified in this manner and these are simply listed as Melonzyy sp. The Northern Territory Melomys have heen included in M. Jittaralis provisionally on karyotypic evidence. The bulk of the paper contains a tabulation of Jocahties where all the various small mam mals were caught. Many of these animals were released subsequently at the points of capture. They are treated species by species and the following information is recorded: species name, common name, specific locality, latitude south and longitude east, number of indivi- duals caught (males, females, unsexed), date, specimen registration numbers, notes on habi- tat, reproductive condition and ectoparasites. Localities are given as km on a compass bear- ing from a recognisable town. Latitudes and longitudes pinpoint the locality more precisely. Locahties were regarded as separate when they differed by more than one minute of latitude or longitude, No year is given following the date of collection but all dates fall within the period October 1974 to July 1975, As many of the rodents ure still alive at the Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science at the time of publication, a dual system of specimen num- bers is introduced. All specimens have been assigned an J.M.V.S. publication number and a list of these will be lodged at the South Aus. tralian. Museum, and periodically updated. Where specimens have already been placed in museums, the appropriate museum registration number is recorded. Museum abbreviations usedl are: NMV, National Museum of Vic- toria; QM, Queensland Museum; WAM, Western Australian Museum; AM, Australian Museum; SAM, South Australian Museum. 1.M.V.S. publication numbers have no prefix. Habitat notes follow the vegetution clussifica- tion of Specht (1970) and Specht er afl. (1974), to the level of structural formation, Resulis MONOTREMATA PAMity TACHYGLOSSIDAE L. Techyelogies aculeatuy, Echidna Localities: Gle Gi) Maslin Ck, Atherton, (7° 15" M4530" 4, 21 Nov, (ii) 26 km NW Townsville, °o" 146°36. 1, 9 Dee, MARSUPIALS AND RODENTS IN AUSTRALIA 61 Notes: One specimen (1) was trapped near 4 creck bank in m@ cultivated paddock; the other (ii) on beach dunes covered by low open shrubland. MARSUPTIALIA FamMiLy MAcroronipat, 2. Thylogale stigmatica, Red-legged Pademelon Localities: Qld (1) 72 km S Mt Garnett, 18°14° 144°46', 1, 21 Oct., QM 712. (ii) 4 km S Ather- ton, 17°18 145"29", 1, 2) Oct., QM 702. Notes; Both roud kill victiras. Skulls only col- lected. Adjacent to open grassy woodland (i) and adjacent to closed forest (ii). 3, Onychogalea unguifera, Northern Nail- tailed Wallaby Loculity: H.A. Gi) 19 km SW Wyndham, 16°35° 128°14', 1, 27 May, Notes: A road kill specimen, skull only collected. Adjacent to open grassy woodland. 4, Lagorchestes conspicillatus, Spectacled Hare-wallaby Loculities: Old G) 74 km N Dajarra, 21°10° 139"40', 1, & October, (ii) 15 km S Mareeba, 17°’ (45°26, 19, 21 Oct, QM 710. Notes: Both roud kills. Parts of the skull of (i) und the complete skull of (iip were collected. Adjagent to tall open shrubland (i) and open grassy woodland (i), 5, Lagerchesios hirsutuy, Wester Hare- Wallaby Locality: W.o4. Gi) Bernier Island, 24°56). 113°9' 4, 00 Apr. Notes: Four specimens were seen while spot- lighting on foot in hummock grassland. (Robinson et al, 1976.) 6, Aepyprymnus rufescers, Rufous Rat- kangaroo Locality! Qld (i) 35 km § Proserpine, 20°40° 148°95', | wy Lt Dee, OM 708, Notes: A road kill specimen. A complete speci men was collected, Adjacent to open prussy Wood- land. 7, Bettonvia lesueur, Boodic Locality: W.4. (i) Bernier Island, 24°55" 113°9" 19, 22 Apr, Notes: Trapped on the edge of the island platform in low shrubland (Robinson ef al, 1976), Reproduction; (i) 1 pouch young C-R length 165 cm, 8, Potorous tridactylus, Potoroo Loculity; Fie. (2) 6 km SW Bemm River, 37/47" 148'54") 1, 20. Peb. Notes: ‘Trapped in low open foresi/closed heath habitat. FAMILY PHALANGERIDAD 9, Trichosurus Vulpecula, Brush-tailed Possum Localities: Qld (i) 28 km N Atherton, 17°2° 145°26', 3, 21-22 Nov. (ii) 6 km N Atherton, 17°5° 145"29, 1 9, 23 Nov., QM 714. Notes: Locality (i) Was 4 garden shed, sur rounded by open grassy woodland, The road kill specimen (ii) was adjacent to a road-side strip of closed forest. FAMILY PRRAMELIDAR 10, soodon ebesulus, Shori-nosed Bandicoot Locahty: Vie, (1) 40 km SE Melbourne, 38°15’ 145°14', 1, 27 Feb. Notes: Trapped in low open forest. 11. Iseaden macrourus, Brindled Bandicoot Localities: Qld (i) 112 km SW Mt Garnett, 18° 36° 144°44', 1 od) 21 Nov, (ii) 7 km SW Port- land Roads, 12"40° 143°23', 1 3 2 Nov., QM 713. (iii) 25 km S Cooktown, 15°41° 1457135, | dy 7 Nov. (iv) 8 km SW ‘Townsville, 19°20° 146"4", 2, 7 Dec. (v) 26 km NW. Townsville, 19°9' 146°36, 3, 9 Dec. (vi) 58 km N Maryborough, 25°6" 182°32. 19, 14 Jan. N\S.W. (vii) 20 km SW Port Macquarie, 31°37’ 153°50", 1 1 Feb, N.T. (viii) 185 km E Darwin, 12°41" 132°55', 18, 15-17 June. (ix) Vicinity of Nourlangie Camp, 12°50° 132"41°, 12°46" 132°40", 12°53 132738, 12°54 (32°38, 6, 18-19 June, Notes; Trapped in a variety of habitats—closed sedvelund (vi), open grassy forest (i), low grassy woodland Gii, ix), low open grassy woodland (iv, viii, ix), closed serub (vii) and low open shrubland on beach dunes (v). A roud kill speci- men was collected adjacent to open grassy forest (ii). Reproduction; (vi) (viii) 2 unfurred pouch young. Ectoparasites: (i, iii) Yenopsylla vexabilts. 12. Perameles nasuta, Long-nosed Bandicoot Locality: Qld (i) 9% km NW Bundaberg, 24°31° 141° 28° 2, W-1t Jan. Notes; Trapped in closed forest. Reproduction: (i) 2 independent trapped, 13, P. howsainville, Barred Bandicoot Locality: Wed. (1) Bernier Island, 24°56" 113°9', Lo, 2. 5, 21-22 Apr, Notes; Five individuals were seen at night in Tow shrubland. Three individualy were captured in cuve traps (Robinson er al, 1976), Reproduction: (i) 2. pouch young C-R length 7 ci. juveniles FAMILY DASYURIDAE 14. Dayvurus hallucdtus, Little Northern Native-Cat 62 J, F. ROBINSON ET AL, Localities: Gld (i) Coen, 13°96' 143°12", 1 9, 28 Oct. (ii) 272 km S Cooktown, 15°11" 145°12°, 1 4 1 Nov, OM 707, N.T. Gil) Nourtanpie Rock, 230 km BE Darwin, 12°52’ 132°49, 1, [3 June. (lv) 185 km EB Darwin, 12°41" 132°55', 5, 15-17 June, (v) 24 km NE Nourlangie Camp, 12°40" 132°37', 1 of, 18 June. (vi) 14 km § Nonr- Jange Camp, 12°54° 132°38', 1, 9 June. Notes: Localities (iv) and (vi) were low grassy woodland, Gi) and (v) were road kill victims. on roads through low grassy woodlands. Nourlangie Rock is an outlying formation of the Arnhem Land Escarpment and ean best be described as 5 “rock-pile”, The specimen from Coen was caught in a feed shed and donated by a local resident, Reproduction; (1) Lactating female. Fetuparasites: (1) Nenopsvila vexdbilis, Echidae- placa mtwrenecebit. 15, Daxyurovides byrnei, Byrne’s Pouched- mouse Locality: @ld (i) 75 km SEB Boulia, 15°32" 140°7) 1, 17 Ger. Notes: One animal was seen af night on 4 flood Plain covered with tussock grassland. 16. Anfechinus stuartti, Brown Antechinus Localities; Nu. (i) 20 km SW Port Macquarie, 31°37" 152°52", Id, 2 Feb. (ii) 56 km SE Can- berra, 35°41' 149°32), 1 do 2 9 14 Feb. AM M10430. (iii) 20 km NE Mallacoota 37°37° 149°S7", 1 9 1, 17 Feb. Pic. (iv) 6 km SW Berm River, 37"47' (48°94, 1 6. 20 Feb. fv) 40 km SE Melbourne, 38°)5' 145" 14’, 9, 26-27 Feb, (vi) 38 km E Melbourhe, 37°53" 148°225 9, 1.2 Mar, (vii) 12 km SW Apollo Bay, 38°47' 143°32', 12, 3 Mar. (vill) 73 km NE Hnmilton, 37°18" 142°34@', 6, 7 March, Notes: A, styarti? was captured in a variety of habitats: closed scrub (1), open forest (ii), wood- land/closed heath (iii), low open forest/closed heath, (iv), low open forest (v), tall open forest (vi, vii), and closed heath (viil). Tt appears to be associated with o dense understorey regardless of canopy heighs. Ectoparastles: (ti) Pywiopsyila ruinhowll nssp., Acanthapsylla rothchildl ssp, 17, Antechinus bellus, Pawn Antechinus Loculities: N.T, (i) Nourlangie Rock, 244) km B Darwin, 12°52) 132°49', 1, 13 June, (ii) 185 Km BE Darwin, 12°40 132°55’,, 6 J, 1 9, 15-17 June, 563, 564. (iii) 1 km S Nourlangic Camp, 12°46° 132°4V, 1d, 19 June, (lv) 10 km S Nourlangie Camp. 12°50" 132°415 1 ¢, 20 June, 479, fv) 12 km S$ Nourlyngie Camp, 12°53’ 132°38', 1 dy Tk June, SAM M9896, (vi) 14 km 3 Nourlansie Camp, 12°54" 132°38, | a, 18 June. Noles: With the exception of Nourlangle Rock all localities were woodlaid |abitaly. Nourianuie Kock is an oullyiny rack of the Arnhem Land escarpment surmounded hy low grassy woodlatd. 18. dntechinus godmani, Godman’s Antechinus Locality: Glé (i) 39 km S Innisfail, 17°52" 146°4, 1 od. 5 Dec. Notes: Caught m closed forest, Reproduction: 1 independent subadult trapped, Ectoporasites; Acanhepsvila pavida, 19. Antechinus swainsenti, Dusky Antechinus Localities; N.S. (i) Kosciuska Natl Pk, 46°23’ 148°28', 3d, 4, LO-11 Feb, (ii) 54 km SE Can- berra, 35°39 149°32', L oy I4 Feb, Git) 56 km SE Canberra, 35°41 (49°32, | oy l4 Feb, Fie. tiv) 6 km SW Bemm River, 37°47’ 148°54, 1 9, 20 Feb. (v) 38 km EB Melbourne, 37°53’ 145°22", 3, le2 Mar, (vi) 12 km SW Apollo Bay, 38°47" 143°32', 1, 3 Mar. (vit) 73 km NE Humilton, 37°18" 142°38', |, 7 Mar. Notes: Caught in a varicty of habitats: closed grassland (i), open forest (iii), low open forest/ closed heath (iv), tall open forest (v, vi) and closed heath (vii), Ectopuarusites: (ii) Pygiepsvila heplla, Acanthe- avila rothsehildi ssp., GV) A. rothschildi ssp, 20, Sminthopsis rufigenis, Red-cheeked Dunnart Locality: Ql? (i) 23 km S$ Portland Roads 120°47° 143°18', L gd, 2 Nov., QM 728. Notes: Caught tn low open forest/grassy wood- Tnnel- 21, Sevnthopasls crassicaudata, Fat-tailed Dunnart Locality; Qld (1) 70 km SE Boulia, 15°28" 140°4° 1d, 7 Oct, 520, Notes: Catight on a flood plain in an area of tussock grassland. RODENTIA FAMILY MURIDAR 22. Rattus /uscipes fuscipes, Southern Bush-rat Localities: Wo. (i) 20 km NW Avgusta, 34°4° 115°?, 2 4,1 8, 6 Apr., WAM M15265-M 15267, (ii) 22 km NE Jurien, 30°8’ 115"8', 3 2&6 &, 12-13 Apr, WAM M1J5268-M15271 425, 426, 427, 429, 522. Notes: Locality (i) was a low open woodland/ closed heath formation and (ii) a closed heath formation. Ectoparasites: (ii) Nevopsylla vexabilis, 23, Rattus f. assimilis, Souther) Bush-rat Localities; Qld fi) 38 km E Kingaroy, 26°39" s2°13', 1 fd 4 9, 16 Jan., 236, 368. N.S. (ii) 11 km NE Nimbin, 28°32’ 153°18', 1 & 1 9 1, 29 Jan., AM M10401-M10403, (ili) 50 kn NE Neweastle, 32°39" 152°9", | gf 1 9, 3 Feb., AM M1L0404, M10414, Civ) Kosciusko Nail Pk, 36°23", (48°28', 69,5 2, 10-11 Feb. (vy) 54 km SE Can- Mesolaelaps qaustrallensis, MARSUPIALS AND RODENTS IN AUSTRALIA 43 berra, 37°39 149°32", 2 ¢, 4 9, 14 Feb, AM M10408-M10413, (vi) 56 km SE Canberra, 8°41" (49°32), 4 @ 14 Feb, AM M10405- M10407, 383. (vii) 20 km NE Mallacoota, 37°27° 149°57' G& a, 9 2 1H I7 Feb, Pic. (vill) | km SW Bemm River, 37°46" 148758, 1 3. 20 Feb. (ix) 3 km SW Bemm River, 37°47", 148°56', 1, 21 Feb. (x) 5S km SW Bemm River, 37°47" 148°S', 4 df, 9 2, 19-20 Feb, 281-285, 296, 388, (xt) 6 km SW Bemm River, 37°47° 148°54, 1 1 9, 4, 20-21 Feb. (mil) 38 km E Melbourne, 37°53" 145°22', 5 #3 2, 28 Peb—l Man, 292, 344-399. (xiii) 12 kim SW Apollo Bay, 38°47" 143°32, 7 & 6 Y 7, 3 Mar, 211, 293, 246, 400-404. Notes: Caueht in closed forest ( and ii), open forest (iil, v amd vi), closed grassland (iv), wood- land/elosed heath (vi), Jow open forest/closed healh (Vil), cloged serub (vii) und tall open forest (vii sand ix), Reproduction: (i, juveniles caught, Fetuparasites: (i, vii, x) Laelaps assimilis, (i, 1, vi, vii) Laclaps sp.. (vi, vil) Meselaelaps bandi- coata, (Vil) Gurtheria taylorae, (1, 1V) Maerap- sya Nerenles, Gv) Pysiopsylla gravis or n.sp., (iv, vi, Vii) FP hoplia, (iv, v, vil) P. rainbowit, (i) Posp, (i) Aeanthepsylla incerta, (vy vi) A raisehildi ssp. (iv) Stephanacireus econcinntes, (vii) S. peciinipes. iv. xii, xiii) Tnelependent 24. Ruitus f, coracius, Southern Bush-rat Localiues: Old (i) 14 km EB Atherton, 17°15’ 148737", 1 &, 2G, 28 Nov, QM 2703, 2121. 347. fii) 4t km SE Cairns, 17°15° 45°46", 4 J 6 2, 16 Noy,, QM2100, 2706, 2108, 2124, 2126, 354— 357, Notes: Both loculities were closed forest. Reproduction: (ii) 3 young born, Eclopurusites; (i) Pygiopsylla sinuata, Acaithop- sylla puvida, Slephanectreus dasyuri, Metastiva- lius rectus, (it) Mesolaelaps australiensis. 25. Rattus lutrealus, Swamp-rat Loealifes: Old (i) 29 Km B Warwick, 28°16’ 52°99, | 2 1, 24 Bel., 367. NSW. Lily 2 km SW Por Macquarie, 21°37° 152°507. 6 ff, 5 9, 1-2 Feb, AM M10422-M 10428, 373-375, 374, 377, 287, 497, 523. 524. Gil) 20 km NE Matha- eoota, 37°27 149°57", 2 9, 17-18 Feb. AM M10429_ 376, 377, 387, 497, $23, 524. Vic. (iv) 3 kin SW Hemm River, 37°47" 14856, 4 SL 1 9, 20-21 Beb., 286, 410, (v) G& km SW Berom River, 97°47, 148"5d Id 4&1, 20-21 Feb.. 287, 3K9-391, (vi} 38 km E Sale, 38°6H' 147°31', 19. 33 Feb., 393. (vii) 40 km SE Melbourne, QRS 145° 14, Foy 264-27 Feb, NMV CiSsesd- (5688, 405. (wi) 37 km NE Hamilton, 37°35" 142°94', | od. d Mar. (ix) 42 km WE Hamilton, 37°32" 142°25'.2 9. 7 Mar,, 407, 408. (4) 52 km N& Hamilton, 37°27’ 142"28, | 7, 7 Mar, NMY €15695, (xi) 53 km NE Hamilton, 37°24 142°297, 1 9. 5 Mar., 40% (xii) 73 km NE Hamilton, 37°18’ 142°36', 2 9, 6-7 Mar, NMV Cisho4, 294, Notes: R. latreolus was usually associated willt damp soil, Habitats were woodland (1), closed scrub (ii and iv), woodland/closed heath (ii), closed heath (vi, vii, %, xi, xii). Jow open wood- land/open heath (vi) and Jow open forest (vil). Reproduction: (v) 6 young born, independent juveniles trapped, Ecloparasites: (ii) Loelaps nutialli, Mesolaelaps australiensis, (v) M, bandiceata, (ii, ¥) Pygiap- sila hoplia, (vy P. sp.. Acanthapsylla rothe- childi ssp. 26. Rattus sordidus, Dusky Field-rat Localinies: Old (1) 23 km SS Portland Roads, 12°47 143°18', 5 & 4 2 2-3 Nov., QM 2109, 2128, 327, 498-500, 525. (ui) 37 km S Cooktown, 15°48" 145°14, 9 o, 2 Y 8 Nov, 206, 354-337, Gili) 16 km S$ Cairns, 17°4 145°47. 4d, 2 Ye 14 Nov,, QM 720, 2110-2112, 258, 358. (iv) 17 km S Cairns, 17°5° 145°47°, 2 3 LY, L4 Nov. (v) 22 Km SE Atherton, 17°22" 145°33°, 2 #4 29 Nov., QM 2102, 253, 348-350. (vi) It km WE Atherton, 17°12" 45°33. 1) ¢ 9 8, 2, 22 Nov,, QM 2105, 2107, 501-504. (vil} 29 km SE lnnistail, 17°46 146°7', L, 3 Dee, Notes: In natural situations KR serdidus was caught in the following habituts: low open forest/ grassy woodland (i), low grassy woodland [i1), closed sedgeland (v}, low open grassy woodland (iv) and open forest (¥ii}. Locality (vl) was a cane field/closed grassland and Joculity (ii) was w cultivated paddock/closed grassland. Reproduction: (ii) Independent juvenile trapped, Ectoparusites: (i, Di vi) Laelaps nuitalli, (i) £, sp. (4, ii, iit, vil Mesoluelaps australiensis, (1, \V, v, Vi) Pygiopsylla heplia, Ge Vv, Va Py rainbow he sspy (vy. vi) Stephanocirias dasyarl, (Vt) Xenae pavlla australiaca, A australlacus, (i, ti, vi) X. verabilis, 27. Rartus collet’, Northern Bush-rar Loculiliess MF. (4) 175 km E Durwin, 12°42" 132°32. 8 G27 f. 7-8 Jan, SAM M5900, M9902, 4$48-460, i)) 15 ke NE Darwin, 12°33" 130° 56% a4, 5 9, 11 Tune, SAM M99DI, 461-483, 465, 466. Notes! Both localities were closed sedgelind. Rctoparasiles: (i, il) Laelaps nuttalli. 28, Rattus villasissinus, Plague Rat Loculities: @ld (i) 56 km SE Houlla, 15°22 nu, 2 3 G1 18 Det, 311-313. hii) 72 km SE Boulia, 15°29 140°6, 1, 17 Oct. iii) 77 km SE Boulia, 15°95 40'S, 1 OL 17 Den, 31M, liv) 32 km W Windorah, 25°20 142718. 5 2 13 Ger, 306-309, (v) 2 km NE ME tsa, 20° aR° 139730, | gd, 39. 19 Get, 314-376. (vi) 33 Em 64 J. F. ROBINSON ET AL, SE Richmond, 2°49° 143°28", I @, | F, 20 Oet, 3t7, V8 WA, (vii) 26 km SE Wyndham, 15°35" [28"6"°, 1 gd, 25 May, 441. F Notes: Cauvehr on gibber plain (i), flood plyins covered with tussock grassland, (il, Lil, vi, iv), grassy woodland (v} und closed tussock grass- land (vii) Reproduction: (j} Independent juvenile trapped, Ectoparasires: ti. iit, iv, v, vi) Laelaps paurtallt, (tv, v) Meselaetaps ausiraliensis, (i, tii, Vv, vi) Xenopsylla verabilis, 29. Ras |. leucopus, Mottle-tailed Cape York Kat Localities: Qld fi) 19 km SW Portland Roads, 12°43’ 143°17". 3 dL 39, 1-3 Nov, OM 2116, 323, 324, 326, 328. (ii) 20 km SW Portland Roads, [2°44° 143°16', 4 3, 4 2 31 Oct-4 Nov. QM 729, 2115, 2127, 236, 319-321. (iti) 24 km SW Portland Rouds, 12°47' 143°18", 1 G31 Oct, (iv) 26 km SW Portland Roads, 12°44" (43°14, 1d. 3t Oct, (¥) 27 km Portlund Roads, 12°49" 143°18", | dy 1 2 2 Noy. Notes: All focalities were closed forest. Reproduction; (li) Female with 5 embryos ip ulerus, independent juvenile trapped. Ectoparasites: (i, ii, iii, iv, Vv) Laelaps sp, 30. Rattus leucopus cookrownensis, Motile- tailed Cape York Rat Localities: Qld (7) 32 km S Cooktown, 15°45" 145°18', 2 th 4 & &7 Nov, OM 719, 329-332, 339, (fi) 17 km E Atherton, 17°15’ 145°38", 2, 29 Nov. Notes: Both localities were closed forest. Ectoparasites: (i) Laelaps sp, 31. Rattus ¢. tuanevi, Tunney’s Rat Localities: WA, (i) 165 km E Derby, 17°6° 125°10', 1 dy 2 9, 15-16 May, 431-433, (il) 165 km E Derby, 17°7' 125°10', 1 @, 17 May, 436. (iii) 174 km E Derby, 17°10 125°tH. Id 1 & 18 May, WAM M15303, M1IS5304, (iv) 246 km E Derby, 17°7', t25°43", 2 & 20 May, 438, $27. {v) 26 km E Wyndham, 15°35" 128°6, 2 oI 9 25 Muy, WAM M15308, 442, 526, NLT, (vi) Nourlangie Camp, 12°46' 132°40', 1 oy 1 % 2, 18-19 June, SAM M9912, M9Y9IE. (vii) 1 km & Nourlungic Camp, 12746" (32°40, 1 3, I) 18-19 June, 471. (vill) 7 Kr SE Nourlaungie Camp, 12°49° 132°42", 3 a. 13 June, SAM M8907, 467, 46%. (ix) & km S Nourlangie Camp, 12°49" 132°40", 1, 19 June. (x) 9 km S Notirlangie Camp, 12°50" 132°41', | do, 26, 1X-20 June, 529. (xi) 10 km S Nourlangieé Camp, 12°5t' 132°41', 10, 18-19 Tune. (xii) 14 km S Nourlangie Camp, 12°54" 132°39', 2 dy 9B, 5, 18-19 June, 474-476. Nutes: Caught in closed tussock grassland (i, ii, ii, iy. ¥), low woudland/closed tussock grass- land (lv), low closed forest (vi), low vrassy woodland (vit, vill, ix, xi, xiii), and low open grassy woodland (xii), Eetoparasites: (viii) Lavlaps mertalli, (ali) Afeso- laelaps australiensis, 32. Rats winneyt culmorum, Tynney'’s Rat Localities: Qld (i) 22 km SW Emerald, 23°41 148°4" 1d, 15 Dec, 363. (ii) SS km N Rock- hampton. 22°52" 150°415 1 oY S Jan. QM 2101. (ii) 58 km N Maryborough, 25°6" 152°33', 14 Tho,, QM 2098. Notes: Caught im closed grassland (i), low open forest (i) and grassy woodland (iii), 33. Rattus ratius, Black Rat Localities: Qld (7) 13 km N Laufa, 15°12" 144°25°, 2 gf, 28 Oct, QM 705, (il) 17 ke S Caims, 17°5' 145°47', 1G, 14 Nav, 360, (iid 4) km SE Cairns, 17° LS’ 145°546', 2d) LG, 16 Nov,, 351-353, tiv) |! km NE Atherton, 17°12" (45°39, 1 dy 1 2, 22 Nov, 340-341, tv) Maslin Creek, Atherton, 17°15) 145°20" - dL oY, 22-22 Nov, 339, 342. (vi) 3 km SE Atherton, (7°20° 45", 1 oy 1G, 27 Nov., 345, 346. {vii) 58 km N Maryborough, 25°6" 152°31' L 9, L4 Jan. QM 717. {Vib} Mogill Creek, Brishane, 27° 12° 1S2°56' | dg, 1 9, 27 Jan, 369, 370. N.S.W. (ix) SU km NE Newcastle, 32°39° 152°9', 4 @ 2 9, 3-4 Feb, AM MLO4LS-MLUAIB, 379, (x) 25 km NW Canberra, 95°O 148°S7' 1 a 1 G9 Feb, AM MIMI9, MI0420, W.4d_ (xi) 26 km NE Perth, 31°13" 116°9 Lod, 1 2, 4 April, WAM M1{S262, 412. (xii) 30 km NW Augusta, 34°4° ES°2") 1 a 6 May, 4)4, (xt) 18 km N Roe- fourne, 20°96" 17°10", 2 2 9 May, WAM M15263, M!5284, N.Y, (xiv) 114 km 8 Darwin, 13°20’ 130°44’, 1 dy 3 2, 24 Tune, SAM M¥903- M9906. Noies: Caught in grossy Open forest (i), riverine closed forest (i), Jow open grussy woodland (ii), mungroves adjacent to closed forest (iii), closed grassland (iv), edge of closed forest (vi), open forest tix), low open forest/closed heath (xii), rockpile and Whiimmock grassland (xiii) and river banks fy, a, si. xiv). Ectopurasites: {ix) Eaelaps assimilis, (iv) Lo muat- talli (xi) Eehinanyssus bulantanpnsis, Ornlthe- epssus bacati, (iv) Pygiepsylla ruinbewir t\. ssp, Oa) FY tenet Ov. ¥) Xenopsylla atstraliaca (IX, vi) A, Vexabilis, (y, xi) Lepiopsylli segely. 34, Hydromys chrysovasier, Water Rat Localities; Gi? (i) 63 km NW Cowen, 13°26" (42°56, | d, 29 Oct. OM #698, (i) 20 km SW Portland Ronds, 12°44° 143°16°, 2 9 31 Oct-2 Nov. (ili) 26 km S Portland Roads, 12°49" 143°IR, § 3, 2 Nov, tiv) 40 km SE Cairns, 17°15’ 45°56, 2 9 IS Nov, QOM697, iv) Atherton, 17°15" 145°29" 4 gd 1 9. 24 Nov, 343, 344, OM 699. (Vi) 29 km SE Innisfail, 17°46" MARSUPIALS AND RODENTS IN AUSTRALIA 65 146°7', 2 ¢, 2 9,4 Dec., 192, 193, 362. (vii) 61 km N Rockhampton, 22°51 80°40" 1 ¢f, 5 Jan., 365, (vii) 9 km SE Dunwich, Stradbroke Istand.. 27°32) 153°30', 1 oy 19 San, 194, WA. (ix) 26 km NE Perth, 31°13 116°91, 2 4,1 9, 4 Apr, 218, 219, 413, (x) 165 km E Derby, t oy i 2 16-17 May, ZLS. 220, Notes: All localities were at the water's edge: flowing fresh waler (ii, iii, iv. v, vil, vill, ix, x), stagnant (4) and saline (vi}- EBetoparasites: (ill, Vi) Laelaps wasselli, (V) Mexo- laclaps austruliensis, Pyglapsylla heplia, Neno- psylla vexuhilin. 35, Mesembriomys gouldli, Black-footed Tree- rat Loculities; Old (i) 28 km N Atherton, 17°2' 145°26, 1 9, 21 Nov,, 87. (i) 22 km WN Ather- ton, 17°7' 145°26', 1 2, 22 Nov., QM 700, NT, (iii) 7 km SE Nourlangie Camp, 12°49 132°42', 19, 13 Junc, 64, (iv) 12 km S Nourlangie Camp, 1 of, 18 June, 85. (v) 185 km BE Darwin, 12°41' 32°55", 1 9, 14 June, 86, (vi) 17 km B Darwin, 12°29" 130°S9', I, 17 Sune, 531, Notes: Localities i and vi were road kills, AU lavalities Were low open grassy woodland. Repeoduehon: (iii) 2 young born. 36, Conllurus penicillatus, Brush-tailed Tree- rat Localities: Nov’. (1) 7 ko SE Nourlangie Camp, 12°49" 132°42", 1), 13. June, 90, (ii) 9 km SE Nourlangie Camp, 12"50° (32°41", 1 4, 19 June, 88, (ii) 10 km S Nowslangie Camp, 12°51, 132"41°, 1, 20 Tyne, 89. Notes: Both Joculities were low grassy woodlund, Reproductions (i) 3 young born, 37, Notomys alexis, Spinitex Hopping-ouse Localities; Wa. (i) 14 km N Denham, 25°49' 113°32. 1 9 19 Apr, WAM M15290. Gil 14 km N Denham, 25°48 113731", 1 oy 1 &, 26-28 Apr., 166, 168. (iii) 160 km NE Carnarvan, | &, 13. 7 May, WAM M1529], Noies: Caught in open seruh (i) and in tall open shrubland (it), Bolh wreas were on red sand, Judging from tracks in Jocality (7) and from syput- lighting at locality (ii) N. alexis appeared to be common at both localities, 38, Zyzamvs areures, Common Rock-tat Localities: Gld (1) 22 km 8&8 Cooktown, 15°94" 145°13, 3 od, 4 Y& 7-9 Nev, OM 691, 2104, 95, 96, S34, WA. (ii) Forteseue River, 21° 18° Hle'th d a 4 9 8 tune, WAM MUtS272. 107- tid, (i) 165 km E Derby 17°6 125°10', 4 gy 5 “15-17 May, WAM MIS273-M1S286. (iv) 165 km E Derby, 17°7' (257°40', 3 &, & 2, 15-17 May, W1, 104, 705, 543-548. (Vv) West Bustian above Wyndham, 5°27° (28°27', | g, 1 9, 27 May, WAM 15287, 100, Nu. fvi) 346 km 3 Bar- win, 15°36 931°8', 19, 37 May, 9% (Yi) Nour- langie Rock, 230 km EF Darwin, 12°81) 132°47%, ig. Lb 2. 13 June, 97, 98. Notes: The habitat of 4. areurusy canvol be des- cribed by Specht's classification. ‘This animal occasionally occurs on rocky slopes covered with sparse Vegetation as in locality (iv) but more often in rock piles devoid of vegetation (i, ii, iii and v), Reproduction: (i) Copulation plug present, (v1) embryos in uterus. Ectoparasites: (|, U, ith, iv) Leelaps pammorplus, (i) Echidnephaga myrmecobi, 39. Zyzemys woodwardi, Large Rock-rat Localities: N.7. (i) Nourlangie Rock, 230 km E Darwin, 12°51" 132°47°, 3 dl 2 9, 2, 13 and 18 June, SAM M9899, 113-115. (ii) Cannon Hill 225 km E Darwin, 12°23’ 132°56', 4 2, 21 June, 116~118, 549. Notes; Both localities are outlying scarps of the Acnhem Land Escarpment. Betoparasites: (i) Laelapy pammearphus. 40, Mastacomys fuscus, Broad-toothed rat Loealiry: N.S.’ (i) Kosciusko Natl Pk, 36°23' 148°28', 49, 10-1! Feb, SAM M9897, AM M10431, M1432, 77, Notes: This locality ts a closed herbficid. Reproduction: (i) 1 young born, Ectoporasites: (i) Laelaps cyhbiala, Macropsyila hercules, Pyviopsylla heplia. 41, Psetidomys delicatulus, Litthe Native-mouse Localities: Old (1) 22 km SW Emerald, 23°41" I48°4°, 2 oy 15 Dec, QM 2133, 14. WA, Cit) 189 km 8 Broome, 19°U" 121°145 1 9, 11 May, 59, N.T. (iii) 185 km E Darwin, '2°4l° 132°55', 19, 15 June, SAM M5898. Notes: Cuught in low woodland (1) tall open shrubland/hummock grassland (ii) and low open Woodland. Reproduction; (iii) 3 young born; 42. Pseudaniys novaehollandiae, New Holland Mouse Localities: N.S. (i) 30 km NE Newcastle, 32°3" 192"0", 2 d 4-9 Feb,, AM M10433. Vie. (ii) 38 km E Sale, 38°h" 147°31° | 3, 23 Feb, 550. Notes: Caught in closed scrub (i) and low open woodlind/open heath (ily, Reproduction: (i) 5 embryos in ulerus, 43, Pseudamys albocineteus, Ashy-grey Mouse Localities: Widy (i) 22 km NE Jurien, 31°8° tis’9", 2 df, 2 Y 12-1] Apr, WAM M15295, 25-27. (ii) Bernier Island, 24°56° 113°9', 2 ¥, 21-22 Apr., 28, 29, 66 1. F, ROBINSON EP AL. Notes; Caught in closed heath (i) and low shrubland on coastal dunes (li), Reproduction; (ii) 4 young born. Ectopuarisites: (i) Laelapy sp. 44, Preudomys occidentalis, Western Mouse Localities: WA. (1) 17 km NE Bendering, 32°22" 1/8°28', 3 2 2 @ 3, 30-31 Mun, and 1 Apr. WAM, M15294, M15305, 551, 552. (ii) L7 km NE Bemilering, 32°21" 118°28', | dy 1 Apr, 553, Notes: Canght in areas of tall shrubland, Ecloparasites: (i, ti) Lrelups ap, tl) Srephane- clrcws Th, Sp. 45. Psendomys pracconls, Shark Bay Mouse Localities; Wo. G) Bermmier Id, 24°56" 113°9", to. 2t Apr. WAM MIS5305, (il) Bernier Id, 24°58’ LIZ°R, Wd, 1 F, 21-23 Apr., WAM Mi5306, 19, 554-556, Notes: Cuught in Juw shrubland (<1) and tussock grassland (ii) (Robinson er al, 97h), Ectoparasites: (ii) Laclaps sp. (¥) Xenapsylla vexabilis. 46, Psevdomys shortridgei, Shortridge’s Native-mouse Localities: Vie. (i) 42 km NE Hamilion, 37°31* 142°25°, 1 9, 4 Mar., 466, (il) 52 km NE Haril- tun, 37°27" 142°28', 1 9, 7 Mar. 18. Notes: Caught in areas of closed heath, 47, Pseudomys gracilicduddtus, Eastern Chest- nut Native-mouse Localities: Gla (i) 8 km SW ‘Townsville, 19°20° l46°4 2 9, 8 Dec., OM 703, Gi) 26 km NE Rockhampton, 23°19" 150°45", 2 of, 17-21 Dee., QM 727. Gili) 9 km NE Rockhampton, 23°20° 50°35, | 9, 8 Jan,, QM 2120, (iv) 98 km NW Bundahere, 24°31" 151°28, 1 9 10 Jan, OM 211Y, Notes: Caught in open grassy woodland (1), low grassy WOodlabd (ii and iil) and low open forest (iv). Ectoparasiles: (iv) Laelups actla, L. nuiltalli- 48. Pseudoniys nanus, Western Chestnut Nalive-mouse Localities; Woda, fi) 165 km E Derby, 17°" 125"10, 4 f 2 9, 1, 18-17 May, WAM M15297, M15300, M[5301, 435, 957-559. (ii) 248 km E BDerhy, (7°7' 125°43", 2 & 1 2, 21 May. WAM MIS3U2, 439-440), (Ui) IB km NE Kimberley Research Station, 15°33" JIR"6', | 2, TB May, 444, N.7T. fiv) 346 km § Darwin, 18°34 13177", 19. 1 June, 445, (v) 7 kay SE Nourlangie Camp, 12°49" 132°42", | 9, 13 June, 258. (vi) i4 km S Nourlangie Camp, 12°54 132°38', 1 9, 18 June, 473, (il) 1 km S Nourlangie Camp, 12°51 132°41', 1 G 20 June, 478. Notes: Cyught in closed lussock vrassland (ft i and lV), Open Woodland /closed tussock grassland (i and it) add low grassy woodland (v, vi and vil), Reproduction: (i, iii) Independent trapped, (iv, vi) 3 young born. Fctoparasiles: (i, ji, iii, iv, v, vi) Laelaps «ella, juveniles 49, Mus muaseulus, House-mouse Localities: Qld (1) 32 km W Windorah, 25°20° 142°18', 1, 16 Oct. (it) 2 km NE Mt Isa, 1, 19 Oct, (iii) 25 km N Atherton, 17°39" 145°26°, 10, 2t Nov. (iv) I! km NE Atherton, 17°12’ 145°33', 2, 21 Nov, (v) 22 km SW Emerald, 23°4l° 148°4" 7, 14 Dec. (vi) Nogoa River, Emerald. 23°32° 148" 10°, §, 15 Dec. (viib 26 km WE Rockhampton, 23°19 [50°45 % 19 Dee (viii) 58 km N Maryborough, 25°6' 152°33', 7% [4 Jan, N.S.W. (ix) 20 km SW Port Macquarie, 31°37" 152°50", 2, 2 Reb. (x) 50 km NE New- castle, 32°39° 152°9°, 2, 4 Feb. AM M10421, (ai) 20 km NE Mallacoota, 37°27) 149°57', 1, 17 Feb. Wic, (xil) 38 km E Sale, 38°6' 147°31', 15, 23-24 Peb, WA. (xiii) 17 km NE Bendering, 32°22" | 18°28", 22, 30 Mar—t Apr. (xiv) 32 km S Hyden, 32°49° 119°, 7-10 Apr. (xv) 22 km NE Jurien, 30°8’ 115°9', 9, 12 Apr, (xvi) [8 km N Roebourne, 20°37’ 117°L1', 2, 9 May. Notes: Mf. pusenlus was both widespread and common. It was caught in tussock grassland (1), coastal dunes (xii), grassy woodland (ii and viii), closed grassland (iii, iv, v and vi), low grassy woodland (vii), closed serub (ix), open forest (x), Woodlund/closed heath (xi), closed heath (ei) and (all serubland (xii and xiti), 50. Vromys canudtrecularus, Giant White- tailed Rat Localities: Qld (i) 23 km SW Portland Roads, (2°44 143°14, 1 a, 31 Oct. 184. (ii) 19 km SW Portland Roads, 12743" (43°17, | @, 1 2 2 Noy., 182, 183. (id) 32 kay S Cooktown, 15°45° 45°18 3 Sl, 7-9 Nov, fiv) 22 km S Cook- town, 15°39" 145°13*, 1 a. 39, 5. 7-9 Nov. OM 696, (Vv) 22 km S Cooktown, 15°39" 145°14°. 1, S Nov, (vi) 420 km SE Caivns, 17° 1S 1485°S6', | fo. 1 4, 15-16 Nov., QM 2095, 191, (vii) 19 kin SE Atherton, 17°25' 145°31', 6d, 1 9, 25 Nov, OM 2096, TRX, 190 (vil) 3 km SE Atherton, 17°20° (45°20, 1, 27 Nov. (ix) 14 km FE Atherton, 17°15) 1745°97*, 1 2, 28 Nov, Notes: All localities were in closed forest except lecaliry (ivy where it was canght among boulder heups close to patches ot closed forest, Reproduction: (ii) | youn barn. Ectoparasites, (ii, vi, vit) Laelaps sourheatt, tii) Odantacerus sp, (WO) Pygiopsvila heplia, $1, Meloniys cervinipes, Fawn-footed Melomys Localities: Qld Ci} 26 km SW Portlind Roads, 12°44 1439714) 2, 30 Det, (i) 32 km S$ Cook- town, 19°45 148°19 3 43 9, 7-9 Nov. iii) MARSUPIALS AND RODENTS IN AUSTRALIA 6? 4() ket SE Cairns, 17°1S' 145756 3 F. 15-16 Noy, (iv) 41 km SE Cairns, 17°15" 145556" 1 2, 15 Noy. tv) 19 km SE Atherton, 17°25" 45°31’, 1 9 25 Nov, (vi) 3 km SE Atherton, 17°20 14s°an, 1, 27 Nov. (vi) T2 km 8S Atherion, 16"28" 145°59, |, 1 Dec. (viii) 61 km N Rock- hampton, 22°5)° 150°40°, 1 9. 5 Jan. fix) 98 km NW Rundberg, 24°32" 181°28", 12, |2 Fan. (x) 38 km E Kingaroy, 26°39" 152°13, 1, 16 Jan, Notes: All localities were closed forest, Ectoparasites: (ii, iii) Laelaps mutralli, (ii, iti, iv, Vv, vil, Gn) DL. rothsehildi, (vj Acarnthopsylla incerta, (ix) A. pavida 52, Melomys littoralix, Grassland Melomys Localines: @ld (i) 20 km SW Portland Roads, 12°44 143°16', 1 3, 1 Nov, (ii) 19 km SW Portland Roads, 12°43° 143°17', | 9, 1 Nov. (ii) 21 km SW Portland Roads, 12°44° 143° 16, 2 8, | Nov, (iv) 23 km S Portland Roads, 12°47' 143°18", 3 gd. 4 9, 23 Nov., QM 722. (y) 37 kn S Cooktown, 15°48" 145°1S*, 1 ot, 19, 2 Nov, (vi) 22 km S Cooktown, 15°39" 145° 13,3 J, 1 @, 7-8 Noy. (vii) 17 kin S Cairns, 17°5° 145°47", 3 5,3 7, 14 Nov, (viii) 25 km WN Atherton, ¢7°3’ t45°26,, t oy - 3, 21 Nov, (ix) 11 km NE Atherton, 17°12" 145°33° I dy 19. 22 Nov, (x) 22 km S@ Atherton, 17°22° 145°33', 4 J, 49, 29 Nov. (x1) 29 km SE Tanisfail, 17°46 146°7, 1 4 3 Dee. Gai) 6L km N Rockhampton, 22°52' Psn'4p’, 2, 5 Jan. (xiii) 58 kin N Rockhampton, 22°52" 150741, 1 ot, 1 9, 5 Jan. (xiv) 58 km N Maryborough, 25°8 152°32', 1 9, 14 Jan, (xv) 9 km SE Dunwich, North Stradbroke Ts., 27°32° L53°30', 3 A 19-20 Jan. NLT. (xvid Nourlangie Camp (205 km E Darwin), (246° 132°40', 1 2, 19 June, fxvii) 5 Km NE Darwin, 12°22° AU S6 Fy 11 dune, Notes: Muhbitats were closed forest (xvi), open forest (xi, xii), low open forest/grassy woodland G, ai, i, iv, sil, xiv), low grassy woodlund (y, vi), low open grassy woodland (vii), closed grass- Jufid (vint, WV), Closed sedyeland f%, xv, xviid Ectoparasites: (vi, xvii) Leelaps nuttallr, Gi, iii, iv, v, vi, vii. viii, ix, xi, xiii, xiv, XV, xvii) Z, rothsehildl, (ix, xv) Mesolaclaps australferists, (vil, 1X, x, IV, XV) Pugiepsylla leptin, Ge) &. sp., Acarnthopsylla incerta, A. pavida, Xenopsylla «anus- traliaca, (ty ix) X. vexabilis. 53. Melomys spp Localities: Qld (i) 62 kim NW Caen, 13°27’ 142°57', 1 9, 29 Oct. QM 70%. (ii) 19 km SE Atherfon, L7°25° 145°31, 1, 25 Noy., QM 721, Notes: Habitats were riverine closed forest (1) and closes! tovest (i). Ectopamuites: (i) Laclaps rethschitdi, Gi) Pygice pala sithatd, Acanthapsyta iecerta, A, pavida, Nenopsylla australiaea. Discussion The results contain some significant distri- bution tecords. The Plague Rut Rettys villosissintur col- lected 26 km SE of Wyndham is the second and most northerly record from Western Aus- tralia (Calaby 1974), The Common Rock-rat Zyzomys areurus, @ Telatively common species in suitable habitat in northern Australia, was collected 22 km S$ of Cooktown, which is the fourth and most northerly record from Queensland (Tate 1952; Gordon & Johnson 1973). The Little Nalive-mouse, Pxeudonrys deli- cati/as, collected 189 km S$ of Broome, is onc of the most southerly records for this species in Western Australia (Bannister 1969). The record from Emerald, Queensland is further intand than previous published records (Cova- cevich & Easton 1974), The Eastern Chestnut Native-mouse, Pyen- domys gravilicaudalus, has recently “re- appeared” near Townsville (Horsboom 1975). Emerald (Taylor & Horner (1973) misidenti- fied as P, australis ct, Mahoney & Posamenticr (1975)) and north coastal N.8.W_ (Mahoney & Posamentier 1975). Our data add three more localities in coastal Queensland. This widely distributed species appears to occur at a uni- formly low population density, and consider- able trapping effort has usually been expended in its Capture (Mahoney & Posamentier 1975), For comparison the trapping e(fart to capture this species in the present study was} locality (1) 60 trap nights, locality (ii) 330 trap nights, locality (ili) 60 trap nights and locality (iv) 219 trap nights. Tt is, however, necessary to take into account seasonal variations in popu- lation density and this ig clearly not possible in a study such as this, As an example, Tun- ney’s Rat Ratrus tanneyi culmorum proved to be extremely difticult to capture, an experience also recorded by Taylor & Horner (1973). One specimen was trapped at each of three Jocalities in coastal Queensland but many other localities were trapped in the hope of capturing this rodent. One of these was Archooceora State Forest, a Huop Pine plan- tation im Southern Queensland where at certain limes of ihe year ALt culimorum is abundant and causes extensive damage to the Hoop Pine Toot systems (Taylor & Harner 1973). Although numerous signs of this species were seen in the area ne rats were captured. TWo rmfajor generalisations regarding the Australian rodent fauna can be made as a 68 J. PF. ROBINSON FT AL, TABLE 1 Trapping success for all species, tneluding Introduced species, in the major habitat types sampled in eastern, wesrerte and narthern Australia Number Total Number Trapping of trap of SUCCESS Tabitat localities nights captures (%) Closed forest 7 980 oY Wl ‘Tall open forest 2 138 55 39 Open forest 9 815 38 Wd Woodland 17 20h 1a OU Shrubland 6 765 83 10.8 Heath 1 Lo70 mm 10.5 Tussock ufassland Ww 13 64 8.9 Sedgeland 4 520 46 RR Rockpiles 9 R50 45 1.6 result of this study covering a large proportion of the habitat types over a wide area of Aus- tralia: (1) The trapping success in this study (8.3%) supports Watts’ (1974) comment that population densities of Australian rodents are low in comparison with equivalent habitats in the Northern Hemisphere. The highest trap- ping success achieved was 55% in the Otwuy Ranges, Victoria. Table | provides a broad outline of the variation in trapping success in the major habitat types sampled. The two areas of tall open forest sampled proved to support a substantially higher density of small mammals than any of the other habitats. This trend ig supported by trapping experience (A. C. Robinson unpublished data) in other areas of this habitat in Victoria. (2) Australian small mammal faunas are characterised by the low number of species that occur sympatrically, In this stady sympat- ric occurrence Was defined as occurrence on the same 200 m trapline, bearing in mind that attempts were made to keep each trapline in a single major habitat, Of thirty-nine instances of sympatry noted the largest number of species occurring to pether was four (Table 2), Most cases involve species occupying obviously different eco- logical niches by virtue of such factors us: (a) size differences, eg. Rartus leucopus, Urontys caudimacularus, (b) above ground nests compared with burrows, c.g. Melomys linorally, R. sordidus, (¢) insectivorous mar- supials compared with omnivorous rodents, Le. Antechinus stuartii, R. fuscipes, (d) intro- duced species with native species, eg. Mix musculus, Pseudamys accidentalis, Only three cases Which may indicate soine degree of com TABLE 2 Sitall nianimal species occurring together in the same 200 nt trapline. Most abundant species shown first: locality number refers ta thiy species in the body vf the paper Lueality Zev) ‘Sympatrie specics Ratius villosissinus, Mus musculus 29(i) R. leucopus, Urowys caudimaculatus 26(0\) R_ yardiduy, Melomys litferalis, Sminthopsis rufigenis AR(i) Zycomys argurus, U. caudimaculaus, M- cervinipes 26(iv) RR. serdidus, M, littaralis, R. ratty 330) At, eervinipes, U. candimaculatus, R. rartur 24i1) RL fuseipes, M. cervinipes 26(vi) RR. sordidus, R, rarnes, Muy trusculius SUV) AM. cervinipes, U. caudimaculatis 24(1) RK. fuscipes, Uy caudimeculatus 26(v) = -R. sandidus, M. littoralix Viv) Jseaden macrourus, Pseudomys pracili candatus 324i) R, tunneyi, Mus musculus 32¢1) Mis musculus, P. delicatilis 320i) RR. tunneyi, M. litteralis ATi) PP, owracilicunedatus, M. litteralis 12(4) Perameley nayuta, My cervintipes (t(vi) Ll. maerourtis, M. littoralis, R, retinas 250) = -R, lutreolus, Antechinus stuartii, J. HAC FONTIUR 33(ix) RR. raties, P. novaehollandiae RUN) OR. ratius, Re fuscipes 2iv) RK. Jaseipes, A, swainsorii, Mastacomys Jusenys 2iv) RR. Juscipes, A, swainsunit, A, stuart Divi) Ry fuseipes, AL stiartii, Mas miuseulus 23x) ORK, fuscipes, A. stuart, A, swarinsonti, Poiorous tridactylus 49(xi1) Me mtseulis, BL novaehollandiae Zvi) Ry liirealius, A. stiartii, 1. obesnlus Jax) OR, fitveipes, A, wtartii, A. swainsonii Diasili) KR. fuseipes, A wtuaridi, A, swainsenti WO(vili) 4. titer, Ry Intreolus, A, swainsonit 24(x) KR. ltarreolus, I. sharcridget 49( sil) Mus onisentias, Py aeeidentalis a5(i) Pr. pracconis, 2. -albecinereus, Perameler boaucainville qa RR. tteneyi, Po narrits' Aiv) Ry, tenneyi, Po mans Sid) OR. tunnent, R. villosissinrus 27) OR, eallenti, M. littaralis B1(si1) Ro tanent, My littoralis W(v) AL belins, 1. macrourus, Dasyurus hallneatas petition between species Were noted. (a) In locality 26(iv) [7 km S of Cairns, Qld, R, rettus and R. serdidus occurred together. This was an area of disturbed open woodlaund ad- MARSUPIALS AND RODENTS IN AUSTRALIA 69 jacent to cane fields arid tay bave represented an unstable situation. (b) In locality 33(ix) 40) knit N of Newcastle, N.S.W., R. ratte and R. fuselpes occurred toyether. Again this was an drea of open forest adjacent to heathlands regenerating from sand mining and may have been an Unstable situation. (¢) In locality 31(v) 26 km FE of Wyndham, W,A., R, tin nevi and R_ villesissimus occurred together, This Was the edge of a flood plain supporting a closed tussock grassland adjacent to an open grassy woodland and may have been part of wn ecotone. Some previously unknown forms of ecto- parasites were collected and some consuler- thle range extensions were recorded. ‘The fleas included a new Stephanecireus from PL oeei- dentalis, \\ new Pygiapsyla tram Rf. assimili¢ and i new subspecies of Pygiopsylla ratnhowil from R. ruttuy and Ry serdidus, The mites in- cluded a new Luelups from P. eceidentalix, a new Luelaps from P. praceonis ind possibly also P. albacinerens. Acknowledgments We wish lo dhawk the South Australian Nahonal Parks and Wildlife Service, the Western Australian Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, the Northern Teritory Adminis- tration, the Fauna Board of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries, the Queens- land Forestry Department, the New South Wules National Parks & Wildlife Service and the Victorian Department of Fisheries & Wildlife for providing the various permits required and for greatly facilitating ihe work in other ways, We would particularly like to thank the Western Australian Wildlife Author- ity for permission to Irap on Bernier Island. Ectoparasites were kindly identified by: Prof, R, Traub, University of Maryland (fleas); Dr R. Domrow, Queensland Institute of Medical Research (mites); and Dr D, Kemp, C.3.1.R.0, Division of Animal Health (ticks)- Particular thanks go to the numerous people throughout Australia without whose help this irip would not have been possible. In Queens- land—B. Allen, R. Allison, J. Barrett, A. Borsboom, J. Boyrke, P. Brownell, M. Cassells, J, Covacevich, G. Gordon, G. Ingram, P. Johnson, P. Krauss, C. Limpus, D, Morris, D. Matthews, I. Pack, J. Roberts, K. Sparks, F, Stecne, B, Voerman, J. Winter and M. Weaver; in New South Wales—A, Fox, A, Jelinek, D, Lunney and C. Jidemane, io Western Australia—G, Fuulkner, D, King, J. Rocchi, L. Sylvester and §. Whitchouse; in Northern Territory—R. Begg, D, Lindner, P. Latz, G. Miles, D, Morgan, M, Parker and F, Whorle. The study Was. finaheed by a grant from the Australian Biological Resources Survey Intennm Council. Refereuces Bannwisrern, J. (1969) A list of the species of Manimals collected by W. H. Botler for the Archbold Collections of the Armericut Museum of Natural History and for the Western Ausiralian Museum 1963-1966. FR. Aust, Mas, Anak, Rep. 1966-67, 61-76, Bavenstimek, P. RB, Warns, C. H. S, & Hooant, 1_T (1975) Karyoty pic data and the specific stutus and taxenoeic atfnities of Raters vil lesissiniwy ancl Ry sordidus. Aust, J. Zoel, 23, 293-294, Raviisirock, PR. Watts, C. H, 5S, & Hocarn, J. T, (1976) Heterochromatin variation in the Australia vadent Uremys caudtmacn- latex. Chromosoma (Berl) 57, 397-405, Baversrock, P, Ky Warns, ¢. A. S. & Hoosrriy J.T. (19778) ra Jwomosome evolution in Aus- tralian rodents, I. The Pseudomyinae. the Hydromyinge and the L/retiye/Mielaniys Eioup. Chrapiosoma (Berl, 61, 95-125. Bavinsiock, P, KR, Warrs, ©, H, S. & Hiwiseri. 1, To Rattinsoan. AL co '& Ropnson, fF (1977b) Chromosome evolulion im Austr lian rodents. I ‘The Ratey group. Chromo soma (Berl) 63, 227-241 Bavirsrock, P, R., Wares, C. H. S. & Hocarri, ‘7, (1977¢) Polymorphisms of the X- chromosome, Y-chromosome and aulosomes in the Australian Hopping Mice, Natomys alexis, No cervinys and N. fusews (Rodentia, Muridae). Chromosoma (Berl) 61, 243-256, Borssoom, A. ©, (1975) Preudomys sracilicauda- tas (Gould): Runge extension and notes on a lijtlc-knows Australian murid rodent. Anst, Wildl. Ker 2 BL-84. Carany, J, He (1966) Mammals of the eed r Kichmond and Clarence Rivers, SW. CIS TR: Divn Wildl, Res, Teeh, Pap (ioy. a4 Cacany. JS. Ho (1974) Rattas villosisximus (Waite): A new mammal record for Western Australiu. Rec. W. dust. Mus. 3, 1. Cataey, J. H, & Kerrn, K. (1974) Fauna survey of the Port Essington District, Cobourg Peninsula. Northern ‘Territory of Australia, VIL Mammals. ©.S418.0. Bin. Wildl. Res. Tech. Pap. (28), Fa.208 Cavacimien, J. & Easron. A (107%)) “Rats and Mice in Queensland” (Queensland Museum: Brisburie), 70 J. F. ROBINSON ET AL. Fincayson, H. H. (1961) On central Australian mammals, 1Y. The distribution and status of central Australian species. Rec, S. Aust. Mus. 14, 141-191. GLAveRT, L, (1933) The distribution of marsu- pials in Western Australia. J. R. Soc. W. Aust. 19, 17-32. Gorpon, G. & JoHNnson, P. M. (1973) Rock rat in north Queensland. Qld Agric. J. 99, 2-3. Harrison, J. L. (1961)Mammals of Innisfail. 1. Species and distribution. Aust. J. Zool. 10, 45-83. Jounson, D. H. (1964) Mammals of the Arnhem Land expedition. Jn R. L. Specht (Ed.) “Records of the Australian-American Expedi- tion to Arnhem Land”. Vol, 4, pp. 427-515 (Melbourne Univ. Press: Melbourne). Manoney, J. A. & PosaMENTIER, H, (1975) The occurrence of the native rodent Pseudomys gracilicaudatus (Gould 1845) (Rodentia: Muridae), in New South Wales. Aust. Mam- mal. 1, 333-346. Marrow, B, J. (1958) A survey of the mar- supials of New South Wales. C.S.LR.O- Wildl. Res. 3, 71-114. ParKeER, S. A. (1973) An annotated checklist of the native land mammals of the Northern Territory. Rec, S. Aust. Mus, 16, 1-57. Rie, W. D. L. (1970) “A guide to the native mammals of Australia” (Oxford Univ. Press: London). Rosinson, A. C., Roprnson, J. F. & Watts, Cc. H. S. (1976) The Shark Bay Mouse Pseudamys praeconis and other mammals on Bernier Island, Western Australia. West. Aust. Nat, 13, 149-155. Specut, R. L, (1970) Vegetation. In G. W. Leeper (Ed.) “The Australian Environment” (C.S.I.R.O.: Melbourne). Sprecut, R. L., Roz, E. M. & BroucHTon, V. H. (1974) Conservation of major plant com- munities in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Aust. J. Bot. Suppl. Ser. No. 7, 1-647. Tate, G. H, H. (1952) Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 66. Mammals of Cape York Peninsula, with notes on the occurrences of rain forest in Queensland. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat, Hist. 98, 563-616. Taytor, J, M, & Horner, B. E. (1973) Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 98. Sys- tematics of Native Australian Rattus (Ro- dentia, Muridae). Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 150, 1-130. Watts, C. H. S. (1974) The native rodents of Australia: a personal view. Aust. Mammal, 1, 109-116, Watts, C, H. 8, (1977) The foods eaten by some Australian rodents (Muridae). Aust. Wildl. Rey. 4, 151-157. Woop-Jones, F. (1923) “The Mammals of South Australia” (Govt Printer: Adelaide). STRUCTURE OF THE WILLOCHRAN BASIN, SOUTHERN FLINDERS RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY B. E. MILTON & C. R. TWIDALE Summary Interpretation of seismic refraction data obtained on four east-west lines across the Willochra Basin suggests that the structure is bounded on its eastern and western margins by north-south trending faults which delineate a long narrow downfaulted zone. Thus as O’Driscoll (1956) suggested the Willochra Basin is occupied by a graben or rift valley, developed in the crest of a major anticline. Two types of Precambrian basement rock can be identified beneath the Cainozoic basin deposits which have a maximum thickness of some 250 m. STRUCTURE OF THE WILLOCHRA BASIN, SOUTHERN FLINDERS RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by B. E. Mizton* and C. R. TwipALet Summary Miiron, B. B. & Twroace, C. R- (1978) Structure of the Willochra Basin, southern Flinders Ratiges, South Australia, Vrans. R. Soe. 8. Aust. 102(3), 71-77, 31 May, 1978. Interpretation of seismic refraction data obtained on four east-west lines across the Willochra Basin suggests that the structure is bounded on its eastern and Western margins by north-south trending faulls which delineate a long narrow downfaulted zone. Thus as O'Driscoll (1956) suggested the Willochra Basin is occupied by a grahen or rift valley, developed in the crest of i major anticline. Two types of Precambrian basement rock can be identified beneath the Cuinozoic basin deposits which have a maximum thickness of some 250 m. Tatroduction The Willochra Basin (Fig. 1) is an inter- montane basin eroded in folded Proterozoic Adelaide System strata and partially filled with Cainozoic lacustrine and alluvial sediments, Occupied by the Willochra plains and drained by the intermittently flowing Willochra Creek and its several tributaries, the basin surface stands about 335 m above sea level in the south and gently slopes down to about 200 m eleva- tion at its northern extremity. The flat aggradational plains are underlain by up to 170 m of unconsolidated fat-lying sediments in the northern half of the Basin and by up to 250 m in the south. They rest unconformably on a broad, gently sloping and only slightly irregular surface eroded in the Proterozoic sediments, In the south Quaternary alluvium fests directly on the Adelaidean rocks, bul in the north Up to 15 m of Eocene lake beds intervene. The latter are fine-grained in the basin proper and im marginal exposures near Simmonston (Miles 1956), but consist of quartzite and conglomerate in the lower Mount Arden Creek Valley and in the valleys of the Kanyaka and Wirreanda creeks (Shepherd & Thatcher 1959; Webb & Von der Borch 1962; Twidale 1966; Binks 1971). These Caihozoic sediments are essentially restricted to am elongate, natrow, north-south depression exlending from the vicinity of Mel- rose as fur horth as Gordon, There is con- siderable overlap of the Quaternary alluvia which extend up major valleys, but the thicker sequences are apparently confined to a long, harrow trough. The nature of the deeper basi or trough has been the subject of mild controversy for some years. O'Driscoll (1956, p. 11) specu- luted that the Basin occupies a graben, He delineated a fault in the eastern side of the Basin but to the west the only faulting he could cite In support of his contention is located in the ranges well away from the area under dis- cussion. More recent and conservative opinion has been that the topographic basin occupies a denuded anticline characterised by relief inversion (Shepherd & Thatcher 1959, p. 14; Twidale 1966, p. 8). However, during the course of geophysical traverses undertaken in connection with pedi- ment studies and designed to determine the shape of the pre-Cainozoic surface, that is, the surface cut in the folded Adelaide System strata where it plunges beneath the basin sediments, evidence has come to light which though it still docs not incontrovertibly prove, nevertheless strongly suggests, that O'Driscoll’s intuitive guess was correct and that the Willochra Basin indeed occupies a north-south irending graben. * Department of Mines and Energy, P.O. Box 151, Eastwood, S.A, 5063. } Department of Geography, University of Adelaide, 72 B, E. MILTON & C. R. TWIDALE TABLE 1 Velocity analysis WI75A SP 100—113 13 523] m/s 225 SP 114—130 | SP 131-133 13 4545 283 WI75C SP 10—16 3 5003 167 < O 7 <= = < rT) a aa] BASIN MARGIN WI76A SP 15—22 | SP 23—53 5 18 4776 5203 297 352 No. observations (n) Drn D.E. Geophysical Operations Seismic Recording Procedures The location of seismic traverses along which refraction data were obtained is shown in Fig. 1. Profiles WI75A, B and C were shot in 1975; WI76A in 1976. Detector intervals were 61 m or 30.5 m, with continuous coverage except on line WI75B. Detectors were laid in-line with the energy source, the location of which relative to the detector array was Average velocity (V) SP 55—80 21 4735 171 SP 81—100 Standard deviation (s) S—13198 S.A. Dept. of Mines and Energy designed to record the basement refractor, Information on near surface material was obtained from refraction spreads with a detec- tor interval of 9 m and shot every 1460 m. Seismic Computing Information extracted from the seismic data measures depth relative to mean sea level to a refracting horizon and velocity along the interface, “Time-distance’ curves are con- structed by plotting arrival times at individual PORT AUGUSTA Fig. STRUCTURE OF THE WILLOCHRA BASIN 73 PARACHILNA L Torrens WILLOCHRA BASIN PY AUGUSTA\W WILMINGTON AE TERBOROUGH ADELAIDE & Diapiric breceja. a! Stratigraphic welts. Seismic line. Line of demarcation of basement velocities. —— Basin margin. a\ \ i REMARK ABLE a | \ ~ | Vy) -——-~ Modified basin, Faults, _-ap— Gravity contours =“ (milligalls) Okm 5 10 15 20 25 [a re an er YS, \ \\ w\ 1 | \ yy) \ oRROROO / 1. Bouguer gravity anomalies and structure of the Willochra Basin, with locality map inset. 74 B, E. MILTON & C. R, TWIDALE detectors against their distance from an energy source. If the assumption is valid that the velocities Within seismic strata are constant, the plotted points fall on straight line segments, Depths to refraction horizons below detector locations, other than the near surface seismic events, were computed using a method des- cribed by Hawkins (1961), Velocities were obtained by measuring the inverse of the slape of the straight line segments. Velocities from observed data in this project have, except for shallow horizons for which reciprocal information is not available, been computed using the “method of differences’. Provided the dip component of the refracting horizon along the seismic line does not change, the value so determined should contain a small error term only, Depth calculations using Hawkins’ method involve velocity and time terms, hence are sub- ject to greater errors than velocities, For example, if basement Velocity values have an error of = 5% and refraction times + .002 second, depth computations relative to datum could be in error by between 7% and 8%. It is considered that this error value applies approximately to depth calculations of the bedrock refractor in the Willochra Basin. Velocity Analysis Velocities computed for the bedrock horizon along the seismic traverses appear to fall into regular groupings, as shown in Table |, Bedrock velocities from spread WI75B are based on a very limited number of observations. They average about 5200 m/s and fit into the second column on Table |, ‘The basin appears to be bounded by faulting on the eastern and western margins, but it is also upparent thar a chunge in bedrock velocity occurs near the centre of the basin on line WI7SA atid fear the easter margin of the basin on WI76A, The significance of the change is discussed in a later section, The jear-surface material withii the basin has a range of velocities from 300 to 800 m/s and a thickness of about 2 to 3 m. This layer has been omilled from the cross sections to avoid confusion. A possible water table velocily of around 1500 m/s has been recorded at some locations, e.g. wear the western end of line WIT75A, It also occurs crratically on line 76A, bul has not been plotted because of its shallow depth of about 7 to 9 m below ground surface. Below these events lies a refractor with the following, velocity characteristics: TABLE 2 Clay hartum velocines n V s WITS5A: SP 101-130 «26 «61913 m/s 153 W175C; 1b 16 5 2886 352 WLIGA: 23-60 438 1890 45 WLISB: 103-114 2 T1968 | 71 «1922 m/s 143 Captions 48.14 Table [, This horizon has a depth ranging from about 6 to nearly 20 m and probably correlates with the upper surface of a mottled cluy series, dated as Recent or late Pleistocene. The fairly wide variation of velocities could result from varying percentages of sand, calcite, ete., although lack of reciprocal refraction coverage in many instances reduces the precision of velocity measurements. Intermediate velocities. between the clay honzon and basement can he seen on the WI75B and WI76A sections. Average valyes of these und bedrock velocities, the latter divided jmto eastern and Western groupings, are: TABLE 2 Sasementand intermediate herizon veloeltics Basement, easiern mm mr ne 34 V = 4681 m/s s = 743 & = 25 g/ems Basement, western i i= 44 Vo = 5196 s = 296 Fe 2.6 g/ems Intermediate | 7 os n= 5 V = 359% § = 222 Intermediate IT n= 2) v — 29! s = 268 Abbrevianons os im Table 1, Equivalent specific gravity values have been computed from velocities using graphical relationship between density und velocity (Drake in Grant & West 1965, p, 200) for use in jnterpreting gravity patterns. The curve does not give reliable values of density for the Adelaide System rocks, but as density “ontrarty were used to calculate comparative gravity values, i wos considered that these would be rensonable, Gravity Dala Gravity expression of the basin can be seen on the western third of ORROROO | :250 000 STRUCTURE OF THE WILLOCHRA BASIN 75 sheet. of which a Houguer contour map was published by the South Australian Department of Mines in 1975, This map is based on data fram a helicopter survey undertakea for the Bureau of Mineral Resources by Wongela Creophysical Pty Ltd in 1970 (Tucker & Brown 1973)! with stations on a grid spacing of aboul 7.2 km, and on ground data from South Australian Department of Mines surveys, Figure ( is a contour map at 1 milligal intec- vals of Bouyuer gravicy, with station locations shown In the figure, Contours of residual gravity were obtained by deducting a 7egional surface from the Bougtier contour map. Patterns do not vary significantly on the Boupuer and residoal maps sud the former only has been included here. Residual values reveal a total anomaly of between ~ 6 and 10 mifligals and the entire residual pattern is superimposed on a large gravity low extending from the southem part of BURRA, through ORROROO to the northert limit of PARACHILNA, a dis- jance uf ahout 350 km, This has a total res;dual anomaly of about ~ 25 milligals and ils origin is considered to be a deep, low density block tn the pre-Adelaidean rocks (Tucker & Brown 1973), Basin margins Al the western extremities of seismic lines WI7SA, WI75C and WIT6A (Fig, 2), faulting of the high speed (basement) retractor is in hear coinenenee with the western murgio of the basin as mapped by O'Driscoll, The faults have a throw of between 100 m and 150 m, although the seismic data are not easily inter- pretable on the northerunsost two lines, On the eravity maps, the lo¢ation of the basin margin can he traced approximately to the north of line WI7SA, bur ts less evident to the south of that line. This reflects the composite origins of the gravity patterns to which variations of density of the Adelaide System rocks contri- bute, as well as the conlrast helween low density basin sediments and basement racks. Although the basin shows as an area of low pravity Values, its boundaries sre not, in general. clearly defined. An exception is the gravily expression of the Simmanstoa Fault which forms the northern margin of the basin, bver most ot which there is a clearly defined gravity pradient to the south, The castern margin is more complex in tls geophysical expression than the western or northern boundaries. On seismic line WI7SA a basement fauli. with a throw of abour 50) m represents the basin limits, and O’Driscoll's tentative margin has been adjusted on Fig. 1 to pass over the fault. On line 76A, however, a basement fault of about 75 m which appears to correlate with the fault on 75A, lies well to the east of the basin margin. The correlation of the two faults rests on the similarity in seismic velocities on either side of cach fault and the (residual) gravily pattern, and is also indicated on Fig, 1, The margin interpreted by O'Driscoll coincides with a small basement fault on line 764A at shot point 54 (Fig. 2), but the congistency of the seismic section suggests that the limit of the basin sediments lies around shor points 60-61, i.e, about 2.2 km further east than indicated by the water well lays. As at the western boundary, the eastern murgit is reflected as a component of gravity patterns, but is difficult to extract Fron the total effect. Basin fill In the busin no seismic events were reeorded between the Recent Pleistocene clay horizon referred to in the section on velocity analysis, and the basement refractor, This clay layer persists campletely across the basin on all traverses shot Te has an equivalent density value of ahoul 18 ¢/crn, which has been used in gravity analysis in the section on “Basement rack types”. The near surface, “weathering” horizons and an intermittent water table event have been briefly described above. Bedrock configuration The physical contrasts between the sedimen- tery fill and bedrock, even where moderately Weathered, are quite sharp. The seismic breaks are accordingly of good quality and mapping of the basement surface is considered to be of fair accursey, subject to the error terms dis- cussed above, Depth to bedrock bhelaw surface ranges from around 50 m on the eastern end of WI75A to ahoul 250 m on WI75B Although the data on ihis line are of poor quality, duc to limited eoverage, there is some confirmation of this maximum recorded thick- \ Tucker, DD YW. & Brown, F. W, (1973) Reconnaissance helicopier gravity survey la the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, 1970. Rec. Bur. Miner, Resuur. Geol, Geogphys. 1873/12 (unpublished), 130 125 wo | gso §4720 + 970 $4495 + 19504 5595 T i 5005 J 1560 #19209 5215 ° St 1560 t19908 5200 [ | 1425 7980 4930 | + 1365 fibi970 fsaa0 T 1315 Pp2030 ie t 1475 fo 1950 45635 ot 1825 65025 1770 t 5055 T 1830 5340 = T 1650 45360 ike) N | - + 2080 5240 = | ot — + | is te (W) TSW sAoge uol}eAs|3 White fine pyritic sandy silt & silty sand. Grey brown coarse granular sand. Ke) a a 3 ra) = Ss rs) c 3 5° i a & re) a ® ° w a - 3 on Grey & pink mottled clays Blue grey slate. ZoN 3YO8 LSAL OIHdVYDILVHLS 5100 5100 LINE WI75 C LINE WI76 A (Ww) TSW eAoge uoljeAs|y 100 cal 8 —olai7o oa N 95 85 Ty 4750 7 4820 y 4500 T 4550 ° oT 2770] as00 1 lon T 2440 | T 2380 4560 ly d| a 2760 4600 + 2680) 9 4650 | ot 2840 b 4630 P| 1 T 158000 4940 "iP 1530 09 4620 tT 1540 4870 i \ | + 2320; 5120 f | eh 2800 § 94700 ' i | + 1650 l} + 3430 1670 + 3920 4900 3540 oT 3720 5150 1 |; 3050 } \ 2820 > 4600 | 1 i 2b 9 4660 | 2410 } 4740 ' 1 o a 2 ot 78 4750 1 oO + Ee 4920 ! oO T & + 1940 64860 + 1990 i=} Oe 8 | 94870 I lo o i 2 t 1860 50 pp tt = ne Nu o o p= —— oe ee — 8 3 3 a a a o ny hs ° ° 1910 4 ‘ | 1860 5580 ‘ 1830 1 ¥ 1860 + T 1820 5 4 1850 5440 | 1820 5640 + | 5330 Sr 1940 4950 + de 4880 1 H + 1910 H + 1910 4720 ! | + 1820 wo OT 1770 4890 | | H a 1740 H 1 ‘ 4 1850 5200 1820 | I | + 1870 5210 wot 1980 + 2000 “"""50 3390 20 = —=+ —}— nD is} nD io} (W) TSW eAoge a fo) + oe 3 3 et ew oe ee a & ° iS ————— o o °o 3310 e--oo== 5300 oO ~~ a & o uolyenaly LINE WI75B Fig. 2. Seismic profiles across the Willochra Basin. wn 2 = io} a = [o} 2 oO oO Lv oO ue) 8 a ee = oOo ic o ae nH Ss —¢ 6 8 o oo 8 a se omen?) po o 2 2 N a =z a @ oe €& oO c oges e232 13} aaoso é, o oo @ CoD UD > | ° oO t 3 E | x ‘e o) io —T T ni 73 IL ol al{lofl€ 3] \$ 7 Fee ay} Ve dt oat} 2 a fe] qj ? |! ! S| isis w oy IN oO y Fey 18 is) i } 1 2 ee or ewes os of +r MO N TT y (W) TSW eAoge uol}eAa|y 76 B. E. MILTON & C. R. TWIDALE ness in the presence of a gravity low, which could result from a thicker section of low density material, The basement surface over the seismic sections shows a slight increase in depth from east to west, with minor faulling and small scule structure being recorded as shown in Fig. 2. Some of the undulations could be the result of variations in thickness and degree of weathering of the bedrock. The overall change in depth to bedrock contributes significantly to gravity patterns within the basin, but the effect of minor faults and structure is unlikely to be of sufficient magnitude to detect on the gravity contours, Basement rock types The change in basement velocity shown in Table 1, could result from variations of weathering, or from changes in rock type. The latter is considered more likely because of the division into two discrete groups with a sharp discontinuity, with weathering effects having 4 minor influence on velocities. It is estimated that the observational error of the velocities is about 5%; the range of velocities recorded in cach case is about 10%, the difference prob. ably being accounted for by differential weathering of bedrock. Atv examination of drillers’ logs from water wells and geological logs from three stratigraphic wells drilled in the basin tentatively suggests that basement material ussociated with higher velocity, ie. west of the ling shown on Fig, 1, consists of slate, while that to the east of the line appears to cansist of siltstones, quartzite and shales, Gravity anomalies withia the basin consist of lows. in the north and central part and a west- northwest trending ridge in the south central area, It is considered that the source of the residual patterns has two major contributors, viz, the densily contrast between Tertiary and younger sediments and bedrock, and changes in basement rock types, as discussed above. The degree of weathering of basement may also contribute in a minor fashion to the anomalous patterns. Assuming density values of the two hasetnent types of 2.5 and 2.6 g/cm", and of the sedi- mentary fill of 1,8 g/cm®, an approximate effect on gravity patterns can be obtained, Along the northern seismic fine, WITSA, the 2 Milton, B. E. (1977) Geophysical exploration of the Willochru Basen. S$. Aust Dept. Unpubl. Rept, RB 77/79. variation in prayity vahies due to the change in basement density over a distance of 7.5 kin is abow 6 milligals, provided that this line segment is centred on the change m rock type. Over the same part of the seismic line, the con- wibution to gravity values due ta changes in thickness of the sediments from less than 100 to 150m, would amount ta between [4+ and 3 milligals. The sum of these ts suffictent to account for most of the gravity anomaly along WI7S5A. If this explanation of the gravity patterns is valid, distribution of the two types of bedrock can be extrapolated north and south of the seismic line from a consideration of the residual gravity contours, The line of demnarea- lion of the two bedrock velocities is shown on Fig. 1. However, this simple analysis cannot he applied along line WI76A due io a complex distribution of sediments of varying densities between the surface and basement over the eastern half of the line, as indicated in Table 3. The implications of these observations are discussed by Millton®, Discussion und Coneclasions The abrupt breaks of slope in the pre Cainozoic bedrock floor demonstrated by the geophysical traverses are best interpretec! ws Fault scarps, though only drilling can really demonstrate their character. Altermative explanations of the steep scarps are not accepted for the following reasons, The lithology and disposition of the Proterozoic strata exposed at the edge of the Basin an¢ probably giving nse to the strony refraction in the area of the subsurface scarps is not such as to promote the development of escarpments of cither the steepness or clevation of those recorded by the survey. Nor are the strata and stratigraphy of a type or structure conducive to scarp retreat (see Tricart 1957; Twidale 1960, 1967): there is neither a really resistant formation, nor are the strata flattying., Te interpret the searps as river bluffs demands that all three traverses were quite fortuitously located over the points where the pre-Tertiary Willochra Creek impinged upon the valley sides to produce river cliffs; and this is asking much of coincidence, On the other hand, if the scarps are interpreted as of fault ongin their steepness is readily comprehensible. ‘The readings to the Mines, STRUCTURE OF THE WILLOCHRA BASIN 77 west of shot point 100 on line WI7SA are confused, probably because the traverse was inadvertently located above a deep valley cut into the fault scarp—a feature commonplace on modern fault scarps such as those bounding Death Valley, California. If this interpretation is correct, the profiles of the floor eroded in Adelaidean sediments obtained on the three northern seismic. lines (Fig. 2) indicate that the central part of the Willochra Basin, at least, is a graben structure, and that the Cainozoic sedimentation has been controlled by the marginal faulting. It is not uncommon to find a graben deve- loped in the crest of an anticline (see, e.g., Latitte 1939: alsa Twidale 1971, pp, 120-131, esp. p. 129) and indeed one of the oldest and most widely favoured theories concerning the origin of wrahens, that due to Gregory (1921), calls for the structure developing in such areas of tensional stress, The structure is essentially of pre-Terhary age, for there is no evidence of significant dislocation of the Cainozoic strata along the lines of fault, though Eocene lake beds in ibe gencral region have been faulted (Webb & Von der Borch 1962). However, there is ample evidence of contemporary seis- mic activity at both margins of the postulated graben, but especially on the western side of the structure (Sutton & White 1968, pp. 27-29). The Willochra Basin in thus essentially a graben. The structure is deeper in the west than in the east and may be more actively subsiding on the western than the eastern flank, again comparisons can be made with the modern grabens, like Death Valley, which are tilting as well as subsiding (Hunt & Mabey 1966). Acknowledgements The writers thank N. H. J. Frith, now of Esso (Australia) Pty Ltd who directed the seismic field work und also interpreted the 1975 data. The work described here was financed by funds from an A.R.G,.C. award and from the South Australian Department of Mines, The paper is published by permission of the Director of Mines, South Australia. References Hinks, Py J. (1917) The geology of the ORRO- ROO 1:250 000 mup area, Rept. Invest. geol. Surv. 5S, Aust, 36, Gant, FS. & Wesr, G. F. (1965) “Interpreta- tation in applied geophysies. (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York). Grigamy, J, W. (1921) “The Rift Valleys and Geology of East Africa.” (Seeley, Service and Co., London), Haweins, F, V, (1961) The reciprocal method of routine shallow seismic refraction investi- gations. Geophysics, 26, 806-819. Hunt, C, B, & Masey, DB. (1966) Stratigraphy and Structure, Death Valley, Californii. Prof, Pap, U.S, geol, Surv, A9deA, Larrrre, R. (1939) Bbide géologique de I'Aures. Bull. Sery. Carte Géol. Alger. (2¢ Séries Siratie. Deserip. Rex.) 15. Mins, Ko R. (1956) Clay deposit at Simmonsion, Min, Rev, Adelaide, WO, 34-35. O'pRiscoLt, FB. F, D. (1956) Hydrology of the Willochra Basin. Rept. Invest. geal, Surv. S. Aust, 7. SHupHerp, R. G. & THATCHER, D. (1959) The geology of the Quorn Military Sheet, Rept, fnvest. geol, Surv, 8. Aust, 20. Sutton, D. J. & Wire, R. E. (1968) The seis- micity of South Australia. J. geal, Soc, Aust, 15, 25-32. TricarT. J. (1957) L’evolution des versants, Jn]. géogr., 108-115. Twipate, C. R, (1960) Some problems of slope development. J. geol. Soc. Aust. 6, 131-148, TwinaLe, C. R. (1966) Chronology of denudation in the southern Flinders Ranges, South Aus- tralia, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 90, 3-28, Twipae, C. R. (1967) On the origin of the pied- mont angle, as evidenced in South Australia. J. Geol. 75, 393-411. TwipaLe, C. R. (1971) (Canberra). Weng, B. P. & Von per Borcu, C. (1962) Wil- lochra Map Sheet, Geol. Atlas §. Aust, 1;63 360 Series, veol, Surv. S. Aust, “Structural Landforms.” NEMATODE AND OTHER HELMINTH PARASITES OF THE KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY, MACROPUS EUGENII (DESMAREST). 2. SITE SELECTION WITHIN THE STOMACH BY LESLEY R. SMALES AND PATRICIA M. MAWSON Summary Stomachs of 99 Kangaroo Island Wallabies were divided into regions. The anterior 4/5 of the stomach appears to be analagous to the rumen while the posterior 1/5 corresponds to the abomasum of the sheep. Nematodes present were identified and site preferences determined. NEMATODE AND OTHER HELMINTH PARASITES OF THE KANGAROO ISLAND WALLABY, MACROPUS EUGENI! (DESMAREST), 2. SITE SELECTION WITHIN THE STOMACH by Lestey R. SmaAves* and PatriciA M. MAwson* Summary SMALes, L. R. & Mawson, P, M. (1977) Nematode and other helminth parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby, Mucropus eugenii (Desmarest), 2. Site selection within the stomach, Trans, R. Sou, 8, Aust. 102(3), 79-83, 31 May, 1978. Stomachs of 99 Kangaroo Island Wallabies were divided into regions. The anterior 4/5 of the stomach appears to be analagous to the rumen while the posterior 1/5 corresponds 10 ihe abomasum of the sheep. Nematodes present were identified and sile preferences determined, Introduction The stomach, caecum, and colon of many herbivorous hosts offer an environment capable of supporting a number of closely related nematode species. Such species flocks have been described for the rhinoceros and ele- phant (Chabaud 1956), tortoise (Schad 1963; Petier 1963) and kangaroo (Mycylowycz 1964). Holmes (1973) has shown that nema- todes actively chose preferred sites within the host. Species flocks are able to exist in a host because each member species occupies a different ecological niche. These niches can be separated by spatial, behavioural or temporal characters, The nematode Labiostrongylus eugenii occurs in the Kangaroo Island Wallaby (Maerepus ejigenii), A survey undertaken pre- liminary to a study of the life history of this nematode (Smalest) revealed the presence of such a species flock in the stomach. During a subsequent epidemiological survey of the nematodes (Smales & Mawson 1978), an opportunity was provided to study the ecology of the species comprising this flock. Spatial distribution in the stomach Jumen was investigated, and some observations made on the feeding behaviour and seasonal occurrence of cach species. In addition the site preferences of the developmental stages of FL. eugenii were defined. Methods The general gross and microscopical appearance of the wallaby stomach was examined and found to resemble that of the Red Kangaroo (Megaleia rufa) as described by Grilliths & Barton (1966) (Fig. 1). Ninety-nine male wallabies were taken at two monthly intervals, between April 1973 and March 1975 from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, The collecting areas and methods of capture used have been described (Smales & Mawson 1978). At post mortem the stomach of cach wallaby was carefully removed and ligatured so that it was divided into the following four regions: 1. The cardiac end of the saccular stomach including the oesophageal opening. 2. The central section of the saccular stomach. 3. The pyloric end of the saccular stomach including the non-saccular region, 4. The gastric pouch and pylorus. The contents of cach section so formed were treated separately, by sieving through bolting “Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide, S. Aust, S000, 1Smales, L. R. (1976) A study of the biology of a nematode Labiostroneylus eugenil (Johnson & Mawson) parasitic in the stomuch of the tamymar wallaby (Macropus cugenii Desmarest). Ph.D, Thesis, University of Adelaide (unpublished). 80 LESLEY R. SMALES & PATRICIA M. MAWSON Fig. 1. Stomach of wallaby, showing positions (dotted lines) where ligatures were placed. Numbers indicate sections referred to in text. O, oesophagus; IN, anterior end of intestine. TABLE | Mean measurements from 20 wallabies of the pH values in three parts of the stomach pH => $.D. Range saccular stomach 6.99 + 0.5 6.3 - 7.8 non-saccular stomach 6.7 + 0.7 5.5 - 7.8 gastric pouch 3.27 + 0.87 2.6 ~- 5,1 silk (64 mesh/inch), diluting the retained solid material to an appropriate volume (200 or 400 ml), and sampling using the method of Clark et al. (1971) enabling calculation of worm totals to a §.D. of = 5 worms. All nema- todes in each sample were fixed in hot alcohol, cleared in lactophenol, indentified and counted, An indication of the environment in each region was obtained by measuring the pH of the stomach contents of the first 20 wallabies autopsied, using a glass electrode. The pH of the stomach contents ranged from 7.8 in the saccular region to 2.6 in the gastric pouch (Table I). This agrees with the findings of Moir et al. (1956) in some other macropods, that the anterior 4/5 of the stomach appears to be analogous to the rumen of the sheep while the posterior 1/5 corresponds to the abomasum. Results The nematode species studied were Cloacina spp. (the genus considered as a whole because some Of the species present have not been described), Macropostrongylus pearsoni, Qesophagonasies kartana, Rugopharynx australis, and Labiostrengylus eugenii. L. longispicularis Wood, whose distribution in the stomach of the Red Kangaroo has been des- eribed by Dudzinski & Mykytowyez (1965), is present only in small numbers in the wallaby, so was not considered in this study. Filarinema sp., occasionally found in small numbers, was restricted to the fourth region of the stomach, and was the only species congregating in that region, Of the other species found each showed a definite site preference along the length of the stomach (Fig. 2). Cloacina spp, and M. pear- soni were most common in the first section. SITE SELECTION BY NEMATODES al 100 % w a me} ° 1 § 50 ra) Md o O Ee 3 z 0 1 2 Stomach M. pearsoni O. kartana L. eugenii R. australis Cloacina spp, 3 sites Fig. 2. Histogram showing occurrence of different nematode species in the four stomach sections referred to in text. TABLE 2 Population structure of ZL, eugenii in four parts of the wallaby stomach. Results expressed as % of total number collected in each site, L — larva % XL. eugenii site 1 site 2 sie3 site 4 F ~ 2015 19.43 39.48 0 2 22.13 21.49 43.68 0 L, 53,51 45,82 16.50 0 Le 42 13.26 0.35 0 O. kartana is normally found in the oesophagus and is present in the stomach only when there is a heavy infestation,. R. australis was most common in the third section of the stomach. L. eugenii congregated in both first and second sections of the stomach but most were in the first. As with L. Jlongispicularis (Dudzinski & Mykytowyez 1965) this may be related to the position of the oesophageal opening, worms being attracted to recently ingested food. In wallabies with heavy infes- tations, L. eugenii were seen protruding through the sphincter into the oesophagus. In newly opened stomachs L. eugenii was found congregated in the paramucosal region of the stomach lumen. The Cloacina spp. were more often found in the central core whereas O. kartana was frequently associated with the crypts of the mucosal glands on the saccular stomach wall. This suggests that a radial dis- tribution, across the Ist and 2nd _ sections separates these 3 species, Seasonal observations on the occurrence of M. pearsoni (Smales & Mawson 1978) suggest that overlap with Cleacina spp. is minimal as the former scems to be present in large num- bers at times when those of the latter are low. Nearly all the third and some of the fourth stage larvae of ZL. eugenii were found in nodules on the stomach wall in the second section of the stomach, It was not practicable to assess the number of worms in these lesions. The site preference of L. eugenii was further analysed in terms of population structure (Table 2). No statistical difference was found in the numbers of adults and larvae free in sections 1 and 2, However, significantly more adults than larvae were found in section 3. Discussion The environment along the digestive tract is not stable, nor do changes occur abruptly, ‘$2 SITE SELECTION BY NEMATODRS ruther one Tegion gradually merges with the next. Consequently nematodes ure not restricted to a single anatomical region but move within limits to remain in the most favourable site (Crompton 1973). When sections of the wallaby stomach were ligatured no allowance could be made for any environmental changes in the stomach |umen which may have occurred in an individual wallahy. Some of the observed overlap between preferred sites may have been due to the necessarily arhitrary placing of the ligatures. Also when a large number of the same species infest a host the increased population density may cause some of the worms to move to less favourable sites (Crompton 1973), Examples of this appeated to be the presence of O. kartana in the stamach as Well as the oesophagus and M, péarsent and Cloacing spp. In the second sections of the stomach as well as the first. Avoidance of the fourth section by those species congregating in any of the three sections comprising the saccular stomach was very marked. No doubt the differences in digestive function of the fourth section resulted in an unsuitable environment. Similarly the nimen- like conditions of the saccular stomach appeared to be unsuitable for Filarinerma sp. The nematode distribution described above, showing considerable spatial separation of niches both longitudmally and radially ts similar to that found by Schad (1963) in analyses of Tachygorietria spp. \n the colon of the tortoise Testudo praeeu. Where the site preferences of species overlap spatially there are usually differences in food habits, that is, behaviowral separation of niches. Schad (1963) showed that While T. robusta (Drasche) and 7 vtylova Thapar are found in the same site oe species is an indiscriminate fevder while the other selects fine particulate matter, mamly bacteria, Observatlons of L. eugenii suggest that it is an indiscriminate feeder. Dudzinski & Mykytowyez (1965) suggest that 4, longispicularis also feeds indis- criminately. The differences in oral morphology found amongst the Cleacine spp, and M, pearsoni may be associated with selection of different sized food particles. Some species may feed on material ingested by the host and others feed on'the bacterial or ciliate populations present. Petter (1966) suggested that the species flock may vary with age and sex of host as well as season. As only male wallabies were studied the question of sex was not considered, Tt was noted that Cloacina spp. were the earliest to infest jocys but this was not investigated further hecause of insufficient host numbers for each range. Seasonal differences appeared to provide niche diversification hetween M, pearsoni and Cloacina spp. The species present in the Cloacina spp. flock have not been studied individually, but general observations suggest that the species composition of the flack does change with the season. Acknowledgements Our thanks are due to Mr P, Davis who collected the wailabies used in this study. The work was supported by a Grant from the Rural Credits Development Fund and » Common- Wealth Postgraduate Research Awaril- References Cuasaub, A. G. (1956) Remareues sur les mema- todes parasites du caecum des €éléphani«, milieu cres présérve des phenomence de selection. Cur. hehe. Seanc. Ace. Sci, Paris 243, 436-439. Crark, C, §., Tuckem, A. M, & TorTos, FA. (1971) Sarppling technique for estimating round worm tordens of sheep pnd cattle, Expl Purayvit. 30, 181-186. Cromrron, D, W, T. (1973) The sites occupied by sone patasie heliniths ja the allmen- tary tract pf vertebrates. Biol, Rev, 48, 27- 3, Dupzmski, M. L. & Mykytowvez, BR. (1965) Distribution of the nematode Fahiastrangylus feovgispicularis (Wood) Wwilhin the stomach of the red khangarog Megaleia rufa (Des marest), Puravifalogy 55, 543-550, CyripeivHs, M, & Barron, A. A. (1966) The ontogeny of the stomach in the pouch young of the red kangaroo. CSIRO Wildl. Res. 11: THI-TRS, Houmes, J. ©, (1973) Site selection by parasitic helminths: Tnterspecific interactions. site sceyeeation, und ther impurtanee to the Uevelopment of helminth communities. Canes. J, Zoal, 51, 333-347, Mor, BR. J., Somers, M. W. & Wautno, PL (1956) Studies in marsupial nutrition. 1, Ruminant- like digestion in a herbivorous marsupial (Seronix brachyares Quoy & Craimard |, Ast. dy Rial, Sel 9, 293-301, Myxyinwresz, Re (1964) A survey of dhe endo. parasites of the ted kangaro Afeealom cele (Desmarest). Parasitdory Sd, 677-693- SITE SELECTION BY NEMATODES 83 Petter, A. J. (1963) Equilibre des especes dans les populations de nematodes parasites du colon des tortues terrestres. C.r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci. Paris 257, 2152-2154. PeTTER, A. J. (1966) Equilibre des expeces dans les populations de nematodes parasites du colon des tortues terrestres. Mem. Mus. wer Hist. nat., Paris, Serie A. Zool. 39, -252. Scuap, G. A. (1963) Niche diversification in a parasitic species flock. Nature, Lond. 198, 404-406. SMALES, R. L. & Mawson, P. M. (1978) Nema- tode parasites of the Kangaroo Island Wal- laby, Macropus eugenii (Desmarest). I. Seasonal and geographical distribution. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 102(1), 9-15. BATHYMETRY OF LAKE EYRE BY J. A. T. BYTE, P. J. DILLON, J. C. VANDENBERG AND G. D. WILL Summary The bathymetry of Lake Eyre has been contoured from depth soundings obtained on six expeditions, and one land tranverse of the dry lake. The lowest region of Lake Eyre North (the lowest land area of the Australian continent) appears to lie in Belt Bay, and to have the elevation of — 15.2 m A.H.D. The lowest region of Lake Eyre South (-13.2 m A.H.D.) occurs in the far southwest. From the bathymetry, the surface area and volume of Lake Eyre as a function of water level have also been calculated. BATHYMETRY OF LAKE EYRE by J. A. ‘T, Bya*, P. J. Dinton7, J. C. VANDENBERGt and G, D, WILLT Summary Hye, J. A. T., Ditton, BP, J,, YVawoenserc, J, C, & Wu, G. D. (1978) Bathymetry of Lake Eyre. Vranas, R, See. §, dust, 102(4), 85-89, 31 May, 1978, The bathymetry of Lake Eyre has been contoured from depth soundings obtained on six expeditions, and one land truverse of the dry lake. The lowest region of Lake Eyre North (the lowest land area of the Australian continent) appears to lic in Belt Bay, and to have un elevation of 15.2 m A.\H.D, The lowest region of Luke Byre South (—13.2 m A.H.D.) occurs in the far southwest. From the bathymetry, the surface area and volume of Lake Eyre as a function of water level have also been calculated. Introduction The recent flooding of Lake Eyre has supported a considerable water traffic, much of which has been equipped for scientific study, Of basic importance in this work is, of course, navigation, which comprises position finding and depth sounding. As a result, approximately 387 soundings and some pre- cision depth recorder traces have been ob- tained at various periods between June 1974 and September 1976, These data enable the bathymetry of Lake Eyre, which lies in the lowest land basin of the Australian continent, to be contoured, and the water storage of the lake to be determined. Land levelling surveys of the dry lake for Madigan Gulf (Bonython 1956) and Lake Eyre South (Bonython 1961) Were also available for comparison with the surveys of the flooded lake, [i was decided to omit the results of the Madigan Gulf survey. so that an estimation of any changes in bottom profile due to the flooding would be apparent. in Lake Eyre South, however, the number of data points was very small and this survey therefore has been included in the contouring. Data sources Data used in the construction of the bathy- metry of Lake Eyre comprised soundings from five shipborne expeditions, one helicopter sur- vey, and one land traverse (Table 1). Apart from the land ttaverse, all expeditions occurred after the filling of Lake Eyre in carly 1974, TABLE | Sources af bathymetric data, Date t Expedition Method Aug. 1960 — Bonython (1961) Levelling traverse June 1974 — 9.2* E& WS (1976)+ Leadline soundings trom helicopter Leadline soundings Soundings and preci- sion depth recorder Aug. 1974 — 9.2 EB & WS (1976)7 Aug. 1974 — 9.3* Bye (1976) Dee 1974 — 98 E& WS (1976)+ Leadline soundings Avg. 1975 —10.9 Clark (1976)** Leadline soundings Sep! 1976 —i1.1) Clark (1976)** ~~ Leadline soundings * Data in Lake Eyre South tive been corrected for dif- ferences in level between Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South, | Lake Eyre data File, Water Resources Branch, Engin- vering und Water Supply Dept, S. Aust, Water level pn E & WS north gauge beard, Lake Eyre North (m AWD). ** Lake Eyfe logbook of IBIS (unpubl.). The first expedition (led by G.D.W.), in which a helicopter chartered by the Engincer- ing and Water Supply Department, South Aus- tralia (E. & W.S,), carried out nine leadline soundings at scattered points in both portions of the lake, occurred in June 1974. Two months later, a second BE. & W.S. expedition (under the direction of the Chief Surveyor) reached the mouth of the Cooper Creek by boat, In the same month an expedition by the Flinders University of South Australia (led by J.A.T.B.), using a motor launch equipped with a precision depth recorder, made a trip hetween Curdimurka and the mouth of the ———— * School of Harth Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park, S. Aust, 5042. | Engineering and Water Supply Department, S. Aust. J. A. T. BYE, P. J. DILLON, C. J. VANDENBERG & G. D, WILL 86 (AUG. 1960 ) BONY THON E&WS E 1974) (JUNE H (AUG 1974) FLINDERS UNIV (DEC. 1974) (AUG E &WS IBI 5) ~ fo2) i} s —O- |BIS (SEPT. 1976) —1- coe, a 20 Pe COcoccDaG 7 IOQCOOSCADOOOEAS00 v YV—Tang 9 and positions of individual soundings used as sources for bathymetric data in Fig. 1, Cruise tracks, Lake Eyre. BATHYMETRY OF LAKE FYRE 87 Cooper Creck via Goyder Channel, Jn Decem- ber 1974 the E, & W.S, party returned and surveyed a large urea of Lake Eyre North as far as the Warburton River to the north, and Bandoo Hill to the west. Since 1974 the two most significant charting expeditions have been undertaken by Alvin and Max Atkinson and Bob Clark of the Port Vincent Sailings Club, in the “trailer-sailer” IBIS. The first expedi- tion in August 1975, which wus planned by J. A. Dulhunty of the University of Sydney. comprised av leg from Level Post Bay to the mouth of the Cooper Creek, followed by u detailed east-west section, and a return lex via Belt Bay. In September L976 the same crew made soundings aver the southern half af Lake Byte North and obtained a cood coveruge of the lake bed in the vicinity of Bandoo Hill, Belt Buy and Jackboot Bay, All the cruise tracks (Fig. 1) were determined by triangula- lion on landmarks (which are few) and dead reekoning usually using a ships log. In addition to the cruise programs, levelling Iraverses in the Level Post Bay area between Prescott Point and the easter shore of Lake Eyre South, 6 km south of the Goyder Chan- nel causewuy, were undertaken by the F. & W.S. in August 1974 and September 1976. The purpose of the levelling wis to establish gauge boards in Level Post Bay and Goyder Channel for the conversion of data on water levels lo Australian Height Datum (A.H.D.). The zero |. m) of the E. & W-S. north gauge hoard near the entrance of Goyder Channel m take Byre North was delermined co be a height of —20.6 m A.H.D. The water level on this gauge hoard at the time of each expedition (Table 1), was used to reduce the bathymetric data. Jn addition the zero of che level post in Level Post Bay was found to be at —13,2 m AH, This post wax erected by M, O, Hughes of Muloorina Station in tune 1974, close to the vite of the first level post in Level Post Bay erected by C. W. Bonython in 1951 (Bonyithon 1955) and subsequently uprooted hy floodwater in April 1974, The zero of the first post (Known as the 100° arbitrary reduced level) was assessed by Dulhunty ina levelling survey in 1972 to be ~12.6 m A.H.D,. (Will & Clark 1977)1. In September 1976 a detailed survey of the bathymetry of Goyder Channel was under- raken, In general the depths obtained by soundings are thought lo represent the lake bottom oceurring at the base of the salt crust whieh exists under dry lake conditions. The trace oblained from the precision depth recorder (Bye 1978) was a hard reflection showing no fine strivture. The accuracy of an individual depth measurement appears to depend on three fuetors: (1) the measure- ment technique: Gi) the effect of oscilla- tions in waler level due to meteorological causes, (it) the definition of the bottom. On estimating error bounds of + G.10 m for each of these factors an overall accuracy of atrout + 0.3 m is obtuined. The error bound (ii) is an estimate for the Jake conditions under which most of the hathymetne data were obtained. Dulhunty (1976) hos assumed the same bound for levels measured after a calm period of not less than six hours, In addition there are errors in position fixing. which in must Cases are probably Jess than + 0.5 km (Fook mean square absolute), Rathy metry The clevations. of the lake botlent from eyeh expedition were plotted together an a base map (1:250 000) from which the bathy- metry was contoured in intervals of OS my, except near the coastline (Fig. 2). tn yeneral the agreement between the various cruises and the traverses of the dry lake bottom was good, althaugh the density of soundings (Tig 1) was not sufficient to define features on a seale less than | km. The Warburton and Kaluweerina Grooves and a new feature, known as the Cooper’ Depression (Dulbunty 1977), rudning from the mouth of the Cooper Creck to the north of Brooks Island, however, were apparent from the data, The deepest region of Lake Fyre is apparently the eastern side of Belt Bay where bottom levels of —15.2 A.H.D, ure found, In this region therefore hes the lowest point on the Austrulian continent. In| Madigan Gull also there is a large deep region with cleva- tion less than 15,0 m A.H.DA The bathy- | Bstablishing A.H,D. at Lake Byre North and Jake Eyre South, Rept Surv. Be, Engineering & Water Supply Dept, S. Aust. “We are very grateful to Dr Dulbunty for providing detailed addiuonal soundiny legs in November 1976 in central eastern Madivan Cull. These results caused the authors to disallow same FE & W.S. soundines in Madigan Gulf which suggested that » deeper depressian t- 15.6 m A.H.D,) existed Nearer the eastern shore of Madigan Golf 88 J. A. T. BYE, P. J. DILLON, C. J. VANDENBERG & G. D. WILL ad Poole + acts = = i> ean \\WaARBURTON \. \) River Bd \ > KALAWEERINA CREEK \ 2st fo PN a - oe \ Pn \ - 7 = \ SS xO < \ COOPER a \ CREEK ‘, + vA , ifs ‘ A \ 4 Pa 5 4 IBIS ISLAND \ Y __” c~ = {160 HUGHES), — va “3 par ws Nh artemal Sh BRORE NAS \ DULHUNTY { Point aN 4 of * Nis ISLAND J ] ) aN, NY fo 7 ° / se NY v / SAN (~ “Sg \\ \ ae Abe SCO (oa (BRS (Om o~ BELT S| . \ “s ( Blo 3 \wat") \ Bk \y er B\_. Prescott ere, fi ed ‘a mm = ar USS 4 + CURDIMURKA * 2 y ed + + + Fig, 2. Bathymetry of Lake Eyre. Contours in m A.H.D. BATHYMETRY OF LAKE EYRE 89 TABLE 2 Surface area and volume, and elevation of Lake Eyre Nerth and Lake Eyre South Eleviar Surface Area Volume tion tm North South Norih South (A.H.D.) km2 km? 100m? 106m3 —15.0 310 _ 20 — —14.5 960 _ 340 —_ —14.0 1.900 _— 1 660 —_— —13.5 2810 —_ 2210 — 13.0 3.780 25 3.870 3 —125 4940 120 6 060 84 —12.0 6 080 290 8 800 135 —I15 6 860 570 12 000 345 —110 7520 B90 15 600 TLO —1045 7920 1070 19 500 1210 —W.0 8 240 1170 23 500 1770 — 90 8 430 1 260 27 700 2 380 metry of Madigan Gulf is very similar to that obtained in the land survey of Bonython in 1954 (Bonython 1956) indicating that there has been no significant moulding of the bottom by the floodwaters. The sill level between the two portions of Lake Eyre in Goyder Channel in September 1976 was —10.6 m A,A.D, This figure is close to —10,1 m A,H.D, obtained by Bonython in 1960 (Bonython 1961) indi- cating that in Goyder Channel also the scour produced by the floodwater was not large. The deepest points of Madigan Gulf and Jackboot Bay are respectively —15.1 m and ~ 15.0 m A.H.D. In Lake Eyre South there is the appearance of a Jong depression offshore of the southern coastline. The sill level (—10.6 m A.H.D.) in Goyder Channel occurs about 8 km from the entrance to Lake Eyre North, Surface area and yolume versus elevation From bathymetry the surface area and volume of Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South, as a function of water level, can be determined by planimeter, The results (Table 2) indicate that the surface area of Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South at the times of the maximum levels in the recent flooding were respectively 8.4 and 1.3 10%km*. The maximum water depth anywhere in Lake Eyre was 6.1 m (in Belt Bay in May—June 1974) and the maximum volume of water was 32.5 Tl (in June-July 1974). The latter result is very close to that of 32.0 TI obtained by Bonython (1975)", Conclusion The bathymetry derived from ships’ obser- vations has been found to be of sufficient quality to reproduce the known features of the dry lake basin, and to reveal some new features. In addition the storage of Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South have also been calculated, There appeared to be no significant mould- ing of the lake bed by the floodwater by com- parison with previous land levelling surveys. References Bonyruon, C. W. (1955) In Lake Eyre, South Australia, The great flooding of 1949-50. The report of the Lake Eyre Committee, R, Geagr. Soc, Aust. (S.A. Branch) 27-36, Bonytuon, ©. W, (1956) The salt of Lake Fyre, Trans, R. Sac, S. Aust. 79, 66-92. Bonyrnon, C. W. (1961) The uccurute deter mination of the level of Luke Eyre. Proc. R. Geoer, Soc. Aust, (S,A, Branch) 27-36, Bye, J. A. T. (1978) Hydrological measurements in Lake Eyre during 1974 and 1975, Cruise Report, F.1.A.M.S. Flinders University of South Australia. ; Dutxunry, J. A. (1975) Shoreline shingle ter- races and prehistoric fillings of Lake Eyre. Trans, R. Sac, 8. Aust. 99, 183-188, Duthunry, J, A, (1977) A bottom profile across liake Eyre North, South Australia. J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 110, 95-98. 8 Recording the event and spreading the information i Luke Eyre Newsletter, 2-3. Flinders University of South Australia, WATER BALANCE OF LAKE EYRE FOR THE FLOODED PERIOD JANUARY 1974 —- JUNE 1976 BY G. TETZLAFF AND J. A. T. BYE Summary After the filling of Lake Eyre in early 1974 the volume of the water decreased from a maximum of 32.5 T1 in June-July 1974 to 16.5 Tl in June 1976. Study of the water balance equation indicates that the major inflow of 38 Tl was from the Diamantina River system, and that local rainfalls and the Cooper River system contributed 8 Tl and 2 Tl respectively. Loss by evaporation during the period was 39.5 TI. WATER BALANCE OF LAKE EYRE FOR THE FLOODED PERIOD JANUARY 1974-JUNE 1976 by G, Tetzcarr* and J, A. T, Byey Summary Twrazcarr, G. & Bye, J. A. T. (1978) Water balance of Lake Eyre for the flooded period January LO74-June 1976, Trans, RK. See, 8. Aust. 102(4), 91-96, 31 May, 1978. After the filling of Lake Eyre in early 1974 the volume of water in the luke decreased from a maximum of 32.5 Tl in June-July 1974 to 16,5 Thin June 1976, Study of the water balance equation indicates that the major inflow of 38 T) was from the Diamantina River system, and that local rainfalls and the Cooper River system coniributed 8 Tl and 2 TI respectively. Loss by evaporation during the period was 39.5 TI. Introduction From early 1974, when the dry area of the Lake Eyre busin was filled with water, a general decrease in the surface area and the water coutent of the lake has been observed, Some remarkable deviations (rom the general trend in water level have occurred, which may be interpreted in terms of the various inflows contributing to the existence of the lake, The water balance of any luke is dependent on only a few parameters, which are related by the water balance equation, AV —~ R ~ E+ 1, in which AV is the change in volume of water (storage) in a lake, R the precipitation on its surface, B the water loss by evaporation, and T the net inflow including surface and groundwater exchanges, For Lake Eyre the net inflow may be replaced by the inflow itself, because negligible outflow (sur- face or groundwater) cat) be expected to occur as the lake ties in Australia’s lowest basin, several metres below mean sea level. The inflow may be classified into three parts. One: Jocal inflow mainly supplied by small rivers und streams, but tncluding the Neuales and Frome rivers, Two: the Diamantina (including all northerly tributaries) and the Cooper river systems, both of which have large parts of their catchment areas situated in the humid zones of inner Oucenslund. Three: groundwater inflows inta the lake basin caused ly the rising of the groundwater lable due lo high rainfall rates. Thus, one can expect inflows from river systems after high rainfalls in Queensland, from Jocal streams after local pre- cipitation, and from groundwater flows after high widespread rainfalls producing seepage over a large area of the Great Artesian Basin surrounding the lake, The AV-values for Lake Fyre are measured indirectly by taking a series of surface levels al o fixed position in each lake. A knowledge of the bathymetry of the lakes allows the con- version of the level recordings imto water volumes (Bye et a/, 1978, Table 2), The read- ing accuracy of an individual water level is about “0,10 m, but fortunately most time periods are well covered with measurements, und hence the error on the adopted water level curves (Fig. 1) is significantly smaller, The cause of the scatter, apart from inaccuracies in reading, is the effect of wind stress. Strong wind conditions lasting for a long period are however exceptional, and it is probable that measurements not representalive of mean lake levels can be recognised (e.g. the points with very high levels in June and July 1974)., Errors in converting walter level changes into changes in Water volume are very small, because the error On AV is proportional to the error on the lake area at each depth. This is almost certainly less than 1%; thus the error on a typical AV of 1 Tl/month is only 0.01 T1/month. “ Institut fiir Meteorologie und Klimatologie, Technische Universitat, Hannover, W. Germany. +Sehool of Barth Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park, S. Aust. 5042, 92 G, TETZLAFF & J, A. T, BYE -80 bad Oo c=} = E LEVELS m(AHD.) LAKE EYR 3 FMAM J 1974 JASON OD 3 FMAM JASONODS FMAM 3 5 1976 * ELEVATION AT LEVEL POST BAY (LAKE EYRE NORTH) c ELEVATION AT CURDIMURKA (LAKE EYRE SOUTH) ® WATER VOLUME OF LAKE EYRE NORTH © WATER VOLUME OF LAKE EYRE SOLTH IN Tl {nN Tl Fig. 1. Lake Eyre levels and volume of water February 1974-October 1976. During early 1974 a large flooding filled Lake Eyre North and, from April onwards, Lake Eyre South. The maximum height of the water level of the northern basin occurred in May-June 1974, and that of the southern in September-October of the same year. The maximum combined water volume (32.5 T1*) occurred in June-July, After the peak of the floodings had passed the losses exceeded the still continuing inflows (June-October 1974), Months of rapid decrease of the level followed until February 1975, when local rainfalls reduced the rate of loss, but with no sub- sequent rainfall or inflows the level then fell steadily until the late winter of 1975. The channel between the northern and southern basin closed about August 1975, and the levels of the two parts of the lake afterwards changed independently, In Lake Eyre South, the fall in level continued unabated until by September 1976 only a few patches of water remained. In Lake Eyre North however very high local rain- falls (cf, Fig. 2) caused the level to remain approximately constant between October 1975 and January 1976, and to rise temporarily in February and March 1976. After this interruption the level continued falling through to September 1976, The maximum surface area of Lake Eyre North according to the bathymetric curye (Bye et al. 1978) was about 8.5 10%km®? which gives a mean water depth of 3.7 m (in June-July 1974) decreasing to about 2.0 m in September. Monthly Precipitation Rates on the Surface of Lake Eyre Monthly precipitation rates for Lake Eyre have been determined for the period January 1974-June 1976. The data which include all rainfall observation stations maintained by the Bureau of Meteorology in South Australia, and some additional data from stations in the Northern Territory, Queensland and New +1 Tl = 10°m3 * Bureau of Meteorology, Aust. Rainfall Data, Monthly and Annual (unpublished). WATER BALANCE OF LAKE EYRE 93 PRECIPITATION ON mm month 3007," 200F- 1ao0;- LAKE EYRE JFMAMJJASONOYFMAMJJASONDJI FMAM 1o74 1975 1976 Fig. 2. Monthly precipitation on Lake Eyre January 1974-May 1976. South Wales®, were displayed on maps for each month from which the precipitation over Lake Eyre was found by interpolation with an estimated accuracy of + 10%. In general the interpolated fields indicate a local maximum over the lake, although low precipitation rates sometimes exhibit a very irregular distribution (Tetzlaff unpublished data). The long term average monthly precipitation in the Lake Eyre region has a well marked maximum in February, and a maximum in late winter (July-August): and the annual mean precipitation is 120 mm/ year. The rainfall during the times of the flooding followed the usual annual cycle, only the amplitude being enlarged (Fig. 2). In February 1976 alone, twice the amount of the long term annual mean value was found, In 1974 and 1975 annual rainfall exceeded all previous observed figures, These rainfall patterns during flooded years appear to be in part attributable to feedback mechanisms Over the lake which precipitate on average about 100 mm/ year (or 5% ) of the evaporated water vapour (Tetzlaff unpublished data). Evaporation from the Lake Surface There are no direct measurements of evaporation from the lake surface. Hence, indirect methods must be applied to derive estimates of evaporation, Of these the well known micrometeorological methods (e.g. the Dalton and Penman methods) are precluded owing to a lack of systematic measurements of characteristic parameters such as water tem- perature, air temperature and relative humidity. and hence use must be made of the water balance equation itself. The difficulty is that of the four parameters in this equation only the precipitation rate R and the storage AV are known. The inflow in addition to the evapora- tion has to be regarded as unknown. It is possible however from the precipitation data for the catchment (mainly Queensland) and locally, to find some periods during which any inflow can be excluded. This occurred from November 1974 to January 1975 and again from April 1975 to July 1975, summer and winter periods respectively, In this case E = ~— AV, and inferred evaporation can be compared with the measured pan evaporation 94 G. TETZLAFF & J. A. T. BYE EVAPORATION mm /month 300 200 100 OF LAKE EYRE TL/ month 2:5 JFMAMJJASONDJFMAMJJASONDJFMAM 1974 1975 19 76 Fig. 3. Evaporation from Lake Eyre January 1974-May1976. values at land stations. Oodnadatta, Woomera and Moomba all at about the same distance from the lake were chosen, and an average pan evaporation for the lake region was deter- mined. The ratio between the inferred and the average pan evaporation during the above two periods was found to be a constant with the value of 0.67, and the month by month variation of the factor showed a low scatter, suggesting an error bound on the constant of + 5%. It is assumed therefore that this value may be applied also to determine evaporation for the remaining time intervals, and the resultant monthly lake evaporation values are shown in Fig. 3. The annual value is approximately 2000 mm. This figure is remarkably close to the original determination of 1950 mm for Lake Eyre for the year 1951 by Bonython (1955), and is comparable to that for lakes in similar climatic conditions such as Lake Chad where an annual evaporation rate of 2250 mm is observed. Inflow into Lake Eyre Detailed measurements of inflow into the lake are’ generally not available and inevitably strongly underestimated, as during the recent floodings the waters often proceeded on a broad front of several kilometres, of which only a small part could be measured at the gauging stations in the river beds of the Diamantina and the Cooper rivers. The amount of inflow of groundwaters is even more difficult to obtain. This flow is very slow and rather steady and can contribute noticeably only after periods of several months (Holmes pers. comm.). Therefore the total water supply to the lake (inflow and rainfall) was determined from the water balance by calculating AV + E (Fig. 4). The negative values give an insight into the accuracy of the deductions. The errors are approximately = 0.15 T1/month. This value corresponds to an error in the estimated water level of the lake of only + 15 mm, which is significantly less than the error for an individual water level measure- ment. WATER BALANCE OF LAKE EYRE 95 11 AZ month IN INFLOW RATES DEDUCED P Theall. il : JFMAMJJASONDJIFMAMJIJASOND JS FMAM 1974 1975 1976 Fig. 4. Inflow into Lake Eyre deduced from the water balance equation January 1974-May 1976. The partition of the inflows into the con- tributions from the Diamantina river system, the Cooper river system, the local floods, and the groundwater is an interesting problem, and it could not be solved rigorously, though the three surface components could be sufficiently separated using information on the velocity of advance of floods in the two river systems (Bonython 1963). As a result it can be stated that the Diamantina floods proceed generally four times as fast as the Cooper floods. The mean velocity for six floodings is 3.1 km/day for the Cooper, and 12.5 km/day for the Diamantina. In 1974 and 1976 the passage of the floodings of the Cooper was observed at Innamincka and Kopperamana. From _ these 96 G. TETZLAFF & J. A. T. BYE data using the velocity of advance it follows that the date of entrance of the Cooper flood waters into the lake was not before the end of April 1974, and not before July in 1976, By April 1974 however the bulk of the water had already entered the lake (Fig. 1). Hence, the major contribution can come only from the Diamantina river system, because ground- water inflows are excluded at that stage. In comparison with the first inflow rates, all later inflow rates appear to be much smaller, reaching about one fifth of the 1974 values in 1976, The 1976 floods contain not only con- tributions from the river systems but also local inflow from local rainfalls and possible ground- water. During the period September 1974- August 1975 no surface inflows are observed except for those caused by local rainfalls. This situation served for the determination of the local inflows in relation to the local rainfalls. The inflows originate from sourees such as the Neales and Frome rivers. The increase in volume of water at this time is that which falls directly on the lake surface plus inflow. Using the known precipitation rates it was found that the local inflow contributes about the same volume of water as does the rainfall. Adopting this factor for the other periods we find that the gain by local inflow is equal to the pre- cipitation over the lake itself. Total Water Budget Applying the above conclusions for the whole period of the flooding from 1974 to June 1976 we obtain the total water budget TABLE |} Total water budget of Lake Eyre: January 1974-June 1976 Rainfall 8.0 TI Local Inflow 8.0 TL Infiow from Diamentina river system 38.0 TI Inflow from Cooper river system 2.0 TI $4.0 TI Evaporation -39,5 Tl BALANCE 16.5 Tl (Table 1). It seems remarkable that the Coaper Creek inflow was not of importance at any stage in comparison with the northern flood- ings, or indeed with the local water from pre- cipitation. The evaporation is of such a magnitude that with no more inflows from the Diamantina river systems the lake is expected to dry up in about one to two years (from 1276) mainly depending on the volume of local rainfall. Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their appreciation to all observers, In particular Mr M. ©. Hughes of Muloorina Station, The Engineering and Water Supply Department, S. Aust., and Australian National Railways Commission, who contributed the observations of water level in Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South shown in Figure 1. Many helpful comments by Mr C. W. Bonython on the inter- pretation of the data are also gratefully acknowledged. References BonytHon, C. W. (1955) In Lake Eyre, South Australia, The great flooding of 1949-50. The report of the Lake Eyre Committee. R, Geog. Soc. Aust. (S.A, Branch), 50-56. BonytHon, C, W. (1963) Further light on river floods reaching Lake Eyre Proc. R. Geogr, Soc, Aust. (S.A. Branch) 64, 9-27, Byer, J. A. T., Ditton, P. J.. Vanpengera, J.C, & Wirz, G. D. (1978) Bathymetry of Lake Eyre. Trans. R. Soe. S. Aust. 102(4), 25-88. REDEFINITION OF THE AUSTRALIAN LEPTODACTYLID FROG NEOBATRACHUS PICTUS PETERS BY J. D. ROBERTS Summary Neobatrachus pictus is redescribed using morphological and male call data. The redescription is based on topotypic material and an examination of syntypes. The geographic range is southern S.A. and Victoria. Most published information about N. pictus is based on congeneric species. N. sudelli (Lamb) is resurrected from the synonomy of N. pictus. REDEFINITION OF THE AUSTRALIAN LEPTODACTYLID FROG NEOBATRACHUS PICTUS PETERS by J. D. Roperts* Summary Roserts, J. D. (1978) Redefinition of the Australian leptodactylid frog Neobatrachus pictus Peters. Trans. R. Soc. 8. Aust. 102(4), 97-105, 31 May, 1978. Neebatrachus pictus is redescribed using morphological and male call data, Phe redescrip- lion is based on topotypic material and an examination of syntypes. The geographic range is southern S.A. and Victoria, Most published information about N, pietas is based on con- feneric species. N, sudelli (Lamb) is resulrected trom the synonomy of N. pictus. Introduction Most authors acknowledge that two species of Neobatrachus (the type species N. pictus Peters and N. centraliy (Parker))} occur in eastern Australia (Littlejohn 1971; Cogger 1975; Barker & Grigg 1977), However, there is considerable confusion about the identifica- tion of individuals to each of these species. For example Cogger (1975) figures the range of N. pictus as only just extending into north- etn Victoria. In contrast Brook (1975) indi- cates that if is found in almost all of Victoria. Similarly, Barker & Grigg (1977) figured the range of N. pictus as extending only peri- pherally into southeastern South Australia, so excluding the type locality near Adelaide. Despite Moore's (1961) doubts about the validity of N. centralis Littlejohn (1965) pro- vided clear evidence that al least two forms of Neobatrachus occur in northwestern Vic- toria, Littlejohn figured two audiospectro- grams: one with a high pulse number, high pulse repetition rate and low dominant fre- quency was considered to represent N. cen- tralis. The other had a low pulse number, low pulse repetition rate and high dominant fre- quency, and was referred to N, pictus. Here J refer to it as “type B”. However, South Aus- tralian frogs that I refer to N. pictus did not make “type B” calls. The identity of each of these species would be clarified by examination of various data, including male call, from type localities. The type locality of N. pictus is near Adelaide, and here I have attempted to redefine this species, and so permit its geographic range to be established, The type locality Parker (1940) and Moore (1961) state the type locality of N. picrus to be “near Ade- laide". Peters’ (1864) description was based on material collected by R, Schomburgk of Buchsfelde, “near Adelaide”. Buchsfelde is 4.5 km west of Gawler and is now known as Loos (Praite & Tolley 1970). Richard Schomburgk settled at Buchsfelde in 1849 and lived there or in the Gawler area until at least 1865 (Van Abbe 1960; Serle & Ward 1976). Although there is nu direct evi- dence, it is reasonable to infer that his cal- lection was made at Buchsfelde, and that this is the type locality of N. pictus. Methods (a) Material examined: Calls were analysed from recordings made at seven sites! 7.5 km N.W. of Gawler, ic, 5.5 km N, of Loos (14 frous),; 15.5 km N.W. of Penola (2 Progs); Semaphore Park, 13 km N.W. of Adelaide (t frog); Coffin Bay, 38 km W.N,W, of Port. Lincoln (1 frog); 7.5 km 8S. of Kimba (1 frog); Roora Reservoir, Kimba (2. frogs); Pilepudja Reservoir, 17 km N, of Kimha (2 frogs) and Muratchinu Dam, 33 km N. of Kimba (1 frog), All recording sites ure in * Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide. Present address: Deparimemt of Zoology, Univer- sity of Western Australia, Nedlands, W.A. 6009. 9s J. D. ROBERTS South Australia and all tape recorthings are in my possession, The following specimens were examined. All wre wo the S.A. Museum; registration rmoe©- hers refer to that collection. Cullection dates ure provided only tor topotypes from 7,5 km N.W. of Gawler, all collected by J, D, Roherts. Tupotypic material: R16384 9, R16385-R16987 all 3d, all 2771.73; RIG3I8S GF Qiv.73: RiGIBy Y, R16390-R16394 all cd, all 5.vi,73, Calls of eight of these males were recorded. Other muterials R2590 | $1 9 Lake Mamilton; R2776 4 9, Sel- licks Heach; R2888 3 dot F 1, hetween Naime & Bulhunnah; R3007 | ?, Kangaroo Islund; R3099 ( 9, Muston, Kangaroo Island: R3474 1 9, Corny Point: R348 2 3, Kangaroo Islund: R378R | of 1 2, Avenne Manges RA7L7 1 oY Reynellas RSU03- 5095 3) West Beach; R5096 | 2, West Beach; RS5149 52), West Beach, R5175 | ff 1 2, Nara coorte; R5176 | f, Pt Lincoln; RS195 220J, Cum- mins; R5196 6), Hampstead; R5197 11, Hamp- stead Gdns; RS497 1 9 Mr Graham. ar Mulicent; R8355 UW, Hardwicke Bay; R&S356 11, Box War, Lameroo; R&K44 1 4, Edeowie Gorge; R&YT4 21 9 JJ, Naracoorte: R8960 | 9. 16 km W) of Vivonne Bay; R&Y63 L df 2 &, Lucindale: RS970 3.2 9, Naracoorte; R8977 UI, 96 kin N.NE. of Frances: R&Y86 AC 3 9. Narmocourte: R997¢ | d, Hincks Nil Pk; RIOSST IT of 1 2, Narrung; R12251 1 9 Sentuphore Pk; R13039 1 Z Nuri- ootpa: RI3345 2 7 1, Mr Scott Nil Pk; R1356! 1 2 Minebool, nr Mt Gambier; RI3623 A-b 2 f 2 §, 1622.4 km S. of Naracoorte: RId256 | 4. tr Penola: RIS382 3929 11, Bangham Can- servation Pk; RIS486 1 & Laura; RIGOL7 1 %, Innes NU Pk: RIGH29 1 9, Sandy Ck Conservi- tion Pk) R1I6308 7 of) Jip Jip Conservation Pk: RI639S | ft 7.5 km WLW, of Gawler; R16396 1.9) bm S. of Kimba: R1A397-99 3 ¢ Roora Reservoir, Kimbn; Rl64i0 1 4) Pilepudia Reser- voir, 17 km N, of Kimba) R1l640}-2 2 4, 1545 km N.W. of Penola; R16403 7 429. 49.1 km N, of Kingston: K16404 1 4 5.3 km N. of Peake Risdos | of, 322 km S& of ME Mary; Rinadt (41% Varna Sta, Eyre Peninsula; R1H4N7 1 fy ato ka N. of KingMom KI6808 | P74 kon SS.W_ of Coolutoa; RIAG09 1 2, 3.5 km S.W, of Coolutoo, Rlpéi |) 48 kin NW, of Coola- foo, RIGHT! 2 2 1 2 LG km SR. of Mr Batker Riedi2 1 9 4.0 km WN. of Strathalbyn: RIGS i, 28 km NON.W oof Littlehampton: RIG4i4 1 9, 26 kay W. of ML Barker: RIM4IS 7, 16-32 km S. of Kingstaun; RIGIIK 2 & | 2, Scorpion Springs Conservation Pk; R647 | S 23.5 kin N oof Menimagie; RIG4I8 2 of Whanmiidan: RL6419 3 JAF. 24.5 km N, of Kinestuns RiGQa2 14 1 9. Lake Gilles Nit Pky RI6421 27, Mondy Tunks, Wo of Ungaitin RIO? | S27 km SE. of Kingston; Ri6d23 7 2) Banh Ri gaz vw #+.6 km SSW, of Kybybolite: RIWd25 | 4) 0.6 kin S.W. of Kybybolite; R16426 1 5, 0.3 haw NL of Conjuum School, Comaum; R16427 | 9, 25 km S.E af Glen Roy Rwy Stn} Klo428 7 of, 160 km N.W-. of Penolu; RIKG29 | DG 2.5 km S. of Penola) RIMM LY LEB km SS uf Penula: R643! (2, 4.7 km S, of Tarpeena; R16432 1 Allendale Bust, RI6433 1d 2 9, 26 km N.N-W- of Nuracoorte; R1A434 7 ¢ 1 9, 28.4 km NNLW, of Nuracoorte: Rif435 | 4 1 F, 5.4 km WN.E. of Beachport; 16436 1 9. 21.7 km SE. of Rober Ri6437 | 3. 5.2 km SSW, of Greenways; R1N438 2/19, 2.2 km NE. of Greenways; R16439 | & (2 128 km NF of Greenways; RI6d40 7 7.4 km E.S.E- wf Kingston- (bh) Call recording and analysis; Calls were recorded of a Nagen UE NP, tape recorder with Beyer M 100 microphone, a Uher 4400 Report stereo recorder with AKG, D 404 C microphone, or a Sony TC-510-2 recorder with ALK.G. D 190 microphone. th ull cases tape speed was 19 cm/sec, Recording levels Were set below —SdB ta minimise overload distortion which could arise with signals of short duration. All recorded frogs ‘were ecall- ihg from sl] water, Waler lemperatures were recorded at the calling site, but may slizhily overestimate cloacal temperatures, For fifteen froys where both data are available the mean difference between water and cloacal tem- peratiires was 0.16°C, This difference was sig- nificant {Wilcoxon T 4.5, P <= .05). How- ever. as only water temperature data wert obtained jn some cases this problem cannot be overcome, Tape recordings were analysed hy playback at half speed on the recorder used for field recornling, With the oulput displayed on a Tektronix 502 double beam oscilloseape and photographed by a Grass C4 camera, A tite marker (100 pulses/sec, derrved tram the 50 Hiv mains frequency) was displayed on the second beam of the oscilloscupe, With half specd playback the time marker Aleerively represents S om sec, rather than the expected !O m sec. intervals. Only the list clear recorded call was ana- lysed for cach Frog Successive calls of indi- vidual lrogs were similar. Pulse repetition rate was measured from pulses 7 to 10 and pulse duration, dominant frequency and rise time fie. the time from start in peak pulse armypli- hide) were measured i pulses 7. & and & and the three values averaged, Polses per call were counted jn the last three recorded calls teither from oscillograms or by playback at reduced lape speed), and the three values averaged. {e) fieogeaphie disteihatian aud biology: Diss trisuuon daity were golluted jm three ways: REDEFINITION OF NEOBATRACHUS PICTUS 99 if \ / 27.4 HAWKER~ o a _ LACRAMAN 5 J (@& 4 i A Ge 1 > 2 > 4; rarely 1 = 2. Subarticular tubercles well developed and irregular number of inter- digital tubercles. Tubercles at base of second and third fingers often divided. Generally two large, flat palmar tubercles: that at base of first finger more prominent. Nuptial pad may over- Fig. 5. a. Right hand of male (R16393); b. Right foot of male (R16391); c. Right foot of female (R16389); d, Groin of N. pietus (R16393); e. Groin of male making “type B” calls from 8 km W. of Blanchetown (R16449). In d. and e, arrow indicates area of difference, In a. b, and c, the bar represents 5 mm. REDEFINITION OF NEOBATRACHUS PICTUS 103 fap medial edge of inner palmar tubercle (Fix. 5a), Hind limbs short with thia averaging one Third oF snout-vent length (Table 3), Toes short and cylindrical with order of Jengths 4>5 > 5 >2 > 1. On one foot of R16399 toc 5 > 3. Subarticular tubercles poorly deve- loped and may not be obvious on fifth toe, No Wuter metatarsal tubercle but large, shovel shaped, inner Metatarsal tubercle, usually edged with black or rarely light brown. Blackened section wlways much longer than maxinium Width and symmetric about mid tine (Fig. 5b, ¢). In males, webbing between tues extensive, extending to or beyond ultimate joint, with distinctive almost rectangular inden- tation between third and fourth, and fourth lind fifth toes (Fig. Sb). At tip of fifth toc Webbing may appear almust as fringe. In females webbing much less extensive, reaching only to second joint on fourth toc, and deeply indented between all joes (Fig, 5c). Ventral surface, top of foot, femur and underside of arm smooth, Dorsal surface, head and eyelals, upper side of anns, tibia and underside of foot usually bear numerous, fine, smooth warts. On posterior half of dofsum warts may only occur in band down mid-fine, Tr breeding males nutnernus smull, short, sharp black spines. Cloacal region bears fine white ariunules, Just above jaw (extending back lo aliave vem) there may be roughly linear series of linge white granules, occasionally fusing to form fairly distinct stnpe, Ventral surface white; mandibular margins or Whole chit may be Tightly suffused with grey or light brown, In preservative dorsal sur- face varies from sight to dark grey with humerous small to medium darker spots, Edges ol spots usually diffuse. There may be «a narrow, While lo cream md-dersal stripe, often interrupted. OF the eleven specimens trom near Crawler, three hid no stripe, three a clear stnpe uni five an inlerrupled siripe. In life, havkgroimd colewr is venerally a yellowish green with spots dark brown to black, The eleven speeimens fran pear Gawler had an averave snout-Vent length of 45.7 mm (40,5-S52.0 vant, Geographic vartalion Vrogs from all paris of the range int SAL vary only tn the following fespects: it series of tales Fron and near Kimbu the for webbing is much fess extensive, and closer ty that in feniiles fom Gawler (Pig. Sc, In males from Penal the webbing fs more cxtensive but through southeastem S.A. males have more extensive webbing than females. Some of this variation may be sca- sonal as reported for N. pelobatoides (Parker 19-40). In some specimens, particularly from the Mt Barker-Balhannah area of the Mt Lofty Ranges, as well as a mid-dorsal stripe there was an clongate V-shaped mart extending pos- teriorly trom above the arm with the point of the V in line with the eye, In yu few frogs from southeastern S.A. and the Mt Lofty Ranges the tip of the first toe bears a light brown to hlack spot. The maximum snout-Vvent lengths recorded were 62.6 nm {(d R16416, Scorpion Springs Conservation Pk) and 60.7 mm (¢ RLO857, Narrung), Call> Relatively long, averaging 33 pulses (19 pulses/sec. at water temperature of 159°C), Dominant frequency |,3 kH¢. Comparivon with other species: The call of N- pictus clearly distinguishes it (rom congeners known from 8. Other Neobatrachus encoun- tered all had similar calls with higher domin- unt Frequencies (from 1,5-L,7 kHz), low pulse numbers (average about 15) and at any given temperature a much lower pulse repeti- tion rate than N. pietus; my “type B" call of Littlejohn (1965). Adults of these other call types are cither much smalicr (average S—V 36 mm) with large. clearly demarcated spots on the dorsal surface (southeastern $A.) of are light brown or goldeti coloured with skin extending from the side of the body across the groin to the knee (Fig. 5e) (northern, northeastern and northwestern $.A.). In N. pictus skin only ex- tends marginally along the upper leg from the side of the body (Fig. Sd), The skin enclosed groin ulso occurs in the small form jn seuth- eastern S.A., but is not a constant feature of these Iroys. Type speciniens There are five syntypes in the Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt University! 9507, a sub- adult ¢? female) of 31.3 mm, and a juvenile ? Notuden ertelaneseaphus,; 4725 a partly de- composed adult female of 45,0 mm and a poorly preserved male of 41.8 mm: 4726 a well preserved gravid female of 55,1 mm S-V and 56.4 mm (total length measured to pos- terior extremity of body beyond the vent. It is clear from the size and other details that Peters based his description on No. 4726. It 104 werees with the original and this description in size and all other pertinent respects. Discussion The distribution data in Figure 1 combined with Brook’s data for western Victoria pro- ably represent ihe total range of this species. As N, pictus is replaced to the west, north- west, north and northeast in S.A. and to the east in Victoria (Brook 1975} by “call type B" frogs, the only possible extension is into southern and eastern N.S.W. Harker & Grego! recorded “type B” calls 24 km §&. of Condob- lin, N.S.W., attributing them to NV, pictus. LE their use of (he name N-. picruy is consistent throughout the range they wive for this species (central N.S.W. as far as Queensland and south into Victoria) then there is little chance that N. picius (sensu stricto) octurs anywhere in N_S.W. of Queensland, Previous redescriptions of N. pictus (Parker 1940; Moore 1961) ditfer from mine in several details. However, he character most profitably used in distinguishing N. pietes from Neohatrachus making “ype B" calls (extent of skin in the groin: Fig, 5d, &), was not con- sidered by either author. The differences be- tween my description and thuse of these authors may reflect the fact that in all proba- bility none of the specimens examined by them are conspecilic with N. pictus. Parker examined material from Melbourne and Sand- hurst (= Bendigo, Keed 1973) in Victoria, Urana and Ryalstone in N.S.W, and a skeleton from "Australia". Moore's description seems to be largely based on specimens collected at Mt Stromlo, A.C.T, Uo omy interpretation of the range of N, pictus is correct, none of these sites fall within the range of this species. The distribution data T have presented show ¢learly that N. pieruy occurs on the Eyre Peninsula, Muin, Lee & Littlejohn (1958), Cogger (1975) and Barker & Grigg (1977) have failed to recognise this Fact. Furthermore this species fs not yet known to occur in N.S.W., aud published ranges extending across J. D. ROBERTS NSW. and into Queensland (Cogger 1975; Barker & Grigg 1977) are likely to be in error, Heleioporus sudelli Lamb (1911) Fram Warwick, Queensland has been considered a synonym of N. picrus (Hosmer 1948, Moore 1961) though Parker (1940) — expressed doubts. Because 1 have established that N. pictus does not occur in Queensland, this synonumy cannot be sustailted, Thus I resur- rect N. sudelli (Lamb) as a valid species, and possibly a senior synonym of N_ centralis (Parker), The relationships of N. pictus lo congeners is unclear’, Parker (1940) argued that N. pelo- hatoldes is the western analogue of N. pictiis, and that these two species are closely related: a sentiment reiterated by Main, Lee & Little john (1958) and by Littlejohn (1967), How- ever, as Parker's concept of N, pictus is now suspect the real relationships are more obscure, This problem will only be resolved following a thorough te-cxamination of material from all over Australia, variously referred to ceniralix, pictus and sudelli, The status of Neobatrachus populations making “type B” calls in S.A., N-S.W. and Victoria should be included in such a review, Acknowledgments During most of this research J held » Com- monwealth Post Graduate Research Award. Research finds were also supplied by Murray Park College of Advanced Education. The late Michael Smyth assisted with field recording. Bev Roberts measured many of the call ascil- lograms. Philippa Horton translated Peters’ description und Mr B, Stankewytsch-Janusch prepared Figure 4, Dr T. F. Honston allowed access to material in the SA, Museum, and syntypes Were loaned by Dr Peters, Zoolo- gisches Museum, Humboldt University, Berlin. Mike Tyler offered advice and encouragement and critically read the manuseript. To the above and to the numerous persons who: either sent specimens or recordings my sincere thanks, References Banker, J. & Gaia, G, (1977) “A field guide to Australian frogs.” (Rigby: Adelaide.) Brook. A.J, (1975) The distribution of Anuran amwonlidaas In Victoria, Vier, Mat, 92, 104- Cnacea, HG. (1975) “Reptiles and amphibians of Australia.” (Reed: Sydney.) Hosmer. W. (1958) A note on the identity of Heleioperes sudelli Lamb, N, Qld Nat. (120), “ter 1 Cassette recording of mule mating calls of 44 species of southeastern Australian frogs. J. Darker & G. Grigg. Zoology Building, University of Sydoey. REDEFINITION OF NEQBATRACHUS PICTUS 105 Lams, J. (1911) Description of three new batra- chians from southern Queensland. Ann. Qld Mus. 10, 26-28. LirrLEsOHN, M. J. (1965) Vocal communication in frogs. Aust. Nat. Hist. 15, 52-55. LITTLEJOHN, M. J. (1967) Patterns of zoogeo- graphy and speciation in south-eastern Aus- tralian amphibia. Jn A. H. Weatherley (Ed.), “Australian inland waters and their fauna.” (Australian National University Press: Can- berra.) LitTLEJOHN, M. J, (1971) Amphibians. Jn “Vic- torian Year Book No. 85.” (Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics: Melbourne.) Main, A. R., Lee, A. K. & LITTLEJOHN, M. J. (1958) Evolution in three genera of Aus- tralian frogs. Evolution 12, 224-233. Martin, A. A, (1965) Tadpoles of the Melbourne area. Vict. Nat. 8, 139-149. Moore, J, A. (1961) The frogs of eastern New South Wales. Bull. Am. Mus. nat, Hist. 121, 149-386, Parker, H. W. (1940) The Australian frogs of the family Leptodactylidae. Novit. Zool. 42, 1-106. Perers, W. (1864) Ubersicht de von Hrn. Richard Schomburgk an das Zoologische Museum eingesandten Amphibien, aus Buchs- felde bei Adelaide in Siidaustralien. Monatsh. K, Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1863, 228-236. PRAITE, R, & ToLLey, J. C. (1970) “Place names of South Australia.” (Rigby: Adelaide.) REED, A. W. (1973) “Place names of Australia.” (Reed: Sydney.) Serce, G. & Warp, R. (1976) (section eds) Volume 6, R-Z. Jn B. Nairn (general Ed.), “Australian Dictionary of Biography.” (Mel- bourne University Press: Melbourne.) TyLer, M. J. (1966) “Frogs of South Australia.” (South Australian Museum: Adelaide.) Van ABBE, D. (1960) The Germans in South Australia. Aust. Letters 3, 26-34, Watson, G. F. & Martin, A. A. (1973) Life his- tory, larval morphology and relationships of Australian Leptodactylid frogs. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 97, 33-45. SALT TRANSFERS BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH LAKE EYRE BY J, A. DULHUNTY Summary Investigations in 1977 indicated that approximately 30° tonnes, or 7.4% of the salt crusts in Lake Eyre North were transferred to Lake Eyre South by overflow of saline floodwater through the Goyder Channel during the major 1974 flooding. Absence of salt crust in the south lake prior to 1974 and evidence of three greater prehistoric floodings, indicate return of salt to the north lake, between high-level floodings, by a process believed to be solution in rain water and transport in underground water towards the lowest area of the salina. SALT TRANSFERS BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH LAKE RYRE by J. A. DULHUNTY* (with a calculation of the rate of groundwater movement, by J. W, HoLMes) Summary DOLHUNTY, J. A, (1978) Salt transters between North and South Lake Eyre. Vranas, KR. Sine 5. Aust, 102(4), 107-112, 31 May, 1978. Iivesiigauions in 1977 indicated that approximately 30" tonnes, or 7.4% of the salt crusts in Luke Eyre North were transferred to Lake Eyre South by overfluw of saline floodwater through the Goyder Channel during the major 1974 flooding. Absence of salt crust in the south lake prior to 1974 and evidence of three greater prehistoric floodings, indicate return of sali to the north lake, between high-level floodings, by a process believed to be solution in rain water and transport in underground water towards the lowest area of the salina. lutroduction Luke Eyre is a large normally dry salina. consisting of two parts—Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South, commonly referred to as the nerth und south Jakes, connected by the Goyder Channel (see Fig. | and Bonython 1955), The lake forms the sump of a large internal drainage basin (Wopfner & Twidale 1967). When rivers rising in high rainfall areas reach Lake Eyre, they flow into the north lake to produce minor flooding of part of its bed, or less frequently major flooding over the whale of its bed (Dulhunty 1977; Bonython & Mason 1953), The south lake normally receives only small quantities of water from a relatively small arid drainage area on the soulhwestern side of the internal drainage hasin, producing only minor flooding, On rare occasions, possibly once in several hundred years (Dulhunty, J. A. 1975) the north lake floods to a high level and overflows through the Goyder Channel into the south lake, The purposes of this paper are (i) to record an estimate of the quantity of salt transferred to the south lake during the 1974 major flood- ing, and the nature and distribution of result- ing new salt crusts in the south take, and (ii) io consider transfers by prehistoric floodings and natural processes of return of salt to the north lake. Salt crust distribution The bed of the north lake slopes gently from north co south, and that of the south lake from northeast to southwest, Hard crystalline salt crusts up to 64 cm thick (Bonython 156; Duthunty 1974) occur in the southern bays of the north lake, which are the lowest areas of the lake as a whole, where final evaporation of floodwaters and brines takes place. Smull quantities of Jocal rain water accumulate in the south lake, and evaporate or soak into the bed, but no hard crystalline salt crusts had been reported or known to occur prior to the 1974 flooding of Lake Eyre. Bonython (1961) described the bed of the south lake in 1960 as encrusted with soft powdery salt forming a layer “never thicker than a fraction of an inch”, but no solid salt crust like that found in Madigan Gulf. In 1939 the present author walked over part of the bed and found con- ditions similar to those described by Bonython, Water levels in North and South Lake Eyre The bed of the Goyder Channel rises to sill] which is about 2.0 m above the general level of the adjacent north lake shoreline, and the shoreline at the lower southwestern end of the south lake. The sill is also about 44 m above the deepest parts of the north lake, and 3.4 m above the deepest parts of the south luke (see Fig. 1), The A.H.D. values of the spot heights shown in Figure 1 for the south lake, ure based on original levelling by Bonython and Fenner in 1960 (Bonython 1961), Their heights were recalculated to A,H.D. values of hench marks * Depariment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W. 2006, 108 J. A, DULHUNTY ¥ MADIGAN 14 4 1°} v7 -- f —/2-4 @ SPOT HEIGHT ON BOTTOM, METR N BENEATH SALT WD. \-/3-5~ BOTTOM CONTOUR va GENERAL DIRECTION OF SHOLLOW SUBSURFOCE WATER MOVEMENT. Fig. 1. Lake Eyre South and southern bays of Lake Eyre North showing relative bed levels and regional groundwater movement. along the Alice Springs Railway near Curdi- murka, recently amended by Mr R. T. Smith for Commonwealth Railways and adjusted to the A.H.D. value of Bench Mark L 40/6440 (Dept Lands, S. Aust.) at Prescott Point, adopted by the Engineering and Water Supply Department, Adelaide (Will & Clark!) as established A.H.D. value for the Lake Eyre area. A.H.D. values for Lake Eyre North, shown in Figure 1, are based on levelling by the author in 1972 as yet incomplete and un- published. The only occasion on which a definite over- flow, from one lake to the other through the Goyder Channel, was authentically observed and recorded was during the 1974 flooding to the greatest depth ever recorded, and possibly for some 500 years (Dulhunty, J. A. 1975). The flooding commenced in February 1974, Water in the north lake rose to the level of the sill and commenced flowing through the Goyder Channel on about the 19th March 1974, Flow increased until May of that year when a maximum mean lake level of about 9.1m A.H.D. was reached, approximately 1.0 m above the original sill level. It then decreased slowly as the north lake level fell and the south lake level rose, until an equili- brium level between the two obtained in October 1974, Small amounts of water then Will, G. D. & Clark, J. (1977) Establishing A.H-D. at Lake Eyre North and Lake Eyre South. Report, Sur. B., Engineering and Water Supply Dept. Adelaide SALT TRANSFERS BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH LAKE EYRE 109 LAKE EYRE Na Pa - r ( yet 7 ) yiede- Ni / - q GOYDER CHANNEL TO LARE.EYRE NORTH 7 LEGEND ~~ S_-)SOPACH ON SALT CRUST/om) Cc J TRAVERSE LINE FRUM SHORE Fig. 2. Lake Eyre South showing salt crust distribution and thickness in October 1977. moved back and forth through the channel with changes in wind direction, until water connection ceased during August 1975. Transfer of salt during 1974 flooding Water flowed freely through the Goyder Channel for seven months, during which time its salinity varied from 10 to 50 g/l The volume of water which flowed through the channel cannot be calculated accurately as rate of flow varied widely, and the water required to fill the south lake came from local rain in iis catchment area as well as from the north lake. However, it was evident that a great quantity of salt had been transferred from the north to the south Jake in aqueous solution during the period of overflow. After water ceased to flow into the south lake, and it dried up in 1977, large areas of its bed were covered with a hard white crys- talline salt crust for the first time on record, The crust closely resembled that which had occurred over the southern bays of the north lake before the 1974 flooding. Practically all the salt formations and types of crust pre- viously observed in the north lake (Bonython 1956; Dulhunty, R, 1975) were seen in the south lake in varying degrees of development in 1977. The only significant difference was greater porosity and lower bulk density in the south lake crust, due probably to immaturity and a» somewhat more open texture in which additional salt had not yet crystallised, Also, in some places, lateral spaces or voids, from 0.5 to 3 em wide, filled with water and occa- sional transverse salt crystals occurred on hori- zontal planes within the crust. All salt crust thicknesses recorded in this paper and in Figure 2, are nett figures excluding lateral spaces. Quantity of salt transferred A survey wus carried out of salt crust thick- ness and distribution in Lake Eyre South in October 1977. Results are shown in Figure 2.. Traverses were run out from the shore along 9 lines, A to H and J, across the lake bed (Fig, 2), Nett crust thicknesses were deter- mined at intervals of 200-500 m depending on rate of change in thickness. Isopachs were then drawn through points on the traverse lines, and interpolated across intervening arens using all available information and indications obtained by aerial and surface reconnaissance. 110 The resulting isopach map (Fig, 2) is believed jo be a good general overall pictuve of the eecurrence of salt crust in the south lake tn Octoher 1977. The area of thickest crust, occurring within the 20 cm isopach, varied up to 24 cm in the vicinity of the lowest place in the south lake discovered near Emerog Point in 1960 by Bonython (1961), A maximum thickness of 29 em was measured at one place near the shore off the northern tip of Em¢roo Point, i a channel Washed out by Walter flowing round the point. Bonython (1956) recorded the mean bulk density for salt in Lake Byre North as about 1.49 tonnes per m*, und calculated the total salt content, above the surface of the true lake bed to be about 408" tonnes. Determinations of bulk density of the immature salt crust in the south lake, gave a mean value of about | tonne for m*, representing about 67% of the bulk density of the older north lake crust. The quantity of salt crust in Lake Eyre South, in October 1977, occurring above the surface of the true lake bed, calculated from isopach values, enclosed areas and a hulk den sity of 1.0 tonne per m', was about 30% tonnes. This indicales that approximately 7.4% of the salt crust ut Lake Eyre North was transported to Lake Evre South during the 1974 flooding. Prehistoric floodings and sali transfers The study of wave-built shingle terraces tlong the shores of the north lake {DuThunty, J. A. 1975) established at least Uhree pre. historic floodings to depths of 0.7, 1,6 and 2.8 mm) greater than in 1974, al intervals of the order of 500, 1500 and 3000 years before present. Quantities of salt equal to, if not greal¢er thin that carried through the Goyder Channel in 1974-75 must have beet) trans- ferred to the south lake by cach of the pre- historic flooditygs, yet no sall crust was known in the south lake, prior to the 1974 flooding, for at leust 40 years. This means thar in some way salt must he returned to the north lake helween cach of the maior floodings which carry it into the south lake. Return of salt to Lake Kiyre North There would seem to be only three ways it which salt could be returned to the north lake, |. Wind wunrport. Transport of salt as an airhorme powdery efflorescence, of absorbed on dust particles (Bonython (956; Grabag 1920), by prevailing southwest to southeast J, A, DULHUNTY winds from the crust in the south luke to the forth lake or its catehment, is theoretically possible ond probaly bas happened ta some stall extent. Lt wouwd require solution of hard salt crust in partly saturated rising water, and rapid drying at the surface to form a powdery sult, or film absorbed on dust particles, which gould become airbome. In both forth and south lakes crusts salt solutions have been seen rising along cracks and drying at the sur- face to form soft cellular, or lace-like salt masses almost efforescent bul not powdery. The salt masses did oor seem ta he eroded hy wind to become airborne, even in strong winds, hut remained until dissolved in rain water, from which the sali was added to hard crust by recrystallization on evaporation. Nor was evidence seen of dust being welted with salt solution and drying to become airborne, Although no direct evidence of wind traits porl of salt was seen at Lake Eyre, it could have operated as a minor contributing factor in return of salt to the north lake. 2. Solution in surface floodwater, The most direct and simplest way in which salt could he teturned to the north lake would be by solution m surface floodwater filling the south lake ind overflowing into the north lake. However, no authentic report, record or observation cxisis of Lake Evre South filling independently of the north lake, and overflowing to the north (Bonython 1969), Nor docs it seem likely that this couldl have happened under present con- ditions of aridity (Bonython 1960), which must have existed for at last 3000 years in the relatively small drainage area of the south lake. The circumstances in which the worth lake filled in both the 1949-50 and 1974 flood. ings, indicate that a fare high ramfall Years when the south Inke could have filled, the north Inke Would fuve filled first and over- flowed into the seath lake, preventing effective transfer of salt to the north. So return of salt to the north lake by serth-lowiny floodwaters would seem to have been so wnlikely that it must be discounted, The possibility of water, from minor fillings in the south lake, being blown by south westerly wind up across is hed and through the Goyder Channel, must also be discounted. During the 1949-50 floadings inean take level rosé to Within 24 em. of the sill level (Henython 1966) bit noe water was knewn fo be blown south throngh the channel Also, after the 1974 flooding, when water receded in the south lake to a little south of the south. SALT TRANSFERS BETWEEN NORTH AND SOUTH LAKE EYRE ii ern end of the channel, at some 40 em below the sill, no water was known to have been blown north through the channel, Even if filled to the general level of its northern shore, al aboot J10 m AH,D, (see Fig, 1) water would have ta have been blown up through a vertical interval ef L.O m to Bow north through the Goyder Channel, which would seem im- possible, 3. Solurion in subsurface grourtedwater, Limited quantities of rain water, from an aver- age annual ramlall over the south lake of Jess than 125 mm and brief flows. of river water from its arid catchment area, accumu- late at times, perhaps once every two or three vears, in relatively small areas of its lake bed. After dissolving salt, some of the water could pass down through the bed and merge with shallow groundwater moving generally to the north beneath country separating the north und somth Jakes (Pig. t). Such regional move- ment of groundwater could certainly be ex- pected from the higher country south of the railway, north beneath the south Jake towards the lower parts of Lake Eyre North (see Fig. 1), The difference between lake bed levels in the south lake and the southern parts of the north Jake 1s illustrated in Figure 1, It shows the battom contour of © 13,5 m AVH.D, equi- valent to the lowest point im the south Jake, close to the shorelines round Madigan Gulf and Jackboot and Belt Bays, Practically the whole of the lake bed in the three bays is up to LAlom below the lowest point in the south lake, and Up to 3,5 m below other parts of its bed, This difference in elevation over the wide area of the three hays would promote a posi- tive Movement of groundwater to the north. It would be most active during and following years of higher rainfall, During years of very low rainfall it may well be interrupted by insuflicient intake to maintain continuity of Water and flaw, The groundwater carrying salt from Lake Fyre South would eventually surface in Magi- gan Gulf and Jackboot and Beli Bays, where the base of the salt crust is at, or slightly below the level of the “dry lake” watertable. Tt would then move up through the crust to evaporate and deposit its salt content at the surface, This is believed to be the principal factor contributing 10 the return to the north of salt periodically dissolved in floodwater and carried by overflow to the south lake. Acknowledgments It is wished to acknowledge (i) valuable assistance of Muloorina Station including the station aircraft in aerial reconnaissance over Lake Fyre South piloted in 1976 by Mr M, O. (Blue) Hughes and in 1977 by Mr Malcolm Mitchell who also helped in running ground vontrol traverse line H (Fig, 1) in country of difficult access, (ij) helpful discussion with Mr Warren Bonython, and with Messrs G_ D. Will and J. Clark of the Engineering and Water Supply Dept, Adelaide, and (iii) research facilities of the University of Sydney awd funding by the Australian Research Grants Committee. References Bonyrunan, C. Wo & Mason, B, (1953) The filling and deving of Lake Eyre, Geogr. J. 119(3), 321-330, BonyTHon, C, W., (1955) In “Lake Eyre, South Australia. The Great Flooding of 1949-50," The report of the Luke Eyre Commitee. R. geogt. Soc, Aust. (S, Aust, Branch), pp. 7-9, 27-37. (Grilli) Press: Adelaide, ) Bonytnon. ©. W. 11956) The salt of Lake Eyre —its occurrence in Madigun Gulf ane its possible origit. Trans. Ri Soc. 8, Aust 79, 66.92. Bowron, C, Wo (1960) A decade of watching for water in Lake Eyre, Prac, R. geaer. Sac. Ait. OS, Auer. Arancl| G1, 2-8. BonyTHen, C, W. C1961) The accurate deter. mination of the level of Lake Eyre, dhid, 2, AT7-43. Duitiunry, 1. A. (1974) Salt crust thickness and lake bed conditions in southern areas of Lake Eyre North. Trans. R. Sec. S. Ausi, 98(3), 125-133, Duvyunty, J, AL (1975) Shoreline shingle ter- races and prehistoric fillings of Lake Eyre, thid, 9904), 183-188. Ducnunry, J. A. (1977) The arid terminal role and evolution of Lake Eyre in Australis, Proc. Intemat Conf,, Arid Terminal Lakes. Webber State College, Ogden, Utah. In press. Dutnunty, &. (1975) “The Spell of Luke Eyre”, pp, 16-19. (Lowden: Kilmore.) Cruanau, A. W. (1920) “Principles af Salt Depo sitton,” 1st Edm. (MeGraw-Hill: New York.) Worrpner, H. & Twipare, C. R. (1867) In 0. N, Jennings & J. A. Mabbutt (Eds). “landform Studies from Australia and New Guinea") pp 118-143, (ALN_LU, Press: Canberes,) 112 J. A. DULHUNTY CALCULATION OF RATE OF GROUNDWATER MOVEMENT FROM LAKE EYRE SOUTH TO LAKE EYRE NORTH (by J. W. Holmes) Suppose the geometry of the lakes can be simplified to the diagram in Figure 3. Lake Eyre a 7 rh eo ao pe .) ~— - 26km—————+} The rate of groundwater flow is given by -# Ad Q KA At ’ Where K is the hydraulic conductivity that we will assume to be 1 m day, A is the cross- sectional area through which the aquifer fluid flows (= 2 % 105 m*), and Ag/Al is the hydraulic head gradient (= 5 * 10). Therefore Q=1 * 365 * 2 ¥ 108 * 5 & 10% m§ yr = 4 X% 10% m' yr, The amount of salt to be transferred is 30 % 10° tonnes. Suppose it is transported in a solution of about 100 g F! concentration. That is, a solution volume fiow would be required of about 3 % 10% m*, The time required for this transfer would be about 7.5 * 10° years, consistent with Dr Dulhunty’s statement that the filling of Lake Eyre South by overflow from Lake Eyre North may happen at a recur- rence interval of ~1000's of years. The physical transfer of the same salt as is infiltrated through the bed of Lake Eyre South to the bed of Lake Eyre North would take a longer time. The aquifer volume can be estimated to be 20 km * 20 km & 100 m, and if the aquifer porosity is approximately 0.3 then the volume of fluid is about 1.2 % 10 m*. One pore volume would be replaced by an annual flow of 4 X 10¢ m® yr in 3 ¥ 10° years on the average. The salt solution having its origin in Lake Eyre South would pro- bably not emerge into Lake Eyre North earlier than about + million years after it was en- trained into the bottom of the south lake. If these order-of-magnitude calculations give a correct guide to the general picture of the hydrology of Lake Eyre South relative to Lake Eyre North, they suggest that there may well be zones of lesser and zones of greater salt concentrations in the aquifer fluid moving so slowly towards Lake Eyre North. Such zones would be expected to occur in response to variations in local climatic conditions. The gradients for flow are assumed to be relatively stable and appropriate to the present land levels. The mild tectonic activity of this region could entirely invalidate any time-scale predic- tions that go beyond about 10° years, Dr Dulhunty states that the maximum depth of water in Lake Eyre South occurred in early 1975 and that water connection across the sill was severed in August 1975, The level of the sill appears to be 9.1 m. He states that Lake Eyre South dried up in 1977, That is, the maximum depth of +13.5 — 91 = 44 m, dried up in two years. This implies an evapora- tion rate of 2200 mm yr+, and is in good agreement with our understanding of net radiation into the interior of Australia and the energy available for evaporation of water from a large lake, MACROPICOLA OCYDROMIN.G. N.S.P. (NEMATODA: STRONGYLIDAE) FROM A WESTERN AUSTRALIAN KANGAROO BY PATRICIA M. MAWSON Summary The new genus is placed in the family Strongylidae, sub-family Globocephalinae, because of the large subglobular buccal capsule, without leaf crown, cutting plates, or anterior teeth, with regid mouth opening, and with three large oesophagal teeth. It differs from Globocephalus in the number of teeth, form of teeth, form of the dorsal ray, and position of the vulva. MACROPICOLA OCYDROMI N.G. NSP, (NEMATODA: STRONGYLIDAE) FROM A WESTERN AUSTRALIAN KANGAROO by Patricia M, MAWson* Summary Mawson, P.M, (1978) Macropicola ecydromi n.g.. n.sp. (Nematoda: Strongylidae) from a Western Australian kangaroo. Trans KR, Soe, S. Aust. 102(4), 113-115, 31 May 1978, The new genus is placed in the family Strongylidue, sub-fumily Globocephalinue, because of the large subglobular buccal capsule, without leaf crown, cutting plates, or anterior leeth, with regid mouth opening, and with three large oesophageal teeth. It differs from Globoceplalus in the number of teeth, form of the dorsal ray, and position of the vulva, Introduction The new species and genus described in this paper is one of the only two strongylid nema- todes to be found in Australian marsupials. The first, now under description. was also from a macropod, The genus Hypodoniuy MGnnig, 1929, pre- viously considered a — strongylid = (sf. Uncinariinae), was discussed by Inglis (1968) who referred it to the Amidostomatidac, This genus is at present under revision (Beveridge. in preparation). Holotype male and allotype female of Mac- ropicola ocydromi will be deposited in the South Australian Muscum, Other material is in the Australian National Helminth Collection, in the South Australian Museum. All worms were fixed in hot formalin, and cleared for light microscope examination in lactophenol. Specimens for use in the S.E.M, were brought through ethanol to xylol, and coated first with carbon, and then gold- palladium. Macropicola n.g. Strongylidae: Globocephalinae: Anterior end with flattened cuticular cap surrounding hexagonal mouth opening and bearing amphids and submedian papillae. Buccal capsule large, subglobular, with dorsal groove, and with three solid = multi-tuberculate oesophageal teeth. OesOphagus clubshaped, Male: bursa entire, not deeply lobed, ventral rays together, ventra- laterals separate from = postero and medio- laterals, externo-dorsal from dorsal ray, dorsal ray bifurcate each branch dividing again; spi- cules long, alate; gubermaculum present. Female: tail short, conical; vulva close to anus, ovejectors parallel, uteri pro-delphous. Para- sites of the large intestine of macropod marsu- pials. Type species: Macropiceola ocydromi n. sp, This genus has been placed in the family Strongylidae rather than the Trichonematidae because of the subglobular shape of the well- developed buccal capsule, IL has been referred to the subfamily Globocephalinae because of the absence of Jeaf crown, teeth or cutting plates around the mouth. Of genera in this group, Macropicola most closely resembles Globoacephalus Molin (1861), differing from it in the number of final branches of the dorsal ray, the number of oesophageal teeth, and the more posterior position of the vulva, Globo- cephalus marsupialis Freitas & Lent (1930) was described from a South American mar- supial, Metachiropy opossum. The only other strongylid from Australian marsupials is the new genus being described by Dr J. Beveridge. This differs markedly from Macropicola in the presence of two well developed leaf crowns, Macropicola ocydromi n.g., sp. FIGS 1-9 and localities: Macropuy /uliginesus ocydromus Gould, from near Albany (9 9, Host ” Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, North Tce, Adelaide, S. Aust, 5000, 114 PATRICIA M. MAWSON Macropicola ocydromi: Figs 1-3: Head. In lateral, en face, and dorsal views, respectively, to same scale. Fig. 4: Oesophageal region. Figs 5-6: Bursa in lateral and dorsal views. Fig. 7: Genital cone, dorsal view. Fig. 8: Posterior end of female. 4 3, from 1 host), Jandacot Experimental Stn, W.A. (5 2 from one host), and near Perth (29, 1 do, from one host). Males 12.8-13.6 mm long, females 18.3—20.4 mm, tapering only slightly anteriorly and pos- teriorly. Cephalic cuticle forms thick flattened plate, slightly wider than succeeding body, and bears four small conical submedian papillae, two amphids, and a central anteriorly directed octagonal mouth opening. Buccal capsule longer than wide and widest at its midlength (Figs 1, 2). Dorsal wall of capsule thicker in its basal quarter length, where it is penetrated by the duct of dorsal oesophageal gland; after its emergence through wall the duct connects with encircling groove, cut into capsule, following a course as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. From each of the three sections of oesophagus a stout tooth projects into buccal cavity, each tooth provided with a number of short pointed ° * bs Macropicola ocydromi: Fig. 9: Head cut longi- tudinally to show inside of buccal capsule. MACROPICOLA OCYDROMI 115 projections (Figs 1, 2, 3, 9). Oesophagus 1400-1500 »m in male, 1600-1800 pm in female, cylindrical anteriorly widening pos- teriorly. Nerve ring 690-750 ym from head in male, 700-770 ym in female. Small conical cervical papillae and excretory pore shortly behind nerve ring (Fig. 4). Male: Bursa entire, longer dorsally. Arrange- ment of rays shown in Figs 5 and 6. Postero- lateral ray with branch from its base, passing dorsally. Genital cone (Fig. 7) large, posterior lip of cloaca with three pairs short projections. Spicules 990-1000 ym long, giving a ratio of spicule : body length of 12.8-13.6. Female: Body tapers suddenly in region of vagina to short conical tail, 130-190 »m long. Vulva 220-300 »m from tip of tail, vagina short, ovejectors parallel, prodelphous. Egg in uterus (none in vagina) 150 x 70 pm. The specimens described in this paper were collected by N. Allen, and were sent to me by Dr G. de Chaneet of the Animal Health Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Western Australia. I am very grateful to have received this material. The photomicrographs were taken by E.T.E.C. Autoscan in the Cen- tral Electron Optical Laboratory of the Univer- sity of Adelaide. I am indebted to Dr Karl Bar- tusek of this laboratory for help in taking the micrographs and to P. G. Kempster for developing and printing them. References Freitas, J. F. T. & Lent, H. (1936) Estudo sobre o genero Globocephalus Molin, 1861 (Nema- toda: Strongyloidea). Mems Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 31, 69-80. IncLis, W. G. (1968) The geographical and evo- lutionary relationships of Australian tricho- strongylid parasites and their hosts. J. Linn, Sac. (Zool) 47, 327-347. Moun, R. (1861) Il sottordine degli acrofalli ordinato scientificamente secondo i resulta- minti delle in dagini anatomiche ed embrio- geniche. Mem. R. Ist. veneto Sci. 9, 427-633. Monnic, H. O. (1929) Hypodontus macrapi, a hookworm of the kangaroo. Annu. Rep. Dir. Vet. Serv. Pretoria 15, 307-309. VOL. 102, PARTS 5 & 6 31 AUGUST, 1978 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS Grubb, E. A. A. Stratigraphy, palynology and implications of organic bands in a small quaternary basin, near Palmer, South Australia - - 117 Sheard, M. J. Geological history of the Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex, southeast South Australia - - - - - - = 125: Daly, S., Webb, A. W. & Whitehead, S. G. Archaean to early Proterozoic banded iron formations in the Tarcoola region, South Australia - - 141 Tyler, M. J., Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. A new species of hylid frog from the Northern Territory - - - - - - - 151 Van Deur, W. J. Earthflows in the Yankalilla area of South Australia: significance of rainfall, soil properties and Man’s activities - - - - 159 Hails, J. R. & Gostin, V. A. Stranded shingle beach ridges, upper Spencer Gulf, South Australia: evidence for high wave energy dissipation during the late Pleistocene — - - - - - - - 169 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S:A. 5000 STRATIGRAPHY, PALYNOLOGY AND IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIC BANDS IN A SMALL QUATERNARY BASIN, NEAR PALMER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY ELIZABETH A. A. GRUBB Summary The strtigraphy and pollen content of dominantly sandy sediments in a creek bed near Palmer have been examined. Organic bands appear to reflect the presence of permanent standing water in a settling pond from about 8000 years B.P. to some time more recent than 6600 B.P. The generic content of the vegetation then was comparable to the present, but the presence of spores of Anthocerolates suggests that the climate was slightly wetter. STRATIGRAPHY, PALYNOLOGY AND IMPLICATIONS OF ORGANIC BANDS IN A SMALL QUATERNARY BASIN, NEAR PALMER, SOUTH AUSTRALIA} by EuizAbetu A. A. GRuBBt Summary Gruss, K. A. A. (1978) Stratigraphy, palynology and implications of organic bands in a small quaternary basin, near Palmer, South Australia. Trans. RK. Soc. S. Aust. 102(5), 117-123, 30 August, 1978. The stratigraphy and pollen content of dominantly sandy sediments in a creek bed near Palmer bave been examined, Organic bands appear to reflect the presence of permanent standing water in a settling pond from ubout 8000 years B.P. to some time more recent than 6600 B.P, The generic content of the vegetation then Was comparable to the present, bul the presence Of spores of Anthocerotales suggests that the climate was slightly wetter, Introduction Ah intermittently flowing stream 11) km south of Palmer, South Australia, has deeply incised earlier deposits, exposing organic layers in its steep banks. The site is interesting be- cause it is the only known Holocene site con- taining organic sediments in the Mt Lofty Ranges. It is critically positioned hear the eastern limits of the Ranges, in a boundary zone between the woodland and open forest vegetation characteristic of the higher and wetter ranges to the west and the scrub and mallee, common on the Murray Plains in the east, This paper describes the stratigraphy and gives pollen counts from the organic sedi- ments, und discusses the implications of these results in the light of work done on material ol comparable age from other parts of southern Australia. Gorge Creek, lat. 34°55'S, long. 139° 108, flows in a shallow valley running east from Mt Beevor towards the Murray Plains (Fig. 1). Mt Beevor is 480 m high, and is a spur of the higher and wetter Mt Lofty Ranges. Above the site, which is at an altitude of 200 m, the ereck drains an areca approximately 8 km long and ut the most 3 km wide. Below the site the Valley 1s constricted by rocky outcrops und the creck runs to the Murray Plains 3 km away through a narrow pass between the hills, which form the eastern-most edge of the Mt Lofty Ranges, The mean annual rainfall 1s estimated as about 400 mm, Daily mean maximum tem- peratures at nearby Murray Bridge range from 28.9°C in February to 15,8°C in July, and daily mean minima from 15.1°C (February) to 5.5°C (July). It is likely that similar tem- peratures are experienced at the site, modified a little by the constricted valley formation of the surrounding hills which probably tend to trap cold air, Prevailing winds are from the west and southwest. Stratigraphy A stratigraphic section (Fig. 2) was deter- mined from nutural exposures in the steep- banked gully of Gorge Creek. The deposit is about 100 m long; its breadth is uncertain but appears to be about 15 m. Alternating bands of sand and organic matter are about nine m thick (Fig. 3). The lower and more richly organic bands form discrete layers, but the upper bands ure less rich und less distinct, Up- stream and downstream there is a uniform brown sand which fills the bulk of the valley floor, Schist of the Kanmantoo group lies only a few centimetres below the present stream * §4 Thornton Way, Girton, Cambridgeshire CB3 ONJ, England. + This paper is based on: Grubb, BE. A. A, (1967) Analysis of a semi-fossil organic deposit near Palmer. South Australia, M.Sc. thesis, Department of Botany, University of Adelaide (unpublished). 11K ELIZABETH A. A. GRUBB 135"05' 4a%le Achelosctn a9euc! Fin, 1. Topography of upper reaches of Gorge Creek, showing position of deposit (arrowed), Palmer is 11 km to the north, bed along the whole length of the deposit, and there is a particularly notable outcrop near the downstream end. It seems most likely that the deposit began to accumulate in a small water- hole or swamp retained behind a barrier formed by the schist. However, the deposit now extends over the schist barrier. Subsequent incision by Gorge Creck has formed # narrow, steep-banked gully, exposing the layers shown in Fig. 3. The sands are of varying colour and texture, ranging from white through various shades of yellow, orange and brown to black organic sands and through fine and coarse sand to gravel (Fig, 2), Very little clay is present. The organic layers range from the black sand to a heavy moist peattike material. There is no evidence of charcoal, The richest organic layers have been numbered one to seven (Fig. 2), und examined for the presence of pollen. Two radio carbon dates were obtained. The oldest organic layer (7) was dated at 6600 + 100 years B.P. A date of 8000 years was ob- tained for a more recent layer, and this makes it difficult to say with certainty when the earliest sedimentation occurred, Methods Samples were collected from each organic layer. As the layers were exposed sands were simply sampled using 2.5 x 5 cm glass vials, Slabs of the peat-like layers approximately 20 x 20 cm, were removed and transported in plastic bags; in the laboratory fresh surfaces were exposed and subsampled for analysis. Subsamples of 1 g were processed using standard techniques given by Faegri & Iversen (1950), The most satisfactory means of pre- paration was treatment with 5% potassium hydroxide for 15 min., followed by acetolysis and vibration using a ‘vibraflute’ (Tshudy 1960). The dehydrated residues were mounted in glycerine jelly and stained with safranin. A reference collection was made of the pol- len grains of about 200 species commonly found in the Palmer area now. Spores proved to be common in the deposit and this neces- sitated a small collection of fern and bryophyte spores as there was at that time no suitable reference text for these species in Australia. Vegetation of the study area Specht (1972) has mapped the probable pre-settlement vegetation of the Palmer area STRATIGRAPHY, PALYNOLOGY AND ORGANIC BANDS us ‘woodland to open-forest with herbaceous understorey’ dominated by Eucalyptus camal- dulensiy (mainly in the valley bottoms), £&. odorata and Casuarina stricta, The area was opened up for European settlement about 1850 und has been extensively cleared to leave an open grassland with occasional scattered trees. Within 2 km of the site can be found Banksia marginata, Callitris collumellaris, C. preissli, Casuarina stricta, Execalypius anceps, £, camaldulensis, E. fasciculosa and E, porose. In most of the area the conimonest trees are eucalypts, but on the rocky slopes surrounding the study site Casuarina stricta is relatively more prominent. The mallee eucalypts (E. anceps and LE. perasa) occur in diserete out- liers on sandy or rocky soils. Native shrubs and sub-shrubs have heen largely eaten out but some species may be found still: Acacia spp., Billardiera serica- phora, Buryaria spinasa, Correa schleehtan- deli, Dodonaea viscosa, HMaloragiy hetere- phyla, Melaleuca neglecta, Olearia sp., Pime- lea strictum. Rhagodia nutans, and several small legumes. Three ferns found commonly ure Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Pleurosoruy ruti- faliuy and Preridium esxeulentum, Within | km of the deposit are pools con- luining Potamogelon crispus and Ruppia mari tina, and in the areas surrounding them grow Carex tereticaulis, Juncus sp., Lepidasperme laterale, Leptocarpuy brownii, Machaerine juncea, Scirpus amevicanus and S. nodasxuy, In other areas probably seasonally waterlogged ean be found Cypertis gymnecaylos and Juneus spp, Nomenclature follows Black (1943-57) except where revised by Eichler (1965). The pollen record and its evaluation Layer 1, an organte sand, and layer 2, an organic layer whose stratigraphic origins are obscure, yielded no pollen. Layers 3, 5, 6 und 7 contained pollen in meagre quantities, the average slide having a count of about LOO pollen grains. Layer 4 uppeared as richly organic as these four, but the average pollen count was only | or 2 grains per slide, and it was decided to ignore iL. However, it was quite rich in diatom skeletons and a small circular scale, possibly also of diatom origin (7ATelo- sira, David Thomas, pers. comm.). The pollen counts obtained are given in Tables | and 2. Beeause of difficulties ex- perienced in trying to concentrate the pollen, T have included in Table J total counts of all Fi o a 9 oe Iya valley floor = "jj white sand ws -— yellow sand ae =" orange sand 7 brown sand —— 2 -="_ gravel ey ‘ mums Ofganic matter =e =aom clay —— = — =. 21 mottling me 5 5 ais os 6 minis 7 ——— water level Disgrammatic representation of sediments in deposit, showing organic coloured sunds al top, mottled white sands in middle and organic bands containing pollen near base. Layers sampled for pollen analysis are numbered (and their thicknesses indicated helow in parentheses): 1, very sandy. no pollen: 2, richly organic, but stratigraphic- ally obscure, no pollen; 3, richly organic, pollen present (5 cm); 4, richly organic but very little pollen (7 cm); 5, (4 cm); 6. (7 em) & 7, (5 em), richly organic, pollen present. Depth of section about & om. 120 ELIZABETH A, A. GRUBB valley tloor ——___ Og cae “OR Kanmantoo schist stream bed mlm Fig. 3, Vertical section of east bank of Gorge Creck from valley floor to stream bed, showing extent of organic deposits. Organic sands are visible for further 26 m downstream. At the left is shown outcrop of Kanmantoo Schist which probably formed a harrier behind which deposit accumu- lated. TABLE 1 Pollen counts from layers 3, 5, 6 and 7 (different Jorms in descending order of prevalence). Abundant forms Layer 3 5 6 7 Number of slides counted 10 29 13 10 Casuarina 319 922 278 24 Compositae la} 89 896 30 ft 10 Ib 48 21 6 5 2 (Liguliflorae) 21 4 l 3 Chenopodiaceae 44. 45 44 8 Holoragaceac 58 As 13 6 Gramineae 22 #35 29 9 Ranksla 3718 3 3 Myrtaceae 6 10 5 0 Spores 24 «16 3 Unknowns Kare forms Cuallitrichaceae Caryophyllaceae Centrolepidaceae Convolvulaceae Cruciferae Cyperaceae Droseraceae Geraniaceae Hydrochuritaceae Labiatae Legumirosae—Acacia —Papilionatae <= I+) f+ EI+I LI | Lilisceae Potumogetonaccae Rununculaceae—Clematis Rutaceae Thymelacaceace—Pimelea Typhaceae—Typha-like Umbelliferae Diatoms +) te] | $t++) 44.5) +444 $44) 4444) 4) ot} | 44+ +4+4+ | “Ta Helipterum, Helichrysum, Olearia type pollen. Ib Others. "Very numerous. slides examined from each layer and, to get some sort of comparison between the layers, T have listed in Table 2 percentage representa- tion of pollen from 10 slides from each Ipyer, It is clear that the number of pollen present per slide varies markedly, but the commonest families are present in all layers. The un- Knowns, which made up 30-60% of the counts, appeared to be mostly Cyperaceac and Juncaceae. Both these families have thin- willed pollen grains with indistinct markings, and can easily suffer damage and distortion duc to partial drying out. The identification of the pollen to species level was not possible. Many of the genera represented are widespread and contain several species which have very similar pollen and dis- tributions. Conversely, the pollen from the deposit was. similar to, but not identical with locally abundant species. The possibility of Species evolution as well as movement or migration needs to be borne in mind. Casuarina-type pollen is by far the most abundant tree or shrub pollen in the deposit. There are three species of the genus currently found in the southern Mt Lofty Ranges: one tree (C. wrieta) and two shrubs (C. muel- lerana and C. striata). The shrub species are commonest in the wetter areas on infertile soils, while the tree species is characteristic of the drier facies of Woodland and open-forest, With increasing moisture tall eucalypts become prominent, With decreasing moisture mallee cucalypts replace C, stricta, A further tree species, C. cristata, is very widespread in ‘low woodland’ on the dry side of the mallee forma- tion in the Murray Plains, I tried to use pollen size to separate species, but found that this wus of limited value because the range of size of the fossil pollen Was considerably wider than that of the present-day species sampled. At the present time C. stricta is common on STRATIGRAPHY, PALYNOLOGY AND ORGANIC BANDS a1 TABLE 2 Pollen present on ten slides front livers 3,5, 6 and 7 frommraiest forms only listed and expressed as roils und % ). Toiver 3 4 h 7 No, No, FH Ne No. FD Casuar(te 315 a2 308 41 244 S50 Qa is Composite ts a 42.68 244 #3 WwW 6 ih au + *) oo Zz 4 é 2 * » 3 3 Chenpedivesne 44 4 mod NF 8 5 Halorupucese sf 6 92 4 3 4 i 4 Gramineoue my 2 w 2 9. 7 » 6 Banksia 31 # a | 2 sf 31 2 Myriiceae fh */ a! | tow —_-_— Spores at 2 nu —_*— 1 3 Li kouwes 343% 45 248 43 4a 30 wa OU Totulss io 770 444 160 " Spores. were found om thiy duyer bur nat on the slides counted, ;Prabably Included Casuarina and Morivphyllam geains foo poorly preyveeved ta ideinify accurately, Probably luceely Cypeimceae and Juneuceac the racky slopes around the study site, and the simplest interpretation of the pollen record is that a similar type of woodland persisted throughout the period represented by layers 7 to 3, However, the contribulion of Cusuarina (9 a pollen assemblage iy usually out of all proportion to its importance m a mixed stand of trees, so that its apparent dominance of the local tree flora 8000 vears. ago should not he liken ats proven, lwo Ranksin species ure found in South Australia, Both are largely restrieted to arcas with rainfall in excess of 400 mm per year, A marginara is widespread in the Mt Lofty Kinves, and is Known pear the stuly site, whereas &, oynata is of more local occurrence in this part of the State, and is not knawa neal the study site, The pollen size of the two species appears lo be significantly different (Cookson & Erdtmunn 1952). By erarpinati averaging 34 pm and B, ornate 58 pm. My fossil material compared closely with A. rar whom on average of 38 jm was obtained for 12 prains, Th seems likely (hat the pollen is laruely from A. nwrginata-ype plants. Unlike Casuarina, fanksie is a poor pollen-prodiucer, and the relative hundance of Bankyia pollen sigwests Chal the genus was locally common, The farnily Myrtaceae, at important family because of Ts dominance of much of the Aus- tralian tree flora, ie represented by a remark- ably low pollen count; cucalypts ure now hy {ur the most common trees in the area within au few kilometres of the site. The Myriuecie pollen in the deposit seems to he mostly from eucalypts, and to represent a number of spe- cies. Eucalypts now logally domnant are known to have high pollen yields (Boomsma 1972) and, in view of the current close proai- mity of the trees to the site, one would have expected 4a more obvious record of their presence. Chenopodiaceae, Composilae and Grami- eae are all now found in ‘woodland to open forest wilh an herbaceous understorey’ (Specht 1972). The importance of the Muctuations in number of each group is obscure. Pollen from low shrubs such as Acacir und Piinelea are also present, ‘Unknowns! play a prominent part on the pollen counts. The majority of these pollen were probably Cyperacead and Juneaceae with possibly some Gramineae, which would be consistent with a valley-bottom sedge and rush communily, Typha-type pollen were noted in very large numbers in layer 6 and, if this iden- tification is correct, it seems likely that this species colonized the site for a relatively brief period, presumably because local conditions were suituble for ils establishment, Whether this was a chanee occurrence or dependent on certain specific ecological factors is Uncertain, Tr seems likely that the Haloragaceae pollen recorded consistently from cach layer ts Myricphyllum. a genus found locally with several aquatic or marginally aquatic represen- jatives, This Would be consistent with results found from other sites of similar age from southeastern South Australia, Dadsan (18740, 1974b, 1975) noted persistent! high counts for Mvriophviivie pollen in bis material fron Lake Leake, Marshes Swamp and Mt Gam- bier The precise identiticalion of the different types of Spores has vet to he realized, but there are probably at least 10 species fy the depesil. A number of these are fern spores lacking a perispore with affinities to Chefhinthes and findsaea. Two other spore-types were iden- tified as Anthocerotales, a group: found oeca- sionally in damp areas higher in the Mr batty Ranges but not now found i the Palmer area, Two Lyecopadiim spores were also noted, although they could not he positively identified as being from one of the species wow found in South Australin CL. deaterodenvam, L laterale and Ly sérpentiniuan) This genus now has avery restricted distribution Ta the stite, and is found only ala few sites such as Square Water Hole, Mt Compass and the MI Lolly Summit Swamps, all places with permanent standing water, 122 ELIZABEINM A. A. GRUBB Discussion It fas been established by others that the climate in southerh Ausitalia bas been. rela- hively stable over the past 10000 years; tem- perature and rainfall are thought to have been marginally higher hetween $000 and SOOO years B.P. than now, and thes spell was apparently followed by a drier peri around 3000 years B.P, before it became wetter apuin (Bawler et al, 1976), '| appears that the generic content of the vegetation al Gorge Creek has remained largely unchanyed over the last 3000 years, Casvarina, Banksiu and Eucalyplus formed the most prominen: pollen-cantubuting genera 8000-6600 years ago, An understorey of herbs und subshrubs {chenopeds, compasites and grasses} was present around yu shallow lake or waterhole with Cyperacese and Jouneny species near the water's edee. In the pool grew Myrie- plydium. Poetamegeton and several other hydrophyies. On nearhky slopes, possibly among rocks, were established a few ferns, Anthoverotales and possibly Lycopadlunt spe- vies. Only the Anthoceratales jind Lyeapartini species are no loriger found locally, The major plant families at this site are also the commonest families noted hy Dodson (1974a, 1974b, 1975) and by Dodson & Wil- son (1975) at five sites in southeastern South Australia dind southwestern Victoria, All of the “Noctoriin sites are i areas domimated by woodland or open-forest and, although the relative importunce of the major floristic eroups varies qlite considerably, it is clear thal the pattern of vegetation at this site is closely comparable with (hat at sites in the southeast. It is quite different from that found by Martin (1973) th material from Nullabor Caves where the present rainfall is whour 200 mm per year; chenepods dominated her pollen coumis, while Compositae. Gramineae and Myttacese accounted for most of the rest of the pollen. Pollen analysis shows little change in the generic conient of the four layers cxamined. The presence in quantity of the Tvpha-like pollen in lager 6 would appear to he 9 local phenomenon, 4 chance oecurrence made pos- sihly by some change in the local environment, Fluctuations in climate were apparently noi efeal cnough fo cause significant changes in the vevelation, although pollen-contsining sedi. ments represent only w small part in the his- tory of the sediments, ft appears that the onset of wu. slightly dner climate (perhaps about 5000 years B.P, as dis- cussed by Churchill 1968, and Bowler er al. 1976), possibly coupled with a step in the Vegelationul succession af the wateshole whereby it was no longer permanently wet but only seasonally swampy, meant that anaerobic conditions Were no longer maintained, and any Organic matter formed was no longer pre- served to form obVious organic bands. More recently weiter conditions have pre- vailed again, amd the organic content of the sediments has increased, as some sort of ground wover, presumably largely Cyperaceac and Juncus, has heen established and mnin- tained, but conditions suitable fer the forma- tion of permanent standing water or the pre- servation of pollen have nof re-oceurred, Sands with a marked dark colouration have accumu. lared, hut no peat, One of the most interesting features of the deposit is the occurrence of spores of the Anthocerotalés, a group which appears to he ubsent from the area new, Dodson (1974h) found an abundance of ‘Anthoceros’ spores in material from abour 8000 B.P. at Lake Leake, and there Were nohceable peaks in (he abun- dance of the genus at Marches Swamp and Bluc Tea Tree Swamp about 7500 years B.P. (Dodson & Wilson 1975), and at Lake Keilambete about 6500 years B.P. (Dodson 1974a), Tt is tempting to suggest that the mcrease in importance of the Anthocerotales about 8000-5000 vears B.P. may have been correlated with slightly wetter conditions. However, one species of Anthocerotales has heen recorded in the Wyperfield National Park in western Vietoria where the rainfall is about 300 mim per year (G. A. M, Seott, pers. comm, ), and some species are known to deve- lop tubers, and appear to be able to withstand drought (Goebel 1905), Until the spores can be more positively identified, and more is known ahour the distributions of the genera and species and the factors controlling their growth, one Cannat use them as uneduivocal evidence of climatic change. Acknowledgments lum grateful to my superviser, Dr R, 'T. Lange, and to Mr PL Lang (Department of Botany, University of Adelaide) for their encouragement and critical discussions in the preparation of this paper, and I gm particu- larly indebted to my husband, Dr P, I, Gruhb STRATIGRAPHY, (Botany School, University of Cambridge) for his unflagging support and unstinted helpful- ness, without which this paper would never PALYNOLOGY AND ORGANIC BANDS 123 haye been completed. The radio carbon dates were provided by the D.S.I.R. Nuclear Science Laboratory at Lower Hutt, New Zealand. References Brack, J. M. (1943-57) Flora of South Australia. Parts 1-IVY. (2nd edn, Govt Printer: Adel- aide). BoomsMA, C. D. (1972) Native trees of South Australia, Woods and Forests Dept, S. Aust. Bull. (19). Bow er, J. M., Hope, G. S., JENNinGs, J. N., Sincu, G. & WALKER, D. (1976) Late Quater- nary Climates of Australia and New Guinea. Quaternary Res. 6, 359-394, CHURCHILL, D. M, (1968) The distribution and prehistory of Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell. and &. marginata Donn. ex S,M, and E. calophylla R.Br. in relation to rainfall. Aust. J. Bot. 16, 125-51. Cookson, I. C., & ErprmMan, G. (1952) Pro- teuceace. in: ErptmMan, G. “Pollen mor- phology and plant taxonomy.” Vol, I Angio- sperms, 339-369. (Chronica Botanica: Waltham, Mass.). Dopson, J. R. (1974a) Vegetation and climatic history near Lake Keilambete, Western Victoria. Aust. J. Bot. 22, 109-17. Dopson, J. R. (1974b) Vegetation and water fluctuations at Lake Leake, south-eastern South Australia. IT. 10,000 B.P. to present Thid, 22. 719-41. Dopson, J. R. (1975) The pre-settlement vegeta- tation of the Mt Gambier area, South Aus- tralia. Trens. R . Soc. §. Aust. 99, 89-92. Dopson, J. R. & Witson, I. B. (1975) Past and present vegetation of Marches Swamp in south-eastern South Australia. Aust, J. Bot. 23, 123-50. EICHLER, Hj. (1965) Supplement Black’s Flora of South Australia. Printer: Adelaide). Fagcri, K. & Iversen, J. (1950) modern pollen analysis.” Copenhagen). GOEBEL, K. (1905) “Organography of plants.” English translation by 1. B. Balfour. (Clarendon Press: Oxford). to J. M. (Govt “Textbook of (Monksgaard: Martin, H. R. (1973) Palynology and historical ecology of some cave excavations in the Australian Nullabor. Aust. J. Bot, 21, 283- 316, SrecuT, R. L. (1972) The vegetation of South Australia. (2nd edn. Govt Printer: Adelaide). Tsuupy, R. H. (1960) Vibraflute. paleontology 6, 325-326. Micro- GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE MOUNT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX, SOUTHEAST SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY M. J. SHEARD Summary The Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex comprises a close-knit series of composite maars with a complex history of eruption, the earlier date being 4720 + 90 years B.P. Detailed field mapping has similarly revealed two main periods of eruption, each one comprising at least three phases of activity. Maars were the major volcanic structures produced; however, Strombolian and Icelandic eruptions are indicated by scoria cones and lava sheets. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE MOUNT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX, SOUTHEAST SOUTH AUSTRALIA by M. J. SHEARD* Summary SHearp, M, J, (1978) Geological history of the Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex, southeast South Australia, Trans. R. See. §. Aust. 102(5), 125-139, 31 August 1978. The Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex comprises a close-knit series of composite maars with u complex history of eruption. Carbon 14 dating indicates two periods of eruption, the earlier date being 4710 + 70 years B.P., and the later date 1410 = 90 years B.P, Detailed ficld mapping has similarly revealed two main periods of eruption, each one comprising at lenst three phases of activity. Maars were the major Yolcanle structures produced; however, Strombolian and leelandic eruptions are indicated by scoria cones and lava sheets. Fach period of activity began with a highly gas charged magma eruption producing vitric tuffs. Ground water was the major hydrothermal fluid source, the gas being mainly steum. Closing stages of these periods are marked by low volatile magma eruptions due to the deyhdra- tion of the proximate country rocks. There is no evidence for the caldera-collupse on which earlier writers had placed so much importance, Recent seismic activity in the aren, including two tremors in May and July 1976, may indicate that this volcanic province has not yet become entirely inactive. Introduction Mount Gambier forms part of a western extension to the Quaternary Newer Voleanics of central and western Victoria (Fig. |). This voleanic centre and that of Mount Schank, 15 km south, are the youngest volcanoes in South Australia and possibly even southern Australia, A group of yolcanoes 35 km northwest neal Millicent (Fig. 1) comprise L6 eruptive centres and, according to Solomon (1951), Sprigg (1952), and Firman (1969), are much older, However, definite ages are unknown and they may range from 10° to 20 000 years B.P. The aim of this paper ix lo present recent observations on the Mt Gambier Volcanic Complex in relation to current theories on val- canic structures and styles of eruption, Previous investigations Father Tenison Wood's journal, published in 1862, is the earliest surviving work which dis- cusses the volcanics at Mt Gambier, his conclu- sions being that the volcanic structures there were produced by caldera-collapse and multiple eruptions. H. Y, L. Brown, Government Geologist, in 1884 delivered a report to parliament dealing with the geological phenomenon at Mt Gain- bier, He added very little to Wood's observa- tions but, supported the collapse theory as a mode of formation, Further work Was carried out by Howchin (1901). He concluded that there had only been one period of eruption, und agreed that collapse had produced the large openings in the craters, Stanley (1909, 1910) desenbed in detail the petrology of the lava flows, and the ultramafic xenoliths contained within the yolcunies. Numerous papers were written on the urea between 1910 and the early 1950's but these failed to shed new light on modes of formation. The first radiocarbon dating was carried out by Fergusson & Rafter (1957). They dated charred wood fragments found at the base of the tuff layers. Two samples taken from two sites 8 km apart gave different uges, the older of which was 4710 * 70 years B.P, and the younger 1410 * 90 years B.P. Blackburn (1966) considered that us the two samples Were treated similarly and recent carbon con- * Flat |2, 15 Statenborough Street, Leabrook, 8, Aust, 5068. 126 M. J, SHEARD Cur GRAHAM oe QCAMPBELL HILL IRHEAD (=) MAMUIR TRS, sa McINTYRE t COBOYCE HILL Millicent " MT BURR(.) MT FRILLO MT EDWARD I i=] MT LYON MT ‘KDOKOUT ey ‘\ SO OMT WATCH Tantanoola Q © THE BLUF AS {Mount Gambier yaad Cc, Rar ) ea Point . we sy Cc. aay es «J > 1a0°40" KILOMETRES 5& 20 MKILOMETHES SOUTH AUSTRAL} . Basaltic ash, agglomerate Basalt lava Fig. 1. SE portion of Lower South East of South Australia showing Quaternary volcanic deposits. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF TEE MT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX 127 tamination could be ruled out, the two dates may record two main periods of eruption, A major breakthrough in structural jnter- pretation of voleanocs like those of Ml Gam- bier came with a paper by Ollier (1967)- He demonstrated that volcanves similar to Mt Gambier were not collapse structures but con- structional features called maars. His proposed definition of a muar is as follows. ‘Maars are lundforms caused by volcume explosion and consist of a crater, which renches or extends below ground level and is considerably wider than it is deep, und a surrounding mm constructed of muterial ejected from the erater,’ In sudition he farther enlarged on this defini- tion by explaining that calderas generally have diameters in excess of 5 km and are composed mainly of acid to intermediate yoleanics where collapse plays a major role. Maars are smaller and dominantly constructional features Where collapse pluys a minor role. In maars the yoleanics are generally basic hur a few exceptions in South America are of jnter- mediate composition. Irving & Green (1976) classified the basall Javas at Mt Gambier as pepheline-hawantes Werived by partial melting from nepheline- hasanié parent material. A detailed description of the Mt Gambier volcanics and their eruptive history is set out in Sheard", All sample numbers mentioned tn this text refer ta the collection in the School of Applied Geology, South Australian Institute of Technology. Adelaide. General peology The Mi Gambier area forms part af the Gambier Embayment of the Otway Basm, des enbed by Wopfner & Douglas (1971)- A rela- tively flat resion exhibiling « sémi-Karstic sur face, no surface drainage pattern, and broken hy « series of low regulor parallel aeolian sand dunes, surrounds the edifice of Mt Gambier. A sequence of sediments was depasited m the Gambicr Embayment {rom Jurassic through te Recent times. Table | summarises ages, litholo- gies. and approximate thicknesses of the Caino- goie succession near Mt Gambier, Waneerrip Group and Knight Formation are, according to Harris (1971). cquivalent names respec tively far Knight Group aod Tactwanp Porma- Hen, as ised by Ludbrook (1969, 1971). Recent yoleani¢ wetivity is recorded locally by Mt Gambier und the smaller cone of Mr Schank to the south (Fig. |) Eruptive history and volcanic stratigraphy The volcanic stratigraphy and structural dis- position of the craters and rocks indicate that two main periods of volcanism took place. These two periods are characterised by three major phases of wetivily, cach period beginning wilh gas charged magna ertiption, dind ending in gus poor magma eruption, Second period eruptions were on a much larger scale and considerably more violent than those of the first period, Fragments from the Bridgewater Formation, Gambier Limestone, and Wangerrip Group oceur within the volcanics in quantities of 5 to 25%. These fragments were torn from the sides of the voleahic conduits during the eruption und ejected along with the volcanic material Many of these fragments have been contact allered by the magma’s heat making some of them harder or softer than their corresponding parent material, A description of the three phases, in tum, within the two Mail periods of eruption follows. First Period (4800 vears BPO First Phase Prior to eruption the area consisted of a seTies of morth-west trending purallel acolian sand dunes S-15 m high, a resule of the Pleistocene marine regressions (Fig. 2al, The dune complex is collectively referred to as the Bridgewater Formation, First phase eruptions took the form of small seule maurt production, The intial magma had to pass through water saturated sediments and is thought to have become gas charged. Voluminous quantities of steam released caused maur construction rather than quiescent Fissure eruption. These maars had vents 25— 100 m across gnd ramparts 5-10 m_ high, Direct outcrop evidence for ash spread during (he first phase ly pot available; however, sec- tions in the Blue Lake crater provided dyta allowing extrapolations 1a be drawn for a mini- mim ash extent (Figs 2b, 3a). Rjectumenta from this phase form a thin bul distinct stratum at the type locality of the Nurses Landing (grid ref, 7467 B, 1175 N), where it overlies the Gambier Limestone und a *Sheurd, M, J, (1976) The Geological History of the Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex, South-Eust South Australia, BApp,Sc Thesis, School! of Applied Geulogy, $4. Insiilule of Technolagy, Adelaide funpublished), 128 M. J. SHEARD ' Prior to eruption Periad 1 Phase 2 GRATER BLUE LAKE CRATER Perjod 2 Phase 3 (beginning) Fe) CRATER RIM [co] LAKES [i] Peetstocene DUNES. FE] GAMBIER LIMESTONE, [MAAR VENTS, )PRESENT pay, VENT, FIGBURE, BASALT LAVA. fi] ASH & AGCLOMERATE. =| AGGLOMERATE Period Phase Period 2 Phase 2 (middle & end) (O] cone rim. Ee] BASALTIC PUMICE (SGORIA). DYKES. LAVA-FOUNTAIN ACTIVITY. (s} Stow Hoves. Period 1 =4,800y, BP. Period 2 = 1,410 BP ERUPTION. VITRIG—LAPILLI ERUPTION Fig. 2. a-h: the yolcanic ejecta and eruptive centres for each phase of the two volcanic periods so. far evident in relation to present day structure of Mt Gambier. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF ‘THE MT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX 124 TABLE | Stratigraphic sequence in Mie vicinity ef the Mount Gambier Volcanic Complex (niodified alter Ludhroak 1969, Harris 1977). Thick- Age Unit Teas Lithology Quuternucy Undifferen- 0-16 m Laminated ash, tus. tiated ueglomerutes, and luva volcanics flows. Quaterbury Bridgewater 0-15 m Lurgely acolianive with (Piciaias Formation some shelly beds, Often cere) is well defined fossil dine systems marking ald shore lines (Sprigg 1952), Oligocene- Gambier 120m Calcilutite-calearenite. Miocene — Limestane bryozcal and tlinry. Well jointed and exhibita Karstic solution features, Late Gligo- Compton OS) Fervuginous, rubbly cene(?) — Coriglo- conglomerate—rework ud merate Wanucrrip Group kedi- tricrity. probably Variable, glauconitic,. absent silty limestone with Polished brown igun- stone grains grading to brown glauconitic sills. jvobably Poorly sorted ferru- Middleto Laeepede Late Formation Bocene Middle to §=Kongerong Lite Sand absent @inous quarta arenite Eoorne Middle Knight M445 m Unconsolidated poorly Eocene Formation sorted course sand, arit and interbedded con- lomerates and car- bemaceous clays (Marris 1971), in excess Laminated micaceniis ef tisim silt. quite sands onc lwnitic clays (Harris, 1971). Valeocene Wangerrip Group underlies a later lava ow (Fig. 4+). Thicknesses for this stratum range from 3,5 m at the Nurses Landing, 2.0 m al the western end of the Blue Lake, and 0.1 m at the eastern end of the Ble Lake, Three zones make up this stratum: the basal zone comprises a poorly bedded country rock-ash-conglomerate. Rock fragments range from sill sized to 3 em across; 60% of this zone consists Of pulyerised Gambier Limestone, The middle zone contains more volcanic material than the basal zone anid displays coarse bed- ding, Finely Jaminated ash ad lapilli-ash Porn the upper zone. Boundaries between the three zones are gradational. The basal zone repre- sents the initial break through to the surface of the voleanic material, hence the conspicuous quantity of country reck detritus, Second Phase Second phase activity consisted of passive Icelandic Type eruption of basaltic lava from both fissures ond pre-existing. vents, Field occurrences and apparent flow directions tend to suggest two liva sheets rather than the one large sheet as proposed by Fenner (1921), ‘The dunes of the Bridgewater Formation prevented equidirectional spread of the lavas, confining them lo the interdunal trough (Figs 2c, 3h), A second Java flow overlies the eastern lava sheet—indicating two pulses of activity there (Figs 2d, 3c}. Heat from the lava baked the upper surface of the underlying ash layers over which it flowed. The result is a brick ted zone of increased competency caused by the partial remelting of the ash particles (Pig. +), The basalt itself is grey-blue, fine yramed with medium grained olivine pheioerysts. It is generally massive although vesicular and amyg- daloidal patches. do occur. Original lava flaw surfaces exhibit rubbly ‘aa’ textures especially in close proximity to lava caves, Lava ¢aves range from centimetres to metres across. atid many metres deep. They crop out at the base of flows and form by the draining of liquid lava from a solidified jacket (Fig. 5), Within the caves drip structures, lava stalactites, wrinkles and drape structures, give clues to flow direction and likely source sites (Ollier & Brown 1965, Sheard*), Figure 6 shows a lava stalactite (3542) collected from a lava cave; its base was bent by the moving lava while the stulactile was still plustic. Thas flow movement was in the direction indicated by the point of the stalactite, One strikingly different lava form, occurring as float only, is a tachylitic (glassy) basalt (Pig. 7), tTepresenting rapid chilling--possibly by water in the conduit at the commencement of lava outpouring. Major clement wnalvses sumples ure giver in Tuble 2. Third Phase Activity became more violent during the third phase with the construction of a small scorn cone at the western end of the area (Figs 2d, 3c, 13—-section B-B’), This eruption was of the Strombolian type. It indicates that the geothermal gradient was lowered fallawing the second phase basalt eruption, thus allowing some meteoric water back into the system prior to Ihe cessation of activity, The scoria (basalt pumice) when fresh exhibits indescent glassy bubble linings, How- ever. eam passing through the scoria curing eruption has oxidised most of the material to a terra-cotta red colour, destroying the bubble linines, Gutcrop of this ejectamenta forms a of four basalt 130 1 2 1 SCALE km SCALE km, M. I, SHEARD VERTICAL EXAGGERATION Y tV/H = 5-5 METRES 100 PHASE 3 (LATE) PHASE 3 f |earty) PERIOD 2 =1,410 y.B.P, PHASE 2 -- 1 PHASE 5 | [L PERIOD 1 =4,000 y.B.P, PHASE 1 ASH & AGGLOMERATE. FEEDER PIPES. Pa] BASALT Lava. WE LAVA FOUNTAINS, BASALTIC PUMICE v< GEOLOGICAL BOUNDARY, (SCORIA), AGGLOMERATE. J CRATER OUTLINE VITRIG-LAPILLI-TUFF, © — LAKE LEVEL Sections a-g are atructural projections onto the tine XY on the plan opposite, (not to same scale). ) PRESENT DAY. Fig. 3. Cross-sections indicating active conduits and spatial arrangement of the volcanic ejecta for each phase of the two eruptive periods so far evident in relation to the present day structure of Mt Gambier. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE MT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX M34 TABLE 2 Major-element chemical analsex by XRE (uncurrecied) of four basalt samples taken front the ve lava flaws of period 1, phase 2, Samples housed ii Applied Geology collection, School of Applied Geology, NMAGT., Adelaiile. ROCK TYPE—Alkuli Oliving Busalts. LOCALITY—Mount Gambier, S. Aust. SAMPLES 35141 as15 4514 3540 Si0..% 45.5 44-8 45.3 44.4 Tia % 25 25 25 24 AlyOy% 136 14.0 14.9 15.2 Fe 04% 124 12 12.2 124 MnQ% 11h 0.18 0.17 o.ts Mg0% #5 83 TR 78 Cal) 104 y.1) 9.0 10.2 Na 9 4.0 49 4.0 5.1 K.0% 24 26 31 7 PLO. %% 0.67 0,91 0.96 0.60 CtiOy% om a.02 a1 o.01 L.OL. = 0.63 2. 0.16 GOL, 0.34 _ 0.07 _ TOTAL — 10.05 10.04 99.94 100,10 L.O.) —Loss on ignition, equivalent to volute loss, G.O,L——Gain on ianiion, equivalent ta mineral oxida Hon, Anulysis by ACLS. Laboratories Pry Lod, Unley, S.A, Propuralione-crushed wre pulverised pack SAMPLE LOCALITIES (from Fig. 12) Sahiple Tasting Northing 3510 7953 LOO 3313 TRIS 1200 3514 1967 hi75 3540 7892 iin steep chil produced by later valeanie abrasion, Within the scoria exposures are caverns—one OL which is known locally as Bootlace Cave, Second Period (1500 years BoP.) Second period volcanism was much more violent and was charged than the first period, producing much more volcanic detritus. Ollier (1967) has classified this type of eruption as pheeatic and il can be likened to the efferves- cence produced when soda water is uncorked. During the 3300 years between the first and second periods, ground water in the country rocks percolated down earlier volcanic con- duits. Apparently this meteoric waler was cons verted fo superheated seam when it reached the hot magni, possibly located in dykes as propesed by Con (1975), Remelting may have been induced by this influx of water inte u high lemiperature system af partially solidified basic magma; certainly jt Would have tade the magma less Viscous and wWiereased its drive to escape the confining rocks, (as drilling is the most likely mechanism by which the magma made its way to the surface, This process can he likened to sand blasting, producing # cylindrical conduit which becomes funnel shaped close to the surface. New active vents were evolved which blasted their way through the basalt caps of the first period, Lurge blocks of basalt and limestone were thrown out, some weighing in excess of 20 tonnes. Such large blocks and smaller bombs create piercement structures. tn the ash layers when they land (Fig. 8). A second feu ture of the second period cruptions is ¢ross- bedded ash and dune structures within the ash (Fig. 9), Aceording to Moore (1967) and Ollicr (1974), crossbedding and dune like structures can be produced by base surge, phenomenon associated with a vertically directed explosion column, and sweeping across the underlying surface at high velocity, racial to the explosive column. Evidence of rainwater affecting the tuffs is shown in Figure 10 where two fossil stream channels were exposed by road widening of the Crouch Street cutting ferid ref, 8085S E, 1205 N), Rain is pften associated with voleanic eruption due to the large quantities of water vapour yeleased from the vents, First Phase The first phase eruptions of the second period began at the sites of the present-day Blue Lake. and al two sites along the Razorback (ridge between the Valley and Leg of Multon Lakes} (Figs 2c, 3d, 13—sections C-C’ & D-D'). 'Vuaff ugglomerates were the major type of volcanics erupted; these are Very poorly bedded near (he craters but become finely laminated ash and lapilli-tufls away from the rims, These volcanics are indistinguishable from later sinyilar eyecta their extstence has been inferred from struc- tural evidence. Second Phase Volcanism of the second phase was on a lirger scale than any previous eruptions and represerits the stage where uctivity reached a maximum, Composite or grouped maars were produced at the present sites of the Blue and Valley Lakes (Flex 2t, 3e). These were formed by the coulesctng of mtany smull conduits as they were gbraded wider. Although great voliumes Of gas Were released by these vents, the Magy seedis to have been lower in volatiles as more daplli and ash were ejected, A lowering vf the volatile content in the Magni sugeests cithee that the hwiling off of volatiles in the . SHEARD re | 132 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE MT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX magma Was reducing the gase content ur that the proximate country rocks were drying out because of the geothermal gridient set up near the. conduits. Some combination of these mechanisms is also probable. The second pro cess would have prevented additional steam from entering the system, ‘Tuff-agglomerates are by far the most voluminous of the vuleanic detritus. Struc- turally there are (ManyY distinee — tuff- agylomerates; however, texturally and conrpasi- tionally they are all similar. Where two of these overlap or intertongue jt is inipossible to dif- ferentiale between them Hence the descrip- tions will be yveneralised to cover these vol- ecanics tis a whole Bedding es so ponr within the craters that dip and strike megsurements are impossible to obtain, thus acctirate eruptive sites cannot be plotted, The tulf-agglomeraltes are unsorted; particle sizes runge from silk to holders in excess oF 2m across, The components of the tufl-ugglomerite are: fl) country rock fragments—CGuambicr Line- stone, diagenetic flint and mareasite {33 und deep basement rocks—colleetively 15% to 20% (27 Volcanic detritus—volcanic bombs (olivine and basalt) — - Ste ta 10% —lapilli, cinders, and ash 970% to 8Q% Regression analyses applied to hore hole and exposure thicknesses indicate that the voleynics thin exponentially away from the craters. Lhird Phase Cessation of uctivity from the Hlye and Valley Lake maars must have allowed the geo- theymal gradient to decrease, m turn allowing {he meteoric water back into the surrounding rocks, Eruption from the site of the present day Leg of Mutton Lake crater occurred wtter this influx, waler being so abundant that the ush and large ejecta were deposited in a damp condition, The cooling effect of this water on the ascending magma may account for the small size of this crater That is, the magma Wiis induced to set in the conduit wfter only a shovt erliptive eycle (Piys 2g, 38). To the west conlinued actevity from the Brownes Luke eraler resulted in the creation of two different ash types. A double maar system is ploposed nodules (both from the Gambier Line stone), dolomitised Gambier Limestone, Wangerrip Group rocks (contact ullered), ws the generator of these pyroclastics which intermix along their south-westean boundary (Figs 2, 3f, 12, 14). The westernmost of the Outcrop just wbove the Nurses Landing showing baked upper surface of first period—first phase ash layers in contact with eastern basalt Lava sheet. To tbe felt the basalt displays an autos brecciated base, a result oF movement after partinl solidificntion. Length of hammer (centre) ty - One of large lava caves in eastern lava sheet, just south of the Nurses Landing, approximately 10 m deep and 2.5 m wide, A natural Jandshde during July 1977 has totally destroyed this A fine cxample ol a tava stalaetite (3452), lying on its side, collected from a large cave (arid ref, 7849 B, 812) N), Jt was attached to the poof, the point of attachment being at the left of fizure. As the lava drained out of its lava tube, Moid lava still clinging to the rouf dripped uff onte the flaw tn this case the upper portion had set while the base remaining, plastic For longer the flow by the flow, Thus it shows one way of determining Photomicrograph (under plane polarised light) of a thin-section cut from ihe only sample (3516) of tactrylitic basalt from the aren displays one large bleb of glass, The glass exhibits perlitic cracking and, where it forms the matrix, it has devitrified ta o magnetite bearing mese- , One of the many sedimentary structures exposed in the Grouch Street curing: this piereement or impact structure represedts u block of tuff which Was ejected Irom the erulers and fell onto . Crossbedded ash and lapilli tuffs in the Crouch Street cutting; this fleure represents an area 4 m x 2M, Base surge turbulence is the most likely Mechanism by which structures like this are produced, Overlying the truncated beds is an antidane, one of many exposed at this loculity- ‘Two small fossil stream channels. exposed during road widening in Crouch St. lute 197$/early 1976. Such channels were most likely created during « storm that took place while eruption was in progress, This structure has now been obscured by a retuining wall. The geological hammer Fig. 4 32.¢m. Pig. 5 ; feature since it was photographed in February 1974, Fig. 6. has been bent in the direction 6 The flow dircetion for lava flows. The ruler below the stalactite is 22 em Jong. Fig. 7. stasis. Field af view = 4.0 x 2.6 mm. Fig. 8 the ash surface, indenting the layering, Length of geological hammer 32 em, Fig Y The base surge passed from deft to right in this section, hin 1D, is 32 em Jong. Fig. 1] Macroscopic bedding in the vitric-lapilli-tutis below Centenary Tower, photograph ca 1940, Ty Che left cavernous weathering js evident jn several horizons near the top ef the riilge, Directly ee the Pb id the volcanics reach a thickness of [60 m. The hol in the foreground is the R.S.1,, lookout . Viva “oie oof oo4 MOl oO “Hite 40;RONVI "aid @ TWIULS ‘AMNONNOA TwOi90I029 ‘oras Ap taynisao + ‘sWOlssMi) Kiana BS] yavy diupsayo, wor, ‘Oeva ahSeyW feel ] (WIWVOOG! V0) vim ot! Gab dz OH INHIWUTIIUT gH Bibel THae alt "same Wea) ERE shvbee omravae aivnzasay FS) “MEP CTLVAINVIS WES Weg “eM14 : #544 waaivor wav sdatH a) dais wary haeow Nie ES) vwuled dion mova EEA (nPLOVEY a¢uRa{O, EPL EL ECEL MaRS) J], SHEARD M “X2AWOD MAEIOA AAIYWny fy Sy} PO dew [RoweyoaN TE “S14 Wied) adkeasns {4 s7901u ¥ dnvoa sat [Fe] Pernat etd Sly nyt FQ Wenatye (4 sav] twwIwake E“] uyou EA 2ON3N327N |= TINAYEDOdDL gue 135 AMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX ICAL HISTORY OF THE MT G GEOLOG AROOL addy SurpueT sasion, ayy 10f utunjos sarydead yess ay. pue “(TI “Siq) dew [eosojoad ay] 6) suoraas-ssoiD “¢] ‘AIA “2HNLONBLS TWMIDIHO 40 aNITiAOD “SONt1 ONGML “AMUVONNOG 101901039 OIWNIdn) "AHWONNOG 1¥9!001039 “SO1VL ag1sanvi “ANOL1S9WI1T W2IGWYD ‘ZLVUaWOTDDV VP HSV “LIVSYS FAISSYW “(WIMOOS) JOIMNd L1¥S¥E “SAVUINOTIIV -dsML “HSV G2LVNIWVT-INGS “SVIQZ09HE LINGNOD DINVOIOA YINANAAAN W/A > UOI}esAAAeXe | BONPIBA 7)yus SS “kh DOS DOP QGE OHe ool SNtONe7 Sasyin wow NOILD3S Bnao a Inv. Fay 1808 g-8 NOILOaS waived v-V aN¥1 AaTIVA 3N¥1 WOLINW 40 037 NOI1L93S INUISIWIT HIlGWYS a VAVEIWOTOOY F uS¥ + OO |Had E = LIVSV8 iy ALVHIWOTIOW-4dNL HSY GaLVWIWV7 —IWaS me, U/, NINNIOD JIHdWHOILVHIS ONIGNY1 S3ISHNN STHLaW 136 M. J. SHEARD two maars produced tuff-agglomerate, while the eastern maar ejected vitric lapilli-tuff. These latter tuffs were directed mainly to the south resulting in a high ridge which now forms the southern rim of the Brownes Lake crater. Cen- tenary Tower was built at the apex of this rim. Erosion of the vitric-lapilli-tuffs appears slower than the remainder of the volcanics due to their more competent character, although cavernous weathering is a common feature of some horizons (Fig. 11). A further feature of this eruption was the removal of most of the western crater rim of the Valley Lake composite maar. Only a few small remnants of this rim remain (Fig. 12 ‘lapilli-tuff’). Instead of a new wall being built up to bisect the now very large crater, most of this material back-filled the Valley, Lake crater. Originally this crater must have been as deep as the Blue Lake crater to have accommodated the large quantity of pyroclastic material which seems to be missing. However, the Valley Lake does have a floor sloping away from the Brownes Lake crater, such that the western shore is shallow while near the eastern shore it is 30 m below water level (Fig. 13—section A-A’). During the eruptions at the Brownes Lake crater, two dykes were emplaced within the ash layers of the southern Valley Lake crater rim, near what is now called the Devil’s Punch Bowl (grid ref. 7905 E, 1130 N) (Fig. 2g). These dykes carry the only lherzolite (olivine + orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene) xenoliths known in basalt rock from this area. All other lherzolite occurs as bombs or float, thinly coated with lava or as free chunks within the volcanics, Over 25% by volume of material comprising the dykes consists of lherzolite blocks 5—SO cm in diameter. The dykes are approximately 20 m long and 50-120 cm wide. Jet-black basaltic pumice forms the bulk of these dykes. Dense material such as lherzolite would naturally settle out in a magma chamber —hence its late stage appearance, enclosed in basalt, may indicate a depleting magma reser- voir, Road works in 1969 temporarily exposed the dykes but they are now obscured by a sealed road. A short phase of lava fountain activity with- in the Brownes Lake crater brought major activity to a close, Activity of this type is really a continuation of the eruption from the Brownes Lake maars (Figs 2h, 3g). It indicates virtually complete degassing of the magma, allowing eruption of lava rather than lapilli or ash. Lava fountains built up small spatter piles of ropy lava and small ropy lava flows. Lava associated with this sort of event is very fluid and chills rapidly—preserving forms like twisted rope and fresh cow dung. Numerous spatter piles have resulted in a very irregular floor to the Brownes Lake crater. This floor is atypical of maars which generally have fiat floors due to gas fluidisation (quicksand effect), as described by Ollier (1974). Late stage fumarolic activity is indicated by the presence of blow holes, the largest of these being still observable in the Devil’s Punch Bowl. Three others occur between the Brownes and Valley Lakes, while three more occur out- side the main volcanic vents. The latter three occur within the city of Mt Gambier and repre- sent the only activity outside the main volcanic vents (Figs 2h, 12). They form a linear trend which may indicate their close association with a near-surface dyke. Conical in shape, these depressions represent steam discharge accom- panied by a small quantity of ash and country rock ejection. The largest blow hole in the city was used as a rubbish dump prior to 1939; now completely filled it serves as part of the City Council Depot in Crouch Street. Present day Ash extents are shown by Fig. 15. This map- ping was carried out using natural exposures, hand augering and sewerage trench logs, and the boundary is based on the points where vol- canic ash merge with the Pleistocene dune sands or recent soils—thus making visual separation of the two impossible. With the aid of micro- scopic and geochemical analysis Hutton et al. (1959) have shown that the distribution of fine volcanic ash in soils around Mt Gambier is much more extensive than is shown by Fig. 15, The author found fossilised Banksia leaves within the ash layers near where they pinch out against the Pleistocene dune sands. These leaves are indistinguishable from modern day local Banksia leaves. Weathering of the volcanics has produced very fertile soils which are dark brown in colour and loamy in texture. Soil profiles range from a few centimetres in thickness at the crater rims to 0.5 m on the plains. The complete geological record is displayed in Figs 12-14. The crater wall profiles (Fig. 14) were compiled from strip photography and geological mapping; topographic control for Figures 13 and 14 was taken from Map 1 in Sheard*. 137 “SUOI}I9S-SS0.19 SU ABM JLRS al) Ul Palapisuod aq UPd pur sTPRM Jaj8i9 ay} ur pasodxa AZopoam ay] quasoidar Aayy ~xadwod auRaOA JaIqUIeDy TY ayy JO $12]B1D UI ey) Joy sayyord [eaFopoas |jeA TACID “pl “Sty “Suiddew o;gdestodoy @ ‘Fuiddew {eo1tojo0d payyejzap ‘KydesBozoyd aysys wosy pajjduioa gapm see(d BYE ‘pazz{wme Uaeq GAEY SadneodNe Joaly “g901m AUVONNOD 1¥9/0071099 Dt) “snivi 2aiisanvi “SU3AV] MIHL F ‘SMOTS Silid ‘S¥ YaLivds VAWT A3d0u ‘WL2203 310 M018 “INOLGIMIT UIIGMND ‘FLvuaNoOToOY F WHY 40 a9Manbas WIHL ¥ ONTATHIAG WAVT L1¥S¥8 “(WIHODS) JDIWHd SiLTVSve “da0L-t1d¥i “FLVHIMOTSSY ~ 440 “440 W1V1dV1-DEWLTA “S440 L OFLYNT MYT “MSY G2ULVNIRYT—IWGS 1T GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX EQLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE 4 J ‘Ajua @a4nsodxe (JfH JuCSeidOy SUE [IMM JOIWAD FeauE FINAN A TAY wO(]Esedaexa jeaiqyiay 7198 Sn ‘“ DOS Ob of OZ ODI o St os : Z : os te Se 4 : ‘ oor — t sOvou | Gat Set inuxon) way Wao \ Scttgyyanyy satvaN ae nando) “ea Saul. INIWONOW S,NDOWOS ingxant mst f Suwa att INid Sess ie s34.3aw sadiaw NV1d VIVM H3aLVHD 3NV1T NOLINW 340 931 “LNOD NV1id TIVM HILVESD 3NVT ASTIVA w> (rev) | | f inunoot Soave wIVTe Dew —— inoxoat “rsh f WNWL IN)dd SMaLi0d 4¥O7 BSNS 3Aw9 a3¥1)008 : ede Ho = ORR nAd S140 ONngHo ONigwy? SNIONTT S3SHN H3MGL AMWNGUNIT NVid TIVM H3LVHID SANVT SINMOUS BAITIVA ezi co inowniy s 5 s3ulaw ue INUWONOW SNODHOD 4noxouy NW1id T1WM HFLVHD ANV1 ANT (38 M. I, SHEARD REFERENCE Fa Area covered by J observable tuff. + Crater rim ypreeent © Lake day. __ Area covered b geology map (Fig 12), *— Railway. —~< Road. Map showing extent of volcanic material that can be differentiated from soil and Pleistocene sands with the naked eye. Mapping was carrled out using natural exposures, road cuttings, hand auger holes, bere logs and sewerage trench logs. Fig. 13 portrays subsurface volcanic conduit breccias which do not crop out anywhere at Met Ganthier. One Mines Department bore log from a hole drilled in the Leg of Mutton Lake crater indicates the conduit contains poorly sorted material, called tuffisite—similar to that described by Ollier (1974), The other conduits are ussumed to conta similar material, These breccias would, according to Ollier (1974), grade into massive basalt at depth, The Brownes Lake crater conduit breccia would be complicated by small feeder pipes to the tate stage lava fountain eruptive centres, The future Recent scismicity in the region of Mt CGiam- bier suggests that all the activity has not yet ceased, McCue (1975) has sammurised the earthquakes that have occurred in the South- east of South Australia. The first recorded seis- MTicity was centred at Ningston in’ May [897, tremors being felt for five hours, causing walter spouts and sand volcattoes. on the beaches of Beachport, Kingston, and Robe. In 1948 Rebe was again shaken by an earthquake of magni- tude 5.6 on the Richter scale, More recently a series of tremors has shaken areas closer to Mt Gambier, In November 1975 a Richter magni- tude 4,5 tremor occurred off-shore from Car- penter Rocks only 37 km from Mt Gambier. In 1976 two tremors were recorded: the first in May had a Richter magnitude of 2,0 and its epicentre was below the Mt Gambier Volcanic Complex. The second happened during the late eVening Of July 12th; it registered 3.6 on the Richter scale, and local people reported feeling it. An epicentre for this quake was tentatively put at | km northeast of Mt Schank and at a depth between 4 km and 30 km (McCue 1976, pers. comm.). Some interesting facts are the time span of 3300 years between the two eruptive cycles so far evident, and the 1500 years since the Jast eruption, There is every possibility of a magma source at depth which may lead to the poten- nal of geothermal energy exploitation or more cruptions, At present the Bureau of Mineral Resources (B.M.R.), Canberra, is conducting au geothermal study of the Mt Gambier region GEOLOGICAL HISTORY GF THE MT GAMBIER VOLCANIC COMPLEX with two aims: firstly to obtain regional heai flow data from whieh crustal temperature pro- files cary be extrapolated; secondly to examine the geothermal energy prospects associated with the recent volcanism (B.M.R, 1977, pers, comm, ), Only close monitaring over a Jong period ol time will provide factual data, upon which sonnd conclusions can be divawn as to whether the recent seismicity heralds further vol- canicity, or is just regional settling. Acknowledgments The author wishes to thank Dr C, D. Branch for Nis guidance during the carly stages of research and field mapping, His vast experience in voleandlogy was an imvalvable aid in direct- ing the author lo the most productive avenues of study, Drs A. S. Joyce and R, G. Wiltshire are thanked for their opinions and advice con- cerning the petrology of the area, The author 149 is tndebred us the State Lands Department for survey data, and to Messrs K. McCloy and M, Zeman of S.A.LT School of Surveying tor the use of @ steridmetrograph, without whieh a revsonable topographic map would not have heen available. For permission to enter the Blue Lake. the use of a boat and assistant, sind the loan of E. & W.S. maps, the writer thanks Mr 1D. Ide, Regional Engineer E. & W.S. Dept., Southero, Mt Gambier, Valuable assistance wis also supplied by the Mt Gambier Branch of the State Mines and Energy Department, and in particular the then resident geologist, Mr S. Barnett, who gave the writer access to unpub- lished reports, maps, and bore logs, Also generous assistance was given by Mr F, Aslin who supplied ash deposit information from sewerage tench logs if his possession, Finally for their critique of the original manuscript the author wishes to thank Drs J. B, Jago and C. D.. Branch aid Mr J, D, Waterhouse. References Buacksuen, G. (1966) Radiocarbon dates relating te soil development and volcanic ash deposi- tion in South-Eust South Australia, Ans J, Ser 29, 50-52 Brown, H. ¥. L, (1884) Report on the Lakes in the Mt Gambier Region, 8, dust, Parle Pap. 256, 2, Fennex, C. (1921) The craters and lakes of Mt Gambier, South Australia. Trata, R. Soe. 5. Awest. 45, 169-208 Fracusson, G. T. & Rarren, T. A. (1957) New Zealand C1! ave micusurements, N.Z. J Sev Teehnal. 38001. 732-733, Firman, J. B. (1969) Quaternary Period. fr. Parkin, L. W. (Bd.), “Handhook af Sauth Australian Geology”. Cieul, Surv. S. Ayal, 204-233. Gunn, P. J. (1975) Mesozeic-Cainozoic tectonics and igneous uctivily: Southeaslern Australia. J. peal, Soc, Ausr, 22, 215-22), Harms, W. K. (1971) Tertiary Siratiasaphic Palynology, Oiway Basin, fy Wopfner, tL & Douglas, 1, G, (Rds). Che Utway Basin of Suutheasiern Australia, Spee, tall nent, Survs S. Aust, & Wier, 67-7. Hower, W. (1901) Fxting volcanoes of Mt CGiumbier and Me Sehank. Yew, Ae New ¥ Aust, 25. 54-62- Hurrrow, J, T., Blacknunn, G. & Crakke, ART (1959) Identification of volegnic ash in sails near ML Gambier, South) Austeptia Mifd 82, 95-98, Irving, Ad) & Cinves, DLW. (1976) Creocleanis: try und Petrogenesis of the Newer Basalts of Victoria and South Australla J weal Sor Aust. 23, 45-6h. Luprroox, N, H. (196%) Tertinry Perrad. ta Parkin, TL. W. (Bd.), “Handbook of South Anstraling geology’. Geol, Sure. SS. Aust, 177-203. Lupsroog, N, H, (1971) Stmtigraphy ang Curre- lation of Murine Sediments in the westem part of the Gambier Embayment, /n Woptner, H, & Douglas, I. G. (Eds). The Otway Basin of Southeastern Australia, Spee Bull. geal, Sarva §, Aust, & Viet, 47-65, MeCur, K.P. (1975) Seisoiivity and seismic risk ja South) Australia, Univ, Adel, Dept Physics, 68 pp, Mrnore, J. ©, (1967) Base surge in recent volcanic eruptions. Bell. Poleanal, 30, 337-363. OLileR, C. D. (1Y67) Maars: Theti characteris tics, varieties and definition. /bid, 31, 45-73, Ovier, C. BD. (1974) Phreatic Eruptions and Maars, dn Civetta, L., Casparini, P., Luongo, Ct. & Rapolla, A, (Eds). “Physical Vol- cunology.” (Elsevier, Amsterdam), 289-310, Onur, C BD. & Brown, M. C, (1965) Lava Cuves of Victorian, Bull, Valeatiol, 29, 215- 233 Parkin, 1. W. (Rd.) (1969) “Handbook of South Australian evology.” Geol. Surv, S. Aust, Sucomon, M. (1951) The volconic deposits of the South-East of South Australia as sourees of quarry stone, Min, Rev. 93, 133-137 Spriog, R. C. (7952) The Geoloey of the Suuth- Fas! Provence with special reference to Quaternyey coast line migrations and Mader beach developments. Bull, geol, Surv, 8, Awst.,. 29, 3)-42. Staneny, FR. ¢1909) Complete analysis of the Me Gambier basalt with petrographic desorip- lions. Tras. R. Soe. 8 Aust. 33, 82-100, Srancey, & RB. (4910) Cherzolite and olivine from Mt Gatnibier. hid, 34, 63-68. Woons, J.B. T. Ch862) “Geolagical observations in South Australia principally in the district soull-easst of Adelaile’ (Green, |ongman, Roberts & Civenc. Lomlon & Melbonrne), 404 pp. Worrsnk, Ho& Daueras. 7. G. 1971) The Otway Hasit’ af Southeastern Australin. Spee. Bull, weal, Save S, Aust & Kien, 464 pp, ARCHAEN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS IN THE TARCOOLA REGION, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY S. DALY, A. W. WEBB & S. G. WHITEHEAD Summary A minimum metamorphic age of greater than 2400 Ma is inferred for two banded iron formations outcropping within the TARCOOLA 1:250 000 map sheet area. The age obtained is considerably greater than that of the mid Proterozoic Middleback Group with which both iron formations have previously been correlated. At least two periods of iron formation deposition therefore occurred in the Gawler Craton during the Precambrian. ARCHAEAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS IN THE TARCOOLA REGION, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by 8. Dacy*, A, W. Weest, & S. G. WHITEHEAD] Summary DaLy, S., Wess, A. W,, & Werrenean, S G, (1978) Archaean to early Proterozoic banded iron formations in the Tarcoola region, South Australia, Trans. R. Sac, S, Aust, L215), 141-149 31 August, 1976- A frinimaum metamorphic age of greater than 2400 Ma is inferred for two banded tron formations outcropping within the TARCOOLA 1:250 000 map sheet area. The age obtained is considerably greater than that of the mid Proterozoic Middleback Group with which both iron formations have previously been correlated, At least two periods of iron formation deposition therefore occurred in the Gawler Craton during the Precambrian. Introduction The TARCOOLA 1;250 000 map sheet urea lies within the northern part of the Gawler Craton (Thomson 1976), an area of crystal- line basement stabilised in the Precambrian (ca 1500 Ma) and now partly covered by sedi- ments of Permian to Recent age. The oldest rocks are quarizo-leldspathic gneisses with interluyered quartzites and thin discontinuous banded iron formations. Foliated granitic rocks also occur within the gneiss complex, Basic and ultrabasic rocks. (Warne 1970!, 1972*; Holeapek 1972") containing anomalous base metal concentrations occur within the quartzo- feldspathic yneisses and may either be con- formable or cross-cutting; complex structure and poor outcrop associated with extensive weathering obscure stratigraphic relationships. Overlying the quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and associated hasic rocks 1s a gently folded sedi- mentary sequence, the Tarcoola Beds, which has subsequently been intruded by acid vol- canics and 1480 Ma high level granites (Blissett 1975, 1977), Geological mapping of the TARCOOLA 1;:250 000 map sheet area began in July, 1974, as part of a systematic regional mapping pro- gramme of the Gawler Craton. Directly related {0 this Mapping programme are current joint South Australian Geological Survey and Amdel geochronology projects, which are pro- viding radiometric age limits for important stratigraphic units in the crystalline basement. In 1975 an age of 2350 Ma was established for gneissic granites outcropping in the Glen- loth Goldfield area, 25 km southwest of Kin- goonya (Webb & Thomson 1977), A similar age was also determined for a small gneissic vranite outcrop 17 km West of Tarcoola. These results prompted further sampling of gneissic rocks in the TARCOOLA sheet area; at ML Christie and 6 km north of Kenella Rock Hole (Fig. 1), Both localities were chosen in an attempt fo date the associated interlayered banded iron formations, The term “iron formation” is used here in a lithological sense only and does not imply stratigraphic formality or specific genesis, i, the iron formation is simply an iron rich rock. Any formal name to be established in the future will refer to the enclosing gneisses; the iron rich horizon or horizons will be included in this unit. * Geological Survey of South Australia, Box 151, Eastwood, S. Aust. 5063. ! Australian Mineral Development Laboratories, 17 Warne, S, B. (1970) Mulgathine, Examinntion, Mining Lease 333. Report by Kennecott Explorations (Aust) Pty Led. $8. Aust. Dept Mines eny, 1375 (Cunpubl,). 2Waine. S. B, (1971) Mulgathing Examination, Mining Lease 491. Report by Kennecott Explorations (Aust.) Pty Lid, S, Aust. Dept Mines env, 1510 Cunpubl.), “ Holeapek, F, (1972) Geology of the Hopeful Hill Area, S. Aust. Dept Mines env, 2071 (unpubl.). 8S. DALY, A. W. WEBB & S. G, WHITEHEAD 142 ‘uoIsal PfOOSIey ay} Jo AsojoayH uRliquiesalg "| “sly bay jo jew iDdag Ss AsoI—es 77 ——puay uoyooy pT HOYDI oy JO UOHIaUIP dip puD amis 77 spl.) Buippag 2 Bulppag yo uoysauip dip pud ays |pauapul puo Burddousynoy YOU) Uo.) pepung eyyauBow ausxcidd zponb paiadny pany auS jsuip6 F0Ig aopaBo;d supa ayo ~h. Fojeatioy A 8@ s3uLaWO1l 01 NVAVHOUY {josng=ojaw asoj20)G0/o suaxcsdch ajoqyduio ysiuaels OIOZONILONd ATYVG Dweogow IN yo sauae Qi ayenB ayjoiqg auijzo qHONw payniyay Ha ooo seh gqom pun auajaq "355A 03 ‘asog Pappaq yy) Of 4BG0)4 spag ajooIuDy \,9S0q PUD ajisapuo sojn3Isa4 puo 0 > b paurol8 auy ‘ajopoAus pus ayOAys snoaany4ny ” P pus aWAYhod S9INVDIOA JONYH 4HIMVD LNFIWAINGI INVES YEVLYK —a1u0i5 pal oj quid pauioiS 28/507 0} wnipay YANQOONING {JDS09 DO} apyoAys tsayAp Jrung]o, Sodsdve nao jpsoq jody. ssax\p 1A tpt bl ARCHAEAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS IN 5A. 143 The fron formation at Monnt Christie Loéation The tron ftorniation oliterops at Lat, 30° 18°33" and Long. 133°30'55" on the west ern edge of the TARCOOLA 1:)250 000 map shect area, 28 km north of the Transcon- tinental Railway (Fig, 1) General geology The itou formation outcrop ts a linyered quartz-henmatite (murlite)-goethite yneiss. tt lorms a prominent elongate hill surrounded by surficial scree, sand and mulga seruh, Nearhy outcrop is poor, often very weathered and consists of low isoluted bills of quartz-feldspar- hiotite-garnet-gneiss and schist, and quartz feldspar-biotite-garnet-cordicrite gneiss with traces of sillimanite, The iron formation was. formally defined as the Mi Christie Metajaspilite by Whitten (1968). Mowever, regionally the unil may be one of a number of iron formations. Srructaral relationships The iron formation, which outerops over a distance of O.5 km has a north-nurtheasterly trend. dips steeply west and contains numerous small (olds with axes plunging gently northerly. A Very Weathered coarse-grained massive to poorly layered quartz-feldspar gneiss siruc- jurally anderhes the iron formation, The struc- (ural top, however, is obscured by talus, Rela- tionships with other iron formation autcraps, occurring to the north and southeast. are not known with any certainty because of surficial eover and camplex simictnre A detailed aerempgnenc survey (Warne 1970!, 19712) shows that the jron formation outcropping af ML Christie may he a portion of the western Himh of a complex untiferm (Gerdes 19754) with ao north-northeasterly trend and a northerly plinge (Peg. 1). Linear magnetic anomalies indicate three and possibly four magnetic horizons, probably all of which are handed iran formations. ‘The proposed structure tm intersected hy the Mulgathing Trough, a major graben with 4 northwest trend (Nelson (976). lithology (CDI, CD22) Th 19464, two fully erred holes (CDI, 2) were drilled through the wot formation (Whitten (965°) perpendicular oo strike, 100 m apart and depressed 40" casterly (Fig. 2) ‘The purpose of the holes was lo investigate the magnetite content af the tron formation at depth, Drill core from both holes has provided Fresh tnaterial for geochronology The iron formation, approximately SO m thick, 18 a quarlz-nagnetite-diopside-hyper- sthene-umphibole gneiss and is generally well layered with a charucteristig greenish-black and white banded appearance, The magnetite layers are slightly discontinuous and of vari- able thickness, duc to micro-folding, The layers average 6 mm in width and are inter- layered with bands of quartz and pyroxene averaging 12 mm. As the magnetite content decreases, banding hecomes less distinct. The iron formation retuins a predominantly grano- blastic texture even though there is evidence of a ater phase of metamorphism accom- panied by reerystallisation and replacement of some pyroxene by amphibole. The tron formation contains laminae of teldspat, cither microcline or plagioclase, and accessory apatite and iron sulphide. Interbeds up to 0.5 m thick of poorly Tayered foliated quartz-feldspar gneiss also occur and contain varying proportions of biotite and minor gar- nel, They are occasionally associated with very thi) magnetite-pyroxene layers and rare, thin, mussive calcite bands contaming some pyroxene and pinkish garnet. A coarse-grained ~~ pinkish-grey, — poorly layered to massive quartz-plaginclase-micro- cline -cordierite -garnet gneiss structurally underlies the banded iron formation. This rock also contains minor ilmenite and traces of sul- phide (pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and a minute trace of pentlandite), These — feldspathic gueisses also show evidence of later deforma- Nin ond retrograde metamorphism. ‘There has been extensive granulation and recrystullisation along grain houndaries anc) movement along small shear planes, Garnet has heen replaced wholly or qartly by fine grained biotite, and sillimanite has developed along grain bhorm- dates in The cordienite-hearing cocks. Age Eleven samples of core from CD1 and CD2 were analysed by the Rb-Sr technique (see Anpendix), OF these, four were quartz-micro- cline - plagioclase - biotite = eneiss interlryered “ Gerdes, R.A. (1975) Geophysical appraisal and inierpretation of the detwiledl aeromagnetic duty in parts of Capiding, Coates, Muckanippie, Mulgathing, Wyobring 1:63 360 sheet areas in the norihwes- tern cornet of the TARCOOLA 1:24) 000 sheer ar’a. S. Aust. Dept Mines (umpobl) repr 75/14, TWhitten. G, Te Dept Mines funpubl} rept #0/42-. (1965) The investigation of iron formations in the Mulgathing District S, Aust. 144 S. DALY, A. W. WEBB & S. G. WHITEHEAD MI! Christe (Projected, D.0.H.co1__ SY NOTE: Trand of section is 105" NOTE D.D.H.CD2 js located 100m alang strike south af D.D.H CDI P1728/76 Geachronology sample 7 N SP Hi7 dm 350 », LEGEND oto scate) Meters Very weathered mica schis! Medium to coarse grained quartz hematite magnetite pyroxene gneiss, thin schist interloyers. Medium to coarse grained, well layered and distinctively banded quartz pyroxene and magnetite gneiss. Quarlz pyroxene magnetite gneiss containing small interbands of quartz—teldspar gneiss. Very coarse grained poorly layered plagioclase micracline garnet cordierise biolite gneiss. METRES 50 $13138 S.A. Deparlment of Mines and Energy Drn, LP VY Fig. 2. Cross section through the banded iron formation at Mt Christie. ARCHATAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS IN S.A. 145 TABLE | Rb-Sr datas Mount Christie SAMPLE NUMBER DEPTH im) LITHOLOGY Rb/Sr Rbs7/Srst *Gr87/Sy5ti PI7I8/76 CDI 7102-7112 i O70 2.06238 0.7754 PI721/76 CD} F2,.75-72.85 A 0.631 1.8329 U.7687 P1722/76 CD 75.29-75,.36 A 0,806 2.3449 0.7846 P1723/78 CDI 76.05 -76.20 A 0.701 2.0376 U.7753 Pi728/76 CD YF TS-BABS Cc O.U701 ),2025 O7114 P1729/76 CDI 94,49-94 59 Cc 0.573 1.6632 0.7612 PI731/74 CDI 98.49.9667 A 0.500 1.4503 O7535 Pi733/7h CDI 100-64-000.71 Dn 413 1.1949 1.7444 P1735/76 CDI 105.54-105,66 b 0.367 1.0631 0.7405 P1748/76 CD2 £9.71-89.81 A O.906 2.6388 0.7962 P1749/78 D2 91.69-91.80 A 0.663 1.9265 O.7718 with (he quarte-magnetile-pyroxene gneiss and the Yemaitider quartz-plagioe|aye-microcline- cordicrite gneiss underlying the tron formation. The Rb/Sr analyses (Table 1) were re- gressed and produced # Model 3 isochron of 2417 & 59 Ma with an initial ratio of 0.7036 + 0.0015, The MSWD of 3,35 indicates that there is litle Variance beyond that due to ‘experimental error, The isotopic age represents 4 minimum metamorphic age for the rter- layered iron formation. The low initial ratio indicates that the material bad not resided in the crust for more than [00-150 Ma before metamorphism occurred (Moorbath 1976), Recently the International Uniow of Geo- logical Sciences. Subcommission on Precam- brian Strativraphy (1977) assigned an age of 2500 Ma for the Arehaean-Proterozoic boun- dary: “The particular tinie chosen is one which provides a reasonable and practical basis fur the grouping of geologic events in most regions of the world and for continent to con- tinent correlation’. On this basis, the oldest. recognisable metamorphic uge of the banded iron formation is therefore assigned to the eatly Proterozoic, The depositional age of the iron formation, however, may be Archaean, The fron formation near Kewella Rock Hole Loeation The iron formation outcrops at Lat. 30°S55'23", Long, 134°57'57" on the caster edge of the TARCOOLA 1:250 000 map sheet urea, 7 km south of the Earea Dam Goldfield, und | km nerth of Kenella Rock Hole (Fig, 3). General gvalogy (Fig. 3) The iron formation in oulérop is a poorly lnyered quartz-hematite-goethite rock, Nearby wulcrop, both to the north and south, is pinkish-white to grey, well foliated, poorly banded quariz- microcline= plagioclase gneiss containing subordinate biolite, chlorite and garnet. The quartz-feldspar gneiss is intruded by non-foliated dykes and plugs of gabbro and dolerite and pinkish massive granite. Dykes of the Gawler Range Voleanics (Blissett 1975) runging, from acid to hasic, intrude both the quartz-leldspar gneiss, ihe basic dykes and, rarely, the massive granite. The relationship between the metabasalt (in the N.W. of Fig, 3) and the quartz feldspar gneiss is uncertain. Structural relationships (Fig. 3) The iron formation (oc. |) is locally tightly folded and has a moderate southerly dip, Wis interbedded with well layered, very Weathered gneiss, and is structurally underlain by a pink- ish, well foliated quartz-feldspar gneiss. Approximately. five hundred metres to the west (loc. 2) the banded won formation outcrop is more linear and trénds east-west with a steep southerly dip. No pink quartz feldspar gneiss outcrops at this locality. The exact relationship between the struc- tural top of the iron formation and the pinkish feldspar gneiss outcropping further to the south cannot be established because of paucity of puterop, Local faulting and basic dyke in- trusion have further complicated the relation- ship. Surface mapping, therefore, is unable to prove whether the iron formation is part of the Well foliated gneiss sequence, or Whether it is part of a younger sequence, Drilling has now resolved the problem, Tn 1973, Abadon Holdings N.L. (Holeapek & Benbow 19745) in search of base metals, reenrded the quirty-hematite-gocthite outcrop of the weathered iron formatiot) as a gossan, “ Holeapek, F. & Benbow, M. ©, (19745 Geology of the Kenella area. S. Aust. Dept Mines env. 2276 funpubl,}. 146 S. DALY, A. W. WEBB & S. G. WHITEHEAD Q P1455/76 a 24, : 3 ~ Sy E aN area Dam | icp Soline and gypsiteraus clays and silts Volcanic dykes; Rhyolile ta basalt, (Evy) Reddish nor—toliated granile\Ex Dolerite and gabbre dykes, co LA | Amphibole plagioclase pyroxene meéta—basall. (PABV) — PAL ee ee o N o = =< Oo £ Oo N is) oc Ww j= oO ae a LU Quarta micracline plagioclase gaiget gneiss Quallz mognehle pyroxene grens— BILF. AR inset only, ARCHAEAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC P1456/76 Geochranology sample loculily_ © 4 Location at Diamond Drill Hole. —_e KILOMETRES 0 1 2 5.4. Deparimen! of Mines and Enelgy Di HV. \ DALY, 1977? Fig. 3. Geological map of the Kenella Area. ARCHAEAN 1O EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS. IN S.A. 1/47 Several soil peochemical anomalies and ground magnetic anomalies were recorded in the area. Nine holes were drilled in the immediate Vicinity of the outerop and drill holes i, 4 and 9 penetrated unweathered iron formation (Fiz, 3). Recent logging of this core indicates that the pinkish quartz-feldspar gneiss is inter- layered with the iron formation. The iron [for- mation is therefore part of a quartz-feldspar gneiss sequence which hos w general east-west trend and a southerly dip. Approximately 10 km west of Kenella Rock Hole is.a small isolated oulerop of iron for- mation, trending easterly and dipping ver- lically, which may also be part of the quartz- feldspar gneiss sequence (Fig. |), Litholeey (DDH, 4, 9) The iron formation, which has a maximum thickness of 25 m, ranges from a very poorly layered to a well Jayered greenish quartz-mag- netite-pyroxene (diopside and hypersthene)- amphibole gneiss. The magnetite bands of the well layered gaciss ave 2-6 mm wide tind are interlayered with quurtz-pyroxene bands which range up to 40 mim in thickuess. The iron formation contains laminae of feldspar interyrown with the magnetite and mafic minerals, and bonds of well luyered pinkish = quartz-microcline-plagioelase — gneiss containing varying proportions of biotite: and subordinate garnet, This gheiss is ussociuted with thin calcite jayers contyining miner wwiphibole, pyroxene, olivine and garnet, The iran formation also contains bands of eenerully Very poorly layered greenish-grey quartz- feldspar (predominantly plagioclase) gneiss containing abundant relic garnet and some sillimanite, The greyish gneiss in DDI No, 1, from 143.1 m to 146.2 m, ¢ontyins ) small umount of sulphide with Cu 150 ppm, Ph 350 ppm, Zn 2.1% (Holcapek & Benbow 1974°%), Both the pinkish quartz-microcline-plagioclase meiss and the greenish quariy-plagioclase- garnel-rich yneiss ulso accur above und below the banded iron formation, The greenish quarlz-plagioclase gneiss is very readily weathered near surface, whilst the pinkish eneiss is far more resistant, Which Would exe plain the dominance of pinkish quartz-feldspar gneiss in outcrop, The iron formution und assovinted lelsic layers in part retain a granoblastic non-foliated texture! however, there is evidence of a Juter episode of retrograde metamorphism accom. panied by teetonic stress. This event has restilted in the partial or complete replacement of pyroxene hy amphibole, of garnet by chloriic und biotite, reerystullisation of much of the quartz and feldspar to u finer grain size and the development of a foliation, Age Fourteen samples of pinkish quartz-feldspar gneiss, from the more boldly ouleropping area approximately 6 km north of the iron forma- tion, were collected for isotopic dating, (Fig. 3), Outerop near the iron formation is poorer ufid More Weathered, Material from the drill core Was not used because of extensive [rac- turing, Nine samples were analysed by the Rb-Sr technique, Although of acid compusi- tion, all samples had a low Rb/Sr ratio which precluded the production of a precise iso- chron (Table 2), The analyses with the excep- tion of sample P1458/76 produce a linear army, Regression of the eiht samples com- prising the array shows that there js still a sig TABLE 2 Rb-Sr data: Kenella Area SAMPLE NUMBER LITHOLOGY Rb/Sr RbS7/Sr8h 3 S87 /Srsh Pldd7/76 A 0,604 24173 0.7739 P1448/76 A 0.755 2.1941 0.7772 PT450/76 A 0.846 3470K 0.7930 P1451/76 A (3605 3.9949 R459 Pias4/76 A 250 9.7245 0.7284 PI45S/7é A 0.620 {BOIS 0.7675 P1456/76 mn 0,980 28549 T8025 PL458/76 A 1315 3.8386 0.8192 P1459/76 A 0.93) 0.8416 01.7307 A Quartz-microeline-plagioelase-biotite gneiss B GQuartz-microcline-bidtite cneiss, . C Quartz-phigioclase-cordierite biotile eimeiss. D Quartz-microcline-plagioclase-garnet-biotite gneiss, * Measured ratios normalised to Srkk/Sphh = B.3752 148 ihificant scatter of the data above that expected [rom expermentsl error (MSWD 14.3), The isochrou (Model 4) yields an age of 2488 + J30 Ma with an initial Set/Sr ratio af 0.7014 ~ 0,0038 using the decay constant Rb§? — 1.42 % 10°! y-, The isotopic age rep- resents a minimum metamorphic age for the pinkish quartz-feldspar gneiss sequence inter- layered with the banded tron formation, A minimum metamorphic age of 2488 = 130 Ma is therefore inferred for the banded iron for- mation, On the basis of the previous discus- sion the metamorphic age of the banded iron formation is assigned to the beginning of carly Proterozoic Conclusions The banded iron formations near Kenella Rock Hole and at Mount Christie have a simi- lar composition, ave and metamorphic history und are possible stratigraphic equivalents. More significantly, both iron formations have ) minimum metamorphic age greater than 2400 Ma. Previously, all banded iron forma- tions within the Gawler Craton had been regarded as stratigraphic equivalents (Whilten 1966, ‘Thomson 1976). However, initial Sr iso- topic ratios for units of the Hutchinson Group, which imcludes the iron formations of the Middleback Ranges, suggest that deposition could not have occurred prior to ca 2000 Ma {Webb 19787), considerably younger than the metamorphic age inferred for the iron forma- tions near Kenella Rock Hole and at Mt Christic. Two periods of iron formation depo- sition therefore occurred in the Gawler Craton during the Precambrian; the older iron forma- tions are now part of the gneissic sequence on which the younger iron formations were depo- sited, S. DALY, A.W. WEHH & S. G. WHITEHEAD lron formations of both ages outcrop within the TARCOOLA 1;250000 sheei arca. The Wilgena Hill Jaspilite (Whitten 1968), a Une- grained finely laminated quartz, hematite rock, outcropping 14 km east of Tarcoola is con- sidered to be Proterozoic in age, Although high grade gneisses (presumed older base- ment) outcrop only 6 km from Wilgena Hill, the metamorphic grade of the iron formation is probably only greenschist facies, It is thus strikingly different from the coarse graimed, twice deformed banded tron formations out- cropping at Mt Christic and near Kenella Rock Hole. The RbSe whole rock ages of 2400 Ma obtained for gneissic rocks from the Tarcoola region significantly extend the area of known Arehaean to earliest Proterozoic basement from southern Eyre Peninsula, first described by Cooper er al, (1976) and Webb & Thom. son (1977). In acklition, gneissic rocks out- cropping poorly to the north and west of the Tarcoola region have similar north-northeast! structural and magnetic trends that ate charac- teristic of the older basement near Mt Christie and hence a considerable part of the north- Western Gawler Craton may be Archaean to carliest Proterozoic in age. Acknowledgments The generous assistance of Mr B, P, Thom- son of the Geological Survey of South Aus- tralia both in the field and in the preparation of the manuscript is gratefully acknowledged, This paper is published with the permission of the Director-General, Department of Mines and Energy and the Director of the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories. Appendix Analytical Methads Rb/Sr ratios of the powdered total rock samples were determined in duplicate by X-ray Myorescence spectrography. Sr'7/Srs" patios were measured on unspiked samples with a 370 em, 80° sector mass Spectrometer and corrected for mass discrimina- tion by normalising Sr**/Sr8" to §3752. Measure- ments on Eimer and Amend SrCoy, over the course of several years, give 4 value for Srtt/Se¥ of 0.70802 © 0.00006 (standard deviation of pop- ulation), Constants used in ihe ase calculations were: Rb / REIT 2.600 A Rb‘ = 1.42 & 10 yt Linewr regression of the analytical data was made following the methad of Melniyre et al. (7966) using eslimutes of analytical error of 0.6 fecefliciont of variation based on 67 duplicate analyses of Rb/Se in the concentration range of 20 to 600 prim) far RbT/Sr8* and 0.05 (coefficient af variation) for Sr87/Sr&, The erpars quoted are the 95% confidence limits. * Webb, A, W. (1978) Geochronalogy of the Gawler Craton. Amdel Report for Project 1/1/1322 {in prep. ). ARCHAEAN TO EARLY PROTEROZOIC BANDED IRON FORMATIONS IN S.A. 149 References BuissettT, A. H. (1975) Rock units in the Gawler Range Volcanics, South Australia. Q. geol. Notes, geol. Surv. S, Aust. 55, 2-14. Buissett, A. H. (1977), GAIRDNER map sheet, Geological Atlas of South Australia, 1:250 000 series, Geol. Surv. S. Aust. Cooper, J, A., FANNING, C. M., FLroox, M. M. & Ouiver, R. L. (1976) Archaean and Proterozoic metamorhpic rocks on southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. J. geol. Soc. Aust, 23, 287-292. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES SUBCOMMISSION ON PRECAMBRIAN STRATI- GRAPHY (1977) Minutes of the fourth meeting of the Subcommission—The John de Villiers Memorial meeting—held at the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, July 11-15, 1977. Geol. Newsletter (in press). Mcintyre, G. A., Brooks, C., Compston, W. & Turek, A. (1966) The statistical assessment of Rb-Sr isochrons. J. geophys. Res. 71, 5459-5468. MoorpaTH, S. (1976) Age and Isotope con- straints for the Evolution of the Archaean Crust. In Windley, B. F. (Ed.), “The Early History of the Earth’, 351-360. (John Wiley, London). NELSON, R, G. (1976) The Mulgathing Trough. Q. geol. Notes, geol. Surv. S. Aust. 58, 5-8. THomson, B. P. (1976) Gawler Craton—regional geology. /n KNIGHT, C. L. (Ed.), “Economic Geology of Aust. and Papua New Guinea”. Vol. I, Metals, Monogr. Australas. Inst. Min, Met. 5, 461-466. Wess, A. W. & TuHomson, B. P. (1977) Archaean basement rocks in the Gawler Craton, South Australia. Search, 8, 34-36, Wuilten, G. F. (1966) Suggested correlation of iron ore deposits within South Australia. Q. geol. Notes, geol. Surv, S, Aust. 18, 7-11. WuittEeNn, G. F. (1968) Type section of iron formations, Tarcoola District. Q. geol. Notes, geol, Surv. S. Aust, 26, 4-7. A NEW SPECIES OF HYLID FROG FROM THE NORTHERN TERRITORY BY M. J. TYLER, M. DAVIES & A. A. MARTIN Summary A new species of hylid frog Litoria personata is described from the East Alligator Region of the Northern Territory, Australia. Eternal morphology and features of cranial and postcranial anatomy indicate a relationship to the Litoria latopalmata and L. nigrofrenata species groups. The species lives at the perimeter of the rock escarpment, and breeds in temporary rock pools. The tadpole is noteworthy for the spectacular gold stripes along its body and tail. A NEW SPECIES OF HYLID FROG FROM THE NORTHERN TERRITORY by M. J. Tyter*, M. Davies* & A, A, MARTIN] Summary lycer, M. J. Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. (1978) A new species of hylid frog from the Northern Territory. Trans. R. Soc. §, Aust, 102(6), 151-157, 31 August 1978. A new species of hylid frog Litvria personafa is described from the Last Alligator Region of the Northern ‘Territory, Australia, External morphology and features of cranial and post- cranial anatomy indicate a relationship to the Literia latopalmata and L, nigrefrenata specics groups. The species lives at the perimeter of the frock escarpment, and breeds in temporary rock pools. The tadpole is noteworthy for the spectacular gold stripes ulong its body and tail. Introduction Although frogs of the family Hylidae are popularly termed tree-frogs, aumerous species are wholly or predominantly terrestrial, or else are scansorial in non-arboreal situations such as upon exposed rock fuces. In Australia members of the Literia latepalmara, L. nasuta and L. rugro/rendta species groups are good examples of terrestrial species, AJL have rather elongate bodies, unwebbed fingers, variably webbed tocs and relatively long hindlimbs. Vhe terrestrial species occur only in eastern and northern Australia, One (L. latopalmeata (Gunther) ) extends into arids parts of westero Queensland and New South Wales, and recently hus been collected in the extreme northeast of South Australia (Tyler 1977), There remains considerable uncertainty about the number of species in the L, latepal- mata group as defined by Tyler & Davies (1978), The three named species differ only slightly in colouration and in the few mor- phological features recognised to be significant. Biological dula are inadequate to permit clarification of the taxonomic status to be accorded to some populations, Similarly the phylogenetic relationship existing between this und other species groups has yet to be resolved As a result-of the collecting activilies of Mr Greg Miles of the N.T. National Parks and Wildlife Commission, we were able to examine in 1977 specimens of an undescribed species of Litoria from the East Alligator River region of the N.T. It bears a resemblance to members of the L. letopalmeata and EL. nigrofrenata species groups. Subsequently Davies, Miles, and Tyler obtained a further adult specimen in November 1977, Miles and Tyler collected tadpoles and recently metamorphosed young frogs in April 1978, and Miles and J, Morris collected more adults and recently metamor- phosed individuals in May 1978, Here we describe the new specics and dis- cuss its phylogenetic relationships. Material and methods The specimens reported here are deposited in institutions abbreviated in the text as follows: Northern Territory Museum, Alice Springs (NTM) South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAM) Methods of measurement follow Tyler (1968a) and osteological comparisons are those adopted by Davies (1978). Tadpoles were fixed in Tyler's (1962) fixative and staged according to Gosner (1960), Litoria personata sp. moy, FIGS 1-6 Holotype: SAM R.16773. A gravid female collected at Birndu (12°32'S: 132°8'B), south- cust of Cannon Hill Station, East Alligator * Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, North Tee, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000, + Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne. 152 M. J. TYLER, M. DAVIES & A. A. MARTIN D oe y iota Sohal Fig. 1. A. Plantar surface of foot of Litoria wotjulumensis SAM R.16857; B. Lateral surface of head of L. personata; C. Plantar surface of foot of L. persenata; D. Palmar surface of hand of L. personuta; E. Palmar surface of hand 1. tornieri SAM R,16779. River Region, Northern Territory, Davies, G. Miles, and M. J, 27.x1,1977, Definition: A small rock-dwelling species (female 32.8 mm; males 28.8—28.9 mm S-V length), characterised by its unwebbed fingers with distinctly expanded terminal discs, first by M. Tyler on finger longer than second; moderately long hindlimbs (TL/S-V 0.51-0.60); broad, dark stripe on the side of the head; tadpole with striking, dorsolateral gold or yellow stripes on the body and tail. Description of holotype: Head longer than broad (HL/HW 1.15); head length more than NEW HYLID FROG FROM NORTHERN TERRITORY 153 one third of the snout to vent length (HL/S-V 0.37). Snout prominent, projecting in profile and slightly rounded when viewed from above and in profile (Fig. 1B). Nostrils more lateral than superior, their distance from end of snout two-thirds that from eye. Dis- tance between eye and naris less than inter- narial span (E-N/IN 0.86). Canthus rostralis slightly defined and straight, its nature accen- tuated by dark rostral stripe. Eye relatively small and inconspicuous, its diameter equiva- lent to eye to naris distance. Tympanum completely visible; diameter slightly more than two-thirds eye diameter (Fig. 1B). Vomerine teeth on short, oval elevations between anterior edges of choanae. Tongue broadly oval. Fingers long and slender, lacking lateral fringes (Fig. 1D); in decreasing order of length 3 > 4 > 2 > 1. No webbing between fingers. Terminal discs moderately well developed, extending laterally beyond lateral edges of penultimate phalanx. Subarticular and palmar tubercles prominent, Hind limbs long (TL/S—V 0.59). Toes in decreasing order of length 4 >5>3>2>1 (Fig. 1C). Webbing reaching half-way up penultimate phalanx on toe 5 and below sub- articular tubercle at base of antepenultimate phalanx of toe 4. Subarticulate tubercles prominent. Small oval inner and smaller rounded outer metatarsal tubercles. Dorsum very finely tubercular; abdomen, pectoral region and undersurface of thighs coarsely granular; submandibular area smooth. Slightly developed tarsal fold, but no supratym- panic fold. In preservative pale grey with a conspicuous, very dark stripe extending from nostril to eye, and posteriorly to above insertion of forearm (Fig. 2). A narrow white stripe from lower margin of eye to posterior extremity of man- dible. Ventral surface pale cream. In life background colouration similarly grey or pale brown. Ova, viewed through a transparent portion of body wall, small and un- pigmented. Dimensions of holotype: S-V 32.8 mm; TL 15.9 mm; HL 10.3 mm; HW 9.1 mm; E-N 2.7 mm; IN 3.2 mm; E 3.5 mm; T 2.3 mm. Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin, personatus, masked, in reference to the dark stripe through the eye. Variation There are twelve paratypes: SAM R.16774, an adult male collected as a recently meta- morphosed juvenile on Cannon Hill Station, N.T. by G. Miles in August 1977. This speci- men was reared at the University of Adelaide, and preserved in alcohol when it reached adulthood; SAM R.16775, a sub-adult male collected with the preceding specimen; died in captivity; SAM R.16776 (cleared and stained), Fig. 2. Live Litoria personata. Paratype SAM R.16774. 1S M. J, Bradshaw Ck, Cannon Hill, G. Miles, 2411977; NTM A.123-125, juveniles, G, Miles, 1.1977; SAM R.16829, 16855—56, metamorphosing juveniles, Cannon Hill, G, Miles and M. J. Tyler, 26.iv.1978; SAM R.16830-32, adults and juveniles from Birndu, G. Miles and I. Morris, 20.v.1978. The adult males measure 28,8 and 28.9 mm S-V respectively, and the females 30.6 and 32.2 mm. The cleared and stained specimen had very large pigmented nuptial pads on the first finger. The other specimen lacks nuptial pads, bul possesses a submandibular vocal suc, The head is elongate and the snout prominent and tapering in both specimens, Hind timb length is highly variable, and proportionately Jess than or greater that that of the holotype (TL/S-V 0.51-0,60 in the adult and sub-adult paratypes). Six of the juveniles exhibit the adult pattern of markings; the seventh is in a state of transition, exhibiting traces of the conspicuous pale Stripes that characterise the tadpole ol this species (described below). un adult male, Larval morphology Five Jarvac collected at Cannon Hill on Lit,77 are in stages 27-41; their total length ranges from 23.7 to 44.1 mm and their body length from 10.3 to 16.7 mm. Six larvae collected on 26,iv.78 are more advanced, including specimens at stages 41-45. Their total length ranges from 41.8 to 55.1 mm and their body length from 16.6 to 18.6 min. Fig. 3A shows a larva at stage 41, Dimensions of this individual are: total length, 52.9 mm; body length, 18.6 mm; maximum body width, 9.0 mm; maximum body depth, 7.5 mm; maximum tail depth (including fin}, 8.6 mm. The mouth is subterminal and the anus opens to the right of the tail fin. The eyes are lateral, The spiracle is sinistral and ventra- lateral; it is nat visable in a dorsal view ot the larva. In its general body form the larva resembles those of other Australian ground hyhds From lotic habitats, eg. Lb. levveurt (Martin 1967). The body is Nyttened and the tail fin is narrow, while the tail musculature is powerful. The mouth structure is also typical of Australian hylid larvae which live in Howing water; there are two upper and three lower rows of labial teeth, and the papillary border is complete, The horny jaws ure relatively weakly developed (Fig, 3B). TYLER, M, DAVIES & A, A] MARTIN - VA ON eid: 0 B 7 alae “ Se ayn Aa— % ~~ J san DI nai, ve ee P aan _ awn aL ne Si, Ly or. My une io ma en Heyy, ‘ Mes a gh hy My ann enelt = % a te ee aniline itty po Rue a Senn nN a ? Y ane = ont igs TO - (Narn, Ie eo = “ie — Pw . yw Pe We aw Ruin at vi ‘Wd at, ve ee, eld * umm Fig, 3. A. Lett lateral and dorsal views of larva of Litoria personata at stave 41> B, Mouth dise of larva. of J. personara at Stage 31. In life larvae are dark brown on the dorsal surface and creamy white beneath. The dorsolateral stripes are gold to yellow, In preservative the dorsal ground colour is greyish-brown. There is an irregular dark grey transverse band belween the eyes, and in front of this band there is an arrowhead-shaped duck grey patch, The dorsolateral stripes and the ventral part of the body and tail are creamy white, The tadpole’s striking appearance stems Irom the dorsolateral stripe, and from the abrupt transition from dark to light pigmenta- tion along the lateral midline. Unfortunately the larval morphology of otber members of the L, latopalmate complex hus not been described; hence whether or not this spectacular appearance is diagnostic of the larva of Lo perserata is unknown, Comparison with other species (a) External merphelogy: The elongate body form, projecting snout, relatively long hind limbs, unwebbed fingers and poorly webbed tocs ure a combination of features exhibited by all terrestrial Liroria, The extreme of these NEW HYLID FROG FROM adaptations is demonstrated by members of the L, nasuta group in which the elongation of head, body and limbs is most pronounced. I northern Australia the L. nasuta species group is represented by L. nasuta, This species has longer hind limbs than L. personata (TL/S-V 0,64-0.78 in L. hasuta; 0.51-0.59 in L. personata). The head of L. nasuta is pro- portionately much longer (HL/HW 1.21-1.43 in L. masuta; 1.13-1.17 in L, persenata). The two species also differ in skin texture: very finely tubercular in L, personata; with nume- rous, longitudinally «arranged plicae in L. nasula. The sympatric species L. torniert of the L. latopalmata species group lacks the finger discs of L. personata (Fig. IE) and has a disrupted lateral head stripe; the stripe is continuous in L. personata, The new species may also be slightly smaller than L. tornieri: S-V of the female £. persenata are 30.6-32.8 mm, whereas the range in L. tornieri is 31,1- 39.7 mm. The S-V of male L. personata (28.8-28.9 mm) ts in the middle of the L. tornieri range (26.1-32.1 mm). The habitus, finger discs and proportions indicate a close relationship between L. personata and L, wotiulumensiy of the L. nigrofrenata species group. They — differ principally in size and colour: L. worjulumen- sis is considerably larger (males 33.8-37.7 mm; females 45.7-54.1 mm. Tyler 1968b and un- published data) has fully webbed toes (Fig. 1A) and often is infused with lemon yellow on the abdomen, flanks and undersurface of the lower limbs. (b) Oyxteology; Provisional comparisons sugvested that the closest relative of L. personata is L. woyilumensis, whose skull ts illustrated by Tyler & Davies (1978). Dorsal, lateral and ventral views of the skull of L. persenata are shown in Fig. 4. in both species the skull is longer than broad. and the slightly elongate snout is rounded terminally in dorsal aspects. The nasals are moderately-sized, narrow, bones very widely separated medially by the sphenethmoid; they do not articulate with it. The sphenethmoid is double and moderately to well ossified: it projects between but not beyond the nasals, There is minor variation in the form of the frontoparietals. They are moderately ossified, lack unterior contact with the nasals and do nol overlap the crista parotica posteriorly in NORTHERN TERRITORY iss ia ~ 1X Z~_ln—rp SI UAU tA rn lh 5mm Fig, 4. Skull of Literia personata. Paratype SAM R.16776. A. Dorsal view; B. Lateral view: C. Ventral view. 156 M. J. TYLER, M, DAVIES & A. A. MARTIN Fig. 5. Prevomers. A. Litoria wotjulumensis; B. L, personata, both species. However, there is a slight postero- medial articulation in L. wotjulumensis, but not in L. personata. The frontoparietal fontanelle is large in both species and is continuous posteriorly in L. personata. The crista parotica are moderately short and broad with prominent epiotic eminences, and the otic rami of the squamosals do not overlap the crista parotica. In L. personata this ramus is clearly separated from the crista parotica, whereas in L. wotjulumensis the relationship of these bones is more intimate. The short zygomatic ramus of the squamosals is longer than the otic ramus in L. personata whilst in L. wotjulumensis the arms are of approximately equal length. The pterygoid is well developed and the median ramus is in bony contact with the prootic. The quadratojugal is well developed. The pars facialis of the maxillary is shallow; the well-developed posterior process reaches the level of the maxillary process of the nasal in L. personata, but in neither species does it make bony contact. The alary processes of the premaxillaries are broad at the base, widely separated medially, and curve posteriorly after an initial vertical section. The palatine pro- cesses of the premaxillaries are well developed and do not abut medially or at their ex- tremities. The premovers are reduced medially, widely separated, and have short horizontal denti- gerous processes (Fig. 5). The palatines are short and narrow. Fig. 6. Type locality of Litoria personata: Escarpment at Birndu, N.T. NEW HYLID FROG FROM NORTHERN TERRITORY 157 The cultriform process of the parasphenoid is extremely long and narrow; the alae are also long and narrow and are at right angles to the cultriform processes, In the post-cranial skeleton the sacral diapophyses are broadly expanded in L. personata and moderately to broadly expanded in L, watjulumensis. There is a flange on the distal head of the third metacarpal, and the intercalary structures are ossified in both species. Habitat The holotype was collected ut night upon a flat shelf on an open rock face at the foot of the Arnhem Land escarpment; the type locality is shown in Fig. 6. Tadpoles and metamar- phosing juveniles were taken in or around evergreen non-eucalypts, with Pandanus and shrubs rising to approximately 8 m;: overall visibility is approximately 20 m. Acknowledgements This study was supported by an Australian Research Grants Committee grant to M. J. Tyler. Visits to the Alligator Rivers Region were supported by the Supervising Scientist, for the Alligator Rivers Region. We are very deeply indebted to Mr Greg Miles of the Northern Territory Fisheries and Wildlife Branch for valuable field guidance and generous hospitality. Figure | was prepared by Miss. Kathy Bowshall, and Figure 2 by Mr Bohdan Stankovich-Janusch. Finally we are indebted to Ansett Airlines temporary pools upon the escarpment or at its of Australia for providing in-transit air- foot. The area supported a ‘Mixed Scrub’ com- conditioned accommodation for the live munity (Story 1969) composed mainly of specimens. References Davies, M, (1978) Variation in the cranial Tyrer, M. J. (1962) On the preservation of osteology of the Australopapuan hylid frog Anuran tadpoles. Aust. J, Sci, 25(5), 222. Litoria infrafrenata. Rec. S$, Aust. Mus. 17(22), 337-345. Gosner, K. L. (1960) A simplified table for stag- ing anuran embryos and larvae with notes on identification. Herpetologica 16, 183-190. Martin, A. A. (1967) Australian anuran life histories: some evolutionary and ecological aspects. Jn A. H. Weatherley (Ed.) Aus- tralian Inland Waters and their fauna. Australian Natl Univ, Press, Canherra. Srory, R. (1969) Part VII. Vegetation of the Adelaide Alligator area, In R, Story et al.. “Land of the Adelaide Alligator Area, Northern Territory”, CSIRO Land Res. Ser. (25), 114-130. Tyitr, M. J. (1968a) Papuan hylid frogs of the genus Hyla. Zool. Verh. Leiden (96), 1-203. ‘Tyier, M. J. (1968b) A taxonomic study of hylid frogs of the Hyla lesueuri complex occurring in north-western Australia, Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 15, 711-727. Tycer, M. J. (1977) “Frogs of South Australia.” (Revised Edition) (South Australian Museum: Adelaide.) Tyver, M. J. & Davres, M. (1978) Species groups within the Australopapuan hylid frog genus Litoria Tschudi, Aust. J. Zool, suppl. (63), 1-47. EARTHFLOWS IN THE YANKALILLA AREA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA: SIGNIFICANCE OF RAINFALL, SOIL PROPERTIES AND MAN’S ACTIVITIES BY W. J. VAN DEUR Summary Thirty-three earthflows were located on Permian glacigene deposits east and southeast of Yankalilla, South Australia. Their formation relates to periods of intense, concentrated rainfall when excess soil moisture resulted in deformation by plastic flow. Dating of these earthflows revealed that while all have formed after European settlement, there has been a time-lag between occupance and the majority of mass-movements. The time-lag resulted from alterations in physical and chemical properties of the soil over time, leading to a gradual decrease in shear strength. Soil alterations were initiated by clearing of natural vegetation after settlement. EARTHFLOWS IN THE YANKALILLA AREA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA; SIGNIFICANCE OF RAINFALL, SOIL PROPERTIES AND MAN’S ACTIVITIES by W. J. Van DeuR* VAN Deur, W. J. (1978) Earthflows in the Yankalilla area of South Australia: significance of rainfal, soil properties and Man's activities. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust, 102(6), 159-167, 31 August, 1978, Thirty-three earthflows were located on Permian glacigene deposits cast and southeast of Yankalilla, South Australia. Their formation relates to periods of intense, concentrated rainfall when excess soil moisture resulted in deformation by plastic flow. Dating of these eorthflows revealed that while all have formed afier European scttlement, there has been a lime-lag between occupance and the majority of mass-movements. The time-lag resulted from alterations in physical and chemical properties of the soil over time, leading to a gradual decrease in shear strength, Soil alterations were initiated by clearing of natural vegetation after settlement. Introduction The influence of man on the development of certain Jandforms is both significant and wide- spread in many parts of the world, Of particu- lar importance is the acceleration of the pro- cesses of erosion resulting from removal of natural vegetation und the subsequent history of Jand use, The Fleuricu Peninsula, about 80 km south of Adelaide, South Australia, an area cleared initially in the mid-nineteenth century by European settlers for the cultivation of wheat, clearly shows the repercussion of such enter- prise in the form of gullies and mass-move- ments. It is estimated that these processes have together resulted in a reduction of at least 20% in the amount of available, arable Jand (Campana, Wilson & Whittle 1954). Thus these processes are of economic as well as geomorphological interest. In an attempt to elucidate various aspects of the development of these mass-moyements, and in particular the relationship between man’s activities and landform development, an investigation of 33 examples of mass-movement was carried out in an area of approximately 100 sq. km south and southeast of Yankalilla (Fig. 1). tier mary s Yankalilla earltitiow rivers Fig. 1. Location of earthflows. Found either in isolation or in coalesced groups (Figs 2 & 3), these mass-movements are earthflows as defined by Sharpe (1938) and Vames (1958), whose classifications ate based on the nature and rate of movement and the resultant morphological features. The volume and extent of earthflows varies, but in all instances movement is restricted to depths of 5 m or less. Observed variations in profile are thought to relate to stage of development, with the mature shape comprising a spoon- shaped hollow bounded by a steep, arcuate ” Geography Discipline, School of Social Sciences, Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park, S. Aust. 5042. 160 headscarp which becomes more fully inclined at the foot before bulging above the turf sur- face ly form an elongate lobe, extendine duwn- slope (Fig. 2), Developing earthfiows are distinguished by arcuate tensian cracks tesult- ing fram subsidence and low level, sub-turf bulging, Older earthflows Were located, although in these the main characteristics such as headsearps and lobes have been subdued by subsequent Weathering and erosiir. The majority of carthilows are found on averdeepencd, glacial depressiovis, filled with Unconsolidated glacial, flurvio-placial and placio-tacustring drift of Permian age, resting unconformably on Precambrian and Cambrian rock (YANKALILLA and JERVOIS map sheets. Genlagical Atlas One Mile Series: Gvol, Surv. S. Aust., Adelaide). These readily eroded deposits were prutectes| during the Mesozoic planation by virtue of the fact thal they lay below the base level of stream incision (Campana, et al, 195-4), Evidence for a Mesozoic age for peneplanatinn is to be found in the presence of a Laterite cupping of the present plateau surface. ‘This Jaterite generally has been considered to be of a Tertiary age (Fenner 1930), but more recent investigations have pssigned formation to the Triassic (Daty, Twidale & Milnes L974: Twidale 197A), Rejuvenation cesultiag from. Pertiry Fault- ing allowed rivers such as the Yasikulilles, Bungala and bunay to cul back inte the upland regions. Consequently, the Permian glacigenc deposits were eroded aod transported mure rapidly than the resistant bedrock, thereby forming an area of comparatively low cleva- tion anu relief. Slopes developed on these deposits are graded, displaying well develnped pper convexities and [ower concavities, offen separated by long rectilinear sections with an average inclination of IN". The resistant uplanes comprise heavily metamoarphosed and folded Preeaintrian and Cumbriun deposits, In detail these consist of a centvally placed core of Archean micaschists and gnerses wpon which the deposits of the Adelaide system rest unconformably. To the east and south, the Kanmantoo group of prey- wackes, phyllites, quartzitic schists and micageous quartzites are found, Several major problems need ja he con- sidered in an attempt to explain the develup- ment of these carthfows. First, the date of occurrence of each movement must be deter- mined us tccurately as possible to estabfish W. J. VAN DEUR whether they are rehel or modern. Second, in conjunction with this, it is necessary to show iF these carthflows are active or dormant, and hence whether they relate to the present system of slope processes, or tire evidence of past slope disequilibylum, Fimally, — their relabonship net only to the anthropogenic factor buy also to the geological, pedological and climatic controls operating in this region imust be established, Dating of earthtlows Since the jnthropogenic factor has been postulated as.one of the major factors influenc- ing the development of these earthtiows, it is «wf some importance to establish as accurately as possible the date of occurrence of each movement. Four dating Llechniques were employed; 1. Acrial photographs (he first of which were taken in 1949) show the location and morphology of some of the present earthflows. However, because mins were not made in consecutive years, it was possible to ussign a particular earthflaw to a range of years only, 2. Geological maps of the area (Campana, etal, 1954) indicate 16 ‘landslides’ but do not distinguish type, size or piature of movement, Omissions have been found to oceur when comparison was jade Wilh the 1949 aerial photographs. 3. Local residents were interviewed and, con- sidering the limitations imposed by migration to and from the area as well as the accuracy ol memory, much useful information was obtained, However, for earthflows developed more than ten years ago, it was only possible to assign movereots fo a range of years. 4, A. statistical approach based on rainfall records was used. A recent earthilow was dated wilh, uccuracy using the methods otitlined, and from this it wis passible ty calculate the amounl of rainfull above the median necessary to produce movement. Years of above median rainfall were extrapolated to indicate periods Where earthflowage could have occurred. How- ever, total rainfall is of less importance than (he distribution, for when well spaced, excess wiler can be femoved withoul precipituting mass-movements (Sharpe 1938; Sharpe & Dasch (942; Crovier 1969; So 1971; Nilsen, Taylor & Dean 1976), The rainfall records Were therefore exarmned for evidence of unusually heavy concentrations. EARTHFLOWS IN YANKALILLA AREA 161 Fig. 2. Single earthflow (No. 9) (a) scarp (b) foot (c) lobe (d) toe, Fig, 3. Coalesced earthflow (No. 20). Fig. 4. Earthflow (No. 8) Nole the incipient tension crack (a) and subturf bulge (b) to the left of the main movement, corresponding to the scarp and foot of the main earthflow. 162 TABLE | Age and Activity of Earthflows Ref. Age in yrs. Activity Slope No (from 1978) Angle l SU-+- b 14° 2 30+ D i3° 3 50+- b 12" + 23 A 12° 5 4 A tt! 6 25-50) E 1° 7 ? Db i 8 th) A 12° 9 31 A Lo° 0 ? E 1" lI 22-23 D 12” 12 4- § A g° 13 7 A 11° 14 $1=32 D 10° 15 r4 A 10° 16 7 A 10° 17 31-32 dD 10° 18 50-+-+ E [5°] 19 50+ D 15" ™) 23-23 A 16° 21 7 A y° 22 7 A 9° 33 25-50 A ge 24 25-50) A 1" 25 ? A 2° 26 10 A 12” 27 25-50 nD 20" 28 20-25 A 1" 29 30-50 dD 10° 30 7 A 7° 31 25-50 E I1° 32 25-50) E 14° 33 25-50 D 5° mean = 10.8° S= 92" A = Active: D > Dormant: E = Extinct. Twidale (1976) questions such an approach hecause of the possible variations in rainfall hetween the recording station and the site of the earthflow. Three points, however, lend validity to the application of the technique in this. instance, First, there are a number of recording stations within a small area, with some data extending back over one hundred years, and use has been made of the records of local inhabitants to supplement official records (Mason 19541; Robertson 1975), Second for the earthllow used as a base, the rainfall data of a farmer about 0,5 km east of the carthflow was compared with the official 1 Mason, B. Meteorology. (Unpublished). W. 1, VAN DEUR records and found to be virtually identical. This is not to suggest that variation is not possible, but rather that because of the limited area being considered, this variation is minor, This dating technique is not intended to be used alone, but oflers a means of delimiting years of possible movement Which, when combined with the other methods, lends a greater degree of accuracy to the results, The ages and present state of activity of earthflows are presented in Table 1, It ix evident that the majority of movements have occurred over the last 50 years, with a large proportion of these post-dating 1945, ‘These earthflows are generally active or in such a state-of dormaney that they may be readily reactivated. For ¢xample when a portion of the foe of an apparently dormant earthflaw was removed during road repair undermining and a consequent surge of the entire Jobe occurred. The time lag between settlement in 1839 and the initiation of widespread mass-movement after 1945 needs explanation. Earthflows probably developed prior to European settle ment but on a much smaller scale, as is evidenced by the fact that no mass-movements ure to be found on the few remaining areas of natural Vegetation once common to. the region (Light 1839). The vegetation consisted of savanna woodland on the glacial lowlands (f£ucalyptus leucoxylon; E. camaldulensis and E, aderata) grading to sclerophyll on the plateau surface (Boomsma 1948*; Williams 1974). Vegetation was cleared initially for the cultivation of Wheat but was later replaced by wattle trees, After 1910 grazing became the predominant form of agricultural activity (Pridham 1955"), Investigation and analysis of earthflow In order to appreciate the morphology of earthflows in terms of processes operating, an investigation of the physical and chemical properties of earthflow number four was under- taken, This movement, which was shawn to have occurred initially in 1955 and developed to its present slate in 1956, was selected because it is the largest, single earthflow within the area (although larger are known to have (1954) “Clinvatolegical Survey of the Fleurieu Peninsula”. Commonwealth Bureau af = Boomsma, (1948) Ecology of the Fleurieu Penmsula M.Sc. Thesis, University of Adelnide, ( Unpub lished). *Pridham. G. J. (1955) Landuse in the Yankalilla Avea B.A, Hons ‘Vhesis, University of Adelaide. (Unpublished). EARTHEFLOWS IN YANKALILLA ARPA 163 humic sand sond sandy clay wn 2 clay with decreasing z sand content withdepth & 3 < pure clay a ® ae) angular debris in 4 clay motrix Fig. §. Composite soil profile diagram, existed), and it was known to be stable in the lobe zone, although minor beadward extension by means of block slumping does occur. Stability was confirmed by cyewilness uccounts (D. K, Crawford, per comm,) and by measure- ments taken over a period of months in winter, To establish rates of movement, an highly active earthflow was selected (No. 8, Pigs 1 & 4). This earthtlow formed initially in 1968, and has continued to move downslope, as we found in 1975 and confirmed on subsequent visits in 1976 and 1977. Although smuller overall than carthflow four, measuring 9) m from scarp to toe, and 50 m in width, this earthtlow exhibits the classical morphology of such move- ments. A composite soil profile (Pig. 5) was established for carthflow four by sinking 4 series of auger holes on and adjacent to the main body of the movement, In all bores the quart sand layer extends to an average of 1m beneath which the percentawe of clay iucreases loa depth of approximately 3,5 m, Below this a layer of highly compressed ‘pure’ clay is found, which in jurn is underlain by a zone of ungilar debris set iv a elay matrix, Samples were taken al depths of 15 and Jyh and tested for variations in sund/clay ratio, and the chemical nature of the clays present analysed bry means of X-ray diffraction, These resiilis ave presested in Table 2, TABLE 2 V-ray oiffraction analysiy fore |, | 4ii Bore 2,3m_ Bore 3, im Kaolinite 30-40% 230% [20% Uite 20-30% 40-40% A000 Quartz {Q-20% 0% [0-20 Montmorillonite und or randomly shetrified material 20-30% 20-30% 2W-T0% Lhe most inportant feature of these results is the decrease in stable kuolinite and quartz with depth, while illite and montmorillonite show un increase. Both of these latter clays are capable of expansion in [he presence of moisture, Clay has a low permeability which would cause ground water to be confined, allowing time for absorption into the crystal lattice (this is evident in winter when water logging of the soils is seen to occur), The saluration conditions produced by heavy rain- jull causes swelling and uplift of the over-btur- den, The jastability of the slope is therefore increased, Observations in gullies and man-made cut- linus reveal the presence of such a clay, of varying thickness and at differcat depths, throughout the area. The role of this clay in the formation of earthllows iw therefore con- sidered to be of extreme importatce. The sample from 1.5 m was tested by the Casagrande technique to establish the Alterberg limits of plasticity and liquidity. Adopted from civil engineering, the application of these techniques to the study of mass-muvements has been criticized on the grounds that the samples ure not in situ, However, the amount of understanding of processes operating derived (rom the use of the Atterberg limits, warrants their application (see Crozier 1969), The liquid limit of the sample was found to be 380%. the plastic limit 13.5%. und the plusticuy index 245%. These figures are in accordance with the parameters. sugyested by Nusmith (1964) for a sandy clay soil formed cn ghicial deposits (LLL, 41%, PL. 19%), The water content by weight was found to be 19.79% af 1.5 m and 32.69% al 3 im. In both. instances the plastic limit has heen sur- passed even When Nasmith’s higher figure for plasticity is applied), and thus deformation by plastic flow under the influence of gravity miy be expected. It is believed, however. that this does not occur tntil higher water contents, such us occasioned by heavy rainfalls, are 164 W. J. VAN DEUR experienced, for the slopes upon which earth- flows are found are of low to moderate declivity, ranging from 7-16° (Table 1). Nature and rate of movement Using the results of the detailed investiga- tions described above, as well as observations on other mass-movements in the area a model to describe the processes operating in the formation of an earthflow can be constructed. Heavy rainfall results in the subsurface eluviation of fine materials which, along with flowage (probably in the vicinity of the clay layer) causes a disruption in drainage, leading to the formation of a ‘soak’, Typically at such locations the ground surface assumes a hum- mocky appearance. Such disruption is known to have occurred at the present location of earthflow number four as a result of heavy and concentrated rains in both 1946 and 1947. Further rainfall accentuates subsurface flowage, eventually producing a minor subturf bulge. This flow however, subjects the upper slope to tension which, when coupled with subsidence due to eluviation, results in the formation of a tension crack. Such a situation is currently evident adjacent to earthflow number eight (Fig. 4) where the incipient scarp, in the form of a tension crack, corresponds to the main scarp, while subturf bulging is in line with the foot of the main movement. Eventually the lobe breaks the surface at this location, forms a minor recumbent fold, and then slides down- slope on a planar glide surface composed of vegetable matter and lubricated by water. This results in the introduction of an auto-catalytic process, since water tends to accumulate in the scarp foot depression. This moisture, along with that which falls directly onto the lobe, is seen to exude from beneath the lobe at the toe. The rate of motion of the lobe was established by measurements taken during August at three locations along the toe. The results are presented in Table 3. Taking a mean of the motion of the three test lines, the rate of movement is 23 cm/week, or 3.3. cm/day. However, movement is highly variable in re- sponse to the amount of rainfall, in summer the lobe being almost stationary. Observations in 1976 and 1977 indicate movement is still occurring and since the slope is constant to the valley floor, movement will continue until this point is attained. The moisture content of samples taken at the scarp and the toe were found to be 18.5% and 28.13% respectively. The amount of moisture above the plastic limit (Nasmith’s figure of 19%) is therefore minor, yet movement as indicated was comparatively rapid, supporting the hypothesis (Skempton 1964) that once an earthflow is set in motion, lower water con- tents than those necessary to initiate movement can cause a continuation of that movement. Further, as mentioned, flow is replaced to a large extent by planar sliding on a _ water lubricated surface. Transversely, differential movement of the lobe is occurring, while a given section of the lobe moves at varying rates over them. This variation over time is explicable by reference to the level of rainfall, but the differential transverse movement poses a_ problem. It is possible that variations in the physical nature of the material occurs, but observations suggest a homogeneous character. If it is considered that the energy for plastic flow is derived from gravity, and that the degree of energy depends on mass, then where mass is greatest the energy level is greatest. For a given area of sliding surface this is where the lobe has maximum height. The increased friction expected due to greater mass, is com- pensated by the lubrication provided by the water. Mass however is comprised of not only the materials of the lobe; absorbed water also increases mass and the higher sections of the TABLE 3 Rates of Movement, Earthflow Eight Initial Length Present Length Movement Line Line Line 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 S.viii.75 3.05 3.05 3,05 3.05 3.05 3.05 0 0 0 12.viii.75 2.78 2.96 2,53 0.27 0.09 0.52 17.viii.75 2.65 2.71 2.14 0.12 0.24 0.40 22.viii.75 2.53 2.56 1.98 0.12 0.15 0.15 eee * Observations taken 30.x.75 showed line three to be completely covered. Movement of over 3,05 m has therefore occurred, EARTHFLOWS IN YANKALILLA AREA 105 lobe have the potential to retain more moisture. Once 1 motion these sections of the lobe also possess a greater energy and thus will continue lo move afler the cessation of ramfall Burthflows inerease thew dimensions ufter the initial flow largely by movement of the lobe, but feadward extension also occurs. This is mainly by means of block slumping at the sean dne to laleral pressure release, hel mary ulsa over by meuns of secondary eariflow, is found an earthflow number four in 1974, Factors producing eqrttillows In allempling lo assign a process tye miass- movement, the cuuse of individual carthflaws is considered, although Varnes (1958) sites: ‘In most cases a number of cases exist simultaneously und so attemping toa decide which one finally produced failure is nat only dilivalt, but also incorrect. Often the fiual fac- for is no more that a trigger that sets in motion un carthmass that was ulready on the verge of failure.’ Wheo analysing earthilows within the area, a association is established wath high rainfall, but in fact it is & combination of climate, ueology, sull properties and the role of man. All these variables must be considered, Vor motion to have peeurred. shear stress must have exceeded shear strenurh, thut is the resistance af the soil to stress, Shearing strength ina moemally unconsolidated soil is dependent Upon the cohesion between soil patticles and friction due to wrenulor tterlocking of these particles, A sandy soil which possesses newigible cohesion, has high levels of internal friction which in turn allows a high angle of repose, In comparison clay has low internal friction but high levels ef cohesion, For slope fuilume lo oceur, two factors must ac, singularly or in conjunetions either stress is increased beyond shear strength, or the latter is reduced, [no the studly area dhe major cases of ass-mioverent isa decrease in shear strength, Short term stresses, such as produced by seis min ueuviry, were lound to be af Ht ar ne consequence, However, Joly term. stresses resullrog from the lowing of soil uring heavy raintall may be considered a triggering factor uid therefore relure oto the climutic vharuteristics of the Mleuricu Peninsula, These have heen determined from records kept since about PSA0 both officially anu by local tarners (Mason 1954; Rohertsun 1975), Distribution of cainfull fluetuates weearding to the seuson and with topokruphy, the main source being frontal uplift during the winter months which, when acceniuated by topo- graphy on the western margins of the Peninsula, results tm annual talls at up te SOO mm, Wathin the area where the majority of earthflows are found, rainfall ranges from 5350 mm along the coast in the vicinity of Normanville to 750 mm near Taman Valley, Since unusually heavy concentranons of rain- fall in short periods of time are more likely to lead fo muss-rhovements, if is necessaly to know the median aimounts of rainfall, and relate these to the actual amount which fell at the time an carthfow was toitiated. Tn winter the median is 250 mm, while in summer this Ueecrduses fo 63 mm. (Mason 1954), This sum- ier figure is of grewler importunce when taken in conjunchion wilh the amount otf moisture required to prevent the Juss af soil water (150 mm), This exeeeds the amourt of rainfall in the upper quartile tange (125 mm.) so that summer desicestion is to be expected, ‘The opening of the surface layers Of sotl is cun- sidered to be uf utmost importanee, for i allows the deep penetration of nioisture when the first rains Full) usually in Apeil, The major cause of carthtlows is a decrease in the Shear strength of the soil, anu the shear strength of these glacigene deposits varies with sand/chay ratio and the desree of compaction. The superficial sand layers lack intergranular eahesion, but are held by interuranular (riehon uml adhesion by walter Bulking of the sand allows u higher than normal angle of repose Which, when coupled with the nun-plastic nulire ol sam, resulis tn there being no curth- flows involving sund alone The inereasing elfy content with depth is fesponsible for the plies Lic grilles of the soil, and it is a direet result of u deerease ty cohesion of this clay that carthflows aceur, A tuidiber of factors are res pansible for this reduction iu shear strength die loon gleerease ph cobesion. although the unthropogenic factor is of utiiost inipartunee. ‘The process ol wetting und drying, which causes expansion und contraction ef the illite vod montmorillonite fallice, over lime sig- nificantly reduces the cohesive toree berween cluy particles. Desicewtton is 4 common occurrence during summer months, when evaporation exceeds precipitation, tet only an the body of the carthllow, but on the stable surroutiting: slopes of (he area, Where an over- hunfowof sand is present. capillary renieavil ol eromd water is sidlicient to produce sybsurliee dusivention, Purther, the cohesive strength of 166 clay decrease With an increase of soil moisture, and thus the subsequent replucement of groundwater, causes an increase in pore-water pressures Which brings about a further loss of cohesion as the normal interpranular forces are taken up by the witerstitial water, The super- incumbent mass of soil is therefore partially supported by this groundwater, resulting in a further decrease in shear strength, Failure, us fas heen demonstrated by Skempton (1948), i8 nol immediate and is considered to vary with slope, ranging from 6 weeks if the case of a highly colloidal clay at 90" to 50 years on a clay slope ot 18", Acknowledging the differences in clay type and proportions, i ts felt that the low slope angles in the urea contribute lo the time lag between the clearing of vegetation and earth- flow. Cohesion is also reduced as a consequence ul clearing, as a change to the clay-humus colloid results from base exchange, Humus has the impertant role af improving soil texture and structure by the creation of granular ugeregates. These aggregates are destroyed with the loss of humus and the replacement by sodium ions. More importantly however, humus has the propensity to absorb 80-909) of its own weight in water, whereas clays can absorb only 15-20%. If a sufficient quantity of humus exists, rainfall is retained in the sur- tuve layer fo a certain degree, thereby decreasing the amount of water in contact with the substratum, Since earthflow occurs at this level hy plastic deformation, it is probable that the humus layer slows or prevents the attainment of plasticity. During summer inonths, water ts retained by the humus and thus desiccation i reduced. It has been suggested that vegetation ‘tabilises slopes hy root anchorage. Various W. fF, VAN DEUR studies have indicated the relationship between mass-tnovements and the depth and type of root systems (Rice, Corbett & Bailey 1969), So (1971) however, doubts whether this relationship is a clear cut as suggested, anil infers that vegetalion holds only the surface layers, and allows plastic deformation at a lower depth. Within the area under discussion, the role of vegetation is vitally important. No large scale mass-movements are discernible on the little remaining vegetation, although minor movement has occurred in earthflow number tWelve, Where isolated trees and gorse are found. Rafting of trees was limited. Overall, therefore, earthflows are located on cleared slopes, while some have heen stabilised by revegetation, The time lag between clearing, and sub- sequent carthflow is attributed to a number of factors, Because of low general slope angle Bravilational shear stress is limited. More importantly, the cohesion supplied by the clay and clay-humus colloid decreased gradually ever time by wetting and drying and base change on the clay-humus colloid. The holding power of roots was lost at an early stage, bul earthflow did not occur until shear stress exceeded shear strength, Increased shear stress resulted from saturation of the soil produced by intense rainfall over short periods of time, Once moVement causes minor subsidence, a water trap is formed and thus an autocata- lytic process eventuates, Why an carthflow occurred al one point and not another may be related to minor differences in soil profile, rates of loss of cohesion in clay, the deterioration of the clay-humus colloid and ultimately the time of cleuring of vegetation by European seltlers, References Cymiana, B, Witson, Bo & Wairrie, A, WG (1954) The gealogy of the Jeryois and Yanka filin Militry Sheets, Rep, Jivest, geol. Surv. NS. Aitar, 3. 1-26. Choditn, M, J. (1969) Earthflowe occurrence dim ing. high intensity roinfull, Engag Geal, 3(4), 4ZS-935, DaiLy, B, TWipALe, C. R. & Mites, A. BR. (1974) The jige oF the lateritized summit surface an Kangaroo tsland ond adjacent areas of 5, Australia, J. geal. Sve. Aust, 21) 387-392. Fenner, ©. (193b) The major structural and physiogriphic features of South Australis. trans, Ay Soc. Aish, 54, 1-36, Lisa, W. (1839) “A brief journal of the pro- ceedings of William Light, lale Sarveyor- General of the Province of South Australia. with a few reniarks an some of the objections that have been made to them." (MacDougall: Adelaide), Nasmery, H, (1984) Landslides and Pleistocene deposits in the Meikle River valley of northern Alberts, Can: Geeotecl. J, 1(3), 155-166, Nitsnm, T, H., Tayecn, PL A, & Dran, R, M, (1976) Natural conditions chat control land- Sliding in the San Francisco Bay region: an analysis bused on datn from the 1968-69 and SAS Ri rainy seasons, US, Geol, Surv. Bull, EARTHFLOWS IN YANKALILLA AREA 167 Rice, R. M., Corpettr, E. S. & Batty, R. G. (1969) Soil slippage related to vegetation, topography and soil in S. California. Wat. Resour. Res. 5, 647-659. Ropertson, B. D. (1975) Climatic survey; Fleuricu. Region 4, S. Aust, Aust. Bur. Meteorology. SHarPE, C. F. S. (1938) “Landslides and Related Phenomena.” (Columbia Univ. Press; Pageant Books N.J. 1960). SHARPE, C. F. S. & Doscu, E. F. (1942) Relation of soil creep to earthflow in the Appalachian Plateau. J. Geomorph. 6, 312-324. SKEMPTON, A. W. (1948) “The rate of softening of stiff fissured clays.” Proc. 2nd International Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Engr. (Rotterdam) V.2, 50-53, SKEMPTON, A, W. (1953) Soil mechanics in relation to geology. Proc. Yorks. geol. Soc., 29, 33-62. SKEMPTON, A. W. (1964) “Long-term stability of clay-slopes”. (Fourth Rankin Lecture). Geo- technique 14, 77-102. So, C. L. (1971) Mass-movements associated with the rainstorm of June 1966 in Hong Kong. Trans, Inst. Br. Geogr. 53, 55-66. TwipaLe, C. R. (1976) The origin of recently initiated exogenic landforms, 8. Aust. Envir. Geol, 1, 213-240. VaRNES, D. J. (1958) Landslide types and pro- cesses. In E. B. Eckel (ed.) “Landslides and Engineering Practice.” Highw. Res. Board, Wash., Spec. Rep. 29; N.A.S.N.R.C. Publ. 544, WiuiaMs, M. (1974) “The Making of the South Australian Landscape.” (Academic Press: London). STRANDED SHINGLE BEACH RIDGES, UPPER SPENCER GULF, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: EVIDENCE FOR HIGH WAVE ENERGY DISSIPATION DURING THE LATE PLEISTOCENE BY J. R. HAILS AND V. A. GOSTIN Summary Stranded shingle beach deposits have been traced over a distance of some 50 km from the near head of Spencer Gulf southwards along its western shore to Stony Point, near Whyalla. These deposits, which consist of moderately sorted rounded to sub-angular pebbles and cobbles, form well preserved ridges 3-5 m above present mean sea level. Entire, non-abraded shells of the estuarine bivalve Anadara trapezia (Deshayes 1840) are abundant in the beach deposits and, because this species is now extinct in South Australia, a Pleistocene age is indicated for the ridges. STRANDED SHINGLE BEACH RIDGES, UPPER SPENCER GULF, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: EVIDENCE FOR HIGH WAVE ENERGY DISSIPATION DURING THE LATE PLEISTOCENE by J, R. HAits* and VY. A, GosTint Summary Hains, J, Ry & Gosrin, Vo A (1978) Stranded shingle beach ridges, upper Spencer Gull, South Australia: evidence fur high wave energy dissipation during the late Pleistocene, Trans. R. Sac. is. Aust. 102(6), 169-173, 31 Arigust, 1978, Stranded shingle beach deposits have been traced over a distance of some 50 kni from near the head of Spencer Gulf southwards along ils western shore to Stony Point, near Whyalla, These deposits, which consist of moderately sorted, roinded to sub-angular pebbles and cobbles, form Well preserved ridges 3-5 m above present mean sea level. Entire, non- abraded shells of the estuarine bivalve Anadara trapezia (Deshayes 1840) are abondant in the beach deposits and, because this species is now extinet in South Australia, a Pleistocene age is indicated for the ridgcs. The movement of gravel by present-day waves in the northern part of Spencer Gulf is restricted compared with that indicated by the stranded, shingle beach ridges, During the Pleistocene it appears that the combination of a high sea level, large fetch, strong easterly winds and high wave energy dissipation along the shoreline emplaced the relict shingle beach deposits. Introduetion Evidence for high stands of sea level during both the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs has been cited from several regions of Australia (Hails 1965; Thom ef el, 1969; Gill & Amin 1975; Thom & Chappell 1975; Cook et al, 1977), Some of this evidence pertains to shore platforms which may have been abraded several times during vustatic changes of sea level in the past, The rate at which shore plat- forms are modified by marine abrasion varies widely because of differential weathering and crosion controlled by rock composition, texture and structure and, therefore, it is difficult to relate them to former still stands of sea level, Purthermore, such a correlation is almost impossible anyway, because modern sea level around Australia is believed to be within a metre or so of its former level during the late Pleistocene (Hails 1968; Chappell 1976). The problem of dating Pleistocene sea levels in coral reef areas has been outlined by Chap- pel er al, (1974). In addition, many C!* dates ' Centre for Environomental Studies, University of + Department of Geology, University of Adelaide. ‘eported from Pleistocene strandlines near present sea level have proved to be unreliable, and therefore other dating methods must be used before an accurate reconstruction of past events can be undertaken (Thom 1973), Because of these facts, it is now generally recognised by researchers conducting process studies in the coastal zone that depositional features, such us barrier beaches containing diagnostic fossils, datable organic material and soil horizons, are better indicators of relative changes in mean sea level. During a recent survey of the coast of upper Spencer Gulf, as part of a detailed study of the submarine geology and nearshore processes within the region, the writers traced well preserved stranded shingle beach deposits from Black Point, 15 km northeast of Whyalla, northwards along the shoreline to a point opposite Snapper Point 8 km south of Port Augusta, a distance of about 50 km (Fig. 1). The term ‘shingle’ is used here to describe beach gravels composed predominantly of pebbles and cobbles. Adelaide, North Tce. Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000. V7) J. R, HAILS & V, A, GOSTIN Py AUGUSTA ‘| \ uw j Ww we Ape ome y arts Blanche = Horbor we pievent sliieane PONISI URIED mbureline ts ant figh chant af oem feyel SPENCER GULF U “eee Deelian ol Siiwnoed int Hoacl® depute ® cectine oi Hanguert of Marenal COMA uty Shanded beech deposit mm fenorh of waive TEPeh gun © Im Nh stend al gee level @ownges lereh om 4 Pig. I. Generalized mip of upper Spencer Gulf to show distribution of stranded beach deposits and maximum fetches during a -++-3 mehigh stand of Pleistocene sea level. The purpose of this paper is to describe brielly the main diagnostic features of these deposits und to consider the conditions under which they may have been emplaced during a Pleistocene high stand of sea level. As far as the writers ure aware, these deposits have only been recorded on the Cultana (1:63360) geological may, and in the Black Point—Point Lowly area by Crawford (1963) who de- scribed them a§ Quaternary ‘emerged offshore burs’ lectonically elevated to their present position. However. Firman (1965), without ciling Crawford's earlier work, mentions a }0-ft Tertiary-Quaternary high stand of sea level and associated uravel beach ridges. Stranded beach deposits Most of the stranded beach deposits form sinuous, fit-topped ridges which stand 3-5 m above (Meal sea level (Fig. 2A). They are usually narrow, no more than LO-15 m wide, although at one locality, 15 km south of Port Augusta, one ridge ts more than 75 mon width (Figs 2E and 2F), The seaward slope of these ridges Usually exceeds 30°, which is generally steeper than the landward or lee slope. The 75 m-wide ridge shown in Figs 26 and 2F has mo extremely gentle lee slope and resembles a Washover fan, a feature deposited on a coast during hurricanes and cyclones when beach ridges are extensively eroded by storm waves. In some localitics the shingle deposits form clills behind the modern beach. An intervening narrow ‘flat’ between the cliffs and the back- shore is now used as a toad for vehicular traffic, particularly between Port Augusta and Rlunche Harbour. Many ridges are vegetated With low scrub, but this is generally absent fram the flat, crestal surfaces because of the extreme permeability of the gravels, Rounded to sub-angular pebbles and cobbles of Precumbrian sandstones and quartzites are the main constituents af the ridges (Fig. 2B) These have been derived from either alluvial fans, dissected by ephemeral Streams, or colluvium that mantles neighbouring cliffs usually cut in bedrock, A few of the cliffs, though, comprise remnant alluvial-lan deposits, In the Point Lowly area the shingle comprising the ridges iy significantly more rounded than that on most other beaches where the material has been derived directly from cliffs and our crops of Precambrian bedrock. At most localities the stranded shingle ts moderately sorted and varies in size from large flat cobbles, as in the Black Point-Point Lowly sector, Lo more ubiquitous sub-rounded, small cobbles and pebbles elsewhere ulony the Gulf coust. Some lateral reduction in mean clast size hax heen noted away from source areas, but the glongshore movement of gravel has been minimal, as evidenced by the absence of recurved spits, The thick-shelled estuarine cockle Anadare frapezia 18 woundant in the relict beach deposits especially in Fitzgerald Bay and the northern- most part of the Gulf (Figs 2C and 2D). According to Gill (1977), this species migrated to Australia during the Pleistocene epoch, probably more than 400,000 years age. and became abundant in southern Australia during the Last Interglacial. However, A. trapesia is absent from the modern sediments of South Australia except where it has been reworked trom Pleistocene deposits. The shells found in the stranded shingle ridges are entire, non- abraded valves und therefore do net appear to have been reworked from early Pleistocene tlepasits- STRANDED SHINGLE BEACH RIDGES, UPPER SPENCER GULF 171 * Fig. 2A Stranded sinuous shingle beach ridge, looking north, Fitzgerald Bay. (Map Ref. tana 6432-IIT, 1:50 000). pn hag. : Dae FF 568534, Cul- a “ F = Fig. 2B. Cobbles and scattered boulders comprising 3m beach ridge, Stony Point. View looking east towards Point Lowly. (Map Ref. 575456, Mambray 6432-IT, 1:50 000). Fig. 2C. Road cut through stranded shingle beach, containing abundant shells of Anadara trapezia, Saints Bay. (Map Ref. 580825, Davenport 6432-I, 1:50 000). Fig. 2D. Part of road-cut in Fig. 2C showing in situ Anadara trapezia. Fig. 2E. Landward margin of non-vegetated part of washover fan shown in Fig. 2F, and located 15 km south of Port Augusta. (Map Ref. 586865, Davenport 6432-1, 1:50 000). Fig. 2F. Discussion No marine gravels have been located above the Pleistocene shoreline reported here, and very little gravel has been recovered in 3-5 m long, undisturbed vibrocores obtained from the seabed immediately offshore from the stranded shingle beach ridges. Therefore, it may be View looking north showing washover fan with road on seaward side. Location as in Fig. 2E. inferred that there has never been a substantial offshore reservoir of shingle in upper Spencer Gulf. Also, the fact that the shingle ridges dis- play minimal grading, and no marked variation in width in an alongshore direction, suggests that there has been only minor northerly or southerly movement of beach material along 72 the embayed western shore of the Gulf in the past. The shingle has been derived from either outcrops of Precanibriah quartzite or, more commonly, adjacent dissected alluvial fans which, as stated previously, form cliffs in some localities. It appears thal the shingle was moved a short distance offshore, abraded in the wear shore zone and wltimately deposited as beach ridve maternal. In the relatively confined and sheltered parts of northern Spenver Gull today, the movement of beach gravel ts some whut restricted within the inter-tidal zone by the mangrove Avicennia marina var, resinifera ((Forst f,) Bakh vd, Brink 1921) which urows on suh-angular sandy gravel und often hetween blocks of cemented Pleistocene con- glomerate. If Gills thesis on the migration of Aiddara trapezia 18 correct the stranded beach ridves Which contain 4, trapezia could have heen built during cither the Last Interglicial (120,000 years BP) or during 4 late Pleistocene iNterstadhal, about 30,000 years BP because, as stuled above, there is no evidence of an earlier Pleistocene sea level in upper Spencer Gulf The presence of entire and unweathered shells, the well-preserved beach ridge surfaces, and the lack of fine windblown sediment on the ridge lops collectively suggest.a very Jute Pleistocene age, but dating is obviously needed to establish an absolute age. Regardless of the age of the stranded beach nudges, their presence is significant in determin- ing past wave and wind régimes in the northem part of the Gulf. In this context, it is pertinent to consider the fuctors involved in the forma- tion of such ridges. I) the afea of generation, ihe height of sea waves and their period are functiuns of the duration that the wind (starm) blows (DB), the wind velocity (U1), and the length of fetch (F) or the distance over which the wind blows, The feteh length is a major factor because it determines not only the time during which wind cnergy is trunsterred to (he sea suriuce, but also the wave height (MH) and period (1). ‘Thus, for relatively short fetches, waves depend upon the fetch lensth (F) und willl velocity (WU), and foe long fetches on wind velocily and duration (D). This relatton- ship can be writen svinbetically us H,) -—f (UB). It can be seen in Figure 1 that winds would have been muily southeasterly in order to build most of the shingle ridges hecause smaller wives arc penerated from other dueetions. Even if easterly winds occurred less frequently J. RK. HAILS & V, A. GOSTIN than dil others they were, nevertheless, the dominant wilds that eeneraled waves able to move shingle aud form beach ridyes. Fine sand and mud could haye been inovest selectively by Currents and carried olonyshore in suspen- sion. tt is ulso known that variation in wave energy is partly responsible for variations m particle size parallel to the shoreline and that luryer particles ure associated ‘with greater energy. Theoretically, wave heights of about 3-5 m above mean sea level can be peneraced hy winds of 50 knots blowing over » fetch of 4) km—one which far exceeds Uose in upper Spencer Gulf today—bue waves of this height are usually destructive. On the other hand, shingle can be deposited a few metres ubave » given datum by constiruc- tive swell and, in the light of this fact, it should he considered whether ar wot the stranded nudges were emplaced during a +3 m, or slightly Jower, stillstand of the sea during the Pleistocene. Certvinly, the 2 m ditference in the maximum heipht of ridve crests reported here could reflect degree of exposure to, and varivlions in, wave eoegy as determined by the length nf fewh in the past, and coastal con- figuration, The present tidal range in the Gulf is ubout 2 m, but Raduk & Raupach (1977) have shown in recent studies thal weather systems raise mean sea level avsinst the south coast of Australia because of barometric pressure and wind stress operating ever large areas of the Southern Ocean, Waves and tides, in durn, wre superimposed on this mean sea level, Because changes if (ean seu level are relatively slow, they are able to penetrate into confined water budies like Spencer Gulf ind Gulf St Vincent i South Australia, aml may consequently indice notable water exchange und sediment wiovement. Coastal eraston slong the soubhern margin of Australia today vat, in laet. he linked to these variations. LF similar meteoro- logical conditions existed in the late Pleisto- cene, and asobaric pressure gradients were steeper, there is little doubt that shingle ridges could also have been constructed us a result of higher Wave cnergy in upper Spencer Gulf, His worth mentioning that studies by VYeeh (1966) tn the Central Pacific have shown that sea level stood approximately 2-6 m above nidern datum during the Last taterglacial. However. wide-scale correlations can be $us- pect because of reyionyl and Jocul Eaetors, some of which have been discussed Here with reewrd (o South Australia, STRANDED SHINGLE BEACH RIDGES. UPPER SPENCER GULF 173 As only a small area of the Gulf is under review in this paper the writers cannot debate with justification whether the ridges have been elevated as a result of tectonic activity as pro- posed for the Black Point-Lowly Point area by Crawford (1963), Although tectonism cannot be ignored on a much larger regional scale it seems unlikely, for the reasons just cited, that it can exclusively account for the 3-5 m heach ridges. In conclusion available evidence indicates that the stranded shingle ridges in upper Spen- cer Gulf are Pleistocene in age, and were most likely built during a +3 m high stand of sea level when easterly winds predominated in the reyion and large waves from the southeast dissipated their edges along the western shore. No corresponding shingle ridges are known along the eastern counterpart of the Gulf de- spite the fact that southwesterly waves travel across the longest fetch today. Acknowledgement The writers wish to acknowledge the support of an ARGC grant for the detailed study of Spencer Gulf which is currently in progress. References CuHarekyi, J. (1976) Aspects of late Quarternary palueogeography of the Australian-East Indonesian Region. /n Kirk, R. L, & Thorne, A. G. (cds.), “The Origin of the Australians”, {1-22 (Human Biology Series No. 6, Aus- tralian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Can- berra; Humanities Press, New Jersey). CHAPPELL, J., BROECKER, W. 8,, Potacu, H. A, & Thom, B. G. (1974) Problem of dating Upper Pleistocene sea levels from coral reef areas. In “Proceedings of the Second International Coral Reef Symposium" 2. 563-571 (Great Barrier Reef Committee, Brisbane, December 1974). Cook, P. J.. Cotwetr, J. B., FirnMayn, J. By, Linpsay, J, M,, Scwwerner, D, A. & Von per Borcu, C, C. (1977) The Late Cainozoaic sequence of southeast South Australia and Pleistocene sea-level changes. Bur. Min. Res. J, Geol Geopliys. 2, 81-8%, Crawrorp, A. R. (1963) Quaternary sedimentary breccias and cmerged offshore bars near Point Lowly. Quari. geol. Notes, geal. Surv. 8, Atist. 5, 1-2. Firman, J. B. (1965) Late Cainozoic se¢dimenta- tion in northern Spencer Gulf, South Anus- tralia, Trans, R, Sec. 8S. Aust. 89, 125-131, Git, BE. D. (1977) Time of migration of the mollusc Anadara to SE Australia. Search 8 (1-2), 40-41, Git, E. D. & Amin, B, S. (1975) Interpretation of 7.5 and 4 meter Last Interglacial shore platforms in southeast Australia. Ihid. 6(9), 394-396, Hats, J. R. (1965) A critical review of sea level changes in Eastern Australia since the Last Glacial. Aust, Geogr. Stud. 3, 63-78. Hats, J. R. (1968) The Late Quaternary history of part of the Mid-North Coast New South Wales, Australia. Trans. Inst. Brit, Geogr. 44, 1059-1069, Rapok, R. & Rauracn, M. (1977) Sea level and transport phenomena in St, Vincent Gulf. Jnst. Engrs 3rd Aust. Conf. Coastal Ocean Eng, 103-109, TuHom, B. G., Haws, J. R., & Martin, A. R. H, (1969) Radiocarbon evidence against higher Postglacial sea levels in eastern Australia. Marine Geol, 7(2), 161-168. Tuom, B. G. (1973) The dilema of high inter- stadial sca levels during the last glaciation: Pragr. Geogr. 5, 170-245. THom, B. G, & CHAPPELL, J, (1975) Holocene sea levels relative ta Australia, Search 6(3), 90-93. Veen, H, H. (1966) Th®*?/U288 and Us /Uss Ages of Pleistacene high sea level stand, J, Geophys, Res. T1, 3379-3386. VOL. 102, PARTS 7 & 8 30 NOVEMBER, 1978 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED CONTENTS McKenzie, K. G. Ostracoda (Crustacea: Podocopida) from southern Australian salt lakes, with the description of Reticypris new genus - - 175 Parker, §. A. & Cox, J. B. Notes on the birds of Pearson, Dorothee and Greenly Islands, South Australia - - - - - - 191 Flint, D. J. Deep sea fan sedimentation of the Kanmantoo Group, Kangaroo. Island - - - - - - - - 203 Mawson, Patricia M. A new genus Adelonema (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) from Australian phalangerid marsupials - - - - - 223 Annual Report of Council - - - - - - - - - ei APA) Award of the Sir Joseph Verco Medal - - - - - - - - 228 Balance Sheet - - - - - - - - - - - --— 229 PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS STATE LIBRARY BUILDING NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 OSTRACOD (CRUSTACEA: PODOCOPIDA) FROM SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKES, WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF RETICYPRIS NEW GENUS BY K. G. MCKENZIE Summary Ostracoda are idntified from collections made in South Australian and Western Australian salt lakes. The new genus, Reticypris, new species Cyprinotus edwardi, Diacypris paracompacta, D. occidentalis, Reticypris herbsti, R. dedeckkeri, Cyprideis westraliensis, ?Microcytherura difficilis, Cytheroma sudaustralis and new subspecies Mytilocypris tasmanica chapmani are described. OSTRACODA (CRUSTACEA: PODOCOPIDA) FROM SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKES, WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF RETICYPRIS NEW GENUS by K. G, McKENZIE* Summary McKenzir, K, G. (1978) Ostracoda (Crustacea: Podocopida) from southern Australian salt lakes, With the description of Reticypris new genus. Trans, R, Soe. S. Aust, 10207), 175-190, 30 November, 1978, Ostracoda are identified from collections made in South Australian and Western Australian sult lakes. The new genus, Reticypris, new species Cyprinotas edwardi, Diaeypris paracoimnpacta, D, occidentalis, Retieypris herbsti, R. dedeckkeri, Cyprideis westraliensis, *Micracylherura difficilis, Cyvtherome sudausiralix and new subspecies Mytilocypris tasmanica chapmani are described, Introduction The continental Ostracoda of Australia are gradually becoming better known, thanks to the impetus given to taxonomic studies by limnologists. For an arid continent the study of saline lake environments has obvious rele- vance and, since Ostracoda are one of the commoner groups in such environments, it is regrettable that little relevant taxonomic work has heen undertaken. The opportunity to improve this situation came with an invitation from W, D, Williams to study the ostracodes in saline lake collections made by him in southern South Australia and Western Aus- tralia in 1971 and 1972, The chemical com- position of these environments and detuiled locality maps are provided in Williams & Buckney (1976), Previously, the large endemic species have been studied by De Deckker (1974, 1975, 1976) and MeKenzie (1966), and yaluable work was done by Herbst (1957, 1958) on the endemic genera Platyeypris and Diacypris. In addition to species described by these workers, u new genus, eight new species and a new sub- species were identified in the course of the present study. Materials and methods Soft parts have been drawn using a Wild M.20 camera lucida. External carapace mor- phology was photographed by scanning elec- tron microscopy but internal features have been drawn, The German taxonomic terms Zahnborsten and Strahlen are used commonly in the general ostracode literature, Zahnborsten are spine-like bristles on the maxillule third lobe which are often barbed. Strahlen are pilose setae on the respiratory epipods of the mandible, maxillulue and maxilla (P 1). The terms P I, PU, PII refer to paired thoracic limbs on the rear of the body. The a, 8, and y sensory bristles on the mandible cndopod were defined and illus- trated in McKenzie (1977a), The conventions: L = length, H = height; B = breadth; RV = right valve; LV = left valve; have been used throughout, The term “population” means at least » dozen indivi- duals of a species, including adult males and females and juveniles. Types are stored at the Australian Museum, Sydney and the remuinder of the material has heen returned to W, D. Williams, University of Adelaide, Copics of appendices which give locality details (Appendix I), ostracode deter- minations and numbers of specimens by loca- lity (Appendix IT), and associated fauna (Appendix TIl) may be obtained from the author. " Riverina College of Advanced Education, Wagga Wagga, N.S.W.. 2650. 176 Systematic descriptions Superfamily: CYTHERACEA Buird, 1850 Family: CYTHERIDEIDAE Sars, 1925 Subfamily: CYTHERLDEINAE Sars, 1925 Genus: CYPRIDEIS Jones. 1857 Cyprideis westraliensis sp, nov FIGS 1-3, 21-28 Holotype: AM P26650, adult male, Peraryyess AM P26651, 2 adult females, | adult male, Type locality: Causeway at Luke Preston, WA Material: Populations from Lakes Preston and Coolongup, WA. Deseriptien:; Shell Whitish, but appearing brawaish because of yellaw-brown soft body inside} medium sized; elongate subrectangular in lateral views mequivalyed with LV distinctly larger, and RY possessing small posteroventral spine in some individuals; ornamented with large shallow pittings: dorsum straight, slightly inclined posteriorly; anterior more broadly rounded than posterior; venter weakly inflexed anteriomedially; greatest height just in front of ventral muscle soars, wnd about half length, Th dorsal view subelliptical: tapering anteriorly, rounded posteriorly; displaying sex — di- morphism: females broadened posteriorly wheress males are not; greatest breadth medial and under half length in males, but postero- medial and about half length of females, In- ternally: lamellae moderately broad: narrow anterior and posterior vestibules present, inner margia regular) marginal pore canals numer- ous, fen branched; normal pore canals scat- tered, sieve type; central muscle scars com- prising 4 adductors in subvertical row, « large V-shaped frontal scar, a fulcral scar and at least one large mandibular, some dorsal scars observed also. hinge entomodont, consisting in K. G, McKENZIE RV of elongate, disiinetly crenulate terminal tooth-like projections, and medially with crenu- Jate furrow anteriorly which becomes weakly crenulute ridge posteriorly; LV comple- mentary, Antennule robust, S-scamented) segmental length ratios 25:22:10; 10011; armature com- prising mainly strong claw-like spines, lermunal segment aboul 34 times us Jong as wide, An- (enna powerful, 4-segmented; segmental Jength tatios 35:7:33:5; armatyre normal; flagellum long, Z-seemented, Mandible coxa powerful; coxal teeth decreasing regularly io size trom front to rear; endopod normal; ¢pipod with 5 Strablen.. Maxillule palp and lobes normal; epi- pod with 17 Strahlen, including one which points downwards, Thoracic limbs (P 1 to P TEL) all functioning as walking legs, and dis- iying asymmetry between right and left imbs, especially in male P U, which js typical for this genus. Brush shaped organs present in male. Purca much reduced. Posterior of female body flattened abd produced into a pointed lobe. Cups of nauplius eye fused, Hemipenes Jarge, comprising an ovate posterior girdle strengthened by humerous muscle bands, pnd acuminale anterior lappet; this combination typical for genus. Natural colour of soft body yellow-brown. Dimensions: Holotype, adult male—L. ~~ 0,90 oun, H = 0.44 mm, B — 0.44 mm, Paratype. adult female—L © 0,92 mm, H — 0.45 mm, B ~ 1.46 mm. Divscussion: The genus Cyprideis is well Known, not only because i is polyhuline and regularly encountered i a Variety of fresh, brackish and saline environments, but also because its dis- tribution is cosmopolitan, extending tu every continent except Antarctica, Long piyo it was hypothesised that this cosmapolitan distribu- tion Was effected by birds, and some recent Pigs 1-20. Figs L-3: Cyprideis westrulionsis sp. nov.. holotype. 1: external LV, 4 40; 2: external RV, « 455 32 sieve type normal pore canal, x 1500, Fig, 4. ? Microcytherura difficiliy sp. Nov.. holotype, external RV, x IML Fig. 5, Linnweytlere mowhrayensis, female, external RV. 4 100, Fig. 6, Mytiloeypriy tasmanica ehapniani ssp. nov.. holotype, internal RV,» 15. Fig. 7, Diacypriy occidentalis sp, fov, paratype AM P26674, detail muscle scars internal RV x 373; Pigs 8-10: Cyprinotus edward: 3p. Nov. &, paratype, AM P26664, internal RV_ 4s 25; Fig, 9, holotype, male. external RV, 4 25; Fig. 10, timed simple normal pore canal of holutype » 800. Figs 11, 12: Diaeypris paraconipacta sp. nov, puralype, AM P26670, female. 11! external LV. x 60) 12) external RV. « GO. Figs 13-14: Diacypris eeciden|alis sp, pov. paratype, AM P2667d, female. 13: internal RV. ¥ G5; 14) external LV, s S55 Fig. 15, Relicvpris herhsti gen, nov. sp. nov,, holotype. mule. external LY, » 60, Fig 16, 9 Microcytherura difficilis sp. voV. holotype, dorsal view x 110. Fig. 17. Retieypris herhsti en, Mov, sp. nov, Holelypes rimmed simple normal pore canals, x 300. Plas 18, 19: Reney pets x fOs DY: external LV, x Al, Pie, femiile. rimmed, simple, tormal pore cana dederkkerl gen. WV. by. nev., pamilype, AM P2662. lemale [8 dorsal view. 0, Divevpels oeridentaldy sp. nev. purutipe AM P2674, % 440. T LAKE OSTRACODA AUSTRALIAN SAL 178 K. G. McKENZIE Figs 21-26. Cyprideiy westraliensis sp. nov, holo- type, male; 2l; antenna; 22: distal P Uy 23: distal P Mi, 24; P & 25: antennole; 26; hemipenis. All magni- fications x 300, eXperimental confirmation has been obtained (Léffler & Leibetseder 1965), Because Cypri- deis broods its first instar im the shell, the passive transport of both sexes or of tmpreg- nated or brooding females is necessary to effect distribution across barriers such as the oceans ant great deserts (McKenzie 1973), Over 30 species of Cyprideiy have heen described but, because the carapace morpho- logy can vary intraspecifically and 1s similar tn practically all species, distinctions often rest on differences in the male hemipenis, which follows u pattern characteristic of the genus, However, the hemipemis of Cyprideis westra- Jiensis, in particular the morphology of the imternal chitinised process, is not matched in any previously described species. Derivation of name: Fram Western Australi, Family: CYTHBROMATIDAE Elofson, 1939 Subfamilys CYTHEROMATINAE Elofsan, 1939 Genus! CYTHEROMA Miller, 1894 Cytheroma sudaustralis sp. ooy. FIGS 30, 35-42 Holotype: AM P26652, adult male. Paratypes: AM P26633-26654, 2 females, 1 adult male. Type locality; Coastal pond between Port Clin- con and Wakefield, S.A. Material: Five topotypic adults Description: Shell whitish; medium sized; elongate subreniform in lateral view; incqui- valved, left valve (LV) slightly larger than right valve (RV) and overlapping it ventrally; shell smooth; dorsum gently convex; anterior rounded; posterior broadly rounded; venter weakly inflexed anteromedially; greatest height just behind addactor muscle scars, and about half length. In dorsal view regularly elliptical; greatest breadth medial and about half length, Internally: lamellae broad; line of coneres- cence marginal; anterior vestibule large, pos- terior vestibule large and elongate: inner mar gin regular; marginal pore canals short and numerous; normal pore canals large, sieve- type, numerous; central muscle scars compris- ing 4 adductors in subvertical series, plus broadly V-shaped frontal scar, fulcral scar, and two mandibular scars; hinge very weakly lophodont, RV with jobate anterior antislip projection and low weakly crenulated posterior projection, LV with complementary antislip projection, weakly developed median bar and shallow posterior groove. Antennule 6-segmented; segmental length fatios 7:7:2:1,5:2,5:3; armature consisting mainly of strong claw-like spines; terminal sez- ment about 5 times as long as wide. Antenna broad and short; segmental Jength ratios 9:11:4; armature normal; flagellum 2-seg- mented; antennal gland lobate, Mandible coxa normul, second tooth from anterior slightly more prominent than others which otherwise diminish in strength regularly from front to rears endopod normal; epipod with 2 very long Strahlen and | or 2 shorter Strahlen. Maxillule palp and lobes normal; epipod with a single aberrant Strahl] and 14 feathered Strahlen, Theracic hmbs normal, increasing in size from P ito P TIT as illustrated. Posterior of body hirsute in hoth sexes, Cups of the nauplits eye fused. Carapate sex dimorphism very weak, females slightly larger and broader than males, Hemipenes large, about 40% of body length, pointed anteriorly and similar to those iflus- adult AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKE OSTRACODA 7 irated for other cytheromatids, being charac- lerised by prominent penifera, Dimensions: Holotype, adult male—L = ().53 mm, H = 0,26 mm; B = 0.27 mm. Paratype, adull female—L > 056 mm: H = 0.28 mo B= 0.29 mm. Discussion: Cytheroma has heen described rarcly in the literature. Hartmann (1964) notes five species, of whieh C_. similiy Skogsberg, 1959 js probably a Parwcyrherome, and Schornikov (1969) has described a sixth, Further, Species DC) Muddocks, 1966 may be a Cytheroma. These other species all differ in shape from the new species, The distributions of other yenera im the family form an interesting biogeographic pat- tern, Paraeytheroma Juday, 1907 und Mega- eyihere Purl, 1960 (which some authors have synonymised) oceur in the Caribbean and on both coasts of the Americas as far south as Valdivia, Chile (Hartmann 1962). Panto- eviheroma Marinov, 1960 is restricted to the Black and Avoy Seas (Schornikov 196%). The other Cytherome species oecur in the North Atlantic, Mediterrancon and Red Sea, possibly even to Madugasear (Maddocks 1966), There um no secords of these penera from the southern coasts of Africa (Hartmann 1974), Cytherama sudaustralis therefore may be considered as a palimpsest of an earlier Tethyan distribution pattern, once continuous for many groups from the Gulf af Mexico to Australasia (Ekman 1953, McKenzie 1967b). Perivation of name: Fram South Australia. Family; CYTHERURIDAE Miiller, 1894 Subfamily: CY PTHERURIDAE Miiller, 1894 Genus: MICROCYTHERURA Miller, 1894 2 Microcytheruva difficilis sp. nov. FIGS 4, 16, 34, 43-51 Holotype; AM P2G655, adult mile, Paralypes: AM P26656-26657, population of males, females und juveniles Type lecnlity. The Coorong, opposite Mount Mills, S.A. Material; A topotypic popularian, Deseriprlon, Shell whinshy small subrect- angular in lateral view; equivalyved; weakly reliculate over entire sutfaec. seliculations forming concentric putter anteriorly and ven- trally; dorsum straht; anterior rounded, trending anteroventrally: posterior rounded: Venter Weakly iiflexed anteromedially; greatest height slightly in front of muscle seurs and about helf length, In dorsal view, elliptical; narrowing antenorly, but more rounded pos- teriorly; greatest breadth medial, aud just over half Jeneth. Internally: Jamellae moderately broad: wnterior Vestibule and small posterior vestibule present; marginal pore canals num- ber about I) gnteriorly and 5 ventrally, all Short and straight; normal pore canals scat- tered, sieve type: central musele scar pattern consisting of subvertical row of 4 wdduetars, a V-shaped frontal sear and 2 mandibulars, hinge merodont, comprising terminal crenulate teeth in RV with intervening furrow and ter- ininal crenulote sockets in LY with an inter vening ridge. Shell sex dimorphism not marked, hut females tend to be shorter and relatively broader than mates. Anteonule 6-segmented: segmental length ratios 14:17'°5:5:6:8; terminal segment about 4 times as long as wide) armature less powerltl than in Cyprideis and Cytheroma. Antenna 4-segmented; segmental Jenyth ratios 13:5: 26:3; flagellum extending to about Lip of ter- minal claw and bent distally: terminal elaw short and stout, Forelip denticulate distally, Mandible coxa with anterior tooth projecting distinctly forwards of others (typieal for this venus); endopod normal, segments relatively wide, Maxillule partially destroyed during dis- seghion, comprising an epipod with ubout 10 Strohlen and a normal palp and lobes; length ratio of 2 palp segments 13/4. Walking legs (P J to P WV) increasing in length from PT to P UT. Hemipenis (Fig, 51) comprising a large posterior part and small pointed anterior lappet. Dimensions: Holotype, adult male—L — 0,37 mm, H = 0.21 mm, B= 0.20 mm, Paratype, adult fernale—L = 0.35 mm: = 0.20 mm, B= 1.20 mm. Discussion. This species proved to be a taxo- nomic problem, being like Microcythernra in curapace characters except that the posterior cauda, which is weakly expressed in the European species of the venus, appears to be absent or almost uhsent in this species. But the Australasian getlus Loreeyrhere Hornibrook, 1952 1s also simular mm carapace characlers, As faras the sofl parts ance concerned, this species has the prolonged anterior tooth on the man- dible coxa which charaeterises Mieroevrhertira, and the typical antennal flagellum and slender antennule of cytherurines, but the walking legs are Jess slender than in cytherurines and the hemipenis only vaguely resembles the Micro- evtherura patiern (Sars. 1926, description of kK. G. McKENZIE 180 AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKE OSTRACODA 18) M. fulva), On balance, the difficulties jn mak- ing a confident generic placement remain. This taxon is distinct from two previously described Australian species assigned to the genus (McKenzie 19674) of Which ane, M, riebeli, is confirmed in the genus on soft parts as wel] (McKenzie, unpublished data), As a generalisation, most of the difficulties in the taxonomy of such ostracodes stem from their small size and the need to dissect a minwte body from the small carapace hefore examining it further. Often, critical details are destroyed as a result, Derivation of name: From Latin: difficilis = difficult. Family: LIMNOCYTHERIDAE Klie, 1938 Sublamily: LIMNOCYTHERINAE Klie, 1938 Genus: LIMNOCYTHERE Brady, 1868 Liuimocythere mowbrayensis Chapman, 1914 FIGS 5, 32 Lininteythere {si¢) mowbrayensis Chapman, 1914 Linmicythere (sic) steida Chapman, 1919 Limnicythere (sic) percivali Brehm, 1939 Limnteythere (sic) mawhravensix: Hornibrook, 1955 Locality: Lake Coolongup, W.A, Family: CYPRIDIDAE Baird, [835 Subfamily: MEGALOCYPRIDINAE Rome, 1965 ‘Tnhe! MYTILOCYPRIDINI De Deckker, 1975 Genus: MYTILOCYPRIS MeKenzie, 1966 Mytilocypris tasmanies McKenzic, 1966 Localities: Several in W.A,, from Lake Walungup to a fake near Lort River (see Appendix IT). Mytilocypris tasmanica chapmani subsp. nov- FIG. 6 Holetyper AM P26659, adult male. Paratype: AM P26660, adult female. Type locality Lake Coolongup, W.A. Matérial: A topotypic population ++ 5 indivi- duals From W.A. Description; Shell whitish-yellowish, large; acutely subtriangular (myliliform) in lateral view; equivalyed; smooth; dorsum straight and inclined towards rear; anterior broadly rounded; posterior broadly acuminate; venter weakly jnflexed anteromedially; greatest height anteromedial and slightly less than half length. Jn dorsal view subelliptical, narrowing at both extremities; greatest breadth medial and about 2/5 length, Tnternally: lamellae broad anteriorly amd posteriorly, narrow ventrally; line of concrescence submarginal: immer margin regular; marginal pore canals numerous and straight; normal pore canals scattered, simple, open; central muscle scars a rosette of 4-6 adductors plus 2 mandibulars and small frontal sear, hinge of usual ridge and groove type. The soft body is like that of Mylilocypris tasmanica but the male of ehapmant differs at least in that ft has only about 50 rosettes on the Zenkers Organ (about 60 in tasnanica), The hemipenis, however, is not very different. Other well marked differences are in the shell proportions, with chapmaii being higher with respect to its length than fasmmanica, In addi- tion, these characters have not been reported previously for the genus but are likely to be constant at the generic level; rake-like organs with 9-10 teeth, one bifid; mandible endopod ventral a bristle long and slender, ventral 8 bristle pilose, shorter and stout, distal y bristle thick and tapering with spiky hairs distally, Dimensions: Holotype, adult male—L — 2.68 mm, H = 1.25 mm, B = 1,10 mm. Paratype, adult female—L = 2.48 mm, H = 1.45 mm, B = 1,33 mm, Discussion: The taxon ts described as only a subspecies because although it dilfers in several Catapace and soft part characters, the hemi- penis is clasely similar to that of the nominate subspecies, Tf appears to differ sufficiently from ather species in the genus described by Chap- mah (1966) and De Deckker (1978) to sus- tain a new taxon; in particular because the Figs 27-34. anteser, 28: inlertal Pigs 27, 28) Cyprideis westraliensis n, sp. paratype, AM P26651, female, 27) internal LV RY posterior, with posteroventral spine, % Fig. 29, Cyprinetus edwardi sp. nov., paratype, AM P26664, female, mandible endopod, detail + bristle, ¥ 400. Fie. 30, Cytherema sudaustralis sp. nov., holotype, male, internal LV, x 150, Fig. 31, Diaevpris paracompacta sp. nov., paratype, AM P26672, male, internal LV, » 150. Pip. 32, Limmnoevthers mawhravensis Chapman 1Y1l4, AM P26658, female, internal RV. « ISA. Fiz. 33, Rerleypris fherbsti gen, nov., sp. nov. paratype, AM F26678, female, infernal EV % 150, Fig, 34, 7 Microeviherura difficilis sp. nov., holotype. male, internal RY, & 150, 1$2 K. G. MCKENZIE valve proportions (length:height) are unlike those in the other species, Sympatry with the nominate subspecies does not occur, but since Ostracoda are readily transported by birds and other agencies (McKengse 1973) it cannot be ruled out as a future possibility, in which case the resulting introgressions should make an interesting slody. Derivation of name: For M.A, Chapman who described several large Australian species. Genus: AUSTRALOCYPRIS De Deckker, 1974 Australocypris bypersalina De Deckker, 1974 Localities; Eleven localities in S.A. and WA (see Appendix IT); the commonest species ip the collection. Anstralocypris robusta De Deckker, 1974 Locality; Moderately lony, shallow jake 45 kow N of Kingston, S.A. Subfamily; PLATYCYPRIDINARF. Hartmann & Puri, 1974 Genus. PLATYCYPRIS Herhst, 1957 Platycypris bauerl Herbst, 1957 Localities: Several localities in S.A, and W.A, (see Appendix 1). Subfainily: CYPRINOTINAE Bronstein, 1947 Genus: CYPRINOTUS Brady, 1886 Cyprinotus edwardi sp. nov- FIGS 8-10, 29, 52-57 Holotype: AM P26663, adule male. Pararypes: AM P26664, adult female and three adult mules, Type locality; Wagin Lake, W.A, Material: Nine topotypic adults. Deseriprion: Sheil yellowish to brownish, large: subtrapezoidal in lateral view: murkedly t- equivalved, RV overlipping LV by a promin- ent dorsal hump, LV larger without any dorsal hump but overlapping KV anteriorly und ven- trally. shell punctate except i muscle scar region; dorsum straight and inclined pos- teriarly in LV, hump-like in RV; anterior rounded, pointing anteroventrally; posterior more broadly rounded; Venter inflexed medially, ventral margin of RY denticulate anteriorly and posteriorly; greatest height just behind muscle scars and 8/58 of length in RV but about half length in LV. In dorsal view somewhat flexuous; hump turning outwards os does anterior margin; narrowly elliptical with greatest breadih medial aud over 1/3 length (in males). Internally: lamellae rather nurrow; line of conerescence marginal: inher margin regular; marginal pore canals short and numerous: selvaze very prominent in RY but absent in LV; LV with series of shallow yen» tral indentations to match RV denticulation; normal pore canals scattered, simple, open; centval muscle scars of usual cypridid pattern, comprising 4 adductors and 2 mandibulars; hinge consisting of RV ridge and LV groove. Carapace sex dimorphism: females larger and slightly broader than males. Antennule 7-segmented; segmental length ratios 64:17;22:13:11/9:9; terminal segment over twice as long as wide; “natatory” setae mare than twice as long as 5 distal segments combined, Antennal endopod 3-segniented, length ratios of segments 22:18;1,5; flagellum teaching almost to middle of first endopod seg- ment) “natatory” setae distal on this segment, reaching fo tips of terminal claws, Mandible eoxa normal. epipod with abour 6 Strahlen, endopod « and @ bristles both slender and pilose, y bristle thick and tapermg, adorned oeur its end with spiky hairs, Maxillule epipod with 3 downwards directed and 20 other Steahlen; second palp segment cylindrical and narrow: third lobe with 2 toothed Zahnborsten. Maxilla (P 1) epipod with 6 Strahlen; female palps similar with 3 terminal bristles, 2 sub- equal, third about twice as long; male palps dissimilar and modified as ¢lasping organs. Walking leg (P IT) endopod 4-segmented; seg- mental length ratiog 14:7:8:3: terminal claw about half ugain as long as last 3 segments combined, Cleaning limb (P TI) reflexed, sender, normal, Chitin support with simple distal points branched proximally, dorsal branch short and sharply curved, ventral bratich less curved and relatively long. Furea with 2 claws and 2 bristles; length ratios for fircal shaft:anterior claw:posterior claw 35: 20:12: length;width of shaft 15:1: bristles sub- equal, posterior One separated by detinite gap from posterior claw, Zenkers Organ (males) with 30-31 whorls. Hemipenis subtriangular With prominent antenor process and distinctly downlutned fap. Cups of nauplius eye fused, Dimensions: Halotype. adult male—L = 1.59 mm; MH = 1.13 mm; B = 0.63 mm. Panitype, adult female—l = 1.90 mm; H = 1,43 mm: B= 0.85 mm, Discussion; Oyprinoins ws one of the more dis finclive continental ostracode genera. and is easily placed on carapace characters alone by the RV dorsal hump and ventral marginal den. AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKE OSTRACODA 183 Figs 35-50. Figs 35-37; Cytheroma sudaustralis n. sp., holotype, male. 35: hemipenis; 36: posterior of body; 37: labrum, Figs 38-42: Cytheroma sudaustralis n. sp., paratype, AM P26653, female. 38: posterior of body; 39: distal antennule; 40: P I; 41: distal P Il; 42: distal P Ill. Figs 43-50: ? Microcytherura difficilis n. sp., holotype, male. 43: labrum; 44: distal mandible covale; 45: antenna; 46: antennule; 47: maxillule palp and lobes (segments only); 48: distal P T; 49: distal P Ill; 50; P TI. All magnifications x 600. 184 K, G, McKENZIF ticulations. This species is more flexuous in dorsal view than other known species, includ- ing the two species previously described from Western Australia—C. dahli Sars and C, kimberleyensis. McKenzie. Recently, ©. vd- ward? was found in a collection made in December 1976 by W. D, Williams on Kan- garoo Island, S.A., so the species has a wide distribution jn southern Australian salt lakes. Derivation of name; For D. H. D. Edward, who has made several excellent large collec- tions of Western Australian entomostracans. Subfamily; DIACYPIDINAE McKenzie Diagnosis; A subfamily of cypridid Ostracoda characterised by small-medium sub-nangular or subrectangular smooth or reticulate cara- paces and either lacking epipods on the Pl altogether or having epipads with only 2 Strahlen. Confined to Australia, Although first noted as distinctive by McKenzie (1977b) the whove constitutes its formal designation, Discussion; The endemic Australian genus Diacypris has been regularly referred to the Eucypridinae Bronstein, 1947 (Danielopol and McKenzie 1977). Bur unlike the eacypridine genera, which are relatively large and typically mytiliform in lateral view, Diacypris js smaller and more regularly subtriangular in lateral view; also, whereas all eucypridines have well developed epipods with 6 Strahlen on the P 1, the diacypridine venera ether lack an epipod altogether, or have one with 2 Strahlen, McKenzie (1971) suggested that (he presence or absence of a P I epipod alone is insufficient to separate genera which otherwise are Very similar, In this instance, however, the eharac- jer is only one of several by means of which cucypridines and diacypridines cin be ensily distinguished, as indicated above and as will appear from the descriptions below, Originally the group was proposed as a new tribe, bul its status is now raised to subfamily fullowing the rationale of Hartmann & Puri (1974) in their recent general classification of Ostracoda, MeKenzie (19776) noted that dincypridines occupy in Australia the niches filled m South Africa by cypridopsines. This is un instance of habitat convergence, since taxonomically the groups are Very distinct, Genus: DIACYPRIS Herhst, 1961 Diaeypris dietzi (Herbst, 1958) Localities: Several in S.A. (see Appendix IT). This ts the most common Diacypris in the col- lection. Diacypris fodiens (Herbst, 1958) Localities: Several loculities m S.A. (see Appendix I). Diueypris whitei (Herbst, 1958) Localities; Several localities in SA, (see Appendix 11), Diacypris paracompactsa sp. nov FIGS 11, 12, 31, 58-62 Malotype: AM P26669,, adult mule, Pararvpes: AM P26670-26672, 3° adult females, | adult mule. Type locality: Very large shallow lake 15 kra N of Kingston, S.A, Marerial: A topotypic population and indivi- duals from a small salt lake abonl 16 km N of Meningie and two samples from the cut-off portion near “Cantara’, The Coorong. Description: Shell whitish; small-medium sized; regularly subtriangular in lateral view; LV jarger than RV, and overlapping it dorsally by a low elongate ridge; micropunctate; dorsum strongly convex, more so in LV, anterior broadly founded; posterior more narrowly rounded, trending posteroventrally; yenter inflexed medially; greatest height medial, about 2/3 length. In dorsal view subelliplical, nar- rowing anteriorly, more rounded posteriorly; greatest breadth medial and just under hale length, Internally; lamellae broad; line of con- crescence submarginal; inner margin regular} marginal pore canals mumcrous short ane straight anteriorly and posteriorly, longer ven- a Figs 51-62, Fig, 51) 9 Microeythertra difficilis sp. nov. holatype. male, hemipenis. x 600, Figs 52— 57; Cyprinotes edward! sp. noyv., holotype, male, 52: antennule (segments only), x 150, §3: mivallule palp and lobes (segments only) with Zahnborsten, » 150; 54; hemipenes, x 624) 55; PW. x 150; 56° P I & £50; 57: PL & 150. Fig. 58, Diaeypris pareeemnpoela gp. uv, paratype, AM P2667), female, maxillile palp and lobes (segments anly) with Zuhnbarsien, x 600; Figs 59, 60, Piacvpris paracempacta sp, noV,, holotype, male. 59: Yenkers Organ, « 600, 60+ furea. » #00 Fie. 61, Diaevpriy paracempacta sp. nov, para- ire, AM P26670, femule. P I (without setation), noaie absence of epipod, x 600. Fir. 62, Digevpris paracompdeta sp, nev., paratype, AM P26672, ovale, hemipenis, x 600. 185 AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKE OSTRACODA SiG me SERALT OG AUSTRALIAN SAL'! irally; normal pare canals scattered, simple, open; muscle sear Weld posteramedial, com- prising rosette of 4 adductors plus 2 mandi- bulars: hinge consishng al RV ridge and LV groove. Shell sex dimorphism weak, females usually larger and with greater size range than males. Antennule 7-segmented: segmental length ratios 70;20:20¢18;15°8;8: “natatory” setae about four limes as long as 5 distal segments combined, Antennal endopod 3-segmented; length ratios of segments 23;14:4) “natatory” setae extending beyond lerminal claws and originating mediodistally on tirst endopod seg- ment} flagellum reaching distal end of this segment. Mandible coxa normal; epipod with about 6 Strahlen; endopod normal, g and # ventrwl bristles slender and pilose, y bristle thick and tapering, about twice as long as terminal segment. Maxillole epipod with about 20 Strahlen; palp cylindrical, narrow; length ratio of palp segments 20/9; third lobe with 2 weakly toothed Zahnborsten; 2 shart bristles proximally on first lobe, Maxilla (PT) epipod absent; endopod mm female with 3 terminal bristles, one short, second sbout twice as long and third very lang; in males, endapods modi- fied as asymmetnc clasping palps, right hroader and less Mexaous than left. Walking ley (P IL) endopod S-segmented (penultimate segment undivided}; segmental length ratios 16:18:23; lenninal claw about as long as endo- pod segments combined. Cleaning limb (P IIL) reflexed, normal. Chitin supports with simple point distally; branched proximally, with dorsal branch about 2/3 length of ventral branch. Fureal shaft gently curved, with normal com- plement of claws and bristles; shaft:anterior cliwsposteriar claw length rahos 40:30:13; shaft lungthewidth abaut 20:1; bristles sub- equally long, posterior bristle slightly displaced from postenar claw. In males, Zenkers Organ has 12-14 whorls, Hemipents with relatively slrameht weakly bilobate anterior process; basal process well chitinised and strongly curved. Rake-like organs euch with & teeth, one bifid Cups of nauplius eye fused, ’ LAKE OSTRACODA 187 Dimensions; Holotype, adult male—L = 0,55 mm: H = 040mm; B = 0,25 mm- Paratype, adult female—L = 0,58 mm; H = 6.41 mm; B= 6.28 mm. Discussion: The posteromedial muscle sear field and the relatively shortened antennale segments are further characters which separate diavypridines from ecucypridines, Male charac- ters, such as the number of Whorls in the Zenkers Organ and the hemipenis morphology. are also distinct and unlike such features in eucypridines, The new speeies is very clase to B. coarn- pacia (Herbst, 1958) but in that species there is no dorsal overlap by the LV of the RV, such as characterises paracomipucta. This fea- ture also separates D, paracampacta from the following species, Derivation ef name: From the Latin para = similar, and the species name compacta, Diacypris oceldentalis sp. noy. FIGS 7, 13, 14, 20 Holotype: AM P26673, adult male, Parntypes. AM P26674, 2 adult females, 1 adult male, Type locality; Lake Dumbleyung, W.A, Material: Topotypic material ayd populations from Lake Chidpup, Lake Stubbs, and New- digate, a shallow sall water lake near Lake Grace, all iv WAL Deseription, Shell greenish in life; small- medium sized; regularly subirmngular in lateral view) almose equivalved: smooth: dor- sum strongly =oconvex; onterior broadly rounded; postenoer more narrowly rounded, trending, pasteroventrally; venter inflexed mediully; greatest height medial and over 2/3 length. In dorsal view subelliptical; narrowing anteriorly and rounded posteriorly; greatest breadth medial and about half length. Inter- ually: similar to D. paracompacta. Sex dimer phism weak, fermales usually larger than males. The soft parts are closely similar to those of D. paracumpacta except for these differences: Figs 69077, Figs 63-65, Relievpris herbsti n, gen. 1, sp, holotype, male. 63: antenna endopod tseyvments only); 64; PL right palp; @S) P 1, left palps Figs 66-69: Resievpris herbsti n. gen. n. sp. paratype, AM P26678, female. 66: mundible endopod (segments only) with «, # and > bristles; 67: P i 68: PIITL 69: masxillgle palp and thied Jobe with Zabnborsten. Figs 70, 7h! Retievpris mn gen, n, $f. holotype, male. 7D; chitin support; 71> hemipenis. Figs 72-77. Retieypris dedeckkeré nm. gen. nm, sp. holotype, male, 72: detail antennal sensory seta; 73> disind furca; 745 right Pole 78: antennule (segments only}: 74: hermi- nenis; 77> distal P th, All magnifications « 600, 188 K. G. McKENZIE The length ratios fureal shaft: anterior claw: posterior claw in D. occidentalis are 44229:15, i.e. the shalt is slightly longer than in 2, pare campacta. Further, the basal process of the hemipenis in D, oceldenralis is thicker than In DP, paravompacta, and ot similar thickness throughout its Jength, not tapering as in D, paracompacta; also, the anterior process does not extend as far beyond the basal process as in the South Australian species. The Zenkers Organ has LI-]2 whorls, Dimensions; Holotype, adult male—L = 0.56 mm; H = 0.38 mm; B ~ 0.25 mm, Paratype, adult female-L, ~= 6,60 mm; H © 0.43 mm; B= 0.28 mm. Diseusyion: D. oceldentalis, like DB. compacta (Herbst, 1958) does not have the same definite LV overlap which chaructenses D. parucon- paca. It isa distinctly smaller species than P, compacta which has 4 length of about 0.71 mm and 14 whorls on the Zenkers Organ, Nevertheless, the three species mist be con- sidered a closely allicd group since their hemi- penes are so alike. Derivation of names From the Latin, acciden- jalis = Western, a reference to the species’ Western Australian provenance, ? Diacypris sp, Localities; Two localities in WA, (sce Appen- dix LL) but the taxon ts known to occur also in South Australia (De Deckker pers, comm.)- Discussion: The shell of this species is charac- terised by « pronounced overlapping hump in the LV; und by the presence of several sirong spines on the carapace, one or two anteriorly and one posteroventrally on each valve. It is unlike any previously described Diacypris tn shell characters, and there were no soft parts in the specimens encountered in thrs collection De Deckker (pers. comm,) has indicated that the soft anatomy 1 Uke Divevpris, OF the three specimens available, the largest measured 0,70 mm. Rerleypris gen. nov, Type species: Retieypris herbsti sp. nov, Diaynosix: Diacypridine genus characterised by small-medium size; fenculute carapace; maxilla (PL) epipod with 2 Strahlen; reet- anvular hemipenis with downturned flap on anterior provess; relatively smooth Zahn- borsten on third tobe of maxtllule, Otherwise, like Olaevprix in its soft anatomy. Diseasyion: It is apparent that Reticypris, especially im ils reticulate cayapace, is very dif- ferent from Piaeypris. However, there are some points of strong resemblance even in the ¢arapace, notably the posteromedial muscle sear ficld, The ditferences are probably enough to justify a new tribal category for Reticypris. But with only one genus Known with certainty for cach tribe such a move seems premalure, although consistent with modern taxonomic practice in which even subfamilies have been named for single ostracode genera, Derivation ef nante; Prom the Latin, rete = a net and the generic suffix cypris; for (he rete culate carapace, The genus is feminine, Reticypris herbsti sp_ oov- FIGS 15, 17, 35, 63-71 Holotype: AM P26676, adult male. Paratypes! AM P26677-~P26679, 3 females. Type locality: Very large shallow lake 15 km N of Kingston, S.A. Description: Shell whitish-brownish, smeall- medium sized} subquadrate in lafecal view; 1n- equivalved, LV larger and overlapping dor- sally; reticulate and with weak ventral ridge which is more noticeable in RV; dorsum gently convex, inclined towards rear; anterior broadly rounded: infiexed anterodorsally in RV where LV overlaps it; posterior more narrowly rounded; venter inflexed medially; greatest height anteromedial (LV) and about 2/3 leneth, In dorsal view subelliptical; narrowing unteriorly, more rounded posteriorly; greatest breadth medial aod ahout half length. Inter- nally! lamellae broad; line of concrescence submarginal; inner margin regular; weak selvage present in LV; marginal pore canals numerous and straight; normal pore canals scattered, simple, open; muscle scar field pos- teromedial, comprising rosette of 4 adductors plus 2 mandibulars; hinge consisting of narrow RV ridge with small triangular anterior pro- jection (unolislip clement) and accommodation groove in LY. Shell sex dimorphism not marked, females usually larger than males, Antennule 7-segmented; segmental length ratios 93;25;23:22:13:15.12; “patatory” setac about 4 times as long as S distal segments eombined. Antennal endepod 3-segmented; segmental length ratios 22:13:15; flagellum extending beyond distal end of first endopod segment; “natatory” setae extending well be- yond tips of terminal antennal claws and on rinating medjodisially on first endopod seg- ment, Mandible coxa normal; epipod with 6 adult AUSTRALIAN SALT LAKE OSTRACODA 184 Strahlen plus basal seta. Maxillule normal; epipod with about 20 Strahlen; length ratio of palp segments 5:2; Zahnhorsten of third lobe relatively smooth, Maxilla (P 1) normal, epi- pod smal] bur distinet, bearing 2 Strahlen; male palps asymmetric as in Diacypris, Walking leg (P IC) with the penultimate segment undivided; terminal claw powerful, curved ard about twice as long as penultimate segment. Clean- ing limb (P 111) normal; terminal segment small but distinct, Furcal shaft evenly curved, lengilt ratios of shaft:anlerior claw: posterior claw 45:21:12; bristles ahout equal, posterior one separated from posterior claw by small pup. Chitin support with bluntly pointed distal tip and forked proximally, ventral branch almost twice as long as dorsal branch, To tales, Zenkers Organ has 0-11 whorls; bemi- penis is rectangular, anterior process with a downturned flap. Cups. of nauplius eye fused, Posterior of body without any prominent lobe, Dimensions: Holotype, aduli: male—L = 0.54 mm; H = 0,38 mm; B = 0.25 mm, Paratype, adult female—L — 0.58 mm: H = 0.40 mm; B = 0.28 mm. Derivation of name; For H. V, Herbst, who deseribed Diaeypris. Reticypris dedeckkeri sp, nov FIGS 18, 19, 72-77 Holotype: AM P26680, adult male. Paratypes: AM P26681-26682, 3 females, | adult mate. Type locality: Small pond south of Yorketown, S.A. Description; Shell whitish-brownish; medium sized; subreniform in fateral view: anequi- valved, but not as markedly so as R, herhsti} reticulate, Without ventral ridge; dorsum venily convex but not so inclined towards rear as in R, hevbsti; anterior and posterior about equally broadly rounded in 1.V, anterior more broadly rounded in RV; venter inflexed medially; greatest height unteromedial and ubout 3/5 length, In dorsal view) with subparallel flanks: more narrowed vanteriorly than posteriorly, greatest breadth medial in males, slightly pos- teromedial in females and about half length. Internally: similar to R, herbyti. Shell sex di- morphism not marked, females usually larger and slightly broader than males. adult The soft part morphology is very similar to that of R, herhyti, except that the length ratios of furcal shaft:anterior claw:posterior claw are 50:23:12, ic, the shaft is slightly longer in R. dedeckker|, Ta males, the Zenkers Organ has 10 whorls in &, dedeckkeri and the hemi- penis differences can be cheeked on the illus- trations (figs 71, 76). Dimensions: Holotype, adult male—L. =~ 0,68 mm; H = 0.40 mm; B — 0.3) mm, Paratype, adult female—L = 0.68 mm; H = 0.44 mm} B- 0,34 mm, Discussion; The two species of Reticypris deseribed above can be readily distinguished on shell characters alone. Of the two, R. dedeekkeri is much the larger, has a subreni- form, rather than subquadrate, shape in lateral view and no ventral ridge and ditfers alsa in dorsal view, At present R, dederkkeri is known only fram the type locality, Derivation. af name: Por P. De Deckker, who has recently described two new Australian astracode genera, Other species Several other species are present in the material (Appendix 11), But they are listed in open nomenclature and, except in the case of ? Diaeypris sp. whieh i very distinclive, no further details on them are included, Usually, there are fot enough specimens to base a descriplion upon, In other cases, the available specimens are either juvenile or occur us [rag- ments only. Ohe specimen in sainple §.A. 40, a Diacypris sp. with spinose yentral margins and measuring 0.88 mm, was destroyed during scanning electron micrography of the fauna. Acknowledgments Prol, W, BD, Williams collected the material and kindly provided facilities at Adelaide dur- ing the study. Dr C, Bartusek provided helpful advice on the University of Adelaide's Siemens scanning clectron microscope. Mrs A. Perry and Mrs C. Kear typed the mratuseript. Mrs ©, Whitford was responsible for two of the SEM mnucrographs. The research was supported in A.R.G.C, Grant No, D76/ 151.27, part by 190 kK. G, MeKENZIE References CHAPMAN, M. A. (1966) On Eneypris mytiloides (Brady), and three new species of Eucyprix Vavra (Cypridae, Ostracoda) from Australia. Hydrohiologia, 27(3/4), 368-378. DaniELoroL, D. L. & McKENZIE, K. G. (1977) Psychrodromus gen, n, (Crustacea, Ostra- coda) with redescription of the ¢ypridid genera Prienecypris and Ilyedromus. Zool, Seripla, 6, 301-322. De Decker, P. (1974) Australocypris, a new ostracod genus from Australia. 4ust, J. Zool., 22, 91-104. De Deckker, P. (1975) Determination of an ostracod collection in relation to Australo- cypris (Cyprididae). Aust. J. mar. Freshwat. Res,, 24, 423-424, Dr Deckker, P. (1976) Trigoneeypris, a new ostracod genus from Queensland, Aust. J. Zool,, 26, 145-157, De Decxxer, P. (1978) Comparative morphology and review of mytilocyprinid Ostracods (Family Cyprididae), Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. Ser, 58, 1-62, Exman, 8. (1953) “Zoogeography of the Sea". (Sidgwick & Jackson: London.) HARTMANN. G. (1962) Zur Kenntnis des Euli- torals der chilenisch cn Pazifikkuste und der urgentinischen Kiiste Siidpatagoniens unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Polychaeten und Ostracoden, Teil IM Ostracoden des Eulitorals. Kiel. Meeresforsch, 60, 169-270, HARTMANN, G. (1964) Zur Kenntnis der Ostra~ coden des Roten Meeres. Jbid., 20, 35-127. Hartmann, G. (1974) Zur Kenntnis des Euli- torals der afrikanischen Westkiiste zwischen Angola und Kap der Giiten Hoffnung und der afrikanischen Ostkiiste von Siidafrika und Mogambique unter besonderer Beriicksichti- gung der Polychaeten und Ostracoden. Teil Ht Die Ostracoden des Untersuchungs perigee. Mite, Hamburg Zool, Mus. Inst., 69, Harrmann, G. & Purt, H. §. (1974) Summary of neontological and paleontological classi- ficution of Ostracoda. Shid., 70, 7-73. Heras, H. V. (1957) Neue Cypridae (Crustacea Ostracoda) ails Australien 1. Zool, Anz., 158, 217-225. Herest, H. V. (1958) Neue Cypridae (Crustacea Ostracoda) aus Australien Il. /bid,, 160, 177. 192. Lorrrer, H, & Leterseper, J, (1965) Daten zur Dauer des Darmdurehganges bei Vogeln. Thid., 177, 334-340. Mappocks, R. F. (1966) Distribution patterns of living and subfossil podocopid ostracodes in the Nosy Be urea, northern Madagascar. Univ, Kansas paleont, Cantribs, 12, 1-72. McKenzig, K. G. (1966) Myrilocypris, a new ostracode genus from Tasmania. Pap. Proc. R. Sac. Tasm., 100, 27-30. McKenzie, K, G. (1967) Recent Ostracoda from Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Proc. R, See, Vict, 80(1), 61-106, McKenzie, K, G. (1967b) The distribution of Caenozoic marine Ostracoda from the Gulf of Mexico to Australasia, Syst, Assoc. Publ, 7, 219-238. McKenzie, K. G. (1971) Entomostraca of Alda» bra, with special reference to the genus Heterocypris (Crustacea, Ostracoda). Pail. Trans, R. Soe, Lond. Ser, B, 260, 257-297. McKewzir, K, G. (1973) Cenozoic Ostracoda, In A. Hallam (Bd.), “Atlas of Palaeobiogeo- graphy”, 477-487, (Elsevier: Amsterdam.) McKenzit, K. G. (19774) Tllustrated generic key to South African continental Ostracoda. Annlys, 8S. Afr. Mus., 74(3), 45-103. McKenzin, kK, G. (1977b) Ostracoda from southern Australian salt lakes. Aust. Soc. Limnal, Newsletter, 15(1), 46-48, Sars, G. O, (1926) “An Account of the Crustacea of Norway, IX Ostracoda, Parts XIII & XTV.” (Bergen Museum: Bergen.) Scuorntkoy, E, I. (1969) Ostracoda, Jn Y, A. Bodyanitsky (Ed.), “Keys to the Fauna of the Black and Azov Seas”, 163-260 (Science House Press: Kiev) (in Russian). WitiiaMs, W. D. & BucKney, R. T. (1976) Chemical composition of some inland surface waters in South, Western and Northern Aus- eral, Aust. J, mar. Freshwat. Res., 27, 379- NOTES ON THE BIRDS OF PEARSON, DOROTHEE AND GREENLY ISLANDS, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY SHANE A. PARKER AND JOHN B. COX Summary Ornithological results of an expedition to Pearson, Dorothee and Greenly Islands off the west coast of Eyre Peninsula in November 1976 include field observations, details of specimens collected, and, for a few species, remarks on taxonomy, distribution, and food. Previous records are summarized. New records are: White-faced Storm-Petrel (Pearson), Great Cormorant, White-faced Heron and Turnstone (Dorothee and Greenley), Spur-winged Plover and Barn Owl (Dorothee) and Fairy Tern and Little Grassbird (Greenly). On Big Veteran, a rock between Pearson and Dorothee from which no birds have previously been reported, we noted six species: Great Cormorant, Sooty Oystercatcher, Turnstone, Silver Gull, Pacific Gull and Rock Parrot. Also of special interest are breeding colonies of Short-tailed Shearwater on Dorothee and Greenly, breeding colonies of White- faced Storm-Petrel on Dorothee, a probable breeding colony of the Fairy Tern on Seal Rock off Greenly, and breeding of the Welcome Swallow on Dorothee. NOTES ON THE BIRDS OF PEARSON, DOROTHEE AND GREENLY ISLANDS, SOUTH AUSTRALIA by SHANE A. PARKER* and JOHN B. Cox? Summary PARKER, S. A, & Cox, J. B. (1978) Notes on the birds of Pearson, Dorothee and Greenly Islands, South Australia. Trans, R, Soe. 8. Aust. 102(7), 191-202, 30 November, 1978. Ornithological results of an expedition to Pearson, Dorothee and Greenly Islands off ihe west coast of Eyre Peninsula in November 1976 include field observations, details of specimens collected, and, for a few species, remarks on taxonomy, distribution, and food, Previous records are summarized. New records are: White-faced Storm-Petrel (Pearson), Great Cormorant, White-faced Heron and Turnstone (Dorothce and Greenly), Spur-winged Plover and Barn Owl (Dorothee) and Fairy Tern and Little Grassbird (Greenly), On Big Veteran, u rock between Pearson and Dorothee from which no birds have previously been reported, we noted six species: Great Cormorant, Sooty Oystercatcher, Turnstone, Silver Gull, Pacific Gull and Rock Parrot. Also of special interest are breeding colonies of Short- tniled Shearwater on Dorothee and Greenly, breeding colonies of White-faced Storm-Petrel on Dorothee, a probable breeding colony of the Fairy Tern on Seal Rock off Greenly, and breeding of the Welcome Swallow on Dorothee, Introduction In November 1976 a biological survey of Pearson I, and Dorothee TI, Group) and Greenly & was undertaken by A. C, Robinson, T. J. Fatchen, A. Spiers and J, B, Cox (S.A. National Parks and Wildlife Service) and W, Zeidler and S$. A. Parker (S.A. Museum). Here we present the orni- thological results, including some sightings made in Coffin Bay on the opposite mainland, and on passage between Coffin Bay and the islands, Previous observations (summarized here) are available from Pearson for 1914, 1920, 1960, 1969, 1973 and 1974, from Dorothee for 1969, and from Greenly for 1947. Cleland (1923) gave details of birds noted on Pearson in Junuary 1923, and Paton (1971) of birds on Pearson and Dorothee in January 1969, Both authors referred to observations made on Pearson by E. R. Waite in September 1914 and F, Wood Jones in November 1920. In additlon, Paton included observations made by I, M, Thomas and 8. J. Edmonds on Pearson in January 1960, Hornsby (1978) pre- (Investigator sented observations made on Pearson in Feb- ruary 1973 and February 1974, The previous records from Greenly are those of Finlayson (1948) for November 1947 and Mitchell & Behrndt (1949) for December 1947. List of species Eudyptula minor (Forster), Little Penguin Pearson I. Noted on all previous visits, on all sections, burrows being found yp to more than 150 m as. (Paton 1971, Hornsby 1978). We found many burrows (Fig. |) in the friable soil in crevices amony boulders, and in steep slopes, usually under low shrubs, e.g. Rhagodia crassifolia, Olearla ramulosa, These contained eggs, chicks at various stages, and moulting adults, Dorothce I. Previously recorded by Paton (1971), We found fewer than on Peurson L, and only on the northern half (Fig. 2), mainly in crevices among rocks under dense low shrubs: one bird was incubating an egg. Greenly I. Reported by Finlayson (1948) and Mitchell & Behrndt (1949) on the slopes of the south section up to ¢¢ 123 m, The latter * South Australian Museum, North Tee: Adelaide. S. Aust. 5000, + 48 Carter St. Thorngate, S. Aust, 5082, 192 SHANE A. PARKER & JOHN B. COX NORTH SECTION 781 HILL MIDDLE SECTION &/ Landing Beach TU ine Penge Yorirrp satan Seip ESSE ster) snus haarnenes Fig. 2. Dorothee Island. authors noted that in December 1947 breeding appeared to be over. We found the species halfway along the sloping north face of the south section (Fig. 3), in burrows in soil-filled rock crevices usually overhung by tussocks of Poa poaeiformix. All birds in the burrows Were in heavy moult. The species was also noted breeding on islands in Coffin Bay, 1.xii.1976: one dead Wanda Point NORTH SECTION Fig. 3. Greenly Island (key as for fig. 2). chick on the main island of The Brothers; two adults, one on eggs, on Garden L., with at least twelve burrows in all, in soil beneath a 3m limestone overhang. Diomedea melanophrys Temminck. Black- browed Albatross Greenly I. One adult flying west. close in» shore, 29.xi.1976. Diomedea chlororhynchos Gmelin. Yellow- nosed Albatross Pearson I,: two swimming round fishing boats in bay east of middle section, ii,1974, and others between Pearson I. and the main- land (Hornsby 1978). Greenly I.: one flying west, inshore, 29,xi.1976; single birds 4 km and 10 km north of Greenly I. 1-xii.1976. Near mainland: single birds 15 km south-southwest and 3 km southwest of Point Sir Isaac, Coffin Bay Peninsula, 1-xii.1976, Diomedea cauta Gould. Shy Albatross One following boat continuously between Dorothee I. and Greenly I., 27.x1.1976; two inshore at Greenly I, 29-30.xi.1976; one 3 km off Point Sir Isaac, 1.xii.1976 (all immatures). Puffinus carneipes Gould, Fleshy-footed Shearwater First seen (one bird) 2 km northwest of Point Sir Isaac, thence continuously (singly or in small groups) to 40 km from Pearson I, 22.x1.1976. Common from Dorothee I. to Greenly f., 27.xi,1976, in parties of up to 40, often mingling with flocks of Short-tailed Shearwater P. fenuirostrix, Many seen from Greenly [. to Point Sir Isaac, 1.xi1.1976. At sea, P. carneipes was more frequently encoun- tered than P. tenuirostriy; individuals of the former were scattered over a wider area and tended not to form large flocks, whereas indi- viduals of the latter were usually seen in very HIRDS OF PEARSON. GOROTHEE AND GREENLY ISLANDS 193 large locks, 2. fennirostris was less abundanr than P. carheipes over inshore waters of the mainland, but about the islands the reverse ‘was usually the case McKeun (1963) presented evidence that some individuals from the colony an Lord Howe [. foraged off the coasts of New South Wales and southern Queensland during the breeding season, Such long-distance foraging raises the possibility that the large numbers seen in South Australian waters during the breeding season are from Western Australian colonies, rather than from as yet undiscovered colonies in South Australia (see also Serventy et al. 1971, Cox 1976), Puffinias tenwirostris (Temminck), Shoart-taled Shearwater Pearson I, We néted five single birds within 10 km of the island an 22.41.1976, and trom then till 25.%.1976 saw large numbers otfshore cach day in the late afternoon or evening, Serventy ew (1971) fisted Pearson I. as a breeding station, bul although we searched the island by day und by night, we found no signs of 4 breeding colony. Dorothee t. No previous records, We dis- covered a breeding colony of ca 800 pairs on the southern half of the island (Fig. 2), in an area of granitic shale with pockets of softer soil. The hurrews tended to be in the soil, and many had their entrances overhung by the suic- culent Disphyma clavellatum. Each burrow examined contained a bird sitting on an egg. This colony overlapped a colony of the White- faced Storm-petrel, whose burrows tended, however, lo be among Arriplex paludasa in the shaly ground. Greenly J, Finlayson (1948) found mummi- fied remains beneath what appeared to be the feeding tree af a White-bellicd Sea-Easle on the ridge of the South Section, Mitchell & Berndt (1949) obseryed several birds Sying ahout the boat us i approached Tapley Bay, und on the eastem end of the south section found a series of burrows thar had apparently not been used for several seasons, We located a breeding colony on the steep southern slope of the south section (Fig. 3)> if accupied the only patch of sand and soft travertine noted by us On the island. Most of the ca 200 burrows had thetr entrances curtained by shruhs of Enelylaena tamentasa, and most of those exa- mined contained birds sitting on eees, Miny individuals were seen inshore at Greenly [., mainly in morning and tate after- moon, 28-30-x1.1976, The species Was common between Greenly [. and 20 km northeast on |.si1976, becoming progressively scurcer to- wards the mainlund. On 27.41,1976 we ob- served large flocks of up to 150 individuals continuously between Dorothee J. and Greenly L, well away from land Specimens: B3Nd63, Greenly 1, 30.47.1976, adull male, tesies slighily enlitged (regressing)) skull Mwily preumatized: colours (2 brs after death): fees pile blac grey on inner faces. blackish outer. outlet foe blackish, (wo inner loes pale lilac grey. webs cream With greyish and blackish sireaks (hevvier on undersurface): iris very dark brown; upper mandible: angus black, rest blackish grey. lower mandible: ramijcorn light grey, rest dark Srey; eyverim blackish; slomuch contents: beaks of small cephilopods. Bird taken 1030 hires while in cubating ege (B30487, dead fresh) in large bare sundy burrow about | m long, entrance curtained by bush of Enehylaena fomeniosas tree braod- Pulch On ahdomen, H30464. Dorothee f. 26.x1.1976, dult female, oocytes slighlly enlarged (? regressing). skull poeumatization not recorded; colours (3S mins afier deuth): legs lilac grey on inner faces, black~ ish grey on outer, outer toe blackish erey, two inner toes lilae grey, webs greyish cream uohove, cream with blackish streaks below: |ris very dark brown, upper mandible; latericorn brownish prey, rest blackish; Jawer mandible; camicorn medium grey, unguis blackish, rest blackish distally, lightening to grey at base; mouth: greyish white linged with pink, tongue creamy pink; eyerim black: Stomach conlents: black beoks of small cephalopods. Bird token late affernoon incubating eee, (R30486. dead fresh), in large bare burrow about | m long, roof 75 mm thick, under shrubs of Disphyma clayellatum., Pelagodroma marina (Latham). White-farced Storm-Petrel Pearson [, No previous records, Affer dark om 24 and 25,x1.1976 we noted one or two flying above our camp on the middle section: one of these wis collected. We alsa found a few feathers on the northern slope of South Hill on the south section, We failed to find any burrows, however. despite spotlighting and daytime searches; possibly here, and on Greenly |, the species is discouraged from breeding by the presence of the Southern Bush- rat Raituy fuseipes. Dorothee [ Paton (1971) found the wings of at least ten of these petrels in Front of small burrows. We locared three breeding colonies (Fig. 2), mainly among drriplex paludosa, Threlkeldia diffusa and Rheagedia cravsifolia an high shaly slopes, the burrow-entrances diffi- 14 SHANE A. PARKER & JOHN B, COX cult to find among the dense shrubs. The most northerly colony consisted of ca 70 pairs, the middle colony of ca 200 pairs and the Jarge colony around the southers hill of 1 L00-1200 pairs. The last overlapped a colony of Short- tailed Shearwaters, who tended to burrow in patches of solter graund amidst the shale, Many wings and feet of the storm-petrels were littered ubout these colonies. The Southern Bushrat does not occur on Derothee f., and the other noted predator of the White-laced Storm-Petrel, the Black Tiger Snake Nolechis sentatis (Wood Jones 1937), was also appurently absent. We suspect that the pre- dators were Pacific Gulls (see Littler 1910) and = pair of Barn Owls [sce heluw). We noted six solitary birds about midway hetween Dorothee and Greenly on 27.41,1976, und three others feeding tovether over calm water in Coffin Bay ca | km east of Point Longiose on 1,xi1.1976, Specimens: B30465, Pearson 1, (middle section). 24.x1,1976, adult female, oocytes slightly enlarged (? regressing); colours (10 mins after death, taken in urtificial light); legs black, toes bhick except for light blue-grey borders where they met webs, webs cream with ureyish-black stripe in centre of each) iris umber; bill black; mouth: palate dark grey, pharyax pitkish white; eyerim black; stomach contents (preserved) planktonic larvue of crabs. Bird shot 2230 hrs (after dark), possibly uttracted by campfire, A20466, Dorothee L. 26.41.1976, adult female. oocytes very sfighily enlarged (? regressing), ovi- duct dilated and convoluted; most of skull apparently one-layered bot hard; colours (before death}: legs and toes black, centres of webs creant; iris very dark brown; mouth flesh-grey: eyerim) black: moderate subcutaneous fat, Bird caught 1120 hrs incubating egg (B30488, incuba- tion 0.2) at end of burrow; colony of ea 70 hur- rows on eustfycing slope Of granitic rocks and ahale, entrances difficult to find among low shrubs of Threlkeldia diffusa, Atriplex palvdosa und Rhageodia crassifolia. B30467, Dorothee 1, 26.17.1976, adult mate, lustes very slightly enkuged (? regressing); skull fully pneumatized, colours (hefore death): was R4046h: stomach contents one smal! stone; mwoder- ale subcutaneous fat Bird cought 1145 hrs incu- buting ege (R30489, Incubation 0.3) at end of turrow, sume colony us BI0466. Sula serrutor (G. R- Gray). Australasian Gannet Hornsby (1978) reported one seen regularly off Pearson TL. m Bebruary 1°74. We noted two al Pearson 1. on 23 and 26.x11976, eight be- iwcen Gireenly 1, and Coffin Bay Peninsula on }.x1i1.1976, and single birds off Point Longnose and 2 km off Point Sir Isaac on 22.xi.1976. Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnacus), Great (Black) Cormorant Noted in small numbers on Pearson 1, in 1923, 1960, 1969 and 1974. We observed up to five together on Pearson 1,, and small num- hers on Dorothee, Big Veteran and Greenly, Phacton rubricavda Boddaert, Red-tailed Tropic-bird Clelund (1923) reeorded two oo the north section of Pearsoj |. There ure only two other records from the Eyre Peninsula region: a female (SAM 62421) collected on Grantala Farm, North Shields, north of Port Lincoln, 13.4,1919 (Cleland 1923), and a bird shot on Flinders L, xii.1960 (Eckert 1970, Bedford 1972). P. ruhricauda is a rarely reported visitor to South Australia, records falling in the period December-May, This period is its breeding season in Western Australia (Serventy et al, 1971, Tarburton 1977), Eekert (1970) specu- lated that it may have bred undetected on islands off the South Australian coust. Ardea novachollandiae Latham White-faced Heron Pearson [. Noted 1923, 1964, 1973 and 1974, We recorded one bird on the northern Up of the north section, on rocks among Cusuarina stvicta Dorvthee 1, We saw two single birds at opposite ends of the island, among boulders hallway up the slopes, Greenly I, One noted by us, among Casta- tli steicta on the ridge of the south section, Egretta sacra (Gmelin), Reef Heron Recorded on Pearson 1,, 1920, 1923, 1973 and 1974. We observed one durk-phase indi- vidual on the south section, perched on a boulder halfway up the slope, Cercopsis novachollandiae Latham, Cape Barren Goose Pearson Lo Noted on all previous visits. Tn 1976 we recorded two immatures and u dead adult on the gorth section, in low open Mela- lence lanceolata, HIRDS OF PEARSON, DOROTHEBE AND GREENLY ISLANDS ys Dorothee |, Previously recorded hy Paton (1971), We noted a purty of nine adults on the southern coast. Greenly I, Recorded by Pinlayson (1948) and Mitchell & Behrndt (1949), Pandion huliaetus (Linnaeus). Osprey Recorded only by Hornsby (1978), Whe tn February 1974 saw one flying wlong the eastern coastline of Pearson 1, Haliacetus lencogaster (Gmelin), White-bellicd Sea-Eagle Pearson |. Cleland (1%23) noted at teasi one on the north section, and found an old nest possibly of this species near the summit of the south section, Paton (1971) reported an un- necupied nest on the south section, Hornsby (1978) recorded two adults and a large im- mature, mainly on the worth section, in 1973, and in 1974 two nests on the north section, one unoccupied but containing the skull af a Southern Bush Rat, the other attended by two adulis, We noted two adults, mainly over the north section. Dorothee |. Paton (1971) observed two birds over the island, and found an unoceu- pied nest on the peak on the southern part Greenly T, Finlayson (1948) teported a “Sea-cagle of Fish-Hawk .., seen at a distance several times... could not be positively idep- tifed". He photographed a nest containing what he thought was a large fledgeling Osprey. We consider the photograph (cover of 8. Aus. Om, 18(8)) of insufficient quality for one to be able fo say whether the bird is a young Osprey or an adult or subadult White-bellied Sea-Eagle, Finlayson also reported a feeding tree of a sed-eugle on the high ridge of the south section; beneath this were the remains of « Short-tailed Shearwater, a Galgh, Tammar Wallibies (Macropus ¢ugenti) and a Harra- coula | Leionura atun)., He noted that the wal- laby mortality on Greenly was considerable, anid considered the White-bellied Sea-Eagle the most likely predator, Mitchell & Behrndt (1949), under “White- hesded Osprey’, noted that a pair had taken up “permanent residence” on the island, They found two eformous nests near the surairnit of the seuth section and another on the north section, About the nest-sites, and beneath several large Casuarina trees, were the remains of numerous wallabies, The predator involved was again almost certainly the White-bellied Sea-Eagie. We noted two adults on Greenty, usually over the high Cayvarina-clad ridge ef the south section, Falco cenchroldes Vipors & Horsfield. Nankeen Kestrel Pearson I. Reeorded 1923, 1969, 1973 und 1974, from ull three sections but no more than two birds each time, We noted a pair with fying young on North Mill (north section), and located a second pair, possibly nesting, on South Hill (south section), from an inacces- sifle stick nest on the south face of which came the sounds of cheeping, A single bird was also seen hunting over the plain of Diyplryma clavellatum and Atriplex paludosa on the eastern side of the north section, Dorothee |, Two noted by Paton (1971), We ubserved two single birds at opposite ends of the island, Greenly {, Mitchell & Behmdt 11949) teported a single bird preying oo the abundant skink Egernia mu|tiscntata, We noted one hird oVer the dense Melalevea lariceelate thickets on the steep southern slope of the south sec- Hon. Haematopus fuliginosus Gould, Sooty Oyster- catcher Pearson [, Recorded on all previous visits except 1920. We noted at least eight pairs on the rocky flats and shorelines. One pair on the middle section had a large flightless young one that hid in low Adriplex; the parents were voci- ferous, and one gaye the broken-wing display, All adulls were in pairs save for the party of seven thar New over the middle section carly on 25,47, 1976. Big Veteran, A pair seen from the boat. Dorothee [. Paton (1971) recorded three adults and a flightless young. We noted five lots of three, three, three, five and one adults, but saw fio signs of breeding, Greenly 1. Finlayson (1948) recorded a pair at the landing in Tapley Bay in Noveniber 1947. The following month, Mitchell & Behrnde (1949) noted many in the same bay. We saw a pair on the north section, but none on the south section, Vanellus novaehollandiae Stephens, Spur- winged. Plover Pearson I Cleland (1923) noted three in Junuary 1923. Hornsby (1978) recorded three in February (973 and two in February 1974. 196 We recorded two over the sea to the cast of the middle section, and one over the sea off the southern coast of the south section. Dorothee l. We made two sightings, of two and four birds, Charadrius rubricalfis Gmelin, Hooded Datterel Recorded only by Hornsby (1978), who in February 1973 saw two feeding aniong the intertidal rocks of the isthmus between the north and middle sections of Pearson | Arenaria interpres (Linnacus). Turnstone Fearson L. Paton (1971) ooted eight on the north section. Hornsby (1978) recorded the species in 1973 ad 1974, including a flock of 40 in 1974. We noted a flock of 19 on the rocky eastern shore of the middle seetion. Big Veteran, Four seen from the boat, Dorothee [. We noted four on the southern end, Greenly I, We noted two in the channel between the two sections, Calidris ruficollis (Pallas). Red-necked Stint C. alba (Pallas), Sanderling Pearson |. in January 1960 Thomas and Edmonds recorded individuals of either C, ri¢fl- collis or ©, alba (Paton 1971). Hornsby (1978) made similarly indeterminate sightings in Febevary 1973 and February 1974. We noted four ©. rufwellis on the landing beach an ihe eastern side of the middle section. Sterecorartus parasiticus (Linnueus). Arctic Jaeger This is the most frequent small skua in South Australian waters, oecurring a5 a non-breeding, mainly summer, visitor, We saw single birds 15 km northwest of Point Longnose on 22.41.1976. and midway beiween Dorothee and Greenly on 27.x1-1976, The two pajrs of small skuas noted by Finlayson (1948) on Greenly in November 1947 may well have been of this species. Larus novachollandiae Stephens, Silver Cell Pearson 1, Noted on all previotis visits except 1914. Deorothec f, Recorded by Paton (1971), Greenly 1, Recorded as not plentiful in, November 1947 by Finlayson (1948), and in the follawing month as visiting the island in big flocks nd roosting on Seal Rock by Mitchell & Behrndt (1949), SHANE A, PARKER & JOHN B. COX We noted the species on all (hree mlupds and uo Bre Veteran, singly and in groups of up to 12. frequenting the consts Larus pacilicus Latham, Pacific Gull Pearson |. Noted on all previous visits. We recorded ¢ight pairs of adults and five sub- adulls, mainly inland and on the sandy beach of the middle section. One pair kept flying over a large flightless chick that skulked in low shrubs aod crevices in a flat rocky area of the middle section. Wood Jones found a nest-with two eggs on 25,xi,1920 (Cleland 1923). Dorothee 1, Two adulis recorded by Paton (1971). We noted three pais (one with a large fightless chick) and three subadults, Big Veteran. We saw one pair from the boat Greenly 1, Recorded by Finlayson (1948) and Mitchell & Behrndt (1949), The latter authors reported the species as numerous, und folind a nest on the north section contiining two well-developed young, We recorded one paiy of udulty and a subadult near the channel between the two seeuons. Specinens; BI04d68, Pearson [, (middle section), 72.x1.1976, subndult female, Gocytes not enlarged, oviduet not convoluted: skull fully poeumutiwed, colours (10 mins after death); legs and feet pale Yellow faintly Unged yvreenish, claws black; ims cream, heavily tinged dusky: bill waxy yellow, tinged greenish, tips of mandibles orange-scarlel with black along distal sections of tomia and bluok smudges elsewhere in the scurle| field; mouth: palate pale yellowish buff, tongue pale fleshy Grange, rest light greenish yellow; eyerim ochra- vcous yellow: stomach contents a few ehiton frag- ments. Collected 1645 hrs among boulders on coast, one of four birds, two adull4é and one other subadult, Plumage adult except for wings ond tail. 830469, Pearson I, (middle section), 22,.1,1976, adult female, four oocytes slightly enlarged (? re- eressing). ovicuer convoluted; skull fully pneuma- tized: colours (5 mins after death): legs und feet (hull lemon. with pale grey in creases and on webs. claws black; iris cream; bill dull waxy yellow linged erecn, tips orange-scarlet with distal lomia blicks mouth: pharynx orunge-pink, tongue brange, rest dull yellow, siomach contents; three chitons, Collected 1620 hrs, flying over sundy bay bucked by Jurge smooth boulders. B30470, Dorothee T., 26.43.1976, adult (skele- lonized, nol sexed), skull fully pneumatized: ewlours (10 mins after death): legs and feet yel- low-grey, claws blick. iris white; bill rich yellow, tips ted with distal fomia black; mouth; palate yellow, gupe and tongue orunge: eyerim orange: yellow, Collected 1935 hrs on rocky slope: with vpother adult and (wo immatures, and attending one large flightless juvenile. BIRDS OF PEARSON. DOROTHEF AND GREENLY ISLANDS 197 A30471, Greenly 1, (north section), 28.%1,1976, adull male, lesles somewhat enlarged (7 regress- ing), skull fully pncumatized; colours (imme- diately after death): legs and feet bright yellow, chiws black; iis white; bill rich yellow, tips red, Uisral Tomi black; mouth: palate yellow, gupe and longue orange; eyerim orange, Cuflected 1850 hrs, iyi ever rocks. feod. The two stomachs examined con- tained only the remains of chitons. Stirling etal, (1970) reported many chiton shells in regurgitured pellets at a nesi on the South Neptunes. Other items of food fecorded for South Australian populations include turbos (molluses) and various sea-urchins, both dropped from a height and smashed (Condor 1938, Collon 1960), the gastropods Subninella undulera, Nitella torquata and Euninella frunert (Cotton (960), rock crabs (Cleland 1923), parrot-lish pirated from fishing fines (Mitchell & Behrodt 1949), placentas and vomit of the Fur Seal Arctocephalus forstert und seeds of Nifraria schoheri {Stirling et al. 1970) and immatures and adults of the White- faced Storm-Petrel (Wood Tones 1937; see alsa Littler 1910). (For comments on the dropping behaviour of this gull, see Farr 1978.) Taxonomy; Our specimens are referable to the western subspecies L.p. georgii Vigars, which breeds eastwards to Kangatow Island and which diflers front the nominate subspecies of Tasmania in having a blackish patch along the distal tomia of both mandibles in the adult (Van Tets in Frith 1977). Sterna nereis (Gould), Fairy Tern Pearson 1. Paton (1971) recorded two fish- ing off the eastern bay of the north section, In February 1974 Hornsby (1978) found two colonies of abou! 30 birds cach on the lime- stone plateau of the south section, nesting amidst the low Arriplex. The nests contained eggs und newly-hatched young. We noted up to five birds fishing in the calmer waters of the three bays west and east of the middle section, Greenly I, We recorded ca 100 on Seal Rock, Many were sitting, possibly on egps, Individuals from this colony were scen to fly westwards along the coust of the south section 16 fish near the chatinel, then return lo Seal Rock. Spectiens: B30472, Pearson T. (middle section), 24.xL1976. adult male in breeding dress, testes much enlarged, skull fully poeumutized; colours (5 mins after death); legs and feet orange yellow: wis very dark brown; bill bright yellow, tip black- ish, eXtreme lip whitish; mouth flesh grey; eyerim bluck. Collected 0820 hrs over sea near beach; with Unree others. 830473, Greenly |, (south section), 29.x11976, udali male in breeding dress, tesies much enlarged, skull fully pmeumatized: colours (shortly after death): legs ond feet orange yellow, claws black; ivis very dark brown; bill rich yellow, tip of upper mandible blackish; mouth; pharynx pale purplish- pink, palate creamy pink, inner bill and gupe dull yellow; everim black; stomach emipty. Collected 0925 hrs, diving ulong rovky coast, Sterna bergii Lichtenstein. Crested Tern Pearson I, Recorded on all previous visits except 1914, We noted a Hock of 210 sitting on rocks near the landing on the nvddle sec- tion, and one and four birds off the south and middle sections respectively. Dorothee 1, Paton (1971) recorded ca 100 resting on the rocks at the southern end, We saw two single birds flying offshore. Greenly [, Mitchell & Hehrndt (1949) recorded several small fiocks about Tapley Bay. We noted a flock of 127 on the north section, just south of Wandra Point. behaving as though about to hreed-—grouped mainly in pairs and behaving aggressively, Cacatua roseicapilla Yivillot, Galah Pearson I, Hornsby (1978) recorded this species twice in February 1973—a pair, and later a lurge flock. flying from Pearson 1, towards Dorothee, Greenly |. Finlayson (1948) found the remains af a Galah beneath the feeding tree of a White-bellied Sea-Eaglie on the south sec- tion. Other oilshore islands on which this species has been recorded (mainly since the 1930s) are Kangaroo, Wardang, Troubridge. Althorpe, South Neptunes, Reevesby and Flinders, On Althorpe I, it has been reported nesting in the cliffs, and may also do so om Kangaroo 1, and Flinders 11 Neophema petrophila (Gould). Rock Parrat Pearson J. Recorded on sll previous visits. We noted af least 16 on the south section, five on the middie section and seven on the north section, Two specimens collected on the south ' Parker, S. A., Eckert. H. J. Ragless, G. B.. Cox, FB, & Rei, N, C. H. (in prep.}, An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of South -Australia. 198 SHANE A. PARKER & JOHN B. COX section, 23,xi1,1976 (see below), were judged by B. Hutchins and F. Lewitzka (pers. comm, ) to be ten weeks old ie to hove edged three weeks previously. The species was recorded in all habitats, including bare flat granite rocks, low Atriplex and the Casuarina woodland of the north section, We noted the call as a high double-whistle, repeated, Big Veteran. We observed four from the boat, Dorothee 1. A few recorded by Paton (1971), We counted 33-35 birds. including, a flock of 20 moving restlessly through Arriplex shrubs among boulders on a steep slope. Greenly [, Mitchell & Behrendt (1949) recorded several flocks arriving, and others departing in a direet line to the mainland in December 1947. None was recorded by Fin- laysen (1948) the previous month, nor did we encounter tt. Mitcbell & Behrndt suggested that (hey migrated to the island to feed on pig- face (Aizoaceac) seeds, In South Australia the Rock Parrot breeds on several islands off Eyre Peninsula cast Lo the Sir Joseph Banks Group, and on an island in Pondalowie Bay, southern Yorke Peninsula. In the non-hreeding scason it disperses to the opposite mainland, to other islands (ucluding Kangaroo |.) and eastwards and southwards alont the coast at Jeast us far as the Baudin Rocks near Rohe!, It fs noteworthy that there are no breeding records of this parrot from Pearson, Dorothee or Greenly; this may he due to the paucily of observations during the breeding season (eggs late Auig.-carly Nov,), ar ty the absence or wear-ahsence of suitable nesting-sites on these ishynds (crumbling, fissured limestone faces draped with suceu- ents). Specimens: B3U474, Pearson T. (south sectios), 23.41.1976, immature male about 10 Weeks old, testes not enlarged, skull fully preumatized: colours (4 mins efter death)» legs pale fnlly grey, logs preyer. claws black; iris very dark Urown, upper mandible und cere oiminiy dull prey. with nostrils, proximal tomia and distal culmen onnge bull, tower mandible Orange bull) mouth pate Orange-vellow tinged preys eyerim dark grey: crop contenils (preserved); seeds. Collected |100) hres among lorge granite boulders above small bay: with une other bed B3047S, locality-skull data as B30474; colours timmedintely after deatt)> legs wnd feet creamy miey; is Very dack browns Upper mandible olive- harn. toma vellow: lower mandible yellow! cere greyish yellow; mouth pinkish yellow; eyenm blackish: crop contents (preserved); seeds, Col- lected 1105 brs among large grunite boulders on coast: with ane other. Food: The crap of 830474 contained chiefly the seeds of Lepidiia foliosum, Correa reflexa and a species of Atriplex; a minuie reddish sted of an nizoaceous species (vither a Curpo- hrotus sp. or Disphyina clayellatum) was also present, in a small quantity. The crop of 630475 contamned only the seeds of a Rhayo dia sp, (1. Williams i lit, Svii,1977) Melopsittacus undulatus (Shaw), Budgerygah Recorded only by Paton (1971), who saw two On the north section of Pearson 1. Chrysococcyx basalis (Horslielc), Horsfield’s Bronze Cuckoo Al least two seen by Cleland (1923) on Pearson J, Tyto alba (Scopoli), Barn Owl Pearson 1, Under Owl, Cleland (1923) wrote. “A farge bird seen once at night anid pellets found near the northern summit, suygesc the presence of un Owl.” Hornsby (1978) reparied a Barn Owl io the upper part of Main Creek, porth section, in February 1973 and February 1974. Dorothee T, On 26,x1,1976 we flushed two Barn Owls from a crevice umong large boul- ders near the top of the cleft running across the waist of the island, In the crevice were feathers of the White-faced Storm-Petrel (qv), In South Australia the Barn Owl is known mainly from the eastern part of the State, with records also from the Nullarbor Plain and Eyre Peninsula. Apart from those mentioned above, it has been recorded on the following islunds, presumably mainly as a vagrant dues ing ituptions: Kangaroo, Goose, Wardang. Thistle, Wildegrave, Franklin (Parker 1977) Apus pacifiess (Latham). Fork-tailed Swift Paton (1971) recorded at Jeust 20 hawking over the northern peak of Dorothee on TL 1969, Hirundo neoxena Gould. Welcome Swallow Pearson [, Recorded on all visits except 1914 and 1920. We saw it frequently on all sections, in wnes, twos, threes and fours, and once in a flock of ee 30 above Casuarina stricta woodland on (he sheltered northeastern slope of 78| Hill on the north section BIRDS OF PEARSON, DORUTHER AND GREENLY ISLANDS Dorothee 1, Noted by Paton (1971) as probably the most common species on Doro- thee and Pearson next to the Silvereye Zoy- terops lateralis. We saw a pair at the northern tip and a single bird on the southern coust. Greenly 1, Recorded by Finlayson (1948) and Mitchell & Behradt (1949), We noted af least six on the north section and saw the ape- cies frequently in ones and twos all over the south section, from the Cusuarina-clad ridge to the sea-cliffs. Nesting: At the north base of South Hill, Pearson I,, we found an old fest in & crevice, made entirely of mud, Mitchell & Behrnudt found nests on Creenly and remarked on “the far greater use of sheoak needles and other orgamie matter in the nests of these birds on an island where pood binding earth is absent" Eckert (1971) reported nests from Franklin [ made mostly of fibrous material with no mud apparent. Anthus novaeseelandiae (Gmelin), Richard's Pipit In Febroury 1974 one was regularly seen on the limestone plateau of the south section of Pearson IT. (Hornsby 1978). The species is eommon on Flinders f. (Bckert 1970). Sericarnis frontalis (Yigors & Horsfield) White-browed (Spotted) Scrubwren On 16.11.1974 P, Martinsen tentatively iden- tified a scrubwren of this group in thickels on the upper slopes of the north section of Pear- son J. (Mornsby 1978), There are no other records from Pearson |, though the species is common on Flinders 1, (Eckert 1970). Megalurus pramineus (Gould), Little Grasshird We encountered this species only on the north section of Greenly, where it was Fairly common on the shrub-clad slopes, Its (appa- rent) absence from the south section of Greenly may be attributable to grazing by the Tammar Wallaby, which is pot present on the north section, In South Australia this species occurs mainly in the eastern part, including Eyre Peninsula. Although its occurrence on offshore islands has not been appreciated, it has been recorded from several: Waldegraye, Williams, Hopkins, Reevesby, island in Pondalowie Bay, Trav- bridge, Kangaroo, Bushy. Heatrice and Baudin Rocks! (see also Whinray (1976) for nates on its occurrence in the Furneaux Group, Bass Stra). 199 Specimen: B30476, Greenly 1, {north section), 28,xi,L976, adult Male, testes slightly enlarged, skull fully pneumatized, colours (immediately ufter death): Jegs and feet flesh-grey, soles creamy; iris brown, upper orandible with blackish cilmen and pale cream tomia; lower mandible creamy grey af base, dark eyey at tip, mouth creamy flesh; eyerim grey; stomnch contents elytra af small black beetles and othee chitinous frag- ments. Collected '805 hrs in low shribs on rocky hillside. Taxonomy: Keast (1956) recognized two mainland subspecies of M. grasineus: the southwestern Mug. thomas’ Mathews and the eastern and southeastern M.g, goulburni Muthews, the former distinguished in being darker above and having generally heavier ventral striations than the Jatter, The specimen from Greenly is faiyly davk above, but matches specimens of Mv. gavlbure/ in the lightness of its ventral streaking. Petroica goodenavii (Vigors & Horsfield), Red-capped Robin Pearson I, Recorded all visits except 1914. We found the species common in Casnarina stricta? Woodland and jn the area of burnt Melaleuca lanceelata-M) halmaturerum on the forth secuon. Several pairs were attending well-fledged young. Dorothee J, In the nhsence of Casuarina and Melaleuca uw presumably does not occtir Greenly |, Noted by Finlayson (1948) and Mitchell & Behrndt (1949) in Casuarina stricta and Mfelaleuew lancealaia on ihe main ridge. The latter authors found a nest with young. We noted numerous individuals in the above habitat, including several pairs feeding fledge- lings, Specimens’ (all collested 0945-1545 rs, 4.411976, north section, Peorsom 1.). 30477, imm, fermale, solitary: gonads undeveloped, skull fully pileutnaled. B30478, adult male, solitary; fesles enlarged (7 reereasing), skull fully pnoumu- tized. B30479, udule male, solitary; testes small, skull fully pneumatized. B30480, udult male, soli- tury; lestes enlarged (? regressing), skull fully Pnecumatized; 830481, imm. rate, with adult male-phase bird, calling a high seep seep seep; testes minute, dome of skull largely unpneuma- teed £39482. adult male, with adult female-phase binl: testes enlarged: skull fully pneumatized. 30483, adult fernale, with adult male-phase bird; oocvies Tegressed, oviduct dilated and convoluted, large Wroodpatch on abdomen; skull fidly pnowma- lized; possibly (he mother of B30481, Colours of unfeathered parts (within 1) min of death) = 200 Adult males; legs and feet blackish, soles cull buffy yellow, bulty yellow or yellowegrey; iris very dark browo; Upper miindible blickish; lower mur tible blackish, some with rami ant basal tomia horn or dull yellow: gape bully, dull yellow, dull buffy yellow or orange vellow, south rich yellow, dull ornge yellow, orange yellow, or dull yellow. everin) black, blackish ur blackish brown, Adult female: Jegs and feet blackish brown (sules not notect); iris damaged; bill bluckish erey; “ape yellow: mouth bright orafige yellow; eyerin dark erey, Tout). mate: legs and feet greyish blick. soles ochreous bully iris dark brown, hill blackish brown. pape: bully yellow; mouth deep bright vel- low: cyerim blackish brown, Imm. female! legs and toes black, soles bully yellow: iris very dark brown: bill blackish hrown: gape dull yellow, mouth orange yellow; eyerim blackish brown. Teronomy: Specimens collected on Pearson J}, by us and by Cleland (1923) do not appear to differ morphologically from specimens ol the mainland populations. In our apinion, how- ever, the song of the Pearson L. population is distinctly different from that of miainland birds (sang not heard on Greeny), Pachyeephala pectoralis (Latharn), Golden Whistler Pearson L. only, Recorded on all visits except 1960 and 1973, Apparently confined to the north seetion, where we found it fairly numerous (and singing) in dense Casuarina snivia and Melalenea lanceolata thickets. Specimens: B30484, Penrson 1. (north sevtion)- 24,401976, ndult ferme, oovytes not enlarged skull fully preumutized; colours (shortly afer sleath): legs and feet pale greyy iris reddish, lipper mandible black, lower mandible blackiwh: mouth creamy flesh: eyerim bluckish. Calleered cu 1500 tirs in Casuarina stricta and oer scrub on rocky hillside; slone- R30485, Peurson I, (north section), 24,xi, 1976, dull male, testes enlarged, skull smashed by shot. colours (5 mins after death): legs and feet black- ish, soles creamy: iris red: bill black; mouth creamy Nesh; everia black, Cofleeted cv 1500 hres in Caxnarina Attica and other scrub on rocky hill- side; with another adullanale phase bird, Tayonanyv: The populations of Pearson 1, and Flinders 1. are referable to Pop. /uliginese Visors & Horsfleld, af soythern Western Aus. Iralin, southern South Australia (except the lower South-East) and northwest Victoria, This subspecies is characterized mainly by females and vncoloured males having the underparts buffy cinnamon,! SHANE A, PARKER & JOHN BB. COX Zosterops lateralis (Latham). Silvereye Pearson [. Recorded on all previous visits, The commonest passerine on the island, occur- ring in small fiocks mainly on the north and south sections, We noted it in dense thickets of Melalenea, and in the chenopods and other low dense shrubs og level graund and on the houlder-strewn slopes, Dorothee J. Noted as common by Paton (1971), We recorded jt in snvall numbers ull over the island, among low windswept shrubs of the slopes and summits. Greenly 1, Mitehell & Behrndt (1949) reported jt as common on the south section, favouring the stunted Melalevca lanceolita on (he precipitous slopes and ledges below 76 m, They noted several young birds incapable of sustained flight, We noted it as common fram sealevel to the ridgetop, mainly in Casnerina stricta and M- lanceolata, with wv flock of ea 30 in a clump of Meuhlenbeckla adpressa, 1 was alsa common on the north section in the dense low ungriized shrubs on the steep slopes Lichenostomus virescens (Vieillot). Singing Honeyeater Recorded only by Paton (1971), who saw one bird on Pearson |, in January 196%. Phylidonyris novachollandiae (\.atham). New Holland Honeyeater Mitchell & Behrndt (1949) recorded three “somewhal bedraggled” individuals on Greenly I, one of which they collected (SAM B24768), Ephihianwra albifrons (Jardine & Selby). White-fronted Chat Pearson bt, only, Cleland (1923) noted jt as “one of the commonest birds on (he islands” in January 1923, Recorded by Thomas & Edmonds, January 1960 (Paton 1971), Paton recorded u few small Mocks, eaeh of about six birds, feeding mainly in the saltbush, and banded an immature, whose conspicuous yel- low gape suggested that the species had bred an the island. We saw only one, a bird in female plumoge, on bare granite boulders on the south section: on being disturbed, it flew out over the eastern bay, Epbthianura tricolor Gould. Crimson Chat Five noted en the northern slope of the iurth seetion of Pearson I. an three consecu- live days in January 1969 by Paton (1971), BIRDS OF PEARSON, DOROTHEE AND GREENLY ISLANDS 21 Two small red-rumped birds seen flying out to sea from the north section of Greenly 1. by us Were almost certainly of this species, Passer domesticus (\.innacus), House Sparrow Cleland (1923) entered a “very doubtful” sighting of two or three birds on Pearson L, in January 1923, Paton (1971) recorded a flock of ca 40 on the eastern point of the north sec- tion of the island in January 1969, and a few on Dorothee I. We recorded a few on the north section of Pearsou, and two on Dorothee. Pos- sibly the species is a vagrant from Flinders 1. (Where it is very common) thal has so far faved to establish itself. Sturnus vulgaris Linnacus, Starling Cleland (1923) recorded a small flock over Pearson |., but added, “This record cannot be considered as established beyond all doubt”, Paton (1971) noted that the specics was os nimerous as the House Sparrow (on Peyrson L.), observing 20-30 at one time, including many immatures, Hornsby (1978) noted one or two birds on the middle section in 1973. and 1974. We noted two parties on the south xec- tion of Pearson (one of 5-6, one of ca 30), und tive lets on the north section (of 1, 10, 12, 2 and 3 birds). On Dorothee we recorded four lois of 10, 4, 2 and 2? birds, Artumus persanatus (Gould), Masked Waood- swallow Noted on Pearson I, only. Cleland (( 1923) tenfatively identified two pale bluish wood- sWallows as this species, Paton (1971) noted one bird only, and referred to others seen by Thomas and Edmonds ip 19@(, We saw a pair on the fierth section in an area of Casuarina yrefeta and burnt Afelalewee, Corvus coronoides (Vigors & Horsfield) Australian Rayen Pearson ob Waite oted “erows' on 274.1914, und Wood Jones Found corvids resiing in Cusuarina on 25,x1,.1920 (Cleland 1923). Cleland noted “some 30 of 40°) of which he collected two adults and a subacute (B4247-8, 28515). he also reported un ure oecupled pest on the north section. Details al the stomach contents of Clelund’s specimens, which included vegetable matter. inseets and a rat, Were given by Cleland (1923) and Lea (1923), ‘Thomas and Edmonds noted corvids an January 1960 (Paton 1971). Paton recorded C. coronoides in January 1969, identifying the species by ils call, She wrote “usually in pairs, though sometimes as miiny us six might be scen feeding toxether on wave-washed debris on the rocks. ,,. An old nest, probably of this species, was seen in a Casuarina.” Hornsby (1978) recorded the species in 1973 and 1974, on all three sections, the largest number ab- served being 14. The birds were seen to pick at crabs and small fish stranded by the tide, und on one occasion several Were seen al a freshly-dead Little Penguin. We recorded the species mainly among the high rocks of the north and south sections, We estimated a maximuin of six birds, which ranged regularly the length of the island. Dorothee I. Paton (1971) recorded four. We saw a party of three. Greenly |. Finluysou (1948) noted under Corvus spi “Two birds seen and more often heard on the main ridge,” The following month Mitchell & Behrndt (1949) noted seven cor- vids roosting regularly in two large Casiitrind Irces just below the summit of the south sec- tion; these trees eontained several oests, only one of which appeared to have had recent tse, We noted a maximum of five C. coranvides fidentified by their wailing call), along the Cesvaring-clad main ridge, The oceurcenee of the Australian Raven on South Austriliun offshore islands has not been fully appreciated, TL has been collected or reli- ably recorded on St Franeis, Franklin [s., Flinders, Pearson, Dorothee, Wualdegrave, Greenly, Thistle, Hopkins and Kangaroo [., and is probably the eorvid involved in sightings on Spilsby, Wedge, and the South Neptunes. The only island from which the Litthe Raven C. mellor! has reliably been recorded is Kan- earoo [! Acknowledgments We thank TP. J, Fatehen and L. Williams for the wWentilication of plant material, and G. B. Ragless, B. PMutchins, FP, Lewitzka and J, Metcun for helpful advice in other matters. SHANE A. PARKER & JOHN B. COX References BepForp, W. R. (1972) Bird Talk 1, 3. CLELAND, J. B. (1923) The birds of the Pearson Islands. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 47, 119-125, Conpon, H. T. (1938) The birds of Reevesby Island, Sir Joseph Banks Group, S.A. S. Aust. Orn. 14, 187-192, Cotton, B. C. (1960) Mollusca eaten by birds. Ibid. 23, 44-47. Cox, J. B. (1976) A review of the Procellarii- formes occurring in South Australian waters. Ibid. 27, 26-82. Eckert, H. J. (1970) Birds of the Investigator Group, with special reference to Flinders Island. Ibid. 25, 201-205. Farr, P. (1978) The significance of dropping be- haviour in Pacific Gulls. Aust. Bird Watcher 7, 145-147. Fintayson, H. H. (1948) Greenly Island, South Australia, S. Aust. Orn, 18, 72-73. Fritn, H. J. (1977) (ed.) Reader's Digest Com- plete Book of Australian Birds, 1st rev. (Reader's Digest, Sydney.) Hornssy, P. E. (1978) Notes on the birds of Pearson Island. §. Aust. Orn. 27, 280-284, Keast, A. (1956) Variation in the genus Mega- lurus. Proc. R. zool. Soc. N.S.W. 1954-55, Lea, A. M. (1923) Stomach contents of Pearson Island birds. Trans. R. Sac. S. Aust. 47, 361. Lirrcer, F. M. (1910) A handbook of the birds of Tasmania and its dependencies (Launces- ton). McKean, J. L. (1963) Lord Howe Expedition, 1962. Aust. Bird Bander 1, 84-90, MitcHett, F. J. & BenRNbT, A. C. (1949) Fauna and flora of the Greenly Islands. 1, Intro- ductory narrative and vertebrate fauna. Rec. S. Aust. Mus, 9, 167-179. Parker, S. A. (1977) The distribution and occur- rence in South Australia of owls of the genus Tyto. S. Aust. Orn. 27, 207-215. Paton, J. B. (1971) Pearson Island Expedition 1969. 6, Birds. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 95, 149-153. SERVENTY, D. L., SERVENTY, V. & WaARHAM, J. (1971) “The Handbook of Australian sea- birds.” (Reed, Sydney.) STIRLING, I., STiRLING, S, M, & SHAUGHNESSY, G. (1970) The bird fauna of South Neptune Islands, South Australia. Emu 70, 189-192. TarsurtTon, M. K. (1977) Nesting of the Red- tailed Tropicbird at Sugarloaf Rock, WA. Emu 17, 122-126. Wuinray, J. S. (1976) The Little Grassbird in the Furneaux Group, Tasmania. Aust. Bird Watcher 6, 321-325. Woop Jones, F. (1937) The breeding of the White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) on South Australian islands. §. Aust. Orn, 14, 35-41. DEEP SEA FAN SEDIMENTATION OF THE KANMANTOO GROUP, KANGAROO ISLAND BY D. J. FLINT Summary The Kanmantoo Group sediments cropping out between West Bay and Breakneck River, Kangaroo Island, are predominantly immature metasandstones with lesser metasiltstones and metamorphosed lutites (schists). Lithologies and sedimentary structures show ordering in two distinct types of cyclic sedimentation (sequence 1 and 2). Cyclic sedimentation units (1-3 m thick) are arranged in sets (0.5-3 km thick) of only one cycle type. Vertical separation in the stratigraphic succession of the cycle types into broader sets is a distinct and important feature. It highlights different depositional processes. DEEP SEA FAN SEDIMENTATION OF THE KANMANTOO GROUP, KANGAROO ISLAND by D. J. Fuinr Summary Fuint, 0.5, (1978) Deep sea fan sedimentation of the Kanmantoo Group, Kanguroo Island. Tras. RK. Soe, S, Aust, 102(8), 203-222, 30 November, 1978. The Kanmuntoo Group sediments cropping out between West Buy and Breakneck River, Kangaroo Island, are predominantly immature metasandstones with lesser metusillstones and metamorphosed lutites (schists), Lithologies und sedimentary structures show ordering In two distinct types of cyclic sedimentation (sequence 1 and 2). Cyclic sedimentation units (1-3 m thick) are arranged in sets (0.5-3 km thick) of only one cycle type. Vertical separation in the stratigraphic succession of the cycle types into broader sels is a distinct and important feature. Tt highlights different depositional processes. Sequence | deposits have a relatively limited variety of sedimentary structures, und ure characterised iff part by 4 thick massive sandstone base and lutite top. Sequence 2 deposits contain a very wide variety of depositional und syndepositional deformation structures. within predominantly metasandstones, Medium scale foresets are abundant in areas of sequence 2 units, but occur randomly within these units, Both sequences are interpreted to have been deposited from (urbidity currents with a bed load phase, but exhibit strong differences in the relative importance of traction and fallout processes. The sediments are interpreted to have been deposited in a middle fan environment, ie. channelled suprafan and suprafan depositional bulge. The size, abundance and random posi- rioning of foresels makes these Very unusual turbidite deposits, Introduction Kanmantoo Group metasediments cropping out between West Bay and Breakneck River, Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island, South Aus- tralia (Fig. 1) were examined to determine their depositional, structural and metamorphic history, Structural and petrographic details are discussed jn Flint & Grady (in press). Sedi- mentological uspects were investigated to deter- mine mode and environment of deposition, transport processes, pretectonic orientation of pulaeocurrents and palaeoslope and possible provenance. Previous work in Flinders Chase is limited. The regional geology of Kangaroo Island was established by Wade (1915), Sprigg (1954), Daily (1956). Thomson (1969) and for Flin- ders Chase hy Major & Vitols (1973). They concluded that during the Cambrian, when Kanmantoo Group recks were being deposited the sea floor in the position of Kangaroo Island “School of Earth Sciences, Flinders University of S. Aust, area subsided (Waitpingan Subsidence) syn- chronously with uplift (Cassinian Uplift) of the Gawler Craton to the northwest. Grey, medium to coarse grained greywackec-arkoses with sharply truncated crossbedding to 1 om high, scour channels and slump folds typify the Kanmantoo Group rocks cropping out in Flinders Chase (Major & Vitols 1973), Slump- ing is in the same direction as the dip direc- tion of forescts, With a westerly source indi- cated. Lack of sorting, abundant submarine slump structures afd sudden thickening across fault hinge zones Were inlerpreted to indicate rapid transport and sedimentation with violent downward movements of the sea floor during sedimentation, To Flinders Chase, Kanmantoo Group rocks examined here are exposed along 8 km of coastline in a strip often only 20 m wide from sea level to clifftop, Inland, Quaternary con- solidated aeolian limestone, with minor piso- Bedford Purk, S$. Aust, 5042. Present address: Geological Survey of South Australia, 191 Greenhill Road. Parkside. S. Aust. 5063. 24 D. J. FLINT FLINCERS /-CHASE~ : HA ‘ aw v NATIONAL ATPARK mis A ’ -# wt Crag FO ROOKY RIVER” “ ons AILDMETRES Dy fl) Sacto Tht Lib Fig. 1. West Bay area, Kangaroo Island. 5 1A TE Decentmnet avis eed Een ey litic laterite and siliceous sands, blanket the older rocks. The Kanmantoo Group comprises predominantly quartz-rich metasandstones, melalutites and quartz-mica schists, with less abundant types being pelitic and biotite-rich lutites, calc-silicate boudins, and actinolitic, biotite-tich and heavy-mineral-nch sandstones. Most rocks are quartz-rich (to 30% by vol) and argillaceous (now recrystallised to biotite and muscovite), A very Wide Variety of btrac- tion, liquelaction, collapse and syndepasitional deformation struciures are developed. Lithi- fication prior to regional deformation and wely low pressure mlermediale Facies metamorphism during the lower Ordovician (Dasch et al. 1971; Milnes e¢ al. 1977), have preserved many Sedimentary structures, This report describes and mterprets the sedi- mentary characteristics of the Kanmantoo Group, so interpretive rock oames such as lutite, siltstone and sandstone are used, even though the rocks have been metamorphosed to the andalusite-staurollte zone of the amphi- bolite facies (Flint & Grady in press), As the precise depositianal processes and transport mechanisms are very interpretive, non-genetic terminology (sequence 1 and 2 units) has been adopted for the two distinct cycles of sedimen- tation exhibited. A Markov analysis technique is used fo illustrate statistically the sedimentary cycles present, Sequence 1 and 2 units occur in separale intervals af the succession and are not interbedded mesoscopically (Fig. 2). This type of sedimentological analysis involving Markov modelling represents (he first on Kan- mantoo Group sediments. Sequence 1 deposiis Deseription Deposits of sequence | units consist of con- secutive cycles of upward fining units with a massive homogencous basal sandstone and a lutite upper portion (Fig, 3, Traverse A). Within each unit variation of grain size is gradational and the basal contact with the underlylig Iutite (now quartz-mica schist) is sharp and planar, except where tectonically deformed (Figs 4-5), Units vary in thickness from 0.1 m to 4 m (average approximately { m), Sandstone to lutite ratio averages 11 and the greatest uninterrupted massive sand- stone interval is 80m. The major sedimentary structures observed within sequence 1 deposits are ellipsoidal intraclasts, small scale ripple cross-stratification and small slump breesias, rare load and flame structures, ripped-up clasts and sandstone dykes and sills. ‘Teetonism and metamorphic differentiation have destroyed nearly all of the sedimentary structures within the lutites (Fig. 5). Intraclasts are ellipsoidal quartz-rich sand- stones with maximum axial lenuths of 0.25 and 0.15 m and oriented with the long axes parallel to bedding. Clasts oceur throughout the lower half of the units. Siniilar clasts are deseribed by Stauffer (1967). Fisher (1971), and Hamp- ton (1972)- Slump breeciay oecur near the top of many massive sandstone divisions and consist ol stall elongate sandstone clasts in a sandstone matrix (Fig. 35), Clast orientation is now related to tectome structures and Flint & Grady fin press) conclude from differential states of strain in deetonic structures, thar transposition of sedimentary layering was peue- contemporancous with sedimentation. Re- orientation of the transposed bedding occurred during tectonic deformation, Small tipple cross-stratification and plane parallel laminae are observed us thin divisions above the slump hereeeias and near the centre of many units. Below, sandstones are massive, while above, former lutites are extensively folded, crenulated and differentiated, Rarer structores m sequence 1 deposits are load casts und sandstone dykes and sills. Sand- stone lobes (load casts) into underlying lutite are developed where the lutite has been pre- served, Load casts are cither symmetrical, pos- sibly indicating formation after deposition of FAN SEDIMENTATION—KANMANTOO GROUP 205 LOCATION OF TRAVERSES SEQUENCE 2 DEPOSITS Upward and downward fining units VERY SHARP PELITIC LUTITE = —— — = TRANSITION SEQUENCE 1 DEPOSITS Upward fining units Sequence fines and thins upwards WEST BAY EROSIONAL CHANNELLED SURFACE SEQUENCE 2 DEPOSITS Upword and downward fining units Sequence coarsens and thickens upwards GRADATIONAL -b PELITIC LUTITE ; ==" ZOUNDARIES SEQUENCE 1 DEPOSITS Upward fining units Sequence fines and thins upwards KILOMETRES | 2 LEGEND STRUCTURES LITHOLOGIES [ Climbing ripple : Poorly sorted, medium = cross—stratification fo coarse grained sandstone —_ 2 Poorly sorted, fine Extraformational grained sandstone — __ Parallel lammation —| conglomerate Lutite, often biotite =] Intratormational rich Tabulor cross—bedding SS iranspased bedding. — Gemere| ae Conglomeratic sundstond_ Cabo SLUMP STRUCTURES TS] Heavy mmnerol—nch im je ra sondstone — —— Trough cross—bedding Slumped foresets BED BASE TYPES Slumped massive, [lat Transitional 9 edded and poorly bedded sandstones __ i 1 Abrupt Convoluted lutite ~ : Silt and clay Fine, prediugy ard Erosionol — siciceee or sandstone _ ——s—_EE } Soaeerson GRAIN SIZE 77-74 DJ. Flint Geoloais| S.A Depatimen! of Mines Fig. 2. Distribution of sequence 1 and 2 deposits and pelitic lutites in the West Bay-Breakneck River area, Note lack of mesoscopic intermixing of deposit types. Legend for and location of litho- logical logs in Fig. 3. 206 D. J. FLINT VERTICAL SCALE IN METRES ALL SECTIONS FACE NORTH Bd, Flint Geolagist S.A. Department of Mines Fig. 3. Observed detailed lithological logs for sequence 1 deposits, transitional pelitic Iutites and sequence 2 deposits. FAN SEDIMENT ATION—KANMANTOO GROUP 207 the sandstone, or asvmmuetrical, suggestinut syn depositional deformation. Injected laminated lutiies between sandstone lobes resemble Mame structures. Load cast height is invariably less than 7 cm. Small sandstone dykes and sills are observed in only one locality and consist of massive coarse sandstones of similar grain size to sidjacent massive sandstones, Sills (fed by the dykes) are discontinuous, while the dvkes have an orientation similar to slump fold sxial planes, suggesting that dyke formation is along a plane of weakness formed by downslope penecontemporancous ercep, Thinly laminated to massive sulphide-rich and actinolitic sandstones occur sporadically helween sequence | unis, They comprise less than 1% of the total thickness of all seyuenve | deposits Process of depesition The sequence of thick massive sandstone division al the hase, followed progressively up- wards by a thin division of rippled wid fami- nated fine sands and sills, and then a thick lutite division correlates well with Bouma's “acde" sequence (Bouma 1962), The sediment In sequence | Units is interpreted to have heen transported by turbulent mass flows with u hasal sand slurry flow. The first phase of deposition appears to be Irom rapid seitling of grains oat of suspension. probably as a “quick bed” from a basal slurry flow to the turbidity current) the mechanism of quick hed sedimentation is as outlined in Carter (1975), Walker (1976) und Rust (1977). Occasional lasts are trapped through- out these beds, and there presence in other deposits at various levels has been related to a linite yield strength of the slurry flow (Hampton 1972). Near the top of many “a” divisions are slump breccias which are pro- bably related to mass shearing and dewatering during consolidation. This interval may once have had diffuse parallel lamination and equate to Bouma’s “h" division, “Streaked-out lami- nac” have been described in a similar setting by Skipper & Middleton (1975) hit their example involves more plastic syndepositional deformation, This basal division of missive sandstone, with scattered clasts and diffuse lamination, has many similarities to grain flows and debris flows of Stauffer (1967), Fisher (1971) and Carter (1975). The finely rippled and laminated division near the centre of most units is correlated with Houma's “ec” division and lower low regime currents. When present, it is always thin and aecerding to Walker & Mutti (1973) 4“ common observation is that the greater the number of sequences which begin with Boumas ‘a! division, the more uncommon is parallel and rippled lamination within those units. The lutites at the top of each unit are often of comparable thickness to the basal massive Stuitdstones; these units are equated with the normal graded beds of Corbett {1972}, Sedi- memolowcal analysts of structures within these lutites 1s limited due to extensive development of folds and other tectonic structures, includ- ime new differentition Sayerings (Fig, 5), Deposition fram waning, ow velocity currents in the dilute tail of the turbidity current is interpreted as the likely depasitional made, The sedimentation process for sequence | unis is interpreted to be rapid deposition from waning currents. In this way, few traction structures Would he developed, with the sedi- ment being tried as soon as it is deposited. ‘Transportation of the sediment is as 4 turbu- lent mass flow with a basal hed flow (slurry flow) Transitional Infite deposits Developed ahove intervals dominated by sequetice | usits are two pelitic lutites iq 30m thick (Pig, 2), Parallel lamination is the domi- nant sedimentary structure (Fig. 6) and rare structures are pseudouodules, sand ripples and thin (less than 1 cm) sand. sheets (Fig, 7), In one instance (Fig. 3, Traverses B & ©), the pelitic futile has gradational boundaries both with the underlying sequence 1 deposits and overlying sequence 2 deposits. These lutite intervals are Iransitional between the thick sets of cyclic sedimentation units. The [two pelitic [utite intervals indicate periods gnd/or areas of relatively quiescent sedimentation, Sand ripples, thin sand sheets ald predominantly clayey silt’ sedimentation, suggest deposttion and reworking from slow moving curtents with a low sediment concen- tration. Sequence Z deposits Deceriptlow A wide Variety of sedimentary structures ure observed m sequence 2 deposits m contrast to their relative scarcity und lack of variety in seqnence | deposits. Structures developed are hedding (massive. plane parallel, slumped and 208 D. J. FLINT ia: AREER 8 Fig. 4. Several sequence 1 units occurring in upper portion of interval of sequence 1 deposits, with single phase deformation at a low angle to bedding. Pen for scale 13 cm long. Fig. 5. Several sequence 1 units strongly deformed in lutite portions; most common style in outcrop. Note slump breccia above the upper massive sandstone bed. FAN SEDIMENTATION—KANMANTOO GROUP 209 >. - . _- imeaiilh i alia, 2. r™«... J iets Fig. 7. Rippled sands and a thin disrupted sand bed within lutites of transitional lutite sequence. . ’ a Y - 4 in ” 210 D. J. FLINT BP FIG 9 Fig. 9. Very thick interval of superimposed foreset divisions in a 40-m cliff-face, north side of West Bay: sequence 2 deposits. D. J, FLINE convoluted), cusp structures, oriented clasts, climbing ripple croés-stratification, small dia- pir-like fealures and Irquefaction structures. The rock types are preclominanily medium to coarse grained, imimatufe quartz-feh sand- stones ‘with concentrations of giream (Flint 1976). Observed sequences. of lithologies and struc tures are shown in Fig, 3 (Traverses D to H) and Fiy, 8, and have been subjected ta Markov analysis. At or near the base of many sequence 2 units are massive to poorly bedded, pourly sorted sandstones which have un average thick- ness Of 1.3 m (0.11-4.25 i) they represent 35% of the total thickness of sequence 2 deposits, Clusts are o¢ensionally present im this sandstone type, and their ovientation varies from parallel to croded base to imbricated with clasts dipping in the direction of flow, Clusts are consistently léss than QO.) my long and pre- dominantly of biotitic Ivtite, Near the hase of many units (bui above the niassive sandstone divisions) are coarse, fiat bedded sandstones which form the most common lithology, hath in the number of beds present and total thick- ness (40% of sequence 2 deposits), ‘Thickness of individual flat bedded sandstones averages 0.9 m (0,18-4.60 m), Foresets and inclined strata represent 12%) of the total thickness, have an average thick- ness of 0.5 m (0.03<1.8 m), Most foresets are distinctly tabular with usymptouc foreset bases and sharply truncated tops. In profile, tabular foresets vary thom lensing Out over 4 few metres, Lo conliminus aver 50 m but with gently undulating upper and lower hounding surfaces (Fig: 9), Some foresets are trough shaped and deposited in asymmetrical scours. up to 2m deep, with steep upcurrent sides. while the downcurrenr depositional surface is nearly tangential to bedding. With that part of the stratigraphy of only sequence 2 wnits, toreset development varies considerably [ror small intervals of no foresels to intervals of abnndant and superimposed foresets (Fig, 9) The extent of foreset development has uo is- cernible relationship with anv other charac- teristic of sequence 2 Units Tntraformational recumbent folds with axial plines parallel to bedding are developed from shemping of fore- sets (Pig, 10). Identical structures are reconiest in Pettijoho & Potter (1964. plare 110) arid have been observed elsewhere within Kan- mantoo Growp sediments in Flinders Chase (Major & Vitols 1973), Selective slumping 75 rau common, with ouly a few i a succession of foresets being slumped, Partial slumping within individual foresets also occurs, with a marked tendeney for humogeuisation towards foreset tops, The upper portion of many intervals consists of either massive or finely larninated lutte, with alternating biotite-rich and quartz-rich layers. Lutiles represent 11% of the total thickness of sequence 2 deposits, and have an average thickness of 0.4 m (0,02-1.64 m). Heavy-mineral-rich sandstones (less than 0.1% total thickness) are commonly developed above the laminated lutite und exhibit grada- himal contacts. Banding within the heavy- minetal-rich sandstones is comprised of alter- nuting lavers (mm thick) of quartz-tich and lieavy-mineeal-tich sandstones and tutites, which grade up into a massive, heavy-mineral- rich Wpper portion. Laterally, lutites and over- lying heavy-ermeral-rich lutites are lenticular, and wre truncated by the next sechmentation until. Slumped and convoluted bedding is ubiqui- lous tor wll af the areas characterised by sequence % deposits. Slumping of whole seyiiences Of strictures is more common than convolution of single beds. Hiehly chaotic slumping with continuity of layering is typical (Fig, 11) and folds vary in Style through plapar-cylindrical to cusp- shaped. In some maslances, contorted hedding sugeests collapsed megaripples. Vertical thick- ness Of slump-felded bands ranges from a few centimetres to 6 om, Rare dlapine structares ta 0.15 m high, and liquefyetion structures felutriation columns of Corbett, 1972) are observed in sandstones con- faining slumped bedding and cusp structures. Liquefaction features have developed fram up- ward and downward movement of parallel bed- ded sariistones, Resullant structures melude disrupted domes, and sinking “teardrop” shaped sandstones in # homogeneous tmatrix (Figs 12-13). Simitar small diapirice structures (fuotured layering) in Japan are deseribed by Nagahama er al. (1975). Lateral variations of lithologies and struc- hires afe observed even Within the narrow exposure limits of only 20 m-. Massive, poorly bedded and flat bedded sandstones are severally laterally continuous. hut foresets and laminated funites offen thin and lense out Iwterally. Downetirrent fiping is noticenble in soe exposures, With foreset sandstones erad- ing to climbing nipple crass-stratification or D. J. FLINT 212 > ¥ Fig. 10. Overturning of upper portion of foreset laminae is very common, and produces intrafolial folds, sequence 2 deposits. Fig. 11. Chaotic hydroplastic slumping within sequence 2 deposits is prevalent: example from a layered, fine-grained sandstone. FAN SEDIMENTATION—KANMANTOO GROUP 213 mclined laminated Jutile, Small channels (ess than 1m wide and 0.15 m deep) are filled with massive or finely laminated lutite. Markov analysis Observations suggested that sedinventation within sequence 2. units involved cycles of jithologies and structures. To test the hypo- thesis of cyclic sedimeutation, statistical testing methods (Markoy analysis) were used, The technique of Markov analysis in its applica- tion to illustrating sedimentation cycles is out- lined in Gingerich (1969), Krumbein (1967) and Krumbein & Dacey (1969) and Pellijohn et al. (1972). ‘Vests are mad¢ to prove whether a depen- dence exists of one lithology or structure on the previously deposited lithology or structure. Two types of observational methods were adopted: I, Recording lithologies and structures at a tixed interval of 1 m, 2, Recording transitions at Iithologie con- facts and wherever sedimentary structures vary. Some of the divisions used i the latter method are illustrated in Fig, 14. Although the units have been modelled as for 4 Markov process, the original sedimenta- hom process may not be Markovian, ie, may not have a built-in memory. Krumbein (1967) outlines statistical criteria for testing the null hypothesis. The greatest thickness of uninterrupted ex- posure Was chosen and consisted of 179 m of sequence 2 deposits. It Was found that sampling al a fixed interval of | m generates random sequences of lithologies and struc. tures. The same 179 m traverse was subjected to another Markov analysis by noting all transt- lions of lithology and structure. Results of this analysis are tabulated io Fiys 15-16. The sample statistic to test the null hypothesis, cal- culated from the N Jn P matrix, is 150.2 which is greater than the tabled Chi-square value for 36 deprees of freedom at the 0.05 level of confidence, The hypothesis of an independent trials process for sedimentation within sequence 2 units is rejected. The sequence of structures and lijhologies can be extracted from the probability differ- ence matrix (Fig. 16). Those transitions with positive entries have a higher than random prohahility of occurring. ‘The cycle extracted from the probability differenve matnx is ARE: Transition Prebabiliy difference A-B 0.29 B-E 0.08 E-A O03 The cycle does not contain the foreset beds (C) as no higher than random probability exists for transition up into fareset phase; how- ever, once in the foreset phase, a high pro- bability exists for passing up into lammated luftle ¢2) For the 179 m traverse, the sequence A BE is observed |i times and the next most frequent sequence is A BCE three limes. Amalgamation of sequence 2 units appears to be very common Which is in marked con- trast to sequence | units, The complete sequence (ABE) is observed only 11 times because of amalgamation and the random dis- (nbution of the foreset division. The number of observations in this. strati- graphic interval on bed types F and G are too restricted to allow meaningful interpretations of their relationships to other lithologies and rock types. Examination of the observed profiles for sequence 2 deposits (Fig. 4) indicites that up- ward fining and upward coarsening units exist. However. observed profiles and the Markov analysis reflect the dominance of upward fining its. A unit based of average bed thicknesses would be 2.6 m thick, The fully developed eyele and fureset beds (A, B, C, & B) total 96% of the total thickness of sequence 2 deposits (Fig, 15), Where seditnentatiun produced inclined bed- ding, Vertical sequences (ABE) are also observed faterally, Palueaslope and palaeocurtents Streaming lineations on flat bedded sand- stones [as jllustvated in Conybeare & Crook, 1968, Plate 80.4) and foresets vive a down- current direction concentrated in the range OLS" wy 135° (Fig. 17). Fold axes and axial planes of slump folds suggest a pretectonic palacoslape dipping towards 115°. No current directions or slump folds were measured in sequence 1 deposits or the tran- sitional litite deposits. Rare ripples and slumps are Observed but are strongly tectouically de- formed. All palaeocurrent and polaeoslope esti- mates are from sequence 2 foresets, flat bed- ded sandstones, latiinated Jutites and their sluntped equivalents, Bedding, normals tn these lithologies are distributed about a fold axis plunging borizontally towards OT9° true north ae ae r <7) eh 1 - D. J. FLINT — ‘shee eee et a 2 oe FAN SEDIMENTATION—KANMANTOO GROUP (Flint & Grady in press), Single axis rotation was performed until bedding became hori- vontal. Slumping is assumed to be largely down the palaeoslope so that slump folds developed have axial planes striking along the palaeoslope, Slump fold geometry stnctly reflects the palacoenergy slope; bere the two slope types are assumed to be equivalent The spread of current directions may be from single or multiple source flows. If a + 15° error is assumed in accuracy of palaeo- slope determination, then 90% of palaeocur- rents indicate flow in y 90° are between down the palaeoslope and along the palaeoslope to- wards the northeast, The lurgest concentration of currents is north of the assumed palacoslope direction. Differences in current directions were not observed to be related to variation in litho- logy, structures, or their spatial relationships. Procesy 0] deposition The fully developed cycle in sequence 2 units, as developed from the Markov analysis, is compared with the idealised Bouma turbidite sequence (Bouma 1962). Divisions “a”, “b” and “d" of Bouma and their ordering ure the same as sequence 2 units in Flinders Chase, Although both sequence 1 and 2 deposits are interpreted toa be turbidites there are distinct differences between them: the strong difference in the development of a thick well bedded “b” division, the abundant foresets and the much thinner “de” divisions of sequence 2 units. Similarly to sequence | units which also start with the massive “a’ division, Bouma's “c” division of ripple cross-lamination is almost entirely lacking in sequence 2 units. Massive and very poorly bedded sandstones at the base of many units represen! rapid depo- sition from the bed load (slurry low) of the turbidity current, and are analogous to sequence 1 slurry ows. The flat bedded sand- stones differ from the usual diffuse horizontal parallel laminated sandstones in many turbidite descriptions (¢.2. Bouma 1962; Walton 1967, Walker 1967) in that the bedding planes are 215 strongly developed, sharply defined and spaced several centimetres apart, These flat bedded sandstones appear to represent transition from bed load conditions to fairly uniform, upper flow regime velocities. The average and muxi- mum bed thickness of 0.9 m and 4.6 m re- SYMBOLS Mowive to poorly Wedded coprse gegined hone wane Coarse Hot bedded Wanditone pots bedded sondélone aad inclined shot Conse gtod yardstanes hor indled, oleenaiing biotte teh aad quartz ach loyered lute deovy mien! neh sandslones Ripple lute TOTAL PERCENT THIGKNESS qT \METRES) THICKNESS as: 4s i" NUMBER OF BEOS AVERAGE BED THICKNESS (METRES) be ta) a 4 TOTALS q Kh we TRANSITION COUNT MATRIX OBSERVATIONS Al LITHOLOGIE CONTALTS OL link eologel 5a, Oepartment af Aras Fig. 15, Symbols and observations at lithologic conlacts for the Markov analysis, se- quence 2 deposits, Note for each of the divisions, the average bed thickness and percent of total thickness. Fig. 12. Syndepositional liquefaction structure with collapse and disruption of sandstone beds pro- ducing tear-drop forms, sequence 2 deposits, Fig. 13. stone, sequence 2 deposits. Fip. Ja, Syndepositiongl liquefaction structure with disruption and upward doming of layered sand- Some of the divisions used in the Markov analysis; poorly bedded sandstone, overlying lami- nated biotine Jutite. overlying convoluted sandstone; sequence 2 deposits, Pen for scule 13 em Jong. 216 D. J, FLINT spectively for these beds and their abundance (40% of total thickness) illustrate [hal these conditions were common, and that the current decay was very slow, Cross bedded sandstones und inclined strata are @ very important phase of deposition. Markov analysis strongly suggests that the foresets do not occupy a fixed position in sequence 2 Units, but occur randomly through- out (the cycle and are overlain by layered lutites. Thomson & Thomasson (1969) estab- lished a sequence of “a-dunes-bede” for cal- careous turbidites in the Dimple Limestone (Texas). Walton (1967) and Allen (L969) indicate that, based on studies of current velo- cities and their decay, medium scale forests could form but the structures recorded in tur- bidites depend strongly on the rate of decay of the turbidity current, The general absence of foresets in turbidites is an indication that currents apparently decay too rapidly. The foresets represent a stable, aggradational bed form which probably formed from sand dunes (averaging 0.5 m high) migrating down- current. Flat bedded sandstones grade into INDEPENDENT TRIALS MATRIX 6 a t f a oul aw) (I iF {)! wy yl 09 Wy) | \ ro v 4 — PROBAUILITY DIFFERENCE MATRIX erable breernedepenmlent Hratl probatahty) raph mo eth i” N inf MATRIX Sue feet for geplereton! Enmbote cdeliiwd mi basis GASEPVATIONS AY UIHOLEGIC CON iacys z ienlew 4 KA Gaucrtmenn rh Mine Fig, 16, Mafkoy analysis of data presented in Pig 15. Sisnificant transitions ure those with A positive entry in the N InP matrix. cross-bedded sandstones Via low angle inclined strata. The close telationship of these bed- forms was also observed by Corbett (1972) in u proximal flysch sequence, Tasmania, Fore- set divisions apparently represent deposition from sediment laden currents maintained Ut a constant Velocity in the upper portion of the lawer flow regime (from the bed form-flow regime studies of Harms & Fahnestock (1965)), As the flat bedded and cross-bedded sandstones represent 52% of the total thickness of all sequence 2 deposits, then the currents were consistently at velocities transitional lo the upper and lower flow regimes. Conditions of uniform flow with a slow rate of deposition ate known from turbidites (Middleton 1969; Blatt et al. 1972) and Jead to units with trac- tion structures. Mutti (1977) also indicates that foresets represent traction processes ‘with- out substantial fallout. The extent of turbu- lence within these currents is problematical; Sanders (1965) suggests that turbidity cur- rents will not give rise to large scale traction structures while Walker (1967) concludes that foresets represent fully turbulent flow, The flat bedded and cross-bedded sandstone divisions are overlain (statistically) by flat bedded lutites without the development of small ripples. The thinly bedded hiotite-rich and quartz-rich lutites indicate deposition from the final waning stages of the turbidity current, Heavy-mineral bands at the top of some units with interbedded qvwartz-rich and heavy- Miineral-rich layers, show that currents con- lived to flow after sand and lutte deposition at velocities sufficient to winnow the litite fines wnd redeposit heavy minerals, A varicty of curent lypes are possible for these deposits. including oceanic contour currents, tidal cur- rents or the tail of turbidiry flows. Middleton & Hampton (1973) postulute a dilute et trained layer which flows after the turbidity curent body and reworks upper portions of the turbidite deposit, and this is considered the most probable explanation for the heavy- Mineral concentrates, These concentrates have significant differences to those attributed tf deposition from contour-following bottom cur- rents of Bouma & Hollister (1973, Table 1). Contourite concentrations are supposedly as placers in small scale stratification within laminated silt and clay deposits, whereas con- centrates of sequence 2 deposits sre often mas« sive. not \issociated with ripples, always within sandy seauence 2 deposits rather than |utites and involve beth winnowing and redeposition FAN SEDIMENTATION— of heavy minerals. Traction, pulsating currents causing lenticular sands with laminae of heavy mineral concentrations have been observed in vehicle dives and measured in current meters (Shepard et al, 1969) at La Jolla submurine canyon and fan valley, California. Upward fining and upward coarsening jndi- vidual units indicate the abundance and pul- suling nature of the currents. Thomson & Thomasson (1969) and Walker & Mutti (1973) state that the order of occurrence of Bouma’s divisions is very rarely inverted, bul Glaister & Hopkins (1974) interpret units with grada- uonal upper and lower contacts as represent- ing continuous deposition from pulsating tur- bidity currents. Lateral lensing and wmalgamalion — of sequence 2 units is very common and, along with observing vertical sequences laterally over u distance of metres to lens of metres when the strata are inclined, suggest that the depositional surface was channelled, or at least had an uneven topography. J! the tulite divi- sions originally were thicker, then preservation of them to only 11% of the total thickness (Fig. 15) would result from amalgamation of sequence 2 units. Environment of deposition Water depth during sedimenotition is difii- cult to estimate for a succession dominated by turbidites, Calesilicate Mineralogy tn sediments deposited between turbidites during periods of relative quiescence, suggests deposition above the contemporary calcite compensation depth No structures are observed to indicate depo- sition above the storm wave base, Turbidites have been described from many environments, but a thick turbidite succession is most likely to be preserved in an area of consistently deep and quiet water (Walker 1976). The succession of sequence | and 2 deposits is compared with models for deep sea fans and sandy tectonic delta complexes. The preceding sections have established that both Sequence | and 2 units were deposited from waning turbidity currents with a substantial bed load component but substantially different rates of deposition and current decay rates, A distinctive feature is the perfect spatial separa. tion of the two types of turbidity deposits. Deep sea fans Where observed (Fig, 2) the intervals of sequence | deposits thin and fine upwards, and have a thick massive sandstone hase up to 80 KANMANTOO GROUP 217 PRETECTONIC ORIENTATIONS 4) CUARENE DINE ()ahas PERCENT 12 SLUMP FOLG AXIAL PLATES (NORMALS, LOWEN HEMISPHERE CQOUAL ARPA PRCUEO TIONS 33 SLUMP FOLD ANES Patel PENIN Gb epvt FILOME I Hts 4 SA Dhagertiwint eat Mirren vi) Ever _ Palucocu/rents and pretectonic slump told geometry, and their relationship to the inferred palaeogeography of Thom- son (1975). 218 m ttck directly above a scoured, erosive base, This style of apward fining and thinning of scqyvences. dominated by Bouma “a” divisions is Widely recognised as sedimentation in deep sea fan valleys or channels (eg. Nelson & Kulm 1973; Middleton & Hampton 1973; Ricer-Lucely 1975) Rust (977; Walker 1977) The massive, structureless sands al the base of the succession are interpreted to be from rapid deposition fram mass flows of high sedi- ment concentration and low turbulence (Rust (977), to amalgamation from channel mean- denny (Walker 1976). Sequences dominated by “ac” divisions are found in channels from upper to lower fan environments (fHaner 1971), but vary from “a” division predo- ininuting in upper fan channels to “e" division dominant and with base cut-outs in lower fan channels. The niost complete “ae” units are in middle: fan channels or lower reaches of the upper lan valleys (Nelson & Kulm 1973; Nel- son & Nilsen 1974). Inner fan deposits usually vonsist of large lenticular channel sands within thick mudstone sequences (Mutt) 1974, Walker & Mutt] 1973), but in the West Bay area they are surrounded by a succession of sandy sequence 2 dcposits. It is concluded that sequence | deposits in Flinders Chase repre- seut sedimentation in a channel of the middle fan (suprafan). Transitional lutite sequence developed at the top of the charmel fill deposits may represent interchannel sedimentation, a levee facies or deposition from contour-following bottom cur- rents, Well developed levees are known to exist along decp sea channels and fan valleys (e.g. Shepard & Murshall 1949; Piper & Normark 1971, Nelson & Kulm 1973) and contain laminated silts and muds with a few thin sands, very similar to the lutites above the successian of sequence 1 deposits. If a middle fan environ- ment is correct, then deposition from oceanic hottom currents (deposits asx described in Hubert (1966) and Bouma & Hollister {1973)) is unlikely, as the current’s driving mechanism 1s insufficient fo drive at well up the slope of the depositional basin, A levee Facies or iuterchannel deposition is concluded for the transitional lurite sequences. Sequence 2 deposits sre artanged mm a chick upward coarsening and thickening set: this stwle of deposition js most often interpreted as f prograding depositional bulge on a deep sea fan (eg Walker & Mutth 1873. Nelson & Kulta 1973. Mutt) 1994: Ricei-Lucchi 1975; Walker 1974). The unusual feature of D. 3, FLINT sequence 2 deposits are the foresets which figure rarely in descriptions of turhidive depo- sits, with Potter (1967) Tsting large scale cross-beds as characteristicually absent from wirbidite sand bodies. Medium seale foresets (30-90 cm) of Staufler (1967) occur With ripple marks of current and wave types. and have been Interpreted as shallow water tric how sediments rather than mass How deposits. Foresets to 1 m high in the Dimple Limestones (Texas) have been interpreted ay part of a proximal turbidite facies with deposition under ‘high energy" conditions on the outer shelf or upper slope (Thomson & Thomasson 1969), Large scale low angle cross-bedding has alse been observed in interpreted proximal tur tidites by Corbett (1972) and Link (1975), while Stanley (1964) regarded them as re» presenting deposition as submarine depression fillings and as fan shaped accumulations at the buse of steep palacoslopes. Mute) (1977) has defined a channel mouth facres for the Eocene Hecho Group in Spain, which has marked similarities fo sequence 2 deposits, That is, the deposits oecur in a thickening and coarsening wpward sequence, individual beds lense, wedge and amalgamate over short distances, latge seule cross laminae are common, and internal depositional struc. tures are indicative of mainly tractional pro- cesses without substantial fallout. Mutti com- ments on the dissimilarities to previously de- scribed tucbidiles and other mass How deposits. The proposed model of Mutti is for deposition of excess sand from the turbidity current as it leaves the confines of a channel and spreads out as a sheet flow across the lower fan, Sand dropped from the by-passmny turbidity current forms a bed of loose sediment that is reworked through dune and ripple phases by the same or subsequent currents. Thus prograding sand lohes develop al (he dehowching terminus of channels, as ts interpreted for deposition near middle fan channels of the San Salvatore Sand- stone (Mutty 1974). The middle fan environ- ment is kaown to have a hummocky topo- graphy from surface echo sounding profiles (Normark 1974) and fs interpreted to contain small delta or fanlike deposits at the end of leveed vallevs (Normvark 1970). The dune phase of Mw (1977) has probably been ob- served, Shepard et a/, (1969) noted large sand Waves with wavelengths of 15-30 m and up to 1 m high in the outer fan valley of the La Jolla fan valley, where the channel merges with the flat Moor of ihe San Diego Trough. The effect FAN SEDIMENTATION—KANMANTOO GROUP of the transition from confined ta uncanfined turbidity flows is probably the same as a decrease. in slope of the depositional surface. Sequence 2 deposits are interpreted to re- presen! a prograding sand bulge or lobe from deposmon at channel mouths, Alternatively, they may represent channelised turbidites near a significant change of slope, e.g. palaecoscarps ar transition from canyon to fan system, From the random position of foresets in sequence 2 units, reworking of the loose sediment into duve phases ls likely to be from the current which carried the sediment, rather than sub- sequent currents, The most likely environment for channel mouth sedimentation is on the middle fan (suprafan) depositional lobe, which his been interpreted as the area of most rapid aggradation (Piper & Normark 1971; Nelson & Kulm 1973), Based on the present-day models for deep seu fans, sequence 1 and 2 deposits appear to represent Sedimentation on a channelled supra- fun and a suprafan depositional lobe. The eam- bined thickness is several kilometres which is well within the size estimates of 0.3-12 km for modern deep sea fans (Nelson & Kulm 1973; Nelson & Nilsen 1974; Reineck & Singh 1973). Predominantly sand deposition from abundant and pulsating currents suggests 4 close proximity ta the source area(s), Ancient landmasses to the northwest, west und southwest (Gawler Craton extensions ar Ant- arctic Shield) are indicated by the palaeoslope and palacocurrents, Tectonic delta camiple xyes Occurrences of modern and ancient deltaic complexes with significant sand ucposition and which lave many similurities to Kanmaiitoo Group sediments are. 1, Eocene Coaledo Formation, Qrezan (Dott 1966): 2. Carboniferuus sequence of Mam Tor Series to Kinderscout Grit, Northern Eag- land (Walker 1966; Collinson 1969)- 3 Holocene fuviemnarineg phases of the Rhéne Della Complex (Oumkens 1970). 4, Devonian Chemung lithalacies of the Catskill Delta Complex. New York (Friedman & Johnson 1966); § Upper Opdoviefin Oswego Sandstone and Reedsville Shale. Central Appalachians (Horowitz 1968); A. Tertiary debris flow and shallaw-water density flow deposits of the Mackenzic Delta, Canady (Glaister & Hopkins 1974), 249 Of these, the greatest sinmlarity in sedimen- tary structures and lithologies of the Kanman- too Group is with the Eocene Coaledo Formia- lion, The deltaic model for Kanmantoo Group lithologics would be sequence 2 deposits re- presenting a distributary channel environment on a delta platform, with sequence 1 deposits ag slumps off the delta margin. Such a rapid transition (rom ¢ross-bedded sandstone facies lo proximal turbidites has been interpreted for the Matilija Sandstone (California) by Link (1975), Density currents off the delta have been interpreted for the late Cretaceous to Paleocene Difunta Group of northern Mexico (Galloway 1975) while deltas with an asso- ciated submarine slope and fan system are deseribed by Asquith (1970) and Gallaway & Brown (1972) Although those deltaic deposits ure sandy in paris, sandy lithologies are no more than hundreds of metres thick and grade into lithologies with readily recognisable tidal and subgerial characteristics. In Flinders Chase no structures were observed to indicate depo- silin above the storm wave base, Although sediments similar to. Kanmantoo Group lithologies are known from. tectonic delta complexes, it ig concluded that the depo- sits of Flinders Chase represent accumulation ona deep sea fan. Stratigraphic correlation Recognition of some Kanmantoo Group sediments in Flinders Chase us probable deep sea fan deposits necessitates re-assessment of regional correlations and depositional environ- ments of Kanmantoo Group sediments in other areas, A knowledge of the probable sedi- mentary environments and possible regional marker horizons are necessary before regional cerrelatians are undertaken, Correlation of for- mations based on individual structures or gross lithologies are not necexsarily meaningful. Sedimentary environments represented by Kunmantoo Group sedimentation previously have not been evaluated fully. Spriggs & Cam- pana (19531 compare sedimentation with “the Alpine Flysch”, hut Daily & Milnes (1973) emphasise the possitility of shallow water sedi- mentation, A deep water origin is presumed by Skinner (1958) for the Nairne Pyrite Forma- tran. On available infermation (Daily & Milnes 1971, 1973) the mast likely correlative of West Bay to Breakneck River sediments is the Tapa- nappa Formation, which is equivalent to part 220 af the Inman Hill Formation of Thomson (1969). Other possible equivalents are the flackslairs Passage and Balquhidder Forma- lions. However, this involves correlations over 100 km with litde intervening control, and with deposition ij) 4 tectonically active environ- Ment producing numerous local and regional variations, Nevertheless, the similarity of Plin- ders Chase sediments to these other forma- lions sugeests a wider occurrence of deep sea fan sediments within the Kanmantoo Group, D, J. FLINT Acknowledgments This Work was supported and funded by the South Australian Department ol Mines and the Discipline of Marine Geology and Geo- physics, Flinders University, The project formed part of a B.Sc, (Hons.} thesis under ihe supervision of Dr A. EB. 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The new genus is close to Austroxyuris J. & M. differing in the development of structures in the buccal cavity, particularly clearly seen when examined by scanning electron microscope. A NEW GENUS ADELONEMA (NEMATODA: OXYURIDAE) FROM AUSTRALIAN PHALANGERID MARSUPIALS by Patricia M. MAwson* Summary Mawson, P. M. (1978) A new genus Adelonema (Nematoda: Oxyuridac) from Australian phalangerid marsupials, Trans, RK. Soe, 8. Aust, 102(8), 223-226, 30 Novemher, 1978. Adelonema 0g. is proposed for Oxyuris (s.1.) triehosur! sy. Syphacia trichosuri Johnston & Mawson, hitherto known only from the female. Males ure described from the type host Trichosurus vulpecula and from T, caninus. The new genus is close to dustroxyuriv J. & M. differing in the development of structures in the buccal cavity, particularly clearly seen when examined by scanning electron microscope. Introduction Female oxyurids were first recorded from Trichosurus Vulpecula in Queensland as Syphe- cia Irichosuri Johnston & Mawson (1938). The description was revised later (Mawson 1964) from fresh material in which only females were present. Recently both males and females have been taken from several host animals. The species is found to differ from other oxyunids so far described and a new genus is proposed for it, Adelonema gen. nov, Diagnosis: Oxyuridae: Post oesophageal lateral alae present. Head marked off from body hy annular constriction and bearing four single submedian papillae and two lateral amphids. Mouth opening more or less circular, buccal capsule more or less circular in transverse sec- tion with six longitudinal ridges projecting anteriorly as three large and three smaller pseudolabia, Anterior end of oesophagus pro- jects as three lobes into base of buccal cavity. Ocsophagus long; excretory pore post ocso- phageal. Mate: with ventral and lateral caudal inflation, ending just behind cloaca, body end- ing in long spike, Pour pairs of pedunculated and one pair sessile caudal papillae. Spicule single. Female: tail long, tapering; vulva about mid body, uteri opposed; eggs not operculate. Parasitic in Australian phalangerid marsupials, Type species: Adelonema trichesuri (Johnston & Mawson). Discussion Austroxyuris Johnston & Mawson, Parau- stroxyuris Mawson and Macropaxyiris Maw- son are distinguished from other oxyurids (Petter & Quentin 1976) by the presence of a buccal capsule with inter-radial lamellae, These lamellae are present in the new genus, project- ing as small lip-like cones. In addition Uiree radial lamellae are developed at the anterior end of the buccal capsule and project as three cuticular lobes. These six projecting structures are referred to as ‘pseudolabia’, as they appear to arise from within the buccal capsule, not from the cuticle around the mouth, Adelonema trichosuri (Johnston & Mawson) FIGS 1-6 Syphacia trichosuri Johnston & Mawson 1938, p, 194 (from Trichosurus vualpecule, Queensland). Oxyuris (8...) trichesuri (Johnston & Mawson)> Tiner (1948), p. 89; Mawson (1964), p, 259 from T. vulpecula, Queensland). Hosts and localities; Trichosurus Kerr, Kangaroo I, S. Aust; 7. Ogilby, Clouds Creck, N-S.W, Males 1,7-2.1 mm long, females 5.1-6.2 mim, Body of male almost cylindrical, ending suddenly in tail spike, that of fermale tapering very slightly to head and gradually in region of tail. Lateral alae present in both sexes, from base of oesophagus nearly to anal region. Cuticle around mouth thickened, cushion- like, with central circular mouth through which Vulpecula caninus + Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, North Tce, S. Aust, 5000, 224 PATRICIA M. MAWSON 30 ym 4. © Adelonema trichosuri. Fig. 1: Male. Fig. 2: Female. Fig. 3: head of female, lateral view. Fig. 4. pos- terior end of male, ventral view. ADELONEMA NEW GENUS (NEMATODA: OXYURIDAE) 225 Adelonema trichosuri. Fig. 5: anterior end of female. The three lips have lost their turgidity during the drying process. Fig. 6: enlargement of part of Fig. 5, showing pores in cuticle, and part of one (radial) pseudolabium. project three prominent radial and three small triangular inter-radial pseudolabia. Buccal cap- sule more or less cylindrical thickened exter- nally both anteriorly and posteriorly. Three radial and three inter-radial ridges arise inter- nally from buccal capsule at about its mid- length, becoming larger anteriorly and project- ing as six pseudolabia. Oesophagus (345-375 ym in male, 850- 1100 »m in female), about 1/5-1/6 (male) or 1/5-1/8 (female) of body length, with nerve ring a little in front of its midlength. Excretory pore post-oesophageal. Male: ventral and lateral cuticle of posterior end inflated, particularly just behind cloaca. One pair of sessile and four pairs of pedun- culate papillae of which third pair is very long. Tail ends in spike 170-200 ,m long. Spicule 100-120 ym long, single, tapering, the distal 20 «wm less chitinised. Female: Tail 960-1300 ym long. Vulva be- tween 1/3-1/2 body length from anterior end. Eggs 49-50 x 25-26 um, without operculum, This species was considered by Mawson (1964) to lack inter-radial plates in the buccal capsule, but examination with scanning elec- tron microscope showed that these are present (Fig. 5). The same procedure showed the presence of numerous fine pores over part of the cuticle at the anterior end (Fig. 6). Speci- mens from T. caninus are very slightly shorter than those from Kangaroo Island. Acknowledgments I am grateful for the material from Tricho- surus caninus which was kindly given to me by Dr Paul Presidente, Veterinary School, Uni- versity of Melbourne. The photo micrographs were taken by E.T.E.C. Autoscan in the Cen- tral Electron Optical Laboratory, University ot Adelaide. I am indebted to Dr Karl Bartusek of this laboratory for help in taking the photo- graphs. 226 PATRICIA M. MAWSON References JoHNsTon, T. H. & Mawson, P. M. (1938) Some PetTer, A. J. & QUENTIN, J. C. (1976) Keys to nematodes from Australian marsupials. Rec. ese of me Se gpnieto Gr bi Lee ye 4 in Mc eys to the nematode parasites of ver- Sy Aust, Mgt MOTE LIE. tebrates. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, Mawson, P. M. (1964) Some nematoda (Strongy- England. : . Tiner, J. D. (1948) Syphacia eutami n. sp. from lina and Oxyurina) from kangaroos (Macro- the Least Chipmunk, Eutamias minimus, with pus spp.) from Eastern Australia. Parasitol. a key to the genus (Nematoda: Oxyuridae). 54, 237-262. J. Parasitol. 34, 87-92. ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Mr K. SEAMAN, O.B.E. OFFICERS FOR 1978-79 President: J. K. LING, Ph.D. Vice-Presidents: S. A. SHEPHERD, B.A., LL.B. J. J. H. SZENT-IVANY, Ph.D. Secretary: Treasurer; M. DAVIES, M.Sc. C. J. M. GLOVER, J.P., M.Sc. Editor: Assistant Editor: ~ M. J. TYLER, M.Sc. W. V. PREISS, Ph.D. Librarian: Programme Secretary: N. P. McKELLAR-STEWART, R. A. CALLEN, M.Sc. B.Sc., Dip. Lib. Minute Secretary: J. S. WOMERSLEY, B.Sc. Members of Council: K. H. NORTHCOTE,-B.Ag.Sc. P. M. THOMAS, M.Sc. L. W. PARKIN, M.Sc.; A.S.T.C. R. K. JOHNS, M.Sc. Auditors: Messrs MILNE, STEVENS, SEARCY & CO. Registered for posting as a publication Category ‘B’ Printed by Graphic Services Pty Ltd, 516-518 Grand Junction Road, Northfield, S.A. 5085