VOL. 112, PARTS 1 & 2 31 MAY, 1988 Contents Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated Limpus, C. J., Gyuris, E. & Miller, J. D. Reassessment of the taxanomic status of the sea turtle genus Natator McCulloch, 1908, with a redescription of the genus and species- - - - - - - - - - Wellman, P. & Greenhalgh, S, A. Flinders/Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia; their uplift, erosion and relationship to crustal structure - - - - Lee, D. C. & Pajak, G. A. Setobates (Acarida: Gevpipbiiemata: Se from South Australian soils - - a % : Shea, G. M. & Johnston, G. R. A new species of Notaden (Anura: eee from the Kimberley Division of Western Australia - - - = Womersley, H. B. & Johansen, H. W. The genus Arthrocardia (Corallinaceae: ee in southern Australia - - - - - - - Murray-Wallace, C. V., Kimber, R. W. L., Gostin, V. A. & Belperio, A. P. Amino acid racemisation dating of the “Older Pleistocene marine beds”, Redcliff, northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia - Beveridge, I. & Spratt, D. M. A redescription of Filarinema dissimile (Wood, 1931), with new records of other species of Filarinema Moennig, 1929 (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) from macropodid marsupials - - - - Berry, R. F. & Flint, R. B. Magmatic banding within Proterozoic Granodiorite dykes near Streaky Bay, South Australia - - - - - - - - Bayliss, D. E. A new intertidal barnacle of the genus El/minius (Cirripedia: Thoracica) from South Australia - - - - - - - - - Gowlett-Holmes, K. L. & McHenry, B. J. A new species of Tertiary chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae) from South Australia - - MO as G. J. & Shepherd, S. A. The crab fauna of West Island, South Australia: their abundance, diet and role as predators of abalone - 5 - - Brief Communications: Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. Redefinition of Uperoleia talpa Tyler, Davies & Martin, 1981 (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Myobatrachinae) - - - - - Tyler, M. J. Neobatrachus pictus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Miocene/Pliocene boundary of South Australia - - - - - - - - Shepherd, S. A., Mower, A. G. J. & Hill, K. Studies of southern Australian abalone (genus Haliotis) 1X. Growth of H. scalaris - - - - - PUBLISHED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 91 93 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED VOL. 112, PART 1 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC CONTENTS, VOL. 112, 1988 PARTS | & 2, 31 May Limpus, C. J., Gyuris, E. & Miller, J. D. Reassessment of the taxanomic status of the sea turtle genus Nataror McCulloch, 1908, with a redescription of the genus and species- - - - - - - - - - Wellman, P. & Greenhalgh, S. A. Flinders/Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia; their uplift, erosion and relationship to crustal structure - - - - Lee, D. C. & Pajak, G. A. Setobates (Acarida: Soy eESE Saiiclebatitre from South Australian soils - - - - - - Shea, G. M. & Johnston, G. R. A new species of Notaden (Anura: voi bli fl from the Kimberley Division of Western Australia - - - - Womersley, H. B. & Johansen, H. W, The genus Arthrocardia iL li Rp pdoe tht in southern Australia - - - - - Murray-Wallace, C. V., Kimber, R. W. L., Gostin, V. A. & Belperio, A. P. Amino acid racemisation dating of the “Older Pleistocene marine beds”, Redcliff, northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia - Beveridge, I. & Spratt, D. M. A redescription of Filarinema dissimile (Wood, 1931), with new records of other species of Filarinema Moennig, 1929 (Nematoda: Trichostrongyloidea) from macropodid marsupials - - - - Berry, R. F. & Flint, R. B. Magmati¢c banding within Proterozoic Granodiorite dykes near Streaky Bay, South Australia - - . - - - - - Bayliss, D. E. A new intertidal barnacle of the genus E/minius (Cirripedia: Thoracica) from South Australia - - - - - - - ~ - Gowlett-Holmes, K. L. & McHenry, B. J. A new species of Tertiary chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae) from South Australia - - Mower, A. G, J. & Shepherd, S. A. The crab fauna of West Island, South Australia: their abundance, diet and role as predators of abalone - - - - Brief Communications: Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. Redefinition of Uperoleia talpa Tyler, Davies & Martin, 1981 (Anura: Leptodactylidae: Myobatrachinae) - - - - - Tyler, M. J. Neobatrachus pictus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from the Miocene/ Pliocene boundary of South Australia - - - - - - - - Shepherd, S. A., Mower, A. G. J. & Hill, K. Studies of southern Australian abalone (genus Haliotis) 1X. Growth of H. scalaris - - - - - 91 93 PARTS 3 & 4, 30 November Sergeev, V. N., Clarke, S. M. & Shepherd, 8. A. Motile macroepifauna of the seagrasses, Amphibolis and Posidonia, and unvegetated sandy substrata in Holdfast Bay, South Australia - - - = - - = Rondonuwu, S. A. & Austin, A. D. A new species of Uracanthus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae); A pest on ornamental cypresses in the Adelaide Region - - - - - Koste, W., Shiel, R. J. & Tan, L. W. New Rotifers (Rotifera) score Fonda - . : Barker, S. Contributions to the Taxonomy of Stigmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) - - - - - - - - - - = Hutchinson, M. N, & Donnelan, S, C. A new species of scincid lizard related to Leiolopisma entrecaSteauxii, from southeastern Australia - - - - - Campbell, R. A. & Beveridge, I. Mustelicola antarcticus sp. nov. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) from Australian elasmobranchs, and a reassessment of the Family Mustelicolidae Dollfus, 1969 - - - - > Gardner, J. A. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of some Australian Stigmoderini (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) - - - - - - - - Gowlett-Holmes, K. L. A new species of Nofoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthochitonidae), from New South Wales, Australia - - $ Brief Communications: Neverauskas, V. P, Accumulation of periphyton on artificial substrata near sewage sludge outfalls at Glenelg and Port Adelaide, South Australia- - - - Stott, P. Use of growth rings to determine age in the freshwater tortoise Chelodina longicollis: a cautionary note - - - - - - - - Zeidler, W. The European Shore Crab, Carcinus maenas in the Coorong — A potential threat to local fisheries - - - - - - - - - Insert ta Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, Vol. 112, Parts 3 & 4, 30 November, 1988 97 109 119 133 143 153 163 169 175 179 18 REASSESSMENT OF THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE SEA TURTLE GENUS NATATOR MCCULLOCH, 1908, WITH A REDESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS AND SPECIES BY COLIN J. LIMPUS*, EMMA GYURIS} & JEFFERY D. MILLERt Summary The taxonomic status of the flatback turtle Chelonia depressa is reconsidered in terms of electrophoretic and osteological data. While both kinds of data show greatest affinity with Lepidochelys, the similarity, in each case, is comparable to that between Caretta and Eretmochelys. C. depressa is dissimilar from Chelonia mydas. Because of its distinctiveness, the genus Natator is resurrected to accommodate the species depressa. KEY WORDS: Taxonomy, Natator, Chelonia depressa, osteology, electrophoresis. REASSESSMENT OF 1HE SAXONOMIC STATUS OF THE SEA TURTLE GENUS NATATOR McCULLOCH, 1908, WITH A REDESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS AND SPECIES By Coun J. Limpus*, EMMA Gyurist & JEFFREY D, MILLERT Summary Limpus, C.J, Gyuris, BH. & MILLER, J, 2, (1988) Reassessment of the taxanomic status of tho sea vurile geuws Nefefor MeCulloch, 1908, with » redescription of the genus and species. Trans, A. Sac. A. Ale 11261), 1-5, 34 May 198s, The taxonomic status of the Matback hutle CAe/onia depressa is reconsidered im verms of electrophoretic and osteological data. While both kinds of data show greatest affily wih Lepidochelys, the similarity, in-cach case, 16 comparable to that between Caretta and Ereimochelys. C. depressa is dissimilar fram Chelona mydas. Beeause of its distinctiveness, the genus Natatur is resurrected to accommodate the species depress. Kay Worbs: Laxonomy, Nelutor, Chelonia depressu, osteology, electrophoresis, Introduction The taxonomic relationship of sea turtles (Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae) hus been examined using serological and serum electrophoretic methods (Frair 1979, 1982), Zangerl {{980) proposed a phylogeny for the Cheloniidac based on fossil and extant skeletal material, The Australian endemic sea turtle, Chelania depressa, was not included in these studies. The earliest account of the species was supplied by Stokes (1846) wher visiting Delambre Island (what we now know to be a large C depressa rookery in Western Australia) on 27 August 1840: “A few turtles were taken, of a different kind from any we had seen belore and apparently a cross between the Hawk's Bill and the Green Turtle . -” The species was described by Garman in 1880 and its taxonomic status has been reviewed ot several occasions. Boulenger (1889) placed C, depresse in synonomy with C. maydas while Baur (1890) considered depressa warranted separale ygenenc ranking, McCulloch (1908) erected a new genus and species (Natator tesselarus) for an inimature specimen which Fry (1913) showed was identical with depressa, Fry retained depressa and mydas as scparate species within Chelonia, Barbour (1914) showed Garman'’s (880 type serics to be a composite of mypdas and depressa. Loveridge (1934) thought it “more probable that the type of dépressa is an aberrent individual which should be referred to the synonomy of mpdes", As noled by Cogger & Lindner (1969), many workers outside Australia listed depresse as conspecific with Chelonia mydas, * Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service, Pallarenda, Townsville, Qld 4810. - { Zoology Department, Monash Universiry, Clayton, Vie, 3168. y Department of Zoology, University of New England. Armidale, N.SW, 2351, Within Australia, denressa was usually recognised as not part of Chefanio mydas (Glaucrt, 1928), although a correct identification was not always made (e.g. Chelonia japonica, Worrell 1963, photo of “young loggerhead turtles”, Ellis 1937). Williams et al. (1967) suggested that Chelonia depressa was morphologically so distinct from other Chelonia populations that it may be regarded tentatively as 4 species. The same study, like those before it, suffered from having a small series of preserved muscum specimens available for examination. Cogger & Lindner (1969) and Bustard & Limpus (1969), reporting on sympatric nesting by C depressa and C. mydas, established C. depressa as distinct. Cogger ef af. (1983) clarified the designation of a lectotype, The present study examines the relationships of Chelonia depressa to four pantropical species of cheloniid turtles which oceur in Australia (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, Eretmoachelys imbricata and Lepidechelys olivacea) using enzyme electrophoresis .and skull osteology. The results of these analyses, supplemented by examination uf general morphological and behavioural characters. lead to the re-establishment of the genus Nataror and confirmation of the species depressa. Materials und Methods Electraphoresis: Muscle (issues for analysis were collected from eastern Australian turtles as follows, Hatchlings were frozen at —20°C in a domesti¢ freezer for return to the laboratory where samples of the pectoral muscle were removed for analysis. Muscle biopsies. from the triceps brachii and brachialis inferior muscles of large Jurtles were taken at their point of capture using “Tru-cut" (Travenol Laboratories) biopsy needles (Ciyuris & Limpus 1986). Hatchling Che/onia depressa (n= 10) were colleeied at Mon Repos {24"48'5, 2 C. J. LIMPUS, BE. GYURIS & J. D. MILLER Tasce 1, Enzymes examined. Protein Abbreviation Buffer Vohage Time Stain reference (EC number] syslem* (min) Creatine kinase CK ¥ 250 120 Richardson [9s (EC Fumerase Fim \ 250 ag Richardson eta 1980 (EC 4,2,1.2) Glucose phasphate GPI v 300 90 Richardson ef a/, 1980 isomerase (EC Glycetol-3-phosphate G-2-FDH ' 250 60 Richardson ef. ai. 1980 ilehydrogenase (EC 1,1.1.8) Lactate dehydrogenase LDH vy) 250 40 Richardson ef af. 1980 (BC {.1.1.27) Malate dehydrogenase MDH- ly 250 60 Richardson ef al. 1980 (BC 1,1.1.37) Malate dehydrogenase MDH-2 iv 250 60 Richardson ¢/ af, 1980 Phosphoglucomuiase PGM i 250 60 Richardson ev al. 198) {EC 2.7,5,1) Phosphoglycerakinase PGK iii 250 120 Richardsan 1983 (EC. 2,7.2.3) Pyruvate kinase PK ii 250 il) Richardson 1983 {EC 2,7,1,40) * Buller systems: | 0.05 M Tris-citrate, pH 7.1; i 0.05 M Tris-maleate, pH 8.0) ili 0,05 M Tris-citrale, pH 4.8 (+ | mM EDTA); iv 1.05 M Tris-citrate, pH 7.0; v 0.05 M Tris-maleate, pH 8,2; vi 0.1 M Tris-maleate, pH 6,5. 152°27'E), Adult and hatchling C. smydas(n = 206) were collected at Heron Island (23°26'S, 151°55'E) and adjacent reefs. Adult and hatchling Coretta careltu(n = 506) were collected at Mon Repos and adjacent mainland beaches and from Heron Island and adjavent reefs and islands: Immature £&. imbricata (n = 16) were captured on the coral reef's adjacent to Heron Island, L. olivacea(n = 2) were captured at inshore feeding grounds off Cairns (16"55'S, 145°47'E) and Townsville (19°17'S, 146°20'E), All specimens were frozen immediately following collection, transporied and stored at —20°C. Approximately 10-30 mg.subsamples of the muscle samples were placed in a perspex multi-well tray and 75-100 microlitres of homogenising solution (0.2 mM Cleland’s reagent in distilled water) was added to each specimen, Tissucs were macerated by grinding within each well. Homogenates were centrifuged in capillary tubes (microhacmatocrit tubes, Clay-Adams). Clear supernatants were obtained after breaking away those sections of the capillary tubes containing fibrous material at one end and lipid layer at the other. Individual supernatants were stored in wells of microtiter trays maintained at 0-4°C. All electrophoresis was completed within 48 hr of thawing of the muscle tissues. Zone electrophoresis was run using cellulose acetate gel supporting medium (“cellogel”, Chemat(ron). Constant voltage was delivered to electrophoretic tanks (Shandon Southern) via Pharmacia EPS 500/400 power supplies. Paper wicks of 0.33 mm thickness (Whaiman (‘hroma- tography paper) were used to ensure an even buffer front. Gels were pretreated prior to sample application according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Samples were loaded onto the gels using a draftsmgn’s ink pen. Enzymes studied are listed together with their optimum running conditions and staining methods in Table 1. Enzyme nomenclature used throughout is that recom- mended by the Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature. (1972). Where several isozymes were detected, they were numbered in order of decreasing electraphoretic mobility. Initially a subsample of approximately 60 specimens was screened for allo- zyme variation in both Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretia. Only loci that were found to be poly- morphic were then screened in every specimen of ihe species. All depressa, E. imbricata and L. olivacea were examined for 19, 15 and 12 enzyme systems respectively, Nei’s genetic distances (D) and their corresponding standard errots were calculated (Nej 1978), A dendrogram was constructed using the SEA TURTLE GENUS NATATOR 3 TABLE 2. Comparison of selected osteological characters of the skulls of the members of the Cheloniidae. Species Chelonia Natator Lepidochelys Eretmochelys Caretta mydas depressa alivacea imbricata caretia (sample size) (26) (8) (3) (10) (13) external pterygaid process nil large large vertical vertical horizontal horizontal plerygoid muscle groove large slight slight nil nil distinct pterygoid extends posteriorly beyond the opening of the foramen posterius canalis carotici interni yes no na na no maxillary lingual ridge present present nil present nil prefrontal and postorbital do not meet (frontal forms part of the orbit) yes no no yes no fenestra ovalis divided by a septum, or nearly so no yes no no yes development of tuberculae . ‘ basioccipital low prominant low medium low number of channels of posterior of squamosal 2 1 2 2 1 shape of posterior margin of ; basisphenoid shelf vertical vertical vertical vertical wail wall wall wall Vagus X enclosed or partly enclosed by exoccipital no ves no no no Vomer contacts. premaxillary yes yes yes yes no descending process of the prefrontal connects with the palatine yes no no no no pterygoid meets jugal yes yes no no no unweighed pair-group arithmetic average cluster analysis (UPGMA) method (Ferguson, 1980), Skull Osteology: Skulls of each species of turtle were examined for a suite of morphological characters (Table 2), Terminology and definitions follow Gaffney (1979). Skeletal material examined included specimens gathered during field studies by the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service (QNPWS) and specimens held in the collections of the Queensland Museum, Brisbané (QM), Australian Muscum, Sydney (AM) and Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard (MCZ) as follows: AM R28486, female, Port Essington, 27 March 1967. QM J3848, Queensland, collected pre 1923; J4058, Mackay, collected pre April 1924. ONPWS: X28144, unsexed adult, Cape Hillsborough, 1982; %33703, adult female, Facing Island, January 1970; X33704, adult female, Peak Island, December 1981. Two unnumbered hatchlings from Mon Repos, January 1982. MCZ4473 (Lectotype), “Northern Australia”. A detailed description of the osteology of depressa is in preparation (J. Hendrickson pers. comm,), Supplementary Information: Photographs of the specimens of Garman's (1880) type series in the Muscum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Boston, were examined, Information and data on the general! biology, behaviour and external morphology of adults and their eggs and hatchlings were extracted L c. J. LIMPUs, k. GYURIS & J. D MILLER TABLE 3. Similarity wiatrix of Nei’s genetic identity values. Natatar Lepidochelys Caretta Fretinachelys depressa oltvacea caretty imbricata Chefonie mydas 0.52 (0.38) 0.70 (0.40) tat (0.43) 6.70 (0.40) Natator depressa 0.22 (0.35) 56 (0.58) H.36 (0,37) Lepidochelyps olivaced 0.76 (0.40) 0.31 (0.38) Caretla curetla 0.40 (0,36) C. earetha £. (hbrivata N. depresse L,alyaced Cc. myidas Cienetic identity Fig, 1. Dendrograim of cheloniid turtle retationships based oat electrophoretic data (Table 3), from the literature: Coburg Peninsula and other areas of the Northern Territory (Fry 1913; Cogger & Lindner 1969); Crab Istand (Limpus ef a/. 1983); south east Queensland (Limpus 1971, Limpus et ai. 1981), Results Electrophoresis A survey of 27 presumptive loci, coding for protcin products ity Chelonia mydus and Caretta cdrella revealed low levels af genetic variation (Gyuris & Limpus 1988). Paucity of electrophoretic variation also characterised depressa and E£, imbricata, Ten loci could be used without ambiguity from the five species of Sea turtles examined (Table 1) and the results are summarised in Table 3 and Fig. 1. The greatest similarity was found between depressa and L. olivacea. Similarity between depressa and Chelonia nivdas was less than that between Caret/a caretia and E. imbricata. Skull osteology Gaffney (1979) provides an annotated review of the primary literature concerning the skulls of marine turtles and presents illustrations of all tecognised cheloniid species except depressa. Hay (1908), Kesteven (1911), and Carr (1952) provide additional illustrations. Fry (1913) described some aspects Of rhe cranial osieology of dépressa based on observations of 4 single immature skull and provided .a comparison of specific features of the skulls of depressa and mydas based on | and 7 specimens respectively, Those notes are re-presented with new information in Table 4, The descripuon and illustration of the pterygoid of depressa piven by Fry (1913, Fig. 49F) are incorrect because the external pterygoid processes were omitted. The correct position and shape of the external pterygoid process arc illustrated in Fig. 2A. The external pterygoid process projects laterally from the pterygoid and terminates with a slight twist with an upward inflection and is characteristic of all depressa skulls examined, The skull from which Fry prepared his description (Fry 1913) (specimen No. 7) cannot be located for te-examination (H. G. Cogger pers. comm.). The reason for the omission cannot be determined, The details of the descriptions of the skulls given by Fry indicate that if the process had been present he would have described it, The type specimen for NV. tesseflatus (AM R4158) also cannot be located for re-examination (H. G. Cogger pers. comm.,).. Attempts to observe the pterygoid bones of the lectotype of depressa (MCZ 4473) using X-rays were unsuccessful. This was because the head of this specimen hud been filled with plaster of paris when originally mounted. The skulls of depressa and Lepidochelys olivacea and L, kempii have very similar pterygoid bones which differ markedly from those of Chelonia mydas (Fig, 2B) and the remaining cheloniid turtles. A comparison of selécted osteological characters of the skulls of members of the Cheloniidae {Table 2) shows depressa differs from Chelonia mydas in many characters. Of the [3 characters considered, depressa and mtydas differed by ten features; whereas, depressa and L. olivacea differed by six, depressa differed from C, caretla and EF, tmbricata by seven and eight features respectively. SEA TURTLE GENUS NATATOR 3 TaBLe 4. Detailed comparison of selected osigalogical characters of the skulls of Chelonia mydas and Natator depressa. Chelonia mydas Frontal forms part of orbit Prefrontal and post orbital do not meet Opening of foramen posterius canalis carotici interni within pterygoid; not contiguous with other bones Exoccipital not separating fenestra ovalis with a septum Processus pterygoideus externus wide and only bulges into fossa temporalis inferior without distinct dorsal inflection Basioccipital with low rounded tuberculae; basioceipital protruding on either side of wide trough Foramen nervi hypoglossi situated in recess of exoceipital Posterior of squamosa! with two steep walled channels Interorbital space, at onter angle of frontal, one-third of greatest width of skull Parielo-squamosal suture always quite distinct, lo 3.8 em in length in adults Fronto-parietal suture strongly arched Length of fronto-parietal suturé two-thirds to three- quarters greatest width of frontals Prerygoids deeply constricted on each side by oblique pterygo-mandibular sulcus Basisphenoidal ridge angied posteriorly to form shelf Natator depressa Frontal not forming part of orbit Prefrontal and post orbital meet Opening of foramen posterius canalis carolici interni not. within pterygoid; contiguous with exoccipital an basioceipital Exoccipital separates fenestra ovalis with septum to form (or nearly form) tube Processus pterygoideus externus narrow extending into fossa temporalis inferior with distinct terminal dorsal infleetion Basioccipital with prominent tuberculae; basioccipital forming vertical walls of narrow trough Foramen nervi hypogiossi situated on flat area of exoccipiral Posterior of squamosal with single wide channel Interorbital space, at outer angle of frontal, two-thirds of greatest width of skull Parieto-squamosal sulure extremely small Fronto-parietal suture transverse Leneth of fronto-parietal suture equals greatest width of frontals Prerygoids not constricted by deep pterygomandibular sulcus on cach side Basisphenoidal ridge presents vertical wall at posterior face Based on these characters, the skull of depressa is least similar to mydas and most similar to £. alivacea, Based on skull characteristics, depressa and mydas should not be considered congeneric, Supplementary. information depressa is a carnivorous turtle that feeds principally on benthic animals in soft bottomed communities. It also eats jellyfish. Its carnivary contrasts with the herbivory of the green turtle. depressa Yeeds more on soft-bodied prey (soft- corals, sea-pens) rather than on prey with thick exoskeletons ag is eaten by Lepidochelys and Caretta. depressa at all sizes except hatchlings and early post hatchlings has a smooth low domed carapace which is distinctly reflexed dorsally at the lateral margins (Bustard & Limpus 1969; Limpus 1971), In. cross section the carapace is bow-shaped; in other cheloniid species the carapace is much higher domed and not reflexed on the lateral margit. Hatchling and early post-hatchling depressa are not as high domed as the hatchlings of other species but do not have the dorsally reflexed marginal am. Relative to this characteristic, within Lhe Cheloniidae, Lepidochelys with its wide flat marginal rim to the carapace shows the greatest similarity to depressa. The integument of the carapace of depressa with a CCL, greater than approximately 16 cm is a soft, thinly keralinised skin rather than a series of hard, keratinised scutes. To the touch, it is very similar to ihe carapacial skin of Dermochelys coriacea. Following death and decomposition, there are no large keratinised scutes which can be peeled from ihe carapace, as occurs with the other cheloniids. Because of the reduced epidermal keratinisation of the carapace, the scutes which are so prominent on Fig. 2, Ventral view of sea turtle skulls, epp = external pleryeoid process, prone = plerygoid muscle groove. A. Narator depressa, adult female (QNPWS 33704). Note the prominent external pterygoid process and poorly developed pterygoid muscle groave. B. Chelohia mydas. Note the absence of the external plerygoid process and the well developed pterygoid muscle groove, the hatchlings are difficult to delineate in the adult. The scutes of the hatchlings are usually strongly pitted and form areolac-like structures as each scute area increases during growth. The areolae are shed to produce the smooth skin like surface of the carapace (CCL between 10 and 16em), Withisi the Cheloniidae, post hatchling Lepidochelys also have limited keratinization of carapacial scutes, Only hatchling depressa and C. mydas are white ventrally, although the ventral surface of some hatchlings of the other species af Cheloniidae can be light coloured (yellowish instead of brown). In conirast the adults of all species of the family are light coloured (white, cream, ar yellow) ventrally. Only in depressa and ©. mydas does a distinct white band outline the tmargiu of the carapace and the flippers. Dorsally depressa hatchlings are the most distinctively coloured of al] the sea turtles (Limipus 197)). The gait of hatchling depressa on the beach is the typical alternating gait used by all hatchling Cheloniidac, Adult depressa move by pushing with C. J. LIMPUS, B, GYURIS & 1. D. MILLER all four flippers together in a manner similar to that of C. mydas and D. coriacea (Limpus 197)), The short front flippers of depressa result in a track with less of the front flipper print remaining outside the hind Nipper pnnts than occurs with C nivdas. During, egg laying, depressa leaves one hind flipper within and pressed against the wall of the ege chamber while the other hind flipper is placed flat on the sand surface to partly cover the opening of the ege chamber (Bustard ge? al, 1975). This posture resembles that of C mydas and D. coriacea. In contrast Caretta, Eretmochelvs and Lepidachelys have both hind flippers. removed from the egg chamber and flat on the sand behind the egy chamber while laying. The eggs of depressa are characteristic and distinctive fromm those of other species of Chelonidac. The mean ege diameter measures greater than 4,65 cm and the mean clutch count is approximately 50 (Coguer & Lindner 1969; Limpus,, 1971, Limpus ef al, 1983). The eggs of depressa are large and of similar size to those of B. coriacea but clutches can be distinguished from the latrer because D. coriaced clutches always include large numbers of small irregular shaped yoikless eggs (Limpus ef al, 1984), while yolkless eggs rarely occur in depressa clutches and then only in small numbers (Lampus 1971; Limpus ef a/. 1983). Hirth (1980) provides a summary of clutch data from non-Australian populations of other species. The specimen illustrated by Deraniyagala (1971) as a passible depressa from Ceylon in no way resembles any dépressa we have ever seen and its identification is nol supported. The Garman (1880) specimen of depressa from East Indies has been shown [6 be a hatchling Chelania mydas from Penang, Malaysia (Barbour 1914). The only record of depressa from beyond the Australian Continental shelf ts based on photographs of a stuffed immature specimen from off tbe north coast of Java (photographs made in 1984 by G, Usher were examined by CL), The species has been recorded breeding only in Australia Where it has a wide nesting disiribution, Major breeding aggregations can be found at Peak Island, Wild Duck Island and Avoid Island in central eastern Queensland; Deliverace Island and adjacent islands or north western Torres Strait; Crab Island and the Sir Edward Pellew Islands in the Gulf of Carpentaria; Wessel [slands, Greenhill Island and Field Island in the Northern Territory and Delarmmbre Island on the north west shelf of Western Australia, There are numerous Other less important nesting locations, Discussion interpretation of the present electrophoretic study is limited because of the small pumber of loci used SEA TURTLE GENUS. NATATOR 7 (Neji 1978). However even with that constraint the data still provide useful information. Friar (1982), in reviewing all the available biochemical data based on serum electrophoresis (band-counting method), immuneoelectrophoresis and. serology, constructed a tentative dendrogram suggesting possible sea turtle relationships. The present study corroborates Friar’s model and extends it by examming the taxonomic status of depressa. On the basis of the electrophoretic data it would appear inconsistent {o continue viewing depressa and mydas as congeneric, Most taxonomic revisions of depressa have been based on examination of a small number of museum specimens, Several unusual characters of the Species, especially the thinly keratinised scutes and the upwardly reflexed lateral marginal rim of the carapace, have in the past led to the idea that the lectotype of depressa (Fig, 3) was possibly an aberrent specimen (Loveridge 1934; Williams ef al. 1967). This specimen is not aberrent but is a good representative of the adult depressa which can be seen on any of its numerous rookeries in tropical Australia. If there is anything unusual about the lectolype, it is in terms of the way the flippers have been prepared for display, Baur (1890) commented that clarification of the generic status of the flatback turtle had to wait “until the skull of this species is known. . ." This has been rectified. Both the electrophorene and osteological characteristics of depressa provide a clear separation of it from Chelona at the generic level. Past studies have noted similarities between depressa'and Lepidachelys (Baur 1890; Wilhams et al. 1967). The first depressa skulls registered in the collection of the Queensjand Museum were assigned to Caretta caretta after being identified as Caretta remivaga (= Lepidochelys olivacea, QM 13848) and Colpochelys kempu (= L. kempii. QM J4058) respectively. The present study has identified many common characters shared by depressa and Lepidochelys, However this similarity is comparable ta the degree Of similamty that exists between Caretia and Eretmochelvs and between Curetia and Lepidochelys. Given the common acceptance of the generic discreteness of these latter genera, depressa must alsa be recognised at the generic level. These data warrant resurrecting the genus Natalor to accommodate the species depressa, Genus Naturer McCulloch Natator McCulloch, 1908, pp, 126-8, Type species: N. depressa (Garman, 1880). Diagnosis: Because of the confused history af the nomenclature, the genus Nararor is tedetined based on the original descriptions by McCulloch (1908) and Garman (1880), revisions by Fry (1913) and Williams ef a/. (1967) and deseriptions of the morphology from the N, depressoa nesting populations at Coburg Peninsula (Cogger & Lindner 1969), Mon Repos (Limpus 1971) and Crab Island (Limpus ef u/, 1983) and our more recent unpublished observations, Body broad, depressed, subelliptical, broadest near or behind the middle In larger specimens, carapace flattened over the second to the fourth vertebral scutes and with lateral marginal tim reflexed upwards. Head and carapace covered wilh non-imbricate keratinised scutes, cach with distinct symmetrical areolae in the young. Areolae shed before carapace length of approximately 16 cm, In adults, carapace scutes thinly keratinised, indistinct with waxy feel, Usual scute pattern as follows. Carapace: nuchal shield undivided; five vertebrals; four pairs of costals; twelve pairs of marginals. Plastron: thirteen scutes, in two series of six each, preceded by small but well developed triangular intergular, Inframarginals; four on each bridge, no tig. 3. Narator depressa lectotype (MCZ 4474), A. Head showine distinct preocculat scute (po). B, Whole mounr showing flattened’ carapace with reflexed lateral marginal rim atid indistinct scures. Ruler = L m. 8 Cd, LIMPUS, EL GYURIS & J.D, MILLER inframarginal pores. Head: one pair large prefrontals; one pair preoculars lying between prefrontals and upper jaw sheath; frontal in contact with prefrontals and pair of large supraoculars; parietal shield very large; post-parietal in odd numbered series symmetrically arranged behind post parietal {if even numbered array occurs, usually assymmetrically arranged}; three post-oculars lying posterior and postero-ventral to each eye, Jowest large. Colour: Hatchlings, m life gray dorsally with each scule outliried in black; ventrally white: posterior margin of carapace and thppers outlined in white; iris blue. Adults, in life dorsally olive-gray; ventrally white; iris brown. Limbs: paddle-shaped (= flippers), each with two claws in young (more distal claw becoming less obvious in larger turtles); distal half of forelimb with single rows of enlarged scales extending along phalanges separated by areas of smaller irregular scales or wrinkled skin. Head larger and broader than that of © smvdas, broad posteriorly, convex on. occiput, flattened between and vampressed in front of eyes, Lipper jaw not serrated, outline nearly straight, with notch at symphysis almost obliterated, vertically grooved on inner face, Lower jaw Serrated (not obvious in hatchlings), bearing sharp recurved prominence on the symphysis, Single choanal spine at each internal naris. The skull of Nawtor has the following characteristics (Table 3, 4), Frontal not forming part of orbit; prefrontal and post orbital meet, Processus pterygcideus externus narrow extending into fossa temporalis inferior with distinct terminal antlection. Prerygoids oot constricted by deep pterygo- mandibwar sulcus om each side. Plerygoid not extending posteriorly beyond opening of foramen posteriig cafalis ecarotic] intern. Fenestra ovalis divided by septum (or nearly divided), Tuberculae basioccipital prominant. Fenestra for vagus X enclosed or partly enclosed by exoccipital, Descending process of prefrontal not connecting with palatine; pterygoid meets jugal, Nafator depressa (Garman) New Comb. Chelonia depressa; Garman, T880, Bull Mus. Comp. Zool, 6, p. 124 (in part); Baur 1890, Amer. Nat. 24, p, 487; Fry $913, Rec. Aust. Mus, 30, p, 159; Cogger & Lindner 1969, Aust. Zool, 15, p. 154; Busiard & Limpus 1969, Herpetologicva, 25, po 29: Cageer ef af. 1983, Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 1. Amphibia and Reptiles, p. 69. Chelonia japonica: Worrell, 1963, Reptiles af Australia, p, 10, Chelonia mydas: Boulenger, (889, Catalogue of the Chelomians, Rhynchoephalians and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History), 9 122; Loveridge 1934, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 77, p. 261. Narator ressellatus: McCulloch, 1908, Rec. Aust. Mus. 7, p. 126 Lectotype; MCZ 4473 From northern Australia (possibly purchased in Torres Strait, Barbour 1914) (Cogger ef a/, 1983). Adult sized, probably a fernale, Diagnosis? As for the génus. Geographical distribution: Feeding grounds oceur within the warm temperate and tropical waters of the Australian continental shelf, including southern New Guinea waters and along the north coast of Jaya. Only known to breed in Australia Acknowledgments This study was conducted within the Queensland Turtle Research Project of the Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service, lt was funded in part by a Marine Science and Technology Grant from the Ausirahan Department of Science. Logistic suppert was provided to EG. by the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. Dr Perran Ross provided photographs of the Garnvan 1880 type series. J. P- Rosado provided radiographs of the head of the lectotype. Dr J, Stoddart aided the analysts of the electrophoretic data. Dr E Gaffney, Dr P, Baverstack and J, Covacevich gave constructive criticism of early drafts of the manuseript. KMeterouces Banwour, T, (1914) On some Australasian repites, Broo, Bilal, Soc. Washington 27, 201-6. Baur, G. (1890) The genera of the Chelonjidae. Amex, Not. 24, 486-7, Bourencer, G (889) “Catalogue of che Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians and Crocodiles in the Beilish Museum (Natural History).” (British Museum, London.) Bustarp, H, R., GREENHAM, P. & Cimpus, C, J, (1975) Nesting behaviour of the loggerhead and Malback turtles in Aumeran Proc. Ned. Akad. van Wet. Ser. C. 78, (11-22. —— & Limpeus, C. 1. (1969) Observations of the Matback turtle Chelonia depressa Garman. Herpetologica 25, 29-34, Cage, A, B. (1952) “Handbook of Turtles, The Turtles of the United Staies and Baja Califariia.” (Cornell University Press, Whaca | Coacer, H. G, Cameron, EB. G. & Coocer, H, M. (1983) “Zoological Catalogue of Ausiralia. Vol. 1. Amphibians and Reptiles." (Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.) —— & Linpner, B.A, (1969) Marine turtles in northern Australia. Aust. Zool. 15, 150-61. COMMISSION OF BIOCHEMICAL N@MENCLAPURE (1972) Enzyme nomenclature. (Elsevier, Netherlands,) DERANTYAGALA, PE, P. (1971) Does the flat back sea turtle visit Ceylon. Loris 12, 206-7. SEA TURTLE GENUS NATATOR 9 Exuis, A. E. (1937) “Adventuring in Coral Seas.” (Angus & Robertson, Sydney). Fercuson, A. (1980) “Biochemical Syslematics and Evolution.” (Blackie, Glasgow.) Frair, W, (1979) Taxonomic relations among; sea turtles elucidated by serological) tests. Herpetologicu 35, 239-44. (1982) Serum electrophoresis and sea turtle classification, Comp, Biochem. Physiol. 72B, 1-5. Fry, D, B. (1913) On the status of Cheloria depressa Garman, Ree, Aust; Mus. 10, 159-85. GAFFNEY, B. 5. (1979) Comparative cranial morphology of recent and fossil turtles. Ball. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 164, 65-363. GARMAN, S, (1880) On eertain species of Chelonicidae. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 6, 123-6, Guaueet, B.A. (1928) The vertebrate fauna of Western Australia, J. R. Suc. West. Aust, 14, 62. Gyurts, B. & Limpus, C. J. (1986) A rapid method for immobilisation and collection of sea turtle muscle biopsies for electrophoresis. Aust. Wildl. Res. 13, 333-4. —— & — (1988) The loggerhead turtle Caretta caretla in Queensland: population breeding structure. [bid 15, (in press). Hay, ©. P. (1908) On three existing species of sea-turtles, one of them (Caretta remivaga) new, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus, 34, 183-98. Hirt, H. F. (1980) Nesting biology of sea turtles, Armer, Zool. 20, 507-23. KESTEVEN, H. L. (1911) The anatomy of the head of the green turtle Chelone midas Latr. Part I. The skull. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W 44, 368-400. Limpus, C. J. (1971) The flatback turtle, Chelonia depressa Garman, in south east Queensland, Australia, Herpetologica 27, 431-46. —-—, McLacuian, N. & MILLER, J. D, (1984) Further observations on breeding of Dermochelys coriacea in Australia. 7bid. 11, 567-71. —— Parmenter, C. J., Baker, V. & Fizay, A. (1983) The Crab Island sea turtle rookéry in the north eastern Gulf of Carpentaria. Aust, Wildl Res, 10, 173-84, » PARKER, R, & Forp, N, (1981) The flatback turtle Ch Cc *helonia depressq@ in Queensland: the Peak Island Rookery, Herpefofauna 13(1), 14-18. LOVERIDGE, A, (1934) Australian reptiles in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusctts. Bull. Mus, Comp, Zool. T7, 243-383. McCuttocn, A. R. (1908) A new genus and species of sea turtle from north Australia. Rec, Aust, Mus. 7, 126-8. Nei, M. (1978) Estimation of average heterozygosity and genetic distance from a small number of individuals. Genetics 89, 583-90. RicHARDSON, B. J. (1983) Distribution of protein variation in skipjyack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) from the central and north-west Pavific, Aust, J. Man. Freshw, Res, 34, 231-51. —,, Rovers, P.M. & Hewitt, G. M. (1980) Kcological genetics of the wild rabbit in Australia. I, Protein variation in British, French and Australian rabbits aod the geographical distribution of the variation in Australia. Aust. J Biol. Sei. 33, 371-83. Srokes, J. L. (1846) “Discoveries in Australia; with an Account of the Coasts and Rivers Explored and Surveyed during the Voyage of HMS Beagle in the Years 1837-43." Vol. Il. (T. & W. Boone, London,) WiIcuiAms, E. £., Granpison, A. G. C. & CARR, A. PF Jr. (1967) Chelonia depressa Garman re-investigated. Breviora 271, 1-15. Worre tL, E. (1963) “Reptiles of Australia: Crocodiles, Turtles, Tortoises, Lizards, Snakes.” (Angus & Rabertson, Sydney.) ZANGERL, R. (19%0) Patterns of phylogenetic differentiation in the Toxochelyid and Cheloniid sea tures. Amer. Zool, 20, 585-596. FLINDERS/MOUNT LOFTY RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA THEIR UPLIFT, EROSION, AND RELATIONSHIP TO CRUSTAL STRUCTURE BY P. WELLMAN* & S. A. GREENHALGH} Summary The Flinders/Mount Lofty Ranges are low, elongate highlands. The amount of denudation, the present earthquake activity, and the age of the sediments in the region, are consistent with uplift starting in the Palaeocene or earlier, with uplift and erosion continuing to the present. Seismic, gravity and heat flow observations are consistent with the crustal load of the ranges being supported in regional isostatic compensation by a relatively strong lithosphere, the ranges not having a crustal root, and denudation not being followed by a similar amount of isostatic rebound. The axis of the ranges is coincident with an elongate gravity anomaly high, that may be due to high density in the underlying basement. The ranges probably represent reactivation of the crustal structure causing this gravity anomaly. KEY WORDS: Flinders Ranges, Mt Lofty Ranges, geomorphology, gravity anomalies, magnetic anomalies, seismic, Adelaide Orogen. FLINDERS/MOUNT LOFTY RANGES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA THEIR UPLIFT, EROSION, AND RELATIONSHIP TO CRUSTAL STRUCTURE By P. WELEMAN* & S. A. GREENHALGH] Summary WetLMAN, P, & GREFNHALOH, S. A. (1988) Flinders/Maunt Lofty Ranges, South Australia; rhein upitfi, crosion and relationship to crustal structure, Trans, R, Soc, S. Aust, 1021), 11-19, 31 May 1988. The Flinders/Mount Lofty Ranges are tow, elongate highlands. ‘Fhe amount of denudation, the present eqrtiquake activity, and thy age of the sediments in the region, are consistent with uplith sariing bn The Palacocene or earlier, with uplift and erasiun continuing wo the present. Seismic, gravity and heal flow observations are consistent with the crustal oad of the tanges being. supported in regicimal isostatic compensarion ty a relarively sirane lithosphere, the ranges not having a crustal root, and denudation not being followed by a similar amount of isostatic rebounu. The axis of the ranges is coincident With an elongate gravity anomaly high, thar may be due to high deasity in the underlying basement. The minges probably represent reactivation of the crustal structure causing (his gravity anomaly, Key Worbs: Flinders Ranges, Mi Lofty Ranges, geomorphology, pravily anonialies, magnetic anomalies, seismic, Adelaide Orogen. Introduction The Flinders/Mr Lofty Ranges (Fig, 1) have a roughly north-south trend, are 40-100 kim wide, 600 kim long, and have a mean axis height uf 0,2 to 0.6 km, Both these ranges and the Eastern Highlands are relatively elongate: They differ from the broad arcas of high altitude in western Australia, central Australia, and in. the Kimberley arca of northwest Australia, These broad uplifts conform to the pattern tor other continents (Wyatt 1986), The Flinders/Mt Lofty Ranges were uplifted to their present altitude after the Palaeaznic ‘his faper reviews the information on the timing and amount of uplift, the rate of Cainozoic denudation, their tsostalic support, and the underlying crustal structure, An understanding of the histary and structure of these ranges is useful in understanding the associated earthquake activity, which has caused considerable property damage. Timing of the uplift Geological constraints Formation of the Mt Lofly-Flinders Ranges was by uplift of.a land surface of low relief developect on Adelaide Orogen racks of Late Proterozoic and Cambrian age. There are differences of opinion on the timing. of the uplift with some writers advocating most uplift in the late Cainozoic, Webh (1957) considered that the ML Lofty and Flinders Ranges were uplifted by “broad regional upwarping and doming, associated with strong faulting”, the tectonic activity continuing through the Tertiary, but * Bureauof Mineral Resources, PO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 260, + School of Barth Sciences, Flinders \niversity, Dedfard Park, S. Aust. 5042. culminating in ithe Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene times. Firman (1969) thought that the modern landscape of the Mi Lofty and Flinders Ranges was late Cainozoic, The movemenrs were hy block faulling and tiling commencing "in the late Miocene, and continued through the Pliocene into the Quaternary”, and he linked the later movements with the Kosciusko Orogeny, Twidale (1976) believed that the uplift of the Mt Lofty Ranges was cilher Late Mesozoic of earliest Tertiary. Williams & Gonde (1978) accepted that the Mt Lofty Ranges were uplifted in the Late Cainozaiz, and thought that the Murray River crossed these ranges in the Eogene or Miocene (cf, Gostin & Jenkins 1980; Harris et a/, 1980), Veevers (1984) argued thal the inception of the highlands was in the Cambnan, with high ground since the Carboniferous. He reviewed the Cainozore sedimentological evidence, and concluded that rhe highlands were uplifred in the Palaeocene, the Eocene, and later, There ig very tittle firm evidence to constrain the me of the uplift. At the northern end ef the Flinders Ranges (A of Fig, l) remnants of Early Cretaccous sediments occur on ridge ops, so uplift in the north mist have been subsequent to this time. At the northern end of the Mt Lofty Ranges, Alley (1973) showed that uplift and dissection of the ranges was prior to disposition of the Snowton Sands of Miocenc age. In the southern Mt Lofty Ranges (F of Tig. 1) there are two elongate valleys containing uplifted carly Miocene (Batesfordian Stage) limestones. The top of (he limestone in the Hindmarsh Tiers Basin is 210 m, and in the Myponga Basin it is 238 m (Furness ef al, 1981}, while the tops of {he surrounding hills are about 400 m altitude. A limestone of similar age in the Murray River gorge 50 kim.to che east 1G of Fig. | ~ ‘Se as ifn Ry i ie . } T f eh, brah Rea . yi /\ toy, es ee Nit Ute flat? Finders ! el yt ) \ _ Bi! ad Rei LpePee tsa eeenees *- ’ te - . Manges ~ = <79g urs? “a Peeeee oe? . coy oe ea —— Mk Bee * hy } 0 J) —— < 2 NS yes j : 2 tae . j ys ane fy C late! \ ee 7 a ee 2554/5 SD Fig. 5. Seismicily, Dots give epicentres of earthquakes of magnitude ML, >=2. 200 m topographic contour shown. (Fig. 6), and in the east the Willyama Block of Early Proterozoic age. Inlicrs of Early Proterozoic rock crop out at the northern end of the Flinders Ranges (B of Fig. 6), and the southern Mt Lofty Ranges (A of Fig, 6). Sediments and minor volcanics of Late Proterozoic-Cambrian age Adelaide Orogen are relatively thick between the two cratons. They are thin west of the Torrens Hinge Zone (Fig. 6) forming the Stuart Shelf sediments, and thin cast of about 139°20'E on the Willyama Block. The thick sediments are thought to have been deposited following the formation of a lithospheric rift (von der Borch 1980). The inferred rift is complex with two triple junctions. Subsequent folding of the thick sediments of the Adelaide Orogen is, in the south mainly on north to east striking fold axes that parallel {he curved northwestern margin of the Murray Basin, and in the north on eust to southeast striking fold axes that parallel the margin of the Eromanga Basin. The axis of the Flinders/Mt Lofty Ranges overlie the north-south part of this rift, and the relatively high land northwest of Leigh Creek (Fig. 1), and northwest of C in Fig. 1, overlie other arms of the Tift. Hence all the present-day relatively high land directly overlies the inferred Late Proterozoic rifts, and sa the high land is a reactivation of this older structure, The Adelaide Orogen structures are not | WwW NA, Wes ae \ a] aye 7a ealalia dc BASIN "Sh B et Sear j STUART shee ws | iat eer eee Oe eoeasheassraneeey FF . = ry a a= ~ MURRAY BASIN hb +h AL A @ Mes gee a ah 25 /SAs8 0 100 km po Fig. 6. Geological structure. Showing extent of cratons with thin cover (thick lines), inliers (A & B), and Cambrian-Ordovician granite (C) (aller Preiss 1983). Dashed lines give depth to aeromagnetic basement (coniour interval 2 km). PLINDERS/MT LOFTY RANGES \7 all nerth-south. For example folds in the north and central parts of the Range cross the Range at a large angle, Hence a simple reactivation of the Adelaide Orogeh structures does not explain the linearily, and relalively high altitude, of the north-south trending Flinders/Mt Lofty Ranges. Sediment thickness Tucker & Brown (1973 compiled depths to acromagnetic basement north of 32°20'S, A contour map of these depths (Fig. 6) Is roughly consistent with geological constrainis — with the shallow depths over (he cratonic areas to the west and easl. It shows depths under the northern Mt Lofty Ranges of 4 to. 6.km. Magnetic basement may be volcanics in the Callanna Group near the base of the Adclaidean sequence (eg. in area A of Fig. 6}, dhe top of (he Garly Proterozoic basement, or igneous bodies within the basement. Basenicnt contours of Thompsun (1970; GSA, 1976) were said to be “largely a compilation of aeromagnetic bascment intetpretation”, bul |hey appear to be mainly depths inferred from stratigraphic thickness (Tucker & Brown 1973). Geaphysical mode! Using maps of gravily anomaly (Fig. 2) and Magnetic anomaly (Fig. 7}, the Flinders/Mt Lofty Ranges region can be divided into strips of similar Magnetic and density properties (Fig. 8), In the west is strip | (Fig. 8), which is a gravity and magnetic high, corresponding roughly in position with the Torrens Hinge Zone (Fig. 6). Strip 2is a gravity and magnetic low west of the Torrens Hinge Zone, that on geophysical (Fig, 6) and geological evidence has relatively thick sediments. The lower gravity anomaly in strip 2 is likely to he mainly due to the relatively-thick, low-density sedimernts underlying strip 2. the elongate local magnetic highs in strip t are (hought to be due tn part to an edge anomaly at the eastern margin of the Gawler Craton, East of this margin, thick relatively non-magnetic Adelaidean sediments overlie a Lower Proterozoic basement thal, during the rifting, was chinned and possibly heated and demugnetized, However within strip 1, west of Adelaide and Leigh Creek, and sited mainly east of the Torrens Hinge Zone, are elongate, isolated magnetic highs that do not have the geometry of an edge anontaly. There are coincident local gravity highs, These anomalies are inferred to be due to "Tucker. D, H. & Brown, F. W, (1973) Reconnaissance helicopter gravity survey in the Flinders. Ranges, South Australia, 1976, Bur, Min Resour Aust, Recor! 1973/12 «Unpubl.} clongate, relatively dense and magnetic ignéous rocks, forming narrow bands, They are inferred from their location to be structurally related to the Torrens Hinge Zone, but displaced from it. Area 4 of Fig. 8 is a gravity low and magnetic high due to the exposed and concealed Willyama Block. Strip 7 is a gravity low, and tine of magnetic highs, corresponding, to a line of Cambrian- Ordovician granitoids (C of Fig. #), along the eastern margin of the Murray Basin- The majority of the area of thick Adelaidean sediments is 4 relative magnetic low tstrips 2, 3 & 6). Within this area is an clongale high in the gravity anomalies (slrip 3), This high corresponds in position to the higher part of the Flinders/Mr Lofty ! a CY wat : a teiah iad A ermyi , y . * e ! 'e ie _* * . A vt oO: re 25 )5a/) 100 hin Fig. 7, Residuals of total magnetic intensity. Contour intexral 250 nT, negative cunlaurs dashed (after RMR i976al, ia Pr WELLMAN, & 8. A. GREENHALGH 0 100 km 2s'DAVE —__ I Fig. 8. Geophysical mode) of crustal strips. Gravity, magitetic and velocity residuals shown by gm, vw +. — symbols. Narrow magnetic highs shown by hatched pattern. Thick line is the Torrens Hinge Zone. Ranges, but the mass above sea level of these raitges does not cause the Bouguer gravity high. This is because the calculation of Bouguer anomalies removes the effects of nrasses above sea level, and the effect of any componeni of local isastatic compensation is £0 give a lower, nol higher Bouguer anomaly. Tucker & Brown (1973) interpreted this gravity high in the north as due to either an increase in the density of the Adelaidean sediments, or an increase in the density of the basement, Von der Borch (980) thought that the gravity high “may be due to axial dyke eniplacement™. Gann (198d) thought that the gravity high “probably reflects the presence of thin oceanictype crust”. There is no good evidence that the high is duc to thin Adelaidean sediments. The gravity high vould be due to underlying sediments being relatively denser, however the wesfern margin of the carbonate sedimentation is claser to the Torrens Hinge Zone (Fig, 3.11 of Preiss ef a/. 1981), and post depnsitional structures cross the boundary of strip 3. It seems most likely that the gravity high is due to an increase in the density of the underlying basement, With any interpretation, the similarity in geographic postion ofthe relative gravity high and the ranges, suggest that the ranges have been lormed geographically coincident with tbe pre-Mesozaic structural features forming the gravity high. The ranges are highly \ikely to be @ reactivation of this structural feature, Cunclusion Geological information is consistent with intermittent uplift staring m the Palaeocene or earber, with some uplift in the Quaternary, The likely Cainozoic denudation rates of about 3 m.Ma-', and the known denudation of over 0.5 km in the Flinders Ranges and over 0.2 km ijn the Mt Lofty Ranges, are consistent with erosion occurring at least through most of the Cainozoic, The gravity anomalies are interpreted as showing that the ranges have no significant crustal root; the ranges being on a part of a@ relatively strong lithosphere that supports them by regional isostatic compensation, This model is consistent with available seismic information showing no significant increases in crustal thickness under the ranges, and heat flow observations showing only slighty higher heat flow than average. The present day earthquake activity is mainly restricted to the ranges, and it has compressive fault plane solutions. This faulting is thought to reflect continuing uplift, The associated crustal thickening is apparently not causing a significant crustal root. The axis of the highlands corresponds with 4 gravity high that may be due to underlying high density basement. The highlands appear ip be a reactivation of the struciural feature causing this eravity high. Acknowledyments We wre grateful to C. C, yon der Borch and M, Idnurm for comments on aspects of this work, and to D. M. Boyd, Vo A. Gostin and W. Preiss for referees’ cominents The figures were drafted by John Conyiné of BMR, Published with the permission of the Director, Bureau of Mineral Resourmes, FLINDERS/MT LOFTY RANGES WW References ALLeY, N. F. (1973) Landsurface development iy the mld normh of South Australia. Tras 8, Soc. 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Five species are newly combined with Setobates. KEY WORDS: Setobates ultraforaminosus sp. nov., S. coronopubes sp. nov., Acarida, chaetotaxy, soils, South Australia. SETOBATES (ACARIDA: CRYPTOSTIGMATA; SCHELORIBATIDAE) FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SOILS By Davin C. Lik & GrorGce A. PASAK* Summary Len, D ©, & Parak, CG. 4. (1988) Serobates (Acarida: Cryptostigmata: Schelarbatidag) From South Australian soils. Trans, & Soc. S. Aust 112(1), 21-27, 31 May 1988, Selobates Balugh, 1962 is rediagnosed and compared with uther genera in the Schelaribatidue Twa species are described as new: S. u/traforaminusts, S coronopuhes, They are franvsorl and biter from the arid, setni-arid and anallee-heath sites, but not the other six South Australian siles in the Medilerrancan- type region, This is the first recoud of Serodeves from Australia. Hysteronoral chaetolaxy is disetissed Pive species are newly combined with Serobates. Key Wonus: Selobates ultraforaminosus sp, nav., & coronopubes sp. nos, Acarida, chaatoutxy, soils South Australia, Introductinn This publication is part of an ongoing study of sarcoptiform mites in South Australian soils, sampled from nine florally diverse sites, and for which there is an introduction to the relevant work on the advanced oribate mites (Planofissurae) (Lee 1987). A paper on the family to which Sefohgtes belongs, Scheloribatidag, and its nominotype, includes relevant further comments on methods (Lee & Pajak in press), Measurements aré in microns (um), No new hotational systems are introduced here, bul the hysteronotal chaetotaxy is commented on to indicate how 4a commitment to certain homologies was reached, which in turn requires a new signaiure for one seta. The srules studied have been deposited in the South Australian Museum. Hysteronotal Chuetotaxy 1) is assumed that the primitive complement of hysteronotal setae amongst Cryptostigmata is 16 pairs (6/, 67, 45) (Lee 1987) and that the general trend is towards loss of sctal pairs (regressive synapomorphies) in the adults. On the other hand, primitive members ol the Manofissuree, the Pherenotac, have fewer pairs (with J4 absent except amongst Hermaniellidae) than some members of the advanced Poronotae (including Setobates with J4 present), indicating that if the Pherenotae are a paraphyletic group that is ancestral to the remaining Planofissurae, then the relevant synapomorphies are not always regressive ‘The tritonymphs of the Poronotae and adults of the included Constrictobates (see Lee 1987, Fig. 3) have 15 pairs of hysteronotal setae, lacking $2, and this is assumed to be the primitive full complement for * Div of Natural Senee, South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Advfaide, 5. Aust. S000. the Poranotae, although Neofrichozetes is hypertrichous with 35 pairs of hysieronotal setae, Amongst Oripadoidea most genera have ten pairs of hystcronotal setae and some as few as seven pairs, whilst Setobates has amongst the more extensive chaelotaxies with up.to 14 pairs where the second absent pair is considered to be Ji. After lransformation, this is the only disagreement with previous homologies. The closely allied Topohates with 14 pairs, for example, being regarded as having presene ‘el! and 'c2" and not 'c3" (Grandjean 1958, Fig. 3A) or, transformed to the notation used here, Si ois absent and J! is present. Deciding the hysteranotal setae that are lost in some members of Serobates, regarded here as including species with as few as 1] pairs, as well as from other genera such as the closely allied Schelorihates, is difficute. The seta] chaetotaxy of tritonymphs is conservative and too drastically changed in many adults to be useful in establishing homologies, whilst tte relative position of adult se(ae to other struetures such as pores probably varies between taxa within the Oripodoidea. Here, the option of trying to maximise the similarity between taxa is taken so that hosition variations are regarded as translocations of setae. As a result, Sche/oributes is regarded as having a hysteronotal chaetotaxy of 2/7, 6Z, 2S, requiring a modification of the initial Interpretation of the 10-pair system (Lée 1987, Fig. 2), seta ‘i’ being Z3 not J3, so thal it is homologous to ‘rr’ in. the 13-pair system (Lee 1987, Fig. 1). This is as previously given by Balogh (1972, Fig. 5), and when the common ten pairs of hysteronotal setae of oripodeid species are treated as a reduced 1$-patr system (/@ etc.) as for Crypfezeres (Norton & Palacios-Vargas 1987, Fig, JA) rather than the 10-pair system (/a ete.) previously used (e.g, as for Hemileins by Grandjean 1953, Fig, A). Also, in this study, the chactotaxy of Anoplozetes (see Lee & Pajak 1987, Fig. 1) shuwld be changed. so thar what was represented as J/9 shuuld be regarded as 22 D.C. LEE & G. A. PAJAR Z3, the formula becoming 2/, 6Z, 2S, seta 23 being transposed into the J3 position relative to the slit- like. pore Af3, Setobates Balogh, 1962 Setobales Balogh, 1962, p. 122 (type-species by original designation: “Sefobates magaus sp. n.”); Coetzer 1968, p. 91; Luxton 1985,, p. 68, Type-species: Setobaies magnus Balogh, 1962. Diagnosis: Scheloribatidae. Hysteronotum with M-14 pairs (2-S/, 6Z, 2-35) of setae und four or five pairs of normal (not fissuriform) sacculate foramina, Proteronotal sensory seta (72) usually lanceolate, rarely capitate or fusiform, not setiform. No translamella or complete interlamella line (setae zl-zl), prelamella (setae z]-/1) sometimes present. Pteromorph present, cither short-or long, anterior margin merging with dorsosejugal furrow without dorsally obscuring aperture to bothridium (base of seta 22). Hysteronota! surface without tubercles, granulations or conspicuous longitudinal striae. Four pairs of genital setae (/Zg). Discidium present. Tarsus | with three proximoventral setae (avi, pvl, v2). Trochanter LV semisquare in vertical outline, distodorsal surface right-angulate. Pretarsus with three claws. Morphology of Australian Species: Somali length range: 328-586, Somal chaetotaxy; 2/, 2z, Is; SJ, 6Z, 2-35; 34, VW, IU, IK; 4/Zg, (Se, 2.JZa, 38a. All setae of normal length, no micrusetue. Bothridium base without posterior flange. Proteronotal sete j2-/2 well separated (distance greater than jl-zl), Two pairs of unnamed hysteronotal circular pores (anterior pair between scta Z2 and pore of /3; posterior pair just anterior to seta /4), only posterior pair illustrated (Figs 1 and 4), anterior pair indistinct. Hysteronotum with 5 pairs of large slit-shaped pores, dorsally placed Af} and Af6 larger, hfl, hf4, 4/5 apparent from ventral aspect, Af2 not located. Multituberculate cerotegument lying between leg bases and qo0,Lm Figs. 1-2. Sefohates ultraforaminasus sp. noy., female. 1, notum of soma; 2, sternum al soma, SETOBSATES, SCHELORIBATID MITES 23 pitromerph base plus lamella, recminating level with middle of legs | and 1V, Lateral coxite setae (2,3, (2, 703, 143) longer (han those around midline Adaxial end of apodeme base LIL level with seta JZg2 and seta FHI, Discidium Iriangulate, equilateral. Custodial ridge merging with pedoteetuim Ll base and not discidial ridge. Some lee segments always with porose areas and rugae. Lees of medium-length (mean ferur-tarsus: 44% uf soma) and stout or of medium-girth (mean maximum tibial height: 3§-43% of mican length). Femur I with seta v between 0.5-0,75 « flange depth towards periphery, Tibia | dorsal surface slaping upwards from base to solenidium, Tibia willr proximoventral spur, Tarsi | and [L gradually tapering distally for more than half their length (subtriangulate), Preiarsi with lateral claws much slimmer. Distribytion: Probably cosmopolitan, but records only from Argentina and Bolivia (NTe), Tanzania (Ee), Europe (Pe, Pm); New Zealand (An) and now known from Austraha (Aa), The South Australian material is from three dry sites (with encompassing mean annual rainfalls): Arid tussock grassland (125-350 num} Semi-arid shrubland (150-200 num): Mallee-heath, tall open shrubland (450-500 mm). Records from other regions of the world are from a wide range of habitats including mostly moist sites. Remarks: Setobates 18 used here to include most species of Scheloribalidae that have more than ten pairs of hysteronotal sctac, Orher genera in this category are Topobates Grandjean, 1958 wilh 14 pairs of hysteronotal setae but a granulated hysteronotum, Sanioabates Hammer, (973 with 14 pairs of hysteronotal setae but only one pretarsal slaw and Siriatobates Hammer, 1973 with 11 pairs of hysteronotal setaé and a striated tuberculale hysteronotum. The following 13 species are grouped in Setobates: 8, alvaradai (Pérez-[higo, 1968) comb. nov. ex Scheloribates; S. campestris (Mihelti¢, 1966) comb. nov. cx Scheloribates; S. coronopybes sp. nov., S. fabyrinthicus (Jeleva, 1962 in Csiszar & Jeleva 1962) comb, nov, ex Scheforibares; &. latipes (Koch, 1841; Shaldytina, 1975) comb. nav. ex Schvloribates; S. dongior (Hammer, 1958); S. magnus Balogh, 1962 (type-species); 5, mmedius Hammer, (967 (syn. S. discors Hammer. 1967); & pallidus (Micheléic, 1956) comb, nov ex Scheloribates; S. parviatatus (Hamner, 1958); S scheloribatoides (Ramsay, IAG) (syn. S. nner Hammer, 1967); S. witraforaninosus sp, now, 8, wmbraili (Schweizer, 1954). Sefobaies is very similar to Selieloribates, For same species, the greater number of hysteronotal sctae is the only substantial difference from species of (he exse/osus-compler (Scheloribates) and the delineation of the two wenera as presented here is provisional, S. Jabyrinthicus i particular, with only a spine-like seta SI extra Lo the ten pairs of Sehelaribores, may wel] have to be returned to that wens, Setobates ultraforamingsus sp, nov. FIGS t-3 Female: Idlosomal length, S41 ¢semi-arid shrubland, 6, SIS-S8A), 331 (arid tussock grassland, 2, $27-535). Leg lengths (fensur-larsus fur 560, semi- atid shrubland): 1-263, (1-239, 10-211, 1V-262, Tibial maximuny heights (for 560, semi-arid shrubland): 1-27, U-22, If[-18, 1V-19, Protermnetum with complete prelamella (sera Ji-31) accompanied by dark sclerotization in integument, Sublamella distinct from lamella along nearly entire length. Interlamella scta (/2) able ta reach to about level of base of rostral seta (jl). Sensory seta (72) tong, able to reach to beyond level of seta j2, exposed stalk more than half length, caput lanceulate with one dorsal and one ventral cilia file, in dorsal aspect at Limes appearing parallel- sided and nearly setose wilh cilia not evident. Seta s2 length about «<3 diameter of bothridium- Hysteronotum with 14 (54, 6Z, 35) pairs of medium- sized setae present, seta St present on all specimens. Five pairs of foramina (F3. Fae, Fab, 5, F6) with narrow slit-shaped pore and duct leading to small globular sac. Narrow gap between apodemes |, slighily less than distance between setac /l-/1. Circumpedat ridge long and curved, merging with discidial ndee Seta Sa2 substantially longer (abour <1-5) than $v3. Egg subellipsoidal, exochorion mainly granulate, at poles rugose, 213 = 125 {for 560, semiarid shrubland) and 210 « 118 (for 527, arid ussack grassland). Females examined (6) from semi-arid shrubland with Four eges each. Females examined (2) from arid tussock grassland had either no eges or eight, eggs, legs of medium-girth (mean maximum tibial height: 38% of mean length), Small ventral flange on femur |. Femur It with ventral flange ryinning entire length of segment. Tibia | with posterior proximoventral ridge obscuring outhne of proximoventral spur, Tarsi longer (+ 2109 am) than their tespective tibia, Afole: Sunilar Lo female but shorter mean length. Idigsomal length, 496 (semi-arid shrubland, 3, 481-511), 504 (arid tussock grassland, 5, 473-360). Material examined: Holorype female (NI9877145), five paratype females (NIYS7716-N1987720), three 24 D. C. LEE & G. A. PAJAK Fig. 3. Sefobates ultraforaminosus sp. nov., female, posterior aspect of part (femur-pretarsus) of right legs, only one seta (v femur II) illustrated. paratype males (N1987721—N1987723), soil, litter, moss and other low growth plants under bladder saltbush (A/riplex vesicaria) amongst sparse false sandlewood (Myoporum platycarpum), Koonamore Vegetation Reserve (32°07'S, 139°21'E), 27.vi.1974, D. C, Lee. Two undesignated females (N1987724, N1987725), third female lost, five undesignated males (N1987726 -N1987730), bases of love grass (Eragrostis eriopoda) tussocks, near Emu (28°41'8, 132°08'E), 11.x.1974, D. C. Lee. Distribution: Australia (Aa). South Australia. Lake Frome Basin, semi-arid shrubland, six females and three males in 4 of 8 x 25 cm* samples. Great Victoria Desert, arid tussock grassland, three females and five males in 4 of 8 x 25 cm? samples. Remarks: §. ultraforaminosus is very similar to. 5. alvaradoi from Spain, having 14 pairs of hysteronotal setae and five pairs of foramina (F4 divided into F4@ and F4b). S, alvaradoi differs in SETOBATES, SCHELORIBATID MITES 25 that sensory seta z2 is rounded distally, hysteronotal seta Z] is less than half the length of Sl and that on femur Il the ventral flange is not very big. It is likely, on the basis of adult form, that 5, ulfraforaminosus occurs at the two sites listed, but, because the number of cggs per female in the small series from near Emu is eight, rather than umformly four as in the large series from Koonamore, it has been excluded from the type series, Setobates coronopubes sp.. nov, FIGS 4-6 Male (female not known): Idiosomal length, 331 (2, 328 and 334). Leg lengths (femur-tarsus for 328): 1-159; H-146; 111-127; I'V-150, Tibial maximum heights (for 328): 1-20; 11-17; Ifl-15; 1V-13, Proteronotum with prelamella restricted to short ridge near seta zg]. Sublamella distinct from lamella along nearly entire Jength. Interlamella seta (/2) unable to réach level of base of rostral seta (/1). 400 am Sensory seta (z2) long, able to reach beyond level of seta /2, exposed stalk less than half length, caput lanceolate, indistinctly delineated from stalk, with three cilia Hles. Seta s2 length about x2 diameter of bothridium, Hysteronotum with 13 pairs of medium-sized setae, seta S1 absent. Four pairs of foramina (F3, 4, FS, 6) with circular pore leading to small globular ‘sac. Moderate gap between apodemes T, more than distance between seta JI-/1. Zone of integument around lateral and posterior margin of genital orifice denser with concentric subsurface striations, forming “halo” with transmitted light for which boundaries indicated by broken line in illustration (Fig. 5), Circumpedal ridge short and straight, not merging with discidial ridge. Seta Sa2 subequal in length to Sa3. Legs stout (mean maximum tibial height: 43% of mean length). No ventral flange on femur I, Femur II] with ventral flange restricted to distal two-thirds of segment. Tibia J without Figs. 4-5. Sétobates coronopubes sp, nov,, male. 4, notum of soma; 5, sternum of soma. 26 D.C. LEE & G. A. PAJAK Fig. 6. Setobates coronopubes sp, noy., male, posterior aspect of part (femur-pretarsus) of right legs, only one seta (y, femur IT) illustrated. proximoventral spur, but girth increases conspicuously from stalk to caput. Tarsi subequal to length to their respective tibia (—2 to +2 ym). Material examined; Holotype male (N1987731), paratype male (N1987732), soil, litter under banksia shrubs (Banksia ornata) amongst other sclerophyllous shrubs and sparse brown stringybark mallee (Eucalyptus baxteri), Tamboore Homestead (35°57'S, 140°29'E), 4.vii.1974, D. C. Lee. Distribution: Australia (Aa). South Australia. Ninety Mile Desert (nutritional desert), mallee- heath, tall open shrubland, two males in 2 of 8 x 25 cm? samples. Remarks: S. coronopubes, known only by the male, has a generically unique “halo” around the posterior margin of the genital orilice. The hysteronotal chaetotaxy is as for five other species of Sefobates, including the type-species, but besides the characteristic genital “halo” it is about 100 ym shorter than any other species of Setobates, Acknowledgments We wish to thank the Australian Biclogical Resources Study for a grant to D.C.L., funding the salary of G.A.P., Ms Jenni Thurmer for the notation and presentation of the figures and Mrs Debbie Brunker for typing the manuscript. References BaLoon, J. (1962) Acari Oribates. Annis Mus. r. Afr. cent, Sér. 8 110, 90-131. —— (1972) “The Oribatid Genera of the World”. (Akadomiae Kiado, Budapest.) CoeTzer, A, (1968) New Oribatulidae Thor, 1929 (Oribatei, Acari) from South Africa, new combinations and a key to the genera of the family. Mems Inst. Invest, cient, Mogamb., série A 9, 15-126, Csiszak, J. & JELEVa, M. (1962) Oribatid mites (Acari) from Bulgarian soils. Acta. zool. hung. 8, 273-301. GRANDJEAN, F, (1953) Sur les genres “Alemileius” Berl. et “Siculobata” ng. (Acariens, Oribates), Mém. Mus, SETOBATES, SCHELORIBATID MITES 27 natn. Hist. nat, Paris (n.s.) sér. A. Zool. 6, 117-138. —— (1958) Scheloribatidae et Oribatulidae (Acariens, Oribates). Bull. Mus. natn, Hist, nat. Paris (2), 30, 352-359. HAMMER, M. (1958) Investigations on the oribatid fauna of the Andes Mountains. 1. The Argentine and Bolivia. Biol. Skr. 10(1), 1-129, 34 pls. — (1967) Investigations on the oribatid fauna of New Zealand, Part II, Ibid. 15(4), 1-64, 40 pls, —— (1973) Oribatids from Tongatapu and Eua, the Tonga Islands, and from Upolu, Western Samoa. Ibid. 20(3), 1-70, 29 pls. Lee, D, C. (1987) Introductory study of advanced oribate mites (Acarida: Cryptostigmata: Planofissurae) and a redescription of the only valid species of Constrictobates (Oripodoidea). Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 21, 35-42. —— & Pasak, G. A, (1987) Anoplozetes, a new genus of Zetomotrichidae (Acarida: Cryptostigmata) from South Australia. Trans, R. Soc. S. Aust. 111(2), 99-103. & — (in press) Scheloribates (Acarida: Cryptostigmata: Planofissurae) from the eastern Mediterranean-type region of Australia. Jnvert, Tux. Luxton, M. (1985) Cryptostigmata (Arachnida: Acari) — a concise review. Fauna of New Zealand 7, 1-106. MIHELCIC, F (1956) Oribatiden Sudeuropas. V. Zool, Anz. 157, 154-174. —— (1966) Zur Kenntnis der Milben Zentralspaniens. Eos 41, 459-470. Norton, R. A. & PaLacois-Varaas, J. C. (1987) A new arboreal Scheloribatidae, with ecological notes on epiphytic oribatid mites of Popocatepetl, Mexico. Acarologia 28, 75-89, PEREZ-INIGO, C. (1968) Neuvos oribatidos de suelos espanoles. Eos 44, 377-403, Ramsay, G. W. (1966) Two new oribatid mites from a New Zealand pasture. N.Z. J. Sci. 9(2), 416-425. SCHWEIZER, J. (1956) Die Landmilben des Schweizerischen Nationalparkes. 3. Teil: Sarcoptiformes Reuter 1909. Ergebn. wiss. Unters schweiz. NatnParks, (n.f.) 5,- 215-377. SHALDYBINA, E. S. (1975) Sarcoptiformes. Oribatuloidea. pp. 100-101. Jn M. S. Ghilarov, ed., [dentification key to the soil dwelling mites. Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow: 491 pp, (in Russian). Fauna A NEW SPECIES OF NOTADEN (ANURA: LEPTODACTYLIDAE) FROM THE KIMBERLEY DIVISION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA BY G. M. SHEA* & G. R. JOHNSTON Summary Notaden weigeli sp. nov. is described from the northern Kimberley of Western Australia. It is distinguished from congeners by its longer legs (TL/S-V 0.34-0.38 vs 0.25-0.34), more prominent subarticular and palmar tubercles, red to fawn dorsum without black markings and lack of a pale mid-rostral streak. The cranial skeleton is very reduced. N. weigeli is apparently allopatric to other species of Notaden and is associated with rocky habitats. KEY WORDS: Notaden, Anura, new species, morphology, osteology, discriminant function analysis. A NEW SPECIES OF NOTADEN (ANURA; LEPTODACTYLIDAE) FROM THE KIMBERLEY DIVISION GF WESTERN AUSTRALIA By G. M. SHEA* & G. R. JOHNSTON] Summary SHEA, G, M. & JoHsston, G, R. (1987) A new species of Nataden (Anura: Leptodactylidae) fram the Kimberley Division of Western Australia. Trans, R. Soc. S; Auést, 112(1), 29-37, 31 May 1988, Notaden weigeli sp. noy, is described from the porthern Kimberley of Western Australia. 1 is distinguished fram congeners by its longer legs (TL/S-V 0.34-0.38 vs 0,25-0,34), more prominent subarticular and palmar tubercles, red to fawn dorsum without black markings and lack of a pale mid-rostral streak. The cranial skeleton is very reduced. N. weigeli is apparently allopatric to other species of Notaden and is assoviated with rocky habitats. Key Worbs: Notaden, Anura, new species, morphology, osteology, discriminant function analysis. Introduction The Known anuran fauna of the Kimberley division of Western Australia currently comprises 38 species, the majority (22 species) having been first described or recorded from the region since 1976, Ten of these species are apparently endemic to the Kimberley or nearly so (Tyler, Smith & Johnstone 1984; Tyler, Davies & Watson 1987), This paper describes a further new species apparently endemic to the Kimberley. Materials and Methods Specimens cited here are located in the Australian Museum, Sydney (4M), South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAM) and Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM), All measurements were made to 0.1L mm with a pair of dial calipers. Snout-vent Jength (S-V), head width (HW), eye diameter (E), eye to naris interval (E-N) and internarlal span (IN) are as defined by Hosmer (J962), Head length was not measured, Tibia length (TL) was measured fram the heel to the point of the tibial tuberosity, with the leg flexed, Foot length (FL) was measured from the heel to the Up of the fourth toe, with the foot straightened. A single specimen was cleared and double stained for bone and cartilage following the method of Hanken & Wassersug (1981). Descriptive statistics were calculated for S-V and a number of morphometric ratios (Table 1) from sainples of all Noltaden species. Multiple comparisons of arcsine-transformed ratios were made using single classification ANOVA (Sokal & Rohit 1981). A multiple discriminant function analysis (Reyment, Blackith & Campbell 1984) of taw iMeasurement§ was done using SPSS PC+ * Deparment of Veieringary Anaromy, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, {Cy 16 McBwin Street, Whyalla Playford, S Aust, 560K), (Norusis 1986) on a Pantek PC-16 computer. Sexes were pooled for all analyses. Ontogenetic variation was. examined by fitting TL, FLand HW lor N. bennetii, N. melanoseaphus and N. nichollsi ta the allometric equation Y = bS-V" (Huxley 1932; Gould 1966), where Y is the variable being examined, S-V is used as a measure of overall size, ais the allametric coefficient (slope) and ® is a constant. Allometric coefficients were tested against unity using standard normal deviates (Zar 1974), Notaden weigeli sp. nov. FIGS 1-9 Notuden sp. nov: Tyler, Davies and Watson 1987, p S45- Holotype: WAM R77419, Sandstone Ck, WA, (14°53'30"S 125°45'00"E), collected by C. Kemper On. 26.X.1981. Paratypes:AM R123896-99, Mitchell Plateau, WA, (14°51’S 125°40'E), J. Weigel, G. Shea and A. Harwood, 6-8.1.1987; WAM R§3428-29, 23 km NW old Mount Elizabeth HS, WA {16"12'S 126°00'E), H, Ehmann and G. R. Johnston, 29,xi.1982, Diagnosis: Notader weigeli differs from all other Notaden species in its longer legs (TL/S-¥ 0.34-0.38 vs 0,.25-0,34), more prominent subarticular and palmar tubercles, red to fawn dorsum without black markings and lack of a pale mid-rostral streak, Description af holotype: Size large (S-V S44 mm). Head small, as broad as long, length approximately 4 S-V (Fig. 1), Snout truncated when Viewed from above; high and bluntly rounded in profile (Fig, 2). HW/S-¥V 0.30. Nostrils superior. Eye-naris interval equal to internarial span (E-N/1N 1.00). Nostrils nearer ta tip of snout than to eye, Canthus rostralis poorly defined, very short, Eye prominent (B/S-V 0.13), diameter approximately twice E-N. Tympanum covered by glandular skin. Maxillary and vomerine teeth absent. Tongue oval. 30 G. M. SHEA & G. R, JOHNSTON TABLE 1. Comparative morphometrics of post-metamorphic specimens of Notaden species. Values are given as X (SD) over range. N. bennetti N. melanoscaphus N. nichollsi N. weigeli N 22 49 7 S-V (mm) 38.4 (14.83) 43.3 (6.25) 46.2 (5.68) 57.0 (10.05) 20.7-67.4 27.9-50.7 37.9-60.4 46.6-71.1 TL/S-V 0.29 (0.02) 0.28 (0.02) 0.29 (0.01) 0.35 (0.01) 0.25-0.34 0.25-0.34 0.26-0,32 0.34-0.38 FL/S-V 0.50 (0.04) 0.51 (0.04) 0.53 (0.03) 0.58 (0.03) 0.43-0.59 0.40-0.61 0.49-0.59 0.55-0.64 HW/S-V 0.31 (0.03) 0.29 (0.02) 0.29 (0.02) 0.29 (0.02) 0.26-0.34 0.25-0.34 0.25-0.33 0.25-0.31 E-N/S-V 0.06 (0.01) 0.06 (0.01) 0.05 (0.01) 0.06 (0.01) 0.04-0.09 0.04-0.08 0.04-0.06 0.05-0.08 E-N/IN 0.98 (0.12) 1.17 (0.18) 0.83 (0.08) 1.18 (0.23) 0.75-1.25 0.92-1.65 0.68-1.00 1.00-1.59 E/S-V 0.12 (0.01) 0.11 (0.01) 0.14 (0.01) 0.11 (0.02) 0.10-0.14 0.10-0.13 0.11-0.17 0.09-0.13 Fingers moderately long, unwebbed, cylindrical, without lateral fringes (Fig. 3); finger length 3>1>2=4. Tips of fingers slightly dilated. Subarticular tubercles large and sharply defined proximally, poorly defined to absent distally; several moderately large, rounded palmar tubercles. Hind limbs short (TL/S-V 0.34; FL/S-V 0.58); toe lengths 4>3>5>2>1; toes with weak lateral fringes and basal webbing, reaching to base of antepenultimate phalanx of fourth toe (Fig. 3); subarticular tubercles prominent at base of toes, poorly defined to absent distally. Outer metatarsal tubercle absent; inner metatarsal tubercle large, projecting, shovel-shaped with smoothly rounded free margin, length approximately equal to its distance from tip of first toe. Skin of dorsal and lateral surfaces of body and head thickened, pustulose to tubercular (Fig. 1); Fig. 1 Notaden weigeli sp. nov. (Mitchell Plateau) in life. (Photograph: J. Weigel). NEW NOTADEN SPECIES Fig. 2, Dorsal yiew of heads of A, Noltaden. weiveli sp. nov. and B, NM, nivhallsi, snout more finely and weakly tubercular; a distinct crease from commissure of lips to Jaleral canthus of eye, bordered posteriorly by a broad ridge. Individual glands obvious subdermally on posterolateral margins of body. Skin extends from body to knee laterally, so that groin is nor distinct in life. Skin on yentral surfaces smooth. In preservative, dorsum of head and body reddish brown, obscurely marbled with lighter and darker shades, and with a few white to cream tubercles, Limbs dark grey, with prominent to obscure white or cream flecks. Face and upper lips dark grey, finely variegated and flecked with cream; pale midrostral streak absent; pale vertical canthal streak weakly developed, Venter cream, with weak brown flecking on mandible, Inner metatarsal tubercle unpigmented. Measurements of holotype (in mm): S-V 54.4, TL 18.7, FL 31.6, HW 16.5, E. 7.0, E-N 3.0, DN 3.0, Variation Overall variation in limb.and cranial proportions is presented in Table J. ] tae The Mitchell Plateau paratypes are similar to the holotype, ranging in size from 46.6 to 60.8 mm. In preservative, (he dorsal ground colour is fawn, The pale dorsal tubercles and canthal streak are absent on ‘some specimens. Gravid females have 1.3 mm diameter oocytes with black animal poles and white vegetal poles. The two Mount Elizabeth Stn paratypes are very much larger than the Mitchell Plateau series (S-V 68.7-71.1 mm), and have a longer snout (E-N/S-V 0,07-0.08 vs 0.05-0.06, E-N/IN 142-159 vs 1.00-1.12). However, in other characters, including all significant diagnostic characters, they agree with the topotypic sample. Color in life (based on AM _ RI23896-99); Dorsum fawn with numerous white-tipped orange tubercles and scattered indistinct wrey-green patches, Limbs grey with a few fine white tubercles above, sharply demarcated from fawn of dorsum. Hindlimh also with a few small orange flecks. Face grey with white tubercles. Venter greyish. Inner metatarsal tubercle unpigmented. Pupil horizontally elliptic, with a distinct ventral notch. Iris finely variegated golden green with a gold pupillary margin. Ostevlogy (based on AM R123898) Cranium poorly ossified (Fig. 4). Sphenethmoid not ossified either dorsally or ventrally, cartilage extending 44-44 length of orbit in dorsal view. wal if J / [ i A Cc Fig, 3..A, B, Hand and foot of Notaden weigell sp. nov; C, D, hand and foot of N, aichellsi: 2 GM, SHEA & G. R. JOHNSTON Fig. 4. A, Yentral and B, dorsal views of skull of Nosaden weigel’ sp. nov. Approxitnate extent of some cranial cartilages and frontopsricta! fontanclle indicated by dashed lines. Exoccipitals and prootics paired, unfused. Crista parolica non-ossified, moderately long, robust. Frontoparietal fontanelle fully exposed, ovoid. Frontoparictals poorly ossified, anterior extremities slender, parallel, extending anteriorly +4 length of orbit. Anterior margin of frontoparietal fontanelle formed by cartilaginous sphenethmoid, posterior margin formed by prootic cartilage, Nasals small, widely separated, not in asseous contact with any other cranial bones. Palatines very reduced to absent (represented by a sliver of bone on left, absent on right). Parasphenoid robust, with broad, moderately long and terminally bifid cultriform process; alae moderately short, broad, at right angles to culuiform process. Pterygoid reduced; anterior ramus not contacting maxilla; medial ramus short, slender, well ossified; posterior ramus minute. Quadratojugal reduced, widely separated from maxilla. Squamosal reduced, with long acuminate zygomatic ramus and lacking otic ramus. Maxilla reduced, edentate; pars facialis shallow, with low, poorly developed preorbital process, widely separated from nasals. Alary provess of premaxilla narrow, tall, acuminate and vertical; pars palalina very shallow; palatine process short. Vomers reduced, with narrow elongate edentate dentigerous process; alae bordering rostral margin of choanac, Columella long, sinuous, with a medial posterior convexity and lateral anterior convexity; ossified medially. Hyoid plate slightly broader than long (Fig. 5). Anterior hyale without anteromedial process, Alary process pedunculate, without distal expansion. Posterolateral process prominent, dilated distally, Posteriot cornu ossified, with a distal cartilaginous expansion. Pectoral girdle arciferal and robust (Fig. 6). Epicoracoid cartilages broadly overlapping. Omosternum cartilaginous, dilated distally, Xiphisternum, mesosiernum present, cartilaginous. Clavicles moderately robust, curved, moderately separated medially. Coracoids robust, moderately separated medially, broadly expanded at both ends. Scapula bicapitatc, approximately 15x length of clavicle, Suprascapula ossified anteriorly, with a hook-like cartilaginous process projecting posteroventrally. Phalangeal formula of manus Terminal phalanges pointed, slightly knobbed distally, recurved, Carpus poorly ossified. Prepollex cartilaginous, Eight non-imbricate presacral vertebrae (Fig. 7). Vertebrae I and I] fused; centra of vertebrac [1 and Til fused. Cervical cotyles yery narrowly separated, almost confluent. Neural arches completely ossi- fied, robust, Relative widths of transverse processes Fig. 5. Hyoid of Noraden weleeli sp oy. Hawhed areas are vartilage. NEW NOTADEN SPECIES 34 Fie. 6, Pectoral girdle of Noltaden weixeli sp. nov. A, sternal region, B, left supraseapula. Hatched areas are cartilage, sacrum >III[>IV>II=V=VI>VIT>VIL>1, Sacral diapophyses moderately expanded. Bicondylar sacrococcygeal articulation. Well- developed dorsal crest along anterior third of urostyle. Ilium with well-developed dorsal prominence bearing a shallow notch on dorsal margin (Fig. &)- Dorsal protuberance small, Hial shaft round in section, moderately curved, Pubis largely cartilaginous, slightly calcified ventrally, Ischium with a well-defined vertically ovoid ossification. Phalangeal formula of pes Well- developed cartilaginous prehallux reinforcing inner metatarsal tubercle. Distal tarsal elements poorly ossified. Etymology This species is named after Mr John Weigel of Gosford, NSW, co-collector of the Mitchell Plateau paratypes, in honour of his. efforts ta promote amateur herpetology in Australia. Comparison with other species. Distribution; Notaden weigeli is apparently allopatric to its three congeners; NM. bennedti Gunther, N. melanoscaphus Hosmer and N. nichollsi Parker (Cogger 1986; Tyler, Smith & Johnstone 1984; ‘Tyler & Davies 1986). Within the Kimberley Division, N. nicholist is largely confined to the southwest and south, N. melunoscaphus to the far east, with a single record from the central Kimberley, and N. weigeli to the north (Fig. 9). Known localities for NV. weige/i are separated ftom those of N, melanoscaphus by 87:km and from those of N. nichollsi by 188 km. External morphology; In addition to the characters given in the diagnosis, NV. weigeli differs from N. bennetti in having a reddish dorsum without black tubercles (vs yellow dorsum with rounded black and red tubercles arranged in vertebral and transverse series) and inner metatarsal tubercle subequal in length to its distance from tip of first toe (vs 1.2-2:0 times as long; Parker 1940). N. weigeli further differs from N. melanoscaphus in having an unpigmented inner metatarsal tubercle (vs black) and in lacking large discrete islands of Fig, 7. A, Ventral and B, dorsal views of vertebral column of Notaden weigeli sp. nov. Fig. 8. Pelvis of Notaden weiyel sp. nay, Hatched areas are calcified. a4 G, M, SHEA & G. R, JOHNSTON dark pigmentation on the back icf. Hosmer 1962; Tyler, Smith & Johnstone 1984, Plate 4; Tyler & Davies 1986, Plate 40). N. weigel/ further differs from NV. richollsr in lacking black tubercles on the body, and in having more narrowly spaced nostrils (Table 1). Osteology: Few comparative dala have been published .on the ostcology of other Novaden species, The skull of N. aichollsi has been ligured by Lynch (1971 Figs. 18, 56,57), who also described a number of posteranial characteristics in his diagnosis of the genus, based on N. bennetti and N, aichollsi, However, there are seyeral discrepancies jn Lynch’s osteological descriptions and figures of Noieden that suggest that re-examination of the osteology of these species is warranted. The ossified portions af the skull of N. weigeli are even more reduced than in NV. nicholls! and N. melanuscaphus (M. Davies pers, comm.), This reduction is most notable in the loss of ossification of the sphencthmoid and palatines, and the reduction of the anterior extremitics of the frontoparietals. The apparent lack of distal dilations of the alary processes of the hyoid of N, weigeli is consistent with Tyler’s (1972) observations on congeners. The fusion of the centra of the second and third presacral vertebrae present in the NV. weigeli specimen examined has not been recorded for other Notaden species, but may be an individual anomaly. The itansverse processes of the more posterior presacral vertebrae, while short, are noc knob-like (ef. Lynch £971, p. 56), The ilia of N, nichollsi and N, rhelanoscaphus are illustrated and described by Lynch (1971) and Tyler (1976). The round ilial shaft of N. weiketi resembles that of congeners. Discriminant function analysis; Discriminant function analysis of seven measurements, using species of Notaden as a priori groupings, resulted in the correct identification of 93.2% of specimens overall. AlN. weigeli, 95% of N. melanoscaphus, 93.9% of N. nichollsi and 86.4% of N, bennett were correctly grouped, The first two disctiminant functions accounted for 92.45% of the variance (Table 2), Unstandard- ised discriminant function coefficients and their correlations with the discriminant functions’ are presented in Table 2. All characters show the Highest correlation with the second discriminant function, which most clearly separates N, wergell From its congeners (Fig. 10). Allometry: in N. bennetti, N, melanoscaphus and N. nichollsi, HW showed significant negative allometry. In N. nichollsi, TL and FL also show negative allometry (‘lable 3), The ratio of B-N/IN, however, varied independently of S-¥ in all three species (R? < 0.04). Comparisons of HW, TL and FL between species should therefore be made between similarsized specimens. The frequency distribution of S-¥ varied significantly between the samples. of each taxon used here (F3y)4 = 10.1062, P < 0,01). Consequently, although ratios showed Significant differences (P’s < 0.01; Table 1) between {axa, it is unclear whether these differences are real or an attefact of pnequal size frequencies between sarnples. L ‘ ' ' '‘ | | 12B¢E 126E 124°E * of 122°E Fig. 9. Distribution of Nofaden weigeli sp. nov, (Iriangles), N. mefanascapinus (inverted triangles) and MN. nicholist {dots} In the Kimberley region (based on SAM and WAM records). Taste 2. Unatndardised discriminant function coefficients (and pooled-within-groups correlations with discriminant functions) of seven characters from all species of Notaden, Discriminant Function Variable I If Ut 3-V — 0651 (0.0711 — 0,267 (0.302) 0.425 (0.233) HW ~ 0.949 (0.098) ~ 0.322 (0.333) — 0,438 (0,164) E 1.301 (0.334) 0.247 (0.490) 0,911 (0.287) E-N — 1.514 (-0.159) 0,106 (0.313) 2.355 (0.306) IN §.353 (0.353) 1.383 (0.398) — 1.426 (0.118) TL ~ 0.520 (0,042) 0.917 (0,560) — 1.370: (0.076) FL — 0.137 {0.074} 0.258 (0.545) 0.630 (0,307) canslanr — 1.561 —i.14) —3,831 % of variance 67.93 24.51 7.53 NEW NOTADEN SPECIES 35 Habits and habitat The holotype was collected in open low woodland al Planchonia australis, Xanthostemon paradoxus, Buchanania obovata-and Eucalyptus brachyandra over open scrub and hummock grasses on rugged sandstone (Kitchener ez al. 1981). The Mount Elizabeth Stn paratypes were collected between 2030-2400hr within arid near che entrance to a small gorge in an isolated 4-6 m high quartzite outcrop. Open Eucalyptus spp woodland with negligible understorey and a groundcover of grasses and forbs surrounded the outcrop. The gorge itself was overgrown with Mimosa, Isolated DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION II 8 -6 -4 2 0 2 4 6 8 DISCRIMINANT FUNCTION | Fig. 10. Plot of individual Nofeden weigeli sp. nov. (triangles), N. bennetri (dots), VN, melenoscaphus (open circles) and N. aieholls! (open squares) on the first. two discriminant fnnetion axes. clumps of Pandanus occurred on drainage channels associated with the outcrop. Both specimens were active after light rain on rock ledges covered with Jeaf litter. The Mitghell Plateau paratypes were collected within 200 m of the Mitchell River. The habitat at this site consists of a yellow sandplain with densely packed, small to moderate-sized Plectrachne and Triedia tassocks and an open woodland of tall shrubs and trees dominated by £ucalypius spp and Acacia spp. There are numerous, ¢xtensive quartzite rock platforms, often with clifflike margins, raised up to 3m above the level of the plain, bearing scattered Plectrachne tussocks on a skeletal sandy soil. Closer to the Mitchell River, these rock platforms are higher (up to 6m), their bases riddled with rock shelters and narrow tunnels, and the sandplain is reduced to narrow sand drifts with numerous partially buried boulders ‘and smaller stones. The bed and bordering overflow area of the Mitchell River consists of a bare shect of rock with several steps and scattered piles of waterworn boulders, and Pandanus and Melaleuca-fringed pools. Specimens were active at night, in a puddle on top of a raised rock platform (AM R123897), on a low rock platform partially butied by coarse river sand and surrounded by dense Triodia thickets (AM R123898), and on a rock Icdge 1.5 m above the surrounding sandplain, following light rain two days previously (AM R123896), One individual was observed torun rapidly ina zig-zag fashion for more than 10 m on a rock platform at night when being photographed. Similar behaviour has been reported for N, melanoscaphus and N. nichollsi (Tyler & Davies 1986). Tabi. Allametric coxffictents and caleulated values for limb lengths. and head width in Notaden spp. Regression Imes are of the form y= 6S-F". Cyy and Czy values are calculated praportinns af S-V at 40 and 60 mm. Probabilities are based an standard normal deviates af the allametric coefficient compared [0 isometry. R? u 6 n P Cay Ce Noladen hennetti TL 0,95 0.9615 0.3286 22 0.227 29 28 FI, 0,96 0.8913 0.7294 22 0,006 49 AT HW 0.97 0.7782 0.6797 22 <0.00L It] at Notaden melanoscophis TL 0.86 1.0595 0.2265 40 0.192 28 29 FL 0.82 0.9643 0.5859 40) O.316 5 5h HW O81 0.7450 0.7761 40 <().001 29 26 Notaden nichollsi TL 0,84 0.7448 0.7677 ay <0).001 40 27 FE 0.83 O_T&RA 1.1800 4 <0,001 54 50 HW 0.79 0.8342 0.5493 49 0.004 30 28 \b G. M. SHLA & Ci, KR, JOHNSTON Collection of these specimens in rocky sliuations sugpests chat, welgel) may not burrow to the same extent as its congeners (lucas & le Squef 19N9 Slnter & Main 1963: Mehs 1975; Barker & Grieg 1977; Wyler, Cronk & Davies 983} When handled roughly, all N. wergels specimens we collected exuded from the dorsal surface a visecus Sticky white secretion, which rapidly dried like glue on surfaces exposed to it. Similar cxudates have been reported for other Metyder species (Lucas & le Soucl 1909 Parker 1940; Main & Storr (466; Mebs 1975; Barker & Grige 1977; Tyler, Crook & Davies 9X4: wer Smith & Johnstone 1984: Tyler 1987). Facces from the Mitchell Plateau paratypes Consisted alfirost entirely of remailis of the ant Crematogaster sp. (Myrmicinae; sample depoured in Australian Natinnal Insect Collection, Canberra), This species of ant Was common in caves and amongst focks in the area, and rapidly attacked and killed any frogs and small lizards held in open-weave cloth bags or thin plastic bags. The gorge from which the Mount Elizabeth Stn paralypes. were collected was so heavily populated with ants hat field work Was extremely uncomfortable; no other reptiles or amphibians were found there, despite an weensive sean ac sughr and during daylipht hours The secretion produced by N, weigelf may play a role in resisting, the attacks of the ants of which ir feeds. Myrmecophagy has been recorded in condeners (Lucas & le Souef 1909; Parker 1940; Calaby 1960) although the prevalenve of ants in the dict has been interpreted as an artefact al food availability at times of emergence (Calaby 1960). Comparative material examined N. bennetr: AM R11779, “The Plains", Nyogan, NSW; K32163, Murrumbidgee River nr Hay, NSW: R45626- R51216, RSIZIN-20, 14-22 km S Condoholin oi West Wyulong Rd, NSW; SAM R3684, 23.3 kim 5. St George. Qld; SAM R4736-38. nt Rockhamplon, Qld; SAM Rls224a-i, RI7617-148, Coanamble, NSW, N.omelunascuphus: AM RS3462. R53569-71, RSIST4, R52591-92, K53703, Curanbirini Waterhole, 21 km N McArthur River amp, NT, SAM R9663 97, SAM R9669, Strathgerdom Hs, Qld; SAM R695-96, Edwand Raver Stn, Old; SAM R)6336-37, Stonewall Ck, 19-26 km NE Lake Argyle, WA: SAM R1I7904a-¢, 0.4 km 5 Jabiru, ME SAM R27676-79, 18 kin S Northern/Dunesn jimeluin, “WA; SAM k27680-92, 29 km S Northern/ Duncan junviwn, WA No onachodisi, AM R26002-05, ny ‘The Gratites, N1; KAOSTS, R49444-67, R49599-604, 25 km NW Refrigerayar Bore, NT; R51653-55, 38.) kin N Neale Junction, WA; RH0I46 Claw, NT R96371-76, 47.6 km SE The Granvies by rd, NT RIN0739, 4.6 he S af turneff co Sita Downs on Northern Hey, WA; REWO6I8-18, 8 kn 8 Mirrica Bore, “Fuhabuka", NW Bedenirig, Old. ‘Acknowledgments J, Wewel, A. Harwood, C, Hemsicy, B, Flonani and H, Ehmann are thanked for field! assistatice. H. Ehmano provided measurements for the Mt Elizabeth Stn muterial, Specimens were collected under permits issued by the Dept of Conservation and Lan Management, Western Australia, ©. Catheart, M. Davies, A. Greer, M. Mahony, A. Mariin, S. Richards, R. Sadher, L, Trucb, M. Tyler and K. Walker pravided useful vomments on the manuscript, To Schwaner (SAM) permitied access lo specimens in his care, L. Smith provided data on mialenal in the Western Australian Muscum, PJ. M. Greenslade kindly identified the ant saniple. B. Jantulik prepared rhe final illustrations. References Barker, J & Guida, G ©. 1977) "A Iheld gulde to Australian frags,” (Rigby Lrd, Adelaide) Cat aay, £. (1960) A nore on the food of Auatraltan desert frogs. Wesr. Aust. Nat 7(3), 79-80, Cocker, H, G. (1986) “Reptiles and amphitians uf Australia.” 4th eda, (Reed Books Pry Ltd, Frenchs Forest). Govrp, S$, J. (1466) Atlometry and size in aflogeny atid phylogeny. Biel, Rev 4b, 587-640. Harker, J. & Wasser, R TYaT) The visible skebetan, Bunet, Photag, Vad), 22-26. 44 Hosier, W, (1962) A new Ieptodactylid frog of che genus Nataden from Northern Alistralla, Aa Mus Nawit (2077), 1-8. Hosiery, 1 & 41932) “Problems of relative growth.” (Dial, ew Yark). KiicHener, Do J. Ketter, Lo Ey CHAPMAN, A,, Mexenvir, &. L., Starr, ALN. & KeneeaLty, KF (1981) Observations on mammals of the Mitchell Plateau arca, Kimberley, Western Australia, pp. 123-169. Tn, “Biological Survey of the Milchell Plateau and Admiralty Gulf, Kimberley, Western Australia.” (Western Austratian Museum, Perth). Lucas, A HOS. & Le Sourr, W. H.. D. (1909), “The unimulé of Australia. Manimals, reptiles and amphibians." (Whilcombe & Tombs, Methourne). Dyace, | D, (1971) Evolutionary relationships, osteology, and zoogeqvraphy of leptodactyloid frogs. Univ, Kansas Mus, Nat. Hist. Misc, Publ. (83), 1-238. Main, ALR. d& Storr, G. M. (1966) Range estenslons and noes on the hivlogy of frogs fram the Pilbara Tezion, Western Austrata, Hest Aust. Nat 1003), $261. Moers, D, (1975) Herpetologische Beobachturigen adt einer Exkursion vum Warrego River (New South Wales, Austrahen) Selamandra (1), 47-356, Nortiots, M. 1. (1986) “SPSS/PC. advanced statistics” (SPSS, Chicaza)- Pokkek, H, W. (1940) ‘The Australasian Trogs of the family Leptodactylidae, Nows, Zool, 411), 1-105, RiaMbnt, R.A, BoackitH, R.A. & Campurri, M.A, (944) “Multivariate morphometrics.” 2nd ben (Academic Press, London). Sianek, P. & Main, A. RB. (1964) Notes on the bictagy of Notaden nichalisi Parker (Anura; Leprodactylidag). HWesy Alisth Nat, 8(7), 163-166, SOKAL, R. R. & ROLF, F 4, (981) “Biometry.” 2nd Edn, (W, H. Freeman, San Franciscew). NEW NOTADEN SPECIES 37 TYLer, M. J. (1972) Superficial mandibular musculature, vocal sacs and the phylogeny of Australo-Papuan leptodactylid frogs. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 16(9), 1-20, (1976) Comparative osteology of the pelvic girdle of Australian frogs and description of a new fossil genus. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 100(1), 3-14. (1987) Frog and cane toad secretions. pp. 329-339. In, J, Cavacevich, P. Davie & J. Pearn (Eds.) “Toxic plants & animals. A guide for Australia.” (Queensland Museum, South Brisbane), ——, Crook, G, A. & DAVIES, M. (1983) Reproductive biology of the frogs of the Magela Creek System, Northern Territory. Rec. S. Aust, Mus, 18(18), 415-440. — & Davies, M. (1986) “Frogs of the Northern Territory.” (Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Alice Springs). ——, —— & Watson, G. F. (1987) Frogs of the Gibb River Road, Kimberley Division, Western Australia. Rec. West. Aust. Mus, 13(4), 541-552. , SMITH, L. A. & JOHNSTONE, R. (1984) “Frogs of Western Australia.” (Western Australian Museum, Perth). Zar, J. H. (1974) “Biostatistical Analysis.” (Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey). THE GENUS ARTHROCARDIA (CORALLINACEAE: RHODOPHYTA) IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA BY H. B. S. WOMERSLEY* & H. W. JOHANSENT Summary Two taxa of Arthrocardia Decaisne (tribe Corallineae, subfamily Corallinoideae) occur in south-eastern Australia: A. wardii (Harvey) Areschoug and A. flabellata (Kuetzing) Manza ssp. australica ssp. nov. The former was first described by Harvey (1849), and the latter is a new subspecies of a species that is common in South Africa. Neither entity is common in south-eastern Australia and neither has been collected west of Eyre Peninsula. The genus Arthrocardia is closely related to Corallina, a genus that is much more widely distributed and probably more primitive. Within Arthrocardia differences have evolved in the organization of the fertile branches. In both genera the conceptacles are axial, but in Arthrocardia fertile intergenicula all have the propensity for bearing branches, no matter what the reproductive type. These branches usually consist of more fertile intergenicula and, hence, a branching system of several fertile intergenicula develops. In Corallina the fertile intergenicula typically lack surmounting branches, although in carposporangial plants, and less often in tetrasporangial plants, they are occasionally present. Fertile intergenicula in male plants of Corallina invariably lack branches. KEY WORDS: Articulated coralline algae, Corallinacae, Arthrocardia, southern Australia, Rhodophyta, marine algae. THE, GENUS ARTHROCARDIA (CORALLINACKAR: RITODOPHYTA) IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA By H. B. 5. WOMERSLEY* & H. W. JOHANSENT Summary Womersiey, H, B. & Jouansen, H. W, (1988) The genus Artérecardia (Corallinaceae: Rkodaphytal in southern Australia, Trans, R. Soc, 8. Ausf, 112(1), 39 49, 3) May L988, ‘Two taxa of Arthrocardia Decaisne (tribe Corallineae, subfamily Corallinvideae) occur in south-eastern Australia: A, ward{i (Harvey) Areschoug and 4. flabellata (Kuerzing) Manza ssp. australicg ssp, nov, The former was first described by Harvey (1849), and the latter is a new subspecies of a species that is common in South Africa. Neither entity is common in south-eastern Australia and neither has been collected west tf Eyre Peninsula. The genus Arthrocurifia is closely related to Corallina, a genus that is much more widely disinboted and probably more primitive, Within -4rthrocardia differences have evolved in the organization of the fertile branches, In both genera the conceptacles are axial, but in ArfArocerdia fertile intergenicula all have the propensity for bearing branches, no matter what Ute reproductive type. These branches usually consist of more fertile intergenicula and, hence, a branching system of several fertile intergenicula develaps. In Corallina the tertile intergenicula typically lack surmounting branches, although in carposporangial plants, ane less often in letrasporangial plants, they are occasionally present. Fertile intergenicula in male plants of Curntline invariably lack branches Key Worps; Articulated coralline alguc, Coraliinacae, Arthrocardiv, suuthern Austialia, Rhodophyta, marine algae. Introduction Of the nine genera of Corallincideae, tribe Corallineae (Johansen & Silva 3978) only Arthrocardia (Decaisne 1342, p. 365) and Corulfina Linnaeus occur in southerm Australia, These genera, plus the three in the tribe Janieae, Chedlosporunt Areschoug, Faliptilon (Decaisne) Lindley and Jara Lamouroux, represent the subfamily Corallinoideae in this area, Amphirow Lamouroux (it the Amphiroideae) and Mefagoniolithon Weber van Bosse (in the Metagoniolithoideae) also are present. The species in these genera of geniculate (articulate) corallines constitute a conspicuous component of the shallow water biota on southern (and also other) Australian coasts, especially where water motion is considerable. However, as in nvany other parts of the world, uncertainty exists in the identification at both generic and specific levels of many geniculate corallines. This uncertainty has resulted in the publication of records from seuthero Australia under a variety of names, many of which are synonymous as exemplified by Haliptilon (Johansen & Womersley 1986). Resolucion of the taxonomic prablems can only be achieved by studying these plants, as well as related entities, from many parts of the world. Two species of Arthrocardiv have been described from southern Australia, both originally by Harvey (1849, p. 99); A, mallardiae (Harvey) Areschoug * Department of Borany, The University of Adelaide, G.PO. Box 498. 5. Aust. SO0L. 1 Department of Bialagy, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusents, US A_ CAIN (1852) and A. wardi? (Harvey) Areschoug (1852). This account aims at describing Arthrocardia in southern Australia so as to (1) understand the taxonomy of the included species, (2) gain a general appreciation of the ecological importance of these species in the marine environment and (3) further establish the diagnostic fearures of Arthrocardia vis- a-vis ather genera in the subfamily Corallinoideas. Arthrocardia Decaisne (1842), with the South Aftican A. corymbosa (Lamarck) Decalsne as the lectulype species, is characterised (Johansen 1969, 1981) by pinnate branching with terete to flat iMlergenicula, sometimes with acule to obtuse lobes, and with 20-40 tiers of medullary cells, The conceptacles are axial and deeply embedded and the fertile intergenicula each bear two (rarely one) branchlets, one on.¢ach side of the conceptacle pore. The conceptacles originate in medullary tissue at the apices of intergenicula and the chambers become deeply embedded, swelling the intergeniculum only slightly, with the pores centrally positioned or just below the apices on the flat surface, Thalli are dioecious, the female with the carposporophyte prodicing gonirdablast filaments from anywhere on the upper surface of the fusion cell, and the male conceptacles with beaks sometimes as much as | nim long. Bisporangia or tetrusporangia occur. Arthrocerdia is closely related to Coraflina. and rhe differences between them are clarified in the Discussion, Materials and Methods Collections from many areas along the coast of southern Australia were examined; there was, 40 li, 6.5. WOMERSLEY & HW, JONANSLN however, a paucity of specimens from the little explored Great Australian Bight. Specimens in ADU provided a loundation for the study, but other herbaria (notably MEL} also house historically and nomenclaturally important collections. Collections in the following herbaria were cxamined: ABU, HM, CN, CUW, L, LTB, MEL, NSW, S, TCD, and UC. Nranches were decalcified in dilute hydrochloric avid and squashed or teased apart ro discern tissues or conceptacular contents. Other branches were fixed and deculcifivd in Susu seluiion (Suneson 1937) after which they were embedded in wax, sectioned at 8-10 am thick, and stained with huemalarylin (Johansen 1869). Results The specimens of irthrocurdia (rom Australia (Table 1) comprise two distinct species, The vharacteristics of one entity, a robust, compactly hranched form, agree with the type specimens of A, wardit (Fig. VA) and A. maflardiae, the other entily (Fig, 2C, D) is undescribed, The diagnostic characteristics of 4. wardif (including as a synonym A. mallartiae), together with these of the new entity hamed A, flabellata ssp, australica, Womertsley & Johansen, are presented in Table 1, Arthroacentia wardii (Harvey) Areschoug 1852:551), Bailey 1883,791, Guiler 1952:87, Harvey 1863:xxix. Lucas 1909:56, Sonder 1881;20. Tisdall 1898:307, Wilson 1892:177, Aimphiroa wardii Harvey 18499, pl, 34 (ies 1. 2h 1859310, Yenda 1905:8. Cheflosporun wardit (Harvey) DeToni 1903;1828, Bailey 1914;829, Garnet 1971:96, Lewis IY84:14, Lucay 19) 2-164 Lucas & Perritt 1947:397, May 1965:356, Amphirow rtatardiae. Harvey (649;99, Yenda 1905-8, Arthracardia mallardive (Harvey) Areschaug (852;552 Guiler 1952;87. Harvey PROF esi Litcus 1909:56, Sonder 1881:20. ‘Tisdull 1R98:507. Chetlusporum matlardiae (Harvey) Delonl T0S:1d24 Lucas 1912:164; 1929/27, Lucas & Perrin 19472397, May 1965:356, Flabit: thalli (Figs 1, 2A, B) light to medium red, (2-) 5-12 em high, robust, with clusters of 2-10 complanale fronds from ao discoid, crustose, holdfast, essentially complandtely branehed, epilithic. Brenching: densely pinnate from axes in which most of the intergenicula branch, lateral branches frequently also pinnately branched; sexual plants often with fertile branchlets displaced from plane of branching. Jnzergenienda: in lower parts.of fronds tercte, 0,5-1.0 (-1.5) mm in diameter; in middle und upper parts flat and not or slightly lobed; axial intervenicula (1.5-) 17-3 (-4) mm long and 1,4-3,5 min wide at widest parts, length to width nauo t-1.3; 20-40 (-45) ers oF medullary cells (Fig. 3A), each 50-75 (-95) ym lone, per intergeniculum, cortex filamentous, with cells 6-10 «am in diameter, L/D 1-2, epithullium 1 (Or 2) cells thick, with wells 6-10 pm in diameter, L/D about |, Genicula: uncalcified parts of cells 80-250 pm long, genicula (230-) 350- 104X) pat) broad, less in lateral branches. Curpoxurtial concepracles; not observed. Carpospurangial conceplacles (Fig, 3B): with or without surmourting branghlets, chamber diameter. 300-300 pm, fusion cell 250-300 am in diameler, and 8-10 pin thick, bearing 2-4-celled gonimoblast filaments, carposporangia subspherical to ovoid, 40-60 ym in diameter. Male concéptacles (Fig. 3C): beaked, usually without surmounting branchlets, chambers 240-350 (-390) pm in diameter, 260-330 am high, vanaly 300-700 pm long. Bisporungial (or Lelrasporangial) conceptacles (Fig. 3A): common, terminal on axial or lateral branches, becoming surmounted by two branches, chambers 250-520 ym in diameter, 325-500 pm high? bisporangia 160-240 (-260) pm tong, 40-65 gm in diamerer: tetrasporangia (in ADU, A57658) 200-280 jun long, 60-4) ain in diameter. Type: from Port Phillip, Victoria (Muylfaras holorype In TCD; Fig. 1A). Distribution. From Cape Willoughby, Kangaroo L, & Aust, 10 Norah Head, NSW. and around Tasmania. Selected specimens: Cape Willoughby, Kangaryo |, 5. Aust, upper subliftoral (Moelkerting, 23.1)1979; LTB 11563; ADU. A$7530). Port Fairy, Vie, upper sublittoral (Woelkerling, 6.11977; LTB, 11339; ADL, AS57434). Lawrence Rock, Vic, 12-15 m deep (Matson, 204i 1881; ADU, A§2798, bisporangia, male), Lady Julia Perey L., Vic, 5-8 mr deep (Shepherd, 11.1968; ADU, 432317, male) Tale lL Ptatures divtinguisine sullen Ausrtedian idsu of Acthrovariia, features Frond height (cm) Percentage of main intergenicula producing lateral branches L/W ratio af main intergenicula (approx.) Diameter of basal ttergenicula (mm) Percentage of Arthrocardia-lke spotangial coneepaiicles No. spores per sporangium AL werdth A. flabellata ssp. australicu 5-12 2 4( 6) 95-100 50 i 2 0.5-1.0 0.3-0.5 sd gS usually 2 + foceasionally 4) ARTHROCARDIA IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA 41 Lady Julia Percy 1, Vic., 3-6 m deep (Shepherd, 4.i.1968; ADU, A32436, with mallardiae habit; ADU, 432437, cystocarpic male). Port Phillip, Vic., type of Amphiroa mallardiae (Mrs Mallard; TCD, isotype at BM). Rye (Ocean Beach), Vic., upper sublittoral (Woelkerling, 14.11.1977; LTB, 11342; ADU, A57536), Green Cape, N.SMW., 1-6 m deep (Shepherd 13.i1.1973; ADU, A43297 and A43298, bisporangial). Port Jackson, N.SW. (Harvey, Alg. Aust. Exsicc. 453; NSW, A3281). Long Reef, N.S.W., below rock platform (May 2307, Feb. 1936; NSW). Green Point, Broken Bay, N.S.W., in wave-washed gutters and pools, upper sublittoral (Martin, 19.i,1969; NSW, A3284). Tuggerah Lakes, N.SW. (Lucas, April 1911; NSW, A3287). Norah Head, N.SW., very low eulittoral (Pope 13.xii.1947; ADU, A10772). Fluted Cape, Bruny I., Tas., 16 m deep (Shepherd, 10.11.1972; ADU, A41485). Lady Bay, Southport, Tas., 2-3 m deep (Brown & Kenchington, 14.x.1986; ADU, AS57658, tetrasporangial). The basis of the Queensland records of Bailey (1913) and Lewis (1984) is unknown, since this was not indicated in the publications and no Queensland specimens are known. 1 2 3 Fig. 1. A. Arthrocardia wardii (holotype in TCD), B. A. ware (ADU, A32426), el a RU UAL MM (ADU, A32317). C. A, wardti (4. mallardiae habit) 42 H. B, S. WOMERSLEY & H. W. JOHANSEN Fig. 2. Fronds of A. Arthrocardia wardii (ADU, A43297). B.A. wardii (A43298). C. Arthrocardia flabellata ssp. australica (ADU, A52790, holotype). D. A. flabellata ssp, australica (ADU, A31943). Scales = 5 mm. ARPUKOCARDIA IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA 43 Anhrocardia wardii also has been recorded Irom New Zealand by Renibold (1899, p, 299) from ce Chatham Is. by Adams (1972. p. 78) from the Wellinginn area, and by Chapman & Parkinson (1974, po 174, pl. 366, 4% Cheilosporue) Tron varlous Incalities throughout New Zealand, The New Zealand plants are similar superficially to Australian A. werdii but the intergenicula are shorier, with fewer medullary Gers Purther comparative studics on the New “ealand plants are neeessary: A. werdil is predominately 4 low-light planl, wiih collections from 3-22 m deep or from shaded upper subhitteral regions. However, several collections from just below low tide level are known from N.SMW. The holotype specimen of A. warclii is a well- preserved frond with dense branching and robust intergenicula. Untortunalely, it lacks concepracles. The type specimen of 4. mallertiiae (see Fig, IC for habit) also has large axial interyenicula, but they are simaller than in the rype of AL werdii, More strikingly it differs from 4. wardi7 in having thinner fateral branches which arise from most axial intergenicula (Fig. 1C). The type specimen of A. matlardiwe falls within the range of forms attributable to A. wardit, butit is not characteristic of most specimens examined, Both type specimens arefrom Port Phillip Bay (Harvey 1849, pp. 99-100), in A. wardii, deviation from the 4nfrocardia- type af branching occurs more often than in A. flabellata ssp. australica, A survey of 233 fertile intergenicula containing Mature conceptacles in sis bisporangial collections of 4, warei/ revealed thal 21% tacked branches although most of these had broadened -4yvArocerdie-hke upper parts, The remaining 74% had | or 2 branches, ot provesses if few of phe tranches. Arthrocardia flabellata (Kuetzing) Manza ssp. wustralica Womersley & Johansen, ssp, now Thallws 2-4 ¢-6) cm altus, epilithieus, fasclculatus. Axes principales sparse pinnati, Intergenicula infra teretia, 300-00 ym diam., in pactibus mediis et distalibus compressa, interdum parvilobis obtusis, non ramosis vel 1-2 ramis lateralibus, Intergeniculp axialia 1.5-3,5 mum longa et 0.7-1.2 mm lata, ratio longitudinis et latitudinis cree 2, 20-40 stratis cellularum medullariarum 30-75 pm Jongarum pracdita. Coneceptacula carposporangialia ramos in uno vet utroque latere pori, habent, interdum concatenata; loculus 300-520 pm diam. cellula coalescenti 220-310 ph diam. et 8-10 pm crassa; carpusporangia 55-8) wm diam. Conceplacula spermatangiata rostrata. ramis urroque latere pot; laculus 375-875 um diam,, 400-551) pm ultus, canali 800-900 jin longo. Conceptacula tetrasporangialia paululum (umida, loculus 30-750 ym diam, 600-700 pm altus, letrasporangia 18(I-280 ym longa, bisporangialia ignola. Habis; thalli (Fig. 2C, Bi pale fed (usually bleached), 2-4 (-6) cm high, relatively slender with fronds in small groups, epilithic Brarcfing- main axes sparsely pinnate. Iniergenicula: (Fig. 4A, BY im [ower parts terete, 300-500 «in in diameter; in middle and upper parts Pal, sometimes with small obtuse lobes; unbranched or with | ot 2 lateral branches; axial intergenicula (Fig. 31, K) 1.5-3,5 mm long and 0.7-L.2 min wide at their widest, ratio of length ro width about 2; 20-40 tiers of medullary celis (Fig, 3G, H), cach 50-75 yn long (Fig, 48), per intereeniculum. Genicula: uncalcified parts of cells 120-200 um long, genicula 300-500 «an broad, Corpeganial conceptacles (Fig, 4C): originating al apices Of short lateral branchlets. Carpesporangiol concepiactes (Figs 31, J, 4D): with branches.on one or both sides of ostlole, sometimes concatenare, chamber diameter 300-520 gm, fusion cell 221-310 pm in diameter and’8-10 ym thick; carpo- sporangia (Fig. 4D) 55-80 ym in diameter. Male eoncepracies (Fig. 3K, L): beaked, with branches OF processes of each side of ostiole; chamber diameter 375-650 pm, height 400-350 jm. canal 81X)-900 um long. Tetrasporangial carceptacies (Fig. 3D, E, F): not markedly swollen, chamber diameter 500-750 wm, height 600-700 pm, tetrasporanpia 180-280 pm long; bisporangia unknown, Type: Nora Creina, S. Aust., uppersubiittoral jn large shaded pool (Johansen 81-93-49, 16.ix, 1981, carposporangial, male; holotype in ANU, AS52790). Distribution; From Streaky Bay, S Aust. to Walkerville, Vic. and around Tasmania, in shallow water but usually in shaded situations. Selected specimens: Smooth Pool, near Streaky Bay, 5. Aust. (Johansen 81 10-2td, 28.4198], tetrasporanpial), West Bay, Kangaroo |, S. Aust. near low tide (Meelkerling, 211.1979; LTB, 612; AL), AS57529), Point Gillian, West [. &. Aust, O.S-1 m deep (Shepherd, 27.v,1967; ADL, 431943), Rabe. S. Aust., sublittoral (Jones & Johansen §1-4-24, 4.15 J981, carposporangial; ADU, A52792), Nora Creina, S, Ausr., 1 large shaded pool (Johansen S|-9-25, Sis O81, carposporangial: ADU, AS32791 and &1-9-43, 15.ix.1981). Point Lonsdale, Vie, Upper sublittoral (JoAonsen R1-8-16, 3tviii, 1981, lelraspirangial), Walkerville, Vic., low euliftoral (Pope & Bensiett, WIN IVS: ADU, AIS), Curries R. mouth, Tas, upper sublittoral {Worersfey, 2811949; At0I26), Siapletan Paint, Prosser Bay, ‘las, U-3 m deep (Shepherd, Woi197 ATU, A35686), Lady Bay, Southport, Tas., 7 0 deep (frown & Keachingion, 14.%.1926; ADU, A57693, varmusporangial ind male) Arihrocardia is the most common genus of articulated corallines (nt soulherm Africa, aud hased ARTHROCARDIA IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA 45 op recent Studies (by PLW.1.) it appears that there are four species in this area (in contrast 10 [he seven species listed by Seaytief, 1984), One of them, A. Jlobellata (Kuetzing) Manza, is abundant from Capetown to Mozambique. Subsequent to being described hy Kutzing (1858, p. 29, fig. 60, U1), it has been described under several other names, eg. 4. gardnert Manza and A. linearis Manza- Arthrocariia flabellata is distinguishable from the ether currently recognized South African species, 4. coryinbasa (Lamarck) Decaisne, A. duthiae Johansen and A. /ifiend/a (Lamarck) Johansen, by canceptacular pores that are strictly apical, brariching that Is lax, and small intergenicular lobes that are acute or subacute. In 4. flabellata spy. Jlebellata fram Africa most plants produce clusters of conceptacles in extensive branching corymbs where the sucvessive intergenicula are all tertile. In A. flabellata spp. ausrrafica from south-eastern Australia, the conceptacles are produced in single intergenicula which rarety branch to produce other fertile intergenicula. The South African species is also more robust, having clustered Fronds to 10 cm high, branching more or less pinnate, intergenicula terete belaw (to | mm diameter), (lat above, 1-3 (-3.5) mm Jong and 1-2 (-2.5) mm wide (L/W 15-3), with acute lobes up to 0.5 mm long often present and with sharp edges, and with the upper margin of the intergenicula sometimes. concave and urn-shaped. Fertile intergenicula are at first similar 10 Sterile ones, but succeeding intergenicula are much smaller, 0.7-L mom long and 0.5-0.8 mm wide; when crowded, some have only one surmounting branch. Discussion Two species from southern Australia now ussignable tg Arvhrocardia were described as new by Harvey (1849) under Amphirne A. wardii and A. ntullardive. Harvey’s descriptions and illustrations (ol A. wardii only) and the type specimens (TCD) reveal! nwo similar entities, with ihe main distinction being that the first is slightly more rabyst than the second. Unlike the situation for many other geniculate corallines from southern Australia, no other specific names have subsequently been applied to Hatvey’s two species, although they have at times been placed under Amphiroa (Harvey 1849) and Cheilosporuri (De Tom 1905), Most authors have placed them in Arthrocardia, but they have not been examined closely, Our studies reveal that the type specimens and other plants that can be assigned to one or the olher all belong to the single species A. wardii. Arthrocardia flabellata ssp. australica is more representative of the genus Arrhrocaradia than is A, wardil aud Was Wetrasporangial conceptactes that are always of the “rrhracerdia type", as are also the carposporangial conceptacles, The male conceptacles of A. flabellata spp. australiiea resemble those of Coraélina, bul not as much as do these in 4. wardit. The simplest way of distinguishing the lwo taxa of Arthrocardia in southern Australia is hy branching and intergenteular characteristics {Table 1). Arthrocurdia wardéi is a robust plant and A. flabellata ssp, australica is considerably more delicate, The lower unbranched intergenicula constituting the stipes differ in diameter in the two taxa (0,3-0.5 mm in A, flabellata ssp, ausiralica and 0.8-1,0 (-1.5) mm in 4. wordis). In the latter, unbranched intergenicula are rare, but in A. Flabellata ssp, ausiralica they constitute about 50% of the axial intergenicula. Instead of producing lateral branches, short obtuse lobes tend to develop and bracket the lower part of the intergeniculum immediately above (Figs 2C, D, 3K, 1). Sporangial characteristics are also helpful an separating the two Australian taxa, Conceptacle dissection usually reveals bisporangia (undivided when immature) in 4. wardil (tetrasporangia in one Tasmanian specimen), and tetasporangia in 4. flabellata ssp, australica, but more study of their repreduction is warranted, In the two southern Australian taxa, mosr male conceptacles lack branches, but usually the potential for branch growth is present in A, /febellate ssp, australicg as evidenced by processes where branches might have developed (Fig. 31, K). In the few richly fertile male collections of 4. wardi/ studied, there were very few branching conceptactes (Piz. 3C). The carposporangial conceptacles bear surmounting Pig, % A-C 4rthrocerdia werdii, A.A branch of a bisporangial plant, with branchlets above the concepractes and nicdullary Hers shown in one intergeniculum (ADL, AS52798), A. Branch of a cystocarpic plant (ADU, 432437). C, Branch of a male plant (ADU, A32317), DAL Arthrevardia flabellata ssp, austraficd, D. Branches of a telrasporangial plant, showing position of conceptacles (Wotansen 81-8-14), &. A tetrasporangial conceplacle surmounted by young branchlets (Johansen 81-10-2ld). & Enlurgericnt of partol D, with a tetrasporangial voncepracie surmounted by older branchlets, G, An intergeniculum showing Gers of medullary cells Johansen 81-10-21d), #7, A more elongate intergeniculum showing tiers of medullary ecils, and genicula Gohansen 81-9-25; ADU, AS2791). 7. Branches of @ eystocarpie plant with conceptactcs (Johansen 81-9-24; ADU, AS2792). J Enlargement of part of 7 with acystocurpie eonceptacts. A. Branches of a wale plant (Johansen $1-9-49; ADU, AS52790), J, ‘Iwo male conceptacles of XK with elomgate beaks and narrow canuls ta the Spermarangial chambers. 46 H. B. S. WOMERSLEY & H. W. JOHANSEN Fig. 4. Longisections through branches and conceptacles ot Arthrocardia flabellata ssp, australica. A. Branch apex with newly formed geniculum, in the type (ADU, A52790). B. Tiers of medullary cells and part of a geniculum, in the type (ADU, A52790). C. Carpogonial conceptacle (Johansen 81-9-43). D. Carposporangial conceptacle (Johansen 81-9-43), shown on its side. ARTHROCARDIA IN SOLVHERN AUSTRALIA a branches in A, flabellata ssp, ousiralica (Fig. 31, J), but may or may not bear such beanches in A, wardil (Pig. 34). Arifvovardia fiebetlat ssp. anstratica ts rare in seuthernm Australia. Afrhough overlapping jn Victoria, (hé known ranges extend to the east and north for 4. waredié and westward for A. flabellata ssp. atestarlica, Arthrocardia is probably most closely related to Corelline, a genus thal tw distributionally and structurally well known, Differences between Arthrocardia and Corallina concern (1) branches On tetrasporangial (or bisporangial) conceptacles in Arthrocardia but only rarely in Corullina; (2) configuration of intergenigula containing (cirasporangial conceptacles (only slightly swollen in Arthrocardia), (3) branches on male conceptacles in Arthrocardta; (4) configuration of intergenicula cantaining male concepracles, with more pronounced beaks in Arthrocardia; (5) the position of gonimoblast filaments on fusion cells, where they are peripheral only in Coral/ina; (6) the number of medullary tiers per intergeniculum (20-40. in Arthrocardia, 10-20 Corallina); and (7) plant and intergenicular sizes, with Arthrocardia generally greater than Conilina, From Mariza (1937, (940), Ganesan (1967), Johansen (1969, 1971), unpublished data on South African plants (Johansen) and the Study of various type specimens, a revised concept of the genus Arthrocardia has emerged (Johansen 198}) and can be reviewed here, The intergenicular medullary tiers in the tribe Corullineae are uniform in dimensions, with the cells 30-75 (-90) zm tong. There are usually 10-20 liers per intergeniculum in Corallina and 2-40 in Arthracardia, a feature corresponding to the usually greater intergenicular length in the latter genus, The best diagnostic feature of Arthrocurdia is the growth of branches from conceptacle-bearing intergenicula and the potential formation of more conceptacles by these branches (Johansetr 198), However, this charactenstic must be analysed for botlt tetra- or bisporangial plants and for male or femate plants. [n sporangial plants (he formation of branch primordia on the broadened shoulders ol fertile intergenicula (usually when the vonceptacles cotttaln immature sporangia) is an Integral part of developmenr (see eg, Johansen 1969, pl. (8). On the other hand, in Coralfina the usual condition is for intergenicula containing telraspotatgial conveptacles not to flatten and broaden and for surmounting branches, if Produced, not to contain convepracles (Johansen 1981), Conceptacles in Arthrocerdia are axial in that they onginate at interzenicular apices (Johansen 1969). Cells destined to become seproductive originate in the apical medullary menstems ina straight line with the intergenicular axis. The filaments surrounding the young tertile cells separate so that a space, the future conceptacular chamber, forms belween them, Further growth and development result in'a roofed chamber and 2 canal leading to a pore Male conceptacles of Arthrocurdia slubetlain from South Africa have been recorded (unpublished data) with beaks more than 1 mim long and, although the data are meagre, it appears that beaks in Arthrecardia are longer than in Corallina, In A. flabellata sp. australica variation in beak lengths (Fig, 3K, 1) suggests an intermediate position for this species. Male conceptagles in 4, wardit are very similar to those in Corallina . The position of gonimoblast filaments on carposporophytic fusion cells may be significant as an added feature distinguishing Arthrocardia and Cerailina. The few studies of Arthracardia (Ganesan 1967; personal observations of HW.J, on South African specimens) all record the filaments arising seemingly anywhere on top of the fusion cell. In contrast, in Covallina they are restricted to the margin, or nearly so (Suneson 1937, p. 33; Segawa 1942: Ganesan 1968; Johansen 1970), Caution in using this feature should be observed, however, until definitive studies on carposporophyte Vatte 2. Characteristics divtingaishing Arthrocardia aa Corallita, and comparisons with Arthrocardia wariii Branches irom tetra (or bi-) sporafgial copceptacles, Brauches From male conceptacles, Upper parts of inter-genicula comaining vetra (et bi-) sporangial concepracles Beaks of male concepractes Gonimoblast filaments on fusion vell Meduliary cell iets per incergeniculian Arthrocardia A, Wwarddii Corallinu usually usually seldom usually never never wide, wide, narrow, concepigacles conceplacles conceptacles protruding protructing protruding oaly slightly. long short to short (800-L200 wimp medium (200-600 pnt} (300-700am) gvet Upper probably over ai oT nest surface upper surface muri 20-40 2-40 1-20 ah H, BS. WOMERSLEY & HW, ITIRANSEN development aru made (sce Johansen 1972; Lehednik 1977), Ferlile letrasporangial conceplacles of Corallina officinalis usually lack Surmounting branches. Furthermore, the conceplacles are mofe conspicuons than in slethrocardia because the upper parts do not expand into a platform upon which hranches can arise. The characteristics of Arrhrocardia in southern Australia show that it is possible and reasonable to segregate it from Corallina (Table 2), but unusual male plants af A. wud! with canceptacles like those in Corellia have necessilaled sume re-evaluation, Arrkracandia is most prevalent av the Southem hemisphere, being most prominent in saulhern Africa (Seagrie! 1984, pp. 5, 6). As currently recognised, as well as from South Africa (Manza 1937) the venus Has been reported from Gough Island (Chamberlain 1965), India (Ganesan 1967), northern California (Johansen 1971), Brazil (loly 1965), and south-eastern Australia, ArvAvecardia Slabellata ssp. flabellata is extremely common on the east coast of southern Afrien in various forms. In contrast, he Australian subspecies is knowl Prom fow collections. Acknowledgments Assistance from MST grant 80/2004 to the Tirst aulhor supported a research visit by the second author to Adelaide in 1981, Thanks also ga to the Curators of the herbaria listed in “Materials and Methods" tor help in studying calloctions of Arthrocardia, Our gratitude gues also to Scoresby A. Shepherd (who supplied the Latin diapnasis), Eric J. Johansen, Douglas Pabyt and the first aurhor's colleagues in Adelaide for assistance in field work and in other ways. Mrs Doris Sinkora kindly assisted in enquiries aboul specimens its MEL and Dr Michael J. Wynne helped in clarifying the nomenclature of the South African Arthrocaridia flabellata, References Anams, No M. (1972) The marine algae of the Wellington area. A list of species Rec. Dum. Mus, 8, 43-98. Arpscwotic, J GE. (852) Ordo XI. Corallinéae. In JG. Avardh, Species, generg et ordines algarum .. . 22), pp. 506-576. (Glevrups, Lund.) Haney, h My (1883) A synopsis of the Queensland Flora, (Govt Printer, Beisbane,) (1913) Comprehensive catalogue of Queensland Plants. (Govt Printer, Brisbane.) CHAMBERLAIN, Y. M, (1965) Marine algae of Gough Island. Bull, Brit. Mus, (Nut, Hfst.2, Bot. 3, 174-232, pls 16-19. CHAPMAN, V. L & Parkinson, PG. (1974) The Marine Alvae of New Zealand, Part {lf Rhodophyceae. [ssue 3. Cryptonemiales. pp. 155-278, Plates $1-94. (Cramer, jermany.) Decaisne, J. (1842) Rssais sur une classification des Algues et des Polyplefs calcitéres de Lamouraux. Ann. Sci. Nal. Bot, s@¢ 2, 17, 297-380, Plates 14-17, De Tow, G. 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(Reeve, London } (1059) Aluwe Jn J.D. Hooker, “Che Botany of the Antarctic Voyage." Part IL. Plora Tasmaniae: Vol. 2, fy. 2K2-343, Plates 185-190, (Reeve, London.) — (1863) “Phycalovia Austratica, Vel 5, Plates 241-300), synop, pp. -Ixxiii, (Reeve, London. JOHANSES,, FH, W, (1869) Morpnaloay and systemarics of coralline algae with special reference to Culliarthrive Univ, Calif. Publs Bot, 49, vii 4 78, Plates 1-19. —— (170) The diagnostic value of reproductive argans in some gevera of articulated coralline red aleac. Ar phycol. 3. 5, 79-86. —— (1971) Changes and additions to the articulated coralline flora of Calitarnia. Phycotogia WW, 241-249. -— (1972) Conveptacles. in, Tie Coyallinaceag, Proc. Seventh Internat. Seaweed Symp., Sapporo, Japait, Aue. 8-12. 1971. pp, 14-119, (Unix. Tokyo Press, Tokyo.) — (1981) “Coralline Alves, A First Synthesis”. (CRU Press, Boca Raton, Florida.) ——.& SIVA, B.C. (1978) Janieae and Lithatrichowe: wo new tribes of acticulated Coratlinacene (Rhodophyta) Phycologia V7, AV3-4N7, —& Womersi ry, H. B.S. (1UR6) (eliypitihon foseter (Corallingceac, Rhovophyta) in soulheri Australia. Ansi. 4 Bot. 34, 551-567. Jow, A, B, (965) Flore aisiinha do htoral porte Wo Eslade dy Sao Paulo rewides cirvunvizinhas, Fae Fras Cléwe. e Lei, Univ. Sao Paulo, Bal, Fol, 21, 5-393, 59 Piates, Kieizing, FT. (1958) Tabulae Phycolagivag. Vol. # (Nordhausen,) Lrimonik. PB A. (1977) Postfertilization development in Clathromorphumn, Melobesia and Afesnphytuen with comments on the cyoluuiou of the Corallinacae and Hy Cy plonemaili (Rhodophyw). Phycolagie 16 79-406, ARTHROCARDIA IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA 49 Lewis, J. A. (1984) Checklist and bibliography of benthic marine macroalgae recorded from northern Australia. I, Rhodophyta. Dept Defence Materials Res. Lab Report MRL-R-912. (Melbourne.) Lucas, A. H. S. (1909) Revised list of the Fucoideae and Florideae of Australia. Proc. Linn. 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(1942) Systematic anatomy of the articulated corallines. IX. Corallina sp. J. Jap. Bot. 18, 573-580. SONDER, O. G. (1881) Algae Australianae hactenus cognitae, In F. von Mueller, “Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae. I. Suppl. ad Vol. XI.” pp. 1-42; 105-107. (Melbourne.) SUNESON, C. (1937) Studien iiber die Entwicklungeschichte der Corallinaceen. Lunds Univ. Arsskr. N. F. Avd, 2, 33(2), 1-101. TISDALL, H. T. (1898) The algae of Victoria. Rep. 7th Meet. Aust. Ass, Adv, Sci, Sydney, 1898, pp. 493-516. Wixson, J. B. (1892) Catalogue of Algae collected at or near Port Phillip Heads and Western Port. Proc. R, Soc. Vict. n.s, 4(2), 157-190. YENDO, K. (1905) A revised list of Corallinae. J Coll. Sci, Imp. Univ. Tokyo 20 (art. 12), 1-46, TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED VOL. 112, PART 2 AMINO ACID RACEMISATION DATING OF THE “OLDER PLEISTOCENE MARINE BEDS", REDCLIFF, NORTHERN SPENCER GULF, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY C. V. MURRAY-WALLACE*", R. W. L. KIMBER*, V. A. GOSTIN} & A. P. BELPERIO¢ Summary Amino acid racemisation dating of the "Older Pleistocene marine beds", Redcliff, northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 112(2), 51-55, 31 May 1988. Amino acid racemisation reactions are applied in relative and quantitative age assessments of the "Older Pleistocene marine beds" from Redcliff, northern Spencer Gulf. The extent of racemisation (epimerisation) for a range of amino acids in specimens of the fossil bivalve Anadara trapezia suggests a Penultimate Interglacial age (oxygen isotope stage 7) of approximately 200 000 yrs B.P., consistent with the geological context of the fossiliferous marine strata. KEY WORDS: Amino acid racemisation, Middle Pleistocene, marine sediments, sea level change. AMINO ACID RACEMISATION DATING OF THE “OLDER PLEISTOCENE MARINE BEDS", REDCLIFE, NORTHERN SPENCER GULF, SOUTH AUSTRALIA By © Vo Murray Watiace?!) R, WoL) KimMmerS Vo A. Gosting & A. P BELPeRio] Suminary MurRAY WaALLact, ©. Vi. Kimarr, Ro WoL. Gestis, YoA) & Brreemo, A, PO (IY88) Amine acit ‘acermisation dating of the “Older Pleisiaeene marine beds", Redeliff, narthern Spencer Ciull, South Australig. Trans. R) Sue. S. Angst 112(2), 3-55. Al Muy 1988, Amino acid racemisation reactions are applied in relive dnd quantilalive age assessments of The “Older Pleistocene mating bods” from Redebff,. northern Spencer Gulf. The extent of racemisation (epimerisation} fora rive of amine acids in specimens of the fossil bivalve 4madara trepezia sugecsts a Penultimate Interetacial wee (Oxygen Isulope stave 7) OF approximaicly 200 000 vrs BP, consistent with the geological comtest Of the fossiliferous siarine strata. Koy Woerbs: Amino ccd cocemimation, Middle Plemtaceny, marine sediments, sea level change. Introduction Uruil recently, age assessments Of Quaternary marginal marine sediments have been frusirated by complex stratigraphic relationships and the limitations af some established. dating, techniques, In response co these difficulties, considerable research undertaken recently has resulicd in the development of a vanety of dating methods insluding amino acid racemsation, thermolumines- cence and electron spin resonance (Mahaney 1984; Rutter (985), Although the principles on which these techniques ace hased aré long established, their application in Quaternary studies is relatively new, Some of the difficulties of cstabhshing vhronologies in Quaternary foanginal murine settings have included the intertingering relationship of terrestrial and marine sedimeits, the lack of fossils an terrestrial sediinenrs, and 4 complex ot envirenmental controls on the distribution of biota in marine and paralie sirmations (Mutray-Wallace 1987!). Stratigraphic relationships influenced by gtamorphie setting, lack of continuous outcrop, irregular facies development and homotaxcds have presented further complications (Charlesworth 1957: Vita-Pinzi 1973; Aver 1981; Bowen 1985). Notwithstanding the “apparent” complexity of stratigraphic relationships in (Quaternary sequences, ? CSIRG Division at Soils, Private Bay No. 2, Glen Osmond, S Ause S64. Present Address; The NWG Mucintosl Centre for CQnarernary Dating, University of Sydney, Sydnev 2006, Australia, Department of Geology and Geophysics, The University of Adelaide, P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5001. ' South Australian Department of Mines and Energy, PO, Box 181, Eastwood. 5. Aus. 5063. -_ "Murray Wallace, CV. (1987) Evaluarion and application of the aming aed racemisation reaction in studies af Quaternary coastal and marine sediments in Australia. Ph.L. thesis, Liv, Adelaide (Uiapubl.) the problems in Australia are further complicated hy the need to correlate over large distances. Lntil recently, assessments of the age of Quaternary coastal deposits in Australia telied on correlations with European models of Alpine glaciation, which themselves were poorly csiablshed (Tindale 1933, 1947: Bauer 1961: Sprigg 1952, 1959, 1979; Ward 96S) Twidale ev af. 1977). The general absence of widespread glaciation during the Australian Quaternary has meant that its indirect expression, elacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations, have figured prominently in chronostratigraphic classifivation of marine and paralic sediments. $f particular, a minge of geomorphologival evidence hus been cited in this connection and has proved unreliable (Bauer 196]; Twidale ex a. 1977) Buckley ef a/. 1987), Such approaches generally resulted in erroneous age assessments and an incomplete understanding of process tutes in coastal evolution. Altitudinal relationships of strandlines and the construction of Shoreline relation diagrams formed the basis of these early suudies and are sull used by some (Ward 1985). In this paper, we report results of uminy acid tacemisation dating of Pleistocene fossiliferous marine strita froin Redelil{, northern Sperver Gull. These resulls serve fo illustrate the significant parential of applying amino acid racemisatian reactions to the dating ef Australian Quaternary sediments. “Older Pleistocene murine heds" tn a regional investigation of the submanne Quaternary geology of northern Spencer Gull, Hails ev a/. (1984a, bh) and Belperio et a/, ()984a) described a sedimentary unit they termed the “Older Pleistacene marine beds” (Fig. 1), These sediments aré represented by poorly sorted sandy clays with low calcium ecrbenate contents, Allhough they fave similar tithological characteristics to distal alluvial 32 ©, VV. MURRAYWALLACE, RW, 1 fan sediments, the presence of foraminifera and the bivalve Anadara trapezia attests to their marine origin. According to Billing (1984) these sediments experienced intense pedogenic modification invulving decalcification and clay illuviation. The presence of Anadara trapezia suggested a coastal- interlidial depositional environment for these sediments (Hails ef a/. 1984a, b, Ludbrook 1984). Relative lithostratigraphic relationships indicate these sediments are older than the Mambray Formation (equivalent to the Glanville Formation of the Adelaide region) (Fig. 1). In the absence of quantitative data, Hails ef ak (1984b) invoked a generalised global glacioeustatic sea level curve, to fit an age to. the “Older Pleistocene murine beds”. Based on altitudinal relationships of the strata, and the suggested heights of former sea levels that were likely to have penetrated northern Spence: Gull, a Penultimate Interelacialage (220 ka, oxygen isalope Stage 7) was assigned lo these sediments (Hails ef al, 1984b), Amino acid rucemisation dating In fecenit years 2 large literature has emerged on the principles of amino acid racemisation dating. In particular, useful reviews are provided by Schroeder & Bada (1976), Williams & Smith (1977), Davics & Treloar (1977), Wehmiller (1982, (984) and Rutter et af. (1983). Amino acid racemisation dating is based on the principle that in living organisms, amino acids: bound in protein appear essentially in the left configuration (L-amino acids), With the death of an organism, the enzymic reactions that maintained the former disequilibrium condition cease, and a racemisation teaction commences. This results in the gradual change to right handed (D-amino acids) until an equilibriuin condition is attained (i.e, D/L = 1). As amine acid racemisation is a chemical traction, it is sensitive to a range of environmental factors, particularly prolonved changes in the diagenetic lemperature history of the host fossils {Murray-Wallace & Kimber 1987). However, with cautious sainpling, the lechnique hus potential uses in chronostratigraphy, stratigraphic correlation, studies Of reworking (Belperio & Murray-Wallace 1984, Cann & Murray-Walluce 1986), and ecotherniometry, Sample Collection Several specimens of the fossil bivalve Anadara frupezia (Deshayes) were collected from two vibrocores (Fig. 2) from Redeliff, northern Spencer Gulf, The cores were obtained as part of a wider study of carbonate sedimentation (Belperto ef al. 1984a). Onky disarticulated Anadara were present, KIMBER, V.A. GOSTIN & A. P. RELPERIO and were sampled from cores RED 40 and RED 41 within the depth interval 90-135 cx. Latrashell amino acid D/L. ratio variation was avoided by analysing only the hinges, Analytical Methods The analytical procedures undertaken in this investigation follow those described more extensively in Kimber & Griffin (1987) and Murray- Wallace & Kimber (1987), Analyses reported are for the total acid hydrolysate’, # complex mixture of high molecular weighi peptides, smaller peptides and tree amino acids. Results and Discussion Representative results of the extent of amino aad racemisation for the Avadara trapezia from the Redcliff Cores are presented in Table 1, These data are compared with Last Interglacial and radiocarbon-calibrated Holocene specimens’ which provide a regional chronostratigraphic framework, | __(PPrER SPENCER GULF] GULF ST VINCENT lHAILS ef ob. (9840) (FIRMAN, (969) w GERMEIN BAY FORMATION ST KILDA FORMATION HOLOCEN in POORAKA FORMATION| POORAKA FORMATION | ae Sa a IMAMBRAY FORMATION |GLANVILLE FORMATION or OLDER’ PLEISTOCENE MARINE BEDS E t | | | ; MIDDLE HINDMARSH CLAY HINOMARSH CLAY Fig, (. Summary of local lithostratigraphic nomenctamure of Quaternary marginal marine strata, after Birman (1969) and Hails er a/, (1984a), plotted in a chronastratipraphic context and showing the relative Stratigraphic pasition of the %Older Pleistocene marine beck". The gaps ropresenc depositional breaks, AMINO ACID RACEMISATION DATING 53 As Anadara trapezia became extinct in South Australian coastal waters after the Last Interglacial, the Holocene specimen was obtained from Hervey Bay in southern Queensland. The radiocarbon age reported was calibrated to sideréal years using the tables of Klein et a/, (1982), and has also been corrected for the marine reservoir effect according to: Gillespie & Polach (1979), The mean annual temperatures (M.A‘T.) of the sample sites are also indicated in Table 1. Results are reported for aspartic acid (ASP), alanine (ALA), valine (VAL), isoleucine (ALLO/ISO), glutamic acid (GLU) and phenylalanine (PHE). The relative extent of racemisation of the different amino acids in Anadara trapezia is in accord with those generally accepted for mollusc fossils of similar age (Lajoie et al. 1980), By analogy with the calibration samples, the Anadara from the “Older Pleistocene marine beds” are clearly older than the Last Interglacial, which is most reliably dated at 125,000+ 10,000 yrs by Uranium. series disequilibrium dating (Stearns 1984). A quantitative age assessment of the “Older Pleistocene marine beds” was undertaken by applying the integrated rate expression for the amino acid racemisation reaction (Mitterer 1975), and using the Last Interglacial Anadara trapezia as a basis for calibration, This approach takes into account the non-linear nature of molluscan a 2 SOUTH AUSTRALIA & R Sy og Suguste MEL ACE je ~* fa 5 ey KILOMETRES: Fig. 2. Location map of Redcliff cores RED 40 and RED 4. TABLE L. Extent af aming acid racemisation in Anadara trapezia obtained from the “Ojder Pleistocene marine beds? Redeliff, northern Spencer Gulf, coripared with Holocene and Lest interglacial results'. Lithostratizraphic No of Age M.AT* Amino acid D/L ratio T unit/locality specimens (°C) ASP ALA VAL ALLO GLU PHE /ISO Modern beach surface Quarantine Bay New South Wales 2 modern 14.7 0.05 _ 0.02 0.02 0.08 = Holocene sediments 2 6400 1 140 21.5 0.44 0.52 0.15 0,17 _ — Hervey Bay 40.005 £0.02 10.01 + 0,002 Queensland Glanville Formation 8 125,000 17 0.54 0.68 0.32 0,43 0.42 0.73 Port Wakefield +0.03 +002 +006 40.04 40.01 +0,06 Gulf Sr Vineenr South Australia “Older Pleistacene 4 — 19 0.76 0.83 0.48 0.55 0.62 O89 marine beds" 10.02 +003 +0.0) 40.02, 10.02 +0.03 Redcliff 1 Holocene and Last interglacial results are reported in Murray-Wallace, C. V. (1987) Evaluation and application of the amino acid raccmisation reaction in studies of Quaternary coastal and marine sediments in Australia (Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ, Adelaide) 332 pp. * Mean annual teniperature. + ASP = Aspartic acid, AIA # Alanine, VAL # Valine, ALLO/ISO # AlloisoleucineIsaleucine, GLU # Glutamic acid, PHE # Phenylalanine, S4 ©, V, MUERRAPWALLACE, RB, WoL KIMBER, V2 A, GOSTIN & ALB BEL PERIC yucemsation hineics und therefore integrates the kinetic complexities of the transition zone in the Nonlinear Model of YWeluniller C1984). The (acemisation pale Constant (k) used was 18.10 In view of the slight amount of racemisatien that occurs during sample preparition (acid hydlralysis), the extent of meemisation evident in modern Anardard was sublracted from the Aner Obtained from the “Older Pleistovene marine beds” A nlean age of 200,000 £50,000 yrs BP was calculated based on ihe extent of raucetmisation in aspartic acid, valine, glutamic acid and phenylalapine. The error terja allows for a diagenelic jemperature history uncertainty of approximacely 39°C, These duty therefore indieaw the “Older Pleistacene marine heds” were deposited during the Penultimate lpterglacal (Stage 7 of the ararnne oxyzen-isotope record) and supperts the prelimisary age assessment made by Pails er af, (984b). \ global glacio-eustatic sea level event of aboul this age is also known [rom coastal deposits in New Guinea, Barbados, Berniuda, New Zealand, Western Australia and various localities in southern Australia (Chappell (974: Gill 1977; Fairbanks & Matthews 1978; Harmon ef wf. 1983; Hewaill ev ai, 1983, Belperio er u/ 19846), Acknowledgments This research was part of a PhD. project by C. V. Murray-Wallace undertaken jointly ar the University of Adelaide and the CSIRO Division of Soils, Suuth Austratia under the supervision of Drs V. A, Gostin and R. WL. Kimber, A. P. 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E cassonei nom. nov. is proposed as a new name for F. asymmetricum (Cameron, 1926) sensu Cassone & Baccam, 1985 from free-living Macropus rufogriseus (Desmarest, 1817) and Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest, 1804) and from captive M. robustus Gould, 1841 and M. antilopinus (Gould, 1842). F. woodi Cassone & Baccam, 1985 is suppressed as a synonym of F. asymmetricum (Wood, 1931). Host records are revised. New records are given for F. australe (Wood, 1931), F. asymmetricum, and F’. mawsonae Cassone & Baccam, 1985. KEY WORDS: Nematoda, Trichostrongyloidea, Filarinema, Macropodidae. A REDESCRIPTION OF /ILARINEMA DISSIMILE (WOOD, 1931), WITH NEW RECORDS OF OTHER SPECIES OF FILARINEMA MOENNIG, 1929 (NEMATODA: TRICHOSTRONGYLOIDEA) FROM MACROPODID MARSUPIALS By JAN BEVERIDGE* & D. M. SPRATTT Summary Brvenince, f. & Sprare, DOM. (1988) A redescription of Filarinema dissimile (Wood, 1931), with new records of Gther species of Filarinemu Moennig. 1929 (Nematoda: Trichosirongyloidea) from macropodid marsupials, Trans. A. Soc. S Awe. 142(2), $7-61, 71 May 1988. Filarinema dissnmile (Wood, 193)) (Nematoda; Trichostrongyloidea) is redescribed from material collected from (he type lost, Mucrepus robystus Gould, 1841, from Petrogele assimilis Ramsay, 1877 and trom Lagorchesies conspicillatus Gould, 1842, all trom Queensland. FE cassonei nom, noy.is proposed as a new same tor E asvmmerricum (Cameron, 1926) sensu Cassone & Baccam. 1985 from free-living Mfacropus eufosrixeus (Desmarest, (817) and Wellabia bicolor (Desmarest, 1804) and from captive M- rebustus Gould, 1841 and Md. aattifopiius (Gould, 1842). F wooed: Cassone & Baccam, 1985 is suppressed as a synonym of FE axynmetricnm (Wood, 1931). Host records are revised. New recordy are given for F australe (Wood, 1941), & asymunersicum, and & mansorge Cassane & Baccam, 1985, Key Worps: Nematoda, Wichosirongyloides, #7larinema, Macropodidae. Introduction Species of the nematode genus Filatinemea Moennig, 1929 are restricted to the pyloric antrum of the sacculated stomachs of kangaroos and wallabies (family Macropodidae), The genus was recently reviewed by Cassone & Baccam (1985) who redescribed all but one of the known Species and added [ive new ones, F, dissimile (Wood, 1931) was hot redeseribed since no new material was available and because the male types deposited by Woad (1931) are apparently no longer extant, Since publication of the revision by Cassone & Baccam {1985}, considerable additional material has been collected, including new material of & dissimile, and hence a full description of this species can be given for the first time, While undertaking ‘this redescription, and identifying the many additional Specimens recently collected [rom related macropodid hasts, it became evident that an additional species, previously referred to 4s asyinmierricuum by Cassone & Baccam (1985), existed within the genus, This new species is naimed in chis paper. Materials and Methods Specimens examined were lromt the Helminth Collection (AHC), of the South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAM) and from the helminth collection of the Division of Wildlife and Ecology; * Cenrral Veterinary Laboratorics, Sowth Ausiralian Deparrment of Avpriculture, c/o Insulcuce of Medical ae Veterinary Scienve. Prome Road, Adelaide, S Aust. S000, 4 Division of Wildlite and Feology, CS LR0,, Canberra, ACT, C.S.LR.O, Canberra. Specimens deposited in the British Museum [Natural History), London ({BMNH), the CAB International Institule of Parasitology, St. Albans (CIP) and in SAM were also examined, Nematodes were cleared in lactophenol for examination and drawings were made with the aid of a drawing tube atiached to an Olympus BH microscope, Ea face preparations of the cephalic end and mid-body sections Were cut by hand, under a stereomicroscope, using a fragment of razor blade mounted in a holder. Specimens of the species described in this paper have been deposited in SAM and BMNH, Measurements are given in the texd in millimetres a8 the range followed by the mean 7A Purentheses, Fitarinema dissimile (Wood, 1931) FIGS 1-13 Trichastronnylus dissimitis Wood, {931 Asvinmetricosirongylus disstmilis Wood, 1931) Nagaty, 1932 Dipes: Scr colypes, from stomach of Macrapus robustus woodwardi, Western Australia. Whereabouls unknown. Maicrial examined: From M. robustus: 6 o Warrawee Station via Charters Towers, Qld (SAM V4032-4034; AHIC 16281; BMN H 1986.100$-1006); from Petrovale assimilis: Sort, Frederick Creek, Collinsville, Qld (AHC (4447); from Lagerchesies conspicillatus: 10, Fletcher View Station yia Charters Towers, Old (AHC 12325), Description (measurements of 6 specimens from AL. robusius): Small slender nematodes, 8.0-10.4 (9.5) long, maximum width 0.10-0,15 (0.12). Body covered with numerous, fine, transverse striations. Synlophe absent; slight cuticular thickening present on right-hind side of body (Fig, 5). Mouth opening trangular in apical view (Fie. 3); 2 lareral amphids avid 4 sub-median cephalic papillae present. Buccal capsule poorly developed, tri-radiate in section, Si L BEVERIDCIR & 1M, SPRATT surrounded by musculature of vesophagus; dorsal tooth present but very poorly developed (Figs 2, 4). OCesuphagus filiform U.74-0.85 (0,79): nerve ring in anterior arsophageal region, 0.20-0,30 (0.26) trom antefios end; cacretory pore immediately posterior lo nerve ring, (,21-0,32 (0.27) from anterior end (Fig. 1); demrids not seen, Bursa covered with fine srelgioats: lobes of bursa indistiner {Fiz 7); veniro- ventral rays symmetrical, diverent, antertorly direeted, thick, almost reach margin of bursa; yentrevlaleral and lateral rays grouped together; yentra-lateral ray lerinates near margin of bursa; externola(ers! ray short, lerminates some distanee from margin of bursa; mediolateral ray longer than oller rays, terminates near margin of bursa: posterolateral rays slender, shorter, do not reach niargin of bursay externo-dorsal Tavs broad, slightly asymmetrical, left ray thicker than gin, arise from base of darsal ray, do not reach margin of bursa; dorsal ray asymmetrical (Fig. 8), trunk divides at ‘4 length inte 2 unequal branches, which terminate at bursa] margin in small but distinct bifurcations. Genital Cone promiment (Figs 6 7); ventral lobe small, appears as low eminence in ventral view with simiple papilla; dorsal lobe longer, composed of two separate raylets, Spicules heavily sclerotised, dark brown in colour, 0.20-0,23 (0.21) long (Figs 9-11); body of spicule tapers gradually to hne point, dorsal subsidiary branch 0,080-0,095 (0,086) long, arises ab middle of spicule brody, 0,078-0.096 (0.083) from anterior end, pointed al exiremilys ventral branch U.072-0.087 (0.478) lowg, arises just posteriur to origin of dorsal branch, more robust chan dursul branch, blunt and enlarged at tip. Gubernacylym thick, curved (Figs 12, 13), 0,13-0,15 (0.14) long, 6.O10-0,020 (0,015) thick, slightly curved ventrally in lateral view, lariation: specimens from P. asséntilis and conspiciffetas exhibit’ greater vanation in dimensions of spicules Ihan specimens tra rotustus, From PB wssimilis (5 specimens): body length 8.4-9.5 (9.2), masimum width (11-012 (0,12), oesophaaus 0.66-0.77 (0.72), nerve ring O.20-0.25 (0.23) from anterior ent, excretory pore 0.24. 0.28 (0.25) frein anterior end, spicale length 0.15-0.20 (017) gubermacutum O00-.14 (0,12); Single specimen from L. consyeiilafus: length 11,6, maximum width 0.18, oesophagus U.Y6, nerve ring 0.20 from anterior endl, excretary pare 1.35 fret anrerior end, spicules 0.28, gubernaculuin 0.17 Filacinernra cassoner Wem. Noy, Filerinemir asteninierricus (vey (Caieroil, 1926) sensi Cassone & BKaccam, 1985 (fram Maevropis mefoeesnvs) js 383-955, te, 2 AFH. Tippee Holotype o from pylorus af Macropus cufogriseur (Desmarest, ISI7}, Cape Barren Island, Fas, 12,40,1973, in SANT V3578 Marerial examined: From M. rafoeeseus; holotype; 97 same collection daw (AHC 16284, BMNH 1986.1007-1008); Zoo, Melbourne Zoolagical Gardens Vie; lo, Grampian Ranyes, Vie; doo, Cape Conran, Vicj Soc, Bondo State Forest, Tumut, NSW, Jore, Timbillica State Porest, Eden, NSM; 2c, “Iceng™ Gladstone, Tass from Hallabie bicelor (Desmarest, (M4jc 3ac, Orbost, Vie, tdet. as Howards by Cassone & Racwun): from At falieinuses (Desmarest, BIT} Zor or Melbourne Zoological Gardens, Vie. from ML aarileputus (Gould, 1842); bo, capiive colony, CSERG, Canberra, “Sunekalin”. Description: See Cassone & Baceam (1985), Spicuics winber in colour, 0.29-0.25 (0.22) long (mewn of 10 measurements}, tapering distally to -cxtremely fine point; anterior wodivided part of $picule 0.076-G.09D (0.078) long; dorsal branch.of spicile arises proximal to ventral branch, blunt-tipped, 0.052-6.070 (0,060) long; ventral branch sharper- tipped, O.0SU-(.060 (0.053) long) guberiaculun 0.12-0.15 (0,13) tong, slightly sinuous in lateral view, very thick, maximum thickness 0,014-0.022 (0.016) New frost recerds The following collections represent new host recoris, Filarinema mawsange Cassone & Baccam, 1985: Petrogule ussimilis Ramsay, 1877, South Edge Sui via Mareeba, Qhi tALLC 13404), Mi Clare near Invham, Qld }AHC 13394), Expedition Creek, Blue Range, Qld (AHC 41921), Lander’s Creck Stn Via Clare, Ol (AHC 13397), Valley of Lagoans Stn Via Ingham, Old (APEC 13293), Glen Harding Stn via Ingham, Old (AHO 11929); Pefrogale goddmané Thomas, 1923, Kings Plains Sin via Cooktown, Qld (AHE (3399); Thylogale stigmatica Gould, 1860, Peeramon, Qld (AEC 8978); depyprvinnus rajescens (Gray, 1837), Inkerman Sey via Home Hill, Old (AHC 11935). Filurinema australe (Wood, 1931): Lagorchestes conspicillatus Gould, 1842, Barrow Island, W.A. (AFIC 10860); Petrogale inernata Gould, 1842, Mynitia Sin Via Collinsville, Old (AHC 14398); Perragile usriitilis Rarnsay, 1877, Frederick Creek, Collinsville, Qkt (AHC 14446), Mi Clato via Ingham, Old (AHC 13394), Mt Wickham Stn via Collinsville, Qld (13398), Natal Downs Stn vin Chaners Towers, Gld (AHC 11928), Filernema asvernoticum Cameron, 1926); Poterous Iridactvlus (Kerr, 1792), Tas. (AH 11915), Dimessiog A dissemiile 4s most similar to Fl asyemelricun (Cameron, 1926) (svn. fo wee) Cussoue & Baccara, 1985). & cassenei nom, nov. (- F asyramerricura sensi Cassone & Bacvam 1988) and K haycocki Cassone & Baccam, 1985 in having a long slender spicule, tapering gradually to.a long, fine point, and two hrauches al equal length acsing from the spicule beady, FE dissyendle differs from fe FILARINEMA FROM MACROPOD MARSUPIALS a4 dsmnericienain having much (nore robust spicules whieh are dark brow) (n-colour compared with arober in (he taller species, and in having much longer and more rabast spicule branches than i) F oasvnmetieumnt. The gubernacutum of F usynimetricum has a characteristic Twist when viewed laterally, abd a similar twist is lacking inthe gubernacutum of F elissimile. F cussoner, for which an excellent disctiption was given by Cassone & Baccam (1985) fas FO uspemefricuni). ts distriguished by its amber coloured spiculey, and by the level al which the spicule branches terminate, being closer Lo Ihe spicule tip in & dessimile. In addition, ihe shoeter spicule branches in fy cussearey and the fact that the more robustol the two spicule branches is dorsal in F cassones but ventral in dissimile distinguish the two species. F gessimile Uiffers from Fl havcwcki in having darker spicules as well as in the shape and disposition of the branches of the spicule. Wood (1931) provided a very poor description of F. dissimile based on specimens obtained from several Afacropus robustes (sya. ML woddweardt) which dled soon after their imporation tno England from Western Australia. The original description is brief, lacks many important details, and the legends to the figures of his paper are incurrectly applied, Nagaty (1983) re-examined Woud’s type specimens and gave a more detailed description of thei In support of the erection of the wenus -lsvrnerricostrongylus Napaty, 1932 Lo winch he had earlier assigned the species. By contemporary standards, Nagaty’s drawings of the spicules are poor, but they agree in all important features with the wew marerial. A redeseriplion of the species is warranted to facilitate its separation rom congeners. The male types are no longer present in BMNH amd We have therefore deposited aduivional specimens in thal museum, The present specimens of F déssimite are trom the same host sprees as Wood's specimens, [hough not the same subspecies. Wood's material came frum At. robustus woodwardi, a subspecies Ninited to northern Western Australia and the Northern ferritory, while the preseait natenal comes from M, rofusns robusius which aceuTs along the Great Dividing Range from Cape York to New South Wales (Richanisan & Sbarmun 1976). The new specimens differ from Wood's und Nagaty’s deseriptions oaly in the following details. Wood (1931) and Nagaty {5938) desetibed a cuticular “flange” on the righe hand side of the body anid similar cilicular thickenings were described in several species by Cassone & Baccam (1985). tn our specimens, the thickening is slight and ts only evident in transverse sectiuns ol (he body, Woud (1931) descrihed the tateral lobes of the bursa as being markedly asymmetrical and the ventro-vential ray being more divergent on une side of Lhe body than the other, In our specimens, the asynimetry is not as marked, che ventrn-ventral rays are equally divergent and only the externodorsal rays are obviously asymmetrical. In spite of these minor differenves, our specimens are assigned (O FF dissimile pending the availability of new collections from Af robustus woodwardi trem Westera Australia (6 resolve the significance of the differences noted. In their redescription af E asprimerricuy (sic) from Mucropus rufogeiseus (syn MO beneils) Cassone & Buccam (1985) noted discrepancies between jhe original description of Cameron (1926) and the comments made on the same species by Wood (6931). Wood (199) himself noted that Cameson’s description was inaccurate ut several points, and sought to correct 1 based on a re- examination of the type specimens deposited in the British Museum, Nagaty (1938) provided a more detailed desetiption of the same species, Cassone & Bacvam (1985) hypothesised that Cameron in favi had two species in his material, but failed to recognise the fact. They concluded that Cameron had prepared the descriprion [rom one of the species but had deposited as lypes, specimens of the second. Woud's (1931) comments on Cameron's inaccurate description would then stem from the fact Lbat Wood had examined only the specimens which Cameron had deposited as types, and not the specimens which formed the basis of his published description. Cassone & Baceam's (1983) views are certainly supported by an examination of Cameron's Tigures of the spicules of & asymmietriciem which do not conform at all with the type specimens but do agree with a second species uf Filerinemnu also found commonty in Mf. rufoeriseus, On this basis, they designated a nearype for K asyrimetricumt and renamed the type Specunens of A asynumerricum in RMNIT as waved! Cassone & Baccam, 98S, Recent collections from Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland indicate chat there are indeed two species of /iletinerna tn the stomach of Macrepus aifogriseus and that mixed infections are usual, thereby further supperting Cassone & Baceaim's hypothesis thal Cameron was dlealaig willl a mixed infection of two species, Cameron deposited a total of 15 type specimens of & asyinmerricum, The holotype selected wus a feunule and it, logether with two males and two female paratypes, was deposited inh 19264 (BMNH 1926.10.12.1-3). In addition, live male and live female paratypes were placed in dhe coflecdon of the Landen School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, housed at the CAB International Instivute 1. BEVERIDGE & D. M. SPRATT 60 FILARINEMA FROM MACROPOD MARSLPIALS or oj Parasitology (collection no 178/A). We have examined all the type specimens and all the males are conspecific, belonging to the species described by Cassone & Baccam (1985) as F woodi. The females are also similar to one another and conform to the description given by the same authors. The name asymumetricum is determined by the lype specimens, rather than the published description, and all the male lypes clearly belong 10 the same taxon. We therefore propose that £ woodi be considered a synonym of J? asymmetricum, The co- parasitic species in Macropus rufogriseus, F. asynumetricuin sensu Cassone & Baccam, 1985 therefore is un-amed and we propose the name © cassonei nom. nov. for it, in recognition of the important contributions made to the systematics of the genus by J, Cassone, ‘The description of this species already published (Cassone & Baccan) 1985) is excellent, and we have merely added metric data from the much wider range of specimens we have available to us. The additional material we examined came from the same host animal as that described by Cassone & Baccam (1985), and we have therefore designated as a holotype of F cassonei the specimen in SAM formerly designated as the neotype of & asyminetricum by Cassone & Baccam, The nomenclatural changes made above result in significant alterations to host records, Cassone & Baccam (1985) recorded & wood! from Macropus rufogriseus, M, parryi, M, robustus and Wallabia bicolor, We have re-examined all the available material to confirm the identifications and all now become records for F asymmierricum. Our new host records extend considerably the host range of mawsonae, F. australe and, to a more limited extent, thar of & asymmetricum. Some confusion exists tn the literature as to the gender of the genus Filarinema. Nema (= thread) is neuter both in Cireek and Latin, and hence the gender of the genus is neuter. Moennig (1929) used the specific epithet flagrifer for the type species, and it is assumed he intended it to stand as a noun in apposition (= whipbearer) rather than as an adjective (= whip bearing), in which case it would have been flagriferurt, We have retained Maennig’s (1929) original spelling of the nante, but have used F-asyrnmeiricum, F. dissimile and #. australe in contradistin¢tion to the use of Inglis (1968) and Cassone & Baccam (1985). Acknowledgments We wish to thank Dr D. 1. Gibson, Mrs E. Harris and Dr L. Khalil for the loan of type specimens and ancillary information, and Dr R, Spesre, Mr P.M, Johnson, Dr R, Close and Mr §. Barker for collecting specimens. References CAMERON, T. W. M. (1926) On 3 new species of Hichessougiie worm trom the Bennett's wallaby. 2 Helminthol, 4, 23-26. Cassone, Jide BACCAM, D, (1985) Le genre Filar/nemu Moennig, 1929 (Nematoda, Trivhostrongyloidea), parasiles de marsupiaux australiens, Bull, Mus. nein. Hist, nat, Paris, 4 ser 7, 349-382, INGLIS, W. G. (1968) The geographical ond evolatianary relationships of Australian trichastrongyloid parasites and their hosts, J. Lint. Soc, (Zool) 47, 327-347, Nacary, N. F, (1938) The gener: Asymnetricostronpylus Nagaty, 1932 and Lihyostrongylus Lane, 1923 and relation to the genus Trickastrongyius Loos, IX0S, Livre rine Prof. Travassos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, TH, RICHARDSON, B. |. & SHARMAN, G, B. (1976) Biochemical and morphological observations on the wallarcos (Macropodidae: Marsupialia) with a suggested new taxonomy. J. Zaol, Lond. 179, 499.513. Woon, W, A. (1931) Some new parasitic nematodes from Western Australia Report Dir. Inst, Anim. Path, Cambridge. 19291930 1, 209-219. ——— See Figs, 1-13. Kilarinemta dissimile (Wood, 1931), 1, anterior end, lateral views 2, cephalic extremity, lateral view, dotsal aspect on left-hand side; 3, mouth opening, en face view; 4, optical transverse section through buccal capsule, showing huccal tooth and oesophageal masculature surrounding capsule; 5, transverse section in mid-body region, showing thickening of cuticle on right-hand side;.6, genital cone, latctal view; 7, bursa, ventral view; 8, dorsal lobe of” bursa, dorsal view, showing terminal bifurcarions of dorsal ray; 9-L, spicule from various oblique views; 12, gubernaculum, ventral view; 13, gubernaculumy Jateral view. Scale tines: Fig. 1, 0.1. mm, figs 2-4 to same scale, 0.01 mm figs 5-13 to same scale, 0.1 mm. MAGMATIC BANDING WITHIN PROTEROZOIC GRANODIORITE DYKES NEAR STREAKY BAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY R. F. BERRY* & R. B. FLINT} Summary Early Proterozoic I-type granitoids are exposed on the west coast of Eyre Peninsula. Narrow granodiorite dykes within this complex exhibit conspicuous banded margins. The banding is best developed along the eastern margins of the dykes and is cyclic. A detailed petrological and geochemical investigation was made of one of these banded margins from Point Brown. The dark bands are strongly depleted in coarse-grained K-feldspar and enriched in fine-grained biotite. This mineralogical and grainsize variation correlates with a strong enrichment in MgO, MnO and Rb and depletion in Ba. The systematic variation in mineralogy, geochemistry and grainsize can only be explained by dynamic crystal sorting in a crystal-rich granitic magma due to grain dispersive forces (Bagnold effect) acting in the shear gradient along the margin of the dyke. KEY WORDS: Early Proterozoic, granodiorite, magmatic banding, Gawler Craton. MAGMATIC BANDING WITHIN PROTEROZOIC GRANQDIORITE DYKES NAR STREAKY BAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA By R. BK BERRY? & KR. B, FLINT Summary Berry, Rb. d& Prine, R. B. (1988) Magmaric handing within Proterozoic Cranodiorite dykes near Streaky Bay, South Australia. Trans. R. See. 8. Auet. 19242}, 63-74, 31 May 1988, fiarly Proterozoic {-type wraniloids are expased on the west coast of Byre Peninsula, Narrow eranodiorite dykes within his complex exhibit conspictious banded marying, The banding is best developed alone the easjern margins of the dykes and is cyelic, A detailed petrological and geochemical investigation was made of one of these banded margins from Poin( Brown, The dark bands arestrongly depleted in coarse-grained K-feldspar and enriched in fine-grained biotite This mineralogical and grainsize variation correlates with 8 strong encichment in MeO, MnO and Rb and depletion in Ba. The systematic variahion in mineralogy, geochemisiry and grainsize can only be explained hy dynamic crystal sorting in a crystal-rich granitic magma duc to gvain dispersive forces (Bagnold effect) acting in the shear eradient alony the inargin OF the dyke. Kry Woros: Early Proverozvic, granpdioriia magmatic banding, Gawler Craton. Introduction Compositional banding and grading within magmatic rocks are relatively common and well studied in basic and ultrabasic lithologies but arc much less well known within granitoids. Biotite-rich bands have been described from an annular zone of a porphyritic monzogranite in France, where (hey were interpreted as the result of a shear gradient at the edge of convection cells (Barriere 1981). Banding of this type has not previously been reported in South Australia, despite the abundance of graniioids and extensive geological mapping in the state, However, at Point Brown, between Streaky Bay and Ceduna, granodiorite dykes exposed on the shore platform have banded margins. The nature and origin of these bands are the focus of this paper. Geologival Setting Rocks comprising the Gawler Craton range in age from: late Archaean Jo Middle Prolerozoie The craton is composed of schist, gneiss, iron Fannation, quarnizite, calesilicate and acid 10 basic voleanic rock intruded by granitoid, Three main phases of igneous activity have been recognised; the Duiton Suite inteuded during the Sleatordian Orogeny (25(K)- 20 Ma), syn-Kimban Orogeny graniloids (1850-1650 Ma) and anerogenic granitoids (1650-1450 Ma} (Parker e of 1985; Webb er al LYKA). The syn-Kimban Orogeny granitoids are the mast common rock type in the coastal exposures of western Eyre Peninsula (Fig, 1), All the rock types iicluded in this study are from the exposures of this suite at Point Brown and were intruded after the * Geology Department, Lijiversity of Tasmania, G0, Box 252C, Hobart 7001, Tasmanio, T Department of Mines & Energy, P.O. Box 151, Exsiwoud, S. Aust. 5063. second phase (D>) and before the third phase (D3) of the Kimiban Orogeny. A complex sequence of plutunism has been recognised within the syn-Kimban granitoids (Watkins & Flint 1983),! At Point Brown the oldest rock type is a coarse-grained red granite, This is iniruded by two generations ol diorite dykes and an extensive swarm of granodiorite dykes, The grariodiarite dykes strike at 010-035°, dip steeply (~80°) to the east and vary in width from 1 to 15m, Many of these dykes have a series of fine dark bands along these eastern margins (Figs 2 & 3). Other features of the granodiorite dykes are xenoliths of red granite and aggregates of diorite xenoliths, The granodiorite dykes and surrounding granite have been deformed, A biotite foliation (S3), which is subyertical and scriking 350-D10° js well developed and overprinied by crossculling sinistral mylonite Shear zones striking 140°. Chemistry and Petrology At Point Brown, the best example of layering was selected for detailed analysis. A slab of the banded pranodiorire was collected and sliced into 10 domains approximately [5 em thick enabling analysis of successive nvelanocratic and leucocraric bands. The average weight of these slices was 500 g. The aim here is to demonstrate the internal variability of the granodiorice, and the coterence of the analytical results, even for elements convenirated into accessory phases, confirms that 500 g samples were adequate for this purpose, In addition, 5 kg samples of the centre of the ' Warkins, N. & Flint, R. B. (1983) Proterozoic intrusives, Streaky Bay Area. S, Aust. Dept, Mines and Energy report $4782 (usipubl,). 64 R, F. BERRY & R. B. FLINT NUYTS /@) cay 4 } (Gg ARCHIPELAGO f, ee) (COS. FRANCIS — (@) ISLANDS A Mee vo, (QHART ISLAND CAINOQZOIC sediments MIDDLE PROTEROZOIC Point Westall anorogenic granites and volcanics. EARLY PROTEROZOIC orogenic migmatites, granitoids and diorites. PORT AUGUSTA KILOMETRES Fig. 1. Locality plan and regional geology, BANDED GRANODIORITE DYKES 6s Fiz. 2, Allernating melanocratic and leucoeratic layers along the banded eastern margin of (he granodiorite dyke at Point Brown selected for detailed analysis. granodiorite dyke, the nearby granite and diorite dyke were collected. All the samples were analysed for major and trace elements by classical XRF techniques (Table 1). Polished thin sections were prepared across the banded zone to examine the mineralogy, texture and grainsize, and to compare these with the country rocks. The mineral chemistry (Table 2) was determined by EDS analysis on a JEOL+JXA 50A microprobe. Modal compositions were calculated from whole rock and mineral ana- lyses using the mixing equations of Le Maitre (1979). Massive granitoids The red granite has a modal composition of 34% quartz, 33% plagioclase (Angq), 27% microcline and 4% biotite and is characterised by large (1 cm) phenocrysts of microclime. Accessory minerals include apatite, epidote, sphene, monazite, allanite and magnetite. The diorite is composed of 50% plagioclase (An35), 20% hornblende, 15% biotite, 5% quartz and 5% K-feldspar. The central part of the granadiorite dyke sampled for this study (Fig. 4) contains 16% quartz, 59% plagioclase, 10% microcline, 8% biotite and 3% hornblende. Accessory minerals are apatite, sphene, monazite Fig. 3, Close up of the banding illustrating the major bands which reflect variations in biotile and microcline contents, and magnetite. Epidote occurs as a metamorphic mineral overgrowing and replacing many of the accessory phases. Plagioclase phenocrysts are zoned. All the rims are Anzs5 but core compositions vary up to Ang (Table 2), Sericitised cores are common. The microcline has a high BaO content (1-2%) similar to the red granite. Biotite is slightly more magnesian (Mg, No, 55) than the biotite in the red granite (Table 2). Fine-grained, post-crystal- lisation biotite has slightly lower TiO, but is very close in composition to larger early grains. The hornblende has green cores in larger grains but rims and small grains are blue-green, suggesting meta- morphic re-equilibration. Textures within the granodiorite indicate post- crystallisation metamorphism and deformation. The strong biotite foliation, epidote overgrowths, hornblende re-equilibration, recrystallisation of quartz, complete inversion of K-feldspar to microcline, and widespread sericilisation of plagioclase cores all support a medium-grade, pro- bably low amphibolite facies metamorphic event. In addition, within the granite immediately adja- cent to both the eastern and western boundaries of the granodiorite dyke, there are narrow (J cm wide), leucocratic, quartz-rich, recrystallised zanes witha R. F. BERRY & R. B. FLINT 66 78 91 saat cOz 76 esl trOz 9EL 9 9 LZ 91 617 zOl Lv IZ $6 s9 Ts ge 16°66 = PE66 OFT £r'0 £F'0 soo 6r'7 or'P ple 6r'e SB°s oe’! 6 9£°0 L10 90°0 S6L Ly'l 68°81 ssel 760 L10 86°7S O00°PL 6 8F €L 09 £6 96 £6 89 98 oF S8E zOs ses SPs 76S 709 S19 009 FI9 909 1 Lil ofl FIT Sol L¥l tel Lu I8T 601 67S 986 OITT 6STI 088 8001 066 eLIl 696 SSIT LZ 6 ra a LI SI 91 a 6! ra\ Ly 17 87 97 BE Or ty ce Le 67 68 7OT 887 [pz 19€ O6E 68£ OLZ £9£ Lol cs oF 8P Ob 9s gs 09 SP vs Le trl Sit TST IZ 8SI PL €Ll eel Stl Sol SL £9 $8 L9 $8 £6 6 cL cL Ig 91001 IZO01 09°66 Or 001 6r'001 85°66 $0°001 91001 16°6 17001 £0°T 1s'0 0s°0 zs°0 69°0 850 89°0 19°0 938°0 790 £0 0z°0 97°0 tz" 9£°0 se0 Le"0 470 SPO LTO SOT 66°1 0¢°7 a4 Lee Itz STZ LV? cre 06°C 8P'P 80° Lor ors rans LLY sos 07'S £8'p LO ele SSE OL’ Sse LI't Lot SIF r0'r STP ose S6°T Sel £9°1 6r'T 077 00°7 161 OL'T LST LVI 0c'0 S10 610 LTO sz0 70 tO LV'0 -7°0 £10 SSL cep sors 83° £T'L 80°L S69 6E°S 90°L ZO'F £7 9l Ill BELT Peli 68°LI PO'LT L8°LI v8°LI S7'BL ze"LI Stl 9r'0 6S°0 sso $30 cL°0 9L°0 £9°0 638°0 cro 97'6S 81°s9 Ly'c9 Pro OP'6S 0°09 P8°6S ae) 80°8s 66°79 I (4 £ ¥ s 9 L 8 6 or USTEU UIsIses ST UO SUTEWOT ae “Qed $B of [BIOL + 001 A 79S IS 061 qu $68 Bg ZI aN ze A £9€ IZ Ls PN ra 20 oll By LS'66 IVLOL L9°0 107 0£°0 Sofd €7'7 om ees O°eN Sle ord 96'1 O3IN 070 OuW L6'°9 +024 98°L1 ‘Oulv ZL'0 “OLL SS'6S “OIS ulzIeUI UIO1SO AA ayoTpoursH ‘uUMOIG JU10g 1D splojlunsd JOf DIDp joIUayD “| AIAVL BANDED GRANGODIORITE DYKES 67 Domaine i= ony Pa e A Srahodraite Dyke | ras Foliation sane 1 METRES Fig. 4. Field sketch of granodiorite dyke studied showing sampling focations. The diorite sample was collected 300 m to the southwest on the tip of Point Brown, mylonitic fabric. These observations are consistent with the regional evidence of deformation at moderate temperatures. after the emplacement of all the granitoids (Watkins & Flint 1983).! The granitoids of Point Brown are all geochemically related. For example, they have very similar trace element patterns (Fig. 5). We conclude that the granite, gtanodiorite and the diorite have a common source, based on this coherence across a wide range of trace elements, despite the wide range of major element composition. They all fit the criteria for I-type granitoids of White & Chappell (1983), They have low Kz0/Na0 ratios and high Ca, The diorite and the granodiorite are metaluminous while the extremely fractionated granite is peraluminous but has a low Al. content aod a high Ca content for a granitoid with 74% SiOz, The Cr and Ni contents are all near the detection limit of 2. ppm, The granitoids are dominated by hornblende and biotite with magnetite as the dominant oxide phase. Pitcher (1982) suggested I-type granitoids can be divided into a Cordilleran and a Caledonian association, In this subdivision the Point Brown granitoids fit into the Caledonian association based on the predominance of biotite-rich granite and granodiorite. Pitcher suggested that the Caledonian- style I-type granitoids form during the uplift stage after 4 major orogeny and are largely post-kine- matic, On the chemical variation diagrams of Pearce e7 al, (1984) the granitoids from this study plot in the field of yolcanic are granitoids (Fig. 6). This field is also occupied by post-orogenic granitoids which can have a very wide range of compositions. In combination with the classification of Pitcher, this suggests that the Point Brown granitoids are post-orogenic rather than haying a Cordilleran/ volcanic arc association. Wyborn ev al. (in prep.)? have summarised the Proterozoic granitoids of Australia, The syn- Kimban Orogeny granitoids at Point Brown are very similar 10 widespread “K-feldspar megacryst- NOx) Sraradicrine Gronle Borite Rack camposinar ORS nermelsing values 3 Qb . x30 Ro Ba Ne Ce 2r bf Fig. 5. Normalised geochemical patterns for the massive gramitoids at Point Brown. Normalising factors are from Pearce ef af. (1984). > Wyborn, L. A, L, Page, R. W. & Parker, A, J. (in prep.) Geochemical and peochronological signatures in Aus- tralian Proterozoic teneous rocks. 68 R. F, BERRY & R, B. FLINT 100 \ \, \ WPG \ \ \ * \ «? 7 3 na 2 10 ‘ew z pac G x . 7 | ORG SYN-COLG + VAG 10 id 10 Y 100 WPS ...... Within- plate granitoid. I-10... ORG, ...... Qcedn-ridge granitoid, £ VAG... Voleanic- are granitoid. Ww SYN-COLG | Syn-collision granitoid G 1900 ra SYN-COLG y" <7 _— 1 aa Ww ¥ * a G Sy *g * 3 B3y7 a *° c 100 WhG 19 iis) Y4+Nb 190 Domains from eosterq margin of granodiorite dyke. Centre of granodiorite dyke, Western margin of granodiorite dyke. Granite x. _ Diorite Fig. 6. Y/Nb and Rb/(Y + Nb) diagrams showing the fields of various granite types afrer Pearce et al, (1984). hearing granodiorites and monzogranites” intruded between 1870 and 1820 Ma, For example, compared to the Kalkadoon and Ewen Batholiths at Mount Isa (Wyborn & Page 1983), they have nearly identical normalised trace element patterns and the same REE contents but are more like Phanerozoic I-type granitoids with higher Na,O/KO ratios and CaO, and lower Rb. They are unlike the anorogenic granitoids which are most common from 1800 to 1620 Ma. Banded Granodiorite The eastern margin of the granodiorite dyke selected for this study has five dark, fine-grained bands on its eastern margin (Figs 2-4). The first of these, starting from the margin, has a sharp contact on both sides. Its texture is now largely metamorphic and substantial growth of chlorite and green biotite has resulted from mylonitisation in association with the quartz mylonite developed on the boundary of the adjacent granite. While there 1s little chemical evidence of element mobility in this layer (Table 1), textural evidence for recrystallisation suggests that the campasition may have been modified by metasomatism associated with mylonite formation, The second and third dark layers have sharp contacts near the dyke margin and gradational boundaries away from the dyke margin. The fourth dark layer has relatively sharp contacts on both sides. These first four dark bands are included in the 20 cm wide sample which was subdivided into 10 domains, A fifth dark layer is very diffuse and weak and was not included in this study, The minetal chemistry within the banded grano- diorite is very similar to that of the massive grano- diorite in the centre of the dyke. Plagioclase; microcline and biotite have the same composition. In part, this may reflect metamorphic re-equili- bration conditions, especially the low Na3O in the microcline (Or9zAbgAn3). Hornblende was not found in domains | to 9 and is a trace component in domain 10, so it is not included in the subsequent discussion, In contrast there are major changes in grainsize and modal composition which are illustrated in Fig. 7. Individual bands are easily recognised by the grainsize variation and modal bietite component. Domains 1 and 2 form the first band, 3 and 4 the second band, 5 to 8 the third band and 9 the unzoned fourth dark band. BANDED GRANODIORITE DYKES 69 100 r . bi a gole 4 : ah sou Biatife: sce ces Q 5 Q Q Q Q 8 Q Quartz 6O- 0 + = c=) aD Co = 40h Plagioclase PO ott 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (O___ Domain No. 8 | ' * Cycle | Cycle 2 Cycle 3 , ~ r | : : | E 4+ * t- * 8 of * in * = ol 2 x * % o | o ol 1 L ss | 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 \60 it- 16] Distance (mm) fro: Eastern Margin Fig. 7. Variations in modal mineralogy and grainsize across the banded eastern margin of the dyke. Grainsize is the average of the 10 largest plagioclase grains within 1 cm wide strips parallel to the layering, Madal compositions were calculated from major element chemistry of domains and microprobe analyses of the phases using Genmix (Le Maitre 1979), Grainsize variations across these layers relate to the mineralogy. Biotite has an average grainsize of 0,2 to 0,3 mm across the whole dyke and does not vary significantly, Quartz mainly forms interstitial grains and mimics the grainsize of the feldspars. Both feldspars are relatively coarse grained in the massive granodiorite with microcline up to 10 mm and plagioclase up to 6 mm. The maximum grain- R. F. BERRY & R. B. FLINT 10 ‘AIIOPYS IO] QZ ‘apuslquioy toy ¢Z ‘aynoiq Joy ZZ ‘sedspjay 10) g ‘sJaquinu G— Fuimoa]joOJ uo paseg sje107 uoWED *(% JYSIOM [°O UBY) Ssa]) Palsazap JOU sayeaIpur — ‘Qe S¥ 24 PIO] SI Oey 710% g9'ST oust 99'S 99°S1 OL’ST 19°ST LO 96'F 66°F L6P 86°F 86'F [e1OL = 170 61'0 731 8° 08°1 rs"l 10°0 = 10°0 10°0 43°0 L3°0 x = 67'0 8f0 — = = om 09°0 10 65°0 SL'0 90°0 LO'0 EN = £6°1 —_— = — — — seo €7°0 6£'0 02'0 = — BD _— — = = = = — = — + _ £0'0 £0°0 eq rP's awe $vz LZ or'Z E8'7 erz — = = aw ££°0 90°0 +10 rl‘ s0'0 oro 91°0 — — — uA ST'F Ist op’? ranra 19°T ZE'Z bez = — _ — = = ay $9'F Z6°T oT L6'Z $8" 88'Z $3°Z rel a Ip] Iv sol s0'l IV — Ol'o L0°0 LI'0 ze'0 810 rz'0 = a = = = at tL 9g"s isg 99°9 09°S €s's as's ¥9'S L9°% BLT 95°72 0s'z 96°% L6°Z IS LL8 916 9°16 196 6 9°56 8°56 666 6001 6°66 ('Z0L TOI 6101 THIOL _ vl or 56 '6 £6 o'6 10 — 10 70 6F1 6F1 Oy = ol el ~ — — = OL £°8 9 06 L0 80 Of8N — STI rl _ = = = CL os o's ep = ORD — — — — _ = — — ¥'1 aa ord ELT P'6 66 vz oOL 97 L'01 + — — = — = O37 £0 $0 V1 TI r0 g°0 ws — — oun 9°EZ L'61 T6l oLI loz €'8T 761 = = — = = = «OPd L’8l Lol a) 3°91 ST Vol 651 oSZ I'tZ L'9@ REZ S'6I $61 'oyv — 60 90 oT Lz oT lz —< — “OLL $97 o'r 9 EF ELE ose 69¢ [Le 1-09 seo TBS 6'+9 Le ws9 ZQIS ulny 3102) sUOTA aon “poueriny SUWOTATA] SIO “‘pourlyy aTUBID sTHoid *pourig aTUBIH “pouring aUBIg aoyyD apua,qui0oy ano ASBLIOTSET aUIPIOIN IY ‘soSKjouD josaulpy “Z ATAV L$ BANDED GRANODIORITE DYKES " size ol feldspar is dramativally reduced in the banded granodiarite and this is graphically dis- played in Fig. 7, The oulstanding contrast between the banded aticl massive granodiorire is the distinctly lower microcline component in all the dark bands. The content drops from 12% in the massive granodiorite to between 1 and 5% indeoniains 2 to 9, This pattern is also shown in Tig. & where a distinct jump occurs between the massive eranodiorite (C, 10) and the trend within ihe banded granodiorite. The grainsize range indicates the drop from 6 mm [vu 4 min is associated with a less of S% microcline and, at 2mm, very little micrucline is present. Che finer- grained biotite and accessory phases increase within the banded zowes, but quartz and plagioclase contents shaw no significant Variation. Wilhin the banded granodiorite Sr is the only clement which linearly increases away from the dyke margin despite the variation in mincralugy. Delaney & Pollard (1982) pointed our that rims of dykes are commonly formed early in the dyke history whereas the cores represent the late magma. The subtle, but persistent, trenel in Sr content may reflect variations within the magina chamber tapped by this dyke. Most other tace-element concentrations are strongly correlated with MgO which {5 controlled hy biotite enrichment (Figs 8, 9), Since biotite has a low distribution coefficient for many of these ¢lements (e.g. RIK, P) chis.correlation implies that accessory phases, such ay apatite, are concentrated with the bloticé (Milley & Mittlefehld) 1984; Watson & Capohianco 1981), However the within-band variation in Kt), Ba aud Sr is distinctly different from the variation berween the banded and massive ersanodiorite, The KO and Ba variation is best explained by decoupling of K-feldspar depletion from biotiie enrichment (Fig. 9). This geochemical eviderice lor the dnvolvement of [he mineral phases in the differentiation implies that the granodiorite was partly crystallised at Ihe fine of emplacement. Oriyin of the banding Phe bulk of the magmas are affeetcd by crystal fractionation during their evolution (Huppert & Sparks 1984), in spite of cvidenoe that crystal settling is implausible.as a process in most matinas, and especially in the highly viscous and crystal-rich granitic magmas (McBirncy & Noye 1979: Hildreth 1979), Recent work on the processes active in crys- tallisation of complex liquids during convection suggest that shear and/or convective flow al the boundary of circulating magmas is the major con- crolling influence on the segregation of liquids and crystals in the plutonic environment (Rice 1YR1; Thompson & McBirney 18s; Tumer& Gustafson IS81). Ln the granitic system, Barriere (1981) demonstrated the importance of gcain dispersive pressure in separating not only liquid from crystals, hut also biotite from feldspar. Grain dispersive pressure has been witlely recogaised as the cnntrotling influence on -crystal-liquid distributions at the margin of dvkes (Komar 18724, b). ‘This process produces a sirong grainsize variation with small grainsives concentrated near the margin The jiner-grained biotite is concentrated inte Unis zone while the very coarse-grained K-feldspar is forced away from the boundary, Other processes which may produce erystal-liquid separation (e.g, ler pressing) du not explain the decoupling of the biotite from K-feldspar The internal segregation between crvstals and liquid within granites has been described by Sultan ef al. (1986). Biotite and K-feldspar were removed in modal proportions ro produce the range of compositions The variations normally found within l-type granitoids contrase with the mtargins of the Point Brown dykes in just the same way. Por example. the l-rype gramtoids from eastern Australia described by Hines ef al. (1978) and Giriltin ef at (1978) have fractionation trends indicating bintite is not decompled from other crystal phases. The Point Brown cumulate margins are strongly enriched in Rb, Mu, Zr and P2Qs, reflecting the enrichment in biotite and accessory phases, cumpared to L-type granitoids of similar composition, All other elements are consistent with this different behaviour. Alternative models for fractionation i gtanitoids do not fit the chemical and texcural vanations observed in this study. Liqguid-stare ul!fusion produces coherent enrichment in the highly mobile alkali elements and volatiles (Miller & Mittlefehldt 1984; Cameron & Cameron 1986), Lesher (1986) measured the [ractiungtion of many elements by thermal (Soret) diffesion. In andesitic and davitic compositions K, Rb, Na and Si are depleted in the cold margins and most other elements, and especially Ma, Mg, Ca and CREE, are enriched. The predicted depletion in Rb, Na and K, and enrichment in Ca is inconsistent with the cheniical zonalion of ihe dyke margins at Point Brown, Similarly the fractionation resulting lram yotatile fluxing i4 different in character trom the grano- diorite banding at Point Brown. Water-rich Muids produce extreme enrichment in Rb coupled with moderate depletions i SiO,, MgO, CaO and LREE (Higgins er af. 1985), Boron-rich fluids produce extrente Fractionation in K,O with minor variation in MgQ (Rockhold ef af. 1987). CO -dorminated fluids produce enri¢hment in Zr, Nb, ¥ and REE ai relatively constant MgO (Taylor eral. (981), None of rhese processes are consistent with the strong enfichment in Meth With FIGs 72 R. F. BERRY & R. B. FLINT S00 7 8 \ Ot 5 glk -* 300 : E #48 = *4 x a io & ” M goo wee? G6 Iwo + 0 a 0 | 2 3 ‘%e MgO Fig, 8, P,Q,/MgO and Zr/MgQ diagrams. Symbols for racks as in Fig. 4, Fig, 9, K,0/Mg0 variation diagram with symbols as in Fig. 6. The approximate effect of K-feldspar depletion and biotite enrichment is shown based on the analysed composition of these phases. and Rb, with little variation in alkalis and CaO which occurs within the dark bands on the margin of the granodiorite at Point Brown. The textural evidence for preservation of igneous mineralogy precludes any models involving depletion during mylonite formation on the margin of the dyke except in domain 1, The bands are continuous over the length of the contact and show ho evidence of a lenticular form which would suggest they are deformed xenoliths, In addition their chemistry is coherent with the granodiorite and does not lie on 2 mixing line with the granite or with diorite, For example, both the granite and the diorite have a lower Nb content than the granodiorite but this element is enriched in the dark bands (Fig. 6). A feature of the dykes at Paint Brown is the asymmeiri¢ development of the banding. On the western side of the dykes the bands are usually absent or inconspicuous but where they occur these bands are very similar in composition to the banded pranodiorites reported here (Table 1) demonstrating that the same process is active on both sides of the dyke, Theoretical considerations suggest the upper and lower surfaces may react differently in moderately dipping dykes (Komar (972b), In feneral a better separation between biotite and K-feldspar shoutd occur on. the lower side of moderately dipping dykes and sills, due to the density differences, This effect was observed by one of us (RFB) in granitoid dykes on Cape Barren Island where dykes with dips less than 60° have stronger biotite enrichment on the lower margin, At Point Brown the schistosity is subvertical and steeper than the east-dipping dykes, so the structural data suggest the banding is strongest on the upper side of the dykes. However, no viable mechanisni is known which preferentially produces and pre- serves strong banding on the upper side of a large number of narrow dykes. The orientation of the dykes prior ta deformation is not known, but the presence of well-developed banding along the eastern “upper” margins suggests (he dykes may be overturned. Acknowledgments The whole rock analyses were carried out by Mr P. Robinson at the Geology Department, University of Tasmania, This paper is published with the per- mission of the Director General of the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy. References Barring, M- (1981) On curved laminae, graded layers, convection currents and dynamic crystal sorting in the Ploumanac’h {Brittany) subalkaline granite. Cartrib. Mineral, Petrol. 77, 217-224. CAMERON, K, L, & CAMERON, M. (1986) Whole-rock/ groundmass differentiation trends in rare carth elements in high-silica rhyolites. Geachim. Cosmochim. lcta 50, 759-769, De.aney, P. T. & Poti arn, 1), D, (1982) Solidifacation of basaltic magma during Mow in a dyke. Am. J Sct. 282, 856-885. BANDED GRANODIORITE DYKES 73 Grirrin, T. J., Waite, A.J, R. & CHAPPELL, B. W. (1978) The Mornya Batholith and Jindabyne suites. J. Geai. Soc, Aust, 25, 235-247. Hiaains, N.C., Sotomom, M. & VARNE, R, (1985) The genesis of the Blue Tier Batholith, northeastern Tas- mania, Australia, Lithos 18, 129-149, HILoreTH, W. (1979) The Bishop Tuff: evidence tor the origin of compositional zonation in silicic magma chambers. Geol. Soc. Am, Spec. Pap. 180, 43-75. Hines, R., Witttams, 1, S,, CHAPPELL, B. W. & Waite, A. J. R, (978) Contrasts between I- and S-type granitoids of the Kosciusko Batholith. .. Geel. Sac. Aust. 25, 219-234, Hueprert, H. B. && Sparks, R. S, J. (1984) Double- diffusive convection due to crystallisation in magmas. Ann, Rev. Earth Planet. Sei. 12, 1-37. Komar, P, D, (1972a) Flow differentiation in igneous dykes and sills; profiles of velocity and phenocryst concentration, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 83, 3443-3448. —— (1972b) Mechanical interactions of phenocrysts and flow differentiation of igneous dykes and sills. bia, &3, 973-988, Le Maitre, R. W. {1979) A new peneralised petrological mixing model. Contrib, Mineral, Petrol. 71, 133-137. LesHer, C_ E. (1986) Effects of silicate liquid compo- sition on mineral-liquid clement partitioning from Soret diffusion studies. < Geophys. Res, 91, 6123-6141, McBirney, A. R. & Nove, R. M. (1979) Crystallisation and layering of the Skaergaard intrusion. J, Pet, 20, 487-554, MILLER, C, FB. & Mirtrerexior, D, W, (1984) Exireme fractionation in felsic magma chambers: a product of liquid-stare diffusian or [ractional erytallisation? Earth Planet, Sci. Letts. 68, 151-158. PARKER, A. J.. FawNinci, C. M. & Fiint, R. B. (1985) Geology. pp. 21-45. Jn C. R. Twidale, M. J. Tyler & M. Davies (Eds) “Natural History of Eyre Peninsula," (R. Soc, S, Aust., Adelaide.) Pearce, J.A., Hares, N. BW. & TInpbLe, A, G. (1984) Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. 2 Petrol, 25, 956-983, Pitcuer, W. 5. (1982) Granite type and tectonic environ- ment. pp. 19-40. Jn K, J. Hsu (Ed) “Mountain Building Processes.” (Academic Press, London.) ROCKHOLD, J. R., NABELEK, P. [. & Giascock, M. D. (1987) Origin of rhythmic layering in Calamity Peak satellite pluton of the Harney Peak Granite, South Dakato: the role of boron. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta §1, 487-496. Rice, A. (1981) Convective fractionation; a mechanisrit to provide cryptic zoning (macrosegregation), layering, crescumulates, banded tuffs and explosive volcanism in igneous processes, J. Geophys. Res. 86, 405-417. SULTAN, M,, Batiza, R. & Sturcnio, N. C. (1986) The origin of small-scale geochemical and mineralogic variations in a granite intrusion! a crystallisation. and mixing model. Contr. Min. Pet. 93, 513-523. TAYLoR, R, P., Strona, D: F. & Fryer, B, J. (1981) Volatile contro! of contrasting trace element distributions in peralkaline granitic and voleanic tocks, Ibid. 17, 267-271. THOMPSON, M. E. & McBirney, A. R. (1985) Distribu~ tion of phenocrysts by convective flow in a viscous boundary layer, J. Volcan, Geethern, Res, 24, 83-94, Turner, J, S. & Gustarson, L. B, (1981) Fluid motions and compositional gradients produced by crystallisation or melting at vertical boundaries. /bid. UL, 93-125. Watson, E. B, & CAponianco, C. J. (1981) Phosphorous and the rare earth elements in felsic magmas: an assess- ment of the role of apatite, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 45, 2349-2358, Wess, A. W., THomMson, B. P,, Buisset, A, Hy, DALY, S. J., Fur, R. B. & Parerr, A. J. (1986) Geochronology of the Gawler Craton, South Ausiralia, Aust, J. Earth Sei. 33, 9-143. Wuite, A. J. R. & CHapper, B. W, (1983) Granitoid types and their distribution in the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia. Geol. Soc. Am. Memoir 159, 21-34. Wyrorn, L. A, L. & Pace, R. W. (1983) The Proterozoic Kalkadoon and Ewen Batholiths, Mouni Isa inlier, Queensland: source, chemisiry, age and metamorphism. BMR J Aust. Geol. Geoph. 8, 53-69. A NEW INTERTIDAL BARNACLE OF THE GENUS ELMINIUS (CIRRIPEDIA: THORACICA) FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY R. F. BERRY* & R. B. FLINT? Summary A new species of intertidal barnacle from South Australia is described. Elminius adelaidae sp. nov. is common in the Adelaide region in sheltered localities and is very abundant in mangroves. It differs from E. modestus, with which it has been previously confused, by its brown colour, distinctive opercular plates, particularly the tergum which has a small and shallow articular furrow and its high intertidal habitat. The new species is compared in detail with E. modestus, which also occurs in South Australia, and £. covertus from New South Wales. KEY WORDS: Cirripedia, Elminius adelaidae sp. nov., intertidal, South Australia, mangroves, taxonomy A NEW INTERTIDAL BARNACLE OF THE GENUS ELMINIUS (CIRRIPEDIA: THORACICA) FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA By D. E. BAYLiss* Summary Hayriss, 1, B, (1988) A new interridat barnacte of the genus Elminius (Cirripedia: Thoracica) trom ‘Sourh Australia, Teas. R, Sac. S. Aust, 112(2), 75-79 31 May: TYss, Anew species of intertidal barnacle from South Australia is described. El/ruinius adelaidae sp. nov. is common in the Adelaide region in sheltered localities and is very abundant in mangvoves, It differs trom &. modestus, with which it has been previously Confused, by its brawn volour, distinctive opercular putes, particularly the lergum which has a small and shallow articular furrow and its high intertidal habitat, The hew species is compared in detail with E&. modesius, which also océurs in South Austfalla, and E. cavertus Trom New South Wales. Key Woxus: Cirripedia, Bleniniws udelaidae sp. nov., intertidal, South Australia, mangroves, taxonomy. Introduction ‘There is confusion over the identity of barnacles belonging to the Genus E/miistius in Australia. Foster (1982) has described a species, L£lminins covertis, from New South Wales which had previously been conlused with Alminivs modestus Darwin. Furthermore, Foster (1980, 1982) has suggested that £. snodesrus is a New Zealand species which was introduced into Australian waters in the Hineteenth century frorn fouling on shipping. South Australian barnacles have been neglected in the early taxonomic literature and A. mtodesrius in Australia was only recorded from NLSW., Victoria and Tasmania (Darwin 1854; Hoek 1883; Nilsson- Cantell 1926; Moore 1944; Pope 1945). The earliest report of £. modestus in S. Aust. is comparatively recent (Womersley & Edmonds 1958). Nevertheless, the gulf areas of S. Aust. provide a suitable habitat in which members of this genus are highly abundant, In South Australia, & modestus has been recorded on (he pneumatophores of Avicennia. rourina in the Spencer Gulf and Gulf St Vincent (Womersley & Edmonds 1958; Hutchings & Recher 1982; Bayliss 1982), on rocks and wooden s{ructures on Kangaroo Island (Thomas & Edmonds 1979) and at Adelaide (Foster 1982; Keough 1983). Poster (1982) also records & covertus at Port Adelaide. In this paper a new species of Evminius which is abundant in the Adelaide region is described. This species has escaped previous. description through confusion with E. modesius and a neglect of thorough taxonomic work on South Australian barnacles. * Kathleen Lumley College, 51 Tinniss Street, North Adelaide, S. Aust, 5008. SYSTEMATICS Suborder Balanomorpha Pilsbry, 1916 Superfamily Balanvidea Leach, 1817 Family Archseobalanidae Newman & Ross, 1976 Subfamily Elminiinae Foster, 1982 Genus Elminius Leach, 1825 Type species Elminius kingii Gray, \831 Ebminius adelaidage sp. ov. FIGS 1-2 Synonymy: Elminius modestus Bayliss, 1982:212 Eiminias covertus Tostwr, 1982:26 FHlolorype: SAM C4101, collected on leaves of Avicennia marina on Garden Island, Port Adelaide, 3. Aust,, by D, Bayliss, 22.ix.1986. Paraiypes: SAM C4102, NMYV 114009, WAM 83-87, collected by D. Bayliss, 22.ix,1986, from same locality. Holotype and paratypes preserved in 75% alcohol, holotype dissected (partially), Description of holotype: Shell (Fig. 1A and By: conical, light brown, almost translucent. Parietes slightly undulating with broad longitudinal folds. Orifice pentagonal in outline. Basis membranous, basal outline sinuous, Alae wider than radii with less oblique summits. Radii with oblique summits, narrow, not completely covering underlying alae. Holotype 9 mm in basal diameter, 8 mm in width, 4 mim in height. Opercula (Fig. 2A, B): Scutum longer than high. Basal margin convex with upward curving at tergal carer of basal murgin. Acticular ridge, articular furrow moderately developed, Adductor ridyy, adductor pit not apparent, Externally, growth ridges present. Tergum with vertical articular ridge not folding inwards to form furrow except at apical end where small, very shallow Jurrow apparent. Acticular h [nim qh Fig. |. Blranius adelaidae sp. nov. holotype, At External view of shell; B: inner view al shell margin concave. Crésts for depressdy (iUscles at carinal end: No. spur. Mouthparts (Fig. 2C, E, F): Labrum with 3 teeth, with setulae on cach side of central notch. Mandible with 5 teeth, short pectinate edge terminating in short curved spine, Maxillule with 2 large spines above notch, 5 smaller spines in notch, 4 large spines below notch. Five smaller spines about half length of large spines at lower angle. Cirnl (Fig. 2G-1): Cirrus | with anterior ramus twice as long as posterior ramus, distal segments of anterior ramus with long setae. Segments of posterior ramus slightly protuberant. Anterior ramus of cirrus HI stightly longer than posterior ramus, segments slightly protuberant anteriorly, Cirrus Uf with anterior ramus slightly longer than posterior ramus, Setae on both rami extremely long; stoul pectinate setae on the posterior ramus (Fig. 2J). Segments slightly protuberant anteriorly. Cir IV to VI.all subequal in length, segments have 4 large pairs and 1 small pair of setae on anterior face and small proximal pair of setae between seements (Fig. 2D), Penis as long as cirrus V1, with sctac, no basidorsal point. Number of segments in the rami of cirri I-VI shown in Table |. beriation: Shell sometimes tubular; paricties:can be smooth or, if undulating, can have variable number of gentle longitudinal folds. Maximum basal diameter 13 mm. Brown coloration can be slight. Specimens collected high in the intertidal zone sre nearly transluvent, — D. E. BAYLISS Etymology: The specific name is derived from thi type lncality, Adelaide, Comparison with other species: E. adelaidae can be distinguished trom & stodestus and E. coyerins by differences in the opercular valves, The tergum of £. adelaidae has a concave afticular margin and the articular furrow is restricted to the apical end The vertical articular ridge runs the length of the tergum and there is only a very slight narrowing at the venire. In both E wrodes/us and £. covertus the articular ridge folds inwards forming a deep articular furrow and a marked narrowing al the centre, The articular furrow continues from the apical end to almost the basi-scutal angle and the artivular margin forms a straight line excepr in worn specimens. The scutum of &. wdelaidee has an upward curving of the tergal corner of the basal margin. This feature may be observed externally in larger specimens, but is difficult to detect in smaller specimens in the field. The tergal corner of the basal margin of £. modestus and £. cavertus is essentially flat. The shell of E. adelgidae is similar to [2 nodestus except for.a slight brown coloration. Lt never has the buff red colour with narrow contrasting ribs observed in £. coverius. Colour is not a good guide to distinguishing between Elmtinius species as they xre subject to decoloration from wear and also from algal growth. The shell of &. adelaidae can appear almost black due to algal growth and golden brown in other specimens due to the developing gonads showing through the near translucent shell, In some specimens the brown coloration js very slight. The shell of & modestus is white, but this barnacle also suffers from decoloration due to algal growth and wear, The ribs on & covertus can be worn away in older specimens, Care is required in distinguishing between E. adelaidae and E. coverrus in such cases, because £, edelaidae sometimes has slight folds around the base which could be confused with the remnants of ribbing on & POverlys. Stout pectinate setae are found on the posterior ramus of cirrus II of both £. adeleidee and & covertus, bul not E. medestus, The setae an both Tasee }. Nuntber of segmenisin remtof hulotvpe end four ofherspecimens of Elminius adelaidae sp. nov., anterior ramus first. Shell length (mm) Cirrus I son [Vv Vv VI 9.4 (holotype) 14,7 5, 9 12, 11 22, 24 27, 28 3, 29 4) 15, 7 5, 8 12, 11 20, 19 22, 22 24, 23 #0 14, 8 9,9 3, 11 35,25 28, 24 24, 28 1h V7, 6 8, 8 1, 1D 24, WB 2p, 19 22,2 10,0 13,7 10, 10 13, 12 26, 25 29, 25 *, 2Y NEW INTERTIDAL BARNACLE = \ | Fig, 2. Elminius adelaidae sp. nov. holotype. A: scutum; B: tergum; C: labrum; D: middle segment, posterior ramus, cirrus VI; E: mandible; F: maxillule; G-I: cirri I-III. J: pectinate seta from posterior ramus of cirrus IIL, 78 D. B. BAYLISS rami of cirrus Wl in/: adelaidee are extremely long compared to those found on cirrus IN of £, modestus avid E, covertus, The maxillule has two large spines above a notch with four large spines beneath the notch. £. modestus and & covertus, however, have three large spines beneath the notch. The labrum of £ @delaidae is similar to &. miodestus and E. cavertus in that there are three teeth on either side of the central notch. It differs in a Gistinet curve at the ends giving a "handle-har™ like appearance. In gaping animals the tergascotal flaps are white te creum with two dark brown spors (Fie. LA). E covermes has six pairs of dark spots on white tergoscutal Maps and LL moadestus has one black spot on white tergoscutal flaps (Foster 1982, Fig. 1A, B). Habitat: E, adelaidae is found in the high intertidal zone in sheltered waters where there is little wave action, It is highly abundant on pneumatophores,, leaves and branches of Avicennia marina which are submerged at high tide. It is also found on. rocks and artificial structures, E. modestus is usually found at mean tide level and below. It sometimes scilles in the mangroves and there may be a small amount Of overlap between the two species. Distribution: The distribution of the three species in Australia has mot been determined. In the Adelaide region, E. covertus does not oceur and & wlelaidge is the main high shore species of Eloriniius. Niscussion The description of Flatinius adelaidae sp. nov, brings to four the pumber of extant species of Himinius. OF these & kingit Gray, 1831 is restricted to South America and the remaining three ate found in Australia, & mrodestus is alsa found in New Zealand and was introduced from fouling on shipping into European waters (Flowerdew 984) Only one extinet species, & ehapranieret From the lower Miocene, is recognised (Buckeridge 1983). On the basis of the setation of cirrus Ill, E. adejaidoe is close to &. covertas, but the shell characteristics of E adelaidee are more like those of E. madesms. Foster’s (1980, 1982) hypothesis that E&. modestus is a New Zealand species has received some support from electrophoretic studies by Flowerdew (1984) which indicate a lack of genetic differentiation between specimens from New Zealand and Tasmania, #, modestus does not appear ta be permanently established in Sydney (Foster 1982; Egan & Anderson 1985), In S, Aust, &. medestws corresponding to the description of Darwin (1854), Moore (1944 Fig. 1D) and Foster (1978 Fix. 57} is found and appears ta be permanent and common. Until more information is obtained about Efinimuus in Australia, particularly the distribution and clarification of species, tt should not be conchided definitely that &. mrodesrus was introduced, Acknowledgments 1 would like to thank Dr A. J. Butler for reading the munuscript and for providing use of microscopes for the examination of specimens. My father helped to collect specimens of £ covertys in New South Wales, Refereoves Bayuss, D, E, (1982) Switching hy Lepsiella vinasa (Gastropoda) in South Australian mangroves. Oecologia (Berl) 54, 212-226, Buckeripce, J. S. (1983) The barnacle subfamily E}miniinae — Two new subvenera and a new Miocene species from Victoria. J. A. Soc N.Z. 32(4), 3$3-357- Darwis, £. (1854) “A monograph on the subclass Citripedia, with figuves of all (he species, The Balanidse, the Verrucidae, cte™. (Ray Soviety, London) Enan, E. A & Ansptrson, D. T. (1983) Larval development of Eininivs cavertus Foster and ‘fexaninius popeianag Foster (Cirripedia; Arehacobalanidae: Elminiinae) reared in the laboratory. Awst, J Mar. Freshw. Res. 36, 383-404. FLloweRTiEW, M. W. (1984) Electrophoretic comparison of the antipodean Cirripede, Efmtinins modestus, with immigrant European populitions. J. mar biol, Ass. UK, 64, 625-635. Fostre, B. A. (1978) The murine fauna of New Zealand: Barnacles (Cirripedia: Thoracica). Mam NZ. Queanagr Inst 69, 1-160, —— (J980) Biogeographic implications of re-examination al some common shore barnactes. of Australia and New Zealand, Proce, Int Symp. Mur Biogeography & Evolution in the Southern Hemisphere, 613-623. 2. DSIR Information Ser, 137. —— (1982) Two new intertidal balanoid barnacles Trom enstern Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S Vit!) 21-32, Hork, P,P, C. (1883) Report on Cirripedia collected by H.M.S. Challenger, 1873-1876, Rep. Sei. Res. Challenger, Zoal, %, 1-169, Hereiinos, P A. & Recner, H. £. (1982) The fauna of Seenaben mangroves, Proc, Linn, Soe, NSW UG). KooucH, M. J, (1983) Patterns of recruitment of sessile invertebrates in (Wo subtidal habitats. J. Exe Mar Biol, feat bh, 213-245. Monkre, L. RB. £1944) Some intertidal sessile barnacles of New Zealand. Trans. R. Suc. NA. 73, 315-334, NILSSON CasTELL. ©. A, (1926) Antarktisehe ainu subantarkusche Carripedian, Gesanimelt vou S. Valin (923-24. Anh. Zool. IBA, 27, Lt. NEW INTERTIDAL BARNACLE 79 Pope, E. C. (1945) A simplified key to the sessile & Ling, J. K. (Eds) “Natural History of Kangaroo barnacles found on the rocks, boats, wharf piles and Island” (Royal Society of S. Aust., Adelaide). other installations in Port Jackson and adjacent waters. WomeRSLEY, H. B. S. & EDMONDS, S. J. (1958) A general Rec, Aust. Mus. 21, 351-327. account of the intertidal ecology of South Australian THomas, I. M. & EpMonps, S. J. (1979) Intertidal coasts. Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 9, 217-260. invertebrates. pp. 155-166. Jn Tyler, M. J., Twidale, C. R., A NEW SPECIES OF TERTIARY CHITON (MOLLUSCA: POLYPLACOPHORA: ACANTHOCHITONIDAE) FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY K. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES & B. J. MCHENRY* Summary A new species of Tertiary chiton, Notoplax (N.) arenaria sp. nov., is described from the Dry Creek Sands (Pliocene, Yatalan) from South Australia. The new species most closely resembles the extant N. (N.) mayi, but is distinguished from it by a more regularly grooved jugum and by the strong lateropleural rib on the median valves. KEY WORDS: Chiton, Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae, South Australia, Notoplax, Tertiary, Pliocene, new species. A NEW SPECIES OF TERTIARY CHITON (MOLLUSCA: POLYPLACOPHORA: ACANTHOCHITONIDAE) FROM SOUTH AUSTRALIA By K. L. GOwWLETT-HOLMES & B. J, MCHENRY* Summary GowLetT-Hoimes, K. L.. & McHenry, B. J. (1988) A new species of Tertiary chiton (Mollusca; Polyplaca- phora: Acanthochitanidae) from South Australia, Trans, R. Soe. §. Aus?, 112(2), 81-82, 31 May 1988. A new spevies of Tertiary chiton, Notoplax (N.) arenaria sp. niov., is described from the Dry Creek Sands (Pliocene, Yatalan) from South Australia. The new species most closely resembles the extant MV. (NU mayi, tut is distinguished trom it by a more regularly grooved jugum and by the strong laterapleural rib on whe median yalves. Key Worps: Chiton, Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidac, South Australia, Neloplax, Tertiary, Pliocene, new species. Introduction A large number of Tertiary chiton species have been described from southern Australia, but very few are recorded from South Australia (Cotton & Godfrey 1940; Cotton & Weeding 1941; Cotton 1944). The last species description from South Australia was by Ashby (1940). During an examina- tion of the fossil chiton collection of the South Australian Museam (SAM) we located two median valves Of a species of Nofoplax that differed from all known fossil and extant species of the genus. This new species is described here. Notoplax (Notoplan) srenaria sp, nov, FIG. 1 Holotype: SAM. P|2839, one median valye with slight chips to the insertion plates and sutural lamina, 4.75 » 5,6:mm, in excellent state of preser- vation, collected from 100.9 m (331 feet) Angas Home Bore, Parafield Gardens, Section 2259, Hundred of Yatala, County Adelaide, S. Aust. (34°47'06"S 138°36'26"B), collector unknown, 1940, Paratype: SAM P27904, one worn median valve, sculpture eroded from jugum. and part of pleural areas, insertion plates and sutural lamina broken and worn, 5.7 « 5.9mm, with same collection data as holotype. Diagnosis: Catinated. Jugum about 1/3 width of valve with regular grooves; valyes beaked; prominent lateropleural rib; pustules oval, flai- topped. Slit formula ?/1/?. * South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5S. Aust. 5000. Lindsay, J. M. (1987) Identificalion and depositional environmen) of Dry Creek Sands, Angas Home Bore (1940), Paratield Gardens, 5, Aust. Dept, Mines & Energy Rept. Ak Na. 87/96:1-6, fig. 1. Unpubl. Description af Holotype: Tegmentum about 50% ol articulamentum. Jugum with regular grooves, ridges at edge of jugum breaking up into elongate pustules posteriorly; prominent beak (Fig, 1A), Prominent diagonal rib separates lateral and pleural areas, lateropleural areas including rib sculptured with irfegular, oval, radiating, flat-topped pustules, smaller near beak, not differentiated on rib. Slit 1, 44 width of articulamentum, in deep groove to edge of tegmentum. Insertion plates and sutural lamina well developed (Fig. 1B). Etymology: From the Latin “arenarius” — relating to sand, sandy; from its type stratum, the Dry Creek Sands. veriation: Although worn, the paratype (Fig. 1D) is like the holotype. The anterior and posterior valves are unknown Stratigraphical occurrence, The specimens. were retrieved from the Angas Home Bore at a depth of 100.9 m (33) ft), where the bore bottomed in “shell sands” which are consistent with a stratigraphic determination of Dry Creek Sands (Lindsay 1987).! The two valves of N. (N.) arenaria would therefore be Yatalan (Late Pliocene) in age, Comparison with other species: N. (N.) arenaria was compared with other Tertiary and extant species af Acanthochitonidae in the collections of SAM and with extant species of Nofoplax in the collections of the Australian Museum, Sydney (AM), the Museums of Victoria, Melbourne (NM/Y), the Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM) and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart (TM). [t most closely resembles the extant species NV. (N.) mayi (Ashby, 1922) but can be readily distinguished from it by the regularly grooved jugum and the strong Jateropleural rib. The new species can be easily distinguished from N, (N,) adelaidae (Ashby & Cotton, 1936), which is also from the Dry Creek Sands, by its much greater percentage of tegmentuin to articulamentum, the straight posterior edge of 82 K. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES & B. J. MCHENRY Fig. 1. Notoplax (N.) arenaria sp. nov. holotype (SAM P12839) A. top view, x13; B. side view, x14.3; C. anterior profile, scale bar = 1 mm; paratype (SAM P27904) D. top view, x10. the median valve, the lateropleural rib and the grooved jugum. It can be distinguished from other Tertiary and extant members of the Acanthochitonidae by the shape and arrangement of the pustules, the presence or position of the lateropleural rib, the form of the insertion plate slit and the jugal sculpture. Acknowledgments We thank the following curators and collection managers for providing data and specimens held by their respective institutions: Mr I. Loch (AM), Ms S. Boyd (NMV), Dr F. E. Wells (WAM) and Ms E. Turner (TM). The photographs were taken by Mrs J. Forrest. References AsHBy, E, (1940) A new fossil Cryptoplax from the Pliocene of South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 64(2), 266. Corton, B. C. (1964) “South Australian Mollusca: Chitons.” (S. Aust. Govt Printer, Adelaide.) — & Goprrey, F. K. (1940) “The Molluscs of South Australia, Part Il, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda, Apla- cophora and Crepipoda.” (S. Aust. Govt Printer, Ade- laide.) —— & WEEDING, B. J. (1941) The correlation of Recent and fossil Crepipoda (Mollusca) of the Australian sub- region. Rec. S. Aust. Mus. 6(4), 435-450. THE CRAB FAUNA OF WEST ISLAND, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: THEIR ABUNDANCE, DIET AND ROLE AS PREDATORS OF ABALONE BY A. G. J. MOWER & S. A. SHEPHERD* Summary Twenty-three species of crabs are recorded from West Island, South Australia. The vertical distribution and densities of sixteen species occurring on the boulder slope at Abalone Cove on the northern side of the Island, are described and the diets of the five most common species enumerated. Four of the species are mainly herbivorous but eat small amounts of animal matter and one species is omnivorous. Four of the species also ate small abalone in cage experiments and represent potential agents of abalone mortality. KEY WORDS: crabs, abalone, diet, predation. THE CRAB FAUNA OF WEST ISLAND, SOUTH AUSTRALIA: THEIR ABUNDANCE, DIET AND ROLE AS PREDATORS OF ABALONE By A. GJ, Mower & §, A, SEICPIIcRD* Sumoatary Mower, A. G. J. & SHepHerp, 8, A. (1988) The crab fauna of West Island, South Australia: there abundance, diet and role as predators of abalone. /rons. KR. Soe, S. Ause 192(2), 83-46, 3] May TYse: Twenty-three species of crabs are recorded tram West Island, South Australia, The vertical distribution and densitics of sixteen species-occurrify on (the boulder slope at Abalone Cove on the norihern side of ihe Island, are desctibed and the diets of the five most common speaies cnumerated, Four of the Species ure-mainty herbivorous but eat small amounts of animal matter and one species ty omnivorous. Four of the species alsa are small abalone 4) cage caxperinicits aud represent potential agents of abalone mortality, Key Woreos; crabs, abalone, diet, predation, [niroduction The need to understand the reeruitment process in abalone, necessary for the proper management of abalone fisheries has focused increasing attention on the ccology of juveniles and in particular of the agents of mortality. Dewi abalone shells are frequently found damayed in different ways, but there is dispute whether this is caused by crabs, or is due to natural causes sch as abrasion (Hines & Pearse 1982; Tegner & Butler 1985). Studies on the ecology of juvenile Hulivtis laevigata Donovan, and flalivtis scalaris Leach have been in progress at West Island, South Australia (35°36'25"S; 138°35'27"E) since 1983 (Shepherd & Turner 1985) but their predators are still larecly unknown. Several crab families, Which are represented at West Island, are known to attack and feed on molluscs, often inflicting shell damage (Skilleter & Anderson 1986; Vermeij 1977; Zisper & Vermeij 1978; Williams 1982), This study describes the abundance and dict of the crab species present on a boulder slope ai West Islan] the site of earlier studies, and gives the resulrs of preliminary eaperiments to determine whether crabs eat abalone and (he type of damage to the shell infligted by them, An ancillary purpose was To accumulate information on a group of consumers, leading toa better understanding of the benthic food-web of the Island. Materials and Methods Twenty samples were taken at 1m depth mtetvals from 1-5 m depths on the boulder slope of the study site on the northern slope of West Island (see Kangas & Shepherd 1984), A quadrat, 0.25 m* in * Department wf Pishenes, 135 Pirie Streer, Adelaide, S$. Aust. 4000.. area, was placed on the boulders and ihe area within the perimeter was searched systematically for crabs by removal of all boulders down lo the sandy substratum, The sand below the boulders was then sifted by hand ta vollevtany burrowing species, Animals collected were identilied to species and preserved in 70% alcohol, Subsequently the gastric mill was removed in the laboratory and the contents mounted on microscope slides in Karo, 4 light corn syrup. Only gastric mills subjectively estimated to be more than half full were examined in order to avoid biased estimates duc to differential retention time of different prey items in the mill (Williams 1981). Slides were placed on a grid and the material under ¢ach of 25 grid intersections was identified (Oo the lowest taxonomic category possible: This method estimates the percentage composition of food items by volume (Berg 1979). Subsequently plant material was classified as green, brown or red macro-algac, filamentous algae (a polyphyletic group), geniculate corallines, comprising species in the genera Jania, Holiptilon and Cheilosporun, seagrass, comprising Posidonia or Heterozostera, and unidentifiable matter. Animal muterial was classified as sponge, foraminiferans, echinoderms, molluses, crustaceans, and unidentifiable matter. The presence of sand grain§ was also vecorded. A series of “no choice” feeding experiments was conducted in plastic cages set on the sea-bed at West Island to determine whether crabs attacked abalone in the absence of other food, and to determine the nature of slrell damage inflicted, In each cage 4-6 juvenile H. sewiaris over a range of sizes were placed on boulders in the cage with a number (usually 4) of crabs ola given species. Controls with abalone but without crabs, were placed in an adjoining cage and all capes were recovered after intervals of 5-21 days. In addition observations. were made on the period of activily of four species of crabs kept in ayuda. ha A. G, 1, MOWER & §. A. SHEPHERD TABLE |. List.of crab spectes at West Island, with their distribution und depth ranee. B = boulder slope on northern share of West Island. E = exposed shores of Island. Depth range in metres. Family ANOMLIRANS Porcellanidae Lithodidae Paguridae Species — Poarcellana dispar (Stimpson) B, 1-5 — Laiils furta (M. Fdwards) ®, 1-5 — Paguristes Jrontatis (M. Edwards) B, 3-5 — Paguristes sulcatus (Baker) B, !5 — Paguristes hrevirastrus (Raker) B, 5. — Pagurus sp. 1 B, §. — Pagurus sp. 2 B, 5. Gulalheidue BRACHYLURANS Majidac — Galathea australiense (Sampson) B, 1-5, — Huenta proicus (de Waan) E, 10. — Noxia ourita (Latrielle) B, 1-5; E, 13. — Paratymolus fatipes (Baker) B, 2-4, Goneplacidae Hymenosomatidac Dromidae Xanthidae — Lilecheira bispinesa (Kinahan) B, 3, — Halivarcinus ovatus (Stimpson) B, 2 4. — Petalomera lateralis (Gray) B, 3. — Piluninus rufopunctatus (Stinipson) B, 1-5 — Pitumnus fissifrons (Stimpson) B, 1-5. — Heterapilumnus fimbriatus (M. Edwards) B, 4 — Actaea peronii {M. Edwards) B, 3-4, = Actuea cateulosa (M. Edwards) B, 3. — Megametope carinatus (Baker) B, 1-5. Grapsidac — Plagusia chabrus (Linnacus) B, 1-2. — Brachynotus octodentaius (M, Edwards) terrestrial Portunidae — Nectocarcinus tuberculosus (M. Edwards) B, 4-5. Results Twenty-three species of crubs, in 11 families, have heen recorded in this and earlier collections at West Island (Table 1). Of these 20 were found on the boulder slope in this study. The vertical distribution of density of the six commonest species (density more than 0,1/m*) on the boulder slope is shown in Tig, 1. The two species of Pilumnus were nat readily distinguishable in the ficld and are plotted together in Fig. 1. P fissifrans was. much less common than P rufopunctatus, Porcellana dispar escaped rapidly on disturbance and our sampling technique is therefore likely to have underestimated its density. ‘There are two very abundant species, Loyis Airta and the hermit crab Paoguristes sulcatus, with densities of 10-I5/m*, and four moderately abundant species Pilummus rufopunctatus, Paguristes brevirostrus, Megamtetope carinatus and Paguristes frontalis. The remaining species are quite rare with densities of less than '0.1/m2. Five of the six most common species were used for dietary analysis. The mean percentage composition of food in the gut of a sample of 15 of each of these species is given in Table 2. The percentage discarded for gut analysis, where the Bastric mill was less than half full is also indicated. ‘Iwo species (Paguristes su/catus and Pilumnhus rufopunctarus) are almost wholly herbivorous, two species (Lomis hirta and Paguristes frontalis) are DEPTH (m) wo mainly herbivorous. but take small amounts of animal matter, and one species, Megarnefope carinatus takes about equal amounts of plant and animal matter. Most collections were taken in morning dives, and it seems likely that the high incidence of empty gastric mills recorded by noclurnally active species (Table 2) is related to their nocturnal feeding and rapid fore-gut clearance (Table 3). The results of “no choice” feeding experiments (Table 3) show that four out of five common species captured and ate small abalone mostly in the length range 15-32 mm. Two species of crab chipped the 4 1 * £2 a 9 || o 28 - = a Se E sis 38 a1\ = Al o af = Paguristes sulcatus iy 5 Fig. 1. Disttibvtion of density of crabs on the boulder slope, in Abalone Cove, West Istind. 85 TABLE 2. Mean perceniage composition of contents of gastric mill of five species of crabs. In each case sample size is 15, Lomis hirta Paguristes Pagurisies Pilumnus Megametope sulcatus frontalis rufopunctatus carinatus Macro-algae green 2 3 6 — brown 50 36 7 49 5 red (non-geniculate) 2 6 5 6 10 (geniculate corallines) 6 24 31 3 16 filamentous 9 14 13 16 2 seagrass 1 9 18 7 16 unidentified 5 4 3 1 — TOTAL. % ALGAE 2B “95 “80 “88 49 sponge = 51, Sy mn — foraminiferan 6 1 ] — = echinoderm i — — — 2 mollusc 5 1 i 5 12 crustacean 1 _— — — 12 unidentified 7 2 12 1 23 TOTAL % ANIMAL “20 3 1 6 4° sand grains ie = “S aS 2 %o with gastric mill # half full 35 17 12 52 65 TABLE 3. The size range of predaceous crabs and prey abalone, and the sizes of abalone, consumed and nature of shell damage inflicted and other details of “no choice” feeding experiments of crabs on abalone, Data on period of activity are from aquarium observations. Species Lomis hirta Paguristes Paguristes Pilumnus —Megametope sulcatus Srontalis rufopunctatus — carinatus carapace width of crab (mm) 11-18 B-12* 13-17* 10-15 18-35 abalone presented (length range - mm) 11-53 6-40 10-49 9-35 15-40 abalone taken (length - mm) 22-27 28, 40 25, 32 — 15-19 damage inflicted growing edge none growing edge — growing edge sometimes chipped chipped chipped number of experiments 2 2 1 | 2 duration (days) §, 13 5, 13 12 12 13, 21 time of activity none kept day time day time night time night time * inferred from size of shell occupied. growing edge of the shell (Fig. 2) presumably during the process of capture. The controls showed no mortality of abalone and no chipped shells were observed on any individual. Discussion The factors influencing the vertical distribution of crabs are unclear and few comments can be made, Lomis hirta is morphologically strongly compressed in the dorso-ventral plane and clings tenaciously to the rock surface. It is thus well adapted to withstand strong water movements that occur in shallow water of 1-2 m depth where it is most abundant. It also has pinnate antennal appendages suggesting that it also can filter feed planktonic organisms. Megametope is a burrowing crab mostly found below the sand surface under boulders and this may account for its apparent preference for depths of 4-5 m where sand Pig. 2. Chipped shells of Haliotis scalaris eaten by crabs accumulates between and under boulders. during cage experiments. 86 A. G. T. MOWER & S.A. SHEPHERD Despite the bias toward herbivory in most species, whose feeding was studied, the cage experiments show that all except Pi/uinnus rufopunctatus can capture abalone and (hat the only damage inflicted by these crab species is slight chipping of the growing edge of the shell. This kind of damage is similar to that inflicted on abalone by crab species of the genera Gaetice and Charybdis (Kojima 1981), Loxorhyneus and Cancer (Tegner & Butler 1985) and Mucropipus puber (Clavier & Richard 1985), “No choice” experiments do not indicate whether or how many abalone are actually taken by a potential predator, The incidence of dead juvenile abalone shells with chipped edges in the under- boulder habitat is low and only about 1-2/m? (Shepherd unpubl.) and this suggests that predation by these crabs is not high. This contrasts with the studies of Kojima (1981) and Tegner & Butler (1985) who reported that from one third to one half of the total mortality of young abalone was attributable to crab predation. Similarly Clavier & Richard (1985) considered crabs a principal predator of Haliotis tuberculata, Acknowledgments Messrs L, Gray, A. Bennett, V. Karo all gave assistance in the field. We are grateful to Dr P, Abrams for identifying Paguristes brevirostrus and to Dr D. J. G. Griffin for identifying earlier collections of crabs from West Island, We thank Mr R. K. Lewis for criticism of the manuscript. References Bera, J. (1979) Discussion of methods of investigaling the food of fishes, with reference to a preliminary study of the prey of Gobiusculus flavescens (Gobiidae), Mar. Biol. 50, 263-273. CLAVIER, J. & RICHARD, ©, (1985) “Etudes sur les ormeaux dans la region de Saint-Malo” 285 pp. (Association pour Ja mise en valeur du littoral de la Cote d’Emeraude, Saint-Malo). Hines, A. H. & PEARSE, J. S. (1982) Abalones, shells and sea-otters: dynamics of prey populations in central California. Ecology 63, 1547-1560, Kanoas, M. & SHEPHERD, S. A. (1984) Distribution and feeding of chitons in a boulder habitat at West Island, South Australia, J) Malac. Soc. Aust. 6, 101-111. Kolma, H. (1981) Mortality of young Japanese black abalone Huliotis discus discus after transplantation. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish. 47, 151-159. SHmPHeRn, S. A. & Turner, J. A. (1985) Studies on southern Australia abalone (genus Aa/lfolis) VI. Habitat preference, abundance and predators of juveniles. J. exp Mar Biol. Ecol. 93, 285-298. SKILLETER, G, A, & ANDERSON, D. T. (1986) Functional morphology of the chelipeds, mouthparts and gastric mill of Ozius fruncatus (Milne Edwards) (Xanthidae) and Leptograpsus variegatus (Fabricius) (Grapsidae) (Brachyura). Aust. J. Mar. Freshw. Res. 37, 67-79. Teoner, M. 1. & Butver, R.A. (1985), The survival and mortality of seeded and native red abalones, Haliotis rufescens, on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Calif. Fish and Game 71, 150-163. Vermeu, G. J. (1977) Patterns in crab claw size: the geography of crushing, Syst. Zool, 26, 138-152. WILLIAMS, M. J, (1981) Methods for analysis of natural diet in Portunid crabs (Crustacea; Decapoda: Portunidae). Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecal. $2, 103-113. —— (1982) Natural food and feeding in the commercial sand crab Porrunus pelagicus Linnaeus 1766 (Crusacea: Decapoda: Porjunidae) in Moreton Bay, Queensland. Ibid, 59, 165-176. Zisper, &, & Vermen, G. J. (1978) Crushing behaviour of tropical and temperate crabs. /bid. 31, 155-172. REDEFINITION OF UPEROLEIA TALPA TYLER, DAVIES & MARTIN, 1981 (ANURA: LEPTODACTYLIDAE: MYOBATRACHINAE) BY M. DAVIES & A. A. MARTIN Summary BRIEF COMMUNICATION REDEFINITION OF UPEROLEIA TALPA TYLER, DAVIES & MARTIN, 1981 (ANURA! LEPTODACTYLIDAE: MYORATRACHINAE) Uperaleia talpa was described [rom three individyals collected on a dry night south of Derby. W.A-! Subsequent collections in the area have provided additional material, and atlowed biological and additional morphological, osteologicat and distributional data to be assenibled, Here we report these data Morphological measurements follow the methods of the original deseription,! und are expressed ay mean — standard deviation with ranges in parentheses. Calls of three individuals were recorded ata sié 22 kit S of Derby on 14.01.80, using a Sony TC-S10-—2 tape recorder und a Beyer M88 dynamic microphone, ata 1ape speed of 19 cnr/sec, Wet-bulb air temperatures measured close (GO the calling sites af males ranged between 25.4-26,0"C, Calls were alialysed by means of a sound speerrograph (Kay Model 6061-B Sona-Graph), wilh the overall response curve maintained in the FL-1 position. One call of each male was analysed, Material evamined is deposited in the South Australian Mustun, Adelaide (SAM), the Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM), and the Liniversity of Adelaide asteological collection (UNZ). Uperoleia talpa Tyler, Davies & Martin, 198i! Gleuerlia mjobergi: Main 1965° p. 66; Barker & Cirize 1977,* pp 199, Uperofeiu talpa Tylet, Davies & Martin, 1981,! p, 32. Uperoteia talpa: Tyler 19823 p. 87. Covger. Cameron & Covper 1983," p. 34; Tyler, Smith & Johnstone 1984," p. 102; Tyler 19S,’ p. 408; Cogwer 1986," p. 875 Tyler 1987," p. 232 Mjiageosis: A \arge species (Fo 26-38 mor S-V G4 32-36 mm S-¥) lacking maxillary tecth; (ops fringed wih moderate webbing, metutarsal tubercles very large; frontaparictal fontanelle widely exposed; carpus of six ements; anteromedial processes of anterior hyale of hyoid slender, short, ne ihal crest; adverrisement call of atraul 130 msec duration, with some 4) pulses produced ata pulse repetition rate of about 315 pulses/sec. Material examined: 49 cro and 9 2) were examined: SAM R28792-94, WAM R9d430, 10-18 km S$ Derby: SAM R28795, 22-41 kro S Derby; SAM R28K08, 41 kin S Derby; SAM R31733, 28 kin S Derby; SAM R28809-38, WAM R94431. 34, 28 km S Derby; SAM R28796-801, WAM RYd4IG-38, 8 km NE Broome; SAM R28802-7, WAM R94439-40, 106 kom E Broome. External morphology: Large species (males 26-38 mm, females 32-36 mnt S-¥) with shart snout, usually truncated (4/5 of specimens) or slighty rounded when viewed from above. Fye to naris distance greater than internurial span (E-N/IN 1.20 +. 17 [1,00-1.56]) Fingers short with lareral fringes in 2/5 of specimens, absent in remainder, Subarticular tubercles prominent in about +2 specimens, moderately prominent in others. Palmar tubercle ac base of thumb never prominenl; that on heel of hand, prominent in 3/8 of specimens but poorly developed in remainder Hind limbs very short (TL“S-V 0.31 1.02 [0.25-0,35]). Tors fong, broadly fringed in all specimens, moderately webbed. in about 7/8 of specimens; basully webbed in remainder Subarticular tubercles conical, metslarsal (ubergles extremely prominent. Inner metatarsal tubercle oriented along long axis of first toe; outer metatarsal 1ubercle angled slightly to long avis of Toot, Dorsal surface with strongly defined dermal glands (in cpntrase to specimens in type series). About 1/5 of specimens with only maderatcly devetoped paroajoid glands: 4/5 with strongly developed, and occasionally hypertrophied, glands. Inguina) and ee t SRR hi phe ~1, vat ay SS SOF Ma I¢ ces , £ pty a > Fa ae. ea am i Zt. 3 a = Ww ao an P mg ane Fee or 7s Sy pe: i \ Wess , 1 ‘ co Derby. a. t 4 s \ pat \ cA <4 J rt 8" — Broome fos ‘ v3" Fig. 4, Distribution of Uperaleia talpa in the Kimberley Division of Western Australia. the back patterning characteristic of U. talpa and is distinguished further by call! (pulse rate one third that of U talpa). U. russelli has pigmented inguinal and postfemoral patches; whereas, in U ftalpa, pigment is lacking, Breeding biology: Uperoleia talpa is sympatric with U. mjobergi and U. asperu al sites between 12 and 42 km S of Derby in W.A. The three species are spatially separated with respect to calling site.!@ U, mijobergi calls at the edge of or in shallow temporary waters, whereas U. talpa calls from dry vegetated places a considerable distance (up to 10 metres) from water. U. aspera calls from the areas between these sites, In March 1980, breeding activity followed torrential rainfall. "Tyler, M. J., Davies, M. & Martin, A. A. (1981) Aust, J. Zool, Suppl. 79, 1-64, ?Main, A. R. (1965) “Frogs of Southwestern Australia.” West. Aust. Nat. Club Handbook 8, 1-73. *Barker, J. & Grigg, G. (1977) “A ficld guide to Australian Frogs” (Rigby, Adelaide), “Tyler, M. J. (1982) “Frogs” (Collins, London and Sydney), 2nd Edtn. Cogger, H. G., Cameron, E. E. & Cogger, H. M. (1983) “Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. I. Amphibia and Reptilia.” (A.G.P.S., Canberra). °Tyler, M. J., Smith, L. A. & Johnstone, R. E. (1984) B9 Glandular secretions: Uperoleia talpa is unique amongst Uperoleia in releasing copious quantities of white frothy secretion from the parotoid glands in response to tactile- stimuli such as those received when being picked up. The secretion is toxic to other frogs placed in the same container as the U. talpa.? Distribution: Uperoleia falpa is confined to the southwestern purtion of the Kimberley Divisian of Western Australia, The distribution of the species is shown in Fig. 4. Field work was supported by a grant to M. J, Tyler by the Utah Foundation, We thank M. J. Tyler and G. F. Watson for field companionship. _“Frogs of Western Australia.” (W.A. Museum, Perth). "Tyler, M. J. (1985) In D. R. Frost (Ed,) “Amphibian Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference.” (Allen Press Inc. and Assoc. Syst. Coll., Lawrence, Kansas). ®Cogger, H. G. (1986) “Reptiles arid Amphibians of ,(ustrala.” 4th Edin, (Reed, Sydney). "Tyler, M. J. (1987) /n Covacevich, J, Davie, P. & Pearn, J. (Eds) “Toxic Plants and Animals. A Guide for Australia.” {Qld Museum, Brisbane). Tyler, M. J., Davies, M., Martin, A. A. & Watson, G. KF, Unpublished data, MARGARET DAVIES, Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, G.P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, S, Aust. 5001, and ANGUS A, MARTIN, Department of Zoology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic, 3052. NEOBATRACHUS PZCTUS (ANURA: LEPTODACTYLIDAE) FROM THE MIOCENE/PLIOCENE BOUNDARY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY MICHAEL J. TYLER Summary BRIEF COMMUNICATION NEOBATRACHUS PICTUS (ANURA: LEPTODACTYLIDAE) FROM THE MIOCENE/PLIOCENE BOUNDARY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA The fossil record of frogs in Australia hitherto has been based upon Holocene, Late Pleistocene and Mid-Miocene material, principally from Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland.! Here I report an important additional specimen from South Australia. The specimen (South Australian Museum P27928) is the right ilium of the extant leptodactylid species Neobatrachus pictus Peters. It was collected by Mr N. Pledge at Corra-Lynn Cave at Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. The specimen (Fig. 1) is complete and its identity is indicated by the narrow shaft, obliquely situated dorsal protuberance and high dorsal acetabular expansion. The Curramulka fauna is considered to be on the boundary between the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene.’The record therefore is significant in bridging one of the major gaps in the existing fossil record. Only two species of frogs now occur on the Yorke Penin- sula. These are Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Gunther* which is distributed widely in southeastern Australia, and N. pictus (previously reported from the southern end of the peninsula as that species*~® or, erroneously, as N. centralis>~*). It is becoming apparent that extant species of Australian frogs occur as early as the Middle Miocene. At least some fossil ilia of that age cannot be distinguished from their modern counterparts. If these observations are supported by studies of other Tertiary frogs, anuran skeletal mor- phology, as exemplified by the ilium, will have been shown to be extremely conservative. Fig. 1. Right ilium of Neobatrachus pictus (SAM P 27928). 'Tyler, M. J. (in press) “Australian Frogs” (Penguin, Mel- bourne). Pledge, N. (pers. comm.). Tyler, M. J. (1973) Frogs In D. W. P. Corbett (Ed.) “Yorke Peninsula — a natural history.” Dept of Con- tinuing Education Publ. 36, University of Adelaide. ‘Tyler, M. J. (1977) “Frogs of South Australia” (2nd Edtn). South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Roberts, J. D. (1978) Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 102, 97-105, Brook, A. J. (1981) “Atlas of frogs of South Australia.” Dest of Zoology Publ. 4, University of Melbourne, Park- ville. MICHAEL J. TYLER, Dept. of Zoology, University of Adelaide, Box 498, G.P.O., Adelaide, S. Aust. 5001. STUDIES ON SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN ABALONE (GENUS HALIOTIS) 1X. GROWTH OF H. SCALARIS BY S. A. SHEPARD, A. G. J. MOWER & K. HILL Summary BRIEF COMMUNICATION STUDIES ON SOUTHERN AUSTRALIAN ABALONE (GENUS HALIJOTIS) 1X. GROWTH OF H. SCALARIS ‘The non-commercial abalone Aaliotis scalaris Leach iS.& COMMON Species Occwrring in a crypti¢ habital under rocks in southern Australian coastal waters.! As part of long-term studies on the recruitment .and survival of abalone” in (his habilat ai West. Island, South Australia (35° 37°S; 138° 35° E) we describe here the growth rate of H, seqtatis during the first four years of life. The earlier now? described the spawning cycle, recruitment and juvenile growth in the first year only of this. species at West Islann. An underwater hand lens" was used to search for newly settled 77. scafuris ona crustose coralline substratum on and under boulders mostly 20 « 30 ¢m diameter at the study site (extending over a distance of about 60 1m) where previous studies were made * Sampling was. stratified spahally at 4 and § m depths in five sections of the site and swenty samples, ¢ach covering 0.25 m*, were taken at each visit. Sampling consisted of measunng and revording the size of all abalone within a quadrat frame 0.28 m? in area, Diving time was about five hours per visit except that, on the October 1986 and December JORG—January 1987 visits, about 35 hours in all were spent. searching for abalone. The MIX interactive computer program” was used to separate modes\ of multimodal distributions and fit Gaussian component dis(ributions with maximum like- lihood techniques. Probability values exceeding 0.05 indicate statistically satisfactory fits. Some individuals were also tagged with small plastic tags fixed te the shell with superglue to verify he growth rate. Leggth frequency distnbypons from under-boulder censuses from Deeember 1984—January 1987 are given in Fig, ly those obtained during 1983 and 1984 have been published previously.? There was a strong recruitment (i.e, numbers of individuals 1-5 mm lang recorded) in 1983, 4 'Shepherd, 5. A, (1973) Aust. J. Mar, Freshw. Res. 24, 217-257. ‘Shepherd, S, A, & Turners, J. A, (1985) L Exp, Mar, Biol, beol, 99, 285-298, *Shepherd, 8. A., Clarkson, PS. & Turner, J. A. (1985) Tray. R, Soc, S. Aust. 161-162. ‘MeDonald, P, 0, M. & Pitcher, PE, (1979) J. Fish, Res. Bd. Can. 36, 987-1001. avery weak recruitment in 1984 (only detected as indi- viduals grew into larger size classes), a weak settlement in 1985 and a stronger one in 1O8G. The mades of length frequency distributions (Fig. 1) are plotied over time in Fig. 2, and the progression of the modes is taken to indi- cate the growth Tate, A lincar regression by the Icast squares method was fitted to the modal means for all years combined, each modal mean being weighted by the reciprocal of its stan- dard error, The regression equation of best tit is = 0.00854 + 0.03734 (R? = 0.98) where L = length in mm and A = age in days. The standard error of the slope is 0.0009 and of the constant is 0.520. The mean growth rate of the successive cohorts (derived trom the equation) is. 1.13 mm per month (S.E. = 0.03 mm). The X- intercept (I January) is a theoretical Tather than a biologically realistic mean birth date. Earlier studies! sugecst that settlement of the species occurs preduminantly from January to June. If this is so, the growth rate in the first few months after settlement must be faster than Lhat indicated above. The mean growth rate of four tagged individuals (plotted in Fig, 2) is 1.12 mm per month (S.E, - 0,10 mm) which is not significantly different from the growth rate inferred from modal progressions. This growth rate is stower than that of H, /aevigara in the same habitat,’ but similar to numerous other species of abalone whose early srowrh has been examined.o7A? We are grateful to Jean Turner, P.S. Clarkson and C. H. Deane for diving assistance. Funds supporting the study came from Fishing Industry Research ‘Trust Account (FIRTA). ‘Shepherd, 5. A. (in press) Aust. J. Mat, Freshw. Res. *Poure, G. CB. (1972) N.Z. J. Mar, Erestiw. Res. 6, passe. (Sainsbury, K. J. (1982) NZ. J. Freshw, Res, 16, 147-161, *Ichiki, T., Yamashita, K, & Tartemura, K, (1977) Bull. g Nagasaki Pret. Inst. Fish. No. 3, 84-94. "Clavier, . & Richard, O. (i986) J. Mar. biol. Ass. UK 66, 497-503. 8. A, SHEPHERD, A. G, J) MOWER & K. HILL, Dept of Fisheries, 135 Pirie Street, Adelaide, S, Aust. S000, 94 H. scalaris N=38 : x2247 P=0.17 & oO = a o N=49 rs Y, x2=98 p=0.98 T —T : N=128 z x2252 P=0.47 et el aL Fina ES T— T N=161 10 ; ul xX2=87 P=0.003 5 9 » fr) Alles N=116 10 2 .. Dec. 86-Jan. 87 X*=67 P=0.15 m 1982 Length (mm) Oo 1983 1984 m@ 1985 1986 O 1987 Fig. 1. Length frequency distributions of H. scalaris at West I. from December 1984 to January 1987. Triangles represent the position of the modes of the fitted Gaussian distribuuons. Annual cohorts are distinctively shaded. 95 H. scalaris 70 41983 Ti LENGTH (mm) Fig. 2. Plots of modes (and standard errors) of annual cohorts from 1983 to 1986. The mean growth of tagged individuals is shown (x....x). VOL. 112, PARTS 3 & 4 30 NOVEMBER, 1988 Contents PUBLISH Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia Incorporated Sergeev, V. N., Clarke, S. M. & Shepherd, S. A. Motile macroepifauna of the seagrasses, Amphibolis and Posidonia, and unvegetated sandy substrata in Holdfast Bay, South Australia - - - - - - - - Rondonuwu, S. A. & Austin, A. D. A new species of Uracanthus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): A pest on ornamental cynressis in the Adelaide Region - - - - - Koste, W., Shiel, R. J. & Tan, L. W. New Rotifers (Rotifera) — Rusthiania - - - Barker, S. Contributions to the Taxonomy of Stigmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) - - - - - - - - - - - Hutchinson, M. N. & Donnelan, S. C A new species of scincid lizard related to Leiolopisma entrecasteauxii, from southeastern Australia - - - - - Campbell, R. A. & Beveridge, I. Mustelicola antarcticus sp. nov. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha) from Australian elasmobranchs, and a reassessment of the Family Mustelicolidae Dollfus, 1969 - - - - - Gardner, J. A. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of some Australian Stigmoderini (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) - - - - Gowlett-Holmes, K. L. A new species of Notoplax (Mollusca: Spaipneenphora: Acanthochitonidae), from New South Wales, Australia - - - Brief Communications: Neverauskas, V. P. Accumulation of periphyton on artificial substrata near sewage sludge outfalls at Glenelg and Port Adelaide, South Australia- - - - Stott, P. Use of growth rings to determine age in the freshwater tortoise Chelodina longicollis: a cautionary note - - - - - - - - Zeidler, W. The European Shore Crab, Carcinus maenas in the Coorong — A potential threat to local fisheries - - - - - - - - - 97 109 119 133 143 153 163 169 175 179 18 ED AND SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S ROOMS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, NORTH TERRACE, ADELAIDE, S.A. 5000 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED VOL. 112, PART 3 MOTILE MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES, AMPHZBOLIS AND POSZDONZA, AND UNVEGETATED SANDY SUBSTRATA IN HOLDFAST BAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY V. N. SERGEEV, S. M. CLARKE & S, A. SHEPARD* Summary The motile macroepifauna was examined in stands of Amphibolis antarctica, in mixed stands of Posidonia angustifolia and Posidonia sinuosa, and in nearby unvegetated sand at two sites in Holdfast Bay, South Australia. In all, 178 species including 49 species of molluscs and 114 species of crustaceans were recorded in the three habitats. There were significantly more species at both sites, and significantly more individuals at one site, in vegetated than unvegetated substrata. Seagrass biomass was significantly and positively correlated with the number of species and number of individuals at the shallow site, but not at the deeper one. Seagrass biomass appears to be only one of a number of factors determining the structure of the macroepifaunal assemblage. Cluster analyses of samples show that the faunas of each habitat are distinct. Of the 25 most common species, 11 were significantly associated with Amphibolis, eight with Posidonia, and six were associated with vegetated as compared with unvegetated substrata, with which five were associated. Only harpacticoid copepods of the genus Amphiascopsis were non-selective. The habitat preferences of species appear to be a complex result of individual requirements for food and shelter. KEY WORDS: macroepifauna, seagrasses, molluscs, crustaceans, Posidonia, Amphibolis, South Australia. MOTILE MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES, AMPHIBOLIS AND POSIDONIA, AND UNVEGETATED SANDY SUBSTRATA IN HOLDEFAST BAY, SOUTH AUSTRALIA By V. N, SERGEEV, S, M. CLARKE & 5S, A. SHEPHERD? Sammary Srroney, V.N., Clarke, SM. & Siephierp, S& A. (i988) Molile macroepifauna of seagrasses, 4 miphiboliy and Poesidenia, and unvegelared sandy substrata in Holdfast Bay, South Australia. Trans. R, Sag. S Ausé, 1(2, 97-108, 30 November, L988. The motile mavroepifauna was examined in stands of Aniphibolis antareliva, in mixed Stands of Poxidonia wneusiolia and Posidonia sinvosa, and in wearby unvegetated sand at nwo sites in Haldlasr Bay, South Australia, In all, 178 species including 49 species of molluses and [14 species of crustaceans were recorded in the three habitats. There were significantly minre species at both sites, and significantly more individuals atone sire, i vexetaced than unyegetdied substrata. Seagrass biomass was significantly and positively correlated with |he number of species aad number of individuals al [he shallow sile, but nol al (he deeper one. Seagrass biomass appears to be only one of a number of factors determining the structure of the macrvepifaunal asseniblage, Cluster analyses of samples show fhat the faunas of each habitat are distiner. Of (he 25 most common species, 1 were significantly associated with 4niphibalis, cight with Posidania, and six Were associated with Vegetated as compared with unvegetated substrata, with which five were associgied, Guily harpacicoid copepods of the genus Arphiascapsis were non-selective, The habitay preferences of species appear fo be a Complex resull of individual requirements for food anal shelter Key Words; macroepifauna, seagrasses, molluscs, crustaceans, Povidanta, Amphibolis, Sourh Australia. Introduction Scagrasses are a conspicuous element in temper- ute Australian coastal waters (Larkum 1977: Womersley 1984) and especially important in the South Australian Gulfs. where they form extensive meadows (Shepherd & Sprige 1976; Shepherd 1983; Thomas & Clarke 1/988) and might be expected to provide a large fraction of the toral productivity (Mann 1982). Seagrasses also provide habirac, shelter and food for many mobile invertebrates which ip turn are used as food by fish and other secondary consumers (Kikuchi [974; Robertson 1980: Pollard 1984 and reviews by Virnsrein 1987; Howard ef /, 1988; Bell & Pollard 1988). Inverte- brates are thus an important link in the trophic nelwork in coastal Seagrass communities. Because the seagrass beds in Haldfast Bay; South Australia have become seriously degraded (see Clarke 1987, and review by Shepherd e ai 1988) the conse- quences of such loss on higher trophic levels needs to be assessed, This study was of a pilot nature and set out to describe the matile macroepifauna of two major seagrasses and unvegetated substrata, and so docu- ment the faunistic changes that might be expected to result from the decline of seagrasses in Holdfast Bay. The seagrasses were Posidonia angustifolia Cambridge & Kuo and A sinwosa Cambridge & Kuo, which occur in mixed stands, and Amphibolis antarctica (Labillardiere) Sander & Ascherson ex * Department of Fisheries, 135 Pirie Street, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000 Ascherson. The unvegetated subsirata were blow- outs, Which occur widely in these seagrass beds (Fiz. la). P angustifolia and P. sinuosa are similar to each other morphologically, both having long narrow blades arising from a rhizome, and can be readily distinguished only by examination of the buried sheath or (microscopically) of the epidermal cells (Cambridge & Kuo 1979). 4, aniarctica is architecturally more complex with a tough cylindrical stem supporting an array of tufted leaves. We examined the species composition and abundance of all taxa retained ina dl »« OS mm mesh in vegerated areas over a range of seagrass biomass valucs and in unvegerated sandy areas in order to assess the importance of the structure and biomass.of these seagrasses ta the macroepifauna. In each case epifaunal, but not infaunal, taxa associated with the substratum were saripled. Because the macroepifauna is highly mobile anu might be expected to select an optimal habitat, based on seagrass archiecture and density, and because survival may differ between habitats and within habitats according to seagrass density, differences im epifaunal species composition and abundance should disclose the net outcome of these two processes, ie. habitat preferences ane differential survival. An important collateral aim of the study was 16 oblain-a taxonomic reference collection of maere- invertebrate taxa. wssociated with seagrass anu unvegetated sybsirata in Holdfast Bay for use im later studies, Voucher specimens are lodged in the South Australian Museum, Except for the study of Watson e7 al. (1984) on Heferozostera this has not 98 V. N. SERGEEV, 8S. M. CLARKE & S. A. SHEPHERD previously been attempted for southern Australian seagrasses. Materials and Methods Study Sites Sites were selected in Holdfast Bay, S. Aust., where serious Seagrass recession has occurred through expansion of blowouts and the effects of sewage sludge effluent (see Shepherd ef a/. 1988). One study area (Blowouts SI and $2) was located 1.4 km off Henley Beach (34°55.5'S, 138°30'B) at 6-7 m depth (Fig. 2) where extensive mixed stands of Posidonia angustifolia and P. sinuosa, and smaller patches of Amphibolis antarctica surround blowouts. The second study area (Blowout S3), examined at a later date, was 2.6 km off Brighton (35°0O1'S, 138°31'E) at 10-11 m depth where P angustifolia is dominant and A. antarctica occurs only in small patches. The former area was chosen because it was considered to be representative of seagrass habitats in Holdfast Bay; this judgement was based on extensive sampling during compre- hensive studies of seagrass-sediment dynamics of Holdfast Bay (Clarke 1987; Thomas & Clarke 1988). The latter area was near the maximum depth of sea- grass and was chosen to maximise contrast with the former, and so test the applicability of the earlier results to a deeper seagrass habitat. Fig. 1. (a) Aerial photograph at Brighton in Holdfast Bay showing blowouts in seagrass beds. Bar scale = 500m. (b) Diver sampling unvegetated substratum in a blowout. (c) Oblique view of Amphibolis bed, (d) Oblique view of Posidonia bed. MOTH.F MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES 99 sou _\ ‘ AUSTRALIA / “— Fig, 2. Holdfas! Bay, South Australia showing study sites and seagrass disiburiun, A 25 « 25 cm quadrar frame attached co the open end of a plankton net of mesh size 1 < 0.5 mm and enclosing a volume of 40 litres was used for sampling. The net was secured co the quadrat hy a lace and unfolded only when the quadrat was rapidly thrust downwards to the seabed during (he Sampling operation (Fig, 1 b, e, d). All samples, both in vegetated and unvegetaled areas, were taken abour 5m from the seagrass-sand houndary of the blowour being investigated, in order to avoid possible ‘edge effects’, In the seagrass samples, the seagrass Was cut off al sand level with shears operated from outside the net. After the sample was taken, the net was released from the quadrat, the surficial sediment was manually disturhed (a a depth of 1-2 ¢m in order to expel sheltering animals into the water column, (he opening tied shut, and the net and con- tents sealed ina plastic bag. The technique is simi- lar to that described by Ledoyer (1962) and used by Scipione & Fresi (1984), Virnstcin ef a/. (1984) and others. At the Henley Beach site six replicate samples were Laken in each of three habitats (unvegetared sand, Posidonia and Amphibatis) at twa blowouts (Sl, 52) giving 36 samples in all, At Brighron eight replicates were taken im the same three habitats «al one blowour ($3) giving 24 samples. Samples, including the surficial sediment and any detritus, were preserved in 10% formalin und seawater and later hand-sorted fo remove all animals. The seagrass in cach sample was weighed after removal of excess water, and animals were identified ro The lowes! possible taxon and species’ abundances per quadrat tabulated. Sampling was done at about noon, in March 1985 at SI and S2 and in November 1985 ar $3. Only the motile niacroepilaung is considered here. Bryozoans, foraminiferans, fivdrotls snd polychactes, and meiofaunal species nol adequately retained by the mesh, are excluded. Analyses Data for the two si(es cannot be compared direct- ly due to differences indepth and time of sampling and in locality, and are analysed separately. A cluster analysis of Spectes’ abundances per quadrat was performed on the data from cach site. After a log (N + 1) transformation of the data the Euclidean distance measure of similarity and the eroup average sorting sirategy were used to achieve clustering of quadrat data (see Clilford & Stephen- son 1985, Field er al. 1982). Data on number of species and number of in- dividuals were examined by analysis of variance (ANOVA), Where the variances are heterogeneous, as disclosed by a Cochran C-test, data were trans- formed to achieve homogeneity, A Student - New- man - Keuls (SNK) test was then used to detect sip- nificant differences between individual means. Cluster analyses, ANOVAS and feast squares regressions were performed with (he Biostut com- puter package (R. A. Pimental & J. D. Smith 198s. Sigma Soft Placentia, California). Resulls. Community Totals {rall, 7124 individuals divided among 178 spe- cies were obtained in the two vegetated habitats (Amphibolis and Posidonia) and in unvegetated sand, Where were 49 species of molluses, 114 spe- cies of crustaceans (59 amphipods, 19 isopods, 13 decapods, five mysids, ten capepods and eight os- tracods), seven species of pycnogonids and eipht ma V. N, SERGEEV, SM, CLARKE & S, A. SHEPHERD species of echinoderms, The species wilh authori- lies are listed in ‘Table I Analyses of variance show thut the number of species differs slenificantly between seagrass habitat and unvegetated sund wt both sites (Tables 2, 3). At the Henley Beach sile Uiere is no significant difference (P >0.05) between the twa blowouts (S1, S2). There are signiticantly fewer species in \invegerared sand than in scaprass at both sites, bul no significant difference in number of species between the two seagrasses (‘lable 3), Overall, there are fewer species of molluscs than of arthropous in seagrass, except that at Brighton there is Httle dilference in the number of species of molluse between unyegetared sand and Posidonia (Fig, 3), The (wo sites do not give a consistent picture in the variation in number of individuals per sample i relation to habitat. At Henley Beach there is po significant (P>0.05) difference beiween any habitat, but at Brighton there are significantly tewer individuals in Fosidonia and sand than in Anphibatis. (Table 3). Next we examined by regression analvsis the role of seagrass biomass as a factor influencing the number of species and of individuals per sample, Significant linear regressions relaling dumber of species and individuals with Postdonig and Amphibolis biomass respectively are given in ‘lable 4 for Henley Beach, Here the number of species in Pusidonia and both number of species and individuals in Ampiibeatis are significantly related tu buenass; ar Brighton there are no significant TELTESSIONS, HENLEY BEACH SRIGNTON 3200 200) re cruslsceans E — — moalluece > ~ = “. = 100 “eto 7 100 = = a » i-] Me of Sipeniee Qo hae. 4. Mean number of individuals aud species oF crusla- ceans and molluscs per sample in three habitats, (Aniphibodis, Posidunia and unvegetated sancl) at Henley Reach and Brighion. Vertical bars are standard crrors. Habitat differences Dendrogramms of sainple classifleutions sng species abuodances a6 attributes (ip. 4) show iat, With minor exceplions, the veyelated habitals, Posidonia and Amphipolks, and unvegerated sand sepurite oul att reluuive similarities of less than 42%, indicating faunistic coherence within, and substantial dissimilarity between, habitats, At Henley Beach, the epitaunas of Posidenia and Amphibolis are relatively distinct and more similar to each other than either is to sand, whereas at Brighton (here is preater similaruy between the fauna of unvegerated sand and Posidonia. In-faer one Posidoniu sample was. more similar to sand samiples than to other Posidonia samples, due ta the absence of the harpacticoid Porcellieitun sp which was generally common in seagrasses but tare in sand (Table 5). Pie diagrams (Fig. 4) show the mean relative abundances of molluscs and arthropods for cach habitat; they incicate strong duminance by a few species with a very large number of rare species, The 25 most common species (ie. those with mean relative abundance per habitat of >So) difler significantly in their absohite abundances between the three habitats, and are categorised according ro ther appatent preferences (Table 4), Eleven of the 25 species are more abundant in Amphibolis, twa species are tnore ubundant in Posidonia, and six species are more abundant in both seagrasses without distinction between them. Only the hurpacueoid Amphiascopsiy spp are indifferem| ta hubitut; but this has little significance since several taxa may be included, There are very marked diflerences between the faunas of the two sites, Henley Beach and Brighton, Fourteen of the 25 mast common species, and 76% of all species occur only at one site, Unvegetated blowouts have a characreristic taund which differs between the Iwo sites. Al Henley Reach Lhe amphipod Guernia cl ge/ane and the ostracod (ypridinoades zolatheae are dominunt, and at Brighton the minute gastropad Lissolesta contabulata, (he harpacticoid “AmpAhtuseopsis spp, the mysid Lepromy'sis australis, the tanaid Leptochelia igneta and the sea-star Alosdchastee pelyplax ure Co-duminunt (Fig. 4). Discussion Despite the very limited sampling program threat could be carned out in this study, some compari- son can still be made with the species richness at scugrass epifauna elsewhere. Virnsicin ev a, C1YN4) hive assembled comparative Java on species abun dances of amphipods, isopods and decapods in MOTILE MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES TABLE 1. List of species with authorities obtained in the study. Phylum MOLLUSCA Class GASTROPODA Trovhidae Fissurellidae Liotiidae Patellidae Phasianellidae Turritellidae Epitoniidae Calyptraeidae Melanellidae Potamididae Cymatiidae Vermetidae Columhellidae Olividac Fasciolariidae Pyrenidae Nassariidae Triphoridae Muricidae Buccinidae Triphoridae Pyramidellidae Scaphandridae Class BIVALVIA Glycymeridae Mytilidae Pteriidae Veneridac Psammobiidae Class AMPHINEURA Ischnachitonidae Class CEPHALOPODA Idiosepiidae Phylum CRUSTACEA Amphipoda Corophiidae Ochlesidae Cypriodeinae Badepyrus pupeides (Adams) Thalotia conica (Gray) Cantharidus irisodantes (Quoy & Gaimard) Cantharidus bellulus (Dunker) Cantharidus apicinus (Menke) Nanula sp, Calliosioma sp. Calliostama legrandi (Tenison Woods) Calliostoma hedleyi Pritchard & Gatliff Callistele calliston (Verco) Ethminolia elveri Cotton & Goidlrey Macroschisma tasmaniae Sowerby Notoacmea flammea (Quoy & Gaimard) Argalista sp. Lissolesta contabulata Tate Patella (Scutellastra) peronti Biainville Phasianella australis (Gmelin) Gazameda iredalei Finlay Acutiscala minora Iredale Calyptraea calyptraeformis (Lamarck) Curveuhima indiscreta (Tale) Batillaria bivaricata Ludbrook Batillaria diemenensis (Quay & Gaimard) Cymatiella gaimardi |redale Tenagodus weldii Tenison Woods Mitrella acuminata (Menke) Oliva australis Duclos Microcolus dunkeri (Jonas) Macrozufra atkinsoni (Tenison Woods) Niviha pyrrhus (Menke) Hedleytriphora scitula (A, Adams) Bedeva paivae (Crosse) Lepsiella flindersi (Adams & Angas) Cominella eburnea (Reeve) Obesula albovitiala (Hedley) Congulina sp. Pyrgiscus sp. Chernnitzia muariae (Tenison Woods) Odostomia sp. Acteocina fusiformis (A. Adams) Glyeymeris radians (Lamarck) Musculus paulucciae Crosse Trichomusculus penetectus (Verco) Electroma georgiana (Quoy & Gaimard) Tawera lagopus (Lamarck) Gari brazieri Tate Stenachiton cymodacealis Ashby Stenochiton pilsbryanus Bednall Idivsepius notoides Berry Corophium sp.l Corophium sp.2 Corephium sp.3 Corophium sp4 Ericthonius sp. Ochlesis eridunda Barnard Austropheonoides mundoe Barnard Cyproidea ornatu VMaswell Naeapheonoides mullaya Barnard 101 102 V. N, SERGEEV, 5. M. CLARKE & S. A. SHEPHERD Caprellidae Caprella scaura (Templeton) Caprella danilevskii (Czerniavskit) Paraproto spinosa (Haswell) Corophilidae Cerapus abdictus (Templeton) Prophliantinae Guernea c.f. gelane Barnard Liljeborgiidac Liljeborgia sp. Phoxocephalidae Brolgus tattersaili (Barnard) Cunmurra itickerus Barnard Matong matong Barnard Birubius sp.1 Birubius sp.2 Birubius wirakus Barnard Birubius c.f. chintoo Barnard Booranus wangoorus Barnard Haustoridac Urohaustorius sp. Urothoides sp. Dexaminidae Paradexamine goomai Barnard Paradexamine c.f. guarallia Barnard Paradexamine (hadalee Barnard Paradexamine c.f. windarra Barnard Paradexamine frinsdorfi Sheard Puradexamine moorhousei Sheard Paradexamine sp. Atylus homachir Haswell Lysianassidae Amaryllis macrophthalma Haswell Tryphosella orana Barnard Tryphosella spp. Parawaldeckta spp. Parawaldeckia stebbingi (Vhomson) Parawaldeckia yamba Barnard Gammaridae Maera viridis Haswell Ceradocus sp. Mallacoota carteta Barnard Mallacoota subcarinata Haswell Ampithoidae Cymadusa variata Sheard Cymadusa filosa Savigny Leucothoidae Leucothoe commensalis Haswell Leucothoe sp. Amphilochidae Gitanopsis sp. Aoridae Aora typica Kroyer Atytidae Atylus sp. Eusiridae Tethygeneia megalophthalma (Haswell) Tethygeneia sp. Phliantidae sp.l Poduceridae Podocerus sp. Stenothoidae Ausatelson kolle Barnard Ausatelson ule Barnard Serolidae Serolis levidorata Harrison & Poore Serolina delavia Poore lsopoda Sphaeromatidae sp.l Exosphueroma sp.1 Exosphaeroma sp.2 Dynamenella sp. Dynamenella parva (Baker) Pseudocerceis ¢.f. irilobata Baker Haswelia emarginata Haswell Cymodoce coronata Haswell Cymothoidae Cirolana sp. ; mgen, nsp, (see Baker 1926, p, 279, Pl, XLVI) Anthuridae Puranthura punctata (Stimpson) Accalathura sp. Paranthura sp. T.gen, n.sp. Janiridae spl Jaeropsidae Jaeropsis sp. Arcturidae Neastacilla sp. Neastacilla deducta (Hall) MOTILE MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES Tdoteidae Tanaidacea Tanaidae Decapoda Hymenosomatidae Crangonidae Pandalidae Hippolytidae Processidac Paguridae Penaeidae Majidae Mysidacea Mysidae Class COPEPODA Pseudodioptomidae Harpacticoida Porcellidiidae Harpacticidae Laophontidae Cumacea Bodotriidae Dastyliidac Nannastacidac Class OSTRACODA Nebaliacea Myodocopida Cylindroleberididae Podocopida Phylum CHELICERATA Class PYCNOGONIDA Ammiotheidae Callipallenidae Phylum ECHINODERMATA Class ECHINOIDEA Temnopteuridae Class CRINOIDEA Aporometridae Class ASTEROIDEA Asteriidae Class OPHIUROIDEA Ophionereididae Crabyzos tongicaudalus (3. Bate) Leptochelia ignota (Chilton) Halicarcinus ovatus (Stimpson) Pontophilus intermedius (Fulton & Grant) Parapandalius leptorhynchus (Stimpson) Crangon sp. Hippolyte sp. Hippalyte tenuirostris (S. Bate) Hyppolyte ausiraliensis (Stimpson) Latreutes compressus (Stimpson) Latreutes sp. Processa sp. Paguristes sp. Peneus sp. Naxia aries (Guerin) Australomysis acuta (Tattersall) Australomysis incisa G.Q. Sars Afromysis australiensis (Tattersall) Gastrosaccus indicus (Hansen) Leptomysis australiensis (Tattersall) Calanoida sp.1 Porcellidium sp. Amphiascopsis spp. n.sp. sp.1 Cyclapsis sp. Leptocuma sp. Sympodomma baker Hale Anchicolurus waitei (Halc) Cumella laeve Calman Paranebatlia longipes (Sars) Cypridinodes c.f. galathea Poulsen Alteratochelata c.f. lizardensis Kornicker Vargula sp. spl Lowoleberis sp. Xestoleberis sp. Neonesidae sp. Ascorhynchus longicollis (Haswell) Achelia sp.1 Achelia sp. nov. Callipallene sp. Callipallene emaciata (Dohrn) Pseudopatiene sp. Propallene sp. nov. Amblypneustes oyum (Lamarck) Aporemetra wilsoni (Bell) Uniophora granifera (Lamarck) Allostichaster polyplax (Muller & Troschel) Ophionereis schayeri Muller & ‘Troschel 103 104 VN. SERGEEV, S. M. CLARKE & S. A. SHEPHERD Ophiopeza assimilis Bell Ophiucomina australis HW. L. Clark Ophiacanthidae Ophiacanthe aliérnata A.M, Clark TAME 2. Analyses af variance lesting differences in number af species and individuals per sample at Henley Beach and Brighton sites, *** P<@L004 as. P> (1.05, HENLEY BEACH No. of individuals No. of species (a) af. MS F (b) M5 EF !ocation(L) 1 ().78 1.84 ns. 346.8 TLL ns. Habilat(H) 2 4.39 19.36 ""* 176.9 0.73 ns. -T. w-H 2 19.95 47.05 #0 H3dk.4 199 ns. Error x) 0.42 S718.0 BRIGHTON No. of species No. of individuals dt. MS F MS F Habital 2 1493 J2R *4# 44332 42.4 *** Error 2) 12 1045 TABLE 3. Mean nuniber of species and individuals per sample in three habitats ut the Henley Beach and Rrighton sues. Standard errors in brackeis. @’ indicates no significant (P>0.05) difference hy SNK jest, HENLEY BEACH BRIGHTON Species Blowour ST Blawout $2 Blowout $3 Amphibolis 23.0 (3.0) it 21,3 (1.3) a 30.5 (1.1) Posidonia 29,2 (3.4) a 22.8 (3.6) 2 15 (1.5) sand 6.5 (1.0) 5.5 (0.6) 4.0) (LO) Individuals Amphibolis 151.2 (29-9) a 168.2 (18.3) a 170.1(10.5) Pasydoria 178.8 (30.0)-a 136.0 (25.6) a 35.2 (5.7) a sand 166.0 (42.7) a 81,7 (33.3) a 47.8 (16,0) a Tani F 4, Regression equaiions of number of species (S) and number of individuals (1) per sample agairiyt wet weight fH) in grams of Posidonia and Amplhubolis ia suniples at Menley Beach. (" P<0.05; ** P< 1.0L ns. P>0.05). In euch regression sainple size is 12. Species Posidonia Amphibolis Individuals Posidonia Antphibolis Equation R- Ss 10.4 + 0.395 W 0),39* S = 17.2 + U.03 W O.08 ns. T- 49 +45 W O.G2** L . 445 . 076 W 0.46* seaprasses at various latitudes. Judged against Wus compilation, the mean number of species record- ed in vegetated substrata per site for amphipods (36 species) and isopods (10 species) is higher, and that of decapods (8.5 species) is lower compared with other locations at about the same laptude (35°). Similar comparisons lor molluses are not available because of lack of uniformity in method of collecting in dilferent places. However, Ledoy- er (1966) recorded similar numbers of motluscan species in scagrass to those given here. Overall, the species richness of the epifauna in these seagrasses in Holdfast Bay is comparable with that of the Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica (Ledayer 1966) which is notably rich in species (sce Virnstcin ef ai. 1984). The nunrber of species of macroepifauna in eterozostera in much shallower water in. Victor- ia (Watson ef af. 1984) is much lower than that recorded in (his stucly. The faunisti¢ coherence of habitats and the sig- nificant differences in abundance of comman spe- cles berween habitats suggest that there are strong associations between many epifaunal specics and habitat. Two causes of these associations — species’ reyinrements for food and for shelter - are of recognized importance. MOTILE MACROEPIFAUNA OF THE SPAGRASSES 105 HENLEY SEACH ‘SITE 1 $0 RELATIVE SIMILARITY FP Pare pF aly Aga aa Ma ApSeSeSe5-5555 w a HONE = - So = 24pp B Ca a ° a ° = \ 5 Gog = POSIDONIA AMPHIBOLIS SAND b BRIGHTON SITE 3 - o u o RELATIVE SIMILARITY a MOLLUSCS ARTHROPOOS SAND AMPHIBOLIS POSIDONIA Fig. 4. Dendrograms of sample classificalons tor (a) Henley Beach and (b) Brighton sites, and pic diagrams of velarive mean abundances of most common molluscs and arthropods 1h thee habirats, Anipitibolis, Posidanle wad wovegetned sand. The key to species’ abbreviations is given in Table 5_ The food requirements of species are apparent lor many molluses e.g. archacogastropods. which graze on macro- or micro-alae on seagrass blades, and mesogastropods and neogastropods which are variously detritivores, carnivores or suspension feeders (Ludbrook & Gowleu-Holmes 1988). A few Species are host-specific, such as the two species of Stenochiton (S. pilsbrvahus on Posidonia and 8S. cymodocealis on Amphibolis), or have strict microhabiiat requirements such as Musculus pautyecige, which occars in the basal interstices between séagrass blades Similarly, many amphipods, isopods and decapods feed on seagrass epiphytes or detritus (Zimmerman ef af, 1979; Howard 1982, 1984; Watson #/ vl 1984), and pycnogonids and some decapods are predators wf smaller invertebrates (Howard 1984; Staples!. These species are presumably linked to seagrass habitats where their food is more abundant. The requirement for shelter in which plant ar- chitecture, biomass, surface area and densily have each been emphasized (see Homziak ef a/. 1982; Stoner 1982, 1983; Lewis. 1984; review by Orth ef 'Staples D. A. Sea spiders or Pycnogonids. Unpublished ms. al, 1984: Virnstein & Howard 1987 a, b), may also contribute to the observed association between spe- cles and habitat. However our data do not allow (nor was the purpose of this study) to distinguish between the requirements for food and shelter or assess Lhe relative importance of each, The existence of simple linear relations between measures of plant abundance and numbers of species or individuals is consistent with hypotheses of requirements for either food or shelter. But such relations may alten be obscured by the existence of threshold effects or other complicating biological or physical fac- tors (Orth et a. 1984). The shallower Henley Beach site shows linear relations in three out of four cases but the deeper Brighton site shows hone. The like- ly presence at the Brizhton site of organic matter in surface sediments, a5 Suggested by the large num- ber of detrital Veeding organisms (c.g. Lissotesta and Leptomysis) in the samples from unvegetated sand, could blur such relations even if they exist ed, However the differences between the two sites could also be duc to other factors related ta depitt, time of year, or simply a function of the sites. themselves. Patches of bare sand in blowouts are coaliiu- ing to expand in Holdfast Bay from numeruus 106 VY, N. SERGEEV, S. M. CLARKE & 8. A. SHEPHERD TABLE 3. Mean abundances per sample of the 25 most common species in Amphibolis (A), Posidonia (P) und unvegetated sand (S) at Henley Beach (H) and Brighton (B). Data*for Henley Beach are Sor Sites 1 and 2 combined. No reference to @ habitat indicates zero abundance, Probability values are from t-tests. (*P<0.05; **P<0.0I ***P>0,001). Species ure listed in four ecological groups according to apparent habitat preferences. Abbreviations of species are those given in Fis. 4, Species Abbreviation Amphibolis preferring MOLLUSCA Cantharidus irisodontes A 2.3, P 0.3** (H,B) Ci Cantharidus bellulus A 1.4 (H,B) Cb Bedeya paivae A 2.8 (H,B) Bp Cingulina sp A 4.6, S 0,5* (B) C sp Stenochiton eymodocealis A 13 {H) Se CRUSTACEA Cerapus abdictus A 13.8, P1.3* (H,B) Ca Tryphosella orana A 12.2, P 0.5* (H) To Parawaldeckia sp A 22,9 (H) Psp Tethygeneia sp A 11,6, P 0.8** (H,B Tsp Leptochelia ignata A 5,5, P 0.5, 5 1.2 A-S* A-P* (H,B) Li Vargula sp A 17,7 (H) Vsp Posidonia preferring MOLLUSCA Notoacmaead flammea P 9.4 (H) Nf CRUSTACEA Neonesidea sp P 4.8, A 0.7* (H) Nsp Preferring vegetated substrata (V) (combining date for Amphibolis and Posidonia) to unvegetuied sand (S) MOLLUSCA Thalotia conica V 3.8 (H,B) ‘Ie Macrozafra aikinsont V 6.4, S 0.2** (H,B) Ma Musculus paulucciae V 17,8 (A,B) Mp CRUSTACEA Frichthanius sp V 2.40 (B) Esp Ochlesis eridunda V 25,7, 8 0,3*** (H,B) Oe Porcellidium sp V 8.1, 8 0.4* (H,B) Psp Sand - preferring MOLLUSCA Lissotesta cuntubulata S 32.1 (B) le CRUSTACEA Guernia cf gelane P 1.1, S 93.9** (H) Gg Leptomysis austratiensis § 2,3 (B) la Cypridinodes af galatheae A 0.5, P 2.5, § 7.4, P-S** A-S** (H) Cg ECHINODERMATA Allostichaster polyplax P 0,7, S 11.8* (H) Non-~selective CRUSTACEA Amphiascupsis spp A 7.9, P 14, § 2.9 ns (B) Ac —_—_—_——:. nm ek = = —aee_ man-related and other causes (Clarke & Thomas in press). Immediate effects of seagrass loss on the epifauna are probably reflected in the differences we observed between the complex epifaunal assem- blage in seagrasses and the quite different sand- dwelling assemblage. Longer term effects due to loss of organic production are likely to entail widespread and scrious declines in numbers of in- dividuals and species of the epifauna that is trophi- cally dependent on seagrass, its epiphytes or its detritus, and of fish and other secondary consumers that in turn depend for food on the epifauna, MOTILE MACRORPLFAUNA OF THE SEAGRASSES 107 Acknowledgments We thank C. tl, Deane, A, Dalgetty and N.. Holines lon assistance in che field and office. Drs N. Ludbrook (molluses), A. N. Baker (ophiuroids), G. © 6. Ponre (crustateans}, D. Staples {pycnoginids), S J, Hall and C. Bartley (astracuds), and R, Hamond (harpacticurds) each pave valued taxonomiv advice o: determinations within cheir specialties. Dr A, J. Butler and ain anunyeteus referee constructively criticised the manuseript, Funds for the study were provided by the Conman- wealth Department of Employment and Industri- al Relations and the Sourh Australian Department of Labour (Community Employment Programme). Rejerences Banter. W. Ho 11926) Species af the isopod family Sphaeromidae, fram the eastern, southern and westeri voasts of Australia Trans, R, Soe. 3. Ausi, Si, 747-274. Bett, J. Bok Pow ann, D. A, 11988) Ecology af lish assemblages and fisherics associated with seagrasses. Ch. 17, fa AoW, D. Larkuin, A. 1. McComb & S. A- Shepherd (Eds) “Seagrasses” (Elsevier, | onedon) Campripore, Mod. & Kua, 1. (1979) Two new species of seagrasses from Australia, Payidonia simwosa and P, aueustifola (Posiloniaceae) Aquatic Hatany, 6, 307 328, Crarke. S, M, (1987) Seavsays — sediment dynamics in Holdlust Bays summary, Safisit, 18¢2), 4-10, — & Thomas, R. 1. 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KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Uracanthus cupressianus sp. nov., Cupressus spp. A NEW SPECIES OF URACANTHUS (COLEOPTERA; CERAMBYCIDAE): A PEST ON ORNAMENTAL CYPRESSES IN THE ADELAIDE REGION by S. A. RONDONL WU"? & A. D. AUSTIN Summary Rompoantiwt, S.A. & Austin, ALD. (1988) A new species oF Cracanthuy (Coleoptera: Curambycidae): a pest on ornamental eypresses in the Adelaide Region Trans. R. Soe S. Aust, 112100), 109 117, 30 November, 1988. A new species of cerambycid beelle tram South Australia ty described, based on both sexes of Ure adult and all immature stages, Wracanthus cupressianus sp, DOV. causes damage to cypresses, Cupressus Spp., planicd as ornamental trees in parks and gardens around Adelaide. Notes oa Urocenddies are pravided. und the relationships and biology of U, eupressignus sp. nov. are discussed, Key Worns Onteoprem, Cerambyeidac, Uracanrius cupressianus sp. NOV, Cupressus spp, introduction (n Australia the Family Cerambycidae is represented by almost 1000 described species (McKeown 1947), many Of which have been recorded as causing damage to native (rees grown for umber, wind-breaks or as ornamentals. However, the taxonomy of the amily inthis country has received virtually no attention in the last 30 years, even though the group is of significant importance to [he ecalogy of trees and shrubs in tiatural habitats and in commercial situations (Linsley 1959), Recently one of us (SAR) completed an extensive project on the biology and ecology of a spocies of Urocanthus which causes subsiantial damage to ornamental cypresses, particularly Cupresviuy sermpervirens L. (Cupressaceae) im the Adelaide region. The members of this Australian genus were described prior to 1950 and are dealt with in the works of Lea (1916, 1917), McKeown (1938, 1940, 1942, 1947, 1948) and Dulfy (1963), The only key tu speeivs is that presented in Lea (1916), which covers 22 af the 37 known species. In this work our species runs to either U. acutus Blackburn or discicollis Lea, but is quite different from these species. in a number of characters (see below). To ensure that we had an undescribed species. we borrowed all available holorypes, and examined rhe Urecenthus holdings in the South Australian Museum, Australian National Insect Collection and the Waile Institule Insect Collection (see Table 1). Our comparisons. using his malerial showed that the species we had reared from branches of seatpervirens im the Adelaide region was substantially different in many important characters + Depariment of Entomology, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, S. Aust, 3064, Present Address: Vavultay Pectain, Universitas Sam Ratulinegl, Manodo, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia, fo wll other species and, accordingly, should be considered as new. In this paper we describe the species, discuss its intrageneric relationships, and provide brief noles on its biology. A detailed aceount of the ecology, behaviour and interaction with the main host tree will be presented elsewhere. Although we examined other species tn the genus (Table 1), we cannot provide a comprehensive kev because of unresolved intraspecific variability i some taxa. However, we indicate where these problems lie and whal characters may prove useful in resatving them. Methods Larval stages were obtained from infested twigs of C. sempervirens collected from Adelaide suburbs during |986, They were either fixed and preserved in 80% aleohol or reared through to adults in the Jahoratory, Male genitalia and cuticular structures from larvae were dissected out, soaked in 10% KOH (4-6 lirs), placed in 10% acetic acid (15 mins, dehydrated, and either permanently mounted on slides in Berlese's Muid or temporarily mounted 10 glycerol, Adul| reproductive systems were drown from freshly killed specimens dissected under Ringer's solution. Descriptions of the larval stages were compiled rom (reshly killed specimens examined under 80% alcohol, except for sculpturing and pilosity characters which were examined by firstly drying specimens on filler paper, The morphological terms used follow Duffy (1953, 1997, 1960, 1963}, Torre-Bueno (1962), Eady (1968) and Harris (1979). Abbreviations for Institutions are: ANIC, Australian National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Canberra; AM, Australian Museum, Sydney; BMNH, British Museum (Natural History), London; MV, Museum of Victoria, Melbourne; NRS. Natural History Museum. Stockholm: SAM, South Australian Museum, Adelaide; HMO, Hope Museum, Oxford; Wh S A. RONDONUWU & AO. AUSTIN WAM, Western Australian Museum, Perth; WARI, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide. Genus Uracanthus Hope A complete biblicgraphy to the venus is provided by MeKeown (1947). Comments The Australian Uracanthini is in urgent need of revisiom There are-seven genera, none of which is well characterized! Ihe most recent works by Lea, McKeown only provide descriptions of new species, A key to some genera Is given by Les (1916) aad a more estensive generic key is presented by Rondenuwu (988'). Urecantius: is closest co Seolecobrathus Hope, differing omy in the latter having 12-segmented antennae, segments I] and 12 fully articulated, and the distal nine segments dentale or serrate along one side. In Uracanthus the antennae are Il-sepmented. Scgment 1 is sumetines divided bya suture bul the Cwo parts are never articulated, and the distal nine segments are cylindrical or subcylindrical. We found a number of characters to be more variable thin indicated in Lea’s and McKeown’s work, undoubtedly because they based thelr species’ descriptions on yery few specimens. Shape of elytral upices, surlace sculpturing, pilosity and body size varied im many species and, although these characters will romain important in delimiting snecies, their range of variation will need to be documented in any future revisianary work, Characters we fund useful at the-specics level were the structure of the male genitalia, che proximity of the eyes on che ventral head and the shape and length of the antennae, Such characters may help resolve the problem surrounding the U, trianyzularis Hope complex, Which meludes three varieties (Var A, Band C) designated by Lea (19146) on the basis of differences in pilosity. For nearly all known species of Uracurnthus only descriptions of the adult stage are given, usually of the male, Duffy (1963) is the only author wha hiss provided any information on immature stages, and then only for the final instar larva of three species, viz. CC trianguders, Lo oryprepheges Ollifh and t pallens Hope. We present here a description of all hfe-history stages for the new species and have used Tulty (19593, 1957, 1960, 1963) ay a guide in trying to limit the destriplidn of non-adult stages ro characters of specific value only, 'Rondonuwu, S. A. (1988) “Biulogy and Evology of Cypress Twit Boren Cracanthus enpressiana sp.o ft cranbyowacy™ Unpublished Phd Vhesis, Lutiversiry al Adetatie. Uracanihus cupressianus sp. nov. FIGS 1-20 Holotype: o, SAM, Glenelg, South Australia, peated ex Cupressus sempervirens, 5.x.1986, & Rondonuwu, Paratypes: adults - 27 or, 26 2, genitalia of 5 cr in glycerine capsules, same data as holotype except for same with different collecting dates; 30,3 9, SAM; 21 o, 20 9,5 & genitalia preparations, WARI; 3 o. 3 9, ANIC. Adult Male Size (holotype), Length 13.8 mm, width across anterior part of elytra 3.1 mm (also see Table 2). Colour, Generally reddish brown; head, proximal antennal segments, pronotum and femora usually darker than elytra; almost entire body covered with dense even pilosity of ahort hairs giving golden sheen appearance over surface, Head, Lower face (fron lower eye (0 lip of closed mandibles) about a8 long, as wide, lateral margins converging ventrally only slightly; clypeus (lat or slightly convex, sparsely punctate, sparsely pilose, dorsal margin triangular, bounded hy deep sutures; medial impressed line deep and glabrous, excending posteriorly to point just behind cyes: antennal sockets raised well above surface of fruns on high cone-like protuberances Which re moderately narrow al apex; Trans and dorsal parts of genae Coarsely punctate but punctures mostly hidden by pilosity; lateral and ventral part of head mostly glabrous; lateral part sparsely punctate, ventral headpart with very coarse fransverse striae; eves coursely facetied, broadly scparated in ventral aspect by about half width of head (measured weross posterior margin); antennae (Fig. 1) shorter Ihan. body. tl-segmenred, sometimes segment LI divided by feeble suture (ie, appearing 2-seginented}, segments 3-11 extremely narrow. and elongate, evenly cylindrical, dpex of segments 5-10 produced only slightly on outer side: Thorax, Pronotum (Fig. 9) longer than width actoss posterior margin (5.(:4.3), pesterior margin wider than anterior margin (4,3;3.3) so that in dorsal view lateral margins converge anteridrly; lateral pronotum with broadly pointed hump just posieciar to midline: pronotum with two very bread longitudinal bands of dense pilosity dorsally and nartower piluse band above coxae, dorsomedial longitudinal line narrow to moderately broad and glabrous, lateral surface mostly glabrous, ventral surface sparsely and evenly pilose; dorsal and lateral part of pronotum with upeven transverse strizose- punctate sculpturing, mostly hidden by pilosity; NEW SPECIES OF URACANTHUS TABLE 1 Species of Uracanthus known front Australia (* Ml holotype examined; x = holotype missing; - = apecies known from South Australia) Species Uracanthus acutus Blackburn (*) U albatus Lea (*) UC. ater Lea (*) U. bivitta Newman (*, +) CL corrugicollis Lea (*,+) U. er¥yptophagus OM. (*) Ul, cupressianus sp.nov, (*, +) U. dentigpicalis McKeown (*) U discicallis Lea (*,+) U. dubius Lea (*,4) CU froggat{i Blackburn (*) tl fuscocinereus White (*) U. fuscustrialus McKeown (*) UL fuycus Lea (*,+) U gigas Lea (x) | glubrilineatus Lea inermis Aurivillius (*) | jsignis Lea (*) ! lateroulbus Lea (*) I leai McKeown (*) longicornis Lea (*) loranthi Lea (*) maleficus Lea (*) | marginellus Hape (*,+) tninatus Pascae (*) L multilineatus McKeown (*) | pallens Hope (*) paratlelus Lea (*) parvus Lea (*) I pertenuis Lea (*,+) revalis McKeown {*) | simulans Pascoe (*,+) | strigosus Pascoe (*—-}) suturilis Lea l triangularis Hope ! triungularts var. A Lea (*) triangularis var. B Lea (*+) U, triangularis var. C Lea (*,+) | ropicus Lea (*) ventralis lea (*) MAGGS eaeeeeesecearaeanse ge Holotype & Depositories of other depasitory material examined o RMNH SAM, ANIC, WARI co SAM WARI, SAM co SAM SAM, ANIC > BMNH SAM, ANIC, WARI co SAM SAM, ANIC 2 AM SAM, ANIC cr SAM ANIC, WARI cr WAM =— o SAM SAM, ANIC, WART o SAM SAM, ANIC co BMNH SAM, ANIC 2 BMNH WAR, ANIC co WAM ANIC wy SAM SAM, ANIC cr BMNH SAM, ANIC ao SAM SAM 2 NRS = 9 SAM SAM, ANIC co SAM SAM, ANIC o SAM SAM cof SAM SAM o MV SAM, ANIC o SAM SAM, ANIC o¢ HMO SAM, ANIC 2 BMNH — ao WAM ANIC co HMO SAM, ANIC ao My ANIC co SAM ANIC o SAM SAM, ANIC a AM ANIC oy BMNH SAM, ANIC ot BMNH SAM, ANIC o SAM SAM, ANIC 2 HMO SAM, ANIC, WARI o> SAM SAM, ANIC or SAM SAM, ANIC 9 SAM SAM, ANIC co SAM SAM, ANIC o SAM SAM, ANIC dorsal part of pronotum with one pair (sometimes two pairs) of small shallow glabrous depressions, dorsomedial! longitudinal line slightly depressed; scutelum pointed posteriorly, smooth, virtually glabrous. Flytra. Much wider than prothorax measured across anterior margin, width decreasing posteriorly; apices hroadly pointed either symmetrically or asymmetrically (Figs 4, 5); anterior cornets glabrous; surface of cach elytron with four feeble raised longitudinal fines (Fig. 1), punctate all over but punctures partly hidden by dense even pilosity, Legs, Moderately stout; femora expanded in distal two-thirds, widest approximately one-third from distal end, lateral surfaces transversely strigose- punctate and almost without pilosity; tibiae slightly bowed, hind tibiae moreso than fore and mid tibiae; first segment Of hind tarsus 1,54-1.56 times longer than second; first segment of fore and mic tarsi 1.5 times or less longer than second. Abdomen, Ventral surface with uniform pilosity, moderately dense; S7 broadly truncate posteriorly, sometimes slightly emarginate medially; T7 broadly rounded posteriorly and slightly emarginate medially; T8 (if visible) much narrower than T7 and deeply cmarginate medially (Fig. 4). Genitalia and Reproductive System. Genitalia (Fig. 7) with lateral lobes of tegmen cylindrical, apices rounded with several short and several long setae: basal piece thin and folded but becoming flat and wider at tip; median lobe parallel-sided, becoming narrower at apex; lateral margin af median orifice 112 S. A. RONDONUWI & A. O. AUSTIN i 2° > ~~ FIGS 1-7. Uracanthus cupressianus sp. nov, 1, adult male paraiype, 2 and 3, adult female, paratypes, variation in the apices of the elytra; 4 and 5, adult male, paralynes, variation in the apices of the elytra; 6, adult male, paratype, distal segments of the abdomen, ventral view; 7, adult male genitalia (aedeagus), paralype. Seales: Pig. 1 — 2 mri Figs 2-6 — 0.8mm; Fig. 7 — 250 jum. bs t - tegmen, narrowed apically, rounded, slightly notched niedially; dorsal lobe as wide as ventral lobe; basal struls short and (truncate anteriorly; internal sac with a knot behind aedeagus; arrangement of glands and ducts as in Fig. 8. Adult Femate As for male except ax follows: Size. (see Table 2); pranotum slightly broader in posterior half, with broader more diffuse glabrous basal strut; 11 = lateral lobe; ml = medial iohe; mo = medial orifice: medial longitudinal line; elytra slightly more parallel-sided, apices cither symmetrical or asynimetrical (Figs 2, 3); terminal seaments of abdomen with long golden hairs, T& retracted into the genital chamber: ovipositor very short, beuring pair of styli at distal edge; styli bearing 2-4 long fine hairs interspersed with short tactile hairs; coxites medially and dorsolaterally bearing 6-8 long hairs interspersed with short (actile hairs; structure of distal reproductive system as in Fig. 10. NEW SPECIES OF URACANTHUS U3 FIGS 8-14. Uracanthus cupressianus sp. nov. 8, adult male reproductive system: 9, adult male, paratype, dorsal pronotum, 10, adulr female, ovipositor and distal portion of the reproductive system. showing an egg in the common oviduct; 11, larval insiar 1, paratype. anteona; 12, larvalinstar VII, paratype, antennas 13, larvalinstar VIL, paratype, abdominal spiracle; 14, larval instar VU, paratype, pronorm, Seales: Figs 8 and 10 - 0.5 mm; Fix. 9 = L mim; Fig. }L = 25 um: Fig. 12 — 50pm; Fig, 13 - 250 pm; Fig, 14 = 0S mm. ad = aedeagus; ag = accessory glind; be bursa copulatrix; c - coxite; eo = common oviduct; ed = ejaculater duct; sp = spermatheea; st — stylus; te = teslis; 4 = Supplementary process. (nineture Stages Hee: Length $5 mm width 0,6 mm; ovoid with one end slightly tapering and bearing a group of spicules, opposite end strongly tapering, truncate, with spicules that are roundly inclined; chorion light to dark grey and coarsely reticulate. Larval Inster I: Length (Table 2); antennae hyaline, segment 3 with | distal peg and larger supplementary process (Fig. 11); mandibles and pronotum not strongly sclerotized, spiracles very small; abdominal segment 10 without caudal process.and bearing few fine hyaline setae (Fig. 20). ila S.A. RONDONUWU & A. O AUSTIN TABLE 2. Size of various life-history stages of Uracanthus cupressianus sp, nov, For stages LI to Pupa the width Was meéasired across the pranotuim and for adults if was measured across (he widest part of the elytra. STAGE LENGTH (mm) 7 $.D, RANGE LI! 2.46 0.24 7.1-2.6 LIT 3.36 DSS 2.2-3,8 at 5,40 1.66 4.3-3.6 LIV 10.49 1.92 7.8 05.2 LV 13.74 1.44 10.3-16,0 IVI W8,73 2.10 15,5-22.2 LVIt 23.16 2 15.0. 31.0 Prepupa 13.44 4.7; 12.6-20,0 Pupa 16,83 1.44 13.5-19.0 Adult o 14.86 0.93 12.5-16. Adult 9 17.65 1.42 14.4-19,6 Larval Instars 1-1¥; Length (Table 2); similar to instar 1 but differing in being progressively larger and more sclerotized and developing 3 small caudal tubercles on segment 10 (Fig. 19) which progressively become more sclerotized. Larval Instars V and VT Length (Table 2); generally similar (o instar VIT but smaller and with some of the morphological characters described tor instar VIL being difficult to see, particularly for instar V. “Larval Instar VIT: Size (see Table 2); body elungate and subcylindrical, yellow to white in colour; pranotum with brown and pink patches; mouth bright red-brown; mandibles, dark red-brown. Head. Virtually paraliel-sided; epistoma indistinct, with four epistamal setae; frons coarsely punctate, weakly selerotized, bearing about 12. setae: median suture well defined, frontal suture indistinct; hypostoma strigate, bearing $ long sctac anteriorly near gular Sulures; gular sutures raised and curved; gular region raised, hairless and weakly sclerotized; antennal segments strongly sclerotized, segments 2 antl 3 bearing pegs, segment 3 with larger Supplementary process (Fig. 12); elypeus inembranous, trapezoidal, narrow, hairless; labrum Greular and fringed anteriorly with long thick setae; mandibles short and stout, upper corner turned inwards and pointed, inner surface concave, outer surface with two long setac basally (Fig, 17), Prothorax: Pronotum oval (Fig. 14), sometimes subrectangular, only slightly wider than posterior segments if at all, well sclerotized, posterarnedial plate finely longitudinally striate with associated Pigmented punctures, sparsely sctosc or glabrous, anterior half and fateral margins with long setae; prosternum sparsely selose, coarsely punctate, lightly scterotized; eusternum semicircular, sparsely WIDTH (mm) 3.D, x RANGE ni v.61 0.03 0.5-0.7 2fj 0.66 (),22 0.6-0.8 1) 0.89 0,26 07-12 25 1.52 0.28 1,2-3.2 2s 1.98 0.16 }.8-2.5 24 2.44 0.27 24-40) 25 3.27 42 27-44 25 3.27 0,56 2.5-3.9 25 2.42 0.16 2.2-2.7 15 2.89 6.23 2,5-1.1 28 3.54 044 2.7-4.7 26 setose, fincly punctate, sternellum very sparsely sctose, with 6 10 fine setae, Meso- and Metathorax: Mesoterguim bearing x- shaped suture: metatergum with irregular suture: both these tergiles with long reddish-brown setae laterally; mesostcrnum and metasternum bearing irregular Lransverse furraw, Legs: Small; coxa strongly transverse; trochanter narrower with one long seta; femur as wide as trochynier, with three setae; tibiotarsus browd but narrower and longer than femur, with 3-4 sctac; unguiculus not particularly clongile, wboul as long as libiotarsus (Pig, 18), Abdomen; Virst two dorsal ampullae bearing 4-5 uansverse impressions delimited by one pair of lateral furrows and a median longitudinal furrow, remaining ampullac with indistinct tranyerse impression; first four ampullue densely setose lalerally, rernaining (hree very sparsely setose; first five ventral ampullac with just one tranverse impression, last two ampullae with 2-3 Impressions; first four epipleura not protuberant, bearing roundish pleural dise, Sth-7th epipleura slightly protuberant, each with single thick long seta ane a fow fine setac; 8th cpipleuron not proruberant, with small round pleural disc; 91h epipleuron rounded posteriorly with numerous long thick reddish-brows) selae; (erminal segment (segment 10) usually bearing three short well sclerotized processes above anus, cach process bearing a few short setae (Figs. 15, 16), sometimes: with additional smaller lateral processes, or with main lateral processes wanting so only one large niedial process is presents spiracles complex (Vig. 11), well sclerotized, red-brown, NEW SPECIES OF URACANTHUS 15 FIGS 15-20. Uracenthus cupressianus sp. nov. 15, larval instar VII, paratype, distal segments of the abdomen, lateral view; (6, larval instar VIT, paratype, distal segments of the abdomen, posteroventral view; 17, Jarval instar VII, paratype, mandible; 18, larval instar VII, paratype, metathoracic leg; 19, larval instar Il, paratype, distal segments of the abdomen, posteroventral view: 20, larval instar 1, paratype, distal segments of (he abdomen, posteroventral view. Scales: Figs 15 and 16 = 0,5 mm; Fig 17 = 200m; Figs 18-20 = 100 pm (same seale for Figs 19 and 20). Sexual dimorphism. Dissected male instar VIT larvae differ from females by having two prominent reddish-yellow testicular follicles lovated ventrolaterally in abdominal segment 5. They can also be distinguished by having; stouter and larger mouth parts, The ovaries in the females are hard to distinguish but can sometimes be seen as thread-~ like diffuse structures embedded in fat bodies. Lit § A. RONDONUWL & A. O. AUSTIN Prepupa; There is a progressive contraction of the body diring the prepupal period, which is initiated sno dfler farval instar VII has stopped feeding. The segmentation is very distinctive due to deep inter- segmental infolds, which develop asa result of this contraction, The body colour changes to dull white or yellow, it becomes shorter (see Table 2), the thorax becomes thicker and the head turns ventrally. Numerous fat bodies are visible through the sem- Iransparent body wall. Pupa Size (Table 2); morphology generally the sume as that described. for other Cerambyeinue (Duffy 1953); apparently with few unique distinguishing characteristics. Other material examined: Iramatuce stages - large number of eggs. larval instars I-VI and pupae, suine dala as adult paratypes, stored in 70% alcohol, WARI. Comments Phe adult of Unarean/ias eupressiaius is distingt (rom all described congeners. ln general appearance iV is most similar to U. acutus but differs from this species in Lhe pronotum being more tansverscly stngate and pilose dorsally, the apices of elytea being less aculely pointed, and the elytra having four feeble longitudinal lines. (4 acutus has the pronotum almost hairless and only weakly transversely strigate, the apices of the elytra acutely Spinose, and the surface of elytra coarsely: punctate and lacking longitudinal tines. U. cupressianus also. bears a superticial resemblance tu U. fongicarnmis Lea, U loranthi Lea ald U, discicolis Lea, but these Species differ in several important characters, Uf longicorsis has the eyes almost touching ventrally, the pronotum very strongly transversely striate and unevenly pilese, the antennae more robust and longer than the body, and thie apices of the clytva narrowly rounded with an inner acute Spine, (. forenthi has the pronojum irregularly transversely strigate-nodulate, with four longitudinal pilose bands ctorsally, and che apices of the elytra broadly and diagonally truncate. U. discivollis has the surfave of the pronotum conipletely smooth with much longer pilosity, the aintennae longer than the body, and the elytra with dense inner longitudinal bands of dense long pilusity, but lacking longitudinal raised fines. Ol the three species of L/racanshus tor which the final instar larva is known (Duffy 1963), U clpressianys. is most similar to U. pallens, pairticalarly in the shape and arrangement of the posterior abdominal processes. These species differ, however, inthe shape and pilosity af the pronotum, While the orher ovo species, &. iriangularis and U. eryiophagous, differ from Lt cuvpressienus in havin smaller muyltilobed posterior abdominal processes, Biulogy Ui cupressianus causes substantial damage to branches of introduced cypresses, Cupressus spp., parliculiarly €, sermpervirens, which are planted as ornamental trees in parks and wardens throughout the Adelaide region and in South Australian coutiry towns, This insect also may be responsible for the $porache daiage seen On eypresses td Victoria and New South Wales, The larval stages tunnel up and duwn briagiches, quickly turning then brown and killing them. In some Adelaide suburbs up to 70% of all trees are damaged by the feeding activity of the larvae. The native host trees of UL. cupressianas are thoughe to be Cel/itris spp. (Cupressaceae), Adult beetles crenge in spring, mate and females lay eggs soon alter at night on Lhe bark of trees, The first instar Larvae burrew into the sapwood and begin leeding and tunnelling. The larvae continue to grow and moult, with each branch usually accommodating only one larva. Small holes to the outside are occasionally produced to allow for the ejection of frass and possibly for the aeration of tunnels, Final instar larvae construct 4 chamber at onc end of the main tinnel where pupation occuts. The lile cycle of most individuals is biennial and includes a larval-pupal diapuuse, although some individuals take as little as one year to complete theit development. The larvx (UI-V) of & cupressignus is parasitized by a bracanid wasp (Helcottinge: Cenucvelini, genus and species indet_) and is preyed upon by a clerid beetle (recorded only in the larval stage), but these species never cause much mortality, The physiological condition of the host tree is probably a more impertant factor an regulating population numbers, a phenomenon whivh will be discussed in delail by ane of us (SAB) at a jater date, Acknowledgments We thank Dr brie Marthews (SAM), Dr Terry Houston (WAM), Mr Ken Walker (MV). Mt Geoll Holloway ¢AM), Mr Chris O"loole (TIM@), Mr Les Jessop (AMINE) and Dr Per Lindskog {NRS) for loan of type material; Mr Paul Dangerfield for drawing the figures, and Drs Roger | ssughtin areal deny Ganloer for reading dralts of the manuscript, This work was supported by a Colombe Man Award from the Australian Goverment io SAR, NEW SPECIES OF URACANTHUS 117 References Durry, E. A. I. (1953) “A Monograph of the Immature Stages of British and Imported Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)”. (British Museum (Natural History), London). —— (1957) “A Monograph of the Immature Stages of African Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)”. (British Museum (Natural History), London). ——— (1960) “A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Neotropical Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)”. (British Muscum (Natural History), London). (1963) “A Monograph of the Immature Stages of Australasian Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae)”. (British Museum (Natural History), London), Eany, R. D. (1968) Some illustrations of microseulpture in the Hymenoptera. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A) 43, 66-72. Harris, R. A. (1979) A glossary of surface sculpturing. Calif, Dep. Food Agric. Bur. Ent. Occas. Papers. 28, I-31, Lea, A. M. (1916) Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Part I. Trans. R, Soc, S. Aust. 40, 272-436. (1917) Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera. Part XII. Prac. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 (1916), 720-745, Linsey, E, G. (1959) Ecology of Cerambycidae. Arn. Rey. Ent. 4, 99-138. McKeown, K. C. (1938) Notes on Australian Cerambycidae IV. Rec, Aust. Mus, 20, 200-216. —— (1940) Notes on Australian Cerambycidae V. (hited. 20, 293-312. (1942) Australian Cerambycidae, VI. Descriptions af new species mostly from Queensland. Jbid. 21, 81-105. (1947) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Australia. Mem, Aust. Mus. 10, 1-190. (1948) Australian Cerambycidae VIII, Notes on a collection from the Western Australian Museum, with descriptions of new species. Rec. Aust. Mus. 22, 49-63. Torre-Bueno, J. R. De La (1978) “A Glossary of pntonmalogy”. (New York Entomological Society, New York). NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA BY W. KOSTE®*, R. J. SHIEL” & L. W. TAN** Summary One hundred Tasmanian aquatic habitats were surveyed for Rotifera in spring 1987. Of 168 taxa identified, 59 were first records for Tasmania, 21 new to Australia and four (Trichotria buchneri sp. nov., 7. pseudocurta sp. nov., Lecane herzigi sp. nov. and Notommata tyieri sp. nov.) new to science. New taxa are described and figured, several of the new records also are figured, and brief ecological information is given. KEY WORDS: Rotifera, new species, new records, Tasmania, zoogeography. NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA by W. Koste*, R. J, SHEL + & L. W. TAN * + Summary Koste, W,, Swen, R. Jy & Tan, L. W. (1988) New rotifers (Rotifera) from Tasmania. Trans. ®. Soe. 5, Aust. 112, 119-131, 30 November, 1988. One hundred Tasmanian aquatic habitats were surveyed for Rotifera in spring 1987, OF 168 taxa identified, 59 Were first records for Tasmania, 21 new lo Australia and four (Trichoiria buchneri sp. novi, T. pseudocurta sp. nov., Lecane herzigi sp. nov. and Norommara tyleri sp. nov.) new to science, New laxa are described and figured, several of the new records also are (figured, and brief ecological information is given. Kry Worps; Rotifera, new species, new records, Tasmania, zoogeography. Introduction In our first surveys of Tasmanian waters for rotifers (Koste & Shiel 1986), the predominantly humic, acid waters examined contained species as- semblages more closely related to those of tropical northern Australia than to the southern fauna (Shiel & Koste 1986), With a small but distinctive endemic component (Koste & Shiel 1987a), To investigate the apparent abundance of “pantropical” taxa at 42-43°S, and to add to our data on rotifer species diversity and seasonality, a further survey was made in Sept,-Oct. 1987, Most of the LOO habitats visited in the earlier surveys were resampled, and several acid dune lakes on the west coast were included. This paper reports on the results of the 1987 survey, in particular the Rotifera new to Australia, with relevant ecological details. Full distribution and ecological data are included by family in a continuing revision of the Australian Rotifera (eg. Koste & Shiel 1987b), Microfauna other than Rotifera will be reported elsewhere on completion of the sampling surveys. Materials and Methods Habitats sampled were as reported earlier (Koste & Shiel 1986), with the addition of six sites in the dune lake area north of Strahan on the west coast (Fig. 1). The only change to sampling methods reported previously was the use of a 13 | perspex trap for quantitative collections from some sites. In the laboratory, subsamples were scanned sequentially in a perspex counting tray using a Zeiss SV-8 stereo microscope, The first 300-400 individual Organisms encountered were identified and scored, and the remainder of the tray checked lor additional species. A Zeiss Research compound microscope * Ludwig-Brill-Strasse 5, Quakenbriick, D-4570, Federal Republic of Germany. + Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, P.O. Box 21, Albury, N.SW. 2640. ++ Westerh Mining Corporation, c/ CSIRO Division of Soils, Glen Osthond, S. Aust. 5064. was used to identily selected mounted individuals (or trophi preparations after clearing with sodium hypochlorite), and photomicrographs taken. Beatine 1g7 ead Garewe acting, DOCS S GS +)06 v8 Lint Bellinger Fig. |. Additional sampling sites in 1987 survey (see Roste & Shiel (1986) for survey siles). Inset: sites referred to in text (a- L. Gareia sites; b. L. Pedder; c, Arthur's Lake. Selected specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) according to Amsellem & Clement (1979), and photographed at various magnifications in a Phillips SEM 505. Statistical methods used are described in Hellawell (1978). Results Ranges of water quality recorded were as follows: water temperature 4.0-24.0°C; pH 3,1-8.5; conductivity (Kyg) 9.0-39,100 1S em!!; turbidity 0,5-160 Hach nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). As in the earlier surveys, most siles sampled had dark, tea-coloured humic waters (78% < pH 7.0) and were low in electrolytes (44% < 100, 46% 100-1000, 10% > 1000 nS em~'), With the 120 W. KOSTE, RK. J, SHIEL & L. W, TAN exception of one highly turbid stock dam near Karanja (Strathgordon road), turbidities were very low (<10 NTU with the majority <1,0), One hundred and sixty-eight rotifer species were identified from the 1987 sample series; 59 of these are new records for Tasmania (Table |), bringing to 249 |he known Tasmanian taxa; 2] are new to Australia (total now 644), including four new taxa described here. Systematics Notholca squamula (Miller) FIG. 2 Brachianus squamula Miller, (786, p, 334, Vig, 47:4-7. The typical form af this halophile occurs in suuthern Victoria and Tasmania (Koste & Shiel 1987b). A population (sample 1996) differing from the f typ, in size and antenor lorica morphology was collected [rom Boggy Creek, near St Helens. Measurements; Lorica (length » width) 200% 144 pm: anterior median spines 33 ym; submedian spines 18 yum; lateral spines 9-10 jam. Ecology: 18°C, pH 8.5, Kg 13.94 mS cm-!, turbidity 0.5 NTU, Shallow water, entry of ereek inlo esiuary, approx. 175m from sea. Emergent macrophytes. The Boggy Creek plankton Was simple, dominated by nauplii of an unidentitied cyclopoid copepod, With minor components a calanoid, Gladioferens spinasus, and another halophile rotifer, Colurella udriatica. Vig. 2, Nothalea squumula Miller) trom St Helens. Lorca, ventral, Seale bar 100 yam. Remarks; The St Helens specimens exceed the wlobal range of 120-190 «96-144 pm (Kaste 1978) and are considerably larger than the 132100 jam N, squamula recorded from westem Victoria. The anteriar margin also is distinctive; whereas the mainland form (and N, squamula elsewhere) has lateral ovcipital spines approximately half the length of the median spine pair, with much shorter Submedian spines, the Boggy Creek form has submedian spines exceeding the range of 8-12 xm reported by Koste (1978), and the lateral spines are much shorter, It is likely that these morphological differences are an ecolypic response to estuarine habit. Subsamples of the St Helens material are lodged with the Koste collection (FRG), the Shiel plankton collection (MDFRC), and a representative series of individuals mounted on a microslide (V,4104) with the South Australian Museum (SAM), Trichotria buchneri sp, nov. FIGS 3-5 Material: \fi females in formalin, sample No, 2050, Holotype: Loricalté temale on microslide, sample 2050, Coll, 02.%,87, Ri J. Shiel, SAM V.4106. Paralypes: Date and place ol collection as for holotype. ‘Two slides in the Collection Rotatoria, Limn. Ecology, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt/M. No, 7340 and 7341; one slide SAM V.4A107; ane slide and one SEM stub Shiet Coll. (MDFRC), Type locality: Roadside poo! west of corner of Lake Rd and Garcia Rd, Lake Garcia, Strahan (42°09'S, 145°19'E), Descriplion: Rigid lorica (Fig. 5a) of nearly triangular eross-secuion (Figs 3c, 5b); median keel on dorsal plate, ending in long caudal spine (Figs da, b; Sa, c); antenor dorsal margin with deep rounded aperture (Pig. 5d) projecting laterally to pointed, sinuate cusps (Figs 3b, 5d); ventral plate domed medially, with large pastero-ventral semicircular foot opening (Fig, 3d); anterior veritral margin with curved aperture between two blurt triangular projections (Figs 3d, 5d); foot twa seginented, strongly loricate (Figs 3d, e); toes long, rigid, with acute points; head with rectangular plates (Fig. 3f) which form a pyramidal projection in the contracted state (Figs 5a, b, d); dorsal plate surface with long rows of minute denticles (Fig, Se); fateral anterina on cuticular papilla; dorsal antenna not visible in contracted state. Measurements: Lorica length 160-|82 am; width to 115 pm; height to 84 wm; proximal foot segment 24 ym; distal foot segment 15 wm; toes 50 jam. Ecology: From 0.75 m depth, apen water between emergen! reeds, over organic silt on sand; dark NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA 121 Vig. 3. Trichotria buchneri sp. nov. A. dorsal; B. lateral; C. cross-section; D. foot and toe, lateral; E. ventral; P. head, extended; G. ventral, head fully contracted. a . ; Fig. 4. Trichotria buchneri sp. nov. Photomicrograph, dorsal. humic water. 17.0°C, pH 3.1, 80.6 «S cm!. The most abundant plankter in this collection was a calanoid, Culamoecia tasmanica (Smith), however the rotifer assemblage accompanying 7. buchneri was the most diverse yet recorded from Tasmania: 35 spp. in at least 20 genera, with Keratella procurva (Thorpe) the most abundant. Remarks: The new species apparently is related to the T. fetractis group, however their cross section is hexagonal (Fig. 6c), there are two keels, the foot segments are strongly pustulated, with dorsal hooks on the second, and the foot is three-segmented. Paired hooks on the second segment of T- tetractis caudata (Lucks, 1812) are shown in Fig. 6. The reflexed caudal spine can be seen in Fig 6, which also shows the more terminal position of the foot groove, ventrally placed in the sp. noy. Etymology: Dedicated to Professor Hans Buchner, Zoological Institute, Seidlstrasse, University of Munich, in recognition of his investigations of heterogony in rotifers. Trichotria pseudocurta sp. nov. FIGS 7-8 Material: 3 \oricate females, sample No. 2024, coll. 27.1x.87, R. J. Shiel. Holotype: Designated by illustration (Fig. 9). All specimens treated for trophi analysis. Trophi preparation in Trichotria section, Koste Coll. (FRG). Type locality: L. Pedder, from Serpentine Dam boat ramp (42°46'S,145°59'E) west of Strathgordon (Fig. 1). Description: Lorica U-shaped in outline, both surfaces punctate/stippled; short, acute lateral 122 W. KOSTE, R. J. SHIEL & L. W. TAN Fig. 5. Trichotria buchneri sp. nov. Scanning-electron micrographs a. lorica, dorsal; b. lorica of a second individual, lateral; c. anterior elevation of third individual; d. plates of contracted head of specimen in a; e. dorsal lorica denticulation of same individual, magnified at right. Scale bars a-c 50 wm, d 10 wm, e 5 pm. spines at anterior margin; dorsal plate with twin _ single keel before posterior margin; ventral plate keels commencing on either side of median notch _ with twin ribs terminating at raised ridge at anterior in anterior margin, running posteriorly to fuse to margin of oval foot opening; foot 3-segmented, NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA 123 Fig. 6. Tricholeria tetractis eaudata (Lucks). Dorsal, lateral and cross-section, Redrawn from Wulfert (1967). Scale bar 100 pm, Fiz. 7. Trichotria pseudocurta sp. nov. a. dorsal; b. ventral. Seale bar 50 um. lacks spines on segments; toes with short claws. Measurements; Lorica length 125 xm; width 74 pm; toes (incl. claws) 36 nm, Ecology: Collected from 1 m depth over gravel, vicinity of emergent reeds; water dark brown, humic, 21°C, pH 5.2, 32.6 pS em~!, 0.5 NTU. Rotifers dominated the Lake Pedder plankton at this site, with Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) and K. australis (Berzins) most abundant of ten species Fig. 8. Trichotria pseudocurta sp. noy. Photomicrograph, dorsal. identified. Microcrustacean plankters were Calamoecia australis (Searle) and Bosmina meridionalis Sars. Remarks: This small species resembles a Volga River species, 7. curta (Skorikov, 1914), which has a lorica length of 80-110 am, toes 30-40 pm (Rudescu 1960), however the latter lacks the frontal corner cusps and has more angular lorica morphology. Squatinella cf. levdigi (Zacharias) FIG, 9 Stephanops leydigi Zacharias, 1886:255, Fig. 9:1, 2. Squatinella levdigi (Zacharias) after Voigt (1957). In sample 2050, from a small, humic roadside pool near L. Garcia, north of Strahan (Pig. 1), were several §, /eydigi resembling the f. /ongiseta described by Pourriot (1971) from Europe. The typical form is not known from Australasia. Measurements: body 210-235 am; dorsal spine 270-378 pm; toe length to 37 um. Ecology; ca. 0.75 m depth, dark, humic water over silt. 17°C, pH 3.1, 80.6 wS cm~!, 0.5 NTU. Remarks: \n view of the exclusion of “form” under article 16 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Ride ef af. 1985), and the considerable variation within Squatinella (Koste 1988), this taxon must await more detailed treatment. It is likely that specific status is warranted, 124 W. KOSTE, R. J. SHIEL & L, W. TAN Fig. 9, Squatinella cf. leydigi (Zacharias). a. lateral (an = anus; bu = buccal field; da = dorsal antenna; fd = foul gland; fyl = foot segment; g = subcerebral ganglion; m = mouth; nucl ~ nucleii; oh = “ear"; rst = dorsal spine; sei = subitancous exes z= Low); b, dorsal (an = anus; au = eye; bl = bladder; ksch = head-shield; la = lateral antenna; ma = stomach; mdr = gastri¢ gland; mx = mastax; vi « vitellarium); ¢. trophi (f= fulcrum; ma =manubrium; ra = ramus; rz = ramus tooth; un = uncus); d. trophi, lateral (ful = fulcrum; Iman = left manubrium; ra = ramus; unz = unci teeth); e. trophi, ventral (ful = fulcrum; mus = musculature; ra= ramus; unr = unci ridge). Lecane (Monostyla) subulata (Harring & Myers) FIG. 10 Monostyla subulata Harring & Myers, 1926:410, Fig. 45:3, 4, Lecane (M.) subulata (Harring & Myers) after Voigt (1957). Also in sample 2050 were two specimens of this small acidobiont lecanid, known previously from wet Sphagnum in Europe and North America. They were within the size range given by Koste (1978:243). Full description and ecology will appear in Koste & Shiel (in press). Measurements; Total length to 100 «am; lorica to 68 am long, 65 xm wide; toe to 27 pm; claw to 10 um. Ecology; ca. 0.75 m depth, open water between emergent reeds, over organic silt. 17°C, pH 3.1, 80.6 aS cm~!, 0.5 NTU. NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIPERA) FROM TASMANIA 12 Lecane (Lecane) ratundata (Olofsson) Fla. Cathypae rotundata Olofsson, 1918:593, Fig. 53. Cathypna Hudson & Gosse (1886) = Leeare Nirzsch (1827) by priority. Collected ina ret tow (sample 2027) from L. Pedder, 17 km east of Strathgordon (Fig. 1), this is a Surprising record of a species previously known from northern Canada, coastal waters of Novaya Zemla, Spitsbergen, Swedish Lappland and Hokkaido (Koste 1978). Full description and ecology will appear in Koste & Shiel (in press). Measurements: Dorsal plate 90*105 xm; ventral plate 10666 jam; toes 31 ym; claws 6 wm. Ecology; From ca. 2m deep, dark humic water, no visible vegetation, over tocky/gravel substratum. 14.3°C, pH 61, 33.0 pS cem~!. Possibly an incursion dislodged from submerged vegetation by strong wind-induced wave action at the time of collection. VOOurn ee WS fv \ 13 Fig. 10 Lecane (J,,) subulata Harring & Myers, ventral. Fig. 1, Leeane (M), rotundata (Olotsson), dorsal, Pia. 12. Lecane (LJ herzigi sp. nov., dorsal. Pig. 13. Lecune (s. st") herzigi sp. noy., ventral. Seale bar 100 pm, % - Levane (L.) herzigi sp. nov. FIGS 12-14 Malerial: 52 loricale females in formalin, sarnple Nos 2049, 2050. Holotype; Loricate female on microslide, sample 2050. Coll. 02.%.87, R- J. Shiel. SAM V.4108. Paratypes; Date and place of collection as for hiolorype; three slides in the Collection Rotatoria, Limn, Ecology, Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt/M.. No. 7360-62; one slide SAM V,4109; one slide Shiel Coll. MDFRC, Tipe locality: Roadside pool west of corner af Lake Rd and Gareia Rd, Lake Garcia, Strahan (42°09'S,145°19'R). Also present in Lake Garcia, ca. 1 km east of the pool, Description: Lorica outline ovate, widest medially; head aperture margins with deep rounded sinuses, ventral deeper than dorsal; pointed cusps at external angles of head aperture short, incurving; dorsal plate ovate, broadly truncate posteriorly; ventral plate slightly narrower than dorsal, with posterior segment a broadly rounded lobe commencing al second foot sezment; deep lateral sulci; coxal plates small; toes straight, acutely pointed, without claws. Measurements: Dorsal plate 96«74 ym; ventral plate 177% 70 pm; width of anterior points 41 um; toes 38-39 pm, Evology: From 0.75 m depth, open water between emergeni reeds, over fine organic malerial/sand. Water very dark, humic. 17.0 °©, pH 3.1-4,3, 80.6-98.3 pS cm~!, O.5 NTU. Etymology: Dedicated to Dr Alois Herzig, Biologische Station des Burgenlandes, Illmitz, Neusiedlersee, Austria, in recognition of his work on Rotifera. Remarks; The new species resembles £ (£.) mitis Harring & Myers, 1926, from New Jersey, but differs in the shape of the anterior margins of the lorica and caudal part of the ventcal plate, which is mot clearly separated into a distinct lobe as m L.. hersigi. Notommata tyleri sp, nov, FIG. 15 Material: 17 females in formalin, sarnple No- 1987. Holotype: Parl-contracted female on microslide, sample 1987. Coll. 22.ix.87, R. J.Shiel. SAM V.4110_ Paratypes: Date and place of collection as for holotype; one slide SAM V.4111; one slide Shiel Coll, MDFRC (Nofommata # 1987), Type locality: Arthur's Lake (41°59'S/146°55'E) (Fig, 1). From shallow water (<1 m) at boat ramp on western margin off Miena-Poatina Rd. Description: Very small species, body short and stout; greatest width <'% body length (non- ovigerous, Fig. 15b) to slightly more than 2 (with 126 W, ROSTE, R. J. SHIEL & L. W. TAN Fig. 14, Lecane herzizi sp. nov. Photomicrograph, ventral, subitaneous egg); integument soft, flexible, but outline constant; head and corona typical for genus, with slight constriction of body ca, '4 length (Fig. 15b); body dilated distally to rounded rump with median, indistinctly segmented lobulate foot bearing two short toes (Fig, 15b); toes conical, tapering from broad base to recurved, acute tips (Fig. 15c) (only Gps visible in contracted state); dorsal and lateral antennae small, papilliform; mastax (Fig, 15e-g) modified virgate type (cf. Koste & Shiel 1987b); rami strongly convex on outer margins no inner denticulation; fulcrum slender, siraight, dilated distally, manubria slender, curved, with distinctive handle-like median structure (Fig. 15g, h); internal organs normal, viteilarium conspicuous; foot glands clongate, club-shaped. Measurements: Total lenuth 120-139 pm; incus 194m; Loes 12-16 ym, subitaneous egg 30-45 « 50-65 em. Ecolagy: Collected from open water over gravel, no emergent vegetation, 8.0°C, pH 7.7, 17.4 uS cm—!, 0.8 NTU, Dominant plankiers were rotifers (10 spp.), with most abundant taxa Polvarthra vulgaris Carlin and Gastropus minor (Rousselet). Dominant microcrustacean was Boeckella rubra (Smith), Etymology: Dedicated to Dr Peter Tyler, Department of Botany, University of Tasmania, in recognition of his continuing contributions to Tasmanian limnolopgy, Remarks: Nearly all specimens were contracted in the preservative, however analysis of the trophi showed elements resembling those of N. Irvpeta Harring & Myers (1922:602, Fig. S0:5-8), with differences in the rami and manubria, N, ty/eri sp. nov, is slightly smaller than N. trypera (150 wm) with larger mastax and longer toes (16 wm and 9 am respectively in N. rrypeta) Harring & Myers noted that N. 7rypeta appeared to be an obligate parasite of Cyanophycean Gomphosphaeria, The animals in our sample were all free-living, and no Cyanophyceae were present. We consider differences in trophi structure and habit to indicate a distinct species. This animal belongs to a graup which could be delineated from No/ommata and defined as a new genus. Lt would include Pleurotrocha (Notommata) vernalis Wulfert, 1935, PR. (N.) chalicodis Myers, 1933, P robusia (Glascott, 1893), Notommate thitasa Harring & Myers, 1922, and N. trppeta Harring & Myers, 1922. Trichocerca weberi Jennings FIGS 16-17 T. weberi Jennings, 1903:309-10, PI. 1, Figs 12-14, PLXIU, Figs 116-7) In a formalin-preserved sample, coll. L. Garcia, 25.1x.87, PA, Tyler, Botany Department, University of Tasmania, (Subsample no, 2049a, Shiel Coll. MDFRC), were several females af a Trichocera resembling 7 weberi Jennings, described front North America. There were appreciable differences in body and trophi measurements. Measurements: Lorica length 340-148 pm (vs 112-120 pm for TN. weber); trophi 47 um (vs. 42 jum); left toe 60 «am (vs. 40 am); right toe 50 yan (vs, 30-36 wm); height 47 um (vs. 45 um). Ranges in Koste (1978) are: lorica length 95-133 wm; trophi $2 pm: left toe 30-45 pm; right toe to 42 pm; height ta 50 pm; anterior cusp to 12 jum). Remarks: The larger dimensions than the size ranges reported by Koste (1978) are notable, byt in the absence of more detailed work on this species, indeed on Thichocercu generally, we consider this form may represent ecotypic variation. 7) weberi is known from Qld (Russell 1961) and. a billabong in Vic. (Shiel unpubl.), alsa from N.Z. (Jennings 1903). NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA 27 Fig. 15. Notommata tyleri sp. nov. a, lateral, semi- contracted; b. dorsal; c, toe, lateral; d, subitaneous egg; e. incus; f. incus, lateral; g. traphi, ventral view; h- manubrium, lateral. Scale bar left 50 am (a-d), right 10 ym (e-h). Discussion Community campasition As in the earlier surveys, there was marked heterogeneity of resident rotifer communities within and between habitat categories (cl. Table 1). From 1-32 rotifer species occurred in each locality (mean = 9,95), with a distinct ranking of species richness according to general habitat type, This did not follow the same sequence as the earlier surveys, Where permanent natural lakes had the most diverse rotifercommunities (i.e. highest H’ index) > rivers flowing from them > permanent stock dams > marshes > streams > vegetated roadside pools > stock dams > ditches, In the 1987 survey very low species numbers were present in several of the Central Plateau lakes. In Lake St Clair, for example, only two rotifer species were recorded (H" = 0.29), whereas 16 species were present at the same site in Dec. 1985 (H* = 3,15), Extreme wind turbulence at the time of collection is a likely cause for the apparent decline; the rotifers may have been deeper and away from ihe shoreline, thus avoiding turbulence and abrasion Irom fine suspensoids. In all other habitat categories, species diversity was higher than previously recorded, with rivers carrying the Widest range of species (H’ = 2.8; mean no. of taxa 11.5), Marshes and vegetated roadside pools had comparable communities (H’ = 2,7; 11,9 and 9,8 spp. respectively), followed by stock dams (H’ = 2,4; 10.3 spp.) > natural lakes (H’ = 2.2; 10.3 spp.) > streams (H’ = 2.0; 6.5 spp.) > impoundments (H' = 1.9; 7.7 spp.). Where a higher mean species number for the site category accompanies a lower diversity (e.g, impoundments vs, streams), the index used (Shannon-Weaver) (see Hellawell 1978 for comparative indices) has taken into account the relative numbers of individuals. In impoundments, the rotifer community tended to be numerically dominated by one or two species, whereas in streams a more even distribution was apparent. Overall, hizher species numbers collected from the same sites by the same methods suggest a seasonal effect, considered. later. tig..16, a-c Trichocerca weberi Jennings. a. lateral; b- trophi: c. lefe manubrium: d. T. weberi trom Jennings (1903). 128 W. KOSTE, R. J. SHIEL & L, W, TAN Fig. 17. Trichocerce webert, lateral, photomicrograph. We should nate here that in many of these habitat categories rotifers-were not dominant in numbers or biomass. In most sites, community dominants were nauplii of the calanoid copepod Calamoecia fasmanica, or testate amoebae (eg. Difflugia and Arcella spp.) These assemblages will be the subject of a detailed report at a later date (Shiel & Tan in prep.). The new sites in the dune lake area were Unexpectedly rich in species, including many of the new records given in Table |. Site 2050, a permanent humic roadside pool near Lake Garcia, contained 32 taxa (H' = 3.9), both the highest number of species and H' index we had recorded from a Tasmanian collection. Lake Garcia (site 2049) at that time (02. «.87) contained 25 rotifer species (H’ = 2.96), with only seven species common to the two sites. A subsample collected from lake Garcia 25.ix.87, a week before our visit ta the same locality, was provided later by Dr P, A. Tyler (Botany Department University of Tasmania), It contained 35 taxa (H'’ = 4.4), including eight new records (claimed by Dr Tyler to represent “superior methods"!), Remarkably, Jess than 44 of these species (JL) were present in our sample the following week. While inter-site community dissimilarity was at feature of earlier surveys, iL Was Unexpected to find >40% similarity between intra-site samples collected a week apari, This possibly reflects a combinauon of intra-site patehiness of the microfauna and temporal species replacement, both of Which are unstudied in Tasmanian waters, and indeed, are poorly known from mainland waters. feg. Ganf e/ al, 1983, Shiel ef ai. 1987). More intensive study of the species-rich dune lake series clearly is warranted, particularly in view of the preaitts age, permanence and isolation of these lakes, Within-habitat patchiness was evident in a Series of samples from the northern shores of Lake Pedder (Fig. 1): UO) rotifer spp. occurred in a tow from the Serpentine Dam arm (western end, west of Strathgordon), with Keratella australis the dominant (83%), 4.5 km east of Strathgordon, Conochilus hippocrepis comprised 810 of the five taxa present, while at the eastern end of the lake, ca. 12 km away, K. cochlearis (33%) dominated the 12 taxa recorded, eight of which were not present at the opposite end of the lake. Given the size of the impoundment, it is not unexpected that its filling submerged a range of waters with diverse planktonic and littoral microfauna. It is, nevertheless, remarkable that in a continuous and presumably mixed water mass, such distinct plankton communities are maintained. The dendritic morphology of Lake Pedder may be a contributing factor, permitting some spatial separation of mixing currents. Jn general, high inter-site community dissiovlarity held across the 100 localities surveyed, with only a few closely-situated morphologically or chemically similar habitats sharing more (han 25% of their rotifer species, Table 2, for example, compares simi- larity indices of eight arbitrarily selected sites, Shared species tended to be those most widely dis- tributed in the 1987 survey: Keralella slacki (44%), Lecane flexilis (40%), K. australis (38%), Brachionus angularis (32%), K. cochlearis/ Trichocerca similis (29%), Polvarihra dolichaptera (26%), Pilinia longiseta/K. procurva (24%) and L. Junaris (23%). Allexcept L. flexilis and B. angularis were also the most widely distributed species in earller surveys; all are widely tolerant endemic or cosmopolitan rotifers, pancontinental on ihe mainland. Other rotifer species in Tasmania are patchily distributed: 45 of the new records in Table | (76%) were collected from single habitats, Seasonality Two of our surveys were made in autumn, two in spring. Summer and winter surveys are desirable before mare specific comments on seasonality af the Tasmanian rotifer fauna are possible, Neverthe- less, different “most abundant” taxa and changes NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA 129 TARLF 1. Rotifera recorded from Tasmania for the first time. An asterisk (*) indicates a new record for Australia. Oceurrence is shown by + = rare fone locality), ++ = limited distribution (>10% of localities). Habitat is given by § = stock dam, P = pond or small roadside pool, L. = lake or large impoundment, R = river or stream (flowing). Known distribution on the mainland is given by state. Bdelloidea 1. Habrotrocha angusticollis (Murray) + L NSW, NT, Qld 2. Otostephanus Milne sp. 3. Philodina megalotrochy Elirenberg ++ S Qld 4, Rotaria tridens Montet* + 1 Monogononta 5. Asplanchna girodi (De Guerne) ' S Qld, Vic 6. Brachionus quadridenitatus ancylognathus (Schmarda) + S Vie 7. Cephalodella auri:ulata (Miller) + 5 Vic 8. C. gracilis (Ehrenberg) 4 P Vic 9. C megalocephala (Glascott) + R NSW 10. ©. sterea (Gosse) + P NT ll. C. tinea Wulfert + S Vie 2. Conochilus hippocrepis (Schrank) ++ . Qld, Vie 13. Dicranepharus epicharis Harring & Myers ++ R/L NT 14. D, liirkeni (Bergendal) ' P Vic 15. Eothinia elongata (Ehrenberg) + § Vie 16. Buchlanis triquetra (Gosse) + L NT 17. Filinia longiseta limnetica (Zacharias) \ L NSW, SA, Vic 18, Gastropus minor (Rousselct) ++ L NT, Qld 19. Heterolepadella hererostyla (Murray) + P NSW 20. Lecane (M.) elachis Harring & Myers t P NT 21. L, (MJ optas Harring & Myers* + P 22. L, (M,.) subulata (Harring & Myers)* + BP 23. L. (L.) doryssa Harring ++ P NT 24, L, (L.) herzigi sp, nov + L 25. L, (L.) mira (Murray) + R Qld 26. L, (L.) ratundata (Olofsson)* \ L 27, Lindia ecela Myers* + P 28. Macrochaetus collinsi (Gosse) + L Qld 29. Monommata actices Mycrs t P NT 30. M. aequalis (Ehrenberg) + L Qld 31. M. longiseta (Miiller) + R NSW, Qld, Vic 32. M. maculata Harring & Myers { P Qld 33, M. phoxu Myers* + P 34. M. viridis Myers* + P 35. Notommatu cerberus (Gosse) + P NSW, Qld, Vic 36. N. cerberus fonginus Wulfert* + R 37. N. pseudocerberus De Beauchamp? 44 R 38. WN. tvlert sp. noy* + L 39. Ploesoma truncatum (Levander)* \ L 40. Proatlinopsis caudatus (Gasse) + L. NSW, WA 41. P staurus Harring & Myers* + P 42. Prygura pilula (Cubitt) + P NSW, NT 43. Resticula nyssa Marring & Myers* 4 L 44, Rhinoglena frontalis (Ehrenberg) + $ 45. Squatinella cf. leydigi (Zacharias)* \ P 46, Synchaetu grandis Zacharias + $ NSW, Vic, WA 47. §&. lackowitziana Lucks + P SA, Vic 48. Textudinella ahistromi Haucr* ++ L/P/R 49. T. incisa (Ternetz) 4 L Qld 50. Trichocercu bidens (Lucks) +4 L/P/S Vic $1. T hraziliensis (Murray)* + P 52. Ti dixon-nutialli (Jennings) + L Qld 53. T. rosea (Stenroos)* + + P/R $4. T. scipiv (Gosse}* + P 55. T. similis grandis (Hauer) ++ S NSW, SA, Vic 36. T, weberi (Jennings) + . Qld, Vic 57. Trichatria buchneri sp. nov* ++ L/P 58. TT. pseudocurta sp. nov* + L 59. 7. tetractis similis (Sten!oos) +4 L/P/R mn W. KOSTE, R. |, SHIRL & L, W. PAN Tape 2, Sdvenson indices for eight representative rolifer communities (0= na species shared: 1 =all species shared). i) Od 22 2\ 07 Iz i] 4 0 16 2050 2049 2027 2002 1977 Stream 0 199] Stock Dam 2001 m a R'side Poot 2K)2 wy Wa a R'side Pool . . 2027 19 26 19 Lake Pedder 2049 D9 (04 da Lake Garcia . 2050 05 OS Bai) Dune Pool 2066 av 09 4 Riside Pool 2001 1991 1977 in species dominants within habitats are indicative of seasonal community responses. Prominent is the appearance of Lecane flexifis, which was neither common nor abundant in the three earlier surveys, but was relatively widespread (43 sites) and numerically abundant in many localities in 1987, and is clearly of spring occurrence. General trends of species replacement were similar in large permanent lakes and smaller water badies more prone to seasonal extremes, ¢.g. stack dams, although the species composition differed in each case, In Lake Pedder, for example, the sequence of rotiler community daminants and ther propor- tions over the four surveys were: (1980, 4 spp., H* = 1.49) K, cachleoris (62%) > Trichacerca similis (20%) > Pompholvx complanata (12%); (1984, 8 spp., H’ = 1,89) Filinia pejleri (37%) > K. cachlearis (37%) > Conochilus dossuarits (21%); (1985, & spp., H’ = 0.82) K. cocklearis (86%) > C. dossuarius. (10%) > Hexarthra mira (3'%0); (987, 10 spp., H' — 2.19) A. australis (46%) > K. iochlearis (22%) > C. dossuarius (16%). Dominants in a stock dam, eg. Wallaces, Southport (uot sampled in the first survey) were; (1984, 10 spp., H’ — 2.92) Brachionus angularis (31%) > K, tropica (16%) > F pejleri (13%); (L985, 4 spp., H" ~ 1.84) B& angularis (46%) > F, longiseta (3)%) > K. slacki (19%); (1987, & spp., H? — 1.40) K. stacki (65%) > Polyerthra dolichoptera (23%) > 8 angularis (7%). Zoogeography Each field survey has added considerably to the known Tasmanian rotifer fauna; 62 spp. in 1980/84, 120 in 1985, 59 in 1987, Predictably, the proportion of first records for the island has declined: 75%..47%9..35% as each survey has collected a greater proportion of known species. To date, 12 new rotifer taxa have been described from Tasmania, with one subsequently recorded from the southeast of S.A. (Koste & Shicl 1986). This represents only 4% endemicity relative to ca, 12% on the mainland, but notably approx. 20% (49 species) of the extant Tasmanian fauna is not recorded from the mainland, Of those remaining species listed in Table 1 which are known from the mainiand, 16 (44%) are recorded only from northern N.S.W., NoT ar Qld. Too many gaps exist in rhe sampling record to allow more than speculation on the apparent disjunct distribution of many rotifers previously considered tropical taxa. The classification of these species as “pantropical” by reviewers (eg. Koste 1978) indicates only that rhey have been collected mainly in the tropics. Interesting, anomalies occur, €g. a distinctively tropical comyponent of the rotifer fatina was recorded dawns|ream of heated outflows from nuclear power plants on the Loire River (Lair 1980), seen as a response to human interference, The significant “tropical” component in the Tasmanian rotifer fauna may represent relicr populations from an earlier period, or opportunist species: Occupying Suitable habitats. Either alter- native depends on the moderate environmental conditions of much of Tasmania’s “lakeland™” A longitudinal sample series east of the continen- tal divide would determine if the distributions are real, or simply those of collectors! Although some of our mainiand samples have been collected fram Cape York, at 11°S, and some in this series belaw 43°S, our most intensive surveys have been west of the continental divide, where alkaline, highly turbid waters bear little resemblance io those of Tasmania. NEW ROTIFERS (ROTIFERA) FROM TASMANIA 131 Avid humic waters certainly occur at higher altitudes along the divide, but little is Known of their aquatic microfauna. These waters, or lower altitude sheltered waters east of the divide, may provide refuges for taxa hitherto considered “tropicai”, and explain the apparent disjunct distributions. Acknowledgments The Australian Biological Resources Study supported Tasmanian fieldwork (RJS/LEWT) and graphic costs (WK). Dr P. A. Tyler (Hobart) provided material, suggested that the west coast acid lakes might have “a few” rotifers, provided maps thereto, and freely gave lodgings and hospitality. Numerous property owners willingly provided access to stock dams. The Deutschen Forschungs- gereinschaft provided long-term loan of micro- scope facilities to WK. Facilities of the Botany Department, University of Adelaide, and Murray- Darling Freshwater Research Centre were used in MS preparation, Dr Derek Duckhouse, Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, and an anonymous referee commented critically on adrafl MS. All the above are thanked for their assistance. References AMSELLEM, J. & CLEMENT, P. (1880) A simplified nicthod for the preparation of rotifers for tatismission and scanning, electron microscopy. Hyerobivlogia 73, 1)9-122, Ganr. G. G.. Seicr, Ro 5, & Merrick, C. J. (983) Parasitism): the passible cause of the collapse-al a Folvax population in Mount Bold Reservoir, Squth Australia. Aust, Jo Mar. Freshwat. Res, 34, 489-494. Hageina, H. k, & Myers, F, J, (1922) The rorifer tauna of Wisconsin. Trans. Wise. Acad. Arts Sci, Lert, 20, 553-662. — & (1926) The rotifer fauna of Wisconsin, I, A revision of the genera Lecare aad Manostyla. [hid, 22, 319-423. Heniawerr, J. M, (1978) “Biological Surveillance of Rivers”, (NERC, Stevenage). Huosos, C. T, & Gosse, P. H, (1886) The Rotifera or wheel-animalcules, both British and forcign. (Longmins, London). JEMMINGS, HL 5. (1903) Rotatoria of the United States. 11. A monograph of the Ratlulidae. Bu/f UL5, Fish. Comen. (tor 1902), 278-352. KosTE, W. (1978) “Dic Raderticre Miiteleuropas” 2 vols, (Borntraeger, Stuttgart), — (1988) Das Ridertier-Porrrat: Squatinella, Mikrokosmos 77, 140-145. —— & Smec, R. J. (1986) New species and new records of Rotifera (Aschelminthes) from Australian waters. Trans, R. Sug, S, Aust. 109, 1-15. —& (1987a) Tasmuniyn Rotifens: affinities with the Australian fauna. Hyvrohiolegia 147, 4-43, — & (Y¥87b) Kotfera from Australian infand waters, IL. Epiphanidgae and Brachionidae (Rotifera: Monogononta), Invert. Taxon, 1, 949-102). —— & —— (in press) Rorilera from Australian inland Die Gacrung waters. IY, Colurcllidac and Lecanidae (Rotifera: Monogononta). Jhid. 3. Lam, NW. (1980) The rotifer fauna of the River Loire (France), at the level of the nuclear power planis, Hydrobiologia 73, 153-160. MiiLLeR, ©. F. (1786) “Animalcula infusorio fluyiatilia el marina, quae deLlexit, systematice descripsit eb ad vivurn delineari curavit. . .". (Quarto, Copenhagen). NitzscH, C. L. (1827) Cerearia. 4g. Eneyel Wiss. Kunste 16, 66-69, OLORSSON, ©, (1918) Studien uber die Sisswasserfauna Spitzbergens. Zool, Bidr, Uppsala 6, 183-6448, Pourrior, R. (971). Deux formes nouvelles du genre Squatinella (Rotiféres) observees en solugne, Cuh. Naturalistes, Bull. N.P. n.s..27, 97-101. Ringe, W. DL, Saprosey, C. W, Bernarp, G,, Metvinit, R. ¥., Coriiss, J. O.. Torest, J. Key, K. KL, & Wricat, C.. W. (Eds) (1985) “Loternational Code of Zoulogicval Nomenclature" (Univ. of California Press, Berkeley). Ruvesec, L. (1960) Rotatoria. Fura Repub, Pop. Rom. 2, 11-1192. Sriec, R. J & Koste, W, (19864) Australian Ratifera; ecology and biogeography. pp. 141-150 7 De Deckker, P, Williains, W. D. (eds) “timnology in Australia” (CSIRO, Melb. “Junk BY, Dordrecht), —, Mewsick, C.. & Gane, G, G, (1987) The Rotilera of impoundments in southeastern Australia, Hydrobialogia V7, 23-29, Vorot, M. (1957) Roratoria, Die Mitteleuropas, (Borntracges, Berlin), 7actartas, QO. (1886) Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Excursion in das Glatzer-, tser- und Riesengebirge. 2. wiss, Zool, 43, 252-89. Radernerc CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TAXONOMY OF STIGMODERA (CASTIARINA) (COLEOPTERA: BUPRESTIDAE) BY S. BARKER* Summary Three new synonyms of Stigmodera (Castiarina) are recognised (valid name is given last): acuta Deuquet = delicatula Kerremans; tripartita Kerremans = deserti Blackburn = atricollis Saunders. S. mimus Saunders is resurrected from synonymy. Ten new species of Stigmodera (Castiarina) are described: S$. ashburtonensis sp. nov., S. deliciosa sp. nov., S. distantia sp. nov., S. macquillani sp. nov., S. mayoiana sp. nov., S. murchisonensis sp. nov., S. sedlaceki sp. nov., S. tepperi sp. nov., S. watkinsi sp. nov. and S. williamsi sp. nov. KEY WORDS: New species, Stigmodera (Castiarina), Coleoptera, Buprestidae CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE TAXONOMY OF STIGMODERA (CASTIARINA) (COLEOPTERA: BUPRESTIDAE) by ‘5S. BARKER* Summary Barker, S. (1988) Contributions to the taxonomy. of Stigniodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Trans. R. See, S, Aust V2, 1399-142, 30 Navember, 19KR. Three new synonyms of Sfigmiodere (Custiarina) ave recognised (valid name is given last): acu/a Deuquel = delicaniia Kerremans} triparrita Kerremans = deserti Blackburiy = africollis Salindets..5. miinitis Saunders iw resurrected from synonymy. Ten new species of Stiztodera (Castiarina) are deseribed: S, ushburtanensis ip. noy., 8, deliciosa sp. noy., S. distantia sp. nov., S. macquillani sp. noy, S. mayotana sp. toy, S. murchisonensis sp. nov, S. sed/aceki sp. nov., S..tepperisp. nov.,.S. warkinsi sp. nov, and S. wilanasi sp, nev. Kev Woros: New species, Siiemeodera (Castiarina), Coleoptera, Buprestidae Introduction New species of Stizmodera (Castiarina) have been collected recently by some very active collaborators, In particular, the innovative use of a mechanical cherry-picker in the Gosford district of N.SW, over a flowering lilly-pilly (Acmmena sp.), produced two new species in the S&S. producta Saunders mimicry complex. Although Sdentodera (Castiarina) species occur in New Guinea, few collections have been made there, A small collection made by Mr J. Sedlacek resulted in a further species being added to the New Guinea fauna. Ten new species are described here and other species are resurrected or plaged in synonymy, Materials and Methods Male genitalia were prepared and displayed by the method desenbed by Barker (1987), Abbrevia- tians used in the text for museum and private collec- tions following Watt (1979) are: AMSA Australian Museum, Sydney; ANIC Australian National Insect Collection, €.5,1,R.0., Canberra; BMNH British Museum (Natural History), London; Muséum Nalionale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; NMVA National Museums of Victoria, Melbourne; QMBA Queensland Museum, Brisbane; SAMA South Australian Museum, Adelaide; TADA Department of Agriculture, Hobart: WADA Department of Agriculture, South Perth; AHQA Mr A. Hiller, Mt Glorious; GBVA Mr G. G, Burns, Morningtony MHSA Mr T. M.S. Hanlon, Ryde; RMNA Mr R. Mayo, Narara; MPWA Mr M. Powell, Atradale; ASSA Mr A. Sundholm, Elizabeth Bay; SWNA Mr S, Watkins, Caparra;s GWNA Mr G. Williams, Lansdowne, * Deparment of Zoology, University of Adelaide, G.PO. Box 498 Adelaide. S Aust. SOOL Species resurrected from synonymy Barker (1979, L986) wrongly followed Kerremans (1903) and Carter (1916) in listing S. mimus Saunders: (Holotype female, Qld, BMNH) as a synonym of 8, perivi C & G (Holatype, Aust., MNHN). | have recently examined series of both collected in N.SW. 8. mtimus has a ted pronotum and fewer dark pronotal markings than S. pertyi which has a yellow pronoturn. Their male genitalia as shown (Figs LA, !B) are quite distinct. | consider each a valid species. New synonyms in Stigmodera (Castiarina) Barker (1983) listed §, acuta Deuquel, 1956 (Holotype male, Acacia Plateau, N.SW., Harold Davidson, AMSA) as a synonym of S. délicarula Kerremans, 1903 (Holotype female, N,SW,, Sland- ing, BMNH) and deseribed S. pseudasilida, designating the female paratype of S, acuta as a paratype. Barker (1986) resurrected §, acuta from synonymy and pointed out that (he illustration of Deuquet (1956, Fig. 1) was not of 8, aew/a, but in reality the female paratype later designated a paratype of S. pseudasilida, A re-examination of the types of 8. spectabilis Kerremans and 8S, delicaiu/a Kerretnans has reconfirmed that S acuta is synonymous with §, delicatula, The species is unique in having atten- uated elytra with two very small equal spines, che margui rounded between, Deuquet (1956) p. 15S described the male of S. acuta as very acuminate, minutely lunate, very shor! narrawly separated spines,’ a precise description of S. delfeatula, Blackburn (1890) deseribed §. deserti as a variety ofS, atrico/lis Saunders (Halotype male, S. Aust., BMNH) alter examining a short series collected in the Queen Victoria Desert by the Elder expedition, He could find little difference between this species and the typical S. atrievellis, except that it was much smaller and the fascia and apical marks were heavier S. BARKER TAXONOMY OF STAGMODERA 1ts than typical, Barker (1983) elevated 8. deserti to specific status on the basis of differences between the genitalia Of specimens attributed to S$, deserti from the Murchison and Gascoyne districts, W,A. and those of §, atricollis (Figs JE, IF), Barker (1986) recognised that the genitalic comparison had not been made with S. africollis, but instead with an undescribed W.A. species: S. cracenta Barker. A series of old specimens of S: africollis collected in S. Aust. were examined, and a single recently collec ted male from the northern Flinders Ranges was dissected and illustrated wlongside the genitalia of S. cracenta Barker (1986), It appears thac the specimens altributed to S. deserti were unusually small specimens of S. africollis which is widespread in W.A. and has been redescribed as 8. Iripartita Kerremans (Holotype male, Aust., BMNH), Barker (1979) listed S. fripertita Kerremans 4s a synonym of S, atricollis but Barker (1986) listed it as a valid species, The problem with the identification of S. deserti has oecurred because of my inability to locate the type specimen. | now consider §. deserti and S. Iripartita to be synonyms ol S. arricollis which is a common ad Widespread species in arid areas of S, Aust, and WA. The adults usually are collected on the flawers of Cassia sp., Gecasionally on the flowers of Melalenca uneinata R.Br Problems with identification of two species of Sdemodera (Castiarina) ave been caused by misidentification in Carter (1929), PL. 32, Fig. 25 is labelled cupricallis Saunders, but illustrates S, deyrollei Vhomson, whereas Fig. 31 18 labelled coccinata (Muope) bur illustrates S$. @fronotaia Waterhouse. A further confusion is that the figures were not reproduced to the same scale, Moore (1987) labelled as S. cupricellis Saunders an illustration ol S. devroiley Thomson (a unilasciate morph, previously known as S. savcra Carter before being svnonymised by Barker (1986)) and also wrongly identified an illustration of S, drico/or (Kirby) as S. trifasciaia C & CG (Pls 7, %, Fig F). Stigmodera (Casiiarina) ashburtonensis 3p. 10y. FIGS IK, 3B Holotype, %, Ashburton R., Ashburton Downs Stn, WCA., 27.viil, L977, K. 7, Richards, ANIC. Allotype. 9, same data as holotype ANIC, Paratypes. W, A,r 1 o,2 9 2, same data as holo- type, WADA, SAMA; | 9? Cue, Allershaw, SAMA; lor, 29 9, Cuc, SAMA; Io, Cue, 27.1,1899, Ellershaw, WAMA. Colour, Head, antennae coppery-purple. Pronotuis dark purple medially, coppery-purple laterally, Scutellum purple, Elytra orange with following dark blue markings: narrow basal margin; anieromedial spot on each elytron and one On suture; postero- medial fascia, convex anteriorly, reaching margin; anteroapical spot on suture Ventral surlace: sternum coppery-purple; abdomen dark purple Legs: femora dark purples tibiae and larsomeres coppery-purple. Hairs silver. Shape and sculpture. Head closely punctured, broad median sulcus, very short muzzle, eyes bul- bous. Antennae compressed, segments: 1-3 obcon- ie; 4-11 toothed. Pronotum closely pungtured, basal fovea extending forwards to middle as gla- brous line, basal notches surrounded by glabrous area on each side more niarginal than medial; api- val margin broadly projecting medially, basal mar- gin barely bisinuate; laterally parallel-sided at base, angled inwards, rounded, widest anteromedially, rounded to apex. Scutellum scutiform, flat, excite yate. Blytra punctate-striate, intervals convex, punctured) laterally angled owt trom base, round- ed at humeral callus, concave, rounded posteromedially, narrowed to hispinese apex, both spines minute, rounded and indented between, apices diverging, Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, sparse medium length hair. Sz: male truncate; fe- male medially indented, faintly bilobed. Size. Males, 15.9 ~ 5,8 mim (4). Females, 18.3 + 0.26 » 6.8 + 0.09 mm (6), Male genitalia. (Fig. 1K). Paranieres parallel-sided from base, rounded anteromedially and angled out- wards, rounded posteromedially and parallel-sided, rounded apically, Median lobe blunt, sides acute- ly angled away. Apophysis of basal piece narrowed medially, truncate apically. Remarks. Member ol 8. trifusclata C & G species group. Closest to 8. jnsignicolliy Blackburn. That specics is smaller, has yellow elyira with a ted Margin, and the male genitalia (Fig. 1J) bave para- meres parallel-sided from base, rounded medially then parallel-sided, rounded apically, Median lobe blunt, sides acutely angled away, Apopliysis of basal piece medium width, rounded apically. The red Fie. |. Photomicrographs of male genitalia of the tollowing Arighiodera (Castarinad species: A. S. periph C & G, B.S. minus Saunders, C. S. peacyuillani sp, nov, OS, mnurchisonensis sp, nov, E. So watkins? sp. nov, FS wilhantsi sp. nov, Gi. dy mayelana sp. nov, TH. S. evlindraceu Saunders, 1, S. distantia sp. now, dS. dasigeivoltis Blackburn, K. 8. eshburrenensis sp, nov,, L. 8. feypperr sp. nov., M.S. burasi Barker, NS. delielasa sp. nov, OL 5. sedlaccki sp. nav. 136 5S. BARKER margin fades in ald specimens of 5. insignicollis and they are difficult to distinguish. Ashburton R. specimens were collected on the Mowers of Petal- ostylis labicheoides R.Br. The name is derived from the type locality. PIG. 2, A. Stigmodera murchisonensis sp. nov., B.S. distantia sp. nov. C. S. watkinsi sp. nov., D. 8. williansi sp. Nhav.(x3) Stigmodera (Castiarina) distantia sp. nov, FIGS 11, 3B Holotype: a, 4 km W Zanthus, W.A., 21,x, 1986, M. Powell, WAMA., Allotype: 9, same data as holotype, SAMA 1 21207. Paratypes. W.A.: 3 2 @, same data as holotype, MPWA., Colour: Head mostly green, black at base. Anten- nae green. Pronotum black medially, green later- ally. Scutellum black. Elytra yellow with follow- ing dark blue markings: narrow basal margin; anteromedial fascia consisting of three connected spois not reaching margin, in allotype three Separate spots, one on each elytron and one on su- ture; posteromedial fascia reaching margin, projecting anteriorly from middle of each elytran; spade-shaped apical mark, last three marks con- nected along sulure, red margin. Ventral surface and legs green. Hairs silver. Shape and sculpture: Head shallowly punctured, shallow median sulcus, very short muzzle. Anten- hae compressed, segments; 1-3 obconic; 4-1] toothed, Pronotum shallowly punctured, basal fov- ea extending forwards to middle as glabrous line, basal notches represented by glabrous area on each side more marginal than tedial; apical margin projecting medially, basal margin bisinuate; later- ally parallel-sided at base, rounded to widest part medially, rounded to apex, Scutellum scutiform, glabrous, excavate. Elytra punctate-striate, inter- vals convex, shallowly punctured; laterally angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, rounded posteromedially and narrowed to bispinose apex; blunt marginal spine, minute sutur- al spine, margin indented between, apices hardly diverging. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdominal segments vlabrous, sparse medium length hairs. S7: male truncate and slight- ly indented medially; female bilobed. Size. Male, 13.5 » 4,8:mm (1). Females, 13.9 ~ 5.2 mim (4), Male genitalia: (Fig. 11). Parameres parallel-sided basally, widened anteromedially, rounded apically, Median lobe ‘bluni, sides acutely angled away. Apophysis of basal piece moderately wide, rounded apically. Remarks: Member of S. trifasciata C & G species group, The elytral markings and colouration most resemble S. cylindracea Saunders, except that the pronotum in ¢yv/indracea is all green and the body smaller and cylindneal. The male genitalia of evlindracea (Fig, 1H) have paramere parallel-sided basally, rounded anteromedially, parallel-sided, rounded apically. Median lobe sharp, sides acutely angled away, Apophysis of basal piece narrowed, rounded apically. All specimens were collected on the flowers of Melaleuca uncinata R.Br. The name is derived from dis/antia L. “remoteness”, Stigmodera (Castiarina) macquillani sp. nov. FIGS 10, 34 Holotype. o, Mt Algonkian 1073 m, Tas., 26.11.1987, RMcQuillan, SAMA | 21208. Paratype. o, same data as holotype, TADA. Colour, Head green with yellow reflections. Antennae blue. Pronotum and sevtelluin green with yellow reflections. Elytra yellow with the following black markings with blue and blue-green reflec- tions; very broad fascia from base to middle reach- ing margin, enclosing medial elongate yellow spot TAXONOMY OF STIGMODERA 137 FIG. 3. A. Stigmodera macquillani sp. nov. B.S. ashburtonensis- sp. nov. C. S. mayoiana sp. nov.(x3) and one on margin at humeral callus; posteromedial fascia reaching margin, expanded on suture; spade- shaped mark covering apex, marks irregular, Ventral surface green with yellow reflections. Legs: dorsal surface blue-green; ventral surface green. Hairs silver. Shape and sculpture. Head closely punctured, median sulcus, shor( muzzle, hairy. Antennae, segments: 1-3 obvonic; 4-11 toothed. Pronotum closely punctured, basal fovea extending forwards to middle as impressed line then to apex as glabrous line; basal notches represented by glabrous area on each side more marginal than medial; apical margin projecting medially, basal margin barely bisinuate; laterally parallel-sided at base, rounded to widest anteromedially, rounded and narrowed to apex, hairy. Scutellum seutiform, no punctures, excavate. Elytra costate, scutellary, 3rd, Sth, 7th and 9th intervals raised and smooth, those between flat and wrinkled: laterally slightly angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, parallel-sided, rounded posteromedially and narrowed to truncate, spineless apex. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, long sparse hair. S3: male truncate medially indented; female unknown. Size. Males, 12.0 « 5.3 mm (2). Male genitalia. (Fig 1\C), Short, Parameres angled outwards from basal piece, rounded postero- medially, straight, rounded apically, Median lobe with sharp point, sides acutely angled away, Apophysis of basal piece broad, rounded apically. Remarks. | am unable to group this species with any other. [tis the third known species in the genus with hairy head and pronotum, the other twa being S. jubata Blackburn and S, rudis Carter. All occur in montane areas in Tasmania and it is possible that the unusual presence of hair is associated with tem- perature regulation. Both specimens were collected on the flowers of Leptospermum rupestre J. D. Hook. Named after Mr P. McQuillan, Hobart. FIG. 4, A. Stigmodera deliciosa sp. nov., B.S. sedlaceki sp. nov., C. S. fepperi sp. noy.(x3) Stigmodera (Castiarina) deliciosa sp. nov. FIGS 1N, 4A ‘Holotype. o&, Ourimbah, NSW, 6,xii.1987, &.. Mayo, SAMA I 21209. Allotype. 9, Mt Glorious, Qld, 26.1.1982, A. Hiller, QMBA. Paratypes. Qld: 19, Mt Glorious, 10,1.1984, A. Hiller, AHQA. N.SW.: | ©, same data as holotype, RMNA; | o, Ourimbah, 30.x1.1987, R. Mayo, RMNA; 1 co, Ourimbah, 29.xi.1987, 7) M. S. Hanlon, MUHSA; 9 oa, Ourimbah, 30.xi./5.xii,1987, R. de Keyzer, A. Sundholm, ASSA. 138 S, BARKER Colour, Head bronze or purple bronze with green muzzle. Antennae, scutellum green. Pronotum green laterally, bronze or purple bronze medially, Elytra yellow with the following black markings: marrow basal margin; broad anteromedial fascia ends expanded anteriorly and posteriorly enclosing a yellow spot on each side and an clongate yellow mark on margin; posterormedial fascia ends expanded anteriorly and posteriorly enclosing a yellow spot on each side between it and the anteromedial fascia and clongate apical mark enclosing a yellow mark with red margin between itself and posteromedial fascia, Ventral surface green, Legs blue. Hairs silver, Shape and sculpture. Head shallawly punctured, median sulcus, medium-length muzzle. Aniennae, segments. 1-4 obconic, 5-11 toothed. Pronotum shallowly punctured, glabrous, small basal fovea, extending forwards to middle as faint impressed line, basal notches on each side more marginal than medial; apical margin projecting medially, basal margin bisinuates laterally parallel-sided at base, rounded to widest part anteromedially, rounded and narrowed to apex, Scutellum cordiform, faintly punctured, glabrous, excavate. Elytra costate, 3rd, Sth, 7th and 9th slightly raised, margin flanened, intervals faintly punctured, glabrous; laterally an- gled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, con- cave, rounded posteromedjally and tapered |o bispinose apex; large sharp marginal spine, smaller sharp sutural spine, margin rounded between, apices diverging, Ventral surface shallow pune- tures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, sparse medium length hajrs, $7: male truncate; fe- male rounded, Meso-sternal process slightly inflated. Size. Males, 13-8 » O10 « 4.9 4 0.04 mm (14). Females, 15.0 « 5,2 mm (2), Male genitalia. (Fig. 1S). Parameres angled out- wards from basal piece, rounded al apex, Median lobe pointed, sides obtusely angled away, Apophy- sis of basal piece moderately large, narrowed, rounded apically, Remarks. This species is a member of the S. producta Saunders mimicry group. fam unable to place it in-any Species group on the basis of exter- hal morphology and structure of male venitalia. Adulls were collected on Euodia sp. at Mt Glori- ous and on Acmena sp, at Ourimbah. The name is derived from delicjasus 1,., delightful. Sigmodera (Castistina) mayviana sp. nov. FIGS 1G, 3c Holotype. &, Ourimbah, N.S.W,, 20,x11.1987, 2. Maya, SAMA 21210, Paratypes, N.S.W.: 1 or, Ourtmbah, 23. xii. 1987, A. Sundholm, R. de Keyzer, ASSAj 1 or, Ourim- bah, 26.xi.1987, &, Mayo, RMNA, Colour, Head green with yellow reflections, muy. zle blue-zreen, Antennae, segments: 1 blue-green, 2-11 green with yellow reflections, Pronotum and scutellum ercen with yellow reflections, Elytra yel- lew with the following black markings: basal mar- gin; anteromedial fascia; posteromedial fascia, the above ail coalesced on margin enclosing, yellow basal spot, spot on humeral callus, anteromedial Spot; mark covering apex and spines, between it and 2nd fascia a yellow spot merging with red mark on margin, Shape und sculpture. Head shallowly punctured, shallaw median sulcus, short muzzle. Antennae, segments: [~4 obconic: 5-11 toothed. Progotum shallowly punctured, clabrous, small basal fovea, small basal notches, more marginal than. medial; apical margin straight, basal margin bisinuate; laterally angled inwards rom hase, rounded anteromedially, rounded and narrowed tg apex. Scutellum tulipiform, glabrous, excavate. Elytra punctate-striate; 3rd, Sth, Tih and 9th intervals prominent, apical margin flattencd, intervals eor- vex. and smooth; laterally angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, eoneave, rounded posteromedjally and tapered io acuminate, bispinose apex; sharp marginal spine, smaller sharp sulural spine, margin rounded between spines, apices diverging. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges.of abdominal seements glabrous, short sparse hair. Sz! tale truncate, slightly in- dented medially; female unknown, Mesosternal process inflated, Male: legs 2 and.3, tarsal pads ab: sent jarsomeres 1-3, replaced by median spine, larger On tarsomere 3 than on tarsomeres 1 and 2, Size. Males, 12,9 + 4.6 mm (3). Male genitalia. (Fig, 1G). Parameres angled out- wards from basal piece, rounded apically. Median lobe with sharp point, sides obtusely angled away. Apophysis of basal piece elonzate, medium width, narrowed medially, rounded apically, Remarks. This species is a member of the S, producta Saunders mimicry group. | am unable to Broup it with any other species on the basis of ex- TAXONOMY OF STIGMODERA ae temal morphology ond structure of Lhe mate eenita- tia. Named after Mr R. Muvo, Narara, Stlemodera (Castiarina) marchisonensis sp, nov, FIGS ID, 24 Holotvpe: ow. 56 km N Murchison R,, W.A., 23.41.1986, MM. Powell, WAMA. Alloiypes 3. same data as holotype, SAMA I 21201, Colours Head, antennae, pronotum bronze. Scutel- lum black, Elytra yellow with Tollowing black markings: narrow basal margin; anteromedial fas- cia, ends ¢xpanded anteriosty, not reaching mar- vin, and posteriorly reaching margin; poslero- medial fascia reaching margin, projecting anteri- orly from middle of each elytron; apical mark, last three marks connected along suture. Ventral sur- face and legs bronze. Hairs silver. Shape und sculpture: Head closely punctured, me- dian sulcus, very short muzzle, Antennae com- pressed, segments: 1-3 obconie; 4-11 toothed. Pronojium closely punctured, basal fovea extend- ing to middle as glabrous impressed hne, ther to apical margin as impressed line, basal notches represented by glabrous arca on cach side more marginal than medial; apical margin straight, basal margin bisinuate; laterally purallel-sided at base, rounded to widest part medially, rounded to apex, Seutellum scutiform. Rlytra punctate-striate, iter vals convex, punctured; laterally angled oul from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, round- ed posteromedially and natrowed to bispinose apex; sharp marginal spine, small sharp surtural sping, Margin rounded and indented between, apices diverging, apical margin subserrate, Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdomi- nal segments glabrous, hairy, hairs short, $7: trun- cate both sexes, Size: Male, 11.3 « 4.) mm (1). Female, 12.17 » 4.5mm (1). Mate genitalia: (Fig. 1D) Short, Parameres parallel sided basally, widened, rounded anteromedially, parallel-sided, rounded to apex, Median lobe blunt, sides acutely rounded away. Apophysis of basal piewe moderately wide, rounded apically, Remarks: Memter of the S. cupricauda Saunders apecies group. Must resembles §, chinnaeki Bar- ker but male genitalia are more like those of 5. cupricauda (Barker 1983). However S. cfinnocks has denser punctuations on the head and prono- tum, the clytral intervals are flatter and it has a southern distribution in W.A, and S. Aust. The name is derived from the type Tocality, Stigmodera (Castiaring) sedlaccki sp, nov. FIGS 10, 4B Holorvne. o, Mt Kaindi, New Guinea, 2350 m, 24.1.1979, #. Secflavek, SAMA | 21212. Cofeur. Head, antennac, pronowm and scutellury dark blue. Elytra very dark blue with an elongate red mark on each ¢lytron from base ro anteromedi- alarea over the humeral callus and along the mar- gin, nol reaching suture. Ventral surface and legs dark blue. Hairs silver. Shape and sculpture. Head closely punctured, me dian sulcus, short muzzle. Antennae, segments: 1-4 obeconic; 5-11 toothed, Pronotum closely punc- iured, basal fovea extending forwards co middle as glabrous line, basal notches represented by gla- brous urea Of cach side more marginal than medi- al; apical margin broadly projecting medially, basal margin bisinuate; laterally angled inwards from base, rounded to wides! anteromedially, rounded and narrowed to apex, Scutellum cordiform, few punctures, glabrous, cxeavate. Elytra punctate- striate, intervals convex, smooth; laterally angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, rounded posteromedially and narrowed to bispinose apex; sharyy marginal spine, small, sharp sutural spine, margin rounded and indented be- tween, apices diverging. Ventral surface with shal- low punctures, cdges of abdominal segments gla- brous, short sparse hair, S7: male truncate; female unknown, Mesnsternal process slightly inflated, Size. Male, 11.0 « 4.4mm (1). Male genitalia, (Fig, 10), Parameres parallel-sided basally, rounded anteromedially, parallel-sided, rounded apically, Median lobe sharp, sides acule- ly angled away. Apophysis of basal picce medium width, narrowed, rounded apically. Remarks, Lam unable to group this with any other species on the basis of external morphology or siructure Of male genitalia, Superficially this resem- bles §, boreg/is Barker which ix a similar colour and also has red elytral markings. However, 8S. borea- lis isa much smaller species and the elytral apices are markedly serrate whereas (hey are srmucth in S. sedlaceki, Named after the collector Mr J, Sed- lacek, Brookfield, 14t) 5. BARKER Stigmodera (Castiarina) lepperi sp. nov. FIGS IL, Ac Holotype. >, Ardrossan, §. Aust, /, G. 0. Tep- per, SAMA | 21213. Alloiype, 9, same data as holotype. SAMA | 21214. Paratypes, 5, Avst.: 2 oo, 3 9 2, satne data as holotype, SAMA; 1 ct, Evre's Pen,, SAMA; 1 9, Hincks N.P., Eyre Pen., 7...1979, D. PL Lueis, SAMA? 1 G, Addison Park, Eyre Pen,, 11,x. 1981, J-&D, Gardner, SAMA: 1 9, Wharminda Soaks, Eyre Pen., 13.xi,1987, G. G. Burns, GBVA, Colour. Head branze-green. Antennae, segments; 1-2 blue-green; 3-1! bronze-green. Pronotum and seutellum bronze green, Elytra yellow with the fol lowing blue-green markings; narrow basal margin; short vitta over cach humeral callus; narrow post- inedial fascia not reaching margin; diamond- shaped pre-apival mark often reduced, all marks connected along suture. Ventral sertace: sternum bronze-green; abdomen tesraccous. Legs bronze- ereen. Hairs silver. Shape and sculpture. Head closely punctured, short muzzle. Antennae, seaments; 1-3 obconic) 4-11 toothed, Pronorum closely punctured, basal fav- ea extending forwards (o middle as glabrous line, small basal notches on each side more marginal than medial; apical margin projecting medially, basal margin barely bisinuate; laterally rounded from base, Widest postero-medially, rounded and narrowed to apex. Scutellum scutiform, glabrous, flat, Elytra punctate-striare, intervals convex; later- ally anvled out from base, rounded at humeral cal- lus, concave, rounded postero-medially then ta- pered 19 bispibose apex; both spines small and blunt, margin straight and indented between, apiccs diverging. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, moderate- ty Watevy, hairs short. Sj: male truncate: female rounded, Sise, Males, 15.8 + 0,48 » 6,0 + 0,13 mm (5%. Females, 15.2 + 0.37 « 5.9 + 0.22 mm (4)- Male genitatia. (Fig. LL) Parameres parallel-sided from basal piece, rounded postero-inedially, rounu- ed and tapered, rounded to apex. Median lobe sharp, sules obtusely angled away, Apophysis of basal piece short, narrowed medially, rounded apically. Renyirks, This species is a member of the S. siaintined Saunders species group on che basis of its external morphology, structure of the male genitalia and testaceous abdomen, It most resembles S. burasi Barker, However the head, pronotum and sternun) are bronze-green whereas they are bright ercen in.§. burasi. The elytral markings are bluc- green in S. éepperi and blue in S. hurasi and the mitle genitalia are a different shape and smaller in S. fepperi, despite individuals being the same size as. §. burnsi (Fig. 1M)..S, tepperi has been collected from the Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas, 8, Aust., while S. burnsi has been collected on the Adeliide Plains, Murray Mallee and Victorian mallee districts. Named afer the late Mr J, G. ©. lepper Stigmodera (Castiarina) wathinsi sp, nov, FIGS (E, 2c Holelyper o, Mt York, Blue Mrs, N.S.W., 1S.xii_ L987, 8S. Wietkins, SAMA 1 21215. Alletspe: 9, same dala as holotype, SAMA I 21216. Paraiypes, M.S.Wa; lot, 19. Blue Mts, G. Masters, SAMA; | o, bo, Medlow, A. J. Care- er, SAMA; 5 coor. 4-9-5, sane data as holotype, SWNA; 6 oo, 8 Fo, Mt York, 21/25. xii, 1985, 12,7.1986, 13/21 817, 1987, & Heatkins, SWNAS 17 creer, LL O 2, Mt Boyee, Blue Mts, 27 «ii. 1985, 13/15/17.xt1.1987, 5S. Watkins, SWNA; 4 ctor, 3 "9, Macquarie Pass, Mt Murray Rd, Blue Mis, 2.1.1986, S. Watkins, SWNA; 6 wo, 2 2S, Leura, 23.xii.1985, 28.xi1.1987, S. Warkins, SWNA; 2 cro, Wentworth Falls, 25,2i).1985, 8. Wafkins, SWNA; | cr, Bald Knob Rd, Dundee, 19_xi1. 1987, 8. Warkins, SWNA; lool) 9, i3km SW bhor, 8. Warkins SWNA:1 o,2 9 9. Coxs Rd, State Foresr, 20.xi1, 1987, S. Wrrkins, SWNA; 4oao,l 9, Hartley Vale, 15.xi),1987, 8, Haskins, SWNAL2 O° O,4 9 >, 14-16 km NE Deepwater, 20,xi1-1987, G, Williams, GWNA, Oofaur; Head and antennae blue-green with yel- low reflections or blue. Pronotum blue-green or blue medially, orange laterally except neck collar and base. Scutellum blue-green with yellow reflec tions or bluc. Elytra orange, with following mark- ings either green with yellow reflections ar blue with purple reflections: yery broad basal fascia: pusteru- medial faseia reaching margin, expanded anteriorly On anterior margin at suture and postenarly on posterior margin at suture! spade-shaped upicil mark, all mark§ connected aiong suture, Ventral Surface and legs green with yellow reflections ot gZreen blue, Hairs silver. TAXONOMY OF STIGMODERA Jal Shape and sculpture; Head closely punctured, me- cian sulcus, short muzzle, Aniennae, segments: 1-3 obconic; 4-11 toothed, Pronatum closely punc- Jured, basal fovea extending forwards to apical Margin as impressed line, upical margin praject- ing medially, basal margin barely bisinuate; tater- ally parallel-sided at base, rounded to widest part medially, rounded to apex. Sculellum scutiform, punctured, flat. Elytra punctate-striate. intervals convex, punctured; laterally angled oul from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, rounded postéromedially and narrowed to rounded, spine- less apex; apices hardly diverging. Ventral surface with shallow punctures, edges of abdominal seg- ments glabrous. moderately hairy, hairs short, 54; mitle truncate; female rounded. Size! Males, 10.2 2 0.10 nm - 3.9 + 0.04 nim (54), Females, 10,8 + O,12 « 4.2 + 0,05 mm (39), Male genitalia: (Fig. 1E). Short. Parameres wi- dened basally, rounded medially, narrowed, round- ed apically. Median lobe sharp, sides acutely an- gled away, Apophysis of basal piece medium width, tapered, rounded apically. Remarks: Member of S. distinguenda Saunders Species proup. Carter (1929) apparently confused this species with S, erata Saunders, as he listed S, grata occurring in Old, N.S.W., Vie., aod 8. Aust. S, grate is red on the dorsal surface with blue mark- ings and occurs only on Fleuricu Peninsula and on Kangaroo Istand, S. Aust. It isa larger species and its male genitalia are distinct from those of this spe- cies (Barker 1983). The elytra! colour atid patiern are distinct from all other members in this species eroup (Barker 1986). Named after Mr S, Watkins, Caparris. Stigmodera (Castiarina) williamsi 5). nov. FIGS |r, 2D Hatoippe. of, Wingham, NSW, 3. xii.1987, G. Williants, SAMA 1b 21217 Allorype. >, same data as fialotype, SAMA L 21218, Poratypes, NSW. 2 oro, 2 99, Wingham, 3-5 xi1.1987, G. Williams, GWNA. Cafoue Head; apex yellow-green) base eoppery. Antennae yellow green, Pronotum and scutellum coppery. Elytra pale yellow wiih the following black markings with green reflections: narrow basal margin; curved mark over each fumieral callys connected 10 basal margin; anteromedial fascia represented by diamond-shaped mark on suture and a medial mark on each side and one on margin vatiably absent in soine specimens; posteromedial fancia reaching margin, projecting anteriorly on suture and on anterior margin closer to lateral margin than suture; mark covering apex, all marks connected slong suture. Hitirs silver. Shape and sculpture. Head closely punctured, broad median sulcus, short muzzle. Antennae, segments: {-4 obeonic; 5-1) toothed. Pronotum closely punctured, basul fovexs apical margin straight, basal margin bisinuate; laterally parallel-sided at base, rounded to widest pari medially, rounded ta apex. Scutellum scutitorm, few punctures, glabrous, excavate, Elytra punctate-striare, Intervals convex, smooth; laterally angled out from base, rounded at humeral callus, concave, rounded posteramedially und narrowed to bispinose apex; sharp marginal spite, minute sulural spine, margin rounded and indented belween, apices hardly diverging. Ventral surface shallowly punctured, edges of abdominal segments glabrous, sparse very short hairs, S+ truncate in both sexes. Size. Males, 6.6 ~* 2.3mm (3). Females, 6.8 « 24 tm (3). Male genitalia. (Fig. VF) Short. Parsmeres widenal basally, rounded anteromedially then narrowed, widened pre-apically, rounded apically. Median lobe pointed, Apophysts of basal piece wide, rounded apically. Remarks, The male genitalia of this species most closely resemble those of 8, selboldi C & G, Barker (1983) Mg. IK, Both species belong in the S, crenala (Don.) species group, §. sieboldi, Barker (1983) Fiz, 4r, has bicolourous pronotum, blue medially and green laterally. Jt has orange-red elytra with black pre- and post-medial fascia and pre-apical mark, is a lafger species and occurs only in southern W.A. Named after Mr G. Williams, Lansdowne. Distribution of 5. putealala Curter I haye examined a single male specimen of S. puteolata Carter, colleeted by Mr kb. &. Adams on bremophila higtoniiviora (Benth.) F. Muell, near che junction of the Dawson and MacKenzic Rivers, ventral Queensland. There is a single specimen of the same species in the S.A. Museum, collected at Ooldea, 5. Aust, These records represent a consider- able range extension as ihe species was previously Known from the eastern goldfields district, W.A. inralum Barker (1987) p. 136. Holotype of Stigenudera (Castiariana) duggenensiy Varker SAMA shatld read No J 2118] mot | 21378 142 5, BARKER Acknowledgments I thank the following for assistance: Dr G. F. Gross and Dr E. G. Matthews, South Australian Museum; Dr D. S. Horning, Macleay Museum, Sydney; Dr A, Neboiss, National Museum of Victoria; Dr R. Chinnock, S.A. Herbarium, Adelaide; Mr K. T. Richards, Department of Agri- culture, South Perth; Mr P, McQuillan, Department of Agriculture, Hobart; Mr T. Weir, A.N.LC.; Miss C.M.F. von Hayek, British Museum, (N.H.); Dr T, F, Houston, Western Australian Muscum; Mr E. BE, Adams, Edungalba; Mr G. G, Burns, Mornington; Mr H. Demarz, Quinns Rocks; Mr T. M. S. Hanlon, Ryde; Mr A. Hiller, Mt Glorious; Mr R. Mayo, Narara; Mr M. Powell, Attadale; Mr A. Sundholm, Elizabeth Bay; Mr S. Watkins, Caparra; Mr G, Williams, Lansdowne; Miss H. Vanderwoude, Dr J. Gardner and Mr P,; Kempster Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide. References Barker, 5. (1979) New species and a catalogue of Stigmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera; Buprestidae). Trans R. Soc. §, Aust. 103, 1-23. ——, (1983) New synonyms and new specics of Sugmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera! Buprestidae), Thid.. 107, 139-169, ——, (1986) Stizmodera (Custiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae): taxonomy, new species and a checklist. Thid. 110, 1-36. ——, (1987) Eighteen new species of Stigmodera (Castiarina) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). /bid. 111, 133-146, BLACKBURN, T. (1890) Scientific Results of the Elder Exploring Expedition. Coleoptera. [hid. 26, 16-61. —,, (1892) Further notes on Australian Colcoptera. /bid. 15, 207-291. CARTER, H, J. (1916) Revision of the genus Stigmodera, and descriptions of some new species of Buprestidae (Order Coleoptera). Ibid, 40, 78-144, —— (1929) A check list of the Australian Buprestidac, with tables and keys to subfamilies, tribes, and genera, by Andre Théry, correspondant de Muséum de Paris; and figures (Pls xxxi to xxxiii) drawn by Cedric Deane, A.M.LE. (Aust.). Aust. Zool 5, 265-304, Deuguet, C. M. (1956) Notes on Australian Buprestidae, with descriptions of three new species and two subspecies of the genus Stigmodera, subgenus Castiarina. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 81, 153-156, KFRREMANS, C. (1903) ‘Genera Insectorum, Coleoptera; Serricornia, Fam. Buprestidae’ Tase. 12c p. 207. (Verteneuit & Desmet, Bruxelles). Moore, B. P, (1987) A guide to the Beetles of South- Eastern Australia (Australian Entomological Press, Greenwich, N.SM.). Watt, J. C. (1979) Abbreviations for entomological collections. N.Z, Zool. 6, 5-9-520. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED VOL. 112, PART 4 A NEW SPECIES OF SCINCID LIZARD RELATED TO LEZOLOPZSMA ENTRECASTEAUXH, FROM SOUTHEASTERN AUSTRALIA BY MARK N. HUTCHINSON*, & STEPHEN C. DONNELLANT Summary A scincid lizard, Leiolopisma rawlinsoni sp. nov., is described from southeastern Australia. It is confined to swampy habitats from sea level to subalpine elevations and is rare in collections. The new species belongs to the L. baudini species-complex, which also includes two other eastern species, L. entrecastreauxii Groups 1 and 2 (Donnellan & Hutchinson in press) and a southwestern species, L. baudini Greer, 1982. KEY WORDS: Taxonomy, species-complex, Leiolopisma, Scincidae, Reptilia, distribution, ecology. A NEW SPECIES OF SCINCID LIZARD RELATED TO LEIOLOPISMA ENTRECASTEAUXIT, FROM SOUTHEASTERN AUSTRALIA by MARK N. HUTCHINSON®*, & STEPHEN C. DONNELLANt Summary Hurcninson, M. N. & DoNNELDAN, S.C. (1988) A few species of svincid lizard related to Lefo/upismia entrecasleauxii, from southeastern Australia, Trans. BR Soc. S. Aust. 112, 143-151, 30 November, 1988. A scincid tizard, Lefolopismu rawlinsoni sp. noy., is described from southeastern Australia, It is confined to swampy habitats from sca level (o slibalpine clevalions and is rare in collections. The new. species belongs tothe L. baudini species-complex, which alsoincludes two other eustern species, &.. entrecastreauxil Groups land 2 (Dunnellam & Hutchinson in press) and a scirhwestern species, L, baudin’ Greer, 1982, Kev Woros: Taxonomy, species-vomplex, Leivlapisma. Scincidae, Reptilia, distribution, ecology: Introduction Donnellian & Hutchinson (in press), using allozyme electrophoresis, showed that the castern Australian skinks identified as Lefolopisme entrecasteauxii (Duménl & Bibron, 1839) included at least rhree distinct biologival species. Morphological features appeared to correlate with the biochemical markers, and both the morphology and biochemistry suggested thal. the common ancestor of the three species had initially diverged into two entities. One consisted of a pair of specics (L. entrecasfeauxi: Groups 1 and 2), between which morphological and electrophoretic divergence was shebht, but which differed appreciably (five fixed genetic differences) from the third species (L. entrecasteauxi] Group 3). Studies by Hutchinson & Donnellan (in prep.) indicate that the name entrecasteauxii belongs to onc of the twa closely related species; Which one is still uncertain because of the overlap in morphological characters between Groups | and 2 plus the poor state of preservation uf the type specimens. The morphology of the Group 3 skinks, particularly the Hight dorsolateral line centred on seale row 3, makes itclear that none uf the available names presently synonymized with L. entrecesteqnadi applics to these specimens, so that a new Name is required for them, The new species is especially similar in some respects to L, havdini of Western Australia. L. bandit was described froma sinyle specimen which shewed several scalation and colour pattern differences from L. enrrecasteauxil (6.1), although itstrongly resembled the eastern “species” and was regarded as its closest relative (Greer 1982). Since the holotype description was published, further specimens of L. baudini have been collected and work in progress (Hutchinson & Donnellan in prep.) will provide data on variation within chls species. * School of Biological Sclenyes, La Trobe University, Buidtoora, Vic. 3083. t South Australian Museum, North Terrie, Adelaide, 5. Aust. 5000, L. daudini and the new species share higher supracliary and lower midbody scale row counts than are seen in L. entrecasteauxii Groups | and 2, bur differ trom each other in several over sealation and colour pattern features. The new species, L beudini and the two eastern species tacluded in ZL. entrecasteauxit (si) form a closely related proup of species which we term the L. hawdini species-comptex- Materials and Methads Definition of head shields and methods for making scale counts follaw Greer (1982), The positions of the longitudinal stripes are also as described by Greer, in terms of their position on one or more lofigitucinal scale rows, Scale rows are numbered on each side starting from the paraver- tebral row as row | and proceeding laterally. Scalation features occurring bilaterally, such as supraciliaries, upper and lower labials, presub- oculars and subdigital lamellae, were counted on hoth sides, andl mean and modal values therefare refer to the overall values for hoth sides, Measurements of preserved specimens were made using a steel ruler graduated to 0.5 mm, Snout-vent lengths (SVL) were measured to the nearest 1.0 mm, 4s were tail lengths (TL), while forelimb length (FLL) and hind limb length (HLL) were measured to the nearest 0,5 mm. Eye, palpebral disc and car diameters. were measured using a calibrated Microscope eyepiece to the nearest 0.1 mm. Females with snout-vent lengths equal to ofr longer than that of the smallest female in the population containing oviducal eggs or embryos were gssumed to be sexually mature. Sexual maturity in males was judged by the presence of enlarged testes, The following collections included specimens of the new species, or provided comparative material of the other species in the cotniplex. Institutional abbreviations follow | eviton ef af, (1985): Australian Museum, Sydney (AMS); Australian National M4 M,N, HUTCHINSON & S, C, DONNELLAN Wildlite Collection, Ganberra (ANWC Author's collectian, La Tmbe University (MNH); Museum ol Victoria, Melbourne (NMY); Queen Victona Museum, Lauovcston (QVMT}); South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAMA); Tasmanian Museum, Hobart TMH», Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM). TAXONOMY The Leiolopisnra buudini species-complex The term “species-complesx" is used here for the list ume in relution to these livards, although Greece (1982) had alreacly pointed out some of the similari- lies Which suggested a close relationship between £. baudini and the eastern species then known as “ entrecestedusii, The vooiples vonsists of at least four species (Donnellan & Hutchinson in press}, all members of the Australian viviparous Leiolopisnra radiation (Greer 1982; Hintchinsan ef al. 1988). The L. baudini species-complex belongs to the Evgongyiny subgroup of the £ugonpyfus group (Greer 1979) within the subfamily Lyzosominae, and has nine of the ten character states outlined by Greer (1979) as being diagnostic tor the Fugoneyvius subgroup, The anly exceplion to this cancerns the palare, which varies between the typically alpha condition, with snypothly diverging medial margins of the pterygoids, to one with a marked develop- ment of posteromedially directed processes similar ta the beta palate condition of the Lanipraphotis Subgroup (MINH per. obs.). Lefulopisema is a “etade” group of generalized, window-eyed Eugorle vies group species, [t is not demonstrably a natural group and is in need of revision. We use Greer’s (1974) concepuof Leiolopisme as modified by Sadlier (1986), differing trom che latrer author only in that, currently, we include Prengemoig (sens Rawlinson 1974b) within Lerelopisea, Centent: Leidlopisma beauctiné Greer, 1982; L,. enirecasfeauail Group 1; L. enfrecasteauxti Group 2: ruwlinsant sy. How It should be noted that Group | and Group 2 (Duntellun & Hutchinsen in press) are assemblages which only partly correspond 10 the division of tis species tito Forins A and B (Pengilley 1972)'. Characteristics of Ihe £. bapdini species-complex In inferritty ihe evolutionary polarity of the character states discussed below, outprouy bompurisot, using the other Australian Eugortey les group taxa as the outgroup, hus been the method used to identify plesiomorphic character slates. 'PENGILLEY, R. (1972) Systematic relationships and ecology of some lygosomine lizards from southeastern Avsuralia, Unpub, Ph) thesis, Dept ol footagy, Australian National University, Canberra Within the Eveoneylus suberoup, the /.. baudini species-complex is characterized by the following combination of primitive and derived character states: a telatively deep, blunt head and a relatively deep body with moderate limbs (hind limb normalty 30% to 40% of snoul-vent length); paired fronto- parictals and distinct intecparictal; supranasals and postiasals present or absent; large to moderately small midbody scales (im 23-36 rows); a very large transparent disc (diameter > 50% of eye diameter) in the moveable lower eyelid; upper temporal fenestra closed; 30 or fewer presacral vertebrae. The species are sexually dichromatic, with males developing areas of red pigmentation, and three (0 data available for L, baydini) are viviparous, Of ttese, four are synapomorphies: viviparity, & large palpebral disc, a closed upper lempori! fenestra and sexual dichromatism. These four in cumbination are unique within the Avgengyles group, inplying that the L, banwdini species-complex is not only readily defined but also monophyletic. Osrived characier siales of the L. baudini species-complex Loree palpetrral disc: A transparent palpebral disc is present in most Eugoneylus group taxa. It is usually mod¢rately sized, with a diameter about 40% of the eve leneth. In the L. baudini specics- complex, the disc is inarkedly Jarger, 30-60% of the eye diameter, This large disc appears to be apo- morphic with respect to the smaller dis: seen in other taxa with movable eyelids, but plestomerphic (and possibly immediately ancestral to) ihe state seen in ablepharine genera such as Moretfie and Cryptoblepharus. Dichromatism: Greer (1980, 1982) has commented on the presence of areas of red colouring present jo some Australian Lefafopisiia and related genera. In the £L. bawdini species. camplex, as in some, bur not all, of the other jaxa with red pigmentation, the colour is limited to males, This sexual dichreimatist reaches its must vivid development in late summer-autumn, when testis size is at ad Maat and mating veours Whether the presence or absence of red pigment per se is plesiomorphic or apomorphic im the Eygoneylus group is not clear. However, sexual dichromitisrn as felatively rare in this group of tkinks and is probably apomorphic, Viviparity: By far the most common mode of reproduction in the ugongylus group is oviparity, and this is no doubt the plesiamorphic condition. Viviparity acvur only in some Leilopisma specles in Australia (Greer 1982), and in most Leiolopismma and all Cye/oaineg in New Zealand (Hardy 1977), Viviparity is therefore an apomorphic character Mare in the f. haudiné species-complex, ‘The NEW SCINCID LIZARD 145 reproductive mode of L. hevdini is not yet known. However, it appears fo mate in autumn, as evidenced by enlarged testis size in males.and fresh bite scars around the chest and shoulder area of females, and autumn mating is a characteristic of viviparous skinks im Southeastern Australia (Smyth 1968; Rawlinson 1974a). Upper temporal fenestra: This opening in the skull roof, bordered by the parietal and postlrontal in the Buvgongy/us group, is a plesiomorphy in skinks. The opening, when present, is reduced in the Eugongylus group, and in many taxa it is completely obliterated or no more than a pinhole. This apomorphic condition (completely closed or almost so) is. present in the L, bandini species-complex. Leiolopisma rawlinsoni sp. nov. FIGS 1-4 Lygosoma (Liolepisma) entrecusteauxii (part) Lucas & Frost (1894). Leiglopisma entrecusteauxu (part) Rawlinson (1967, 1971, 1975), Spellerbere (1972); Cogger (1975); Greer (1982); Copger ef af. (1983). Leiolopisma entrecasteduxi Form A (pact) Jenkins & Bartell (1980). [designation ex Pengilley (1972)!]. Leiolopisma entrecasieauxit Group 3 Donnelan & Hutchinson (in, press). Afolotype, NMV D55450. Adult male. Mouth of Bunyip River (Main Drain) (38° 13'S; 145° 26° E), 6,5 km E Tooradin, Vic. Collected by P, Robertson on 211.1981), Diagnosis: Member of the L. Gaudini species- complex, characterized by strongly striped colour pattern completely lacking lighter or darker dorsal, lateral or caudal speckling, light dorsolateral bne on scale row 3, and having dorsal and head scales with highly glossy surface, Generally distinguished from other eastern species in complex (L. entrecasteauxti Groups | and 2) by position of light dorsolateral! stripe on scale row 3 (rather than tow 4, or 3+4), in normally having 6, rather than 5, supraciliaries, and by having, fewer rows of midbody scales (mode 26, rather than 30). Most similar in these respecis to LZ... bauelini {sensu Hutchinson & Donnellan in prep.), from which it is distinguished by lacking partial or complete supranasal or postnasal scales and any trace of light dorsal or caudal flecks, and by mid- lateral white stripe continuing clear and strajett— edged from groin io side of head, rather than becoming vague and wavy-edged anterior to axilla, Also distinguished from L, baudini by highly glossed dorsal scales, by having fewer subdigital lamellae (17-23, mean 19.0, versus 20-25, mean 22:3) and higher paravertebral scale counts [in males, 37-63, mean 59.6, versus 50-58, mean 54,1]; in females 57-65, mean 62.2, versus 53-60, mean 57.6), and by its. strict preference for densely vegetated swampy habitats. Etymology: Named after Peter A. Rawlinson, Department of Zoology, La Trobe University, in recognition of his studies of the scineid lizard fauna of southeastern Australia. Description af holotype: Moderate-sized with pentadactyl limbs overlapping when adpressed, snout relatively blunt, head and body deep and squarish in cross-section, and colour pattern 1151. Holotype of Lemlapismarawlinsonl sp, nov, (NMYV 45450), Head sealation in (a) neh lateral and (b) dermal view, Seale bar = 10 min. nr M.S. HUTCHINSON & S. C. DONNELLAN consisting sulely of longitudinal dark and light stripes. Hemipenis colunmmar (Greer 1979) not deeply bifurcated. [ris paler than pupil, Midbady scales in 26 rows. Dorsal scales with three moderately strong keels, lateral scales mare weakly tricarinate, trailing edges of Uorsal and lateral scales angularly three-sided rather than smoothly rounded, Paravertebral scales 60, Mid- ventral scales (mental 10 preanal inclusive) 63. Preanals 10, median four distinctly enlarged. Palmar and plantar tubercles rounded, Subdigital lamellae smooth, undivided, 20 under fourth toe. Dorsal surface of digits covered by single row of scales, No trace Of supranasals or postnasals, Width of rostral-frontonasal suture less than half width of frontonasal, Prefrontals well separated; frontal contacting frontonasal. Supraoculars 4, second largest; firsc and second oconracting frontal. Frontopurictals paired, Interparietal distinct, almost as large as a frontoparietal, Purietals lange, in contact behmd interparietal, Each parietal bordered posterolaterally by upper secondary temporal and enlarged ouchal. Supraciliaries f. Loreals 2, anterior taller than broad, posterior squarish. Preoculars 2, lower larpest and undivided. One presubocular. Upper olianes 9, lower ciliaries 13, Large irans- parent disc in lower eyelid, bordered above by 4 (left) or 5 (right) lower ciliaries. Upper fabials 7, fifth subocular. One primary and two secondary tem- porals, Lower labials 7. Postmental contacting first and second lower labials. Eat opening subcircular, withour enlarged lobules. Dimensions: SVL $3 mm. TL 91 mn (distal half regenerated), FLL 13.0 mm (25% of SVL), HLL 20,5 im (39% of SVL), Head width 7.4 min (14% of SVL). Length of eye 24 mm, Length of palpebral disc |.4 mm (58% of eye length). Maximum diameter of ear opening 09 mny (38% of eve length). Colour (in preservative); Dorsal surface of head, hack, tail and limbs medium greyish olive Straight- edged black vertebral stripe occupying medial third of two paravertebral scale rows (row | on each side), hiding anteriorly on michal scales und posteriorly about 20 mm on to base of tall. Prominent, straight- edged white dorsolateral stripe alang middle of scale row 3 on each side, bordered by black tines; stripe fading anteriorly to level of ear but still visible on head behind supruciliary scales, Clear white midlateral stripe, bordered by narrow black lines, along scale row 6 {intruding slightly on Lo row 5) from posreriot margin of ear Opening, above axilla 10 base of hid leg. Pale dorsolateral and pale midlateral stripes extending well on to tail, becoming progressively less well defined; upper fateral zone between these stripes dark brown, volour ealending forward uver temporals co eye, where it narrows and continues as dark loreal streak to naris, White midlateral stripe extending forward as thinner white line from upper margin of ear opening along upper labials co below eye, No traee of darker or lighter speckling on dorsal or lateral patterns. Top of head unmarked except for few dark smudges on supraoculars. Upper surfaces of limbs wilh dark flecks arranged longitudinally, forming weak lines, Lower cheeks and sides of neck weakly marbled with grey, otherwise ventral surfaces immaculate silvery white, Palmar and plantar surfaces and basal subdigital lamellae grey-white; distal subdigital lamellae brown, Variation Poratypes AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. {(ANWC), R2980, Picadilly Circus. (WMV). D38215, Mi Ginini; DS9874, Ginini Flats. NEW SOUTH WALES, [NMY¥}, 036966, 16 km N of Tin Mine Hut; D59K73, Smiggin Holes; DS9875-76, Round Mountain; 650875-76, Danjers Gap, Kosciusko National Park; DG0873-74, Tooma Reservoir, Kosciusko National Park; D60877, Kiandra. VICTORIA. (AMS) R15837, Healesville; R67484, Tolmié; R67574, Maroondah Hwy, 5 km S of Buxton, R8i649, 4 km SSW of Woodside Bast; R163, 9.1 km [road] § of Forge Creek; R97269, Gembrook Stare Rarest, (NMYV), D722, Western Port; DI852, Ringweod: 92392, Alessandra; DII7I1, Benambra; 034210, 4 km SW of Bemm River; 036964, Port Camphell; 037325, 4 kin N of Whittlesea; D37492, Yan Yean; D37500, 4 km N of Darby River, Wilsons Promontory; D39918, St Kilda Junction", Wilsons Promontory; D40191, French Islands 142059, high plains NE of Benaintra: D47553, Davies Plains (NE of Benambray D47608, LO km NE of Benambra: D48408, Boneo; Ddsdil, 7 km E of Stringybark Creek, Healesville; D48412-15. Yan Yean; D43945, Dennison Lake, D48948-49, Lach Smiths Lake [= Salt Lake]; D52700, 25 km E of Tooradin; DS4$25—24, salunarsh, between Tankerton and Tortoise Head, French Istand; DS$344-45, Cockatoo Creek, 1.6 km § of Yellingbo; DSS388, Gembrook State Forest; D5$448-49, mouth of Bunyip River, main drain, 6,5 km E of Tooradin; 1DI660], 4 km SSW of Woodside Fast, 056606, Bayles; 157035, $.4 kin N of Koctong; DS$797-800, 4 km SSW of Woodside East; D59869-70, Deep Creek, 4 km E of Toorudin; DS9871-72, 4 km SSW of Woodside East, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, (SAMA), R17492, N af Mr Gambler (Dismal Swatap area) RIIGG6, Bool Lagoon. TASMANIA, (NMV), D12349, Cape Burren Island, Referred Specimens! (AMS). R4I74, R27008, Victoris, (no other data], Semation, Midbody scales i 23-30 rows (mean 26,6, mode 26. = 61). Puravertebral scales 57-64 (mean 60.7. mn — 51). Subdigital lamellae under fourth toe 17-23 (mean 19.0, n = 30), No supranasal or postnasal scales. Prefrontals nearly always separated (in contact jn 4 out of 64, freq = 0,06), Supraciliaries 5-8 (mean 5.9, mode 6, n = 6)}, All haye 7 (synimetrically) upper labials. Usually one presubocular, tess frequently cwo sinvlat-sized presuboculars present on one or both sides (mean 2, = 30), Lower preocular and NEW SCINCID LIZARD 147 FIG, 2. (a) Holotype of Leiolopisma rawlinsoni sp. noy. (MNV D55450), as preserved. (b) Paratype NMV D55449 (adult female) from type locality, in life. 148 MN, HUTCHINSON & 5. 0. DONNEL! AN anterior Joreal undivided in all specimens, Lower labials usually 7, sometimes 8 (mean 7.1, = 30). Dimensions; SVL of adult males 37-63 mm (mean 48.3, n — 25), of adult femnales 40-6] mm (ment S14, = 22). Smallest juvenile 27 mm. HLL 30-40% of SVL, TL 157-185% of SVL (mean 172%, nm = 8). Colour (in preservative}; Generally very similar to holotype. Ground colour often darker, vertebral stripe strong, faint or absent. Laterodorsal black lines may be well developed, running along junction between scale tows | and 2 on each side. Dorsolateral light stripe always runs down middle of scale row 3. Whire midlateral line generally centred on scale row 6, but atten including upper part af row 7 for part of its length. Jn specimen wilh Towesl nidbody geale count (NMY DSs345, MBSR =23) midlateral white stripe running down middle of row 5. No trace of light or dark speckling on any specimen, Paratype AMS R&1649 (4 km SSW of Woodside East, Vic.) is illustrated by Greer (1982, Fig. 5). Colour in life: Generally similar to colour in preservative, but usually more greenish. Scales with a very noticeable opalescent gloss, Belly cream to pale yellow. Breeding males may have weak orange midlateral stripe. Sexual dimorphism: SVL ot adult females on average is larger than that of males, Although largest specimen examined was male {NMV D484], 63 mm SVL), most males were small, less than 50 mm SVL, Females appear to mature at slightly larger SVL (40 mm) than males (37 mm), Paraveriebral scales significantly more numerous in fernales (57-65, mean 62.2) than in males (57-63, mean 59.3); ty = 4.73, p < O01. Females with signilicantly shorter limbs; HLL in females ranges 29.5% 37.8% of SVL (mean 33.4, SD = 2.39), while males range 32,6%-40,0% (mean 36.6, SD 1,86); ta) = 4.84, p < .001, Larger SD in females because relative leg length appears 10 decrease as females grow larger, suggesting negative allometric growth of limbs. HLL dimorphism much tess evident tf only small aduits considered, when comparison restricted fo adults less than 51) mm SVL, mean value for femules rises ro 35.2 (SD — 1.95) while that for males remains the same (36.7, SD = 1,98); ty = 1.70, p > O1. Sexual dichromiatism does not appear to be well developed, in contrast to two other eastern members of the species-complex. W., Osborne (pers. comm.) has recorded breeding males with weak orange colouring in anterior part of midlateral white stripe, but males collected in southern Victoria in carly suinmer showed Ho orange colour at all (MNH, pers, abs,), while red pigment also absent in others collected in June. No live colour data available for Victorian specimens eollected during height of breeding season, February-April, Distribution L. rawlinsoni is restricted to southeastert Australia, and apparently occurs in several disjumet areas, in southeastern $.A., southwestern Victoria, south-central Victoria, alpine areas of northeastern Victoria through the Snowy Mountains of N.SMW. to the Brindahella Ranges on the N.SW, - A.C, border, and Cape Barren Island in Bass Strait (Fig. 3), The status of several of the outlying populations is unknown since they are based on. single specimens, from Port Campbell (SW Vic.), Cape Barren Island, and Bemm River (SE Vic.). The species is rare in collections, sa that future range extensions (e.g. to Tasmania) or discovery of populahons bridgmg apparent gaps are possibilities. Geographic Variation Colour paltern is very conservative, all specimens having a light to dark olive green to grey-brown dorsum with the dorsolateral white stripe on scale row 3, The major colour pattern Variations consist oF reduction or absence of the yer(ebral stripe, and the addition of a pair of black larerodersal stripes, and we degree to Which the upper lateral zone js pale centred. Geographic variation in colour does not appear to be much greater than local variation. Variation in scajation is also minor. The principal geographic variation is the degree of carination of the dorsal scales, Which is most pronounced in southern Victorian specimens, but greatly reduced or virtually absent in other populations. tii all populanons the medal nndbody scale raw count is 26, and only (wo specimens are known 10 exceed 28 (NMYV 648943 from Gennison Lake and NMV DI852 from Ringwood have 30). Sjx supraciliaries is by far the most common count in most areas, but the three wWeslern-most specimens, fram southeastern South Australia and Port Campbell, Victoria, have five supraciliaries. Cranial Osteology The skull (Tig. 4) conforms to the Eugongylus subgroup (Greer 1979) in having WW premaxillary teeth, a completely closed Meckel's groove and the palatal rami of the palatines well developed and in broad medial contact. It is similar in mast respects to that of the other members of the complex, wilh the upper temporal fenestra closed by expansion of ube parietal, but differs from L. enrrecasteaunii Group } and Group 2 in pterygoid structure. The Jattet tWO species Show an angularity or process on tie wiedial margins of the palatal rami of the ptery- NEW SCINCID LIZARD 149 FIG, 3. Distribution of Lefolopisma rawlinsoni sp, nov. The star indicates the type locality, and the arrow, Cape Barren [sland. goids, in some specimens resembling the beta palatal processes of the Lamtpropholis subgroup (Greer 1979). The two specimens of L. rawlinsoni examined haye little development of these processes. One of the two specimens examined shows a modest angularity of the medial margins, while the other has completely smooth, evenly diverging pterygoids as in the typical alpha palate, Ecology and Reproduction L. rawlinsoni is known entirely from localities characterized by the presence of very humid micro- enyironments. In southern Victoria, the species has been found in saltmarshes, boggy creek valleys, the margins of permanent lakes and swamps and in wet heathland, while at high altitudes in northeast Victoria and southeast N.SW., it ovcurs in similar swampy habitats, including fens and sphagnum bogs. These habitats are usually densely vegetated at ground level, and the species apparently basks and forages largely within this cover. The swampy habitat preference of this species is reflected by the faci that most of the southern Victorian localilies from which it has been collected have yielded specimens of Agernia ceventryi, also known to be an obligate swamp/wet heathland species (Smales 1981; Schulz 1985), Similarly, at the high altitude localities, such as Davies Plains, Vic., and the Perisher area, N.SW., L. rawlinsoni is syntopic with Eulamprus kosciuskoi, an alpine swamp specialist (Coventry & Robertson 1980). Throughout its range, L. rawlinsoni is broadly sympatric with one or both of its close relatives, L, entrecastequxii Group 1 and Group 2. At several localities (e.g. the Woodside area, Vic. and the Perisher area, N.SW.), J. rawlinsoni and L. entrecasteauxit Group 2 are syntopic, while L. entrecasieauxit Group | has been collected within 1 km of L. rawlinsoni in the Perisher area and in the Yan Yean area north of Melbourne. Marphol- ogival data reinforce the electrophoretic evidence that there is no intergradation between these sympatric or adjacent populations. The dense vegetation of the species’ preferred habitat may explain Gne of the more striking aspects 150 M. ‘N. HUTCHINSON & S. C. DONNELLAN FIG, 4. Skull of Leiolopisma rawlinsoni sp, noy, in (a) dorsal view and (b) palatal view. Arrows point to (a) the position of the minute upper temporal fenestra and (b) the palatal rami of the pterygoids which show a slight angularity in this specimen. Specimen MNH No. 85/46, 4 km SSW of Woodside East, Vic. Scale bar = i0 mm. of this skink: its relative rarity in collections, It is widely distributed through the well-collected south- east of Australia, where many other small species of skink have been collected in large numbers. The two near relatives of ZL. ruwlinsont, L. entrecasteauxii Group | and Group 2, are represen- ted in southeastern museum callections by many hundreds of specimens, including long series from some siles, but these same collections have yielded only 64 specimens of L. rawlinsoni, with the greatest number from any one location being eight. The species is viviparous, litter size ranging 4-8 (mean 5,6, n=13). Females with oviducal eggs or developing young have been collected us early as 15 October and as late as 28 January, As with the other eastern species, mules show a peak in testicular size during late summer-autumn, and females ovulite in mid spring, so. that overwintering of sperm by the females must occur. Acknowledgements The following colleagues assisted in providing access to or loans of specimens in their care: A. J. Coventry (NMV), R. H. Green (QVMT), A- E. Greer and R. Sadlier (AMS), K. Medlock (TMH), T, D, Schwaner (SAMA), L, A. Smith (WAM) and J. Wombey (ANWC). W. Osborne, Zoology Dept, ANU, Canberra and P. Robertson, Fisheries & Wildlife Division, Victoria, provided access to specimens held by them and gave valuable infor- mation on field biology. D. Walsh, Dept of Zoology, La Trobe University, provided photographic assistance. Rarjier drafts of the manuscript were improved by the helpful comments of P. Baverstock, R. Andrews, M. Mahony, M. Adams and an anonymous reviewer. This work was funded in part by ARGS grant No Al841625 to P. Baverstock and a CTEC special research grant to M. Hutchinson. NEW SCINCID LIZARD 15] References Coccer, H. G (1975) “Reptiles and Amphibians of Ausiraha". (A, H. & A. W. Reed, Sydney). —, Cameron, E. FE. & Coaccrr, H. M. (1983) “Zoological Catalogue of Australia, vol. 1, Amphibia and Reptilia" (Aust. Govt Publ. Serv., Canberra), COVENTRY, A. J..& ROBERISON, P. (1980) New records of scincid lizards from Victoria, Mich Nat. 97, 190-193, Donmeccan, § C. & HiercHisson, M, N, (in press) Sibling species of Leiolapisma entrecasteauxii (Dumeril and Bibron) (Scincidae: Lygosominae) detected by allozyme electrophoresis. Aust £ Zool. 37- DuMeERIL, 4, M. C. & Bipron, G. (1839) “Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Compléte des Reptiles”, Vol. 5. (Roret, Paris). Greer, A, E. (1974) The generic relationships of the selncid hzard genus Lejolopisia and its relatives: Aust. J. Zool., Suppl. Ser. No. 31, 1-67. —— (1979) A phylogenetic subdivision of Australian skinks. Rec. Aust. Mus, 32, 339-371. —— (1980) A new species of Morethia (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from northern Australia, with comments on the biology and relationships of the genus, /bid. 33, 89-122, —— (1982) A new species of Leio/opisme (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from Western Australia, with notes on the biology and relationships of other Australian species. Ibid. 34, 549-573, Harpy, G. 5. (1977) The New Zealand Svincidue (Reptilia: Lacertilia); a taxonomic and zoogeographic study. MZ. J. Zool, 4, 221-328. HUTCHINSON, M. N., Schwaner, T. D. & MEBLOCK, K. (1988) A new species of scincid lizard (Lygosominae: Leiolapisma) trom the highlands of Tasmania. Prac. R. Soc, Vict. 101, in press. Jenkins, R. W, G, & BARTELL, R, (1980) “A Field Guide to the Reptiles of the Australian High Country”. (Inkata Press, Melbourne). Leviton, A. &., Graas, R. H., Htar, BE. & Dawson, C, E. (1985) Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: Part I. Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. Copeta, (1985) 802-832, Lucas, A. H. S. & Frost, C. (1894) The lizards indigenous to Victoria, Prac. R. See. Viet. 6, 24-92. RAWLinson, P, A, (1967) The vertebrate fauna of the Bass Strait Islands. 2. The Reptilia of Flinders and King Islands. /bid. 80, 211-224. —— (1971) The reptiles of west Gippsland. Zhid. 84, 37-33. — (1974a) Biogeography and ecology of the reptiles of ‘Tasmania and the Bags Strait area, pp, 291-338, In Williams, W. D, (Ed.), “Biogeography and Ecology in Tasmania”, (W. Junk, The Hague). — (1974b) Revision of the endemic southeastern Australian lizard genus Pseudemoig (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Mem. Nail Mus. Vict. 35, 87-96. — (1975) Two new lizard species from the genus Leiolopisma (Scincidae: Lygosominae}-in southeastern Australia and Tasmania. /bid, 36, 1-16. Saptirr, R. A. (1986) A review of the scincid lizards of New Caledonia. Rec. Aust. Mus. 39, 1-66. Scnurz, M. (1985) The occurrence of the mourning skink, Egernia covenirvi, in salumarsh in Westernpart Bay, Victoria, Viet. Nut. 102, 148-152. Smaces, 1. (1981) The herpetofauna of Yellingbo State Faunal Reserve, (bid, 98, 234-246, SMYTH, M, (1968) The distribution and life history of the skink Hemiergis peronii (Fitzinger). Trans R. Soe. S. Aust, 92, 51-58. SPELLERBERG, |. Ff. (1972) Temperature tolerances of southeast Australian reptiles examined in relation to reptile thermoregulatory behaviour and distribution. Oecologia (Beri) 9, 23-46. MUSTELICOLA ANTARCTICUS SP. NOV. (CESTODA: TRYPANORHYNCHA) FROM AUSTRALIAN ELASMOBRANCHS, AND A REASSESSMENT OF THE FAMILY MUSTELICOLIDAE DOLLFUS, 1969 BY RONALD A, CAMPBELL* & IAN BEVERIDGET Summary Mustelicola antarcticus sp. nov. is described from adult worms in the spiral valve of Mustelus antarcticus (Guenther) collected in coastal waters off Bicheno, Tasmania. Characters differentiating M. antarcticus from M. woodsholei Dollfus, 1969, the only other known species, are a much smaller ratio of pars bulbosa to pars vaginalis (1: 1.3 versus 1: 2.1), approximately twice as many testes per segment (av. 780 versus 3W), and reversed order of hook sizes 2(2') and 3(3') for the two species. The armature of M. woodsholei is completely described for the first time. As in M. antarcticus, it consists of a unique poeciloacanthous type consisting of three double chainettes and is most similar to members of the Lacistorhynchidae Guiart, 1927 and Callitetrarhynchinae Dollfus, 1942. Other new morphological features described are an hermaphroditic sac, pre-formed uterine pore, lack of true prebulbar organs, and origin of the retractor muscle in the anterior 113 of the bulb. The family Mustelicolidae is considered justified, based on unique features of the armature, scolex and genitalia, and is redefined accordingly. KEY WORDS: Mustelicola, Cestoda, Trypanorhyncha, new species. MUSTELICOLA ANTARCTICUS SP. NOY. (CESTODA: TRYPANORHYNCHA) FROM AUSTRALIAN ELASMOBRANCHS, AND A REASSESSMENT OF THE FAMILY MUSTELICOLIDAE DOLLFUS, 1969 by RONALD A. CAMPBELL? & [AN BeEVERIDGET Summary Camprett, R.A, & Brvexinee, 1, 098%) Mustelicola eniarericus sp, noy, (Cestoda: Trypanarhyneha) trom Austialian elasnvobranclys, and a reassessment of the Fainily Mustelivalidae Dollfus, 1969. Trans, R. Soc. S Anse. U2 J, 153-161, 30 November, 1988. Mustelicola antarctious sp, nov, is described from adult wornts in the spiral valve of Musrelus antarcncous (Guenther) collected in coastal waters off Bicheno, ‘lasmania, Characters differentiating Af. avttarcticns from MM. woodsholet Dolltus, 1969, the only oiher known species, are a much smaller ratio of pars bulbosa fo pars vaginalis (4) 1,3 versus 1) 2.1), approximately wice ay many lestes per segment (av. 780 versus 300), and reversed ortler of hook sizes 2(2’).and 3(3') for the two species, The armature of Af. weodsholei is completely described for the first time. As in M. anlarcticus, it consists of a unique poeciloacanthous type consisting of three double chainettes and is most similar to members of the Lacistorhyachidae Guiart, 1927 and CalliteWarhynchinae Dollfus, 1942. Giher new morphological features d¢suribed are an herm- aphraditi¢ sac, pre-formed uterine pore, latk of true prebWibar organs, uid origin of the retractor muscle in the anterior 1/3 of the bulb. The family Mustelicolidae is considered jystificd, based on unique features of the armature, scolex and genitalia, and is redefined accordingly. Key Worps: Mustelicola, Cesunda, Trypanarhyncha, new species. Introduction Dollfus (1969) erected the faintly Mustelicolidae fer a single trypanorhynch found in the spiral valve of Mustelus canis (Mitchill, 1815) caught in Atlantic coastal waters near Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Dollfus considered the armature of Mustelicala woodshalei to be of the atypical heteroacanthous type though.a complete description of rhe tentacular armature and reproductive system was not provided, Schmidt (1986) revised the systemiaticy of the cestodes and considered Mustelicoliday to be a synonym of Eutetrarhyochidae Guiart, 1927, making the genus Mustelicofa Dollfus, 1969 a synonym of Purdechristianella Dollfus, 1946, The precise position of the species within Purachristianela was not specified. Schmidt’s proposed synonymy of an atypical heteroacanth (Mustelicola) with a typical heteroacanth (Purachristianelle) prompted a re-examination of M, woodsholei (o determine the exact nature of its armature and anatomy, Attempts to find additional speciments of Af, woodsholei have been fruitless, but a second species, described herein, was recently collected from Mustelus antaretieus (Guenther, 1870) off (he coast of Tasmania. In this paper the uescription of the type species is corrected and expanded, a new species is added ta the genus, the ~ Dept. of Biglogy, Southeastern Massachusetts ee ie North Dartmouth, Massachusetis 02747, Central Verernmry Laboratories, 2/0 Institute of Medical wid Veterinary Selene, Fronte Road, Advluide, S. Aust S000 — taxonpmic position of the family re-assessed, and the family Mustelicolidae redefined. Materials and Methads Miustelicolid cestodes were found in the spiral valves af two of 73 sharks (Mustelus antarcticus) examined off southern Australian coasts and were fixed in hot 10% buffered formalin. Whole mount- ed specimens were stained with Celestine blue, dehy- drated in ethanol, cleared in clove oil and mounted in balsam. ‘lentacles were dissected (ree, examaned im glycerol, and niounted in glycerine jelly. Some seymenis were embedded in paraffin, serially sec- tioned at 8-10 pm, and stained with Haris’ hematoxylin and eosin, Dullfus’ holotype wis examined from the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. The specimen was remounted and a tentacle removed and examined to provide precise orientation of the armature. Drawings were made wilh the sid of a drawing tube, Measurements are given in micrometers, unless otherwise stated, as the range followed by the mean and the number of measurements (n) in parentheses, Terminology for trypanorhynch morphology follows Dollfus (1942), Specimens have been depas- ited in the South Australian Museum (SAM). Adelaide. Mustelicola woodshalei Doallfus, 1969 FIGS 1-9 Description; Measurements of the holotype specimen. Scolex and strobils acraspedoic. roral lcngth 6.7 em, maximum width (O70. Seolex 4166 1S4 R.A. CAMPBELL & J, BEVERIDGE PIGS 1-5. Auatomy of Mustelicola woodsholei. 1. Scolex, 2, Immature proglortid showing osmoregulatory ducts. 3, Male genital (crminalia. 4. Uterus and preformed utcrinc pore. 5. Detail of bulb showing origin of tentacle sheath and insertion ol retractor muscle: Scale lines: 0.1 mm, NEW ELASMOBRANCH CESTODE 155 long, subeylimdrical, slightly wider in region of bulbs, Maximum width in region of bulbs, $60. Twa bethridia, oval, elongate, 1520 long, maxinium wilh 440, with broad indistinct rim, not indented posteriorly. Pars vaginalis 2440 long, tcutacle sheaths slightly sinuous, not coiled; each sheath originating from bultr in prominent, symmetrical, lateral sinuesily; circular muscle bands similar to those associated with prebulbar organ present ar posterior end of sheath, but thickening of lateral wall of sheath and “nucleus absent; numerous sland cells surround tentacle sheaths in pedunculus scOlecas, Bulbs short, (200 long, 2801 drameter: retractor muscle originates in anterior third of bulbs, Pars post-bulbosa, 200 long; junction of scolex and neck demarcated by a slight constriction, Scolex ratio {pbo: py: pbulb} ft: 21: OB. ‘tentacles not fully extended, longest tentacle 1400; diameter 80 at base, 70 in mid-region; basal swelling and distinct basal armature absent. Armature heteromorphous, poeciloacanthaus. Principal rows alternate, beginning on internal face; hooks bullow, arranged in ascending half spiral rows ol six hooks each (Fig. 7), Hooks I(1') ro 404") rose- thorned shaped, with gently curved blades and long bases of jinplantation; hooks 1(1') 24-30(28, n=1) long, bases 18-28 (24, n-10), hetaht 13-18) hooks 2(2') slightly larger, blade 26-38 (33, n=10) long, base 22-28 (24, n-10), height 17-24; hooks 343’) 30-34 (33, n=10) long, base 20-22 (21, 1=10), height 20-24; hooks 4(4') 26-30 (28, n-10) long, base 14-21) (17, n-10), height 17-20; hooks 5¢57) spiniform, 14-22 (1% n=10} tong, base short, 8-14 (Ul, n=10), beight 10-14; hooks 6/6”) in randem or “satellite” position with respecr to S(S"), spiniform, blade 14-16 (15, n=10) long, base 6-8 (7, n=I(), height 10-12. External surface of tentacle with 3 double chaineties, distinctly separated from principal rows, paired clements in cach chainette Upposite each row of principle hooks: chainette elements subtriangulas, 16-22 (19, n=10) long, base 12-16 (14, n=10), height 10-13. First evidence of segmentation 900 from scolex: segments initially Much wider than Jong, becoming almost as Jong as wide Mature segments acraspedote, IW)0-2500 12240, n=5) by 3080-3470 (3260), 1-5); genital pores alternate irtegularly: genital pore 45-50% of segment length from anterior margin. Cirrus (7) sac elongate, 890-980 (930, n—4) by 20X}-260 (220, n=4), cirrus unarmed, sinuous When fetiacted; proximal cirrus surrounded hy a few layers of gland cells; internal seminal vesich absent; external seminal vesicle elongate, diminutive, will single surroundite layer of cells; vas deferens passes medially, ovils anteriorly then posteriorly to ovanat isthtius. Tesies humerous, approximately 400 in minature segments, scattered through medulla; testis diameter 40-50 (43, n=5). Vagina a very thin tube, closely paralleling cirrus sac along posterior mareii; course of vagina could nor be traced 10 genital pore, Ovary bilobed in dersovenrral view, Situated near posterior margin of segment, lobes 350-450 (3%), n- 5) by 310-380 (350, n=5), Mehlis' gland post-ovarian 280-300 (200, n = 5) by 330-400 (360, n=5), U-shaped; uterine duct covered by dense mass of gland cells, passes anteriorly ta join uterus about 150 anterior to ovarian isthmus; wlerus thin-walled, saccular, extends to anterior marein af seyment; preforined uterine pore present near anterior end of urerus, Vitelline glands follicular, circumcortical, follicles © $0 m diameter, Osmoaregulatory system complex, most clearly visible in inimatute seoments; complex al 4-6 large canals present at lateral murging of segments, canals anastomose frequently; on dorsal and ventral surfaces of scements are 10-12 narrower canals, either straight or regularly sinuous which branch and anastamose infrequently; three pairs of long- tudinal canals visible in posterior end of scolex: anterior commissures not visible. Eggs ovoid, 43-55 (45, 1 =3) by 25-35 (28, n-3). Hast and Locality: Mustelus canis (Mitchill, 1815), at Woods Hole. Massachusetts, LS,A, Miusiclicola antarcticus sp. aov. FIGS 10-19 Deseription: Measurements of three fragmented adult specimens. Scolex and strobila actaspedota, strobilia up to 6 cm Tong; maximum width 4.1 ma. Scolex 2720-2832 (n=2) long, subcylindrical, Slightly distended in region of bulbs, maximum width at bulbs. 792; scolex demarcated fram neck bya slight constriction, Two bothiridia, broadly oval, rim indistinct, slightly indented posteriorly, leneth 1000-1140 (n=4) by 980-1020 (n= 4). Pars vaginalis 1520-1640 (n=2), tapering into junction with balbs; tentacle sheaths allehtly sinous; small eland cells scattered in parenchyma of pedunculus scolecis. Bulbs 1080-1240 by 240-320 in ciamerer; prebulbar organs absent: retractor muscle originates near anterior extremity of bulb; pars postbulbasa extremely short, 80 long, Seolex separated From strobila by slight constriction. Scolex ratio (pbo; py: pbulb) 1:13: 9, Armiture poeciloacanthous, with three chainertes of paired hooks on internal face. Fully everted tentacles 1.7 mm long; diameter 114 at base, 99 at mid-tentacle, 4 at tip; basal armature and swelling absent. Principal rows ajternaty, beginning on internal lace, forming ascending ball spirals of six huoks each, Hooks 11) rose-tharn shaped. with sarply aheular blades and tune bases at 156 R. A. CAMPBELL & J, BEVERIDGE Sowe- o = , ey fs) A SEAS SPE Pr IA | sar DPSS BND ; t hos = = 4 = ‘a = > WES : Se ~ D “ + 3 iat ' ‘ - = ~ Ke \ : nN yy ice] — = PS SIS, | \ aero OD a ; a = RY / ( a Sy 8 ) Soo! ae f \ ‘\ a \. / \ CS SS — : > 3 FIGS 6-9, Armature of Musteliculu woodshalei. 6, Internal tace, métabasal region, turned slightly toward antibothridial face. 7. Antibothridial face, metabasal region, external face on left. 8. External face, metabasal region, showing three double chainetles (C,-Ca). ¥. Hooks | 6 of principal row drawn to scale and chainette hook (c). Scale lines: Figs 6-8, 0.1 mm; Fig 9, 0.01 mm. NEW ELASMOBRANCH CESTODE 1s7 FIGS 10-15. Anatomy of Mustelicola anrarcticus sp, nov. 10, Scolex. 11. Hermaphroditic sac. 12. Female reproductive system. 13. Fegs. 14 Mature proglottid, 15, Bulbous eversion of genital pore. Scale lines: Figs 10, 14, 0.5 mm: Fig. 15, 0.3 mm; Figs H, 12, 01 mm; Fig. 13, 0.03 mm. GD, gland cells; MG, Mehlis* glands; OC, oovapt; OD, Briss OV, ovary; SD, sperm duct; SR, seminal recepracte; 1/1, aterine duct; UT, uterus; VA, vagina: VD, vilelline uct. 185 RK. A. CAMPBELI. & |. BEVERIDGOE implantation, blades 33-36 (35, n=10) tong, height 15-19 (n=l); hooks 2(2) larger, blade length 39-42 (40, n=10), base 29-3) (30, n=10), heaght L3-21 (=10), Hooks 33) similar to 2(2°) but smaller; blades 32-36 (34, n=10) long, baxe 23-26 (24, n=10), height 15-28 (n=10); hooks 4(4’) only shighcly curved, 27-30 (24, n=10} long, base length 17-18 (17, n=10), height 15-21 (n=10); hooks 5(5’) analler, 21-22 (21, n=10) longs bases 14-16 (15, n=10), height 13-13 (n=L0); hooks 6(6') in tandem or “sarellite” posttian anterior to 5(5"), spiniform, 17-t8 (17. 1=10) long, hase 6-9 (8, n=10), height 10-|3 (n-10). Duernal surface of tentacle with three double chaineties, distinctly separated [rom principal rows, chainette elements subtriangutar, 22-25 (23, n-10) long, base 12-14 (13, 1=10), height 13-17 (n=30). Number of segments about 200 (n=L). First segments appear 1.7-2 mm pasterior (g scolex. All segments wider than long, aceaspedote, enlarging with age. Mature segments always wider than long, 900-3400 by 1560-S600, Gravid segments always longer than wide, 108-1800 by 3900-420), Genital pores marginal, irregularly alternating, equatorial, located 50% of segment length (rom anterior mar- gin. Testes medullary, subspherical, 42-76 by 38-49 {n=20), layered, occupying available space between lungitudinal osmorceulatory canals and extremitics of segment. Testes number about 741-803 (780), n=3) per segment, Hermaphroditie sac 544-1160 (A96, n=50) by 176-352 (248), surrounded by weakly developed layer of mvuscle fibres, Cirrus unarnied, glandular, immediately dista! to ovoid internal seminal vesicle. Vagina median, dilated to form seminal receptacle umterio’ 10 ovarian isthmus, turns laterally, lying parallel with posterior margin of hermaphroditic sae and then enters sac; genital sinus apens by @ single duct at genital pore. Contraction of walls of hermaphraditi¢ sac forms bulbous, sucker-like protuberance io which cirrus andl vagina are brought close to the wurtace. External seminal vesicle present. Vas deferens coiled, arches toward midline, runs parallel with vagina posteriorly toward ovary, Ovary posteromedial, bilobed in dorsoventral view, crescen{-shaped, imiaximuin dimensions 650-980 by 178-320, isthmus up to #4) long. Mehlis' gland postovarian, shallow L-shaped, maximum cimensions 112-120 by 156-288. Vitellaria follicular, irregularly shaped, forming a layer enclosing osmoregulatory canals and reproductive organs, maximum dimensions of follicles 56-64. Uterus median, thick-walled, erinindling near anterior margin of segmetit, voluminous in gravid scaments. Uterine pore near distal extremity uf uterus. Eges oval, 38-49,5 (45,6, W=ID) by 26.6-34.5 (30,4, n 10), thick-shelled, non- operculate, wiembryonated. Host und Lacalitys Mustelas aritareneys (Guenther, 1870) (type heet), olf Bicheny, Tasmania, call, BO, Robertson. Site in hose: Spiral valve. Types: Holotype SAM ¥4104, ewo paratypes SANT 17875, Etymology: The specific name is after that of its host, AL. untarcticus. bollowing Article Way) of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the generic name iy masuuline in gender. Discussion Dottfus (1969) described M4, weudshoter and erected the genus Mustelicola and family Mustelicolidac for it based on a single specimen. Distinctive characters of the new genus were based upon the armature, viz, Mustelicola is an atypical heteroacanth with twice as many hooks in longitudinal files of the external face as occur in longitudinal tiles of the internal face (Dollfus 1969). This diagnosis was never expanded. Schmidt (1986) subsequently synonymised both the family and eenus with the typical heteroacanth Parachrtsi- ianeta in the Butetrarhynchidae. Unforiunwely only a single specimen of MW. woadsholgi exists and it is not satisfactory for the complete description of the reprodue¢live system. Hawever, some specimens Of the new species, AZ, atitarericus described above, were gravid and clearly provide these details. A generic definition can therefore be derived front the combined characters of the two species. The two species possess a combination af characters not found together in other teypanorhynch cestodes, foremost of which is Ihe type of armature, Examination of rhe armacure of the type species, 44. woudshole/, clearly shows major discrepancies with the oviginal des- cription (Dollfus 1969) and these must be addressed because come af them have major consequences fur its taxonomic position. In udddirton, four characters differ substantially from the original description. Firstly, a preformed uterine pore is presenr and clearly visible as a mass of cells at the adteripr end of the uterine anlagen in immature segments. Secondly, an external seminal vesicle Is present, Thirdly, the tentacle retractor muscle uriginates in the anterior third of the bulbus not at the posteriac end. Fourthly, a typical prebulbar orean is not presence. Muscle clements surrounding che Organ of the sheath are present in Afvstelicola bul it is not comparable to the prebulbar organ of cutetrar- Iynchids, [a the latter group, an enlarged projection of the external surface of the tentacle sheath, NEW ELASMOBRANCH CESTODE nd -chainette 17. Bothridial face, és, C,-C ‘TICUS SP, NOV. : met region, c § e@ht, 18. External face, metabasal region, showing 3 double chainett i 19. Hooks !-6 of princi § scale a vy. 16. Internal face, abasal of principal row drawn to same le, 19. Hook n; Fig 19, 0,03 mm, of tentacle, anturcricus § al face is on ri . Scale lines: Figs 16-18, 0.05 mi of Mustelicola rn clovk wise Lorsion 160 4, 4, CAMPRET |. & 1 BEVERIDGE sometimes described a8 being nucleated and supported by vircular bands of muscle runoing around the tentacle sheath js. clearly visible (Dolifus 1942), The most iinportant character of the gets, iy the armature which is poecilvacanthous in form and not that of an atypical heteroacanth or a typical hereroacanth. Dolltus (1969) did not illustrate rhe external surface of the tentacle armature fully, By re-orienting the type specimen and examining an isolated tentacle, a unique poeciloacanthows ar rangement consisting of three double chainettes was Clearly seen (Pigs 6-9) This same armature was seen in specimens of the new species, AL. antarcricus, described above. Wheli compared with the armature of genera such as Locis/arhyachus and Callitetra- rshynchus there isa remarkable constancy of hook number. In both of these genera, each row contains five major hooks. Hook 6, however, is small and is situated slightly out of aligninent with the principle row, Hooks 7 and 8, the so-called “satellite hooks”, are arranged in tandem, much as the pairs of hooks 9(9’) of the chainette. If the armature uf Lacistorhynchys and Callitetrarhynchus were re- arranged simply by displacing hook 5 so that it lay in tandem with hook 6, and hooks 7 to 9 were of the sameshape, then there would be six hooks per principal row and three chdinettes formed, exactly the armature present in Mustefico/a, Because of the similarities oF hook number and disposiion we believe that Mustelicola has close affinities to fucistorhynchus and Cullitetrarhynchus; both venera, of course, are poeciloacanths, A herm- aphroditic duct is also present in Afiestelicota, Lagistorhynchus and Caltitetrarhynchas, Details of the reproductive system of Mustelicota woodshalei could not be obtained because the single specimen lacks lully developed segments. However, the major organs can be sen and the vagina can be traced in close parallel to the “cirrus sac” to a point beyond its midlength where it appears to unite Phe sac is surrounded by a coat of musele ‘thers anu 4 dilation ig apparent in the vas deferens before it enters the sac, In Af, woodshkoles all the mallire Segments have everted cirr) and herve the details of the distal ducts cannot be derermined_ tt probably pussesses a hermaphroditic sac. In the new species, Ad. unlureficws, details of che “eireus sac” cin he seen clearly. The vagina enters the Suc on its posterior margin, and rhe unarmed vitrus resides ina sinus cavity distal toan internal seminal vesicle, A common duct less to the genital pure on the scemnent marin, This arrangement js, therefore, a hermaphroditic sae oot a cirrus sav. Contraction of the muscular cut causes formation of a sucker- like protuberance it which the sinus cavity is brouglie to the surties. Both M. woodsholei and M. antarcitcus possess armatures of six hooks per principal row and three chainettes, two bothridia, pars bothridialis longer than pars bulbosa, lack prebulbar organs, possess numerous gland cells in the pedunculus seotecis, acraspedote segmenrs, uterine pores, sdecate uteri, crescent-shaped uvyuries, and U-shaped shell glands, M. antircticus may be distinguished from Av. woodsholei by the following characters: scolex proportions of pars bathridialis (o pars vaginalis (1; 1,3 versus > 2.1); hooks 2129 ancl 3¢3°) differ in form {abruptly curved in M. anttarclicus versus gently curved in Mf. woodsholel) and size (hook length 2(2’) markedly larger than 3(3°) in AG, antarcuicus but equal to or slightly smaller in M4. woodsholer, testis number (about 780 in Ad. antarcrieus versus abour 300 in Mo woordshole); internal seminal vesicle in ML ansereticus apparently absent in M. woodshkolei, We propose that the diaynoses of (he Family and genus be emended te include these correectms and distinctive characters that separate them front other trypanorhynyhs as follows: Mustelicalidae Dollfus, 1969, emended Diagnosis Order Trypanerhyicha. Poeviloa- cuilhous with multiple chainettes opposite principal rows. Scolex woh two, well-separated sessile bothridia witht free margins. Rhyncheal apparatus well developed, True prebulbar organs abscnt. Tentacles and bulbs relatively shurt, Segments numerous, Genilal pores marginal, Testes numeraus, intervascular, internal or external sensinal vesteles present. Ovary posterior. Uterus saccular with ventral pore, Vitellaria circumeortical. Adults parasitic in spital valve of elasmobranchs. Type and Only cenus= Mustelicola, Dollfus, 1969 emended faagaosis: Scotes acraspedote. Two borhredia pat- cllifomm, trimmed, without posterior notch; noc contiguous apically: Pars tothridialls longer Mian pats bulbusa. Bulbs short. Pars postbulbosa very short, Tentacle sheaths irregularly sinuous Ke- tractor muscle orivinaltes i) anterior portion of bulb Tentacles lick husal swelling. Armature consisting of three double chainettes apposite hooks IL") uf principal rows. Principal rows alternate. Strebila anapulytic (2), segments acraspedore. Genital pores Trrenularts alrernaus, Hermaphroditic sac presenl, Cirus present, initennl seminal vesicle present; NEW ELASMOBRANCH CESTODE 16L external seminal vesicle present. Testes medullary, surround ovary and available intervascular space. Ovary bilobed in dorsoventral view, shell gland well developed; uterus median, pore preformed. Vitelline follicles form a sleeve enclosing all reproductive organs. Eggs anoperculate. Osmoregulatory system complex, anastomosing frequently. Type species: Mustelicola woodsholei Dollfus, 1969. Other species: M. antarcticus sp. nov, Hosts: Spiral valves of triakid sharks. Acknowledgments Our thanks to Dr A. Petter, Laboratoire des Vers, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, for loan of the type specimen. This project was supported financially by the Australian Biological Resources Study, References Doutrus, R. Ph. (1942) Etudes critiques sur les fetrarhynques du Muséum de Paris. Arch. Mus, Natl. Hist. Nat. Paris 19, 1-466. —— (1969) Quelques espeéces de cestodes Tétrarhynques de la cote Atlantique des Etats Unis, dont l'une n’était pas connue a l’état adulte. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26, 1037-1061. Scumipt, G. D. (1986) “Handbook of Tapeworm Identification.” (CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida). CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND KARYOTYPES OF SOME AUSTRALIAN STIGMODERINI (COLEOPTERA: BUPRESTIDAE) BY JENNIFER A. GARDNER* Summary Karyotypes of eight species of Australian Stigmoderini are illustrated and compared. Stigmodera (S.) goryi Gory & Laporte, S. (S.) porosa Carter, S. (Themognatha) donovani Gory & Laporte, S. (T) heros Gehin, S. (T) tricolorata Waterhouse and S. (T.) viridicincta Waterhouse have a diploid complement of 22; S. (T.) alternata Lumholtz and S. (7) nickerli Obenberger have 2n = 20. A chromosome number of 2n = 22 is reported for 26 additional species. All Stigmoderini studied have an Xy, sex-determining mechanism. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Stigmoderini, Chromosomes. CHROMOSOME NUMBERS AND KARYOTYPES OF SOME AUSTRALIAN STIGMODERINI (COLEOPTERA: BUPRESTIDAE) by JENNIFER A, GARDNER* Summary Gakpner,J, A. (1986) Chromosome aimbers and karyotypes of 4ome Australian Stigmoderini (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), Trans. R, Soc. S, Aust, 992, 163-167, 30 November. 1988. Karvotypes of cight species of Australian Sdgmederini are illustrated and compared Stignindera (8) roryi Gory & Laporte, 5.8.) porosa Carter, 8. (Themognatha: danoveani Gory & Laparte, $8. (T) heras Gehin, §. (7) triceleraia Waterhouse and S. (7) viridieineia Waterhouse have a diploid complement of 22, 8. (2) ehernate Lumholiz and S. (7) nickerli Ohenbereer have In = 20. A chromosome mimber of 2n 22 1s reported for 26 additional species, All Stigmoderini studied have an My, sex-determining mechanism. Key Worps: Coleoplera, Bupresiidas, Stigmodenai, Chromasonies. Introduction Coleopteran cytogenetics was pioneered by Ste- vens in the first decade of the twentieth century, and two species of buprestids, un-named spruce borers, were among the earliest examined (Stevens 1906). Smith & Virkki (1978) listed 22 species of buprestid, whose diploid chromosome number ranged from 12-26, The XYp association is one in which the y is very small, approaching the lawer limit of visibility, The X and y form a characteristic ring bivalent which Stevens (1906) deseribed as a "parachute" in which the X chromosome represents the parachute proper, and the y represents the load. It is the commonest system in Polyphaga, occurring in practically all families, and Smith (1950) adapted the symbol XYp. This siudy was undertaken as part of a revision of the tribe Stigmoderini. The aim was to determine if karyological characters could contribute to an assessment Of the higher categories as delineated on the basis of morphological characters. Materials and Methods Adult male specimens were dissected as soon as possible after capture. Based on the technique of Imai et al. (1977) the testes Were treated with a cold hypotonic (1% sodium citrate solution) for 1h, then 0.005% w/v colchicine in hypotonic for 15 min before fixation in 3:1 ethanol: acetic acid for 30 min. The cells were spread and air-dried belore staining with JO% Giemsa in Sdrensen buffer at pH 6.8 for 15 mins, Photomicrographs were taken on a Zeiss Photomicroscope Model 11 at magnification 400x, using a green filler and Agla-Gevaert Copex Pan Rapid Tri 13 film. Chromosome preparations and * Department of Zoolagy, University of Adelaide, G.P.O, Box 498, Adelaide, S. Aust. SOOD. Present address: Wa\te Agricultural Research Tnstitule Universiry of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, S, Aust. 5064. corresponding specimens are lodged in the South Australian Museum, Adelaide, Chromosome counts were obtained for the following species: Stigmodera (Stigmodera) cancellata (Donovan), 8. (S.J gorvi Gory & Laporte, S. (S.) gratiasa Chevroiat, S. (S.) macularie (Donovan), S (S) porosa Carter, S. (S.) roel Saunders, S. (Themognatha) alternare Lumho}tz, S. (T) barbiventris Carter, S. (T) bonveuloiri Saunders, S. (7) chaleodera Thomson, S. (1) chevrolatt Gehin, 8. (7) donovani Gory & Laporte, S. (1) heros Gehin, S. (1) witchelli Hope, 8. (7) niniszech( Saunders, S. (T.) niekerli Obenberger, S, (7) parvicollis Saunders, S. (7) pubreollis Waterhouse, S. (7)) regia Blackburn, S, (7) tricolorata Waterhouse, 5. (7) vartabilis (Donovan), 8. (1) viridicincta Waterhouse, 8, (Castiarina) adelaidae Hope, &. (C) argillacea Carter, S. (C) cupreoflava Saunders, 8. (CJ decemmaculaia (Kirby), &. (C) flavapicra (Boisduval), S.. (C) grata Saunders, S. (C.) rufipennis (Kirby), S. (C) sexplagiata Gory, §, (C) simulata Gory & Laporte, §. (CG) subnorata Carter, §. (C.) subtincta Carter, and S. (GQ) triramosa Thomson, Between one and three karyotypes were made from mitotic metaphase spreads of 17 Spevies, and where more than one was made, there was good agreement, to the nearest percentage, between the relative total chromosome lengths (TCL) and arms, as measured from the enlarged photographic prints, Karyotypes are assigned formulae following Smith (1965). Results Of the 34 species examined, S. nickerli and S. allernata have 4 diploid complement of 20, the resi have 2n = 22, All have an X¥p sex-determining mechanisin (Figs 1, 2). Karyotypes of 17 species are summanzed in Table 1, and eight of these are illustrated in Fig, 3 164 Autosomes are predominantly metacentric, but some of the karyotypes analysed have acrocentrics eg. S. nickerli (autosome 9), S, viridicincta (auto- somes 7 and 10), or submetacentrics eg. S. tricolorata (autosome 10). Changes in arm ratio may be due to pericentric inversion, changes in heterochromatin, or reciprocal translocation (Imai et al. 1977). Karyotype variations due to pericentric inversions in congeners are known in many genera of beetles (Yadav & Pillai 1979). Of the eight species whose karyotypes are illustrated, six (S. porosa, S. nickerli, S. tricolorata, S. goryi, S. alternata, and S. donovani) have an autosomal pair with a nucleolar organizer region (NOR) (Figs 3a, b, d, e, g, h). When present, it is usually on autosome 8 or one of the adjacent chromosomes which are often so close in length that it is difficult to order them exactly. The position of the NOR is either pro-centric on the long arm as in S. porosa, or subterminal as in S. nickerli and S, alternata. (n the latter cases, the distal ends of the arms form satellites. J. A. GARDNER Fig. 1, Late male meiotic metaphase I of Stigmodera (S.) gratiosa, arrow indicates Xy,, bivalent. In §. nickerli and S, alternata, autosome 1 is approximately twice the length of autosome 2, and represents about 22-23% TCL (Table 1). In the other Stigmoderini, autosome | yaries from 1-1.5 x length of autosome 2 and represents only 12-15% TABLE 1. Karyology of 17 species of Stigmoaderini. A = autosomes; superscripts m, sm, sa, a, represent metacentric, submetacentric, subacrocentric and acrocentric respectively; S,M, L = small, medium and large size of X chromosome relative to autosomes; Al% = length of autosome 1 expressed as a Yo TCL; NOR = autosome number on which NOR occurs, where several autosomes are the same length so that the exact order cannot be determined, the number is given as a group; — indicates that no NOR was discerned. Taxon Stigmodera (Stigmodera) cancellata 10 A™ goryi 10 A™ gratiosa 10 A macularia 1OA porosa 10 A™ roei 10 A" S. (Themognatha) alternata 9 Am barbiventris 10 A™ chevrolati 7 Am donovan 1A heros io A" mitchelli 9 An nickerli 8 Am regia 9 AM tricolorata 9 A™ eariabilis 8 A” Viridicincta 8 Am Formula x Al% NOR x™y, S 17 ~ xy, 8 13 7-8 Xy, S 13 = xy, L 18 ak xy, L 18 7-8 xy, L 16 _ AMY, S 22 8 X"Y5 5 15 — 3A™ + XM, S 13 —_ xy, $ 14 6-8 xy, L 15 — 1A® + Xy, S) 12 = 1A® + xy, S 23 8 TA® act Xy, M 12 _ 1A 4 X*y, S 13 7-8 2A + X*y, S 13 71-9 2A*® + X¥y S 15 — BUPRESTID KARYOTYPES | S ws Fig. 2. Male merone metaphase {1 of Srigmodera regia (A) 10 A + y; (B) 10 + X. TCL S&S. (Themognatha), or 13-18% TCL Stig- modera (Sensu stricto). The most distinctive difference between species is the relative size of the X chromosome (see Table 1). In some species e.g. §. porosa and S. heros, the X approaches the largest autosome in length, but in most it is one of the smallest, In the majority of species the arms of X are unequal, often markedly so, and the X is heterochromatic as indicated by both the differential staining and its diphasic form. A chromosome appears diphasic when the euchromatic arms condense earlier and the split between their chromatids becomes clearly visible, whereas the condensation of the hetero- chromatic arms proceeds more slowly and the chromatids remain jointly coiled for a longer time (Smith & Virrkj 1978). Discussion The study of 34 species of Stigmoderini indicates generic stability of chromosome number. The limited data on other buprestids support this eg. the four species of Agrilus studied by Smith (1949, 1953) have 20 or 22; the three species of Dicerca reported bave 20 (Smith 1953), and two species of Sternocera have 26 (Asana ef al, 1942). The differences in chromosome number of S, /7)) nickerli and S. (T.) alternata, with 2n = 20 may be due to Robertsonian rearrangements. Centric fusion or fission are suggested when there is a change in the number of chromosomes, but not in the total number of major chromosome arms (the fundamental number). The centric fusion of two acrocentric autosomes such as 7 and 10 of S. virideineta could have given rise to a karyotype such as §. alternata with nine metacentric autosomal pairs. The fused chromosomes would approximate in size the large relative length of chromosome 1. On the other hand, translocations have played an important role in the karyotype evolution of beetles (Virkki 1984). The large size of autosome 1 in S, nickerli and S, alternata (22% TCL) may have evolved from a karyotype similar to the other Stigmodera by translocation of one of the smaller autosomes (6-9% TCL) on to autosome | (12-18%), followed by a pericentric inversion which resulted in the new autosome | reverting to a metacentric. The preponderance of species with 2n = 20 + XYp in Stigmoderini suggests that 22 chromosomes may be the ancestral condition of the tribe, with the complements of S. nickerli and S, alternate being apomorphic. The Xyp sex-determining mechanism has been recorded in ten of the 2! species of Buprestidae reported by Smith & Virkki (1978), the others had XY, Xy, neo-XY or XO, Crowson (1981) maintained that it is the most primitive condition, and is suspected to have been a feature of the ancestors of the Endopterygota at the beginning of the Permian period, although this question is still under 166 J. A. GARDNER >) Rf AR RX VE AN AK AAG A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Xy CPU RCH RL TL UE G3HE a >) (aca Qe ee eee (PE ACM A e RK XI KY fa NB Sk ERE AK Bea F {] TX UK SR MK AR ax ax TR RAY: ¢ ( (1 CF CU UR ER ima HAR URN AR OCR NC aaa 5pm Fig. 3. Male karyotypes derived from mitotic metaphase plates. (A) Stigmodera porosa; (B) S, tricolorata; (C) S. viridicincta; (D) S. danovani; (E) S. goryi; (F) S. heros; (G) S, nickerli; (H) S. alternata. Arrows indicate NORs, all karyotypes are at the same scale. debate. Opinions about the mechanism of pairing It is probable that the variation in relative size Xp and yp have oscillated between nucleolar and — of the X chromosome is due to the duplication or chiasmate modes and there is now evidence for both deletion of constitutive heterochromatin which associations (Virkki 1984), could occur without deleterious effects. Structural BUPRESTIN KARYGTYPES 167 alterations such as translocations also may have been responsible for some of the variation ohserved. Variations in the X chromosome do not correspond to species groups formed on the basis of other characters (Gardner 1986!). Crowson (1981) asserted that chromosomal features of Coleoptera do not provide very reliable characteristics of taxa at higher levels, though he noted Lwo exceptions: superfamily Cantharoidea in which all 25 species studied have an XO sex- determining mechanism; and superfamily Curculionoidea In which the karyotypes of all species studied are derived from a basic ten autosomal pairs, not nine Blackman (1980) in his study of 180 species of Aphidae expressed a similar opinion, although he found that in ecneral, chro- mosome data corroborate peheric concepts since there is a clear tendency for the chromosome number to be stable ar chis level, and chat differences in chromosome numbers sometimes agree with recognized subgeneric groupings Yadav & Pillai (1979) in their study of phylo- fenetic relationships of genera and subfamilies of Scarabaeidae, placed considerable importance on chromosome number which they found varies from nh = 6-11, with 150 of the [94 species having the modal number ofn = 10. They considered the wo tribes Adorrhinyptiini and Adoretini to be closely related because they both have 2n — 22. However, the occurrence of 2n = 221n two genera rom other subfamilies, Georrupes and Dynemepus, not considered taxonomically close on other grounds was considered to be parallelism, My exploratory chromosome studies of Stig- moderiai support the general observation of generi stability in chromesome number and suggest that GARDNER, J. A. (1986) Revision of the higher categories of Stigmioderini (Coleoptera: Buprestidac) Ph.D, Thesis, University of Adelaide, Unpwil. karyology may he useful in delimiting species groups, §. sickerfiand § alternate which both have 20 chromosomes are morphologically very similar. The use of C-banding techniques when more maternal becomes available could provide insights into the relationships between the complements of 20 and 22, the evolution of the acrocentrics, and the evolution of the X chromosome: Coleopteran cytogenctics is still in its infancy because of the small size of the chromosomes and associated problems of obtaining high quality karyotypes, 50 perhaps il 1s too catly to assess its use in systematics, Uniformity of many of the gross chromosomal features supports the naturalness of Srigmoderini a8 a group, but gives less scope for elucidating relationships within the wibe. More detailed karyological analyses in the futuré may provide valuable phylogenetic information, and be useful at the level of species eroup. Acknowledgments. This work was supported by.a Commonwealth Postgraduate Award and an Australlan Mijseurn Trust Postgraduate Award, and undertaken in the Department cf Zoology, University of Adelaide For the provision of fresh specimens [ am in- debied to Mr A, Sundholm, Mrs N. Cawthorne, and Mr M. Hanlon, all of Sydney. For theiy constructive commeris on an earlier draft of this manuscript ] thank Dr M. Mahony, South Australian Museum, Dr D. Hayman, Depart- ment of Genetics, and Dr M. Davies, Department of Zoology, University of Adelaide, Tam grateful to Dr S, Barker for his support and supervision, Dr G. Browning fur instruction in Karyological techniques, arid Mr P. Kempster for assistance in preparing the plates. I especially. thank my husband, Doug, for his constant encouragement and for accompanying me on collecting trips across the continent in search of live material. References ASANA, J. J, MARINO, Sid Nugama, H. (1942) A chro- mosamal survey of some Indian insects. 1V; On the sex chromasomes cf same species of beetles (Coleoptera), Cytalagia 12, 187-205. BiackMan, R. L. (L980) Chroniosomie numbers in the ARBITER, and their taxonomic significance. Syst, Ent. 5, 7-25, Crowson, R. A. (1981) “The biolagy of Coleoptera". (Academic Press, Londen), Imaal, H. T., Crozier, R. H. & Tayior, R. W. (1977) Karyotype evolution in. Australian ants. Chromosoma (Berl) 3, 341-393. Surth, & G, (1949) Evolutionary changes in the sex chromosomes of Coleoptera, 1, Wood Borers of the genus Agrilus. Kvolution 3, 344-357, es sy Aals cyto-taxonomy of Coleoplers. Cen. Ene. —— (1953) Chromosome numbers of Colcoptora. Heredity J, 31-38. —— {1965} Cytological species-separation in Asiatic Exvehomus (Coleaptera: Coceinellidae), Cart. £ Genet. Cyto), 1, 363-373, -—- & VIRKKC, N. (1978) “Animal cytogenetics, Yot. 3; Insects 5 Coleoptera", (Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin). Stevens, N, M, (1904) Stuclics in spermatogenesis Ll. Carnegie Inst, Wash. Publ. 46, 33-74. ViRKKI, N, (1984) Chromosomes. J Sharma, A. K. and Sharma, A. (Eds) “Chromosomes in evolution af eukaryotic groups” 1, 41-76 (CRC Press, Boca Raton, Flonda). Yabay, £5. & Piitar, RK. K. (1979) Evolution of karyo types and phylogenetic relations in Scarahacidae. Zoal, Anz 202, 1S-i1h, A NEW SPECIES OF NOTOPLAX (MOLLUSCA: POLYPLACOPHORA: ACANTHOCHITONIDAE), FROM NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA BY K. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES* Summary A new species, Notoplax lancemilnei sp. nov., is described from deep water off central New South Wales, Australia. It most closely resembles N. speciosa Adams but is distinguished from it by the larger, more irregular tegmentum pustules, ridges filling in part of the insertion plate grooves, and by its colour. The new species was trawled by the F.R.V. "Kapala" in 400-500 m of water. KEY WORDS: Chiton, Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae, New South Wales, Australia, Notoptax, new species A NEW SPECIES OF NOTOPLAX (MOLLUSCA: POLYPLACOPHORA: ACANTHOCHITONIDAE), FROM NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA by K. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES* Summary GOWLETT HOLMES, K. L. (1985) A new species of Notoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Acanthocithonidae), from New South Wales, Australia, Trans. R. So, S. Aust. 112, 169-173, 30 November, L988. A new species, Notepliax Jancemilnej sp, nov.,.is described [rom deep water aff central New South Wales, Australia. It most closely resembles N, speciosa Adams but is distinguished from it by the larger, More irregular tezmentum ptistules, ridges filling in part of the insertion plate grooves, and by its colour. The new species was lrawled by the PR, “Kapala” in 400-300 m of water. Key Woros: Chiton, Polyplacophora, Acanthochitonidae, New South Wales, Australia, Nofoplax, new species Introduction The shallow Water chiton fauna of eastern Australia is relatively well known (Iredale & Hull 1927), but few collections of chitons have been made in waters over 50 m in depth. During recent experimental fishing operations in the continental shelf waters of eastern Australia by the ARN, “Kapala”, a number of chitons belonging to the genus Notoplax were collected. Most of these proved to he specimens of Notoplax mayi (Ashby, 1922), but three specimens could not be assigned to any known species of Notoplax and were recognised as belonging to an undescribed species of the genus. This new species is described here. Materials and Methods The material reported here is deposired in the Australian Museum, Sydivey (AM) and the South Australian Museum, Adelaide (SAM), It was trawled by the F.R.V. “Kapala” during experimental fishing operations. All material is preserved in 2% formaldehyde/propylene glycol solution. Ag all specimens are curled, length measurements are along the curved surface, and width measurements aré maximum width, A linear measurement is also given for the holotype. As the radula of the holotype disintegrated during preparation, the radula was removed from one of the paratypes (SAM D18436) for examination under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) using the method of Bande! (1984), Colour descriptions are trom spirit specimens and follow Kormerup & Wanscher (1978), Notoptax Jancemilnei sp. nov. FIGS 1-3, Holotype: AM C151130, partially disarticulated, in spirtt 107 ~ 37.45 mm (39,7 mm linear}, trawled * South Australian Museum, Narth Terrace, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000, by F-RV. “Kapala" at 439 m depth, off Wollongong, N.SW,, Aust., (34°21-19'S, 151°23-25'B), collected by K. Graham, 13.%11,1978. Paratypes; SAM Di8436, one complete specimen (radula removed), in spirit 79 «29.35 mm, with same collection data as holotype AM Ci4899s, complete specimen in spirit, 133 = 39.35 mm, trawled by FRY. “Kapala” at 503-452 m depth, off Sydney, N.SW., Aust., (34°18-23'S, 151°26-23'B), collected by K. Graham, $.xi1.1983. Diagnosis: Large chiton to about 100 mm, Carinated; low elevation; valves small in relation to girdle (Figs JA-D). Tegmentum white; about 30-35% of articulamentum; jugum smooth, about 1/12 width of tegmentum; pustules irregular, “U"- shaped, rounded to almost rectangular. Articulamentum white, slit formula $/1/5, with ridges filling in part of slit grooves. Girdle very fleshy, completely encroaching between valves; colour pinkish white, made up of a brownish red base colour with dense clear spicules: small white sutural tufts (Fig. 2A). Description of Holotype: Tegmentum of anterior valve (Fig, 3A) with five slightly raised radial ribs; seulptured with random pustules, very small, not coalescing, mainly “U"-shaped near apex, becoming larger and irregularly rounded in shape towards outer edge of tegmientum, with very large, irregular pustules on ribs, Slits 5, very short, about 1/10 width of insertion plate, in broad, shallow grooves for 1/4-1/3 width of insertion plate, grooves then filed in with prominent ridge to edge of tegmentum, Median valves (Fig. 3B, D) beaked, anterior edge slightly concave; jugum smooth, narrow, abour 1/12 width of tegmentum, toothed near beak. Lateral and pleural areas separated by low diagonal rib; both areas sculptured with random pustules, pustules very small, mainly “U-shaped near beak, becoming larger and irregularly rounded to almast rectangular toward oufer edge of tegmentum, K. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES Fig 1. Notoplax lancemilnei sp . nov. paratype (AM C148995), A. lateral view, x 1.5; B. dorsal view, x 1.8; C. anterior view, x 1.6; D posterior view, x 1.6. NEW SPECLES OF NUTOPLAX 17 pustules usually Girger on rib. Tegmentum with Aumerous random acstheres on and in between pustules (Fig. 2B). Slut 1, short, about 1/6 width of insertion plate, in broad, shallow groove 3/4-4/5 width of insertion plate, groove bordered by distinct ridges which merge (6 form a broad ridge filling in the groove ta edge of tegmentumy slit, groove and ridge angled sharply posieriorly agmss insertion plate. Posterior valve (Fig, 3C, E, F) tegmentuat longer than wide; jugum smooth, narrow, weakly toothed near mucro. Abternucronal area sculptured with random, irregular “U-shaped to almost rectangular pustules, very small near mucro, becoming larger towards outer edge of teymentum. Mucro granulose, in posterior |/4 of tegmentum; postmucronal area slightly convex, steep, sculptured like antemuctonal area With four ribs of larger, irregular, rounded pustules, Slits 5, shon, 15-14 width of insertion plate, in deep groeves 4 to-almost whole width of insertion plate, grooves bordered by distinct ridges which merge to form ridges like on median valves to edge of tegmmentum, Cilrdle large, very fleshy, completely encroaching between valves, densely covered with numerous clear, long (15-3 mm), thin (90-100 ym), very slightly curved, sharp-tipped spicules, Sutural tufts small, with many clear, straight, sharp-tipped spicules (1-2.5 mm long, 70.100 pm wide}. Ctenidia numerous, merobranchial, abanal, 33 on right side and 36 on Iefi, tapering large to small anteriorly. The radula distntegrated during preparation but examinatwon of the fragments showed u ro be identical to the radula extracted from [he paratype (SAM DI8436). Etymology; Named for Mr K, Lance Milne (1915-) who, as arr avid collector of chitons from many parts oF the world, has made sipniticant contributions to the collections of SAM, In particulary, his Jarge, diverse collection of chitons in spirit forms the basis of SAM’s present significant spirit collection of chitons. He also published several papers on chitons, including descriptions of several new species from eastern Australia. His continuing enthusiasm and support for work on chitons in Australia is greatly appreciated. Additional Characters fram Paratypes: Radula (Fig, 2C,D) with central teeth narrower basally, with wider, asymmetrical, concave heads: first lateral teeth forming large folds around central eth, one on higher side of central tooth longer than other; major lateral teeth elongate, narrower basally, with wider tricuspidate heads, central cusp about twice qs long as Outer cusps, central cusp with a shallow dorsal groove either side of median ridge. Foriaion; Orher than sninor variations in sculpture, the two paratypes are like che holotype and vary only in the number of gills, The smaller paratype has a similar number of pills to the holotype, with 34 ctenidia on right and 33 cenicia on left sides, As the other paratype is much larger than the holotype, it has more gills. with 44 crenidia on right and 39 ctenidia ou left sides, In this larger paratype, the anterigr jueum of the posterior valve breaks up into a series of large “U'"-shaped pustules, This feature may be related to wrealer maturity of the specimen. Kange, Central New South Wales, Australia, Hoabitar. Unknown. Trawled in 400-500 m depeh. Comparisan with other species: N. lancemiinei was compared with other species of Wafeplax in the collections of AM, SAM, the Museums of Victoria, Melbourne (NMV), che Western Australian Museum, Perth (WAM) and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart (TM). Ic most closely resembles WV. speciosa (I, Adams, 1861) but can be distinguished by the characters given in Table 1, Both N. lancemilnei and N- speciosa can be distinguished from other Australian species of Noreplax by their large size and the large, fleshy girdle with long, fine spicules completely encroaching between the relatively small valves. Remarks; An unusual feature of N. lancemilnes is the asymmetrical heads of the central teeth of the radula, This feature has not been recorded lor any other member of the family, However. | have found it also in two other species, both of uncertain systematic status, in the family. A more detailed examination of radulae of species in the Acanthochitonidae is required to establish (he extent of this unusual feature, The only other record of central radula teeth with asymmetric heads in the Polyplacophora is for Choriplax grayi (H, Adams & Angas, 1864), the sole member of the family Choriplacidae (Gowlett-Holmes 1987), The current restricted range of N. lancemilnet is a reflection of the few collections of chitons that have been made in deep warer in Australian seas This range undoubtedly will be extended when further collections of chitons from deep water are made. Acknowledgments I thank Ms S. Morris, British Museum (Natural History), London, for the loan of a synitype of N, speciosa (BMNH 1951.2.7.2/1), and the follawing curators and collection managers for providitiy dala and specimens from collections held by their respective institutions: Mr 1. Lach GAM), Ms 8. Boyd (NMV), Dr EF, E. Wells (WAM) and Ms E. Turner (TM). The photographs were taken by Mrs J, Forrest and Ms A. Renfrey (SEM). Mr I, K. Grant 172 kK. L. GOWLETT-HOLMES Fig. 2. Notoplax lancemilnei sp. noy. A. girdle and sutural tuft, paratype, scale bar = 1 mm (AM C148995); B. detail of tegmentum surface showing aesthetes, holotype, scale bar = 100 wm (AM C151130); C. radula, paratype, scale bar = 100 ym (SAM D18436); D. radula, detail of major lateral teeth heads, paratype, scale bar = 100u4m (SAM D18436). is thanked for his assistance with Fig. 3. Dr D. by a grant from the Keith Sutherland Award, Duckhouse and Ms T. Cochran are thanked for administered by AM. critical comments. This work was supported in part References BANDEL, K. (1984) The radulae of Caribbean and other IREDALE, T. & Hutt, A. F. B, (1927) “A Monograph of Mesogastropoda and Neogastropoda Zool. Verhandl. the Australian Loricates (Phylum Mollusca-Order Leiden 214, 1-188, pls 1-22. Loricata)”. (Royal Zoological Society of New South Gow ett-Hotmes, K. L. (1987) The suborder Wales, Sydney). Choriplacina Starobogatov & Sirenko, 1975 with a Kornerurp, A & WawmscHer, J. H. (1978) “Methuen redescription of Choriplax grayi (H. Adams & Angas, Handbook of Colour. 3rd Edition.” (Eyre Methuen, 1864) (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). Trans. R, Sec. 8. London.) Aust. 111(2), 105-110. NEW SPECIES OF NOTOPLAX Fig. 3. Notoplax lancemilnei sp. nov. holotype (AM-C151130), A. anterior valve; B. median valve; C, posterior valve; D. median valve (posterior profile); E, posterior valve (posterior profile); F. posterior valve (lateral profile); scale bar = 2 mm, TABLE lL. Distinguishing characters af Nowoplax speciosa and N. lancemilnei sp, rav; Character aac. > > —x—xX—Xs—a—s!!:_—“_- Or Tegmentum colour Girdle colour Sutural tuft colour Pustules on valves Insertion plate slit length (width insertion plate) 1, anterior valve 2. median valves Insertion plate slit grooves Ctenidia each side Radula 1. central teeth 2. major lateral teeth N. speciosa coloured orange, ureyish to brownish orange orange small 1/5-1/4 about 1/3 grooves to edge of tegmentum, no ridges 26-32. head symmetrical central cusp of head about 4 times as long as ouler cusps N. lancemilnei witite a pinkish white white larger, more irregular 1/12 about 1/6 grooves partly to edge of tegmentum, ridges rest of way 33-44 head asymmetrical central cusp of head abour twice as long as ouler vusps ACCUMULATION OF PERIPHYTON ON ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATA NEAR SEWAGE SLUDGE OUTFALLS AT GLENELG AND PORT ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA BY V. P. NEVERAUSKAS Summary BRIEF COMMUNICATION ACCUMULATION OF PERIPHYTON ON ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATA NEAR SEWAGE SLUDGE OUTFALLS AT GLENELG AND PORT ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Two sewage sludge outfalls are sited in seagrass meadows offshore from the metropolitan area of Adelaide (Fig. 1). There has been extensive loss of the seagrasses Posidonia (P sinuosa and P. angustifolia} and Amphibolis (A. antarctica and A. griffithii) around the Port Adelaide sludge outfall! and plants in partially-affected areas have an increased abundance of epiphytes on their leaves?, | | SGUTH AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE | biomass reflected the pattern of seagrass loss. Lesser effects have apparently occurred on seagrasses near the Glenelg sludge outfall?. The aim of this study was to compare increases in epiphyte biomass at sites adjacent to the two outfalls. Underwater observations indicated that in late summer extensive mats of algae developed throughout the denuded + ESITE No.1 SITE No.2 + = GLENELG SITE No.3: STW A SLUDGE OUTFALL GO EFFLUENT OUTFALL <3 STORMWATER DISCHARGE 3 6 9 — + i SCALE IN KILOMETRES Fig. 1. Study area and sites for deployment of artificial substrata. Increased growth of epiphytes in response to increased nutrient levels in the water is an apparent cause of the decline of seagrass beds* and studies with artificial substrata indicated thal the rate of increase of epiphyte area at Port Adelaide. There were signs of increased algal growth near Glenelg but no such mats developed, suggesting that seagrass epiphyte growth may have been reduced in that area. 16 The accuniulstion of epiphyte bieniass referred was Periphyton®) on dilificial subsirala was assessed at three sites (Fig. 1). Site | was $00m N of the Port Adelaide sludge ourtall, covncidenr with a site used ina previous study? Site 3 was in a Similar position relative to the Glenelg sludge outfall and site 2 was 4 control site situated. in apparently healthy scagrass meadows, The depth of wuler al cach site was approximately 13m. 150 substrata were deployed at each site in the early part of November 1986 2th sub-sumpled at monthly intervals for five months. The dimensions of the substrata, their mode of deployment, collection and processing, have been described previously*. The design of this study was simple and it was essentially unreplicated, tf did nor Measure Within-site Vaciabilily nor was up ustimute roade of variabilily between different cantrol sites, Underwater observations. did, however, indicate Whaceach site was homogenvous over a large area and site [ has been surveyed in detail!, Periphyton biomass accumulation has heen studied at a number of differen) contre! syes? and tiese factors suongly supvested thaLahe above sources af Variiinn were small compared co the variation between experimental anc vonlral stiles, Se ei hl 4 2 gbatiee o « ae 2 abemees —— ow u OI “ € DAY wt. 00 am SUBSTRATE ge EXAOSUNE TIME Devs! Flip, 2. Changes tn dry weight a! substrata due in accumulation ef petlplivton. Meay « S.D. (n = 5), Changes in the dry wowhrt of substrara, as a result of the accumulation of periphylon, er slowe in Fig 2 AC all times the mean value of dry weightian substrata at Ure cuulrol site was below thar recorded st rhe experimental sites. There were ulsu differences between tliese Iwo sites, Periphyton biomass accumulalion was initially greater al Site 3, adjavent. to the Glenelg outfall than at site |, adjacent 10 the Port Adelaide outfall, After this inital result however, periphyton biomass accumulalion was eieater and reached higher values at site 1. Detailed studies at the Port Adelaide outfall have indicated that (he most important lactor Uelerpiging ie distribution of sludge is tidal flow. [is oriented in a north- south direcrion and as a result sludge is mostly confined 10 a narrow Strip north and south of the outfall, The 40 ia) on Int ~ Wo oy Cilenelg outfall has nat been smidicd in [he same detail but itis Known that the tidal flow ts similurio that at Port Adelaide both in strengtl: und direction”. The two experimental sites used in this study wore directly north of each outfall and therctare influenced by Sludge. a ref saurce ol soluble nitrogen and plusphorus, The composnon and concentration uf these nutrients in sludge discharged Jrom both Sewage Treatment Works (STW) are similar. Jischarge rates are similar but au average Of 480kL of sludge is daily distharged Fron Glenelg STW and 280kL. from Port Adelaide STW. [t is likely that the initial differences between the substrata at the corresponding sites Was a reflection of a greater availability of nutrients at Glenelg, Lhe differences between the biomass estiinates on the substrala at the experimental sites during February and March were associated with distinct changes at the twa sites, At Port Adelaide large algae developed! and, allached Lo residual sedurass fibre with its associated mussel beds. formed extensive mats up to 50cm in depth, They were sinilsrly prominent on the artificial substrata, Though it remained visibly grearer than at the contral site, sueh growth of algae did not occur around the Glenelg outfall and no large algae developed on the substrata deployed there. During the last month of exposure, periphyton biomass ar Porr Adelante decreased sharply. The early part of HULU iy Oflu associated with the first significant storms Of the year and large algae are physically removed from ihe area®. Other observations suggested thal a similar mechanisis may have affecred the accumulation of periphyton biamass at Glenely. When the substrata were sampled divers noted that at Port Adelaide the water column was calm except tor tidal movendent, At Glenelg a distinct swell was consistently present and this resulted in vigarDus mation of the substrata over anc above their response to [he tide, While no dats are available lo compare the incident wave cnerey al ihe twa sites, Ihe gradient of the sewtloon the Presence of offshore shoals ac Point Malcolm and the presones of erosion cusps within seayrss beds south of Poine Malcolm indicare thar wave energy differs benween the two sites”, Ibis possible thai he initially higher peciphyion biomass.at the Glenelg site was a reflection of a Faster growth rate of algae. As they became larges, however, they were yemoved by wave action and this resulted in smaller increases in periphyton biomass relative 10. the Port Adelaide site. In Western Austtalia he species of periphyton tound on ariilicial subsb ate were simnilac to the epiphytes found on the leaves of Posidenta austratis", Weis likely that the same applies itv the piescund otudy, The respome of periplyloi ke iiceedsed levels OF nutrients, from sludge, may therefore indicare rhe response of scagtass ¢plpliytes. under the same conditions. The cesully presented above suggest that seagrasses in the vicinity of the CHenele, ouifall do nar agoumulate quantitics of epiphytes ay lary ay (hose which wccumulied of Seagrasses around the Port Adelaide ourfall. Individual species of epiphytes may: grow faster ar the former sic but duc to prearer Incident wave enemy (hey we removed Hort Ute scape before hey blankel and burden the leaves ay chev do at Port Adelaide, Thus one of the major factors known to cause the decline of seagrass beds seems to be reduced at the Glenelg sludge outfall. This may help to account for the apparently large differences between the extent of seagrass decline ’Neverauskas, V. P. (1985) Proc, 1985 Australasian Conf. ,Coastal Ocean Eng, 1. 193-202. -Neverauskas, V. P. (1987) Mar, Pollut, Bull. 18, 158-164, ‘Cambridge, M. L., Chiffings, A. W., Brittan, C, Moore, L. & McComb, A, J. (1986) Aquat. Bot, 24, 269-285. 4Neverauskas, V. P. (1987) Est. Coastal Shelf Sci. 25, 509-517. 5Caldwell Connell Engineers. (1981) Sludge disposal from Glenelg STW appendix A. Biological survey at outlet. Rept. to Engineering & Water Supply Depi, Adelaide. Unpubl, Silberstein, K., Chiffings, A. W. & McComb, A. J. (1986) Aquat. Bot. 24, 355-371. 177 around this outfall’ and the extent of decline around the Port Adelaide sludge outfall!. I thank Steve Slack and Debra Mooney for their capable assistance. ?Neverauskas, V. P, (1987) Port Adelaide Sewage Treatment Works sludge outfall. Effect of discharge on the adjacent marine environment. Final Report. Engineering & Water Supply Dept, Adelaide. Rept. 87/28. ’Petrusevies, P. M. (1982) Offshore water studies — metropolitan Adelaide. Coastal Management Branch, Dept Environment & Planning, Adelaide. Rept. 82/9. Shepherd, S. A. & Sprigg, R. C. (1976) In C. R. Twidale, M. J. Tyler & B. P. Webb (Eds) “Natural History of the Adelaide Region”, (R. Soc. S. Aust., Adelaide). ‘0Silberstein, K. (1985) The effect of epiphytes on seagrasses in Cockburn Sound. Dept Conservation & Environment, Perth. Bulletin. 135. Vv. P. NEVERAUSKAS, State Water Laboratory, Engineering & Water Supply Dept, Private Mail Bag, Salisbury, S, Aust. 5108. BRIEF COMMUNICATICIN USE OF GROWTH RINGS TO DETERMINE AGE IN THE FRESHWATER TORTOISE CHELODINA LONGICOLLIS; A CAUTIONARY NOTE Counts of laminar growth rings visible on the shells of freshwater North American testudines have been used uo determine the ages of individual animals'*_. Periods of brumation coincide with the formation of deep grooves in the epidermis of the shel’, which are initially hidden in he interlaniinal seams, They become visible aher spring growth commences forming. a ridge delineating the outer edge of the groove! and the spreading of the interlaminal seams brings the groaves to the surface. kor north temperate species®, a “year” can be added to the kiown age af individwtals When (he eroove becomes visible, ‘The grooves are genetally known ss growth rings’, Coincident with the recammencentent of growth ix the formation at a new, deeper layer of epidermis*. The margin of the plale of scute epidermis taid down jh the previous season's growth is delineated by the grawth ring formed at the coimihencement of the next season of growth, Old layers of epidermis may he retained in terrestrial testudines®, but in aquatic species they are usually shed, either as single * or, eventitally, multiple layers”. Repeated seute eedysis causes growth rings to weaken then. disappear’, Temporary cessation of erowth during the growing season may result in the formation in many species of shallow grooves, termed minor erawth rings*?, Hawever, minor growth rings ace not associared with the formation of a new layer of epidermis”. Measurement of the gaps between major growth rings, topether with counts of their number, have been used to determine growth rates in any particular past year™!2, Determination of age based on counts of growth rings tequires That the lumber of prowth tings produced by a sample of the population over along period of time be koown, and the onty satisfactory means of determtining the periodicity of growth ring production is (6. conduct caplive-recapture exercises’ over several years. Usually, it is assumed that only one major growth ring is formed annually". and for north temperate species this TABLE 1, STATION SPECIES assumption is; normally valid®. However, the assumption that only one growth ring is [ormed annually by 4 particular population of 4 species is not always verified, The technique of aging has been applied to an ‘Australian species (Pseudemydura umbrina) by Burludge") The technique of determining growth tares has been applied to Chelodina longicollis by Parmenter" and, with reservations, (a C. fongicallis and two other Australian species (Emydura macquarii and Chelodina expansa) by Chessman'. Although verification of the annual deposition of growth rings was undertaken by Burbidge for the populations of Psewdemydura umobrina’’, were is no clear indication that the periodicity of deposition of growth rings has been determined for populations of C. longicollis. Parmenter developed an argument inferring that annual deposition of growth rings occurred in C fongicollis, because the species ceases to grow during annual brumation; but there Is tq evidence that he verified the conclusion ?, Chessman initially assumed that growth rings were deposited annually, but on comparison with growth rates, a9 determined on recapture, he concluded that the deposition of growth tings may be affected by growth rate, and thay major ‘prowih rings may have been confised with minor rings Parmenter extrapolated fram conclusions relevant to North American species to Cl longicollis; but North Aunetican winters are longer and more severe than winters in the range of C. /ovgécol/is. Daily mean temperatures in the mid west of the United States differ by about 25°C between mid Summer and mid Winter!* (Table 1), but the difference is only 14°C at Armidale, near where Parmenter undertook his field study, The activity periad for Kinosternon flavescens in Oklahonia is 140 days’, but Parmenter reports an activity period of 250-280 disys for ¢. longicollis, Without marked annual temperarure cycles the growth of turtle scales is often even and free of interruptions'?. On the coastal plain of the Gulf af Daily Mean Temperatures at Meteorological Stations Near Testudine Study Sites Tulsa, Ok, UVS.A. Lansing. Mi, U.S.A. Omaha, Ne, USA, Sr Louis, Mi, USA, Kunsas City, Ks, U.S.A, Phoenix, Az, U.S.A. New Orleans, La, U.S.A Colon, Panama Armidale, N.S.W., Ausi. Melbourne, Vic., Aust. Mildura, Vic., Aust. Adelaide, S.A., Aust. CArysemys pictat Chelydra serpentinu® Psendemys svripia’ Terrapene ornata® Psendemys scripts? Chelodina longicollis" Cheladina langicollis'* Chelodina longicollis'* Cheludina longivollis'’ Kinasternon flayescers= Kimosternon sonoriense Sterrothaerus curinatus DAILY MEAN °C =TEMPERATURE*C MID-SUMMER MIDWINTER 27.9 2.9 IL -4.3 25.8 =§.4 26.4 a4 27.2 -,7 a 32.9 10.4 28.4 13.2 26.4 24.8 20,4 6 19.9 9.6 24.1 19.1 22.6 11,2 Source of climatic data — “World Survey of Climiatology™, cd. H,E. Landsberg, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (0975), References are (oO sues undertakem in vicinity of stations. tRIL Mexico, the Winters are more aivderate, with daily mean temperature differences of about 13'C!*, On the plain the growih rings were not as clear in Sternotherus odaratus as they were in emydid turtles, and the need for caution in their unverified use for age determinution was emphasised’”. Further south the climate ts ever’ more equable (‘Table 1). Colon, Panama, is close to the study sites of Moll & Leuter®, yer they noted the formation of up to four major growth rings ina single year in a population of Pseudemys seripia, Their conclusion was that growth rings are not necessarily related (Qo temperalure variation, and aliribuled the formation of growth rings in this population to cessation of feeding during periads of flooding’. Cagle stated thal any interruption in the supply of food or in the ability of the individual to utilise food may result inthe formation ofa major growrh ring’, and Chessman reports minimal stomach conteils in ofe population of €. fangtcollis in both mid-Summer and Winter'*, perhaps because Duplnio carinuta was the major food item in that population, and PB carinala can exbibil 4 Uiphasie annual population eycle”7, Hence the potential exists for multiple annual production of growth rings by populations of C. longicollis, Here 1 record the number of growth rings formed in an individual C. /oagicollis over 4 known period. The animal was caught twice during a study ono population of this species which inhabjts a niunaber of ponels on the campus of Roseworthy Agricultural Colluge, 45 kin Nof Adelaide. The animal was firs{ captured on 29.Jan.80) It was numbered using a pattern of drill holes in its niarginal scutes, a technique which often leads to retention of old epidermal layers after seute ccdysis. The drill) holes may heal with a hollow bridge of epidermal tisste connecting ‘Gibbons, J. W, (1968) Capea 1968, 260-268. ?Mahmonud, [. ¥. (1969) Suvthwest, Nat. 1431-66. [Sehwartz, K, B., Schwartz. C. W. & Kiester, A, BR, (1984) Missouri Dept Conserv, Terrestrial Series, (2, 1-29. ‘Sexton, O. 4. (1959) Ecoloey 40, 716-718, “Graham, ‘T. E, (1979) Life history tochmques, tn Harless, M. & Morlock, H. (Rds) “lurtles: perspectives and research”, (Wiley, New York) é ‘Christiansen, J. TL. & Burken, KR. R. ¢1979) Herpetolopion 38, 201-266. TCngle, FR. (1946) Amer Middl. Nat. 36, 68S 729 Lepler, lM. (1960) Cini. Kars, Mus. Nat. tfesi. Publ. ii, 527 669, YMoll, EO. & Lepler, J. Mi, (1971) Aud. Las Angeles Cu. Mus. Nat Hist Set. V1, 1-103, MHutse, Ay CS (1976) 2 Merperol, WW, 341-348. “Branch. W. (1984), daphibia-Reptitia $, 43-53. Burbitye, A. A, (1967). “The biology of south-western Fiz. 1 Anteiror view of nuchal and first right marginal seutes. A, growth ring on bare seule; B, wrowtl) ring on relained epidermal layer; €, drill Irate. the shed epidermal layers of the upper and lower surfaces of the scutes, like a rivet through (te bole The subsequent capture was on 25.Nov.83. Six old epidermal layers were retained on both of the drilled scutes, bul none on the oily scutes, There was one visible growth ting on each of the retained epidermal layers, which corresponded precisely with the margin of the next mosr supecticial retained epidermal layer (Fig. 1), Four yrowth rings which occurred towards the periphery of the bare scutes, corresponded in position Lo the tow! largest growth cings imprinted om the deeper retained epidermal layers on the drilled scutes. Tr was concluded that these growth rings were of the major Lype- Six had been produced in three vears and ten months. I contend that it is not valid to assume that one growth Ting is produced in each year by C /onpicollis: yerificatian of the periodicity of production of growth rings is required for anv population under study. Australian tortoises”. Ph.D. Thesis, Univernty of Western Australia, Unpubl, OpPurmenter, Cd (1976) “The naniral history of ihe Australian treshwarer turtle Chelodina longicollis Shay (Testudinata, Chelidag)”. Ph. Thesis. University of New England, Unpubt. “Chessman, B. C. (1978) “Ecological studies of freshwater turtles in south-eastern Australia", Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, Unpubl, “Burbidge, A. A. (1981) Aust. Wilds, Res: 8, 203-223. 'SLandsberp, H. E. (1971) “World survey of climatology” (Elsevier, Aunsterdam), ; !"Tinkle, BD. W. (1958) Tulane Seve, Zool. 6, 1-56. “Stont, & (1987), Aust Wildl Res. 14, §59-567. Carr, A, F (1952) “Handbook of turtles: the turtles wf the United States, Canada and Baja Calilonnia’, (Cornell tiniv. Press, New York). “Mitchell, HD. & Williams, W. 1. (1982) dust. 0 Mar Frowhw, Res. 33, 989-997, PHILLIP STOTT, Dept. of Zoology, University of Adelaide, GY'O Box 498, Adelaide, S.Aust 3001 and Koseworthy Agricultural College. THE EUROPEAN SHORE CARB, CARCINUS MAENAS IN THE CORONG - A POTENTIAL THREAT TO LOCAL FISHERIES BY W. ZEIDLER Summary BRIEF COMMUNICATION THE EUROPEAN SHORE CRAB, CARCINUS MAENAS IN THE COORONG — A POTENTIAL THREAT TO LOCAL FISHERIES This note is to record the presence of the European Shore Crab, Carcinus maenas (Linn.) (Fig. 1), in the Coorong, South Australia, and to alert agencies lo the Fig. 1, Carvinus maenas ot trom West Lakes, S.A. damaping effects it may have on the ecology of the Coorong and hence the local fishing industry, should it become established. Ten years ago! | recorded the occurrence of C. muenas in S. Aust, and gave a brief overview of its introduction to Australia and current distribution. In 8. Aust. the species had been restricted to the Outer Harbour, West Lakes and Port River areas, habitats it typically favours. It was thought at the time that natural spread was unlikely due to unsuitable habitats along the coast, but that introduction via ships’ fouling and ballast was possible. Such an introduction appears to have occurred at Hallett Cove, 25 km 8. of Adelaide, by shipping activities at the nearby oil refinery at Port Stanvac*. The recent capture of a specimen from the Coorong, however, if it is not an isolated specimen, suggests that the dispersal abilities of the crab have been underestimated, The Coorong specimen, a mature male (carapace 85 mm « 635 mm), was caught by a local fisherman, Mr W, Ayres, in December 1986 near “Ti Tree” about 6 km SE, of Tauwitchere Barrage, (ubout 20 km from the Murray River mouth). If was mottled light brown-grey in colour but specimens are usually grey-green. Just how this specimen gZOt into the Coorong is open to conjecture. Most shipping activities in the Coorong are recreational and passage through the mouth is considered hazardous. and is rarely altempted, Similarly, it is doubtful that a relatively poor swimmer such as C. #@enas? (or its larvae) could have entered the Coorong by this route on ils own. The possibility that is is an isolated case of human transfer cannot be ruled out but seems unlikely, While C. maenas may not be of much ecological significance in the already degraded Port Adelaide-Outer Harbour area!, its potential effect on the fauna of the Coorong is unknown. Its aggressive, non-selective predatory habits have already made it a pest in New England, U.S.A., where it is the major predator of the commercially harvested soft-shell clam, Mya arenari Linn.*. It has also recently been recorded from South Africa where laboratory experiments have shown that it is a potential predator of a number of local molluscs and perhaps other marine life. Should C. maenas become established in the Coorong it may become a major predator of a variety of local fauna and could alter (he ecology of the Coorong Lagoon sufficiently to threaten the local fishing industry, 182 The current status of C. maenas in the Coorong is unknown and no more specimens have been forthcoming from fishermen since the initial discovery. Future monitoring of the situation is essential because once established, C. maenas could be difficult to control in a semi-closed system such as the Coorong. More important however, is to establish how this animal initially arrived in the Coorong so that future access can be prevented. I am grateful to Bill Ayres, Meningie, for bringing the specimen to my attention-and for trying to capture more specimens. Zeidler W. (1978) S. Aust. Nat. 53(1), 11-12. ;Rosenzweig, P. A. (1984)S. Aust. Nat. 59(1), 18-19. Joska, M. A. & Branch, G. (1986) African Wildlife 40(2), 63-65. Hanks R. W. (1961) Proc. Natn. Shellfish Assoc. 52, W. ZEIDLER, South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, S. Aust. 5000. ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR DONALD DUNSTAN, K.B.E., C.B. OFFICERS FOR 1988-89 President: G. M. E. MAYO, B.Ag.Sc., Ph.D., DUniv. Vice-Presidents: T. D. SCOTT, M.Sc., Dip.Ed. C. J. M. GLOVER, J.P., M.Sc. Secretary: Treasurer: G. A. CROOK, B.Sc. C. B. WELLS, E.D., M.Ag.Sc. Editor: Assistant Editor: M. DAVIES, M.Sc., Ph.D. V. A. GOSTIN, M.Sc., Ph.D. Librarian: M. ANTHONY, A.L.A.A. Programme Secretary: D. J. WILLIAMS Minute Secretary: Membership Secretary: S. C. MCKILLUP, B.Sc., Ph.D. P. M. THOMAS, M.Sc. Members of Council: R. V. SOUTHCOTT, M.D., D.Sc., DIM&H N. A. LOCKET, M.A., B.M., B.Ch., Ph.D., D.O. B. J. COOPER, B.Sc., Ph.D. R. H. FISHER, E.D., AULA. K. W. INNS, B.Sc., Ph.D. Printed by Graphic Services Pty Ltd, 516-518 Grand Junction Road, Northfield, S.A. 5085