106 STAT. 3796 PUBLIC LAW 102-550—OCT. 28, 1992 into risk-sharing agreements with qualified housing finance agencies. (B) MORTGAGE INSURANCE.—Agreements under subparagraph (A) shall provide for full mortgage insurance through the Federal Housing Administration of the loans for affordable multifamily housing originated by or through qualified housing finance agencies and for reimbursement to the Secretary by such agencies for either all or a portion of the losses incurred on the loans insured. (C) RISK APPORTIONMENT.—Agreements entered into under this subsection between the Secretary and a qualified housing finance agency shall specify the percentage of loss that each of the parties to the agreement will assume in the event of default of the insured multifamily mortgage. Such agreements shall specify that the qualified housing finance agency and the Secretary shall share equally the full amount of any loss on the insured mortgage. (D) REIMBURSEMENT CAPACITY.—Agreements entered into under this subsection between the Secretary and a qualified housing finance agency shall provide evidence of the capacity of such agency to fulfill any reimbursement obligations made pursuant to this subsection. Evidence of such capacity may include— (i) a pledge of the full faith and credit of a qualified State or local agency to fulfill any obligations entered into by the qualified housing finance agency; (ii) reserves pledged or otherwise restricted by the qualified housing finance agency in an amount equal to an agreed upon percentage of the loss assumed by the housing finance agency under subparagraph (C); (iii) funds pledged through a State or local guaran- tee fund; or (iv) any other form of evidence mutually agreed upon by the Secretary and the qualified housing finance agency. (E) UNDERWRITING STANDARDS.—The Secretary shall allow any qualified housing finance agency to use its own underwriting standards and loan terms and conditions for purposes of underwriting loans to be insured under this subsection without further review by the Secretary, except that the Secretary may impose additional underwriting criteria and loan terms and conditions for contractual agreements where the Secretary retains more than 50 per- cent of the risk of loss. (3) MORTGAGE INSURANCE PREMIUMS.—The Secretary shall establish a schedule of insurance premium payments for mort- gages insured under this subsection based on the percentage of loss the Secretary may assume. Such schedule shall reflect lower or nominal premiums for qualified housing finance agen- cies that assume a greater share of the risk apportioned accord- ing to paragraph (2XC). (4) LIMITATION ON INSURANCE AUTHORITY.—Using any authority provided by appropriations Acts to insure mortgages under the National Housing Act, the Secretary may enter into commitments under this subsection with respect to mortgages on not to exceed 30,000 units over fiscal years 1993, 1994,