106 STAT. 4100 PUBLIC LAW 102-551-OCT. 28, 1992 "(II) such other related activities as the Administrator considers to be consistent with the purposes of this section. "(7) LIMITATION ON ACQUISITION OF INTERACTIVE TELE- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT.—Not more than 40 percent of the amount of any grant made under this subsection may be used to acquire interactive telecommunications end user equipment. "(8) LIMITATION ON USE OF CONSULTANTS.—Not more than 5 percent of the amount of any grant made under this sub- section may be used to employ or contract with any consultant or similar person. "(9) PROHIBITIONS.—Grants made under this subsection may not be used, in whole or in part, to establish or operate a telecommunications network or to provide any telecommuni- cations services for hire. "(c) EXPEDITED TELEPHONE LOANS.—Local exchange carriers located in a qualified local exchange carrier service area shall be eligible to apply for expedited loans under the Rural Electrifica- tion Act of 1936 (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.). The Administrator shall respond to a completed application for such a loan no later than 45 days after receipt. The Administrator shall notify the applicant in writing of its decision regarding each such application. "(d) DEFINITION.—As used in this section, the term 'qualified local exchange carrier service area' means the service area of a local telephone exchange carrier in which the local exchange carrier has a plan approved by the Administrator for upgrading and mod- ernizing the rural telecommunications infrastructure of the service area. The plan shall— "(1) provide for eliminating party line service within the local exchange carrier service area and for other improvements and modernization in rural telephone service; "(2) provide for the enhancement of the availability of edu- cational opportunities or the availability of improved medical care througn telecommunications; "(3) encourage and improve the use of telecommunications, computer networks, and related advanced technologies to pro- vide educational and medical benefits to people in rural areas; and "(4) provide for the achievement of the goals described in subparagraphs (A) through (C) not later than 10 years after the approval of the plan.". Termination (b) EXTENSION OF CHAPTER 1.—Notwithstanding any other 71^01^ provision of law, chapter 1 of subtitle D of title XXIII of the note Food» Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 950aaa et seq.), including the amendments made by this section, shall be effective until September 30,1997. (c) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS.—Section 2335(b) of the Food, Agri- culture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 (7 U.S.C. 950aaa- 4) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: "(8) USE OF APPROPRIATED FUNDS.— "(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subparagraph (B), the Administrator shall make available— "(i) 50 percent of the funds made available pursu- ant to paragraph (3) for grants for end users that are consortia participating in the special program established under section 23.35A; and