PUBLIC LAW 102-552—OCT. 28, 1992 106 STAT. 4139 (k) SECTION 702(hX2) OP THE FOOD, AGRICULTURE, CONSERVA- TION, AND TRADE ACT AMENDMENTS OP 1991.—Section 702(hX2) of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act Amendments of 1991 (Public Law 102-237; 105 Stat. 1881) is amended by insert- 7 use 1991 ing "section" before "2388(hX3)". note (1) SECTION 306C(bXD OF THE CONSOLIDATED FARM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ACT.—Section 306C(bXD of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1926c(bXl)) is amended by striking "or connecting such systems to the residences of such individuals" and inserting ", connecting the systems to the resi- dences of the individuals, or installing plumbing and fixtures within the residences of the individuals to facilitate the use of the water supply and waste disposal systems". (m) SECTION 306C OF THE CONSOLIDATED FARM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT ACT.—Section 306C of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1926c) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: "(£) REGULATIONS.—Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall issue interim final regulations, with a request for public comments, implementing this section.". Approved October 28,1992. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 6125: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 138 (1992): Oct. 4, considered and passed House. Oct. 7, considered and passed Senate.