106 STAT. 4180 PUBLIC LAW 102-555-OCT. 28, 1992 terns operated by the Department of Commerce or any successor agency. 15 USC 5672. SEC. 6O2. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS. Regardless of any change in circumstances subsequent to the enactment of this Act, even if such change makes it appear to be in the national interest to commercialize weather satellites, neither the President nor any official shall take any action prohilh ited by section 601 unless this title has first been repealed. Approved October 28, 1992. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 6133: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 138 (1992): Oct. 5, considered and passed House. Oct. 7, considered and passed Senate. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 28 (1992): Oct. 28, Presidential statement.