106 STAT. 4194 PUBLIC LAW 102-556—OCT. 28, 1992 (4) The term "providing carrier" means a local exchange or interexchange common carrier providing telephone services (other than local exchange services) to a vendor for a telephone- billed purchase that is the subject of a billing error complaint. (5) The term "vendor" means any person who, through the use of the telephone, offers goods or services for a telephone- billed purchase. (6) The term "customer" means any person who acquires or attempts to acquire goods or services in a telephone-billed purchase. TITLE IV—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SEC. 401. PROPOSAL FOB DEMONSTRATING THE POTENTIAL OF INNOVATIVE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND SERV- ICES. (a) DEMONSTRATION PROPOSAL.—Within 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Conservation and Renewable Energy, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Informa- tion, shall submit to Congress a proposal for demonstrating the ability of new and innovative communications equipment and serv- ices to further the national goals of conserving energy and protecting public health and safety. (b) FACTORS To BE ADDRESSED.—The demonstration proposal required by subsection (a) shall address— (1) the feasibility of using communications technologies to read meters from remote locations; (2) the feasibility of managing the consumption of electrical power and natural gas by residences and businesses, thereby reducing the demand for new and additional sources of energy, and controlling the cost of providing unproved utility services; and (3) the public safety implications of monitoring utility serv- ices outages during earthquakes, hurricanes, typhoons, torna- does, volcanoes, and other natural disasters. (c) PROJECT To DEMONSTRATE ENERGY CONSERVATION POTEN- TIAL.—Upon submission of the demonstration proposal to the Con- gress, the Secretary of Energy shall consider requesting from the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Informa- tion the authority to use radio frequencies, pursuant to section 305 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 305), to carry out demonstration projects consistent with the proposal that are designed to demonstrate the energy conservation potential of communications technologies and which are administered by the Secretary of Energy. SEC. 408. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS. Section 227(bX2) of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 227(bX2)) is amended— (1) by striking "and" at the end of subparagraph (A); (2) by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B) and inserting "; and"; and (3) by inserting after subparagraph (B) the following new subparagraph: