Al Page Abandoned Barge Act of 1992;.,:.........5081 Accident Reports Act, amendments......973, 974, 978 ADAMHA Reorganization Act...............323 ADAMHA Reorganization Act, amendments...............................939,2091 Administrative Dispute Resolution Act, amendments.................................946 Administrative Procedure Technical Amendments Act of 1991.......................................................944 Adult Education Act, amendments......1103 Advisory Council on California Indian Policy Act of 1992..............2131 African Development Fund Act, amendments............................................98 African Elephant Conservation Act, amendments........................................2234 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Reauthorization Act of 1992................................................2094 Agricultural Act of 1949, amendments..........................................176 Agricultural Adjustment Act, amendments........................................4141 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, amendments...................3526, 4269 Agricultural Credit Act of 1987, amendments.............................4116, 4161 Agricultural Credit Improvement Act of 1992..........................................4142 Agricultural Development and Trade Act of 1990, amendments.....3350 Agricultural Trade Act of 1978, amendments..............................3349-3352 Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, amendments.............................3509, 3669 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1992, amendments........................................1130 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993................873 Aid, Trade, and Competitiveness Act of 1992.........................................3658 Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, amendments.................4872 Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987, amendments.............................4887 Airport and Airway Safety, Capacity, Noise Improvement, and Intermodal Transportation Act of 1992.........................................4872 Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990, amendments.............................4889 Ak-Chin Water Use Amendments Act of 1992 ......................................... 3258 Alaska Land Status Technical Corrections Act of 1992 ........ . ........ 2112 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, amendments ..... 2112 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, amendments ........... 2112-2115, 2121 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976, amendments ................. 3128 Alien Species Prevention and Enforcement Act of 1992 ............... 1774 Alternative Motor Fuels Act of 1988, amendments ............................. 2871 Alternative Routes to Teacher Certification and Licensure Act of 1992 .................................................. 698 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Research Act of 1992, amendments ............................. 3281 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias Services Research Act of 1986, amendments ...... ........... 3281 Alzheimer's Disease Research, Training, and Education Amendments of 1992. .............. ....... 3281 American Automobile Labeling Act .................................... ....... ........... ,1556 American Folklife Preservation Act, amendments .............. ................. 1954 American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Culture and Art Development Act, amendments .................................. 805-808 American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991 ........................... . ................... 7 American Technology Preeminence Act of 1991, amendments.... ............... 848 Amtrak Authorization and Development Act.... ......................... 3515 Animal Enterprise Protection Act of 1992 .................................................. 928 Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act ................................ 4044 Anti Car Theft Act of 1992 ................... 3384 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, amendments ......... 1788, 3710,3718, 3719 Arizona-Idaho Conservation Act of 1988, amendments.... ......................... 3441 Arkansas-Idaho Land Exchange Act of 1992 ...... . .................................. 4937 Arkansas Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1992 ........................ . .................. 123 Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support Act of 1992 ......... > ........................................... 2347 Armed Forces Retirement Home Act of 1991, amendments ................. 2394 Arms Export Control Act, amendments ....................................... 1672, 2195, 2333, 2468, 4935 Army National Guard Combat Readiness Reform Act of 1992 ..... 2536 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages 3-914; Part 2 contains pages 915-1827; Part 3 contains pages 1828-2770; Part 4 contains pages 2771-3671; Part 5 contains pages 3672-4592; and Part6 contains pages 4593-5424. Each part contains entire Popular Name, Subject, and Individual Indexes.