104 STAT. 266 PUBLIC LAW 101-310—JUNE 18, 1990 PubKc Law 101-310 101st Congress Joint Resolution June 18, 1990 TQ degignate the week beginning June 10,1990, as "National Scleroderma Awareness [H.J. Res. 516] Week". Whereas scleroderma is a disease in which connective tissue in the body becomes hardened and rigid, and might afflict any part of the body; Whereas approximately three hundred thousand people in the United States suffer from scleroderma; Whereas women are afflicted by scleroderma three times more often than men; Whereas scleroderma is a chronic and often progressive illness that can result in death; Whereas the symptoms of scleroderma vary greatly from person to person and can complicate and confuse diagnosis; Whereas the cause and cure of scleroderma are unknown; and Whereas scleroderma is an orphan disease and is considered to be understudied: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the week beginning June 10, 1990, is designated as ' 'National Scleroderma Awareness Week", and the President of the United States is au- thorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Approved June 18,1990. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.J. Res. 516 (S.J. Res. 274): CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 136 (1990): June 7, considered and passed House. June 11, considered and passed Senate.