102 STAT. 3036 PUBLIC LAW 100-599—NOV. 3, 1988 Public Law 100-599 100th Congress An Act N 3 1QR8 To designate the United States Post Office and Courthouse located at 151 West Street JNOV. d, J.y»B .n Rutlandj Vermont, as the "Robert T. Stafford United States Courthouse and Post [S. 2835] Office". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States Post Office and Courthouse located at 151 West Street in Rutland, Vermont, shall be known and designated as the "Robert T. Stafford United States Courthouse and Post Office". SEC. 2. LEGAL REFERENCES TO BUILDING.—Any reference in any law, regulation, document, record, map, or other paper of the United States to the building referred to in section 1 is deemed to be a reference to the "Robert T. Stafford United States Courthouse and Post Office". SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE.—The provisions of this Act shall be effective on January 4,1989. Approved November 3, 1988. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S, 2835: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 134 (1988): Sept. 28, considered and passed Senate. Oct. 19, considered and passed House.