WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:17.760 And membranes are useful, and small devices can be 함 history, easily memorised. 00:17.760 --> 00:26.060 They can be used Olives with uważings, and can be used as male trigger. 00:26.060 --> 00:27.060 A pen. 00:28.060 --> 00:29.060 Uh-huh. 00:30.060 --> 00:36.060 Well, no, why don't you stand on a chair and stuff a little cotton or rag or something between the bell and the clapper? 00:37.060 --> 00:38.060 Do you think so? 00:39.060 --> 00:43.060 Well, dear, I'm not sure, but I don't think there'd be anything to be curious about. 00:45.060 --> 00:46.060 Could be, I suppose. 00:47.060 --> 00:50.060 Wait just a second, Miss John, who may be they could know about that? 00:51.060 --> 00:52.060 Just a second. 00:53.060 --> 00:54.060 Miss? 00:54.060 --> 00:55.060 Yeah? 00:55.060 --> 00:56.060 What's your father doing? 00:56.060 --> 00:58.060 He's in the middle of a wedding next door. 00:58.060 --> 01:00.060 Ask him to come to the head of the stairs a minute. 01:00.060 --> 01:01.060 Okay. 01:01.060 --> 01:02.060 Miss John, who? 01:03.060 --> 01:06.060 All the men in the family are upstairs getting in the clean shirt. 01:07.060 --> 01:15.060 Well, we don't hardly think of this company, but Sister Miss Tim by tomorrow coming over to a safe house after this. 01:15.060 --> 01:16.060 Yes. 01:17.060 --> 01:18.060 Uh-huh. 01:19.060 --> 01:21.060 Oh, I bet that is aggregate. 01:22.060 --> 01:24.060 I remember one time I had that to happen. 01:24.060 --> 01:25.060 What's this, Rose? 01:25.060 --> 01:26.060 A just second, Miss John. 01:27.060 --> 01:28.060 I say I ought to go. 01:28.060 --> 01:31.060 Miss John, whose doorbell is stuck and won't stop ringing? 01:31.060 --> 01:32.060 Then there ought to be light on. 01:33.060 --> 01:34.060 Well, she don't want you to come right over. 01:35.060 --> 01:40.060 All she wants us to know is will there be any danger in stuffing some cotton in between the clapper and the bell? 01:40.060 --> 01:41.060 Then there ought to be light on. 01:42.060 --> 01:44.060 No, there's no need to test you for any foolishness. 01:45.060 --> 01:46.060 Just a little apprehension. 01:46.060 --> 01:49.060 You might throw a fuse or something, stuffing cotton in the doorbell. 01:49.060 --> 01:51.060 Well, I'm on my way now. 01:51.060 --> 01:54.060 Hey, sorry about all this powder off, Miss John. 01:55.060 --> 01:58.060 Vic's coming downstairs. I guess he wants to talk with you. 01:59.060 --> 02:00.060 Uh-huh. 02:00.060 --> 02:02.060 Isn't Miss Alice still there? 02:03.060 --> 02:04.060 Oh. 02:05.060 --> 02:07.060 She might want to drop the shirt. 02:07.060 --> 02:09.060 Yeah, she's a hysterical type person. 02:09.060 --> 02:11.060 Two buttons off the shirt, ma'am. 02:11.060 --> 02:13.060 Oh, she's got something on her tongue. 02:13.060 --> 02:15.060 She wanted to announce her two buttons off her shirt. 02:15.060 --> 02:16.060 Huh? 02:17.060 --> 02:18.060 Yes, that's true. 02:18.060 --> 02:21.060 She told me to wear a white shirt and this is the last clean white shirt I got. 02:21.060 --> 02:23.060 Oh, well, that don't solve the problem. 02:23.060 --> 02:26.060 Yes, I can hear it ringing, Miss Donahoe. 02:27.060 --> 02:31.060 Oh, I bet there's not a speck of danger in stuffing a little cotton in between the clapper. 02:31.060 --> 02:35.060 All right. Now tell me exactly what happened on site, Miss. 02:35.060 --> 02:37.060 But don't go away. Stand by. 02:38.060 --> 02:40.060 Uh, just a second, Miss Donahoe. 02:40.060 --> 02:42.060 She's got to be cool and not be frightened. 02:42.060 --> 02:44.060 She's not frightened. She just wants to know. 02:44.060 --> 02:46.060 Well, her doorbell's got the most stopping. 02:46.060 --> 02:49.060 Yeah, she was out across the street, ran over a firm and edgy, 02:49.060 --> 02:51.060 twisted her bell button and then ate a jam. 02:51.060 --> 02:52.060 Give me that. 02:52.060 --> 02:54.060 Well, you see, that's not heavy to put on. 02:54.060 --> 02:55.060 One bite, sir. 02:55.060 --> 02:56.060 I'm not going to hold it. 02:56.060 --> 02:59.060 But don't go away. I might need to run a few more. 02:59.060 --> 03:01.060 That's not heavy to do. 03:01.060 --> 03:03.060 Miss Donahoe? 03:03.060 --> 03:07.060 Yes, I have been told you're having a little trouble. 03:08.060 --> 03:10.060 Yes, I can hear it ringing. 03:10.060 --> 03:14.060 Well, now, the first thing, Miss Donahoe, is to keep your head. 03:14.060 --> 03:17.060 Don't get over excited. Don't, no. 03:17.060 --> 03:21.060 No, there's absolutely nothing to get panic-sickened about, 03:21.060 --> 03:25.060 so just keep calm and I'll be right over. 03:25.060 --> 03:27.060 Oh, no, we've got company coming this way. 03:27.060 --> 03:29.060 That's the spirit, Miss Donahoe. 03:29.060 --> 03:32.060 If you feel the impulse to get panic-sickened, get... 03:33.060 --> 03:34.060 What? 03:35.060 --> 03:39.060 No, I don't think I'd advise that, Miss Donahoe. 03:39.060 --> 03:43.060 No, by all means, don't step out of the door, Miss Donahoe. 03:43.060 --> 03:44.060 No. 03:45.060 --> 03:49.060 All right, Miss Donahoe, and I'll be right over. 03:49.060 --> 03:50.060 Looks like. 03:50.060 --> 03:52.060 What's the issue, sir? 03:52.060 --> 03:53.060 Rush, where's Rush? 03:53.060 --> 03:54.060 Over there. 03:54.060 --> 03:55.060 What you doing? 03:55.060 --> 03:58.060 Just about to raise his wind and see if I can hear Miss Donahoe's doorbell ringing. 03:58.060 --> 03:59.060 Be this. 03:59.060 --> 04:00.060 What? 04:00.060 --> 04:01.060 That. 04:01.060 --> 04:06.060 You'll proceed immediately to the basement and fetch me my screwdrivers, hammers, monkey wrench, and okra. 04:06.060 --> 04:09.060 Oh, now, hey. 04:09.060 --> 04:10.060 Oh, hop along, right? 04:10.060 --> 04:12.060 I've got two buttons off my shirt. 04:12.060 --> 04:13.060 How's that? 04:13.060 --> 04:15.060 I've got two buttons off my shirt. 04:15.060 --> 04:17.060 This is no time for trivialities, my boy. 04:17.060 --> 04:18.060 Find me a way. 04:18.060 --> 04:20.060 Screwdrivers, hammers, monkey wrench, and okra. 04:20.060 --> 04:24.060 Have you realized that Rush will walk in here any minute? 04:24.060 --> 04:25.060 Cards? 04:25.060 --> 04:26.060 Huh? 04:26.060 --> 04:28.060 How dare you have me play cards? 04:28.060 --> 04:29.060 What? 04:29.060 --> 04:34.060 You've had me complacently play cards while the poor woman next door is being driven panic by that constant ring. 04:34.060 --> 04:37.060 You're saying it's that thing being driven frantic. 04:37.060 --> 04:39.060 She's laughing about her doorbell being stung. 04:39.060 --> 04:40.060 I heard of that. 04:40.060 --> 04:41.060 Well, sure. 04:41.060 --> 04:43.060 You'd have to start doing it, I tell you. 04:43.060 --> 04:48.060 Oh, my certain of manhood I'd be if I allowed that poor panic-picking woman. 04:48.060 --> 04:52.060 You're just eager to get a chance to tinker around with electricity. 04:52.060 --> 04:53.060 I thank you, appointed. 04:53.060 --> 04:56.060 You like to putter and fiddle around with stuff. 04:56.060 --> 04:58.060 Same way with doorbells. 04:58.060 --> 05:01.060 The jar with alarm clocks can't get your hands off. 05:01.060 --> 05:03.060 You're behaving a little feverishly, huh? 05:03.060 --> 05:06.060 Well, there's nothing serious about this, Doctor. 05:06.060 --> 05:09.060 Well, of course there's nothing serious. 05:09.060 --> 05:11.060 I'll fix that doorbell in the trunk. 05:11.060 --> 05:13.060 She can fix it in the trunk. 05:13.060 --> 05:17.060 All she's got to do is stand on a chair and stuff a little cotton. 05:17.060 --> 05:20.060 Yes, and perhaps give a shock as my killer. 05:20.060 --> 05:25.060 Electrical setup in a modern resident state is very much like a human nervous system. 05:25.060 --> 05:28.060 Why, it's childish and primitive to think of stuffing cotton in a pistol. 05:28.060 --> 05:31.060 Well, hurry up, Rush. 05:31.060 --> 05:32.060 Tell her to keep cool now. 05:32.060 --> 05:33.060 What? 05:33.060 --> 05:34.060 Give that to Miss Donnie. 05:34.060 --> 05:35.060 You tell her to keep cool. 05:35.060 --> 05:37.060 I'll tell her I'll be there immediately. 05:37.060 --> 05:39.060 Oh. 05:39.060 --> 05:41.060 Hello. 05:41.060 --> 05:43.060 Oh, yes, Ruthie. 05:43.060 --> 05:46.060 Oh, now, hey. 05:46.060 --> 05:50.060 Oh, no, but Fred always buys a treat. 05:50.060 --> 05:51.060 You bring everything? 05:51.060 --> 05:52.060 Yeah. 05:52.060 --> 05:53.060 Give me my overalls. 05:53.060 --> 05:57.060 Well, y'all are easy to insist. 05:57.060 --> 05:59.060 All right, just a minute. 05:59.060 --> 06:01.060 What flavor ice cream you want? 06:01.060 --> 06:05.060 Oh, I'm going all shrunk like a houseifier last time I got washed. 06:05.060 --> 06:07.060 Can't hardly get them on. 06:07.060 --> 06:09.060 Why eat overalls if they're fixed a little doorbell? 06:09.060 --> 06:11.060 Here. 06:11.060 --> 06:12.060 That's fine with me. 06:12.060 --> 06:14.060 Flavor ice cream you want. 06:14.060 --> 06:15.060 Oh, you better count me out. 06:15.060 --> 06:16.060 Why? 06:16.060 --> 06:17.060 This might be an overnight job. 06:17.060 --> 06:18.060 Hey, now, listen. 06:18.060 --> 06:20.060 You're not going to drive this baby up in the ground. 06:20.060 --> 06:23.060 Look, is that rule of rubber cake still in the pan? 06:23.060 --> 06:26.060 I may need it to wrap around my hammer and inflate the hammer. 06:26.060 --> 06:28.060 That's all new to me. 06:28.060 --> 06:30.060 Flavor ice cream you want. 06:30.060 --> 06:31.060 Red milk. 06:31.060 --> 06:32.060 Red milk. 06:32.060 --> 06:33.060 Two and a half. 06:33.060 --> 06:34.060 Red like chocolate. 06:34.060 --> 06:35.060 All right, then chocolate. 06:35.060 --> 06:36.060 I'm going to have to talk to you. 06:36.060 --> 06:37.060 Chocolate, there? 06:37.060 --> 06:39.060 You haven't got your back load of rubber cake, have you? 06:39.060 --> 06:43.060 I'm sorry to take all this time, Ruthie. 06:43.060 --> 06:47.060 We had to discuss what flavor would taste the best. 06:47.060 --> 06:48.060 Yeah. 06:48.060 --> 06:50.060 Decided on chocolate. 06:50.060 --> 06:51.060 Yes. 06:51.060 --> 06:54.060 They're standing here just foaming at the mouth. 06:54.060 --> 06:58.060 He's so anxious to taste chocolate ice cream. 06:58.060 --> 07:00.060 Yeah. 07:00.060 --> 07:02.060 All right, ladies. 07:02.060 --> 07:07.060 And you scald that nasty old friend for always insisting on buying the trees. 07:07.060 --> 07:11.060 All right, ladies. 07:11.060 --> 07:13.060 Goodbye. 07:13.060 --> 07:15.060 Yeah, it's a drug store. 07:15.060 --> 07:16.060 See you here in just a few minutes. 07:16.060 --> 07:18.060 These overalls are too tight. 07:18.060 --> 07:20.060 What you need overalls for? 07:20.060 --> 07:23.060 This might turn out to be a dirty mess of business. 07:23.060 --> 07:25.060 No, it's for my food. 07:25.060 --> 07:27.060 Until what am I going to eat it? 07:27.060 --> 07:28.060 What's that? 07:28.060 --> 07:30.060 I sent him after that ruler of rubber cake. 07:30.060 --> 07:34.060 Working on electricity, your fellow needs the insulator, too. 07:34.060 --> 07:37.060 Where is Mr. Donny's tonight? 07:37.060 --> 07:39.060 He's taking a freight ride to Kansas City. 07:39.060 --> 07:40.060 When will he be back? 07:40.060 --> 07:42.060 Tomorrow, sometime, I guess. 07:42.060 --> 07:44.060 No need to notify him. 07:44.060 --> 07:45.060 What? 07:45.060 --> 07:47.060 I say there's probably no need to notify him. 07:47.060 --> 07:48.060 His wife run into this couple. 07:48.060 --> 07:50.060 Have you gone out of your head or what? 07:50.060 --> 07:53.060 Stopping things for half a second. 07:53.060 --> 07:55.060 Nothing's happened. 07:55.060 --> 07:58.060 Mrs. Donny, who's doorbell is stocking, won't stop ringing. 07:58.060 --> 08:00.060 Without any big urgent calamities, it requires... 08:00.060 --> 08:02.060 My wife is almost frantic. 08:02.060 --> 08:04.060 Well, why would she be almost frantic? 08:04.060 --> 08:08.060 The constant unceasing jangle of a doorbell would drive anybody frantic. 08:08.060 --> 08:10.060 Oh. 08:10.060 --> 08:13.060 Remember when Fred's auto horn got stuck and kept tooting? 08:13.060 --> 08:15.060 You said it made you so nervous that you... 08:15.060 --> 08:16.060 This isn't an auto horn. 08:16.060 --> 08:18.060 It's a little dinky doorbell. 08:18.060 --> 08:21.060 All Miss Donny's got to do is stuff a little cotton in it. 08:21.060 --> 08:24.060 Oh, that's all she has to do is give a damn. 08:24.060 --> 08:27.060 She has to give a jerk and disconnect the wires. 08:27.060 --> 08:30.060 Fred and Lucy are on their way. 08:30.060 --> 08:31.060 Fred and Lucy. 08:31.060 --> 08:37.060 I'm just going to let you go over next door there and take doorbells apart while our company sits here quiddling there. 08:37.060 --> 08:38.060 You got to go. 08:38.060 --> 08:39.060 You have a lot of heart. 08:39.060 --> 08:40.060 Okay. 08:40.060 --> 08:41.060 Fred. 08:41.060 --> 08:42.060 Yes? 08:42.060 --> 08:46.060 I say I'm just going to let you go over there next door and take doorbells apart while our company sits here. 08:46.060 --> 08:50.060 I may be able to put my finger on the situation in two minutes. 08:50.060 --> 08:53.060 I thought that if you go you'd stay half an hour. 08:53.060 --> 08:54.060 You coming along, son? 08:54.060 --> 08:55.060 Okay. 08:55.060 --> 08:56.060 Good. 08:56.060 --> 08:57.060 I felt like I could get that done. 08:57.060 --> 08:59.060 We'll handle this little matter, you and me. 08:59.060 --> 09:01.060 See that straight Miss Donny. 09:01.060 --> 09:02.060 Good luck. 09:02.060 --> 09:03.060 Good luck. 09:03.060 --> 09:04.060 Good luck. 09:04.060 --> 09:05.060 Good luck. 09:05.060 --> 09:06.060 Good luck. 09:06.060 --> 09:07.060 Oh. 09:07.060 --> 09:08.060 Goodbye, Faye. 09:08.060 --> 09:09.060 Huh? 09:09.060 --> 09:10.060 We're on our way. 09:10.060 --> 09:11.060 What are you going to do? 09:11.060 --> 09:13.060 I don't think you'd best carry. 09:13.060 --> 09:14.060 Wait, this is Miss Donny. 09:14.060 --> 09:15.060 Hmm? 09:15.060 --> 09:18.060 I see Miss Donny. 09:18.060 --> 09:19.060 Oh. 09:19.060 --> 09:20.060 Ah-ha. 09:20.060 --> 09:21.060 Ah-ha. 09:21.060 --> 09:24.060 Sure. 09:24.060 --> 09:29.060 All right, Miss Donny. 09:29.060 --> 09:30.060 You bet. 09:30.060 --> 09:31.060 Goodbye. 09:31.060 --> 09:32.060 What's the matter? 09:32.060 --> 09:33.060 Nothing. 09:33.060 --> 09:34.060 Why didn't Miss Donny have you in telephone? 09:34.060 --> 09:35.060 Miss J. Christ, this is over. 09:35.060 --> 09:36.060 Huh? 09:36.060 --> 09:37.060 She poked a pin at the stuck doorbell button a couple times and it came out easy as pie. 09:37.060 --> 09:38.060 The ringing stopped and now everything is dandy. 09:38.060 --> 09:39.060 Oh. 09:39.060 --> 09:40.060 I'm sorry. 09:40.060 --> 09:41.060 I'm sorry. 09:41.060 --> 09:42.060 I'm sorry. 09:42.060 --> 09:43.060 I'm sorry. 09:43.060 --> 09:44.060 I'm sorry. 09:44.060 --> 09:45.060 I'm sorry. 09:45.060 --> 09:46.060 I'm sorry. 09:46.060 --> 09:47.060 I'm sorry. 09:47.060 --> 09:48.060 I'm sorry. 09:48.060 --> 09:49.060 I'm sorry. 09:49.060 --> 09:52.060 I'm sorry. 09:52.060 --> 09:53.060 You look fine. 09:53.060 --> 09:54.060 Why do I look fine? 09:54.060 --> 09:55.060 You look wonderful. 09:55.060 --> 09:56.060 Yeah. 09:56.060 --> 10:03.060 And in there and your overalls with a hammer in one hand and a monkey wrench in the other 10:03.060 --> 10:20.060 hand and a hammer in the other.