AMANULLAII heard that name and understood its meaning in the country of bloody history. Just outside Kabul, in the pretentious house which saw the arrival of the youngest Prince, there were many rites and ceremonies to be performed. For a month past his mother had been in strict privacy. The midwivcs had been carefully watching her health, .Relatives had been in the house for some hours before his august arrival, and the compound of the house was filled with the tom-tom beaters who would announce the event to the multitude waiting for news. Musicians are there too, ready to expend all their energy in proclamation of the event. And when the news is shouted from the portal, no evil spirits may live near the child through the hubbub which reigns in that happy household* " May your days be happy and prosperous 1 " " God is Great I " So went the salutations in the crowded household, between servants, the pampered midwives, practising their art dictated by all the folk-lore of a superstitious nation, relatives, and friends. The poor, outside the gate, find their laps overflowing with precious grain, money is scattered on the roads, while every man and every woman reads the omens according to his own knowledge of the art, and pronounces accordingly. The chatter of the women, each offering their own infallible remedies to ensure the strength of the child, drown the clatter of the horses' hooves, as courier** &ro despatched to far-away relatives to acquaint them personally with the news ; though it is probable that the rifle-fire has already told them all they wish to know, it would have been a grave breach of etiquette to forget this custom. 16