EX-KING OF AFGHANISTAN trading on the ignorance of his countrymen. They could supply rifles that would put to shame the Afghan-made carbines of great expense and short lives. They could introduce artillery which would make the Afghan Army a power in international armaments. Thus he dreamed, but there was little encouragement for his ideals. He found sluggards at headquarters. He found men in high places whose lives were concentrated on the need of forcing the last penny from Government contracts. He found bribery on a scale never before known in history. He found apathy in his father. " The Afghans have always been like that/' said his father. " You can never rid us of corruption.5* The infamous saying was quoted in his face : " Afghan, Afghan, be imam, be imam ! " " Fie, fie, faithless Afghan ! " He did not lose faith. Then came war. The rumours were right, then. The whole world was at war. The British were in, the Turks were in, the Germans and the Russians were in. News came over the passes, strangely divergent news according to whether it came from north or from south. Travellers came down from the north with the tales of whole continents under the grip of the war fever. Stories came up from the south telling how India was depleted of armed men, all gone over the Black Water. Perhaps it was then that Amantdlah, reviewing his troops and finding them good, looked down toward the south, and thought of the lush valleys and the wealthy cities of India. Weak, luxury-loving people down there, if the tales from the caravans were true* Once you got 2T