EX-KING OP AFGHANISTAN few Afghans, even in wicked Kabul City, to flout the great power which they wielded. That power was now challenged every day by the rising of a man who was sacrilegious enough to be modern. The mullahs had hold of the Afghan from his first breath. They were inevitable attendants at his birth, and their ministrations were held to be invaluable for the safety and care of both child and mother. Through early life, they exercised the same supervision over the child, and took care that its mind should be well grounded in the essential tenets of the Mahomedan faith, one of the chief clauses of which was of course a spirit of true reverence for the priests. They even insisted on taking a close part in the conduct of their flock's affairs. With a business acumen that could not have been gained solely in the service of the Church, they often proved themselves excellent prophets and advisers on purely secular affairs, and it may be taken as a certainty that such advice was not given altogether for the glory of the Lord, but to some extent for their personal financial betterment. During the preliminaries to his marriage, the mullahs were among the closest confidants of the prospective bridegroom, and since marriage is always akin to business affairs, there were few times when the local mullah would fail to arrange for love to follow the wisest course for the pocket. And naturally enough, at death the services of the mullahs were once again in demand. Thus it will be seen that the priests entered into the lives of the simple warrior-farmers through every stage of their progress on earth. Such close patronage and overlordship was bound to result in magnifying their own importance. The position at that time was that the mullahs held a grip on the people more powerful than the Government, aloof and always feared, and were 63