AMANULLAH cult which was said to be spreading through India and the whole of the East. Even the Turks, fellow-Islamites, were said to be affected by the peril. Afghans, if they valued the sanctity of their homes and the chastity of their wives, would have no truck with this new and Satanic doctrine. For already the word had been whispered. Already it was murmured in the bazaars of Kabul that strange proposals had been made in Court circles. The rumours were to the effect that women would henceforth con- tribute to the progress of the country in other directions than the bearing of innumerable children. Freedom was a word much heard these days. But when the two words " freedom " and u women " were mentioned in conjunc- tion, thought the mullahs, then the danger signs were showing. Turkish girls were already to be seen in Kabul. The wicked Kabulis had grown accustomed to the spectacle of infidel women without head coverings, but the sight of Mahomedan women in the short skirts and diminutive hats of the West caused them many qualms » There were occasional disturbances in the city. There were ugly rumours that by the force of example-, an attempt was to be made to seduce the Afghan from the austerity of the purdah laws. The rules of the purdah, of course, are well known to be indefensible on any but religious grounds. To those who have never come in direct contact with them they are incredible. Yet the basis of every one of them is the same, and it will be recalled that there can be seen in many museums the "body locks" which English gentlemen compelled their womenfolk to wear while they sallied forth to the Holy Wars, Even more urgently are strict laws required in the East, but it can be said that the efforts to prevent com- 66