EX-KING OF AFGHANISTAN trivialities were having their effect upon the ruler. Old complaints are not easily forgotten in Afghanistan. The true Afghan is distrustful, and cannot be put off with mere compliments. And for ever and for ever, they would abide by their old contention that the British were usurpers in India, aliens in the East, and, more important than all, that they were white infidels. Tradition dies hard. The mullahs, already cogitating on the possible advantage they could take of the King's European visit, were determined that the tradition of distrust of the British should never be forgotten. But all was gaiety on the good ship Rajputana as she ploughed through the Indian Ocean and approached Aden. Amanullah was energetic and anxious to please. He distributed largess to the crew. He took part in every social activity on the wide deck. He was amiable to every Englishman, and trained himself assiduously for the ordeal before him. Queen Souriya divested herself of every trace of purdah, with the consent and encouragement of Aman- ullah. She was now the complete Westernised Asiatic. She bloomed under the treatment, and was herself the centre of interest in the Royal party. One of the critical visits of the trip was the arrival at Suez. Bang Fuad was out to meet them. In deference to his wishes, it is believed, Souriya once more wore the veil, though she was loath to part with the Western clothes that she already wore with complete lack of self-consciousness. At Port Said, however, she received Egyptian officials, wearing the veil, and the news travelled round the world and back to Kabul. The guns boomed a welcome from the banks of the Canal. King Fuad and Amanullah conversed in Turkish. An elaborate programme had been arranged in Cairo 101