EX-KING OF AFGHANISTAN surprising total of £4,500,000 ! The mind boggles at his arithmetic. We have seen the Rolls-Royce presented by King George. * We have seen the orders conferred on his proud breast, to which, perhaps, he attached a monetary value to appease his questioners. There was then, and may be at this moment, a magnificent chestnut stallion in a British Government cavalry depot near Lahore, a present from the King of England, But even after crediting him with these gifts, it is difficult to arrive at the stupendous figure with which Amanullah consoled his critics. Perhaps he added in the date line. More important than the figures, however, is the fact that he did take the trouble to explain these delicate financial matters in public. This did not seem to be the manner of Amanullah the Fearless, who hitherto had brooked no criticism from any of his subjects. This was already recognised, therefore, as a different matter from the trouble he had had four years before, when the men of Khost rose up against him, headed by a queer legendary figure known as the " Lame Mullah/' and recruited the sympathy of the whole district against new laws which were said to be contrary to the Koran. On that occasion, after a hard though short struggle, the rebels had been taught a severe lesson, executions followed, and trials for heresy terrified the ringleaders. But Amanullah was not altogether in a mood for forgiveness and excuses. Even in face of this active disagreement in the south, he pressed on with reforms. A new staff college was opened at Khurd Zabitaa for cadets, controlled by Turkish officers, by now regarded in much the same light as Victorian mothers regarded French novelists. Sixty-five officers were sent to France, Italy, Germany, and Russia for training, and twenty came to England. Fifteen students went to Baku for modern training in oil-fields. Among the importations 199