AMANULLAH further attacks on property by giving them the neces- sities of life. And while they rested throughout that morning ; while Bacha Sachao, the Robin Hood of the hills, drew ever closer to the capital, issuing threats as he came ; while Sir Francis Humphrys assured the British Foreign Office that all was well ; there came over the hills from the north a big monoplane with the identification marks of Russia on its wing. Amanullah the Brave was off. Some time during the night he had suffered the last indignity that can be heaped upon a ruler. He had seen his dreams crumbling with his Palace, He had tasted the bitterness of utter and final defeat. He had had to recall with cynicism those fine words of hope for the future which I had heard him mutter only a few months past. Sadly he announced his decision to his forlorn rela- tives. Sadly he bid them gather up their belongings, as many as could fit into the cockpit of an aeroplane. Where could he go for safety ? And with a gesture that might have been one of defiance, but proved to be one of pathos, he chose Kandahar. There might still remain some of the faithful who had followed the most eagerly his plans for the future. Stubbornly he refused to believe that this was more than a raid engineered by brigands of the hills for his undoing. Never for a moment did he see the down- fall of a Kingdom. But the Royal Seal was used again. With a pathetic trust in the unchangeability of king- ship, he issued a new decree reversing his orders for the modernisation of the East. He issued the greatest retrograde order ever made under the Royal Seal of any country. " Back to the primitive ! " was the keynote. 226