^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EX-KING OF AFGHANISTAN pillaging outlaws overran the south, Ali Ahmed Jhan found himself at the head of a small force of loyal Government troops near Jallalabad. His men were convinced that their wisest course lay in remaining true to their oaths of allegiance, but they had begun to detect a growing strangeness in the behaviour of their leader. Then the dreadful news spread through the ranks. Ali Ahmed Jhan was usually intoxicated. The leaders among the rank and file, greatly daring, suggested a deputation to put before him their sense of wrong and the insult they felt toward their religion. Such things could not continue. And a small band of stalwart men waited upon their leader one night in his tent, fully prepared to avenge the wrong done to Allah by the sacrifice of life if the accusation were proved to be true. " We have come to search," they said briefly. 46 Search away, then," said Ali Ahmed Jhan, with the drunkard's bravado. Under the mattress they found a little covey of bottles. Breaking the necks off, they smelt. It was alcohol, though of a strange smell. Then the Afghan wit came into play. Ali Ahmed Jhan explained to his questioners, ready to kill him where he stood. 44 You do not understand," he told them. " You do not realise the breadth of the proposals for your own comfort and safety which have been made by His Majesty the King. You are ignorant men. Therefore you do not know, probably, the smell nor the appearance of the wonderful feringhe lotion which cures the sore backs of your camels. ..." And he showed the Afghan soldiery the labels on the the bottles, solemnly translating the maker's name and address into instructions for the cure of camels. 245