HOW MUCH TRUTH? 19 suffered, Her insular inviolability has been put in ques- tion. The ravages of war have undermined the achieve- ments of many generations. Her free gold market has broken down. The flow of capital towards London will fall off, for those who cannot borrow there will no longer send deposits. The surplus shown in her balance-sheet will contract. Foreign trade will also decrease. Hand in hand with this fall, free trade, that mighty agent in the development of England's supremacy, will, in all probability, give place to protection. Stock Exchange business will grow less. Rates of interest will be permanently higher." How much truth is there in all this ? Has our reputation for honest dealing and for trustworthy administration suffered ? Surely not in the eyes of any reasonable and unprejudiced observer. In the- course of the greatest war in history, fought by Ger- many with weapons which have involved the viola- tion of the most sacred laws of humanity and civilisation, England has acted with a respect for the interests of neutrals which has been severely criticised by impatient observers at home. As for our "insular inviolability " having been put in question, it cer- tainly has not, so far, suffered any serious damage. Our Fleet has defended us from invasion with com- plete success, and the damage done by marine and aerial raiders to our property on shore is negligible. Our free gold market is said to have broken down. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Germany, when the war began, immediately relieved the Reichs- bank from any obligation of meeting its notes in gold, and frankly went on to a paper basis. England has already shipped well over 200 millions in gold to