HOW FAR PRACTICABLE? 59 done in practice. Perhaps not, though it Is by no means certain, when we look back on the very different temper that ruled in the country in the early months of the war. If anything of the kind could have teen done it would certainly have been a practical proof of determination for the war which would have shown more clearly than anything else that " no price was too high when Honour was at stake/' It would also have been^an extraordinary demonstration to the working classes of the sacri- fices that property owners were ready to make, the result of which might have been that the fine spirit shown at the beginning of the war might have been maintained until the end, instead of degenerating into a series of demands for higher wages, each one of which, as conceded to one set of workmen, only stimulates another to demand the same. But even if we grant that it is only theoretically possible to have performed such a feat as is outlined above, there is surely no question that much more might have been done than has been done in the matter of paying for the war by taxation. If we are re- minded once more that our ancestors paid nearly half the cost of the Napoleonic war out of revenue, while we are paying about a fifth of the cost of the present war from the same source, it is easy to see that a much greater effort might have been made in view oi the very much greater wealth of the country at the present time. I was going to have added, in view also of its greater economic en- lightenment, but I feel that after the experience of the present war, and its financing by currency