126 COMPARATIVE WAR FINANCE millions will be lent to the Allies, the Americans are apparently raising nearly £800 millions out of revenue. Therefore if we deduct from both sides of the account the pre-war expenditure of about £215 millions and deduct also the loans to Allies from the expenditure, it leaves the cost of the war to America £1285 millions for this year and the war revenue £562 millions. If these figures are correct it would thus appear that America is raising nearly half its actual war cost out of revenue as the war goes on. On the other hand, in the New York Commercial Chronicle of April 6th the total estimated disburse- ments for the year are still stated at over 16,000 million dollars, that is to say, ^3200 millions roughly, so that there seems to be considerable uncertainty as to what the actual amount of the expenditure of the United States will be during the year ending on June 3oth. In any case, there can be no question that if the very high proportion of war cost paid out of revenue shown by the Times figures proves to be correct, it will be largely owing to accident or mis- fortune ; if America's war expenditure has not pro- ceeded nearly as fast as was expected, it will be, no doubt, owing not to economies but to shortcomings in the matter of delivery of war goods which the Government had expected to pay for in the course of the fiscal year. It certainly would have been expected that the Americans would in this matter of war finance be in a position to set a very much higher standard than any of the European belli- gerents owing to the enormous wealth that the