AN IDEAL SUPER-PAPER 141 speak, in its own person. From the application of this great economy to gold two consequences have followed; the first is that the effectiveness of gold as a standard of value has been weakened because this power that banks have given to it of circulating by substitute has obviously depreciated its value by enormously multiplying the effective supply of it. Depreciation in the buying power of money, and a consequent rise in prices, has consequently been a factor which has been almost constantly at wrork for centuries with occasional reactions, during which the process went the other way. Another conse- quence has been that people, seeing the ease with which pieces of paper can be multiplied, representing a right to gold which is only in exceptional cases exercised, have proceeded to ask whether there is really any necessity to have gold behind the paper at all, and whether it would not be possible to evolve some ideal form of super-paper which could take the place of gold as the basis of the ordinary paper which is created by the machinery of credit, which would be made exchangeable into it on demand instead of into gold. It is difficult to say how far the events of the war have contributed to the agitation for the sub- stitution for gold of some other form of international currency. It would, seem at first sight that the position of gold at the centre of the credit system has been shaken owing to the fact that in Sweden arid some other neutral countries the obligation to receive gold in payment for goods has been for the time being abrogated. The critics of the gold