THE GUILD IDEAL 205 National Guilds, then, must assure to the worker, at least, the following things :— " i. Recognition and payment as a human being, and not merely as a mortal tenement^ of so much labour power for which an efficient demand exists. "2. Consequently, payment in employment and in unemployment, in sickness and in health alike. " 3. Control of the organisation of production in co-operation with his fellows. " 4. A claim upon the product of his work, also exercised in co-operation with his fellows/' Now, looking with a most dispassionate eye and an eager desire to find out what it is that Labour and its spokesmen are grouping after, can one find in these " marks of degraded status " any serious evil, or anything thq£ is capable of remedy under any conceivable economic system ? In all of them the wage-earner is on exactly the same footing as the salary-earner or the professional piece-worker. The labour of the manager of the works can also be abstracted from the manager, and can be bought and sold apart from him. One would have thought that this fact is rather in favour of the manager and of the wage-earner—or would Mr Cole prefer that the latter should be bought and sold himself ? The salary-earner and the professional arc only employed when somebody wants them. The manager's term of employment is longer, but the professional piece- worker, such as I am when I write this article, has usually no contracted term, and is only paid for actual