XV x POST-WAR FINANCE November, 1918 Taxation after the War—-Mr. Hoare's Scheme described and analysed—The Position of the Rentier-^-Estimates of the Post-War Debt—The Compulsory Loan Proposal—What Advantages has it over a Levy on Capital ?—The Argument irom Social Justice—Questions still to be answered—The Choice between a Levy and Stiff Taxation—Are we still a Creditor Nation ?—Our Debt not a Hopeless Problem— Suggestions for solving it. UNDER this heading two very interesting articles were contributed to the October issue of Sperling's Journal by Mr Alfred Hoare and an "Ex-M.P.," and the subject is clearly one to which, now that the end of the war has been brought appreciably nearer by the feats of the Allied armies, too much thought and discussion can hardly be given. How are we going to face the problem that has been built up for us by the bad finance of the war, the low proportion of its cost that has been paid for out of taxation, and the consequent huge debt with which—it is already over £7000 millions gross—the State will be saddled ? Mr. Hoare answered the question by proposing a scheme of taxation of what he called Rente, by which he meant all forms of " unearned income " —" rentals from freehold and leasehold property,