XVII MEETING THE WAR BILL January, 1919 The Total War Debt-—What are our Loans to the Allies worth ? —Other Uncertain Items—The Prospects of making Germany pay—The Right Way to regard the Debt—Our Capital largely intact—-A Reform of the Income Tax—The Debt to America—The Levy on Capita! and other Schemes—The only Real Aids to Recovery. A TABLE published week by week by the Economist shows that from August i, 1914, to November 9, 1918, the Government paid out £8612 millions sterling. From this we have to deduct an estimate of the amount that the Government would have spent if there had not been a war, so that we are at once landed in the realm of conjecture. The last pre-war financial year saw an expenditure of ^198 millions, and it is safe to assume that this figure would have swollen by a few millions a year if peace had continued, so that we may take at least j£86o millions from the above total as normal peace expenditure for the 4! years. This gives us ^7752 tniliions as the gross cost of the war, as far as the period of actual fighting is concerned, M From this figure, however, we are able to make some big deduc- tions. There are loans to Allies and Dominions, and some other much more readily realisable assets than