INDEX Addis, Sir Charles, on banking, 163, 168 Aerated Bread Co., and bonus issues, 157 Allies, loans to, 244 America, effect of war on, 25 War finance of, 125, 126 Bank Act: its purpose, 84 Its suggested repeal, 84, 273 Its working, 235 seq. Bank Amalgamations, progress of, 77 seq.t 163 Bechhofer, Mr, on Guild Social- ism, 209 Bills of Exchange, as basis of issue, 273 Bonar Law, Mr, on after-war position, 246, 247 On capital levy, 68, 70, 71, 73 On sale of securities, 257 British Trade Corporation, for- mation of, 76 Brutmer, Mond, and bonus shares, 150 Budget, in 1918, 129 seq. Canadian Pacific, and bonus issues, 158 Capital, foreign, 180 seq. Levy on, n, 63 seq,t 217 seq., 259 Meaning of, 2 Supply of, 9 seq.t 183 War's destruction of, 3 Capital Issues, Committee on, 279, 287, 292 Licence required for, 278 seq. Need to restrict, 283 Stock Exchange and, 281, 282 Cole, Mr, on Guild Socialism, 202 seq. Cunliffe Committee, report of 227 seg>, 266 seq., 302 Currency : inflation of, 22,108, 227, 232, 254, 297 International, 134 seq., 300 Metals ^.s, 137, 299 Origin d£v..i35 Quant ityroebry of, 138, 139, 296 Report on, 227 seq* Daily News, on capital levy, 65 Expenditure, Committee on, in France, after-war position of, 28 Free Trade and British supre- macy 20 Germany, after-war position of, 29, 124, 186 Our claims against, 249 War finance of, 50, 119 seq.