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[House Bill, No. 242 J

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Dec. 1, 1864.— Read first and eecond times, made special order for Saturday morning, and or- dered to be printed.

[By Mr. Russell, from Judiciary Committee. J


To be entitled An Act to provide for sequestrating the property of persons liable to military service, who have departed, or shall de- part, from the Confederate States without permission.

1 SECTiOiN 1. The Congress of ike Confederate States of America

2 do enact, That if any person shall voluntarily depart from the

3 Confederate States without the permission of the President or

4 of the General officer commanding the trnns-Mississippi depart-

5 ment, or of an officer by one of them authorized to grant such

6 permission, and if such person, at the time of such departure,

7 shall be liable to military service, according to the laws of the S Confederato States, he shall, from the time of his departure, be 9 treated, for the purposes of this act, as an alien cncioy, and

10 his property shall be liable to sequestration and sale in like

U manner as the property of other alien encmicB. But all pro-

12 ceedings, for the sequestration and sale of his property shall

13 cease, and he shall ceaae to be treated as an alien enemy by


14 reason of such departure, if, during the present war, and before

14 a decree of sequestration shall be pronounced against his

15 property, he shall return and enter upon the performance

16 of military service, according to law. But this act shall not

17 apply to persons who, at the time of their departure, shall

18 bona fide reside witnin the lines of the enemy, or in a part of

19 the Confederacy in the military occupation of the enetay.

1 Sec. 2. If any person to whom the preceding section ap-

2 plies, shall Toluntarily, and without such permission, go within

3 the military lines of the enemy, and remain there more than

4 sixty days, he shall be presumed to have departed from the Con-

5 federate States within the meaning of this act.

1 Sec. 3. If any person has heretofore voluntarily, and with-

2 out such permission, departed from the Confederate States, or

3 gone within the military lines of the enemy for the purpose

4 of avoiding military service, being, at the time, liable to mili-

5 tary service, according to law, or being now liable to military

6 service according to law, such person shall be also treated as

7 an alien enemy, and his property shall be liable to sequestra-

8 tion and sale according to all the preceding provisions, unless

9 such person shall return and enter upon military service

11 according to law, within six months after the passage of this

12 act.

1 Sec. 4. All grants, conveyances, sales, gifts and trasnfera


2 of property hereafter made by any person who shall be liable

3 to military service, at the time of making the same, and whose

4 property shall become liable to sequestration under this act, and

5 all liens and incumbrances hereafter created on his property,

6 when he is liable to military service, shall be void as against the

7 claim of sequestration.

Felix Haxgrett Collection Univexslty of Georgia Libzaxi«»

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