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3 1833 02964 0098

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Down to 1721.

BOOK 1D48-16-36. (65) exd.

BOOK 1665-1675. exd..

BOOK 1675-1639. exa.

BOOK 1689-1? 01.' exd.

BOOK 1702-1V50. ±ix.

BOOK 1710-1755. -- (wakenan)

BOOK 1721-17'±y.-

BOOK 1725-1740.

Book 16^8-1656 i (Book 1665-1675) 1

1663 2xd. Andrews, 'rancis, v/ill of (of Bankside) , probated May 5, 1663.

Widow, Anna omitn, Vol. A. p. 79, Thomas )

John ) bona o±', under 18 years. Jeremia,

Abranam, (or Ahsolam (?) Slizaoetn, I^ry, Hester,

Hebecea. liSO^S t


Hanna (Joian Oramton is mbntionea in giio to ner, probably aer husband i .

1665 Atwater, Mary, a. Adam Blackinan, wife of (Josua)

Atwarer and motiier of Josua Atwater, men"C. in aer father's v/ill.

1666 Adams, Edwara, takes iiivemjory of est. of Danl. Finch.

1667 Abbott, Peter, eatate of, inventory filed Aug. 9, 1667

Book 1665-1675. p. c,8.

John iinowles)

Joim oturge ) Aarainistrators appt.

Child Hannah ia given in charge of Jomi Jinowles.

iov. 24th, 1685, John Knowles being deaa, John bturges

renders a/c of estate to Court ana oraerea to trans- fer said estate of Hannah Abbot to her ana is ais- enarged.

1671 Hxd. Adama , Edward, will of, drawn Aug. 7, 1671, probated lov. 11, 1671. Book 1665-1675, p. 60, p. 196. •Kidow, liary* Samuel, bOn ox uecd. ^ Abraham, ' ''

V> laary Lierv/in, uaugnter anu ner son Luke Guiwer.

•N) (Hatiianiel, son of aecd. oi age 1677

^, Underi John " " ohoses in 1d77

age [ Lieut. Jno. Banks, guardian

( I. at nan ^ Lana at Barlov/'s Plaine and a stone house

^ there on li'at'l lano..

^ jidv/ara Adams, deca. also left lanu at .-est v^hester.

^ Josiaa narvy ) Wiuow iicer.

■* V/ra. Ward ) witnesses

J Inventory of estate maae llov. 11, 1671.

1657 Austin, Joiin, Est. of. inv. taken aent. 5, 1657 oy Sept. 5 Riciiard Laws, Angel xieusted oi btamioxa, I'ilea Sov.

6, 167 3. Book 1665- 2st. ov/ea John Green and Ricriard vnebD. 1675, p.7ii. Gatiireen Auutin, \/idov/.

(•m. nuboerd aeclares to Iiir* La\/ & John Holly i.na-c ne nas paid a debt oi Jonn Auatln unto Dan'l Law.

1675 Amlers, Abrarjam, lias prop, at Jitanxora next to Robt. Bates, deed, ii on- in- law oo j:tobt. Bates.

1675 Amlers, Abram, ta^es inv. or est. i^'rancis Holmes of


1676 Aaaiiis, barri'l, takes inv. est. Jolin Richmond.

1676 Abbot, Llary, v/ife or George Abbot. D. James .Veed, Sr. See will.

1672 Ambler, Rich., had lanu next Jonathan Jagger, Standiord.

1680 Adgate, Mary, or llorwich, u. i^athew iiarvin.

1681 Amler, Abraham, ex. of John Holly est.

1682 Abbot, Johanna widow of George Abbot, estate of, inv. Book 1675- taken qj Townsmen of ilorwock, John Piatt, Thos. 1689, p. 88. ^'itch, Jr. James Olmstead and lilea 1682.

Abbot, George, will of, adaed by Court to above. 1682, I.Ich. 19. Special Court aistributes est. Under James .iilliams, aon or aeca. Johanna Abbot (above) age Elizabeth, daughter " " " " " Sarah, " " " " " " baml. Hayes) John Balawin) Administrators.

1683 Andrews, John, estate of, inventory filea Dec. 20, 1683

aon ) Book 1675-1689 p. 92.

Daughter ) under age

Joseph i.ockwood )

iJan'l Frost, Jr.) Administrators

Sam'l Benedict ■)

1579 Aadoms, Abr&m, prop, at tJie aouse of, lert by Anthony Beers, a caylox.

1684 Austin, Hannah, d. Ricli. Hardy of Stamford.

1684 Ambler, Abraham, overseer est. Rich. Hardy.

1684 Amler, Abraham, chosen guardn. by Sarah Pettet. rnaae guardian for all Pettet children.

1686 Apelgate, John, is removed by Phoebe Surges from the mttna-gemeat of her aft airs.

1686 Apelgate, John, Court oraers the 2reas. to pay to - 25

1677 Adams, liathan, son of ^ward, deed, on behalf of

Sam'l Adams is chosen by Anthony Beers & his wife aa guardian of ITathan Adams, her brother.

1686 Amler, Mr. Abraham, lurn in Hall

1687 Arnold, John, appointed deputy collector of Customs

at Stami'ord by Edward Randolph, iisq.. , Collec- tor in IT. E.

1687 Ambler, Abraham, Com'r to take inv. est. Hicolas

Webster ox otamiord.

1687/8 Aaams, Abram, apt. adm. est. Joseph James.

1688 iidams, Eathan, ox 5'airfield, apt. adm. of est. uary

Beers, deed.

1690 Abbot, George, of ilorwalk, HIH of dated Llay 2, 1689

he died at ilorwalk July, 1689/90, probated and inventory iiled LIch. 12, 1690. John, eldest son of deca. i3ook 1675-1689 ,x). 305.

Jonathon, " "

Under age Janl. abt. 17 " George " 20 "

Dorcas Roote, aht." " also called Precila Glauson " " " " " Glason

iaary (Jackson J " " " " " Jackson

Son John ex. (Richard Holmes )

" & liark Sention, Admrs(:uattyaa mention, Jr.) "i"*'" Inv. taken "before :..ch. 12, 1690 hy Visiter hoyt.John ness Boston, Sam'l Hayes.

1677 Adams, i-^ary, T7itne3s the enciorsement of James iiarvey

on Jolm Oaborn's bill of ejccnange.

1684 Allyson, Halpli, called the carpenter.

1681 Applegate, John, witness debt of Kat'l Hayes to Dan'l J'rost.

BOOK 1689-1701

1681 Applegate, John, lined for contention speech to Grand Jurymen.

1690 Adams, Abraham, takes inv. est. Rob. bely of Fairfield.

1690 Ambler, ^bram, Appt. Aam. of est. JereMah Jager.

1674 Aplgate, John, vritness release of Simon

1690 Aplebe, 2hos. of Woodbury, who w&s killed at Albany Filed lich. in the comjuand of Captain Johnson. 10,1690. Inv. of est. June l4t, 1690, by John Liinor , Book 16S9- Isaac Curtes, John Sherman db John Llitchell. 1701, p. £9.

1690 Ambler, Abraham, witness of will ib overseer of est.

of Oornelius Jones.

1691 Ambler, John, aam. of est. of Joseph Jones, son of above.

1690 Alline, Henry, of Stratford, est. of, inv. taken Sept.

20, 1690, by Sam'l Sherman and Sam'l Hawley,

Selectmen, filed ITov. 8, 1690. Book 1689-1701 p. 41 '.Vidow

Henry, son of deed. John, '■' " Perhaps other chilaren

Mr. Sam'l Sherman appt. administrator.

Mr. Ephraim otiles & Lieut. Ager Tomlison to make distribution.

1700 Ambler, Abraham, being deed, the ^ourt appt. his sur- viving son, Johil Ambler, aumr. of Cue est. 01 Joseph Jones Zst.

1700 Ambler, JoMl, son of Abratiam ambler.

1695 Adams, John, ol Fairfield est. of inv. taken by Nathaniel i3ook 1689- 3ur, 3enj. x'urny & Josiiua Jennings, iiled L'ov.7,1692

1701, p. 90.

Brotaer aam'l iidams, deed, before Feby. 15,1694 " iibranam "

" imtottn "

Sister Mary


1693 Ambler, Abraham, Sen. , appt. admr. est. Edward Lockwood.


1694 iidaras, Sara'l., oi Fairfield, est. of, inv. taken Feb.

Book 1689- 10, 169-^ by Puilip Lewis, Sei:. , Jonathan

17 01, p. 114. Font on «i Edward Howard, ana filed W^^^^^t^ date

Widow Mary - called, 1698, Mary Lyon aid est son Other children

The widOT/ with Dan'l Meker) Appt.

and Abraham -tidams ) Admr.

1694 Adams, Abraham, appt. admr. of above est.

1697 Ambler, Abraham, witness deed of gift of & made

admr. of est. of Sam'l Finch of Stamford.

1698 Adams, Abrabam, takes inv. est. John .ihittock of Fairfield.

1698 Adams, Sam'l, of Fairfield, deed. dist. of est. of Book 1689- Admrs. Abraham Adams, Dan'l Lleker cc Mary Lyon.

1701, p. 173. Heport to oourt ilov. 1,1698 &: said Mary

& Dan'l refuse to act further li Abraham

Adams made sole admr.

The Court oraers -jan'l Meker to bind

out Abram Adams, son of deed. Sam'l, to

Abraham Adams, his uncle.

1698''^ Adams, 3am*l, Jr., of Fair field, _inv. taken Mch. 15,1697/8

Jiook 1689-1701 by John Bulkley Sc John Edwards.

p. 178. 1700 iir. Elnathan Hanford appt. admr. ob pay bills to

Mr. Edwards Mr. Macheny

lir. Deny Mr. Antony

Book 1689-1701 p. 178.

1701 Adams, Dan'l, court orders to bina out his orotlier

John Adams.

1699 Allin, Ito. John, witness will Gapt. Jonathan Bell

of Stamford.

1696 Allen, liisign Gideon, appt. to distribute est.

Joseph Kill.

1701 Ambler, Abraham, being deed. Dan'l Scofield of atamford appu. in his place to uist. est. of Jeremia Jagger.

1696 Adams, Abraham, sole aarar. of est. Slephelet Hill.

BOOK 170S-1750

1702 Abbot, Ruth, wife of John Abbut, d. of John Bescow, deed, of iJorwalk.

Adams, Dan'l - Sarah, d. of Benj. Tuiney, Vol. Ill, p. 85,

1699, Ambler, iibraham of Stamford, will ox, dated Aug. 3, 1699. Wife Hannah Son John. Grandchild Abraham Browne, unaer age.

" Abegaile <i Sarah Browne, under age. Son John sole ex.

Requests his son to take care of his grand- father. Witness, David >«aterbury

j^lisha Hally Inv. Sept. 8, 1699, by aam'l Hait, David Waterbury oa Dan'l Scofield.

1699 Asten, John

, est. of inv. taken Hay Ho, 1699, by oam'l Hait, Daviu vVaterbury oi Dan'l Scofield.

1701 Andrews Belectmaii of i^iew Haven, Inv. est.

ITath'l Hudson.

1704 Allin, John, of btratford, est. of, inv. Mch. 24, 1704,

by Ephraim stiles & John Gilbert.

Henry Allin of ililford, brother to deed. appt.

admr. some time since. The est. to be deviaed bet. Henry Allen

of ialilford cc hia sister trances Hall of

liid diet own. Mr. Zphraim otiles & Leut. Agar Comlinson to


1699 Astin, John, of btamford, deed. , an inv. was presented

to Court June 24, 1699. The wiaow and ixer son John Asten to aami-.

1697 Ambler, Abratiam, chosen guaraian by Llartha, a. of

Thos. Wilaman of Bedford.

1714 Aadams, Rebeckau, d. of Peter Olapham, uecd. 1698.

1707 Atabler, John, takea inv. & dist. est. iidmond Lockwooa

of Stamford.

1707 Adams, ITathan, witness will of Dan'l Grofort of Fairfield

1707 Adams, Dan'l, takes inv. of est. " " " "

1708 Andrus, John, admr. est. Joseph v^Tielply of Fairfield.

1705 Abut, Jonathan, s. in law Leut John Olmsted.

1?05 Adams, I^an'l, takes inv. est. ^ Lyon.

1709 Adams, Abraham, takes inv. est. Capt. John Osburn. 1709 Allen, Gioion, "

1709 Ambler, John, takes inv. of est. Sam'l Holly oi otamford.

1710 Allen, Sgrgt. dist. est. Gapt. John Osburn.

1712 Andrus, John, oi iTairfield, to dist. est. Thos. Disbrow of ^airfield.

1710 Amblor, ior. John, witness codicil of will Capt. John Selleck.


1712 Adams, Dan'l, witness will Mary Sherwood, widow.

1712 Allen, Qideon, takea inv. est. Sam'l Smith of Fairfield.

1712 Allen, Gideon, takes inv. est. Jonathan Bur of "

171d Applegate, John, of Fairfield, will of, witnessed by lir. John Meredith, of ITewport, R. I. & Sam'l Kubhell,

baid John Mereuith testifies as to his wit- nessing saia will before bam'l Cranston, liov. of 3oadislanu.

1717 Jany. 30, 1716/17 oam'l Huhbell swares

to having witnessed will of John Applegate.

1715 Allen, Ensign Gideon, appt. to dist. est. of Dan'l Bradley of Fairfield.

1712 Ambler, lir. John, oi btanforu, will of dated IJov. 2, 1711

vi(ife liartna oon John

" ateven Jau.Iviartha iirabler, unaer age. iiVife sole ex.

Witness: Benj. Hait cc Jonas Kait. Inv. of Mr. -^ohn Ambler of titanforci who deed. Eov. 4, 1711, taken Jany. 1, 1711/12 by Joseph Bishop, Jonathan dates & James i^loson. Joseph Bishop, i'rustee.

1712 Allen, Gideon, takes inv. est. iir. Joshua UCnowles of Fairfield.

1712 Applegate, John, of Fairfield, yeoman, will of, lov. 13,17 04.

Wife Aviss

After his wife dies to be divided bet. sons of his brother, I'hos. Applegace. 7/ife sole ex. Witness; John Meredith, oam'l Ilubhell. Inv. Dec. 25, 1712, oy John Smith, Sam'l Huhbell cc Thos. Viilliams, Jr. Had land next John Staples.

Med ?

1712 Bill of Jonatlian Wed of ITorwallr

A ratg. fron Joseph Smith.

A 1)0110; from Davis Ogden. A mtg. from iam'l Jackson. A mtg. from 'I'hos. Williams. A mtg.' from John li/illiams. A mtg. " Eath'l Lyon " " " Thos. Bennitt

A bill from John Parnut A bond from Cornelius Bunkham.

1713 Andross, Jolin, takes inv. est. Sam'l Goby of Fairfield 1713 Andrus, John, takes inv. est. Henry Gray, Jr. of Conpo.

1712 Allen, ii.nn, wife of Insign Gideon Allen & d. of

llath'l Burr.

1713 Andrus, Jeremiah, of Stanford, inv. of est. of Aug. 12,

1713 by Stephen Bishop, Dan'l Scofield, Jonathan Gola (k Dan'l Weea s';7are i;o inv.

1714 Allen, ijisign (iideon, diso. est. of Joseph Bradley of ?.

1714 Allen, Insign Gideon, dist. est. Sam'l Smith of Fairfield.

1715 Allen, Insign Gideon, " " Lir. Lloses Gilbert.

1715 Addoms, lan'l, witness will of, takes inv. est. Sam'l

Jackson of otratfora.

1715 Allen, Gideon, takes inv. est. Lieut. John Barlow.

1715 Andrus, John, takes inv. est. Cliristopher Godfree, Sen.

of Fairfield.

1715 Atwood, Rachell, called d. in lav/, prob. step aau. of Sdwara x'reaem" ox Stratford S; mother of lath'l Waite.

1715 Atwood, Henry, called s. by laward Trehem and ex. of his


1710 Allen, Sergt. Gideon, aopt. to dist. est Luke '\ deed.


1713 Andrus, lir. Jolin, chosen aa guardian by oam'l Goley aon or bara'l Goley, aecd. or Fairfield. '

1713 Andruss, Jeremiah, late or Stanford, deed.

Jonathan Gola & Dan'l Weed, Jr. appt. admr.

1713 Ambler, Abraham, Jr. late Stanford, aeed.

Jonathan uold appo. aomr.

1710 Ambler, John, son or John Ambler, late of Stanford deed, made choice of Sam'l Blatchly as guardian.

1710 Ainbler, Steven, son of John Ambler, late of Stanford

deed, made choice of John Stone or ataniora*as guardian.

1714 Austin, John, of Stanford, is chosen by Court as guardian

for Thos. bkildan, son of Thos. Skilaan, late of ^Stanford, deed.

1714 Adams, Uathan, oi Fairfield, called brother-in-law and cnosen guaruian by Peter Glapham, son of Peter Glaphan or i;orwalk, ueca.

1716 Adams, Jan'l, appt. guardian for Sam'l Cable, son of Joseph Cable, deed.

1716 Andruss, John, son oi late Jeremiah Andruss of Stanford

raake choice of Dan'l 7/eed or ^itanford. as guardian

1716 Ambler, ..braham, late of Stanford, deed., made a will

and willed land to his grandchild Abraham Brown of Stanforu ana made his son John Ambler, ex. who ia also aecd. The Court appt. Martha *

liead aiid sam'l scofield, of Stanford, to admr.

Probate Book #2.

Can't place tMs Baldwin,

but prob. son

or ^atln..

John Banks. 7/it-

Dan'l Baldwin

signed release II II

1665. Tnos. Lyon, nesbes lbb5. 2I10S. bkicmore.

Dan'l »i/esoott. Witnesses.

John Baldwin, eldest son. 1st wife. Eathaniel Baldwin. Abigail Baldwin. Kathaniel Baldwin.

Sarah Baldwin. 2nd wife Deborah. ' Joanna, Jane,Samut;l Baldwin, probably widow of

Richard ..escott. Hathaniel Baldwin and Abigail Baldwin, Ms

sister signed release, Oct. 30, 1658. Witnesses. John Burr ana Dan'l Burr. See abv.

Joanna, wife of Joim or btamford signed release go I'hos. Skidmore, i^'eb. 14,1664. Witnesses. John Banks and John Hawles. Daniel Wescott signed release to i'hos. Skid- Joanna " more, ^'eb. 14, 1664. (Jane) Witnesses. John Banks and John Rawles.

Abigail, wife of looses Knapp, signea re- lease to Ihos. Skidmore, Jan. 4, 1669. Witnesses. Sam'l Baldwin ana Sarah Baldwin. John ii/epcott, signea release to Thos. iikid- more Hot. 9, 1666. Witnesses. John skidmore and i<obt. Bloomer.

Thos. Skidmore of Fairfield is called father-in-law by the above Wescitt cailaren.

Eobert Bates of atamfora, will IJay 15,1675. See under ii.

Richard .Vescott.


-BOOK 1546-1656.

1654 Bennet, Mary )ij(

" James ) Grandchildren Thos. Wheeler, i5r.

" Thomas )

" John )

1654 Bateman, mm. ^ i? (T^ ^

1655 Butler, iiiehard 'y^j-.- (fbcL^'i - (iM'-^ JL&O^J

1655 Burr, Jehu i-r^ii'r^ (Signed by

1655-Esd. Boosie, JosephT^inVentory liled, Oct. 25,1655( Thos. "uTieel- 1655 Banks, John, in 1658 called son or Charles i'ain-(er, Wm. ITew-

1655 Barlow, Ihos. tor. (man, Josias 1658 Booth, Richard ) 1670 overseer est. Jas.Peroskei' Gilbert.p.8. lo57 .vm. Blackman )

" Burdseye, John ) Stratford, I think.

1658 Ixa, Bulkley, I'hos. estate or, inven^iory liled Oct. 19,1658, Widow p. 21.

Sides t son 2nd son 1 daughter.

1658 Jehu Ec John Burr

1658 Baldwin, Hathaniel, estate of, inventory filed Oct. 19, 1658, p. 26,

See note Joanna Jane 2 wife of above )

0;iposite. John, eluest son, cnose Pell as guardian ) llote

3 children by 2a v/ife Jane or Joanna ) of

3 " " 1st wife J abstracter

living at Milford. )

h 1658 iiiXd. Barlow, i'hos, iairfield will of dated Sept. 8,1^58, probated Oct. 1^58, p. 28. (see Steward, Sobt.1679) Rose, wife of above Rhoda, or Phebe ) Marriea 167o Olmsted Deborah ) C^hilaren unaer age uary )

aee Edward Hash, 167 0 or '7 3. Thomas Pell of

ij airfield, Overseer. 1658 Banks, John

1656 Bateman, im. Fairfield, »«ill of probated Oct. 20, 1858, p. 36.

" Thoa. son of above of Concord.

Henry Lyon, son in law of above ■.'m. , also iixr. Joseph ididulebrook, granachild above um»

Witnesses; Andrew v»ard anu <<illiam .<ard.


BOOK 1648-1656.

1659 2xd. Bennett, James, estate ox, inventory riled Apl. 12,1659, Hannah, widow oi above. M. Joseph j.iaale- ) (p.45. ) I'hos. ) brook )

Jamea ) )

John ) Children ) added

Sarah & married John Oshorn ) uncier age. ) 5^ Hannah "state aistribuied. Book 1675-1689, pp. 48-


1659 iilttckman, John (Stratford)

16 59 Widow Bennett (Strati'oret)

1659 Booth, Richard, ( Stratford)

1662 Beckwith, Steven, witness will of «»arren Andrews

1662 Beachem, lioht. owes estate of Francis Andrews

1662 Banks, John, callea neighbor by Anthony /i/ilson.

Is made ex. of his will.

1652 Brother Beardsley mentioned in mm. Wilkenson's ? r/ill

1661 Ixd. Bearcisley, Wm. Will of of Stratford, probated July 6, Vifidovv 1661, p. 67.

oanuel, son Joseph, son John 8 on ueveral aaughters

1661 Brinsnead, John (Stratford)

1661 Beardsley, John -<

1662 2xd Blackman, John, will of (Stratford) probated lov. 26,1662

Widov/ p. 77.

Joseph, elaest son 7/itnesses :- Other children. Adam Blackman

James Blackman. 2xrs. his brothers B. - W. and Jajmes.

1662 Blaokman, iidam, prooaoly xataer of aoove John " James, brother to above John

1662 Blackman, John, speaks oi his brother liurdsey u; his

uncle wheeler

1662 Brandias ;• John, Hill prooaoed iiug.5,1662, p. 88.

( record worn)


BOOK 1648-1656. BOOK 1665-1675.

1652 Blackman, Adam, ex. of estate of iVm. Wilcox-son Bearably, «vm. " "

1648 Bryant, Alexander, takes inv. of est. of Edw. Harvy.

1648 Baldwin, 'fimot ny, owes est. Sdm. Harvy.

1656 iieardsly, i'hos. Estate oi , inventory filed July 5, 1656, P. 92. Jonanna, (prota. wife oi) Thos. Bearasiy.

1656 ^iX, Briant, tiie elder ) Trustees in est. of Briant, Bicu. ) I'hos. Beardsly.

Barly, Thos. )

1665 ixd. Bout on, Hich. , estate of, inventory filed June 28,1665 Euth, widow of above Book 1665-1675, p.l.

Left his tools to Jolin Bouton,'ais brother, son of John Had posthumus cnild -ti^utn.

1665 Blaclman, Adam, will of (of otratford), probated Jan. 16,1665 Pastor of uue Uhuroii of otratfora. Book 1665-1675, p. 2. Widow IJane) Married (Jolin, ^on of above (her children at tine (Jaraes ana uis v/ire 01 aea-cxi Ibamuell " " " of deed. (laary (Atwater, proD. Josue Ben j arain

Deliverance son. Josua Atwater, granason

Ee speaks of ais aaugnter Blaekman cc requests sue not marry John Thomas

1665 Butler, Thos. claims a cuila's portion for his wife

in est. 01 Richaru. .^eu.

1665 Brown, Francis, app. est. John Chapman.

1666 2xd. Bouton, Buth, ebtate of, of A»orwolk, inventory filea

-daughter i^uth. iTov.8,1666,3ookl665-1675,p.l6

The Court of Fairfield is requested bj Mathew Llarvin, u>r. , Hodc. Turney & John :30Uton to give custody of child Buth est. to Llathew Harvin Si in case of his aeatn to aer uncle John Bouton. In case one child Huth dies, the land is to return to Ben j. Turney or Fairfield ^ a certain sum to x'hos. ioioorenouse oi Fairfieln.


1667 Bcjwers, Judith, lately window Ferris

Sometime wife to Jeffry Ferris.

1668 Blackmail, ciam'l, aecd. Nov. 27,1668, est. o±,inventory

Widow filed Uch. 12,1669.

Adam, son of d. Sept. 1665. Book 1665-1675, p. 36. Daugiicer, b. ^ec 11, lob5. '• b. " 4, 1667.

Mr. Sherman )

Mr. Ctency ) iippt. Overseers.

Ui, liraves i

Moses ifneeler

1657 Bell, Francis, inventories est. Gregory Taylor.

1669 Burr, John )

Banks, John ) Overseers est. Giles cmith.

1669 Basset, Thos. estate of, inventory filed Jan. 14,166 9. Jany.l4 Inventory maae by Joshua Jennings & Robt.Turney. Widow Book Ib65-lc75,p.41.


»«m. WajTd )

Mathanul Burr ) Appt. administrators.

1669 Burr, Abigail, vTife of Dan'l Burr, is left prop.

by i'hos. Pell. Burr, Jan'l, left prop, hy I'hos. Pell ana is made ex. of his estate.

1669 Brown, Francis, aumr. est. or Thos. Steaawell of Standford.

1669 Betts, I^rtha, given prop, by Ilathew St. John

167 0 Brush, I'hos. witness settlement of ex. of est. of Giles

Smith Sc Jonathan Porter, heirs.

1670 Bennet, James, take inv. est. of Sprim ti/heeler.

1669 Bisnop, JohJa, v/itness will Robt. Usher of otandford.

1669 Bell, Lieut. Francis, takes inv. est. Root. Usher of dtand-


167 0 Bets, John, living near iiicholas Knap at citandford.


1670 Buxton, Sarah, daut. of Clement J3uxton^

Daughter- in- lav/ oi Hicholas Knap.

1671 Bradle , x^'rancis, ownes land next Ed, Adams, deed.

1671 Benedict, i'hos. br. , selectman ox l^orwock.

Ib7ii Bowers, John, ex. of estate of John Palmer, deed.

1672 Bets, Thos. , ownes land near Mr. Balph Kelt at ilorwolk

1674 Barlow«, lir. John, aen. of Fairfield, will of dated l^ Lich. 28, 1674, probateu IT ov. 3,1674. Widow Ar.n Book 1665-1675, p. 77.

John, £0n of deed. (Slisabeta Frost (Martiia Beers w. James Beers i>augiiters (Deborah oturges, w. John Sturges (Isabella uiapnam (Ruth Bradley w. Francis Bradley James Beers ) , Bobt . Rumsie ) ^-' '^^•' " "'' Inv. taken June 9, 1674 by Geo. oquire, oen. , iiichard Ogden John Burr

1673 Jane Bleclman, will of, aated Sept. 6, 1671 & iiay, 72.

Deliverance, son of uecd. prooated Jan. 23,1673.

James & wife Book 1665-lo75 p. 73.


Adam, grandson, (prob. son of BenJ.)

3 aaughters of her son James

Adam, granason (son or her son oam'l)

-Idest d. or her son Sam'l

bar ah ilichols (a sei*vant)

Llary, granddaughter ( daugnter of James)

Joseph Biackman (grandson) under age

Gives prop, to llx. Israeli Chancy " " Jiiathaniel (her servant)

Mr. Chancy ) (John Picket

Mr. Graves ) Overseers n/itrBss (John Bostecke

Joseph liaw^y)

Inventory raaae Jan. 23, 1673 oj John Birdsie, Isack Eicholb, John 'irVilcokson.


Bates, Robt, (of btandtord) will of dated May 15, 1675,

probated 1675.

John Bates, grandchild is given a portion with tne

wale criiluren oi uis son John Bates

iiary ^bler, aau. and her children.

Gift to aau. of nis son John Bates.

John Gross son in law.

John Bates, son of dec'd. Lieut. Jonathan Bell

Book 1665-1675 p. 83.

Peter -i-'erris

Abraham Ambler, son in law

Peter Ferris :

John iiolly : V/itnesses. Inv. maae June, 1675.



1674 Beers, llartha, called dau. bj: John ^&xlovr. \'ii±e 01 James Beers.

1674 Bradley, Rutb, called dau. by John Barlow

wife 01 Francis Bradley.

1673 Brinsmead, John (of atratford), est. of, inv. taken

by Rich. Booth, John Birdsey, ben. &" John Vnilcock- son, before .m* Curtess, otratford,^ filed Uov.4,

*l/idow liary ^.-a- ?,•(.■••»■«- 1675.

John, eldest son Book 1665-1675, p. 79.

Dan '1



Mary Bostv/iek, uaugnter, married. John Bostwick signs for Hary; prob. her husoana.

Hizaoetu Jirinsmead.

1675 Bates, John, see under letter R X'

16 (75?) Bud, John of Rie. Transfer oi prop, in Rie to George June 15, iiniffen oi otrstford

on last vVitness,

page Francis Browne,

Dan'l oinkins (This is not a will, reiers no sale oi lana. S.E.M.<S

1663 Baldwin, Daniel, acknowledges receipt of all legacies --ay 16 for estate of

John Banks )7/itness

I'hos . Lyon )

166c7 Baldv/in, John, acknowleages receipt in full of all July 18 legacies for nis father's est.

I'hos. bkidmore J ^Vitness

-^an'l i-escott )

167ii Bloomer, Roht. buys prop, at Rye from Philip Galpin

& sells same mo tjimon Roberts-

1675 Bellamy, iiath. wit;ness will of Francis Holmes, deed, of atandford

1675 Bell, Francis, witness inv. of Francis Holmes of bandford.


BOOK 1675-168y

16Y5 Bartrem, John (of atratiora) est. of Inv. filea lov. 6, f.u) 1675, (p.lOy taken by I sack lichols, John Curtias

Henry Wakeling.

John Kara, Jr. ana his wife take oath as to the inv. , ttie prop, being- at his uouse except sometuing at John Jackson* s.

1676 Beardslee, Thos. , of atratford, inv. of est. of, dated Hch. E9, 1676, by selectmen John Gurtiss, Henry kvakling, John Picket, Thos. Afford, John sVels.

1676 Butler, Richard, of atratdord, estate of, inventory filea ana aistrioution maae iiay 26, 1676. p. 17 Daughter Mary, wife of Thos. Hicks " Pheoe, '•' •' Ben j. Peat.

Inv. May 20,1676, by belectmen of SoT/n of iitraTfora, Jno. ourtisa, Thos. Afford, I'hos. li/akeliiig, John Picket & Jno. ^Vels.

1676 Bishop, Mr. , haa aouse next n/m. -i-JewEian of atandford.

1676 Bell, ^'rancis, takes ioiv. est. Wm. iiewman of i*tanuford.

1677 Beach, John, estate of (of Stratford) estate divided

i'iov. 6, 1677. John, eldest son, borii Apr. 1654 Elizabeth, wife of iilasapa Preston, born Mch. 20, Joseph, corn July 1, lb71. 1652.

Thos. " May, 1659. - Book 167 5-1689, p. 21. Hath. " Hch. 166^;. Isack, " June 27, 1669. Benj. " Mch. 3, 167o.

Mary- " bept. 1656. (Signers Mary Creeh Hannah " Oct. 1665. aajrah " iJov. Iub7.

Property at .Vallingfora of tue aecd. left to I'hos. )

latnauieij Peat

isack & )

Benj. )

18 BOOK 1675-1689.

1677 Beach, Jotm, (eon'od)

Capo. Wm. Uuruiss) Overseers Jorm IJoss ) Overseers

I'*Ir. Israel Chancy) at ii-libaapu ) at

Prestoia ) otratfora Preston } wallingiord

Inv. of Stratford property "caken oy Wm. Gurtiss, Thos. Offerd, Timotny «rfillcocksen, Joun Budsly. ?

Inv. of Wallingford prop, taken by John Brocket, liatu. Merreiaan, Abranam i/owliotle.

1677 Birdsey, John, inv. ssf. John Beach i^tratfora.

1677 Brocket, John " " " " at. wallingfora.

1676 Bennet, iiatinah, of Fairfiela, acknowledges the payment p«24. of ner portion of uer fatner's est. t)j her

brotner Thos. Bennet Joi'iii I'homson ) Sarn'l o quires ) iVitness

1676 Bennedick, Thos. i>en. witness esv. Jonaa Aeeler of iiorwolk

1676 Bell. Lieut. Francis, takes inv. est. Joi:m Pettet

Of iiitanarora.

1681 Bets, Thos. nas prop, next to xiatu. Sichards, ilorwock.

1675 Bates, ii:obt. see under H.

1677 Bostock, 21len, wiiov/ of Arthur Bostock of atratford,est.of fileil 1677. Inv. taken IS Kay, lb77, by Thos. Afiord,

Timothy .<illeockson, John «vels <^ Tvlos. Birasey. Jiee page 54, Book 75 - 8y.

1676 Buraler, takes inv. of est. Cornelius Jones

1670 Bennet, oaran, d. James Bennet, deca. anu wife of John Osborn, tiirougn ner husbanu releases Josepn Lliaale brook, callea rather.

1676 Bennet, uanna, witness aoove release.

Ib76 Brooks, Goodman, owes est. Thos. Sherwood of stretford.


1678 3roT7ne, Thos. ) called brothers Dy Sliz. widow of

^.achliel ) Jolin Purdee.

1678 Browne, ^..ackelyn, takes inv. of est. of Jolm Purdee.

1678 ^eneaict, John, " " " " "

1678 Bullerd, Rich, of (ireenv/ieh, 3st of (he died liay 27, 1678) Inv. by lownsraen and iielectmen John^Bpwers, John Senolds, ki/m. Bundle of Grreenv;lcii;"L'ov.'' 5, 78. Widow. liled 1678, Book 1675-1689, p. 46.

1678 Bowers, John, takes inv. of est. Rich. Bullerd of


1676 Balav/in, ilat^l. a soldier slayn az the Waraganset Swamp. Estate of, inv. taken iiela. 13, 1676. lulled 1678. Tho. Hales, Administrator. Book 1675-

Bequethed by Mr. Adam Blackman, 1689, p. 46.

" " lies. Blaekman.

1676 iam'l Baldv/in, swares to inv. of above

1676 LIr. Adam Blackman) raade bequests to iiat. Baldwin.

iirs. llackmau J

1672 Bishop, ilr. had land next J. Jagger at Standford

1672 Bates, Sobt. "

1674 Bennet, Thos. Eldest son of James Bennet, deed, relsases

his 'Step father, Joseph liiddlebrook, iiay 15,1674. Wm. Hill )

John Igleton ) V/itness

1681 Burrit, John, takes inv. est. Henry iJomlinson, Stratford

1680 Bouton, John, called son oj iiafhew Llarvin " " " " Alec

" Abigal, wife of John & d. of"

" Ruth, grandchila of ^^lec "

" Rachel " " "

1680 Bushnell, Richard ) Grandchild of Liathew " Francis ) Uarvin

1674. Sennet, James, son of James Bennet, dec'd, releases nis step father Joseph iiiddlebrook, ^ec. 10, 167-i. Geo. Squire and uaml <i(ilson. ITitneases.


1680 Benedict, I'lios. Sr. , takes inv. of Alec I-iarvin of Korwock

1681 Bell, Jonathan, overseer John Holly Sat.

1681 Bell, Francis, witi.ess will of John iiolly.

1681 Birdsey, John, belectman, .^itratford, takes inv. est.

John nurd.

1683 Benedict, aam'l^ adm. est. John Andrews, deed.

1675 Bootn, .'iimon & Eehecca his v/ife of ( ) Harbor in

tne Go. of Yorke, IJass. , do release (upon the receipt of L 5 of I.ir. James Hill of Boston, Suffolk v^o. , iaass. ) their lataer Dan'l Frost of -ijairfield, of a legacy left unto said riehecca in tue hands of our aforesaid father by our grandfather Dan'l Frost, June 30, 1675.

Witness oyoyanemnon )

Brian Rowdleton) Associates ) Sha. Fletcher ) '.Vitness

1681 John Burr, ageu abt. 48, swares in regard to will

01 iiath Burr

167 9 Beardsly, oam'l, has prop, at Stratford next John Eurd

1681 Bennet, liary, wife of John Bennet of Fairfield, legacy to irom John Eurd of Stratford.

1681 Bissell, Abegail, wife of bam'l Bissell of 7/indbon,

legacy to from John Hurd of otratrora

1682 Brundige, John (Standford) takes inv. est. John Ogden

1682 Browne, Hackelin, " " " " " "

1682 Burr, X John callea kinsman bj 8c left overseer of Jehu est. John Gabel

1682 Banks, Jonn, wioness anu takes inv. will of John Cabel


168E Bradly, Francis, owes est. of John Oabel.

1682 Banks, Joseph, of Fairfield, will oi, dated Oct. 29,1682 John iianks (brother) Probated iiov.7,1682. Obadia lianlcs (brocher) Book 1675-1699 ,r). 82. bam'l Ba-.ks Benj. Banks "

iiary Taylor sister

John Banks (rather)

lirs. Sarah G-old, 5r. gift to

i^aj. i^athan (xold )

John Banksdather J ) Overseers

Dan^l Bur, aht. 40 yrs. Ola )

oam'l iloorhouse ) 'nVitnesa

iiiv. taken Oct. 19, 1682 by VM. Hill, Dan'l Bur, Josiah Earvy.

Maj. i.^athan Gold )

Lieut. John Banks ) apt. ex. of will

1682 Burr, Ban'l, abt. 40 yra. old, witness will Josepn Banks.

1682 Bower, John, witness v/ill oi aad inv. jst. of

liiargaret Kitchell of Greenwich

1681 Barnard Bartholemew ) have interest in Beckwitti, Steven, ) est. His. Webb Bari.an, Thos. ) of ilorwock.

1681 Bencher, the heirs of, interested in est. Zlis. Webb.

1682 BaldT/in, John, apt. adm. est. Johanna xi.bbot.

168S Blakeman, Sarah ) Granddaughters of Sarah Clarke.

Hanna )

1683 Blackman, Mary ) " " " "

Hanna )

168S Burrit, Elizabeth, of Stratfora, will of dated Sept. 2,1681 oteven, son of deed. probated Oct. 53,

Mary Smith, dau. of ^eca. a/c ol former promise. 1683 6 grown ciiildren Book 1675-1689, p. 95.


1683 iSurrit, SlisalDeth (cortd)

Gift to Ilr. Clancy, " HavicL ilitcuell

" John iiinor

" John Burrit, son or aecd.

David Mitchell )

Alsaoa -Mitchell ) witness

Inv. taken Oct. 25, lb85 oy isaral. iihermanj

Jno. Birdsy and Saml. Hawly, Selectmen.

1683 Burr, Mr. Danl. es. of est. Thos. Affoxa.

1683 Burdsey, John, Jr. to est. Rob. Rose, Stratford.

1683 Banks, John, takes inv. est. Steven Hodges

1683 Booth, Spraim, oi iStratfora, will of dated July 26, 1682

.iidovT iJary Probated l^ch.9,1683. Book

Mary, dau. of ueca. 1675-1689, p. 113. Johanna ' "

Bethia " "

Richard, son of deed, under age.

Joseph xiawly, Uncle to deed

Zbenezer Booth, brother to aecd.

John Booth " " ) Overseers

Joseph Curtice " "

Saml. Hawly, cos in " "

Booth, Richard ) Benjamin Lewis ) V/itness

Inv. taken Mch. 9, 1682/83 by Thos. Afford, John Birdsye, aaral. Hawly.

1683 Beers, John, of Stratford, will of Feby, 9,1682/3, probated Iviary, widow ITov. 9, 1683.

baml. son of decu.

Barnaoaa Beers, brother of deed. SHaaoeth Peck, siivder of deca.

Jonson of Salem, sister of deed.

Book 1675-1689, p. 114. Over.


1683 Beers, John (eontd)

Israeli Chancy )

i)eacon iimothy .filcokson) overseers Zackery ^'airchild )

iiaml. Sheriaan ) Zacharial Fairchild ) .Vitness

Inv. taken oy Selectmen Thos. Ufford, Saml. Sher>T3an, John ".7ils.

1683 3arnabaa 3eers, brother of John above

1685 Bell, Lieut. Francis, takes inv. est. Joseph Scoffield ?

1685 Bates, John, takes inv. est. Joseph Scoffield, (Stratford)?

1683 Bullerd, widow, est. of, inv. Aug. 18, 1683, by John Bowers Book 1675- John Hooby, townsmen, filed Lov. 6,1683. 168y,p.ll6. Lieut. Jona -Uockv/ood swares to inv.

1685 Bowers, John, takes inv. est. Widow Bullerd.

1688 Birdsey, John, overseer of est. ELy. Porter of otratford.

1679 Beers, Anthony ( a taylor), est. of inv. Ilay 14, 1679,

by (xeorge Squire cc Tho.' Wilson,- filed 1683.

Leaves proper-cy at various places. Book 1675- 1689, p. 123.

At Abram Addams

" John Grummuns, Sen.

Mr. Thorngte

Iho. Staples, i^en.

Danl. Sillwants

1684 Burr, John, called br otner ty^ Moses Dimond

lb84 Burr, Ilath. witness will " "

1683 xirowne, tJarah, wife of Zleazer Browne of IT. Haven, d. Sarah .vilson, sometimes Bulkley.

1683 Bulkley, John, son of »iarah Wilson, sometimes Bulkley.

£!4 1683 Bulkley, Josepli, son of Sarah Wilson, sometines I3ulkley

1683 Bulkley, Gershome, Mr. of 7/etheraf ield

iirother-in-law " "

1684 Benedict, I'tios. inv. est. oexgt, Thos. i'itcli of Korwalk. 1684 Bowton, John, iien." " " " "

1684 Bowers, -John, aaminisbTauor of est. Spraim Palmer

1684 Bell, Jonathan, takes inv. of est. of Ti/m. Cressy

1684 Bell, Gapt. Jonathan, overaeer or will Bich* Hardy.

1684 Burr, iiannah, wife or -^anl. Burr & d, John Banks, deed.

1684 Burr, Danl. grandson or John Banks, deed.

1684 ixd. Banks, John, will of, aated ^ec. 12, 1684, probated

re'b.4,1685. Widow xiary John, son of deed. Saml, " ■' lana at xiye. Book 1675-1689 Obadiau " " p. 145.



Grand cnild John Banks, son or John Banks. Daughter ciusanna Sturges Grandchila Jonathan iaturges

" Benj. Banks, son of Benj. Banks i^aughter uannah Burr, (in ^aniel Burr; Grandchild iJanl. Burr ''^'^\

Son-in-law Danl. Burr Zxrs. sonti , John.Ohadiah &

Gift to i^athaw Sherwood Benjamin,

daughter Uary xayler

x«athan Gold )

Josiah iiarvy) witness

Inv. taken Jany. 27, 1684/5 of est. Leut.John

_3anks oy^ i^athaa Uold , John \jheeler A l^hos.


1684 Bloomer, SoD-c. sold before 1684 prop, to John Banks.

1684 Blackley of iirainfora " " " " ='

1682 Bell, Jonathan, witness will John Jagrer of >3tamrord

1682 Bishop, Stephen, takes inv. est." " " "


1677 iiurgia, Bieii. & Pheoy x'ecoeke, marriage agreement, filed Vv'itness V/m. iiiii & John Burr. 1685. Book 1675-

1689, p. 152.

1685 Burgis, Hieii. oi' ^^'airf ield , est. of, inv. Ivlay 4, 1685.

The Fairfield property ir.v. by Cornelius Hull, Sen. filed iiay 7, 1685, Josiah Harvy

Book 1675-1689, p. 15g. John Davis

Stratford prop. inv. by baml. Sherman

Eobt. Lane Sanl. Berdsly

James Clarke of Stratfora dc ) appt. by Court to BenJ. Beacu " ) look after estate

Widow Phebe

Child Jane, 1:6 yrs. old prb.

Thos. Wilson, aaminisrrator

1685 Berdsly, Danl. , inv. Stratford est. of Rich. Burgis.

1685 Beach, Benj. apt. o'iyerseer of est. Rich. Burgis.

1685 Basset, John, oi otratfora, will of dated ivlay 27, 1676,

oeing called to fight the Indians, probated and Robt. Basset, orother to deed. inv. filed

Danl. Pursalli brotiiers-in-law Hch. 10,1685,

iienry xiill i Book 1675-1689, p. 158.

John Minor ) (Ilicholas liray

lath. Porter) overseers (John Birdscye,Jr.

Inv. Mch. 3, 1684/5 by saml. EllSs, Andrew Sanfora.

1676 Birdseye, «^ohn, Jr., witness above will

1684 Bishop, Josepn ) sons of lir. Bishop are left legacy Ebenezer ) dj Wm. Potter of -Jtamford Benj . )

1684 Bishop, John, v/it;ness will of ivm. Potter of Stamford

1684 Bell, Francis " " " " '•

1684 Bell, Jona. -uakes inv. est* of " "

1684 Bouton, John, sen. takes inv. of est. Thos. Lupton of iior-


26 lb84 iooth, xtebecca, d. of Danl. Frost oi' ^'airfield.

1684 Bowers, John, oi C)tamiord, overseer of est. Joshua iinap

1685 Baxloe, Anna, xTiaow or John Barlow, late of Fairfield,

=st. of, inv. Jehy. 25, 1685, o^ Cornelius Hull, Sen.-, Richara Eubball & Josiaa xiarvy.

John ±3urr )■ Admin-

John Barlow, only son and prin-) istrators cipal legatee under the will J of «John Barlov/, aecct. i'iled Mch. 10, 1685, Book 1675-1689, p. 174.

1685 Bennet, Isaac, o-in-lavy to i^ebeoca Kose, wiaow.

1685 Belden, oaml. , witness will of •C'praim Loelrv/ood

1685 Baaterd, Joseph, releases and aiscnarges John lireen

& liicewise irom a bill payable to Eitiu^-^s ? Wakeman.

Humphry Unurel )

Danl. lieaker J witness

1635 iiouton, John, takes inv. est. iaaml ijinten ?

1685 Benedeck, Thos. " " " " "

1686 Bouton, John, apt. aam. " '' "

1686 Burgas, Phebe, releases Letter of Attorney from Apelgate 00 Gnoses i.'ir. iiaml. Sherman co lir. Josiaii -icols to manage her ai fairs. John .Tneler) John Olson J witness

1685/6 Bur, -i^anl. Clerk oi cue oourt.

1685 Beers, Barnabas, witr.ess consnt. of Henry Hill to

John Basset's will.

1686 Baldwin, oergt. John, juror in Hall vrs. Hall 1686 Benedict, ihos. Jr., ' ' "

IbSo Beers, oames, i^rand Juror in case vrs. H. Rowland et al


1686 uarlow, Jolm, Jr. , couvicoeu oi ueing au n. Bowlaaa's at night without leave.

1686 Barloc, John, fined J'pxs baing arunk.

lb8o ±>aker, Lidea, aau. oi Gapt. Rich. Olmsteds cousin Bazier

1686 Benedict, x'hos. haa lana on ouher »iae ox ^iorwolk iiun

next to Gapt. Rich. Olmst=d' deed.

1687 BeniC, Lieut* James, oen. appi;. overseer ox children of

late Joseph Jackson in place or Jjieut. aarnl. Morehouse, aecu.

1687 Burges, Jane, a. of Rich. Surges, is placed in charge of

i-'hos. "ilaon until sae is 18 yrs. olu.

1587 Bisbun, Robt. or Fairfield, est. of inv. taken Apr. 1,1687,

oy imthl* oely cc Jonathan J*torehouse, filed Apl.ES, cjusanna, widow. 1687.

Wiaow Susanna & ) Book 1675-1689, p. 224.

Jona.IiOreuouse ) 3x.

1687 Blackleach, Mr. Rich. sen. est. ITathan vrfhelply,deca.

IboS oee Vol. or' Probate Records 167 5-1689, page iiol. Feby.4, -oanks,' tjohn, to tranaxer or prop, at Aspebuck River

oy several Indians. Witness,

um. viard, Joseph xiumas iiiathev/ oherv/ood.

1687 Brownson, Isaac, iielectman of Water bury, aprizes land at water oury oeionging to Joseph Hichox.

1687 Bishop, Stephen, witness, will of -i^iicholas .veoster of utaraf ora.

1687 Bell, Jona. Gomiss, oakes inv. of " " '* •»

1688 Bisxiop, Josepa, wi'cness will John "»Vaterbury of ^tamrora

1688 Jiiennet, James, ben. & his wife called lanaloru and land- laay uy iibraaain Joy - ser rsaac "neler. Abranam iiennet, son oi above & namesake of said Joy left 1/2 or «Joy's estat;e.


1688 Basset, xtobt. gives bond to appear in next Court.

1688 jieers, i^ry, oi ^'airfield, aeca. , ^ourt appoints oaml. Ward & Eatlian Adaias in aocoraance v/itu an av/ara aaoea uec. 2, '87, said award by Hr. Jonn jsurr, 'jergo. c>aiai. wara a •'•T^odert Surney oraered to report the sec on a l^uesday in Mar en.

1688 Birasey, John, Jr., appt. Adm. of est. Wm. Hunnewell of


1688 i3elanigs, John, Mr« appt. adm. est. ^d. Jaders of iiorwolk.

1688 ^xd. Betts, x'hOB. ^^en. of iiorwolk, will of, aated May I0,lb88 a!3;ea 7 0 yra. a. in 1688, will prodatea anu inv. filed Jec. 4, 1688. Book 1675-1689, p. 258. Widowi-iary Bannaa Oanp, called grandchila of his wife Uary

Betts; also ne speaks of her own cdildren. i'hos. son of ueed. John Danl. "

Saml. '■ "

Jamec " "

daughter Liary the wife of «^ohn J^aymond, and her enilaren •' barah Betts.

James Olmstea cc) iiaml hayet* oen. )

John " ) Overseers John Jelden )vVit-


inv. taken -^160.4,1688 oy ►jaml. Hayes & John Beldinge.

1688 Belden, John, i;iOld porp. to ihos. Betts before date.

1668 Douooa, Joh,or« nau prop, on uotu tiiaes of Jhos. Betts deed.

1685 Blaekman, James, of istratford, appt. aam. of eat. Joseph i^ussell.

1688 Benitt, Jamss, takes inv. of est. (ieorge Hubbara (of

Greenwich, prob. )

1688 Bennet, j£mes of 5'airfield appt. aam. ets. Lieut. i:ath'l aely (Sele).




1688 Bostick, John, of Stratford, est. of.

Dec. 4, 1688, Court oruerb Llary, ttie widow of deca. to take care oi est. with, the advice of Kr. Joeepn Hawly and Mr. Izrael Clancy until June nest. Book 1675-1689, p. 263.

1688 Exd. Benedict, I'hos. Jr., of ilorwolk, deed. ITov. 20, 1688.

Inv. of est. of, in j'eby 22, 1688/9 by x'hos.

Benedict, sen. , Saml. Hayes, Andrew Messinger. Widow Iilary.

Ilary Benedict d, of deed. 22 yrs. 2hos. " son " 18

Hannah " d. " 12

Hester " d. " 9

Abigail " d. " 6

ELizabetn " d. " 4

Filed Lch. 5, 1688, Book 1675-1689, p. 264-&-269.

The v;idow appt. admx. to act with the advice of Mr. Saml* Hayes ana Andrew Messenger, both of lorwolk. '

1689 Bennediet, James) sons-in-law, proh. of John

John,) Gregory of Horwolk.

1689 Bets. John, witness will Saml. Gregory of Eoiwolk.

1689 Bowers, John, takes inv. of Jonathan Lockwood, prob. of Greenwicti.

1689 Bates, John, witness will of Lieut. Francis Bell of Stamford

1689 Bishop, John, witness will of Li out. Francis Bell of Stamford

1676 Bullerd, Bich. ownes prop, at Greenwich aua sells "CO Jona. Lockwood..

1677 Beers, oarah, witness the endorsement of Josiah Earvey

on John Osborn^s bill of exchange.


9 Bradley, Francis, of Fairfield, will of, aate Jan. 22,

1688/9, prooaoed ana invenuory filed ITov. 5, 1689. Ruth, vridow Book 1675-1689, p. 267.

John, son of deed. (Francis " ''

Under age (Denl. " " prob. (Joseph " "


1689 Braaley, ?rancis, (Gontd. )

Daugtiter Ruth, biie wife Thos. W'illiems " Abigail

oon John Bradley )

Jilifilelot hill )lLx,

Joseph Frost )

^if helot Hill) witness

Inv. taken Oct. 22, 1689, by baml. Robintion, i'hos. Staples.

The widow auall uave Uiie ube accoruing to law of 1/3 of tiie est. provided also ye I^ary Bradley, danghter -co sd. Francis Bradley, be paid i25 by Joseph Bradley, her or other, mentionea in a aeea of gift to aim' frcan nis fat ner .

1689 iirimsine, aarah, wife of Danl. daughter of Danl. Kelog of iJorwolk.

una ex age

1589 Blakman, James of otratfora, will Of, dated

widow inieriam - later nidow Urooaie.

(Zaearian, eiaest son oi aeca.

(Adam son of aecd.

(James " "

iiliaaueth, aaugiiter of deed jilartha, "

(bar an ou::ny '' ''

(Mary iiexle " "

(Hannah Gilbert" "

(Lieriera liorturop (Jane Sussel "

I^Iarried daughters

July 18,1689

Probated and inventory filea DJOV. 7,1689 Book 1675-1689, p. :294

wife of Josepn xiorturop



ii on- in-law

Saml. Wheeler Mosea iiheeler brotuer oy *<idov/ Meriem Groomei iipraim 'Utiles Josepa x»orturop

Joseph (irifen) Joiin utiles )



inv. taken x>lov.4,lb89, oj Joseph Curtiss, Jobn & Ambrose I'omson


IbSy Jiostick, John, of at rat ford, inv. of est. of, taken

iiov. 5, lo89, by ^/illiam uustias, John Vvels, Joseph Gustiss, 5'iled i^ov.7 ,1d89, 3ook lD75-i689

Widow Mary, p. 295.


Ib90 Exd. Bell, iiieut. Francis, of w>tarfora, will of aated

iieh. 24, 1689, probatea and inventory filea .^ch. 1690, Book 1675-1689, p. SOl. Jonathan, son of aeea. L*?)' Grandson Jonatna^i j3ell, Jr.

Mary Hoit , Dan. of deca. Granacnila iiannaa i3ell, nav' Bets

" /( Eehecca Bell, whome 1 have brought up.

ahe aiea oeiore tiie will was prooatea. To roy daugnter iuttel's 4 sons viz - Jonatnan bimon »»m. & iJatnaniel.

Son Jonatuan Bell, iix. V/itness John Bisnop.

Abranara iimblerJ

George olawsoni witness

Inv. taken Jan. 28, 1690, by Abraiiam -^mbler, t^ohn Jiates oc aaml. Hoite.

Hannan Bell baving aiea bt^-'ore tne will was pxobated, iier portion was uividea - io Abraoam iiell i 10 & the remaining is 50 to eacn of tne cuildren of Jonatnan Bell, son 01 aecd.

1690 Blackman, iJorotny, vKiaov/ of John Bleokman, aecd.,

now wiaow of j?'raacis Hall, decu.

1690 Blackinan,,Joha, ^Titness will of i^'rancis Eaii, deca.

169U Jilooagate, I'hos. '' " •' "

1690 Bouten, Jonn, takes inv. of eat. of lieo. Abbot ox jjorwolk

lb94 Basitexd, Joseph, guardian to oaml. uara, ibc. aee uxiuer imxa, idv/in.

1714 3nrr, I-Iaj. Peter, bouglit with Mr. Hathan Sold from tae

tov/n the Hill deeded to saia town by the Indians in 1680.

1668 Bud, John, or Rye, in tne Co. of Fairfield, makes a Dec. 7th ueed of gift to Saml. Lines, son of Ralp

lines of prop, at Eye called Sud's Heck. Witness (Joseph Korton ( John Jackson

1671 baml. Lines of ITew Haven raakes over said prop, to Jan. 4 John Brovme.

Vn'itness ( John ii.orris (Eobt. Agar

167 2 John Ryder of Hew York, Gent. & Thos. Berryman of K.Y.

Tajrior, oen.^ John Brov/ne liariner, late of Hew Haven, sell above prop, to I'hos. Lov/ell before John Lawrence i^jor.'

1673 I'hos. Lowell of Hew' Orange pells said prop, to IJr.

John Pell of Anhooks Heck. Witness (Saml. Pell

(Francis French.

1675 John Pell sells said prop, to Wessell wissell

^-itness (Janes otanly

(Francis iirench

1678 uessell uissell sells saia prop, to Mr. Vnalter Mecallum

Witness (Jonn Ogden

(John Slathem

1679 Banks, lir. Joseph, of Fairfield, sells to John Piatt

his interest in ship John Sc lister

1679 Burr, lir. Danl. of Fairfield, sells to Ilr* John Piatt

his interest in ship John Sa Ester

1680 Banks, Benj. of Fairfield, acknowledges the receipt of ■^y,i, his wife Elizabeth, d. of Richard Lyon portion of

his eso. from his mot uer- in-law uargaret Lyon. Vkitness, Hathan Gold & Joseph Banks.

1680 Banks, Joseph, witr.ess the above acknowledgment.


1681 Bowers, John, witness release of adrars. of Robt. &

Susanna lockwood oy Jona. Heustad of Sreenwich.

1681 Barlowe, John, of Fairfield, now hushand, to Ahigal, d. of Robert Loefewood, deed. So ausanna Ferris, deed, releases the aamrs. of tne aeca. estates Wm. Ward (in his lifetime) his brother-in-law, ec Joseph & Danl. Loclrwood, his brothers-in-law. Witness (Joseph Banks &

(Jonathan Lioorhouse.

1679- Briant, Rich, of Milford, has signea transfers of a 1684 note xrora x'hos. iikidmore of Fairfield.

1679 Briant, Saml. witness 1st of above transfers.

Bulkley, barah, requests ner son Joseph to give certain

privileges to iiis twisters Rebecca 8c Hannah.

1683 BeecMm, Robt. , of Fairfield, released by John Plaisted

on his £<: a/c of his orothers and sisters of tne est. of Roger Plaistea.

BOOK 1689 - 1701

1682 Banks, Benj. fined fro selling rum co Indians.

1688 Beebe, James, sold before date land to Robt. Stewart

of ilorwalk.

1690 Birasey, John Jr., oi dtratford, v/ill of, dated Aug, 22,1689 «>idow Alice probated and inv. filed June 12,

John, son of deed. 1690.

Joanna .Villcoekson, a. of deed. Sc wife of Timothy

(Villcockson. Book 1689-1701, p.8.

John Birdsey ) Israel uhancy)

Timothy t.illcookaon ) Sx. Charles " ) .Vitness

both of iitratford ) Sarah " )


1690 Birdsey, John (Contd)

Inv. takea oei'ore June 12, 1690, by 3 ami . Sherman , baml. H&wly, James Judson, John Coe , & Danl, Pickit, iielectmen of atratforu. Marriage agreement; oi' John Birdsey, oen. & Alice x'omlinijon, uated Oct. 8, 1688. V/itness, izrael Ghanucy 2c Eich. Blackleck^

1688 Blacklecn, Rich, witness above marriage agreement.

1690 Bastard, Mr. Josepn, app. admr. ol eat. Eieli. Ogden, deed.

1690 Brown, Shos. of Bye, witness will of, overseer of est. of 2hos. Lyon of Greenwicn.

1690 Benneaick, John, takes inv. of est. Eliz. Kellog

of Horwalk.

1690 Beers, Barnabas, left a number of legacies by John Wilcoeksoii, Jun.

1690 Blackman, iJorothy, called grandchild oy John uilcockson, Jun.

1690 Bulkley, John, aamr. est. of Deborah vvhelpley

1690 Bell, Lieut, apt. admr. of est. Joshua licit of Stanford

1690 Bates, Ensign, John, appt. overseer of est. John Jeger

of Stanford, deea. 1684.

1690 Bennit, Joseph, called cousin by •^oseph Joy of xi'airfield.

1690 iiennit , James, admr. of est. Jacob Joy " "

1690 Beardsley, baml. Jr. witness will of Joseph ^ioy of Fairfiela

1699 Bennet, James, app-c. admr. of Joseph Jackson's est. see 1690

1691 Beacham, Robt. of Llaximus j arms , will of, dated llov. SO,

1688, probated and inv. filed Mch. 10, 1691. widow Zlizabetii Book 1689-17ol, p. 36.

Grandchild liobt. Lockvyood

" ausanna "

" John ■•' )

" aarah " ) Under age


1691 Beacham, Robt. (Gonta. )_

Save before ohe kia.' -.iv. of Gompav/ to luward Jesup. Joseph Lockwood, son-in-law, Ex.

Witness ) Jehu Bur 1180281

)Josiah iiarvy

Inv. Meh. 2, 1691, by Danl. LoclrvTOod & Josia'n Harvey, Townsmeii.

1690 Sxd. Burwell, John, of Greenwich, deed. May 1, lb90, will of^ aateu Apr. 30, 1690, probated ar.u inv. filed Mch. WicLOW ' 10, 1691, Book 1689- 17 01, p. 37.

Child Possibly an unoorn child.

Gersijam Lockwood, called fat ner. ) Johu Browne oi Hewwork -jrrf^-.^^- ) Overseers

callea cousin " (I )

Witness Saml. Peck ) John iiiar shall iaen. ) vKitness inv. taken Uch. 1691, by John Renels & John Mead, Jr.

1690 Browne, John, oi iiewv/ork, cousin so called by above.

1690 Bennidiek. x'hos. of iiorwolk, v/ill of, dated July 28,1690 Aged about 7i3 yrs. , prooated anu inv. filed lich. Widow Kary 10,1691, Book 1689-1701, p. 38.

Danl. son of deed. John " "

Granacnild .Chos. blauson, i^on of iiis d. lirs. blauaon. James,' son of aecd. Grandchild Thos. Benidick " liaml. "

" John " the eldest son of his son John

" baml. " possibly he may not be the same

as above. " Jonna Benedick

Hebecka, vVard dau. of aeca. Sarah " Mary Olmsted

" Hannah Benedick

36 1690 Bennidick, ihos. (Conoa)

Sons tioim & Sanl. , overs sexs

(Kitness, Thos. Hanford & Jolrn Piatt

Inv. taken Mch. 18, 1690, by 'jJhos. Seaman & James Olmsted.

1690 Bell, Lieut. Jonathan, overseer of est. Cornelius

Jones or citanford.

1691 Banks, Obediaii, oi Jairrield, will of, dated Feb. IS, 1690.

probatea Lieh. 27,1691 inv. filed, Book 1689-1701, p. 45-82

I'o my cozen Joseph Banks, son of my brother John banks, tiie nouse av Fairfield formerly part of l«Iaj. Gold's pasture. Ifery Tayler, called sister.

Brotner Ben], Banks ana nis H eluest sons (Benjamin &


Saml. Banks, called browner.

Hager the nigrow

Bebeckah, s. of oargt. John wheeler, deed, of

iJ'airfield, same legacy as to the sons of 3eni.

Banks. .

Barotner John Banks & ) Joun Jomaon )


Saml. Boberson ) Witness Josian Harvy )

Inv. taken Feby. 27, 1691, oy baml. Boberson &

Ihos. Wilson. Mch. 10 1691, ^.ourt appt. Benj. Banks, I'hos. Jones & John Bulkley no aomr. cb to pay an indebted- ness vo Saml. Boberts of' Fairfield. Mch. £7, lt)91. Court appts. Benjamin of F. & John Banks of G. & l-Jathv Burr, Sen. to aumr. & releases Thos. «Jonts ana John Bulkley. The estate distributed as lollows:

To Josepn Banks, the son of John Banks, 39-10- 0 To Benjamin Banks, his 2 sons, 39-10- ^ To oaml. Tayler 3E-18- 0

I'o Saml. Banks 13_ ^. o

I'o Slipnelet Hill .for Bebecca 7^heler 19-15- 0 i'o Hager, tue Eigrow l-lo- 6


1691 Bulkley, Jolm, appt. admr. of above est.

lbyO-1 Barlow, Joiin Jr., or Fairfield, will of, dated Jan. 28,

loyO, prooated anu iav. filed uc]i.lO,lbyi,Book

1689-1701, p. 47. Widow Abegaile, given awelling house next to

tiaml. Brack's iiome lot. Joseph, son of deed. ) Under age SaiBl. " " )

John " " 1/2 home lot next Sleazer

bnith Abigaile.a. of deed, wife of Jonathan Boland. lieborau '' ''

Elizabeth ''' "

Ruth _ "

iiidow sole ex.

Banl. Lockwood & Saml. Jrake , overseers. Witness, Joseph iioekr/ood & Zlipnelet iiill. Inv. Taken lich. 6, lb90, by Saml. V/arde, •fiumsey Robert <^ ILliphelet Kill.

1691 Brov/xie, Josepn, iar. , eallea or other- in-law by Thos. Lawrence

Jr. " nepnew

1691 Bay ley, Joseph, -witness will of " "

1691 Beers, Abegaile, wife of Josepn Beers of Fairfield & d.

of Ilary llorton, tue a. of the wife of Hugh Grifen, deed.

1691 Buint, John, takes inv. est* Kugh Grifen of Stratford.

1724 Bell, Mr. Joim, appo. to diviae land of Thos. Lyon of Greenwich, deed, lb 90.

1724 BlatcifLy, Saml. appt. to diviae lana of Ttios. Lyon of Greenwich, aeea. Ib90.

1691 Blackman, iLlizabeth of stratforu, est. of, inv. taken

ciept. 17, 1691, by John Burrit, Banl. Picket & John Coe. Speaks of will, but I can't find ijarae. George oerlea, appt. adror. Inv. liled -Jee. 2, lo91. Book 1d89-1?01 p. 56.

1690 -aurrit, oteven, i^electman, of otratford, takes inv. of

est. of c;aleij xiicolas.


1691 j3outon, Jorm, takea inv. est. Llattnew Marvin, Jr.

1708 iieacn., Ivir* John, of Straiiford, appt. to aestribut est. of

' oaral. i^iclrols, uecci.

169£ Bur, Jehu, iir., oi Fairfield, will of, aatea Jan.ll,lb89

probated and inv. filed Eov. 5,lb92,3oolrl689-1701, iilaovi p. 67.

ijon Danl. (the long lot I bougnt of lirs. Jones) " Peter

" baml. under age

Daughter Hester, also called Ester, haa part of he r t.>a t . air eaay " Jlizahetii )

'• oaran i contiiaeraoly ur.aer age

" Joanna J

" Abegaile ) later wife of Danl. Lockv/ood,prob. Saial. (Yakeman, son-in-law, ausband of daughter iiary and uiiey iiad aaugater to wnom I will the same amt. as each ox aoove aaughters on coming of age. ijon i^anl. Six* Brotiiers Jonn & ITathaniel ) Overseers

Danl. )

John Bur ) ilathl.Bur ) Witness

Inv. taken 0Gt.31,169ii by iKm. Reed, Jonn x'homson « Idwara Howard.

1692 Burr, Oapt. Jonn, appt. overaeer of Mary, a. Saml.

sVakeman, Jr., deed.

1692 Benit, James Jr., witness release of Moses Jackson as

aomr. oi est. of Jonn Jackson & wife oy Isaec iiherv/ooa.

1692 Bowers, Jonn, appt. admr. est. iiathl. How of Greenwicn.

16 92 Boot a, Ebenezer, takes inv. of Hicolas nughes of Stratfora

1692 Bets, ThoB. guardian Benj. Kellog son of Uanl. Kelog.

1692 Beers, «>smes, inv. est. dargt. oaml. 7/ara.


16 91 Bulkley, Peter, iVIr. of ^'a±xt±ela, in tae 49 yr. of his age, of Fairfield, will of, dated Ucii. 25,1691. Grace ) probauea anu inv. filed July 7,

iJlargrit) called eldest aaugtiters. 1691.

Hanna bhermaia, tne prop, tnere to remaixi.

Yoaug James Benit to tc-acu vz-javixig oo ana nave eiiarge of son Peter until ne is HI - now 7-1/4 yrs. ol£i. I'Jae mare at Danl. iiillimaii's to be returned to tne man at lew Haven ai> per agreement with nia agent Braaly, togetner wit a bail of imthl. Crittenaen.

Brother Gersiiam iiulkly, bOle ix. (refused to act)

Wioness, Jonn Bulkley « vi/m. J-^ill.

Inv. taken July 17, 1691, by Josian Harvy

■& Jiiliphelet hill. John Bulkley, Joaepn .Bulkiey ) Saml. i^ooetjon ) appt. aamrs.

'X'hese aaiars. alter mttking a report, reiuse to

act lurtuer & ^ourt appts. i'hos. Jones.

1691 Bulkley, Mr. ^ersnam, brother to above Peter.

1691 -Benio, James, (young) to nave charge oi Peter, son of above.

1692 Bastard, Joseph, -cakes inv* of est. Lieut. Eathl. aeely,deca

lo93 Bsni ti, James, of ii'airfield, continued admr. of" " "

1693 Bowers, John of iireenwich, takes inv. est. ivalter Butler

of Greenwicn.

1693 Booth, ILbenezer, vi/itness marriage agreement Dorotay Hall

iSe Marka oentions.

1693 Booth, i-benezer, "Selectman, of atra-uford, takes inv. est.

tfitiow iiiarian Groome.

1693 Baldwin, Jonth, inv. Miltora, es"C« of *aiQ0w liariam Groome.

1693 Bryan, Ales az uilford " " "

1691 Bonit, Isack, appt. admr. est. Isaek -Joiles oi Stratford.


1693 BGnedieir, Joirn, takea inv. & ap?» adior. est.

Huos. Gregory of Horv/olk.

1693 Betts, Joiin, takes inv. of est. of Thos. -Tegory of


1694 Bercisley, Janl. Sx. of est. of -iobt. Clark of Stratford.

1692 J3ur , Mr. Danl. ims possession of lanas in Fairfield on the 2. sidte of ^''airfield Creek leading up to Llncowa River boundeu on the north with the land that TTas sometime John nhitcock^s, on the South with the land that vras formerly \!M. Heyden's, on the west by highway, on the east with the Ian a belonging to the heirs of lir. Saml. V/akeman, Sen. deed. The owners of said prop, have haa possession of same for over 30 years.

llext before saiu Bur said land was possessed by Obadiah Banks Ss before him by saiu Obediah, his father, next before him by Steven Shervvood, before him by Frances Hall «: his sons. Said Hall from their first purchase of 9 acres as per record liich. 1659-60. Gapt. Turney & Geo. Squire saiu 'iurney passed in 1659/60 and said Squire in 1665.

Copy 01 recora from Book John Burr, Asst.

of Becoras this 13 Feby. John I'homs on, townsman 1B92. ITattian Gold, Hecorder

1692 Bouton, 2uth, both she and her preaecessors have had quite possesvsion of these 4 parcels of land under- written, descemaing to her from her father in the right of her mother.

1st parcel in the old Indian field on the E side of the creek - bounaed 1.7/. by land of iiathl. Bur, Sen., S.W. by Creek, IT.E. by the land formerly of Indians.

Sna parcel at iiewbridge going to Sasso llsck, bounded in part by land of Saml. Wilson.

3rd parcel - the home meadow

4th parcel is upland lying on the Z. side of the creek bounded on the 11. 7/. by land of BenJ. Turney,



1692 Bur, 2^. Danl. Sen., of Fairfield, hath puroiiased a

parol Ox laiiu taat v/ctb Borneoime Obediah Sanks of saia place aecd. He ha-uh purciiased uhe same iiathanl. Bur & Benj. Banks ox said place & John Banks of 6 he tmn ot (Greenwich, as they are admr. of est. of said Obediah .Banks, deed. The deed 'given by said admrs. 2q. Oct. 1691 - tns land being on the Z, side of ohe crsek in Fairfield, in quantity 52 acres. There is a highv/ay run through saiu lanu and is bounded on tu« ii<. with land of I-Jr. Saml. Wakeman and the heirs of John F/heeler, deed., on the S. with land of George Squire, on tne ;7. wifh the Greek on IT. with land of George Squire. Secorded Oct.* 20, 1691.

1694 « Burr, Mr. ilathaniel, appt. overseer & admr. of est.

16 90 Sargt. Saml. Ward, deed.

1693 Butler, Walter, of Greenwich, deed. Apr. 1693, est. of,

inv. taken by Jonathan .^enolds 2c John Bowers' (Townsmen) filed ilov.9 ,1693,3ook 1689-1701. p. 86. 7/idow Rebecca Children

The widow )

Mr. John Senolds &)Appt. admrs. Joshua Knapp )

1693 Blackman, Sackariah, Aaam, James & Martlm, children

of widow Meriarj Groome, deed.

1691 Berdsley, Saml. Jr., deed, at Paquaneck, Inv. Jan. 2 1690

by James Judson & Nathaniel bheriaan, riled *LIch. 10 •'1^0^ 1691, Book 1689-1701, p. 98. *

xhe T/iaow Sc ITathaniel Sherman appt. admrs.

1695 Exa. Bowers, John, of Greenwich, LIr. , will of, dated Hch. 16

1693/4 Book 1689-170l,p.l08.

Widow, prop, next to Joseph Finch. Sister Hester Bc-eksby otep-Daughtei'^'iirs. Judah Renolds,prop. that

v/as her mother's Brother, IlatifL. How, deed. Minister lir. Jeremiaa Peck, gift to


1695 Bowers, John (Contd)

Hannah Close, gift to Step Daughter, Juda Eenolds

Son-in-law iir. John Eenolds

Caleb Knap now living with me, legacy to

i^ephev/ John How, son oi ITathl. How, aecd. provided

he gxves his right in his lather's est. to n.^^ ^^^^'^ Isack xiow, son of Aathl. How. Seed. Gift to Capt. Selliok '

" " Isaac How lir. Abraham Person forgives dett. Saml. Peck of Greenwichi Joshua Xnap " " )Ix,

) John H-anolds Witness) Jonathan -^elick Inv. taken at Greenwich Uch. 26,1694, by Joseph iJ'erris ic aonth. Eenolds.'

1694 Beeksby, Hester, calleu sister oy above John Bowers.

1694 James iienit. Selectman of Fairfield, takes inv. -st. Saml. Hall.

1694 Lieut. James Ben it, appt. adrar. est. Saml. Hall.

1694 2xa Bur, John, known as ilajor of Fairfield, will of, p. 110. aatea Lch. 19, 1693/4, probated 1694,BooklD89-17 01 ■viaow baran, d.Hr. Thos. Fitch of ITorwolk. Son John, the home lot that formerly was ':>tickl-in»s ib Penknyes together. The meda? that was mv father's. "^

Son Saml. Jr. 1702 at Cambridge. Son Jonathan,' land formerly i^estcoat's & Josepii

Bishops lanu at oasco and Llili JiiH - under lb. i30n Daniel, jne home lot bougnt of John Cable ana

land at Oanpo - under 16. Dau. ilary, unaer 18. " Deborah " "

Sarah, already proviaed for, 1696 wife of Ohas. Chancy. Son Johnj^ sole ex.

Brother x^athaniel Bur & ) Overseers Cousen Peter Bur j

) Jolin S.iwaras Witness J -iliphelet Hill


1694 Bur, John (Contd)

Speaks or hia rather x^^itch not having given

s..P«v^'"^-'^-?-.?°''*^°''' ^"^ expects him to do so. bpeaks of selling part of basco pew prop.

to bargt. John Osburne. Agreement bet. John, 2x. of Abv. will ik hia

mother, Kov. 8, 1694. Inv. taken iJov. 5, lb94, by 2hos . Jones. - Jonathan citurges, Saml. Hoberdon.

169^ ]fea. Bancks.^^iiary, Tvidow, will of, dated Jan. 6. 1693/4

01 ^airiield, probated 1694, Book 16S9-1701.p.ii5. Legacy zo her son Steven aherwood's daus-hter

Aut'a bherwood. Legacy to her son liathew iiherwood's daughter

iuary Sherwood. Legacy to Hanr.ah Lumis Daughter Huth. Son Steven Sherwood " Mat hew " " I sack =•

Son I-Iathew, sole Be.

Snsigne -.heeler <-i James Benit. overseers. Jitness, ilary Benit d: James Benit Sen. Inv. taken ..ch. 13, 1693/4 d-^ Isaek vVheeler anu James Benit, Sen.

1694 Benit, James, overseer of est. Widow Mary Baneks, deed.

1694 Benit, Mary, witness will of '•' " " n

1694 Benit, James, oen,'' " " " n u


3ancks, ::3enjamin, or ^^airfield, will of. dated Mch.21

1691/2 prooatc-d an^ inv. filed July 5 1692 Book v'/idow Elisabeth 1689-1701 ^Jlfi

oon Bsnjamin, 13 yrs. old. l^'Ul.p.lie.

Father John Banks. Son Joseph ^ " "

Dau. Hizabeth 9 " "

" Abegaile 5 ■' "

Brother-in-law ^anl. Bur, the son of Mr. John ^_ Bur or Hair fie Id, sole ^. tiitness, Josian narvey dc John 7/akeman. said decu. son or John Banks, dec(



1692 Bancks, Benjamin (Contd)

1694, LIr. Danl. Bur refusing to be ex. Court appt. ?/illiara Sobison, vjlio narriea tiae wid'ovy of abv. deed. Inv. taken July 5, 1692, by Josiah Harvey,

John 'i'hompson Ss Thos. Staples, lov. 1, 1692, *-iourt appt. Danl, Bur above & Saml. Roberson to adror.

1694 Bowers, lir. Jolin, of Greenwich, eat. of, Inv. filed LIch. 26 ,'94, by Joseph Jerria i: Jonathan Benolda. Saml. Peck) Book 1689-1701, p. 119.

Joshua jlnap) Ex. WidosT.

1694 Burr, Uathaniel, Jr. Tak-es inv. est. 3enj. Turney.

1695 Burret, Sarah, called d. by Isack ilicols of iitratford

1695 Blaeklaaa, Lir. Hicii. witness and Admr. est. Isack Eicols

of at rat for a.

1696 Ben it , Lieut. James, refuses to act as admr. est.

^lipnelet Kill.

1694 Ixd. Bisnop, Rev. IJr. Jorm, of Stanford, will of, dated bept. 16, 1694. Book 1689-1701, p. 118. Haa 2 v/ives, Rebecka & Joana, both deea. Son Steeven, laiia oeyona Benj. Green's & 200

acres laid out by LIr. Brociit. Son Josepn, lana at oheplan bon Sbenezar, Goodman Potter *s lot Don Benjamin, iiouae ana tiome lot. Daugnoer .^hiteing

aons steeven & Joseph, es.

Brotner Bell, Brotner Ambier o: Brother V/eed

to assibt sons Jonatnaii oellick, ben) Joun Davenport ) Witness

Inv. ailea Hch. 12, 1694, by Danl. Scoff ielu Danl. vsescoat and liavid ^^aterbury, I'ownsmen.


lDy4 Brooks, Jomi, of Stratford, vzill of, datea 11 Meli. 1694 Only son of 3enjarain uitaer age« Brother-in-law Jomi Usburn, ox 'Fairfield , Sx. & wit a nim

Keacoii I'lxos. t^ells ) of Stra'cfora, Jonn iieaca ) Overaeers

SamL. Sherman ) aaml.' Blag-ge ) v/itueas xnv. rilea Lich. 20, 1694, by Saial. Sherman 8c

Jamea Judson c: Joim .ifells. Book 1689-1701,

p. mo.

Ib94 Blagge, Saml. witness v/ill of John Brooks above

1694 Beacn, Jonn, overseer of est. of " '' "

1694 Ijco. Beere, James, of ii'airfiela, will of, datea Uov.14,1694. uiaovv Martna Book 1689-1701, p. 122.

cjon Josepn

Dau. Llartria, vvife of Joseph Bulkley " Deoorah " '■' saml. Hull " -lizabetn ' " Joiin jJarling, lanu next Saml. Drake's i:>on James, no\7 aecd. to nia ciiilaren is given prop, at fiasco 'lieck oounaed on vi, by land of i'hos. btaples & on o. by Peter Clapnam. uranaaon Javid Beera, son of James, deed, oon Josepa, sole Sx. .litness I JJani. Lockwood ) Slipnelet Hill inv. filea iJov. 22, 1694, by Jonathan Sturgea cc Jilipaelet Hill.

16y4 Bulkley, Martha, wife of Joaepn Bulkley & d. James Beera

1691 3xG. Beers, James, Jr. of IPairiiela, est. of, inv. taken Apr

dO, lo9l, by Saml. -aoueraon, wm. xiiil^ filed Apl. ij,le)9o, Book lb89-17Ul, p.l2'a:. Court ttppts. James Beers, ben., Josepn Beera ben. t: i.atnan G-olu, Jr. to aomr. Son Josepn, wno aieu beiore uistribut-ion " James, also aiea in lb97 - nis est. diviaed by

brother ana sisters. " Javid Dau. Saraa " Llary

Philip Lewis ordered to aaiar. riefuses w i^athan •aOlQ oraered to final admr.


loS-i Basit, HoDt. haa cusijoay oi eat. of Jacob i/are, formerly

of otra-ciord.

Brinamed, Panl, inv. of v/uav sbt;. He tiaa at j'arriiington oy Joian Hart « man. Lewia, oelectmea,

1696 2xQ. Brijoijly (Brinsmead) Paul, of .itratroru, est. of,inv.

Taken keii. lo , 1696 by .Steven Buret, Danl.' Picket, Zacaariau uurtia, xaoa. ivnov/lea, liled lien, ae^ 1696, Book Io89-i7ol p. 134.

Children John Brinsly aged abt. 13 & 1/2 yrs. old. Zachariah " " 10 " "

ISliz.abeth " " ll " "

Esther " " 6 " "

Deborah " " 3 & 1/2 " "

Danl. Brinsraeau, brother to deed. Paul. Insign James Judson C: Benj. Curtis of otratford,

app c . admrs . Capt. Steven Buret, Sargt. Knowles So Danl. •Brinsnead, of Stratford, overseers.

1696 Buret, Gapt. Steven, Selectnan of Stratford, takes inv.

of est. of & made overseer of est. of Paul Brinsly or Brinsmead.

1696 :-zc.. Bur, Sarah, wido\Y deed, will of, dated Fairfield

June 8, 1696, --iDrobated a^ia inv. filed June 30, 1696, Book 1689-1701, p. 135. S on Saml . Dau. Sarah Ghauncy " Deborah Bur " Mary

Charles Oiiauncy, Sx. V/itness, n'athan iiold , Urs. Hannah Bastard Inv. taken June 30, 1696, by Josepn ^turges, Saml. Squire ih Hoseph Kippen.

1696 Bastard, ilrs. Hannah, v/itness above will

1696 Bets, Saml., untJle to 'Ihos. 2aimint, s. of John guardian of?

1690 Bets, Inos. " " Hannah " d. " " " "


1696 ::i. Bov/ers, iirs. Hannah, of Green^'ich, est. of, inv. taken

Jan. 9, 1695/6 by Danl. Smith & Thos. Marshall, filed lich. 11, 1696, Book 1689-1701, id. 137. Children of deed. : Joshua Knap Josep"^ " liraothy " Benjanin" Caleb " Hannah Smith 3uth Hanoi ds

Joshua ijiap of Horsneck & Josiah Knap £c Danl. Smith of Cireenwich appt. admrs.

1696 Id. Beers, Joseph of Fairfield, est. of, inv. takeh Mch.

6, 1696 by Saml. Roberson w John Osburne. filed lich. 24, 1696, Jook 1689-1701, p. 138. Decot. had land given hj his father near Saml. Smith 's, also land at Mill Piain -oasco iiack - Sasco Hill - uilson Hill & land bought of Jeny near l^ill River. widow Abegaile aons & Daughters - see lu98

I'he widor/ (i Ziisign John Osburne appt. admrs.

1695 Xd. Barnam, 2hos. of Danbury, who died Dec. 26, '95. Inv.

taken by James Beebe, James Picket ^ Josiah Star. Due from est. to Dr. John Butler

" " " " lir.' Reed, the hatter at Fairfield

Thos. Barnan, son of aecd. , fi: Thos. Picket of Danbury, appt. admr. WiaorT fornerly from Stratford, i^arah 5 sons )

5 daughsers) some under age. Filed Feb. 6, 1696, Book 1639-1701 p. 139.

1695 Beebe, LIr. James, of Danbury, overseer of abv. est.

16 95 Butler, Dr. John, Gr. to est. of Ihos. Barnam.

1697 Xd.Brundage, John, of Rye, est. of, inv. taken Oct. 2,1697, by Saml. Knifen, Haskelial Browne o: John Lyon. I'n'ido'K' Han-nah Filed xTov . 2,1697,Bookl689-

IIames of Ohilaren,viz: 1701, p. 141.

John Brundage Danl. " Joshua " Liary '"

Hannah " Ruth Scofiela, v/ife of Richard cjcofield.


1697 Brundage, John (Gontd)

-ieliverarice Browne oi' 3ye ) Appt. to malre George Lane n n j distribution.

1697 Brovme, Haclrellah, -cakes inv. est. of Jolin Brundage, oi' I?ye.

1697 Bro'wne, Leliveranoe of iiye, appt. to distribute et;t of

John Brunaage, of Hye.

1696 Buret, Jonn, aelectman, oi" Stratford, taketj iuv. est.

John Sherwood, deed.

1698 Bagley, John, adrar. est. Joseph Lyon of Fairfield.

1698 Bagley, Liar ^palled relict of Joseph Lyon, deed.

1698 Bulkeley, John, takes inv. est. Sanl. Smith, Sen. of


1698 Beach, John, takes iiiv. est. of Saml. Galpin of Stratford.

1697 Barlow, Josepfi of i?'airf ield , est. o:^' inv. dated Oct. 3,1697

"caken by John ^awards ■&■ Saml. Hoberson filed 1697, Book 1689-1701, p. 143. Widow Sarah

Widow £c John Barlow appt. admrs.

1698 Xd. Burret, Capt. Steven of Stratford est. of, inv. taken

iich. 4, 1697/3, hy Saml. Sherman ca John Coe, selectmen, filed iilch. ?,• 1697. Book 1689-1701, p.

7/idow Sarah 14^5.

Children are aa follows:

Sliaaoeth aged aht. 22 yrs.

Peleg " " 19 "

Josiah " " 17 "

Israill " " 11 "

Charles " " 8 "

Sphraim " " 5 "

IThG v/idow ik Jno. Burret of Stratford appt.admr.

Birdseye, Jno. of Stratford, will of, dated IJay 20,1693. V/ida-/ Phebe bon Abell, under age Book 1689-17 01, p.

" Joseph " " 146.

Dau. Hannah Beach

" Dinah, under 16



1698 Birdseye, Jno. (Contd)

Witness } Joseph Curtis

) Joseph Fairchild ^idow sole ex. Inv. taken ffebj'. 9, 1698/7 hy Sam. Sherman Cc John

Coe, Selectmen, filed Hch. 7, 1697. Ages in 1698, Hannah, 26 yrs. Abell, 19 Joseph 16 Dinah 9

1698 Beach, Kannau, d. of Jno. Birdseye (ahove)

1714 Burr, Llaj . Peter, Ssq. , of i^" air field, ordered to dis- tribute est. Peter Claphara of ITorwolk.

1698 Bur. Danl. Jr., wit-.ess will of Saml.Rotoerson of Fairfiela

1698 Bur, Hat hi. takes inv. of est. of " " "

1698 Bur, John " " " " " "

1698 Bur, Danl. brother to Abegaile, widav of Danl. lockwood.

•of Fairfield.

1698 5xd. Browne, fflom, an Indian, est. of, inv. before Apr. £6,

1698, by Hat hi. Bur & John Edwards. Will of above requests i<ioses Dimon to pay his debts and diviae his est. bet. his mother cc his brother Ear rye. Book 1689-1701, p. 159. Witness, John Weed &: John Davias.

1698 Zxd. Beers, liartha, v/idow of James Beers of Fairfield, est.o:f

Inv. taken before ueh. 22, 16 98, filed Mch« 27,1698. Book 1689-1701, p.l64. Will of, dated Feby. 22, 1G97/8 Son John Darling left him legacy. Dau. Martha 3ulkley

" Deborah Hall

" Elisabeth -arling.

Witness, John Thompson & Jonathan Tailer. John -'arling £; Joseph Bulkley appt. admrs.


1698 Beers, lilartha, (Contd)

1698, Apr. 26, tne Court thinks there is some- thing due the children of Joseph Beers, deed, ouu oi' tae mova-bles oi deed. H&rtha by virtue oi' trie aecd. James Beers, Sen. her husDand's will and Court appt. John Barlow to assist tne above aamrs.

1698 Buckley, iiartha, aau. of V/idow ilartha Beers.

1698 Buckley, Joseph, appt. admr. of est. Vn'idow iiartha Beers.

1698 Barl077, John, " " " " " "

1698 BarlOT, Sarah, (Joseph estate of) widow of Joseph Barlow, agreement aatea ITov. 3,1698, with the Brothers of her deed, husoand ati rollowa: Book 1689-1701, p. John Barlow 165.

tiaml. Denton or Dente) as p^r John Barlow Jeremiah Fowler )

John Horhouse

Before John k/akeman. Justice iJitness, ilathl. Bur, Jr., Saml. Squire. The widow to have all the land she reed, from her father, also tae house ana horn el ot that said Joseph Barlov/ hought of ^eazar iimith of iT air fie Id. The above Sarah, d. of fVm. Heed, rr^'j have m. 2a Zachariah Ferris of Stratford.

1698 Bur, John, called brother to Joseph Barlow, deed.

1698 Barlow, John, '■' " " " "

1698 Barlov;, Saml. " " " " "

1698 ^xu. Bedient,'i'hos. est. of, irrv. liled iieh. 12, 1698, by

Saml. Squire, Joseph oturges, Janl. Heker & Elnathan llanford.

Added to inv. a bill uue from I'hos. Bishop of Chester ^ " " " John Peat o4'

Stratfora. Bill of Jonathan iieefe aoubtiul iVidow uary, 1 son, 6 aaughters. The wiaow to namr.

Book 1689-1701, p. 167 i^ 215.


1698 Bishop. Thos. of Chester, owes est. Thos. Bedicut.

1698 Sarlow, John, appt. admr. est. Joseph i^^rost

1698 Bulkley, John, takeu inv. of est. Joseph Zrost,

1697 2xd. Bushnell. ^^rancis, ol" Janbury, deca. Oct. 1697. Jnv

est. by Janes Pickit d: James Benedick, filed* Hot. 2,' 1697, Book 1689-1701, id. 172. Saral. Knap of Danbury swai-es to inv. 7 daughters as follows: Hannah, iiary, Abegaile, Jjidia, Mercy, Hebecka, Judith*

•Saml. Picket dc Saml. Knap of Danbury to aamr. Mr. Josiah atar & lix. James Picket to make dist Aoegaile Bushnell chooses Znsign 2hos. Tailer as guardian.

1697 Benedick, Jamea, takes inv. of above est. at iJanbury.

1698 Burr, ITathl. takea inv. of est. of Benj. son of Uapt.

lurney, deeu. ^

1699 Blacklach, lir. Rich., overseer or est. Saml. mieeler of


1700 Burton, Llercy, called a. by Sargt. Jeremian Judson IVOO Burton, »3ollornan, o in lav/ of " " »»

1695 2xQ. Bur, Lir. Lanl. , ar. , of ^airfield, inv. ov. 10 1695

by John Shompaon, Jonathan Sturges & Sliphalet *

Hill, Book 1689-1701, v, 188. Widow minar

The widow appt. adm.

1696 3xc

Butler Mr. John, of otratfor^, est. of, inv. June 26. 169o, oy oteven Burrit, John Burrit &: Thos. Knowles. Book 1689-1701. p. 188.

Widow liary.

James Benit & Capt. Small app. to appraise ye work of ye ship of Dr. Butler. The deed. had also land at Sagstuck.

52 1696 Butler, LIx. Jolin (Conta)

Mrs. -Maxy Butler, the iTidow, to aaar., assisted at her request oj Hr. Joseph Curtis, LIr. Rich. Blaclrlach, Danl. Shelton a: Saml. Gal pin.

1695 Burrit, John, takes inv. of above est.

1696 " Steven, " " " "

1697 Barlow, Sarah, v/lfe of Joseph Barliw & d. Win. Reed... lo97 Barlow, Joseph, aamr . of est. of Wm. Reed.

1697 Sxd. Bastard, ur. Joseph, est. of, inv. Eov. 14, 1697, by

Hat hi. Bur Sa Philip Lewis.

lathan Gold & John Thompson appt. adnrs.

The 2 children to be placed out.

^J.so Indian aervani; Jefirey.

Book 1669-1701, p. 180.

1d99 Banks, John, of Greenwich, aecd. July 14, 1699.

Inv. taken Aug. 10, 1699, by Jonathan Eenolas & Robt. Lock^./ood & Jonatiian I^eaa, liled ilov.9 1699 Book •Ib89-r70l, p. 191. Widovi- Abigaile.

ThB widow to aciEu:.

Additions to inv. ilov. 28, 1713 oy Josnua iinap and Caleb Knap.

1699 Exd. Bell, Capt. Jonatnan, of btanford, v/ili of, dated i^v. 24, lb98. Book lo89-170l, p. 19^. wife Susannah Eldest son Jonathan haa reed, large est. from his

grail drat tier & given land at Shipan by aeca. Dau. Hannan Betts. oon •Abranara, land ^at Eoroton Hill & ottier lands,

albo 1/2 01 aecci. tanyard Son John J3au. kercy " ijuaannaii " Mary

ii'ife Susannan to ue so .e es. witness, iar. Jonn Allin, Hannah Jones, iJrs.

Eaanan ij'alkener Inv. Men. 11,1698/9 by Saml. Hart, David ^aterbery 8c Danl. Scofield, filed June 16, 1699.


1699 Befos, Hannaii, u. of Capt. Jonatiiaa Bell.

IVOl Beaeia, Joim, oelectraac, of iitratfora in Knell Island caae

17 01 Brinamead, Danl. " " " " "

1701 Blacklacxi,3icn- Justice " " " "

1701 Bearasley, Danl. witness " " " "

1701 Burows, Jonn " " " "

1701 Bur, llr. Peter, Ophos, guardian by Baran Ogaen, d. nich,deca

lb99 ilxd. Burrit, Capt. Steven, of iitra-ciora, disu. or est. to tiie widow.- Book 1d89-1701,p. see.

ii^ldest son being deed, sinoe nis father. 5 sons 1 aaughter

The widow & Jonn Burrit continued aomrs. Hev. Mr. Izral Chauncy tc Snsign Joiin Goe to •join r;ith them and uisi;. saiu est.

16y9 Bisnip, Josepn, Mr., co ciist. est. Danl. V<oog of Stanfora.

1703 Sxa. Banks, Benj. settlement of esu. of Danl. Bur, re- cuses t;o act lurtner as admr. Court appts. iiaml. Hooerson & Danl. Bur first and since oy 'liim. Boberson in 1703 Court orders Benj. Banks tion 01 aecci. Benj. to take charge of whole eat. k repjr"^. Court releases acunrs. Mm. So'oerson to pay

ill due from aaid Banks est. to est. of Jonn Smith, deca.

Book 1689-1701, p. 211.

1698 Bears, Joseph, settlement of est. of Hov. 1, 1698 Joseph

Dunbar being admr. both he and his v;ife (probably the widoT/ Abegaile of Joseph Bear) have paid ii82-2-l out of the est. i^iake report of admr. Accepted by Court ITov. 1, 1698. John Barlow appt. admr. S: to make report what legacies said Dunbar "nas paid oua of the est. Of James Bears, Sen. deed., of which saia Joseph v/as ex. Also to place out the sons and uaughters of said Joseph. Court also apts. Snsign John usbourne to assist and later said Osburn is made sole admr., Barlov/ refusing to act. Book 1689-1701, p. 214.


1698 Bears, Joseph (Contd)

-:^isign Jolin Osburn -".vas adinr. of est. of Josepn Bears v/itii olie v/idov; Abegaile before saia Bun- bar v/aa aomr.

There is a bill or John i'homas of tVoodley vrs est. to be pciid, l/2 to be paid by said Bunbar. also legacies still due heirs of James Bears, Sen, as Joseph, deed, vzas e:c. of this his father's est.

1702 Exa- Brinsmead, Paul, of Stratford, ssttlmt. of est. of

SToy. 25, 1702 Capt . Janes Juason ci Benj. Curtis. Admr. made report. Capt. Judson to be guardian of dau. Sster.

Benj. Curtis to be guaraian of uau. -eborah ^msign John Goe, of Stratforu, chosen b;; son

Sackariah for guaraian. Saml. Brinsmead, broth, to deed, owes the est. Book ■1689-1701, p. 212.

1698 Barlov/, John, refuses vo act further as admr. of est.

Joseph Bears.

1693 Blacklach, xJ:. Bich. buys prop, at ^airfield of Ihos.

■Biekerson, mason, of otratford.

1692 Bur, x^begaile, the wife of Banl. Bur, has an interest in

the est. of Henry Grlover, deca. sometime of Ivew Haven. She sells her interest in said est. to Zllen Glover, wiciow of Ubw Haven for i 30 & for said 'ia 30 receives prop, from her husband Banl. Bur, to her in trust w The Vk'orshipful Hoses ilansfielii, of Ivev/ Haven, trusteee of said Abegaile Bar.

..itness Jm. Pitkin,

Eliphelet Hill.

1692 Bur, Banl. husband ox Ahegaile Bur.

1694 Bulkley, John, called Jncle by oarah '.Vhelpley, of ^^ airfield,

cc he is admr. of ests. of her father and mother, Joseph &: Hebecka V/helpley.

:i.692 Baulden, Jonathan, witness release of overseers of widow

of Bat hi. Porter by iiary Roys, v/ife of 3obt. Boys.


BOOK 1702 - 1750

1711 Bennit, Sarah, t/Iaow of James Bennit , deed, is eontinuea aa aamr. & Sargt. Jolm Odele, ivho fras v/ith hex in the aonu'. is releaaea.

1711 Blade, Zachariah, is joined by order of Court with the guaraian oi the children oi Danl. Zellog of Horwolk, deed.

1711 Bears, See under letter 'N and other Bs.

1711 Blackman, Zachariah, appt. to dist. est. Arthur Perry, deed.

1712 Bishop, Gapt. Joseph, of Stanford, appt. aamr. of est. of

Joshua ^vnov/les of ^'airiielc , deed.

1712 Bagley, John is chosen by his step son, David Lyon, son of

Joseph Lyon, deed.

1712 Beach, I.ir. John, T7ho V/'as guardian to Janes i'anehers, is deed.

1712 Banks, Joaepii, of Breenv/ieh, died. Widow Sannah appt. admi-.

1702 Brov/ne, Sebeeka, wire of James Brovm « a. of Johii Soscow, of Soiwolk, deed.

1702 Brinit, x'hos. husband of Sarah, a. of V/m. liubbard, deed, of F

1702 Beach, John, vn.tnes3 will Gapt. V/m. ourtis.

1704 Benit, Liaut. Janes, appt. to dist. ests. of Gapt* Sa Lieut. Sely.

1699 BrOATne, Abrahan ) Gr^-J^dchildren of

Abegaile ) Ilr. Abraham ---nbler Sarah. )

1703 Biship, lir. Steven, to aanr. est- Jonathan V/aterbury of


1703 Biship, Joseph, takes inv. est. " " of Stanford.


1701 Beach, Jolin, selectman ox btratford, inv. est. Eathl. Hudson

1704 Beach, llathaniel, takes inv. est. Joseph Booth of Stratford

1704 Booth, Hlbenezer, witness v/ill of " " "

1704 Brinsraead, oarah, d. of Danl. Kellog of ITorwolk, agreement.

1597 Bronvne, Joseph, had land at otanford next Bev. John Davenport grant.

1697 Biship, Benj. had land at ^itanford neist Hev. John Davenport

grant .

1697 BateB, John, had land at Stanford next Sev. John Lavenijort gr ant .

1597 Buckingham, Steven, v/itnesB grant to Rgv. J. lavenport

by town of Stanford.

1701 Burr, i.atnaniel, Jr., est. of, inv. taken Jany. 27, 1700/l

by ii-hraham -Adamii , Peter Burr & Joseph Vsakeman. I'ne aecu. left lana at Hound Hill, at Sasco leck, 10 acres in tne front of his fatner's long lot, mentioned in his aeea of gift, ^ lana next Abraham Adams. .lidow tjusaiinan.

ilhe widow appt. aOEu:. & i^argt. Josepn Lockwood goes on tne bonu of his aau. tne aoove v/iaow ciusannan. The Court in 1703 releases lir. Jath- aniell Burr from his obligation as guaraian for c;ne children of nis aeca. son Hathaniell, namely: Uathaniell, Sarah cc Annan,

and Sargt. Josepn -ijockwood becomes guardian. There ia ti-nother son living in 1702, namely, Zpioraim, youngt;St child.

oargt. ^otm I'hompyon oc Sargt- Joseph V/akemaii to aist. 'x^he wiaow Susannah appo. guardian for Zphraim.

1710. Insign Benj. Humsey, \7ho married the wiaow 'iiuaannah above maae guardian of the d cnildren tnat Sargt. Joseph Lockv/ood was guardian ne being uesirous of being released.


1703 Berusly, John, of btra-cford, releaaeB i'roin all indebted- nesa Joseph ./heeler. .'iit;neti&, ©avid ts her man iasrey Sherraaii

1703 Braaley, Jomi, inv. of est- oi, Apr. 14, 1705, aj Jonathan

i:iturgis & Philip Lewis, widow iiannah

^he widow Ss i'rancis -oaraly co aamr.

1704 Booth, Josepn, of atratfora, will ox, dated Aag.14,1703.

Oct. 22, 17 01, rjaae aeed of gift befora iiis Bons. Kiife -iiliaabeth Dau. Hannan, under age. Son Jaraes, land near Jotin Burrows.

Joseph " bought of lir. Sherraan Hobert " land near John Borough. David iTathan

Zachariah in inv. All sons under age.

Ihe deed, speaks in his will oi having formerly given to his si^: sons. Sargt. John Hanly, Zbc. Viitness) Joseph Curtis

) ITbeneaer Booth. Inv. Jec. 16, 1703, by oaml. Sherman, 3enj. •Lewis CO Jathaniel Beach.

1704 Bradley, ^^^rancis, releases Joseph oeely of j-airfield of

legacy for his wife from est. of her father Joseph Jackson, deed.

.Vitness) Taeophile Hull ) i^^amuel Lyon

■1702 Bur, Saral. of Canebrige, liass. , son of John Bur of li'air-

■field, deed, releases his brother John Bur of 5'airfield, aa ex. of his father's est. 'iVitness )■ Peter Burr

) Jonathan Burr.

1702 Burr, Jonathan, witness above Burr release.

17 05 Betts, x'hos. appt. to .".isf. est. of Lieut. John Olmsted.


1705 Betts, Saml. chosen guardian by John, s. of John Olmsted

1702 Brov.Tie, James, of lorv/alk, est. of, inv. Mch. 2, 1701/2,137 Andrey; iies,--enser , John Baimond 'dc Wm. Lees. V/idow Eebecka Children: Janes, 19 yrs. last Bov.

Sarah 15 . " -20 last Oct. Slisha 13 " 15 " Eov.' I sack 11 " H5 " Febv. Joim D "6 " Oct.

She tTidow and lir. Andrew lie st; anger Sa ivir. Saml. Betts, all of ITorwaiic, to advar. Also Joseph Betts in place o±' Llossenger, -.-/ho refuses. 1710/11, oaml. Betts refuses to act longer and Court appt. Jaines ^ravvne, son of deed.

1702 Betts, lir. Saml. appt. admr. of above est.

1702 Betts, Joseph, '■' " " "

1699 Betts, Janl. takes inv. est. Saml. Grregory of ITorwalk.

1704 Baach, Ilathl. chosen guardian by his nephew, liavid 5'anched

1704 Beach, John, guardian for James, son of Zach. i'archild of Stratford.

1704 Beach, Joseph, guardian for Mary, d. " " "


1704 Beach, Isack, guardian or Zaciiariah, s. " " "


1704 Burritt, liar, d. Benj. Psat, Sen. of Stratford, dscd.

1704 Benit, Ihos. takea inv.. est. Bc-nj. Peat, Sen. of .^tratford, deca.

170-1 Bouton, x'hos. ib Hich, now 2 youngest sons of John Bouton, Sen.- of x^oriyalk, left lega.cy by Eich. Holmes, Sen.

1704 Bostick, Zachariah, called son by liary E.ed of -Stratford, deed.


1704 Bauldvrin, Jo^m, deed, in liiilford. Inv. of ast. Delonging to, Stratford, Dec 23, 1704, by Joseph Peck <:<; Jona- than Baulav/in. Inv. of otratford est. of John Bauldvvin ox Stratford hy ilathl. Sherman ^ B^mJ. Sherman, J^-. 3, 1704. Hathl. 3auld"/in s-.vares to inv.

" " Droth. of deed, to admr.

iair.O. Bur. to pay John 3auldY7in.

£ 14 - 14 - 5 as

Galet citanly, ConEiisary.

1702 Brinsmeaa, Danl. of Stratford, inv. Oct. 7, 1702, by

John ^oe, Ambrose xompson oc Jeremiah Judson. V.ida^ oarah, prob. m. John Betts ox' ilorv/alk. Ghilaren:

Daniell, ajed abt. 15. Sanl. " " 8

Kary - " " 13

Abegaile, " " 11

Euth " " 2

■j?hos. iVells Sc Ambroa -Lompson to make diat. The mdow to aarnr.

1708, Danl. makes choice of his Uncle Abraham l.ieoles of Stratford, aa guaruian. So Saml. makes choice of his fathert»in-lav; John -Betts of ITorTvalk as guardian Brins liiead, so spelled.

1708 Betts, John, of Sorwalk. called father-in-law (prob. step

father) & chosen guardian by aaml. -Brins- mead, s. of above* Prob. marriea the T/ido7/ Sarah Brinsmead.

1701- Buckingham, Hev. Ur. Steven, overseer of the 77ill of 1702 ^-.hristopher ^omstock.

1702 Benit, Leut. James, inv. to dist. est. Sargt. Saml. Gregory.

1701 Betts, Saml. called s. in law by John Benslow of Green- 169 y \7ich, prob. husband of d. Mary & overseer

of est.

1701 Bowers, Hat hi. witness 7/ill of Jolon Eenolds.

1701 Bebe, James, takes inv. est. James Pic@:et of Danbury.

60 1701 Benedick, Saml. takes inv. est. James Picket of jantury.

1704 Bearusley, Danl. v/itness agreement of heirs of Lieut.

Israeli Curton of '.Voodbury.

1705 Bennedick, Danl. sold prop, before date to John Bouton

of Danbury.

1695 3ro?vne, John, of Bedford, est. of inv. Mch. 1694/5 by

Cornelius ieely oz John iiolmes, oen. Zacharial ?cobert3 of Bedford, to acLnrc.

1708 Biekley, Ivlr. V."illiam, of iitratfora, est. of iors. Bethyah

Glover, v/ho was admic of said est., makes report &: refusing to act further, the Court appt. John Clover of otratford to aam. with the will annexed. Will of, dated July 4, 1706/7 Wife Bethyah

The widow to aamr., assisted by Joseph Curtiss 3sq. , Sa Mr. Jonathan Pitnan, both of Stratford Witness, ) James Irobriage

) Edmund Lewis . 1707, the widow refucsing to be ex. is appt. adior .

1705 Bishop, iir. citephen, to make dist. est. Jonas aely of

Stand ford.


1714 Burr, i^aj . Peter, appt. to ...ist. est. Peter Clapham, deed.


1705 Bouton, John, of IJaabury, his est. inv. 2d day 1704/5 who

•lie a tne next day after tne above aate._ Prop: 1st uiv. of meaa. purchaaeo of t>osiaia

5tg.rr 5th " " " Sami.

Vifood. 5th " " " Hat hew

Bouton. Land next i-ir. Shaw.

" purchased for his town lot of Danl. Bennediek. Also inv. taken Jan. 18,1704/5 by 3eth Showe, James Babe Sc Josian .itarr. Jonn Bouton, elaest son u; marriea. jjau. Sarah Bouton, of age. " x:>.begaile " 16 yra.


1705 Bouuon, Jolm (Contd)

Dau. ij.arj-, 12 yrs. '•"♦i^athaniel.lO "

Eliaser, 5-1/2 abt.

Josiah otarr ^ Danl. Benedict i;o uist. ana to be assisted by Ilr. 'Beebe Son John 3. & Llathew Jiouto of Danb. to admr.

1705 Benedick, liary, called d. by John ?latt of x^orwalk.deod.

1705 Benedick, Benj. takes inv. of est. of John Piatt of Uor- v/alk, deed.

1704 Bennydick, Saml. takes inv. of est. Josepn forward of


1705 Basset, Elizabeth, witnesB, will of Leut. Thos.Knov/les,

oi -^itratfora.

1705 Bur, Hizabeth, widov/, a. to 2hepholus Ilanford, deed.

1705 Buckley, Uniea, some time deed, wife of Sushan Buckley on sister of Theopiielus iiandford, deca.1705.

1705 Betts, iir. Saml. to uist. est. Theophelus Hanf oru,decd.

1697 Butler, --iary, called a. by Sarah Curtis, now v;ife of Gapt. '.fei. Curtis, formerly Goo "rich.

1715 Barnum, Sarah, of Stratford, acknowleageth receipt from heirs of her late husband I'hos. Barnum of ;:an- bury, dec a. in full as by nature of contract maae before ir^rriage.

'rVitnesa (Ambrose ^'hompson ( John Thompson

1705 Bar lye, 3eorse, of Stratford, Inv. Jan. 28, 1705, by

Saml. i'rench Ic 'i'homas Hawley. Widow liary.

The wiaow, with Mr. Saml. Hubbell, to admr. 5 children all under age. Court appts. Saml. branch guaraian of (John &

(Hiaabeth ( ITehimiah Thos. Hawley, guar a- (George ian Of (l.Iary


1706 BaQldwin, SliaabetTi, called d. by Angell Husted of Green-


1706 Bowers, E&tia. witness will of " " "

1706 Bates, Ootianna, wife of Jonatrian Bates « d. Capt. John

oilleck of Stanford, deed.

1707 Benediok, Danl. to dist. est. Josepia -^reward of -Danbury,


1705 Burr, Jolm, late of Fairfielu, uecd. lov. 1705. Inv. Uec.

11, 1705 by John Thopson 5: Joseph Wakeman. iirs. Elizabeth Burr, widow.

The widow -.vith Mr. Jolin ^dwards &s Moses Birnon to admr. Son Andrew -Jau. Mary

" Ann ?rob. correct, out name seems larger " Elizabeth.

1706 Blackman, John, Mr., of Stratford, will of, dated

Sept. 50, 1706. Only son Abraham, all his prop. , but if he dies before 21, tiien the prop, to go to John Blackman, tiie son of my or other jJbenezer. iir. Benj. Beach & ) Lieut. John Hawley ) Ex. T/itness : Jacob V/alker, SLizabeth Booth &

Thos. i-alvey. Inv. IJov. 18, 1706, by Ebenezer Booth cb David •Deforest (lefreest)?

1706 Beach, Mr. Benj. ex. of above est.

1706 Booth, Elizabeth, witness above will.

1706 Booth, Sbenezer, takes inv. on above est.

1706 Beach, Mr. John, appt . to dist. est. Joshua Curtis.

1706 Banks, Benjarain, settlement of est. of, by Moses Dimon

2i John Hide, as per order of Court Mch. 29,1703.


17 06 Banks, Benjamin (Gontd)

To Benj., tue raeauow tiiat waa nis iatiaer's & part of

ills granuiatiier 's long lot. To Josepn, lana at Hawkins point, land near John

Smith's land in Jacque i'ield & rest of land at ■^''airiield. To Sli.'jabeth I^avis, eldest dau. To ATDSgaile.

1706 Bostiek, Zachariah, takes inv. of (prob. Shelfield) Est. of Caleb llicols of iiiioo^iley.

1706 Biship, Joseph, to make dist. of est* Sdraond Lockwood,Sen.

of ^tanf oru .

1707 Blackly, ^enezer, of Hew Haven, s. in law to x'hos. Lipton

late or iiorwalk, aeed. & admr. of his est.

1707 Bunokrem, Hannah, d. Ilr. John Hubby of Greenwich, deed.

1707 Jagley, John, takes inv. est. 2anl. Crofoot oi Fairfield, aec

1707 Bus-cun, Clement, takes inv. or est. of 3aml. Scofield. of

Stanrora ana gives bond for admrs. 'The ',7idow & John Psttit.

1707 Bishop, Jiarah, wife of Ebenezer bishop & d. John Sloson

of Stanford.

17v;7 Birasey, Abell, witness will of Deliverance V/akley of

Stratford .

1704 Bennit, I'hos. Sen. of :^airfield, inv June 17, 1704, bjr

Stephen -Sherwood 2c Isaack Sherwood. Widow ':o admr.

1707 Bickley, //m. of Stratford, inv- Apr. 28, 1707, by Benj.

Curtis, John Kawly cc Benj. Beach.

1707 Burrowes, John, witness will of saml. "^askell of stratfora.

1708 Blackly, Joseph of Iiorwalk,inv. Jan. 3, 1707/8 by

Banl. Setts Sc John Copp. Widow Mehitabell 1 child unt^er

John Bairaan Sc John Copp.

i\L..^)iAi^^ ^.M^ k) Y/



17 08 Betts, -anl. takes inv. oi above est.

1708 Burr, Laj . Peter, to dist. est. of Albert Denny of Fair- field.

1708 3ac!<ster, Abegaile, d. of Lieut. Jonatliaii Locljwood, deed. 1689.

1710 Bennit , Lieut. James, overseer est. John Seely of Stratford.

1707 Bradly, Jotin, est. of, report of admrs. '.^'idow Kannala 8c

Francis Bradly, admrs. dist. ox est. to

'/Vidow Hannah.

2 sons and 4 daughters.

Cornelius Jones Galled father in law to the children of aecd. made provision for



Ruth i:


Dau. Abegail chooses her mother Hannah Jones as guardian.

1708 Berdsly, Sacil. , deed. dist. of est. of to

To "iVidow Abegail, land on west site of Pequanec^

Siver called in inv. Sarah Berdsly. To Danl. Berdsly ''J John

" Benj.

" Hathan "

" Mary " wife of Jonathan '^Vackly

" Hannah " " " John Barrack

" Sarah

Ijist. made by aaml. Hubbell - Rich Hubbell.

l'^08 Burr, John, of Fairxield, dist. of est. of, by Llr. John

Edward & Sargt. Idoses I^inon. Have paid lega- cies to laary & Deborah Burr. The est. to oe aist. to children of deed, bon Andrew's guardian oargt. Lloses Diinon. Dau. Mary makes choice of John Idwards as guardian " Ann, guardian Sargt. Hoses -i;r.on. " ULizaoeth's guaraian ^ir. John ixi wards.

Mr. Peter Burr & Mr. Joseph '.Vakeman to dist. 1708 est. Court of Assistants at Hartford, Mr. Peter

Burr came oerore the Court as atty. for Moses ;jimon, guardian Andrew Burr & claims


1708 Burr, John (Contd)

that some of the est. or John Barr belongs to his Child Andrew being left to him oy his grandfather, Ila j . John Burr, deed.

1708 Mr. Rich. Sdwards also came before said Court

as atty. for Ilr. John Mwards, the guaraian of tne otuer chilaren.

1708 Burr, Mr. Peter, to dist. above est.

1708 Basterd, Vto. inv. Feby. 11, 1707/8 by John Barlow and Philip JJewis. Robt. i^umsey awares to inv. & appt. admr.

1706 Betts, Hannah, wife of James Berts « d. of John Bouton,ben. of ITorwalk.

1708 Bennitt, Janes, inv. i.Ich. 9, 1707/8 Widow iarah 1 son 13 yrs. old

1 son 5 ^'


1 " 4 "


1 " 10 weeks


1 dau.l6 yrs.


1 " 10 "


1 " 7 "


1 " 2 "


The widow

\7lth John Odell admrs.

of est.

1709 Barmen, Francis, takes inv. est. ITatl. Hillyer of lanbury.

17 09 Benneaieif, John, Sen. takes inv. est .Danl.Kellog of ITorwalk

1706 Bowton, John, Sen. of ITorwalk., will of, Dec. 25,1706. iVife Mary - lana next John Benedick, Sen. G-ranachila John Bowton of Danbury. Son lilathew Bowton

" Joseph " next Shenezer sampler Jau. Rachell iSension

" Abegaile iimith

" Hannah Betts Son Thos. under 20 Dau. -Tlizabeth ^'arren iion Richard under 20 Dau. Mary


1706 Bowton, John, ben. (Contd)

aiie ana aon Joseph to admr. ?/itnesb «Vm. Harnes, Joseph Gregory, Ben. Mathew Sension, Sdman i/a^en « James Betts, sons in law.

1706 Blatcnly, oaml. of ^Stanford, aamr. est. Abraham Finch.

1707 Beardsley, vi/in. witness will of John Odell.Sen. of iitratford. 1707 Bardsley, John, fakes inv. of est. of " " " "

1707 Bennit, James, " " " " " " " "

1707 Bulkley, John, of Fairfield, est. of, inv. Before Apr. 22, 1707, by ivloses Dimon 8c Joseph iThelply. Land acij. John Bulkley's hone lot. Ileac.ow that was His father's in the thirds. Meadow that was hsld in thirds - land next Joseph

3ulkley. Sarah ^ulkley, aau. to sa. John Bui:kley,decd. with Joseph iVhelply to continue their admr. There are 5 daughters to aiviae tne est. viz. Barah ilster Hannah

Elisabeth, choses Joseph -Vhelpley as guardian Olive, maae ward to barah Bulkley by Court.

lir. Peter Burr & Sargt. Hoses -imon to dist.

1710 Olive loakes choice of her brother Joseph Perry

as guardian*

1707 Burr, Itlr. Peter, appt. to dist. above est.

1708 Benedick, Sanl. takes inv. est. Saml. P/eed of Danbury.

1711 Barnum, xi:ich. of Danbury, appt. to dist. est. oi saml.Weed.

1704 Bennit, Thos. of Fairfield, agreement of heirs of.

iion x'hos. lana next I'hos. Jisbrov/'s,land next

Danl. Sherwood, oon John aon in law Saml. Steward, land next i^athl.Hays &

Saml llarvell. I'his was really given to S.S.

by said deed, on his marriage witn his aau.


1704 Benni-c, Thos. (Conta) ijon James Beianit

" Peter " under age •Vidow Sliaabeth Son in law Kenry Hendrick

1709 Benniti;, James, witness will oi James x^eckolso of Fairfield

1709 Beimitt, James, overseer oi est.oi oargt.Mathew ciherwood, Jr.

1709 Bennitt;, xiieut. James, witness will of " " "

1709 Bennett, Mary, wife of Lieut. James " " "

1709 Bennitt, Janes, takes inv.est.Saml.Berdsly of Stratford,

1709 Be2mitt,I]ios. , takes inv. est. John irilbert,aecu.of dtratfora

1709 Bennitt,Tlaos. takes inv. est. John Gilbert, deed, of btratforu.

1709 Blackmail, 2 achariah, "or ot tier -in- law to nannan, widow of John Gilbert of Stratford & admr. oi his est.

1674 Cabell, John, esi;. of tnere are more debts justly due

saia est. than those of inv. or 167o,aa follows: (See p. 73) Jebts aue est irom I'hos. Lyon, Isaac llichols,

John licols, I^Ir. Bryant. Debts aue from est. to («m. Hill, .ijr.John Burr, I'o Abbots -.state. 168;3 Dec. 19. J^hos. Sher\700d presents to tne Court

tne above a/c V7nerein ois predecessor John Oaleb liis est. was indetted & the Uourt aproves of the a/c & founu tne Est. is in- aeotdu ita 27-^-3 more auaed 1-1-8 Viridch is zo be ueducteu out of zob est. before trier« be a aist. of sa. esta,te unto ye children.

1685 Hov. 3,1685. The Court oraers tne aist. of tae

eat.- of John uabell, Jr.decd. as follows. To Widow Slizaoeth John, elaest son, (lo interest in est. he daving reed.

legacy from his granufather , John Cable, Sen. ) Joseph, ison 01 aeca. ) iilizabe'cn.u. •' )

Sara ) under age

Rebecca )


1707 Berasly, oaml. ox otraofora, aecd. inv. oi' eat. of taken by Saml. Tredwell,c3en« , David oherraan k James Beziniu at tae request oi' tjie aamrs of the est., viz. JoliB Berusly.Jr. & Jonathan imakely, A^. 10, 1707.

In tilths inv. we find 2 parcels of land that tue 5<^. baml. Berdaley gave to ais grandchilu Sarah iBerdaley in case she nmrry or come of age, 1 parcel lying near urn. Berusley. John ^erdsly, Jr. & Jonathan i«akely, admrs. of the est. of taeir laouer oacil. , aeca. above are freed by Court frora bond of aumrs. Apr. 22,1707, & Danl. & John iJearasly, sons to deed. appt. admrs. The decQ. Saml. Berasly is callea late of Stra^cfiela. Widow

a on William " Daniel " Jolm " Benjamin " Hathan & 2 daugncers &

One uau. of cue elaest son wno is deeu. the sd.Wm. Unsign _-'avia bherman cc) Sargt. riicu. Hubbell & ) to dist. Saml. Hubbell )

1706 xioulton, Sergt. John of xJorwalk, inv. of est. of,?eby.28,

1706, by James Olmsted, iaaml. Smitxi.aaml.Betta Joseph iDOut;on,son of aecd. took oath to inv.

1706 Betts, Saml. takes inv. in aoove eat.

1710 Bouton.iilary, wiuov;, mother or Jonathan otevenson, deea.

1710 Benedick, John, oen. takes inv. of est. oi Jonathan Steven- son, deca.

171U Burr, Maj. disT;. est. Capt. John Osburn.

1710 Bennet, ^ieut."

1710 Bishop, Sarah, widow of iheneaer Bishop of otantora, sister

of x'hos. bloson of Stanford. )


1710 Barnum, Abegail, sister of aargt.Thos. Skeel of Woodbury.

1710 Bulkly,Ger shorn, s. in law to late Hev.Thos.HanforcL, Sen. deed. 1710

1710 Benedick, John, takes inv. est. part of prop. of Rev.LIr. Hanfora,deed. 1710

1709 Blackaaa, James, of btratford, eist. of, inv. lich. 7,

1709/10 by Abraham Wooster & John Levensworth. Verbal will witness by John Love Saal. Henrix, beta Of iitratford. Prop, laft to 'd brotners of aeca. viz. Zachariah & Adam Biackman, who are appt.' admxrs. Ager Tomblinson furnishes their bond.

The deed. JaJnes Blac^an aaa sisters Jane Clark, iieriam iamith, Martha j;iobbins.

1710 Bishop, Mr. Stephen, v/itness v/ill of Oapt. Jonathan Selleck

1711 Bennit, James, Justice at otratford, takes inv. est.

Sachariau Ferris.

1710 Bishop, Mr. Stephen, appc. to Gist. est . Joseph Green of


1710 Bell.Mr. Abraham " " " " " " "


1711 Bennet, Isactc,of Long Hill, owes prop. to iurs. Sarah Ghanney

widow deed.

1711 Blacklech,Iir.Rich,brother to "

I\ilrs. Abigail, wife of above, sister"

Richard, called nephew by

Samuel " "

Sosepn " '

Rebeckah " niece by

Abigail " " "


1711 Burroughs, -idward, takes inv. est. of " " "

1704 Bell, Jfonathan, takes inv. est. Jonn iiolmes of Stanford.

1711 Beach, John, takes inv. est. Timothy wilcofcson of Stratford.

1711 Berdsly.Abell "


1710 Burr, Llaj. Peter, .vitness will Mrs. Llartba Wakeman &

he is guardian ior Sanl. & John Wakeman, sons of above cz Capt John.

1711 Jietts, Llr. Saral. appt. to dist.est. Danl.Xellog of Horwalk

1712 Beardly, Elizabeth, legacy to, from iir.Y/m. Rawlins on of


1712 Beardsly, Sphr aim, witness ?/ill of " " " ''


1712 Bennett, Thos. takes inv. of est. " " " "


1711 Bell, Jonathan, takes inv. est .Lir. Abraham Vi/eed of Stanford

1711 Bell, Abraham, " " " " " " "

1711 Eell,John,I«Ir. " " " " " " "

also admr.

1711 Bishop, Capt. Joseph, uo aist. est. " " "

1711 Bishop ,Ivlr. Stephen, ben. " " " " "

1712 BenneQick,oaml. of Danbury, takes inv. of est. of Thos»

Pickett & Danbury & appt. guardian for son Benj.

1712 Barnum,Biehartt, of Janbury, takes inv. & dist. est. of

Thos. Piclett of Danbury & appt. guardian lor son Joseph.

1712 Bishop, Joseph, Justice of Stanford, takes inv. est. Hr«

John Ambler of otaniord.

1712 Bates, Jonathan, takes inv. est- Mr. John Ambler of Stanford.

1712 Bishop, Capt. Joseph, of Stanford, dist.est. John Smith, deed.

1712 Beld en, John, takes inv. est. Isaac Hayes of ilorwalk.

1712 Barbet,llii:adeth, vrlxe of John Barbet & d. Mr. Wm. Hayes of iiiorwalk,decd.

1712 Betts, Sarah, called cousin by Ito.Wm.Hayes of Horwalk.decd.

1712 Benedick, John, Sen. takes inv. est. of " " " "


1712 Bisliop, Capt. Joseph swares to inv.LIr. Joshua /jiowles

of ?airfielQ.

1712 3eimett,lilr« Jaines,si.vares to verbal will or Dea. Isaac ViTieeler of at rat ford.

1712 Bennett ,I.irs. iiary, s-vares to veroal will of Dea. Isaac Wheeler of btratford.

1712 Bennett, Lieut. Janes, dist.est. of I-ea. Isaac 'fj'heeler of


1712 Blatelily,lvlr. Saml. of Stanf ora,appt;. to dist.ets.Iir. John

Liar shall of Greenwic^. ^

1712 Bates, Mr. Jonathan, of fc)tanfora,appt. to dist. est. LIr.

Joiui i^rshall of Greenwich.

1712 Bonton, Joseph, takes inv. est. Thos. Gregory of Horv/alk.

1712 Beach, Uathl. takes inv. est. Ito.-'anl. Picket of Stratford.

1712 Betts, James,oen. witness will of lir. fhos. Seamen of Horwalk

1712 Beatts,x'hos. swares to will of



1727 Banks, John of Greenwich, Inv. filed June 2,1727, by

ciamuel Mills, admr. Vol. 172-^-1740, p. 90-

(Ho Banks or Burns in Vols. 1721-1749 & 1725-1740 (Ho Brush " "

Curtiss, Elizabeth, inv. filea June 4, 1658, p. 16.

Veriiiea idj, Jorin Curtiss ana William Curtis. AppraisBrs' :3ieliartt Bootii, Uark lliekolls, Josepn. Judson, ana i^obert. coe.


BOOK 1648-1656. BOOK 1665-1675.

1655 5ixd. Cat Cham, Saward, of ot rat ford, inv. filea p. 3.

" Campbell, luathew

" Cross,™, inven-cory of estate of, filed Oct. 25,1656.

1658 Gurtiss,Gooawife, estate of (inventory)

" Coe,Bobt. Stratfora I tiiink.

Ib58 Curtiss.John

" " rtm.

1658 Exd. Curtiss, Elizabeth, will of, of Stratford, probated

Api. 4, 1658, p. 17. Sscrs. Sons, John & Yim,

'• John) Witnesses, John i3rins-

(Sse note " Wm. ) sons ox ELiza. maid, John Washburn, opposite) '• ( John, son ofxJohn Curtis

" ( Jonathan, son of 5c>»m. Curtis

" K ( Israeli, son or -xJohn Durtis

" ( tiarah d. of Wm. Curtis

" ( Mary, daughter of i'hos. Curtiss & grand g.

( Elis. Curtiss s granacuilaren.

1658 Cable, John

lo5y Curtis, Sergant, (Stratford)

1659 Exd. Coe, Robert, estate of, of Stratford, inv. filed Oct.

9, 1659, p. 62, leaves a wido\7 & 3 children. Sussana 6 1/2 yrs. Sarah 3 1/2 " Joau

1662 Curtice, tim. (Stratford)

1662 Cramton, John, prob. son in law to Francis Andrevs

mentioned in gift to aaughter Hannah.

1662 Claphara, Peter called cousin by Anthony V/ilson.

1664 Capt. Gullicks, one of tue Magistrates of Conn, mentioned

in T/ill of Rev. John Jones

1665 Campfiela, Llathew Magititrate.

1665 2xd. Chapman (diea June 13 - 1665) John estate of (Stanford)

widow Inv. ^iled Oct. 30, 1665. Book (Uary thapnan 1665-1675, p. 9. unaer 18 (Sliz. "


1666 Castell, Henry - wife of receives prop.fr. will of Danl. Finch also his two children that he with her mother, he is witness of will of Danl Finch.

1669 Ohichester, James as (husband) of daughter of Jonathan Porter - release 2x. of eat. of Griles '-mith.

1669 Cosens, Rich. e4^. prop, by will Bobt. Usiier of atandforu.

1670 Uov. 7, Cable, John The estate of (of ?rirfield) inv.

debt due est. Frances i^ichols(filecu:ov.6.167o. " Joe " " " from 5fet. to V7m. Briant

lix.' Mull or a See preceaing page 67. Goodman Banks

Lewis i:>ely Inv. taken George Squire

Cornelius Hull. Book 1665-1675, p. 72 &

p. 176, p. 188

1674 Clapnara, Isabella, called aau. by John Barlow.

1676 Curtiss, John, selectman of Stratford see also 76 Wills.

1677 Oeech, Mary, a. John Beach of Stratford.

1677 Curtiss, Gapt. %i. overseer of es-c. John Beach of Stratfora. 1677 Chancy, Wm. Israel " " " " " " "

lb78 Curtiss, Jonatnan.son in lav/ to Jonn Tomson.

1678 Cables, Goocraan, had land at basco next Rich. Lyon of

Fair fie la.

1679 Campp, ITicholas, called cousin by ITathaniel Porter.

' lb79 Clarke, James, selectman Stratfora takes inv. Hathaniel

-orter est.

1678 Campfield, Sarah, naa land next Mat hew Marven at ITorwock.

1680 Clarke, Rebecca ox Farmington d. IJathew Marvin.

74 1680 Cumstocke, Christ , takes inv. est. I-atia Ales. Marvin. 1680 Cornisn, James " " " " "

1680 Curtiss, Abigail , wife Jonathan Curtiss, sister oi John

Tomson lor Curtiss heirs of John i'omson. See '2oEison John lb81.

1681 Curtiss, Jonathan, Zst. of. Inventory taken and iileo Oct.

10-81 by xinot ny »»ileocks,aaml. Sherman & James Clarke, selectment of otratford. {Bookl675-1689 ,p. 64 Abigail Curtiss sv/ore to inv.

7/idow Abigail a sons &: 2 daughters.

oapt. Curtiss, Saml. Sberman Jr. & Hobt. Laws & deeon Vvilcockson - Overseeria.

1681 Curtiss, Capt. overseer in tJ^onatnan Austen Est.

1681 Curtiss, Israel, overseer for i;d.HiniQan,liVoodbury.

Ib81 Crouch, Ihos. witness will Hath. Perry.

1681 Crouch, bimon, aged abt. 48 yr. takes oath aot. above will

168ii Cabej. John Sr. of Fairfield, vrill of, aated Apr. 4, 1682.

Probat ea iiept . 21 ,1682, Bookl675-1689 ,p. 81 . Widow -my. Jonn Caole, grandenild. Jonn jinov/les " Gift to Sebecca ia grandenild John Cabel Jehu Burr) called T ) Ezbon v^akeman)

John Burr) kinasman/ overseers; Jo im ^anksJ iVitness Inv. taken tiept. 21-1682 oy Jomi Banks & looses Dimon I>ue ilst. from Srancis Braaly & Cor. iiely.

1683 Clark, iaarah, wife of Bobt. Clarke of otratford, will of

aatea June 5, '77, prooaoea 1685.Bookl675-l689,p.

93,aistributea p.lol She died Feby. 2-1682. Sanl. utiles, son of deed. Sprain 6tiles, " " " Benj. b tiles, " " " Tho. Stiles, " " " CMldren of Kanna lianman aau.of decd.viz«wife to xitus Hin- Uhildren " " " " " man.


Grand child aarah Blakeraan. " " Hanna Blakeman.'

Chilaren of I.Iary Washburne, dau. of deca. of whicii

iiaran " is one

Gifts "CO ner aibtera chilaren, Danl. Heyaen - Hatnamel neyaen, calleu cousin. Her sister Llary -Iverts at Gilford also makes

oequests to aaughters of her dau. Vi/'ashburne " " aaughter " " " Einman.

Grand child Mary Blakeman. '' " Hanna "

bequests to l:<ackery 7/alker. Witness- Zackery ./alker ca busanna ,/alker.

Inv. taken LIch. 168£, by Ihos.UffBtt.aaml. Sherman, John iels.

1683 Chancy, Llr. legacy "uo by iZLizabeth Burrit of Stratford.

1674 John Oaole, i^eiect oi , deo-ca aue to her by

I'hos . Lyon Isaac ilichols. Jno« -Liicnola.

1685 Chancy, Israel Mr. Gift to by ^Vill of Thos. Uffort.

1d83 Coe,Jolm- Vsitness will ox i'hos. Uffora.

1883 uurtiss, Josepn, Sx. of estate Shos. Ufford.

1680 Cur'ciss, ./m. Commissioner at btratfora list. Jrioot.Hose.

168o ^urtiss, Joseph called orotner o;: ilpraim Booth or atratford,

1688 Curtice, Benior, selectman of Stra-ciord inv. Est. IHiz. Porter

lt>88 i^amp, llr. i^iicnolas, overseer of " " "

1683 L;larke,riobt. called father by Thos. otiles of Stratford.

16 71 Cable, George, takes inv. of ohoot

167y Cooly, Sarah, daughter of Humphrey Hiae, wife of Peter Cooly aaml. ciarah, Peter, Ilary, onildren of samd sarah all left property by K. Hide.


1679 Clarke, Robt. o±' atratford, overseer Est. H. Hiae.

1684 GresBy, 7/m. Est. of inv. taken Sept. l-rl684 by Peter Jerris ^ Jonah.Bell (Sownsnen) filed Uov. 4, 1684, .Book

Eldest son 1B75-I689,p.l41 & 148.

2na son

4 daughters oergt. Lanl. ..estcot ) Sergt.' iJavid .iaterbury) Administrators.

1684 Oloase, Sarah, a. Hich. Hardy.

1684 Gable, Goodman, solo before 1684 prop, to Jno. 3anks.

1685 Glarke, -James apt. overseer est. Sich. Burgis.

1684 Comstake, Christopher, inv. est. James Sentin of UorTzalk.

1685 Gable, John grandson of John Gable being of age releases

lir. John Burr the administrator of his grand- father's est. for the pajTment of the legacy to him c: also re-linc[uisnes any right to the estate of his father John Gable, deed - as a/c of the legacy left b^' his grand father was that his 2d. brother Joseph should inherit v/ith the other brothers cc sisters excep'c John aforesaid - any estate that might be left by his son John Cable.

1685 Cooly, Peter, witness agreement of Danl. i-'rost's heirs.

1685 Oloson, Jonathan of Staaford est. of inv., filed ilch.l4,

1685, taken by oergt. Danl. Weed - Joshua Hoyt Book 1675- ^ John V/aterbury. 1689 p. 178" Son Stephen abt. 4 yrs. old

Dau. Sarah " 1 l/2 yrs. old. Stephen Closon brother to aecd. ae 28 Stephen Closon Sr. ) (Jiother Elisabeth Closon, ae about 54y David Closon ) administrators.

1685 Closon, ^izabeth, mother of above Jonathan

about 54t years old testifies as to his est.

1585 Closon, Stephen Jr. broth, to abov. Jonathan about

28 years old, also testifies.


1685 Curtis, 'ilra. witness agreement of heirs of Robt. Rose. 1685 Couch, Simon, overseer will John Grornan.

1685 Caniield, Sanl. had land next Saml. oenlin.

1686 Cooly, baml. witness discharge Joseph Jrost hy John Thorp

1686 Cooly, Saml. called son in law by Iliz. iTrost, deed.

1686 Couch, Simon from tne land of hay was seized by James Huton as constable.

1686 Ourtiss, Joseph, selectman of Stratford takes inv.est. David Ilitchel.

1686 Couch, Simon, Jr. convicted for meeting at night at H. Rowlanas 'without leave.

1686 Gobell, John, convicted for meeting at night at H. Rov;-

lanas v/i-anout leave.

1687 Couch, Simon, complains vrs. himself in regard to horses.

1687 Curtis, Joshua, selectman of ttoodbury, takes inv.est.

J. Keckox of lYoodbury.

1688 Coe, John, ex. of estate of ITathl. Kumberstone of otratford

1688 Chancy, Izrael, witness will of " " " "

1688 Curtis, Wm. takes inv. of est. of" " " "

1688 Clarke, James, Sen. witness will " " " "

1688 Couch, oimon of ye Wast farms at 5'airfield, 7/ill of,

dated Dec. 2, 1687, probated end inv. filed llch, 15, 1688, Book 1675-1689, p. 250. Widow Llary

Thos. eldest son of deed: (land at Saseo afield ( Simon 2d Under age. { Sarah aau. of deed.

( Hannah " " given in care of Simon. Saml. 3d son of aeca.

* 1


Gifts to his brother's son Thos. Couch, y now lives v/ith me.

" " " " daughter " " "John (^roman*

" " " " cousin bussamia " " " at luili'ord.

'. ouch unaer 22. litary eluest daughter of deed. " 18 Liar t ha

Jehu Burr) : Sdward Hov/ard )

John 3urr) overseers : Sarah Grornan ) witness Inv. of est. of Sinon Couch of Banlrs sij.e ^airfield taken

Lxch. 14, 1688, "by Josiah Harvey k John Groroan,

1668 Coins took, Christopher, his prop, next x'hos. Betts of llorwalk

1689 ounny, barah a. of James Blakman of Orinoge.

1689 Gurtiss, Wm. takes inv. of est* John Bostik of Stratford.

1689 Curtiss, Joseph " " " " "

1689 Cook, John of otratford, inv. taken July £3-1689-presented

by Lioses ./heeler den. & taken by .»m. Curtis tc John Blrdsey - townsmen, field lTov.5,1689. Joseph Curtis of Stratford appt. adiitr. Book 1675-1689, p. 299.

1679 Gamp, Nicholas, witness settlement of boundary bet.

j'airfield os Stratford.

1679 Goley, Saral. witness transfer of part of a note to Rich.

Briant of Uilford by Thos. Skidraore.

BOOK 1689-1701.

1690 Goly, Peter, est. of inv. taken IJch. 31-1690 by John

'iVakeman cb Sliphalet Hill, filed Apl. 5,1690, (p. 3) Widow (Sarah a. Humphrey Hide prob)

Saml - eluest son left prop, by his grandfather. Peter son of aecci. Sarah a. of deca. ageo. 22. An "• " " " 16 last June

Ilary " " " "13

Elizabeth i." " " 8

Hannah " " " " 6 See settlement 1695

The widow appt. aomx. i.lch.l5-



r ^7


1689 CTianGy Isra.^a ) Also witness marriage agreement of Charles J John Birassy a Alice I'omilson.

Charles ) <Vitnes,:, will oi John Birdsey of otratford.


1590 Coe, John, selectman of Stratford takes inv. of est. John Birdsey.

15 89 Chapman, John

Joseph of aaybrook, grandchildren of Joseph Hawly

1689 Coe, Mary, a. of Joseph Hawly of Stratford. 1692 Oomstock, Christoph. guardian Joseph Kellog.

1690 Camfield, baml. who died at Horvi/alk, Ho v. 19, 1690, est. of

inv. taken by Walter Hoyt, ilarke Sention ci Saml. Haies, filed llov. 20, 15 90. (Book Widow

1689-1701, Zbeneser aon of aeca. Ageo 21, next Feby. p. 23) Abegaile, a. " " " 18, » ^xpr.in 1701 wifeof Saml. son " " " lii, "May Jonatiian Kock- Jedeuiah son " " "9, laat Aug. well.

See Agreement 1701.

The wiaow )

Marke Sen'aion cz ) iidmrs.

7/alter Hoyt )

1700 Camfield, Jedeaiau dhooses zirubbell Hoit as guardian Dec. 18, 1700.

1590 Curtiss, Izrael, selectman, of lir'oodbury, takes inv* of iVood- bury est. of Josepn Juason.

loyi Coucn, Ihos. of Fairfield, will of, dated ..pr. 8,1d89.

He 'maae saia will oeiore ne started on a voyage to Jig. proba-cea Jec.2,1691,Bookl689-1701,p.46. Mary Coutch, mother of aeca. lilaest son of nia brotner Simon Coutcu and if he

nave none to iildest son of his or other aaml. " Simon Couch Sx. vVitness Josian Harvey ij Joiin iJ-rumaa h.e aieo befre I»ec. 2, lb91.


IbV^ Coucn, bimon, released from all deraanas for the 1st. of j^hos. -i-'ell aeca. by Jolin Pell. ".Vitness. John Aplgate, Ani. Apelgate.

1d91 (Jouch, v/iaov/ Uary, inv. of est. Hay 22, Ib9i-Dy Josepn.

lockv/ood CO Janl. j'rost, filed ITov.lbyi, Book 1689- ainoii Uoucn Sc) 1701,p.5'i.

aaml. Coucji ) -ppr. Admrs.

Saml. Coucn to nave <^15. out of the est. which T/as given' to •i]hos. Couch by nis raotner, said widovr, am if ne never corae "uo "cnis country tnen to oanil.

The enildren of aaid wiciov/ iuary Couch -are - I'hOB. airaon 8a 5aml. Couch - Liary Gruraan (widow )i>iartna, -tJannan Sc K»iarah Couen.

X proD. under age.

IbyO Curtis, Izrael, taten inv. of .Voodbury -:s"C. of Caleu l.'icola of iVoodbury.

Ib90 Curtis, Izrael, Lieut, overseer of est of ?&i. Roberts oi i<oou Dury .

Ib91 uaasell, aaial. husband to Susana, v/idow or aaml. ITicols, appt. to adKir. est. of iiaral. llicols, decu.

1708 castle, Saml. oi t*oodDury, makes report "Co Court of his adrir. of above est.

Iby2 OurtiSK, V/m. calleu son in law by Eicoias Hughes of otrax-f ord.

1592 Curtiss, Jonathan £c Sarah, brother & si ter of aoove, left legacy in will of iricolas Hughes of otratfora.

1693 Clark, Heorge, wionesi will of widow Lleriaa Cxrooiae. Ibyo Clark, James, seleccman of citratford takes inv. est." " lb9'± Close, Hannali, legacy to by Jonn Bowers of Greenwien.

1694 iiixd. Comstocke,L)anl. of llorwalk est. oi inv. taken July^,

lo9^ o'y Joiui Plat, Janes Olmsted & John Benei-.ic'^:.

.lidow llisabetli. One child a son uno.er age (Book 1689-1701, p. 109.

She v/idow appt. adrax.


1694 Chancy, Hev. iir. Izral. Legacy to, by Soot. Clarke.

1694 Cnancy, i^ary called aaugliter by Isack l^ieols ox otratford.

1694 Chancy, ilr. Izrael, adrar. of est. of" " " "

1694 Gurtiss, Joseph, -.-atneas will or " " " "

1596 Curtis, Zackarian, selectman of Stratford, takes inv. est.

Paul 3rinsly or Brunsnead

16 96 Curtis, Ben J. appt, admr. of est. " " " "

1694 Izd. Glark^, 25obt. of Stratford, vrill of, dated ITov. 13-1694

Son John 10 yrs. old probated 1694.

dau. Hanah abt. -7 yrs. old. Rev. ior. Israeli Chancy, legacy to xxary Serle, the wife of George oerle legacy to ilr. Saril. Shernan 2r.)_ ; John '.Vilcockson

Eplriraira utiles ) Z^. :'.jitneas Jacob r/alker.

Danl. Berdsly )

Inv. taken 'x^ov. 19 ,1694-by Benjaniin lewes « Timothy

Silharton, selectmen. (Book 1689-1701, p. 111.

1695 Sfed. i.Ich. 15 - Coly, Peter settlement of est. of to

v/idov; Sarah inv. file;; •Iich.12,1694.

ilicolas Johnson Jr. husband of iiary Coly

Peter Coly 2a son

iiaml. " eldest son

.iarah " dau. of deca. (Book 1689-1701,

Ann " " " " p. 133)

1696 Chauncy, Sarah, called d. by widow Sarah Bur.

1696 Chauncy, Charles, called son by " " "

1697 2xi:_. Glugstone, Mr. iaichaell of ?alrfield,est . of Inv.

Jan. 4-1697 by i.athl. Bur, Saml. ScLUire,John Edwards. (Book 1689-1701, p. 144. )■ '.Vidow iiary Mrs. Mary Glugstone ic Joseph V/akeman adi;iT.




1698 1698 1699

2xd. Glaphan, Peter of llorwalk, deed. ^eby.l8-1697/3,est. of, Inv. taken lich. 3-98 by Oliristopher Comstock- Saml. Bets Sc John Baynond.

Fairfield property, Inv. of, taken iich,. 3-1698 by Jolan 'Jhoms^on & John Sdv/ards consisting or land ''oj williaifls - land called Korts lot

" iVots "

Land on 3asco Hill - land on Horts Island, land

aascofiela, - lana by Dimons Brooke U Long Lot. VVidov/ - See Vol. A p. 540 - proo. 2d wife. Children of deed.

aau. Abegaile iiurwane " Hebecka Clap ham aged abt. 3 yrs.

" Elizabeth ^' ^ " E "

son P^ter, born Llay 15-1698. The T/idow with lir. John Plat of llorwalk ) and 'Hhos. Iiurwane ; of ^'airfield ) Adnrs.

Court appts. later tiie v/iaow, i.ir. John Plat &

Mr. Andre"/? Messenger of llorv/alk to admr. 1713 - Lich. 3 - !..xaj . Peter Burr « Beacon John Shorrpson of Fairfield orderea to conplete distribution.

Chauncey, Hr. Israel, legacy to <i overseer of est. Moses


Chauncey, Sarah, witness v/ill of " "

Clarke, James " " " " "

Ghauncy, lir. Izrael, overseer of est. Sarah i'lfteeler of Strat


1699 Curtis, iir. Joseph " " " " " " "

1599 Coe, John, selectnan of Stratford

takes inv. est. " " " "

1699 Curtis- Benj. selectman of "

takes inv. est. " " " "

1697 Curtis, iiary d. of widow i^ary Slawson of i-airfield.

1694 Clarke or Gierke, Deborah, wife of George Clarke J: d. of liiaj. Sathan lioid.


1697 Couch, Saml. to huabana est. of 2hos. Hurlbut. 1701 Curtis, Jos. Recorder in Knells Island case.

1701 Cobl)it,i.Ir. Saml., chosen guardian by Bich. Ogden, son

■of SiGh. deed.

1699 Goe, Ensign, John Appt. to dist. est. Capt. Steven Burrit.

1700 Curtis, Izrael, selectman .vooc.bpry, takea inv. est. Sev.

\'iu, iifslker.

1700 Copp, Ilr. John oi Bedford to adra. est, oi' ilnsign Danl.

Dimkins of Bedf ora , 'deed.

1698 Gas sell, Henry Sen. of lYoodbury died ?eby 2-1697-8. Inv.

of Jist. -of ,j;al:en :i'eby 24-1697/8 by John Sherman vYidovf Abegaile (3 ok 1689- 17 01, p. 205)


Henry 31 yrs. old.

Saml. 29 " "

I sack 25 "

Wm. 10 " "

Abegaile22 " "

Liary SO " "

Mercy 13 "

Son Henry appt. admr.

1700 Camstock, Elizabeth, tritness agreement of heirs

iir. John ".Theeler.

1702 Curtiss, 3enj. guardian Deborah d. Paul 3rinsmead.

1702 Goe, ansign,John " Zachariah 3, " "

17 06 Sza. Glugston, Llichaell, uistribution of est. of Aug. 14,

1706_ad follows: (Book 1689-1701, p. 214)

To - iiidow Llary ('.Vakeman ?) Children


Saml. all under age. Liary Sargt. John Thompson ca um. Hill to make dist. Lieut.- Joseph .Vakeman apt .-guardian for John £c Saml. i'he widow to be guaruian for her uau. liary.




Ibyi Colby, Saml. of Fairfield, Releases tiie est. of his latiaer Peter Oolby of i'airfield, deed. V/itness Sehu Bur

Hdv/ard Iic\7ard.

1692 Curtis, Il^jenezer C: Riith. Curtiss allias Porter

release tiie overseers of tne est. of tlieir deed, father l^ath.1. Porter. Witness (iahriell i.'cnaon, 3enj. Peet,Jr.

1696 Curtis, Joseph. )

Zacharlah) witness release of overseers Uathl. Porter by John Porter.

1685 Clark, John, iTitness release of overseer of Ilathl. Porter

"by iiarah Porter.

1696 Curtis, Izra9l,Jr. acknowledged receipt of legacy from

his brother in law 'ihos* liorehouse admr. of the est. of his father in law Saml. Morehouse. Witness Ihos. Hillier, iiary -Odell.

BOOK 1702 - 1750-

1702 Clemens, 'um. of otariford,e3t . of, inv. ilov. 11-1702 by

David .'/aterbury, Danl. iScofield - 'Jonathan Bell. Widow SLiaabeth.

1702 Curtiss, Capt. Wm. of Stratford, Will of, dated Dec. 15-

1702. All children married and given portions. Son Danl. " JTbeneaer, '•' Zaehariaa

" Josiah - land next Jaral. J'^rench. dau. Sarah v'^ells, " Zlizabeth -^ose. Son Joshua. Legacy to Jonathan Curtis??, son of Jonathan Curtiss,

4 first sons to be ex. 7/itness Joseph Curtiss ^ John Beach.

CjU<^- h (>'


Inv. taken Jan. 4 - 1702 before iir. Josepii Curtiss Apt.

1704 Cornwall, lilary, witness release oi Abegail Hudson, widow of IT at hi. bjr his brother John Hods on of IT. Haven.

1704 Ghauncy, barah, also v/itness abve. release £c gives testi- mony as to iTathaniel Hudson's will (l70l)

1701 ChauBcy, Sev. Izrael, gives same testimony as Sarah Ghauncy above .

1704 Glarke, John, s. in law to Danl. Kellog of Horv/alk, agree- ment of heirs.

1703 Ghauncy, lir. Izraell, Rev. of Stratford, est. of Inv. June

9-1703 by Saml. Sherman & John Hawley. Rev. I.Ir. Gharles Ghauncy appt . admr. Another Inv. of oth. est. by Ambros Tomson & John

Hawley. Mr. Charles Ghauncy calls deed, father - Books, In"te. by Saml. Andrew Sc Joseph liebb. Mr. Charles Chancy gives bond for aomiship.

Widow. Children,

Charles, Isack Rober t Capt. James Judson - Ilr. Hathl. Sherman fi: Leut. Thos.

Knowles to make disti. Mr. Charles Ghauncy to take care of portion of Ivlr. Robt. Ghauncy until further oraers.

1704 Curtis, 3enj. Ilr. Asst. Sx. of est. Senj. Peat, Sen. of


1704 Clarke, James, witness will of " " " "

1704 Copp,John, witness will of Rich. Holmes of lorwalk.

1702/3 Gomstock, Christopher of iTorwalk, will of, dated Dec. 22 - 17 01 Wife Hannah Son Mos-is under age,

" Saml. the eldest of the two prob. dau. Hannah, unmarriea, " liercy "


Grandson, I'anl. Corns took unaer age.

Speaks his grandchildren both male and female.

The widow and son Saml. to he ex.

The Rev. Lir. Steven Buokinghara )

& Janes Olmsted ) Overseers.

Witness Saml. Smith

Andrew Messenger. Inv. Jan. 16-1708/5 - by John Plat, John Benedick, & John Raymond.

1701- CaJnfield, ^lizaheth, x^adow of SamL. Gamfield, agreement of, with Sbenezer & Saml. Gamfield tc Zerrubhahell ^c^, J Hoit, guardian for Jedediah Gamfield.

se*-!? /-'''*' ^ ^^^* -^"begaile Rockwell ^ v^v.^*- Witnesb saml. Betts J Danl. Lockwood.ciaml Hays Administrators.

Jonathan Hockwell agrees to agreement.

1699 Cop, Ivlr. John appt. adm. est. Joshua ;7ebb of Bedford.

1697 Glarke, IVm. Sen. of Bedfora. Inv. by Danl. Simkins & John Holmes on Llch. 9- 1696-7 -at Bedford. 5 children, 3 sons & 2 dau. 2 of sons of age. Benj. Green of ^tanfora guardian for children under

age Joseph & Margery. Eldest son, 'tm, Clarke, IJathan Glarke , 2nd son. Joseph " Sarah eldest dau. Margery.

1706 Curtiss, Joseph, Ssq. of Stratford, asst. Ex. will Mr. «Yra. Bickly.

1705 Goney, Ben J. takes inv. est. Mr. Saml* Fairchild of Strat- ford

1705 Getcham, Mr. Joseph of Korwalk to dist. est. Theophelus ilanfora.

171:3 Gamp, Joseph

" Hannah iiee dist. est. Mr. Joshua Snowies 1715.

1709 Copp,John \'/itnes3 will i^athl. Hillyer of Danbury.

87 1709 Celloge, Spelling for Kelloge Danl. Kellog

1704 Curtis, Leut, Izraell of 7/oodbury. Settlement of est. ox

Agreement oet. rtidow 3ebeclra aau. Hannah lain or wife of Thos. lainor " Rebecka " " " Splirim "

son Izraell - land at Stratford. " Jonn

" Steven, land at Stratford & Woodbury Witness ( Jolin lainor

( John dherman ( Danl. Beardsley. Inv. of Stratfora land - iich. 17-1704/o by Joseph uurtis

& Benj. Curtis. Inv. of est. of Leut. Izraell Curtis of </ooabury, wno uied Oct,. 28-17 04 - taken ^eby. 20-17 04/5 by ilathew IJitchell, Joseph Hikok & John Curtis.

1705 Curtiss, Joseph

Benj. take inv. of Stratford land of above deed.

1705 Curtis, John takes inv. of est. of above deed.

1702 Glaphara Peter ) Children of Peter Clap ham of Horwalk Rebecka) deed, being non age for tne ehoosing Elizabeth) of Guardian. The Court appt. Jonathan Renolds b Joshua iinap both of

Greenwich, Guardians 1714. The est. of Peter Clapham, deed, of Korwalk, not being as yet furnisaed tne Court appts. Maj. Peter iiurr (i Deacon John Thompson to aist. & Capt. Joseph Piatt of Horwalk to assist. 1714. list. est. of Peter Clapham as lollows - i'o his son Peter - all lana at xvorwalk " dau. Rebecka^ Addams - home lot called 7/ats lot< " " Sliz. The long lot divided bet. ttbove.

1697 Curtis, Saran now wife of Capt. Wm. Curtiss. Will of dated Oct. 21-97 To 4 sons - John GoodRich iVra. Goodrich David Goodrich Iphraim "


Son in lav/ Hobt. V/ells Granucnila Abegaile Fiten 'irandcailaren ciaiQ.ti Hollis Der " Saraa Goodrich,

" Prudence Wells

dan. Sarah Hollister " Mary Butler. Witness - Wm. Curtis

Travers iiall. Accoraing to Vae marriage contract. Cue above Barah Curtiss reca a power or all tue es"C. left by bar former husband to aiapose or as she pleases. Oct. 21-97 Codicil legacy to Joshua Curtiss a- the steer

rormerly given to tiie Son in law Wells to Bebecka Qoodrich. Witness Isl. Ghauucy )

Sarah Chanuey i (Ux* ic Mrs. Chanucy) The will proved - Jan. 7- 1701/E Court appts. John Goodrich, Sphraim Goodrich & Abraham jrlimberly to take inv.

1705 Curtiss, Joshua, LIr. sometime of otratford, inv. Jan. 22- 1705/6 by Joseph Curtiss, Zachariah Curtiss, Jos- iah Curtiss. The said Joshua Curtiss aiea at Cohanzy & left 1 son & 3 daughters, viz: Son mm. da U.Anna " •Bethyan.

Josiah Curtiss or Stratford appt. admr. 1706 - Lieut. John Eawley & Mr. John Beach to dist.

1706 Curtis, Zachariah, takes inv. of (prob. Stratford est.)

oi' caleb Hicols of W

1707 Copy John, witness will of John son of Gapt. John Selleck,

aeca. of Stanford.

1707 Crofoot, DanL. of Fairfield, vail Jany. 23-1706/7 wife Pheby Eldest son 2d son a. in law Hat hi. Lyon when ae comes of age.

Wife aole ex.

Witness 3aml. S^pire Inv. Hay 26,1707 John Bagley

iJathan iidams ffi Danl. Adams.


1707 Oeney or Coney, Mr. Benj. admr & takes Inv. Saml. Gaskell 01 Stratford.

1707 Curtiss, Benj. takes inv. or est. " "

1707 Curtiss, Joseph, witness will of " "

1708 Coueli,iimon, testifies as to will of Sargt. Danl.?rost of F

1708 Couch, Saml. takes inv. or est. " " " " " "

1708 Gopp, John, takes inv. and appt. to dist. est. Joseph Blackly of U.'

1707 Close Thos. Jr. of Greenwich, Inv. Oct. 30, 1707 by

Stephen uolmes a John Senolas. Children

oarah d. Hov. 9-1703

Hannah, h. Meh. 29-1705.

Thos. h. Mov. 28-1706 ihos» Glos-e father of aeea. sv/ears to inv. Shos.' Close, Sen, Joseph Close cc Caleb Knap,adins.

17 08 Close, Ilr. Joseph, to be guardian for above children.

1706 Curtiss, Joshua, Mr. of vtratford, Inv. Jany. 22-1705/6.

See top- -(y-l^-p&ge. p-v ( q,? /^-u.i.<^ f^-flL^U::- Lieut. John Hawley ii; Mr. John Beach i;o dist;. in dist. 6 on 't find name of aau. Anna in 1706.

1708 Curtiss, Izraell, takes inv. est. saml. Weed of Danbury.

1711 Ourtisb, izraell of Danbury appt. to

dist. est. " " "

1709 Clerk, Leut. John ox .:tratfora, swears to inv. c: appt.

admr. est« Danl. i'illeston.

1707 Clauson, Rebeckah of Bedford has prop, left by her son

Sanl. Jones in nanas of John Drake of Sast- chester, I'rustee.

1710 Clerk, Jane, sister of Jajnes Blackmaa of Stratfora.

90 1710 Churchill, Bobt. Son in law John j.'homaa oi i/oodbury.

1709 Clap, 3?flth, Stanford being deed. Court beld oept. 9-1709

appt. Abranam ueeo & janl. ^eeu sons of deed, to admr.

1710 Cor, John, takes inv. of est. of Arthur Perry of btratfortt.

1710 CoEistock, iiaml. m. sarah a. of Hev. Thos. SanforQ,see dist. 17a0.

1710 Clark, Lieut. John s. in law of Danl. i'illeston of Strat- ford

1710 Curtiss, Joseph

iifathan witness agreement of heirs of Danl. Silleston.

1709 Close, 2hos. of Greenwich, v/ill of, dated Dec. 30-1708

iVife kjarah aau. aaraa

" Hannah 5 children of son 'x'hOE«.s 6on Josepn

" Benjamin aau. Slisabe'un

Rutii Son Jo ha dau. Lidea Wife Sarah to ue ex. with son Joseph. The will is signed Thos. Close

barah Morgan oy record, close t)-y v/ill.


Joseph Morgan

barah Morgan Inv. Eov. 24-1709 by Stephen Holmes Sc Isaak Hov/.

1719 Cor bit, i-ary, wife of John Oorbit, lormerly v/iaow of John Peat, late oi Stratford, admix, on his est. make return of a/e Mch. 9-1718/19. The est. of aex laze husband John Peat to be di- vided bet. mdow & tue 4 sons o: 3 daus.


Joseph Peat iSaran

David " Mary

x)anl. " Hannaa John "

Rich. Huhbell & Mward Kiiman both of Stratford, to ttisT.

1711 Chauncy, Itlrs. Sarah of Stratford, widow, will of, dated Uov.' 8-1711. Legacy to LIr. Isaac Ghancey of Hadly tne son of my uear nuubana Mr. Izraell Chancy of Stratford, deed all the est. that is due me in Sng. dan. Sarah Chancy, wife of my said son Isaac Legacy to said Isaac Chauncy what is due me from

Isaac Bennit of Long Hill. To my brother Lir. Eich. Blaclrlatch. To ny sister Abegail, the wife of my brother Rich. Blacklaecn j»28-10-6 now in hands of my brother John Hudson & the cypress box that was given me by my honorea mother, i'o nepnew or kinsman Bichard Slacklaech. To 2 nephews or kinsmen Saml. & Joseph Blacklaech. To 2 nieces or kinswomen Rebeckah 6c Abegail " all tne rest of household stuff provided my sister Abegail Blacklaeeh uoes noo want same. There its aue me from tne estate of my brother John Hudson of Hew Haven, deca. t200 - v/nica is to oe aividea oet. tne children of iry brother & sister lir. Richard & Abegail .Blacklaecn & Lir. Hudson tne son of my brother John Hudson late of Hew Haven, aecd. Brotiier fi: sister lir. k Ilrs. Rich. Blaeklaecn to be ex* Witness Joseph ij'airchild Sen - Ben;]. Coney & Johiell Foot. Inv. Ko. 20-1711-by Benj. Coney-John 'rValker Sc Edward Burrough

1711 Chauncy, Isaac of Hadley s. of late Mr. Izraell Chauncy

& left prop, by widow barah Chauncy, above.

1711 Coney, Benj. witness & takes inv. of above v/ill.

1711 Gasb. called Aunt Casb by liary iinap of Stratfora.

Lo^-O-t ^ (^J^ p.L^.\/

1707 Curtiss, Ebenezer, takes inv. est. Arthur Kinds of Strat- ford.

1707 Gurtiss, Josiah, " " " " " " "

1705 Gurtias, Joseph, Esq. witness will John Beach of Stratford


171ii Gurtiss, Mr. Joseph, ex. of will Mr. Wm. Rawlins on of Strat- ford.

1712 Coney, Benj. witness will " " " " "

1712 Gurtiss, Josiah, takes inv. est. " " " " "

1712 Gurtiss, Izraell takes inv. & dist. est. Thos' Pickett

of Danhury -

1712 Gurtiss, Mr. Israeli, takes inv. & dist. est. John Halt

of Danbury.

1712 Gopp, John takes inv. est. Isaac Hays of Sorwaik.

1712 Gopp, Dr. John of ilorwalk, atty. for widow or Isaac Hays

of Korv/alk.

1712 Gopp, Ilr. John, witness will Mr. Wm. Hayes of Eorwalk.

1712 Getchum, Joseph, takes inv. est. Thos. uregory of lorwalk.

1712 Gurtiss, llr. Josepn witness will Mr. Danl. Picket of


1712 Goe, John, takes inv. of est. or " " " " "

1712 Gurtiss,Margaret,callea aau. by " " " " "

Hait ? 1712 Gurtiss, Izrael, takes inv. est. Hataanial Hart ? of Danbury.

1712 Ganiiela, Saml. of lorwalk, Iirv. of est of, Oct. 3-1712 by

John Sbeneser Oanfield.

Widow Abigail Son Saml. 2 yrs. ola last 6tn day. Jedediaa Oanf iela " Abigale Ganfiela sware to inv. & appt. aaiQs.


The widow Abigails petitions tlae Genl. Assembly at Hartforu Oct. 9-1712 ior nee. articles oi irora ner deccr. Husband's est. to support lite (Grrantea) The said husuana's eat. is insolvent.

1712 Crane, SLijah, takes inv. & TTitnesb will of Moses Jackson, Den. of otratlord.

1712 Copp, John, v/itness will or Mr. Thos. aeamen of x^orv/alk.

1712 Cosier, I?ich. of lorwaik, Inv. of nis est. exuibioea to Ooui'-c Dee. 4-1712. ■>Yidow Abigaill appt. to aarar.

1712 Crosier, Hicn. of Ilorv.'alk, Inv. llov. 26-1712 by Capt. John Haymona ic Jonn otewart. iVidow Abigaill. Children

John Abt. 19 years old

Thos. " 1 yr. old prob. mistake.

Hezekian - 4 yrs. " 3q of last July

Josiat a. " " l ' of " Mch.

171ii Copp, Jonn takes inv. est. Ilrs. Mary Buckingnam of liorwalk.

1712 Curtiss, lir. Israeli takes inv. est. Jonn Picket of Danbury.

1715 Curtiss, Mr. Joseph Ssq. , takes inv. & dist. est. Mrs.

iilary iiieks of County Keck, H.Y.

1715 Curtiss, Josepn, -sq. , takes Inv. of i: witness will of

Jonn V«ells of btra'Cfora.

1715 Copp, John ■cakes inv. est. lir. John lash of Horwalk.

1715 Cop^:, Jonn takes inv. est. Joim .'ihitne Jr. of llorwalk.

1715 Cranston, 3aml. Gov. of -t^hoae Island, takes testimony of

Mrs. 'John -Meriaetn of Eewporc in regard to having witnesses v/ill of John Applegate of ij'airfiela.

1713 Curtiss, 3nsif;ne, Josiah s. in lav/ to lir. 3enj. Beacn of


94 1713 Cove, Deboraii, called sister of Saml. Lyon of Breenwica.

1715 Couch, lir. Simon of Fairfield, will of, Mch. ^, 1712/iy.^ viife Abegaile .vTaereaei my brotuer I'hos. ^-^oucn deed, gave considerable land to my eldest son v/tiien after nis aeath must nave been sold to pay nis aebts a great part of tnem ir I naa not savea tne lands by paying Ms aeoTs ana so: in a senae bought so much of tne lanas in consiaeration v/nereof my will is that ray son - Ihos. Couch shall nave h'60 vaiuea as pa^- in my lands more tnan nis brother bimon Pouch he allowing tne lands given to nim oy my brotner Thos. to be accounted as mine & to be part of hia legaoy otnerv/iae my will is that said son Ihos. snail have only i50 - valued as above in my



I'homaa D. June

9 - 1695


aimon D.' July

6 - lb97


.Abigaleb.- tJan.



Hannah d.- Aug.-



aaran d. Hen.



Isabellb. oept.



Deborahb. lich.



Abegaile « Jonathan otur


Peter Burr, I^q. ,

sol-o ex.

Jonathan Sturge refuses to act a^ iiix.

ihos. x«asn tc luiv/ara Jesoup testify being at the house of iiimon Couch on Thursaay nignt i.:ch. 5 it being tne night oefore ne aied 6: that deed, gave prop. to Antnony in case ne lived witn his mistress ^ tnat said deed, callea to his son ihos. 8c said J. have sold part of tue land given you Q-y : our uncle Thos. to your uncle iSaml.

Inv. by Saml. Couch, Jonathaxi oturge lc Josepn Sturge Haa land on Turkey hill - land bought oi Danl, lieeker. Land in i:orv/alk bought oi Uoldsmitn - bgt. of moaes Comstock - 1/3 of nis fatner's long lot.

1713 Gouoa, Saml. brother of cjiraon Couch takes inv. of est.


1715 (JooDitt, Deacon saml. ox Fairiield, Inv. of est. of iich. 3-1712/13 - by John iiturgiss S: aersham 3ulklQy. .Vidov;, Hrs. Sarah Cobitt to admr.

1713 Coley, Saml. of Fairfield, Inv. of est. of Llay 29-1713 by John Andruss - i'hos. ITash. The deci. had land next Joshua Jenings. Peter Ooley &: Danl. Coley sv/are to inv.

1713 Clerk, liary, sister of Saml. Hinman of ^oobury <i; mother of Abraham Vy'ooster.

1713 Curtiss, Stephen of V/oodbury, 2x. of est. Saml. Kinman.

1711 Curtiss, iir. John of V/oodbury, takes inv. & dist. est. Mr. Benj. Styles.

1714 Copp, John, takes inv. est. Leut. John Belden of liorwalk.

^714 Clark, Itlr. James of Stratford, v/ili of, aatea July 1-17 09- i'aads before marriage a covent v/ith Ilrs. Hannah Falc ,ner said Hannah being now my v/ife.- Son James " John " Isaac " 2phraira

Lau. Sarah Janes or Jones " Dtiborah Jones " ii'ullfura " Mary Clark

Hannah Falconer my v/ife's daughter Patrick _^ " " " son

^ons Isaac Sc ^phraim, 2x. Witness Joseph Curtiss Isq. , of Stratford John iiells

Arabroso i'omson of btratford. iviT. v/ra. Jones, I^r. Isat^c Janes c: Abraham Fulford apioeal to

ouperior Court from decree of Probate Court. Inv. Feb;, ._ 5-1713/14 by Ilr. Ambross ionpson ^ Sargt. Hat hi. 3each.

1709 Curtiss, Joseph Esq. witness above will.


1709 Clapp, Lirs. Hutii of Stanford, Inv. of est. Dec. 28-1709 by Abrahaia .^ee.i d- Danl. V/eed. iir. John Bell & Danl. Weed appeared in Court Feby.3- ' 1713/14 - Biade oath to ye truta of inv. except- ing lanas \/iiieri above saia Buth Clapp bought, while she was Danl. V/eed's v/idow.

1713 Coney, Sir. 3enp. v/itness v/ill £c takes inv. est Mrs. Jo-

hannah V/il cock son.

1714 Ooley, Saral* of Fairfield, dist. of est. of Jeniraie King

has Haa part or portion. To Danl. Coley d: his sister Abgaile " Saml.- " -lana next Peter Coley. " Jemimy ^ling " John Coley - land next Joshua Jenney, &land

next 3enj. Humsy. " Mary Coley - land next John Coley. " Esther Ooley " A; n Coley Dist. made by Peter Burr.

Jonathan Sturgiss.

1713 Crisey, John of Stanford ia Rebeckah his v/ife d. John Knov/les aeea. of i^'airfield to heir to est. of Ilr. Joshua jinowles.

1713 Camp, Joseph of milford & Hannan his ./ife a. of Elizabeth

(Rogers) formerly Knor/les Sc heir to iir. Joshua Anowles.

1714 CurtisB, Sphraim, takes inv. est. Barnabas Bears & dist. est. 1714 Gurtiss, Zlizabeth d. of Ephraim Stiles of Stratford.

1714 Curtiss Stiles, s. of Slis. Gurtiss on line above.

1714 Ourtisb Ephraim " " " " "

1715 Closen, David, witness will Jonathan ..'helphy of Greenwich.

1715 Cross, xiathl. '.Vitness T;ill 3dward Irehem of Stanford.

1715 Curtiss, Iphraim tales inv.fi: dist. est. of George Johnson of Stratford.


1715 Coleman, ITathl. late resident of Greenwich ca now deed. Inv. of est. Of Seby. 28-1714/15 by Joseph Znap db

Davia Renal ds. John Stone of Stanford or.e of the aamrs. swares to inv.

1715 Ghauncy, Rev. Ivir. Charles of Stratford, vn.ll of, dated Dec. 24-1714- ■ivife Elizabeth -ilO a year to be paid out the income of ny est. at Lanbeth near ti.ie city of Sristole, Sng. - which est. descendea to me from ray father kr. Izraell Chauncy some time of Stratford, deed. Son Israeli - I'he est. at Lambeth above mentioned, also all my part in the farm given unto my Grandfather lir. Charles Chauncy lying £a being in the province of Mass Bay n.ar l^erimack River ad per records of County. Son, John - ttie prop. I purchased from my brother

Robt. Chauncy of the City of Bristol, 5iig. Son Robt.'

" Iclrabod lyoolcot Chauncy.

dau . ^biah Wife Sole Zx.

Rev. i.lr. Joseph Webb, Llinister at iTairfield) " " Timothy •:^utler " " Stratford) Overseers

Witness -Richard Hubbell. John Copp. iJIr. 'Zhos. Hawley of Stratford Atty. to Israeli

Chauncy. Son to deed. Chauncy appeals to Superior Court, but the Court approves to the will.

1715 Cutler, limothy. Rev. Mr. Minister at Stratford, overseer

of above vail.

1715 Copp, John, takes inv. on above est.

1715 Canfield, Jedediah, goes on bond of Ilary, widow & adms. of

est. of Robt.Xockv/ood of x^'airfield.

1715 Curtiss, John, takes inv. est. Wm. Liartin of '.Voodbury.

1716 Chancey,Rev. Mr. Charles of Strati' ield,Inv. of est. of

•by James Bennitt & John Burr. Silk gowne y'' \7aa Sarah Burrs - land at Stratford

above Danl. Baisly. Widow Mrs. Elizabeth Chauncy refuses to act em Admr CO Leut. Rich. Hubbell appt.

11 11 11

11 11


5 24 16


Aug. Aug.- Sept.





Jur.e, chooses Capt.

Jolin Hayrnond as guardian.





Oct.uc.de ward of Liut. Sanil. Keeler.





LIcli.- " " '! "





Oct. " ward of Jedediaii Canfield.





Hov. " v/ard of Capt.





John Raymond. Apr. " " " "


1716 Canfield, Sbeneser of ITorwalk, est. of Inv. Jany. 20-1715/16

l)^' Danl. Hait - Saial, Eaymond & John Raymorid. Widow Sarah -Ohildr eaa

patience 20 yrs. old 15 laat Oct. I^ry 18

Ebenezer 16 Timothy 14 ZLizaheth 12

Jahez 11

Lidiah 8 Ilia t hew 7

Szekiele 5

lavid 3 The widow 8s Jedediah iJanfiela appt. admrs. Gapt. John -tiaymona Si Saml. Ha^/mond to dist. Zst.

1716 \?anfielu, Jeaediah appt. adm. of ahv. est. & guardian for I-athew.

1749 Oluckstone, IZx, Saml. dist. est. Hathl. Hays of ITorwalk.

1750 Glark, Isaac of .iitratford, aist. of e&t. of

'2o James Clark eldest son

" Josepn " youngest son Jaiaes Beach - Isiah Brovm d David Brooks dist. est.

1749 Curtiss, lir. Sachariah oi Stratford, dist. of est. of

So Mitchel Curtiss only son of deed. -L2069-0-0-

" 2unice Ilinnan - i321- S-9

" liary i^almon - ii321- 3-7-

" Heirs of l-^hoda Curtiss - i321-3-7 " " " Bulah " " " "

" Susannah Curtiss, youngest dau. - ii321-3-7-

1749 ourtiss, Hannah of Stratford dist. of est. of To rathl. Curtisfj - 5i600-5-8- •' heirs of ;:iachariah Curtiss -i300-3-0 " SLisabeth Bearoslee - " " " " Heirs Isaac Curtiss - L300-3-4 " Jeremiah Curtiss - i300-3-4-


John Thompson )

David Judson ) Make dist.

Danl. Porter )

1729 Brush, John witness agreement of heirs of Joseph Banks,

aecG. of Greenwich.

1729 Garhartt, Jno. witness agreement " " " "

1750 Gluekston, Gapt. Saml. of Horwalk, chosen as guardian

by Danl. Lliils of Horwalk So appt. guardian to rfm. Crane of Horv/alk.

1750 Crane, ;7m. of xTorwalk, appt. ward to Gapt. Saml. Gluekston.

1707 GlosB, Thos. of Horsneck deed, pov/er of adrar. granted

'Jhos. Close father of aecd. with Joseph Close £c Caleb Anap, all of Horsneck.

1703 Close, rhos. appt. to dist. est John Banks of Greenwich.

1712 Canfiel'.i, Saml. of Horwalk being deed.

Widow Ahigale Ec Jedediah Ganfield to adrac .

1712 oaml. Canf iela , oon of aoove is made ward of Jedediah

Ganfield aa guardian.

1713 Cor bit, Mary formerly widow of John Peat of Stratford,

now wife of John Corbit is made guardian for her chilaren Joseph 2c Davia who are of age to choose guardian & Sarah, John, iJary, Dinah cb Hannah Peat.

1715 Clapp, Ruth, widow of Stanford deed, the adm. of her est. Abraham '.Veed being also deed, the Court appt. Mr. John Bell as admr.

1713 Cosier, John, son of Hich. Cosier late of Eorwalk, deed. makes choice of x'hos. Bead of lIor';valk as guardian.

1713 Cobhit, Deacon, Saml. of Fairfield being deed.

Widow Sarah ^ Zachariah BriHsmed to admr.

1713 Goly, Sanl. of Fairfield being deed.

Brother Peter Coly & son of deed. Banl.Coly to admr.


1713 Coley, Saml. son of Saml. Goley, late of Fairfield,

chooses iir. John --^ndrus as guardian.

1713 Curtiss, Joseph, £sq. apt. guaruian xor <Vm. & liary aharp

children of i^hos. Liharp, late of Hewtonjdecd.

1714 Clapham, Peter, son of Peter Clapham of -t-^orT/alkjdecd,

Kakes choice of his brother in law ITathan iidams of i-'airfield as guardian.

1714 Coley, John, a on of Saml. Coley of Fairfield, heing of

non age the Court apjjts. George Hull as guard- ian.

1715 Cross, Hathl. of Stanford being deed.

Widow Hannah to aar.ir. with Benj. V/eec'. .

1715 Gross, Leborah d. late x^athl. ^ross of Stanford, makes

choice of her father in law (step) Saml. Parmer as guardian. John, Sarah ^i Hary Cross are also maae wards of said Saml. Parmer.

1716 Chancy, 3obt. son of Rev. Mr. Charles Chancy, late of

Stratford, deed, i^akes choice of i^* Saral. Ccok as guardian also Icabod kir'ooiesitt Cliancy, Son of said Rev. Charles deca. is maae ward of Mr. Saral. Cook.

1716 Cook, iir. Saml. chosen guardian bj'' Robt. Chancy & appt.

guardian of Icabod w'oolcott Chancy, son of Rer^ Iir. Charles Chancy, deed.

1716 Gable, Joseph, son of Joseph Cable makes choice of Ihos.

Sanfora as guardian. Saml. Gable son of abve deed. made ward of -'anl. Adams

JVYI " " " " " " " )

Benj. " " " " " " " )"31ijaii orane.

1716 Crane, Elijah, appt. guardian for Wm. So Benj. Gable sons

of Joseph Cable, deed.

1716 Canfield, (also i^anf i eld ) Timothy, son or Zibenezer Canfield of -iorwalk maae choice of Joseph Crampton of Ridgefield as guardian.


1716 Crarnpt on, Joseph of I^idgefiela, chosen Guardian by Tiaothy

Canfield, son of ibenezer Canfiela of II.

1716 Canfiela, Jedeciiah is chosen guardian for Eeuben Dibble,

son of late Sachariati nibble of Stanford.

1716 Ohfiuncy, Abiah d. Hev. Charles Chancy, deca. makes cnoiee

01 3ev. lur. Saml. Cook of utratrord as guardian.

1716 Cook, Hev. LIr. Saml. of Stratford chosen guardian by at»ove.

1718 Crowell, Jabez, late of r airfield formerly a Boston

i-iariner being deed. Kr. 2hos. Messenger or Boston appt. admr.

1718 Ghauncy, Icabod i^colcott freely makes choice of Rev.Iilr.

Saml. Cook aa guardian. Dateid iJew Haven, Ijov. 28, 1718,

before Saml. Bishop, Juatice.


BOOK 1648 - 165b.

1658 2xd. jJemona, Thos. , eatate o+ , inv. filect Oct. 19, 1658, p. 22 " i^lios.- son 01' above apprentice to 7to. '.VarcL. John " " " " Leut.Gold. Stios. Pell &: John Wheeler, admrs.

1658 Sxd. Dickerson, Thos. estate o±', inv. iilect Oct. 20, 1658, p. 30

Mary, vidie of above, admrx. One son daughters.

1658 Drake, Saml. (1662)

1660 Exd. Bonn, !j?hos. v/ill of probated Dec. 5,1660, p. 65,

property leit to ilr. Thos. Jones, (minister?)

1670 Dishrow, Sarah, d. ITicholas Knap of Stanford.

1675 Deen, Ann, wife of oaml. Dean, daughter of Frances Holmea

of Stanford.

1677 Doolittle, Ahrahaia, inv. est. Jolin Beach at vYallingford.

1676 Dalpson, Goodman, cr. to est. Ihos. Sherwood of Stratfora.

1682 Jiraon, Hoses, takes inv. est. of John Cabel.


1684 -Jimond,Moses, will of, dated Llch. 21-1683-probated Apr. 14,

■iVidow ---bigal married 1685 Edward i^oward - iuosea son of decu. (Book 1675-1689, p. 127 <i:

under age Abigail aau. of deca. 190.

" " Hester " " "

" " Grace " "

John Burr) called ) ) Vta. Kill, Sen. ■■ witness

iaaral.Ward) brethern) Overseers ; IIi:^thl. Burr. j Inv. taken -^pr« 15-1684 - by John BaPks

Kathl. Carr or burr.

Ib85 Drake, Saml. witness will Isaac IJrost.

1685 Davis, John, takes inv. of iTairfield est. of Sich. Burgin.

1686 Barling, John, witness discharge of Joseph ?rost by

John Thorp.

1672 Daves, John, marriage agreement with Lydia, widow of Joseph lialler.


BOOK 1689-1701.

1690 Drake, Sainl. appt. adnr. of est. Saml. will of, Fairfiela, 1691/E, LiCh.8. Court appoints John Csborn in place of )^ abve iie being deed.

1690 Drake, Saml. overseer oi est. of Jorin J^arlow, i^en.

1691 dickers on, -i-hos. admr. of est. widow Drake.

lo91 Diekerson, Ihos. son in law to widow Hendrick now

widow oillman.

1690 Dole, John, v/itness will of Caleb Hiools of «oodbury.

1694 Javenport, Jolin, witness will Rev. Mr. John Bishop of


1694 Darling, Ilizabeth, v/ife of John Darling 6c d. James Beers.

1697 Denten, lir. Saml. of Hempstead, L.I. having married

Abegail Holand the widow -of Jonathan -rtoland is maae aam. of est. of said Jonathan.

Ib98 Dimon, Idoses req^uested to divide est. of Tom Brown an Indian

1698 Davids, John ^7itness above request of " " " "

1698 Darling, John, called son by v/idov/ Martha Beers & adm. of

der will.

1698 Darling, iiliaabetii " dau. " " " "

1699 Buning, Benj. witness will of Saml. Wheeler of Stratfora.

1697 Dracke, Saml. of -aiarfielu, will of, dated Dec. 12,1691.

Probated ana inv. filed i.ich.8,1692. Book 1689- Widow Butn . 1701, p. 68.

llother Ann Drake. Sister i-tebecka liogers of -ast Chester. Cousin Joseph Drake;, son of Brother Josepn Drake of 3ast Chester also laaa in j air iie la, gifts to Danl» Loclcwooa. If the nephew Joseph die before coming of age, his next brother shall inherit.


Viiidow Ruth, sole ex. V/itness, I'hos. bherwood - Ilipiielet Hill. Inv. taken ?oby. 17-1691/E b;- John Wakemaxi.baml. Viiilaon cc ^ipnelet Hill.

169£ Dugless, Charles of Stratford, bei'ore he died at the houae 01 oar ah r^a?/ley oi otratl'ord stateo his v/ishes beiore oanl. Vn'ard & Abegail opinage, as ±'oll-Wb: Legacy to Robt. Kekune, (will proved and inv. filed Eov. " " George Jonson-( Johnson) 5,16yii.)

" " iVm. Pigstee(?igslee)

" " barah nawley a±s lanalaay Book 1689-1701,

'fhe bulk of est. Andrew Patterson. p. 71.

Sainl. Sherman &) Andrew Pater son) Admr. Inv. taken Aug. 17-lb9id oy Joseph uurtiss, Sanl.

Galpin &: Ambrose lomson- I'he above deea. land ?/idcii he bought of ciaral. Sherman, 3enj. Micoles - Ilr. ohelton.

1698 Denten or Dente, Saml. Brother to Joseph Barlow, aecd.

1700 Sxd. Dickerson, 'Ihos. est. of, inv. taken reby. 14-1699/1700 by iJathl. Sherman <^ James Phipen.

.iidov/ Lidia, prob. had marriea again beiore 1706- Children

i'hos. 11 yrs. old luly next. (Book 1689-

Danl. 5 " "2 " of this Feby. (1701, p. 201)

Sat hi. 3 " " July next.

Elizabeth 7yrs." June next. Sibell, 4 months old. The v;idov/ & Ur. Benj. Sherman to aarar. 1706 - Settlenent of est. lir. Hat hi. & Hr. Benj. Sherman to dist.

1698 Dunbar, Jolm, adm. of est. Josepu Bear, deca. Said Dunbar & his v/ife have paid legacies to est. of James Bear father of saia Joseph, of whicn saia Joseph aeca. v/as iix. John Dunbar prob. married Abegail the vvidow 01 Joseph Bear, deed.'

1693 Dickerson, i'hos. Weaver oi otratford, aells a house &

land at ij'airfiela, bounded by land of Thos.IIore- "^ouse dc I^athl. Knap to Ij:. Rich.Blacklach of ^itratford. Witness Jacob Walker

oaml. Vk'alker ^

Bobt. iiane.

105 BOOK 1702-1750.

1697 Davenport, Hev. LIr. Joim ior tue encourageraeiit o±" having

eettle in tiie I^inistry at c>tanford the Town , appointed the following eommittee aainl.Hait.Sen.

Daviu .iaterbery U Danl. Scofielu aen. Heh.lO- 1692/3 who in Dec. 29-1697 granted to said Davenport the xoll v/ing house ob land. House in the Town Plot or otant'ord bounaeji on the i/ly. 3enj. Halt - Sly 3enj. Biship - 3. & IT. by the highway also He-adov/ at 3ocky Hill bounaed oy Llaj. Jonth. belleck - & Jonth. ^ 7/aterbury.

Land at i.ong Swamp bounded by Slisa Slason " " Vifestcoe " " Joseph Brown

" " Ox pasture " " John Pettit.

11 I^Koroton IJeck " " Elisto Holly- Jonas used

" " Moses Knap- Thos.Pem oyer -

Abr. BisMp. " Long Heck, " " John Bates-Obediari


" " Eewfield " " " another portion £10 G - in the cormon Int. in common »Vitness Seth Sbone

Steven Buckinghaa i'bis transfer maae - Aug. 7 - 1701.

1706 De freest, David, takes inv. est. John Blackman of Stratford

1706 Dimon,LIoses, makes settlement of est. Benj. Banks, deed.

1706 i^avis, SLizabeth, eldest a. of Benj. Banks, see aist.1706

1706 Denten, Saml. witness will of Caleb llicols of Woodbury.

1712 Dibble, Zachariah of Stanford, deed. oct. 29,1712. Inv. by John Dean 3: Jonaa Vneed. oidow oar ah

OMlaren - Zachariali 14 yrs. old 16 of July

John 12 " ■' 22 Oct. last

-.avid 10 " "19 ?oby. next,

^.benezer 7 " " 18 Jul- next.

Ruben 4 " ''2 Oct. last.

Benj. 1 " " 11 June last. The widow to adrar.


17ia Dean, John, take inv. on adove est.

1708 Dimon, Sargt. looses aarar. or est. of John Burr, Jr. s. i-ajor John Burr, aecd. is inaae guard, of Andrew & Ann Burr children of aaia Jolm Jr. deed.



1708 Denny, Albert, Mr. of ij'airfiela, Inv. presented by Capt. Jolin 7/akeinan & iieut. Josepli i/akeman, admrs. & taken by lir. Anthony I'onguier Sc ilr. Peter Burr June 7 -17 08.'

Est. is tSFN/eu bir John Belain-Hich. Blackledge John Burr, iho. Turny - Jho Edwards & John Smith. Bills aue in Sew York. Johri Hutchings Josepn •'•^alison Caleb -iiethcott Rich. Sacket

iibenezer .Vilson with bins John Gorbit Vim. Janeway v/ith Hilligon Dickey Saral. Byard liecci. of Lir. V/illit of H.Y. Jonn Denny, son of aecd. chooses his uncle Leut. Joseph (Jakenan of i'ai^^'f ielo., guardian. Grizzell Denny, d. of above nakes same choice. James Denny s. " " is also ma&e

v/ara of his above uncle. Both Capt. John V/akeman & Leut. Josepn iVakeman

go on tne bonds for guard iansr.ip. Iiiaj' Peter Burr Eo leacon Jotm xhompson to aist.

John oands 6: Saml.S&nds -Ibenezer .Vilson & Will Mchols. Wm. Glincross Thos. Gierke. Jacob Phenire -tg. for

1705 Downees. John

, has some thing of v/iuov/ i^arget iiyon of F. deca.

1707 Disbro, Thos. of ^airfiela, eat. of, Inv. ?eby. 20,1706/7

by Isaac Sheroowd, Sen. Saml. Stuard, John Sher- wood, iiary Lisbro av/ares to inv. Vi/idow x^ercy Son Thos. The 7/idow & her son Thos. to aumr.


1707 Diman, Lloses, haa in iiand prop, of Andrew '.Vard, deca.

1707 Dimon, Sargt. aanr. of est. or " " "

1707 Dimen, iaosea appt. to aist. est. John Bulkley.

1709 DisbtoT/, I'hos. inv. est, recorded Mch. 28-1709 by Isaac Sherwood, S.3.

1712 i)isbrow, xhoa. dist. of est. to v/idow cb only son Ihos. Jonn iioclavooa o; John -ndrus b:tn of ^-'airfiela to dist.

1709 i»avis, Jonn Jr. of Fairfield, Inv. of eat. oi laat of Oct. 1709 by John 'i'horapson, Saml. bquire & Isaac «>enings. Johii -'avis or ^'airfield father of deed - Admr.

Oct. 14-1709- Jonn iJavis refusing to act further the Court appts. John Bftwards a Philip lewia the principal creditors to aanr.

1707 Drake, John or Sastchester, receives prop, i.: trust for

the mother of Saml. Jones of Stanford, viz. Rebeckah Jlauson of Bedford.

1709 -^ible, T^'akefuli cc

" Zbenezer called brother dj' ilathl. Hillyer of


1710 Davenport, Rev. John called brother & overseer of est. of

Capt. John Selleck.

1711 --unlop, Archibald, TTitnea.s will Hugh ilesbltt of Stratford.

1711 Dimon, Capt. Moses to aist. eat. ilr. James ..'"ountain of


1710 Dibbel, Zacharian, takes inv. 7/m. Liills of Stanford.

1705 Dur.lap, Ivlary, wife of LIr. Archabell -unlap, a. of .or. John (1712) B-.ac^ of otratrord.

1712 Dunlap, Ur. Archibald, takes inv. Ivir Hugh ITisbet. 1^710 Dinan, Hoses, takes inv. est. Jonathan -^urr.


1712 Iiaigliton,Galel), adopted son « lieir Iir» ''*m* Rav;linson of


1716 Denny, IJr* Albert, ciiildren of, change in guardianship

■Capt. Joseph '.Vakeraan, released in John Denny appt.

1712 Jimon, Lloses, takes inv. est. Ivir. ITathl. Shaw of ^airfield.

1713 Daviss, John, Sen. of Fairfield* Inv. of est. Jan.20,1712/;5

by Peter 3urr ib Hoses Jimon. Son Saial. sv/ares to inv. & appt. admr.

171S Dimon, iJoses, takes inv. est. John Daviss of Fairfield.

1711 Simon, Gapt. Hoses to div. land of Jonathan bturgis bet. heirs.

1713 Deck, Saml. takes inv. est. Saml. Marshall of Greenwich.

1714 Dennie, Albert, Hr. of Fairfield, dist. of est.

To John Dennie in hands of Gapt. Joseph "/akeraan guar^^»

■io Grizell "

'2o James

Capt. Joseph rVakeraan makes report of admr.

1714 Dennie, iir. Albert est. in dist. of est find'

l/6 part of Eat hi. tieelys eoracnon

l/o " " Rich. -Ogdsns

land bought of Jonathan Horehouse.

1715 Darling, 3ohn, witness will of Leut- John Barlow in 1710 171o Disbrow, Thos. takes inv. est. Danl. Sherwood of Fairfield.

1715 Davenport, Hev. Hr. John of Stanfora, left legacy b^

i^a j . Jonathan i^elleck.

1716 Dibble, Zachariah

John choose their mother barah Dibble for guaruian.

1716 Dimon, Hoses, takes inv. est. Joshua Jennings of Fairfield.

1750 Darling, John of Fairfield, adm. on est. of his son John

Darling of Fairfield, deed.


1706 Dlraaai, Lloses, Appt. adn. est. Andrew Ward, son of Sergt. Saml. Word, deed.

1710 Diraon, Lent. Lioses to aist. est. Ellen Hanford deed. d. o^' ^nathan Hanford of Fairfield, deed.

1708 Denny, iir. Albert of Fairfield, est. or

iirs. Sliaabetii Denny witn Oapt. John V/akeraan & Leut. Joseph .Yakeman appt. aomrs. all of Fairfield.

1713 Dunlop, lir. Archibald of Stratford, being deed.

"iVidow iirs. IJary appt. admx.

1715 Dickerson, Gibill d. of ihos. Diekerson late of Fairfielu, d=ca. nakea cnoice of Rich. VVhitnee as guardian.*

1714 Diekerson, Danl. son of Thos. Dickerson of Stratford, makes

choice Of liich. Wit ny aa guardian.

1715 Disbrow, Thos. goes on tae bond of iilizabeth uray who is

called mother in law (prob. step) of Benj. Gray son of late Henry Gray of FairfiaLa on her appt. of her guardiansnip to saiu 3enj.

1716 Dibble, /iaehariah of Stanford, deea. & leaving children,

viz. David, Ebenezer & Senj. of non age the Court apj;t. their mother ^^arah Dibble to aamr. Jedediah Canfield is cnosen guardian to i^uben ..ibble one of the sons of above.


BOOK 1648 - 1656.

1659 Sggleton, John, estate of, inv. filed Oct. 20, 1659, p. 55, idow -vstate distributed see p. 66.

One child - Jolin, born Sept. 4, 1657 -

Safhaniel Sely appt. overseer

1661 Egleton, John, son or John mentionea above, is transferred from tne care of i^athaniel iiely to Joseph .fiddle- brook and Danl. Silleinan.

1661 Hecords show that, Danl. Silleman haa been married to tne wiaow of John Sggleton.

1656 Awards, William, estate of, inv. filed in 1656, p. 94.

1674 iigleton, Jolin, witness release of Thos. Bennet to Joseph Uidale brook.

1671 Sells, iiaml. overseer ii&t Porter est. Stratford.

1685 Averts, Uaxy, or Gilford, called sister hy said Clarke.

1688 ifeles.Gapt. overseer of Sfet. SLiz. Porter, deed. Cii: Stratford.

1685 Capt.SLls, cSaml. takes int. est. of John Basset of Strat- ford.

1685 Edson, Isaac, complayneu that 2 Indians called Paddin

S,nQ Harry dia rob him. Pruuain was sentenced to nave 3 branded on his forehead and pay 30 shillings Harry to pay i5 anu 20 shillings.

1692 Sdwards, John ..jr. gives security of aowery to Sarah oely, wdw. from tne est. of Robt . Sely, her deed, husband.

1694 ^.Tvards, Thos. witness release of Edwin V/ard by his step mother Hannah ward.

1683 j^ers, Simon, witness the gift of Edward Stottion

of Eew liondon, to his son-in-law Pascoe j'oot of ilew London.


BOOK 1689 - 1701. 1691 Awards, Mr. John, appt. admr. est. Saml. 7/akeaan, Jr. 1693 Edwards, Ilr. John son in law to krs. Thos. Hanford. 1699 idwards, John, aomr. 2st. Hoses Lyon o±' Fairfield.

1698 idwards, John, Mr. overseer of est. Saml. Boberson.

1699 3:dwards,I?ich. or Hartford as atty. for John Plasted

pf Pasquatau bsa reed, of Llr. Joseph Lockwood of Fairfield f. - 6.

1705 Liary iiiiwards, wire of John Ldwards & sister of

Theopnelus iianfora.

1708 ^waras, kr. John adni. of est. of John Bur s. of Maj. John Bur & guardn. of the ehildri^u Llary & llisabeth.

1708 iiiwards, Mr. Rich. atty. for above Bur children at

Court of Aesistants, of Hartford.

1709 Edwards, John, creditor to est. John Davis Jr. appt.

adm. of same.

1710 Sdwarda, Ilr. John to dist.est. ELlen Hanford d. Elnathan

Hanford of ^airfield, aecd.

1708 Edwards, Oapt. i'hos. of otratfora inv. May 6 - 1708, by

wdw. Mary. The v/iaow to admr-. not enough to p^y aebts unless land is sold.

1711 Jidwards, i^r. John of Fairfield to dist. est* Mr. James

Fountain oi Sreenwich.

1714 Zdwards, John, v/itness agreement of heirs Danl. Locliwood Jr.

of Fairfield.

Edwards, John, of Fairfield, atty. for Mr. John Mico of

Boston, v/no is atty. for Mrs. Elizabeth Harper of Yarmouth in bounty of Uorfolb in Kingdom of Eng.Sx


of will 01 Lir. John Harper or Yarmoutli, deed, demise, release w quit claim vo l.Ir. Thos. ^awards late of Boston, Ilariner, noT7 or Stratford, in consideration of payment for gooas sent to Mr. John narper for said I'hos. ii.'-wards.

The above aquitance is also in consideration of an order given Dy myself to ilrs. Sebeckan iJraddy, late of Soston, for the payment of 21 - 10 - 9 - & another order to John»vood, late of Boston for ye pyrat. of 18- 1 - 5 on a/c of abve saia Elizabeth Harper ^. being for goods of said Harper sola 1,0 persons oy tne aove said ihos. Edwards.

Signed - John Ec wards Benj. Fearweather initness Saml. i'earweafher

1710 Edwards, Mr. John of Fairfield, afcty. for LIr. John iJiico

of Boston ic lirs. iiary Edwards of atratford, creditors to the est. of Oapt. 2hos. Edwards, late of Strat-

fora, deed, tell the Court ilch. 15 - 1709 tney are agrieved to procure apprizment of saia est. Siie '-ourt appts. a jury of 12 to reappraze sst. & said Mrs. Mary -Ldwaras as admr. of said est. Make return of same to court.


BOOK 1648 - 1656. book: 1665 - 1675.

1685 Fairciiila, 'X'h.os. (Stratford I think)

Frost, Daniel (1662) 1658 iJincti, Danl. 1658 ^'orman, 6aml. 1658 ijincli, Abraham iD57 jry, xiiikill

lt)57 £iKd. i^'inch, -Danl. engage . to Elizaheth I'ornson, both or Fairi'ielu, agreement aated June 25, 1657, p. 37.

1658 iJiliz. Finch wife of Jan. Finch, ilstate of.

She was acunx. of estate of John i'oinson, ueca.

1659 x^ry Myhiil ex. of estate of Ann Wheeler.

1661 ^d. Ferris, Jeffrey standing engaged to pay tiie legasiea to tne eatate of Eobt. Lockwood by his marriage with his wife uusanna (now deceased) widow of late i<obt. Lockwood. (3:ok 1648-1656, p. 65) !:jaid Jeff ery Ferris living at (Greenwich.

1666 iizd. Fincn, i^anl. will of, probated Moh. 5,1666, Book 1665- 1575 p. 18. widow (formerly wife of John 'i'omson, deed) Sathaniel, son, under age. Abraham Finch, Granuson mill, prop, to wife of rioger Anap.

" ' Joseph James

" " Henry oastell

ci children o^ " John iturgis.

1664 Is.d.* Ferris, Jeff ery v'iill of probated Jan. 6, 1664)

Juaah "Che wiaov/ married Dsfore 1667 ,( Jolin) 3ov;ers, (her 4 boys are mentioned in tne will of ^^erris proD. ciiildren oy lor^'or nusoand.) Book 1665-1675, James Ferris, son oi Jeffery. p. 20

x'eter " '' " also his 5 chilaren

Joseph " " " " " 2 children

Iilary (daugnteri wife of Jonathan ijockwooa. Son John not in will, see Book 1, p. 172. a.i,.R. luxrs. John noliy of otamfora and son Peter.

Witnesses; Sic hard Lawe Joshua Anapp.

Inventory taken uy Josep i^ead, ^ohn Holly &

Angell HusteC.










166ci I'incii, uanl. releasea oy oue aoministrators

(Francis Eall, x'hos. ataples cc Cornelius Eull) 01 tne estate oi John xomson rrom nis ouiigation to pay tne iieirs ox saiu TonBon on account oi hia naving- married Jiliaaoetii iomsion tiie Relict of said «folin

1669 x!rench, Satbaniel is left prop, by l'lioe» Pell.

1670 Fineh, John witness settlement est. of Giles ^nith

Lc heirs of «Jon£ithan -t^orter.

1670 Fairchild, Thos. vTill of, dated Dec. 17-1670, probatea i^atnerin, v/idow of deed. i..iay iu,l671.

Samuel, son of decu. Zaehariau

Lilian Booote 1665- 1675, p. 57.

x'hos .

Danl. Mitoiicll J

Caleu i.ichols J Witness

1670 2xd. Fairchild, x'hos* inventory of estate filed ijov. 1671,

taken Dir trie x'<X7nsraen, John ourtis, Josepu x^awoy - :?rank nail, Henry xomlinson. i3ook 1665- 167 5, p. 61.

1671 Oct. Fenn,. Josepn, of x^orwock, est. of inventory made by

Thos. Ber.eaict, oen. & x'hos. Fitca, oen. , selectmen of said ITorvvock.

Lieut. Olmsted is interested in est. before me iSenj. Jenn,

1671 Fitch, ihos. Sr. selectman of iiorwock.

1674 j?rost, Ji.liz. eailea aau. by John Barlow.

1675 ij'erris, Peter, takes inv. of est. Francis holmes.

lb7o Finch, Abraham is Or. of Cornelius hind of otratford.

1678 j^itch, Kary, called cousin by Rich. Lyon of Fairfiela.

1675 Frost, ..anl. released in 1681 by his child Rebecca, wife bimon jjooth and ciimon Bootn of legacy left to aaiu Rebecca oy ner granuiather Danl. ^'rost. of Fairfield, Book iD75-168y, p. 69.


1615 i:' let oner Sha, witness above release.

1681 i?itch, John, son in law t;o x^ath. Hiebards, husband to Bebecca.

168£ ^'erris, Josepa, witness witn liargaret Jiitctiell Greenv/icii.

1682 jj'rees, Jereraia ..ist. ox (of i^'airiield) Inv. taken Oct.

24,1582 ijy tim. nm db J6sian narvy, 6c filec Iiov.7, 1682, Book 1675-1689, p. 86. berijt;. x^ataaniel •JSiy api;. aomr.

1678 Thos. FitGn,iien. ) Selectmen of I'lorwock take inv. of i'hoa. i^itcn.dun. } eataue of xhos. Hale.

168o ^rost, uanl. Jr. Adm* est. John iindrews, deca.

1683 xiairchild, ^ackery, overseer est. x'hos. Uffora.

1683 " " " " John Beers.

1684 jaerris, i?eter, takes inv. est. Joseph V/ebh of otanford.

1684 ^ixd. jiitch, uergt. x'hps. of Uorv^alk, estate of, inv. May 15,

1684, oy Thos. Benedict , Sen. John 3owton,Sen. &

James Olmstead, v/idow Ruth. (filed 17 ov. 6,1684)

Sarah, dau. of deed, aged 21 yrs.

2hos. son " " " 19 " (Book 1675-1689,

liary, aau. " " " 16 " (p. 139)

Saml. , son " " " 2 1/2 "

Hr. Fitch)

John Piatt) Overseers.

1584 3'erris, Joseph, takes inv. est* Spraini Palmer.

1684 i'erriB, Peter, takes inv. est. Wm. Cressy.

1685 Frost, Mr. Isaac, Mil of, aated Dec* 3, 1684, probated &

inv. filed Mch. 10, 1684, Book 1675-1689, p. 144 & Sister of deca. Sara Smith. 156.

" Hachel Rur:sy

" Hannah Sharp or Sharp -

Brother " Banl. Frost & my sister -isther Frost

not mfe of Ban. Cousin " " John omith s. of brother in law

iaaml. ^mith.


Counsin of deed. SLiz. bmith, d. of brother in law

oaml. Smith. Joseph i'rost, brother of deed, sole ex. Josiah Harvy ) i:3aEil. Drake ) witness

inventory before ^ourt Lch. 10, 1685.

" July 26,1685 by Cornelius Hull

Richard iLubbell Josiah Harvy.

1684 jJerris, Peter, take inv. est. Vi/'m. Potter.

1684 Frost, Llr. Danl. Sen. of Fairfield, will of, dated July 23-1682, probateo Kch. 20, 1685, iiook 1675-166S p. Widow iaizabeth, 170 177.

bon Danl. lana at Ilaxemeus farm son, Joseph

" Isaac " " " and Oomponecg.

Daughter, liebecca -Booth, wife of Simon Booth of Mass.

prob. " Rachel Rumsie, " " Robt. Rumsey.

" Hannah I'horp, " " John I'horp.

" Hester -rost, " " (married o ami. Corby

prob. ) Y/m. Hill, ben. )

John oturge,Sen.) 7»'itness John 'i'."heler )

Inv. taken Dec. 15, 1684. Joshua -li-nowles)

Josiah Harvy )

1684 iJerris, Joseph, takes inv. of est. of Joshua Knap.

1685 I.'' inch, Abraham of 'Stamford is freed from trayning on a/c

of his constant lameness.

1685 Fitch, John, overseer of est. Epraim Lockwood,

1686 Frost, ^liz. of Fairf iela , est. of, inv. taken Aug. 13-1686

by John 3ur , Cornelius Hull & Josiah narvy. -i-'iled Aug. 20, 1686, Book 1675-1689, p. 198. Robt. -^umsy swares to inv.

(had land at ^ill niii ic at Sasqua) iJanl. Frost, son of deca. Joseph,"

Sanl. Smith, son in law Robt.' Rumsy, " " "


John Thorp, son in law

oaml. Cooiy, " " " Lieut. Cornelius Hull ) Mr* Josiaa Harvy ) administrators.

of if/oodbury.

1686 J'airchild , x'hos. who aieu lich. 27-1686, inv. at .lOodbury

Apr. 16-1686 (evidently a smith cc carpenter ibj- Joseph Judson, John ivheler & Jphn Sherman (Townsmen) Susanna, widow, afterwards married Saml. Uickle

of 7/0 Oil bury, amn Dau. deed, over 14 yrs. old. Samuel - son, ueca. 10 yrs. ' Jany. next. Ruth, aau. '• 8 " " 15 Jany. "

Alexanaer, son " 6 ' " Feby. "

Catherena, aau." 1 1/2"

(ij^iled ,.ov. 2,1686, Book 1675-1689, p. 208) Zakeriah i-aker ) John ihernian ) overseers.

1687 i-rost, uanl. adm. est. Ann Peacke.

1689 Fitch, John, v/itness will of John Gregory of iiorwalk.

1689 Frost, Josepn, i;\TLtness will Francis Bradly.

1676 Ferris, Jeffery & his executors hath lully satisfied

unto («m. iVard, Joseph liockwood 6: Danl. Lockwooo all tne est.' conta.upon tne inv. of Root. Lockwood deed, their father, ana they acquit and discharge Jonathan Lockwood CO Peter Ferris the ex. of tne saia Jeffery iierris, wi:]at he was bouna to pay by order of the Court 10 July 166^.

The above said Joseph ic Danl. do this in i;neir own hane & in the name oi "che sister Ileborah Vn'ard.

1663 -tfrost, Sarah, of the bankside acknowledges as having

reed, of i^anl. Frost, her father, a legacy left her by her granuiatner Wm. Frost. Witness Ann Green John Green. Sarah Smith this 21 oi July 1682 acknowledges the above aischarge tc it .-.as given her lather before her marriage.

1665 Frost, r<m. called grar.dfather by Sarah (Frost) Smith.


1694 i?erri3, Joseph, takes inv. of est and ^as land next to *K) John lowers or Greerurich.

1699 Ferris, 3enj. witness will of Joseph Ferris of Greenwich.

1681 j'roBt, Danl. son, is owea by i^athaniel Hayes of Fairfield,

1683 Foot, Pascoe, ot Lew London, mariner called son in law by Sdward Stollyon of Hew London, mariner, he being tne nusoand of his aaughter UafSBret.

BOOK 1689 - 1701.

1690 Ferrice, Peter, swares to «nv. of & appt. admr. of est. of Jeremiah Jager of iitamford.

1701 to dist. said est.

1690 -aairchild, Zachriah, witness will of Henry '.Vakely of


1691 Frost, Lanl. takes inv. of est. widow liary Gov el. 1691 Frost, Mary, wife of r:anl. Frost & d. iienry Soland. 1691 Fanton, Jonathan, appt. admr. of est. Simon otacy.

1693 Finch, Joseph, appt. admr. of est. John used Jr. of Green-


1694 ritch - callea father by Maj . John 3arr deed.

1694 Fonton, Jonathan, takes inv. of est. baml. Adams of Fairfield 16 98 Fairchild, Joseph, witness 1695 will of Jno. Birdseye.

1697 iiiXd. Fincn, tiaanl. oen. of Jtamford 4 aeeas of gift all uatea oept. 28 - 1697 L witness by Abraham -mbler tj Saml. Halt. (Book 1689-17 01, p. 153)

1st To ion Sarauell, house £c lands at Stamford.

2nd Do wife aaran

3rd x'o son Josepn


4t;h To four daugnters

bar ah Holley,

Martha uead

iDDsannah ^eely

Rachel i^'inch Inv. of est. of Saml. }jinch, ben. deed, taken Hay 20-98

by Abraham Anbler Ik Danl. Scoff ield, filed Hov.3, The widov/ vzith Ur. Abraham Ambler S: 1598.

Mr. baoi. Halt appt. admrs .

1698 Fowler, Jereraian, called brother to Joseph Barlow, deed,

1689 2xQ. ^rost, Joseph est. of, Inv. filea Hch. 11-1698, taken

oy John xJulkley, lanl. Heker Sa ELnathan Hanford. iiidow ilizabeth (Book 1689-1701, p. 168)

8 sons )

a daughters ) all unaer age. The widow & John Barlow to admr.

1699 i'rost, jllizabetn, called d. by bargt. Rich. Hubbell. 1699 trench, -bigail " " " '' "

1699 ^alkener, Mrs. Hannan, witness will Gapt. Jonathan Bell

1699 jJerris, Joseph oi Greenwich, will of dated June 9, 1699. Wife Rutu

wildest son living, John - nouse at ncrseneck next

to Greshom Lockwoods & (Book 1689-1701, p) the land bgt of Sackarian

(190. ) 3alOT;in Sc lot bgt. of

(See Post p. 122.) Saol. Jenkins.

Son Janes

" Moses

" Ben J. land next Benj. Mead

" OaleD, at)t. 20 yrs. old

" Josepii ■' 16 "

" Joshua. Dau. Hannah prop. T^. of i^r. Renolas abt. 12 yrs.

" Ruth Peck wife of baml. Peck.

" Lydia (Reynolds) Wife & his brotner Peter li'erris & son. banl. P--:ck to adrar.


'witness Joseph Kanpp & 3enj. -^'erris. :ov. 27-1699. CoujCo oruers the v/iuow, Mr. Saral. Peck & Peter u'erris to aist. est. Inv. taken July 24-1699 oy Jonathan Senolds, Bobt. Lockr/ood & Joseph Knapp, fllea llov. 27, lo99.

1701 j^'airchila, baral. abt. 60 yrs. old, witness in Knells Islana


1640 j'eak, Robt. & Danl. Pattriek purchase

Amoyerowe, ■aachem ol' -semock 8c Ahramatere Llawhorowr Sachem of Tatarauck, Amsibetour with his brother Owenoke Daehein oi Asemuck have sold unto fJobt. Fe&'k OS Danl. Patrick all the righ-c in lanas bet. Asarauck River & Tatamuck, which Tatamuck is a little river which diviaeth the bounds bet. Capt. Turner's purchase c: this, except the neck o±' land by the Indiana called iionakaway cc by us --lizabeth Beck, which neck is the purchase of SLizabeth ^eaks his said Robt* Feaks wife - i'he payment is 25 coats of vyhich 18 are paid.

Witness Robt. Heustea. Dated July 18 - 1640 -

Andrew liessenger Xeoferam hath sold all his right

to the aoove aaia neck to Jefery ij'eris. Rich r/illiams & Angell Husted testify aa to the Indian signatures.


Jan. 25 - 1702

1640 iTeak, Elizabeth wife of Robt. ?eak above.

1640 ?eris, Jefery, see above purchase.

1703 Jairchild, ia.r. Sacil. - overseer est. f'hos. Grifien.

Ib97 fauson, Jonathan, aebt. one pd. est. -Jliphelet Hill.

1696 ?airv/eather, Benj. witness release of Ihos. iior chouse Jr. by liatnew aherv700u.

121 BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1711 ijairchila, Joseph, v/itn Johannan Wilcoclfsoii, tne widow

of Timothy *Vileockson give a bond oo the court i'or txie aom. oi aaia i'imothy .liilcockson est.

1712 Fairchild, James, makes choice of his brother David

oherv/ood as guaraian.

1702 Finch, Isack, Sen. of Stanford, inv. ITov. 16-1702 by

x>avici "rVaterbury, Lanl. Scofield & Jonathan Bell. Tv'idow Ann Son John

" Isack

The widow & 2 sons mentioned above to aamr.

1703 ^airchila, Zachariah of Stratfield, Inv. taken Sept. 6-

1703 b;- Uathev/ oherv/ood Jr. Benj. j'airweather & Alex. iTairchila.

Right in 12 acres in the o miles di¥. at Stratfora bought Of I^. Rich. Blacklach.

1704 David Fairehilu chooser his unole 'lathl. Beach as guardn.

Widow Hannah.

The widov; ana i^r. Jonn Beach of btratfora ';o adm.

6 sons & 2 dau.

lir. 3aml. Hubbell, "nsigxi -javid Sherman & John 0dell,Jr.

to aist. The Court a pt. :_ollo\ving liuaraiana. Oapt. Ilathev/ Sherwooa for Galeo. Sergt. iiathewT Sherv/ooa " Ager

tiohn iieacn " James

Josepn Beach " Llary

Isack Beach " liacharian

The \/idow " Abiell

1703 j'airchild, Alex, takes Inv. of above esu.

1703 j^-rowell.Saml. witness will of J^ebecka Gregory of Strat- field.

Ibyb i''anton, Jonathan, releases his brother John Hide ex. of est. of John hiae oen. of jair:.iela, deed.


1704 Ziten, lir. I'hos. of i^or^valk.will of.da-cea Oct. 6, 1696 Grranachild, Thos. i?'itcJa Granachilaren, John £0 i.athaniell Jitch. Dau. Ann now wife of Joim I'omson of ^armington " l.:ary " " " Capt. ->iathew oherwood.

" in law his sons Joian v/ife bon, Jonn

aon, John, aole ex.

Son, Oapt. Uathew Sherwood & my ) overseers. Cousin aargt. John Plat. )

Witness Jacies Olmstea. iiaml.' Smith.

Inv. April 14-17 04-1:7 James *-^lmstea SaiuL. Smith, Thos. 3etts, lir. John -^'itch son of Mr. 2hos. i^'itch dc-ca. above, engages to give U:-to tne children of his sister 3urr deed, as rauoh as his father gave his other sister.

1703 ErosTi, Danl. takes inv. est. John Green of ^'airfield.

1699 'Exd, rerris, Josepn, l.Ir. of Greenwioh.will of, dated June 9,

Pheris, v;ife Rutti. 1699

ilciest son living, John, - prop, bougnt of :.acariaja Bald- win lana bougnt of Saml. Jenkins.

Son, Jsmes: lana next Henry Ricuhorne cc lana bet.

Joshua, iinap a Henry 2ien.

son Hoses

uon Benjamin (See ant£, p. 119)

Son Gabel (entry raaae before)

aon Josepn

oon Joshua Witnesses (Josepn Kanpp

daa. Hannaii (3enj. i'erris.

aau. Rnta Peck (Book 1689-1701, p. 190)

fiau. Lladia, (Heynolas) Wife - & Brother Peter .''erris & ) liy bon Saml. Peck. ) to aam.

1701 Fanton, "^arah, wife of Jonathan Janton, ... 01 John Kiae

01 Fairfield. 1701 I'^anton, Jonathan, overs, est of John Hide of Fairfield. 1705, ifalrchild, ,Mr. aaml. sen of otratfd. Inv. Uch. 7-1704/5

by iuoses tilheeler'- .lion, oiacklach, .sen. Benj. t-ony.

.-idow, Mary.


IVidow to adrnr .

^IttesU oon

a otner sons lir. Hich. Blac]<-lacii, Lieut;. John Hall & LIr. Jolin Beach

all of Stratt'fird to aist.

1704 j?orwaras, Josepn of DanDury, aecci. Oct. d-1'7 04 - Inv.

taken Oct. 31 - 1704 by Jajnes 3ebee, Sar.l. Bennyuick & Josiah kjtarr.

V/iaow Lidia in 1707 wile oi ii^hos. -Vildraan. Ghilaren

Lidia 6 yra. ola on £q Apr. last

Ann, 4t " . " 15 iJch. last 1707, Josepti

Gregory, Guardian of

Lannah 2 " " 18 Jany. " in 1707 vritn

ner uncle.

Uarey, born 16 last Jul-% in 1707 - ;>ani. Jeneuick, ben. & Thoa. Tailor Jr. to uist.

'i'he T/iaow to aamr.

1697 5'itcn, ^ihigaile, callea grandcnild hy Saran Curtiss, nov/ wife of Gapt . iVra. Curtiscj, formerly Goodrich.

1705 i'rencn, Saral. appt. Guardian for Joian, Slizabetli &

i^enemian Barly, cnilaren of George Barley of dtraoforu, deod.

1707 Forward, Li(iia cs) have Thos. iVildman for Guardian he having luercy ) raarriecl their aether.

1711 Fairchila, Joseph, vitness will Mrs. iiarah -Jhancey of


1711 ?oot, Johiell, " " " " "

1X07 i'rost, Joseph, (list, of est. of by John Barlov/e &

Szekiell oanford. 1' ' Joseph, alciest son,


1.11 en

i^arah She widow receives her part.


1708 iJ^rost, :.anl. Sargt. of Fairfiold, will of. Doc 15-1707

7/ife i'iary

Son, Banl. - land on the Island bgt. of Sargt. LocTc- ^Yoocl on hi^ the m£bdo\7 fojmerly John Greens on S. bj^ land of Ed^Tard Jezup - also land in Sascofield ^bought of Capt. Osburii & land or islana bounded by land of Jon Green, deed. w. by Jolin «.nurus ic by Simon Couch. Son Isaaeh Son V/m. unaer age dau. Abegail ) " _kary )

" Iliaabetn ) all prob. under age ■' Hebeckah ) ■-Vife oa son Danl. to be 2x. 'Witness -athan Gold (The worshipful , Clark of Court)

Joseph iVebb (The Sev. ) Simon Couch !h Joseph Sturges testify the aeed. made his will a Tuesday before his death 2c heard hin give his negrot; nan Ton to his mfe. Inv. Jany. 2, 1707/8 by Cristopher Sturges - Benj. Rumsey co

Saml. Couch. The deed had land - formsrly Capt. John Osburn.

" next to Sturges near Saeco Creek " near Joshua Jennings house formerly

belonging to JoseiDh ?>:v7lana. Cider ...ill at Israeli Bowlana orchard.

1709 Jinch, Abraham, i:>en. of Stanford Inv. ^ec. 4 -1708 by

-His ha iiolly cc Joseph Bishop.

baial. Blatchly of Stanford uwears to inv. & appt.adnr.

1709 Finch, i^athl. called brother-in-law by Janes iiickelson

of -'airfield.

1710 j'erris, 3enj. late of Stanford « Greenwich, Inv. est.

Kov. 27-1710 by Saral. Eait - Caleb Pherris (-'erris)

Slisha Holly (ptart of iioses his barn)

Viidow "^arah (Pherris) had former husbana see land

in inv. v/hich she holds as Zx. of former husband's


^'idow barah aamx.


1710 Ferris (£herriaj Caleb, takus inv. above est.

1711 iferris, Zachariah., Sen. lar. of Stratfield, will of, dated

Aug. 14-1710

Vi'ife barah, she nay have been v/io. . of Joseph 3 c!c d. of \'m. Eeed. Son Zachariah

" Saal. _aa. Sarah " Mary v-apt. --avii'i Shennan Sa 3enj. ^airv/eather overssers 2c Sx. Witness 3enj. ^'airwaather Sc Sarah i^airw-ather. James 3ennit, Justice (at Stratfield)

"/Vidow Sarah, appt. adnx. Inv. Apr. 15-1711 by James 3ennitt cb Timothy Wheeler.

1711 Fairv/eather , 3enlf. Tvitness ^c overseer of above est.

1711 Fairweather, Sarah (possibly wife of 3enj)

and witness " "

1711 Fountain, Hr. James of Greenwich Inv. Jan. 8-1710/11 by

Joseph Xnap - Anthony joughnier.

iilr. Saml. Peck of Greenwich ^x iir. ELexander Hussija

or Horwalk swear to inv. Said Jir. Saml. Peck of Greenwich & Ivlr. Hezander

Bussiga of ITorwalk appt. Admr. 2 dan. of deed,

Judith & ward of Ur. Slexander Sessaga iviagclalen, ward of Mr. -"-nthony L'onguier. lir. John Sdwards of Fairfieid & Capt. Hoses -Dimon to aist.

1710 French, Abigail witness will lilrs. liartha .Vakeman.

1710 French, Sargt. Saml. chosen as guardian by his

neice Elisabeth '.Vakeman d. of Capt. John Sc Ivlartha 7valreman, deed.

1712 Ferris, Joseph of Greenwich, calls Saml. Smith deed, of

Stanfora father.

1712 Ferris, Saml. at Uevvton has in his hands some prop, of

widow ioary Odell deed, of Stratfield, possibly hus- band of aau. Deborah.


1712 ?rench, Saml. takes Inv. est. John Love of Strat field,

1712 ?ayrweather, 3enj. takes inv. est. lioses Jackson, Sen. Stratfield.

1712 ?airchild. Agar of Stratford^ Inv. of est. of Aug. 5, 1712,

by Thos. Bennitt, Bobt. iTalker, 3enj. Brook

Widow Ilary - guardian for h.er daughter.

Only child, aau. Uahitebell 1 yr « 12 days old

tne 4th day of Ma$ last when her father died. Joseph Gurtiss Ssq. & IJr. Thos. Bennitt to dist.

1710 Foot, Solomon \7itness release of lirs. Sarah Osborn by John Smith.

1715 janton, Jonathan, -.vitness ?7ill Simon Couch Sa d. bef. Apr. 1713.

1713 Finch, Saml. takes inv. est. Jonathan Holly of Stanford.

1714 Faunton, Jonathan of Fairfiela, inv. of est. of Feby.

1-1713/14 ■■Vidov; Sarah.

1714 Fairchild, lir. Joseph of Stratford, Inv. Mch. 2g 1713/14

by Abell Beardsay Sc Isaac Bennitt.

i'he deed, had land at Fairfield -Ilisha Hill

Booths Hill - at Durhan. Children

timothy b. Dec. 9 -1687

Joseph b.' " -28 -1689

ITathau b. Jan. 29 -1592/3

bar ah b. llov.26 -1C94

Johaniiah b. Feby.2 -1696/7

Catherine b.- Apr. 11 -1699

Jibhn b. Junel9 -1701

Pliebe b. Dec. 1704

i'honaa B. Hay 4 -1712 Son Joseph one of aomrs. Zdmon Lewiss ic Rich. Kicoles to dist.


1714 ^'alconer, LIrs. Hannah, now -.vire of lir. James Clark of Stratford. I^arriage agreement bfre 1709 Her dau. EarM&u falconer ) left legacy by Mr. " son Patrick " ) James Glafck.

1714 Falfora, aau. so called by Llr. James Clark of Stratford.

1714 jj^ulford, Abraham, appeals to .superior Court on a/c pt will of llr. James Clark of Stratford.

1713 Fairehild, Phebe, granddaughter of Johannah iVilcockson

of Stratford & d. of her s. in lav/ Joseph Fairchild.

1713 ?airchild, Sarah, granddaughter of Johannah .'Vilcockson.

1714 Firman, liary of Stanford, widow, will of 17th of LIch. ,1714-

i'/idow of Josiah Firman. Son Isaac Weed Dau. Ivlary Lockivood

" Hannah Scofield.

" Rebeckah Firman a in law, 3 ami. Weea

Grandchildren tne children of my son Joseph rVr:-ed,decd.

anu his wife Bebeckah a legacy to except. 3s. Sa 9p v/hich said Sebeckah promises to pay :.Ir. Durint. Son in law Saml. Scofield sole '^x. Joseph Bishop - Gapt. Witness Danl. V.'eed.

luarah Firman wifav of Josiah Firman, late of Iswtown, deed, upon i,ong Island H.Y. acknov/ledges the above to be ner last will & testament.

Joseph Bishop, Justice. Inv. of est. she having aied lich. 31-1714 - by Danl. Scofield Sc Saml. Weed. 1714 Fairweather, Benj. takes inv/ est. Dr. Isaac Hall. 1714 Finch, iJathaniell of i^orwalk, Inv. of est. Dec. 23-1714

by Saml. llaxvin &: Saml. Hanford. Widow i-ary, appfc. Admx.

17115 Ferris, ..loses, v/itness with Jonathan >.helpny of (Jreenwich.


1715 i?airweather , 3enj. takes inv. & dist. est. of Joseph irobridge of 3tr&tfield.

1714 ?erris, Joseph, adra. est. Mr. Joseph Turney of Stanford.

l'^17 i^'ayrwather , Benj. witness release ox Gornelius Jones by step aau. Ahigale Brady.

1715 ritcn, viary, called a. by Gapt. liathew oherwood.

1715 i«^airweatiier,iiarah " " " " " "

17 50 French-, Gamaline of Stratford chosen as guardian by James Hedfield of Fairfield.

Fairweather, Benj.)

Sarah) witness agreement of John Idwarda, atty. for Lir. John Sies of Boston & Mrs. Eliza- beth Harper, \7idow of I^. John Harper of Yarmouth

1714 Finch, Joseph of Greenwich, Inv. of est. April 2d. 1714 by 15 Thos. Marshall Sc Caleb ICnap.

The Inv. exhibiteu Jany* .3-1714/15 by son Joseph, (p. 297; Son Joseph )

2xd. " Jonathan ) appt. adms.

Agreement of heirs, via.

Son Jos eph " Saral. " Jonathan " Benj . Son in law Joseph Renals Dau. Elizabeth ^^hitney

" Sarah Finch Son in law Jonathan Mead

Witness - Lavid Benalos

JRobt. Lockwood.

1705 i'rost, Joseph, son or Joseph Frost, deea. is raaae vrard of Sargent Janl. Frost.

1710 Fairehiid, -'iger, who vras lormerly under guardianship

of Sargt. Mathew Sherwood who is deed, now makes choice Of' Lieut. Ager x'omblinson as guardian.


1710 jj'oun-tain, Jacies oi' Grreenwich, tiiere being 2 chiluren

of viz. Jude ts Kagd-jlen, Ilr, Anthony ilonguer appt, guardian for Hagdelen Fountain.

1712 x^'rench, Sargt. Saml. appt. admr. est. of John Love of Stratfield.

1712 i'rost, Jos&ph, ills widow married &

1712 is deca & called Hlizabeth Hull.

1713 ijayerweather, .:r. Benj. appt. adm. oi est. ITathl. Knap

deed, and also to furnisii adior. on est. Mary Knap.

1713 J'inch, V/idoir/ Sarah late of Stanford, deed.

Joseph i?^inch of Stanfora, appt. adn.

1714 Fanton, Jonathan, late of ^airfield, deed.

V/idov; iiarah with her brother John Hide to admr.

1714 Ferris, Joseph appt. acim. on est. of Joseph Surney of


1715 Fairweather , Lir. Benj. request court to discharge him

from acLra. of ests. of i:athl. £: Llary Knap which the court bO orders & appts Charles Lane Jr. admr.

1724 Fountain, Judith d. James x^ountain late of Greenwich

acknowledges receipt of her legacy from her guardian lir. Alexanuer Jussague of ilorwalk.

1724 Fountain, Liadelon, acknov/leages the receipt, from her guaraian I^. Anthony Uonghier of Fairfield the legacy from her father James ijountain of ilorv/alk.

Witness Peter Barr Hobt. Smith.


BOOK 1648 - Ibob.

1658, George ii. inv. filea Get. 5, 1658, p. 44.

1655 (2xd. Gregory, Henry, distriliution oi estate or, Junel9,1655, ( " John, oldest son of above, admr . p. 5

1655 Gilbert, Josias 1655 Gold, Nathan

1658 Godwyn, Geo. (1656) 1658 Gray, Henry, estate of, inv. filed Oct. 15, 1558, p. 27.

1658 i&d. Godwin, George, will of, of btratford, probated Oct. 6, Uling wife of above, 2s:rx. " 1658, p. 34

Saml. eldest son Ivlary " daughter m. 1st Joseph Jackson &

S Joseph iSely. John, son.


16bl Grov/es, Phillip (Stratford) 1B70 overseer of John Perocke.

1662 Green, Ann, witness v/ill of 3'rancis Andrev/s,

166 E GSuman, John

1652 brother Growe mentioneo. in rvm. 7/ileoxon will.

1652 (^owe, Phillip ex. of est. of Wm. Wilcoxson.

1655 Gold, iiathan is husband of relect of Sdmon Harvy.

1667 Gurnsee, Joseph, witness will of Jeffry -^'erris.

1669 Gernsee, Joseph of Staiaford, see settlement of est.

John .iater berry.

1669 Gray, Johanna, called daughter by Giles cimith in his will.

1669 Green, Jolin:, admx. est. of -hos. Steadwell of btanoford.

1669 Grooke, Hawkins owning property next Zpriam VtTieeler.

1671 Grimes, .Vm. est. of, inv. by Sergt. Lockwood , inv. filed

and will prbbatea Sept. 7,1677. r-R-AV lAR^ TA7^ Joshua Knap - Jolm Hobby -

p?59i Joseph Mead & Angel Eueste^^i selectmen of

(Greenwich) attest to inventory. iVill of above - urawn July 18-1671 left all his prop, to Joseph .^ead, John Rennolds 8c 'Sliphlet Jones to enlarge the town of Greenwich.

Ruth i-'ereau )

-^eborah Barlow) witneas


1674 Gilbert, Obadialx, v/ill or, probated LIcli.9,1674 oi John I

Book 1665-1670, p. 82.

1675 waa wife of)

Capt.lTathuL. ) 21izabefh, v/idow (a legacy due her in Sng.

Seiy« )_ Sarah 01ms teau

Under age (Obadiah

possibly (Benjamin

Obadiah is or (Joseph age.

Desires his loving brethern Jonathn Gilbert

cc Josiah Gilbert to be overseers. jPhe Court speaks or the above oarah Olmstead as the daughter of ITeheniaa 01msteaa,aecd. Inv. taken Lich. 9-1674 by )1675 lllz. the widow of John Banks cc ) Gilbert Having married

'!im» Vn'ard. Kapt. U. iiely & he

) having died, the Court appts. lathaniel Hayes & Saml. Hayes to assist the overseers in the administration of estate

1672 Galpin, Phillip of Sye in Colony of Eonn. County of ?air-

f ielu , transfers property at Rye to Sobt. Bloomer of Rye between tne lots or George oniffins & John Ogden and also prop, near Timothy Knap lot. Witness Joseph Horton John Rockr/ell

Then Robt. Bloomer transfers this prop. Hay 3,73 to iSimon Roberts of Boston. Witness George Jjane

John Brinaisa

1672 Galpin, Phillip, as above, sells otner property at ri-ye to

ciinon Roberts of Boston. Witness Joseph Horton

George Hanecks

Richard Lounsberry.


BOOK 1675 - 89.

1673 Growe, Philip, PJaling Zlder or Church at Stratford.

Widow Ann Will probateu i'eb. 6,1675,p.lS:15,

Uathaniel Porter)

Hannah '' ) ^^'^^^ motherlesa Grandchilaren.

Huth " )

l^athaniel Porter , son-in-law to his Bister Susanna Grant, widow, Hear Bristol, 2ng. His brother John Growe.

Rebecca Andrews (Servant) Hathaniel Honerston (Servant) lir. Israel Ohanoy ) )

Capt. i'iin. Gurtias, ) Overseers JV/itnesa John Brinameea Joseph iiawly ) ) Henry 'iomlinsnn

Inventory taken 14 Feby 76 - by urn, Curtiss John Picket Henry .lakeling Jehu or John -Vels.

1675 Green, Joseph is ^r. to est. Gornelius Hunt o:. ^itandi'ord

1676 Grumun, Sarah, vrlfe of John Grumun d. of Ilehill Try

John, granu child of Ivlehill 'Jry Soml. '■' "

Thos .• " "

Uehill " "

-lizabeth " "

aaraii " "

1676 Galpin, Bennony, legacy to by Ilehill Try

1678 Galpin, Saml. legacy to by John I'onson.

1675 Goawin,John, a soldier. Will of, dated iJec. 1,1675 probatea iiary Jackson, uis sister 1678, Book 1675-

John Smith, " uncle 1689, p. 45.

Sanil. Goodwin " brother


Wm. Hill dGbt to eat. Saml. Smith

Thos. Sherwood, Inv. taken 5'eby. 10" by Wm. Hill

Robt. Rumsid.


1675 Goodwin, Sanl. "brother to above JohJi.

Jolm 1677 Galpin, ) Joseph, takes inv. est. John Tranes, deed.

1681 Gregories, Judah, had land next to Hath. 3ichards,Iorv;ock.

1681 iiarreo, Rehecca (now Rebecca Tifaller) left legacy by W.


1681 Galpin, yaml. legacy to, from John Hurd of btratford. 168£ liold, Mrs. Sarah 3r. gift to by Will Joseph Banks.

1682 Gold, Uaj , Hathan, overseer of Will Joseph Banks. 1681 Gregory, John Adras. Zst. 31iz. '.Vebb.

1685 Grumun, John Jr. to take inv. of Sst. Szekill Sandford.

1683 Gold, Llaj. Mathan, Ex. of Will of prop, of Stephen Hodgea,


1679 Grununs, John, Sen. house of prop, of Anthony Burr, a


1679 Gregory, John of Sorwock, overseer of list. H. Hide.aecd.

1684 Grumens, Goodnan, sold property at Millplain bef. 1684

to Jno. Banks.

1684' Gold, Hathan, witness will of Jno. Bante.

1684 Gronan, John, oen. takes inv. est. of Robt. Meker.

1676 Gray, Michols, witness with John Basset of Stratford.

1685 LIr. Gold assistant.

Mr. Jehii Burr & Mr. Jonn Burr comnissioners at General Court held at Fairfield June 16-1685.


1685 Groman^ John aen. of i^^airlield. will of , aated Jane 2-1685 ..idow Sarah prooatea .;oy.6,1685.

John, son oi- deed. Book 1675-1689, p. 185.

Thos. " " "

iiichael " - ■• (lajid at lailplain) d. 1691.

oarah, in 1691 called wife of oami. Jennings.

ihos. Oliver °

Gifts to- i Jeiiu Burr )

i^^l 2urr ) ) witness,

bimon oouchJ overseers. :Josnua iiarvy)

Inv. Aug. 7-1685, Jehu Burr, Janl. Bur & Josiah Harvy

(1685) Groman, John, oversGerof est. 3zekiel Sanfora, dec.

1685 Gray, Jacob, constaole oraered to oe paid by Gen. Court.

1685 Green, John, released by Joseph Bastera.

1685 Gregory, John, had lana next to oaml. Mention.

16 86 Galpin, Phillip, husband to Hannah d. Henry Jackson.

1686 Godwin, George, da. liary, vTidow of Josepti s. of Henry

Jackson. "^

1686 Gesop, Zdward, convicted of being at H; Roj^lands at nipht

witnout leave, ^

1687 Griffen, Hugh of i.orwalk, married the widow of Peter llorton fRnnv ir7R n®^'^' f"^ . ^he died in ivairfield. Said Hugh is of '

fiflSVpp'^T Orinoake in tae town of Stratfora. anu oeing adm. ^689,p.22o) 01 aoove estates agrees to give Abigail o: Mary

Uorton only chilaren and heirs above d.cd. an equal portion witu his daughters.

1687 Green, John, takes inv. est. Ann Peacke, deed.

1687 Garnsy, Joseph, witness will of Henry ^nith of Stanford

1688 Groman, John, had living with him tne dauc-hter of a brother

Of Simon Coucn.

1638 Groman, baran, witness will of Simon Uoach, deed.


1688 Gbriiaian, John, takes inv. of est* Simon Uoucii, deed.

1688 i:^arnsy, Joseph, died Nov. 11-1688, inv. filed Dec. 7,1688

taken by Jonathan Bell & Jonat, i^eed i^ownsnen.

Joseph, son oi aecd. appt. admr. Book 1675-1689, p. 261

1686 Galpin, Hannah, sister to Joseph Jackson.

1689 Gregory, John or i^on/valk, xieed of, dated Aug. 15-1689.

Sarah, widow. Book 1675-1689, p. 265.

2 daughters. Jamea BenneaieK son-in-law John Benneciick Witness I'hos. Hanford - Thos. Bennediek.

1689 Gregory, aarah, wiuow of BorvTalk, ?d.ll of, aated Oct. 9-1689. iir. i'hos. Hanford Us -) overseers 6c :John r'itch) ier. Jolin Piatt ) administrators: Jrafies Bets)


1689 Kistrioution or above estate, II ov. 1, 16 89. John Bennideck, sons in law prob. James Beneaick, " " " John Gregory, aona of above aecd. Jakin " " " " ' "

Judah " " " " "

Joseph " " "

'2hoa. " " " " "

1689 Gregory, oaran, widow of aoove inv. of ner estate taken Oct. 28-1689, by John Piatt oen. & Ohristopnef oomstock, filed ijov. 9,1689,-^ook 1675-1689, p. 292.

1689 gilbert, Hannah, d. JaJnes Blakman of Orinoge.

1689 Grefen, Joseph, witness will or" " "

1689 iilanson, c'reeila, a. of Geo. Abbot of lorwolk.

1715 Gold, the Honble iJathan oa Maj . Peter Burr, deed to, by town of -iJ'airfiela of the Hill bought of Indiaiis June 14-1680 by saia town. ior inaian names see back of Vol. of Pub. Kec. 1675-1689


1665 Galpin, Philip, iias land ar Kye, eonsistin^^ or several tracts Dounaen in part Dy iollowing: lana of John Jackson- land of lieo >lni±±in

I'imochy Anap, " Peter ^isborag

x\0Dt. Bloomer John Coe

John Ogden Jacob Pince

Geo. Clear -vieo.Kniliin - John Ogaen ^ -^ _^ i'hos. ivierrit-John Jianks- John Bold

i.t Birom Hidge Wm. Odell - Thos. Merrit

Thos. Brundish - I'imotny Knap

Hecoraeu oy .m. Hill by John Brundish.

Jan. 5, 1679. Register at; xtye.

1664 (iold, %than oeiore saia uaT:e cBrriea "cne widow of

Sdmond Harvy.

1681 Gibs, Thos. of c^arolina .larch, & Elizabeth ^iioa of ^ew York iiis wife, are legally separated in ivew York, ihe said I'hos. keeping one aau. i^eoeoca cc the dau. at

the Bar bad 06 s & The saia 31izabetii naving the ctaughter kartha & the nesro woman Hagar.


'•i.'hos» Lewis. Jacobus DeHart. Kieholas Jlake i^ecoraea at j^airfiela, ^ug. ii0-l684.

BOOK 1689-1701.

1690 Gslpin, oaml. takea inv. of & is aamr. of est. Thos. Jefery

lo9U Gold, A^athan, Jr. witness receipt of aaml. Morehouse, legacy

uy uia soii iiaml.

Ib91 lirumman, oaml. 2st. of, inv. taken i^ch.25 -1691 by John «Vakeman ii: baml. x^oberson, fileu i^iCh. 27 ,16yi Book i^^ary, ^vidow, 1689-1701, p. 40.

(^Mla itiary x'he uecu. haa land at ^'ompor. The wiuowJ Thos. Jones) Appt. Admr.


1691 Gruman, Sarah, maow or John, est. of. mv. Apr. 8-1d91 oj ciaml. Sober son. Thos. Staples, rilea ^pr. 14, 1691. John lirumaii oen. signers to Inv.

Court appts. John C:^ruEian,oanil. Boberson « Saml. Jenninga auiar.

Mary, a. oi ^iaml. Gru][nan,deca. granadaughter to \/iaow baran. 'Ihe rest or esz. dividea oet. John Gruman & Sarah Jennings. (Book 1689-1701, p. 43)

1691 Srunaja, Micnael, esi;. oi', Inv. taken Apr. 8-1691 by Saml. Sober son cc Thos. Staples, filed Apl. l4, 1691. John Uruman also swarss to Lmr,

oame aiatrioution as aoove.

1691 Grumaii, John, v/itnesb will of x'hos. Contcn.

1691 ^ampin, Sebecca oa-lled siater oy x'hos. iaurance.

1691 Grifen, iiugh oi (otratfora) will of, aatea oept. 9-1690 Widow kary proba-ced ana inv. filed i^ov.3,

John son of deed. 1691,i3ook 1689-1701, p. 52. Thos. " " " Saml. " " "

To his wife's daughters Mary Norton ner eldest aaughter Abegaile now TTxfe of Joseph Beers of Fairfield To my daughter llaxj


Hannah youngest aau. under age. 5'rancis, son oi deed. Witness iiathan Gold & Saml. Wakenan, Sen. Inv. of est. taken .^ept. 17-1691 - by John 3eni^, Danl. Picket Sc

John Goe.

There are two chilaren of deed. Hugh Grifin, ranees, aged abt 19 yrs. & Hannan aged aot. 16 yrs.

1691 Gruman, Liary, widow ox Saml. Grumen, deed. 1691 d. of widow iuary Couch.

1691 Gruman, I'hos. est. of, Inv. Apr. 8, 1691, by Saml. Roberson a Thos. Staples, j^ileo iJec.2,1691, Book 1689-1701, Widow kary. p. 61.









Apr .









1690 Sunn, lirs. of Derby asked to take, aer a. Hannah "by kYra. Roberts.

1692 Galpin, Saral. takes inv. est. Eicolas ^ughes of Hartford.

1693 Ualpin, Elizabeth, wife of baml. (ialpin & a. of Marks Sentio 169S Unnn, Jobaraa, v/itness will or, v/iciow Miriam Groome.

1693 Gold, Sarah , witness will of widow Abigail Lockwood.

1693 iiS;Q. Gregory, Thos. deed, of Sorwalk, Hot. 1693, Inv. taken by Saml. Hajres, John Bennideck ei John 3etts,fil6d Jan. 23,1693, Book 1689-1701, p. 103. Widow at prop, married Lieut. John Olmstead & later possibly - Lockwood. Son J:ben63er, 10 yrs. olct Oct. 27 last Dan. Martha, 12 "

Phebe 7 "

xiachili, 2 "

The widow & John Benedict of Borwalk appt. admrs.

1695 Gold - wife of John Gold £; d. George Slanson of Stamford deea.

1699 Grumman, Ister, sister to Moses Lyon of Fairfield.

:1710 Griff en, Frances, appt. to distribute eat. of Sam4,«GS'lpi^ of tatratford, aeea.

1699 Gregory, Saml. appt. to aist. est* Sargt. Rich. Kubbell.

1693 Groome, widow Meriam of Orenoge, will of, aated Milford, Oct. 4-1693, probatea ano inv. filec llov. 6,1693 Eackariah Blackmati called oldest son Adam, " " son. James, son.

Legacy to Merriam ilorthrop, wife of Joseph liorthrop. " Mary Groom

" i^artha Blackman (Book 1689-1701, p. 91)

i-i e-ughter Jane Brotiier Moses "heeler

Son-in-law Joseph lorthrup with the overseers of my hus- band Blackman' s est. 2x. George Clark ) Jobama Gunn J Witness


Inv. takeja Hov. 6, 1695 by James Clarke, John Viliels & Ebenezer

Booth iJelectmen or Stratford, Milford Est. inv. taken Kov. 6-1695 - oy :dILizer Rogers & Jonth

iiauldwin before Alex. Bryan Ooms. Court gives keeping of youngest child of deed, widow to Joseph

Horthrup. 1694 Court appts. Josepn Jiorthrup, ciaml- 'tVheeler, Moses 'iVheeler & Sphraim i^tiles to pay debts c: distribute est.

1693 Exd. Gilbert, Benj. dieu at i?airfield July 1-169 5- 3st. of Inv. taken July 8-1095 by Philip Lewis & I'hos . Jones. (Book 1689-1701, p. 107.)

Adry wid07/

i'he widow & )

Llr. Wm. Reed) appt. admrs.

1703 Grey, Hannah, u. of Leut. Kathl. Seely, aecd.

1698 iisd. Gregory, Jackin of Eorv/alk, est. of, Inv. taken Feby. 22, 1697/8 by Janes Olmsted, John Gregory & John Benedick.

Widow Mary (Book 1689-1701, p. 154)


Thos. aged 25 years

SanI .

23 "


19 "


15 "


28 "

oar ah

20 "

The widow &


i'hos. & Saml. to admr.

Mr. Saml. Haies &

Liut. John Glnsted to distribute.

1698 Grims, Mary, callea d. by Josiah Harvey aecd.

1698 Sxd. Galpin, Saml. of Stratford, est. of, Inv. taken Mch.

2.^-1697/8 oy John Beach dc John Goe, filed Apl. 26,1698

.<idow Jiilizabeijh. (Book 1689-1701, p. 163)


--lizabeth agea 13

Saml. " 9

Caleb " 6

Abigail " 2

Mary " 6mos .

The wiaow & Mr. John Hawley of Stratford to aamr. 1710 - the widow & Capt. John Hawly make report &: Mr.


Ambras lompson o: Francis Griff en with Capt. John Hawley appt. to make distribution, selectmen^ of Strat- fora.

1698 Gal pin, iaaml. takes inv. of est. Uoses li/Tieeler. 1697 Sola, Hat ban, appt. admr. est« Ilr. Joseph Basterd.

1695 Exd. Gruioan, Jolm of i'airfiela inv. taken Liay 20-1695 by 'ihos. Jones - oaml. Squire & Jonathan iiorhouse, filed Hay 30, 1695,- Book 1689-1701, p.l8S. Widow iistez See 1701 f

4 sons 1 aaughter

Sargt. John Thompson & ) Appt.

Szekill Sandfora ) Admr. & overseers of 3 oldest children.

The Inv. cimlienged by V/idow Lyon & wiaow Gruma2i,both claiming certain prop.

1692 Glover, Zllen, widov/ of 1. Haven, buys prop, of Abegaile, ^vife of Danl. Bur.

1692 Glover, Henry, deed, of Hew Haven, leaves prop, to Abegaile Bur in reversion - before 1692.

1694 ixQ. Gold, i'he Hon. iaajor Hathan ben. died lich. 4 -1693/4

vVill of, dated Hch 1-1693/4. (Book 1689-1701, p. 179) Only son ITathan - the house & home lor bounded S.7/. by lathi. Bur ben. w on all other sioes by Highway or common. Son-in-law - John x'hompson.

4 aaughters Sarah wife of John i'hompson(See book

Deborah " " George Clarke(l716-1735

or Clarke (page 175)

Abegaile " " Jonathan ^ellick

Ivlartha " " Sellick.

Son I?athan, sole ex. V.itnesi^ )Gapt. John i3ur

)_lipnelet Hill - xnv. taken ::ch. 22 - 1693/4 filed Apl. 11,1699

1699 Sxd. Ghuire, Luke, est. of, inv. taken by iiathev/ Sherwood &

James Benet.

Widow Hebeckah. (Book 1689-17 01, p. 203.





yrs. old

Hbenezer ,







1/2" "

(I u







o children in 1701

The widovif & John Odill her brother to adrnr.

1703 Exd. Grifi'en, 'ihos. will & inv. aproveci by court nela Apr.

8,1703 Witness -idtvard Jainman cc Francis Griffen (Book 1589-1701, p.

7/idow Jane 210)

dau. iaeriam tiriffen

Widow & 1.x, Saml. Sairchild, John Griffin, Sdward Hinman & Francis Grifien overseers.

1691 Grumman, John of Fairfield, pays legacy to oaml. Jennings for saia Jennings v/ife from the estate of her granata-cher Miell Try.

1691 Grumman, Thos. witness aoove acknowledgment.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1711 Galpin, Saml. Son of Saml. Galpin of atratford, deed. i.iakes 'cnoice of Francis Griff en of atratford to oe his guardian.

1711 Galpin, Ilizaoetn, widow of aaml. Galpin of Stratford, deed, is cnosen as guardian oy her cnildren Abefeaile & Mary Galpin.

1711 Griffen, Frances of Stratford is chosen as guardian by Saiul. con of aaml* Galpin deca.

171£ Grey, Jacou of -^airf ielu , deed. est. of. Court appt. v/idow Sarah Grey & JacoD Grey son oi deed, appt. admr.


1699 Hat han) Gold,

oarah ) witness will Wm. Lyon of Jairiield, deccL«

1699 Gregory, baml. deed, at Eorwalk 3ept. 1699. Inv. by i:ianil. Haies Danl. Betts , Saml. Smith.. Thos.' Gregory mroxe to inv. TTiOB. Gregory brother to deed, to adrar .

17 04 Gregory, Joseph v/itness will of Ricli. Kolmes of ITorv/aik.

1703 Gregory, Hebecka of otratfora, vrill of, dated 0ct.E5-1703

oau. Liartha 4 " Johana 5 " Rebecka 1

" Ataegaile 2 Uartha )

" aarah 5 Johana ) o youiigest

son aaral. Sbenezer ) chilaren.

" Benj. " Ebenezer Brother Eath. .Vheeler sole ex. Witness iJavid Sherman - saml, Srowell

Inv. by James Beniu - James .:-ee:iy - Mv/axd Lacy, Jr. Benj. Gregory & Zzekiell Sanford

1704 GilDert, John, takes inv. est. Jonn Allin of Stratfora.

1702 Gregory, Sargt. oaml. of Stratfield, Inv. June 1703.

The v/idov7 cb her tvvo sons Saml. 02 Benj. take oath to inv. June 18-1702.

Vifidow Rebecka 5 sons & 5 daughters. The idow fi: her tv/o sons Saml. & Benj. appt. to adrar. Lieut. James Ben it )

iiargt.' i«iathew Sherwood O to make dist. aargt.' favid Sherman )

1703 Green, John of -''airiielo , Inv. Apr. 5-1703 - Dy Joseph

Loclovood 00 Danl. i^'rost & Benj. Rumsey. The widOT/ to aamr -


1699 Gilbert, Joseph of Fairl'ieia, will of, dated -:ec. 28-1699 T/ii'e uary Only son Joseph (Gilbeid so. spellea) unaer age brother Obeuiah Gilbeia 'witness - Sarnl. Hays Sen. Danl. Bur. Inv. i'eby. 14 - 1699 Dy Danl. Burr - -t'eter Burr - Ilna- than Haniora,

1S97 Greene, iienj. oi' Staraiord , choses guaraian for Joseph & Marjory Clarke, youngest cniluren of Wm. Clarke of Bedfortu

1708 Glover, kiss Bethyah proh. late wiaow of lir. Wm. Bickly, makes report on acunr. of his est.

1708 Glover, John of Stratford, appt . aamr. etit. ./m. Bickly, deed.

17 02 Gup, Janecs legacy to by John Piatt of E'orwalk.


1701 Gruman, John, son of John Gruiaan receives all the est. of

his father from tne admrs. his uncle Sargt. Jo'rm

c^i^|,,"^' Thompson & .Lziekell Sanford - & gives bona to

Cour-c tnat he v/ill aiatrioute aame wnen nis o

i (,

Drotnera & sisters come of age.

TrYitness John ward

John wakeman.

ihe Court releases bargt. John ihonpson 8c Szekiell Sanfora

rrom the work of aamr. est. of Gruman, deed. 1709- John Gruman aoove , aesires to have est. oist. & tne Court aistrioutes as ioIIop/b: 2o Joseph Gruman son of John Gruman, Sen.

being of age receives nis portion of iiis father *s est. The dist. matte oy Sargt. John Odell ft Joseph «Jackson being appt. ai^ Court -to aist. dn Dec. 8, 1709 the Court releases tne above distrioutors h^ appt. Hobt. Silli man & Siisign Hich Hubbell to aist. There being yet aiificulties in tne way isehy. 21-1709/10 tne Court oitaerea a Jury of 12 to make a new aprisale.


1697 Goodrich, John ) Gallea sons t)y oarah i^urtis

fVn. ) now -.vife of Gapt. Win. Curtis.

David )

Sphraim )

1697 Goodrich, aarah, granacnila to bsjran Curtis, now v;ife or Capt. V;ra. Curtis s.

Ib97 Goodrich, Hebecka left legacy by " " " " "

1707 fireen, 3enj. tfelj:es inT. and dist. est. 2dmond Lockv/ood or btarafora.

17 07 Gregory_, Joseph appt. guardian of Ann d. Joseph i^orward or Danhury, deed.

1707 Gregory, Benj. takes inv. est. Piebeckah Gregory, deed.

1706 Gregory, Joseph, v/itness will of John Bovrton 3eh. of ITor-


1707 ^askell, oaml. lir. of Stratford, r/ill Jan. 31-1706/7

V/ife ^begaile, possibly witu chila. Sister -iary "^askell

Si5 to poor of Stratford. Legacy to my next kindred by affinity & sister liary above

to be divided bet. wife Si lilr. Benj.Ceney or Coney admrs. V/itness Joseph Curtis John I3urroT/es. Inv. ^■♦ay Ea. 1707 - by Benj. Curtiss, John Hav/ly cc Benj. Cony.

1703 Gregory,. Rebeckah, died oct. 26-1703. Inv. Oct. 28-1703 by James Beimit, James Seeiy, ^sekiell Sanford, Benj. Gregory & Idward Lacy.

1707 Gregory, iJhos. dist. of est. oi , 'bj administrators, John Beneaick cc Zllizabeth iiockwood To 3beneser I'o Pheby

To Bebeckah her est. given to ISbenezer as guardian. Dist. ^.-ay 1-1707.


1708 Gregory, John, takes inv. o±' est. Saml. V/eed of Lanbury. 1707 Gregory, Saral. witness will of iiaml. Jon^ of Stanford,

1709 Gilbert, John of Stratford, Inv. of est. before 22 Sept.

1709 bv i^bos. Benni'Tt, Fra^-ncis iriffen. Viidow Hannah,

Son, Thos. 16 laat Ar-r.

" Josiah 10 " I^ch.'

" John 8 " iich.

data. Sarah 3 " Eov. 10th 8i another dau.

The wiaosr c: Zachariah Blakernan oo-aarir. Zachariah Blakernan called brother in law to the widow Hannah Gilbert.

1709 Griffen Frances, take inv. of above est.

1710 Gregory, Joseph, Sen. takes inv. est. Jonathan Stevenson

of i>orv/alk»

1710 Gilbert, John of Stratford, dist. of est. to widov/ Hannah & 5 children, 5 sons and 2 aaughters. Capt. John Hawley & Abraham Wooster to dist.

1710 Green, Benj. takes inv. est. David iVaterbury of Stanford,

1710 Gold, Kathan, swares to will o±' Capt. Iheopholus Hull.

I'lO Gold, John, Clerk of i.-'robate Court « before aate.

1710 Gold, Nathan, laq. callec father in la?; by Capt. Jonathan


1710 Gold, Kathan, Hon* called brother by Capt. Jonathan Sellick, 'an.l overseer of 7:ill.

1710 Gold, Hothan^ Judge at ^'airfield of Probate.

1712 Griffin, r'rancis, takes inv. est* John Bourrougns or str at field.

1712 Gold, Hon. -^athan Lsq.. asst. ex* of lor. rYn. Sawlinson

■of Stratford*


1712 Griffin, Francis, taS:>:;S inv. of Jirs. '>Vra. Rawlins on of otratford.

1716 Gold, llathan, 3sq.. Judge of Probate for Jairfiela.

1719 Urunman, Jolm of i?'airfield, uist. of hia est. to youngest children "by his son John Grurrjnan admr. To hiiieelf (John Gruraan) land next Szekiel Sanford 8a Saml.

Grumman. She lonc\ lot aivided bet.) Also land at Compo

j Joseph )

Thomas ) Land at Unkaways next bound ea by

Saml. ) Ssekiel Sanford.

John )

Sister Abegale dau. of deed. John Grumman has had her

portion. Signea by John Grumman Jos eph Grumman

Szekiell Sanford for i'hos. Grumau David Sheriaan for i^aml.

1710 Green, Joseph of Jtanford Inv. of est. July 15,1710. Item particulars paid to i.iary

" " " V.aitstill, possibly v/id.

of David iVaterbury. Inv., taken at request of wiaov/ u children .^-lisha Holley & Benj. Green ■.Vid057 Elizabeth 2c 3 sons & 4 daughters. The v/iaoT7 « J3enj. GresnWother of deca. to aximr. ivlr. llisha Holly - iir. Stephen Bishop Cc Lir. Abrahaj:^ Bell to dist.

1710 Green, Benj. brother to above admr of above est.

171Ji Gray, Jacob , Sen. of J airfield. Inv. lich. 12,171H by John x'hompson & 7i'ra. Hill, ■>Vidow Sarah ) Son Jacob ) to admr.

Son in lav; Isaac Jennings releases iiis brother in law Joseph Gray of i^ew -^ov/n of any claim on est. 01 his father in law, sa. Jacob Gray, &eh. deed.


ivitaesb Char lea Lane

Jacou liray oon iii lavv oaml. umberxiexa of iiew Haven releases

nis Drotuer in law oacoo Grdy or any eiaim on eat. of

ills xa"i;iiex in lav/ oucob uxtiy oen. ueca. Witness Peter ourr

xsaac Jenningtj.

171£ Guire, Luke, granaaon to widow liary rShervvood.

Sbenezer " " " " "

Hellinah grandaaughter " "

Ivlary " it u

Hannan " " "

1712 Gold, John to oe asst. ex. of est." "

1712 Gregory, Jolrn takes inv. est. John Halt of Banbury.

1712 Gola, John v/itnes8 agreement of Hon of John .ihitlock of Fairfield.

1712 Gregory, John, takes iuv. est. Hathaniel Halt of Danbury.

1715 Gregory, Joirm, takes inv. est. Mr. John ITash of Eorwalk.

1715 ulover, IJr. John, prob. s in lav/ to Hr. -cJenj. Beach.

1715 Gray, Wm. takes inv. of est. Danl. Sherwood of Fairfield.

1715 Gold, Jonathan, uakes inv. est. Edward Tarrey ? of Stanford

1712 Gregory, i'hos. of ITorv/alk, Inv. of est. of Apr. 14-1712 by Joseph Bouton, Joseph Oetchura & Llatthew Gregory. Had land bet. Saral. Comstock & Thos. Hint on Sidge field Road. Widow lilizabeth Eldest son Jtonjemin 9 yrs. old 17th last Dec.

" Saral. 7 -' . " 22 " Uaroh.

dau.KLizabeth 4 " " 22 " Sept.

Sarah 2 " "4 " ?eby.

v"/idow appt. Admix.

Cap-c. Joseph Hatt & Capt. John Raymond of Horwalk to dist.


1712 Gregory, Llathew, takes inv. on above est.

1713 Gray, Henry, Jr. of Compon, deed. liay 29-1713

Inv. of est. June 12-1713 by John Andrus & TTios.


Had lana on Compon hill upon tue top of the nill tnat v/aa given after tne aeatu of his fatner. ■>7idow SLizabeth to aarcr. Son 3enj. b. Apr. 28-17 07 Dau. Hizabeth, b. ilay 21-1711.

1713 Gold, Jonathan swares to inv. Jeremiah Andrus to btanfora,

1715 Gilbert, IJr. looses of ^airfield. Inv. est. ?eby. 15-1714 Dy Peter Bulkley & John Gold. lirs. Jane Gilbert widow of deed. appt. adnui. Son Josiah makes choice of his mother as guardian, dau. Elizabeth " Hannah I'he mother appt. guardian for 5 " barah daughters.

" Gathern -Jisign Gideon Allen 8c Peter Bulkley Jr. to dist.

1715 Gold, John takes inv. of above est.

1714 Green, John witness will Llr. Isaac ^uintard of Stamford.

1715 Godfrae, Christopher, i>en. of :^airfield, Inv. of Zst. of

::ov. 17-1715 by

John i(OckT,'ood, Saml. Osburn & John Andrews.

The deed, bought land of Cornelius Bunkcom & land

of Hobt. Becham. Widow Ann So Son Saml. to aamr.

1750 Gorhaci, Lockv/ooa, of Fairfield, chosen guardian by Javid Hull of Fairfield.

1729 Gorum, .reorge 6i Hannah his wife d. of late Josepn Banks, iee agreement ol Banks tieirs.

1750 Gorham, George of Stratford appt. adn. of est. Joseph Gornam of Stratford, deed.

1708 Gold, John Appt. Clerk of Probate Court, Jan. 18-1708.


1715 1715 1710

Gold, Jonathan appt. adrar. est. Jeremlati Andrus of Stanford,

Gold, Jonathan

Abraham Ambler, Jr.

Gilbert, Josiah, son of John Gilbert of iitratfora, is made vi/ara ox lir. Ephraim otiles of otratford.

Gilbert, John, son of John Gilbert of Stratford is made wara or Jonathan Gilbert of btratford

Gilbert, Thomas a. or saia Gilbert makes choice of his mother Hannah Gilbert as guardian and said, mother is maae guardian to Sarah the youngest chila.

1710 Green, John, s. of Joseph Green, late of Stanford, aeca.

makes choice of his uncle Benj. Green as guardian. Mercy Green also c hoses her uncle 3enj. Green as

guardian. *^

ilathl. Green, son of saia Green deed, is made

vi/ard or his mother Elizabeth, vildmr of said

Joseph Greem, deed.

1710 Guire, Luke, aome of tne heirs or, being of age The Court appt. Capt. Joseph V^akeman & Sargt. Gideon Allen to make dist. Hannah Guire (or iiary) makes choice of her brother

Luke Guire as guaruian. IJary (or Hannah) Guire makes cnoice of her father in law Rcbt. Turney as guaraian.

1715 Gray, Eenj. son of late Henry Gray of Fairfiela nonage tae Court appt. hib motner SLi?>abeth Gray as guardian. Tlioa. Lisbrow goes on his bond.

oem^ in law (step J


1716 Gold, Jonathan Appt Stanford.

admr. est. Jonn Pettit aeca. of

'o/^i^JS I V ' 150

1710 Hull, Gapt. Theopholua oi' jair-iela, will ox, dated June 4. 1710.' ;7ife Llary dan . liBx y

" Ann possibly all cnildren unaer age.

Son £heopliOlua (eldest i.on) " iiliph£Llet " John " Jabesii Goiisin i>ao?ah oeely tiaat livec" with me. Wife sole ex. Witneab John Hide - John tinitn -

llathan Gold & Saml. Hull sware to validity of will. Inv. of est. ITov. 25-1710 by Robt. Sillman & Saml. Hull 1712 Apr. 14 - I'iary Hull, v/iuow L ex. of est. of Gapt.

Iheopholus Hall being also deed.- the Court appt. Sargt. Ezekiell cianfora & I'hos. Sanford to aoiar.

1710 Hide, Joiin, v/itnesn above will.

1710 Hull, barnl. takes inv. of above est.

1710 Holms, Stephen of Greenv/icn inv. of est. Dec. 10-1710-

by Joshua l-nap - I'imotny Hnap & John Renalds Jun. V/idow liary to aamr.

1711 Hudson, John, deca* of Hew Haven, called brother by Mrs.

Sarah Ghanning of Stratford.

1711 Hudson, Ilr. John s. of above called nephew by Mrs. Sarah Ghanning of Stratford .

1704 Holms, Jonn of Stanford est. of inv. Feby. 18-1703/4 by

Stephen Holms Sen. & Jonatnan Bell*

ilary avrares "Co inv. of "che former husband's est. be- fore David .Vat er bury Justice of Peace at ;:)tan- f ord.

Mr. Saml. Halt r/ho married the widov; to aamr. Only chilu of uecd. don John under 7 yrs.

1704 Holms, Stephen, Sen. takes inv. in above est.

1704 iiait, iiary, now v/ife of Saml. Hait late widow of John Holmes of Stanford.


17 C4" Hart, Saml. talres inv. of eat. Joim Holmes ox Stani'ord.

1711 Hall, Isaac Jr. cc Janei, his vdfe swore to verbal v/ill or liary Knap oi' otratford.

1711 Henarick, Phebe, v/ife of Sacil. Henricfe, called sister by iviary Knap of Stratford.

1711 Henrick, Ilathl. son of Satil. « Phebe Henrick, called cMla Dy Mark Knap of Stratford.

1711 rlubbell, Bichara takes inv. est. Liary Knap of btratfield.

1710 Hubb ell, Richard, call^ brother by Ilrs. liartha uakeman & 2x. of her est.

1710 Hubbell, aisign Hich.

Sanl. takes inv. est Lrs. lia^rtha Wakeman

1710 Hubbell, Insign Hich. adra. of est. Capt. John '.Vakeman, nusDand of above ilajctha.

1710 Hubbell, Sanl. guardian for Ann & Llartna d. Capt. Jonn Wakeman, aeca.

1710 Hill, 7im. Appt. to dist. est. of Gapt. John Wakeman, deed

1710 Hitchcok, Eatlil. takes inv. of 17allingford prop, of Z^anl, Kellog of llorvmlk, deed.

1710 Hanfora, LIr. Saml. of lTor\7alk, aist. est. Danl. Kellog

of i^orwalk.

171ii Hinman, a^waru, takes inv. est. John Burroughs of Stratford. 171ii Halt, 3enj. Hait, witness v/ill LIr. John Ambler of otanfora

1712 Hait, Jonas " " " " " "

1711 Holly, Jonatnan takes inv. est Josepn Weed of Stanford.

15 £

1711 Holly, Ilisha, Trustee at Stanfora.

171ii Halt, Joiin oi Danbury, est. or inv. aot. LIch.ll-1711/l£ by jThos. Taylor, John Gregory & Izraell Curtiss. Sons Saml. cz John app-c. aamrs.

The aeca. haa lana near Lathew Bouton & Jacob Weed. Widow

borne of the chilaren have haa part oi portion. Ensign Thos. Taylor & Hr. Izraell Curtiss to aist.-

1712 Hayes, Isaac oi liorv/alk, diea Jany. 25-1711/12 Inv. by

Isaac Shernood, iben. John 3elden & John Gopj.. Due from Joiin Hart Jun. ox jjarmington - Due frora Thos. weed. Due frora Jacob Gabrial. Estate in reversion to return to tne heirs of the aecd. Isaac Hayes at the aecease of his father & mother viz. I.lr. Saml. Hayes & LIrs. Silizabeta Hayes, viz. the v/eat halt of the hone lot that tne aecd. bougHt of George Abbott. Had also land at jarnington. Widow SLizabeth

The wiaow appt. aans. Dr. John Copp of ITorwalk atty. for uhe wiaow. 3lciest son other children Gapt. John -"^ayinona S: Lieut. IJathew Seamer, T/ill ox, Horwalk, a pt. to aist.

1712 Hayes, lir. iiaml.

Mrs. iLlizabeth ?ather ana mother of above deed,

171;5 Hubbell, Saml.

Rich.- take inv. a>;ul.est. of Jamea Sennit of Stratfiela.

1713 Hubbell, Lieut. Saml. appt. to dist. est. " " "

Saia Liepr-u.' Hubbell died 1714.

1712 Hayes, Ilr. >m. of Hor?/alk, T/ill,ox, dated Apr. 1, 1712 v/no diea xipr. 1712. Dau. iiary unaer age " Elizabetn 3arbet (living) " I sab ell Haniord.

15 S

Son in law Jolm Bar bet;.

Children of nia dau.- 31izabeth Baroet until tney cocie 01' ag-e "Che use co inp. oi' the est. to be in hands of the father John Bar bet until then. Son in lav/, Saml. Kaniora.

To chila and chilaren of my aon Saol. Hani'ord that he nov? hath or may have bi^ my loving dau. Isabell. He to have the use of same unui-l they are 'dl. lUx* Ralpn Keller & my brother saml. Karvin Hix. Legacy to couain Saran Bettii. Witness Jonn Marvin, Ur. Johxi Gopp, llr.

Inv. Hay 22-1712 Dy Janes Olmsted- John Benedick iien. Lc Saml. Smith.

1712 Hanford, Isabell, T;i±'e of Saml. Eanford anu u. l.ir. Hayes above.

171E Hall, David, v;itness verbal will of Dea Isaac i'l/heeler

Of Stratfora.

1712 Hall, David, callec. in lav; (prob. stepson) by Dea Isaac Viheeler of -Stratfora .

1712 Hall, Saml. called s. in lav; (porb. stepson) by Dea Isaac .'/heeler of Stratfora.

1712 iiubbell, i^ich. takes inv. 5: dist. est. of I^ea. Isaac .^heeler of Stratfora.

1712 Hubbell, Saml. takes inv. of est. of Dea Isaac ./heeler of iitratfora.

1712 Hato, Gapt. Joseph, appt. to dist. est* Thos. Gregory of ITorr/alk.

1712 Hubbell, Rich, takes inv. est. John Love of Stratford.

1712 Hav;ley, Ihos. takes inv est. Benj. Seardsly of Stratfora.

1712 Hubbell, Saml. mtness v/ill of John Applegate of Fairfield

1713 Hawley, J6nn takes inv. est. of Benj. Beach.

1-4 (^ 3 0 0 X 1702 - 1750.

1708 Halt, Liary, \7ire of Josnua Halt of Stanford, only si&ter & sole neir of Jaiaes Picket son of Jonn Picket, aecc. Of iit rat ford.

1708 Halt, Josnua of Stamort, aani. esv, James Picket above.

17 08 Hubbell Saral. ) IiacLe aib"C. of est oi Sanl. Berasly. Ricfi. )

170b Hubbell, iir. Saml. appt. to aist. est. of Tlic-s. Morehouse^ Jr,

1704 iienarick, Henry s. in law to ihos. Sennit, deed, of ?airfiela

1709 Holmes, Stepnen, takes inv. est. .Dhos. Close Sen. of Sreen-


1709 How, Isaak " " " " " " "

1687 Hubbell, iiartna raarriea (Gap-u.) John r/akeman Apr. 24,1687

1709 Hull, Iheophilus, takes inv. est. Gapt. John Osburn.

1709 Hubbell, Ensign Saml. overseer of est. Sargt.IIathew aher- wood of Stratforu.

1709 Hubbell, Ricn. takes inv. est. Sargt. Uathew Sherwood of i^tratfora.

1709 Hubbell, Sargt. Rich. cist. £st« Saml. Berasly of Stratford

1709 Hubbell, baml. " " " " "

1709 Hillyer,: i;:atnl. of Danbury, v/ill of, dated Oct. 50-1709- Br other ■i'/akeriela Dible. " Sbeneser "

" James Hilly er to have aouble portion.

" Andrew "

Sister -J.isabeth Palmer Jather Lir. James Hillyer, ex.


"witneas John iTiairr-ond Jonn Piatt, Jorua C!ppp.

InV« oi est. of dec.. . v/ho diea Oct. 31-1709 by i'nos. '-l' ay lor - j' ranees Barnen.

1709 Hayt, ZnubDaoell, takea inv. est. Danl. Kellogg oi' ITorwalk.

1710 Haines, >^m. takes inv. est. Jonathan Stevenson of ^'orwalk.

17^2 Huhbell, Lieut. Rich. appt. to dist. est. John iseely s. Jonn ujeely, deca.

17 22 Hawley, Giaeon, appt. to aist. est. John aeely s. John tieel^ deca.

1710 Henrix, Saml. v/itness verbal v/ill of James Blackman of atratfora.

1710 Hobbins, Ivlartha, sister of James Blackman of atratfora.

1710 SurlDutt, Jonn, takes inv. of est. John -L'nomas of iVooobury.

1710 Hawley, Saral. takes inv. of "^tratfora est. of Lir. John Juason of .Voodbury.

1710 niil, lir. iVm. appt. aom. est. Christopner Knap of -'air- field.

1709 Holly, hj.1. aaml. of Stanford, deed. Mch. 16, 1709/10 Inv. of est. by 2lisaa Holly & John Ambler iVidow -iJary

i'ne widow is eallea Jiawley in some places ^ Holl3'- in others, as is alao the deed.

1709 Holly, 2lisaa, takes inv. of above est.

1710 Hawley, 3aml. Justice of Peace oi Stanford.

1719 Huobell, i^icn. of btratfora to aist. est. Tonn Peat lace of atrat. See ^orbet.


1719 Herman, Bdwn. of Stratford to dist. est. John Peat late of istrat. see Corbet.

1710 Eawley, Gapt . John to dist. est. of John Gilbert of Strat- ford .

1710 Hekok, Hannah, sister of 3argt. Ihos. Skeel of V/oodbury.

1710 Hinraan, Lieut. 2itus, takes inv. " " " "

1710 Hokins, Joseph, appt;. to aist . est. Arthur Perry of Btratford.

1710 Hart, Saml. takes inv. est. 3enj. 5'erris or Stanford &. Greenv/ich.

1710 Holly, Alisha, takes inv. est. 3enj. Ferris of Stanford & Greenwich.

1710 Holly, ELisha, takes inv. est* David Waterbury of Stanford.

1710- Hartford, 3ev. lir. diste of undivided est. situate at 'Windsor

x.i.r.' Ihos. Hanford cc lir. Saml. Hanford to admr. There beinij set out of 'the est. of the Sev.LIr. Hanfora to tne iieirs or SLnathan Hanford the suia of 7-15-3 more than tiieir proportion for v/hich Saml. ".Vilson as ex. to ohe v/ill of the said SL- iiathan Hanford engages to pay to Saml. Comstock in right of his v/ife Sarah the above sum. In case that the land that the said SLnathan gave by will to his aaughter Zlinor v/ho is deea. shall be settlea to the other surviving children or said Jlnat han . Also there is set out to Ilr. Saml. Hanford of his

father's estate the sum of 14-5-3 more than his portion. In consideration whereof he enjjageth before -the court that he will pay to Gershom Bulkly the sum of 6-5-3 it being so much as they . have reed, short of thsir portion. Mrs. Mary Hanford a: IClazar Hanford aomr. of est. or

Ivev. i.ir. Hanford vnake report of aomr. inv. of some part of est. of 3ev. lir. 'Jhos.Han:_ora of

llorwalk taken apr. 2-1711 by John Benedeck Sen & James Olmste-.. I'his est. to be dividea bet. the widow CO ciiildren.


'6 sons Sj 2 daughters living.

1 son Sc 3 daughters decdl. v/hose children are to share. Saml. Snith & Joseph Ketch^iTfl ■©£ l^orwalk to dist.

1710 Holmes, ^itex^en of Stanford, will of, aatea Sept. 5-1707. Son 3a?il. Grandson Stephen Dau. iviary 31 o son " Liaxtha Holly " Rehecka Jagers " Abegaile Hart " Sarah iiaterbury Wife Martha Wife sole ex. Vii'itnesn Jonathan Selleck Jr.

Cap;J#. Jonathan Selleck Jr.

Inv. Kov. 14, 1710 - hy Slisha Hollj/' - Joh-n Slason 6: John Halt at desire of the v;idow as ex. prob. sons in law.

1710 Holly, Ilartha callea a. by Stephen Holmes of Stanford.

1710 Holly, iHisaa takes inv. of above est. Steven Holmes per- naps s. in law.

1710 Hait, Abijah called d. by Steven Holmes of Stanford.

1710 Hait, John takes inv. est. " " perhaps s. in law

1710 Hart, saml. Justice of Peace for Stanford.

1710 Higenbotnem, lir. Rich, witness will Capt. Jona. Selleck.

1710 Holly, Jonathan, takes inv. of est. Capt. Jonathan Se;j.leck

1710 Holly, -Hisha, Ur. dist. est. of Joseph Green of Stanford,

1712 Hill, "«Vm. takes inv. est. Jacog lira;; of Fairfield.

1713 Hicks, IJrs. i-lary of Cornberry ITeck on the Island of ITassau

<iueens Co., Province of I\.Y.

Inv. of est. (Simply statement of sane)


1712 How, Isack of Horsneck receivea of Elizabeth his v/ives portion in her father .Vaterhurys list as v/aa apprized in the inventory rJecci since his aeath of his ex.

1706 Ilanfora, I'heophelus, late of ITorwalk Inv. June 29-1705 by John S^wards - John Burr - Joseph Piatt. Said Han ford having been nany years out of the country & is believed to be aead. John Edwards - John 3urr & Joseph Piatt to aamr. Dec. 12 John Burr one of the aatnrs being dead the 'Other report the Court orders dist. of est.

deducting £10- for a barn that Thos. Hanford saia he built, to oe aividea bet. bro. & sis Living viz: Thos. Ileazar a ami

Mary Edwards Hannah Piatt mizabeth Bur widow 2o Sarah Hanford. Those deed are

Unathan Hanford

Unice Buckly wife of Graham Bulkley. I.lr. Saml. Betts ic lir. Joseph Getchara or iiorwalk to Dist.

1689 Harvey, Hichard of Stratfora, deed. inv. of land.

llov. 4-1689 by tVm. Curtis, Joseph Curtis, Benj. Beach. John Hide informs Court in l'?0o there is debt due from said ^st. of Richd. Harvey to his deed, father John Hide. John Hide appt. admr.

1696 Hide, John released by his brothers Benj. Eurasy, Jonatlian janton & Edward Jesup - Witness Josiah Harvy John Bradly.

1706 Hide, John lately ap-t. admr. of est. of Rich Harvey, late of Stratford, deed, makes return to Court 6 Jan. 1706.


1709 Hubbell, Uich.3nsign, appt. to dist. est. John liruraan deed. 1695.

1697 Eollister, 5axah, called d. by Sarab Curtiss how v;ife ox Gapt. V/m. Curtiss.

1697 Kolllster, aarab, eallea grand d. b^^ Saraii Curtiss.

1697 Hall, jrancis, ^Titness will oi " "

1705 Hawley, Tbos. guardian for George a liary Bailye, children o±' George Baily of Stratford, deed. Sargt.

1705 Heusted, Jonathan of Greenwich, aeed of gift of date

July 29, 17 05. Wife Ilary all property until my cousin Jonathan

Jezup now dwelling with me be 21 - then half & half. Witness riaml. ?ecT?

Robt.- Lockwood. Inv. taken l^ay 13-17 06 by Jonathan Henolds ^ Jpseph iinape. The wiaow appt. aarar.

1706 Hawley, Lent. John to dist. est. Joshua Curtiss. 1706 Hide, John, makes settleraeni; of est. of 3enj. Banks.

1706 Hall, iiary, called sister by Caleb l.'icols of V/OOdbury.

1705 Hinea, .Vm. witnesfj will of, & 1707 takes inv. of ITathl.

Hays of ^rorwalk.

17 07 Hays, 3aml. takes inv. of est. of ITathl. Hays of ITorwalk.

1707 Holly, Susannah, wife of John Holly Cc d. Capt*- John del-

lick, tteca.

1706 How, Slizabetn d. of Leu"c. Bavid JaterDery, deed.

1706 Hart, Saml. takes inv. of est. of Leut. David '.Vaterbery deed

1706 Hawly, Leut. John, dist. est. of Joshua Curtis, late oi Stratford.

160 1706 Hustea, An^ell, aen. ol" Greenwich, r/ill of, Apr. 5-1706-

Son Jonathan )

f°2^P? ; All have haa portion.

iingeij. )

dau. ISlizabeth Bauldin ) son Moses

" John " Saml.

_^ Son Saml. cc aon in law Jonathan Renolds to adm.

*<itnesa caaml. Peck

xiatl. Bowers. Inv. A731. 19-1706 - by Jonathan Renolds. Benj. Hubhy

a Boot, ijoclrwood.

Saial. Husted A -pt. admr.

1706 Hubby, Benj. takes div. of above est.

1706 Holmes, Sarah, vrido'.v of Rich. Holmes of .lorwalk, deed, who was aamr. of his est. is also deed, as the est. IS not settled the Court appts. Dec. 4-1706- I.ir. Saml. Haies & John Bonton both of "Torwalk to aarar. xhey also are to aam. on est of above barah Holmes. The children of Robt. V/arner , late of llir.dletovm deed, are the next of kin. In equal degree to ye a-oresaid deca. Sarah Holmes & her est. is to be ai video bet. Them. Saml. Haies & John Bonton to dist.

John Bon ton one of the distributers is also deed, in 1706 cc Joiin Beneaick of L^orwalk to take his place.

1705 Halt, SLizabeth. wife of BenJ. Halt. Jr. d. Jeremiah Jagger.Jr

1706 Halt, Liary " " Saml. Halt, Jr." " " n

1707 Hays, I'athaniel, iien. or Eorwalk, v;ill of. Apr. 7-1705

bon i-Iathaniell ^" ^aml.

Dau. Hachell laes;;enger son James Son James sole ex. Witness Peter Burr Wn. Haines. Inv. before uch. 14, 1706/7 by '.Vm. Haines, ..ndrew


Messenger & Saral. Kays.

1707 Hubby, iir. John of Greenv/lch, will of, dated Apr. 24-17 07- Sons 2hos. )

3enj. ) have i^aa portions.

Jonathan ) dau. Elizabeth Prindle " Hannan Bunckrem

" Martha liorhouse in will Morris, grahdchildren (Eebecka) &

(Hannah) Hardy d. of deed. d. Rebeckah Kar-dy. dau. Mary Holmes haa her portion

Bachell James " " grahaaon John Hubby

" dan. Mary Holraes son Jonathan & s. in law Stepehn Holmes admrs. Witness - Ger shorn Lockwood s. of Leut. Lockwood deea.' Still John loekwood. Inv. L^ay 26-1707 b;- Bobt. Lock^vood cc Jonathan I^enolds Jonathan Hobbe a/c given Mch. 17, 1709/10 see

1707 Hardy, Hebecka ) Grande hilar en of John Hubby of Greenwich & Hannan ) chilaren of his aecd. d. Uebecka Hardy.

1707 Solmes, Mary, wife of Stephen Holmes d. of John Hubby of

Greenwich. 1707 Holmes, Mary d. of aoove Sa grand dau. " " " "

1707 Holmes, citephen, witness agreement of heirs John Sloson of Stanford, deed.

1706 Haines, Wm. witness will of John 3enton Sen. of lorwalk.

1665 Hull, Eebecca aau. of Rev. John Jonee.

1665 Hill, Elizabeth, " " " " "


BOOK 1648 - 1656.















filed ITov. 2, 1659, p. 56.

Hanford , Thos .

Hull, (rQorge, inv

Hide, Unphrey

Hawll, Francis

Hill, Wrn. Secy, of Probate Coart

Heyden, V/ra.

Hull, Cornelius

Hoitt, ilose

iiall, rrancis

Henry, Gray

Hurd, John (Stratford)

Hawly, Joseph (..tratford)

Hoitt, '.Valther (iTorwalk)

Hmll, 'xeorge, ./ill of

Sarah, widow of aoove Josyaa, son oi " Cornelius '~i " leaves

Galls Jane Pinkney his cosen. liiary )

liartha )

giz. ) daughters of abv. Geo. Hull.

aim prop, at Boston





1659 Sxd. Hull, aarah, wiaow oi Geo. Lull deed, will or ^.ro- batea Aug. 25, 1659, p.- 61. ^ ^

leaves her Boston property to be divided as follows ^'^ her son, uamaleel Phi^pin "-^iowb

" George J. "'' " " Benj. (?) " " Joseph{?) " " daughter I^ebecca Vickers " " Sarah To^ Also gives prop, to her coson Jane Pinkny & makes her coson Philip Pinkny overseer' o-^' the estate. -r - <-

1661 Hoitt, John appt. to take care of men for John Purdie.

1662 Hill, urn,

Ignatues J callea brothers oy 'iames ) Anthony <Vilson

Also my mother Hill.

1652 Hasard, Thos. mentioneu in Wn.IVilcoxsons will lbo2 Hopkins, ^.ir. "


BOOK 1648 - 1656. BOOK 1665 - 1675.'

1648 Jibed. Harvy, E' raond, estate of distributea Jan.21,lwt8,p.90 ".Vidow (in 1655 is tne wife of Lathan Gtovt)

(daughter in lixig, aged HZ)

( " here "18) by his

Age in lb48( " " " 1^) first v/ife.

(Son Josyas " 7

(daughter Hannah " 2

1656 Hide, Humphrey, inventories est. of Thos. Beajjdsly.

1665 Herdraan, John, estate of, had prop, in IT.H. inv. filea Kov. 1, 1665, Book 1665-1675, p. 10. left children.

1665 Hill, Vto. vatness Hrs. 7/ard's will.

1667 Holly, John Lir. of Standford, overseer of will of Jeffrey Ferris.

1667 Huesteea, Angle, inventories est. of Jeffry Ferris iJigell.

1669 Ho it, brother ic sister gave prop, by Liathias St. John.

1670 Hornett, Zdwara., as (husbana) of d. of Jonathan Porter

release ex. of est* of ^iles omith.

1660 Holmes, Frank, owes est. Thos. Stevens of cjtandford.

1672 Hoit, .valther ) Ownes lana near Balph Keeler Holmes, Rich. ) of ifor\7alk.

1671 Harv/ood, James, nau sold prop, to Jane Blaikman of


1672 Horton, Joseph, witness transfer of prop, at Rye, bet.

Philip ^ialpin 6: Robt. 31-omer also transfer bet. " " "■ Simon rtoberts.


BOOK 1675 - 89.

1675 Sxcl. Holmes, Francis, 'iVill ox (of atandford) dated oept.6- vi/idow Ann 1671, probated 1j ;e.l2,1675,p.5.

John, bOn of deed, eldest son (Blaoksmith) Stephen " " "

Ann iJeen, daughter, wife of aaml. -uean. Bichara - (d. at r.orv/alk no ehilaren) Hunt, Cornfelius (servant) Henry Smith ) Ann " ) iVitness.

Hath. Bellamy )

Inventory taken Dee. 14, -7a.

by Peter Ferris cz Abrra. Ambler. Agreement of heirs as above, Jany. 3-1576 Francis Bell, ) John blawson ) vVitness

i'he widoiw Ann had £34 at her marriage with

said deed, as Saml. i^oit &: Jonas 7/ood, witnesseth.

1675 Hoit, iiaml. witness in aDove est.

1675 Hunt, Cornelius, (Standfora) (late servant to Francis Holmes deca.) est. of inv. taken. He also v/orkea for .im. -t'otter, Jan. 24-1675 by Abraham -"^mbler inv. filed L'ov.l675,p.ll.

Joshua Hoit The est. owes liicholas ^.ebster Joseion Green Abraham Finch.

1675 Hoit, Joshua, took inv. of above est.

1675 Hayes, l.athaniel & )

baral. ) Appt. by *-!ourt to assist the overseers

of " Obadiah Gilbert.

1675 Harvy, Josiah, witness will & takes inv. of est. of

Joshia Jennings.

1676 Hoit, Ha, nan, v/ife Benj. Hoit d. James Weed.

1676 Hicks, 'I'hos. husband of i^ary d. Rich Butler of Stratford.

165 167b Hubble, Sich. takes inv. oi' .7m. Odell.

1676 iLolraes, Sieh. haa land at i.orwock near Jonaa Keeler.

1678 liaughter Hurd, son callea by John i'omson.

1678 Hoit, John callea fariier by lELizaDetn Purdie, widow of John Purdie.

1677 Horton, Joseph, takes inv. est. John i'ravis, aeed,

1676 iialea, 2ho. Adra. oi et>t. of i^ath. Baldwin.

1681 Kaiger, kargaret, a. oi Henry i^omlinson, deca.

Abigal Haiger, grand ca. Henry i'oralinson,decd.prob.

1680 Handford, Hev, Mr. -^'hos. Ex. of 5st. i»iathew liarvin*

IbSl Holly, John br. or iitandford, iVill of, cated jeby. 14-1681. V/idow, kary John, son of aeca. Probatea 1681.

Saml. " " Book 1575-1689, ppf 62 £c 79

Increaae" "

HLisha " "

Jonathan " " V/idow sole jus..

Elizabeth i'urny

3ethia <»eed or iVood

Hanna Hoit


in codicil iich. 6-1681 Abraham iimler ) called loving friends & Bretnren

i?rancis Bell ) witness Jonatnaa Bell J

Abraiiam Amler ) Overseers Inv. taken (5c sworn to before Court at ^airfield June ;i8-lb8i. " " June 1*, 1681, by Francis Bell,

Abram Amler & Danl. i^estcott.

1681 nura , Saran, wife of John Hurd oj sister of John i'ociison

for Hurd neirs, see John Jonson IbSl.

1681 Hawly, Jibenezer of stratfora, ist. of Inv. taken Oct. 3, 1681, filea jJec. H7, 1681, Book 1675-1689, p. 67 Heater, widow (of ffairfield) V/m. , son ^izabetn, uaugnter.




...ajor uolcL )

Jehu -Burr ) Overseers.

Josepn iiav/ly J

3y tiae marriage contract, dated 19 Apr. 1678 bet. Ehenezex Hawly, aon, to Llr. Joseph Ilawly of btratford & Hester .«arcl, aaughter or ilrs. lehoran I'uppin oi oouth Hampton.


Saml» VVakenan .Vm. Hull .

1681 Hawly, Joseph, overseer est. Shenezer Hawly.

1681 Hinman, Sergt. Sdwara of tVoodbury, (iill of, dated, iiov.l?— 1681

Situs .lill prooatea ana inv. filed -.ec.E2,1681


Benjamin Book 1675-1689 p. 59. -aughters (Hannan under (llary age. (Patience

baran Roberts, vafe of Wm. xioberts.

" " a children.

.fiuwara, son of deca.

Mr* Joseph nawley ) : Lieut. Joseph JudsonJ

Jehiell Preston <k ) Overseers : oaral. utiles ) Overseers

...y loving brother ) for : Israel ^urtiss ) for

-^praim -^^^iles & ) otratford : Jonn Minor or. ) liVoodbury

Hope i*ashburn i :

...OSes Jonson « Henry liitt - witness

inv. of iKOodbury est. taken Hov. 26-1681 by John i-xinor

Joseph Judson & Isral Uurtiss. Inv. of iitratfora prop, taken by iSaml. bherman & otner selectmen.

1681 Hutchurtti, John, haa prop, at Woodbury, near E.iward Hinman, deed.

1681 Han by, Josepn - overseer i£"or iliaward Hinman, Stratford.

1681 Hitt, Henry, witness " " Vi/oodbury.

Ib81 Hayes, Saml. large bequest to, by i.atnl. Richards.


1581 iioit, John, son in law to Hafh. Richards, Kusbana to uiary.

IbSl Jrianaiord, Thos.

Hoit, .Salter V/itnesi. to will. " ''

lb81 iLoit, waiter, lielectman ot Lorv/alk

takes inv. " "

1681 Hura, John, br. of otratfora - Will ciated July 15-1679

«idow, Sarah probatea Mch. 14, lb81.

John, son oi' aecd. Book lo75-lfc)8y, p. 76.

Isaac " "

Saral. Galpin, legacy to

i.iary,- "unc- v/it'e oi John Bennet ox' Fairfield, hequest to

Ahigal " " " baml* riisLell of "indsor " "

Phillip i'ravera bequest to

Sarah )

Hannan) i^augnters aecd.

Mary )



Zakery -mlker of *,<oo;tbury )

i?obt. Clarke " otraoiord) Overseers John x'onson ) Called

Ambrose J brethren

Zackariaj^ .-alker ) ".Vit-

) ness

John x'omson )


Inv. taken ^^'eby. aZ, 1661/E by aeleetmen of Stratford. Tiraotny vi/ilcokson - oaml. ^iherman - John uirdsye.

1682 Hoit, John, of Stanford, takes inv. est. John Ogden.

1682 jtiarvy, Josiah, takes inv. of est. Joseph lianks , deed.

1862 Homes, Hichard, has interest in est. ilizabeth .^ebb.

1678 Hale, i'hos. Sat. of, Inv. taken c eoz^ 19-1678, of ijorwalk., oy selectmen xhos. Fitch, oen. i.iarke oention a x'hos. Fitca Jr. liiec. 1682, Book 1675-1689, p. 88.

In addition to tneir inventory the selectmen finu o-y testimony of tae will an estate uelonging to aeca. in tae custody ox tne iitelicfc at Charlestowne.

1682 iiayes, oaml. aj)t. aoms. of est. Johama Abbot.

168o iiiaman, nanna a. oaran Clarke of otratfora, aeea.

Danl., 1685 Heyden, x^atl called nephev/ cc cousin by iiarah Clarke.

168 1683 Hawly, oanl. inv. est. Francis Uffora.

1683 Howard, Lydia , ^^ife of Robt. Howard, sister or I'hos.Ufford. 1883 Hawly, baicl. Dr. to est. Robt. Rose Jstratiora. 1685 Hawly, Joseph, Ooais&ioner " " "

1683 Hawly, Joseph, eallea uncle o^ Spram Booth oi btrati'ord.

1683 Hawly, Saml. " cousin " " "

1684 Henrickson.Hendrick, will of, aated Meh. 11, 1683, probated

June 18, 1684, Book 1675-1689, p. 131. Prob. u. of { Wiaovv, Hanneta alias Hannah - prob. married Lanl. Thos. EDilkley( Tillman, ir.

Susanr:a, dau. of deca. of age or married.

Hannah, " " " )

ilizabeth," " " ) Under age.

Liary, " " .. )

Henrick, son " " ) Wm. Hill )

George iiquire) "/itness m. Hill ) Inv. of prop, at

Inv. liay 31-1684-by (reorge inquire ) long Island not


1:684 Harvy* Josiah , takes inv. est. H. Hide.

1B79 Hoit, Jno. sold prop, before date at Llill Plaine to H.Hide.

1583 Hill, Sliz. sister to barah Wilson sometime Bulkley.

1683 Hull, Cornelius, cien. v^itness will of Sarah Wilson sometime Bulkley.

1685 Hayes, Saml. had land next Saral. Sention.

1680 Hedges, Stephen of Fairfield, will of, dated June 10,1682, probated Lee. 25, 1685, Book 1675-1689, p. 111,163 &

180. Legacies on IHannan vYakenan, wile of Lieut. Ezbon ffakeman. a/c of kina -(Lieut. Cornelius Hull, Ur. ness to aecd. (Cornelius Hull, Jr.











Brothers (Thos. Hedges, son of Roger Hedges (father of deed.)

( of 'tiestberry, tialisberrjT- flaine, iiig. All in (V/m. Hedges orotner to aeca. Eng* (Joseph (John (Andrew In case tne brothers or their heirs d'o not come to

this country then he bequeaths as follows: i20 for a publick use to be useu oy (..laj. Hathan Gold

( Saml . '.ValreEian (Vta. Hill. The remainder of est. divided bet. Hannah Wakeman, Cornelius Hull Jun. & John Osborn liaj . Nathan Gold ( Wip. Hill, oen. ( 2x. in trust.

Inv. taken Dec. 25-1683 by John Banks

Hobt. Iloney.

1663 Hull, Lieut. Cornelius, iien. , legatee unaer above will,

1683 Hull, Cornelius Jr. son of Lieut. Cornelius ,oen. legatee unaer above will.

1683 Hill, 7m» 2x. in trust of estate of bteven Hedges.

1683 ^"bby, John, takes inv. of widow Bullerd.

1684 Hide, Humphrey of Fairlield, will of, dated Eov. 12-1679.

Widow, Ann probated Sept. 1,1684, Book 1675-

John, son of deca. providea for 1689-p.l34. before as per recoras. Sarah Gooly, dau. of deca. Grandson baml. Coley, son of his dau. Sarah, under age. Sarah Coley haa other chilaren besiae caml. above Hannan, aau. of deca. In case Hannah cies v/itnout heirs ner portion is to go to Saml. Cooly & to Sarah her next heirs. Grandchildren - xhe children oi his son John, via :Zlizabeth

ciarah IJary

The children of his dau. Saml.

Sarah Sarah

Peter Mary

John Gregory of Korv/oek) Hobt. Clarke of Strat- ) overseers.




Saml. Wakeman )

Ana V/alremaa ) Witness

John Banks Inv. Aug. 27-1684 Dy Hen Rowland

Joseph iiarvy.

1663 H&rdy, Richard, will of, itandf or d, dated July 21-1683.

Widow Ann^ probated 1684, Book 1675-1689, p. 143

Daughter -ilizaheth Parsons " Hannah Austin (Aaten)

" Sarah Cloase

" Susanna Sherman

" Ruth Mead

" Llary Jiardy

Abigail "

Saal. Hsjdy son of deed. Capt. Jonathan Bell,) Abraha Ambler ) Oiyer seers.

1684 Hoyt, Saml. takes inv. est. John Jagger oi Stanford,

1684 Higby, John, called grandson by 'Ihos. okidmore of i'airiield, ixe having married jiis wives uaughter.

1684 Hill, 7/m. Sen. overseer of est. of Thos. Skidmore "

1684 Hull, Cornelius Jr. v/ij?ness will of, " " "

1684 Hill, xm. est. of (of Fairfield) inv. taken Dec. 25,1684 by

George iiquire, Cornelius Hull &> John Tompson.

Widow, Elizabeth, filed Jan. 6,1685 , Book 1675-

Sarah, daughter 1589, p. 149.

4 sons.

1685 Eubbell, Rich, takes inv. est. Isaac Frost.

1685 Hoyt, Saml. Sen. witness agreement of James Sent in neirs. ; 1685 Hayes, Saml. Sen. " " " " " "


1685 Hodges, Anthony, oldest son of Joseph Hodges of Vrestbury, SalisDury Plaine, Co. of tVilts, -3ng. Claims est. of Steveii Hodges - Permission granted to him by Court to said prop. Jur.e 16-1686. Book 1675-1689, p. 180.


1684 Hoyt, Joshua, apt. adm. est. V/m. Potter of Stanford.

1685 Hubbell, Rich, takes inv. est. Widow Anna Barlow.

1685 Hayes, Saml. Sen. witness will 2pram Lockwood.

1685 Hoyte, Walter, takes inv. est. Epram Lockwood.

1685 Jane 2-Howard, Bclv/ard & Abigail Dimon, v/laow of

iuoaes Dimon, 1-arriage agreement. Jehu -Burr ) Sami.V/ard ) witness.

1585 Howard, Z ward, releases his interest in his wife's

property in favor of Sanl. 7/ard to aarainistrate sarae, ana to Jehu Burr to administrate the ->'imona children estate.

1685 Hitt, Henry, Brother in law to John Basset.

1685 Hitt, Henry of Stratford, consents to his brother in law

John Bassets will and the settlement on nis Drother in law Robt. Sasset.'

Witness, Saml. Sherman, Barnabos Beers.

168b Howara, Abigail, ^c the estate belonging to the children of Hoses Uimon, deed, are ordered by Court to be delivered to tne management of Saml. .Vara & ITath. Burr.

1682 Haughton, -iieut. Joseph of Rye & Robt. Blomer, differences bet. left to arbitration. lir. Saml. Sherman, Mr* Jehu Burr & Mr. Danl.' Burr being chosen arbitrators. James Trains going security for Robt. Blomer.

1686 Hall, baml. complained at Special Court Sept. 29-1686,

against Hall, Isaac, his brother for taking hay from his land demanas Judg. whicn is gran tea - Trial before llaj . Ha than Gold, Assistant

Ur. Jehu & John BuEr, Comr.issioner.


Sargt. Jonn Sompson, Danl. V/eecl

" oaml. iVard, IJath*- Sherman

" John 'Kvakem4n sar» 'John Hubball

17 Ji

John Sturge, Sen. Jacob V^aker (or V/alker)

Sargt. John Baldwin Mr. \'m* rieed

I'hos. •-Benedict, Jr. lir. Abraham Ambler

Jury t'ouna cnarge not proved - & case apealed.

1686 Eubball, Sargt. John, Juror in Hall ys. Hall.

1686 Hill, Slipnilet, takes inv. est. Joseph Liidlebrook^aecd.

1686 Hanfora, !inios. ) V/itness v/ill or Han ford, Hannah) Gapt. Rich. Olmsted.

1687 Hinman Titus & Witness Agreement of Bathsheba Hugh Griffen & Norton heirs.

1687 Hill, SLiphalet, takes inv. of est. Abraham Joy.

1687 Hickox or Eickoke, Joseph ox »Voodbury, est. of

Inv. at s^oodbury Aug. 12-1687, d'ate of his dec'd by Joseph JuQson, sacil. Munn & Joshua Gurt is, selectmen, filed Oct. 31, 1687, Book 1675-1689, p. 232. Inv. of eat. at iVaterbury taken & aptized oy Isaac Brounson & John 7/aiton, Selectmen. Mary, ?/idow of deed. Joseph Hicoke, eldest son oi' aecct. aged 14 yrs.



son "


" 12 " the 5th of Jan. next.





" 14 v/eeks





" 9 yrs the 15 of May last





" 6 yrs. nest June

Saml. Hickoke of V/aterbury )

^apt. x..iiior ) Overseers:

--r. Joh'i Sherman a: ) iidward Howard, Gierk.

Jonatnan Hough* )

1687 Efcoke, Saml. of V/ at er bury, apt. overseer of above estate.

1687 Hough, Jonathan " " " "

1688 HiJvkfe-ra, Ilr. -^' v/ard, fiena for contemptous language

before Court.


1688 Howard, Abigail to be proviaea by tne overseer of Lloses Dinon 3st. with comfor tables for herself U child.

1688 Hodberston, ITathaniel of iatratford, Will of, dated Jan.

11-1687/8, probated and inv. liled Lxch. 13, 1683, 3ook Joan, mother of deed. 1675-1689, p. 244

baral. Homberstone, brother of deed. Thos.- " " "

Jonn " " "

Abigail " " "

John Goe, sole executor. Israel Chaney ) Win. Curtis )

Jsr-ies Clarke, Sen) '.Vitness. John 3ostwke,Sen. ) lUownsaen

Inv. taken Jan. 16-1687/8 by John wells )

1688 Howard, 3dward, v;itness will 6'f Simon Couch.

1688 Howara, L^r. 3,"wara, sv/orn Clerk of Fairfield County, Apr. 15

1685 lich. 2, HoT.vara, !.■ ward reea. of full payment of legacies to children of looses -irnon of l-'aifi eld, deed, by

John sturgis ) John Eurr

Briant r'Jsaly ) v/innesa Saml. Ward.

1688 Hunnewell, .^m. otratford, est. of Inv. filed Ileh. 1688. by John Birasey Zc Ambrose '-^'ompson (i^ov/nsnen) John SheiT/ood. in ;vhose house the deed, lined & died, swore to the inv. John Birasey, Jun. ap-nt. adrar. Book 1675-1689, p. 257.

1688 Holmea, Rich, haa prop, at cor. next Zhoa. Eetts, Sen.

of Eorv/alk.

1688 Hayes, Saml. Sen. witness will of " " "

1688 Hubbara, George, (of GreemTieh prop.) est. of inv. taken Dec. 12-1681 by Saml. Hayes " James Benitt, filed Widow Abigail Eov. 17 ,1688, Book 1875-1689,

Son. p. 259.

1688 Hayes, Saml. takes inv. of est. George Hubbard (of Green- wich prop)


1689 Hill, John oi' Jairrield inv. iiled i^ov.8,1689, Book 1675- 1689, p. 295.

1689 Holly, Mr. iiaral. to overseer esu Joan ITicoles of Stratford.

1689 Ho^7ard, Zdvirara, .lorrnerly Clerk oi Court, fives up all

papers to new Clerk of Court liathan Golo , L'ov. 29-1689.

IbyO Holly, T/idow of Jobn Sen. livea next to Jon. Bell.

1690 Hoio , iiary a. Francis Bell, lieuT. of Stamfora.

1690 Hall, Fransis, of Stratfora, r/ill of, datea i^ay 5-1686 'iilaoTi Dorithy, late v/ife of John Blackrnan, aecd. At his wife's aea-cn^ ner prop, is to go to the Blaeknan neirs. (pro^batea anci inv. filed Uch.11,1690

Isaac, son of deed. Hall, his wife's chilaren

baml. " " " I land at Fairfiela)

I'iary,- dau. of deea. Hall

Zlizabetn " " "

-^QDaeca " " " "

Hannah " " " "

John Blackrnan ) v^it- Hhos . 3roou<?ate ) nees

i^r. Chaney .^.' Potman

llr. Sherman, Jr. ) Overseers Josiah ITi colas Jr. My son Saml.

Inv. taken lich. 8-1690 by Janes Judson )

SaiT.l. S]>err.ian) select- (Book 1675-1689, p. 302.) laen.

1690 Hoyt, V/al"cer, takes inv. of est. i^eo. Ahbot of lorv/alk.

1690 Hayes, Sainl. " " "

1689 Holmes, Sich. witness will of " " " "

167^ Hamilton, wm. had a letter from Henry Alezanaer in re- gara to aprehenaing a servant of his bonnd for 5 years, by name, James Eight of the Co. of Linconshire, by traae a baker. 3obt. BlinkEorn }

J Allen ) ..itneas.

John Jones )

7/m. Hamilton declares that the aforesaid James Right naa fultille tne terms & is nov/ a freeman.


Jonn -Eibrie J v/itness Josepia '60 )

167b V/m. Jlamilton aclrno\7ledgeB tne pay'nt or i^ in i'ull from Jaiiaes Sight. See bae It of Probate -Book 167o-1687.

Ib78 Hill, lliz. T/itness relaese of Josiah Knap oy his sister Liaia i^ils.

1679 Apr. 2'i: - Hawly, Joseph, Jehu Burr, Francis Hall,

Jonn j'neeler & 3aml. ^-J-orehouse Agents of tne toT/na of btratfora Sc Fairfield in ssttle- raent of tne bounciry bet. saia -uowns, Henry iauiarsers fence marling part of said boundry.

'Jitness Boot. Treat iept. Gov. Hi col as Gawp.

lDb4 Harvy, li^ctniond, /.ecd. "Vrnereas he left est. to be aiviaed -,0V. net. his \7ido'.v cj children v;rjereof his son

16 Josiah was one of those that had his portion

due nim w v/herehy Maj . xTathan ^old married the relict of said ISdmond by virtue v/hereof he stood engaged to pay the children their legacies." Release to xfethn. Gold by Josiah Harvy over 23 yrs.

of age of legacy of his father's est. Becordel i.ich. 5, 1679.

1680 Apr. 26 - Harvey, Josiah, gives his step father a full discharge of the payment of all his father Simond Harvey legacy to him. lie calls himself the only aon & heir &: speaks of his

sister Hannah as having a legacy in said est. He refers to an inventory of his deceased father's est. taken June 18-1655 - \7here tne Court oraered that

all the lands at Fairfield 8a otherv^heres shoulo he the prop, of Lla j . iTathan ^old, he saying out of it the legacies to Josiah w his sister Hannah. Judging from the 1st part of release should think he had other sisters. V/itness John i3ur ca 'Jm. Hill.



1681 Huesteed, Jonathan of Greenwich, husband of Mary Loclrr/ood, Dec. 18 fi. Of Hobo, cb Susanna Loclrr/ood releases Daniell

Loclrr/ood - Joseph loekv;ood <h Yim* Y/ard, adrnrs. of the est. of their father and mother Hoht. ■& Susanna aforesaid^ (Book 1675-1689, p. 39 reverse. John Bov/ers Witness 3'rancis ^horn.

1681 Hayes, ITathaniel of -'airfield, proraises to pay Danl. i;'rost

i 4-11-0 John Apple^ate Witness Joseph ^turgis.

1664 Hall, Francis, having sold the house £b land in -ngland T/hich v/as a jointer conferreti upon his wife SLizabeth at; the marriage makes good the same b;;' giving ner liis houses & lands at Fairfield.

Witness Saml. Hall Mary Hall.

1G81 Eollingsv/orth, John, witness transfer of part of a note '2o Rich. Briant of Hilford, by Thos. Skidmore.

BOOK 1689-1701.

1690 Euse, Abigaiie, v/idow of Jonathan Ourtiss, sister to

ixmbtose xomson fc John, Jr. deed. £: mother to .?m. Jonathan " Sarah ^urtiss. See will of John 2om- son Jr. 1681 cc Abigail Ourtiss.

1690 Hitt, Henry of V/oo^bury, est. of Inv. taken x.:ch. 20,1690 by John ^-^iner - John Sherman vo John ^•^ichell Widow i'iled Apl. 3,1690,Bookl68y-1701,p.6

Sarah a. of decci . 14 years old. Liar gar et a. " 10 " " abt.

Henry, son " 7

John Sc iiie, tv/ins 4 " Jaaes, abt. 2 " "

2he deed, also had prop, at Stratford. The widow & )

Lir. Saml. Sherman, Jr. ) Adnr.




177 ^ 1690 Holms, 3ieh. appt. admr. of est. Jonathan Stevens.

1690 Hawley, Sana. Selectman of Stratford, takes inv. of est.

John Birdsey.

1690 Hawlev, Joseph of Stratford, yeoman <k sometimes a Justice of tiae peace or coraitioner iH' Stratford, will of aatea iiept. 17, 1689, probated and inv. filed ' Apl. 12, 1690, Book 1689-1701, p. 9. b - .iidtnv Katherin

' To Saml. Hally son of decl. he gives all his lands

at Parv/idge in Jarhiahire, :-Ins. : Sphraim, son of deed.

John " " "

John Ohapman) Grand chili -ran at Joseph " iieabrook.

Grandchild Joseph, son of iiaml.

Hannah -'■'ioolas, dau. of deed. Llary Ooe, " "

ihe o sons .J ami, Ephraim cv John, & if they can't agree ...r.Izrael Chauncy ./apt. *^o"hn Beard.

Inv. taken June 4-1690 by Saml. Sherman, James

Judson 5: John Goe Selectmen. The above deed, had land at Stratford, Darby anu Woodbury.

1690 Harris, Joseph of Greenwich takes inv. est- Joseph Head, Sen.

1690 Hally, ii^phraim of Stratfiela, estate of, inv. taken Hay 14 1690 b:^ James Judson Si John Goe. ;Vill probated &'* inv. filed Jun^ 12, 1690, Book 1689-1701, ^.9. iii/'idow, Sarah "^ .

aons ana daughters The widow cc ] . john Hawly )

IJr. Saml. Sherman Jr.) Aiimr. ; ihos. "Jells i Overseers ' ) ; Jame;- •Judson)

1690 Hill, 1%.^ takes inv. oi est. of Deborah Jhelpley of J air field & admr. of same.

3x. & 'The widow evidently has been

Admr. married before.


16y0 Eubbel, Lieut. John or Stratforci, est. of, inv. taken Oct. 13-16y0-by iSanil. Sherman, Danl. Pickett, Jolm Goe, cs filed iTov. 24, 16y0. Vy'idow Patience in 1700 is wife of lir. Saml. Hawley of atratford.

Eldest son, prob. Bicnara.

2cl son In 1700 I.>. Satnl. Hawlej?' oc lir.

daughter Saal. Huhbell Sen. appt. to distribute.

(Book 1539-1701, p. 2S, 64 & 198.)

The widow )

Josiah ITicoles ) Adnrs. Jeby. 23-1699-Sargt. Richard Hubbell

Saml. -o-ubbelljiaen. ) ic Sarnl. Hubbell Sen. Appt. overseers

1690 Hoit, .7alter, Inv. est. of 5: app. adns. of est. Saml. Cam- field of l^orv/alk.

1700 Hoit, Serubball chosen as guardian by Jedediah Gamfield of i-'orwalk.

1690 I-Iaies, Saml. takes inv. of est. of Saml. Gamfiela of -.orwalk.

1690 2xd. Hoit, Joshua of Stanford, est. of, inv. taken by

Danl. Scoffield, Illisha Holly before Hov. 4-1690, and filed ITov. 9, 1690, Book l«89-1701,p.25. •Vidow, :.iary in 1691, v/ife of Joseph I'urny.

See Jo.seph .ilurney, 1691. iiiary, born Jec* 22, 16641:. Rebecca " Sep. 21, 1667 Joshua " Oct. 4, 1670 Ssjrah " Apr.- 17, 1674 Saml. " July 3, 1678 Hannah " Sept. 1, 1681 iioses ■' Oct. 7, 1685 vexy infirm. Abigaile" i^ug.20, 1685 Lieut. Bell of Stanford) Before ITov. 18-1696 the wiuow Saml. Hoit 8a ) Admr. i.iary married lUx* 'Surny of

The Widow ) Stanford.

1690 Holly, ^lisha, takes inv. of est. Joshua Hoit of Stanford.

1690 Howell, Sari-h,d. Joseph Judson of V/oodbury, deed.

1690 Hawley, Joseph, l^r. overseer cf v/ill of Joseph Ju'xson,

of 'iVoodbury, deed.


1693 Howard, Robert oi* Horwalk, estate of settled Keh.lS 1693 Book 1689-1701, p. 66. '

1590 Hawley, Saml. takes inv. of Stratford, est. of Jose-ph Hud- son of '.VoodlDury, deed.

1690 Hyat, Huth, ci . of IJary Hyat the d. of Cornslins Jones of Stanford.

1690 Eait, Saml. takes inv. of est. of " "

of Stanford.

1691 Hill,Slipiialet, left a legacy for Bebecca 7v"hite, by

Obediah Banks.

1691 Hendrick, Mary, late- of Fairfield, est. of inv. taken June 6-1691, by Saml. Wilsow, -liphelet Hill. Jonathan Llorehouse appt. admr. filed lTov.9,1691, Book 1689-1701, p. 51.

Prop, goes to his mother the r;idow Silliman. See agreement of v/idow Silliman Sc her sons in law.

17 24 Hait, Gapt. Saml. appt. to divide lands of 2hos. Lyon of Greenwich, Dec. 1690.

1G91 Hill, Wn. takes inv. of est. Geo. Squire, Sargt.

1690 Hinman (Titus )

(Benj. ) Overseers of v/ill of '.Vm. Roberts of Joodbury

1690 Hinman, liary, legacy from " " " " "

1693 Hayes, lir. Saml. appt. to distribute est. of Root. Stuart

or S tev/ar d , d e cd .

Ita92 jTiOv/, ITathaniol, deca. in Greenv/icn Jur.e 29-1592 Inv. taken "Uly 25, 92 by Jonathan Renolds, John I^ead.Jr., To\Ynsmen, filed ilov. 1, 1692, Book 1689-1701, p74 .Vidow

:ions John " Isack Son - Isack : John Bor/ers ) Appt. admr oon - John : Gehu fJenolcis )

Ib93-lb94 Hill, zliphalet, llr. appt. overseer & admr. of c-st. Sergt. Saml. iVard, dec

1694 How, Ilathl. deed, called brother by John Bowers of



1694 How, -John i sons of above Eathl. nephews to John Bowers Isack) of Greenwich.-

1591 Hull, Cornelius, witness will widov^ Rebecka Eoland.

1687 Hawley, Saral. Selectman of Stratfora , inv. est. of Isaac

Judson, ^deca.

1587 Hicks, LIr. Thos. , overseer of est. of Isaac Judson, deed.

168? Hanks, i^aml. " " " " "

1689 Hill, U.ipiielot, ix. of est. of Joseph Bradley, deed.

1689 Hayes, Saml. , takes inv. of est. of aamr. of est. of Danl. Kslog.

1689 Hayes, Saml. chosen as guardian by Saml. Z.log of Horv/alk

1689 Hide, John of i^'airfield, inv. of est. of, taken ilov. 1, 1689

by George oquire, Saml* Roberson, oliphelet Hill. Elizabeth Hide swares to inv. widow children, bee agreement 1693.

1576 Hobby, John, ovmer prop, at *jreenwich.

1690 Haies, Saral. of Sprwalk, app. admr. of est* Elz.Kellog.

1690 Holly, iSlisha, Takes inv. of est. Jeremiah Jager of Stanford.

1690 Hubbell, Saml. sen. , aamr. of est. of Joseph Joy of j'air-


1690 Hawley, Saml* Selectmen of Stratford, takes inv. est. of Heni'y -^lline.

1692 Hav/ley, ^araii, landlady of, & left legacy by Ghas. Louglass.

1692 Hughes, Kicolas, of Stratford, will of, dated Apr. 18,1690 Widow Abegaile, probated & inv. filed Kov. 1,1692

Sor.- in-law iVm. Curtiss ne paying to his brother Jona- than CurtisB at 21 yrs. & to his sister Sarah Curtiss at 18 yrs. Book 1689-1701, p. 75.

Widow Ex.

Gapt. \7m« Curtiss &) :John licChopine

Ambrose 'Jomson ) overseers. :Jonathan Pitman.


Inv. taken llov. 16,-92, bj? Ambrose i'onson - Zbenezer

Borth & Saml. Galpin. Hughes, Saml. , brother of above deed, releases the

est. from any damanas. Witness, John Beardsley, Jacob Walker.

1692 Hall or Hutt, Dorothy, widav ol', Stratford, marriage agree-

ment wi"Ch iaarke mention of lorwalk.

1693 2xd. Hubbey, John, Jr. of Greenwich, deed. Meh. 12,1593,

Inv. Apr. 7,-93, by Jolm iieaa, Jr., & Jonathan Renolds, fileo Kov. 19, 1693, Book 1689-1701, p. 88. Thos. Hubbey of Greenwich, Dro"Cher to deed. appt. admr.

1693 Sxd. Hanf ord , Hev. 2hos. of Iforwalk, Est. of, Inv. Jan. 4,

1693 by John Plat, ben., John Benideck &; James Olmsted. Wido-CT i^ary .-iled Jan. 23,1693,Bookl689-1701,pl0S

Son.'Theophelus weatner living or deaa uncertain. Thos. " Elizar, The deed, had some land at r^insor.

" Elnathan, " Saml. dau. kary, m. Mv/ards, (See Iheophelus)

" Hannah,. ra. Piatt, (Hanf ord, 1705 )

" Eliza beta m. Bur. " 3unis 18 yrs. old Lich. next, m. Gersham Bulkly &

now deed. 1705. " aarah 16 yrs. oli I.lay " m. Saml. Oomstock. The widow and her son iilizar ) w son-in-law John Edwards, I.Ir. ) appt. admrs.

1693 Hayes, Saml. , takes inv. est. Thos. Gregory of 5Iorv/alk.

1694 Hanf ord, iiarah, wife of SLnathan Hanf ord & daughter of

Hannah .«ilson, deed.

1694 Hanford, KLnathan/ appt. admr. est. Hannah .Vilson, deedfi-

1694 Hull, Deborah, wife of aaml. Hull & d. James Beers.

Hart, John, Selectman, l-'ari.iington, takes inv. of Paul Brirasmeaa est. Bhere.

1698 Haies, ilr. Saml. appt. to distribute est. of Jackin uregory.

1698 iianf ora , Zlnaoiian, witness will of & overseer of est. of Saml. Roberson.


1694 iicd. Hall, daml. ol j^'airfiela, est. of, Inv. taken Eov.8,

1594, by aaml. tiquire, I'hos. Jones 6c James B^nlx, belectmeri^, ox jairiiell, also had lands at Stratford

Widow ousanah (Book 1589-1701, p. 113)

iSon oaml. ) " David ) in 1699 both under 14-

The wiaow with Leut James 3e:]it <^ lir.) Appt.

liathaniel bhertaan ) Adrnxa.

Inv. of Stratfoard lanas taken Oct. 11-1697 oy

James Hudson, John »*ells co Ambrose i'orason

1699 Znsign Isaac V<heeler appt. to make distribution.

1695 iiolley. Increase, called brother oy widow of Danl. lew-

man. See Daniel x.ewman.

1695 Jlolly, Joiin, called brother by widow of Lanl. ITewraan See Danl. Hewman.

1695 Holmes, iiteven, witness isiewman agreement.

1695 Holly, ELisha " "

1695 ^a. Hull, Cornelius, Leut Sen. of Fairlield, will of, dated Sept. 16, 1695. probaoeu & inv. filed 0ct.7,lD95, Son Saml. land on V/. side Sasco Kiver - also bO acres of jjong lot, on ooth sides Aspetuek River. Son Gorntilias, land next 3enj. Banks in oasco- fieia.

Son x'heopholus (Book 1689-1761, p. 126)

Dau. Rebeka ^ull. " Sarah, wife of fiobt. ailliman. " laartna " " Cornelius I'raten.

Grandchila Beorge hu^l, son of Cornelius iions, baral. , Cornelius &:) :(Rev. Joseph rteb) wit-

Theopholus ) Ex. : ( iin.iphelet nil J ness

Inv. taken Sept. 27, 1695 by -Jonathan aturges & 5;iipnelet iiill, filed Oct. 7,1695.

1697 Hull, iiaran, wire of Cornelius Hull & dau.3zeikell Sanford

1697 Hull, iviary " " xhedpholus " " " "






F,l izabeth




1698 iiurd, John of «VoociDury, settlement or est. o±'

Agreement of widow Anna and chilaren aatea Dec.20,lB90.

Joseph Hura to nave hie father's John Kurd's mill

3enj. ■' Jebt. to est. from I.Ir. Blacklach. Ebeneaer" Ageement recordea 1698. aaraa " (Book 1689-1701, p. 148)

Witness John Levenwoorta & am, li-arkea. John Kiiner, uommissioner.

1698 2xu. Hiett, (Iloit ?) Ihos. of norwalk, est. of, Inv. taken Kch. E8,'98 by Zerubbabell Hoit, John Raymond o. Mathyas Mention. (filed Apl.27,1698. Book 1689-

V.idow i.:ary 17 01, p.l52&198


Eebecka aged 19 abt. 18

16 next Hay 14 "

12 " Dec. 7 " June 7tn 4 1 12 abt.

The T/idow & Zhenezer ci ens ion appt. admrs. 1718 ^^thyas Sention is addea to Capt. John Saymond to distribute est.

1698 Hoit, Zerubbabell takes inv. of above est.

1697 Halt, oaml. witnesB aeed of Gift & made admr. of est. of

Sanl. Finch of Stanford,

1698 Holley, aarah called a. by Saml. ]^ inch of Stanford. 1698 Hubbell, aaral. takes inv. est. of Isack iVheelEr Jr.

1697 Karvey, Josiah, witness '«m. Reed's deed of gift &

also release of his est. by widov/ Uary Reed.

1698 lixd. Harvey, Lr. Josiah of Fairfield, est. of, Inv. I.ich.11-

1698 by John Bulkley-Tanl. iaeaker w SLnathan Ilanforo. Filed Mch. 27,1698, Book 1689-1701, p. 162) V/idov; Iilary

Lau. Llary Grims )

" Abigaile Peat) reed, portions. Son 2hos. ;:au. ..^artha Widov; —ary appt. Adrax. I^athan Gold

Agreement of heirs AUg. 15-1707 Witness Peter Burr


1710 Hawley, Gapt. John of Stratford to aistribute est. of banl. Galpin, aecd. of dtratfora of whieii he is aomr.

1698 Hull, iJehorah, eallea a. by widow ..artha Beers.

1698 Hanford, SLnathan, takes inv. est. Thos. Bedient.

1717 Huhbell, Llr. Sanl. who waa app. to dist. est. of Thos. Ivlorehouse Jr. of ^'airfield, deed, is also deed. & Court appts. Huhhell, Lieut. Richard in his place.

1697 Hoit, Zerubbahell, appt. aam. est. Zbe-ezer ,.ebb of x-orwaik.

1699 Sxd. Hubbell, Sargt. Bich. of PeciuanriOck aged 7H yrs. abt.

in record called of Fairfiela Village, will of Dated Apr. 5-1699-not admittea Dy Court owing * to sone inconsistencies - v/ill as follows: To widow Abigaile To Grandson Richard, son of deed, son Lieut. John Kubbei:^, said Leut John deca. viern eldest son of 'ieca. (Book 1689-1701, p. 192)

To son oaml. Sen^

To granason j^Denezer, son of aecd. 2be .ezer & liary his

wife (now ■'.''ic'ow) To son Richard

To dau. 2ilizab6th Frost in I'^OO called Zliz. Hull " " Mary i:Ewton " " Martha iVakenan " son barnl. Jr. " dau. Abigaile French. " dau. Sarah Hubbell in 1700 called Sarah Stevenson

son James " " Joseph " " John the younger vVitness I sack Knell Sc Jonas Pitman

The widow Abegaile & son Saral. to be Ss. Inv. taken Sept. 3,1599 by liathew Sherwood &

James Senit. saml. Gregory a- Mat hew Sherwooa Jr. to make

uistribution. James Hubbell choses Capt. Mat hew Sherwood as

guardian. Joseph " " David Sherman as guardian.


1700 Hull, Slizabeth callea aaughter by Sargt. Rich Kubbell, formerl;r called ^"rost, later called Hull.

1694 Exd. Hall, llizalDeth o±' Stratford, eat. of, inv. taken Apr.

30-1694 ci by Satnl. Tredwell & Saral. Hubbell, filed

Liay 2, 1694. (Book 1689-1701, p. 181)

Saral. Hall brother to deca. to admr . Sov. 6-1694 - Saml. Hall being also aecd. the Court appta. Susannah Hall, v/idow of said saml. to admr. on the eat. of her sister in law SLizabeth Hall.

1697 Hurlbut, Thos. est. of, inv. Dec. 10-1697 by John Bulkley & John Eci wards. Saral. Couch to husband the est. & Llr. John idwards to reason with the Cr. & Dr. & to give an account. (Book 1689-17 01, p. 176)

1695 lioit, Saral. tates inv. est. John Leeds of Stamford.

1695 Holly, Slisha " " " " " " "

1700 Haies, Mr. Saml. ordered to make aist. of est. thos. Hiet.

1706 Hill, V/ra. appt. to dist. est. of Michale Glugston, deed.

1700 Hiet, xhos. of l^orwalk, settlement of est. of, widow & or nine children.

Hiot Mr. Saral. Haies cc John i:tairaem; to aist. £c oraers James Olmsted to administer oath.

1699 Halt, Saml. takes inv. est. Ga:t. Jonathan Bell of otam- f ord .

1696 3xd. Hill, Joseph, of Fairfiela, inv. Sept. 17-1696 by John

Thomson & Saml. Squire. 7/m. & John Hill appt. admr. 1711 - Apr. 4 - Inv. of land taken by Wra. Hill & John Hill brother of deed, distribution made 1715 to Brothers (John Hill' (Book 1689-1701, p. 187)

" (Wm. Hill.

Heirs of Slephelit Hill deed. (2 sons_surviving, viz:)

7/ra. & Jilephelet. Heirs of Rich. vVidden lately deca. (2 oau. surviving, viz :

iilizabeth & Sarah >ild-

den) Ensign Gideon Allen & ) Mr. John iliompson Sen. ) to distribute.


1640 Eeustea, Robt. -witness in tlae Feak & Patrick purchase

1640 Heustea, Angel " " " " " ••

1700 Hurd, Ben J. iieleetman of Wooabury, inv. est. Rev. lir.'i/Valker.

1699 Z:xd., Eoit, Walter, of iiorwalk, aged abt. 78, ?/ill of aated

i^eby. 11, 1695/6.

■Sontj John Hoit of Danbury ) Left all his „,._^ " 2erubbahell ) prop, at L'orv/alk.

witness John Plat, sen. Inv. by John Raimond Joseph bension & Saml. Betts.

2 sons to be Hx.

The will & Inv. exhibitea in Court in Apr. 1699. (Book 1689-1701, p. 207.)

1700 Hanford, Unathan, marries Abegaile, widow of Danl.Lockwood, Jr

17Ca Exd. Hanfora, Zlnathan, of jj'airfiela, will of, dated Dec. 28-

1701. (Book 1689-1701, p. 208.) Wife Abgaile, former husband r.aniel Lcelrwood, she being v/ith child 6c if said child lice until 21 to have all his lands at Korv/alk. diary Lockwood, dau. sd. Abigail n. ITathan -^-^orehouse. ) 2 other chilaren. 'rhos . ) Hanr.an ) under age

oau. Sliner died 1710, See dist. est. Rev. to. Zanford 1710. Sanl. ".Vilson, uncle to deed, to be so e ex. 7/itness xiathan Gold

John V/aksman. Inv. taken Jany. 1701/2 by Peter Burr - John Edwards

John '.Vakeman.

1699 Hait, darnl. lir. to dist. est. Danl. Wood of Stanford.

1703 Hinnan, Idward, overseer est. i'hos. Griffen.

1695 2xd. Hill, iLliphelet, died Jan. 30-1695.

Inv. about same date. Bros. William Hill & John Hill (Book 1689- Afldition to above inv. presented by V/m. Hill- Joseph 1701, p. 213) Hill & John Hill - Apr. 25,1696.

Inv. taken by Thos. btapies, Danl. xleeker ,Zlnathan

Hanford . In tne additional inv. there is £43-6-8 his v/ife's dov/ery of h:;r husband Nicholas, proo. widow of iinsign Zphrarn liieholes.


1696 The additional Inv. obtained witli great difficulty

from the nanas or Robert Lord £; Esther (said Esther is prob. the widov7 of Sliphelet Hill deed . & now wife of said Lord ) 1695 »Vni. & John Hill, brothers i:o deed, refuse to adrnr. ■Lieut. Janes Benit aiao refuses, & Abraham Adams appt. sole aamr.

1697 Hat hi. Bur & Mr. John E'.lwaras appt. to assist-Adamo.

Widx3W Esther - (See Kobt. Lord 1696) tions. 7/m. & Zliphelet.

Debts, of 'Est. I'o Kathl. Bur, lir. John V/akeman, John Edwards, Capt. Golu, V^idow Bur, Jon'n ^"anson - ^anfora of liilfora - Rip Vejioar, Abraham Adams - Joshua Jennings - baml. r^ober- Bon - John Thompson - John Bulkley - Joseph Phipen - Joseph Loclrv/ood, Van. bprague - Ilr. Deny - iaml. inquire & Joseph Hill.

1705 Wm. & John Hill, appt. to aams. est. oi Rich £c Sarah 7/iden.

1706 Sxd. Hav/l3^, Ephraira ot Stratfora, distribution of est. of

Dec. 14^ 1706, Book 1689-1701, p. 21*. To eldest son 2 otner c hilar en iiome of tne eat. in lanaa of Lr. Sanl. Sc Ij:. John

Hawley. Also portion of the eat. of uiie ehilaren. Grana-

father l.lr. Joseph Hav/ly deca. ia a.lso in the

hands of saia 3 ami. & John Hawly. Capt. James Zudtjon & Ilr. Saml. Eav/ly & Lir. Saml.

Sherman to dist.

1693 Hiae, John of x<"airfielu, aecu. agreement of tieirs

"widovv Elizabeth. Chilciren

John Blizabeth Sarah

llary - unaer age. 'iVitness Josiah Harvy - aaml. Roberson.

1694 Hill,';Vm. called cousin by aarah .Vhelpley, & he is admr.

of the estate of her deed, father & mother Joseph >K '.Vhelpleji c; Rebeeka V/helpley.


1695 Hill, (Sstiier &

(Elipiielet, witness release of Joseph iieely vmo married tne adrax of est. JosepJi Jackson bj' his son in law Joseph Lyon v/ho marriea Lary Jackson.

1692 Hubbell, Rich. Jr. acknoT/le age receipt or legacy irom his

Drother in law Tlios. Morehouse Jr. admr. est. of nio I'atner in lav/ baral. Uorehouae, aecd. Witness Joseph atergis Janes Ben it.

1696 Hillier , Thos. witness release or legacy by ilios. Morehouse

adm. to Israel Gention, Jr.

1700 ilugbee, Zdws-rd, son of John -tiigbee of Middletov/n,decd, y^e choses his uncle Saral* Sreadwell as guardian.

1700 Kubbe, Mr. John choses guardian op- John Mead, Jr. both of Greenwich.

1700 Kalley, Tanl. son of Sphraim Hally of Stratford, deed,

makes choice of LIr. Jai.oes Steel of iVethersfiold & lir. Tanl. Shelton of Stratforc. as guardian.

BOOK 1702 to 1750.

1*^10 Hubbell, Snsign Eichard of Stratford appt. Adrn. est. Capt. John Vnakeman of r airfield.

1711 Hill, ^'hOB. son of Thos. Hill late of Fairfield, deed.

.^akes choice of his uncle Hobt. Rumsey to bs nis guardian.

1712 Hull, ilary, widow of Capt. Theopnelus Hull being deea.

xhe court appts aergt. 2zekiel Sanford C: xhos. sanfora to aanr.

1712 Hull, Theophylus, makes choice of latnaniel Hoit of Dan- bury to be guardian, said I'heophylus is a son of Capt. Theopnyles Hull, deed.


1712 Hull, Ann, a. ol' Capx;. 2heophylus limll nakss choice of Cornelius Hull a^ -guardian.

1712 Hull, iiaml. chosen Dy Court guardian Tor 31iphalet Hull.

1712 ^ull, John is naae v/ara or Josepn Jackson.

1712 Hull, Jabes " " " " Ilat^niel Halt.

1702 Hoit ,Zerubbebell takes inv. eat. John Soscow of ITorwalk".

1702 Hubbart, Jn. aen. of Zairiiela, ;.ill of, dated Oct. 10-1702.

ion in law Jacob Packim

aau. of aecci* Mary "

iion in law Thoa . Benit .Dhe aec'd haa prop, at

bon Vi'm. Hubbart. (;^reenwich.

dau. bar an Benit. Jacob Packira sole ex.

..itneas, it'hos. Jones - John xhomson & John lieredith. Inv. taken ^-ov. 7-1702 by Philip Lewis & itobt. t^ilimen

1703 Hoit, Saml. aani. est. Jonathn V/aterbury.

1704 xxall, i'rances of Uicalet own, sn ter of John Allen of

Stratfora, aeca. & Henry Allen of Hilford.

1701 - Hudson, LIr. Nathaniel, of atratioru, eat. of, Inv. taken by aelectnen of otratford, 'i]hos. i.nowles, John Beach & Isack Knell. June 13-1701.

(Vidow Abegaile s?/ares to inv. (iSpeaks Of in connection witn :."r. ITathl. Huclsoii of a will or Mr. John Jiuason.

The v/iaow to aamr. v/ith ohe I;ev. ..^. isreil Ghauncy - part of the est. of said aeoc. is in i;ew Haven & Inv. taken tnere June 10-1701 by l;athan Anar-sfws ;Den. ib Wra. Thomson, Selectmen. Israel Ghauncy ai aarah Ohauncy testify they were at

the bedsiae or aeca the art£rnoon ox the night he died. Hay 8-1701 & ne left all his prop, to his v/ife except hio gold buttons. Buckles o: Binge which he left to little John Hudson. 1703 lilr. Izrael Chancy T/ho wa;; appt. aumr. of the estate of deed. Hoason being also aecd. the uourt the widor/ Abigaile above.


1704 Houson, John of ITev; Kay en brother oi Latnaniel, deou.

above releases tne widow iibegaiie o*. legacy paid, 'iVitness George Parae - Sarah Ghancj'' - Liary Cornwell.

She above name is Hudson - Kurdson u Hodson.

1697 Holly, 21isha, had land at ataral'ord next to iiev. John Da-^enport's grant.

1697 Hait, Benj. had land at Stamford next to Hev. John

i/avenj3ort' s grant.

1697 Hait, Saml. one of the eomnittee in Stanford's grant to


1698 Henderson, John, deed, at Fairfield - Iwr, taken hy ITathl.

Burr, Jolin Thompson, <.c Philip Lewis.

Said Henderson was inaster of Xetel Spedwell now l^^in^

in F Harbor. 2he vessel is prop, owned at aalem.

1706 Hustea, Jona-nnan, admr. of est. of Jabez Sherwood formerly deed.

1704 Hubbell, saml. Hr. to dist. est. Jackonite ^'^ancher of Stratfield.

1704 Holmes, I^ich. of Eorwalk, will of, dated Oct. 31-1704 a 3 lac Irs with..

Viife Sarah kehitabell earner, next kinsv/oman to his -vife living v/ith them all the est. after his wife ciec'c ex- cept small legacies to Jonathan btevenson s. of Jonathan Stevenson deed.

that waa my servant. So Saral. Hayes Sen. of iTorwalk. 2o Thos. cb Bich.. Bouton the no7/ 2 youngest sons of

John Bouton, Sen. of llorwalk. Do the daughter of his brothers John Holmes, Sen. of Bedford & Steven Holmes, Sen. of Stanford, witness '^oseph aregory

JoTon Copp Inv. ITov. 25-1704 - by JoTin Benedick - Saml. Hanford & James Hayes.

191 1704 Eagres, Sarnl. Sen., left Issacy b; above aecd. 1704 Hanrord, aanl. takee inlj. of above eat. 1704 Hayea, James " " " "

1704 Husted, Jonathan, aan. of esv. Jabez c^herwooa of ;Jreenwicli ^^ ia wife left largest part of saia e&t.

iaary, v/ife of above «^onathan.

1701 Holly, Slisha of Stamford, to aist. est. John Benolds of Greenwich.

1701 Halt, Sanl. , to dist. est. John Renolds cf Greonwicli.

1701 Halt, Zurubbabell, guardian of Jedediah Garnfield.

1701 Hiue. a.i:iaoeth of .' airfield, mil of, datea June 9-1701

aau. Elizabeth Jezup " aarah i an ton " ..lary Rmasey son John '±0 elaest son of her son John Son John to be eole ex. vatnesE ITathan i^old & Hobt. Humsey.

Hohn Hide refuses to aanr. the Court appts. John iiide ci: Sargt. 3enj. Eumsey to admr. iJebts. due to est. -fr. John Hide, Sarn-t. Beni. Huiasey & Jonathan i^anton. .

16^7 Holmes, John takes inv. of IVm. Clarke, deed, of Sedfora.

1704 Eikok, Joseph, takes inv. of est. leut. Izrall Curtis

of ".voo'ibury.

170- 3olly, John s. of Increase Holly of Stanford testifies on Jonas Seely.

1705 Hally, Leut. John of Stratford, takes inv. est. I±r. Saml.

j?airchil6 of Stratford.



BOOK 1648-56. John Jags' er. 1658 Judson, Joseph (Stratford)

1658 lilr. Jorgoe went to \lest Indies 4 years before and is

thought lost - -Istate of - evidently nad 3 sons.

16'^8 Jones, Ihos.

1659 Judson, Jereray (Stratford) 1659 Judson, Josua (Stratford) 1659 Jackson, Plenry.

1659 Jonson, John estate of, inv. filed Oct. 2E, 1659, p, 64.

his mother made adrax. of estate,

property divided b^t. his 2 brothers Hoses & Sbeneaer

they v;ill be 21 in 1662 i^ov.

1660 Joanes, x'hos.

1661 Judson, Joshua, Estate of , (Stratford) inv. filed irpv.l661,p.

vVido,7 of above 75.

{Josua eldest son all under age JSaml. 2d son

(one daughter.

lool Judson, Joseph )

1661 Judson Jeremiah ) Overseers of above children.

1663 LiT. Jones, raentioned in Alex, -^^nowles' v/ill.

1651 Jones, John, "aitnesE, ridll .im. '.Vilcoxson.

Iboo ^^d. Jones, John, Pastor of Church at .^'airfield.v/ill of

proijatea Jan. 17, 1664, Boolr 1665-1675, p. 5.

Susanna, ^aov7 of, John eldest son

Ilipholot "

dau ght er s 3 ar ah ".Vils on

" (rVidow) 3uth James ?( Jones)

" Sebecca Hull,

" Elisabeth iiill.


1665 James, ".Yid . Ruth, called aau. by above.

1666 James, Joseph, vdie of, receives prop, by will of Danl.


1669 Jackson, -Slizabeth, called daughter hy Siles Smith in his v/ill.

1669 Jennings, Joshua, mafees inventory of est. of Thos. Basset,

1670 Jarvis, Steven, as (husband.) of d. of Jonathan Porter

released 2x. of est. of Giles Smith.

BOOK 1675-89

1675 Jennings, Joshua br. of i.''airfifelil, will of, dated ?eby.

25, 1674, probatea Eov. 27, 1675, -.. 11.

Wife Mary ^



Michael 1






^Ilizabeth iaajor Gold ) Josiah Harvy )

iir. i7;,l:eman ) overseers i^ary Stapler ) V/itness Inventory taken Eov. 27-75 by (John Banks

(Zrbon Wakeman ( Josiah liarvy

16 74 Jaggins, John, had land at Standfora, next Galep Knap.

1682 Jane, Peter, sold prop, prior to date to John Jager of Stamford*

1676 Jones, Cornelius of i-'airfield - Estate of - Inv. taken

1TOV.9-1G76 by Francis Burdlee ^ Josiah Harvy - evidently a laborer.


1675 Jackson, l-Iary, sister to John Gouwin, deed.

167 2

Iacli.20 Jagger, 3xd.. Joim, guaraian o±' Jonathan Jagger, releases John Holly & Jonathan aellick, overseers o±' the child- ren 01' Roht. Usher, deed, lor said Jonathan's

btand- portion of est. of said l^oht. Usher.

i'ora. Jonathan Jagger vi&a trie bon on Jeremiah Sagger, deed, amts to i78-12-10. Book 1675-1689, p. 46.

Tim' ilewmau )

Jeremiah Jagger ) .Vitness.

1672 Jagger, Jeremiah, had land next to Jonthn Jagger.

1681 Jackson, Joseph of Fairfield, ::st. of, Inv. taken Oct. 31, 1681 b^' John Banks, liathew dherwooa, Isa'ac 'Vheeler Widow, Ivlary, proD. married Joseph oeely.

One son & 4 aau-ghtsrs. Hary prob. dau. or Joseph Jackson, rrarried Joseph h-yorit, The deed. Joseph Jackson is a son of Henry Jackson and the said Henry Jackson provides for his grand- son the son of Joseph aecd. Apr. 10-1684, provided ne does not share in his fatner's estate, iiathev/ Sherwood c: Saml. Ti/'akeman: overseers.

(ij'iled liov. 1, 16ol,' Book 1675-1589, p. '65.)

1681 Judson, Lieut. Joseph, overseer for 3d. Hinman, prop, at Vi/oodhury.

1681 Jonson, lioses, r/itness iklward Hinman, V/oocibury.

1679 Judson, Joshua, children naa prop, next John Hurd of Stratford.

1685 Judson, James, overseer of est. Thos. Ufford.

1685 Jonson, Mary d. Robt. Rose, deed. Stratford.

1685 Jonson, of Salem, sister to Jolin Beers, deed.

1688 Judson, Jeremiah, selectman of Stratfora, inv. est. '2l±zx


1684 Jedson, Jeremia, takes inv. of est. John Picket. 1684 Judson, James " " " " "


1684 Jones wife, of ^leplialet Jones, sister in law to

.Sarah Wilson, sometimes Bulkley.

1683 Juclson, Joseph, selectman (of .Voo^'bury) inv. est. 2hos.


1684 2xci. Jager, John oi Stanford, viill of, uatea Oct. 20-1682

Elisabeth dau. of deed, vi/as deed, in 1690. v/as married -Hannah " » " .

in 1690 Saraja " " " (probated 1684, .Book 1d75-

...ary " " " (1689, p. 146.

Jonathan son " "

brotner Jeremiah Jagger (Book 1689-1701, p. 26)

John Selleke ) : James V/eec )

Jonathan Loekr/ood ) Overseers '.Jonathan Bell) vVitness.

John Jagger Died Oct. 16-1684. Inv. taken by tov/nsmen Danl. Vveed, Saral. Eoyt is Stephen Bishop. Jonathan Jagger, 9 yrs.

1690 7/hereas all the overseers in above est. are deed, the Court ap;il . the 9 l<ov. '90 Unsign -ohn Bates " Danl. Scofield to furnish the Admr.

1685 Judson, John freed from Srayning. p. 168.

1685 Johnson, iioses, son in law to Bebecca ^ose, widow.

1666 Joanes, Joseph of ^'airfield, will dated Sept. 12, 1666. Widow, I'lSJr-^, daughter i^ary born Apr. 7, 1666. Eathn. Gold, Wm. Ward witness & overseers.

1685 Johnson, Herman, convicted lif stealing '-.heat out of

Joseph Lockivood's barn, orderea to pay three fold p. 168. to Joseph lockwooa y"^ is J-3 & to pay i5 to the County

treasury of i^'airfield - oraereu to be whiped not ex- ceeding 20 stripes on ye nakec back in lew of his fine of J-5.

1685 Joanes, The constable ordered to be paid by Gen. Court

1685 Joye, Jacob, takes inv. est. John Llayhew.




Kanna h










1686 Jaclcson, Henry ol' Fairt'iela , will of, dated llov. 11,1682 .VidOTJ- (probated iiept. 22,1586. ) Hoses, son deed. (is given housing at Poquanoeke

v/ith. ttie lot tiiat 7/as lir. Ludlow's) Sanl. son of deed, (has had lana given before & re-

(corded) in addition given land Boot 1675-^689, p. (in rear of v^Yn. w'ard's lot & a 200 & 219 (piece in rear of Lir. Harvy's lot

(& land in rear of Buctley's lot (& land in rear Bicli.Huhhels & (land in rear of Llr. ^^rost Sc next to (Iiathev7 Sher\vood. Grand child, Hoses Jackson (land next '^ohn Hoots.)

John, son of deed. Grandchild 3anl. Jacl'son

Jive 'Children of Joseph 30n of deed. Hannah, dau. of deed, wife of Philip Gal- pin & her chilaren

Belect of son Joseph d Godv/in,decd.

Zathan Gold ) " : Sergt. iJanl. Surr ) '.Vitness.

Josiah Harvy) Overseers : James Beers )

Inv. taken June 21-1686 b^ George Squire )

Josiah Karvy ) Townsmen of <Vm . 3 yd e nha m ) Fairfield.

Mary ac^uier a. widow Barbery Sc[uier being an apren- tiee to Henry Jackson deed, ehoses ^ohn Jackson to serve the rest of her tine to.

1686 Judson, Joseph, inv. est. i'hos. S'aireMld of Woodbury.

1686 Johnson, John, v;itness will of iJavid Hitchel of Strat- ford .

168t) Judson, James, aelectnan takes inv. " " " "

1686 Joseph Jacksons deed, five children v/ere left a legacy by his father Eenry Jackson & the "^ourt orders the ex. of Henry Jackson's estate to pay sara:; to Joseph 3ely the now husband of Joseph Jackson's deceased his wiaov;. (Hannah Galpin, sister of «Joseph Jackson)

Lieut. Saml. Ilore house ( apt. overseera for children. Znsign Hat hew Sherwood ( 1585 iVhereas Saml. Horehouse the above overseer has been for some time deca. the Court appoints Lieut. James B-^nit as overseer with others.


1687 Joy, A-braham, 2st. of, inv. taken July 25-87 by (iiathew Sher- filed Aug. lb, lb87. Book 1675-1689, p. 230. (v/ood.

(21iphelet (Hill. Joseph Joy, "brother of deed. Isaac vVheler apointed administrator.

-i-hove decu. has interest in a house leased out to V/idor/ ".Vhelphy

Ahraiiara -iiennet, son of =Janes Bennet. See Isaac r/heler.

1687 Judson, Joseph, selectman of Woodbury) takes inv. of est*

Joseph iieckox.

1687/8 James, Josep^j, being lately deca. Court appoints the rddaw Jan. 26. Llary Janes w x^bran ■^dans administrators. (p244 Book


1688 Judson, oergt. Jeremiah, gives bond for Sarah the -^vidow

of "^avid vVatkius.

1689 Jonson, *^bigaii, T7itness will of John Sherwood of Strat-


1690 Jennings, Joseph s. in law to Gapt. Hobt. Turny.

1694 Jonson, George witness release of -^dward ward, by his mother in law Hannah V/ard. step mother.

1687 Judson, Isaac of Stratford deed. inv. of est. of, taken June 15, 1687 by, filed ITov. 6, 1687. Saml. Sherman ) (At Court helc. ■»^ov.7-1693-

2obt. Lane ) Selectmen. (the Heleck of Isaac Jud-

Jiaml. Hav/ly ) (son nov/ wife to Saml.

James Judson ) (Peat asks for an increase

V/idow Liary ( of allowance there being

All under ll son (only 2 children surviving.

age. ( 3 daughters (Book 1675-1689, p. 236)

Sargt. Jeremiah Judson ) lir. 'Thos. Hicks )

Benj. Peat ) Overseers.

James Judson )

saml. Hawks )


1687 Judson, James selectmen of Stratford inv. S overseer or est* Isaac '^udson.

1687 Judson, iSargt. Jeremian, overseer of est. Isaac Jndson.

1589 Jackson, Jolm of ^-airfield, est- of, inv Uoy. 11,1689 by Jonathan iiorehouse oa John Odle. filed Lov. 29,1689 ..idov7 3aizabetn. (Book 1675-1689, p. 298) Joseph Seely ) Moses Jackson, Jr) Administrators.

1690 Judson, James, takes inv. of est. Francis Hall, deed, selectman of i^tratford.

1689 Jackson, Mary u. of (tco. Abhot of Horwalk.

BOOK 1689 - 1701.

1690 Jefry, Thos. est. of inv. filed Apr. 3, 1690, taken dy Saml. Sherman & Saml. Galpin. (Book 1689-1701, p. 5. ) V/idov; Mary The v/idow & )

Saml. Galpin ) Admr.

Josiah iiicolis J Don't think there v/ere any


1690 Judson, James, selectman of i^tratford, takes inv.Jol-m Birdsy.

1690 Jennings, Joseph appt. admr. est. Saml. '^mith of •t'airf ield ,

16 91 Jones, Thos. takes inv of est* -^anl* '^illiman of ^airfield.

1690 ^^' Jager, Jeremiah of Standf ord , est- of, inv. taken by Saml. ^eoffielfi - Cc iilisha -ti-olly townsmen, filed Hov. 9, 1690. (BtoOk 1689-1701, p. 24) Peter -''errice s-.vears to inv.

Sarah d. of deed. 1'6 yrs* old'. :Abt. 1699 'x'he ^ourt SLizabetn d. of " 11 " " orders Mr. Peter

Mary d.- " " 7 " " Jerris & Mr. Abraham

Jeremiah, son " " 5 " " Ambler being oecd.

the Oourt appt. IJanl. Scofie-ld of Stanford in Ms place. Peter j'errice J

Abram Ambler ) Admrs* At Mr. -"-mbler's death iJanl. ueed ) Danl. Scofield wsls appt.




1690 Joy, Joseph of i'airiield , Impressed to go on an expedition against tlie ^'rench - 1st at -^Ibany & fhen to Canada inalres deed of gift.

Joseph Sennett called couzen

Deboran Joy " " in 1691 v;as v;ife of

(Sook 1689-1701, p. 26,-66 £i 96)Andrev7 Ward. Hary Joy My cousin .iialter «Joy s. of my brother ('.Talter Joy uied in

Jacob Joy J e by. 1691) Brother Jacob Joy 6: Saml. ii-ubbell Sen. - Admr. John Odell, Jr. )

Saml. Beardsley, Jr. ) '.vitness.

Inv' taken -^eptr. 24-1690 by iiathew Sherwood & Isack iilieeler, & filed Hov. 9, 1690.

1690 Joy, JaeoD of -^'airfield, est. of, inv Jany. 1690 by

i-iathew 'iherwood. filed jeby. '16, 1690. John Osburn. (Book 1689-I70i^p..28)

Vyidow, -ilizabeth' Gapt. Mathew Sherv/ood )

James Bennit ) Adms.

1691 Joye, Joseph, distribution of his est. waiter Joy being

deed, the Court divides his portion bet. T-eborah V/ard, v/ife of Anarew ward os ilary Joy sieter to iValter Joye.

1692 Jones, xhos. appt. adinr . of est' Henry I^oland, Jr.

1690 Jucson, Lieut. Josepn, of ^'oodbury, v;ill of, aatea i'eby. 1689, probated & inv. filed Lich. 10, 1690/91

nVidovz aarah 1/2 his house at atratford ^ meadow v/hicn he bought of Benj. Blackman. John, eldest son of deed.

James, son of deed, as per v/riting of i'eby. 24-79. SaraVi Howell a. of decdfc Some under Grace Priden " " " age. Hannah

Easter Ruth Abe^il

Son John to be 3bc. Zechariah ualker ) wit-

I'ir. Zackery lalker ) Susan >'alker ) ness

Brother Jeremiah Judson 1 Overseers. lir. Joseph Hawley )

Saml. Sherman, Jr- )




Inv. of est. at .Vooclbury, taken Oct. S8-1690 by Jolan -^inor ) Israel ^urtiee) John aherrnan ) selectmen. John liitchell )

Inv. of est* at ^tratfora Mr. 5,1691, by .^ainl. ohernan

SaiTil. Hav/ley.

1690 Judson, Jeremiah, "brotner of aoove <Josepn.

1690 Jaclcson, John, est. of (account fllea lach* 10, 1590)

'uidov/, ^lii^abeth Moses (eldest prch) yon of deed.

Other children, 1 dau. m. Isaac Sherv/o od of Fair- Widow and son oses admr. field. Sept. 6, 1699 thpwidow bein:-^- deed, the Court aoiotd. ■James Bannit. (Book 1689-17 01, p. 32) r^

6190 Ixd. ^ones, Gor.elius of i^ta-ford, .Vill of, dated June 2, 1690 Had land at IToroton Eeek, probate! and inv filed Uch.. 10 Joseph son of oecd. 1691, Book 1689-1701, p. 39

Zbenezer " " " Grandchild Kuth. Kyat about 16 yrs. old dau. of his uau. Mary Hyat.

Lieut. Jonathan Bell ) :Abraiiam Nimbler)

iibraham Ambler ) Overseers :- anl. Scofield) '.Vitness

Inv. taken Oct. 31-1690 Saral. Kait. Abrm. ^mbler.

In Mch. 10, 1691 - Joseph son of deed is also oecd.

1591 Jones, Joseph of Stanford, cieca. 1690 son of Cornelius Jones left a ^/idoTT Mary

a sons Joseph abt. 9. 2 tiavighters i>iary abt. lo Saral. abt. 6. Hannah aot* 11

Coriit.-lius abt.3. (Book 1689-1701, p. 39 2: 53.) Mch. 10,1691. Court oraers -anl. ^cofield ^ John Arabler of Strat- ford to admr. est. £c on their report orders dist. of est. to be maae by Capt. Jonathan i^ellick ^ Leut. .Vaterbury 2c also to perfect ttie dist« of Cornelius father of sd. Joseph as command ea by Lie u"C. Bell c': Mr. -^-rabler, deca.

1691 Jones, j->:Os. appt. admr. of est* Saml. ^rumman.

1691 Jennings, Sarah d. of Jotm w Sarah Gruman '^ >*, Saml. Jennings.


1692 Jackson, John, estate of settled Meh. 1692, Book 1689-1701,

p. 72.

1691 Jonson, John Sx. or' will of Obediah Banks.

1691 Jones, Tlaos. appt. acirnr. of est. of Ohetliati Banks.

1691 Jones, Liartna, wife of Ilipnelet '^ones sister to Dhos.


1691 Jones, (see p. 200) Josepn of Stanford, deed. 1690 - Inv.

of est. taken 2^ "^ept. 1691 by i:anl. 'Seofiela cb iliati Holly, see above. Ahranam Arntaler & Banl. "^cofield appt. admr. (i'iled ( Book 1689-1701, p. 53) ::ov.3,l691.

170C Hay 1 - -^xhraham ^-irahler being; rieca the Court appts his surviYing son Jehil -mbler ~ith above ^anl. ocofielci.

1691 Jones, Abegaile, wife of Thos. Jones lo d. Henry Boland.

1692 Jones, Thos. of -jairfiela takes inv and receives legacy

fr. Hev. Saml» Tmkeman.

1692 Jonson, George, legacy to, trj will of Ghas. -^ugless of Stratfor a.

1691 "Jones, i]hos. appt. adrnr. of est* Peter Buckle;?-.

159S Jenings, Joshua, takes inv. of est* John Adams.

lo9'i Judson, Saral. has in his custody prop, of Jacob u'arr, deed, formerly of iitra-cford.

1695 Johnson, Ilary, wife of licolas .Jonson Jr., S: n. of Peter Coly, aecd.

169d Judson, -nsign Jarnes , appt. aarar. of est* P6.ul Brinsly or Brinsmeaa of »itratfora.

1699 Jenings, Joshua, BrotLiier in law to Hoses Lyon of J'airfiela

169y Judson, Janes, selectman of "Stratford talres inv est. iiaml. '^heeler.

1700 Juason, Jeremian, Sargt- of "^tratfora, .Vill of, '' ated i^ebj-.

El-1697/8. (Book 1689-1701, p. 191 c; 197) ..ife Catherine - as per barrage Covenant Grande nitdren (liary 8c (dau. of son

(]Ilizabeta (Isack Judson. Granacnild ^lizaoetn Bonlinaon unuex a^e


cLau. Saran Stergia

Granaeliild ilary V.atkinH unaer age aau. Mercy Kouton (Burton?)

son Jereraiaa left noat; or est. iri ease ne has a

rnale neir il' not the prop, is to be ciiviaed as folloi;7s: lid part to children of son Jereniau " " " " " dau. iiarah iitergis

i^ercy Burton a on Jeremiah sole e:n:s-

Yn'itness Josepn "-iurtis James Hudson.

1700 the wido-.y callea motner in law by Jeremiah son of deed. Soliomon Bout on son in law (Burton ?) jjieuo. ^iger I'oralinson son in law Inv. taken June 11-1700 by James Judson,3aral. Hawley & John '.Veils, selectmen.

1697 Jennings Hat hen )

Isack ) Called sons hy

aaml. ) widow Lary inlaws on oi' Josbua ) ^airfield.

Josepn )

1597 Jenings., Hannah, called d. in law " "

lb98 Ife:d. Jackson, Josnua, est* or, inv. taken Jan* 10-1698 by Ilathew Saerr/ood Sen. & aaml* Hub bell.

uiaow iHizaDeth. (Book 1689-1701, p. 184) ^on Joshua aaral. Jackson, father or aecc. gives LiO- ro the widow &: child, also gives tne chila ^^osnua his granason, the pasture It that wat* his fa-oner's Henry Jackson at i airfield. i'h.e widov/ cj her fat;ner in law iaml. Jackson to admr.

1599 Jones, Hannah, witness, will of Gapt. "Jonathan Bell,

1d99 Jackson, «^oshua, son of Josnua Jackson, deca* 1698, is also deca.

The widoviT, aoove, to have -che eot.


17 02 ^a. Jonea, Joseph oi btanfora , Estate aistributea in 1704. Ljami. Jones son o±' Joseph Jones of Stanford ehoses Danl. Scofield i6en. for Ms guardian. (Book 1689-1701, p. 209)

1702 Judson, Capt. James, guardian of ^ter Paul Brinsmead.

1691 Jenings, Saml. acknor/1 edges receipt of legacy for his wife from est. of her grandfather iiiell Try. baid legacy ^paid "by John Grurornan. 7/itness '^"aos* ^rurjnan. jidwai'd Howard.

1695 Jackson, Ua.ry d, of Joseph Jackson of Fairfield, deed, married Joseph Lyon ci releases the acimr. of her father's est. her father in lav? Joseph Seely t.'M raarriea the acaax. of said Joseph Jackson est.

1704 Jackbon, Joseph and his son in law Francis Bradly re- leases tne above Josepn aeely, etc.

1d89 Jackson, John of Fairfield acknowleagea the reeeiTE d legacies left him ny tiis father John Jackson ci Fairxiela, deca. & also by his mother. aaia recasipt is to his brotner lioses Jackson q( I.'^airiiela, adrar. of above est. "iVitness David Sherman & Saml. Lyon.

soon 1702 - 1750.

1712 Jackson, Josepn ia cnosen guaraian oo Joiin Hull.

1704 Jonea, Joseph & Cornelius or btaniora aiat. of eat. aivs Joseph Jones, Jr.

Saml. Jones

Cornelius Jones, Jr.

CorneliiB Sely.for his wife

Lav id ---iller " " " Hannah

Iiist. made by Jonatnan cielick ^ David ii^ex'hxrj.


1704 Jesup, Jonathan. 8. of ZdiTard Jeaup of Fairfiela, left legacy by Jabis Sherwood of Greenr/ich.

1701 Jezup, Elisabeth, u. John Hide of Fairfield ,cleo3 . &

V7ife of 3dward Jes.sup.

1702 Jonera, Saral. takes inv. est. 'ilr. John Levensv/'ortn of

\ioo6 bury . 17 0-: Judson, lljc. John -co dist. est. or " " " "

lb96 Jessip, Zldward releases his brother John Hide ex. ql est of John Hide Sen. pf -^'airfield, deed.

17C5 Jezup, Jonathan called cosin by Jonathan Heusted of Greenwich & left 1/2 of his prop.

1706 Jag;'];er, Jereraiah, Jr.j prob. of Stanford, deud. 1706,

inv. of est. by Jonathan Selliclr Jr. I: Sanl. Scofield.

Baa J. Hoit Jr. cs John 7/ebster of Stanford appt. appraisers of est. of Jereraiah Jag^er,. Jr. m'ke report 'go court c: dist. ordered^ Said Jer eraiah Jagger Jr. left onlir '6 sisters, viz: Sarah 'iVebster v;if e of John V/ebster SLiaabeth Hait, " " 3enj. Hedt Jr. & liary Hait, " " Sarnl. Hait Jr.

ail of Stan ford -who are the nesrt of VAn^ in equal aegree. 'Witness aoove agreernent. (Jonathan >3illick,Jr. Kan. 24-

( 1706/7

(Abegaile Sillick:.

1707 June, Peter of Stai f ord , est. of, inv. Ai^r. 9-1707-by

Jonathan Selick - Danl. Scofield - John Knap

i'/idow Sarah, Zldest Son Peter

son Janes land ne-xt Dar.l. Loclrvooa

" Shocias dau. Sarah " ..ercy " Ilary The widoi7 to adrr .

Danl. Scofield i: John Knap both of Star, fora to make -dist.

James, '-^'hos. o: Lorcy nake choice of the mother as guardian.- The court appt. the wido:; gusr dian for --ar7/ alaiO.


1707 Janes, Haehell d. Lir. John Hubbv oi' Greenwica.decd.

1707 Jones, Hannah, v/i±'e of Cornelius Jones, formerls'- r/idow of Jo nn IBradly.

1707 Jones, Cornelius a-ppt. guardian of John, SLoz . Huth & Joseph Bradl^?-,'^ he being otie step father.

1707 Jackson, Danl. appt. adinr. to est. .-r. Sanl. Presson of otrafc ford.

1705 Jeningja , Joshua, haa some things of :-'idovT Hear g'it Lyon, deed.

1709 Jenings, Isaak, takes inv. est. ^^ohn Davis Jr. of il.

1705 Jones sanl. of gooa (ship) callea i^eveng Capt . 1707 Penniston, makes over his property to John Drake in behalf of ny (the deed) iriother Rebeckah Glauson of Bedford.

John JJrake of Jiastchester. Witnesss Mward Jarrett baml. Gregory. The will £■- tes-canent or aaral* Jones Ja tB of Stanford probated Apr. 10-1707. I.Ia.tTieT7 Sherrrood Just ioe John Gold, Cleik.

1707 Jarrett, Iia.w?>rd v/itness the above.

1710 Judson, Ur. John of Woodbury, Inv. ta::en Jaa .14-1709/10

by John Sherman Sen. John -.itehell Sen. & Job eph liinor. _

Jonathan Judson born Dec. 17-1684 ilartaa Dec. 24-1 b8o

Slipneiet, i'eby. IbSB


Isaac Jany. 3-17 00

Danl. Sept.' 6-1701

iiary Apr. 11-1703

J^eraian Oct. 5l-170t>

John ij Joseph Judson adinrs. (sons of dedd)

Inv. of rftrai; ford prop. :^eQ'^, 18-1709/10 by Haal.

Hawley & Ambros olhornpson.

Inv. of Stanford- prop. Ilch". 1-1709/10 by Jonatoan

Selleck Sen L Jonathan Selleck Jr.


1710 Jones, I.Ir. Thos. VTitness verl^al v;ill of Chr Js topner iCnap of Fairfield.

1710 Jagers, I^ebeclra, called d. by >3tephen ^olnes cf Stan- ford.

1712 Jenings, Isaac s. in law to Jacob Gray of Fairfnfi 3d , re-

leases Ms b. in lav; Joseph Gray of Urn lom .

1713 Jacksone, Robt. of Stratford, released by hjs sister

•^eborah Smith te being tde ex. of her deoi . father's 3a st will. 7/itness Jearaa^BenniJrt, John vVheeler*

171E Jackson, liary, wife of Henry Jackson & d. Lea. Isaac V/heiler of Stratford.

1712 Judson, Gapt. James takes inv« & dist* est. of ilas . ilar y Hicks of ^ornbury -7eck, I\.Y.

1715 Jessup, EdT/ard, testifiea to will of Simon Covel of Fairfield .


1715 Judson, Somas , takes iny. est. lir. John .ielTs oi' Strat- fom .

1714 June, Janes, witness will Thos. Uewraan of i^ tan ford .

1712 Jackson, looses iien. d! Stratford, "/Till of, Ilch. 7-1710- 7/ife

dp.u« jJebeckan 3eardsly children viz: Grandchildren Davia Bearcisly Baa j Abegaill" dau. Deberah Snith's children viz : Grandchild Deberah Smith Rebeckah " Saran "

Hfster "

Dan. Jeberah Smith' wife of Saml. Smith. Son in law ]ianl. Bearasly. Son Kobert. Son ■^■^obert sole esc. iVitness Janes Bennitt Sen (Leut) SLiiah Crane John Jackson Inv. -iJec. 9-1712 by James Bennitt, Elijah Cm ns Benj. Fayrv/eather

Danl.' Beardsley & Deberah Smith acknowledge recpt. of legacy -

before Jciraes Bennitt,

Justice of Peace.

under age

under age


1712 Jackson, John, v.'itness above will.

1713 Johnson, lioses of i/oodbury, rrill of, iich. 10-1715.

Wife iilary 3 on Moses

" Solomon dau. Zerujah Bostr/ick " Ilary otilea " Slizabetft .-heeler bon John aeca. V/ife ana son mioses sole ex. Witness Capt. Joiin bherir.an "^en. John bkeel, Sen before John iShermaii Asst. & Jolin ..linor, Justice .

1714 Johnson, «^olin of .^oodbury, lnv« of est* of.

Jany. 1-1715/14 - by 3enj. Sostv/ick.'fhcB . '.Veller i^ Moses Jackson.

Fie-ncis "^tlles swares to inv. appt . adnr , There being no wife or children the prop.- to be divided bet. brothers J: sisters of deed. .

2 brothers, lioses ^ Sol:raon

3 sisters, -^eruiah 3ost'.7ick,.:ary Stiles cc

SLizabeth ''eller. lir. ThoB . ■^e?..ler owes est* 10s. Capt. John aheman ) Capt. Situs -^^inrnan ) aprt . to dist* est.

1714 Janes or Jones, Sarah, called d. by llr. Jam® Clark of iitrot f orci .

1714 Janes or Jones Deborah " " " " " " "

Stratford .

1714 Janes or Jones, Ilr. '.Vm. appeals to bupericr Oourt on a/c will of lir. Jaiaes Clark of ^tratfoai .

1714 Jaa es car Jones, ..ir. Isaac appeals to ouperioc ^ourt on a/c will of iir. James dark of Stratford.

1713 Jonnsoh, iiergt. lioses of 7/oodbury, Inv. of est. i-or . 27-1713 by

Thos. 7/eller '- Francis Stiles, llrs . ilary '^ohnson widow swares to inv. tefore John Shertaao. Asst.


1715 Jackson, iSaml. ox Stratford, v/ill o.t, Aug. 30-1712. ^/ii'e Phebe ijau* Hannaa ) " 'Deboraa i have haa part o±' portion. " Paclrell ) " Abegaile ) sons have naa legacies by deed of gift. '.Vife sole ex. Witness Jonn Bagley 2he deed, died bei'ore Dee. 1-1714- JDanl. Addans Inv. Febv* 12-1714/15- by John Bagley, Lanl. Addams cc John Jacfkson.

I-lch* 2-1715 Phebe iarance sT/ares to inv. af deed, husband Saral* Jacks on.

1715 Jackson, Joseph of Stratford, Inv, ?eby. 7, 1714/15 by John Odell & James Seely. wido^/ Elizabeth.

1715 Johnson, George of Stratford, Inv. of est* ?eby.3-17l4-

15. 1713 June, Peter, witness will Jonathan '-''helphy of C-reeOT/ich

1715 Johnson, George of •:)tratfora, Inv. of 2d pe,rt or est. of i'eby. 3-1714/lo by Mrnon ie\7iss & -^phraim Curtis Vnidow Hannah

•Ihos. LevensworT:h ..<i: Hannah «^ohnson r/ho T7ere appt aomrs. on the est. of her husband Georgp Johnson deed.- render an a/c.

The est. to oe aiviaea oec. tne "-iaov & 8 child- ren •'--■ riv'J

3 -sons & 5 daughters.

Mr. Iphraim Curtiss & 3dnon iiewiss to aist. Hamian Johnson appt. guardian for i^obt. iaar- garet, Joseph & Thankful.

1715 Jessup, Sclwara, takes inv. est. Hobt. Loekwood or Fairfiela.

1713 Jackson, Slijjabeth, r/itness verbal vj2.ll vziaa? 1-Iary Hull

IVIV Jones .Cornelius of Stanford adnr. of est. of John

Bradley 01 i?"airfield having married his widow & guardn of his children is released by said children, vis:

Elizabeth Bradley -^

John "

Josepn "

Kannan "

Abggalfe "

J^uth "


1716 Jennings, Joshua of Fairfiela, est. Ol', Inv. Aug. 27-1716 dy Koses Dimon & Thcfe* ilaah.

The deed, had land at; l^axinus 3" arms - 2. side oi baco Hiver, land at Turkejr Hill - div. of long lot tnat waa his raother's c orar-ionage he "bought or John Bunet of Stratford, a new tankard at i3anl. Burrs. Joshua Jennings, one cf aarars. swares to inv.

1749 Judson, David, dist. est. Hannah ^urtiss o:? titratford.

17 06 Jackson, ^ajal» gives bond i20 for his adrar.

1707 Jackson, Danl. b. in lav; to ;:>anl. Preston of Stanford appt. actrrir of est.

1707 Jones, Cornelius, of citanford, chooses Leut. John Bailey of -'^aiffield aa guardian.

1714 Jackson, Joseph appt. aainr. of est. of 3anl. Bradley aecd. J^ also guardn for children Abegale Martlia & James.

1714 Jackson, Joseph, late of i^trat field , deed. "vVido\7 -i-lisaoeth appt. adrnr.

1714 Jackson, Joseph, who was aamr. of est. ;-anl. Bradley,

late of i3"airfield deed, is also deed. ^ bargt. John -dell oi Strat field is r.y't- to 'furnish the adrar.

1715 Jackson, Jonathan, '^on of Saul. Jackson o:.' -''airfield,

deed, makes choice of Sargt* John Ociell as guardian abene.'jer makes choice of Henry Jackson as guardian

1715 Jons on, George of Stratford oeing deed, widow Hannah to adrar. with Thos. levensworth.

John Jonson son to said deco- makes choice of said (Lsut) Levensworth as guardn.

1715 Jonson, Kannan <^ Zlizabeth daughter of deed. George

Jonson of i^tratford maSe wards of i'hos. Levensvrorth

171d Jennings, Joshua, Sen. late of tfairf ield , deed. Widow Hannan )

& son Joshua Jennings ) apijc . admrs.

B 0 u K Ib48-I65b.

Ib55 Kno?;les, Alexander, inv. filed aljout 1660, p. 85. 1563 Knowles, Alexander, V/ill ox'

Jonn, son Josua, " { Joou i^'ora, duos. " Granachilarent 3IL±z •■ " (I^ary " (Liaia " Grandcnlla Jonn Kno'vles

daughter at Uilt'ord, illizabetn, daughter.

1666 i^nap, Roger, r/ife of, receiver prop* bj/ ./ill of Danl.

Fincn, (haa lana in Eewfiela- at baseoe. )

1667 Knapr;, Josuah, witneas T/ill of Jeffry Ferris.

lib? ivnowles, John, adninistrator of estate of Peter Abbot to guardian of enild Hannah ■"•bbo'G.

1670 jlrA' Knap, Hicolas, 7/ill of, Fsb;'* 15, 1670, of btard- fora, probatea Oct. SI, 1670, Book 1665-1675, p. 56 iaoses, son 2imothy, " Galep, Joshua, "

baran Uisurowe, daughter Hanna, "

Lidea, "

Huth, bar ah -juxuon ) callea daughters in law and are left Unica Buxton ) prop, out of xae effec-ca ox tneir ) father Clemont Bust on. John *7ood )

Sleazer c>la\7son,j r/itness.

167*2 Xeeler, Ralph, of :Tor\70c:^, ./ill of dated Aug. 20,1672,

barah,^Yidow of deed. prob. I.^ov.5,167 2,3ook 1665-

John, son of deed. 1675, td. 63.

Ralph " " .

3aml. 3 daughters, Jonas, young est son, Rebecca, daughter

-Ilizabeth, " 3enj. Jurney is

husband of one daup'hbyr .

PJ n

•i?laoa. Jorehouse married tue eldeso daughter, no'i; neni;ionea in vail, i^hos. Handford,) Bich.Olrastead, ) .Vitness

(Aallosg) Dj.nl. ivolloclc )

John Bouton ) Administrators* Inventor^/ taken lay 'iJlios. ij'itcii,- sen.

2ii03.- .35iieTit, w.ai. 33]pt. a Oct. 167a. iwanl. Kollock, csen.'

167 J Scd. Knap, Jonathan, est. of, Inv. filed l^ch. 16, 1675.

taken oy Joha Banks , Book 1675-1689 , p. 9.

Geo. i3C[Uire, Ssml* Ikioorhouse.

1672 Kini>)6rle, ^ergt* Ihos. , of Stratford, .Vill of, dated Jan.l^.,

probated :^ch.l2, 1672. (3ookl665-1675, p. 67) 1672 .

iiafy T/idav of deed.

Ahia Boa,rdr.ian, daughter , (raarr led, had 5 children)

Sleazer, son of deed, (llathaniel Eayes, Grandchildren (Elizabeth,

diary. Son iibraham oc Eanna his wife Sc their d. Ilary.

" Hat ha ni el,

" Choraas .

Given also to Haekebian)

ana Joseph ) Preston

Richard }?ooth, )

John Picket, sr.) Overseers. V/itness (John Ilinor Preston. ( Chancy.

Inventory taken Feby. 12, 1672, by Hich. Booth,

John 'V/ilcokson, before Hobt. Clarke .

V/m. Curtiss.

1673 Knov/les, Jolin, Will of, dated ITov. 1, 167;?, probated Dec. 18, 1675

Of i' airfield. Book 1655-1675, p. 71 B: 175. Also Book 1689-1701, p. 83. (Grandsnn of ) John eldest son v;aa aece. 1584/5, (Jno. Cable. ) Joshua, "

Joshua (brother to aecd. havinn; taken him

as his c hild ) , aarah



Rebecca co Jonathan --^orehouse release over- seer in 1690 Elizabeth. PSogers , (sister oz ueea) John Loom, (a friend, bequest to) Joshua XnoT/les (brother) Burr John & ) Overseers.

Jehu )

Inventory taken Dec. S, 1673 by 2hos. ^kidmoKe^

Hrhon V«akernan, V/m. Ward.

1685 Ilch. 10, aaran Xnowles chooses Mr. Jolin 3ur as guardian.

16-- Knii'fen, George, of Stratford, receiver trans, of prop.

at i<le from John Bud. '^ "^

1672 Knap, Timothy, owner prop, at Bye.

BOOK 1675 - 1689.

1675 Knoll, Eicholas, will of, (of -atratfora) , dated ilch' 24, '70. (Jisposea of part)V.idOT7 -Ilizabeth, prob. l.ch. 15,1675. of his est. by a^Isaek, (Book 1675-1689 ,p. 13.

T7riting of June) Jonn, 10, 1650. J

Richaru Bootn J David ^^itchell,)

Isack xiicholas,) Overseers. John l^inor , ) witness.

Joseph Hawley. )

Inv. taken. June 15, 1675, by Isack iJichols, John Ourtiss, John Picket, Henry "'^akelee.

1675 Ilbcd. Knap, Roger of ^'airfield, .Vill of, dated iich. 21, 1673/ (p. 14) proba'aeci oept. 20, 1675.

'iVido?7 I-liaaheth, in 1691 called "idov; »'ake, Jonathan, 6.. 1675. lann. Josiah (married) liioia, daughter of deed. (Roger, Under age (John,

at '73. (llathaniel,

(Elisabeth in 1691 v/as VTife of Chas. Lane, (ilary. llathan Gold , I 3aml. "liakenan) ,Vitness. 7/n. Eill, )

Inv. taken Sept. 20, 167 u by Joh-n Banks , Josiah Harvey.


Exd« Keeler, Joria^% of -.orv/ock, est. of, distributed to

Jolm Xeeler, )

^(Balph) or Caleph Keeler) agreement bet. ) confirmed l-cli. 3, Sarnl. " ) brothers o.t deccl) 1673, Sook 1675-

(# I liave Robert) 1689, p. ^3.

I'nos. Benedict, ben.) John Unsteed , •) witness.

1674 2xd. K^p, Calep, Standford, V«ill of, dated Oct. 11,1674,

Haama, 1^-/1 aoT/, probated 1677, Book 1675-1689, p. 36. AbigalT^^iliin , sister to v/ife of aeca. ,

Calep, eld. son of deed. John, koses, Sarnuell, Sarah,. Hannah. Joshua Knap, ) Danl. Jestcott, )

John Kollr,ser.) Oversf":;ers. Uoses Knap, ) v;itness«

Inv. taken-.keh. 4, -77, by Vto. ITerraan & Jonathan iiillidk, ■Dr. to ast.- Goodman -t^ull of ^^tratfora. John Ketham, ilr. Bishop, ux. Aaquir, Danl.Viestcott, John Lillerd, John .7eed.

1680 Killoch, Briaget, aau. Alec i^arvin of llorwock.

1681 Ketchem, Josepn, step-soii-in-law to llathl. H^chards,

Huabanu to kercy.

1681 Keeler, Ralph, step- son-in-law to ITathl. Richards,

Hiisband to Grace.

1682 -i^nowles, John, Grandson to ilohn Gabee, deed.

1682 iibcd. Ketcnell, liargeret, of Greenwicn, ,Vill of, dated Dec. 2, 1679. probated l^ov. 6, 1682. '.Vidov; Of Lir. Robert Kitche:;!, Of Korwock, i^jon, Kitcholl, (Saml.)

Of Greenwich Laughter, Peck, Joanna, ^.7ife of Jeremia Peck

(7 Children or more) Gift to 1 of 4 children of son -^itchell. Joshua, Knap, br. , of Greenwich ) John Renolca, " " ) Overseera.

Jotm Bowers, of 'ireenerich) Iiloses J erris , ) '.Witness.

Inv. taken at Greenwich Hay 16, 1682, by John 3ov;ers cc Joshua &nap.


Knap, Josnua, i^r. , of Greenv/ica, overseer of above est.

1685 KnigHt, ;7i3. of Fairfield, a snip carpenter, est. of. Inv. takeii oy Jehu Burr, filed IT ov. 6,168^3.

John Burr* Book 1675-1689, p. 105.

1683 Kitcliell, Sanl. , Lr. of Sonvoek, & Ilr. , Jerernia Peck of

Greenr/ioh, left settiement of est. of .:Largaret Zitchell ilr. John Banks, Leut. Cornelius Hull, Sasign Hobt. Tur- n^, llr. Josiah Harvey & Saml. Zells. who aecidea that tne grandchilaren of Ilr. 3obt.' Kitehell, v/ho are lega- tess under his v;ill, are tnose that v;ere in heing at his aeatii. Jereroia Peck having 5 at tnat tirae Ec Sarah Ilitctiell 4, cc Jeremia Peck should ha-ve the £30. given in 2r.,:;. to l.Irs . ilitchell.

I68ij -iilburn, John of ^'ethersfiela, brother to r'rancis Uffora.

1688 Knor/les, i'ho. , Selectman Stratford , inv. est* lilis. Porter

1684 Knell, Isaac, v/itness will of John Picket.

16bfi xuaowlea, i'hos. takes inv est. John Picket.

1684 Knapp, Joshua, tafees inv. est. -Zpraira Palmer.

1684 Kniffen, Geo. lately "bought prop, of Jno. Banks.

168<i: Knap, Joslina of Stanford and Greenwich, (deca. 'vjct.27,

1d84) est. of, inv. taken bv John 3onals ^: Joseph Ferris (townsmen) filed 11011.10,1680. Book 1675-

1685, p. 172. iVidow Hannah in 1696 deed, as ilrs. Hannah Bowers, cnildren living 1696 raarkea f (Joshua Knap, S2 37'rs. old. - (Josepn Knap, 2,0 " "

Children ages (timothy " 16 " " -

given iich. 10, { BenJ . " 9 f " " -

1585. (Caleb " 7 " 4 raos. -

(Jonathan" 5 "

(Hannah " 25 " ;/= in 1696 called Hannan ( Smith,

(Ruth " 18 " ir in 1696 called Huth

Ren olds.

John Sowers of Stamford )

uoses" Knap " " ) Overseerss.


16i8u Keeler, aaaal. v/itneas v/ill of Sam. Mention.

1685 Keeler, Ralph, naa prop, next to I^praim Lockwood^

1687 ICnifton, ,Sanl. , called cousin bj^ Ilafhan j'lielpley, aeca.

also eallea nis sister's son.

1687 Ijiii'ton, George, appt. adm. oi '--st. oi ..cthan ..helplsy,


Ib87 Knap, Jonn, ^^rrandson of Henry timitn o:; -tanfora. Ib87 Knap, Joim, adra. of '.Till of Henry "^mith of ^^tanford.

1688 Keeler, Sarnl. , has prop, at cove next to Thos. Betts of


1689 2sa. Kellock, Banl. , of i^^orv/alk, est. of, %fav. taken

Dec. 0, 1688. (Book 1675-1689, p. 2b4.

by I'hos. Benedict, John Piatt 8s Sarnl. Snith,

^<J^ __ filea LIcli. 5, lb88/9,


I'f ,7idov7, Bridget

^ Sarah, )

llary, ) daughters married o^ Kae hell , )

V dau. Ilisabeth above 20 yrs« of age,

son, -i^anl. 18 yrs- next lioj''.' " aaml.' 15 yrs.' dau. Lyaia la " next April. Benj.)

Joseph ) tr/ins 11 years old. \'ii&au appt. aamx.

1675 Kilnep, An. of Boston, is owed by John Raymond of Horwalk

lb89 jxa. Kelog, Danl. of liorwalk, deed. ITov. 5, lb89, Inv. taken on aaid aate bjr John Piatt, Saml. Haves & Sarnl. ^riiith, file", "ov. 7, 1689. Children, (Book lb75-1689,p. 2b8, also Book lo89-

^ 3ara?i .Brirnsrae' , wife of lOanl. )) 1701, p. 73. ^^ i:ary Plat, v;ife of Joseph, ) of age" to re-

y>^ rJachell ITieoles, wife of ■'i-brahara, ) ceive their por- O ... Ilizaoetn ICelog, dec ;. in 1690 jtions.

r> /'■ -Janl. Kelog aged at 19 yrs. neist Ilajr.

r ^aml. " " " 16 " " Feby.

Jose^^n " " " 12 " " Hch.

Benj. " " "12 " " "

Lidia " " " 14 " " April


Sanl. Kelog or lJ.oxvralk iiatn cnose Sarol. Eciise Guaraiai

Danl •■

Sanil. Hays, )

Ssml. SnitnlacLKinistra-cors.

1678 Knap, Josiah, as aarnr. cf ■cue est. of His brother Jona- than Knap, deceased, is released by his sister Liaia llils ol' legacy due ner rrom tne est. of her aoceasea brotner Jonauhan. Witness '.Vh. Ilili ana Elisabeth Hill.

BOOK 1689-1701

1688 Keeler, rJalpn sold land oei'ore aate to Root. oter;art of" ITorwalk.


1690 Kell-ig, 3liJ5abetn, of -tJorr/alk, est. of, Inv. taken Lov.5, 1690, by Jenes Olnsted, John Bennedick -and Joseph Kitcnan, file- ITov. 25, 1690.

Sarnl. omit a of i^orr:alk, l-Adror. Ssml. 'Haies, " )Appt.' (3ookl689-1701,

p. 15, lb90 Kitchan, Joseph, take inv. of above est.

Ibyi i^nap, Sarol., caliea son in lav/ by 2hos. Lawrence.

1691 iLnap, John, calls himself son in lav; to Thos. Lawrence

lo91 Knap, llary, a. of Wirion- ".Take oi --airfield, sen Tto^ex Knap- Sen.

1091 Knap, Ron:er, of i'airfiela, v;ill of, dated Lich« bl, lb91

His raotner, V/idor; iVake, probated ^ inv. filed ITov. 23, 1691. Book 1d89-1701, p. 50. Brother ITa,thaniel Knap, -if he shoulu die before his mother cs leave no heirs, the prop, to go to the children of .t^oger Knap's i:3ister. vVi-cness, i'hos Jickerson, Charles Lane. Inv, taken Lay IS, 1691, by Jonathan -t^orehouse cb Shoo.

Dickerson. 'sine ^ourt aistributea the raovales to fciusana, Oiiarles, & Aiexanaer Lane, children of Charles ^sjne, (be having married -i^lisabeth Knap, sister to saia Roger) cc tne remainaer ox suca est. uo Ilary Knap, sis-uer to saia Roger,


1691 Knowles, Josiiua, witness r/ill tianl. 7/akeman, «>r.


1693 2napp, Joshua, appt. adnr. est. '.Valter Butler of Greenwich.

1690 Kellog aizabeth. oi" Eorv/alk, Inv. of renaiaaer of her estate, prop, at Wallingfora. -Inv. taken ITov. 25 1690 by same as above. (Book 1689-1701 ^.•106*) Same aarars. prop, tfivlcted bet. brotners and sistera.

1694 Knap Caleb, livinc with John Bowers of Greenwich left

legacy. *

1694 Snap, Jcshua, of Greenwich, Ex. of est. John Bowers.

1690 Knowles, Thos. , belectmaii of Stratford takes inv. est. ^aul Brinsly or Brinsraead. . ~

1696 Knowles, Sargt. , appt. overseer of est. Paul Brinsly or Brinsraead.' ^ -^


1698 Keefe, Jonathan, bill of, to est. Thos . Beaicut, doubtful.

1692 ..ellos Banl., 2^- & aomr. of ist. of, released bv JoseT)h ' ilat, Banl. 'Brinsnea &; Abraham ITieoles, sons-in-law as haviag rec'd. part of the legacies and ^-iven uto *

remainder to the other heirs. "

liitness, «^ chines Olmsted.

Rachel 1 braith.

1692 Kellog, Joseph,)

"^^f^n., ^ '^? £^®^^ Guardians Christopher Corastock to I'hos. Bets acknowledge having received from the aonr. their portions a also gifc of brothers m law as aooveL.. iVitness John Jitch,

oaml. Ilarvin.

1592 Xellog, Lidia, by her guartrian James Olmsted, makes the same acknov/ledgmen.-c. '.Vitness, John Olmsted i^ Rachell Smith.

1692 Kellog Banl. and Saml. Haise, Gtlardian to Sanl. Kellop- make aame acknowledgment. ^'

V/itness, Ralph Kellog, Hichara Wood.


1687 Ivno-zles, Sarah ?c Ilizabeth, d. of John Knowles late of --airfield, deoci. release Mr. Jehu Burr & Ivir. John 3ur « our Uncle Joshua -^^nowles, the overseers the est. of saia John. iVitness Seo. Squire, Danl. Bur.

Ib90 KnoTTles, Re^eckah Eo Jonathan Korehouse make same release as above.

1693 Ketcnum, Joseph, V7it ness v/ill of Ilarke Sention.


1695 Keeler, Sarah, vafe of Saxa*.Keeler & d. I^arke Sention.

1696 Kippen, Josepn, takes inv. est. '.vidow Sarah Br.r.

1697 Kniffen, Saml. takes inv- of est- if John Brunaa^e of Rye.

1697 Knap, tiaml. of Danbury sv/ares to inv. of est. Frances Bushnell & is maae aomr. of said est.

1696 UnoHles, Thos, takes inv. est. kr. John Sutler of Stratford

1699 Knell, Isack, \7itness will iier^-t. Rich. Huohell.

1699 Knap, Josnua)

Caleo ) take ardtl* inv. est. Jolin Banks of Greemr/ich

, 1701 Knell's J-slana, testimony in re^jard to.

Semi. 2airehila testified abt. 60 y.ars of arje, that in his younger aays he went shooting on said^lslana and that it was not dividea by any stream. Said Island was grantee to Iiicolas^Knell a -lies in the raiast of the harbor. " ^~

Jos« ■*-'urtis. Recorder, ProD. at atratford, John Beach, Selectman,

Danl. Br in am eaa, " Rich*- Blacklach, trustee. Jonathan Pitman, John ^^sbnrne, Sanl. i" air child, Saml. Sf^uire a John also testify, at the reouest at' Isack £nell. Witness -ianl. Bearasly. John Burrowes.


BOOK 1702-1750.

1711 Kellog, 3enj., son of the deed, Danl. Kellog of lorwalk, is maae tae vjard oi" Jliasap Preston of iVallingford.

1711 Kellog, -Hiasp is made the 'yard of Andrew Uessenger of ilorwalk.

1711 Kellog, Sarnl., of ITorwalk, is cnosen by the Court to be guardian to Danl. c: Johana Kellog, ehilaren of the deed. Datil. Kellog of I^orv/alk.

1711 KeLlog, Joseph, of I'orwalk is cnosen by the Court to be guaraian to John Kellog, son of aeed. Lani. Kellog.

1711 lo be 1 ound with the above giaardian the court a-ppt. Zach- ariah Black.

1711 Kiinberly, Abraham, makes choice of his Uncle Abraham

Kimberly to be his guardian.

1712 Knowles, Joshua, of Fairfield, deed. est. of. Court appts

Capt. Joseph Bishop of ataraford, ■lir. Dugell ilachency of i'^airfiela, .ir. Joseph Sogers of uilford to admr.

1702 Keller, Saml. , taken inij. est. John Resco?; of Uorwalk.

1702 Kellog, Benj., of Norwalk, est. of inv. llov. 2, 1702, by

Zurubbabell Hoit, Andr^; liessenger c^ John Raimond. Broth. Danl. Kellog to admr.

1701 Knowlea, L'hos., Selectman of atratford, inv. est. Uathl. Hud s one

1701 Knell, Isack, " " " " "

1703 Kellog, Danl., of ilorwalk, est. of. Agreement of sons &

sons-in-law in the dist. of the est. of oheir Drotber Benj. Kellog, deed.

Danl. KeLlogg



Abraham ilieoles

John Clarke, bar ah Brirasmeaa &: "Witness, James Olmsted, v;ido\7 iiary Plat.

Saml. Olmsted i John ^itch*


16 'si 7 Knapp, Hoses, haa land at Stamfora nest hev. John Davenpoxt; grant.

1705 Keeler, Sainl. of ITorfTalfc; enose Guardian ±'or Anna d. Leut. Jorm Olmsted, deed.

1702 Knap, Joshua, of Sreenwieh, appt. Guaraian of youngeso children of Peter Oiapham of ilorv/alk, deed.

1705 Kellog, aaran, called daughter by John Piatt of •^^orwallc,decd

1705 Kellog, Saral. , takes inv. of est. of " ''

1705 K.nov/leti, Leut. l^hos., of Stratford, \7ill of, datei' llov. 12, 1705.- .Via or; -aary.

Gosin Isack Knov/les of n;r brother ITliaser KnoT7les,of ■.Voodbury, under age, left all the property after the death of v/ife iiary. In case he dies before 21, the prop, to go to 2a son of aforesaid. The :7idov7 sole ex. '.Vitnestj, Joseph Curtis, JacoD >*aiker, Zlizaheth Baaset. Codicil The oalt Lfcadow I hought of Benj* licols I give to the eldest son of said Benj. -i-icals. Witness, Joseph Curtis, l^atni. fieaon. Inv. Deo'3, 1705, oy -Joseph Curtis, James Judson.

1705 KnoT/les, Sliazer, of "Voodhury, brother to Leut. Ihos.

Knowles above - nis eldest son -sack left all prop, of said '-^'hcs* Hnov/les.

1702 Kimberly, '^branam, appr. to take inv* of est* of Sarah

Lurtiss, nov; deed.,' wife of ^apt. "Vm. Ciij^^iss, form- erly Goodrich.

1706 Knell, Phebe, called sister by Caleb i.ieols of '.Voc^ -".bury.

1707 Keeler, Saral. makes aist. est. 2hos' Lupton of ■'■'orwalkw

17 07 Knap, John, takes inv <S; dist. est- Peter June of Stanford.


1707 Jinap, Caleb, acinr* est. oi' -^lios' Olose, Jr., of dxeermloti,


1713 KnoTvles, I^r. Joshua, aist. of est. of, to

Joseph Gamp, Lidia Eer/ton, luary looser a, Joseph l^ogers,

Abranaia llicoles cc Sarah, his wife. Lideaa £; -^ry Eeuton to pay JoseiDn ^oqqtb " Sarah

i^icoles i4. i^he above named. «^osepn fipgers, •''•'■branaBUicoles & Sarah, his wife, Josepb Camp, loary Rogers, Lideah Hew ton, John -"ogers & Hannan Ganp, sub- scribers to above ^appeared '^ acknowledged be- fore Peter Burr, Asst.

1705 Xnap, John of ^'airfield some years deed, son of Roger

Knap to whom the '^oxm. granted the long lot. In-'-. jJec. 13, 1705, by -zekiell Sanford and 'Jolin lior- _ ho use. 1705 Knap, jilisabetn, Inv Jec- 115, 1705, had right in

given by v/lll of her aecd. husband -Ijbger Knap. Also wolf's Ljwamp cb Paul's neck division. Inv. by sane as aDove^^. The ^ourt appts. Charles lane, i3en», of -i^'airfield, to aoror. on Ist est. above; he 'is also to find out the circurastances of the est. of the decci. Slia. Knap i: make report of same with inv of wnat est. of hers he can find that waa not inv* before.'

Inasmuch as tnere 'is some part of the deca. Roger Knar). Sen, his est. that is undistributed the Court empowers Szekiell Sanfora to John uorefeouae to dist. according to will of said Roger. Jolin Knap's 3st. aist. bet. Hathaniell Knap, Llary Knap l~ Charles Lane in right of his v/ife.

■She ^st. of ^liz* Knap to be dist. to same persons.

Ibi^O Knap, Josiah, est. of, Inv. Llach. 13, lb89/90, bjr Saml.

iioberson & John -iiorenouse. iiidow,

£ldes"C son )

Ycu?:gest sonj under age, perhaps other children The wiaov7 to admr*


1706 Knap, Joseph, -Vitness IVill of Leut. David ".YatsrlDUry, 3r. , deod.

:'.703 JInsll, Isaclc, of Stratford, Xnv« of est. Dee. 21, 1708, by Iloses Vilieeler & Abraham .■.;ieoles. i7idov7 Phebe,

Tlie v/iciow \vith Mr. looses iVh.eeler & lir. j^brahara Uicoles, both of atratford, to admr.

1709 Knap, Dar.l. , callea ti. in law by James liicholson of Fair-


1710 Keler, Se.rra. , of iiorwalk, ■'/I'ltness will of Jonathan Stevenson

1710 Ketcheein, Joseph, of -^-orwalk, appr. to dist* part est. Hev. Hr. Hanford, Sr. , 1710.

1715 Knap, Hathl. who was appt. admr. of est. Llary Knap, aeca. is also aeco. l,.r. Ben J. i"ayerweather is appt. to finish adrar. c^j also made admr. of est. of Uathaniel Knap.-

17 C9 Kelloge, Danl. of i'orwalk, Inv. of eat. of ITeby. 28, 1709, (Galloge) by John Bennedick, Se:i. , Surubbabell Hait & John Raymond . Eldest son Danl* abt. 10 yrs* ola,) all living 1711 " John ' " 8 " ' " ) " 3enj. " 5 " " ) Aug. 19, 17 G9.

dau. Johannah near 3" son 'filiasaph aot. one week ola. Saral. Gelloge) Josepij Gellog) Brothers to deca. apt* admrs.

1709 Knap, Ghristopner^i of Fairiiela, verbal v;ill of Jany. 5,


witness "Capt. Saml. Squire -.. i-^r. 2hos. Jones, prob./lO Gapt. Saml. Squire &: ilr« Hill appt." admrs. 'Left all his prop, to the poor.

1710 Knap, Joshua, takes inv est. "Stephen -i-^olmes, Greenwicn.

1710 Knap, linothy " " " " "

1711 Knap, Joseph, takes inv. est. xir. James Fountain of Green-


1711 Knap, Hary, of atratf ord , v;ill of, oy word of mouth, before Isaac Hall, Jr. & Jane Lall, his v.'ife, wno swore


to same, dated ITov. 19, 1711. Sister Pheoe rrlte oi Saml. Henrieb, <?c

I^athl. Henrick tae uon oi said Saml. Se Pheoe called child bjr said aeca. (possibly her son.) Brother ITathl. ICnap. 2o rrjy boy lathl. ;;;rop. in charge of my brother ITathl.

until he comes oi" age. Legacy to ►iusannah Ihomas. " " ELexaaider Lane,

" " Aunt Gasle.

Brother ilathl. Knap appt. admr. Inv. Deo. 18, 1711 - by David Sherman do Hiehard Hubbeil.

1711. Kellog, Danl. , of i^orwalk, aist. oi eat. by lir. Saml. Bets Sc Gapt. John Haimon of Eorwalk. Saml. Kellog & Joseph Kellog, adiurs.

1707 Kinde, Arthur of Stratford, Inv. of est. Sept. 18,1709, by Ebeneser Curtis tc Josiah Ourtis. Moses V/heeler, aumr.

1710 Kellog, Danl. , or iiorwalk, Inv, of prop, at .Vallingiord I^ch. Zi3, 1710,' by Saml. ilemsoii Cc ITathl. Hitchcock.

Said' prop, in hands of 'Slisaph Preston.-

One of the sons or aaid Danl. (see list top of page)

being deed. Mr. John Eaimond & Lir. Saml. Ilanford to dist.

1712 Knapp, John, tages inv. est. Joseph ./eed of Stanford.

1711 Knap, Joshua, takes inv. est. Henry Rich or Greenwich.

1712 Keeler, iir. I^alph^ ex. of eat., Mr. iVm. Hayes of Horv/alk

1712 ICnowles, Joshua or i?airfiela, late deed., ilch. 6,1712. Inv. b; John Thompson a Gideon Allen. Bills of Gideon Allen, Hhos. uilliams, Theophylus Hull, Gapt. Gouch, Jolm bmith, Jr. , Joseph 2jOUton, Jr., Benj. Janks, Josepu Jennings, ^jr. Ghancy, Hoses Dimon, Lir.- V/ebb, Jonathan Burr est. -"ent of lana aue from Mr. iiakenzy Dugall, Joseph Jennings for rest of mead07/. Peter Goely, lir. Bennit, oen., 2hos. Harvy, Danl. IJorehous e.

Gapt. Joseph Bishop, Lir. Dugall llackenzay & lilr. Joseph

Sogers swore to inv.

S24 1712 Knap, Zliza"beth, called d. "b^ x^v' Ilios* »=>eainor of I'OBwallc.

1712 Knap, Sanl. takes inv est* John Picket of lanbury.

1715 anapp Joshua,) take inv* est* Sanlt Lyon of Greenwich aecd Knapp, Caleb, ) '

1713 Knapp, liraothy, take inv. est* Sanil. Mead of Greenwich.

17 09 Knowles, Anne, now, 1713, Anne KininsJi, v/itnesR v;ill Sanl. Hinman.

1713 Knowles, Thos . , takes inv. of est. of '^aml. HinBan.

1712 Knapp, Timothy, takes inv. of est. Jonathan Llead of Sreen- v/ich.

1712 KidlDerley, Abtaharn, takes inv est* Thos. Sharp of Eev/toxi .

1714 King, Jermiray, d. of Saml. Coley, see dist. of est. of,

1713 Knowles, LIr. Joshua, of ^airfield, agreement of heirs Sc

dist. of est. viz. i^r. Du^all I^akensy & Sarah nis v/ife, aau. of llr.

Jomi Knowles, late of jairiield. Gapt. Joseph Bishop of Stanford & iHizabeth his wife,

d. 'Of said John Knowles. John Oresy of "Stanford k Rebeckan, his v/ife, d. of

John Iinowles of said Fairfield, deed. lir. Josepn -t^ogers of -^-^ilford, s. to lilisabeth, zor- merly Knowles of -^ airfield, -& John Piogers of iiilford & Ivlary his v;ife, d. of aforesaia miaabeth Knowles & -^idea l^ev^rton of -lilford, a. of afore- said iZlis. Knowles C: Joseph Camp of Milford cb Hannah his wife, d. of above said ELiz. Knov;les & ^^braham ITicoles of Stratfora & Sarah,' his wile, 0. of above saia ELiz. Knov/les. The above agree to aist. of est. of their Uncle

Knowles of Fairfield 1/2 of saia est. to children of ilr. John Knov^les, late of Fairfiela, deed. & 1/2 to children of said .Hisabeth Knowles. T/itness, Joseph .Vakeinan,

^-n:ony ITonouier. Gapt. Joseph Bishop, iir. Dugall Llakensey & ilr.

•Josepia Rogers acmrs. of est* Joshua Knowles of Fairfield.

225 1715 ILnap, Caleb, takes inv. est. Joseph jinch o±" ^re;nv/icli. 171i) Knapp, Siraotliy, takes inv. of est. Jonathan '.Vhelpley of G. 1'715 ICnapp, Timothy, takes inv. est. Joseph Head of Grreenv/ich.

1715 Knap, Joseph, takes inv. e-st. fc^thl. Coleman of Greenv/ich 17J20 Knap, Timotny, to dist. est* Joseph iiiead of Greenwich.

1716 Keeler, Leut. Saml. , gppt. Guardian for Jabes £o Lidiah

Ganfield, cnildren of ■'i'henezer Canfiela of -^^orwalk.

17 07 Jones, Cornelius, of Stanford, chooses Leut. John 3urley of i'airfiela, as Guardian.

1707 Knap, Caleb, of Horsnecli, appt. adror. est. Thos« Close.

1715 Knapp, Estate of II at hi. ) of v/hich l^r. 3enj. x'asv/eather

& Mary ■) was adinr. Y^e having resi^nea aaninistratcrship, viDBH Court appt. Charles Lane, Jr., to adijir.

1718 Knap, 3enj. late of Greenv;ich, being deed.

7('idor; Hisabeth v;ith Lnsigne Caleb fenap appr. aararH,


BOOK 1648 - 1656.

1654 Loeln-;oocl, Lieut. Robert, nen-cionea in i'lios. ^.lieeler ,Sr.will

IbSb Lion, Henry, son in law to vVm* Bateman, deed.

1658 Exd* Locl<T;ood, i^obt. estate of, inv. filed 16'^8, p. 42. Susanna, widow of above (Harried Jeffery Jerris and ane wab deceased in lb61) (Jonathan, elaest son { Jos epa )

(Daniell) over 21 in 1661

(Sprain (See Jeffery

ChilcLceii (Ger shorn Ferris 167b)

(John unaer SI in Ibol

(iibi^-ail ) wife- of John Barlow in 1681 (aarah ) Under 18 in 1661 (Lxary ) iVife of Jonathan Heustead of GreenT/ieh

in 1681. Deborah anotner ehilci, married before her father^s death Ilr. Mra, '.Yard and ^as reed, her portion.

Ib61 liion, Henery, appt. oversever vlth looses uheeler of Hoses Cc ziieneser Jonson.

1652 Ludlow, Roger.

1656 L-clrwood, Edward, m. in est* Shos. Beardsly.

165 5 Lands, Rich. appt. est. John Chapman.

1665 Lyon, ThOB. app. est. John ITeedman*

1&6V Loclrwood, Jonathan, husband to liary d. Jeffery Ferris.

1667 Lawe, Richard, wijyness will of Jeffery Ferris.

1557 Law, Rich, executor est. Gregory Taylor.

1669 Loclrwood, 3praim, classed v/ith his sons in oistribution

of prop, of .xathew ^^t. John.

ir7i Lyons, Rich* ovmes land next 3d. Adams, deed, at Barlows Plains.

^672 Lupton, 'Dhos. owned land near Ralpn Keeler of i'orv/alk.

227 1G70 Loom, John, given prop, by v.'ill or John K.nowles.

Ib72 Lounsberry, Sicnard, t/itness trans, of prop, at Bye, bet,

Philip Galpin & aimon Roberts."

BOOK 1675-Ib89.

1d7o LoelT/cod, Josepn, takes inv. est. Jolon i^icbmond.

167d Lawes, Ilr. nad lanct nexr 7to. Eewnan of i^tandford at

•Clappet Lana.

1d75 Loclrr/ood, Joh.n,es-n. of (of •-•orwock), inv. filea lb77. p. 25. Jaiaes liiller, Dr. to est.

Thos. -i^'itca "

Ssnl.' Kayes "

Serub Eoit "

John Ha-c "

lEprim Lockwood " tiam. Xeeler "

James mention " Sprain ijocknood, Cr. to est. James Picket "

Saial. Baldwin " Inv. taken Dy belecDmen of SorT/oekiTlios* Zitc'a

) John 'Plate Sprain^Loekwood gives oath that it is a true inv.

lb7D Lyon, aich. legacy ro, oy l-ichell J'ry. (or 'Try)

Ibvo LavT, l.ir. Hicn. takes inv of est. John Pettit of Star.dfora.

1676 Law, Jona-cnan, takes inv. est. 'Ihos. Sherwood of "-"tratford,

1685 Lockwooa, Icinun, cleared Dy Gouri; rrom trayning.

1686 lane, Charles, convict ec. "by being d"runk an'\ striking i'hos.

j'illians* Kaa been imprisonea oefore for con- tenpcffloud carriage oefore Authority.




1578 SxcL. lion, Sichara, of -^airfield, v;ill o::', .dated Apr.lE,

I078. 3oo& 1675-1689, p. 41.

l-argareo, uldoxr of deed, prol^ated 1678.

Hosee, son oi' c. ecd.

Ilary ?iteh, called cousin by aeca.


Vi'illiara (unaer age)

iianl. "

Josepa "

lies tor Perry { daughter) vrlte of

ITathanell Perry (son in law)

Josepn Perry (Grand ctiild)

3etty (daughter) (unaer age)

Hanna "

ATDigal "

John vVheeler ) Hathan Golci)

3obt. 2urney ) Overseers ilary Ilurv^in) V/itness xnv. 'dated Oct* 17,1678 d;/ Sergt. Geo. aL^uire ' ?c -.".Yi. Hii'l. ^

lb8x Lujae, Eobt. overseer o_ -ona-cati,!! Ourtin et;t.

Ib8(j L.:cla"ood, Joseph, adra. est. John •^*ndrev7s, aecd.

Ib85 LaT7e, -Hobt. witness r/ill 01 'i'hos- Ufford.

lobo Lav;e, I.lrs. Liargaret, sister to J'arien Ufford.

Ib85 Lawe, -i^olrt. overseer est. Soot. Rose, Stratfora.

Ib85 lewis, 3enj. witness will Spraira Booth, Stratford.

1685 L-.cTr.70od, Lieut. Jonatn. , swares to inv. of ''iciow Bullerd.

1684 Lawe, oarah, dau* of John Picket, deed. He wife of -"^obt. Lawe.

1684 Lawe, Jonn, proD. grandson of Jolin Picket, aecd. sane gift

as to other.

1685 Levingsworte, iJr. Shos. of -Vooabury, est. of, inv* taken

Aug. 2C, 1683 by i^electnen John liinor, Josepn Juason, Caleb ITicnols, John V/yet t: Sainl. atiles.

(Book l675-lo89, p. I08, ;:iled Hov. b, Ib&o.


3 on

Daughter Lieut. JudBon)

Son I'r. inor ) Overseers.


IbS-i Lyon, i'hos*^ sold prop, to John 3anlrs before IbS'i.

Ibb* LoGlrv70od, Jonatiiaii, overseer v/ill oi Jonn Jagger oi' a tan ±' era.

158y LoelnYOOd, Zpraim, brofher-in-iar/ to Jariea ^^ention.

lb8o Locltv^ooa, Jaraes , son ot abv. Spraira.

1685 Lar/e, Bobt. rritness v^ill of Jar:iefc> "Mention.

IbB'db Lupton, 2hos., of '-'orwake, t/ill probatea tin., im-' liiec Lich. 20, IbSo, est. of, inv. Dec. 19, 1684, "by Joirn Piatt, John Bouten, 'sr. Janes Olmsted. Wiao\7 (Book 1675-1689, p. 169.)

jaugiiter Hannah in the 20 j^r. of -her age. Son i'aos. ±5 yeara olr' xi.pr. 10, 1685.

Lieat. James Olras^ced, •administrator.

1666 LockT/ood, josepn, complains to Oourt of seizure of boy. from the hands of ^imon Couch by Jcries ^^uton. Constable.

1680 Lion, ^izaneth, a. of ^ich. lyon, xil^e of 3en^» Banks

of ^^'airfield.

IbSl Locla70od, i.ia.ry, a. of -^'obt. co onsanna Jjocl-Twood & sister to Danl* & -Joseph Jjoekr/ood Sc >7illiam V'ard & wife of 'Jonathan Heusteed of Greenwich.

1681 Lockr/ood, Abigail, d. Coo- as mandatory proceeding. V/ife

of Joan Barlowe of Fairfield.

lb8o Loelrr/ood, I'praim of -i-^orwake, v/ili of, date". Jan* 18, 1685, being aged about 43 years of age. (Probated Hov.b, .Vidor; Hercy, deca. 1694. 1685.)

Sprain, sou of aecd. b. Hay 18, 167^5. r;eca.lb94 Daiil. Loclnvood, 2d son, tj. Aug. l;-5, lobS. baml.' !:)ention, brotner so-^callea. John,' eldejit son of aecc. b. ilch. 19,1665. El yea-rs

Ola. Jeca. Ib94. Slipneiet,- <:on of cleccl. b. l-'eby. 2'J , 16'i'D. Joseph, " " b.' Apr.' -1, 1d80.

James ( haa portion of his unkel's est.)- b.Apr.21j;? tiara, aau. of acca. b.llov. o,lb70.Unaer &ge. Ib85 Ilarke Sention J John j'itcii ) Overseers.

Book 1675-1685, p. 18^.


lb8J Loek-,70od, Sprain, (Conta)

aaral. Ha-yes, ben. )

Saml. Bslden ) viitness

(.<o,lter Hoyte Inv. taken Jul^r 25, j.o8o (Jonn Plact

(James Olmstea

I080 Lane, Charles, finea 20 snillinga for Deing drunk, 2d. Oi fence.

1687 liOcliT/oorl, Josepn, inv. est. Ann Peacke, deed.

lo87 Lane, Hobt. Selectnan of atratfora, takoa inv. est. Isaac Juason, aecd.

lo87 Lornace, Hannan, d. or Henry Snitii of Stanford.

158y liockrrooa, Jona-ciian of Greenwicu uied l.ov. 9, 1689, Inv.

of est. oy Jonn Bowers cc Joan IJeaa, Jr. riieu i!ov. ^^9, 1689 Root. xiocljT/ood, orother to deed. s?/ares to prop. Gereshaijj Loclnvood ) Ijoth of Greenr/ich Root. Loclrv/ood ) AdmnistraTors

At Uourt nsla Lien. 14, lo90, Sobt. Lockwood was appt. to be aomr. on ttie estate to pay his orother s & sistera tS apiece ail under age. See -rs. llarah I-^errit, 1708. (Book 1670-1689, p. 297.)

J.0V0 LockTvood, Jonathan, Duys prop, at Greenv/ica of ^'ica.

...ay 27, -Bullerd. Bounded by -land of aaia Loclr^.vood ,■

John Jlobby, LIr. Jonsise c; Josepn liead. By Joshta iun.app, i-.ecoraer 01 Gresnvrica.

1678 LaT7, Rich, of HarTiford, buys of tne ex. of tne estate Of Robt. Risaeii ail his prop, ct Islana or Mevis.

BOOK 1689-1701 1^' 1678 Lasse, lilwara, fxneu for oeing in arink.

under age.


±090 icd. Ljron, iThos. seja. of Greenwica, v/ill oi , dated Sepo.

16, 1689, pi-o Dated and inv. filed Hov. 8,16yot

w'idow llciXj

John, son oi aecu. (tne mill at Hhye

'i^hos. " " (the home lot by Byram 5iver


Joseph "

Mary, a. of

AbiPtiil 'nau. of

Elisabeth "

Sarah "

Thos. don of John, grandchild

JJeoorah, d. of deed.

ViiiaovA, sons John & aaial. Ijc.

i'hos. BroT7n of Sye & J

John i-ar shall t>r. of Greenwich) Overseers

i^hos. Brovme )

John atoakham) Witness

I'nos. ^yon,Sen. aeca. »5epr. 7, lo90.

inv. saiiie aate -as aeoree.

ITcv. 8, 1690, one of the above overseers is

aeau . J3ook 1689-1701, p. ,13.

lodC Lattin, ThOi^i . legacy to in will of Renjc-y ,<akiey of Strat- lora .

.io91 Lockwood, Sargu. Josepn cf vairfield, ar^pt. aamr. cf est i-nsign -ipnrain Tacoles.

loy-i i^evrLs, Eenj. beleotman of ^tratfora, takes inv. est. Bo of- Clarke.

Lewis, tifra. selectman oi J^arnington, takes inv. or Paul J3r±ns.naa est. tnere.

loyi liockwoo*, Josepn, son in Ian to i^obt . -Beachem of --a:xiras Sarms. Bobt. Grandchild of* " "

i^usan Jo tin 3arah

lb91 loclrwood, Danl. takes inv. of est. of Bobt. Beachen

I'j'-Ji -i.clnvooa, Gersham, callea father '\yy Jolm Burwell of Greenwich.

2o'^ 1690 LoeTrwotm, -^anl. overseer of will or John Barlow, aen.

1690 LockT70od, Joseph, v/itness will 01 " " "

lb91 ISzd. -^aurence, Thos. of Stanfora, husbancLman, v/ill of, dated July 26, 16 91, pr oca ted and inv. filed ITov. 3,1691. sister i^ehecka Jarnan, "■■ .

Daughter-in-law Hannah (::ook 1689-1701, p. 48)

bon- in-law Sarnl. Knap.

liinswonan Hart ha i^lauson

Zephew -lieaar Slason, Jr. son of ray siater Llary, unaer age. Among other beq^uests land at Westeoac. Sister oar ah london Hephew «Jonath. . London Brother-in-law SLephelet Jones Sister l.:artha Jones Brother-in-law Joseph JiroTm^S'en. Abraham Ambler) Qanl. TIeed ' ) Hz. iianl.' arnith.. ) .•

■iiary 'Smith ):V/itness

Josepn Bayley . .) )■ . . ' .. Inv. oaken Aug. 16,- 169r,- bjr Jonathan Bell 2:

•Danl. V/eed*' John iinap, s. in I^tj vq aecu. a-,.ares :co inv.

(HacL most of deca. effects, in ni's custody) ■Haa lands on Long. Islano.; aid lived therp on6 .time.

1691 Lane, Susanna, Charles ^ Aless-nder, children of (-iharles

Lane & SLiz, (Knap) callea grandchildren Dy Vjidovr >7ake of I'airfiela.

17 ?/r. Jo oanil. Lyon o$ Greexiv/ich, aeca; Dhos. Jjyon oi Greenwich, admr. of est. informs tne Court Jany. 4, 1722/3 of certain lanas given oy tne -will oi their father 'j?hos. Lyon, late of Greenwich, deed, unto aaia Sanl. Lyon,&' Joseph Lyon, but saia lands had not been divided. Recjiuest the Court to diviae same so that tne neirs of aaia Saml. can aivade the lanatj.

Court oraera i-ir. Sbenezer Lead, lix. Benj. & Gershara L ck\70oa, all of Gre-^nwich, co act. (Book 1589-1701, p. 53.)


llZ'^.j^ Thos. Lyon (Conta)

In Lie h. 2, V/'do/'i, Mr. «John 3tone, at W. for aov. aarfrr* x'hos, -ijyon,- in+'orms Court that those appt. by Oourt refuse to act & the Court appt. Gapt. Sanl. Hait, lir. John Bell & baml* -i^latchy.

1722/3 Lockr/ood, Messrs. 3enj. & Gershon Lockr/ood, appt. by Court to aiviae lands iei't oy Thos. Lyon in 1690.

Ibyi LockTTOOd, Lanl. ITairfield, est. of, inv. taken May 30^ Ibyi, by Sobt. iiuinsey, Sani. Drake ^j Llipnelet Hill, filed Deo, 2, 1691. -Book 1609-1701, p. 55. 7/idov7 Abigaile.

Son of deod. Lanl. 22 yrs. old

Lau. " Abegai'le, 17 yrs. old'. Married Saml.

Sober son. " " Mary, 10 yrs. -old. Yery sickly & weak.

7/id0T7, sole admrx.

1691 Lane, Robt. called brother by John Picket.

1691 Locl^v^ooci, -Uanl. legacy "co, by Saml. Drake.

1693 Lockwood, Joaipn, son ox a sister of ..^rke mention.

Legacy to.

1693 Locltv/ood, Joseph, overseer & called brottier oy Abegaile

LoolTiTOoa, ■daovT'.

169^ Lane, Sobt. appr. aarar. est. Rebecka Picket.

1690 3::d. Lock^'TOod, John of EorvTalk est« of, inv. taken Mch. 2, 1690, by John Plat, sen., 3anl, Wraith S: Marke Mention. (Look lb89-l'01, p. 105.)- filed llov.3,1691

Mary, prob. •widocT £; her son

Danl. appt.' aaiars.


1693 LockV7cod, Abegaile, widow of -"airfield, will of, datea

Jan. 29, 1691/^. baid cieca. ricior; of Danl. L ckwooa TDrooatea ana jtiiv. filea Mch. 15, 1692. Book 1689- Son"Daniell 1701, p. 93.

Dau. Abegaile, mfe of ;5acil. Sobers on. " -Mary, unaer age in 1702 v;ife of liathan horehouse Son JcJil., sole ex.

Brother Josepn Lockr/ood & ) Overseer^ " Mathew Sherwood


1693 Loekwood, Abegaile (Contd)

rti-cness ) iSarah t^old

) 31ipnelet- Hill Inv. ta3ren Lich. 18, 1692/5

lb9^ Locl^/ood, i!&ian, or Stanford, deca. Jan. 31, 1692. Inv taken ^& Feoy. 1692/3 oy Jonnth. Bell Sen. & Abranam ..mble2>, lUled Llch. 15, 1693. Book 1689-1701

widow « QK *

^«^, T p. 95.

bon Joaepn ^

" Daniell

" Sdman

Dau* liary

" 'AbEgaile

Anotner aaughter

Son Joseph Loclnrood & )

Jonas i/eed of Stanford) Avnt, Admrs.

Jonas *'eea refuses to aot-Ibranan ^jnbler

Sen. ajppt. '

1693 Lewis, -hilip, takes inv. of est. or Beni.Gaihert of

5'airf iel d.

1694 Lumis, Hannah, large legacy to by ';/ido^7 :.ary Baneks.decd. 1694 Lane, Bobt. takes inv. of est. Joseph Peat of Stratford 1694 Lewis, 3enj. " " " " m

1694 Locks, i^ar./n, sister oi " " ■»

lo9-± 5bcd. Lockwood, ilercy, of xJorwalk, est- of, inv. filed July 1-94 by ./idor/ of Sprain Loclrr/ood. {3ookl689-1701

inhere vias given to Spraim Loclnvood, Jr.' by his p. 123)

iather 3praim Loclrwood, Sen. deed, certain lanas, but never enjoyed as -Spraim, Jr. diea before coming of age. Said lana a-o->iraisea ozr -^narev; -essenger c"j Thos. -■'itch'^ Inv. est. John Lockwood of -Worwaak, aeod. bv ' James Olmsted, aaral. Smith. "

i/hereas the est. of %hrim Loclnvood (see preceding page! & Ihe ..idow Ilercy i: 5phrim Lockwood, Jr. & "^H John Lockwood are all deca.



1594 Loelo/ood, llexcy (Gontd)

Court oraers tne est. of saia Sphrim, Sen, to be divided bet. Daniell, ELephelet, Joseph cc James cc 3ar..-h Lockwoodt Danl. IiOclcr/oof5. appt. aarnr for all abv est.

lo97 Lyon, John, takes inv. of est. John 3runaege of Tiye

Iby? Lane, Seorge, of Bye, aiDpt. to make distribution of est.

John Brundege of .Hye.

(Book 1689 Jxd. Lyon, .Jaml. est- of, goods from Boston left out of x/ui, p. 14/^9. inv.'

fed. Lyon, Joseph, est. of, deed, goods left out of inv.

1598 ixd. Lyon, Josepn.or S^airfield, est. of, inv. taken ilch. '1597/8 by Philip Lewis, John -idwaras & John Thomson.- John -^agley, aarar. of saia est* -'ec^ 9, lb98 i'o distributed as fol'lows: luary Sagiey, relici; of saia Joseph Lyon She ^ourt aesirea Joseph lYakeman w lathl. Bur, Jr. to aet out iche children's part Ik Saml. Lyon to receive est. & distribute it to thera at the age of 21 yrs* The rsmain- aer of tne est. to remain in 'saia Baglev's hana to pay his- wife's portion & ye detJts according to order. (Book 1689-1701, p. 147 & The deceaaed Joseph Lyon nad 2 sons. 195)

1690 Levenswortn, John, witness agreement of John Kurd of liooaby uGirs.

1718 Lyon, Jos :ph, acknowleges full recpt. from nis unel^

Saml. lyon. David, acknowleges full recpt. from nis uncle tiaml. iivon.

'iVitnessl Joseph V/akeraan ) Thos* Hash.

1699 L^cTfWood, i-^r. Joseph, of ^airfield, nays Bich. Zdwards of iiartfora, atty. for John Plastea, -£52-6.


lb98 2x4. Lyon, Loses or Sair field , est. ol', inv. talren Ilch. 2, ■1697/8 hy Jotm Bulckley « John'3 waraa, tiled lich.Sl, 1d9-7, Book 1689-1701, p. 151 ci 211. Add to inv. the v/idow's •do\7ery & adrn'r his

est. £?.' Distribution Apr. 11, 1697. Vi/idow liary Brotner Ricnard Lyon Sanl. •'

TJm. Brottier-in-lat? Joshua Jenninfi;s, Tiheir v/ives bein^; sister

to deca. " " 7;ra. Boberson " " " "

" " Saral. braith " " " "

tiister Zi^ter Grurnnan.

John Mwaras, aarar* & 1699 Court orders L'athl. Burr, Jr. to 'assist. 1698 -ibcd.Loclr.700d, Danl. Jr. son of Abi^^ail LoclTWood v7ho d.

1692/5, see ante, of Fairfiela, est* of, inv. IxCh. 11, i698 oy John I'hcmpson, Philip Lewis Sc John Sdv/ards. The deed, haa land at Mill Plains, at Lill Hill, land: by Sanl* ^hew/ooa, land at Saeco Hill, at ITards -^sla'na, at Saeco Leek, in Loclnvooa iiwarap, atCorapo <S: at Olde Pequanacke. Widov7 Abegaile

£ daug-hters, aged 4 & 2, named Abegaile £c IJary.

Tne widor/ ^ her brother Danl» Lur to adnr. (Book 1689-1701, p. 157.)

1698 Lyfin, Lary, evidently formerly v/iaow of Saml* Adams.

lo9o L:cd. Leef.s, John, of titanfora, est* of, inv* taken Feby. 3, lb9u, by Baml. Hoit ^ David ".Vaterbury &z iiLisha Kally. ('Book 1689-1701, p. 186)


She vviaov/ to administrate.

1700 Lyon, Joseph, i^ettlement of est. of.

Saml. Lyon, v;no waa appt. to hUvSbana the est. of the children of tne deca. Joseph makes an agreement v/itn ''oon Bay ley, at ep- father to said children, ne, tne saia -tJayley to take tne lanas until the children, vis. Joseph Sc David Lyon, come of age, f: to ]|eep the younfjest son of said Lyon until he is 7. Agreement aated l.ov.13,1700.


1699 Loc'TWOod, Robt. Seleetman, of ^reeiiv7icri, inv« est. John Mead, «^r. '

1699 Lockv/OOG, ^o'bt* takes inv est- ''ohn Banks of (Greenwich.

1700 Lock\70od, I>anl. ^r. settlement of est. of.

r/idow AT3e2ail makes report to ^ourt June 26,1700 is allowed i32 for bringing up of 2 ciiilaren Book 1689- aged 6 aua 4, bctii daugia-cers.

T-7m -v, on« Mary Loelnvood, d. of Dani. Lock^,700d,ar* to rec.

17Jl,p.20a. 156-3-10. ' .

iir. -Ilnatnan Kanford wno being to marry the aaici Aioegaiie, •viaor; of saia deed. Tanl. Jr. to admr. The widof/ of iJanl. Lockwood, iien* and her son Danl. Jr. oeing admrs. of esfr* of Danl. Lock\700d,' iion' in 1691, and bcfth being' decci., the ^ourt orders Abegaile, the widow of ]3anl. Jr. to pa 37 aforesaid legacy to his sister -i-lary.

1702 Lockwood, Danl. Jr. esu. Ov/ing to aearh or Slnathan Hanfora vae Court appo, Ijc. Peter Burr & John Barlow to hu'^aana tne est* -for -'^begaile S Llary the 2 daugnters of said deed. Danl. Jr. " aaid Peter Burr and John Barlov; receive est.

from Sarnl* "ilson, ex. of est* of -i^lnathan Hanford v'ho married -^begaile,' tne v/idow of said Danl. Jr. and pay Llary wire of ITathan ilorehouse, formerly Uary Loelrwood, the legacy left b^' ner father Danl. Lockv/ood ,ben. 1707 Sov.lb, Abegaile Iioc'gwood., d. of Danl. I-oclriYOod, Jr. makes p. 208. cnoice of Ilr. ilathl. aherrfjan of Stratford, as

guardian, and also appointed guardian llary, dau* see Daniel Lockwood, Jr.

loyo iiora, I^ober"C. The aomrs . of -lephelet nad great diffi- culty in obtaining aadl. inv. of said Ulephelet est. from tne nands of Lcben '^iOrd & icfeter. Said lifetgr prob. the wife of Loben ■'^ord and widow of -^lephelet -^ill & formerly widor; of jiisign Sphran ITicols.

1695 lyon, Joseph, of Fairfield, husband of ilary Jackson, the d.. of Josaj.i Jac":jon, 1^-te of Jairfiela, deed, acknop/iedges tne receipt of his wife's legacy from nis father-in-law Josepn cieely who married tne aomx. of said Jackson est. V/itness :■ IHLepnelet Hill, 3ster h.ill The apove is Josepn Lyon.


loy9 Lyon. Sam 1. witness release of .^oiin Jackson to noses Jaokson, acuBr, ^^"ccjs

169o Lord, xtobt. of ^'airfiela, was joined in marriage with ^tner liill of saia place Jany. 20. 1696 - 7 lliarkea out.) ,

BOOK 1702 & 1750.

1712 ^S^°^.^|^4 son of Joseph L^on. deed, makes choice of has ^^Vliqv in lav; John 3a^7 as guardian.

1712 Lyon, Rjohara est- of ^be^aiie Lyon, wiaow of & admx.

This is rather oblitera-ced, musv be provea.

1702 Lee - wife of ,Vn. lee ana aau. John x^escow o- iiorwalk, deed.

1700 Lyon./fei. of ffairfiela. will of, aated x,ov. 4. 1699.

»afe Pheoe Land next Sanl. Hull i^on riarhaniell .^i chilareu unaer age

■'??* ijeft d sons tne lens lot next

^ose^s Joshua Knov/ies at -Saeco ileck.

ijpeaks Of a chila unborn, ihe wiaow sole ex. V/itness I Hat nan ^old

(3 ami. Gold inv. taken Uec 23. 1700 by Philip Lewis ^ 'Jonatnau u quire.

1701 Lcckwood, aargt. Joseph, father of Susannah, tne widow

Of imtnaniell Burr. Jr. deed.

1704 Lewis, Benj. takes inv. of est. of Joseph Booth of


1702 j^eea, .ta. takes ±m . eat. James Browne of Morwalk.

1703 Lacy, luward, Jr. takes inv. Hebecka Gregory of otratfora. 1700 L-ckwood, Joseph, takes inv^ est- John (^xQen of i-^airfield.


1701 Ioc":wood, Sarah, vatneas will of Jotin Henolds oi' or 1699

1707 Lev/is, ::amuna, witness will of IJr. V/ra. Bickly of Stratford.

1702 li evinsv/or-ni:!, Ilr. John, soraetirne of v/ooabury, Inv. of est. Oct. 12, 1702, by John Shernan, 3enj. Galpin, John -^inor ana sami* Jonus. Thos. Levensworth of stratfora, cuson to deed.

appt . adKT . The est. to he aividea be-c. tne aaninistrator Thos« Levensv/orta i: his brother Jonn 'I

Mr. Zacharieh >7aiker & ) Hr.' oonn Juason j ) to dist.

1706 Lockr/ood, Bobt. takes inv. est. Angell Hustea, sen. of

Greenwicn. - >

1708 Lane, Charles, of Fairfield, aamr. of ests. of John wno

aiea some time since £c ELiaabeth, prob. his mother Said, iiane inherits from ootn ests. on aoct. of his vnLfe.

17 07 Lockf/ooa, Sdrauna, of standfora - an invi of what est. in land tiath befallen to said est. -since Isc inv. was taken by Jonathan Selleck, -Benj. Green & John Ambler Jan. 60, 1706/7 3dmund Lockwooa, son of deoci. exhibitea the lands wiiat nath fallen on tne est. since settlement. To be aivideii aa follows:

I'o eldest son - d sons & 6 aaughoexii. Mr. Joseph -oishop, 3c-nj'< Green '^ John .imbler to make aist.

17 07 Lockwood, Gershom s. Lieut. Lockr/ood, deed. witness v/ill John -ti-ubby of Greenwiea.

1707 Loclrwooa, Still John, witness will John Hubby of Greenwich

1707 Loclrwood, IJobt. takes inv. of est. oi " " " "

1707 Lyon, iiathl. callea s. in law b^ Danl. Crofoot of ITairfield Ca under ar-.-e - -possibly step son.

240 1703 Lacy, Sdwara, takes inv. of est* Rebeckal Gregory, deed.

1709 Lewis, Philip, creditor or est. «^olin Davis, Jr. appt.

adror. oi' sane.

1707 Lupton, Ihos. deoa. at ■'^'orwalk sane yeajts since inv.

^eb, Y' , 1706/7 by Sanl. Haies, Jonn i^aimond.- iir. 'Josephi'utle of llev? 'Haven, Atty. for l.Irs. ■Hannali -"upton, aomx. of est« of her late husbanc' , I'hos* Lupton abv. Sbeneser Slackly of H. H. appt. adnr. oi the est. of nia rather in law Thos« Lupton, sonetir.e of -i^'Orr/allr , decct. She est. divided as follows - to 'Vidow Hannah bon -i'hos' Daughter '

John Raiiaond, Sanl. Keeler &: John Stuard to fiist. iiettlement completea ''une,1724.

1708 Lane, I.ir. Robert, of Killin^jvrortn, ov/es est. Jaraes Picket

or iitratfora.

1707 Locirr;ood, -Ilisabeta, adcir. of est* '-^'hos. Gregory

aist. est.

17 05 Lyon, Harget, v;idow late deca. of Fairrield, Inv. Hch. 20, 17 05 by Janes ITicklyson, -^anl. Adams, Rich. Lyon.

Prop, at Rich, -^yons - sone things at Joshua ■Jennings sone at iJanl* Lyons - some at John Downses. Rich* Lyon, adnr.

1710 Levensv/orth, John, takes inv. est. James Biackman of


1710 Love, John, uitness verbal v/ill of James Blacknan ox


1712 Loclmood, John, of 7airfiela, to aist. est. 2hos* Disbrow of ■S'airfielci .

1711 Lewis, -^"hilip, takes inv. est* Gapt. Saml. squire.


1711 Lane, alexanaer, left legacy by Llary Knap of Stratford.

1712 Lane, Charles, TTitness release of Joseph Grey by his b. In

law, Isaac Jennings.

17 IE Lyon, aaral. takes inv. est* '.Vidow iiary Sherv;ood.

1712 Lyon, Saml- of Greenwich, deed, est* of. Portion of saia est. aue to -iizabetn liar shall, 'vri-dovr of iir. John liar shall of GreeiMich.

1712 Lyon, Ahdrew, of -^iiorwalk. Inv. of est. of, uay 20, 1712, by ^-ndrer/ Llessenger & John Rayraond. 7/idow l^ary

Lau* l^ry born July 1st, Ibyi " 'Jane " Oct. 11, 17 07. 'iildorr appt. •^arnx.

1712 Love, Jonja, of Stratfora, inv. of est- -ay 19, 1712, by

Hicn. Hubbell c: Saral* J'rencn. Widov; aarah. '

1710 Lewis, Philip, witness release of Llrs« Sarah *^sborn by

John amith.

1715 Lewiss, Zdmon, awares to inv^ of Ben j. Beach.

1711 Lyon, 3ich. witness will of Jonathan Sturgss.

1713 Lewiss, ^ergt. 3dnon, proia. s. in law to Benj. 3eacn.

I'lE --.aborie, iiary, cailea d. hir Kathl. Burr.

1713 Lyon, Sanl* of Greenwich, inv. of est* of, -i-'ov 28, 1715 bjf Jcfsijua Ilnapp, Caleo Knapp, Saml. ilaitby. Some prop* in hands of Jonn Lj/ons. i'hos. Iiyons swares to inv x^ppt. adrir. The deed, lefn no issue, the est. to be dividea bet. his 8 brotners anc; sisters* 2 of said sisuera bein^ also deed. Thos. Lrron Sarah l^erritt

John " Beborah Oove

Josepa " Zlisabetn Karsnail children of

Saml. " -bigall

Liary lir. -lisha -U-olly and )

Ur.' John Zolly Cooper ) Appt. to aist.

171H L:clrwood, Danl. of ilorv/S-lk. Inv. ot'_est. of, Dec. '60, 1712, by John Hayraoiici ,■ Joseph Loclcwood L JaJ.ies Lock\70od. Children, 5 •daujghters. Sarah 12 years ola last April

Phebe 11 '' " 1st ol' lasx Lov.

Labor aa 8 " " last; '^uly.

iiebeckali ^ Ann

Joseph Lodrwood :.; Jaanes Loclrr/ood s-,7s.re to inv.

& appt. aomrs. Gapt. John Rayraona & Saml. Betts to aist.

xvx^ Lock:T70od, Joseph, ts-kes inv. est. aanl* Llarshale or

Greenwicn. '

171'i Lreisti, iiaraon. ai&t* eav. l.lr. aosepn "airchila of stratfora

1714 Lockv;ood, I^lary, called a. by T/iaow Ilary 5'irman.

1714 Lane, Liaea, called Granddaughter by Dr. Isaac Hall,

1715 LocTrcTOod, Robt. r/itneas agreenent of heirs of Joseph

J inch of Gren.

IVlo Larance, Pheoe, sv/ares to inv. of her deea. husbana ,3£ir:LL.

Jacktion's est- of ^tra ford.

1715 Lewis s, Snmon, takes inv. S: cist. est. of ^sox^^e Johnson

of i^t rat ford.

IVX'j Levinsv/ortu, Thos* a-ppt. aanr. ol est. of George Johnson

of Stratfora.'

I'^lo Lockwood, HoDt. of Bairriela, inv. est. June 14, 1715, oy Jonarhan tiquire,Sen. , E^'.-wara Jessup and 2hos . l^ash.

"JiaoTv liary •& Sargt. Josepii Loclrr/ood. to admr. Jediaiah ^anfield gives bona for 'k^idow liary as ad rax. The decc:« har, land hexG Ef^ward Jessup - also lana 'nest onn Jj^ckr/ooa. Chilaren : Danl . )

Abiga'ill ) Josepa I Gersnam ) being or non-a^e. Jehill )

1715 Loclrwood, Soot. (Gontd)

Tne v/idovr -and motlier oi" (Jersham ic Jeiiill to De

their guardiau. Jotin iaelliman to De guardian tor Abigail & Josepn Jonn LoelHYOod to be " " JJanl.

17ia Lock\70oa, Jonn, "ca.fees inv. est. Cliristopaer Godfrer ■ii'airiieid.

171^ LocIrvTood, Uani. Jr. oi' jTair field, dist; oi' eat. ox

2o 'iidow Abigail^ no^^ Abigail aherman oi iitra-cfora

To aau. Abigail Jjoelr?;ood or "

" " ilary " " "

1729 ^^on, Hannah, of Greenv/icn, now -.Tile of Jonn -^yon, Jr. & T/iaow of Josepu 2anks, aecd.

17o7 -^von, Hannah & witness releaae of Joseph Banks of Gresnh. Jonn by his sister U8.vy Marshall.

1750 Lore, IheiXjc, of Fairfiela, est. of. «Jonn bherwood of Stratford appt. aarar.

17o0 Lora , "m» of Fairfield, makes cnoiee of aanil* Eili oi 5'&irfiela as guaraian*

171^ lewiss, Zbeneser, appi;. aainr« of eS':* of Ilr. Benj. Beach

of Strs-tford, cieea.'


17^*9 lee, I'oan, of llorwalk, deed. Settlement with creditors of est. Of ivhicu Snos Lee is adrar. b;? Capt. Saral. uiuckstone ^ ar. Ralph Isaacs,' commission appt .• List of creditors;

Capt. «Josiaa x hate hex,

aaml- Olmsted

Isaac Brown

iiobt. Watson

Phebe Lee

S ami . Gl u e ks "i; one Hajrhes Hen ford

John Betts

Davia Bout on

Joseph LocIrv;ooa

Capt . Jari'is

Seth Ilarvin.


17 Od i^on, Sarnl* Deing fonneiiy empowered to place out chilaren 01 Joi^epn Lyon, deca. cc there beijog- one David whcWhe has negiectef. ,■ the motner or aaia cuila ar.peala "co Oouri: to nave a gu3,raiaii cnoseii & Court cnooses Ilary Bagly, rrife or Jonn Bagly ro be y^nardian ±"or aaia David.

171<i Love, Jonn, oi' ^trat+'iein, being deed. V/idow ■^arah Love and Sargt» Saral. Frencn appt. adinrs.

ivia Lanyon, 2hos. la,tely aecd. in Boston, called grandi'atner or liar gar et i^maw, d. oi' llr. ITathl. J:>haw oi ITairl'ield, aeea.

17i-± Loelrnood, iehoraa ana SeDi-clran, aaughtera or Danl. Lock- T/ood , decci. being in non-Sge and also dau. Ann, tne uourt.appt. Josepn Lockwood to oe guardian for ^sboraa ana James Lij.cTruood to be guardian ror -Kebeelran & James & Josepn to be guardians for -a-nn.

1/iZ Lambert, Jessy, called i'atner in lav;, prob' step, tyy Jonannan vValkinci , d, or Josepn '^Valkins 'or tjtra-crord, deca. b c-hosen guardian.

IVl-j Lane, Charles, Jr. appo. adror. of ests. of lathl. So liary Knap in place or l-Lr.- 3snj.' f ear^veather , aiscnargea.

1715 Levensworth, Dhos. chosen gueraian by John Jonson, son or George --onson of ^^tra-crord, deou. & is also appt. aumr* or est. of saia George "^onson, aecd.

1715 LevenisT7ortn, Thos. appt. guardian ot Hannan ^ -lizabetn Jonson, uau. of George Jonson, deca. of iitratfora.

17io Lewiss, ..r. =Josepa, Oj- -■ airfield, appt. admr. Joseph Hanie of Hartfora.


BOOK Icib - 1056. 3 0 0 K 166^ - J.b75.

lo57 '-inor , John, aeoy.

Ib58 luoreuoLise, I'iios., \7±11 of, and inv. riled Aug.7 ,16o8,p.Sl. isable, wli'S oi' above iianioaii, eldest daugiater S^.uel, eldest son. •L-hoiias , son Jonn ', " Joniiaonan, son. Ilary, aau?:ricer

(See Book o -H'ib}

(Prob.Ilr. iJavid Tellertjon of JS. Lonaon.

1006 laiaaleoroke, «Josepa, granaaon of ^»i. £ateman, deca.

ioyo Lioore, Isaack (liorwalPr)

4bci9 iiiddleorooke, Josepa lool " " appt. guaralan wicn j^anl* biilenan-

of child John singleton

16£1 IliddleDrook, Joseph, aaministrator of estate of Benj. I'urney by virtue of having- raarried nl.s widow.

16.56 Llorehouse, fhos. nentioned in est. of Thos. Beardsley.

1663 iiiddlebrook, Joseph, estate of, had a brother 3enj. p. 72 1665 Joseph --iddlebrook u his rrire testify as to -',7111 of Bouton.

1642 i^iller, John, deed. 1642 estate inventoried Bee. 24,16d& by Ric^^ara ilevTman, Hobt. Usher and appraisnent by Geo. Slawson Cz John Holly. 7iridor;(Marriea Obediah Sely ^and in lb 6 6 called

widow ^ely.) Book 1665-1675, p. 13. John, eldest son Jona than Joseph

1664 iiinthorn, Phillip, ratness vzill of Jeffrey Ferris.

1667 Meed, Joseph, takes inventory of est. of Jeffrey -^'erris,

167 0 :.Iitehill, Banl. ) --'itnese T7ill of =John Perocke, l-atthev? ) (Stratfordi

1672 uarvin, Llartyn, ov/nei. land near Salph Kesler at -i^'orryalk


1674 Morgan, Jorm, est. of, inv. I'iled ]7ebv. gb, 1d74. Book 1665-1675, p.- 84.

loVu ^-oorehouse, Saml. takes inv. of est. Cap. ilatl. >3elv.

1677 iloss, <Jomi, overseer o^' esu. John Beach of Stratford on

prop, at 7/allingfora.

1d77 iaerrerri.an, ITath. inv. est. John Beach of Stratfora on prop, at "Jaliingf orci .

lb7o iaoorhouse, Rebecca, v/ife of Saml. Moorhouse £■: d. uqi. Odell. Ghilclren ox' above: baral. Grandchild of T/m. Odell 2hos " "


i676 I.lo or house, Jonathan, gift to, Dy '.'.t^. C'ell.

167i> ididdiedrook, Josepia, called rather oy ^onn CsDora, v;rio releases aim from rha paynent of the legacy to his T7ife Sarah Bennet, the oau. of James Bennet, deed.

167o Ilurv/in, Gord. Gr. to est;. I'hos. Sherr;ood of "Stratford.

1d78 ^..oorehouse, I'hos. had eold land to 3ich» f-yon of ?airfiela.

t f

1678 l^ur\-7in, I-iary, witness t;ill Rich* i^yon of ^''airfield..

167'i iiiddlehrook, Joseph, called father by 'fhos. Bennet &: released by him of legacy fron his father James Bennet, aeeci.

167^ kidale brook, Josepn, called fat ner by James Bennet ib

released by him of legacy from his father James Bennet, deed.

Ici74 i-Iiddlebrook, Joseph, called father by James Benret & rel-sased by him of legacy from his fattier James Bennet, decci.

1680 liarven, '^^thevi, 3r. of HorT/olk, vill of, dated Dec. 20, 1678, being 80 years olci, probateci loBO.Book -1675- '7ido\7 ■'■-lice 1689, p. 58.

leather;, rion of deed.

Grand Chi J. a uathew Ilarvin, (son of ^..^.tha?) Saml. Smith, called son John 'Bouton, " "


IbSO i.-^rven, Hatliew, i^x* (Gontd)

X Abigal Bout on, cLaugnter o:' deca. lo vr. of John above Granaeaila Hichara Bnshnel

IJ'ranGes " or Horv/ock

Rev. iir. 'I'hos. Kandl'ora, Pastor or Gli. at •'■'orv/ock a Ilary Adgate or Uorv/ock - daughter

H Ilanna Werner " T7i:i;e o:_ 'J-'hos. Semer

s i^ebecca Clarke o±; S'o^rraington "

Bor/ton, John, r;on in la.yr d )liixecutors John Plafc )

Rey* ilX' Ihos. Handfora ) Overseers Lieut. Hichard Oinsteu ) 'i'hos* 'Ilandford )

Jacies 'Cornish ) ?/itness

Christo. Cumstoeke )

Inventory 'taken auljr 10, 1680, tjy I^ich. Oln- Gtea, Maltex Holt & ITath. Hayes. Deed, katli -v; I^rven haa lana in i'airiield •described in Suth 3oY;ton's inventory. S 'ilhose narkea s are repeatedly called daughters.

1680 llarven, .aice, of 2orwoGk, will of, dated Uee. 1, IbSO,

she being 70, proba'cea 1680. John 3ov;ton, called son Bridget Xillock, daughter (Kellogg) Abigal Bowton, "

Rachel ^mith "

Ruth 3oT7ton, grano, child

Racnell -c*owton "

Ricnard Olmsted ) -'itness Ohristo Ournstock)

Inventory taken last of Jan* 1681, by Tho. Bennettict, Sr. , ITath. Ilaiyes, ohristopner Guns took. Book 1675-1689, p. 61.

1681 -litcnell, .^athev/, of ^''oodbury, orother in lav: to John

Soinson, deed.

1681 '-inor, '^onn, tir. overseer fo2f M. Einman, V/oocbury,

lb82 lioorhouse, tiaml. aot. 40 yrs. old, witness est. Joseph


1685 laitchell, David, legacy to, from 3Lisabeth Bennet oi Stratford.


lb8o Ulnor , Jo^, le^'i'^-ey to, from SLizaoetJa Bennet of Stratfora.

lo85 ..litcnell, Davia ) v/itness vrill of iilizabeth Bennett of Abratiam ) Stratfora.

IbS'S Ilinor , John, belectrnan (of 'Voof'.'Dury, uncertain), inv. est. Thos. Levingsworth.

loa-i -..eaa, Hutn, d. Hich. Hardy.

168^ Eorehouse, Jonathan, cakes inv. est. [Dhos. Btidmoxe.

16 8^ Heker, Robt. of Jaixfield, ivill of, datea ITov. 12, lb83,

prooatea- & inv. filed Uch. 10, 1685, Book 1675-1689, p.

.Vidov; Susanna 156

John son of aecd.

Danl. " "

Llary -dau. " wife of Saml. ^daxis.

Mams, Saml. son in law

■^'itness (Hat ban ^iola

(Josiah Hanrey Inventory taken lTov.25,lob4 by (Yhos. Staples, Sen.

(John GrorGan,Sen. (Josiah Harvey

1684 Liead's, Jo'nn, chilaren (for list see Wm. Potter]* are

left legacy by wk. Potter rmo calls himself fa-Cher in lav; to John iiead.

16 85 Liinor , John, Jr. s. in law Heoecca Rose, v/idow.

168 J 2xd. Lxills, Sard, of Stratford, est. of, inv. filed lTov.3, •1685, by Saml. Sherman, Robt. Isne cc Danl. Beraslej;- Dhe deca. "haa prop, on liong Island, and died there'. Richard Llil-ls, son of deca, only heir-at-law.

sanl. Sherman, Jr. aaministrat or , reiiyers up tne est. to atjove Sich. ilills iiov.lS ,1706. Book 167-5-1689, p. 182.

1685 luorehouse, Saml. overseer of est. Szekiel SanfoiDd.

1685 Mayhew, John, est. of, inv. j.il-5u Jan.21,lb8o, by -.ooc. .Turney, Jacob 3oye,- Saml. laorehonse.

Ib85 Meaker, Dajil. witness Joseph Bastera's aiscnarse.


lo8o Lxills, Sajnl. as above, late of aouttiarapton, L. I. His r/ill v/as proba-cea there ana a copy aent -co Stratford bv tne Clerk of tae Court of Sou-chanp"Con. The Court orders llr. Sarnl. Sherman to aeliver up tne estate at Stratforu "CO liary Kills, executrix. Book Io7o-lb89, p. 195.

1686 IJarvin, Llathew, is freeii from Irayning.

1686 liason, ITathl. convicted of telling a lye before the Court wnea a v/itneso about Charles Lane.

1d8d Ivlitchell, David, of Stratford, v.Hii of, datea Ilch. 11,1685/6

./idow Elizabeth

Ma thev7 ,


A bra nam





V/idov7 liHiaabeth

Sons IJathew & John

John Sherraan (callea kinsrnazi)

x.Ir. Israel Chancy

John Birds eye ) li'itness

John Johnson )

son of








(probatea ITov. 2, 1^86, Book 1675-1689, p. 210.

(House the deca. purchased of Jolin hubbell)


) Saml. Sherman ) Inv. iiCh. 29,1686 oy) Jajaea Judson ) belectmen

) Joseph Curjjis )

±686 HiadleDrooke, Josepn, est. of, inv. filed I.Ich. 8, 1686. Joseph, son of deed.

Phebe ,7ilson, d. of 'deed, wife of SqjtiI. Wmlson. Joseph Llidale brook, ex.

John "heeler & ) To make division of land Sphraim iiicols ) to aoove heirs.

See John aturgis testimony. Inv. taken oy Robt. Turney,' Geo. Squire &

SLipnelec Hill. Joseph liiadleDrook oojects to inv. & Saml. ■Vilson insists on inv. Book 1675-1689, p. 216.

/ ^ ^6 MjLMlLhAy&if-jf^^L, /«-tX.


l68o I'lorehouse, LieuT:. :iaml. appt. overaeer for cnilaren or Josepfi Jac'irson, deed, and "having aied, Lieut. Jacies Benit, appt. in his place.

Ib87 Llurrexi, 2lios» Del'dt. in cabe of Gapt. Jnoth. & Mr, John aelleke. ...

lb 87 lieker, Danl. son in law to Rich. Ogaen, aeca .

1687 ^-inor, Gapt. apr. overseer est. Joseph Hekox of «*oodDury

1687 luunn, SamL. selectman, of 7/oodhury, takes inv. of est.

Joseph iLekox of Woodbury.

Ib88 Llorehouse, Sonl. of Fairfield, Trill of, dated Dec. 9, 1687, prooated and inv. filec LIch. 15, 1688.

T/iaow Rebecka is about to marry again

Saml. son of deca. Thos. ' " ■■' (Book lb75-1689,p.247. )

iJonn "

(bpeaks of his father Odell Unaer age (Danl. son of deed. (Given land at Concord fiela) (Jamesr '' " (''iven land at i^ompo. )

Rebecca, aau. of deed.) One of these in lb92 wife of

•JRich. Hutabill, Jr. ELizaheth " " ) One 'Of these in 169b r/ife of

)Kathew 3herT70od. (iiannah in 1698 rafe of Bsrj. Rumby Under ags (Llary in 1696 /ife of Israll <-*urtis, Jr. (Ann in 17 00 probably the wife or Peck

Thos. Llorehouse, 2x. Lieut. S^erwooa and ) John oely ) Overseers

Ha than ^ola,Sen.) John Sely ) Witness

Inv. taken Jan;/. 9, lb 88 by John i7heler,ben. Si 'i]hos. "ilRO-n.

1688 iiurwyn, Kathew, takes inv. est* Sd. Tuders of lTor7/alk.

1689 Ilessenger, Andree/, takes inv. of est. j-'hos. Benedict, Jr.

of ilorwalk.

1689 l^essenger, Anarav.of Eorv;alk, to assist iVidon'/ Benedict

of above.


1d89 Head, John, Jr. takes inv. Jonathan LockTvood of Greenvriea.

lb89 Uorehouse, Jonathan, takes inv. O- est. John Jackson.

lo7b Head, Saml. ovmes prop, at Greenwich.

lt>92 Kurwin, ih.os. xritnesa report dowery by Sarah Seely, vilaovr,

lb78 Ilansrield, John, haa 3 notes arawn in nis favor by Hios. Skinner .

Ib78 nils, Liaea, releases her brotner Josian Knap of the legacy due her from her deceased brother Jonatnan Xnap.

Io7o -itchel, l^ary, wife of liathew Llitchel & dau. of Goodman John i.'onson and mother of ^-other Ilitchell, set- tlanent of ner legacy from her aecd. father.

1:V8 L^ailery, Anthony, is promised paj/ment by Thos. Eussel of Lar ')1 ahead .

1680 l^inor , John, v/itneas agreement of John of ?airfic-ld ana oaaco Indian. Interpreter in agreement of John of Fairfield and basco india-n.

1683 liorehouse, Saml. witness gift of Zdward titollyon of ITew London to his son in law Pascoe ^-oot, of ITew -^ondon.

BOOK 1689 - 170^

loSS ^.lessenger, -^ndrew, nad lana next to Hobt. iitev/art of lTor^;7alk.

IbyC ...ichell, '^ohn, takes inv. of est. of Henry -tiitt of Woodbury.

IbyO Ilasnall, John, of Greenwich, overseer of est. of I'hos. Lyon of Greenwich.

1690 iailes, John, takes inv. of est. Leborah ViThelpley of j'air field.

25 2

1690 i:or9nouse, Saml. acknowledges having receive." all the legaciea left him by his father Saml. Morehouse. '.Vitness, (llathan Gold, Jun. Boot 1689-1701, p. 25.

(Richard Hub bell

1690 Mitchell, John, takes inv. of est. of John Aplebe of r/oodbury.

1690 .Mitchell, John, Selectman, of ^^oodbury, takes inv. of est.

Josepii daason,

1590 Miner, John, Selectnau of tVoodbury, ta,kes inv* of est,

Josepn tJadson.

1690 Marshall, John, Sen. mtness will of John Bur?/ell of Green- wich.

1690 Mead, John, Jr. takes inv, of est. of " " "

. j90 Marshall, John, Sen, has est. made over uo nira by John Right

iot)x -orenouse, Jonathan, appt. admr. est. Mary Ilenarick.

1722/3 Mead, Mr. Ibenezer, appo. to divide lanas left by x'hos. lyon 'in 169 0.

1690 Martin, '.Vm, son in law to Caleb lUchols of w'oodbury.

loaO ...ichell, Jolm, takes inv. of'Joodbury est. of Caleb iiicoles lb^<j .-iner, Capt. John, overseer of est. of " "

1691 Marvin, Mat hew, Jr. of lorr/alk, est. of, inv. taken before

ilov. 3-91, by James Olnstea, John .iouton, Christopher Corns tool:. Widov/ Boda Inv. filed & estate settled ITov. 3,1691. One chi3.a Mary, aged 2 yra. born Oct. 7, 1679 i-'he wiaov/, with John uimsteti o: )• Appt. Thos. Seemer ) Adrars.

1691 Agreement bet. Ma^hew Marvin, Sen. of Tor- v;Rlk, BOii of olti Goo.clman Mtithew Marvin and i father of Mat hew Marvin, Jr. above, deed

' party of 1st purt cc Mark Section of Korwal^

fatner of Soda, the widow of saia Mathev;, Jr. deca. V/itness, (Sa3::l' -ti-ills , Sen. (Joseph Loclrr;ood. Book 1689-1701, p. 62.


lb92 i.Iel>:eens, Eobt. Ie2;acy to oy r/ill Chas. DuglasB of Stratford

lby2 iu.urT/an, Ihos. vzitness release of LxOses Jackson, aanr. of Isaac kiherr; 00 d.

Ib92 licCbapine, John, v/itness v;ill of licolas Hng-hes of Stratfora

1692 Ilarvin, oaml. v/itness release or Daiil. Ilellog's adrnrs.

1590 Storehouse, Jonathan -i Rebeckah i-nov/les release tae over- seer ti or tne est. of rneir fatner, John Knov:les.

1693 itsd. lieed, John, Jr. of Greenwich, ceca. I-Iay 12, 1693. Inv.

taken by Jonathan Renolds 2i John -Boti'erSjfilec lov.lO, 1693. Book 1689-1701. 7/idor/ dut'ti Son John )

" Jonathan ) All unaer age " ITathan ) Dau. ELisabetn)

She deca. was son of Joim i-xeaa,Sen. The \7idow ce ) Joseph i'inch ) Appt. admrs.

1694 Ileker, Dar.l. appt. adrar. est. Sar.il. Adams of -airfiela. loyo iiorehouse, Ho'i^t. -vitness will Isack i^icols oi btratfora loy? Iiiead, Eartna, d. 3aml. i'ineh of btanfora.

1698 laorhous, John, called brother to Joseph Barlow, deed.

1690 iaun, bami. of ".Voocbnry, est. of, inv. taken Oct. .'50,1690 by John -^iner, Izrael i-'urtiss, John i-itcncli to Jonn .tihernan, Selectmen, filed llov. 5,1693.


"-hildren Book 1689-1701, p. 94.

The widow and ) lir.John Sherman ) App-o. adnrs.

[1690 Sxd. Lieaa, Joseph, Sen. deed, at Greenwich I.Iay 3-'90. Inv. taken by Josepn -^'erris and John Head, Jr. iVidow iiiary I Son Joseph (the hone let formerly Walter Butler's)

" Danl. Inv. filed cc eotate settled ;:ch.l5,1693

" SLisna Book 1689-1701, p. 101.

Richara )Under age Dau. iaary.


lb90 Head, Jeseph, cjen. (Contd)

Brother Joseph, 'Son of aecci. and

Cousin John ..Lead chosen guardian ior Richard & Iiary John laeaa, ben. call ijncle "by aov. chilaren Agreement of heirs - vatness John --ead,Jr. cc

Benjamin Head The \Tidov7 ^ Joseph Liead, her son, Stp'ot. adinrs.

1596 Marshall, 2hos. of Greenv^ich, takes inv. est. lirs. Hannah Bowers.

1690 Uarkes, "/m. witness agreement of heirs of John Hurd of Woodbury.

1598 Hurvane, Abegaile, d. Peter '-'lapham of iiorwalk.

1598 iiurwane, '-^'hos. of Fairfield, apt. admr. est. Peter Clap- ham of -^orwalk.

i:98 Messenger, •'^•ndrev/, of iJorwalk, apt. admr. est- Peter Clap nam of J^^orwalk.

^598 Lieaker, Danl. takes in\'« est. Llr. Josiah Harvey of Fairfield

1698 I^eker, l^anl. takes inv. est. Ihos. Sedient.

1598 2xd. laoEhous, J-'hos. Jr. of 5'airfiela, est. of Inv. taken .".ich« 12, 1598, hj John 'i.'hompson, John 3ulkley & John Sdr/ards, v/ill offered duo :n.ox approved. Widow Hary (Book 1589-1701, p. 169.)

The ATidov/ to admr.

1717. I^r. Saral. Iiubbell who ^vas ax->pt.' by tormer 'order of Court with Sergt. Ezekiell Sanford ■CO make distribution of est. of i'hos. —ore- house, la-ce of i'airfiela, deed* is also aeca. & Court appts. Lieut. Rich. Hubbell in his place.

1598 L-urwan, Thos. takes inv. of 3enj., son of Gapt. 2urney,deca

1598 iaorehous, Saral. takes inv. est. Joseph ".Vheeler of j^^airfiela


1699 Jkd. lieacL, Joim, iSen. of Greerayicli, v;ill of, dated llch. 16,

169o/6 iVife Hannah, sole ex. Zldest son Joan

" Joseph " Sljeneg^jc^ " ^^inat hEia " Davia " Benjamin " ^a-chaniel " SaTTil. Dau. Hannah "cofield " AlDegaiie li.ad " ivlary Head. Sons Joseph a .Ibenezer a: 3enj., oi'-erseers. Witness ( Salmon Sre^-t or ballornon

)Z.achariah Head aaid Jonn lieaa aecd. jTehy. 5 1698/9. Inv. taken hv Chos. i-iar shall, Wm. Bundall Ss Soht. Loe'kv/oo(^, Selexjcmen, file- ITov. 13, 1-700. (Book 1689-1701, p. 196

1700 Ssd. Liead, John, Jr. est. of, in Ilch. 17, 1698, aistrioutea

■JiaowSuth- Book 1689-17Q1, p. 196.



IT a than


Sbeneser Lload & Joseph -^inch of Green-wich to nake aist. and also to aanr.

1699 Ilarshall, 2hos. takes inv. est. Jonn Banks of Greenv/ich.

1640 Messenf^er, Andrew, v/itnesB in ?eake and Patrick purchase.

1702 Ilorehouse, ITathan, roarries Hary, o. of Danl. Loclnvooa,

Sen. deed.

1692 Uansfiel^, Jorshipful l-osea, of i^ew Haven, trustee for Ahe^aile, vriie of Banl. Bur.

Ib85 l^ltcnell, Zlizabeth, 7/itnes« releaes of overseers of Zathl. Porter oy SaiuL. Cortex*


1687 LiOrenouB, Saml. ben. acknov/leugea the receipt; of tiie legacy t'ron his I'ather Saml. LorGhous,cleed. Witnebs) ITatnan Golc, , Jr. ) fiichard Hubbell, Jr.

liorehous, Retiecka, v/idorr, of the town & Go, of ^'airfield. Relic u of Sarnl. I^orehous, deccl. of same place, oelnr^ about; to narry agfiin to acknowledge the receipiy of all legacies from my son Thos. llore- house, 3x. Of will of said Saml. Iiorehoua,decd. .VitnesG )lia,th.ev/ Sherman ) Jonathan Squire.

1700 Morehous, Ann, acknowledges receipt of all legaciea from her sister i-^oxy ■^'^-orehous, aamr. of the will of her fa-cner, baml. Morenous, deed. Wirness )Josepa Peck ) ) Jonn Peck.

lb9E- ilorehous, 'Dhos. Jr. of Fairfield, released by payment lb98 of legaeiesi leit oy nis father, Saml* -^^^orehous

of S'airfielci, deed, to his mother Hebecka -^iore- nous, aoout to marry again. Brotner in law Izrael ^-'urtiSjJr.

" Benj. EumlD^r^ husband of Sister Hannah " liathew Sherwood " Hichard Hubbell, Jr.



1700 ilorenouse, Mary, (probably widow of Thos. Jr.) actor, of est. of her father, Saml. Korehous, is released by Ann •i.^orehous.

IVOG Iiieaci , «John, Jr. of '5re:.nwich, has enosexi riis nocher Ruth Ileaa and IJr. Jonn Hub be, born of 'ireenwich, as guardians.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1711 Messenger, Andrew, of T.ouvi&lk, is cnosen guardian vo ILliasp Kellog, son of Saia. Kellof, deed, of



171£ Ilackency, 111. Dou^^ell, appt. aoiar. est. Josepn -^nowles, deca.' of Fairfiela.

1702 Meredith, JoJin, v/itness will Vm. Hul)t>ar1;,ben. o±' Fair-


1705 iiessenger, -^ndrer/, chosen guardian for Deborah the a. of lieut. John Olrnstea.

1703 Leaa, Sarah, eviaentljr 6. of Jonathan .Tat er bury of Stan-

ford, prob. marriea ao'c. lien. 8, 1703.

IV Cb —iller, David, husband to Haiinaix, d. Joseph Jones of Stanfora,

lyO-^i 1-arshall, I'hos. "uakes inv. of ana -.-.l-cness will Jaoez. aherwood -of Greenmeh.

1704 .^athev/, Ihos. r;i'cness v/ili o.r Jaoea aherwood of Greenwich.

1704 Merrit, fiutri, called sister d;^ Jabez Sherv;ood of 'Greenwich

1703 Mead, Zachariah, of trreenwicn, inv. of est. Julj;- o, 1703, by Thos. Marshall & Jonathan -i^enolas.

1705 Mcsyen^qrer, -c^ndrew, aomr. eat. Lieut. John Olmsted of

i^oxwalk, deed.

1705 Merv/in, Saral. adrar. est. lieut. John Olmsted of ITorwalk, aecd. "

170b 1-urwin, Ihos. of ^airfield, adnr . est. Ephraiin '.The el er, deed

' ?Qo/'i: ...';aa, -cichariah, oi 'jreenv/ica, settleraem: o:; esr. of -■^S^eerjen'o of Droghers and sisters of deed. via. Josepn Leaa, Danl. Msau Sc Elisabeth Cc Mercy Mead. ".Vitness i Jonatnan Selliek J bt.nl. TifebD


x'^- 1-inor, Munnan, -.Ife oi -V.os. -•'inor w a. l>i;jut. Israel Curtis oi '.Voodbury.

IvO'i .-inor, Bebecka, v;ife of Jiphr^iia --^inor and a. Lieut. Israel Curtis of Wooubury.


\7Ckt :.-ii;cjiell, -a": new, t-akes inv. of est. of Israel ^^urtis oi Voodbury.

xyCo ...oei:ie, -r« Jacob, testiiies in regard :o Jonaa i^elir of

Stoiii'ora .'

l?Oa iiorviii, r-aiinan, u. or "Ohn Plat of Ilorv/alfci. deed.

1705 liarvin, iiiz.nl. takes Inv. of esr. Jonn ?lau of lvorv7alk,aecd. I'^Ob ilalyey, Dhos. -.vitnese \7lll -r Joan Blackraan of atratford ivCo :2.c.r-Gin, xioe-c-.iie, cai.Leu. siD'cer by Galeo ITicols of V/oodbury 17 Cb l^artin, ■a:n. takes Inv. of est. 01 ' " "

1706 Hes-en-^er, Hachell, calie': d. by ITathl. Hays of Horwalk,deca

1707 ....eatyn^j-er , ^^nareiv, takes inv. or est. of i^athl. Hays ITorv/olk, deca .

ivOV 1-ornouse, i^artna, a. i.^r. Joan Hubby of Greenv/icn, decc.

(Spellea Iloris)

I/O- „errit, Ilrs. Uarah, late of G^reenvdeh, aeca. r/ife of 2h0B.

Uerrio.of Rye. Inv. Jany. ai, 1707/8 b- Jonathan

Kenolds 3; Josepn Knap,

iiobt. (xersnon c: ^till Joim LoclCT-/ooa calleu sons of deeci .

cJtill Jooa iiockvzood, son of deed. appt. actmr.

I'he Oouru oraers est. to be divideu net. tne cnildren of need. viz. Robert Lockwood Gersliam " Josepu "

Abe^aile Backster cc wtill Jonn Loclrwood

Josepxi Knap & ''onattian Benolds, Jr. to dist.

Llarriage agreement bet. Idaran iiockwood of

(xreenwieu, soraetime v/ife of Lieut. Jonatnan

LockT/ood, ciecc'. . ana 3ar.p;t. Thcs. Ilerrit of Hye,

dated «June o, loSo.

"./itnes:- jocr.l. Peek &

i Jonathan Renolda.


170b llorehouse, 2hos. Jr., est. of. Inv. lien. IH, l7Cb. Renr paia "Co liatuaT Sherwoou, Jr. Legacy to .Ami 2aia Danl. Ilorcnouse lor taking 1-ary

" Kathew Sherwood " " "

Owe by Dili rrora Saml. Liorenouse oy Danl. l-orehouse 'o-y Ilathev; Sherwood, Jr. All the aoove are mentioned in cae inventory. Widow liary, novr Liary Sturgis JUaest son -ther ehilaren

iiargt. Szekiele Sanirea ^c; x.r. aaml. Hubbell to

di'St. Joha^ Horenouse, appt. guaraian I'or Thos. and

Ilary ^^orehouse. fciargt. Hatnew Sherwood guardian i'or John and Bebeckan iwiorehouae, children of Thos. Morenouae, Jr., ciecd.

1708 .-organ, Joseph, witness will of '-^'nos. ^lose of Greenr^ich

1708 Morgan, tiarah " " " •' "

ivCi' .aorehouse, j-'uoa. callea Dro';ner by bargt. Lutnew Sherwooa, Jr. of Stra-cfiela.

1709 i.-orenouoe, Jonn, bon oj. est. John -^'no^jias or V/oodoury

1710 i.:itcnell, Jonn, £)en. takes inv. Y/oodoury est. of Kr. Jonn

Juason of ^. -

1710 I<linor, Joseph, takes inv. '."/oodbury, est. of Mr. Jonn Jnason rf VI,

1710 Marshall, Thos. takes inv of eat. of Jonathan Benolds of Greenwich.

1 10 iJeaa, Danl. urotner to Llercy, widow of Jonathan Renolas or Greenwich ana aunr* of gsg.

17 09 lloon, Jacoo, callea grancison Dy Capt. Jonathan bellick


260 170y i.loon, Ataerjaii, eallea deca. dau. by Capt. Jonathan tiellick 170y Lloon, Jacob, Dr. eallea s. in law " " "

1710 -ills. Van., Of Star.iora, . Inv. oi' eat. ^oiro. 'db , IVIO, by- John i'onaj-'o & Zachariati xiiDbel. Jonn iiills, brotner of deed, swares oo inv. and appt. admr.

1710 ...unson, Saml. takea inv. or Wallingi'ord prop, of Danl.

Xellog ol Eorwalk, aeea.

1712 Llitchell, Danl. takes inv. est. Wm. Pixie of Stratfora.

1712 Ijltchell, Danl* takc-s inv. est. llr. Joseph iVatkins of Stratford.

^712 i:eact, Joseph, of Greenv/icli, ealles John Smith, deed, of staKford, father.

1711 Mead, Sheneser, takes inv. est. Henry Bich of Greenvaoh

1:1:1 ..arvin, Saml. nr. called brother by anC ex. o:. est. . :% iVn. Hayes of i;i>r7;aik.

I'lirj l.r-[-iii,I.r. Jonn, v/itness will or ..r. i/rn. iiayes of -.orvralk.

1712 -.atenzay, ].ir. Dougail, sv/aresi go xn\ . .Ir. Jobiiua ..nov/les

of Fairfiela.

1712 Sar snail, Jo.^i, ..r. of Greenwich, v;iil of, aavea .^ny o,i712 7/ife _li3aiD6T3h 310 est son John 2d son Joseph 5a son Danl. Son in lav/ x'hos. llerrifc of Bye

Hy v/ife 31iaabeth to have ^7hat is aue from tne est. of barnl. Lyon of Greenv/ien, decci. Dau. liar. nan, under age, also 1/2 of right oi

T7nat is t'ne nij' viife from the est. of Saril. Lyon, deca. iion Sarnl. (prob. son by present r/ife) Sons <>'ohn anc. Danl. to oe ex.


1712 Marshall, Joim, (Gonta)

"iVitnesa, .7m. Hanaell,aen. (2he cieco. rraa b;- occu- Ihoa. Liars jiall •(pation a ■wneelwrignt 7i/rn. Hiii>ide,3e:i. Is-c wile proD. dan. or •John j:?OGlrr/ell oi

Stamiox'd. -isee Stainiora, Hec. Vol. A. p. lyi

1712 iierrit, Thos. of Hye, called s. in law by above Jolm Mar- shall.

1712 Llarshall, Thos. ratness v/ill of above " "

IVie Llarshali, John, ..Ir. of GreeniTieh, inv. of est. of, ...ay 14 1712, by S8£il. ?Gcl7,Sen., Danl.Dnith and Tnos. *

Har shall.

IJr. iSanl. Blatchly, ,.,-r. Jonathan jci-cas u,na Hani, bnith, all of Stanford.

1712 ...essenger, Andrs;Y, takes inv. est. Andrsr; Lyon of ^.orv/aik.

1712 ..iitehell, John, takes inv. on est. Sargt. Thos. Squire

of Vn'oodrjury.

1712 lierideth, John, witness will «John Appiegate of Fairfield

1712 I.essenger, ilndrew takes inv. eat. i.:rs. I.:ary Buckingham

of ilorwalk.

1713 Merid^th, lir. John, of llewport, H. I. swares to liaving

witnessed will of John Apple^ace.

1713 Merritt, Sara^ called sitj-cer oi aarnl. Lyon of Greenwich

171d liar shall, SLisabethjdecde " " " "

haa Children.

171"^ Sead, Saml. of Greenwicn, inv. of est. Oct. a0,171;3,by i'iraot hy Knapp and John Rer.ola.- rrob. widow Hannah

aon Sanl. 18 yrBTola, 3rd of Mch. next " Slncthanlb " " 11 " Feby. "

" Te^e? I? " " 2d\ " Oct. -last

Dau. Hannah 12 " " 29 ^' Sept. "

" Deborah 10 " " n '• jany.- nexi;

Son John b ^' " 11 " vph"- "

i>au.£Lisabeth 5 >- .t t l,,^'^. '.^^^g^

Hannah Head and 32aenezex :iead appij. aumr.


1/xo i-arsnaii, Saa-Ji. or Greenwica, will or, Apr.l4,lVli3 ■.Vife ilary, 'poSvSibly wiL-h child.

In case lais TTire is witn chiia ana said child lives uo cone or age ±v snail have all tne lands given me b;^ my Honored latiier. In case ray wire does not have a child, ttie prop, to go to Joseph I^arshall, rhe elriesi; son oi my orother Joseph and Danl. Marshall, the eldest son oi' my brother Danl. at 21 to inherit, and in case eixjuer oi ohem die "cne next 'Drotner to in nor it. Wife sole eK.

V/itness, Thost i..arsnall,.^r.. Josepn Lcckwood < Butn liars hall Inv. Oct;, bl, lYlo, b^ Saml. Peck, Sen. and •Ihos.' liarshall.

1713 laarshall, ..r. x'hos. vatness ahove inv.

1713 Marshall, Huth, " " "

1713 Liar shall, Joseph, s. or Joseph, nephew to aov. deca.Saml.

xiio -aarsnali, ^anr. s. or I3anl. " " '' "

eau , Jonathan, of Greenv/ich, inv. of est. ij-ch. 28,1712, by •^'iraothy Knapp, John Henalls, Benj. --ead. Ber.j. Liead sr.'P-res to inv. and appt. adnr. The deed, b^ad nouse above DaVid Head's.


1712 ileaa, Benj. takes inv. and adcrr. of above est.

1711 i-unn, yaral. appears orient; children in List, o:; est. or Lir. Benj. Styles.

J./ 13 i^akensy, :.ir. "hgali ana Saran his \7iie, u. oi uoim -».nowles and- heir of ur. ^^osnua Snowies.

1715 i-Larshall, ihos. takes inv. or est. Josepa -inen of Green-


1715 Head, Jonathan, s* in law to " " "

1714 iaorin, Jiary, wife of Saml. ilorin and d. of ±.lx. Isaac

■iuintara oi Stanford.

2.bo 17l4t ^^orin, tJaml. s. in lav/ & ex. ur. Isaac ciUinatra.

1714 liarvin, Sanl. talces inv. est. i^athl. ?inch ol' i^orv/alk

1715 Ilorehouae, John, takes inv. est. Lieut. John Jarlow

1709 Idinor , John, iSen. witness agt. of -i?reston Heirs

1713 Ilaa^shall, Ilary, called ci. "by Iir. Jonathan whelply of Greenwich.

1713 Harsnail, ^'hos. eallea I'riena and made ex. of est. of

Jonathan <Vhelpley or Sreenwich.

171n Marshall, iThos. v/itness will of Sdward Irehern of Stanford

1714 Heaa, Joseph, of Greenwich, inv. of est. Apr. 9, IV 14 by

I'iraothy Knap ana John Senolds. ■(Viaow Sarahv appt. adiar. in 1680 ? Sarah Sention

of iJorr/alk.' Chilaren

Sarah h. Hot. 3, 1695.

Joseph -0. liay 3, 1698.

Theophylus b. July 8, 1700.

Jereraian D* Ang. 6, 1702 )-

Sachariah o. Mch.ll, 1704 ) liade waras of ohe

Heheraiah b. Jan. -20, 1705/6) Hoy her Sarah

Izraill b. iich. ao, 1707/8 )

1715 Moon, JacoD, s. of Dr. Jacoo Iloon of Hew 'York, called 1712 grandson uy i.-aj .- Jonathan "jellick.

1715 uartin, '.7n. of Woodbury, deed. July 4, 1715. Inv. of est.

of, taken iTov. 1, 17-15. Joseph Ui-nor & Johj:i

Uurtiss. The decci.- had cider mill - also shop on land of John Hicholas, also land that, was '■''m. ?reu3r- ick's, also lana adj. Jonatha-n Atwood's lana, also 12 acres of good land that was Fred- erick's. vVidow -Abigail

Dan. Pheoe, made v;ard of her raotner, the widow Abi:;;«.ll.

1715 .^iner, Joseph, takes inv* above est.


lV2o lieacl , Joseph, of Greenvrich, dist. of est. of* ^arah ^en-tlon I'orraeriy widou Joaeph Head, adiiDC* '' '2113 est. to oe divif^sd "bet. vdaov/ & 'C hilar en, b so'ns ana 1 dau.viz. Jos eph 'Jheophvlus Jeremiah Zachariah ITelieniah Israeli and oa u . Sar ah .

linotajr Knap and Joirm f?enoldc),39n. of liorseheok "CO aist

l?lo i^artin, "ita. of Y/oodbury, dist. oi\ est;, of, Joseph Ileirt in. One of adrnrs. renaers a/c to courr The est;, to be diviciea bet;, v/idow and children,

3 sons anu 1 aau. Caleb made ward of «Jonn iJicolas of Y/oodbnry Lieut. Joseph Llartin and J^isign John Sherman to aist.

1716 llartin, Lieut. Joseph, to d'ist. above est.

1739 Ilarshall, liiary, ^7ife oi i'had. Karsliall and dau. of Joseph Baiilrs, decc. . release her brother Joseph Banks of Greenv/ich of legacy fron est. of her father.

1750 Llills , Mnl. of Eorwalir, C9:00ses Gcupt. barnl. Gluc>ston

of lIorvTaik, as ^^uardian.

l?oO Mills, Betty, of ■'^''orwalk, nakes enoice of her no the r Sarah -lills, as 3US-rdian, ano she is appt. guardian for her other 2 children liary and Jolm.

IV^O llills, Stephen, of iiorvralk, nade v;ara of Zariell -"ciynond of •'•'oiT/alk.

1701 iiackenaey, i-^ugall, of Fairfield, juo^^-raent against 'oy Llr. iVra., Hoaaly of Branfora. He is arrested and placea in goal at l-airfield, Oct. 16, 1701.

1709 llills, Jonatnan, of Stratford, being deed, John Sharpe,

brother in lar/ to deed. appr. adrsr.

17 08 luead, l^rs. llary, of Greenwich, xilaovr est. of Danl. iiead,

son of deed. aj)pt. aamr.


1703 Liarshall, i'hos.appc. to dist* est. Joto Banks ol' Greenwich

1710, llr. John, of Toston, son Joim Briwaras, atty.

1^11 lieeVun, 2obt. of ^^tratforu, appt. aarir* est. -^'inotfiy .I'iljl^okson.

1712 Lleaa, Jonatnan, of Sreenv/ien, beln^j deed, widov/ ilarttia

and 3enj. Head, brother, anc. Jonatnan Head, son of above -deed, to adrir.

1713 Heed, Hr. Sara, late of Horsneck, being deed, v/idovj Hrs.

Hannah and Hr. 3ben eser Head a.ppt. adnrs.

1714 Horehouse, John, son of Thcs. Horshouse, of Fairfield,

deed, makes choice of 'his father in law (step) Hr. Joseph btur,3;is, as guardian.

1712 Harvin, Lir. banl. of -^Jorwalk, is chosen :];uardian bj^ Hary Hayes, ("''. of Hr. lYra. Hanes of ■'^^orwalk, deed.

1715 Hurry, Joseioh/ nakes choice of Tlios. Bennitt of Stratford

as guardian.

1'"''15 ^^-.eaa, Janes, son of Jonathan Head of Greenwich, rne-kes

choice of his ur.cle 3enj. i.Iead as guardian.

1715 -..eaa, xinotny, son of late Jonathan Heaa of Greenwich and being of non-age, his uncle 'Ar, ZJDenezer Mead is chosen as guardian-

171o Hartin, "dm, of Wooclbury, being decri. widow ■'i-bigaill ana son Joseph Hartin appt. aonrs.'

1718 Hessenger, i:Lr. Thos. of Boston, appt. adnr. of est. oi Jabes Urov/ell, late of ^airfield, decu-., fornerlj;" a Boston mariner.

1718 Hessenger, Andrew, of ijiorvmlk, goes a oond or above Hr. Ihos. Hessenger of Boston.

266 BOOK lo48 - 1656.

Ib^'-S Isid- ITichols, John, distribution of estate o+' June 19,loo5,r " Grace, v/iie of above Joim I.ichoiB. ^,


ELir^abetii Hannah




children of above

1 o 5 5 il er/raan , Win .

Ib58 l^icnolls, Isaak , ( btratfora, 1 think) lc70 overseer "'ill of Jas. Perocke.

1g59 ITettelton, Sornuell, estate of (Brandiord) inv. filea Ma^ 11, lou9, p. 51. His r/iaov; aiea soon afterwaras. 2state settled by John Uffurd of liilford. 7itness Jasper Orane

sVn. b-:7ayn

Lawrence ".Vard.

Ibbl ITickols, Galep (Stratford)

1670 ZTorton, Peter, est. of, inv. filed Sept.l,lb70 taken oy ( Jo nn Surr (Danl. Burr. (Book 166o-167o,p. 55.)

1d?o 2xa. ITewnan, 7/ra. of Standford V/ill of, dated ^une 18-7b, probated -Sept. 7, 1d7o. Book lt)7o-1589, p. 18. KLlzaheth xrlaovr Thos. Danl.

John '(deed, before probating will) Sarah ZLisabern Hannah V.'ill proved before John Holly Conmissioner, Sept. 7-76 John Gren, appears and takes oatn as to tne tru-uh of will.

Inv. taken Sspt. y-7b by Francis Bell

Peter Jerris. Weed Danl. )

Jonaa ) witneaB agreement of i^ewiaan heirs.

lo7b ITicnolds, «Jonn of otratford, est* of

iiay 2-7 o Inv. taken by John 'i-^urtis, Henry V/akeling, Ihos. Ufford .: John wels, and filed lb77. Book lb75-

1689, p. 24.


Isaok I^ienols ^r. to est.:i'iioG. 'Vels Ur. to eau. »/m. floberts " " " ■: John r^to.ne " "

Isaok ITicholds, brother to deer", nakes oatn to truth 01' inventory.

IbVo ITidlot, Josiah or/ea 5fet. Chos. bhernood of stratfora.

167H -:er;rjan, .Vn. vritness rel-nase Det;. John Ja-^ger .f-uardian Ibtanai'ora) oi" Jonathan Jagr-er a overseer of ^obtJ^Usher 's est.

Ib?^ _;asn, ^c'.wara, rnarriea z^ose rhe T/idor/ of Thos.' Runble and afterr/aras v/iaorj of Ihoa. 3arlo\7e (See Steward lb7y)

1678 r.asn, 3ix;axu., father- in- la-\7 (steprather) of Phebe Barlow released by Pheoe (Barlow) Olrasted of -i^Jorwalk. u'itness u'm. Eamilton, Deborah '^ liary Barlowe. Book 1675-1689, p. 48.

lb?9 Kichols, Calep, hae prop, at btratford next John Kurd.

1683 I^iohols, Calep, beleetnan, takes inv. est. ^lios. Levin'p-s- worth of t^ooubury. , . . ^

16S5 :;ichols. Celeb, Sen. cleared by Couro from Traynin^-.

1686 i.icolB, :.r. Josian, given management of her affairs by Phebe Barger.

168d ::ash, i:(:T7ara, or ^orwalk, is clearea from i'rayning noi; from watching co 7/arding.

1686 Luton, James as Constaole is ordere. to see the hay he siesed from the land of Simon Couch to land of Joseioh Loekr/ood.

IbSo Ilicols, Ipnram, consoaole in case vs. H. Rowland et al.

1687 ITorton Abigail) see iiugn Griff exi. (Book 1675-1689 p. 225)

-■lary ) .x- #

Agree to discterge said iiugn irom any claim on their father, Peter i.'or-con's estj (on condition he gives them as much prop, as he gives nis dau-hte r^, Jonn Burr ) Signing xor

Da.nl, ^ Burr ) "Abigail. 7/itness '^'itus -"iinman

Bathsneoa b ner nark


lb69 flicolea, Bachell, wife of Abraham, o. oi' Danl. ^-elog of


Ib89 2xcL. lUcoles, Jonathan of i^tratforu, 2st. of, Inv. taken Oct. 28-lb09 by John i^urdsey & Benjamin Peet, filed Hov. 7, 1689. Widov;

Josiaia son of aeea. 7 yr. ola

Jonathan " "2 "

Ilary, aau. 4 "

:Sept. 23-1691 Eenj. :Hicoles 2: i^&rJ-.Eaxile^j : . overseers.

2 he v/iaov/ -f )

Mr. Israll Ohancy ) lir.' Saral. Hally ) Overseers Josiah l^ieoles )

(afterwards rnarried iaergt. Samuel V/ard)

Book 1S7'^-1589, p. 293 also book

1609-17 01, p. 64.

Witness -i-'hos. Jones & Josiah liarvy.

Israel Ohancy c: Saml. Kally in Dec. 11 naving reca. from Samun iVara at* aorninistrator of ohe est. of his father Sergt.Saml' V/ara late of jairfiela al the legacy belonging to Ilary ITichols from the est 01 his aecd. father Jonathan ilichols.

1609 Horthrop, Jleiiam w. of Joseph Korthrop cb d. James Blackman

1589 liorehouse, Jonathan, appt. admr- of est. Joseph Pachin. 1690 ..icoles, -ipraim, takes inv. est. Oapt. -"obf '^'urny.

1590 liicoles, Josian Jr. overseer of est. j'rances Hall,

3 0 0 K 1689 - 17 01. 1690 ITieoles, Josiah, acim. of est* Shos. Jefery.

1689 -licoles, Hannan a. of Josepn Hawly of Stratford.

1690 ITieoles, Josiah appt. acLmr. of est. of Leut. John Hu obeli

01' otrati'ord.

1691 iiicoles, liisigne ^?iraia, est. of, inv. taken ilch. 9-lv^91,

Dy .iaml. Koberson & John 7/akeman, filed June 9,1091 The widov/ fii Sarg. Joseph ij. ckr/ood ordered to make up accounts. 'Book 1689-flOl, p. r:4.


The widow Zster & Sar;:. Jo sepia Locl<wood apt. adrns.both

of j^'air field.

ITaere vrere cnililren. •^'he \7idOT7 married SLipueleT; nill.

1691 iiiorton, Liary, a. of tae Tn.fe of Huga Grifen, aec'd.


1691 IJickola, Sanl* of Woodbury, eat. of, inv. taken -"-ug. 11- 1d91 by Joiln ilinor , Israel Gurtiss, Sanl. "tiles cb Joun rtherrnan, iseleetnen. Tiled Lov. 2, 1691, ^'he '.viaow ^ncrriea Saml. Gassell. 'Jidov7 ausana oefore tae widow of Shos. i-'airchild.

Son Josiah aged ':!: ^rs. 25 " July -last. Dec. 2-1691. 'ihe Gour o oraers Sarnl. Cassell tne now nusoand of Susana tiae widow of aaml* Hicoles aecd. to aarnr. said estate. lie.' Sacriarlah \-alker ) (Boolr 1689-1701, p. 65)

lir.- Jonri Slierrian ) ©"''erseera.

I 17 08 v..ch. 14, amiil' Castle of WoodlDury raakes his report

i as aarnr. ii lir.' ■'•^mlsrose I'onson i: Lir. John ±5each of

Stratford ordered to F^alre distribution.

r 1692 rhe v/iaovir of Jonataiin Ilicoles now widov/ of Sergt.Sanl. YTard

" ; ' ^i-sn, -t'hos . v/itness release of ciam. -.yens uy nepnews Joseph

David -^ons.

! 1697 J.ash, John, takes inv. of est. Sbenezer /i/ebh of l^orwalk

1o-jL l.icoles, oaleo. Sen. of "*oor.biiry, ''ill or, datec. June 15- 1690, probateo. ^ana inv. filed Dec. 29, 1691. Ann, widow, also oallea iiannan (Hdau. of •'^ndrew lard mdest son Saral. proo. )

Qrandson Josiaa -Ilicoles son of aaril. John son of deca.

iSaham'' " ' ^-°^^^ 1689-1701,p.57. )

IJary aau. of "

Ann " "

Pheby "

Moses ViTieeler son in law (xra. Sarah Oct. 20,167'i)

John Prentis " " "

iVin. liar tin " " "

Zackariah Jalker, Oapt. «John i/iinor )

cc John iiheman ) overseers

vVitness, John uole u John \Villians.*


The widov; & Tier soju Abrahaiji appt. Adras. ' Inv. taken Dei'ore ^lov. 8, 1690 by John 'i-iner .Israel

Gurtls, Jotin ahernan <:: John ^^icnell. apeaks In mv. of Andrew Hicoles, her son, oerore Johii x'ovms end ,■ «JnB"GiGe oi the Peace. Inv, of Strati'ord est. taken "b^ Steven i^onet, Joun

"Joe cc aanl. Picket, selectmen.

.690 3xd. Uicliols, laack Jr. of Stratford. Inv. taken i.Iay 13-1690

0^ baral* tJherraan,. James Juaaon •& John uoe. V/idow I'iary iiled ^u.e 1^, Ibyu . I Book lb89- GMldren. ■lY01,p.lC4. )

The widofw & ) Josiah I'jickoleBJ A-npt. aumrs.


Aug. - 1695. '2ell C-c Abraham

John Holly

]ixd. ITewman, Danl. of Stanford, ciecd. 7 Inv. of est. of, takea by Joauu.

iimhisr V/idO'r; i^arali, filed ITov. 5, 1695. xhos. ilevOTan, David .Vatertoery, Ineres -"-olley c: agree as to distribution i: are raaae aoinr. The agreeraent (Book 1689-1701, p. 12&":1S7}

I Sar.-h -i-^eT/inan, v/iaow & -Helict of ye deed. Dajil. ITevraan have upon good consiaeration agreed with my Brothers- i'hos. ITev/man, David Watrehery, In- crese -ti-ollsy ic John Plolly all of Stanford. Witness Steven -o-olmes, Zlisha -ti-olly.

i695 ^95

IJewman, 'J^tioe

Brother of above.

-Ii^id. ITicols, Isaek of Stratford, '..ill o.;, dated Sept* 28-1694 waa a soap ooiler. (Book 1689-1701, p. 128 & '129) Hargaret '^idov/ a on Benjamin Dau. liary Chancy, children

" Sarah Durret oon Isack's aeca ehilaren of deca. " Jonathan's deed, children of " Spiiraim Dau. Patience " temperance " Eli2abei;h .Veb " iuargarit 7/idov7 & Son Benj. Zxs

assisted by Mr/ Izrael Chancy & 7/itness Hobt. Ilekune & Hobt. .valker.

iir. Eieh. -jlacklach'



169'-' *«ieols, Isaek (Conzm

Inv. filec. -^ept.l? ,16y5, iDy James Juason, Jonn V/elles & Jjbsian Curtis, seleomTien of Strati'ord 1 Aug. Id, ibyo.

I' Tlie widow gives her dau. Margert IJicols her

portion, •'itness - Josepn Curtis w Hien. ^laeirlack. Aug. lo, lb9i, aelrnor/leaginent ox saia portion.

j 1699 ii ere/ton, liary, called a. Dy Sargt. Rich. HuTohall.

[ 1699 2xd. •'■•ash, li'v/ara oi' ITorr/alk, est. ox' Inv* taken Aug. 2,

1699, by Andrew Ilessenger and oaral. Keeler, I'iled TJov.?,


John l^ash, brother to deed. s?;ares to inv. & divides prop.

01' deed, mth 3)eliveranee 'Jaklin, brother in law to

r'ecd. (Book 1689-1701, p. 189.)

lo9.5 i^icoles, prota. Ester, ^rn-dovr ciov/ery in inv. of Zlipnlet jiill

lD9i5 Kicoles, Sphranam, aaras. of est. of via, Joseph -iJocIrT^ood, Elipaelet Hill and 2asther Kill acknowledge re- ceipt o::' aO from Isack ilieoles of »3tratfora, father of saia Spnraharn, deed, part r>3Tnt. as per bond of aept. 25, 1682. 'rVitness, John Bulkley aaml . Adams .

1691 Iticolls, Josiaji, of ••'tratford, deed of gift to his brother Benjamin ^icoles of "^tratfora. Hephew Jonc.than, 2d son of brother Jonathan iTicoles, deed, of Stratford, gift of lana I bought of my Uncle Caleb ITieolesa, Wife Hannah

Witness, Joseph ^urtiss,

James Clarke, ^en. The above Josiah Ilieoles v;as deoa. in lb9b.


BOOK 1702 - 1750. I

J1702 L'asn, Joseph, o.' -' airi'iela , est. of. Inv. ^ipr. 4, 1702, "by Joseph Lockwood and lanl.- -^rost.

i '^hos. ■i'-asii appt. acu'nr.

1:^,704 Eicoles, Abranan, s. in law to Danl. Kellog of Horvmlk, Agreement.

I 1708 llicoles, Aijranarn, of "^tratfora, cnossn oy his nephew Danl. ' 3rinsineaa, soxi Danl. Brinsr:eaa of '^tratfora,clecci.

1; 1715 Hewton, liary, see aist* or est. lir. Joshua I{nov/les,17i;:i Lidia,

(1713 ITicoles, Abransjn anc. ^^aran nis v/ife* aee aist. of est. Llr. Joshua Unowles, 1713.

f 1706 Hicols, GalBD, of -'oodbury, v;ill of, dated Llch. 6, 1706 aiater Haiinan i»icols Eldest or ot ner ATjraham ITicols Sister Annah J-'lcols, prob. same aa above. 3rotn;r Jonn Juieols bister Abegaile iiartin " liary Hull " Phebe -i^nell

Brother -^brahc.-m llicols sole ex.

'i«itness (Sanl. -Jen ton

(Yhos.- Peirsall (Wm. kVillis Galeb Uicols above deed. Apr. 14, 1706. Inv. Hay 21, 1706, by John iTicols and Jm. ^^i-artin. Inv. of (proD. .^tratiorci) est. by fJobt. "(Talker, ZaKhariau Bos tick, Zachar-iah Curtis and Joseph i^ieols.

1708 ITieoles, Iir» Abranam, of Stratfora, adra. of est. isack Knell.

lv'05 Eieklj/son, Janea'or Joaas) takes inv. widow ^-ar get Ljron, deca. of ^airfieia.

27 5

|i709 iiickolson, Janes, or -^air.t"ield, will oiT, ciatea Aug. 2, ' 1? 09 .


Son in law Danl. Knap I Brotiier in law IJatUl. i'incu, sole ex.

V/itnesvS, James Bennifc ITathl. Wilson ITatlil.' w'ilBon, Jr. The above will was probated llov. 10, 1709

1708 I^ouciUier, Mr. Anthony, takes inv. est* "Hbert -O-nny ox jairi'ield.

'1711 EisDitt,_Hugn, oi '^'tratford, v-ill o±', dared Ilcn. 7,1710/11 Ti'ii'e -ilisabeth, sole heir ana ex. kii-cneas Josepn Curtis, I.lr.

Arcnioala, Dunlop,- I.Ir.

11711 ^Touquier, Anunony, takes inv. est. Ur. James a.'Ountain 1 or Greenr;icn ana guaraiaxi o±' dau. iiagaalen.

il71ii llisDet, Ilr. Iluch, or Stratford, Inv. July 29, 1711/12 Dy ' Archaoala -^unlop anc: George Und-y.

Widow Ilrs. -Elisabeth IJisbet.

1715 lias)'-, -;-os. Tes-uiiy to will o- Simon Coucn of oTairiield


171:3 ITash, Llr. Jonn, sen. of iTorfolk, Inv. ilch. 14, 1712/15 by John Gregory, Jr. a John Gopp. Son John appu. aomr. " Hat nan

1713 ITicolea, Benj. takes inv. est. Mr. ITathl. Sherman of Stra-cfora.

|17l::' -ash, 2hos« takes inv. gsg. Saml. Goley of i'airfield.

t ' '

''17lo Hash, Thos. takes inv est* Henry Gray, Jr. of Gompo.

i-i i,icoles, Rica. aiat. eso. ...r. Joseph ifairchild ox ■itratfora.-

lYiii -.icoles. Rich. appt. acu'ir. est. 2hos. aharp or ilewton.

;171i5 Eewton, Lidea, of ^iltora, d. of SLir^aheth (Sogers) former- ly Knowles o: heir i*r. 'Joshua Knowles.

1"13 l^icolea, Abranaci, of Stratford, fc aarati tiia v/iieja.

S!.i3aoeta, lornerD.;- Knovzles, ana iieir i.lr. Jo;iliua

1713 ilounuier, An'Gonjr, r/itness agreement anfi dist. to heira 1-r. Josnua Ilnor/les.

:/^14 EouTjuier, IJr. Antony, v/itness will LIr. Isaac -uintara

of atajaiord.

i714 I'evman, Ihos. or Btaniord, inr. ol' est* oept. E, 1714. Had 'all land willed to Hat hi. below 'the farm so called. Widow i-ary

^ona Jonathan and Tnos. ITewraan, both or Stanford, granc to uheir mother Ilarjr 1/3 of land t:c. willed 'by their father Tlios. ITewrnan, aeca. Witness, ^isha -^olly

John Solly, berore Jcoepa 3isaop,


:t715 Bermaix, Jonn, of ^taniora, witnes v/ill IJa j . Jom.Seiiiclr

171-1 lewiaan, I'hos. of Stanfora, vail of, aatea i.iay ;cl, 17l4t. Wife Kary, appt. ez-c. Sldest son Jomi tion in law Danl* Brings Son IJa t hi. Son tJonathaii, " 2hoB., tiie land north of roaa to Lav/rence farm iVitness , Jonn Holly, Jaraes June & Ebenezer Snita.

iv:'..: ITash, 2hos. , takes Inv' r^st* I^obt. Loebr/ood of j'airfiela

.,'16 i^aan, Taos, takes inv* est. Joshua Jennings of Fairfiela

1716 ITicolea, John, of Woodbury, appt* guardian for Oaleu, s. of Wm. liar tin or 7/.

1749 ITash, Jcnatnan, dist. est. Thos. Sherwood, Jr. of Fairiielu

".- -Tonquier, ^-^r. Antnony, 01" Fairfield, appt. guardian :.or cnil'^i- llagaalen or Jan:s j'ountain of Greenwich.

I'f'xo l.icolea, r. Ricii.^ s,ppt. guardian for Jonn anc 'J?hos. c»harp aons of '■^'hos. ^harp of ITev/ton, deoa.


171^ Hooby, Jonathan , oi' fJreenT/icn, chosen guardian b^ 3enj.

Holned, f?on oi" '=>teren Hoined o±' Greenwich. CL-iU-ZD^ / 'l'

"'l^ ITicolea, 3eni« of -^tratfora, "being aeca. Jonas 7/oostex oi~ Stratiora appt. aumr.

|1724 i:ouq.uier, ..J:. Antnony, of jairfield, releabed by hit v;ard ilac.elen j'ountain, a. O- Ilr. Janes -'ountcin oi Greenwich, aecd. of -legacy -rrora her father's will.

2? 7 :.

BOCK 16-i8 - lbo6,

1655 Olrasteea, P.ieTiara.

Ib57 Otosteei' , ITeheEiaia, -aca-ce oz , inv. _iis: Oct. 2,lD5':',p.'ii (Dau. of John 3ur I) ELisaljeth vrlaovi or above (Port Ilorris)

(ODeaiaja Gilbert ) One child (Daugtiter I think) aaraa called wife oy Hoot* "^ely in 1675.

1G59 OdelB, Jorm orrning r^rop. next Sprin IVheeler.

167-4: Ogu.en, i-^iGn» inv. prop* of Jonn 3arloT7 cieca.

16?^: Olnsteea, iJaraii called daugh-cer u-j Oheaiah Gilbert

!.o72 Ogaeri, Joan o-'nea -:rop. at Hye.

16" 7 Oi'fera, i'hob. inv. ear. Jonn 3eaca oz Stratford,

lb77 Osborn, John called iDrother hy John Peat of Stratford.

IdVd Odell, 'Vn. r/ili oz oz fainiela Oral Jun. b, 76.

./iliian, son o: aeed. (proveu l&7?^-^'-&'inv« . filed.

Sanil. IHoorhouse, gi-andcnila of Rebecca, d.- of aeoa.



Book 167 5- lob 9, 50.

Grandcnilu John Odell, rjon ox John Odell, oon oz

deed. JonathEii Iloornouse, 9 y to Goody Knap " "

Llary Caell, dauf;noer in law

Jonn Caell, son oz' aecd ( haa otner chilaren oeaiue

John aoove ns.meu) -Rebecca uoornouse, daughter oz deed. baral. i-oor house, son in lav^

Inv. talren June 1^, 76 oy "Jitness

■i7rn. Hill M. Kill

John Banks Jonathan uoorhouae

Hich Huhble

\67o OslDorn, Jonn, naving married Saran iSennet tne danghter

of James iSennet aeca. releases Joseph Llidls- brook, having rec'd tne S20 wnich ho held in his nahas un'jil the eorninc of aQe of ills T/i.e 'J he aforesai<i cicrah, datea Jan* 167 S.

ShXMnas Ailson ) (Bodk 1675-1689 , p. 40 Eanna Bennet )V;it- <x 48.

n esses.

E77 _.-7.. Olmsteed, pi- she, d. IItog. Lc-,rlor/, \/i±'e o::' Jt-nes. ".'"80 01ns cee. , j^ieuo. riieii. iii. Est. Liafnew ^-arvin. .81 Olrasteea, Si eh. Seleetman, lTor?;alk, takes in v. IT. Richaraa

t I

lb8S Ogden, cJohn deed. ^^ug;. 7, lo6a, i^'aate oi', of Stanfora Inv. taken '^jept.' 4, lo82 o;- John Hoit, John 3rn..di2e and liacl-relia -3ro?m .idOT7 Jude filed »^ept.6, 168£.

Children. Sook lb75-1689, p.- 79.

Ih6:i Osborn, Jonn, legatee, under \7ill of "^teven Hodge, deca.

1(j84 OluiBteed, Jaanes tales inv. est. Sargt. Thos. Sit en or i;or- walk.

loS-i ClrnsGc-ed, Jaraes, overseer o:. est. Janes Mention.

lb84 Clmsteed, Eiehara, OocmisGioner at; iorwalk.

lo8-i Olmsteed, iieni;« Jc.r.es Adn. Gst« 2hos. Lup'jon.

Ic85 Osoorn, Jonn zineu xo Si.illinfcs .• or xoaviiig ohe barn opeai

lb8u Osborn, Johii ^/itness in ease of letters o orney iron

Jonn Appleget "by Philip Bangs.

Ib8b Oliver, ihos. cleared from tres parsing.

Iu85 Ogaen, 'ioodraaxi complains go court ag^-insi; Thos. 3turge - upon suspit;ion for ofering some lascivious actions to sorae maides in bed at Goo '.man Ogaen' s house ana in Hicnard Ogden's uouse in tne nigni; vraen tne famiij'' '\i8.a iix oed.

lb8o Olmsteed, John ?.;::r. s.dmr. esu. Sa^il, Sontion.

xdS6 Olmsteed, ]Ricx-Lira wc-pu., u^ -orv/t-li:, .viix u_, aaoea ■■rpG. oO, 1684, prooated Apl. 80, Ibdo £2 inv. filed Aged abt. 76 years. John, son 01 -aeca (EasigneJ SLdest son Jsnes of deca. ILieur)

laentiona nia firat \7if9 cj aaughter aeca. Book 1675-1689, 73. 217.


llicolab Olnstea ox' lUiXtioxa, callea eouoin

Cousin 3a3ies, his vt-jo daughters 2iis Peck cl-

Liaea 3aker

2o Saml. Smi-?;!! some o- t'tie property of his last


Sargt. John Piatt, overseer.

IThos. 'Eamora ) _ Hannah ^^^nzoxa ) v/icnes v (Ihos. J itch

xnv. talren Jeby. 20,1686, by jjohn 'Piatt

( Chris copher Coinsi:&ke

1687 Ogden, Eichard, of -^'airiield. Est. of, Inv. taken Apr. 8,

1687, by Thos. '.Vilson, Jonathan i-orehouse &

John Tompson.' (fileu ,.pl. S8,1d87, 3oolr lb7 5-1689, p. Had lana at Hill ana also 'Hill Hill. S21 & 22^

7/ido'7 Ilary iaaesT; livin;"^ son Sichara, yon ol' aeea. - evidently

there was olaer son Mao riied David, son or deca. John, " " under a;^e.

Daughter ^lics, \7ii'e oi Sargt, Saml. 7/ard " - " " Danl. -lieker

" - ' " Janl.- Siliernan, Jr.

" - deed. , vrlte oi John Pine - one child

l.^r. Jonn Burr,- overseer.

IbG'" Odell, Jonn sold land before aate to flami. ^orehouse.

1688 Ogaen, Rich in adiainistrarion of est. of ^ourt app.

Saral. '.Yard .; John Osborn or .'airfiela as aanu>B,

1688 Olinsteaci, Janes )

John ) Overseers of est. Thos. Betts, aen.

lo8y Odel, Joim of j'airi'ield, takes in"^* oi est. John j£c'''P0n

ib90 Osborn, .-iichara, son of Davici Osborn, of 3ast Chester, aticd

"Choses his uncle John Pinkney to be his guardian. (Book 1675-1689, p. 300.)

1690 Osborn, i^icn. , as above, desires tne OourT; to gram;

nim as 'Guardian his Uncle John Osborn ol fairfiela, in "olace of his uncle aforesaid.



1698 Olnsted, Lieut. Jonn, appt- to aistribute est. Jackson Gre^O-y*' '

1667 Osborn, John, sent his lai; bill ol' exchange to I.Irs. IJary Osborn and Itirs. Jo. Banks or Fair+'ield irom - Inauia :iovis. Land -or Dei, arawn in iavor oi Josiahjiarvey endorses tne ah,ove bill & calls iirs. liary Osborn, the wi+'e oi" 'John Osborn, ox the -Islana or levis. 7i±tnesa liary ^^dans Saran riurs.

Ib9'± Ogden, John, ^.Titneaa release 2dwin ward oj his sister a&x^h

B C 0 i: 1d8^ - 1701.

16y0 Ogden, John chosea Sargt. Sanl. i/ard as :?uardian 0ct.27,lb90

p. 12. ' .

loyO Ogden, -/idow or i^ich, being also aeca. ■fcne Court appts.

bargt. Saml. Ward Sc Ilr. Joseph L. ^ Bastard to

finish tae aanr. of 3iea. Cgden's est.

x'he Court also appts. Sargt. Saml. V/ard Adnr.

of trie est. of Ilary Ogden deed., widow of said



lb92 Osborn, John appt. Adinr. of est* Saral. Smitd or Fairriela.

lb90 Odill, Jonn, Jr. v/itness will or Joseph J03/ of Fairfield.

loyO Osburn, John takeb inv. or est. Jacpo Joy " "

lu90 Olrasted, Llary grandcnila or Ihos. Beneaick.

Ib90 Olrasted, James takes inv. of " "

1691 Olxaaceu, Jolm, Overseer 01 est.. ij.atnef/ i^arvin, Jr.

169'± Osburne, Sargt. John Duys prop, of Haj . John Burr, deed.

Ib94 Osburn, Joiin, or Fairfiela, called brother-in-law by John Brooks of Stratford.

Ib98 Svd. Ogden, Richard, of i'airfield, est. or, Inv. taken Jany. 25, 1597-8 by Philip Lewis, Jonn Bhompson li: Jonn iijawards, riled uch. 27, 1698, Book 1689-1701, p. 156. She deed, had land at Tollaora, Sasco ITeck that he Dought of Sherw.'Od ob grist mill ■Vidow, Sarah. I'he widow to admr.


IbyS Osburn, Ensign, Joim apprt admr. est. John '.Vhelloek or ?,

lY'Ol Osburn, Jonn, v/itness in Knelles Inla^-d eaae.

iVOO Ogden, Ricn. settleneno O- est., est. to be dividea bet. tne v7id0T/ cb tue ciiilaren vaexe oeing 5 - d dons & B aau.

17 CI Oct. 22, Josepa O^den, son o±' the above Rich, being now 21 37-ears oici une Gouro oraers 5iisign Jonn OsDurn Jonathan ^^turgis Cc Theopnilus Hull to make dist. Rich. Oga.n, son oi deed. Rich, above, c nooses llx.-

Sainl. Cobbit Guradia,!!. Sarah Ogden, dau. of deoo.. Rich, above c nooses lir. Peter Bur Guardian

The Court cnoos^ts Shoa. staples iather-in-lav; to Jontn. Oguen & Mary OgcLen aa their Guardian they being unaer age no cnoose for t hens elves Vn'idow Ogden now wife of Thos. staples.

1d99 Ocliil, Jr. brother to Rebeckah Ghuire, v/iao?/ of Luke Ghuire,' appt. adrar. of est. of luke Ghuire deca.

16f98 Odell, Lajjy, Tvitness, release of legacy paid by '2YiOs. lloorehouse to Israil uurtiss.

Ib96 Osourn, John, iilnsign, admr. .st. oi Joaeph Burr, deca.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

lYll Oaeli, aargt. John, who is aanr. v;ith the wr.aov; Sarah Bennit on the est. of Jamea -t^ennit aeca. is relievea by Court

1705 Olmsted, Lieut. John aist. of est. of ITae '..'iciow Olmstea; aov/ry in est. of Thos. Gregory deed, to be added to the sum to -be dist. -of tne est. of Lieut. John Olmstea & to be set; out to her as -her ' o\7ry or part of same oi' Lieut. John Olmstea, decf^. The Court chooses -Ir. Anarerr Llessenger :o be guardian for Deborah Olmsted.

Danl. Dlmsted, son of Lieut. Jonn Olnstea, makes choice of his brotner-in-law Thos.' Reed .as guardian.


1704 Odell, John Jr. to ciis-c. est. ZQ.Gm.xl8.ia. jTaircnild of


1705 Olmstea, Lieu^•. Jonn, oi* ITorTzall:, Inv. Dec. 22 - 1704/j

by Johii '3eniQicir - Sajnl. oinitn.- GhilareiA

Hani about 19 Eicnard. " 17

Jomi " 4

Llary " ^18





Unice aoU IJ

Deooraii 10 or 11

Aba^f^ail aboui; 8 Axma " D

-tlndrevT ilessenge:;' Sanl. Ilermii & Joseph Plat appt. aomr. so far a^ to set out of his est. to tae aarnrs. of tne est. oi ye deod. Chop, '^rreg- ory, namely, -ye vrLacm who iis tne Relect oc£' Sd 'Gregory c- Jonn Benidick so nuch as oelongb to the heirs oi' aaia ^iregory naving nade re"cnrii •CO ye Proijate yzc Court; held in i'air field Jan. 17, 170^, tiiat ttiey m-ve seu out to ye sd Admrs. ye sun of ■y:;^-l6-8. '^his Oourt do accept of this return cc do free tnen fron admrs. The Court apj>ts. l^hos. Reea, Sa,nl. Session & 3enj. i7ilson sons in law to lieu-u. Olrastea to acuor .

2hos.' Be'Gts , Jonn atev/ara C: John Hairaona to make aist.'

Danl.' OlHstea in 17 06/7 declares himself satis- fied nvita one guaraaan.sn.ip oi 2nos. Reed Sa dis- cnarges hin from se.ia trubU. Hien. Olmsted makes ciioice of Saml. iSeesion of

llorv/alk, for Guardian Unice Olmstea " " " baml. liarvin of "

for 'guardian Sebeuca Oinstea, of iiorwalk, makes choice or

Ebeneser Gregory of ITorr/alk for guaraiaa Joseph Plat cnosen guarciian for Aoagail. oaml. Bet'js. " " "John

dai-nl.' Jieiier " " " Anna.


John BeneaiGi: ^: ZLy Oinsted adnrs. to ye tau. of Thos. Gregorjr ITortTalk deod. -acirnor/ledfes tiie receipt iron tixe adDrs. appt.- by ye ProimUe xx ^ouri; a^i atiove fi do aischarji'e uu^ eat. of ye said Olras'cea I'rora aiay lurcher claims The 'est., of sa Olnsteu oeing ooliged to pay tne ae-ldc amt. by a v/riting aa-ted Oct. 26-1d95.

i'70o Ogaen, Eicnard clist. of est. of "by Jonn OsiDurn Jonathan bturgiB <-^ I'heopuilus Hull. To "Jidow Josepn

I^icriard part of uue nill Jonattiaii taaran

Honey in nanda of her Guardian 2hos. staples Tnis aisc. rnaue Aug. 17, 1705

Hobt. dill'inan a Moses Sinon naae a ner/ vaiuaoion on eat on acct of decay & destrucuion ^o prop.

17 Oo Oaell, John, Adiix-. eat. Jamea Benni'oc.



n 11

John, aist. oi est. oj.


IVOo Olrastea, Lieut.

'2o vrlaovTf- her doT/ry in nouse 'and lands of Eusband

'Gregory, ^t. and" land lying v/itu Capt. Oinsuea cc Sam

2o Danl, elaest sou

To Thos. Heed Benj.' 7/ilBon Anna ■Olmsted Jonatnan -■'but tiaml. at' Jonn Rich.' Olmsted John ' " SLiz " Eu'-iee" Deborah Aoagail Diat. oy


17, IV 05.

nos» Bett, Sen. & John Haynond



1V07 Odell, Jorm, son or, of Stra-crord, Dair:'ie7d, ^vili oi dated Apr. 22, 1y07. '

wife Ilary 'i'o aau I^ry So ccner aau gat er Wiaow, Ss.

V/iT;neSvS Dayia Snexnaxi, 17n. Beardsley InT., May ia, 1707, h:j Jorni 3eardsley, iSara Treawell « Jarnets Bennit.

iv07 Osboxii, Gapt. Jotm nas in nana prop, of Anarew jard deca

1709 Osburn, Gapt. Jonn, of Fairfield, Inv. o-- "g-f: . q-p Dec. 5 1709 "■ , '

•iheopnilua ^uli, ..oi-aiitn -auras a 'ixaoon .aiexx In ijavia's aa-naa house, lot and oarn Ilrs. baran Osourn, -.-.'iaoTT or Gapt. Joiiu Osburn ana -her son Sarnl. Osburn sware to inv. Itie widow aarah £z i=on -tianl. cvp_.t. acujir.

ivOb Olmsted, James, takes inv. est. bargr. Jonn Bonton or



IvlO OsDura, baran, v/iior/ ana bargt. baml. Osfourn aonir. of est. or Gapt. Joaa Osburn, -re turn acet or aarar. Apr. 28, 1710

In dist. of eer. fhere jcing -iaoTy lj six cniiaren Cc cniiaren of Hannan i^umsey decc' . -no are vo be Gonsiaexea as one cnila.

Ilaj. Surr, Lieut. Bennio Sa oargt. Allen to aisC. Jonn Qsburn J cniiaren of Gapt. Joim Osburn mates '

-^i^* " ) enoice oi tueir riotuer lirs* aaraii ) Osourn aa guardie.n. The est. of Gapt;. Osburn, cteotor to Jonataan aturgis; Sen. Due from est;.

Anruony ilogeer John ^rni-cn

•^ona-unan Sturgia, Jun. Spnraira Bears, Sen

Jonji aios?B i,j.r. Br. Lahore.

Gapt. Josepn ffakeman Janes ITickleson

Jonn '.Vinton Benj. bherwooa

-^r. Josepii './euo JOiui Hiae

lir.^: lleredi-cn i!i:.v;ard Jessup

tiaml. Buur, at Boston


1?07 Odell, Jonn, son of, or Stra-cford, Dairlield, v/ill oi, cLO,ted Apx. 22, 1707. Wife Llary 'i'o ciau. iiary To ovtiei' aaugiiter tfiaow, Ex.

V/i-uneSvS Davi^a Snexmau, \Tn» Beaxasley Inv., May io, 1707, "by Joim Beajjdalev, Sam 'I'rectv/ell « Janets Bennil;.

iv07 Osborii, Gap-fe. Joim nas in nana prop, of AnurevY jard deca

1709 Osburn, Gapt. Jonn, of Fairfield, Inv. of 1st. of Dee. 5,


Dheopnilus Hull, Abrarjam Adams & Gideon Allen In Savid's nanas house, lor and tDarn I-Irs. Saran Osourn, r:laovr of Gapt. Jotiu Osburxj. ana 'tier son Sarnl. Osburn sware to inv. The widow Sarah & son -Satnl. ap^,t. aa^r.

1706 Olrasted, James, takes inv. eat. SargT. Jonn Donton or ITorv/alk.

1710 Oshurn, aaran, widow and Sargt. Saml. Osourn admr. of

est. of Gapt. Jonn Osburn, -retarn aoet of

aamr. Apr. 28, 1710

In dis"U. of esV' Uhere ^?eing r/iaow & six children

cc cnildren of Hannan flumsey deed. ^;no are to De

considered as one chila.

ilaj. Burr, Lieu-c. iSennio Sa oargt. Allen to aist.,

Jonn Qsburn J chilaren of Gapt. John Oshurn make '

~2iz. " ) enoice oi tueir notner lirs* aarau ) OsDurn as guardian. The est. of Gap'i,. Ob burn, cteotor to

Jonatnau Sturgis,' ben. Due from est.

Antiiony Hogeer - John Smita

Jona-cnaii Sturgia, Jun. 3piiraim Bears, Sen

Jonn slostB uT, Br. Lahore.

Gapt. Josepn ./akeman James ITickleson

Jonn '.'.'inton BsnJ. Sherwooa

ilr. JosepiA .ieuo Joiui Hiue

MK«;lliIereditu M.x}8-xd. J ess up baml. 3u22r, ao Boston


Perer Ihorp aami. OsDurji Jorm ^SfiTTarati Joxlii Osbuxxi i'hos. Vifilliaias u?a7lor i^-napp Gapt. B quire Henry lienariefe Giaeon Allesix iiajor Buri: ^-.■branam Add ana Peoex Bulkiey iaral. Sraicli Lieut. JJiraaxi Joim Daxliii.5 'xersxion julkley Josnua Jenning Jacob Pack in

Eev-f dsDts Ejaae given aeou. death.

ilir. 21039

lir.- Atliony. kr. •Edv/ards. Bear's estate.

IVlO Olms'cea, James takes inv. of part of est. 5ev. lir. Hanford, Lee, 1710.

'i£ Oinsteci, Jarnes takes inv. est. lir. ^M. Hayes, of ilorwelk

_/14 Clmsted, Gapt. Janes takes inv. est. Lieuc;. Jonn 3<vlcn, 01'- IsorT/alb.

17iS Gdell, vrlacKT ilary, of Stratfora, inv. ox est. Jany S2


aone goods in nanats ox Sanl. Jc-rrib at xlewtorm Sanl. Oaell, son or deed, sv/ares to inv. Sa appt. admr. He mentions some things forgotten at time of inv. inv. in hanls or nis bidter Deboraa.

XI re Oasxl, aargt. John, r;itness verbal T7ill Dea. Isaac YiThheler of btratfora.

1712 Odell, iSarah, v/ife of John Odell, 2: d. of " " "

../12 Osourn, --digail, eallea a. Dy Robt. Eurasey, oen. of J?air- field fist —ife of oami. Csburii.

I71d OvSbora, banl. takes inv. est. r?oDt;. Eunsey, sen. of Fair- X i «lu .

17x<i Olmsted, James, Justice at ilor^Talk.

./lO Osborn, I-iTs. oarali, v^iao?/' of Gapt. Jolm Osborn

released of legacy to John Smith of ^^airfield from his fatner John Smitn, decci. that Tvas in the nands of Oapt. Osborn.

17io Oa.-ll, John tai:ea ir.^r. esi;. ..-rs. IJargareo olixou^ ox otrat-


1710 Osborn, Capo. Jolin, o_ -■uirxieia, aiso. of est;. to Viidow 'Sarah " son Saml. , eldest son " John ' " Davia " Joseph " aau. Sarah , " la-isalDeth i^he eK. , Ijlrs. Sarah Osborn, v/idoT7 of aecd)^ and son sarg"c. Saml, adnrs. a is charged.

IVl-i Odell, Johanna-h, witness verbal r;ill Dr. Isaac liall

.715 Odell, John takes inv. esrt. Joseph Js.ckson of Stratford.

1715 Gb-^'urii, .;-::u.. takes inv. Ctst:. Christopher ^ooper of x-"air-


1750 Osborn, Peter, of jairxieia, caooses Uersnon _radley of J':.ir field as rrnaraian.

170'"; cTL fij., John appr. auiiic est. Jaraes Bennxv o_ j'ainfeia,

171^ Odell, sargt. John, of Stratford, is appt. -co finish admr on est. of Danl. Bradley of ^'airfield. , deed.

171^1: Odell, Sargt. John, r/ho -rvas appt. adnr. with irahcis Bradley of tne est. ox jJanl. Braaley, aecc'. is releasea, and kr. -i^anl. .Burr, cien. is appt. vritn tne scia .Francis Bradly -co admr.


1715 Odell, Sargo* Jolui ohosen for guardian by Jonathan Jaclrson, r-on or Saml. Jackson, o.! ^airfield.

Olmsted, lla-chan, son oi" Uathan Olnstea, of i^iorv^alk, aeod.

i71J OdQll, Sergu. Joiin, oaocjen, aa guardian oy Ilartha 3radly,d. or Dani*' Braaly or Fairfield, deed. "^ ' .

28? 3 0 0 i: 1648- 1656.

1655 Pell, 'i'hos., T7it;nesg will of Bclv/ard Catchara

1d55 ruraios, i'ranois

loo8 Pell, :-r. ThQS.

1658 7exxj, Richard, .iSstate oi, inv. filea 0ci:.8.1658 v, 2-. Grace, v/ife of aoove. * ^

Chil arena Guardians Jehu and 'John Burr.

(See under Wilson Anthy) lbo9 Eld. Purdie, Francis, Mtave oX inv. filed Oct. 5,1658 >d.39

7idov7 or above (liary, d. of Brundish)- "' ^

5 cnildren.

John, eldest son (under age in lool) Francis 2na ^ 270ungers sons 1 daughter

1658 Pinlrney, Philip

xDu9 Peat-, 3enJ. (Stratford)

1659 Pinkney, Jane, called cousin by Geo. Hull, deed,

" Philip, v/itness, \7ill of " "

16dO Pinkney, Phillip, vTitness, v/ill of Alex. Ilnowles.

164-8 Poll, :.lr., ovms estate of Sdrr-ond Harry.

1656 Puraie, Francis, , rn. in est. l^ios. Peardsley,

1665 iir. Pell, raade overseer v/ith lir. Gold, of Sstate of 2er, John Jones.

1668 Picket, John, xvitness, T-zill of Obediah IVheeler lo70, inventories will or Jno. Perocke.

1668 Preston, Johann " " " " "

16o9 Porter, Jonathan, calle I one of the forraer husbands Of T;ne wire of Giles araith, Dy Giles ^^nli•(;a.


lbb9 Pell, 2hos., will of, written Sepo. 21, 1669 ?o probated Sept/. bO, 1669, Lu3y, his v/ife, died before deed. Book 1665-1675, p. 42

Uo children.

Property left to ITephew John Pell, living

in Ingland, the only son of a^ only brotner

John Pell, D. 3. by his 1st wife.

All n^ estate in ITew Sn^lana is in territories 01 tne JJuke of York if liis nephei? John Pell

die without issue the prop, to so to hia

nieces, daugiiters of ni:- nyyovnex, John Pell,

D. D.

Iiake& oenuesta go iibigaii ^urr, wiie ox -Junl.


Danl 'Burr

3unn Prench

ITathaniel Freneli

Zlisabeth vThite

iiiary 7/hite

ilathaniel -'hite

Barbery (his servant) her freedon Katheran I^oystin, ais ancient naya.


Josepn -art aim o^nea •"'/^-ros

2hos. Basset, ^oger -^^nap fron tneir

inaebteaness to niia.

Banl Burr, )

John Banks,) Ss. of Trust.

lb70 Por-cer, Jonathan, of Huntington, left ais property to ais wife Bunis who married Giles Smith. In case ■: rie narries tnen the prop, to go to their three daughters. In 1870 ^legatees of Jonathan Porter releases txie Js:. of Sit. of Giles Smith tiie money naving been paia.

Signed: James i^hichester 3dward i^orneyt Steven Jarvis

.itness: John I'inch.



lo70 Dsc. 8, 2ell, Jolm, son of Dr. John Pell, o:;' London and nepnew to ^hos. Pell, deed, cones to nartfora and receives enaoruernent ::roEi one ^ov. in Assistases.


John Allen, bec'y.

1670 PeeocKe, John, v-all of, dared Ilcn. 4, 1670, proD. roY.l,lb?0 Jo^T-oe, v/iaow or deceased

Jaraes Clark, son- in- lav; (Stratford) Phoebe, daughter of deed. Kary " '' (Boolr 1665-1675, p. 52)

-^anl. .-Litcaeil ) 'Titnesses* liatthecT ..iitefeell)

Phillip Grones )

Hie hard Bootn ) Overseers.

Isaac -i-'icols )

Inv« oi' Ust. laade by Townsmen

Hie hard Boouh, John Picket, Joseph Hav/ley

1672 Palmer, John, estate of, inventory filea Oct. 26, 167 2, 0et.2o. naae oy Josuan Knap, John Bowers interested

in said estate and is i-ade aaninistrator. Boolr I6b5-

lb75, p. o2.

IbV.y riat, John, o^7ner land near Palph Keeler of ITorwalk

BOOK 1675 to 1689 ib75 Porter, Wra. employd Oornelins Hunt, deed.

lb7o Peat, 3enj« husband Pheoe, d. Ricti. Butler.

IbT'. -restou, SLizabeta, r/iie of 31isapri Preston and d. Jonn Beaeri.

loYV ^-"ee'c, John of Stratfora, .vill probated 1577. Thos .

ITath.' left prop, at "iVallingford by John Beacn Isaak

(Boob 167 5-1689, "O. 25.) (Boob Ib89-I701, p.- 55.)


1677 - Peat;, Jorin, of i^tanford, v.-ill of, dated Jan. 17, 1677-78. vjldovr, Sarah, narriea oerore 1d87 John Peacock

Jnaer age. tiaral. mentions girt to said Saml* fron nis grand

'xafher) '



Sarah. use loS'i

Hannah. Joseph Peat.



Oapt. Will. Curtiss )

Israel Clancy ) Overseers

Bon 2' Peat (his ore oner) )

John '0 shorn (his brother) )

3i3. Roberts.

Timothy V/illeockson - ^^itness

Inv. of Sst., taken S'e^'. 20, lb77-78.

lQ7d Porter, lathaniel, son-in-law to Philip Gro;7e Hath. " Sarah

" Hannah &

" Ruth, grandchildren " "

lb7o Pettit, Joim, -03 Stanford, Ust. of. Inv. taken

Anl. 5 1676 by Ilr. Eicn -Law o xiieuf i'rancis Bell, c; filed lo78.' (Book 1675-1689, 'p. 39.)


apealrs zi. one \.aaov/'s part of her brotner Josepn^s estate

iovo Pitcner, John, takes inv c;st. 2hos. ^her-vood of Stratford

1678 Ps.-cry, IT.^thaniel called son-in-law by Rich.. Lyon of Fairfield

Hester " daughter "

Joseph grandson " " '


1678 Purdie, Jonn, gs-c. o- Inv. dated Uec. 26, 1678, taken

\rj tovmsnen filed in 1678,' Book 1675-1689, p. 44

John Kcii; John Brunei ish & Hackelyn 3roT7n 'She T7idor/ 2jLisabetii reg^ueBts i;taat her father John £oit c^ brothers Shos. ci Hackliah Browne be '-mde overseers.

iL"V3 Porrer, -^is-thaniel, of atratford, will of, datea Jan. 10, lb79, T'lll proba'cea end inv. filed 1679. \7ife, SLiaabeth, evidently ficoond wife ''ohn, son of deed (unaer age) in lb9D releases the

overseera. Llary, daughter of aecd. (younp:est) in 1592 wife of

Pobt. Roys Nathaniel, -eldest son of deeci in 1692 o:. jciriiela

village c; releases overseers. Hanna

bar ah in 1685 rel-sases the overseers iiutn in lo92 wife of .fbeneaer Curtis Cousin Hicholas canpp. )

sanl. 2Lls ) Overseers

Josian Preston ) John Sudsey )

Inventory taken Jan. 30, 1679. Selectmen of Strai 2hos. UfforcL ' ford.

Benjamin Peet Saml. Shernan, Jr. Janes Clarke

Debts due from est. before distribution To keeping Lr&. Grones -Uder drones osr. Jacob 7alker ^Jphrain Booth John Hura Josiah Booth

Book 1675-1689, p. 49.

1679 Peat, Benj. Belec-cnen, Stratford, takes inv. of Sath.

Porter's est.


lb81 Pla-ct, John, iselectmen of i^orv/alk, -takes inv. Hat. I^ictiards.

167y Preston, Josialx, overseer est. Uath. Porter

1681 Piers Oil, Ilary, daughter oi' Henry -^'onilinson, deed.

1C81 Preston^ Jehiell, of btratfora, aesirea to take ciiarge or Mv/ara Himmn, b;^- Edward Himnan, deca.

1681 Peek, Joanna, v/ife of Jerernia Peck, callea daughter by iiargaret Sitcnell of Greenwien, deed. Had 7 children.

1684 Pipkins, V/ra. r/itness, at Hertford, ox setrleraent of Est.' of ilrs. i:>araa Clarke, acct of ?Iop« .Vash- burn, batnueL Stiles & Snhrain hJtiles.

loBi Perry, i^athaniel, of i^airfield, will oi , dated Jan. 1,1681 Jan.l V/idow, Hester prob. 168S, Book 1675-

Joseph ) 1689- 'p. '^2.

Hester, daugnter } under age. Mary •' )

In case all his children die the prop, is left

Haul. Burr, son of Ilr. Jehu 3urr

John " " John

Joim Burr )

Jehu Burr ) Overseers

Josiah Harvey )

j^hos. Groucn ) witness-

airaon Croucn, agd abt 48 years swears to v/ill John iSurr " " 48 " " " "

Scnl" Wakeman " " 47 " " " "

Inv. 'taken Jaay. 5, loBl, by Jehu Burr ^j Ezlson Vv'akennan .

168:3 Piatt, Sergt. John, aonr. to est. Bossman Hie hards, deed

l67o Peetit, John, est. of, inv. before Court Jan. 51, 1676, Court/ oraers distributions. Inv. taken by ilr. Rich, law (.c Leieut. Francis Bell, Hay 5, 167 o, at ytarafora. file*- ±685. 7/idov7 aarah,' aarar.

■^on, John under age ? (Book l6?5-l689, p. 94 & 148)

Son (unaer age) Sarah, daugh"csr of deca. Ilercy, " " "

liartiia " " " youngest r.au.


1685 Pitman, Jonathan, gx. or _st. ci' x'iaos. Ufford.

1685 Preston, Joiiiell, overseer " " "

168:3 Preston, Sar^^t. " " Robt. Hose, btratford.

lo85 Peel:, -lisabetn, sister to John Beers, o:; ^itratfora, aeca

1685 Pettit, oaraifi, sister to Joseprx scol'field, ot .jtratfora

d ec a

168o Pettit, John, dr. to est. of Joseph Seofield.

168'6 Porter, widow, ELisabeth, est. of inv, iieby, 21, 1683, oi

Stratiora, filea Uch. I'l, 1683.- 3ooI: •lb7o-1689,p.ll7

By selectmen, Jererniah Judson, Kio. ICnowles,

Senior Curtice, Johiell Preston takes oatn as to


Oapt. 3ales

I'Ir. Sicholaa Gamp Overseers*

sar-gt. '^ohiell Preston

John Birdsey

1688 Preston, Sergt. Johiell, o'teerseer of above est.

168^ Piclret, Jolrin, Sen. of, Stratford, will of, da tea '^uly 26, 1684, probated Apl. 14, 1685. Book 1675-1689, p. 126 Banl, son of aecd. John " James " Thomas "

ciar-h, daughter of deed, v/ife of -^obt. Lane (Lawe) Aliagail, Picket, v/ife of Thos. Piclret (daughter of

deed, so called) HelDecca Sention, dau. of deed. Grandson

John, son cf John John, " " jams; Grift to John Law, prob. grandson viranason - son of Thomas


Israel Cheney )

Deacon rim tiijr V/ilcolrson 2; ) Overseers

ciargt. Johiell Preston, )

Danl. Whitehall )

Isaac Knell ) ifitnesses-

Inv. taken Apl. 15, 1684, by Jeremiah Judson, '•^'hos. ^nov;les and «James Judson.

1677 Peacock, Phebe, & Hich. Burgia, marriage agreement

lb84 -freston, JoMell, sargt. , Ifet. of, Inv. taken .--iept. 24,

1681, by liled .^iept. 25,1684, -tsook 1675-1689, p.

Jeremiah Judson, 3at:il. Kawly, Iho.Xnowles. 1&3.

and James Judson (Sovmsnen) of Stratford.

Temperence, --/idow

liary, daughter of deed, under age

Saml. , son of deed., of age.

1679 Purdee, - sold prop, to ^^. H.ide

1684 Piatt, «John, overseer of ast. of 3argt. f^hos -"itch,


1684 Palmer, Ipraim, deed. Aug. 19, 1684. Inv. taken

oept. 27, 1684 by Josfxua iinapp, John Renolcs & Jo- seph'Ferris, and filed 5ov. 4, 1684. V/idov;, i^arah

•ipraim, eldest son of cecci, aged 7 yrs. John, Bon of aecd. 2 "

Johanna, aau. " 15 ''

aaran " " I'd

Juaita " " 11

busanan " " 8

Liary " " 4

John BoTrers, aomr.

3ook_ 1675-1689. -q, MO. 1684 Persons, Ili;^. C: ?i rf ti 'liafTy '

1684 Purdy, i'raneis, sole prop, to Jolm Banks before 1684.


lb84 Pettit, Sf.rari, cnooses Abraham Ambler as {guardian. Johr. " Danl. Scofiela

The Court also appoints the aarar. Abrabara Anbler and Danl. 3 co field as (Guardians or tne Pottit cnildren.' (Sock lb75-1689, p. 148)

1684 Piokett, James, overseer oi est. of Janes bention, of lor-

wallr .

168*, Piatt, John, erceoutor " " " " " "

1684 Scd. Potter, Ifci. of btamx'ord, r/ill of, dated oep'G.l, 1684, Xiegacies to probated 1685, June -22. s

Hr. Bishop's three sons (Joseph 3isnop

( Sbeneser " (Book 1675-1689, p. 165) ( 3enj . The children of ray son-in-law John Hsaa, as foi-


John Head

Josepn " inventory riled, June 22, 1685 .x

Ubineaer" Jonatnan " Benjamin " i'*athaniei"

sanl. "

Hanna . "


31izabeth *'


David "

John Bisnop )

i^rancis Bell) v/itnesses:

K Inv. ITov. 27, 1684 by Peter :?erris, Jonas weea CO Jona.' Bell.

John bcofiffild a Joshua Hoyt apt. by oourt as adninis-cra "cors.

29 b

1d85 Preston, Joaiel, one oi' overseers oi' 2hos. Uford's est. being aeod, Jonathan -fitman is chosen in his place

lb85 Preston, Joniel, also an overseer in ^onatn -or-cer's estate. 3enj. Peat is chosen in his place.

1685 Piatt, oer^t. Jonn, aomr. of est. Saml. Sention.

1685 Pes.sall, Benl. brother- in- law to -Jonn Ji^sset, deca.

1686 Pearsall, tj^v^i. of Hemstea, consents to distribution

Of Ifet* of his brotaer-in-law, John Basset.

1686 Peck, SLia. dau. of Gapt. Sich. vjlmsted's cousin Basies

1687 Pine, John, son-in-lav/ uo i^ich. Ogden, deed. (Mij wife

now being dead cc leaving a child)

lo87 Prior, Joan , Hate oi ^arke Lcral, see est. Ifethan v^Tiipley

lo87 rresGon, Abi^-ail, a. of Peter ilorton, deed, r^ee Hugh Grifin

ib87 Peaclre, .onn, est. of Inv. taken *^pr. E9, 1687 by Jonn Green aud )

JosepuLockT/ooa J riled ^ug, 10, 1687, Book 1675- Danl. .^rost, ^dirar. IbSy, ■?. 226.

Ib87 Peat, 3enj., overseer of est. of Isaac Juason of Stratford

1q9o Peat, aanl. hu.soand of Llary, widow of Isaac 3udson "

lt)88 Pryor, Jonn, of iitratford, Estate of, Inv. Apl. 27,1688 oy Oapo. ,im. uurtist., Jolm Bostririck, -Sr. , John /ells oi Ambrose xhornpson, filed June 12, 1688. BanJ. Peat sivears as to c.bove est. cb is ap-pb. -canr Sook '1675-1589, p. 255. ,

1689 Pl£.t, l^t^:/, wife of Joseph, a. Danl. Kolog of ITorwalk.

297 1689 Peel;, 3enj. talres inv. est. of Jonathan ITicols of i^tratford

1689 Pachin, Joseph, Jr. inv. on' est. of, taken -^ec. 10, 1689

by ^Jonathan Moorhouse and -Hathl Wilson, filed Jan. 20, Property at ITathan Adans 1669/90.

Jonnatnan Lo or house aiiot. aainr. Book 1675-1689, p. 299^.

1690 Pinkney, John, of Scistchester, uncle cs Guardian of

aieh. Oshorn.

loyO Pitnan, Ilr., overseer of est. Francis Hall of Stratford deca.

1667 Prentice, Kr. John Iltiriner, of T,e^ London presents bill of escnange drawn by John Oshocn.

1679 Prentiee, Joim, Jr. of Heu Lonaon, sells unro Llr. John IIov.25. Plat, late of Siondon, Ilercliant i/16 part of

tiie ship eiohn cc Ister abt 100 tons nor; riding

in "cne naroor or fairfiela.

'iVra. Hill Si )

John .(heler) T7itness

1678 Prentice, John, Sen. as a'^Dove, sells 1/8 part of above Oct. 25. snip CO Ur. Josepa 3anks of -airfield

Tm, Hill Sc )

John 3ur ) ./itness


l67y 2oseph Banks sells tne above interest to IJr. John Piatt Oct". 5. late of London, nercnant.

Vi/'m. Hill c: )

John iVheeler)

167y Prentice, John, sen., as above, sells part of a new snip to llr. Danl. -Burr of i'airfield Jonn Burr £: ) Josiah Harv^ ) 'Vitness

167a J£nl. Burr, of -airfield, nercnant sells to tne above Ilr. Oct. 5. John Piatt nis interest in ahove ahip

tfm. Hill& )

John '.Vheeler) ..'itness :

, 298

lo7y Piatt, i^r. Jolm, late oi London, buys interf^st in above ship John cs j^ter I'xora John Irentice Sen. £: Jr. Joseph Banks cc Danl. Bur.

lb83 Plaistec'i, JohJi,

in his DO nail a in benoir oi his lu-others lo sisters aischarge -t^obt. Beechara, ol" -^'airi'iela I'rom all aemanas on est. o±" -^^oger Plais'cea iVn. Hill, tien. ) John Banks ) 7/itness

BOOK lb89 -1?01.

Ibyo Picket, Danl, selectmen, of iitrati'ord, takes inv. John Bussy.

1690 Preclen, Grace, a. oi Josepn Judson oi' V/oodbury.

1690 Preston, Saml, v.ltness will of Henry "f/akely of Stratford

1690 Peck, Saril. r/itness T7ill of John Burwell of dxeenxiloa

1674 Pell, John, releases Simon Oonet iron all aenaxid or Ihos. Pell 3st.

16yi Picket, Banl. , takes inv. of est. of liugh 'irifen or Stratfora.

1698 Peat, Jonn, of btratford, ov/es est. '-^hos. Bedient.

1691 Peat, Saml. of Stratford, son of Sohn Peat, dec-"., releasee

nis ■rao'cner oaran. Brooks the relict of said John m rull for payment of all legacies from his


Joseph 'Ourtiss ) HoberT; Bassit ) '.Vitness

1d86 P'^a-c, Plannan, u. of above Joion Peat, releases ai> above (being over 18) Israel Uijancy 1 John Jsborn ) V/itness

'.Vra. ^^'urtice )


Ibyi Peat, ALizabetn, a. of above John PeaT;, releases tiex father in la\7 Jonn iiroolrs, the husband of her mother oar ah Joseph Curtis s) 7to. ^urtiss ) (Said Ilia, over 18 yrs.]

1687 Peat, Sarah, a. of above John Peat, Deing over 18 yrs. releases as -at first 'iVilliara Uurtiss Israeli Clianncy Benj. Peat.

lo&l Price, Philip John, son in lav; to i'/idow Hendrick, now V/iaow oilliinan.

1690 Picket, John, of Stratford, v;ill of, dated JJec.l9,lb90, prob. w filed Dec. 29, ib91. Book 1689- James, non of deca-, 4yrs old.

1701 5r ^e^eeca, d. of deedr. 17 W " (land near dwelling

liui, p. 6. Q^. jQggpi^ Blaclman) bounded on north oy 3enj.

Peat; also land in tne Great Heek bounded by Danl. Picket & Zeckeria Curtis Kary, d. of deed. 14 yrs. olfi - lana in the great

ITeek iDOunaea b^" Jonn Beacn & ciaral. Qalpin "anl. Picket, brother, sole executor i^obert Lane ) Galled Ilrother) ■i-'hos. vVella ) Overseers Sani JDherman )

Saran Lena ) Jonathan Pitnan) V/itness

Inx'-. taken Dec. Pm , 1690 Q-j Sanl. Sherraan & Janes .

loyO Prentis, John, -lon in law to Caleb ITieolis of .Voodbury.

1692 Pi^steu, .Yra. , legacy to by v;ili Ohas. Dou^^las of Stratford

1692 Paterson, Andrew, legacy " " " " " "

cc adnr . of est.

16y4!: Peck, Ur. Jeremiah, minister, legacy to by John Bowers of

.Jreenwicn. 1694: Person, Ilr. Abrancri, rorgiven debt bii " "

1694 Peck, Sc^-al. O- ireonT/ich, Sc. of Sst. of " "


1695 Preston, Haclrelian, of 'JoodDury, a. li!oT. 20, 16y2, est. of, inv. ta>eii oy Jonn Gainer,- Izrail i-^urtis & Jotm liitenel, filea llch, 15, 1695. V/idow Sam.

Son, Wra. 15 vrs. old la^t Ilarcn Book 1689-1701,

Dau.Kanali 12 ■' " " Sulv p. 92.

" Sarah 9 " " " IIov.

Son Joaiel 6 " " ' " Oct.

Daa Zim. 3 " " " Liar oh

"Be-nenber 1" " " Oct. 10 th

The WiaOT? -■ llr. John i^lierrp.an -a^ppo. admrs. Ilr. Zacheriaii ^Yallrer ) Sanuel Stiles ) Overseers

In Ilch. 17 00 there is no n'ntion of Hemewber, proD. deed.

Gapt. John Ilinor )

Hr.John SheriJian ) ^-ppt. to aistrTDUte.

IbV:-. Picke-u, Hehecka, late aeea. at btratford, Zst. of Inv.

taken llch. 13- '93 by filed Hch. 15,1693. 3ookl689-1701 Jamea Judson ) p. 99.

Zheneser Booth cc ) James Clark )

Danl. Picket swears to Inv.

James Picke-c d ilary Picket, 'Survivins brother

So sister to deed, under a^e

Danl. Picket t; )

3obt.' Lane ) Appt. Admrs.

1694 Snd. Peat, Joseph, of Strati'ora, est. of Inv. taken before ITov. b, 169'i, oir Sober t Lane & -Benjamin Lewis ^iaml. Pear, brother to I'lecd. swears to inv. Jilst. divic»ed Det. surviving broTJtiers .: sisters of deed viz: filed ITov.S, lb94. Book 1689-1701, p. 116

Saral. Peat Saran Lacke

John Peat Hannan V.akley

Jane Peao SLizaheth Paters on.

I-Ir. Jonathan Pitman of ^tratforO appt. aamr*

lb94 Paterson, SLizahetn, sister of above Joseph Peat.


lby4 Pitraan, lir. «Jonatiaan ax?pt. admr* of est* Josepn reat

15yo Porter, Ilathl. oi Stratfora, and nis niaow -Hizabetn, esTjates oi:', cliscnarge of, Capt. Saral. Sels, ) Lir. ITicliolas Otonpe &) Overseers llr.- John 3erdey )

lb9b Pici^et, Danl, selectman of -^tratford, takes inv. of est, Paul Brinslv or Srinsrnead

1595 Picket, I'hos., of Danbury, appt. adnr* est* '-i-'hos. 3arnam

Ib95 Picket, James, " " " overseer " "

1698 Plat, Ilr. Joiin, appt. aarrar. est. Peter Chapham of ITorwalk

lb98 Peat, Al^a^jail, called d. by Josiaa Harvey.

1697 Piekit, James, of DanlDurjr, takes inv of est* of Francis 3ushnell lc appt. to distribuice 'saia esi/'

lo97 Pickei;, Saral, of Danbury, appt. adrar. o.. jsi;* of Prancis


1699 Pitman, Jonas, r/itness will Sar^t. Eich. -i^ubbell

1699 Plasted, John of Pasq_uativa, receives tttrough his atty -iich* SoTTards, of -^artford o2-o from Lir. Joseph LoclTT-rood of -'airfi-eld.

1699 Pitman, Jonathan, -.Titness, release of est. Vta. Reed, by his v/idov/ l^tjy.

1699 Peck, Ruth, T/ife of 3anl. Peck ca d. Joseph Ferris, on Greenr/ic^.

1701 Pitman, Jonathan witness in ilnells Isli^nc case.

1640 Patrick, Danl. aee 3'eak & Patrick purchase .


1700 Phipen, Jame takes inv o±' est* Thos. -^ickerson, of Stratford, decfi. '


1700 i'orter, lathanial, signs agreement; of !i?irs or Lr. John 7/heeler.

loi'' Pliipen, Jocepn, 'ieo'o one I'ron est. -liphalet Hill

1692 2itl:in, .nz, , wit-iess trangier ol' prop* from Danl. 3ur to his r/ife Aim -ail 3ur co Hoses 'Lians field, 'trus- tees.

1o9d Porter, Jolir, of Stratford, son of ilathl. Porter of i:>trat- ford, dec-G., releases the overseers- of, his father's es;;. Co tne admrs. of his mo'Cher Zlis. ?orT;er's est.

Josipn Curtis ) riaclieriah Curtis) '.Vitness

1685 -oro'^r, u>^r.-h, dau. of above deed* ;.*athl. Porter j-lso releases overseers.


c/oiiii Jl.-r.; )

-ilinj-.he-ch ^-itnnoll ) Overseers.

-or oer,_.aua. o:. ^'airfieia village, so2:i of Eathl. Porter of Stratford, deed,, releases the overseers of his father ITathJi. Porter's est. & and the acimrs. of the est. of his aeod* mother -Sliaabeth iToseph Curtiss ) Saiil. 'ialpin ) 7;itness

1700 Peck, Joseph )

John, ) v/itness release of i-ary xlorehouse, by her sir ter Ann Llorehcuse.


BOOK 170E - 1750.

1711 Preston, SLiaaai'e, of «vallignford, is chosen guardian uo Banj. Kellog, son of x)anl. Kellog, of i^ox- walk, deed.

1711 Perry, Joshua, Oaleb & Danl Perry, sons of

Arthur Perry, late of Stratford, deed, make

choice of Bargt. Abraham "coster aa guardian.

1711 Plat, Capt. Joseph, of •li'orwalk, adrnr. est. James -tjrown, deed.

1711 Perry, Arthur, est. of, Court appt. Zaohariah Blackman zo join with Mr. Ephraim Stiles St lir. Sanl. Walker to diet, said est.

1702 Pachim, Jacob, husband of Mary, of Fairfield, d. of urn* hibbart, oen. , & Sole 3x. of nis villi

1704 Parde, (Jeorge, witness release of -^bigaile, v/idow of

Uathaniel Hudson by his brother John Hodson, of

iJ. Haven.

1704 Potter, John, husband of aarah, d. of «^ohn oellick

1704 Plat, Ilary, wiaow, d. of i^anl Kellog, of i-«orwaik, agree- ment.

1697 Pettit, John, baa land at otamford next Hev. John Daven- port grant.'

1697 Penoyer, Jhos. "

ti II II II n n

1706 Plat, Joseph, aamr. of est. of -^^ieut. Joun Olmsted of 3., deed. . ,

1705 Plat, Josepn, chosen guardian for Abigai, d. of "


1707 Pettit, John, of Stamford, admr. est. Sanil. Scofield, of Stanford.

1711 Perry, Anna, w idow, of -irthur Perry of Stratford is cxioaen guardian for ner son Josiah Perry.

1704 Pettit, John, admr* est. Jabez Sherwood, deed, of Green- wich.


1714 Plat,, Capt. Joseph, to distribute eat. Peter Glapham, deea» 1698.

1704 Peat, Benj. iien. , o±' Stratford, will ox", aatea ^^-pl, 14, 1704. Benj. eldest; son )

ciaml.- " ) bave formerly given portion

Mary Burrit, dau. , haa portion at marriage. Wife,Plie'be

The widow to be es. assist ed by Mr. Thos. Wells a Mr. Benj. Curtis Jamee Clark ) Witness '21a.0B» Wells ) Jacob Walker ) Inv. June, 1704, by Jolin Wells to Thos. Benit

1704 Peck, Joseph, takes inv- ^ilford, eat. of John Bamon (?) of s,

1704 - 169o Plat, Sargt. John, called cousin by & made overu- se er of will of Mr* Thos. Fitch of Horwalk.


1704 Petit, John, to dist. est. John Scofield.

1695 Pettit, Jonathan, cakes inv. est. Joshua "ebb, of Bed- fora

IBOl Picket, James, of Sanbury, deed. Feb. 11, 1701. Inv. of est. Feb. 26, 1701, by Jaa:>s Bebe, Saml Ben- edick 8a Josiah Starr

The widOi7 v/itii iier son John Picket to admr. Other heirs

1707 Pitman, yix* "Jonathan, of ^^tratford, assists ex. will Mr. Wm. Bukly.

1705 Piatt, John of i^orwalk, will of, dated Kov. 6, 1705

wife Hannah jau. Hannaii liarvin " Sarah Kellog " Mary Benedick son Saml " John 9ldf3tit " Joseph Legacy to James Gup after expiration of his time Wife, Sons John, Sajnl & Joseph ex.

apeaks of his est. in Old ^gland.


IvLr. Josopii mention )

" John Baymona ) Witness

" John Capp )

Inv. 13 ov. 29, 1705 by Saml. Marvin, Saml Kellog Sc Ben J. Benedick.

1705 PlatV, Hannaii, v/iie» proo. of Joseph Piatt & Sister

'i*heo^hilua iianfora, 'deed.

1706 Peirsall, i'hos. witness will of ^aleb lie hols of Wood-


1707 Prindle, ZLizabeth, d. of Mr. John Hubby, of (rreeHWicn,


1707 Pond, -ilisabetn, wife of iiathaniel Pond d. John Sloson

of Stanford.

1708 Picket, Jameses, of John Picket, late of Stratford, deed

Inv. Jany. 26, 1707 -8 by Josepii Ourtiss 6a Danl.


Moneys due from llx» Bobert Lane of Killingworth

for est* put into his hands to pay out

Joshua xiait, sweara to inv.

Joshua Halt, of otanford, presenting as per

former order of ^ourt an Inv. Sai4 Joshua appt

aornr* the est. to go to Uiary Hait, wife of

above Joshua, being the only sister cc sole heir

to aecd. James Picket.

17 08 Panuck, John, husband to iiannah, d. of Sarah Berdsly

1710 Perry, Joseph, called brother by Olin & John Bulkly, deed

1709 Porter, ^John, ox utratfArA, swears to inv & appt. admr. est. Danl. Titterton.

1709 Palmer, ^izabeth, called sister by Nathaniel Hillyer,

of Danbury.

1709 Piatt, John, witness will of " " "


1707 Presson, iir. Saml, of Stratford, Inv. Apr. 18, 1707, "hj John iVells An'bros ^'horapson Danl Jackson swares "Co inv. & adnr. est;

1710 Peat, Joian, of otratford, inv. of eat. Mch. l.o, 17 09-10 by Andrew Patterson & Saml Pea$ Widow Maxy afterwards marries John Corbit: See

"-iorbi-c l"iy Joeeph, son, IS jm* old ye last day of July Darid, ' 11 " " " " " •' June

Sarah, dau. 9 ' " " 4th " " last June

Danl. son 1 " " " 30th " " this March

Mary,- dau. 7 " " " 2 " " last Dec.

Hannah, " 5 " '' " 22 " " " "

John, son 3 " " " 23 " " next Apr.

Widow, appu. admrx & 1714 exhibited a/c of est.

1710 Patterson, Andrew, takes inv. on above est*

1710 Peat, Saml'

1710 Pond, Hat hi. of Stamford, B. in law to 'j^Taos* 'Jloson, of btaraford.- '

1710 Perry, -^rthar, of »^tratford, inv. of est. Apl. 14, 17C9 by 3phralm Stiles & John Coe* "idow Annah

The widow and son .lill to adrar. 8 sons ^ 4 daughters

lir* Ephraim "Utiles 2: iir. -Abraham r.ooster to dist.

Wm. son )

Saml' " )

Annah, dau. ) ^ave received portions,

aiizabeth, " )

Josiah, son, is macie wara f his brother, he

under age to choose Daniel, son chooses Sargt. Abraham iKooster for guardian. Inasmuch as raose appu. to dist. est. are in- capable, Joseph xiokins u Saml. r«alker appt. by Court to dist.

1710 Porter, John, aon-in-law to i^anl* £itherton, of ^^tratford deed.


1711 Phippen, oix* Joseph, witness will Ca^t. Saml Sijuire

1711 Peck, Mr. Saml, of ''reenwicJa, aamr. est* --r.. James x^'oun-

tain, of Grreenv/icii, decu.

1710 Preston, SLisuph, has in his hand the prop, at calling- ford of Danl Kellog, deed., of -"orwalk*

1712 Pitman, Jir. Jonathan, witness codicil of dx* John Beech

of Stratford.

1712 Pixie, Wm. , of otratford, inv» est. of, Mch»17,17l2, tysr Diathl Shermaii, Ben J. ohernan & Danl .litchell vtidow Grace to administer

1712 Pater son, and takes inv. est. lir. Joseph watkins, ox otratford.

1712 Pickett, i.'hos. of ^anbury, est« of, inv. Jany. 22, 1711- 12 oj aaml Benedick, Izraell tJurtiss & Rich Barnum xlie deed itaa land near John Jiarnum iiarah, widow

Children i^au* Abigail b. July 30, 1578 " ' Helenah d. May 20, 1680. Son S^hraim b. Mch. , 1686

Thos. i:ov. 22, l68y.

Dau. cSarah b. Sept. 21, 1594 iion James h.June 2, 1697.

" Joseph b. Mch. 28, 1700. " Benj. b. Apr. 15, 1703

" ^Lheneser b. Oct. 12, 1706. Widow Saran &: Son Ephraim appt. aomrs*

Bichara Barnmn & Israeli <^urtias to dist. Rich* Barnum, of ^anbury, appt. guardian for Joseph

Saml Benedick, of Danbury, appt. guardian for

i'he vridow appt» Guaruian for -ibenezer.

1712 Patchin, John, old servant of ^e&, Isaac ''heeler of


1712 Peck, Saml, sen* takes inv. est. Mr. John loarshall, of Greenwich.


BOOK 1702 - 17^0.

I-^IE Piclcit, Banl, lir., of iJtratforu, will of, Mch. 16, 1712 wife liary oon, baml - "Che nouae i bouglit of Hr. Uisbett (under

age " Danl,

Dau« Margaret Uurtiss •• Mary )

" Uomforo ) " xtebeckaii ) under age " Prudeaee ) " rhebe )

Wife ex*

"Vitness (Joseph Curtiss, (Mr. Dani Uffoot Inv. May 1, 1712, o-^ tJohn uoe 6-: Efathl 3each

1712 Picket, John, of Danbury, died Hay 23, 1712, by Danl

Benedick, Saml Knap, izraell Curtiss June 23 liido^; i^atherine Chilaren:

Jamea b. Jany. 8, 1702/3

jiizabeth b. Oct. 5, 17U4 John b. Apr. 29, 1707

Rebekaft b. Mch- 10, 1709

David b. Mch.' 11, 1710/11

The v/idow &: Francia Bar nam app"u. aaqir^

lir. Izraell '^urtiss cc I^q. Benedick to uist.

1713 Piatt, .jainl, of -^orwalk, will of, dated Dec. 3, 1713

»Vife, Bebeokan

Dau» Hebeekan, under age

•in case my daughter dies without heirs then the

property to go -co

John Piatt 5: )

Josiau Piatt ) sons of my brother John Piatt &

Joseph Piatt, s. of my brother Joseph Piatt

John otuart to divide est. ;i'ife t;o be ex.


Gapt. John Haymond ) ,,•,

SaraH Halnt John ) A/'^^'^^-i-^

Capt. Josepii i?iatt )

Capt* Josepii Piatt comes utjiore the *»ourt x>ec. 15,

171o & given i;estimony in regard to above v/ill

Inv. Dec. 28, 1713, by <JO'im Saymona, John J:'iatt &

Joseph Jlatt.

1710 Piatt, Gapt. Joseph, called brother by bam. Piatt & witnesa hia will. His son «Josepa.

1710 Piatt, John, called brother by 5ainl Piatt above has son John & Josian

1712 Prindle, Ebenezer, takea inv est* Thos* »iharp, of -^ew-


1714 ^uintaid, Mr* J-saac, oi '-'tanloru, will of, xiov. 6, 1714 vVife Jane, tho dwelling h0UBe,in Hew York Hon Isaac ) " Peter ) Under age x»au. liary uorin ( ?T

ijegacy to trench ^hurch in Sew ^ork Wife Jane ex.

Son in law oaml Korin ^. Witnesa, i^r. John rieao. i:iiX» Anthony i^ouguier

John vireen Inv of est* -^ec* 51, 1714, by Hisha -o-olley & Jonaithan liell ' i'he deed, had 65 acres woodland from Jaggexs 25 " land "

20 " woodland " Hercy £une 15 " ■" " " Clason

1714 Phlppen, Joseph, takes inv. est* Bepyajab strong of


1715 Pond, Hathl. in*, est. 3dward I'rehern of Stamford.

1709 Preaton, iiackalian, of "oodbury, disx;. of est. of, in lanas

£o son Jehiell - land that now is hia mother's, linma Preston.


To son Wm. Preston

Joim Minor, Sen. )

iiaml otiiea & ) s^itness

Joiin "herman )

She remainder oi est* diviaed between widow &

children, viz: Widow "i^Tim vi/ni, eldest aon Jehiell " Hannaa daughter bar ah

174t9 Porter, uanl. diat* est- Hannah ^-urtiss, of **tratford

17 07 Preston, Saml, of '^trati'ord, est. of Janl Jackbon, his b in law appt. admr.

171£ Porter, Hathl* called father in law (stepJ to

Isaac & Ebenezer *«heeler, sons of Isaac ^"heeler, Jr* , deed., of "^tratford, Sc chosen guardian.

1712 Phipen, Joseph, Jr. late of -^airfield, deed*

his father Joseph i?hipen app-c, adnr* '

1712-13 Peet, Joseph & J^avid, sons of "^ohn Pee^, late of Strat- ford maire choice of their kother Mary Corbit as guardian.

1713 Peet, John, of i>tratford, deed* other children of, viz:

Saml. )

John ) All being under age the Cour"C chooses their Mary ) mother Mary Corbi-c & her husband John Cor- ^inan ) bit to be caeir guardian* hannau ) 1715 Parrica, John, chosen guardian by i'hos* iiuBsell son Of xhos. Hussell deed*

1715 Parmer, Saml, called father in law (step) c: chosen guardian oy Jeborah Cross d. late Sathl cross of "tamfora Also John, oarah « '-^^ry Cross, children of above Kathl cross made wards of said i^aml farmer.

171b Pettit , John, late of 'itamford, being deed.

^iaow Ann appt« aamr. with •Jonathan (iold & Jonathan Pet tit.


1716 -ond, 3ajrah, ^Tife of, Ilathl. Pond, viho was tne

TO.aoT7 of Lieut. David Viaterbury of •^tamora Dein": alao deod-. and not navin^: eomr)leted tier aanr. of eav, of saia 7aterTjury. Court aopt. Jonas "eed oi btamrora to aclp:,

1:0 Pardee or Purdv in .3:ok 17yi-174t9, or 3ook 17>s5 - IV-iO. 3. iiee ID. 5u9, ante.

31 £

BOOK 16*8 - I600 i3 0 0 K 1665 - 1675.

1655 Riscot, JnO.

1658 BeiEt, or riede, William, (Horwalk) , inv. filed Oct. 20, 1659,

p. 51.

1659 Eiciiaraa, Hathaniell (Horwalk'

1661 Rowland, Henry

1656 " " menijionea in -iSt. of ■'•iios' jSeardsley.


" Huneey, Robt. " " '■'

1666 Eisden, Robt. est* of inv. filea Jan. 21,1666, leit prop, in Island of 'i evis, W. I. his wife is also deed. (j-eo* oguire ) oook lbbd-lb75, p. ^2.

John Burr ) (See Sro page of R)

aaml Mooretiouse ) Administrators. 5 cMldren - sons cc daughters, all under a^^e

1669 Roystein, Plattierin (Ms ancinet mayd) left prop* by x'hos* Pell.

1669 Rose, Deborah, rec prop, by will of wobt. UsTier, of


1671 RAbinson, Saml, oTvnes land next iifi.. Adams dec'd at Barlows


1672 Raymond, John, owns land near Ralph. K.eeler, of -"orwallr

1670 Rogers, ^JLir.abetn, sister of "Ohn -^nowles.

1674 Reed, vVm. , owes eat* of ^eo. tiquire, Jr.

1675 -^d. Jan. 23, Reynolds, •'onathan, est. of istandford), inv

filed Jan. 23, 1673. Book 1665-1675, p. 7 5. WidoiiV

Jonathan Reynolas, son, abt. 13 yrb» old

Joim " ■' '15

Joseplx " 4-1/* "

itehecca " aau. 14

tiarcih " " 8 on last flov 6

aiizabe-uh ■' " 5 " " iiug. ' inv. made by ^ngie iLusted

Josixud jvnapp Before «^osepu ik^etta.


1672 iiockwell, Jomi, witness transfer o i' pxoper-cy at Hye be- tween i'iiilip yiipin and i:\obt. ±Jloomer.

1674 Bobinson, aami, est. of, Inv. riled Feby. 19, loT-i. Vt»ken IV uo'oxKe i^>iuire, iUoii^iru i.'gaen c: .joim. --urr. Widw (Book 1665-1675, p. 83)

1674 fiockwell, JoTin, esc. of, inv. taken by nis A'cwnsmen

Peter iJiuborcii rileci 1675.

xim Knapp Brok 1665-1675, p. 85.

prob. of Hye or '^ tana ford

1672 Eoberts, •^imon, of -Boston, buys prop* at Rye from Philip ^alpen.

BOOK 1675 -1689. 1676 Ratelift, tfm. , of Greenwicii, Estate of, inv. filed

1676, takeb by John Reynolds, Joseph ij'ineh L Joshuah Knapp. Book 1676 - 1689, p. 3.

1676 Richmond, John, inv. filed Hov. 1675, estate of, left in

the hands of : - ^' ^^- Jonathan '^hore

Joseph Lockwood

oaml Adams

1676 Rockwell, John, prob* husband of ■'i'liz* d. James '»ard (Weed)

1675 Roberts, «m. , Cr. to est* of John lUcholas, of Stratford.

1676 Roots, John, called Z«»sman by Mehlll Try

1678 Renolds, John, takes inv est. Rich, Bullerfi, of Standford


1678 Bundle, Wm. " " " " " " " 1681 Roberts, Sarah, -"^-ward ti-inman, her 2 children.


1681 Richards, Hathaniel, o±' iaorwalk, aged 77, will of,

dated Oct. 7, 1681, probate<l 1682. Book 1675-1689, p. 74 Widow, Rozimon Joseph Jietoham, called son John Hoit " "

Joim i?'itch " "

Ralph Keelor " "

iiaml. Hayee , bequest oo Rev, -Thos. iiandl'oi-d "

Rebecca Garret (now Rebecca r'/aller) bequest to Thos. Handford ) Walter Hoitt ) Witness

In division of est. Baml. Baldwin is mentioned Richard Olmsteed & ) John Piatt ) Witness

Inventory made Feby. 9, 1681, by itich Olmsteed rt alter Koit & John Piatt, Selectmen of •"iorwallc.

1682 Renolas, John, of Greenwich, overseer est* liargaret


1683 Richards, Roseemon widow, will of. dated Apr. 30, 1683

Kary xLoit, daugntex probated Dec.- 19, 168o

Rebecca Fiteu. " Dorwai-k.

Grace Keeler " Mercy Ketcham, youngest daughter

Inv. dated L'ec 11, 168.'^, wit. by

John Piatt,

■i)hos« Fitch, Jr.

Jaiaeii '-'Imsteed

iiergt. John Piatt, administrator.

Book 1675-1689, p. 90.

1685 Root, U&r^, sister to Francis Afford

1683 Rose, Robt., of Stratford, inv. Mch. 9, 1682/3, filed Hov. 6, 1683. Rebecca, widow

Mary Jonson, daughter of ^oses •^ohnson Rebecca Stevens " " Obediah atevens

Elisabeth -i^se Book 1675-1689, p. 110 & p. 180.

Sarah Hannah. Hercy


to. Curtisa)

Jo&» Kawley) Coramis&ioners

Tho^. Ufford, John isardsey & Saml Hawly or.

to est.

Est. overseer by ^ergt. Preston, itobt. Lawe

and -Jos. Walker.

1681 Rowland, Joseph, witness discharge of debt to j-'hos. bherwood, or. by Thos. Sherwood, Jr.

1684 Bow land, Henry takes inv. est. Kumpiirey Hide deed.

1684 iiowland, Henry, cakes inv. est. Sarah -ilson.

1684 -t^enolds, John, takes inv« est* of Ephreim Palmer.

1685 Ramsey, Bachel, sister to Isaac Frost.

1684 Sowland, Joseph, takes inv est* Thos* '=>kidmore.

1684 Rockwell, John, est. of admr. give to the widow

Danl Weea & Wm. Holle by the ^ourt, Mch. 10, 1673; in Mch* 19, 1695 the court givetj tne disposal 01 fhe chilaren to the widow and Danl Weed « Mr. Thos* Fitch.

1684 ^umsie, Rachel, d* Danl. ^rost, of i'air field.

1684 Ronals, John, takes inv« of est. Joshua Knap.

1684 Rumsey, Robt*, husband of Rachel, D. Danl Frost

1685 Reed, lir. "m. Chosen dept. sergt. or master for co* of


1685 Roscoe, •^ohn, has i&nd v?est ^^aml. aention.

1686 Reed, lix, Ulta. ^uror in Hall vrs. Hall.

1686 Root, John has land next to Henry Jackson, of Fairfield

1685/6 Realy, Bryant, witness payment or Hoses Dimon children

by 5x1. Howard.


1685 riose, Eebecka, TTicLow of -fi^obt. Rose, eviaently about to

marry again makes agreement with iier Jiusband's

heirs. Moses Johnson, son-in-law This agreement is

Isaac Bennet " " conditional tliat the

Obediah Stevens " " Widow Rose remarry

John Minor, Jr. " " within six months alter

Hannah Rose, daughter Jan* 10, 1685.

Mercy _ "

.»m» Curtis )

Abigail water ) Witness

1686 Rowland, Henry, Jun. convicted by court Jan* 5, 1686

for entertaining aimon Couch, Jr., John Barlow, Jr., Joseph Rumsey, John Cabell, Zdward Gispp & Saml Wakemfm. The court thought he lyed when he saia he dia not sell aiiy drink at retale but haa drav/a one tierce aaid 1/ii bl.

of rum within o mos. & had drank it himself & given it to his friends. He paid a fine of 10 shillings, Z6 - 6d to James Beers Grand Juror & Ephraim Eichols constable.

1686 Rumsey, Joseph, convicted for above offence.

1687 Reed, John, fined for selling strong liquors to Indians

1688 Raymond, •^'^ary, wife of «^ohn Raymond, and d. Thos. Betts

ben. , deed.

1689 niobinson, iiaml* takes inv est' Francis Bradley of

Fairfield. ' '

1688 Russell, Joseph of Stratford, 2st. of, inv filed Hov.lV,

1688, taken o-^ oaml. Wheeler & Sphrami's

»«idow,Jane Book 1675-1689, 259.

Child "

James Bisckmaii appt. admr.

1689 Russell, Jane, of •^anes Blackman, of Orinoge.

1689 Roberson, iiaml. takes inv. of est* "^ohn Hide of -cairfield.

317 1689 Root, Dorcae, d. of Geo. Abbot, of -worwaik.


1675 Raymond, John oi' iiorwalk, acknowledges debt to Wm. Kllrup of Boston on acct of bill in 1662 I'hos. Fitch, sen. ) Thos.' Bets ) Witness

167«i James Right a ^Jervaiit Sao to wm» Hamilton.

1678 Risden, Root. deed. ax. of eat* of Geo. oquire

John Bur & Sajnl. More hocus e aeli for the benefit

of the children of the deed, all his property

in tne Island of iseviB to Richard itoxd of


""m Hill )

Erbor Wakeman ) Witness

1678 Risden, SLisha, aged 22 yrs» eldetJt son of -"obt. itisden aacd* confirms above sarie. ciame ".vitnesses.

1678 Russell, George, gives a 5d bill of esjo'iAiiee of the Hon. Wm. larle of Bedford for £100 to be paid to Geo* Briggs for the like value I have re- ceivea -from i>Ir. John Plat.

1678 Russel, Mr. Thos. of ^arbleneaa, in the Ciolleny of ^oeton promia-es -uo -pay Anthony i<iallery Koses Limon ) Bd Howaia ) Witness

George squire ia mentioned in the margin.

BOOK 1689 - 1701' 1691 Roberson, aarol. takes inv. of est* -Ephraim Nicolas Zhsigne

1690 Rite or -"ight, James of Greenwich, baker, devises all his

est. to Jonn Marshall, oen. Book 1689-1701, p.42. Inv. of eat. of James -^^ight aeca. Mch* 9, 1691. taken by John lieaa, Jr. & Jonathan ^'inolds. Townsmen Will probated 1591, and inv. filed.

1691 Rinolds, Jonatiian, of ijreenr/ien, ta^es inv or admr. est. 1691 Roberson, Saml. admr. of est. "idow »^arah & Mull Gorman

318 1590 Robexi; xtumsey t;akes inv. of est. Joim -Harlow of i^airfield.

» »

1691 Roberts, 5ainl. of Faixfiela, receives nis inaeotednesa from estate of Obediah Banks.

1690 Bolarid, Abigail, wife of Jonatliaii iiowlaiid & d. John Bar- Inw, "^en.

1690 Reed, Wm. takes inv» est* of Henry -i^oland.

1691 floberson, SanLj,. " "* " "

1692 i^enolda, liehu appt« admr* est* Uafhaniel How, of


1693 Eenolda, Jonathan, of Greenwica, takes inv est* Walter

Butler. ' '

1695 lienolds, John, appt«" " n n ..


1695 Rogers, iileazor, Takes inv. or Llilfora est* of widow Miriam Groome. '

lBd3 Hoberson, Abigail, wife of "ami. Hoberson «^ d. Danl. Lockwood, decci.

1695 Reed, Mr. Wm. appt. acanr. est. Benj. Gilbert, of Fair- field. ...

1695 Reed, Wm. tne natter of ""airfield , Ct. for est* Thos. ' Barnara.

1691 Roland, Henry or., of iairfield, will of, dated Iec.30 1690, prob. and inv. filud Jan. ^^ 1691/2. ±iook Widow nebecka xo89r7l701, p. 58.

Son Joseph '• Jonathan ■' Israel " Henry Dai. Elizabetn iiheeler and h&a children " Abigails Jones, wife of -i-'hos* «Joiiea haa children

Rebecka bnitn " " Husar omith " "

" Mary j^rost " " Danl. Frost

Grandchild Jonathan "^mith "idow Bebecka, sole ex.


Capt. John Bur )

Sargt. Joim xhomaon ) Witnesses

Jonu Bnx )

SLipiialet iiill ) Witness

xnv. taken Dec. 29, 1691 oy Comeliua Hull,

Win* 'Heea at Saznl* Bobersson

1690 Roberoa, OTo. of iiVooQbiiry, Will of prob. A inv fiieci Hov«

2i3, -1691. Book Itj89-i701, p. 63. Widow, aarah - house & home lot he had of Benj.

iiinman bon Zacariau, 11 yrs. next July

" Amos 2 " " "

Dau. iiarah 7 " " Aug. To go to iiope t;ash-

" Hannsn 4 " last Jan. " " " Mrs. (burn

Gunn of Terby Gift to Mary Einmaii to be paia on her marriage dajc*

Gift to BenJ. " )

Lieut. Izrael Curtis,) oaml. Stiles, ) Overseers

iiitus iiinnan & )

Benj* -Qiniaan j

John 'bhermi^n ) John btilee ) witness

Inv made 7 sseoy, 1690' by John Minor, ben. Sacil* Stiles « John laherman, selectmen of tVoodbury

16yl x^oland, Jonattjan, of -^airfield, est* of, inv* July 17, Ibyi by baml »vard ib baml iJrake, 'filed July 27,1691 Widow Abigail & she appt. admrx. eniloren ijhe married uaml Denton of Hemsted, L. I.

& in 1697 said ^aml is made aomr. of above est. Book 1689-1701, p. 78 & 140.

1691 Boland, Henry, Jun. , of ^airiield, est* of, inv taken

5tn Jany 1691 by Jehu Bur, SLiphalet Hill 'j?hos« Jones sv/axetj to inv & appt. adiar. Eat. 'divided between iiis brothers & sisi/ers and to Hub 'c hilar eu oi nis deca. brccner Jonathan filed Kch. 16, 16 92. Bros. & bisters. Joseph xtoland , Israel lioland, wife of 'ITiomas Jones, wife ilLeaza '^rdth, *ii"e -aniel rrost and ilizabetn y/heeler. Book 1689-1701, p. 79 &132

1694 Renolas, lir. tJoim, called son by John Bovvers of Greenwich.

380/ 2o

16y4 Senolaa, Jaae, cslied dau. & dau» in lav oy John Bowers of Greenv/ich.

1:634 Saa. jtolaaa, widcfw liebefea, of ^airfield, will of, da tea Dee. ^^, Ibyi, probated 1694. Book lb89-1701,p.llE oon Josepii

Dau. ELisabetn »Vhelex " Abigail Jonea " x^ebecka •-mitii " Mary Frost Bon Izrael legacy & made SJx. Jorm Bur )

Maj. Cornelius -a-ull ) Witness Inv. tafeeaa Eov« 6, 169*.

1694 fio bison, Wm. , iiuaDajria to v/ittow oi Benj» Banks appt. by ^ourt to aaiar. est. " "

1694 i^obison, kVm. , biotner in law to Moses Lyon or ij'airfiela

1698 xiaymona, John, uakee inv. eat. of xlioe. Hiett, of


1718 iiaymoad, uapt. John, distributes eaii, of " "

1699 iiunaail, Win., inv. est. by John Mead, Sen. of Cireenwica,

iielectman of ^reenwiea*

lb99 Renolas, Jonathan, inv. est. of ^onn Banks of irreenwicn.

1695 Ezd* Raimen-c, John, of -^orwalk, aecci. Dec. ii5, 1695, Inv.

taken oy John Plat, John Gregory, iien. & danl. Jiayes.riieu Jan. 20, lo95/6. Book 1689-17 01, p. 1^6 ihe land zo return to the children an per deed of gift from xir. Hichard Eaiment unto tne said cnildren. Children:'

Joun Kaiment, age a about .^1 yrs.

Saml. " ' " 22 '■'

%os' " " " 19 •'

Danl.' " " " 14 ■' next Aug.

xianaau " " " 17 in ::ec., 169b.

i'hos* -"ates, «^Oim Halmenz, of -"orwalk appt. adiar

Jonn itaiment c nooses nis uncle oaml. Bets as Guardian

Hannan " " ner " x'hos. Bets " "


1698 iiaymond, John, ■cakea iav. est. Peter Cliapa&ia oi' i»orwalk

1698 Ssu. iiobei-aon, oaml. or i*'airiieiu, will oi', datea A-or. 2, I6y8. Book 1589-1701, p. 155. To vdfe Abigaiie - iiomesteaa bougiit of Josepn holana Dangntex JJamarie - lana in Lockwood's jswaap - land a^; oasco iiill bought of i'hos. Sherwood & lota bougnT; oi ux. Karvey & Joiin Gable. tViciow sole executor. iiir. John Idwards ) ELnathan Eanford ) Overseers Iiani. ^nr, Jr. ) ELnatiian iianfoixL ) witness

Inv. taxen xipni 18, 1698 by imtnl Bur, John Bur •& Jonn Mwaxcus, iiiea -e-pl. 2o, 1698.

1700 Robert, Zackarian, or -Deaxoro, to aamr« eat* of -^nsigne Daal. bimkina oi Bedford.

1703 riobeson, \m» admr. eat. of -oenj. ijaiika , deea*

1698 i^umsy, or xtumby, 3enj. ao knov/leages receipt of legacy irom J-'hotj. l^renouae, deea. in beuair or nis b^if © itatmaii

Riea Hubbell )

Uaujian oherwooa, Jr. ) Witness

1697 fijcd. iiesd, Wm. , est. or, Inv. taken June 25, 1697 oy o&ral, xtobinson cc Jonn idv?ards, liled July 6, 1697. •curing his life tne decu. settlad uis property on nia chiluren. Book •1689-1701, p. 185.

K^on John

Dau. oarah ^axlow , wife of Josepn -oaxlow iiaay have married 2nd Zaou&riah fferris. " Abigail Reed (may have m. Saral. Summer) Idary Reed, tridovv ox ueca.

■'■n Win. Reed, decv;. deed of gift ue appt* oergc. John l^homas or Fairfield to disT;ribute ' John v7akeman & ) Josiah Harvey ) Witness Mary, the widosr of deed, in consideration of certain property reed in which there are 15 sheep at iStratford releases her husband's est. Jonathan Pitman ) Josiah ■^arvey ) Witness


aon John and son-in-law Joseph Baxl'w C: Abigail Heed to adnr.

1692 -^^oys, Hobt. Sc Mary Hoys, formerly Mary Porter, d. of Uathaniel Porter, late of atratford, deca. ac- knowledged receipt from Saml Fells, cien. & BficliolaB Campe of Gilford A John Budsey & Benj. Peat of Stratford, overseers of will of lathi. Porter, and assisted & admrs* of est. of SLiaaheth Porter, deed, wiaocr of said Uathl of legacy luft by said -^athl & Elizabeth Porter. >Daml Soys )

Jonathan Bauldea ) Witnesses

1692 lioys Saml witness aoove release*

BOOK 1702 -1750.

1712 Rogers, Mr. Josepu, of Milford, adrnr. of est. ot Joshua Knowles, deea. of -"^airfield. '

1702 Raimond, John, takes inv» of est. John Bescow, of -^^orwalk

1702 Rose, SLizabeth, Capt. Wm. Curtiss.

1710 Rumsey, Snsigne, Ben j. now husband to "Susannah widow of jjiathl 3ur, Jr. and d' of sergt. Joseph Lockwood.

1705 Reid, Thos., brother in law to Janl. Olmsted, son of lieut. John Olmsted & chosen as guardian.

1705 Reed, Thos., s* in law to -^ieuf John Olmsted, & admr. of est. '


1701 Rumsey, lilary, wife of Ben^, Ramsey, d. of John Hide, of Fairfielxi, decsd.

1701 Rumsey, ^argt. BenJ., adrjr. est. " " " "

1701 " " " owes eat. of " " "

1695 Hober-cs, ^jsckariah, of Bedford, admr. est. John Brovme, of


1702 Renolds, Jonathan, of Greenwicli, apt. guardian of

children under age of Peter ^laphaia, deed*, of lorwalk.

1696 Rumsey, Ben;), releases ais hrotlier John Hide, Sx. est*

John Hide, tien. , of Sairfield, deed.

1706 Renolds, '^onathaa, callea s. in law by Angell Husted, of


1708 Rumsey, Benj. takes inr* est* aargt. Danl* Frost of i?airfield. '

1708 Raiman, John, appt. to dist» est. Joseph Blachly of H.

1708 Rumsey, Robt., admr* of est. Wm. Basteed, deed.

1709 Raimond, •'ohn witness Hill of iiathl Hillyer of T^anbury

1709 Raymond, John, takes inv. of Danl. Kell:g, of i^iorwalk.

1710 Rumsey, iiannah, deed. d. of Gapt. John Osourn, children

of, share in Capt. Oshurn's est.

1709- Renolds, Jonathan, of ^eenwich, inv. of est. Jan. 4, 10 1709, by Thos. Itorshall, i<obt. Loclmood

Widow Mercy

The »vida* ^'^rey, with her brother Janl Mead to admr .

1710 Renalds, John, Jun, tak^iu inv. est* ^^tephen ^olmes of


1711 Russaga, Mr* SLexsander, of "^^orwalk, admr* of est*

lir" James -fountain, of Greenwich & gdn. of d. Judith


1711 Hairnon, Capt. John, of -^^orwalfe, dist« est* Danl. Xellog, deed. ' '

1712 Bawlinson, Mr. Win. of Stratford, will of, dated FeT)j% lii, 1712.

legacy to -Elisabeth Beardly for her kindness Adopted son CJaleb Baighton, sole iieir & Ex« Hon. Hathan aold, Saq, and %. Josepn Curtiss of »^tratford to assist 2sr.

Lieut* Ager '^'ombllnson ) Benjjaniin Coney ) "itnesa

Ephraim Baardsley )

Inv Mcli* 3, 1712, by ilios. Bennii;

Josi'aii Cttrtia & Francis i^riffen

1711 fiicb, a.enry, oi (ireenwicii, inv. of est. Jany. 19,1710/11 by Josliua Xnap, John Renolde and -"Jibenezer ^sad, Tiios* Rich, son of deod» appt. admr.

' » *

1711 Renolds, John, takes inv of above est.

1712 Ra3miond, Oapt. John, of i^orTiiaik, uist. est* Isaac Hayes,

of U. '

1712 Rogers, Hr. Joseph, a-zares t;o inv. eut* Joshua iinowles

of ij'airfield.

1712 Randall, Wm. Sen., witness willJohn Marshall, of Greenwich 1712 Rundel, Wm. Sen. u n » n n h


1715 Rice, Abigail, witness agreement of sons of John Whitlock of ^'airfield.

1712 Raymond, Capt. John, appt. to diat. est* Thos* Gregory of Eorwalk. ' '

1712 Raymond, John, takes inv* est* Andrew Lyon of -l^orwalk.



1712 iiumsey, Robt. , sen., of -Bairfiela, will oi, Hoir. 8,

1710. Wife Hacehll - land on Mill Kill - land aasco Hill Son Ben J. " Isaac " Danl. " Robt.' Dau. Rachell Hide, oif Hede " Abigail Osborn " ELizabeth Barlow Granddaughter Hannah -t^umsey Grandson Isaac Ruinsey vVife sole ex«

Jeter Bur,* Haj. )

Mr. Benajaja cJtrong ) Witness Peter ^ur, -ftssistant

Inv. H07. 20, 1712 by John Hide, Saml. Osborn & Saral Barlow

A bond from Thos* J!iore house Bill to Jo. Andrus Cow at Hoberts

1712 Raiinond, John, takeo inv est* Mr# 'Ihos. Seamer or iiorwalk. '

1712 Jr^ymoad, John, takes inv« est* Danl. Lockwood of fiorwalk

1714 Raymond, Bapt. John dist. " " n u n

1712 Rockwell, Thos* of -^orwalk, Inv of est. of, Sept« 6, 1712

ti^ Saml Betts cc John Raymona

Due from aTios. Benedick

" " John Benedick

" " James Benedick

" " James -^ockwood

" " John Keeler, Sen.

" " George Abbott

House & right of land at Ridgefield

Right in est. of Mr* John Rosoo

rtidow '^araii


oaxah, b. Oct. 21, 1?04

Thos. ij. Dec 15, 17 C8

John , b. Jan. 9, 1709

Jahez.b* Men* 18, 1712


1712 Hosco, I^. Johji, undivided est. of the a"bove I'iios. Hockwell hae right in saias.

17ia Baymond, Jo'tm, takes inv* x'iioa. Hock-ell above

1712 riaymond, Oapt. John, takes inv eat* Rich. Crosier, of


1711 Redfield, Abigail, witness eodicill of «^onathan Sanger

1713 Raymond, Capt. John, witness will oi , takes inv est.

Saml Piatt ot HorT,7alk.

1713 iienolds, John, takes inv* Saml. Mead, of Sreenwich.

1712 Benolds, John takes inv. of est. Jonathan Mead, of


1713 -Kogers, Mr* Joseph, ox Milford, son to ZLizaheth, lor-

msrly Snowies St heix est* Mr. John -snowies*

1713 iiogers, John, of ^ilford, & Mary, hl& wife, q. of Elisabeth Knowles & heir to est. Mr. Joshaa iUiowles.

1694 Poland, Henry, Jr. settlasaent of esu. of, made %e- on JJov. 19, lo94 to tne following brotnors and sisters of deed.


Joseph Roland

Izraell -"oland,

Thoa* Jones, in right of his v/ife

SLeat^er ►^ith, in rignt of nis wife

Danl. Frost " " " "

Elizabetn .^heeler

Danl tvsstcot & ) niphalejr Hill ) Witness John IVakeman ) Corap.

330 BOOK 1702 - 1750. -^

1711 Runsey, Ro"bt. , choaen guaraiaa by ais nephew Ji^hos* Hill son 01 ^"hos. Hill late of j^airfiela, deed.

1702 Hesoow, John, of Horwalk, Sat. of, luv Eov. 20, 1702,

oy Zeruhhabill Halt, ^aint Kealer & John Raymona



Rebecca Browne, prob. wife of James Browne

Ruth Ahhut, wife of «John Abbut


wife of ""/m. lee

Speaks of land giyen to Thos. Res cow, son of


■Agreement of heirs the children mentionea above

in which it speaks of land that was John


James Olmstea )

Saml Keeler ) Witness

1704 Reed, liary, of 'Jtratford, est. of, inv Dec* 28, 1704 by Ambros iomson h John iieach ' Zackariah xJostwick, son of deed to admr.

1703 Rumsey, "Senj." takes inv est* Ihos« Green, of ^airfield

1701 Rockwell, Abigail, wife of, Jonathan i^ockwill, and d. of saml* Canfield, deed, of •'^orwalk.

1703 Renolds, Jonathan, takes inv. est. Zachariah Head, of Greenwich.

1701 Renolds, Mr. John, Sen., of Greenwich. Inv. by Joseph j'inch, Jos. Knap & Thos. Llarshall before Dec. 17, 1701. Widow, Judah, also called Juda The widow to admr.

lir. Sanl. Eaifc, Lieut. David uaterbury, and Sliaha Holly, all of dtamford, to ui&t.


Joseph I^enolda, son of deca. chooses Ms brother

John Renolds as guardian i>avid Renoltts, son of deed, makes choice of Joseph Knap ao guardian. Will of, dated iiprll 21, 1699 Jldest son cJonn "**~ " Jaraea lana next ^ireshain Loekwood

-* " Jonathan

■^ " Joshua - land next Jonathan jdemsted

-^ " David " " Joseph i^'jsrris &

next Ephraim Palmer Dan. Mary has uaa portion

' Judah 2he v/idov/, son John & son in law Sainl Betts over- seers.

Saml Peck )

Jonathan Renolds ) Witness

James Peck, )

Sarah Loekwood ) Codicil witnesa

Hatiil Bowers )

Saml Peck ) Ea uodicil witness

1705 Balmond, John, to make diat. of est. Lieut. John Olmsted,


1695 Roberts, Zacharian, of Bedford, takes inv. of est. and appt. admr. of est. of «^oshua nehb, of Bedford

1705 Raymond, John, witness will of John Piatt, of Horwelk, deed.

1713 Rogers, lilary,

Joseph, see disi;. of est. Joshua ivnovrles, 1713

1713 Rogers, John

BOOK 1702 - 1750. /

1715 Renolds, Joseph , s. in law to Joseph Finch of Greenwicn


1715 Renolus, David witness agreement of iieira of Joaepli Finch ox Greenwich.

1714 Read, lir. John, witness will ISx* Isaac :iuintard of btamford.

1714 Benolds, John, takes inv. eat* Joseph Mead, of (rreenwich

1715 Renolda, David " " " jsathl Coleman " "

1720 Rinolds, John, Sen. to dist. est. of Josepa Mead of (rreenwich.

1716 iiookwell, Joseph, of xiorwalk. Inv. of est. Jan. 11,

1715/16 by John Raymona & John Stewart, rticlow iiary

rtidow & Jonathan -c^ockwell appt. aomr. fist. div. bet. widow ic children, 4 sona & one

' danghter, viz: Joseph - y yrs. old 11 last Hov. Jonah 5 " " "Sept.

Simeon 4 " " next May

iioaii 1 " " last oept.

Hannah 8 " " 20 next Jnne

Jonathan xiockwell guardian for Joseph i'he ..■idov/ for tne rest of children, all being of non

age Gapt. John -^'ayniona & John Staart to dist.

1716 Rockwell, Jonathan, aumr. & guardian of Joseph, chila of above

1716 haynonu, uapt. John ta^ea inv. & dist. est«£benezer Canfiela 1716 Raymond, Saml. n » » n h «

1716 xiayraona, uapt. Joiin, appf guardian for children of " viz: '

ZHizabeth, 3zekiell & David



1749 Haymond, Asahel, guardian of liar y Hayes, a. of ■i»atnl. Hayes, or Sorwalk, deed. '

1749 xiumsey, 3enj. diso. est, of 'JJhos. Sherwood, Jr. of Fair-

fiela. . . . ,

1750 Raymona, Zariell, of ^orwalk, appt. guardiaa of Stephen

Miller, of ii*orwalk.

1750 Rowland, Saml, of -^airfield, appt. guardian to James fiowland, of -cairfield.

1750 Redfield, James, of -^-'airfield, choses Grameliel j?'rench of atratford, guardian

1708 Runsey, Hoht. brother in law to <iin. Bast era & appt. aomr. of His eat.

1708 Roelrwell, Joseph of ^^orwalk, is chosen guardian oy his brotner Sat hi. Wood of i^orv/alk.

1712 Rockwell, ihos* of ii^idgefieia, being aeca.

«»idow o^ah with x'hos. Rescue of florwalk appT* admrs.

1712 i^escue, .Chos* of i^orwalk, appf aamr* of above esi;. of

■ihos*' Hockwell of Sidgefield.'

1715 Reed, Thos. of -"orvi^lk, cnosen guardian oy John

^^ osier, son of i:^iea. Cosier, of «orwalk, decu.

1713 Russell, 'i?hos. son of ffhos. Russell, deed . makes cnoice

of John Parxisa as guardian.

1716 i^nndle, Jacob 6a Josepn sons of late Wm. Sundell of

Greemrich, being of non age appu. wards of taeir brotner Abraaaia itundell.

1716 Ranier, Josepn, oi Hartford, supposea to be urowneu bet* Stratford « Fairfield, tne court appu* lilr. Josepn Lewiss of Fairfield to atimr.

1724 Russaque, lUx* Alexanaer, of ■"Or'.vuik, released from nia guaruianship by Judith mountain, d. of James -^'ountain, deed, of Greenvvicn.


lb84 riachel Humsie, dau. ot i)anl. J^'rost (wife of itobert)

1698 BenJ. Rumsy, acknowledges receipt of legacy to his wife Hannah from tne eot. of ciaml. Morehouse.

1710 Jhsign 3enj. Rurasey now husband to Susannah widow of

imthaniel Burr, Jr. & d. of oergt» Josepii Lockwood,

1701 Mary i^umsay (wife of Benj. Rumsey) dau. of John Hide

1o9d Benj. Rumsey releases ais brotaer John iiiae iiXecutor of tiie -^st. of John Hide, Sen.

1710 Hannah Rumsey deed, dau* of Lapt. Joim '-sborn.

1712 Kill of iiobo. Rurasey, oen. oated Hov. 8, 1710 and probated ITov. 20, 1712.

1711 Robt. Rumsey ciiosen guardian by his nepuew i'hos. Hill,

son of 'ilhos. Hiii^ deed.

1708 Robt. Rumaey brother in law to /Vm. iiasket.

1730 Isabelle xinmsey, dau. of Abigail Andrus.

17o3 Snsign Benj. Rumsey, ueca. Inven-cory of nis estate Apr. 13, 1733.

1726 3enj. Rumsey, of r air field, appt. admr. on the est. of his bon Josepii liumsey, ^^eb. 7, 172b.

1732 Benj. Rumsey, aeed. of Fairfield, Rebeckah & Benj.

Rumsey appt. admrs* Dec. 5, 17 5ii.

1733 Isabelle, wife of .^enj. Rumsey, dau. of Mrs. Abigal


1749 William Rumsey, deed, of i^airiieid, Joseph itumsey & Gornslius Hull appt. admrs. Jany. 12, 1749*



1725 Hebecca i^unsjey, now wife of Benj. Rumaey, wiaow of John

Allen ox Fairfield.

1726 Joseph Ruosey, deed, of ^aixlield, aistribution of

his eist. lov. lb-, 1726.

1749 William Eumsey, deod., of Fairfield. Inventory of his estate Jany. 17, 1749.

1753 uaran Rumsey, dau. of Jsarah Bar tram.

1756 Hobt. Ruiasey, deea. of i^airfield, inven-uory of nis

eutate -^pr. 19, 1756. John iindrews appt. admr. Apr. 5, 1756.

1757 Jiiobu. itumsey, uecd. of uairfiela, distribution of

Commons, Feby. 7, 1757.

175t> itobt. Rumsey, decu. of ij'airfield, distribution of Sfetate iJee also aistribution Apr* 19, 1766.

1759 i3anj. Rumsey, Jr» , deed. Benj* Runisey appt. adipr.

June 13,- 1759.

1760 Josepn liumaey, of x^eaning, deed. Will dated Dec* 27,

1754. Probated vec* 3, 1760.

1761 Janl. ."urasey, of xieading, will oated Dec. 11, 1760.

Probated Mch. 10, 1761.

Iny. to Page 100. Vol. 1761 - 1763.


BOOK 1648- 1656.

1654 ^os. Sherwood,

Saraii " wife of aoove, u. x'hos. Wheeler, Sr.

Sherwooa, i'hos. son of atiove.

1655 Sad. Seyraore, jKici:e.ra, will of, probated Oct. 25, 1655, p. 6

•' Mercy, wife of above, or i-iary

I'hos., eldest son of f^ieh. & Mercy, or iiary John,' )

iiachary) sons of i^ichara & Mercy, or Mary.

iiichardJ Rlchara Olmsteaa, Overseer.

1655 £^n* bherwood, x'hos., will of, pfoba-ced Oct. 25, 1655, p. 9 .

■* Ljee also p. 72.

11 11

xhos.-, Jane,

X' eras on { daughter I





Sebecca ( Mary , 2nd wife of X'hos. living at time of

Chilaren cf ■]?hos. iiherwood by his first


{ Stephen,

( HsM aeff , ( Eutn, ( Abigail, ( Isaac,

( Mary,


children of 'Ihos* oherwood & Mary aherwood.

1655 Staples, x'hos., 1855 Smith, Siles.

1667 Sad. Sherwood, X'hos. Jr., of ^^tratford, will of, dated June 4, 1657, p. 18, 19. Probatea and inv. filed Apl. 4, 1658.

" John, )

" Thomas, ) sons of i^hos.

" Mary, d. of X'hos. ,

" Sarah, wife of i'hos.

1658 uquire, (ieorge, (1669 takes inv of est. Sprim v<heeler,i

1659 " " ex. of estate of Ann n/heeler.

1659 iaely, Hatbaniei, appt. overseer oi pioperty: 1669 inventor-

of John i^gleton. : ies est. of

x'hos. Pell

334 B 0 0 ii 1648 - 1656 3 0 0 K 16b5 - 1675.

1661 ijillenau, Danl. , given cus'GOdy with Joseph Lliadlebrooke of

tae child John ijgleton. i)anl. Sillene-nt married the widow of John jfeleton.

1661 aosseras, Jolin, has distribution of eata-ce of «>onn Jonson p. 66. anu is Qiscnargea by tiie Court. (He must have married ■cnemotuer of aaid John -Jonson ).

1661 aheritian, tiainl. (btra-ufora) .

1661 iiely, Hathaniel rec'd prop, for his wife Turney.

1661 ibher^od, Steven, rec'd prop, for liis v/ife Rebecca Turne^.

1661 Sherwood, Thos. rec'd prop, for Ms wife Turney.

1661 Sanfield, Austin, Ifetate of inv. filed Dec. 12, 1661, p. 78.

1661 bkidmore, ihomas.

1662 Smith, Saml., owes estate of Francis Andrews.

1642-1657 oely, Obediah, married widow of John Miller.

1657 Sely, Ohediah, deed. 1657 inventorieo Dec. 24, 1665, by Vm. Newman ^ -"obt. Usher & apraisea by Geo. Slaw- son & John iiolly-

Widow, luaiy, ^Book 1665-1675, p. 14.

Obadiah , Cornel iUB, Jonas .

1666 '^turgie, John, receives prop* by will of, Danl. Finch is

witness oi his Vtill.

1667 Sellick, Jonathan, witness will Jeffrey Ferris.

1667 sturge, John, e^dm. est* Peter -^bbot .

1668 5sd. Semore, Pic hard, eatate dietributea lie h. 30,1668 to

John Semore -Seymours Book 1665-1675, p. 33.

Zackery " ) Hec'd £40. as full settlement from Llr. Eichard " ) John Steeld on a/e on the estate of their father Richard i:>emore, oecd.

Steeld, Saml* )

Semore, Thos* ) Witnesses


1669 Sxd* Sept. 10, Smith, Giles, mil of, probated Jan. 5,1669 jtonice. •■widow (formerly TTife of Jonathan iforter, deed ^

aeema oo laave uaa otiier nu stands. ) Samuell, eldest son. Book 1665-1675, p. ;59

(Also called SLuzy 2nd "

Suzer.) John 3rd " SLian, aaughter Elisabeth Jackson, daughter, Johanna Gray, "

John Birr ) John Banks ) overseers. John Applegate ) John Banks ) witnesses.

!1669 Steadwell, Thos. (of "Stamford) estate of, inv. filed Llay 1, 1670. Book 1665 - 1675, p. 47. Francis iirown anu John Green administrators.

1669 5t. John, Mathias, oen. , of Horwock, will of, probated

Wido.v, Mch.11,1669.

(James youngest son. Book 1665-1675, p. 47.

I Spns. (Saml.

(ife-thias eldest son, (Mark, (

(Ephraim Lockwood gives prop, to liartha Betts - and Brother & sister iioit. Thos* Fitch, sen. ) Ralph K-eler, ) witnesses.

Rich. Olmsteed, ) Thos. Fitch, ben.,) take inventory March 10, 1669. Thos. Bennedick,' )

1670 Exd. Scofield, Danl. , Will of, inv. filed Sept. 4, 1669 and

Widow probated.

Sarah, his daughter & her 2 children, Danl. John, Jos eph Mary Witness Geo. Slwason, John Holly.

1670 Slawson, Geo., witness above will.

1669 Scofield, Rich., mentioned in will Robt. Usher of Btandford.

1670 Slawson, Sleazer, witness will Hicholas Knap of Standford.


1658 Aag. 18, 2»i. Stevens, Thos. , Tvill of, dated Aug.18,1658,

probated Jan» 1,1771, (of Standford) Boolr 1665- widov7, 1675, p. 58.

eldest son, other chilciren. Witness Sichard Lawe, Francis -bell. Inventory made by Francis Bell Mch. 17, 1660.

1671 ijcofield, Sich. , estate of, inv. filed Mch. 6, 1671. widovT CI deca. now wife of j^obt. Poneer ? Bich^ Webb,) Book 1665-1675, p.6£.

Jno» Green,) witness.

1670 Skidrnore, Tiios., takes invt. of est. of Jolan Knowles.

1674 Squire, ueorge.Jr., est. (son of Sergt. George (squire) evidently left a chilu son George as in inv. we find Ola lining bought ior the child's use. Inv. taken , filed Iiec. 25, 1674, by VVm. Ward & (Book 1665-1675, p. 75) Sainl. Moorehouse

1674 iJturges, Deborah, called oau. by John Barlow, wife of «^ohn


1674 akidmore, Thos. of -^'airfield, husband of the widoor of Rich.

Westcot,' deed., is released by his sons and

daughter -in-law.

John «ood of iitandford, husband Jonna Westeott,

Danl. Westcott,

Moses Knap, husband Abigail Westcott,

John Westcott, On the sane page the wourt is released by

Danl« Baldwin,

John "

Eathaniel" of Mllford, son of Uathaniel Baldwin of Fairfield, deed., releases the adninistrators for himself ana his sister •''bigail Baldwin.

167£ aniffin, Geo., ownes prop, at i^ye.

1675 amith, Henry & ) witness will of Francis iiolmes of otandforn

Ann )

1675 alawson, John, witness v/ill Francis Eolmes of Standford


BOOK 1675 -89.

1675 Capt. iJely, iiathaniel, aeec. merrieu iHizabeth, then widow

ox O-oadiah Gilbert.

1675 Capt. iiatfittiiiel »3ely, estate of Inv. fileu Mch.l6,1675,p.7 End wire Widow Elizabeth, as aoove.







Sarah, aaml. aquire possibly.


Sebeeca. Inv. taken by John Banks, Geo. Squire, Sam Moor house.

1675 otaples, I.Iarr, witness will Joshua iurneys.

1676 ohore, Jonathan, nas prop, in his haads belonging to

. John i^iciimond.

1676 utone, John, Dr. to lat* of John Eieholas oi Stratford.

1676 Squire, Saral., witness discharge o±" Thos. Bennet, by Hannah


1677 June 18, bkidmore, Joanna, wile of Shos. Skidmore of

Fairfield, will of probated 1677. (p. 25) p.2o. Children John V/esteott, )

" Danl.Westcoi;"U, ) app. ez.

" Joanna Westcott, wife or Jolin »rfood,

" Abigail riestcott " " Moses i^nap.

" Sarah Baldwin,

" Seboren Baldwin,

" iiaml. Baldwin*

Deborah Baldwin is given to Joanna wood until stie is of age. Wm. vi/axa ) Jonn Burr) Overseers.


1676 Sandfords, Szekela, iiaa house near Mehill Try deed, at •iucka?/ay Hiver.

1676 ;jtaples, i"ho. , -takeB inv. of est. Mehill Try.

1674 iacofields had land next to Caiep Knap at •Jtandiord.

1678 ohervington, ThOB., had land at saaco next Rich* Lyon

of -Calx field.

1675 iimith, John, Unole to John Godwin, daod.

1679 oherman, Saml. , selectman of iitratford, takes inv. of

imtiil. -Sorter eat.

1681 otiles, £jashaa, wife of Epra3.m Stiles & d. H. Tomlinson, deed.

1681 iihervicood, Uathew, overaeer of Est. Joeepa Jaclrson.

1676 Sherwood, Thos., of Stratford, Jbt. of, Inv. filed 1678,

taken by Selectmen John Ourtiss, Henry Wakeling, Tho» Uffora and John Wils of prop, of deed, nanded in by John fitoket, Sr.,and John Sherwood, May 6, 1676, in addition to inv. Ilr. Isaek Eichola naa i7. aeot due 2st. (Book 1675-1689, p. 40.) Goodman Brooks, : ciebts due from est.

Josiah Beblie, : John Smith, the Smith,

Soodnan smith (Carpenter) : Goodman Dalpson, A/c oet. Saml. Clarke : Good Marvin,

& deed, closed. : Goodman Smith (taylor)

i/Vitness,' : John smith, Jr.

John ismith, sen. , Jonathan Law.

1676 Sherwood, John, oee above.

1676 Smith, Gooomaa (Carpenter) ) Dr. & Or. to estate of

" John, (the Smiuu ) ) Thos. Sherv/ood of Stratford,

Goodman (the taylor) ) as above. John Jr. )

1678 squire, Sergt.-, Geor., takes inv. Este Rich. Lyon of Fair- fiela.




lb79 Sherwood or Stewara (?) Robert, Mch. liJ, 1679, releases ziie aamr. or one etJoa-ue of iiitj father in law Thomaf Rumhle.

Ib79 steward, Robt., of iJorwock, Release oated I/ich.l2,lo79, for ilia wife Bethia d. Thos* Rumble of otr&tfora, deed., in 1653. (Boot 167J-lb89. p. 47) Rose & Edw&rd i^ash. Ssplanation* Rose the v/iaow of i'hos* ■ttumbie married x'hos. Barlowe Sc at his death sue married Mward iiash* ^he is the mother of Bethia tue wife of -ciobt* Steward* Witness, \ini» Hill & John Banks.

1680 Sely, Obadia, iilstate of, Inv. taken July 25,1680 filed 1680 Standford, by Jonathan Bell, Josepii fheale, Abm.Amler. Jonas oeley, brother of deed* swares to itat. (Book 1675-1689, p. 53)

1680 Smith, Saml. called son by Hathew Llarvin, Sr., " Rachel'l " aau. by Alee "

1680 bemer, Hanna, d. of Math. Ifervin & w. of 'i'hos* Bemer

1681 blawsontj, John, had lana at "tandford next John Holly.

1681 Shermttn, baml. Jr., overseer of Jonathan v^urti&s est.

1681 Sherman, I'ilr. sold meadows to Edward hinman, decde

1681 btiles, ipraim, callea brother by -^inman, deca. , over- seer for est. for otratford.

1681 utiles, Saml., overseer for 2d* Hinman estate of Woo6 bury.

1681 otewara, Robt., naa prop, next j^athaniel Richards, Jiiorwock.

168<d 'sely. Cor., owes estate of John Cal>el.

168ii bely, iierfet. Hat hi. , appt* aamr. of est. Jere mia Frees.

1678 Mention, Marke, belectman of -^orwock, takes inv of eat. Thos. Hale.

1683 utiles, baml. , )

Epraim, ) called sonti by »iaraii wife of .c^obt. Clarke

Benj. ) of btratforu*

2ho. )

1683 omith^ Mary, aangnuer to jslizabeth Burr it oi Stratford.


1683 iiandiord, iiSekiell, eat. oi', Inv. taken and filed Jan. 2,

166o, by JaJneti Bennet, daml. Moorehouse, John (xruman,

Jr. Book lbV5-lb89, p. 97.


& cnildren (I tiiink) ,

1684 aquire, Geo., wi^cnesa & "Uakea inv. eat* of Hendiick Hen-


1685 aherman, Sainl. , Jr., overseer eat. Thos. UiTord, deed.

1685 aidexiiiam, Wm. , Mr., distributes eat. " " "

1683 atevens, flebecca, a. Bobt. Rose, titratford.

1685 icofield, Josepn.oi Stamford, Est. of inv. Feby. 14, 1675, by Lieut. Francis Bell, Joun Bates,- filed IbSi), Danl. acofield "Drother to deed. «Jonn Pettit, Jr. .Joim ' " " " to est.

Sarah Pettit, sister " p. lib

Mercy acoiieid " " {Bookl675-l689j

1685 cjcofieid, uanl. , )

Joan, ) brothers & sister to above aecd. Joseph.

Mercy, )

1683 oherman, Mmond, of -Stratford, est, of inv. Kov.5, lD80,by

ilios. Uffoot, tJOnn Birasye & Sanil. Hawley.

Susanna, widow, filed Mch. 11, lo85.

5 BOna Book 167G-lb89,p.l20.

1 aaughter i^aml. , j;fatni. iJhemian, overseers.

1685 atiles, Thos. of citratfora, est. of, inv. Apr. 10, 1683, son of uaraa, deca. v/ife of Boot* Clarke.' Bout. Clarke callei/ father,

Benjamin utiles ais brother & nis son x^rancis. Saml. " " "

£praim " " "

Hope n/asnburn & Mary his wife brotner & sister-in-law. Isaac Bennet aot. 28 yrs. olfi gave testimony as to will, he being at uhe oedsiae of deed, o days Defore deatn. Inv. tttkeu oy .^aml. iiherman, 2hos. Uffoot & John kvils. (Book Ib75-1689, p. 12£)


1671 (?) iilioot, est. of, iiiv. Oct. ;5, 1671, by John Gaijle &

George ijquire.

Ib79 staples, xlios., sen., aouse oi prop, left by Antb-ony i3eera, a -caylor.

1679 oille^-am;, i)anl» , house of prop* left by Anthony jieere, a


lo79 Sqalre, George, inv. prop, left oy Anthony Beers, a taylor. " " :: . u . ., .. btioot.

1684 Section, riebecea, oao* of «^ohn IPicket, aeca.

IbSl 3hervvood, i'hos., sen. of -^airfield, 1<ov.9,1d81, diacharges nis son i'hos* ctherr/ood from any aeot ne may owe aim. Win. Hill & Jo^epa itowlaiia, witnesa* Book 1675-ltt89,p.l;>3

1683 btiles, oaml. auu iieiectman, takec inv* Est. Thoe . Levinga-

wrote Of rfoodbury.

lo84 ;jherman, tinsanna, a. x^ich* Hardy.

1685 iimitii, bara, v/ife of aaml. iimitn, sister of Isaac jjrosu

1685 amitn, John,) cailoren of aoove & called consins Dy Isaac Sliz. ) diobc.

1685 aharp or Sharp, Hannah, sifter of Isaac i^rost.

1684 cihervyood, "Stephen, sola prop* to t)no. Banks oelore 1684. 1684 uilleke, John, overjstjer of esi;. Jonn Jagger, stamiora. 1684 bturges, buaarina, d. Joim Banks.

1664 oturges, Jonax/naa, granacnila. of John Banks.

1684 Sherwood, iiathew, legacy to, from John Banks.

1684 aeofiela, Janl. , chosen guardian by John Pettit.

" " roade guardian for all Patti-c children.

1684 Staples, vhos. , iSen. , takes inv. est. of Robt. Jleker.

1684 Scofieln, John, apt. adin. est. Wm. Potter of iJtainford.


1685 Stuart, Rol)t» , cleared by Court from Trajniing.

1684 Skidmora, Tlios. or Fairfield, mil of, dated Apr. EO, 1684

Sarah, -vridov/, »/ill probatea Sc inv. filed Dec. 10, 1684 grandcnild, John Hugby that laarriea my wife's daughter

" JoTm SkidjMore,

Dequeats tjo all jaie grana children. Lieut. John Banks,) (Wm.Hill, Sen., ) wit-

Wm. Hill, Sen., ) overseers. (Cornelius Hull, Jr.) ness

Inv. taken -Hov. li>, 1684, by Jonathan I«Iorehouae, (Boob 1675-1689,' p. 148) Joseph Rowland.

Saraii okidmore tiie widow of uecu. died 14th day after ueoa.

Court apiDOints Isaac Viiheler & Saml. Tredwell, adrainis- tra'tjors.

1685 sanford, Andreiy, takes inv. est* John BaSset.

1684 iiention, James of Uorwake, abt. 38 jirs. old. Will of, dated

Hay 9, 1684, probated Hch.' 9, 1685. Book 1675-1689, p. Widow Rebecca. 160

Joseph Sention, aon of I-Iarke mention, brother to deed. Thos. " " Saml. " " "

James " " Mathias n n n

James Lockwood " Sphraim ioCkwood " "

Witness James Olmsted,) (James Pickett, )

Robt. Lawe, )witne3s (James Olmsted, } overseers John Piatt, Ssecutor.

Inv. taken ilay 30, 1684, John Piatt,


Christopher Comstake. Before Rich. Olmsted, commissioner.

1685 oturge, -^hos., convieteu of nigiit v/aiking on complaint

of Gooaman Ogden. The father of said x'hos. Sturge giving evidence against him fined 10 shillings or sett in ye stocks one hour at ye least.

1584 Sara Smith, d. Danl. Frost of ^airfield.

1684 Sturge, John, Sen. witness will Danl. Frost.

1685 Stephen Obediah, son-in-law to Rebecca I'^ose, widow.

1685 Shermington, llary, convicted of being drunk and selling rum to Indians*


1685 Smith, «^olm, convicted of excessive drinking.

1685 Shexiaan, ^aml.. Sen., Commissioner.

1685 Sherman, IJr. Saal. , appu. adm. est. John Basset, deed.

1685 Mention, Ilarke, overseer oi est Apraim Jjockwoort.

lo8o Sxd. Sani'ora, Szekiel, eat. oi, aiatribution oi', Hov.loSS. Widow (Book 1675-1589, p. 187)

(Eteekiel, eldest son. All under (Thos. son of deed. agei"" (Sarah aau. " " ; (Mary, (Rebecca, ( iilartha, (ELiaabeth. Semi. Moorhouse, >^en* ) John Groraan, ' ) overseers.

1685 Sherwington, ihoa., had prop, sold by x^obt. Williams.

1685 amith, Saml. had land next Saml. Sention.

1685 oention, Saml. , deed, the vyill dated Jan* 11, 1685.

The Helict of said Saml. xvas by saiu -will apoin"cecl aoministral/rix with John Piatt, and sne ueingaiso deed, the »^ourt appoints James Oimsteu witii tiie afore- said -John rlatt.

See folloxving will.

1685 Sention, Saml., of i'orwalk, abt. 45 yrs. old". Will of, dated Jan. 11, 1685, probated Mch. 3, 1685, Widow, Elisabeth, (Book 1675-1689, p. 192 Sc 205)

Elizabeth, dau« of deed., bet* 13 & 14 yrs. old, sole? legatee. Speaks oi' sister Lockwood. All orders of

2hos., son of deed. ttie Court after

Widow ELiz. & ) 1685 in dealing

Sargt. John Piatt) administrators, with this est. liarke aention (Brother) overseer speaks of the

.»itnes3, (Samuel Keeler, aaa. of deed. but

(Ebenezer mention. never mention

the son. luch. 3, 1686, Marke Sen- tion is oraered to take care with the admr) of the daughter Also James Olmsted.


Inv. takeoa Hov* 1686 some time alter toe aeath oi' aeca oy Jolin .oou-ooia, x'hos* Beneaicks.

Hov. 3, 1686, nae -wiaow oi above oaml. Sention being al60 decci*

John Bouton iss apt. Aomr. vrttti John Piatt. Mch. 3, 1686. The relict •of alio^e bacil. being deed. Legatees also deed, except d. ELiz. John Olmsted ia ap-c. fidra. with «>ohn Piatt.

1685 ijention, Sbenezer, witness above v/-ill.

1685 steward, Hoht., had prop, to Sphraim Lockwood.

1686 Sherman, Iilr. Saml. , Jr., appt. by Phebe Surges to manage

her aifaira.

1686 iSiiuire, George, apt. adra. by the Court llov. 4, 16"9, on eat. Anthony -Beers, is released by Court aa adnr.

168b Squire, George, apt. ©dmr. hv court Mch. 9, 1686, on est. of John Shute.

1686 Shute, John, est. settled Mch. 9, 1685, Book 167 5-1689, p. 19©

lb86 Sherrington, I'hos., is clearea from irayning.

1686 sturge, John, Sen., Juror Hall vrs. Hall.

1686 Sherman, Hath. " " H "

1686 Sydenham, Wm. , takes inv. est. Henry "^ackson.

1686 Squier, Mary d. -widow Barbery Squier, apprenticed to Henry Jackson.

1686 Sherman, -'ohn, called kinsman by & made overseer of est. David Mitchell.

1686 iiherman, Saml., Selectman, Stamford, takes inv. est* David


1686 Sturge, Joseph, fined for boldness at Oourt.

l68o citurge, X'hoB. fined lox being out late at night without pexmiuaion.


1686 iiely, 3enj., ordered to pay ildwa: d Gisop & Saml. Jening 18 pence for their keeping him in custodye one night at Constable* a orders.

1686 JSav, 24, The testimony or John aturgea, iien. , Aged abt. 62 yrs. testiiiath yt I coming into my sonn Joseph house the last Lecture day in Fairfield after lecture I met with Joseph Middlebroolce, iien. , now deceased, there I satt aown by him, ne aeemed to be very well & cherfuil & was giaa of tnoae things 'Joseph brought him, he setting aown between my daughter and 1 he be- gan to tell us he should not live long Sc after his death he fearea oainl* Wilson v/ould ronge his son Middlebrook oy reaaoh Of a riting he had signed & given Saml. Wilson &o father sain yt oaml. v7ilaon should have no more of his estate but what he gott by tnat deed or gift he haa maae him & he said it was his mind & will yt his aon Middlebrook should nave all nis estate at his death, he haa many more words about it but this was the substance of what he said, this saying of his v/afc but a few hours before he fel dovvne in tiie soreet going home as x vi«.s informed.

Mary bturges testefyeth fully to the pr anises.

John Sturge, oen. & Mary aturges were sworne to the above testimony.

1686 amith, oaml. , given <-;apt. Bich. Olmsted's last wife's


1686 "^ely, Joseph, has married Mary, the widow of Joseph Jack-

son ^ d. of ^eorge Godwin, deed,

1687 iiherwood, 2nsi^, Mathew, overseer lor children of Joseph

Jackson, aecd.

1687 oelleke, Gapt. Jona. & IHx* John, plaintt. vrs. Thos. Marvin, Defdt. ...

1687 billeman, Danl. Jr., son-in-law to Bich. Ogden, deed,

1687 '^ely, l»athl. , takes inv. est* Bobt. jciisban, deed,

1687 ohermau, Mr. John, overseer of est. Joseph Hickox of Woodbury.

1587 Slawson, ELeazer, overseer of est, Hicolas Webster of Stamford.


1687 ciherman, 3aml. , SelecCaaa if .itratford, inv. est. Isaac Judson.

1687 ijqaire, Sergt. George, reports to ^ourt on est- of Anthony Beers, deed.

1687 2rd» Smith, Henry, oi' Staml'ora, will of, dated July 4, lb87 ,

John, son ox deca. (Prob. IJov. 6,1687, & inv. filed John Knap, Grandson, (Book 1675-1689, p. 239)

Hannah Loranoe, dau» of deed* Joseph Garnsy, ) ' -tJohn Knap & )

Abraliam Ambler, ) witness :John amith, ladministrJi

ors Inv. taken after July 5, 1687, the date of above aeath by Jonathan Bell & Abraham ^mbler, (Townsmen).

1688 5hert70od, Leut. Ivlathew, apt,, overseer at' children Joseph

Jackson, deoa.

1688 ahelton, Danl. complains vrs. Robt. Basset for taking 11 casks Se not branding tnem.

1688 Sherwood, Lieut., overseer of est. Saml. Morehouse.

1688 iiely, Joim, " " " " "

1688 Seamore, John Jr., takes inv. of est. Edward Tuders of


1688 Sention, Uathias, aen., haa prop, next to i'hos. Betts,deed.

1688 iixd. Stuart, liobert, of ■^'"orivalke, est. lOf, Inv. filed, (or iiteward) -)ec. 5, 1688 taken by

Marke Mention, iTios. -aemore, Jamea Olmsted. Widow, Bethiah.

James, Gldes"C son of deed, aged 26 yrs. John, " " ""

Saml. " "

Abigail Cosier, cau. " Deborah otuart, " "

SLisabeth " " "

Pheba " " "

bar ail " " "

Haehell " " "

Book 1675-1689, p. 260.

•(1693/4 Mch. 13. 5anl« Ha^'es with the 2 sons Jamfis tc onn appt. to dis- tribute tne est. )


21 "


11 "

next May.


25 "



19 "


17 "


15 "


15 "


o "•

347 1638 iiamorej x'hos., takes inv. oi' aljove otuart Sat.

1688 i>ely, lieut. Hathaniel, of i^'airfieli, est* of inv. filed

Dec. 4, 1688, taken by Hatlianiel Burr,' I'hos. Morerioude bee 169o Widow Hannaii, Book 1675-1689, p. E63.

3 sons - 1 uanghter* V?irlow Hannaa Sely, )

James Bennet of J?'airfiel4, ) adninistxatora .

1689 omith, »jacil., iny. eat. of Danl. Kellock of -"orTTalk.

1689 Staples, -i-lios., takes inv. est* Francis Brady of -'airfield,

1689 omith, -^aml. , takes inv* of aam. oi est* Danl. Kelog of Uorwalk. '

1689 amitli, Sainl. , chosen aa guardian by Danl. Kelog, son of a dove Danl.

1689 ueely, Joseph, admr, of eat. Josepn Jackson, deca.

IbSO bherwood, John, witness agreement of -i^o^jm with the Sasco


Interpreter in agreement of i'own v/itn the oasco Xnaiuns.

l68y tihenvooci, John of iitratford, v/ill of, dated Oct. 8, 1689. Widow Sarah, prob. & inv. filed Sov. 9, 16ey. Both unaer Book 1675-1689, p. 271.-

18 yrs. (Son, i'homas,

old* (Ban. Elizabeth (land at -"ong iiill).

Mr. Izraell Chancy, ) John Birdsey, uen.)

Mr.' Sanl. Sherman & ) Abigalle «^onson, JWitness

Brother ^aml. utiles,) ex.

Inv. taken h^v* 5, 1689, oy John Birdsey Jr. & Ambrose .Jompson.

1689 Btiles, oaml. , called brother by John i^herwood above.

1689 Sexle, Jiary, d. of ''ames Blakman of Orinoge.

ir>89 utiles, jipraim, called brotiier oy James Blakman of Orinoge

1689 utiles, John, witness will if " " "

1689 SlawBon, John, lived next to Bell, John. Jr., at utandford.


J690 iilawson, (ieorge, xvitneas will of i^eut. Francis -tiell.

1689 bention, Liathyas , Jr., witness will oi ^eo. Abbot of lior-


1689 oention, Mark, overseer of eat. of " " " "

1675 Sely, Robt. of -a'airfiela, on Mch. 16, 1675, receivea in

the rignt of iiis wife '^arali, d. of Nenemian, Olmstea-i deed, a/e of hpr portion of & from Elisabeth ^ely, Admx. to the 5bt. of said Olrastead, lanci now re- coxdea nndor land iaya oat to Obadiah Gilbert a est. of Toy said wives then in his nands. Witness .M. iiill,

Jho. Banks.

169i: beely, cjaraii, widow of iiobt. iiely of Fairfield, deed, acknow- ledges the security of ner dowry from Mr. John 3dwarda of i?air field of tae est. of -t^obt. i^iely, deed. Thos. Murvin, ) Sliphelat Hill, )witness.

1678 bkinner, Thos., draws 5 notes payable -uo John Mansfield.

Llch. 25.

lb79 dummers, Henry, fence making part of the boundary at Fairfield & iitrtttford.

1675 belt, Hobt. of J'airfieli in tne right of niB V7ife Jarah d. of Ueheraia Olmsted, deed., releases Elizabeth bely, admx of said Olmstea ii&t. from hex right in legacy of said est. & land laid out to Obediah Gilbert. Witness, rVm. Hill Sa John iianks.

1681 bturge, Joseph, witness debt, of Mathl. Hayes to Danl. Frost, ben.

1683 btollyon, Biward, of Uew London, mariner, gives a part of iiia Brigateen iflward u Margaret aot. i50 tons to his son-in-law Pascoe Foot of lew -^onuon, mariner, as a marriage portion ne having married his d. Margaret. Witness, Simon :s^exs,

Sanl. luoorhouse.


1679 oTrldmore, i'hoa. tranafera part of wiie noze owed to Mm by Danl. nestcot; to Ricn. Briant .i^ilfora,. witness, Jan. 2b, 1679, oaml. Ooley, Jr. , kiaml. Briant.

1681 said Dkidmore transfers more of said note to Rich. Briant, VVitneas, Aug. 29, 1681. Wm. Hill, John Holllngaworth.

1683 More of said note is transferred by aaiu okidmore to xiich. Briant. Witneas, .im. Kill, .-leb. 4, 1665. I'hoa. ^Vilson.

lo84 i'hoa. Skidmore of Pairiield transiers more of said note to aoove rficn. -ariam; of imHrora. Witness ITios* Wilson, i.Iay 6, 1684 John 'Banka.

1680 June 1-*, oasooe Indians acknowledge receipt of land (one piece called Rocky Heck lying in baacoefield on the left Of tiie patn aa you go to the farms, also a hill of land lying on the West of Maxezaus rarms) the i'own waa engagea to give hy reason of a bill of sale of Mch. 21, 1660/1. They proniae not to sell the afore- aaid land witiiout trie consent of the Town signed & delivered. June 14: , 1580.

, , , iiawaasorumb

John '-iinor )

John Jherv/ooa, ) Interpreters. his C~ mark.

Jusen '"-^> James witneaa. His "mar ke

John lilinor,

John Sherwood, Yeerei aqaw

Wm.Hill (Jlarke. her marke.

Cokecro hia


Tianaskero Vj his marke '^ '

i'eedawro :\ his


350. Wayreenotje nis

Weerongan his

marke 9 q

CMckinus —-, Ms marke* -^

(japt. Weeteters iiia marke . . .

Wajuneseside ^ jois marke. /'^

1680 June 14 - Mr. John Burr, Leut. John Banka, George inquire,

Joian v«heler A Jeaaes Beers, oen. , Committee ox i'own of Fairi'iela, to treat witn uh© ciaseo Indians in regara oo land to be provided tnem by saia towne as by orders bearing date Oct. 21 « Uov. Z6^ lto79, nave given the Indians the lollowing land: "Imprimis one parcel or land wionin iiaacoi'ield commonly called the Hooky Seek: & is bounaed on the oouthwest with tne horss i'avern Creeke: on the Northwest with the Harsn & Cornelius hull's land « the nighway: on tne ixortheast with tne land sometimes John ^turges « tne <^ommon: On tne aoutneaat with the Mill River if tnere be any marsh within these boundaries: it is not included in tnis grant.

Also one hill of upland lying near the liUnuy Creeke ijdtween tne aaid Muaay Creeke & Mazimus Farmers Creeke, also otner property not as yetaesignated.

john iiur. Witness, John Banks,

John Elinor, Georg Squire,

John dherwood. James Beer,

John heeler


BOOK 1689 - 1701.

1681 bturge, Joseph, tinea for eom-centicas speech to grand jury- men.

1688 atuard, also called atewart, f^obert of iJioiTvalfe, inv« of eat. dateu Deo* 5, 1688, by Mark Mention, Jan-b Olmsted, He Alios. Seenor, filed Apl. 3, 169 0. She land of deca. wa^ apraaea by jaml. nayes, Jonn iieeler, Aug. 27, 1688. Book 1689-1701, p. 4. rViciOw Sethias. Jamea, son of aeca* Jonn, " "

unaer age 5aml." "

Ss daughters all under age. Agree meat of Bettleiaem; of est. bet. the moth. & sons nitneas by James 'jlmstod Ik l<Iathias mention, Jr.

1688 Seemor, i'hos., takes inv. of above est.

Ib58 sontion, i^aml. , formerly owned land of -^obt. Stewart ox x^orwalk.

1cj90 oherman, John, takes inv. of est. of Henry fiitt of Woodbury

1690 oherman, jjaml. Jr., Admr. " " "

1690 Stevens, Jona-cnfln, of xJ or walk, aeed. , last of -i^ov. , 1689. Inv. of est. taken iipr. 3, 169u, berore 'rhos. Fitch, filed Apl. 5, 1690. Book 1689-1701, p. 7. The ueca. auu prop, at ilorwalk ee Oompos* Widov/ imary, ohiluren. 5?he v/idow « ) Rich* Eolms,) adm.

1690 oiiermaxi, aaml* , oelectman of -tratfora, takes inv oi est. John Birdsey. '

1690 oeli;, xxobt. of ^airfield, est. of, inv. filed Apl. 12, lb90 taken by John iiely o: A^ranam -adama. Book 1689-1701, p vVidow 11,

Left cnildren, some under age. l^he widow & )

John 6: Joseph i^ely, ) aiunr.

loyo Stocknam, Jonn, witness will of x'hos. Lyon of ixreenwicn.


1d90 iimitn, Saml., of i:*orv/aik, v&kea inv. ol" esn* :il1iz * Kellog.

1690 Smioii, «JoJiQ, of ijairfield, esi;. of -i-nv. taken Oct. 3, 1690,

by John ^turges, -^iioa* "ilson, John x'homBon, filed Uov. 9, 1690. oee ^joociwife -laxy otanson.

oiiilu. Book I68y-17ei, p. 1?. baml* uinith, )

Joaepii tieimings, )a~pt. In liiarch 8, 169S, oaEil*

oSiai. aJrake, )adinr. vr&ke being decu. the

Uourt appt. John Osborn.

1690/91 isilliman, uanl. , oen. or jj'airfiela, eat. of, inv. taKoii Jany. 2, * 90/91 by John Thomson, 'i'hos* Jones, Thos. Wilson. filed Jan. 13, 1690/91.

Widow Hannah, Book 1689-1701, p. 21.

Banl., eldest son of deed. Thos.. " "

Robert " "

The 3 sons appt. adraxs*

1690 Sention, Liaxke, takes inv. of & appt. admr. of eat- of baml. Canfielu.

1690 ocoiiield, Saml. ,ta3res inv. est. Jeremiah Jager of "tand- ford.

soofield, Danl. , appt. adnr. " " " "

1690 Scof ield , i<anl. , takes inv« est* Joshua -o-oit.

1690 " " apt. overseer est. John Jager of Standford,

deed. 1684.

1690 tJherwoou, Mathew, tekes inv of est. ol* Joseph Joy of Fairfield. ' Jacob Joy "

1690 Sherwood, Uathew, Oapt. , adrar. of est. Jacob Joy of Pair- field.

1590 Sherman, John, Selectman of woodbury, takes inv* of est. Joseph Judson.

1690 Squire, Hiz. legacy to, under will of Henry V/akley of atratford, 6 ecu.

1690 Stevens, liary, daughter of -^enry Wakley of ^^tratforci.


1690 Sumers, Eenry, lievd v/ith. & left legacy "by Henry Wakley of iitratforcn

1690 Slawson, i'hos., son of -liz. Slawson, Grandchil(ix''hoa. Benedick.

1690 Seamex, xhos. , takes inv. est. of Thos. Benedick.

1690 Scofield, Danl., adiar* of est. of Joseph Jones of titanford,

1691 Selliok, Oapt. Jonathan, distribution est. of Cornelius &

Joseph «JoneB.

1690 Sherman, I«Ir. Sacil., appt. adnir. of est. Henry -^llen of titratford.

1690 Stiles, Mr. -Soohraiin, orderea to make distribution of est

of ii'enry Allen of iatratford.

1691 staples, Thos., takes inv. of ^idow Sarah & Miell Gruman

of -^airfield.

1690 iimith, ileazer, has home lot next to «'ohn Barlow, tir.

1691 ialawson, lilartha, called kinswonan by -^hoB' Lawrence,

" SLeaser, Jr., son of sister Mary 'd. of Thos.


1691 acuder, aarah, sifter of " "

1691 bcuder, Jonth. , llephev/ of " "

1691 i^mlth, iaml. , witness will of " "


i724 iJtone, John, aoty. for i'hos. Lyon, Ex., of »^aEil. Lyon, deed.

1691 otaples, ^'hoB«, takes inv est. of ihos. Grunan.

1691 i^herman, John, oelectmaja of "oodbury, eppt. overseer of est* Saml. iiickoles of "oodhury.

1691 allliman, widow, (Hannah prob) agreement with her sons- in law i'hos* Dickerson, llathaniel '«ilson, i'hilip John Prise « her own son Henry Hendriekson, under age, con- cerning the est. of her daughter liary Hendrick, deed. Witness, Jonth. Horhouse, Henry Hendriekson & James

354 1691 Series, George, appt. admr. est. of jliz* Blackman. 1691 bmitli, Rebecka, v/ife ol' SLusar Smith & d. Henry Eoland. 1691 iiEiith, Jonathan, granaeon of "

1691 Squire, Sargt., ^^eorge, of -^airileld , Will of, dated Aug* 7, 1691, probated ana inv* filed IlovtS, 1691. ■Thos. son of deed. (Book 1689-17.01, p. 59)

John " daughter Sarah Seely, deed., wife of John seely.

Jonathan, aon of aeed. had b children, left him the It ne Dougnt of -lipraim /iTieler. Grandchild George "quire, son of ''eorge, died under age. large legacies to, also pasture lot that was Eendrick Hendriekson.

Saml* son of deea. Saml. Sole, .ca. Inv. taken Kov«5, 1691, hy

vifitnesB, liathen Gold, iJen. , : Jona. MorehouBe, x'hos. John I'homson. : Jones ^ Wm. Hill.

1691 atacy, Simon, of -^airfield, est* of, inv. taken Apr* 14,

1691, by John Thomson & Thoe* «^ones, filed Kov. 3, 1691, Jonathan Fanton appt. admr. Book 1689-1701, p. 60.

1691 Seely, Mary, deed, wife of John Seely & d. of Sargt. Geo. Squire.

1691 iieecier, Thos*, overseer of est. I^thew Marvin, Jr.

1691 mention, Mark., father of Eoda, widow of " "

1690 Stiles, SamL. , i^electman of Woodbury, overseer of est. William Roberts.

1690 Skeiles, John, witness will of «»m« Roberts.

1691 dherwood, I'hos* , v/itness will of ^aml. i>rake of -^airfield.

1692 spinage, Abigail, testifies to verbal will of Ghas. Dugless.

Sherman, oaml. appointed admr* of estate of " "

lfa9£ Shelton, Mr., sold prop, to

II n

1692 Sherwood, Isaac, releases Moses Jackson, the adnr. oi the edt. of ills lather & mother- in- lav/ John Jackson, on be nail of his wife.

m.0<y^^-u^ Ajc p.^'^l


1692 aherwood, Isaac (Contd)

Witness, Hathan Gold, "^en. Thos* Uurwan and James Jenet, Jr«

1692 iimith, Rochell, witness release of admr. of J^an.Kellog est.

1691 cjherman, Hanna, legacy to, by Peter Bulkley.

1691 aillimaa, Danl. has mare of Peter Bulkley.

1692 iiilliman, ihos. est. of inv. taken Jan* 10, 1692 liy Thos.

Jones and Satnl. Squire, filed Jan. 16, 1692. Danl. dilliman ana riobt. billinan appt. admr. Book 1689-1701, p. 81.

1693 oeely, Lieut. Uatlmniel. Distribution of est. of, late of Apl.5. Fairfield, deed. Book 1689-1701, p. 85.

The widow Hannah discharged irom aomr. James Benit continued admr. with "^aml. iiqpire. 3 sons, Imthl, Jaraea ano JTben. 1 daughter in 17 03 called Hannah Grey

Inv. of lanoa taken iiich. 9, 1692, by Mat hew iiherwood ana •^osepn Bastard.

1695 squire, isaml. , appi;, admr. of est. l<eut. iiathl.Sely, deed.

1692 aherwood. Mat hew, takes inv. of est. of " " "

1693 utiles, aaml. appt. overseer or est. Hackaliah Preston

of "oodbury.

1693 iSherwood, Itethew, called brother by Widow Abigail Lockwood.

1691 cailleck, Capt. Jonathaa, appt. admr. est. Francis Thorne of Greenwich*

1694 oilleck, Capt. Jonathan, left legacy anu witness v/ill of

John Bowers of Greenwich.

1593 .mention, jiarke, of i*orwalk, aged abt* 59 yrs. wil}. of dated To £ion Joseph gives land escept the lot purchasea of x'hos. Taller probated & inv. filed lTov.7, 1693. Daughter Loess aention Book 1689-1701.

" Rachil "

" Annah "

" SLisaberh, wife of aaml. Galpin " Sarah, wife of oaral. Keeler " Rhoda iiarvin, widow of Mat hew tarvin, Jr.


1695 mention, Marke (Contd)

Legacy to Joseph Lockwood, his sister's son. a on Joseph "Mention ) " Saml. Galpin ) aomrs. " Saml.' Keeler )

Witness) James Olmsted ) Joseph Kichem lav taken Oct. 2, 1695 by John Plat, ^hristopner ' Gomstock OS John Benedick. Sent ion, Marke, of iiorwalk ) Marriage agreement

Hall, Dorothy, widow, of, of otratforu) Jany. 25, lb91/2 m Iso part or agreement the name is Dorothy iiutt,

widow, but is signed Torothy Hall. Witnesb, Joseph Uurtiss - Sbenezer Booth.

1691 "iherman, i'iathaniel, appt. aomr . est* oaml. Berasley, Jr. of Paquaneck.

1691 utiles, Isaac , of »^tratford, eat. of» Inv« I/ec. 15, 1691 •Kidow iianna filea Mch. 25, 16'92.

oon anu aaughter Book 1689-1701, p. 130. -,-^

Agar Tonlinson, appeals to Court of Assistan&^ at Hartford 1710, in benalf of est. plea not good. Widow and Isack Benet appt. admrs. John i^tiles, appt. 1692^

1703 beely, Lieut. Uathaniel, est. distributed by James -Bennit, iianl. inquire ana Ifeekiell banford. To Latuaniel, James and Sben Seely and Hannah Grey prop, next to oilleman's gate, Reea's pond,- &c. Caution to keep fence bet. the heirs and oteven iiherwood in repair.

1703 Sanford, Szekiell, distributea est. of Lieut* IJathl. ^eely

1705 iiherwood, "^teven, has prop, next to heirs of " "

169* dturgea, Jonathan, takes inv. of est. laaj. John Bnrr,aecd.

1694 .t.erle, Llary, wife of, G-eorge "^erle, legacy to by Robt. i-larke of tttratford.

1694 ahenjian, lir. Saml. Jr. ex. of est. of -"obt. Clarke at Stratford*

35 '7

1694 stilea, ipTiraim, ex. of est* of Ro"bt. Clarke of -^tratford.

1690 Slawaon, Goodwife Mary, aemands some prop, of est« of hex son in law John ^^mith, he and "nis wire being aeca.

1694 aherman, Mr. Uathl., appt. adrar. etst. Saml. Hall of i'air-


1694 iiherwood, bteven,callea son by viidov/ lilary Jianks, deed.

liathew " " " " " "

" Buth, d. titeven oherwood, legacy to oy

Mary Bancks, uecd. " Mary, a. Mathew -^herwood, legacy to by liary

Bancks, deed, prob." Isack, called son by v/idow Mary Bancts , deed.

1692 staples, 'ihos. takes inv. est. Benj. Banks, deed.

1695 oilliman, oarah, wife of iiobert oilliman d. Cornelius

Hull, oen.

1695 aturges, Jonathan, takes inv. est- Cornelius Hull, oen. deed.

1695 iiSd. alawbon, ueorge, deed, in Stanford, Feby.17, 1694/5,

dated Dec* 19, '94. Book 1689-1701, p. 130.

VIridOW '

kion John •' Sliezer ijau. John Gold's wife

Witness Abraham Ambler & aaml. iiolley 2 sons adznrs.

Inir. taken by Jonth. Bell & Jonas »»eed, Selectmen « filed Mov. 5, 1695.

1696 aturges, Joseph, takes inv. est* widow Sarah Bur.

1696 oipirn, xianl. of ^ireenwicn, appt. aanr. est* Lirs* Hannan

Bowers formerly widov; of Joshua -i^nap.

1695 btar, Josiah, of i^anbury, appt. overseer of est* x'hos. Barnam.

1697 Scofield, Hutn, wife of Richard Scofield and d. of John

Brundage of Rye, deed.

1699 Smith, aaral, brotner in law to Moses Lyon of Fairfield,

1698 uention, i^atnyas, takes inv. & distributes est* of

Thos. Hiett of -i^orwalk.

358 1698 oenaion, iiibenezer, appt. actor, of etst* of •*''hos. Hie'Gt

of ^OXVT&l'k,

1697 oeely, oueannan, q. of Jiaml. -'incn or iitanrord.

1697 Scd. aillimaa, Uanl. est. of, inv. taken j^eby. 7, 1696/7 Dy

Jonn "akemau ana John ]?lioinpson, filea jjeb.25,lb9D/7 ifViiiow Abegaile ana aix chiluren (2 sons) only 4

children mentioned. Book 1689-17 ul, p. 140. Dau. Maxy )

" Peacaoie ) 1697 placed out by order of Court Youngest aaughtat' unaer ■* yrs. old. Son Danl. )

" John i in 1697 placed out at aome gooa traae. widow anu xtoot. iiiliman, appt. adroxs. ihe deed, naa prop, at Paqnaneck tiy i^oberx8,:orob. at snip iiarDour, bought of kiadlebrook, land bought of Mr. Blacklach.

1698 Sherwood, Mathew, takes inv. of est* Isack iVheeler, Jr.

1698 Sherwood, Oapt. appt. to make distribution of est. of isack KK heeler, Jr.

1697 3Jsd. Banford, estates of Szekiell of ^^airfield & i^ebecka, hiu wife, distribution of, Hov. 2, 1697. son Szekiell oaniora " x'hos* ^aarord

Dan. iiarah Hull, wife of Cornelius Hull " Mary xioll, " " ifheophelus iiull

" Rebecka "-"ely " " John iiely " Mar"cna oanfora

" iilisabetn banfora (Book 1689-l7ul,p.l42)

Witness )Sarnl» oquire ) Jonn '-ualdv/in -sta-ue aprized by Jonn j-homson and Philip Lewis


aely, i^ebecka, wife of Jonn oely & d. iilzekiell Sanford.

1696 2xd. bher-wooa, John, of otratford, est. of, inv. taken Oct. 7, 1696» b;- oteven Burret, John Benet and Zachariah iJurtis, ^selectmen, filed Oct. 7, 1690. Mathew Sherwood, Jr. ana tue nidow maae acuars. Wiuov; Johan&n Book 1689-1701, p. 1*2.

Uau. Jemimah aherv/ood, unaer age.

Capt. Ivlathev'/ sherv/ood, lather of deca. Jonn gives his gr&uadaughter tjemiman ilOO in lieu of what ne woula nave leit nls son.


loyS amitix, bainl. Sen. of iJ'airiielu , will of, dated j<eby. 27, 1697-8, Inv. taken idch. 12, 1698, by Joiin 'xHompaon, JOiiu xjulkeley ic John Sdwarda, filed Mch. 27, 1698. Boot 1689-1701, p. 160.

Wife Son Jolin 5 BiaillingB beaiaes aeed of gift.

" ciaial. Dau* Elisabeth

" iiaraji aon Josepn i-au. Hestex

tsitnetjs, j^anl. uiiexv^ood, Cornelius Hull.

1698 i2Xd. Dnernaii, Mathew, est. of, inv. taken ^pr« 1698 oy

Saml. Hubbell ic ..latnew ohexwood, filed .apl. 26, 1698 rtidow iiannaii jBook 1689-1701, p. 171. 'ihe widow to ac.mr.

1700 bterges, ciarau, called Dy Jeremian «iudson, oargt.

1696 ':>mail, oapt. appt. to apraise snip or Dr* Butler of otrat-


16y6 ojaelton, jJavid, appt. aomr. of est. Mr. Joan Butler of atratfora. >

1697 2S^' alawBon, Widow Mary, of i?airiieia, will of, aacea

Mch. 27, 1697. Book 1689-1701, p. 162.

Don Mat hew Jeningb, land at ^^asioo i^eok " I sack " " " iiill

I Hill land reed from oaml. iiiobexson c<; I lam rormerly GoriieliUB Hull. " iiacil. Jenings iilO out or any eat. at ^atanford. " Joshua i/au. iiary uurtia

" -iiannau Jennings aon Josepn Jennings lirajuacoila Jonn omitk

oon Isack Jenings, sole ex. n/itness, liatnan (iold, Josian Harvey Inv. filed Jan. lu, 1697/6 taken by Abraham Adaaus oc x»atnl. ijur, Jr.

1697 omitn, Jonn, iiranachiia oi «*iaov/ uary »jlav/aon.

1700 ^tevenu, oarah d. of --argt. Kich. iiubbeil.


17uO tiherwood, Hathew, Jr. appt. to dist* est. Sargt. Rich. Hubbell '

1700 Sherwood, Capt. Mathew, guardian of James, son of' " "

1700 Sherman, ^ayid " Joseph " " "

1694 Sellick, Ahigaile, -rnfe of Jonathan aellick Sc d. Ma j . Ha than Sold.

1694 Selliclc, Martha, wife of oellicfe & d. liaj. Uathan Gold-

1698 3Soi, Sherwood, i'hos. est* of. Inv. Hch. 12, 1698 by oaml.

Sqaire, Joseph Stargia, ^anl. lleker « Elnathan Hanford The aecd, had land near Sleazar Smith

Sherwood, Benj. ) Appt. to admr. (Book 1689-17 01-p, 175 Saxnl.' )

1696 Exd. Sely, Benj. soxnetiae of istanford, inv. Oct. 31, 1696 by Jonathan Bell & David -^atterbery, filed iJov. 15, lb96. (Boolr 1689-1701, p. 177.) Has share in nia fatner's est. Obadiah i^ely, brother to deed* swares to inv. & appt. to ador. '

169u Sanl'ord, jteakioll, adn. & overseer of est. John Gruman*

1699 Scofiell, Hannah, d. of John Head, Sen. of Greemvich.

1701 Staples, Ihos. husband of widow of Bich* Ogden

& made guardian of 2 youngest Ogden children, Jonathan cz Mary.

1706 Sherman, Ito. lathl. & lilr. Benj. to dist. est* Thos. Dicker-

vson deed, in 1700. . . '

1700 Sely, Cornelius, inv. est. of i!4nsign Danl. Senkins of


1707 Sherman, Hathl. of "^tratford, guardian of Abegaile -iJock-

wood, d. of Danl. Lockwood, Jr. deed. 8e of her sister i<iary, probably.

1702 Scofield, Danl. Sen. chosen aa guardian by Saral. Jones, Jan. 29. son of Joseph Jones, deed. (Book 1689-1701, p. 209.


1700 Szd. Simkins, aasign, Lanl. of Bedford, est* of, Inv. taken Jan. 9, 1699/1700, by Cornelius iely & John Oopp, filed Jeby. 16, 1699. Elizabeth .^inikina takea oath to Inv, before

saml. Hait, Justice. lylr. John Oopp, Sachariah Robert of Bedford & Saral. Webb of Strnford, appt. adiar. Book 1689-1701, p. £04. Children.

lUhe widow proD. widow of Joshua ,Vebb of Bedford in 1694.

1697 aprague, i/m. debts, one from eat« ELiphelet Hill.

1695 Seely, Joseph, marries tae aamx. of est' of Joseph

Jackson and is released as admr. of est. of said Joseph Jackson by his son-in-law Joseph Lyon, who married Mary Jackson, the dau. of aaid Joseph.

1696 Sherwood, Ilathew, acknowledges the receipt of legacy

from H^hOB. Moreton,Jr. of Fairfiela, aam. of eat. of his fatner in law Sanl. IJoreton, deed. Witness, BenJ. Fainveather. James Benit.

1699 Sherman, David, witness release of John Jackson to

Moses Jackson, admr.

1700 Steel, Ux» Janes, of aether afield, chosen guardian by

Danl. son of -iphraim Halley of iitratfora, deed.

1700 Shelton, Mr. Danl. of otratford, chosen guardian by Danl. son of Sphraim 'Hailey of Stratford, deed.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1711 Stiles, Mr. Spliraim, appt. to dist. est* Uathan Perry, deed,

1712 timith, Uathaniel, of JStanford, hath maae choice of his Brother Sbenezer ^imith as guardian.

1712 Sanfred, Ibekiel, oergt. appt. adrar. eat. of Capt.

Theophyles Se l^ry Hull.


1712 Sanfreo, Thos. appt. admr. est. of Capt. (Theophyles & Mary Hull.

1702 Sherington, 'Jhos. eat. of, inv. taken I>ilay 29, 1702, bj Peter iBurr Sc -John Surr. The deed, had prop, at '-'ompo. Jeremiah »yood, son in law to deed. & Thos.

Staples, appt. admrs. The neirs of Thos. Sherington, deed, are Dau. Mary, wife of Jereniah Wood, and " Sara.h oherington

Sarah Sherington makea caoice of her brother in law Jeremiah viood as guardian.

1702 Staples, i'hos. apijt. admr. of above est.

1702 Seliman, Hobt. takes inv. of eat. V«m. Hubbart, deed, of F.

1700 Squire, Jonathan, takes inv est* vftn. lyon of ■?, died,

1704 iieely, leut. Satlianell, deca. setlmnt. of est* of Difficulty v/ith tne heirs on a/c of laiid. be- longing to tiieir Grrandfather Capt. "^ely, deed. Court appts. Leut. James Benit, bargt. Saral. Squire & Ezekiell Sanford to dist.- the lands of ^apt. ^ely cc Leut. ^ely.

1704 Squire, Leut. Saml. appt. to dist. est. Capt. & Leut. Seely

1104 Sanford, jaekiell " " nun

1703 Stevens, Obediah, of ■Stanford. Est. of, inv. Feby. 22,

1702/3 by John Slawson & Danl. Soofield-

Widow Hebecka

oon Thos.

There are 8 chilaren

Mr. Saml. Hait So Mxt Steve Bishop, both of Stanford, to dist.

1703 Slawson, John, takes inv. of above est.

1700 Sellick, John, Capt. Inv. of est. of Mch. 5, 1699/1700 Major Jonathan oillick, tne Ass't gives oath on bhis nis brotner's est.


1700 Sellick, John (Contd) Midow -^arah Children Sathaniell

John, deed. 1707 Some evidently married, aaiah, in 1704 wife of John Potter Susannah, wife of John Holly in 1707 Johanna " " Jonathan Bates, 1707.

Mr. kiaml. Halt ana iir* Bavid Viaterbnry to alst.

1711 Stebbins, Martha, sister of James Blackman.

1705 Sherman, David ) witness release of Joseph Vilieeler by

Marey ) John Berdsly of Stratford.

1703 Stergia, Jonathan, takes inv. est. John Bradley, deed,

1704 bellick, Hr. John, dist. of est. of, to

:i?he vTidow &



Mr* John Potter in behalf of his wife.

Johanna ^ellick

Susannah "

1704 Sely, Cornelius, husband to d. of Joseph Jones

of Stanford.

1697 aiason, SLeaser, had land at otanford next Rev. John -Javenport Grant.

1697 iitetrens, Obediah, had land at Stanford next Rev. John Davenport, grant.

1697 Shone, oeth, vvitness Stanford's ^ant to Datienport.

1704 Seely, Joseph, aamr. of est. Josepn Jackson, and he having married the widow of said Jackson released by i?ranciB Bradley, s. in law to i^ecd* Jackson

1695 Releasea by Hary *». , Joseph ^yon and d. of

saiu Jackson.

1706 Sherwood, Jabez, settlement of est. of. (Says the will

in inv. was formerly exhibited to the Court) Steven Sherwood, Jr., Jonathan Kusted it John Pettet, aomrs. report and are continued aamr.


1706 blierwood, oteven, Jr., ecLmr. of above est.

1703 Sheriaan, David, takes inv* est* Hathaniel -^ely of Fair- field.

1703 Seely, James, " " " " " " "

1699 Smith, aaml. takes inv. est* ^aml. Gregory of i»orwallc.

1703 Sherman, Snsign David, appt. admrs. est. Zach. Parchild

of Stratford.

1704 Stevenson, Jonathan, son of Jonathan, deed, servant to

Rich. Holmea oi Horwalk.

1704 Sherman, l^athl. ) takes inv. of est. of '^ohn Baldwin Benj. ) of Stratford.

1704 Stanly, Caleb, Commisary, orders lUx. Comandant xJur to pay soldiers' wages to «John Baulawin.

1703 sely, Natiisniell, of iT airfield, will of, dated Apr. 5,1703

Wife xiannah son Sathaniell, under age Brother John Odill, sole Sx. Speaks of at least 2 brothers kiitness ) Hathan Grold

) John (Vakeraan Inv. taken -pr.EO, 1703, by David Sherman, James Seely

1704 Sherwood, Capt. Llathew, guardian fox Caleb, s. of Zach.

Fairchild of Stratfield.

1704 Sherwood, Sargt. Mathew, guardian for ^gejc s. of Sach. Fairchild of stratfield.

17 03 Seely, James, takes inv. Rebecka Gregory of stratfield.

1703 Sanford, Ezekiele " " " "

1704 Sherwood, l-lary, wife of Oapt. Mathew Sherwood & d. of 1696 Hr. i)hos« ritch of ■'^orwalk, deea.

1696 Smith, Saml. witness will of Mr. -^'hos* Fitch of ^oi^ells.


1702 Sherwood, isargt. Mathew, to dist. eet* Sargt, Saml. Gregory of atratfiela.

1702 bheriaan, -^avid, ;iargt. to dist* est. Sargt.Saml. Gregory of ^tratfield.

1705 Sent ion, Sanl. a. in law to Lient. John Olmsted & admx. of ilia will

1705 Steward, John, appt. to dist. est* of John Olmsted and aomx. of his will.

1701 otarr, Josiah, takes inv of est. James Picket of iJanbury

1686 Sherman, John, inv. eat^ of est* Thoa. i?'aircnild of w/ooa- bury ^4 overseer of.-

1704 Sherwood, Jahus, of <axeenwich, inv. Uov 6, 1701, by Joseph Finch, Thos* Marshall. Jabish, the name i^ also spelled. Steven oherwood, Jonathan Husted Ss John Pettet admrs. & saia East ad & Isack Sherwood, ^^en. of -2 airfield, give bonds for the said Husted, Sherwooa « Pettet. will of, dated Oct* 7, 1704. I'o Jonathan iiusted &: his wife, all prop, at

Greenwich. To Jonathan Jezup, son to Sfiward Jezup of Fairfield, all my carpenter's cools. Also gives 00 Jonathan husted Sc his v/ife a parcel of nails tnat are at -"ye at my brother Hathaniell. Sister in law SLizabeth Sherwood, of Rye, in

lieu of debt- To brotner jjiathaniell, steer at nye.

debts due at r^ye. To eousin Stephen of Rye, my gun. To my siriter Ruth Merrit. 'i'o Mary Husted, wife of Jonathan a Dove. Witness (Thos* Liarshall before 'jaml* Peck ( i'hos. Llathew. Justice.

1704 Sherwood, Isack, Sen. of Fairfield. See above.


1704 Sherwood, oteven, prob. of Rye, brother to deed. Jabuz abOYe.

1704 Sherwood, Stephen, prob. of Sye, called cousin by deed. Jabuz above.

1704 Scrinener (Scribner) Benj. deed, at Danbury but belonging to i'iorwalk. Oct. 1.5, 1704, Inv. of est. by i'hos. Saner 8e

Sanl. Hayes. John Raimond, Josepi^ Plat & John Gopp who

were appt. appraisera, make report. VK'itiow iiannah

24 next Meh. 22 " Llay

20 " June

12 " Sept.

17 " July 15 " Mch. 7 this iJec. 14 5 next July 5 " June Thos. Scrinenor, son of deed. appt. aflmr.

" Scrinenor of J^orwalk,malces report of aarar. Mr. Josepn rlat & Sargt. John Raimond to dist John & Haiinan make choice of -i-'hos* Serennon for

guardian. Ruth makes choice of Benj* ijcrennon for guardian.


1704 Seraer, A'hos* takes inv of above est.

1699 'icofiela, John, of 'Stanford, inv of est. Apr 20, 1699,

by David Water bury, Iianl*" ocofield & Jotm Betta /i/idow Hannan Children, 3 dau. 4 sons: Sainl. aged 21, July 10, 1699.

John " 20, Jan* 15, 1700

Sbeneser " 1^, Jun^ 26, 1699.

Sathl. " 12, jJQC 10, 1699

Mary " 5, Aug. 4, 1699

Susannah, " 1, Mch. 1, 1699.

Danl. bcofield & John Pettet to dist.

1689 .jimkins, x>anl« takes inv. eat* i'hos* nilaraan of Bedford.





















1697 aeamer, ^arah, wife of 2hos. Soaraer, formerly 1689 widow of Thos* •"ilcLaan of Bedford.

1695 seely, Uorneliua, takes inv est* John Browne of Bedford.

1705 Shaw, ^etih, tafeee inv. est. John Bouton of Danbury*

1705 Starr, Josiati. " " " " " "

1705 tJention, Joseph, witness will of John Piatt of JSorwalk.

1701 Sanfrea, 3ziekill, aoiar. of est. of John uruman.aen.ref leased.

1701 ailliman, -"olDt. app. to aist. est. John (xruraan, Sen. deed. 1695.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

lo98 oloson, iieazar, of otanforci, will of, Apr. 29, lb98. Wife Susannah Son SLeazer Dau. Martha aon. Janes )

" Sbenezer ) 3 youngest. " Uathaniell) •^au. Susannaii

Son Jamed, with the assistance of his )

Uncle John aloson & Mr. David V7aterbury) Overseers

witness (John oloson

isteplian iiiship Xnv. Ilay 27, 1698 by -J^^braham Ambler, I)anl« Scofiell. & David "aterbury.

1703 Stevens, Obediah, of otanfora, inv of est. Feby. 22, 1702/3 Dy John Sioson ob Danl» Scofleld (due upon a bill of Henry Allin of citratford) Widow nebecka &

8 children, sons « Daus., some unaer age Son Xhomas

The widow and son 'Ihoa. to admr.

Mr. Saml. Hait a LIr. Steven iiiship to make dist.

1703 sioson, John, takes inv. on above est.


1705 Seely, Jonas, Hen* of "tanford. Inv. of est. of, Mch.5, 1704/5, by David Waterbury & Danl. Soofield, Sen. Widow llary & 8 cnildren.

Will of, not provea wife Maxy Sldest son oaml. Dau* iiaran

Mr. 'Stephen Bishop & Mr. Danl. boofield to make aist.

Ihe widow & Jonathan bloson to admr. (Vitness, John Sloson, -^en. , Joseph Bishop John Holly, son to Increase Holly of utanfordy

gives testimony in regard to tionas Seely John iiloson, aged abt. 60 yrs* also gives testi- mony ijr. Jacob i^ioene also giveti testimony; ne uays iiis condition v/as like your brother Thomson in

writing to

in 1722, on testimony of ::-beneaar oealy of Stanford, one of the sons of deed* Jonas, it appears that 5 of tne children 'nave died, viz* Jonas, A>^rtha as Susannah Sealy. The Court orders the dist. of est* to the »iidow,-.iary oealy ibenezer. fiathaniell jliphslet

baml. the eldest son, had reed, ftis portion Sarah, who nas also reed, portion

iir. John Hai"C and iir. John 31aw.son,admrs.tc dist 1725, iyisign Jonathan ^^lawson makes report of admr. and is discharged.

1705 aloson, John, aged abt. 60, gives testimony of Jonas Sealy

deed, of Stanford.

1725 iilawson, jaasign Jonathan, released from adm. of est* of Jonas Sealy, deed, of dtanford.

1706 oellick, Jonathan, Jr. witness agreemt. of heirs Jeremiah

Jagger, Jr.

1706 sellick, Abegail, witness agreemt* of heirs Jeremiah Jaggex , Jr .


1707 Steward, John, makes dist. of est* ihos. Lnpton of -orwalk

1707 ijellick, John, Jr. of Stanford, will of, dated flor.ll, 1706 BxotiiQx I'-attianieil aellick iviother oaran, widow of Gapt. Jolin oellick Isack, prob. negro servant. aistex ouaannan, wife of John i^olly. " Johana, " " Jonathan liates.

Brother i^iatnl. to aamr. ►vitness, i Jonathan iiellick ( John Copy (?) (tJaml. jieob. Inv. Mch* 10, 1706/7 by «^onai;han '^ellick, oen. & Saial. Webb.

1707 Scof field, 3aml. of "tanford, deed. Jan. 20, 1706/7 inv. luch. 2b, 1707 by Joseph Biship, Clement Buxton & ELisna iiolly.

Widow UnioQ in lilyiiood of anccher child 1 daughter

IChe widow & John Pettet by former order of

uourt oo acunr. fileraent Buxtftn gives bond for adiar*

1707 bloson, John, of "tanford, heire of, agree to dist. as follows - Jan. 11, 1706/7. tion John " Jonathan

'' l^os. lanu formerly (ieorge -Jloson's Dau. c»ara,h ■'^isiiop, wife of Ebenezer liishop " Slizaiieoh x'ond, •' " ]Jatiianiel Pond.

" Mary

Witness (Jonathan •^ellick.tJr.

(Steven ■i^olma John l;; Jonatrian >sloson, aamr* of est* John Sloson deed, extiibit Hov.' 8, 1707, an inv of es"C. of Joian oloson, deed, above, taken Hov. 24, 1706, by Joseph Jiisnop, -^^anl. tjcofield &: Jonathan Bell, and swim to by ilcn. 5 Hannan, tne widow of said John oloson.decd


1707 Summera, liary, wno lives witn xieliverence .vakley, is left legacy Djr nim.

1704 Sherwooa, atepiien, takes inv. est. Thos. Bennit of



1704 Sheerwood, Isaack, takes inv. est. Thos. Bennit of


1708 Stirges, Joseph, testifies as to will of Sargt.Panl. ?rost of Fairfield.

1708 Stirges, Christopher, takes inv. est. of Sargt. Danl. Frost of Fairfield.

1703 Seely, James, takes inv« est. of Eeheckah Gregory, deed

1706 tension, Eachell, wife of i^thew iiension & d. of John Bowton, ben. of Horwalk.

1706 Smith, Ahegaile, d. of John Bowton, ben. of Norwalk.

1705 St. John, baml* s. in law to Lieut. John Olmsted, deed.

1707 Sherman, David, witness v/ill of John 0dell,Sen. of Strat-


1707 Silleek, David, of Stanford, inv. Sept. 17, 1707, hy Slisha Holly, iitephen xiishop. A sea chest, etc. in Hat hi. belleck's hands.

A double share Of his father's est. 333-04-10. To former appraisement as followetn, viz. in lands - 117-10-1-3/4. The share of his father's est. is 2/7 of his father's est. according to former but the widow's third being divided truly coat ec proportion.

John Holly & Jonathan Bates of Stanford, admrs. John Holly Sc Jonathan Bates did, by petition to General i-iourt in Eew Haven Oct. 9, 1707, obtain liberty of appeal to Court of Ass'ts. to be held at i^itratford in May next from the sentence ordered by the Court of Probate in May, 1708. In settlement of the est. of oheir father in law, Mr. John Sellick, late of Stanford, deed. & at court in u'airfield Kch. 9, 1708, give bond that they will come before aaid Court of Assistants.

1706 Stergis, Mary, late widow of x'hos« Morehouse, Jr.

1706 Sherwood, Ifothew )

1706 aherv/ood, Itothew, Jr.) See Thos. Itorehouse, Jr.


1706 Sanford, aargt. Ezekiell, appt. to dist. est. Thoe.

Morehouse, Jr.

1707 Sherwood, Isaac, Sen. takes inv. est. -^-'lios. Disbro. deed.

of i> airfield.

1707 Stuard, Saml. takes inv.est.Thos.Dishro.fiecd. of Fairfield

1707 Sherwood, Jolm, " " " " " " "

1707 Sturgis, John & Jonathan, iien» takes inv. of est. Andrew Ward

1707 Sturges, Jonathan, Sen. appt. to aist. est. of " "

1708 Sherman, Snsign David, of Stratford, to acaar. est. Sargt.

Saul. Wheeler.

1704 Steward, Saml. son in law to ihos. Bennit of Fair field, deed

1709 Sherman, Ensign David, takes inv. & dist. est. Saml. Berdsly of Stratford.

1709 Squire, Saml. takea inv est. John Davis, Jr. of F.

1710 Sherman, Benj. takes inv. est. of John Seely of stratfora

1709 Sherwood, Sargt. Mathew,Jr. of Stratford, will of, July 12, 1709.

To church at stratfield. Wife Elisabeth Dau. Sarah x'redv/ell

After my wife's decease, unto the child or children that shall oe born to my dau. Sarah Tredwell. Son iiraothy Sredwell

Brother Saml. Sherv/ooci»s son i^athaniell Brother Ihos* korehouse's son •'ohn that lives with me. Wife, sole ex,

James Bennit « %si6n Saml. Hubbell, overseers, iiitness, James Bennitt & liary, his wife, on Eov.

21, 1709, sware to tneir signatures. Inv. taken Jiov. 17, 1709, by James Bennit, Saml.

■Hubbell & 3ich. Hubbell. Deed, had 9 acres of six mile div. of i'hoa. ■Knells of ijtratford.

37 £

1706 Smith, Saml. talres inv est* Sargt. John Bouton of i^"orwalk

1710 Seely, John, of utratfieid, ill of, dated ijeb. 4, 1709/10 i«ife Rehecteh

Son John, under age, 15 yra. old last July. i<ight tue -cestator is to nave of Brother iiathl. aeely's heirs. " Joseph, 13 yrs. old Hch. 10 last. " David, £ " " last day of last July Bau* Msiry Durim " Ann Beardsley " Sarah, 19 years old. " iiebeckaa 18 " " Hov. 26 last

'• Hannah 17 " " Mch.' 9 "

" Abegaile 11 " " " 9 "

" i?ntn, 7 " " last June

" SLizabetn 6 " "28 last i^ov.

" Martha 3 " " the last of June.

The widow & i^ieut. •^ames Bennet & Brother sargt.

Ezekiell Sanfred, admrs. Witness, James Bennet, Capt. baml. bquire &

Eteetiell ^ianfred. Inv* Apr* 10, 1710, by Janes Bennitt, Benj. •Sherman « Saml. Hub bell.

1''10 Sanford, i^iergt. iizekiel, witness will of John seely of

otratfield. 1710 " bergt. Szekiel, called brotner by John Seely of

atratfield and overseer of est.

1710 Squire, Capt. Saral. , witness will of John oeely of otrat- field and overseer of est.

1710 Stevenson, Jonathan, or -"orwalk, will of, darea STew Haven June 22, 17 09. To Mother in case I do not return from my journey into Canada and in case of tier death to my brothers and sister^. Witness Saml. Jieler of -"orwalk ) Before Ha than

Hoseph amith ) Andrus, Justice

Inv. Mch. 10, 1709-10 by «»m. Haines, .John Bene-

aiGk,oen. , Joaepn Gregory, sen. Maray Bouton, of J^orwalk, widow, mother of deed. Mary i^outon, motner of deed. appt. admx.

1710 Smith, Joseph, witness above will.


i72£ iieely, John, one of the ^ons of John Seely deed. also aecd. Court orders land to be diviaeu between tne two surviving or others, viz, Joseph beely and David aeely and Court appta. Leut. Ricn. Hubbell and (iideon Havrley to dist.

1710 Smith, iueriam, sister to James iilaekman of strafcforti.

1710 Stodder. Rev, Ant bony, witness will of John iJhomas of Woodbury.

1710 Stodaer. Prudence, wife of above, witness will of John Thomas of Woodbury.

1710 Sacfeet, I'irs. Fam, a dau. of John ^homas, mentioned as liv- ing there.'

1710 aherman, John, ^en. takes inv. of "oodbury prop, of lilr. Jonn Judson of w.

1710 Selleck, Jonathan, oen. takes inv. iitamford prop- of 1^. John Judson of Woodbury.

1710 belleck, Jonathan. Jr. takes inv btamford prop.^ of Mr. Jonn Judson of "oodbury.

1710 sanford, Szekiell, guardian for x'hos. son of John (iruman, deed*

1719 Sherman, David, " " aaml-

1710 Sloson, i^hos. Of Stanford, inv. of «^.^- f"?' ^6. J-?!®. ^^ Jonn aloson, Jonathan c>loson, imthaniel Pona.

V/idow iiarali

Joiin oloson and l^athl. ^ona of ^^tanford appt.aamrs.

I'he est. to be aivideu bet. oarah blawson, wiaow of deca. and Jonn oloson, Jonaonan ^loson. and Eat hi. Pond and ►-arah Bishop, wiaow of Sbenezer Bisnop. all of Stanford, as per agreement of above named brothers ana sister of dacii. ^ ., .

Witness Agreement, iilisha ^^olly, -f^braham ».ooa.

In dist. of est. as per agreement.

Witness, Shos. Turney, John »-ebster.


1710 akeel, aergt. Shoe, of Woodbury, deed. July 50, 1709/10 Inv. of est. 0^ i'itus iJ-izunan and ^oiin akeel John akeel, father of deed. Jonn akeel, brother •aister iiaiman Hekok " Elizabeth omith " Abigaile iJarnum

John cikeel, father of aeou. and J^eut. Titus Kinman to dist.

1710 omitn, j^Lizaoetn, sister of aergt. i'hos' Skeel of Woodbury

1710 Stiles, Epiiraim, takes inv. & dist. est. Arthur Perry of Stratford.

1710 amitn, aaml. appt. to dist. part of est* of Rev. Mr. Han- ford.

1710 aloson, Mary, oalled d. "by ateven Holmes of Stanford.

1710 aloson, John, takes inv. est* of ateven Holmes of -^tan- ford, perhaps a. in law. '

1710 aeely, aarah, called oouain by Gapt. Theopholeus hull of jj'air field.

1710 iiinith, John, witness will of Capt. (Dheopnoleus Hull of i?air field.

1710 Sanford, aargt. Ezekiell, appt. aumr. of est* Capt. Theopholeus Hull of Fairfield.

1710 aanford, I'hos. appt. admr. of est. of Capt. Theopholeus iiull oi jj'air field.

1710 ailiiman, -"obt. takes inv. est. Capt. Theopnoleus Hull Of -^'airfield.

1710 Sherman, Capt. a&vid, overseer oi esr. Zaehariah i^'erria

of atratfield.

1711 Sherman, Davia, taket* inv. est. Mary Knap of stratfiaid.

1712 Sqii-cn, Saml. takes inv. est. Mr* Wm. Hayes of Horwalk.

John Wheel er-Judit'fl






Hot married-oarah



" " Rut'a





BOOK 16^8 - lb56.

1655 lonson, Joiin, inv. filea Apl.4,1658,pp. 20 & 38.

1d48 i'urney, J3enj. iata'Ce of, inv. anu aisCriuution of 1648, p. lo " Mary,' wife of above married la-cer Joseph kiddlebroo Mary 17 yrjs. ) Robert 15 " )latni. aely m. one aaughter ? )Jonn wheeler m. one " )

)u hilar en of ) Benj. & Mary i'urney.


) Ibbb lateven aherwood n. Rebecca

) iThos* t>herv/ood m. one aau.

1658 i'hompbon, Jonn, estate of, inv. filed p'_94.

His v/iaow ijiiz* arterv/ard married 'uanl. Finch (Jonn, eldest son, 6 yrs. ola Ages in I Jilizabe-cu, " daughterly "

16<r8 iHLax-^ " 8 "

(Heator " 5 "

JSState distributed Mch. 30,1668. Book 1665-1675, p. 33.

1657 i-'omson, SLiz. engaged to Danl. Finch.

1658 xaintor, Charles, estate of, settled, Oct. 20, 1058, p. 44.

called fa "Cher of John Banks.

165y Somson, Goodnan lotratford^

16i)9 i'urney, iiobt. witness of will of Ann vVheeler.

1660 i'illerton, -^aniell, will of (Stratfora,! think), proba-ced,

came from jiiig. II ov. 23, 1660, p. 69.

Jane, wife of -aoove.

iimotiiy, son

i»aniell " eldest son

aanuell "

jjaugutex rtilcoks

*' Mary

" 5ILizaDeth

1661 Mr. Suttell latratfora)

lo5£ ihorn-con, i'hoo. ex. of eet. «vm. Wilcoxson

1666 i'omkins, i^icaell, witness Wm. rVheeler's will. From Posissergosa i'owne.


1666 iTeat, Hobt. M. A, The viitnesses of ifVin. Wheeler's will come before llxe&z as Uept. port, from Possergosh x'owne.

1657 i'aylor, iiregory, eav, of, inv. maue Oco. 1, 1657, filed

1669. -Book 1665-1675, p. 37. JoiUi maoeruerry cc wife aeem to be tae only

ones enoitxea to a&ia esoa-ca liicn jbaw J take inventory Occ. 1, lb57 Francis jiell) tan en. uexOxe v^^io. .iO^j-y.

1671 ionikins, John, ownes lana next to Id. iidaras, deed.

1674 Theale, Joseph, haa land at ^^hippan, next to John Bates.

1676 Thomson, John, witness discharse of Ttios. Bennet by Hannah Sennit.

1676 Turnie, Roht. had land next to Mehill Try.

1675 Try, Mehill, Lir. will of, dated Apr .17, 167 6, probated Apl.

26, 1677. Daughter iiarah Gruman, wife of John ^rumaa John tirumaa, graLidchild

oaml. " " Book 1675-1689 , p. 27.

Thos.' ■' "

Mehill " "

Joian Hoots, called kindsman, pxob. of the wife of Bennony Galpin (gift to) deed.

SLizabeth Gruman, grandchild iSarah " "

Richard Lyon, Jr. (gift to) Lieut. Banks ) Serfe:. Squire) Overseers. Witness )Sm. Hill

) Johi^. Baisks Inv. taken Apr. 26, 1677 oj Wm. Hill, Tho.

' Staples, Josya-h Harvey 1691, legacy paid to iaarah, lihe '.vife of Saml. Jenings, granddau. of deed. Try.

1678 Tonson, John, sen. of iitratford, will of, dated July 17,1678 .Vidow 1-iirrable Book 167 5-1689, p. 37. Probated

Daughter iiurd 1678.

Jonathn Curtis (son in law) Saral. Galpin (a gift)

I<Iary, daughter of deed, wife of ilathew ^Itchell John, son of deed, elnest Ambrose, son of deed*


1678 Tomson, John (Contd)

Saml. Sheriaan, ^&x* )

Deacon Timothy .Vilcokaon ) Overseers. Josiah ''alker ) Witness Israel Chancy ) Inv. taken Aug. 16, 1678, by »Vm. Curtiss,

x^inothy i^ilcokson, John Berdsey & Israeli Preston, oelectmen of otratford.

1578 Turney, Benj. had land next to Rich* Lyon of Fairfield

1678 Try, liehill, sold formerly land " " "

1678 Turney, Robt. overseer est. Rich. Lyon of Fairfield,

1677 i'ranes, John, slajm in last war. Estate of, nart in Rye, Conn. & I. Y.

Inv. -taken at Rye ITecia i*ov. 1677 by John ftalpin, Joseph Horton k Joseph (^alpin, filed 1678 Philip Tranes, eldest brother to deed. Janes " don't state relationship Rohert '* brother Hannah " sister (Book 1675-1689, p. 45.)

1681 Tomlinaon, Henry, of "^tratford, will of,d«ted Mch.15,1681 (Deed, died Lieh. 16, 1681) probatea 1681 Widow Allis

Augur, son of deed. Book 1675-1589, p. 56.

Jonas, " . "

Margaret Harger, daughter Mary Peirson, "

Tabatha Vvorster "

Phebe Worster "

Basli^LS. utiles, " wife of -tJ-prain citiles

Timothy "orster, grandchild. Abigail Harger " prob.

Richard Blaklidg 1 Joseph Hawly ) overseers

Inv. taken Meh. 26, 1681, by tne Townsmen, Joseph ■Hawly, iSaml* Sherman, James Clarke, Timothy "^Vilcookson ^ John Burnit.

1681 Turney, Elizabeth, daughter of «John Holly of Btandford.


1678 Tuppin, ?ilrs. Deborali, of South Hampton, call eel mother of Hester Ward, wife of Ebenezser Hawly.

1681 Tomson, John, of Stratford, will of, dated Oct, 8, ItSl, Gives his estate asi follovrs; probated 1681. 1st, to his mother Uarrible

So John iomson, son of Ambrose Tomson of i.voodbury, called bro-cher. Book 1575-1531, p. 63. Jonathan Gurtiss, called cousin Wm. Children of John Hard, Sen. called cousin

" of Jonathan 8c Abigail Curtiss, called

cousin. Child of -Ambrose x'omson, called cousin ^hild of Hathew iiitchels " " given a.

double share Abigail Gurtiss, callea sister

Ambrose I'orason, " brother (had other children

beside John)

Zacker^ Walker of Woodbury) Ambrose '^'onson ) Overseers

Witness (Joseph Walker

(Timothy >«illcokson Inv taken ^^ov* 1, 1681, by iielectmen of Stratford Timothy vilcokson, tJaml. Sherman, James Clarke. (P. 1.) Sxd. Records 1689-1701) Mary & Easter Hard, the children of John Hurd, Wm. .Jonathan & Sarah Curtiss, children of Jonathan & Abigal Curtiss, Sarah Hurd, widoc? of John Hurd, and Abigail Huse (mother of the said Gurtiss children) on i^ay 30, 1790, release ^unbrose -i-'omson. Witness, Josepn Curtiss, oaml. Sherwooa. dote ohe John 'lonson, deed* of Stratford, 1st mentioned above, is call'ec\ Jr.) Itothev? kitchell of Woodbury, in behalf of his child, releases Ambrose Somson iiay 30, 1690 - same witnesses .'" John Hurd, I sack Hurd, aarah iiherwood & Hannan Hurd, being tne ciaild of John Hurd, and Abagaile Gurtiss, the child of Jonathan Curtiss, (who were to receive tne movable est. of uiie late '^ohn lomson.Jr. after the death of the grandmother, Ilarable Tomson) release the loving uncle Ambrose -^'omson. Hay 30, 1690- same witnesses.

379 1581 I'raners, Philip, legacy "Co, from John Kurd of otratford.

1679 i'omaon, John ) called hrothersby «^ohn Hurd and left

Ambrose) overseers*

1682 Taylor, Mary, sister oi Joseph Banks, deed.

1683 Terr ill, Soger, called brother by Thos* Ufford, deed, 1685 Turney, iiobt. takes inv« of est* Steven Hodgea, deed*

1685 'i?harp, Hannah, sister to Isaac -^rost.

1684 Tayler, Hary, d. of John Banks, deed.

1684 Tredwell, Saml. adm. of est* of Thos. Skidmore.

1684 Tompson, John, takes inv Mr. Wm. Hill.

■yy 1684 'i^horp, Ha^a, d. Danl* iTrost of Fairfield.

1680 Thorp, John, husband to Hannah, d. Danl. ?rost of Fair-


1682 Trains, U^ames, goes security for Hobt* Blomer in his centre versy with Jos. Houghton.

1686 Tompson, Sergt. John, Juror in Hall vs. Hall.

1686 Turney, 3obt. takes inv* of est* Josepn I-iddlebrook.

1687 Tredwell, Saml. sold prop, before date to oaml* Morehouse

1688 Tompson, -Ambrose, takes inv* of est* John Pryor of


1688 Tuders, -^ward, of -^orwalk, est* of, inv* taken Sept. 10, 1688 by Thos* •^eamore, Jun. & Mat hew ^urwyn, before lir. Fitcn, J. of P. filed Jec« 11, 1688 14r. John Belanage of Jiiorwalk, appt. aamr* Book 1675-1689, p. 257.

1690 Turney, Robt. Capt., of ^'airfield, will of, dated Dec. 31, 1689, probaj^ed and inv* filed June 1, 1690 Widow -lizabetn " Under age Benjamin, son of deca. left prop, he now lives on & the lot formerly John Wheeler's bet* James Beers & John Thompson's home lot, also meadow bet* prop, of heirs of Saml* ^orehouse in heirs of ^uth







Under age

Turney, Hobt. (Gontd)

Bouton, also prop, "bet'

Jonathan Morehouse also


Eoht. , son of deed, left prop* bet* land of Wm.Hill

deed. & in rear of Saml. Gruman's & in rear or

Wm. Odele, Jr.decd. & prop, he bought of ^lios.

Morehouse, also land in tiae wood a bet. Jonathan Horehouse.& the heirs of Snward Adans, deed. To Joseph Jennings in right of his wife son so called


Jonathan aturges & lana near John 3enit'

To Sphrain Viheeler (Elizabetu, dau* of

"deed .

»t II

aecd. above -^'obt. ( l/lary (i^uth (Martlia (Rebecca

banl. Wilson of •^airfield, brother in law.Sc.

Brother Sargt. John iVheeler)

" Benj. Turne Hathan i'toIq, Josiah Harvy Inv. taken «Jan

•^-en. )

) Witness 17,lB90,by

iiargt. 'liheeler •12,1690, Stanford

being deed. , appoints Mr. in his place.

) Overseers.

( Saml* Bobsrson ( i'phraim liiekols ( Znephelet Hill the Court on June Joseph Turney of

Tut tie, -- d. of -tiraneis Leut. Bell of iatanford. Her 4 sons grtincienildren of -ijeut. Bell, are Jonathan oinon, Wm. & ITathaniel.

Tomson, (xoodraan John's estate, settlement of same.

Saml* Sherman, ex. of est. The widow Horrible, sons '«John w Ambroae -^'onson make settlement to Mary, tneir sister, wife of Mathew Mitchell & to their son Ifethew Mitchell. Witness (Jehu Burr

(Zackenr i»alker

1679 i'reat, Robt. , Dept. Gov. witness settlecent of boundary bet. Fairfield & Btratfora,

1681 Thorn, Frances, witness release of the adrars. of Robt.

& Susanna Lockwood by Jona. Heusteed of Greenwich.


BOOK 1689 - 1701.

1690 Thonaon, Joim, iakes inv. est* Jolm iimith of -^airfield.

1690 Tomlinson, Ager, ordered to make dist. of est. Henry Allen of iitratford.

1710 Tomlinson, Agur, appeals to Court at Hartford on be- half of eat. I sack utiles.

1694 iitharton, iimothy, Selectmen of Stratford, inv« est iiobt. Clarke.

1679 iTiompson, John, takes inv of est. Danl* Silliman.

1690 Tomson, Ambrose, of Stratford, release on paying tiie May 30. legacies left by iiis protiier John 'iomsonj,Jr.

to his sisters iiarah iurd (the widow of John Hurd, deed. & mother of ^iiary Sa Ester Hurd)& Abegaile Huae, the mother of 'urn., Jonathan 8: Sarah Curtiss. Vi/itneas ( Joseph Curtiss ioaml. Sherman*

1690 Torason, Ambrose, of Stratford, released on paying the May 30 legacy left by his brother John Toms on, Jr. of

Stratford, to tne child of Mathetw iuitchell of


Same witnesses as above*

1690 Torason, Ambrose, aa above, released by his nephews & luay 30 nieces John Hurd, Isaac Hurd, Sarah sherwooa,

Hannah Hurd, being the child of John Hard, sen* 8s Abegaile :.urtis3, tbe child of «^onathan Cur- tiss, in payment of tne legacies left by his brother John ToEiBon,Jr., son of •'ohn Tomson of Stratford in his movable estate to be tneirs after the death of tiieir granamotner Marable Sorason. Same witnesses as above.

1690 Turney, Mr. ,of Stanford, married to Mary, widow of Joshua Hoit*

38 a

1691 'fayler, liary, called sister by Obadiah -tJanka & left a lagacgr* '-'lie waa prob. the wile o±' kiaml* Taylor .

1691 Thomson, oargt. Jolia, overseer of est. of Henry ^"^oland.

1708 Tomson, Hr. Ambrose, appt. to aisuribute est. Saml. i^lickois.

1692 i'urny, Benj. has had quiet possession of land at Fair-

field on tne S. ende of creek bounded on a. 2. by land or x^uth Bouton, on a.S. witia land of Joseph Kiddle brook & the heirs of «^oseph >Vhelpley &c.

1693 Turny, Benj. takes inv of est* John Adams.

1691 Thorn, ifrancis, deed, at Greenvvio a i^ec. 2, 1690, Inv. taken oy Joun liead, Jr. & Jonathan -i^'enolas. Capt. Jonth. Sillick & Sarfet. I>anl» Wescoat appt. admrs. filed Mch. 10, 1691, Book 1689-1701, p. 97.

1694 2xd. iurny, ^enj. deed. 1694. Est* of, inv filed

Uov. E8,»94 by Ahraliam Adaris, & Hathl.Bur. Jr. Widov/ i^ebecka Son Benj. 22 yrs* old

" Robt. 20 "

" ihos. 15 "

Dau. RebeekaiS "

" Saran

Book 1689-1701, p. 121

" Jemima 8 " " Jane 4 "

OThe widow & son Benj. appt. admrs.

1695 i'raten, Martha, v/ife of iJorneliua i'raten. d. of Cornelius Hull, Sen.

1710 Tonpson, Ito. Ambrose, appt* to dist* esf^ of ^aral.

Gal pin, deed.

1698 I!hompson, John, witness will oi v/idow Martha ^ieers. 1698 'j:ailer, Jonathan, " " " " "

1698 iompson, Arabros, selectman of Stratford, takes inv. est. Hoses .Vheeler.


1700 Tomlinaon, jlir.alDeth, granddaughter of oargt* Jeremiah JudsOR.

1700 Tomlinson, Lieut. Ager, a. in law of ^argt. Jeremiah Judson

1697 Thomas, 6ergt. John, of jj' air field, to dist. est. <m. Reed.

1694 i'redivell, baral. takets inv* est* Elisabeth Kail of iitrat- ford.

1699 x'reat, i^almon, witness to will of «^oiin uead, a en. Greenwich.

1700 Turney, ^iobt. witness agreeipent of heirs of Mr. John


1714 Thompson, Deacon John, of -'''airfield, ordered to distribute est. Peter Olapham of ilorwallc'

1697 Tailer, Ensign, Thos« chosen as guardian b3' Abegaile

Bushnall, d. 'Frances ■i3ushcell,decci. of Danbury.

1698 ^d* Turney, 3enj. son of oapt. Turney, deed, at Stanford,

abt» 19 years old.

Inv"' taken Apr, 29, 1698, by Hat hi. Burr & ihos. Murwan. (Book 168«-17Gl,p. 17.3.) aaml* vVilson to dist* his est* to surviving Children of Capt* Turney, 'deed.

1697 Thompson, John, appt« adrar* est. :ix' Josepn iiastard.

1694 xTiorapaon, wife of John Thompson Sa Maj. Ha than Gold

1695 Thompson, iiargt. John, admr. & overseer est* John Gruman

1696 Thompson, Lir. John,ijen. to dist. Est* Joseph Hill.

1698 Thomas, John, of moodbury, is owed by est. of «^oseph Beers

& is to be paid by John juhbar.admr. of said est

1692 Tomson, Gabriell witness release of overseer of eat. of Eat hi I Porter by Zbeaezer & Ruth '-urtis*

1691 j-'urny, <Joseph,of otanford, marriage agreement with Mary Hoit of otamford, lately wife of Joshua Hoit , deed maae Mch. 23, 1691. Witnesses, Jonathan Bell, Joseph Biship.


1691 Turney, Josepn & Mary Ixis wife, late widow of Joahna Eoit of btaniprd, aeca. agreement wiCii adniinis'Grator& of said -a-oit est* Jonathan Bell & Sanl. Hoit She above v/iaow ^^ary, now wife of Josepu i'urney to have i/3 est. &s the other 2/3 until Joshua came of age, also to have the emprovement of what snail corae -co Hoses "-' Abigaile. Also land until oaml. carae of age, and to keep the

E smaller children Mosea cc Abigaile* "itness «^ohn ^^inch.& Joshua xioit*

17 uO 'i!readwell, oaml. a en. of ?air field Village chosen as guardian by his nephew j^lward nigbee, bon of John Higbee of middle town, deed.

1701 I'homson, Wm. Selectman of H. Haven inv. est* Uat hi. Hudson

1704-1696- iornson, ^nn, wife of John iomaon of i^armington & d. of Mr« 2hos* -^itch of -^'orwolk, deed.

1714 Thompson, Leacon Jon, to aist* est* Peter Glapham,deGu.l678

1701 Thompson, oar gt. «Joiin, uncle to John Gruman, s. of John Gruraan ben. of i^airfiela •^ aamr* of said Gruman t.en's est* released by Court.

1707 Tuttle, Joseph Mr. Atty for ^rs* -dannah Lupton.

1706 Turny, Joseph, witnetss will Leut. -^avid waterbery,i3en.decd

1707 Tailer, *J?hos* Jr. to dist* esf^ Joseph Forward of iJanb.

1707 iitherton, 'i'inothy, called b* in law by Deliverance "akely, deed, of -Stratford « made aom* of hia will.

1707 i^ompson, ^morose, aen* aamr* will of -eliverance v.akely, deed* of 'itratiord.'

1707 'Trobridge, James, witness, will of "ra. -^ieckly of '-■trat-

f ord

1708 Thompson, leacon John dist. est. lir. Albert Jeering of

J airfield*


1709 iittertons, Danl. of atratford, Inv of est. taken jJec.9,

1709, "by Jobn iVells,sen. & Thds. rtells. Lieut* John wlark cc Joixn Porter of '^tratfoia aware to inv* and are appt. adiars.

1710 Shoiaaa, John or .nooabury, "ill of, dated June 8, 17 09, he

being called to go on expedition against Canada To wife ioary

ijons Jeremian 24 the 15 of this j?eby. J onat nan Jolin baml* Sbenezer dau* Hannaii Taylor Son 'in law, •'•^'Obert thurciiill ■vitnesa hev. Anthony '^toi.der

Prudence •^todder (his v/ife) There are 5 sons living besides tiiat dau. at i^xs' *^aeket^s Parm before ^'hos. -•^inor & Johjrf Hurlbutt.

1710 Taylor, Hannan, dau. of John i'homaa of Woodbury.

1710 Thompson, Ambros, -cakes inv. of i>tratford prop, of Ito.

John Judson of h.

1711 Thompson, Mr. John, V7itness will Capt. aaml. iSquire.

1711 Thomas, susanah, Left legacy by Mary Knap of otratfield. 1710 Thompson, ilr. John dist. eso. Gapt. John Wakeman.deed.

1712 Thompson, John takes inv. est. Jacob liray of jjairfield, .

1712 Tomblinson, Leut. Ager, takes inv. est. Mr. Wm. Bawlinson of iitratford.

1712 Thompson, John, tajes inv. est;. Mr. Joshua x).nowles of Faiffield.

1712 Tredwell, aaral. na** prop, witn Dea. Isaac Vvlieeler of Stratfield.

1712 Treaawell, saml. oen. takes inv. est. Ben j. Beard sly of ijtr at field.

384 0

1710 Tit Her ton, Danl. of btratford, agreement of heirs of

aiat. of eat. of, to iieut. Jolin Clarlc & Jonn Porter wno marriea aaughters of aeca. of otratford. Witness Josepu Uurtisa Uathan Uurtiss

1712 Taylor, Ensign x'hos. takes inv. & dist. eso. tioTin iiait of


1713 x'ompson, Jo'nn witness will of Mr. John wells of btrat.ford 1713 x'ompaon, AmDros, takes inv. est.

1711 i'itteruon, isanl. of otratford Inv. of est. Mch.6-1710/ll

by j-'hos. wells a -abross iomson. Aidow iiann«»u to aojuir.

aau. Abigail e aged aot. 18 yrs. •Comfort ■' " 12 "

1711 Tomson, Abross. takes inv. on above est.

1711 Tompson, Mr. Ambros of Stratford witness will & takes inv Ivlr. James Clarl:.

1713 Taylor, Sarah called my girl by Saml. Hinman of Woodbury

1713 i'omblinson, Leut. Ager, 25C. of est. Widow Johannah Wil-


1714 i'onpvson, Ambros. takes inv. est. Barnabos Bears of Strat-


1714 i?ompson, lir. John dist. est. of ^ '*

1714 Tompson. John takes inv. est. Eenjajat strong of Fairfield

1715 Tnrney, Sdward of otanford, Inv. of es-c. Aug. 4-1715, by

Joshua Hait & Jonatiuan iiold. Brother x'hos. Turney & only heir to 3dward, deed.

1715 Thompson, Ambros. takes inv. est. Ebenezer Blackman of


1715 Thompson, John dist. ast. of Ibenezei Blaekmaa of atratford.


1707 Trectwell, Saml. takes inv. est. John Odell Sen. of Stratfield.

1709 Iredwell, Ephraim of btratl'ield. Inv. of est. of Feby.?- 1708/9 by Isaac Wheeler & Jacob Waklen Widow Ruth & her father in law oaml. Tredwell Sen. of Stratfield to aamr.

1709 Tredwell, aarah, wife of Timothy Tredwell. d. of sargt. Mathew Sherwood Jr. of stratfield.

1709 Treawell. saml. Sen. takes inv. est. Saml. Berdsey of Stratfield.

1709 Thompson. John takes inv. est. John Davis Jr. of F.

1709 Taylor. Thos. takes inv. est. llath. Killyer of Danbury

1710 lurny.Thos. Witness agreement of heirs of Thos. Sloson

of Stanford.

1715 Trehern, Sdward of Stanford, will of. ^^a ted May 11. 1714 Hathl. Waite son to my d. in law Eachell At- wooa to nave all my prop, but in caae ae saoula die before 'dl - then "Che est. to be axvided bet. the children of my deed wife, viz:

John Webster, David "lebster,

Hachel Atwood. .^__ , . ^ ..^

Son John .'-ebster Sc son Henry Atwood to be ex. Witness Eathl. Cross &: ^hos. Marshall. ^^, ^ .

Inv? Apr. 4-1715 by Jobn Holly, ^hipright C: Hathl.Pond.

1715 I'robridge. Joseph of stratfield. Inv. of est. of May 31- 1715 by James Bennitt ck Benj. Fairweather. Widow Ann & Saml. Sherwood appt. admr. The est. to be aivided bet. the widow ano. her chila- ren. there oeing a son & a daughter, viz; David and Ann, who being of nonage are made wards o.

the mother Ann Trobridge. .

Lent. James Bennitt & Benj. Fairweather to aist.


1714 Turney, Mr. Joseph of Stanfora, Will of, July 50-1713-

(Vif e Liary.

Son ihos. now present there & bound for Lonaon given all tlae est. Son Thos. sole ex.

Capt. Josep J3ishop & Mr. Banl. Smith, both of iitanfora, overseers. ^ ,, ,

Witness John Eolly - ITathan iiolly & Theplyla Selleck. Mary 'Jurney, widow ic Joseph Ferris & Joshua Eoit

admrs. all of Stanford, sware to inv. Inv. Apr. 1-1714. Debt, from John Mills, »» " Jonathan (-Srissey.

1715 Tredwell, Bath - granddaughter of Hathew Sherwood &

great Granddau of Capt. i^Iathevv iaherwood.

1715 2robrigeh, Ann, called dau. by Capt. Mathew tiberwood.

1749 Thompson, John, dist. est* HannahCartiss of otretford.

1750 Sreadwell, Catherine, witness dist. heirs, of Mr. John

^^•^* It n tt It 'I

1750 2him6, 2ica.

1708 I'readwell, 3phraim of Stratfield oeing aeed.

Widow Ruth & father uaml. Treaawell to sximr.

1710 Toiablinson, Leut. Ager, chosen guardian by Ager Fairchila

1710 Turnev, Robt. called father in law by Hannah or i^ry ' d. of Luke Guire & chosen - guardian.

1714 Turny, Joseph, late of Stanford, deed.

Thos. Turney wno was named in will as ex. havxng gone from the county, 'fhe Court appts. Joshua Hait, the widow iiiary Turney & Joseph Ferris to admr .

1715 Trobridge, Joseph of Stratfield deed.

Widow Ann to admr. witn ^aml* Sherwooa to admr.

1715 Turney, ^ward of Stanford being deed. Thos. Turney appt. adnr.



1716 iredwell, John, deod. , lata of atratfield.

beacon i'iios* Hawley oi otratforu wita tiiB widAw Abegale i'redwell appt« admra.

1716 ireowell, Mr. Sarnl. Sen*, chosen as guardian by Andrefw kiHiealer fjon of '-^hraiin '/Theeler, deed.

1707 'Trowbridge, James, -witneBS will o+' Ilr. Vita. Bickley of otratford.

1658 'fowe, i'iiomas, etitate of

viidav ox aD0V6«

1689 ieks , John, takes inv. of James Blatanan of Orinage.


1669 25Cd. Usher, Robt. of atandford, will oi", dated oept. 21, '69, probated Kov. 1, 1070. astate inventoriea Oct. 26, 69. Widow(prob. widow of Jereraiah Ja^er) 2 children (Robt. Book 1665-1675, p. 53.

of deed. (Elizabeth

Gives prop, to Deborah Rose

" " Ricbard Cos ens

Forgives debts of Richard bcofield apeaks of his brother lUx* Hesekia Usher of Boston liVitnesses

John Bishop John "tiolly

1676 Ufford, Thos. iielectmsn of Stratford Abs 76 Wills.

1676 Umsteed, John, witness est. Jonas Keeler of iJorwock.

1672 Usher, Robt. overseer of the est. of, released of 78- 12-10 by John Jagger, guardian of Jonathan Jagger.

1683 Ufford, i'horaas, (Stratford) (written Uffoot) , will of, dated Hay 17, 1685^ probated Jan. 2, 1684. Widow Frances Book 1675-1589, p. 98.

Under age-Gosin aana. Uffoot, son of nis brother John Uffoot pf Hilford. In case of the death of Saral. Uffoot the legacy to go to nis brother's next youngex son and then to all his caildren. Mr. Israeli Chancy Roger i'errill called brother vVidow ana «'onathan Pitnam, ex. Saml. bherman, Jr. ) Johiell Preston ) Overseers.

Zackery Fancher )

Robt. Lawe ) John Uoe ) Witness Inv. 1683, Dec. 26, taken by (John V»els

(^ohn Birdsey (5 ami. Hawly. Jan. 2, 1683/ 'i, at probating of the will the

widow Frances had deed. & Josepn Gurtiss & James Judson were apt. administrators . In the final aeternination of above est* Mr. Wm. Sedenhan, Mr. Danl. Burr & lilr. Pitman were apt. by Oourl;.


1683/4 Frances Uf ford's est. - ividow or 'i'lios* above was inv. "by Jan. 2 John ''els & aaml» Hawly, following distribution.

Jolin Kilburn of Wefhersfield, brotlier co deed.

Children of i^rs. Margaret Lawes, sister to deed,

Lidia Howard, mie oi Boot* Howard, " "

Mary Root, ' " Joim 'Root,


1683 Ufford, ihos . Dr. to est. Robt. Rose, atratford.

1682 Usher, Ito. sold prop, prior to date to John Jagger of


1685 Undril, Humpnry, witness, Joseph Basterd's discharge.

BOOK 1689 - 1701 lo thing*

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1712 Umberfielci, Saml. , of ■wflw Haven, in law to «^acob Gray of f'airfield, deed, releases iiis b. in law Jacob (Jray.

1712 Udny, George, takes inv est* Mr. Hugh Eisbit.

1712 Uffoot, Danl. witness will Mr. Banl. Picket of "Stratford.


BOOK 1702 - 1750

1750 ^iw^. Aiin & Christian, of Stratford, appt. wards of Abraiiara aavage of -^^tratforci.

1750 View, Marian, appt. guardian of "^ibal View, of btratford.

392 BOOK 1648-1656.

1654 Szd. vViieeler, 'fhos. br. , Fairfield, date of Will Jany.

16, 1655, page 1. (Inv. filed Aug. 23, 1854.

Wheeler, Ann, (his wife) (dau. Hastding (?)

?/ heeler, John, Son of Ihos.Sr.3xr.

and residnary legatee. (Grandchildren)

( Mary Bennett Wheeler, 'fhomas, eldestson ( James " of ihoa. ^r. ( Thomas "

( John Wheeler, Sarah, d. Thos. Sr. m- 2hos. Sherman*

Wheeler, Thos. callea Drorher to Thos. Wheeler, iien.

1655 Wells, John.

1655 rtakeling, James & Ifeter iiis* wif« a. Jos* Boosie. 1648 Wheeler, 3phraim.

1657 viells, Ivir' Jo^ )

) Stratford I think. Vialeling, Henry )

1654 Ward, Andrew.

1658 Ward, Wm. (1656)

1658 Wilson, Ahthony (lientionea in Francis Purdee's Will) 1658 Wheeler, 3praim.

1658 whelplyes. Hen.

1659 Whitlock, John, Estate of, inv. filed Oct. 6, 1659, p. 38

Widow of above,

6 children.

1659 ^Vells, John, will of (of btratford), will probated Oct.

19. 1659, p. 46. Elizabeth, widow of, married in Sng. John, abt 11 yrs. •ihomas, " 8 " Sobt. 8 '•

Saml. 3 "

Temperance, abt. 5 yrs. old. Another daughter (Sarah)

1659 rtolls, John (above) speaks of his Father and nis brother



BOOK 1648 - 1656.^

1659 Wheeler, i'hos. )

) Stratford. 1659 wheeler, Lieut. )

1659 Ahelply, Henry.

1659 vVheeler, Ann - Will of, proabtecv Aug. 21, 1659, p. 53. leaves property to 'Dhos. eldest aon

" " '• her aau. In law v/ife of son iTioa.

" " " Grandchildren (Children of Thos)

" " " Chilaren of her aaugh"cer Hanneii

& her dau. Hannah. '• " " Granachild iiarah Bennet.

" " " " " Hannan Bennefc

" " " " " Saran Sherwood.

" " " Children of Annie ahertvood,

wile of my son in law. " " " Children of Behecea Turney.

" " " " " Ann cjquire.

Whaeler, John, son of aoove Ann.

1659 Ward, Andrew, will of, probated June 6, 165^, p. 58.

3ster, wife of above.

(John Wm. Ward, son of Andrew above is

Children (Sarah made ex. of his father's will,

(Abigail marriea iJeborah -^ockwooa.

(Andrew )

( Saml. ) youngest sons. Speaks of naving otiier children and mentions Mmond who is to iiave prop, if he oomes to ij'airfield.

1661 tVheeler, Moses, appt. overseer witn Henry Lion of Moses & S)enezer «^onson.

1661 waklin, Henry (Stratford)

1660 Wheeler, Moses (stratfora)

1661 vVheeler, John, reea. prop, for his wife 'J?urney.

1662 Sxd. Wilson, Anthony, viill or, probated ar.d inv. fileu

Sarah, widow of above. Apl. 8, 1662,' p. 81.

Uhder age c>arah, only daughter. Brothers 'x'homas and '^ohn, ana sister Ann & Samuel.

(see over)



If II il


" brother" II II II


' or his chilax

" sister)

" brotnex)

" brothez 11 II


their children

Thos. ivilson callea cousin oy Anthony

Peter Olaphain,

Edward "ilson,

aainl» .Vilson,

vVm. Hill,

Saml. Wilson

i'hos. vYilson, (Ann (John ilson

Ignatius Kill

James Jiill

He also speaks of his Mother Hill.

166S Wakeiaan, Mr. mentioned in Alex. Knowles iVill.

1662 Willett, Capt. mentioned in Anthony Wilson's will.

1662 Wileoxson, Wm. Will of (prob. 1st of Concord then Strat- ford) Will aated May 29,1655, probated June 16,

1660(?) p. 86. Margaret, vvidow or above, iions,

Daugnters. Leaves i«40 to Church of '-'oncord.

1651 iVheeler, Moses, witness will »Vm. i/iilcoxson.


166E iVilson, Anthony, probably married tne widow as ne distributes the estate as follows: Unto Mary Purdie, wife of Fraiicis Purdie Bextiia Brunaish (almost 18) Posthume Brunaish Jonn Brnndisn (of age)

Rachel Brundish is mentioned as formerly ov/ing home lot at Fairfiela it is given to Anthony "Wilson provided ne pays certain legacies to tae aforesaia viz: Mary Purdie, Bertha, Psthume and John Brundish. He is to give John (Brunaish prob) the young mare & said Jonn is to let tue son of ij'rancis Purdie nave the first colt.

1648 iVard, Andrew )

iVilson, Anthony J Inventory estate of iiflmond Harvy.

1666 Wheeler, Im* of kVoronock, 1«. J. estate of.

Sarah Brooks, called widov/ of above.


1669 Vulaite, -^^liz. )

Mary ) Left prop, by Thos. Pell.


1673 Wilson, j?hoa. witneas in release of John Osborn for Mb wife to Joseph Middlebroolr.

1665 ^'Qb, "lien, (diea July 1665) estate of (Horwalk)

Widow - {prob. ilizabethJ Inv. iilea Oct. 5, 1665

Book 1665-1675, p. 8. One aangntex, wife of ihos* Butler.

1665 5bcd. Vxard, i£es"Cer, wiaow of Andrev/, will of, probated Dec. 27. i'et^. 28, 1665. Book 1665-1675, p. 11.

7Vm» »nard, son

Kary Burr, daughter Witnesses.

Andrew, son iiarauel Wakeman

Samuell, " Vvm. Hill

Abigaill, daughter Children of Anna ITicholls daughter izrs.aons

Grandchil Hes-cer rtard Andrew & Williaia

enila of ner son «John (irancicnildren, ^iaran Burr l: Hathaniell Burr, ciiildren of dau. aarau Anna, aaugh"cer iarah, "

Gives prop, to Danl. Burr & Hester Burr.

1655 (Vakeman, daral. 'iVitness lirs. vVaru's will.

1666 ..heeler, *Vm. will of, & inv. filed Hov.7, 1666, Book

Wife -»arah 1665-167 5, p. 15 &:2e

3viaenuly 2 sons & one aaoghter. He speaks ox going to -t^elaware to live. He haa a brother and sister Sxrs. wife

i>-entions nis brother, i'hos. /vTieeler. aarah k bro.

Thoraaib .

lo66 Wheeler, x^atnaniel, witness Wm. ViTheeler's will from Porsergorh I'owne.

1668 iVilcoxson, of ^Jtratford, ".M. estate of. Philip Grone,--". d4.strlbutaii Eov. 4t, 1668 uy John jirinsiiieed, Joseph Hawly and Henry lomlinsoa of atratford, overseers wno are released oy tne neirs, via:

Margaret Heya&n Jonn .(ilcockaon

Henry utiles, Hiz. "

Elizabeth utiles Joseph "

Danl. Hey den Anna "

Book 1665-1675, p. 3*.



Witness present Hannan Heyaen i'lmotny vVilcockson

trances xiall Joim liegge Jonanna "

John xJirasey aaraja Meggs, Hannaa "

Obedian fhebe "

In one agreement is mentioned the -vYiaow, Joian >Vilcock- 8on, Joaepa rtilcoclcBon, SLis. Vyilcockson, alias ii tiles, Hannaa kiiilcockson, tney all call tne late ^vm. nrfilcockson fa-cner. Sliat Ann vVilcockson aaa aarau Megs nave got to tneir nand for the lurtnex conlirmaoion or do nere witness Anno 1668 - Oct. 29


baml . 3u ell

Deooraa ±Juell

That Hannan Vi/ilcockson & Hannan Heyden natn nereto BUbserlDea for tner further confirmation aereof we do witneos 1668 Oct. i50.


dCpraiiJi ijorann Job Jrake*

16o8 kvheeler, Obaaiah, will of (of otratforai probated Mch.lO (Book 1665-167o, p. do) ia68.

(iiveo oo j-saaci Chancy, Pastor at Stratford " iioger Liorton, ' " Millfora.

All the rest ox prop, goes to his wife, he makss his father and x^oht. Clarke of otratford, overseers.

1657 Water bury, John & wife, interested in est. of Gregory

Taylor. 1659 ..aterhury, John, est. of d. about 1659, inventory taken by Rich, law & ?rancis Bell, and filed lIov.S, 1669 The above inventory attested by the widow of John Waterberry, now the wife of Joseph Garnsee, May 24, 1661. (Book 1665-1675, p. 38.) Recorded Jec. 15 - 1665. 1669, nov.2 - settlement of est. of John Water'^arrv. The widow (now wife Joseph Gernsse has 1/3)

Sldest son All under age Jonathan 2nd son

David 3rd son

2 daughters. All above live at Stanford. Mr. Holly ) Lieut. Bell ) Overseers.


1669 Ward, Saml. has ^and on Mill plan.

1670 Weed, John, witness will of Nicholas iZnap of Standford

1673 Wakeroan, Srhon, takes inv. of est. John ICnowles.

1664 'v7eed, John of Standford, huaband to Jonna Wescott ?elJ.14. dau. to Richard .Vestcott deed, acknowledges

the reept. in full of all legacies paid by his father-in-law Thos. Skidmore.

1674 7/ilson, Saml. witness release of Joseph ididdlebrook

by James Bennet.

1670 V/heler, n^raim, will of, dated 3ept. 22, 1569, probated Oct. 28, 1S70, Book 1665-1675, p. 51. Ann, widow of deed.

Mark, son of " had his portion before. I sack " " Under age ^ Saml. (3pram


Ruth) had their portion Hannah had part of her portion. Hot mar'd (Rebecca

& (Judith

under 13 (Abigail yrs« Overseers (His cosen John Yvheeler

llathan Gold 1672 Waller, Josepn, estate of, inventory made by Joseph

Oct. 25. Middlebrook Sen. & George Squire Sr.

Widow cc 2 children (Joseph Under age (Lidea

1672 vVeed, 2hos. owned land next to Ralph Keeler of iiorwalk.


1673 .ihitnee, Henry, Will of, of llorwock, dated

June 5-lb"2, probated llov.6, 1675, Book 1665-167", p. 69. Widow

John son of deed. Richard Olmsted ) lUhos. 5'itch, 3r.) WITI3SS.

Thos. Benedict, oen. ) Uathaji iloit, ) Over-

I'hos. Fitch, Sen. ) seers.

Inventory taken Oct. 8-1673 by iiark Sent ion John Plat John Bouton.

1674 .iood bridge, liichael, est* of, Inv. filed Feby. 22, »74 Thos. Staples takes oath as to truth of inv. Witness,' 2rbon vVakeraan. Book 1665-1675, p. 80.

1674 Westcott, Hichard, children of, releases their father in

law 'i!hos. Skidmore of i'air field. See Skidmore.

1675 Ward, ■Vm. Ensign, est. of. Inv. filed lich.l6, 1675, taken

by John Banks, J)anl. Burr, 'Joslah Harvy. Widow (1675 Sbnr Hawl6y,See Savage) Book 1675-1689,

p. 10.

1675 iVebster, x^icholas, is owed by Cornelius Hunt of Standford.

BOOK 1675-89.

1675/76 3xd. Webb, Hich. Sr. (Standford of) Will of, dated Jan.l, 167.5/76, probatea 4ipl.29, 1675, p. 3. Widow ilargery

Joseph, son of deca. (left Mill at otandford) Richard.

Joshua (left him prop, at Huntington,!. I. ) Caleb, Sscrs. .vidow and son Joseph. Saml. , Sarah, John Bishopp J Rich. Laws ) Take invent-

SLiphalet Jones) Witness Frances Bell) ory Apr. 29,


399 1675 7/eecl, Jonas, witness in. est. Frances Holmes at' Standford.

1675 .vakeman, Srbon, takes inv. of est. Joshua Jennings.

1676 j2xd. iVeed, Jonas, ar. Will of, dated llov. 26, 1672, prob. p. 16. 'Widow Ilary Sept. 7, 1676.

Jolin, eldest son

Danl. S-rrs. Widow ob sons Daniel &

Jonas Jonas.

Daughters Mary Abbot, wife of George Abbot.

Dorcas T7right, " " James Jright Samuell Gives unto John rJockwell 5s. & ieaves the value of L5 in Daniel's hand for Elizabeth. Daughter tiarah

" Hannah Hoit wife of 3enj. Koit.

Jonathan Bell ) Abraham Ambler ) Witness

Inv. taken Apr. 5, 1676 - by Mr. Rich. Lawes •) Lieut. Frances Bell ) before John Holly Coniraissioner.

1676 Wright, Dorcas, wife of James ni/right, d. Jonas >ieea»

1676 Wakling, Henry, selectman of iatratford, see abs. 76 Wills

1676 Wels, Joto " " " " "

1676 Weeii, Danl.)

Jonas) witness agreement of ITewrnan ^iea

1677 V/illcockson, limothy, inv. est. John Beach of btratford. 1674 Westcott, Danl. witness will Galep Knap of ^tandforct.

1678 jiheeler, John, overseer eat. Rich. Lyon itf Fairfield.

1681 Wooster, labetha )

Phebe ) daughter of Henry 2omlinson of Stratford timothy ) grandchild " " "

1681 Weeds, Saml. had land at Standford next John Holly. Danl.

1681 Westcott, Danl. " " " " "

400 1681 Weed, Ber-ctia, daughter oi' John Holly of atandford. 1681 Wilcockson, decon, OTerseer of Jonathan Ourtiss est. 1681 Vi/heeler, Isack, takes inv» est. Joseph Uackson. 1681 Wakeman, 5ainl. overseer " " "

1678 7/ard, Hester d. Itos. Deborah Tuppin of South Hampton,

makes marriage contract witn Ebenezer Hawly.

1681 Washburn, Hope, overseer for vV. Hinman, Stratford.

1681 Wakeman, iir. Saml. aged abt. 47, swares as to Hathl. Perry's will.

1681 Waller, Rebecca (formerly Gaines) left legacy by M. Rich-

a,r CIS .

1679 Vt/els, Wm. & Thos. 7/ els, had prop, next John Hurd at ctrat-


1679 Walker, Zakery of Woodbury, overseer of -^s. John Hurd.

1682 Wakeman, Szbon, witness will John Cabel, deed.

1681 Webb, SLiaabeth of iiorwook, Inv. taken by selectmen i'eby. 8, 1680, filea Mch. 14, 1681. Book 1675-1689, p. 86. Thos. Benedict ax* Nath. Hayes, Gresto Gomstock !I?he above SLia. was the widow of P?ich» Webb. Court allows

Bartiaolenew Barnard il5 in right of his wife and in right of his father in law, kindred. BiGhard Homes is to have i20. the wife of Rich. Homes v/ants some "chings out of est.. that were her own father's. Steven Beckwith & ) grant ed-£10-10 for their service of Thos* Barnun i i 4-10 Rich. Webb, deca.

Mr. Thos. Handfora 403. promised by uecd. yix, Bartholemew Barnard appears berore court in the right ' of his v/ife and in the right of all that are re- lated to his father Burcher a right to a proportion out of the estate of bothe the above deceased by vertu of kindrea, also Kichard Holmes claims right to a portion out of the estate of the said SLiz. by vertu of his wives relation to her. All the above heirs agree. John Gregory ar. apt. administrators.


1682 Vi/illiams, Janes, son of Johanna Abbot, deccL,

1685 vi/ashburn, liary d. Sarah Clarke or Stratford

aarah,' ^ran ddaught er . "

1683 Walker, Zackery ) lias bequest in addition

Susanna ) Witness Will of Sarah Clarke.

1685 Walker, Joseph, overseer est. Robt. Hose*

1683 iVakeman, nannan, wife of Lieut. Szbon Wakeraan, legatee unaer aill of Steven Hodges*

1683 VVakeraan, Saml. , gift in trust fr. Steven Hodges, deed

1683 rtilcockson, deacon i'imothy, overseer est. John Beers of Stratford .

1683 .nashburn, Ilary, wife of Hope n/asburn, sister to ihos.


1679 «»ilson, Tho. takes inv. est. .(ijithony Beers, deed.

1682 2xd» 'ATielplie, Joseph, deed. Ilay »82, est. of, Inv.

'taken by John Beer, jlzbon >vakernan & llathew oherwooa. Widow filed Eov 7,1682, Book 1675-

ciarah.dau. of deed. ' 1689, X). 123

Rebecca " " " Joseph son " "

1682 7/akecian, iiathew, inv. est« of Joseph /^Tielplie, deca.

1684 2xd» Vu'ebb, Josepn, est. of, Inv. Mch. 8, 1683/4 by Peter

' jj'erris cb Jonaa ^eed. filed iich.8,1685. Book 1675- Widow, Hannah 1689, p. 124.

(Joseph, son of deed.

I liary dau. " " Adnr. bro. Joshua,

Under age. (Hannah widow 8c Daniel Frost.

(Sarah (Margery aergt. Danl. Westcort & Josiiua V/ebb ^ Administrators.

1686 iich. 8, Joshua I'/ebb of Standford being removed the Court

appoints Saml. vVebb administrator in place of his orother Joshua. ; 16^6 Jonas 7/ee (or vVood) of Standforu <.c Saml. Web appointed to dis- tribute estate.


1684 Westooat, Sergt. Danl. Administrator 2st« Joseph Webt).

1684 VVebb, Saml. Appt. by Court to administrate in place of his or other Joshua Webb, tiie above estate or Joseph Webb.

1684 iVeed, Jonas, Sen. exr. & administrator of est. Joseph Webb.

1684 «Vard, baml. called brother by Hoses Dimond.

1683 rtakeraan, Lieut. Szbon, 3st. of, Xnv. taken 168o by John Banks, oen. Kathl. Burr, Panl. Burr, filed Eov. 6, 1683, Book 1675-1689, p. 129. Widow, Hannah,

Abigail, dau. of deed, (only child) Major ^old T

Mr. John Burr) overseera* This est. of inv. before fiov.

6 '83.

1679 Vi ak eman , S ami .

Ana Witness Will H. Hide.

1683 3xd. Wilson, Saran (sometimes ^iarah Bulkeley)Will of dated Apr. 26, 1677, probated Jan* 2, 1683. iJaughter barah,wife of SLiazer Srilfwne of ]J. Haven ^ Rebecca " " Joseph vThelplie of Fairfiela

" Hannah (Book 167 5- 1689, p. 135)

olster in law tne wife of iir. ELiphelet Jones. Sister -alizabeth Hill Sons John Bulkley " Joseph Bulkley. Mr. Gershome Bulkley (brother in law) of Wethersf iela iiaral. Wakeman of -^airfield, overseers. Gershon Bulkley) 2 codieilft to will dated

Israeli Chaney) witness Feby. 15-1680.

Inv. Jan. 1, 1685 by Henry Rowland & Cornelius


1683 'iVhelplie, Rebecca, wife of Joseph V/helpli of -^ airfield & dan. of aarah Wilson, sometiraes Bulkley

1683 V/akeraan, Saml. witness above Will of Saral* Wilson.

1683 v«yet, John, selectman, takes inv. est. fhos. Levingsworth

of »Voodbury.


1684 .Vestcot, iSargt. Danl. Administrator of est. of Wm. Cressy

1684 Waterbury, iSargt. David " " " "

1684 Wilson, Mward, est. or, inv. taken ilov. 12, 168-* oy Robert Turney & Hath. Burr, filed llov. 21, 1684. Eathaniel, son of deed. (Book 1675-1689, p. 141. ) Mary Moorhouse, w. of Jonathan ^^oor house, aau« of deed.

1684 iVheeler, John, had prop, near Jno. Banks.

1684 Weed, Jonas, witness Will of John Jagger of Stamford.

1684 Weed, Danl. takes inv. of est* of John Jagger of Stamford

k684 Wheeler, John, takes inv. est. John Banks.

1684 Wilson, Thos. " " " " "

1684 Wheler, Isaac, adm. of est* Thos. iikiomore.

1685 Wilson, l^hos. apt. adm. of est. Rich. Burgis.

1684 Weed, Danl.& the \dLdow of John Rockwell have power v-ritn Mr. Thos. B''itGh to dispose of the Rockwell child- ren.

1684 <Vead, Jonas, takes inv. est* Wm. Potter of Stanford.

1684 VVheler, John, takes inv. est* lanl. Frost.

1685 vVeed, Sargt* Danl. inv. est. Jonathan ^loson.

1S85 »vaterbury, John, " " " "

1685 Waker (or Ilaker) Abigail witness agreement Robfc . Rose heirs.

1685 Whitlocke, John fined with John 0 shorn 10 shillings for tearing oars down.

1685 Williams, Robt. convicted of stealing 3 prs. of stockings irora i'hos. 'iiherwington.


1685 Waller, Abigail, abt. 15 yrs. of age, tiath ctiosen her fatner in law t'acob kvakelen as nor guardian.

1685 Wakelen, Jacob, as above item.

1682 Wakeman, 2Lbnan, a bill payable to Ser Joseph -aasterd.

1686 Wheler, Jo'nn witness record of letter of attorney for

John Applegate by Phebe Berger.

1686 Williams, Thos. was struck by Charles Lane (see Court

bpl. 17, 1686.

1686 »vard, oaml. 3ergt. juror in Halls vs. Hall.

1686 Weed, Danl. " " " " "

1686 Waker or Maker, Jacob " " " "

1686 vVakeraan, ;iargt. John, " " " " "

1686 ivheler, John, inv. est. of Thos- Fairchild of Woodbury

1686 iVaker, ^achariah, lir. overseer " " "

1686 iiakeman, 'Jaral. convicted for being at H. Rowlaaa's at night witiiout leave.

1686 vVilson, Phebe, a. Joseph kiddlebrook & wife of baml.


1687 »*ilson, Ihos. appi;. guardian of Jane d. Rich. Burgid,

of jj'airfield, deed.

1687 Ward, iSargt. Saral. married ^lice, d. Rich* Ogden,decd

1687 rihelply, Hathan (Mariner) of otratford, eat* of, inv. taken Aug. 8-1687, by isaml* Sherman, Robt. Lane James Jndson, (belectTnen) 'filed Aug. 10,1687. Mr. Rich. Biackleach (swares to inv.) of Stratford, aged abt. 35 yrs. testifieth ae was on Island oi Barbaaos on 18 Oct. laso vatn. iir. iiathan ,«helply. Master of t-he Bark called "Loral" belonging to otrat- ford, and in his presenoa aisposea of nis prop, aa follows -^ , (Book 167 5-1689, p. 227.)


To Saml. Knlfton Ms sister's son (called his cousin) hia nouae at iMew Haven. The rest of his prop, to lae divicleci between his ii:elations in II. John Prior Mate oi' above Barke aged abt. 28 yeara also

gave testimony. t»eorge K.nii.ton, ) Appt. by Court )

Rebecca vVhelply ) Adiainistra-cors. ) On their refusal to act tae uourt appoints Mr. Joseph Eawly, lar. Rich* Blackleach Se Danl. Burr.

1687 Wakeman, Saml. wao sworn Uepty. Uustomaster oi i^^airfield

1687 Wheler, Isaac, apt. aor-i. est* of Abraham «Joy.

16^7 Whelply, widow leasss iiouse belonging to Abraham Joy,deca

1687 Helton, John, selectman of Waterbury, takes ±m * of est. 'JJ. Hickox oa i«ooubury.

1589 •yilliams, xtuth, w. of i.'hos» '^illiaEiB « d. Francis Brady,

decd« 1690 ViTieler, John 'formerly sold prop* to Gapt. Robt. I'urney.

1687 nebater:^! iiiicholas of •-'tamford, deed. Will of, dated

May 4, 1687, probated and inv filed Kov 6, 1687 kviaow oarra. Book 1675-1689, p. 234 eb 255.

John, son of deed, land beyond Horoton River . David " Gift to Zakeriah Dibbel proviaed ne settles at otanfora evidently son-in-law. Rachell, dau. of deed, (not wife of above prob.)

Jonathan iVaterberry called brother )

ilieaer blauson ) Overseers.

Witness aaml. Holly

Stephen Bishop

iiicholas iiebster aecd. -^ug. 12, 1687. Inv. taken by Jonathan Bell )

Abraham ^mbler ) Comrs*

1687 t^aterbury, Jon'n, callea brother by & overseer of est of iiiicholas "eoster of "Stamford.


1687 ivaker, Joseph of otratford, ijSt. oi', Inv« taken Sov. 19,

1687, by Saml. Sherman, Saml. ^awly, Jamee Judson. tSOOk 1675-1689, p. Ell. Widow, -fibigail. filed Dec 21, 1687.

1688 Wheler, Isaac, oen« , aged ^6 yra* teaoirieth & sayeth yc

ne bein^ at Jftmes Benets Sen. house about the laat of i^ept.as wao a "C^velve month agoe, my vife, Jamefc3 BenneTS cc his wire with some of ye resi; of ye family being there ic Abraham Joye now deceased tnen upon his vioge agoing to Boston sayd, I C'^ec /f*' ' '

consiaex all men are mortall & know not what may 4 >L a fall out I would have you landlord & Landlady 'i f?^'Mu/,-t

take notice yt what little estate i leave nere -j^ /f^H'l. ) benind me, all of itt after my debts are payd, I -^' (/ fj ^ hand upon Abrahean Sennet's hed & sayd and to this little boy my name uake to be equally uivided be- t^7een tnem bwo. If I come not nere again, only I would not nave my Brother Joseph be disturbed in ye nouse but take itt. James Bennet oen. being present at ye same time testi- fieth in full with ye above said J-saac mheeler sworn before ye Court of Sessions held in ^airfield Mch. ye 15, 1687/8. The aaid Uourt appxovea of ye verball will & does apoint Isaac vVeler to administer estate.


1688 Vvheler, Jonn "^en. tak s inv. prop, of Saml* -^orehouse.

1688 "ilson, rhoa. " " " "

lb88 mheoler, ijaml. takes inv. est. Joseph Russell of Stratford

1688 Watkins, -^avid, of stratfora, Inv. of est* July HO, 1688 by A-m, Onrtis, John Wells, Joseph Curtia i'ownamen Widow, barah filea i^ov* 17, 1688.

Daughter unaer age. Book 1675-1689, p. 259. Sargt. Jeremiah Judson presents inv. to court and gives bond for widow.

1588 iJicd. Water bery, John of "Stanford, Will of, he died i:ov. 28, 1688. dated i^ov. 11, 1688 probated xtec. 14, 1688 & inv. filed. Book 1675-1689, p. 262. Widow ilary

{ John, oldest son of deca. (David " Under age. (Thos.

( ilary, aau. of deed*


Jonafctian & ) brorner of deed. :Jonath.an Bell)

David materbury ) O'teeraeers. :Joseph BislioplViiitneBS.

Before Jonafcnan tielleck. Justice of ■'•''eace. Inv. takexi 7 'i>ec. 1681 by JonaTjiian Bell & Peter 5'erris,


1689 Wheeler, csaral. oallea brother by James Blakman of Orinoge

1689 " lioses " " " " "

1689 '.Vilbon, Uathl. takes inv. oi eat. of Joseph Pachln^Jr.

1690 Ti^ilson, Ihos. bought prop, of Gapt. Robt. Turny before

1690 aaj. tne prop, tie left iais aon Beiij.

1690 iVheeler, ^.^phraim a. in law to Capt. Hobt. Turny, deca

1690 Wheeler, John formerly sola prop, to " " "

1690 Wheeler, aargt. John called brother oy " " "

1690 Wheeler, Jiargt. John aiea before ^une xii, 1690.

1690 .Vilaon, aaml* of -^ airfield, orotner in law to and es, of '^obt.' Turny, aeed.

1690 iVheler, oargt. John of -eairfield, JjJst. of, Inv. taken

Mch. 8-1690 by Ephraim x^icoles - 'jliphelofc iiill* Wiaow filea Mch. 11, 1690.

Children, John "heller 26 iiisabech Jd5

i'homao 21 Judaon 29

Josepn 16 liary 19

Jonathan 5 Rebecca 18

JJavid 1 Hannaa 14

Obeuiah 8 Abigail lo

An 6

Widow & Jonn ^dmr.

Ifet. distributed 1698 tnere being the widow & IE cnilaren living one son aied last winter.

1690 iVeea, iVidow kary of Stanford, jst. of, inv. bet' ore

Hen. 10, 1690 - oy Abranam Ambler & Danl. cicofieii (TovTiiamen) filea x^ch* 11, 1690.

Jonas leea awares to his motner's ei>t. huOl made aomx. Book 1575-1689, p. 304.


1653 ^ard, iiiSmun iix* of Vae estate of nia fa-ciier tjargt. oami. ward teleased by overaeera of eut. or Jondthan i^ienolas or Stratford for paynent or legacy to Iviary Uietiols d. ox above Jonatb-aia- iSee Jonathan Eic^iols ifet.)

1676 Walker, Jacob, witness to indebtednesB of JJanl. V/est- cort to Thos. iakidmore.

1678 vValker, Zackery, vatneas settlement of John iJoinson Sen.


1694 Ward, Sarah, gives release to her brother mmun Ward for

legacies from the est. of their father saml. Ward. Witness, ' >

John Ogden tianl* Ward.

169 5 rVard, Hannah, ?.ido\v of i>aml. Ward, releases nor son in law

(step son) Bdman vvard from the legacy left by his father's will of v/hich he aamr. Witness

ihos. Sciwards, George Johnson.

1694 »/ard, 2dman, as ex. & aomr. of his father oargt. Saml, Ward's est. in released by Joseph Bastard 'OT Fairfield. Joseph Bastard calls Hannah Ward his mother in law guardian of saml. Ward also.

Speaks of his mother in law being entitled to l/iJ of est. also speaks of' his other sister Hannah & portion at 18 yrs. or marriage.

1672 v^aller, Lidia, v/idow of & admx. of est- of Joseph Waller, marriage agreement v/ith John Daves Lee. E6-1672 Witness

Eathan Ward Tto. Hill 1681 Inv. of articles chosen by the widow of •'oseph Waller, as Hov.18. her share in the est.

Witness ,

v/ip. Hill, Sen. SLiphalet Hill.

1676 »estcot, Danl., stands engageo to pay a note to Thos.

Skidmore of £61.


1G93 Ward, aimnn as 2x. of the estate oi IjIe father Sea-gt.Sanl ufc,rd released "bjr overBeers of ect, oJ Joiiatlian Licliolas of Stratford for i-,aj/x:fcnt -ox legacy to Mary KieTaols d. of above Jonathan.

(See Jonathan Kichols ast.)

1676 Walker, Jacob, witness to inaebtedness of Danl. West- cort to Ihos. bkidmore.

1678 ifvalker, ^ackery, witnesa settlement of John Tomson Sen. est

1694 Ward, Sarah, gives release to tier brother JBinun Ward for legacies from the est. of their fatner Saral. Ward. Witnesa,

John Ogden saml. Waid.

1693 Ward, Hannah, wiuow or Saml. Ward, releasee her son in law

(step son) Sdman sVard from the legacy left oy his fatner's will of whicn ne admr. Witness,

3?hos. 3iwaras, George Johnson.

1694 Ward, Mman, as* ex. & aomr. of nis fatiier bargt. Saml.

Ward's est* is released by Joseph Bastard of Fair- field. Joseph Bastard calls Hannah Ward his mother in law

guardian of aaml.Ward also.

Speaks of his mother in law being entitled to 1/3 of est. also apeaks of his other aister Hannah a portion at 18 yrs. or marriage.

I 1672 Waller, Lidia, widow of & admx. of est. of Joseph Waller, marriage agreement with John laves Bee. 26- 167 E. Witness,

Kathan kvard Wm. Hill. 1681 Inv. of articles chosen by tbe widov/ of Joseph Waller, Iov.18 as her share in the est.


Wm. Hill, Sen. ELiphalet Hill.

1676 Westcot, Danl., stands engaged to pay a note to ilhos. Skidmore of i61.

i 409

BOOK 1689-1701. 1690 Wakeraan, John inv. est. of Peter Cole deea.

1690 Exd. Weed, John of iStamford, et:o. of, inv. teik en

Jan. 15-1690 by Abraham Ambler, John Bates & John ocofield, rileu Apl. f), 1690. Book 1689-1701, p. 2 & 14. Widow

Jonus, eldest son of deed. Children.

3)aniell " " '* Uary aau. of ueca.

John " " " Hannah " " "

Saml. " " "

Joseph " " " Most if not all

Isaac " " " children unaer age.

\\ 1690 Willcockson, Joanna, a. of John Birdsey of £>tratford & ■wife of Timothy Viillcockson . of Litratford.

1689 .Valker, Zaekery, before date sola prop, to Joseph Hawly of atratford.

1689 V«Tieler, John had lot laid out to him which he sold oefore

aate to Mr. Brion & he aold it vo Joseph Hawly of atratford.

1691 Wells, Thos. aprt. overseer of est. JEpraim Hally of

. Stratford.

1690 Ward, oargt. J^aml. chosen guardian by John Ogden.

1690 Ward, Sargt. iiaijLL. appt. admx. of estate of Bichard Ogden, aecd. and his viidow Itoiy, deed.

i! 1690 Whiden, Rich. Mariner of ^airfield, est. of, Inv. taken Kov. 5-lb90 by Thos. Wilson & Saml. Squire. 7;idow Sarah, V»ill probated ana inv. filed i;ov,9,1690 Under age. (ELiaabeth, d. of deed. Book 1689-1701, p. 18.

(Sarah, =' " "

1690 vi/ilson, i'hos. takea inv. of above est.

1690 Whel^ley, Bebecca, widov/ of Joseph Whelpley of iJairfield, est. of inv. ITov. 19, 1690 by Josien Harvy - John Miles, Wm. Hill, filed ITov. 24, 1690. Children Book 1689-1701, pl9.

John Bulkley: rtm. Hill : Adms.


1690 Wilcoelcson, John, Sen. of btratford - Verbal will of, aworn to ilov. 20-1690 by banl. Sherman & John Birdsey, and inv. filed. Book 1B89-1701, p. 20. Barnaaas Beers amall gifts John, son of deed.

Patience, d. of " has had aex portion Hannah " " " " " "

}ranachild-i)6rotby Blackman " " Susannah »»ilcoekson

Son John <& saml* Sherman Admrs.

1690 .leed, Janl. appt. aomr. of eat. Jeremiah Jager of Stamford

1690 Walker, Zackariaa, v.-itness will & overaeer of est. Josepa Judson of Itoodbury.

169C Walker, susana, witness v/ill of Josepn Judson of wood bury

1690 Wakley, Henry of -Stratford, will of, dated July 11-1689

Probated and inv. filed ilch. 10, 1B90. Book 1689- Widow Sarah 17 01, p. 31

jJeliverance, son of deed. James " " "

Patience, d. " "

Abigaile, " " "

Jacob, son " "

Gift to Thos. Lattin " " SLiz. Squire,

llary Stevens, a. of deed. " " Henry aumers - that liveth with me. Witness Jackariah j«'aireiaild & Saml. Prestone Widow, Deliverance & James, amars. Inv. taken Aug. 26-169;d by selectmen of Stratford, as before.

1691 wakeman, John, takes inv. est. Snsign Sphrim licholetj.

1690 Weed, Bebecca, d. of ^^hos. Benedick.

Ij 1691 Waterbury, Leut. didt. est. of Joseph Jones of Stanford.

1691 .iheler, i\ebecca a. sargt. Jolm irVheler, deed. left large

legacy by Obediah Banks of rairfiela.

1691 Weed, Danl. Sx. of est. of 'ihos. Lawrence of Stanfora.


leyi Wake, widow, of Faixfiela, eat. of. Inv. taken Aug. 3,16S1 by John Grmnan, x'lios. Dickerson, Jontn. Mornouse Will probateu & inv. filed Hov. 3, IbSl. Book 1689- 1701, p. 4t9. 33ne widow (»ake is tne motlier of i^oger KJiap. Jonathan Morhouse & Thoa. Dickerson appt. aomr .

5 grandchilaren, ausane, Charles & Alexander Lane, ciiildren of ner a. 21izabeth(Knap) & Charles Lane. Daughter Mary Knap " Phehe.

Ibyi irfilaon, iiathl. son-in-law of widow Hendrick, now widow Silliman.

1691 ^Viltjon, baml. takes inv. of est. of Mary Hendrick.

169C wheeler. Hoses, ;^on- in-law to Caleb iiicoles of Woodbury.

1690 kValker, Zacharian overyear of est. of " " "

1690 rtilliaras, John, witness will of Caleb Hicoles of 7<ooabury

1691 Vrfheeler, 3ILia. d. of Henry Rolana.

1690 "vVaahhurn, Eope, aakea to take nis d. aarah by iVm. Roberts lb91 Walker, Mr. Zackariah, appt. overseer of aaml. Hiekols.

1691 Ward, Deborah, wife of Andrew »»ard ana niece to Josepn

Joy, aecd.

1689 7iakeman, Sarnl. husband of Mary Bur d. Mr. Jehu Bur n&d aaughter.

lb92 V»akeman, John takes inv. of est. of oaml. Drake of Fair- field.

1592 Wilson, baml. " " " " "

1692 wakenian. Rev. iiaml. pastor of a tJnurcn of Christ, late

of Fairfield, will of aated Mch.8, 1692, probatea & inv. filec Hov. 5, 1692. Legacy to Capt* John Bur of f3- to buy a silver bowle for ulie Church. " of i3 ior a Graner iicoole in ^airfield. " of i2 to the poor of -cair^iela 10 shillings

or it to x'hos. «Jones. " of liberty to Indian servant Jane at 25 yrs.

Mch. 21-1698. Book 1689-17 01, p. 69.


Son aaml. deca. forgives nia esv. of ail debts up

to Jais, btie son's laot marriage. '• iiljenezer aiea io90.

vi/idow Annaii " JoJm, eldest son

" Jabi»a,unaer agje to be sent to collge (called Jabez. " Josepn Dau. liary

aon John to oe sole es. Possibly tiaa otiier children Witness Hathan ^old, oen. " " Jr.

inv. taken 4,pr.8, 169£ Dy Thos . Jones , Uathan ^ola,Jr. and iiaipiaelit Hill.

1691 >Vilson, Ihos. of j? airfield, est. of, Inv. taken

iiOv. Ed. 1691, by Hannah milson swears to

inv. filea iiov. o, 1692.

Widow Hannah, Book 1689-1701, p. 70.

Daughter. Uathan ^old,Jr. Overseer.

1692 iifard, Saml. tesrifiesi as to verball will of Ohaa.

Dugiass of citra-cford,

lb9£ KVakemaii, ciarol. Jr. ox i'airfiela, VVill of, dated July 23 1690, probated and inv. filed Mch* 5, 1692. Widow iiarah Book 1689-1701, p. 72.

Daughter Mary unaer age - haa given her

prop, by deed, of gift child unborn,

proo. daughter. If tae mother & child botn die the prop, goes to Brother Josiah Wakeman. Jonn niakeman Brother a ) : iaanl. if«ilson : Wit-

tne .liaow ) Sc. : Soshua Knov/les i nesa

Inv. taken June 4-lb91 by Saml. Hoberspn -

oaml. "ilson, -ilipnelit Hill. WiQov; iiarah ^akenan &) Mr. Jonn -aiwaras ) App. aomr.

Capt. John Bur ib "^argt. John tVakeman appt. overseers of elaest dau. Llary.

1692 Wood, l^ich of .worwalk, witness release of Danl.Kellog, Adra.


lb93 nVhels, Jorm, aeleotmaa of Stratrord, takes inv. of eat. widow Marian Grfcome.

1690 V/akeman, ifibenezex, eat. of, Inv. take^ n'eay* 26- 1690, Dy llr. iiainl. »Vakeman faVner oi deca. appt. aomr. Hr. aaml. ^akenan being aeca, court appt.' i^argt. John kVakeman, filed Hov 1, 1691. The est* to oe aivided aez. the brothera and sisters. Book 1689-1701, p. 76.

1692 ward, Sargt. iiaml. of i.i'airfield, est. of inv. Jan. 8-1692

oy Janes Beers - John Osuorn & ^lipneli-c Hill, (filed Jan. 16, 1692.) iSook 1069-1701, p. 77 & 84. Widow Hanna before widow of Jonathan iiieoles of citratrora. a on u2«baaii I'he wiaow & son -^^uaan appu. aamrs.

Ward, Jiargt. ijatal. distribution of eatate of

Widow iiannan is oruered to bring up ^aid baml. '.Yard's youngest chila ana "cae otaer o children of ner former nuaband «^onath&n iiichoies.

Mman prob. eiaeat son

5 oTiner sons.


a on aiman app t . adras

1693 I'he Court appts. Mr. iiaohl. Jiurr & Hr. Elipnelet iiill

overseers or cnildren ana to act with said Soman as admrs. Ward, 3aman removes from the c oil eny.

1694 1692

.Valker, Jacob, witness raleasevof ilicolas Hughes est. hy his brotiier '='aral.

1692 iVilson, ^hos. of Fairfield, aecd. has iiaa quiet pos- session of tiie nouse and iiome loi; jie lived in & died oat of from tne liith Dec. 1696. Said land bounden li. W. by the lot of Ihos.' Stapler on U. E. by lot of Mr. 3anl. Bur on the d. S. by highway ic Isaac Sherwooa on ci. »». by the lot that was Steven Sherwood' d now Saml. Wilson's Copy of o-^ig. record ;;rom John Bur, Assistant

Book Of Hecords this i'eby. 13,1692. John i)hom son, Townsman

ITathan iJold, Recorder.


Also Thos. Wilson has haa quiet possession of land. &t Concord Field at I'airfield Ijounden 1<. "by land of iiaml. Wilson, a. Z. "by land pertaining to the heirs of Hobt. Turney on S* W. by land it was Ivii'ael Joyes.

1693 ii/allrer, iAi. Zackariah appt. overseer of est* Haclcalial Preston of .Voodbury.

1693 Weed, Jonas refuses to act as adiar. est* ii\man Lock-


1691 -kescoat, oargt. Danl. appt. Admr. est. Francis ¥horne

of Greenwich. . .

1692 .Vakeman, John witness will of 3enj. Banks.

1694 Wilcockson, John, takes inv est* iiobt. Clarke Stratford 1694 Walker, Jacob " " " " " " "

1699 V/heeler, 2nsifen Isack, appt. to distribute est. Saml. Hall of j^'air field.

1699 -Vheeler, i»idow of Joseph '.Vheeler granted power to

place out the children or deed. Wheeler unaer advice of Jlnsign . wheeler.

1694 vi/akley, HannSh, sister of Joseph Peat of Stratford, deed

1694 tyilson, Hannah of Fairfield, est. of inv. filed Sov. 5-1694

by Saml. Roberson, Thos. ^ones c: -Jonathan Stergis One child, viz: Book 1589-1701, p. 117.

Sarah, wife of -c-lnathan -^-anforu. Una than Hanford appt. admr.

1695 Orbiting d. iiev. Mr. John Bishop of Stanford, deed

1694 tVaterbury, David, takes inv. of est. " " " "

}694 Qea, 2hos. Wells, overseer est* of John -Brooks of Stratford


1695 Water'bery, 33avlA of Stanford called brother by the widow of Danl. HevTOOja is concerned in his will (is made admr.

1695 Web, Elizabeth called d. by Isack iiicoles of otratford. 1695 vj'alker, Hobert, witness v/ill of " "

169-1 Sxd. .Vare, Jacob, late of Stratford, est. of, inv. taken lilay 29-1694 by Saml. Sherman & Robt. lane of prop, in castodv of Sobt. Basit £c Saml. Judson. filed June Book 1689ll?01, p. 125. 7, 1694.

Mr. Rich- Blacklack appt. adxar. & refuse^ T;nen the Court appt. Ivlr. Saml. Sherman.

1695 Web, Rev. Joseph, T7itness will Cornelius Hull, oen.

1697 -Vakeman, Joseph, appt. adm. est- Mr. Michaell Glugstone.

1698 2xd. Weed. Danl. deed. Kov 29-1697. est- of Inv. taken by

Jonas Weed & Danl. Scofield of Stanlord. filed Apl. 26, 1698. Book 1689-1701, p. 150.


4 sons 1 dau. The widow witu lir. Jonas Weed to aarar.

1698 rfed' iVheeler, laacke, Jr. of i?'airfield Yilage, est. of, •Inv. taken Apr. 18-1698 by Saml. Hub ell cc Uathew Sherwood, filea Apl. 26. 1698. Book 1689-1701, p. 158


Children and ages Jan* 18-1699 - 2 sons & one daughter

Eldest child, 6 yrs. old

Youngest " 2 " " ^ -

The widow & Isack Wheeler father in law deed, to aorar. Capt. Sherv/ood Sa ) to make aisigne .iTieeler ) distribution.

1698 Weed, John, witness request to iioses Dimon by Tom -^rowne

1698 2zd. Whitlock. John. est. of. Inv. taken Apr. 7-1698 by John Osburne « Abraham Adams, filed Apl. 25, 1698. The deed, had land at -^ile.Hill Ic i-lile Plaine.


The widow witu iiinsigne John Osborne to admr.

Book 1689-1701, p. 161.


1698 2sd. Wheeler, Moses, aen. of Stratford, will of, dated Feby. 19-1689/90. ^„^

All children are married and have portions as p. 170. I per Instrument of Jan. 20-1688, Book 1689-1701, re-

' verse p. 5. (son in law Jacob '.Valker)


aons Saml. & Moses I Dau. Merriai;!

" Mary iiegacy to wife or his son Moses. " Elisabeth wife of his son 3aml. " to lir. Izrael Ohauncey. iir. Izrael Chauney) - Witness James Clarke

Ito. Joseph Eawley ) Overseers. : Sarah ^hanneey.


Saml. Wheeler promises to carry out tiie wishes of his

+r»j 4-1-1^ gyi _

Inv. of est. taken Mch. 1-1687/8 by iiaml. Galpin & Ambros iompson, tjelectmer-. Saml. c: Moses vVheeler to admr.

1698 Wilson, Saml. to make dist. of est. of '^eny^ son of Capt. Turney, deed.

1700 Watkins, Mary, grandchild of Sargt. Jereraian Judaon. I 1699 i'/akeman, i-iartha, callea d. by sargt. 3ich. Hubbell.

1697 vYakeman, Jonn, witness tVm. Reeds deed of ^ft.

1696 vVaterbury, David, takes inv. est. Benj. Sely.

1595 Waterbury, David " " " John Leeds of Stanford.

1698 ^d. Wheeler, Joseph of i?air field Village, Inv. lley 29-1698

bv James 3enit co Saml. Morehouse. (The* deed, haa prop, at iitratford at Concord & an est. at Cohansey). Ephriam Wheeler, the son of Joseph 2c Mary ivheeler was born tiie latter end of -^uly 1698. (Posthumoas child) Book 1689-1701, p. 174. Widow Mary The vddow to admr.

1697 5xd. Webb, Toeneaer or Jiorwalk, Inv taken Oct. 30-1697 by

John Gregory, John ITasla, Thos* i^itch & James ^Imsted. Mr. Saml. smith & Zerubbabell Hoit appt. admrs. Book 1689-1701, p. 178.


1699 Sxd. liTheelex, ^ianl. of Stratford, mil of, dated Hov. 30-1698

iVife SILisabe-ch - given aeed of gift ilov. 25-1698 & the deed apeaka of ner possiDly going to her native land. Book 1689-1701, p. 194. Moses Wheeler, brother to deed, to have lat refusal of land lix* Izrael Ohauncy & Mr. Rich. Blacklaeh & Mr. Joseph Curtis overseers. irVitnesB lioseB ITieeler, 3enj. Duning.

■/•"idow to be sole ex.

Inv. taken ilch. 29-1598/9 by James Judson Benj. Curtis & John Coe, belectmai.

1696 iVedden, Rich, lately deed, brother in law to Joseph Hill- left 2 daus. Elizabeth & Sarah V/edden. See Joseph Hill's distribution.

1599 iVaklin, Deliverance, son in law to iiciward Hash of ^orwalk, divides est. Edward Hash.

1640 Williams, Sich. witness in Feak & Patrick purchase.

1700 Walker, Rev. lUx. Zachariah, of ^loodbury .deed- Jan* 20, 1699/

1700 Inv. taken 14 - Feby. 1699/1700 - by Izraell Curtis, John ■Sherman & Benj. Hurd, Selectmen. Book 1689- Settleiaent of est. 1701, p. 202.

l»Irs. Susannah Walker, wiaow.

SLiaabeth nalker, dau. of deed. Zachariah .Valker, son of deed. & brother to aSkid ELiz. Witness, John ohernan John i-iitohell.

1700 Webb, Saml. of Stanford to actmr. est. -'icisigne Dan. Simkins

or Bedford.

1699 Weed, Danl. , of Stanford, distribution of est. Jan '24,1699 .Vidow Book 1639-1701, p. 209. 4 sons 1 dau_^ Mr. Saml. iioit 2a Mr. Joseph Bishop to dist. The widow & her son Abraham Weed, admrs.



Widen, Rich. deed, sone years ago, ^c his widow barah who

wab aomr. "being also deea, the ^Joart now appt.' Wn. & Jonn r.ill to admr. Lieut. Josepn V.akeman & iSargt. John Thompson api:t. to apprize both estates - on liiis report they" are ordereu 1706 to aistribute est. to the 2 daughters o:.' aaid Widens. ELizabe-uh, Oi' age- Book 1689-1701, p. EM.

& Sarah.

1705 1706

Wakeman II



Joseph ordered to dist. est. of 3ich.& Sarah " guardian of "^ohn & Saial. dug- (V/iden.


1693 vi'allrer, Jacob _ . . ^.. _ .

iiaml. witness transfer of prop, at iJaxrtiela, to Ux* Rich. Blacklach of Stratfoixi from i'hos* Dickerson of Stratford.

1711 Walker, Saral. Rev. appt. to dist. est- Arthur Perry, deed.

1712 Waterbury, Benj. son of Jonathan uaterbury, mak® choice

of his brother Jonathan y^aterbury as guardian.

1700 Sxd- \Vheeler, Jlr. John, Agreement of heits, Apr. 5-1700- 'Widow SLiaabeth Book 1689-1701. p. 20b.

ELd. Son '^obn vVheeler, land on Srover xiill. " Josepn " , land at Oompo.

" Thos. " (in the signing of said agreement " Jonathan) Llinors (we find the names of Uathl.

David )

(Porter & Saul. Wheeler, possibly (guardian - land in (irumans lot (so called.


Rebeeka Mary Abegaile

portion Olivers

of home lot that at Fairfield.

was i£hos.

It It


Ann, minor Hannah Mrs. Hizabeth guardian to ic Ann. (Philip Lewis ( Elizabeth Oumstock (Robt. Turr.ey.

"heeler signs for herself and a:: her b children, Jonathan, Davia


1700 Wheeler, Saml. signs fhe above Agreeraont.

1694 V/helpley, barah, of -"airfield, releases the adms* of" the

3st. of her fatiier Josepn .Vhelpley & her notiier -^^ebecca Whelpley - said Admrs being her uncle John Bulkley & her couaen Wm.Hill. Witness Danl. -^rost.

SLiphelet Hill.

BOOK 1702 - 1750.

1710 Wakeraan, lira. Martha, widow of Capt. John v/akeraan , late

of -^airlield, deed, who waa adrar. of est. of said Gapt. 7»'akQraan being also deed. Snsign ^^ich. Hubbell of *^tratford a pt. to aomr.

^711 Beara, Jaraes, ison of Joseph Bears, late of Fairfield, makes choice of his cnsin Jrancis Bradly of iTairfiela as guardian.

1711 Bradley, j'raneis of i?'airfield, cnosen as guardian oy

James Beara above.

1711 Brown, James:, est* of, Oapt. Joseph Plat of llorvelk, who is adrar. with ohe widow Brown « James Bro^ai , son or said -^^rov/n, \/no sometime since enter e«i on tiie admr. with iiis motner.

1711 tvilcockson, iimothy, late of Stratford, whereas sometime

since the death of the ^ourt appt.

Robert iJakune, i^obert ralker « Joseph Hauly & the widow to aomr. How tne widow Johannah claims her legal right to admr. is granted by tne Court & said Johanna iVillcockaon '^ Josepn rairchilu give a bond for said administration.

1712 kiheeler, Snsign Isack, est* of.

Widow Susannaii, a^pt. admr.

1702 Wood, Jeremiah, husband of ^-ary d. or ^'hos* bherington,uecd

is app"c. guardian of nis sister in law c>arah Sherington & made admr* of esf^ of sajd Thos.


170E Wells, Sarali, d. or Capi;. t»m. ^urtias.

1702 wakeman, ^^argt. Joaepn t;o aist. eat. Nathaniel Bur, Jrf

1702 iVaterbery, Jonatrian of atanford, est* of.

Yunis Widow & 6 cMldren.

The widow & )

Lieut. David Waterbery) Appt. Admr.

Inv. Mch. 4, l?02/o - Dy Danl. ScofieLd & Josepa Bishop. The wiaow ^unis

iildest son Sarah liead one of the dau.haa had a Other sons portion.

Daughters Mr, Saral. Hait « Mr. Steven Bishop to acioar.

1703 vVheelar, SLizabeth, widLow of John - deed of Gift aated

i?ehy. 21 - 1702/3. Daughter Abegaile " Ann

aon Joseph

" Jonatnan ) Unaer a^e ana choose tneir

David ) orother Josepn as guardian.

Witness ^athew ^harwood, Janes Senit. Inv. taken Mch' 23 - 1703 - by liathew oherwooa ■Isack .^heeler ia James Banit. Son Josepa appt. adnr.

1705 iVheeler, Joseph, released of indebtednesb by John Budsly.

1704 rVells, i^hos. Mr. asst. ex- of est- of Benj. ?eat Sen. of

* ' btrafc ford.

1704 Wells, John, takes inv* of est. 1704 Walker, JacoD, witness will of

1704 .earner Uehitabell, near kinswoman to wife of Rich. Holmes, of Horwalk, left all his est. after his wife died

1703 Wheeler, Isack, callea brotiier oy iiebecka Gregory of strat-

I'ield & maae ex.


1701 Waterbery, Leut. David of Stanfora to admr. est. Joim Benolds.

1705 Willson, 3enj. s. in law to Lieut. Jonn Olmated & made adinr

169t Web, Joshua of Bedford, Inv. of est. taken Hch* 1693/4 by Zacbariah Roberts & Jonathan Pet tit. Wiuow ILisabetn, now Elizabeth tjinkins - 1699/1700 4 children - Richard ijiben Jonn auannah Mr. Joiin Cop « Zachariah x^oiaerts to admr.

BOOK 1689 - 1701. B 0 0 K 170£ - 1750.

1689 Wiloman, Ihos. of Bedford, Inv. oept. 1689 by iJanl. aim- kins cc John J3.olms. 1697 iaarah b earner now wife of Thos. '^earner, the late relict

of above deed, takes oath as to inv. at ""orwalk, Kov. 1-1697. «idow aa above.

4 sons & 2 dau.

SLdest son of age & - Abraham.

Martha one dau. of age to choose guardian

have cnosen AbraiiaQ -^mbler. She eldest son ^xbraham to have the house at Bedford.

1703/4 vi/'ebb, Saml. witness agreement of neirs of Zacteriah uead

ox '(rreeiimch.

1703 (Valker, Zacharian, Mr. to aist. est. Ilr. John levensv/orth.

1705 i/Vheeler, ihos. son of ^argt. John, eat. of, aiviaed Det. his brothers & sisters, his brother John appt. aarar. a letter to ais brother John written from -Barbados July i9-lo9b was admitted a^^

knis will in which he saya - he is aboard of a lian of Vmrd called the Play bound for London cfi that ne hab sent some 3 bis. of Rum &:c. on the ITieholas Inglabel & 3 months pay on bloop



Inglabee & 6 monthii pay nn iiloop jJimon oelonging -co iihode Island & bound for Hew London* Inv. of est. Moll. 20 - 1704/o by PMlip Lewis « Saml. tiquire. 1706 Leut. Josepii ifVakonan & Skisign Saml. Squire to dist.

1705 Weed, Jonas of atanfora, Inv. of est. Jany. 10 - 17'j4-o Dy

iiaml. Halt, Jonas Weed Sen. & SLisna Holly.

Widow Betliyah

Gave prop, to College. Children Jonas of age

3enj. " '•

Jonatnan 5 mos. short of age.

Abegaile abt. 10 yrs. Mr. Joseph Bishop & liiT.' Danl. Scofield to dist The wiaow & 2 sons Jonas Z< Benj. to aoiar.

1705 VFheeler, Moses takes inv. of est. Mr. ^aml. Fai. rcMld oen.

of Stratford.

1712 Weed, Jonas, acknov/leagmem; of nis V7ives portion in est.

of father /n'aterbury.

1712 (Vaterbery, fanner, acknov/ledgment of portion of -nneir

wife by Isack How of Horsneck & Jonas vVeed.

1705 Wood, oaml. Sold prop, before oa-ce to Joiin Boaton or Janb.


1705 Walker, Jacob, witness will of Leut. Thos* Snowies of


1701 rteed, aohn, witness bona of Truman, John Jr. 1701 Wakeman, John "

1706 Warner, Kobt. deca. of l.indletown, children of next of kin

to sarah, widow of Hich. Kolmeii, of ^^orwalk, do left all her property.


BOOK 170E - 1750.

1697 Wells, Robt. called s. in law by oarah Uurtis, now wife

o±' uapt. Vvm. Curtiss.

1697 V.ells, Prudence, called grand daugliter

1705 iVh«-eier Sphraim, ^t. of, Inv. taken i^ov. 25, 17 05, at

1705 .m.ej.er, ^yiu. ^^^ ^^eaire of SHoa. Eeriwine of isaxrtield,

aainr. of said i^jhram wtieeler eat. by Jamea 3enit, Sen. & Rich. Hubbell F. l—In 1706 - tne aomr. above oraer of court sella prop. of deed. -pt. pay debta of est. & is re- leased by court.

1706 Webster, baran, wife of Jonn debater, b- of Jeremiah Jogge».


1706 Willis. Wm. Witness will of oaleo Eicols of Woodbury.

1706 ..allcer, itobt. takes inv. of (stratfora) esf_ of ^aleb Sicols of Koodbury.

17L7 .ebb, baral. «itnei3B .ill of & takes inv. John Pelleck of


1706 waterbery. Lent. David Sen. Will of, dated Mch. 24 - 1703/4 Wife Sarah,

Son John under age " David " Zbenezer ^au. 3a.i.:abetii had portion How Sarah " " ^ee^

%au. Mercy born .since above date, & given land bought of Susannah Bell. Witness Joseph Ilurny, Josepn Knap, Abraiiaa iVeed. Inv. later part of Dec 17 06. lana that was V.ill Elements •' " " vVehsters

iTiealB x'inch by Saml. Halt - Danl. Scofield & Steven Bishop


1706 weea, aarah d. of LeuT. ^avid water oery. Sen.

.1704 Weed, A-braiiam, witness will of liavid water bery, i^en.

'l707 vrfiloman, Thoa. who married Lidia Forward, widow of Josepu forward of Janbury, appt. Guraaian for ^idia & Mercy, -siorwara children of said aecd.

1707 k^akley. -eliverence of otratford, will of, Oct. 15-1707.

To ager. motner oarah ..akely - lana beyona Pequanock River near 2;achariah Pharia. Legacy to Mary iamnmers wno lives witn us.

Dau. - aarah " Mary Brother in law x'imothy x'itherton &)

Ilr. Arabros i'ompson, aen. jAdmrs.

Witness Abell Birdsey, )

James «vaklin or waklyn Jacoo ivalker. .. _,.

Inv. ilov. 27-17 07- hy James i«aklin ce Abell Birasey.

,1707 waklyn, Janes, witness will of iJeliverence Wakley above !1707 svalker, Jacob , "

:i7lJi kVeed, Jonas, takes inv. eso;. Zaehariah Jibble of Stanford, I deed.

1708 vVackly, Mary, wife of Jonatnan V/ackly ^s d. of saml.


1708 Wakeman, Mr. Joseph to dist- est- ^ohn Burr s. of Major John i Burr.

^1708 .Vheeler, Mr. Moses, adm. est- Isack Knell of ^trauford.

1707 t.eea. Jonas of ^^tratford, son of John weeci, deed. Inv. of I esu. of tJan' 8, 1706/7.

Wido^'' I^ry & Sara. Weed of i^tanford aaor . te. janl. ocofield, Mr. Steven Bishop & Mr. Slisna Holly "CO diat. to viidow Mary

Udest »on all proD. unaer age.

Other son or possibly sons dau gat era. iiaml. weed appt. guardn. for John & Mathan boxb of deed. Widiw Mary Weed appt. guardn. for ^^iles c Sarah cnilaren 01 cieca.


1708 vVhelply, Josepn or i^airfield, Inv. Men. 6 - 1707/8 by

Peter Burr & John Barlow, ieoorah whelply « ^oim ^ndrus admr.

1708 «-lcernan.^Capt.^John ) ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ .^^^^,^,,

Lieut. Josepn called uncle to ctiildren of saia aeca. and maae taeir guaraian.

1706 Waren. SLizabetn, wire or nixmau ivarrea « a. John Bowton.ben


1705 .ilaon. 3enj. s. in law Leut. John Olmstea. deca. bee ai«t.

1706 ..heeler. Abegaiie or ..airfield, inv. Dec. 3i-lV06-by

John iiear^aiey. x^aonl. Porter

^^aml. Whaler Joseph «meler

Ann'.Vaeeier, Jonn -heier.

Jaraea sennit i^pectauor. aargt. JOhn Whexer awarea to inv. & maae admr. The auove parties concerned lao .-^il^.i/ allow oi

^ debts, out of ye est. aa lollows -

unto John :3eardsley in pay " Uathl. Porter " "

" Sainl* "heeler " "

" John 'Wheeler " " for hxs trouble.

" James Sennit, Jr. " " _ _

Also agree that our 2 brothers Jonathan & David take the land, also allow Goodwill *»aklin in pay The est. to be aivided to nezt of kxna oi ciecc.. viz. John viheler, Joseph "

Jonathan" . . .. „^ „+.^„a

David " & to those who marriea the sisters

of said Abegail

Hathaniel Porter

Saml. Beardsly,

JoTm 'Beardsly

Ann WTaeler

Danl. Oonstock who represents his mother SL±z. V'el" s deed. James Bennet Jr. & Saml. Hubbell to dist.




In Dist. Apr. 14-1707 the following reeeivea

John Wheeler, Joseph l^Tieeler, Jonathan *i*heeler,

David nfheeler, njargt* aai.il. '»"heeler.

Sathl Porter - John Barley

Ann Wheler - Danl. Gonstoelc in right of his mother

SLiz. Wells. Court accepts report k discharges iargt. John wheeler.

1707 'i-'hos. i'heeler, aist* of est* of 2o John " Joseph " Jonathan " Davia Sargt. John Wheeler adnr. reports on dist.

1707 ft'ard, Andrew, deed, late of -^airfield. Inv. of ®t. by

John bturgis & *fonathan •-'turgis tien. - land near V^olf Swamp. Land on Uill Kill - In Capt. Son of iiar^t. John Oshurns hands - In Moses Dlman hands baml. sargt. Diman ^dmr. The est. to be uivicied

as per oraer of court stelsy 20, 1706/7 be- tween surviving Brethren of deed. - viz: Mward iVard, Saml. Ti'ard - ffm. Ward - John 7«ard & Moses .Yard.' Jonathan •-'turgis Sen. appt. to dist.

1708 Wheeler, ^argt. Saml. of Strat field Inv. of est. of ^ch.8-

1707/8. Widow Hannah

a on 7 yrs. old. Dau. 5 " " The widow & Ensigne David Sherman of Stmtfield to admr .

1709 liTieeler, Isaac takes inv of est* Ephraim Iredwell of


1709 v<aTflen, Jacob, takes inv. of est. Sphraim Tredwell of


1707 .ihelply, Jos-.-ph, admr. est. of John Bulkley of -sairfield

1707 " " guardian of -ctLizabeth d. of John Bulkley

Of i?airfield.


1708 Weed, iianil. of Danbury, Inv. of Est. Se-t. 9, 1708 by Saml.

Benedick, Israeli Gurtiss - John Gregory - Jacob viieed, son of deed* swarea to inv. Widow ijary & sone Jacob aanra.

Saml. son of aecd. makes enoice of nis b2X) ttier

Jacob as guard. Also Jacob Weed is chosen guard, for his brother

Jonas . Elizabeth makes choice of her mother IJary Weed aa guard. In 1711 - iiichara Barnum & Izraell Curtiss both of Danbury, appt. to dist,

1709 Wilson, Eathl. witness will of James Kicholson of j?'airfiela

17 09 Wilson, Hathl.Jr. " " " " " " "

1709 7/ells, John, ben.) takes inv. of est. Danl. i'itterton of

2hos. ibtratford. 1709 liVooster, Abraham, takes inv. est. James Blockman of catrat- ford. Abranam

1709 Weed, Danl. called aon of Ruth Clap, laoe of btanford &

appt. adms. of her est.

1710 Wooster, Abraham to dist* est* John Gilbert of atratford.

1710 Wood, Abraham, witness agreement of heirs of x'hos. Sloson of btanford.

1710 Webster, John, witness agreement of heirs of Thos. Sloson of Stanford.

1710 V/ooster, bargt. Abraham, chosen guardian by ^anl. son of ii-rthur Perry of btratford, deed.

1710 Walker, baml. appt. to dist. est. Arthur Perry of Stratford

1710 Waterbery, barah, called d. by bteven Holmes or Stanford.

1711 Wheeler, Timothy, takea inv. est. i^achariah jjerris od: Strat-


1711 Walker, John, takes inv. est. i*iiss barah Chancey of btrat- ford.

1709 makman, Capt. John of -^'airfield inv. of eat* Lee. 6-1709

deed, had right in grant of land ^bove Kew iiilford. Inv. taken by ilathl. Burr & Saml. Squire.


lirs. Martha iVakeman, v/idow of deed, sv/ares to inv. llov.' 9-1709 Court appta. Mrs* Martha Wakeraan, widow

of deed, to aanr. John (Vakeman was married to Martha Huhhell Apr. 24- 1687. Hener tiaeir eloeat dau. born ^ug. 24-1589- iiaml* son of aeoa. v/aa " Feb. 24-1695-

2Lizabetn " " June 1- 1695-

Ann " " Mch. 24 tne 10th,

Martha " " Sept. 24-1700 (169£.

Stephen " " Oct. 15-1702.

John " " Aug. 29-17U5.

this recoraea l^ay 19-1710 (page 155)

1710 Waterhery, David, deed, at Stanford June 15-1710 & left

surviving a wiaow & 2 small children the eldest 2 yrs. old £.- the other 1/2 year. Widow Vvaitstill - John «»aterbury, bro"Cher of deed to a'omr. Inv. Sept. 22 - 1710 by SLisha Holly

3enj» ^reen.

1710 Webb, Saml* takes inv. est* Capt. Jonathan tielleck.

1704 k«aterbery, jJavid, Justice of Peace at Stanford.

1711 Wilcokson, Timothy of Stratford, Inv. of eat. Feby. 9-1710/11

by John Beach & Abell Berdsey. lilrs. Johannah V.ilcokson widow, to admr.

1710 Wakeman, Capt, John est. ass above 3nsign Rich* Hubbell admr aist of est. The widow & eldest aau. being deed, the est. dist* bet. 3 sons & 3 dau. remaining viz: Saml. rVakeman, elaest son Guard, llaj* Peter Burr. Son Stephen Waleman, Guar* Capt. Joseph Wakemaa " John liaj. Peter Burr Guardian. Dau. a-izabeta - oanl. j^renen, Guardian. " Ann Sarnl. hubbell

" Martha " " "

Ensign Rich. Hubbell, iir. ^ohn I'hompson & Mr. iVm« Hill to dist.

1707 ((heeler, Moses admr. est* -^-rthur Hinds of *^tratford,

1705 Welles, John, witness will Mr. John -oeach 61712)

1712 "ells, ^'hos* takes inv est* " " "


1710 Young-s, John, oj-lces inv. est. -'ri. ixills o- iStanioro. .

1658 Yor/e (?) Tlionas , o±' jairileld, inv. lilea Sept. 10, 1658, p. 40.

FAIRFIELD PR03AT3 HECORDS. VOL. 171b-17o5. 17 21-1749. " 1725-17^:0.



FAIRFISLD PR0BAT3 3BC0RDS. Yol. 171b-17oO. Page i. Applegate. John oi Fairfiela. Inventory takaa ?eby. 7 1716/7, artex the aeai;h of widow AVis Applegate, filett Aug. 10, 1716. Joseph Applegate AdnX. on death oi' wiaow wno waa Esectx.

Mentions ae heirs, taere oeing no cnild, tne six sons, •ihos., John, Jan'l.. Joseph, Benj. and Richard Applegate, of or ot tier 'ihomas Appleg-ate deed, of Hicidletown, County of Muninouth, Province of East Jersey. Page £. Applegate, ^viss of Fairfield, Inventory filed Fehy.28,

1716/17, Adrar. Thos. .Villiams Jr. of jairfiela. Page 5. ^ealy, Sbenezex of Stratfiela, bounty of Fairfield, Will aated Meh. oO, 1717. Wife Jerusna narnea Eseatx. Mentions granaiather Hathaniel tiealy, hro. Janes Sealy and sister Hannah ^iray, Wit. 5hw. Ireawell & David Sherman Father-in-law Oapt. David Shernaa of atratfield. Page '±. Beadley, Francis of Inventory oatea Dec. 4,1716,

lientions barah Beacaey wid. Filea Aug. o, 1717, 6 sons & 1 dap. Sons Francis, oaml. Joseph. Page 5. Pitman, Samuel of stratfora. Inventory filed -aug. 16, 1717. Admrs. wid. Mary Pitman & bro. Zachariah Blackman of stratiord. Mentions 1 cnild. Page 6. iCeeler, Saml. Sen. of Ridgfield. Inventory dated June 17, 1713, taken Dy c^aral. Betts & Josepn Piatt. Admr. Saml. Keeler, filed May 2, 1716- ITo wid. - five sons, oamuel. Josepn, JonaW ana iimotiiy Keeler.

Page 7. Jones, iianiel of titaral'ora. Inventory aated Jany. 2,

1716/17, Admr. Joim & Peter Jones. Page 8. Grimes, Joaepii o±' stratford. Inventory aated Apr.E,

1717, Admrs. Thoa. Harvey of Pairiield & Caleo Gal pin of Stratford, filed Apr. 3, 1717. Page 9. Olmsteaa, ITathan of Lorwalk, inventory filed Feby. 27, 1716/17* Mentions wid. Merry Olmstead & children. Hathan 13 yrs., saml. 10 yrs. , James 8 yre.. Merry 6 yra., Hannan ^ yrs., & Gidian (Lidian ?) 1 yr« Wid. Admrx. Page y. Garnsey, Joseph of btamford, Inventory riled Jan. 29, 1716/17. Wid. Itory Garnsey, Admrx. iientions 4 sons & 4 aaus. Hames 2 daus. Deooraa a Susanah Barnsey as non-age to ehoise of guardian, the other children choose their mother. Page 10. Runaall, William of Greenwich, Will dated Oct. 22, 1714 iientions elaest son John, & dau. Sarah Knapp, dau. Mary Finch, dau. Abigail ij'inch, granason John iJowns, son oaml. Rundell, dau. Patience, son William, son Abraham rJundall, Wife Abigail Hunnell, aaus. Hannah & 3Iizabetn, o youngest sons, Isaac, Jacoo ec Joseph. iiseGrs. wife & son Abraham. Filed Jany. 6, l'^17. _

Page 11. Hundell, n/illiam of Greenv/ieh, Inventory taken Hov.

E3, 1717. Page 11. Ooucn, Simon of j^'airfieid. Account riled Mch. 1, 1716/17 of Abigail Couch, ^ocrx. Mentions sons of 2hos. Couch, Shos. ana aimoxi, bro* of i^imon the deca. i-lios. also aecd.


Page 12. Holly. John ^en. or btaia±-ord, «ill dated ^ept. 18. 1716. Mentions son John Holly, son liatiianiel. ana i^ daua. Hannah, ^lizaoetn & iiaraa iiolly. Granaaon John Roily- iixecxs'.John oc Nathaniel sons. iJ'ilea Jany. 28. 1716/17. Inventory taken Feoy. 14. 1716/17.

Page 13. Sturdivent, William of l^orwalk. Inventory taken Feby. i 22, 1714/15. Ilentions wia. lilary as Admxx.

Page 14. Beach, Sphxaim otratlora. Inventory datea Apr. 4, 1717. Mentions wid- ^arah Beach, who with Andra? Patter- son & Hathl. Beacn. ap. Admr., alt=o 2 ^ons. undrew & Joseph


page 15. Gray, Sarah of otratiord. Inventory taken iJec. 16. 1716 Admr. Ghaa.Gane (Lane) a son-in-law Deed. wid. oi Jacou Gray of Fairfield.

page 15. Hail, x^ary of Stratford. Will dated Dec 1. 1714.

Sxecr. couain wm. ^mitn. Hentions i:>ainl. Hall a bro. & his son saml. Hall. Uousin Jos. Blackman & his aau. ^arah Blackman, Cousins 3enj. Blackman, Josian Blackman « Adam Blackman, Cousin Rebecca Curtis^. Bro. iibenezer Blackman & his 3 sons. Sbenezer. Jonathan & l^athan.^ Uousin Abigail

Page lb. Inventory oi Llary Hall est. dated Jany. 30, 171d/17.

page 16. Hall, Liaian of ^tratfora, will dated iJec. 1, 1716. .it. Joan -meeler & SLizoetn wells, ^ixecr. son John Hall. Lien- tion« aau. Ahigail Jacox- i^ilea i^ec- 19. 1716.

filgu -in in

Page 17. Inventory taken Jec. 19, 1716. lich. 21. 1717.

4 Page 18. Meeker. Daniel, Sen. of Fairfield, Hun cupative Hill Dec. 23, 1716. Wit. Martha' i^reho use ^ Jobn omith, Jr., Mentions wife SLizaloeth Meeker, iions Joseph, Benj., j Samuel, Jonathan ic Isaac tae youngest, ]>aniel ana David

Meeker. Dau. Hachel. .Tiled Dec. 26, 1716. Admrs. Wid.

SLizabeth « 'aon Joseph. HcH. 21, 1717, Samuel Meeker * hits

I choose bro. Daniel as^guardian.

Page 18. Meeker, Danl. of ^'airfield, inventory taken Jany.9.1717

?iled Seby. 8, 1717. Page 19. Lyon, Thos- of Hewark, 11. J. Apr. 24. 1721. Granted an appeal from Settlement of 5fet. Danl. Meeker. Sen. in the right of his wife Hannah. Page 19. Pettit. John of Starafora. Inventory file I July 26, 1716. Admrs. Hannah Pettit. v/id. Jonathan Pettit & Jonathan Gold Mentions children Jonathan. Saml. . Sbeneaer. Ann & Mary. Page 20. In the appointment of guardians it appears taat Samuel Pettit. son choose John Pettit a bro. guard., Ann & Mary Pettit daus. choose Ann Pettit. their mother guard 'n. And Saml. Weed of Stamford was appointed guard. 3benezer Pettit, son of John Pettit late of Stanford. ^^— d-^i- Page 20. T7alker, Jacob of Stamord, Avooint'd- Ator; Apr. 4,1716 JacoD T^alker father ^dmr. July 4, 1716 Saml. .Valker bro. of deed, appoint ea co-Admr. with father. Page 21. Walker, Jacob, Inventory.

Page 21. Wheeler. John. Sen. of .oodbury. Will dated July 23. 1712. Wit. John Sherman Sen. & SLizabeth Sherman. Filed I Jany. 9. 1717. Sxecrs. sons - ■^omas & John Wheeler.


Mentions wife EutH Wheeler, Eldest sons x'homas ^ 'folin. daus. SLizabeth 3urrett ana Jinah ^iluttle.^ Grandson IJathan Llitchell. Granddaughters Hannan dc Sarah Mitchell. Granachildren or Son Thomas. Grandchildren of dau. SLiza- heth Burch. Grand-child Ruth Richardson. Grandchildren, of son John wheeler* Grandson Joseph Tut tie. Page 21. Inve;:tory of John Wheeler filed Jany.9. 1717.

page 22. Betts, Thomas of Horv/alk, vlfill datea oept. 5, 1717.

vvit. l^atthew iieamer & Jonathan ^'airehild. axecrs. wife aarah oo sona -hos- ft Jolin Betts. Mentions wife Sarah, daus., i5 in no., Sarah Keeler, Ilary & SLizaheth and 3 sons.. Thomas, John & liathew. An apprentice Dabiel Holmes i'iled Jany. 9, 1718. Page 22. Betts, Thos. Inventory taken ^ec 24. 1^17.

Page 23. Tredwell. oamuel Jr., of tftratfield, ..ill datea .'ehy.2,

1717. Wit. Jon. Morehouse. Saml-^ Cook, Alexander ^-airchild, Eathl. Werden, Sbcects. wife Martha- Llentions wife Martha, .^^W ^children Dayid. Zachariah, Martha, Abia. Bohert. Stephen, £: Josiah. and hros. of deed. John and Edward Tredwell- Filed Mch. 25, 1717. Page 23. Tredwell. Saml. Jr., Inventory taken Feby._ 27, 1718.

filed r'ehy. 24, 1719. Page 24. Benedick. Samuel of Banbury. Will dated —1718. TJit. James Bebae & Israel Oartiss- 2xecrs. sons Samuel ^ Sathaniel. i^^iled Mch. 20. 1719. Mentions wife Rebecca. 2 aaus' Rebecca 2= Esther. :3ons, Samuel <i -^"hos- deed.

T ^/Nv, «-p 'i'ViftiiflC! sonq Nathaniel and Abraham, grandson Samuel son oi -i-nonas, sons ^'«.oiia.iiJ->=j.


Page 24. Benediclc, iiamuQl, Inventory taken Apr- 17, 1719. page 25. Darling. John of ^airiield. Inventory filec. ?eby. 20.

1719. Admr. son John- Ilentions 4 sons. <^ohn. Jamed. Joseph & Benj. and 2 daus. Hannah and Martha- Joseph & 3enj. choose tneir orotner-in-lav/ John Bradley guardian. Page 26. Ada^.s. Abraham. Jr.. of ^'airfield. Inventory filed

Apr. 7. 1719. Actors, bro- Daniel Adajns &= wife, aarah Adaons. Mentions one chila a dau. Sarah, a minor. Page 27. Loclnvood. aer.hom of Sreenwioh. inventory taken llch.

24. 1719. Filed Apr. 1. 1719- ^^mrs. wid. SLizaheth Lock- wood 8c son Gershoin Lockwood. Agreement of Distbr'n. Be- tween wid. Sliaabeth Lockwood and sons Gershom & Joseph Lockwood Of Green^vich; Hanr.ah Hanford of ilorwalk, Sarah Hecox of stamfora. daus4 John. Nathaniel. ^Lizaoeth and David Bates, cnilaren of Jili^abeth Bates of Stamford deed, a dau. 2hos. Hanford husband of Hannah, and Benj. Hecox ^3^ husband Of Sarah, and Sbene.er Hyat of Uonvalk husband of

SLisabeth Bates. Page 28. Tredwell. Samuel, ^en. of -tratfield. inventory filed ij^eby. 12. 1719. Admr. son ^w. Tredwell. Mentions Ruth Tredwell; mother of Admr. Mw. now deou. and grandchiliren, children of'sSml. Tredwell. Jr., deed. & other chilaren of deod. Saml. Tredwell. ^en. hut no names. Page 29. Lockwood. Joseph of .'airfield, .all dated June 17.1715 Wit. Daniel Chapjaa. Abigail Co uch. S^ecx. son John Lock- wood, iientiona grandsons Roberts and Daniel Lockv/ood.


sons of son xiobert deed., grandchildren xiatHaniel. Jipliraim, barah and Ann Burr cnildren of dau. Susanan; son John Lockwood S. other children of son ^-^ohert deed- no names- Also Ifejor Peter Burr & Capt. Joseph -vVakeinan as aavisers- Filed June 10, 1717. Deed. knoTvn as ^ergt- Jos- Lockwood. In- ventory taken Jany. 27, 1718 filed Oct. 5. 1718. Page oO. Sherman. Bareliel. of Stratford, inventory filed Dec.20.

1717, Adrnr. wid. Jane Sherman, mentions children Mmon 6 yrl.. Sbenezer 4 yrs. . IBareliel 6 weeks, and Susanah 9yrs

•age 51. Sealy. Ebenezer of ^tratfield. inventory filed June 20.

1718. iAentions wid* Jerusna oealy.

Page 32. Jackson. Henry oi ^tratfield, inventory filed June 27.

(■ 1718. ^dmrs. Ilary Jackson wid. & Sergt. John Odell of Stratfield. page 53. Keeler. BenJ. of Borv/alk. inventory filed Fehy. 6. 1719 - ^Admrx. wid. Hannan Keeler. Hentions children Benj. 5 yrs. "^^ ' and Hannah's yrs. Hannan Keeler mother apu.^ guaraian. page 34. Poison, iaward of btratford. .ill dated ITov. 25.1712

Wit. Joseph Ourti^s. ■.:hos. Bennett ^ Galeh ^.alpen. ^ecs. wife Elizabeth Poison. Filed .<ov. 6. 171o. Inventory of I 3fet. taken Jany. 11. 1V17 filea Fehy. 20. 1717.

Page 35. Lyon. ITathaniel of Fairfield, Inventory filed llov.28.

1718 -dmrx. wid. Hannah Lyon-^ Mentions sons Joshua. Hathaniel ^c Zachariah and 2 daus- . Phoeoe and Deborah. Page 36. Beardsley. ^apf, John of stratfield. inventory filed

Feby. 25, 1719, -dmrs- ^anl. and John Beardsley.


Will dated Jany. 21. 1714- Llentions v/ife Haimaa. kinswonan Deboran (sister) wire of Ale:<anaer i^aircHild. Joto Beardsley

son of bro. Danl. Beardsley and John Fairfield son of Alexander ?airoMld. Sxectrx- wid. i^iled Hov. 25. 1718, when v/ife Hannah was deed. Page o8. Pringle. ^iamuel of atratford, Will dated May 18. 1718. Mentions wife Abigail, bro. Sbeneaer Pringle of Walling- ford. Sxecr. Edmon Lewis, ^iled June 30. 1718. inventory

filed Apr. 13, 1713. Page 39. Webster, John of ataraford. Inventory filed ITov. 29,

1717, Admrs. Sarah the wid. and bamuel Holt- Mentions 2 sons & 2 daus. . the youngest Bachel Sc Sarah, & John & Hicolas

.A Webster. ' '

'page ^0. Tredy/ell, i^uth of -tratfield. wiff. of baml. Tredwell, sen. deed. Will dated Jany. 19, 1718. Scecr. son S.iw. Tred- well. Filed ?eby. lO. 1719.' Mentions sons, Siward and Wimothy & Saml. deed. & John deed. , and 3:phraim deed, and grand- daughter Of sons. Samuel, Bdward, John. Spftraim & Timotby. Page 41. Burr. Sarah of ^airfield. Inventory filed Dec lO, 1716 Aoiiir. John ailliman. Mentions sister Ann Silliraan nife of Jolan '^illiman and 2 bros- lathl. & Sphraim Burr. Page 42. Lockwood. Sarah of i'airfield. Inventory filed "ov P.l. 171b. '^dmr. ^obt. Lockwood a bro. Mentions 5 bros- Bobert. Danl. , Joseph, Johiell ^o Gers&om & 3 sisters IJary. ousanah

& A-bigail. Page 42. Keeler. Benj- of ^orwalk. Apt. of Admr. Apr. 17, 1718,

of wid.. Hannan Keeler.


Page 43. Gray, vVilliain of Apt. or ^uardian, i^^eljy. 5, 1718, William (Jray, Jr. to deod. children 3enj. & ELisabeth. Page 43. Sherman, Saml. of iitratford. Apt. of Admr* ij"eby. 24,

1719, Daniel ;3hennan a aon « John Levenaworta. Page 4r3. Clerk, Jaraea 01 otratford, Apt« of ^ardn. Mch*^ 5,1719

Zachariah Blaekman of son Zachriah v^lerk. Page 43. Eockwell, Joseph of ilorwallr. Apt. of *^ard'n. Apr. 28, 1719. Jonathan x^oclmell of fiidgeiiela, of "^onas, Simeon, ]:;oah & Hannah Rockwell. .,,--------.,..------■ ^VO

Page 43. »'aterbury, David of t>tamford. Apt. of Guard' n. iich. 5, 1719' Isaac How of otamford, nro-in-law, or ::l)eneaer Water- Dury. Page 43. Whitney, John of Eorwalk, Apt. of Admr. Oct*^ 11,1720

Of Joseph Keeler of Bidgefiela, a son-ih-law. Page 44. Jennings, Joshua of iJairfield, Disth'n. of 3st. to sons Joshua & Moses, daus* Itery Burr, Hannah wife of Peter Sturgi.gs, Abigail and iiary Jennings wid. Ilade Feby. lis, 1718. Page 44. Gilbert, John of ^^taatford, Distbn. of ^t. Hov 16,1720 deed, son or John Gilbert deed, of atratford , mentions 2 bros. -^'homas Josiah Gilbert;, lois. Sarah.

Page 45. Hicols, Benjamin of Stratford, inventory dated Apr.

W 9 1717. Admr' Jonas Xooster.

Page 46. Ayres, x.awrence of "tamiord. Inventory filed Mch. 3, 1718, -^mr. Richard Ayres.

Page 47. Straton, John of Woodbury J-nventory fileu i^ay 2, 1718 ^^dmra. John Hall cc Henry -Vakely, mentions a wid. son •L'homas ^^traton, dau. Rachel, deca- , the wife Henry .Vakeley,


grand dau* Rachel waT^eley, dau* of ^enry. Page 48. Hickcox, Joseph of fioodbury. Inventory filed IIov_ 23, 1717. Admrx. Euth Hiekcox* Llentions 4 child- son ^teven, aaus. ausanah « Eunice Hickcox. & Bro. of deed- Benj. I \ Eickcox' liana 4th child mot given. 4age 4t9. billirnan, Daniel or ijairlield. Inventory i'ileu Oct. 8. 1717. Admrx* Thankful billiman wid. Mentions 2 coildren, minors - no names. Page 50 Starrs. Josiah of Danbury. Inventory filea j^eby. 3,1716 Admrs. Rebecca otarr & I'hos. atarr. Mentions wid. six sons & 2 daus. no names. Page 51. Pon, Kathaniel of btamford. Inventory filed Jaay. 28, 1717. ^dmrs' •'onathan blawson « oamuel Jilacnley. Mentions sons Josian & ITathaniel, and dau- ihankfull, also father of deed. Saml* Pon of Gilford. Page 52. Curtiss. Daniel of Stratford, ^ipt- of ^^dmrx. on Jst.

Mentions wid. Ilary Uurtiss. Page 53 Parmer. James of Greenwich. Apt. of admr- on Sst.

Admr* David Parmer son. Apr. 18, 1717. Page 53. 'oiaphan. Peter of .^airfield. Apt. of Admr- on Zst.

Jany. 1, 1716. Admr. Thos. liurwin bro. -in-law Page 54. Abigail Hubbell of otratfieid. -vill aateu .^eby. 11. 1705. a wia. mentions 2 dau. Abigail Bostick & Johannah Odell, son John Hubbell & son Robert ..alker. ixecr- son Kobt. Walker, ij^iled -'eby. 5, 1718. Page 55. Crowell, Jabess of Fairfield , Inventory filed ?eby.4, 1718. -^^dmr. i'homas iiessengex -Boston.


Page 56. Cross, Nathaniel ^taniora, J-nventory lileii July 6, 1715, Ben^. Weed Adrar* Mentions wia. Hannah now Hannah Parmer, 1 aon (ie 4 daus. Page 57- iredwell, «^ohn oi' "tratrield. Inventory riled Kay 2, 1716' Admrs. Dea. Thos* Hawley « Abigail wid. Maationa 5 chila'n* no nanea. Page 58 Beneciick, -i-hOEias of iJanbury, Inventory filefi Jany. 3,1714 . Adrars. wid. Elizabeth Benedict & Sergt. Francis Barnum. Mentiona 1 aoa & 3 aaus. ninors - banuel, Hannaa, Rebecca & SLizabeth Benedick. Page 59 PMppen, Janes of utratfora. Inventory filea June 5, 1718. Admrx. "^ouanna Phippen* Mentiona 4 sons &i 3 daus. only names Benj., James & iiarah Phippen, minora, motner

guard 'n. Page 60. Marks, ^Villiam of -ffloodbury. Inventory filen Feby. 4,

1719* -^dmr. Robt. Brenison . Page 61. Ambler, Abranam, Jr., of ^taaford, inventory filed

Aug. 25, 1713. Admr. Jonathan '^old. Page 62. Nathaniel, Knap of •^tratfield, inventory filed Mch.26,

1717. ^Am:. Benj* -^'airweather. Page 63 Bennit, Daniel of Stratford, Agreement of Dlstbr'n. aated l.ov. 25, 1715, between his bros. fi: sis. viz:- Sathan Bennit, aarah wife of Robt. ''heeler, Mary wife of bamuel Davia, ^lizaoeth wife of iiphraim -^rice of iiewark, 5ast Jersey, Hary Bennit ^ Hannah Bennet, i?iled Apr. 4,1719 Page 64. Couch, iinon or f-airfield, iJistbr'n' oi mt. datea


Feby. 25. 1719. Mentions wici. Abib^ail, sons, i'homas & SiBon; aaus. Abigail. Hannan, baran. -sabel <<c Deborati


Page .5. Adams, Abraham Jr- . of Fairfield. Agree't Distbr'n- datea Aug. 21. 1719 oetween bros. & sisters or deed. &

-> wiu


page 65. Banlel & David Adams of Fairfiela, John AdanB of Greenwich ic SLizabetn ^dams of ^tratfora ana oaran If iidams. wid. Of Fairfield, SLijah Crane husband of

Abigail Adams a sis. page 66. Holly. John of ^tanfora. A,t. of Admr. Feby. 2b. 1719,

of witi. ^usannan ^lly. Page 66. Ayres,. iiiohwa Jr. . ot -taiaiord. ^pt;. ol *cimx. uay 12,

1719' iiaml Weed.

,-. . , ' V «■• s-Hrnt-ford Ap-rm't* Distbr'n. dated

Page 66. ^ainea, Josepa Ox btratrora, grui

Mch- 25. 1718. BetAveea 'Thomas ana Hartha Harvey, uncle and aunt.' and Saml. Peal Jr- and Abigail his wife, of Stratford, sister of -^homas iiarvey. Page 67. Sherman, fennel of "tratfora, inventory filed Aug. 31.

1719. Admra. iJaniel -herman « John Levensworth. Page 68. Hall. Jonathan of -tratfield. Apt. of Grd'h. of child- Cesian. Charity. Llary ana .illiam HalL Guard. Francis Hall an uncle. Datea Uch*^ 15, 1718. Page .8 i^owlana. Israel of .airfield. Apt. of ^rd'n. Uch- 18.

1721 Joseph Rowland, of son of deed- John itowlam . Page 09. Sturdevant. >Villiaia of iiorwalk. nuncupative Will

15 Will dated Dec E5, 171"*, proved July 50, 1718. Admrs. Wld. Mary & son Joseph. Mentiona aons, John, Jonathan, & Joseph ana aaua. iiaraii & 2Lisabeth wife lilary.

Page 69. Banta, John or Greenwion, Distb'n*^ or J^sf^ to aon John Baiakij.

Page 70. Holly, John of atamford. Inventory filed Oct* 9, 1719 Deed, son of Gapt. John holly late ctarafora' Mentions


wid. Susanah Holly. Page 71. Minor, John, ^en, or t.oodhury, **ill dated Aug. 17, 1719 Sxecrs. wile SLizaheth & sons '^'honas « Josepa. Hentions wile ilizabetn, sons "^oim, ihomas, Joseph & 3phraim, dau. Johannah ^aylord wife of »Villiam uaylora or iew Milford, daus. Elizabeth vValker, Grace Grant, aarah '^urtiss and Abigail i'reawell. iJeca* known as Gapt. John Minor. Filed


i?eby. 11, 1720. Died iiept. 16, 1719. Page 71. Minor, Gapt. John, Inventory filed i'eby. 11, 1720. Page 72. Morehouse, ihonas of -'airfield, Distbr'n. of 2st. Feby.

14, 1720. Mentions wid. & 2 sons Thomas and John. Page 75. Knap, J3enj. of Greenwich, Inventory taken Dec 7,171b, Adior. Galeo Knap a bro. of deed, i^'iled Dec. 15, 1718. Mentions v/ia« & childn* Martha, ituth, iienjamin, Joshua, Joseph, David, James, Daniel & Elizabeth. Page 75. Beardsley,, Gapt. John or otratxield, Distbrn. of -st. to children «John, iipiiraim, I'homas and Josepn Bearaaley and jlizabeth Pullford. Page 75. Potter, John of otamrord, */ill dated Apr. 15, 1705. Sxecx. Qiother-in-law oarah oellick, wid. of Gapt. John


14 aellick. Overseers. John i>avenport & David Water bury of ;itaiirord. Mentions aau* barah Potter, i'iled oept- 9, 1709 Page 7o. Potter, John Inventory taken oept. 5, 1709, Page 76. Bulkley, Joseph, ^en-^ of Fairfield, -Lnventory filed Jany. 19. 1720. Admr. son Joseph Bulkley^ Mentions wid. Martha Bulkley & child 'n. 5 sons & 1 dan. Joseph, Peter. Daniel, ■^■homas £2 John Bulkley, cSarah. Page 77. .Veils, Ihomas of Stratford, Will dated Dec 8. 1717

Filed Jany. 25, 1720. &ecrs. John x'honipson & John (Veils Mentions wife 31izabeth, cousins in Stratford, John i'horapaon. John Wells, Ambrose ihompson. Joseph Wells, Rohert Wells, Ebenezer 'Thompson, i'hos. ^'honpspn, Bro. Saml. Wells & sis. Temperahee Pitraan. Cousins in Weathers- ±iela,i^hos. ^ellft. Joseph .'ells. Robert ••ells, « Gideon Wells. Rev. Mr- Gubler, Cousin Josiah Bears, cousin tiaml. Wells of ^tratfield, cousin Thos*^ «'ells of citratforci. cousin Sarah S^ert of Jainaca. J-.I. & Elizabeth Curtis wife of Jos. Curtiss of otratford. Page 77. Wells, Thos. Inventory filed Fehy. 2b, 1720. Page 78. Kelleg, Johannah of ^^orvYalk, Jistbrn. of list', Mch. 24, 1720- Decci. dau. of ^anl* Kelleg deed, to bro. & sis. Daniel John, Benjamin & SLizabeth Kelleg. Page 78. Belden, John of -tiorwalk, uistbn. of 2sf^ Mch- 7, 1720 Admrx. wid.;R4th. now wife of Dr. John Copp. Mentions 2 ,\^^ '^ns & 1 clau. John. Samuel, & Elizabeth Belden. Deed known as Leut. John Belden.

15 Page 78. Blankt'ord, John, a trancient; person soraetime of

a unci bury, Apra't. Admr. Oct. 5, 1719 Capt- Ivloaes Dimon

of Fairfield. Page 79 Wheeler, Isaac Jr. of B'airfield, I/istbn* ast* Apr» 4,

1716. Mentions sons, Isaac & Ebenezer & dau. Elizabeth. Page 79. (?) Hall, Dr. of ^tratfield, -i^istb'n. Isf Tec. 16,

1718. Mentions ''onathan Hall, Isaac Hall and -rancis Hall and John Hall.

Page 80. Curtiss, Daniel of Stratford, -Lnventory. iiied June 17,

1719. Admr. wid* Mary ^-^urtis* i-entions children 3 sons Daniel, Abell & Hezekiah Curtiss, and 4 daus. ELizabe-th Esther, Abigail & Rebecca ^urtiss.

Page 81. Harks, ;7illiain of r/oodbury, Distb'n. 2st« July £9, 1719 Admr* Richard 3runson» Llentio.;s S sons only ehiluren I'hcaas ana William Llarks. Page 81. Sherman, bamuel of "tratford, Agr'mt* Distb'n. dated

Oct. 3, 1719, neirs ob representatives of - mentions Daniel iiention of -"orv/alk, James Beebe of Danbury. tiamuel J^eers of Hewtown, Daniel i^hernan, Daniel ^iitchell and xsaac Clark. Page 82. Bradley, jrancis of ^airfield., Apm't. of Grd'n. Dec. 15, 1717. Mentions children of 2phraim, Gershom, Peter, John and xiellinan Bradley. . >

Page 82. Rowlana, Israel of -airfield. Will dated Hov. 6, 1719, 'kYit. Andrew Burr, David oturgiss, iiathan Hubbell. Exec. son Israel* mentions children as Israel, John, Kary Bennett, Elizabeth Bennet, Bethuah Gray, -riebecca, Deborah

16 Judith Rowlantt' iilea i.<eby. 24, 1720. Page 83. Holly, 51isha, of iitanford. Will dated Oct. 27, 1719, is'iled Jany. 2, 1720, Sxecrx. wife Liartha nentions .-ire Hartha. jiadeat t3on iiislxa. sons iLipUalet, SLnathan. Israel and daus. Marttia Leeds. Abigail & SaraH Kolly and grana aau. SLiaabetn 7/aterbury. Page 84. Palmer, James of Greenwich, inventory filed Apr. 6,1720

Admr. son David, Uentions oamuel Palmer. Prob. a son. Page 84. Searla, i:ianiel of Stratford, Inventory filed Apr. 8,1720

Adrar. wid. Hannan a earls Ic Isaac Beach. Page 85. Jackson, Henry of Fairfield, Mstb'n. of Sst- Ivlay 13. 1720. Admr. John & Robert Jackson granasons* Mentions sons John aeca. and i-^oses, bamuel and Joseph all sons, of Henry. Page 86. Burr, uamuel of Charlestown, iJass., v.ill dated May 2, 1717. ^opy filed Aug. 1719. Execrx. wid« Elizabeth Burr. Mentions wife 31izabettt. Mentions children aaus. Saran and x<ebecca & sons* John & Samuel & greatgrandfather btednan. Page 86. Wells, ihomas of Stratford. iJistbn' of ^ts-^ Jany.ll. 1721. Mentions 2 Bros, of deca- John cc Robert also deed., a bro. Samuel of .^tratfiela and 2 uis. i^emperance Pitman wife of Jonthn. Pitman land iSarah Thompson wife of -Ambrose Thompson bota of otratford. ""^"-^ ij

Page 87. Hoit, Samuel of Stanford, Will dated 1714, filed ^

June 29. 1720. iixeer. son John Koit.

Mentions son Samuel deed. « his children & his oon Samuel (a granatioa) ana sons «John Hoit, ^Jonathan Hoit, Joseph Hoit


and iiattian -o-oit. . Page 87. Hoit, tiamuel. inventory rileci June 29, 1720. Page 89. Holly, SLisha of ^Jtanforu, invenijory liled June 29,

17 20, Page 89. Bennet, Isaac oi Stratford, iVill aateti Jany. 11, 1715 5ixecr. son Kathan Sennet, Filed July 1, 1720. Llacitions wife iilizabetli Bennet, son I'athan, dau. Saran (Vheeler, dau. ELisaoetn -trice, dau* Hannah Abed. Page 90. Squire, Joseph of -^airfiela, ..ill aa-ced liay 27, 1720. Filea July 5, 1720. Sxecrs* Sergt* Danl* Morehpuse Sc hro. Samuel '-nuire. Ilen-cions wi* saran ana 1 son Joseph & 1 dau* Abigail. faquir e, Joseph, Inventory filed IIov. 25, 1720. Page 91. IJaller, Peter of i^tratford, ««ill datea Hov* 18, 1720 filea Dec b, 1720. jfeexra. son i^achens anci v/i. Abifeail. Mentions v/i- Abigail, sons Zachens, Peter, Caleb of Sew Haven, Benj. t^teven & Ebenezer, daus. ELisabeth vtelton, wi» of Geo. .Velton, Jude, wi' of Jeremian Canfield, Abigail, Arce (?) & Zepran. Ilallery, Peter, inventory filed Dec 1, 1720. Page 92. Abbott, John of -^orwalk, Inventory filed Aug. 17, 1720 Admra. wi. Ruth Sa son John mentions wid. and 3 child'n., 1 son & 2 daus. Jiblin ana i^sther Jackson ana ^^ry Scrivner. Page 9i5. Canfield, Sbeneser of ^orwalk, inventory filed Dec. ri/ . 14 1720. Admr'x. wid. Jemima, mentions no children- 5 dros. Timothy, Jabess, ilathew, izekiel & David & 4 sis. Patience nary, ^ixabetn, ib Liaia Canfiela.

Page 94. Grampton, Joseph of Horwalk, inventory filed Dec. lo, IVjiQ. -f^dmrx. wad. Patience Urarnpton.


Page S6. Hull, oamuel ox ^aixiield, «U11 aaT;ea iiov 15, 1718 Filed Aug. 18. 172C. .icecrs. son iSanuel iiulL Maitions wi. Jane, sona Cornelius. Josiati and bamuel. daus-^ xtebecca Horenouse. i^eborah Bearasley. liartna and ^arah Hull, and a former wife wno was tne dau- of Hicnard Hubbeil of .^air- fiela. Hull, iianiuel. Inventory of. filed Dee-^ 29, 1720. Page 9b. Burr. Abigail of iairfiela. Inventory filed Jany. 25. 1721. Admrs. Jonn Andrus. son-in-law. & Sergt. iiamuel Burr son- ..entiond 1 son iSamuel & 2 daus. Hellinan, De- bor&n and ..ahitabeil wno are deca. Tneir chilaren being Eellinan's (husband John Andrus) John, Abigail, i-ellinah. iJaniel ana ^benezer ^drus; iJeborah's (Husband Josepn Perry) Saran, Abigail. Josepa. iianiel and Nathaniel Perry; .^ahit- abell's one dau. Hahitabell ^itrong. page 97. Keeler. John, oen. , of ^orwalk, .Vill dated .eby. 27.

r'X: 3ixecrx. wi. ..ahitabill. -iled ^ec 1^. 17jg: mentions sons, Jonn, David & Daniel Keeler, Daus. ELizabetn Hoit.

Ifehitabell Hoit.Hannan Gregory, i:iarah Hoit. Jemima &

^ " ■"■■" " ' i/j'^A

Butu Keeler. ana wife* '^^ ^

Page 98. Keeler, Jonn Inventory of. filed Dec- 14. 1720. page 98' Harp, John, oen.. of ^^airfield. Inventory filed ITov.

30. 17 20. -dmrs. i^amuel Harp a son « Jonn ^old. Page 99. Ayrea. Hicnara, Jr.. ox -tamfora. inventory filed ilov.

17 1720. ^dmr. aaral- V<eed. Mentions wid. a 2 sons « 1

aau. Jonn, ^Ibenezer ana ^-^ry. Page 100. Basset. .Robert of -tratford. .pm't. of ^H.mr. Jec.8.1720


01' aon Janadao Baaset. Page 100. Buekingnam, Jedidian of Hew Jersey, now oi" i^orr/alk.

Will dated Mch-^ 28, 1720-^ iteecr- Bro- ^anuel Buckingnaia. Mentions wi- Mary, .on .illiam and bro. Thos. BuckingHain

D'iled i^y o, 17^0. -— - Pa^TIor;" 'sennet. Isaac 'of Stratford, inventory filed Oct- 11,

17 20. isKecr* of will son fiatnan Bennet. page 101. 5nglii.n,''J:obian of Stratford, ^pmt. of Mmr-^ Jany. 11.

1720. Mmr. Hatnan iVheeler of otratford.^

Page 102. Shomas. Jonn of wooaoury. Inventory filed Dec. 12.

1715. Deed, son of -^no. thonas . -dmr. Jeremiah. i^homas of

Y/oodDury. Page 102. Olark. Daniel of Stratford, -p'mt. Admr. ^ee- 15. 1720 Admr. Isaac Olark & John Potter, Deed, son of ^ohn olark of

Stratford, page 103. ^ealy, Jonas of .tan^rord- Distor-n. of -^st- Mch. 3. 1721 Mmr. Jonathan Holms. Ilentions wid. Ilary and 4 sons & 1

aau. viz: Samuel, ibenezer. Hatnaniel ^ aipnelet ^ealy and

bar ah -^olms wife of -o-dmr. page lu4. oraippton. Joseph of i^orwalk. .^istbr'n. of ^t. uch. 17.

1721. ^^dmrx. Patience wid. now wife of Isaac .cod. Mentions 3 child'n. ninor=.» Abigail. Mary ^ aaran.Oranpton.

Page 1G4. .inch, l^athaniel of .^orwalk. Distbr'n. or ^f^ Uch. 10, 1720. ..dmrs. eldest son bamuel .^inch- Uentiona 2 other Child'n. Sathaniel ^ i^idian .incn, aon John .inch is


T ^+- --f-vorrnrrt 'Will dated June 17, 1713

Page lv.5. JudBon, James ol -tratford. >«ixx u

20. filed Apr« 10, 17 £1. Jixecrs. 3 sons, «Jos3epn, James cc David. Mentions V7i. Seoecca aona «iosepn, Jameti a David o aaus. Hannah, Lewis, aaran, cnaueey, Pnoeoe, Lewis. Wid. Ann Judaon of Caot. ^araea Jucison aecd. Page 105. Inventory filed Apr. lo, 17 21.

Page 105. uoney, Benj. of otratford. r«ill dated Dec. 25, 1716 filed Apr. 11, 1721. Sxecrx. wife liehetaDel Coney. i:ien- tiona brOB. John L,oney, Katnaniel Gone;/, ais. ilizabetli Booth. Page 105. Inventory filed June 13, 17 21.

Page 106. Burr, Abigail of ^airfield, Jistbr'n. of 2st. dated Mck. 14, 1721. iilentions son Samuel, John Ana r us, husb. of Hellinah a dau. iiahitabell Strong a granddau. Jno. Andrus Grdn. and Joseph Perry husband of a dau. Deborah & Grdn. of his children. Page 107. Green, aLLir^abeth oi '-'taaford, Apm't. of Adrar. Hov 1,

1721 of son ilathl* Green, Deed. wid. of Joseph Oreen deed. Page 107« Burr, Ann of -^airfield, Apm't. of -^dmr. i^ov* 9, l'^21

of Gapt. Joseph ..akeman. Page 107. Green, Jliaabeth of Stamford, Inventory filed IIov.

16, 1721. Mentions 5 children alive Joseph, John, Uath- aniel, Haits:till and Ilercy Green, also that thereare children of the fr.vo deed.

Aprnt. of ilathl* Green, Grdn. of sister's children Liary Perry wife or John Perry aecd. I'ov. 16, 17 21, also of Sbenezer Darling a granaaon and of Mercy Drue dau. of 2Li::abeth 3:rue forrnsily Elizabeth ireen.


Page 108. Sealy, Jonas of Stanford' Distb'n* of Est. Kov. 22, l'^21. Kent ions laary Sealy .vid. of deed. Saml. Sealy eldest son, Sarah Sealy a dau. Page 108. Head, 31eazar of iior\7alk, Apt. of Grd'n. Jany. 21, 1724 or an uncle Jolin Read of -^orvTalk, of youngeat son of deed. SLeazar Bead, same name as father.

Page 109. Burton, Joseph of Stratford, Apm't. of Admrs. Jany. 8, y 172S, of bros. Benj. Sc Judson Burton of Stratford.

Inventory filed Jany. 8, 1722, mentions wid. Anna Burton. Page 110. Hargus, Abraham of iitratford. Inventory filed Fehy. 28, 1721, ilentions 4 childr'n. Abigail, Hannah, S&ward & Sarah Karger. Admr. John Biggs of Derbee, an uncle of children, also appointed duardjl. of dau. Abigail v/ho mar. Tiraotiiy joster of Darby. Hannah mar. Abel Gun of Darby. Mentions an uncle 2b en ear Harger. Page 111. Clausen, David of Stamford. Will dated Mch. 4, 1721,

filed Apr. 26, 1721. Mentions eldest dau. Mary June; dau. Deborah who is named executrix, a youngest dau. Hephsibah, Grandson Peter June Jr. Page 112. Defrees, David of Stratford, June 13, 1721 Appra't of

Admrx. wid. :.iartha Defrees. Page 112. John ^ut.ler of iiorwalk, A-pm't. of Guard 'n. Mch. 17,

1721 of saml. Richard of Horwalk a bro. in-law. ^

Page 113. Keeler, Ralph of ilorv/alk, V^ill dated Mch. 23, r5M?6

FiAid inne 30, 1721* fisecrs. wid. Grace. Mentions 2 sons Ralph & Jbenezei and grandson ITathan Olnstead wi. Grace; dau. Rebecca Hitchcock.


Page 114. Vi'allrer, Samuel of Stratford, Inventory filed Hov. 22, 1721, Admr. wid. Abigail Walker.

Page 115. Basit, Robert of Stratford, Inver.tory filed Aug. 9,


1721. Admr. Jonadab Basset a son. iJentions \7id. ELizabetli

4 sons and 1 dau. Samuel, Jonadab, Robert, jJbenezer and

iCLiaabet'n Basset. Page 116. English, lobiah of Stratford, Inventory filed Apr. 27,

1721 dated Dec. 28, 1720, deed. Dec 24, 1720. Admr.

ITathl. Wheeler. Page il7. Banldin, 3nos of lewtown. Inventory filed Oct* 11, 1721

Admr* wid. Damariss Bauldin. Agreement of -i^istb'n. be-

t^z/een v/'id. & broB. of deed' ITathan Jolin, James, Caleb

and Jeremiah 3aulain of -^ilford. Conn., Caleb & Jeremiah

being minors & Sphraim Burwell their Guard 'n* dated

Sept. 4, 1721. Page 118. Clark, Daniel of i^tratford, inventory filed July 10,

1721 ii-dmrs. John Porter U Isaac Oiark* Mentions in Distb'n. 1 bro. & 5 sla. of deed, vis: Ichaboa, "^arah,

iilisabeth, i-lary, Ann & Eunice ^lark children of Leut,

John Clark of Stratford. Page 119' Blogg, Saral. of iitratford. Inventory filed ?eby 10,

1721. Admr. son Saml* Biogg. Agrm't. of -^istbr'n. dated

i^eby. 6, 1721 between children, sons ^amuel cs Zlisha

Blogg OS dau. Martha I^efees wi. of David Defrees - and

dau« Prudence Osborn wi. of John Osborn. Page 120. Curtis, Benj. of ^tratford. Marriage Agrm't. dated

Sov« 7, 1714, between 'Curtis <ic Bathsheba Stiles a wid.

E3 Page 120. Petti-c, Ann o±' iataral'ord, --^prnt. oi' ^».dmr. Jonathan

(rOld 01" btamford, Ivlch* 1, 1721. Deed. wid. of John Pettit Page 120. Pen, Kathaniel, of titamford, Apmt. of lirdn. of aaus.

Haomy and -thankiul ^->on* Joseph Lee of Guilford appoinlied


Hay 11, 17 21. Page 121. Buckingham, Jedediah of Uonvalk, Inventory filed ?eby.

7, 1721. Mentions baa u el Buckingham. Sxecr. of will and only son milliam Buckingham*

Page 122. Jackson, Henry of ^tratfield, Distbn. of Est* filed

Jany. 22, 1722. Mentions heirs of John Jackson, lioses,

John & JSusanah Lyon, heirs of lioses Jackson. Eobert and

Ii>el)orah amith, heir of tiamuel Jackson. Daniel Jackson, - Jonathan Jackson, SSienezer Jackson, Gabriel Jackson, iiannan Jennings, Deborau ^^airchila, flachel Lyon, Abigail and Barah Bartram wi. of John Bartram. Page 123. Sreadwell, John of '^tratrieid, Distbn* of 3st* dated Oct* 3u, I''*::!, Adrars* Thos* -H-awley w Abigail -i-'redwell. Mentions wid. and 5 sons £: 1 dau. Adoniraa, John, Hezekiah, Sphraira, Jabez and *^bigail i'reuv;ell. Oct. oO, 1721. -^i-pmt. of '-i-'hos* Ha7;ley guarcin. of -iphxaim and Jabes 'i'redwell being minors. Page 123. I'redwell, John & Hezekiah* Deed. 29, 17 21, Apmt. of

Jos* B0oi;h* of iitratfiela guardn* of. Page 123. Mallery, Peter oi -^tratfield, Apmt* of "^uardn* Apr. 20, 1721, of aippora iiallery, a uau* of Peter, Uuardn. 3enj. i.Iallery aer oro.

84 Page 124. iiraith, Joseph oi' ^aixl'ield, Apmt. ol' ^uardn. June 19, 1721 or Benj. "araith and isamuel c^mith sons of Job iJmitia, deed. ihos. KKilliarns Jr. Guarun. Page 125. Wheeler, Samuel of -^^tratford, Will dated Ilch. 22, 1721 Jixeotrix wid. Mentions wi. , sons, James and

isamuel, daus. Sarah, iilary & bro» lathan Kidieeler. i'iled Apr. 27, 1721. Page 126. Kellegg, Joseph of -^orwaik, inventory riled June 21, 1721. Mentions wid. llary Kelleg, -idmr* and 6 sons oc 4 daus. Joseph, David, 3enJ., SLizabeth, Sarah, i^achel and Hannah K ell eg .Jonathan i?'airehiia apta. guaran. or Hannan Kelleg dau. of Jos* Kelleg deed., Samuel Kelleg aptd. guardn« of Jos* Kelleg son of Job« Kelleg, sen. deed, also guaran* of iiachel Ji-elleg a dau. lilary Kelleg wia. aptd. guardn* of David and Benj. Kelleg sons. Page 127. Llartin, tvilliam of nVoodberry, iJistbn. of -ast. aateu

Apr. 5, 1717. Mentions ?/id. Abigail Martin, Phoebe Martin, Joseph iuartin, sanuel ■'•%rtin & Caleb Martin, probably sons and daus. Page 128. Wadkins, Joseph of Stratford, Apmt. of ^uardn* Jany. 30, 1722 of two sons, Benj. & Sphraim wadkins chose their bro. Samuel ^adkins guardn. Page 128. sloss, John of Jair field. Will of dated Jany. 5, 17 21, Execrx. wi. Jfether sioss. Mentions o daus* aarah, 311en & iJeborau, a sister Anna & wi. Esther. ?iled Meh* 2, 1721. Page 129. .^-raitn, Josepa of ^'ailfleld, inventory filed i?'e'by« 8,

25 1721. Mentions Jiannah Smith, wid. who is also Admr. and

i ' * '

her motiier-in-law barah ^raith a wid. Sergt* Saml. csborn

C0« AdEUf*

Page 130. Tredwell, Timothy or titratfield. Inventory filed Fehy.

11, 1722, Admrs. Israel uhauncey & -^eboran xreciv/ell (probably

wid. ) Page lol. Keeler, i^alph Sen. of Horwalk, Inventory filed jeby.

11, 17 22. Page 132»34V< heeler, L.amuel of otratfora, J-nventory filed Apr. 27,

1722. 2xecx. of will Lowiss 7;heeler. Page 133. Goley, Peter of i.'airfield, "ill dated Apr. 12, 17 21,

Sxecrs. wi. Hannah Sa son Peter. Mentions wi. Hannan and

daus. SLizabeth « Mary '-'oley & Phoeoe, 6 sons Peter, iiiinon,

Andrew *-oley, Ebenezer, David & Jonathan* -inventory filed

Apr. 19, 1722. Will filea i^eby l-i, 1722. Page 134. rvehb, iieiiemian of ^airfield, ^pmt. of ^dmr. May 7, 1722

of iiev. Joseph oebb. Page 155. Hawley, i'homas of »3tratfiela. Will dated iUsy 2, 1722,

filed July 11, 1722* i-xecrs. wi. «^oaannah & Joseph Bootn.

Mentiona wi* Johannan, son ^horaas, eldest dau« SLis . & others Mary, Hanr.ah, -ts^ther and Catherine, sons, iibeneser, Szra ana

aamuel, wutlocn an Indian. Page 136. Burroughs, John of iitratford, Distbn. of Sst*^ Dec. 24,

1722. Mentions, sons Joseph ana "teven Burroughs a otliers. Page 135. Hobby, John Jr., of Greenwicn, Apmt. of i^dnr. Jaiiy. 11, 17 23, Joiin xiobby son aptut

£6 Page 135. oelliek, Sathaniel of '^taml'ord, Listbn. of ^t* Fehj.

9, 1719. Mentions wi. aarali and aon iJavid Svidently wid.

married a -t-ickcox later, because -araja iiickcox in named

aa Admrx. Mch« 9, 1719. Page 135. Lewis, iiatban of Fairfield, Apmt. of ^dmr* lich- 5,

172E. aaraix Lewis v/id. Aptd. & also made guardn. of

2 Giiildren* ^harles ^ Slizabetla minors. Page 156. Titharton, bamual of otratford, Apmt. of ©isfbn. June

5 1722, between wid. Hannah and aaus. Abigail litliarton

and Comfort Latin. Page lob. Lewis, Eathan of ^'airfield, inventory filed Hov.28,17EE. Page 137. Reed, iileazer of -"orwalk, inventory filed Apr»_ 25,1722

Admrs. wid* Abigail and John Eeed father. Page 138. Ann. Burr ol l-'airfield, inventory filed Hov. 15, 17ii2 Admx* Capt. Josepn »»akeman a son.


Page 138. Burrougns, John of Jitratfield, ^*pmt. Guardn. of sons

f John & men Oct* 9, 1722. Sdmon i^ewi* ^uardn.

Page 138. Hooert Basset, of litratford, i^pmt. Guardn. of son ihen-


825er June 6, 1722. Saml. Basset guardn. page 139. Whitloch, David of Fairfield. ..ill dated ^^ehy. 11. 1714 filed May 4, 1722, Sxecrx* wi* i-Iary. mentions wi. Itory k son David, fatlierinlaw '^hos. Sherwood, son Sacuel, dau. Abigail i^ owl and, dau* Hary. Page 159. Burr, Daniel of -'airfield . will dated Apr- 9, 1722 filed June 25, 1722. Sxecr. bro. John -iurr. lientions T/i. iiary. 4 sons & 2 daus. Eathaniel, James, John and

27 F David, Bebecca and ^-^ary Burr,

page 4,40. Butler, John oi" i^orv/alk, Apm-fr. of Mmr* j^'eb;" 172o.

Admrs. Samuel i^ichards and I«lary Lockwood wid. of -"obt.


Lockwood formerly wia. of John Butler.

Page l4l. Hov/ley, i^eju Thos. of '^tratfield. inventory filed Jany. 18, 1723 by 2xecrs. Johanna xiav/ley & •'oseph Booth.

page 142. Burr, jJaniel of i^airfield, Inventory filed Feby. 5,1723

Page 143. Lyon, David of iJ'air field, mill datea June 4, 17ii2

filed Feby. 7, 1723. -ikecrx. wi^ Elizabeth Lyon. Maa tions wi» Elizabeth, Uncle "^lomas iiash, son David and dau. Mary. Inventory filea I'eby. 4, 1723.

Page 144. Gold, John of Stamford, Inventory filed iTeby 7, 1723 Admrs. Jonathan OJold & Hannah Gold (probably the wid.) Mentions 4 childn. John Munson, Sarah Sa Hannah Gold* Apnt. of the mother Hannan Gold guarcin. of son "John*

Page 145. Beardsley, Capt* John of "^tratfield, Distribn. of Sst. S'eby. 3, 1721* Ilentiona Jirs. -i^uth amith, representative of i^ry iiVells, tiarah Dfekerson, Hannah Dickerson « Samuel Beardsley and Hrs. Hebecca Bebe.

Page 145. Wheeler, Samuel of btratford, Apmt. of Guardn. of dau. Sarah V«heeler, Jany. 14, 1722, of her uncle i^aniel Brinsley.

Page l46. Hoio, Benjamin of Danbury, Apmt. of -"-dmr* iJ'eby. 11, 1722, v/id- lilary Koit & bro* of ciecd. John Hoit* Inventory filed lich* 4, 1723. Mentions wid. Mary & 4 childn. lathaniel, Benjamin, ALizabetn & I^Iary all minora, guardns. John Hoit of Sathl. & Mary Hoit mother of Benj., 3Hz & Mary.

P 28

Page 147. Rockwell, i'horaas of -t^orwalk. Inventory filed ?eby. 28, 1723, Admr. wid. -saraii i^oclrv/ell ana i'hos* liesco. The wici. now v/i. of Bichard Osborn* Mentions wid* & 4 childn. Thomas, John, Jabea & saraH Rockwell. Page 148. Butler, John of •'^"'orwalk. Inventory filed Kch» 11, 1723 Adjpr. ^aml. Hicnaras & Mary Lockwood, Hicharas son-in-law of Mary Lockwood. Mentions in Distbn. wid. & 3 chilaren Jolin Butler, v«ait Lockwood wife of Kobt. Lockwood & Hellinan Butler. Page 149. -i^napp, Josepn of Greenwicn, "ill auted Mch* lb, 1716 3xrs. bros* Joshua & Caleb Xnapp* Mentions bro* Caleo bro. Josnua, childn* of bros. I'iciothy ana Benjamin, sis* Hannan i:>mith, sis. Ruth Renolds* iiisabeth ciau. of ore Josiiua and l.iartha dau« of oro» Benj. Filed Dec 12, 1723 Inventory filed Jany. 28, 1724t. Page 151. Hall, Jonathan of ^tratfield, Inventory filed Jaoy. 7, 17 24. iidnr. Francis <^ John Hall bros. Mentions 5 childn. Gesiah, Charity, lilary, il/illiara & Ichabod Hall, Page 152. ClauBon, '^arauei oi "Stanford, inventory filed ITov. 17, 1725* Admr* Jonatiian ^lauson. ^^ientlons one son Jonathan & 8 daus. Abigail, aarah. Weight Sill ? Hannah, Mercy, Rebecca, Jeniaa a Cesia Clauson. Page 153. Lockwood, Abigail of Fairfield, Apmt* of Adror liov. 29, 1725. deca« one aaus* of Kobt. Lockwood later of Fair- :±"iald- John billinan, Admr. , Inventory filed Lee. 13, 17E3 mentions bro. & sis* Robert Joseph, Gershom, Daniel,


JeMell, IlaJy & Susannah Loc'kvjood, Page 154. Bisixop, otepnen of dtami'orci, inventory riled Aug.l-i,

1723. Mmr* John BisVxop a son mentions a wid. and 5 childn p John, >3tepiien, Isaac, iieheeca -^-olly v/i* o±' iiisha Holly

and Abigail iiealy \7i. of «Jonn oealy. Page 155. Young, John of Stamford, Inventory filed June 11, 1723

Adrara* SLslha ibtevena ana Jostiua tioofield, mentiona v^^id.

Sarah & 9 ciiildn. Rutn, Mary, Jonn, x'honas, jlizabeTU,

oainuel, ^araii, Glenents ic Deho-r&ti., Page 156. aturgis, David of ii'airfiela, ^ymz* -^dmrs. Jany. 22,1722

Jonathan Sturges & ^mdrev; Burr, inventory filed Aug. 15, 17 23. -^drarss. hro. & bro. in law of deed. Page 157. Jones, J-'homas of -^^airfieia, ./ill filed July 20, 1724 &

dated j^eby. 16, 1715. Mentions wi. Abigail aau. Abigail

Wells of btratfield, son John Jones, dau* liartlfii , son

ilipnelet wno was abroaa. jixecrs. wi* -abigaii & dau.

Martha. Overseer aeacon «Jonn ThoHipaon* Inventory filed

Feby. 20, 1724. Page 158. VifTieeler, Koses of iitartfora, ■iJis'Cbn. of iiet. dateu

Feby, 12, 1723. Rec. June 23, 1724. iientiona as aistributers

neirs or oanuel V/heeler, Moses Vnheeler. Lieriam a dau« , Mary

a dau. anci -tiiiaadetn a nau.

V/heeler, Moses of otratiora, will dated Jany 1, 1725

filed :-<"eby. 15, 1725. Mentions wi* son iiatnan, ii:obert &

dau. Perry wi. of iiaauel Perry, cjiildren of son Samuel

& grand-dau. aaran wi* or <^esup, son Ji^lnathan who is execr.

30 Inventory i'ilect Feby. 23, 1725.

Page 159. Wheeler, samuel oi ■^tratiord. Accounting of Sxeerx. of irVill wia. lioiB* Bartiss formerly v/id. of Vvlieeler.

Page 159. Squire, Deoorah of (Voodoerry, Inventory filed Mela. 3, 1725. Acimr* Jonathan »3quire.

Page loO. Crowfoot, James of Lanbury* Inventory filea i^oc. 9,

1724* Mnr. Josepn Gregory. IJentions wid. & 8 children James Josian, idathev/, Hannan, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Lidia Crow- foot.

Page 161. (iold, Hon. ITathan of Fairfield, Inventory filed Apr. 29, 1724. Jbcecrs. of will, sons John, Hathan ^ oamuel Gola. other sons iJavid <^ Joseph Gold.

Page 162. Guir, Daniel of i^anbury Inventory filed Meh. 9, 1725. Admr* Jasper Guir, only surviving bro. of deed.

Page 165. Lemill, Peter of Stamford, inven-cory filed Aug. 9, 1725 Adnr. son Peter Damill* Mentions wid« Mary.

Page 164. Gable, John of -^airfield, iVill dated June l^i, 1724,

filed Aug. 14, 172it- i&ecrx. wx« Abigail mentions wi» 6 sons George, Jonathan, John, Anarew, Daniel, Isaac and 2 daus liiargery Patcnen and Abigail Cable. Inventory filed Aug. l-i,


Page io5. Defreest, David of atratford. Inventory filed I/Iay 1, 172'i. Admr* Liartna i'hompson formerly wi. of aecd. ligations 10 chilaren, Mary Hawley, oaran Lewiss, Martna -tJefreest, Davia, Samuel, Isaac, ^ward, Henry, Elizabeth and Benjamin John Thompson husband of Martha wid.

Page 167. Piolrit, Benjaiain of Danbury, Inventory filed i-iay 11, IVS^t, i^hraim Pickit, JiOcir. a bro. of aeca. Ilentiona 5 bro. ii^pnraira, i'horaab, Jamea, Josepn & 3beneaer ana 2 sis* '^araia vidito and Abigail wi* of baml* Benedict and axi only aon of a ais* Hannah. Thonas A^>oble of hevi miliord.

Page 167. Church, Josepn or jairiiela, inventory filed nl&y 12,

1724. -t>-dnir« Jonattian uturgis.

Page 168. Burr, Peter, Ilajor of Fairfiela, Inventory filed May 11,

1725. Admra. Saran Burr & Thaddeus Burr, deca. wid. ana eldeat son.

Page 168. iieaa, John of xjorwalk, Inventory taken Oct* 26,1724. Page 170. Burr, iaajor Peter, Account 'g. of Aarar. i^eby. 28, 1726 Mentions tnat wici* is nov/ wife of Jion. JonatnaAi Law of Milford, aj.B0 2 soiifa. i'txaaaeua w Gershom and 2 daus. Abigail and iiuniGe Burr. Page 170. Barnura, Joseph of -^anbury. Inventory filed lich. 25,

1725. -^dmr. Richard Barriun. Mentions in "Jistbn. Admr* father of deed, a wid* & a son & a dau. Page 171. Gregory, Jonathan of -^orwalk. Inventory filea Feby.9, 1725. Admr. John Gregory, mentions a v/ia. 3 sons, oarauel, Jonathan cc David ana 2 daus. SLisabetn & Phoebe- Page 17 2. Moss, John of Stratford, Inventory Apr. 16, 17 2i5 .^dmr. Jane Moss, wid* Distbn. mentions \vid« and children John, Joseph, Mary, 3ILizab3th, Joanna, Mahitable and Jane Moss. Page 173. Sturnivant, John of -i^idgefield. Inventory fiieci Apr. 23, 1718. Ad^ir* Joseph Ileeler of -"idgfield* -Jistbn. men- tions wid. Mary who married John -Uaviss of Derby, and


children, John, Samuel, Elizabeth and -^ulah Sturdivent.

Page 174. ITathan, Gold, of i"air field, Distbn. of 3st. Apr. 4,

1728. Mentions sons John, ITathan, iiaruel, Onesimus, David and Hezekiah, Joseph, aaus* iiaran wi« of John Ihompson, Deborah, Abigail « Liartha and -^'hoiaaa Hawley of Sidgfield a son-in-law.

Page 17 5. Jonson, John of Stratford, Inventory filed, Llay 11, 1725. Admrs. wid* Abigail Jonson Sc Samuel rrench.

Page 176. Hayes, Isaac of iJorwalk, Distbn- of aBt. iJch. 50, 172^: Mentions - -idnirx. wid. Elizabeth Hayes now wi* of Andrew Sanford of ^^i^ilford, eldest son, -^unica Hayes a dau. and ELizabath Hayes a dau.

Page 177, Holly, Jolin of i^tamford. Inventory filed Heh» 26,1725 Adiarx. wia. Abigail Holly Distbn. i^^entions wid. 7 child- ren, <JOhn, Josian, :?rances, Abigail, Joannah, Mercy, Hannah 6: Mary Holly.

Page 179. Jennings, Samuel of -^'airfield. Marriage Agrmt. Oct,

f f

24, 1727 v/ith Mary Bennitt wid. of James Bennett. Page 179. Sherwood, Samuel of Stratfiela, V/ill dated Hov. 7,

1732 filed Dec. 11, 1732. Mentions v/i. Mary, daua. Sarah, Mary, Abigail, Rebecca, isther & Prudence, ^^ons John, Nathaniel, -^'horaas cc ■'^ndrew. -^pts. Capt. Danl* Hubbel guardn. of son ^homas &: Sergt. David Shetman guardn. of son Andrew Sxecrs. 2 eldest; sons John ^ Uathaniel*

33 Page 180-81. Jennin^ti, oarauel or j'airfiela, ••ill 2c codicil dated Jany. 23, 1729 iiied Dec 7, 1732. Llentions wi. Liary, children oi' deed, son Michael Jennings, son Samuel, sor.- in-law J^aniel Lyon, testators rather Joshua Jennings, son nathan Jennings, dau. Sarc^h -^yon, dau* iiinice Jennings Sxeor. his nephew Joseph Jennings of Fairiield, codicil apmts. sons Samuel ^ Eathan 2secrs. Page 182. Llorehouse, -ianuel of li'airfield. Inventory filed Jan.

2, 1733. Admr. Iloah Uorehouse. Page 183. i'loyci, ■'^'aoni of i'orwal'ir, J-nventory filed Jany. 13, 1733

Admr* Capt. Josepa Plat. Page 184. Ilershall, John of Greenwich, Distbn. of Power of 2st,

Aug. lO^ 1732, llentions wid. Abigail iler shall. Page 185. Defrees, ^avid or Stratford, Distbn. of 5fet. April 10, 1725. Mentions i^Iartha -^'hompson wid. David Defreest, Samuel Defreest, Isaac Defreest, Edward Defreest, Henry Befreest, Benjamin Defreest, Itortha Defreest, ELizaheth Defreest. Page 186. St. John, ilatthias, Jr., or iiorwalk. Inventory filed

Feby. 6, 17 33. Aamr. Elizabeth St* John. Page 189. Picket, Ilary of Stratford, Will dated Mch. 5, 1729,

filed Feby. 19, 1733. Exrs. Henry Hawley Sa SbenezEr Ihonp- son, son-in-law. Mentions aecd. a wid., 2 sons and four daub., husb. Daniel Packett of deed., & 2 younger daus. Prudence & Phebe (making 8 in all) son Samuel, son Daniel, son-in-law John Curtice. Page 190. Phippen, Joseph of ^'airfield, *»ill dated Feby. 3, 1755

34 filed Jeby. 6, 1733. Sxrs. Ebenezer oilliman cc Samuel 3urr. Identiona \viu. SLizabeth, sister liary Snglish. inventory liled ii'eby. 5, 17 o5.

page 191. Booth, Ibenezer or ^trati'ord. Will dated iVov. 2, 1752, Zxr. son Mward Booth. Llentions daua. Deboran, Elizabeth Sc Abigail, son ibenezer deed, his (Sben's.) eldest son "at hi. son Benjamin & son Sdward.

Page 192. French, aanuel of Strat field. Will dated Dec. 22, 1732 filed Jany. 15, 1753. 2srs. sons c^amuel & Genaliel'^ mentions wi. Abigail, sons i^arauel, Gemaliel, daue. Deborah Weed, Abigail Bennit, iilizabeth Slater, Thankful Taylor « Ilartha i)^rench & Sarah liallit son ibeneaer.

Page 193. Booth, 3benezer of btratford. Inventory riled Ech. b,

1753. ' Page 194. Beardslee, «^ohn of Stratford, Inventory filed Ech, 6, 1735' Admrs. iachariah & Obediah Beardslee. Page 197. liercnant, Hallet of atratfora. Inventory filled Mch. 6.

1733. Admr. wid. iiarah Merchant. Page 19£ . Cleric, Sanuel of Stratford, Inventory filed Mch. 16,

17 33. Admr. David Deforest. Page 200. Jennings, Samuel of ^airfiela. inventory filed lich- 14,

1733. Szrs. Saiauel ic Eathan Jennings. Page 203. Ro-.vland, Judah of .Tairfield, Inventory filed Apr. 3, 1733

Admr* -i-'hocias Harvey. Page 203. Treadwell. Ruth of Stratfield. inventory filed Apr. 15,

1735. ibcr. SdvTard ireadwell, deed. wid. of Samuel i'readwell. Page 204. French, Sort- Samuel of otratfield, tnventcry filed

35 1st Tuesday or Itoy 1753. Exrs. Samuel & Gemaliel French.

Page 205. Tow, Hichard of Fairfield, Inventory filed June 29, 1733. Adrarx. Jean iow.

Page 207. Whitlock, John of Fairfield, "ill dated Hdi 15, 1733 Ssrs. wi. Abigail & bro* $hos. Whitlock. Mentions wi. Abigail & honored rather (her ?) Abraham -fi-daEas, sons, John '^hitlock, Abranaju, i^athaniel, «^onathan "^ Adams, -^iled -^iay 1st, 1733.

Page 209. Shelton, Daniel of Stratford, inventory filed 1st Tuesday, i^ept. 1753. -^dmrs' iilizabeth & 3oseph obelton.

Page 212. Ilorehouse, David of Fairfiela, inventory filed SBpt. 4, 1733. Adiar* Eathan Morehouse.


Page 213. Huinsey, Ben;Jamin 3nsign, of Fairfield, Inventory filed Apr. 16, 1733. Aojars. Benjanin cc -t^ebeeca humsey.

Page 21b. Frost, ^Villiain or Fairfield, Inventory filed Sept. 3, 1753. Admr* Isaac Frost.

Page 218. Uonrow, Javid of i^or^yalk. Will dated Moh* 1, 1752, filed iaept. 20, 17 33« 2ors. Joseph Plat & Solomon Llonrow Mentions wi. Rebecca, son Solomon, son Amos, dau. Elizabeth iVood, grandson xJavid rtood, son of dau. SLiz. , grandson Kavia i>^onrow, son of son Joseph ilonrow, dau, Levina More- house, dau. Experience ilorris, dau. Beers, da&. Bethiah Bagley, dau. Christian zanders, grand dau. Mary iiiller, grandson David uonrow, son of son '^olomon.

Page 220. Inventory filed -^ept. 20, 1733.

Page 223. »Vheeler, Isaac of ■atratfield, <«ill dated iTov. 16,

1733 filed Lqo. 6, 1733, SaiX. Jonathan ..akelie father-in-law


IJentions wi. Mary, children iilnathaa Se Prudence & child un- born & Gideon Hawley tne ciaild 1 have had with me rrom his inrancy. " Page 224. Pricket, ilary of ^tratlord. Inventory filed oept.

24, 17^3. Sxr. Page 227. -Bishop, Baa jamin of Stanford, inventory filed Aug. 6,

17 33. Admr. Benj. Bishop, ■fc'age 228. Fillo, John or iiorwalk, inventory filed Jaa y 1, 1734

Admr* John ^^illo. Page 229. Ciirtiss, Benjamin of otratford, inventory filei^^c-c.

4, 1733. Adnrs. John Curtis ^ Zachariah Booth. Page 230. Lyon, aainl. of -'airfield. »Vill dated July 17, 173E filed Sept. 25, 17i>3. 2xrs. sons John & Samuel ■i-'yon. Ilentiona wi. Susan (?) youngest son Jiphraim & sons John, Samuel & James. 4 daus. Margery, Abigail, Ann 6: Jemima. Page 231. aherwood, Gapt. Saml. of Stratfield, Inventory filed

i'eby. 2, 1734. 3xers. of "ill John & Hathan Sherwood. Page 235. Rogers, James of i^orwalk, vViii filed Aug. 23, 1733 dated .i.ov. 11, 1732. iaocers. i'hos. Benedict, Jr. Saml. Clugstone & Saml. Ketcham* Mentions wi. Freelove 4 ehild'n. youngest at achool, son James, dau* Mary, aau. Esther, son Jedeaian, son Urian, son Mward, dau* Elizabeth, lleheraiah, Stephen^ Mosea, Aaron & Samuel. Page 237. Hogera, Capt. James of I^orwalk, Inventory i iled Moh. 12, 17 34.


Page 240. Bennit, ^Jbenr. of ^'airfield. Inventory filed Peby. 6, 1734. ^diar. bteven Bennit.

Page 2^1. Andrus, Abigail of iairfield. Will dated Feby. 27, 1730 filed ;Sept. 22, 1730. Scrs. son i^imon ^oucJa & son-in- law oaml. Osbora. Mentions dau. Isabel humsey, dau Abigail jjiiwaraa, aau. Deborah Uouch, dau. Sarah Uouch, dau. Hannah Osborn, sons -^honas uouch and Simon uoucn.

Page 2^2. Sow, Richard of Js'air field. Inventory taken Mch. 21, 173^.

Page £-14. Judaon, Jeremiau of "Jtratford, Will aated Jany. 18, 1734 filed reby. 19, 1734. Sxrs. Uathan Gurtiss son-in-law, wi. & granason Jereiaian Judaon i;urtiss« Mentions wi« Mary aau. Eunice Ourtioe wi. of -uathan ^urtiss, Judson >-*urtiss son 01 i-iatnan Curtice, grandson Jeremiah Judson uurtiss son of iiathan ^urtiss.

Page 245. Inventory filed Apr. 10, 1734.

Page 2^9. Wildiaan, uapt. Jonn of -"orwalk, inventory taken Sept. 17 33.

Page 252. Beardslee, ifipnraim of ■-'tratfora, inventory filed Apr. 2, 1734. i«rs. Of »^ill. Davia Beardslee ^ kahitabel Bearaslee.

Page 254. Booth, 5i)hr aim of otratfora, Inventory filed Apr. 2, 173*. Admrs. Andrew & Sarah -i^ootn.

Page 257. Bearaslee, Eparaim of ^^tratfora, «Vill aated j?'eby.

23, 1734, filed lich. 21, 1754* Mentionii wi. liahitabell Beard slee

38 2 aans. Mary & Haiiitabell, son iJavicL Bearaalee, 2xrs. wi. & son -iJavid Beardslea. Page 258. ohurcner, riobert or i?'air±iela, iVill dated Uov. 5, 1766, filed Jany. 8, 17.34. J&rs. uapt. Gershom Bulkley & son Robert tihuroner. Henuions eldest; t>on Heheiniaii, son Hobert, dau. 2Leanor -Sherwood, daa» ^aran *^nurcn.er, ana dau. Patience ulster bank. Page 259. i>tarr, Ihos. of i^ianoury, inventory filed June 6,

1734. -^drarx. iilizabeta citarr. Page 2bE. Dunning, Jobn of ^orffa.lk, will dated i>ec. 22, 17;53, filea Men. 6, 1735. Sxr. bro» Benjamin of iiev/town, Ct. Men'cions wi* ^aran and 9 cnildren, 6 sons, «^oiin, Hiciiard, aanuel, luattiiew, JJavid & Michael, 3 daus. aaraa, Hannau & i\iary. Page £o3. Hendriok, Henry Jr., of Jj'airfield, Inventory filed

July 2, 17 34. Adiar* John Hendrick. Page 2b4. .vilaon, i^a-uhaniel of Fairfield, Hill aated i'iOT.

15, 172o filed 1st I'ueaday i>iov» 1735. ilxrs. wi. ^Hizaoeta & tion Sa-cnl. mentions aau. Mary wi* of oJani. rtiisou. "Mary liiorenouse wuo lives v/ith me," Vi^i. Jilizabetii « son i)iai>aaniel. Page 2b.3. iimitJi, Abranam of i^orwaik, rtill da-ce<i Men. iy,17o4 filea Apr. 20, 1734* Jters. bros* Robert iamith, Josepii bt. aobn & wi. Mentions wi. ELizabeth, bro« ^amuel Smith, bros. 0. sis. Robert "^mith, John bijiith, Ebenr. bmith & Meury Gregory, mother fi« father-in-law John Gregory.

39 Page 267. Dibble, *»akefield, or jJanbury, *.ill dateu Jany. 31, 17 34, lileu kay 2, 1734* -axxs. 3 sons jizra, John Ec IJeheciiah kentions uon Sbenezer, aaua. llary Eiccock deed. KLizab eth btar, Sarah Hurd & Abigail atax & Experience Dibble, wi. Jane, son ^zra, lleheniah, <John. Page 270. Osborn, Lorothy of ^airfield, inventory liled iiug.

6, 173*. -^mr. Wm. Csborn. Page 272. Leavensworth, sjbenezer of -Stratford, Will dated I-lay 5, 1734, filed Aug. 6, 1734. 2sr. James Leavenswortn a bro. Mentions father 2hos. leavensworth of Repton Parish, bro. Mmund Leaver.sworth, bro. Jacies* Page 27 3. Inventory filed *^ug. 6, 1734.

Page 274. Bostick, Zachariah of otratford. Will dated Aug, 6, 17 34 filed Aug. 24, 1734. 2xrs. two sons ''onathaa & Ephraim Bostick. Mentions wi. Coziah, son David, son Jonathan Bostick, son Zachariah, son Sphraim, son Mon- day Bostick, daus. Mary, Martha, Parual, "^uaannah &

ilizabetii. Page 276. Hawley, oamuel of ►Jtratford, will dated Apr. 15, 1734 filed iiept. 24, 1734. -Bferx. wife Patience. iJ.entions wi. Patience also children no nanes. page 278. Beach, llathaniel Jr., of "tratford, ./ill dated July 9, 1734, filed Oct* 8, 1734. -fers. bro. James Beach, bro- in- law Judson Burton & wi* oarah. Mentions wi. Sarah ch sons Eathan Beach, Joseph & Thomas, 2 daus. Hizabeth & Charity and father ITathaniel Beach. Page 279. InYQu'tta^ filed Get* 8, 1734.

40 Page 281. Bostick, Zachariaii of Stratford, Inventory filed

Dec. 3, 1733. (?) Page 283. Betts. iiamuel of Horv/alk. Will dated I'eDy. 6, 1730. filed ITov. 12, 1734. 2xrs. wi. Judith & son ^aml. Betts. Mentions V7i. Juditn, 3 sons iiamuel, iitephen & Hathan, dau. Hary wi. of Richard Olmstead of Ridgfield, dau. Hephs- i"bah Betts, dau. Judith Betts. Page 285. Codicil to Will lientiona son-in-law Solomon L'oble &

his v;i. aephzibah, dau*^ Judith. Page 286. Hichols, Josiah of iitratford, Will dated Koy._ 6. 17o4 filed Dec. 4. 1734. 5sr. bro. Jonathan Kichols. mentions cousins Hannah & Uary Judson, uaus. of Joshua Judson Sr. Page 287. Kichols, Inventory filed Jany. 7, 1735. Page 288.' Anderson. iVilliam of Greenwich, Inventory filed Kov.

3 1734. Admrx. Abigail ixnderson. Pafee 289. Sherwood.' Soah of ^.airfield. Inventory filed Jany.-

1735. Admrx. Phoehe Sherwood. Page 290. Lyon. John of Fairfiela, Will dated Dec. 30. 1734,

filed iJ'ehy. 4, 1734<' Mentions wi. Hannan, son John, daus. ThanKfull, Elisabeth, Hannah, -Esther Rode Grissel. Scrs. wi. & bro. "^anuel -"yon. Page 291. Inventory datea i?eby. 24, 1735. Page 292. Barlow, Samuel of x^airfielQ, Inventory filed Mch. 11,

1735. iv-dmrx. Sarah Barlow, page 293. -Benedict, San u el of ^anbury. Will dated Ilch. 4, 1735

41. filed Apr. 9, 1735. Jkrs. wi. Abigail & bro. -in-law £pbraim Pickit. Hentiona wi. Abigail, eldest son Sbenezer, 2d & youngest son oanuel, youngesi; aap. Mercy, aau. Hannan & grandson Katliew irvildman only cnild of my dau. i:ary deed. Page 295. Inventory lilea Apr. 9, 1735. Page 297. .Vebb, Heberaiaia of i^airfield. Inventory filed July 13,

1724. Admr. Eev. Joseph Webb. Page 297. Hall, Francis, Jr.. of iitratfield. Inventory filed Apr. 1st, 1755. Admrs* Zaciiariau i^anford & Ricnard Hall. Page 299. Goley, Ebenezer of Fairfield, Inventory liled Apr. 1,

1755. Admr. Jonatban -t^eebe. Page oOO. Meeker, isreal of .^"airfield. Will dated Apr. 2, 1735, filed Apr. 22, 1735. ^fer* bro. Jonathan Lieeker. Uentions v/i. mother Elizabeth i^eeker, bro. Jonatnan, bros. Josepn & Samuel lieaker, sis. Rachel iiall. bros. Daniel £c DavJd Sc sis Hannah. Rev* Ilr. Chapnan. Page 302. Inventory lilea Apr. 22, 1735. Page 503. Wells, John of i^tratford. Will dateo Feby. 13, 1735

filed Mch. 4, 1735 2srs. wi. ilary & sons David «ells, Isaac Judson .Vills ic John & William Wells. Uentions wi. i^ry, sons David. Isaac Judson, John & William -'ells, dau. Hary Judson wi. of Joshua Judson, dau. Elizabeth wi* of Abranam Curtiss, uau* Sarah wi. of liershoia Awards, dau- Phebe wi. of i'homas Uffoot, daus. Hannan & Charity wells. Page 304. Inventory of Oapt. •'ohn "ells filed May 5, 1735. Page 309. Curtiss, Barsheba of -tratford, inventory filed «^une 1735. Admr. -^avid Judson.

42. Page 310. Keller, Sb&aezex of -^^orwalk, (Kill datea Men' S ,

1735, filed. June £0, 1735. iixrs. wi. Hannah & son-in-law Benj. Keeler. Mentions wi. Hannan, 4 sons, 2benezer, lialph, Hathan & Jonathan. 2 daus. Rebecca & -Abigail. Page 311. Knaps, James of Danbury, Inventory riled June 20,1735

Admrs. Aaron & Sbenezer Knap. Page 312. Hendriek, Peter or ■''airrield. Inventory riled Aug.

5, 1735. Admx. James Hendriek. Page 313. Beach, -Uavid or Stratford, Inventory filed July 10,

1735. Admr. I'avid oherman. Page 316. Dunning, John of -i-iorwalk, inventory filed «^uly 28, 1735. Admr. wid. iiaran Dunning.


Vol. 1721-1749. Page D. Ferris, Janes oil Greenwich, Appointment of Guardian of Hannan i^'erris. dau. Janes Ferris deed, of Greenwicli, Feby. 7th, 1726/7. Page o2. Joseph I'^inch, Sst. of Greenwicti, Appointed -^dmr.

Eathaniel & Jlizabeth j'inch, dated June 6, 1727. Page 24. Finch, Joseph or Greenwich, Hov. 7, 17^, Apmt. of SLiz. Finch, guardn. of Sbenezer, Hannah & Ahigail Finch, childn. of Jos. Finch, deed. Apnt* of llathaniel Finch guardn. of Jabea Finch son of Eos. Finch, deed. Page 92. Finch, Samuel of Greenwich, April 2, 1728, Apmt. of

Mary Finch Admr. on est of. Page 99. Finch, Joseph of Greenwich, iJistbn. of 3st' lach. 1, 1728 mentions son, Joseph, jJbenezer, Jabez & Szekiel and daus' Hannah and -^^-bigail. Page 91. Green, John of 'Stanford, May 3, 1728- -^pmt. of

Abigail Green Admr. est. of. Page 63. Marshall, uaniel of Greenwica, Oct' 7, 1729, Apmt. of Guardn. Daniel Itorshall of Samuel ..arshall, Joseph ilarshall, surety of Greenwich. Apmt. of Joseph Llarshall guardn. of Freelove, .t^bigail, Heheraian « Hannah Llarshall childn- of Danl» liarshall deed, their mother refusing. Page 14. Marshall, John of Greenwich, Apmt. of -^dmrs. Apr. El,

1727 of ''ohn & Abigail .iar shall. Page 94. Marshall, Davi* of Greenwich, Apr. 6, 1731. Appointed guardn. of "^ohn & Saechens ..larsliall of Greenwich.

Page 185. Marshall, Freelove, iJistribution of Jet. of tier deed.

fatiier* (Ho names or aates) Page 270. Marshall, John of Greenwich, Oct. 3, 1745' Distribution to wid. -^hisail Marshall.

PR03A2I 33C0RDS. Vol. 1725-1740. page 106. Eino.. Joseph of Gro^nwloix. .ept. 5, 1727. Inventory

or dated -^-ug* 15, 1727. Eago 167. Finca. Leut. saml. of Groenwloh. Dateft :iay ao. 1728

InTentory mentions wii. Hary i'inch. Pa^e 63. areen, Benjaraln of Stanford. Will 4atea ?e^. 18. 1725 Srob. Apr. 5, 1727. Mentions son Benjanin.^au. JoannaU ,„.eaton, .ons .-bene.or. Ilathan, Huben. . Charles Breen, ™i. aaus. Sarah LooSwood. Shehe Smith, SSter Smith, Dehorah 2on, BceEi. BenJ. Sreen. page 65. Green, Benjamn of ^ta^ford. Inventory dated Moh- 6.

1727. Proo. Apr. 5, 1727. toor. Benj- Sreen. Page 78. Marshall. Banlel of (Jreen.i=h, Will dated Fehy. 10, 1727 mentions son Daniel wl. Abigail, deoc. bro. Samuel now 4eod. "and rest of my children." fceors. bro. Joseph Marshall & son ianl. 3rob. Uay 2, 1727. page 12*. iiarshall, 3anl. Sen. of Gree.>wich. Inventory dated

Hay 25, 1727. Srob. =ept. 5, 1727. Page 162. iiarsnall, John of Greenwich. Inventory dated May 18, 1,27. Prob. llay 15, 1728. Admrs. Abigail - John ...arshall.

„■ T.„», ben. of Greenwich, "ill dated Jane 6, Page 55. Ferns, James, ^en. oi

1723. Prob. Feby. 7. 1726/7. Wit. Ebene.er Eenals. Thos Harshall . I^athan Heynolds. Uentions 2 daus. mry . Hannah

s^n Janes wire "*ry, son iiathaniel ■' Samuel minora* bon, t^anetj, wxj-a .^ i

couaiB "^ohn i'erris. Codicil dated Oct. 2^. 1726

Page 57. Inventory dated Feliy. 15, 1726/7, taken by xTios.

Marshall & Joseph Ferris, u'iled Apr. 4, 1727 liaa tions

Mary iienolds ^7id. of Jos. Ferris, deca. Page 106. Ferris, James, Jr. ,oi: Greenwich, Inventory aated July -

1727, filed Aug. 1, 1727. Taken by 2benezer Head &: John

Hobby, Josiah Head, Admr.


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