ILLUSTRATIONS GEOLOGICAL EEPOET WISCONSIN, IOWA, AND MINNESOTA. BY DAYID DALE OWEN, UNITED STATES GEOLOGIST. PHILADELPHIA: LIPPINCOTT, GSAMBO & CO. 1852. P II I L A D E L P JI I A : C. SHE K MAN, P E, I N T E B, 19 St. James Street. TABLE I. TBILOBITES OE THE LOWEST SANDSTONES OE WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA, Medal-ruled on Steel, fi'oni the Original SpecimenSc This mode of engraving, from the actual specimens, by which a perfect fac simile is obtained, has been applied, I heheve, for the first time, in the execution of eight of the plates of organic remains accompanying this work. The resnltj for a first experiment, has been eminently successful 5 at least ax)plied to subjects not having too great relief or convexity, as will be observed by inspection of this and the other seven plates engraved by this process. Until the discovery of the Trilobites represented in this and the succeeding plate, collected during this Survey, no Crustacean remains bad been found in any rocks older than the Trenton, Black Kiver, and Chazy Limestones of the State of New York. Tab. 1.5 Fig. 1.. Dikelocephalus Minnesotensis. (N. S.) From the fifth Trilobite-bed of F. 1, on the banks of the St. Croix, at Stillwater, Minnesota. . Restored outline, in dim contour. - " Fig. 2. Dikelocephalus Minnesotensis. Pygidium of a smaller individual, showing the short caudal appendages, " Fig. 3. Dikelocephalus Miniscaensis. (N. S.) From the third Trilobite-bed of F. 1. " " a. Part of cephalic shield, ''• " b. Pygidium. " Fig. 4. DUadocephalus? loivensis. (N. S.) From the first or lowest Trilobite-bed, 400 to 450 feet beneath the base of the Lower Magnesian Limestone, " Fig,* 5. Dikelocephalus graniihsus? Pygidium, from the third, or Miniskah Trilobite-bed. " Fig, 6. Lonchocephalus Chippewaensis. (N, S.) Part of cephalothorax and. caudal shield, from the fourth, or Marine Mill Trilobite-grit, about 170 feet below the top of F. 1. " Fig, 7, Dikelocephalus granulosus. (N. S.) Part of cephalothorax, from the third, or Miniskah Trilobite-bed. " Fig. 8. Crepicephalus? Pygidium, from the Miniskah Trilobite-grit. " Fig. 9. Dikelocephalus Pepinensis, (N. S.) From the bufli" magnesian layers in F. 1, near the base of La Grange Mountain, at the head of Lake Pepin. '' " a. Part of cephalothorax. " " b. Pj^gidium. " Fig. 10. Dikelocephalus (^Minnesotensis?) From the buff magnesian layers with the last. " Fig. 11. Menocephalus Minnesotensis. Glabella; from the third Trilobite-bed, Miniskah. " Fig. 12. Dikelocephalus Miniscaensis? From the Miniskah Trilobite-bed. " Fig. 13. Crepicephalus? Wisconseyisis. (N. S.) Part of cephalothorax, and a portion of the cephalic sliield of D. granulosus ? '^ Fig. 14. Lonchocephalus Chippewaensis? (N. S.) From the fourth Trilobite-bed, on the Menomonie River. Medal-TTilecL.oii steel, from tlie Oripiual Specxuiens TABLE I. TIULOBITES AND FTJCOIDAL IMPB,ESSIONS, I-IIOM THE LOWEST PROTOZOTC SANDSTONES, ¥. 1., 0? WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA. Medal-ruled on Steel from the Original Specimens. Tab. I. A, Fig. 1. Slab of gritstone, from the Miniskah, or third Trilobite-bed of F. 1, containing, along Math other less per- fect impressions, part of the cephalic shield o£ DiPcelocephalus Minnesotenrds. The exquisite effect and truth of the medal-ruling j)i'ocess are beautifully exhibited in the manner in which it has brought out not only the fossils but the grain of the rock, in this specimen. " Fig, 2. Fucoidal impressions in the layers under the Marine Mill Trilobite-grit, St. Croix River, Minnesota. Singularly enough, part of the impression bears a fantastic resemblance to a reclining human figure in bas-relief. " Fig. 3. Cheek-plate and cephalic spine of Dikelocephalus Minnesotensis C?), found in the buff magnesio-calcareous layers near the base of La Grange Mountain, at the head of Lake Pepin, Upper Mississippi. " Fig. 4. Part of the cheek-plate and cephalic spine of Dikelocephalus Miniscaensis, near the confluence of the Miniskah and Mississippi Elvers. " Fig. 5, Glabella of Dikdocephalus. Miniscaensis, near the mouth of the Miniskah River. " Fig. 6. Glabella of Dikelocephahis Minnesotensis^ near the head of Lake Pepin. " Fig. 7. Cephalic spine and part of cheek-plate of Dikelocephalus Pepinensis (?), near the head of Lake Pepin. " Fig. 8. Curious fishhook-shaped spine, which was attached to the posterior part of the glabella of Lonchocephalus hamulus^ projecting backw^ards in the median line of the body. From the tliird Trilobite-bed, near tiie mouth of Miniskah River. "■ Fig. 9. Embedded portion of cephalic shield of Lonchocephalus Chippewacnsis^ showing the spicula or small spine projecting backwards from the glabella in the median line. ■' Fig. 10. Glabella of Crepicephalus (N. (7.), near Miniskah. " Fig. 11. Pygidium and caudal spine of an undetermined Trilobite ; near Mountain Island. " Fig. 12. Glabella, with spine attached, of Lonchocephalus hamulus (N. S.) ; from the Miniskah Trilobite-bed. " Fig. 13. Pygidium of Dikelocephalus (?) lowensis, Mississippi, near Mountain Island. " Fig. 14. Pygidium of Crepicephalus (T) Miniscaensis ■ (N . S.), from the Miniskah grits. " Fig. 15. Pygidium of Lonchocephalus (?), with long, slender, divergent caudal spines. Near Mountain Island. " Fig. 16. Pygidium and portions of Crepicephalus (?), and portions of cephalothorax of that genus; from the Minis- kah Trilobite-grit. " Fig. 17. Glabella of Dikelocephalus Pepinensis (J) ; from the bufl'beds near the head of Lake Pepin. " Fig. 18. Glabella of Crepicephalus ^ near Miniskah, Mississippi River. ^ ..... ,=-.:si.-.5%K ■r:*.."^r;;5':^ : '^^^^^t*^'* ,>»^Si^"^**"*^ .-«r' fea.-: '. '^~^ ^X\ ^;-^ 'z*-^ ^ -^-SJ^ %1^^^4^_i^; V ^^'^^' •^->-,: ---/f-^-^^ 5^^=:-:- Medal—Tiiled-.froiii Oxipxnal Specionexis . ■/AL.Bniie: TABLE I. SPECIMENS CONTAINING LINGULA, OBOLUS, AND OKBICULA, EROM NEAU THE BASE OE THE LOWEST EROTOZOIC SANDSTONES OF WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA. ' Medal-ruled on Steel from the Original Specimens. Tab. I. B, Fig. 1. Slab, containing several species of Lingulas and Orbiculas, from the Falls of St. Croix. This engraving illustrates beautifully not only the capabilities of the meclal-ruhog process for such sabjects, but the highly fossiliferous character of these beds, near the base of a formation at one time sui)posed to be nearly barren or entirely destitute of organic remains. " Figs. 2, 7, 10. Slabs, contmuing Lingida antiqim and Lingula 'prima (?), in F. 1, 6, from the Falls of Fit. Croix. No essential diiference has been discovered between some of the Lingulas in these slabs and those of Lingula antiqua and 2^^'i'^nct of the Potsdam Sandstone of the State of New York, except in size ; the St. Croix specimens being usually much larger. " Figs. 4, 6, 8. Lingula pinnaformis (N. S.) In F. 1, b. Falls of St. Croix. " Figs. 3, 14. Slabs of Obolus grits, from the banks of the Mississippi, nearly opposite the old mouth of Black River. " Figs. 5, 12. Ling'ida amjola (N. S.) From the Lingula grits, member c, of F. 1, Upper Mississippi River, near Mountain Island. '^ Figs. 9, 11, 15, 20. Obolus [Appolinu's ?) . From member 6, of the grits belov/ Mountain Island, nearly opposite the old mouth of Black River. '' Figs. 13, 16, 17, 18 (?), 19, and middle figiu^e in 8. Orbicida pr'wia (N. S.) From the lowest layers at the Fails of St. Croix. le CTioma.L sjx^craiem^ TABLE i. c. FOSSIL PLANTS, (?) FROM THE BED SANDSTONES ON THE NOUTHWEST SHORE OF LAKE SUPERlOll. From drawings, by J. ChappellsmUh. Ta!j. I, c, Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Fossil plants (?), in the Red Sandstones on the northwest shore of Lake Superior. It is most probable that these fossils ^ire the remains of certain sea-weeds or fiicoids 5 but iheir state of preservation hardly admits of their being classified. The rarity of everything organic in the Lake Superior rocks invests every specimen in ihc least calculated to throw light on their pah.eontology with peculiar interest; hence their introduction liere. ^ -\ % /• /^ X -a ,(■'■ i ^^\ -4 - /^ ■'* ■ -'MM ■ ^ H /■ ) TiM ^k^^/J?^-^' '"*^''4..*^^ #* . •*'*^K ^1 •% , ^n .T.Clia.ppeIL Smith. , del, TABLE I. D. MUD FURROWS (?), AND IMrHESSIONS OF PLANTS 0), IN THE RED SANDSTONES OF THE NORTHWEST SHORE OE LAKE SUPERIOR. Medal-ruled on Steel, from the Original Specimens. Tab. 1. D, Fig. 1. This is a perfect fac simile of markings or furrows, in bold and liigli relief, of a quarter to half an inch, on a slab of argillaceous gritstone. Whether it has been produced by tidal action, on a muddy, sandy sea- shore, I am hardly prepared to say. It has not at all the usual form of ripple-marked sandstones, such as are common on the south shore of Lake Superior. From the peculiar pendent and lengthened maramillary appearance of some of the furrows, and the resemblance of the rock to volcanic grits, I am rather disposed to the belief that the material of which the rock is composed was once volcanic mud, and that, while in a viscid state, it congealed suddenly, or became fixed in the very act of flowing down the hillside ; transmitting to us a lapidified memento of the action of some mud volcano in the vicinity. " Fig. 2. The origin of this curious fossil has been a great puzzle. Most persons, regarding it at first, might be tempted to consider it an ornithichnite ; and, indeed, a very close similitude can be observed to a bird-track, in the general contour of the impression. A resemblance can also be traced, in certain parts of the fossil, to the beak and muscular impression of an Ostrea. Nevertheless, after having carefully studied this specimen in connexion with others of a similar character from the same locality, in all its variable forms, we are led to the conclusion that it had no such origin 5 but has probably been derived from some marine vegetation, of a curious and very anomalous form. T;iT\I. Medal-ruled on steel, froxn. oxiv'^mal .specimens liYU.A'-rLraeilimrdi k '5,.F,IleYvn-ci.iTi at J.M,Biitler's E statlislmaent TABLE II. TRILOBITES; FROM 1', III., A; GASTEROPODA AND BRACilXOPODA, FROM P. II. AND E. III., A ; TOGETHKR WITH FUCOiDAL IMPRESSIONS, (?) FROM THE RED SANDSTONES OF LAKE SUPERIOR. Tab, II., Figs. 1,2. Fitcoidal wipressions ('?). irorn the Red Sandstones of Lake Superior. For conclusions regarding Fig. 1 > the reader is referred to the remarks on Talj. I. c. " Fig. 3. Asaplms (Isoiclus) lowensis (N. S.), from Turkey River, Iowa, in F. 3. Restored view. Fig. 4. Glabella of the same. Fig. 5. Compound edge of the same. Fig. 6. Pleurotomaria muralis. Lower Fort Garry, Red River of the North, in Magiiesian Limestone, F. 3. Fig. 7. Pleurotomaria (imibilicata?). Prairie du Chien, in the shell-beds, F. 3, a. Though the spire of this Pleuro- tomaria is considerably elevated, and the third cavination or ridge very obscure, yet it is probable that it may still be referred to the species umbilicata^ which occurs both in the Bird'seye and Trenton Limestone of New York, and is very variable in its form. In many respects it approaches Pleurotomaria delphinuloides of Goldfuss, but the spire is shorter, the convolutions fewer and wider apart and more expanded. This fossil occurs in the buff-coloured shell-beds (F. 3, a) at Prairie du Chien. In the corresponding beds at the Falls of St. Anthony, a cast of a smaller analogous gasteropod is common, which appears to be in every respect like the New York P. umbilicata. Fig. 8. Murchisonia bellicmda. Cast. Elkader Mills, Turkey River, Iowa, in F. 3. Fig. 9. Macrocheilus (N. S. ?) Cast. This fossil bears a strong resemblance to M. sub costatus, D'Oih. ] Biiccinmn Schlotheimii^ Vern. ; but as that fossil seems to be a Devonian species, it is probable that this must be ditferent, as it occurs in the Magnesian Limestones of Turkey River, Iowa, in F. 3, associated with fig. 8. Figs. 10, 11. Holopea (species undetermined). Cast, Iillkader Mills, Turkey River, Iowa. This fossil is allied to PL obliqua^ Pi. xxxvii,, fig. 2, Hall's PahBOntology, and may be the same species. Figs. 12, 13. StraparoUus (Euo^iiphalus) Iliinnesoiensis^ (N. S.) Cast. In the Lower Magnesian Limestone of Traverse des Sioux, St. Peter's River. Fig. 14. Pleurotomaria (sp. luidetermined). Cast. Elkader Mills, This fossil bears some resemblance to P. umbili- cata^ except that the spire is much more depressed, and consequently the form much more discoidal. Figs. 15, IG. Bucania, three miles above Fort Snelling, probably a new species, as it dilFers from the biclorsaia, expansa^ iind punctifrons : the three species found in the corresponding strata of the New York System. Figs. 17, 18. LeptcEna irilobata (N. S.), in the shell-beds, F. 3 A, near the Agency, on Turkey River, Iowa. This fossil shell bears some resemblance to L. deltoidea of the Trenton Limestone of New York, but is much more distinctly trilobate, with fully as much or greater convexity of shell than the L. camerata, as shown by fig. 18. Fig. 19. Posidonomya [Ambomjchia) bellistriaia (';') of Hall. Cast. In the shell-beds of F. 3, A, at Prairie du Chien in • Wisconsin. Fig. 20. A pustulated cephalic shield of a Trilobite, allied to lUcBnus arcliirus^ in F. 3. Lower Fort Garry, Red River of the North. ral3.II iJ^D.O^vpii.del. TABLE II. A. TRILOBITES AND A BRACIIIOPOD PROM THE PROTOZOIC ilOCKS OF THE NORTHWEST. Medal- ruled on Steel, from the Original Specimens. Tab. 11. A, Figs. 1, 2, 3. jlsaphus {Imtdus) loivensis (N. S.), froiii a biturainoiis bed of liraestone near the junction of F. 3, A, and F. 3, B, mouth of Otter Creek, Turkey KiA^er, Iowa. '■ Fig, 4. Pygidimii of the same, showing obscure segments. ■'• Fig. 5. Glabella of the same, inadvertently represented inverted by the en.grai^er. '■ Figs, G, 7. Compound eye of the same, with a portion of the cephalic shield. '• Fig. 8, Pygidiam of a new species of Phacops? from the same bed. ^' Fig. 9. Part of the thoracic segments of Dikelocephalus Minnesotensis, from die Stillwater Trilobite~bed on Lake St. Croix. '■'• Fig, 10. Pustulated cejohalic shield of an IllEenus, from Lower Fort Garry, Red River of the North. '•■ Fig. 11. Lept(Bnasericea? from the Magnesian Limestone of P^ed River of the North. '■'■ Fig. 12. Calipnene scnaria. This fossil occurs in the shell-beds, F. 3,vV, of Wisconsin and Town, but die particu- lar specimen here figured was obtained in Ohio, and was selected for representation, as well to exhibit a more perfect individual of this species dran any procnred in the Northwest, as to test the applicability of the medal-ruling process to subjects of such relief and character. ,11. A. L'ledaL-iiilecL.oiJ SreeLii'oiii Hit TABLE II. FOSSILS OP THE SHELL-BEDS (E. III., A) AND OVEHLYING LEAD-EEAUING BEDS (f. III., b) OF THE UPPER MAGNESIAN LIMESTONE OF WISCONSIN, IOWA, AND MINNESOTA, Medal-ruled on Steel, from the Original Specimens. Tab, II. b., Fig. 1. Cyriolites ornatus (?), three miles above Fort Snelling. '' Fig. 2. Pygiclium of Phacops (N. S.?) Turkey River, Iowa, associated with Fig. 1, Tab. II. a. " Fig. 3. Leptana (N. S.'?), near the base of the Upper Magnesian Limestone of Wisconsin, above Savannah ? " Figs. 4, 5. Orthis subjugata (?), three miles above Savannah, in the shell-beds at the base of the Upper Magne- sian Limestone of Wisconsin. This fossil may x)ossibly be a new species, as it dilfers from 0. subjugata in the umbo being more elevated, and in the size and prominence of the ribs, as well as in their mode of bifurcation. " Figs. C), 7, 14, 15. Orthis tesiudinaria. The specimens here figured are from Ohio ; they were selected for representation as being more perfect than those hitherto collected in the Northwest, to test the appli- cability of the medal-ruling process to fossil shells of this character. " Fig. 8. Lingula quadrata (?), from the lead-bearing beds^of the Upper Magnesian Limestone, near Dubuque, Iowa. " Fig. 9. Orthis, undetermined, in the shell-beds, F. 3, a, above Savannah, Wisconsin. " Fig. 10. Leptcena deltoidea, Falls of St. Anthony, Minnesota, in the shell-beds F. 3, a. " Fig. 11. Orthis j^cctinella, in the shell-bed F. 3, a, at Prairie du Chien. '• Fig. 12. LeptcBua sericea(1)y and Orthis (undetermined), from Great Lake Winnipeg. " Fig. 13. Selenoides loivensis^ (N. S.) Turkey River, Iowa, associated with Figs. 8 and 9, Tab. IL '•' Fig. 16. LeptcEua (N. S.'?), in the shell-bed, F. 3, A, at the Big Springs, near the Upper Iowa River. '' Fig. 17. Lingida (undet.) Lower Fort Garry, Red River of the North. '• Fig. 18. Terebratula (undet.) Lower Fort Garry, Red River of the North. '' Fig. 19. Pkurorhynchus antiqua. This small and delicately-formed Pleurorhynchus is, I believe, the first of the genus that has been discovered in this country in rocks of Lower Silurian date. " Fig. 20. Ori/zis (undet.), allied to 0. occidentalis, in the shell-beds, F. 3, A, three miles above Savannah, Wis- consin. '' Fig. 21. Leptwna (N. S. ?), allied to deflecta, in the shell-bed, F. 3, A, three miles above Savannah. ^' Fig. 22. Cytherina (undet.), from the outcrops of magnesian limestone, equivalent to F. 3, a, at the Great Soutli Bend of Red River of the North. ^' Fig. 23. Orthis disparilis. Agency, Turkey River, Iowa; shell-beds at the base of the Upper Magnesian Tjime- stone. TaL. li B =^- ■-■^^"^^^^'S.. A- V, ''&SJ2^'' TABLE III. SPIRIFEES, OSTHIS, AND STROPItODONTA; FROM THE SHELL-BEDS OF THE IOWA AND CEDAR RIVERS, BELONGING TO THE DEVONIAN PERIOD. All the Spirifers but figs. 5 and 7, from this formation, seem to be destitnte of ribs on the mesial fold or boiu'rclet. Tab. III., Fig. 1, Spirifer loivensis (N. S.) Iowa River. " Fig. 2. Cast of Spirifer eurideines (N. S.), Pine Creek, Iowa, showing the broad area of the ventral valve.. a. Front view of same, showing the deep broad sinns of the ventral valve. Fig. 3. Sjjirifer pennatus (N. S.), Iowa River. Fig. 4. Sphifer ligus (N. S.), New Buifalo, Iowa. " Fig. 5. Sphifer Cedarensis (N. S.), two and a half miles below RocldnghanL " Fig. G. Spirifer euruteines, Pine Creek, low^a, '' Fig. 7. Spirifer (N. S. ?), allied to S. nndiferons, Davenport, Iowa. " Fig. 8. Spirifer pennatus? a young individual, Iowa River. '' Fig. 9. Spirifer (undet.), in limestones of the age of the Hamilton C4ronp of Now York, near Rockingham, Iowa, This small Spirifer is allied to Spirifer muralis of Verneuil, but is smaller; cardinal angles not so much produced; cardinal border less wide and vertical ; the ribs fev^er, only about ten, and finely imbricated by layers of increase. . " Fig. 10. Orihis lenliformis? Near New Buffalo, Iowa. In size and general contour this Orthis resembles 0. Uniiformis of the Corniferons Limestone of New York, fig. 4, No. 28, of Hall's Nev/ York Report. The stria; are so fine as hardly to be discerned without a magnifier; and the sinus of the dorsal valve is almost obsolete. " Fig. 11. Slrophodonla? costal a, (N. S.) "Davenport, Iowa. r" .^■^^^^ ,r~^a./;',^--^^5s>.-^;f=- ^*sJ^- >/ M' '* Vf;^^^-. '"" 1" ' .# '^'"^^^^^'^^'^^^t^^ b^'^^ \'^ fe^ 'V| TABLE in. rOBSIL SHELLS AND COU^VLS FROM THE C AEEONTEEP.OUS LTMESTONK, AND FROM THE AHJACENT LIMESTONES OF IOWA. OF THE' AGE OF THE HAMILTON GEOrP OF NEW YORK. Tab. Ill, A, Fig. 1, Atrijpa (N. S. ?), Iowa City. This will probably be found to ]:»e a new species, since the corresponding beds of limestone of Devonian date in this country have not yet yielded any ribbed Atrypa, " Fig, 2. Spirifer ligus^ var. (N. S.) Near Rockingham, Iowa, in limestones of the age of die Hamilton Group of New York. This Spirifer is considerably deeper tlian Fig. 4, Tab, III., and tlie ribs apparently few^er in nrun- ber, otherwise it has a strong resemblance to that species. The specimens hitherto obtained are hardly perfect enougb to determine wntb certainty tire identity. Fig. 3. Avicula (sp. undetermined), from oolitic beds of the CarboniferoHS Limestone, three miles bolow^ Augusta, Skunk River, Iowa. Fig. 4. Airypa coniis (N. S.) This smooth species of Atrypa is from the limestone of the Upper Rapids of the Mississippi, of Devonian date. Fig. 5, Strophodo7ita ? costata (N. S.) This minute Strophodonta, ribbed like a modern peciten, is from the Davenport Limestone, of Devonian date. Fig. G. Pygidium o£ Phacops crassimarginata^ three miles below Rockingham, in liiiiestones of Devonian date, associated with Feoiestella, figs. 16 and 2L Fig. 7. Chonetes lowensis (N. S. ?) in the limestones of Iowa City, of Devonian date. Fig. 8. Spirifer- attenuatus? var. of ;S. siriatns'l in the limestones of the Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi, of carboniferous date. This species of Sxnrifer, which occurs in great abundance in member /of the Lower Series of Carboni- ferous Limestone on the Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi, but rather of a smaller size than the figure here given, belongs, so far as I am able to discover, to the above variety of S. striatus^ as given by Verneuil and De Koninck, in their works on Russia and Belgium. The fossil which I have figured difters, however, from the large S. striatus in the simplicity of the ribs, their fewer number and greater size, and in these being seldom dichotomous. There are usually but three ribs in the sinus, the middle one being the largest, and the same number on the bourrelet; and tw:elve to thirteen additional ribs on either side of the sinus. The same beds contain another Spirifer, closely allied to this, and about the same size, which has but a single rib in the middle of the sinus. Another Spirifer, oS rather larger dimensions, is associated in the same beds with the two preceding which is entirely destitute of ribs on either the sinus or bourrelet, and which approaches in form to the Devonian Spirifer, which occurs in the limestone of Cedar and Iowa Rivers, and which I have named S. eundeines^ except that it has not so wide a cardinal area. I am disposed to consider the first two varieties to be young forms of 8. striakis, which in its adult and characteristic form is abundant at the same locality. Fig, 9. Strophodonta parva (N. S,), in limestones of the age of the Hamilton C4roup of New York. Fig. 10. Orihis (N. S.), allied to lentifonnis, from limestones of the age of the Hamilton C4roup of New York, near New Buflalo. Fig. 11. Fentamerus (N. S. ?), from the limestones near Davenport, Iowa. Fig. 12. Slab of Productal Carboniferous Limestone, near Wayne City, Missouri River. Fig. 13, Terebratula serpentina (?), Skunk River, Iowa. Carboniferous. Fig. 14. Strophodonta dimosa (?), from limestones of the age of the Hamilton Group of New^ York, near New^ Buffalo, Iowa. Fig. 15. Terebratula (sp. undet.), from limestones of the age of the Hamilton Grou]') of New York. Fig. 16. Fenestella (sp. undet.), from limestones of the age of the Hamilton Group of New York, near Rocking- ham, Iowa. Fig. 17. Chonetes (sp. undet.), a few miles north of Iowa City. Fig. 18. Cast of a Sanguinolaria^ from the base of the Carboniferous Limestones, near Bindington. Fig. 19. Gorgonia, allied to repisteria, in limestone of the age of the Hamilton Group, near Rockingham. Fig. 20. Part of tooth of Psaminodus, from the Lower Series of Carboniferous Limestone, on the Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi, associated with Productus pundaius and Spirifer cuspidatus. Fig. 21, Fenestella Milleri (?), in limestones of the age of the Hamilton Gi'oup of New York. Tajj.lii. TABLE IV FOSSIL CORALS, FROM THE CARBOIs^IFEROUS ROCKS OF IOWA. Tab. 1V~., Fig. 1. Retcponi Archimedes, from beds//^ near the top of the Lower Series of Carboinferoiis Limestones, Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi. " " «. Magnified view of a portion of the reticulated screw-Uke expansions of the coral, showing the form and distribution of the fenestrules, interstices, and dissepiments. Tliis reticulated fossil coralline has a wide geographical distribution in rocks of this age in the Western States of North America. It has been known to Western geologists for many years under the name of Archimedes. Lesueur prepared drawings of this fossil before he left diis country finally for France, doubtless with the intention of publishing a description of it 5 but never did so, to my knowledge. I gave a figure of it, in 1842, in ati article which I prepared for Silliman's Journal, ''Regarding Human Foot-marks''t in the Carboniferous Limestone of the Mississippi, and stated that it seemed to be a species of Betepora coiled, in the shape of a screw. If the reticulated species of corals which have usually been referred to this genus really are distinct from Gorgonia^ then it belongs doubtless to the genus Retepora. De Koninck, in his work descriptive of the carboniferous fossils of Belgium, says it is exceedingly diflicult to distinguish fossil Gorgonia from Retepora, as the distinction lies merely in the absence or presence of a cortical itwestment, which in fossils is seldom preserved ; and he refers all his carboniferous fossils, possessing a similar structure to this coral, to Gorgonia, because he says that Gold- fuss has undoubtedly detected a cortical investment in Gorgonia rcpisteria, and infers that all its con geners, of an analogous structure, have a similar organization. If this be so, it is possible that the Archimedes may be a screw-shaped Gorgonia. '' Fig. 2. Cyathophyllimi (yermicidare?) Goldfuss. It is with some hesitation that I refer this coral to the above species, since some of its characters are certainly distinct from that species, as given by Goldfuss. Neither at the knee-like flexions, nor elsewhere on the external surface, are the margins of the cells visible, but only annular swellings continuous with the general surface of the coral. The terminating cell is shallow, oblique, with about forty^five lamella radiating straight from near the axis to the circum- ference, where faint, short, intermediate lamelke can sometimes be observed. Coral bent at intervals, and at the same time slightly twisted on its axis 5 almost cylindrical, or very slightly conical. Dimensions, about five inches long, and half an inch in diameter. It occurs in the Carboniferous Limestones, near the mouth of Keg Creek, associated with Chonctes variolata. If it be new, as is very probable, I propose for it the name of C. torquiwn. " Fig. 3, a, b: Cijathophylhun flexuosum (T), from near the mouth of Keg Creek. " Fig. 4. Cyathophjllum [fungites?) (Flem.), from the Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi. " Fig. 5. Lithostrotio7i basaltiforme (^Stylina of hesueiiv). " " a. Dissected cell-tube, showing the external walls, the irregularly arched cellular structure between them and the core ; the internal structure of the latter with its arched partitions and styloid axis. From bed d^ of the Upper Series of Carboniferous Limestone, Sweet Home, on the Des Moines River. This honeycomb-like coral is remarkably characteristic of member d^ of the Upper Series of Car- boniferous Limestones of Iowa, and indeed prevails in the same geological position all over the Western States. As early as 1832, Lesueur figured this fossil under the name of Stylina, by which name it was long known to Western geologists. Its internal structure seems to correspond very nearly with the description given by Keyserling, p. 152, of the Litliostrotion, as it occurs in the Southern Urals. The coral is made \^]} of groups of nearly parallel polygonal prisms, mostly five-sided, but some four- and six-sided. Each prism is composed of simple external walls (5, a), a thick core, and an axis. Between the external walls and core are funnel-shaped, plicated lamella^, which blend into both, and give the outer surface of the core a ribbed appearance. The irmer part of this core is divided by transverse septa^, arched slightly upwards, and connected with each other by a short, thin, pointed, concentric axis, v/hich usually projects from the centre of the terminating cell, in the form of a prominent styloid process, which suggested to Lesueur the name of Sty Una. The increase of the coral seems to take place partly by the springing up of young, small, prismatic cells between the larger old prisms, and partly by the addition of new cells on the to}) of the old ones. " Fig. 6. Another species, or perhaps only a variety of this coral, occurs in the saine iDart of the Carboni- ferous Limestone of Iowa and Missouri, especially when the beds assume" a dolomitic compo- sition. The internal structure of this Lithostrotion is essentially the same; it occurs, however, in hemispherical masses, of which the tubes forming the cells are almost conical, and tapering towards their origin, where they almost lose their x^i'ismatic form; from their origin the groups of tubes radiate in curves from the centre towards the circumference of the hemispherical mass. - See table on p. 92. t Silliman's Journal, vol. xliii.. No. 1, July, 1842, p, 14. TABLE y. FOSSIL-SHELLS FROM THE CAIIBOJ^^IFEIIOUS LIMESTONES OF IOWA AND NEBRASKA. I'ab. v., Fig. 1. Produdus cora (large variety). Missouri River, below the mouth of Little Platte River, '- Fig. 2. Produdus 'Flcmingii (Low.) ; synonyms lobaius (Ver.) 5 longispinus (Kon.) Missoari River, near the mouth of Keg Creek. " Fig. 3. Produdus ascensis. Missouri River, near Council Blnffs. •' Fig, 4. Spirifer fasciger ? Missouri River, near tlie mouth of Keg Creek, and Plattsburg, Missouri. This species approaches in many of its characters to S. fasciger oi^ Keyserhng. It appears to differ, however, in some particulars, perhaps sufficiently to constitute a distinct species. Like the fasciger^ it has a deep sinus, and corresponding permanent and rather sharp bourrelet. Like it, too, the surface of the shell, on either side of the bourrelet and sinus, both on dorsal and ventral valve, is marked by folds or plications, but these are not only more numerous (4 to G) than in the description of the fasdger, but much more prominent than is indicated by the figures given of that species. Table 8, ligs. 3, and 3 a and b.^ The folds are subdivided with small ribs of unequal size, generally from four to live on each fold. Both the sinus and bourrelet are provided with from nine to ten ribs of unequal size. The shell is therefore marked with fascicules or bunches of ribs collected into groups, each group containing from three to six ribs. There is a smaller plicated Spirifer abundant in the calcareous rocks of the western and southern margins of the Iowa and Missouri coal-field, which is probably the same as this species, described by Hall under the name of S. trijilicata, in Stansbury's Expedition to the Great Salt Lake, which may be a smaller variety or young individual of this fossil. '' Fig. 5. Spirifer attcnuatus^m member e of the Lower Series of Carboniferous Limestones, on Skunk River and else- where. '- ■ Fig. 6. Spirifer inequicostatus ? Skunk River '? Iowa. '■ Fig. 7. Ancella crassicollis? Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi River. " Fig. 8. Crsi of Bellerophon hiidcus ? Keokuk Rapids of the Mississippi. ^' Fig. 9. Terehratulo. piano- sulcata. Upper Missouri, near Council Bluffs. " Fig. 10. Gyroceras Eurlingtonensis (N. S.) From the oolitic bed, top of member «, of the Lower Series of Carbo- niferous Limestones, Burlington quarries. " Fig. 11. Orthis ujnbraculum? The description given by De Koninck of Orthis umhraculum^ p. 222 of his work on the fossils of the Carboniferous rocks of Belgium, agrees with tlie characters of this species, obtained on the Missouri River, both near the mouth of Keg Creek, and under the marls and drift at the base of Council Bluifs, except in the number of ribs or strit©, which are much more numerous in the American fossil, — at least sixty at the beak, and more than double that number at the border, irregularly alternating coarse and line ; with three strongly-marked, concentric lines of increase, and one less distinct. ''• Fig. 12, Chonetes gramdifera (N. S.) Missouri River, near the mouth of Keg Creek. Y'lg. lo. Allorismaregidaris? I have not been able to discover any essential diiference between this fossil, from near the base of the section at Wayne City, on the Missouri River, except that the shell is rather flatter, and the trans- verse folds are not so regular, some of the middle ones bifurcating, or becoming broad folds as they curve towards the posterior border ; in this latter character it approaches to A. sulcata^ but it is not gaping like that species, and is less gibbous and more elongated. '' Fig. 14. Disciles tuberculaius (N. S.) Iowa Point, Missouri River. * WissensehafUiche Beobachluiigen in das Petschora Land, p. 231. mr :.>■■;:■/ . .;.<'//'/J|? ■--/' ',?'"> M^ ^;^ ~ '^vA-?^;^ >^>c;^^^^^,^,:V|; ^ 1^ '^-v' ^^*.#X#-v m: r-^^ ^-^■::;^:::;:r;:¥s^^ TABLE V NEW SPECIES OF GRINOIDEA OF THE CARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONE. Tab. V. Aj Fig, 1. Plalycnmis discoideus (N. S.) Biu'liiigton, Iowa. " a. Basal view. '• b. Side view, showing tlie form of the articulatiiig surface for the anna. " Fig, 2. Plaiycrinus corrugaius (N. S.) Burhngton, Iowa. " a. Basal view, with several joints of column attached. '' b. Side view, showing the form of the first cuneiform joint oj' tije aiiiis. '• 6'. "Detached scapular plate. '• d. " basal plate. " c. Scapukir plate, enlarged, showing the corrugated surface. '' Fig. 3, Megistocrinus Evansii CN.S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. Side view of the body, natural size, " b. Basal aspect, showing the form of the basal and first series ofpiatc-^, " Fig. 4. Platycrinus jjlanus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. View of the face of a specimen of medium size, " b. View of a large specimen, from Burlington, Iowa. " c. Detached basal plate. '• Fig. 5. Plaiycrinus Burlingtonensis (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa, '■• Fig. G. Plcdycrinus Yandellii (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. Side view. '■ b. Basal view. " Fig. 8. Cyathocrinus cornutus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. ■•' a. Side view. " b. Basal aspect. " Fig. 9. BicJiocrinus ovatus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. View of the face, exhibiting a fragment of an arm attached to one of the superior plates '' b. Basal plate, exhibiting its bi-partite character. Fig. 1(3. Dichocrinus striatus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. View of the side, showing the longitudinal striae running over the surface of the plates. " b. Basal plate, exhibiting the divi.sion. " Fig. 11. Cyathocrinus lowensis (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. '• a. Basal aspect. " b. View of the side. " c. Detached superior plate, showing the corrugated surface. " Fig. 12. Actinocrinus unicornus (N. S.) Burlington and Augusta, Iowa. " a. Basal view. " b. Side view, exhibiting the position of the mouth, and. the central spinous capital plate. '■ Fig. 13. Pentremites Norwoodii (N. S.) Burhngton and Augusta, Iowa. " a. Basal view. " b. View of the summit. " c. View of the side. " Fig. 14. Pentremites melo (N. S.) Burlington, lov/a. " a. View of the summit, exhibiting the apertures. " b. Basal view. " c. Side view. " Fig, 15. Pentremites laterniformis (N. S.) Mill Creek, Randolph County, Illinois. " Fig. 16. Pentremites stelUformis (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. View of the summit, exhibiting its star-like contour and the oval aperture. " b. Side view. lb.: ^t^' ^if ^^ X "J jy:-i ^»- s,y,/ ■■} .,, ' i t \ \ {y f ■'W ^y; 1 ?, ■■• r 1 I TABLE V, NEW SPECIES OF ClUNOIDEA OF THE CAItBONIFEROUS LIBIESTONE. Tab. V. B, Fig. 1. Platycrinus Americanus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. ''• a. View of the base of calyx. " b. Side view. '' Fig. 2. Poteriocrinus rliomhiferus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. Basal view. '' h. Side view, exhibiting the two accessory pieces. " c. View of the side, showing the form of the superior plates. ^" Fig. 3. Poteriocrinus tumidus (N. S.) Chester, Illinois. " a. Basal view, " b. View of the side. '• Fig. 4. Poteriocrinus spinosus (N. S.) Kaskaskia, Illinois. " Fig. 5. Poteriocrinus occidentalis (N. S.) Chester, Illinois, " a. Side view, showing the form of the accessory pieces, and a few of the joints of the arms remaining attached. " b. Basal view. " Fig. 6. Jgassizocrinus conicus (N. S.) Chester, Illinois. " Fig. 7. Sijnbathocrinus dentatus (N. S.) Burlington, Iowa. " a. Basal view, showing the tripartite character of the basal plate. " b. View of the side, exhibiting the dental elevations on the superior edges of the arrn-bearing plates. '[ab.y..B,- l.h 2, b T^ o,b b.a. ^-s;^-*' TABLE VI. L"RPn)Ot)ENBRONS AND FOSSIL I'ERN9, CHARACTERISTIC OF THE CARBONIFEROUS SANDfiTONES, MUSCATINE QUARRIES, IOWA. Tab. VI., Figs. 1, 3. Lepidodendron aculeatwm. - Sternberg. " Fig. 2. " ohovatum. Sternberg. " Fig. 4. " Sternhcrgii ? " Fig. 5. " dilatatum. Lindley and Hntton, " Fig. G. Pecopteris. Species nndetermined. " Fig. 7. " [Murrayana?) " Fig. 8. Lcpidostrolms. Tab VI. DL u V\/. R.Douclal. TABLE yiT. FOSSIL STTli^LLS CHARACTEllTSTrO OF THE OUETACEOUS FOUMATTON OF NET'.EASTvA, Figures 2, 3, 4-, and 5, Medal-ruled from the Original Speeinien?;. Tab. VIT,,Fig. 1. CucullcRa Nebrascensis (N. S.) Fox Hills, between the Cheyenne and Moreau Rivers, Nebraska. ". Fig, 2. Ammonites Cheyennensis (N, S.) Fox Hills, Nebraska. " Fig. 3. Inoceramus Sagensis (N. S.) Sage Creek, a southern tributary of the Cheyenne, bordering on the confines of the Eocene Tertiary of Nebraska. " Fig. 4. Scaphites comprimus (N. S.) Fox Hills, Nebraska. " Fig. 5. Ammonites (?) Mandanensis, Morton. Fox Hills, between the Cheyenne and Moreau Rivers, Nebraska. On comparing this fossil with Dr. Morton's figure and description of A. Mandmiensis, fig. 2, Pi. H., and p. 208 of vol. viii., part 1, of the Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci., I at first doubted whether it could be considered ; of that species, inasmuch as the tubercles of the internal margins, and even those of the external mar- gins, were represented so much more distinct than they appeared on the Nebraska fossil. However, a comparison, of the authentic specimens of A. Mandanensis in the Academy of Natural Sciences, con- vinced rae that no specific distinction could be established. If Scaphites can be shown to be a satisfactory genus,* then it seems probable that this fossil would rank with that group of concamerated shells. It is true that the boat-shaped form, from the deflection of the last half whorl, is obscure, but still it has a considerable general resemblance, and the compressed form of fig. 4, and has the same kind of ribbing on the last half whorl, on which the serrations of the sutures of chambers are not manifest. " Fig. G. Baculites {compressus?). Sage Creek, tributary of the Cheyenne, Nebraska. " Fig. 7. Baculites (undet.). Sage Creek, Nebraska. The surface of this fossil is waved, from broad and flatly-rounded ridges or eminences, which traverse it obliquely, and which, in consequence of their being most prominent near the margins o^ the longest diameter, form a shallow channel, or rather give a compressed form to the surface at right angles to the long diameter. The Baculites ovatus of Say has a similar waved s\u"face, but differs in the trans- verse section presenting a more wedge-shaped form. " Fig. 8. Mould of Lucina? Fox Hills, Nebraska. '' ' Fig. 9. M.ovi[di of Pectunculus. Fox Hills, Nebraska. " Fig. 10. Avicula {m\ Fox Hills, Nebraska. In form this Avicula approaches to A. cwrulescens of Nelson, as figured by Gold fuss, from the cretaceous formation of Westphalia. Its breadth, however, is greater in proportion to the length of the shell, which is rhombic in form, and less oblique than Goldfnss's figure, and is not provided, near the middle of the back, with minute tuberculated costfc. " Fig. 11. Orbicula [undet.) Fox Hills, Nebraska. * For remarks on this head, see Appendix to this Report, p. 670. D.D.Owen,. Ti6^ 2,3 A k B.Medal-rijled'bj PL.TA/iiteclrarcli, at J.M.Butler's E s tabli :, liri. TABLE YIII. AMMONITES AJjD SCAPHITBS, FROM THE ORETACEOUS FORMATION OF NEBRASKA. All, except Figures and 3 a, medal-rnled on Steel from the Original Specimens. Tab. YIIL, Fig. 1. Ammonites Nicolletti^ Morton. Fox Hills, between the Cheyenne and Moreau Rivers. This Ammonite agrees with Morton's description of the above species, published in the Journal of the Acadenny of Natural Sciences, vol. viii,, p. 209, except that the costss are closer together, are more numerous, and their bifurcations repeated sometimes twice before reaching the periphery; distinctions which are, however, not considered sufficient for the establishment of a new species. There is another Ammonite from this locality, v/hich probably may be referred to the same species, as it differs only in the tubercles at the margin of the periphery being more distinct. Fig. 2. Amononites Nebrascensis('l). Fox Hills, Nebraska. Figs. 3, aiid 3, a. Ammonites Nebrascensis. Fox Hills, Nebraska. Fig. 4. Seaphites nodosus (N. S.) Sage Creek, southern tributary of the Cheyenne, Nebraska. Fig. 5. Ammonites lenticidaris (N. S.) Fox Hills, Nebraska, associated with an Avictda. Fig. 6. Ammonites opalus (N. S.) Great Bend of the Missouri River, associated with Inoceramus Cripsii. Fig, 7. Ammonites Moreauensis (N. S.) Fox Hills of Nel^raska, associated with Avicnia, Tab. VH., fig. 10. " -"1,,"? '"''^A > /! 3 4 <^ f"V.'-V S'f'' .^iF:i£? TABLE VIIL A. INOCERAMUS AND AMMONITE, FROM THE CRETACEOUS FORMATION OF NEBRASKA. Medal-ruled on Steel, from the Original Specimens. Tab. VIII. A, Fig. 1. Inoceramus Nebrascensis (N. S.) Sage Creek, Nebraska. Before this fossil was engraved, it was thought to be altogether impracticable to execute a subject of so great convexity by the meclal-ruling process, and the plate was undertaken as a mere experiment, which turned, out, however, remarkably successful, and gives a wonderfully perfect representation ; more perfect indeed, than could be" obtained by any other method of engraving. " Fig. 2, Ammoniies Nebrascensis. Fox Hills, Nebraska. Ta,lyYra.A, Medal -Tuled on steel, from oxi&aal s^Decmaens . \ij IL.WMt.eclmxctio%B.PlTewiia.m,ai: J.M.Biitler's Esrablisiment , TABLE IX, REMAINS OE THE lUIINOCEROS AND THE GIGANTIC rALiEOTIIEKlUM OF THE EOCENE TERTIARY OE THE MATJVAiyE.S TERRES OF NEBRASKA. Tcib. IX., Fig. 1. Rhinoceros occidcntalis. Half the diameter of nature. Inferior view of the skull. Upon the left side all the molar teeth except the first are perfect, and the latter are entire on the opposite side. " Fig. 2. Fragment of the left side of the lower jaw, the size of nature, of RJmioceros occidentalis. It contains three molar teeth. " Fig. 3. The last lower molar tooth of the left side of Palceotherium (Titanotlmrkvni) Proutii^ the size of nature. " a. Left, side of the lower jaw of Palceothernmi [Titanotherium) ProiUii^ reduced one diameter, containing the true molars, and portions of the preceding two premolars. The PalEEOtheroid animals are more nearly allied to the Tapir than any other living animal, but approximate in some respects to the Rhinoceros. Tab IX. #1 ^ tt9 V D.D.OweP_. MUlDoiidal TABLE X. PvEMAINS OF ARCHiEOTHERIUM AND OREODON OF THE EOCENE TERTIARY OF NEBRASKA. Engraved from Daguerreotypes of the Original Specimens, Tab. X., Fig. 1. Inferior view of the upper jaw of ArchcBotherium {Entdodon?) Morioni^ one-half the diameter of nature, Upon the upper side of the figure may be observed the last two temporary molars, and the succeeding two permanent molars, and on the lower side the permanent premolar successors of the former teeth, and the following two true molars. '- Fig. 2. Side view of the head of JlrchcEotherium (Entelodon?) Mortoni, reduced two diameters. In it are visible the posterior two temporary molars, and the first and second permanent true molars. The lower jaw exhibits a portion of the unpro'truded last permanent premolar, a fragment of the last temporary molar, and the first permanent true molar. " Fig. 3. Portion of the left side of the lower jaw of Archceotherium [Entelodon?) Mortoni, reduced one diameter. It contains a portion of the last temporary molar, below which, in the figures, the unprotruded last permanent premolar is partially visible, and the permanent true molars. Since writing the descriptions accompanying these plates, on the mammalian and chelonian remains of Nebraska, I have had an opportunity of inspecting Gervai's Palssontologie Frangaises, in which is the sketch of an upper series of molar teeth of Entelodon, which so closely corresj^ond to those of Archaeo- therium, that I think it very probable the latter may prove to belong to the same genus. " Figs. 4-6. Oreodon Cvdbertsonii, reduced one diameter. " Fig. 4. Inferior view of the skull, of a male individual, containing on both sides the molar series, almost perfect, the left canine tooth entire, and part of the right canine. " Fig. 5. Side view of the skull, with the lower jaw, of a female individual. It contains all the molar teeth in both jaws, and the canines in the lower jaw. '' Fig. 6. Upper view of the skull of the same individual as the last. The ArchsBOtherium partook of the nature of the Hog and Peccary. Yet, by regarding its physiognomy, it will be observed that the animal must have had more decided carnivorous propensities than those pachyderms ; indeed, in the greater size of the temporal fossse and high sagittal crest, this fossil genus of Nebraska, approximated to the Cat tribe 5 and it is p)robable, when its canine teeth are discovered, that they will be found to have an analogy with the plantigrade or Bear tribe. Thus we have united in this singular extinct race characters witnessed now in two different orders. The Oreodon was truly a ruminating Hog 5 its grinding teeth closely analogous to the Deer tribe, show that it chewed the cud like existing Ruminants, yet was provided with very peculiar canines, more like those of the Peccary than any other existing animal ; while some portions of the cranium approach to the Camel and Lama. It possesses incisors in both jaws, differing in this respect from all existing Ruminants. *M^»^ttW"» Engraved on st(?el (rem daQuerreo types of the oripmal specimens by A.B , Walter, Fhil '' TABLE XI, . ADDITIONAL REMAINS OF AllCILEOTHERlUM AND OREODON. All lliG figures of the natural size. 'ab. XI., Fig. 1. Inferior view of the upiDer jaw of an adult individual of ArcJiCBoihermm [Enlclodon?) Morloni. The lel't side of the specimen contains the first and second true molars, j^erfect, and the fangs of the last molar and of the preceding two premolars. The right side contains the greater part of the first true molar, the entire second, and the fangs of the third and those of the last premolar. " Figs. 2, 3. Or codon gracilis. " Fig. 2. View of the right side of the skull of an adult individual. " Fig. 3. View of the base of the same specimen. Upon the left side are exhibited the fourth premolar and the true molars, nearly entire. Tdb.Xl. ,.,-^^ .^^^■^H^^ .M'- '•^^^ :D.D. Ov/en del. A.B.AA.^a]ter So TABLE XII. REMAINS OF A SPECIES OF LAND TURTLE, EROM THE EOCENE TERTIARY OE NEBRASKA. Engraved from Daguerreotypes of the Original Specimen. Tab. XIL, Testudo Culbertsonii^ two-fifths the diameter of nature. " Fig. 1. Ventral view. Sternum. " Fig. 2. Dorsal view. Carapace. The anterior part of both figures is directed to the left of the engraving. Though the fossil turtles of the Mauvaises Terres of Nebraska, have most analogy, in the details of the anatomy of the carapace, to the land tortoises, still their general form and appearance closely approximate to the aquatic turtles, and for this reason it is not improbable that they were yiartly aquatic in their habits. Tab.XIl. i TABLE XI I. TWO SPECIES OF LAND TURTLES, MACHAIRODUS, OR SABRE-TOOTHED TIGER, AND A SMALL SPECIES OF RIIINOCEEOS, FROM THE EOCENE TERTIARY OF NEBRASKA. Engraved from Dagaerreotypes of the Original Specimens. Tab. XII. A, Figs. 1, 2. Testudo Nebrascensis, half the diameter of nature. " Fig. 1. Dorsal view. Carapace. '• Fig. 2. Ventral view. Sternum. " Figs. 3, 4. Testudo Oiveni, tliree-tentlis the diameter of nature. " Fig. 3. Dorsal view. Carapace. " Fig. 4. Ventral view. Sternum. " Fig. 5. View of the left side of the sknll and lower jaw of Machairodus primcEVJts^ two-fifths the diameter of nature. In the upper jaw are visible a portion of the canine, and the posterior tliree molars. '' Fig. 0. Rhinoceros Nebrascensis^ two-fifdiH the diameter of nature. Inferior view of the upper jaw, containing the series of molars on both sides, nearly perfect. ~^-^i^l cl! /' 'y m ' ^ TABLE XII. B. B.EMAINS OP A LAND TURTLE, RHINOCEROS, AND PALyEOTHERIUM, FROM THE EOCENE TERTIARY OF I^EBRASKA. Engraved from Daguerreotypes of the Original Specimens. Tab. XII. B, Figs. 1, 2. Testudo he?nispherica^ one-third the diameter of nature, '* Fig. 1. Riglit dorso-lateral view. '^ Fig. 2. Right ventro-lateral view. The anterior part of both figures is directed to the right of the engraving. " Figs. 3, 4. Fragments of the superior true molars, natural size. I am at present very much inclined to consider these as belonging to a true species of PahKodie- rium, which from its very great size might be appropriately named Pala?otlierium maxim tmi. " Fig, 5, Fragment of the lower jaw of Rhinoceros Nebrascensis^ the size of nature. It contains half of the first true molar, and both those succeeding, entire. '' Figs. 6-8. Palaotherium [Titanotherium) Proutii, the size of nature. " Fig. 6. Fragment of the masticating surface of a superior true molar, exhibiting the inner conical lobe. " Fig. 7. Crown of an inferior ]Dremolar. " Fig. 8. Crown of an inferior canine. Figs. 6-8, and figs. 3, 3 a, Tab. IX., I think belong to a diflerent but closely allied genus to those represented in figs. 3 and 4 of this plate, which appear to be characteristic of a true Palyeotheriimi. Tal:).XIl.B. TABLE XIII. REMAINS OF AROHiEOTHEIlIUM AND OKEODON, FROM THE EOCENE TERTIARY OF NEBRASKA. The figures are all of the natural size. Tab. XIII. , Fig. 1. Distal extremity of an os humeri, viewed anteriorly. " ~ Fig. 2. The same specimen as Fig. 1, articulated with the radius and uhm, viewed internally. . None of the specimens of long bones in the collection, were found in immediate connexion with the fragments of crania, so that I am not able to ascertain with certainty to what species those represented belong. The humerus of Figs. 1 and 2 is about the same size as the corresponding por- tion of that of Cervus Virginianus; the radius is in a trifling degree larger, but the ulna is relatively much better developed. The relative size of the three bones agrees better with the Suiline animals than with Ruminants, and they may probably belong to Archseotherium Mortoni. " Fig, 3. Fragment of the left side of the lower jaw of Oreodon Culbertsonii, viewed from above, and exhibiting the true molars and the posterior two premolars, with their crowns very much worn. " Fig. 4. Fragment of the louver jaw of Oreodon Culbertsonii, exhibiting the triturating surfaces of the last two molars. -' Figs. 5, 6. Fragment of the right side of the lower jaw of Oreodon gracilis, containing the la&t two molars, and half of that in advance. Fig. 5. External view of the specimen. " Fig. 6. View of the triturating surfaces of the teeth. TABLE XI Y. REMAINS iW THE RHINOCEROS, FROM THE EOCENE TERTIARy OF NEBRASKA. All the iig-ures reduced one-third. Tab. XIV,, Fig. 1. Front view of the distal extremity of the os femoris, supposed to belong to Rhinoceros occidentalis. ''■ Fig. 2. Inner view of the same specimeii. " Fig, 3. The left tibia, probably also of the same species, though the specimen is relatively rather snialler than the former. \.^^J 'X 1 '^h TABLE XV. REMAINS OF EUCROTAniU.S AND OF THE RHINOCEROS, FROM THE EOCENE TERTIARY OF NEBRASKA. All the figures are of the natural ,size. Tab. XV., Fi;^\ 1. View of the left side of a cranial fragment of Eucrotaphiis aurilus. " Fig. 2. Upper view of the same fragment. " Fig. 3. Portion of the right side of the lower jaw, containing the posterior three molars, of Rhinoceros Nebras- censis. " Fig. 4. View of the proximal articniation of the tibia, supposed to be of Rhinoceros occidentalis. The Eucrotaphus was a fossil ruminating Pachyderm, allied to the Oreodon, a ruminating Hog, whose analogies have been mentioned in the references to Table X, Tab. X \ i '4:- X #^ n ^'■y^^ ■I- / I: ^^v .>;! XM , •^'■ •■■>v!\ /■'■; 1, , / '^ ■, -^ '^1 / ^i^i^i'^- siarea noiii me ongixLal specimeiLS ly LlCB^iliex.