i^;; :;IH I I'll .-..-..-.■:■.■:■;:;■■■■■: •?:h:i.::i :;:■:.■!; .;j.:,ii:i;r. . ^:«^..:.. isj^tc II f. FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Hottlratt: FETTER LANE, E.G. C. F. CLAY, Manager (fFtrtttfeiirgf) : loo, PRINCES STREET llDtttinn: WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, STRAND Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. ILapjtg: F. A. BROCK HAUS i^itw ^ork : G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS iSombaj) nnt! ralcuttn; MACMILT-AN AND CO., Ltd. All 7'ighfs reserved FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS VOL. II. PART III. COLEOPTERA. L D. Sharp. R. C. L. Perkins. Price Thirty Shillings. To Subscribers Fifteen Shillings. The Fauna Hawaiiensis Is being published in parts at irregular Inter- vals, and will it is hoped be completed in about two years. Contributions have been made or promised by the following, viz. F, E. Beddard, F.R.S Prof. AUGUSTE FOREL Dr L. O. Howard and W. H. Ashmead G. W. KiRKALDY, F.E.S. Sir John Lubbock, F.R.S. E. Meyrick, F,Z.S. R. C. L, Perkins, B.A. R. L PococK D. Sharp, F.R.S. ... A. E. Shipley, M.A. M. EuG. Simon E. R. Sykes, F.Z.S. The Lord Walsingham, F.R.S. Earthworms. Formicidae. Hymenoptera Parasitica. Hemiptera. Thysanura and Collembola. Macrolepidoptera. [Hymenoptera Aculeata, Orthoptera, \ Neuroptera, and part of Coleoptera. Myriapoda, Part of Coleoptera. Parasitic Worms. Arachnida. Mollusca. Microlepidoptera. It is also intended to give a list of the Vertebrates, with their distribution, in the Islands. N.B. The parts of Volumes I. and II. are being published concurrendy in order to expedite the completion of the work. The price of each part will vary according to its extent and the number of Plates. Subscribers to the whole work will be charged half-price for each part. The parts will be sent, as published, to each subscriber who has paid for the preceding part. Those who wish to be subscribers, should send name and address either directly to C. J. Clay & Sons, Cambridge Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane, London, E.C., or through any bookseller. Payments for each part should also be made to Messrs C. J. Clay & Sons. FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS OR THE ZOOLOGY OF THE SANDWICH (HAWAHAN) ISLES Being Results of the Explorations instituted by the Joint Committee appointed by THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON FOR PROMOTING NATURAL KNOWLEDGE AND THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE And carried on with the assistance of those Bodies and of the Trustees of THE BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP MUSEUM AT HONOLULU. EDITED BY DAVID SHARP, M.B., M.A., F.R.S. SECRETARY OF THE COMMITTEE. VOLUME II. PART III. COLEOPTERA. I. By D. sharp and R. C. L. PERKINS. Pages 91 — 270; Plates VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, uncoloured. CAMBRIDGE: AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1900 [All Rights reserved.'] Feb. Wi, 1900. SonUon: C. J. CLAY and SONS, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. (Slaggobj: 263, ARGYLE STREET. Eetpjtg: F. A. BROCKHAUS. l^ehJ lotfe: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. iSombaBt E. SEYMOUR HALE. COLEOPTERA PHYTOPHAGA By D. sharp. COLEOPTERA RHYNCHOPHORA, PROTE- RHINIDAE, COLEOPTERA HETEROMERA, CIOIDAE By R. C. L. PERKINS. 91 COLEOPTERA\ I. COLEOPTERA PHYTOPHAGA. By D. Sharp. Contents, § i, General remarks ; § 2, Systematic account; § 3, Bibliographic list. § 1. General Remarks. The remarkably successful zoological work of Mr Perkins has thrown fresh light on many points connected with the entomology of the Hawaiian Islands. It would be out of place to discuss most of these points at present, but there is one to which I may here allude. It was formerly supposed that very few specimens of any of the precinctive^ species could be obtained. As the geographical area of the islands is very small, it of course followed as a corollary that the number of individuals existing of a species was extremely small. Although there is still much truth in this idea, it has nevertheless become clear that in many cases the limitation is far from being so great as we supposed it to be, Mr Perkins having procured a large number of individuals of numerous precinctive species. He has however succeeded in doing this in most cases only by tracing the exact conditions under which they exist. It thus remains true that, compared with the great majority of Insects in other parts of the world, the individuals ^ Owing to the great extent of the Hawaiian Coleoptera this Order will be dealt with in divisions. Editor. ^ I use the word precinctive in preference to endemic or peculiar — both of which are in common use — in the sense of "confined to the area under discussion." The word endemic has been objected to on the grounds that its derivation does not indicate geographical restriction, and that it is actually used in medicine to signify constant, but not necessarily exclusive, presence in a locality. The word peculiar has no special connection with geography and when used by itself is often inadequate to convey the meaning intended ; so that when one speaks of "peculiar" forms it is necessary to add some expression to make it clear that geographical peculiarity is meant. Hence we require another word that can be used when there is no context (as in tables), or when the context does not make it clear that geographical restriction is the point in view. Precinctive appears to me suitable for this purpose and I see no objection to the use of the word restricted. *' Precinctive forms " means therefore forms that are confined to the area specified. F. H. II. 13 92 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS of a species actually existing are very few ; the species having not only a very small geographical distribution, but also being found in but few stations in the area. The fact that species are sometimes found in considerable numbers at some of these stations renders it doubtful whether there is diminished fertility of the individuals, as I formerly supposed. At present there is but little evidence on this point. Whether the Insects are unusually specialised in their modes of life is also doubtful. Most of them are either forest species, or are of alpine or subalpine habits. Many forest Insects in other parts of the world are notorious as being but rarely met with. In the New Forest, in the south of England, this is certainly the case, and it is probably due to the fact that trees are only attacked when they are in certain stages of decay, or offer some special kind of shelter, or are accompanied by some particular kinds of fungoid growths. Variation. In the case of two or three of the species dealt with in this paper I have had at my disposal some hundreds of specimens for examination. It therefore seems necessary that I should make some remarks on their variation, though on considering this I find that the data are very inadequate for a complete discussion. Nevertheless it will be well to present certain facts with regard to the genus Plagithmy- sus which appears to be one of the most suitable genera for the study of variation in Hawaiian Insects. Twenty-nine species of this genus are now known. But about nineteen of these have each been found only in a single station, and of the remaining ten several are so rare that no opinion can be pronounced as to their variation. We have little or no information as to the distribution of the species beyond the fact that no species has yet been found on more than one island. It would scarcely be possible to find species more closely allied than are some of these Plagithmysus and yet, so far as the specimens yet procured entitle us to judge, though found in the same locality and at the same season they appear to be really distinct. P, varians, P. darwinianus and P, lamarckianus are examples of this, all of them having been procured at Kilauea in August ; they are as closely allied as any three species can be. Varieties of the same species may be found together, and copulate indiscriminately. The variation is not indiscriminate. It appears probable that each species has its own set of variations and in some cases closely allied species could be defined by their variation. As an example I may refer to the colour of the hind legs. In P. aequalis these are either black or red, there are no intermediates although the two kinds copulate indiscriminately. The species is as regards this character dimorphic. In the three closely allied species — P. varians, P. darwinianus, P. lamarckianus — the facts are different. Here also there is variation in the redness or blackness of the legs, but the varieties of one species are not completely discontinuous. Moreover the species differ from one another in their variation in this respect. P. varians is very variable as regards the character in question. A highly remarkable variety of it has each leg half COLEOPTERA 93 red, half black. This variety is very common in this species but does not occur at all in either of the two allies though each of them is variable to a greater {P. lamarckianus) or less {P, darwinianus) extent as to the redness and blackness of the legs. P. varians is almost trimorphic as regards the colour of the legs, but the three forms are not completely distinct, and one of them is very much rarer than the other two. Of P, darwinianus I have not a large series before me, but Mr Perkins examined a large number of specimens of this species captured by Mr A. Koebele and tells me that the legs are always red or nearly so in it\ Thus as regards the character here considered we find that P, aequalis is dimorphic, that P. varians is imperfectly trimorphic, and that P. darwinianus is only slightly variable. Very little information is available as to local variation. We have not received any one species of Plagithmysus from more than one locality in any considerable number ; the specimens we have received lead me however to anticipate that consider- able local difference in the variation exists. As an example I may mention that the five specimens of P, aequalis — a species confined to the island of Kauai— found at Waimea in April cannot be quite matched by any specimens of the large series found at Makaweli in January and February. Whether greater information as to local variation would lead to the union of some of the species at present treated as distinct, is a point on which I am not at all positive. I may however point out that the three closely allied species I have already mentioned as being found in one locality have there each a different food-tree. In other words they are segregated by food though not by locality. The two closely allied species, P. blackburni and P, darwinianus, exhibit the converse of this. Though both are found in the island of Hawaii and have the same food-tree they have not yet been found in the same locality. Each of these species has however as yet only been once or twice met with. It would be very interesting to know whether they ever occur together, and if so whether they still remain distinct. In connection with this I must not omit to call attention to the peculiar case of P. vitticollis with its var. longuhis, and of P, biskofii with its y^v, gracilis. In the case of these species the variety and typical form inhabit either different localities or different trees. We know however but little about these two species, and it is possible that these *' varieties" may be incipient species, or even closely allied, but actually distinct forms. At present it holds good that all the forms I have treated as distinct species are segregated either geographically or by food : and this also applies to the two varieties just mentioned. > A small series only of P. lamarckianus having been procured I do not mention its variation here, but may refer the reader to p. no. It appears to be different from either of the other species as regards the character under discussion, 13—2 94 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Distribution. Turning our attention to distribution, we note that the Coleoptera Phytophaga of the world consist of three great families : Chrysomelidae, Bruchidae, and Cerambycidae. (i) Chrysomelidae. There are about 18,000 species of Chrysomelidae known, they are found nearly everywhere except in the Hawaiian Islands, where there is only a single species ; and even this has apparently been introduced quite recently. Chry- somelidae live on foliage, and the Hawaiian Islands are doubtless well adapted to sustain them, so that the absence of this great family has an important significance, (2) Bruchidae. A family of about 700 species, of very little importance in this connection. The species live in seeds and are carried about by commerce. A few specimens have been found at Honolulu. (3) Cerambycidae. One of the important families of Coleoptera, consisting of upwards of 12,000 species. Fifty-four have been discovered m the Hawaiian Archipelago, of which number forty-five are precinctive, while nine have been found elsewhere. These nine species belong to as many different genera ; the individuals do not differ in the islands to any appreciable extent from those found elsewhere. Owing to their comparative lack of interest they have however been but little collected. There is nothing in their distribution that throws any light on the origin of the Hawaiian fauna. The forty-five precinctive species of Cerambycidae belong to two very distinct categories. First there are single species of two genera of Prionini. Each of the genera to which they belong has a wide distribution ; the Hawaiian forms are not closely allied to any of the external forms ; they are in fact rather more distinct than is usual in their genera, so that there is no indication of special affinity with species of any other locality. The forty-three precinctive species of Cerambycini are totally different from the two Prionini we have discussed : they belong to three genera, very closely allied inter se, and form a special group or tribe — Plagithmysides — peculiar to the islands, distinguished by the wings having no transverse fold. They seem to be nearest allied to the genera Neoclytus and Euryscelis, which are found in North and Central America and the Greater Antilles, They are in appearance the most remarkable of the Hawaiian Coleoptera and must be considered as a very highly specialised group of Cerambycidae. They are remarkable in their habits \ Thus there is a very great distinction between these Plagithmysides and the non-precinctive Cerambycidae found in the islands ; but the two endemic Prionini occupy as it were an intermediate place in their characters. These latter may be compared with the Corvus hawaiiensis amongst the birds, while the Plagithmysides appear to be analogous with the Drepanidae. ^ See on this point Perkins, Ent. Mag. xxxii. p. 190, and P. Cambridge Phil. Soc. ix. p. 373. COLEOPTERA g^ § 2. Systematic account of the Coleoptera Phytophaga. Fam. CHRYSOMELIDAE. Epitrix Foudr. ( I ) Epitrix parvula Fabr. Crioceris parvula Fabn, Syst. El. i. p. 468. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mts. ; Molokai. On '*poha" or *' cape gooseberry "—a plant which has no precinctive insect attached to it. Mr Jacoby has examined some of our specimens of this insect, and informs me that they are not to be distinguished from E, parvula, a species widely distributed in Central America and the Antilles. The species was not found by Mr Blackburn and has probably been recently introduced. Fam. BRUCHIDAE. Bruchus L. BruckuSy sp. Species of this family are doubtless occasionally carried to islands with peas and beans, or other seeds. Mr Perkins has brought back two or three specimens found at Honolulu. Fam. CERAMBYCIDAE. Subfam. PRIONINL Parandra Latr. (i) Parandra puncticeps Sharp. Parandra puncticeps Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 202. Rare, of nocturnal habits, chiefly found in the month of September, in several islands. Hab. Kauai, 4000 ft. May, July, September, and October, Perkins. — Oahu, in '' Acacia falcata'' in the mountains, Blackburn. — Molokai, September 1893, Perkins. — Hawaii ; Kona, July and September, Perkins, 96 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS This species exhibits a great deal of variation in the form and proportions of the prothorax, epistome, mandibles, etc. and there may possibly be more than one form in the islands. The material before me is not sufficient to decide as to this, owing to the development of the individual being subject to much variation ; but the varieties appear to be to some extent located in different islands. Aegosoma Serv. (i) Aegosoma refiexum Karsch. Aegosoma refiexum Karsch, Berlin, ent. Zeltschr. xxv. 1881, p. 7, PL I. fig. 11. Hab. Kauai, in July, Perkins. — Maui ; Grove Ranche, Karsch ; Haleakala, Perkins. — Hawaii ; Kona and Kilauea, Perkins. This species is common in the larval state, in wet or dry, decayed wood, and is also found in trees that are not entirely dead. The imago is rare, being nocturnal, and only occasionally attracted by light. Subfam. CERAMBYCINL Group OEMIDES, Xystrocera Serv. (i) Xystrocera globosa Olivier. Cerambix globosus Oliv., Ent. iv. 67, p. 2'], p. xii, fig. 81. Hab. Oahu ; Honolulu (Perkins). No doubt recently introduced. The species is widely distributed outside the islands, and its occurrence in Honolulu has no special interest. Group HESPEROPHANIDES. AsTRiMus Sharp. (i) Astrimus hirtus Fairm. Stromatium hirtum Fairm., Rev. Zool. i860, p. 50. (n. syn.) Astrimus obscurus Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. 1878, p. 204. Hab. Oahu ; Honolulu, Blackburn. This was no doubt introduced, and it is doubtful whether it has become naturalized or has died out. It was not met with by Mr Perkins. The species is widely dis- tributed, having been found in Siam, Fiji, and the Philippine Islands as well as in Tahiti. Mr Gahan considers Gelonaetha Thoms. to be the same genus as Astrimus Sharp. I was formerly of the opinion that Stromatium hirtum was a different species, but I now accept Mr Gahan's identification of the two. COLEOPTERA 97 Group CALLIDIOPSIDES. Ceresium Newman. (i) Ceresium simplex GylL Stenocorus simplex Gyll. in Schonherr Syn. Ins. App. i, 3, p. 178. Ceresium simplex Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 203. Hab. Oahu; Honolulu, Blackburn, Perkins; Waialua, Perkins.— Molokai, Perkins. — Maui ; Wailuku, Perkins. The species is widely distributed in the Pacific islands, but the record of it as occurring in New Zealand {Callidium zelandicum Blanchard, Voyage Pole sud, IV. p. 272, PI XVIL fig. 4) was probably erroneous; Blanchard's figure does not appear to represent this species. It probably occurs on all the islands where the introduced Acacia — Prosopis, sp. ? — is found. It comes freely to light and has been noticed by Mr Perkins on all the islands except Lanai, though I have mentioned above only localities that have been specially noted. CuRTOMERus Steph. ( I ) Curtomerus pilicornis Fab. Callidiwm pilicorne Fab., Ent. Syst. i. 2, p. 327. Curtomerus luteus Steph., 111. Brit. Ent. iv. p. 249. Sotenus setiger Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 205. Hab. Oahu; Honolulu, Blackburn, Perkins. — Also seen on Maui at Lahaina. The species is no doubt liable to be carried about, having been found on one occasion in England. Other localities are South America, the W. India islands, and Florida. Group CLYTIDES. Clytus Laich. (i) Clytus crinicornis Chevr. Clytus crinicornis Chevr., Ann. Soc. Ent France, i860, p. 460. Hab. Oahu; Blackburn, Perkins.^ — Kauai; Perkins. — Molokai, Perkins. — Abun- dant all over the islands, on the introduced Acacia, Prosopis, sp. This is a Central American species. 98 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Group PLAGITHMYSIDES. The difficulty of distinguishing the three genera of Plagithmysides has considerably increased in consequence of the discovery of additional forms. The characters distinguishing Clytarlus from Plagithmysus are, that in the former genus the hind legs are clubbed and possess a long slender basal stalk. A sexual difference in the form of the legs is constant in Clytarlus inasmuch as the femora of the female are less clubbed than they are in the male (Plate VI. figg. 2 and 3). On the other hand in the large majority of the species of Plagithmysus there is very little difference in the legs of the two sexes, and the femora are never abruptly clubbed, and with a long thin basal stalk. The females of Plagithmysus funebris, arachnipes and cristatus possess however much more slender legs than their males, and therefore considerably approach Clytarlus, The female of Clytarlus pennatus, has the legs but little clubbed, and therefore there is but little difference between it and the females of the three species of Plagithmysus mentioned. The male of Plagithmysus cristatus approximates in the form of the legs to Callithmysus, Thus this species is as it were the central point of the group, its male approaching Callithmysus^ while its female comes near to Clytarlus, It is also desirable to mention, in connection with the extraordinary reduction in size of the abdomen in this group, that this character is subject in the females of the same species to great variation. This is probably in connection with the growth of the ovaries. Some of the females have the abdomen very small, while in others, of the same sex and species, it is of the size normal in Coleoptera. Mr Perkins has observed that the extraordinarily complex stridulating organs of these insects are brought into play during breeding, and that very frequent coupling occurs, and this to an extent that is almost unknown otherwise in insects ; the Plagithmysides are extremely active and are apparently both polyandrous and poly- gamous. He has also suggested that the size of the abdomen influences the stridulating. So that all the observations that have been made tend to show that the unequalled complexity of the stridulating organs is correlative with the unusual system of copula- tion and probably plays an important part in it. Clytarlus Sharp. Clytarlus Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. Oct. 1896, p. 238. Clytarlus (pars) Sharp, Tr, Ent. Soc. London, 1879, p. 102. All the species of Clytarlus, except C, abnormisy are attached to one of the two Acdici^s, Sophora chrysophylla and Acacia koa. They are rare and difficult to obtain. The material before me is not adequate for the satisfactory elucidation of these very difficult insects. COLEOPTERA ^^ (i) Clytarlus filipes Sharp, Clytarlus filipes Sharp, Tn Dublin Soc. (2) iii. 1885, p, 196. This species has the punctuation of the upper surface denser and finer than in the allies. It is readily distinguished, so far as the male is concerned by the peculiar struc ture of the dorsal plate of the genital segment, which is unusually large and very deeply notched, so that the two angles project as a sort of forceps at the tip of the body (Plate VI . fig. \a) Hab. Hawaii ; Mauna Loa, '' on Acacia sp." Blackburn : Kona and Kilauea in August and September ; Kau, the half-way house, Sepr. Perkins. Apparently rare, we having received only 15 examples. Attached to Sopkora ckrysophylla. (2) Clytarlus mediocris, sp. nov. Minor, fusco-niger, depressus, opacus, albido-vestitus, elytris plus minusve conspicue transversim fasciatis, antennis pedibusque fusco-testaceis, femoribus basibus pallidis. Long. 4^ — 6|^millim. (Plate VI. figs, r and ib.) Closely allied to C filipes, but with a shorter stalk to the hind femora, and with the terminal dorsal plate of the male much less deeply excised. Hab. Maui ; a series of 38 specimens was found on Haleakala, 3000—5000 ft. May 1896. Attached to Sopkora chrysophylla. (3) Clytarlus fragilis Sharp. Clytarlus fragilis Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. London 1881, p. 534; Tr. Dublin Soc. (2) III. 1885, PI. V. fig. 48. Hab. Oahu ; Palolo Valley, November, Blackburn : Waianae mountains, Feb- ruary 1896, and April 1892 ; beaten from dead branches of Koa, Perkins. Apparently very rare, only four specimens having been obtained. On Acacia koa, (4) Clytarlus debilis, sp, nov. Minor, subdepressus, testaceo-brunneus, in elytris subfasciatus, dense punctatus, pedibus ex parte majore testaceis, femoribus posterioribus clava abrupta. Long. % 9 millim. Closely allied to C. fragilis, but with the club of the hind femora rather longer, F. H. II. 14; ; too FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS and the punctuation of the elytra denser ; the punctuation on the brown band behind the scutellum denser and finer. The antennae are rather long, yellow, but little thicker at the tip. The pronotum is transversely evenly convex without median or lateral crests, there being a single ante-median, and two smaller post-median transverse eleva- tions. The punctuation on the apical parts of the elytra is obsolete ; the colour of the hairs forming the obscure elytral fasciae is yellow rather than white ; the pubescence on the femora is long, and that on the under surface of the body is long and scanty. The stalk of the hind femur is very pallid and long, the club Is abrupt, brown. Only five abdominal segments can be seen in the male, and the hind-margins of the dorsal and ventral plates of the fifth are broad and nearly straight. Only two specimens of the male sex have been found. A third specimen, from Mauna Loa 17. vii, 92, is I have no doubt the female ; it is much larger, and has much less abruptly clubbed femora. Hab. Hawaii ; Mauna Loa (W.) Sepr. 1892, 4000 ft ; Hualalai, 5, viii, 92, 5000 ft. On Acacia koa. (5) Clytarlus obscuruSy sp. nov. Minor, rufo-obscurus, vel fuscus, albido-pubescens, in elytris subfasciatus, an tennis pedibusque testaceis, femoribus clava fusca. Long. 4^ — 6-J millim. Van An tennis pedibusque ex parte majore nigris. This is an excessively variable species in the colour of the elytra, legs and antennae, in the length of the white hairs, and in the fasciae of the elytra ; it also varies consider- ably in the elongation of the legs ; the variation in size seems to be less than it is in some other species. The thorax usually appears somewhat depressed longitudinally on each side of the middle, so that the middle appears slightly crested, but the transverse elevations on the middle are very small. The legs bear a very distinct, fine long pubescence ; the hind femora have a long basal stalk yellow in colour, and a darker, moderately long and abrupt club, which is much thicker and more abrupt in the male than it is in the female. The genital segment of the male is simple. The punctuation in this species is less dense and fine than in C Jilipes and mediocris, and the simple genital segment of the male clearly distinguishes (T. obscurus from both those species. The paler varieties closely resemble C fragilis and C debilis, but may be separated therefrom by the less abrupt club of the femora, and by the darker colour. Hab. Kauai ; in several localities at a height of about 3000 feet, Perkins ; nearly fifty specimens. On Acacia koa. COLEOPTERA ,^, (6) Clytarlus modestus Sharp. Clytarlus modestus Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc, 1879, p. 104. Hab. Maui; Haleakala, 4— 5000 ft. in April and May, '' ovi Acacia falcata: Blackburn; Haleakala, 5000ft. May, Perkins. On Acacia koa. (7) Clytarlus claviger, sp. no v. Secundum sexum diversus. Mas, rufus, albido-pubescens, elytris fere nudis, in medio longitudinaliter breviter albido-signatis, femoribus abrupte clavatis, clava nigra. Fern., fusca, albido-pubescens, antennis pedibusque testaceis, his gracilibus, clava fusca, gracili. Long. $ 7^ millim. This is closely allied to C. modestus. The thorax is a little cristate along the middle. The punctuation of the elytra is dense and fine, and leaves the surface a little shining. Hab. Hawaii; Kilauea, June 1895. O^ Acacia koa. Although only two males and one female have been obtained, and the two indi- viduals of the male sex are very different in appearance, yet I have little doubt that they belong to one species, and are distinct from C modestus. The male is readily distinguished by the black femoral club, and the female by its larger size and darker colour. The individual of the female sex is very different from the males. (8) Clytarlus laticollis^ sp. nov. Rufo-testaceus, parum pubescens ; pedibus minus elongatis, femoribus clava rufa, elongata ; thorace densisissime punctato, medio late obtuseque elevato ; elytris fortiter punctatis, medio plagis obsoletis albido-pubescentibus. Long. 775 millim. Only one specimen — a male — has been obtained. The species has the clubbed legs of ClytarluSy but the slender stalk is less elongate than in the normal Clytarlus, being in fact only as long as the club. Thorax broad and short, extremely densely punctured, almost without pubescence, with a broad elevation — rather than a crest — along the middle, and with five or six transverse elevations on this. Elytra much narrowed behind, strongly punctured at the base, obsoletely at the tip, v/ith very little pubescence but with a small divided mark of scanty white hairs on the middle. Hab. Maui; Haleakala, 5000ft. May 1896, Perkins. On Acacia koa, 14 — 2 I02 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (9) Clytarlus abnormis, sp. nov, Rufus, pectore fusco ; pedibus minus elongatis ; thorace densisissime punctato, supra inaequali, haud cnstato ; elytris dense, subtiliter punctatis, singulo posterius ad suturam linea pubescentiae albidescente. Long. 9*5 millim. Only one specimen — a male — has been received of this distinct species ; the legs are formed much as in C laticollis, but in several other respects the two species are very distinct. The thorax is not like that of any other species ; it is very densely punctured above, and has no transverse elevations or scabrosities along the middle, but has an obtuse conical tubercle in front, and a broad obscure elevation behind ; the surface is also more prominent on each side, so that the dorsum is very uneven. The elytra are rather shining ; the line of pubescence along the suture of each extends from the tip to a little in front of the middle, and there are a few additional pallid hairs on the outside of each line where it ends. The club of the hind femora is elongate and very gradual. Hab. Hawaii; Olaa, September 1896. Probably attached to Metrosideros or Straussia ; not to Acacia, as there are none growing in the locality of its occurrence. (to) Clytarlus pennatus Sharp. Clytarlus pennatus Sharp, Tn ent. Soc. London 1881, p. 532. (Plate VL fig. 2 J, fig. 3 ?.) The specimen originally described was a male. Both sexes vary much in size ; the female is more slender, and the legs are much thinner and bear but little pubescence. A fine series has now been obtained ; the variation is considerable as regards colour, size (8 — 12^ millim.) and pubescence, but is nothing like so great as it is in several species of Plagitkmysus. Hab. Maui ; Haleakala, Blackburn ; Haleakala, 5000 ft. February and May, Perkins. On Acacia koa. Mr Blackburn originally met with this species '*on the same tree as Proterhinus leconteiy C pennatus and P, lecontei, according to Mr Perkins' observations, live on different species of trees, so that the earlier record was probably based on a mere accidental occurrence. (11) Clytarlus nodifer^ sp. nov. Fuscus, vel testaceus, dense albido-pubescens, elytris vel fasciis interruptis duabus, vel maculis quatuor denudatis ; pedibus testaceis minus elongatis; maris femoribus abrupte clavatis, clava fusca dense albido-vestita ; femlnae clava gracili fusca, parum dense albido-setosa ; tibiis apice fusco. Long. 6 — 12 millim. COLEOPTERA 103 Allied to C pennatus, but with shorter legs, and more abrupt club to the posterior femora. Thorax strongly cristate, with an abrupt anterior vertical elevation, and a well- marked posterior elevation bearing two carinae. The colour of the elytra varies, it is usually blackish, but is sometimes yellow along the outer margins ; the white pubescence is more dense in the male than in the female ; the denuded spaces are densely and finely punctured. The femoral club is very dark, in abrupt contrast to the pallid stalk, and it is variegated with white pubescence which is much more extensive in the male than it is in the female ; in the latter sex the club is only slender, and is not abrupt. Hab. Hawaii, Kona, 3000 ft. March 1896. A small series of eleven specimens, unfortunately much broken. Attached to Acacia koa. (12) Clytarlus longipes, sp. nov. Gracilis, dense subtiliter punctatus, opacus ; mas rufus, elytris parce albido-vestitis, ante medium fascia angulata denudata, pedibus testaceis, femoribus clava elongata rufa ; femina supra fusca, thorace plus minusve evidenter rufo-vittato, elytris tenuiter albido- vestitis, haud signatis ; pedibus fuscis, femoribus basi testacea. Long. 6 — 8^ millim. (Plate VL fig. 4 t) This species exhibits considerable difference between the sexes. The male to a certain extent reminds one of Plagithmysus both in form and colour, while the female is extremely similar to certain females of C. obscurus. The thorax is scarcely at all cristate, but has a well-marked elevation in front, and two behind the middle, it is very densely punctate, and has very little pubescence ; it is red in the male, black, obscurely striped with red in the female. The elytra are finely, very densely punctured, quite dull. In the male they are red, with an angular space covered with white pubescence about the scutellum, and also with the apical half bearing a good deal of white pubes- cence. In the female they are nearly black, red only at the basal margin, and there is white pubescence scantily distributed all over them and not forming a pattern. The legs are very different in the two sexes ; in the male the middle femora are shaped as in Plagithmysus, but the hind legs are those of Clytarlus, with a rather long club : in the female the middle and hind legs are long and slender, with long slender clubs to the femora. This species was found in sufficient numbers to make it probable that the sexual distinctions are fairly constant. It appears to have been found in company with C. obscurus, and some of the females of the two are so similar that comparison of the form and length of the legs is necessary to distinguish the most similar examples ; while between the males of the two species there is but little resemblance. Hab. Kauai ; thirty specimens. On Acacia koa. 104 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (13) ClytaiHtis annectens, sp, nov. Gracilis, rufus, dense punctatus, elytris in dimidio apicale guttis minutissimis albidis ; pedibus basi antennisque flavis : femoribus posterioribus clava elongata, suboblonga. Long. 7*5 millim. Only one individual, a m^le, has been found of this species which might be placed with as much propriety in Plagithmysus as in Clytarhis, The thorax is not crested along the middle, but there is a slight anterior elevation, and numerous minute irregular scabrous elevations behind it : the sculpture is excessively dense and fine and there is almost no pubescence. The elytra are much narrowed behind, and are densely and rather closely punctured : there are some excessively minute spots of white hairs on the apical part near the suture, and also a few below the shoulder. There is a dense white pubescence on the sides of the breast. The middle legs have a long club and a rather short but slender stalk ; on the hind legs the stalk is longer and slender, so that I refer the species to Clytarhis rather than to Plagithmystis. Hab. Kauai, 1894. On Acacia koa. Plagithmysus Motsch. Stenopterus? Motschoulsky, Bull. Soc. Moscou, 1845, p. 85. Plagithmystts, id. op. cit. Pt. II. 1845, p. 41 ; Sharp, C. R. Soc. ent. Belgique, 1885, P- Ixxiv ; id. Ent. Mo. Mag. 1896, p. 237. CEnemona (erroneously), Motschoulsky, Etudes ent. 1852, p. 76. Neoclytus (pars), Horn, Tr. Amer. ent. Soc. v. p. 150. Clytarhis Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 206 and 208. Clytarlus (pars), id. op. cit. 1879, p. 102. Mr Perkins has obtained fine series of this genus, enabling me to feel pretty certain that the species are fairly distinct, and can be readily recognised notwithstanding their being in many cases very closely aUied. No species has been found on two islands. Apparently each species is confined to one kind of tree. Nine of the species are attached to one or other of the precinctive Acacias. Closely allied species are attached in certain cases to the same species of tree, but it would seem that they are in this case geographically separated. P, blackbttrni and P, darwmianus are both attached to Sophora chrysophyllay and both occur on the island of Hawaii, but they have not been found in the same locality there. Closely allied species (/^. darwinianus, varians and lamarckianus) live in the same locality but are attached to different trees. COLEOPTERA 105 ( I ) P lagithiny stis vitticollis Sharp. Plagithmysiis vitticollis Sharp, Ent. Mo, Mag. xxxii. 1896, p. 240. (Plate VL fig, 5 ; ?.) Hab. Hawaii, Kilauea, August 1895. O^^ Akala {Rtibus sp.) Perkins. Var. longulus Shp. 1. c. Hab. Hawaii, Olaa. Mr Perkins has now procured a fair series of the variety longulus. None of the individuals have any signs of being red on the elytra ; the thoracic vittae are less definite, the lateral yellow patch being considerably less extensive and there are few or no white hairs on the hind feet. One or two of the individuals are however intermediate in these respects, so that 'it is probable that both van longuhis and the typical form belong to one species which has a slightly different variation in the two localities. As the two forms of the species live on different trees, it would be possible to infer that we have in this case a species in process of dividing into two. (2) Plagithntysus permundtis, sp. nov. Gracilis, niger, thorace nigerrimo, vittis albidis angustis perdiscretis ; elytris dense punctatis, signaturis irregularibus albido-ochraceis ubique ornatis ; femoribus basi flava, tibiis tarsisque rufo-obscuris, tarsis posterioribus, dense albido-hirsutis. Long. 12 millim. (Plate VI. fig. 6.) A very distinct species, remarkable on account of the very definite white stripes on the jet-black thorax, and by the peculiar irregular but very definite pallid marks on the elytra, which along the suture are more confluent than elsewhere so as to form a pair of much broken irregular lines ; the white tarsi, in contrast with the dark tibiae, are also remarkable. The antenna are thin and long. The hind and middle legs are very long, but not very thick. The under surface is black, and very definitely marked with patches of pale sulphureous scales ; the posterior aspect of the hind coxa^ has a very definite white patch on it. The femora are sparingly clothed with very short white hairs. The sexes apparently differ very little. Hab. Kauai, 2000 ft. Feb. 1897: nine examples, Perkins. This feeds on the same tr^^—Bobea sp. .^ as P, vitticollis var. longulus, and Calltthmysus hirtipes. The tree is called '* ahakea " by the natives. (3) Plagitkmysus neiuelli Sharp. Plagithntysus newelli Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxii. 1896, p. 240. (Plate VI. fig. 7.) Hab. Maui ; Brother Matthias Newell, a single example. 1 06 FA UNA HA WAIIENSIS (4) Plagithmystts concolor Sharp. PlagithmysMS concolor Sharp, t. c. p. 241. (Plate VI. fig, 8; ?.) Hab. Kauai; on '' Q\{\2LA\'d.^' = Eugenia, sp. Perkins; Kaholuamano 4,000 ft G. C. Munro. This species varies but little. The series of 27 specimens sent by Mr Munro differ but little in colour and markings, and range in length between 8^—18 milHm. (5) Plagithmysus solitmdtis Sharp. Plagithmysus solitarius Sharp, t. c. p. 241. Hab. Oahu, Nuanu Valley, 2000 ft., October 1892; Perkins. Unique. (6) Plagithmysus cuneatus Sharp. Plagithmysus cuneatus Sharp, t. c. p. 241. (Plate VL fig. 9; ?.) Hab. Oahu, Kaala 1000 ft., March 1893; Perkins. Mr Perkins is unfortunately not acquainted with the name of the tree on which this species was found. (7) Plagithmysus finschi Har. Clytarlus finschi Harold, Mitt. Munchen. ent. Ver. iv. 1880, p. 166; Karsch, Berlin, ent. Zeitschr. xxv. 1881, p. 8, PI. I. fig. 13. Plagithmysus finschi Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1896, p. 242. Hab. Maui, Olinda, Dr Finsch ; 4000 ft, Blackburn ; Haleakala 4000 ft., May ; Perkins. On Acacia koa (Perkins). According to Blackburn on '' A. falcata,'' but this gentleman appears to have erroneously called A, koa, A. falcata, (8) Plagithmysus funebris Sharp. Plagithmysus funebris Sharp, 1. c. p. 273. (Plate VL fig. 10; t,) Hab. Maui, Haleakala in May, and Sept. — Oct. Perkins. On Sophora chrysophylla. COLEOPTERA 107 (9) Plagithmysus pulverulentus Motsch. S tenopt erics ptilveruleiittis Motsch., Bull. Mosc. 1895, i- p- 85, PI. I. f. 12. Plagitkinysiis pitlvertilenhis Motsch., Bull. Mosc. 1845, n. p. 41, PI. VI. f. 7; Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxii. 1896, p. 242. Clytarhu robttsHis Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. 1878, p. 206. Hab. Oahu, both ranges ; on Acacia falcata, Blackburn (erroneously) ; Perkins, on A, koa. (to) Plagithmysus diana, sp. nov. Nigerrimus, dense regulariter griseo-ornatus : thorace subgloboso, griseo, nigro trivittato: elytris griseis, areis denudatis nigris, ad suturam lineis latis discretis ante medium leniter divergentibus pallide pubescentibus, ante lineas has plaga angulariter nigro-pubescente. Long, i 3 millim. (Plate VI. fig. II.) An extremely distinct, beautifully, though soberly, ornamented species, with the sides of the thorax more strongly rounded than they are in any other species of the genus. There is a slight longitudinal carination of the middle of the thorax. The legs are entirely black even at the base, the posterior are elongate, but less incrassate than in most other species. The sexes appear to be very similar. Hab. Kauai, 4000ft., July, 1896. Eight examples; on Pelea sp. (11) Plagithmystis collaris, sp. nov. Niger, elytris, antennis pedibusque rufo-obscuris, his femoribus extrorsum tibiisque plus minus nigricantibus ; pube pallide sulphurea ornatus ; elytris densissime punctatis, singulo linea pubescente pallida anterius versus latus divergente, ante lineas plaga nigro-velutina, basi rugosa, parcissime sulphureo-pubescente. Long. 8|— 16 millim. Mas, prothorace ad latera densissime punctato. Fem., prothorace ad latera plus minus late laevigato. (Plate VI. fig. i^', ^.) This is a very distinct species, somewhat similar to P, bishopi and P, viczmis. There are no definite thoracic stripes, but the thorax is broadly cristate and scabrous along the middle, and there are distinct lateral elevations ; it is a good deal constricted at the base. The elytra are dark red, and remarkable on account of their dense punctuation. Hab. Maui; Haleakala. The larva of this species was found in October, 1896, feeding in the wood of Pelea sp. ; by carrying this wood to Honolulu Mr Perkins obtained a series of 20 specimens in the following December, F. H. II. 15 io8 FAUNA MAWAIIENSIS (12) Plagithmysus bishopi Sharp. Plagithmystis bishopi Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxii. 1896, p. 242. (Plate VI. fig. 12.) Hab. Hawaii; Kilauea, 4000 ft., August 1895, and 1896. On Pelea sp. (Perkins). Plagithmystis bishopi van gracilis, Sharp, /. c. The unique individual of this variety was found on another tree resembling "piia " but with lighter, smoother bark. (13) Plagiiknyj^tts vicimis Sharp. Plagithmystis vicimts Sharp, /. c. p- 243. Hab. Hawaii; Mauna Loa, 3000 ft., October 1892; Perkins. Undoubtedly a distinct species. On Peha sp., but not the same species as that to which P, bishopi is attached. (14) Plagitlmynis hilineattts Sharp. Plagithmysus bilineattis Sharp, /. /* p. 243, (Plate VI. fig. 14; ?.) Hab. Hawaii ; Kilauea, also in the Kona and Puna districts. On the '* Ohia lehua" tree, Metrosideros polymorpha, Perkins. Besides being found in more than cue locality this species was obtained in plenty. The variation in size (from 9 — 20 milliin. long) is considerable, but in respect of colour it is less than in some other species. Some specimens are considerably blacker than others ; but the blackness shew^s itself chiefly on the elytra. The hind legs are sometimes much more broadly tinted with black towards the tips than they are in others, and this is in nearly all cases correlative with a greater extension of the black colour on the wing-cases. The head ^tA thorax remain red in the whole of the series before me. (15) Plagithijtfsus lanaiensis Sharp. Plagithmysus lanaiensis Sharp, I c, p. 244. Hab. Lanai ; Halepaakai, 3000 ft., July 1894, Perkins. Probably (but only inferentially) attached to Metrosideros ^olymorpha, this being the predominant tree in the locality of capture. COLEOPTERA 109 (16) Plagttkmystis perkinsi Sharp. Plagithmystis perkinsi Sharp, t. c. p. 244. (Plate VI. fig. 15; ¥.) Hab, Hawaii; Mauna Loa, in two localities, June and July. On Myoporum, or bastard sandal tree. {17) Plagithinysus varians Sharp. Plagithmystis varians Sharp, /. c, p. 245 (excl. van y). Hab. Hawaii; Mauna Loa, Kilauea ; Perkins. On Acacia koa. This has been found in greater plenty than any other species and I have been able to examine about 200 individuals. The variation in the colour of the legs is of considerable interest. The extreme base of the femora being always yellow, the other parts vary. It may be said that the normal colour of the rest of the femur is black, but there are many specimens in which the apical third is bright red : all the inter- mediates between this state and the black form occur. The black and the red colours are not sharply delimited in these cases. There are two or three specimens in which the black colour is nearly entirely absent. And there is another, apparently very rare, variety, of an opposite character, in which the black colour is absent from the middle but present at the tips. There are only two or three examples of this variety known; and they resemble in this character/^. lama^-ckiatms^Ycithtv than P. darwini- anus. Though the black colour may be absent from either the tip or the middle it is never completely absent from both, there being no individual with quite red legs, though the black pigmentation is in a few cases but slight. In consequence of this deficiency these individuals bear a resemblance to P. darwi^iiamis (in which species the legs are red). But these specimens do not approach P, darwhtiamis in other respects. The former var. y of P. varians is now^ /^, laniarckiantis, (18) Plagithmystis dai'zviniamis Sharp. Plagithmystis darwiniantts Sharp, t. c. p. 271. (Plate VI. fig. 16; ^.) Hab. Hawaii; Kilauea, in August. On the *'Mamane" tree Sophora chryso- phylla, Perkins. In this species the legs never become black, but in some individuals — especially when the size is large — the red is somewhat darker, showing a very imperfect condition of blackness, analogous with that exhibited on the apical part of the femur 15—2 no FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS in some of the intermediate varieties connecting the forms of P. varians. In P. darwinianus the colour is however uniformly distributed. It should be noticed that the red-leggedness of P, dm^iviitianus is not due to mere deficiency of black pigmentation as compared with P, vainans ; for the black pigmenta- tion of the wing-cases is much more extensive and decided than it is in even the darkest varieties of P. varimts. (19) Plagitkmystis lamarckianiis, sp. no v. Rufo-flavus, antennis pedibusque rufis, femoribus basi flava, apice plus minus late nigricante ; thorace vel nigro vel rufo, sat conspicue albido-vittato ; elytris flavescentibus, dense punctatis, dorso late longeque nigro, singulo ad suturam linea albido-pubescente anterius versus latus divergente. Long. 9 — 15 millim. Plagithmysus varians, van y, Sharp, t, c, p. 245. Van a, femoribus rufis. This species is somewhat doubtfully distinct from P, darwiniaittis. The pubescence of the under surface and of the legs is less elongate, the antennae are slightly thinner and usually darker in colour towards the tip, and the legs are usually more or less broadly black. As minor distinctions we may mention that the elytra are usually broader at the base, and are there never distinctly marked with white hairs ; their black portions and the white lines on them are usually a little more extensive ; the thoracic crest is a little more elevated on its posterior part. Hab. Hawaii; Kilauea, August 1896, on the ''mamake" or paper-mulberry. Although this lives in the same locality as P, darwiniantis it frequents different trees, being attached to the Urticaceous trees, Piphirtts albidus, and Urera sandwice^isis, I have seen 33 specimens ; the varieties with entirely red femora are very similar to P, darwinianuSy and it is possible that it may prove that the two forms are not distinct species when more specimens are obtained. There were several specimens of P, lamarckiamis in the series I originally referred to P. darwinianus, and I am indebted to Mr Perkins for directing my attention to the fact that there are probably two distinct forms. (20) Plagiikmystis albert is i Sharp. Plagitlmiysiis albertisi Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxiii. 1897, p. 12. (Plate VI. fig. 17; t) Hab. Oahu ; West Honolulu, Feb. 25th, 1874; Signer d'Albertis. There is reason to fear that this species may now be extinct. COLEOPTERA iii (21) Plagithmysits pitlvillattis Karsch. Clytarhu ptdvillatus Karsch, Berlin, ent Zeit. xxv. j88i, p. 9, PL I. f. 14. Hab. Maui; *' Grove Ranche/' Karsch; Haleakala, 5000 ft., Perkins. We have received only three individuals, and the species was described by Karsch on one female. It is one of the least attractive species, being remarkable for its uniform colour and freedom from definite ornamentation as well as for the very dense sculpture of the elytra. The species is probably verging on extinction owing to the destruction in this locality of the forest tree it inhabited. Insects are no longer to be found at Grove Ranche ; but Mr Perkins procured his examples about 2000 ft. direcdy above its situation, on Metrosideros polymorpha. (22) Plagithnysus blackbt4.rni Sharp. Clytarbts blackburni Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. (2) in. 1885, p. 195, PI. V. f 47. Plagithmysus blackburni Shd^x^y Ent. Mo. Mag. 1896, p. 271. Hab. Hawaii; found by Mr Blackburn [on '' Acacia falcata'~\ on Mauna Loa in May ; by Mr Perkins at Kona in the autumn, on Sophora chiysophylla. The only variation that occurs in the colour of the legs is the one that I have mentioned as being so rare in P. varians. (23) Plagithmysus stilphtirescens Sharp. Plagithmysus sulphurescens Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxii. 1896, p. 271. (Plate VI. fig. 17; t) Hab. Hawaii ; Kilauea, July 1895. The name of the tree to which this species is attached is unfortunately not known. Since P. lamarckianus has been distinguished from P. varians, it should be mentioned that P, sulphui^escens is allied to the former more than to the second of these species. (24) Plagithmysus speculifer Sharp. Plagithmysus speculifer Sharp, t. c. p. 272. Hab. Maui ; head of the Jao Valley, June 1894. Unique. Food-tree unknown. (25) Plagithmysus aestivus Sharp. Plagithmysus aestivus Sharp, /. c. p. 272. Hab. Molokai; in June and August, Perkins. On Metrosideros polymorpha. 112 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (26) Plagithmysus aequalis Sharp. Plagithmysus aeqtialis Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1896, p. 273. Hab. Kauai ; Mr Perkins procured a very large series of this species at Makaweli, January and February 1897, ^^ Acacia koa. And I have also seen a few specimens from Waimea and Koholuamano. This species is dimorphic as regards the colour of the legs, which are either red or black without intermediate states. The individuals with red legs are very numerous. Specimens with red thorax are very rare. The chief variations in these respects are as follows. Van /3, pedibus capiteque rufis. Var. y, pedibus, capite thoraceque rufis. I have not before me any specimens in which the legs are black without the head being so, but it is probable that such specimens occur, and, if so, would form var. a. Four individuals found in April 1895 f^^^i a variety with shorter thorax, having more rounded sides, with more white pubescence on the upper surface, and the posterior femora a little differently shaped. One of the two originally described females is a very peculiar individual and may perhaps belong to another species. (27) Plagith7nysus mitnroi, sp. no v. Rufo nigroque variegatus ; elytris rufis, singulo posterius plaga nitida nigricante, fere aequaliter ubique albido-guttulatis ; thorace albido vittato, femoribus basi flava, Yariat thorace femoribusque rufis, vel nigris. Long. 11 — 12 millim. (Plate VI. fig. 19; $.) Closely allied to P, aeqtialis, but with the elytra nearly evenly spotted all over with white flecks of pubescence, there being however a small area in front of the middle densely and finely punctured. There is no definite spot of white on the mesothoracic episterna. The hind legs are very long, the femora moderately thick, and there is extremely little difference between the sexes. Hab. Kauai. We are indebted to G. C. Munro, Esq., for the discovery of this species : he obtained six specimens of it in July 1897, 2000 ft. above Waimea. (28) Plagithmystis aracknipes Sharp. Plagithmystis aracknipes Sharp, t, c. p. 274. (Plate VI. fig. 20; ?.) Hab, Kauai. May 1895. Perkins. On Acacia koa. COLEOPTERA 113 Both sexes of this species may be readily distinguished from P, aeqttalis by the longer, slender basal part of the femora: as this part is pallid yellow in colour, the discrimination of the two species is easy, though apparently the two are closely allied. (29) Plagithmystcs cristatus Sharp. Clytarhts cristatus Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 207. Plagithmysus cristattis Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. 1896, p. 274. (Plate VI. fig. 21 ; t) Hab. Oahu ; Honolulu, Blackburn ; on Acacia koa, Perkins. In this species the hind femora are peculiar in shape, being much like what they are in Callithmysus. The legs are much more slender in the female than they are in the male. The specimen supposed to be Clytus atteitjiatus Boisd. in the collection of the British Museum is, as Mr Gahan surmised, a female of this species. Boisduval's name has however no sufficient claim to validity, as will be seen from his description, repeated here on p. 115. Callithmysus Sharp. Callithmysus Sharp, Ent. Mo. Mag. xxxn. 1896, p. 238. (i) Callithmysus microgaster Sharp. Clytarlus microgaster Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. 1879, P- 103; Tr. Dublin Soc. (2), in. 1885, PI. V. fig. 46. Hab. Oahu ; near Honolulu, 2000 ft., in June, very rare ; Blackburn. Callithmysus microgaster var. ? hirtipes, var. nov. Tibiis posterioribus minus elongatis, usque basin densissime pubescentibus. Hab. Oahu : one individual on the ridge leading from the head of Pauoa Valley to the peak called Konahuanui, Oct. 31st, 1892. On Bobea sp. Subfam. LAMHNL Group ACANTHOCINIDES, Lagocheirus Thorns. (i) Lagocheirus obsoletus Thoms. Lagocheirus obsoletus Thoms, Class. Longic. i860, p. 10. Lagochei^ms araneiformis var., Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 210, Hab. Oahu. Apparently confined, so far as this archipelago is concerned, to the 114 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS island of Oahii. This form is now considered to be a distinct species, though it is extremely close to the S. American insect with which it was previously identified — as a small form — by the late Mr Bates and myself. Gahan considers that Z. longipennis Bates is a mere synonym of Z. obsoletus. The form is widely distributed, having been found in Loo Choo islands, Tahiti, the W. Indies, and Mexico. Group NIPHONIDES. Prosoplus Blanch. (i) Pros op his bankii Fabr. Lamia bankii Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 176. Micracantha insularis Pascoe, Tr. ent. Soc. London (2), v, 1859, p. 40. Micracantha nutans Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. 1878, p. 209. Hab. On the introduced Acacia, Prosopis sp. Probably on all the islands. Mr Perkins, knowing it not to be native, procured but few examples. The species is very widely diffused, having been found in Madagascar, Port Essington, Tondano, Amboyna. L. bankii was described as found at the Cape of Good Hope. The identification is due to an examination of the Banksian type in the collection of the British Museum made by Mr Gahan. The genera Prosoplus and Micracantha are considered by him to be one and the same. Group APOMECYNIDES. Apomecyna Serv. (i) Apomecyna pertigera Thoms. Mecynapus pertigera Thoms. Physis, i. 6, p. 160. Hab. Oahu. In a garden, Honolulu, November 1896, Perkins. Kauai, July 1897, Munro. The species comes from E. India and China. Group PTERICOPTIDES, Oopsis Fairm. (i) Oopsis nutator F'abr. Lamia 7tutator Fabr., Mant. i. p. 142. Stasilea cu7'vicornis Karsch, Berlin, ent. Zeitschr. xxv. p. 8, Plate I. fig. 12. Hab. Probably on all the islands. Abundant at low elevations. Widely distributed in Polynesia, and found in Australia. COLEOPTERA 115 § 3. Bibliographic List (arranged chronologically). 1. BoiSDUVAL, — . Faune entomologique de FOceanie. Paris (no date, but 1835 ^^ preface), 705 pp. [P. 485. ^^ Clytus attemiatns^ Dejean. Fuscus; thorace cristato, albido lineato ; elytris apice valde attenuatis, albido subvariegatis ; subtus ferrugineus. Nouvelle Hollande. Collec- tion de M. Dejean. Get insecte n'est point un vrai Clytus^ il devra probablement former un nouveau genre." The specimen in Dejean's collection shows this to be Plagithmysus cristatus 5 • D. S.] 2. MoTSCHOULSKY, V. DE. Remarques sur la collection de Coleopteres russes de Victor de Motschoiilsky. Bull, See. Moscou, xviii. 1845, Pt. i. pp. 3—127, Plates L— III. P. 85, description of Stenopterus pulverulentus^ PI. I. fig. 2. Said to be from California. 3. . Observations sur le Musee entomologique de TUniversite imperiale de Moscou. Op, cit. 1845, Pt. a. pp. 332—388, Plates L, VII. Plagithmysus^ n. g., p. 369, for the Stenopterus pulverulentus^ p. 370, PL VIL figg. 7—7, iv. Again said to be from California. 4. . :Etudes entomologiques, 1852, p. 76. Erroneous synonymy of Plagithmysus. 5. Sharp, D. On some Longicorn Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Tr, ent. Soc. London, 1878, pp. 201 — 210. Nine species, 6 new (but 3 not really new). Three genera supposed new (i not really so). 6. . On some Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1879, pp. 77 — 105. Two n. spp. of Clytarlus. Indicates, without naming, three genera. 7. Harold, E. von. Einige neue Coleopteren. Mitth. Miinchen. ent. Ver. iv. 1880, pp. 148 — 171. Clytarlus finschi, n. sp., p. 166, 8. Karsch, F. Zur Kaferfauna der Sandwich-, Marshall- und Gilberts-Inseln. Berlin, ent, Zeitschr. XXV. 1881, pp. I — 14, PI. I. Aegosoma reflexuni, Stasilea curvicornis = Oopsis nutator, Clytarlus pulvillatus, n. spp., with figg. ; C finschi^ figure. 9. Sharp, D. On some new Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands. Tr. ent. Soc. London, 1881, PP- 5^7—534- Clytarlus pennatus, fragilis, n. spp. 10. Blackburn, T. and Sharp, D. Memoirs on the Coleoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. Tr. Dublin Soc. 2nd ser. in. 1885, pp. 119—290, Plates IV. and V. General work. Clytarlus blackburni and filipes, spp. n. F. H. II. ^^ ii6 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS 11. Sharp, D. Note on the genus Plagithmysus Motsch. C.R. Soc. ent. Belgique, 1885, pp. Ixxiv—lxxvi. Synonymy and habitat of Plagithmysus. 12. . On Plagithmysus'. a Hawaiian genus of Longicorn Coleoptera. Ent. Mag. xxxii. 1896^ PP' 237—245, 271—274, Twenty-two spp., 18 new. Rearrangement of genera. Callithmysus^ n. g. 13. . Supplement. Oj). cit. xxxiii. 1897, p. 12. P, albertisi^ n. sp. 14. Perkins, R. C. L. A collecting trip on Haleakala, Maui, Sandwich Islands. Ent. Mag. xxxii. 1896, pp. 190—195, Stridulation and habits of Plagithmysus (as Clytarlus), 15. . Notes on some Hawaiian Insects. P. Cambridge Phil. Soc. ix. 1897, pp. 373 — 380, Habits and variation of Plagithmysides. 117 II. COLEOPTERA RHYNCHOPHORA, PROTERHINIDAE, HETEROMERA AND CIOIDAE. By R. 0. L. Perkins. COLEOPTERA RHYNCHOPHORA. Fam. CURCULIONIDAE. § 1. General Remarks on the Curculionidae \ The Curculionidae are represented by 137 species, and of these no less than 132 are at present only known from the islands. It is probable however that of the others some will be found to be not truly indigenous, so that we will first briefly review the various tribes with respect to these doubtfully indigenous forms. Of the Otiorhynchini the species oi Rhyncogonus are all peculiar to the islands, and the only one to which any suspicion can attach is R. vestituSy which in many respects is very different to, and indeed less remarkable than the others. It is the only species which frequents the low lands, and is found upon plants which are known elsewhere, whereas the others are all attached to the forest trees or plants which are themselves peculiar to the islands. Still on the whole we are disposed to consider it indigenous. The solitary species of Pantomorus on the other hand is certainly an introduced species, as we have found it in gardens in Honolulu, and on Maui it has increased to such an extent as at times to be injurious. The Cyladini are represented only by one species of Cylas known to occur elsewhere, and which is attached to a common coast species of Ipomoea, No doubt this beetle is a natural immigrant. The Cryptorhynchini have 20 species of Acalles, certainly all indigenous, and two other species representing each a different genus. Both appear to be allied to Acalles, the one indeed closely allied, and there is no reason to doubt that both are indigenous. The Calandrini have three species of Calandra, two being widely distributed outside the islands. The third is a remarkable species and is attached to cactus and banana, and although not known elsewhere it may well have been imported, and cannot safely be considered indigenous, nor even a natural immigrant. Besides these a single species of Sphenophorus, the well-known cane-borer of the sugar-planters, is known elsewhere, and is either an importation by man or a natural immigrant. ' For remarks on the Proterhinidae and other groups see subsequent pages. 16—2 ii8 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS The Cossonini are the most extensive and important representatives of the Curcu- lionidae. The 46 species of Oodemas and the 10 of Heteramphits may be at once dismissed as being all indigenous, and the same may be said of the three allied species of AnotheoruSy and the same number of Nesotoctcs, The 17 species of Dryophthorus are a varied assemblage and might be distributed in two or three genera, but there is no reason to suppose that any of them will be found elsewhere. The unique example which represents the genus Orothreptes and the hardly less rare species for which we have made the genus Deinocossomis are almost certainly indigenous, for they are moun- tain forms, attached to indigenous trees. The latter indeed appears to have already formed to some extent distinct races on several of the islands. The species for which the genus Dysomma is formed must also be considered indigenous, the unique example having been found by sifting dead leaves on the boggy summit of the Kauai mountains. Other two genera now described, each for a single species — Thallatodora and Ha- loxenus — are both found on the coast in logs of driftwood. It is probable that both will be found elsewhere, being natural immigrants. The two species of Pseudolus must both be excluded from the indigenous weevils ; one is found freely in banana and cactus in company with Calandra remota, the other has been found in and near Honolulu only, and on one of these occasions in boards of foreign wood, which formed the floor of a room. The Phloeophagosoma is abundant in decaying wood oi Aleurites at low eleva- tions, in company with Pentarthrum obscurum, and both these species I have little doubt occur outside the islands. It may be noted that the Aleurites or candle-nut-tree produces but very few indigenous insects, and such as frequent it are mostly poly- phagous species, and although the tree now forms in many localities a large part of the lower forest, I suspect that it has been comparatively but a short time in the islands, and was very probably brought there by the natives when they settled in the country. Another species of Pentartkrum found on the lowlands near Honolulu must also be considered as foreign. The third species of this genus is very different in appearance and structure to the others, and is truly indigenous, being confined to the mountain forests, where it is attached solely to the tree-ferns, which are so conspicuous a feature of these forests. Thus the species which in my opinion are foreign amount to 13, and are distributed in no less than nine genera, and it may be remarked that those Cossonini, which we consider as foreign, although they have not yet been obtained elsewhere, are all small and obscure insects such as have been little collected in most countries. The indigenous Curculionidae on the other hand with their 123 species are distri- buted in 13 genera, which represent three tribes only — Otiorhynchini, Cryptorhynchini, and Cossonini. The genus Rkyncogonus, which was established by Sharp for the members of the first tribe, is not peculiar to the islands, and has since been found in New Zealand and other of the Pacific islands {vide Ent. Mo. Mag. 1899, p. 56). The Cryptorhynchini have two genera peculiar, each with only one species COLEOPTERA 119 known, but the great majority of the species belong to the widely distributed genus Acalles, Of the Cossonini, Oodemas, Heteramphus, Anotheortts, Nesotocus, Dysom7na, Deinocossonus, and Orothreptes are all genera peculiar to the islands, and it is probable that some members of the genus Dryophthorus will at some time be separated as distinct, while the rest will remain in that or be placed in very closely allied genera. The indigenous Pentarthrum is a remarkable insect, very different to the two foreign exponents of the genus, but said to be allied to New Zealand forms (Sharp, Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1878, p. 25). Thus nine of the 13 genera of indigenous Curculionidae are peculiar to the islands, while Rhyncogonus with its numerous species probably originated in the Pacific region and will be found to be widely distributed therein. With regard to Acalles Sharp has remarked (Tr. Dublin Soc. 1885, p. 269) that it *'is one of the most frequent components of insular faunae, being very richly represented in New Zealand, Polynesia, and the Atlantic islands." Distribution of genera and species in the islands. Of the six genera which contain each but a single species, the two Cryptorhynchids, Hyperomorpha and Chae- nosternum, have both been found on Oahu alone, and the Cossonideous genera Dysomma and Orothreptes are peculiar, the first-named to Kauai, the latter to Hawaii, whereas Deinocossonus is probably to be found on all, since it has been taken on Kauai and Hawaii at either end of the group as well as on the intermediate island of Oahu, and the indigenous Pentarthrum is likewise ubiquitous. It must however be remembered that all the above-named insects, excluding the Pentarthrum, are excessively rare and difficult to procure, so that more extended observations might show that those apparently peculiar to one island also occur on some of the others. Nesotocus has been found alive on Kauai, Maui and Hawaii, and fragments also on Molokai, so that it is no doubt of general distribution, but Anotheorus is wanting on Hawaii, its range being from Kauai to Maui. The distribution of Hete7^amphus is similar to that of Anotheorus, except that whereas we failed to collect the latter on Molokai, so Meter- amphus was not found on Lanai, but both are found on the neighbouring island of Maui. The extensive genera Oodemas and Dryophthorus are ubiquitous over the group, as also is Acalles, but Rhyncogonus apparently becomes scarcer on the windward islands, and is altogether absent from Hawaii. The species of the genus Rhyncogonus, excepting only R, sordidus, which was found alive on Lanai and in fragmentary condition on Molokai, are confined each one to a single island, and of the 19 species Kauai has no less than nine, Oahu four, Molokai three, Lanai and Maui two each, whilst Hawaii, as has been remarked, has none. Of the 20 species of Acalles the three islands, Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii have each four species, and Maui and Lanai three each, while one species is found throughout the I20 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS group, and another has occurred on three of the intermediate islands. These figures are however subject to correction, for the Hawaiian species oi Acalles are excessively difficult to collect, and some of them exhibit considerable variability, so that it is neither certain that all the species described are certainly distinct, nor that the forms from different islands assigned to a single species are really identical. The species of Dryophthorus appear to be less restricted in their distribution ; Kauai has six, Oahu two, and Hawaii one peculiar species, but the remaining eight are found on two or more of the islands ; three indeed are found throughout the group. The extensive genus Oodemas has no less than 46 species, and is most richly represented on Kauai, which has 18 species peculiar to it. Oahu and Maui each have just half as many peculiar, whilst Hawaii, Lanai and Molokai have respectively three, two and one. The remaining four species occur on two or more of the islands, but neither of them is found on Kauai. Heteramphus would appear to have its head-quarters on Oahu, where are five of the ten known species, and these five are all peculiar to it ; Maui has three species peculiar, and Molokai and Kauai each have one ; that on the latter island would have to be separated generically were it not connected by the Oahuan H , hirtellus with the more usual forms. Three of the Oahuan species are usually found in company on Astelia veratroides, but would appear to be of extremely restricted range within that island, since they are not to be found in many places where the plant is extremely abundant, nor have we found any species attached to the Astelia on the other islands, the Molokai form having been obtained from wet moss, and the others from wet decaying logs. No species of this genus has been found on the large island of Hawaii. Anotheorus has one species quite peculiar to Kauai, Oahu likewise has one, but it is very closely allied to the Maui form» and as both vary, I have some doubt as to their being distinct. A single example from Lanai agrees best with the Maui species. The extraordinary genus Nesotocus has one species peculiar to Kauai and one to the Western range of mountains on Maui, the third has been taken both on Haleakala, the Eastern division of this island, and also on Hawaii. The remaining indigenous species have been sufficiently referred to above under the genera to which they belong. The percentage of the indigenous species of Curculionidae peculiar to the several islands is given in the table. Species peculiar to. Total I number of species found upon. Percentage of species peculiar to. Kauai 41 48 8s Oahu 27 39 69 Molokai 4 16 25 Maui 18 31 58 Lanai 6 19 31 Hawaii 9 20 45 COLEOPTERA 12 1 These figures fully show the remarkable character of the Kauai fauna in this family of Coleoptera. Not only is it considerably the richest in species, but the percentage of peculiar species is much higher than is the case with any other island. Moreover the species themselves are in many cases highly remarkable, as compared with those of the same genus on the other islands. Thus in Oodemas, O. longirostre, O. costatum, O. striatum, O. pulchrum, are species of the most highly evoluted form, each in its own particular direction. So also the Kauai species of Rhyncogonus form a remarkable series. These facts suggest the probability that the ancestors of the now existing fauna of Curculionidae may, at least to a large extent, have first gained a footing on this island, possibly at a time when some of the more recent islands were not adapted for the mode of life of these creatures, or possibly even before these islands existed at all. This suggestion is strengthened by a consideration of the condition of the weevils on the other islands ; thus Oahu comes second both in number of species and in the per- centage of those peculiar to it, and it is noteworthy that a number of the most remarkable forms are found in what yet remains of the once fine forest of the Waianae range, itself one of the oldest portions of the whole group of islands. Very different is the case with Hawaii, which from its large size, lofty mountains, and very varied climate, as well as its position at the end of the series of islands, might be expected to have a large number of remarkable forms. This however is not the case, for it is not only altogether wanting in Rhyncogonus, Heteramphus and Anotheorus, but it possesses but three or four species of Oodemas, and these of the most commonplace forms. In the group we are now considering the condition of the fauna of the big island contrasts curiously with its Aculeate Hymenoptera, which are both richly represented and remarkable ; indeed it is not necessary to go beyond the order of Coleoptera to see a similar contrast, for the indigenous Cerambycidae are well represented there and some of the forms are amongst the most remarkable of those found in the group. Variation. We have already when dealing with the Aculeate Hymenoptera, Neuroptera and Orthoptera remarked on the variability of so many of the island species. Not less remarkable is this in the case of the Curculionidae. Mr Blackburn in describing the species of Oodemas notes that their variability in certain points is embarrassing to the describer, and with a large collection this becomes so much so, that in many cases it is almost impossible to write a description which will apply in all respects to every individual specimen. This variability too is not confined to superficial and trivial characters, but affects those which are considered of decided importance for the separa- tion of species. Even structures which are almost always constant vary in some species, as for example parts of the prosternum in some species of Oodemas, We may observe that there is no doubt as to the examples which exhibit this variability belonging to the same species, and we are excluding from consideration such a species as O. multiforme of Hawaii, which may possibly include several allied and variable species ; but is more 122 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS probably one which is now in the process of becoming divided into several, the division not yet being complete. Some of the species of Rhyncogonus too are variable, as also are those belonging to the genera Dryophthorus and Heteramphus, and there is no doubt that many of the species of Acalles will prove to be equally so, when they have been collected in numbers sufficient for an investigation on this point. The Curculionidae of the islands are as a whole remarkably isolated. The Rhynco- goni of the Otiorhynchini and the solitary indigenous species of Pentartkrum and Orothreptes all probably originated in the Pacific islands, for the latter appears to be most allied to the New Zealand SericotroguSy although this alliance is by no means close. The very important Cossonideous genera Oodemas, Anotkeorus, Heteramphus and Nesotocus, on the other hand, are of quite uncertain origin, no near ally to any of these forms having been found elsewhere. Indeed great as are the differences between the first three of these genera .it would appear that they are at least as closely connected inter se as they are with anything outside the islands. Thus some of the species of Oodemas, entirely different as they are in facies, do make some approach to HeteramphuSy while Anotheorus and Oodemas appear to be more nearly allied. Wollaston remarks that metallic colouring is of rare occurrence in the Cossonini, so that it is worthy of note that no less than 49 species, in fact all the members of the genus Oodemas and AaotkeoruSy are so coloured. The extreme similarity in colour and clothing between the very diverse genera Orothreptes and DeinocossonuSy is quite extra- ordinary, both being clothed with a golden pubescence, in which they greatly resemble the New Zealand SericotroguSy although Deinocossonus does not even belong to the same section of the Cossonini as the other two. § 2. Systematic account of the Curculionidae. Tribe OTIORHYNCHINI, Rhyncogonus Sharp. (i) Rhyncogonus nittduSy sp. nov. Niger, nitidus, supra fere glaber. Caput cum pronoto laeve, et distincte punctatum. Elytra nitida, seriatim punctata. Abdominis segmentum ventrale apicale (/-is latum, opacum, pubescens, densissime punctatum, apice truncato, $-ae nitidum, parcius pubes- cens, apice angusto, subacuto. Long. 12 — 17 mm. (Plate VII. fig. i.) Black, smooth, and shining, often with a small spot of pale pubescence on each side of the thorax at the base, the ? generally larger and more robust than the $, COLEOPTERA 123 Head and thorax distinctly and rather finely punctured, the punctures of unequal size ; second joint of the antennae rather longer than the third. Elytra shining, each with about 1 2 rows of punctures dorsally, more strongly attenuate towards the apex in the % than in the J, and in the former sex with the edges flattened for some distance from the shoulders. Abdomen beneath coarsely punctured at the base, and widely depressed in the ^, finely punctured and but little depressed in the ?. Apical ventral segment of the Z dull, finely and densely punctured, pubescent but not very densely so, the apex very broad and subtruncate. In the % this segment is shining, clothed with inconspicuous, and very short pubescence, subtriangular and narrowly rounded at the apex, Hab. Kauai Mountains (3000 ft.). (2) Rhyncogonns funereus, sp. nov. Niger, subnitidus, supra haud pubescens. Caput strigosum et punctatum. Pro- thorax dense rugoso-punctatus. Elytra grosse punctata. Antennarum articulus secundus tertio multo brevior. ^. Long. 12*5 mm. Black, with the surface shining, and coarse sculpture. Head strongly strigose, and punctured. Second joint of the antennae much shorter than the third. Thorax strongly and densely rugosely punctured, its sides hardly rounded, subparallel. Elytra shining, subdepressed, without pubescence, coarsely punctured, the interstices narrow, irregular. Posterior femora with a transverse spot of pale pubescence outwardly about the middle ; tibiae, tarsi and apex of the rostrum with fine pubescence. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains. A single t^ found dead and somewhat muti- lated, beneath bark. (3) Rhyncogonns squamiger, sp. nov. Niger, nitidus, antennis. tibiis, tarsisque rufescentibus. Caput cum prothorace tenuiter pubescens. Elytra squamulis pallidis, plus minusve seriatim dispositis, vestita. Antennarum articulus secundus tertio multo longior. ?. Long. 14 mm. (Plate \ H. fig. 2.) Black and shining, the antennae and all the tibiae and tarsi of an obscure reddish colour. Head with a thin clothing of short pale hairs which become scale-like, and form a pale mark around the inner and posterior margins of the eyes, rugosely punctured. Antennae with the first joint of the funiculus very long, considerably longer than the second, the club unusually long and slender, its terminal evidently longer than its basal joint. Thorax with sparse pubescence above, but forming a rather denser line along each side, as wide as long, its sides rather strongly rounded, the surface shining and F. H. II. ^^ 124 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS closely punctured. Elytra with regular rows of very closely-set punctures, the interstices narrow, and very smooth and shining ; along the striae there are rows of minute pale scales for the most part placed singly, but in places, especially at the shoulders, and towards the apex of the elytra, forming more or less dense patches. Hab, Kauai Mountains near Lihue (3000 ft.) ; i ? taken. (4) Rhyncogontts stygius, sp. nov, Niger, capite strigoso et punctato. Antennarum articulus secundus et tertius subaequilongi. Elytra opaca, pube inconspicua et brevissima vestita, seriatim punctata, interstitiis tuberculis minutissimis, rare dispositis, munitis. Long. 12*5 — 15 mm. (Plate VII. % 3.) Black, the antennae, tibiae, and tarsi sometimes with a reddish tinge. The head is strigose and punctured, the antennae have the second and third joints nearly equal in length, the apical joint of the club is evidently shorter than its basal one. The thorax is densely punctured, and has a small pale pubescent spot on each side at the base. The elytra are quite dull, each with about a dozen regular rows of punctures dorsally, and clothed with an excessively short pubescence, usually hardly visible without close examination, but in some examples sufficient to give the surface a slightly greyish appearance. The interstices are furnished with minute scattered tubercles, which are slightly less dull than the general surface. The intermediate and posterior femora have a distinct patch of pale pubescence outwardly. Hab. Kauai,. Halemanu (4000 ft.). (5) Rhyncogonus minor, sp. nov. Niger, parum nitidus, capite pubescentia pallida parcius vestito. Antennarum articulus secundus tertio vix longior. Prothorax utrinque linea pubescentiae pallidae continua ornatus. Elytra, humeris et parte apicali exceptis, baud pubescentia. %. Long. io'5 mm. In general sculpture this species bears a strong resemblance to the preceding^ but it is a much smaller insect and it is comparatively less elongate. The pubescence of the elytra is confined to some scanty patches at the extreme base, and a very sparse clothing on the apical portion. Their surface is evidently less dull, and except towards the sides and apex there are no evident minute tubercles on the interstices. Their form is different, for they are much more suddenly narrowed to the apex, the narrowing beginning only about one-third of their length from the apex. The front of the head is evidently more pubescent, and there is a wide and distinct stripe of pubescence on COLEOPTERA 125 each side of the thorax from base to apex. In the % (the only sex obtained), the dorsal edges of the elytra are very evidently flattened for a considerable distance from the base. The puncturation of the whole insect, allowing for the difference in size, does not materially differ from that of R, stygius, Hab. Kauai Mountains (4000 ft.); i % taken. (6) Rhyncogonus molokaiensis, sp. nov. Niger, subnitidus, an tennis pedibusque saepe rufescentibus. Caput circa basim dense subtilius punctatum. Antennarum articulus tertius secundo vix brevior. Pro- thorax dense (nee grosse) punctatus, macula utrinque ad basim pubescente ornatus. Elytra subnitida, fere glabra. Long. 9-5 — 12 mm. Black, and somewhat shining, the legs and antennae more or less of an obscure red colour. The head is closely and finely punctured at the base, the second joint of the antennae subequal to, or rather longer than, the third. Thorax densely, but not coarsely, punctured ; the punctures, however, are much larger and stronger than those at the base of the head. There is a very distinct smooth median dorsal line extending from base to apex, and a small spot of pale pubescence on each side at the base. The elytra are not very dull, and are almost without pubescence, and the surface is slightly roughened by delicate corrugations proceeding from the punctures. In both sexes the two apical segments of the abdomen beneath are clothed with pubescence, which is very dense on the apical one. The other segments have only very sparse and minute hairs. In the ^ the apical segment is broad and truncate, in the % narrow and some- what pointed at the apex, as is usual throughout the genus. Hab. Molokai, mountains (3000 ft.) ; rare. (7) Rhyncogonus dubius, sp. nov. Niger, vix nitidus, elytris vix evidenter pubescentibus, ^ praecedenti cognatissimus, capite circa basim baud dense punctato, elytris magis corrugatis, distinguendus. ^, Long, fere lo mm. I have seen only a single t of this species, which is closely allied to that of R, molokaiensisy but apparently distinct. The front of the head (including the rostrum) is by no means densely punctured, and at the base the punctures are larger and much more sparing. The smooth dorsal line on the thorax is much more definite, and the surface of the elytra less smooth, owing to the stronger corrugations. Hab. Molokai, Kalae (1700 ft.); i Z taken. 17 — 2 126 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (8) Rhyncogonus freycinetiae, sp. nov. Niger, subnitidus, elytris vix pubescentibus, capite circa basim minus dense punctato. Prothorax latus, trans medium evidenter latior quam longior, lateribus linea pubescentiae continua ornatis. Elytra subnitida, interstitiis laevioribus. Abdominis segmentum tertium ventrale ? aeque ac quartum pubescens. ?. Long. 1 1 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 4.) Female black, and somewhat shining, in general appearance very like that of R, molokaiensis. From that species it may easily be distinguished by the less close puncturation of the base of the head ; the much wider and more depressed thorax, with continuous lateral lines of pubescence. The ventral surface of the hind body is also more pubescent, the third segment hardly less clothed than the fourth. Hab. Oahu, Halemano (2000 ft.); i % taken at the bases of the leaves of Freycinetia, (9) Rhyncogonus blackburni Sharp. Rhyncogonus blackburni Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. (Sen 11.) p. 177. Hab. Oahu, mountains near Honolulu (Blackburn) ; i ^ in the same locality (2000 ft). (10) Rhyncogonus koebelei, sp. nov. Niger, baud nitidus, an tennis pedibusque rufescentibus. Caput sublaeve, sparsim punctatum. Prothorax subtilissime pubescens, densissime rugoso-punctatus, lateribus fortiter rotundatis. Elytra peropaca, parcissime pubescentia, apicibus liberis. t* Long. II mm. (Plate VII. fig. 5.) Dull blackish, the antennae and all the legs dull reddish. Head smooth and shining, sparsely punctured, the eyes very little prominent. Second joint of the antennae rather longer than the third, the basal joint of the club longer than the apical. Thorax very finely pubescent, densely rugosely punctured, its sides strongly rounded. Elytra dull, with very little pubescence, the puncturation somewhat irregular, their apices free, subdivergent. All the femora clothed with very short pubescence, that on the tibiae longer. Apical ventral segment of the hind-body widely truncate at the apex, densely clothed with pale pubescence. The species is very remarkable for the condition of the eyes, which are much less prominent than in any other. Hab. Oahu, mountains near Honolulu (2000 ft.) ; i ^ taken by Mr A. Koebele, whilst collecting with me. COLEOPTERA ta; ( 1 1 ) Rhyncogonus kauaiensis, sp. nov. Niger, vel plus minusve rufescens, capite et corpore toto subtiliter griseo- vel rufo- pubescente. Caput strigosum et punctatum. Prothorax dense punctatus, utrinque vitta pubescente ornatus. Elytra vix opaca, subtiliter pubescentia. Long. 10—13 ^^^• Colour varying from black to reddish brown. The male generally much depressed, the ? more convex, but neither sex is constant in this respect. Head more or less strigose and punctured, clothed all over with fine pale hairs, which form a denser line around the inner margins of the eyes. Thorax densely punctured, clothed with fine pubescence like that of the head, and on each side with a line of dense pale pubescence. Elytra usually more or less shining, but much duller in some examples than others, clothed with fine grey or reddish pubescence, the series of punctures for the most part distinct, but towards the sides becoming more or less confused, and the surface more or less rough, often tuberculate. The pseudepipleural region of the elytra always with conspicuous patches or spots of dense pubescence. Hab. Kauai (4000 ft.) ; 15 examples taken. Apparently a very variable species. (12) Rhy7icogonus sordidus, sp. nov. Niger, vel subrufescens, opacus, subtiliter pubescens, capite punctato. Prothorax dense nee grosse punctatus. Elytra opaca, pubescentia, seriatim punctata, lateribus maculis pubescentibus haud ornatis. ^%. Long. 10 — 12 mm. The colour of this species varies from black to obscure red. The front of the head and rostrum is almost without pubescence, the puncturation of the latter is usually not very close and it shows little or no trace of longitudinal strigosity, its surface is more or less flattened or depressed. The thorax is densely, but not coarsely, punctured, more or less impressed near the base, clothed with very short and fine pubescence, and with a line of denser and rather longer hairs on each side, but even in fresh examples these lines are obscure. The elytra have a very fine pubescence, which is more conspicuous in the ?, and of a reddish colour. Their surface is dull, but not rough, and the punctures towards the sides remain quite distinct, although the series may be more or less confused. On their deflexed portion there is no trace of spots or lines of dense pubescence, such as are found in the preceding species. In the t the apical ventral segment only of the hind-body is densely hairy, the others but sparsely so, the two basal more or less strongly impressed. Hab. Lanai, mountains (3000 ft.). A short and rather variable series taken. The relative length of the second and third joints of the antennae appears to vary, as also the puncturation of the insect. Fragments of a Rhyncogonus found on Molokai are probably referable to this species. In one spot these were very abundant, but the species had no doubt been extinct (so far as that particular locality is concerned) for years, the vegetation consisting only of small stunted bushes. 128 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (13) Rhyncogomts lanaiensis, sp. nov. Forma, facieque praecedentis ; t oculis fortiter prominentibus, abdominis segmentis ventralibus tribus apicalibus dense pubescentibus distinguendus. ^. Long. 11*5 mm. ($ ? 14 mm.) Extremely like the preceding, but distinct by the strongly prominent eyes. The Z also differs in having the three apical ventral segments of the hind-body densely pubescent, and the head somewhat strigose, as well as punctured. The first joint of the funiculus of the antennae is considerably longer than the second. A single $ probably belongs to this species. It differs from the preceding in its larger size, more prominent eyes, and the rather more pubescent ventral segments of the hind-body. Hab. Lanai (2000 — 3000 ft); i ^ and i $. (14) Rhyncogonus lahainae, sp. nov. Nigricans, pubescentia pallida vestitus, pedibus antennisque rufescentibus ; t thorace densissime punctato, interstitiis nitidis. Elytra pubescentia, sensim ad apices attenuata. ^. Long. 10*5 mm. Blackish, the antennae, tibiae, tarsi, and more or less of the femora, red. The surface of the rostrum (^) is somewhat smooth, punctured, but not strigose, and with a scanty short pubescence. The antennae have the first joint of the funiculus evidently longer than the second. The sides of the pro thorax are rounded, its surface smooth and shining between the dense punctures, and clothed with short fine pubescence, which at the sides becomes longer and coarser, and forms a somewhat indefinite lateral band on each side. The elytra are dull, and on each there are five or six lines of pale pubescence, which are not very distinct, and due to the fact that the interstices are alternately more densely or more sparsely clothed. The puncturation is distinct throughout, but the second and third series originate at some distance from the base of the elytra. Hab. Maui, mountains behind Lahaina (3000 ft) ; i $ taken. (15) Rhyncogonus depressuSy sp. nov. Niger, densius pallido-pubescens ; t fortiter depressus. Rostrum pubescentia tectum, strigoso-punctatum. Pronotum cum elytris pubescens, nitidum ; elytra seriatim punctata, tuberculisque minutis asperula. Long, 10*5 — 13*5 mm. (Plate VIL fig. 6.) COLEOPTERA 129 Black, the whole insect clothed with somewhat dense pale pubescence, which is rather in the form of very fine elongate scales, and to a large extent conceals the surface, which is shining. The head in front is strigose and punctured ; the prothorax densely punctured, the sides not at all strongly rounded, the surface shining, and with a smooth narrow dorsal line, the sides more densely pubescent than the general surface. The elytra in the t are much depressed, with closely-set series of punctures, the surface where not hidden by the pubescence, shining, and roughened with small tubercles. All the legs clothed with pubescence, that on the front tibiae, as well as that of the scape of the antennae, longer and more conspicuous than that of most of the species. The single ? which probably belongs to this species is much less depressed, and has a shorter club to the antennae, its middle joint being not longer than wide, and the joints themselves less distinct. Hab. Kauai, Halemanu (4000 ft.) ; 3 ^ and i $. (16) RhyncogouMs vittatus, sp. nov. Niger, antennis pedibusque saepe plus minusve rufescentibus. Caput cum pronoto squamulis pallidis vestitum. Elytra tuberculis nitidis asperula, fasciis longitudinalibus pallidis ornata. ^ ?. Long. 10— 11 mm. (Plate VI. fig. 7.) Black, the antennae and legs often more or less red or piceous. The t is very strongly flattened or depressed, the % sometimes of more convex form. The head is strigose and punctured, but the surface is for the most part concealed by the covering of scales and hairs. The sides of the prothorax are but little rounded, and slightly convergent in front, the surface densely punctured and concealed by the pale squamous pubescence. The elytra have each about six distinct longitudinal bands, formed of minute pale scales, the spaces between these bands being sparsely clothed with similar scales. The surface is roughened by shining tubercles, and the puncturation much obscured. All the legs and the antennae are clothed with pale hairs. In both sexes the entire ventral surface of the hind-body is conspicuously pubescent, but the basal segments are less densely clothed than the apical. Hab. Kauai, mountains (3000 ft.) ; not common. (17) Rhyncogonus tuberadatus, sp. nov. Minor, baud nitidus, totus pubescens, nigro-piceus, antennis pedibusque rufescenti- bus. Caput strigosum. Elytra tota fusco-pubescentia, seriatim punctata, tuberculis rare dispositis munita, apicibus haud liberis. $ $. Long. 8*5—9 mm. A small species, entirely clothed with fuscous pubescence, the $ strongly depressed. Head strigose ; antennae with the first joint of the funiculus subequal to the second ; in I30 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS the t these joints are unusually short, and either of them is only about the length of the basal joint of the club. The sculpture of the prothorax is largely concealed by the pubescence, its surface is roughened by minute tubercles, and the puncturation is indistinct. The elytra are seriately punctured, and entirely covered with pubescence, which shows no tendency to form lines, and are united to the extreme apex. There are very distinct tubercles sparsely scattered over the surface, many of w^hich terminate in a single short bristle. The apical ventral segment of the hind-body in the ^ is of a reddish colour, densely pubescent, and truncate at the apex. The rest of the ventral surface is conspicuously, but less densely, pubescent. Hab. Kauai, Halemanu (4000 ft.) ; 1^1? taken. (18) Rhyncogonus sylvicolay sp. nov. Minor, niger, vix nitidus, pubescens, prothorace subelongato, rugoso-punctato. Elytra ad basim prothorace latiora, tuberculis rare dispositis munita, apicibus breviter liberis. $. Long. 9 — 9*5 mm. Allied to the preceding, but blacker in colour, and the surface less dull. The prothorax is evidently longer, and its puncturation, which is dense and rugose, is distinct. The elytra have scattered tubercles much as in that species, but they are evidently wider at the base, so that the humeral angles stand out somewhat from the hind angles of the prothorax, and their extreme apices are free. Hab. Kauai, Halemanu (4000 ft.) ; 2 ? taken. (19) Rhyncogonus vestitus Sharp. Rhyncogonus vestitus Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. in. 1885, p. 177. (Plate Vn. fig. 8.) Hab. Maui. Very abundant on the sandhills between the mountains of East and West Maui, but not found elsewhere. Pantomorus Schonherr. (i) Pantomorus olindae^ sp. nov. Nigricans, squamis pallidis vestitus. Capitis pars praeantennalis longitudinaliter impressum, post hanc linea impressa mediali sat distincta. Antennarum articulus secundus tertio multo brevior. Oculi fortiter convexi. Pronotum pallidis squamis celatum, lateribus parum rotundatis. Elytra substriata, striis confertim punctatis, COLEOPTERA ^3^ squaniis pallidis necnon postice setulis pallidis brevissimis vestita, lateribus fusco- squamosis. Abdominis segmenta ventralia subtilissime rugulosa, vix evidenter punctata. Long, (cum rostro) 8 — 8*5 mm. This species is found in Honolulu, and is sometimes very abundant at Makawao and Olinda, Maui, and is found as high up as 5000 ft. on Haleakala. It differs from Pantomorus proper in having the antennal scrobes less deep and less definitely marked posteriorly. Hab. Oahu and Maui ; no doubt an imported species. Tribe CYLADINI. Cylas Latr. (1) Cylas turcipennis Boh. Cylas turcipennis Boh. Sch. Gen. Cure. i. p. 369. Hab. Oahu and Maui ; coast. Tribe CRYPTORHYNCHINL Acalles Schonherr. (i) Acalles lateralis Sharp. Acalles lateralis Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 178, (Plate VH. fig. 9, $') Hab. Oahu etc. The typical specimens are from Oahu ; I have taken others which must be referred to this species, on Kauai, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii. Very scarce. The insects of this genus are with one or two exceptions extremely difficult to procure, being generally taken singly, and in very different conditions as regards the covering of scales ; this, added to the fact that they are certainly variable in colour, size etc., makes a comparison of allied forms very difficult. It is quite possible that there are several species very closely allied to A, late7-alis, the number and condition of the examples taken making it impossible to decide on this point. The single pair taken on Kauai are very large (5 mm. excl. rostr.), the male has !fhe prothorax wider and more strongly constricted in front, and the prominences caused by the unevenly raised interstices of the elytra are more strongly developed. The ? has the rostrum black, the thorax wider, and the prominences on the elytra stronger than those of typical A. lateralis, F. H. II. *^ i%2 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (2) A calks kumeralisy sp. nov. Minor, baud latus, squamis pallidis (griseis vel subferrugineis) vestitus, antennis rostroque plus minusve rufescentibus, Pronotum totum squamis pallidis vestitum, medium sulcatum, antice constrictum, ^J-is sat latum, trans medium vix minus latum quam longum, $-ae fortiter elongatum, lateribus minus fortiter rotundatis. Elytra squamis pallidis vestita, ad humeros utrinque macula nigra distincta ornata, striis distinctis, obscurius punctatis, interstitiis omnibus convexis, secundo (praecipue $) forti- ter inaequaliter elevato. $% Long, (rostr. excl.) 3 — 3 '5 mm. Allied to A, lateralis but quite distinct. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4500 ft.) ; one pair taken together. (3) Acalles callickroma^ sp. no v. Haud latus, niger, rostro, antennis, tarsis, tibiarumque anticarum parte apicali, rufis. Rostri basis squamis albescentibus, caput ferrugineis ornatum, Pronotum elongatum, antice constrictum, medium sulcatum, squamis ferrugineis nigrisque varie- gatum. Elytra ad basim plaga magna nigra ornata, post banc fascia transversa pallida, ad latera dilatata, tum fascia transversa nigricante, parte apicali pallide squamosa, maculis nigris ornata ; interstitiis primo et tertio haud convexis, secundo fortiter interrupte elevato, partibus elevatis squamis nigris erectis densissime vestitis, quarto, quinto et sexto elevatis, striis haud evidenter punctatis. $ Long, rostr. excL 3*5 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 10.) Hab. Hawaii, Kilauea, July 1895 J ^^^ example taken. (4) Acalles melanolepis, sp. no v. Haud brevis, niger, antennis, rostro, tarsisque rufescentibus. Caput cum pronoto nigro-squamosum, hoc vitta laterali albida utrinque ornato. Pronotum angustum, elongatum, antice minus fortiter constrictum, obscurius longitudinaliter sulcatum, sulco medio plagam laeviorem elongatam rubricolorem ferente. Elytra nigro-squamosa, post media macula albida, trans suturam posita, ornata, interstitio a*" et 4° sat evidenter nee fortiter elevatis, squamis erectis vestitis, 1° et 3"^ parum convexis, striis obscure punctatis. Femora omnia nigro-squamosa, squamisque suberectis albidis conspersa, maculis vel cingulis pallidis carentia. Long, (rostr. excl.) circa 3 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 11.) COLEOPTERA 133 In this species the elytra except for the well-marked transverse white spot, beyond the middle, are nearly entirely clothed with black scales, but there is an indication of an obscure paler area on each side extending from behind the shoulders towards the suture. The sides as seen from above are simply rounded from the shoulders, and not at all irregular. The second and fourth interstice are evidently more strongly raised than the first and third, the first being hardly, and the third but little convex. The second is slightly unevenly raised, and is densely clothed with erect black scales at the base and again just before the region of the transverse white spot, which accentuate the appearance of inequality. The most conspicuous feature of the species is the smooth red lanceolate space lying between the inner ridges of the prothorax, and the entirely black appressed scales of the femora. Hab. Hawaii. A single example taken at Kilauea. (5) Acalles frater, sp. nov. Praecedenti simillimus, nigro-squamosus, rostro rufo, antennis, tarsisque testaceis. Pronotum squamis ferrugineis supra maculatum, sulco medio plagam rubram haud ferente. Elytra plaga ferrugineo-squamosa fasciam latam formante ornata, apice squamis ferrugineis variegato. Femora media distincte pallide cingulata. Long, (rostr. excl.) circa 3 mm. Very closely allied to A. melanolepis, but the thorax is without the red smooth lanceolate area between the inner ridges, and is ornamented above with ferruginous spots, and the elytra have a large lateral band of similarly coloured scales, extending from behind the shoulders, and forming a wide transverse fascia which is less distinct towards the suture ; their apex is also variegated with paler scales. All the femora have a pale band of appressed scales at the base and another about the middle. A single example from Molokai is very similar to the above but the pale scales of the thorax and elytra are greyish, the transverse fascia of the latter less defined, the antennae, rostrum and tarsi much less clearly coloured, and the thorax evidently shorter. The difference in the latter respect is probably sexual, but I suspect that the two forms are distinct, though very closely allied. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.); one example. Var. on Molokai (4000 ft.); one example. (6) Acalles koae, sp. nov. Haud brevis, rostro piceo, antennis tarsisque rufescentibus. Rostri basis cum capite antico pallide squamosa. Pronotum angustum, elongatum, antice constrictum, postice angustatum, longitudinaliter sulcatum, sulco medio obsolete carinato, squamis 1 8— 2 134 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS fulvescentibus depressis, erectisque nigris vestitum. Elytra in parte basali squamis albescentibus vestita, nigro variegata, post banc fascia transversa nigra, maculaque alba trans suturam posita, apice fulvo-squamoso ; interstitiis 2^ et 4° minus fortiter elevatis, I'' et 3*" baud convexis, striis (squamis baud remotis) impunctatis. Femora nigro- squamosa, media pallide notata. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3 mm. This prettily marked species appears to be quite distinct. The prothorax is clothed with appressed scales of a fulvous colour, and black erect ones along the two inner ridges. The basal half of the elytra is covered with pale squamosity of a whitish and pale brown colour, variegated with black markings, which are most extensive about the shoulders, and are partly formed by the basal elevation of the second and fourth interstices, which are there covered with dense erect black scales. A little behind the middle of the elytra there is a complete transverse black fascia, which posteriorly encloses a pure white trans-sutural spot. The first and third interstices are flat, not perceptibly convex, the second and fourth are elevated but by no means strongly so, and apparently unevenly, though this appearance is partly at least due to the erect setae which are placed on them at the base and about the middle of the elytra, and give them an appearance of being more elevated than is really the case. The sides of the elytra are simply and regularly rounded from the shoulders, the striae show no visible puncturation without the removal of the scales. Hab. Hawaii. A single example beaten from Acacia koa at an elevation of about 5000 ft. in Kona. (7) Acalles innotabilis, sp. nov. Minus brevis, piceo-niger, rostro, antennis, tarsisque rufescentibus. Caput plus minusve pallide squamosum. Pronotum angustum, elongatum, obscurius longitudinaliter sulcatum, antice minus fortiter constrictum, squamis pallidis fuscescentibus vestitum. Elytra ex majore parte cum pronoto concoloria, squamisque nonnullis erectis nigris, maculaque albida postice trans suturam posita, ornata, humeris rotundatis, striis omnibus grosse punctatis, interstitio 2° subinaequaliter elevato, 1° et 3° subconvexis, 4'', 5°, 6^ sat distincte subaequaliter elevatis. Tibiarum apices pallide squamosi. Long, (rostr. excl) 3*2 mm. Hab. Kauai. A single example taken in the lower forest (about 2500 ft.). (8) Acalles leptothorax, sp. nov. Niger, rostro, antennis, tarsisque rufis, baud latus, sat elongatus, squamis pallidis nigrisque intermixtis variegatus. Rostrum post antennas squamis pallidis vestitum. Pronotum elongatum, lateribus leviter, fere aequaliter, rotundatis, antice baud subito COLEOPTERA 135 angustatum vel constrictum, antlce setis nonnullis erectis nigris, et ubique squamis nigris albidisque variegatim vestitum, supra vix evidenter sulcatum vel inaequale. Elytra squamis albidis nigrisque variegatim vestita, interstitiis convexis, 2^ parum fortiter inaequali, striis parum distincte punctatis, lateribus sat aequaliter rotundatis. Femora nigra plus minus distincte albido-cingulata, tibiis nigro-squamosis, apices versus (circa | — \ longitud.) squamis pallidis vestitis, ibique rufescentibus. Long, circa 3 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 12.) Remarkable for the very narrow long prothorax, which is quite evenly rounded at the sides. The extreme apex of the elytra is covered with pale scales, in front of which is a wide band of black squamosity enclosing a quadrate pale trans-sutural spot, which itself is dark in the centre. In front of this the elytra are variegated with black and pale scales intermixed. Hab. Kauai. A single example was taken at Halemanu (4000 ft.). (9) Acalles decoratus Blackburn. Acalles decoratus Blackb., Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, P- 180. Hab. ** Lanai, 2000 ft." '' A single specimen " (Blackburn). (10) Acalles mauiensis Blackburn. Acalles mauiensis Blk., t. c. pp. 179, i8i, 254. Hab. Maui. '' A single specimen beaten from Aleurites triloba, at an elevation of about 4000 ft. on Haleakala." (Blackburn.) The specimen referred to on p. 181, /. c, is said, p. 254, t. c, to be probably a distinct species. (11) Acalles angtisticollis Sharp. Acalles angusticollis Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 179. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (Blackburn), where I have myself taken a single example. Minute examples taken on Oahu (van minor, Shp.) by Mr Blackburn are probably distinct, and almost agree with abraded specimens taken by myself on Lanai. (12) Acalles duplex Sharp. Acalles duplex Sharp, /. c, p. 178. (Plate VII. fig. 13, ^; fig. 14, $.) Hab. Oahu. Widely distributed on the island. Varies greatly in size, the females apparently not being always of diminutive size as compared with the males. 1^6 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (13) Acalles ignotus Blackburn. Acalles ignotus Blackb. t. c, p. 180. Hab. Oahu. A single example (Blackburn). (14) Acalles lanaiensis, sp. nov. Valde convexus, pallide squamosus, rostro piceo, antennis tarsisque rufescentibus. Caput cum pronoto squamis pallidis vestitum. Pronotum sat latum, antice fortius con- strictum, medium postice distincte sulcatum. Elytra pallide squamosa, plaga humerali utrinque saepe nigra, angulis humeralibus sat distinctis, fere rectis, interstitio 2° plus minusve inaequaliter elevato, tertio quartoque elevatis, illo angulos humerales formante, striis obscure punctatis. Long, (rostr. excl.) vix 3 mm. Apparently allied to Acalles duplex, Shp., but much smaller and the sculpture of the elytra much less strongly pronounced. Hab. Lanai Mountains ; several examples taken. {15) Acalles chlorolepis, sp. nov. Brevior, robustus, griseo-squamosus, rostro, antennis, tarsis, tibiarumque apicibus plus minusve rufescentibus. Caput griseo-squamosum ; antennarum articulo tertio brevi. Pronotum haud latum, squamis griseis depressis, paucisque erectis nigricantibus vestitum, longitudinaliter 5-sulcatum, lateribus minus fortiter rotundatis. Elytra griseo-squamosa, apicem versus utrinque plaga nigricante, interstitiis 2"" et 4° sat fortiter inaequaliter elevatis, 1° et 3° vix vel haud convexis, striis internis obscure punctatis, angulis humera- libus sat distinctis. Femora nigro-squamosa, squamis erectis griseis conspersa. Long, (rostr. excl) vix 3 mm. Hab. Kauai (4000 ft.) ; two or three examples taken. (16) Acalles nigripennis, sp. nov. Sat latus, antennis tarsisque rufescentibus, rostro rufopiceo. Caput pallide squamo- sum. Pronotum basi latum, antice fortiter constrictum, squamis pallidis vestitum, postice fortius sulcatum. Elytra tota nigro-squamosa, lateribus haud aequaliter rotun- datis, interstitiis 2" et 4° subfortiter nee aequaliter elevatis, striis obscure punctatis. Femora omnia ubique pallide squamosa. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3 mm. (Plate VH. %• 1 5-) COLEOPTERA 137 The elytra have the second interstice rather strongly raised, rather more strongly at the base and at about their middle than between these points ; the third is hardly convex ; the fourth strongly and unevenly raised, forming the humeral angles ; the fifth and sixth are also more or less unevenly raised, the latter in dorsal aspect forming the lateral outline of the elytra behind the shoulders, which owing to the form of this interstice has an angulate appearance, instead of being regularly rounded from the base. Hab. Lanai, a single example taken in the mountains. (17) A calks tuberculatus, sp. nov. Piceus, rufopiceus, vel rufescens, minus brevis, rostro, antennis tarsisque rufescen- tibus, squamis pallidis nigrisque vestitus, squamis erectis elongatis et gracilibus. Pronotum haud latum, plus minusve evidenter longitudinaliter 5-sulcatum, sulco medio tuberculo elongato laevi munito, antice fortius constrictum, squamis ex majore parte nigris vestitum. Elytra squamis nigris pallidisque variegata, striis obscure punctatis, interstitiis 2^ et 4° aequaliter, 6° inaequaliter elevato, humeris prominulis. Long. 275—3 ^n^- This species is very distinct by the smooth tubercle situated about the centre of the prothorax, and the form of the erect scales, which are longer and more slender than those of other species. The elytra have their humeral angles somewhat acute and prominent, the 2nd and 4th interstices moderately strongly, and evenly raised, the 6th is somewhat strongly raised a short distance behind the shoulders, and forming the outline of the elytra in dorsal aspect, gives it at that point an appearance of being angulated. One example has the elytra nearly entirely clothed with pale scales. Most of them are for the most part or entirely denuded. Hab. Hawaii; Kona (4000 ft.). About 10 examples found under small logs. (18) Acalles pallidicollis, sp. nov. Minus brevis, niger, rostro piceo, tarsis antennisque rufescentibus. Caput rostrique basis squamis pallidis vestita. Pronotum totum pallide squamosum, elongatum, antice constrictum, obscurius sulcatum. Elytra squamis pallidis nigrisque variegata, basi apiceque ex majore parte nigris, media parte pallide squamosa, obscure nigro fasciata, striis internis obscure grosse punctatis, interstitiis 2° et 4° fortius, primo et tertio his levius elevatis. Femora omnia pallide vestita, nigro-cingulata, squamis erectis pallidis. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3*25 mm. Hab. Kauai, above 2000 ft. One example taken. 138 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (19) Acalles ntonticola^ sp. nov. Minus brevis, pallide squamosus, rostro piceo, antennis basi rufescentibus. Caput cum ba3i rostri squamis depressis erectisque pallidis vestitum. Pronotum elongatum, antice constrictum, obscurius 5-sulcatum, squamis pallidis depressis, nonnullisque nigris erectis vestitum. Elytrorum pars basalis squamis pallidis vestita, nigro-punctata, post media plaga transversali nigricante, quae maculam albidam, trans suturam positam, continet, apice pallido; interstitiis 2"" — 6"" fortius aequaliter convexis, striis obscure grosse punctatis. Femora omnia pallide squamosa, media parte late nigrocincta. Tibiae ad basim nigro-squamosae. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3*5 mm. In this species all the interstices of the elytra are raised, except the first, which is only slightly convex. There is very little difference between the convexity of the other interstices, that of the 3rd being slightly less than the 2nd and 4th. Hab. Oahu. A single example taken in the Waianae mountains. (20) Acalles oahuensisy sp. nov. Minus brevis, pallide squamosus, rostro antennisque rufis. Caput squamis pallidis depressis, nigrisque erectis, vestitum. Pronotum elongatum, antice subfortiter constric- tum, 5-sulcatum, lateribus rotundatis, squamis pallidis nigrisque variegatum, aliisque erectis nigris vestitum. Elytra squamis pallidis vestita, plaga magna basali nigra, fasciisque post media duabus irregularibus transversis ornata, leviter striata, striis parum distincte punctatis, interstitiis 2'', 4°, et 6"* aequaliter elevatis, i^ 3"^ et 5° baud convexis. Femora cum tibiis ex majore parte squamis nigris vestita. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3 mm. A very distinct species, each of the elytra with three very well-marked longitudinal costae, which continue the three ridges on either side of the thorax. The alternate interstices are not at all raised or convex. Hab. Oahu. A single example taken in the Waianae mountains (2000 ft.). Chaenosternum Blackburn. (i) Chaenosternum konanum Blackburn. Chaenosternum konanum Blackb., Tn Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 181. Hab. Oahu. One example taken near Honolulu (Blackburn). COLEOPTERA 139 Hyperomorpha Blackburn, (i) Hyperomorpha squa7nosa Blackburn. Hyperomorpha squamosa Blackb., /. c, p. 182. Hab. Oahu. A single example taken in wet moss in the Pausa valley (Black- burn). I have not met with this, or the preceding genus. Tribe CALANDRINL Sphenophorus Schonherr. (i) Sphenophorus obscurus Boisd. Calandra obscura Boisd. Voy. Astr. 11. p. 448; Fairm. Rev. Zool. 1849, p. 474. The various islands. Hab. a destructive species in the fields of sugar-cane, well-known as the * cane- borer/ Also on banana in the mountains and sometimes found under rocks. The species has probably a wide distribution outside the Archipelago, though very litde has been written about it. Calandra Clairville. (i) Calandra remota Sharp, Calandra remota Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, P- 183. Hab. Oahu (Blackburn). Maui; in banana stems; common. (2) Calandra oryzae^ L. Calandra oryzae Linn., Amaen. Ace. vi. p. 395. Hab. All the islands ; in food. (3) Calandra linearis van striata Thunb. Calandra linearis van striata Thunb. Nov. Act. Ups. vii. p. 112. Hab. Oahu ; in decaying tamarinds (Blackburn). Tribe COSSONINL Dryophthorus Schonherr. (r) Dryophthorus squalidus Sharp. Dryophthorus squalidus Sharp, Tn Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 22. Hab. Common throughout the islands in the mountains. This abundant species is extremely variable in size, the smallest examples are less than four, the largest more than six, mm. in length. All the interstices of the elytra F. H. II. 19 I40 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS are covered with a cinereous bloom. The apical portion of the rostrum in the ? (from the insertion of the antennae to the apex) is impunctate, or at the most has a few excessively feeble and fine punctures. (2) Dryophthortis distinguendus, sp. nov. Niger, piceus, vel rufescens, baud robustus, grosse punctatus. Rostri J-is pars anterior opaca, rugoso-punctata, ?-ae nitida, subtilius sat distincte fere ad apicem punctata. Oculi sat magni. Pronotum densissime punctatum, antice fortiter constrictum. Elytra satis profunde sulcata, sulcis confertim grosse punctatis, interstitiis baud cinereo- sericeis, subtilissime punctulatis, et brevissime pallide setulosis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 4—5-5 mm. This species greatly resembles D. squalidus Shp., and is often found in company with that species, but is certainly distinct. The interstices of the elytra are never covered with the whitish bloom as in that species, and the minute punctures which they bear give rise to short pale-coloured setae. The % is readily distinct from that of D, squalidus by the fact that the rostrum has an evident, though not coarse, punctura- tion on its anterior shining portion. Like most of the Hawaiian species this varies considerably, but it is by no means improbable that I have included more than one species under the above name. The raised apical margin of the elytra is continuous with the sixth interstice as in Z?. squalidus, Hab. Found on all or nearly all the islands of the group. (3) Dryophthorus peles, sp. nov. Niger, robustus, grosse punctatus. Rostri % pars praeantennalis nitida, subtiliter sat evidenter punctata. Pronotum latum, grosse punctatum, antice fortiter constrictum. Elytra fortiter seriatim punctata, interstitiis distinctissime punctulatis, brevissime pallide setulosis, baud cinereo-sericeis, margine apicali elevato cum interstitio sexto continuo. Long, (rostr. incl.) 6 — 6*5 mm. This species somewhat resembles D, distinguendus, but it is altogether larger and more robust. The interstitial puncturation of the elytra is larger, and more distinct and definite than in most of the species. The punctures in each row are closely set, and the spaces dividing one from another are more than usually convex, grooved on each side where they meet the interstices. This convexity gives them a strongly marked knob- like appearance in certain aspects. The whitish bloom seen in D. squalidus is entirely absent, but the interstitial punctures bear excessively minute pale setae. The interstices themselves are all of nearly similar height, and the sixth is confluent with the elevated apical side-margin. Hab. Hawaii. Kilauea (June 1895). Half-a-dozen examples, no doubt obtained in a batch, as they stand under the same number. The species appears to me to be most closely allied to D, nesiotes. COLEOPTERA 141 (4) Dryophthorus nesiotes, sp. nov. Niger, robustus, statura magna. Rostri pars praeantennalis $ nitida, baud, vel vix evidenter, punctata. Pronotum latissimum, antice fortissime constrictum, fortiter dense punctatum. Elytra seriatim fortiter punctata, interstitiis cinereo-sericeis, tuberculis minutis, sat distinctis, munitis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 6 — 775 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 16.) This species also belongs to the group in which the elevated apical margin is continuous with the sixth interstice of the elytra. The interstices themselves (except in very much rubbed examples), have a distinct ashy covering. The formation of the spaces between the punctures in each row on the elytra is nearly similar to that in D. peles. The present species is distinct by its large size, the distinct minute asperities with which the interstices are set, and their ashy covering. Hab. Kauai mountains (4000 ft.). (5) Dryophthorus gravidus Sharp. Dryophthorus gravidtts Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 22. To this species I refer a great number of examples taken on Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii. The differences between the extremes are so great that they do not appear, when examined together, to be even very closely allied species, but after examining the whole series from the various localities, I am forced to consider all to belong to one variable form. Minute individuals appear to be always distinguishable from D. squalidus etc. by the shorter and wider elytra, differences in puncturation etc. Some examples from Maui are very remarkable, the punctures on the elytra becoming distorted and tending to become obsolete, the elytra themselves being laterally com- pressed. A similar tendency is also seen in some specimens from other islands. The elytra are much more narrowed posteriorly in some examples than in others. The puncturation of the prothorax varies in the size and density of the punctures ; those on the elytra also are variable. There is a decided tendency towards the sculpture of the elytra exhibited by /?. crassus Shp. in some Maui individuals. Hab. Oahu (Blackburn) ; all the islands to windward of Oahu. (6) Dryophthorus crassus Sharp. Dryophthorus crassus Sharp, Tn Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 23. Hab. Oahu and Maui (Blackburn). 1 have taken it singly near Honolulu, but not elsewhere, unless some of the examples from Maui, included under /?. gravidus, should be referred to this species. ig— 2 142 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (7) Dry opht horns komoeorkynckus, sp. nov. Niger, vel piceus, baud robustus, rugoso-punctatus. Rostrum utriusque sexus (apice extremo excepto), opacum, rugoso-punctatum. Pronotum densissime rugoso- punctatum, antice fortissime constrictum. Elytra sat profunde sulcata, sulcis grosse punctatis, interstitiis punctulatfs, punctis setas brevissimas pallidas, satis conspicuas, ferentibus. Long, (rostr. incl.) 4*5 — 6 mm. (Plate VII. fig. 17; fig. lya, head and rostrum of $; fig. ijb of $,) This species, although the elevated apical margin appears rather continuous with the sixth than the fourth interstice of the elytra, evidently belongs to the group of /?. declivis, from which it is also separated at once by the fact that there is little difference in the elevation of the interstices, whereas in that species the second, fourth and sixth are very noticeably more elevated than the others. From those species of the group of D. squalidus which it somewhat resembles, the female is distinguished at once by the dull apical half of the rostrum, with its rugose puncturation, and the t by the more outstanding pterygia, so that the rostrum is more widened about the point of insertion of the antennae. The sexes are easily known by the more slender rostrum of the female. Hab. Kauai mountains (2000 — 4000 ft.). (8) Dryophthorus declivis Sharp. Dryophthorus declivis Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 23, (Plate VII. fig. 18.) This is a very distinct species easily known by the costate 2nd, 4th and 6th interstices of the elytra, the two latter uniting to form the strongly raised apical side- margin. These interstices vary somewhat in the amount of elevation, but it is always very apparent. The female has the rostrum more slender than the <^, less widened at the insertion of the antennae, but the dull surface and rugose puncturation to near the apex is common to both sexes. Hab. Oahu, Molokai, Hawaii. Not so common as many of the species. (9) Dryophthorus modestus Sharp. Dryophthorus modestus Sharp, Tr, Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 23. The sexual distinctions in this species are similar to those exhibited by the sexes in D, homoeorhynchus and Z?. declivis. It varies considerably in size and the elevation of the apical margin, the connection between which and the fourth interstice is rather less manifest in some examples than others. Hab. Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii. COLEOPTERA 143 (10) Dryophthortis piisillus Sharp. Dryophthorus pusillus Sharp, t. c. p. 24. Hab. Oahu (Blackburn) ; in stems of the tree-fern. I have never met with this species. (11) Dryophthorus oahuensis, sp. nov. Species minima, minus lata, rufescens, capite nigricante. Rostrum (^) latum, rugosum, et opacum. Pronotum antice fortiter constrictum, grosse rugoso-punctatum. Elytra seriatim grosse punctata, interstitiis omnibus distinctis, 2° et 4'' quam 3^ et 5^ paullo fortius elevatis, 6'' ad apicem declivem fortissime carinato-elevato. Long. ^ (rostr. incl.) 27 mm. The rostrum is rather short and broad, the pterygia strongly outstanding. The eyes are feebly facetted. The puncturation of the prothorax is coarse and rugose but apparently shallow. All the interstices of the elytra are distinct, but not wide, the second and fourth a little more raised than the third and fifth, and not interrupted, the sixth alone forms the extremely strongly elevated apical side-margin. The species is very distinct, Hab. Oahu. A single example (^) taken in the Waianae mountains (3000 ft). (12) Dryophthorus kauaiensis, sp. nov. Species minima, rufescens. Caput {f) cum rostro rugoso-punctatum, squamosum. Pronotum dense grossissime rugoso-punctatum, antice constrictum. Elytra sat grosse seriatim punctata, interstitio 2^ 4^ et 6*" baud interrupte carinato-elevatis, tertio sub- obsoleto. Long. ^ vix 3 mm. This species is allied to /?. oahuensis, but it is a little larger, and abundantly distinct by the sculpture of the elytra, the sharply carinate form of the second and fourth interstices readily separating the two. The apical margin is formed by the sixth interstice, which is strongly raised towards the apex. In D, pusillus Shp., which is a small species, the fourth interstice is continuous with that margin, as also is the case with D, modestus Shp. Both in D. kauaiensis and the preceding species the eighth interstice forms a part of the lateral outline towards the base of the elytra, in dorsal aspect. In the present species indeed it is rather strongly raised. Hab. Kauai. A single ^ taken in the mountains (4000 ft.). 144 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (13) Dryophthorus insignis Sharp. Dijophthorus insignis Sharp, t, c. 1878, p. 24. (Plate VII. fig, 19.) I have examined numerous specimens which I refer to this species from the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii. It also is found on the other islands. The examples from the islands specified do not altogether agree, but as the series from each locality exhibits some variation I see no means of separating them as distinct forms. Certainly in the majority of cases the Oahuan examples can be distinguished by the more imperfect eyes, but there is evident individual variation in this respect. The Maui form has the raised interstices of the elytra always very strongly broken, and the eyes are more developed. In specimens from Hawaii the eyes are well-developed, convex and a little prominent From the other islands I have seen only odd specimens. Hab. Found under bark of trees in the mountains of all the islands. (14) Dryophthorus insignoideSy sp. no v. Piceus, vel plus minusve rufescens, sat grosse punctatus. Oculi mediocres. Rostri (?) pars praeantennalis nitida, rugoso-punctata. Pronotum elongatum, antice fortiter constrictum, obscurius grosse punctatum. Elytra seriatim grosse punctata, interstitio 2° et 4° inaequaliter carinato-elevatis, setis vestitis, primo sat distincto. Long, (rostr. incl.) 4 — 475 mm. The general sculpture of this species is as in D. insignis Shp., from which it is readily distinguished by the distinct first interstice of the elytra, the carinae of which are less strongly elevated. All the raised interstices (i.e. 2nd, 4th and 6th) bear erect setae, and the second and fourth are evidently interrupted or uneven. The third and fifth interstices are generally more or less distinct. The eyes are fairly well developed. The rostrum of the female on the part in front of the antennae has the surface shining, and is strongly and rugosely punctured, in the $ this part is dull and covered with squamosity. Hab. Kauai mountains. Single examples from other islands, Molokai, Lanai, and Oahu, do not altogether agree with the typical specimens, but are too close to separate without the examination of a fair series. (15) Dryophthorus brevipennis^ sp. nov. Praecedenti simillimus, statura minore, elytris brevioribus distinguendus. Long. 3—375 ^n^' Very similar to the preceding but a decidedly smaller insect. The second, fourth COLEOPTERA 145 and sixth interstices of the elytra are more or less raised and bear fine setae, but the elevations are feeble. The other interstices are quite distinct. The elytra themselves are decidedly shorter than in D. insignoides, the rostrum in the ? is more finely and less rugosely punctured than in that species. In a strict dorsal aspect of the elytra the acute 8th interstice always forms a portion of their lateral oudine near the base. Hab. Kauai mountains (4000 ft.). (16) Dryophthorus fuscescens, sp. nov. Haud latus, statura minore, fuscescens. Oculi minimi. Pronotum antice fortiter constrictum, grossius punctatum. Elytra seriatim grossius punctata, interstitiis cunctis sat distinctis, secundo quartoque inaequaliter distincte carinato-elevatuHs, cumque sexto, setis brevissimis vestitis. Long. 3*5 mm. A small and very distinct species, with unusually small eyes, which consist of comparatively few coarse facets. The rostrum of the % is closely, coarsely and rugosely punctured between the smooth apex and the line of insertion of the antennae, and is hardly shining. In the ^ the sculpture of the rostrum is entirely concealed, and this may possibly be the case with the % when alive, but the covering is removed in the single example of this sex. Hab. Kauai (4000 ft.); 2 J and i % taken. (17) Dryophthorus verticalis, sp. nov. Piceus, subrobustus. Rostri (?) pars praeantennalis nitida, fortiter distincte punc- tata. Oculi sat magni. Pronotum grossius punctatum, antice fortiter constrictum. Elytra seriatim grosse punctata, interstitiis sat distinctis, secundo quartoque inaequaliter elevatis et setulosis, postice fortissime declivia, fere verticalia. Long, (rostr. excl.) 3 — vix 4 mm. (Plate VIL fig. 20.) The male of this species is at once distinguished from any other of the section by its short robust form as seen in dorsal view, the elytra becoming wider at the base of the posterior declivity than they are across the shoulders. Posteriorly they are strongly vertical and of slightly recurved form. The female is less remarkable but it is more robust and larger than the allied species. The rostrum is shining and strongly punc- tured. In both sexes the sinuation of the 6th interstice of the elytra causes the 8th to be distinctly visible in dorsal aspect, so that it evidently forms part of the lateral outline. The second and fourth interstices are unevenly raised, or carinate, and setulose. Hab. Kauai mountains (4000 ft.). 146 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Thallatodora, gen, nov. Corpus subgracile, fusiformi-ovale, rugoso-sculpturatiim. Rostrum elongatum, ad insertionem antennarum fortissime curvatum, sive geniculatum, parte praeantennali fortius dilatata. Antennae longe ante medium rostrum insertae, scapo elongato, funiculo capituloque una conjunctis haud minus longo, funiculi 5-articulati articulo secundo sequentibus evidenter Jongiore, capitulo brevi, robusto. Oculi subrotundi, fortiter prominentes, in rostro, a capite distantes, siti. Pronotum elongatum, antice constric- tum, elytris angustius. Scutellum vix discernendum. Tarsi breves, articulo tertio biiobato, lobis parvis. Corpus totum subtus dense ac grosse punctatum ; coxae poste- riores late, intermediae his minus late, anteriores intermediis minus late separatae, haudquaquam tamen contiguae. Metasternum sat longum. Abdominis pars basalis (so. segmentum i et 2, quae parum distincte sunt divisa), mesosterno una cum meta- sterno haud minus longa. (i) Thalattodora insignis, sp. nov, Piceo-nigra, tarsis antennisque rufescentibus, opaca. Rostrum rugosum. Pronotum elongatum, antice constrictum, lateribus parum fortiter rotundatis, grosse denseque rugoso-punctatum. Elytra profunde striata, striis grosse confertim punctatis, interstitiis asperis, punctulatis, setis brevissimis pallidis, uniseriatim dispositis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 3'5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. i ; la, antennae.) Hab. Lanai. A single example taken under logs on the coast. Pentarthrum Wollaston. (i) Pentarthrum prolixum Sharp. Pentarthrum prolixum Sharp, Tr, Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 25. Hab. Found on all the islands, living on tree-ferns. Varies greatly in size. (2) Pentarthru7n obscurum Sharp. Pentarthrum obscurujn Sharp, /. c. Hab. Oahu. Abundant in dead wood up to an elevation of 2000 ft. Often in company with Phloeophagosoma and Pseudolus. COLEOPTERA 147 (3) Pentarthrum blackbm^ni Sharp. Pentarthrum blackburni Sharp, /. c, Hab. Oahu. Near Honolulu (Blackburn). I did not meet with this species. Orothreptes, gen. nov. Subfusiformis, haud gracilis, totus pube aurea vestitus. Rostrum elongatum, levius curvatum, lateribus parallelis. Oculi magni convex!. Antennae breves, robustae, fere ad medium rostrum insertae, scapo minus longo, funiculo 5-articulato, articulo primo brevi, caeteris transversis, capitulo elongato. Pronotum latum, antice subconstrictum. Tarsi breves, sat robusti, articulo tertio late bilobato. Coxae omnes sat late separatae, sed posteriores et intermediae multo latius quam anteriores. Metasternum longum. Elytra pronoto evidenter latiora. Scutellum patens. Perhaps most nearly allied to Sericotrogus Woll, but differing greatly in its much less narrow and elongate form, the less strongly curved rostrum, the pterygia being not in the least outstanding, the larger but less prominent eyes, short wide prothorax, shorter metasternum, and in many other respects. The lobes of the tarsi are very largely developed, the apical joint is somewhat stout. (i) Orothreptes callithrix, sp. nov. Rufotestaceus, totus aureo-pubescens. Rostrum opacum, subtilissime punctatum, lateribus parallelis. Pronotum sat latum, antice subconstrictum, densissime grossius punctatum, lateribus rotundatis. Elytra profunde striata, striis haud distincte punctatis, interstitiis confuse crebreque rugoso-punctatis. Long, (rostr. incl.) circ. 4*25 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 2 ; 2^, antenna). Hab. Hawaii. A single example taken in the Kona district (3000 ft.) Deinocossonus, gen. nov. Forma subcylindrico-fusiformi, totus pube demissa vestitus. Rostrum latum, breve, a capite parum distincte divisum, medium postice longitudinaliter sulcatum, ad inser- tionem antennarum subangustatum, ibique utrinque tuberculo munitum. Oculi per- magni, convexiusculi, a pronoto distantes. Antennae ad apices oculorum insertae, ab apice rostri distantes, funiculo 7-articulato, articulo primo caeteris, qui omnes sunt bre- vissimi, longiore, capitulo sat robusto. Pronotum subelongatum, antice angustatum. F. H. II. 20 148 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Elytra ac pronotum aeque lata. Scutellum conspicuum. Tarsorum articulus tertius sat latus, bilobatus. Uncus tibiarum anteriorum apicalis validus. Femora robusta. Coxae omnes late separatae. Metasternum satis longum. Abdomen subtus pubescens, fortiter punctatum. A genus, the species of which is of small size, and apparently without any allied form known from elsewhere. It is very remarkable for the short wide rostrum, the very large, but not prominent eyes, and the dense covering of golden pubescence. In the testaceous colour, and the clothing, these insects have an extraordinary resemblance to the insect, for which I have made the genus OrotkrepieSy but that has a totally different form of rostrum, and a 5-jointed funiculus, and differs in many other respects. Probably in habits the two are identical. Deinocossonus is a form of excessive rarity, or at least very difficult to procure, and the pubescence is so easily removed, that I have been unwilling to subject the few specimens taken to much manipulation. (i) Deinocossonus nesiotes, sp. nov. Angustus, testaceus, aureo-pubescens, capite rostroque nigris. Pronotum dense, nee profunde punctatum, inter puncta subtilissime rugulosa. Elytra striata, striis obscu- rius, plus minusve evidenter punctatis, interstitiis obscure punctulatis, et pubescentibus. Femora anteriora supra testacea, parte inferiore nigricante. Long, (rostr. incl.), 2*5 — vix 3 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 3; 3^, antenna.) Var. a. elytrorum striis haud evidenter punctatis, rostri parte apicali testacea, Var. ^. rostro et capite nigris, femora omnia cum tibiis nigricantia. Hab. Oahu. Two examples taken together at an elevation of 3000 ft. on Kaala mountain. Var. a. Kauai, 4000 ft. ; Oahu, Waianae mountains. Var. ^. Hawaii. One specimen at Kilauea. Haloxenus, gen. nov. Corpus elongatum, gracile, fusiforme, haud pubescens. Rostrum latum, breve subconicum (sc. lateribus ad apicem evidenter convergentibus), a capite minus distincte divisum. Oculi rotundi, latissime separati, a pronoto sat distantes. Antennae paullo ante medium rostrum insertae, funiculi 7-articulati articulo primo robusto, caeteris longiore, secundo caeterisque brevissimis, capitulo sat magno, apice acuminato. Pro- notum elongatum antice angustatum, vix constrictum. Pedes sat robusti ; tarsi breves, articulo tertio parvo, haud evidenter bilobato, articulo ultimo elongato, caeteris conjunctis haud minus longo. Metasternum perlongum. Coxae omnes late separatae. Elytra elongata, angusta, lateribus parallelis. Scutellum patens. This genus comes nearest to Eutornus WolL, but has the rostrum narrowing to the apex, and the point of insertion of the antennae is different. COLEOPTERA j^g (i) HaloxeuMs mzmigrans, sp, nov. Piceus, vel rufopiceus, subnitidus, elongatus, gracillimus. Rostrum basim versus dense sat fortiter, ad apicem subtiliter punctatum. Pronotum fortiter punctatum, antice sensim nee fortiter angustatum. Elytra striata, striis sat grosse punctatis, circum suturam subtilissime punctulata. Long, (rostn incl.) circ. 3 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 4.) Hab. Molokai and Lanai coasts. Not rare under logs of drift-wood. PsEUDOLus Sharp. (i) Pseudolus longulus Boheman. Rhyncohis longulus Boh., Eug. Res. p. 149. Hab. Oahu and Maui. Abundant, and no doubt inhabits other of the islands, at low elevations. On Cactus, Aleurites, Musa, &c. (2) Pseudolus hospesy sp. nov. Niger, gracilis, elongatus, subnitidus. Rostrum confertim punctatum, parte prae- antennali fortius dilatata. Pronotum elongatum, fortiter crebre punctatum, antice fortiter constrictum. Elytra striata, striis grosse confertim punctatis, interstitiis punctulatis, setas minimas pallidas ferentibus, et transversim subtilissime rugulosis. Tarsorum articulus tertius, secundo evidenter latior, bilobatus, lobis parvis. Long. 6*5 mm. Hab. Oahu. Four examples taken, two in Honolulu and two a short distance outside. This species has only been met with near Honolulu, and I suspect it has been introduced. Generically it appears to be somewhat intermediate between Pseudolus and Phloeophagosoma, Phloeophagosoma Wollaston. (i) Phloeophagosoma tenuis Gemm. Rhyncolus tenuis Gemm. Mun. Cat. viii. p. 2667. Rhyncolus gracilis Boh. Eug. Res. p. 149. Hab. Oahu, up to 2000 ft. ; common. Hawaii, in Kona (2000 — 3000 ft.). 20 — 2 ISO FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Nesotocus, gen. nov. Forma subfusiformi, statura magna. Rostrum cylindricum, perlongum, maris rugose sculpturatum, saepissime spinulosum, feminae parte praeantennali laevi, nitida, impunctata. Oculi magni, convexiusculi, a pronoto sat distantes. Antennae longissimae, graciles, maris paullo ante vel fere ad medium rostrum, feminae longe post medium insertae, funiculo (^) perspicue piloso, 7-articulato, articulis basalibus fortissime elongatis, capitulo elongato, subfusiformi. Pronotum antice fortiter angustatum, truncato-conicum. Scutellum patens. Pedes longissimi, femoribus anterioribus ^ gracilioribus, % robusti- oribus et magis incrassatis, tarsorum articulo primo et secundo elongatis, tertio late bilobato, articulo ultimo gracili elongato, apicem versus crassiore, unguiculis longis et curvatis. Coxae anteriores (necnon etiam intermediae et posteriores) late separatae. Metasternum sat longum, postice subangulariter emarginatum, medium longitudinaliter impressum vel sulcatum. Abdominis segmentum primum ventrale secundo paullo longius, tertium una cum quarto hoc paullo brevius, segmentum apicale Z latius $ minus late rotundatum. Elytra et pronotum pube pallida decorata, hoc et illis subaequilatis. There is apparently no known ally to the three remarkable insects for which the above genus is formed. They all live in the wood of the tree Cheirodendron, and, I believe, of another tree which has a considerable resemblance to that genus. In superficial appearance the three species almost exactly resemble one another, and this is rather that of Erirhinini than Cossonini. (i) Nesotoctis munroi, sp. nov. Niger, pubescentiae pallidae maculis ornatus, antennis tarsisque nonnunquam rufescentibus. Rostrum J (saltem in exemplis majorlbus), rugoso-sculpturatum, utrinque serrato-spinosum, in exemplis parvis vix plus quam simpliciter punctatum, $ parte prae- antennali laevi impunctato. Antennae ^ evidenter propius ad apicem rostri quam ad oculos, ? longe post medium rostrum insertae. Pronotum sat dense punctatum, antice fortiter angustatum, conico-truncatum. Elytra striata, striis parum fortiter punctatis, apicem versus compressa. Long, (rostr. incl.), ^ majoris 21 mm., ^ minoris 12-5 mm. ; $ 15 mm. Ill-developed males have the front femora more incrassate than large examples, tending to resemble the $ in this respect, as also to some extent in the smoother rostrum. Hab. Hawaii, Maui. Various localities on Hawaii (2000 — 4000 ft.) ; Kohala, Kau, Puna ; Haleakala on Maui. This species was given to me, soon after my arrival in the islands, by Mr G. C. Munro, who obtained specimens in the Kohala mountains, and I have named it after this excellent ornithologist. A fragment (elytra and sternum) found in the mountains of Molokai may belong to this species, but the pubescence is more deeply yellow. COLEOPTERA 15 1 (2) Nesotoms newelli, sp. nov. Praecedenti cognatissimus. Differt statura majore, antennarum scapi apice magis incrassato, funiculo densius longiusque piloso, articulo secundo pro primo magis elongate. ^. Long. 26 mm. The single t of this species I believe to be distinct from N. nmnroi, and not merely a very large and finely developed example of that species. Besides the characters given above the apical joint of the funiculus of the antennae is nearly equal to the basal portion of the club, which is clothed with sub-erect hairs (the apical portion being densely covered with appressed pubescence). In N. inunroi the apical joint of the funiculus is very greatly shorter than the basal portion of the club. Hab. Maui. A single example has been taken by Bro. Matthias Newell in the lao valley. (3) Nesotoctis kaitaiensisy sp. nov. Praecedentibus simillimus, niger, pubescentia flava ornatus. Differt Z antennis haud propius ad apicem rostri quam ad oculos insertis, % rostri parte postantennali minus fortiter denseque punctata. Long. 13 — 16-5 mm. (Plate VI IL fig. 5.) The t of this species is very distinct from either of the preceding, by the different point of insertion of the antennae, this being nearly equidistant from the eyes and apex of the rostrum. The % is much more difficult to separate, but the basal portion of the rostrum appears to be smoother, and more finely and less closely punctured. In fresh examples the pubescence is decidedly more deeply yellow, and that on the elytra is rather more extensive. Hab. Kauai (4000 ft). Dysomma, gen. nov. Corpus sat gracile, cylindrico-fusiforme, haud pubescens. Rostrum elongatum, leviter curvatum, pronoto longitudine subaequale, parte praeantennali basali parte sat latiore. Oculi parvi, subobsoleti. Antennae longe ante medium rostrum insertae, funiculi 7-articulati articulo basali elongato, secundo bis longiore, hoc tertio longiore, capitulo elongato-ovali. Pronotum magnum, elongatum, elytris latius, antice fortiter angustatum, vix constrictum. Uncus tibiarum anticarum apicalis validus. Tarsi brevi- ores, articulo tertio parvo, lobis brevissimis. Unguiculi graciles, breves. Coxae omnes late separatae, metasterno longo. Abdominis segmentum basale inter coxas posteriores antice rotundatim productum. Elytra angustiora, lateribus subparallelis. Scutellum patens. 152 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (i) Dysomma sylvicola, sp. nov. Elongatus, sat gracilis, colore castaneo, subnitidus. Rostrum subrugoso-punctatum, setis brevissimis paucis vestitum. Pronotum dense aequaliter punctatum. Elytra pronoto angustiora, striata, striis confertim punctatis, interstitiis uniseriatim punctulatis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 6.) Hab. Kauai. A single example taken in the mountains (4000 ft). Heteramphus Sharp. (i) Heteramphus filicum, sp. nov. Latus, niger, opacus, tarsis antennisque rufescentibus. Pronotum latum, antice angustatum, vix constrictum, creberrime punctatum, brevissime pubescens, dorso juxta basim baud, vel vix evidenter, impresso. Elytra seriatim punctata, interstitiis usque ad basim parcius sed distincte pallido-pubescentibus. Long, (rostr. incl.) 8 — 9 mm. (Plate VI IL fig. 7.) Closely allied to H\ wollastoni Shp., but at once distinguished by the much more densely punctured thorax, which is clothed with a short minute pubescence, and lacks the basal impression of the allied species. The pale hairs on the interstices of the elytra are not confined to the apical portion, but extend to the extreme base. Hab. Oahu, in the mountains. Attached to the tree-fern ; only a few examples taken, the species being much more difficult to procure than H. wollastoni. (2) Heteramphus wollastoni Sharp. Heteramphus wollastoni Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 188. Hab. Oahu. Common in the mountains, but local. Lives at the bases of the leaves of Astelia veratroides. (3) Heteramphus foveatus Sharp. Heteramphus foveatus Sharp, /. c. Hab. Oahu. Common in the same localities as, and in company with, //. ivollastoni. COLEOPTERA 153 (4) Heteramphtts haleakalae, sp. nov. Piceus vel rufo-piceus, rostro, antennis pedlbusque rufescentibus. Rostrum rugoso- punctatum, parte postantennali carinatim compressa. Pronotum subgrosse (antice quam postice minus dense) punctatum, sat elongatum, minus latum, dorso juxta basim leviter vel vix evidenter impressum. Elytra sat elongata, striata, striis parum tbrtiter nee confertim punctatis, parce usque ad basim pubescentia. Long, (rostr. incl.) 6 7 mm. The general appearance and form of this species is that of H. foveahis Shp., but it is easily distinguished by the fact that it is more elongate, both the prothorax and elytra being narrower, and the former has only a shallow, sometimes hardly perceptible, impression near the base, and the punctures of the elytral striae are finer and more feeble. It is also very closely allied to the following species. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.) ; three examples ; taken from dead logs. (5) Heteramphtts f raters sp. nov. Piceus vel rufo-piceus, rostro, antennis pedibusque plus minusve rufescentibus. Rostrum rugoso-punctatum, parte postantennali carinatim compressa. Pronotum grosse punctatum, postice juxta basim profunde foveatum. Elytra minus lata, usque ad basim parce pubescentia, striis minus fortiter punctatis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 6 — 7 mm. Somewhat intermediate between H. kaleakalae and H, foveatus, the base of the prothorax having a strong round impression. It is a narrower and more elongate insect than H. foveatus, and has the striae of the elytra less strongly punctured. From H, kaleakalae it differs in the strong impression on the prothorax, and in the fact that the shoulders of the elytra are capable of being more closely applied to the base of the prothorax. The two examples taken do not agree well together, the one being more bulky than the other, and having the thoracic puncturation coarser, while the punctures of the striae of the elytra are finer and less closely placed. The smaller example has no impression on the apical ventral segment of the hind-body, whereas in the larger this segment is distinctly impressed, as is also the case with all the individuals of the preceding species. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.) ; very rare. (6) Heteramphus molokaiensts^ sp. nov. Piceus, antennis, rostro pedibusque plus minusve rufescentibus. Rostrum distincte punctatum, parte postantennali carinatim compressa. Pronotum angustum, elongatum, antice angustatum, vix grosse punctatum, parum evidenter pubescens. Elytra pronoto 154 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS paullo latiora, angustula, vix evidenter pubescentia, apicem versus rarissime setosa, striis obscurissime obsolete punctatis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 8.) Most nearly allied to H, kaleakalae, but at once distinguished by its much more slender and elongate form. Hab. Molokai mountains (4000 ft.). A single example taken out of wet moss in June 1893. (7) Heteramphus cylindricus Sharp. HeterampJms cylindricus Sharp, t. c. p. 189. (Plate VIII. fig. 9 large form; fig. 10 small form.) Hab. Oahu ; common, at the bases of the leaves and in the stems of Astelia. Varies greatly in size, some examples being much larger and more robust than others. (8) Heteramphus hirtellus Sharp. Heteramphus hirtellus Sharp, /. c, Hab. Oahu. A single example was taken by Mr Blackburn in the mountains near Honolulu. I have never met with this species. (9) Heteramphus kauaiensis, sp. nov. Piceus, sat latus, nitidus, rostri parte basali, pronoto, elytrisque, dense pallide setosis. Rostrum apicem versus dilatatum, nitidum, et subtiliter punctatum. Pronotum sat latum, nitidum, dense grosseque punctatum, juxta basim obsolete impressum, linea dorsali laevi. Elytra brevia, nitida, striis grosse confertim punctatis, interstitiis setis longis flavescentibus vestitis. Long, (rostr. incl.) 5*5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 11.) This remarkable species is allied to H. hirtellus Shp., the rostrum, viewed from in front, being widened at some distance before the insertion of the antennae on the basal side, owing to the long outstanding pterygia. Its form is much the same as in H, foveattts, but it might reasonably be considered as the type of another genus. Hab. Kauai. A single example taken on the high plateau. (10) Heteramphus nivicolay sp, nov. Nigro-piceus, opacus (capite cum pronoto absente), elytris apices versus setas nonnullas ferentibus. Elytra distinctissime striata, striis remote nee grosse punctatis, interstitiis haud convexis subseriatim rugoso-punctatis. Metasternum grosse punctatum. COLEOPTERA 155 Abdominis segmentum basale subtus nitidum, grosse et remote punctatum, segmentum 2"^, 3"^ et 4"^ rugoso-punctata, segmentum apicale densius fortiter distincte punctatum. Long. ?. The genus of the insect above described is not certain, since the head, prothorax and most of the appendages are wanting, but it is probably a true Heteramphus, It is easily distinguished from any of the other species, by the sculpture of the elytra and the under-parts. The former are less wide at the base and comparatively more elongate than those of H. foveatus (than which the species is of larger size), the striae are very distinct and are wide apart, their punctures are somewhat fine, and especially on the striae towards the sides, remote from one another, the interstices are not the least convex, and are rather largely and rugosely and somewhat seriately punctured, so that when looked along from the apex they even appear somewhat grooved or concave. The humeral angles of the elytra are rounded off and indistinct. The abdomen beneath is shining, the basal segment remotely and very strongly punctured, the three following ones are rugosely punctate, the apical one strongly and closely, but less coarsely than the basal one. Hab. Maui. A single example in fragmentary condition was found near the summit of Haleakala. OoDEMAS Bohem. (i) Oodemas olindae Blackburn. Oodemas olindae Blackburn, Ent. Mo. Mag. xvii. p. 199. (Plate VIII. fig. 12, ?.) Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.) ; i ^ and i ? taken. Two examples, now in the British Museum, taken by Mr Blackburn, are both $, and apart from sexual differences agree closely with my ^. The % taken by me is less shining, the prothorax entirely dull, and strongly punctured, but there is little doubt that it belongs to the same species. The t differs from the $ in the shorter rostrum, and the very large second joint of the anterior and intermediate tarsi, which are hardly less wide than the third joint. (2) Oodemas longirosh^e, sp. no v. Nigrum, aenescens, elongato-ovale, nitidum. Rostrum longissimum, valde curva- tum, apice fortiter dilatato, basali parte gracillima, subtiliter dense punctatum. Oculi fortiter prominentes. Prothorax nitidus, sat elongatus, subtiliter punctatus. Elytra F. H. II. 21 156 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS nitida, basi obscure marginata, antice obscure striata, striis grossius punctatis, interstitiis crebre punctulatis, postice fortiter convexis. $. Long, (cum rostro) 7 mm. (Plate VIII. fig- i3» ^ ; ^Z^^ anterior tarsus of J.) Very distinct from any other species ; most nearly allied to O, olindae. The excessively long slender rostrum, which is much more strongly curved, will at once distinguish it from that species. The two basal joints of the funiculus are much the same in both species. Hab. Kauai. A single % taken in the mountains (4000 ft.). (3) Oodemas dilatatipes, sp. nov. Nigroaeneum, elongatum, nitidum. Rostrum nitidum, subtiliter sat dense puncta- tum, apice dilatato. Oculi fortiter prominentes. Antennarum articulus secundus et tertius fortiter elongati, subaequales. Pronotum latum, antice fortiter angustatum, subtiliter punctatum. Elytra seriatim (subgrosse) punctata, interstitiis convexis, sub- tiliter punctatis. Tarsorum ^ intermed. et antic, articulus secundus aeque latus ac tertius. ,?. Long. 5 mm. Black, slightly aeneous, shining. The t (the only sex obtained), has the rostrum long, strongly dilated on its apical portion, the surface shining, finely and densely punctured. The eyes are very strongly convex, and prominent. Antennae with the first joint of the funiculus long, the following hardly longer. The prothorax is wide, strongly narrowed in front, and finely punctured. Elytra shining, with rows of moderately large punctures, the interstices slightly and narrowly raised, or convex, and finely punctured. The hind portion of the elytra is of the abrupt form usual in the section, and the apical segments of the hind-body beneath are inclined to the basal part. The femora are extremely stout, and the second joint of the front and intermediate tarsi very wide. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains. A single t only taken. Differs from the t of (9. olindae Blk., in the shorter rostrum, the coarser puncturation of the striae of the elytra, which are not distinctly margined at the base, etc. (4) Oodemas nivicola Blackburn. Oodemas nivicola Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent Belg. xxi. p. 75. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000 ft. to the summit), outside the forest. Common and very variable in size, sculpture &c. Sometimes brightly shining, often quite dull. COLEOPTERA 157 (5) Oodemas costatitm, sp. nov. Ovatum, robustum, nitide aeneum. Rostrum nitidum, subtiliter punctatum, apice subdilatato. Antennarum articulus secundus et tertius fortissime elongati, fere aequi- longi. Elytra seriatim punctata^ interstitiis punctulatis, a basi usque ad apicem elytrorum distinctissime costatis, Tarsorum antic, et intermed, (^) articulus secundus maximus, articulo tertio baud minus latus. t- Long, 5 "5 mm. Ovate, shining, bronzy black. Rostrum shining, finely punctured, dilated at the apex. Eyes convex, subprominent. Antennae with the first two joints of the funiculus very long, subequal. Prothorax shining finely and feebly punctured. Elytra striate, the striae strongly punctured, the interstices sharply raised from base to apex, giving the elytra a ribbed appearance, and finely punctured. Second joint of the anterior and intermediate tarsi of the t very large, about as wide as the apical width of the lobate third joint, and rather longer than wide. Hab. Kauai Mountains {4000 ft). A very distinct species, of which only a single ^ was taken. (6) Oodemas longicorne, sp. nov. Ovatum, robustum, aeneum, nitidissimum. Rostrum sat longum, apice dilatato, nitidum, subtiliter dense punctatum. Antennae longae, funicuh articulo primo fortiter elongato, secundo hoc vel longiore. Prothorax latus, nitidus, subtiliter punctatus. Tarsorum articulus secundus anticorum et intermediorum aeque latus ac tertius, et hoc multo longior. Elytra grossius seriatim antice punctata, interstitiis obscure costato- elevatis. J. Long. 5 mm. This species is closely allied to O, costatum, but is very distinct by the sculpture of the elytra, the interstices only showing a faint tendency to the costate form of that species. Hab. Kauai. Four examples (all ^), taken on the high plateau. (7) Oodemas punctulatis simttm, sp. nov. Nigroaeneum, nitidum, ovale, robustum. Antennae testaceae, graciles, sat elon- gatae, articulo secundo brevi, tertio minus fortiter elongato, sed secundo longiore. Rostrum nitidum, apice dilatato, fortiter deflexo, subtilissime punctatum. Oculi parum prominentes. Prothorax latus, nitidus, subtilissime (vix evidenter) punctatus. Elytra nitida, antice vix evidenter, postice paullo distinctius, striata, dense punctulata, apice fere recurvo. Pedes rufotestacei ; tarsorum {f) anticorum et intermediorum articulus secundus dilatatus, tertio vix minus latus. t- Long. 3-5 mm. 21—2 158 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Remarkable in its group for the unusually short second joint of the funiculus which though evidently longer than the short first joint is less elongate than in the allied species, and for the dense puncturation of the elytra, the punctures on the striae (which are hardly perceptible in front) being very little larger than those on the interstices. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains; i t taken in April 1892. (8) Oodemas molokaiense, sp. nov. Ovatum, nigroaeneum, nitidum. Rostrum dense subtilius punctatum, apice dilatato, Oculi magni, prominuli. Antennarum articulus tertius fortissime elongatus, secundo fere bis longior. Elytra minus fortiter seriatim punctata. Tarsorum (^) anticorum articulus secundus permagnus, aeque latus ac tertius. Long. 3*5 — 4*5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 14, t\ fig. H'^j anterior tarsus of ^.) Ovate, aeneous, more or less shining, generally brightly so, of more or less robust form. The rostrum is finely and closely punctured, its apical portion evidently dilated. The eyes are large and somewhat prominent. Antennae long, slender, the second joint of the funiculus very elongate, twice, or nearly twice, as long as the first. Prothorax broad, much narrowed in front, finely punctured, obsoletely so in some examples. Elytra with rows of fine punctures, sometimes with scarcely perceptible striation in front, in others with evident striae, the interstices very finely, subobsoletely punctured. Posteriorly the elytra are vertical, almost recurved, especially in the J. Second joint of the front and intermediate tarsi in the t very large, as wide as the lobate third joint, and rather longer. Apical ventral segments of the hind-body in a plane inclined to that of the basal segments. Rostrum shorter than that of the ?. Two examples (^, $) from Lanai have the elytra more strongly striated, the punctures on the striae rather larger, and the interstitial puncturation rather more developed. Hab. Molokai (3000 — 4500 ft.); Lanai (2000 ft). Rare. Allied to O. punctula- tissimum, but readily distinguished by the longer second joint of the funiculus, and the different puncturation of the elytra. The examples from Lanai might almost pass as a distinct species. (9) Oodemas chrysodorum^ sp. nov. Castaneum, nitidum, conspicue aureo-micans, ovale, elytrorum lateribus bisinuatis. Rostrum longum, apice dilatato, rugoso-punctatum, saepe longitudinaliter carinatum. Oculi perdepressi. Pronotum haud transversum, antice fortiter angustatum. Elytra (antice saltem) obscure striata, striis saepe impunctatis, vel parce subtilissime punctatis. ^ tarsorum anticorum articulus secundus fere aeque longus ac latus, articulus tertius COLEOPTERA i^^ lobis niagnis. Antennae crassiusculae, articulo 2^ et 3^ aut subaequalibus aut hoc longiore. t ?. Long. 375—5-2 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 15, ^; fig. 15^, anterior tarsus of Z\ %. 15^, of ?.) This species is readily distinguished by its bright golden-brown colour, the long rostrum (especially in the ?), which has the apex slightly but evidently widened, and the feeble sculpture of the elytra, Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft) ; lives in the stems of Rubus macraei, (10) Oodemas brunneum, sp. no v. Anguste ovale, nitidum, brunneum, aureo-micans. Rostrum nequaquam dilatatum, rugoso-punctatum. Oculi convexi, haud fortiter depressi. Antennae crassiusculae, funiculi articulo secundo et tertio brevissimis, hoc illo longiore. Pronotum nitidum, subelongatum, subtiliter nee dense punctatum. Tarsorum ^ anticorum articulus secundus latior quam longior, tertio evidenter angustior. Elytra nitida antice vix evidenter striata, seriatim subtiliter punctata, interstitiis etiam punctatis. ^. Long. 3-25 mm. This species somewhat resembles the preceding in colour, but the rostrum, which is not widened on the apical portion, the more convex eyes, the elytra much less strongly rounded behind the shoulders, and their more distinct puncturation (the punctures of the series are slightly larger than those of the interstices), will easily distinguish it. Hab. Molokai, mountains (3000 ft.); i ^. (11) Oodemas cupreum, sp. no v. Ovale, plus minusve nitidum, cupreum. Rostrum sat longum, apice haud dilatato, subtilissime punctatum. Antennarum funiculi articuli 2 basales parum longi, sub- aequales. Pronotum subelongatum, antice angustatum. Elytra subtiliter striata, seriatim, nee fortiter punctata, interstitiis sat crebre punctulatis. Long. 4 — 5 mm. Elongate-oval, more or less shining, the elytra reddish or piceous, and of a distinct copper colour. Legs and often the antennae reddish. Rostrum rather long, not widened towards the apex, finely and more or less sparsely punctured. The two basal joints of the funiculus of the antennae are short, stout and of about equal length. Prothorax finely punctured, rather long and much narrowed in front. Elytra more or less feebly striate, the punctures of the striae distinct, but not coarse, the interstices with a much finer but distinct and more or less dense puncturation. The lobes of the front tarsi are small in all the specimens examined, but it is uncertain whether the Z sex is represented. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 — 6000 ft.) ; rare. r6o FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (12) Oodemas crassicorne Blackburn. Oodemas crassicorne Blackb. Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 184. The sexual distinctions are important in this species, the second joint of the front tarsi of the t being much wider than that of the ?. Hab. Lanai Mountains (2000 — 3000 ft). Not rare. (13) Oodemas haleakalae, sp. nov. Elongato-ovale, nitidum, aenescens. Rostrum rugoso-punctatum ; oculi parum convexi. Antennarum articulo secundo brevi, tertio elongato. Pronotum baud trans- versum, antice angustatum. Elytra antice levissime vel vix striata, lateribus bisinuatis, striis subtiliter remote punctatis, interstitiis saepe crebre punctulatis, postice (prae- cipue $) sat convexis, Tarsorum ant $ articulus secundus transversus, tertius hoc multo latior, lobis magnis. Long, 3 — 4*5 mm. This species is closely allied to O. crassicorne, Blk. It varies greatly in size, small males being only about half the bulk of the female, and in sculpture, the puncturation of the elytra being much more developed in some examples than in others. It may be distinguished from the allied species by the longer rostrum and less convex eyes, and the former is generally more rugosely punctured, especially in the female. The rostrum is generally more or less evidently widened towards the apex, and is often distinctly carinate down the middle. The interstitial puncturation of the elytra is as a rule hardly less developed than that of the striae. Towards the apex (especially in the ?) the interstices become rather strongly convex, the fourth, fifth and sixth terminating somewhat abruptly at the same point, a character which will distinguish this species from some others of very similar appearance (e.g. O, tardzim, Blk.). Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 — 6000 ft) ; common. (14) Oodemas montanum, sp. nov. Nigroaeneum, nitidum, ovale. Antennae crassae, scapo brevi, funiculi articulo primo elongato, crasso, secundo subaequali. Rostrum nitidum, subfortiter punctatum, apice leviter dilatato, fortius decurvato. Oculi convexi et prominuli. Pronotum sat longum, subtilissime punctatum, antice fortiter angustatum. Elytra nitida, seriatim nee grosse punctata, vix evidenter striata, interstitiis subtiliter minus dense punctatis. (Sexus ?) Long, vix 4 mm. This species very closely resembles O, tardum Blackb., but the very stout COLEOPTERA i6i antennae, the first and second joints of the funiculus being elongate, subequal, and unusually stout, and the less punctured interstices of the elytra easily distinguish it. The single example taken is probably a ^. The second joint of the front tarsi is short, subrotundate, and much less wide than the bilobate third joint. Hab. Kauai. A single example taken on the high plateau in August, 1896. (15) Oodemas tardum Blackburn. Oodemas tardum Blackb, Tr. Dublin Soc. in. 1885, p. 184. Several specimens taken on Haleakala I refer to this species, which in most respects very closely resembles O, haleakalae (q.v.). It would appear to be somewhat variable, but the material taken is quite insufficient for a proper understanding of the species. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000 — 5000 ft.). Rare. (16) Oodemas obscurum. Blackburn. Oodemas obscurum Blackb, Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 75. van substrictum Blackb. Ent. Mo. Mag. xvii. p. 200. The characters afforded by the front tarsi of the t are important for distinguishing this species. The lobate third joint is unusually small and the lobes short, the second joint is rather wide. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000 — 5000 ft.) ; not rare. (17) Oodemas aequale Blackburn. Oodemas aequale Blackb. Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, P- ^84. Hab, Lanai (2000 — 3000 ft.), where it is not rare. (18) Oodemas apionoides, sp. nov. Angustum, elongato-ovale, nigroaeneum, plus minusve nitidum. Rostrum puncta- turn, parte apicali levissime dilatata, .prae insertione antennarum sat evidenter decurvata. Antennarum articulus secundus brevis, robustus, tertius huic subaequalis, vel paullo longior. Pronotum elongatum antice sensim angustatum. Elytra subtilissime striata, striis grossius remote punctatis, interstitiis parce (saepe subobsolete) punctatis. Tarsorum anticorum {f) articulus secundus brevis, rotundus, tertius hoc multo latior, lobis parum magnis. ^$. Long. 3 — 3-5 mm. 1 62 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS A rather variable species, the punctures on the striae of the elytra being decidedly coarser in some examples than others, and sometimes also more numerous, and there- fore less remote. The elytra are often of a bright bronzy colour. The t is shorter than the $, and readily distinguished by the less elongated rostrum. The striation of the elytra is always very fine and sometimes hardly discernible in front The widening of the rostrum towards the apex is sometimes hardly perceptible, and its puncturation is variable, being decidedly rugose in some examples. Hab. Kauai Mountains (3000 — 4000 ft.). Not common. (19) Oodemas affine, sp. nov. Praecedenti cognatissimum, rostro breviore, elytris fortius et confertius seriatim punctatis distinguendum. ^. Long. 3*25 mm. Closely allied to O, apionoides. The rostrum is closely punctured, the apex some- what strongly curved downwards, and it is evidently wider than that of the preceding species. The first joint of the funiculus of the antennae is very short and stout, the second rather longer than this. The prothorax is dull and remotely punctured, its sides slightly convergent from the base to front. The elytra are shining, brassy, distinctly striate ; the striae coarsely punctured, and not very remotely. The interstices are distinctly but sparsely punctured. Second joint of the front tarsi (^) very small, transverse, lobes of the third small. Hab. Kauai, Makaweh (2000 ft.) ; i ^ taken. (20) Oodemas parallelum, sp. nov. Laete aeneum, nitidissimum, angustissimum. Antennarum articulus secundus brevissimus, tertius fortiter elongatus secundo bis longior. Pronotum nitidum, antice minus fortiter angustatum, subfortiter punctatum. Elytra nitidissima, subtilissime striata, striis sat fortiter nee confertim punctatis, interstitiis parce distincte punctulatis. Tarsorum anticorum t articulus secundus brevis transversus, tertius hoc multo latior, lobis magnis. ^. Long, circa 3 mm. This is a very distinct species. Its bright bronzy colour, very narrow form, comparatively strongly punctured thorax, long second joint of the funiculus of the antennae, &c., &c., readily distinguish it. Hab. Oahu. A single $ taken on Kaala (Waianae Mountains) in December, 1892. COLEOPTERA 163 (21) Oodemas graciliforme, sp. nov. Angustum, elongato-ovale, nitide aeneum. Rostrum subnitidum, subtiliter punc- tatum, apice levissime dilatato, evidenter decurvato. Antennarum articulus secundus et tertius elongatl, subaequales. Pronotum baud transversum, antice fortius angustatum. Elytra nitida, levissime striata, striis remote nee fortiter punctatis, interstitiis baud crebre punctulatis, apicem versus elytrorum plus minusve convexis. Tarsorum ^ anticorum articulus secundus parvus, subrotundus, quam dimidia pars tertii vix latior, hujus lobis baud magnis. ^$. Long. 375—4-5 mm. (Plate VIII. fig. 16.) An elongate very narrow species of moderate size and bright bronze colour. The rostrum is slightly widened towards the apex, and bent downwards from about the line of insertion of the antennae. The first and second joints of the funiculus are elongate, and subequal The prothorax is generally shining, and varies considerably in its puncturation, which is closer and stronger in some examples than others ; its form is rather long and narrow, and it is much narrowed in front. The elytra are narrow, shining, bright brass-coloured or golden, with very fine but evident striae, which are a little deeper posteriorly, where the interstices are more or less convex. The punctures on the striae are not at all coarse, and are remote ; the interstitial puncturation is much finer than these, and not dense. In the ^ the second joint of the front tarsi is small, about as long as wide, half the width of the lobate third joint, which is transverse, and not largely developed. This species is distinct by the very narrow elongate form, bright bronzy colour, the subequal first and second joints of the funiculus of the antennae, fine striation of the elytra, and the fine puncturation of the striae. Hab. Kauai, Halemanu ; rare. (22) Oodemas ramulorum, sp. no v. Nigroaeneum, nitidum, ovale. Rostrum baud dense subtiliter punctatum, apice levissime dilatato, decurvato. Antennarum articulus secundus brevis, robustus, tertius gracilis, elongatus. Pronotum opacum, subtilissime, nee dense, punctatum, antice an- gustatum. Elytra nitidissima, plus minusve cupreo-nitentia, levissime striata, striis subtiliter punctatis, interstitiis minus dense subtilissime punctulatis. Long. 3 — ^375 mm. The two examples of this small elongate-oval species were obtained from the pith- cavity of a dry twig, resting side by side. It is probable that they may be the sexes of one species, although they differ somewhat in shape &c. That which is probably the ^ has the prothorax slightly shorter and wider, and of a dull brassy-green colour. The F. H. II. 22 1 64 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS elytra are black, with a copper-coloured metallic tint. The second joint of the anterior tarsi is small, the lobes of the following joint rather large. In the other example, both thorax and elytra are of a very marked copper colour, the former is rather longer, and the sides of the latter less strongly rounded. Hab. Oahu. Mountains near Honolulu (3000 ft.) ; two examples taken. (2'^) Oodemas leiothorax, sp. no v. Nigroaeneum, nitidum, ovale. Rostrum Long. 4*5 — 6 mm. (Plate VIIL fig. 22.) A rather distinct looking species, of robust form, and not brightly aeneous. The rostrum in the ^ is rather short, and wide at the base, becoming narrower towards the apex. The elytra are (at least in the J) wide near the base, the sides being strongly rounded from the shoulders. The sculpture is variable, consisting of rows of larger punctures which are sometimes closely placed (i.e. the punctures in each row), but in other examples are decidedly irregular. The interstitial puncturation is much more dense in some examples than in others, but it is nearly always conspicuous. The lobate third joint of the anterior tarsi is unusually small for the size of the species in both sexes. The general surface is more or less shining, but there is considerable variation in this respect. Hab. Kauai mountains (4000 ft.). COLEOPTERA 169 (34) Oodemas aeolosoma, sp. nov. Ovatum, nitidum, elytris $ aenescentibus, ? subcupreo-nitentibus. Rostrum $ brevius, nitidum, subtiliter punctatum, apice baud dilatato. Antennae graciles, articulis 2 basalibus funiculi elongatis, subaequilongis. Oculi convexi. Pronotum ' nitidum, subtiliter punctatum, antice fortiter angustatum. Elytra nitida, crebre punctulata', punctis quae majora sunt, seriatim dispositis, striis levissimis, vel obsoletis. Tarsorum anticorum lobi mediocres. $ %. Long. 4 — 4-5 mm. This species is closely allied to the two preceding, but is a smaller and more shining insect. The puncturation of the elytra shows some variation, the punctures which are disposed in series being considerably coarser in some examples than in others, the density of the interstitial puncturation also varies. Hab. Kauai, a few examples taken in the mountains at an elevation of 4000 ft. (35) Oodemas aenescens Bohem. Oodemas aenescens Boh., Eug. Res. p. 138, t. 2, f. 6. (Plate VIII. fig. 23.) Hab. Oahu and Lanai mountains. Remarkable for the extremely coarse punctu- ration of the base of the abdomen beneath. The length of the first and second joints of the funiculus of the antennae is a little variable, sometimes one and sometimes the other being slightly the longer. (36) Oodemas angustum Blackburn. Oodemas angustttm Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 75. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (Blackburn). {Zl) Oodemas halticoides Blackburn. Oodemas halticoides Blackb., Ent. Mo. Mag. xiv. p. 5. Hab. Oahu mountains, 2000 — 3000 ft. (Blackburn). (38) Oodemas robiistimi Blackburn. Oodemas robustum Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 75. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (Blackburn). 170 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (39) Oodemas insulare Blackburn. Oodemas insulare Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 74. Hab. Oahu (Blackburn). (40) Oodemas sculpturahtm Blackburn. Oodemas sc2ilpturatum Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 74. (Plate VIII. fig. 24.) Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000 — 5000 ft). Not rare. (41) Oodemas nitidissimum^, sp. nov. Nigroaeneum, nitidissimum, ovale. Rostrum subtiliter crebre punctatum, apice baud dilatato- Antennarum articulus secundus fortiter elongatus, tertio bis longior. Pronotum nitidissimum, subtiliter subobsolete punctatum, latum, antice fortiter angus- tatum. Elytra levissime (parum distincte) striata, striis remote subtiliter punctatis, interstitiis conspicue punctulatis. Long. 3*5 mm. A very distinct species, easily known by the very long first joint of the funiculus of the antennae, the highly polished surface, and puncturation of the elytra. Hab. Oahu, a single example taken in the Waianae mountains in April 1892. (42) Oodemas mauiense Blackburn. Oodemas mauiense Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 75. (Plate VIII. fig. 25.) Hab. Maui, Haleakala (Blackburn). I have taken this species on Molokai and Hawaii in some numbers. It varies greatly in size, and otherwise. Examples from Hawaii are generally much more shining than those from Molokai. (43) Oodemas borrei Blackburn. Oodemas borrei Blackb., Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xxi. p. 75. This species is sometimes quite brightly shining, and varies greatly in size. Hab. Maui, Haleakala, above the forest. Commonly found in company with (9, nivicola (from 6000 — loooo ft.), attached to roots of grasses and low plants. COLEOPTERA lyr (44) Oodemas konanum, sp, no v. Ovatum, robustum, nigroaeneum, opacum vel minus nitidum. Rostrum strigoso- punctatum. Antennae graciles, minus breves, articulo funiculi primo brevi, quam secundus evidenter breviore. Pronotum basi latum, opacum (rare subnitidum) subtiliter punctatum. Elytra sat lata, subopaca, rarius nitida, grosse seriatim punctata, plerumque obscure vel vix evidenter striata, interstitiis nonnunquam convexiusculis, baud dense punctulatis. Long. 5 — 6 mm. A large, wide, and robust species, generally dull, with the elytra a litde shining, sometimes quite brightly so. The rostrum is so punctate as to have an appearance of longitudinal strigosity, but in some examples this is less evident. Prothorax generally quite dull from the microscopic rugulosity of the surface, finely, obscurely, and remotely punctured. In a few examples the puncturation is more evident. Elytra with series of coarse punctures, sometimes placed in evident striae, owing to the slight but evident convexity of the interstices, but the striation is vague and shallow. In many examples, however, there is little or no trace of interstitial convexity. The metasternum and base of the abdomen beneath are coarsely punctured. In spite of the variation in detail of the sculpture, this species is not difficult to recognize, by its large size and robust form, and the more or less dull surface. It is perhaps most nearly allied to O, sculpturatum, but that species is of shorter and more subquadrate form, and generally has the interstices of the elytra more distinctly convex. Hab. Hawaii, Kona district (4000 ft.). About 40 examples were taken. (45) Oodemas multiforme, sp. nov, Nigroaeneum, nitidum, ovatum. Antennae sat graciles et elongatae, articulo funiculi primo minus elongato, quam secundus breviore. Elytra nitida, seriatim sat grosse punctata, interstitiis punctulatis. Long. 3 — ^5 mm. To the above species I refer all the specimens of Oodemas taken by me on Hawaii, except the series of (9. konanum and a few specimens, which I consider a variety of that distinct species O, 7nauiense. If I am right in my conclusions, the variation exhibited by O. multiforme is much greater than that of any other species, so much so that the extreme forms would not only appear to be totally distinct, but not even very closely allied. When, however, a great many examples are compared, these extreme forms are so connected by intermediates, as to make it impossible to decide where any line of separation can be drawn. For this reason we have not attempted to draw up any detailed description of the species, as such could apply to but a fraction of the examples we have examined. ' Indeed apart from generic characters, there are probably none which do not exhibit more or less variation. The brief description given above applies to a common form of the insect, and a number of this form were taken at Kilauea, F, H. II. ^3 172 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Hawaii. The chief points of variation which we have observed are as follows. Size very variable, the largest examples being three or four times the bulk of the smallest. Form sometimes robust, sometimes narrow and elongate, to some extent the variation being probably due to sex, as it is usual in other species for the t to be shorter and wider than the $. In some the elytra become a good deal wider either a little behind the shoulders or still further back, while in some the curve of their sides is very even and forms an almost regular continuation of that of the sides of the prothorax. The surface of the insect is normally shining, others are less so, especially anteriorly, some are rarely quite dull The rostrum varies in sculpture, sometimes it is finely and by no means closely punctured, sometimes the puncturation is dense and rugose. The antennae, which are slender, are not extremely variable, but they are longer in some examples than in others, and there is no doubt that some have the first joint of the funicle more slender and less short than others. The prothorax varies in width and in sculpture, generally it is finely punctured, sometimes more strongly and closely, sometimes very shining and almost or quite impunctate. The elytra are rarely dull, but frequently instead of being merely sedately punctured, they have the punctures placed in evident striae, and the individual punctures of the rows are often remote, but sometimes close and regular, even in those near to the suture. Small examples from the Kona district are often excessively shining and have the puncturation of the elytra much more sparse and irregular. The eyes which normally are a little convex in a few specimens are hardly so at all. We have attempted the division of the species on nearly all these characters and on minute differences in the rostrum, with the result that we have found that either a number of species must be made, with very indefinite distinctions between them, or that the whole series must be considered as one very variable species, which is possibly at the present time in the process of dividing into several, the division as yet being quite incomplete. It is of course possible that extended research into the habits etc. of some of these forms might prove that the views we hold are erroneous, and that there are really several variable species. Hab. Hawaii, taken in various localities on both sides of the island from 2000 — 5000 ft. (46) Oodemas infernum Blackburn. Oodemas infernum Blackburn, Ent. Mo. Mag. xvii. p. 199. Hab. Hawaii, Kilauea (Blackburn). I think it doubtful whether this is not a form of the preceding species, but as Mr Blackburn in his final consideration of the species (Tr. Dublin Soc. 1885, p. 187) includes it in those, which have a long first joint to the funiculus, whereas (9. multiforme appears to belong to those which have this joint short, I have thought it safer to consider the two distinct. COLEOPTERA 173 Anotheorus Blackburn. (i) Anotheorus montanus Blackburn. Anotheorus montanus Blackb., Ent. Mo. Mag, xiv. p. 5. Hab. Oahu mountains, on Acacia koa. (2) Anotheorus ignavus Blackburn. Anotheorus ignavus Blackb., op. cit, xvii. p. 201. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000—5000 ft.) ; var. on Lanai ; rare. This species approaches very closely to the preceding, and both vary in the shape of the thorax, and it is doubtful whether they are distinct. The Maui examples are most variable, and a single specimen from Lanai agrees better with these than with the Oahuan form. (3) Anotheorus robustus, sp. nov. Nigroaeneus, robustus, antennis tarsisque plus minusve testaceis. Rostrum sub- tilissime punctatum. Pronotum antice angustatum, plerumque nitidum, elytris multo angustius. Elytra lata, striata, striis confertim punctatis, interstitiis creberrime punctu- latis. Long, (rostr. inch) 6 — 8*5 mm. Lat. (exempli minim.) 3 mm. (Plate VI IL fig. 27.) Although this species, of which I have examined 80, or more, examples, varies greatly in size, and sometimes in sculpture, its great size distinguishes it at once, the smallest examples being of about twice the bulk of either of the preceding. Hab. Kauai mountains ; common. Fam. SCOLYTIDAE. The Scolytidae are represented by twenty-six species, three only being at present known to inhabit other countries, although some of the others will no doubt ultimately be found to be Hkewise of foreign origin. Only three genera are represented, Xyleborus with 19 species being the most extensive and important. There are six species of Hypothenemus known, and one of Crossotarsus. The latter, C externedentatus, is already known to occur elsewhere, as also is the Hypothenemus eruditus, and one of 23—2 174 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Xyleborus {X. con/usus). The greater number of the species of Xyleborus and Hypo- thenemus are true forest insects and are no doubt peculiar to the islands. Owing to the extreme sexual differences exhibited by the species of Xyleborus it is impossible in most cases to unite the sexes from a mere inspection of the specimens, so that it is probable that some of the males described will prove to belong really to females described under another name, and therefore the species will be less numerous than they appear to be. So far as is at present known most of the species of this genus are restricted each one to a single island, and of those with a wider distribution some I suspect are not truly indigenous — X. immaturus for example — and will prove to have been imported by man. The species assigned to Hypothenemus are at present very imperfectly known, and would appear to be rare insects, and it is doubtful whether, excluding H. eruditus, they are true members of that genus. It may be remarked that in addition to the species here enumerated a small Scolytid has been recently imported into the islands, and is said to be very injurious to certain fruit-trees in some localities, but I neglected to collect or examine this insect. Tribe TOMICINL Xyleborus Eichh. (i) Xylebortts molokaiensis, sp. nov. Elongatus, cylindricus, piceo-niger, setis aureis elongatis postice sparsim vestitus. Elytra subopaca, sat distincte seriatim punctata, parte declivi juxta suturam utrinque tuberculis minutissimis 2 vel 3, lineariter dispositis, munita. $. Long. 4*25 mm. Distinguished by its large size and dull elytra, which bear on the apical declivous portion two or three very minute tubercles on each side of and near to the suture, and placed nearly in a line with one another. From the base of each of these tubercles springs a long fine golden seta. Exterior to each of these series of tubercles may often be detected one or two other excessively minute ones on either wing-case, and the general surface of this posterior portion of the elytra under a very strong lens is minutely asperulous. Hab. Molokai, above 4000 ft. In the wet decaying wood of Ckeirodendron. (2) Xyleborus kauazensis, sp. nov. X, molokaiensi magnitudine et forma simillimus, elytrorum parte postica declivi similariter tuberculis munita, sed colore testaceo vel rufo-testaceo, elytris sat evidenter nitentibus distinguendus. ?. Long. 4 mm. Hab. Kauai, Halemanu and above Waimea (4000 ft.). Four examples taken. COLEOPTERA 175 (3) Xyleborus mautensis^ sp. nov. Angustus, elongatus, cylindricus, niger, antennis pedlbusque testaceis. Elytra vix nitida, seriatim punctata, puncturatione minus distincta, subobsoleta, postice setis pallidis pluribus vestita, parte declivi suturam juxta tuberculis 4 vel 5 minutissimis, lineariter dispositis, utrinque munita, et ubique minutisslme sat distincte asperula. %. Long, 3*2— 3-5 mm. Closely allied to X, molokaiensis but much smaller and narrower, and with the posterior declivous portion of the elytra with more numerous setae. This area has also the appearance of being covered with rows of longitudinal and very minute asperities, apparently due to the mode in which the punctures are impressed. The tubercles are very minute, and form a row on each side near the suture, in each of which rows 3 to 5 tubercles can be distinguished on careful examination. The better developed ones are usually those in the middle of the series. On either side exterior to these rows other very obscure and minute tubercles may be sometimes distinguished. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft). On Cheirodendron. (4) Xyleborus kawanensis, sp. nov. Niger, antennis pedibus testaceis, baud nitidus, X. mauiensi cogn?itms\m\\s. Elytra opaca, subobsolete seriatim punctata, parte declivi suturam juxta tuberculis minutissimis 2 vel 3 lineatim utrinque armata, pilis brevioribus parum conspicue vestita, vix asperula. $. Long. 3 mm. Apparently slightly less elongate than X. mauiensis, but extremely similar to it in nearly all respects. It may be distinguished from that species by the decidedly less hairy apical surface of the elytra, the hairs being less evident than those on the dorsal, and the general surface of the declivous portion is moreover not distinctly covered with very minute asperities. Hab. Hawaii, Hilo (2000 ft.) ; four examples taken. (5) Xyleborus truncatus Sharp. Xyleborus truncatus Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. in. 1885, p. 192. The elytra of this species are evidently shining, and it is smaller than any of the preceding. I have seen only two examples besides the types, and they are both darker than the latter, but otherwise nearly identical. Hab. Oahu (Blackburn), Lanai, Hawaii, in the Kona district; one from each locality. Obs. The five species enumerated above are extremely closely allied, and almost agree together in the character of the tubercles on the apical portion of the elytra, but so far as I can decide on the scanty material examined, the various forms are readily 176 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS distinguished by the characters given. It may be noted that four of the species apparently are limited in range to one or other of the islands, while the fifth has been taken on three different islands. Of this group of species I have further seen three examples, which appear to belong to none of the forms described above, nor yet do they agree together themselves, but the material is quite insufficient for deciding as to the specific value of the characters they exhibit. (6) Xyleborus obliquus Sharp. Xyleborus obliquus Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, P- ^9^. Hab. Oahu and Hawaii (Blackburn) ; I have not met with this species. (7) Xyleborus lanaiensis, sp. nov. Nigricans, parum nitidus, elongatus, cylindricus, antennis pedibusque testaceis. Elytra subtiliter minus distincte punctata, postice sat abrupte declivia, parte declivi utrinque suturam juxta tuberculis 2 fortioribus lineatim munita, et subdepressa. $. Long. 3*6 mm. Readily known from any of the preceding by the stronger development of the four tubercles of the posterior declivous portion of the elytra, these tubercles being placed two in a Hne on each side of and near to the suture, the upper pair near the com- mencement of the declivity, the others near the apex. From the base of each pos- teriorly springs a long fine seta, directed downwards and backwards. Outwardly to these larger tubercles there are on each wing-case one or two considerably smaller ones. Hab. Lanai 2000 ft., January 1894. Three or four examples taken. (8) Xyleborus stmillimus, sp. nov. Praecedentl (X. lanaiensi) simillimus et cognatissimus, parte declivi elytrorum eodem modo armata. Elytra subnitida, distinctius et minus subtiliter punctata, tuber- culis 2 superioribus setas breviores ferentibus. $. Long. 3*4 mm. Extremely like X. lanaiensis, but the elytra are somewhat striate, and the punctures are decidedly larger and more distinct, the surface somewhat shining. Apical armature much as in X, lanaiensis, the four larger tubercles being well-developed and there are a minute pair anterior to the upper pair of these, but these may be more or less evident in the preceding species also. The setae which spring from the base of the anterior pair of the larger tubercles are evidently less developed than those in the same position on X. lanaiensis, Hab. Hawaii, above Hil9 (1800 ft.); two examples taken. COLEOPTERA ^77 (9) Xylebortis oahuensis, sp. nov. Nigricans, antennis pedibusque testaceis, spp. duabus praecedentibus simillimus, sed paullo major. Elytra subtilissime sed subdistincte punctata, subnitida, parte declivi depressiuscula, tubercuHs 6 sat distinctis, setas longas ferentibus, armata, horum 4 anterioribus curvatim dispositis. ?. Long, vix 4 mm. Very like the preceding two species, having four well-developed tubercles similarly disposed on the posterior portion of the elytra, two in a line on one side and two so placed on the other side of and near to the suture. Behind the anterior tubercles on either wing-case towards the side there is another distinct tubercle, these two and the anterior pair being placed in a curve. These sublateral tubercles are well-developed but smaller than the anterior and about equal to the posterior pair in size. From the base of each of the tubercles posteriorly a long fine seta rises. There are no evident smaller tubercles in this species. Hab. Oahu. A single example was taken in the northern part of the Koolau range, at an elevation of about 1000 ft (10) Xyleborus dubiosus, sp. nov. Castaneus, subnitidus, pedibus antennisque testaceis. Elytra subtilissime seriatim punctata, parte declivi minus abrupta, tuberculis 2 minus fortibus lineariter dispositis utrinque juxta suturam armata, necnon latera versus utrinque tuberculis aliis minutioribus 2 vel 3 lineariter dispositis munita, setis brevioribus. $. Long. 3*5 mm. The single example above characterized is a very obscure species. The four larger tubercles of the posterior declivous portion of the elytra are less strong than those of the several preceding species, yet more so than those of the series ending with X, truncatus. In front of the anterior pair of these there is a third pair smaller and ill- developed, and in a line with the others. They are situated close to the suture just at the beginning of the posterior declivity, and in the unique example are placed quite obliquely and not opposite the one to the other. Besides this series there is a second one of about three minute tubercles on each wing-case towards the side. Hab. Maui. A single example was taken in the lao valley in 1894. (11) Xylebo7^us confusus Eichhoff. Xyleborus confusus Eichhoff, Ratio, Descr. emend. Tomicinorum (1879). Xyleborus insularis Sharp, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 193. Hab. Oahu and Kauai (Blackburn) ; Oahu (both ranges), Maui, Kauai, Hawaii. At elevations from 1500 — 4000 ft. above sea-level. We are indebted to Mr W. F, H. Blandford for the identification of this species. 178 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (12) Xyleborus rugatus Blackb. Xyleborus rugattis Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. (1885), p. 192. Hab. Oahu. A single specimen taken. (Blackburn.) (13) Xyleborus frigidus Blackb. Xylebortis frigidus Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 193. Hab, Maui. A single specimen taken on Haleakala, 4000 ft. (Blackburn.) (14) Xyleborus immaturus Blackb. Xylebo7^us immahirtis Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. 111. 1885, p. 193. I have taken what is probably the $ of this insect. It is testaceous or rufotesta- ceous in colour, but otherwise bears no resemblance to the %. Form short and robust, the whole insect hardly twice as long as wide, longitudinally convex. Thorax very narrowly rounded, or somewhat pointed, in front, of ovate form, truncate at the base. The sculpture is very feeble, and there is none of the coarse rugosity in front such as is seen in the $, and the clothing there consists of shortish and inconspicuous hairs. Elytra short, rather longer than wide in dorsal aspect, rather distinctly substriate, the striae finely punctured. There are no evident tubercles on their posterior portion. Length hardly 2 mm. Hab. Oahu and Hawaii (Blackburn) ; Hawaii in various localities. (15) Xyleborus agamus^ sp. nov. $ castaneus, parum elongatus, tibiis omnibus plus minus obscuratis, tarsis pallidis. Pronotum magnum, antice acuminatum, ruguloso-punctatum, anterius et latera versus pilis longis vestltum, lateribus sat fortiter rotundatis. Elytra parce pilosa, desuper visa longiora quam latiora, haudquaquam striata, obscure confuse punctata, lateribus subcompressis. $. Long. 2 mm. The form of the thorax is much like that of the $ assigned to X, immaturus, but its sculpture and clothing are very different, as also is the colour of the entire insect. The elytra are different in form and sculpture, having no trace of striation, and the punctures are very feeble and indistinct. Hab. Lanai. Two examples were taken at an elevation of 3000 ft, in Jan. 1894. COLEOPTERA i^g (i6) Xyleborus exsectus, sp. nov. Nigricans, elytrorum basi nonnunquam rufescente, pedibus antennisque rufes- centibus vel testaceis. Pronotum suboblongum, antice sat profunda excisum, et in processum latum, cujus apex truncatus, productum, lateribus pilis vestitis. Elytra leviter striata, striis subtiliter punctatis, setis parce vestita, parte declivi baud tuber- culata. (?. Long. 3*2 mm. Hab. Maui. Three examples taken on Haleakala (5000 ft). One of these is of a testaceous colour and is no doubt immature. { 1 7) Xyleborus vulcanus, sp. nov, t nigricans, elytris thoracisque basi subpiceis, pedibus testaceis, oblongus. Pro- notum parum distincte sculpturatum, elytris vix latius, lateribus parallelis, setis elongatis aureis parce vestitis, anterius excisum, et in processum triangularem productum. Elytra sat elongata, rugulosa, vix evidenter punctata, parte declivi tuberculo minutissimo suturam versus utrinque munita. ^. Long. 2*5 mm. Much smaller than the preceding species, and very distinct by the pointed process of the pronotum. The posterior declivous portion of the elytra is somewhat abrupt, and on its upper portion on either side of the suture an excessively minute tubercle can be seen, each of which is furnished with a longish seta at its base, while some even more minute and hardly visible tubercles are placed in a transverse line with these. Hab. Hawaii. A single example taken at Kilauea. (18) Xyleborus littoralis, sp. nov. t castaneus, pronoto plus minus nigricante, pedibus testaceis, oblongus. Species prima facie X. vulcano simillima, sed major, et minus angusta, pronoto antice fere similariter producto. Elytra substriata, grossius distincte seriatim punctata, parte declivi juxta suturam utrinque tuberculis minutissimis 2 vel 3 lineariter dispositis, aliisque paucis vel minutioribus et obscuris, munita, ^. Long. 3 mm. Easily distinguished from X, vulcanus by the substriate and somewhat coarsely punctured elytra, and the more numerous and rather more developed tubercles of the posterior truncation. These tubercles form two series on each side, those nearest the suture, though very minute, being fairly distinct, those external and subparallel to these are very minute and obscure. Hab. a single example taken at sea level on Molokai, July 1893. F. H. II. 24 i8q fauna hawaiiensis (19) Xyleborus ignobilis, sp. nov. Nigricans, thorace nonnunquam obscure testaceo vel piceo, antennis pedibusque testaceis. Pronotum fere ad basim rugulosum, antice setis pallidis vestitum, lateribus rotundatis haudquaquam parallelis. Elytra plus minus obsolete seriatim punctata, setis pallidis brevibus, lineariter dispositis, vestita, postice baud abrupte declivia, parte declivi tuberculis nullis munita, nee impressa. Long. 27 mm. This insect bears little resemblance to any other Hawaiian species of the genus, the elytra being simply rounded off behind and not at all abrupt, nor tuberculated, but sculptured as on the dorsal surface. The prothorax becomes gradually less rough from the front margin backwards, but it is more or less asperulous or rugulose to very near the basal margin, near which the rugulosities have a somewhat concentric arrangement. Hab. Hawaii. Three examples taken, each in a different locality, two on the windward and one on the lee side of the island (2000 ft.). Hypothenemus Westw. (i) Hypothenemus eruditus Westw. Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, i. p. 34 ; Sharp, op. cit, 1879, p. 102. Hab. Oahu ; Honolulu (Blackburn). (2) Hypothenemus maculicollis Sharp. Hypothenemus maculicollis Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1879, Pt. L p. loi. Hab. Oahu; mountains near Honolulu (Blackburn). I did not collect this species. (3) Hypothenemus griseus Blackb. Hypothenemus griseus Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 194. Hab. Oahu ; a single specimen taken on the plains near Honolulu (Blackburn). COLEOPTERA i8i {4) Hypothenemus sylvicola, sp. nov. Minus elongatus, cylindricus, pallide testaceus, capite et pronoto plus minusve infuscatis, Pronotum subtilissime granulato-sculpturatum, parte anterlore asperata, opacum, parce pubescens. Elytra pallida, setis pallidis vestita, subtilissime vix evi^ denter punctata, baud evidenter striata. Long, i -5 mm. In colour this species must greatly resemble H. griseus Blk., but that species has the elytra deeply striate. In some examples the asperities of the prothorax are but few, in others they are much closer and more numerous, and I suspect that the difference is sexual. The sculpture otherwise is excessively feeble and consists of a very dense and excessively minute granulation or puncturation, not definitely distinguishable even with a very strong lens. The clothing of the elytra consists of short pale setae, which in certain aspects appear to have a linear arrangement, and also of some longer fine hairs, which are particularly noticeable at the sides about the apex. Hab. Lanai, 2000 ft. several examples. — Kauai, 4000 ft, one example taken. The latter has the thorax entirely pale and concolorous with the elytra. (5) Hypothenemus insularis, sp, nov. Cylindricus, angustulus, sat elongatus, niger, antennarum basi pedibusque rufo- testaceis. Pronotum anterius fortiter asperulum et parce setosum, posterius opacum, subtilissime granulatum (an punctulatum ?). Elytra setis brevibus griseis conspicue vestita, sat elongata (circa bis longiora quam basi latiora), evidenter punctata. Long, r — I '4 mm. Allied to H. ruficeps, but very different in superficial appearance, owing to its entirely black colour. The punctures on the elytra are not so very fine, but they are ill-defined. Apparendy they are more or less serially arranged, but not in the definite manner seen in the last species, in fact the puncturation appears somewhat rugose. Hab. Kauai. Two examples were taken at Makaweli, above 2000 ft. (6) Hypothenemus ruficeps, sp. nov. Cylindricus, sat elongatus, capite et pronoto rufescentibus, elytris nigris. Pronotum anterius sat fortiter asperulum, postice opacum et parum distincte sculpturatum, parce pubescens. Elytra nitida, setis brevibus griseis sat conspicue (postice saltern) vestita, subobsolete striata, striis subgrosse punctatis. Long. 1*5 mm. Distinct by the red head and prothorax, and black elytra. The punctures on the latter are somewhat coarse but not very definite, and are placed in subobsolete striae. The short whitish setae are dense and conspicuous on the posterior portion of the elytra, less so in front, but they have been partly abraded on this part. Hab. Oahu ; Kaala, Waianae range (2000 ft.) ; one example taken. 24 — 2 1 82 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS Tribe PLA TYPINL Crossotarsus Chapuis. (i) Crossotarsus externedentatus Fairm. Crossotarsus externedentatus Fairmaire, Rev. Zool. 1850, p. 51. Hab. Oahu ; Honolulu (Blackburn). — I cut a pair of this species out of a hard trunk of Acacia koa, at an elevation of 1000 ft. in the northern part of the Koolau range. Fam. ANTHRIBIDAE. The Anthribidae are very poorly represented in the islands, only three species having occurred. Two of these species are at present not known from elsewhere, and one of them constitutes a peculiar genus, but there is little doubt that all are foreign insects, and will ultimately be found in other countries. Araeocerus Schonherr. (i) Araeocerus fasciculatus De Geer. Curculio fasciculatus De Geer, Ins. v. 276, t, 16, fig. 2. Hab. Abundant all over the islands in the mountains. The large number of constant varieties in markings, as well as the great variation in size of this species is remarkable. (2) Araeocerus const ans, sp. no v. A, fasciculato simillimus sed statura majore, totus dense griseo-pubescens, haud variegatus, tarsis anterioribus t robustioribus, et tarsis ? longioribus distinguendus. Long, circa 5 mm. Very closely allied to A, fasciculatus, but larger than the larger examples of that species, not varying much in size, and uniformly covered with dense grey pubescence. In colour the integument is blackish and reddish fuscous, the antennae towards the base and the tibiae are more or less red. When the pubescence is removed, the pronotum is seen to be dull and very densely punctured, and the elytra bear each about ten rows of very distinct and regular punctures, the interstices having a dense shallow and very minute rugulose puncturation. Both sexes may be distinguished structurally from A, fasciculatus by the thicker anterior tarsi, so that the t of the latter rather resembles the % of the former, and these parts are longer in the % oi A, cons tans. Hab. Hawaii, Kona ; on the coast ; found in the flowers of the white poppy. COLEOPTERA 183 Mauia Blackb. (i) Mauia satelles Blackb. Mauia satelles Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. in. 1885, P- 195. Hab. Maui; Wailuku valley, where one specimen was taken by Blackburn. I have not met with this species. Fam. PROTERHINIDAE. This remarkable family is peculiar to the Hawaiian islands, and all the species, of which 122 are at present known, are assigned to the genus Proterhinus, These species exhibit so much diversity in structure that the extreme forms would appear to be certainly generically distinct, but they are so connected by intermediate forms, that it is inadvisable to attempt a further division of the genus until the species are more thoroughly known. At present, owing to the great number of the species, the close alliance between many of them, their variability, and the great sexual differences, the mere separation of the species is attended with the greatest difficulty. The figures on Plates IX. and X. will show to some extent the diversity in structure and appearance exhibited by these insects, and the specimens figured have been chosen for this purpose, rather than with a view to exhibiting the minute distinctions between closely allied species — an almost hopeless task in dealing with insects so variable both in structure and in superficial appearance. In the Cambridge Natural History in the classification of the Coleoptera Dr Sharp leaves the Proterhinidae as well as the somewhat similar insects comprised in the family Aglycyderidae unclassified. The former have much more the appearance of Rhynchophora than the latter, since the beak is always distinct and definite in Proterhinus y at least in the female sex. In the the scape incrassate, and very elongate, second joint short, third extremely long, slighdy but distinctly curved in the ^, and perceptibly so in the ?, club distinctly of three joints, the 9th being considerably wider at the apex than the 8th. Prothorax rather narrow, with three more or less evident impressions, rather scantily covered with pale squamosity. Elytra covered with grey appressed scales, and with sparse erect white setae posteriorly, the sides sub-parallel The humeral angles are strongly produced, and the basal tubercles near the scutellum are present, but there is no trace of longitudinal ridges. Lobes of the tarsi by no means large. Hab, Oahu, Waianae mountains (3000 ft.); three % taken in April 1892, and two males February 1 896. 200 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (31) Proterhinus leiorhynchus, sp. no v. Niger, vel piceus, antennis elytrisque rufescentibus, his nigro-maculatis, squamis pallidis vestitus. Antennae fortiter elongatae, conspicue pubescentes, articulo primo perlongo et incrassato, secundo sat elongate sed tertio breviore, 9^ quam 10"' vix minus lato. Pronotum distincte 3-impressum, lateribus aequaliter rotundatis. Elytra pallide squamosa, setisque erectis elongatisque sat conspicue vestita, juxta scutellum utrinque tuberculata, humeris acutis. $. Long. 3 — 375 mm. This is a very distinct and somewhat large species, having the antennae unusually long. The basal joint is greatly incrassate and very long, the second is also elongate, although shorter than the third, the three apical joints form a very distinct club, the ninth at the apex being hardly less wide than the tenth, but very much more so than the long and slender joint preceding it. The rostrum is smooth and shining, the longitudinal impressed lines very fine. There is no transverse ridge between the vertex and front of the head. The eyes are prominent but not very large for the size of the insect. Thorax with the sides evenly rounded, densely punctured, and having three more or less distinct impressions. Elytra with pale squamosity, except over the black markings, and bearing elongate pale erect setae, which are quite conspicuous. The basal tubercles on either side of the scutellum are distinct, the humeral angles sharp and somewhat produced. Lobes of the tarsi somewhat small. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (3000 ft.). Four females taken in February 1896. One of these has the second joint of the antennae abnormally short. There is also slight variation in the width of the thorax, and the elytra vary greatly in length. (32) Proterhinus ruficornis, sp. nov. Totus rufescens, aut capite, pronoto, femoribusque obscuratis, elytris nigro- maculatis. Antennae rufae, sat elongatae, clava distinctissime 3-articulata, articulo 9'', quam 8"^ multo latiore, et aeque lato ac art. 10. Oculi magni fortiter prominentes. Pronotum antice abrupte constrictum, et impressum, impressionibus posterioribus ob- soletis. Elytra griseo-squamosa, humeris subproductis. Species haec P, Idorhyncho cognatissima, antennarum articulis 2 basalibus minus elongatis, oculis et tarsorum lobis paullo majoribus, pronoti impressionibus posterioribus obsoletis, distinguenda. ^ %, Long. 3—3-5 mm. Extremely closely allied to P, leiorhynchuSy from which it may be distinguished by the characters given above. Also very close to P. separandus, of Maui and Molokai, but that species has the antennae less elongate, and differs slightly in other respects. Hab. Oahu. A single pair were taken in cop. at an elevation of nearly 3000 ft., in the mountains near Honolulu. COLEOPTERA 201 {33) Proterkimis deinops, sp. nov. Piceus, elytris rufescentibus, nigro-maculatis. Caput post oculos fortissime con- strictum. Oculi fortissime prominentes, postice acuti. Antennarum articuli 3 apicales clavam distinctam formantes. Pronotum 3-impressum, sat elongatum. Elytra grosse et profunde punctata, basi utrinque juxta scutellum tuberculata, humeris acutis, fortiter productis. ^$. Long, circiter 3 mm. (Plate IX. fig. n, $.) One of the most remarkable species of the genus, having the head very strongly constricted behind the eyes, so that the front and vertex are separated by a strong ridge. The eyes themselves are excessively prominent, and are produced behind into a distinct point. The antennae are not long, the 9th joint is much wider than the 8th, so that the club is very definitely formed of three joints. The thorax is unusually long and narrow. The elytra have a deep coarse puncturation, and their humeral angles are very strongly produced, and acute. In fresh examples their red portions are covered with pale squamosity, which is absent on the black spots ; the erect setae appear to be few, and not conspicuous. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains, 3000 ft. Rare ; 6 examples were taken in February 1896. {34) Proterhinus squmnicollis, sp. nov. Hand latus, niger, piceus, vel rufescens, pallide squamosus. Antennae graciles, clava distincte 3-articulata. Oculi magni, prominentes, coniformes. Capitis vertex a fronte cannula transversa distincte separatus. Pronotum haud latum, antice fortiter angustatum, et depressum, squamis pallidis ubique dense vestitum, impressionibus duabus posterioribus sat distinctis, lateribus fortiter rotundatis. Elytra distincte punctata, subinaequalia, squamis pallidis maculatim, necnon setis elongatis pallidis conspicue vestita, basi scutellum juxta utrinque tuberculata, tuberculis albido-squamosis, humeris productis et acutis. $%, Long. 2*25 — 3 mm. A distinct species, and readily distinguished from the other Oahuan Proterkini by the following combination of characters. Eyes large, prominent, and of conical form ; a distinct transverse ridge between the front and vertex of the head ; prothorax densely squamose all over, much narrowed and deeply impressed in front, the sides very strongly rounded ; elytra generally with more or less evident longitudinal ridges, with a tubercle on each side of the scutellar region at the extreme base, the shoulders produced, acute, and much deflexed ; their squamous covering is more or less broken up to form a number of spots, and the erect setae are long, fine, and quite conspicuous. Hab. Oahu. Widely distributed in the Koolau range, but rare. Ten or eleven examples taken at altitudes of 2000^ — 3000 ft. 202 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (35) Proterhinus adelus, sp, nov. Elongatus, parum convexus, nigricans, vel subobscure rufescens, elytris rufis, nigro- variegatis. Antennae modice elongatae, graciles, clava distincte 3-articulata, basim versus rufae. Vertex capitis a fronte baud divisus. Oculi vix magni, sed fortiter prominentes. Pronotum minus dense squamosum, antice angustatum, et profunde impressum. Elytra basim versus subangustata, maculatim pallide squamosa, parte basali rufa, postice nigro-maculata, setis erectis parce et parum conspicue vestita, dorso parum convexo, basi leviter arcuatim emarginata, humeris distinctis. Abdominis seg- mentum primum ventrale fortiter ubique punctatum, suturis ventralibus sat profundis. (/$. Long, circiter 3 mm. Of this apparently distinct species only a single pair, $ and $, were taken. Apart from the usual sexual differences they are very similar, except that the ^ being some- what abraded, has lost nearly all the curved setae from the sides of the thorax (which appears less abruptly narrowed in front), as well as the erect ones from the elytra. Otherwise it differs only in having the thorax and legs redder in colour, and the eyes slightly, but quite evidently, larger. Hab. Oahu. A pair were taken in the Koolau range at an elevation of 2500 ft. in the winter of 1892. (36) Proterhinus obscuricolor, sp. nov. Nigricans, maculatim squamoso-vestitus, antennis pedibusque obscuricoloribus, P, vestito forma et magnitudine simillimus. Antennae $ graciles, clava minus abrupte 3-articulata. Pronotum minus dense squamosum, rugoso-punctatum, 3-impressum, impressione anteriore magis profundo et majore, antice angustatum, baud abrupte fortiterque constrictum, lateribus sat rotundatis, setisque curvatis ciliatis. Elytra maculatim squamosa, setisque pallidis erectis gracilibus conspicue vestita, basi emar- ginata, angulis humeralibus distinctis. $. Long. 2*25 — 3 mm. Allied to P. vestitus, but differing in colour, the shape of the prothorax, &c. The elytra are black, with a somewhat vague humeral or subhumeral spot of pale squamosity, and some other roundish spots behind these ; at the base they are formed much as in typical vestitus, A single female only of this species was taken, but there are two males in Dr Sharp's collection, which no doubt belong to the same. They differ from the ? in their antennae being shorter, and the club more distinct (i.e. the 9th joint is more stout in proportion to the preceding), and they are considerably COLEOPTERA 20' smaller, but are themselves of different size. The smaller example is a very fresh one and not quite mature, it being of a generally more pallid colour, and the legs and antennae are entirely red. These examples are marked as P. vestitus, van b and van c, and bear the number 352. Hab. Oahu. Mountains near Honolulu, 2000-3000 ft. ; i ? taken in the winter of 1892 ; 'mountains Oahu' (Blackburn). (37) Proterhinus denudatus, sp. nov. Elongatus, rufescens, elytris plus minusve nigro-notatis, parce aureo-squamosus. Antennae nigrae, articulis basalibus rufis, clava vix distincte 3-articulata. Oculi minus fortiter prominentes. Pronotum aequaliter, nee dense, aureo-squamosum, crebre punctatum, evidenter 3-impressum, antice haud abrupte constrictum. Elytra parce aureo-squamosa, setisque albidis brevioribus vestita, ? fortissime elongata, fere aequaliter convexa, humeris acute productis, ^ $. Vix 3 mm. In the elongate form (especially of the ?), in the colour and clothing this species is remarkably similar to Proterhimis detiHtus from Lanai. It lacks, however, the extremely abrupt constriction of the prothorax in front, the second joint of its antennae is less short, and they themselves are only red at the base. The rostrum of the ? detidtus, however, is so different, being very coarsely sulcate, that it is doubtful whether the two are in reality at all closely allied. The ^ of the two examples examined is larger and wider, and much less elongate, than the $, but I suspect that this is not usually the case, but rather an individual variation. A second male, taken in the other mountain range on Oahu, I refer at present to this species as a variety, but it is very likely a distinct species. It differs in being of a more obscure red colour, with the antennae entirely red, and is as narrow and elongate as the ?, there are traces of whitish squamosity on the elytra, their erect white setae are longer, and they are faintly impressed at the base. Hab. Oahu. One of each sex taken m the mountains near Honolulu (2000 3000 ft.) ; a variety of the t in the Waianae mountains. (38) Proterhinus compactus, sp. nov. Nigricans, elytris plus minusve rufescentibus. Caput cum pronoto aureo-squam- osum. Antennae mediocriter graciles et elongati. Pronotum obscure 3-impressum. Elytra albido-squamosa, setisque albidis erectis brevioribus sat conspicue vestita, fortiter denseque punctata, longitudinaliter subcarinata, basi scutellum juxta utrinque tuber- culata, humeris productis, minus acutis, basi thoracis adaptatis. Rostrum $ fortiter F. H. II. 27 204 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS longitudinaliter rugosum, ad basim distinctissime angustatum. ^$. Long. 2*6 — 275 mm. Species, ut opinor, P, difficili (sp. Kauaiensi) cognatissima, sed forma angustiore. Very similar to some examples of P. difficilis of Kauai, but distinguished by the evidently narrower elytra, which in lateral view are less convex longitudinally. The humeral angles are a good deal produced, but are not sharp, and are closely applied to the base oi the prothorax, the puncturation is strong and dense. This species also bears a strong resemblance to the following (P. platygonias), but the deep thoracic impressions, the extremely coarsely punctured elytra, and the strong constriction of the head behind the eyes, in the latter species, will easily distinguish it. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (3000 ft.) ; two examples (^ and $) taken. (39) Proterhinus platygonias, sp. nov. Nigropiceus, pallide squamosus, elytris plus minusve rufescentibus et nigro- maculatis. Caput post oculos fortiter constrictum. Pronotum profunde 3-impressum, minus dense squamosum, grossius rugoso punctatum. Elytra inaequalia, grosse punc- tata, utrinque juxta scutellum tuberculata, humeris fortiter, nee acute, productis. $. Long. 2*5 — vix 3 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 12, $.) Black, the elytra reddish with black markings posteriorly, antennae red at the base or nearly altogether black. Head constricted behind the eyes, so that a ridge is formed between the vertex and front. Antennae not stout, nor long, the basal of the three terminal joints not very different to the 8th, the two terminal ones much wider, and short. Thorax very uneven owing to the three extremely deep depressions, its puncturation dense and rugose. Elytra with pale squamosity, and some rather short white erect setae, the surface uneven, the ridges which extend back from the humeral angles being evident at the base, and sometimes distinct to nearly the apex. On either side near the scutellum is a rather strong tubercle, covered with white squamosity, and between these and the shoulders the elytra are deeply impressed, as is readily seen in a lateral view. The humeral angles are strongly produced, but not very sharp, and closely applied to the base of the thorax. The puncturation is extremely coarse. Lobes of the front tarsi unusually small. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (3000 ft.). Two female examples taken in February, 1896. In one the antennae and tarsal lobes are black or nearly so, in the other (excepting the apical joints of the former) both are red. The latter example has the longitudinal ridges oi the elytra less distinct, and the eyes decidedly less prominent. COLEOPTERA ^^i (40) ProterhiuMS vestitus Sharp. Proterhinus vestitus Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 16. Tr. Dublin Soc. III. 1885, PI. V. fig. 37 and 38. Typical examples of this species have a very distinctive appearance, owing to the extremely sudden constriction of the thorax in front. I have only seen one rather small example vi^hich quite resembles the types in structure, but specimens from the Waianae range have the thorax in some cases hardly less abruptly constricted, and must be referred to the same species, although they form a well-marked local variety {P. vestitus, van heterostictus). These examples also have the setae of the elytra and legs generally less elongate, and the black or dark markings of the elytra are more lateral in position. The species is closely allied to P, eulepis but the elytra are in general less wide and short, the shoulders less produced, and the erect setae longer, Hab. Oahu, mountains near Honolulu (Blackburn); Waianae mountains, both sides. (41) Proterhinus robustus Blackb. Proterhinus robustus Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 171. Extremely close to P, vestitus but probably distinct. Like that species it is variable, but in its typical form it differs from typical examples of P. vestitus, in having the thorax but little constricted in front and less narrowed behind, the hind angles distinctly marked by a spot of pale squamosity. The elytra have shorter and less conspicuous erect setae, those on the legs being also much shorter. The basal joint of the antennae is unusually long, being fully as long as the two following joints together. Apart from the pale spots at the hind angles the thorax has very little squamosity, so that the puncturation is quite conspicuous, being very dense, and somewhat coarse. The curved setae at the sides are short and very feebly developed. I have not seen a ^ of this species. Length 2 — 3 mm. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains, found in the lowest forest. Only a few female examples were collected. (42) Proterhinus subplanatus, sp. no v. Nigricans, parum dense squamosus, P. angulari cognatissimus, antennis plerumque brevioribus, minus gracilibus, forma magis depressa (sive deplanata), distinguendus. t%* Long. 2 — 2*5 mm. A somewhat obscure species, evidently closely allied to P. angularts. From 27 — 2 2o6 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS typical individuals of that species it is readily distinguished by the much less con- spicuous setae on the elytra, and the hardly visible curved setae at the sides of the prothorax. From the less typical examples which I have referred to P. angularis, it may be known by the shorter and less slender antennal joints, and its evidently flattened, or subdepressed form. The shoulders of the elytra are formed as in P, angularis, and are likewise marked with pale squamosity, but as a rule less conspicuously, and the basal ventral segment of the abdomen is strongly punctate. Hab. Oahu, Halemano (Koolau range) (2000 ft.), in January, 1893. (43) Proterkinus simplex Sharp. Proterhinus simplex Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 17. The examples from which this species was described, appear to me to be not only immature, but also particularly small and ill-developed specimens. Large individuals are twice the size of the specimens sent by Mr Blackburn, and altogether wider and more bulky, the colour pitchy or reddish pitchy, the elytra red, with dark markings laterally, about the middle, and extending sometimes to the suture. The squamosity is not continuous, there being an oblique spot near the shoulders of the elytra and others behind these. The setae are shorter, and less conspicuous, than those of fresh examples of P. obscuricolor, vestitus and others. The prothorax is much wider, and has the sides much more strongly rounded than in the type, and is often distinctly 3-im- pressed. The eyes, the tarsal lobes, and humeral angles of the elytra are often all much more developed, but all of them vary, even in the larger examples. Length 2 — nearly 3 mm. Hab. Oahu. Both mountain ranges, at elevations of 2000 — 3000 ft. (44) Proterhinus oxygonias, sp. nov. P. sctttato forma facieque simillimus, colore plerumque minus obscuro, elytrorum angulis humeralibus fortius et acutius productis, distinguendus. J$. Long. 2*25 — 275 mm. This species appears to be very closely allied to P, scutatus, from which it differs generally by its less obscure {i,e, more red) colour, the less evenly rounded sides of the thorax, and the more strongly and acutely produced humeral angles of the elytra. Hab. Oahu, mountains near Honolulu {2000 ft). A single example taken in the Waianae range of the same island appears to be a variety of this species. COLEOPTERA 207 (45) Proterhinus leptothrix, sp. nov. Haud latus, rufescens, elytris plus minus nigro- vel fusco-signatis. Oculi minores. Antennae mediocres, clava 2-articuIata, articulo 9"" vix quam 8""^ evidenter latiore. Pro- notum parum squamosum, dense rugoso-punctatum, setisque erectis gracillimis versus latera sat conspicue vestitum, antice impressum, angulis posticis macula pallida squamosa signatis. Elytra plus minusve albido-squamosa, setis erectis gracillimis et elongatis conspicue vestita, humeris acutis, plus minusve productis. Pedes setis conspicue elongatis vestiti, tarsorum anticorum lobis parvis. $. Long. 2 — 2*5 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 13, ?0 A very distinct species, owing to the form of the antennae, and the extremely fine and more than usually elongate setae, which clothe the elytra and legs. The club of the antennae can hardly be considered as consisting of more than two joints, as the 9th in whatever aspect it is viewed is hardly different in form to those that precede it. A single example taken in the same locality as the % above described is no doubt the J, as it differs only in being smaller and in the usual sexual characters, but it is a good deal abraded. Hab. Oahu ; Kaala (3000 ft), Waianae range ; 2 % taken together in December, 1892, and a single t i^ the same month but on another occasion. (46) Proterhinus seticollis, sp. nov. Praecedenti cognatissimus, sed colore obscuriore, setisque erectis elytrorum minus longis gracilibusque distinguendus. ^ %, Long. 2 — 275 mm. This species is very closely allied to P. leptothrix, and may possibly on the examination of a long series prove to be a form of that species. It is very easily distinguished, so far as the few examples taken are concerned, by the different clothing, the erect setae being much less elongate and slender. It is also generally of a darker colour, and superficially greatly resembles P. scutatus, from which it is abundantly distinct by the 2-jointed club of the antennae, the stronger longitudinal furrows of the rostrum in the ?, the patch of white squamosity at the hind angles of the thorax, which bears conspicuous erect setae, &c. Hab. Oahu, Waianae mountains (3000 ft.) ; a few examples taken on the opposite side of the range to the locality for P. leptothrix. 2o8 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (47) Proterhimis longulus Sharp. Proterhinus longtdus Sharp, Tr. Ent Soc, London, 1879, p. 97. I have examined only the types, one t and one $, of this species, which are in Dr Sharp^s collection. It is very closely allied to P. epitretus of Lanai, and P, ferru- gineus of Hawaii, under which species I have pointed out the characters whereby these allied forms may be distinguished. Hab. Oahu mountains, in stems of fern (Blackburn). (48) Proterhinus paradoxus Sharp. Proterhinus paradoxus Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1879, p. 100. Tr. Dublin Soc. Ill, 1885, PI. V. fig. 36. I have never met with this species, which is evidently allied to the following (P, oahuensis). Hab. Mountains near Honolulu (Blackburn). (49) Proterhinus oahuensis, sp. nov. Haud latus, nitidus, ferrugineus, setis erectis flavescentibus vestitus, baud squa- mosus. Antennae graciliores, articulis 2 basalibus sat robustis. Oculi parvi, a pronoto longe remoti. Pronotum subnitidum, antice fortiter impressum, impressionibus posteri- oribus minus distinctis. Elytra nitida, sat elongata, grosse subseriatim punctata, suturam versus utrinque oblique longitudinaliter carinata, carina quoque longitudinali ab angulis humeralibus extensa, setis erectis flavescentibus elongatis, aliisque brevioribus, conspicue vestita. Femora omnia gracilia, tibiis anticis gracillimis et elongatis, lobis tarsorum minutissimis. ^. Long. 2*5 mm. (Plate X. fig. 4.) This species is very distinct, and obviously allied to P. paradoxus, but has the elytra of different form, these not being rectangularly deflexed laterally, nor con- spicuously flattened above. The shoulders are nearly rectangular, and from each a distinct carina extends backwards, and internal to these towards the suture other two of the interstices are distinctly raised and form obliquely longitudinal carinae. The basal abdominal segment beneath is very coarsely punctured and the segmental sutures are extremely deep. Hab. Oahu, mountains near Honolulu; i ^ taken in May, 1896. COLEOPTERA 209 (50) Proferhinus kaalae, sp. nov. Piceo-niger, antennis tarsisque rufotestaceis, minutus, sat robustus. Antennae graciles, elongatae, articulo primo fortissime incrassato, clava distincte 2-articulata. Oculi parvi. Pronotum grosse punctatum, setis erectis pallidis vestitum, baud squa- mosum. Elytra brevia, lata, pronoto fere bis latiora, grossissime punctata, baud squamosa, setis per elongatis albidis supra sex-seriatim vestita. Femora omnia cum tibiis setis longis albidis vestita, tarsorum lobis anticorum sat magnis. ^. Lono-. vix 2 mm. (Plate X. fig. 3.) One of the smallest, but quite one of the most remarkable of all the known species. There is no squamous clothing, but the erect setae are whitish, and very long and conspicuous, and form three rows on each wing-case, those of the series next to the suture being shorter than the others. The setae in each row are distant and very regular, and of even length, not consisting of some short and some long ones intermixed, as in most of the conspicuously setae species. Similar setae clothe the legs and thorax, and the sculpture of the latter and of the elytra is very coarse. The lobes of the front tarsi are rather large for the size of the insect, the claw-joint short, not projecting very far beyond the lobes. The basal joint of the antennae is extremely wide, the inter- mediate joints slender, the club consisting of 2 joints only. The elytra are short and wide. Hab. Oahu. A single ^ was taken on Kaala in the Waianae mountains. (51) Proterhinus archaeus, sp. nov. Depressus, nigricans vel piceus, parum squamulosus, setis conspersis erectis sat conspicue vestitus. Antennae rufae, articulo secundo sat elongato sed, quam tertius, robustiore. Oculi prominuli, setigeri. Pronotum dense rugoso-punctatum, setis erectis elongatis vestitum. Elytra parum vel baud squamosa, setis erectis sparsim sed con- spicue vestita, crebre confuseque punctata, dorso deplanato vel depresso, basi utrinque subtuberculato, anguHs humeralibus distinctis, fere rectis. Femora minus fortiter clavata, tarsorum anticorum lobis parvis. Abdominis segmentum primum ventrale grosse et sat crebre punctatum. Rostrum % breve, vix longius quam latius, fortiter longitudinaliter rugosum. $ $. Long. 2*2 — 3-2 mm. Allied to P, blackburni but quite distinct by its depressed or flattened form, less numerous erect setae, &c. Hab. Oahu. Koolau range behind Waialua. A single example (van diversus), taken in the same range near Honolulu, has the elytra less flattened, the thorax strongly transverse, and the erect setae of the elytra decidedly shorter. It will probably prove to be a distinct species. The typical form lives beneath the bark of Straussia. 2IO FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (52) Proterhinus obscurus Sharp. Proterhinus obscuims Sharp, Tr. Ent, Soc. London, 1878, p. 18. This species was described on a single example of the female, but subsequently in Trans. Dublin Soc. Vol. in, 1885, was referred in the systematic Catalogue (p. 250) to P. simplex as a variety. I believe it to be distinct from that species, but both varying greatly, it becomes impossible to form an adequate description that will apply to all the individuals of each. Certainly in what I consider to be well-developed examples of the two the species are readily distinguished. In its well-developed and typical form the ^ of P. obscurus is shorter and wider than the female, and generally rather darker in colour. The antennae are moderately long, but the intermediate joints are not very slender, and the first of the three club joints is not very different to the following. The basal joint is short and very stout. Eyes but little prominent. Thorax wide and very strongly rounded at the sides, with the squamosity forming dense lateral patches, but sparser on the dorsum. There is an evident anterior impression, but the curved erect setae at the sides are altogether absent, or very indistinct. The elytra vary in colour from nearly entirely black, to a dull red with dark markings, and are rather scantily squamose, and bear, especially posteriorly, some short, pale, erect, but inconspicuous setae. The humeral angles are not acute, nor very distinct, and are sometimes quite effaced. All the femora are strongly incrassate and clavate, and the lobes of the front tarsi are moderately large. The female is generally more slender, the thorax less wide, the elytra longer, and their colour less dark, and the squamous covering more regular. In the Waianae mountains there is found what appears to be a dwarf form of the above species, the smallest examples of which are very minute, and most of the structural characters are accordingly modified. Hab. Oahu. Koolau range (1500 — 3000 ft.); small van in the Waianae moun- tains at similar elevations. (53) Proterhinus oscillans Sharp. Proterhinus oscillans Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1878, p. 18. As I understand it, this is not a very variable species, and I have examined numerous examples that agree well enough with the types. As a rule the species is constant in colour and may be recognised easily by this. Small examples have the tarsal lobes diminished in size, and in some the humeral angles of the elytra are less indistinct than in others, and the elytra do not always become distinctly narrowed towards the base. The rostrum of the % is normally very decidedly narrowed from the apex to the base. Length from 1*5 to 275 mm. Hab. Oahu. Both mountain ranges. Not rare from 1500 — 3000 ft. COLEOPTERA 211 (54) Proterhinus pachycnemis^ sp. nov. Rufescens, elytris nigrosignatis. Antennae mediocres, articulo secundo, quam tertius, baud minus longo, sed multo crassiore, clava sat evidenter 3-articulata, Prono- turn latera versus sat dense squamosum, lateribus minus fortiter rotundatis. Elytra pallide squamosa, setisque pallidis erectis conspersim vestita, humeris subobscuris, baud productis. Femora antica et postica miro modo incrassata, intermediis multo crassiora. t. Long. 2 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 14. t) This species, which somewhat resembles P, oscillans or P, obscurus, is quite distinct by the elongate second joint of the antennae, and the extraordinarily incrassated femora, the hind femur being about twice as wide as the intermediate, which itself is more robust than in most of the species. A second and much damaged J, which I refer to this species, is totally different in superficial aspect, being black, with only small parts of the thorax and elytra obscurely red, and the latter less nearly parallel-sided. Hab. Oahu. Kaala (2500 ft.), Waianae range. Two t examples taken, one on the windward and the other the opposite side of the range. (55) Proterhinus laticollis, Blackb. Proterhinus laticollis Blackburn, Tr. Dublin Soc. iii. 1885, p. 170. (Plate IX. fig. 15, and 15^. ^.) The male of this species is a very remarkable insect, not only on account of its extremely wide thorax, as indicated by Blackburn in his description, and by the name which he applied to it, but still more so by the structure of the terminal joint of the front tarsi, which is unlike that of any other of the genus. This joint is so extremely shortened that it only just extends as far as the apex of the lobes of the preceding one. The antennae are more than usually elongate and slender, and the front femora very strongly incrassate, as compared with the hinder ones. In some examples the elytra are quite evidently impressed across the base, but in others no trace of this is to be detected. The % of P. laticollis, on the other hand, is comparatively commonplace, since neither thorax nor tarsi present the peculiar features exhibited in the ^. It is only to be recognised by its general similarity in colour, clothing, and the elongate and slender antennae. As in the J, the base of the elytra is sometimes sub-impressed. Length 2 — 2-5 mm. Hab. Waianae mountains, Oahu. About 17 examples taken. F. H. II. ^^ 212 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS (56) Proterhinus vicimis, sp. nov. Species parva, angustula, rufescens, capite, necnon saepe pronoto plus minusve infuscatis, elytrorum marginibus lateralibus, et nonnunquam maculis quibusdam dorsali- bus, nigricantibus. Antennarum $ articulus basalis robustus, sed minus brevis, hoc cum sequentibus rufo, articulis apicalibus nigris, clava distincte 3-articulata. Pronotum baud latum, antice impressum, aequaliter (vix dense) squamis vestitum. Elytra angusta, lateribus saepe fere parallelis, pallide, baud maculatim, squamosa, setisque brevibus albidis erectis parce inconspicueque vestita, angulis humeralibus baud productis. Oculi et tarsorum anticorum lobi parvi. $ ?. Long, vix 2 — 2*25 mm. The affinities of this insect are with five of the Kauai species, P, serricornis and the four following, rather than with any other of the Oahuan forms. With those species it agrees in general form, colour, and clothing, as also in the very short rostral portion of the head in the ^, and, considering its minute size, in the rather strongly developed basal joint of the antennae. It cannot however be referred to any of those species, for the antennae, which are neither long nor yet particularly slender, and of which neither the 3-jointed club, nor the intermediate joints present any special features, will agree with none of them. The sexes apparently are almost similar, except for the usual sexual differences. Hab. Oahu. Taken only in the Waianae mountains, and not numerously. (57) Proterhinus pusillus Sharp. Proterhinus pusillus Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1879, p. 97. This is a very minute and obscure insect, and may not improbably prove to be a depauperated form of some other species. It belongs to the most difficult and obscure section of the genus, and has no striking characters of any sort. It appears to approach closely to some varieties of P, deceptor, and also to minute examples of P, obscurus, Hab. Oahu mountains near Honolulu, 1500 — 2000 ft. (Blackburn.) C, Species insulae Maui propriae. (58) Proterhinus validus Sharp. Proterhinus validus Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1881, p. 531. (Plate IX. fig, 16. t) The antennae in this species are decidedly more elongate and less thick in some examples than in others. The length varies from 4 — 6 mm. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000 — 5000 ft.) ; many examples taken on Acacia koa. COLEOPTERA 213 (59) P voter hinus comes, sp. no v. Major, piceus, vel obscure rufescens, subbrunneo-squamosus, pronoto elytrisque setis erectis crebre conspicueque vestitis. Oculi sat magni, fortiter prominentes. Antennae graciles, articulo secundo brevissimo, clava gracili, elongata, 3>artlculata. Pronotum antice fortiter angustatum et transversim impressum, impressionibus pos- terioribus rotundatis et distinctis. Elytra dense punctata, longltudinaliter subcari- nata, margine basali scutellum juxta utrinque tuberculato, humeris fortiter acute productis. Pedes onines conspicue setosi, lobis tarsorum antlcorum minoribus. J. Long. 3-5—4 n^n^- Apparently closely allied to P, validus, but a considerably smaller insect and of less elongate and oblong form. The antennae are quite differently formed, the intermediate joints being slender and elongate. The eyes also, and the lobes of the front tarsi, are less developed, and the longitudinal ridges of the elytra generally more obscure. Hab. Maui. Three examples of the t taken on Haleakala (4500—5000 ft.) ; it is probably a variable species, as these examples do not altogether agree in small points. (60) Proterhinus lecontei Sharp. Proterhinus lecontei Sharp, Tr. Ent Soc. London, 1879, p. 99; Tr. Dublin Soc. III. 1885, PI. V. fig. 42 ?, fig. 43 J. Varies greatly in size, some examples being only about half the bulk of a normal specimen. Length (excluding rostrum) 3*2 — nearly 5 mm. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.) ; not rare, but only on one species of tree, of which I neglected to obtain a specimen for identification. (61) Proterhinus sharpi, sp. nov. Ferrugineus, elytris saepe plus minusve nigricantibus, ferrugineo-squamosus. Antennae rufescentes, sat graciles. Oculi fortiter prominentes. Pronotum minus latum, dense squamoso-vestitum, 3-impressum, antice angustatum. Elytra suboblonga, lateribus subparallelis, utrinque longltudinaliter carinata, carinis postice abrupte trun- catis, humeris sat fortiter productis. $%. 2-6—375 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 17. t) In the form of the elytra this species can only be compared with P. lecontei, the longitudinal ridges of the elytra being well-marked and abruptly vertical behind, so that in a posterior view each appears as a strongly elevated tubercle. In 28—2 214 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS general appearance it is very different to lecontei, but in reality the two are really related. Colour ferruginous, as also the squamosity, the elytra sometimes partly or even entirely black. Eyes large, strongly prominent ; antennae slender, with evidently 3-jointed club, generally entirely of a clear red colour. Prothorax subelongate, densely squamose, with three well-marked impressions, at the sides with some curved suberect setae. Elytra elongate, subparallel-sided, tuberculate at the base on either side of the scutellar region, depressed between these tubercles and the produced humeral angles, flattened or even somewhat depressed dorsally between the well-marked longi- tudinal ridges, which terminate abruptly behind. When the elytra are reddish in colour they have a ferruginous squamosity, but when their colour is black the squamosity dis- appears ; erect, thin setae are also scattered over the surface, especially at the sides and posteriorly. Lobes of the front tarsi somewhat large. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.), in the same localities as P. lecontei, but with very different habits, this species being found only on a species of fern, while P, lecontei frequents one of the forest trees. (62) Proterhinus tuberculiceps, sp. nov. Rufescens, elytris plus minusve nigro-maculatis, antennis, pedibusque omnibus rufis. Caput inter oculos fortiter bituberculatum. Oculi fortiter prominentes. Antennae graciles, elongatae, clava distincte 3-articulata, sat elongata. Pronotum perinaequale, fortissime 3-impressum, impressione anteriore transversa, antice abrupte constrictum. Elytra longitudinaliter subcarinata, setis erectis gracillimis, sat conspicuis, vestita, humeris fortiter productis. ^$, Long. 3*5 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 18. ^.) A very distinct species, entirely reddish in colour, except for some small, and more or less inconspicuous, dark spots on the elytra. The eyes are strongly prominent, and there is a strong tubercle close to the inner margin of each. The prothorax is very uneven, the anterior impression extending right across it, while the two posterior ones are deep, but smaller, and roundish. In front the constriction is strong and abrupt, and there and at the sides the suberect, curved setae are very evident. The lobes of the front tarsi are well developed. The elytra have their shoulders strongly produced, the suture a little raised, and a sufficiently evident longitudinal ridge running backwards from the humeral angles of each. The erect setae are long, fine, and conspicuous. All the femora are strongly clavate, a little more so in the ^ than in the $. The rostrum of the % is only moderately long, and is smooth and shining, with the longitudinal grooves fine. Hab. 'Maui, Haleakala (4000 ft.); 2 ^, i ? taken. COLEOPTERA 215 (63) Proterhinus sternalis Sharp. Proterhinus sternalis Sharp, Tr. Ent. Soc. London, 1879, p. 98. (Plate IX. figs. 19 and 19^. Z) This species is remarkable for the great developement of the eyes, and tarsal lobes, the concavity of the prosternum from the front to the base, and the unusual clothing of the intermediate tibiae, which bear long and soft hairs, instead of the usual short and stiff setae. The ridges of the elytra are quite well-marked, especially when these are observed in lateral view. Length from 2*2 — 2-3 mm. Hab. Maui, Haleakala (4000—5000 ft.); not very common, only about 20 examples were taken. (64) Proterhinus sternalioides, sp. nov. Sat latus, nigricans vel rufo-niger, antennis, pedibus, elytrisque plus minusve rufescentibus, his nigro-notatis, praecedenti sp. cognatissimus. Oculi magni. Prono- tum antice constrictum, fortiter 3-impressum, minus latum. Elytra subinaequalia, pallide squamosa, setisque erectis elongatis vestita, basi scutellum juxta utrinque tuberculata, humeris fortiter productis. ^$. Long. 2*2 — 375 mm. This species is extremely like P. sternalis, which it resembles in colour, form, &c. The longitudinal ridges of the elytra are rather less pronounced, and the face of the t (including the rostrum) is evidently more elongate. The rostrum of the % is slightly longer, its surface slightly rugulose all over. The intermediate tibiae are clothed with shorter setae, and the lobes of the front tarsi of the t are of rather different form, being rather more narrow and elongate, the whole joint having a less quadrate form. The hind coxae of the c/" are distinctly more widely separated, and the prosternum is impressed only along its anterior margin, not longitudinally sulcate down the middle from front to base as in /^. sternalis, Hab. Maui, Haleakala (5000 ft.) ; several examples taken, probably in company with P, sternalis, (65) Proterhinus microtarsus, sp. nov. Atro-piceus, elytris rufescentibus, nigro-notatis, antennis pedibusque totis rufis. Antennae elongatae, graciles, articulo i elongato sed robusto, quam tertius longiore, caeteris elongatis, clava gracili, distinctissime 3-articulata. Oculi magni. Vertex a fronte capitis baud distinctus. Pronotum perinaequale, antice subito fortiterque con- strictum. Elytra squamulosa, longitudinaliter subcarinulata (lateraliter compressa), setis 2i6 FAUNA HAWAIIENSIS pallidis elongatis sat conspicue vestita, humeris fortiter productis. Tibiae anticae graciles, elongatae ; femora omnia fortiter incrassata, lobis tarsorum anticorum minimis, c/*. Long. 3 mm. (Plate IX. fig. 20 and 20 a. . homorhynchus ; 17^, head and rostrum of $ ; 17 <^, head and rostrum of $, Fig. 18. X'. declivis. Fig. 19. Z*. insignis. Fig. 20. Z^. verticalis. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VIII. (VOL. II.) COLEOPTERA. CURCULIONIDAE, Fig. I. Thalattodora insignis ; i a^ antenna of the same. Fig. 2. Orothreptes callithrix ; 2 a, antenna of the same. Fig. 3. Deinocossonus nesiotes var. hawaiiensts ; 3 a, antenna of the same. Fig. 4. Haloxenus immigrans. Fig. 5. Nesotocus kauaiensis. Fig. 6. Dysomma sylvicola. Fig. 7. Heteramphus fiUcum. Fig. 8. H. molokaiensis. Figs. 9 & 10. H, cylindricus (large and small form). Fig. II. H. kauaiensis. Fig. 12. Oodemas olindae ? var. Fig. 13. O, longicorne $; i^a, anterior tarsi of the same. Fig. 14. O. molokaiense ; 14 a, anterior tarsi of the same. Fig. 15. O. chrysodorum $ ; 15^, anterior tarsi of $ \ 15 4 anterior tarsi of ?. Fig. 16. (9. graciliforme. Fig. 17. O. kiothorax. Fig. 18. O. pulchrum. Fig. 19. O. oblongum. Fig. 20. O. grande. Fig. 21. O. corticis. Fig. 22. (9. pachysoma. Fig. 22i^ O. aenescens. Fig. 24. O. sculp turatum. Fig. 25. O. mauiense. Fig. 26. O. striatum.' Fig. 27, Anotheoriis robustiis. 'XM ' sii "1 '\»;' Kj:\J v/'ft ..../ ,J?.\|:;:., % -ijili- I 'iP r ^ii::|f;/ ..ft; ^il;.^ DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IX. (VOL. II.) COLEOPTERA. PROTERHINIDAE. Fig. I. Proterhinus gigas $ . Fig. 2. F, eugonias 9 • Fig. 3. P, eulepis $, Fig, 4. P. wikstroemiae $. Fig. 5. P. laticornis rarv mil ■m B: IS ■::IS; is ■it'; ^■Sit.