AGRICULTURAL POLICY: A LINEAR PROGRAMMING APPLICATION TO GUATEMALA BY HILDA YUMISEVA A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1981 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my grateful appreciation to my graduate commit- tee, Drs. Max R. Langham, Chris 0. Andrew, W. W. McPherson, and David Denslow, for their assistance and guidance throughout my period of graduate study and research. Special thanks are due to my chairman, Dr. Max R. Langham, for his constructive suggestions and enormous patience in going through the revisions of this manuscript, and to my co-chairman, Dr. Chris 0. Andrew, for the encouragement he provided. 1 am indebted to Messrs. Carlos Pomareda and Peter Hazell from the World Bank for sharing their knowledge in the earlier stages of this research while I worked at the Secretariat of Central American Economic Integration (SIECA) in Guatemala City. While I wish to acknowledge my great indebtedness to those who helped me, I alone am responsible for whatever errors might remain. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES ' • vxxx LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EQUIVALENCIES AND SYMBOLS , ± ABSTRACT xxi CHAPTERS I INTRODUCTION 1 II OVERVIEW OF THE GUATEMALAN ECONOMY 5 III THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 17 Mathematical Programming Model . 17 Risk Considerations 29 Areas for Further Improvement 40 Multi-level Programming , 40 Incorporating Income 44 Empirical Applications: Supply Response 47 IV THE LP MODEL OF GUATEMALA 55 Specification of the Production and Transformation Block 55 Production Groups 56 Production Technologies 60 Transformation Activities 60 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Specification of Inputs , . . . . 62 Labor , 53 Other Inputs . « »...,.,,,.. 66 Input Prices , t 68 The Specification of Demand and Product Prices 70 The Risk Matrix , , _ 73 V MODEL VALIDATION AND RESULTS 79 VI EMPIRICAL TESTING 86 Estimation of Supply Elasticities . 86 Supply Response to Changes in the Price of Maize 97 Supply Response to Changes in the Price of Cotton , 102 Effects of Expanding the Cotton Area 108 Effect of Risk on Supply Response ..... 116 Comparative Advantage 120 VII SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 125 Summary 127 Conclusions , 128 Areas for Further Research 154 APPENDICES A STATISTICAL TABLES ... 134 B EQUATIONS OF THE MODEL ..... 154 BIBLIOGRAPHY , f 169 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH , 177 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Estimated Land Tenure Pattern in Guatemala, 1970 13 2 LP Tableau for a Single Product 26 3 Capitalize: Intermediate Inputs as Percent of Variable Costs, Technological Possibilities in MAYA 61 4 Economically Active Population in Guatemala by- Category and in Agriculture, by Group 65 5 Labor Restrictions in MAYA 67 6 MAYA Input Prices 69 7 Given Income Elasticities and Calculated Price Elasticities Using Frisch's Method 74 8 Domestic, Import, and Export Prices in MAYA 77 9 Price Response to Different Values 83 10 Quantity Response to Different Values of 85 11 Supply and Price Response to Variations in the Price of Maize as Estimated with MAYA 88 12 Supply and Price Response to Variations in the Export Price of Cotton as Estimated with MAYA 91 13 Arc Elasticities of Supply of Selected Products as Computed from Estimates Obtained with MAYA 93 14 Arc Elasticities for Maize and Beans as Computed from Estimates Obtained with MAYA, by Group 96 15 Production, Yield, and Employment Response to Variations in the Price of Maize as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 98 Table 18 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Page 16 Arc Elasticities of Supply of Cotton as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 105 17 Area, Production, and Domestic Price Response to Variations in the Export Price of Cotton as Estimated with MAYA, by Group , 107 Labor Supply Response to an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA, by Group m 19 Area and Production Response to an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 2_±3 20 Welfare Indicators in the Base Period and After an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA 115 21 Profitability of Selected Products in International Trade as Estimated with MAYA 122 22 Ranking of Products According to Exchange Cost Calculations Using Estimates Obtained with MAYA 124 APPENDIX A I Gross Domestic Product and Trade in Guatemala by Selected Sectors, 1965-1978 .,..,..,,,,,, 134 II Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Guatemala by Sector, 1969-1978 , , , , , , 135 III Gross Domestic Product of Guatemala by Expenditure Category at Current and Constant Prices, 1967-1979 . . . , 136 IV Guatemalan Agricultural Statistics by Selected Crops, 1965-1978 , 137 V Basic Grains Guaranteed Prices, Purchases as Percent of Total Production, and Sales as Payment of Total Consumption by the National Agricultural Marketing Institute (INDECA) of Guatemala, 1971-1978 140 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Takle Page VI Variables Included in MAYA 141 VII Transformation Coefficients and Transformation Differentials Used in MAYA 144 VIII Labor Restrictions in MAYA per Month, by Group 145 IX Demand Functions in MAYA 146 X Average Prices Received by Farmers in Guatemala, by Group, 1966-1977 147 XI Cropped Area Response to Different Values as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 149 XII Production Response to Different Values as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 150 XIII Area and Technology Response to Different Maize Prices as Estimated with MAYA, by Group 151 XIV Yields, Input Use, and Risk per Hectare for Selected Activities in MAYA, by Group 152 APPENDIX B XV Symbols Used to Define Variables in MAYA 156 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Political Map of Guatemala 6 2 Area under the Demand Equation (W) and Total Revenue Function (R) 23 3 Rotation of the Demand Function and Its Effect on the W Function 27 4 Linearized Programming Problem with Risk 41 5 Overview of the MAYA Model 58 6 Labor Market in MAYA 64 7 Supply Response to Variations in the Price of Maize as Estimated with MAYA 89 8 Maize Supply Response by Group as Estimated with MAYA 90 9 Hypothetical Graph Showing Response Associated with the Increasing Slope of the Demand Function # 94 10 Total Area Response of Maize, Beans, and Associated Maize and Beans to Variations in Price of Maize Using Estimates Obtained with MAYA 100 11 Maize Yield Response to Variations in Its Own Price, by Group Using Estimates Obtained with MAYA 101 12 Supply Response Functions for Cotton as Estimated with MAYA 104 13 Monthly Distribution of Labor Use in Group 3 with Base Solution and with an 8% increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA 112 14 Supply Response Functions with and without Risk Using Estimates Obtained with MAYA 117 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AID ANACAFE BANDEGUA BANDESA CACM CHAC CNA DGE DIGESA ECID FAO FERTICA GDP IBRD IDB ICTA US Agency for International Development National Coffee Association (Asociacion Nacional del Cafe) Guatemalan Banana Exporting Company (Bananera de Guatemala) National Agricultural Development Bank (Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Agricola) Central American Common Market Mexican Agricultural Model National Cotton Council (Consejo Nacional del Algodon) Directorate General of Statistics (Direccion General de Estadistica) General Directorate for Agricultural Services (Direccion General de Servicios Agricolas) Center for Central American Integration and Development Studies (Estudios Centroamericanos de Integracion y Desarrollo) Food and Agricultural Organization Central American Fertilizer Company (Fertilizantes Centroamericanos) Gross Domestic Product International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Inter-American Development Bank Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (Instituto de Ciencia y Technologia Agricola) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (Continued) IMF INDECA INTA MAYA MOCA SIECA SGCNPE International Monetary Fund National Agricultural Marketing Institute (Instituto Nacional de Comercializacion Agricola) National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (Instituto Nacional de Transf ormacion Agraria) Guatemalan Agricultural Model Central American Agricultural Model (Modelo Centroamericano) Secretariat of Central American Economic Integration (Secretaria de Integracion Economica Centroamericana) National Economic Planning Council (Secretaria^General del Consejo Nacional de Planif icacion Economica) EQUIVALENCIES AND SYMBOLS 1 quetzal (Q) = 1 US dollar 1 ton = 1 metric ton ha hectare kg kilogram G Farm group Close to zero Not available Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy AGRICULTURAL POLICY: A LINEAR PROGRAMMING APPLICATION TO GUATEMALA By Hilda Yumiseva December, 1981 Chairman: Max R. Langham Co-chairman: Chris 0. Andrew Major Department: Food and Resource Economics This study develops a mathematical programming model of the Guatemalan agricultural sector (MAYA) for the 1976-1977 period and uses it to simulate policy. The main objectives were (a) to determine the optimal pattern of production and show the bias involved when risk- averse behavior is ignored, and (b) to estimate the effects of different policies. MAYA consists of three subsectors based on farm size and technology, producing 13 annual crops — which could be produced under several tech- niques and represent 90% of the value of Guatemala's total agricultural production. These subsectors were linked by an objective function and by intersectoral transfers of products and inputs. Crops were either sold directly or transformed. Eighteen final products could be sold in the domestic market or exported. The basic optimizing market equilibrium formulation of the model assumes that producers are profit maximizers and that consumers' behavior is described by demand functions. This formulation was modified by introducing risk-averse behavior. To demonstrate the uses of MAYA several experiments were conducted. Supply responses to variations in the prices of maize and cotton were analyzed for selected crops, and technological change was discussed in detail. Another experiment tested the effects of expanding the area planted with cotton in order to increase farmers' incomes and employment. Finally, MAYA was used to obtain schedules of comparative advantage in international trade. The conclusions drawn from these experiments were (a) as product prices increased, farmers tended to adopt higher yielding, more input-intensive techniques which were also riskier; (b) less advanced farmers behaved no differently from the more advanced ones; (c) a policy to increase incomes and promote employment through in- creased cotton production would only be effective in the short run, as in the long run prices rose cancelling the initial effects; and (d) Guatemalan agriculture is rather competitive in international markets. The study demonstrated that mathematical programming models can be effective tools for planners in underdeveloped agriculture. Their usefulness could be improved if they were considered within the multi- level framework — maximizing a set of goals subject to a behavioral problem — and if income were explicitly incorporated in their formulation. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Agricultural policies in Guatemala have been carried out in a haphazard manner intended to achieve a host of different and often divergent purposes. As is typically the case with less developed countries (LDCs) , the agricultural sector is expected to supply food at low prices, increase income levels of the rural population, raise government revenues, provide employment, and generate foreigh exchange. However, the lack of coordination among and within the agencies in charge of executing agricultural policies has prevented the successful implementation of such policies. Policies have primarily been directed toward staple crops, but targets have not been reached. The government is concerned that Guatemala suffers from domestic food shortages, and that agricultural income is, in large part, generated by export crops subject to international price fluctuations. The failure of the Guatemalan authorities to improve the conditions of the sector makes it increasingly necessary to formulate a set of consistent policies. The traditional approach to agricultural planning in Guatemala has been to arbitrarily set production targets and to estimate the potential income and employment effects through partial and rather superficial analysis. This approach has not permitted an evaluation of the overall behavior of the sector because it disregards substitution effects among products and among inputs (including land and labor).1 While individual commodity targets may satisfy the production and foreign exchange objec- tives, they would only simultaneously satisfy an employment or income objective by coincidence. Consequently, benefits and costs of imple- menting different policies have been improperly evaluated. Effective resource allocation, on the other hand, requires consideration of the substitution effects; that is, a model must allow for certain prices to rise and for others to decline in response to different policies. The sector does not face point demands; it faces demand schedules (Bassoco and Norton, 1975) . The position on the schedule should be found through the solution of a resource allocation problem. A model for the whole agricultural sector, thus, is a prerequisite for complete policy planning. Large scale price exogenous linear programming models have been ^ used extensively by agricultural economists to simulate the impact of farmer plans upon the agricultural sector. These models have taken market prices or quantities as given.2 When interrelationships between prices and quantities are considered, the problem can be treated as one of spatial and/or intertemporal equilibrium. Samuelson (1952) showed that the problem of spatially separated markets could be solved through the maximization of the net social payoff which rendered competitive equilibrium. Takayama and Judge (1964a, b) proposed a quadratic pro- gramming formulation to solve Samuelson* s maximand. Using separable programming, Duloy and Norton (1973, 1975) linearized the quadratic See, for example, Mellor (1975) and Bassoco and Norton (1975) 2 See, for example, Heady and Srivastava (1975). objective function which permitted the use of the simplex alogrithm to solve the problem, whereby the size and scope of problems to be consid- ered were expanded. The primary objective of this research was to build a linear pro- gramming model according to the Duloy and Norton specification for simulating the impact of different policies on key variables in the u" agricultural sector. Specifically, an attempt was made to estimate direct and cross-price elasticities for a number of crops, to analyze the income and employment effects of expanding cotton production, and to establish comparative advantage in production based on comparative advantage in international trade. The results are limited in that they were generated in the context of the assumptions and model specifica- tions underlying the linear model. The closer these assumptions and model specifications approach the decision environment of agricultural producers, the more valid the results are likely to be. An effort towar^_achieving greater realism was to introduce risk considerations into the model. Commodity demand functions are included within the structure of 3 the Guatemalan model (MAYA) , hence prices are determined by the inter- action of supply and demand. Since relative product and factor prices are the dominant policy instruments in agriculture, this feature of the model permits a wide range of policy experiments. MAYA considers three major groups of farmers who produce 13 crops. Each group is characterized by a technological level. These crops are transformed into 18 final products which are sold domestically or exported. 3 MAYA is a name given to the original inhabitants of Guatemala. To overcome data limitations, MAYA relies heavily on the use of cross- sectional farm level production cost data. The dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter II gives a brief description of the Guatemalan economy in which the agricultural sector is emphasized. In Chapter III the theoretical background of the model and the inclusion of risk are discussed. The data base of MAYA is explained in Chapter IV. Validation of the model is covered in Chapter V. In Chapter VI various simulation results are presented. The summary, conclusions, and suggestions for further improvement of the model are presented in Chapter VII. CHAPTER II OVERVIEW OF THE GUATEMALAN ECONOMY Guatemala is the largest Central American country with an area of 110,000 square kilometers and a population of 7.2 million in mid-1980. Three quarters of the population live in rural areas. Guatemala has a wide range of climatic conditions, from the tropical northern and coastal areas to the volcanic highlands (Figure 1) . Agriculture is diversified and its potential is large especially in the northern part of the country. During the last 15 years Guatemala has been able to diversify its exports (although its major exports are still traditional crops) and achieve rapid industrial growth and a substantially higher level of per capita income. Even so, Guatemala is still primarily an agricultural country. The economy has been growing rapidly at an annual average of 6.3% in the last 15 years and generally above the Latin American average.1 The share of agriculture, the most important sector, in GDP has remained at around 28% (Appendix A, Table I) . Industry accounts for about 15% (the largest share relative to the other Central American countries) in large part because the country has been a main beneficiary of the Central American Common Market (CACM) . The overall growth of the Guatemalan economy has been highly dependent on the fluctuations of export prices, particularly the price During the period 1965-1976, the annual growth of GDP in Latin America was 4.7% and that of Guatemala, 6.1% (IDB/IBRD/AID, 1977). rs Correspond to Name s of Department Alta Verapaz 12 Peten Baja Verapaz 13 Quetzaltenango Chimaltenanago ll> El Quiche Chiquimula 15 Retalhuleu El Progreso 16 Sacatapequez Escuintla 17 San Marcos Guatemala 18 Santa Rosa Huehuetenango 19 Solola Izabal 20 Suchitepequez Jalapa 21 Totonicapan Jutlapa 22 Zacapa Figure 1. Political Map of Guatemala of coffee. The country has, however, been able to avoid serious balance of payments problems as import growth rates have followed closely those of exports and because the government has curtailed demand through credit restraints. Over the past 15 years, investment has fluctuated between 12 and 15% of GDP (IBRD, 1978). During the 1960s and early 1970s about 25% of total fixed capital formation took place in manufacturing, much of it because of opportunities opened up by the creation of the CACM. Agricultural investment was, however, about one-third that of industry and deteriorated even further after 1973 (Appendix A, Table II) . Although the annual share of banking credit of agriculture was at least 70% that of industry until the mid-1970s, it was used mainly to purchase current inputs rather than for capital investment (Banco de Guatemala, 1980b; IDB/IBRD/AID, 1977). Government lending to agriculture was very limited and gave little support to smaller farmers. Government consumption has tended to move with GDP, whereas govern- ment investment has been much more volatile. During the 1960s the rate of public investment was smaller than that of private investment, whereas the reverse occurred after 1970 due mainly to the implementation of the 1970-1975 Development Plan by the government. Following the earthquake of February 1976, public sector investment almost doubled in real terms as the government took the lead in the reconstruction process (Appendix A, Table III) . During the 1960s and early 1970s domestic prices remained remark- ably stable and increased by an average of only 0.3% per year (IMF, 1978) . The conservative monetary policies of the government restricted expansion of the money supply, and the openness of the economy allowed imports to rise with export earnings, relieving demand-pull inflationary pressures. After 1973 Guatemala departed sharply from past patterns of development. In contrast to the previous stable period, consumer prices surged by 10 to 15% each year as a result partly of increased prices of imported inputs after the oil shortage, and partly to the inflation generated by the rapid growth of the money supply resulting from in- creased export earnings— led by coffee whose price rose by over 35% in 1974 over 1970 (IMF). The resurgence of trade with other CACM countries in 1973 and 1974 generated a surplus of $40 million each year. This surplus combined with a boom in coffee export earnings in 1973 and one in sugar export earnings in 1974 allowed the country to import at a level sufficient to maintain growth, thus avoiding a recession (IBRD) . Contributing to the inflationary pressures was a shortage of basic grains, particularly maize, caused by a shift of areas planted with basic grains toward cotton and sugar production in the South Pacific region. To meet domestic demand, the National Agricultural Marketing Institute (INDECA) was forced to import and sell at prices lower than import cost. In 1974 the government reversed its strategy and took several measures to stimulate production (see below) . The favorable crops of 1975 and 1976 (Appendix A, Table IV) helped dampen inflationary pressures, but by the end of 1976, the exceptional demand created by the earthquake reconstruction efforts combined with a massive influx of foreign exchange from coffee and cotton exports pushed the rate back to previous levels. After 1976 moderate government measures to limit the money supply and control the domestic prices of major export commodities have helped control inflation. During the past 20 years there has been little change in the rela- tive importance of agriculture in Guatemala. It still accounts for about 28% of GDP, about three-fifths of total employment, and over two- thirds of the value of exports. Moreover, savings from export agricul- ture have provided a large share of investment resources, and much of the industrial expansion of this period has been based on agricultural raw materials (e.g., sugar cane and cattle). During the same period, however, the share of agriculture in the national fixed capital forma- tion has fallen from 15% in the early 1960s to about 8% in the 1970s (IBRD). Limited investment in agriculture is a major cause of lagging productivity in traditional crops and stagnating incomes for small producers. Public investment has concentrated on minor irrigation works, some grain storage facilities, and rural roads. K/ In an effort to raise the income of small producers and landless agricultural workers, and to secure sufficient production of basic grains, the government has attempted to implement several programs as stated in its development plans. A lack of adequate storage facilities for staple crops by the private sector, leading to marked seasonal price variations, prompted the government to intervene. The government initi- ated price stabilization programs for staple crops in the early 1960s. It purchased the crops during harvest time at fixed prices, stored them, and sold them during off-peak seasons. But these programs did not pro- duce the expected results because market prices remained above the pro- ducer prices set by the government. As a result, grain prices continued to fluctuate (Fletcher et al., 1970). In the early 1970s, the government reformulated its price stabili- zation program and initiated a series of measures to promote production 10 within the context of the National Development Plan of 1971-1975. One of the major recommendations of the Plan was to strengthen the public agricultural sector by consolidating existing agencies and establishing new ones under the general authority of the Ministry of Agriculture. A government decree of July 1, 1974 (Diario de Centroamerica, July 1, 1974) made it compulsory for farmers to plant at least 10% of the area in basic grains in plots of 70 hectares or more, made credit through the National Agricultural Development Band (BANDESA) more easily available, announced a prohibition to export grain for the next two years, and raised guaranteed prices by as much as 100% (Appendix A, Table V) . Production, however, increased because of higher yields rather than because of expanded areas. INDECA took a more realistic role as a stabi- lizer of market prices rather than trying to maintain artificially high prices for producers and artificially low prices for consumers. But insufficient and unsuitable government storage facilities and a lack of coordination of the agencies involved have blunted the original intentions. Participation of the government in the market has been about 5%, well below the targeted level of 20% (Appendix A, Table V) , and the costs of the price stabilization program during the 1971-1974 period were over $11 million. Prices of staple crops have continued to fluctuate and costs of inputs have increased. Consequently, the area allocated to the production of staple crops decreased. The National Development Plan of 1975-1979 (SGCNPE, 1975) acknowledged that much remained to be accomplished in making the concept of the public agricul- tural sector a viable one for planning, policy and operational purposes, and reemphasized the need to strengthen its institutions. 11 The main activities of the government in the agricultural sector are technical assistance and training through the Institute of Agricul- tural Science and Technology (ICTA) and the General Directorate for Agricultural Services (DIGESA) , marketing of basic grains through INDECA, land colonization and distribution through the National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA) , and agricultural credit through BANDESA. Producer organizations, such as the National Coffee Association (ANACAFE) and the National Cotton Council (CNA) which offer marketing and technical assistance to their members, receive partial support from the government. These activities have generally been quite limited and coordination among these organizations has been inadequate because of their autonomous nature. \jf Another area where the government has intervened is the wheat market. The wheat pricing program started in 1952 and has worked rea- sonably well because of a high support price made possible by a "bread tax" that transfers income from the urban consumers to wheat growers and millers. The high proportion of imports (60% of domestic consump- tion) allows the flour mills to maintain a lower average price for flour than would otherwise be possible. This, in turn, allows for a high support price. Self-sufficiency in wheat, however, is not possible because Guatemala produces only soft wheat and would still need to import hard wheat. The highly skewed distribution of land ownership in Guatemala is a major factor behind the country's unequal distribution of incomes; 7% of the population accounted for 60% of the GDP in the late 1960s (Fletcher et al., 1970). In 1970, 83% of the people in rural Guatemala lived on 12 plots too small (less than 7 hectares) to produce the income needed to support a family without outside employment (Table 1) . Within the Central American area, only El Salvador has a higher proportion of people on sijnilar-size plots of land because it is more than three times as densely populated as Guatemala. At the other end of the scale, 80% of Guatemala's agricultural land is held in units larger than 7 hectares, and these farms are owned by only 2% of the farm families. The high concentration of the indigenous population in the Western Highlands accounts for much of the inequality of land distribution, with 26% of the total area and 60% of the population (SGCNPE, 1978a). The situation is made more acute by the fact that the land is rugged and unsuited for 2 cultivation. Erosion of the land and low productivity are common problems. In contrast, the fertile plains of the South Pacific are for the most part held by wealthy owners and dedicated mainly to export crops . Although an agrarian reform law has existed since the 1950s and the National Institute for Agrarian Transformation (INTA) has existed for nearly as long, negligible progress has been made toward improving the equality of land distribution in Guatemala. The lack of access to adequate credit at a reasonable cost con- tinues to be a barrier to improved output and productivity, particularly for small farmers. It is unlikely that more than a third of the farmers in Guatemala make regular use of institutional credit even though BANDESA has greatly expanded its operations since 1974. BANDESA now 2 Studxes have revealed that this land is better suited for forestry (SGCNPE, 1978b). 13 Table 1. Estimated Land Tenure Pattern in Guatemala, 1970 Size of Holding Share of Farms or Families Share of Area (%) (cum. %) (%) ( cum. %) Small 83.3 83.3 12.3 12.3 Landless 26.5 26.5 Less than 0.7 ha 14.8 41.3 1.0 1.0 0.7 - 4.0 ha 42.0 83.3 11.3 12.3 Medium 14.1 97.4 21.4 33.7 4.0 - 7.0 ha 7.0 - 35.0 ha 6.8 7.3 90.1 97.4 6.3 15.1 18.6 33.7 Large 35.0 - 350.0 ha Over 350.0 ha Administrators 2.7 100.0 66.3 100.0 1.4 98.8 23.9 57.6 0.5 99.2 42.4 100.0 0.8 100.0 Families without land. SOURCE: IBRD (1978, p. 73). 14 serves over 80,000 farmers, many of whom are members of cooperatives which receive its funds. The agricultural sector has played an important part in the earn- ing of foreign exchange. Exports of traditional products (i.e., coffee, cotton, sugar, and bananas) accounted for 60% of the total value of exports during 1970-1977 (Directorate General of Statistics, DGE, 1970- 1977). The expansion of production of export crops and favorable condi- tions in world markets have contributed to this outcome. Export crops, with the exception of coffee (which still uses traditional methods of production), are produced with sophisticated techniques. Coffee exports alone account for 30% of total exports, and the government has encour- aged its production by making credit available (Banco de Guatemala, 1976, 1980b). Although Guatemala has reduced its dependence on coffee exports very substantially, coffee clearly remains the largest single export commodity. Changes in overall export earnings have traditionally been and continue to be very closely linked to changes in the value of Guatemalan coffee exports. Some export diversification as well as favorable movements in the cotton and sugar prices helped dampen the impact of changes in coffee export growth on total export earnings (IMF) . Cotton has been the second most important crop since the 1960s. Production has been stimulated by improved technologies, a growing domestic textile industry, and increasing external demand. Sugar has traditionally been the third largest export product of Guatemala. Production achieved record high levels in 1975, with exceptionally high international prices, and stabilized at pre-1975 levels thereafter 15 (Banco de Guatemala, 1976, 1980a). Bananas and meat are the remaining major agricultural export products of Guatemala. The policy of BANDEGUA, a subsidiary of Del Monte Corporation and the major exporter of Guatemalan bananas, has been to maintain production for export more or less constant, and in the past few years BANDEGUA has tended to diversify into other fruits such as pineapples and papayas. During the past 15 years increases in meat production reflect increased numbers of animals and hectares of pasture rather than increased productivity per animal or per hectare (IDB/IBRD/AID) . The present plan of the govern- ment to shift cattle production from the Pacific coast to the northern slopes and lower Peten region should allow the freed lands of the Pacific south to be diverted to cotton and basic grain production. In summary, prospects for Guatemala's agricultural exports are generally quite good, though efforts could be made to raise productivity, particularly in coffee. Non-export agriculture, however, suffers from fragmented land holdings and low productivity, resulting in inadequate incomes for farmers. This, in large part, stems from a limited ability to analyze agricultural development problems and to formulate appro- priate solutions in terms of policies and investment programs. The conditions for agricultural development in the overall context of the Guatemalan economy include some potentially favorable factors. Some balance of these factors could work well for overall economic growth and the development of the country's diversified agriculture. They include (a) increased and more diversified agricultural exports, (b) favorable international prices for export commodities (c) comfortable interna- tional reserves, (d) low external debt service ratio and long maturity at low interest, and (e) restrained monetary policy to cope with 16 inflation (AID, 1978). Other factors could be added to the preceding list such as the large untapped natural resources potential, including petroleum and forestry, and strong rural cooperative agreements. These factors appear to offer considerable scope for undertaking medium- and long-range commitments with the goal of increasing output and rural welfare. This goal would require greater participation by the govern- ment in such things as increasing credit supply and price regulation. Given the high rate of population growth of nearly 3% per year, it appears, as stated in the Development Plan for 1979-1982, that the only way to increase production levels of basic grains and the incomes of the rural poor is through technological improvement. Policies must be directed to stimulate new technologies and their rate of adaptation without ignoring the adverse effects on employment that they may bring about. CHAPTER III THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Mathematical Programming Models Traditionally, mathematical programming models have been used in a normative sense, by maximizing a set of goals. Goods are assumed to face infinitely elastic demands, usually justified by the country's price-taker position in international trade. For a large number of products that do not enter international trade, price determination depends on domestic demand. Mathematical programming models can, of course, incorporate product demand functions which yield endogenous prices, thus providing a large degree of generality to the system. As such, these models are used in a descriptive sense to simulate the behavior of a competitive or monopolistic market. Several authors have tried to provide solutions to Samuelson's (1952) competitive equilibrium formulation. He pointed out that maximi- zation of the net social payoff function (the sum of the consumers' and producers' surplus) led to a competitive equilibrium solution. He used this function to try to solve Enke's (1951) problem of interspatial markets by relating it to the Koopmans-Hitchcock minimum transport cost. He used this artificial magnitude to cast the problem mathematically into a maximizing problem. His suggestions on solutions were, however, iterative procedures. 17 18 Fox (1953) proposed an iterative solution for the case of a multi- regional feed grain economy, given estimated parameters of the regional demand functions. Tramel and Seale's (1959) reactive programming and Judge and Wallace's (1958) methods are iterative heuristic methods that solve the product shipments problem with given demands and supplies in each region. Their methods do not formulate the problem as a mathe- matical programming one with an objective function. Schrader and King (1962) were the first to introduce price responsive demand functions into LP models. Their method maximized producers' revenue and obtained a market clearing solution with iterations. Takayama and Judge (1946a, b) introduced quadratic programming to solve the regional flows problem under independent linear demand functions. The objective function was specified as the sum of consumers' and producers' surplus and was given a welfare connotation. Iterative solution procedures for the competitive and monopolistic cases are based on Wolf's modified simplex algorithm. Yaron et al. (1965) treated three cases (a) independent demands, (b) , interdependent demands with fulfill- ment of the integrability conditions, and (c) interdependent demands without fulfillment of the integrability conditions. For case (a) they used step-wise approximated demand functions using linear programming. For case (b) they used quadratic programming. For case (c) they used a primal-dual formulation and concluded that the welfare interpretation of the objective function no longer holds, which lends force to satisfying the integrability conditions. They did not, however, present any computations. Martin (1972) proposed a noniterative equilibrium solution with independent demands. He used a piece-wise linear specification of 19 product demand and factor supply functions. At the same time, similar procedures were being used to build the French national model (Fahri and Varcueil, 1969) and a regional model for the Soviet Union (Mash and Kiselev, 1971). Neither of these, however, considered interdependence in demand. Interdependence in demand and the specification of a variable that would measure producers' income at endogenous prices were first explored by Duloy and Norton (1973, 1975) when they formulated the programming model for the Mexican economy, CHAC.1 One advantage of their specifica- tion is their use of Miller's (1963) separable programming to approxi- mate nonlinear functions without significantly increasing the number of rows. With this improvement nonlinearities in both the objective func- tion and constraint set could be easily handled. Incorporating demand functions into planning models, rather than assuming exogenous product prices, allows the model to correspond to a market equilibrium. It also permits an appraisal of the benefits _ i accruing to producers and consumers, and it gives the model greater flexibility in that changes in the input side can take place not only directly through changes in the technology set but also through changes in demand due to relative price changes of given input intensive commodities. • The methodology followed in the present study is that developed by Duloy and Norton. The basic optimizing market equilibrium formulation assumes that producers are profit maximizers and that consumers' A name which means "Rain God of the Mayas." 20 behavior is adequately described by a set of demand functions in the space of prices and quantities. In Duloy and Norton's (1975, pp. 593-594) general model, the demand function was specified as (D P = f (q, Y), where p is an n x 1 vector of prices, q is an n x 1 vector of quantities, and Y is lagged permanent income. In the unconstrained case, the objec- tive function for the competitive market situation may be written (2) Max Z = |f (q> Y) dq - c (q) 0 where c(q) is an n x 1 vector of total cost functions. Setting the first derivation of Equation (2) with respect to q equal to zero yields the equilibrium conditions of marginal revenue equals marginal cost. (3) P = c'(q) In the constrained resource case the model would include the condi- tion Aq < b, where A is an m x n matrix of resource coefficients, and b an m x 1 vector of resource availabilities. The Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions are 8Z (4a) ~3q~ = f' ~ c'(cl) - P'A < 0 (4b) q°< *2- = 0 9q (4c) \— = Aq - b < 0 3p - 21 (4d) u ' ^r— = 0, where p is the dual variable vector and the ° superscript means that derivatives and vectors are evaluated at the point of the optimum. Equation (4a) means that marginal profits must be zero or negative. Marginal profits are equal to price minus marginal costs, where the latter have two components; the explicit market costs of inputs, c'(q), and the economic rents which accrue to fixed factors, u 'A. Equation (4b) is the complementary slackness condition, which together with Equation (4a) means that if profits are nonzero the activity is zero, and if the activity level is positive marginal profits are zero. Equation (4c) is the complementary slackness condition for the dual, which with Equation (4d) means that if a resource's shadow price is nonzero its slack is zero and vice versa. The linear programming formulation for the model described assumes a linear demand function, although this need not be the case, as long as the matrix of demand coefficients is negative semi-definite to insure convexity. Equation (1) may be rewritten as (5) p = a + Bq where a is an n x 1 vector of constants and B is an n x n negative semi- definite matrix of demand coefficients. Y has been dropped since this is a static formulation. Equation (2), the objective function, then 22 2 becomes in the competitive case (6) Max Z = q'(a + .5Bq) - c(q) and the equilibrium conditions (7) p = a + Bq = c'(q). Equation (6) corresponds to Samuelson's net-social-payoff functj except for transportation costs which are not included. onsumers Equation (6) can be decomposed into producers' and c 3 surplus (Duloy and Norton, 1975, p. 593) (8) _CS_ = .5q' (a - p) = -,5q' Bq (9) JPS_ = q'p - c(q) = q' (a + Bq) - c(q) Finally, the area under the demand function and the revenue function are respectively, Equations (10) and (11). Both are sketched in Figure 2. (10) W = q' (a + .5Bq) (11) R = q' (a + Bq) 2 In the monopolistic case, Equation (6) becomes (6*) Z* = q'(a + Bq) - c(q) which yields equilibrium conditions identical to (4a) to (4d) , except that the vector p is replaced by the term a + 2 Bq, the vector of marginal revenues (7') a + 2Bq = c'(q), or marginal revenue equals marginal cost. 3 There has been a long debate over the use of Marshallian surpluses as welfare measures (Mishan, 1960, 1968; Winch, 1965; Burns, 1973), but in the context of sector models the interest is primarily in their 'use to simulate a market equilibrium and not in their welfare interpretation. 23 Figure 2. Area under the Demand Equation (W) and Total Revenue Function (R) 24 The maximum for both the competitive and monopolistic cases involves a quadratic term in q. Two linear approximations have been developed by Duloy and Norton; one based on previous knowledge of B (interdependence in demand) and the other where B is diagonal (separa- bility assumed) . In this research only the latter case will be considered. Let Wj denote the area under the demand curve for product j, then (12) q'(a - .5Bq) = E W.. j = 1, ..., n J J W is a quadratic, concave function when plotted against q , and since the programming model is a maximization problem, W. can be approximated by a series of linear steps and conventional LP computer codes can be used to obtain an approximation to the maximum. Duloy and Norton (1973) introduce additional variables, W, . , where k = 1, . . . , s for each W • kj - j' assign upper bounds wk_. on q^ over which interval W applies; and assign a single value for W , say d , which approximates W over the interval q.. < w^ . Define q = xy, where x is a vector of aggregate production areas and y is a diagonal matrix of yields. They then sug- gest that the quadratic term q' (a - .5Bq) be replaced in the maximiza- tion problem as follows for the case of product j produced under h (h = 1, ..., t) technologies: (13) Max -E c, . x, . + E d W h hJ hj k kj kj such that (14) -E c, . x, . + Z r, . W. . > Z h hJ hj k kj kj - 25 (15) £ y v . - I w. . W, , > 0 kj "kj - (16) Z W4t < 1. k = 1, ..., s h - 1, ..., t k Jk This method adds two rows for each product, but permits inclusion of as many W activities as desired to increase the accuracy of the approximation. The segmented approximation of W and R for a single product is shown in Table 2. Because of the concavity of W, no more than two of the W selling kj activities will appear in the solution. It is clear that the approach can be readily extended to the multi-product case. International trade can also be incorporated through well behaved nonlinear import demands and export supplies. This specification of demand functions is convenient in the analysis of comparative statics solutions from demand rotation. Demand functions can be rotated simply by varying the value of the convexity restriction. The matrices W and R are invariant under this class of transformations. The upward rotation of the demand function is expressed as a proportional lengthening of the segments with prices constant. In Figure 3, D D represents the function p = f(q) and D^ represents p = f(Xq), and the slopes of the linearized func- tion W1 and W2 are equal for corresponding segments. A similar condi- tion holds for the linearized R function. Thus, the coefficients of the W and R matrices can be expressed as simple multiples of the corresponding quantities. The selling activities of the transformed tableau would be similar to those of Table 2 where all rows except the convexity restriction are multiplied by A . By dividing 26 A| fi C H •H o rt a n j-i X en o C a 27 28 all the elements of each activity by X , the problem with the transformed demand function is reduced to a problem with coefficients in the con- straint matrix identical to those before the demand transformation, but with X replacing unity in the right-hand side of the convex combination constraint. The underlying assumptions of the aggregate LP model are (a) integrability of product demand and factor supply functions, and (b) a partial equilibrium setting.4 Integrability refers to conditions in which the matrices of first derivatives of the factor supply and product demand functions must be symmetric. This implies that the cross price effects are equal over all commodity pairs, and also that the effect of income on consumption is identical across all commodities of interest or zero. How restrictive this symmetry condition is depends on whether one is dealing with supply or demand. For the supply functions, the classical assumptions of the theory of production yield this condition. Zusman (1969) notes that, in empirical studies where the supply functions are derived from observed behavior, the symmetry condi- tion is still highly restrictive. In the case of the demand functions, the situation is different; aggregate demand functions satisfy the symmetry condition only if the individual demand functions do. The price derivative of individual demand functions (under constant money income) consists of a symmetric substitution term and an income effect term. For the latter term to also be symmetric it would be necessary that the income elasticity of demand of all commodities be zero. This condition would be only approximately satisfied if the income effect is 4 See also McCarl and Spreen (1980) 29 small relative to the substitution term. This would happen if the goods are closely related in demand, have low income elasticity, and consti- tute a minor share of the consumer's expenditures. In all other cases the symmetry requirement is not even approximately met. Models that do not require the integrability assumption have, however, been formulated by incorporating price and quantity variables into the primal formulation. The objective function no longer represents the sum of producers' plus consumers' surplus, but rather the excess of consumer expenditure over the sum of factor incomes plus outlays on purchased inputs. The objective function includes a quadratic term, but since it is not derived from an integration process, the symmetry assumption (integrability requirement) may be dropped. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires a much larger constraint set. The second assumption of a partial equilibrium setting refers to the fact that the model does not take into account the effect of income generated by the system on the demand function. If the sector modeled is small enough relative to the entire economy, this shortcoming would be unimportant. If, however, the sector considered is large relative to the entire economy, the income it generates would be expected to have a major impact on consumer demand. Risk Considerations It has been established that, in general, agriculture is a risky process, especially in LDCs. Several studies5 support the hypothesis See, for example, Behrman (1968), Dillon and Anderson (1971) Francisco and Anderson (1972), Linn et al. (1974), Pomareda and Simmons 30 that farmers do behave in risk averse ways. Neglect of risk averse behavior in agricultural planning models had led to overstatements of the output level (usually overspecialized cropping patterns) of risky activities and to overestimates of the value of basic resources. In modern decision theory, uncertainty is a state of mind in which the individual perceives alternative outcomes to a particular action. Risk, on the other hand, has to do with the degree of uncertainty in a given situation. Some define risk as a measurable probability, for example, as variance. Others define it as the probability that returns will not fall below a given "safe" level. Others, such as John Dillon (in Boussard, 1979) state that one should avoid using the word risk as if it were a definite measure of anything. He feels, though, that one should speak of "risk aversion" without causing confusion. Two basic traditional approaches for incorporating risk into agri- cultural programming models have been used: (a) the "theory of games" approach, where the decision maker is supposed to play a game against an unknown opponent called "nature," and (b) the "portfolio selection" approach where risk is taken into account through the objective function. Only the latter approach and its alternative simplified Minimum of Total Absolute Deviations (MOTAD) model will be discussed because of their use in this research. r Alternative (E - V) models have also been developed, e.g. the safety first" model proposed by Roy (1952) . Its optimizing criterion is Min P { e < e } — o ' where P represents probability and e0 is a specified level of disaster (risk level). If the distribution of E is fully described by e and al, then this criterion is equivalent to e - e0 Max 31 The portfolio selection or expected income-associated income vari- ance (E-V) approach, which leads to a quadratic programming formulation, is attributed to Markowitz (1952) . His problem was to select an optimal portfolio of stocks solely on an (E-V) criterion such that V is minimum for an associated E under a budget constraint. It is also assumed that the farmer is a risk averter, i.e., faces quadratic iso-utility func- tions which are convex from above, and the conditions — > 0 and 3v2 > 0 hold. Since short-run planning models assume constant overhead costs, the income distribution of a farm plan is totally specified by the total gross margin distribution. For n activities and m resource constraints, the Markowitz' s quadratic programming model minimizes expected variance V, subject to expected income and resource avail- ability constraints (1) Minimize V = Z Z x. x a j k 3 k jk Baumol (1963), without rejecting Markowitz' approach, used an (E-$o) formulation. The decision maker is assumed to subjectively establish a confidence limit and a floor on expected returns to which the limit is applied. Other approaches which depart from the (E-V) approach, but whose practical usefulness is not questionable are (a) the flexibility constraints approach (Day, 1979), and (b) the focus loss constrained program (FLCP) . The first one imposes special constraints to the LP problem. These constraints reflect all the unknown constraints not explicitly taken into account in the analysis but which prevent farmers from changing their year to year plans quickly. The shortcoming of this model is that it does not give very much information on how to choose the level of the bounding constraints. The second approach was devel- oped by Boussard and Petit (1967). The basic assumption is that the expectations of farmers are described by two concepts, (a) the focus of gams (expected gains), and (b) the focus of losses (the most unfavor- able outcome). The average gains are maximized subject to the usual constraints of the model and a special focus-loss constraint. The advantage of this model is its ability to be implemented in an ordinary LP framework, whereas its main criticism is its lack of theoretical foundation (Boussard, 1979). 32 such that (2) I e. x. > E j J J - (3) I a. . x. < b 1J J ~ j i = 1, J j, k « 1, ..., n (4) x. > 0, J - where .th is the level of the j activity, .th ajk is the variance of the j activity when j = k, and the covariance of activities j and k when j ± k, e.. is the expected gross margin of the jth activity, aii is the amount of the i resources per unit of the jth activity, • 4.u -th is the x resource constraint level, and is a positive scalar of total expected gross income. b. i E By parameterizing E from zero upward a sequence of solutions is obtained of increasing total gross margins and variance until the high- est possible total gross margin is attained. Solutions are obtained for critical changes in the basis such that for the current total margin E, the variance is minimum. These solutions define the efficient (E-V) boundary. The acceptability of any one particular plan on this boundary depends on the farmer's preference determined by his (E-V) utility function. When this function can be measured, a unique farm plan can be rigorously identified which offers the farmer highest utility. This model has several shortcomings at different theoretical levels. Some ammendments have been proposed in order to improve its significance 33 and its feasibility. From a practical point of view, the necessity of a quadratic programming routine has been cited as a problem, even though several codes have been developed by RAND corporation, IBM, and others. For that reason, a number of approximations of quadratic functions have been proposed. The most general case is the separable programming approach which approximates nonlinear functions in the model at the expense of an enlargement of the initial matrix. The Duloy-Norton approach has many similar features to the separable programming approach. Another drawback of the model is that the variance symmetrically weighs positive and negative deviations from the mean. This would be true only in the exceptional case where the population total gross margin distri- butions are symmetric. Nevertheless, when income deviations are weighed on a quadratic basis it is not likely that any disutility will be attached to positive income deviations. Thus, using an (E-V) criterion may lead to conservative farm plans. Markowitz (1959) has suggested minimizing the negative semi-variance subject to constraints (2) through (4). The estimation of the variance-covariance or semi-variance matrices presents some problems. The model requires a priori estimates of the mean gross margins for each activity and the corresponding variances and covariances. In most cases, time series data are used to estimate variance- covariance matrices under the assumption that the dispersion of gains is independent of time. Few empirical studies seem to have been devoted to the verification of this assumption. Errors in estimating the variance- 7C See, for instance, Sharpe (1963, 1967) and Thomas et al. (1972) 34 covariance matrices do shape the final solution of the Markowitz problem. In Thomas et al. (1972) an attempt was made to drop statis- tically insignificant covariance terms. A number of these were found to be relatively high, and differences between the "significant covariance model" and the "all covariances model" did not exceed 3 to 5% of the optimal activity levels. The significant covariance model yielded lower expected incomes for each permitted level of income variance. Hazell (1971) suggested the "minimum of total absolute deviations" approach (MOTAD) as an alternative to the (E-V) formulation. This criterion retains most of the desired properties of the latter and is easier to handle computationally. Let c . (h = 1, . . . , S; j = 1 n) be the h observation in a random sample of gross margins of activity j. The sample mean is g = - E c An unbiased estimator of J s h nj the population mean absolute income deviation is A - ^ I \ (CM " V *: I- Using A as a measure of uncertainty, Hazell considers E and A as the crucial parameters in the selection of a farm plan. Efficient (E-A) farm plans are those having minimum mean absolute income deviation for given expected income level E. The (E-A) criterion has an important advantage over the (E-V) criterion in that it leads to a linear pro- gramming formulation. Hazell 's model is as follows: Minimize As = £ y h h such that 35 1 (Chj " Sj} Xj + yh - ° h = 1, ..., S e x = E e > 0 J J I a. . x. < b. i = l. m xj> yh 1 0 all h and j where E yh is the sum of the absolute values of the negative total gross margin deviations around the expected returns based on sample mean gross margins. The efficiency locus is obviously different from the (E-V) locus, but according to Thomson and Hazell (1972), the differences are small enough so as to definitely accept the MOTAD formulation as a reasonable approximation of the (E-V) formulation. They found that for large sample sizes the relative asymptotic efficiency of the estimated mean absolute deviation is 88%. That is, it is 88% as efficient as the estimated standard deviation in estimating the population standard deviation. Risk can be incorporated into an LP model by simply subtracting the risk term in the objective function and introducing appropriate changes in the constraint set. The general case of the Markowitz criterion will be treated before discussing the MOTAD risk model. Assuming that farmers behave in a risk- averse way, according to the Markowitz (E-V) criterion, the endogenous price programming formulation can be modified into a risk formulation. The objective function of such a model is (1) Maximize U = X'Y (A - .5BYX) - C'X - $ (X'fiX) 36 where X is an n x 1 vector of crop area, Y is an n x n diagonal matrix of average yields C is an n x 1 vector of cost coefficients per unit of crop area, A, B are coefficient matrices of the linear demand struc- ture P = A - BYX, where P is expected price and B is assumed to be diagonal with nonnegative elements, is an aggregate risk parameter of farmers, and R is an n x n covariance matrix of activity revenues of farmers. This new objective function is the same as that of the Duloy and Norton model except for the addition of the risk term. The rationale for this function is found in Hazell and Scandizzo (1974) . When the risk factor (X'GX) - v' (DX - b) , where v is an m x 1 vector of dual variables. The solution to this problem is a saddle point, which satisfies the Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The necessary conditions are 37 8L ^ = y. (a. - b. y. x.) - Cj - 2* Zw.. x. - ZvR dkj < 0 , i, j = 1, ..., n k = 1, . . . , m where the lower case letters denote the elements of the corresponding matrices. Complementary slackness conditions require that (3) holds as an equality for every nonzero x. in the solution. Thus, from (3) and using the fact that B, the matrix of slopes, is diagonal, we can solve for expected prices, p: (4) P = ~ t c + Z v, d1 . + 2 E w. x.. When risk yj i XJ 1 neutrality is assumed, i.e., f = 0, as in the deterministic model, this latter term would disappear. The appearance of the risk factor as a marginal cost provides the rationale for the expectation that deter- ministic models tend to overestimate the supply response of high-risk crops. This is because 1 jg x± is positive and the marginal cost curve must lie above the marginal cost curve of a risk neutral deter- ministic model. Crops v/ith large revenue variances and/or whose 38 revenues are positively correlated with those of other crops will have a positive marginal risk term. The converse holds for the case of those crops with small variances, and/or whose revenues are negatively cor- related with those of other crops. This will result, under risk behavior, in smaller outputs in the first case and larger ones in the latter (Hazell et al., 1978). To analyze the effect of risk behavior in the valuation of scarce resources it is helpful to see that since (X'flX) > 0 in the model objec- tive function, the value of the objective function is smaller than under risk neutrality. The total valuation of resources thus must also be smaller. While it is still possible that some resources increase in value, others must decline by sufficiently large amounts so that, as a whole, farmers would be willing to pay less for their production inputs. The aggregate risk model as specified in (1) is a quadratic programming problem. Duloy and Norton have shown that the quadratic / teimX 0, for all t, which represent negative deviations in total revenue for all activities so that (3) 2 Z z = E | Z (r. - r ) t t t j T f "jt t' ~j From (2) an estimator, s, of the population standard deviation can be obtained (4) s = A^z z t = A* A. The problem of minimizing (X'ftX)"5 is then approximated by Minimize $ s such that £ (r.. - r.) x. + z > 0 t = 1 T Jt j j t-u c J-, ..., I n z - j s = o t t a"2 x , zt > 0 40 Figure 4 shows a complete LP tableau which approximates the quad- ratic programming problem which incorporates this development on risk. In the model if is a coefficient to be parametrically programmed. Areas for Further Improvement Mathematical programming models could be improved if they were considered in the context of multi-level programming and if income were explicitly incorporated. Multi-level Programming In a market economy most economic policy problems can be decomposed into two related subproblems, (a) the behavioral problem of forecasting (describing) the economy's (or sector's) response to policy changes, and (b) the policy (normative) problem of choosing among possible alternatives. Mathematical programming deals only with the maximization of the behavioral objective function. Higher level decision makers usually manipulate policy variables (e.g., tax rates, the size of the budget deficit) in order to influence a set of impact variables (e.g., employment level, rate of inflation), and decentralized decision makers control behavioral variables (e.g., private investment) in the light of the levels of the policy variables. Candler and Norton (1977) formally define this area of investigation as "multi-level programming." Candler and Townsley (1979) attempted to develop algorithms for the multi-level problem solution. Multi-level programming assumes that the product possibilities open to decentralized decision makers and the rules governing their choice of variables under their control are known, and that the policy makers 41 42 objectives are also known. Little attention has, however, been given to the definition of policy objectives, partly due to the fact that inves- tigators have limited themselves to presenting policy makers a set of alternatives (e.g., different product prices or investment levels) based on their models and partly because of the difficulty of defining these objectives. In the two-level case, Candler and Norton state the multi-level problem as follows: find vector x = x x x ) such that (1) f2 = max (c2'x2) such that (2) f = max (c1 'xj 1 x, x„ 1 1 1»~2 1 V (3) Al;L x- + A x 5 b (4) -I xQ + A^ xx + A22 x2 = 0 (5) x > 0 where xQ, X;L, x2 f2 fl All A12 are vectors of impact, behavioral, and policy variables, respectively, is the policy makers' objective function, is the behavioral objective function, is the matrix of resource requirements, expresses the effect of the policy variables on resource availability, b is the level of available resources prior to policy intervention, 43 A21 is a matrix of the effects of the behavioral variables x^ on the impact variables, and A22 expresses the direct effects of the policy variables x2 on the impact variables xq (often this matrix is zero and policies would have to achieve their impacts directly) . For a given level of x^ (2) to (5) define an LP problem. However, (1) to (5) is a multi-level problem. Because it implies multiple levels of optimization, multi-level programming is a generalization of mathe- matical programming. Since (1) through (5) is a two-level example, there are two objective functions, (a) a "policy objective function" which defines preferences at the aggregate level, and (b) a "behavioral objective function" which drives the normative model to yield the kind of market equilibrium that is felt to be most realistic. There are also three feasible sets corresponding to each type of variable: (a) the policy instrument set, (b) the feasible behavioral set which, for any given set of policy instrument values, constrains the values to be taken by the behavioral variables, and (c) the feasible policy set which is an implicit feasible set for the impact variables — for example, given the possible subsidy rates, the feasible policy range states the boundaries for possible values of impact variables such as employment and output growth. The frontier of the feasible policy set is the policy behavioral frontier. The size of the feasible policy set depends on the size of the policy instrument and behavioral sets, and on the nature of the behavioral objective function. Candler and Norton^ maintain that the frontier of the feasible policy set normally lies very much interior to the corresponding tech- nological (production possibilities) frontier, even in the absence of 44 market distortions. Parameterization of the policy objective function, without recognition of a behavioral function will trace out points on the technological frontier, but this solution is not of interest to policy makers. The authors illustrate the use of multi-level program- ming for the case of the Northwest Mexican agriculture and show that, for a given set of policies, the policy behavioral frontier lies much interior to the production possibilities frontier, and the behavioral optimum, undisturbed by policy actions, lies interior to the policy behavioral frontier. Consequently, gains in the impact variables could be achieved with an appropriate policy mix. And, solving only a behavioral programming model without concern for a wide range of policy choices may not be very realistic. Incorporating Income A second area where mathematical programming models could be improved is the incorporation of income effects in their formulation. An increase in yields, for example, may have important shift effects on food demand, with farm family food demands increasing as their incomes rise, and nonfarm family demands increasing, partly in response to lower prices (a movement down the demand function) , but also in response to income increases arising from the multiplier effects of increased incomes (a rightward shift of demand) . A proper treatment of these income effects in agricultural models has not yet been developed. In 1967 Yaron developed a programming model into which the demand functions for the final outputs and the income generated by the system are endogenously incorporated. He established a lagged relationship between demand and income and set up a two-period 45 version of the model to show that the competitive equilibrium interpre- tation still holds. However, he made initial income exogenous, thus leaving out any effects on income of variations in the endogenous prices and quantities of the model. Thus, as he pointed out, the approach is limited to cases where the portion of the economy represented by the model is small. Regarding LP solutions he used iterative procedures. Norton and Scandizzo (1977) developed a procedure for obtaining general equilibrium solutions for economy-wide models in the LP format so that the computational power of the simplex solution algorithm could be exploited. The LP framework can be adapted to the nongeneral equilib- o rium cases. Their static general equilibrium model assumes that there exists a maximization problem whose solution is a general equilibrium solution in prices, quantities, and incomes; demand is now a function of prices and incomes. The quadratic programming formulation exploits the Cournot and Engel aggregation conditions to make endogenous the process of income formation in the computation of competitive equilibrium. The assumption underlying the formulation is that consumers behave according to an aggregate inverse demand function of the type (1) P = A-BX + (f)y n,l n,l n,n n,l n,l 1,1 (2) y > P'X, where P is a price vector, A > 0, B is a nonsingular symmetric matrix of demand coefficients, X is quantities demanded, and y is income. Their model is as follows: Some work in this direction is being undertaken by the World Bank. 46 (3) Max X* (A - .5BX) - C'Q X,Q such that (4) X'* < 1 (5) DQ - b < 0 (6) X - Z < 0 (7) X,Q > 0 where C are the costs of all primary factors which are available in infinitely elastic supply, Q is quantity supplied, and function (3) is the sura of consumers' and producers' surplus over all product markets. Inequality (4) is the Engle aggregation obtained by differentiating (2) with respect to income and assuming that consumers are on their budget lines; (5) are aggregate resource constraints; and (6) expresses the requirement that quantities demanded cannot exceed quantities produced. The motivation behind the introduction of (4) is not the assumption of utility maximization by individual consumers, but rather the requirement that the Engel aggregation must hold in the aggregate for the equilibrium solution. Norton and Scandizzo (1977) show that a model specified in this way yields the static market equilibrium conditions and can be linear- ized with some transformations using log-derivative variables. An added advantage of their formulation is that the Engel aggregation conditions, (4), imply compensated quantity changes. This condition then guarantees that utility is held constant by an appropriate change in prices. Their model, then, maximizes the sum of the areas under the compensated demand functions, overcoming the limitations of consumer surplus analysis and 47 its dependence on the assumption of constant marginal utility of income. It also overcomes the problem of integrability, which requires that the matrix of first derivatives in the demand function, B, be quasi-negative definite, and also symmetric, and the cross price effects of the demand functions do not need to be symmetric. Empirical Applications: Supply Response Several approaches have been used to estimate supply response in agriculture. The most common are the linear programming and econometric approaches. Linear programming is appealing because it permits consid- eration of several products and inputs in the decision-making process. Linear programming also has an advantage in less developed countries where time-series data are unavailable but cross-sectional data may be obtained. A brief discussion of the literature on supply response is presented in this section, and an analysis of the supply response esti- mation with MAYA is presented in Chapter V. Estimating the supply responsiveness of agricultural commodities is both difficult and important. Supply elasticities are useful in showing how producers are likely to react to higher output and input prices, and can give planners a basis for setting output prices to meet production targets. In general, the extent of responsiveness measures the ability of producers to adjust production to changing economic conditions con- fronting them in a dynamic economy. Most of the research on supply analysis has concentrated on the development of a one-commodity supply function with little regard to the influence of other commodity prices. According to Shumway and Chang (1977) conceptual and empirical problems remain in understanding 48 own-price effects as well as cross-price effects; moreover, the number of both econometric and LP studies is limited. Perhaps the most impor- tant econometric study where direct and cross-price supply relations were estimated is that of Gruen et al. (1968). In that study the elasticities for six commodities were reported. Perhaps the most important LP study on supply response is the Southern Farm Management Research Committee's (1966) study of cotton supply in 17 regions in the U.S. It estimates the impact of price changes of cotton on its own supply and on the supply of substitute crops, tobacco, peanuts, and rice. Nerlove and Bachman (1960) outlined the setting of supply analysis ^/ and summarized models which derive optimum supply from production func- tions and from linear programming. They found that linear programming was seemingly a sound analytical approach for comprehensive estimation of direct and cross-price effects. Interaction between alternative pro- duction activities is captured in the analysis. The authors criticized the time-series approach in that it takes only a few variables into account, and substitutability and complementarity among products and inputs could not be adequately measured. Furthermore, historic data do not always give good inferences for the future. Looking to the future, the authors mention serious gaps in the theory of aggregation and adjustment . Other studies show that the LP estimates are unreliable. Wipf and l/ Bawden (1969) evaluated the descriptive and predictive reliability of production function estimates. They derived firm-level supply functions from production functions for a variety of agricultural products and farm types. Supply elasticities and profit maximizing outputs were 49 computed from these, and comparisons were made with actual output and with elasticities estimated from regression results of alternatively specified forms of production functions. They wanted to see if realis- tic supply functions could be derived from statistically fitted produc- tion functions according to the notion that a firm's supply curve is that portion of marginal cost above average cost. They found that these empirical estimates were not reliable. Their output prediction did not exhibit a consistent magnitude or direction of bias but ranged from slight underestimates to extreme overestimates — the latter being most frequent. Quance and Tweeten (1971) compared the results of positivistic *S (time series) studies with those of conditionally normative studies for cotton, wheat, feed grain, and livestock. They found that LP models provide somewhat realistic long-term elasticity estimates for commodi- ties characterized by well defined resource constraints. They believed that their predictions were good for wheat, average for cotton, and poor for livestock. The LP results showed more realistic regional shares of production (based on comparative advantage) , but not so realistic absolute levels of these shares or of supply elasticities. The LP supply functions exhibited an "inverted lazy-S" shape, rising steeply at very low prices where the commodity is not profitable, becoming more elastic at higher prices as commodities become competitive, and finally, becoming steeply sloped when resources become constraining and diminish- ing returns is experienced. Their results showed that supply 9 In the sense that linear programming estimation is based on the norm "what would be" if producers followed the profit norm. 50 elasticities are not at all constant, and supply functions are not straight lines as assumed by regression analysis. The authors cautioned against constant slope regression estimates, especially when examining policy impacts that fall outside the range of experience reflected in past data. From Wipf and Bawden's and Quance and Tweeten's findings it is apparent that both regression and LP estimates differ. It is not appar- ent which one is more reliable. Shumway and Chang (1977) estimated direct supply elasticities for 15 vegetable and field crops in California using regression analysis, and both direct and cross-price elasticities / with LP analysis. They compared the reliability of both methods accord- ing to three criteria. First, they compared long-run LP direct supply elasticities for each commodity (group) at the average 1961-1965 output levels and lagged representative crop prices for 1960-1964 with regres- sion elasticities for the same period computed by imposing certain efficiency conditions for acceptability. The authors found a high degree of comparability for individual crops. Secondly, they used the LP derived parameters as prior information in time-series regressions to predict 1974 and 1975 supply levels and found that this procedure did not significantly reduce the accuracy of those equations. Finally, they used LP estimated cross-price parameters in time-series regressions. This procedure neither improved nor worsened the regression estimates. Their findings do provide direct contrast to previous studies. The authors suggested that LP estimates could be substantially improved if the model specification better reflected the real world behavior of producers. These estimates could be used to improve econometric models 51 where the latter are also appropriate.10 The introduction of endogenous prices and of risk into linear programming models should add to the realism of supply estimates. Positive estimates have certain advantages. Where available and where the structure of the economy has not markedly changed, these esti- mates would give accurate predictions. Problems can arise, however, if one or more of the statistical assumptions are violated, e.g., high cor- relations among independent variables, aggregation errors, measurement errors, omission of variables, or incorrect specification of the relationship. Errors can also arise when estimating LP supply functions. Stoval (1966) considers three sources of error, (a) the specification error (errors in technical coefficients, resource restrictions, or in product and input prices), (b) the sampling error (when the distribution of the model's parameters over all firms is unknown but estimated by sampling techniques), and (c) the aggregation error (in finding the representa- tive farm) . Programming estimates are also limited in that they are based on the profit maximizing goal and pure competition assumptions. Profit maximization may not be the only goal of producers. Risk con- siderations are also important in their decision making process. Thus, the closer these assumptions reflect the decision environment of pro- ducers, the more accurate one would expect the estimates to be. Linear programming models permit simulation of the effects of exogenous policies not experienced in the past— hence, not available from Sharpless (1969) also emphasizes the importance of combining linear programming with time-series studies of the rate at which farmers adjust under given circumstances. 52 positivistic models. Furthermore, as stated earlier, they permit the analysis of supply response to LDCs, where time-series data are often of poor quality or nonexistent. The theory of supply response based on the linear programming assumptions is well known. Most of the research on supply response at the firm level or at the industry level has been based on the fixed- price assumption of classical linear programming. On the aggregate level, this assumption does not hold. When production is large, prices are the result of the interaction of supply and demand. Hence, even if the individual producer is a price taker, on the aggregate, product prices cannot be given ex-ante. Aggregating firm supply functions has been the usual approach to arrive at sector-wide or industry supply functions. The first econometric studies to consider supply and demand simultaneously were those by Powel and Gruen (1968) and by Gruen et al. (1968), where direct and cross-price elasticities were calculated. Interaction of supply and demand was considered by Hall et al. (1968) to simulate competitive equilibrium for six products in 144 pro- ducing regions and nine consuming regions in the United States using quadratic programming. At the time of their writing they did not report results on the estimation of supply functions. Several studies of supply response at the sector level have used LP models with endogenous prices — the Duloy and Norton approach. Using the agricultural model CHAC, Bassoco and Norton (1975) analyzed the aggregate response of the The limitations of this approach are discussed in Nerlove and Bachman (1960), Sharpless (1969), and Egbert and Kim (1975). 53 Mexican agricultural sector from 1968-1976. Short-run and long-run elasticities were estimated from supply functions derived by shifting the demand function. The extent of the shift in demand was based on certain assumptions regarding annual GNP growth, the rate of increase of factor endowments, the rate of technological growth (rate of change in yields per hectare), and the rate of change in export bounds. Condos et al. (1974) developed a four region agricultural model of Tunisia which has been used to analyze the implications of achieving a self- sufficiency objective. Pomareda and Simmons (1977) analyzed the com- petitive position of northwest Mexico, Guatemala, and Florida in the U.S. winter market for fresh vegetables. The model included annual crops and vegetables in three regions in Mexico and two regions in Guatemala. The authors included four types of labor, various planting dates, monthly yields and use of land and irrigation water, and monthly demands in the U.S. and Mexico. Risk was introduced by means of abso- lute deviations matrices and a risk aversion parameter. This model has been used to analyze the supply response of alternative policies such as changes in the U.S. demand, changes in the tariff structure, adoption of new technologies in Guatemala, and increasing wages in Mexico. Cappi et al. (1978) used the MOCA model for Central America12 to estimate direct and cross-price elasticities for four grains. The Aggregative Programming Model of Australian Agriculture (Monypenny, 1975) was developed as a vehicle for obtaining guidelines to the micro and macro implications of changes in policy instruments. This model incorporates risk and considers nonirrigated short-cycle crops, 12 This experiment was done only with the Costa Rican model. 54 pasture, and livestock activities. This model includes special activi- ties to account for yearly cash-flows, maximum borrowing constraints, and allocations of cash for taxes and family consumption. The research done on the reliability of supply response estimates in agriculture does not reveal that the LP approach is less reliable than the econometric approach. Previous tests on this reliability used fixed-prices for products and did not include risk. Inclusion of demand functions and risk should improve the estimates. Even though both approaches present difficulties due to their assumptions, mathematical programming models which include risk offer a potential tool for improv- ing the supply estimates. The most important strength of the LP approach is that it can simulate the effects of exogenous forces and policies for which historical observations are not available. CHAPTER IV THE LP MODEL OF GUATEMALA The Guatemala LP model MAYA is structured like the CHAC-type models. In MAYA the agricultural sector is disaggregated into three subsectors according to farm size and technology. Group 1 includes sub- sistence farms primarily in the Guatemalan Highland, Group 2 farms are engaged in small-scale marketing primarily in the eastern half of the country, and Group 3 farms are engaged in commercial agriculture and are located in the South Pacific region. These subsectors are linked by the objective function and by intersectoral transfers of products and inputs. MAYA was adapted from previous partial models of Guatemala's agri- cultural sector and contains data for 1976-1977. Input-output coeffi- cients for Group 1 were obtained partly from raw data from a farm-level survey of Guatemala (AID, 1975) which includes only basic grains, and partly from tabulated data of an LP model for the Highlands (see ECID/ SIECA, 1980), the data of which are also based on the survey. Although the data from the survey is for 1973, a comparison with data from ICTA surveys revealed that, in most cases, it was still valid for 1976-1977. Input-output coefficients for Groups 2 and 3 were adapted from (a) a fixed-demand, risk LP model for the South Pacific region (see Pomareda and Samayoa, 1978), which includes mostly export crops, some grains, and the livestock sector; (b) a country model of Guatemala which is part of a simplified, no-risk, CHAC-family model (MOCA) for Central American agriculture that links five country models through international trade 55 56 activities (see Cappi et al., 1978); and (c) farm budgets kept on a daily basis by the Institute of Science and Agricultural Technology at several experimental areas scattered throughout the country, and which concentrate mainly on basic grains and other staples (ICTA, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979). Although MAYA is more inclusive than the models mentioned, it is still not a complete model of the agricultural sector. It includes only the (13) most important annual crops and excludes the livestock sector. Approximately 90% of the value of total agricultural production is accounted for in the model. Figure 5 gives an overview of MAYA and Appendix A, Table VI a complete listing of the variables included. Activities (columns) are classified into five major groups— production and transformation activities, input supply, product demand, foreign trade, and national accounts. The signs of the coefficients are indicated. The matrix shows that basic inputs enter into the production process as governed by the input balance rows and the resource avail- ability restrictions. Crops are either sold directly or transformed. Both are sold to the domestic market or exported. Imports are included to complete the demand and supply process. Specification of the Production and Transformation Block Production Groups Group 1 producers are subsistence farmers with landholdings of less than 10 hectares and a low level of technology who produce mainly staple crops. Yields are low and labor is supplied by family members. Some surplus produce is sold during market days or along the road. This type Nv COLUMNS Production and Transformation Input Purchases ROWS >v Group 1 Croup 3 Inputs Croup 1 Inputs Croups 2 6 3 Credit Mult. „„.. — r,«. — — •- ,«,. ""*• a--.. >„.. .... C2 i, C3 Cl Cl CJ C3 Objective -....s -1 -, ~. ■*! ,-,. *. ••> ««— - National National Produce Balances ConveKlEy National Labor Constraints Input Croup 1 .„.,„.... Fl .,_,„,. ™ --™ w '■-,» c.-. ♦ ".. * -i Croup 1 Farms — Ess. -_ >— *-"-■» -1 und faltal. £2L ; ; F, -1 5"" "*" ~1 -1-1-1 """ * Croup 2 .«-. ES. ,» "*°' — JIL'!. -1 Croup 3 Farms ,™ ESS. u». M ,22. -1 Bound. 1 ! ! Figure 5. Overview of the MAYA Model' Does not include risk (see Figure 4) . A detailed labor matrix is shown in Figure 6, 58 Cmand International Trade National Accounts OU|. "">"<• Toial »- ,.„ u„. !"■ » J *HS " • C C2 G3 CI C2 H3 1 Labo ' ' -V -1 -1 HA* Ml X M2 1 1 1 .... , -, -1 -, -» z -I ■ | I I I I ! I I I < L -, < 0 1 ' ° <0 < 0 o .c cfl cd 62 of rice is 65%, for bran, 8%, and waste is 4% (SIECA/FAO, 1974). Therefore, from every ton of paddy produced, 64.3% polished rice and 7.6% bran are obtained. For some crops such as beans and maize, which are consumed without transformation, only the waste coefficient applies. Account has also been taken of a "transformation differential" which is the price of the final product multiplied by the transformation coeffi- cient less the producer price of the raw product. For example, in the case of rice the transformation differential is Q.087/kg = .96 [(.67 x .463) +(.08 x .079)] - .217, where .96 is 1 less the waste rate, .463 is the price per kilogram of polished rice, .079 is the price per kilogram of bran, and .217 is the farm-gate price of paddy. The trans- formation coefficients and differentials as used in MAYA for the three groups are shown in Appendix A, Table VII. Differences in the figures for the same product between groups are due to different producer prices. Specification of Inputs Two types of inputs are used in MAYA, (a) inputs supplied at the regional level (viz., land, labor, machinery, and draft animals), which are assumed to be perfectly inelastic and are specified on a monthly basis; and (b) inputs supplied at the national level (viz., fertilizers, chemicals, seeds, and credit), which are assumed to be perfectly elastic. Farmers from Group 1 receive special treatment by the govern- ment in the form of subsidized credit and easier access to seeds and fertilizer. a Farmers in Groups 2 and 3 are assumed to compete for inputs primarily because of lack of disaggregated data. 63 Labor The treatment of the labor market in the LP model is a difficult task. In a country where dualism in agriculture exists, with family labor making up a large proportion of the labor force and where migra- tions occur during certain months of the year, two problems arise: (a) how to value family labor (treated under input prices), and (b) how to define the limits of the supply of labor. Figure 6 shows a structure of the labor market and brings out the hiring patterns of the three groups. The labor force of Groups 1 and 2 is made up mainly of family labor and, to a lesser extent, of hired labor from adjacent rural and urban areas. On commercial farms four kinds of field labor are used, (a) resident laborers who are given housing, (b) wage laborers from the area, (c) migrant workers from the Highland (who contribute up to 60% of the total labor force during harvest time) , and (d) migrant workers from Group 2. An upper bound was set on the supply of migrants from Group 2 equal to 10% of the labor force in Group 3 in order to allow the model to hire migrants from the Highland at a higher cost, which is the case during harvest time. The data on labor used in MAYA are projected figures based on the 1973 Population Census. The economically active population in 1976 by departments was 1,911,313. Table 4 shows the distribution by group. Labor constraints have been estimated subject to several considera- tions such as the contribution of family labor and the availability of urban labor for agriculture. Total labor force was thus adjusted to exclude labor employed in livestock and in other crops not considered in 64 :, " 5 f, :T :? -j — j— :~ " • ° j" 7 1 2<* 7 1" - 1 u- - "' •~ ill I / T ' I •• \ _ "' ^ 1 1 _ 1 S »~ 1- ■■' t ' 1 , f ._,' -■' hJ i | / , ' i \ ! y _ ' a h ♦ ♦ ♦ % |™ + * ♦ £ 1: * * * is! f I i 1 I i 1 1 s - ' F Supply Croup 1 ™ ^ r if I 65 s •H (U 1 ts ^ c m M 0 l*i O « la CO cm H CO CM O cr\ vO CM IT) rH rH 3 CO cfl M ,£> r-\ 3 ca crj U fl 3 M .h a cd cd 3 H S 66 2 the model as well as to account for absenteeism and idleness. In MAYA self-employed workers (family heads and adults) are assumed to provide 100% of their time, whereas nonwage family members are assumed to con- tribute only 60% of adult-equivalent work. Hired labor in Groups 1 and 2 is assumed to be made up of rural and urban contracted labor in each group. Resident labor in large farms is assumed to be made up of 70% of the family labor force of Group 3. Temporal labor is provided by wage laborers (both rural and urban) from the region. It was assumed that only males migrate for temporal work in agriculture. Labor restrictions expressed in full-time adult equivalent workers are shown in Table 5 and in thousands of work-days per month in Appendix A, Table VIII. Other Inputs The land input coefficient was one, implying the use of an entire hectare. An exception is made at the beginning of the cropping cycle when preparation of the land would not tie it up for a full month. Preparation of the land with draft animals may require a full month, whereas preparation with machinery may require less than a month. This time savings is important when double cropping is feasible. The restrictions on land were set equal to the area planted with the crops considered in each group. The alternative of using the total land area owned by each group of producers would have understated the restrictions when two crops are grown per year. Ideally, idle land with a potential 2 Labor employed in livestock activities accounts for 15, 25, and 20% of the agricultural labor force in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. A further reduction of 10% was made to account for employment in crops not included in the model. 67 Table 5. Labor Restrictions in MAYA Labor Category Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Residents Temporal Family labor Hired labor (Adult-equivalent workers) 32,604 120,100 66,400 203,100 185,800 TOTAL 186,500 388,900 92,404 68 for growing annual crops should be included; however, due to lack of data this could not be done. Machinery requirements were standardized for a tractor of 60 HP and were expressed in hours of tractor use. The total number of tractors available in 1976 was calculated from the total imports since 1967. During this period 8,847 were imported, 5% of which were assumed to be available to producers in Group l.3 A maximum of 180 hours of use per month per tractor was assumed. The technical coefficients for fertilizer in Group 1 were expressed in terms of kilograms of urea and kilograms of "other fertilizers." In Groups 2 and 3 the technical coefficients express nutrient requirements in terms of kilograms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N, P, K) . Nutrient supplies, however, were expressed in kilograms of fertilizer, i.e., simple and complex formulas with the model selecting the best combination. Four types of chemicals were specified (viz., soil insecticides, foliage, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides), and their coeffi- cients were expressed in quetzales per hectare. Coefficients for local and/or improved seeds were expressed in kilograms per hectare. Farmers were assumed to use available credit to purchase seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals. Input Prices Input prices used in the model are reported in Table 6. Input prices in MAYA are market prices and include wages which vary over 3 The Agricultural Census of 1964 reports this figure and it is taken to be still valid. 69 Table 6. MAYA Input Prices Input Unit Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 (Quetzales per unit) Labor day 0.40 2.20 2.20 Machinery- hour 5.00b 2.29 2.29 Draft animals day 1.54 1.20 1.20 Fertilizers ammonium nitrate ton 154.00 154.00 ammonium sulphate ton 120.00 120.00 urea ton 153.00 173.00 173.00 diammonium phosphate ton 236.00 236.00 (20-20-0) ton 180.00 180.00 (12-24-12) ton 188.00 188.00 (15-15-15) ton 181.00 181.00 (16-20-0) ton 168.00 168.00 other fertilizers ton 168.00 soil insecticides Q 1.00 1.00 1.00 foliage insecticides Q 1.00 1.00 herbicides Q 1.00 1.00 fungicides Q 1.00 1.00 other chemicals Q 1.00 Improved seeds maize ton 510.00 840.00 840.00 rice ton 600.00 600.00 sorghum0 ton 350.00 350.00 wheat ton 380.00 380.00 potatoes ton 330.00 sugarcane ton 30.00 coffee ton 4,500.00 4,500.00 cottonc ton 550.00 lemon grass teac ton 6.00 Credit .05 - .12 ,08 - .12 The wage for Group 1 is the reservation wage. The market wage is Q 1.40. Wages for Groups 2 and 3 are market wages. b Price of rented machinery. c Only the 1973 prices of seeds for sorghum, cotton, and lemon grass tea were available. SOURCES: BANDESA, FERTICA, DIGESA, and Banco de Guatemala. 70 farm groups. Prices for land were endogenously determined. The problem of how to account for family labor in the objective function depends on its opportunity cost. If one assumes that labor could be employed else- where, its price in the objective function would be the wage received. This potential wage, called the reservation wage, is lower than the market wage because labor would then be abundant and jobs still scarce resulting in a fall of the current market wage.4 This reservation wage was set at 30% of the market wage in the model. Prices for other inputs in Groups 2 and 3 were as follows: (a) fertilizer prices were expressed in thousand quetzales per ton of a given formula, (b) chemicals were expressed in quetzales and their prices in the objective function were unity, (c) coefficients for machinery were total costs per hour of operating and maintaining a tractor of 60 HP assuming a useful life of 10,000 hours over a period of 10 years, and (d) credit was available to farmers in Groups 2 and 3 at interest rates of 12, 10, and 8% for short, medium, and long term credit, respectively. Credit to Group 1 farmers was assumed to be subsidized by BANDESA at a fixed rate of 5%. The Specification of Demand and Product Prices Demands are specified at the national level for 18 final products. Demand functions for 12 of these products were estimated. The remaining six products (including export bananas which are only sold abroad) were 4 See, for example, Bassoco and Norton (1975) and Candler and Pamareda (1977). Machinery in Group 1 is assumed to be rented. 71 assumed to sell at fixed prices. At present, no comprehensive study is available from which one could derive demand functions. To estimate the demand_functions the procedure used for the Central American model (MOCA) was followed. Price elasticities were derived from expenditure elasticities previously estimated. The method used to estimate price elasticities is the one suggested by Frisch (1959) according to which ^price__elasticities can be estimated once income elasticities, expenditure weights, and the value of the money flexibility coefficient— the elasticity of the marginal utility of income with respect total income— are known. The basic assumption behind Frisch's approach is that there is "want independence" (i.e., the marginal utility of good i depends only on its own quantity) among groups of commodities. Estimation of the Frisch coefficient for Guatemala is based on the findings of De Janvry et al. (1972) and of Lluch and Williams (1977) on the relationship of the value of the Frisch coefficient and per capita income. De Janvry et al. estimated values of w from income and price elasticities of demand for food in various countries of various income levels; regressed these values on real per capita income; and obtained the following relation: (D log£ (-w) = 1.591 - .5205 log y/p, where w is the money flexibility coefficient, y is per capita income, and p is the price level. This equation was found to be statistically significant and consistent with Frisch' s conjecture that w increases as See SIECA/FAO (1974, Volume II). This assumption may not be realistic for very disaggregated commodity groups. See also footnote 9. 72 the level of income decreases. The same authors obtained w from the estimation of the parameters of cardinal utility functions and from systems of demand equations where the assumption of additivity was made. They surveyed the literature of values of w estimated using this approach and calculated the following regression equation: (2) loge (-w) = 1.7595 - .5127 log y/p . Lluch and Williams used time-series data on income and expenditures for 14 countries with a broad range of incomes and four levels of com- modity aggregation, and obtained the following regression equation: (3) log10 (~^ = 1>434 ~ -331 los10 Y> where Y is per capita GNP in 1969 dollars. These three equations were applied to Guatemalan income data. Values for w were obtained for four income strata, corresponding to 50, 30, 15, and 5% of the population, and for the average income level. The results obtained were consistent with the theory and do not differ notably between equations. Therefore, the average of all three values of w obtained for the average income level (-2.0) was used in the calcu- o lation of price elasticities. Frisch's equation for estimating the price elasticity of commodity (4) n. = -E. (a. - a± i), More traditional farmers have larger values of w because of their lower incomes; consequently, their direct price elasticities would be smaller, which reflects fewer alternative crops and technologies than larger farmers. 73 where n± is the price elasticity, E± is the income elasticity, and a. is the expenditure weight of commodity i. Since previous estimates of the EjS were available, and w and the a±s could be estimated, this equation was used to calculate direct price elasticities. Given income elas- ticities and the consequent estimated direct price elasticities are reported in Table 7. The approach used to estimate demand functions is crude but has been used for lack of better information. The analysis assumes a linear 9 When the "want-independence" assumption is dropped, it can be shown that the direct-price elasticities estimated by Equation (4) would be biased. Frisch's equation for estimating cross-price elasticities is CD n±k = -E.ak(l-|). i = l, ..., n k = 1, ... , n i * k From Cournot's aggregation it follows that direct elasticities can be calculated by (2) By (1) we can write n, , as kk (3) nkk = {-^i[E.ak(l-^)]-^a.nik}/ak Ek - - (1 - — ) - I a. n., / a, , w .^ x ik k by virtue of Engel's aggregation. Equation (4) can also be written as E. E. n. = -E. a. (1 + -±) + — . 111 w w The first term is clearly smaller than in (3) . The second term is negative (since w is negative), whereas that of (3) can take either sign. The bias of (4) thus cannot be known a priori. Calculation of direct elasticities according to (3) does require, however, previous knowledge of cross elasticities which are, usually, not available in developing countries. Product 74 Table 7. Given Income Elasticities and Calculated Price Elasticities Using Frisch's Method Given Income Elasticity, E. Direct Price Elasticity, n. Maize Rice Sorghum Wheat flour Beans Potatoes Cassava Bananas Sugar Cotton fiber Coffee Vegetable oil 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.8 -0.231 -0.302 -0.300 -0.312 -0.208 -0.252 -0.100 -0.155 -0.260 -0.300 -0.267 -0.408 SOURCE: Income elasticities are estimated for 1965 and taken from SIECA/FAO (1974, Vol. II). 75 demand function of the form (5) Q = a - pp. The price elasticity of demand is rc\ P dQ „ P , (6) n = T "dp = 3T and the slope and intercept parameters are (7) 3 - n-f- (8) a = Q + £P, where Q is the observed quantity consumed, by definition equal to per capita consumption times population, and P is the observed price. Appendix A, Table IX reports the demand equations as incorporated into MAYA. Demand functions were then broken down into at least 12 segments. The extreme values correspond to the observed price ± 60 to 100%. The area under the demand curve and the revenue function were then calcu- lated given the estimated parameters. The incorporation of demand structures permits specification of competitive and monopolistic market forms. For simulation purposes with MAYA, the competitive market form was assumed since, with a few possible exceptions in the export crops, no producer can influence the market price through production decisions. The optimization feature of the model is not used in a normative sense, to maximize some goal set, but rather in a descriptive sense, to simulate the behavior of the 76 competitive market. In the model the sum of the Marshallian surpluses for each product's market is maximized, except in the case of those pro- ducts whose prices are assumed to be exogenous. Since the observed data on prices and quantities refer only to market data, the Marshallian surpluses in MAYA pertain only to the marketed surpluses. In Guatemala not all the quantity of maize and beans consumed is bought in the market. Many producers satisfy their consumption needs first before selling the remainder. In MAYA this was represented by subtracting farm-family requirements of those two crops from total production to arrive at the marketed surplus. Data on home retentions are available by district. It was further assumed that if a farmer meets his consumption requirements through market purchase, he must pay an opportunity cost equal to the difference between the farm gate price and the market price. In MAYA national demand curves pass through a point representing observed prices and quantities. Information on some product prices on a regional basis is available from the statistical office, but information on production on a regional basis is incomplete. Therefore, it was not possible to estimate a weighted average of consumer prices, and the prices used were simple averages. Export and import prices were exogenous to the model under the assumption that Guatemala is a price taker in international trade. Prices of exports were fob prices. Import prices were adjusted for transportation costs and were measured in Guatemala City. Domestic and international prices used in MAYA are shown in Table 8. 77 Table 8. Domestic, Import, and Export Prices in MAYA Consumer Price Export Price Import Prices Product Third Central Countries America (Quetzales per ton) Maize 168.0 158.0 157.0 Beans 476.0 566.0 460.0 Sorghum 145.0 145.0 Rice 463.0 384.0 427.0 Wheat flour 430.0 223. 0a Potatoes 220.0 260.0 Cassava 153.0 Bran 79.0 Sugar 242.0 340.0 Molasses 90.0 Lump Molasses 300.0 Coffee (ground) 3060.0 Coffee (beans) 2040.0 Bananas (domestic consumption) 225.0 Bananas (export) 151.0 Cotton fiber 1140.0 1162.0 Cottonseed cake 87.0 Lemon grass tea 3370.0 Vegetable oil 940.0 Price of wheat grain. SOURCES: DGE (1978), CNA, and Banco de Guatemala. 78 The Risk Matrix The risk matrix was built as shown in Figure 4 (p. 41), with the variant that it consists of three blocks; each corresponding to one group. The available data on revenue variations were 10-year time- series of prices for each of Guatemala's 22 departments, from which series on a par group basis were obtained (see Appendix A, Tablw X) , and on yields at the national level (Appendix A, Table IV) . To derive per hectare revenue series by technology per crop (single cropped or in association) , yields for each technology were assumed to hold a constant relation to national yields, equal to the ratio between the technology yield and the average of national yields for 1975-1977. After defend- ing the revenue series by linear regressions the matrices of deviations were calculated for each group. CHAPTER V MODEL VALIDATION AND RESULTS MAYA was designed to model actual 1976-1977 behavior of the Guatemalan agricultural sector. Before using it for policy analysis, its predicting ability was tested. There are no formal analytical tests for validating a large scale LP model. Validation or verification of LP models has been examined by several researchers. Nugent (1970) explored the feasibility of validation tests of programming models. In his work with a multi-sector, multi-time period model of the Greek economy, he gave three reasons why a model may not perfectly simulate the actual economy: (a) there may be errors of specification in the model's con- straint set, (b) the underlying market structure may be incorrectly represented numerically in the model, and (c) a programming model optimizes a particular objective function, whereas the real world may optimize several "micro" objective functions. To test the first two distortions, Kutcher (1979) proposed two tests for the Pacifico model of the Mexican northwest — a capacity test which forced the model to produce at least the base period quantities and sell at base period prices, and a competitive market assumption test by further redefining the objective function to a cost minimization version and analyzing shadow prices of the minimum output constraints. On the demand side, Kutcher tested the model assuming perfectly elastic demand (price taker assumption) , and then assuming downward sloping demands. An analysis of activity levels and shadow prices revealed that the latter version was perf erred. 79 80 Rodriguez (1978) did similar validation tests with an agricultural model for the Philippines. The basic validation tests used in most planning models involve analyzing how well the model solution simulates the base period situation, (a) whether the model can produce the base period demand quantity, (b) how well the model replicates the base period quan- tity (whether price equals marginal cost) , and (c) how well the model replicates base period quantities with prices fixed at base period values. The validation tests which have been used generally relate to aggregate results. This is most likely because results from an aggre- gate model generally do not compare well to disaggregate regional production patterns (McCarl and Spreen, 1980). In validating MAYA the average absolute deviation criterion was used to check how closely the model predicts consumer prices, volume of production, and areas planted. The fact that MAYA does not reflect the actual levels of prices and quantities on a group basis, as closely as it does on the aggregate, does not discredit its usefulness in predict- ing the general behavior at the group level. Before showing the results, a number of validation issues need to be mentioned. All of the parameters in MAYA were agronomic coefficients from published surveys, farm budgets kept on a daily basis, previous partial models, and government publications. The competitive market structure was used on the assumption that it accurately describes the behavior of Guatemalan farmers. Two modifications were, nevertheless, introduced to make the model more realistic. First, Groups 1 and 2 farmers were per- mitted to choose between keeping a minimum amount of maize and beans for family consumption at home at farm-gate prices or buying them at a higher price that takes into account an acceptable buying-selling margin. 81 This is equivalent to shifting the price axis to the right. The demand function for these two products, then, only reflects the demand for the marketed surplus by the nonfarm population. Second, risk was introduced to explain observed behavior more realistically. An important question in validating the Guatemalan model was what to validate the base-period solution against. How confident can one be of the base-period data? With regards to product and area levels, large discrepancies were often encountered in published documents where the source of the data was the same. An effort was then made to use the data believed to be most reliable based on the opinion of experienced authorities. To recapitulate, the basic conditions under which the model was solved for the base period were as follows: (a) Each producer group had a limited amount of land equal to the average of the area planted during 1976 and 1977. (b) Most crops were produced under different technologies. (c) Labor-use constraints were specified monthly by group. (d) The areas planted with coffee and export bananas were restricted. (e) Inputs supplied at the regional level were fixed and those supplied at the national level were available in infinitely elastic supplies. (f) Commodity demand functions were specified at the national level. (g) Upper bounds were set on imports from and exports to the rest of the world (except on exports of cotton), as well as on imports from other Central American countries. 82 The model was solved under these conditions and its predictive ability was tested against actual base-period data. In the absence of any empirical data from which to estimate the risk parameters , the basic procedure followed was to search through post-optimality tech- niques the values of for each group which best described the base- period prices. Research done by Pomareda and Simmons (1975), Hazell and Scandizzo (1977), Dillon and Scandizzo (1979), and Pomareda and Samayoa (1978) indicate that values of between .5 and 2.0 best describe the level of risk aversion in Brazil, Central America, and Mexico. These studies also reveal that smaller, less sophisticated farmers are more risk averse. Based on these studies, the assumption was made that the value of the risk parameter differed by .75 between Groups 1 and 2, and by .5 between Groups 2 and 3. It was found that the set of <}> values (2.0, 1.25, .75) for Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively, performed best. These values represent risk aversion at the aggregate group level. Solving the model for different sets of cj> values provides direct information about the effects of different levels of risk aversion on equilibrium prices and quantities, for quantifying the actual values of . Table 9 reports the result of different sets of values on domestic equilibrium prices. The prices of maize, beans, sorghum, sugar, lump molasses, potatoes, and vegetable oils tended to rise with increases in , which indicates that there are corresponding reductions in the quantities produced for the domestic market. On the other hand, the prices of rice, wheat flour, cassava, and export bananas decreased as increased, indicating that production of these crops for the domestic market would increase as producers become more risk averse. The prices of cotton fiber, bananas for domestic consumption, and lemon grass tea 83 Table 9. Price Response to Different Values of Product Risk Levels' Actual 0-0-0 1. 5-. 75-. 25 2-1. 25-. 75 2.5-1.75-1.25 (Quetzales per ton) Maize 168 143 157 159 159 Beans 476 357 445 498 558 Sorghum 145 108 128 144 159 Rice 463 412 403 385 363 Wheat flour 430 453 418 415 411 Potatoes 220 169 193 201 210 Cassava 153 117 116 114 112 Bran 79 79 79 79 79 Coffee 3060 2472 2474 2474 2474 Sugar 242 218 227 240 255 Molasses 90 90 90 90 90 Lump molasses 300 275 285 301 317 Cotton fiber 1140 1261 1261 1261 1261 Cottonseed cake 87 87 87 87 87 Bananas (export) 151 113 111 110 108 Bananas (domestic consumption) 225 234 237 235 233 Lemon grass tea 3370 3370 3370 3370 3370 Vegetable oil 940 813 831 842 850 m.a.d. 70.7 60.7 57.8 64.1 The first, second, and third values correspond, respectively, to groups of farmers Gl, G2, and G3 . m.a.d. is the mean absolute deviation of the solution value with respect to the actual value. 84 showed little or no response to risk. The results on quantities are shown in detail in Table 10. The first columns of Tables 9 and 10 show the base-year values (1976-1977 averages) of prices and quantities. By comparing the model solution for different values of risk with the base-year values, we have a basis for selecting the best-fitting values of . Clearly, the solu- tion corresponding to risk neutrality ( = 0) is unsatisfactory. There is a definite improvement in both prices and quantity fits as in- creases, but it deteriorates again as the values reach 2.5, 1.75, and 1.25. These results are better visualized at the group level in Appendix A, Tables XI and XII. In selecting the set of values it is more appropriate to concentrate on the commodity prices because the market structure of the model can only be expected to work best at the demand level. The last row of Table 9 reports the sample mean absolute deviation, m.a.d., of the price fits and demonstrates the superiority of the risk set (2.0, 1.25, .75). The results suggest a useful definition of riskiness in crop production which takes into account intercrop relationships. High (low) risk crops can be defined as those where production decreases (increases) as producers become more risk averse, whereas risk neutral crops are those whose production is unaffected by (j). Thus, it can be concluded that introduction of risk averse behavior in MAYA improves its predictive power compared to the more common assumption of risk neutrality. The results of this section suggest that the model solution is improved with the incorporation of risk and that the risk set (2.0, 1.25, .75) most closely represents the real world situation. This risk set was selected as the basis for further policy simulations. 85 Table 10. Quantity Response to Different Values of Product Maize Beans Sorghum Rice (paddy) Wheat Potatoes Cassava Bran Coffee Sugarcane Molasses Lump molasses Cotton (raw) Cottonseed cake Bananas (export) Bananas (domestic consumption) Lemon grass tea Vegetable oil Risk Levels' Actual 0-0-0 1. 5-. 75-. 25 2-1. 25-. 75 2.5-1.75-1.25 (Quetzales per ton) 850 905 896 851 97 103 100 92 51 59 55 54 26 27 27 27 57 55 57 57 63 66 65 65 10 8 8 8 »,. 31 32 32 469 431 431 431 5705 6042 6042 5705 216 205 205 203 ... 21 21 326 309 310 316 79 79 80 336 348 348 348 194 4 27 194 194 194 28 28 28 852 89 47 27 57 64 8 32 431 5651 201 318 81 348 194 28 The first, second, and third values correspond, respectively, to groups Gl, G2, and G3. CHAPTER VI EMPIRICAL TESTING One of the important uses of LP models is to obtain insights into supply response, a fundamental question of production theory. MAYA was built using cross-section microeconomic data and behavioral assumptions which appropriately define the conditions for supply response to differ- ent policies. The purpose of the results presented in this chapter is not to provide concrete recommendations to policy makers, but rather to present some issues and broad qualitative results of the Guatemalan agriculture, using MAYA. In this chapter direct and cross-price elas- ticities for selected crops and the supply response to changes in the price of maize and cotton are explored in detail. The effect of risk on supply response and some comparative advantage calculations are also presented. Estimation of Supply Elasticities Supply elasticities are estimated for six products — maize, beans, rice, sorghum, wheat, and cotton. These products were selected because their input data in the model are more complete and are believed to be more reliable. The results of this estimation for maize and cotton are explored in detail in following sections. The supply response functions obtained are, given the static formulation of the model, "equilibrium short-run" functions; equilibrium in the sense that the points along a given function are implicit intersections of supply and demand, after 86 87 all adjustments are allowed to work themselves out; and short-run because investment and technology remain fixed. These response func- tions, then, are not the traditional supply functions since, when the price of one product is varied, the prices of all other products are also allowed to vary. The procedure for tracing out the functions consists of rotating the product demand functions rightward, one at a time by varying the right-hand side value of the convex combination constraint (see Chapter III). Following this procedure, supply response schedules of maize, other grains, and cotton were calculated as reported in Table 11. Figures 7 and 8 portray these results graphically. Increased production of maize due to higher prices took place at the expense of decreases in the production of other crops. Since the demand for other products was held constant, resources were reallocated away from these crops into maize; the prices of these crops thus tended to rise in all cases except in the case of cotton whose domestic price remained constant, and beans whose production increased because of double cropping with maize. Similar results were obtained when the international price of cotton was gradually increased as in Table 12. Expanded production of both crops thus draws resources away from others, and as production of the latter declines, their prices tend to rise unless they are complements in consumption. It is evident from these results that the elasticity of supply is not at all constant. In See footnote 4 on page 99, 89 a w e 3 o 90 Price of Maize (Q/ton) 210 . 200 - 190 180 170 160 150 140 ' 130 120 110 100 Group 1 Group 3 Group 2 Thousand tons 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Figure 8. Maize Supply Response by Group as Estimated with MAYA 92 Direct and cross-price elasticities for the six products selected were calculated taking as reference the highest and lowest production recorded between 1970 and 1977 (Table 13). These points are only approximate limits since by rotating the demand we are controlling demand shifts not output shifts. It is, therefore, not possible to find exact reference quantities. It may be seen from Figure 9 that the arc elasticity of supply between points a and b can be calculated ex-post as follows : (q2 " V/(q2 + V (P2 " P1)/(P2 + Px) The direct price elasticities in Table 13 are reasonable in view of 2 prevxous econometric studies of less developed countries. The cross- price elasticities show that some crops were more likely to drop in production than others when prices of competing crops were raised. Sorghum, for example, is more responsive in a negative direction to an increase in the price of maize. Since maize, cotton, and rice compete for resources in the more productive Group 3, an increase in the price of rice caused a decrease in both area and volume of production of maize and cotton — the estimated cross-price output elasticity of maize is -1.038 and that of cotton is -1.664. The increase in cotton production also took place at the expense of sharp decreases in the rice producing areas (a cross-price elasticity of -1.003). Cotton is a very profitable crop in Guatemala, and cotton responsiveness to maize price change is only -.104, wherease maize responsiveness to cotton price change 2 See, for example, Askari and Cummings (1977) 93 Table 13. Arc Elasticities of Supply of Selected Products3 as Computed from Estimates Obtained with MAYA Price Quantity Response of Change for Maize Beans Sorghum Rice Wheat Cotton Maize 0.619 0.030 -0.785 0 -0.199 -0.104 Beans 0.135 4.975 0 0 0 -0.322 Sorghum -1.821 0 65.189 0 0 -0.452 Rice -1.038 0 0 33.746 0 -1.664 Wheat -0.177 0 0 0 4.078 -0.014 Cotton -0.193 -0.037 -0.247 -1.003 0.059 0.408 In calculating the direct and cross-price elasticities of maize and beans, only the marketed quantities of both commodities were taken into account. Total elasticities are smaller. 94 Price Quantity ql q2 Figure 9. Hypothetical Graph Showing Response Associated with the Increasing Slope of the Demand Function 95 is -.193. The cross-price elasticities between maize and beans, as expected, are positive since they are mostly double cropped. The size of the elasticities of these two crops appear to be small when taken for the country as a whole; they conceal, however, important changes which take place at the group level. An analysis of the elasticities at the group level would be of more interest to policy makers. Table 14 reports the direct and cross-price elasticites for maize and beans by group. The own-price elasticities of maize for small, medium, and large farmers are, respectively, 3.18, -.10, and 1.07, whereas the average for the country is .62. The own price elasticity of beans is .51 for Group 1, and 4.98 for Group 2, whereas the average elasticity for all groups is 4.98. The high price elasticity of maize of Group 1 indicates that small farmers are much more responsive to changes in the price of maize than are medium and large farmers. Direct and cross-price elasticities for maize and beans have expected magnitudes and signs in Groups 1 and 3. Maize price elasticities — direct and cross-price — for Group 2, although small, are unexpectedly negative. Moreover, the direct price elasticity of beans for Group 2 has the expected sign but the cross-price elasticity of maize, -.15, is negative. Group 2 farmers grow one-third of maize and one-half of beans in association. Since maize and beans are complements in consumption one would expect that an increase in the price of one of them would produce increments in the production of both crops. In the next section it will be shown that competition for resources between Groups 2 and 3 is responsible for these results. 96 Table 14. Arc Elasticities for Maize and Beans as Computed from Estimates Obtained with MAYA, by Group Price Change for Maize Quantity Response of Beans Sorghum Rice Wheat Cotton Maize Gl G2 G3 3.180 0.711 0 0 -0.200 0 0.100 -0.100 3.180 0 0 0 1.068 0 -0.785 0 0 -0.104 Beans Gl G2 G3 0.268 0.506 0 0 0 0 0.154 4,976 0 0 0 0 0.885 0 0 0 0 -0.322 97 Supply Response to Changes in the Price of Maize Tracing the supply curve by shifting the demand permits an overview of the technological change and crop substitution that takes place at the group level. In Table 15 and Appendix A, Table XIII, it is shown that an increase in maize output in Group 1 takes place through in- creases in area and yields. At a price of Q 209 per ton single-crop maize is grown with more input-intensive, higher-yielding technologies A4 and D2. Maize output in Group 2 declined slightly. Output in this group is the sum of that from a single-cropped technology and technologies associated with beans and sesame — each showing a different behavior. The area planted with maize-beans declined sharply from 56,200 to 4,300 hectares, whereas that planted with maize-sesame increased from 18,800 to 26,300 hectares. The area planted with single-cropped maize in- creased by one-fourth as more and more farmers switched to lower yield- ing technology B3 . Total area planted with maize (single-cropped and in association) increased by 3.1%. Group 3 farmers respond to the price rise by planting more maize with higher-yielding technology Dl. Maize production becomes quite profitable in Group 3 and is substituted for export cotton and sorghum (cross-price elasticities are -1.04 and -.785, respectively). There is, clearly, a great competition for resources 3 between Groups 2 and 3, with the latter benefitting from the price rise because of their more efficient use of resources. In Group 2 sorghum 3 As indicated in Chapter IV, in MAYA Groups 2 and 3 compete for intermediate inputs. Table 15. Production, Yield, and Employment Response to Variations in the Price of Maize as Estimated with MAYA, by Group Farm Group and Crop Group 1 Group 1 Price of Maize per Ton in Quetzales Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 109.0 124.0 142.5 159.3 165.0 180.0 (Production in thousand tons) (Yield in kilograms per hectare) (Employment in thousand man-days) 10,878 43,373 32,171 13,982 42,936 32,272 16,739 41,856 32,233 16,507 41,833 32,002 18,048 41,429 31,974 21,366 41,797 31,963 209.0 maize 98.0 132.1 167.3 168.6 187.0 226.4 236.7 beans 15.4 19.6 22.0 23.0 22.4 20.6 20.7 wheat 62.6 59.8 59.8 56.6 56.6 56.6 55.2 "oup 2 maize 496.6 502.6 500.3 496.4 492.5 491.2 476.1 beans 75.0 70.8 68.4 69.1 69.6 71.4 71.3 rice 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 27.4 sorghum 12.3 maize 153.0 173.2 177.8 185.6 193.3 196.0 239.0 sorghum 55.3 55.3 53.7 53.7 48.9 47.3 33.4 cotton 319.5 316.5 313.8 316.1 313.7 313.8 299.2 maize 1227 1233 1245 1242 1254 1275 1324 beans 393 393 393 393 393 393 393 wheat 1540 1404 1371 1388 1388 1388 1396 oup 2 maize 1848 1785 1780 1763 1750 1745 1724 beans 593 610 669 674 723 711 712 rice 2242 2242 2242 2242 2242 2242 2242 sorghum 3000 maize 2040 2132 2151 2162 2212 2221 2320 sorghum 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 cotton 3194 3194 3194 3194 3194 3194 3194 21,178 41,960 31,782 99 production benefits from these crop areas and input substitutions (with a cross-price elasticity of 3.18). It is also interesting to note that the area planted with single-cropped beans increased by 37%. This result seems to indicate that as the price of maize rises and resources become scarce, farmers in Group 2 are willing to take more risk and prefer to grow single-cropped beans, a high risk activity, rather than to grow associated maize-beans, a less risky activity. Total area response function for maize and beans, and group yield response func- tions for maize are shown in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. Similar results were obtained when the price of beans was allowed to vary. The signs of the elasticities of Group 1 are positive, as expected, and the magnitudes are reasonable (Table 14) . The direct price elasticity of beans of Group 2 has the expected sign, but the cross-price elasticity of maize, -.15, is negative. Again, there is competition for resources with Group 3. More maize is produced by Group 3 (the cross-price elasticity is .88) even at the expense of cotton production. Appendix A, Table XIV shows the degree of input use, yield, and 4 risk of the technologies of interest for each group of farmers. This table and Appendix A, Table XII indicate that, in general, higher prices motivate farmers to adopt more input-intensive, higher-yielding tech- niques which are also riskier. Thus, Group 1 farmers plant larger areas of single-cropped maize and of associated maize-beans. Group 2 farmers, on the other hand, plant smaller areas of associated maize-beans 4 Risk is represented by the sum of absolute deviations of total returns per hectare from the fitted regression over a 10-year period. 100 CD en N e •H -■■■■ at CIJ S « TJ a ca a) N •H (D si <; T) >H 4J a) •H .c CJ u n •H CD !5 en < T) C1J •n C c •H cfl crt 4J ~ ^ CO o C « en a) QJ pa 4-1 a ■H en rrt (!) 5^ Pi 4-1 01 O <1) U QJ < U 101 P. 0) u 6 j-i CO CJ 102 (initially adapted to avoid risk) , and larger areas of intercropped maize-sesame, and of beans alone (a more risky activity). Group 3 farmers grow only single-cropped maize and respond positively to price increases; their risk taking behavior is evident as they quickly adopt more advanced and more risky technologies. Another area affected by the foregoing price policy was employment. On the one hand, an increase in the price of maize brought about tech- nological improvement which is labor reducing. On the other hand, an increase in areas planted is labor creating. Overall employment in- creased by 9.8% as the price increased from Q109 to Q209 per ton. Table 15 reports that employment in Groups 2 and 3 decreased by 3.3 and 1.2%, respectively, whereas employment in Group 1 almost doubled mainly due to large increases in areas planted. This result is interesting given the serious problem of employment in agriculture. Supply Response to Changes in the Price of Cotton To trace the supply function for cotton the same procedure of shifting the demand function around its intercept, as explained earlier, was followed with the additional assumption that exogenous international prices also increase. The domestic consumption of cotton grew at average annual rates of 9.4% from 1959 to 1973 (IDB /IBRD /AID, 1977), and of 9.0% from 1973 to 1977 (Banco de Guatemala, 1979). During 1974-1977 average annual consumption accounted for 11% of total production. With international prices unchanged, rotation of the demand curve around its intercept yields a perfectly elastic domestic supply. This is explained by the small domestic demand relative to international demand . 103 International prices of cotton experienced an upward trend after 1973 and Guatemalan export prices reflect that trend. For purposes of calculating supply elasticities and of tracing supply response functions, it was assumed that export prices varied in increments of 10% of the 1975-1977 price of Q 1140 per ton (as assumed in the model), within the range -20% to +30% of this price. At the same time, domestic demand was assumed to change by 9.5% of the equilibrium quantity with each export price change. The idea was to reflect the trend in domestic demand and, at the same time, the situation that prevailed from 1973 to 1977 when export prices varied within the range considered. The assumed price changes imply smaller domestic demands coupled with lower international prices, which in general would not necessarily hold true. A domestic and an export supply function were obtained (Figure 12) . The domestic supply function is very inelastic since domestic consump- tions is a small fraction of total supply. The export supply function exhibits some interesting features. Its shape resembles an inverted lazy-S; at low prices it is quite elastic, and at higher prices it becomes more and more inelastic as resources become constraining. The most restricting resource is credit which is assumed fixed in the model. It was interesting to find that an increase in credit of 5% was fully allocated to cotton, and the consequent increase in production was greater than the credit increase in percentage terms. This result shows that the supply elasticity with respect to credit is greater than one. This finding should be of interest to policy makers in formulating a credit policy. Table 16 shows direct and cross-price elasticities of cotton by farm group. The direct price elasticity of cotton of .41 seems 104 Price of Cotton (Q/ton) 1700 -• 1600 ■• 1500 - 1400 -■ 1300 - 1200 1100 -■ 1000 -■ 900 " 800 — l 1 r 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 — I — 100 Thousand tons Figure 12. Supply Response Functions for Cotton as Estimated with MAYA 105 106 reasonable when compared to results of studies by Quance and Tweeten (1971) and Tweeten and Quance (1969), which revealed a supply elasticity of .3 to .4 for the U.S. and of .3 for the world excluding the U.S. and communist countries. The cross-price elasticity of maize in Group 3 is -1.09 which implies that maize growers are the most affected by an in- crease in cotton prices; and Table 17 reports that the area planted with maize in Group 3 decreased by 21%. The cross-price elasticity of maize for Group 1, -.55, is relatively large as labor is scarce because migra- tion into cotton production is intensified. Group 2 farmers benefit directly from these area reductions. Because farmers in Group 2 compete with those of Group 3 for intermediate inputs, as less maize is produced by Group 3, some of the resources formerly used to produce maize on large farms are shifted to maize production on medium-sized farms. It is interesting to note that maize area decreased on Group 2 farms and, at the same time, more maize was produced. This occurred both due to the adoption of more input-intensive, riskier technologies of maize and to increased production of maize associated with beans. Production of beans by Group 2 farmers remained rather stable, whereas rice production decreased. The shadow price of cotton for the domestic market is also reported in Table 17 and is always greater than the export price. This result makes sense in view of the nature of the maximization of the model; more exports are preferred because this adds foreign exchange and export takes to producer surplus. The discrepancy between domestic and export prices becomes smaller as the latter increases. This may be due to the fact that the tax rate was allowed to increase with higher export prices. 107 Table 17. Area, Production, and Domestic Price Response to Variations in the Export Price of Cotton as Estimated with MAYA, by Group Farm Group and Crop Group 1 maize maize-beans wheat Group 2 maize beans maize-beans rice Group 3 cotton maize sorghum Group 1 maize beans wheat Group 2 maize beans rice Group 3 cotton maize sorghum 912 Price of Cotton per Ton in Quetzales 1026 1140 1254 1368 1482 1596 (Area in thousand hectares) (Production in thousand tons) 1710 81 79 77 76 76 78 78 78 72 59 58 57 57 56 56 53 40 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 43 264 249 226 226 232 232 182 88 94 85 68 68 69 69 36 — 1 18 43 43 43 43 100 13 12 12 12 12 7 7 4 82 97 99 100 100 102 102 106 97 84 85 85 85 84 84 77 19 19 19 17 17 17 16 16 189 171 169 166 166 167 166 163 28 23 23 23 23 22 22 21 55 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 476 499 496 496 497 505 505 523 64 69 69 68 68 68 68 70 28 27 27 27 27 16 16 10 263 311 316 321 321 326 326 338 238 181 186 186 186 181 183 153 55 54 54 49 49 49 47 47 (Shadow price in quetzales per ton) 1016 1127 1261 1338 1436 1530 1622 1712 108 Effects of Expanding the Cotton Area Cotton is the second largest export commodity in Guatemala after coffee. It contributed 20% of the foreign exchange earnings of agricul- tural exports during 1975 to 1977. Spurred by attractive world prices, production and exports of cotton in Guatemala started in the 1950s despite unsettled political conditions. Following a phenomenal rise during the early 1960s, cotton area and production trended lower in the late 1960s. During 1960-1961 the area planted was only 26,000 hectares, it reached a peak of 115,000 hectares in 1965-1966, and declined sharply to 80,000 hectares in 1968-1969 (Harness and Pugh, 1970). The decline in cotton production followed lower prices in foreign markets, some increase in production costs, especially pest control, and difficulty in maintaining yields. This trend reversed itself in the 1970s with more favorable international prices. In 1975 the area planted with cotton reached 110,000 hectares which was again close to the peak level of 1965-1966. The adoption of new techniques and effective plague control also contributed to this outcome. The rapid upsurge of prices and the consequent expansion of areas caused the Ministry of Agriculture to intervene by fixing the area planted to protect smaller producers from being displaced by the larger ones, and by fixing the quantities to be sold in the domestic market. Despite the competition of artificial fibers, world demand for cotton shows an upward trend. International demand for Guatemalan cotton was estimated to grow at an average of 1.6%, and domestic demand at an average of 7.3% for the period 1980 to 1985 (IDB/IBRD/AID, 1977). 109 Cotton farming in Guatemala is dominated by large scale commercial enterprises. Some farming operations combine cotton and cattle. Generally speaking, a farmer who obtains high yields with reasonable efficiency finds cotton much more profitable than most alternative crops, From the stand point of land availability there is no close competition among commercial crops. One reason for this is that land is still rela- tively plentiful although there is considerable expense in clearing and developing it. Another reason for the lack of competition among the chief commercial crops is different growing requirements — for example, cotton is grown in the lowlands, sugar cane usually at slightly higher elevations, and coffee in the highlands. However, there are some over- lapping labor needs between these crops, especially during harvest time. Major enterprises most likely to continue to compete with cotton for investment capital and management are cattle, bananas, and sugar cane. More recently, tropical fruits and essential oil crops such as lemmon grass and citronella have shown to be potential competitors of cotton. Like coffee and sugar cane, cotton production is a highly labor intensive crop. The supply of unskilled laborers, especially migratory workers, has been inadequate especially during harvest time since often the harvest season of all three crops overlap. However, increases in wages coupled with increasing export prices have alleviated this problem in the short run. Migratory labor mainly from the Guatemalan Highlands make up about 60% of the total labor employed during harvest time in export crops. Since the Guatemalan government has emphasized the need to improve the economic conditions of small and medium-size farmers, it should be of particular interest to policy makers to analyze the impact of policies 110 aimed at promoting exports on incomes and employment of these groups. r MAYA was used to simulate an 8% increase in the cotton area. Results on labor supply response are shown in Table 18. Total labor use in- creased by 1.4%. The reduction in migrant labor from Group 2 was more than compensated by an increase in migrant labor from Group 1. Both family and hired labor use decreased in Group 1, whereas in Group 2, family labor decreased and hired labor increased. Figure 13 portrays the total labor use in Group 3 on a monthly basis. The seasonality of labor is immediately apparent. More labor was hired during December and January, the cotton harvest period, and less labor was hired during April to June, the sugar cane harvest period. Indeed, the sugar cane area decreased by 1,200 hectares and production decreased by 107,500 tons (Table 19) . Maize and sorghum area and production decreased in Group 3. In Group 2 the area for single-cropped maize and for beans decreased, whereas that planted with maize-beans increased. This change resulted in an overall increase in the production of maize from 496,400 to 528,800 tons — due partly to adoption of higher yielding technologies and partly to the increase in the area planted with maize associated with beans. Total cropped area, however, decreased by 9%. Total area planted decreased by 4.4% in Group 1 because both the area planted with maize and that planted with maize-beans decreased as labor is in short supply. 6 The area authorized for cotton production increased by 25% from 1973 to 1979, with great yearly fluctuations. The 8% increase assumed is an arbitrary magnitude. Ill Table 18. Labor Supply Response to an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA, by Group Labor by Category Basic Solution 8% Area Increase % Change (Thousand man-days) Group 1 Labor family hired 14,869 1,617 14,441 1,407 -2.9 -13.0 Group 2 Labor family hired 37,238 4,522 36,793 6,401 -1.2 41.6 Group 3 Labor Group 1 migrants 6,455 7,158 10.9 Group 2 migrants 2,873 2,684 -7.0 regional 22,674 22,627 -0.2 Total Labor 90,247 91,511 1.4 112 Labor Use (thousand man-days) 3700 3600 3500 - 3400 ' 3300 3200 1 3100 3000 - 2900 ' 2800 2700 2600 -f 2500 2400 ~ 2300 2200 2100 - 2000 - 1900 * 1800 Coffee Harvest (N-J) Sugarcane Harvest (M-M) ft Land Cleaning (J-s) basic solution 8% increase in cotton area Month July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Figure 13. Monthly Distribution of Labor Use in Group 3 with Base Solution and with an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA 113 Table 19. Area and Production Response to an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA, by Group Farm Group and Crop Basic Solution Area Production 8% Area Increase Area Production Group 1 Group 2 (Area in thousand hectares , production in thousand tons) maize 77.3 168.6 75.5 159.3 beans 23.0 14.3 maize-beans 58.4 52.2 other 45.8 45.8 maize 249.1 496.4 185.3 528.8 beans 84.7 69.1 29.9 52.2 maize-beans 17.8 104.8 other 153.1 129.9 Group 3 cotton 99.0 316.1 106.9 341.4 maize 85.0 185.5 75.0 153.0 sorghum 18.5 53.7 15.4 44.6 sugarcane 62.7 5705.2 61.5 5597.7 other 121.3 127.2 114 The welfare effects of a policy aimed at increasing cotton produc- tions, employment, and incomes of farmers through an increase in the area planted with cotton are shown in Table 20. Such a policy was effective in raising producers income in Group 3, hired-labor income in Group 2, migrant-labor income, and foreign exchange earnings.7 Producers income of farmers in Groups 1 and 2, however, decreased and agricultural prices rose by 6%. The latter occurred mainly because of higher consumer prices of those crops whose production diminished as a consequence of this policy— e.g., sorghum, beans, and sugar.8 Producers' welfare, measured by producers' surplus, increased by 24%, whereas total welfare (the sum of consumers' and producers' surpluses) decreased by .3%. Although the magnitudes of the results presented in Table 20 may not be realistic, they are, at least, indicative of the likely effects of controlling the expansion of the area planted with cotton in order to benefit small farmers. A very important implication for planning of this policy, as well as of others aimed at achieving given targets of production, is that trade-offs in consumption and production cannot be ignored and must, therefore, be properly evaluated. The supply response analysis of the last two sections showed that farmers react to price stimuli in Foreign exchange earnings increased by Q 5.1 million. Additional earnings from cotton exports alone amounted to Q 9. 7 million. The dif- ference of Q 4. 6 million account for foreign exchange foregone by import- ing additional quantities of maize, rice, and sorghum, whose production declined since resources were drawn away from these activities into cotton. Q Sugar exports remained constant but domestic supply decreased. 115 Table 20. Welfare Indicators in the Base Period and After an 8% Increase in Cotton Area as Estimated with MAYA Indicator Basic Solution 8% Area Increase % Change Hired-labor Income (Millions of quetzales) Producers Income Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 41.26 39.02 -5.7 101.65 98.42 -3.3 271.58 276.44 1.8 Group 1 2.26 1.97 -14.7 Group 2 7.69 10.88 41.5 Group 3 71.42 72.53 1.4 Group 1 migrants (14.85) (16.46) 10.8 Other (56.57) (56.07) -0.1 Balance of Trade in Agriculture 501.81 506.93 1.0 Producers ' Surplus 89.53 111.07 24.1 Objective Function Value 934.18 931.45 0.3 Consumer Price Index in Agriculture 100.00 105.97 6.0 116 accordance with their attitudes toward risk. Their ability to adopt new technologies and the availability of resources influence their cropping patterns. Moreover, on the consumption side, product prices are deter- mined by the interaction of supply and demand. Appropriate evaluation of substitution effects in production and consumption should thus con- tribute to effective policy making. Effect of Risk on Supply Response In Chapter III it was shown that the introduction of risk into an LP model leads to different levels of production and prices than those obtained with no risk. In this section an attempt was made to explore the slope and location of the supply function for selected crops with and without risk. Since prices are endogenous supply, functions are not derived by changing a given price ceteris paribus but by allowing other prices to change also. Thus, the functions obtained must be considered as total supply response relationships. Supply response functions derived in this manner are portrayed in Figures 14A to 14F for six crops. The points on these functions are numbered so that points 1, 2, etc., correspond to the same demand shift under risk and under risk neutrality. The end points represent low and high production levels observed during 1970 to 1977. Contiguous points represent a 10% shift in demand except in the case of sorghum and rice whose demands were shifted by 20% intervals. 9 The risk set (2.0, 1.25, .75) for Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively, was assumed. 117 G CO 05 en a 3 o o -u H \ . ""> 118 H v£> vD 1 in \ •H cr* rv r-» m t-{ in co r- r-» vo a) oo r^ m O cr> cm co co cm r^ co CM O CM O CH o in vo vo i— i in CO T-i ^ co co vo in Is* in th m co co oo CO S-l 60 C •H 00 UH 0 S-l < a CJ C-, Sm en •H 3 3 4-1 4-1 13 CJ T-i 3 3 CD <3 S vj Cm a* rH 3 X 3 CU 01 u f ) ■H l-i rH M QJ cri oo Cm 4-1 < 134 135 vO OO ffi i/l CI 1/1 CO O og m cm vo Oi H H CO CO 00 en CT\ On O CO CM e C >, 0) m M R CO 0) cfl ■u c > >. ^ •H 0 !-i O XI u ■U (O, t) a. w tn en H 3 C £d ■H XI cfl m 01 > 0) H > M C 136 CTisfinvO-JOtMmvO Ocnrsai n Osf *^3 CO CM CO VD CN I in cy CN CM CO <""> <"0 aorH ocovomvooo i in co i-h rH n cm o t— i co cn minm in CM CN CM CM H i— I CN CN lOCOCO i— I iH ^ m o r-v m cm n n o rv n CO CO CJ> CNCM|un ^o rH in n > 3 (U 0) u (H 4-> TI > w ft (]J n) (3 o q a! X (0 cn 3 M •H cj o CD . O CJ ft o ■u X () (j c) f) ■H w •H ti c cfl •H 4-J ■u 4-J •u •H •H 4-J c c cn d c cn ■u cn o aj 0) 0) •H 0 ft cd jh -a cn M co -a M u u TJ b > (LI > a) a o o -i 3 •H > cn •H > w CO ft Q< O co co l-i o cfl J-4 o x: CO X B CO fi Ph O OPnOU OWM (3 c CO o a) CD •H QJ t- h 4-> 4-1 0 ft Cfl M -D fl > CJ 3 •H > CO CO J-4 n cn c ft U O CD l-> U 4J TD CO ft C1J ai a o M x CO CO 3 u u cj (j ft o c; 4-1 CJ () o o ci CO •H c c CD •H 4J ■H •H 4-1 (3 CO 4-1 CO •H QJ c CI) H CO CO QJ ft (1) o 4-1 4-1 M o CO T3 M !-4 IH TI c n O n rt) co ft O.CJ CO J3 CO X e CO ft O CJ o W H 137 N N H H oo co co oo in CM rH -* CM rH H 13 6 a. 6 x o w a u X) e a. e ca cd rH 3 x o 0£ 0) 0) rH W Q u~> O CM vO VO r^ r-~ oo oo on co in co oo r» r-» cr\ r-~ CO CM 0> rH O CM CM m co o r~ r» m m m cm o r-i o> vo H r-~ co CO CM CM O CO CO H ^ > C\ co o vo o r-. i-H ^O H co CM u-1 r-- en h > | a) )-i 0) O > ■u .c 00 Ol o\ •l CD 42 o un co vC CTi oo M 4J CD a 3 6 a 3 en en c C o ■H CJ> od 00 >-i H r^ co CO CTi 4J H u O 1 •H H H en r-^ C3 un o~\ cm oo un cti >£> v£> 00 CTicyvCT\CT\0^0\ONCr> 141 Table VI. Variables Included in MAYA 1. PRODUCTION AND TRANSFORMATION BLOCK Production Activities Product Maize Late maize Maize-sesame Maize-beans Beans Rice Sorghum Cassava Potatoes Wheat Bananas (domestic consumption) Sugarcane Coffee Cotton Bananas (export) Lemon grass tea Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Transformation Activities Primary Product Raw cotton Sugarcane Coffee nuts Units Processed Product Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1000 ha Cotton fiber Cotton seed Cottonseed cake cottonseed oil Molasses Refined sugar Lump molasses Ground coffee X X X X X X X X X X X X 142 Table VI. Continued Transformation Activities (Continued) Primary Product Units Processed Product Wheat Rice 1000 ha Wheat flour Wheat bran " Polished rice Rice bran Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 2. INPUT PURCHASES Input Purchases (Groups 2 and 3) Units Units Input (thousands) Input (thousands) Resident labor (G3) Man- days Family labor Man-days Urban labor (G3) ii Rural labor ii Family labor (G2) ii Machinery hours Migrant labor (Gl) , Draft animals days (G2), (G3) M Credit Quetzales Urban labor (G2) ii Urea tons Machinery hours Other fertilizers ii Draft animals (G2) ii Soil insecticides Quetzales Draft animals (G3) ii Other chemicals ii Credit Quetzales Ammonium nitrate tons Ammonium sulphate ii Urea " Diammonium phosphate ii (20-20-0) ii (12-24-12) ii (15-15-15) n (16-20-0) ii Soil insecticides Quetzales Foilage insecticides ii Fungicides ii Herbicides ii Local seed tons Improved seed ii 143 Table VI. Continued DEMAND Product Demand Functions Estimated Products Sold at Fixed Prices Maize Rice Beans Sorghum Cassava Potatoes Wheat flour Sugar Coffee Cotton fiber Cottonseed oil Bananas (domestic consumption) Lump molasses Molasses Rice and wheat bran Cottonseed cake Lemon grass tea 4. INTERNATIONAL TRADE Imports from the ROW Exports to the ROW Imports from Central America Maize Coffee Maize Beans Cotton Sorghum Wheat Sugar Beans Rice Bananas (export) Rice NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Labor income (six groups of labor) Income by group (three groups) Foreign exchange Tariffs and taxes to exports Transformation differential Total income ^est of the World. 144 Table VII. Transformation Coefficients and Transformation Differentials Used in MAYA Transformation Coefficients Product Raw Product Maize 0 .930 Rice polished rice bran Sorghum 0 950 Wheat wheat flour wheat bran Beans 0 980 Cassava 0 870 Potatoes 0 900 Bananas (domestic consumption) 0 720 Bananas (export) 0 870 c a Sugarcane sugar molasses lump molasses Sesame vegetable oil Cotton cotton fiber cottonseed cake cottonseed oil Coffee ground coffee Lemon grass tea 0.930 Transformed Product 0.643 0.077 0.718 0.194 0.084 0.036 0.074 0.391 0.329 0.255 0.074 0.323 Transformation Differentials Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 (Quetzales per kilogram) 0.019 0.076 0.077 0.055 0.030 0.104 0.017 0.068 0.077 0.068 0.122 0.189 0.815 0.022 0.104 0.016 0.122 0.014 0.012 0.122 0.800 Sugarcane can be processed to obtain refined sugar and either liquid molasses or lump molasses as byproducts. 145 vCvOlTilsvO^vO^DvO^OvO HtJiHHlOifllTiini/linH rsNN-jinuimiriu*iirirs--j iHinrHLncocooocoooGOiHtn COCOvOOOO\NOJ(slNtMCOO\ oou~>.Hoou~iooooooom o x e e 3 S-i U -H QJ >i 3 -U O C X !-J J-i >. C .H m a u aj . a T) T3 OJ e to 146 Table IX. Demand Functions in MAYA Product Demand Equation3 Maize p = 895 - 1.385 Q Beans p = 2,764 - 30.110 Q Rice p = 1,996 - 92.356 Q Sorghum p = 628 - 9.477 Q Wheat flour P = 1,808 - 14.260 Q Potatoes P = 1,093 - 29.100 Q Cassava p = 1,683 - 214.713 Q Bananas p = 1,677 - 10.369 Q Sugar p = 1,173 - 5.604 Q Cotton p = 4,940 - 309.698 Q Coffee P = 14,521 - 531.325 Q Vegetable oil P = 3,244 - 86.325 Q Price is expressed in quetzales per ton, and quantity in thousand tons. 147 r~. oo lo \0 u~\ \D HrlH O O O N ifl H cm h cm iH iH rH O O O r — r-- i — oo "~> r~. in - CO CM rH CM CM CM lo o r-- \0 O CT\ CM CM iH i— I r-. t-- oo i-O r^. iH rH iH o o o CM i-H 00 CO CO iH O O O O JD H H rH r^ r-^ cm rH 00 CO rH rH H cm r^ o CM CM -d" H H rH O cm ro O CM vO rH rH rH CI rH o- to > r-< o o u ■u < oo * u to § 0) N H •H 11 CJ /~s c rH c •H O* •H •H nj e — - CD to (3 n •H -i .c 0 a X! T3 o O 00 m c*1 CM £> r- oo CM CM O co r-^ co a\ oo O O o o CO CM n <3 n g J,g J,g j J J j J J t £ £,h=l,2 t,£,h=l,2 1/ * Z w» SMH - - Z c5 SF- - Z c, SF^ - Z SQ , . t £ h ' t,£,n | f f,h=l f f q,h=l - Z SQ - Z c- , . S- , . - Z c S - c' SMQ, . - c'* SMQ* ^q - s,h=l s,h=l s s h=l Hh=l xq q n s ' s H - TCRh=1 - TCR* - TR - TA —*■ max (1) [area under the domestic demand function for final products] + [gross revenue from sale of exports] - [c,i,f value of imports] - [reservation wages of family labor Gl, G2] - [market wage costs of hiring labor] - [total cost of fertilizers Gl] - [total cost of fertilizers of both G2 and G3] - [total cost of chemicals Gl] - [total cost of chemicals of both G2 and G3] - [total cost of seeds Gl] - [total cost of seeds of both G2 and G3] - [total cost of machinery use Gl] - [total cost of machinery use of both G2 and G3] - [total cost of credit, Gl] - [total cost of credit, G2 and G3] - [total processing cost differential] - [total trade taxes] — y max Detailed in equations 11-14. t) W) QJ OJ to CO to Q> a) o > <) )-J u 3 (\ a -a H c cfl crt a E 156 l=N> -G T3 to a C rt o en >-. 0 rt Xi -a crj i iH C 03 m e o XI CO c 0) M a to >! •H 1 T3 1 3 a) C 13 6 C tJ C cfl 1=1 o C O ^ to co C l-i C1J C1J •H M crt H rH O h 0 CtJ (-1 ,fi O o N O to cfl d. a JJ ,£> >, H a •H 01 crt m a> n H T) 4J 4-1 +4 a* 1 c O T) c cd a <4-4 (U crt M CO y o >J 0 60 rQ a ■H •H V4 M Hi S S J3 J3 =4" 157 B cd e w CO rH Cfl m > > cfl cfl co cd H i-i 3 3 C) C) A .a H >, > •H CU M o o B cfl S-i e co ■d a 3 cfl cfl cfl T3 •H 0) T3 4-1 O U M m i js ■W 1 C •H TJ ,a 4-1 4-J c a ■H 3 a) fs cfl >^ >% cfl CO >> >. >^ rH 6 j-i -a o 4-1 13 4J T3 4-> 4-1 T3 C d c c c O C c c c c a ei O cfl o O cfl c Cfl cfl O cfl o O cfl 6 en S B CD •H rH H B to B B CD •H 4-1 159 g, CJ CJ 3 > T) M 0 3 l-l O 0. ■n H C rt en C H ■H C CO e cd CNI d CXI o •H U >". cn >> rQ u a) •H N 60 QJ U 0) C . N 4-> M •u T 4J 4-> m 4-1 iH 0) .H iH CJJ -H CI) .H a) cd 3 cd 4-1 cd 3 crt 1 -i 3 4J D- 4-1 () 4-i cr ■u cr a rr o CJ o o o H H H H Pj e-c-i 160 f= Cl) «4-( 0) m ft a o Ui 01 to 01 M 01 4-1 rH 4-> H en (8 CO 3 C 4J E g -1— ) CU T- ) ■!-) "H u Ti u a 3 CO -o DO 161 & 0) u 60 rM to O c CD ,c H •H H ■i-i •H CO d X CO N o CD 4J 0 a 01 •H T3 (fl 3 M a id o< OJ H CO 01 ft O l-l T3 CN 00 C m C O O CO !>. •H rH w CO Fl g e c CO a> 4J •H o M 0) ■u J= 3 c [,) •H to ^ S-i O 4-1 CO S II I4J 162 > u 0) en o 4-J tj <]) h h = 1, 2 (24) [Supply of family labor in month t] + [Supply of migratory labor in month t] <_ [Total availability of family labor] 8. Hired-labor constraints (hRMR) SMRtjh < RMR^ (36) 9. Regional temporal labor constraints of Group 3 (RMU) SMUt,h i ^t.h (12) 10. Hired-labor income balances (1BINBI) I W£,h SMRt,£,h - CIN£,h 1 ° l = h = l> 2 <2> E [wage coefficient times total number of man-days of hired labor] - [total income earned by hired labor] <_ 0 11. Migratory-labor income balances (1BINBI) E w„ SMG^ . , - CIN„ . < 0 h = 1 , h = 2 ,„. t £,h t,£,h l,h - ^ = 3 and ^ = 4 (2) Z [wage coefficient times total number of man-days of migratory labor] - [total income earned by migratory labor] < 0 165 12. Resident-labor income balance (1BINBI) Z w SMRt - CIN„ £ 0 £ = 5 and h = 3 (1) E [wage coefficient times total number of man-days of resident labor] - [total income earned by resident labor] <_ 0 13. Temporal-labor income balance (1BINBI) Z w- SMU . . - CIN„ , < 0 I = 6 and b = 3 (1) j_ -c t ,£, n -t-jh Z [wage coefficient times total number of regional- urban labor man-days] - [total income earned by regional-urban labor] <_ 0 14. Producer level product balances (hBiBP) - y. t. p- i. + iooo Q. u < 0 (27) x,h i,h i,h — [yield per hectare times total number of hectares planted with crop i] + [scale factor times total number of tons produced] £ 0 15. Producer income balances (hBINBI) Z P. , Q. , - INC, < 0 (3) i,h i,h h — Z [farm gate price of product i times quantity produced] i - [total income of producers] <^ 0 166 16. Land constraints (hRTI) Z P±,t,h * RTIt,h <36> E [total number of hectares planted with product i] i <^ [total area planted] 17. Labor input balances for Groups 1 and 2 (BMh) ZA- -up- ,. v " SMFt . - SMR , < 0 h = 1, 2 (24) . i,t,h x,t,h t,h t,h — ' v ' I [labor requirements per hectare times total number of i hectares planted] - [supply of family labor] - [supply of hired labor] <^ 0 18. Labor input balances for Group 3 (BMh) Z X. fc . P. . - SMR . - SMU , - SMG . < 0 (12) . i,t,h i,h t,h t,h t,h - h = 3 £ [labor requirements per hectare times total number of i hectares planted] - [supply of resident labor] - [supply of urban labor] - [supply of migratory labor from Groups 1 and 2] £ 0 19. Fertilizer balances for Group 1 (hBF) Z r , P. , - SF7 , < 0 h = 1 (2) . Yx,h i,h f,h — 167 20. Fertilizer balances for Groups 2 and 3 (hBF) ^/i,hPi,h "^kf SFf * ° h = 2> 3 0) 21. Chemicals balances for Group 1 (hBQq) ^i,qPi,h-SVn ± ° h = 1 (4> 22. Chemical balances for Groups 2 and 3 (hRQq) ^hKisqPi,h'S% <- ° h = 2' 3 (4) 23. Machinery use restrictions (hRMQ) for Group 1 ^i,t,hpi,t,h i SM(\,h h-1 (11) 24. Machinery use restrictions for Groups 2 and 3 (hRMQ) ^hTi,t,hpi,t,h <- m% h = 2-3 <8> 25. Draft animals restrictions (hRBU) 2a-., P. , < RBU. , (17) . l , t , h l , h — t,h v; 26. Seeds balances for Group 1 (hBiS2) ^iPi5h-Ss,h ± ° h = l (3] 168 27. Seeds balances for Groups 2 and 3 (BiS2*) E a. "P. , - S < 0 . , x i,h s — i,h h = 2, 3 (8) 28. Credit balance for Group 1 (hBCR) E c^ SF, , + E SQ , + I c S , + c ' SMQ^ ft f,h Hq,h ss,h h xh f q,h ^' s - SCR, < 0 n — h = 1 (1) 29. Credit balance for Groups 2 and 3 (BCR*) E c. SFr , + E SQ ,_ + E c S , + c' SMQ c u f t>h u q5h , s s,h f,h q,h H' s,h ' - (CRS + CRM + CRL) < 0 h = 2, 3 (1) 30. Risk balance rows (hRRI) a. 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Supplementary Bibliography Banco de Guatemala. Informe Economico. Guatemala, January-May 1976. . Informe Economico. Guatemala, April- June 1980. BANDESA. Estados Financieros. Guatemala, Yearly balance sheets. DGE. Encuesta Agricola de Granos Basicos 1976. Guatemala, 1977. . Indice de Precios al Consumidor 1976, 1977. Guatemala, 1978. . Anuario de Comercio Exterior. Guatemala, Various issues from 1970-1979. _, and Minister io de Economia. Estadisticas Agricolas Continuas. Guatemala, Yearly issues from 1966-1979. DGE/SGCNPE. Censo Agropecuario 1964. Guatemala, 1966. FAO. Trade Yearbook. Rome, Several issues. . Production Yearbook. Rome, Several issues. Gremial de Trigueros. Informe Anual. Issues from 1972-1978. IDB/SGCNPE. Plan Regional Para el Desarrollo Agricola del Occidente (datos del ano 1974) . Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, 1978. SGCNPE. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 1971-1975. Guatemala, 1970. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Hilda Yumiseva was born in Quito, Ecuador, on June 13, 1948. She completed high school in 1967 and obtained her B.A. degree in economics in 1970. During 1971-1972 she did the course work for the master's degree at the University of the Americas in Puebla, Mexico. In 1973 she obtained an OAS scholarship and enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the University of Florida. She completed her course work in 1976 and has since worked at the World Bank and the Secretariat of Central American Economic Integration in Guatemala City. Upon the completion of her doctorate she plans to continue working in Washington, D.C. 177 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. q^ s4?. cXa^j tut/-*" Max R. Langham, Chairman Professor of Food and Resource Economics I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Chris 0. Andrew, Co-chairman Professor of Food and Resource Economics I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. W-U. IKS. W. W. McPherson Graduate Research Professor of Food and Resource Economics I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. /C'&Lt t/ J/&n. David A. Dens low, Jr Associate Professor This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. December, 1981 a 6 tl <* C/-/W icuutu Dean. .College of Agriculture Dean for Graduate Studies and Research UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08553 1530