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VAN BENTHUYSEN & CO. 1846. : ee tua at TOs eae 7 : : | | | vehi > 2 “ee sas tate SVK HORTIEOARY) MOET pate a 1, SEO icra A = ; Weed OE, SEO MPR ta” ; ; ‘ oe My ange #2 wy ee ranma | ‘ hack Piette taleay at FP eeu g Opes Sop ines Cif hninets ea Stree Kut WH peer Tr Pig irc Gi slate . ’ » . . « ’ A ws} 7, ee , . <2 ' . «0 7 t a ; oe At Peri HINA ME ire ? . ; - > ‘ ~ ae yy Pe 1 % rie A i Pace ‘ 4 os So ag Lip th ons oo = (Wh aime LOTTERY ete - The copy right of this work is secured fe the benefit of the People of the State of New-York. Ree SAMUEL YOUNG, |, OS 7 ’ : Secretary of State. Albany, 1842. . TO HIS EXCELLENCY SILAS WRIGHT. Governor of the State of New-York, SIR. Tue present volume, the completion of which is in a great measure due to your special indulgence (in granting a prolongation of the time originally stipulated), contains a general account of the soils of the State, their composition and distribution, and their relations to the underlying forma- tions. Although the work thus far has been the result of much labor, still I can but barely hope that its execution may meet your approbation, and subserve the purpose for which the Survey was ordered by the Legislature of New-York. Your obedient servant, i BS fabs fay F P ae 2 E. EMMONS. ALBANY, December 30, 1546. fo =e - san Mr {PRE Bee + nein Cn a ae ; a es ei. a ees gi seal) queen, terty a alo dad Yonoitekmpes: ont Pre sets inert py i harights nett vale we won yweleeig & gallate nly doth Jnt-eeya tiring a) + % Beads .ataie Fils W"elin» sult Ys rmcabe Leviaieg. > eatin \ a Mire uid dear Ws thar 1° went and it oft sree a qld il on Rew hthidongga Troy tds ‘nye aati Wb vat onyeed ‘iad vob r ‘ * Pinfglatontd ae) yi! Kerdvin Ene Yon, Sith, ig eh ‘vcupaag: sd ie : . . ’ % ° sas: | MUS 8 Twin ron’ af ’ a Karnes _- ahs Se . ; = 7 a i ie si i, ae PREFACE. Tue volume which is now submitted to the agriculturists of New-York, contains the results of my investigations respecting the soils of the State. Its execution has occupied my time for nearly four years ; and on reviewing my labors, I cannot but hope that something has been done, which will advance the interests of the farmer. One of the first inquiries which engaged my attention, was the classifica- tion of soils; a subject which is confessedly one of great complexity, and which has never been exhibited in an intelligible and useful form, and, I may add, is probably not destined to a result so desirable in itself. As the geological survey of the State had just been finished, and as the works con- taining the information respecting the rocks then known were so generally distributed, it was deemed proper to propose a classification of the soils, which should be founded upon a geological basis. Accordingly a reconnoi- sance of the State was made, with the view of ascertaining whether a classification founded upon geology would be useful. The result of this examination led me to hope that useful ends would be gained by a classi- fication thus founded, and I have therefore proposed one in the first pages of this report, which I consider applicable to the soils of this State. In order, however, that this plan may be increased in usefulness, I have given an epitome of the geology of the State, and have constructed maps and sections designed to aid the farmer and student in acquiring a knowledge of agricultural geology. It might have been desirable to increase the number of illustrative sections and maps; but, upon the whole, it seemed better at present to fall short of what would be required for a full illustration of the report, than to extend them too far, as might be judged by many persons whose opinions I should most certainly feel bound to respect. Occasional illustrations in lithograph have been given of the features of various parts | AcricutturaL Report. ] B vi PREFACE. of the State, in which the characters of the natural vegetation have been introduced. It is not pretended that these illustrations were absolutely necessary to the usefulness of the report, still it is believed that the value and interest of the work is thereby materially enhanced. In the progress of this work, numerous subjects came up for investigation ; and such must always be the case in a science which has so wide a field as agriculture. Among these subjects of investigation, the local temperatures, the annual amounts of rain, the length of the seasons in the different dis- tricts, the times of harvest, and the various accidents to which vegetation is oceasionally exposed from contingencies of the weather, have received a share of my attention. Of those questions which all will regard as practically useful, the determination of the composition of the rocks that give origin to the soil is one which has occupied my particular care. A similar remark might be made respecting the composition of the waters of the different geological formations, though it must be said that want of sufficient time has prevented so full an investigation of this question as was desirable. As fertilizers of the soil, the shales, limestones, marls, peats, etc. have constantly occupied my attention; but I have devoted more time to the consideration of the soils themselves, than to the other subjects of inquiry. At the time I began this work, the utility of analyzing soils was regarded by many as questionable, and perhaps the same opinion is still entertained to some extent. My own views at first coincided with the opinions of those who looked upon the utility of the analysis of soils as somewhat doubtful ; but on making the reconnoisance before referred to, | became convinced, that so far as this State was concerned, many beneficial results would follow from a faithful questioning of the soils by analysis. I accordingly commenced the work, and have pursued it faithfully up to the present time ; and I must say that my views in favor of the utility of the undertaking have rather been strengthened by the results obtained, more especially by those which appear in the latter part of this volame. I have kept in view, during the whole progress of the work, the relations of the soils to the rocks. I cannot, however, avoid observing that the subject is still open to investigation, and that much yet remains to be done in this field of inquiry. A want of time and means has cut short, to a certain extent, the plan I had proposed to carry out. Indeed it has been impossible to visit eee PREFACE. vu more than a few of the most important places in the State, for the purpose of collecting the necessary specimens of soil; and those who are practically acquainted with the processes of analytical chemistry, and who are aware of the great care requisite to secure reliable results, will not be surprised that many of the inquiries are but partially completed. It will be seen that I have laid some stress upon the division of the State into maize (or indian corn) and wheat-growing districts. The distinction may be one of little importance, and some may regard it as useless; still I believe that the actual constitution of the soils, and of the rocks from which they are derived, will bear me out in the distinction itself. The origin of the phosphates has been with me an object of considerable research, in which I trust I have obtained some satisfactory and useful results. I believe this is the first attempt, made in this country, to determine the rocks which contain phosphates, and distinguish them from those that do not. I consider the inquiry an interesting one, which ought to be further prosecuted. It may appear to some that I have devoted too much time and space to the consideration of the Taconic system. It must be remembered, however, that in giving an epitome of the New-York rocks, it was necessary that the rocks of this system should be noticed also; and inasmuch as the question respecting their age was one which had occupied our most distinguished geologists, and was in itself highly interesting in many points of view, I deemed it proper, considering the impulse which the State of New-York has given to geological inquiry, to press the matter to a conclusion, by settling definitely the era of the rocks of this system. The system belongs pre- eminently to New-York : conflicting views prevailed concerning it; and it was thought justifiable to make a strenuous and final effort for the settlement of the question. To show that I have not been indifferent to the utility of my labors, I may state that I so divided my time as to secure the greatest economy. The summer, being the only season when outdoor observations can be made, has been spent mostly in the field, and the winter in the laboratory. In the field, | have been assisted by my son, a part of his expenses being defrayed by myself. In the laboratory, Mr. Sauissury, and L. Cuanpier Batt, Esq., were occupied steadily and unremittingly for three hundred days, without B* vill PREFACE. incurring expense to the State. Several other gentlemen have also given me very essential aid in analysis, and without expense to the State. About five hundred days work in the laboratory have thus been rendered gratuitously. During the whole time this assistance was rendered, my own presence was necessary as a matter of course. The preceding statement, it is hoped, will be satisfactory to those who inquire how the four years spent in the survey have been occupied. One remark further seems to be called for : At the commencement of this sur- vey, ] engaged to complete it in one year. I then hoped, that with the aid of individuals interested in the success of the undertaking, so much might be accomplished as would afford general results of very considerable value. My task, however, as it now appears, was not truly defined in that engage- ment; and finding myself afterwards sustained by men whose opinions could not but be respected, and even by instructions which were obligatory upon me, much more was determined upon when the field was partially surveyed; for if the agricultural interest is not one of paramount importance, I have mistaken the nature of the duties in which I have been engaged. Besides, the whole matter was stated to a committee of the Legislature in 1845, to whom all the engagements which had previously been entered into with the State were submitted, and were by them examined and investigated, and it was by their unanimous recommendation that the survey has been in progress for the last two years. The second volume of the present work is in course of preparation, and will contain, among other things, an account of the composition of the ashes of the different cultivated vegetables; a description of the several varieties of the cereals which seem to be best adapted to our climate, and a list of the principal fruits which reach perfection in the different districts. The division of the work into two volumes, though by no means intended when it first went to press, has been decided upon in consequence of an increased amount of matter, which has accumulated during its progress, and which, if bound in one volume, would make it too thick for convenience : inasmuch, too, as no additional expense to the State will arise from the measure, but, on the contrary, something will be gained; the expense of binding a volume being less than the price for which it is sold to counties and individuals. PREFACE. 1x In conclusion, I tender my thanks to those who have assisted me in this survey. Mr. G. H. Smita of Rochester, and Mr. W. M. Situ of Manlius, are entitled to my acknowledgments for their services in the winter and spring of 1846. Messrs. G. Geppes, H. S. Ranpat and L. F. ALten, have assisted me in many ways. Davin Tuomas is entitled to a similar acknowledgment; for I have not hesitated to ask his advice on many doubtful questions, and have always been kindly and frankly responded to. I have already given the names of the two gentlemen who have been so efficient in the laboratory, and who are still zealously engaged in chemical analysis. Mr. J. Crary, a young chemist of Washington county, has also aided me considerably in the work of analysis. To Mr. J. Parerson, who has superintended the proof- sheets, the volume is in a great measure indebted for its general correctness. E. EMMONS. Aupany, December 30, 1846. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS 0000.0 00cccccnecsceenescccreronpevnes see cetsveceescscsetaversciaas oss . Page 1 CHAPTER II. TOPOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE STATE. Topographical outlines, page 3. Division of the State into agricultural districts, 4: Northern and Southern Highland districts, 4 & 5; Eastern district, 6; Hudson and Mohawk district, 7; Western or Wheat district, 8; Southern district, 9; Atlantic district, 10. Letter from D. Thomas, 8. CHAPTER III. CLIMATE AND TEMPERATURE OF THE STATE. Letter from J. H. Coffin, page 11. Variation of temperature from difference of elevation, 12; from difference of latitude, 14. Kirwan’s and Brewster’s formule for mean temperature, 16. Forwardness of seasons, 18. Climate of Long island, 20; of the valley of the Hudson, 21; of the valley of the Mohawk, 23; of the region north and northwest of the valley of the Mohawk, 26; of the region south and southwest of the valley of the Mohawk, 28; of the western part of the State, 30. CHAPTER IV. AGRICULTURAL GEOLOGY. Soils derived from the decomposition of different rocks, page 33. Classification of rocks, 35. Composition of simple minerals, 39. Character of granitic soils, 42. Drifted soils, 43. CHAPTER V. THE TACONIC SYSTEM. General view of the Taconic system, page 45. Opinions of geologists on the Taconic and Cambrian systems, 46. Hudson river rocks, and Champlain division, 49.. Rocks below and older than the Taconic system, 52. Position and relations of the Taconic system, 54. Individual members of the Taconic system, 61: Black slate, 63; Taconic slate, 65; Sparry limestone, 72; Magnesian slate, 75; Stockbridge limestone, 75; Brown sandstone or Granular quartz, 83. Rocks immediately above the Taconic system, 87. Taconic system in Rhode-Island, 90. Taconic system in Maine, 94. Taconic system in Michigan, 101. Derangements of the Taconic system, 102. Mineral products of the Taconic system, 105. Appendix to the Taconic system, 109. | | } CONTENTS. Xl CHAPTER VI. THE NEW-YORK SYSTEM. General view of the New-York system, page 113. Classification of the New-York rocks, 114. Note on geological periods, 115. Champlain division, 117: Potsdam sandstone, 117; Calciferous sandstone, 118; Chazy limestone, 122; Birdseye limestone, 122; Isle Lamotte marble, 123; Trenton limestone, 123; Utica slate, 123; Loraine shales, 124; Oneida conglomerate, 125. Agricultural relations of the Champlain division, 129. Waters of the Champlain division, 130. Fractures in the Champlain division, 133. Thickness of the Champlain division, 138. Ontario division, 141: Medina sandstone, 142; Clinton group, 144; Niagara group, 150. Thickness of the Ontario division, 152. Helderberg division, 153: Onondaga-salt group, 153; Pentamerus limestone, 166; Delthyris shaly limestone, 167; Encrinal limestone, 168; Oriskany sandstone, 168; Cauda-galli grit, 171; Schoharie grit, 174; Onondaga limestone, 174. Thickness of the Helderberg division, 178. Erie division, 180: Marcellus slate, 181 ; Hamilton shales, 183; Tully limestone, 186. Catskill division, 187: Portage and Chemung groups, 188 ; Catskill group, 193 Equivalents of the Devonian system, 198. New Red sandstone, 200. Tertiary system, 202. Marl and peat, 204. CHAPTER VII. SOILS OF NEW-YORK. Origin of soils, page 207. Distribution of soils, 209: Phenomena of diluvial action, 209; Distribution of soils by diluvial action, 212; Causes of diluvial action, 214. Relations of soils to the underlying rocks, 218. Elements of soils, 220. Classification of soils, 229. Temperature of soils, 231. Table comparing the temperature of the earth and the air, 232. Composition of the soils of New-York, 234. Analysis of soils of the Highland district, 236; of the Taconic district, 242; of the Hudson and Mohawk district, 255; of the Western district, 270; of the Southern district, 307; of the Atlantic district, 318. Analysis of waters of the Taconic district, 250; of the Hudson and Mohawk district, 263; of the Western district, 298; of the Southern district, 314. Climate of the Taconic district, 252; of the Hudson and Mohawk district, 268; of the Western district, 303; of the Southern district, 315; of the Atlantic district, 321. Improvement of the soil of the Taconic district, 253; of the Hudson and Mohawk district, 262; of the Western district, 297; of the Southern district, 313; of the Atlantic district, 320. Comparison of the soils of the different districts, 323. Quantity of maize and oats harvested in the several districts in the year 1845, 326, Observations on analysis, 327. Analysis of soils from the Taconic district, 330. Analysis of soils from the Western district, 336. Soils tested for soluble silica and the phosphates, 344. Sources of the phosphates, 345. Premium crops of wheat, maize and oats, 348. Absorptive and retentive powers of soils, 351. Tables of the com- position of the limestones, shales, slates and marls, 354. General summary, 358. DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL MAP 23... -sece-eeeeseeeceees ~SOnqhoGEe necodonc aDenoosba +... Page 361 EgerAss AION OX EHEVAGRICULTURAL BEAD cs) 0 cigrele o(e1s bie nj0 aveincie aia’elcla elalerstale Wee /alninlajelareereteeje a ocean 361 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES 25 2.60200 c00-000e0ss erapotetas hears atahelare atateterayaverate otere SE Sco oF oc 363 EXPLANATION OF THE ENGRAVINGS .. 2... «200- ai zratei ste Matatars i loiame aheVereiete aie|=\nlu/alalelata’m oisyeinitterarayelera) aye a 368 5 ames 3) ‘ r ; 7 . ° » ad w a a . v4 es ee os ° {faa : va - “we le f _ i ee —_ ye 24 Pal Pen eee Lh : | Pam rt, a FSP ae eo te SP aa ae neces oe ; r ~* 7 - i” Lo a . 4eeF ‘Y 4 2 » - ; ~ gees Baoan se, Ve Pavey". ie Bewa wow me sagted mt eri eek aoe 40° beg te ee ef + te ae 4, By ate UO, Rate re, Faber dat Te j io M0 OEP” ts bs TAME Oop pont iy adie Bas e en: to's sept Jendigeyls? le Panett. 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CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. I enreR upon the work of preparing the Report on the Agriculture of the State with feel- ings of deep anxiety and concern. The importance of the subject, the difficulties which surround it, the extent of territory, and the very limited time granted for the accomplish- ment of my labor, are considerations which, in their individuality, are of great moment, but when taken collectively, become so overwhelming as almost to induce me to shrink from the task. But these are not all. A large and highly intelligent community expect much from this part of the survey. * CALCIFEROUS SANDSTONE. 12] of the east side, are quite heterogeneous in their composition. This may be explained partly on the ground that the-materials were derived from that remarkable system which lies adjacent to it upon the east. Some of the insulated masses upon this eastern range present us with a combination of products resembling the calciferous, birdseye and trenton; in which, too, the forms of the fossils are such that it is at first sight difficult to determine to which rock they are to be referred, a fact which fully corroborates the opinion that all the limestones of this group may be very properly included under one name. Even the Bellerophon bilobatus, which has been credited to the Trenton limestone, often occurs in the Calciferous sandstone. A locality of this rock, in which there is a combination of the several limestones of the Champlain group, exists opposite to the city of Albany in Greenbush, crowning a remark- able knob near the site of the Old Cantonment; but in other places the line of distine- tion between the masses is quite evident, and from those localities one would infer that it is quite proper to keep up a distinction of the masses. In these instances, certain fossils are limited to the masses; and they often appear to be cut off suddenly, on some distinct change in the composition of the rocks. Range and extent. The Calciferous sandstone covers a wider area than the Potsdam sandstone. It is, in the first place, coextensive with the potsdam; but in addition to this it passes through the Mohawk valley, where the latter is hardly known. In the counties of Dutchess and Orange, it forms an imperfect belt. In Columbia, Rensselaer and Wash- ington counties, its continuity is still more broken. It occupies, in the three last counties, the knobs, as at Greenbush, Greenwich and Whitehall. These knobs lie contiguous to the valley of the Hudson : it is, however, still sparingly found twenty miles east of the Hudson river, as at Hoosic ; and, as I now believe, near Pownal in Vermont, forming at the latter place heavy beds of siliceous limestone, which are peculiarly attractive by their bold broken outlines and perpendicular walls. Probably this broken range or belt runs obliquely across Columbia and Dutchess counties, and thence onwards through Orange, crossing the Hudson river a few miles above Newburgh. We can hardly avoid the inference that this belt was once continuous, and formed an important mass, overlying the Taconic slate. At one period it undoubtedly was conti- nuous with the same rock which passes through the Mohawk valley, and onwards to the northwest through Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, and thence over wide tracts in the Canadas and the region of Lake Superior. In the Hudson valley, the indications of its former extent are found in the insulated patches, which sometimes crown the highest knobs of the region; but then as the forces which occasioned the great northern fractures of this valley, disturbed and broke up the rocks unequally, we find it sometimes in the vallies outcropping from beneath the Hudson river slates, which have been preserved from denudation. These patches vary much in extent : some are limited to a few acres; others extend several miles, but they are quite insulated, and may be observed on all sides. At favorable points, the position they occupy need not be mistaken. They rest upon the slates of the Taconic system. [AcricuLTuRAL Reporv.] 16 122 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. Before I pass to the consideration of the succeeding members of this group, I desire to call the attention of geologists to a narrow and irregular belt of the Calciferous sandstone which extends from Greenbush to the Canada line. It is apparently fragmentary, and is in some places undoubtedly so. It is fossiliferous, but most of the fossils are mere frag- ments, consisting of pieces of the crust of the I/lenus and Isotelus ; but among these fragments, some small specimens of crustaceans may be seen, nearly perfect. This mass is very liable to be confounded with the Sparry limestone, inasmuch as it is traversed by veins of calc-spar ; and where the soil conceals its borders, it is apparently interlaminated with the Taconic slate ; yet in many places it may be taken off from the upturned edges of the slate, and is absolutely and entirely removed from these where it has been quarried in several localities. This shows plainly, then, that it is a rock of an- other age, from the slates upon which it rests; and as this rock is broken up, and as into it we find there has been introduced peculiar fossils, it shows that there was a change, a beginning of a new era, which we may with great propriety consider as the commence- ment of a new system. §3. CHAzy LIMESTONE. Notwithstanding the remark that the lower limestones of the Champlain division may, with at least a show of propriety, be placed under one name ; still it is right, in our esti- mation, to designate certain masses under local names, where they are found in thick beds. This especially seems right in the case of this limestone, which exists in Clinton county, and whose entire thickness is at least one hundred and thirty feet. At Chazy, it is a dark durable limestone, more or less cherty and thick-bedded ; but so little disposed to split in any direction, that it is quarried with difficulty. This limestone is quite limited : it is best developed at Chazy, but still may be observed at Essex, where the characteristic fossil, the Maclurea, is quite abundant. §4. BrrpsEyE LIMESTONE. This is the only perfectly compact limestone which occurs in the Champlain division. It breaks with a conchoidal fracture. The color is a light drab, passing into a dark blue. The light-colored variety has been pronounced a good lithographic stone. At Chazy, it is interlaminated with a few beds of fine granular siliceous limestone, similar to the hydraulic variety in the Calciferous sandstone. This variety is the most important for making quick- lime ; for although it is often quite dark-colored, still it forms a remarkably pure white lime, and well adapted for glass-making, and for any of those arts where a pure lime is required. Such are some of the beds at Chazy. Some of the beds are singularly filled with calca- reous spar: it often replaces the curious fossil hitherto known as the Fucoides demissus, but which (as will be seen by reference to my report) is strictly a polyparia. This is con- sidered the characteristic fossil ; though near its junction with the next mass of limestone, several fossils allied to those in the Trenton limestone are somewhat abundant. The Orthoceras multicameratus is, however, equally characteristic with the Fucoides demissus. CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 123 § 5. IsLE-LAMOTTE MARBLE. Reposing upon the birdseye, is a black finely granular limestone, called the seven-foot tier by the quarrymen at Watertown in Jefferson county, but which is better known in market as the Isle-Lamotte marble. At the latter place, it is twenty-five or thirty feet thick ; while at Watertown it is only seven or eight, and being at the same time lumpy, is unfit for marble, or any use except for the coarsest structures. At Glensfalls it is nearly as im- portant as at Isle Lamotte. When present, it intervenes between the birdseye and trenton : into the latter it gradually passes. The fossils of the trenton are never, or very rarely found in it, and then only in the superior layers: neither do those of the birdseye pass upward into the Isle-Lamotte marble. It seems to be constituted of one or two thick beds, as if it had been deposited with great rapidity. § 6. TRENTON LIMESTONE. The Calciferous sandstone and the Trenton limestone constitute the two important lime- stones of this division; inasmuch as they form continuous masses, and far more extensive than all the other limestones put together. It may be described under three varieties: 1, it is a rock made up of alternating layers of limestone and black slate, as at Chazy ; 2, of a thick mass of black limestone, as at Trenton falls; 3, a gray limestone, sparkling from crystallization. These varieties sometimes exist together, and sometimes they are sepa- rated ; and, besides, where all are present, their relative position is not constant. At Montreal, the gray variety is the inferior mass; at Watertown, it is the superior. But though there is irregularity in the position of the varieties, there is much constancy in the kind of fossils which belong to the rock. The upper part of the rock is a black calcareous slate, and passes by imperceptible gradations into the succeeding slate. Sometimes, the rock consists of alternating layers of black fine-grained slate: this is the case at Chazy, where it is between four and five hundred feet thick. § 7. Urica sLaTE. We propose to retain the divisions and names which were adopted in the Geological Reports, although some of them have but a slight claim to the distinction of independent rocks. This is the case with the Utica slate. It would do no violence to geological classi- fication, to incorporate it with the slate of the Trenton limestone below, or with the Loraine shales above. It is an intermediate deposite ; or, in other words, a transitional formation, connecting the two; on the one hand, it departs from the typical mass of the limestone, and becomes merged by gradual approximations with the Loraine shales. The fossils partake more of the character of the shales, than of the limestone. This slate has no distinctive character in its composition, by which it may be known 16* 124 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. from any other slate, of a distant formation. It is only by position, and its fossils, that it can be recognized. Its fragile character is quite worthy of notice ; as by its inability to withstand the combined action of water and frost, it is constantly passing into soil. This is especially the case if broken and raised from its beds. Under these circumstances, it forms an argillo-calcareous soil of the best character. This mass is well developed in the valley of the Mohawk ; but in the Champlain and Hudson, it is very imperfectly known. In the vicinity of Glensfalls and Sandyhill, it is easily recognized in its place above the Trenton limestone, It skirts the valley of the Hudson at Miller’s falls ; but in this range, especially upon the east side of the valley, it is concealed among the shales, and so much altered by pressure and other disturbances that it is by no means clearly defined. It may be studied in the gorges of Loraine in Jefferson county, where it may be seen in its inferior and superior connections. Its thickness is not less than seventy-five, nor over one hundred feet. In obtaining this estimate, I have been guided by the distribution of the Triarthus beckii, and the lithological character of the rock. There is less siliceous matter in the mass, which has received the appellation of Utica slate. § 8. LoraIne SHALES. The incorporation of the Utica slate with the shales of this section, may be well observed in the deep gorges of Jefferson and Lewis counties. A band of slate, quite fossiliferous, lies at the base of the shales, which is usually considered the superior part of the Utica slate. Within a few feet of this band, I have found the Pterinea carinata, which is one of the characteristic fossils of the shales. The shales are composed of alternating beds of slate in this mass in New-York, similar to the Utica slate, and thin siliceous beds, which become, in the superior portion, thick beds, with far less interposed shale. It forms, strictly speak- ing, thin and thick-bedded sandstones, of which the thick beds were deposited last. The distribution of the fossils in this mass is worthy of notice. Proceeding from the fossiliferous band of the Utica slate, the fossils diminish rapidly, so that in the middle and inferior parts of the Loraine shales very few fossils exist ; while at the upper portion the mass becomes highly charged with organic bodies, though distributed more abundantly through calcareous bands. But then they diminish again; and when the thick-bedded sandstone appears, they cease, with few exceptions. This peculiar distribution, and the confined limits of the fossiliferous beds, render the recognition of these shales, when they lie in proximity to the Taconic system, quite difficult ; still, by careful examination for the thin fossiliferous bands, doubts may be usually removed. I say careful examination, for a careless observer would probably pass over some highly fossiliferous strata without recognizing them, in consequence of their obliteration outwardly ; and it is only where the stratum is broken in the disturbed part of the formation, that they can be observed. In describing this rock, it is hardly possible to separate the thick-bedded mass at the superior part, from the Loraine shales proper: there is a perfect transition of one into the a, en ie 7 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 125 other, and hence we can not say where one begins and the other ends. Still it is to be re- membered that the thick-bedded mass is not always present: thus, near Utica, it seems to be replaced by the Oneida conglomerate. They are not to be regarded, however, as equi- valent rocks, for both exist together in the valley of the Rondout in Ulster county. The thick beds may be observed in many places east of the High falls, exposed. by the exca- vations along the Hudson and Delaware canal, and also by the main road leading up the valley. ‘The mass may be observed to still better advantage at the northern outcropping along the termination of the Helderberg range, where it probably forms the thickest mass of any other locality in the State: it is here composed of alternating beds of sandstone and: black slate, the latter varying in thickness from twelve to eighteen inches. The entire thickness of the mass here is not less than seven hundred feet. It has a slight dip only to the southwest, and is finely exposed from top to bottom by a small stream which flows ever it near the roadside. It is here almost destitute of fossils, and in this respect resem- bles the beds which occur in patches upon the east side of the Hudson, along the Western railway. These latter beds may be clearly distinguished from the slates and shales of the Taconic system: they neither conform with them in dip, nor in strike ;. and except in the immediate vicinity of the great northern fracture of the Hudson valley, their dip and dis- turbance is not excessive. This mass of slate and sandstone is almost worthless as a material for construction. Beds of the thick sandstone, in the course of a few years, break and fall into angular fragments ; and even where they are defended in a great measure from the operation of atmospheric causes, they are very liable to crack. This may be seen on the Western railway, near Greenbush. The stones appear sound when first quarried, and so remain for a year or two, when they begin to show the influence of the weather. It is proper to state, how- ever, that the disposition to crumble by the action of the weather, is less in Oneida and Oswego counties, where the same rock is quarried for grindstones : here the layers are quite regular, at least in some portions of the rock. § 9. ONEIDA CONGLOMERATE. This rock is the newest member of the Champlain division, and, like some other depo- sits, is not continuous over wide areas. Its composition and character may be understood by those who are familiar with gravelly and sandy beaches, or pebbly beds, which, when indurated or consolidated, are perfect representatives of*this mass. It is formed of rounded oval pebbles, small and large, intermixed with sand. Very little cement agglutinates the mass. Green chloritic matter is not uncommon in the body of the rock. It is firm ; quite remarkably so, as it is often employed for millstones. The Shawangunk range in Ulster county is composed of this rock, and the conglomerate near Utica belongs to the same formation. It is limited to those two ranges in New-York, and these are disconnected. The first is by far the most extensive and important. At Utica, it is a mass twenty or thirty feet thick, overlying and resting immediately upon the 126 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. thin-bedded Loraine shales: the thick-bedded superior masses are wanting, though at Rome and its vicinity they are well developed, and appear even-grained and even-bedded, se much so as to be employed in the manufacture of grindstones. This rock, at the Shawangunk range, is thick-bedded, and rises in mural escarpments of from thirty to two hundred feet. The position is often horizontal, but not always so, inasmuch as it is found dipping at a high angle to the southeast ; and in other places, par- ticularly upon the west side, to the northwest at a variable angle. In New-York, this rock extends from the New-Jersey line to Rosendale near Kingston, a distance of forty- three miles. The range is narrow, direct, and of a very uniform height, similar in this respect to the more southern ridges of Pennsylvania. The maximum thickness of the Onieda conglomerate of this range, is estimated by Mr. Marner at five hundred feet. It is not well settled where this reck belongs, or in which of the two divisions it may be placed with the least violence to the rules ef classification — whether in the Ontario division, or in the Champlain. This difficulty is created by the absence of fossils, ex- cepting a few obscure casts of fucoidal stems. It may be regarded as an intercalated rock; asa landmark, indicating that a very important change has taken place, which marks the termination of one era, or the commencement of another. If we regard it as marking the termination of a period, it belongs to the Champlain division: if it is consi- dered as the beginning of an era, it will belong to the Ontario division. Its importance as a way-mark is unaffected by either view of the case. Being made up of rolled stones and pebbles, it must have formed the shore of an ocean when it was consolidated; after which, it was elevated. Or, as some would regard it, it was formed as before stated of stones rounded by attrition; but they were brought together during a period of turmoil, whieh affected very materially the existing races of animals. § 10. GENERAL RANGE AND EXTENT OF THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. If we separate clearly this lower division from the succeeding ones, we have mastered the geology of New-York. Nature has done this, and there is scarcely a locality where the rocks succeeding this division are so intermingled as to lead necessarily into error. We turn our attention first to the Mohawk valley, for in this we find a definite southern boundary. In this remark, however, we adopt what was the ancient boundary, rather than what appears to be its present limits, especially of the eastern part of it. To obtain a point of departure, let the reader in imagination pass over the Schoharie stage road from Albany, but stop sixteen miles west. This part of the route is over the shales of the Hudson river, concealed mostly for the first ten or twelve miles by the tertiary clays and sands. The last mile, however, he ascends the northern terminus of the Helderberg range. The first part of the ascent is still Hudson river, and thus it con- tinues until he has apparently reached the highest part of the mountain. A little to the left of the road on the westerly route, less than half a mile, the limestones of the Helder- CHAMPEAIN DIVISION. 127 berg appear, occupying a position immediately upon the thick-bedded sandstone of the Hudson-river group. ° If a tangent line, then, be drawn in the direction of Utica, so as to touch the Helderberg spurs as they come up from the south, this tangent line will form a very correct line of the boundary of this division. It may be carried on in the direction of Rome, and terminated upon Lake Ontario. South of this line there are no rocks belonging to the lowest division, except at the opening of the north and south vallies with the Mohawk. Thus, at Scho- harie court-house, the Hudson-river rocks really underlie the clays and alluvions as high up as the bridge southwest of the village. So they may probably be traced a short distance up some other minor vallies lying parallel with this. They are all vallies of erosion, and the superior rocks have been removed, and hence the exposure of the lower ones in the bottom of these excavations. We have, then, nothing more to do with the Champlain division in the whole of New- York south of this imaginary line: neither are the rocks superior to those upon the north side of it; not a fragment in place, or even a boulder. But here it is necessary to state, that on another route, we find the Champlain division largely developed. Departing from the eastern slope of the Helderberg range, and avoid- ing the higher spurs, we shall find the lower division continuing in the direction of Coeymans, Catskill, and onwards to Kingston, and thence to the High falls of the Ron- dout. The eastern side of this route is mostly the lower division. The only exception is at Becraft’s mountain, near the city of Hudson, where the Helderberg rocks form an in- considerable area: it is the only place where they appear east of the Hudson river. The Hudson-river group stretches. from the northern base of the Helderberg range, passing through Schenectady and onwards north of Ballston, and thence northeast towards Sandyhill. On the route of the canal from Schenectady to Albany, and at about four miles east of the former place, we meet the disturbed belt, where the shales and slates are curved, arched and broken, or form undulating planes for a great distance. These disturbances are well exposed along the route of the canal.. Near the Cohoes, they may be examined ; and eyen here, although badly broken up, a faithful observer will find the fossiliferous bands. Soa few miles west of Milton, opposite Poughkeepsie, the disturbed masses of the Hudson-river group. disclose the fossiliferous beds. But in the slates of the Taconic system, though less broken and disturbed, we find no bands charged with mollusca. Those, therefore, who deny the existence of the Taconic system, should be able to account for and explain this fact; and should this fact be sustained by continued observation, it is itself of sufficient importance to establish the position we have taken in regard to a system of rocks beneath and older than the Silurian or New-York system: it would mark clearly and ineffaceably a line of demarkation between the two systems we contend for. And should mollusca in the taconie rocks be discovered hereafter, it would not affect our position, unless indeed they were identical with those of some part of the superior system; and even then how are we to explain the fact of superposition? Now, the rocks below the 128 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. Potsdam sandstone are not extensions downward of repeated beds conformable thereto, but they are throughout non-conformable, of divers kinds, following each other in suc- cession, and forming together an immense thickness far superior to all the rocks of the New-York system, embracing even all the masses up to the coal of Pennsylvania. For this reason, we say that those who maintain that the silurian rocks are merely altered rocks of the Champlain group, maintain that which is not far removed from an absurdity. But to return to the consideration of the distribution of the Champlain group. I have already spoken of numerous insulated patches of some of these rocks. These are usually the Calciferous sandstone ; and inasmuch as they frequently resemble the Sparry limestone, they are very liable to be mistaken for it, especially when they occur in the neighborhood of the latter. This mistake has been, and is still, very likely to be committed in the eastern towns of Rensselaer and Washington counties, where there are heavy beds of Calciferous sandstone with the fossils peculiar to the same. I may call the attention of geologists to the limestones in Hoosic in the former county, where the Maclurea has been found by my friend Mr. L. Witper. Generally those masses of limestone are not extensive ; and even some are so limited, in which these fossils occur, that the entire mass has been removed, showing conclusively that they do not form a constituent part of the rocks upon which they rest; and moreover their dip and strike do not conform at all to the slates upon which they repose. Another small range of the Hudson-river rocks occurs between Chatham centre and Chatham four-corners. The Great Western Railway passes over and through many of these thick-bedded masses, which are clearly the same kind of rocks as those which ap- pear in the northern face of the Helderberg range. They lie in deep troughs ; and as the thickness exposed in the railway cuttings are never deep, no lower rocks appear, but those which belong to the superior part of the Champlain group. The superior rocks of the Champlain division berder the west side of the Hudson, from Coeymans to New-Jersey. On this river, upon either shore, not a single member of any of the superior divisions exists. At Hudson city, on the western side, the Helderberg division forms the surface rocks over a limited area, but they are removed two and a half to three miles from its banks. At Coeymans, the same rocks are at least two miles west. At Kingston point, the Pentamerus rock is within about one mile, which is the nearest ap- proach of this rock to the river. The Shawangunk range, farther south, is a distinct western boundary of the Hudson- river group to the New-Jersey line ; at least, neither the Ontario or Helderberg division appears on the east of this very remarkable range. The limit of these rocks, however, may be better understood by a direct reference to the accompanying map. Important developments of the upper members of the Champlain division exist at the northern termination of the Mohawk valley, the valley of Oneida lake, and of Salmon river. It is interesting to notice some of the differences in these masses. At or near Rome, it is a tolerably clear gray sandstone, free from slate comparatively ; and from its consoli- “TT ALE Td CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 129 dated state, it isin a better condition for building, and architectural and economical purposes. In this direction, it is largely developed in Camden, Florence and Oswego, and still more largely in Mexico, New-Haven, Scriba, and Redfield. The most perfect exhibition of the gray sandstone mass is upon the Salmon river, where it appears in the three falls of the river, and the rock is exposed for more than one hundred feet. It disappears about two miles west of Oswego village, beneath the Medina sandstone. § 11. PuysicaL CHARACTER OF THE SURFACE OF THE COUNTRY UNDERLAID BY THE CHAMPLAIN GROUP. There is nothing very peculiar or striking in the region underlaid by the Champlain division. The surface is generally hilly, or rather undulating. The hills are not steep or rugged, neither are they bare of vegetation. The soil upon the limestone, and even upon the Potsdam sandstone, when thin, is not washed off in consequence of the steepness of the surfaces. All the rocks embraced in this division occupy comparatively a low level, not having been forced upward so as to reach mountain heights ; and where they rest im- mediately upon the primary, they are merely broken up, but do not then form a rugged country. In the annexed plate (Pl. 2) I have given a view of the scenery of these rocks, or rather a characteristic view of a large portion of the territory underlaid by them. It is perhaps more peculiar to the Mohawk valley, but it is intended also to convey a general idea of the vegetation of this region, which forms rather a contrast with that of the Genesee valley, as will appear on comparing the view at Amsterdam with that near Mount Auburn at Rochester. The peculiarity is seen in the difference existing in the growth of the elms: in the former valley, they are comparatively small, with pendulous branches; while in the latter, they are tall, with a straight trunk and a heavy overshadowing head. This is undoubtedly owing to the deep clays charged with the alkalies; and wherever we find those enormous but splendid elms, we may invariably see the indications of an excellent wheat soil. § 12. AGRIcULTURAL RELATIONS OF THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. I do not propose to speak particularly of the soils of the district which I have named the Hudson-river district, and which in the main corresponds or belongs to this series of rocks. The first observation which strikes me as important, is that the soil is uniformly coarse. This is particularly the case with the shales and slates, which break up by the action of the weather into small angular pieces, and frequently fill the soil. The ten- dency, however, is to become finer by cultivation and stirring; but where the rock is near the surface, new layers are broken up as often as it is ploughed, and a supply is thus continually furnished. These pieces keep the soil open, which, without them, would in process of time become too compact. The limestones, except where they are shaly, are but little affected by the weather: hence but little calcareous matter is furnished by them [AcRicuLTuRAL Report.] v7 130 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. to the soil. In this respect they are dissimilar to the primary and magnesian limestones, which crumble, and frequently form around their beds from twelve to twenty inches of comminuted calcareous earth. Another feature in the limestone, and even in the Potsdam sandstone, is its fissured state. The natural joints at the surface are opened widely, so as to admit the falling of large bodies into them ; and into these cracks or fissures the surface water flows freely, and for this reason some portions of the country are liable to suffer from drought. But this is not all. Few if any springs issue from these rocks, except at a low level ; and hence we find very frequently the waters which have been swallowed in the deep fissures, flowing out of the banks of some stream. The limited extent, however, of these fissured rocks, does not affect very materially the agricultural products: they are not barren in consequence of a want of water, as are some large limestone tracts in the State of Kentucky. Upon the whole, the country underlaid by the Champlain division is favorable to agri- culture. The slopes are rarely steep ; the hills are susceptible of cultivation to their tops, and the disposition to produce grass of a sweet kind renders the fields and hillsides favorite grounds for the pasturage of flocks. The slates and shales are much less fissured than the limestones and sandstones ; and, hence, from the impervious nature of their beds, they prevent the rapid escape of surface water. This holds good, whether the slates are hori- zontal or raised to a steep inclination ; for, in the latter case, the lamine are so powerfully pressed together, that ifany thing they become more impervious than the undisturbed beds. However, where the rocks are horizontal, or even inclined, they always admit of an easy drainage ; for ravines occur wherever there is a stream of running water, and these form general drains, into which artificial ones may be opened over the whole country where these rocks prevail. § 13. Sprincs WHICH ISSUE FROM THE MEMBERS OF THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. It is not possible always to determine the source of a spring, unless indeed the rock itself is sufficiently exposed to observation. A spring issuing immediately from the soil, may, previous to its exit, have traversed the rocky strata from a great depth ; or it may only have percolated to an inconsiderable depth into the soil, and meeting an impervious stratum, it is soon forced again to the surface. If it passes through sand and gravel, it remains nearly pure ; but if, on the contrary, it passes through shales or slates, charged with pyrites, with lime and saline matters, it dissolves a portion of them, and becomes in consequence what is termed a mineral spring. Its temperature too will suffer some change: if it percolates through fissures to a great depth, it will be raised. Every sixty feet,* in this country, will impart a degree of temperature. It may, however, lose a portion of its temperature in its upward passage. By far the greater number of springs issue from the earth at a tempera- ture above the mean of the place. The composition of the water of a spring is evidently affected by the strata through which * This holds good only below the line of no variation. SPRINGS FROM THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 131 it passes. Those which merely pass through sandstone retain the purity almost of rain water ; while those which pass through limestones are invariably impure, or hard waters, as they are termed. The water of the springs which issue from the Potsdam sandstone, is soft, or very rarely so highly charged that it will not wash well. The waters issuing from the slates of the Hudson river are more or less charged with saline matters ; and what is worthy of remark, is, that they furnish many chalybeate and sulphur springs, or springs whose waters contain hydro-sulphurous acid in solution. They are mostly weak, and of but little medicinal value. The most interesting and important springs, however, issue from the Calciferous sand- stone. It is this rock, for instance, which gives origin to the celebrated Congress spring of Saratoga. This fact was proved two years since, when the spring was retubed. On care- fully removing the deposit at the bottom of the spring, the water was found to issue from a small hole or fissure in this rock. It is of course impossible to trace the water farther ; but this shows that it is not from the clay which fills the valley, nor from the Hudson- river rocks or slate of the Trenton limestone. It is not my purpose to attempt to give a detailed account of the springs of this celebrated locality ; inasmuch as in the report of Dr. Beck, all the most important facts are embodied, and may be consulted by the reader. Some independent observations, however, were made by myself in the summer of 1844, which may be found of some interest. These springs issue from near a fracture in the lower rocks of the Champlain division. The geological structure of the valley may be understood by the annexed diagram : Fig. 16. 4 | == tell ch bs Mle a Pe tA E a. Calciferous sandstone. F. Fracture. b. Birdseye limestone. 1, 2, 3. Sand, yellow and blue clays, forming ¢. Trenton limestone. the eastern side of the valley. Those who have informed themselves of the relative position of these rocks, will per- ceive that there is both a fracture and uplift. The calciferous sandstone, which occupies a position inferior to the birdseye and trenton, is at this place elevated above them. The fraciure runs to the southeast, but the valley opens to the northeast. This fracture forms quite a depression, which runs nearly parallel with Broadway, the principal street of the village. We gain access to it at the south end of the street, near the site of Congress spring, where the rocks are less elevated. It is not proved, as I have already remarked, that any of the springs, except Congress spring, rise out of the calciferous ; but from the fact of the existence of a fracture, we may infer with great propriety that they originate iW 132 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. below the drift sand and clays of the valley ; and as the slates are absent, or distant two miles at least, we may also infer that the waters do not originate in them, but probably are connected with or rise out of the fault or fracture which has been already described. I made many careful observations on the temperature of all these springs, which I deem proper to insert in this place. The temperature of Congress spring was -.- ---- 50° Depth 12 feet. Washinpteh ic? Met See 49 «2 22 Hamilton ‘ai Y SoearSee 49 eet 1B Putnam a ese ee 49 -. 20 Pavilion ee ee ee 481 sas Flatrock Sy eS 50 moet! Hiphrock. e.g) | one aee 514 - 8 Todine Be 50 se OE. The Pavilion spring constantly overflows, and resembles a boiling fountain, from the rapid rise and escape of carbonic acid. Putnam spring rises out of sand. Washington spring rises out of a blue clay and pebbles : this is ferruginous. One mile northeast from the springs whose temperatures I have just given, are ten other springs, whose general character is the same. The temperature is as follows : Brook spring- ----- 5ie Union, 42h Hes 51 PHCSON fai aoe 56 TESA whe core 2 ne The five remaining springs are too much exposed, and open to the incursion of rain- water, so that observations are of no consequence. The Union spring is equal to the Congress for drinking. Jackson and the Twins are much exposed to variation of tempe- rature, in consequence of their unprotected state. These ten springs are in a deeper part of the valley, which is filled with blue clay that has been bored into to the depth of eighty feet without reaching its bottom ; still it is not improbable that all these springs are directly connected with fractures of the upper cluster of springs, but issue from it at certain points which prevent their reaching the surface immediately. In addition to the springs already noticed, there are two others of fresh water situated a little to the west of the main valley, whose temperatures are 49° ; and a well near by, with temperature of 48° : these are shaded and protected from the direct influence of external heat. Good water, in this neighborhood, is readily obtained by wells at the depth only of sixteen or eighteen feet. An interesting fact which can not escape the notice of the most careless observer, is, that these springs, though situated very near each other, and probably having one common origin, yet differ very materially in composition. Perhaps it may be said that this very difference disproves the assumption of their common origin. It may be so: still the cir- cumstances, upon the whole, go to prove that they are connected with the fault; and if so, the assumption does not militate against any fact or principle. EE ——————————— FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. 133 Before I pass to the consideration of another subject, it seems proper to state that this fault probably forms the most western limit of that disturbed district so often referred to in these reports, and which oceupies the whole of the territory between the Hudson river and the Green mountains. The rocks, it is true, are inclined as they approach the primary : still their dip is much less than towards the Hudson river. Not far from Schenectady, the slates and shales of the Hudson river are horizontal ; but three or four miles east upon the canal, they are greatly disturbed. Draw a line then north or a little east of north from Schenectady to Saratoga-springs, and then onwards to Baker’s falls on the Hudson, and it will pass near the line of fracture, where, upon the west side, the rocks are but slightly inclined, and on the other they dip precipitously to the east, and in this state underlie an immense extent of territory. This fault appears to be quite similar to that at the falls of Montmorenci in Lower Canada. The disturbed district does not end or terminate, as has been described by Mr. Rogers, by a gradual opening of the curves of dip ; but the dips continue with very little variation to the very line or place where they terminate abruptly in horizontal strata, and with a simple fault or fracture. This is the fact throughout the whole extent of New-York. It may be observed at numerous places along the Hudson valley, as at Coeymans, Coxsackie, and Kingston. Still there are numerous inverted curves, and undoubtedly many points where the phenomena indicate lateral pressure. Indeed it seems impossible that the strata under consideration could have been fractured and broken without this lateral pressure, which would produce very frequently curves and arches of various kinds. § 14. FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS OF THE ROCKS BELONGING TO THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. It is frequently impossible to determine the era of any given fracture, for the reason that the series of rocks may be incomplete and deficient. It is notwithstanding well determined that the consolidated sediments have been fractured or broken, and also that this has taken place at certain periods, though it is not pretended that these intervals were regular ; that is, that disturbances have prevailed and continued during certain periods, when they have ceased, and the territory has remained in a quiescent state for an indefinite time. In one word, it is supposed and maintained that changes of the kind which are under considera- tion, have been paroxysmal. A feature which is very common in faults and fractures of strata, is the nearly linear direction they pursue: in this feature they are analogous to dykes, which may often be traced forty or fifty miles in a continuous route. Two other facts render the subject of faults interesting and important. It is not un- common that they have been made the repositories of valuable ores, when they become in fact metallic veins; and, again, from them issue some of the most important mineral springs. For these reasons, I propose to notice some of the faults and fractures which traverse the strata composing the Champlain group. Commencing, then, with the lowest member, the Potsdam sandstone, we find this rock 134 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. traversed by irregular fractures adjacent to or near the line of contact between it and the Primary rocks. ‘The only ones, however, which I propose to notice, are now in the form of deep gorges, one of which gives passage through it to the Ausable river at Birmingham in Clinton county; and the other isin the town of Mooers, in the vicinity of the Pro- vincial line, or indeed it is stated that this line passes through the gorge. In both of these instances, the displacement of the strata is only slight, just sufficient to break their con- tinuity. As has been remarked, they are deep gorges, varying in depth from twenty-five to one hundred and fifty feet. A particular account is given of them in my report of 1842. These gorges do not appear to be connected with metallic or any other veins of mineral matter. They were formed, in the first place, by a slight upheaving, which served to crush or break the strata, forming a line of fracture ; afterwards this broken line became a water course, and the movement of water through it was sufficient to clear out and widen the breach already produced. A more interesting and important fault or fracture, however, traverses the State from south to north, and involves in its derangements not only the lower rocks, but some of the Helderberg series. I can only indicate some of the points where it may be observed. One mile south of Kingston, the thick-bedded sandstones of the Hudson-river series are elevated and raised up to the base of the Pentamerus limerock. The dip of the former is to the east at an angle of 30°, with their edges resting against the horizontal beds of the pentamerus and the upper part of the Waterlime series. The exposure at this point is one of the best, in consequence of a cut through both series of rocks, whereby the relations of the masses are satisfactorily revealed. Apparently there is here an unconformity of the Hud- son river series with the waterlimes which immediately succeed them : this unconformity, however, is produced by the disturbance of a portion of these rocks only, the conformity remaining with the masses which are undisturbed. Fig. 17 represents the position of the rock at the locality specified, which, to be more particular, is about one mile from Kingston point, at a place where the rock is extensively quarried for cement. Fig. 17. a. Pentamerus limestone. 6. Waterlimes. c. Thick-bedded gray sandstone of the Hudson-river series. We may trace this same fracture north to Saugerties, four miles west of Catskill, and through Coxsackie, New-Baltimore and Coeymans. At New-Baltimore and Coeymans, we may see disturbances of the same kind as those at Kingston point, with the easterly dip of the Hudson-river series, which terminates at once with the waterlimes and pentamerus, the latter retaining their horizontal position. At Catskill, the fracture passes through the Delthyris shales, or affects the whole of the Helderberg division. From Coeymans, this - VD HIE SUE COMMONER Jt Of ENOIC ONS LiTHe N FORK AN Tar eb oll PENTA MERU S ROCK ; on Cuttokill Creck . ‘ig FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. 135 fracture changes its direction, and makes its way to the valley of the Mohawk. It is only two miles from the river at Coeymans; but when it has passed so far as to be directly west of Albany, it is twelve miles distant. This point is near the route of the Cherryvalley turnpike, where it commences its ascent over the north end of the Helderberg range, which route is mostly over the Hudson-river series. From Albany to near the foot of the mountain, these rocks are steeply inclined to the east and southeast ; while on the route over it, they have the common inclination to the southwest of the upper New-York rocks, which does not differ much from thirty to forty feet to the mile. This fracture sends a branch north, which passes east of Schenectady. At Saratoga, its western limit, as already stated, is Saratoga-springs, where it bounds on the west the valley of the springs, and where the calciferous is the lowest rock which is exposed, and which remains nearly horizontal, while the trenton appears on a lower level, as if it had been affected by a down-heave. See fig. 16, p. 131. In this line of fracture, it is interesting to observe the modifications or changes which the strata have suffered at different points. I therefore give two additional illustrations : the first (fig. 18) is taken from the rocks four miles east of Schenectady, upon the line of the canal. It exhibits contortions which the strata have undergone by the force of lateral pressure. It shows only segments of the curves, one of which rises and forms a high arch in the mural procession, while the other projects down beneath the surface. The other (fig. 19) is taken from the line of railroad, two and a half miles west of Catskill. It is a massive inverted arch in the thick-bedded sandstone of the Hudson-river series. A great variety of contorted strata may be observed in the course of a mile on this road, of a highly interesting character. These, however, are sufficient to show the character of the disturbances to which this belt of rocks has been subjected. Fig. 19. 136 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. Another great line of fault exists upon the eastern side of the Hudson and Champlain vallies: it in fact has elevated the country in such a manner that the line of fracture bounds the valley. The most conspicuous eminences are near this line, and the rocks are the slates of the Taconic system, surmounted by one or more varieties of the Calciferous sandstone. Greenbush, Baldmountain, Granville, Whitehall, Addison, Burlington, Mil- ton, are upon this line of fracture, and I might mention many other intermediate points where all the phenomena I have stated may be witnessed. The agent which determined the existence and direction of this great longitudinal dis- placement of the strata, gave origin also to the vallies of the Hudson river and Lake Champlain ; or, it may be more properly said, that the boundaries were first determined by it, and that then the vallies themselves were formed by denudation. The entire series of sedimentary rocks, which have been elevated and thrown into an inclined position, lie between the base of the Helderberg and the Hoosic mountains. But in taking so wide an area as this, we undoubtedly embrace fractures more ancient than the one which forms the valley of the Hudson. This, though it disturbs the Hudson-river rocks mostly, yet in one section of country it passes through a prolongation of the Helderberg division ; showing, in this fact, that it was really of a date as late as the Onondaga limestone. But the Taconic rocks were elevated, and made to assume an inclined position, before the deposition of the oldest member of the New-York system: this follows from the unconformability of the two systems ; but it is impossible to fix upon the era. The Taconic rocks rarely occur su- perimposed upon one another, as we see in the arrangement of the Helderberg division, and in the slates and shales above ; and hence, it is, that though they may have been fractured many times between the deposition of the granular quartz and the taconic slate, still the relative position of the masses is such that no rational conclusions can be formed in regard to the era in which they took place, whether in the earliest or latest period of the system. Another limited fracture appears on the southeastern side of Becraft’s mountain, about three miles southeast of Hudson. On one side the Taconic slate appears supporting a fragmentary mass of the Calciferous sandstone ; on the other, the inferior members of the Helderberg division, the thin-bedded waterlimes and pentamerus, beneath which are the gray sandstones of the Hudson river. The relation of the latter mass is illustrated in fig. 20. Fig. 20. a. Pentamerus limestone. e. Talus. b. Thin-bedded watetlimes. c, c. Hudson-river series. FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. 137 Another instance of a fracture, apparently more limited and local, occurs at Essex. This fracture is fully illustrated and explained in my report of 1842. It is, however, so inte- resting, that I subjoin a figure, with an additional explanation of its features. The first and most prominent character of this uplift is the upward thrust of a thick mass of the Chazy limestone through the Trenton limestone and Utica slate, the former of which is adjacent and upon the south side. At the line of junction of the slate, it is crushed and bent upward. The same effect has taken place upon the north side also. The mass thus elevated is not less than eighty rods in width (fig. 21). Another change that has taken place, and which seems to stand connected with this uplift, is the short fracture, first in the slate south, and next in a portion of the mass which has been elevated. In the former, however, the change consists in shifts of the strata, as where a particular calcareous layer is broken several times, and moved out of its original place. On the other side, the thick strata of limestone are fractured, and, at each fracture, the ends are bent, as at 6, which may be considered either as an oscillation, or as the effect of an upward moving force acting upon very limited portions of the rock, for the broken masses are only about ten feet long. a. Slate, the layers of which have been shifted. 5. Layers of limestone, which have been moved by oscillation. d. Dyke passing through the limestone. f. Mass of limestone pushed upward. g. Crushed strata of slate. Phenomena of the kind just described seem to throw some light upon the mode by which the slates, and many of the other rocks, have been thrown into steep dips over wide areas. If, for instance, a force is applied in a very limited area, and in such a way as to break and elevate the rock on one side, and at the same time leave it inclined, it would be only an instance of the phenomena which have been illustrated, carried a little farther ; and in order to have a wide area underlaid with steeply dipping rocks, it is only necessary that the process should be repeated. We may indeed suppose that the first application of a force breaks the strata as represented in the diagram ; and, afterwards, a repetition of the same force, would probably result in giving an inclined position to the masses. In sup- port of this view of the subject, I may refer to the changes of an analogous kind which have resulted in displacing the same rocks in the valley of the Mohawk. Thus, at Tribe’s hill, by the side of the railroad, three uplifts occur at short intervals, as has been shown by Mr. Vanuxem. His diagram is annexed,* by which it will be observed that the strata are not * Vanuxem’s Report, p. 205. [AcricuLTuRAL Report.] 18 138 CHAMELAIN DIVISION. only broken at quite regular intervals, but have been made to assume an inclined position. They only require to be uplifted a little more, in order to resemble the strata upon the eastern side of the Hudson river. Fig. 22. 1, is the Calciferous group. 2, consists of the Birdseye limestone. 3 & 4, Trenton limestone. The dip is 10° south. Many other instances might be given, illustrating and supporting the same views, both in the Champlain and Mohawk valleys; and it is perhaps proper to remark, that it is principally in these valleys, and other parts of the State adjacent to the Primary system, that the changes of the kind I am describing are found : they are scarcely, if at all, to be found at only a short remove from these ancient rocks. The falls of Montmorenci exhibit an interesting view of the rocks, resembling the frac- ture which has been already described. It is upon the western limit of this line of fracture. a, 6, c, d, Utica slate, Trenton limestone, Calciferous and Potsdam sandstone, in a hori- zontal position. f. Utica slate thrown down so as to dip at an angle of 60 or 70°, and leaning against the gneiss that forms the precipice over which the water is precipitated. § 15. TuickNEss OF THE ROCKS OF THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. The following is the best estimate of the thickness of the individual members of this division, that I have been able to make: it of course applies only to these rocks as they exist in the State of New-York. - 1. Potsdam sandstone..------ 300 feet. 2. Calciferous sandstone. ..--- 400 3. Chazy limestone --------- 150 4. Bizdscye limestone-_--.--- 50 5. Isle-Lamotte marble -_---- 25 6. Trenton limestone -_--.--. 400 7. Wea siale 52 22 p25e: 3 100 8. Shales and gray sandstone. 700 9. Oneida conglomerate - --_~- 400 Total thickness. ..__. 2525 feet. CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 139 The above estimate is offered as the maximum thickness of the rocks in New-York. It must, however, be taken in connection with the fact that many of them are much thinner ; and if they occurred only with the thickness which they attain in a few localities, they would not be regarded as distinct rocks, but as subordinate layers in other and more important beds. Thus the Oneida conglomerate is about thirty feet thick in Oneida county ; but in Ulster, it is between four and five hundred. The birdseye, which is always, however, a thin rock, is only one or two feet thick at Tribe’s hill; while at Chazy, it is at least fifty feet. The calciferous also varies greatly : several important and interesting beds are wanting in the valley of the Mohawk, which exist in great force near Chazy. The Pots- dam sandstone is wanting at Littlefalls, but is probably more than four hundred feet thick in Mooers in Clinton county, and in fact all along the Provincial line. There are, therefore, two very curious features exhibited in the Champlain division : the great irregularity in the thickness of the rocks composing it, and the suddenness with which this change seems to have taken place. Still, in order to form an approximate idea of the length of the era during which these rocks were being deposited, it is necessary to ascertain the maximum thickness of the whole series. It is not probable, however, that even the whole age of the Champlain division can be determined in New-York. If we find individual members thicker and better developed in Pennsylvania, it is evident that something must be added to the age of this division: the era, in other words, will be pro- portionally lengthened. § 16. THE RELATION AND CONNECTION OF THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION WITH THE SUCCEEDING ROCKS IN THE ASCENDING ORDER. The connection of the Champlain division with the rocks which succeed it in New- York, is quite interesting as well as important. On the western and eastern sides of the Hudson river, the upper members are succeeded immediately by the thin-bedded lime- stone and shales of the hydraulic limestone of the Helderberg division. This is also the fact at the northern terminus of the Helderberg range ; so also at Schoharie village, and as far west as Cherryvalley. Near Utica, however, the upper rocks of which I am speaking, or those of the Hudson-river group, are succeeded by the upper members of the Ontario division, or the Clinton group; while at Oswego, they are succeeded by the Medina sandstone, the lowest member of this division. From these facts, it is inferred, that at the close of the period to which the Champlain division belongs, the surface, or the rocks themselves, were subjected to oscillations, and to movements which were more remarkable than those which occurred during the period of their deposition. It must be admitted, however, that the intervals between these move- ments were rather wide, inasmuch as rocks of considerable thickness were sometimes de- posited between them. These facts, however, indicate that the close of this period was one of considerable consequence ; and that we should probably be justified in considering the Champlain division rather as a system by itself, than as a subordinate division of the 18* 140 CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. New-York system. This view appears to be supported by facts of another kind, and, if any thing, of greater importance than those which belong to physical changes of surface. The fossils, for instance, belonging to this subordinate division as it now stands, do not exist in the succeeding rocks. Even where the Medina sandstone succeeds the Gray sand- stone of Oneida county, the fossils are not carried up. In fact, the entire fauna of the Champlain rocks became extinct at the close of the period during which they were depo- sited. From these facts, then, this division must be regarded rather in the light of a system, as we have just observed ; inasmuch as it is made up of a series whose characters are peculiar, and which do not belong to the preceding or succeeding era. It is true that the fossils of the succeeding rocks do not differ widely from those of the Champlain divi- sion: many genera continue, though all do not; yet it is worthy of remark, that those which disappear are quite limited in their ranges both vertically and horizontally. The genera Orthis, trypa, Strophomena, are continued ; but the crustaceans, as the Isotelus, Ilenus, with some others, are not found after this period. § 17. RecAPITULATION AND SUMMARY OF FACTS RELATING TO THE CHAMPLAIN DIVISION. 1. The Champlain division is conformable to the succeeding divisions ; but as its members are placed upon the outside, and form a belt, consisting of a series of rocks adjacent to the primary, they are more disturbed and broken than those of the succeeding divisions. 2. The inferior rock of this division, the Potsdam sandstone, is in the greatest force upon the western borders of Lake Champlain and the northern boundary of the State, nearly encircling the primary nucleus of Northern New-York ; but in some places it is absent on the south side of this nucleus, as in the Mohawk valley. In this case, the next superior rock, the Calciferous sandstone, forms the base of the divi- sion, and reposes upon the primary. 3. The division embraces lithologically all forms of rocky strata : Conglomerates, breccia, sandstones, limestones, calcareous and sandy shales, and slate. Sandstones gene- rally form the base (but there are two locations where it is a conglomerate), and the summit of the division: the former are red or brown; the latter, gray. The limestones occupy the inferior and middle portions of the series, and may be justly described under one name in a general system. 4, The principal depositories of metallic bodies are at the base of the system, where the peroxide of iron has been forced upward from the primary, and hence occasionally occupies some of the inferior layers of the Potsdam sandstone. Galena and sulphu- ret of iron form veins in the limestone, but they are not important. 5. Agriculturally the most important masses are the limestones or calcareous shales, all of which decompose and form a rich and valuable soil. Water and frost greatly faci- litate the process; and masses of these shales, when thrown into heaps, speedily break and crumble into a dark argillaceous earth. a rf eee rei ties ee ONTARIO DIVISION. 141 6. The lower limestones of this series give origin to the celebrated springs of Saratoga county, where they issue from a fault. ~The shales of the Hudson river give origin to many weak hepatic springs, or those whose waters are charged with sulphuretted hydrogen. The sandstones give origin to waters comparatively pure. Faults and fractures, and undulations of the strata, are not uncommon. Of the latter kind of displacements, the Mohawk valley furnishes several good examples: thus, at or near Fultonville, the Utica slate at one time appears in the banks at the level of the canal; at the same level, and farther on, the trenton and even the birdseye are brought up so as to occupy the same plane as the the Utica slate. This fact should not be lost sight of, in estimating the thickness of rocks by the amount of dip, when they are concealed beneath the soil. 7. The rocks which are useful for construction, are the Potsdam sandstone, Calciferous sandstone, and the gray sandstone of Oneida and Oswego counties. The Isle La- motte limestone, which is the same as that at Glensfalls, furnishes a fine black marble. 8. The peculiarities in the characters of the organic remains, are, that the species are not numerous, but the individuals are, and they occupy extremely limited ranges both vertically and horizontally : some in fact occupy but a few strata of only two or three feet in thickness. 9. This series, when considered in its totality, is well entitled to the appellation of a system : its thickness and its fossils both support and sustain this view. This view, however, is founded upon a comparison of this series with others which constitute divisions of a similar kind in this country and in Europe, as the Devonian, Old Red, Permian, &c. II. ONTARIO DIVISION. Geographically this division of the New-York rocks is very clearly defined. It appears in characteristic masses only on the south of Lake Ontario. It embraces, however, rocks which are somewhat diverse in character, and hence it will be necessary to consider them under separate and distinct parts or subdivisions. The individual members are given on page 115, with the subordinate divisions proposed, and which in the ascending order stand thus : 1, Medina sandstone. 2, Green shales, grits and limestones, composing the Clinton group. 3. Gypseous rocks, or the Onondaga-salt group, with the red shale reposing upon the Niagara limestone. 142 ONTARIO DIVISION. § 1. Mepina SANDSTONE. This rock, as its name indicates, is a sandstone, taken as a whole ; but when examined in some places, it bears but a slight resemblance to a rock of this kind, though at these locations it has undergone an important change from atmospheric influences. Thus, on the Niagara river, it is a soft marly rock, cracked and broken, or ready to break into short columnar masses, which in their turn are still farther changed, and which finally pass into an argillaceous paste, or an argillaceous soil when dry. That this is the effect of weathering, appears from the fact, that where the deeper parts are exposed, it is a sand- stone, which retains its original characters for a time, but finally disintegrates, and becomes in process of time a soil, as has been stated. The Medina sandstone is a red rock, or else is red and mottled with green. It is never a white sandstone for any considerable distance, but retains a tinge of red. Some parts are harder than others ; and, when viewed in this light, it may be divided into the follow- ing kinds: 1. The inferior mass, which is a soft and mottled sandstone, which may, by exposure to the weather, become still softer. 2. A hard sandstone, suitable for flagging, and, as such, is extensively quarried at Lockport. 3. A still harder sandstone, possessing somewhat the characters of a conglomerate : it is lighter colored than either of the pre- ceding. The soft inferior sandstone is repeated, and lies upon the thin-bedded flagging stone of Lockport. Extent and distribution. This rock, which is colored brown upon the Geological Map, extends from Oswego to Niagara river, in a narrow belt upon its south shore. It has been extensively denuded, but is notwithstanding a well defined rock. It rises but a few feet upon an average above the surface, through this entire route ; and hence, where exposed, it is not in mural or elevated escarpments, but in deep ravines which have been cut in the rock by running water. The harder parts have resisted this force for a time, and perhaps have formed falls and cascades. The deep gorges of the Genesee and Niagara rivers are the most important and interesting places for examination. But it is advisable that the localities where this rock appears, and where it may be examined, should be more dis- tinctly described. The rock, then, appears first in the northeastern part of Redfield, in Oswego county. It there forms a thin stratum in the most elevated part of the town, reposing directly upon the grey sandstone already described. It appears again in Oswego, on Little river, near Panther lake, extending about one-fourth of a mile. It occurs again near Amboy centre, and also in Colosse at Petrick’s mill: this locality furnishes a hard variety, and free from argillaceous matter. Then again it forms the lower fall at Mexicoville: this is the lowest part of the rock. The best and largest exposure of the rock in Oswego, is at Fulton, where it appears on both sides of the Oswego river. The upper layers at this locality are light colored, somewhat variegated as usual, and covered with the peculiar fossil of this rock, the Fucoides harlani. Some layers of slate appear a few feet below, which are suc- ceeded by red and gray sandstone, suitable for building materials, hearth-stones, etc. MEDINA SANDSTONE, 143 Again, in Cayuga county, the Medina sandstone appears in the north part. At Stirling centre, the exposed rock is about twenty-five feet thick. It appears at Martville, where it is of two kinds: a hard and variegated mass, with diagonal cleavage planes; and a coarse friable rock, of a color darker than the preceding. In Wayne county, at Wolcott furnace, and on Salmon creek about two miles northeast of the furnace, this rock appears in a ravine. It is also quarried on Beard’s and Little Red creeks, for building and for hearth-stones. Still farther west, in Monroe county, it appears on the lake shore in the town of Penfield. At the lower falls of the Genesee river, it is exposed for more than one hundred feet. At Medina, on Oakorchard creek, the rock is still better exposed and characterized than at any of the places which I have named. It is better, not because it is thicker, but because there is a better exposure of its fossils than elsewhere. From Medina to Lockport, the harder part of this rock crops out near the line of the canal, or in a terrace which is formed by its protrusion. At the latter place, about one mile below the village, on Eighteen-mile creek, it exhibits the same characters as at the former place. Proceeding from Lockport to Lewiston, it is found forming a part of the slope of the terrace, and contributes principally to its height by the resistance which the hard middle portion has offered to the weather; while the lower portion, by its rapid change when exposed to the weather, and consequently by its destructibility, gives a more depressed surface to the country under which it lies. At Lewiston, it forms the banks of Niagara river, where it is exposed for two hundred feet. It extends towards the lake, but gradually slopes to its level, and disappears beneath the superincumbent clay. Thickness. This rock is thin in Oswego and Lewis counties, but thicker as it extends westward, as we have already observed. It swells to the thickness of two hundred feet upon the banks of the Niagara river. On this river, too, it is more expanded than to the eastward. The entire thickness of the rock, as determined by the survey of Mr. Hat, upon this river, is not less than three hundred and fifty feet. The increase in thickness at Lockport and Niagara, over that of Oswego, is due to additions which were made to the inferior and softer portion of the rock. At Oswego and vicinity the rock is generally hard, and destitute of those softer and argillaceous parts which are so important in the western districts just referred to. Agricultural characters of the Medina sandstone. The softer parts of this rock decompose, and form an excellent wheat soil ; but its peculiar properties will be given in another part of this treatise. It is only west of Oswego county, where the rock is adapted by its nature to form a soil suitable to the growth of this grain. Surface of the country over which this rock prevails. Two causes conspire to create a level country, through which this rock passes: 1, a freedom from igneous action ; and, 2, even- ness of composition in the rock itself, which secures a uniformity of action so far as at- mospheric agents are concerned. The hard belt of reddish gray sandstone between Medina and Niagara forms an elevated platform, but the country is by no means broken into 144 ONTARIO DIVISION. ridges : hence it is, so far as evenness is concerned, a good agricultural district. Streams which cross it, cut through the softer portions, and form impassable ravines or gorges ; but these are not so frequent as to interfere with farming operations. Reason why this rock should be studied. This rock forms an interesting chapter in the his- tory of the progress of geology in this State. It was considered by the early cultivators of this science as identical with the New Red Sandstone of Europe, which overlies the Coal measures, that embrace the rock salt of the district of Cheshire in England. Hence these opinions led to speculations and explorations both for salt and coal, underlaid by this rock. This erroneous view arose from placing too much reliance upon lithological characters ; for, in this particular, it closely resembles some portions of the New Red sandstone. Mr. Coyrap and Mr. Vanuxem, however, were able, by the character of the fossils, to set this matter right in the first year of the survey. Springs originating in the Medina sandstone. Brine springs issue from the lower part of this sandstone, but the water is too impure for the manufacture of salt. The fact is im- portant in a geological point of view, as furnishing a high probability that it is from the chemical changes which the materials undergo, that salt is formed, the elements of which exist in the body of the rock. As in most instances of mineral springs in Western New- York, the chloride of sodium is adulterated with the chlorides of calcium and magnesium. Geological relations of the Medina sandstone. This rock is succeeded in the ascending order by the green shales of the Clinton group. Below, it reposes upon the gray sand- stone of Oswego county, which is equivalent to, and identical with, the gray thick-bedded sandstone of the Hudson-river series. It is wanting in the southeastern part of the State. In the vallies of the Hudson and Rondout, the Hudson-river series supports the shales of the Waterlime series (See Pl. XXI. Sec. 1; and Pl. XX. Sec. 3). PJ § 2. Cuinton croup. The most interesting feature in this group, consists in the rapid changes in the strata which enter into its formation, and which, taken together, constitute a most heterogeneous assemblage of materials: for this reason, the group was called, in an early stage of the survey, the Protean group. The formation consists of layers and beds, composed of green, blue, and brown sandy and argillaceous shales, alternating with greenish brown sand- stones and conglomerates, or pebbly beds, and oolitic iron ore. These different kinds of materials rapidly succeed each other. The late Mr. Eaton called this formation ferriferous slate, and ferriferous sandrock. The parts of this formation which are the most persistent, are the green shales ; whose color, however, inclines more to blue than green, where they have not been exposed to weathering. The sandstone, which is rather harsh, in consequence of the predominance of sharp angular grains, is also greenish, or greenish gray. The layers of this part of the rock are never thick-bedded, or massive ; and their lower surfaces are often covered with cylindrical bodies, varying in size from a barleycorn to that of the finger. These bodies CLINTON GROUP. 145 have usually been considered as of vegetable origin, some of which have been figured and described as marine plants, under the generic name of fucoids. One fact, however, which is of some consequence as bearing upon the question of their origin, is that no two are precisely alike ; and, taken as a whole, there is quite a diversity in the characters of an assemblage of those upon the same surface, though there is a general resemblance among them. In Warren, Herkimer county, near Cruger’s mill, the following strata appear in the ravine : 1. Bluish gritty shale, 1 foot. 2. Gray sandstone-.. 2 .. 3. Blue gritty shale._ 1 4. Gray sandstone... 4 .. 5 —6. Gray pebbly beds, 2 .. 7. Blue shale_.--.-- 6 inches. 8 —9. Gray, and, by weathering, brown and fine-grained sandstone, 6 inches. 10. Iron gray sandstone disposed to weather, 6 inches. 11. Thin-bedded sandstone. 1 foot. 12. Fine pebbly conglomerate, 6 .. 138 — 14. Layers similartol2-- 2 .. 15. Brown soft sandstone ---. 2 .. 16. Dark colored shale and bluish black sandstone, 2 — 3 feet. Associated with the above is a layer or bed of red argillaceous iron ore, concealed in the debris. This heterogeneous series rests upon the Oneida conglomerate, of which it seems at the east to form a continuation. : The most easterly point where this group can be examined to advantage, is near Van- hornsville, on Otsquack creek, where an extensive exposure exists, and the rocks present the same characters as at Cruger’s mill. The following are some of the most important localities where the Clinton group may be examined : In the town of Stark, the group is exposed on a small stream near Mr. Wicks. At this place, the strata consist of, 1, a conglomerate ; 2, a green shale, which is succeeded by a white laminated sandstone with a few pebbles. The rocks which succeed the latter are green and grayish sandstones, and a shale. About one mile east, the shale is associated with gypsum, in a small portion of which sulphate of strontian has been found. On Steel’s creek, south of the village of Mohawk, is a cliff where the group attains its maximum thickness, which is not far from seventy feet. The beds of iron ore may be examined first between the east branch of Steel’s creek, and the road leading to the Mo- hawk river: this is the lower bed of ore. On another branch of the same creek, to the west, the upper bed may be examined in place: it is an accretionary mass, made up of oolitic ore, and rounded fragments of organic bodies, which are coated with the peroxide. [AcricuLturaL Report.] 19 146 ONTARIO DIVISION. Blackstone’s, and Gaylord’s and Norton’s quarries are still more favorable points, where these rocks may be examined. ‘The former is in the lower part of the group; the latter in the upper, and between them the ore beds of Mr. Wadsworth are situated. The beds are about twenty feet apart, and, upon an average, are not over a foot in thickness. Some portions are highly fossiliferous, consisting of separated stems of encrinites, and a few bi- valved shells. Again, the Clinton group is well exposed on Swift’s creek, near its junction with Sauquoit creek. It consists here of a series of green shales, alternating with thin-bedded sandstone. The shale which succeeds the sandstone, is forty feet thick. It is succeeded by a thin bed of hard grayish sandstone fourteen inches thick, upon which reposes the lowest bed of ore. The ore is succeeded by twenty feet of green shale ; and, as usual, it alternates with the thin-bedded sandstones, whose surfaces are covered with fucoids. Ascending still higher in the series, the succession of layers bear very much the same character as those below. The parts of the group which contain the ore beds are exposed on the road leading to New-Hartford, and also upon the road from New-Hartford to Clinton, at Dr. Ruddeck’s, southeast of Clinton; at Griffin’s quarry, north of Hamilton College hill; and on the turnpike near the line of Kirkland, leading from Utica to Vernon. The surface beds of the Clinton group spread over most of the areas of the towns of Westmoreland, Kirkland and Verona. At the latter place, one of the ore beds is imme- diately beneath the soil ; and not far from the village, it is quarried for the Taberg Com- pany; and a little distance to the south, it is quarried for the Lenox and Constantia furnaces. Its greatest thickness here is fourteen inches. Leaving Oneida county, and proceeding to Madison, the first locality worthy of notice is at Donnelly, on the road from Canastota to the head of Oneida lake. The surface layer is still an ore bed, which stains the soil of a deep red. The series appears on Little Sodus creek, near Martville: it alternates with shale, some of whose beds are calcareous. Pursuing the route of this group westward, we find it, as at the east, developed in ra- vines where the streams have cut into the strata, and have exposed their edges upon the banks. One of the most extensive localities is upon the Genesee river, below Rochester. It is necessary to observe, that at this distant point, the lithological characters of the rocks are altered, and from being sandy deposites, they are more shaly ; and that calcareous matter also exists in greater abundance, and forms an important rock in the series. The series at the lower falls of the Genesee consists of the following masses, reckoning from the superior layer of Medina sandstone, the gray band : 1. A tender fissile green shale, about 15 to 20 feet thick. 2. The lower bed of oolitic iron ore, associated with an impure shaly limestone, 14 inches. 3. A limestone, which, from the great abundance of the Pentamerus oblongus, is called Pentamerus limestone, 14 feet. 4, The latter is succeeded by a shale, whose characters do not differ much from the mass below, and at the base of the series, 24 feet. This, however, embraces two or more unimportant masses of limestone, which will arrest the attention of the observer by the great abundance of the Atrypa ; / . CLINTON GROUP. 147 hemispherica. Itis in this second mass of green shale, that the superior bed of iron ore occurs in Oneida and Madison counties. 5. Impure thin-bedded limestone, with thin seams of green shale, 18 feet. At the steamboat landing, the following series exist upon the east side of the Genesee : 1. One hundred feet of Mcdina sandstone. From fifteen to twenty feet of green fragile slate. . From four to six feet of sandstone. ° . Six inches of the oolitic iron ore. . Ten feet of sandstone alternating with shale. Eight inches of limestone containing the Pentamerus oblongus. Oo m w PD Near the locks of the canal at Lockport, there is from thirty to thirty-six feet of shale, and from ten to fifteen feet of limestone, containing many encrinal stems. The shale, at its junction with the limestone, is a disintegrating mass. The thickness of the rocks at Lockport is as follows : 1. Medina sandstone exposed - ---- 60 feet. 2. Limestone shale and green shale, 70 .. 3. Niagara limestone_--.-------~- 20) 2. The shale below the Niagara limestone, predominates greatly over the limestone or hard layers, or the impure siliceous limestones. At this place, then, the change in the lithological characters of this series is still better marked and more decided. Here the limestone and shale only remain: the coarse rough sandstone and conglomerates, and the iron ore beds, are entirely absent. These, it will be seen, constituted at the east the most important parts of the series. The same observation applies to the series as it exists in Orleans and Niagara counties. On the Niagara river, the limestone is about twenty feet thick, and the shale has diminished to four or five feet. This change in the mineral constitution of the group is both interesting and important. It is important, inasmuch as the change is one which is peculiarly favorable to agriculture : the hard and scarcely decomposable sandstones and conglomerates of Oneida become soft decomposable slates and shales, before they reach the Genesee valley. General distribution of the Clinton group. I have stated somewhat in detail the pecu- liarities of this group, as it appears at many places on and near the route of the Erie canal. A general statement, however, of the distribution of the series is still required. The first well characterized beds appear in the southeast part of Herkimer county, near Vanhorn’s in the town of Warren. The series forms a narrow belt, and, extending west- ward, are exposed to view at the quarries of Blackstone and Davis, two and a half or three miles south of Utica. The north border runs about northwest, and intersects the Erie canal about half way between Rome and Oneida lake. From this region, the series extends westward to Niagara, as has been intimated. The greatest width of the belt is between the Oswego river and Sodus bay, or rather in the town of Wolcott, where it approaches Gs 148 ONTARIO DIVISION. within two miles of the lake shore, and where it can not be less than fifteen or twenty miles wide. This, too, is the most important part of the series, as the iron ore beds are better developed than either east or west. At Rochester, the series is about eight miles wide, which width it retains to the Niagara river. It crosses the Genesee below Rochester, and forms the little ridge on the north side of the canal, or a low terrace which runs nearly parallel with it. The canal soon intersects this ridge, whence it then extends on its south side to within eight or nine miles east of Lockport. From Lockport it forms a sort of slope or terrace, which extends to Niagara river. Oneida lake, and the low marshy grounds in Cicero, are excavated in this group. Its distribution, and the width of the formation, together with the course of the southern boundary, may be seen by an examination of the map: the belt is colored green. Relations of the Clinton group. To the eastward this group is superimposed upon the Oneida conglomerate. The disappearance of this mass, as the series extends westward, seems to alter or change its relations ; for instead of passing beneath the Medina sand- stone, which it meets in the northern part of Oneida county, it takes a position superior to it, and hence the Medina sandstone becomes the supporting mass or base throughout its whole distance to the Niagara river. Superiorly the group is merged in a shaly sandstone, which, if it does not coalesce with the more perfect limestone called the Niagara, still does not disappear abruptly and form a strong and well marked line of demarkation with it. The relations of this group, then, are by no means obscure on the route I have described. We should expect, however, from so perfect a development of a series within this section of the State, that it would also appear within its bounds wherever the inferior and superior rocks are found ; but this is not the case. Thus in the valley of the Rondout, the Oneida conglomerate forms an important rock, and ought to be succeeded by the Clinton group ; but instead of this being the case, it is wanting. The relations of the rocks of this part of the State are represented on Pl. XX. Section 3: see also the same plate, section 2, which extends across the valley of the Schoharie creek. The same absence of this group will be noticed in the section at Cherryvalley, still farther west, on the main-sectional route from Albany to Auburn. It is only, therefore, in the direction and vicinity of the Erie canal, that we are to look for this series ; parallel with which, it extends across the State, from near the eastern bounds of Springfield or Warren in Herkimer county, to the Niagara river. Contour of the country over which the Clinton group extends. The most level and unin- teresting part of the State, is that which is underlaid by the Clinton group. To be satisfied of the truth of this statement, it is only necessary to pass over the level and swampy lands about Oneida lake, and the Cicero swamps. The long levels of the.canals, too, extend over this series. There is, however, some interest in the scenery of the deep gorges: thus, at Cruger’s in Herkimer county, but especially in the deeper and wider gorges of the Genesee and Niagara rivers, the scenery is imposing ; but in consequence of the absence of disturbances in this rock, the surface above it is invariably dull and monotonous. If, how- ever, this section of the State rises at all into ridges, they are not all connected with this CLINTON GROUP. 149 formation, but have resulted from the operation of far more modern causes than any which have acted upon it. It is true that these rocks form a part of the mountain ridge in Nia- gara county, extending from Lockport to Lewiston ; still they appear only in an inferior slope, which gradually dies away, and is lost in the lower grounds which succeed it towards the lake. It is in fact an inconsiderable elevation, rising only three hundred and fifty feet above Lake Ontario and the surrounding country. The tortuous course of this ridge, however, adds something to the variety of surface. In general the country descends towards Lake Ontario, from near Rome to Niagara, in a very gradual manner. At the termination of this group, there is a single steep offset ; but at Lockport, and most of the intervening country, there are two terraces, which are formed by the presence of the sandstone below, and the soft shales which succeed, together with the hard limestone that forms the surface rock of this part of the district. The uneven surfaces, then, which are due to the rocks of this group, exist mostly in Niagara county ; and the hilly surface elsewhere corresponding to this group, is formed by the action of diluvial currents, which have brought together sand, gravel and boulders, and arranged these materials in the form of ridges and rounded hillocks. Waterfalls in the Ontario division. I have just referred to the influence of running waters upon the soft rocks which compose in the west a large proportion of the Ontario division, and by which deep channels are cut. These, if interrupted by hard layers, form cascades or falls in the stream, as the waters are longer resisted by these harder deposits. Most of the high falls in the State are thus produced, and two remarkable instances have just been spoken of. The Niagara fall, the most commanding of all the phenomena of this kind, is formed in this division of the New-York rocks; a part of which, called the American Fall, is represented in Pl. X. It is inferior in grandeur to the Great Horseshoe Fall. It was drawn from the Canada side. Agricultural capacity of the soil of the Clinton group. The nature of this formation, at its eastern termination, favors the production of a siliceous soil ; while at the west, owing to the predominance of argillaceous and calcareous matter in combination, the soil partakes of the composition of the parent rocks. It is difficult, however, to estimate the influence which this formation exercises on the soil, as it is underlaid at the west by a rock also allied to a marl, or which at least decomposes like one. JI allude to the parts already described of the Medina sandstone, which constantly crumbles by the action of atmospheric agents, and passes into soil. So in the superior masses, it is soon succeeded by a marly deposit, the only rock which intervenes being the Niagara limestone. It is therefore un- necessary to dwell upon the influence this mass exerts, as it is merged in the rocks above and below, all of which are particularly and nearly equally concerned in the production of the peculiar soils of the western counties. Much of the country, however, which is un- derlaid by the Clinton group, is low and swampy, and hence unfavorably situated for exhibiting the true value to be placed upon the soil which it has formed. The sandstones and conglomerates of Herkimer decompose slowly ; but the process is aided by the interlamination of the green shales, which, however, do not crumble so 150 ONTARIO DIVISION. rapidly as those of Wayne, Orleans, Monroe and Niagara counties. The shales of the latter counties undergo the process sometimes called slaking, which consists in falling to a powdery state even when they are dry. The change, however, is far more rapid where they are exposed to an alternate action of atmospheric agency. It is almost impossible to prevent the decomposition of a piece of shale when it is wetted after having been thoroughly dried. This fact teaches us the mode by which they may be converted into renovators of the soil; for it is found that they contain several valuable salts, which are important in promoting the growth of vegetables. We shall recur again to this subject in another place. Minerals usually associated with the rocks composing this group. The most important mineral is the oolitic iron ore, which forms distinct strata by itself: it is a calcareo-argil- laceous ore, and is used for castings, but not for bar iron. Masses of chert, in which are cavities lined with quartz crystals, are not uncommon in the layers of limestone. Sulphate of barytes, of a red color, occurs in the oolitic iron at Wolcott furnace. Crystals of car- bonate of lime, sulphate of lime, pyritous copper and iron, and green carbonate, are sometimes found in several of the masses belonging to this group. Miscellaneous remarks. The most remarkable feature, as already observed, is the sudden and repeated changes in the mineral type of the layers and rocks which enter into this formation ; and perhaps the presence of those singular beds of iron ore, is not the least interesting of the facts connected with it. That a mass whose average thickness does not exceed one foot, should be spread out so extensively and by itself, unmixed with other matter, is a circumstance of great interest, and worthy of special investigation. The source of the iron is not well determined. In Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, the red spe- cular oxide of iron is abundant; and the beds which are now open, exhibit the fact that they have at some former period suffered from denudation and transportation in a southerly direction, but this occurrence belongs without doubt to a period long posterior to the forma- tion of the oolitic iron. Still it is rational to believe that these northern beds may have furnished the materials for the iron of the Clinton group; and it is evident that these masses were brought to the surface at a period subsequent to the deposition of the Potsdam sandstone, and the event may have happened in the era of the Clinton group. There is yet nothing discovered that militates against this view of the origin of the iron in question. The Clinton group is not confined to the State of New-York : it is found in Ohio, Penn- sylvania and Canada. Its thickness in New-York, according to Mr. Haut, does not exceed eighty feet. It is between fifty and sixty feet in Warren in Herkimer county, § 2. NIAGARA GROUP. Geodiferous limerock, and Calciferous slate, of Eaton ; Lockport limestone and Rochester slate, Upper part of the Protean group, of the Annual Reports. This name, as proposed, is selected from the place where the group is best developed, and where it not only is well situated to arrest the attention of the curious, but also occu- pies a point more generally visited than any other within the bounds of New-York. It consists of only two distinct members, and hence is comparatively a small group, or one which is composed of a small number of members. NIAGARA GROUP. 151 1. In the ascending order, thin laminated bluish green shales, tender, and subject to disintegration. 2. Dark blue limestone, the lower beds or beds of passage argillaceous : the beds of passage into the limestone are silico-argillaceous ; when recently exposed, they are of bluish green; on exposure, they become gray. The limestone is often distinguished by cavities lined with crystals of pearl and dog-tooth spar, and hence received the name of geodiferous limestone by the earlier writers on geology. 1. NIAGARA SHALE. The color of this shale is dark bluish, which invariably whitens on exposure to the weather, passing into laminated fragments, and finally into a stiff clay: alternations of a dry and wet surface favor this change. The whole mass is slightly calcareous, but the lower parts do not furnish calcareous bands ; the middle and upper, however, exhibit in- terlaminations of impure limestone. 2. NIAGARA LIMESTONE. This rock is dark colored and bituminous ; often strongly so. It admits of the following subdivisions : 1. From the shale upwards, beds of gray siliccous limestone, often quarried for cement, or for hydraulic mortars. 2. Thin-bedded shaly limestone, alternating with scams of dark colored shale. 3. Thick-bedded limestone above; below, the beds are thinner, and often bent or centorted, or even concretionary. 4, Bituminous limestone, cherty, thin-bedded and gray or brown: geodes abound. At Rochester, the limestone is crystalline, sparkling upon a dark ground, and brittle, breaking with an uneven fracture : it is quite harsh, and apparently siliceous. At Lockport, the Niagara limestone appears with some additions to its strata : 1. Reddish gray crystalline limestone, susceptible of a fine polish: the color is due to the numerous broken stems of encrinites. 2. Concretionary and irregular-bedded limestone, with cavities containing spar in various forms. 3. Bituminous limestone with cavities, generally dark colored. 4, Gray limestone, with thin bituminous shale between its layers. In Oneida and Herkimer counties, this rock first appears as one of the members of the New-York system ; and so different are its features where it first appears at its eastern position, that it would not be recognized as the western geodiferous limestone, if it could not be traced almost uninterruptedly in its western route. It takes its origin only a few miles west of the Clinton group, which it accompanies all the way to Niagara falls. On Swift creek in Oneida county, it is a dark concretionary mass, about four or five feet thick, accompanied with a dark colored slate. The concretions form segments of large curves or semicircles, and may be split or separated from each other in tables a yard square or more. The mass possesses the same characters at Hart’s mill, Steel’s creek, near Hamilton College, at Vernon, and near Skanandoa. As the rock proceeds west, it be- comes a purer lime, and loses in part its concretionary character. 152 ONTARIO DIVISION. Range and extent. Commencing a little farther west than the Clinton group, and ina slender band only, the Niagara group traverses the middle and western counties of New- York in a closely parallel band with the inferior mass just described. It becomes an im- portant rock in Monroe county. Its northern outcropping edge passes through Penfield, Brighton, Ogden and Sweden. In Orleans and Niagara counties, the northern edge forms an outcrop in Clarendon, Albion, Medina, Royalton, Lockport, Cambria and Lewiston. Throughout this distance, the rock is not sufficiently altered in its lithological characters to require comment. Minerals usually associated with this group. The most noted and most sought for species are those which occur in the geodes at Lockport. They consist of pearl spar in crystals with curved faces, the dog-tooth spar in dodecahedral prisms, and a variety of sulphuret of iron in long slender prisms. Galena is rarely found in this rock in New-York. Gypsum or selenite, and sulphate of strontian, are common minerals in the geodes of spar, and occa- sionally cubic crystals of fluor spar. Anthracite coal is also rare, but is sometimes found. § 3. THICKNESS OF THE ONTARIO DIVISION IN NEW-YORK. The combined results of the observations and measurements of the strata composing this division of the New-York system, are as follow : Medina sandstone, which constitutes the base of the division, 350 feet. ELT AE | ene eee Se ee 80 Niawara shale... —p2524 5 gone So Set = sate 100 iawara Dimestone . 2 — 5 oo a 164 Maximum thickness ---.--- 694 feet. § 4. SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL FACTS RELATING TO THE ONTARIO DIVISION. 1. This division in the State of New-York, is the least extensive, and of the least impor- tance of the four or five divisions under which the strata are described. 2. The Medina sandstone and Niagara limestone are the best entitled to the appellation of general strata. 3. The latter marks the termination, it would seem, of a distinct era in geological history, whose importance, however, can not be well estimated in New-York. 4, The only mineral deposit of importance consists of a calcareous oolitic iron ore. 5. Agriculturally, some of the members of this division are not only interesting, but im- portant, in the middle and western part of the State. 6. The country over which this division extends, is level, but is liable, from the soft na- ture of the materials of which the rocks are composed, to be cut and traversed by gorges and ravines, that give origin to falls and cascades, of which those formed by the Genesee and Niagara rivers are the most important (See Plates 9 and 10). PLAT H TN Lumone 1F pay toca Mm) ‘ PLATE | ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 153 Ill. HELDERBERG DIVISION. Remarks descriptive of the appearance of the Helderberg range from the hills east of Greenbush, and explanatory of Plate I.—This range is remarkable for the succession of ter- races as it rises from its eastern slope, and for the offsets after it has attained its height towards the north or valley of the Mohawk. Each terrace marks the position of the several limestones, which, being harder than the shales, form permanent tables extending beyond the limits of the shales, that are confined to an outcropping and nearly horizontal edge. The slope or dip is southwest, and the range rises from beneath the Catskill moun- tains, which rise up in dome-shaped segments upon the left. We see, in this view, merely the eastern slope: to the west there is a succession of minor ranges, separated from each other by north and south valleys. The Hudson-river series appears in the foreground, and are colored purple ; the limestones are colored blue, the shales a light drab, and the Catskill sandstones (which are the superior rocks, and beneath which all disappear) a light brown. § 1. OnonDAGA-SALT GROUP. If we estimate the importance of a group or series of rocks by the amount of useful materials it furnishes, then this group is certainly one of considerable consequence. This will be admitted, probably, when it is stated that it furnishes most, if not all the plaster used in Western New-York, and much that is used in the New-England States. It un- doubtedly gives origin to the brine springs from which a large proportion of our salt is made, and from which an immense revenue is derived by the State. Besides these im- portant considerations, the rocks themselves form by decomposition an excellent soil, and the belt over which the group prevails is one of the best agricultural districts in the State of New-York. Without doubt, then, if this view is the true one, this group becomes both geologically and economically important. Its relations and associations are inquiries of considerable moment ; for it is essential that its position in the series should be well un- derstood, and the nature of the deposits forming it well determined. Such being our opinion in regard to it, we proceed to describe the series in the same order which has been observed in the preceding groups. The specific characters which distinguish this group from the preceding, and the different members which form it. Leaving out of view those characters which are derived from its organic remains, we find that it is composed in the ascending order, of, 1. A red shaly fissile mass with green spots and a few bands, constantly breaking down under the action of atmospheric agents. 2. Green shale, rather massive, in which plaster beds are embraced, and which also contain casts of crystals of hopper-shaped cavities in which common salt once existed. {[AgricuLTuRAL Report.] 20 154 HELDERBERG DIVISION. 3. A gray impure limestone, in which there are numerous small irregular-shaped cavities or cells, resembling those of lava or amygdaloid. These beds are associated with the above. 4. Thin-bedded shaly limestone, passing upwards into a fine-grained one whose thickness has increased: this limestone emits a ringing sound when struck. These beds constitute the Manlius waterlime series of the Reports. It is proper to observe here in regard to this last division, which is a deviation from the reports, that there seems to be a gradual passage upwards, from the thin-bedded fragile shales and shaly limestones, to the thicker and firmer beds of the last division. There is no well marked line of divison between the lower and upper masses of the group, as defined above. The Pentamerus limestone, which succeeds the waterlimes, is clearly a different rock. Below, the Niagara limestone is a very distinct deposit in all respects ; but when we once pass into the Onondaga-salt group, no characteristic lines can be discovered, which seem to be suitable to the purpose of serving as lines of demarkation. Then again it is our wish to diminish the number of groups, as far as possible, without doing violence to ar- rangements founded in nature. I shall now proceed to speak in detail of the division which I have just proposed. 1. RED SHALE. The ground color of this mass is a blood-red, upon which patches of green are common ; and sometimes or in some parts of it there are strata which are entirely green, a red shale alternating to a limited extent with green. The true character of these beds is so much concealed by their own debris, that it is often unnoticed. The rock is extremely fragile, and is constantly breaking down by the action of the weather : hence the surfaces exposed look more like a marl bed than a solid rock. The fracture is earthy, and the divisions which usually mark the strata are obscure, if not entirely absent. Localities where this rock is exposed. As has been stated in regard to the commencement of the Clinton group, this rock too does not appear east of Herkimer county. At Steel’s creek, at Cruger’s mill, and between Mohawk village and Dennison’s on the Sauquoit creek, on the north and west side of Paris hill, the red shale crops out, and appears under the characters which have been given above. Farther west, but still in Oneida county, the rock appears near Hamilton College; from which place, it spreads out and extends into Madison county, in the eastern part of which it is cut through by the Erie canal. In its western prolongation into Onondaga and Cayuga counties, it forms a band to the north, but it runs nearly parallel with the Canal. Still farther west and in the vicinity of Genesee river at Rochester, the rock exists but obscurely. It was excavated in a well in Brighton, four miles south of Rochester. Mr. Hau expresses some doubts of its con- tinuance farther west than this river, unless indeed the character of the rock is changed. Thickness of the red shale. Mr. Vanuxem estimates its thickness in some places at five hundred feet, or as varying from one to five hundred feet. On the West branch of Steel’s creek, it forms a mass, in a precipice or perpendicular cliff, eighty feet thick. ¥ ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 155 Extent of the red shale in New-York. It is highly probable that it is limited to the district which is indicated by the localities already cited, by which it appears to form a narrow belt running parallel with, but a little south of, the Clinton group, commencing in Herki- mer county, and terminating in Monroe in the vicinity of Rochester. A red shale, spotted with green, rests upon the Oneida conglomerate at the High falls of the Rondout ; but this seems to belong to a higher part of the group. The same red shale underlies Becraft’s mountain near Hudson. It only shows itself upon the east or northeast side, and then but obscurely. These localities are cited, in order that observers may not be deceived by the strata which so much resemble those of Onondaga county, and which form the base of the plaster and salt deposits. These red beds are probably above both the plaster formation, and that part of the shale which gives origin to the brine springs. 2. GREEN SHALE, WITH THE PLASTER BEDS. This portion of the group begins with red, green, drab, and yellow-colored shales alter- nating several times ; the green and drab colors, however, predominate, and it is probable the red may be wanting in some places. Like the lowest portion just described, it has the same disposition to decompose after disintegration has taken place. In some limited places, the debris of the rock is lodged upon the shelving and projecting undecomposed parts of the same, like ashes, or in a light powdery condition, and having a strong bitter taste of epsom or glauber salts. This portion, too, when exposed in cliffs, or when penetrated by wells, shows the strata traversed by thin columnar gypsum, either white and translucent, or red- dish and opake in the mass. Besides the fibrous gypsum in thin seams, selenite is not uncommon, but usually in small laminated transparent masses diffused through the crum- bling rock. Opake gypsum too is abundant in it, but not in beds sufficiently large for quarrying ; and it may be, that in some localities, one quarter of this portion of the group is a sulphate of lime. Such then are the characters of this first mass above the red shale, which, however, it is proper to say, is firmer at its superior part, becoming gradually a shaly limestone with thick and oval beds of plaster, and finally so sound and compact that it emits a ringing sound when struck with a hard body. Fig. 24. Section of the lower green shales embracing the lower plaster beds, which appear generally as irregular seams, some composed of fibrous gypsum. a. Gypsum beds enclosed in green shales both above and below, all of which disintegrate, and then undergo a real decomposition : the process may be seen in the harder shelving parts of the rock, or beneath, where the debris is partially sheltered, and where there is often half a bushel of fine gray ash-like substance of a bitter taste. 20* 156 HELDERBERG DIVISION, Localities where it may be observed. Though this rock may exist in Oneida county, yet it is too obscure, or too much concealed in its own, or in the debris of other rocks, to at- tract much attention. In Camillus, at the railroad cut, is one of the best localities for studying this division of the group. The place is west of Camillus village, and can not fail to attract the attention of travellers over this line of conveyance. More than one hundred feet of it is exposed, and in all the conditions and with all the products of which I have spoken, except that the red rock is not exposed or does not exist at this place. Another locality of interest, is about three miles east of Manlius centre, at the Green lakes, where the superior part of this division exists with massive beds of plaster. This is superior to the rock at the deep railroad cut in Camillus. The limestone shale at the lakes is thin-bedded and fragile, but not so much so as the mass below. At Cayuga bridge, the same series is exposed in the banks, where many oven-shaped cavities exist, from which plaster has been extracted, or from which it has been dissolved by water percolating through the strata. The lower mass exists still farther west, in the vicinity of Lyons, Newark and Lockville : at the latter place, the locks for the enlarged canal are excavated in it. Westward beyond the Genesee river, it is exposed in Byron and Alabama; and at Bergen centre, the railroad runs near the excavation for plaster. At Palmyra, it is upon the banks of the canal. In Erie county, the beds are concealed by thick beds of drift. Some few excavations expose it sufficiently to prove its continuation. : Fig. 25. Section illustrating the position of the lakes, with the vermicular limerock of Eaton, or porous limestone. a. Canal. 6. Green lakes, sometimes called Lake Sodom. c. Porous limestone: plaster beds above. T. Manlius village. The section extends south three miles, passing over the formation embracing the plaster beds; the highest strata are the waterlime layers on the slope of the hill. The hill intervening between the Green lakes is traversed by fissures, through which most of the water percolates until it reaches the more impervious strata, the green shales. The water of the Green lakes (of which there are two) is unpleasant, or rather bitter; con- tains a great amount of lime: every twig or stick which happens to fall into it becomes incrusted with carbonate of lime. They are situated on small but deep depressions or basins, which, unlike many others in the surround- ing country, are not formed by drift currents, or by streams that have mechanically worn them out; neither are they produced by fractures or uplifts, as the strata are undisturbed. To what cause is to be attributed the basin- shaped depressions in which these lakes are contained, is a matter of speculation, that has not as yet been satis- factorily determined. Al general statement of the extent of this division of the Onondaga-salt group. Beginning as heretofore, at the east, we find the green shales and gypseous rock first appearing in Oneida county, near Vernon village, where, as is stated by Mr. Vanuxem, the constituents ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 157 of the lower part of this mass were thrown out from a well, such as fibrous gypsum and selenite embraced in fragments of green shale. From this extreme eastern point of the rock, it widens and deepens westward, but probably attains its fullest development in Onondaga county, in the vicinity of the principal salt wells and springs. But few of the characteristic marks of this rock appear in Monroe and Erie counties; and probably it thins out to such an extent, that it is but feebly represented in the extreme western coun- ties. The belt which it forms, then, though not confined to the central part of the State, is still wider and deeper there than elsewhere, especially the lower part so well known by the hopper-form cavities. Ata low stage of the Niagara river, it appears in the banks at Grand island. Mr. Haru speaks of this mass as not uncommon in Monroe and Wayne counties, but as hardly known in Genesee or Erie. Interesting feature in the region of the plaster beds and green shales. That these rocks are easily worn down, and are liable to be cut deeply by running water, has been stated already ; but the combined action of running water and of atmospheric agencies generally, has not been sufficiently explained. Perhaps I ought also to include diluvial agency, as particularly active in giving shape or contour to this part of Onondaga county. The fea- ture which I propose to speak of, is exhibited in the numerous high and round eminences that occur upon the plains, like immense mounds. They are quite round, sloping steeply and equally in all directions, with summits almost perfectly oval or round: they are sixty or seventy feet high, and from their summits many others are seen ; indeed they command fine views of the surrounding country. The rock sometimes crops out from a point, showing by this that they are not entirely drift hills. Section 26, though not designed to illustrate the form of the hills, will give an idea of some of the facts which stand connected with them. Fig. 26. 1. Round hill, the highest points of the immediate region. 2. Gypseous rock. 3. Tufa deposits. 4. Drift, made up of fine and coarse cobblestones. As I have intimated that these hills, and the peculiar shape of the country, are not en- tirely due to diluvial action, nor to present atmospheric agency, it may be expected that some other cause shall be assigned for the phenomena under consideration. In searching for something explanatory of these changes, I found that near the outcrop of the Onon- daga limestone, circular gorges, or what might be called very appropriately roadways, occur, which encompass, in the instance before us, an area of two hundred and fifty acres. This area presents nearly a semicircle of perpendicular ledges on both sides, whose height is not far from one hundred feet. By some means a cleft of a circular form has 158 HELDERBERG DIVISION. been made in the mass: in the instance exhibited in the annexed map, it is thirty rods wide, and the cliffs, though circular, run parallel with each other ; and the road space is as free of rocks, boulders, and fragments of cliffs, as any part of the adjacent country. In fact a clear sweep has been made directly into the rock to the depth of one hundred feet, and in width twenty-five or thirty rods, giving all this space for a forest, or, if necessary, fora meadow. Now it is imagined that these breaks or fractures in the rocks have laid the foundation for the numerous hillocks of the surrounding country, they being in a more advanced stage. They are composed beneath of insulated outliers of the same rocks ; but by the action of a variety of causes, the space between them and the main range of the same rocks is greatly enlarged. The accompanying map, which has been drawn by my friend Georce Geppes, of Tyler Post-office, will explain more than I am able by words, or by an elaborate description. M,M. Mounds; L, L. Roadway, or, as it is called in the neighborhood by the significant name Splitrock. The map, for other details, explains itself. The roadway slopes east and west: the west part is perfectly dry ; on the south part, a small sulphur spring rises, which runs into a small pond b. ‘The surface rock of the two hundred and fifty acres is the Onondaga limestone, and so it is on both sides of the roadway. It is difficult to account for such a separation, unless by subsidence of one side ; but as the rocks of the same kind correspond very nearly in height, an objection is thus interposed to this view; though it must be admitted that this, after all, is the most plausible view, when taken in consideration with the nature of the rocks beneath, namely, the plaster beds and green shales, etc., which may in many ways be removed, and thus undermine the hard superior rocks. Whatever cause may have been instrumental in the production of this natural dry roadway, we certainly consider it as among the most interesting geological features in Onondaga county. They differ mate- rially from the deep ravines and gorges which constitute water courses (those, for instance, of the Genesee and Niagara rivers), in which, wherever they occur, if hard rocks form a part of the series, cascades or waterfalls are produced. On a magnificent scale we see this remark exemplified in the Niagara river, where the hard Niagara limestone forms a barrier in the form of a table, over which the waters pour, and send forth their everlasting thunders in their fall (See Pl. X.). 3. ImMpURE GRAY POROUS LIMESTONE. I place this rock by itself under a distinct head, because it isan anomalous rock. It be- longs geologically to the preceding or second division of this series, the Onondaga-salt group. In position, it lies between the two plaster beds. The rock is extremely fine- grained, even, and compact between the irregular-shaped cavities. It is even-bedded, however, dividing distinctly into layers or strata, like other sedimentary rocks. The cavi- ties, or pores, as they exist in some places, are empty, certainly in all that part of the rock which is at or near the surface. It is sufficiently described, when it is said that it resem- bles very closely a lava. ——_— AN iS NVAMATE 65 LLOOIGNA “M ?) JOHLIT \ \ \ \ \ y DOOPUOU) PUD SRYPNUD) 1k MOU UONW1L2S2Y =) DODQUIUY 2D] Pp SD UMOUY JPL) 24) JQ +. DbvpUoUD JO UOT 04 mds x eats WLny §p4L0] 400 o St gL | | Y iain | ee, ee /}3\\ ANY INIT) 40 WMO] DUNDG JO UMA, A “AM Rin) wt oan) YF Mmm Pn Yon Ny} y AN = \ [v4 ANS ON sen 0ks paw wangug PLATE X « + ( : 4 ' » ‘ a] ‘ * ‘ i \ ‘ ‘ ' - ) 6 . ~ “ y 1 ‘ * r ’ - o . . * 7 J < ’ ' ' : ? ' ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 159 The relations of the masses now under consideration, are well developed on Nine-mile creek, where the following section was obtained : Fig. 27. 1. Green shales. 2. Plaster beds, whose forms are usually oval, and appear like unconformable masses in the shale. 3. Porous limestone. 4. Green shales, with their seams of columnar gypsum. 5. Tufa beds, which are con- tinually forming on the brows and at the base of almost every slope where the green shales make the underlying rock of the region. Opinions of its origin. From its lava-like structure, some geologists regard this rock as the product of a mud volcano. Perhaps there are no facts which very strongly support this view, or militate against it. The pores, however, are not so much like those of lava, when closely inspected, as they seem to be when viewed only cursorily. They are not such as are usually produced when pent air is expanded in a semi-liquid rock, and forms thereby a small cavity. In these cases there is a smoothness upon the inner surface, which is due to the pressure of the air upon a soft yielding body. The pores of the limestone are excessively angular or jagged, as if some substance had crystallized in them, and was subsequently dissolved, leaving the open space unoccupied. We may suppose that these porous layers were sediments like the rest of the formation, but contained much crystal- line matter, which has disappeared by solution. Still it is true that mud is ejected from volcanoes, and is spread over wide areas, which, from the laws of soft movable matter, will become, on solidifying, a stratified rock, provided the mass is not fused or exces- sively heated, in which case it would rather become a crystalline unstratified rock similar to granite. 4, THIN-BEDDED SHALY LIMESTONE ; THE SUPERIOR PART CONSTITUTING THE MANLIUS WATERLIME GROUP. This part of the salt group may be described as consisting of thin-bedded calcareous shales, near the plaster beds, whose colors are usually bluish gray, excepting a few beds which are red or red mottled with green in a manner similar to the red shale at the base of the group. The beds are all thicker above, or superiorly ; but they are always fine- grained deposits, and supposed to be impure carbonates of lime, containing magnesia, iron and alumina. This part of the group has been usually described by itself, under the name of Manlius waterlime. As the purposes for which a notice of the New-York rocks is introduced are 160 HELDERBERG DIVISION. better answered by considering the whole mass above the plaster beds, up to the Penta- merus limestone, as one division, we have disregarded the former grouping in this respect. I propose describing the superior division, as it exists in different parts of the State ; as this, like several other groups or sub-groups, exhibits many important variations in the composition of the individual strata. Valley of the Rondout in Ulster county. The best, or perhaps the most interesting expo- sure, is at the High falls. The series at this place stands thus in the ascending order : 1, Oneida conglomerate; or, as it would be called here, the Shawangunk grit of Mr. Marner. 2. Thin-bedded red and green shales below impure thin-bedded limestones; above, similar in form and structure to the Manlius waterlimes. The inferior part contains many irregular-shaped geodes lined with crystals of lime, and the brown and red masses contain many implanted crystals of sulphuret of iron: some of these crystals are liable to decompose. 3. A grayish white grit, ten feet thick. It resembles the grits of the Clinton group in Herkimer county; but it will be understood that this remarkable mass, in this position, is above this group, and hence is not an equivalent of it at this place, but is an intercalated portion. 4, Thick irregular-bedded cherty limestone, geodiferous in some parts: it is dark-colored. It is pro- bably the pentamerus in part blended with the delthyris shaly limestone, as some portions are drab-colored and shaly. The thick dark-colored layers are quarried for cement. The falls of the Rondout are produced by an uplift, in which the entire series enumerated above are broken three times (See Plate XX. Section 3). One remarkable fact is worthy of notice in the valley of the Rondout. Near Rosendale, the Hudson-river series supports and is in connection with the shaly limestones I have just noticed ; so also the same relations prevail near Catskill, and at Becraft’s mountain. At the falls of the Rondout, however, the Oneida conglomerate is in connection with the Waterlime series. It is possible that the series described as the waterlimes may be a disguised form of the Clinton group, and the limestones referred to the pentamerus and delthyris would then become equivalents with the Niagara group. A fact which supports this view, is the existence of the Catenipora escaroides. Sufficient time could not be taken to settle the question in regard to the true character of these rocks. At the time they were examined, they were considered as the waterlimes, and equivalent to those of Onondaga county ; and it is in this light that they have been regarded thus far in this report. If the red mottled shale is equivalent in part to the Clinton group, it is wanting in the characters by which this series is known in Oneida and Herkimer counties. The fucoids are absent, and the limestone beds replace the grits which abound in the counties just cited. The decomposing green shales, with cavities lined with crystals of cale spar, resemble very closely a mass which lies just above the village of Manlius, and which is there soon succeeded by a thin band of the Pentamerus limestone. These remarks will prevent in a great measure the inculcation of error, as they will serve to put the student in the track of inquiry when visiting the valley of the Rondout. Mr. Marner regards a part of the series here as belonging to the Clinton group. In whatever light, however, we may regard this ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 161 series, the thin shaly beds, which in Onondaga county contain gypsum and the hopper- form cavities, are certainly wanting, and they have not been recognized in this part of the State. They ought not, it is true, to be found at the falls of the Rondout, if the series consists only of the Clinton and Niagara groups ; the former comprising the shales, green, red and mottled, and the ten feet of sandstone ; and the latter, the limestone at the head of the falls, which is quarried for cement. The plaster beds in this case ought to be found above the falls, resting upon the cement rock or the Niagara limestone. The waterlimes are also exposed on the eastern outcrop of the Helderberg, on a range not far west of the Hudson river, near the villages of Kingston, Saugerties, Catskill, Leeds, Coxsackie, Coeymans, New-Baltimore, and also on the east side of Hudson river at Becraft’s mountain. At all these localities, the upper beds are the ones which are exposed, and which are ranked rather as thin-bedded limestones than as shales, the latter being always disposed to disintegrate rapidly, and pass into the condition of soil. Other parts of the Helderberg range also furnish important points of exposure: thus, about one and a half or two miles east of New-Scotland in Albany county, the same series of beds appear; and these may be traced around on the northern outcrop, or rather ter- minus of the Helderberg range, as far as Schoharie. Still onwards through Carlisle, Cherry-valley, Springfield, Warren, and through Oneida and Herkimer counties, they maintain much the same character. In Onondaga county, the lower part, and that which crops out in the village of Manlius, is shaly, and green or drab-colored, with cavities lined with crystals of lime. This part can not be distinguished from that at the falls of the Ron- dout, of which I have expressed some doubts whether it is to be regarded as belonging to the Waterlime series or the Clinton group. In Onondaga county, the series terminates abruptly above ; a fact of considerable im- portance in fixing the limits of the series, as the circumstances show that an important change took place in the condition of the seas in which these rocks were in the progress of formation. At Manlius, the exposed rocks are as follow : \. Greenish shales with imperfect geodes, fragile, and rapidly decomposing: exposed in the road above the village, 2. Thin-bedded limestone, which becomes of a drab color on exposure to the weather. 3. Compact black thick-bedded limestone, much broken, in thin beds, from eight to ten feet thick. 4. This is succeeded by a lighter colored limestone, eight feet: this last supports a few feet of the Pentamerus limestone, which is quite concretionary. The mass which is burnt and used for hydraulic cement, is the upper four feet of the drab- colored No. 2, and just beneath the black compact limestone. It is a mass thicker bedded than the lower part of the same tier, from which it is not very easy to distinguish it. At Auburn, the quarries north from the town give nearly the same series. The black rock, with a small univalve, occurs in great abundance at both places. In Monroe county, Mr. Haut gives a section at West-Mendon, consisting of the Onon- daga salt group, twenty-five feet, in thin courses of light drab or ashen hue, succeeded {AcricuLturaL Report.] 21 162 HELDERBERG DIVISION. by a thin band of Oriskany sandstone. The bed usually quarried for cement, is not no- ticed ; though at Vienna in Ontario county, it is two feet thick ; and in Genesee county, at Morganville, the waterlime is thirty-eight feet thick, consisting of four feet in thin courses, twenty-two feet in thick courses (in combination with silex), and twelve feet in gray layers with seams of blue marl. ‘The series terminates below in the green and grayish fragile shales or marls. The development of the upper part of the series I have been describing, is best in Scho- harie county, while the lower part is best exposed in Onondaga county. At Schoharie village, the following series occurs at the strontian locality, on the slope west of the creek : 1, Hudson-river series, three hundred feet exposed ; 2, Waterlime series of the Onondaga- salt group, consisting of blue thick-bedded limestone, and greenish or drab-colored shaly limestone, one hundred ‘feet, and pentamerus, twenty feet. Between the Hudson-river series and the waterlimes, the red shales are feebly developed, and contain, as at the Ron- dout falls, numerous crystals of sulphuret of iron. Developed also in and beneath the mass of thin-bedded limestone containing strontian and barytes, is a mass of compact blue lime- stone about eight feet thick, in which favosites abound, and which is scarcely known out of Schoharie county. Soils of the Onondaga-salt group. The debris of the rocks of this group is almost uni- formly of a drab color, and it may be usually traced to the source from which it is derived. It becomes fine by the slow process of disintegration ; constantly furnishing, in the changes it undergoes, suitable materials for vegetable food. The soil, as might be expected from the character of the rock, is excellent: it possesses a sufficient tenacity for the growth of wheat ; but sometimes, especially where the clay predominates, it acquires too much tena- city for indian corn. ‘The clay beds possess the same colors as the soil, only they are of deeper tint. It will be noticed, from the preceding description of the localities where these rocks are developed, that the lower parts of the group furnish the best soil, as they undergo more rapid decomposition. ‘The process is slow in the superior portion of the waterlimes, still the soil furnished in each case has the same general character ; but in consequence of the great development of the lower portion in the central part of the State, the soils are much more widely spread and extended than to the eastward: it is, moreover, derived from the rocks themselves, and without intermixture to any considerable amount of the northern drift. The soil and clay of this series may generally be distinguished from that of the slates of the Hudson-river series: the latter is bluish, and rarely of that distinct drab-color possessed by those derived from the waterlimes, although it is true that the upper clay of the Hud- son river series is of a drab or yellowish brown color. As I propose to treat of the soils of the different rocks under a separate head, I leave this subject at present. Springs and wells whose origin can be traced to the Onondaga-salt group. Probably no series of rocks furnish such a variety of soluble products as the Onondaga-salt group ; and ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 163 for this reason, the name is quite appropriate. The quality of the water which has perco- lated through these strata differs according to the depth it has penetrated, and the place from which it has its exit. Those springs which issue just beneath the Waterlime series, and above the green shaly mass, furnish very good water to drink. So the wells that receive the water which has only percolated through the same strata, furnish very good drinkable water, though it is never soft, or free from the sulphate and chloride of lime. Again, those springs which issue from the green shales, and whose waters have not pene- trated through the plaster beds and the masses in which the hopper-form cavities occur, are medicinal waters, or springs similar in composition to the Sharon springs. Of these springs, a great many are found issuing from the northern outcrop of these rocks, and they extend from the Helderberg to Buffalo nearly in a line. But the most important are the brine and acid springs, and the salt wells: these issue, and derive their waters, from the inferior mass. The saline as well as the acid matters are derived from the rock, or the rock furnishes all the elements from which they are spontaneously formed by active chemical changes, or decomposition and recomposition. Wherever the sulphurets of iron abound, they give origin to the acid astringent salts. The vegetable matter about these springs is charred, and intermixed largely with the soil and with oxide of iron, so as to forms mounds four or five feet high around them. The hepatic or sulphur springs derive their properties, also, from the decomposing sulphurets. The sulphur is often deposited upon leaves, sticks and sténes, over which the water flows, and which is sometimes white and sometimes bluish black. Another class of waters, differing from the preceding, may be termed, from their com- position, dime waters. They are perfectly transparent, and flow usually in the greatest amount from the inferior or middle strata. They have given origin to the numberless beds of tufa which occur on a level, or else below the terrace that skirts the south side of the Erie canal. These waters, though cool, are unfit for use. Wherever the Manlius waterlimes form the surface rocks, however great the area, no springs or wells can be obtained in them, except at their base, or at the beginning of the green shales, which, being comparatively impervious, throw out the surface water when it reaches them. Thus at Manlius centre, there is a hill near the village, and directly north, which has probably four square miles of surface, in which no water can be obtained by digging, until the base is reached. From this base, many active and living springs issue, which in the aggregate furnish sufficient water for several streams each large enough to turn a mill, and indeed several mills are moved by the water direct from these springs. The brine springs and salt wells, without doubt, come from the deepest part of this forma- tion. They may be obtained at almost any point, by sinking a deep well, upon the Onon- daga reservation. A singular fact, and which at first view seems to militate against the opinion that the saline waters are derived from this rock, is that the best wells are sunk entirely in the drift, some of which penetrate three hundred and fifty feet. In those in- stances where the rock is not penetrated at all, it appears that the salt water was originally 212 164 HELDERBERG DIVISION. absorbed by the gravel, sand, clays, ete. which constitute the drift beds. However this may be, it seems more rational to suppose that deep excavations, forming basins, have been hollowed out of these rocks, into which the drift has been precipitated. These drift beds are quite pervious, but they rest on an impervious foundation ; and the saline waters, which are supposed to be formed in the rock, flow out and accumulate in the beds of drift, which, when penetrated, give exit to them. ‘This appears from the fact that when, on boring, the instruments soon penetrate into the drift, the workmen are encouraged to proceed, because experience has proved that in such a case a great flow of water is sure to be obtained. There is another fact worthy of notice, and which is important to the valley of Onondaga lake : it is this, that an impervious stratum of marl overlies nearly the whole region. This serves to keep the surface waters from intermingling directly with the waters below, or, in other words, requires the water to penetrate from the distant slopes, and to traverse a large space in order to reach the basin of the lake, and thus to become highly charged with saline matter. This impervious stratum of marl overlies all the beds, inasmuch as it is the most recent. Whether it is now increasing in thickness, is not determined. Tufa is continually forming ; and all the waters of this region, being charged with calcareous matter, must part with it whenever their flow is interrupted, and hence we see it gathering upon stones, sticks and leaves, and even in many cases petrifying them. The annexed diagram (fig. 28) is an imaginary section of tht basin of Onondaga lake, and represents our view of the relations of the masses concerned in the origin of the Onon- daga salt springs. Fig. 28. ZL. Onondaga lake. a, a, a. Impervious marl. 4, }, b. Drift nearly filling the valley. c, c. Gypseous shales with hopper-form cavities. e,e. Redshale. d,d. Niagara limestone. The salt wells penetrate the drift to the depth of 340 — 350 feet, and quite large cobble- stones have been brought up from that depth. The strength of the water increases with the depth. The stones brought up, are derived from the harder parts of the Medina sand- stone. It is proper to remark, before closing, that it is not well settled whether the salt, the chloride of sodium, is merely a dissolved salt already formed and enclosed in the inter- stices of the rock, or is actually formed daily from elements contained in the rock, and iu’. 9 ONONDAGA-SALT GROUP. 165 which require to be brought together before the chloride of sodium can be obtained. We are obliged to remain in darkness on this subject ; while upon the origin of the other saline and acid springs, there is no doubt but that they are formed from the decomposition of the materials in or of the rock itself.* Genera! remarks on the middle and upper members of the Helderberg division. It has been useful, up to this point of my description of the New-York system, to throw many of its series into groups, which, mineralogically considered, have some striking characters in common. Thus the last series described consists of four, and perhaps more members, which graduate into each other: they may be quite different apparently at their extremes, still we are unable to discover where it would be necessary to consider them as distinct rocks. When, however, we reach the rocks which form the Helderberg and Schoharie ranges, beginning with the Pentamerus limestone, we find it necessary to abandon the plan of throwing the series into groups, and to adopt that of describing the succeeding rocks as distinct individual masses. Limestones, it is true, predominate, and we might describe them under some such appellation as this, namely, the Schoharie limestone group, were it not that the limestones resemble each other so faintly, that the combination of this common name would form an assemblage as heterogeneous as possible. If, for example, we compare the Delthyris shaly limestone with the Onondaga limestone, we may see at once that they are incongruous rocks. So the same may be said of the Pentamerus and Onondaga limestones ; and finally, no two of the rocks can be grouped together without violating some principle of classification. But what still makes the difficulty greater, is the presence of three beds of anomalous sandstones, which, neither lithologically, nor by their fossils, can be associated together, or with the limestones which are adjacent to them. For these reasons, then, the succeeding rocks of this division are described individually as inde- pendent rocks. It is not intended, however, by these remarks, to convey the idea that there is nothing in common among them; for some fossils pass upwards through two or more rocks, and thus link them together by conditions which must have been somewhat similar at the period they were deposited. Metamorphic rock. At Syracuse, a mass resembling serpentine appears in the gypseous rocks : it is yellowish green, passing into deep green with a tinge of blue. It softens and whitens on exposure to the weather. It effervesces briskly with acids, and hence contains considerable carbonate of lime. The interior is hard, and sometimes siliceous and ex- tremely tough. Mica, hornblende, and indeed very well characterized granite, have been observed in a portion of this rock.+ It takes a fine polish, and would form a beautiful ser- pentine marble if it was of a uniform texture and hardness. The origin of this rock is not well determined. Mr. Vanuxem regards it as having been formed by a chemical union of its elements in solution in water. This view is adopted in preference to that of an * The green shales, and a part of the Onondaga-salt group, were inadvertently placed in the list of rocks which compose the Ontario division, p. 141. ¢ Vanuxem’s Report, p. 109. 166 HELDERBERG DIVISION. igneous injected mass, similar in its formation to a trap dyke, inasmuch as there are no appearances of ignition upon the adjacent rock. § 2. PentamMerus LimesToNE (Plates xx. and viii.). This is a gray crystalline limestone, with thick beds from its beginning. Its beds, however, are uneven, and some are concretionary and extremely rough; in fact, as will be seen, this concretionary mass is the most persistent and extensive. Its name is derived from the great abundance of a fossil called the Pentamerus galeatus (See VanuxEm’s Re- port, p. 117, fig. 1). It is constant in the rock as far west as Herkimer county ; but at its extreme western limit, it is rare, if it exist at all. Points where this rock may be eramined. The most eastern limit of the rock is Becraft’s mountain, about three miles southeast of Hudson, on the road to Catskill: it forms two or more high bluffs on the east side of the road. Again, west of Catskill, or on the rail- road between Catskill and Leeds, or on the turnpike between the two places. So also it is an outcropping mass on the west side of the Hudson river, forming the first of a series of cliffs from Kingston point to Coeymans. At numerous places also nearer the main hills of the Helderberg ranges, this rock is constantly present in heavy beds, whose aggregate thickness is about thirty feet. Another extensive outcrop of this rock forms the northern brow of the Helderberg hills: it exists in cliffs, formed by its outcrop, from Knox to Her- kimer county, where it begins to lose this character, and to become more depressed. At Cherryvalley, at the head of a ravine, it seems to have attained its maximum develop- ment: from this point westward, it begins to thin out; and when it has reached Manlius, Onondaga county, it is only a few feet thick, and destitute of its characteristic fossils or other marks except its peculiar concretionary structure. At Tyler Post-office, and at Geddes, five miles west of Syracuse, the Onondaga-salt group is in contact with the Onon- daga limestone, this whole mass having thinned out entirely. Uses. This rock is totally unfit for purposes of construction : it is rough, and makes an indifferent wall. A part of it forms the cement rock of Ulster county. Asa limestone, for ordinary purposes, it is not esteemed ; for agricultural purposes, it may be well adapted, but has not been tried. Range and extent. It will not be difficult to trace this range of limestone, from what has been said already. It begins at Becraft’s mountain, near Hudson ; forms one of the highest outcropping rocks in the first tier of hills which bound the Hudson valley west, from Coey- mans to Kingston, and thence from Kingston to the falls of the Rondout. The same may be traced from Coeymans west to Manlius, and disappears entirely a few miles west of Manlius. The belt it forms is every where inconsiderable, and would be more properly represented by an outcropping edge. Relations and connection of the Pentamerus limestone. Below, every where in New-York, it is succeeded by that part of the Onondaga-salt group which is called the Manlius water- limes. Above, and at the east, it is succeeded by the Catskill shaly limestone. Near its ——— ‘Etwuoss ae oni. ven PLATE Vil oF pHOIGOTT HELDERBERG DIVISION. 167 western terminus at Manlius, it is succeeded by the Onondaga limestone, the rocks which interpose at the east between it and the onondaga in the valley of the Hudson being dis- continued (See Pl. XX. Main section 1; also sections 2 and 5). Disturbances which the Pentamerus limestone has suffered. It is principally in the valley of the Rondout that this rock has been disturbed to the greatest extent, in common with its associates. " Upon Catskill creek, three miles west of the village of Catskill, near the railroad, the rock is not only elevated, but curved as represented in Pl. IV., forming an interesting and rather picturesque view. The effect is due to lateral pressure and the joint operation of an elevating force, which has fractured this thick rock, and separated it from its continuity. It appears in the face of a precipice 250 — 300 feet high. The exposed rock at the top of the eminence is the Pentamerus limestone. Terrace and outcrop of the Water and Pentamerus limestones, as they appear in the Schoharie range (PI. viil.). The semi-panoramic view in Plate 8 gives a better idea of the outcropping rocks of the Helderberg, than can be conveyed by description alone. The series of rocks in this plate are the same as those of PI. I. of the Helderberg range, except that the Old Red sandstone does not occur within the field of view. The naked perpendicular cliffs are formed of the pentamerus, which is the superior and prominent rock, and the thin-bedded waterlimes which are directly beneath. The superior masses are the Onondaga limestone and Marcellus shales; the inferior, the thick-bhedded Hudson-river series, which extends north to the valley of the Mohawk. § 3. DeLTHYRIS SHALY LIMESTONE (PI. xx. Sec. 1). The passage of the Pentamerus limestone into the Delthyris shaly limestone is rather abrupt or indistinct. The entire mass of the shaly limestone is argillaceous ; some layers consisting of slate, which disintegrate: others resist the action of the weather for a long time, and are extremely tough and difficult to break; they all, however, become drab- colored externally on exposure to the weather, while internally they retain a bluish color. The grain is fine, and unlike the pentamerus ; in fact, the harder layers are nearly com- pact. The limestone throughout is impure, mixed with argillaceous matter and silex, and for this reason it is unfit for lime. It is useless too as a flagging stone, and is only good for stone fences. Distinctive characters. It is not difficult to distinguish this rock from the preceding lime- stones, when once we have become familiar with its aspect; still, the best characters are. derived from its fossils. Several species of Delthyris are confined to it (See VANuxEM’s Report, p. 120, and p. 122 for figures of a few of its characteristic fossils) . Extent and limits of the Delthyris shaly limestone. It requires to be traced in a line, as, with the exception of one or two limited patches, it appears only in an outcropping edge. - At Becraft’s mountain it is one of the principal rocks: this is its eastern limit. It forms a north and south outcropping edge near the west side of the Hudson, from Kingston point to Coeymans ; and from thence west, it accompanies the Pentamerus limestone as far as 168 HELDERBERG DIVISION. the eastern border of Madison county. It is twenty or twenty-five feet thick in Cherry- valley. Where the streams from the south in the Helderberg range open into the valley of the Mohawk, this rock is usually exposed on the east and west sides, as at Schoharie and Cobleskill creeks. Soi! derived from this limestone. So far as the disintegrating mass is concerned, the soil is of an excellent quality ; but the rock is too limited to exert important effécts by itself. Thickness. Its maximum thickness is at the base of the Helderberg, where it is seventy or eighty feet thick : at Schoharie, it is sixty feet thick. It is sixty or seventy feet at Be- craf’s mountain; thence, from the Helderberg, or near New-Scotland, it continually diminishes in thiekness to the west. § 4. Encrrnan Limestone (PI. xx. Sec. 5, 6). This rock may be considered by itself, or it may be regarded as the terminal portion of the preceding rock. It differs from the preceding very clearly in its high crystalline structure and light grey color; but a green matter, or a thin stratum of that peculiar shale derived from the same sources as that of the delthyris rock, appears between its layers, showing that both rocks were derived from one common origin. In composition, it is essentially a pure carbonate of lime crystallized throughout : it is remarkable for the stems of encrinites, which, from something peculiar to these organic bodies, give the rock fre- quently a reddish tint. Value as a marble. It is proper to place this mass among the marbles, as it receives a good polish, and is used to some extent for mantle pieces and jambs. It is not, however, a profitable rock for this purpose. It is a strong durable stone, less subject to decomposition than the delthyris shale. Thickness. Its maximum thickness is twenty-five feet. It is scarcely ten feet thick at New-Scotland. Extent. It accompanies the Delthyris shale as far west as Sharon springs, where it dis- appears ; at least the writer did not observe it at Cherryvalley, where the Delthyris shale is not less than twenty feet thick, and where it ought, if continued, to appear superimposed upon the shale. Its agricultural characters are unimportant. Its geological relations are also scarcely deserving of notice. Above it is the Oriskany sandstone, when that is present. The pelvis of a large encrinite, of a mammillary shape, or rather shield-form, and nearly two inches in diameter, is considered as its most characteristic fossil. For other relations, see P]. XX. sections 1, 2 and 5. § 5. Oriskany sanpsTone (Pl. xx. Sec. 1). Among the many interesting rocks of New-York, this, which is placed at the head of the section, is one that has always excited its full share of attention. It is net because it is economically important, or of great thickness, but rather on account of the numbex ORISKANY SANDSTONE. 169 and the singular association of fossils which are found in it. Sometimes, though it is but a thin mass, not exceeding a foot in thickness, it is composed almost wholly of organic bodies, being so crowded together that they appear a mass of shells. In addition to the number of the fossils, it is highly interesting to observe the sudden transition of genera and species that occurs in passing from the Delthyris and Encrinal limestones to the Oriskany. Almost every species in the two former rocks seems to have perished about the time the latter was in the process of deposition. To learn at this late day the cause of this sudden extinction of life in so many animals, is certainly no easy matter. The Oriskany sandstone, being a clean sandy deposit, does not seem a sufficient cause in itself for occasioning such a loss of life among the tenants of the deep; though there is no doubt of the position that the mollusca have their favorite habitations, a choice in the materials in which they bury themselves, and in which they may seek their food. Still one would hardly suppose that simple sand would prove so injurious to life, as to destroy entire races. Hence it is more natural to suppose that some change preceded the deposi- tion of the rock, to which must be attributed the catastrophe under consideration. This change may have consisted simply in the elevation of the bottom of the sea, while the preceding deposits were accumulating. This seems to be a rational hypothesis, inasmuch as there is a change in the kind of materials which compose the sandstone. Previous to this rock, there were calcareous deposits, mixed with sandy argillaceous ones ; afterwards there were siliceous deposits, which must have come from another direction. The reader of course will understand, that all the rocks which we have had under consideration in this chapter, are formed of sediments abraded from preéxisting rocks, brought from a distance by rivers, to the oceans or seas which existed at this era. Again, the beings belonging to the era of the sandstone were not only suddenly ushered into life, but they were as suddenly put out of life, or, in other words, were destroyed as suddenly and as uncere- moniously as their predecessors, and after an extremely brief period of existence. Characters of the Oriskany sandstone. It is composed in the main of coarsish angular sand: in this respect, it is unlike many of the sandstones in the New-York system. The sand is usually gray or yellowish, but sometimes white. Pebbles or rounded stones are not common, if they ever exist in it: it is, at any rate, far from being a conglomerate. Although the sand seems to be held together without cement, yet the presence of lime is indicated by effervescence in a very large proportion of the rock, even in that portion which to the eye appears altogether sandy. Localities where this rock is developed. Near the village of Leeds in Greene county, this rock is crushed in, and concealed or greatly obscured by contortions which it has suffered along with its associates (See Pl. XX. sec. 5). But the Helderberg range is the region where this rock, for a thin one, is quite conspicuous, namely, on the road to New-Scotland, near Mr. Clark’s; in Knox, on the road to Schoharie; at Schoharie, on both sides of the valley, but more particularly on the western terrace, and also at Cherryvalley; at Auburn, and four miles west of Auburn, on the road to Cayuga bridge. It forms an {AcricuLturaL Report.] 22 170 HELDERBERG DIVISION. outcropping edge all the way from near Catskill to Cayuga bridge. It is eighteen inches thick at Auburn. It extends on this line no farther west than the last mentioned locality. It is proper to say, in this connection, that from its hardness, it frequently forms a narrow terrace, something more than merely an outcropping edge ; but it never properly consti- tutes the surface rock of a continuous belt of country, as many of the New-York rocks do. In giving the preceding localities, it is not designed to intimate that they are the only ones at which this rock may be examined with profit, but they are leading localities in the range in which it appears in its northern outcrop. Many others exist at intermediate places, and this is perhaps found with a greater certainty than any other in the New-York series, and hence becomes one of the important landmarks in studying the system. Thickness of the Oriskany sandstone. At Leeds, compressed between its associates, it is only six inches thick ; at the rise of the Helderberg mountain, east of Clark’s, it is one foot ; at Schoharie, two feet ; at Cherryvalley, about eighteen inches; at Oriskany falls, twenty feet; at Perryville, and below Cazenovia, only a few inches; between Elbridge and Skaneateles, on the old Seneca road, thirty feet ;* at Auburn, eighteen inches; a mile and a half south of Onondaga hollow, seven feet.* In places still farther west than any which have been named, a sprinkling of its peculiar angular sand is all which indi- cates its continuance ; yet out of the State of New-York, and within the limits of Penn- sylvania, this rock is said to be seven hundred feet thick. Relations of this rock in the New-York series. In Hudson river district, its relations have been spoken of: it succeeds, in the ascending order, the Encrinal limestone ; above, it is succeeded by the Cauda-galli grit. West of Cherryvalley, however, where some of the succeeding rocks disappear or thin out, it is immediately below the Onondaga limestone. These are the relations of the rock in Onondaga and Cayuga counties. The Hydraulic limestones are in contact with it below, and the Onondaga above. We have already stated that the Pentamerus, Delthyris and Encrinal limestones disappear in succession. The same fact exists in regard to the two rocks which intervene between the Oriskany sandstone and the Onondaga limestone. Near Mr. Gepprs, at Tyler Post-oflice, the Oriskany is represented by a few boulders of the Niagara limestone. One was removed from beneath the Onondaga limestone, and found to be more than a foot in diameter: this mass belonged to the bituminous part of the Niagara limestone. Some peculiarities worthy of notice which accompany this rock. Ata few localities, the lower part of the rock is a dark-colored sandy limestone. Fossilized wood, in angular pieces, as if broken by violence, have been found in the rock at New-Scotland. This rock is widely distributed in the drift south and southeast of the Helderberg. At the base of the Catskill mountains, in many of their gorges, and on the summits of the highest ridges in Greene and Albany counties, excepting those of the Catskill, boulders of the Oriskany sandstone are abundant. Many have found their way over the valley of the Hudson, and lie upon its eastern side, far beyond the limits of the rock. * Vanuxem’s Report, p. 126. ~~ CAUDA-GALLI GRIT. 1 The agricultural characters of this rock are unimportant ; and no mineral, excepting a jaspery iron ore, has been found in it (See Vanuxem’s Report, pp. 125-6). Fig. 29. § 6. Caupa-caLii crit (PI. xx. Sec. 1, 5, 6). A spiral vegetable fossil, which, when flattened, appears like a cock’s tail with its long flowing feathers, gave origin to the name of this rock.* It is a dark bluish sandstone beneath, with a quantity of argillaceous matter ; and brown above, where this singular fossil abounds, though the lower part is not destitute of them, and they are even in some places impressed upon the upper surface of the Oriskany sandstone. The rock breaks — down under the action of the weather : the first change in its integrity consists in the sepa- ration of the surface portion into short imperfect columns ; and these continually diminish, until they pass into an imperfect gravel. It is thin-bedded throughout the whole rock : * See Vanuxem’s Report, p. 128. 22° 172 HELDERBERG DIVISION. the individual strata are indistinct, but the stratification is sufficiently manifest when viewed as a whole, and as it appears in a cliff. Fig. 29, at the head of this section, re- presents the usual appearances of the rock, where its horizontal strata are exposed. It is a view of the rock at New-Scotland, as it appears in the creek a few rods below the mill. In some localities this rock is recognized with difficulty: thus, at Leeds in Greene county, in the disturbed belt, it is unlike the same mass at New-Scotland or at Cherry- valley. At the former place it puts on a columnar appearance, especially in the gorge below the village ; and as the peculiar fossil is not readily distinguished, the geologist will inquire with some concern what the rock is, or what it is like? He will at first suspect that he has fallen upon a disturbed mass belonging to the Hudson-river series ; and he will not be able to satisfy himself that it is really the Cauda-galli grit, until he finds it succeeded below by the Oriskany sandstone and Delthyris shaly limestone, and above by the Scho- harie layers and a poor variety of the Onondaga limestone. The columnar structure is well represented in the mass by fig. 30, which represents the strata in the gorge at Leeds, Fig. 30. where the Cats creek cuts through this rock, and exposes it upon its southwest side in a bold cliff fift sixty feethigh. It is difficult to account for this singular instance of CAUDA-GALLI GRIT. L7{5: a columnar structure ; for the strata are not vertically disposed, as we should infer from the exhibition of the cliff itself: this is proved by the fact that fossils are found between layers whose inclination departs only a few degrees from a horizontal position. The most ra- tional conclusion which I have been able to form of this instance of disturbance, is that the strata have been simply crushed, so far at least as to obliterate the.planes of deposition ; afterwards, the weathering of the cliff completes the change, and imparts to it that peculiar columnar appearance which I have attempted to delineate in the cut. This rock, though described under the name of grit, is quite an imperfect one: it is a harsh shale, though massive as a whole ; and yet it is partially fissile, and splits into im- perfect layers a quarter of an inch thick. No part of the rock is even-bedded, nor can be split into handsome plates or layers, but it is always more or less lumpy and uneven. Thickness. This reck, in New-York, never exceeds sixty or seventy feet. It attains its maximum thickness at New-Scotland, where it is well known in the bed of the creek at Mr. Clark’s, and where the layers for ten feet are impressed throughout with the flowing appearance of a cock’s tail. Below, in the road and at the base, the rock is bluish black, and a few round or oval stems of vegetables often fall out of the mass, disconnected with the principal part of the vegetable to which they belong. Extent or range of country over which the Cauda-galli grit prevails. 1. Near Coeymans, Coxsackie, Catskill or Leeds, this rock appears in a southeastern outcrop in which it is represented only by its edge: at each of these places, it is broken and disturbed. 2. The locality at New-Scotland has been referred to: it is the best place for an examination. At Schoharie, on both sides of Schoharie creek, it forms a terrace of a limited extent, with only a slight dip to the southwest. 3. At Cherryvalley, it is the surface rock near the great gorge one and a half miles northeast of the village: it is about fifteen feet thick, and crops out beneath the Onondaga limestone. It is also exposed between Cherryvalley and Springfield, and on the road between Fort-Plain and Richford springs, and in Warren and Herkimer counties. Farther west it is unknown, but the precise point where it entirely thins out is not determined. For some general remarks on the fossil referred to, and for a more particular account of localities, see Vanuxem’s Report, pp. 129 — 130. Agricultural characters. It forms a miserable soil, which only gives support to stunted buckwheat = this at least is its character in Schoharie, where it forms a few limited terraces. Relations. Its position in the Helderberg range, at Schoharie and New-Scotland, has been given. It stands in connection with the Oriskany sandstone below at Cherryvalley, and with the Onondaga limestone above, while the rock reposing upon it at New-Scotland is the Schoharie grit. For the disturbances which this rock has suffered, see Plate XX. sections 5 and 6; and for its general relations, see Pl. XX. section 1. 174 HELDERBERG DIVISION. e § 7. Scnonarte crit (PI. xx.). This rock is a brown decomposing sandstone, in consequence of a mixture of lime, which dissolves, and leaves a granular tender mass that may be broken in the hands: hence it is always soft upon the outside, from disintegration by the action of the weather. Thickness. In New-York, it attains a thickness of only four feet ; and were it not that it is impossible to annex it to the inferior or next superior mass, it would be entitled only to the subordinate place of a layer. Extent. It is confined to the Helderberg range ; at least it does not reach Cherryvalley. It is about two feet thick at Leeds in Greene county, and appears on both sides of the church, resting on the Cauda-galli grit, which is elevated into a flat dome upon which the church stands (Pl. XX. Sec. 5, 6). The general remarks upon the Oriskany sandstone, apply in part equally well to this rock. It succeeds a rock quite poor in fossils, a few mollusca only having been found in it as yet. Suddenly, however, a deposit is formed, which encloses a multitude of mollusca and a few crustacea. Some parts of the rock are formed of the remains of animals ; and of these animals, it is quite doubtful whether any have been found in the inferior rocks. After four feet of rock had been deposited, not only the kind of material which for a short time had been in the process of accumulating, is changed, but the fauna is changed also ; so that after a comparatively brief space of time, its numerous species of living beings became extinct, and gave place to others. This rock, from its limited extent, is unimportant agriculturally ; neither does it, or the next mass below, furnish mineral bodies of importance. Its interest is principally for the palzontologist. § 8. OnonpaGa LrmEsTONE ( Plates xx., xxi.). It is designed to include under this designation a dark colored limestone, which has been described in the Annual Reports under the names of Selenurus limerock, Seneca limestone, and Corniferous limestone. The Onondaga limestone is a gray and crystalline rock beneath, dark colored and some- what shaly above, through all that portion which received the appellation of Selenurus limerock. Lithological characters are not competent to distinguish this from any other gray or dark colored limestone. Disregarding the fossils, we may look for its connections in order to be satisfied of its identity. Above, it is succeeded by a black shale ; below, in the eastern part of the State, by the Schoharie grit and Cauda-galli sandstone ; in the middle and western part of the State, by the Oriskany sandstone and Manlius waterlimes and shales. One feature which is interesting, though not distinctive, is that it contains chert or hornstone, or, as it is usually called, flint. It occurs in layers and irregular masses, Which are the most abundant in the superior portion. In the Helderberg, it is not so distinctly in layers; but at Leeds in Greene county, it is made up of flinty layers in ONONDAGA LIMESTONE. 175 strata, or at least from eight to ten feet of the rock consist of two-thirds flint. At Cherry- valley, and farther west, the flint is in palmated and nodular masses, but arranged in strata: the interior of a flint nodule is often calcareous. It is the most cherty or flinty of any rock in the New-York series, and hence was named by the late Mr. Eaton, Corniferous limerock. Exient or area over which the Onondaga limestone is the surface rock. It forms a narrow belt from the Hudson to Lake Erie. ‘This belt is on the south side of the Erie canal. Its northern edge, beginning at Leeds, four miles west of Catskill, runs northeast to New- Scotland. It then sweeps round the northern terminus of the Helderberg range, but keeps south of the Cherryvalley turnpike. Its course is west from Schoharie to Blackrock, though it will be observed that the edge is rather convex to the north, in consequence of denudation which has taken place in the central part of the State, in the region of the smaller lakes, as Cayuga and Seneca. It passes through Onondaga, Cayuga, Genesee and Erie counties. The belt in some places is five or six miles wide, but considerably less in others (See the accompanying geological map, upon which its course may be traced, being the southernmost blue belt). In the Hudson valley, it appears in an outcropping edge, and also in a belt, sweeping round the base of the Catskill mountains, and passing a little west of the valley of the Rondout, or along the Warwarsing valley. It terminates, or passes out of the State of New-York, into New-Jersey, at the bend of the Delaware river. Thickness. The whole thickness of the rock included under the name of the Onondaga limestone, is not less or more than sixty or seventy feet at Clark’s in New-Scotland. It is not far from one hundred feet at Cherryvalley. At Leeds in Greene county, the whole mass does not appear to exceed twenty-five or thirty feet. At Leroy, the dark and com- pact part of the rock known as the Corniferous limestone, is seventy-one or -two feet, and is accompanied by thin masses of gray and dark colored limestone and hornstone, some of which is slaty. The amount of siliceous matter is large at Leroy. It then forms the limestone terrace, which continues onward to Blackrock. At the latter place, the calca- reous and flinty portions are more or less blended, and the laminz are separated by a dark colored shale. If the rock is divided, and the lower mass treated as a distinct rock, it is found that it varies greatly in thickness on its westward route to Blackrock: in some places, as at the Helderberg and Cherry-valley, it is twenty-five or thirty feet thick; while at others, it is only three or four. Indeed the entire mass of the limestone is unstable as to thick- ness ; and it may be said that, for a limestone, it is quite unsteady as to composition: in some places, the hornstone or chert predominates ; in others, it is a pure limestone ; and in others still it admits considerable shale into its composition, though it usually appears between the layers. The hornstone also differs somewhat in its characters: in one place, it is massive and in beds; in others, it is in nodules or palmated masses. As a whole, this hornstone belongs to the corniferous mass ; in fact, it was owing to its great abundance that this name was given it. The impropriety of the name appears, however, when it is 176 HELDERBERG DIVISION. known that all the limestones in the New-York system contain it: even the Stockbridge limestone, in the Taconic system, contains occasionally a few layers of light colored horn- stone. Relations of the Onondaga limestone. At Leeds and New-Scotland, it reposes on the Schoharie grit; at Cherryvalley, upon the Oriskany sandstone ; at Manlius, upon the concretionary part of the pentamerus ; at Tyler Post-office, or rather a mile west, at Split- rock, upon the Manlius waterlimes, in which connection it continues to Blackrock. Above, from east to west, so far as New-York is concerned, it is every where succeeded by the Marcellus shales, a black shaly or rather slaty rock. At some other points farther west, however, there are vestiges of the Oriskany sandstone, and in a few places it has its usual thickness. For instance, five miles east of Cayuga bridge, as well as at Auburn, the latter rock is present: in a few localities, it is represented by a sprinkling of sand ; at others, as at Splitrock, by a few boulders and cobblestones, which are mostly derived from the Niagara limestone, and some of which may possibly weigh fifty pounds. This may be regarded as an important fact. At the east, the Onondaga limestone is separated by several distinct and well characterized deposits from the Niagara limestone ; but at the west, they are separated only by the red and green shales, and as these seem to be inter- calated or rather local deposits, it is possible the two limestones may be actually in contact still farther west or southwest. Natural joints and fissures. The Onondaga limestone is traversed with some show of regularity by joints, which, upon the surface, become wide fissures: these admit the passage of water; and, hence, wherever it is the surface rock, the rain subsides and passes through it, or to that stratum, whatever it may be, which is impervious, when it is thrown out. Owing to this stratum, no springs are found except at its base, and there frequently large ones issue at once of sufficient size to turn a mill-wheel. At Clark’s in New-Scot- land in Albany county, at Springport in Cayuga county, and at Clarence in Erie county, are springs of this description. In many instances, however, they are to be regarded only as subterranean streams, which have entered one fissure at a distance, and at last found their way out through another. The disappearance of Allen’s creek at Leroy, which is noticed by Mr. Hatt, is an example. This is not indeed an uncommon occurrence at the south and southwest, in the region of the Carboniferous limestone. The waters are cold, but are not sufficiently charged with inorganic matter to be entitled to the appellation of mineral waters: they are as pure as most springs in a limestone district, and they are quite unlike those waters which have percolated through the strata composing the Onondaga-salt group. Agricultural characters. It has been generally supposed that this limestone exerted an important influence upon the agricultural productions of the central and western counties of New-York ; indeed, that this rock furnishes one of the essential elements of a wheat soil, and was also principally instrumental in giving this character to quite a wide belt of country to the south, or beyond its visible limit. That it does exert an important influence ONONDAGA LIMESTONE. 177 is true, but not to the extent which has been supposed. From a careful collation of facts, I am rather disposed to attibute the high character which the western counties have en- joyed, and do now enjoy, as a wheat-growing district, to the lower part of the Helderberg division. It is here, as I have just pointed out, that the green and red shales, the plaster formation, etc., are situated, and to which, from their peculiar composition and their ready decomposition, we may with greater probability attribute this important feature in the agriculture of these counties. Upon this limestone, however, we invariably find an excel- lent and productive soil, and it is one which this rock has assisted in creating, but it is not, in the eastern or western part of the State, wholly derived from it; neither has the soil which reposes upon it a greater amount of calcareous matter, than has the soil of the next rock above or below it. It is a mixture composed of drift from a distance, and some de- rived from the green shales. It is not a rock which is very much subject to disintegration, and hence there is not an accumulation of calcareous matter, or an excess of it any where disseminated through the superimposed soil. Mr. Hatt, in speaking of this rock, remarks, that where it is thin, as in the eastern part of the district, it scarcely produces any effect upon the soil ; but where it is thicker, it has essentially modified its character. Where hornstone prevails, and when the larger masses are removed, the soil, though quite siliceous or abounding in angular fragments of this mineral, is nevertheless always of the best quality. This is supposed to be owing toa constant supply of fresh calcareous matter derived from broken down fragments, which constantly acts as a fertilizer.* This subject will be brought before the reader again, when the peculiar composition of the soil upon this rock will be stated in detail. Uses to which the Onondaga limestone is adapted. It is extensively employed for producing lime ; and much that comes to the Albany market is from the Helderberg, and mostly from the inferior part of this rock, or the gray and white portions which are free from shale and hornstone. Where the rock is sound and free from flint or hornstone, it may be, and is to some extent, wrought as a marble: it is gray, and sometimes reddish, and then receives a tolerable polish, and besides it is durable and strong. It is well adapted to works in which a durable material is essential : it is not at all subject to disintegration where the surface is well wrought; neither is it traversed by fissures that open by frosts, in case the stone is well selected. It is, therefore, one of the most important and useful rocks in the New-York series. * Hall’s Report, p. 170. {AcRicuLTURAL ReEport.] 23 178 HELDERBERG DIVISION. Tasue exhibiting the thickness of the rocks composing the Helderberg division, at different places in the State of New-York. eo ' z - = : F1 & ee » -.| & : pe | P/E ELE] ELEVEIE,E| ala } ° = 3 I, ote > 5 pe] Og] 2 ° Et se | NAMES OF ROCKS. <2] 84| #2/ 8 | 2 | 86) 28] 8 | 8 | Be) 3 as] »F] re) i) = =a the Pt Se RE Pe eS FP = 5 is) < a ° ad Me =) ° S) 2) a = Feet, | Feet. | Feet. | Feet. | Feet | Feet | Feet | Feet | Feet | Feet. ‘eet. Red shale AS eee Se 80 | 500 500* 500 Green shale, gypseous rock & waterlime,| 60] 60 | 100 100 | 700*| 700*} 70f} 40f} 700 Pentamerus limestone . . . .. . 20} 25] 25 80 4 80 Delthyris shaly limestone . . . . . 70} 60) 60 20 70 Encrinal limestone... 4. % ©. 30 10 10 14 30 Upper Pentamerus limestone . . . . 3 4 1 4 Oriskany Sandstone . . . ... . 2 2 2 Cande-palliigtit . .>. . - +=. 60 |} 60 10 60 Schotsméert. ss > bs. es 4 4 4 Onondaga and Corniferous limestone . 60 | 80 100 75t| 50 | 100 1550 * VANUXEM. + Haru. The Onondaga limestone, the superior rock of the Helderberg division. The importance of this rock is seen in another and different point of view, namely, in forming a distinct line of demarkation between two divisions of rocks, which, though intended only as geo- graphical lines in this instance at least, yet really defines the end of a series in the system. Lithologically the end of the series with this rock is indicated, though it could not be proved. If, however, organic bodies are permitted to speak, they tell us that such is the fact ; for it is rare that those of this rock go up into the succeeding deposits, and still less probable is it that any of the rocks below the Onondaga limestone reach the shales and sandstones of the Erie division. This rock, then, forms or marks an era in the New- York system, which must always be regarded as important ; and this is true, in whatever light we may regard this system ; or whatever classification we may adopt, this rock must form the termination of one of the divisions. It is true that the upper portions are dark colored, and the layers are separated by seams of shale; still this only proves that the change which was about to take place was not sudden or immediate, but gradual. It is probable the dark color of much of the upper part of the Corniferous limestone is of the same nature as that of the Marcellus slate, the mass which reposes upon it. On referring to what is said in the closing remarks upon the Champlain division, it will now be seen that we have at least two very satisfactory divisions in the New-York system : the first, ending with the gray sandstone of the Champlain division ; and the second, with the Onondaga limestone. Between the lower division.and the next succeeding, the On- tario division, the affinity or resemblance is only slight. There is, however, a greater resemblance between the Helderberg division and the Erie, probably, than between the ONONDAGA LIMESTONE. 179 former and the Ontario divison ; but as yet the relationship has not been fully stated, and perhaps it will be many years before it can be determined. The same limestone which is here described under the above name, is known and described in England under the name of Wenlock limestone. Ours probably resembles the latter as far as any two distant rocks can resemble each other. It is doubted by a few geologists, at least, whether any of our rocks can be considered strictly as identical with those of Europe. For this reason, it is proper, where the identity is not established, to give distinct names to the systems which are widely asunder, and especially when there is really such an amount of difference as there is now proved to be between the Silurian system of Mr. Murcuison and the New- York system. § 9. SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL FACTS RELATING TO THE HELDERBERG DIVISION. 1. The greatest thickness and most perfect development exists in Albany and Schoharie counties, or in the eastern part of the State. 2. The Salt group is developed only in the central part of the State. 3. The upper part of the Onondaga limestone is the most persistent mass; it extends from near the Hudson river at Catskill to Blackrock, and maintains its importance throughout, though subject to variation in thickness. 4. The lower part is the reservoir of the salt springs, the gypsum, and the hydraulic limes, which are the principal valuable productions of this division. 5. The lower part of the Onondaga limestone is susceptible of receiving a polish, and may be wrought into mantle pieces, etc. 6. The agricultural characters are strongly marked and important, both in the inferior and superior masses, but less so in the middle. The superior part is well defined, and the era of its deposit is clearly an important one. 8. The dip of the rocks included in this division, is conformable with the Ontario and Erie divisions : it amounts to thirty feet to a mile, and its general direction is south- = west. 9. The surface of the country over which the rocks of the Helderberg division extend, is hilly in the eastern counties, but is comparatively a plain and level country in the western counties, or rather the hills are not so elevated. The ranges of hills have usually a north and south direction, and hence receive more sunshine than if they ranged east and west. 10. The gorges and waterfalls, though quite remarkable in this, are less so than in the Ontario division: they are formed mostly in the lower masses, the red slate and Onondaga-salt group, and the limestone shales of the Hydraulic lime series. 23* 180 ERIE DIVISION, IV. ERIE DIVISION, § 1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS IN REGARD TO THE ERIE DIVISION OF THE NEW-YORK SYSTEM. A fact of the highest importance, which has been ascertained in regard to the succeeding rocks, is that all the heavy beds of limestone are confined to the three inferior divisions that have been already described. Calcareous matter is disseminated through some of the lower members of the Erie division, and even strata of tolerably pure limestone occasionally occur; still we consider it at least questionable whether any of these thin deposits should be treated as distinct limestone rocks. Should they be found to expand and thicken in the extension of the shales in which they here occur, in any direction so as to become in other places important masses, it would in that case be proper to treat them as rocks. Thus the Oriskany sandstone in New-York is quite thin and unimportant, yet in Pennsylvania it becomes an important rock. So the Tully limestone, when a more extended series of observations shall prove it an important mass elsewhere, will undoubtedly be regarded as a distinct rock. At present, however, it is only worthy of notice as a landmark, or as a deposit that serves to mark the termination of a group of shales; as such it is important, and it is in some places important in furnishing lime. As a rock, or a member of a system, it only requires a passing notice, notwithstanding its fossils may be somewhat peculiar or limited to this mass. The same remarks will be found applicable to another bed of limestone, that is some- times associated with the Marcellus shales, the inferior rock of the Erie division. The lithological characters of the rocks belonging to this division scarcely differ from those of the Hudson-river series. They are shales, brown, black, gray and green : the darker colored ones are mostly confined to the inferior part of the division; the gray and green, to the middle and superior portions; while the brown shale forms the superior part of the division. The gray beds often contain fine and beautiful flags, suitable for walks, window sills, coverings for cisterns and wells, and for a great variety of common purposes unnecessary to be particularly stated in this place. The Erie division terminates above in a series of green and red sandstones and shales, which are known in New-York as the Fifth or Catskill division. The passage is gradual and indistinct, and hence it is not well ascertained where the division line should pass, or even whether the whole mass constituting the Fifth division might not with propriety be embraced in some general division of the upper members of the New-York system. This plan, however, though it is always desirable to limit the number of systems as well as rocks, will not probably be regarded as admissible beyond the bounds of this State, as the lines of demarkation are more clearly drawn in other parts of the United States and in Europe. MARCELLUS SLATE OR SHALES. 181 Another remarkable fact, and which ought not to be passed over without reference, is the absence in New-York of the important mass of limestone known elsewhere as the Mountain or Carboniferous limestone : its position is between the Chemung group and the Old Red system or sandstone. The absence of this limestone has deprived the southern tier of counties of an important rock, and which, if it had been deposited in its normal position, would have changed the agricultural character of these counties. § 2. MarceLLus SLATE OR SHALES. I have already stated that the upper part of the Onondaga limestone is charged with black shaly matter ; that the rock itself is black from its presence, and that thin beds of shale appear between the layers. Such then are the indications of change in the rock. With the commencement of the black shale, the change appears complete. It is, however, chemically a mere predominance of silico-argillaceous matter over the calcareous ; for most of the rock, if not the whole of it, retains sufficient lime to effervesce with mineral acids. The lower part of the rock is more highly charged with lime than the upper, and this fact agrees with other circumstances that attended the deposition of the mass. The Marcellus slate or shales may be thus described : Rock a slate, thin-bedded and fragile ; color black, and soils the fingers ; often exhales a bituminous odor when rubbed or broken ; undergoes an exfoliation when wet, by which process it breaks down into soil : calcareous matter disseminated throughout the rock. It would be impossible, from these characters alone, to distinguish this rock from the Utica slate, the shaly portion of the Trenton limestone, or the Genesee slate : its relations, and its fossils when its relations are concealed, furnish the only distinctive characters by which it may be known. This rock has excited attention in consequence of its color, and also by its containing a small amount of coal : hence wherever its outcrop appears, numerous excavations have been made, under the expectation of finding this valuable product. It is scarcely necessary to say that all these attempts have failed : notwithstanding this, many persons are still confident that they will succeed in finding coal, provided they had the means of pene- trating deep enough into the rock. Relations of the Marcellus slate. It reposes upon the corniferous portion of the Onondaga limestone, from east to west, and along its southern outcrop, from New-Scotland in Albany county, through Greene and Ulster counties, to Pennsylvania. Above, it passes into the gritty and shaly portions of the Hamilton group. We have not yet been able to detect any change in the relations of this rock in its prolongation westward. In this respect it is an exception, as many at least of the rocks already described stand in connection with rocks in the western counties which are unknown at the east, Places where this rock may be observed. The Helderberg range, which has become so universally known for its fine display of rocks, may be visited for this purpose. It is, however, concealed by its own as well as the debris of the succeeding rocks, in consequence of its fragile character. Hence, in fields, or other places unwashed by creeks, its out- 182 ERIE DIVISION. cropping slopes are often concealed by a thick mantle of its own debris. It forms the upper terraces in Schoharie, Carlisle, Cherryvalley, Springfield, Waterville on the road to Cassville, Madison and Manlius (where the highest hills are crowned with the Marcellus shales), Onondaga and Camillus, shores of Cayuga lake above Springport, at Aurora in Seneca county (a little distance south of Waterloo), on Flint creek two miles south of Vienna, at the outlet of Conesus lake, two miles south of the village of Caledonia, and on Allen’s creek at Leroy. Sutil farther, and west of Leroy, at Alden, the upper part of the rock is exposed ; but generally in this part of the State, the deep beds of drift and debris effectually conceal this rock from observation. The southeastern exposure of the Marcellus shale, from the northern slope of the Hel- derberg to Ulster county, furnishes but few localities of much interest. Upon the hills, or rather low mountains west of Leeds or Catskill, Saugerties and Kingston, this rock occupies the first distinct terrace, but the debris conceals the strata too much to permit us to observe the connections or the fossils. Septaria. The Marcellus slate is the first rock which contains those concretionary bodies known as septaria. These oval and sometimes round bodies are impure limestones, the materials of which were deposited along with the shaly matter ; but in consequence of the play of affinities, the calcareous part separated from the great mass of shaly matter, and the molecules combined to form the bodies under consideration. During the process of drying, the argillo-calcareous matter shrinks and cracks, forming thereby septa which radiate from the centre and terminate in the circumference : these are subsequently filled by infiltration, either of calcite or the sulphate of barytes or strontian. In the formation of septaria, we are furnished with a beautiful as well as a striking illustration of a series of molecular changes, which the strata may and do undergo during the process of soli- dification ; and indeed we may be well assured that even the solid strata are continually undergoing extensive changes, in consequence of the ever active and energetic forces with which matter is endowed. Hence it is important, in speculating upon the conditions of strata, to bear in mind the fact that matter is never quiescent; never reaches that dead point where it is destined to remain stationary. Freedom of motion is found in fluids : in the tenacious clays, the particles are freer than in the granite of the mountains ; but even here they feel the force of molecular attraction, which results in regularity though not in stability of form ; for heat and cold must continually modify the shape of the particles, by altering the saliency of their angles. Limestone stratum associated with the Marcellus slate. At Schoharie, Cherryvalley and Manlius, a black limestone, from five to ten feet in thickness, occupies a position in the midst of the shales. It is an argillo-caleareous rock, and probably is capable of forming an excellent hydraulic mortar. It weathers out into extremely rough masses, so that persons who have occasion to work the rock generally call it chawed rock. In the Helderberg, this mass is concealed by debris, if it exists there; and it is not distinctly recognized in the western counties. The composition of this limestone does not differ materially from that HAMILTON SHALES. 183 of the septaria ; and probably the latter will increase in value and importance, when it is known that they make the true Roman cement. Thickness of the Marcellus slate. As this rock is not clearly defined in its upward passage, but is merged in the dark grayish shales of the Hamilton group, its thickness is not deter- mined. It is probably not less than one hundred feet at Schoharie and Manlius ; in the middle and western counties, it hardly exceeds fifty feet.* Agricultural characters of the Marcellus slate. The chemical constitution of this rock, and the ready conversion of its materials into soil, confer upon it important and useful adaptations to agriculture. The rock, especially the lower part, effervesces with acids ; and hence the calcareous matter is in sufficient quantity to influence the soil favorably, and fit it particularly for wheat. In addition to the lime, it also contains carbonate of magnesia, which, by its presence, adapts the debris of the rock to the culture of maize. Observations upon the region where this rock prevails, confirm these statements. Where there appear to be exceptions to them, it will probably be found to arise from height, or some physical cause independent of composition. § 3. HamILron sHALES.t It is difficult to ascertain the point where the Marcellus slate ends, and the Hamilton shales begin; partly from the circumstances under which we are obliged to make our examinations, and partly from the similarity of the masses themselves. The Marcellus slate becomes sandy, and loses its dark color, as well as its slaty character, and is conse- quently merged gradually into the shales which succeed in the ascending order. The Hamilton shales, however, are limited above, or superiorly, by a dark colored mass which has been called the Tully limestone. This would seem a sufficiently distinct limit, if the limestone extended eastward ; but as it is absent in the river counties, and scarcely extends beyond the central counties in this direction, the group is still left without a distinct line of demarkation in nearly one half of the State. We are, therefore, obliged to resort to a careful study of its fossils, in order to define the limits which the mass occupies. However this may be, we have, with this group, entered upon a series of rocks which are in the main siliceous, and in which very little calcareous or magnesian matters are to be found ; and hence it is that the agricultural capabilities of those sections of the State, where these rocks predominate, are also changed. ‘The masses composing these shales, as * Hall’s Report, p. 159. + I have changed the word group into shales, as will be seen by the several reports on the rocks of Central and Western New-York The change seemed to be called for, as the name now expresses the character of the masses to which it is applied. In accordance with this view, I have frequently used the denomination Marcellus slate as also expressing the nature of this reck. It is, however, to be understood, that the word slate, or shale, is always appli- cable to a mass which may fall under our examination; for there are some slates in the Hamilton rocks, and the upper part of the Marcellus slate becomes a shale. The difference between a slate and shale simply is the predominance of sandy materials in the latter over the argillaceous. In consequence of the excess of sandy matter, shales are thicker bedded than slates. The two kinds of rocks, however, run into each other by insensible gradations, especially when the grains of sand are fine. 184 ERIE DIVISION. we have just observed, are sandy ; but they are often interlaminated with thin soft slate of a bluish or greenish color, and all its beds, as a whole, are thin, but rarely even-bedded. The particles too are usually fine, and it is exceedingly rare to meet with coarse conglo- merates ; though near the superior part of the group, a few thin pebbly beds are sometimes observed, and seem to occupy pretty constantly a uniform position. Lithologically the Hamilton shales resemble those of the Hudson river. They are usually gray, but sometimes brown from weathering — some beds particularly so towards the top of the series. Imbedded or associated minerals. It can hardly be said to furnish any minerals. The beds are rarely (if ever) even sparry in this State. This arises from the perfect quietude which prevailed during the deposition of the beds, and the slight fractures which they suffered at the time of their elevation. The only indication of foreign mineral matter which this group discloses, is a thin band of impure carbonate of iron which is occasionally seen in the upper beds. Relations of the Hamilton shales. The relations of this mass are nearly the same, both eastward and westward. It reposes every where upon the Marcellus slate. Superiorly the Tully limestone seems to be wanting in Schoharie and Albany counties, and hence in this direction the line of demarkation is not well defined. The shales run into, and are imperceptibly incorporated with, the next series of rocks, which are known abroad by the name of Devonian, and in this State by that of Portage or Chemung. To the west, as has been remarked, the series is restricted by the Tully limestone. It may be that this restric- tion is too artificial and arbitrary, inasmuch as the same mineral characters are preserved, and also some of the fossils; and it is hardly possible to find any where those physical changes which sometimes appear, and mark the introduction of a new epoch. Some of the beds, towards the upper part, are less regular, more concretionary, and appear as if they were deposited under a slight change of circumstances, such as would occur if a change of level had taken place in the bottom upon which the former materials had been deposited. Agricultural capacity of the Hamilton shales. We are now introduced into a region, whose capabilities in production are decidedly of a different kind from those of the lime- stone shales that have been already described. This change is due to the constitution of the rocks mainly, although we have no doubt that height, configuration and slope, may modify to a certain extent the productive capabilities of the region over which these rocks extend. Agriculturally they closely resemble the Hudson river rocks, and we may per- haps say with truth that this resemblance is no less than that of their lithological characters. Both series are remarkably destitute of calcareous matter, and both are distantly associated, if the expression is proper, with limestones below. Thus the Utica slate resembles the Mar- cellus slate: both are somewhat calcareous, and both succeed heavy beds of limestone, which constitute important landmarks or wayboards for the determination of series and groups. In the Hudson river shales, a few bands of limestone, highly fossiliferous, ap- PLEAL EE VL, ee pies MMe rors rite a, Bowen ‘2 Bes § ENDICONT'S Lith. NEW YORK. mY , ; te) fh ‘anal bali} all = Dara in WV) AY Cal RIM (OO TH Jan woo LA Um AL , WIR 1 UW) WAL IN os IN@ SB. Pelohkarie Co. HAMILTON SHALES. 185 pear towards the end or about the middle of the series. So in the Hamilton shales, im- pure calcareous bands are met with, though the calcareous matter seems to have been derived from the petrifactions which they inclose. This shows that some calcareous mat- ter existed in solution in the waters from which these rocks were separated or deposited ; indeed, the shales sometimes effervesce feebly. Now the main peculiarity which we find in these rocks, consists in the ability to produce good pasturage: the soil possesses that light character which fits it for sweet grazing. There is always seemingly sufficient alu- mine or clay in these rocks to give the debris the proper consistency to hold water, and this rarely to excess. There are two other circumstances which contribute to form a grazing country where these rocks predominate, namely, sweet or pure water, and a hilly surface. The water, under such circumstances, drains off rapidly, and leaves the soil refreshed: it will not stagnate above or beneath the surface. If the grass and herbage is not so luxuriant, it is sweeter, and promotes the health of the animals which feed upon it. The atmosphere circulates freely over the hills and through the valleys, and thereby rapidly renews the essential elements of life and activity. Succession of strata and illustrative views. The succession of the groups and strata are well exposed on Cayuga and Seneca lakes, and in the valley of the Schoharie (See Plate XXl., sections 3 and 4; or Plate xx., sections 2,4, 5 and 6). For illustrative views, see Plate vi., which may be compared with Plate iv.: the formations of the former are un- disturbed, while the latter is on a zone or belt which has been broken up by internal convulsions. Thickness of the Hamilton shales. It is difficult to obtain the data from which the thick- ness of this rock can be determined. By estimating the fossiliferous and non-fossiliferous parts by themselves, and summing up the result, we obtain from 1000 to 1200 feet thick- ness. In the eastern part of the State, in Albany and Schoharie counties, the thickness appears to be much greater than in the western counties; at the same time it must be acknowledged that the line of demarkation between this and the upper part of the Erie division is indistinct, and hence masses which belong properly to the Devonian or Catskill rocks may be included. The lower part of the Hamilton shales are destitute of fossils in Schoharie county, for about fifty feet: then we meet a band of fossils, among which is a Conularia and Posidonia ; this is succeeded by another non-fossiliferous band of conside- rable thickness, and then fossils again occur; and in the Olive shales, so called, the fossils are very numerous, and among them we find a great abundance of the Delthyris mucro- nata, the beautiful Orthonata undulata, and Dipleura dekayi. Still higher in the series, we find an abundance of vegetable fossils, which extend through beds of sandstone and shale for sixty or seventy feet ; and lastly, in the tops of the hilly region of Fultonham in Schoharie, the rock becomes a grayish sandstone, with stems of plants, encrinites, and a large delthyris. In the hills of Fultonham, the thickness of the superimposed masses is at least eight hundred feet. The beds are thin at the base, but not even-bedded ; at the [AcricutturaL Report. ] 24 186 ERIE DIVISION. summit, they are thick and more even, though a band of contorted sandstone appears two hundred feet below the top of the mass. The view of the head of the gorge at Summit, is only one instance among many of the wearing action of the streams. Upon this series and range of rocks from the Hudson to Lake Erie, all the water courses cut through the shales and sandstones of this group. An interesting fact is well worthy of notice in this place, namely, that as the New-York sedi- mentary rocks are composed of hard and soft materials, the whole series seem to be cut through from the Potsdam sandstone to the top of the Erie division. The aggregate amount of the perpendicular falls of the streams which flow over the series, is not less than one and a half miles, from the top of the Catskill series, to the base of the Potsdam sandstone. §4. TuLLy LIMESTONE. Towards the top of the series composing the Hamilton group, calcareous matter in- creases ; and in the central counties, it is so far increased that a compact black limestone has been deposited. In Albany and Schoharie counties, it is unknown; neither has it been noticed west of the Genesee valley, and yet beds of a black limestone occupy its place at Moscow above the Moscow shales. These layers or strata are compact, black, bituminous, and interlaminated with shale. They contain a few fossils, the most interesting of which is a microscopic orthoceratite; and all the remains are extremely minute, but very nu- merous. The thickness of the Tully limestone is from twelve to fifteen feet: hence the mass is too inconsiderable to exert an influence upon the soil. ‘The rock is exposed upon the west shore of Cayuga lake, and the eastern shore of Seneca lake near Hathaway’s landing ; also at Bellona in Ontario county, and the outlet of Crooked lake. At Bethel on Flint creek, it forms a part of the banks ; while four miles northwest, it is only three feet thick. Farther west, on Canandaigua lake, it is represented by a few inches only of impure cal- careous rock. West of this lake, according to Mr. Hall, it is virtually absent, although its place is indicated by bands of calcareous shale. CATSKILL DIVISION. 187 View of the Head of the Gorge at Summit. NW Og V. CATSKILL DIVISION ; OR OLD RED SANDSTONE OF THE NEW-YORK REPORTS. DEVONIAN SYSTEM (IN PART) OF ENGLISH AUTHORS. So far as agriculture depends on the composition of the soil, the separation of the rocks below the Tully limestone, from those above, is of but little consequence. There is throughout a great preponderance of sand in these rocks; but this element is modified by alumine, even in the thick-bedded sandstones, and more especially in the thin beds of shales and slates with which the beds of sandstone alternate. 24* 188 CATSKILL DIVISION. Geologically this is an interesting part of the New-York series. It forms by itself a dis- tinct system, and has been described by Mr. Phillips under the name of Devonian system. It is designed to embrace not only the peculiar rocks of Devonshire, but those of Scotland, and of places on the continent, which have hitherto been known and described under the name of Old Red sandstone. Comparing our rocks of this division, however, with what we know of their equivalents in Europe, we find that they present a different phase ; re- serving, in this expression of opinion at this time, the right to change our views from time to time as discoveries may progress. In Scotland, for instance, the Old Red sandstone contains many fishes of remarkable forms; but in no place in this country, where this rock is even well developed, have these interesting fossils been found. Here, conchifera, associated with a few fishes, seem to characterize the rock; and these are confined to the lower beds, the upper ones, so far as discoveries have been made, being destitute of animal remains. Some land vegetables, belonging to three or four species, run through the sys- tem. In this country, whatever differences may have been observed between the Hamilton shales and the masses intervening between them and the Coal series, there is no where a sudden transition by which we pass at once from the Silurian to the Devonian system, either in fossils or in mineral matter: there are no disturbances, which could have broken the general quiet of the period during which this great series was being deposited. Ata few points, inconsiderable movements may be observed, affecting slightly a portion of the deposit; but the same observation applies equally well to the Hamilton shales, and the Helderberg division. The physical changes which seem to have occurred during these periods, were merely gentle oscillations, destitute of violence or rapidity. Hence these rocks repose in unbroken strata; or, if broken, the change of position amounts to a few feet only ; or it is of such a nature as to have resulted in gentle flexures, along which the layers remain unbroken. The mass has received, as a whole, that slight movement by which the layers have been placed in a position inclining to the southwest at a very mode- rate angle, a position ‘which was given them when the great central primary mass north of the Mohawk valley emerged from the Apalachian sea. § 1. PortaGe AND CHEMUNG GROUPS OF THE GENESEE VALLEY. The Moscow shales represent the Hamilton group in this valley. The rock is a light green, soft and fragile. A black slate, interlaminated frequently with thin beds of black limestone, succeeds the Hamilton shales both at Moscow and Geneseo. The change in the mineral constitution of the rock is accompanied with a change also in fossils ; and, as has been stated, microscopic orthoceratites abound in the layers which immediately succeed the Moscow shales; while, at the same time, all the characteristic fossils, without exception, belonging to the last mentioned rock, remain below. Fossils, then, in this valley, and in this series, determine where one group ends and another begins. We are not, however, furnished with distinct lines of separation in the vicinity of the Catskill and Helderberg ranges, as we shall have occasion to show in the sequel. PORTAGE AND CHEMUNG GROUPS, 189 GENESEE SLATR. The first mass above the Moscow shales is the Genesee slate : it is usually colored black, but often stained brown upon the outside by decomposing pyrites. Its laminz separate easily, and fall to thin pieces of the size of a penny ; forming, by this kind of disintegra- tion, a flat gravel. The whole mass is bituminous. Its fossils are peculiar, but few in species ; yet it is not improbable that, if fresh deep cuts were made, it would be found largely supplied with them. The exposure which results from weathering, obliterates fossils especially when they are obscure or small. The lower part of the Genesee slate consists of strata or lamine of thin slate, alternating with thin-bedded compact black limestone. The thickness of the strata of limestone varies from three to eighteen inches. These beds of limestone continue upwards at least one hundred feet, when they disappear: above this, for three hundred feet more, the rock continues a black slate; and after this it becomes shaly, or changed into a mass in which slate alternates with thin-bedded sandstone. The thin laminated masses continue onwards to Portage ; and even at the Lower falls, the flags are thin-bedded, and alternate with a black bituminous slate, indistinguishable from the Genesee slate at Mountmorris. The strata undulate, or form short curves, which coalesce like those of the slates of the Hudson river. Thickness of the Genesee slate. If, as we suppose, this slate succeeds the Moscow shales, and if it forms the cliff at the fall near the village of Moscow, it is at least four hundred feet thick. This we consider as an under estimate, rather than an over one; for, at one place near Mountmorris bridge, the exposed part is three hundred and forty feet above the river. At the same time it is not improbable that undulations may exist, which must in that case be set off against the dip, which amounts to fifty feet to the mile at a few points where it is susceptible of measurement. Localities where the Genesee slate may be observed. ‘The most important locality has al- ready been noticed, namely, the great gorge above Mountmorris, through which the river flows. We remark, however, that calcareous bands are numerous in the lower part, and that the middle and upper portions are interlaminated with shale. Proceeding east, it may be observed on Cayuga lake, south of Ludlowville, supported by the Tully limestone ; at the falls of Lodi, and the outlet of Crooked lake. It forms the base of the hills of De- ruyter in Madison county, and those of Fabius, Truxton and Preble. At all these places it is succeeded in the ascending order by gray flags, as in the gorge of the Genesee. On Lake Erie, it is well exposed and well characterized by its fossils at Eighteen-mile creek. Between Lake Erie and the Genesee river, it is exposed in ravines which open to the north. As a general guide to the position of this rock, and the localities where it may be ob- served, the student may take advantage of its position above the Hamilton shales, and its general east and west range from its position at Moscow and Mountmorris. Thickness of the Portage group. The Portage group, as it exists in the cliffs and gorges at and below Portage, is mainly a gray sandstone. So gradual has it changed from a thin ' 190 CATSKILL DIVISION. black slate to a thick-bedded sandstone, that it is useless to attempt to draw division lines between the lower and upper strata. Drawing, then, an arbitrary line along the strata, near to a plane where the Genesee slate seems to terminate, or where the rock has ceased to be a decided slate, or has become a thin flagstone, and then including in the Portage group the whole mass above as it exists at Portage, we believe the thickness is not far from twelve hundred feet. But Mr. Hall, who has had better opportunities for determining this question, has estimated it at one thousand feet. It must be recollected, however, that the cliffs from Mountmorris to Portage maintain an elevation of three hundred and fifty, and perhaps four hundred feet in some places, and that the dip is at the rate of about fifty feet to the mile. Gorge in the Portage group. At Mountmorris the Genesee river issues from a gorge, which is remarkable both for depth and length. It is in this deep cut, made by the river, that these rocks may be observed to the best advantage. At the bridge near Mountmorris, steep and even perpendicular cliffs bound and shut in the river on both sides. These cliffs, in consequence of the increased thickness of rock, rise up above the river three hundred and forty feet on both sides. With these formidable banks on either hand, the river wends its way from Portage. A part of the distance there is space for a road ; but the descent to the river is practicable in a few places only, while most of the distance it is totally out of the question. The slate is the only rock which forms the cliffs for four or five miles towards Mountmorris ; and the character of the mass, as indicated above, is preserved. ‘The first change which appears, is produced by an increase of silex or sand. The layers are still thin ; but in the place of argillaceous layers, thin undulating shaly ones appear. If we trace the changes as we proceed towards Portage, we find the sand still increasing, and the strata becoming thicker, till finally at Portage the formation has become a thick-bedded sandstone. It is a gray fine-grained rock, and works well under the chisel ; and, when wrought, it is durable. Some exceptions, however, ought to be made: the masses must be free from slate, in order to resist the action of the weather. § 2. PorrTaGE, ITHACA AND CHEMUNG GROUPS OF THE CENTRAL COUNTIES OF NEW-YORK. The Chemung group is made up of flags and slates, whose beds are thinner than those of the Portage group upon which they rest. The flags are gray, olive and brown, with impure calcareous bands of fossils; the shales are green and olive, but sometimes black. These forms of mineral matter are arranged without order. The stratification is usually Fig. 31. PORTAGE AND CHEMUNG GROUPS. 191 distinct : in the upper part it is diagonal, a fact which may be used for determining the po- sition of this mass at distant points. The diagonal stratification (fig. 31) prevails in the Catskill mountain rocks, but has not been observed below the Chemung group. At Ithaca and Cortlandville, the lower part of the Chemung group is represented in the green slates and flags. At the former place they are exposed in the cuts of the inclined plane, while the Portage group is below, rising from fifty to one hundred feet above the lake. At Cortlandville, the Ithaca group is exposed in the quarries about half a mile south of the village. The same species of fossils have been found here as at Ithaca, namely, the Microdon bellistriata ; a flat coral ; an ornamented univalve, which appears to be a Mur- chisonia. ‘The series ascends to Virgil. Here is a full development of the Chemung rocks. It would seem, from a comparison of facts developed by a careful examination, that the Ithaca group is not equivalent to the Chemung as it is developed at the Chemung nar- rows; but rather that is beneath, and situated between the Portage and Chemung groups. There is, however, no necessity for separating the Ithaca from the Chemung group: it is more simple to regard the masses as parts of one series, in which the inferior and superior may differ in many points. According to this view, the rocks of Virgil and Chemung be- long to one and the same age, and those of Cortlandville and Ithaca to another ; and this view is borne out by the fossils collected at both places. Springs and mineral contents of the group in the central counties. The springs which issue from the upper part of the Chemung rocks, are comparatively pure; those of the Genesee slate, may be bituminous. In a hilly region, numerous streams, originating in springs, are expected; in the valley of the Genesee, however, adjacent to the great gorge, very few exist. The traveller, passing over the fine road from Mountmorris to Portage, will be surprised at not meeting more than one or two small streams the whole distance. This scarcity of running water is a great inconvenience to farmers, inasmuch as frequently it is difficult to procure water for cattle. Cisterns and wells are the only modes left for fur- nishing a supply, which of course becomes precarious in dry seasons. ‘The nature of the rocks, their porosity, and especially the deep cut of the Genesee river, combine in their effects to produce a very thorough draining of a very wide extent of country on both sides of the gorge. Still where there is a deep soil, upon a surface only moderately steep, the drainage is not so perfect as to lay the upper parts dry; and where a clay forms the sub- soil, draining in the usual way may still be required. The minerals of the group have no claim to a special consideration: pyrites, in the shale, is the most common; it is the source of the chalybeate waters, wherever they exist in the formation. Its presence aids the decomposition of the slates, facilitates first their disintegration, and finally perfects those changes which end in a thorough separation of the elements of the rock. 192 CATSKILL DIVISION. View in Gilboa. § 3. PorTAGE, ITHACA AND CHEMUNG GROUPS IN THE SCHOHARIE AND HUDSON-RIVER DISTRICTS. The development of the Hamilton shales is excessive in the eastern part of New-York, but there are only slight differences in the lithological characters. At Summit in Scho- harie county, in a deep gorge near the village, the Chemung group occupies the upper part and the higher slopes adjacent to it, and also the hills above the village. As yet, however, the fossils of the Chemung narrows are not common or numerous ; and it seems to be established that the fossils of the Hamilton shales go up higher into the shales and flags, and occur nearer to the base of the Catskill division or Old Red sandstone, than at the west. The flags at the top of the Helderberg range, and the rocks occupying the highest position in the southern towns in Albany and Schoharie counties, belong to the Chemung group. The purposes of agriculture do not require an identification of the rocks under conside- ration: they belong chemically and mineralogically to the same class. The structure, the tendency to decomposition, and the soil which is formed by disintegration, does not differ essentially in Albany county from that of Allegany or Cattaraugus county. We do not find the exact equivalents when they are tested by fossils: it is possible, however, that this may be owing to exposure. Other fossiliferous strata than those, for example, which CATSKILL GROUP. 193 are exposed in Chemung, may be exposed in Schoharie and Albany counties, or in the rocks of the eastern part of the State. Where fossils are limited to narrow bands, and where their vertical range is small, corresponding strata at two distant points may be con- cealed at one or the other. The kind of distribution alluded to, is that which prevails. A stratum from two to twelve inches is loaded with fossils; but above or below for fifty or one hundred feet, they are either very scarce or do not exist at all. ‘This is the general mode in which they are distributed in thick beds, sandstones and flags, a mode which does not seem to prevail in calcareous shales and limestones. In these deposits, it is not uncommon to find organic bodies distributed throughout the whole mass. Localities where the sandstones and flags described above may be examined. Many localities have already been mentioned, at which the strata are well exposed, and afford opportu- nities for observation. At Portage, and at points intervening between it and Mountmorris, many interesting and important facts are disclosed in the deep gorges. All that relates to the power of moving water in-excavating rocks, the nature of the rocks themselves, their stratification, etc., are displayed to great advantage. Few fossils only are found, and those not of the most interesting kind. Bodies called fucoids, and which are referred to a class of marine plants, are common. The same are common at Deruyter, Homer, and in the hills in the same geological range for a wide extent east and west of the points named ; also in Oneonta, Harpersfield, Summit, Rensselaerville, Virgil and Ithaca. Most parts of the counties of Tioga, Broome, Allegany and Chautauque, are mainly underlaid by this series of rocks. Agricultural characters of the shales, flags and sandstones of the Portage and Chemung rocks. ‘This is not the place to state, with any degree of particularity, the relations which these formations bear to the capabilities of the soil derived from them. They have, however, characters of their own ; that is, peculiarities which distinguish them from calcareous and limestone formations. The greatest chemical difference is found in the absence of lime, except where it is derived from strata at a distance. When the soil is first broken up, some lime may be found; but cultivation, and the exposure which a cultivated surface suffers from percolation of water, soon removes the calcareous matter. The soil is then a silico-aluminous one, and may in some places be a stiff hard soil ; in others, the predomi- nance of sand gives it a character directly opposite. The full consideration of the soils of these rocks will come up in another place, where they can be treated in connection with those of other parts of the State. § 4. CatskILL GRouP. Mr. Vanuxem describes these rocks as consisting of light-colored greenish gray sand- stone, usually hard; of fine grained red sandstone, red shale or slate ; of dark-colored slate and shale; of grindstone grit, and a peculiar concretionary or fragmentary mass composed of shale principally, cemented by lime. The mass referred to in the last place, varies in thickness from a few inches to two feet, and, from its nature, may he regarded as [AcricuLtTurAL Rerort.] 25 194 CATSKILL DIVISION. characteristic of this part of the New-York series. Certainly it is not observed in any of the lower rocks ; and as it is a very constant mass, and widely extended, we deem it a valua- ble wayboard by which position may be determined with a good degree of certainty. This mass, too, it may be important to say, is regarded by Mr. Vanuxem as equivalent to the cornstone of the Old Red sandstone.* It appears quite early among the strata, and goes up to the middle of the series. We have not been able, however, to connect our observa- tions together so as to be satisfied that such is the fact, or that it does not extend farther than the central part of the rock. We believe it belongs to the inferior part, and may be sought for the purpose of identifying this part of the group. The diagonal stratification is another peculiarity of the rock, which has been referred to already. It is spoken of by Mr. Hall, as appearing in the upper part of the Chemung group. The difficulty, in New-York, of defining the limits of groups, is such that it can not always be made clear where one begins and another ends. Hence it may be true that this part of the so called Chemung group might, with great propriety, be referred to the Catskill division. The great body of materials forming the Catskill division, are grits, alternating fre- quently with olive-colored shales, red slate, or red marl. The latter is sometimes from thirty to fifty feet thick ; yet there is less of red rock than is generally supposed, or less than is implied in the old name by which this rock has been distinguished. The name Old Red sandstone, or Red system, would lead to the inference that it is a red rock mainly ; whereas only about one-third of it is red, the rest being a dark slate, or greenish or grayish flagstone. Originally the color of the slate was olive or green, throughout the series of beds: it is by atmospheric action that the slates and shales have changed their primitive color. ‘This process is still in progress; and the darkish green rocks, on breaking down, assume first a brownish tint, and then a red one, capable of staining substances with the same color, an effect due to a change in the oxide of iron, which in the green slates is a protoxide, but by a further acquisition of oxygen becomes the peroxide. The engraving on page 192 is a view of the Schoharie creek at Gilboa, on the road from the village leading to the Manorkill falls: it looks south. All the ranges which close in upon the creek, and bound its valley, belong to the Devonian system. Dip and stratification of this series. To the eye within a distance of a few feet, the rocks appear horizontal; but when viewed at a considerable distance, or from a point where there is a sufficient range, they indicate a dip to the southwest, less, however, than the New- York rocks are known to exhibit at distant points; yet this remark applies to the series which form the body of the Catskill mountains. At the base, especially on the eastern slope, the dip is quite steep; at least it is decidedly marked even in the outcrop of the cliffs which terminate the successive terraces. The stratification is no less regular than the dip: at the base, the strata are parallel; at the middle, and towards the summit, the diagonal stratifi- cation is common. *Vanuxem’s Report, p. 186. WN DLV Td CATSKILL GROUP. 195 Termination of the strata. The conglomerates and coarse grits above the Catskill Moun- tain House, have been referred to the Coal series, and this is probably nght. In Chau- tauque county, beds of conglomerate, apparently occupying the same position, are referred also to the same period. Strata at Gilboa. An interesting locality of the Catskill division exists at Gilboa. A good section is exposed by the Manorkill, a creek which flows from the east, and falls into the Schoharie creek near the village. The lowest rocks on the creek are, Four feet of green fragile lumpy shale. One foot brown hard compact sandstone, blotched with green. Two feet red slate, alternating with one or two feet-of green shale. . Ten feet of gray sandstone. . Three feet of black shale. An undefined mass of gray sandstone succeeds, which contains land vegetables, and, at the Manor- kill falls, one mile above the village, also contains numerous fossils, among which are several Cypricardia, two species of Solen, and what appears to be the Terebratula lepida. OO om oN The rocks are coarse grits at the falls, with some layers of green tough shale, in which are contained most of the Cypricardia. ‘The tough lumpy character of this shale is a great inconvenience to the collector of fossils. Above the Manorkill falls, the red marl or slate is many feet thick. This is succeeded by the greenish and coarse sandstone shales alternating for five or six hundred feet, and appearing in high and steep escarpments on the mountain half a mile north of the kill: the rock contains a few Cypricardia. The whole series is fossiliferous ; more so, we think, than what appears upon a cursory examination, princi- pally on account of the coarseness of the grits and the unfavorable state of the stratifica- tion. The beds at and immediately above the bank of the creek near the village are destitute of animal remains, or at least we did not succeed in finding any. Now the stratum which contains vegetables at other places, contains also Cypricardia. In this stratum, many fragments of stems and long leaves are preserved, but crushed, and so broken that they are worthless as cabinet specimens; yet the stratum itself is a good guide for the rock. It is the same as that described in Mr. Vanuxem’s report, in which he first discovered the fossils at Mount Upton on the Unadilla. The discovery of this stratum (or strata, for there are several) at Gilboa, at the base of adjacent mountains, identifies two distant series, and proves their equivalency and age. Continuation of the strata to Prattsville. The coarse grits continue to Prattsville ; and though often concealed by debris along the banks of the Schoharie creek, yet a glance at the cliffs of the adjacent hills will be sufficient to settle the fact that the strata of Gilboa continue uninterruptedly to Prattsville ; and as but little progress is made towards the south, or in the direction of the dip, we may feel satisfied that we gain but little in height. This is important to be borne in mind, for it has been said that the rocks of Gilboa belong to the Hamilton group, and as fossils closely resembling those of this formation were discovered six or seven hundred feet at least above the locality on the Manorkill, where 25* 196 CATSKILL DIVISION. Devonian fossils had been found, it became important to accumulate as many facts as possible which would bear upon the question ; and we were fortunate enough to discover the remains of fish in the strata between Prattsville and Gilboa, and, what was still more satisfactory was their association with the Cypricardia catskillensis discovered by Mr. Va- nuxem on the Unadilla. These fossils will undoubtedly be found quite numerous in this neighborhood, as we observed several specimens in the rock two miles above Prattsville, on the banks of the creek. It appears, therefore, that it has a wide range in this series, and may be regarded as characteristic of the formation in which it is found. Series at Jefferson. Here the rocks exhibit the same character as at Gilboa and Pratts- ville. They are flags, some of which are quite thin, and they are interlaminated with black slate, At this place, near the village, we discovered the same fossils as those of Gilboa, namely, the Cypricardia, Tentaculites, Orthis, etc. Besides the strata of crushed vegetables and the diagonal stratification already mentioned, Mr. Hall has discovered a seale of the fish characteristic of the Old Red sandstone. In these discoveries we have the facts which have settled the character and age of the rocks in the southern part of Schoharie, Albany, and those of Greene and Delaware counties. They form one series of rocks, which may be traced south, southwest and west, through the southern tier of counties; and as a few fossils of the Chemung narrows have been found in Gilboa, we are able to connect the series with distant points west. The Chemung group, which had been supposed to be confined to the southwestern counties, has been proved, by the discovery of fossils, to oc- cupya place also at the base of the Catskill series. Of the Dipleura dekayi, Microdon bellistriata, Cypricardia angulata, the latter is credited to Chemung narrows, while the two former are well known Hamilton fossils: these, with several others, occur five hun- dred feet above strata which have hitherto been regarded as belonging exclusively to the Catskill series. Facts of this kind may lead us to distrust the value of our lines of de- markation between the groups of a system. Agricultural characters of the Catskill series. The soil is colored red, when derived from the Catskill rocks. The red marls form a soil very well compounded of sand and clay : it derives an advantage from its color. Red soils are warmer and earlier, yet they do not bear drought so well as the brown and yellow loams. The soil of these rocks may be re- garded as light; and being deficient in lime and alkalies, it is not so productive at first, nor so durable, as those of Onondaga and Cayuga counties. Localities where the Catskill series may be advantageously examined. These rocks may be reached by two routes: Ist, that of the Mountain House or Pine Orchard; and 2d, that of Schoharie creek. The Mountain House route leads over part of the Champlain, the Hel- derberg and the Erie divisions. The Hudson-river series, and the whole of the Helderberg series, are finely exposed, but in an interesting state of disorder. The Erie division is tilted up, but not materially crushed or dismembered; the angle of dip continually dimi- nishes from the Hamilton shales upward, each ascending terrace being disturbed less and less as it is distant from the belt of disturbance, passing between the Hudson river and the CATSKILL GROUP. 197 village of Madison. This is a short and interesting route, but not so favorable for collecting fossils. The second route, that of the Schoharie creek, begins at Schoharie Court-house, and follows it up to Gilboa, Prattsville, Lexington, Hunter, and then to the Catskill Mountain House. The whole New-York system is traversed by this route, and it leads up a beautiful valley, on the sides of which the strata are finely exposed in receding terraces or steep escarpments. Beautiful cascades and splendid scenery gratify the sight at every turn ; while to the geologist the succession and stratigraphical arrangement is so clear and satis- factory, that all doubts are dispelled. The advantages of this route are decisive, in con- sequence of the fine field at Schoharie, where the succession is over a complete division of the Helderberg rocks: the Erie division is full and complete also, and may be observed first in the rounded hills about Schoharie village, dipping in the direction of the route up the creek ; and the succeeding members slowly follow each other, till, finally, at Gilboa, the Catskill rocks are found at the base of the high ranges which have hedged in the creek for twenty-five miles. The route will be completed by descending on the eastern side by the steep road of the Mountain House, which leads over the belts of the disturbed rocks that have been already noticed. Thickness of the Catskill division of the New-York rocks. The strata rise horizontally, or nearly so, from Gilboa to Conesville. The latter place is the highest travelled point be- tween the former place and Catskill. It is twelve hundred feet above Gilboa, or two thousand feet above tide. The mountains rise over one thousand feet above Conesyville. The rocks belonging to the Catskill division are between eighteen hundred and two thou- sand feet thick. Illustrative views. The clefts through the mountain ridges furnish an exceedingly rich scenery. We have selected the Platerskill clove for this purpose, although it is in no respect superior to several landscapes of the same region (Pl. xix. and Fig. 7). The panoramic view is taken from the ridge east of Catskill, on the opposite side of the river. The general appearance of stratification is intended to be exhibited. It was more particu- larly designed to illustrate the denudation of the mountain, and the deep cuts which were made in the drift era: it is an accurate representation of the north face or slope. The first view, the Platerskill clove, looks down upon the valley of the Hudson, over the fine flourishing village of Saugerties. The river appears in clear weather like a silver band winding through a high plane, beyond which the taconic hills seem to rise in even slopes, tll far in the horizon the whole country becomes dim and lost in air. The view from the Catskill Mountain House is still more extensive, as it is not shut in on either side by towering peaks. It is here the world becomes a world; it is here man becomes a man, and physical nature speaks a lesson full of rich and precious truths. The sectional illustrations of the relations of the rocks described in the foregoing pages, may be found on Pl. xxi., sections 3 and 5. 198 DEVONIAN SYSTEM, VL THE UPPER ROCKS OF NEW-YORK EQUIVALENT TO THE DEVONIAN SYSTEM OF ENGLAND AND THE CONTINENT. Mr. Conrad was the first American geologist who perceived the equivalency of the upper New-York rocks, to those which were described by Mr. Phillips under the name of Devo- nian. To him also is to be given the credit of identifying the Silurian system with the lower rocks of this State. When the outlines of resemblance have been traced, it requires only diligence and moderate capacity to fill up the details. While it is admitted, however, that the New-York and Silurian rocks have been proved by American geologists to belong to a coeval period, it is not proved that the two are identical. Such a closeness of agree- ment, in such distant rocks, could not be expected. This much seems to be established, namely, that the rocks of the two continents, limited upwards by the Coal series, and by the Taconic system below, were deposited during the same period ; but whatever of a mo- difying nature existed in either continent, had its infiuence on each series respectively. A prolongation of a particular deposit beyond the corresponding one of a distant continent, often took place. Intercalated members appear in a few instances. Organic beings were formed on the same types, but rarely identical. While resemblances were preserved in the greater number, the novelties were rarely common. As New-Holland must have her kangaroos, and quadruped-like forms in her aviaries ; the Galapagos, their lizard forms ; and Africa and America, each their peculiar faunas; so analogy forbids our expectancy that the faunas of our two silurian worlds should be identical. It is not a variety, however, which arises from necessity, from obedience to physical causes: the variety exists foi variety’s sake, and to fill creation with diversified grades of being. The advancement of geology in this country received a new impulse, when its cultiva- tors began to study our rocks independently of European formations. So long as investi- gations were directed towards identification with foreign rocks, just so long our own for- mations remained unknown to us, perhaps from the want of proper characters by which: they could be made out. The study of fossils has, in later years, been followed by a real] progress in the science of geology ; and this has arisen, not so much from the use of fossils as characteristics, as from an independence which they gave to the thoughts and methods of observers. They gave us the power to compare our rocks with each other at distant points, and to work out our system on a basis which is truly American, and which has really created an American geology. This result has been practically of great value here, in addition to the confirmation of leading principles which had preceded it abroad. We have now our Silurian and Devonian systems sufficiently well defined to answer all the ends of science. The work of accurately identifying strata may go on, now that correct outlines have been marked out, and our great landmarks are so well defined. OR UPPER NEW-YORK ROCKS. 199 SUMMARY OF FACTS RESPECTING THE UPPER ROCKS OF THE NEW-YORK, SILURIAN, AND DEVONIAN SYSTEMS. 1. The series of rocks above the Tully limestone consists of alternating masses of sand- stone, slate and shale. The greatest mass of slate is the Genesee slate; and the greatest mass of sandstone, in continuous beds, is the Portage group. 2. The rocks, from the Genesee slate to the conglomerates of the Coal, form one series ; 3. 4, and though this series is divided into groups, the subordinate divisions are made for convenience rather than utility or necessity : they serve, however, one or two pur- poses, namely, those parts of the series which have intercalated members, or other differences, are more fully brought to view, the economical portions may be clearly defined, and the comparison of two distant points is made more striking. It will be said that the groups are important, and an appeal may be made to the fossils for sustaining the position. The better division of the series seems to be into upper and lower, or upper, middle and lower. The division of the rocks above the Taconic, and below the Coal, into two great systems, the Silurian and Devonian, simplifies the study of the geology, and encumbers the mind of the student less than that which makes many subordinate parts. The deepest part of the Devonian sea appears to have been in the region of the Catskill series; and if we may form an opinion of the continuous depth of such a sea, from the extension and thickness of a formation, it would seem that the depth increased rapidly upon the eastern shore, but shallowed more slowly to the southwest. This view seems to be sustained by the fact that the prolongation of the Silurian and Devonian systems eastward is quite limited, some of the beds of the Lower Silurian extending only five or six miles east of the city of Hudson; while in order to place ourselves in the midst of a deep silurian and devonian sea, we have only to travel ten miles southwesterly from this city. The whole mass composing both systems disappears at once, as it were, on the eastern side, thinning out suddenly; and the Taconic slates, plunging down at a steep angle, form a basis upon which the whole is supported. There is less difference between the lower part of the Devonian and upper Silurian in New-York, than there is between the Champlain and the Ontario divisions. The economical products are fine and valuable flags, quarries of which may be opened through a wide horizontal as well as vertical range. The rock contains neither ores, limestones, nor brine springs. 5. Some of the springs, which issue from the Genesee slate, are hydrosulphuretted in an 6. eminent degree; while the springs of the rocks above the slate, are pure as those of a primary district. The country underlaid by these rocks is hilly, and the slopes afford an excellent soil for grazing. Wheat, though not the natural crop, is still raised on the bottoms of the narrow valleys. 200 NEW RED SANDSTONE. ‘ VIL NEW RED SANDSTONE. r It is a singular fact, that this rock, whose position is above the Carboniferous series, should range along in close proximity to Upper Silurian rocks, almost touch the Old Red sandstone, and yet never be found reposing upon either. It occupies a small area only in New-York. It borders the west of the Hudson river for twenty miles, underlying all that remarkable and highly picturesque shore known as the Palisadoes. The sandstone sup- ports the pillars, the material of which seems to have been ejected through the rents in the sandstone beds. That this may have taken place is not at all improbable, inasmuch as : the material of which the columns of greenstone are composed is interlaminated with the layers of sandstone in such a way that it can scarcely be questioned but that it was forced «between them after consolidation, and while the greenstone was in a molten state. This statement is corroborated by the appearance of the sandstone. It is not only partially melted, but the iron, which formed a constituent part of it, is segregated into masses and thin veins in a crystalline state. Fig. 32 is an illustration of the relative position of the rocks near Slaughter’s landing. Fig. 32. a. Horizontal beds of sandstone : the sandstone, when in contact with the greenstone above, is often white or gray, compact and hard, portions of which resemble hornstone or chert. 6. Columnar greenstone, resting upon the sandstone. c. Injected beds of the same, and communicating with the columnar mass above. The New Red sandstone is undistinguishable lithologically from the Old Red or even the Medina sandstone : it is at base a conglomerate. The Potomac marble, as it is called, forms the base of this rock. This rare conglomerate rests on the Magnesian slate and Sparry NEW RED SANDSTONE. 201 limestone of the Taconic system, near Stony point, below Caldwell. The other parts of the rock are a coarse micaceous sandstone ; and a thin-bedded red and black shale, passing into a soft marl, more or less variegated and spotted with green. The New Red sandstone is a highly interesting formation. It is rendered so by certain marks or impressions upon the strata, so closely resembling footmarks, that few now doubt the truth of this hypothesis of their origin. The evidence, however, of the truth of this hypothesis, does not rest upon the shape of the impressions alone: these are so exact and uniform, that if there were no other ground for this belief, it would be difficult to maintain that they had any other origin than that now ascribed to them. In addition to this evi- dence, is that which is drawn from their position with respect to each other; for example, where a series of footmarks are ina line, the toes turn alternately to the nght and left, precisely like the tracks made by birds when walking upon mud or sand. ‘There is a uniformity, too, in regard to the number of toes; being usually three before, and some- times the impression of the hind claw. There are also the swellings between the joints of the toes; so that in all those points in which they may be compared with the footprints of animals, it is found that the agreement is so exact, that we are forced to admit that the marks in question were made by shore birds travelling upon the beach, while the rock was being deposited. Numerous species of birds existed at this period, inasmuch as the tracks are of various sizes, beginning with the tracks of our small sandpiper, and ending with those twice as large as the tracks of the ostrich. Footmarks have been found by Mr. Redfield in New-Jersey, not many miles from the New-York State line. President Hitchcock and Dr. Dean of Greenfield (Mass.), have been the most successful cultivators of this branch of paleontology. Other marks are often found upon the smooth red shale, of a rounded shape, which are usually called fossil rain-drops. These marks, however, are questionable in their origin, inasmuch as bubbles issuing from a muddy bottom often produce like appearances in the mud after it has become indurated by exposure to the sun and air; still there is no great objection to the conjecture that they were made by the pattering of drops of water upon a soft surface. We can see no objection to the notion that it might have rained in the era of this sandstone, as well as on the 4th of July, 1846. This rock is distinguished from others, by peculiar fossil fishes. They belong to the dark shaly part; and what makes the paleontology of the rock interesting, is the absence of mollusca and conchifera. The fish are solitary, and seem to have been the sole pos- sessors of the Red Sandstone sea. | AcricuttuRat Report. | 26 202 TERTIARY SYSTEM. VI. TERTIARY SYSTEM. § 1. TERTIARY AND POST-TERTIARY CLAYS ; ALBANY AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN CLAYS. This formation is the most recent in New-York, if we except the peat and marl beds, which have usually been referred to the present era. It apparently consists of three por- tions: the lowest, a blue stiff clay ; the middle, a lighter colored clay ; and the uppermost, asand. The middle portion differs but little from the lower in composition. The diffe- rence in color is partly owing to a longer exposure to the atmosphere, by which it becomes lighter, and even a pale brown or drab. The sand appears between the layers, but only in extremely thin beds: the great mass of sand is on the top of the formation; it is a ma- rine deposit, a point which was determined at an early period of the New-York survey, by the discovery of fossils, known as living inhabitants of the Atlantic ocean. The largest or most extensive deposit occupies the Champlain and the St. Lawrence basins, from which it extends into the Hudson valley. It is impossible to determine its real extent ; for it differs in no respect from other clays, and can not be distinguished from them, unless it is traced continuously to beds which are well known, or to those which contain fossils. It is one hundred feet thick upon Lake Champlain; and what is worthy of special notice, is that the deposit rests on the grooved surfaces of the Champlain rocks, or else upon beds of drift. It exhibits all the characters of a deposit made during a period of perfect quietude. We have to notice, however, that at the close of this period, one of some violence suc- ceeded ; this is clearly indicated by the removal of large portions of the formation. The sand, and part of the clay, has apparently been removed to distant points, leaving only the lower portion, and even sometimes the whole mass down to the rock has been removed. § 2. Fosstts oF THE TERTIARY SYSTEM. About twenty-two or twenty-five species of marine animals have been discovered towards the upper part of the clay. The indurated clay, or claystones, in one or two instances, have contained fossil fish. Besides these, a fossil jaw of a walrus was found by Mr. Lyell in this formation in Maine. Of the conchifera belonging to this deposit, the Saricava rugosa, and the Sanguinolaria, have a wide distribution ; the remaining species are quite limited, and are confined to one or two places on the borders of Lake Champlain and of the River St. Lawrence. At Beauport, a village four miles from the city of Quebec, about fifteen species of fossils have been found, all of them distributed throughout a single bank of clay and sand. Some of the same species inhabit the northern seas ; and hence Mr. Lyell maintains, that during the era of this deposit, the temperature of the part of the continent where these fossils are now found was lower than itis at present. Doubts are thrown over the justness of this conclusion, by the fact that some of the species are the present inhabitants of the Atlantic ocean on the coast of Maine; that marine animals have a wide distribution; and as our waters have ——— TERTIARY SYSTEM. 203 not been examined very carefully, it is not at all improbable but that all may yet be found in the range of latitude which these fossils themselves now occupy. We have reason to expect this. Upon Lake Champlain, Port Kent is the best point for procuring these fossils. The locality is about eighty rods south of the steamboat landing, in the clay bank, twenty-five feet above the level of the lake. If the shells are immersed in a weak solution of glue, the colors will revive and become permanent. For additional facts respecting this formation, see the Report of the Second district, in which the fossils are figured. The Tertiary system, as already stated, extends into the valley of the Hudson. The fact of its extension is sustained by its continuity with that in the valley or basin of the Champlain. The character of the formation, in its southern prolongation, does not differ essentially from that already given. It may be regarded as extending to New-York bay, and probably westward into the valley of the Mohawk. Its full extent, however, can not be clearly defined. Its composition is quite uniform, as will appear by the analysis of the clay obtained at distant points. At Albany, this clay is an important material for making brick. In the process of extending the bounds of the city, a mass from ten to twenty feet thick has been removed, in order to bring the surface to a uniform grade. The banks exposed by this operation often present many curious contortions, of an anomalous cha- racter, and difficult to explain. A mass of ten feet thickness which has been exposed by a vertical section, is highly contorted, while its base rests upon horizontal strata. An illustration of this curious contortion is furnished in the following cut (fig. 33). A portion Fig. 33. on the left, which is bent, rests on the undisturbed clay bed below : in the middle it is still more centorted, and is a miniature representation of phenomena which are often witnessed in slates and shales of the different formations, and usually explained by the action of some uplifting force, accompanied by lateral pressure. This explanation is properly given in many instances. These contortions of the clay beds, however, seem to indicate the possi- bility of their production by other causes; for there will be found but few persons, who, after examining the instances here specified, will advocate the doctrine that these clay beds have been forced upward or wrinkled by lateral pressure, in the mode this force is usually supposed to act. It appears, after a careful examination of the circumstaces at- tending these irregularities, that they take place at points where the adjacent beds have been removed: they are then left unsupported on one side; and in consequence of this 26* 204 TERTIARY SYSTEM. state of the beds, they are liable to slide down in mass. This movement may extend for some considerable distance, and sometimes the sand has flowed into and filled the exca- vations. There are, also, occasional faults in the clay and sand beds; and, as in other cases of a like nature among rocks, these faults give origin to springs. In the excavations in the city of Albany, a boulder is sometimes found in the clay, but always near the top of the formation. This assertion is intended to be confined to the true sedimentary beds: it does not apply to the drift beds, which are sometimes exposed in this valley. They repose generally upon the rock, and belong to the base of the forma- tion, or to that moderate drift period which followed the deposition of the clay and sand beds whose strata are uniform and unbroken, and which are comparatively free from coarse sand, gravel and boulders. The sand of this formation is yellowish, porous, and rather barren. There are beds, however, which are quite the reverse of this, and are really remarkable; they form the excellent moulding sand so well known in the vicinity of Albany. It is a sand which is evenly mixed with loam, and which retains a certain amount of moisture under all cir- cumstances. Even when exposed in heaps in dry weather, it appears moist beneath the surface, and when pressed in the hand, retains the shape and form given it. This sand, too, forms an excellent soil, of which we shall have occasion to speak hereafter. § 3. Maru anp PEAT. Before dismissing those formations which have been called tertiary and post-tertiary, it is proper to speak of the deposits which are considered by all geologists as the most recent, and which really are the proximate formations that connect the modern deposits with the ancient; the present, with the past; and in which geological changes bear an aspect more real than those of the Carboniferous or Silurian era. It is by means of the fossils of a period just anterior to the present, and which is not to be regarded precisely as a tangent to it, but rather as forming with it a continuous portion of a great circle, that we may familiarize our minds with the nature of those peculiar changes and phenomena which clothe the history of the earth with so much interest. Just before us, there lived races of animals, whose forms and whose habits scarcely differed from those which are now familiar to us: they were really members of different families at present existing and known to us, having affinities and relationships with them of the closest kind. Knowing the living and the present, we also know the dead and the past. Conjoined in both periods, we have the last term of a series, from which we may travel back to the remoter periods, and trace up the analogies as they have been successively developed. We judge the past by the present; and from the store of knowledge accumulated by modern discovery and modern induction, we are enabled to supply many of the links which are wanting to complete the system of a perfect scale of being, such as shall represent the whole of life and organization as it was made for the earth. The chain is complete, and its extremities are united in one eternally revolving circle of life. It looks an ocean of being, formed by the “5 MARL AND PEAT. 205 contribution of vast numbers of streams of all grades of magnitude, meandering and in- osculating in a thousand arbitrary ways, but all finally merging in the great deep of unfathomable existence. The marl and peat beds rest upon a diluvial stratum, that seems to have been formed immediately after the Champlain tertiary ; and, at first view, they seem to be but insigni- ficant formations. They are not, however, so very insignificant, if the presence of fossils can impart importance to a formation; for in these beds, the remains of extinct elephants, mastodons or mammoths, and the gigantic beaver and deer, are deposited. Though these formations are never very extensive, or spread widely over a country continuously, yet they are numerous: they make up in number, what they lack in breadth. They occupy shallow basin-form depressions, which were once submerged by small bodies of fresh water. The marl formation itself is a white calcareous earth, which is never consolidated. There is no regularity in the depth of this earth: it varies from one or two feet, to sixty. Peat, a peculiar vegetable product, usually overlies it, though it is not always present: the order is never reversed; the marl never rests on the peat, but the latter often exists independently of the former. It is scarcely necessary that we should attempt to describe the localities where these materials exist. It is sufficient to remark, in this place, that they are numerous in all the counties bordering the Hudson river, and the Erie and Champlain canals. Peat beds occur by themselves in most of the highland marshes, and marl occasionally in high primary districts at a distance from calcareous rocks. The fossils of these formations have been alluded to, and it is only recently that they have assumed the interest to which they are entitled. Formerly there were too few of them known to attract much attention, and their position was not sufficiently well determined to enable geologists to found upon their existence an opinion as it regards the period of their extinction. The obscurity in which this question was shrouded, has been partially re- moved by the determination of the relative position of the beds in which the fossils have been found. The beds are situated uniformly in the following order: 1. Diluvial gravel and boulders; 2. Fine sediment of blue clay; 3. Marl; 4. Peat. The two inferior beds are below the fossils; and the marl, which is the thinnest deposit, is the principal reposi- tory of the remains of quadrupeds. The following animals have been found in this forma- tion: The elephant; the mastodon or mammoth; two species of deer; an animal closely allied to the beaver, first discovered in Ohio, but since found in the Cayuga marshes in this State; the ox; the horse; and the sheep, or an animal belonging the family. All the species found in this deposit are extinct; although the freshwater mollusca, which abound in them, are still living in all our freshwater bays. From the preceding facts, it is obvious that these animals have become extinct since the drift period, an inference which is warranted from the uniform position of the marl and peat beds. This inference is sustained by the state of the bones, which still contain gela- tine or other organic matter: they are not fossilized, as all the older remains usually are. 206 TERTIARY SYSTEM. The cause which operated so extensively, and which resulted in the total extinction of these vigorous races, is only to be conjectured. We have no data on which to found a rational hypothesis concerning it. Whatever it may have been, it was one affecting the same races over an immensely extended territory ; one which operated over the whole of the northern part of this continent, as well as in that of Europe. CHAPTER VII. ORIGIN, DISTRIBUTION, AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK. I. ORIGIN OF SOILs. II. DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS : DILUVIAL ACTION ; TRANSPORTATION OF BOULDERS ; SCORING OF ROCKS : CAUSES OF DILUVIAL ACTION : ERA OF DILUVIAL ACTION : FINAL CAUSE OF DILUVIAL ACTION. It. CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS; ELEMENTS OF SOILS; TEMPERATURE OF SOILS; RELATIONS OF SOILS TO THE ROCKS ON WHICH THEY REPOSE ; ANALYSIS OF SOILS, REMARKS ON CLIMATE, In the two preceding chapters, we have given a description of the rocks of the State, and determined their range and location; and we now proceed to investigate the origin of the soil, and the manner of its distribution. I. ORIGIN OF SOILS. In describing the rocks of New-York, we have had occasion to refer to the mode in which sedimentary rocks are formed; the first step in the process being a destructive one upon the solid strata, by which the exposed surfaces are abraded. Several causes combine to produce this result, each of which varies in intensity according to certain circumstances. One of the ordinary effects of water is to dissolve the materials composing a rock, the disso- lution being promoted by the presence of carbonic acid held in solution by the water. All rocks containing carbonate of lime, are dissolved more or less by water charged with this acid. The materials thus dissolved, and held in chemical solution, are not deposited at once. If the water is saturated, or nearly so, the carbonate of lime will separate by crystallization, especially if the fluid be diminished afterwards by evaporation; and it appears that water, highly charged with carbonic acid, may dissolve a large quantity of solid matter, as car- bonate of lime, magnesia or iron, or other bases. In these instances, all that is required, in order that a deposit should be made, is that a portion of the carbonic acid be set free ; and this takes place when the solution is exposed to the atmosphere. Deposits around springs are formed in this manner: in these cases, however, the matter separated is usually hard and crystalline. In the same manner, deposits, not inconsiderable in extent, may be formed in the ocean, 208 ORIGIN OF SOILS. But this mode of waste of the existing solid rocks is not the one by which soils are made : these originate almost exclusively from mechanical action by abrasion, and from at- mospheric influences, by which particles are separated from the rock and from each other. This atmospheric action, however, is promoted by certain chemical changes among the elements of the rock. Iron, in a state of protoxide, absorbs another equivalent of oxygen from the atmosphere, and is converted into the peroxide, and such a change would be one step towards disintegration. So almost any change whatever in the constitution of the elements of a rock, though it is only a mechanical product, will be followed by a se- paration of its parts. All changes affecting the composition of a rock are promoted or aided by frost. Water is absorbed more or less by rocks during the frosts of winter, and the superficial portions gradually crumble and become detached. The exposed surface is thus greatly increased, and hence the chemical changes are proportionally promoted. The nature of the rock itself may or may not favor disintegration. Rocks whose ele- ments contain an alkali, or alkaline earth, undergo changes by which they are directly converted into soils. Some granites and greenstones are of this description. Aluminous rocks, soft slates and shales, are eminently disposed to disintegration: they break down by moisture, without freezing. The presence of sulphuret of iron in these, or in any other rocks, promotes those changes by which they become soils, especially when the iron is in the state of a protosulphuret. Other rocks, the pure sandstones and limestones, are acted upon more slowly. Another condition which promotes the formation of soils, is the alternation of hard and soft layers; the latter are destroyed, leaving those which rest upon them to fall by their own weight. Rocks exposed on the tops of mountains decay rapidly: the intensity of the frost, and the length of time during which they are exposed to it; the suddenness of the changes of temperature to which they are subjected ; and the dampness of the air during the summer, when watery vapours condense upon their summits and sides, are circumstances that favor the destruction of rocks in these places. With these causes in continual operation, the solid strata are broken down into soil. No matter how hard the rock may be: some change takes place ; some impression is made upon it, and some matter is separated from it, which goes to increase the amount of debris covering the surface of the earth. If these, however, were the only causes in operation; if there were no other movements than those of the simple separation of the particles of rock from each other, the soil would be very different from what we now find it: it would be less in quantity, or thinner, over the whole earth, and its general characters would be somewhat different. Each rock would then be covered by its own debris, and the soil would partake exclusively of the character of the rock from which it is derived. But soil or debris, when formed, is not suffered to remain in situ ; and this leads us to the consideration of those causes by which it is and has been distributed. DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. 209 II. DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. The common agent, which is now general, and is quite effective in the distribution of soils, is water. We might consider, were it necessary, the many ways by which water transports soil from place to place, and the times when its action is the most powerful ; but it seems unnecessary to dwell upon the latter question. We need only to recognize this particular power of water, for the purpose of familiarizing us with the fact that all running water bears along sediment, and leaves it when the force of the current dimi- nishes: the coarsest portion is deposited early; the finer is carried forwards farther, and the extremely comminuted material may be moved as long as the current moves at all. When it has reached the point of destination, and ceases to move forward, all the sus- pended material falls to the bottom, and there forms a fine layer of sand or mud. Trans- portation from the higher grounds to the lower, takes place during every rain or shower, and meadow land is partially formed in this way. The higher grounds are continually losing, and the lower are gaining: the former become thinner, and the latter thicker. We recognize a power, then, in water, to transport and carry along materials which have been already separated from their parent rock: this is only an ordinary movement, an almost daily operation. But we can not, if we are acquainted with all the facts bearing upon this subject, regard these daily operations as the only ones by which the soil has been distributed in the manner we find it over the face of the earth. There are evidences clear and indisputable of a general movement of the soil, together with all the loose rocks, aside from and in addition to the ordinary movements to which it has been subjected, which can not be explained by any cause or causes now in operation. Such a movement as is here alluded to has been recognized over a great part of the earth, but more especially in the northern hemisphere; and from its strongly marked features, from the indelible evi- dences which this movement has left in its own characteristic phenomena, all geologists now agree in stating alike the main facts by which it is known and distinguished. The movement here referred to has usually been described under the name of diluvial action, on the hypothesis that it took place at the time of the deluge. This subject may be treated under the following heads : 1. The phenomena of diluvial action. 2. The mode in which the soil of New-York was distributed by diluvial action. 3. The causes of diluvial action. § 1. PHENOMENA OF DILUVIAL ACTION. Although the descriptive name, diluvial action, is retained, we do not wish to be under- stood to say that the Noachian deluge had any thing to do with it: it may, or it may not, have taken place at that time. We only mean to be understood, by employing these words, that it was by a catastrophe, allied in character and kind to that which overwhelmed [AcricuLTuraL Report. ] 27 210 DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. the earth in the days of Noah. The record of such a catastrophe is contained in two re- markable phenomena: first, the presence of immense rocks, generally called boulders, in places where they could not have been put by any human means; and secondly, by the occurrence of marks or scorings upon the surfaces of rocks, which could not be made by causes such as are now in operation. Transportation of boulders. The occurrence of rocks in the soil or upon it, or upon other naked rocks, of a kind different from any in the immediate vicinity, is a phenomenon that arrested the attention of the earliest observers. For example, detached masses of granite and gneiss were found resting upon limestone or slate, or upon recent sedimentary rocks ; or, on the contrary, detached sedimentary rocks were found reposing upon granite or gneiss, the general phenomenon consisting in the presence of a loose rock at a distance from its known parent bed. The importance and interest of this phenomenon is increased, when we take into consideration the great distance which the fragment has sometimes travelled, a distance which is often susceptible of determination by direct proof. Where the boulder consists of a particular kind of granite, or of a peculiar variety of rock, it may often be referred to a distant locality of rocks identical with it in constitution. In proof of this assertion, we may state that hypersthene rock has been found in fragments on the Catskill range, and in Orange county and elsewhere; but this peculiar rock is known to exist in situ nowhere in this State, except in Essex county, where it forms the nucleus of the Adirondack mountains. In this case, then, the inference is, that by some means or other, the boulders of hyper- sthene rock, found in Orange county, were brought from Essex ; and what strengthens this inference, is the fact that they are strewed along in this direction to the very mountains themselves, that is, they may be traced to their beds. This single fact is illustrative of this part of the subject, namely, that all boulders or loose stones, occurring far away from their parent beds, have suffered transportation. We may extend this subject farther. If the soil is sufficiently examined, it will often be found composed of materials different from any in the vicinity. Thus, mica in glim- mering scales is seen among the soil of an argillaceous slate, or of a limestone district: hence the inference that the soil has been brought from a distance ; and as the soil and the boulders are mixed together, we can scarcely avoid the conclusion that they have been transported together, perhaps in mass and from one district. All these facts, however, may be kept apart from hypothesis, and it may be that in the facts alone is comprised all that need be said upon the subject. There is another circumstance which it is here necessary to inquire into, namely, the direction in which the soil and boulders have been carried. On this point, we refer to what has just been said concerning the boulders of hypersthene found in Orange county : these are located nearly south from the mountains of Essex county, where they originated ; and we may say, for once, that this instance represents, in general, the direction in which all the boulders and soil of the northern hemisphere have been transferred. We must, it is true, admit of some variation in the direction of these movements; but it is remarkable DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. 211 that this variation is confined between the limits of a southeast and a southwest course, with a few interesting exceptions which will be given in the sequel. The number of re- corded observations which go to establish the general fact of a southerly distribution of the soil and boulders, is extremely great, and is .gathered from the whole extent of country between the Atlantic ocean and the base of the Rocky mountains ; and no instance has happened in which a boulder has travelled northwardly, or been found in a situation with its parent rock towards the south. The two great facts, then, which geologists have been -able to establish on this question as general, are, first, the transportation of rocks and soils ; and, secondly, the southerly direction in which they have been uniformly carried. Ac- cording to this general announcement, a soil occupying any given situation, if out of place, lies south of the rock which gave it origin; and the pebbles which are large enough to be readily distinguished, indicate the origin of the soil, or the rock to which it belongs. If we find many limestone pebbles, or if lumps of earth are found to effervesce with vinegar or other acids, it shows that the soil is formed of the debris of a calcareous rock. A soil which contains many pebbles, or rolled stones like paving stones, is frequently called drift, a term which is convenient, as well as short. All soils which have been transported, may be termed drift ; but where cobblestones make up a large proportion of a formation, the evidence of its having been drifted is obvious, and hence the term is usually confined to beds exhibiting these sure marks of transportation. The term drift, however, would not be properly applied to a pebbly beach. Scored surfaces. The second phenomenon above mentioned, which is believed to be somehow connected with the transportation of soils, is an effect observed upon hard sur- faces over which the drifting soil has passed. The upper surface of most hard rocks, of whatever age they may be, is scratched, grooved, or sometimes polished. These effects differ at different places, according to the nature of the materials which have passed over the surface. If these materials were coarse and heavy, deep scorings seem to have been the only result; if of a finer texture, the surface is slightly scratched, or it may be polished, an effect which can not be produced by coarse substances. The markings vary in degree, from the slightest scratch, to a groove four or five inches in depth. The direction of these scratches or grooves is southerly ; and it is a curious fact that they are not made in vary- ing directions, and without order, but always correspond to the direction which, from other considerations, we find the soil to have taken in its transportation: in other words, the grooves run in a southerly direction, and are parallel in sets; and, as a general rule, their directions are confined within the limits of the southeast and southwest points of the com- pass. From this correspondence between the direction of the grooves, and that of the transportation of the boulders and soil, we are legitimately authorised to associate the two phenomena as cotemporaneous effects of one common cause, whatever that cause may have been. This interpretation seems to be borne out by the fact, that in uncovering a rock of its soil, which we usually denominate drift, the bottom boulders are frequently found each occupying the groove it had made, like a plough left in its furrow; and like 27° 212 DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. as the furrow extends no further than the point at which the plough was arrested in its motion, so the groove formed by the moving rock stops with the rock itself. From these and kindred facts, we infer the general transportation of the soil, or at least of that portion of it which is called drift, and which in some parts of the country forms three-fourths of its entire contents. In order to put the reader in possession of all that relates to this subject, we must dwell a little longer upon it, and state some exceptions to the statements above given. The direction we have assigned as that of the general movement of the boulders and drift, is that which is indicated by extended observations; but some instances of deviation have been observed, in which the drift has been spread over a wider area, and surpassed the limits we have given as those of its direction. In some cases, drift has been forced from its wonted direction by obstacles to its progress; and in others, it has evidently followed the course of pre-existing vallies. As examples of both eases, we may state that the di- rection of the grooves upon the slate of the Hudson and Champlain vallies is conformable to the direction of these vallies; and where the direction of the grooves of a number of vallies is compared with that of the vallies themselves, there is quite a coincidence. The most remarkable exception we have observed to the general direction of the grooves above stated, occurs in the Catskill mountains. As we approach these mountains from the north, we find the grooves directed towards the base of the mountains ; but on reaching the base, on the side toward the Hudson river, the grooves are deflected decidedly to the east, and this deflection is the greatest in the gorges and mountain vallies. On the several routes which wind around the spurs, the grooves point directly east and west by the compass, in all cases where the vallies themselves run east and west, thus forming a right angle with the direction of the grooves at the northern base of the range; a change of direction evi- dently produced by the obstacles met by the moving current, and which deflected it to the eastward. These exceptional cases, however, are local, and very few in comparison to. those in which the grooves maintain the general direction from north to south ; nevertheless they are invested with much interest, and seem to point out that the general shape and contour of the surface, at the time our soils were undergoing transportation, were much the same as they are now, although that surface itself was essentially modified by the- operation which accumulated upon it these loose materials from a distance. § 2. DisTRIBUTION OF SOILS BY DILUVIAL ACTION. We come now to the consideration of the local distribution of soils, and more especially the particular manner in which the soil of New-York has been distributed. Boulders, in the first place, are usually distributed in belts upon the hills or elevated grounds, and val- lies are comparatively free from those which have travelled a great distance. Boulders are rarely found in vallies, flat lands, or meadows; but they are so much the more nume- rous upon hillsides, that some special condition must have favored their tendency to lodge in these situations. We merely advert to this general fact in this place, however, and pro- ceed to inquire into their geographical distribution. DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. 213 Beginning on the eastern borders of the State, and proceeding westward, we may ar- range the soil and boulders in separate and distinct belts. The first belt, according to this view, comprises the soil and boulders resting upon the Taconic system of rocks, which borders the State eastwardly. Here almost all of the boulders, and the whole of the soil, consist of the debris of the Taconic rocks. Now it has been found that this system of rocks ranges far north, and in the direction which the drift has travelled : hence the soil is what it would be had it never been moved at all ; it is the soil of the rock upon which it reposes. This forms the first belt, and extends to the slope of the valley of the Hudson river. In the valley, however, we begin to find the rocks and soil of the lower part of the New-York system, together with a few granitic, gneissoid, and hornblendic boulders ; but these con- stitute only a small proportion of the matters composing the soil of the valley. From the eastern rise of the Hudson valley, to a point a few miles west of the city of Schenectady, the boulders and soil are derived from the Champlain group: this constitutes the second belt. At and near the village of Amsterdam, and extending perhaps as far west as Cana- joharie, hypersthene boulders are quite numerous, and serve to characterize a belt, which, so far as boulders are concerned, is somewhat peculiar, by the presence of a great number from the Adirondack mountains: it is therefore considered as a distinct belt, although the soil is still that derived from the Hudson-river or Champlain rocks. This is the belt of boulders that extends south into Orange county, and perhaps much farther in the same direction. West of Littlefalls, the Potsdam and Medina sandstone, together with the Calciferous sandrock, and also the Primary rocks of the western slope of the high grounds of Jefferson and St. Lawrence counties, abound ; but in Herkimer county, or the eastern part of Oneida, we believe the hypersthene boulders are not found, or at least are not so numerous. When we reach that belt, however, which ranges along the St. Lawrence river, hypersthene boulders are again common. But here there seems to be a range or belt of them entirely distinct from those of the Adirondack mountains, which are found in the belt at or near Amsterdam. The former can not be traced to these mountains, but range onwards farther to the north, and probably extend to Labrador, or the great primary region of Canada West. This hypersthene belt is much wider than the first, and even reaches the borders of Lake Erie. On the line of the Erie canal, it is impossible to distinguish belts of boulders, for as soon as we pass the Little falls and Herkimer county, the sedimenary rocks begin to trend to the west, and from hence the boulders of Medina sandstone extend to Lake Erie. There can be distinguished, then, only two belts between the village of Littlefalls and Lake Erie. Still some of the rocks form distinct bands of drift: the Niagara limestone, for example, at Rochester, has been carried a few miles south from that city, where its fragments lie in great numbers, and in their original angular condition, without the least change having been wrought upon their sharp corners. This is sometimes the case with other boulders also, but they are usually more or less rounded. 214 DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. In the middle and western counties of New-York, where the outcrop of the rocks is north, and where the line of strike is nearly east and west, the soil of each rock is carried south upon the next one above, or perhaps beyond it. Here then the character of the soil of a belt running east and west, is modified by intermixture with that derived from a rock at a distance. For illustration, we may cite the soil of the Medina sandstone, which, cropping out on the south shore of Lake Ontario, its debris is found overlying the next group of rocks south of it; and a similar change has taken place with the soil of the Onondaga-salt group, which is carried up to the Onondaga limestone, and even still farther south, and it thus modifies the soil embraced in a belt twenty-five or thirty miles south. To this fact, the lands south are greatly indebted for their excellent properties in bearing wheat; but we shall have occasion to speak more particularly of this hereafter. If the strike of the rocks of Western New-York was parallel to the Taconic range, the distribution of the soil would have altered materially the character of the belt of country at the base of the Allegany ridge. Notwithstanding the transport of the soil, it is not diffi- cult to find large areas with soil composed of the debris of the rocks beneath: it results from the rapid decomposition of the rocks, or the ease with which air and water convert them into pulverulent matter. This too has favored the production of a great depth of soil; and hence we find in Livingston county, and in the tier of counties in the same east and west range, an immense depth of soil. In the Taconic range, although slates form a large proportion of the strata, yet in consequence of the strike, and the angle at which they are inclined to the horizon, far less debris has been formed than in Central New-York. The strike is nearly in the direction of the drift current; and hence the effect was far less than it would have been if the loose materials had been driven directly against the out- cropping edges of the inferior rocks, as in the case just noticed. This is strikingly mani- fested in’some parts of the Helderberg range, where the current encountered the outcrop- ping edges of the thin-bedded sandstone of the upper Silurian beds, and not only broke them up, but transported immense quantities far towards the base of the Catskill mountains, where it lies in such profusion as to cover extensive areas with broken rocks, and thus to render large tracts of land nearly worthless. One of the rocks that is very abundantly strewed over the fields of Greene county, is the Oriskany sandstone, which, in consequence of its hardness, was able to resist attrition. The drifted soil of this region is frequently one or two hundred feet deep, and it appears in many places to have been derived from the outcropping edges of the rocks of Albany county. § 3. Causes OF DILUVIAL ACTION. We now proceed to inquire into the causes or agencies concerned in the breaking up of rocks, and in the transportation of the debris which covered them at the time these agen- cies or powers were called into operation. We embrace these two phenomena in the single question concerning the transportation of soils; and in framing a hypothesis adequate to the solution of this question, it is essential that every assumption should bear with equal (aah PLATE Wal. ee nae ws BS GRE HS torMMons bre ~ DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. 215 force upon each of the two phenomena, so that whatever explains the one, shall also ex- plain the other. In some places, boulders, the most effective instruments for scoring rocks, lie in imme- diate contact with the scored surfaces, and in so unequivocal a relation to the grooves and surfaces themselves, that we deem it a rational judgment that they were the immediate agents of the work. This view excludes the hypothesis which maintains the groovings to have been produced, in all cases, by the movement of icebergs shod with boulders and gravel; for if the great mass of the soil has been moved as we have reason to believe, then icebergs are incompetent to the work: they can not have pushed forward the whole coat- ing of the northern hemisphere. That they do carry boulders and gravel, is true, and they have assisted in the distribution of these materials over various portions of the surface of the earth; but their agency in this operation becomes very insignificant, when compared with what has actually been done: we might as well attribute the work to our mountain Fills. Our view also excludes the hypothesis which ascribes the scoring of our rocks to the operation of glaciers. A general movement and transport of the entire body of the soil, is a condition of the surface totally at variance with the existence and motion of glaciers. The glacier hypothesis necessarily supposes a state of things entirely different from that which evidently existed during the drift period. It supposes a high region, or one of per- petual frost, surrounded by a mild and temperate one, toward which the melting glacier slides, bearing along its burthen of rocks and stones and gravel. Such a hypothesis im- plies the existence of an elevated region from which the striz would diverge, or an elevated centre towards which they would point; but the facts themselves furnish no indications of such an arrangement. ‘The striz or grooves point southward ; and though in some mountain passes they are deflected at right angles to the main course, yet they never proceed from a culminating point: they even pass directly over mountains. But we deem it unnecessary to dwell further upon this hypothesis, not because it is absurd in itself, or destitute of facts to sustain it in its own field, but because it is inapplicable to the pheno- mena in this country. We have stated some objections to two theories, which are favorites with a few geolo- gists; but in taking this liberty, we by no means wish to convey the impression that we are confident we can propose a better theory. We have ever regarded the phenomena of drift and diluvial action as forming the most difficult problem in the whole range of geolo- gical inquiry. An expert theorist, possessing a full command of language and logic, may propose a scheme which, if put into execution according to the terms of the hypotheses and requirements, might meet the conditions required for the solution of the problem. Waves of translation, mountain high, may be demanded, that shall travel from continent to continent with hurricane speed, bearing in their bosoms the comminuted materials of the earth, and forcing along enormous rocks by the vehemence of their momentum; but the invention of a hypothesis that will plausibly account for the occurrence of a pheno- 216 DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. menon, is a different thing from the investigation of the manner in which that phenomenon was really produced. There is a simplicity in the operations of nature, which it is well to heed. The hypothesis which we have framed, is based upon two or three facts, the prin- cipal one of which is the submergence of the northern part of our hemisphere. This submergence is proved by the discovery of the marine formation which occupies the valley of Lake Champlain, and which may be traced far south into the vallies of the Hudson and the St. Lawrence rivers, while another branch extends eastward to the Gulf of St. Law- rence. So also in the vallies and upon the coast of the State of Maine, a marine formation is found to exist. This formation was deposited after the period of diluvial action, inas- much as it reposes upon the scored rocks, and also upon the drift in many places where it was left on the cessation of its transport. It is a formation that indicates a state of quiet after one of turbulence ; for the fossils are entire, though extremely thin, and the valves often remain attached together, which could not well have happened in such shells as the Terebratula psittacea, if they had not been deposited during a period of quiet. The thick- ness of this formation is about one hundred feet ; and it is now found to be three or four hundred feet above the level of the sea, preserving at this height the character of a deposit from an ocean in quietude. Our hypothesis connects the transportation of the soils and scoring of the rocks, and the submergence of this continent, as antecedent and consequent. We might add to the former the simultaneous uplift of a continent to the north, which, displacing suddenly the waters there existing, would give them a southward movement, with a force capable of trans- porting all the moveable materials found in their way. A mighty rush of the waters would thus be produced, which would be competent to tear up the exposed strata, and bear the ruins along in constantly accumulating masses. It is no part of our business here to attempt to offer an explanation of the causes of a submergence. That such a change has occurred in the condition of our continent, is a position that is borne out by many facts; not only by the existence of the marine forma- tions of the Champlain and St. Lawrence vallies, but by the condition of all sedimentary rocks, each of which was deposited at the bottom of a sea that has long since retired, and now covers lands that formerly existed as continents or islands. On considering the relations of the period of submergence above spoken of, we are in- clined to place it in juxtaposition to that of the diluvial action, for the reason that the marine deposit is found either upon the drift, which is the product of the diluvial period, or else immediately upon the scored surface itself, which is one of the consequences of the same period. This scratched surface, where the removal of the superincumbent materials has been recently made, is as fresh as if it were made yesterday; but where it has been exposed for a few years to the action of the waters of the lake, those of Lake Champlain, the grooves are obliterated. It is then proved that these surfaces could not have been long exposed to abrading action, before they were covered and defended by a deposit. We do not propose to enter into farther attempts to explain the phenomena of the trans- DISTRIBUTION OF SOILS. 217 portation of the rocks and soils of this country ; since they could amount to little more than hazardous conjectures, and perhaps we have enough of these already, although we claim to have presented a few considerations which have been too little regarded by writers upon the subject of drift and diluvial action. We think, too, that the fact that the whole body of the soil of this country is a transported soil, has not, to say the least, been suffi- ciently dwelt upon, and has not had its proper weight in the framing of hypotheses to account for diluvial action, Era of diluvial action. We are now to inquire into the era of the transport of the soils and rocks. Only one opinion is known to prevail upon this question: all geologists agree in placing the diluvial period among the last of the great revolutions of the globe. We are compelled to place it before the Noachian deluge, from considerations which seem to prove that that time is too short to admit of the deposit of the tertiary of Lake Champlain, which, from its position, is proved to have been deposited posterior to the drift period. All we can say, then, is that it is comparatively a recent epoch. Final cause of diluvial action. What was the final cause of the transaction? It may be irrelevant to the purposes of this essay, to discuss the bearing of a question of this nature ; still we hope it will not be found unprofitable to offer one or two remarks upon it. As in numberless instances of less magnitude than this, we are impressed with the idea that some special design was manifested by the accomplishment of an event, some general good secured by it, and that this good had reference to the benefit of man; so we are now to seek what beneficent design is manifested, what great general good has been secured, and what benefits have enured to the human race, through the change wrought upon the sur- face of our planet by the mighty upheavals and subsidences and currents which have converted sea into land and land into sea. Among these benefits, no inconsiderable one appears to us to come from the mechanical effect of the drift upon the strata. Fractures and uplifts had rendered the earth’s surface rongh and rugged, broken and uneven; so much so, indeed, that it would have been but a sorry field for cultivation, and for the habitation of man. Hence we regard the drift period as having been designed for the purpose of polishing down the strata, and removing their roughness and their asperities ; while at the same time a vast amount of new soil was produced by the same operation, and mixed and spread widely over the surface, serving to increase the depth of the soil, and fill up many irregularities which then existed. Such we regard as an epitome of the final causes of this great and astonishing event. But are there no other instances, in the earth’s history, of similar phenomena? We answer that there is at least one, or indications of one: it occurred in the era of the Trenton lime- stone. During the deposit of this important rock, the process of deposition was suspended, and in an intermediate period, diluvial action took place, wore down and polished and grooved its surface as in the period we have just described. This fact we were the first to observe at Plattsburgh and Cumberland head. In splitting off a layer of the limestone, we observed that its surface was smooth, and even polished, and that the inferior surface | AGRicuLTURAL Report. | 28 218 RELATIONS OF SOILS was faintly scored, and the surface taken from it presented an exact cast in relief. But it was particularly interesting to discover, on the same day, the same stratum four miles distant, in the same condition, only the strie and grooves were much deeper than those at the village of Plattsburgh. Of the extent of this smoothed surface, we have no means of determining. We had, however, observed the same thing a few years before, thirty miles south of Plattsburgh. An interesting fact in this discovery, is, that the rock above is the same as that below. There is no change in the lithological features of the rock: neither is there any in the fossils. IIL RELATIONS OF THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK TO THE ROCKS ON WHICH THEY REST. From what has been now said of drift and diluvial action, it may be inferred that the soils are so far removed from their parent rock, that the one upon which they now repose can not give us much light or information of their nature or composition. This is true to a certain extent; yet it is not so generally true in New-York, as in the New-England States. Here, as every attentive observer must see, is a series of rocks, in the midst of which there are many thick and heavy beds of slate and shale, and of slaty and shaly lime- stone, which are eminently disposed to undergo disintegration. Now we have no doubt of the statement we have already made in regard to the denudation of large areas ; still, such is their inability to resist the changes of the climate, that in a few years the exposed and naked surface would be covered again with soil. In all the great divisions of the New- York system, decomposable beds occupy no inconsiderable portion of its surface. Observa- tion fully sustains this view. A careful examination of the soil of the Onondaga-salt group shows that it is derived from the rocks beneath : it is filled with small angular fragments, where it is ploughed; and these may be observed in all stages of decay, from lumps of the size of a walnut, toa fine pulverulent soil. The same is true of the Utica slate and the slates of the Trenton limestone, and of the Marcellus shales and the Niagara green slate or shale. Hence, though a most thorough removal of the whole soil of the early periods may have taken place, yet the rocks of this State are such that they would soon be covered again by their own debris ; but we by no means suppose that this remark applies to every part of the Un on, or even to all parts of this State indiscriminately. But we do not wish to be misunderstood in these remarks. It is true, that for large areas, the soil is derived directly from the rock upon which it rests; still it is not identical in composition with the rock. The rocks, when pulverized, give quite a different analysis from that which results from the soil. This is an important fact, and could not have been known except by analysis and by experiment, though such a result is in accordance with TO THE ROCKS ON WHICH THEY REPOSE. 219 other known facts. It appears that rocks must yield to atmospheric influence, and the more so as their surface is increased; and hence upon rough surfaces the effects are far greater than on smooth ones, and still greater where the natural joints are open and admit water, which, on freezing, exerts its ordinary effects by expansion ; and as these effects continue, the most stable materials are finally broken up and removed ; and when com- pletely reduced to soil, they have already lost a large part of their soluble matter, whatever itmay have been. The debris is then composed of the most insoluble parts or elements, as silica and the silicates, alumina, and oxide of iron; and the probability is that all soils would, in the end, other things being equal, be reduced to about the same state. If two kinds of soil were treated with water, or washed upon a filter, the soluble matter would soon be removed from each, and they would be reduced to about the same value. The difference in the value of soils is often preserved by the natural vegetation, an effect due to the power, which vegetables possess, of taking up by their roots the soluble matter, and conveying it to the surface; and so long as a soil is covered with a natural vegetation, no matter how heavy or how rank it is, the surface grows richer. By this means a certain amount of inorganic matter, essential to vegetation, will be always preserved at the surface, provided it is not ploughed or put under artificial cultivation; for then, aside from what is removed, the ploughing and stirring of the soil exposes it to the water, which percolates through it, carrying the soluble matter from the surface beyond the reach of roots. The result then is, that a soil differs more and more from the rock from which it is derived, by gradually losing some of the elements which were contained in the rock. What the rock does not contain, will be absent from the soil, but the proportions will vary. Knowing then the composition of the rock, we only know what the soil probably contains, and what it certainly does not; making due allowance for the loss of soluble matter, which it must sustain under a course of cultivation. The amount of material essential to the growth of good crops, can be learned only from analysis. The information to be derived from the rock beneath, embraces that knowledge which concerns the kind of elements, and not their amount, except in those cases where there is always a supply. Silex, and probably alumina and iron, are so generally diffused, that it is not difficult to determine the fact of their presence or absence by mere inspection. One important effect which has not been fully stated in regard to the transportation of the soils of New-York, is this: the softer rocks have been made to contribute largely to those of the harder ones. The harder rocks, in the first place, resisted the force of the diluvial current; they checked its force, and hence the debris which was borne along was deposited at those places where the resistance was the greatest. It is for this reason that the north and northwest slopes are coated with an enormous depth of soil. The slopes of Livingston county have a greater amount of soil from the Onondaga shales, or Salt group, than Onondaga county itself. The wheat clays and wheat sands of Livingston came mostly from the Salt group, and the soil is deeper and more abundant than in Onondaga. 28* 220 ELEMENTS OF SOILS. The same kind of soil bottoms the vallies far south: even the Chemung vallies are greatly indebted to the soft rocks of Onondaga for fertile soil, but it does not reach the hill-sides. The soils of the primary rocks, especially those of Franklin county, have acquired much additional material from the Hudson-river shales of Canada; and a vast amount from the north is lodged on the northern slope of Franklin and Clinton counties, from Lake Cham- plain to the St. Lawrence river. It does not extend very far south, however, and most of the soil of this primary region is derived from the rocks themselves. . In proceeding, then, to the examination of the soils of a district, especially if we wish to make a comparison between them and the underlying rock, the first step is to determine whether our soil is from a drift bed, or if it is filled with many large and small rounded pebbles of some other rock ; if so, we can not get much light upon the nature of the soil from the rock beneath. The pebbles, in this case, are sufficient of themselves to give some information of the probable nature and composition of the soil: if they consist of limestone, lime will probably be found in the soil ; if of slate or shale, there is the same indication, though it is not so important; but if the pebbles consist of silex, or sandstone gravel, the inference is decidedly negative so far as lime is concerned. Siliceous pebbles exert simply a mechanical effect, but that effect is valuable, 1V. ELEMENTS OF SOILS. PROPERTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ELEMENTS IN THEIR INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED CAPACITIES. Of the fifty-eight elements of matter, only about fifteen enter into the composition of vegetables, if we disregard marine plants. These fifteen elements are all found in soils, and are all necessary and essential parts of it. Each may be said to have its peculiar function: it may be entirely useless so far as it is considered an element of a particular vegetable, but highly important in imparting a certain condition to the soil. The office of these elements is twofold: first, as performing a specific function in the organization of a living body; and secondly, as giving a particular state or condition to the soil: the first office is vital, the second mechanical. We have been considering elements, by which is usually meant a simple undecomposed body, as iron, gold, silver, oxygen, chlorine. This is not the state, however, in which they enter into the soil, or into plants; in their uncombined state, they are unsuited to either place. Hence we always find iron combined with some other element; and so also of sulphur, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon, etc. The diamond (pure crystallized carbon) , reduced to an impalpable powder, would be totally valueless as food for plants. Oxygen db ELEMENTS OF SOILS. 221 must at least be diluted with nitrogen, else it destroys rather than promotes the healthy functions of organic bodies; and as respects itself, we have no proof that it is ever received into the constitution of an organic body. We shall therefore consider the elements of soil in their compound state. Elements in this state act as simple bodies: they are homogeneous ; and when they enter into combination, it has the force of a simple substance. Every particle, however minute it may be conceived to be, is still composed of the same matter. In carbonic acid, the pure carbon of the particle is incrt: it is the oxygen which combines and brings about the result. The elements, as now explained, may be divided into two classes: 1. Those which are essential to all organized bodies, and hence are called organic elements; and 2. Those which compose the inorganic world, and hence have received the name of inorganic mat- ter. The first class numbers only four elements, namely, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon. The second class comprises eleven elements, namely, silex, alumina, lime, magnesia, potash, soda, sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, and perhaps manganese. Oxycen. When free, it is a gas, or an invisible aériform body. Its weight is a little greater than that of atmospheric air. Its constitution is such that it is ready to combine with all other bodies; and, in the act of combining, it gives rise to one general pheno- menon, termed combustion: the only difference which belongs to specific cases, is the rapidity of combination, the end or result being exactly the same. Thus oxygen combines with iron, and forms the black or red powder, frequently called the rust of iron. If the combination goes on under the ordinary states of the air, it is an invisible action; but after a few days, the surface is red, and the oxide is formed, consisting only of oxygen and iron. If, however, we contrive some means by which a rapid combination takes place, it is then accompanied with all the ordinary phenomena of combustion, the emission of heat and light; but here it is an oxide which is formed, and nothing else, and the difference of the two cases is one of time only; for, undoubtedly, just as much light and heat are produced in one case as in the other; just as much ice might have been melted by the slow com- bustion, or as much light emitted, as by the rapid one. So in all other cases there is a combination of oxygen with some other substance ; as when wood burns, light and heat are attendant phenomena, the combination proceeding with such rapidity as to render itself both visible and palpable; but if the wood combines slowly with oxygen, as is the case when it rots, then time is required to make us sensible of the change, and yet the final result is but the reduction of the wood to the condition of an oxide as in the preceding case. The compounds which form in these and all other combinations, are called oxides, or acids, of the properties of which we will not now speak, but refer the reader to books of elementary chemistry. Oxygen is the controlling element of both organic and inorganic matter. Few sub- stances are known which are destitute of it; and even if the number were greater than it is, this would hardly affect the truth of the proposition. Its range of affinity is such, and so wide, that all the other elements are usually found in combination with it. Few func- 222 ELEMENTS OF SOILS. tions in vegetable or animal life are performed without its agency. The leaves of the forest trees are spread out to exhale it, and the roots fill the soil to suck up fluids which contain it. The lungs of animals expand to absorb it, and vitalize the currents of blood. Every organ, every tissue feels its stimulus. Every thing in nature is formed with refe- rence toit. The tiny insect and the feeble worm are subjected to its action. Every living being breathes it; and though of the cold-blooded class, no animal can subsist without a certain quantity to which its nature is adjusted: diminish that quantity, and the animal languishes and dies; increase it, and the animal dies from a too rapid combustion of its organs. Perfectly organized bodies can not withstand the effects of oxygen, if made to inhale it in a proportion greater than one to five. Inert as vegetable life seems to be, it will bear no more: neither will it survive a dose less than nature has provided for it. Rocks and soils are but oxides. One half of the solid crust of the earth is oxygen. The waters and the air are combinations of it suited to the conditions of the existence of ani- mated nature, and these conditions are controlled by oxygen. Hyprocen. This is the lightest aériform body whose properties have been examined: it is sixteen times lighter than oxygen. It is combustible, and, when slowly burned, emits a pale blue flame. If oxygen and hydrogen are brought together in contact with flame, the combustion is instantaneous, and followed with a report loud in proportion to the quantities employed. The product of the combustion is water, a result which proves synthetically the composition of this fluid ; the proportions being, by volume, 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen; or, by weight, 1 hydrogen and 8 oxygen. Nirrocen. This is a gas, remarkable, it is said, for its negative properties. It is lighter than oxygen. Under ordinary circumstances, it is but feebly attractive of other bodies, even of oxygen; and though their temperature be raised to the highest point which we can command in the furnace, they refuse to combine. If, however, the electric spark is passed through a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, combustion ensues, and nitric acid is formed. Lightning is supposed to effect a similar combination in its passage through the atmosphere. Atmospheric air, which is considered a mixture of these two gases, contains 20 oxygen and 80 nitrogen, omitting decimals. This proportion has been regarded as indicating a chemical union; but it seems to be explained by the fact that there is no more free oxygen in the universe, by which the air can be charged so as to alter the proportion ; for doubtless these two gases will mix as well in any other proportion as in that which composes the atmosphere. It is the proportion created, and to this organic bodies and beings are fitted. The physical properties of the atmosphere are no less important than the chemical. Its height, its density, and consequently its pressure, are subject to as little variation as its composition. When in motion, its weight is diminished. It is a solvent of water, which exists in its interstices as sugar in those of water; and, like water, its capacity for solution under given conditions is limited. If the atmosphere was anhydrous, the bodies of animals would be required to be anhydrous also; but the constitution of living bodies requires a F ; ELEMENTS OF SUILS. 223 great proportion of liquids. The physical constitution of the atmosphere being determined, life, its functions, and its apparatus, are adjusted to those conditions. Carson is a solid. The diamond is always referred to as an example of pure carbon, because, when burned, the residue is carbon in union with oxygen. The common form, charcoal, differs but slightly from the diamond in composition, but the physical properties are quite different, although the difference is not greater than that of pure alumina and the sapphire. So it is not improbable that, like the instance here cited, the difference is due to crystallization. Carbon forms the solid parts of organic bodies, except those which are formed of the compounds of lime. In the vegetable kingdom, especially, carbon is the element which gives solidity and strength to the individual. It also enters largely into the composition of fluids, or it may be said that this state is preparatory to a conver- sion into the solid form. Carbon is always black when uncrystallized. Chalk and lime, magnesia, together with a great number of other bodies of the mineral kingdom, are com- pounds of carbon, or rather triple compounds of oxygen, carbon, and lime or some other base. Carbon is widely distributed in both the organic and inorganic worlds. It is asso- ciated with the oldest products of the latter, and is brought up from the lowest depths of the earth, and hence is as ancient and consequential as any of the elements except oxygen. Soil without carbon, very rarely, if ever, produces perfect vegetables. The experiments which go to prove the contrary are suspicious. Soil which has been heated to redness does not part with its carbon ; the acids do not destroy it; and hence those instances where it has been attempted to destroy organic matter, or the carbon in soil, may be set off against the difficulty of destroying it under circumstances more favorable. Crenic or apocrenic acids are scarcely destroyed by a red heat, when the quantity is very small; so the organic matter of soils is very rarely consumed, when brought to a bright redness preparatory for analysis. . PRINCIPAL COMPOUNDS OF THE FOUR PRECEDING ELEMENTS. The compounds which oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon, form among themselves, are water, air, and carbonic acid. These will be fully treated in this place, as they are agents of the highest importance in the economy of life. Warer. Few substances are anhydrous; although it is necessary to premise that we do not here mean to employ the term in its usual sense. Some substances retain water me- chanically, and, if dried, are truly anhydrous, or without water in their constitution. We mean, by the term anhydrous, to specify that condition of substances in which they neither contain water mechanically by absorption, nor chemically by combination. We use the word with a wider than the usual latitude ; and for this reason, that so far as the welfare of either kingdom of nature is involved, the mechanical combination is as important as the chemical. Nearly four-fifths of the matter of animals is liquid, all of which is lost simply by drying in the atmosphere at its natural temperature. Vegetable matter contains less. Wood 224 ELEMENTS OF SOILS. loses, in drying, one-fourth at least; fruits and tubers, from 85 to 93 per cent; grains, from 50 to 90 per cent. Water therefore performs an essential function in organized matter. Water is colorless, transparent, destitute of taste and smell. It is solid at 32° Fahr. if agitated ; if quiet, it may be reduced still lower, and retain its fluidity; but if then agi- tated, it solidifies, and its temperature rises to 32°. In these changes, its bulk or volume is also altered. During the act of solidifying, it expands with great force: even its expan- sion begins at 40°. Water passes into steam or vapor at 212° F.; one cubic inch of water expanding to one foot of steam, or 1728 cubic inches. The boiling point, however, is de- termined by the pressure of the atmosphere, which, at the level of the sea, is equal to a column of mercury 30 inches high. Water is never pure. It dissolves the air, a great number of gases, and various saline matters, as salt, sulphates, nitrates and carbonates. Where these ingredients are in excess, the waters are called mineral waters, and exert very frequently an important effect upon the animal system. ; The foreign bodies most frequently present in water, are carbonic acid, ammonia, and atmospheric air; and when it has fallen upon the earth, and has issued again in springs, or collected in wells, the number of its foreign ingredients is increased. Of the amount of gases which water is capable of dissolving, we may state, that ac- cording to the latest practical chemists, they stand as follows: Sulphuretted hydrogen,...------------ 253.0 volumes. GChiormés {Et 22 2k eee ee ee 434.0 «© GCarbonic'acids (225+ 3.522 ees 206.0) * Osyoene=- =o: $e ee 12.5), 16 Nitrogen and hydrogen, -.------------ 0.6 «& Although water scarcely dissolves nitrogen, yet it dissolves atmospheric air ; and it is this which gives it a pleasant and lively flavor, so refreshing when compared to distilled © or boiled water from which the air is expelled. Sea water contains the accumulated soluble matters of all climes, which have been transported to this great reservoir by rivers. When this water is frozen, the salts are excluded from the ice; and hence, in high latitudes, fresh water is obtained by melting blocks of ice. Water is the standard with which the weights of all other solids and liquids are com- pared : it is 1 in the scale of specific gravities. In this comparison, equal bulks or volumes are compared ; thus, a cubic inch of granite is found to weigh 2} times as much as an equal volume of water. Tue armospHeRE. The constituents of the atmosphere have been given. It is a body of aériform matter surrounding the earth, and exerting a pressure equal to 15 lbs. on the square inch. The atmosphere is supposed to be acted upon by two forces, which conjointly fix its limits, namely, its own elasticity, and the earth’s attraction. Refraction OO I E’EMENTS OF SOILS. 245) indicates that the atmosphere does not extend beyond forty-five miles from the surface of the earth, although some other phenomena would lead us to infer that 1t extends much farther. The sun’s rays, in passing through the atmosphere, do not impart to it a sensible amount of heat. They pass on to the earth and are absorbed by its surface, whence the heat again issues by radiation, and warms the lowest stratum of the atmosphere, which ascends and communicates its heat to the other layers in succession. By contact with the earth, then, the air is heated ; and the farther it is removed from the surface, the less caloric it receives, ull at a certain height the uniform temperature is reduced to 32°. The height at which this effect occurs, depends upon the quantity of heat which the earth receives from the sun. This is greatest at the equator, and hence the point of perpetual congelation is the highest there. Thus, at the equator, this point is 15,000 feet above the level of the sea ; and from the equator it constantly approaches the earth, until at the poles it sinks below the surface. The relations of the atmosphere to heat, form one of its most important properties. Air is ranked among the non-conductors. When confined in a space, it prevents the escape of heat. If it was capable of being heated by the transmission of the sun’s rays, it would render the earth uninhabitable. Ammonia. This compound of nitrogen and hydrogen is exceedingly important in ve- getation. Some of onr most important grains require its presence. It exists in the atmosphere ; and it is developed in the decay of animal and vegetable substances, from which it escapes into the atmosphere, ready to enter into new combinations. One single property of this substance fits it to play its important part in the vegetable economy, namely, its ready absorption by porous bodies. This property is manifested and proved in innume- rable instances, some of which fall under observation in our ordinary manual operations ; for example, plaster, when placed in a stable, or in any place where organic matters are undergoing decomposition, takes up the ammonia as it escapes: lime also performs a similar office. A direct experiment, which proves this statement, is often performed in the laboratory ; thus, we have only to pass a little plaster, lime, charcoal, earth, etc., into a receiver containing ammonia over mercury, when the whole of the ammonia disappears : it is absorbed and condensed in the pores of the body employed. Any moist substance whatever produces this effect instantaneously, so powerful is the affinity of ammonia for water. The same process goes on in nature: the ammonia floating in the atmosphere is continually absorbed by soils, by humus, and especially by clay ; and all these substances give out their ammonia on the application of sufficient heat to dissipate their water. Ex- posing fresh surfaces of soil to the air, is one means of procuring a fresh supply of this matter. Clay, and the oxide of iron contained in the soils, perform the important function of absorption. ‘This property of clay is the one which renders clay soils so much better for wheat, than sandy soils: it furnishes a supply of ammonia, from which the wheat forms its nitrogenous matters. [AcricutturaL Report. ] 29 226 ELEMENTS OF SOILS. Sutpnur. This well known substance is widely disseminated in the mineral kingdom, and is also found sparingly in the vegetable and animal kingdoms. The two most common combinations are sulphurets and sulphates. In the former condition it is combined with the metals; in the latter, with oxygen, forming sulphuric acid. In this state it combines with earths and alkalies, and forms salts, as sulphate of lime, of soda, of magnesia, ete. It is an important substance. It is obtained mostly from Sicily, and is a volcanic product, resulting from the sublimation of a native sulphuret. It may be also procured in this State, by the roasting of certain ores in which it abounds. Puospuorus. In its pure state, this is a white solid, highly inflammable, comparatively soft and flexible at blood heat, and taking fire readily by friction. It is quite abundant in the animal kingdom, in combination with oxygen, forming phosphoric acid, which, like the sulphuric acid, combines with lime and other bases, forming salts. 'The phosphate of lime is its most common combination. It is an essential constituent of bones, and of the coverings of many marine animals, forming in both cases the hard substantial part of the animal. [tis also met with in the mineral kingdom. It is contained in all good soils, but only in small quantities when compared with the other elements. It exists in combi- nation with lime, iron and alumina, and is detected with difficulty. Both phosphorus and sulphur form constituent parts of proteine, which is regarded as the basis of albumen, fibrine and caseine. Carsonic acrp. It is a constant constituent of the atmosphere. Its origin is not known: it is, however, a constant product of combustion and respiration, and in this way continu- ally escapes into the atmosphere. It also escapes from the earth in the neighborhood of volcanoes; but it is here one of the results of combustion, or of the action of heat on the limestone contained in the interior of the earth. It is heavier than atmospheric air, and, hence, if operated on by its specific gravity only, would always be found on the surface of the earth; but gases, when mixed, never behave like liquids, where the heaviest finds the bottom and the lightest the top: they, on the contrary, become equally mixed, and all parts of a volume will be found to contain the same proportion of the heavier and the lighter gas. Carbonic acid is a poison. When inhaled, death speedily follows, unless means are soon instituted for counteracting its effects. It is not simply a deprivation of oxygen. It extin- guishes a burning taper if immersed in it, or even if it be simply poured over the taper. Hence by trying a suspected gas with a lighted taper, it may be known whether carbonic acid is present. When mixed with air in the proportion of 1 to 10, it still remains irrespi- rable, producing stupor and death like a narcotic poison. Its specific gravity is 1.52. It dissolves in water, forming an agreeable acid taste. It turns litmus paper red. Carbonic acid is liquid under a pressure of 36 atmospheres = 15 lbs. x 36 on the square inch. If the pressure is suddenly removed, the evaporation is so rapid that a portion of the liquid solidifies from the loss of heat. Carbonic acid has a wide range of affinity. It is one of the important and most common of the compound elements. This importance is due partly to the ease with which it may 7 f ELEMENTS OF SOILS. 227 be disengaged from the base with which it is combined ; thus we have only to heat lime- stone, to obtain quicklime. It is a solvent’of rocks and soils. Smex. It is a solid, the purest form of which is known as rock crystal. White sand is often nearly as pure. It is hard, and, in these natural states, resists the atmospheric in- fluences, and is insoluble in water. Its specific gravity is 2.66. Silex or silica is a compound of oxygen and silicon: it is the only compound known of these bodies in a state of purity. Silica, in consequence of its peculiar composition, and the compounds it forms with other bodies, is regarded as an acid; and hence its combi- nations are termed silicates, after the manner of carbonates and sulphates. Silex is the largest constituent of the earth. It not only forms large masses, or thick strata in the earth’s crust, but it is very frequently combined with the other elements, forming with them the extensive class of bodies called silicates, as silicate of lime, of magnesia, of potash, of soda, etc. The silicates are important bodies, notwithstanding they are apparently so insoluble. Their feeble insolubility serves an important end. Were the case reversed, and were the elements so necessary to vegetables quite soluble, they would be speedily removed from the soil; but with their present constitution, they remain and are dissolved slowly, and no faster than the necessities of plants demand. Soils are principally silicates. They are probably more so in this country than in some parts of Europe, where chalk or some other calcareous rocks enter largely into the com- position of the soil. In New-York, calcareous soils are unknown, notwithstanding large areas of limestone exist. Silex is known by its harsh gritty feel ; and where it predominates, it imparts the same grittiness to the soil. It differs in feel from chalk ; the sensation in the latter case being described as meagre, while that from silex is sharp and gritty. It has no adhesiveness, and hence never coheres ; and when its particles are fine and smooth, the mass flows like aliquid. This character in soils requires to be understood. Atumina. Clay and alumina, although often used as synonimes, ought not to be used in the same sense. Alumina is the pure earth, the oxide of aluminum. Clay is a silicate in part of alumina, mixed probably with both alumina and silex. Alumina is white, like pure silica, but, unlike that, it is soluble in acids. ~ Adhesiveness is a striking property of alumina, and also of clay ; hence the latter holds together the substances in mixture with it. Soils are close and compact in proportion to the quantity of clay present. In the arts, this property, or one allied to it, is highly im- portant; for instance, a fibre of cotton, immersed in a solution of acetate of alumina, attracts the clay and detaches it from its acid: it is thus covered with a coating of alumina. Clay or alumina, when contained in bodies or in soils, gives to them a smooth feel, which covers the gritty feel of silex. Such soils exhale the peculiar odor called argilla- ceous, when they are breathed upon. The excess or deficiency of alumina is indicated where a soil is wet, and it is capable of being rolled or kneaded ; when there is a de- ficiency of alumina, the soil falls to pieces by its own weight. 29* 228 ELEMENTS OF SOILS. Live. Calcium is the name of the base of lime. Neither calcium nor lime exist un- combined in nature. The compound familiar to all, is lime combined with carbonic acid. Rocks of limestone are found in all parts of the earth. It is the carbonate which is neces- sary to vegetables, or some other form combined with an acid, as carbonate, sulphate, crenate, etc. of lime. Lime has a strong attraction for carbonic acid and water ; hence, when exposed, it absorbs both, or, as the phrase is, aiv-slacks. Carbonate of lime, ina soil, operates in a mechanical way like silex: it has no adhesiveness. Lime is soluble in water, and its carbonate is also soluble, especially when the water contains carbonic acid in solution. Carbonate of lime is known to be important to many vegetables, as it is found in their ashes. It is equally important to animals. Bones contain phosphate of lime, and the shells of the mollusca and testacea contain carbonate of lime. Maenesta. It is a soft white earth, with a slight alkaline taste and alkaline reaction, both in the state of pure earth and that of its carbonate. It is quite abundant, being a constituent part of many rocks, as the dolomites, serpentine and steatite. It is a protoxide of magnesium. In the earth it is found as a hydrate, a carbonate, sulphate and silicate. It enters into the composition of the cereals. Minerals which contain magnesia have a soft feel, as soapstone. Magnesia is sparingly soluble in water, but less so in hot than cold water. It is a constituent of soils, especially those which bear fine crops of corn. Porasu. It is derived by lixiviation from the ashes of vegetables. It is white. The common potash is a protoxide of potassium. Its affinity for water is so strong, that it is impossible to separate it except by forming a salt. In the soil, potash exists in combina- tion with silica, forming a substance comparatively insoluble in water. Potash is one of the essential elements of felspar: hence those rocks, such as granite and gneiss, where felspar abounds, furnish this alkali for the vegetable world. Clays and clay slates furnish it; and hence in some districts, those vegetables which require it are rarely found in their highest perfection. The elm, whose wood furnishes more potash than almost any other vegetable, flourishes remarkably on the clay bottoms of Central New-York. Sopa. This substance is a protoxide of sodium, and is formed when sodium is burned in dry air or oxygen. Itis a white powder, and attracts water and carbonic acid from the atmosphere. If the protoxide is dissolved in water, it becomes a hydrated protoxide of sodium. Soda forms important salts with acids, all of which, with scarcely an exception, are soluble, and hence it is not precipitated from solutions. This property serves to distinguish some of the salts of soda from those of potash, when it is known that one or the other is present in a solution. This negative test of the presence of soda may be safely relied upon, especially if we set fire to an alcoholic solution of the suspected salt ; if soda is present, a rich and pure yellow color will be given to the flame. Soda is employed in the manufacture of glass, and of hard soap. Soda is a milder alkali than potash, though it is still a powerful detergent. ‘ ELEMENTS OF SOILS. 229 Oxrpe oF rron. Iron is distributed throughout the mineral kingdom. The form which is best known is the red oxide, or red rust of iron, of which there are two kinds, called pro- toxide and peroxide. Both exist in some soils; the first is recognized by its forming a dark greenish precipitate with ammonia. The peroxide is found in the ashes of plants, and when taken up, is combined either with crenic or phosphoric acid. The kernels of indian corn contain iron; there is, therefore, no doubt that it is an essential constituent of many vegetables. Iron is invariably found in soils; and in addition to its use to the vegetable, the color which it imparts to the soil is of some moment. Red and brown soils absorb more heat than light colored ones: they are said to be warmer. Oxie oF MANGANESE. Its color is black. It is not known as a necessary constituent of vegetables. It gives a blackness to meadow soils sometimes ; but, so far as is known, it is a neutral body : it may impart color to the petals of flowers. Silex composes the greatest bulk of the soil. It is the base or support of the mineral kingdom: it is here, what carbon is to the vegetable kingdom. Its properties are modified by combination. Clay is the principal substance which counteracts the openness of sand. The other elements of the soil, carbonate of lime, magnesia and oxide of iron, exert very little influence mechanically upon it; they, however, belong, as modifiers, to the siliceous compounds, rather than to the argillaceous ones. V. CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK. The ordinary course of observation among agriculturists has distinguished several classes of soils in this State, and has recorded certain facts as associated with certain kinds of soil adapted to a peculiar practice of husbandry. Such observations have been sufficiently extended to lead to a general classification of the soils of the State. It was observed in the southwestern part of the State, that where the gravel and drift beds contained lime- stone, wheat could be cultivated with success, and hence it was inferred that the limestone region was especially adapted to the cultivation of this crop. Experience and observation coincided in this case, and many good observers had drawn an imaginary line between the wheat district and the grazing district. There is, however, an error in the observation, which we shall point out in the sequel, although the error does not affect the principle of the classification, as there is truly a wheat and a grazing district. The common classification of soils is founded on the predominance of certain elements, which we have just described in the foregoing pages. Where, for example, silex pre- dominates, the soil is sandy ; and where, on the contrary, clay predominates, it is called argillaceous: a mixture of the two with organic matter, is called loam. To be still 230 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS. more specific, loams were designated by the predominance of clay or silex, and thus farmers are wont to speak of a clay loam and sandy loams. In regard to this classifica- tion, it is not pretended that it is not useful, and it may be that it is as good as the nature of the case admits. Theseevarieties, however, are met with on almost every farm; and hence, on reflection, it was attempted to class the soils of New-York geologically, or according to the products of a section of country, although these sections consist in each case of different formations. The divisions which we have adopted seem to answer well in the territory for which they were framed, but probably may have only a trifling value elsewhere. In New-York, it seemed to be necessary that a classification should embrace wide areas, wherever it was possible to fix upon characters that would make a proper discrimination. The subdivisions which would be adopted must of necessity be based upon facts which are generally received, and upon differences which are readily cognizable as well as practically useful. The division of the State into large sections, according to the natural products, is useful particularly in giving greater clearness to our labors in the analysis of soils. It will be found useful, were there nothing more than a simple geographical division of the State. When, however, we speak of natural productions, as wheat, for example, it is not intended to inculcate the opinion that wheat can not be grown in any other than what is termed a wheat district. It is supposed that it may be better grown in this than in any other district, taken as a whole; that in the favored districts, wheat-growing is a more profitable business, the grain of a better quality, and the yield more abundant than else- where. The same general remarks apply to every agricultural district. Grazing must be followed all over the State ; but there are certain districts where the raising of cattle, and the making of butter and cheese, is a more profitable business than the raising of wheat. Some districts are well adapted to the culture of maize, which, for certain reasons, are not suitable for wheat. We conceive, therefore, that districts might be marked out, each of which should have in itself so many characters in common, and such differences as it re- gards others, as to be considered a distinct agricultural district. Such agricultural districts have already been sketched out, and their peculiar charac- teristics briefly detailed in the first part of this volume. It may not appear, on a thorough examination, that these characteristics depend on the composition of the soil. Other conditions often determine the character of an agricultural region; these are its height, surface, and depth of soil. It is true that certain characters relating to each condition go together. A high mountainous region, and a thin and broken soil are associated in one district; and such a region, whatever might be the composition of the soil, would be unsuitable for the plow, and hence would necessarily form a grazing district. On the contrary, a level or merely rolling surface is usually coated heavily with soil, and is frequently smooth and arable, yet it might furnish fine pasturage ; and though the com- position of the soil might not be entirely suited to wheat, still this would not be a bar to its profitable cultivation, under a variety of circumstances which it is easy to imagine. TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. 231 Labor, directed with intelligence, or guided by a full knowledge of facts, may overcome great and serious difficulties. Each district is underlaid by rocks unknown in the others, and which in each case have something peculiar. Thus the Highland district is underlaid by primary rocks; the Eastern district, by the taconic rocks; the Third district, by rocks of the Champlain divi- sion ; the Western, by the Ontario and Helderberg divisions ; the Southern, by the shales and sandstones of the Erie division ; the Atlantic, by seasands. In each there enters some gelogical element, and this modifies the respective productions of the district. } The clas- sification is also geographical, and hence convenient for reference ; and the geography too has its influence, which is clearly seen in the length of the winters of the northern, when compared with the middle and southern parts of the State. Height is another element that must not be lost sight of. Climate, which is intimately connected with elevation, is a complex condition, and must also be studied as one of the controlling conditions affecting the husbandry of the State. VI TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. As the atmosphere has its own climate, so the soils have theirs, which is not, however, independent of that of the air, but has probably a fixed relation, and is controlled by it. The temperature of a place, if derived from observations taken just beneath the surface, would be found to vary in its mean several degrees. The climate of the soil has not, so far as we have observed, been determined for any latitude: indeed we do not know that any observations have been made upon the subject. We shall here give a few observations of our own; they may be regarded as a beginning of an inquiry, which may result in something at least interesting if not useful. There are certain conditions of the soil, which modify its temperature, irrespective of place or height. The principal modifying condition is water. The influence of this is well known, and the popular opinion here is correct: wet lands are said to be cold; the application of the thermo- meter proves it, and this coldness is found to arise from a superabundance of water. The coldness in question depends upon the property of evaporation: water, in passing from a liquid form to that of vapor, takes caloric from the surrounding bodies ; and hence where this process goes on rapidly, the surface will be kept cold by the loss of heat required to convert a liquid into a vapor. The following observations were made in this city, upon soil which is always slightly shaded, or which never receives the direct rays of the sun. The bulb of the thermometer was usually placed about seven inches below the surface. The place for inserting it was 232 TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. opened by a shovel, but the earth was merely raised sufficiently to insert the instrument, where it remained from ten to fifteen minutes, entirely covered with earth, the air being shut out by pressing the earth down. TABLE COMPARING THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH AND THE ATR. arn, | EARTH.| OBSERVATIONS. DAY HOUR AIR, | SARTH.| OBSERVATIONS. 1844, APRIL. 1844, MAY. 22 5PM 61° | 50° |Elm in full blossom.|} 23 7AM 51° | 42° Sap ascends inthe!! .. 1PM 68 52 bark, asIhaveseen|| 24 8AM 62 50 in 20 instances to-|| .. 1PM 80 60 day. .. | 6PM 62 | 52 23 5PM 65 52 \Wind south. 25 8AM 68 62 24 7AM 50 ae 5PM 70 62 25 7AM 50 46 26 7AM 70 60 26 7AM 50 48 |Rain. a 3PM 68 64 27 7AM 31 40 27 8AM 68 64 28 7AM 44 42 |Clear. An 8PM 64 A Even’g. 61 42 |4 hours sun, 28 SAM 62 62 29 7AM 14 41 |Wind west, clear. 30 8AM 67 56 5PM 56 46 31 8AM 76 59 30 7AM 32 41 1844, JUNE. 1844, MAY. 1 SAM 56 57 1 7AM ol 46 2 8AM 66 57 2 | 7AM | 60 | 57 3 | 1PM 67 | 56 cs 3 7AM 58 93 ; 4 6AM 46 50 = 6PM 58 56 |Rain wet the earth, as low as the bulb 1844, AUGUST. of thermometer, 6 |.12M 76 68 Depth 8 inches. 4 SAM 56 53 : 7PM 68 65 oe 6PM 59 55 |Cloudy. 30 5PM 69 64 |Dry. 5 7AM 50 49 |Overcast. a SAM 56 50 |Chilly. Thermome- 1844, SEPTEMBER. ter put 13 inches|| 1 6AM | 60 | 61 |Earth, morning of2a, deeper. 58°, ae 4PM 67 56 nA 7PM 64 59 6 7AM 50 49 |Temp. of fresh rain 4 6AM 46 55 water 54,° fell at] .. 12M 64 56 4P.M. Air 54°.|/ .. 7PM 59 58 |Clear. 7 7AM 48 51 |Cloudy. 5 6AM 42 51 ot 1PM 52 50 Clear. oe 12M 72 59 |Dry and clear. 8 7AM 46 46 |Chilly. a 7PM 62 59 a5 1PM 62 50 |Clear, but some sho- 6 6AM 41 53 |Clear, wers. a 12M 74 58 15 7AM 46 44 2 7PM 60 56 |Clear. No wind. ua 12M 66 52 ih 7AM 48 54 |Foggy. . i 6PM 62 64 - 7PM 65 58 16 6AM 56 52 8 7AM 50 56 |Foggy. | ome 2PM 60 | 56 i 1PM 76 | 62 | s SPM 56 54 aie 7PM 65 61 |Overcast ; sultry. 17 6PM 50 46 The earth, when 18 SAM 46 overcast, does not ote 2PM 50 48 seem to lose its 19 SAM 54 Ad caloric. we 4PM 62 50 9 7AM 59 59 20 SAM 50 48 i an 12M 80 62 |Hot; sultry. Pr 12M 56 52 7PM 70 62 21 SAM 46 48 10 7AM 53 59 aie i2M 48 48 oa 1PM 84 64 “f- 5PM 41 42 Se Even’g. 70 64 Overcast. 22 8AM 40 40 11 7AM 64 62 Overcast; wind high oe 3PM 50 46 SE. TEMPERATURE OF SOILS. 233 TABLE CONCLUDED. EARTH | OBSERVATIONS. HOUR. AIR EARTH. OBSERVATIONS. DAY. HOUR AIR. 1844, SEPTEMBER, 1844, OCTOBER. 1PM 72 60 21 7AM 23 33 7PM 58 58 3PM 40 40 |Hazy. 2PM 70 65 23 7AM 40 42 7PM 66 62 /Overcast. 24 7AM 34 40 |Hazy. 7AM 58 61 |Sultry; still. 25 7AM 35 42 |Clear. 1PM 76 63 26 7AM 42 46 Night rain. 7AM 61 60 27 7AM 46 45 |Hazy. 12M 77 64 28 7AM 30 39 |No frost. 2PM 77 64 29 7AM 35 35 |Hard rain. 7PM 70 64 30 7AM 35 35 7AM 58 59 31 7AM 40 36 12M 80 64 5PM 88 65 1844, NOVEMBER. 9PM 68 64 |Clear; still. Grass 3 12M 49 39 plat 60°; surface 4 12M 40 394 earth 64°, 5 7,8 AM] 33 88 7AM 58 613 )Foggy. 6 SAM 35 37 |West wind; cloudy. 7PM 66 64 |Clear. 7 8AM 43 38 7AM 56 60 |Clear. Earth 69° on 8 SAM 40 40 Hazy. a sunny side. 9 74 AM 32 36 |Hazy. 12M 78 63 10 SAM 24 32 |Clear. 8PM 63 63 |Wind west moderate.|| .. 12M 44 35 7AM 54 58 |Clear. a 4PM 44 38 |Wind east moderate. 12M 79 62 11 SAM 42 388 |Thunder; rain at 10 7PM 68 62 {Wind SW moderate. P.M. Wind east. 7AM 54 58 = Even’g. 49 40 |Earth saturated with i tat 82 62 |Windy. water. 8PM 70 64 |Slight breeze. 12 7AM 36 39 |Clear. 6AM 60 62 |Clear; slight breeze.|} 13 8AM 42 42 12M 83 65 14 7AM 28 33 |Clear. Earth frozen 6PM 72 65 (Wind SE. at the surface. 12M 45 56 |Thunder with rain. 16 7AM 26 30 6PM 56 54 17 7AM 25 30 |Clear. 6AM 32 50 |Frost. ae 1PM 4 46 32% |Hazy. 83;AM] 49 48 44 6PM 43 36 |South wind all day. 7AM 52 | 52 |Cloudy. is | 9AM 26 | 30 7AM 42 52 Cloudy. 1PM 54 50 1845, APRIL. 7AM 32 46 13 1PM 54 44 |Depth, 6-7 inches. SAM 37 39 Earth had been ex- posed all day to the 1844, OCTOBER. sun. 7AM 50 49 /Rain. 20 7AM 44 40 |Rain and cloudy. 7AM 44 45 Wind east. 2PM 66 50 21 7AM 52 47 |Clear. 7AM 34 44 |Rained in the night.|} 24 7AM 64 58 7AM 50 47 |South wind. 25 7PM 58 52 |Rain. 7AM | 40 | 44 !Rain. 27 | 2PM 58 | 52 |Hazy. Wind SE. 7AM 50 51 jj] 28 2PM 55 48 |Wind south. 7AM 48 50 |Rain moderate. | 29 7AM ! 62 Nees 56 ‘Clear. Wind west. 12M 42 40 |Clear. Wind west. 30 7PM | 56 Wind south; chilly. It will be seen from the foregoing observations, that the greatest difference between the temperature of the earth and the air occurs in the spring. The earth acquires the proper temperature for the coming vegetation rather slowly, in consequence of the evaporation required in order to dry it sufficiently. In the autumn, in September and October, it seems to have acquired a stock of caloric sufficient to expend for some time without exhaustion, while at the same time it operates favorably in sustaining the proper temperature for the {[AcricuLTurAL Report.] 30 234 COMPOSITION ripening of fruits and fall crops. There is sufficient caloric retained to preserve the tempe- rature of the surface when the air is near the freezing point, provided the surface is covered and its radiation checked, On one occasion, the temperature of the air was reduced to 26°, while the soil beneath remained at 51°; and although a severe frost followed this reduc- tion, yet many vegetables were preserved from destruction by the caloric which the earth had accumulated the preceding week, and which was then given off. ‘This instance of the accumulation of heat in the soil occurred upon one of the high peaks at the head of the Delaware river, when the vegetation was just putting forth. On this mountain, the shrubs which had already leaved, or had partially leaved out, and some which had blossomed, were not in the least affected by the frost. The accumulation of heat often preserves the roots of corn, and other crops, when the herbage is destroyed. When the temperature of the surface is 60°, we have found that maize, planted however early, comes up; while if planted when the temperature is several degrees lower, although later in the season, it will certainly rot. The temperature must reach the point of 60° in order to excite germination, which, if once secured, the grain seems to be safe, though it may not appear above ground for some time. From a few observations which we have made, it appears that mountain soils absorb’ more heat than the slopes at their base. The surface heat is often preserved in autumn by rain. In the spring, too, rains aid in warming the earth. A rain whose temperature was 54° fell when the earth was 49°, and the surface was raised soon after to 51°. The highest temperature of the ground, which has been observed, was 72°. ‘This tem- perature has been maintained with little variation for several successive days, in August, the present year, 1846. The earth acquired nearly the same temperature about the same period last year. The water of a large cistern, whose surface is four feet beneath the sur- face of the ground, acquired the temperature of the earth, which it has maintained during the whole period of excessive heat. VII. COMPOSITION OF THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK. Several methods have been proposed for the analysis of soils, each of which has its par- ticular advantages. The method which has been followed in the New-York Survey has not differed materially from that usually followed in the analysis of a mineral. One hun- dred grains of the sifted soil is taken after it is dried in its envelope, and exposed to a temperature of about 300°, on a piece of glazed paper, or until the paper is slightly browned, upon aclean metal plate. The loss is set down as water. It is then exposed to a red heat, and stirred in a platina capsule, until its blackness has disappeared: thus its organic OF THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK. 235 matter is dissipated. It is then boiled for half an hour in strong hydrochloric acid, or until the soil becomes light gray or white. After dilution with pure water, the whole is thrown upon a double filter, and washed till it is tasteless. The silex upon the filters is ignited and weighed, and the filters are burnt, and their ashes weighed one against the other. The filtrate is then warmed, and a few drops of nitric acid added to ensure a peroxidation of the iron. Caustic ammonia throws down the alumina, the iron and the phosphates. The precipitate is washed upon a double filter until the ammonia is removed, and then ignited and weighed as usual. When it was deemed advisable to separate the iron and alumina, caustic potash was resorted to. Frequently the whole was set down as peroxide of iron and alumina. For the separation of the phosphates, pure acetic acid was employed. From the remainder, the lime and magnesia were separated by oxalate of ammonia and phosphate of soda. Sometimes a trial for manganese was made with hydrosulphuric acid. Very few instances only occurred where even a slight trace of manganese appeared, but some of the soils of the taconic rocks gave indications of its presence. Many of the analyses went no farther than the process for obtaining magnesia. When a more exact determina- tion of the organic matter was required, an equal quantity of the same soil was submitted to the action of carbonate of ammonia, by which the soluble organic matter was separated from the insoluble. In many instances, however, two hundred grains of soil were infused in six or eight ounces of rain water for forty-eight hours, or even longer, during which time it was often shaken. The whole was then filtered, and evaporated in a platina capsule. When it was reduced to half an ounce by measure, it was finished in a balanced platina capsule, in which it was weighed while still warm. By this method, the true amount of soluble matter was determined in any given soil. The product was examined and separated into its components, lime, silex, alumina, etc.: even phosphate of alumina was repeatedly ob- tained from this solution. In conducting an analysis, we have been sensible that great care was necessary, and that each should be carried to an exact determination of all the components, especially the alkalies, the phosphates, and the saline matters which are known to be essential to vege- tables. Many persons express a doubt whether the analysis of soils is of any service at all, but we regard such an expression as altogether too sweeping in its declaration. The determination of the existence of Jime and magnesia in a soil is certainly important. It is true, that so far as silica and alumina are concerned, analysis is of but little use ; but every other determination is of some utility. There are, moreover, other reasons for pursuing analytical investigations of the soils of this State. No one has ever taken up the subject with reference to the soils of sedimentary rocks, the limestones, slates and shales. Presi- dent Hitchcock has analyzed many of the soils of Massachusetts, and Dr. Jackson those of Rhode Island and New-Hampshire ; but these are principally soils of primitive formations : they could not throw much light on those of this State ; and hence we could not but feel that the work of analysis would be attended with useful results, though in many instances 30* 236 ANALYSES OF SOILS. they were not carried out to that extreme point which often is necessary, and perhaps always ought to be desired. Then again the analysis of the rock which gave origin to a soil seemed to be equally important, and this work has been pursued as far as time and opportunity would permit. Another undertaking, which no doubt will be regarded as useful, was the analysis of the waters of the State. The mode pursued in this department will be given when we reach that subject. One of the difficulties to be overcome, was the proper selection of specimens for analysis. The first attempt made to procure soils for this purpose, was by means of a published cir- cular, requesting farmers, who felt an interest in the subject, to forward samples of such soils as they might suppose could be rendered useful upon their lands, or which would illustrate somewhat generally the subject of inquiry. To this circular, no response was ever made. It then became necessary to visit different parts of the State for this purpose. After some deliberation, in which some previous experience was made to bear, I deter- mined to collect, first, new soils — those which had never been cultivated ; and secondly, old soils, under cultivation, selecting specimens of the latter from those farms where a history of the husbandry could be obtained, and usually specimens of the soil and subsoil, the former taken just at the termination of the roots of grasses, and the latter from the bottom of the furrow slice. All these soils were labelled upon the spot, and put into strong double papers. In the whole of this matter, it is plain enough that only general results could be obtained, except in particular instances; and it may be that the majority of farmers will feel themselves just as much in the dark about the composition of their own soils, that of their farms, as they were before the present undertaking was commenced. It was, however, totally impossible to visit every town in the State. In some instances we were warranted in generalizing freely as it regarded the composition of soils over large areas. For it is perfectly evident, and the observation is borne out by trial, that the nature of the soil of an area of moderate extent is sufhiciently well determined by the analysis of a few specimens ; and we think we do not hazard much in saying, that in the several dis- tricts, there is such a similarity, that the composition of their soils is well determined, and may be practically useful in the pursuit of agriculture. Hence we believe that the results of our labor may, notwithstanding we have not visited every town, much less every farm, be still found of some service to the husbandry of the State, especially if agriculturists ob- serve, in connection with the analyses, the rocks and the nature of the drift which prevail on their estates, 1. HIGHLAND DISTRICT. The territory distinguished by this name is separated into two portions, which are widely removed from each other. The first and largest portion may be termed the Northern Highland District, and the second the Southern Highland District. The former comprises a large territory of wild land, some of which is incultivable. It is the only part of the a” HIGHLAND DISTRICT. 237 State which furnishes a soil whose origin is directly from the Primary rocks. The latter district is quite limited in comparison with the former ; and its soil, in consequence of a free intermixture with the soils of a secondary and transition origin, can not be considered as entitled to the appellation of a primary soil, or as one derived principally and direetly from primary rocks. Both divisions of the Highland district are surrounded with sedimentary rocks, and are really islands of unstratified masses in the midst of sandstones, limestones and slates. These have at least modified the soils of the borders of the district by the admixture of foreign materials, the result of which has been to improve their character and increase their productiveness. The primary masses of the Northern district are capable of producing two kinds of soil, according as one or the other kind of granite, from which they have originated, prevails. The first and most common kind of soil is that which is derived from the potash-felspar, or the ordinary coarse granite; the second, is the lime-felspar, which belongs to the hypersthene rock, which is made up, in a very large proportion, of labradorite. The outside of this primary highland region is principally underlaid with the former, while the central or interior is composed of the latter, All the high mountains are formed of the latter rock. They are quite precipitous, and their sides thinly clad with soil whose im- mediate origin is the rock beneath. The appearance and character of the surface of the rocks, when exposed, clearly indicates that the rock undergoes decomposition : it is often covered with the fine powder derived from the felspar. This rock is destitute of mica, another mineral which is common in granites, and which assists, by its decomposition, in supplying the soil with the alkalies. As lime is the principal alkali in the hypersthene rock, we must of course expect to find it in the soil formed of this rock, and the analysis of many soils of this region confirms this expectation. The first variety of granite produces a soil which contains a larger proportion of the silicates of alumina and potash, while the soils formed from the latter variety yield a greater amount of the silicates of lime and alumina. The virgin soil of either kind pro- duces a very large growth of grass. The wild grasses only are found in the natural meadows, which yield about a ton and a half per acre. But when timothy is first sown, or when by accident its seeds are scattered by the road side, its growth and size are truly - remarkable : it not unfrequently attains a height of five feet, and its stems are as coarse as rye straw. This fact is worthy of notice; for this gigantic growth is undoubtedly due, first, to the abundance of alkaline earth in the soil, and, secondly, to the light vegetable mould in which it takes root, CoMPosITION OF THE SOILS OF THE HIGHLAND DISTRICT. It was not considered important to analyze a great number of the soils of this district, as we wished to learn merely their general character and composition. The samples were all selected from Essex county, inasmuch as here they are entirely of a granitic origin, without a perceptible intermixture of sedimentary rocks. A specimen of this soil, collected 238 ANALYSES OF SOILS. in Elizabethtown, is made up of coarse and fine grained particles of light-colored hyper- sthene rock. ‘The finer portion was separated from the coarse by a sieve, giving about twenty per cent of finely divided matter. The analysis gave Water 25 2 eee Sole oe cyte ee ae & Se 2-00 Qrpanic hatter = £82 St nose on - e 1-00 C1 Ey eee een oa, Se. Se Se SL 94:00 Peroxide of iron and alumina_._-------.--.--. 2°50 Marhonnte Of ne 24-8 on ee ee ee 0°50 IMQURESIN = oo as ee ne ee eee trace This soil had never been cultivated, and seemed almost valueless, but it contains about as much lime as many very good soils now under cultivation. It is a sample of the coarsest and poorest soil of the granitic district, but which might bear one, two or three crops of potatoes, or grass for a few years only, if removed from the field. Another specimen of soil was examined from Lewis county, which gave a better result : there was less sand and silex, a greater percentage of iron and alumina, and about the same proportion of carbonate of lime. All the trials made with the granitic soils of this district yielded carbonate of lime, but only a mere trace of magnesia. A specimen of uncultivated sandy soil from Westport, gave the following result : Water. Soo Se ees aoe en eee 4-00 Orpanic matter as eee ae eee ee 3°25 Peroxide of iron and alumina_...._-----.-..-- 5+00 Biles s oleae thas eee oe a 85°25 Lime . sees2S sos = *5S Milmigg 2 oe oo te Ua ee ae, ES 99-90* * The notes relating to this remarkably rich soil were lost, or the facts forgotten. It is, however, well known that the soil of Hoosic is excellent. This was probably a new and uncultivated soil. TACONIC DISTRICT. Soil of Hoosic-falls, from the farm of Judge Baty. ANALYSIS. Walein See eee ee re. nk ee) SEO Oreanicnnatipesas seo eae ceeaasee meses Woke SIGS ses eet i a tee et a al ea ay 30 ( ( EAMG, eee a oe eS i M00 Matnesin! atroocasesece creases cesses) 02 Phosphate of. lime 2 f22s. <2 Soon ce on te 0-41 Another specimen. olublenmattor 02 a oe he ne 0°75 PUNE MAE oa eee eee eee ne ee 0°43 Vegetable or organic matter _..__..--.-..-.--- 0°26 A reddish soil, of local formation and quite recent. Many additional trials were made for obtaining the soluble matter. It is evident that by this method we obtained what is available to plants at the present time. The solutions, after standing a proper time, are filtered until perfectly transparent. It is necessary, in some cases, to filter three or four times, before the solution can be rendered sufficiently pure for determination. It is first evaporated in a porcelain dish to about half an ounce: it is then transferred to a balanced platina crucible, in which it is completed, and then weighed. It is afterwards exposed to a red heat, when it loses its organic matter, and is then weighed again while hot: the loss indicates the vegetable matter consumed. Before the last operation, the behavior of the saline mass shows the presence of the crenates by the effect of acetate of copper. The presence of the organic salts is interesting and important. [AcricuLTuRAL Report. | 32 250 ANALYSES OF SOILS, Alumina, silex, magnesia, lime and ammonia, are the bases most generally present. None of these solutions have shown an alkaline reaction. The quantity of saline matter obtained by this process is less than that procured from the soils of Western New-York, and it ap- pears that the fertility of the soil bears a relation to the quantity of saline matter contained in it. The action of the atmosphere and water continually brings more of the organic matter into a soluble state. WATERS OF THE TACONIC DISTRICT. We have likewise analyzed some of the waters of the Taconic district, which are usually set down as hard waters, and the results are as follows: Well water in Kinderhook village. Soluble matter in one pint........-....---.--- 1-92 Organic or vegetable matter.......----.--.--- 0°92 Paling matter soo. saan eee es Sesh ete se 4-20 Sp eee ee ee es ee nr ee 84°40 Pére HG oirOnis ts Nt ee 8 et te 4-11 yuri eee oe 2 ee eee eee 2°63 (arbonate atenme oss enn oe eee a wy OTS Mironesint. 2s santa nae hina Saks ateeas wi oSe 0°65 98-99 Soil of Tribe’s-hill. Derived directly from the Utica slate, and filled with fragments of the same; éffervesces slightly with acids. ANALYSIS. Water/ofabsorpuon) 224 soos ese one eon as 4-00 Black organic matters =_ 2 9 22-282. 2 Shs TO*50 STU (Es «SS cee Pee ee ge ee epee Seem (|) Peroxide of iron and alumina.--.-.---.------- 6°40 Carbonate tof fine & «3. Sees eI 2-08 Sulphaterof hme ss= 24-955 ss ee rare? OG RON CSIR ase Se es aa ee eS ean aay OL4O 99-38 Soil taken from a hill about four hundred feet above the Mohawk in Amsterdam. ANALYSIS. ‘Water0fiabsorptibns.22 aes ese Ses AO Oroanie matter =] ace SA eee ee oe EA TIE ae Soe as SE ee 8S! SEE TORO Peroxide of iron and alumina ..__-...---.-.--- 8-40 Warbonate-ofe hime... eel ors oie BR es 1-09 1 EVER GS ger SS ee i RN A AS 0-40 98°84 Soil four miles west of Littlefalls. Cultivated meadow ; surface soil. ANALYSIS. Water ok absorption =. 2 ety eee 5 Se se ch 00 Osgamicymnttor. 325 sos 058 oo ss See. 2 a= 1200 SSS ae Sas See Ee ie wees Sere tees Se weeeny ANY ts. Peroxide of iron and alumina _.__-.__...---_-. 10°25 Phosphatawesimen ks eee ted 3 EOF Warbonatejote Wmeie 2 ot ee 1-50 INisriesi a SA ee ee mee Na ote st am ce OAC 100-00 [AcRicuLTURAL Report.] 33 258 ANALYSES OF SOILS. Analysis of four specimens of soil from near the village of Rome, furnished by B. P. Jounson. The accompanying letter explanatory of the soils, is copied into this report. The country in the vicinity of Rome is underlaid by the shales and sandstones of the Hudson-river series, or the upper members of the Champlain division of the New-York rocks. The cobble- stones spoken of are of the usual size of paving stones, and are derived principally from the Potsdam sandstone and the gneiss of the Primary district surrounding the head waters of the Black river. In the neighborhood of Rome there are extensive tracts of peat lands, frequently accompanied with marl, beneath which is the boulder system composed of the cobblestones spoken of above. The depth of the peat and marl varies much at different places ; sometimes there is merely a foot or two of peat resting on the drift bed, but at other points it is ten to fifteen feet deep. These lands, as they remain at present, are cold, and not productive of the valuable grains or grasses, but they contain an inexhaustible supply of organic matter for compost, which we hope will be employed in correcting the soils of this neighborhood at no distant day. LETTER FROM B. P. JOHNSON. Pror. E. EMMONS, Rome, July 3, 1845. Sir —T enclose you two specimens of soil, taken from my land in this town, near the village of Rome. The land is the first rise of land above the Mohawk: flats, and is mostly of the character of the samples sent you. This land is, to a considerable extent, covered with cobblestones, and they extend some distance below the surface. It is very productive usually, and is especially favorable for corn. Formerly wheat was extensively cultivated here, but, of late years, not to any very great extent, though excellent crops are still grown, when the seasons are favorable, and when the grain escapes the ravages of the fly or “wheat midge,” an insect somewhat resembling a gnat. This fly is what is fre- quently called in this country the “ weevil,” though entirely distinct from it. The Mohawk flats, which extend to a considerable distance from the river, are of the same character as the flats lower down, in Herkimer and Montgomery counties: they are very productive. .We have another character of soil in this town, on land still more elevated, composed generally of gravel and loam, which is good and productive land. I enclose you also two specimens of soil from the land of Henry Huntington, Esq., near this village. We feel a deep interest in the agricultural survey which you have been making, and we anticipate very beneficial results to the farming interests of the State. It is of vastly more importance than has generally been supposed, to the farmer, that the composition of his soil should be known, and the kind of manures best adapted to it pointed out: so also as to the crops best suited to it. I have long been satisfied that one reason why so many experiments have either wholly or in part failed, has been the want of attention to this subject. I shall be disappointed, if, from your varied experiments,” great good does not result: it can not, I think, be otherwise. Nothing so readily does away prejudice among farmers, as facts which are presented to them from actual experiments. There is much yet to be done in this State, before we shall be fully prepared to develope the abundant resources of our soil. It is, however, very gratifying to witness the advances which are making: they are such as to encourage every one interested in the subject, to persevere until the great work is fully accomplished. Wishing you every possible success in your labors, I am, very respectfully, B. P. JOHNSON. rs and grains of felspar. HUDSON AND MOHAWK DISTRICT. ANALYSES OF THE SOILS FURNISHED BY MR. JOHNSON. SOILS FROM THE FARM OF MR. HUNTINGTON. NO, I. ‘Woaterint absamtions = 33225 sao oon te 2D Organic Mate ss acter nate a eee. 8°00 DUK eee co ae ee eee eee Sapte ete 76-00 Carbonate Nine ote e ns eee ce Soe ees no 3°60 Mannesia ses Sens care cee ee ean O12 Peroxide of iron and alumina __-.-.-_.--.---- 8:3 100°02 No. It. Waten/of absorptions. 2/232. ees Orounic mation ces =p se hee Os oe on AOR SST SRE ie Se NC eS EY OTE Carbonate onsame:=s— tose = Ses eS 0 Mannesiat=- 2-222 - fo soo Sf stn eke 0-15 Peroxide of iron and alumina-.___.---...----. 5°50 100-15 SOILS FROM THE FARM OF MR. JOHNSON. NO. I. SURFACE SOIL. ‘Water of absorption’ --5-- soos - esc nnec ste 5°25 Orranigimaen aseweeouse seston ne Sone ae wee 9-00 Silex fete eoesscce ca caatc bees. eben cee ees 74+80 Peroxide of iron and alumina----------------- 5°64 @arbonate’ of. limps <2 a2 SE Sth leek 524 IN conesia Se Sees ee ee eS oe Se 0-00 99-89 NO. If. SUBSOIL. Water of absorphion=-—==2-—=-- = 2 noe 4°25 ONnaiic Waiter =e ee ie ot ae ence 6:00 Silex= 32 se 5 nt ete nos 3 eee 80°50 Canbonate of lime! 2S 52-252. 2 22-5 asec ee Sk 2 4+24 Peroxide of iron and alumina---_--__-.------- 4-94 1 UE Warr SE ie ee Pe ee eee trace. 99-89 33* 259 In all the four soils, the analyses of which are given above, the grains of quartz from the Calciferous sandstone and the Potsdam sandstone, are accompanied with scales of mica We did not search for potash, but it is probably present in a per- ceptible quantity. The magnesia is much less than in the soils of the Mohawk valley 260 ANALYSES OF SOILS, farther east, or in the western soils, while the lime is much greater. It was undoubtedly derived partly from the Primary district, and partly from the shales and limestones of Jef- ferson and St. Lawrence counties ; from the latter of which, also, the lime must have been derived. The primary of the district referred to embraces extensive formations of primary limestone, many boulders of which have been found south of Rome. The granite and gneiss belong to those varieties whose felspar contains potash. SoILs OF THE HUDSON RIVER VALLIES. As a general rule, we have found only slight differences in the soils of the Mohawk and Hudson river vallies. The alluvial flats are much the same, and so is the upland soil ; but in the last named valley the tertiary clay is more extensive, and it is not unfrequently accompanied with its peculiar sands. In fact, on both sides of the river, from Glen’s falls to Kingston on the western side, and Sandyhill to Fishkill on the eastern side, sand, with its clay beneath, is a strong feature in both of these long narrow belts. Surface soil taken from the first ridge west of Coxsackie. Just ploughed while in sward. ANALYSIS. Water DI absorptions 922 a2 se ee Oe 4+50 Vegptable matter. 220 o-2 ont eee tie ee 5*52 Siler eect aes cS eee eee no eee 82°88 Peroxide of iron and alumina-.--.---------_-- 6:04 Ostbondte.of lim6. o=.2 eae Sacco mentee ae 0-50 Mapnetia. (3 222 52 Sonata cee eee oeeee 0°25 99 +69 The Albany clay, or, as it is in other places called, Post-tertiary clay. This clay, so far as it is regarded as a soil, may properly be considered in this place. In connexion, we must also speak of the sands which accompany it. The whole may be regarded as one formation. Below it is a stiff blue clay: above, by weathering, this becomes a drab-colored clay, terminating finally in a gray or yellowish sand. The com- position of the clay is as follows: Water of absorption soo 2226-2020). e ot sesne 4°25 Organic matier 2-2 5 2S ee a ee eee i eg Siiphate'of lime’=. 5-52-28 === 5a 1-00 ESREIEALOR Oe eS Se aoe 69 +02 Peroxide of iron and alumina -.-.-.-.-.------. 17°24 Potegh 6c: ete cee So Se 0.14 Carbonate of: lim 12 35555 4s ee et 4-00 [PT a na ee eee 3-00 99 +82 HUDSON AND MOHAWK DISTRICT. 261 The composition is not constant: the lime varies from four to six per cent, and the mag- nesia from a trace to the amount given in the above analysis, which may be regarded as the maximum quantity. The analysis by hydrofluoric acid gives a result which does not differ materially from the above. The amount which is credited to the silicates may be regarded as nearly pure silex, as this amount is removed when it is submitted to the action of hydrofluoric acid, which acts upon the silex. This clay extengs into the Mohawk valley, and forms an admirable basis for alluvial flats which border the river. Its composition in Montgomery county gives a result some- what different from the analysis above. We obtained, for example, from a specimen at Fonda, Water of absorption and vegetable matter. __----- 9°75 Siete at Sees seasahs < Os at ES a 71°92 Peroxide of iron and alumina_-_--...--.---_-- 14-98 Garhonatecof limes S882 te an ae ee 1°75 MI AON EST e NSS oS ote as Ae 0-70 99°10 Potash was not sought for. It appears from numerous examinations which we have made, that clays contain more or less vegetable matter; they all blacken previous to ignition, and give off the odor of burning vegetables. A still greater difference of composition exists in the clay-stones of this formation ; thus, they contain ‘Water. oftabsorption! ces 2-2. Soest 6-28 QOxpanic; matterss2o2- 8c eo Ses cD 1-70 Seley ue Ns alg 2s Set 2S ge 30°88 Peroxide of iron and alumina_-__.-_--._------ 9-42 Carhonatexomlime tse. ek = oe = Se a 50:98 IMS OneStat mate an Se eee ee 0:22 99°48 The clay-stones or concretions may be regarded as recent productions, inasmuch as many appear to be unfinished. They increase in size by accession of matter upon the outside ; and as they contain a much larger amount of lime than the adjacent layers of clay, this addition seems to be taken from the particles of lime disseminated through the mass. Their mode of formation is instructive, as it illustrates the manner in which septaria have been formed in the slates and shales of the Erie division of the New-York rocks. Concretions are not constant in composition ; though from the analyses which we find in different authors, the lime is more constant than the other elements. To illustrate this fact, we quote here the analyses of concretions from several localities in Vermont, by Prof. Adams : 262 ANALYSES OF SOILS. COMPONENTS, DUMMERSTON. ADDISON. ALBURGH, Carbonate of lime....... 50°08 45°09 53°17 Carbonate of magnesia... 5°40 17°34 2°48 Adominass 0s) <5 vais oe 28.40 21°13 20°95 Peroxide of iron ........ 8°12 1°73 6°76 Protoxide of manganese. . 1°50 0°65 1°50 SCR nara anes i ore 8°08 16°15 12°40 Water, <. .e sedessmopes dl of cae cacce 3°48 The variation in composition would appear still farther by other analyses: thus, the silex in some of the Vermont concretions amounts to 29°08; the alumina varies from 7°30 to 28°40 per cent; the peroxide of iron, from 1:73 to 8°81 per cent. Sulphate of lime, which is a common substance in the Albany clay, is not found in the concretions. The largest and most spherical ones seem to-be formed where carbonate of lime is in the greatest abundance. In many instances, the same material which forms the claystone, forms, in the clay beds, distinct layers, in some of which silex instead of carbonate of lime is the predominant ingredient. The force which produces a concretion is closely allied to that of crystallization, for there is a tendency to build up regular sym- metrical solids. It is active in all semiconsolidated materials, as paste, mortars and clays ; and it always begins at a centre, and extends in the direction of the radii of a sphere. PARING AND BURNING OF CLAY SOILS. In this place the question comes up, what changes should clays be made to undergo, in order to become fitted for cultivation? Some maintain that the iron contained in clay is converted by combustion into a peroxide ; the former state of the iron being noxious, and the latter congenial to vegetation, or else becoming so by its relations to other elements existing in the soil. Others suppose that it is the sulphuret of iron, existing in clay soil, which is converted into the peroxide by burning ; and that the sulphuret of iron is injurious to vegetation. ‘This opinion can not be correct, unless indeed the sulphuret is of that kind which decomposes and forms sulphate of iron, which, in large doses, is unquestionably injurious to plants. We can hardly believe that sulphuret of iron is at all injurious, unless it is undergoing decomposition. Admitting the correctness in part of this view, still the mechanical effect of the burning is far more important than the chemical effect. Clay, as deposited, is close, impervious, or difficult to be penetrated by the roots of plants. Two effects follow from burning: Ist. The soil is rendered open, pervious, and penetrable ; 2. Some of the matters in the clay become more soluble. This is maintained by Liebig, who supports his view of the subject by reference to the greater solubility of argillaceous earths in acids after they are ignited, than before. Itis true, we believe, however, that the peroxide of iron does exert a salutary influence on vegetation ; and this opinion is supported by the character of the productions of a brick red soil. This is certainly found to be a warm soil, there being a perceptible difference in favor of the growth of grass and grain on lands of this color; and it would seem that sheep and cattle are fond of grazing upon these soils, and give them a preference. It appears, then, Ist, that the burning of clays of any kind — } HUDSON AND MOHAWK DISTRICT. 263 changes their composition, converting the astringent salts of iron into the peroxide ; 2. By ignition, the close texture of the clay becomes open and pervious; 3. Some of the mate- rials contained in clay, or composing it, become more soluble ; 4. The color of the clay, which by this process becomes red, absorbs more heat, by which the soil, in common language, is changed from a cold to a warm soil; 5. We may reasonably conclude, that clays, which have been thus treated, become better absorbers of the nutritive gases, as ammonia and carbonic acid. The operation of paring and burning argillaceous soils can not be followed with injurious effects. Land which is injured by being burned, suffers from the loss of vegetable matter ; but they are generally such lands as are cold, or too wet and compact, and require to be drained in order to be cultivated with profit. But to return to the subject of burning clay : Experience has amply proved the benefits of the practice ; and it is probable that it is cheaper to treat clay soils in this way, than to attempt to make them porous by the use of sand, which indeed can not impart so many beneficial results as does the method of paring and burning. WATERS FROM THE CLAY BEDS. In this connexion we deem it proper to speak of the composition of the waters which issue from the Tertiary clay, inasmuch as they differ materially from those which are obtained from the general soil of this district. The waters which have been submitted to an examination, were obtained mostly from wells sunk in the clay. The waters of the springs we have noticed possess the same properties as those of the wells, but are some- times more highly charged with sulphate of magnesia: they all contain large quantities of salts, namely, the sulphates of lime and magnesia, and the chlorides of lime, soda, etc., and sometimes in so great a ratio as to be injurious to the animals which drink of them ; but they are not charged with saline matter in the same proportion at all places. Some- times saline effloresences cover the exposed banks of the clay in dry weather; at others, large crystals of gypsum are formed in the clay; and usually, where these saline in- crustations occur, the water is bitter, and animals, especially sheep, if they drink it, are injured, as it brings on the scouring disease. The numerous wells in the city of Albany furnish us an opportunity for ascertaining, with sufficient exactness, the amount of saline and other matters contained in the waters issuing from the clay deposit. The first well to which we propose to call the reader’s at- tention, is that in the Capitol Park. It is proper to remark here, that the analyses were all made when the wells were well supplied with water, and that probably the relative amount of solid matter is often greater than what appears in the following results. The water of this well gave the following substances on trial : Chlorine, sulphuric acid, lime, magnesia, soda, silex and alumina. One quart of water contains 264 ANALYSES OF SOILS. Silexy. 20. Se Re ee 0-12 Vegetable matter (partly crenic and apocrenic acids) 4°57 Garbonate off lime oi< 5 oni ws ee eed 3°62 LT. 21: ae Se ee ae eee aes 0°87 Peroxide of iron and alumina...-.--.-.------. 0°74 CEDIORMO Ol (ROUNIMN 9o e on os ee Bulphate GF UUme sae a on nn a ey Water of the well at the Old State House in State-street. Solid matter in one quart, 9 grs. Silex aes 20. i Shee oe ee eS S50 il omning 34 32 ete eR Bee: Organicumatter,22-25 542 Se seh San ee B00 Carbonate of lime =<. s0se ean ei enen Scenery Rast Chlorides and sulphates .._...-.--.---.-----. 3:98 Well at the Exchange. One gallon contains 65°17 grs. of solid matter. BUG. 2 sate eee koe catacomb MO ee ASOUNIDE 2 on a ea aoe eee eee e SOLOD “BLT Wee yet ep A ee pe Ee he ae ae toe SE ceri Ge GOroaniemmatter 22 22s. 5 seers Se eee ee Sulphate of limeviex Woeke esas Se SEIN SS Chloride of sodium and magnesium. ---.----.-- 49 +29 In the course of evaporating the waters, it was not unusual for them to give off odors which showed rather too plainly that they contained a disagreeable quanity of animal matters in solution. In one instance the room and adjacent hall were filled with the odor common to stables, and yet this water is in constant use both for cooking and drinking. Another well is quite remarkable for the amount of solid matter contained in its waters. We obtained from one gallon 245-76 grains of solid matter, after a large amount of ferru- ginous matter had separated in the form of a precipitate. It consisted of protoxide of iron and carbonate of lime: a trace of magnesia and the sulphates, only, was detected in the water. It is evident from the numerous analyses which have been made of the waters of the Tertiary or Albany clay, that these waters are not only hard, but frequently are so highly charged with mineral substances as to be unfit for domestic purposes. Another object for which they are not at all adapted, is for the generation of steam for moving machinery : it has been found in practice that they can not be employed for this purpose, as the boiler is rapidly destroyed under their use. The springs which issue from the upper part of this formation, are much better adapted to the purposes of life. The water of the Patroon’s creek contains only 3°12 grains of saline matter per gallon; in addition to this, 1°60 of organic matter was found, making the solid HUDSON AND MUHAWK DISTRICT. 265 contents in a gallon only 472 grains. A little distance below, the water used for a large manufacturing establishment gave 4°48 grains of solid matter, and of vegetable matter the same as before. The soluble matters consist of chloride of lime, magnesia, sulphate and carbonate of lime: probably the latter exists in a state of a crenate. The water of the Hudson river contains 4°48 grains of soluble matter per gallon; the amount of vegetable or organic matter is 1°84, in which it was evident some animal matter existed, as, on ignition, it gave a perceptible odor of burning hair: the whole amount is then 6°32 grains per gallon. Another specimen gave 7°24 solid matter, of which 3°34 grains consisted of organic matter. The waters of the Mohawk river gave 5:36 grains to the gallon, of which 2°52 was organic matter. The following is a summary of the results of several analyses of waters of the clay, to- gether with penstock water of the city. The penstock water of the city contains, of Soluble matter, per gallon ---..---------- 4°64 Organic matter 5.....2-2-5225522555+002 8-00 — 12°64 A well in Lydius-street, Holovleninter” son. ase. co ececeoe se Lae Orpanic mater aecee see ee econ otee eases Ot cam L924 The well at the Old State House, Solubleaiatter == ee eae =e 24700 @roaniemetter en ee ee eee a 12-00 = 36:00 The well at the Exchange, Soluble matter2=22-cscsnc csc seas — se 40°20 Omcanicwmatter <5 = . 2 a) * 2 vocaurriss. | © 5 a) es 4 z ~ 5 e a\|#4 gs 2/3 s z Y = pt o > Ep =] ° 2 Q = Sl|oz sle 5 3 &S & cy fis S a1 3s 6 2] sels sls al eis) ps me ; 3 oO eee : $/a/2131¢ = % ° = . ro) : & = o 2 a =| 3 a 5. z = = =| = S 3 3 5 = = < a 4 5 < D fo) Zz A Albany ...... | NW | NW |S s s Ss NW |S SS Ss Ss Ss Gouverneur .. | N N N N&Ssis sw /s Ss WwW Ww Ss N Lowville..... | S Sy Ss SE SW |sXnw!/ S N Ss Ww Ss N Potsdam ..... NE SW | SW SW SW | SW | SW | SW | SW | SW | SW | SW TABLE III. Annual Results. (No. of days.) LOCALITIES N. | NE E. SE. S. SW. | We Nye Albany ...... | 61 174 | 144 7 | 134 ss | 12 | 1103 Gouverneur .. | 103 164 4 6 89 664 | 53 27 Lowville..... | 673 2h 4 424 | 10 17 40 854 Potsdam ..... | 16 | 54 33| 1s | 363|149 | 38 | 50 TABLE IV. Showing the quantity of rain for ten years, from 1826 to 1835 both inclusive, so far as reported, with a general mean for those years. Total fall of rain and snow in each year. vocauimes. | 1826.| 1827.| 1828.| 1829.| 1830.| 1831.| 1832. | 1833.] 1834. | 1835. | Sener! Albany Va ees 33°12 | 49°SO | 37°66 | 38°07 | 41°S5 | 39°52 | 44°45 | 41°74 | 32°35 | 40°44 | 39°91 Gouventiegr ssh) Saws | Sie ieclals noah peau eeu eseee | 33°80 | 26°66 | 46°16 | 35°54 Lowville O10 OOrtoOwanoM Oo ORAAHAKQHAANAOAHHAAR AAC 2h GR Lease SSeS Sea sSkh Se D o * RSSRAGASSESE OS M0 GUS ts ~or WOH rt UG ODE *AreNAGAYT PLACES. 44°60 | 41°17 Albany ...... Lowville .. Gouverneur Potsdam .. *Arenuesp Greatest quantity of rain in any one month, for 20 years, May, 1833; smallest ditto, December, 1828. YEAR 26 327 1828 1829 1830 Gouverneur .. Lowville. Potsdam ..... Albany ...... TABLE VI. Amount of rain and melted snow, observed at the Albany Academy, compiled from its Meteorological 270 ANALYSES OF SOILS. 4. WESTERN, OR WHEAT DISTRICT. It is not without reason that the central and western counties of New-York are called wheat-bearing counties, by way of preéminence for their adaptation to this crop. Probably there is not another so good a district for wheat in this country ; and this is true, whether we take into account the amount which may be raised per acre, or the quality of the grain itself. It is true too that the average product is far less than many premium crops which are raised elsewhere ; still, we believe that no country can produce larger, if the growers of wheat in this district were disposed to work for a heavy crop. The truth is, what is pro- duced may be regarded rather as the spontaneous growth of the fields, than one which is produced by high cultivation. There is another point of excellence possessed by the lands of this district, which has been too little respected : it is the durability of the lands, or the ability with which they stand cropping. This does not arise from a deep vegetable mould, an accumulation of organic matter in the soil, the product of time and of the waste of materials once organized, and now going back to the inorganic state ; but it is due rather to the energies of the soil itself, and derived from its inorganic constituents. But even here there is no want of these semi-organized matters, so important to a grain-producing country. We have spoken of the high character of the western and middle counties of New-York, for growing wheat. We are not able, however, to strike out the boundaries of the wheat region in undeviating lines. We consider that it properly begins near the head waters of the Mohawk, from which a line drawn to Lake Ontario near Oswego, and then along the lake to Niagara river, will mark its northern boundary. The southern boundary we have drawn east and west through the middle of Cayuga and Seneca lakes. So far as the val- lies are taken into account, the wheat-growing country extends much farther ; but if the high lands of the Hamilton group of rocks are regarded, it may not extend so far. We find in this, as in many other cases, that it is difficult to define lines of demarkation ; that there is no such thing in nature as a straight barrier or limit where this grain ceases to be a valuable crop, or could not be rendered so under a proper system of cultivation ; that is, wheat will grow and reproduce itself, at least in a moderate crop, over the whole of the southern tier of counties. Yet when we examine Onondaga, Orleans and Livingston counties, we can not overlook the fact that there is something here which favors the growth of this grain, which does not exist on the Allegany and Chemung hills. An interesting inquiry may be started here, namely, to what cause or causes is it to be attributed, that this district is so well adapted to wheat, or what makes it superior to those lying adjacent to it? Some differences of opinion prevail on this question. There are some who say that the belt of limestones, which passes through this district, gives it the wheat-growing property; and it has been attempted to prove, by the statistics of this crop, that the limestone counties exceed in productiveness those which are not based upon this WESTERN DISTRICT. 271 rock. There is, it is true, some show of truth in this view of the question ; nevertheless, the view is fallacious, and has but a small foundation to support it. Calcareous matter is an important element in a wheat soil ; but this is not all, and even if it were so, the Onon- daga limestone would fail to furnish the amount required to fertilize this large district. Now in looking about us for the solution of this question, we find that the true elements of the wheat soil exist mainly in the shales associated with the limestones, particularly those of the Onondaga-salt group. In addition to these, the rocks of this group, the gray and red marl of the Medina sandstone, and the shales and slates of the Ontario division, exert an important influence on the soil, which bears favorably upon the growth of wheat. In support of this view, we may observe that the Onondaga and Niagara limsetones are but slowly converted into soil; they are too hard and compact to be reduced to the condi- tion required : hence, we regard them as performing an inferior part or office in this matter. The cause is truly geological ; but the part these comparatively pure limestones perform, is quite subordinate to that of the shales and marls. This is necessarily true, from the feeble action of the weather and other decomposing agents on these rocks, as well as the nature of the product which is produced by these causes. The debris of the pure lime- stones does not favor the growth of the crop with the same power and permanence as the debris of the shales, neither mechanically nor by composition. The rocks which have been just referred to as those which give to this district its dis- tinctive crops, extend from the base of the Ontario division, the Medina sandstone, to the Onondaga limestone, the upper rock of the Helderberg division. By reference to what has been already said of the lower members of this Jast division, it will be seen that they are largely developed in the district under consideration, but it is known that they do not extend to the limits of this district on the south. There is no difficulty on this point, so long as it is plain that the debris of the fragile and easily decomposing masses are found far south. To the transportation of this debris of the shale, must be attributed the extension of the wheat district beyond the limits of the rocks which give origin to it. They have been used abundantly for this purpose, and their nature aids materially this process; while the hardness of the limestone, and its small depth compared with the shales, disqualify it to perform the office assigned it. An inspection of the materials proves the position we have taken. A perceptible quantity of the peculiar debris of the shales can always be discovered in the wheat soil, and may be known by the peculiar color which it imparts to the soil. An inspection of the nature and composition of the soil explains to us the reason why this district is more productive in wheat than those adjacent to it. Where the soil is thin, but reposes upon the shales of the Salt group, additional matter is added to the former soil, by the rapid decomposition of the rocks at or near the surface; and where we detect, by ocular inspection, the small angular masses of the shaly limestones of the gypseous rocks, or find a soil of the peculiar drab color of those of Onondaga and Livingston counties, we may be satisfied that it will produce wheat, and that this is its natural crop. 272 ANALYSES OF SOILS. The wheat district, as we have bounded it, extends from the south shore of Lake On- tario, to a line drawn through the middle of Cayuga and Seneca lakes. It is not claimed that the whole of this district is better adapted for wheat than for any other kind of grain ; for on the south shore of Cayuga lake, much sandy soil is found, which is not well suited to wheat, but is better for rye. This soil seems to be derived from the sandy parts of the Medina sandstone, the strata of which are often well developed, and differ greatly from the marly part of the rock noticed in the foregoing pages. The composition of the soil of this district is illustrated by the composition of the rocks from which it is derived. We shall therefore give several analyses of the most important, those especially of the softer kinds, which furnish the greatest amount of material. The first which we shall notice, and which seems to be the most liable to disintegration, is the red shale, the lowest member of the Onondaga-salt group. Two varieties have been noticed ; the sandy and the marly, or the soft red shale quite destitute of grittiness, and which is often spotted green. SANDY. MARBLY. Silex. Meee eo ee ee 68°25 68-86 Peroxide of iron and alumina---_-----~ 6°25 14-98 Magmpeia Co ~ Sei SF 100 Bilin 5°75 040 Carbonate of lime ......-.-.------- 10*25 9°89 Phosphate of alumina, and phosphate of peromwa it srops Sooo ase 0-00 0-14 Winter. 3 a ee 1-00 ° 99-50 99.25 The sandy variety was taken from the horizontal rock at Canastota, which is now pene- trated for a brine spring, and furnishes a tolerable amount of water. The most important fact brought out in the analysis of the rock, is its calcareous matter. Magnesia also is a constant element, but probably varies in amount at different places. The marly variety forms by far the greatest proportion of the rock, and hence may be considered as the part which gives character to the soil. Observation confirms the view which we should form of the character of the soil derived from this rock. It is well adapted to the wheat crop, and is slowly exhausted by cultivation. It is sometimes employed to renovate soils which are partially worn out. The rock which succeeds the red shale, is a soft greenish marl, whose composition continually varies by the presence of bands of gypsum. The red color disappears, while the soft shaly nature of the rock continues: it therefore forms a soil quite similar to the preceding. This mass may be known, however, not only by its green color, but by the presence of cavities in the form of the hollow cubical crystals of salt, or chloride of sodium. The composition of this rock is as follows: WESTERN DISTRICT. 273 Water of ,absorption= 522.2 ossceh eds ccs suseus 0°56 Organic matter e< 9 oe ie eee Se Se 5:00 SUG gee eee eee eee 34°56 Warhonute of lin, Sse ae ae a 43 +06 Alumina and protoxide of iron-...------------ 13°36 Sulphate‘of meee a2 se Ses oe nk 1-06 = Magriesit sens 2 eres Arena 2 Sets Pee Se ks Pf WE 99°71 The red and green marly rock, when submitted to the action of cold water, furnishes a quantity of soluble matter. Thus from 100 grains, we obtained of RED MARL. GREEN MARL. Soluble matter‘. 4 2222222 l2saciles 1°25 3°50 Organic matter or acids...-.-.-...--. 0°57 0-87 Saline:or bases: S-5~. 22S) Se seece 22°20 Garbonate of Mugnesia =o ae se 19-30 100-01 As the debris about these beds is often rich in magnesia and carbonate of lime in a state of minute division, there is no doubt but the material will be as useful, applied to land, as the plaster itself; besides, it is not necessary that it should be transported to a plaster mill, as it undergoes disintegration, and becomes in a few years sufficiently fine for use. WESTERN DISTRICT. 281 A soil taken from the forest near the Green lakes in Manlius, gave, on analysis, DE a ei te Pe Se ee 4-00 OME NEE G oo oo co son acer coseeeece. seer 6°25 Silexroriailienteqweees eee oe asta o ecroc le Sao ee 77-00 Peroxide of iron and alumina......--.-------- 9°74 Warbonrteon ime? oee ces tease son SSS} 3:00 Mat esiaisee nee sen eee eats Sonne ae 0+50 100-49 In this analysis, I obtained a greater percentage of carbonate of lime than usual ; and it appears highly probable, from this analysis, and from the circumstances of the case, that a part of the sulphate of lime of the green shales may be converted into a carbonate in the soil, and perhaps a part is carried away in solution. This latter supposition appears quite probable in this case, as the water of the Green lakes, which receive the wash of the sur- rounding hills, contains much gypsum in solution. A soil taken from the flats near Manlius centre, and which has been long under culti- vation, gave Water ofabsorption:..- 2232504 5-52/4-055 4-00 Oreanic matters se24Q. 5 onan athe oe dsm 8°50 SilexJ2 an Sas ae ee Soest ss asccesace 79 +54 Peroxide of iron and alumina--=—...--._--2_-- 6°49 Carbonate’ of lime S525: 3=322-3355 5552-2 0=5 1-41 Carbonate of magnesia = -.-.-----+--------=-- trace 99°94 This soil has been long famous for its wheat crops ; and although it does not afford a very large return, yet it has been cultivated for this grain for twenty-five or thirty years past. The most important fact brought out in many of the analyses of the soils of this district, does not indicate deterioration, much less an approach to barrenness. Even intances occur, where the cultivated soil seems to be richer than the new and uncultivated ; and such a view is not very improbable, inasmuch as the soil in many instances is renewed, or rather has new matter from the rock added to it. This takes place only when the soil is ploughed ; for the rock beneath is defended by a coat of earth, and its disintegration is promoted only when its surface is partially exposed by the common operations required in tilling the soil. Cayuga county contains large tracts of soil adapted to wheat. Those which are most esteemed, and upon which this crop rarely fails, are clay bottoms, upon which the surface never heaves, or the grain very rarely winter-kills. This property of clay, that of holding the roots when the surface is frozen, is highly important. The following is an analysis of the clay which appears at many points along the shore of Cayuga lake, and which may be regarded as the subsoil of the county. | AcricuLtuRAL Report. | 36 282 ANALYSES OF SOILS. Organic matter and water --=-.---..---------- 14°36 Silitates,.2ve® Shae 5 es eRe ee ee 48-12 Peroxide of iron and alumina---...-.-.------- 24:00 Garbonnts of ‘Mme= <= <2 eee ee en ALEVE TEST ip tg aces ee Se ete Ge eee 1-00 99 +48 Three or four hundred feet above Cayuga lake the soil is looser, and though rich and pro- ductive in all crops, and in wheat if the season is not adverse, is considered, however, less favorable for the crop, as it is more liable to be heaved out by frost than the clay soil. The following is an analysis of the soil which forms the ridge at Great Fields, near the residence of David Thomas: Water of-absorption - 2-2-2. wean e fece ee EAD Organic matter 222.22 4s see es Se lO E24 Balicates totu ow Sos ee Fa re oe ee ee a Peroxide of iron and alumina_.._.....-.-.-.-.. 12°06 Garbonatesoh Lime — 92s et ee 0-40 Ma pniesia soe noe eee ee he eee ee 100°34 A soil, forming the sides of the ravines, and in which the Kalmia latifolia thrives, gave the following results on analysis : Water of absorption. = <=.55<--2-2 52222-5255 2°92 Organic imatten 3. ee Son a RD) HIGHER” Ss coe a oe ee ene ee oe ee: Peroxide of iron and alumina -....._..-._-.--- 1°22 Warponsle of Lime =. 2h se ae ee eee ee UU Maonesia’) 2S Senn oot ae ese aon nea eee 0-10 98-28 It has been inferred from the fact that the Kalmia dies in the common soils of this region, that this effect is due to the presence of lime. This opinion, however, is disproved by the above analysis, which shows the existence of lime; and this element is obtained in a pro- portion still greater when the soil is thoroughly decomposed, and analyzed by means of fusion by carbonate of soda and potash. Thus, 100 grains gave Oxpanicimatior 2385 = Ee e O Se he ne ee 83°65 Peroxide of iron and alumina ._--.-.--------. 8°70 Carbonate oftmett <2 22S eet) 2 ee eG Magnesia... -. -s222 ses 2A eo e. awa, Ore 99 +37 WESTERN DISTRICT. 283 I have analyzed two specimens of soil from the farm of Mr. Young, which lies upon the east slope of the lake, and is elevated about one hundred feet above it. ANALYSIS OF THE SURFACE SOIL. Water dig bsorpuontsose eee ee oad 3°17 Oroanicg Mmatterosaantas oo] nase aet ee cena e eo nn 5:08 MIlICAtes = See eee. See Se ea So cae 82-09 Peroxide of iron and alumina ..-.------------ 8-00 Garhonntosofe limes “eset Sac cae ee ee emesceten T1950 Mapnesiazo en ssecac tate tec econ aactinacs sea 0°15 99 +99 SUBSOIL. Water ofjabsonpuony oo ons en 3°00 @roaniownattenise sca oe a4 Sea eoe eee Se coe 2°87 Sulicntes see me see Coe ene Me oa ana 82°00 Peroxide of iron and alumina -...-..--------- 8+20 Carbonate’ off inte! 22 20 5b Se ee eee ee 300 Macniesia-.2— So cscncn neato cnn eco acaacae, 0°50 99.37 The subsoil has more clay apparently, though the analysis does not indicate a difference of much importance. Analyses of two specimens from the same farm. SURFACE SOIL. Wiaterofsahsorption=<2== 255 tee Ie 3°16 (ronnie Matteh= aa sans aceite sao ae eee 7°44 Silicdteset ae apm ae ee Se ts ee 74.00 Peroxide of iron and alumina..__...__..-.--__- 8-30 @arbonate. ofp limes: sees ie ee oe eee 6+48 @arbonate!of magnesia) 2-252 -222=-2- ooen ns 0+50 Sulphate of limes 22s ene saeeec cee eae OTe 100-00 SUBSOIL. Water ol absomption {45-423 5s522-5-5se-8' 4s 4°15 Orpantic MAageln sess ae cioce ce ote ee Sat 3°75 DUICAES eee te aisee ons ate Sad cole 80-00 Peroxide of iron and alumina --..2.-.-------- 10-00 @arbonateominnossn he sete Leta y ee eee ee 1-50 Carbonate of mapnésias..5.25-2-0------25-2 0°35 99°75 284 ANALYSES OF SOILS. The Marcellus shales, and shales of the Hamilton group, which lie beneath the soil of this farm, are composed of the following elements : ‘Water of sabserptiqn.* seas eee eee Sulicatesee. saee~ 5 =e eee Alumina and peroxide of iron ._--------- Gaxhonate'-ot limes. 2-.—. ch haceekee Mon @Sia' Sao osc ss bane sos ee eS 99-90 The shales of this range, which furnish undoubtedly a large proportion of the soil of the eastern slope of the lake, are more calcareous than those of the Helderberg range; and hence it is probable that the large percentage of lime which the soils of Aurora yield, is due to the composition of this range of rocks. It is apparent, too, from these and other analyses, that a calcareous shale yields a soil richer in carbonate of lime than does a pure limestone. The soil resting upon the Niagara or Onondaga limestone is usually quite deficient in this element. This results from the nature of the purer limestones, namely, the slowness of their disintegration. A soil which rests on the same shales, three miles east of Manlius, has the following composition : Water ofabsorptions 2-2. J.-S... 3552 Vegetablematter .._ <.2...e. Sos esos = Silicates® 2S s.s-so=coccceeet ee acc uese A specimen consisting of 200 grains of soil, taken from Mr, Ellis’s cornfield, based upon the same rock, on being subjected to the action of water, gave polublematter =. 2 2.5 eee ee ee aes Mineral ‘saliseto. oceans eee eee (Orpanic ‘saltess oc so-< soe ek eee ee cee The mineral salts consisted of Silicaeet Sl. pi ces. sc eaoosee tees Chlorides of lime and magnesia ---.----- Suiphatevof lime 25-25 <<— ee ean Al pO as see oe toe eee = a ee @agbonafe of ime... .-.... <-.o05- same WESTERN DISTRICT. 285 Most soils, if not all, yield soluble silica when thus acted upon by water. Sometimes it is inappreciable ; at others, susceptible of an accurate determination. This substance, without doubt, is one of the essential elements of good grass or pasture land. All the cereals require silica, as much as they do carbon: hence, where there is a deficiency of soluble silica, we can not hope to obtain good crops of hay or grain. I omit here all details, except the common statement in regard to silex, reserving a more special notice of this substance for a future section. The Marcellus shales, when subjected to the solvent power of water, furnish considerable soluble matter. Thus, 200 grains, treated as above, gave Solublemmaten ee see one ee eee 1-98 grs. Organic mattersoaes. ote os eae ete ac sees 0863 Naline mation ssa se ee ee ee ee See 1°35 OTD) Ge ee ae ae ee eee oe 0°03 Alumina or phosphate of alumina tinged with iron, 0*25 Chlorides of lime and magnesia_-.---..-------- 0-23 pilphatcrotp mej oe se soe ean ee ees ee 0:12 Carbonate of lime = 32.225 8 0°73 1°35 A specimen of soil from the cornfield referred to above, treated in the usual method of analysis, gave "Wy ater Gf UbSsOMptON = o— ne oe eae Se women 4+15 roan matenses meets eee ee seen 5°06 RUGS eee eee ee se ee ae ee eB O ONS Casbonateiofame: acs 52% Ss Seales: 3-00 Mijonenig 2 se Se be oe. Soe 5 0°50 Peroxide of iron and alumina.__...-.--------- 7°00 99 +86 A specimen of soil which has never been cultivated, taken from the same geological position as the above, gave Water of absorption. .-.+=2..22..-.2--2-...-.- §°20 Ormanic matters 5 aso se o8 2b aS Sass ot 6°50 Bilicaten ys soe oh oe ae Yee 89-05 Peroxide of iron and alumina ---------------- 7°64 Garhonatevote lime. 222 oes 2 8 2:05 Ma oniesiny 22 e oe se os Lee ta Ss Sos O25 286 ANALYSES OF SOILS. This soil, treated with water in the usual proportion, gave Soluble-mattpr’= 2 252 e sn ee e 1-60 Orpantec mation 22) to eee SUSE e i ee Saline matters. 2.3. See oct cece This consisted of Grenate or tine ee eee 0-60 Silex? 22 2a Ss Ae Ok eet ee Oe DEC Sulphate of linie =. <2cs2Ses 2 oete See 0-40 Aloming 8225 -o ean Ses Sa ee OS Chlorides of {calcium and magnesium --.----.--- 0-10 1°14 Another specimen of soil, taken from the range of hills between Manlius and Chitte- nango, but uncultivated, gave 'W ater’of ‘absorption 22 —— = = 7 ee ee, 00 Organic matier,<2-sso so oe ee eee Sihicntes ©2892 3 ew eal ta eo Peroxide of iron and alumina -_-....--...-.-.. 13°00 Searponnteor lime 222 3p ees Se to OD IAD TRCHIA er cee ae on no ee en ES 100*15 This field slopes rapidly, and is more washed than the preceding ; and hence the soluble matters, as lime and magnesia, seem to exist in proportion less than in the preceding examples. . The analysis of these several specimens of soil was undertaken for the purpose of ascer- taining whether they were composed of mineral matter in about the same or equal pro- portions, and the result shows that there is certainly a great uniformity in the composition of the soils reposing upon the Marcellus slates. It is not, however, intended to represent this slate as a compound whose elements are combined in definite proportions, or that the soil will be found identical in the same range ; yet it seems that both soil and slate possess a composition quite similar, though taken from points twenty or twenty-five miles distant from each other. We deem this result to be one of the peculiarities of the New-York soils, and that it arises from the regularity of her geological formations. It is for this reason, too, that I have multiplied analySes. The mineral composition of the most important formations, when once ascertained, is susceptible of application to a wide extent of country. In support of this assertion, the reader may revert to the analyses of the soils resting on the Marcellus slate. The similarity of composition is seen in the quantity of silicates, and of lime, which each respectively furnishes, while the organic matter must necessarily vary with the circumstances of the example taken. The same fact is established in respect to WESTERN DISTRICT. 287 the composition of the green shales of the Salt group, and the soil derived from them. It is also an interesting fact that this soil contains uniformly less calcareous matter than that of the Marcellus slate, although the former has twice or thrice as much carbonate of lime in its composition as the latter. This was a perplexing point at first; but if it is true, as it seems to be, that more of the organic salts are formed in the green shales in the course of decomposition, than in the Marcellus slate, the case may be regarded as explained. These salts, together with the salts of sulphuric acid, are soluble, and wash out or filter through the soil: hence the bitter waters of so many lakes, and the great abundance of tufa which accumulates on the slopes and declivities wherever the percolating waters are brought to the surface. The soil of the valley of the Genesee possesses essentially the same characters as that of Onondaga county. This statement is borne out by the following analyses. Thus Mr. Harmon’s wheat soil, in Wheatland, gave of soluble matter 1°41, containing organic matter 0-25, and saline matter 1-16, from which I obtained, after ignition, 0°52 of a grain of carbonate of lime, besides chlorine and sulphuric acid. The subsoil (200 grs.), treated with water, gave 3°25 grains of soluble matter, of which 1°63 was organic and 1°62 mineral salts. This combination yielded @arhonate’of lime 5222-22 325222 st Sa 0°75 Sulphaterofimie a2 252 2 a 0-22 Mirnesia-and aluming —2.-- =~ 2-2-2 222-2. 0°46 Chlorides of calcium and magnesium..--------- 0-20 1.63 The subsoil in this case is more tenacious than the surface soil, and illustrates the fact which is often referred to by agricultural writers, that clay bottoms and an impervious hardpan hold or retain the soluble parts of the surface soil, especially when under cultiva- tion. In this instance the subsoil is strictly a stiff clay, and so compact and impervious that it necessarily retains water and the soluble matters which are carried down by filtration. It frequently happens, however, that an analysis of a subsoil gives essentially the same result as the surface soil. This is the case where a soil is deep, and where consequently the lower materials differ but little mechanically from those of the surface ; and as many of the western soils consist of deep beds of drift or the debris of shales, it is highly impro- bable that the soil and subsoil should give results differing essentially from each other : thus it is no uncommon circumstance for the earth from deep excavations to bear a heavy burden of corn or wheat the first season succeeding its exposure. The same fact is well known, too, in respect to the new and fresh soil from the shales of the Salt group. This is owing in part to the organic matter contained in the rock, and also to the fineness of its particles. These properties fit the abraded materials for the food of plants, so far as soils supply the wants of vegetation. The debris of granite, and other primary rocks, seems to require a long exposure to the air, and to the influences of light, water, carbonic 288 ANALYSES OF SOILS. acid, and the growth of the lower orders of vegetables, before the domesticated plants can be cultivated with profit upon the soil formed of it. The rocks passing through the wheat district are arranged in terraces more or less distinct. These are formed by the hard limestones and shales: the former are abrupt; the latter present a gradual ascent or descent. As terraces, therefore, the former are more distinct than the latter, and present an approach to an elevated plain, while the shale terraces appear in the form of rounded hills descending on all sides, so that their surfaces admit the rapid disappearance of the water that falls upon them, by which they are liable to gully as well as wash ; yet as slate is retentive of water, and its natural seams or joints are close and almost impervious, its slopes and summits feel a drought less than the soils resting upon limestone. The latter are traversed by cracks or open joints, which suffer the water to pass in streams, and thereby drain the surface to an injurious extent. In some instances limestone hills are insulated, or cut entirely off from the succeeding shales, and, if naked, or laid bare by denudation, would present on all sides a mural escarpment. It is easy to - understand that in such cases the water escapes, flows out from the escarpments, and drains injuriously the whole tract insulated in the mode indicated above. An analysis of the soil reposing upon limestone gives less lime than that reposing upon slate. I subjoin a few examples of analysis, which go to prove the truth of the position. Analyses of the soils resting upon the Pentamerus limestone, at Manlius square. SUBSOIL EIGHT INCHES BELOW THE SURFACE. Wateriof aheorption - =~. 2 ==-----2 2-32-52 ~=- 1-48 Orpanic matter. Ss 25 re ee OD Siltcates: 8 = 22> _ oh See ae eee 85-90 Peroxide of iron and alumina -..--------~-.--- 8°57 Girbenate of lime. 20225. 0 - 2ee ets oe 0-21 Mapnena so] = 32ers 0°05 99-01 This soil forms the first limestone terrace above the village, towards Chittenango. SURFACE SOIL. Water of absorpuon’- = S222 — See oe See eee 2°81 Organic msiter 2-222 58 Foe SW SS ee Se eb Silicatae 24 2a senSs Soesek. 2 eka eees ess 84°64 Peroxide of iron and alumina--.--------------- 7°28 Carbonate of lime =< 22222222. -<=. ee 0-12 Peroxide of iron and alumina-.-...-.----.---- 6:40 WESTERN DISTRICT. 291 A lighter and more siliceous soil is sometimes met with in the Wheat district : thus, in Lockport, Niagara county, I found a specimen composed as follows : Welter cree Sere eatin, ek. SVS A ee Y SSG Organic: matters= <2 2a ees SSeS te Se ec! 5200 SPE aes Na Be, oe ee aE 85°72 Garbanateigl slimpie so sae ete a ee a | ae 1-00 Phosphate of, alumina) .=- +2 4-54. -2.52-- 0-04 Maonesia:< 8 ant ane ee a ee e's (ACE, AUTRE EY Ea 2a) 0 Ra a a al oat 8T 3) 99-76 Another specimen of soil, from Niagara county, gave, on analysis, Weitere: 04 fie of kal 9 he et ee bed ole 3:00 Orpanicwmatior. 32532 et b= oF na RE 7°75 Silicates nyse: 2 Ue Sees: Abele ay 8 Se ce GR OD Peroxide of iron and alumina. _......-..------ 8-82 Warbonate.of lime 3-8. ee eee, 32 SOR Phosphate of alumma2— 22222 2 ose 2s---s2- 80815 Marmmesiag sagas Cooks eo. ee eke che 0°25 99-72 The following is an analysis of the most common wheat soil of Niagara county, and was taken from the farm of Mr. Devereaux, of Niagara falls : Water ofjabsorption ses e552. 50 aoe 3°61 Otmanic matters =< 2222 aan hee oss 9+24 Silivates tame aie oe eee eee ee ae ee 70°88 Peroxide of iron and alumina_.__.._--.---.__- 13+50 @arbonate oftlinie'= 25 =. eas laee se eee eee= Se 0-34 Magnesia = 222 225 2 Sosa SR eA 0-04 97°61 This soil is a clay loam, but deficient in carbonate of lime and magnesia. It has been cultivated many years, and principally for wheat: its produce is eighteen to twenty bushels to the acre. The soils of Livingston county possess in general the same characters as those of Monroe, Genesee and Onondaga. They are strictly soils well adapted to wheat, which crop they have borne for many years in succession without a sensible deterioration. The soil is generally very deep, and seems, from its physical properties, to have been derived mainly from the limestone shales of the Salt group, which is well developed at the North. The rock beneath is a slate or shale, belonging to the Hamilton group. The Moscow shale, which is a rock ready to pass into disintegration, is quickly subdivided by the action of 37* 292 ANALYSES OF SOILS. water and frost. It is a softer variety of the group, than those which lie farther east. The rock succeeding the Moscow shale, is the Genesee slate, which is also quite subject to disintegration, but forms a soil more sandy or siliceous than the rock below. It contains pyrites, which, in the course of decomposition, give origin to hepatie springs, of which some account will be given in the sequel. The general qualities of the soil appear in the exuberance of the vegetation, especially in the greenness and vigor of the forest trees. Of this, one may be fully satisfied by a survey of the Genesee flats near Mountmorris, Geneseo and Moscow. A traveller can not fail of observing a material difference in the vigor of vegetation, between parts of Livingston county, and some parts of Western New- York farther east, especially if the last are observed while the recollection of the vegetation of Livingston is still vivid in his memory. The winters of Livingston are not so severe as in Albany county. The warmth of spring is earlier ; but while the cold of winter is less, and the spring earlier, the season is not farther advanced the first of May, than in Albany and Columbia counties. The re- turning warmth is not sufficient to carry forward vegetation, though winter has passed and the spring has arrived : it is still spring, and not a summer whose influence is sufficiently genial to give an impulse to the vegetable kingdom, and carry it forward in its peculiar developments. A large part of Livingston county belongs geologically to a group considerably above the Salt group of Onondaga, and which is regarded as the basis of the western wheat soil ; still, the group does not attain an elevation equal to that of Otsego, and other more eastern counties. A depression seems to exist in the valley of the Genesee, by which the outcrop of the slates and shales is at a lower level; and for reasons which do not appear, the Hamilton group is not fully developed in the neighborhood of Geneseo and Moscow. The soil, which is very deep, even upon the high grounds south of Mountmorris, is derived from the shore of Lake Ontario and intermediate places: even the debris of this northern formation is found upon the highlands of Allegany. It is, however, only in the lowest vallies, and intervales along the main water courses, that the debris of the limestone shales is found in sufficient quantity to increase the wheat crop. The following analyses have been made of the soils of Moscow, Mountmorris and Avon, which may be taken as representatives of the constitution of the soils of Livingston county, so far as the mineral composition is concerned. A soil reposing upon the thin band of limestone, at the base of the Genesee slate. ANALYSIS. Wiaterotlabsorption 2-3 ee Ok Organicimalter —. << << Ss oe ace sea teees 5°19 Bilicates 2 feecn sn oboe ones Fee eee OOO Caxbonate'of lime: J2U S70 25850 ys See ae 38 1-62 Magnesia 2 olsun ee Se 0°50 Peroxide of iron and alumina---.-..--.------- 12°38 WESTERN DISTRICT. 293 This soil is regarded as a clay, and forms a soil quite stiff and impervious, but it is a durable wheat soil. The average production is fifteen bushels per acre. It is the basis of the soil for this crop through this section of country. Above it a soil is not uncommon, which is called locally a wheat sand, in contradistinction to a wheat clay. The former, however, is never a thick deposit, and it is usually sufficiently near the clay to be influenced by its presence. It is one excellence of the wheat clay and sand, that whatever manure is put upon them remains until used up by vegetation : a leachy soil, as it is called, is hardly known in the county. Surface soil, from the range of elevated land west of Moscow village, resting upon the Genesee slate. ANALYSIS ‘Water off. absorption? == 2222-2 =< <2 sce-t 2 __ 4°04 @rganie matter, 222-2. =- =~ noo on eee tos LLG SS ESTC ECCS See ee oe ee SOE Peroxide of iron and alumina-_....-.-...-.-..- 7°50 arhonateorlimeta sau ay Sek see Se ee ee ee Ly Mapniesiais 2222) 5 oo os as ct aca es 0250 97°65 Soil taken from the farm of Mr. Horsford, nine inches below the surface, resting upon the Moscow shale. = ANALYSIS, Waterofabsorption: 5-2 2--- = Ss =- a2 = 5 2-00 Organic: matter 22s lsc. sss acces esse acct ~~ NOTZ ECHR ee te ne ee See eee ee ee 89°75 Peroxide of iron and alumina-._._...-.-._._._ 4°21 Warponaterol line: S25 oe a es 2°18 Masnesia £ £2222 S222 2c 222. 253-2552 s5-- =52. trace, 99 +26 The soils of Livingston contain less oxide of iron than is usual : hence they are of a light drab or clay color, which conveys the idea of coldness, and probably the power of absorbing heat is less than in soils which are red or brown. Analysis of a specimen of soil from Castile, Wyoming county. Its characters resemble those of Livingston, and it rests upon the same geological for- mation. iWiaterol absorpuom, -= = 22> -sa—< enna s 5 2-50 Wronnicmattere === 22-225. saci oss asens, 8425 Shen ele \ ee ee ae eee 81°50 Peroxide of iron and alumina -._.-.....__-.__- 591 Carbonate of linia ses 35 ae ee ae eo O50 Miaomieai ern tn ee ee ee 0°05 294 ANALYSES OF SOILS. Wheat soil of Niagara county. ANALYSIS, ‘Water of absorption e325... Jo. Ss Sept ete ee 3:00 Oneanig mations. 0 cot et Ae oe 7°75 Silleates: See sop ae ee eh ee 76°93 Garhonate (or wim = aes aos 3 enn cone, eo Phosphate of-alumina’s..-2-5--<-o- scene sa aac 0°15 WANNeSIR oon sen coe eee te ee ete eee eae Sao Peroxide of iron and alumina ....------------ 8-82 99°72 Soil from North-Cambria, Niagara county, situated upon a ridge. ANALYSIS. ‘Water: of-absorption-\- 7s Se eso ae oe 1°75 Orpanictmatter 22:3 ee eee SS 2°25 Mdlicntes: 34s oye a ee eS 88-53 Peroxide of iron and alumina .......-..--.-.. 4°80 @arbonate of hme. s2..222cc22 223 oe ee 3 F070 IVR nee el er en ae ee trace, Washed sand of Niagara county. ANALYSIS. Water, of absorption <2. = ee 1-00 Organic matter’ 22-2263 3 2 os cs asec 1-00 Silicatessand sand). =) 2< 2 a= 5 ie ee ee 84°75 Peroxide of iron and alumina ---------------- 3232 Carbonate ol limbs. <5. s-2ss-eesn ss seeeeeas 8-04 Marne: 2. 22S ccnt foes scene ee eee ay 99°58 Analysis of soil from Kempville. Water of absorption. ©." -—=2o- tesco cee 200 Orpaie mater So aso a see ae io 2°50 DILCALES he aaa Soa cree eee eee 87°75 Peroxide of iron and alumina-_-_-..__--------. 4+32 Carbonate;of Lime =n. =e eee ea ee 0°25 Ma enine oeten ee Oe ee oa eee aia ae ee 0-01 WESTERN DISTRICT. 295 Analysis of a sandy soil from Albion, Orleans county. Water Gipabcan plone eee sn mene 1-50 Oroanic mater: 22 anne ae 1-70 Silicatesand' sande t=) = en 92-82 Carbonsteabimes 2 oo ee hme ana 2-10 Phosphate of alominas=-.-—---—~-——=---— === 0°17 Peroxide of iron and alumina ..-.------------ 1°49 99°78 The soil of Orleans county contains usually more sand than that of Genesee, Livingston or Onondaga. A question which I have attempted to solve in the analyses which have been recently made, is the constitution of the soils of the west, which are well known wheat soils ; and how they differ from those of the Taconic system, which are well known producers of maize. I consider the question a difficult one to solve, and I deem it quite doubtful whether the facts which have been obtained will justify me in the adoption of an opinion. There are facts which may be still brought out, which will bear upon the question, and serve to elucidate it more fully. The following results have been obtained in relation to the two classes of soils, which seem to be important, especially when taken in connexion with elements which enter into the composition of wheat on the one hand, and those which constitute maize on the other. Thus wheat is by no means rich in the phosphates, while corn or maize is; and hence the former will come to maturity in soils poorer in phosphates than the latter. Both grains, however, require silica, which must necessarily be in a soluble state. The straw, in one case, must be supplied with silex, or it will be weak and imperfect. Corn stalks require silex also, but a less amount than wheat. If then we search for the phosphates, and for soluble silica, I had hopes that some light would gleam upon the question. For illustra- tion of this point, I took 400 grains of Harmon’s wheat soil, and tested it for the phosphates ; but not a trace of them appeared. The soil from Mr. Geddes’s farm gave scarcely a trace of any in 100 grains. The same was observed in a good wheat soil, though not the best, on Manlius hills. The subsoil, or clay on Cayuga lake, near Aurora, gave no evidence of phosphoric acid in one hundred grains. It is not designed to convey the impression that the phosphates are entirely wanting, but that they are contained in a proportion less than in soils, which, in New-York and New-England, bear good crops of maize, but are not so productive in wheat. The following analysis of the soil of the Genesee flats is instructive, and bears upon the subject. It was taken fiom near Mountmorris, and may be considered as illustrating the composition of a large tract of country, that particularly which is of an alluvial kind. Sr Dy 296 ANALYSES OF SOILS. ANALYSIS OF ONE HUNDRED GRAINS. Water and vegetable matter -.-...------------ 12°25 Silicates ees Re 3 Oe ee ee 74°65 Carbonate for limes! — 4-3 S322 se PS es ae 14002 132-39 Oxide of iron and silica, and carbonate of lime-. 0-04 0-02 Garbonic acid'22 Sasa ee eRe 0-07 Water, with a trace of organic matter and bromine, 853+41 860-40 The Salina water contains 1130 grains of pure and perfectly dry chloride of sodium in a wine pint, and 9045 grains or 1°29 pounds avoirdupois in a gallon: it therefore requires forty-three and a half gallons to yield a bushel of salt weighing fifty-six pounds. In the Syracuse well there are 1063 grains of dry chloride of sodium in a wine pint of brine, and 8506 grains or 1°21 pounds avoirdupois in a gallon; and hence it requires forty-six and a quarter gallons for a bushel of perfectly dry salt.* *L. C. Beck’s Report, pp. 105, 106. WESTERN DISTRICT. 303 A SERIES OF TABLES, CONTAINING THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTS IN REGARD TO THE POSITION, CLIMATE, ETC. OF PLACES SITUATED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE WHEAT DISTRICT. TABLE I. Position of the several places. PLACES. North Latitude. | West Longitude | Elev. above tide. Topographical remarks. Auburn.... 42°30’ 650 feet. | In the valley of the outlet of Owasco lake, Cayuga county. Cayuga .... 42 43 5 447 « Sixty feet above Cayuga lake. Lewiston .. 43 09 SHO) 86 Eastern bank of Niagara river. Rochester .. 43 07 506“ On the Genesee river. Onondaga.. | 42 59 | Millville... 43 08 TABLE Il. Mean temperature of each month. January. July. August, September. November. December. Highest Greatest monthy range. Cayuga ...|27°38)28- Hamilton. . |26°08|26°13 : Lewist on. , |29°19}29°93)37-59|50- b Millville . . |28°38|29°71|39°38]45°90|53° Rochester . 128° 05128-10138 *41146-42153° ESSERE oi ee TABLE III. Prevailing winds in each month. February September, October, sXsw| S Ss Auburn...... Cayuga .....¢ N ‘ 4 NW Hamilton .... Lewiston..... SW Millville..... NW Rochester .... |w&NW; W | NW | NW | NW 304 METEOROLOGICAL TABLES. TABLE IV. Rain gage for each month. November. December “ s 3 = & = a} a = 2 2 = rn October. 3 e S Auburn ..... Cayuga Hamilton .... Millville ..... Rochester .... . . D . ry wo > ao D's BOD SHR es roar omnm Ct Cetin att) oh ad a1 Cnt BansS oe . . . . won tm be CO : ww eae no ND Co Oe kOW -Onre ° wm CO TABLE V. Mean temperature for ten years from 1826 to 1835, both inclusive. PLACES. Auburn ..cc00 Cayuga ...00. Hamilton .... Lewiston..... Onondaga .... Rochester .... TABLE VI. Comparative view of the quantity of rain for ten years, from 1826 to 1835, both inclusive, so far as reported. PLACES. 1826. | 1827. 1835. | Average. Auburn...... | ..... | ----- | 34°91 | 30°54 | 37°88 | ..... | 30°S7 | 34°00 | 24°70 | 34°33 | 34°46 Cay Sesmee hh aqnee | BI OO [teeces fi cave Gl Ge kr | 00°10.) 20508] S55 [tao Pe | oon. e i) oesee Hamilton .... | ..... | 43°44 | 34°18 | 33°26 | 42°71 | 35°79 | 35-38 | 43°20 | 32°50] ..... | 37°55 pe eee a Pee 2-2 See Lae eeeee | 25°35 | 21°45 | 20°73 | 22°55 | 25°68 | 23°15 Onondaga .... | 26°67 | 38°09 | 35°79 | 27°10} ..... 28°20 | 26°79 | ..... | 35°43 | 30°72 Rochester 9.55] .2.2.,. > A he 17°S4 | 28°60 | 27°16 WESTERN DISTRICT, 305 TABLE VII. Comparative view of the average temperature, for each of the last ten years, so far as reported to the Regents. PLACES. Auburn...... Cayuga ...... Hamilton .... Lewiston .... Millville..... Onondaga .... Rochester .... 1836.) 1837. | 1838. | 1839.| 1840.} 1841.) 1842.) 1843. | 1844. | 1845. | average. 44°75 | 46°17 | 45-11 | 47°25 | 47-55 | 46°56 | 44-62 | 45-52 | 48-32 | 45-13 | 46-00 ee wees | 43°05 | ..... | 49°67 | 50°51 | 51°62 | 48°51 | 47°52 | 48-93 | 48-53 40°45 | ..... wee | 44°05 | o0... J seoee | 44°51 | 44°36 | 44°71 | 45°73 } 43°97 43°54 | 44°50 | ..... | 46°91 | 48-94 | 48-85 | 47°87 | 46-77 | 47-76 | 47°67 | 46-98 Bocce waces | ceeee | sees | 44°81 | 45°02 | 45°94 | 45-04 | 46-69 | 48-38 | 45-98 45°16 | 45°24 | 46-06 | 46-96 | 47-63 | 46-S9 | 45-19 | 44-00 | 45°17 | ..... | 45°81 44-01 | 43-71 | 45-04 | 47°57 | 46-74 | 45-40 | 46-79 | 45-20 | 47-29 | 47-44 | 45-92 TABLE VIII. Comparative view of the quantity of rain for the last ten years, which has fallen in the wheat PLACES. Auburn . ... Cayuga ...... Hamilton .... Lewiston..... Millville..... Onondaga .... Rochester .... | AcricuLTurat Report. | district, so far as reported to the Regents. 1839. | 1840.| 1841. 33°42 | 37°48 | 28°18 | 40°83 37°18 | 18°58 30°86 34°60 33°19 28558 30°09 35°05 25°46 29°34 | 30°53 TABLE IX. General Summary. PLACES. « | Mean temperature. 17 16 14 Auburn ...... | 18 years, 46°78 | 18 years, NW&S Onondaga .... es > wy. 16 NW SW W seleses Ss Hamilton .... Lewiston..... Rochester .... 13 Cayuga 50°06 | 39°78 26°72 34°42 32°87 23°74 26°82 26°17 26.54 26°27 34:41 36°21 34°44 Prevailing winds. | Av. quantity of rain. years, 33°73 sc 31°40 sed gh << 39°95 SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Forest vegetation of the Southern district, as exhibited by a view in Gilboa, Schoharie county. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. 307 5. SOUTHERN DISTRICT. A difference in the natural productions of the higher grounds of the southern tier of counties, or those bordering Pennsylvania, has not escaped the notice of agriculturists ; and a hasty reference to my geological observations on this part of the State, is all that will be necessary to convince an unprejudiced person that many of the differences which have been observed in the natural as well as the cultivated productions, are due to the peculiar formations of this portion of the commonwealth. Height undoubtedly exercises conside- rable influence upon the vegetation of this district, but it is not probable that to height alone can be attributed the differences which have been observed in respect to the pro- ducts of the soil. For the purpose of a general reference, the northern limits of the Southern district extend to the middle of Seneca and Cayuga lakes. This boundary line, prolonged east and west as far as to the spurs of the Catskills, or the head waters of the Mohawk and Lake Erie, completes the northern boundary of the district. Otsego, Schoharie, Greene and Albany counties, intercept this line eastwardly. The vallies of these counties, however, contain much valuable wheat soil; but it is not continuous to a great extent: it does not produce the perfect grain in its seasons. The straw is weak, and the grain more liable to shrink. It is not full and plump as the wheat of the Genesee valley and the adjacent districts. This district is hilly, and the vallies which traverse it are narrow. From this district, too, the waters flow both to the north and south. Without being precipitous, as in the Highland district, it is still quite steep in the ascents and descents; and a very large proportion of the farming operations are conducted on the slopes of ridges and hills, all of which were originally covered with a heavy growth of timber. Upon the higher grounds, the hemlock, spruce and fir are the most common. In many places, a mixture of beech, birch, maple, ash, hemlock, pine and spruce, is the form which the vegetation assumes. Its growth is heavy and dense, the character of which is well exhibited in the cut on the preceding page. The soil is usually deep, sometimes in consequence of the accumulations which probably were made during the Drift period, and partly from the friable nature of the rocks beneath. These rocks, for moderate distances, appear horizontal. Uplifts have rarely deranged the original position of the strata. Immense sections of the rocks, however, have been re- moved ; and hence the sides of the vallies have their corresponding strata upon the same level. The debris*of the rocks so far modify the accumulations of drift, that it gives the soil a peculiar character, and fits it for certain kinds of husbandry. Butter, cheese, wool, and the rearing of cattle, become objects of prime importance. We may now inquire more particularly what peculiarity in the composition of the soil controls the husbandry of this district? We have no doubt it is principally the composition 39* 308 ANALYSES OF SOILS. of the soil that creates the differences we have just alluded to. More ammonia, if we may credit the opinions of foreign agricultural chemists, must necessarily be showered upon the hills and vallies as more snow and rain fall; and yet there is less fertility, or it may perhaps be said more properly, that the fertility runs in channels differing from those of the other districts. The first analyses which we propose to state, are those of soils within the territorial limits of the Wheat district. They were selected from Mount Toppin, and near Lafayette square in Onondaga county, at an elevation of six or seven hundred feet above the level of the canal at Manlius centre. Both soils are uncultivated, and that from Mount Toppin was taken from the forest. Soil of Mount Toppin. ANALYSIS, ‘Water. of abserption= 22-52-52 2t-sS2c 22 os ee 68 Olganieimatien -_~ 22 SSA SSC e ees Sees Silieatag

2 5 bp eB 2 2 3 s & 2 < = 5 4 < D } Z a Cortland ..... NW | NW | NW | NW | NW | SW NW | SW SW SW SW NW Franklin ..... NW |S NW | NW |S NW | NW | NW / NWS W Ss Fredonia..... | W Ss Ss SW Ss W WwW wks |S WwW Ww n&w Ithaca ....... | NW | NW | NW | NW | NW | NW | NW |, NW | NW | sw& | NW | NW NW Oxford ...... | NW | NW | NW | NW | NW | ° 2 ° < an fo) Z =) eB 1°60 | 3°50 | 5:22 | 1-65 | 1-30 | 28-52 2°24 | 6°50 | 2°10 | 3°08 | 0°97 | 32°10 2°30 | 3°40 | 3°85 | 3°35 | 0°82 | 31°90 1°61 | 4°34 |] 3°90 | 2°20 | 1°28 | 33-32 2°44 | 4°36 | 3°62 | 4°46 | 1-35 | 35°42 1-94 | 4°68 | 5°S2 | 4°57 | 1°59 | 41°75 TABLE V. Average quantity of rain for the district, 33°80. -Mean temperature for ten years from 1826 to 1835, both inclusive. PLACES, Cherryvalley . Cortland ..... Fredonia..... Franklin ..... Hartwick .... Ithaca ever cnc Oxford < oc.< PLACES, 1835. Average. 1827.] 1828. | 1829. 44-01 | 47-08 | 44°33 Ay (ee OOS) VTEC) 15°40 | 46°94 | 45-49 50°00 | 51°35 | ..... Bi | ee 2d 44-99 43°50 | 47°33 | 43-38 49°67 46°55 44°68 45°59 43-40 43°12 43°44 | 44°83 43°17 | 44°81 47°21 | 48°85 «see | 40°49 45°39 | 45°79 46°31 | 49°12 44°32 | 45°34 42°16 | 44°06 1845. Average. Cortland ..... Cherryvalley . Fredonia..... Franklin ..... Ithaca Oxford’ i= e.'- Pompey ..-. 42°04 41°25 44°54 44°96 44°28 42°80 40°18 42°70 | 43°30 | 44:00 ceces | cocce 42°36 46°02 ; 45°63 | 46°75 coeen | evens 35°81 43°65 | ...-. | 45°19 49°33 | 44°96 | 45°71 43°77 | 43°45 | 45°79 40°02 | 40°27 | 42°41 “65 42°13 42°29 45°67 TABLE VII. Quantity of rain for each of the last ten years. 45°57 | 44°17 45°67 | 43°28 51°22 | 47°98 46°95 | 43°82 51°06 | 46°20 49°18 | 47°41 44°67 | 44°37 =asei 41°45 PLACES. Cherryvalley . Fredonia .... Ithaca 1836. 45 36° 1837.| 1838.| 1839. 31°85 ea 5 | 33°82 36°55 | 33-22 | 30°30 | 23-21 38°84 36°46 32°79 | 25°28 39°95 45°30 29°84 1844. 34°24 | 35-42 | 39°38 39°14 | 32°10 | 34°81 29°04 | 28°52 | 33°50 eee | 41°75 | 31°46 26°19 | 31-90 | 31-78 34°87 | 33°32 | 37°98 ceeee YU weeee 31°93 SOUTHERN DISTRICT. 317 TABLE VIII. General Summary. PLACES. Mean temperature. | Prevailing winds. | Av. quantity of rain. - Pompey years, 42°54 Cherryvalley . eae 5 44° 48° 48-0 17 years, NW 15 years, 29°46 EHP Ea WV 14 ss 40°83 Ww 17 36°05 W 14 36 NW Cortland NW Hartwick .... Ss Franklin i NW wOnmnwattu 12 37°52 The foregoing tables express the average temperatures and the average quantity of rain with great accuracy, as the records were generally made by good observers. Many of the differences in temperature which appear in the tables, are due to differences in height. Many of the places are situated in vallies, and are surrounded by elevated land : some near large bodies of water, which temper the atmosphere both winter and summer ; and hence, in either case, they can not be compared with other places whose position is relatively different. The same place exhibits some anomalies in temperature. Pompey, for example, gives an average temperature of 44°-06 for ten successive years, beginning with 1826 and ending in 1835; for the next ten years, beginning with 1836 and ending with 1845, it is only 41°°45, a difference which is rather remarkable, considering the time during which the observations were made. Differences equal to this are rarely found to prevail in other places: for example, at Cherryvalley the average temperature for the same periods re- spectively are found to have been, for the first, 44°°83; for the second, 43°°28. If we compare the several years with each other, we shall discover that at Pompey there is less constancy or evenness of temperature than in most places. In 1826, the average was 45°-97; in 1836, 40°°18; in 1827, 43°°50; in 1837, 40°-02; in 1828, 479-33; and in 1838, only 40°°27. Something of the same fitfulness may be observed as it regards the quantity of rain. The average for 1836 was 23°84 inches; in 1837, 30°30 inches; in 1838, 23°21 inches; in 1840, 33°79 inches. The variation, according to these tables, amounts to about ten inches of rain. The temperature of a large extent of inhabited ter- ritory, however, is not represented. The high grounds of Allegany, and the country situated upon the ridge dividing the waters of the Genesee and the Susquehannah and Allegany rivers, must be considerably colder than Pompey. If the supposition is true, it would reduce the temperature of the district. i The vegetation of the high grounds consists of pine and hemlock, and hard wood inter- mixed, as represented in the woodcut on page 306. In the vallies, the hard timbers, maple, beech, oak, ash, hickory, etc. abound. The vallies are narrow, but pleasant, and furnish some fine scenery. Jn the cultivated vallies, the spreading branches and depressed heads of the trees indicate a greater tendency to a lateral extension; and long branches, 318 ATLANTIC DISTRICT. sometimes nearly the size of the main trunk, shoot forth luxuriantly, and afford shelter to beasts during the summer when the sun’s heat is oppressive. The same species of tree can scarcely be recognized under these different circumstances. Even the hemlock, which shoots upward so magnificently in the forest, is low and depressed in the open fields. It is the finest of trees for shade ; and it is quite singular that it should not be universally admired, inasmuch as its form and color are so stately and beautiful, and it becomes a most picturesque decoration for the winter landscape, when its boughs are loaded with snow, and bend but do not break under the weight of their glittering burthen. - Plate XII. represents the sylvan vegetation of the vallies : it is a view of the scenery on the Schoharie creek, at Gilboa, at the entrance into the village from the north. The rock is the Old Red Sandstone. 6. ATLANTIC DISTRICT. The district we have proposed under this name, is the smallest, and is surrounded by the Atlantic ocean. Its situation, its proximity to water, and the character of a part of its soil, remove this district a wide distance from the preceding ones. Long Island, if we except the drift upon its northern slope, or that which faces the Sound, has been reclaimed from the ocean: it is based undoubtedly upon a reef of rocks, which first formed a bed whereon the waves washed up the sand, and this has continued to accumulate until the present time. The nature of the great mass of the soil, from bottom to top, is porous; and being composed of so large an amount of washed sand, the farmer is compelled to adopt a mode of cultivation more burthensome and expensive than that of any other portion of the State. The soluble manures sink into the soil, beyond the reach of the roots, in a very short period, and hence require frequent renewals. That portion of the soil of Long Island which is largely made up of Connecticut drift, is more retentive and durable. The Hempstead plains, which occupy a high position upon the island, confirm this statement. The soil here, when washed, is merely a white beach sand, or, perhaps, in this position, a yellow sand. It is covered with a coating of black raw vegetable mould, which, when first ploughed, appears like a rich soil ; but it is quite destitute of the elements essential to fertility. It bears light crops, and produces mode- rately well for a season, yet soon fails without special nursing. Situated, however, as the Atlantic district is, in the immediate vicinity of a great city, the commercial metropolis of North America, it repays the labor and expense of high cultivation better than any other part of the State. It has other advantages, besides those which arise from being situated near a great city: its climate is mild, and its summer long; hence agricultural produc- tions may be profitably cultivated here, which, in other parts of the State, are out of the question. The soil of a large portion of Hempstead plains, forming the ridge of the island, is mostly marine sand. The surface is mixed with black mould, in which there is a small per- ATLANTIC DISTRICT. 319 centage of lime in combination with an organic acid. The sand, when washed free of vegetable matter, furnishes only a trace at most of lime or magnesia. Beneath the drift on the northern slope and sides of Long Island, beds of green sand, of unknown extent, are found to exist. Members of this formation crop out on the farm of Hon. Mr. Young, of Oysterbay. They consist of a yellow clay, and the peculiar ferruginous conglomerate so common in Monmouth county, New-Jersey. The green sand so useful as a fertilizer, and which is below the ferruginous band, has not been observed. A large proportion of the soil of Kings county is of a superior kind. Some of the largest crops of maize and wheat have been raised here. It would seem that the land is too valuable to be devoted extensively to the raising of maize and wheat. The products of the garden and orchard must necessarily, and they probably do, engage the attention of the proprietors of the soil. The best parts of the whole island will, ere long, be appropriated as country residences of the wealthy. It is scarcely necessary to say, that in no instance is the soil of Long Island derived from rocks in place: the entire mass, therefore, is either drift or marine sand. ‘The exa- mination of the soils, however, has been only imperfectly performed ; but enough has been observed, to prove that there is a great deficiency of the alkalies and alkaline earths. Lime and magnesia are only sparingly present in the soil of any part of the island, except that which lies along the Sound, where these materials are somewhat more abundant. The inference which follows from this fact, can not be forgotten. The means for increasing the fertility of the land are very scarce ; hence nearly all the manures are brought from a distance. The stables and streets of New-York and Brooklyn contribute largely to this object. The composition of the soils of Long Island depends upon the direction from which they came. If derived from the rocks in the valley of the Hudson river, or from the pri- mary region bordering the Sound in the State of Connecticut, it will not differ essentially from the soil of the Taconic district, or that of the Southern Highland district. If it be the washed sand, it will belong to the highly porous and open soils, in which quartz sand is the principal constituent, and which will give, on analysis, ninety per cent of silex. The composition of the drift, which constitutes the soil of the northern face of the island, is as follows : Wrater!and/organic matter..25-= 25. -=2-_ === 6:00 Silicdies¥sescaaseeee coe Sos ale eee esee toe Ore 8 Peroxide of iron and alumina---.------------- 6°25 G@arbonaterotr limes ss5 52-523 222905.-6-455- 0°25 Mapnesia.-o ose o sas ooo coo S aos aes ede ete: * trace: 99 +50 This soil is what is called a sandy loam. The mass below is gravel, or fragments of gneiss, quartz, and mica slate. It was taken two and a half miles west of Oysterbay. 320 ANALYSES OF SOILS. Another analysis of soil, taken in the vicinity of the preceding, gave Water of absorption —<° co cen eee Organic matter.2=-G2 "= 22 SSS es ee ee Bilicates S242 Js So ees Se eco so Peroxide of iron and alumina....-.----------- 5°75 Carbonate of lime and magnesia --.--..------- trace 100-11 Another specimen, obtained one and a half miles west from Hicksville, gave Water and organic matter-_.-.-_--.---------- 5-00 Silicatey 4 U4 Fo eee Se eee oy uo Peroxideiofiimoni 5: 3232 St eet See 2°75 Garbonate of lime: 2-2 222 =3-- ee Se 0:37 Magnesiae 24222 Secon been cae oes eee eee 0-13 Alomina] S2=2)..- Seis oe oe LS es 4-00 99-01 The silicates are principally in fine angular quariz grains. It is said that plaster is useless here. This opinion, however, is not supported by sound theoretical views, but rests upon defective observation. It is undoubtedly true that its in- fluence is not uniformly the same upon soil at a distance from the seaboard ; but here it is said to be unaffected by plaster. Itis very probable that plaster is less useful than leached ashes. The ash is constituted quite differently from plaster. In addition to the bases, potash and lime, in combination with silex, it contains soluble silex ; besides, the relation of ashes to moisture is more favorable to vegetation than plaster. Ashes absorb water in greater quantity, and preserve the moisture of a soil naturally disposed to part with this essential element. Vegetable composts with lime and ashes, or muck and turf, provided the expense of procuring the materials is not too great, are the most important fertilizers which can be employed in this district. It is in this form that manure will im- part to the soil the greatest amount of food for plants, and will remain the longest in the surface soil. ATLANTIC DISTRICT. 321 A SERIES OF TABLES, SHOWING THE MOST IMPORTANT METEOROLOGICAL FACTS RESPECTING THE ATLANTIC DISTRICT. TABLE I. Names of places, etc. PLACES North Latitade | West Longitude. Topographical remarks. Flatbush ... 40°37’ 73°58’ Near the western extremity of Long Island, and situated on an inclined plane descending to the ocean. 40 feet above tide. Jamaica... . | 40 41 73 50 About 100 feet above tide. Clinton... 41 00 79 19 Eastern part of Long Island. 16 feet above tide, TABLE II. Mean temperature for each month in 1845. PLACES. January February. March. September November. December Annual Highest and lowest Greatest monthly Flatbush .... Jamaica .... PLACES. =. = > 5 | 2 Pid ipecoiun be ea (a= SS ee EEE Flatbush ..... NW | NW | SW |nE&| SW SW SW SE NW | SW SW wt& Nw Nw Jamaica ..... | NW | NW | NW | SW | SW | SW |nw&| SW | NW | NW | NW | NW l I | sw | I TABLE IV. Rain gage for each month. : S z PP > , 2 AS = 2 : : oe ee ae Sree: tesla ag wi| #4 & ° = o = — = ) rs) = DE +a PLACES. 2/4 5 Be l| tee) ashe ees) ene eer a 2 2 $ |-2 g 3 g Slat rls] epee | S| al a} oftapale fa = Flatbush. | 3°84] 4°45) 2°50) 1.04) 1°55) 3-36] 1°67) 3°27] 2°65) 1-92] 3-08) 2°81] 32°14] April | February. Jamaica.. | 2°19] 3°52] 1°85] 1°28] 1°20] 4°41] 3°56] 3-46] 2°98] 2°72] 3°42} 3°21] 33°71] May. | June. | AcricutturaL Reporr. | 41 322 METEOROLOGICAL TABLES. TABLE V. Comparative view of the average temperature for ten years, from 1826 to 1835, both inclusive. PLACES. 1826. | 1827.| 1828.| 1829.| 1830. 1831.| 1832. 1833. 1834. | 1835. | Average. Flatbush ,.... | 53°96 | 51°63 | 53°68 | 50°50 | 52°53 | 51°28 | 51°54 | 51°83 | 51°36 | 49°49 | 51°78 Jamaica ..... 52°19 | 50°95 | 52°05 | 48°51 | 51°05 | 49°51 | 49°20 | 51°84 | 50°10 | 46°84 | 50°22 Oysterbay seed) ane nase ABR SS Sn ASRS WASASNE Wadaas Saese 11 OL CoM conan) sioueoe Clink. not dhinen: 49-31 | 51-29 | 48-14 | 49°52 | 48-78 | 48-00 | 49-09 | 49-38 | 46-60 | 49-06 TABLE VI. Mean temperature for the last ten years. ruaces. | 1836.|1837.|1838.| 1839.| 1840.| 1841.| 1842.| 1843./ 1844.| 1845. | average. Flatbush 47°73 | 49-39 | 50-49 | 51-33 | 51-34 | 51-11 | 52°05 | 51°15 | 51-81 | 53-09 | 50-95 Jamaica ..... | 46°52 | 47-23 | 45-32 | 49°31 | 44-91 | 48-51 | 48-37] 48-07 | 49-02 | 49-71 | 48-50 Clinton ...... | 46-92 | 46-20 | 46-99 | 49-25 | 49-46 | 49-65 | 50-90 | 48-30 | 2.22. | 0... 48-52 Ovsterbay .... | ..... | 49°97 | ..e08 RE ai big Geaneh delete 188 08 se ee bee tece 49°77 TABLE VII. Quantity of rain for the last ten years. PLACES. 1836. | 1837.| 1838. | 1839. Flatbush..... | 43°89 | 34-66 | 41-11 | 42-90 47-58 | 50°19 | 39°07 | 32°14 | 41-96 Jamaica...... | 36°48 | 32°13 | 33-70 | 33-44 | 35-47 41°59 | 33-56 | 43-72 | 33-71 | 36°85 43°32 | be SUES TABLE VIII. General Summary. PLACES. Mean temperature. | Prevailing winds. | Av. quantity of rain. Flatbush ..... | 20 years, 51°36 | 20 years, NW 20 years, 43°52 Jamaica ...... | 20 ‘* 49°36 ]/20 < NW 20%“. 39°44 Clinton a7 * Sr 48° FAT. + NW 16“ 38°59 COMPARISON OF SOILS. 323 VII. A COMPARISON OF THE SOILS OF THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS, UPON THE BASIS OF PRODUCTIVENESS, AND THE QUALITY OF THE CROPS. The comparative view which we design now to present to the public, rests, as will be perceived, upon a basis which will furnish data whereby we shall be enabled to judge of the relative value of the different districts for the kinds of husbandry commonly pursued in the latitude of New-York. This basis we may regard as entirely independent of the results of analysis. It ought, however, to bring us to the same result. The two methods should agree, and no doubt will do so, provided our data are sufficiént. It is not supposed that a few isolated comparisons will be sufficient for our purpose: the data must be derived from entire districts. It is like those calculations which regard the duration of life, the proportions of the sexes, etc., where communities or nations are concerned. It is trne, that in an extent of country no larger than the State of New-York, local causes may _ give one place a preponderance for certain productions over some other part of the State, which by nature is better adapted to their growth. Thus, in the vicinity of the city of New- York, some of the necessaries of life may be cultivated with profit, though the actual expense there may be greater than at the distance of one hundred miles. We are to bear in mind, therefore, that the great cities, or, in other words, the markets, must control to a certain extent many kinds of husbandry. But after all the deductions proper from consi- derations of this nature, it will be found that staple productions are not controlled by any one market: the general wants of the species control their cultivation and growth. It will be necessary to ascertain the average production of the different crops for the whole State, and then the average of the same crops for the different districts. In con- nexion with this comparison, it will be interesting to state the premium crops, by which we shall know the present capabilities of lands in the different parts of the State; and could we ascertain the amount of the crops raised from the early settlement of the country, down to the present time, we should be able to calculate the loss which the soil has sus- tained under cultivation, as well as the progress which the husbandry of the State has made since its first settlement. The first product which we propose to consider, is wheat, a product which must ever constitute one of the greatest and most important necessaries of life. The whole quantity of wheat raised in New-York, in 1844-5, was 13,391,770 bushels. This amount was harvested from 958,233 acres; the average product, therefore, for the whole State, was nearly 14 bushels per acre. We may now compare the product of the districts. In this comparison we propose to leave out the Highland district, or rather to merge it in the Taconic or Eastern district. Commencing then with the lowest geological system, which is geographically the most eastern, we find that the several counties taken separately yielded as follows : Westchester an average of 9 bushels per acre, Dutchess 5, Columbia 6, Rensselaer 8, and Washington 41* $24 COMPARISON OF THE SOILS 12. The average for the whole district, therefore, is only 8 bushels per acre. It is proper to state, that this low average may not be independent of causes connected with the capa- city of the soil to produce wheat. It is well known that the wheat fly has committed more extensive ravages in this than in the western part of the State ; still, it is not to be supposed that to the fly alone is to be attributed the small average. The crop is more liable to other accidents, to rust, and shrinkage, than in the western counties ; accidents depending in a great measure on the adaptedness of this soil to this crop. The territory forming the Taconic district lies upon the eastern side of the Hudson river. If we now extend our observations to the district which has been called the Hudson and Mohawk district, we shall embrace a large extent of country differing but little from the preceding. Albany county raised 44,149 bushels upon 6112 acres, which gives an average of 71 bushels per acre. Fulton county raised 17,118 bushels upon 1618 acres, thus giving an average of 111 bushels per acre. Rockland county raised 1705 bushels upon 194 acres, the average of which is 9 bushels per acre. Saratoga county raised 104,660 bushels upon 9745 acres, the average of which is 10 bushels. Schenectady county raised 19,754 bushels upon 1918 acres, whose average is 10} bushels. The average of these counties, mostly embraced in the Hudson and Mohawk district, is a little over 92 bushels. Albany county raises only a small crop of wheat; the lands within 10 or 12 miles of Albany city being cultivated for the more marketable crops, such as hay, corn, oats, and garden vegetables. If Oneida and Herkimer counties were added to the foreging calculations, the average for the wheat crop would be increased, as the average for these two counties together is 1314 bushels per acre. The reason why these counties are not added, is that their territories extend into the Wheat district proper, being underlaid by the shales of the Clinton group, and our data do not permit us to determine upon what parts of these counties the greatest number of acres of wheat were raised. The wheat crop of the western and central counties may now pass under our exami- nation. Cayuga county, in which was raised, in 1845, 652,896 bushels. The number of acres upon which this amount of wheat was harvested was 41,783, which gives an average of 16 bushels per acre. Erie county raised 251,784 bushels upon 20,433 acres, which is an average of only 12 bushels per acre. Genesee county raised 695,107 bushels upon 42,960 acres, which is an average of 161 bushels per acre. Livingston county raised 821,702 bushels upon 52,047 acres, averaging 16 bushels. Madison county raised 190,361 bushels upon 13,477 acres, the average of 14 bushels per acre. Monroe county raised 1,338,585 upon 68,382 acres, making an average of 191 bushels per acre. Niagara county raised 713,318 bushels upon 39,521 acres, equalling 18 bushels per acre. Onondaga county raised 918,616 bushels upon 57,924 acres, giving 16 bushels per acre. Orleans county raised 692,127 bushels upon 38,731 acres, which gives an average of 18 bushels. Seneca county raised 483,773 upon 32,698 acres, the average of which is 15 bushels per acre. Wayne county raised 587,817 bushels upon 41,041 acres, giving an average of 141 bushels. Wyoming county raised 331,111 upon 22,564 acres, giving an average of 15 bushels per acre. OF THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICTS. 325 The average of the foregoing twelve counties amounts to 15} bushels per acre. In several of these counties, the average is reduced considerably, by the crop being raised upon a soil derived from the rocks above the Marcellus shales, or underlaid by the lower and more sandy soil of the Medina sandstone. In the Southern district, the results by the census returns are as follows : Allegany county raised 260,190 bushels upon 23,600 acres, thus giving an average of 111 bushels. Broome county raised 81,388 bushels upon 7204 acres, whose average is 111 bushels per acre. Cattaraugus county raised 177,927 bushels upon 15,331 acres; the average is 12 bushels. Chemung county raised 180,095 bushels upon 15,365 acres, an average of 12 bushels per acre. Chenango county raised 104,562 upon 8313 acres, giving an average of 13 bushels per acre. Cortland county raised 96,852 upon 8111 acres, the average being 12 bushels per acre. Otsego county raised 109,551 bushels upon 8733 acres, giving an average of 13 bushels per acre. Sullivan county raised 3252 bushels upon 310 acres, giving an average of 10 bushels per acre. Yates county raised 403,069 bushels upon 20,447 acres, giving an average of 14 bushels per acre. The average of the nine foregoing counties is 12 and a fraction bushels per acre. The Atlantic district gives the following result : Kings county raised 26,992 bushels upon 1411 acres, giving the average of 19 bushels per acre. Queens county raised 99,374 upon 8702 acres, giving an average of 12 bushels per acre. Suffolk county raised 77,423 bushels upon 6611 acres, giving an average of 12 bushels per acre. The average of the three counties is 14 bushels per acre. The average of the Taconic district is __--_-----------+----- 8 bushels per acre. Hudson and Mohawk district _.......----- 13 Western and Central district _._....-._--- 5s Noubhermamstrict@ey = *¢ Orleans .... 7,783 213,702 | 30 « Orleans .... 8,186 236,743 | 294.5 Seneca .... 12,341 304,403 | 25 « Seneca..... 8,224 292,397 | 35% “ Wayne .... 17,522 476,422 Pass | 4. Southern district. 4. Southern district. Allegany... 4,845 101,140 21 bushels. Allegany .. 22,274 503,134 224 bush. Broome .... 6,611 172,713 26 Broome .... 13,945 331,425 a4 «« Chautauque. 12,247 313,121 Bien Cattaraugus, 19,095 459,770 Q1 « Chemung... 6,461 177,965 | 27 “ Chemung... 11,604 287,146 | 26 « Chenango .. 8,807 241,205 IRS Chenango .. 21,430 597,508 ag << Cortland ... 5,632 123,186 ah SE Cortland ... 15,134 400,342 26% < Delaware... 3,732 85,128 Qawee Delaware .. 28,950 648,982 22) « Otsego ..... 9,981 201,031 20 “ Otsego ..... 46,145 | 1,004,541 29) 5 Steuben... 8,976 194,063 ae Steuben... 24,356 635,304 2c Sullivan.... 4,587 62,362 15 2S Sullivan ... 6,457 150,300 25 « Tioga ...-0- 6,307 163,160 CIOS Piogal sito. 10,535 265,922 OB s Yates .....- 6,122 | 135,999 | 22 || Tompkins... 20,385 528,763 26ie's Matesii-- ns 8,108 224,673 28 *“< 5. Atlantic district. iy : : 5. Atlantic district. panei Se eae, it cot | Rings +2 NI OARS AL ee ee Ut Sey eee ee Baden oot Mekawk district... ae : Cpa ce Average crops of oats, for the year 1845. ke pe Taconic district .........- Sains neey bushels per acre. | Central and Western district .... 26 Hud Rack dist Southern district ..... Saietatelarets Pan ae ae udson and Mohawk district ++ 23 Atlantic district ....:+....2.+.- cS) ac ee aay Nee et epee : 3 I | Pe pee a ee t The geological formations in Clinton and Jefferson are identical. Atlantic district...... on sitar SOR on = OESERVATIONS. 327 IX. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRECEDING ANALYSES. Having stated the foregoing results respecting the soils of New-York, which we have obtained by analysis, we deem this the proper place for introducing a few explanatory remarks upon the subject which has so long occupied our attention. The objects which we have had in view, were to obtain a general expression respecting the composition of the soils in the districts which we have referred to so often; and to arrive at data by which not only the capabilities of the soils might be ascertained, but the reason why the soils of one district were so well adapted to the cultivation of wheat, and another to that of maize. Other objects of importance are still before us. What are the deficiencies in the soil of a given district, and how may these deficiencies be supplied ? Observation had taught the most discerning agriculturists that their soils had undergone some remarkable change, in consequence of which important crops, which had once been successfully and profitably grown, had ceased to be so. The reason why such a change had taken place, became an important problem to solve. Wheat was once the great staple production of the Mohawk and Hudson valley ; but this crop has ceased to be profitable, unless it be for family consumption: it is not an article which goes extensively into market. What is the cause of the change? It can not be due to atmospheric influences: the seasons succeed each as in the days when the Dutch first lighted their fires, and slept safely under the guns of Fort Orange. The snows and rains bring down ammonia and carbonic acid as formerly, and thus furnish to the soil the same elements. Without doubt we may say, then, that the altered conditions which influence the wheat crop are to be sought for in the soil. This view of the question, however, could not be determined directly. If the exact constitution of the soil of this part of the State had been determined at the period alluded to, we have no doubt of the truth of the position that a full analysis of the same soil, at the present time, would detect the essential losses it has sustained in the successive croppings to which it has been subjected. But we have no analyses made thus early, and hence are constrained to pursue an indirect route. We may determine the constituents essential to a wheat soil, or the constitution of a soil when this crop is not only productive, but free from such accidents as rust and shrinkage. With these objects before us, we engaged in the foregoing analyses. They have been conducted with care, and, so far as they go, may be relied upon. The foregoing analyses, however, give in general the mineral constituents, or those which are comparatively free and soluble : they do not determine the actual capabilities of the soils, nor the exact proportion in which the elements exist. Considering that it was an object of sufficient importance to determine the amount of the elements as -they exist, both ina free and combined state, we have engaged in a more determinate and exact method, which it is proper we should state in detail in this place. 328 ANALYSIS OF SOILS. The analyses were conducted through two operations. The first was precisely that by which we obtained the results already stated. The silicates, alumina and iron, lime and magnesia, were severally obtained by the usual methods. To secure exactness, the double filters were always well washed, dried, burnt and weighed. We then tested for phosphates, by redissolving the alumina and iron in chlorohydric acid: the soluble silex was separated by filters, and, if in a decidedly appreciable quantity, it was weighed. The solution being freed from silica, was exactly neutralized by caustic ammonia, and the phosphates, if any existed, were thrown down by a solution of acetate of potash. Sometimes the phosphate of alumina and phosphate of the peroxide of iron did not immediately appear, but, in the course of five or six hours, it would become perceptible, and in twenty-four hours it subsided. In some cases its presence would be sensible, but its quantity so small that it did not appear of sufficient importance to filter and weigh. The iron and alumina were not separated. Having subjected the alumina and iron to the above test for phosphates, we then took up the farther examination of the silicates obtained in the first operation. This was, in the first place, fused in a platina crucible, with three times its weight of carbonate of soda. The fused mass was then dissolved out by boiling water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, evaporated to dryness, and then redissolved ; when it was subjected to the same course of treatment, for alumina, iron, lime, magnesia, potash and soda. By this treatment, we supposed the capability of the soil would be determined. The advantages of this double process consist in obtaining first the elements which are more immediately available to the crops; and, in the second process, we learn the amount of the elements which are more securely locked up by the silica for future use. Both ope- rations give the capabilities of the soil. In the second operation, phosphates are never obtained, but lime, alumina, iron and some magnesia usually ; and in a few instances, where the soil contained much matter from the primary rocks, a greater amount of lime was obtained than by the first operation: the amount of magnesia is much less also. The phosphates of the soil which have been derived in the last place from animal or vegetable origin, may be expected to be easily dissolved ; and it is quite doubtful whether any exists in any soil, which may not be dissolved and obtained by the first operation. ‘They pro- bably exist in fine particles in the soil as phosphate of lime and alumina, and, if so, are almost as soluble as the phosphates contained in bones. The phosphates, then, so far as they exist, are always soluble, and never locked up in combination with an acid, such as will not yield to the action of the weak organic acids, which are formed in the soils by peculiar changes that take place in woody fibre and other vegetable products. The process by which soluble silica was obtained, we deem highly important. We believe we do not err when we state that silica is an element equally important in vegeta- tion with the phosphates, or the potash and alkaline earths. It is a mistaken notion, if it exists, that fertility is due to any one element; that a good crop of corn can be raised, provided the phosphates, or any other one of the necessary elements, are in sufficient ANALYSIS OF SOILS. 329 quantity. If any thing, silica plays a more important part in vegetation than any other element, notwithstanding it is so inert to our senses. It exists, it is true, in greater pro- portion in those parts of grain which are rarely consumed by man, as the straw of the cereals ; yet the seed, the part used by us as food, is perfected only when the silica of the straw is in due proportion. Hence it may be, that, in many soils, the very want of soluble silica is the only reason why the cereals are not raised and cultivated successfully. If so, it is at once suggested that here is a case to which Liebig’s manures would be specially adapted. Silica is rendered soluble by the action of potash and the alkalies: if it is fused with them, it becomes perfectly soluble in water. We may suppose, however, that the mere addition of ashes to a soil wanting in soluble silica, would secure the attainment of the object sought: they would dissolve, or, in other words, enter into combination with the silica of the soil, and thus supply the great desideratum. If we look carefully over the many analyses of grains and other vegetable products, we can scarcely fail to be convinced that none of the elements which appear in the foregoing analyses are unimportant : they are wanted by different vegetables in different proportions ; but all are wanted, and all are consumed. It may be that the quantity in which some of them appear is inconsiderable, and, to a superficial observer, such an element may not appear to be essential ; but this opinion is inadmissible, and we are obliged to accede to the view which maintains that a minute proportion of one element is as essential to the com- position of a grain in its perfect state, as the more ample abundance of another. In making our analyses, the amount of potash and soda should have been determined more frequently, had time permitted. It is true, many of the analyses might have been omitted, and the process in the remaining instances carried to its ultimatum. In expla- nation of our course of proceeding, it seemed quite desirable to increase the number even of partial analyses. We had very clearly six districts, the character of whose soils were to be determined ; and this required many analyses, carried at least so far as to determine the amount of lime and magnesia, two great elements in the constitution of soils. Another reason for the omission in regard to soda and potash, is that we were not fully convinced of the utility of the analyses we were engaged in. A variety of opinions prevailed, and do still prevail, in regard to this part of the work; and hence in consequence of the doubt which brooded over us, we did not commence in earnest at a period sufficiently early to enable us to execute what we now wish ; and even now we shall not be disappointed if a contrariety of opinion exists as to the usefulness of our work. Some valuable facts have been elicited by the questionings we have put to the soils of the several districts ; and we believe we have prepared the way for more, or for an advance in this mode of procedure. We lay more stress, however, upon the matter, when applied to the soils of this State, than when applied to those of New-England. The soils of this State are far more uniform in their composition ; and hence a single analysis is worth more, for the purpose of de- termining what the soil is for a wide extent of territory, than elsewhere. This is quite | AcricuLTuraL Report. | 42 330 SOIL OF THE TACONIC DISTRICT. manifest in our analysis of the soils of the Wheat and Taconic districts: they differ, and those differences can not be accounted for by supposing that they are due to local accidents. Then again there is a similarity in the soils of the same geological regions, and this similarity is not due to accident, but to those general influences which have prevailed and operated over a widely extended territory. It is this uniformity in the composition of the New-York soils, which has led us on from step to step, and kept us at work in this part of the survey ; and as this fact could not be known at the outset, but must develop itself only in the progress of the work, it will appear as a reason why some things have been omitted and others performed. We may now proceed to state in detail those more thorough analyses, by which those interested will be able to compare the composition of the soils of the several districts with each other, and perceive the foundation upon which the pursuits in husbandry receive their special impulses ; for the husbandry of a country can go only in certain channels with much profit. Especially is this the case with the direct products of the soil ; and the im- pulse which starts it, and impels it forward in this channel, is derived mainly from the composition of the soil. The local influence®f small markets affects merely the minor products, or those which are derived from high garden culture. We shall first lay before our readers the constitution of the soil of the Taconic district. By reference to the map, the extent of this district will be seen; but for a more perfect understanding of its character, we must refer to the geological structure, and the peculiar influence which diluvial action has exerted on this territory. Our attention has been directed to the soils of Rensselaer and Washington counties. The first analysis is of a soil remarkable for the production of maize, and which has been cultivated thirty or forty years. It is in the south part of Hoosic, on high ground, and underlaid by the taconic slate. The analysis was made upon a dry soil, which lost on drying at 300°, 4°40, which is set down as water, but not reckoned as an element. ANALYSIS, First process. | Second process. Or patio matter 222 eee ee eee es 9-31 00-00 Silicates‘and siléx 2 f2sesc8 ous beeen eet 77-00 70°87 Peroxide of iron and alumina. -._....--..------ 11°58 4°50 BNC Si as Bt oh i oe eee 1:31 1-63 WagNesa , 0:00 trace. 99-58 82-10 Phosphates: 32 wean so 28-8 Sed ote ee a trace: Noluble Silex = soe sot Sooo one nsae een a OC DU The above soil contains a very large quantity of the silicates of alumina and iron. The trace of phosphates was large, but not weighed. The soils of the eastern range of hills in Salem, and onwards north or south, are all good lands, and the elements seem to be combined in their proper proportion for grass and the cereals. 334 ANALYSIS OF SOILS Analysis of soil from Glensfalls, Warren county. This soil is sandy, and consists of an extension of the lands passing through Albany, Schenectady and Saratoga counties. First process, | Second process. Wrganie matter =o een eee oo cea ke Soho TOROU 0-60 Sillcatand siicatesssee naan ce koe e eee eee COLES 69°44 Peroxide of iron and alumina (free) --.--------- 4°25 0-00 do (combined)-.------ 0:00 15-00 Carbonate ‘of lime:€ve=uss seus sete Sees 8 0-00 Limeicombined === een ene as ee ee ae eRe 2°50 Marnesia (free) 2 Stce te ee ee soe? \trace: 0-00 do (combined) S228 = tee ee eee FOP OD trace, 99°35 86°94 Phosphates o: 2-22 -92- -s 26-0 so sete acen Usa Soluble:silica- -..__--.-£-.---.---=-.- a large trace. This soil is still more remarkable for the great amount of combined alumina, iron and lime ; and its analysis explains in part the fact why this sandy range of country is pro- ductive and durable, yielding at least moderate or respectable crops of maize for many years in succession. It contains more mineral food for plants than an inspection of the soil would lead us to suspect. Analysis of peat from Hoosic falls. From a farm owned and cultivated by Mr. E. Ball. Organic matter =.= 5. Ss = ee ee 56°00 Silica Saas Eee ee ee 26 +00 Alhiminasands irons! sear tee ee ne 8-00 @arbonsteyoli lime S42 ss a Ses ee 9-00 Mapneésiaye. 22225). - 225 - a ee 1-00 100-00 Amount soluble in water. Carbonate (crenste) jaa — == a= ae ee 1°82 I EVEREST 20S See ae oie oe ae ee 0°34 2°16 The above specimen of peat is probably one of the most valuable manures which the farmers of the neighborhood can employ, containing a large quantity of the silicates (not sand ), in a state ready to be used by plants. It seems, from the several analyses which we have made of the peats from different parts of the country, that a great difference of composition exists; some consisting of organic matter, with a very small amount of inorganic; while others, as in the instance above, contain a large amount of inorganic matter, a considerable proportion of which is in combination with organic acids. The latter kind is by far the most valuable: hence it is FROM THE TACONIC DISTRICT. 335 well to examine the peats by chemical tests. If these peats are burned, they are less valuable as manures: there is a loss of organic matter, and the silica becomes insoluble in consequence of its having been ignited. Analysis of a slaty limestone intercalated with the taconic slate. From the farm of Mr. E. Ball. Silex eo een ee ee ees ES ee 11°50 Peroxide of iron and alumina -__-..-....----- 6:36 Ganbonathiohilime==<< == 2 Sees See 82°14 100-00 /lnalysis of a hard blue limestone from Hoosic (Sparry limestone) . STO ee ee a oe ee er ee ees 7:40 Mlamipa andnitONnese =n ees eee ae ae. 1-60 Warhonate olilime= <-> Sea ee eee 91-00 100-00 These limestones are sufficiently pure for agricultural uses. Their examination was undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining whether they were magnesian, and suitable for hydraulic lime; but neither of them contain any magnesia. From the foregoing examples of analysis of the soils of the Taconic district, taken in connection with those previously given (page 243 — 249), we may learn the general composition of its soils. The later analyses were of soils which have been for many years under cultivation. In these examples, it will be observed that magnesia is diminished ; inasmuch as in all instances where we have analyzed uncultivated soils, it exists in much greater quantity. These soils have been subjected to rigorous treatment, in consequence of the kind of crops which have been taken from them, particularly in being planted with indian corn or maize, which, as is well known, consumes a large proportion of the phos- phate of magnesia. These lands, as analysis has abundantly shown, are well fitted to this crop ; inasmuch as in every analysis where the phosphates have been sought for, they have been found. The same opinion would be formed, too, by an inspection of the crop itself in autumn, when the exhibition of the well-formed and well-filled ears shows the inherent adaptedness of the soil to the crop. It is for these reasons that we have laid some stress upon the name we have given to this formation, namely, the Maize district. We must observe, however, that this is not the only region which produces maize of a superior excellence in consequence of the composition of its soil. My earliest examinations of the soils of the different districts led me to adopt the opinion that the Taconic district was, as a whole, the best adapted to the growth of maize ; but I have since found a soil in Western New-York, at a certain height above the Wheat region, which is quite as well adapted to the growth of this grain, having about the same proportion of phosphates as the soils of the Taconic district. I shall speak of this region in its proper place. 336 ANALYSIS OF SUiLS We shall now proceed to give a statement of the analysis of several soils taken from Christian-hollow* and its vicinity, which has been, and still is, noted for its wheat-growing capacity. ‘The first specimen was selected from the farm of Mr. Palmer, in the southeast part of the town of Lafayette, on the west side of Christian-hollow. It was taken from the third terrace (fig. 37, d). Fig. 37. a. South end of Christian-hollow, and first terrace. 6. Second terrace. d. Third terrace. Below a is the Marcellus slate and Hamilton slate or shale ; and above d, from which the soil was taken, is the Tully limestone. The rocks of this section are, for short distances, horizontal. It was cleared in 1830, and has never been manured. It was cropped for ten years,” and has steadily yielded forty bushels of wheat to the acre. ANALYSIS. First process. Second process. Watert® $254): 2) Wet pHi Ds er 11°2212 0-0000 Organic matter_ _-__ megavoavel eke Jt en 7 +8490 0-0000 Silicasandysthtcates 24451 dott oat ae 72 °8296 66-6796 Peroxide of iron and alumina__.......--_-- 6+7483 0-0000 Combined alumina, etc. ........------.-.-- 0+0000 5*2148 Warbonate of lime; 2- <= soe 5 a 1+7436 0-0000 Aen DIEU Bae oe os a ea ee 0-0000 0-7500 Wa Teal ere a en mee re ee 0 +3086 0-0000 100+7003 72-6344 Solnblessiicas == ot. - Se ete eee eee ee 0°1852 Phosphates not appreciable in one hundred grains. * Christian-hollow is a north and south valley in Onondaga county, nearly surrounded by hills from two hundred to six hundred feet high. It was originally settled by a thievish population; and hence the name Christian-hollow, given on the principle of contrast. FROM THE WESTERN DISTRICT. 337 ANALYSIS OF THE SUBSOIL. First process. Second process. Witen cee ee te eer rey eee es 13°5151 0-0000 Orpariic mater, oS en toe eee Seen 8 +3680 0-0000 Sihea’ and siicatey? + So es eee oi ere et 62°41915 57°8715 Peroxide of iron and alumina. ....--------- 14°41117 0-0000 Thesame’combined.. 42" et Sen 2 0-0000 4+0600 @arbonateiok limes st a eee ce 0-7715 00000 Lime combined <4 _ 2525 25 Ss 22 eee 0-0000 0+5000 Magnesia (free)! 25> =o ae nes + ea 0°2315 0-0000 do (combined) == 2-2 a Soa Se 0-0000 0-0600 99-8818 62°4315 Soluble'sthca=42s¢s2t.0 Sots s ete eee 0-0925 The examination of the surface soil for soluble silica and soluble matter, without ignition, gave 20°1207 of soluble matter, and soluble silica 0°1852. About double the quantity is obtained when the soil is not raised to a red heat: this we have found to be a constant result. These soils he upon the upper part of the Marcellus slate; and upon the surface there are a good many boulders or fragments of rock derived from the Chemung group, and also some large boulders of blue limestone scattered over the farm. The following is an analysis of soil from another piece of land of the same farm, which was cleared in 1816, and has been cropped most of the time since. Wheat has been grown on the land for five years in succession: average crop, thirty bushels per acre. It is now down (1846) to grass. The crops have never been poor. ANALYSIS, iWiatera cee: 2 hoo Che ee 10-0967 Organicimatter — 22 *=* 252k bog 14-4271 Silivates 2 ee 8 eo eee a Bee Be 71-1632 Peroxide of iron and alumina___.__--__-.__- 3 +2712 @arbonatesof limetoa-2 ane re ot 0:9721 Mannesia = sees sees salar sen ees enc) 00308 Soluble silicaseocs - - s=4= gene e= 525%, 00308 99-9919 ANALYSIS OF THE SUBSOIL. (Water see ee ets See SE ee Ss 2089 Orpanicmattersa = << sc eo ca naan co 4 72483 Silicate eee eae Soe oe ee eer een OO SOO, Peroxide of iron and alumina -____...-.-.--.- 4°9942 Carbonate of lime = 2-2 se” 03066 Wa pnesiatss fo ee as a eee es ewe USOGLT. Solubletenicat omens so tert he eee es trace. 98°5790 Phosphates not appreciable in 100 grains. [AcricuLTuRaL Report.] 43 338 ANALYSIS OF SOILS The quantity of organic matter is much less in the subsoil ; and the result of this analysis, as it respects the lime and magnesia, is precisely as has occurred in many instances before : there is more at the surface than below, contrary to what we had supposed before we engaged in the analysis. It appears from the analysis of the surface soil, that it has felt the effects of constant cropping, and this is what we should expect. The deep soils, in reality, are much the same two feet below the surface, as at the surface, except in the amount of organic matter and water. Analysis of soil in Christian-hollow. Situated below a deposit of tufa: uncultivated or new land. Soil dried at 212° Fahr. First process. Second process. NW EB sae Se cs rare ee 11°34 0-00 Organic matter. 23-5 2 censceGescc ates =e te 6°71 0-00 Silica antl silicates \iso. S55. 2202S: 38286 eee 72°85 69-07 Peroxide of iron and alumina (free) ---------.---- 7-50 0-00 do (combined) - - - - - --- 0-00 3°58 Carbonate of lime (free) ........-.-...-------- 0-40 0:00 do (combined) epee ees ee oe 0-00 0°55 Maonesia (Wee) ps eos no ne eee nen eres Sop 0-24 0-00 doe? (combined) 22 ---< 2-6. sen oes See 0-00 0-29 AGINDIG Silica tn eae ee aaa See ae 0-30 0-00 9907 73°49 ANALYSIS OF SUBSOIL. Water... $. ous co nc cee ea eee oe 12°75 Organic matter. +=* 2c sesvenet 22 sates cess 6°94 Silicates..<22sosc2scsstceeee ee ee 65°06 Peroxide of iron and alumina --..-..--------- 11-94 @arbonateof' lime. <= 2: = etecer sess aat 1-12 Magnesia: 2:2 2eees-s SSeS Sa eS none Soluble'silica: s2=2-2s-2+.2eeece eee 0-02 97-83 Surface soil from the farm of D. Spaulding. Receives the wash from a hill situated to the west. The farm is east, and directly be- low Mr. Palmer’s. The wheat of this farm occasionally shrinks and blights, while that of Mr. Palmer’s never does, but is always plump. A FA OV 2 DY ia ae EE ts pees Pb, pee Ping iE 9°88 SUCH ES chs => ee eee eee ree, ee eee 79-00 Peroxide of iron and alumina _....-....------ 7°84 Carbonate of limes. =... few sees oe eee 0°50 Maonesia =~ -< 2-0-2 eb pe ee eee 0°26 Solyble‘silica .<- +o 3-asteataceseess of Sc eee 0-06 FROM THE WESTERN DISTRICT. 339 The phosphates are not appreciable in 100 grains, but in 1000 grains they become appreciable. The soluble silex of this quantity = 2°50 grains. Another specimen of surface soil gave VS CUTS Se 5 hl aie 9 See eS ae 9-88 Oroanicwmatter nom lee a anos cess ae cle 79-92 Peroxide of iron and alumina ___..-_-.-------- 8-50 Garpondte Ok. UME tesa oe soe cis aa eee ata 0-42 Maonesias 4. icanjss--5escsennessscs sae cece 0-20 98-92 Color of the soil dark brown. Soil from a hill west of Christian-hollow. Situated on the south side of Fall creek, where it cuts through Bear mountain, southeast corner of the town of Lafayette. It gives a good wheat crop. ANALYSIS. Wiater of absorption’ =. ---- = nota nen +2200 The well dried soil gave Organicimatten acess - ote een eo saa eee ee LOND Silitates=eeeas stew Ss Ue se ea LS Peroxide of iron and alumina ---------------. 7°45 Cathonate of plime> 242222 5-528 24. 323-225, 12505 Masnesiaso2) 22208 22 cose oe ol suse 1260 Solublejsiea= <2 pas etn ee yy O09 Phosphates) =. oo = sa es oe oo eo oa 8 tae. 102°05 Surface soil from the farm of T. & W. Spence, Christian-hollow. ANALYSIS. Watch ert 8 52 ee ot et ee ee ee OO) Oreanic-matter. === 9-4 a-) ses a |wae| ot = = z Rai NAMES. =sEe| = ges = aa Sp 3 Ss ee 2 B it S ie) | es CRs lie Hoosic roofing slate.......... ene 3°79] 70°55) 20°35] 0°99) O°40/trace.}| 3°32) .. Slate from Salem...... Sainteieiwatayos 2°62) 84°65] 11°53) 0°60) 0-60] trace.| .. ae Waterville, Me. ..... eeevee cones 3°42) 71°62) 23°25; 0-10} 0°05] 0:90} 1°52) .. Fairhaven i ateleia tein 2°70| 80°72] 12°76] 1°761 O-40}) .. - i Welch roofing slate.........+..-- | 2°64] 78°76] 16-64! 0-36] 0°52) .. - bd Shale from Cortlandville 3°03} 83°50) 12°56] 0°61) 0°30) trace re tc Cauda galli grit ....... --. 6°00} 81°54; 7°00) 1°76) trace.| .. = es Marcellus slate ........0.scseeee 4°25] 48°12) 10°00} 36°60) 1°00) . 2 ee Red slate or-shale of the salt group, | 6°48} 68°86] 14°98] 9°89} 0:40} O-14] .. ya Green shale of the salt group..... 5°56; 34°56] 13°36] 43°06; 2°17] .. | -- 1-06 } * Loss may be set down as potash and the phosphates probably. CLAYS OF NEW-YORK. Clays are highly important materials in the constitution of soils. They are also im- portant fertilizers, especially when they contain lime, magnesia and potash ; but they are more valuable in pottery and brick. making. Some kinds of clay, as is well known, enter into the composition of the finest works of art—the porcelain ware. The expense of moving clay may be considered as the great bar to its use as a fertilizer, and yet its effects are most decided upon all lands which are denominated light. The Albany or Tertiary clay extends through the vallies of the Champlain and the CLAYS AND MARLS. 357 Hudson, and exerts an important influence upon the agriculture of these vallies. It is an excellent base for agricultural work, and makes a desirable foundation for tillage. A reddish brick clay appears on Cayuga lake, and is probably the same clay which exists in Christian-hollow. The Adirondack clay is local, and is formed by the decomposition of the hypersthene rock. COMPOSITION OF THE CLAYS OF NEW-YORK. g q i /26 2 2 Hl bo |} Bu| 81 & | B | sed PLACES AND KINDS OF CLAY. 3 BEES =p 8 & | 228 Ay {isn WO = es Says Tertiary or Albany clay.......... | 52°44! 32-28] 8-OOltrace.*| trace. | trace.| 5°28 Niagara clay..... 58-24] 20-76] 14-62| 2-42) .. | O-44| 3-24 Cayuga clay ..... - | 44°20] 28°72] 16°48} 0-16) trace. | trace.| 8-44 Adirondack clay one 84°63] .. 0°94) 0°60] trace.| 0-11} 6°52 Brick clay near Caldwell......... 65°60) 17°52| 8-92] 0-39) . ae 6°68 Reddish clay of Christian hollow,t | 44°84] 27°40; 8°29] 1°36; .. 2°60; 16°36 * A preceding analysis gave 1-62. ~Common in the Wheat district. COMPOSITION OF THE NEW-YORK MARLS. Carbonate of lime. Oxide of iron and alumina. Insoluble Organic Saratoga county ............- Fairmount: near Mr. Geddes’, Salem: Mr. Crary’s farm..... Christian-hollow .........-. Cayuga bridge*.....see.eeees 358 SUMMARY. A XIV. SUMMARY OF THE LEADING FACTS WHICH HAVE BEEN ASCERTAINED RESPECTING THE SOILS OF NEW-YORK. 1. The soils of New-York are often modified by the rock upon which they rest. Their composition, however, always differs from the rock, even when it is apparent that they were derived directly from the strata upon which they repose, or are in immediate con- tact. The differences are found to consist principally in the presence of those matters which are soluble by water when aided by carbonic acid, as carbonate of lime and magnesia. The soluble organic matters exist in a proportion greater in the soils than in the rocks; though all sedimentary rocks contain soluble organic matters, especially the decomposable shales and slates. The hard limestones exert but little effect or influence upon the composition of the soils: the most important office which they perform is me- chanical, and the soil upon them is usually drier than upon the compact sandstones and shales. 2. The composition of the soils of the Eastern or Taconic district differs from that of Central and Western New-York, or those which belong to the Wheat district. The first contain a greater amount of the phosphates of lime, alumina, iron and magnesia ; the last, a greater amount of nitrogenous matters. The derivation of the first may be traced to the rock upon which they rest: the same fact has been shown in respect to the last ; and it is the peculiar constitution of the rock which makes them wheat soils, or gives them a fitness to sustain and perfect the wheat crop for a succession of years. 3. It has been shown that the soils of the Eastern district are closely allied to the Southern, or to those which rest upon the shales situated above the Onondaga limestone, particularly in the northern part of the Southern district. We find, in this range, soils which contain the phosphates, and which are fitted for the culture of maize. The amount of this crop is greater than upon the wheat soils below; and although wheat was for- merly grown in the early settlement of the country, and may have been an important crop upon this higher shelf of land, still experience proves that it is not a durable crop ; that it is more liable to shrink ; and that now only spring wheat is attempted to be raised upon the lands, after they have been cultivated for a few years. 4. The soil of the Southern district is shown, by analysis, to be deficient in lime and magnesia. The lime which exists in it is mostly in combination with the organic acids, and is more abundant in the surface soil than in the subsoil. The vallies, those especially which are watered by the Susquehannah, Allegany and their tributaries, are better supplied with lime than the soils of the hill-sides. 5. The geological formations which are most favorable to the production of the greatest number of important crops, are those of the western and central part of the State ; inas- much as their peculiar composition, and the speedy disintegration of the rocks upon which SUMMARY. 359 they rest, furnish new and fresh matter to supply the loss occasioned by the removal of inorganic matter in the crops themselves. 6. The supply of phosphates has been shown, by analysis, to be derived in the main from the rocks themselves; parts of the two systems supplying them in about equal pro- portions, namely, the Taconic slates, and the Hamilton and Chemung groups. The Tully limestone also furnishes the phosphates in about the same proportion ; but, this rock being quite limited, its influence is not extensive. 7. The character of the soils which are now cultivated in New-York, has not been ma- terially changed by diluvial action. This assertion will receive essential support, when it is recollected that the rocks upon the east side of the Hudson extend very far north ; and that the force or power which transported the soil, moved it in the direction of the strike of the rocks themselves. In the middle and western counties, a very large proportion of the underlying rock crumbles down into a tillable soil in a short time after exposure. The transportation of the debris of those rocks, however, has extended the wheat-growing soil as far as the outcropping of the Hamilton and Chemung rocks in many places. The higher grounds, or the elevated parts of the district, covered by the Hamilton aad Chemung groups, have not received the debris of the Onondaga-salt group: they are furnished with soil which is derived principally from the groups themselves. It is always deficient in the alkalies and alkaline earths. 8. The iron in the wheat soils, and in the green shales, is in the state of a protoxide : indeed this statement holds good when applied to the Taconic slates. The soils, too, of the Wheat district, contain the protoxide principally ; while in the maize-growing district, it is usually in the state of a peroxide. It is improbable that iron enters into the organs of vegetables, without first becoming a peroxide. 9. There are no soils in New-York, which are entitléd to the appellation of calcareous soils. In the common language of the journalists of the day, they are either sandy or argillaceous loams. The peaty soils belong mostly to swamps or marshes, or which were so before they were reclaimed. 10. The means which are usually at hand for maintaining an uninterrupted fertility, are plaster, limestone, marl, tufa, peat, and decomposable shales. The distribution of the limestones is well delineated on the Geological Map. The peat and marl beds are gene- rally distributed over the entire State, but they occupy only small basins in each of the geological formations. Lime is used too seldom; though its influences and effects are invariably decided, where there is a sufficiency of vegetable or organic matter. Hence one of the most important desiderata for the agriculturist, will be hereafter to secure a sufficient amount of organic matter, which may be used most efficaciously in the form of compost with marl and lime. Sulphate of lime is quite a constant ingredient in the soils of the eastern, central and western counties; and less common in the Southern, Northern, Highland and Atlantic districts. 11. The means for increasing the fertility of soil are much greater in all places than 360 SUMMARY. maybe supposed ; for example, all manufacturing establishments have various kinds of wastes, such as hair, wool, bones and animal matter, wood and horn shavings, coal dust and cinders, ashes, waste lime, coal ashes, apple pumice, in which, during decomposition, much ammonia and the phosphates exist; carcases of dead animals, weeds of the yards of houses and barns, all of which ought to go into the compost heap; turf by the road- side, and the wash of roads, which ought always to be turned upon meadows or pastures. 12. It is evident from the composition of the numerous beds of slate and shale which exist in all the sedimentary formations, that heaps of the fragments of these rocks might be turned to good account as fertilizers, provided a disintegration could be effected. In many instances, there is not the slightest difficulty in bringing them to a pulverulent mass. Where they resist decomposition, piles of the debris, if heated, would crumble more speedily to powder. If they were coarsely pulverized, the mechanical effects in many cases would be important, especially on the argillaceous soils ; and they would slowly yield up their potash and phosphates, magnesia and lime, to supply the annual waste to which the soil is subjected by cropping. Rocks which contain sulphuret of iron undergo a rapid disintegration, and afterwards a thorough decomposition. In these rocks are contained, in all cases, valuable fertilizers, which are available by the aid of quicklime. From them a large amount of gypsum may be obtained by means of the lime, in addition to the other soluble matters which the rock may contain. 13. In conclusion, I feel justified in saying that the available means within the reach of the farmers of New-York are much greater than has been supposed. The gypsum, marls, limestones, peat, and broken down shales, either gypseous or calcareous, and magnesian or pyritous, may all be turned to account, and may be employed at a reasonable expense, not only to sustain the soil in its present state of fertility, but to increase considerably its productiveness. DESCRIPTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL MAP. This map is a reprint, in the main, of the map which accompanies the first reports. Important additions, however, have been made to it. Parts of Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut are now included. In addition to these, the range of the Taconic system is colored, and made a distinct part of the map. It occupies a belt extending from the Canada line to New-Jersey and Tappan bay on the North river, below the Ilighlands. This system, it will be observed, is divided or split by the primary of the Highlands; the older part passing on the east side intersects the Hudson at Peekskill, and the superior portion passes on the west side and leads off into New-Jersey, passing through the county of Orange. The primary rocks of Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut, which lie in a position nearly parallel to the Taconic system, are colored with lake, and the Taconic systema drab. By this addition, the relative positions of the New-York, Taconic and Primary systems of New-England are indicated. We may see the great primary nucleus of New-England as it disappears beneath the oldest sedimentary rock now known, composing the Taconic system; and the disappearance of the latter beneath the New-York system. The New-York system continues the superior system until we reach Green bay and the sources of the Menomone river, where the Taconic system once more appears, supporting the lower members of the New-York system, and reposing on and supported by the Primary, as in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Vermont. The narrow belt of the Taconic system isa remarkable feature in the geology of this country; it being an immensely thick series, which seems to have been deposited in long and remarkably deep seas that resembled profound clefts in the crust of the earth. The different members are not distinguished by colors: the difficulty of locating them with that de- gree of precision which is required in a map, was considered a sufficient reason for the omission. The oldest or inferior member, the gray sandstone or granular quartz, lies upon the primary in the range of Williamstown and Dalton, Massachusetts, and Arlington, Vermont. The Stockbridge limestone forms a belt immediately west; and then there is a belt of silvery talcose slate, or magnesian slate; beyond which the sparry limestone appears in a distinct range, which may be located with some degree of pre- cision, when it is stated that the tunnel of the Great Western Railroad passes through it, which is not far from the line bounding New-York and Massachusetts. The members are regarded as the inferior rocks of the Taconic system. Still west of them there is a wide belt of taconic slates, which contains many subordinate beds of limestone and siliceous slate, and which frequently supports the outliers of the lower members of the New-York system. The Taconic system, as a whole, may be regarded lithologically as an immense slate system, with subordinate beds of sandstone and limestone, both of which are more largely developed upon its eastern border adjacent to the Primary system. The New-York system is colored like the former map, which accompanies the volumes already distributed. EXPLANATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL MAP. The map extends into Massachusetts and Connecticut. The greater part of the area belongs to the Primary system, and is colored lake. The State is divided into six districts, and is numbered accordingly. [AcricuLTuRAL Report.] 46 362 EXPLANATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL MAP. The first is the Highland district, and is colored lake: it occupies two distant parts of the State; the Southern is much the smallest, and is comparatively unimportant: it is much modified by the soils of the Eastern and Fludson river districts, which separate it from the Northern. This latter portion is under- luid by primary rocks,consisting of gneiss and hypersthene rock; the former is principally upon the outside,“ while the latter occupies the interior, and forms a remarkable nucleus, which is mountainous, and furnishes but little arable soil. It will be observed that many of the principal rivers rise in the northern highlands. The primary region is surrounded by sedimentary rocks which belong to the lower Silurian or New-York system. The second district is the Eastern or Taconic, and forms a long narrow belt running nearly north and south. The rocks of this system divide at the highlands of the Hudson; the upper or superior rocks cross above, and the inferior below the Highlands: the former are slates, the latter slates and white and gray limestones. The district iscolored drab. The hills run nearly north and south in the direction of the strike of the rocks; hence the transported materials, which often compose the soil, belong almost exclusively to the same rocks upon which they rest. The Hudson and Mohawk district is the third, and occupies, in part, those vallies. It is colored blue. The rocks belong wholly to the lower part of the New-York system; the slates, however, seem to impart to it its characteristic features. The valley of the Mohawk is modified by the Northern High- land district. A belt of northern boulders crosses the district at Amsterdam. Primary soil: is freely distributed through this part of the district. Lewis, Jefferson, and a part of the western part of St. Lawrence counties are embraced also in this district. The soils of this part of the district have been examined less than those in the Mohawk and Hudson vallies. The Wheat district is numbered four. It extends from Herkimer to Oswego, and then westward along the south shore of Lake Ontario: its southern boundary runs through the middle of the smaller lakes, Cayuga and Seneca, to Lake Erie. A very large proportion of the soil of this district is derived directly from the red and green shales: the northern part, that which lies along the shores of Lake Ontario, is derived from the softer portion of the Medina sandstone. The soil is often drab colored, especially when derived from the red slate. The green shales furnish a light colored soil, but it is essentially the same as that derived from the red rocks. The Southern district lies south of the former: it embraces the southern tier of counties. The vallies run north and south. The slates, shales and sandstones are deficient in calcareous matter: the soil also, especially in the higher places, is deficient in the alkaline earths generally. The vallies which have received the northern drift, which is largely mixed with the debris of the red and green shales, bear good crops of wheat. The pebbles which indicate this variety of soil are derived from the Niagara and Onondaga limestones. The fifth is eminently a grazing district. The grass upon the slopes, which are watered with pure water, is sweet, and is relished by all kinds of stock. The butter which is produced from this district is not excelled by any in the State, especially that of Delaware county: I mean to say that it is equally good as the Orange and Herkimer county butter. The Orange county butter, however, is preferred in market, but probably in consequence of the superior mode in which it is packed. Long Island, in consequence of its maritime position, is made a separate district. It is, however, probable that the soil of the northern side is derived from the Primary and Taconic districts: it is even here more sandy than either. The middle and southern sides are more sandy, and in fact consist of sea sand in many places. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE IL It is designed to represent the valley of the Hudson at Albany, and the Helderberg range as it appears from the high grounds in the rear of Greenbush. The valley is colored yellow, and is a narrow alluvial formation reposing upon the tertiary or Albany clay. The immediate rock, and which appears at the Norman’s kill, is the thick-bedded gray sandstone of the superior part of the Hudson Tiver group; it extends nearly eight miles west, before it disappears beneath the calcareous shales of the waterlimes at the base of the Helderberg hills. The group which forms the Helderberg division appears in succession, and makes by itself a full and complete series, which ends with the Onondaga limestone at New-Scotland. The superior part of the Helderberg range, as represented in the panoramic view, is the Erie division. Upon the extreme left is the Catskill or Devonian division, which is colored red. The Pentamerus and Delthyris shale crop out at the main terrace on the right, and dip to the southwest. Still farther upon the right the Hudson river group, the thick- bedded sandstone, interlaminated with a black slate, forms the slope as it extends itself towards the Mohawk valley. The view is north and south. The lowest rocks belong to the Champlain division, the upper to the Catskill. The Ontario division is wanting in the series. PLATE IL. The view is designed to exhibit some of the features of the Mohawk valley, particularly its vegetation. The elm, with its pendulous branches and small and numerous ones upon the trunk, has the com- mon shape and condition of the red elm of this valley. PLATE III. The country about Rochester is richly exhibited from Mount Hope. The view looks toward the north- west. It isin Central New-York, and upon the argillaceous or wheat soils, that the splendid American elms flourish and attain a great height. They often appear without branches or limbs, until the trunk spreads as it were at once intoa noble head. They form characteristic points in the landscape. PLATE IV. The Catskill creek, for four or five miles, forces its way through a region excessively disturbed: it is in fact a part of the great north and south fracture, in which insulated hills often appear, but still formed of rocks which seem have been forced upward and broken from the adjacent strata. This mass of Pentamerus rock forms a part of a segment of a great curve, the edges of which dip towards the centre. The inferior, the Hudson river group, is the lowest mass, and dips rapidly beneath the limestones. PLATE V. The panoramic view was taken from the northwest extremity of the Helderberg range, the observer looking east. The valley of the Hudson occupies the extreme of the middle grounds, the river itself appearing only at intervals. The foreground is occupied by the limestones of the Helderberg. The long narrow hills, with their narrow intervening vallies, appear in the back ground ; but the distance is too great to exhibit their characteristics, 46* 264 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE VI. The view in Plate 6, represents a very common feature in the slate and thin-bedded sandstone hills, where the Erie division of the New-York rocks prevails. Onestagra is upon the left, and isa steep escarpment of the Hamilton group. The Catskill division appears in the distance. The hills are usually steep, and furnish a scanty pasturage. It is a view in Fultonham, Schoharie county. PLATE VIL . This is a view of the Catskill range, as it appears upon the high ground opposite the landing at Catskill. The foreground is occupied by the taconic slate; the middle by the Hudson river series, which are much disturbed, but which finally pass beneath the thin-bedded calcareous shale of the waterlimes. The back ground is occupied by the Catskill division, which exhibits many red and green strata, with their slates intervening, but rarely contains fossils. 'The New-York system is here crowded into a very narrow space, and dips rapidly beneath the Catskill mountains. The base of the mountains is gained by passing over a succession of narrow terraces. The mountains themselves are deeply cleft by the northern diluvial current, which must have pressed with great force and power upon the most advanced of the outlying hills of the Catskill. It is at this point that this great current, with its burthen of stones, is deflected to the east. PLATE VIII Is designed to give a semi-panoramic view of the valley and hills of the Schoharie. The middle of the back ground is formed of the Helderberg division, mainly: at the junction of the valley with the hills the Hudson river group ceases, and the Helderberg division begins. The Ontario division is also unknown here, or may, perhaps, be feebly represented by a series of thin-bedded dark colored shales. Atthe west, beyond the main bluff, the Cobleskill enters into the valley of Schoharie. The Erie division appears upon the left, and the Champlain upon the right. The vallies and hill- sides are valuable and productive lands. PLATE IX. The Genesee river, at and below Rochester falls, has excavated a deep channel in the soft shales for a considerable distance below the city. As usual, however, the hard bands of rock resist the process of excavation until they are undermined, when they fall of their own weight, or yield to the pressure of circumstances. These hard bands, however, create cascades and water-falls more or less im- posing. Two falls are thus created at or near Rochester, and are usually known as the Upper and Lower falls) The view is that of the Upper falls. The hard band in this instance is the Niagara limestone, and the thin band calcareous layers immediately below it. The view was taken on the east side, at the turn in the pathway about eighty rods below the falls. PLATE X. The American falls are seen to the best advantage upon the Canada side. We look down upon the deep gulf, occupied by forest trees of many kinds, beyond which the cataract appears. The geolo- gical formations belong to the Ontario division. PLATE XI. On the west side of the creek at Schoharie the Catskill range rises in the distance, and at the south. The meadows and flats appear immediately beneath the foreground, and the creek bathing the base of the western hills. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 365 PLATE XII. Exhibits a view of the Schoharie valley and creek at Gilboa, twenty-five miles above Schoharie court- house. The rocks belong to the Catskill division, and contain many fossils, but of vegetables and mollusca, the latter belonging mainly to the genus Cypricardia. The peculiar vegetation of the vallies is well exhibited; the pendulous elm, and the spreading butternut. The rocks dip only moderately to the southwest. The hills are quite steep, and are only thinly covered with grass. PLATE XIIL Is designed to illustrate some of the topographical features of the Taconic system. For this end I selected Graylock, the highest ground in Massachusetts. Short abrupt ranges seem to have been forced upward, and even appear as if they had been subsequently broken down. In the middle ground the first range is broke down so as to expose the steep slope from Graylock in the distance, into what is called the Hopper. One of the branches of the Hoosic river rises in these narrow gorges. Graylock commands an extended view over the eastern part of New-York, including a part of the Hudson valley and the Catskill ranges. PLATE XIV. Fie. 1. Nemapodia tenuissima. E. This remarkable impression upon the slate of Washington county, has been shown, I think very satisfactorily, by my friend Dr. Fitch, to be formed by some living unknown animal. Fic. 2. Gordia marina. E. Body linear, smooth, compressed ; convolutions or folds like the Nereites. Fic. Fie. Fig. Fic The animal seemed to be destitute of knots or ganglia. It occurs in the quarries of flagging stone in Jackson, Washington county. 3. This is a fragment merely of a crustacean of a doubtful character, or it may be a part of a nereite, It was the first fossil which was found in Washington county, which belonged to the animal kingdom. PLATE XV. 1. Nereites jacksoni. EE. Feet large and orbicular: Waterville, Me. 2. N. pugnus. E. Feet large, rather long and ovate. It terminates in an enlargement which resembles the fist. See fig. 4, Plate 16. Waterville, Me. . 3. N. loomisi. E. Feet numerous, small, lanceolate: Waterville, Me. PLATE XVL . 1. Myrianites murchisoni. E. Long, linear or threadform, and slightly knotted; folds numerous. Fic. 2. Nereites deweyi. Feet oval, numerous. Fic Fic Fic. . 3. N. gracilis. E. Feet narrow, thickly implanted; long, ovate. . 4. N. pugnus. Showing the termination. .5. M. sillimani. E. The body is larger than the M. murchisoni, but the knots are quite similar to it. Fie. 6. N. lanceolata, Feet lanceolate. PLATE XVII. Exhibits the pelagic fucoids of the roofing and taconic slates of Rensselaer and Washington counties. 366 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XVIII (TACONIC SYSTEM). Section 1. The valley of the Hudson is formed at Fort-Edward by the Hudson river series. The hills bordering the valley are often crowned, as represented in the plate, by the calciferous sandstone, beneath which we invariably find the taconie slate. The calciferous sandstone is usually an outlier, and is really an insulated mass. Proceeding eastwardly, the slate is known to contain beds of grit and sometimes calcareous strata, which are usually, if not always, thin-bedded and without fossils, The thick and heavy beds of limestone are found only towards the base of the Green mountain range.- The granular quartz, or brown sandstone, is the most eastwardly rock of this system, and rests, in this section, on gneiss. The drift obscures the relations of these rocks towards Sunderland, but there is no doubt respecting the superposition of the granular quartz. This section may be regarded as one of the best for exhibiting and proving the entire independence of the Taconic system from the Primary below and the New-York system above. Section 2. This section furnishes some facts of an interesting kind. The bordering ridge of the Hud- son valley is crowned, east of Greenbush, with a mass of calciferous sandstone, which abounds in its peculiar fossils; but the superior part of the limestone is the Trenton, which finally passes into a black slate, which also contains fossiliferous layers of limestone; so that we are furnished at this point with slate above identical with the Trenton slate, and also slate below identical with the Taconic slate. None but prejudiced geologists will have the hardihood to maintain that the slate beneath the calciferous sandstone is equivalent to the Trenton or Utica slates, or the slates of the Hudson river group; or that the series has been reversed or overturned. Upon this section the Hudson river group recurs, beneath which lie the taconic slates, At Chatham four-corners, the taconic, or perhaps more properly the magnesian slates emerge from beneath the Hudson river group which appears about a mile west, the intervening space being filled with drift. Section 3. The west end, at Whiteliall, exhibits the lower rocks of the Champlain division resting upon gneiss. The former are deeply cleft by diluvial action. The taconic slates appear for the first time about three miles to the east, and in many places in this region they support the outlying masses of the calciferous sandstone. The section extends between five and six miles east of Whitehall. Section 4. This section exhibits nearly the same phenomena and geological relations as the preceding. Section 5. This short section is designed to exhibit the relations of the superior mass of the Hudson river group to the taconic slates. The thick bed, however, is succeeded by a thin-bedded slate. The thin-bedded limestones occur a few miles from Bath on this section. Section 6. At Poughkeepsie taconic slates appear in the steep bluffs which line the banks of the river. At Milton, about one mile west of the landing, the Hudson river group appears, and contains the common fossils of the series. The dip is changed in this case to the east. The layers are closely packed, and the fossils consequently are obscure. PLATE XIX. PrLaTerskILt Crove. It is a deep cut in the Catskill mountains, through which there is merely space for aroad. The view is eastwardly, and looks out upon the Hudson valley, in which the river may be seen threading its silver way to the Highlands. Beyond, the Taconic ranges rise and meet the horizon in elevated panoramas. The rocks which appear in the notch or clove, belong to the Devonian series, and lie in horizontal position. They have been cut down nearly a thousand feet by diluvial action. Numerous primary and foreign boulders are lodged in this narrow passage, and show conclusively the transporting agents which have been at work in ancient times. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 367 PLATE XX. The middle section, or section 1 of Plate 20 and 21, is an east and west section, and extends from the Hudson to Lewiston. Although not drawn in a direction perpendicular to the strike of the rocks, yet it shows very satisfactorily the thinning out of the strata as they extend westward from the Helderberg range. The Ontario division here is absent, while the Helderberg is supposed to be fully represented. Westward, and near Little falls, the Ontario division again appears. At the eastern extremity of the section the Helderberg and Erie divisions are prominently exhibited. In the central counties, the Salt group forms the superior mass; while at the extreme west, the Ontario division occupies the surface. Section 2, Plate 20, exhibits the position and succession of rocks at Schoharie. This section is de- signed also to illustrate the fact that the valley was formed by denudation. Section 3. The High falls of Rondout, in Ulster county, show a singular derangement of the strata, which resulted in fracturing them at least three times in a very short distance. The river falls over a rock which seems to be equivalent to the pentamerus limestone, or a mixture of this with the delthyris shaly limestone. Section 4. The Limestone creek, at Manlius, passes through a gorge and over a ledge of limestone. The superior rock, or that which forms the hills on the east and west side of the village, is the Marcellus slate. Sections 5 & 6. Exhibit remarkable flexures of the strata. Arches, curves and fractures are constantly recurring between Catskill and Leeds. West of Leeds, the rocks are only slightly disturbed. The best route for observing the numerous changes of dip, etc., is the old railroad between the above named places. PLATE XXI. Secrion 1. Isa continuation of section 1 upon Plate 20. Section 2. The uninterrupted succession of the lower sedimentary rocks of the New-York system, on a north and south line beginning at Theresa and terminating at Auburn, is a very satisfactory exhibition of stratigraphical succession. It exhibits the relative position of the Ontario division. Section 3, The turnpike route from Catskill to Gilboa exhibits the great scale upon which the Catskill division is developed in New-York. The superior mass of the Catskill mountains is undoubtedly the conglomerate of the Carboniferous series or system: it is colored purple. Section 4. This section follows up a creek which falls into the Cayuga lake at Auburn; the eralse succession only is intended to be indicated. Section 5. This section runs north and south, and is intended to exhibit the succession of rocks upon Cayuga lake. EXPLANATION OF THE ENGRAVINGS. Pace 33. View of the Adirondack Pass. This view is designed to give an idea of the immense mural precipice about five miles from the Adirondack iron-works in Newcomb, Essex county. It rises one thousand feet above the observer at its base, and is a grand exhibition of an uplift in this Primary region. The rock is the hypersthene rock. he fragments, which have fallen at different times, are thirty feet high, and support living and growing trees as high as themselves. The Ausable, which flows into the Gulf of the St. Lawrence, rises on one side; and the Hudson, which flows into the Atlantic at New-York, on the other. Pace 75. This cut exhibits a portion of the Taconic range upon its eastern side. It forms a continuous range, but made up of a succession of rounded eminences. These hills may be cultivated to their tops; but they are devoted to pasturage. The view is from the south end of Stone hill in Williams- town (Mass.), looking southwest. Pace 171. The view shows the thin and imperfectly bedded Cauda-galli grit in its horizontal position, as it is cut through by a creek at New-Scotland. The cut on page 172 shows the effect upon the same rock, when it has been subjected to pressure, and slightly elevated and weathered. It appears to have been raised to a vertical position, and would be thus regarded, perhaps, were it not that fossils have been found upon the layers, which dip very slightly. The locality is the gorge near Leeds. Pace 187. Exhibits one of the many waterfalls which occur in the New-York system. The rock belongs to the upper part of the Hamilton group, and the fall is formed by a small rapid stream near Summit in Schoharie county. The rock is thin-bedded, and it has made a remarkably fine exposure of this group, which is quite interesting for the abundance of its fossils. Pace 192. The view looks up the Schoharie creek at Gilboa. The valley is narrow, and bounded by ranges of hills and mountains which project into it. ‘The rocks are horizontal, and have been cut out by diluvial action, and thus opened the valley for the present creek, This is evident, from the fact that the rocks are scored in the direction of the valley at different heights above the present stream. Pacr 306. The natural vegetation of the hills of the Southern district is represented in this cut. The trees are thickly planted: tall and intermixed maples, pines, hemlocks and beeches, are the most conspicuous, It is a view in Gilboa, but resembles a hundred others in the same range of hills. Absorbing power of soils, page 353. Adirondack clay, comp. of, 240. Agricultural geology, 33. — relations of the Champlain division, 129. — characters of the Medina sand- stone, 143. — capacity of the Ontario division of rocks, 149. — — Onondaga limestone, 176. — — Marcellus slate, 183. — — Hamilton shales, 184. — — Catskill series, 196. Alumine, 227. Ammonia, 223. Analysis of the Albany clay, 260. — water from Albany clay, 264. — — from wells in ditto, 265. — — of Massena springs, 266. — Hboosic roofing slate, 246. — Welch slate, 246. — Marcellus slate, 183. — Hamilton shale, 184. — Onondaga limestone, 276. — Cayuga clay, 282. — soil of Canastota, 276. — — Marcellus slate, 277. — — Green shales, 278. — — from Mr. Geddes, 279. — — _ near Green lakes, 281. — — from Manlius centre, 251. — — from D. Thomas, 282. — — from Mr. Young, 283. — — Hamilton shales, 284. — — from Mr. Ellis, 284. — — Pentamerus rock, 288. — — Onondaga limestone, 289. — — Salt group, 289. — — near Clyde, 259. — — upon plaster shales, 290. — — of Wheatland, 290. | AcrictLTURAL Report. | INDEX. Analysis of soil of Lockport, 291. — — from Mr. Harmon, 290. — — from Mr. Devereaux, 291. — — of Moscow, 292. — — from Mr. Horsford, 293. — — of Castile, 293. — — from Niagara county, 294. — — of Albion, 295. — — Genesee slate, 296. — — from Hoosic-falls, 334. — — of Hoosic, 296, 331 - 2. — — from Washington co. 333. — — from Fitch’s point, 247. — — of Salem, 333. — — Petersburgh mount. 256. — — of Christian-hollow, 297, 336 - 339, — — Atlantic district, 319, 320. — — _ from Warren county, 334. — — limestone, 335. — — of Scott, 341. — — red clay, 340. Atlantic district, 318. Atmosphere, 224. Beck’s analysis of waterlimes, 274. — analysis of salines, 302. Birdseye limestone, 122. Black slate, 63. — fossils of, 65. Brewster’s formula for mean tem- perature, 16. Brown sandstone, 83. Calciferous sandstone, 118. — mineral contents, 120. — range and eXtent, 121. Carbon, 223. Carbonic acid, 227. Catskill division, 187. Catskill group, 188. — dip and stratification of, 194. — at Gilboa, 195. 47 Catskill group, termination of the strata, 195. — at Jefferson, 196. Cauda-galli grit, 171. — change of structure in, 171-2. — extent of, 173. — agricultural characters, 173. Causes of diluvial action, 214. Champlain division, 115 - 117. Chatham, soils of, 243. Chazy limestone, 122. Chilton’s analysis of the water of Sharon springs, 301. Classification of rocks, 35. — of the New-York rocks, 114. Classification of soils, 229. Clays of New-York, comp. of, 357. Climate of the State, 11. — Long island, 20. — valley of the Hudson, 21. — valley of the Mohawk, 23. — northwest of the Mohawk, 26. — southwest of the Mohawk, 28. — western part of the State, 30. Clinton group, 144. — distribution of members, 147. — — of soils of, 209, 213. — relations of, 148. — in Herkimer county, 143. Comparison of soils, 323. Composition of simple minerals, 39. — abbite, 39. — basalt, 42. — greenstone, 42. — felspar, 39. — hornblende, 40. — hypersthene, 41. — mica, 40. — pyroxene, 40. — serpentine, 41. — soils of New-York, 235. 370 Composition of soils of the High- land district, 237. — granitic soil, 239. — soil of Peekskill, 240. — — Chatham, 243. Compounds of oxygen, etc. 223. Concretions, analysis of, 261. Delthyris shaly limestone, 167. Derangements of the Taconic sys- tem, 102. Devonian system, 187. Diluvial action, 214. Division of the State into agricul- tural districts, 4. — according to temperature, 19. Drifted soils, 43. Eastern district, 6. Effect of elevation on temperature, 14. Elements of soils, 220. Equivalency of the Upper New- York rocks, 198. — of the Medina sandstone, 142. Era of diluvial action, 217. Erie division, 116, 180. Extracts from Professor Rogers’s address, 47. Final cause of diluvial action, 217. Forest vegetation of the Southern district, 306. Forwardness of the seasons, 18. Fossils of the Taconic.slate, 68. Fractures of the Champlain divi- sion, 133. — at Montmorenci, 138. =— in Essex, 137. — at Becraft’s mountain, 136. — in Saratoga, 134. Genesee slate, 189. Granitic soils, 42. — extent of, 38. Granular quartz, 83. — mineral contents, 85. — range and extent, 85. Green shale, 155. Hamilton shale or slate, 183. — mineral contents, 184. — relations of, 184. Helderberg division, 116, 153. Highland district, 4-7, 236. Hydrogen, 222. Isle Lamotte marble, 123. Jackson’s analysis of the hydraulic limestone, 275. INDEX. Kirwan’s formula for mean tempe- rature, 16. Lakes containing marl, 297. Letter from D. Thomas, 8. — from J. H. Coffin, 11. — from B. F. Johnson, 258. Lime, 228. Limestone stratum of the Marcellus slate, 182. Limestone, marl, etc. as manures, 313. Limestones of New-York, composi- tion of, 354. Lithological characters of the rocks of the Taconic system, 61. Magnesia, 228. Magnesian slate, 75. — mineral contents, 76. — range and extent, 77. Manures of the Wheat district, 297. Marble, 107. Marcellus slate, 181. — relations of, 181. Marl and peat, 204. — of New-York, comp. of, 357. Medina sandstone, 142. — thickness of, 143. Metamorphic rocks, 105. Metamorphism, observations on, 81. Meteorological tables of the Atlantic district, 321 — 2. — of the Hudson district, 268-9. — of the Southern district, 315. — of the Wheat district, 303. Mica slate, Jackson’s analysis, 356. Mineral products of the Taconic system, 105. New Red sandstone, 200. — how distinguished, 201. — footmarks in, 201. New-York system, 113. Niagara group, 150. Niagara limestone, 151. Niagara shale, 151. Nitrogen, 222. Observations on metamorphism, 81. — on the rocks which rest upon the Taconic system, 87. — on analysis, 327. Old Red sandstone, 187. Oneida conglomerate, 123. Ontario division, 115, 141. Onondaga limestone, 174. — extent and thickness, 175. Onondaga limestone, relations of, 176. — natural joints, 176. — agricultural characters, 176. Onondaga-salt group, 153. Origin of New-York soils, 206. Oriskany sandstone, 168. — character and thickness, 169, 170. — peculiarities of, 176. — relations of, 176. Oxide of iron, 229. Oxide of manganese, 106, 229. Oxygen, 220. Peat, 204. Peekskill soil, 241. Pentamerus limestone, 158. Petersburgh soil, 243. Physical characters of the surface, 124. Phenomena of diluvial action, 209. Porous limestone, 158. Portage group, 188. — thickness of, 189. — Ithaca and Chemung groups in the Hudson district, 192. — places of examination, 193. Potash, 225. Potsdam sandstone, 117. — how distinguished, 118. Primary explained, 35. Premium crops, 349. — of wheat, 349. — of maize, 349. — of oats, 350. Premium crops for 1846, 351. Properties and functions of the elements of soils, 220. Relations of the Hudson river rocks, 49. — of rocks older than the Taconic system, 52. — of the Champlain division, 140. — of the Clinton group, 148. Retentiveness of soils, 350. Roofing slate, 71. Schoharie grit, 174. Scored surfaces, 211. Secondary explained, 35. Septaria, 182. Series of rocks at the falls of the Genesee, 146 - 7. Silex, 227. Slates, analysis of, 345 - 6. Slates and shales of New-York, their composition, 355 - 6. Soils derived from decomposition of rocks, 33. — distribution of, 209. — of the Onondaga-salt group, 162, — of Chatham, 243. — of Hoosic, 244. — of Hoosic-falls, 245. — of East-Salem, 245. — of Schodack, 248. — of Amsterdam, 257. — of Littlefalls, 257. — of Rome, 253. — of the Hudson valley, 260. — of the Wheat district, 272. — of the red shale, 272. — of Tribes-hill, 257. — of Peekskill, 240. — of Petersburgh, 243. — of the green slate, 273. : — of Vermicular limestone, 274. — of water limestone, 274 - 5. — of the Southern district, 308. — of Mount Toppin, 308. — of Lafayette square, 308. — of Ithaca, 309. — of Gainesville, 309. — of Stewart’s farm, 309. — of Greenville, 309. — of Fultonham, 312. — of Schoharie flats, 312. — tested for phosphates, 344. Sources of the phosphates, 345. INDEX. Southern district, 5 -— 9, 307. Sparry limestone, 72. — mineral contents, 74. — range and extent, 74. Springs of the Champlain division, 130. — of Onondaga-salt group, 162. — of the Portage group, 191. Stockbridge limestone, 78. — mineral contents, SO. — range and extent, 80. Summary of the Upper New-York rocks, 199. — of the Helderberg division, 179. — of leading facts with respect to soils, 358. Systems how divided, 37. Tables of mean temperature, 14-17. — meteorological, of the Atlantic district, 321. — — Hudson district, 268. — — Southern district, 315. — — Wheat district, 303. Tables showing the composition of limestones, shales, marls, 354. Taconic district, 242. — soils of, 243. Taconic rocks at Belfast, Me. 97, — in Camden, 98. — on Fox islands, 100. Taconic slate, 64. Taconic system, 45. — general views of, 45. — preliminary remarks on, 45. — opinions of geologists, 46. 371 Taconic system, position and rela- tions of, 54. — sections of, 56. — individual members, 61. — lithological characters, 61. — in Rhode-Island, 90. — in Maine, 94. — in Michigan, 101. — Dr. Houghton’s views of, 101. — derangements of, 102. Temperature of soils, 231. Tertiary clay, 202. — fossils of, 202. — disturbances of, 203. Thickness of the Helderberg divi- sion, 185. — of the Ontario division, 152. — of the Medina sandstone, 143. — of the Marcellus slate, 183. — of the Hamilton shales, 185. — of the Catskill division, 197. Thinbedded limestone, 159. Topographical sketch of the State, 3 Transportation of boulders, 210. Trenton limestone, 123. Tribes-hill, soil of, 257. Tully limestone, 186 — analysis of, 347. Utica slate, 123. Waters of the Wheat district, 298. — of the Southern district, 314. Western or Wheat district, 8, 270. Waterfalls of Ontario division, 149. Winters of Livingston county, 292. ? i» ESS FS = sania anlar ahem oe | . — ~*~ L£ fi bulcorr' THLE YOATTARWAU ODS | A } \b ALMA | OWKG ans CO coe HO amy R AL Map oad 4 —_ tm $v v9 pe ee ” yea = Ne a : *, sobre XI , ‘ PLAT k T LITH ENDICOT as x = ~ ~~. tg Sy San Sos ee Pals ~ SS i Of Se ES ~ ~ x ares he ee Sate pk! Scie ~ Sas ite a 7 2 AV . 4 PLATE LITH. ENDICOTT 1 Nereiles Sivksont. PUGuus LOOMIS? . I. ay ee a = - , J a a pa@i a = — _ Sy LMyrianites Murchinsont 2 Nereites Dewere. oN: Grae lis $V Piguis 6N. canceolata: IMvrianites Sillimant. ENDICOTT LITH. PLATE XVI. Ry LITH ENDICOTT J Fucetdes stmplex. rig¢dae. a SF1ICKUOS MH. wy fe EAE SATEM Taconse States ee ta . ; a ( , : 7 ; A eee ire aradee . 2 F ‘ ~ Sp é : : SAG A UGS, = SR KIND E RHOOK - x # ae ye % ‘ a" Ny? 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EXTENDING WEST TO THE HAMILTON SHALES. “SECTION ACROSS THE SCOHARIE VALLEY. Jetian £. =| Chemung Gronp Onandega Limestone ® ” © gg ons ak ! n . J - r ‘ SECTION FROM CATTSKILL TO GILBOA. SECTION FROM AUBURN TO THERESA Medina Sandstone GILOOA COMESVILLE | - OURHAM. A 4 —— CATTSKILL PULASKI, LEWISTON SSE SE SSS ———— VICTOR | MANCHESTER F JUNIUS: LOCKPOPRT. ALABAMA, : ; BYRON. WHEATLAND SECTION OF GAYOGA LAKE. N & S. Section 4 SECTION FROM AURORA 4,MILES EAST. = JSution 3. we is Eyer. Parl Moseow Shales “Maveellos Shales. Marcellus Shales Baton wera SS = ee Timestone, _ Plaster Beil —— Se eS = : Se fa Witenes “A ITHICA i} GORDON FALL AURORA ‘ORT. GA BRIDGE lew Yor TTT 518 ISS ea a Nowe wens RASS i WV STTALE ETT ed pr ata *