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Doctor Frank Lincoln Stevens

The Students' Preceptor

and Friend

This, the nineteen and eight volume,

is affectionately




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Doctor Frank Lincoln StfeVens

The Students* Preceptor

and Friend

1 \!i.N ' tt iiineteen and ei^f.i >.>iunie,

is affectionately


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Frank Lincoln Stevens

PROFESSOR FRANK LIXCOLX STE\ KXS bci;an his work at this College in lyoi. From the first his splendid ability as a teacher was recognized, and liis department has become one of the best in the College. Xo one in the faculty is held in higher esteem by the students than is Dr. Stevens. The students find in him a friend to whom they may go at any time. with an assurance that he will be interested in any of their plans or ambitions. To come in touch with him is to gain ins])iration for a life of work and usefulness.

Dr. Stevens was born April i. 1871, on a farm near Syracuse, X. Y., and is the only son of H. 15. Stevens and Helen C. Lincoln. His father, a successful and prosperous farmer, is a descendant of New England colonial stock ; his mother is of one of the oldest and most prominent colonial families of Massachusetts. Dr. Stevens's ancestors came to Central Xew York from Massachusetts about the year 1800, and located upon the farm which is still occu]ried by the family and known as the " Lincoln Homestead."

Dr. Stevens was educated at ( )nondaga .\catlemy. Syracuse L'niversily, and Hobart College, receiving the degree of H.L. from the latter institution in i8yi. After two years at Rutgers College he received the degree of B.S. ; and in 1897 the same institution conferred on him the degree of ALS. for post-graduate work done in ( )lii(i State Universitx in iS()4-'96. He attended the University of Chicago as Fellow in Botany in 1898-99, receiving the degree of Ph.D., Manila cum huidc, in 1900. As Traveling Fellow from the University of Chicago, in 1900-01, he studied in the German Universities of Bonn and Halle, and by an appointment to the table of the Smithsonian Institution he pursued his biological studies in Italy at the Xaples Zoological Laboratories, lie studied es])eciall_\' the c|uestion?. ot \\ ater Supply and Sewage Disposal at Glasgow. I'.diiiDurgli ami London.

While at Syracuse University, Dr. Stevens was Reporter (jii the Syiacitsc Univcrsity A'cics; and was for two years Editor-in-Chief ot the Jlohart Monthly. He is a member of the I'hi Kappa I'si F'raternity; ot the 'I'heta Xii ICpsilon, ISeta Delta Beta, and Iwn other class societies.

ile has held the following positions: Student Assistant at Rutgers College and X. J. Agricultural Experiment Station 1891-93; I'eacher of Science, Racine College, 1893-94; Teacher of Chemistry and llotany. High School, Columbus, Ohio, 1894-97; Fellow, University of Chicago, 1898-99; Analyst in Chicago Drainage Canal Investigation, 1899-00; Instructor in Biology, X. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, 1901-02; Professor of Botany and \ egetable Pathology since iyo2; for some years Biologist and head of the 1 )ei)artnKnt of Plant Diseases at the N. C. Agricultural lixperiment Station.

Dr. Stevens being a student, investigator, and teacher, is a member of many scientific and educational societies, among them the Wisconsin Academy of Science ; Ohio Academy of Science; Charter member of X. C. Academy of Science; Presi- dent of the same in 1905; Member of the .\iiiericaii ISreeders" Association;

mori hARY

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1895; Fellow, 1899; Associate member of the Botanical Society of America: Member of the American Mycolog'ical Society: of the Society of American I'.acteriologists ; and (if the American Society of Naturalists; Charter member and Vice-President of the .American Nature Study Society; Organizer and Secretary of the N. C. Nature Study Society ; for some years member of the N. C. State Board of Examiners ; and at present member of the State Board of Examiners for the certification of teachers. He has tauijht in the Summer Schools at A. and M. College; at Davidson College: and at Teachers' Institutes in many counties. He is a popular lecturer at Farmers'- Institutes, and has lectured in UKire than four-fifths of the counties of North Carolina.

For the past fifteen years Dr. Stevens's work has been in agriculture and biology, and during that time he has published many scientific articles. Chief among these are : The Effect of Aqueous Solutions upon the Germination of Fungous Spores ; Laboratory Notes on Teaching Chemistry ; The Compound Oospore of Albugo Bliti ; Some Improvements upon Apparatus for Water An- alysis ; Die Gametogenese und Befruchtung hie Albugo ; Studies in the Fertilization of Phycomycetes, Sclerospora Graminicola ; Vegetable Pathology, A Reference Index : Parasitic Fungi on Ohio Weeds ; Ohio Parasitic Fungi ; Fungi New to Ohio : Fungous Enemies of the Apple, Pear and Quince, with Methods of Treat- ment ; Fimgous Enemies of the Peach, Plum, Cherry, Fig, and Persimmon ; The Granville Tobacco \Mlt ; Nutation in Bidens and Other Genera ; JVIitosis of the Primary Nucleus in Synchytrium Decipiens ; Oogenesis and Fertilization in Albugo Ipomoese-Panduranse ; The History of hte Tobacco Wilt in Granville County, North Carolina ; The Science of Plant Pathology ; Purity of Raleigh Milk Supply ; Market Milk. Bacteriological Data ; An Apple Rot Due to Volutella ; The Chry- santhemum Ray Blight ; and A Course in Nature Study. With Professors Burkett and Hill he is a joint author of "Agriculture for Beginners" and the "Hill Read- ers." Aside from these works. Dr. Stevens has written niunerous magazine articles, reviews of scientific literature, and articles for the agricultural press.

In 1897 Dr. Stevens was married to Adeline T. Chapman, of Ohio, whose cciliinial ancestors are numbered among the prominent families of ^'irginia and Xew Jersey. Mrs. Stevens has always taken an active part in the educational life of the College and State. She was assistant in Biology at the A. and M. College in i902-'o3, and teacher of Nature Study in the A. and M.. the State, and the Davidson Suminer Schools. She is a lecturer at Women's Farmers' Institutes, and a member of the National Committee of the Women's Institute Workers.

The Sixth Volume

We have strug^-led throuf^h many obstacles and disappointments to present you with this, the sixth vokime of The Agromeck. If we have fallen short of the standard, let your criticism be tempered with charity.

We appreciate the tjenennis assistance rendered us by the Facult\- and Stu- dents, and wish to thank Mrs. Josephine Lyerly, Aliss Myatt, Mrs. Alfred Moretz. Miss Helen .\llen, and others, for the sketches thev have so kindlv made for us.


ICiiiTdu-iN-CHiEK: Business Manager:


Assistant Rtsiness Manac.i-:k:

H. W. KL'I-.l-l-Xl'.K.

AssnciATi-: lunTdKS : A. G. BOYNTOX, W . 1.. I '.LACK.

R. R. iCAc.ij-:. I'. I., c. \ixi-:v.


J. S. STRori). T. M. I'()YX1-:K,


1). Y. il.VGAN,

C. T. M.XRSIl,

I. I.. \( )\ CI. .MIX.


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It. ^^

College Calendar

Thiirs(la\ ,



Wednesday, Se]:)tein1x'r 2.

Thursday, September 3,

Wednesday, September 2.

Thursday, September 3,

Frida\, September 4,

Saturday, September 5.

Thursday. November 26,

Fridav. December 18,










Saturday ,

























( Entrance examinations at each county court- \ house, 10 a. m.

Entrance examination at the CoUeg^e, t> a. ni.

First Term besj;ins ; Registration Day.

Examinations to remove conditions.

Thanksgiving Day. First Term ends.


Second Term begins ; Registration Day.

. Examinations to remove conditions.

Second Term ends.

Third Term begins : Registration Day.

Baccalaureate Sermon.

Ahimni Day.

Annual ( )ration.

Commencement Dav.

Board of Trustees

Xiiiiic. Pnst-ofRcc.

R. H. RICKS Rocky Mniint.

W. D. TL-RXER Statesville.

(). MAX GARDXER Shelby.

U )CKE CRAIG VsheviUe.

C. W. GOLD Wilson.

E. M. KOOXCE Jacksonville.

T. W. HLOUXT Roper.

D. A. TOMPKIXS Charlotte.

J. T. ELLINGTOX Snrithfield.

W. E. DAXIEL Weldon.

\V. H. RAGAX Hi-h Point.

W. B. COOPER \Vilminot,ni.

M. B. STICKLEY Concord.


X. B. BROUGHTON Raleigh.

O. L. CLARK Clarkton.

Agricultural Experiment Station

(iRORCK TAY1.( )l*. \\1.\ST( )\. A.M.. I.L.D President.

CHARM':S l'.L"KC,l-.SS WILLI. \.MS. .\LS Director and .Vsrunumist.

\\li.l.L\.M .\LI'ii().\S() \\ITIii':RS. .V.M Chemist.

I'RA.XK Li.XCOl.X S'lM-A 1<:XS, I'll. I > Vegetable Pathology.

CHARLlvS .M. C( LXXl'.R, i;.S..\.. K.S Agronomist.


i'R.\XK CMl.VREES REIMER. .M.S Horticnltnrist.

UOIU'.RT S1-:TI1 t'LkTlS, r..S..\ Animal llnsbandnian.

jollX .MK'llEES. .\LS.A., .\I.S Dairy Musbandman.

KAl.I'll 1XC.R.\.\I S.Ml'ni. i;.S Entomologist.

W 11.1.1 \.\l KERR. l'>..\gr Assistant in Field Experiments.

W 11.1.1 \.\l AXDERSOX S\'.ME. 1!.S.. M.S., Ph.D X.ssi.stant Chemist.

j( iliX C, M.I'.XTIXI'. IIAI.I,. A..M \ssistant in Plant Disea.ses.

Wll.l.l A.M C ARl.Nl.l'-. l-yi"l I I'.k I DC, I-:, l!.\-r \ssi.stanl in 1-ann Crops.

j A.Mi'.S Cl.ARl-.XCh: TlvMl'Ll-;. P.Agr \,ssi>l. Chemist and r,acteri..logisl.

ARTllCR 1-1 XX !',( )\\EX I'.nrsar.



ClEORliK TAYI.dK \\ l.NSTON. A.M.. I.L.D.,

Phksiiie.nt, Professor nf Politiral Ki'onomy.

Daniel Harvey Hill. A.M.. Lit.D.,

Vice-President. Professor of English.


Professor of Chemistiy.

Wai.i.ack ( \I!I KiMDiiK. A.M., C.K. Profe.'Sdi lit' ('i\il Knjiiiu'ciini;.

Kh.v.nk l.iMoi.N S•^^vl■:^s, .\l.Sc., I'li.l).. I'l-otV-sor nf lic.lMiiy mill \i-cliililc I'lit hnlnf;y.


Pi-ofpssdi- of MiTliniiicnl Kii;^iiii'iTiii;

Robert E. Lee Yates, A.M., Professor of Mathematics.

Thoma.s Xelso.x. Professor of Textile Industry.

JoHX 80MERVILLE Eatox Young,

First Lieutenant U. S. A.,

Professor of Militarv Science and Tactics.

Assistants and Instructors

CHARLES M. CONNKH. B.S.A.. H.S., I'l-ofcssor of Agriculture.

WIIJJA.M .lA.MKS .M{)()I:K, M.K.. I'mfexxor of KIcctriral Engincvriny iitui fhi/sirx.

JOHN .\1HII1:LS. U.S.A.. M.S.. .l.wopio/r I'rofennor of Dairi/ing niirl .iuimnl Hiixhniidrii.

(;rV ALKXANDKU. KOHKHTS. U.S., D.V.S.. .Usinlant Professor of /.oolofig and I'hi/siologi/.

BAKTHOLO.MEW MOORK PARKER. B.S., .{s.-iistdnf Professor of Tr.rlilr Induslrg.

FRANK ('. REI.MER, JI.S., .issishinl Professor of Horticulture.

KOHKRT SETH CIRTIS, B.S.A., .{.isistant Profcs.tor of .\nimal Husbandri/.

(Il.\l!l.l':s UEN.I.\.\I1X I'ARK, Instructor in .Machine Sliop find .l.ssis/o;i/ in Poner Plant.

W ll-LTAM ANDEK.SOX S^ME, R.S.. M.S., Ph.D.. Instructor in Chemi-^tr;).

C.MiKOI.l. LA.MH MANX, B.S., C.E., Instructor in Ciril Kngineering.

THO.MAS SIMEON LAX(;, B.S., C.E., In-itructor in Ciril Knginecring.

CEORCE SUMMEY, .Jr.. IMi.I).. J iixirurlor in lUigtish.

WIXERED ifORSE ADA.MS. U.S.. Instructor in Electrical Knr/inerring.

.lOTIN HOUSTON SHUFORI). B.S.. In.struelor in Dyeing.

AIJ'ItEl) HEXin' I'HIESSIOX, B.S., Instructor in Meteorology.

AURAHA.M Rrn^-, A.M., Pli.D., Instructor in Modern Languages.

RALPH INGRAJI SMITH, B.S., Instructor in Zoology and Entomology.

.lOHX STRAUGHON JEEKREY, Instructor in Poullr,/ Husbandry.

CLAREN(^E ANDREW SPRAOUE. B.S.. Instructor in I'hgsirs.

WILEY THEODORE CLAY, B.E., Inslrurlur in Woodirurking and I'at tmiUaking.

.JOHN ALSEY PARK. B.E.. ln.<<lruetor in Matlicwalics.

^^C^.^EL RALPH RICHARD.SON. a.m.. instructor in Mathematics.

LILLL\N LEE X'ArGHAN, B.E., Instructor in Itraaing and Mechanics.

CARL PHILIP BOXX. B.A., Instructor in English.

CLARENCE WIL.SQX HEWLETT, B.S.. Instructor in I'hysics.

V'AXCE SYKES, B.E., Instructor in Mathematics and Civil Engineering.

WELDON THO.MI'SOX' ELLIS, B.E., Instructor in Machine Design and Steam Laboratory.

LEON FRANKLIN WILLIAMS. A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Instructor in Chemistry.

HERBERT NATHANIEL STEED, Instructor in Wearinf/ and Designing.

JA.MES CLARENCE TEMPLE, B.Agr., In.itruetor in. Bacteriology.

ARTHUR JOHN WILSOX, B.S., .A.i.ii.^tant in. Chemistry.

FRED. BARNETT WHEELER, Instructor in Forge.

THOMAS noTTERER EASOX, Laboratory ,\.'<sistant in Rotang.

Other Officers



BEXJAMIX SMITH SKIXXER. Farm Suiurintcndcnt.


HEXRY McKEE TI'CKER, M.D.. Phgsician.

Mks. DAISY LEWIS, Matron.

Miss KATHERIXE FORT, Stmograghcr.



Senior Class

i- Officers

J. S. STROUD President.

I. H. FARMER Vice-President.

J. F. ZIGLAR Secretary.

L. L. PITTMAN Treasurer.

Motto : " To-morrow's tangle to the winds resign."

Flower: American Beauty.

Colors : Blue and White.

Class Poem


Together we've gathered, from near and far. Bound in one tie striving for one grand star.


One year has past ; the tie is closer drawn ; In our new hfe another day has dawned.

Many friends we have won in every sphere \'o longer ebb or flow of tide we fear.

III. Frivolities of vordant men we forsake, For grander prizes we now see at stake.

Difficult problems we once feared to meet .•\re gone, and new zeal came with their defeat.

Three short Ijjissful \ears have too swiftly flown,- - We sadly submit : to manhood we've grown.


.\re we dreaming? Is this the goal we sought? Ah ! so easy has it come : yet we fought.

Four years we've shared each other's sorrows joys. But life's battle has come, and we must part, boys.

F'ellows, remember this your cullege home,

.\nd dream, often, of each other where'ere you roam.

New goals we see ! We close our college gate, Farewell, we've gone Nineteen-hundred-and-eight.

Ci.A.ss Poet.

Senior Class History

SOME four years ago there arrivetl at this College a band of young men boys, I should say, gathered together from all parts of the State, seeking the advantages of a technical education. A smile comes over the faces of all of us when we think of the first time we placed foot on A. and M. soil and marched up to the Main Building to the inspiring notes of the Freshman March. Tremblingly, we stood before the austere presence of Captain Phelps and were assigned to Bloody Fourth, or " Freshman's Hang-Out." I'.efore night- fall many of us began to get homesick and to wonder if this was the realization of all our glorious dreams of college life. But we had not long to pine thus, for the kind-hearted Sophs., who knew just haw we felt, called on us all that night and made us feel at home. During the next few weeks we were invited out almost every night to dances and musicales given in our honor in Pullen Park. About the first of October we effected a permanent class organization and began to feel that strength that comes from unity. Although very few of us had ever seen a football game before coming to college, the class entered the race for the football cup, and playing as if we had done it all our lives we made it an uncomfortably close game for the Juniors. But the crowning glory of the Freshman year was the winning of the baseball cup. To the great astonishment of the Sophs., who after beating the Jnniors considered themselves invincible, we easily won the game 6-2, thus laying the foundation for 'o8's enviable athletic record.

But passing on to the more glorious subject of being a Soph. It was with a feeling of lordly supremacy and glorious elation that we first traversed the campus as Sophomores, viewing with disdain the counterparts of our former selves, the meek and lowly Freshmen. Remembering the treatment we received from '07, we decided to surpass them in hospitality, and instead of one visit a night we sometimes made two or three.

If I may be pardoned for making a slight digression, I will sav that the world owes the Soph, a debt that it can never fully repay. He. realizing the incompleteness of the Freshman course, endeavors, at the risk of criticism and persecution, not to mention loss of time from studies, to impart to the Freshman that polish ("no pun intended) and culture necessary to make a well-rounded college man. T would suggest to all college presidents a change of curriculum which will prevent any further imposition on this most obliging set of men.

During this year we furnished a large number of men for the various Varsitv teams, besides breaking a college record in winning, a second time, the class championship in baseball.

Entering school in our Junior year, the class began to experience the sense of fellowship born of long association together, and to feel more than ever the binding force of college spirit. Although, from various causes, our ranks had been greatly thinned, those remaining seemed to draw nearer together and form those close friendships which only grow stronger as the years pass. This year, our football team, which had all the time been gaining in strength, was an easv winner of the football cup. .\fter the game the team was the guest of the class at a

banquet at Giersch's. which was greatly enjoyed by all by some even to the extent of causing animated discussions as to the true ]K)sition of the Xorth Star.

Seniors! what a magic wdnl. lint, oh! the linllnwness of it. For three years we have looked on with wonder at the Senior and iiis doings and l.ave longed for the time to come when we should be " IT." lint it seemed that nothing out of the ordinary happened when we registered, and the world seemed to take very little notice of the important affair, and we are gradually coming to the conclusion that Seniors are only students with a few more privileges and a lot more work than other students. .\nd dignity ! The supply of that seemed to have given out before we got to our share, for from Kueffner up we couldn't be dignified if we tried, and one Professor has called us the biggest set of "kids" on the hill.

.\t the beginning of the session. Dr. \\'inston called a meeting of the class and outlined to us his plans and policies for the student government during the year. He caused the Senior privates much dismay by announcing that the hitherto forgotten rules concerning drill and cha])el would be enforced on them. In the course of his address he spoke of the evils of hazing, and asked that the class take some action in regard to this matter. In a class meeting held after the Doctor's address, his suggestions were considered and acted iii)oii, and as a result, hazing has been reduced to a negligible minimum.

As another evidence of the interest of the class in the welfare of the College, there is before it now the question of establishing the honor system in the College, thus placing it in line with the leading colleges and universities of the country.

We were very much saddened by the death, in our midst, of Mr. J. A. Porter, of the Jiniior class, who entered school with its and who had many warm friends atnong the class.

.\11 of us are ])rottd of A. and M.'s record in football tiiis year, hitt none are prouder than tlie Senior class, who were represented on the team by Stroud, P>eebe and \'on (llahn, tnen who hold foremost places in Southerti athletic circles,

.\s an indication of our knowledge, I may say that more of our class will make honors this year than frotn any other Senior class. In addition to this, the average of the class is much higher than ever before.

I'ut the time is drawing near for us to leave. Every da\' retninds us of the fact. Now it is photographs, now cotnmencement speeches, and X( )\\' conditiotis. I know I voice the sentitnent of the class in sayitig that as I look back over the four years spent at this College. I can but dread the time when we shall have to part, the class forever, its members having oidy the hopes of occasional meetings. In this place we have found a second home, and the friendships fortned are in tnany cases stronger than those of the hotne town. .Many of us have "sisters" here in Raleigh, to part from whom will almo.st break our liearts. .\s Freshmen we have .suffered together, and as Seniors we have s])orted together, until it seems that we just can't do withottt each other.

I'.itt an end to such doleful philoso])hy. We have received an education and tile world is calling on us as men to come out atid take our jilaces among its laborers. There are farms to be tilled, railroads to be built, and electrical power to be developed, and we are called on to do our part. So let us not repine, but look forward to the day when we shall go out into the world as workers atid shall begin to become factors in the develoj^tnent of our State and Xation.

In conclusion, let us say with Tiny Tim. " God bless us all,"



" Talking little, thinking nuirh, Planning good and wickedness."

JOHN C. APP, Charleston. W. \'a. i'lirinistry.

At \V. \'. L'.; On-li.'slrii: (ile.. Chil) Dnini Majoi-; Cliief iliisii-ian: 1st Lieut.— Stalf ; Ca- .let Ollicers ('lull.

Height 5 ft. II in. Weight l:!() llis. Age -i.-t years.

iMuni the eoal lields ,if West \iiginia eonies this hul. with a name that is eharaeteristie of his life, "Apt." He has distinguished himself liy hutting into the Senior Cla.ss and by his diseoveries in chemistry. " Baron " is the pride of Professor Withers's heart, for there are great things in him.

"Oh ! why should the spirit of mortal he proud."


Tazewell, Va. Chemistry.

Senior private.

Height .-) ft. ID in. Weiglit 142 !hs. Age 21 years.

Baldwin is a chemist by profession and a clam by occupation. He seems cold, haughty and reserved, but such is not the case, because when he opens up his heart to you he has the soothing efTect of a hot-water bag. He has a soft pianissimo voice, which he seldom uses, but wlien he does separate himself from his vocabulary, wisdom flows forth. He has re- cently devised a method of using alcohol for street lighting jnirposes. which he will soon put in operation in Raleigh. This will he a great boon to the citizens and students, because when they sutTer from thirst all they will have to do is to arm themselves with a ean-opener, a straw, a pair of pole-climbers, then go on a still hunt for a lamp-post.


■■ Pvgmies art' iivj;iiiii's still, though iicitIumI on Alps."


Charlottk. X. C.

Electrical Engineering.

t'oip. ■or>-'OU; 1st Sergt. Band "OG-'OT ; Band Instructor '0U-'07 ; Capt. Band '07 (resigned I: German Club.

Height 5 ft. 5 in. Weight 120 His. Age M

"Fuzzy" is a born musician; give him any- thing with strings or keys and he is hap|>y. He even extends his fiddling ability to electric wires, drawing music from them with the pliers. His delight is to show his musical talent at the Baptist Iniversity.

" Then he will talk, ye gods, how he will talk."



Ci-c'il Engineering.

Knteied .hinior Class; Hus. Mgr. Agromeck ; Iiiter-.Socicty Debate 'OT-'OS; Member PuUen Lit. Scic. t'ivil Engineering Soc, German Club, anil Saturday Evening Banquet Club; Cham- pion Class Football Team '06; Pres. Tennis Club 07 : Varsity Tennis Team "07 ; Treas. ••Royal Sons of Rest"'; Y. M. C. A.; Senior Pri- vate.

Height li ft. 1 in. Weight 17.") llis. Age '22 years.

Becton has a double-acting tongue. It works both ways and always. He talks about any- thing and everything, especially if it is none of his business. He intended to be a civil engi- neer, hut the graphophone people found out that ne could talk a book agent of the feminine sort to a standstill. His first job will be making spiels for Edison records. '• Bee " is all right, but he talks TOO much.

•• Health thai unnkvd tli.' clncli.i's rules, Kriowl.-il;;.. iM.vcr li-ani.Ml ,,t >,-lio,ils."

1IAK\\( )( )l) iiKKl'.E. :i. X.,

l').\i,Ti MDUi;. Ml).

\Misily l''iiutli;ill TiMin 'Hi. 'O.'). 'IMi. aihl '(17; (■|i:i|ihiiii I'ulli'M Lit. Soc. 'O-i; N'iwFies. (Jor- HKiii (lull '(17: I'll-. Cenuaii Club 'OS; Scrub l'>;i>ci)all 'I'caiu, 'II.'); Tenuis Club; Senior I'ri-

llri-lit li ft. 1 in. Weiylit II

A 'J

llrrln- ha^ t;ikrn ;i f(iur-Vf;ir citurse iu uii-ntal xii'Uce, payiuy special atlculion to aulolivpuo- sis. His labors have been crowned with great success. In a inonu'nt he can ])lace himself in a cataleptic state. This lie usually does at the lirst of every hour. ;iii(l im art is great enough 111 arniisc him till (In- pcriml is ended.

-.Ml lii- faull^ ar.' -ucli ln:it n-.w loves him ^lill Ihc licllci- fur tlirni."

\\1LL1.\.\I 1,.\.M \k r.l,.\CK,

.MiKikKSN ii.i.i':. X. C. Electrical Hiigiiiccriiig.

Class Football Team "04, "05; CaiU. Class I'^otball Team "OG; Pres. Class '05-"(lll ; Senior Private: Pre-*. Athletic Asso. : Agromcck Kdi tor; Saturday Kvcnini; I?aniiuet Club.

Height .-. ft. '.11^. in. Weight I4S lli~. .\^i-

■■ liill " lia> liuiii; ainini.l loi lour nC'"^ ■""I lia^n't ilniic ;iii\tliiiit; mit ul llii- ..iilinary \ el .

If he evei- went calling- mc i:iuj;lil him ;il il.

His own room-male r;in'l Icll a y:un mi liiiii.

'■ Honor mainlainitif;. Mennness (lis(laiiiiii<;.

Still ontrrtiiiniiij;."


l)ll.T.M(il<K. X. C.

Ckil Eiiginccriiti^.

(apt. ■•IV fo. ■O7-'08: Glee Cliili OT-OS; I'lvs. Class "(Mi-'O;: 1st Soigt. "IV t<i. Oli-dT ; Class Haseball Team 'Oii, '07: t liief Mai^-liiil Comineiicement "07; Civil EiiiriiuHMin'r Soc. : Coip. "OS-Oli: Mgi-. Class Football Team (I."): Class Football Team ■04: Agioineik Editor.

Height 5 ft. 11 in. Wei-lit l.-.(i lbs. A^'e id years.

Our lad from the wild west thinks every day is Sunday and dresses himself aeeordingly : holding himself always ready for any kind of llirtation. Indeed, this is his regular business, for nis spacious bosom conceals a heart large enough to love all of Peace Institute.

■' His eyes are homes of silent juayer."


CuLLdWHl'.E, X. C.


Entered Sophomore Class; 1st Lieut. "C" Co. ■07-OS; ,Sergt. "B"' Co. ■0(i-"07 : Corp. "H" Co. Oli : Chairman Y. II. C. A. ilembership Com. 07: Treas. Y. JI. C. A. •07-"0S; Secy. Rural Science Club '06; Secy. Biol. Club ■06-'07 : Pres. Hiol. Club "07-'0S: Secy. Biog. Soe. "07-"08: ■Ked and White Editor ■07-'08: Asso. Editor •Intercollegian" "07-08; Bus. JIgr. "Handbook"' "07 : Editor "X. C. Student Farmer" "07-"08.

Height 5 ft. llVi, inches. Weight loO lbs. Age 25 years.

Here is the Grand])a of uur binicli, with a head full of horse .sense, and only studies to divert his mind from worthless things. Stands pat on his opinion, and will some day revolu- tionize the farming industry of .lackson County if he doesn't find himself too busily engaged in scientific research. 29

Wimls are like leaves; and wlieic tliev iiinst ahoiind .Miicli fiuit of sense henealli i~ rnrely found."



Mechanical Engineering.

Kntered Oo ; Senior Private: Tennis ( lidi; (ilee t'lul) 'OS: Saturday Evenin<; liamiuei I lull ■07-"08; Pres. Mecli. Soc. '08; Pres. P. 1'. li. M.

heisht 5 ft. 11% in. Weight l:iO Ihs. .\cre 111 yeiirs.

Dcim'i let tlie ii]>]ic;niiiui- of ll.i^ Intifi. lank la.l (Icieivc you. for lie has an :iijpetite that would sJKune a sidf-respectiiif; ostrieh. Uon't asK hiui wliy he ean't eat blaekberry pie. It is well known that he is tlie smartest young man ill t.ie State, for one of North Carolina's gov- I'lniHs has said so.

-<rief hath ehanj;ed nie.

.And careful hours, wilh Time's deformed li: Hath written .strange defeatini'^ on my fiu

W'll.I.IAM r.KY.Wr lU'RCl-.SS, KcitKV .Mcjiwr, \. I'.lectrical linginecring.

V. .M. f. .\.i K. K. Soc. 'Oo-'OO; Class Fi hall Team (M and Oil; Class Poet 'Oli-'l Seigl. 'Oli- 07 ; lid Licnl ".v Co. 'OT-'O.S.

Height .■) ft. N in. \\.ii;lil Hill II. s. .\ge years.

Hurgess i> a inanipiilalur of i hr monk wrench and ]Airi-. lie lia> a decided liking strong cigars, which he uses whenever lie u.i to locale the North .Star. When ].c|(1hm1 top of a light pole his resemblance to a mar can not he ilenied.

"Hp would take hearts and lireak them, this man."


LEXiNOTcm, X. C. Electrical Engineering.

Corp. 'Oo-'OO; Commencement Marshal IMI; Capl. Class Football Team '05; Scrub Basdiall Team "07; Class Treas. 'Oo-"0(i antl Vicel'ies. ■06-'07; Asst. Mgr. Football Team '06; Ugr. same '07: P. L. S. ; E. E. Soc. ; Clerman Club; Marshal Triangular Debate "0.3; Class Football Team 'Oti : Sergt. ■0(i-'07 : Agrnmeck Editor; Senior Private.

Height .") ft. !l in. Weight l.KI lbs. Age 21 years.

Couch does not know why he has never yet been President of the United States. Perhaps one reason is that he has made it his business to keep the path to St. Mary's warm. From the way he has ])olitized for otHees and won them, there can be not doubt that if he ever really wants the presidency, he will find many willing supporters.

•■ This fellow's wise enough to play the fool."

ALVIX DEANS DUPREE, 2. $. E., Greex\'illf„ X. C. Ci^'il Engineering.

Civil Engineering Soc; Class Baseball Team (17; Class Football Team 'U.5 ; Corp. 'O-o-'OU; L\nninary Club.

Height o ft. 10 in. Weight KiO lbs. Age 20 years.

Our friend tried to grow a moustache, but failed miserably. His untiring efforts were re- warded by a sparse growth of dark-colored down. Since he has set his heart upon this, we sincerely hope he will have better success ne.vt time, although a goatee would be more becom- ing.

■■ Wlial -liiill 1 (111 Id 111' fdieviT known AtiiI u\:\kr lllf n^c In conif niv own'.'"


Statksxii.i.i-:. X. C. Ciz'il Eiii^iiiiccriiii;.

Aliijoi r.MtlMlion ■|I7-'(IS; A.ijroHH-i-U Kditor; (M'lriKMi (lull: Si-rj;!. -.Major .i(i-'U7 ; foloi- Scifrt. nii: ( i\il luigineeiing (Society: Capt. Class M:i-iliall Ti'iiin '07: Corp. '05-"0(i: Class Base- lull Tiniii (l.-i anil '(Mi: Class Football Team '0(i anil '117 ; lloiior Roll IU-'i)r,, •O.'j-'OO, ■0(i-'07. Height II ft. Weight 17.') Ihs. .\ge iO ye When this young man first came among naturally the first handle that we hiteheil to his name was "Bird." He is still a bird. Iml ai eagle no more. He is a |iiiuter ]iigeiin. If ym want to see him iiout. call him ■" ^lajor.'" Din- ing the last year he has demonstrated his engi neering ability as the "Bughouse" Surveyor.

■■ (I man i.f silrnl innnil."

.MI.X.XIC l.rTlll'.R K.VRC.LE,

DlCI.M.VR, S. C.


Marshal Oratorical Contest ^n:^■. Honors in Seholarshi]! ■ll.'i'Oll, ■|lii-'07 ; Secy, liiol. Club; \'iee-Pres. Kuial Science Club: Treas. L. L. S. : Kditor ".Agricultural Kducation" ■05-"0(i; Vice I'res. Biol. Club: Cor. Secy. Y. M. C. A.; Editor Handbook; Biag. Soc. ; Scrgt. '0U-'07 ; Pies. Unral Science Club; Biag. Soc.: 1st Lieut. "D" (o.: Kdilor-iii-Cbief "IntercoilegMn" ; ICditor in Chief -'rhc X. C. Student Karinci"; lns|.rc lor: I'res. '■Conntry Cent Icincn. '

Height .") ft. II in. W ciglil 170 ll,s. .\gc ■i.') years.

•• Knka" Kargh -Sand Kiddlcr "—editor of some half dozen periodicals, is :i ile;ubgainc s|iort : lakes great priuc in telling his reiiders how he is going to revolutionize scientilii' agri- cnlture in the Palmetto Stat^ by the establish- ment of model farms, and thus gain for himself far-reaching fame which will in the course of six .short years land him safely in the House of Representatives the zenith of his glory.



■■ I had rather have a fool to make nie merry Tlian experience to make me sa<l."

ISAAC herbp:rt farmer,

Wilson, N. C. Ck'il Eni^iiiccriiii:;.

Class Football Team '04 ami '()."): Class I'.as,. ball Team 'On; Varsity Baseball Team 'Dd and '07; Senib Football Team 'Oti : Coaeli Class Football Team '06; Tennis Club "OT-'OS ; Vice- Pres. Senior Class : P. L. C.

Height (i ft. Weight 105 lbs. Age 21 years. Here is "Kibo" from vue pickle boat. He speaks enough Spanish to have him shot in Spain, and is always ready witli a elieeiful word. "I'm all to the muy bien aliora. just put it right there, old pard."

"Whose armor is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill."




Secy. Biol. Club '05-'06; Declaimer '06-'07; Del. Students' Vol. Conv., Nashville, Tenn., '06 ; Vice-Pres. Rural Science Club '06; Sergt. '06- '07 ; Secy. Y. M. C. A. ■06-'07 ; Chr'm. Mission Com. '06-'07; Debater R. S. C. '07; Del. Stu- dents' Conference. Asheville, N. C, '07 ; 1st Lieut. "E" Co. ■07-'08; Vice-Pres. Glee Club 'O7-'08; Editor "Student Farmer" '07-'08; ■Country Gentlemen Club" ; Advis. Board Y. M. C. A. '07-'08; Pres. Leazar Lit. Soc. "07; Div. Inspect. '07-"08; Pres. Y. M. C. A. '07-'0S.

Height .-) ft. 10 in. Weight 144 lbs. Age 25 years.

Has made a deep imiuiry into the anatomy and make-up of bugs. He spiels bugs by the liour. It is even said that he dreams of bug juice. He is trying to induce the U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture to include the ehigre in its quarantine with the cattle tick. If he should succeed, his most strenuous elTorts will be di- rected towards their eradication from the Chatham rabbits.

" Vim l(ink wise pray coireot that error."

WAKRl'.X CROSS FERGUSON, 11. K. .\.. SniTiiERx Pines. N. C.

Electrical ISiii^iuccrijig.

Corp. 'O.!-'!!!): Drum .Major '(lli-'dT ; Scrub Haselnill Team '0.5 and 'lUi : (Jrruinn Chih: Senior Private.

Heijrlit <) ft. 1 in. Weifilit 1.5.-> lbs. Age 21

"Dock" knows all about refrifreration and iee-niakinn;. Indeed, lie has given some several eold shoulders. He never eared for farming, although on one oeeasion he canied all the roeks out of a We.st Kaleigli potato held.

■■ He has good abilities, a genial temper, and no vices."


E.WICTTKXn.I.F.. X. C. Ai^riciiltiirc.

lulitorinChief "Red and White"; Editor ".\gromeek"; Editor "Student Farmer"; :2il l.ieut. "I) Co. : Class Treas. '07 ; Class Poet (is ; Seev. 1,. E. Soc. '07: Critic L. L. S. '08: liu-. Mgr. ilaiidl)Ook '07: Treas. Rural .Science Club 'lll!-'(»7: Cbiss Foolball Tcmui 'H'> ami '(17 i Cbis- Haseliall Team 'llll anil '(17: (In 'ni. ne\.>lion Com. V. .\l. C. A.: I'.iol. Club: ■■Cnuntry Cen tlem:in": Blag. Soc.; CIcc Cluli 'II."). '(Hi. '117 ami 'US.

Height i; ft. Weight l.->0 lbs. .\ge 21 ye;irs.

Mr. (iaincy is ;i young joiirmilist of rare inability. Wlien "Pie" was first elected Editor- in-Chief of the "Red and White,'' it was pre dieted that the magazine would be a "Bugido gist .Toiirnal." However, tlie chief fault lias been "Spring Fever.''

Why do we call him "Pic"? Why, he never eats less than four.


" Deep veised in literarv hooks And sliallcjw in himself."


SlIICLUV. X. C. Cii'il Eiigl)iccriii!^.

Senidi- Private: L'hiss Histoiian 'U4-'U.5. 'O.")- UIJ. ■U(i-U7, "OT'OS; Y. il. C. A. Delegate Bible Study Confeienee: Class Leader 'OT-'OS; Pullen Literary Soeiety Libiarian ■04-'0.), Secretary 'Oo-Oli: Viee-l'res. "OG-'OT ; Critie 'OT-'OS: Mar- shal Triangular Debate '05: Civil Eng. Soe. Li- brarian '07'OS : Exchange Editor ""Ked anil White": Saturday Evening Banquet Cluli.

Height .3 ft. lUj in. Weight l:{0 lbs. Age J. 1 years.

"ilajor" yes, that is his name. This name has stuck ever since he put in his commanding appearance four long years ago. Although it is possible, but not very probable, that he will advance any theories on calculus, or command any body of troops, yet he may turn some light on Shakespeare.

" \^'hat care I \vhen I can lie and rest, Kill time and take life at its very best."



Capt. and Quartermaster OT-'OS : German Club '08; Color Sergt. 'OG-'OT : Viee-Pres. Civil Engineering Society 'OT : Jlemoer Royal Sons of Rest: ilember B. W. C.

Height o ft. 11% in. Weight 144 Ihs. Age 2.i years.

During his five years aliode at A. and .M.. Punk" has taken part of four courses and hopes to graduate in Civil Engineering if he doesn't change to Agriculture before May. Habitually carries a six-inch grin set at lialf- i-oek. llis voice is at a minimum except under certain specific circumstances when he is out to exhibit his graceful figure and the spark- ling brilliance of his military regalia; but for all of tliis he is the best-hearted fellow on the hill.

" 1 sec llic rij;lit. and a|ipiovi' it, tcio; Comlciiui till' wioiij,'. and \>-l tlii' wrong pur-


Beaufort, N. C. C '/:■// Engineering.

(■(ii|inial '(l.'i-'lli;: Sei-gt. '0(i-'07 ; Senior Pri- vate: (ixil l':nginicrinj; Sfn-icty ; Tennis (,'lul): Ihalerian Ceniian Club.

Moses has the luxuiious hirsute growth of a violin virtuoso, but as yet the only music he has made has been chin music. This he can do in lliree languages, any one of which resembles the spluttering sound of a soda fountain.

••.\nd still tliev gazeil and still tlie womler grew. ■Inat one -mall liea.l i.miIiI earr.v all he knew. "


Pjcctncal lingiuccriiig.

Senior I'rivali-: Saturday I'^ciiing IJancpii't Clul).

Height .') ft. :i in. Weight IJO ll„. .\g<. -Jd years.

South Caiciliiia'- -on i> w.ll iiil'ui lee.l nu the lore and unwritten laws nf the t'aroliuas, iisinj

this to great advantage in his s| hes. Hi;

style of delivery is s])lendid. magniliient, gran diloqueiit. making him an opponent to lie feared in anv oratorical contest.

■' They never taste who always drink, They always talk who never think."




Senior Private; Pres. Athletic Asso. "08; Class Football Team ■04-'0.5; Scrub Football Team '06 ; Capt. same '07 ; ^.lanager Class Base- ball Team '07 ; Vice-Pres. L. L. Society '07 ; Pres. '08, Debater '08; JIarshal Triangular De- bate '07 ; Sergt. ■0G-'07 ; Bus. Mgr. •■Stu<lont Farmer" '07-'08 ; Speaker Entertainment P.io- logical Club '06; Debater Rural Science Club 'OS; V. M. C. A.: Biag.; Country Gentleman.

Height n ft. 11 in. Wciglit 123 lbs. Age 23 years.

John D.'s ambition is to l>pat White, R. K., at checkers. Perhaps some day he will suc- ceed. At present, by mutual agreement, Grady's men must be crowned when they cross the center line. He hopes some day to go to Japan as a missionary.

" Xature made tlit- miuiM llieii brok^




Ch'il Eiigiiiccriiii;.

Senior Private; C. E. Society '()li-'()7 ; Tennis ( iuh; Corporal '05-'06 ; Sergeant 'Oli-'07.

(irimshawe sounds like a clam on class, but at other times nis war-whoops may be heard ail over the campus. He hails fim,, tlic hkjum- tains. His sti-ong pdiiit is iii> puj;ili>ii,. ability.

Wandei-ing far and near at landoiii, I, ike a winged seed in tlic wiml."



Ciz'il liiii^iiiccriiii^.

( a].1. Co. ■•('■■; 1st Seifjt Cn. ■■K" 'OU-'OT ; (iii|]. '(l.")-'0(i; Hies. Gennaii ('liil>. I>t Term, (iT-'dS; Coiiinieneement Marshal 'Uli : .Mgr. Class Haseliall Team 'Oti : Class Kaselnill Team '07; .\sst. Mgr. Traek Team OtJ-'O; : See.-Treas. Guilford Co. Club '0(i- 7: Honors in Scholar- ship '05-'06 and "Oti-'Oi : C. K. Society: Royal Sons of Rest; B. W. C; 1'. L. C. ; and X; "Agromeck" Editor.

Height .-) ft. 1014 in. Weight 14.') ll.s. Age ill years.

■' Pert." alias "' .linimie," is always ready for a good time. He entertains his friends with the piccolo and jews-harp. Although he gen- erally has good luck, he believes himself to be a Jonah. You will always find him at St. Mary's Chapel at five-thirty Sunday afternoon.

" Snaps chord nf manhood's tenser strain, To-day I will lu- a boy again."


RAi.i'.ir.ii. X. C. Electrical Eiii^iiiccriii i^.

X'arsity liascball Team '0."). '(1(1 and '(17; \ar sity Football Team 'llli ; German Club: Senior jrivate.

Height .-> ft. '.I in. Weight l.-ill lbs. Age UJ years.

He comes out to the College once or twice a year to make some alhlelii- team. No one has ever accused him of studying anything but dcv iltry and the art of using a bean-shooter.

That's ■• I'a))."

" I iun the very pink of cmntcsy."


SllELUY. X. C.


Entered 'Oo : Trcas. P. L. Society 'no; C'apt. Class Baseball Team 'OO : Jlarshal Declaiiiatdiy Contest '00: Sec. P. L. Society '00, Vice-Prcs. "07, Clitic "07, Pies. '08; Sec. Tiiansiilar l)e bate "07; Corp. '06; Sergt. "07: Sec. Athldic- Asso. "07; Sec.-Treas. Athletic Asso. "OH; liilcr Society Debate '08; Saturday Evening liaiKiiU't Club: (iennan Club; Textile Society.

Height .■") ft. 11 in. WCiglit l.")4 ll>s. Age 21 years.

His room is always perfumed with the sweet odor of cheroots which he sells as "three-fers" to outsiders, but as nickle cigars to his friends. Motto: If you don't make money on your friends you won't on your enemies. How does "Squire" keep his hair so slick? Why, he carries a comb and brush in his pocket.

For him there was no intermediate stage. From babyhood up to straight-laced middle


Dl'rii.\m, N. C.

Ck'U Engineeriui:;.

id Lieut. Co. E '08: Class Pinphet ; Pres. Pullen Literary Society '08: A.-st. Hits. ilgr. "Agromeck" '08 ; Mgr. and Treasurer of Glee Club 'OS: Comic Editor "Red and White" 'OH: 2d Tenor (ilee Club '08: Member lioyal Sons of l^est: Sat. Eve. Banquet Club: V-Pies. C. E. Society "07; See. Tennis Club '07; Pullen Lit- erary Society, V-Pres., '07; Censor '00: Tieas- iirer '00 : See. '0.t : Librarian 'OS : Honcrs in Scholar>hi]i ■0.5-'O(J-'O7 : Honors for Punctuality '()4-'0.').

Height .5 ft. 10 in. Weight 12.") ll)s. Age 1!) years.

When he raises his melodious voice all the rats in the neighborhood immediately take their ileparture. E.xperiments have shown that he will make a good-looking girl, the only objection being that he is afraid of calculus instead of rats and mice. 39

'■ lie walkcil :i> tluHi^'li lie were stiniliR Ic iia.l.' wilh liiiM^,.lf.-

CLAL'DK AlIl.Tc )\ I.A.MllE,

DruiiA.M, X. C. i'nil Hiii^iiiccriiio.

Siiiini rrivatc: C. K. Soc. ; P. L. Soc. : Li- l.raiiaii I'. L. Soc. '00: Tennis Chili: Athletic A»<i,; Saturday Evening Hanquct (Uili.

Ht-i-ht o ft. in in. Wei.trlit 141) lUs. .y-v 21 vcars.

iliis queer speeimeii i)f liuiuanity has to be studied first and llien handled with caie. If his fur is rubbed the wroni; way, he is liable to ixplnde like dynamite. Would make a faney icidman if ever attacked with insomnia. If he ever falls in love lie will be like a snow-Make falling in :i liot place.

"An idler is a watch that wants both hands. As useless if it goes as if it stands."


K. A., Shelby. N. C.

Ciz'il Engineering.

Class Football Team '0.5 and 'OC; Scrub Base- b:ill Team 'Oo, '(Hi and "07: Sub- Varsity Foot- lijill Team '07; German Club: Senior Private.

Height 5 ft. 10 in. Weight Ki.'i lbs. Age 22 years.

Bussey is of all things economical. He be lieves in saving labor and brains. When Dr. Winston put up his examination, he ;-iiid il would be graded according to the ntimber of sheets one handed in: one page, excellent; two, fair; three, poor; four, fail; five, block- head, and six, idiot. While we were making blockheads and idiots of ourselves, Bussey handed in a blank sheet and established himself as the brainiest man in the class.

"Man may live without fripiuis: lip may live without books : But here's one man that oant livi' \vil\MMt cooks."


Staths\ iij.K, X. C. Textile Eiis;iiieering.

■O7-"08— Capt. to. -A,' Pies. Tompkins Tex tile Society. Editor -'Red and White," Pre-. "Royal Sons of Rest." Member B. \V. t'., P. L. .■<. and German Club; "0(1-07 1st Sergt. Co. "A ": Class Baseball Team; Honors in Sehohnsliip and Punctiialitv 'O.'i-'OM ; Cdijioral; Clas< lias,.- ball Team.

Height .") ft. !• in. Weight !.">(l llis. Age l!l years.

■■ Beau"s "' hair isn't long and eurly. lie is a curious combination, and none of us can decide what he will be. Changed his course four times and at last found his way into the society of the textile gentlemen; but this doesn't suit him, for he has not the ear-marks of any profession, unless it is that of a satirical poet.

'• It takes all sorts to make a world.'"



Eleetrieal Bngiiieering.

Entered .Junior Class 'OH: Y. il. C. A. Dele- gate '(KJ-'OT: Senior Private.

Height .i ft. 7 in. Weight 14.t lbs. Age 2.') years.

Tliis young man lives the secluded life of a niiiiik. coming among us only occasionally. His manners are always mild and gentle. He is rather bashful, shy and modest. When he goes calling he takes notes on the conversation to keep for future reference.

"He talkcil iimcli and sai.l litllc."


Hic'Kdin-. X. C. I'.lcitncal I'.iii^incrriiii:;.

Si'iiioi I'livatc; ■■.\i;iipiiii'i'l<" Ivlitiii'; ('(iniiiiit- tec nil Allilclii-s ■(I7'»I.S; As^t. Mi;]-. I'.;isi'bnll TcMiii '07: Mj;i. \;u-Mt\ llasrIjMll TiMiii "OS: M^T. Class Foolliali 'IVaiii (Hi: Class Maseball Ti'ain "07: Spi<;t. 'Oli-'07 : (U'lnian t'liil): 1'. L. S., Cliaiilaiii P. L. S. ■(17: Marshal 'ri-ianf;iilar l)i- halc'(17; I'.i ukr ( liili '(III. '(17. "S: lluii. Mcnilii'i- Sahnilay l-Aciiiii:; liMM(|Urt Cliili'dS.

llci-lU .-> fl. II ill. Wi'i^ilil U(t Ills. .\m,. 20 \ car-.

riiis iiKisl iinpiiitant pcrsimafjc is orijjinally Irniii Uic liardwoiiil spclion of North Carolina, l)iil lately from '■.Mpilicinc Sijuarc (Jardcn" and ( uoiicy Island." New \nrk. lie thinks the .laiiicstoun l-;\|insilnin of llif scinnd class, and .\. and M. Ccdh'j;c a Sinj;-Sint;. \Vu arc proud of our liascliall niamiHcr. as ho lives for and liv the .Nthlctic .\>sociatiini.

"O bed, bed. bed. ildicions bed. That heaven (ni eaitli lo a weaiy head."


Aci..\xi)I';k, X. C. Cii'i! /;;/r;/(/('i'r('/(e-.

Caiit. Co. "K" •(I7-'(I8: Scr<;t. '(lli-'()7: Hns. .Mj;r. •■HimI and While" •(I7-'(».S: ".Vurona'c-k" Editor: Class Baseball Team '07; See. H. S. H. ; Honors in S<'holarship and I'nnelnality '()(1-'(17 ; Division lns]ieet(0- ■(17- (IS: Tre:is. T. L. S. '(Hi- ■(17; \'iee I'r.'s. T. 1.. .S. -07; Chief .Marshal Tri

an.i;iilar D.d.alc ■|I7 ; C nenccnicnl Mar-bal

•(17; C. K. S. ; V. \l. C. .\.; I'lVs. I,. L. .S.

llci-ht .-, fl. !l in. WCi-hl l.-|(l Ihs. .V-e -1] years.

.Marsh likes l(, work. Indicd. Il ily lliinj;

Ihal has tr.. Hilled him ;ill Oils year is I he lea. that he will n.il liiid work of a suitable kind. Foi- I he kinil please refer to I hi' copy of his advi-rtisemcnl whicdi was reienlly piililishcd in the Xew York Herald;

"WANTlil) AT O.NCK. I'osition as Inakcniiin on an airship, or as linenum on a wireless tele- graph system."


"Lufty and distant to tli(i>i' tluU lnvud liiiii iicit. But to those that soujjht him swcrt as sum iiier."


A. Z., \\'A[>KSUUKtl, X. C.


Senior Private: Kntercil .luninr (lass (Kl; ilarshal Triangular Debate 07 : lluial Siiencr tlub '08; Tennis Team "OT-'OS; ,Satur<hi\ Kve ning Banquet Club: Cimntry Gentlemen.

Height (i ft. Wei.ulit loll lbs. Age 2i v.mis.

••Scncl-Tdii >hu-k" stmae into A. ami M. in the fall i.f 'llli. after having taken a s|ie(ial euurse at Wake Forest in lady-killing, and sinee eoniing here he spends most of his time loaling at K. U. W . or carrying on a voluminous eor- respondeiue with the Presbyterian College and W'adesburii. thus hoping to become proficient in his chosen avocation.

■■ The Devil was piipied such saintship to be- hold. And longed to tempt him. like gnod Job of old.-


\\\\RS.\W, X. C. Agriculture.

-Mar-hal .Senior Contest '05: Vice-Pres. L. L. S. 117; .Marshal Triangular Debate "07; Cluiir- maii ^'. M. C. A. Social Com. •U(l-'07, and Bible ('..111. '07 IIS; College Florist lliicevear-; Coim- tiv (ientleman.

Height .-) ft. 'M.^ in. Weiglit lllu lbs. Age ■14 years.

I)u|ilin's most distinguished son, "Johnny" .Middleton, of Warsaw, a specialist along veteri- nary lines, has astonished j:.astern North Caro- lina with the demonstration of the poniologieal value of .(. \'an Lindley's fiiiit trees, and is about to supercede "Cncle IJemiis" in the profes- sorship of plant breeding.

■■ Tlic iiiiiii wIhi siMiiils with iiiiiw akiiiilio set, Inlil .Mc:i>i.iM trlN liiiii wli;it t.i cli>."


Takii(ik(i, X. C.

Hlcclrical Eiii^iitccriiii:;.

Snuli h'cKilliiill Ti'aiii ■()4 ; Trac-K Team "05 ; S,r. V. .M. ('. A. (I.-)--!)!;: Class Football Team 'll."i; V. M. ('. A. Delcjiatc ■Oli-'HT ; Scnili Foot- linll TcMiii '(17; Senior I'livalc.

Ih'i-lil .". II. S in. \Vei;;lil III.-. Ilis. Af.e 2.)

.\li-. I'illiiiiiTi lakes all tlie iiliysical ciilline iiia^'azines and lives by their ])reseri|)t ion. On class he keeps an elaborate system of notes, and |m/zles his instructors with conundrums. When |iiestioned, his usual reply is, "I don't exactly understand the nature of the question."

"A little round man with a little round belh. Ihat shook when he lau-jhed like a bowl full of .jelly."



■id Lieut Co. "H"; K. S. 1!.: Sec. -(17 and Critic '(IS; l>. L. S. : Chief .Marshal Derhinia- tory C(Mitesl '(17; Treas. Senior Class: iliinor> for Punctuality 'llll-'()7 : l)elef;ate V. .\1. C. .\. ; Convention Chapcd Hill '(i:!; C. K. Society.

Height .■) ft. S in. Wi'ijjM ISO lbs. .\;ic 2:1 years.

mtman -ays llial cnrio-ily didn'l kill tlir cal. lie Miu-I be rii.'hl, for if ruriosity wa- fatal, -pill" uniild have died many nnions ai;ii. llowcNer, his ciniiisitv is nicic barndess iMi|ui-i tiveness, which does not ailed bis j;oodiu>s- of heart. It is this last trait which always in duces him to lend his friends his last icd ccnl when they are broke, a condition which is chronic with most of his classmates.


" Nnt (■v<'i V tiiip i< a wit that wcnilil lir." KL'lU.l': IRWIX I'OOLE.

Randi.km A\. X. C.

Klltered Siipli. fla>s ■().'): Mcinlnr I,. I.. S.. V. v.. Soi-.: Sei-.-Treas. Raiiil(il])li (lull '(1I1-II7: \. M. C. A. Finance Com. OC-OT ; tla>s l',a-c lull Team "Oli-"07 : Uiimii- in I'liiiilualil.v 'oil '117; Hii>, Mfrr. •■Iiitcrc(illri;iair' '(17-'(1S: 'I'l'mii^ dull.

Heiglit .'i ft. 1(1 ill. WCijihl l.-ili ll.>. .\-v ii) yea is.

Tliis yiiuiit; Nervy Nat lia> many i|mM'r iin tiiin-. most of them g<iod. Last sunmier wlicu 111' went eouitinfr he made love to the f;iir> luiitlier anil lister he was friendly with her father and lirother, and always carried lieef- stealv for the doj;. This was good politics, but some one else got the girl.

" Truth hath such a face and such a mien."


E.\1R Ill.UFI". X. C.


Sec. Cla.ss •04-'05; Sergt. ■06-"07 ; 1st Lieut. Co. "B" •07-"0S; Textile Society: '\". iL f. A.

Height .i ft. 1(11^. in. Weight l.").) Ihs. .\ge :t'l years.

This young man is very economical of his vocabulary. He never even cusses unle-s it is absolutely essential to his good health, "'(iosh'" is his pet expression for trying circumstances. Some day he hopes to he a Professor of English.

■■ S(i wUi' s(i voun^. tlii'V sav

jAMI'.S Al.l'.XAXDER I'OWIUX, II. K. A., Rai.hkui. X. C.

M Ciluiiiical Uui^iiicciiiii^.

Sciiidi' I'iivatc; l'n->. Mccliuiiival .Siicicty '07: S,-,-. 1'. I'. 1!. .V,.

Ilcij;ht ."> fl. II ill. \V.'ii;lil 117 11.-. A^'c lit veal s.

Ill tliis i|iui4 lad llu'ie i.s a |n oiiiniiiml streak III iiiiscliii'f. .liminie's delight is [n play piai-- liial jokes and lease "DuU-hv." lie is a dili- i;eiil student, liivini; his iiieeliaiiieal lalioratoi'V work mole than his Sunda\' dinner.

'"For e'en tliiin;;li \ aiii|iii>hed, lie iinilil aifrue -till."

TJ]()A1.\S MIl.K )X l'( )^■X1^R,

P(iri..\u r.K.v.Ncii, X. C. (.'ivil liiii^iiiccriiii^.

Nl l.ieiit. Co. ".V" 'II7-'(>S: Serjit. 'Illl-'(I7 : Corp. ■0.")'ll(i; (la.-s .See. •()li-'ll7 i Class Baseball Team "Oti and (17: Class Football Team 'Uli : \ iee-Pres. C. IC. Soe. ; •■Ajtnnncek" Editor; ^■. .\I. C. A.: Divi-ion Inspeetor; Saturday l-Acnin;; Itampiet CInb: I're-. Teniii> Club.

Ilei-ht r, fl. Weiulil l.-,0 lb-. A-e -22 years.

I- -oiiie»lKi| of a pnn-ler. Patterns his wil after I'ride-iir Hill. I- very ba-hful and iiiod- esl. lie Iboniilit 111' loved a -III ill Italeiijli. but never iiiu-teied eiiiineli eonra;;!' to i;el any nearer her than the front gate, .\flei o-rilbi tiiift in front of her door for an bniii and a half, he returned to his room, sailder but iniiie the wiser.

"An honest man can speak for hinisolf."


Gkicuxsiuiko, X. C.

Tennis tluh '(t-l-'dr); Ccnii. ■(l.,-'i)ii; Si-rj;l. '0(i-'07: Honor Hull 'uri-'iii;, ■(Ki-'ii: ; Sit. c. K. Sof. "07: C'a]it. Co. -D" '(iT-'OS; •■IumI an. I Wliite" Editor '07-()S: Kdilor-in-Clii.'l' ■■Ai;in- meck" 'OS: Royal Sons of Kcst ; V. M. C. A.; H. W. C. : German riub.

Height 5 ft. ll':.. in. \V..i.;;lit 1 :!.") llis. A.i;r 20 years.

The smartest, shrewdest and fastest in all hi~ rlass, the only and original "Sc-hinidtz." Has all the essential qualities of manhood fioni standing on the street corner flirting with jjretty flossies to arguing with his professors on disputed points of ])sychology. AsU him why he joined the V. JI. t'. A., and an angelic smile will greet you. "Do it now" is his motto: give me light is his desire. Like Diogenes, believes his mission is to find an honest man.

"True as steel."


Duke, N. C. Ci-i'il Engineering.

Senior Private: Corp. ■04-'0.5: Sergt. 'O.')-'0(; ; Seruli Football Team '04: Class Football Team or,: (Jlee Club '08: L. L. S. : Viee-l>rcs. Ath- letic Asso. ■07-'08: German Cluli.

Height (i ft. Weight 14.-. Ilis. ,\i;e 2.') .vcar "In.jun" while out on the \v;irpath looking f( excitement landed on this reservation. He de cided that conditions suited his tastes and ap ]p|ieil for admission to follow civil engineering In .hine lie will go west to make his fortune driving a stage coach through the treacherous Rockies.

".\ltlicMi;.'h 1 am a ])i(ms iiiaii. I am none the li'ss a man."

Jl':Sv^l': I'AC.K SPOON.

Hautsiiokn, X. C.

Bias. Sof. : Pres. Rural Science Cluli '(tS ; (.'kv. Sec. same '07: Kditnr "'Intereollewian" OT-'OS; Editor ''X. ('. Sluclenl Farmer" '07X)S: lor. Sec. Y. M. C. A. •|I7-I1S; lice Sec. Y. .M. C. .\. '{ir)-'06; Pres. .Manunuc Chili 'Ii7 ; lluncir Kdll '()(i-"07; First I'ri/c lii.il. Cluli 1)7; \'icc- n.-. T. L. S. '07; Marshal Debate '05: Treas. '['. 1.. S. '04-'0o : Country Gentlemen Club.

llcij;hl .-> ft. SVi in. Weinht 170 lbs. .Xjje in \ rai>>.

.\ncilber nf the t;ian(l|ia type whose face does not icNcal hi^ a^c. His Scotch-Irish idea of honesty will help him to win fame and honor. Hut he must look up on how to win a girl if he wishes to be an all-round man.

" He has a hand open as the day for nielling charity."


BVNUM, N. C. 'rcxtilc.

Entered Soph. Class ■|l,-): Y. xM. C. A.: Sec fi. I.,. Soc. ; C'lass Kootball Team "Of) ; Class Base- ball Team '0(i ; Inter-Soo. Declaimer '06 and '07 ; Treiis. Y. M. C. A. '0(i-'07 ; Yice-Pres. 'Oli ; Jn- ter-Soc. Debate '07: Sergt. '(Ki (•7 ; Nice Pics. Athletic Asso. '07; Yarsity football Team lli; and '07; llmi. Member Saturday Evening Ban- (juet Club; ( lilic 1,. L. Soc.; Inter-Soc. Debate ■08; ••Agromcik Kditor: Pres. Senior Class; Senior Private

Height .'"> ft. II in. WeiglM IS7 Mis. Age -Jll years.

Here is a bn.ad-slioublcn'd. bioad-mindc.l textile gentleman that believes the sun rises and sets in Ape.\. He has played well the games of athletics and fooled the i''aculty shamefully. Snipes is rather conceited about his good-look- ing face and his position as Pi'csident of the '08 class.


"A pinions hoy."

AMES FEXT( )\ T( )\\I':.

Cii.M'.WdKi;, X. C. Electrical Eiij^iiiccrim^.

Enteipd Clii-istiiias '04; Cliiss l',,olli;ill iV;iin


0 ill. Wci-ht 14.-> II,-. .\i

Heijiht .-) ft years.

t'hapiuiokt''s IjiiUiaiit son taiiii' lo this lol- Ifjje with an inclination toward fancy hose ami a desire to learn to dance. Since he has been with ns he has kept his taste fi>i- loud soeks, Imt he lias learned with iciiiarkahle ea.se the art of dancing and has tlins impioved Iiis otherwi.se disgraceful appearami'.

" His noble negligeneies teach What others' toils despair to reach."

JOHX LAWREXCE \"C)X GLAHN, Wilmington, X'. C. Ck'il Engineering.

Km. Ted Soph. Cla-s 'O.') : Capt. and Adju- tant of Hatlaiion 'Il7-'I1S; 1st Sergt. Vo. "D" ()I!-'I17; Lorji. (l.'J'Ol!; Varsity Football Team ■(17; Champion Class Football Team "Oil : Class Football Team '().): "Agromeek" Editor: Tenuis Club: C. E. Soc. : Honors in Scholarship O.-j-dr,. ■0li-'O7: Royal Sons of Rest.

Height li ft. 2 in. Weight l!)0 lbs. Age 20 years.

This young Hercules wandered into our midst as a Sophomore, and has ever since been head and shoulders above his class-mates in height. He is very graceful on dress parade, and very sensitive about wearing a derby hat: but he is not at all bashful with the ladies, or awkward on the gridiron.

'■ For all my books aiP a woman's looks, Anil >tMili('s. her onchantrnpnts."

U< )^AI,1. I'.DWARI) WIIITI':,

.\ii.ani)i;r, X. C. C 'iril Bn^^iiiccriiii;.

Scni.ir I'livatc; Sorjrt. ■(Kl-'OT : Colli. •(I.")-'II(1 ; (■lii-s Hiiscliall Tciiiii 'llli; 'IViiiii> Club 'dT-'OS ; C. K. S(ii'.; Saliir.liiy l-;\ I'liiiij; r.aiii|Mil Club 'II7-'I1S; Cli:iiii|ii(.n Clicrkii' I'layiT 'llll-'dT-'llS ; Th.-atriial Fiiiaiifi.T 'HT-'HS; I'iii,' Level Club 'I)7-'(1S.

lleif;lit .-) ft. 7 iu. Wvv^Ui 1 1(1 lbs. Afje 20 yeai>.

■■I'i.l.lli'v" ].lays elieeUeis aud tlie j;uilar. He makes m'ui-e unise t(i tlie sqiiaie iueli llian li};lit artillery. lb- lias many 1 hem ies as to tlie iu- liiiite ami iiiliiiilesimal. lie also writes bum poetry.

"Deem me not fond, but in my warmer youtli, Kre my heart's liloom was soiled and brushed

away, I had great dreams of mi^'lity Iliinj;s lo eonie."

JOHN C. W1I,1,I.\MS.

l.i\i>i:.\, X. C.

Ileifiht .-) ft. lie. in. Wei-ht l.-)!) lbs. A-e l!l years,

lack is slow-fjoing but sure. II may take some lime for him to do anylhine, but when it is linislied it doesn't, have to be worked over again. Through perseveranee and his brilliant grins ,Taek has at hist won his way at I'eaee Institute.

■■ Younc; in liiiil)s. in iuilcj;mfnt ulil."

W'ooDKix Bradsiiaw Yakborc )ur,H.

Locust Hill. X. C Electrical Engineering.

Heiglit U ft. Weight 149 lbs. Age 17 years.

It is wonderful to see how A. and il. de- velops its young. Four years ago we found liini on the campus with a wee face and baby- like voice, but these years of practical lessons ill pole climbing and other electrical stunts have Drought him to the stage where he can talk in a man"s voice half the time.

"And sure the Eternal Master found here His single talent well employed."



Cifil Engineering.

("apt. Band '07-'0S: Sec. Senior Class: C. E. Soc. '0(5-'07: "Red and White" Editor "07-"08; Class Football Team '00: Class Baseball Team '00: Trumps ■OG-07 : L. C. •0(!-"07.

Height .5 ft. 10 in. Weight 170 lbs. Age 21 years.

Ziglar, ordinarily known as 'Buck, ' round. fat, and jolly, takes life easy; but was handi- capped in his race for a spon.sor; however, he picked a winner. He is losing flesh since Ral- eigh went dr^-.

Class Prophecy

ANOTHER year is gone, a year which had its toils and troubles, a year of success for some and a year of failure for others ; and we are about to enjoy the longed-for vacation. Thinking of vacation brings to my mind in vivid colors some of last summer's occurrences. I, like most of the rest of us, went to the Jamestown Exposition to enjoy the sights and see the progress in culture and science. One day during my stay there my attention was attracted by a handsome dark-skinned man evidently from some warmer clime. His being a foreigner was not the attraction, however, but the dreamy look in his eves and how he seemed to eye me with special interest. Strange to say, before manv days had elapsed we had become quite intimate friends and freelv exchanged each others" experience and knowledge. He was from Persia, where he had made a marked success in medical lines, having made several discoveries. While in Persia deliberating how he would bring his new ideas before the scientific world, he decided to make several more tests and observations in more advanced countries. After traveling for a few years and taking note of all favorable circumstances, he came to the United States and here he said he would remain. The most prominent of his discoveries was one which might be attributed to clairvoyance by those who did not understand it or had not experienced its effects. As we all know, there are many cells in the human brain ; but there was still one which no one had discovered. It having been idle for some time had to be revived by medical means. This cell, the use of which the ( )ld Testament prophets possessed, when in use gave people the power of seeing into the future. I, like most other people, could not be convinced of this fact, and consequently the Persian gentleman and I would have lively arguments at times. This continued for some time, until one day he took the last possible step to convince me without disclosing his secret. After gaining my consent he put me in a deep sleep and this remarkable cell was busy for its first time. Of course it was quite natural for my mind to wander back to those nearest and dearest to me, among these being my classmates. Now I will endeavor to write, to the best of my memory, an account of the future of each one as it was revealed to me.

J. C. APP. Our old friend and classmate, after toiling hard for a few years over Bunsen burners and test-tubes, decided to give up chemistry from a practical standpoint and see what the chemical world afforded in theoretical lines. P)eing as fortunate in getting on the good side of female institutions as in his dear old college days, he obtained the chair of chemistry at one of the leading female colleges of West \'irginia. It was with great delight that the old bachelor fed the minds of his fair pupils from the store of his knowledge and feasted his eyes on their beauty.

F. O. BALDWIX. This quiet personage, after breaking the hearts of several fair specimens of the female sex. settled down to fulfill his mission. With the assistance of a handsome inheritance he spent the remainder of his life experi- menting. As a result his name is immortal on the pages of science.

G. F. BASON. In a conifortabk' little home in the sulnirbs of Paris sits Monsieur Bason, the director of the National Orchestra <ie France. Electricity was too mysterious a power for his likintj. hut he divulg;es his store of knowledge l)efrire his two little sons, who think the world of their father and hope that they will he educated at their father's Alma Mater.

J. L. BECTON. .As all his clas.smaes thought, he was not destined to he a civil engineer, but would rather follow some profession in which he could utilize his talking abilities. He was as fortunate in after years as in his college days in leading the female sex up a blind path, and also more than one at a time. At last, however, he settled down to a profession and also selected the one girl he liked best. He fell in love with an actress, and when finally he became manager of the theatrical company he took her unto himself; but lo ! and behold, she could out-talk him. Naturally, there was a divorce, but he was none the worse oiif, for with a little e.xtra exertion of his slick tongue he obtained one of the sweetest specimens of humanity that ever trod this humble earth. Beauty was not her sole possession, for our dear friend did not lean back in rocking chairs and lead a high life without due cause.

ii. BEEBE. For a few \ears our thrifty friend was a very successful football coach. He decided that it would overtax his mind to keep in touch with all the new rules, and that no work at all would be better than two hours a day. Con- sequently it was not many years before he was a dead load on the threshhold of his oldest son's residence. Occasionally, by way of a change, when rectangular farms are to be surveyed, he makes use of his technical knowledge before the wondering eye oi the country "rube."

W. L. BLACK. The City of Mooresville can be seen resplendent from afar off, being lighted by one of the most modern and best-equipped power plants in the State. The entire population recognizes Mr. W. L. Black as their benefactor in this line, and he is a marked exception to the rule that a man never becomes famous in his home place.

A. G. BOYNTON. While on a camping trip in the Sapphire Country, a coy yoimg widow from Maine became enraptured with this handsome member of the "naughty" eight class. He, seeing his chance, made well of his first opportunity, and is now in partnership with his wealthy father-in-law.

F. 11. lU-iOWN. This is one member of our class that made good use of Dr. \\ instiin's lectures on law, and as a result he is Mayor of Cullowhee. He finds it necessary to convene his court but once a week, therefore having much spare time to attend to his vineyard. His brand of wine is known world-wide, especially among his old Y. M. C. A. friends, being guaranteed by this trustworthy member not to intoxicate.

J. H. BRYAN. The most prominent business estahlislinnMit of the City of Goldsboro is the "Magneto Electro I'liotograph Co." |. 11. Bryan, proprietor. With the experience in all kinds of photogra])hy gained at college and a continued study of his electrical course, he became the inventor and perfecter of photograph- ing entirely by electrical means. On account of his heavy weight, "Looseness" has been unable to make much headway in niatrimnnial affairs. Init his life is a happy one.

W. B. BL'RGESS. After several years of futile experimenting at finding a means of increasing in height, he decided to take a fresh start and gain renown


in other lines. He could not set aside the mysterious and attractive electricity, and as a result he is a motorman of the "Rocky Mount Shakemup Co."

L. H. COUCH. He was most fortunate after leaving that dear old campus in May. 1898. He led a go-lucky sort of a life for the first few years, his entire salary being consumed in having a good time. By mere chance he invented an inexhaustible electric battery of great power, thus revolutionizing the electric car system and dispensing with trolleys and the third rail. This enabled him to con- tinue life as it seemed most agreeable to his constitution ; and his wife shone among the " Four Hundred."

A. D. nUPREE. In Xew Mexico can be seen the shingle of A. D. Dupree over a humble little office at first, starting his career as land surveyor in this new country. He made a marked success, and as little acorns to great oaks grow, so his little office increased and developed into a great land company when Mr. Ziglar came from the Klondike with the dough.

R. R. EAGLE. No one that knew the love "Bird" had for anything military will be surprised when it is related that he ended up in the army, and, according to last reports, was in line of promotion to Colonel of the First Tennessee Regi- ment. His only attempt at engineering: problems was the making of a topigraph- ical map of Wolf Creek, Tennessee. There was one certain spot in this district, however, that was too attractive, and consequently, since love and duty do not always work well together, the map was a failure and was the end of his engi- neering career.

M. L. EARGLE. In a cross-roads store just a mile from Leesville sits M. L. Eargle, the proprietor, on a cracker-box, from morn till night, relating to a circle of customers and loafers how to cure dififerent diseases of plant life. Occasionally he closes his store for a half day to take a look at his farm, which is said to be one of the finest thereabouts, he having placed it in the hands of a good manager.

I. H. FARMER. \\niile surveying in the mountains of this State, "Ike" learned a secret that changed his entire career. He stopped engineering and established a large distillery in the western part of this State. By means of his product, called " Xectar a la Corn," he has gained notoriety and also some pocket change. At night he whistles quite a different tune with the twins occupying both knees.

B. T. FERGUSON. In the little chruch at Kimbolton, each Sunday as regular as they come, can be heard the magnificent voice of Rev. B. T. Ferguson, resounding from rafter to sill, first in prayer then in sermon, and last, thank- goodness, in song. He is liked very much by his little congregation, and occa- sionally remarks of admiration similar to the following can be heard : " He's an all-round preacher why, he does anything from ringing that bell and passing the collection plate to singing in the choir." His spare moments are devoted to cattle raising, he having a few cows that the people of his congregation gave him for a salary. In a few years he hopes to have six cows and intends to start an up-to- date cheese factory.

W. G. FERGUSON. " Dock " always said that he was literarily inclined. but not until his masterpiece was published could he convince his friends of this fact. His book, entitled " Engli.sh as It Is Taught at College and as It Should Be Taught," shows the author's true standpoint in this respect, and as a critic he undoubtedly ranks well. Some day Addison, FergTJson and a few others will be

studied in the English class-rooms with the same dehght that he used to study Chaucer, Spenser, and others.

P. L. GAIXEV. \\'ith his oldest son managing the farm, he has a large time sitting in his big old arm-chair in a comfortable country residence in Alabama. He wears his u.sual broad grin from ear to ear, for while his sons raise cane in the true sense of the word, he raises Cain as a result of the vapor from a still on an unknown corner of his farm.

J. T. GARDXER. Gardner is still the same identical fellow he always was. .\s editor of " The Shelby Excitement," he has become known both far and wide in Cleveland County. Like old Sir Roger de Coverly, he was once disappointed in love and would venture forth no more, and so whenever leap-year came around he would tremble in his knees.

S. M. GIBBS. Who would ever have thought it! " Punk " a millionaire. He stuck to his policy that he would never marry beauty by itself. This sounded as if he wouldn't marry at all, but he got on the good side of a wealthy consulting engineer, for whom he applied his vast amount of technical skill and knowledge acquired in his youth, and his beaming countenance now shines in his family circle and his hands reach into the family pocketbook for his full share.

M. M. GLASSER.— This mysterious personage carried his settled and pen- sive di.sposition into later years, remaining his only companion, for, as he always said, he liked to be in company with a sensible man. He selected that station in life which afforded much solitude and opportunities for research into the unknowMT depths of science. \'ery few ever knew where the scores of inventions in the electrical world originated, but of his crowded workshops and laboratories M. M. Glasser made another world, being only connected w'ith his fellow man in so far as to make known any success he might have in wrenching a new property from this wonderful power, electricity.

M. H. GOLD. Realizing that he would not do himself, his nation, or his name justice by following civil engineering, he decided to make use of his business qualities. Having had much experience in certain lines of business, and his w-its being sharpened by the wise tutorship of his professor in Business Law and Political Economy, he selected that branch for which he was best fitted. Having taken a degree in Bluffing, he bought a complete set of law-books to ornament his ofifice and in Beaufort he settled. Financial crises do not worry this shrewd business man, and frequent a])])lications are made bv others of his citv to the office with the following sign; " MONEY TO LEND— ^L H. Gold." '

J. D. GR.-KDY. The soil in the vicinity of Albertson has certainly been good to this sturdy son of the soil. For a few years he toiled hard, entirely against his nature, but at last his desires were fulfilled, and he is able to go to town on Satur- day after a week of rest, fill his little brown jug, come home and have a supply of tonic for the rest of the week. Everybody works but father at that home, each of the eight children being kept occupied.

T. D. GRIM SH AWE. Back to the mountains he went. It was a matter of impossibility for him to leave those wrinkles in the earth's crust. At the age of forty, after a life of flirtation with the mountain lasses, he was taken away to a seacoast town in South Carolina as second mate to a w-ell-to-do widow of a sea captain, she having fallen in love with him, the possessor of those resplendent locks of hair.

D. Y. HAGAN. The Civil Division will be glad to know that at least a few remained true to their calling and benefited the world with the knowledge for which they toiled together in class-room and on field. One of the most successful of those that stuck to civil engineering is our busy friend, " Purt." As a resident engineer of the Southern Railway, he made quite a success, and after finishing the double tracking from Washington to Atlanta he settled down in Danville. Among the most prominent engineering feats of the twentieth centurv is the spiralizeil suspended bridge span across a pass in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Having devoted most of his time to the study of the spiral and also much of his time to bridges, it will be gratifying to his teachers to note that he was successful in the structure that required a thorough knowledge of both subjects.

G. HARRIS. Although he married at an early age, to-morrow never both- ered his brain, and he led a typical go-lucky sort of a life. He and a friend went into partnership in an electrical fixture supply house. The firm went bankrupt, but with a new start " Pap " did better and became the proprietor of a large supply house for wireless telegraph stations. At first he dealt in wires, but he soon found out that there was not much profit in selling wires to such customers.

M. HEXDRICK. \\'hen two great minds for business get together to begin an enterprise, there is more than likely to be success. With the tutorship of "Ooks " as to everything textile and the experience in financial lines gained from his business undertakings at college, he, in partnership with his " Old Lady," founded the great " Alorning Glory Mills " at a place first known as " Nowhere," but which rapidly grew to the City of Hendristrou.

C. M. LAMBE. The store of Lambe Bros., covering a block in the great City of Durham, stands as a monument to the toil and application to duty of C. M. Lambe and his two brothers. He started out with a firm resolution to make a first-class hydraulic engineer out of himself, and for several years he worked hard. Seeing no returns from his exertions, however, and being told by his brothers of brighter prospects with them, he flung the transit aside as he used to throw the tennis racket away whenever he failed to score an expected point, and was soon the most influential member of the firm.

B. B. LATTIMORE.— .\lthough not a Kentuckian, he liked to be where there were beautiful women, fast horses, etc. Most of his time was devoted to the former, and not until he was entirely removed from them did he endeavor to make life different from a love story. When he sailed for the Philippines was the beginning of his career. When last heard of he was doing well, but was rather worried over the many hearts he had broken by departing.

D. LINDSAY. The chief of the " Royal Sons of Rest " of course never believed in over-exertion, and consequently he never rose above boss spinner. By means of his inspiring lines of verse, which he continued to write even when college days were a thing of the past, he became entangled in the webs of love and was carried a victim to the hymeneal altar.

J. H. LITTLE. In the country schoolhouse at Pinetops can daily be heard the instructive and authoritative voice of J. H. Little, the schoolmaster. He has a little electrical workshop, to which he devotes most of his time, and by the approval of all the families concerned, he holds a class in which he teaches the choicest sons of the soil some of the rudiments of electricity. This being some- thing new to those innocent and simple-minded farmers, he made quite a reputa-

tion and could ask an increase in salary, thus affnrdinj; himself better means of increasing^ his knowledge on certain subjects of vital importance to the consci- entious enlightenment of his entrusted ones.

(j. L. LVERLY. " Governor," after leaving college, made an extended study of the celestial bodies. After ten years of constant application to books and instruments, he was at last a])le to locate the North Star without very much trouble, and we are glad to say that although occasionally under the same disadvantages as in his youthful da\s, it is quite im])ossible to place him in such a predicament as he once experienced. The L.\erly Observatory is situated on the hill east of Method, and although recently erected much work has been done. His new star is called the ISanquet Star, in honor of the occasion of his first attempt at finding stars.

L. L. AIcLKNDON. By day he stands afar off and watches his score of farm hands tilling the soil afar oflf, for work never got next to him. At night he pores over a small collection of law books which are essential to the thorough execution of the duties attached to the responsible position he holds, that of constable of a suburban town of Wadesboro.

C. T. MARSH. Having observed and been in close contact for several years with a kind guardian of his own stomach, it is not strange that he, like his com- panion, when enough experience had-been gained in the feeding of the inner man, should gain much weight. He became stout so rapidly that he gave up all hopes of following his vocation. True to his conscience, he did that which required least worry and labor on his part and established the " ^larsh Sanitarium," with the rest cure for all manner of nervous diseases, and being a living advertisement for his cure he made quite a success.

D. J. MIDDLETON.— Between the years 1910 and 1920, Y. M. C. A. work in the United States was entirely revolutionized. Having had Y. M. C. A. work at heart ever since he was old enough to tmderstand its mission, it was his one and only purpose in life to make its work the greatest possible success. Being one of the few real ladies'-men of our class, he had had much experience with the fair sex, and fully realized what an attraction they were. By uniting Y. M. C. .\. and Y. W. C. A., he became one of the leaders of the work he helped so much.

15. F. PITTMAN. He .started on life's journey to take his time and get the good out of everything. His first position was with Westinghouse, and although he did well, the rush among so many was entirely against his disposition. He settled (liiwn in a (piiet town out West and the rest of the world bothered him no longer.

L. L. P1TTM.\N. ( )f course he made the best of life and was much more fortunate than the rest of us in finding an easy way of getting around work. He is the same fellow as of yore, the same (height) lying down or standing u\). For the past few years of his life he has been living easy trying to make good use of a comfortable inheritance. The only thing that liothers his brain is the honorable position of alderman. Since he is alderman of W'hitakers. that city of Inistle and business, he is constantly kept in a rush.

R. I. POOLE. When his old friend White started a minstrel show, of cour.se, even if there was nothing in it for him but bread and butter, Poole was right there with him. And you bet when these two heads got together to contrive some witticism it was soon forthcoming. He of course had a large share in the minstrel

show, but on account of his natural talent for that certain class of comedian, iw was end-man. He would make strenuous efforts at disguising himself and would succeed well w'ith one exception. Anyone that ever knew him would soon recog- nize him on account of his " ferry-boat " feet.

H. A. POWELL. From knitter to superintendent does not seem as big a jump to this bashful specimen of mankind as from superintendent to whatever his expected father-in-law intends to make him. By day he watches others w'ork and by night he works others' watches, for occasionally he becomes so enraptured with some fair one that it is necessary to regulate the timepiece.

J. A. POWELL. Poor little Jimmie had a time at first at the machinist's trade. The tools were all too heavy for him and tools suitable to his weight worked all too slow. He, however, in his usual sunshiny way grinned and bore it all and triumphed in the end. He invented an apparatus that was as much as a human being. It could handle any tool, and by means of buttons and levers could be made to use the same in any desired manner.

T. M. POYNER. With fine arguing abilities and a few years of devotion to the study of the fine points of law, he gained the reputation of being the ablest lawyer in Norfolk. He won every case he ever took, and when making his speech, even though he knew the case was his, he would continue to argue to show that he could not be downed. In one of his g-reatest cases, however, his brilliant career was somewhat dimmed by a mere slip of the tongue. In a warm argument he accidentally made use of his old expression, " you old tight-wad," and the judge got him for contempt of court.

E. E. SMITH. He knew that it would be a pity for him to become con- nected with industrial enterprises since the minute details he had packed away in his head would be wasted. He therefore accepted the position as instructor at his Alma Mater and did extra fine until he fell in love, which of course divided his attention.

J. L. SAIITH. It did not take him long to convince the good people of Duke that they needed a responsible City Engineer. With a nice salary and little to do, he led a pleasant life and was quite prominent in both social and financial circles.

J. P. SPOON. Who would ever have thought that an honest man like Spoon would ever run a dairy with well-pump attachment ? He could not help becoming wealthy since, although his customers increased, his number of cows never did ; but the old well near the barn could tell the tale. On Sunday this stout personage would amble down the road to the little church where he was a deacon.

J. S. STROL'D. Stroud of course could not leave his dear friend and coun- selor, Hendrick, and together they labored and toiled, and the outcome was the '■ Morning Glory Mills." He accumulated a handsome fortune and was recognized by his fellow-men as a leader and one to whom they would look for advice. Thus having gained great popularity and being w'onderfully talented in speech-making, he was selected as congressman. When this honor was bestow'ed upon him He was still single, and consequently Apex was still the center of attraction and was frequently honored with the congressman's visit.

J. F. T(JWE. It was his only wish to become renowned among his home folks. .\11 these desires were fulfilled w'hen he became manager of the " Chapa- noke Traction Company." He sports fine clothes and leads a high-flyer's life to

perfection. Occasionally he settles down sufficiently to write a love story for " Tip-Top Weekly."

J. L. \'OX GLAHX. This conscientious and diligent toiler made himself what he is. It was no lucky strike that gained that prominent station in life for him. He made the harnessing of the water-power of North Carolina his life's work. In less than a decade after his graduation he made much progress in this line, and before many years had elapsed several canals and dams were on his list of construction.

R. E. WHITE. The White .Minstrel Show was the most exquisite and most popular attraction for several years. He, besides seeing to a large part of the business management, supervised the stage. As trick musician he made quite a reputation, and when assisted by his right-hand man, Poole, in cracking jokes there was no equal.

J. C. \\'ILLIAMS. With this responsible mathematician at the head of the calculating bureau of the " Phcenix Bridge Construction Company," there is a certainty of no more failures in their structures on account of a miscalculation. He is as much of a ladies'-man as ever, and often he goes to work with heavy eyes from a previous night's dance.

W. P.. YARBOROUGH.~He is one of the most valued foremen of the General Electric Company. He is in a very ticklish position at present, for on the success of one little invention depend wife, home and fortune.

J. F. ZEIGLAR. His first job was the construction of a coal shute at Win- ston. It was such a remarkable piece of work that he made a big name and the railroad for which it was built put much confidence in his abilities. His chances for a brilliant career were, in Winston, cut short, for when asked by a friend to join in a trip to Alaska his adventurous qualities were aroused, and it was not long before " Buck " was ready to travel. He ended up in Mexico as senior partner in a great land company, organized by Dup's speculative mind and backed by " rUick's " Klondike gold.


To the naughty-eight clan.

The merry band.

And its members fifty-three :

May we meet again.

On this sphere mundane. To talk of old times in glee.

HiuDK.N Tkkasukk.

Junior Class History

Ir was a day to be long remembered, this seventh day of September. Around the campus, on the cool, green grass, beneath the shade of the old familiar trees, could be seen lazy, lounging groups of re-united friends and classmates, busy with and deeply interested in varied and interesting conversations. Some talked of home and sweetheart, some of the fallen class-mates, and others of new surroundings.

Suddenly, and without warning, there broke forth upon this peaceful scene the yell—

Wha-hoo-wha, wha-hoo-wha, J-U-N-I, Junia. Who-a-ray, who-a-roar, Siss-boom. Junior.

The last of the " Naughty Boys " had returned, with ranks thinned but little, with banners still waving.

Some might ask what these " Naughty Boys " might be, but surely every one knows the Class of 1909.

The history of this class, with its trials and tribulations, expeditions and explorations, together with its achievements, is indeed an interesting one through- out, one that would perhaps fill volume after volume if the whole of it were known. But, since part of it is in absolute obscurity, and circumstances will not permit of its disclosure, I shall have to limit myself to the recounting of a few of the most noteworthy facts connected therewith.

It was in the fall of 1905 that the Class of 1909 was organized. Soon after the arriyal of its members they were attacked by the Sophomores, were defeated, disfigured and disorganized. But this state of affairs was not to last long. CJwen Moore was elected President, and soon after the election matters changed. By his wise counsel and marked generalship many obstacles were overcome, and before the year was half gone the Class of 1909 had won the respect of the upper classes and was .said to be one of the best classes ever at A. and M.

During this first year we were represented in all branches of college life. Although we did not win any high honors in class athletics, we were represented on both varsity teams, by Thompson in football and baseball and Fox in baseball. We also had a number of men on both scrub teams.

Our Sophomore year, while filled with many interesting experiences, passed away quietly. W'e returned with a more satisfied feeling and .soon started earn- estly to work upon our college career, which we felt had just begun. This year we were again well represented in athletics, having on teams Thompson, Fox and Goss. We were also more successful in class athletics, winning the baseball championship and cup.

In the spring of 1907 J. O. Sadler was elected President for our Junior year, and up until this time has served as such with the greatest fidelity. With Marshall as captain, our class football team won for us the class football cup and cham- pionship, thus putting us in possession of both cups for the year 1907.

With our Junior year but half completed, our history is indeed one of which any class would be proud. Who would not be proud of such men as Thompson, Sadler, Gray, Fox, Marshall, Goss, Long, Johnson and Thomason?

With such a list of class members, the future history of 1909 can not but be bright, and, ere many years have passed Maroon and Gray will be at the top of the ladder of success.


Junior Class, '09

Motto :—\ivamus ut Discamus (Let us live and learn).

Colors: Maroon and Steel-Grav.

Flower : Carnation.

J. O. S.XDLER. President.

J. \V. Harrelsox. \'ice- President.

J. B. Cr.wen, Secretary-Treasurer. S. F. Stevexs, Historian.

R. R. F.visox, Poet.


Wha-who-wha. \\'ha-\vho-\vha, J-U-N-I— Ju-ni-a. Who-a-ray. Wno a-roar, Siss-booin, Junior.

Junior Roll

J. A. AREY Klmwciod.

.1. W. BARRETT Rocky .\Iounl.

('. n. BROTHERS Conetoc.

T. K. BKUXER Raleigh.

T. ir. CLARK Raleigh.

W. M. COWLES Charlotte.

J. B. CRAVEN Chnrlotte.

.1. F. DAVIDSON' Statesville.

\V. S. DEAN Oxford.

C. O. DOUGHERTY North. S. C.

L. C. DRAKE MeAdensvill...

F. A. DUKE Raleigh.

\V. H. E.VTOX Cleveland.

R. R. FAISON Goldslioni.

E. L. FOARD WinstonSalrm.

R. L. FOX Waynesboro, \"n.

h. P. GATTIS Raleigh.

A. S. GOSS Union. S. C.

C. v. GRAY , Buxton.

A. II. GKKEN Raleigh.

C. L. (iKlFFIN Manteo.

W. R. HAMPTON Plymouth.

.1. \V. HARRELSON Liiwndale.


T. F. HAYWOOD Trcnlmi.

E. HENDERSON Salisbury.

B. H. IIIGGINS Leicester.

D. II, HILL, .Ir West Raleigh.

W. A. HORNADAY Burlington.

D. B. ISELEY Burlington.

W. F. R. JOHNSON Marion, S. C.

F. .1. .lONES New Bern.

K. LONG Graham.

S. M. MALLISOX Wa>hington,

W. I!. MAKSIIALI. Rocky .Mount.

K. C. MASON Edenton.

A. It. MASSEV Philadelphia, Pa.

\V. .M MILLNER Leaksville.

li. F. MONTAGUE Winston-Salem.

(IWKN MOORE Asheville.

W. F. MOKIUS Ashboro.

S. L. OLIN'EK Mt. Olive.

.1. M. PAKKER Hunting Creek.

.1. (i. PASCHAL (;oldst<m.

W. .M. PECK Wilmington.

I. i;. I'lEKCI-: Warsaw.

I'. P. I'lKKCI-: Pelbani.

I'. M. PITTS Concord.

.1. A. I'OKTER Biltmore.

.1. M. I'KICE Leaksville.

i;. K. KKINII AIM), Stanley Creek.

A. !'. U.GIIS Wanchesc.

r W l.'dlililNS Durham.

.1. II. KOUKUTSON liurlingtim.

.1. (I. SADLEK CluuloUc.

F. W. SHERWOOD Raleigh.

l;. .\. SIIOPK Wenverville.

G. G. SI.MPSON Richmond, Va.

W. X. SLOAX Franklin.

H. S. STEELE Yadkin Valley.

S. F. STEPIIEXS Xorfolk, Va.

II. N. SU.MNER Ilerlfnnl.

.1. I). TIKIMASON Hickory.

.1. !•:. TdoMKI! Wiliiiiuglou.

.1. S. WlinKHURST Elizabeth City.

(I. G. W IIITLEY Mhcmarle.

P, .\. WITIIEKSPOOX Monresville.

Sophomore Class, '10

Motto: Deeds, not words.

Colors: Orange and Black.

Flower : Hyacinth.

W. Sexton, President.

St. J. L. Si'Kixc.s. \'ice-President.

F. L. Bl.\ck, Secretary-Treasurer.

C. G. ArmFielu, Historian.

H. W. Wells, Poet.


Yac-et-yac-et-yac-et-ye, Yac-et-yac-et-yac-et-ye. Wha-wlio. wha-he, \\"lia-\vli(i. wha-he. S-U-P-J:l-0-M-U-R-E.

Sophomore Class Poem


Half our college days are over, Half the days are yet to come :

Half the hardships yet to encounter, Half the battles are but won.

These two years have been successful.

Failures there have been but few ; Then let us never be forgetful.

To our motto always true.

Two more years we've yet at college :

May they be a great success. And our friends to us acknowledge

That we always did our best.

Fresh life was verdant. Soph, was knowing But those happy days are o"er :

So in closing here is hoping We all reach the Junior shore.

Sophomore Roll

J. C. ALBRIGHT Rock Creek.


C. G. ARMFIELD Statesville.


R. K. BAHIXGTOX Gastoiiia.

T. R. BALDWIN, .Jr lit. Gilead.

A. .T. BEALL Charlotte.

J. B. BERRIER Lcxin-ton, R. Xo. 3.

F. MeC. BLACK .MnnresviUe.

T. S. BOXD Windsor.


G. W. BRADDY Westbrook.

C. R. BRADLEV Old Fort.

J. B. BRAY Sligo.

T. J. BREVARD Fairview.

E. E."bUCK Hampton, Va.

V. P. BYRUM Charlotte, X. 3.

H. R. GATES .Swepsonville.

J. B. CHERRY Windsor.


K. B. CLIXE Concord.

H. G. COUGHEXOUR Scotland Xeek.

J. K. COUXCIL Wananish.

J. M. COUXCIL Wananish.

W. H. CROW Monroe.

W. E. DAVIS Hiddenite.

T. T. DAWSOX Grifton.

E. G. DEAXS Wilson.

J. L. DUXX Scotland Xeck.

J. O. ELLER Berlin.

W. F. ELLER Berlin.


R. B. GADDY Monroe.

R. E. GILL Raleigh.

W. T. GRIMES. Jr Hamilton.

W. P. HARDEE Stem.

T. D. HARRIS O.xford.

E. B. HAYWOOD Raleigh.

A. R. HICKS Faison.

L. A. HIGGIXS Leicester.

C. W. HIXSHAW Winston-Salem.

M. McC. HOLLO WAY Cardenas.

L. L. HOOD Asheville.

C. R. JORDAN Gulf.

L. A. JOYNER Jackson.

L. H. KIRBY Lenoir.

W. H. KITCHIX Scotland Neck.

M. C. LASSITER Snow Hill.

E. H. LEE, Jr Raleigh.


r. C. LOFTIX West Raleigh.

F. X. .McDowell charlotte.

L. I". McLEXDOX Wadesboro.

S. II. .McXEELY Wa.xhaw.

W. L .MAXNIXG Henderson.

M. S. M.WES Stem.

1.. I). .MDODY East Laporte.

K. B. .MOORE Morven.

R. L. MORGAN Wilson.

H. P. MOSELEV Kinston.

R. L MURPHY Morganton.

W. .\1<C. NEALE Greensboro.



J. B. PARKS Concord.

W. C. PEXXIXGTOX Thomasville.


F. T. REDFEARN Monroe.

A. K. ROBERTSON Rowland.

J. F. ROBIXSOX Hampton, Va.

C. C. SADLER Charlotte.

I.. R. SAXDFORD Xorfolk. Va.

K. A. SEIDEXSPIXNER. Washington, D. C.

.1. W. SEXTOX Salem Church.

C. S. SLAGLE Franklin.

E. H. SMITH Weldon

J. F. SPEIGHT Whitakers.

S. A. SPENCER Ashboro.

ST. J. L. SPRINGS Georgetown, S. C.

C. B. STAINBACK Hender.son.

T. B. STANSEL Allenton.

W. C. STYROX Washington.

T. B. SU.MMERLIX Mt. Olive.

L. H. SWIXDELL Raleigh.

K. S. TAXXER Charlotte.

W". C. TAYLOR Rhodhiss.

T. H. THOilPSON Thomasville.


C. .M. WADE Morehead City.

C. E. WALTON Hamilton, Ga,


H. W. WELLES, Jr. . . . Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

D. R. WELLOXS Sraithfield.

.1. S. WILSOX Charlotte.

E. L. WIXSLOW WMnfall.

n, C. YOUXG Carv.

Sophomore History

SEPTEMBER the sixth saw most of our class back again at the A. and M.. not as Freshmen, but as Sophomores, the rulers of the Hill. It took us some time to keep from speaking of ourselves as Freshmen, but in our acts and deeds we showed that we were true Sophomores. We began immediately to display our superiority by ordering the Freshmen around to do our biilding, and when one refused to do such, we gave him a free bath or a black massage.

.\11 of the old men who had been elected to offices for this session came back, and as every one seemed to be satisfied with these men. we did not hold another election.

We were somewhat troubled at first on account of the Faculty's "shipping" two of our men for attempted hazing: but by some persuasion on our part the culprits were reinstated.

Our class was well represented in football, with Spencer, liray. Wilson and Sexton on the \'arsity team. The prospects are that we shall have a number of men on the baseball team : among them Sexton, Cline and Council as pitchers, and Spencer and Lassiter as fielders. Our class team made a good showing also in a hard-fought game with the Juniors, which resulted in a tie.

A new athletic venture, which proved the most interesting event in our history, was the fight between us and the Freshmen. Few dreamed of the impending danger when that memorable morning dawned over the College, but those things which come to us as surprises are generally the most interesting. When our challenge to the Freshmen was read out in the " Mess Hall," none of us thought that there would be any of the Freshmen out on the field : but we were badly mis- taken, for the class turned out in full force. It is useless to attempt to describe that great fight, in which men fought and bled, not because they were angry, but for a principle, and that was to uphold his class and show it to be the best. It would take a historian of greater powers than mine to tell of things that took place that day ; but those who carried off the broken noses and black eyes will always remember the battle as the most exciting event during their stay at college. Well, any way we think that we came out ahead, and believe our dignity to be on as firm a foundation as ever.

We have been thinking of organizing a barbers' society among ourselves, as we have had a great deal of experience in that line during the ])ast few months.

Whether this plan will materialize will depend entirely upon the Freshmen, who are the customers. Our success at sign painting likewise opens a new field ; decoration of smoke-stacks by our " Steeple Jack " having won general admiration.

An election was held a few days before the Christmas holidays for the appointment of the Assistant Manager of the football team for the coming football year. Mr. L. P. McLendon was chosen by a large majority.

When this history goes into print our year will be only about half gone, and many of the great things we do and those we do not do will never be known to the world at large, but must always remain as a part of the private history of the bovs of Nineteen Hundred and Ten, the greatest and best class ever at the A. and M.

Freshman Class

Coi.dKS: ( )ran,i;i' and W'hiti.-.

.Mdi'Tn: Esse cjuam viek'ri.

Flowkk : Siinriower.

W. E. LAMi'.ivrii. President.

( ). }il. Si<.Mn.\. Niee-I'resident.

1\ I ii:,\i>Ki'..\, Secretan-'li'easurer. K. Sm nil , 1 lislorian.

C. R. MlManaw Av. IViet.

4^^>^9^ ^^

t ^ ^--=^'



Freshman History


IK tlie fall of 07 we marched up to the doors of A. and M. College, about one hundred strong, and although the many new and strange things made us a little nervous, we were determined to become members of the Class of 191 1. We soon made the acquaintance of our friends, the Sophomores, and I fear afforded them a great deal of amusement. But as the days went by and we became more used to the ways of the College, we went to work to make a repu- tation for our class that we could be ])rou(l of. So far we have succeeded nobly, and those who know our class say we will continue to do so.

In the month of September we organized our class and elected .Mr. R. T. Wade temporary President. In October we elected permanent officers, with Mr. Walter Lambeth as President.

We turned out one of the best football teams the College has ever produced, and succeeded in holding the Juniors down to no score in two games, although they defeated us in the third. We hope to do even better in baseball, and the prospects are in favor of this.

We are probably the only Freshman class that ever went out and met the Sophomore class in a fair open fight, lioth classes were there in full attendance, and when time was called each held the other in more respect than before the fight.

There is much more I would like to say, but the task is too much for me, but in closing this history that should be so much better to do our class justice, I can only say :

Here's to the Class of 1911,

And her members brave and true ; For her white and golden colors

We will do what we can do.

And when the four short years are o'er

And her members are far apart. We will think of our dear old class

With a love that fills our heart.


Freshman Roll


H. D. ABERNETHY Hitkoiy.

H. R. AIKEX Hickory.

G. H. ANTHONY Shelby

.1. E. ARDREY Pineyille.

C. R. AUSTIN Charlotte, R. No. 8.


A. L. BAKER Ralcit;li.

R. J. HARBEE Raleigh.

T. C. BARBER Pinnaole.

J. M. BEAL Rocky Mount, R. No. 3.

C. E. BELL Kinston.

H. y. BEST (irifton.

J. H. BIVENS Cottoiiyille.

A. T. BOWLER Wilnuiiyton.

R. T. BOYLAN Raleigh.

J. M. BRADFIELD Charlotte.

J. H. BROWN Charlotte, R. No. 4.

G. K. BRYAN Tampa, Fla.

H. C. BL'CHAN Manly.

KIT BRYAN Catharine Lake.

B. L. CALDWELL Concord.

C. M. BURROUGHS Portsmouth, Va.

M. C. CORL Concord.

C. A. DANIELS New Bern.

W. H. DAVIS Marshyille, R. No. 1.

E. S. DEWAR Raleigh.

J. H. DURHAM, Jr Wilmington.

J. I. EASON Speight's Bridge.

J. T. EDWARDS Morehead City.

J. D. ELLIOTT Edenton.

E. M. EYANS Raleigh.

R. S. FAIRLY Laurinburg.

A. P. FARMER Fuquay Springs.

J. G. FENNELL Wilmington.

C. M. FLOWERS Maribel.

D. R. FREEMAN Charlotte.

M. R. FREEMAN Taylor.

L. McA. GOODW'IN Raleigh.

R. W. GRAEBER Concord.

C. B. GREEN Kittrell.

C. G. HALLi Wilmington.

W. J. HALL Clemmons.

T. .1. HARDISON Moryen.

M. ,f. HAWKINS, Jr Ridge\vay.


R. P. HEWLETT Wilson.


E. R. HINE Old Town.

D. R. HINKLE Lexin-tdu.

R. L. HOLDER Durham.

J. R. HUTCHISON Charlotte, R. No. 7.

L. MeA. JACOBS New Bern.


R. T. JOYNER Rocky Mount.


J. S. KNOX Raleigh.

F. H. KOHLOSS Columbia.

W. M. LAMBETH Fayetteville.

R. H. LEWIS, Jr Kinston.

T. S. LINTON Raleigh,

E. R. Mccracken Graham.

SIDNEY Mac DONALD Wilmington,

J.J. MACKAY, Jr Raleigh.


C. R. JlcMANAWAY Charlotte.

G. G. JL\RLER Winston.

J. L. MARTIN Graham.

W. C. MASSEE Marshallville, Ga.

R. W. MONTAGUE Winston.

J. O. MOOSE Mt. Pleasant.

R. L. MORRISON Concord.

J. W. MOYE Farmville.

A. P. JIURDOCK Statesyille.

H. M. NEAL Monroe.

J. C. NEAL Charlotte, R. No. 8.

F. T. PEDEN Wilkesboro.

J. T. PEDEN, Jr Wilkesboro.

S. B. PHIFER Cleveland, R. No. 2.

J. P. yUIXERLY Grifton.


B. S. ROriERTSON, Jr Haw River.

J. W. ROLLINSON Elizabeth City.

G. R. ROSS Asheboro,

G. W. ROSS Charlotte.

J. L. SCOTT, Jr Graham.

IRA SHORT Boardman.

O. M. SIGMON Hickory.

W. R. SMITH Charlotte.

C. A. SPEAS Cana, R. No. 2.

R. L. STEELE, jr Roekmghani.

L. E. STEERE, Jr Charlotte.


T. W. THORNE Littleton.

F. W. THORP Rocky Mount.

W. P. THURSTON Burlington.

F. G. TUCKER Henderson.

R. T. WADE Morehead City.


E. H. WARD Tarboro.

.). H. WATSON Raleigh.

X. S. WILSON, Jr Winston.

W. P. WILSON Goldsboro.

W. B. WINFREE Wadesboro, R. No. 3.

M. F. WVATT Raleigh.

Short Course Roll





Hij;h I


.Hickiiiv, K. \(..


S. HU)rNT Roper

K. 15RADDY Washington

\V. BrCHAXAX Roppi-

McD. BURGESS Hi<rli Point

H. UOLGHTOX CJuilfoi-a College

L. B. FARRIS Clicnyvillc

A. B. FLETCHER (iil,-on

E. E. FULP Kiilp

E. H. GATTIS Kiilii.Ji

G. \V. GILLETTE Mai ir»s

J. K. GUXX Taiii]ia, Kla

W. .]. HAXKIXS S|ira,v

H. Mc-G. HEATH Matt how-

,1. J. HEDRICK Wilminnt,,,!

L. T. JHLL Bn>l,.y

T. G. HILL Louishiiig

GAHL HOKX Rutherfordton, R. Xo. 3






( ;(







( '.


!■:. \v.





( 1.



I\ELLKK Kin;;-- Mountain.

LAWUKXl'K i;alci;;li.

I,1\'IN(;ST()N Tiyon.

L\X Mil'llAIL Cliiitoii, U. Xo. .-).

L Mc4,a"KKX Fii.vi'tti'villc.

MAiniX Danlmiy.


MILLS Mooicsvillf.

.\l( )( )l)^■ East Lapoi ti'.

MIXBOK (Joldsboro.

)AI!I) Ml i-.i;S Charlotte.

I'll ITER (\uh Corner.

I'OWELL Goldsboro.

UOIiBIXS CharUate, R. Xo. >.


SEIFERT Wilminfrton.

SMITH Raleifjh.

SI'EDMAX Greensboro.

SiOKELV Elizabeth City, R. Xo. 1.

srtJi; Prineeton.

SIMMEV Brevard.

TlLLiOV Kou-eniont.


The Battalion

IV the Session of 1862 our National Congress, realizing the importance and necessity of having a greater number of trained soldiers for the safety and welfare of the country in time of war, passed an act donating lands and money to establish technical colleges in all the States of the Union, provided that for and in consideration of these donations, a military department be maintained at these various institutions. The act further provides that an ofificer from the United States Army shall be placed at the colleges where these military depart- ments are established for the purpose of giving instruction, both theoretical and practical, along military lines; to include Infantry Drill, Regulations, Field Ser- vice Regulations, ^lanual of Guard Duty, Firing Regulations for small arms, and these text-books to be supplemented by lectures on Army Administration, Organi- zation, etc.

At present, our College is especially fortunate in having an able, efficient and highly esteemed officer as commandant, Lieutenant J. S. E. Young. Ninth Cav- alry of the United States Army. The Battalion and the whole College feel a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation towards Lieutenant Young for his untiring efforts to bring the Battalion up to the high standards set by the War Department. And the remarkable improvement in the military department here, since the begin- ning of his administration, two years ago, stands as proof that his efforts have not been in vain.

At the beginning of this session the Battalion was reorganized with five full companies and the band. After the assignments of the officers and non-commis- sioned officers to the various organizations, the most difficult and disagreeable task of the whole year, the instruction of two hundred new men, part of whom had never seen any drilling, had to be done. However, and to the pleasure of all, the new recruits went into it with determination, and with few exceptions were unusually apt in mastering the knowledge requisite to being a soldier.

It was necessary during the first five weeks to teach the most important move- ments only, and attain efficiency in those with all possible dispatch, in order for the Battalion to make a creditable showing at the State Fair on October 17th. In view of the fact that the competitive drill between the five companies was to take place on this occasion, the greater part of the time was given to company drill. It was highly encouraging to note the high degree of proficiency attained by the companies in the short period of preparation. So well did each of the companies drill that the judges experienced some difficulty in deciding which would get the

prize, a beautiful silk pennant. P>nt it was finall\' (lcci(k'(l to award il td "A" company. On this same date, tlic llattalinn liad the Imncir nt niarehinu; in tlic parade at the layinjj of the corner-stone of the new .Masonic 'renii)lc in the city. The comments on the liattalion were hiyjhly compHnu-ntary.

It is only fair to the officers and cadets to say that tlu- condition of the I'.attalion now is more nearly in touch with the requirements uf the War Department than ever before. .\t this writing we are m the midst of strenuous pre])arations for the annual inspection, and here's hopinjj that our year's work will reach a haiJjjy climax in a ma^'nificent demonstration of military kno\\k-d'.;\' and skill before the lns])ector arrives.

K. R. !■:.



Miss Nellie Allen, Sponsor Battalion.

jSUjor R. R. Eagi.i:. Battalion.

The Staff


First Likutexant J. S. E. YdUNC, U. S. A.

Staff Officers

R. R. Eaclk Major.

J. L. Von Guam n Captain and Ailjutant.

S. M. (jIebs Captain and Qnartermaster.

Non-Commissioned Staff

H. N. Sum ner Sergeant-Major.

W. F. AJoKuis Color-Sergeant.

.^ ^^"i^Jrs

Miss KriwiNA l.ocKKTi Sponsor "A" Co.

•' '»'*■';


,^ :i- ». -

;'■ * a



11 . 1. > .

•>♦ ;nt *(4 «,j. •> -.* -^i •,! ^

■^* -I* -* ••i-«, . ■H "^i ■^.* •!■*. ^a. ^«.. »■;■ -

^•r-s"'!"'* r* "^^ •'*' V r

*A *tiv ^J.. Ml. Ml ^<^4.

*i!> ^* i^A ^i ^j . ^,

"^•7^ •'*'■ "^^ "^^ ■•* *^,

'■* ,. ^^ . ^* « u ,

. •. 1%' Ik r'^f'* * •" '• * ^> »* U •)* .^

Captain D. Lindsay, "A" Co.

"A" Company

D. I.ixnsAv Captain. J. C. Ai.i'.kii', ii'r.

T. M. PovNicR First Lieutenant. C. C. Akmi-ii;i.i)

W. 1'.. UrucKSs. ... Second Lieutenant. W. !'. 1 1 akdi'II';. .

(i. Hahuisox Fir.st Sergeant. C. W. Hi.\sii.\w

W. i\L Mii.NEK Sergeant. W. L. Manninc,

J. B. Cra\en Sergeant. H. P. MdSRi.KV.

A. H. Gricen Sergeant. M. S. M.\\ks. . .

I. S. WiiiTiuiURST Sergeant.


.Vrniingtnnit. H. M.Dougherty. C. ( ). Livingston. !'.. C.


Babingtdu Bailey, \\ in. Baker, R. J. Bland. R. D. P.lount, E. S. Bowditch, R. L.eadley. C. R. r.radfield. j. .M. lUirrougli. W. S F.oone, J. A. Durham, L H.

I "arris. L, !',.

I'.ason, J. 1.

Elliot,]. 1).

Gattis, L. F.

Hicks, A. K.

Hill, W. G.

Holloway. M. M

Keller, E. N.

Knox, J. S.

Lanibertson, W. .\. Pitts, F, .M

Lambeth, W. M.

Lineliin'gvr. |. i ). McKay. J. J. McManaway, C 1 McKinimon, C. Massey, .\. P. Maynor, C. H. Moore, E. B. Person, R. G. Pierce, P. F.

. Corporal. . Corporal. . Corporal. . Corporal. . Corporal. . Corporal. . Corjioral.

Potter. H. D. Robinson. G. F. i\amsley. S. Sanders, I). H. Scott, J. L. Sherwood, T. W Smilli. K. Si)eight, J. F. Steer. I'". V.. Tanner. K. S. Walton, C. E.

■Miss Ahce :\rrKATN, .Sponsor -W Co.

U'IA1\ A. li. HOTNTON,

"B" Company

A. G. BoYNTON Captain

H. A. PowEi.i First Lieutenant

I^. L. Pitt M. \ N.. .. Second Lieutenant

j. W. Hauuiclsox First Sergeant

T. M. Clark Sergeant

J. M. Parkeu Sergeant

H. S. Steele Sergeant

G. G. Simpson Sergeant.

I). C. Youxc, Corporal.

J. F. RoniNSox Corporal.

E. E. P)UCK Corporal.

T. D. H.\KKis Corporal.

T. B. SuM.MEKi.i.N Corporal.

Abernathy, C. \'. Archhell.'j. C. Baker, A. L. Barrett. J. \V. Best, H.Q. Bowler, -A. T. Brothers. C. D. Bruner, T. K. Cook, H. D. Daniels, C. A. Davidson, J. ]•". Daughton, j. II. Deans, E. G. Dunn, J. L. Eller, W. F.


Farmer, .\. P. Fennell, J. G. Fox, R. L. Gadcly, R. B. Goodwin, L. M. Hall, W. J. Hampton, W. R. Hardison, T. J. Hawkins, M. J. Haywood. E. B. I line. E. R. Horn, C. Isley, D. B. Jacobs, L. At. Little, G. W.

Alewborne. R. E. McDonald, S. Aloody. A. W. Moore. ( >. .Moose, J. C). Morrison, L. .M. Munroe, X. S. Alur])hy. R. L. Xeale W . M. Xeale, 11. M. Xeale, j. C. Peden, F. T. Potter, W. (). Powell. R. W. Pritchard. W, H.

Redfern, F. T. Robbins, T. W. Rollin.son, J. W. Seidenspinner, E. A. Stance! . T. B. Steele. R. L. Tate, C. S. Thomas. \V. S. Thurston. W. P. Trippe, H. E. W'adsworth, E. Ward, E H. Wells, H. W. Whitley. ( ). G. Wilson. [. S.

Miss Er,i/Ai!KTii \\ . Smith, SiKinsui- ••(.•■• Co.

C'Ai'TAix D. Y. Hagax, •■C" Co.

"C " Company

n. ^■. Hacan Captain. W

I*. H. r.Row \ P'irst IJcutuiiant. 1\. 1^

J. C. Williams. .. Sccnnd Lieutenant. \.. \,.

C. r. C,H.\\ Kir.st Sergeant. 1'".. H

I. ("i. l'.\scii.\Li Sergeant. 1'. \

S. I'". Stici'IIKNS Sergeant. I.. I'.

W. .\. H()K^■.\l).\^■ Sergeant. j. I,.

J. E. L.\rii,\M Sergeant.


X. Si.D.w Sergeant.

^. HiiLDKR Corptiral.

Hiidii Cor])()ral.

i j:i'. Corpdral.

AlcDdW Ki.i Cnrporal.

.\ii'l JCNIIOM C'nriinral.

Si'Ki.\('.s Corporal.

Abernalln, 1. 1 1.

( 'iiinn. |. K.

l.orance, I. N.

( hiinerh'. I.E.

.\ntlion\-, C..

llavne.s, Iv A.

Marler, C. G.

Rlu-inhardt. R.

I'.arlier, |. C.

liick.s, A. R.

.Mason. R. C.

Sandf.ird, E. R

I'.ell, C. E.

Higgins, E. .\.

.Mast, C. E.

Se.xton, 1. W.

Black, F. M.

Hill, T. G.

.McEeads. A. G.

Smith, S .\.

llovlaTi, K. T.

Johnson, W. F. R.

Montague, K. W.

Stednian, C. .\.

I'.raddv. B. F.

lovncr, R. T.

Mott, H.

Swindell. E. H

Brown, f. H.

Kilpatrick, G. S.

( )liver. S. L.

Tliorne, T. W.

Brvan, G.

Ea.ssiter, ^\. C.

( )tterl)urg. R.

Tucker, F. C.

Carl, C.

l^awrence. W. 1'..

I'eden, E T.

Wellons, 1). R.

C-row, W. 11.

Eee, T. E.

EhitVr, S. B.

W hitlev, W. B.

Edwards. |. T.

E..ftin. l'. C.

1 'ierce, 1. R.

Wilson, X. S.

P'airlv, R. S.

Enng, R.

Price, El!,

Wilson. W. P.

Green, C. B,

Miss Alice Cai.i.um, Sponsor "D" Co.

r. ^ < ^





■*■• -4k .f« ..iw

~ ~< * «■ » « : * -.* -i -^'i

1* .•^«. i^t -- -

-<♦-,, -^ •^' -'4 ■»! «•} ••.^ •(■.}. «,a ^», V,

,'^* ^'1 «A "^i

*^ ^ -IJ^ 0"'?^ i* )|

D" Company

E. 1'". Smith


. . . l*Tst l.irulciiaiil. . Sccniid l.icuU-nant.

.M. 1 1. Tkkui'::.!.


.M. L. lv\K<,i.

R. J. WAatt. .


r'. 1., (■,.\l^K^

L. 1). .\l((iiiv. .


R. A. Si.cPK.

First Sertjeaiit.

J. r.. l'\KKS...


r.. K. MoxTA



11. C. Cl.AV.. ..


F. A. Di'KK.


S. H. Mc.Vkki.n


S. M. Mai.i.i

^ON' .


W C. I'.MU\\1. .



.\iistin, C. R.

lUk-r. J. ( ).

Jao.lis. .\. M.

Ross, C.. W.

Ayc.ck. W. 1


i':iiis, \\'. 11.

Johnson, E.

Sriterl. 1). W.

r.aldwiii, T.


Falls, IT.

jonL's, K. F.

Sliarpc. A.

\W'n\.\. M.

l'"rc'onian, M. 1\.

Vlcl'hail. C.

vSpcnccr, S. A.

Ilrand, '1". S.

l-'iilp. l'"..

.\lcOuccn, r.

Stephenson, M. .\I.

P.itcliaium, J.


C.attis, E. 11.

Martin, .\. R.

Thomason, \\

Call. J. \V.'

C.ill, R. E.

\lyrrs. \\ .

'IMioiniison, 'P. 1 1.

Cak's. H. R.

(^illetti'. C. W.

.Move. J. W".

'I'horiK-, F. W.

Clinc, K. !'..

(;..ss. A. S.

' V'nninL;li>n, C".

Tilk-y, C. C.


11. (

. Hawk-. 1<.

Ri--s. A, 1'.

Wilson, j. .S])iccr

Council, j. K

lU-drick. \. ].

RolKTtSoll. A. 1\.

W'in-^iow E. 1..

Davis, \V. 11

Jleiidren, 1'.

ivtoss. C. R.

Wyalt. .M. 1''.

Dewar, E. S.

Hutchinson, J. R.

Miss Peari. Birdex, Sponsor •' E " Co.


•i . :i :^iZ*l '




■' 1





'.* -i m, .

•^> -i' ^< -J -I «# *

•> ••# •--

•r^C- ■-"--'

^ * *•» ■•* -fi *I4 .

* ■•♦ t. 'r

ft. rt

Captaix C. T. Marsh, ••£•■ Co.

"E" Company


C. T. .M AKsn Capta'ii

r>. T. Fi'.Ki'.L'SoN F"irst l<ifuti,-iiaiU

H. W. Ktiu-i-M'K, Second Lieiiteiiar.t

j. M. rKKic First Sergeant

W. S. I )kan- SerLjeant

W. X. I'Kt'K Sergeant

F. L. FoAKi) Sergeant

V. 1. joNKS Sergeant.

I. \\ . I\ i:v Sergeant.

1. R. Sri'.i; Corporal.

\\". K. I'll I i.i.i I'S Corporal.

R. I.. .MiiKcw Cor])oral.

(.", R. Jni.:iiAX Corporal.

J. M. Couxcii Corporal.


Abernathv. H.


Clark. C. S.

Milliard, f. S.

Smith, E. H.

Alexander, X.

( ).

Cnies. C. S.

Jones. .\. J.

Si)eas. C. .\.

.\rdrev. I. Iv

Dawson. T. 'r.

Kiteliin, W. 11.

Stainhack. C.


.Armtield, A.

I'.atnn, W, 11.

Lewis, R. 11.

Stokelev. W.


liaker, C. R.

l':vans. K. .M.

i.ockhart. A.

Sugg. W. P.

Heall, A. 1.

I'aison, W. .\.

Martin, I. R.

Tavlor. W. C

I'lCrrier, ]. V>.

Fletcher. A. R.

.Mills. C. F.

Thomason. R


i'livens, }. H.

Craeher. R. W.

.\l,>rrison. R. R.

Tliompsoii, C


Rraddv. (',. W

(M-av. I. .M.

.Murdock .\. R.

'riionrpson. F


I'.rav. 1. R.

Crimes, W. 'P.

.X!eni\ er, 1.11.

Wade. C. M.

Rrvan, K,

Mall, C. C.

I'alton, iv.

Ward, J. T.

Rntni'r. |. I'",

Henderson. 1,.

IViee. R,.

Wheeler. I'. 1

Caldwell. R. 1

Hewlett. R. R.

Sadler. |. ( >.

Wintfee. W.


Cherr\, 1. R.

lliggins. R. R.

Short. 1.


R. -

Miss Xaxmk TIay. Sponsor of Hand.



^ ^ J^ - J . ^) <J



-i «*

* -I -♦ H^ ;

•* •» -4 ^•.- * -> •* .,) » "■

* .-'*■■'* ■'»■ '^^ -■ - . . -(fc -^» «* .t^- „. ,

■^1 '•i ^* •)■*. -la m*

^t I* ^4 *»4

' *I«K- -»♦ 'lA ' «<« '.f^ \f ' !■*■ ■»» -^V ^4 a^-c -«t-

'- '* It U « 11 r* ti '• '- '■

* A 'r*

Captain J. F. Ziular, Band.

A/ i 2 i T O^S— VJ-bOWLED

RH/\T«lf150r{ Wrt,rowr,r5.


J.l^TOOnEh' 5GT

HR.AlHEn WE.mV/5. L.H.niHBY.



on. ucj^on.

i.K TULL - ccnr;



Commissioned Officers

First Lieutenant J- S. E. Younc Cumniandant.

R. R. Eagle Major.


J. L. Von Gi.aiin -Vdjutant. 1). ^'. Hac.an "C" Company.

S. M. GiBBS Oiiarterniaster. ]•",. li. Sm rni "D" Coni])any.

D. Lindsay "A" Company. C. T. .M.\ksii "E" Company.

A. G. BoYNToN "B" Company. J. F. Zici.ak Band.

First Lieutenants

T. M. Povner ".\" Company. F. H. Brown "C" Company.

H. A. PowEUi "l'>" Company. M. L. Eargi.e "D" Company.

B. T. Fkkci'Son "F," Company.

Second Lieutenants

W. B. Burgess "A" Company. J. C. W'ii.i.ia.ms "C" Company.

].. L. riTT.\i.\N "B" Company. 1'. L. G.\INl•:^• "D" Company.

H. W. KuEFFNER "E" Company.


H. X. Sum NEK.

. . Sersjeant-Major. R. R. Faishn. ..

\V. F. MdKKlS. ..

. . . . Drnin-Major.

. Cdlor Sersreant.

First Sergeants

G. Hakkisox "A" C'(inii)any.

J. W. Haruki.siix "l'>" C'ninpany.

C. P. GuAV "C" Comiiany.

R. A. Siiiii'i-. "l)" Conipany.

I. M. I'khi-: "\i" Ciini]iany.

T. !•', 1 1 AS wuiii) Hand.

W. M. MiLNKK. ..

J. B. Cr.wex

A. H. Green

J. S. Whitehukst T. M. Clark. .. J. M. Parker. . H. S. Steele. . . G. G. Si.MPSox. J. G. Paschall.

S. F. STErHENS. \V. A. IloRXADAY J. F". I.ATIIAM . . .


"A" Ci>iii|>an\. "A" C'niiiiiany. ■■.\" Cdiiipaii). "A" Cninpaii>. . "IV Company. . "1'." Cnnipany. ."IV Cnnipany. ."T." Ccinipan\. ."C" Ciinii)any. ."C" Company. ."C" Comiiany. ."C" Conii)any.

W". \. Sl.OAX.



.\1 AI.MStiX

. '1"i:i;i;i';li


.. Deax..

>'. l^ECK..

Fo.NRI). .

j.iXKS... . IVEV...

TooM I'M.

. "C" Cnm])any. "1)" Company. "IV Company. "D" Company. "D ' Company. , "D" Company. . "E" Company. . E" Company. ."E" Company. ."\\" Company. ."]>■" Company. r.and.


J. C. Albright "A" Company.

C. G. Armfiei.d "A" Company.

W. P. Hardeb "A" Company.

C. W. HiNSHAw "A" Company.

W. L. Ma.n'N'ini', "W" Company.

\l. P. MoSivLKv ".V" Company.

M. S. M.WRS ".V" Company.

I). C. Yorxr.

J. F. Robinson

K. E. lUcK

T. 1). IIakius "l'.


R. L. Holder "C" Company.

L. L. Hooi) "'C" Company.

E. H. Lee "C" Company.

Company. Company. Company, Ci>nipan\. Company.

F. X. McDowell "C" Company.

L. P. McLendon "C" Conipan\-.

J. L. Springs "C" Company.

L. D. MooDV "D" Company.

J. B. Parks "D" Company.

H. C. Cl.w "D" Company.

S. H. McXeelv "D" Company.

\". C. ISvia'M "D" Com])any.

y. R. Suiu; "E" Company.

W. R. Piiu.LU'S "E" Company.

I\. P. MdKCAN "E" Company.

C. K. Jordan "E" Company.

1. M. Council "E"' Company.

1. S. Brav Band.

Senior Privates

App. J. C. r.aldwin, I'', ( ).

iiaiK-k, w. n.

I '.a son. ('.. F. r.ccloii, j. I.. Ileelio, H. r.lack. W. 1.. Ilrvan. I. H. Couch. L. 11.

Oawson. C. C. Dnprcc, .\. 1). I'aruHT, 1.11. Ferguson. W. (1.

".anliKT. j. T.

".lasscT. .M. .M.

■,(.1(1. .\l. 11.

d-ady. j. 1).

iriinslia\v(.-. T, 1 ).

larris. (i.

IciKlrick. .M.

.aiiihc, C. .\1.

.attiinoiv. r,. 1'..

.ittlc. j. 11.

,ycrly. (\. 1,. .Mcl.rndoii. I.. 1, .Middleti.n. D.J.

'iuniaii, 11. F.

I'oole. R. I'-wcll. J. .\. Smith, j. 1.. S])(ion, 1. 1'. Stroud, j. S. Tnwv. j. 1-. White. K. K. \'ai'hoi"(iUi;h. W

A Toast to All '08


llcre-s to App, Al]ilui of the wliolc half liiinclrod. Alnni; witli BaUhviii on " IMionicy " liliiiulered ; To "Si" liniwn— •• Bill" Bliu-U. liotli wiiiiiirs of fame: Moiintiiiii si-icntist sport from Mt. .Moiiiiic laiin'. To Heclic and .1. Harvey two (■xlrcnic- A wliale and one wlio (ransniits all sunlicanis. T<i Bason- Bi't-ton. mtisician and spoil: And •• Bill ' Biirjri'ss, a pole cliniber of note. To Asa Boynton. in whose mind I'eaee reigns; With Tjonis Coueli. a winner of football panies. To " Mnie. Dupe." (Jreenville's sinjrinf; French brunette. And " S])at " Dawson in A<ikomk(k's diU't. To ■■ Bird " and "Euka " both can wield the ]ien : One to Science writes other, Wolf freck, Tenn. To •■ Ikey " Farmer, the one baseball star, He, •■ Troy " and " Dock." " 4X " forever bar. ■|'o Cla-^c)-. author of unwritten law. And ■■Maj.u." \\lii> has no physical Haw. To -ClorN." who will I'ius supersede: With -.Moses." both men of r(di<.'ious creed. To ■• I'vmkiu " (iibbs. a soldier of ffieat renown: And .J(din 1).. wc;irer of Uockefellcr's rrawn. To " Dorsey," laziest of the whole erew, .\lso •• Sipiiie. whose f;irls are not very few. To ■• Pap" Harris, who loves this dear old Hill: Came in '01, will leave when he makes his will. To •• Bussey," a man with one sole desire: Also KuetVner, whose wit none dare aspire. To •■ Sheep " l^ambe he always did walk in front : He an<l Little perform all walking stunts. To •■ (iovernor," locator of all north stars. With •• Beau," whose poetry Uuiir since struck .Mars. To .Marsh sleeper h'ld iii'irl White financier .My! that " .lohnny " has jdoughed many, many a steer. To tne Pittmans size and knowledge have both. .\nd ".linnuy," who has yet to gain his growth. To Powell— sure all textile men can knit. .•\nd " Kubber-Fool " re])arteeieal wit. To " Buzzard," the second bird on oni- limb;

If he doesn't go to arguing's no sin.

To "Spoon," who all of tricks doth know;

.\lso the Smiths " Injnn " and " Smil " the beau.

To "Sni])es"' Stroud, the .\pc\ athlide conceit

lie and ^■on (ilahn X'irginia's line did meet.

To Towe and Whitc-Chinaman-cbecki'iiuan,

With ".lack"— all nu'mbers of the spiuting baml.

To Varborough, with whom youth still remains.

.\nd " Buck." whose life has always been the same.

To " Pie" (iainev. desiuved to tail llic list.

l''or lii-'s the poor iL'norant poet that wiotc the whole of this


Agricultural Department

Chari.rs M. Connek. B.S.A., I!.S.. Professor of Agriculture.

Frank Lincoln Stkvens. M.Sc. F'h.D., Professor of Botany mid J'cs^etablc Pathology.

C.rv Ai.i-;xani>i:k Rdi'.inrrs, U.S.. D.N'.S., .Issistant Profcssiu- of Zoology and Physiology.

jdiix MiCHKi.s. I).S..\., .M.S.. .Issistant Professor of Dairying and Animal Hus- bandry. RANK C. Rkimf.k, M.S.. Assistant Professor of Horticulture.

<ni'.i:KT Sktu Curtis. .Issistant Professor of .Animal Husbandry. \\i.rii Inc,r.\m Smith. Instructor in Zoology and Entoniologv.

jniiN Stk.\U(".H()N Jl•:l•"l••Kl•;^■. Instructor in Poultry Husbandry.

\i.KRivi) Menry Thiessen. B.S.. Instructor in .Meteorology.

James Clarence Temple. B..\gr., .Assistant in Bacteriology.

TiToMAS DdTTKUHR F.ASiiN. Laboratory Assistant in Botany.

Agricultural Seniors

I'. Sponn. !•'. H. I'.n.wii.

J. D. Gi-ady. i,. 1,. Mc-Ia'iuIoh.

M. L. Eargle. H. J. Ali.ldleton.

P. T<. Ciainev. \\. T. Fersjiison.

Chemical Department

William Alphonso Withers, A.!\I.. Professor of Chemistry. William Anderson Syme, B.S., ]\I.S.. Ph.D.. Instructor in Chemistry. Leon Franklin \\'illiams, A.l'... A.M.. Ph.D.. Instructor in Chemistry. Arthur John Wilson, B.S., Assistant in Cliemistry.

John C. .A.pp.

Chemical Seniors

Frank ( ).scar lialdwin.

Civil Engineering Department


Wai.i.ack Cari. RiDDiCK. A.B., C.E., Professor of Cii'il Eiigiiiccriu!;. Carroi, Lami; Maw. B.S., C.E., Instructor in Ch'il Engiiu'cri)ii^. Thomas Simf.on I. ant,, US., C.E., Instructor in Cii'il Eni^inccriu};. V/\NCE Sykes, B.E., Instructor in Cn'il Bni^inccrini^.

H. Beehe.

R. 1. I'oole. I. E. Smith

Civil Engineering Seniors

S. \[. Gibbs. A. I). Diipree.

R. E. White. E. E. Pittman.

C. T. Marsh. J. C. W'illiam.s.

E. Zijilar. C. M. Eanihe. .V. ('.. Boyntcni.

J. E. Becton. I). ^■. Hagan. 11. W. Kiu-ffiK-r.

R. R. Eagle. 1. H. Eanmr. j. E. \c.ii C.lahii

M. H. Gold. T. M. Poyner. T. I). Grimshawe.

E. E. Smith. J. T. Gardner. 1!. B. Lattimore.

Electrical Department

William James Moore, M.E.. Professor of Electrical Eiii^lnccring mid Physics. WiNFRED Moore Adams, B.S., Instructor in Electrical Eni^ineering. Clarence Andrew Sprague, B.S., Instructor in Physics. Clarence Wilson Hewlett, B.E., Instructor in Physics.

Electrical Engineering Seniors

G. Harris. W. 1,. Black. .M. .\l. Classer.

J. F. Towe. L. H. Couch. W. B. Burgess.

T. H, Little. G. L. Lyerly. W. G. Ferguson.

G. F. Bason. B. F, Pittman. W. B. Yarborough.

Mechanical Department

CiiAUi.ivS Wai.tmk TiKi.MAS, .M.K., Profcssur of Mechanical JSiigiiiccriiii;.

ClIAKI.ICS liliiNJAMlN 1'aKK, S II f'Cli II tClltlcil I llf SllOf'S.

\\'u.\:\ TiiiCdiKiKic Ci.A\-, \\.\i.. /ii.sfnicliir in iraoil-^vorkim; ami I'atlcni-inakiiii. 1.11. 1. 1\\ Li';i': \'.\rr,ii .\, U.S., I ii.slnictor in Prai^uiii;.

VVki.don Thompsiin Im.i.is. r..l{.. Instnictor in Machine I 'csii^^niiii; ami Steam. Freu B.\kNET WllEKi.iCK, Instniclor in luiro,-.

Mechanical Seniors

J. ?I. Bryan. J. A. Powell.

Textile Department

Thomas Nelson, Professor of Textile Industry.

Bartholomew Moore Parker. B.S., .-issistaut Professor of Textile Industry.

John Shuford, B.S., Instruetor in Dyeiu:^^.

Herbert Nathaniel Steed, Instruetor in U'ecrriug and Designing.

Textile Seniors

D. Lindsay. M. Hendrick.

C. E. Latta. C. C. Dawson.

J. S. Stroud. H. A. Powell.


C. D. Harhis.

Athletic Association

C. I ). H \ivKis (".rnfhiatc Manasjcr.

Officers— First Term

W. I.. i;i,\t,K President.

1 . 1 ,. Sm irii \'ice-Presi(lent.

.M. I Ih\i>kk"k Secretary and Treasurer.

Second Term

J. 1). (■.K,\l>^ President.

W. I\. 1 JAM ri'nx \"ice- President.

M. 1 lic.NDKicK Secretary and Treasurer.

L. H. C'orcH. -Manager Vaisitv Football "U7.

G. L. Lyerly, Manager Varsity Baseball '08.

Varsity Baseball, 1907

F. \V. Thompson (Capt.) -Catclier.

W. T. Temi'i.i;, Pitcher and right field.

J. W. Sexton Pitcher.

R. L. Fox I'irst base.

L. C. Dkakk Second base.

I. H. F.AKMKR Third base.

VV. C. St.m'i.ks Short->tc)p.

J. O. Shufouii Lett field.

G. H.XKRIS. . . .Center field and pitcher.

E. T. J()Rn.\N Right field.

F. Ci.E.MENT Right field.


A. S. Goss Short-stop. J. L. Hkmi'hiui Manager.

K. C. Council Catcher.

G. L. LvEULV .\ssistant Manager.

A. & M. Opponents

March i8- March 20 March 25 March 27 March 28 March 29 April I April 2 April 3 April 5 April 8 April 1 1 April 13 April 15 April 16 April 20 April April 29 April 30 May I May 2 May 22


Trinity Park High Scl Bingham School, Cornell, LaFayette, LaFayette, ■Trinity, Wake Forest, Delaware, Delaware, Trinity, ■Virginia Polytechnic I George Washington, Wake Forest, •Davidson,

■Guilford (15 innings) ■Roanoke, Trinity, Washington and Lee, Washington and Lee, George Washington, Navy, Wake Forest,














Wake Forest,




Durham, 2

Lexington, 3

Lexington, i

Washington, DC. 2

Annapolis, Md., i

Raleigh, 7

Varsity Football Team

Season 1907

F. M. TiioM I'Siix ( C-d\){. I

S. F. Stei'iiens Ouartc-T-back. 1\. '1'

Half-back. Half-back.


J. S. Stroud. .

S. SrKXCKR. . . W. F. R. Jnii.x R. L. Fn.x

J. (). S.VDI.KK. .

llalf^back. . .Left end. RiHit end.

. . . Left tackle. . . . Left £!;uar(l.


. Rii^lit (luaril. , . Rit^ht tackle. L. H. CciLCii Manager.

K. 1 ri.i


I. 1). TlliiMASciX.. J. L. \nx C.l.AHX.


R. Long.


D. W. Seifert.

Varsity Scores

Se]3teniber 30tb Ramli ilpli-.Macim.

October I2tli Riclinmnd College, 4;

October lytli Roanol<e C<ille.Lre. o;

October 28tli— Ricbniond College, o;

Xovcniber i6th David.son College, o; November 20tb -All Stars of Xortli Carolina, 5 ;

Xoveniber 28th L'niver.sity of \"irginia, 4;

L P.. Bray.

o; .\. and .M. C.

Junior Baseball Team, 1907

K. k. lv\r,i,i-, I Captain ) Catclu-r.

J. S. v'^TKdUi) I'itcluT.

( ;. 1.. I,^■ICI;I,^■ I'itcluT.

A. I). l)ri'Ki;K First liaM'.

A. C. I'lMN xTiix SfCDiid base.

C. T. Maksii Shoi-t-stnp.

I\ . I . I 'i ;( ii.i'. SlK)rt-stop.

I'. 1.. i',.\\SK\ Third base.

T. M. I'nv.NK.K Left field.

1 ), ^■. 1 1 \i-,A\ Center field.

I). I,l\l>s\^ Rii,dit fickl.

j. I'". /.K.i.AK Substitute.

I. 1). C.K Ai)\- Mar.ager.


junicirs, (>: Kale'L;li lli.yli ScIkioI. 4. jnn.'drs, 1 ; SnpliunK irrs. 4.

Sophomore Baseball Team, 1907


S. R. Ireland ( Captain ) Catcher.

W. I*". R. JoH NSON Pitcher.

W. R. M.\RSH.\i.i First base.

J. C ). S.\DLEK Second base.

R. R. Reinilmuvi' Short-stop.

L. Henderson Third base.

11. \. SiMMCR I Mana.y;er) Left field.

I. S. W II iTicinKST Center field.

U.S. Steele Center field.

L). H. Hill, Jr Rivjht field.

F. L. Fo.vRD Substitute.

J. F. n.wiDSON Substitute.

!•'. .M. TiioMi'.soN Coach.


Sophomores. 4; Juniors. 1. Sophomores, 12; Freshmen, 4.

Junior Football Team, 1907


, R. Maksuai.i Captain aiul (|uartcr-l)ack.

Harrison Left end.

P. Gattis Riglit end.

. F. MoKRis Right tackle.

F. I) w iDSiiN Lett tackle.

I"*. IIA^■\\(ll)|) Right guard.

]'). Crasf.n Left guard.

W. Harrki.sox Center.

AlooRK. . . Full-back.

vS. W'li iTKiiTRST Right half-back.

S. STiiiiLE Left half-back.

. .A. Faison Substitute.

R. RiM'iXTi A]<nT Substitute.

Juniors. 12; Sophomores. 12.

Juniors. 6; Sophomores, o.

Juniors, o: Freshmen, o.

Juniors, o: Freshmen, o.

Juniors, 10: Freshmen. o.

Sophomore Football Team, 1907

W. r,. Manx INC. ( Captain ) Ouarter-back

J. M. Corxcii Full-back

J. r., 1'akks Right half-back

E. A. Skiihcxsi'Ixnick Left half-back

R. IS. (1.\i)i)\' Right en

F. M. ni.ACK Left en

\V. M. Xkai.k Right tackle,

H. R. Catks Left tackle

C. \V. HiNSiiAw Left tackle

W. P. Hardek Right guard

W. C. I'liNNiNCTux Left guard

G. W. BRAtJDV Left guard

F. T. RedKearn . Sub. (|uarter-back

J. B. RuAY Coach

A. J. Beai.i Manager

Sii])h()ni(ires, u; Juniors, 12. Sophomores, o; jiuiiors, 6.

Freshman Football Team, 1907

F.DW Auiis ( C'aptaji I Ri,L;lit luilf-back

Lam i;i:tii Lcfi lialt-hack

Hai.i.. C. C. ( Maiia.sJ-er ) Full-back,

Hi'W i.i;t'i' Cfiitcr

l'"\A.\s Ri'^ht f^iiard

Sh.mhn R ,l;]u tackk-

Ilk \i)i'ii;i.i) Ia-I'I ciul,

I'lAKKk Rijjht end

Ai Ki:\ Substitute

Wakh Ouarter-back

XiCAi Left tackle

I'lKi.i Leil ;;uar(l

Smith Substitute

Li'',R Substitute


Fresbnien, o; juniors, n.

Freshmen, o: Juniors, o.

Freshmen, o: Juniors, u.

Freshmen, o: Raleigh Hii^h School. 5.

Freshmen, d: W'arrenlon llii^h vSchool, j.

Officers of Y. M. C. A.


E. R. W'ai.tdx C.encral Secretary.

1!. T. Frrcusdn President.

J. S. Stkoi'ii N'ice-I're.'iideiit.

J. \\'. Hakkkti' Kecordinu; Secretary.

J. P. SiMiux Corresponding' Secretary.

F. H. ISkow N Treasurer.

Committee Chairmen

n. J. .M 11)1)1. in'nx iiihle Study.

I'. I.. ("lAi .\'i:v Religious Meetings.

!•'. 1 1. r.Kowx Finance Com. and MLnihersliip Com.

r>. T. i'"i;KcU-s().\ W'lirk for .\"e\v Students.

M. I.. F Ai<r,i,i-: Publications.

I. A, Aki;\' Pra\er-meetings.

k. A. Siioi"K Music.

\\ . .*>. l)i;.\N' Fm])loyment i'.ureau.

W. !'. H.\Ki)KH Sunda\' Schools.


The Red and White






'08 .

. . Editor in Chief |










'Oil, .

^sst. Bus.


Associate Editors












Sumner '09





Smith, Brown

'08 '08










'08 ... .

. Comie




. . Local



Gardner, 'OR



j»3^t>'wv y^-(it,:w>f y^yt,-*!!- y^v^-wv y^'^fc'wv yw,it,\.v yrf->t,>if

4?ft^=?..'.v w*!,f'=-!!.':v ^."..-r'^r'.v >^?.r--!'..':v .*.Vr'^?.,l-v ^rr--=?.^:v ^.MT'^r^v

^^.it;r ^I'i^i'iT ."»•",'»"*".'*: >;'»■••«"»*' '*-v'»"2'i'*' 'S'i^*''"''^ >vi^.i",'*'

,^^,>lr .L.-Jf \\^'~-if >U-..-Jr ^.L',.>lr sL-'-lV SL-,.>lf

^i)t Jgorti) Carolina '*' "^tubent Jfarmer




PUBLISHED Monthly (10 issues) by the Rural Science Club of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

In Behalf of

Better Farming Better Education Better Homes


M. L. Earci.k, 'oS Eilitnr-in-Cliief

I. I). CiKAiiN'. 'oX lUisiiit'ss ManaiL;i.T

I W. I')AKKi-:tl', b-). .Asst. liiisiiicss Mgr.

Associate Editors

t;«'ii(ral Agriculture

!■■. II. ISknWN. 'oS

I.. 1'. .MlLi-xdd.n. 'lO

Uive !^tock and Uairyin^

I'. U. C.AINKV. "08,

j. A. Ai<:-:v, '09,

I'.. T. Ki'R<'.us<)N. 'oX 1 Idrticuhiirc

J. r. Si'tioN, "oS \'otcrinai"\ Science


Cf)e SntercoUegian

Published Monthly by the Young Men's Christian Association of the North Carolina College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts


M. I.. Eaki-.i.h Kclitor-'ii'Chic't.

I\. 1. I'diii.i-: Iliisiness Manaiicr.

J. ( ). Sai)I)i.i;k. I

. Assistant Ihisiiu'ss Managers.

Al. S. Mavks, j

F. H. i;R(nvN. )

'. Associate Kditors.

W. 11. ivvri.N, j

1.1'. Si'Oo.N Local Kditor.

J. A. .\re\ Exchange Editor.

Leazar Literary Society


I'Irst 'frnn. Second 'I'cnii.

B. T. Fkucuson P'residfiit. J. 1 ). ('.k.\i)\ President.

I\. A. Simi'ic X'ice-Presidt'iU. T. \l. L'i.akk \'ice-lVesident.

W. X. Si.oAN Secrctar\. 1.. I'. .Mil jcxnux Secretary.

J. W. i;.\i<KETT Treasurer. j. W, Hakrett Treasurer.

J. S. Stkoud Critic. I\ !,. (V\ine\' Critic.

M. L. E.VRGLE Censor. I). J. .M inDi.KTd.N Censor.

T. B. Su.MMEKLi.N, Sergeant-at-.\rms. K. A. Hew i.ktt.. . . Sergeant-at-.Arms.

Third Term.

C. T. Marsh President.

S. H. AIcXEEL^■ \'ice-President.

1. S. \\v..\\ Secretary.

T. B. Sr.MMEKi.iN Treasurer.

R. I. Pool Critic.

P. L. G.M^■E^■ Censor.

G. R. Ross Sergeant-at-Arms.

Pullen Literary Society


First- Term.

M. Hendrick President.

C. P. Gray \'ice- President.

H. N. Sum ner Secretary.

C. W. HiNSHAW Treasurer.

L. L. PiTTMAN Critic.

J. S. Whitehurst Censor.

G. L. Lyerly Chaplain.

J. L. Springs Librarian.

Second Term.

H. W. KuEFFNER President.

S. F. Stephens Vice-President.

J. B. Bray Secretary.

J. F. Robinson Treasurere.

J. T. Gardner Critic.

R. L. Morrison Censor.

W. S. Dean Chaplain.

M. S. AIayes Librarian.

Declaimers, 1907

PuLLEN Liter. Sin- Society *Gray. C. I'. Stephens, S. F.

Lea/.ar Literak\- Society : ^[cXeely. S. H.

Stnuul, I. S.

Teneriax Literary Society Ferguson. 11. T. McLendon. L. P.

* Won medal

Inter-Society Debate, May, 1907


What is the best economic solution of the railroad question? Lh AZAK : Let the roads remain in the hands cjf private corporations, free from any government restrictions.

Pui.LEN : Let private corporations and private capital own them, but let the government exercise a rigid supervision.

Teneri.xn : Let the government buy and operate them.


Le.'VZ.vr L. F. Carleton '07, *\\'. 11. Truitt '07. PuLLEN— R. S. Graves '07, L. R. Tillett 07. Teneri.vx J. P. P.ivens '07. Seba Eldridge "07.


President J. S. Stroud. Secret.xrv ]\L Hendrick. Chiki' Marsh. m. C. T. Marsh.


Leazar— J. D. Grady 'oS, 1). j. Mi.ldleton '08. PuLLEN G. L. Lyerly '08, H. X. Sumner 'o(). Tenerian L. P. McLendon '10, W. X. Sloan by.

The Bi-Ag Society

Oti jaimary i6, mjoC), a tVw nifmhcrs iif the two ui)])er classes of tlie Ajjri- ciiltiiral coiirsf inci at tlie home of Ur. l". L. Stevens, and with him began the orsjaiiization of an lionor society for the agricuhitral students. On January 23d the org'anization was completed and the li'-Ag; Society was formally inaugurated.

This Society has from the very b.egiiining been a thriving organization. Its members are chosen fur their high scholar>hi]) and manly character. The field of the Society is as broad as the work of the agricultural college, and as the latter grows and increases in u.sefulness. so will the Society. The Society gives strength to the College by develo])ing the best there is in those students who are the leaders in the College.

The Bi-.Xg Societ\' is an inslitnt.cjn for building men. and it gives attention to those features which tend to develop all-round men. .\o single thing is devel- oped to the exclusion of others just as important. Morality, sociability, scholar- .ship, and other such attr.biites of the true man, are given due place. \\'hile its members are one in aim and |)urpose. yel individuality is not restrained.

The desire of every lli-.\g man is lo help his fellow-member intellectually and socially, and thereby advance the Society, the College, and the State. .May we ever be inspired with this noble purpose and push on to higher tilings, so that the students in coming years may look on the tii-Ag Society as one to which it is a great^ hoiuir to belong.


1. A. Arey. M. !,. F.argle. J. K. Latham.

J. 1). C.rady. W. .\. llornaday. 1'. 1,. C.ainey.

]•'. H. Mrown. \\ . 11. F.aton. J. I'. Spoon.

Electrical Seniors

nason, C. F. Black. W. L. Burs;ess, W. B. Coucli, L. H. Ferguson. W. (•. Glasser, M. M. Harris. G. Little, T. H. l.yrrly. C. L. I'iltnian, I'.. F. T..wr. J. 1'. ^•arlK.^.^l-ll. W. B.




^ ^s^ ^«#>


Civil Engineering Seniors

Fault. Remedy.

Liecton, J. L Talking ("".et married.

Beebe, H Slee])iiig on class Coca-Cola.

Boynton, A. G Over dressing Re a Civil Engineer.

Dupree. A. D Hragging Cod-liver oil.

Eagle, R. R Kiddish C.ive liini a Teddy Hear.

Farmer. 1. H Dancing join a minstrel.

Gardner. J. T Pliysi(|ne Use padding.

Gibbs. S. .M Laziness Drink \'im.

Gold, M. H .Too much lip Amputate it.

Grimshavve, T. D Indifference Fall in love.

Hagan, D. Y In love Take lessons under Grimshawc.

Kueffner, H. W flaw ling (live .soothing syrup.

Lambe, C. Al TemiK-r Cold water.

Lattimore, B. B Flirting Get jilted.

Marsh, C. T Conceit Look in the mirror.

Pittman, L. L Curiosity Incurable.

T'oole, R. I Wii Eat a whale.

I'oyner, T. .M Calling Drink Xerv-l'.

Smith, E. E \rguing lie a politician.

Smith, J. L Beauty I"se rouge.

N'onGlahn, J. L Sawed off L^se stilts.

White, R. E .Xoise Be an undertaker.

Williams, J. C Lack of speed Electrocute him.

Ziglar, J. F Theatre habit Be a Humpty-Dumpty.

Tompkins Textile Society


D. Li.NDSAV Tresident.

G. G. Si.Mi'Sox \ ice- 1 'resident.

W. C. T.WLdK Secretary and Treasurer.

HendiA-k. M. Hutchinson, J. K. Horn. C. Kilpatrick. G. S. Keller. E. X. l.atla. C. E. Lambeth, W. M. Lee, J. E.


Armfiehl. A. S. 1 laker. .\. L. r.runer. T. 1\. Dougherty. C. O. Dawson. C. C. Elliott. J. 1). Fulp, E. E. Fox. R. L.

Lindsay, D. .Milner, \V. M. Lowell, 11. A. Robertson, B. S. Robbins. E. A. Robinson, G. P. Stroud. I. S.

Swindell. I Simpson, ( Scott, J. L, Tanner. K. Taylor, W ThouTpson, Wilson. J.

.. H. '.. G.

C. E. ^L

Honorary Members

I'rof. Thos. Nelson. Mr. P.. Ai. Parker. .Mr. L H. Sbnfnnl. :dr. H. X. Steed.



Mechanical Society

The i\lccliaiiic;il Socit'ty was reorganized tliis year frcmi the nld R. M.'s. and consists of the Seniors and Juniors taking;" Mechanical l-jisjineering. Us object is to create a fjreater interest ami knowledge of the work taken uj), and to ])roniote a closer friendship between the nu'mho^s.

Motto: "Hitch your wa;;on to a star and then !j;el out and push."

Col.oks: C.reen and Cold.

Im.ow I'.R : \'ello\\ t'hrysanthenunn.

Active Members

sic.MOR cr,.\ss. J. H. Bryan. j. .\. Towell.


W. M. Cowles. M. .M. HoUoway. W. R. .Marshall. C. S. Tate.

W. A. Faison. j. W . Ivey. 1'. M. Pitts. J. 1). Tlioniason.

J. W. Harrelson. W. F. Morris. 1. M. Price. R. J. W'yatt.

Leon Henderson.

Honorary Members

Charles W. Thomas. M.E.. Prof. Mechanical l{nL,nneerini;'.

C. B. Park, Instructor in Machine Shoi).

W. T. Fli.is. B.E.. Instructor in Machine Design and v^team Laboratory.

L. L. Xacciiax. B.E., Instructor in Mechanics and Drawing.

W. T. Cl..\^■. B.E.. Instructor in Woodwork and Pattern Making.

F. B. Wheelek, Instructor in h'orge Shop.

Fk.\nt< j. Thompsox. Engineer of I'ower Plant.



J. A. PowEi.i President.

W. A. Faison \'ice-President,

C. S. T.\Tic Secretary and Treasurer


j. II. I'iRS .\.\ President.

J. W. H.VKUEi.i.soN \'ice- President,

C- S. Tate Secretary and Treasurer.


Rural Science Club

J. p. Srodx President.

\\'. A. H()K^•AD.\^• \'ice- President.

W. P. Hardice Secretary.

L. .\. Hicc.iNS Treasurer.

J. I). C.UADV Critic.

Arey, J. A. Hi.i^^ins. !.. A.

i'.arrctt, J. W. Jr. ilonuuiay, W. A. Beal, J. W. L(K-kliart, .\.

Boone, J. A. I. ( if tin, W. C.

Rrevard, T. J. .MclA'ndon. P. P.

Pirowii, F. PI. .McLcndon, P. P.

Bray, J. B. ^rcDo^ve^, F. X.

Gates, H. R. Middleton, D. J.

Eargle, M. L. Peden. F. T.

Eaton, W. H. Oninerly, J. P.

Kason, J- I- Ross, G. R.

Ferguson. B. T. Springs, St. P P. Gainey, P. L. Spoon, P P.

Grady, J. D. Tlionipson, C. W.

Higgins. P. B. Thorpe, F. W.

Hardee, W. P.

The Biological Club


F. H. KudWN President.

J. A. Arev Nice-President.

J. W. B.XURETT, Ju Secretary and Treasurer.

L. P. McLexdo.n Corresjjonding Secretarv.


.\rey. J. A. Gray, J. Al. McLendon, L. L.

liarrett, J. W. Grady, J. D. McLendon, L. P.

Bray, J. S. Hardee, W. I'. Aliddleton, D. J.

lirown. F. H. Hardison, T. J. Patton, R. .\.

Bivens, J. H. Higgins. P>. 1>. i'hyton. V. T.

Cruse, C.L. Higgins, L. A. Spoon, J. P.

Gates, H. R. Hornaday, W. A. Springs, St. J. L.

Eason, J. I. Lowrance, J. X. Thompson, C. W.

Eaton, W. H. J.athani, J. F.. Thorpe, F. W.

Eargle, M. L. Eockhart, A. Ward, J. T.

Ferguson, B. T. Eoftin, \'. C. Ross, G. R.

Gainey, P. L. Mason, R. C

Honorary Members

"Dr. F. L. Stevens. Prof. F. C. Reimer.

Mrs. F. E. Stevens. Prof. J. G. Hall. Prof. J. C. Temple. Mr. \Vm. Kerr. Prof. T. D. Eason.


Demagogue's Union

AIoTTo: Rule or ruin. Object: To reform evil-doers. Colors : Black and Red. P.^ss-WoRD : Stuck.

Monarch of the Bloody Fourth B. T. Ferguson.

High Keeper of the Dungeon M. L. Eargle.

Plenipotentiary of the Citadel C. T. Marsh.

Chief Administrator of the Garret J- P- Spoon.

Potentate of the Tower T. M. Poyner.


We run these " Jints," we do.



The Glee Club

GrsT.w Hai'.kdokn Director.

C. W. Hi;\\ i.inr '06 President.

B. T. l-'KKcrsn.N '08 X'ice-l'residcnt.

H. W. Kl'kffxkr 08 Maiiaijfr and Treasnrer.

L. L. H(i(ii> '10 Librarian.

First Tenors

C. W. Hewlett, 06. E. A. Seidenspinner, '10.

P. P. Pierce, '(X). C. E. Bell, "11.

Second Tenors

A. G. Boynton. 08. H. W. Kiieffner, '08. P. L. Gainey, 08. J. L. Smith, 08.

j. H. Bryan, 08.

First Bass

B. T. Ferguson, 08. L. L. Hood, "lo. T. B. Summerlin, "lO. C. G. Hall. "ii.

Second Bass

W. R. Marshall, '09. T. F. Haywood, '09.

S. H. McNcaly, "lo. M. S. Mayes, '10.

(X M. Siijnion, '11.


Thalerian German Club


First Term. Second Term.

D. Y. Hagax President. H. Beebe President.

H. Beebe \'ice-President. F. M. Thompson \'ice-President.

R. R. F.MSOX.. .. Secretary-Treasurer. R. R. F.xisox.. .. Secretary-Treasurer. B. B. Lattimore Leader. W. R. Hampton Leader.

Anthony, G. Bason, G. F. Beebe, H. Becton, J. L. Brothers, C. D. Brown, R. A. Boylan, W. Council, J. ^L Cowles, W. AL Dawson, T. T. Dawson, C. C. Dixon, W. Durham, J. H. Eagle, R. R. Elliott, J. D. Etheridge, W. C. Faison, R. R. Faison, W. A. Gibbs, S. M. Gold, M. H.


Grimes, W. T. Hagan. D. V. Hampton. W. R Harris, G. Harris, Buck. Harrison, G. Hendrick. M. Hewlett. C. W. Hill, D. H. Hill, Hampden Johnson, W. F Jones. R. F. Lambeth. W. .\L Lattimore, B. B. Lindsay, D. Long, Ralph. Manning, W. L. Marler, G. G. McDonald, S.


McKimmon. James. Moore, Uwen. Parks, J. B. I'eck, W. ^L Perkins, J. \'. Perkins, S. O. Pittenger. P. X. Robertson, B. S. Rogers, Gaston. Scott, J. L. Smith, G. Smith, E. H. Smith, E. E. Smith, J. L. Springs, J. L. Stephens. S. F. Tanner, K. S. Thompson, F. M. Tull, Reid.

Runt Club, '10

Motto: Cood thiiiLjs come in small packages.

SoNC. : We are not sorry because we are smal

St. [. L. Si'Ki Ncs President.

W. L. M.W.N IXC \'ice-President.

C. P>. St.\inh.\ck Secretary and Treasurer.



cHiEr oecui'.vniiN



R Taylor, W. C.

.5 feet 4 in.




To get married

U Smith. E. H.


•' Ilany "

N'isitinjr Sunshiners

To several

To grow a mustache

N Saddler, C. ('.


" Killem "

Chewing the weed

Hopes to be

To be a regular

T Boylan, H.

1 inch taller



May be so

To graduate in 1910

St. .I.L. Springs Mannin^,W. L.

2 inchs taller


Breaking hearts

Several times

To be a husband

1 inch less




To be major

C Winslow, L.


" (iOO (iOO"


Has tried

To go to Giersch's

L Staiiiback.C. B.

1 inch less



Has not the time

To pass

U Otterbnrg, R.



.lumping freights


To cut hair

B Dawson. T. T.


"Little Spat

" Primping

Could be

To grow

Here's to the Runts of Kjio, Tile best sbort bunch tliat ever lias been, .\nien.

Country Gentlemen

Motto: More rain, more rest.

Pass-W'oku: How'.s your crop? Blosso.m : Corntassel.

Chiki' Occupation': Discussing politics and religion.

Plack; of Mketi.ng: Cross-roads blacksmith shop.

TiMi-: oi" Meetixi", : Saturday evening.

1''a\()K1TK Duixk: Cider and sassafras tea.

SoNCS: "Little brr)\vn jug" and " \\'a\' down yonder in the corn-field."

Fa\(.)K1te Dish ; Unions.


' Si " Brown Hi tu 1 Auien " Yes, but I tell you it What all the rest aiiit

all depends"

' Euka " Eartfle Anti-dispensaiy Disciple of Dowe ''Look here, by Ned, Piopounder of scientilii-

"Deacon" what science" Agriculture

Ferguson Socialist Sanctificationist " Will see you at Mt. Prayer-meeting e.x-horter ' Kockfeller " Pisgah 2d Sunday '

(trady Anti-]irobitionist Big Church " Turners Almanac says Prognosticator and

so" Interpreter of signs

'Pie" Gainey Fusionist Unknown Tongue By grannies, come have Peddler and fruit tree

' Cotton Top " a drink on me " Agent

McLendon Turn coat Mormon '■ By Golly, liow'll you Anti-prohibitionist can-

' Johnny" swap" di<late for constable

Middleton Proliiliitionist Wash Fool Baptist "(Gentlemen. I just tell Horse trader and dispeu-

you ' ' ser of court proceedings

'Squire" Spoon Big stick Backslider ■Well, it's hollow tailor Horse doctor and dispen-

hollow horn, one" ser of justice


.Agriculture. Horticulture. Siss Boom Bo, .\. and .M. Cowpunchers, So Cow So.


"The Coquettish Quintette"

Object : To tantalizf masculinity.

!M()TTo: ■■ Cict a mate." Colors: Red. \'ello\v, and Oeen.


Mrs. KoZ.WXA RlC.GSl'.EE EAC.LE. A dashinL;' yoiintj( ?) widow of forty summers. " She stoops to conf[uer."'

Miss MEEIXDA HEXDRICK. A breezy street sweeper, coy and bashful, with the (ii)j)iis:te qualities in reserve.

MissJOSAXXAH LOL'ISIAXXA 1!ECT( )X. -Apparently a man-hater wlio has lieen stuutj. but in reality ilic men hate her.

Miss jAXE vSL'KlE STROl'D, A buxom lass capable of sel f -.support ; a high-stepper and sand-sifter.


Matle a decided bit as chorus girl in a ijojuilar-price opera. I'scs any old

scheme to get a man.


Here's to the Co(|uettish (Juintette, Froru little blonde to big brunette; To short, thick, thin and tall Here's to each one and to all.

Royal Sons of Rest

liis'St-'st I'lum L. L. Pittnian.

Biggest Gas-Bag J. L. Becton.

Biggest Dead-Beat D. Lindsay.

Biggest Loafer— C. T. Marsh. Yawner D. Y. Hagaii.

:\rost Shiftless— J. L. \'(mi (;iahn. Laziest S. M. C.ihbs.

Most Indolent H. W. Kuefifner.

Most Constant Sleeper E. E. Smith.


Wholesale Tiineslayer 1). Lindsay. Grand Pen Puller C. T. Marsh. Lord High (".rafter- J. P. I'.ecton.

Soxr, : '■ Please go "way and let me sleep." Colors: ^'ellow and Purple.

\Miat we have done most Slept.

What we do most Sleep.

\Miat we wish to do most Ditto.

F.woRiTK Drink: Lemonade.

(Not a cross word in a gallon, nor a headache in a barrel.)

Meeting Pi,.\ce: Where we are not wanted.

Time: When we ought to he at work.

Tennis Club


T. M.


. President.

■:. R. Walto.n

. Manager

H. X.


R. F. Jones. J. X. Lowrance. E. John.son. C. M. Wade. R. Poole. J. L. Bccton. L. L. Hood. W. G. Ferguson. VV. F. Addickes. H. W. Wells. J. P.. Cherry. T. S. Bond.

. Secretary.

. H. Farmhk Supt.

j. 1). Duprec. H. W. Kueft'ner. L. L. McLendon. D. B. Lsley. J. H. Bryan. C. M. Lanibe. R. F. White. K. X. Kelley. j. 1. Ka.son, W. 1'. 'I'hiirston. T. 1). C.rinishawe.

of Courts

I if raternities i

Kappa Sigma Fraternity

Fouiuk'd at the L'liiversity of Holosjna, in 1400. Estalilislied in America, at the I'niversity of \'iri,Mnia. December. 18^17.

Beta Upsilon Chapter

Installeil February 23. 1903.

Frater in Facultate

C. L. .Mann.

Fratres in Urbe

Dr. T. X. Ivey. P. D. Cold.

}]. E. Xorri.'i. Alec. (".reen.

Kobert .\. r.rnwn. Paul .\'. I'ittenjj^er.

n. L. Smith. I). M. Faisnn.

James A. Hi-qs. jr. K. \i. Culbretli.

Iv F. \\ ard. \\ . S. Tomlinson.


Class di' hjoS. Dorsey ^'at^.^ lla;.;an. Lewellyn Mill I'duch.

W. W. Lennon.

Cl,.\ss 01' 1909. Ralph l\inir.i.;i'ld I'^aison. Cecil DoWitI I'.mlher.s.

('eort;e Harrison. William Alexander Fa'snu.

Cl.\SS 01' 1910.

Inhn .Munroe Cnuncil. Ivlwin Harri>(in Snrth.

WilTani Thomas Cirinus. James 11. Durham. Jr.

Jesse l\i-a Cnuncil. William Leak .Mannini;.

I^ennox Polk Mcl.endon.

Cl.-vss oI' 191 1. Grady 0. Marler. Robert Lee Morri.son.

Sidney McDonald. Xathaniel Street AFunroe.

pL-i'.i.u'.\rio\ : ■' The Caduceus." Coi.oKS ; Red. White, and Green.

Kappa Sigma Chapter Roll

Psi University of Maine.

Alpha-Rho Bowdoin College.

Beta Kappa New Hampshire College.

Gamma-Epsilon Dartmouth College.

Alpha-Lambda Univ. of Vermont.

Gamma-Delta Massachusetts State College.

Gamma-Eta Harvard I'nivcrsity.

Beta- Alpha Brown University.

Alpha-Kappa Cornell University.

Gamma-Zcta New York University.

Gamma-Iota Syracuse University.

Fj— Svvarthmore College.

Alpha-Delta Pennsylvania State Col- lege.

Alpha-Epsilon L'niversity of Pennsyl- vania.

Alpha-Phi Bucknell University.

Beta-lota Lehigh University.

Beta-Pi Dickinson College.

Alpha-Alpha University of Maryland.

Alpha-Eta George Washington Uni- versity.

Zeta Universit)- of X'irginia.

Eta Randolph-Macon College.

Mil Washington and Lee L'niversity.

Nu William and Mary College.

Upsilon Hampden-Sidney College.

Beta-Beta Richmond College.

Delta Davidson College.

Eta-Prime Trinity College.

Alpha-Mil Univ. of North Carolina.

Beta-Upsilon North Carolina .\. and M. College.

Alpha-Nn Wofford College.

Alpha-Beta Mercer University.

Alpha-Tan Georgia School of Tech- nology.

Beta-Lamibda Lniversity of Georgia.

Beta University of .Alabama.

Beta-Eta .-Mabama Polytechnic Insti- tute.

Theta Cumberland l'niversity.

Kappa Vanderbilt University.

Lambda University of Tennessee.

Phi Southwestern Presbyterian Uni- versity.

Omega L'niversity of the South.

Alpha-Theta Southwestern Baptist University.

Alpha-Sigma ( )hio State L'niversity.

Beta-Phi Case School of .\pplied Science.

Beta-Delta Washington and Jefferson College.

Beta-Xn Kentucky State College.

Alpha-Zeta University of Michigan.

Chi Purdue LIniversity.

.■J//'/;a-F;'— Wabash College.

Beta-Theta University of Indiana.

Alpha-Gamma LIniversity of Illinois.

Alpha-Chi Lake Forest LIniversity.

Gamma-Beta L'niversity of Chicago.

Beta-Epsilon L'niversity of Wisconsin.

Beta-Mil University of Minnesota.

Beta-Rho University of Iowa.

Alpha-Psi LIniversity of Nebraska.

Alpha-Omega William Jewell College.

Beta-Gamma Lniversity of Missouri.

Beta-Sigma Washington University.

Beta-Chi Missouri School of Mines.

Beta-Tail Baker L'niversity.

Xi L'niversity of Arkansas.

Gamma-Kappa Univ. of Oklahoma.

.-///'/;(7-t//'.f('/o«— Millsaps College.

Gamma Louisiana State l'niversity.

Sigma Tulane University.

lota Southwestern LIniversity.

Tail University of Texas.

Beta-Omicroii University of Denver.

Beta-Omega Colorado College.

Gamma-Gamma Colorado School of Alines.

Beta-Zeta Leland Stanford, Jr., Uni- versity.

Beta-Xi University of California.

Beta-Psi University of \N'ashington.

Gamma- Alpha University of Oregon.

Gamma-Theta Universitv of Idaho,


Alumni Chapters of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity

Boston, Mass. Buffalo, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. New York City. Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Danville, \'a. Lynchburg^, \a. Newport News, \'a. Norfolk. \'a. Richmond, \ a. Washing'ton, D. C. Concord, N. C. Durham, N. C. Kinston, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Mobile, Ala. Montgomery. Ala. Savannah, Ga. Chattanooga, Tenn. Covington, Tenn. Jackson, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Seattle. Wash.

Nashville, Tenn. Columbus, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, 111. Danville, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. Milwaukee. Wis. Fort Smith, Ark. Kansas City, Mo. Little Rock, .A.rk. Pine Bluff. .\rk. St. Louis, Mo. Jackson, Miss. New Orleans, La. Ruston, La.

Texarkana, Texas-Ark. Vicksburg, Miss. Waco, Texas. Yazoo City. Miss. Denver, Col. Salt Lake City, Utah. Los Angeles, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Portland, Ore.

Kappa Alpha Fraternity

l-"()iin(k-<l liS'15.

Alpha Omega Chapter

Installed lt)n_^.

Frater in Facultate

W, C. Riddick.

Fratres in Urbe

H. A. Royster. 1".. C. Smith.

T. S. .Mann. I.. W. Smith.

"W. W. \a.s,s. j. \ . IVvkin.s.

('.. .\l. lluntcT. 1\. C. 1 Inw .son.

W. C. Tvree. C. D. Hani>.

S. F. Telfair. J. M. Pickel.

R. S. McGeachy. G. A. Sm th.

Grange Ashe. Louis West.

Charles McDonald. J. L. Primrose.


Cl.\ss of 1909.

Walter M. Cowles. Roscoe L. Fo.x.

Albert S. ("ess. Charles P. ("ray.

William F. R. Johnson. Ralph Lon;T.

.\lfred P. Rigg's. George G. Simpson.

Samuel F. Stephens. Frank M. Thompson.

Class of igi 1.

Picnjamin S. Roljertson. Rolicrt W. I'owcll.

Idhn P. Scott. William Ik .\.\cock.

Rufus T. lioylan.

PuBLic.\Tiox : '■ l\a])pa .\lpha Junrnal." Colors: Crimson ami ( )ld ("old.

Kappa Alpha Chapter Roll

Alpha Washington and Lee L'niv. Gamma University of Georgia. Delta Wofford College. Epsilon Emory College. Zeta Randolph- Macon College. Eta Richmond College. Thcta Kentucky State College. Kappa Mercer University. Lambda University of Virginia. .\'(( Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Xi Southwestern University. Omicron University of Texas. Pi University of Tennessee. Sigma Davidson College. Upsilon University of North Carolina. Phi Southern University. Chi Vanderbilt University. Psi Tulane University. Omega Central Univ. of Kentucky. .Alpha-Alpha University of the South. Alpha-Beta I'niversity of Alabama. Alpha-Gamma Louisiana State Univ. Alpha-Delta William Jewell College. Alpha-Zeta William and Mary Col- lege. .ilpha-Eta W'estminster College. Alpha-Theta Kentucky L'niversity.

Alpha-Kappa University of Missouri.

Alpha-Lambda Johns Hopkins Univ.

Alpha-Mu Mill.saps College.

Alpha-Xu The George Washington L'niversity.

Alpha-Xi L'niversity of California.

Alpha-Omieron Univ. of Arkansas.

Alpha-Pi Leland Stanford, Jr., L'niv.

Alpha-Rho West \'irginia L'niversity.

Alpha-Sigma Georgia School of Tech- nology.

Alpha-Tail Hampden- Sidney College.

Alpha-UpsiloH l'niv. of Mississippi.

.J//'/u7-/'/n— Trinity College.

Alpha-Chi Kentucky Wesleyan L'niv.

Alpha-Omega— }<. C. A. and M. Col- lege.

Beta-Alpha ^lissouri School of Mines.

Beta-Beta Bethany College, Bethany.

Beta-Gamma College of Charleston.

Beta-Delta Georgetown College.

Beta-Bpsilon Delaware College.

Beta-Zeta L'niversity of Florida.

Beta-Eta L'niversity of Oklahoma.

Beta-Theta Washington University.

Beta-Iota Drurv College.


Alumni Chapters of Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Alexandria, La. Anniston, Ala. Asheville, N. C. Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Baltimore, Md. Baton Rouge, La. Boston, Mass. Canal Zone. Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, S. C. Charleston, W. Va. Chattanooga, Teim. Centreville, Miss. Columbus, Ga. Dallas, Texas. Franklin, La. Griffin, Ga. Hampton, \'a. Hattiesburg, i\Iiss. Houston, Tex. Huntington, W. Va. Jacksonville, Fla. Jackson, Miss. Jonesboro, Ark. Kansas City, Mo. Knoxville, Tenn. Lexington, Ky. Little Rock, Ark. Los Angeles, Cal.

Louisville, Ky. Macon, Ga. Memphis, Tenn. IMobile, .-Ma. Montgomery, Ala. Muskogee, Ind. Ty. Nashville, Tenn. Natchitoches. La. New Orleans, La. New York Citv. Norfolk, Va. Oklahoma City, Okla. Petersburg, \"a. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Raleigh, N. C. Richmond, Va. San Francisco, Cal. Selma, Ala. Savannah, Ga. Shreveport, La. Spartanburg, S. C. St. Louis, Mo. Staunton, Va. Tallahassee, Fla. lalladega, Ala. Tampa, Fla. Thomasville, Ga. Washington, D. C.

Wilmington, N. C.

.\labama. Arkansas. Georgia. Kentucky.

State Associations


Louisiana. Missouri. North Carolina. Oklahoma.

Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

Foundeil at Ricliiiioiui College, XiniMiibiT. 190J.

Eta Beta Chapter

Installed June, 1905.


Class m- 1908. Alvin Deans Dupree. Claud Council Uawsoii.

Class oi' 1909. William Roy Hampton. Sam. M. Mallison.

(^vven Moore. John Alexander Porter.

Class of 19 10. Thomas T. Dawson. Alfred S. Armfield.

Robert Frank Jones. Joe Baxter Parks.

Class of igi 1. .■\. S. Blount. Harvey Deerwood Abernethy.

I'l'iiLiCATioN : "Sigma Phi ICpsilon Journal." Colors: Purple and Red.

Sigma Phi Epsiion Chapter Roll

.llf^Iii! Richmond College.

Gaiinna-Bcta L'niversity X'irginia.

Delta-Beta Jefferson Medical College.

Dclta-Caiunia W'eslern I 'nixcrsity I'ennsylvania.

Dclta-Pclla L'nivcrsily I 'ennsylwuiia.

Bcta-.Uf'lHi L'ni\ersity illinoi.s.

Epsiloii-. Ilplhi L'niversity Colorado.

Delta \\'illiam and Marx.

Eta-Beta North Carolina .\. and M. College.

Theta-Alpha Ohio .Xorlhern L'niversity.

Iota-Alpha Perdne L'niversity.

Kappa- Alpha Syracuse University.

Epsiloii Washington and Lee L'niversity.

Zeta Randoiph- Macon College,

Lambda-Alpha Ceorgia School of 'IV'chnology.

Mil-Alpha Delaware State College.

Eta L'niversity of West N'irginia.

Xii-.llpha L'niversity Arkansas.

Dclta-Epsiloii Lehigh L'niversity.

Alpha-Xii l'niversity Tennessee.

Sigiiia-Eta 1 .onisiana State I 'niversity.

Phi-Iota L'niversitv of Indiana.


Alumni Chapters Sigma Phi Epsilon

Norfolk. A'a. Greenville. X. C. Greensboro. X. C. Chicago, 111. Philadelphia. Pa. Richmond. \'a. Lexinfrtoii. A'a.

Sigma Nu Fraternity

Founded 1869.

Beta Tau Chapter

Established 1895.

Fratres in Urbe

Dr. Joel D. W'hitaker. Elmer Schaffer.

\'ictor Boyden. Aldert \\'. Latta.

Wm. B. Jones. Dr. Russell G. v^herrill.

W'm. DeB. AlcXider. Wm. H. Crow.

Walter Clark, Jr. W. F. Morson.

James ^^IcKimmon. H. A. Morson.

Murray Allen. John Lightfoot iMorson.

Fred C. Lambe. Charles FMward Latta.


C1..VSS oK iyo8.

Harwood Beebe. Cordon Harris.

Class of IQ09.

William Murdock Peck. Edmund Burke Haywood. Henry Xewlmld Simmer.

Ci..\SS oi- igio.

Isaac Norris Tull. Albert Roland Hicks.

Edward Leigh Winslow. Kenneth Spenser Tanner.

Class o\' 191 1.

Craiiam Hudson .KiUhony. Julian Helk Elliott.

Walter :\loore Lambeth. Rufus William Hicks.

Publication : " The Delta." Colors :— Black, White, Old Gold.

Sigma Nu Chapter Roll

Pi Lehigh University.

Bcta-Sigma University of Vermont.

Bcta-Rho University of Pennsylvania.

Gainma-Dclta Stevens Institute.

Gainma-Epsilon Lafayette College.

Gainiiui-Tlicta Cornell L'niversity.

Gaimna-Psi Syracuse L'niversity.

Sii^nui \'anderbilt University.

Gcuiiina-Iota Kentucky State College.

Mil University of Georgia.

Tlicta University of Alabama.

Iota Howard College.

Kappa North Georgia Agriculttu-al College.

Eta Mercer University.

Xi Emery College.

Bcta-Thcta .\labama Polytechnic stitute.

Gamma-Alpha Georgia School Technology.

Beta University of \'irginia.

Lambda Washington and Lee Univer- sity.

Psi University of North Carolina.

Epsilon Bethany College.

Beta-Beta Depau University.

Beta-Xu Ohio State University.

Beta-Zeta Perdue University.

Beta-Eta L'niversity of Indiana.

Beta-Iota Mt. Union College.

Beta-Psi University of California.

Beta-Upsilon Rose Polytechnic Insti- tute.



Gamma-Pi L'niv. of West \'irginia.

Gamma-Beta Northwestern Univer- sity.

Gamma-Gamma Albion College.

Gamma-Lambda L'niversity of Wis- consin.

Gamma-Mu L'niversity of Illinois.

Gamina-Xii University of Michigan.

Gumma-Rlw L'niversity of Chicago.

Deita-Theta Lombard L'niversity.

Beta-Mil State L'niversity of Iowa.

Gamma-Sigma Iowa State College.

Gamma-Tail L'niversity of Minnesota.

.\'(/ Kansas State University.

Rlio Missouri State L'niversity.

Bcta-Xi William Jewell College.

Gamma-Xi Missouri State School of Mines.

Gaiiima-Omieri)ii Wasiiington L'niver- sity.

Upsiloii L'niversity of Texas.

Phi Louisiana State L'niversity.

Beta-Phi Tulane L'niversity.

Gamiiui-Upsilou L'niv. of Arkansas.

Gaimna-Eta Colorado State School of Mines.

Gamma-Kappa L'niv. of Colorado.

Gamina-Chi L'niv. of W'ashington.

Gamma-Zeta L'niversity of Oregon.

Gamma Phi L'niversity of Montana.

Beta-Ghi Stanford L'niversity.

Beta-Tail— S. C. A. and M. College.

Sigma Nu Alumni Chapters



San Francisco.

Kansas City.


St. Louis.


New York.









Des Moines.






Baton Rouge.




Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity

Fdundcd i8()8.

Alpha Epsilon Chapter

Installed ii;04-

Prater in Facultate

John A. Park.

Fratres in Urbe

A. W. Kn..x. M.l). A. E. Escot.

Franklin McXe;i. r'anl WVhl,.

J. L. Kirby. L. ( )'T. Jones.

J. W. Frazier.


Class oi- kjoH. G. F. r.ason. W. (i. Ferguson.

J. A. IVnvcll. 1). Lindsay.

Ci.Ass or ii)oi). W. R. Marshall. I). 11. Hill.

T. K. Ih'inKr, Jr.

C'l.ASS OI" li;IO.

A. J. I'.eall. K. J. Kedfearn.

St. J. E. Springs. K. i;. Cline.

Cl,.\SS OI- I<;l I.

J. Al. r.radtield. J,,hn Kn.ix.

C. H. Steadnian.

PuuLiCATio.v : "Shield and Diamond." Colors: Carnel and Cold.

Pi Kappa Alpha Chapter Roll

Alpha University of \'ir,niiiia.

Beta Davidson College.

Gamma William and Mary College.

Delta Southern University.

Zcta- University of Tennessee.

Eta Tulane I'niversity.

Tlieta Southwestern Presbyterian I'niversity.

/()/(( Hampden-Sidney.

Kappa Kentucky University.

M II Presbyterian College.

A'!(— Wofford Cnlk-ge.

Omieron Richmond Cullege.

/'/' Washington and Lee University.

Rho Cumberland Universit}'.

Sigma \'anderbilt Universit\ .

Tan University fif X'orth Carolina.

Upsilon Alabama i'olytechnic Institute.

Phi Roanoke College.

Chi University of the South.

Psi Georgia Agricultural College.

Omega Kentucky State College.

Alpha- Alpha Trinity College.

Alpha-Gamma Louisiana State University.

Alpha-Delta Georgia School of Teclinology.

Alpha-Epsilnn North Carolina A. and M. College.

Alpha-Zeta University of Arkansas.

Alpha-Eta L'niversity of State of Florida.

Alpha-Thcta West Virginia University.

Alpha-Iota Millsaps College.

.llpha-Kappa Missouri School of Mines.

Alpha- Lambda Georgetown College.

Alumni Chapters of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity


Alplia Richmond. \'a. Beta Memphis, Tenn. G annua White Sulphur Sprint Delta Charleston, S. C. Epsiloii Xorfolk, \"a. Zcfij— Dillon, S. C. Eta New Orleans, La. Thcta Dallas, Texas. Iota Knoxville, Tenn. Kappa Charlottesville, \'a. Lambda Opelika. Ala. .1/k Fort Smith, Ark. Xu Birmingham. Ala. Xi Lynchburg. \'a.

\V. \'a.

Alpha Zeta Fraternity

Massey Chapter

Established at North CaroHiia Aijricultural and Mechanical College, 1903.

Frater in Urbe

William Kerr.

Fratres in Facultate

Charles M. Connor. C. A. Roberts.

John Alichels. J. C. Temple.

Class of 1908. John \). Grady. Larry L. McLer.don.

Cl.^ss of 19OM. Ralph R. Faison. Ralph l-on^.

F. L. Foard. W. .\. llnrnaday.

Andrew H. Green. R. C. .Mason.

R. R. Reinhardt.

Cl.xss of 19 10. H. R. Gates. F. X. McDowell.

Lennox P. McLendon. H. Ak)tt.

PuiiLiC.\TioN ; " (Juarterly of .\l])ha Zeta." Colors: Mode and Sk\' ISlue.

Alpha Zeta Fraternity Chapter Roll

Toicnsciid Columbus, Ohid.

Morrill State College. Pennsylvania.

Cornell Ithaca, Xcw ^'^rk.

A'i'(/,;(V Agricultural College. Michigan.

Granite Durham. .\e\v Ham])sihre.

Morrow L'rliana, Illinois.

Xcbraska Station A, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Massey West Raleigh. North Carolina.

La Grange St. Anthony Park. Minnesota.

Green Mountain liurlington. \ crmont.

IVilson Ames, Iowa.

Bahcock Madison, W'isci msin.

Centennial Fort Collins, Colorailo.

Maine ( )r(ina. Maine.


The Junior Order

"The Saints"


FouNDEu: All Saints' Day.

Colors: Red and Green.

9 F. M. Thompson, 09. 12 S. F. Stephens, '09.

10 Owen Moore, '09. 13 \\'. R. Hampton, 'a).

II George Harrison, "09. 14 Ralph Long, '09.

15 R. R. Faison, '09. iS \V. F. R. Johnson, '09.

16— L. H. Couch, '08. 19— C. C. Dawson, 08.

17— D. Y. Hagan, 08. 20— C. P. Gray, "09.


One On You

Freshman- I at (Iruif-storc 1 " I'd like to ijct sonu- sulpluir. How much is it per pound ? "

Dr. Dams " Twenty cents."

Fresh MA.v " I can jjet it down town for lifleen."

Dr. Davis (growlinj,') " Yep. ,i;o to li 1 and you can i^et it for noiliin,<;."

Y. M. C. A. Secret.\rv " I wisli you to do some canvassing for nie to-night." " Bird" E.\gle (five minutes later) " Hey, you ugly sinner, let's go to the Y. M. C. .\. ; we are going to have a devil of a time up there to-night."

Brv.\n " If I had an imagination like you I'd be a millionaire in a few years." White " Yes. and if I had your appet.te I'd be a pauper."

" RuxT " Aber.nathv " Say, what size shoe do you wear? "

" Dutch " Seifert " I wear a number four."

" RuxT " Abernethy "Well, where do you put your foot?"

" Dock " " I want a drawing pencil." Hexdrick " A 5-H or a 4-H ? "

" Dock " " About a ten-cent one."

Little ( iii hospital) " Freshman, what course are you taking up here?"' Fairlev " Calomel."

\Miat Professor did Poyner direct to the janitor when asked for the Labor Bureau ?

" Pie" G.mxev (to professor of heating system, jokingly) " 'Pressor. I am cold up here."

Prof. P.\rks " Why don't you get yourself some undershirts? "

Gl.\SSER (reading a comic about himself in Red and U^liife) "Huh, ne.xt time I say anything I am going to keep my mouth shut."

Freshie (in mess-hall) " I am eating a lot of this rabbit because I have to go on delinquent drill this afternoon and I wish to run well. "

Dr. Hill " ilr. Goss. did you ever see Exeter Cathedral? "

Goss " No, sir."

Dr. Hill '" Did you ever see a picture of it ? "

Goss " Xo, sir."

Dr. Hill " I thought so: there is one in to-day's lesson."

H.\rrisox ■■ Fellows, why is it they are hanging so many reformers (trans- formers) on these electric light poles .•' "

" Dock " ( in mess-hall ) " If that lia<l been me, I would have given you the bigger piece of pie."

Soph. " What you fussing about. Freshman : ain't I got it? "

PoYXER " ' Bird ' Eagle, if you don't settle your account with me very soon. I am going to get a ' Habeas Corpus ' on your trunk."

Letter From a Dazed Father to His Hazing Son

( Being an aftermath of the knock-down and drag-out on the athletic field.)

My Dear Son :

I noticed in a recent issue of our local oracle an account of the late uprising at A. and M., in uiiich many Freshmen and Sophomores were sacrificed in order that Sophomore supremacy might be established and a college education be vindi- cated. I would suggest that you devote a little less time to manslaughter and work a little harder on your other studies.

.\t the present time the demand for successful murderers is extremely limited. You may consider it artistic to use the starboard optic of a Freshman for a hand- painted marine view, lint to me it seems crude and barbarous. As I have never had the advantage of higher education nor " suffered from an aciUe attack of the inrianiniatory rah-rahs." 1 may not l)e (|ualifie(l to speak on this suljject. ^'our method of sending a Freshman to the "golden whence" or the "hot hereafter" lacks grace, artistic finish, and refinement, and you would have been looked upon with contempt and disdain during the days of the iiorgias. Why not try prussic acid, chloroform, or something else equally painless and effective ? Besides, if you will only give the Freshmen a chance, they will blow them.selves up in the chemical laboratory or electrocute themselves in the power-house. Your method when properly executed leaves only a memory of the deceased. The remains of the victim are so few and scattered that they have to be collected with a microscope and a blotting paper. There isn't even a sufficient amount to hold an inquest over, to mourn for, or for an ol:)ituary nntice. A collar butlon, a few teeth and gold fillings are all that we have to show that the late lanK'uted once existed, \\hat could be more pathetic than to see a coroner's jury sorrow fully sit on a display of cheap jewelry and a few stray teeth and return a verdict that the deceased had come to his death b\' a blow on the head at (lie hamls of unknown parties?

Think what a touching scene there would be when thr fond mother sorrow- fully gazed on a few bicuspids, a ten-karat collar liutton, and two dollars and ninety cents worth of gold fillings (all that is mortal of lier little bunch of sunshine). Think, too, of the hard task you have set for the minister when he conducts the funeral services. What wonderful power he would have to possess in order to deliver a funeral oration that would convince the sorrowing friends and relatives that the casket before them contained what was once the pride and future hope of the fond parents. Think what a demand this would make upon the imagination of the witnesses. \'our method may lighten the burden of the ]Kill-l)earers, but the funeral expenses remain about the same.

The sad end of the Freshman recalls an accidenl tliat ha])pened in the West Virginia oil fields. One of the " shooters " " sliot " a well, hnt could not reach a place of safety before the nitro-rrlycerine e.\])loded, and he was s])(]iilane(insly distributed in the surroundino- atmosphere. The only remains found wtie a pair of false teeth with a death t;rip on a hunch of whisker>. The false tcrlh had probably mistaken the whiskers for shredded wheat in llu'ir sonuwhat hurried e.xit and bitten them oft. His wife, on heini;" informed of the death, telei^raphed for the remains, and sent a black suit for him lo he Inu'ied in. The suit was returned to her b_\- express and the body was enclosed in a cigar-box and forwarded by registered mail. The widow h.ad tn use a tack hammer in order to take a last look.

When I mortgaged the farm and led you b\- the hand to West Raleigh to bathe at Wisdom's Font, I supposed you would be in an atmosphere of culture and refinement and fertilizer fumes. 1 thought you would be under a Christian, home-like influence (all for forty-five dollars a year plus board ), and did not dream that you were ambitious to start out on a career of annihilation.

Ambition is all right, provided you don't overdo it as did J. Cresar, who was unfortunate in not having Cardinal Wol>L-y or myself as confidential adviser.

A career is a mirage that robs our farms of good agriculturists and over- supplies the demand for leading men for our ten-twent}-thirty class of repertoire companies. It also explains why the S. R. O. sign is working over-time at the home for decayed actors. .Saturate your system with algelira. entomology, veteri- nary science, etc., and come home a walking bureau of useless information. 'When yon have arrived at that period of life where yon are compelled to comb your hair with a sponge, yoti will have all the necessary cjualifications to hold down a position as teacher at a cross-roads school, or be a successful politician, if you do not care to hoe corn. If \ou have no desire to diffuse kn(.iwledge, fit vourself to relieve some octopus of his " frenzied financial " burden, but don't send me any more bills for apparatus you break ( ?) in the laboratory, \^'ork hard and be good even at the cost of being considered eccentric. Don't count the day lost that you let pass without distributing the elements of an unfortunate Freslnnan upon the bloody sands of the athletic field. Don't let faith in human nature play such a small part in the drama of your life that yon are compelled to maintain your own vicious standing by referring to the sins and omissions of others. Let me hear from you soon.

W'hh love, F.xTiiiiR.

Record of Events


Sept. 5 Colletje opens with 5_' men in v^enior class a luvely deck. 8 (jlasser. the joker, arrives. iC) St. Mary's opens. 30 First Dress Parade. { )ct. 7 5:15. Gihbs makes his a])pearance on Dress I'arade.

5:18. Gibb,s makes his disappearance from Dress F'arade. 9 Smith. E. E., falls in love and reforms. 10 Sophomores corner hair. 1 1 Poyner barks up wront;- sapling-. 12 Lieutenant ^'ounj^'s Saturday Mpiad makes only forty miles in two hours

and a half. .\ slow squa<l. 16 Coiv.jietitive drill at Fair ("irounds. 23 Sophomore rush. |

24 Freshmen rush. [■ Tiie deuce to pay.

25 Dr. Winston is rushed. J

Nov. C) ( )\vini.; to financial ])an;c, .\('.Ko.\lia'K stock drc_ip> from 110 to 64. 23 Water in bath-room. Temperature 30 dej^rees. 28— Norfolk -ame. Dec. 2 Celebration in town. 12 Examinations begin. 14 Juniors win class football cu]i. 18 Mr. Loftin thinks be is a fire de])artment. 21 \'acation. 26 Raleigh .goes dry. 08. Jan. I Mrs. Lewis has tinislied her Christmas dinner. 10 Hendrick is sober. 21 Legislature opens Pine Level closes. 22 Middleton misses chapel. 25 E. E. Division receives jjractical and theoretical instruction in jjole

climbing. 28 Beebe stays awake on class. I'eb. 2 Eggs for breakfast.

y Lindsay goes to cluu'ch.

On/, v^ ,', ^ .^-,-M.^*.— M'^^ *.£i*--«i

74^.^14 <i ti«*^"< ?"« V c"' 5''



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924 Arch Street, Philadelphia

The Opportunity Designs on Request

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H. Mahler's Sons - Jewelers

Raleigh, North Carolina


We respectfully request you to call and see our immense Stock of Furniture and Housefurnishings. We will do the rest.


127 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C.

Quaker City Uniform Co.


Headquarters for

High -Grade Uniforms ror Military Scliools

And all their Equipments, such as




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A Successful Hay Press

J^uccessful because it makes neat, eonipafl and unirorm bales, is operated with less amount of power, and lias greater capacity than any other press of its size.

The power is a full circle with two strokes of the plunger to one revohction of the sweep, and is made on the compound lever principle, giving speed and great power where they are needed.

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Call on the local agent and inspect this press. Write for cnniiileti' inforinatinn.

International Harvester Company of America

CHICAGO iiiir,,ii.M,ai..li U. S. A.

An Ever Ready Farm Helper!

.^re ynu looking for a thoroughly relialile helper one that nuinp?; water, runs the cream separati>r t'hurn. washing niachinL'. fucil grinder. sIh-IIit. Ikmk i-uttiT. sa«-iiH.l"llier Ilia. •hill,- »itli..ut ^'Httii,.^ liiv.l ^- and iiiiitiiii'j I.H.'Mii-.' til.- «..rk i- m,, anlii,.i,. I'/-

II'vill MIV, \,.ll lliT.I nil I 111. L-;i-Mlii nL'in,-

for it is llie l,.-~t lirlpi-r l,ir ..prratiiii; llii- \arioii~ iinni iiiacliiiii -. ll r..|iiiri'~ imirlically no attoiuion and

„. praying. uaiil an . \. ri.iMlv h.l|.ri hir your farm, C'all on the lc«-«l agent, who will fnlly explain the excellent leatnres bf these engiln-s. and alMi Mij.ply ynu with eataloL'.

or write the homo othee for i-olored hanger and 1 Iclei, ■Tliree llinidred Ye,irs

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.1. n. KIXG. I'risi.leiit CAPITAL $30,000 INO. f. 1>HK\V1{V. Virp-I'r.-*.

y^ ,^ ^^/INCORPORATED. V_ ^ jf


A personal iuvcstiKalimi will .-..nviiHc miy nn.' IIimI KIN<i--i miv Hl.M.linrly Ih<- ln-st .■■iiiippi-d ami llif most succc'ssl'ul colloRf or business. sliortliiiiMl. Tyixw i it iiiK. IVniiianship. 'I clesrrapli.v niiil Kiisrlisli in

North Carolina. rcumdlisM.raiiy clniinsaiiy pi-tilor may iiiaki;. ^Vp tinnlif.v and plarc nion- •.tuilrnls

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RetVrMuo: Any Inidiii!; Inisiiu^sv cairmi in ItaliMsrli or rliarloiti'. Kur calalojrm', aildn—

J. H. KING, President, Raleigh, N. C.

GEO. MAH^II. I'lis. anil Inas. K li. ( l!( )\'\ . \ ire-Prcs. anil See.

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Wholesale Dealers in

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Joseph G. Brown, President Henry E. Litchford, Cashier

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CAPITAL $ 100,000.00

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Wf^ extend to you a most cordial invitation to call early, believing we can suggest some new ideas that will meet with your approval in style, design and price three very interesting items. A Good Dresser has clothes made for him. Put yourself in our hands, we'll dress you right and save you money. Fine Tailoring is Our Long Suit. Let us show our fitting skill. Never Fail to Satisfy. Have your measure taken at once for present or future delivery.

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Raleigh, N. C.

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The Company is cloins l)iisine.s.s in North Cnroliim, Smith rarolinii. Virfrinia and Gcorsriii.

All jiolioies are rcgi.stereil imd the full IcrhI rosorvi- rtcpiisitefl with the Insurance Coiumissiouer of North Carolina.

iuveslf'd as required by law.

J. VAN LINDLEY, President

GEO. A. GRIMSLEY. Secretary

Temporary Location :







Memorandum Package sent to any Iraternity member through the Secretary of the Chapter Special Designs and Estimates Furnished on Class Pins, Rings, Medals for Athletic Meets, Etc.


Specialties: Peanuts and Salt Fish Wilmington, North Carolina





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