EARLY REFERENCES TO HAWAIIAN ENTOMOLOGY BY J. F. ILLINGWORTH Bernice p. Bishop Museum Bulletin 2 honolulu^ hawaii Published by the Museum 1923 A V < ^ '^ '-^ Early References To Hawaiian Entomology By J. F. Illingworth INTRODUCTION While examining the narratives of the early voyages of the Pacific, I came across several entomological references so interesting that I decided to extend the search and present the results in a form more readily avail- able to workers in this field. As the investigation proceeded, references multiplied so rapidly that I decided to call a halt with the year 1900, as the numerous papers ap- pearing since that time are fairly well known. In preparing the bibliography an effort has been made to examine all available printed matter dealing directly or indirectly with Hawaii, but it is not unlikely that some references have been overlooked, especially in the earlier writings of the missionaries. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance received — particularly in regard to the more recent publications — ^from the published bibliography by D. L. Van Dine (224)^ and from the card catalogues that have been gradually built up in Hawaiian institutions. The subject of the distribution of organisms, especially in the Pacific, has a most important bearing upon our life here in the Hawaiian islands. Among insects, practically all of our pests have gradually arrived along the lines of commerce; and even now, with our strict quarantine system, new ones continue to gain an entrance every year. Hence, such a review of the literature is especially interesting and valu- able, because it aids in determining the time of introduction and also the distribution of the various organisms found in Hawaii. DISCUSSION OF THE LITERATURE In reviewing the written history of these islands, I naturally began with the account of the voyages of Captain Cook (2), who discovered the Ha- waiian islands in 1778. Diligent search failed to locate any reference to insects, although dogs, hogs, rats, and birds are mentioned. However, in a separate narrative, WiUiam ElUs, the assistant surgeon of this voyage of 1778, indicates clearly that at least house flies were troublesome. In de- scribing the natives, ElHs says (i, Vol. II, p. 156), They have also a kind of fly-flap, made of a bunch of feathers fixed to the end of a thm piece of smooth and polished wood; they are generally made of the *The references in parentheses refer to works listed in the bibliography on pages 19 to 50. 4 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin tail feathers of the cock but the better sort of people have them of the tropick birds' feathers, or those belonging to a black and yellow bird called Mo-ho. The handle is very frequently made of the bones of the arm or leg of those whom they have killed in battle, curiously inlaid with tortoise-shell; these they deem very val- uable and will not part with them under great price. This ornament is common to superiors of both sexes. Later, Captain Nathaniel Portlock referred to these brushes (4, p. 88) when describing the supplies purchased from the natives: Curiosities, too, found their way to market and I purchased two very curious fly- flaps, the upper part composed of very beautiful variegated feathers; the handles were human bone, inlaid with tortoise-shell in the neatest manner which gave them the appearance of fineered (veneered) work. Captain George Dixon, who was associated with Portlock refers to these objects (3, p. 272) as follows: Fans and fly-flaps are used by both sexes . . . The fly-flaps are very curious ; the handles are decorated with alternate pieces of wood and bone which at a distance has the appearance of fineered work; the upper part or flap is the feathers of the man-of-war bird. Vancouver, also, mentions fly~ilaps (6, Vol. Ill, p. 42) for the dispersal of offending insects ; but makes no further references to entomology. Apparently, the first entomological work in Hawaii was done by Doctor Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz, who at the age of 22, in the capacity of physician and naturalist, accompanied the Russian explorer Otto von Kotze- bue on his first voyage. This brilliant student, upon his return to his native country was appointed professor of anatomy and afterwards direc- tor of the zoological museum of the university at the University of Dorpat, his native city. Kotzebue himself, though only an intelligent sailor, makes several interesting allusions (7, Vol. I, p. 306) to the fauna of the group: "The chief employment of the royal ladies consists in smoking tobacco, combing their hair, driving away the flies with a fan and eating." Speak- ing of the king's daughter (7, Vol. I, p. 307), he says: "Behind her stood a little negro boy, holding a silk umbrella over her head to protect her from the rays of the sun ; two other boys with tufts of red feathers, drove away the flies from her." And in describing how the sailors were enter- tained at dinner ashore, Kotzebue (7, Vol. I, p. 311) relates: "Each of them had, like us, a kanaka standing behind him with a tuft of red feathers to drive away the flies." Finally he speaks more directly of the fauna (7, Vol. Ill, p. 237), "The only original wild quadrupeds of the Sandwich Islands are a small bat and the rat. To these is added our common mouse, besides the flea, some species of Blatta and other noxious parasites." In the appendix of the third volume of the narrative of Kotzebue's voyage (7, p. 376) is the description by Eschscholtz of our native Ha- waiian butterfly, Vanessa tameamea and descriptions of all the new butter- flies collected in the various countries visited. The other orders of in- Illingworth — Barly references to Hawaiiam entomology 5 sects, taken during the voyage, were described later in separate papers, of which the most important are his "Entomographien" (8). A missionary, James Montgomery, states that the boat used by his party swarmed with cockroaches at the time of its arrival in Hawaii (1822) (15, Vol. I, p. 365). In describing a gathering at a mission service, he says (15, Vol. I, p. 417), "... members of the royal family had servants in attendance with fly-flaps and fans of peacock's feathers to cool their faces and drive away the troublesome insects." He says also (15, Vol. I, p. 434): There are no mosquitoes here; neither are there any bugs. When the latter are brought on shore in bedding or packages from shipboard, they presently die; the climate of the Society Islands is equally fatal to them. Flies are very numerous and annoying, . . . The few spiders, moths and dragon flies which we have seen, much resemble those of the South Sea Islands. In referring to the table manners of the natives, Montgomery (Vol. I, p. 472) writes: When a common fly was found drowned in their messes, they seemed at once to grow sick and turn away their faces with no equivocal expression of utter loathing. Flies, indeed, may be said to be an abomination with these savages — probably from some superstitious prejudice, for vermin far more disgusting are greedily picked by them from their own bodies — nay, from the very dogs — and devoured. Gilbert F. Mathison, an English traveler, also remarked upon the troublesome house flies. In speaking of the chiefs in their home life (9, p. 365), he says he found "some asleep, some fanning away the flies . . , " He further states that the queen at the mission service "was attended by several female servants, carrying fly-fans'' (9, p. 378). When dining with the natives, he notes (9, p. 401), "One brushed away the flies . . J' C. S. Stewart, a London missionary who spent several years in the islands, also made reference (11, p. 153) to these annoying insects, de- scribing the natives as "eating poe surrounded by swarms of flies . . ." Further, in referring to the unsanitary conditions and skin diseases of the people, he remarked the prevalence of head-lice, saying: Dozens may, at any time, be seen sporting among the decorated locks of ignoble heads; while, not infrequently, a privileged few wend their way through the garlands of princes of the blood, or trimuphantly mount the coronets of majesty itself. As to the servants of the chiefs and the common people, we think ourselves fortunate indeed, if, after a call of a few minutes, we do not find living testimonies of their visit, on our mats and floors, and even on our clothes and persons ! The bare relation of the fact, without the experience of it, is sufficiently shocking. But the half is not told ; and, I scarce dare let the truth, here, run to its climax. The lower classes not only suffer their heads and tapas to harbour these vermin ; but they openly and unblushingly eat them! Yet so fastidious are they in point of cleanliness, than an emetic could scarce be more efficaciously administered than to cause them to eat from a dish in which a fly had been drowned! So much for the force of custom, and the power of habit! 6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin In 1824, Kotzebue made a second voyage to the Hawaiian islands and was accompanied, as before, by the naturaUst, Professor Eschscholtz. Again this navigator remarked on the house flies, which were evidently abundant. He states, ''Two young girls lightly dressed, sat cross-legged by the side of the queen, flapping away the flies with bunches of feathers," and that the queen ate, "Whilst two boys flapped away the flies with large bunches of feathers" (13, Vol. II, p. 207). In the appendix of this second volume, Eschscholtz (13, Vol. II, p. 357) alludes to the entomological n:aterial collected in the Hawaiian islands : The number of insects is small, as is indeed the case with all land animals; it is therefore creditable to our industry, that we were able to muster twenty sorts' of beetles. A small Platymts is the only Carabide; in the water, two Colymbetes and a Hydrophilus were found. The only Hlater belongs to a species (Agrypnus N) in which we reckon various specimens found only in the old world, such as Blater tormentosus, fuscipes, senegalensis, etc. ; beetles which have two deep furrows in the lower part of the neck-shield, to receive the feelers, and which go in search of their food at night. They resemble many of the European springing beetles cov- ered with scales and included by Megerle under the name Lepidotus ; such are fasciatus, murimus, varius. Two Aphodii were found ; one of the size of the Psammodius porcalus, but very flat, lives under the bark of a decayed tree, the wood of which has become soft. Another has the almost prickly shoulders of the Aphodius sterc orator and asper; of these we form the species stenocnemis and in- clude therein four new varieties found in Brazil and Luzon. It may be here observed that Psammodius sabuleti and cylindricus N, must be classed with Aegialia which, on account of the horny nature of the jaws, and the projection of the upper lip, enter into the same class with the Trox; the remaining kinds of Psammodius, however, do not at all agree with the chara.cter given them by Gyllenhal, and ought in their turn to be classed with Aphodius. Among the remaining beetles, all of which dwell under the bark of trees, a Parandra was the largest. A few remarks on the various beetles mentioned by Eschscholtz will not be out of place here. The carabid, pla\tynus, is probably one of the numerous small native Hawaiian species of Anchomenus. The two Colym- betes are undoubtedly our Coplatus pmvulus (Esch.) and Rhantus paciH- cus (Esch.) ; possibly both introduced very early. The hydrophylid was later described by Eschschlotz as Hydrophilus semicylindricus, though it is now placed in the genus Hydrobius. Blackburn considered it an immi- grant. The elatrid, Agrypnus N., is undoubtedly the Agrypnus modestus, MacL., which is now placed in the genus Adelocera, This species is said to be widely distributed in Polynesia and elsewhere. I have had more diffl- culty in trying to place the two Aphodii mentioned. It is hard to say what the flattened species is ; but the one with the ''almost prickly shoulders" is probably Ataenius sterc orator Fab. This widely distributed species, Blackburn states, is not rare in the neighborhood of Honolulu, yet no specimens of it are in the Hawaiian collections. Finally, the cerambycid, Parandra, is undoubtedly Parandra puncticeps Sharp, which Blackburn and Sharp (120) state is closely alHed to a species occurring in the Philippine Islands. ingzvorth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 7 Lord Byron, though on a mission of mercy to the Hawaiian Govern- ment, spent some time during 1825 in exploration. In his narrative there are a few interesting references to the fauna and flora of the Hawaiian group. Andrew Bloxam, an enthusiastic student just out of Oxford, was naturahst on the voyage and though a botanist by preference, he collected many zoological specimens during the eighteen months spent in Hawaii. This material was deposited in the British Museum. Probably based on information supplied by Bloxam, Lord Byron (10, p. 252) states: We met with only one Papilio, which Kotzebue has described under the name Vanessa tamehameha (tameamea). We caught one sphinx moth; brown, with a purple stripe on each side of its body, which glitters in the sun. There are several minute moths, several varieties of Libellula (dragon-flies), one species of Cicada, a black earwig, a wood spider and innumerable fleas. It would be interesting to know what the cicada mentioned is, also the sphinx ; no moth answering that description is in the Hawaiian collections. Captain F, W. Beechey (14), an English explorer, who visited Hawaii in 1826 and 1827, apparently made no reference to the insect fauna, though his remarks (14, Vol. II, pp. 100 and 112) on the first export of a cargo of sugar to California are of interest, considering the prominence which the sugar industry has now attained. In the Reminiscences of Rev. Sereno Edward Bishop I found two inter- esting references. Describing the customs of the chief, Bishop says: (16, p. 30) : Objects much in evidence among the natives, when visiting or at^ meetings as well as in their homes were their fans, and their fly brushes or kahilis. The fans were made from the ends of young coconut leaves. The broad end being elastic, threw the air far more efficiently than the stiff fans now commonly braided. Get an old-fashioned native fan for comfortable use. Small fly-brushes were used by all the people. They were about four feet long, the upper half of the stick having the tail feathers of fowls tied on. The kahilis of the chiefs were larger and more elaborate. The long handles were often beautifully encased with tubes and rings of human bone and whale-tooth, also turtle shell, all finely polished. A high-chief always had two or more attendants armed with such fly-brushes. In discussing (p. 37) the destruction of the trees of the islands, Bishop remarks ; About i860, a minute insect called "red spider" came to infest the under-side of the leaves to such an extent as in the course of a year to destroy every kou tree, not only in Lahaina, but throughout the group. The timber of the dead trees was cut and used for furniture, much being sent to Germany. The chiefs great cala- bash bowls of kou are now rare and choice. Young trees of the species exist here and there. The trees have always succumbed to the insect pest before attaining any considerable size. "Moolele Hawaii," written about 1832 by David Malo, a native, has interesting references (17, p. 65). Malo says: The following are the flying things (birds, manu) that are not eatable : The o~peapea or bat, the pinao or dragon-fly, the okai, (a butterfly), the lepe-lepe-ahina (a moth or butterfly), the pu-lele hua (a butterfly), the nalo, or common house-fly, 8 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin the nalopaka or wasp. None of these creatures are fit to be eaten. The uhini or grasshopper, however, is used as food. The following are wild creeping things; the mouse or rat, (iole), the makaula (a species of dark lizard), the elelu, or cockroach, the poki-poki (sow-bug), the koe (earthworm), the lo (a species of long black bug with sharp claws) the aha or ear-wig, the puna-wele-wele or spider, the lalana (a species of spider), the nuhe or caterpillar, the poko (a species of worm or caterpillar), the nao-nao or ant, the WW (a brown-black bug or beetle that bores into wood), the kua-paa (a worm that eats vegetables), the uku-poo or head-louse, the uku-kapa or body louse. Wihence comes these little creatures? From the soil no doubt, but who knows? Speaking of the animals imported from foreign lands during the time of Kamehameha I and as late as the time of Kamehameha III, Malo (17, p. 66), after enumerating those valuable for food continues: There are also some flying things that are not good for food: such as' the mosquito (makika), the small roach (elelu liilii), the large flat cockroach (elelu- papa), the flea (ukulele, jumping louse). The following are things that crawl: the rabbit, or iole-lapaki, which makes excellent food, the rat or iole- nui, the mouse or iole-liilii, the centipede (kanapi) the moo-niho-awa (probably the scorpion for there are no serpents in Hawaii). These things are late importations; the number of such things will doubtless increase in the future. This prophecy has been abundantly fulfilled, for even now with our efficient quarantine, new organisms frequently gain entrance. F. D. Bennet, an English naturalist, who came to the Pacific primarily to investigate the anatomy and habits of the whales of the Southern Pacific and to collect natural history material, discusses the insect fauna of Hawaii (24, p. 252) as follows: Insects are not more numerous here than at the Society Islands; they present, also, nearly the same genera, and are equally remarkable for the apparent addition of many exotic kinds to those few which were found on the soil by our navigators when this archipelago was first discovered. Together with some smaller butter- flies, we find at Oahu a Venessa, closely resembling the V. atalanta of Europe; as well as a second species, differing in no appreciable respect from V. cardui; and as the habitat of the latter insect is the thistle in the northern parts of the globe, so here the analogous species resorts to the prickly foliage of the Argemone Mexi- cana. A hawk-moth, (Sphinx pungens) similar to that inhabiting the Society Islands, is very common on the pastures in the vicinity of the coast. Its larva is large, of a green colour with longitudinal and oblique lilac bands on the sides, and has the characteristic horn on the back. The habits of the perfect insect are similar to those of the humming bird, hawk-moth, Sphinx macroglossum. It flies by day, and appears to seek the warmth and brightness of the noontide sun ; and flitting from flower to flower, on which it seldom alights, it drains the nectar from the blossoms with its proboscis as it floats in the air with a rapid, vibratory motion of the wings. On one occasion, when I was endeavouring to capture this coqueting insect, a native came to my assistance and undertook the task in his own way : gathering two of the elegant blue convolvulus flowers around which the moth had been fluttering, and holding one in each hand in an inviting position, he cautiously approached or followed the insect to tempt it within his reach. The active but stealthy movements of the young and scantily-clad islander, as he pursued his shy game over the plains; the seducing attitudes he assumed, and the insinuating man- ner in which he presented the flowers to the moth when opportunities offered, afforded a very ludicrous scene. Although the exertions of my entomological friend were at this time fruitless, I have often seen the plan he adopted successfully employed by other natives ; the hawk-moth, approaching the proffered blossoms, protrudes its long proboscis, which is seized with the fingers and the creature secured. Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 9 The insects we noticed here, though not at any of the other Polynesian Islands we visited, were large tarantula spiders, {Lycosa Sp.) the millipede or wood-louse, (Oniscus asellus) and centipedes, eight or ten inches long, their colour brown- yellow, the sides and abdomen blue. The luminous centipede (Scolopendra elec- trica) is also found in the houses at Honoruru, emitting its characteristic phosphor- escent light, and leaving behind it a trail of luminous matter. In a footnote Bennet gives this additional information: Ships are, doubtless, the active, though involuntary agents in disseminating in- sects over remote regions of the globe. After we had been at sea for several weeks, or even months, it was not uncommon to find on board the Tuscan many kinds of land- insects in a living state, from the hardy beetle to the delicate and more ephem- eral butterfly, whose germs had probably been received on board together with sup- plies of fruit and vegetables. The statement quoted from Bennet is one of the earliest definite refer- ences that I have been able to find bearing upon the introduction of the cosmopolitan butterfly, Vanessa cardui Linn,, other than the unverified re- port of four specimens sent to the British Museum, two collected by Cap- tain Byron in 1825 and two by Captain Beechey in 1827. (See Bibliography Nos. 27 and 65.) Dr. Alonzo Chapin, a resident missionary, in writing on the diseases of the Hawaiian islands in 1838, remarks (22, p. 253) upon the absence of malaria as follows: Before going out to the Sandwich Islands, I spent several years in our southern states, much of the time in the low country of South Carolina; and was, during the hot seasons of the year, accustomed to recoil at every standing body of water, on account of the poisonous exhaltions which they there emit, endangering the lives of every individual exposed to their influence. On my ar- rival at the islands, I more than once made the inquiry, "why the numerous kalo (taro) ponds are not productive of sickness." Thousands of acres are entirely converted into ponds of standing water in which the natives cultivate their kalo, while their houses are built on the narrow spaces between. These are never dry, and are often so numerous as to exhaust entire rivers in keeping them filled. I could not at once reconcile my mind to the belief of their innoxious tendency, notwithstanding circumstances are such as to make the fact very obvious. Though the ponds are subject to the perpetual influence of a torrid sun, they cannot be- come putrid by reason of the continual supply of fresh water, and multitudes of fish live and thrive in them, such is their freshness and purity. The streams originate from springs and rain on the summits of the moun- tains, pour down their sides with great impetuosity and after a few meanderings are turned aside from their courses to irrigate the lands and replenish the ponds, or are discharged directly into the sea; and I know of no body of water emitting sufficient miasma to create sickness along its borders. I have occasionally met with stagnant ponds, which emit a foul and offensive odour, and could in no way satisfy myself of the reason for the exemption of the inhabitants along their borders from fevers, but by supposing the effluvia to be diluted and rendered inert by the continual currents of winds. Small marshes abound but are fed by springs, and the pure mountain streams, and are thus prevented becoming noxious. They speedily dry up during a few weeks, absence of rain ; and the rivers also disappear unless kept alive by fre- quent showers, and the small pools, which remain at such times and which abound after every rainy season, do not become sufficiently putrid to exhale a fever- generating miasm. lO Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin If any one variety of soil has a specific power to produce malaria it does not appear to exist at those islands. The upland soil is there formed of de- composed lava, the lowland plains along the sea are constituted of a mixture of alluvion washed from the mountains', and decomposed coral. Its immunity from noxious exhalations is the same, whether parched with drought, or merely moist, as when the evaporation is most abundant, after the rains. The habitations of the natives are for the most part considerably scattered, but are in a few instances crowded together in such numbers as to exhibit the dense appearance of our large towns and villages. There is, however, through- out, an entire exemption from those pestiferous exhalations which, so extensively, poison the atmosphere of populous places in hot climates. All animal and vege- table substances thrown away by the people, or cast up by the sea, are quickly devoured by the multitudes of starving dogs and swine, so that no detriment is experienced from their putrefaction. With so entire an exemption from the existence of miasmata, there is also an entire exemption from those affections induced by it. Malignant bilious fevers do not occur, and as I shall, hereafter, have occasion more particularly to state, derangements of the liver and biliary organs do not prevail, neither is the stomach and intestinal canal, and other organs of the abdominal viscera subject to the numerous and complicated affections so common in every miasmatic region. It should be borne in mind, however, that Chapin wrote before the re- lation of mosquitoes to malaria was known, and that probably these insects had not become generally distributed in Hawaii at that date. Jarves' notes {22,, p. 70) on the beginning of the silk industry in Ha- waii are also of interest: In 1836 Messrs. Ladd & Co. leased a portion of their land to Messrs. Peck and Titcomb, for the purpose of cultivating the mulberry and raising silk. The; have now upwards of forty thousand trees, which at nine months growth, are as thrifty and forward as those of several years, in New England. As yet they have been disappointed in obtaining the silk worm, but are daily expecting a supply of eggs from China. The following (23, p. 75) gives some indications of the proportions of the new industry: At Mouna Silika, the mulberry-plantation, 85,200 of the black mulberry (Morus multicaulis) have been planted, and the ground and slips prepared for many more. Many thousands of the white mulberry {Morus alba) have also been set out. The average age of 42,000 of the former is six months, and it is computed that they will afford thirty and a half tons of leaves, sufficient to feed 1,200,000 worms. The leaves of one tree of eight months growth, weighed three and a half pounds, and a leaf of three months growth measured seven inches in length. The trees that were plucked, leaved out again in six weeks so fully, that they could not be distinguished from those in the same row which were left unplucked. They are planted in hedge rows, ten feet apart, and two feet separate in the row. The silkworm of the white species, which produces the finest silk, has been received from China, but the proprietors do not intend to raise them in numbers until the plantation is thoroughly stocked with trees, and the neces- sary arrangements for buildings, machinery, reeling, etc., be made in the United States, which one of the proprietors, Mr. Peck, is upon the point of visiting, for that purpose. If the natives can be taught the art of reeling silk, this branch of industry will be of infinite benefit to them, as the raising of cocoons is attended with so little expense and trouble. Women and children are particularly adapted to it, as well as old and infirm persons. Thus it will afford occupation to man> who are incapacitated from entering into any laborious trade. The amount oi land in the plantation is between three and four hundred acres, undulating partly wooded, and well watered. Illingzvorth — Barly references to Hawaiian entomology ii These citations by James J. Jarves, who came here from Boston in search of health in 1837, are only a prelude to his later writing on Hawaii. In his history (25, p. ic) discussing the fauna, Jarves writes: Insects are few, though mostly of a destructive or troublesome character. A species of caterpillar at certain seasons destroys vegetation to a great extent, eating even the grass to its very roots. A slug deposits its eggs in the cotton blossoms, which, when ripe, are pierced through by the young insects, and the staple entirely destroyed. Large spiders are very numerous and mischievous weaving strong webs' upon shrubs and young trees, in such quantities as to check their growth, and even impede the passage through an orchard. A species of woodlouse fastens upon the limbs, entirely covering them, and which speedil) exhausts the juices; and their growth is for the time effectually checked. A black rust, firm, hard, and stiff, like strong paper, resembling soot in its appear- ance, attacks many varieties of trees and plants, covering the bark, and even the leaves, giving them the singular appearance of being clothed in mourning. This causes no permanent damage, and while it disfigures fruit, does not appear seri- ously to injure it. Rats damage the sugar-cane to a considerable extent, annually. Though the Hawaiian agriculturist escapes many of the evils incidental to other tropical climes, enough exist here to make his labours no sinecure. The noxious vermin, such as mosquitoes, fleas, cockroaches, scorpions, and centipedes, are a modern importation, and have extensively increased. The bite of the two latter causes no perrnanent injury, and is not more injurious than the sting of a com- mon wasp. They are very abundant about the seaports. No serpents, frogs, or toads, have as yet reached the islands. A small lizard is common. Later, in his Scenes and Scenery in the Hawaiian Islands, Jarves refers to the extensive silk industry and the many difBculties that beset it. (See 28, pp. 105-112 and 164-9.) The United States Exploring Expedition being principally a marine investigation, hardly touched upon the land fauna of Hawaii, yet I found two valuable references in the Races of Man by the naturalist, Charles Pickering. Discussing animals and plants of aboriginal introduction (26, p. 314) he says: There are, however, uninvited attendants on human migrations ; such as, a small species of rat, whose presence throughout Tropical Polynesia, seems nearly universal. On some of the more remote coral islets, the presence of this animal, proved to be the only remaining evidence of the visits of man. On the other hand, the house fly, which so abounds at certain coral islands, was uniformly absent from the uninhabited ones. Various other insects, have doubtless been transferred from island to island by human means. This, too, was probably the case with the lizards (Scincidae) ; for the agency of drift-wood, seems insufficient to account for their universal presence. In referring to animals and plants of European introduction, Pickering (26, p. 333) writes: We were informed at the Hawaiian Islands, that the centipede, was "intro- duced five years previously from Mazatlan." It has greatly multiplied at Hono- lulu ; and during our visit, it made its first appearance on Maui. The house scorpion, likewise abounds at Honolulu ; and its introduction was equally attributed to vessels from Mazatlan. The other Polynesian groups, re- main free from the above two pests. The natives of the Hawaiian Islands, attributed the introduction of the mos- quito to the same quarter; and we obtained evidence of the possibility of such an occurence, in the larva continuing on shipboard for many days after we left Honolulu. One or more native species of mosquito, were observed at the other Polynesian groups. 12 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin It will be noted that these observations coincide with those of all the earlier navigators, that flies were evidently a native introduction previous to the appearance of European ships. That the house fly, Musca domes tica Linn., will travel long distances by small boats is now a matter of common observation. Moreover, on this point there is the conclusive evidence by S, C. Ball (225), who recently investigated the migration of insects over sea, along the coast of Florida. Since the natives in their wanderings in the Pacific previous to the appearance of white men, evidently took along their hogs and dogs, to- gether with coconuts and other plants, it is only natural to conclude that flies also traveled from place to place with them. That flies very early made their appearance in the Hawaiian islands, is further indicated by the great development of the kahilis or fly flaps. Dr. Brigham amplifies this point in his comprehensive review of Hawaiian feather work (193, p. 14), in which he says: It is probable that a bunch of feathers used as a fly-flap was the primal form of feather work Flies (nalo) were here though not in such abundance as found by early explorers' on other islands of the Pacific; but even for this useful purpose the bunch of feathers was no doubt preceded by a bunch of leaves, and the prototype of the kahili seems to have been a stem of that most useful plant the ki (Cordyline terminalis Kunth). On many of the islands of the Pacific, a branch of ki was the symbol of peace and on the Hawaiian islands it shared in early times with a coconut leaf the representation of high rank .... Very early the hand plumes became symbols of rank and on all public oc- casions kahili bearers attended a chief, or while he ' ate or slept a kaakui brushed away with small ones all troublesome insects. In public they were tokens; in private fly-flaps. Indeed, it is hardly necessary to draw upon the imagination to under- stand the gradual development of the immense, symbolic kahilis with shafts of twenty feet or more in length, used at funerals of royalty; especially when it is known that small fly-flaps of similar construction have always been waved over the body at funerals in Hawaii to keep away these obnoxious insects. In describing the Hawaiian fauna in 1850, Henry T. Cheever (33, pp. 105-6) says: Not a noxious beast, reptile, or insect existed on the islands when first made known to Europeans. Now they have mosquitoes, fleas, centipedes, and scor- pions. The snake, toad, bee, and all stinging insects of the latter sort are still un- known. One would think the flea certainly indigenous, where now it is found so much at home both with man and beast; but the natives have an amusing- story of the first time they got ashore from a ship, through the trick of a sailor, which is better to be imagined than told. Whether that be true or not, the name by which they call the flea is pretty convincing evidence that it has not been known as long as some other things. It is called uku tele, or the jumping louse, the uku being an old s'ettler from time immemorial, and nothing else they knew so much like the imported flea. So they named the stranger the jumping uku: it is one of the first aboriginals Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 13 a traveler becomes acquainted with in going about among Hawaiians and sleep- ing in native houses, and it is the last he is so glad to bid good-by to when he comes away, though it is ten chances to one if they do not insist upon keeping him company and making themselves familiar half the voyage home. The Royal Hawaiian Agricultural Society organized in 1850 did splen- did work for several years. In the Transactions of this society I found a number of references to entomology. William Duncan (36) suggested good cultivation and clean culture for the eradication of insects and urged that land adjoining sugar plantations be either kept fallow or burned to keep away caterpillars. Dr. Wesley Newcomb also contributed to the Transactions (37) an interesting paper in which (p. 95) he states that Vanessa cardui was intro- duced presumably at the same time as Argemone mexicana (poppy or thistle) though he does not suggest the date. Among other insects, he mentions three species of Sphynx, one of them, S. pugnans, being common at Honolulu. Of the small moths he recognized seven species as enemies of agriculture and gives the larval characters of the principal cut- worms. The corn leaf-hopper, or corn-fly, he records as a serious pest at that time. He mentions also the red spider as destructive to the leaves of many plants and a microscopic white fly (from his description difficult to determine) destructive to the leaves of melons. Mention, too, is made of a small caterpillar that bores into the stalks of tobacco — undoubtedly the tobacco split worm, Phthorimaea operculella Z. a rather serious pest in more recent years. The description of a wormlike borer of the sweet potato suggests the larva of our common pest, the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius Fab. Newcomb states that he was not able to detect any true aphids, but he recognizes that the numerous ants filling the soil play an important part in the destruction of the larvae of pestiferious moths and of other insects. At meetings of the Society in 1851, the introduction of the common honey bee was considered, and the next year it was reported (38) that three hives were coming from New Zealand by the first vessel direct to Honolulu. I could find no statement indicating that these ever arrived, but the record (42) shows that two years later an attempt to import two hives of bees from Boston proved unsuccessful because of the ravages of the bee moth on the way. In 1855, a report was presented to the Society upon the economic relation of insects to crops with suggestions for the importation of natural enemies of these from abroad (45). The report states that though wasps are abundant, bees have not yet been success- fully introduced. At a meeting in 1856 a very valuable paper was presented by the well- known botanist, Dr. William Hillebrand (46). This paper written by Valdemar Knudsen, deals primarily with the control of cutworms which 14 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin were evidently very numerous at that time. Descriptions (46, p. 96) are given of five kinds as follows : 1st. Brown, with a white stripe on the back and white belly. It grows to the largest size, fully 2]^ inches long and one-quarter inch thick. It is very vora- cious, and a single worm will strip a large plant, leaving nothing but the ribs. 2nd. Gray, with a brown back of a bright, shining appearance ; it does not grow as large as No. i. It is the regular cutworm that seems to enjoy nothing but the juice of the stems, which it will often cut off when quite large and hard. 3d. It is destructive as the former, and also like it in color and size, only not bright or shining on its back. 4th. Is bluish-gray, with head and tail white — rather rare. 5th. Mud-colored; is the one that appears every year, and seems able to do with less wet soil. It is not quite as voracious, nor does it attain the size of the former ones, but still is very destructive. It is interesting to note that the cutworms were excessively abundant on land that had been flooded for a few days. This observation agrees with my experiences in North Queensland. The only explanation that I am able to suggest is that flooding in some way interferes with the natural enemies of these pests. A great impulse was given to the investigation of the Pacific fauna by the coming of the Swedish Frigate ''Eugenie" with a staff of trained in- vestigators. These scientists arrived in Hawaii in August, 1852 and though their stay in the islands was short, they evidently improved the opportunity, for among the insects collected were about twenty new species, belonging to several orders. Unfortunately no record was made of their catches except of the new species. These records were worked up several years later — the Coleoptera by C. H. Boheman, the Orthoptera and Hemiptera by Carl Stal, the Lepidoptera by D. J. Wallengren, the Hymenoptera by A. E. Holmgren, and the Diptera by C. G. Thomson (49). The coming of the energetic student, Rev. Thomas Blackburn, in 1877 marked a new epoch in the history of systematic entomology in Hawaii. Though his special hobby was Coleoptera, Blackburn collected all orders of insects and published papers on most of them (67). The extent of his scientific work during the six years of his stay is marvelous especially considering that it was all done at odd moments whenever his strenuous duties to the Church would permit. Indeed, so abundant were his catches that he kept almost a dozen specialists (principally in the British Museum) busy describing his material, in addition to all the descriptions that he himself prepared for the press. A glance at the bibliography (pp. ) will give a suggestion of the extent of these labors. The following specialists assisted him in publishing his material: Bormans (105) handled the Or- thoptera; McLachlan (no, in, 138) helped with the Neuroptera includ- ing the Odonata; White (71, 81, 88, 100) did part of the Hemiptera; Butler (74, 90, 96, 106, 108), Meyrick (112, 122, 131) and Tuely (79, 80) all worked on the Lepidoptera; Sharp (75, 76, 77, 78, 85, 93, 99, 119, Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 15 120, 124) and Waterhouse (87), part of the Coleoptera; while Smith (86) and Cameron (97, 109, 125, 127) helped with the Hymenoptera. In 1882 J. E. ChamberUn pubUshed an interesting paper deaUng with the devastating hordes of cutworms, or army worms, on Oahu (104). The outbreak of this pest is said to have extended from the sandy beach to the mountains. The land over which the worms had fed appeared bare, as if scorched; cattle starved to death. Blackburn identified the species as Prodenia ingloria Walker, a cutworm known in Australia; yet all evidence goes to show that this pest was an old resident in Hawaii. I was particularly interested in the following statement by ChamberUn: "Whenever a tract is burned, a great flight of moths appeared immediately ; and an army of worms shortly followed, entirely destroying the tender grass." This was exactly my experience with a similar species in North Queensland. Whenever an accidental fire ran through the growing cane, a scurge of cutworms soon followed to wipe out the crop just as it was beginning to recover from the burn. The only explanation that I was able to offer was that those abnormal conditions in some way upset the natural controlling factors so that the development of the pest, for a time, was not hindered by them. The investigations of the Challenger Expedition were primarily marine. Small attention apparently was given to land fauna and few references to insects appear in the published works. Kirby, in describing the Hy- menoptera collected, mentioned only three from Hawaii. (This is the only reference that I have been able to find.) But among the pelagic insects belonging to the genus Halobates, monographed by White (114), are several species found in Hawaiian waters. These were described and figured in colored plates, making their determination easy. As a young graduate just out of the University of Oxford, the inde- fatiguable worker, R. C. L. Perkins, came to the islands in 1892 (?). The results of his work of more than twenty years stand as a monument to the hardships that he endured and the efforts that he put forth. During these years numerous papers were published, but the general results from the study of the tremendous amount of material he collected appear in the three large volumes of the Fauna Hawaiiensis. Of this work the follow- ing parts were published previous to the year 1900': Macrolepidoptera by E. Meyrick ; Hymenoptera Aculeata by R. C. L. Perkins ; Formcidae by August Forel; Orthoptera, Neuroptera and Coleoptera Rhynchophora, Proterhinidae, Heteromera and Ciodae by R. C. L. Perkins ; and the Coleoptera Phytophaga by David Sharp. Since the Fauna Hawaiiensis is available in the principal libraries, I have not taken space to list the numerous species described. 1 6 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin IMPORTANT IMMIGRANT INSECTS Among the instroductions by European commerce was the night mos- quito (Culex quinquetasciatus Say), a pest of first importance especially as a carrier of disease. Though it has been generally understood that these insects came to us from the coast of Mexico, it is interesting to read the following account by Osten Sacken (ii8) : About 1828-30 an old ship from Mazatlan, Mexico, was abandoned on the coast of one of the Sandwich Islands. Larvae of Culex were probably imported in the water-tanks upon it. The natives soon became aware of the appearance round the spot of a — ^to them unknown — blood sucking insect; it so far excited their curiosity that they used to congregate in the evening in order to enjoy the novelty. Since then the species spread in different localities, and in some cases became a nuisance. This was related to me by Mr. T. R. Peale, the well known American ento- mologist and artist, who visited the Sandwich Islands a few years later with the United States Exploring Expedition under command of Captain C. Wilkes (1838-40). A distinguished American, who spent many years' on the islands and whose acquaintance I made in Washington, confirmed the story to me, and told me that he remembered positively that there were no mosquitoes on the islands about 1823. This version is at any rate more probable than another which I read in the German periodical, "Die Natur," that gnats were intentionally imported into those islands by a mischiveous sea-captain, in vengeance against the inhabitants. Another pest of importance in Hawaii is the sugar-cane borer, Rhaib- docnemis obscurus Boisd., which was evidently introduced from some of the Pacific islands; Boisduval (20) in 1835 described the species from New Ireland and Fairmaire (32) later recorded it from Tahiti. This borer began to make inroads upon the sugar industry of Hawaii apparently during the early eighties (107, 113), rapidly spreading until brought under control by the introduced tachinid parasite (Ceromasia sphenophori VilL). The species was recorded by Blackburn and Sharp (120) with a few brief systematic notes. The first careful study of the life history and economic relations was that by C. V. Riley (132), the specimens being sent to this celebrated entomologist at the request of his Majesty, King Kalakaua. Another cosmopolitan insect found in Hawaii during recent years, though of little economic importance compared with the cane borer, is the milkweed butterfly, Danaida archippus Fab. This insect was not mentioned by any of the early voyagers and in fact the first reference to its presence in the islands is from Blackburn's material in 1878 (74). The geographi- cal distribution of this species was reviewed in 1886 by Walker (126), who stated that these butterflies were abundant and well established in Hawaii at that date. In the early nineties exotic scale insects began to command attention (134) and during the following decade fully fifty species had been re- nUngworth — Early references to Hawmian entomology 17 corded in Hawaii. I eery a purchasi Mask, is thought to have made its appearance in the islands during the spring of 1889. By 1890 it had be- come widely distributed in the gardens of Honolulu. During the follow- ing year, C. V. Riley (137) reported that it had been successfully con- trolled by the Vedalia beetle introduced from California. Nevertheless, other coccids began to make themselves felt, even attacking the coffee, which was so seriously affected that Mr. Albert Koebele, who had been so successful with the California State Board of Horticulture, was engaged in 1893 by the Hawaiian Government to search Australia : for its natural enemies (143, 145). His work proved eminently successful and by 1895 there was a marked decrease in many of the scale insects owing to the natural enemies introduced (154). Chief among these friendly insects were lady bird beetles (Coccinelhdae), fully three dozen species being in the list (153). As new scales continued to make their appearance in the islands, coming in on frequent plant and fruit importations, Koebele's valu- able services were retained. By 1897 he had brought in fully 200 species of ladybird beetles besides many other natural enemies of various harmful insects (175). The numerous scale insects were fairly well under control and Koebele began to turn his attention more seriously to other pests. In 1899 Koebele (202) wrote: About the middle of April my attention was' called to a troublesome fly upon cattle and on the 26th of the same month, the first specimens were brought to me . . . and during the summer it spread over all the islands. This pest later proved to be the European horn-fly, Haematobia irritans Linn, which had reached the mainland of the United States about ten years earlier. Koebele further relates: "The first flies were noticed on the island of Oahu during February 1898, by Mr. J. P. Mendonca of the Kaneohe ranch." During 1900, pests of various crops were studied and the introduction of natural enemies was continued (215). It was at this time that a tineid larva of cotton balls was first reported, which eventually was found to be the pink boll-worm, Geleckia gossypiella Sndrs. The Japanese Beetle {Adoretus sinicus Burm.) is reported to have come into the islands about 1891, probably in soil from Japan (142). Four years later it had already become such a pest that serious consideration was given to the introduction of such natural enemies as moles, bats, and toads (153). In 1897, 600 bats were introduced from CaUfornia but apparently they never became established (175). Better results were secured by the introduction of toads from California and frogs from Japan. These re- produced freely in the streams here. But the spread of the beetle was rapid and by 1897 it was also reported from Maui and Kauai. Koebele i8 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin introduced a fungus that proved destructive to the beetle under wet sur- roundings (175), but unfortunately it appeared immune to this disease in the drier portions of the islands. During 1900 the Japanese beetles were reported (215) from the island of Hawaii, thus extending their range throughout the group, injuring the foliage of a large variety of cultivated trees and other plants. It is reported that previous to 1898, all forms of melons, cucumbers and squashes could be grown in Hawaii with comparative ease. About this time a new pest that has come to be known as the melon fly (Dacus cucur- bitae Coq.) began to make itself felt. Mr. Byron O. Clark who was the first to observe the flies said that they made their appearance during the summer of 1897 3-nd that by 1898 and 1899 the melon industry was prac- tically destroyed. The first published reference to the subject is in the form of correspondence printed in a weekly newspaper in Honolulu. The original is now almost unobtainable and so it is fortunate that the complete account has been reproduced in at least two scientific papers dealing with this serious pest. (See 184.) DEVKI.OPMENT OF QUARANTINE SYSTEM The entrance of so many noxious pests naturally stimulated a desire to shut out further introductions of these undesirable immigrants. During the reign of King Kalakua we find the beginning of this system in an Act dated July 16, 1890, relating to the suppression of plant diseases, blights, and insect pests (134). Again, in 1892, similar regulations were adopted in an Act to establish a Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry (139). No one recognized the need of such regulations better than Professor A. Koebele who had devoted many years to a study of these organisms in various parts of the world. As official entomologist of the Hawaiian islands, in a letter (191) to Dr. Maxwell, who was special agent of the United States here at the time, he said, Strict attention should be paid towards guarding against the introduction of melolontids, elaterid beetles, etc., destructive to living roots of plants, as well as to any fungoid diseases destructive to vegetation that are liable to reach the islands with soil or plants imported. From these beginnings has grown up the efficient quarantine system that we find in the islands today. Illingworth — Barly references to Hawaiian entomology 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY The following list is arranged chronologically and the names of authors are in alphabetical order under each year. For the convenience of workers resident in Hawaii the Honolulu libraries in which the publications' cited may be found are indicated by the following abbreviations : AF, Board of Agriculture and Forestry ; BM, Bishop Museum; DPI, Division of Plant Inspection, Board of Agriculture and Forestry; HS, Historical Society; HSPA, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Experiment Station; PL/, Library of Hawaii; UH, University of Hawaii; US, Hawaii Agricul- tural Experiment Station, References to publications indicated by an asterisk {'^^) have not been verified. 1. Ellis, W(illiam), An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook and Captain Gierke; ... in search of a northwest passage between the continents of Asia and America, Including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the un- fortunate death of Captain Cook .... 2 vols., London, 1782. (BM) 2. Cook, Jami^s, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the North- ern Hemisphere. Performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's ships "Resolution" and "Discovery''; in the years 1776, 1777, ^77^i ^779y and 1780. 3 vols. ; vols. I and 2 written by Captain James Cook, F.R.S., vol. 3 by Captain James King, LL.D. and F.R.S. ; 2d ed., Lon- don, 1785. (BM) 3. Dixon, G]^org]e:, A voyage round the world but more particularly to to the northwest coast of America, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the "King George" and "Queen Charlotte," Captains Portlock and Dixon .... London, 1789. (BM) The expedition visited Hawaii in 1786. 4. Portlock, Nathan, A voyage round the world but more particular- ly to the northwest coast of America, performed in 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788, in the "King George" and "Queen Charlotte," Captains Portlock and Dixon .... London, 1789. (BM) The members of the expedition were in Hawaii from May 26 to June 13, 1786. 5. *Fabricius, J. C, Entomologica systematica .... Hafniae (Copenhagen). 4 vols., 1792-4. References to Hawaiian species' in vol. 2, p. 269 (Odynerus radula Fab.), and in vol. 3, p. 463. 6. Vancouver, George^ A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world; . . . performed in the years 179a, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795, in the "Discovery," sloop of war, and armed tender "Chatham.'^ ... 3 vols. London, 1798. (BM) Vancouver arrived in Hawaii March 2, 1792. 7. KoTZEBUE, Otto von, A voyage of discovery into the South Sea and Beering's Straits, for the purpose of exploring a northeast passage, undertaken in the years 1815-1818, ... in the 20 Bernice P. Bishop Museum—Bulletin ship "Rurick'' .... translated edition by H. E. Lloyd. 3 vols., London, 182 1. (BM) Original, published in German at Weimar, 182 1, contains colored plates of butterflies described by Eschscholtz. English translation by H. E. Eloyd. 3 vols. London, 1821. (BM) The expedition arrived in Hawaii November 22, 1816. 8. ^'Eschscholtz, Johann Friedrich, Entomographien, i Lieferung, 128, iii p., II col. pL, 231/2 cm., Berlin, G. Reimer, 1822. The Hawaiian species described are: Hydrophilus semiclindricus (p. 42), and Blata punctata (p. ^6), which is a synonym of Pycnoscelus surinamensis (lyinn.). 9. Mathison, G. F., Narrative of a visit to Brazil, Chile, Peru, and the Sandwich Islands, during the years 1821 and 1822. . . . London, 1825. (BM) Mathison arrived in Hawaii June 24, 1822. 10. Byron, Lord, Voyage of H.M.S. "Blonde" to the Sandwich Islands, in the years 1824-5. London, 1826, (BM) 11. Stewart, C. S., Journal of a residence in the Sandwich Islands, dur- ing the years 1823, 1824, and 1825, .... London, 1828. (BM) 12. Eschscholtz, Frie:drich, Zoologischer Atlas. Kotzebue's second voyage, 1823-6, Berlin, 1829. (HS) No Hawaiian insects appear to be discussed, but beetles and other ani- mal forms from other Pacific islands are described and illustrated by colored plates. 13. KoTZKBUE, Otto von, A new voyage round the world, in the years 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826. 2 vols., London, 1830. (BM) 14. Beechi^y, Captain F. W., Narrative of a voyage to the Pacific . . . 1825-8. 2 vols. London, 183 1. (BM) The first export of sugar to California discussed (vol. 2, pp. 100 and 112) ; no Hawaiian insects mentioned. 15. Montgomery, James, Journal of voyages and travels by the Rev. Daniel Tyerman and George Bennet, Esq. . . . London Missionary Society, ... in the South Sea islands, China, India, etc., between the years 1821 and 1829. ... 2 vols. London, 1831. (BM) Tyerman and Bennet reached Hawaii in April, 1822. 16. Bishop, SerEno E., Reminiscences of old Hawaii. Originally pub- lished in the Friend (BM) and in the Honolulu Advertiser 1901-1902. Reprinted in book form, Honolulu, 1916. (BM) The Reminiscences' relate chiefly to the period 1830-1860. 17. Malo, David, Hawaiian antiquities, (Moolelo Hawaii), translated from the original Hawaiian by Dr. N. B, Emerson : B. P. Bish- op Mus. Special Publ. 2, Honolulu, 1903. (BM) Most of Moolelo Hawaii was written 1835-36. Parts of it were printed in 1838, 1839, and 1858. Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 2T i8. Burme:ister, Hermann, Rhyngota seu Hemiptera. Beitrage zur Zoologie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, von Dr. F. J. F. Meyen, pp. 285-306. Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop., Breslau und Bonn, 1834. (BM) Burmeister describes Asopus griseus Burm. (p. 293). 19. Erickson, H. W., Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. Beitrage zur Zoolo- gie gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde, von Dr. F. J. F. Meyen, pp. 219-284. Nova Acta Acad. Caes, Leop. . . . Breslau und Bonn, 1834. (BM) Erickson describes Anchomenus corruscus Hrichs. (p. 223). 20. BoiSDUVAL, J. A., Voyage de TAstrolabe, pendant les annees 1826-29, faune entomologique de Tocean Pacifique, Coleopteres, Paris, 1835, (BM) (AF) Colymbetes pacificus Esch. and Colymbetes parvulus Esch. (p. 50) are described. 21. '^'DiljEAN, P. F. M. A., Catalogue des coleopteres de la collection de M. le Compte Dejean. . . , 3d ed., p. 503, Paris, 1837. References to Hawaiian species are Colymbetes pacificus Esch. p. 55, and C. parvulus Esch., p. 56. 22. Chapin, Alonzo (M.D.), Remarks on the Sandwich Islands; their situation, climate, diseases. . .: Hawaiian Spectator, vol. i, No. 3, pp. 248-267, Honolulu, 1838. (BM) (HS) 23. JarvES, J. J., Sketches of Kauai: Hawaiian Spectator, vol. i, No. i, pp. 66-86, Honolulu, 1838. (BM) (HS) 24. Be:nnKT, F. D., Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe from the years 1833 to 1836, London, 1840. (BM) Bennet arrived in Hawaii April 16, 1834. 25. Jarv:Es, Jam^s J., History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. . . , Boston, 1843. (BM) 26. Pickering, Charles, The races of men and their geographical distribution: U. S. Exploring expedition . . . IX, Phil- adelphia, 1848. (BM) (HS) This expedition made a brief call at Hawaii in September, 1840. 27. ^DouBLEDAY, Edward, First list of British Museum butterflies, London, i844(?) Describes four specimens of Vanessa cardui (p. 79) from Hawaii, two brought by Captain Byron in 1825 and two by Captain Beechey in 1827, 28. JarvEs, James J., Scenes and Scenery in the Sandwich Islands . . . Boston, 1844. (BM) Describes the attempt to establish a silk industry at Koloa in 1837- 1841, rendered unsuccessful by the ravages of aphid, or wood louse, which destroyed the mulberry trees and consequently starved the silk worms (pp. 105-111). The "silk plantation" at Hanalei is also discussed (pp. 164-169). 22. Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 29. MoTsCHULSKY^ ViCTOR Di^, Observations sur le Musee Entomologique de Tuniversite imperiale de Moscou: Soc. Imper. Nat. Moscou Bull, vol. 18, pp. 332-388, pis. 5-7, 1845. (AF) This paper discusses the beetles collected by Eschscholtz during his two voyages around the world, Plagithmysus n. g. for Stenopterus pulver- ulentus Esch. (pp. 369-70), PI. 6, 5 figs. In error described from California. 30. MoTscHULSKY, VicTOR D^, Remarques sur la collection de coleop- teres russes da Victor Motschulsky : Soc. Imper. Nat. Moscou Bull, vol 28, pp. 1-85, pis. 1-3, 1845. (AF) Stenopterus pulverulentus Esch. is erroneously recorded from Cali- fornia, p. 250. 31. *Double:day, Edward, The genera of diurnal Lepidoptera, compris- ing their generic characters, a notice of their habits and trans- formations, and a catalog of the species of each genus. 2 vols., 86 pis. (85 col), London, 1846. Reference to Vanessa cardui from Hawaii is found on page 205. 32. Fairmairp:, M. Le:on, Essai des Coleopteres de la Polynesie: Rev. et Mag. de ZooL, June, 1849. (HSPA) (AF) (US) Hydrohius semicylindricus Esch. was collected in a taro plantation on Oahu (p. 30 of sep. zm 434 of original). Heterophaga mauritanica Fabr. is recorded (p. 42); also Calandra obscura Boisd. from Tahiti (p. 70). This species of Calandra, originally described from New Ireland, is the well- known cane-borer in Hawaii; now placed in the genus Rhabdocnemis. 33. Che:e:ve:r, Henry T., The island world of the Pacific, New York, 1851. (BM) 34. ^'FairmairK, M. L., Rev. et Mag. de Zool, p. 51, 1850. 35. Dallas, W. S., List of specimens of Hemiptera in the British Museum, pt. i, London, 1851 ; pt. 2, 1852. (AF) The species Bysarcoris insularis, pt. 1, p. 228 and Rhy par ochr omits nigriceps, pt. 2, p. 577, are described. 36. Duncan, William, On the prevention and eradication of worms: Roy. Haw. Agric. Soc. Trans., vol. i. No. 3, pp. 71-86, Hono- lulu, 1852. (BM) This paper, excellent for that period, deals only with the economic phas'es of the subject. 37. Ne:wcomb, WkslEy (M. D.), Report of the committee on worms and other injurious vermin: Roy. Haw. Agric. Soc. Trans., vol. I, No. 3, pp. 94~97, Honolulu, 1852. (BM) This is a valuable paper dealing rather specifically with the insect pests of agriculture. 38. Thierry, Baron de. Report on bees: Roy. Haw. Agric. Soc. Trans., vol. I, No. 3, p. X16, Honolulu, 1852. (BM) Records the first attempt to introduce bees direct from New Zealand. 39- IlUngworth — Early references to Hawaiiam entomology 23 "^Walkj^r, F. a., Catalog of the specimens of neuropterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, London, 1852. Myrmelon perjitriis n. sp., p. 340; M. violentus n. sp., p. 348, are described. 40. MoTscHULSKY, ViCTOR DE, Etudcs entomologiques, 1852: Soc. Lit, Finnoise, 1853. (AF) Under synonymies (p. 76), the author states: ''Plagithmysus pulveru- lentus Esch. decrit et figure dans le meme ouvrage, appartient au genre Oene- mona Newman." 41. Smith, Frederick, Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the col- lection of the British Museum, London, 1853. (HSPA) Prosopis anthracina n.sp. and P. flavipes n.sp., from the Hawaiian islands, are described (pt. i, p. 23). 42. Chamberlain, Warren, Report of the committee on the honey bee : Roy. Haw. Agric. Soc. Trans., vol. 2, No. i, pp. 53-57, also letter from C. R. Bishop, pp. 57-60, Honolulu, 1854. (BM) This paper discusses the difficulties encountered in an attempt to in- troduce honey bees. 43. SiGNORET, DocTEUR V., Revue iconographique des Tettigonides : Soc. Ent. France Ann., p. 15, pi. i (colored), fig. 15, 1854. (HSPA) Describes Tettigonia varicolor n.sp., Honolulu, coll. Boheman et Sig- noret. 44. *Stal, Carl, Nya Hemiptera: Ofv. af K. Vet,-Ak. Forh., vol. 9, 1854. Includes a reference to Delphax pulchra Stal. 45. Marsh, J. W., Report on birds, bees, insects, and worms: Roy. Agric. Soc. Trans., vol, 2, No. 2, pp. 47-50^. Honolulu, 1855, (BM) This is a purely economic paper dealing with pests and suggesting the introduction of natural enemies, various' sorts being enumerated. 46. KnudsEn, ValdEmar, Report on worms: Roy. Haw. Agric. Sec, Trans., vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 94-97, Honolulu, 1856. (BM) Contains interesting suggestions for the control of cutworms by pro- tecting natural enemies and importing others, such as the black ant of North America. 47. Smith, Frederick, Catalogue of hymenoterous insects in the col- lections of the British Museum, London, 1856. (HSPA) Crabro unicolor (pt. 4, p. 421), C. distinctus (p. 422), and Mimesa antennata (p. 431), described from the "Sandwich Islands." 48. BoHEMAN, C. H., Coleoptera: Voyage de "rEugenie," Insecta, pp. 1-112, pi. I, Stockholm, 1858. (BM) The following species' are described from Honolulu : Calleida insularis, p. 4, also found in Tahiti; Calleida amoenula, p. 4; Lebia insularis, p. 6, also found in Tahiti; Selenophorus msularis, p. 10; Selenophorus picinus, p. 11; Trechus fasciatus, p. 17; Canthon balteatus, p. 41; Onthophagus muticus, p. 48; Ammophorus insularis, p. 89. 24 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 49. Virgin, C. A., Voyage autour du monde sur la fregate Suedoise "rEugenie/* .... 1851-53, sous le commandement de C. A. Virgin. . . . Zoologie I. Insecta, 617 pp., 9 Pis. Stockholm, 1858-68. The following groups of insects are discussed: Coleoptera, by C. H. Boheman, pp. 1-218, 1858; Hemiptera, by C. Stal, pp. 219-298, 1859; Orth- optera, by C. Stal, pp. 299-350, i860; Lepidoptera, by H. D. J. Wallengren, pp. 351-390, 1861 ; Hymenoptera, by A. E. Holmgren, pp. 391-442, x868; Diptera, by C. G. Thomson, pp. 443-614, 1868. 50. BoHE^MAN, C. H., Coleoptera: Voyage de "I'Eugenie/' Insecta, pp. 113-218, PI. 2, Stockholm, 1859. (BM) The following genera and species described from Honolulu: Oodemas n. gen. (p. 138) created for Oodemas aenescens, p. 138; Rhyncolus longulus, p. 149; Rhyncolus gracilis, p. 150; Megascelis subtilis, p. 152; Luperus in- sularis, p. 182; Graptodera verticalis, also found in California and Tahiti, p. 187; Crepidodera puherula, also found in California and Tahiti, p. 196 J Hyperaspis annularis, also found in California, p. 205 ; Scymnus kinhergi, p. 209. 51. Stal, C(arl), Hempitera: Voyage de 'TEugenie," Insecta, pp. 219-298, pis. 3 and 4, Stockholm, 1859. (BM) The following species described from Honolulu: Arma patruelis, p. 220 ; Arma paciUca, p. 221 ; Nysius coenosulus, p. 243 ; Capsus pellucidus, p. 255; Delphax pulchra, p. 275; Bythoscopus viduus, p. 291. 52. Stal, C(arl), Orthoptera: Voyage de "rEttgenie," Insecta, pp. 299- 350, PL 5, Stockholm, i860. (BM) Gomphocerus (Hyalopteryx) plehejus is described from Honolulu, p. 339. 53. Osten-SackEn, Baron, Einfuhrung von Mucken (Culex) auf den Sandwich-Inseln : Stett. Ent. Zeit., vol. 22, pp. 51, 52, 1861. (HSPA) Describes the introduction of mosquitoes (Culex), about 1828-30, in an old ship from Mazatlan, Mexico. 54. Walle^ngri^n, H. D. J., Lepidoptera, Voyage de "rEngenie,'' In- secta, pp. 351-390, pis. 6 and 7, Stockholm, 1861. (BM) The following species are described from Honolulu: Colias ponfeni, p. 351; Heliothis inflata, p. 376; Salbia continuatalis, p. 381. 55. '^Hage^n, H, a., Notizen beim Studium von Brauers Novara-Neu- ropteren: Verb. Zool. hot. Ges. Wien., vol. 17, p. 34, 1867. From Oahu are recorded: Anax strenuus n.sp. and Anax Junius n.sp. Specimens of 3 Junius in Berlin Museum are labeled A. ocellatus, A. severus, and Alschua prasina. 56. Holmgren, A. E., Hymenoptera, Voyage de "I'Eugenie," Insecta, pp. 391-442, pi. 8, Stockholm, 1868. (BM) The following species are described from Honolulu : Bchthromorpha maculipennis, p. 406, and Rhygchium nigripenne, p. 441. 57. ScuDDEiR, S. H., A century of Orthoptera, Decade i, Gryllides: Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc, vol. 12, pp. 139-143, Boston, 1868. (BM) TrigonidiuW: pacificum is described from the Hawaiian Islands, p. 139. 59 IlUngworth — Barly references to Hawaiian entomology 25 58. Thomson, C. G., Diptera. Voyage de "rEugenie/' Insecta, pp. 443-614, pi. 9, Stockholm, 1868. (BM) The following species are described from Honolulu: Sarcophaga bar- bata, p. 533; Sarcophaga dux, p. 534; Sacrophaga pallinervis, p. 535; Cata- picephala limbipennis, p. 541; Musca flavinervis, var.? p. 547; Ltspe meta- tarsalis, p. 562; Try p eta crassipes, p. 583- ^^Stal, Carl, Ennumeratio Hemipterorum I : K. Svenska Vet.-Ak. Handl., vol. 9, pp. 1-121, 1870. Dysdercus peruvianus Guer. is recorded from Hawaii. 60. Wati:rhouse^, C. O., On a new genus and species of Coleoptera be- longing to the , family Lucanidae, from the Sandwich Islands : Ent. Soc. London Trans., p. 315, 1871. Mr. Harper Pease sent two specimens of a new beetle from Honolulu, for which Waterhouse created the genus Apterocyclus, naming the new species A. honoluluensis. These specimens were from the mountains of KauaL 61. Butle:r, a. G., List of the diurnal Lepidoptera of the South-Sea Islands: Zool. Soc. London Proc, pp. 274-291, pi. 44 (col- ored). May 5, 1874. (BM) The following species from the Hawaiian islands are included: Pyra- meis tammeamea Eschscholtz, p. 284; Colais ponteni Wallengren, p. 287; Papilio sarpedon Linnaeus, recorded from the Hawaiian islands by Beechey, p. 290. No mention is made of Vanessa cardui Linn, which was undoubt- edly in the islands. (See 24, 27 and 37-) 62. McLachlan, RoBiiRT, Note on some Odonata (dragon-flies) from the Hawaiian Islands . . . Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 11, p. 92, 1874. (A) (HSPA) Anax Junius Drury, Pantala flavescens Fab., and Tremea lacerata Hagen are noted as abundant, and said to prey on the produce of what the Hawaiians call the army worm, a species of Hadena, which occurs in multitudes. 63. *Stal, Carl, Ennumeratio Hemipterorum, IV: Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl., vol. 12, pp. 121 and 152, 1874. Includes notes on Nysius caenosulus and Pamera nigriceps from Hawaii. 64. Thrum, Thomas, Notes on the history of coffee culture in Hawai- ian Islands: Haw. Ann. for 1876, pp. 46-52, 1875. (BM) Refers to the coffee blight with a discussion of control measures, p. 49. 65. Scudde:r, S. H., a cosmopolitan butterfly, its birthplace and natural history: Amer, Nat., July, 1876. (AF) Refers to the single citation of Vanessa cardui Linn, from the Hawaiian islands, . which appeared in the first list of the British Museum Butterflies', where (p. 79) Mr. Doubleday credits four specimens to those islands, two brought by Captain Byron and two by Captain Beechey. Scudder states : "I am informed by Mr. Butler that there is now only one specimen in the museum from the Sandwich Islands, and the reference upon the ticket is to the oldest manuscript registerT not now to be found. Byron and Beechey were at the islands in 1825-27. Mr. W. T. Brigham informs me that V. cardui was not found by Mr. Mann and himself dur- ing a twelve month's residence at the islands ten years ago, and I can find no authority for its present existence. Dr. Pickering writes that it was unknown when the Wilkes ex- pedition visited the islands 1840-41- The 'Vincennes/ to which Dr. Pickering was at- 26 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin tached, was at the islands from the end of September to the beginning of April. Byron and Beechey's visits were between the latter part of January and the middle of July. Mr. Butler does not consider the specimen in the British Museum, nor the record _ of Doubleday, sufficient authority to include this insect in his list of South Sea butterflies. Upon the whole, we cannot fairly accept the present authority for the presence of this insect in the Pacific Islands." (See also 24, 27, and 37.) 66. Wallace, A. R., Geographical distribution of animals, 2 vols., Lon-. don, 1876. Contains a brief note on Apterocyclus (vol. i, p. 446). 67. Blackburn, Thomas, Insect-notes from the Sandwich Isles: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 13, pp. 227-228, London, 1877. (AF) In discussing his first impressions of the insect fauna of the islands, Blackburn states : "Coleoptera are distinctly not common; Orthoptera, chiefly earwigs and cockroaches, in considerable variety; a fair number of Hymenoptera; too many Diptera of the mos- quito type; a few Hemiptera; and many I^epidoptera, but only two butterflies, a large Papilio and Vanessa kammeamea." 68. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of a new genus and descriptions of two new species of Cossonidae from the Sandwich Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 14, pp. 4-5, London, 1827. (AF) Anotheorus n.gen., A. montanus n.sp., Oodemas halticoides, n.sp. are described. 69. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of a new genus, and descriptions of new species, of Geodephaga from the Sandwich Islands, I: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 14, pp. 142-148, London, 1877. (AE) The following insects are described: Saronychium n.gen., S. incon- spicuum, n.sp., Anchomenus muscicola n.sp., A. epicurus n.sp., A. protervus n.sp., A scrupulosus n.sp., A, fraternus n.sp., A. meticulosus n.sp., A. cunei- pennis n.sp., A, fossipennis n.sp., A oceanicus n.sp., A. bardus n.sp., A. fugi- tivus n.sp., A. mysticus n.sp., Dyscolus tantalus n.sp., D. palmae n.sp., D. mutabilis n.sp., D. caliginosus n.s'p. 70. BuTLiJR, A. G., List of heterocerous Lepidoptera recently collected by the Rev. T. Blackburn in the Hawaiian Islands : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 14, pp. 47-50, London, 1877. (AF) The forms described are : Deilephila livornica Esper., Protoparce cin- gulata Fab., Leucania dislocata Walker, Prodenia ingloria Walker, Plusia verticillata Guenee, Hypena ohsoleta n.sp., H. insignis n.sp., Herminia caeneusalis Walker, Botys blackburni n.sp., B. accepta n.sp., Pyralis achatina n.sp., Rhodaria despecta n.sp., Hymenia recurvalis Fab., Bphestia elutella Hub., Argyresthia sp., Laverna sp. 71. White:, F. B., Descriptions of new species of heteropterous Hemip- tera collected in Hawaiian Islands by Blackburn, No. i : An- nals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 4th ser., vol. 20, pp. 110-114, 1877. (HSPA) The species described are Cydnidae : Geotomus subtristis n.sp., G. jucundus n.sp. — Anthrocoridae : Tripleps persequens n.sp., Cardiasthethus mundulus n.sp. — Nabidae : Nabis innotatus n.sp., N. subrufus n.sp., N, lus- ciosus n.sp. — Eniesidae : Luteva insolida n.sp. — Hebridae : Merragata n.gen., M. hebroides n.sp. — Corixidae: Corixa blackburni n.sp. Illingworth — Harly references to Hawaiian entomology 27 y2, Blackburn, Thomas, Some observations on the genus Oodemas of the family Cossonidae with descriptions of new species: Soc. Ent. Belgique Ann., pp. 73-76, 1878. (AF) The following species are described : Oodemas nivicola n.sp., O. aene- scens Boh., O. sculpturatum n.sg., O. insulare n.sp., O. rohustum n.sp., O. obscurum n.sp., O. angusfum n.sp., O. mauiense n.sp., O. horrei n.sp., O. hal- ticoides Blackb. 73. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of new genera and descriptions of new species of Geodephaga from the Hawaiian islands, II : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 15, pp. 1 19-123 and 156-158, London, 1878. (AF) The following are described: Atrachycnemis, n.gen., A. sharpi n.sp,, Disenochus n.gen., D. anomalus, n.sp., Anchomenus insociabilis n.sp., A. erro n.sp., A. sharpi n.sp,, A rupicola n.sp., Cyclothorax montivagus n.sp., C. micans n.sp., C. multipunctatus n.sp., C. hrevis Sharp, C. oahuensis n.sp., C simiolus n.sp., C obscuricolor n.sp. 74. BuTle:r, A. G., On Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 14, p. 185, London, 1878. (AE) Descriptions are given of the following species : Danais archippus Fab., Leucania dislocata Wialk., Plusia verticillata Guenee, Botys blackburni Butler, B. accepta Butler. 75. Sharp, David, Descriptions of some new species and a new genus of rhyncophorous Coleoptera from Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Soc. London, Trans., for 1878, pp. 15-26, 1878. (AF) The following insects were collected by Thomas Blackburn: Proterhinus vestitus n.sp., P. blackburni n.sp., F. simplex n.sp., P. obscurus ^ n.sp., P. oscillans n.sp., P. debilis n.sp, Dryophthorus squalidus n.sp., D. gravidus n.sp., D. crassus n.sp., D. declivia n.sp., D modestus nsp., D. pusiilus n.sp., D. insignis n.sp., Pentarthrum prolixum n.sp., P. obscurum n.sp., P, blackburni n.sp. 76. Sharp, David, On some Nitidulidae from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Soc. London, Trans, for 1878, pp. 127-140, 1878. (AF) Descriptions are given of the following beetles collected by Blackburn: Gonioryctus latus n.sp., G. blackburni n.sp., G, monticola n.sp., Brachypeplus discendens n.sp., B. puncticeps n.sp., B. robustus n.sp., B. reitteri n.sp., B. infirmus n.sp., B. impressus n.sp. B. inaequalis n.sp., B. omalioides n.sp., B. brevis n.sp., B, asper n.sp., Carpophilus hemipterus lyinn., C. dimidiatus Er., C. maculatus Murray, Haptoncus tetragonus Murray, and H. mundus n.sp. yy. Sharp, David, On some longicorn Coleoptera from the Hawaiian islands: Ent. Soc, London, Trans, for 1878, pp. 201, 210, 1878. (AF) Descriptions are given of the following beetles collected by Blackburn : Parandra puncticeps n.sp., Stenocorus simplex GylL, Astrimus n.gen., A. ob- scurus n.sp., Sotenus n.gen., S. setiger n.sp., Clytarlus n.gen., C. robustus n.sp., C. cristatus n.sp., Micracantha nutans n.sp., Oopsis nutator Fab., and Lagochirus araneiformis Linn. 78. Sharp, David, Description of new species probably indicating a new genus of Anchomenidae from the Sandwich Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 14, pp. 179-180, 1878. (AF) Describes Blackburnia insignis n.sp. 28 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 79. Tu^LY^ N. C, Description of new species of butterfly from Sandwich Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 15, pp. 9-10, 1878. (AF) Describes Holochila hlackhurni n.sp. 80. Tue:ly, N. C, Description of the larvae of Pyrameis hunteri: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 15, pp. 16-17, 1878. (AF) 81. White, F. B., Descriptions of new species of heteropterous Hemipt- era collected in the Hawaiian islands by the Rev. T. Blackburn, No. 2: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. i, pp. 365-374, 1878. (HSPA) The Hemiptera described are Asopidae : Oechalia patruelis Stal. — Lygaeidae: Nysius dallasi n.sp., N, delectus n.sp., A^. arboricola n.sp., A^. coenosulus Stal, Pamera nigriceps Dall, Clerada apicicornis Sign., Reclada n.gen., R. moesta n.sp., Metrarga n. gen., M. nuda n.sp., M. villosa n.sp. Capsidae : Capsus pellucidus Stal. — Anthocordidae : Cardiastethus sodalis n.sp. Acanthiidae: Acanthia lectularia Linn. — Saldidae : Salda exulans n.sp. — Nabidae : Nabis hlackhurni n.sp. — Veliidae : Microvelia vagans n.sp. ^2. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of new genera and descriptions of new species of Geodephaga from the Hawaiian islands, HI : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 16, pp. 104-109, London, 1879. (AF) Blackburn describes Anchomenidae : Anchomenus lucipetens n.sp., A. incendiarius n.sp., Cyclothorax pele n.sp., C. bemhidioides n.sp., C. paradoxus n.sp., C. deverilli n.sp., C. vulcanus n.sp. — Bembidiidae : Bemhidium (Lopha) ignicola n.sp. 83. Blackburn, Thomas, Vanessa cardui in Hawaii : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 16, p. 161, London, 1879. (AF) From the paper by Blackburn the following is quoted: Referring to the paper headed "The Recent Abundance of Vanessa cardui," in the August number of this magazine, it may be of interest to note that I have observed the species in considerable abundance (but not in com- pact swarms) at various points on the Hawaiian Archipelago, between Feb- ruary and July this year (1879), — though I have not previously noticed it dur- ing the three years I have been living on the islands. Its near ally, V. hun- teri, has occurred in about the usual numbers. The season has been here, probably, as much cloudier and more showery than us'ual as in Great Britain. V. cardui has been recorded, I believe, as occurring on the Hawaiian Islands, but I cannot at this moment lay my hands on the authority. (See 24, 27, Z7, and 65.) 84. Butli:r^ a. G., On heterocerous Lepidoptera collected in the Hawai- ian islands by the Rev. T. Blackburn: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 15, pp. 269-273, London, 1879. (AF) The species described are Leucaniidae: Leucania photophila n.sp. — Noc- tuidae: Agrotis suifusa W.V., A. arenivolans n.sp. — Hydrocampidae : Oligo- stigma curta n.sp. — Botydidsie : Botys accepta Butl., B. continuatalis (Salhia continuatalis Wllgr.), B. demaratalis Walk., Mecyna exigua n.sp. — Larentiidae : Larentia insularis n.sp., Pseudocoreniia paludicola n.sp., Scotosia rara n.sp. — Phycidae: Plodia interpunctalis Hiib. — Tineidae: Scardia lignivora n.sp. 85. Sharp, David, On some Coleoptera from the Hawaiian islands: Ent. Soc. Trans., pp. 77-105, London, 1879. (AF) Descriptions are given of the beetles collected by Blackburn. They repre- sent Hydrophilidae : Omicrus n.gen., O. brevipes n.sp., Hydrophilus semicylin- Illingzvorth — Barly references to Hawaiian entomology 29 dricus Esch., Cyclonotum suhquadratum Fairm., Sphaeridium ahdominale Fab. — Nitidulidae : Brachypeplus tinctus n.sp., B. explanatus n.sp., B. protinoides n.sp. — Cucuj'idae : Monanus n.gen., M. crenatus n.sp. — Colydiidae : Antilissus n.gen., A. asper n.sp. — Mycetophagidae : Litargus vestitus n.sp., Propalticus n.gen., P. oculatus n.sp. — Scarabaeidae : Aphodius paciUcus n.sp. — Cioidae : Cis alienus n.sp., C. paciUcus n.sp. C. procdtus n.sp., C. signatus n.sp. C. bi- color n.sp. C. tabidus n.sp., C. diminutivus n.sp., C. laeticulus n.sp., C evanes- cens n.sp. — Aglycyderidae : Proterhinus nigricans n.sp. P. collaris n.sp. F. /iw- meralis n.sp. P. pusillus n.sp., P. longulus n.sp., P. basalis n.sp., P. sternalis n.sp., P. lecontei n.sp., P. paradoxus n.sp. — Scolytidae : Hypothenemus macu- licoUis n.sp. — Cerambycidae : Clytarlus microgaster n.sp., and C modestus n.sp. 86. Smith, Fre:de:rick, Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hy- menoptera collected by the Rev. Thos. Blackburn in the Sand- wich islands: Linn. Soc. London Journ., vol. 14, pp. 674-685, 1879. (BM) Th€ species described are as follows : Formicidae : Camponotus sex- guttatus Fab., Phenolepis clandestina Mayr. — Poneridae : Ponera contracta Latr. — Myrmicidae Tetramorium guineense Fab., Pheidole pusilla • Heer., Solenopsis gemmata Mayr. and Roger. — Sphegidae : Pelopoeus flavipes Fab. — Larridae: Pison iridipennis n.sp., P. hospes n.sp. — Crabronidae: Crabro affinis n.sp,, C. mandibularis n.sp., C. denticornis n.sp., C. unicolor Smith. — Eumenidae: Odynerus localis n.sp., O. maurus n.sp., O. rubritinctus n.sp., O. montanus n.sp., O. congruus n.sp., O. dubiosus n.sp., O. agi/iV n.sp. — Vespidae : Polistes aurifer Sauss. — Andrenidae : Prosopis blackburni n.sp., P. fuscipennis n.sp., P. facilis n.sp., P. hilaris n.sp., P. volatilis n.sp. — Apidae: Megachile diligens n.sp., Xylocopa aeneipennis De Geer, and /4/>f^ melliiica lyinn. 87. WaterhousEj, C. O., Description of a new genus and species of heteromerous Coleoptera of the family Cistelidae from Hono- lulu: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 15, pp. 267-268, London, 1879. The genus and species described are: Labetis n.gen., L. tibialis n.sp. 88. White:, F. B., Descriptions of new Anthocoridae : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 16, pp. 142-148, London, 1879. The following are described from Hawaii : Dilasia denigrata n.sp., Hawaii, 3,000 feet ; D. decolor n.sp., Honolulu ; Lilia n.gen. ; L. dilecta n.sp., Maui, 5,000 feet. 89. Blackburn, Thomas, and Kirby, W. F., Notes on species of acu- leate Hymenoptera occurring in the Hawaiian islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 17, pp. 85-89, London, 1880. (AF) The following species are discussed: Prosopis blackburni Sm., P. fusci- pennis Sm., P. facilis Sm., P. hilaris Sm., P. volitalis Sm., P, flavifrons n.s'p., Xylocopa aeneipennis De G., Apis meliiica Linn., Pelopaeus flavipes Fab., Odynerus localis Sm., O. maurus Sm., O. rubritinctus Sm., 0. blackburni n.sp., O. montanus Sm., O. congruus Sm., O. dubiosus Sm., 0. agilis Sm., Crabro a finis Sm., C. mandibularis Sm., C. denticornis Sm., C. unicolor Sm., C. stigius n.sp., Pison irridipennis Sm., P. hospes Sm., Polistes aurifer Sauss'., Camponotus sexguttatus Mayr., Prenolepsis clandestina Mayr., Ponera con- tracta I^atr., Leptogenys insularis Sm., Tetramorium guineense Fab., Phei- dole pusilla Heer., Solenopsis gcminata Fab., Evdnia laevigata Latr. 30 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 90. BuTLE^R, Arthur G., On two small consignments of Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 17, pp. 6-9, London, 1880. The following species collected by Blackburn are described: Danais archippus Fab., Protoparce blackburni n.sp., Deilephila livornica Esper., Leucania dislocata Walk., L. extranea Guen., Prodenia ingloria Walk., Car- adina venosa n.sp., Agrotis suifusa Gmel., Spaelotis lucicolens n.sp., S. ere- mata n.sp.^ Heliothis confer ta Walk., Plusia verticillata Guen., Toxocampa noctivolans n.sp., Scotosia rara ButL, Hypena obsoleta Butl., H. insignis Butl., H. fascialis Cram., Scopula exigua n.sp., S. altivolans n.sp, 91. Harold^ E. von^ Einige neue Coleopteren: Miinchener Ent. Ver. Mitth., vol. 4, pp. 148-181, 1880. (AF) Von Harold describes Clytarlus Unschi n.sp. von den Sandwich-Inseln (Finsch!) (p. 166). This species is now in the genus Plagithmysus'. [J.F.I.] 92. RiL^Y, C. v., Note: Amer. Ent., vol. 3, p. 150, 1880. (HSPA) Riley states: Mr. T. Blackburn of Honolulu communicated that Vanes- sa cardui appeared quite frequently in the year 1879, on the island of Hawaii, during the month of February till July. He never before observed the species on the island mentioned above. 93. Sharp, David, On some Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands : Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 37-54, 1880'. (AF) Th following species" are described : Falagria currax n.sp., Tachyusa pumila n.sp. Diestota plana n.sp., D. parva n.sp., D, latifrons n.sp., D. pal- palis n.sp., D. puncticeps n.sp., D, carinata n.sp., D. rufescens n.sp., Phlaeo- pora cingulata n.sp., P. diluta n.sp., Oligota clavicornis n.sp., O. polita n.sp., O. glabra n.sp., O. mutanda n.sp., Liophaena gracilipes n.sp., L. flaviceps n.sp,, Myllaena vicina n.sp., M. familiaris n.sp., M. curtipes n.sp., M. discidens n.sp., Pachycorynus discedens n.sp., Oxytelus advena n.sp., Trogophlaeus senilis n.sp., T. frontinalis n.sp., T, abdominalis n.sp., Glyptoma blackburni n.sp., G. brevipenne n.sp., Lispinodes explicandus n.sp. 94. Blackburn, Thomas, Description of four new species of Cossoni- dae from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 17, pp. 199-201, London, 1881. (AF) The four species are : Oodemas olindae n.sp., O. substrictum n.sp., O, internum n.sp., O. ignavus n.sp. 95. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of new genera and descriptions of new species of Geodephaga from the Hawaiian Islands, IV: Ent. Month. Mag,, vol. 17, pp. 226-22g, London, 1881. (AF) The following are described: Anchomenidae : Disenochus terebratus n.sp., Anchomenus putealis n.sp., Cyclothorax unctus n.s'p., C. laetus n.sp., C. robustus n.sp. — Bembidiidae : Bembidium (Notaphus) spurcum n.sp., B. teres n.sp. 96. BuTLi^R, A. G., On a collection of nocturnal Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands : Annals and ' Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. 7, pp. 317-333. 1881. (AF) (HSPA) Descriptions are given of the following species collected by Blackburn: Sphingidae: Deilephila calida n.sp. — Larentiidae : Scotosia corticea n.sp., Bupithecia monticolens n.sp. — Noctuidae: Spoelotis crinigera n.sp., Apa- meidae chersotoides n.sp., A. cinctipennis n.sp. — Heliothidae : Heliothis ar- Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 31 migera Hub. — Hypenidae : Hypena obsoleta Butl., H. altivolans Butl., var. simpler. — Hercynidae: Boreophila minuscula n.sp., Aporodes micacea n.sp. — Margarodidae : Margaronia glauculalis Guenee. — Botididae : Anemosa aurora n.sp., Mecyna ennychioides n.sp., M. nigrescens n.sp., M. exigua Butl., M. virescens n.sp. — Scopariidae : Scoparia hawaiensis n.sp., 5. jucunda n.sp., var. formosa, S. frigida n.sp., S. coarctata Zeller, 5*. venosa n.sp.— Phycidae : Bphestia humeralis n.sp., B. albosparsa n.sp. 97. Cameron, Pester, Notes on Hymenoptera, with descriptions of new species: Ent, Soc. London Trans., pp. 555-563, 1881. (AF) The following species, collected by Blackburn, are described from Hono- lulu : Sierola n.gen., S. testaceipes n.sp. — Braconidae : Chelonus carinatus n.sp., Monolexis palliatus n.sp. — Chalcidae : Chalcis polynesialis n.sp., and Crab- ronidae: Crabo polynesialis n.sp. 98. Karsch, F., Zur Kaferfauna der Sandwich-Marshall-und Gilberts- Inseln: Berlin Ent. Zeit., vol. 25, pp. 1-14, pi. i, 1881. (AF) (US) The following species are recorded from Hawaii: Acupalpus biseriatus n.sp., Platynus planus n.sp., Calpodes octoocellatus n.sp., Anisodactylus cuneatus n.sp., Promecoderus fossulatus n.sp., Corymbites coruscus n.vSp., Blater humeralis n.sp., Trypopitys capucinus n.sp.^ Bpitragus diremptus n.sp,, Rhyncolus opacus n.sp., Aegosoma reflexum n.sp., Stasilea curmcornis n.sp., Clytarlus Unschi Har,, C. pulvillatus n.sp. 99, Sharp, David, On some new Coleoptera from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 507-534, 1881. (AF) Descriptions are given of the following beetles collected by Blackburn; Nitidulidae: Brachypeplus inauratus n.sp., B, affinis n.sp., B, bidens n.sp., B. vestitus n.sp., B. metallescens n.sp., B. varius n.sp., B. guttatus n.sp., B. sordidus n.sp., B striatus n.sp, B. obsoletus n.sp., B. blackburni n.sp. — Anobiidae: Xyletobius n.gen., X. marmoratus n.sp., X. nigrinus n.sp., X. osculatus n.sp., Holcobius' n.gen., H. granulatus n.sp., H. glabricollis n.sp., H. major n.sp., Mirosternus n.gen., M, punctatus n.sp., M, obscurus n.sp., M. muticus n.sp., M. carinatus n.sp., M. glabripennis n.sp., M. debilis n.sp., M. bicolor n.sp. — Aglycyderidae : Proterhinus hystrix n.sp., P. dispar n.sp., P. gracilis n.sp., P. angularis n.sp., F. punctipennis n.s'p., P. validus n.sp. — Cerambycidae : Clytarlus pennatus n.sp., and C fragilis n.sp. 100. Whiter, F. B., Descriptions of new species of heteropterous Hemip- tera collected in the Hawaiian Islands by the Rev. T. Black- burn, No. 3: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th sen, vol. 7, pp. 52-59, 1881. (HSPA) The species described are : Scutelleridae : Coleolichus blackburniae n.sp. — 'Lygaeidae : Nysius blackburni n.sp., N. nitidus n.sp., N. nemorivagus n.sp., A^. rubescens n.sp., A^. pteridicola n.sp., N. vulcan n.sp., Cymus calvus n.sp., C. criniger n.sp. — Anthrocoridae : Dilasia denigrata White, D. decolor White, Bilia dilecta White. — Emesidae: Ploiariodes n.gen., P. whitei (Blk.M.S.)n.sp. 101. Blackburn, Thomas, Descriptions of the larvae of Hawaiian Lepi- doptera: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 19, pp. 55-56, 1882. (AF) The species dis'cussed are: Vanessa tammaemea Eschscholtz, Holochila blackburni Tuely, Agrotis cremata Butler and Rhodaria despecta Butler. 32 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin 102. Blackburn, Thomas, Characters of new genera and descriptions of new species of Geodephaga from the Hawaiian Islands, V: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 19, pp. 62-64, London, 1882. Continued from vol. 17, p. 229. The following species are described Anchomenidae : Cyclothorax harschi n.sp., Acupalpus hiseriatus Karsch, Platynus planus Karsch, Colpodes octocellatus Karsch, Anisodactylus cuneatus Karsch. 103. Blackburn, Thomas^ Hawaiian entomology: Haw. Ann. for 1882, pp. 58-61, Honolulu, 1881. (BM) Blackburn says that Hawaii is a comparatively unexplored field of nat- ural history. His statements may be summarized as follows : The Orth- optera are represented by few species; no true grasshoppers and no Man- tidae are known; about 500 species' of Coleoptera have been collected, 80 per cent of them apparently native; the Neuroptera (including Odonata) have been little studied; the order Hymenotera is richer than other orders; ants are numerous, the Madeira house ants, Pheidole pusilla Heer, being the most abundant; the Lepidoptera are little known, but about 100 species have been described — ^not a quarter of those that might be collected; Hemiptera and Homoptera are represented in collections by about 100 species ; there are probably hundreds' of species of Diptera, but scarcely 50 are represented in collections; mosquitoes, (house) flies, and fleas are pests. Blackburn's paper includes a bibliography of Hawaiian entomology. 104. Chamberlain, J. E., The peelua or army worm of the Hawaiian Islands: Haw. Ann. for 1883, PP- 44-50* Honolulu, 1882. (BM) A valuable historical paper upon the activities of Prodenia ingloria Walk, as a pest of grasses, 105. Bormans, Aug. de, Faune orthopterologique des lies Hawai ou Sandwich: Genoa Mus. Civ. di St. Nat. Ann., vol. 18, 11 Luglio, pp. 338-348, 1882. (AF) (US) The following species collected by Blackburn are discussed :^Forficularia : Anisolabis littorea White, A. maritima Bonelli, Labia pygidiata Dub., Che- lisoches morio Fab., Poriicula hawaiensis n.sp. — Blattaria: Blatta hiero- glyphica Brunn., Periplaneta decorata Brunn., P. ligata Brunn., P. americana L/inn., Bleutheroda dytiscoides Serv., Panchlora surinamensis Linn., Onis- cosoma pallida Brunn., Buthyrrapha paciUca Coquebert. — Locustodea: Hli- maea appendiculata Brunn., Conocephalus blackburni n.s'p. Gryllodea: Gryl- lus innotabilis Walk., Trigonidium paciUcum Scud. 106. BuTLKR, A. G., On a small collection of Lepidoptera from the Ha- waiian Islands: Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 31-45, 1882. (AF) Descriptions are given of the following Lepidoptera collected by Black- burn: Lycaenidae: Polyommatus boeticus Linn. — Leucaniidae: Leucania extranea Guenee. — Gonopteridae : Gonitis hawaiiensis n.sp. — Hypocalidae : Hypocala velans Walk. — Pyralidae : Locastra monticolens n.sp. — Steniidae : Metasia abnormis n.sp., Scotomera hydrophila n.sp. — Botididae: Mestalobes n.gen., M, aenone n.sp., M. simaethina n.sp., M. semiochrea n.sp., Scopula constricta n.sp. — Scopariidae : Scoparia coarctata Zell. — Crambidae : Bromene bella Hubn. — Tortricidae: Teras illepida n.sp., Proteopteryx walsinghamii n.sp. — Tineidae: Tinea simulans n.sp. — Elachistidae : Laverna parda Butler, var. montivolanSj L. aspersa n.sp, — Pterophoridae : Platyptilus littoralis n.sp. Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 33 107. WhitnE^y, H. M., The cane borer: Haw. Planters' Monthly, vol. I, pp. 145-146, Honolulu, 1882. (BM) (HSPA) A popular economic article — recommends burning. 108. Butler, A. G., On a small series of Lepidoptera from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 19, pp. 176-180, London, 1883. (AF) The following species are described: Scotorythra n.gen., S. arbor- icolens n.sp., — Pyrales': Scopula litorea n.sp., Orthomecyna n.gen., O. albican- data n.sp., O. exigua, var, cupreipennis, Melanomecyna n.gen., M. stellata n.sp., Gesneria floricolens n.sp., — Tineina : Depressaria sp., Azinis hilarella Walk. 109. Came:ron, Vftt^, Descriptions of new genera and species of Hy~ menoptera: Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 187-193, 1883. (AF) Descriptions are given of the following Hymenoptera collected by Blackburn : Chalcididae : Bpitranus lacteipennis n.sp., Moranila n.gen., M. tes- taceiceps n.sp., Solindena n.gen., S. picticornis n.sp., Eupelmus flavipes n.sp. — Evaniidae : Bvania sericea n.sp. — Ichneumonidae : Limneria polynesialis n.sp., L, blackburni n.sp., Ophion lineatus n.sp., O. nigricans n.sp. 1 10. McLachlan, Robert, Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., Sth ser., vol. 12, pp. 226-240, 1883. (HSPA) Descriptions' are given of the following neuropteroid insects collected by Blackburn: Termitidae: Calotermes castaneus Burm., C. marginipennis Latr. — Embidae: Oligotoma insularis n.sp. — Psocidae: Psocus sp., Blipsocus vinosus n.sp., Odonata, Pantala flavescens Fab., Tramea lacerata Hagen, Lepthemis blackburni n.sp., Anax Junius Drury, A. strenuus Hagen, Agrion xanthomelas Selys., A. hawaiiensis n.sp., A. pacificum n.sp., A. deceptor n.sp., A, calliphya n.sp., Megalagrion n.gen., M. blackburni n.sp., M. oceanicum n.sp. 111. McLachlan, Robe:rt, Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands, Part II, Planipennia, with general summary: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. 12, pp. 298-303, 1883. (HSPA) This paper includes descriptions of neuropteroid insects collected by Blackburn: Hemerobiidae : Megalomus sp.— Chrysopidae : Anomalochrysa n.gen., A. hepatica n.sp., A. rufescens n.sp., Chrysopa microphya n.sp., C. oceanica Walk. — Myrmeleontidae : Formicaleo perjurus Walk. 112. Me^yrick, Edward, Notes on Hawaiian Microlepidoptera : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 20, pp. 31-36, 1883. (AF) Descriptions' are given of the following moths collected by Blackburn : Conchylidae : Heterocossa achroana n.sp. — Gelechidae : Depressaria indecora Butl., Thyrocopa n.gen., T. {Depressaria) usitata Butl., Synomotis n.gen., vS*. epicapna n.sp., Automola n.gen., A. pelodes n.sp., Parasia sedata Butl., Diplosara n.gen., D. (Sardia) lignivora Butl. — Tineidae: Blabophanes longella Walk. 113. Smith, W. O., Cane borer: Planters' Monthly, vol. 2, pp. 56-57, Honolulu, 1883. (HSPA) This is' a popular article, which includes suggestive discussion of con- trol measures. 34 Bernice P, Bishop Museum — Bulletin 114. WhiT]^, F. B., Report on the pelagic Hemiptera procured during the voyage of H.M.S. ''Challenger/' in the years 1873-76: Rept. Voyage H.M.S. "Challenger/' Zoology, vol. 7, 82 pp., 3 pis. (2 col.), London, 1883. (BM) Describes Holobates sericeus Esch., the principal species occurring in the waters about Hawaii. (See pp. 47-48, PI. i, fig. 7.) 115. Blackburn, Thomas, Notes on some Hawaiian Carabidae: 'Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 21, pp. 25-26, London, 1884. (AF) Discusses Atrachynemis, Anchomenus muscicola Blackb., and Mauna n.gen. created for the insect hitherto called Blackburni frigida Blackb. 116. Blackburn, Thomas, Notes on Hawaiian Neuroptera with descrip- tions of new species: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 5th ser., vol. 14, pp. 412-421, 1884. (HSPA) The species described are: Odonata: Agrion satelles n.sp., A. oahuense n.sp., A. nigro-hamatum n.sp., A. koelense n.sp., A. paciUcum Macl. — Hem- erobiidae : Megalomus spp. — Chrysopidae : Anomalochrysa maclachlani n.sp., A. Montana n.sp., A. ornatipennis n.sp. 117. KiRBY, W. F., On the Hymenoptera collected during the recent ex- pedition of H.M.S. "Challenger'^ Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser., vol. 13, p. 402, 1884. (HSPA) This paper includes the following references to Hawaiian insects : Evaniidae Bvania laevigata Latr. (p. 403). — ^Vespidae: Polistes aurifer Sauss. (p. 410), P. carnifex Fab. (p. 411). 118. Oste:n-SackEn, C. R., Facts concerning the importation or non- importation of Diptera into distant countries: Ent. Soc. Lon- don Trans., pp. 489-496, 1884. (AF) These interesting historical notes relate to the introduction of the night mosquito, Ciilex quinquefasiatus Say. 119. Sharp, David, On some genera of the subfamily Anchomeninl (Platynini Horn.) from the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 20, pp. 217-.219, London, 1884. (AF) The following genera are discussed : Metromenus n.gen., Colpodiscus n. gen., Barypristus n.gen., Blackburni, Disenochus, Atrachycnemis and Cy- clothorax. 120. Blackburn, Thomas, and Sharp, David, Memoirs on the Coleop- tera of the Hawaiian Islands: Roy. Dublin Soc. Trans., 2d ser., vol. 3, pp. 119-290, pis. 4 and 5, 1885. (BM) (AF) (HSPA) This* resume of knowledge of the Coleoptera of Hawaii includes de- scriptions of the following new genera and species' : Dytiscidae : Coplatus mauiensis n.sp. — Staphylinidae : Bolitochara impacta n.sp., Diestota montana n.sp., D. incognita n.sp., Myllaena pacifica n.sp., M. oahuensis n.sp., Oligota kauaiensis n.sp., O. longipennis n.sp., O simulans n.sp., O. variegata n.sp., O. prolixa n.sp., Lithocharis incompta n.sp., Oxytelus hledioides n.sp., Lis- pinodes quadratus n.sp., L, pallescens n.sp., — Corylophidae : Corylophus ro- tundus n.sp., C. suturalis n.sp., Sericoderus hasalis n.sp., 5. pubipennis n.sp., Orthoperus aequalis n.sp. — Histeridae: Bacanius atomarius n.sp., B. confusus n.sp., Acritus insularis n.sp., Aeletes longipes n.sp., A. concentricus n.s'p., A. lUingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 35 monticola n.sp., A. facilis n.sp. — Nitidulidae : Gonioryctus fugitivus n.sp., G. similis n.sp., Brachypeplus olinda n.sp., B. torvus, n.sp., B. koelensis n.sp., B, floricola n.sp,, B. celatus n.sp., B. apertus n.sp., B. quadracallis n.sp., B. parallelus n.sp., B. expers n.sp., B. spretus n.sp., B. hicolor, n.sp., B. dis- cedens Sh.var., kauaiensis n.var., and B. blackburni Sh.var. lanaiensis n.var.- — Colydiidae: Hulachus hispidus n.sp., — Cucujidae: Brontolaemus n.gen., B. elegans n.sp., Laemorphloeus aeneus n.sp., Monanus hrevicornis n.sp., Tele- phanus insularis n.sp., T. pallidipennis n.sp. — Crytophagidae : Telmatophilus debilis n.sp. — Erotylidae: Buxestus minor n.sp., Eidoreus n.gen., H. minutus n.sp. — Coccinellidae : Scymnus vividus n.sp., S. ocellatus n.sp., S. discendens n.sp. — Dermestidae: Attagenus pleheius n.sp., Labrocerus n.gen., L. jaynei n.sp., L. concolor n.sp., L. obscurus n.s'p., Cryptorhopalum brevicorne n.sp., C. terminale n.sp. — Eucnemidae: Fornax bonvouloiri n.sp., F. sculpturatus n.sp., F. parallelus n.sp., F. longicornis n.sp., F. obtusus n.sp, — Elateridae: Eopenthes n.gen., B, basalts n.sp., £. obscurus n.sp., B. debilis n.sp., B. konae n.sp., B. ambiguus n.sp., £. satelles n.sp., Itodacnus n.gen., /. gracilis n.sp. — Malacodermidae : Helcogaster pectinatus n.sp.,Caccodes n.gen., C. debilis n.sp. — Ptinidae : Xyletobius insignis n.sp., X. affinis n.sp., X. serricornis n.sp., X. lineatus n.sp., Catorama pusilla n.sp., Mirosternus acutus n.sp. — Bostrich- idae : Bostrichus migrator n.sp. — Cioidae : Ci.? bimaculatus n.sp., C nigro- fasciatus n.sp., C longipennis, n.sp., C apicalis n.sp., C setarius n.sp., C concolor n.sp., C. chloroticus n.sp., C calidus n.sp., C. insularis n.sp., C roridus n.sp., C attenuatus n.sp., C ephistemoides n.sp., C vagepunctatus n.sp. — Tenebrionidae : Platydema obscurum n.sp., Sciophagus n.gen. for Heterophaga pandanicola Esch., Labetes tibialis Wat., Cistela crassicornis n.sp., Anthicus mundulus n.sp., Ananca collaris n.sp. — Aglyceleridae : Proter- hinus linearis n.sp., P. scutatus n.sp., P. similis n.sp., P. laticollis n.sp.,_ P. tarsalis n.sp., P robustus n.sp., P. ineptus n.sp., P. integer n.sp., P. detritus n.sp., P. longicornis n.sp., P. insignis n.sp. — Curculonidae : Rhyncogonus n. gen., i^. blackburni n.sp., P. vestitus n.sp., Acalles lateralis n.sp., ^. duplex n.sp., /4. angusticollis n.sp., ^. mauiensis n.sp., ^. tgnotus n.sp., ^. decoratus n.sp., Chaenosternum n.gen., C konanum n.sp., Hyperomorpha n.gen., H. squamosa n.sp., Calandra remota n.sp., Oodemas tardum n.sp., O. aequale n.sp., 0. crassicorne n.sp., Heteramphus n.gen., iiZ". wollastoni n.sp., H. foveatus n.sp., jF/. hirtellus n.sp., H. cylindricus n.sp., Pseudolus n.gen., for Rhyncolus longillus Boh., Dolichotelus n.gen., D. apicalis n.sp. — Scolytidae: Xyleborus obliquus n.sp., Z. truncatus n.sp., X. rugatus n.sp., X. insularis n.sp., X. immaturus n.sp., X. frigidus n.sp., Hypothenemus griseus n.sp. — Anthribidae: Mauia n.gen., M. satelles n.sp. — Cerambycidae : Clytarlus blackburni n.sp., C. y?/i/>^.y n.sp. 121. Hage)n, H. a., Monograph of the Embidina: Can. Ent., vol. 17, pp. 141-155, 1885. (HSPA) (AF) (UH) Records' Ologotoma insularis McLachl., in alcohol, from Honolulu, taken in a private garden greenhouse. (See p. 143.) 122. Mi^YRiCK, Edward, Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera VII, Tortricina: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 17, pp. 141-149 (1885). (BM) Chiloides straminea Butl., originally described from Hawaii, is here recorded also in New Zealand (p. 142). 123. "^Reute^r, O. M., Monographia anthocoridarum orbis terrestis: Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., vol. 14, pp. 555-758, 1885. 124. Sharp, David, Note on the genus Plagithmysus Motsch. : Soc. Ent. Belg. Bull, for 1885, PP- lxxiv-lxxv (Compt. rend.), 1885. This paper clears up the synonomy of this genus. 36 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 125. Blackburn, Thomas, and Cameron, Pete:r, On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands: Manchester Lit. Soc. Mem., ser. 3, vol. 10, pp. 194-244, 1886. (BM) This excellent paper includes the following descriptions : Anthophila : Andrenidae: Prosopis fuscipennis Smith, P. satellus n.sp., P. blackburni Smith, P. facilis Smith, P. flavifrons Kirby, P. kona n.sp., P. coniceps n.sp., P. rugiventris n.sp., P. hilaris Smith, P. volatilis Smith, P. anthracina Smith, P. flavipes Smith. — Apidae : Megachile diligens Smith, Xylocopa aeneipennis De Gear. — Fossores : Ves'pidae : PoUstes aurifer Sauss, P. hebraeus Fab., Odynerus radula Fab., O. extraneus Kirby, 0. nigripennis Holmgren, O. dromedarius n.sp., O. vulcanus n.sp., O. hawaiiensis n.sp., O. haleakalae n.sp., O. congruus Smith, O. dubiosus Smith O. rubritinctus Smith, O. blackburni Kirby, O. montanus Smith, O. cardinalis n.sp., 0. paciUcus n.sp., O. rubro- pustulatus n.sp., O. obscure-punctatus n.sp,, O. diversus n.sp., O. agilis Smith, O. insulicola n.sp. — Crabronidae : Crabro affinis Smith, C. mauiensis n.sp., C. distinctus Smith, C mandibularis Smith, C, polynesialis Cameron, C, ab- normis, n.sp., C. unicolor Smithy C. stygius Kirby, C. adspectans n.sp., C. rubro-caudatus n.sp. — Larridae: Pison iridipennis Smith, P. hospes Smith. — Sphegidae: Pelopaeus caementarius Drury, Mimesa antennata Smith. — Heterogena: Formicidae: Camponotus sexguttatus Fab., Tapinoma melano- cephala Fab., Prenolepis longicornis Latr., P. obscura Mayr. — Poneridae : Ponera contracta Latr., Leptogenys insularis Smith. — Myrmicidae: Mono- morium specularis Mayr, Tetramorium guineense Fab., Pheidole megacephala Fab., Solenopsis geminata Fab. — Oxyura: Scleroderma polynesialis Saunders, Sierola testaceipes Cameron, S. monticola n.sp., S. leuconeura n.sp. — Tere- brantia: Ichneumonidae : Pimplides, Bchthromorpha maculipennis Holmgren, B. flavo-orbitalis n.sp., Pimpla hawaiiensis n.sp. — Tryphonides : Metacoelus femoratus Grav. — Ophionides : Ophion lineatus Cameron, O. nigricans Cam- eron, Limneria polynesialis Cameron, L. blackburni Cameron, L. hawaiiensis n.sp. — Braconidae: Chelonus blackburni Cameron, Monolexisf palliatus Cam- eron. — Evaniidae: Bvania sericea Cameron, B. laevigata Latr. — Chalcididae: Bpitranus lacteipennis Cameron, Chalcis polynesialis Cameron, Spalangia hirta Haliday, Moranila testaceipes Cameron, Solindenia picticornis Cameron, Bupelmus flavipes Cameron, Bncyrtus insularis n.sp. 126. Walker, J. J., Anosia plexippus Linn. (Danais archippus Fabr.) : A study in geographical distribution: Ent. Month, Mag., vol." 22, pp. 217-224, London, 1886. (AF) Walker states that Anosia plexippus, '^miobserved by the early voy- agers to the Sandwich Islands, it is now abundant and firmly established there." (p. 219). 127. Came:ron^ Pet^^r, Note on the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands : Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 23, p. 195, London, 1887. (AF) The species' discussed are: Odynerus nautarum=0. insulicola Sm., Odynerus sandwichensis=0. rubritinctus Sm. 128. Bailky, Edward, The flora and fauna of the Hawaiian Islands: Haw. Ann. for 1888, pp. 49-54, Honolulu, 1887. Contains a brief interesting account of the insects of the islands', 129 *BiG0T, J. M. F., Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus, 3^ partie, xli, Tachinidae: Soc. Ent. France Ann., ser, 6, vol. 8, pp. 77-101, 1888. Chaetogaedia monticola is described. Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 37 130. Blackburn, Thomas, Notes on the Hemiptera of the Hawaiian Islands: Linn. Soc. N. S. W. Froc, 2d ser., vol. 3, pp. 343- 354, 1888. (BM) (HSPA) (AF) The following species are included : Scutatina : Aechalia sp., Coleo- tichus sp., Geotomus subtrisHs White, and G. jucundus White. — Lygaeina: Nysius longicollis n.sp., A^. mauiensis n.sp., N. whitei n.sp., Metrarga con- tracta n.sp., M, obscura n.sp., Capsina sp. — Anthrocorina : Acanthia lectularia Iv., Cardiastethis sp., Lilia sp., Dilasia sp. — Emesidae: Ploiariodes rubro- maculata n.sp., P. pulchra n.sp. — Nabina: Nabis rtibritinctus n.s'p., N. oscil- lanSj n.sp,, A'', innotatus White, N. koelensis n.sp., AT. subrufus White, A^. curtipennis n.sp. — Saldina: Salda oahuensis n.sp. 131. Mi^YRiCK, Edward, On Pyralidina of the Hawaiian Islands: Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 209-246, 1888. (AF) (US) The material for this extensive list of moths was collected by Black- burn during his six-years' residence in the islands, 1877- 1883. Some inter- esting notes on origin and distribution are included. The list follows : Pyralididae : Asopia gerontialis Walk. — Hydrocampidae : Paraponyx linaelis Gn. — Botydidae: Margarodes exaula n.sp., Omiodes blackburni Butl., O. (Botys) accepta Butl., O. (Salbia) continuatalis Wallgr., O. (Botys) de- maratalis Walk., O. monogona n.sp., O. liodyta n.sp., O. (Botys) localis Butl., Zinckenia recurvalis P., Scopula eucrena n.sp., S. (Locastra) monticolans Butl, S. (Aporodes) micacea Butl., S. (Mecyna) nigrescens Butl, »9. (Mecyna) ennychioides Butl., S. (Melanomecyna) stellata Butl., S. argos- celis n.sp., S, (Rhodaria) despecta Butl., Protocolletis n.gen., P. (Scopula) constricta Butl., Mecyna (Anemosa) aurora Butl., M. virescens Butl., Orth- omecyna albicaudata Butl., O. (Mecyna) exigua Butl., O. aphanopis n.sp., Mesfolobes (Metasia) abnormis Butl., M. semiochrea Butl., M. minuscula Butl., Burycreon litorea Butl.— Scopariadae : Scoparia frigida Butl., Xerocopa venosa Butl., X. melanopis n.sp., X, ambrodes n.sp., X. demodes n.sp., X. ischnias n.sp., X. hawaiensis Butl., X. pachysema n.sp., X. mesoleuca n.sp., X (Scoparia) formosa Butl., X. (Scoparia) jacunda Butl. — Pterophoridae : Trichoptilus (Aciptilia) hawaiensis Butl., Platyptilia rhynchophora n.sp., P. cosmodactyla Hb., P. brachymorpha nsp., P. (Platyptilus) littoralis Butl. — Crambidae: Bromene ocellea Hw., Hednota (Gesneria) floricolens (rect. floricolans) Butl., H. (Scotomera) hydrophila Butl., H. oxyptera n.sp. — Phycitidae: Bphestia (Plodia) inter punctella Hb., B. desuetella Walk., B. euletla Hb., Homoeosoma (Bphestia) humeralis Butl., Genophantis n.gen., G. iodora n.sp. — ^Galleriadae : Achroea grisella B". 132. Riley, C. V., A Sandwich Island sugar-cane borer, Sphenophorus obscurus Boisd. : Insect Life, vol. i, pp. 185-189, illus., 1888. (HSPA) (UH) (BM) This' paper gives a description of the several stages of development with references to the literature. 133. Dalla Torre:, K. W. v., Hymenopterolgische Notizen: Wien. Ent. Zeit, vol. 8, p. 124, 1889. (HSPA) Contains the following note: "Odynerus cardinalis Blackb. u. Cam. 1886) non Mor. (1885) =0. rudolphi M," 134. Kalakaua Re:x, An act relating to the suppression of plant dis- eases, blight, and insect pests: Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, chap. 2, 1890, Section 2 relates to the prevention of introduction of any plant disease, blight, or insect pests injurious to vegetation, and extermination of such as 3^ Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin were already established. Section 3 deals specifically with the landing of plants or soil by the masters of vessels entering Hawaiian ports and makes provision for inspection. Section 4 provides for destruction of imported plants or other material found to be infested. Section 5 requires every person to immediately report infestation of vegetation wherever discovered. Section 6 provides for the enactment of further regulations preventing the introduction and spread of plant diseases, blight, and insect pests. 135- CoQUiLLETT, D. W., Icerya in Honolulu: Insect Life, vol. 3, p. 329, 189 1. Icerya is said to have made its appearance in the Hawaiian islands during the spring of 1889, but widely distributed in 1890 — in about 50 gar- dens in Honolulu. The pest is thought to have come in on fruit from Cal- ifornia. The predaceous' Vedalia beetle was introduced from California, and by November, 1890, Icerya was rare. 136. RiLKY, C. v., Rept. of the Ent., Rept. U. S. Dept. Agric. to Sec. Agric, p. 234, 1891. Mr. Koebele left specimens of Chilocorus bivulnerus at Honolulu, while on his way from California to Sydney. 137. Rile;y, C. v., and Howard, L. O., Introduction of Icerya into Ho- nolulu: Insect Life, vol. 3, p. 307, 1891. (HSPA) Refers to the introduction of Icerya from California and its successful control by introducing the Vedalia. 138. McLachlan, Robe:rt, Supplementary note on the Neuroptera of the Hawaiian Islands: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 6th ser., vol. 10, pp. 176-178, 1892. (HSPA) McLachlan suggests that Deielia fasciata Kirby is probably a mistaken locality — since this" dragon fly does not occur in Hawaii (p. 177). A new Myrmeleonidae, Pormicaleo wilsoni n.sp., from I^anai, is described. 139. Kalakaua Re:x, An act to establish a bureau of agriculture and forestry: Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, Chapter 81, Sec. 4, 1892. The act provides for guarding against the introduction of plant dis- eases or insect pests and the suppression of those already affecting agri- cultural products and live stock. 140. Warren^ W., Description of new genera and species of Pyralidae: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist, Ann., ser. 6, vol. 9, pp. 429-442, 1892. A new genus, Loxocreon, is created for Meyrick's Omiodes of the Hawaiian islands. Type L. continuatalis Wllngrn. (Salbia). 140a. Koebele:, Albert, Studies of parasitic and predaceous insects in New Zealand, Australia, and adjacent islands: U. S. Dept. Agric, [Report No. 51] Washington, 1893. (BM) Work in Honolulu is referred to on pa^e 5 and apfain on page 11, where the following pests are discussed: Dactylopius spp., Pulvinaria psidii Mask., Lecanium acuminatum Sign., L. depressum Sign., and L. longulum Dougl. The introduction of Cryptolaemus montrousieri Muls. and Rhizobius spp. is recommended. Koebele further states that a number of Chilocorus hivulenerus Muls. were turned loose in good condition. He also found internal parasites preying upon the various species' of Lecanidae in Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 39 Honolulu, and one of these he took to California in considerable numbers, liberating them in an orange orchard infested with Lecanium oleae Burm. and L, hesperidum Linn, A few species of Scymnids and Coccinella ahdomi- nalis Say. were also found. These insects are discussed also on page 23, where it is stated that the Coccinella ahdominales was sent to California and liberated on Lecanium hesperidum Linn. ; and that three small Scymnids were found among the insects sent from Honolulu. 141. Maskell^, W. M., Further coccid notes: with descriptions of new species from Australia, India, Sandwich Islands, Demerara, and South Pacific: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 25, pp. 201-252^ pis. 11-18, 1893. The following Hawaiian species' are described: Lecanium acuminatum Sign., iy. longulum Dougl., Pulvinaria psidii n.sp., Sphaerococcus bambusae n.sp. 142. Riley, C. V., and Howard, L. O., An injurious Hawaiian beetle (Adoretus umbrosus) : Insect Life, vol. 6, p. 43, 1893. (HSPA) (UH) This species was first noticed in Hawaii about 1891 and in 1893 it had already become a serious pest, riddling the leaves of many trees and plants. 143. Thrum, Thomas, Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry: Haw. Ann. for 1894, pp. 92-94, Honolulu, 1893. (BM) (PL) (UH) Refers to the engagement of Prof. A. Koebele to study the blight and insect enemies of vegetation and to discover remedies for them. Men- tions consignments of coccinellids and toads from California. 144. Dyar, H. G., Preparatory stages of Lephygama flammaculaita Harv., and other notes: Can. Ent., vol. 26, pp. 65-69, 1894. (HSPA)' (AF) (UH) Includes description of all stages. 145. Coope:r, Elwood, Address of the president: CaHf. Sta. Bd. Hort, 4th Bien. Rept. 1893-4, pp. 240-250, Sacramento, 1894. (HSPA) (AF) Refers to the engagement of Koebele by the Hawaiian Government to search for parasites in Australia (p. 246), 146. Craw, Ale:xande:r, Entomology and quarantine: Calif. Sta. Bd. Hort., 4th Bien. Rept. 1893-4, PP- 79-109, Sacramento, 1894, (US) (HSPA) (AF) Records oleanders from Honolulu infested with scale, Aspidiotus sp. (pp. 79-80). 147. Thrum, Thomas, CoiTee outlook in Hawaii: Haw. Ann. for 1895, pp. 65-68, Honolulu, 1894, (BM) A brief discussion of coffee blight and its control by introduced in- sects. 148. Brunne:r, V. Wattenwyl, On the Orthoptera of the Saridwich Islands: Zool. Soc. London Proc, pp. 891-897, 1895. (BM) (AF) (US) 40 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin The following species are included: Dermaptera: Anisolabis litforea White, A. maritima Bon., A. paciUca Erichs., A. annuUpes Luc, Labia pygidiata Dubr., Chelisoches morio Fab., Poriicula hawaiensis Borm. — Blattodea: Phyllodromia heiroglyphica Brun., P. obtusata, n.sp., Stylopyga decorata Brun., Methana ligata Brun., Periplaneta americana L., Bleutheroda dyfiscoides Serv., Leucophaea surinamensis Fab., Oniscosoma pallida Brun., Buthyrrapha paciUca Conqueb. — Acridiodea: Oxya velox Fab. — Locustodea: Blimaea appendiculata Brun., Brachymetopa discolor Redtenb., B. blackburni Borm., B. deplanata n.sp., B. nitida n.sp., Xiphidium fuscum Fab. — Gryllodea: Gryllus innotabilis Walk., G. poeyi Sauss., Paratrigonidium paciUcum (Scudd.), P. atroferrugineum n.sp., Prognathogryllus n.gen. ex tribu Pro- doscirtium, P. alatus n.sp., P. f orbicularis n.sp. ; the last two figured. 149. Cocke:re:ll, T. D. a., Notes on the geographical distribution of scale insects: U. S. Nat. Mtis. Proc, vol. 17, pp. 615-625, 1895. (BM) (UH) The following are included from Hawaii (p. 621) : Dactylopius citri, Lecanium hesperidum, L. depressum, L. oleae, L. acuminatum, Asterole^ canium pustulans, Pulvinaria psidii, and Sphaerococcus bambusae. Only the last two were originally described from Hawaiian specimens. 150. Cocke:re:ll, T. D. a., Miscellaneous notes on Coccidae: Can. Ent., vol. 27, pp. 253-261, 1895. (HSPA) (US) Mentions Asterolecanium pustulans (Ckll.) on oleander from Hono- lulu (p. 259). 151. Dyar, H. G., Preparatory stages of Phlegethontius cingulata (Sphinx convohuH) : Ent. News, vol. 6, p. 95, 1895. (AF) (UH) (HSPA) Includes descriptions of all stages. 152. Kol^B^LE), Albe^rt, Report of the entomologist: Republic of Hawaii, Min. of Interior, Rept. for 1894, pp. 98-104, Honolulu, 1894. (US) The report discusses injurious insects in Hawaii. Koebele says that thougfi these are numerous they may be controlled by introducing natural enemies. He mentions some of the principal scale pests and reviews the numerous species of ladybird beetles sent from California to prey upon them. 153. Marsd^n, Joseph, Blights and insect pests: Republic of Hawaii, Min. Int. Rept. for the nine months ending Dec. 31, 1894, pp. 31-38, Honolulu, 1895. This paper lists about three dozen species of Coccinellidae which were successfully sent from Australia and liberated in Hawaii to prey upon plant lice, scale insects, and red spiders. Control measures are discussed for the Japanese beetle (Adoretus) with suggestions for the introduction of moles, bats, and toads. Notes a suggestion from University of California that the caneborer (Rhabdocnemis ob s cur us Bo'isd.) is a native of New Ireland, and that this island is the place to search for parasites. Discusses the damage done by this pest in Fiji. 154. MarsdEn, Jose^ph, Blights and insect pests: Report to commis- sioners of Agriculture and Forestry: Rept. Min. Int. Repub. Haw., for 1895, PP- 1 18-120, 1896. Records a marked decrease in scale pests', due to the introduction of natural enemies. This is particularly true in regard to the coffee scale, which Illingworth — Barly references to Hamadian entomology 41 is said to be a thing of the past. The Japanese beetle is reported trouble- some, also the red spider (Tetranychus telarius) on coffee, and cutworms' on the canaigre plant. 155. Maske^ll, W. M., Synoptical list of Coccidae reported from Austra- lasia and the Pacific Islands up to December, 1894: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 2y, pp. 1-35, 1895. (BM) The following are mentioned from Hawaii: Aspidiotus aurantii Mask., A. longispina Morg., A. nerii Bouche, Diaspis hoisduvalii Sign., D. rosae Sandb., Mytilaspis flava Targioni-Tozzetti, var. hawaiiensis Mask., M. pallida Green, var. ( ?) Mask., M, pomorum Bouche, Chionaspis {?) biclavis Comst., var. detecta Mask., C. prunicola Mask., Lecanium acuminatum Sign., L. longu- lum Dougl., L. nigrum Niet., var. depressum Targioni-Tozzetti, L. oleae Bern., Pulvinaria mammeae Mask., P. psidii Mask., Dactylopius vastator Mask., Sphaerococcus bambusae Mask., Icerya purchasi Mask. 156. Mask^ll, W. M., Further coccid notes with description of new species from New Zealand, Australia, Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, and remarks upon species already reported: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 27, pp. 36-75, pis. 1-7, 1895. (BM) The following species concern Hawaii: Aspidiotus longispina Morg., Diaspis boisduvalii Sign., Mytilaspis pallida Green, M. flava Targioni-Tozzetti, Chionaspis prunicola n. sp., C. biclavis Comst., var. detecta n. var., Pulvinaria mammeae n. sp., Dactylopius vastator n. sp. 157. Sharp, David, Cambridge Natural History, vol. 5, Insects, part i, pp. 83-584, and vol. 6, Insects part 2, pp. 1-625, London, 1895. (BM) (UH) In part i, reference is made to Oligotoma insularis (p. 354) and to the numerous chrysopides in Hawaii (p. 471). The pecularities of Hawaiian Odonata are discussed (pp. 425-426). In part 2, the Hawaiian bees (Prosopis, pp. 21-22) and the peculiarities of Hawaiian wasps (Odynerus, pp. 76-77) are discussed. 158. Tryon^ HKnry, New cane varieties and new diseases: The Plant- ters' Monthly, vol. 14, pp. 449-459, Honolulu, 1895. Discusses the distribution of the beetle-borer (Rhabdocnemis obscurus Boisd.). This New Guinea borer is said to occur also in New Ireland, Ta- hiti, Fiji, and Hawaii. 159. Ah^KtN, J, D., Zur Insectenfauna der Hawaiischen und Neusee- landischen Inseln. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauinsland 1896-7): Zool Jahrb., 19 Band, Heft 5 (1903). (BM) (HSPA) Includes notes on the various insects collected on the Hawaiian islands, including Laysan. 160. Ali^kEn, J. D., Neue Orthopteren von Neuseeland und der Ha- waiischen Inseln, nebst kritischen Bemerkungen zu einigen be- kannten Arten. Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauinsland 1896-7) : Abh. nat. Ver. Bremen, vol. 17, pp. 141-152 (1901). (BM) Paranemobius n.gen. and P. schauinslandi n.sp. are described (p. 145). 42 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin i6i. CoCK^RELL, T. D. A., A check-list of the Coccidae: III Sta. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull. 4, pp. 318-339, 1896. (HSPA) Lists the following from Sandwich Islands : Dactylopius vastator Mask, (p. 2>'^6)^ Sphaerococcus bambusae Mask. (p. 329), Pulvinaria mammeae Mask, (p- 330) J Mytilaspis flava, var. hawaiiensis Mask, (p.336). 162. Craw^ Alexand]e;r^ A list of scale insects found upon plants enter- ing the port of San Francisco: U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. Bull. 4, Tech. ser., pp. 40-41, 1896. (AF) (UH) The following are listed from Honolululu : Aspidiotus nerii Bouche, on palms; Asterolecanium pustulans CklL, on oleander; Ceroplastes rub ens Mask., on Asplenium fern; Diaspis patellae formis Sasak., on shrub; Dactylopius al- bissiae Mask., on orange; Icerya purchasi Mask., on rose; Lecanium hes- peridum Linn., on orange; Lecanium longulum Dougl., on Carica papaya; Le- canium perforatum Newst, on palms ; Lecanium tessellatum Sign., on ferns ; Lecanium oleae Bern., on deciduous magnolia; Pulvinaria psidii Mask., on ferns, orange, coffee, pomegranate and avocado. 163. Craw, Alexander, Injurious insect-pests found on trees and plants from foreign countries: Calif. Sta. Bd. Hort., 5th Bien. Rept. for 1895-6, pp. 33-55, pis. 6-8, Sacramento, 1896. (US) The following references to Hawaii: Chionaspis dele eta Mask. (p. 37) ^ Diaspis patelliformis? Sasak. (p. 39), Planchonia {Asterolecanium) pustulans . Cock. (p. 43), Ceroplastes rubens Mask. (p. 44), Lecanium nigrum Niet., L^ perforatum News, and L. tesselatum Sign. (p. 46), Pulvinaria psidii Mask., and Adoretus umbrosus Z. (p. 47). 164. Craw, Ale:xande:r, Entomology and quarantine: Calif. State Bd. Hort., 5th Bien. Rept. for 1895-6, pp. 127-135, Sacramento, 1896. (US) Includes the following references to Hawaii: Lecanium longulum Doug., taken on papaws (Carica papaya), and Ceroplastes rubens Msisk. on ferns (pp. 127-8), and the mongoose (p. 135). 165. Howard, L. O., and Marlatt, C. L., The San Jose scale: U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. Ent. Bull. 3, n. ser., pp. 1-80, 1896. (HSPA) Mr. Koebele found this scale on the island of Kauai upon prune and peach trees imported from California, some trees having been utterly de- stroyed by the scale and others badly infested. 166. Korbe^le:, Albert, Report on insect pests : Haw. Planters' Monthly, vol. 15, pp. 590-598, Honolulu, 1896. (HSPA) (US) The following pests are discussed and suggestions given for their con- trol : the cane borer, Sphenophorus obscurus Boisd. ; the coffee borer, Aego- soma reflexum Karsch. ; the coconut pyralid, Botys sp. ; the cut-worm, La- phygma frugiperda Hub.; the mole cricket, Gryllotalpa sp., the sugarcane mealy bug, Dactylopius calceolaria Mask. ; and plant lice. Aphis sp. 167. Marlatt, C. L., Insect control in CaUfornia: U. S. Dept. Agric. Yearbk,, pp. 217-236, 1896. (BM) Includes a reference to the introduction of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Muls., which had been very successful in Hawaii in ridding coffee plantations of Pulvinaria psidii (p. 226). Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 43 168. Perkins, R. C. L., A collecting trip on Haleakala, Maui, Sandwich Islands: Ent. Month. Mag., 2d ser., vol. 7, pp. 190-195, 1896. (BM) (AP) 169. Sharp, David, On Plagithmysus, a Hawaiian genus of longicorn Coleoptera: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 32, pp. 237-240, 241-245, 271-274, London, 1896. The following species are described: Plagithmysus vitticollis n. sp., P. newelli n. sp., P. concolor n. sp., P, solitarius n. sp., P. cuneatus n. sp., P. (Clytarlus) iHnschi Har., P. pulverulentus Motsch., P. hishopi n. sp., P. m- cinus n. sp., P. bilineatus n. sp., P. lanaiensis n. sp., P. perkinsi n. sp., P. t^an- ans n.sp., P. darwinianus n.sp., P. (Clytarlus) blackburni Sharp, P. sul- phurescenes n. sp., P. speculifer n. sp., P. aestivus n. sp., P. funebris n. sp., P. aequalis n. sp., P. arachnipes n. sp., P. (Clytarlus) cristalus Sharp. 170. Townse:nd, C. H. T., Some Mexican and Japanese injurious insects liable to be introduced into the United States: U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. Bull. 4, Tech. ser., pp. 9-25, 1896. Includes several brief references to species occurring in the Sandwich Islands. 171. CockEre:ll, T. D. a., San Jose scale and its nearest allies: U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Ent. Bull. 6, Tech. ser., 1897. (UH) Morganella n. subg. is proposed for maskelli n.sp. (p. 22). 172. Cockere:ll, T. D. a., Food plants of scale insects: U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc, vol. 19, pp. 725-785, 1897. (BM) Most of the Hawaiian species are included in this extensive list. 173. CoQUiLLE^TT, D. W., Revision of the Tachinidae of America north of Mexico: U. S. Dept. Agric, Bur. Ent. Bull. 7, Tech. ser., 1897. (UH) Chaetogaedia monticola Bigot is recorded from Hawaii, pp. 11 and 137. 173a. GupPY, H. B., On the summit of Mauna Loa: Nature, vol. 57, p. 21, London, Nov. 4, 1897. 174. Hampson, G. F., On the classification of two subfamilies of moths of the family Pyralidae: the Hydrocampinae and Scoparianae: Ent. Soc London, Trans., pp. 127-240, 1897. (HSPA) The following references are given to Hawaiian species : on p. 227 — Xeroscopa melanopis Meyr., X. ombrodes Meyr., X. ichnias Meyr., X. demodes Meyr., X. pachysema Meyr., X. mesoleuca Meyr., X. venosa Butl., X. hawaien- sis Butl., X. jucunda Butl. ; on p. 229 — Mestolobes abnormis Butl., M. minus- cula Butl., M. semiochrea Butl. ; on p. 233 — Scoparia frigida Butl., and >S'. montana Butl. 175. Ko^bEle:, Albert, Report of the entomologist of the Hawaiian Gov- ernment: Haw. Planters' Month., vol. 16, pp. 65-85, Honolulu, 1897. (BM) (US) (HSPA) This valuable paper deals with the work of Koebele from the time of appointment to December 31, 1896. Report is made upon the success of the introduced Australian ladybird beetle, Crytolaemus montrouzieri Muls., in controlling the following scale insects : Dactylopius vastator Mask., D, ceri- 44 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin ferus News., Z>. chalceolariae Mask., D, adonidum Linn., and Pulvinaria psidii Mask. Other scale insects mentioned are : Aspidiotus aurantii Mask., A. longispina Morg., A. duplex Cock., A. camelliae Sign., A, nerii Bouche, and several species of this genus; Parlatoria sisyphi News., P, pergandei Comst., Mytilaspis citricola Pack., M. gloverii Pack., M. pallida Green, M. fiava Targ.- Toz., M. pomorum Bouche, Diaspis rosae Sandb., D. hoisduvalii Sign., Chion- aspis biclavis Comst., C. eugeniae Mask., C. prunicola Mask., Diaspis patelh- formis Sasaki, D. amygdali Tryon, Fiorinia camelliae Comst., Ceroplastes ruhens Mask., C. ceriferus Ander., C. floridensis Comst., Lecanium acumi- natum Sign., L. aiicum Boisd., L- hemisphaericum Targ.-Toz., L. coffea Niet, L. hesperidum Linn., L. longulum Doug., L. mori Sign., L. nigrum Niet., L. oleae Bern., L. tessellatum Sign., Pulvinaria mameae Mask, Bryococcus arau- cariae Mask., and Icerya purchasi Mask., also other undetermined coccids present in the islands. About 200 species of ladybirds had been introduced to prey upon the scale insects, also two species of fungi destructive to all the Lyccanidae. Remarking upon the introduced Coccinellidae, Koebele says that only 3 species were present in Blackburn's time: Coccinella abdominalis Say, Scymnus ocellatus Sharp, and S. vividus Sharp, and that these were evidently introduced very early. Extensive notes are given upon the habits of the various other exotic species introduced by the author. Of the other in- troduced predators and parasites Koebele mentions syrphids and chrysopid flies as established, and says Chalets obscurata Walk, is active against various pyralid and tortricid larvae. Mention is also made of the introduction of bats from California — 600 of which reached Hawaii alive but were apparently not established. Toads from California and frogs' from Japan reproduced freely. Among cutworms the A gratis ypsilon Rott., A. saucia Hbn., Lecania unipuncta Haw., Plusia verticillata Guen., Laphygma frugiperda Hbn., are mentioned; these have few parasites. Coffee trees are reported badly infested by a white fly, Aleurodes sp. ; natural enemies of these were introduced. Ado- retus umbrosus F., probably introduced from Japan in soil, was reported from Oahu, Maui, and Kauai. These insects will be controlled by the fungus in the wet districts. Notes are given on life history, food plants, and natural enemies, with full discussion of the experiments with fungus". The small green tineid larvae destructive to the leaves of sweet potatoes (native '*po- nallo") and the somewhat allied Plutella cruciferarum Z. are mentioned briefly. 176. Maskkll, W. M., Further coccid notes with new species and dis- cussion of points of interest: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 29, PP- 293-331, pis. 18-22, 1897. (BM) The species described which concern Hawaii are : Chionaspis eugeniae Mask and Ceroplastes rub ens Mask. 177. MaskiSll, W. M., On a collection of Coccidae, principally from China and Japan: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 33, pp. 239-244, London, 1897. (AF) (HSPA) The following species are recorded from Hawaii: Aspidiotus cydoniae Comst., on castiarina ; same, var. tecta, n. var., on ohia trees ; Aspidiotus longispina Morg., on kukui trees ; Lecanium hesperidum Linn., on papaya and on ohia trees. 178. Pl^RKiNS, R. C. L., The introduction of beneficial insects in the Ha- waiian Islands: Nature, vol. 55, pp. 499-500, 1897. (BM) This article deals principally with scale insects and the reasons for the success of their introduced natural enemies. Perkins says': "Few countries have been more plagued by the importation of insect pests than the Hawai- Illingworth — Barly references to Hawaiian entomology 45 ian Islands ; in none have such extraordinary results followed the introduction of beneficial species to destroy them." 179. PERKINS, R. C. L., Notes on Oligotoma insularis McLach. (Embii- dae) and its immature conditions: Ent. Month. Mag., 2d ser., vol. 8, pp. 56-58, London, 1897. (BM) (AF) Discusses development and habits. 180. '''Pj^rkins^ R. C. L., Notes on some Hawaiian insects: Phil. Soc. Cambridge Proc, vol. 9, pp. 373-380, 1897. 181. Sharp, David, On Plagithmysus, a Hawaiian genus of longicorn Coleoptera: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 33, suppl, p. 12, London, 1897. (AE) (HSPA) Description given of Plagithmysus albertisi n. sp., collected in West Ho- nolulu by Signor d'Albertis in 1874. 182. Walsingham, Lord, Western equitorial African Microlepidoptera : Ent. Soc. London Trans., pp. 33-67, pis. 2, 3, 1897. Describes Monopis Hb. (Blabophanes Z.) longella Wlk. recorded from the Hawaiian islands (Honolulu). 183. Ali^kejn, J. D., Megachile schauinslandi n.sp. Eine neu Megachile- art aus Honolulu: Ent. Nachr., vol. 24, pp. 340-341, 1898. (HSPA) 184. Clark, B. O., Official bulletin of the Bureau of Agriculture: The Hawaiian, vol. i, p. 6, Honolulu, Aug. 13, 1898. The Hawaiian was a weekly newspaper which started February 12, 1898, its object being to advertise the islands. Mr. Clark, then secretary and com- missioner of the Hawaiian Bureau of Agriculture, edited a page dealing with agricultural subjects. The only complete file, so far as known is owned by Mrs. B. J. Mesick, 2029 Beckley Street, Honolulu, widow of the editor, h. H. Mesick. This', the first reference dealing with the melon fly (Dacus cu- curbitae Coq.) in Hawaii or elsewhere, consists of correspondence. A letter dated August 8, 1898, from L. C. Swain, Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, described this new pest, which he had observed affecting pumpkins, squashes, beans, to- matoes, and watermelons. Mr. Clark, in his' reply gave the life history of the flies, which he had observed carefully the previous year near Honolulu; he also suggested measures of control. A complete copy of this correspondence appears in Haw. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rept. for 1907, pp. 30-31, also in U. S. Dept. Agric. Bull. 491, pp. 57-58, 1917. 185. Cocke:re:ll, T. D. a.. The Coccidae of the Sandwich Islands: Ent., vol. 31, pp. 239-240, London, 1898. The species described are: Icerya purchasi Mask., Sphaerococcus bam- busae Mask., Asterolecanium pustulans CklL, Dactylopius citri Risso., D. al- bizziae Mask., D. vastator Mask., D. virgatus Mask. (syn. ceriferus Newst.), Ceroplastes rubens Mask., Lecanium nigrum Nietn., I,, nigrum, var. depres- sum Targ., L. hesperidum L., L. oleae Bern., L. acuminatum Sign., L. longu- lum Dougl., Pulvinaria mammeae Mask., P. psidii Mask., Aspidiotus aurantii Mask., A. longispina Morg., A, hederae ValL, var. nerii Bouche, A. cydoniae Comst., A. maskelli Ckll., A. persearum n. sp. A. perniciosus Comst., Mytilaspis gloverii Pack., M. hawaiiensis Mask., (as var. of flava), M, pomorum Bouche, M. pallida Green, var, maskelli Ckll., Howardia biclavis Comst., var. 46 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin detecta Mask., Chionaspis prunicola Mask. (syn. of Diaspis amygdali Tryon), C. eugeniae Mask., Fiorinia Horiniae Targ., Aulascaspis boisduvalii Sign., A. rosae Bouche. 186. Hampson, G. F., a revision of the moths of the superfamily Pyrau- stinae and family Pyralidae : Zool. Soc. London Proc, pp. 590- 761, 1898. The following Hawaiian species are included: Nacoleia blackburni ButL, N. accepta But!., iV". continentalis Wllgrn., N. demaratalis Wlk., and A^. localis Butl. (p. 699). 187 Howard, L. O., On some new parasitic insects of the subfamily Encyrtinae: U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc, vol. 21, pp. 231-248, 1898. (BM) Blepyrus marsdeni n. sp. is described from Honolulu (p. 234). 188. KiRBY, W. F., Description of a new genus of Odonata: Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 7th ser., vol. 2, pp. 346-348, 1898. (HSPA) Describes' Nesogonia n.gen., A^. blackburni McL. Also published in Haw. Planters' Mo. vol. 17, pp. 208-219 and 258-269, Honolulu, 1898. (BM) (US) (HSPA). 189. KoEbEle, Albe:rt, Report of Prof. Albert Koebele, Entomologist of the Hawaiian Government: Rept. Min. Int. Repub. Haw. for 1897, pp. 105-137, Honolulu, 1898. (BM) (US) (HSPA) Most of this report is a repetition of the valuable report presented by this author the previous year (see No. 175). New matter, starting on page 130, deals' with natural enemies of pests observed in California, Arizona, and Mexico. 190. MaskEll, W. M., Further coccid notes with descriptions of new species and discussion of points of interest: N. Zeal. Inst. Trans., vol. 30, pp. 219-252, 1898. (BM) Includes a discussion of Aspidiotus cydomae Comstock, var, tecta n. var., from Hawaii (p. 224). 191. Maxwell, Walti^r, The Hawaiian Islands: U. S. Dept. Agric, Yearbook for 1898, pp. 563-582, 1899. Includes a brief note on quarantine against insect pests and plant dis- eases and a letter from Mr. Koebele (p. 574). 192. Ali^kEn, J. D., Die Xylocopa-art der Hawaiian Islands : Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, pp. 317-318, 1899. (HSPA) The introduced bee, commonly known in Hawaii as Xylocopa aeneipen- nis Deg., is here considered to be the Asiatic species, X. chloroptera Lep. 193. Brigham, W. T., Hawaiian feather work: B. P. Bishop Mus. Mem., vol. I, No. I, Honolulu, 1899. Contains interesting references to the development of kahilis and their relation to house flies. 194. CoCK^RELL, T. D. A., The Coccidae of the Sandwich Islands : Ent., vol. 32, pp. 93, 164, 1899. ( AF) Discussed the distribution of what were considered endemic Hawaiian species, namely: Kermicus (formerly Sphaerococcus) bambusae, which also Illingworth — Early references to Hawaiian entomology 47 occurs in Ceylon, Mauritius, and Brazil; Dactylopius vastator, also found in Mauritius ; and Mytilaspis hawaiiensis, which has been found at Amoy, China. The following are to be added to the Hawaiian list: Aspidiotus (Bvaspidiofus) transparens Green, A. (Hemiberlesia) greeni Ckll., and a young Icerya, indeterminable. Cockerell adds the following species from Koebele's report to his list of Hawaiian coccids : Dactylopius calceolariae Mask., D. adonidum Linn, (but probably citri), Briococcus araucariae Mask, Ceroplastes ceriferus Anders., C. floridensis Comst. (these two often intro- duced but not established), tecanium hemisphaericum Targ., L. mori Sign., Z.. tessellatum Sign., Parlatoria zisyphis Luc, P. proteus, var. pergandei Comst, Mytilaspis beckii E. Newman (M. citricola Pack.), Aspidiolus rapax Comst., A. duplex Ckll. (p. 164). There are also mentioned two unidenti- fied species of Pulvinaria. 195. "^CoCK^RELL, T. D. A., A check-list of the Coccidae. First supple- ment : 111. Sta. Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull. 5, pp. 389-398, 1899. 196. CoQUiLLEW, D. W., A new trypetid from Hawaii: Ent. News, vol. 10, pp. 129-130, 1899. Describes Dacus cucurbitae n.sp. : two males and two females bred by George Compere from larvae in green cucumbers. 197. Emi^ry, Carlos, Ergebnisse einer Reise nach dem Pacific (Schauins- land 1896-97), Formiciden: Zool. Jahrb., vol. 12, Syst., pp. 438-44c^, 1899. (HSPA) Describes four species of ants collected from I^aysan: Monomorium gracillimum F.Sm., Teframorium guineense Fabr., Tapinoma melano-cephalum Fabr., Ponera punctatissima Rog., schauninslandi n.subsp. 198. FoRKL, August, Heterogyna (Formicidae) : Fauna Haw., vol. i, pp. 1 16-122, 1899. 199. Haughs, David, Insect pests and diseases : Report Commissioner of Agriculture: Rept. Min. Int. Repub. Haw. for bien. period ending 1899, pp. 120-123, Honolulu, 1900. (US) (AF) Consists of a report by Professor Koebele of a trip to Australia in search of parasites, primarily for the cane-borer. The Mediterranean fruit fly is noted as a bad pest in Australia, a condition which led to a quarantine of Australian fruit. Other exotic fruit flies are also discussed. 200. "^Howard, L. O., Economic status of insects as a class: Sci., n.s., vol. 9, p. 241, 1899. 201. KiRKALDY, G. W., Eine neue hawaiische Fulgoriden-Gattung und Art: Ent. Nachr., vol. 25, p. 359, 1899. (HSPA) Phalainesthes n.gen., P. schauinslandi n.sp., are described from Hilo. 202. KoEBEL^, Albe^rt, Report of the entomologist: Republic of Hawaii, Min. of Int., Rept. for 1898, pp. 84-87, Honolulu, 1899. (US) (AF) Records the introduction of the hornfly, Haematobia irritans Linn. 203. '*=Koningsbi:rg:^r, J. C, Erste overzicht der schadelijke en nuttige Icesten van Java: Mededeelingen uit 's lands plantentuin, vol. 22, pp. 1-53, 1899. 48 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 204. Me)yrick, Edward, Macrolepidoptera : Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. i, pp. 123-275, pis. s-7^ 1899. This is the most extensive work on this group; it includes descriptions of many new species. 205. Pe:rkins, R. C. L,., Hymenoptera aculeata: Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. I, pp. 1-122, pis. I, 2, 1899. This is the most extensive work on this group; it contains' descriptions of many new species. 206. Pe^rkins, R. C. L., Orthoptera: Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. 2, pp. 1-30, pis. I, 2, 1899. This is the most extensive work on Orthoptera; it contains descrip- tions of many new species. 207. Pe:rkins, R. C. L., Neuroptera: Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. 2, pp. 31- 89. pis. 3-5. 1899. This is the most extensive work on Neuroptera; it contains descrip- tions of many new species. 208. ScHAuiNSLAND^ H., Drei Monate auf einer Korallen-Insel (Laysan), Bremen, 1899. (HSPA) The insects' listed are Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apamea chersotoides Butl., Spaelotis crinigera Butl. — Pyralidae : Zinckenia recurvalis F., also an undetermined tineid. — Hemiptera: Nabis sp. — Hymenoptera: Chelonus ea- rner oni D.T. (=carinatus Cam.). — Coleoptera : Dermestes domesticus Garm., Clytus crinicornis Chevr., Silvanus surinamensis Linn., Tribolium ferrugineum Fab., also an abundance of roaches, Periplaneta (pp. 102-103). The flies and ants are not included in this paper. 209. AsHMi^AD, W. H., Notes on some New Zealand and Australian par- asitic Hymenoptera: Linn, Soc. N.S.W. Proc, vol. 25, pp. 327- 360, 1900. Describes the Pteromalid, Tomocera californica, parasite for Lecamum oleae, p. 345. 210. Dyar^ H. G., Larvae from Hawaii — a correction: Can. Ent., vol. 32, pp. 156-158. (HSPA) (AF) (UH) Spodoptera mauritia Boisd. is' described as Laphygma flavimaculata Harv. in Can. Ent., vol. 26, p. 65, 1894. Other caterpillars described are: Lycaena boetica Linn., Plusia chalcites Esp., and Omiodes blackburni Butl, It is also noted that Sphinx convolvuli is the insect described as Phlegethon- tius cingulata in Ent. News, vol. 6, p. 95. 2ii. "^ Frank, A. B., and Krue:ge:r, F., Schildlausbuch . . . Berlin, p. 120, 1900. Records Aspidiotus pernicosus from Hawaii, p. 70. 212. Howard, L. O., A dipterous enemy of cucurbits in the Hawaiain Islands: U. S. Dept. Agric, Div. Ent. Bull. 22, n.ser., pp. 93- 94, 1900. Specimens were received March 13, 1899, from George Compere, Hono- lulu, of what is locally known as' the melon fly. This was pronounced by Coquillett to be a new species, to which he gave the name, Dacus cucurbitae. Illingworth — Early references to Hazvaiian entomology 49 213. Kotmi.t, Albe:rt, Report: Haw. Sugar Planters' Exp. Sta. Rept,, pp. 40-42, 1900. (US) Records an examination of the dying roots of sugarcane: no organic disease could be found, though the epidermis of roots had been broken, probably by wind. 214. Koebele:, Albe:rt, Diseases of the cane: The Planters' Monthly, vol. 19, pp. 519-524, 1900- Discusses the distribution, food plants, habits, and control measures of the sugar cane beetle borer, Rhahdocnemis obscurus; also includes brief notes on the pyralid moth Omiodes accepta Butl. 215. KoKBELE, Albert, Report of Prof. Albert Koebele, entomologist: Rept. Comr. Agric, and Forestry for 1900, pp. 36-49, 1901. (US) Koebele reports the introduction of parasites from California for Pieris rapae, Plutella cruciferarum, and various cutworms. Salamanders were also brought over. Notes Lecanidae kept in check now by many ladybirds; other predators and parasites sent from Fiji and Australia. A brief review of exotic fruit flies is included, with remedies. Fuller's ros'e beetle, Arami- gus fulleri Horn, is found to be the same as the so-called Olinda bug. A tineid larva of cotton bolls (Geleckia gossypiella Sndrs.) is reported; a tortricid, also bred from cotton bolls, and a common beetle, Araeoceriis fasciculatus De.G. Japanese beetles are reported from all parts of the islands. Suggestions on various phases of the production of silk as an industry for the islands terminates this paper. 216. Ko:eB:^LE:^ Albe;rt^ Destruction of forest trees: Rept. Comr. Agric. and Forestry Hawaii, for 1900, pp. 50-60, 1901. (US) Discusses the depredation of insects" on forest trees of Hawaii. Icerya purchasi Mask, is under control, the ladybird beetle, Vedalia cardinaliSj be- ing abundant. Other scale insects mentioned are Lecanium nigrum Neit., L. longulum Doug., and Puhinaria psidii Mask, which are also well checked by introduced natural enemies. The same is said in regard to the mealy bugs, Dactylopius ceriferus News., on Brythrina monosperma. Notes on the span worm, Scotorythra idolias, a tortricid, and on a Bruchus destructive to the seed of the koa tree. The list of Cerambycid beetles noted includes : Pla- githmysus varians Shp., P. pulverulentus Motsch., P. cristatus Shp., P. aequaUs Shp., P. arachnipes Shp., P. darwinianus Shp., P. blackburni Shp., P, funebris Shp., P. bilineatus Shp., P. bishopi Shp. P. vicinus Shp., P. col- laris Shp., P. diana Shp., P. Unschi Har., P. pulvillatus Karsch, P. lanaiensis Shp., P. aestivus Shp., P. concolor Shp., P. permundus Shp., P. perkinsi Shp., P. lamarckianus Shp., Clytarlus Ulipes Shp., C. mediocris Shp., C, debilis Shp., C. claviger Shp., C. nodifer Shp., C modestus Shp., C. laticollis Shp., C. pennatus Shp., C. fragilis Shp., C. longipes Shp., C, annectens Shp., and Callithmysus micro gaster Shp. Koebele considers the worst pest of the native forest to be cattle (pp. 57-59). 217. Koi^B^Lt, Albert, Notes on insects affecting the koa trees . . .: Rept. Bd. Comr. Agric. and Forestry, Hav^aii, 190a, pp. 61-66, 1901, (US) The insects noted are: Parandra puncticeps Sharp, Aegosoma reflexum Karsch in the dead wood of the decaying forest. The living trees affected by the "Olinda bug," Pandamorus olindae Perk., by tortricid and geometrid larvae, and by a fungoid disease. 50 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin 218. KoE^BELE, Albert, Hawaii's forest foes: Haw. Ann. for 1901, pp. 90-97, Honolulu, 1900. Discusses causes' of the disappearing forests of the islands, describing the various species of insects that attack trees, with their natural enemies. 219. Meyrick, Edward, New Hawaiian Lepidoptera: Ent. Month. Mag., vol. 36, pp. 257-258, 1900. (HSPA) (AF) The specimens described were collected by Professor Schauinsland. Agrotis eremioides n.sp. and A. procellaris n.sp., were obtained at I^aysan, and Scotorythra diceraunia n.sp., S. triscia Meyr., Phlyctaenia synastra Meyr. came from Molokai. 220. *Pe:rkins, R. C. L., Introduction of beneficial insects into the Ha- waiian Islands: Berlin Ent. Zeit., pp. 45-46, 1900. This is a resume of an article that appeared in Nature, vol. 55, pp. 499- 500, 1897. 221. Pi^RKiNS, R. C. Iv., Coleoptera, Rhynchophora, Proterhinidae, Hete- romera, and Cioidae: Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. 2, pp. 117-270, pis. 7-10, 1900. The most extensive work dealing with these groups ; it contains descrip- tions of many new species. 222. Sharp, David, Coleoptera Phytophaga: Fauna Hawaiiensis, vol. 2, pp. 91-116, pi. 6, 1900. The most extensive work on this' group; it contains descriptions of many new species. 223. Thomas, W. B., Farming in Hawaii: Haw. Ann. for 1901, pp. 124- 128, 1900. (BM) Includes a brief reference to insect pests which are said to make it al- most impossible to grow certain vegetables (p. 127). 224. Van Dink, D. L., A partial bibliography of Hawaiian entomology: U. S. Dept. Agric, Office Exp. Stations Bull. 170, pp. 52-59, 1906. 225. Ball, S. C, Migration of insects to Rebecca Shoal Light-Station and the Tortugas Islands, with special references to mosquitoes and flies: Carnegie Inst. Wash., Pub. No. 252, pp. 193-212, 1918. Contains an interesting note on the observation of house flies migrating long distances in a small boat (p. 208). ALPHABETICAL LIST OF GENERA 51 Page A Acalles 35 Acanthia 28,37 Achroea 37 Aciptilia Z7 Acritus 34 Acupalpus 31, 32 Adelocera 6 Adoretus 17, Z% 40, 42, 44 Aechalia 37 Aegosoma 31, 42, 49 Aeletes 34 Ageialia 6 Agrion 33,34 Agrotis 28, 30, 31, 44, 50 Agrypnus 6 Aleurodes 44 Alschua 24 Ammophorus 23 Ananca 35 Anax 24, 25, 33 Anchomenus 6, 21, 26, 27, 28, 30, 34 Anemosa 3Ij37 Anisodactylus 31? 32 Anisolabis' 32,40 Anomalochrysa 33, 34 Anosia , 36 Anotheorus 26 Anthicus 35 Antilissus 29 Apamea 4B Aphis 42 Aphodius 6, 29 Apis 29 Aporodes 31, 37 Apterocyclus 25, 2(i Araeocerus^ 49 Aramigus 49 Argyresthia ._ 2.6 Arma 24 Asopia Z7 Aspidiotus 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 Asopus' „. 21 Asterolecanium 40, 42, 45 Astrimus 27 Ataenius 6 Atrachycnemis 27, 34 Attagenus 35 Aulascaspis 46 Automola 33 Azinus 33 B Bacanius - 34 Barypristus' 34 Bembidium 28, 30 Blabophanes 33,45 Blackburnia 27 Blatta 20,32 Page Blepyrus 4^ Bolitochara 34 Boreophila 31 Bostrichus 35 Botys 2(>, 2T, 2%, Z7y 42 Brachymetopa - 40 Brachypeplus 27, 29, 31, 35 Brontolaemus 35 Bythoscopus 24 C Caccodes 35 Calandra 22,35 Calleida 23 Callithmysus 49 Calotermes 33 Calpodes 31 Camponotus 29, 36 Canthon 2^ Capsus' 24,28 Caradina 3^ Cardiastethus 26, 28, 37 Carpophilus 27 Catapicephala 25 Catorama 35 Ceromasia v- ^^ Ceroplastes 42, 44, 45, 47 Chaenosternum 35 Chaetogaedia 3^,43 Chalcis 31, ^^^ 44 Chelisoches 32,40 Chelonus 31, 3^, 48 Chilocorus 3^ Chiloides 35 Chionaspis 41, 42, 44, 4^ Chrysopa : 33 Cicada 7 Ci^ 29,35 Cistela 35 Clerada 28 Clytarlus 27, 29, 30, 31, 35, 43, 49 Coccinella 39,44 Clytus , 48 Coleolichus 31, 37 Colias 24,25 Colpodes 32 Colpodiscus, 34 Colymbetes 6, 21 Conocephalus :i2 Coplatus 6, 34 Corixa 26 Corylophus 34 Corymbites 31 Crabro 23, 29, 31, 36 Crepidodera 24 Cryptolaemus 38, 42, 43 Cryptorhopalum 35 Culex 24,34 s^ Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Cyclonotum 29 Cyclothorax 27, 28, 30, 32, 34 Cylas 13 Cymus - 31 D Dactylopius 38, 40, 41, 4^, 43, 45, 47, 49 Dacus' 18, 45, 47, 48 Danaida 16 Danais 27, 30, 36 Deielia 38 Deilephila 26, 30 Delphax 23,24 Depressaria ^s Dermestes 48 Diaspis 41, 42, 44, 46 Diestota 30, 34 Dilasia 29, 31, 37 Diplosara 33 Disenochus 27, 30, 34 Dolichotelus 35 Dryophthorus 27 Dyscolus 26 Dys'dercus 25 E Echthromorpha 24, s^ Eidoreus 35 Elater 6, 31 Eleutheroda 32, 40 Elimaea 32, 40 Elipsocus 33 Encyrtus 36 Eopenthes 35 Ephestia 26, 31, 37 Epitragus 31 Epitranus 33, 36 Eriococcus 44, 47 Eromene 32, 37 Eulachus 35 Eupelmus 33, 36 Eupithecia 30 Eurycreon 37 Euthyrrapha 32, 40 Euxestus 35 Evania _ 29, 33, 34, 36 Evaspidiotus 47 Eysarcoris 22 F Falagria 30 Fiorinia 44,46 Forficula 32,40 Formicaleo 33, 38 Fornax 35 G Geleckia 17, 49 Genophantis' 37 Page Geodephaga 27,28 Geotomus 26, 37 Gesneria 3$, 37 Glyptoma 30 Gomphocerus 24 Gonioryctus 27,35 Gonitis 32 Graptodera 24 Gryllotalpa 42 Gryllus 32, 40 H Hadena 25 Haematobia 17, 47 Halobates 15, 34 Haptoncus 27 Hednota 37 Helcogaster 35 Heliothis 24, 30 Hemiberlesia 47 Herminia 26 Heteramphus 35 Heterocossa 33 Heterophaga 22, 35 Holochila 28, 31 Holcobius 31 Homoeosoma 37 Howardia 45 Hyalopteryx 24 Hydrobius 6, 22 Hydrophilus' 6, 20, 28 Hymenia 26 Hypena 26, 30, 31 Hyperaspis 24 Hyperomorpha 35 Hypocala 32 Hypothenemus 29, 35 I Icerya 17, 38, 41, 42, 44. 45, 47, 49 Itodacntis 35 K Kermicus 46 L lyabetis 29, 35 Labia 23, 32, 40 Labrocerus 35 Laemorphloeus 35 Ivagochirus 27 Laphygma 42, 44, 48 Larentia 28 Ivaverna 26, 32 Leucania 26, 27, 28, 30, 32 Lecanium ....38, 39, 40,41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49 Lephygama 39 Lepidotus 6 Lepthemis 33 List of Genera 53 Page Leptogenys 29, 36 L/Cucophaea 40 Libellula 7 Lilia 29, 31, 37 Limneria ...33, 36 Liophaena 30 Lispe 25 Lispinodes 30, 34 lyitargus" 29 Lithocharis 34 Locastra -32, 37 Lopha 28 Loxocreon 38 Luperus 24 Luteva 26 Lycaena 48 Lycosa : 9 M Margarodes 37 Margaronia 31 Mauia 35 Mauna 34 Mecyna 28, 31, 37 Megachile 29, 36, 45 Megalagrion 33 Megalomus 33,34 Megascelis 24 Melanomecyna 33, 3/ Merragata 26 Mestalobes 32, 37, 43 Metacoelus 36 Metasia 32,37 Methana .^. 40 Metrarga 28,37 Metromenus 34 Mimesa 23, 36 Micracantha 27 Mirosternus 31, 35 Microvelia 28 Monanus' 29, 35 Monolexis 31, 36 Monomorium 36, 47 Monopis 45 Moranila 33, 36 Morganella 43 Musca 12, 25 Myllaena 30, 34 Myrmelon 23 Mytilaspis 41, 42, 44, 45, 47 N Nabis 26, 28, 37, 48 Nacoleia 46 Nesogonia 46 Notaphus 30 Nysius 24, 25, 28, 31, 37 O Odynerus 19, 29, 36, 37, 41 Oechalia 28 Page Oenemona 23 Oligota 30,34 Oligostigma 28 Oligitoma 33, 35, 4i, 45 Omicrus 28 Omiodes 37, 38, 48, 49 Oniscosoma 32, 4<^ Oniscus' 9 Onthophagus 23 Oodemas 24, 26, 27, 30, 35 Oopsis 27 Ophion 33,36 Orthomecyna 33, 37 Orthoperus 34 Oxya 40 Oxytelus 30,34 P Pachycorynus 30 Palistes 34 Pamera 25,28 Panchlora 32 Pandamorus 49 Pantala 25,33 Papilio 7, 25, 26 Paranemobius 41 Parandra 6, 27, 49 Paraponyx 37 Parasia 33 Paratrigonidium 40 Parlatoria 44,47 Pelopoeus 29, 36 Pentarthrum 27 Periplaneta 32, 40, 48 Phalainesthes 47 Pheidole 29, 32, 36 Phenolepis 29 Phlaeopora 30 Phlegethontius' 40*48 Phlyctaenia 50 Phthorimaea 13 Phyllodromia 40 Pieris 49 Pimpla 36 Pison 29,36 Plagithmysus 22, 23, 30, 35, 43, 45, 49 Planchonia 42 Platydema 35 Platynus 6, 31, 32 Platyptilus 32,37 Ploiariodes 31, 37 Plodia 28,37 Plusia 26, 27, 30, 44, 48 Plutella 44,49 Polistes 29,36 Polyommatus 32 Ponera 29, 36, 47 Prenolepsis 29,36 Prodenia 15, 26, 30, 32 Prognathogryllus 40 Promecoderus 31 54 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Propalticus 29 Protoparce 26,30 Prosopis' 2S, 29, 36, 41 Proteopteryx 32 Proterhinus 27, 29, 31, 35 Protocolletis - 37 Psammodius - 6 Pseudocoremia 28 Pseudolus 35 Psocus 33 Pulvinaria 38, 39. 40, 4i, 4^, 44 45, 47, 49 Pycnoscelys 20 Pyralis - 26 Pyrameis 25,28 R Reclada 28 Rhabdocnemis 16, 22, 40, 41, 49 Rhodaria 26, 31, 37 Rhyncogonus 35 Rhygchium 24 Rhyncolus 24, 31, 35 Rhyparochromus' 22 S Salbia 24,37 Salda 28 Sarcophaga 25 Sardia ....;. 37 Saronychium 26 Scardia 28 SciopKagus 35 Sclerodersaa 36 Scolopendra 9 Scoparia 31, 32, 37, 43 Scopula 30, 32, 33, 37 Scotomera 32, 37 Scotorythra 33, 49, 50 Scotosia 28, 30 Scymnus 24, 35, 44 Selbia 28 Selda 37 Selenophorus 23 Sericoderus 34 Sierola 3'^, 3^ Silvanus 48 Solenopsis 29, 36 Solindena 33, 36 Sotenus 27 Spaclotys 48 Spalangia 36 Page Sphaeridium 29 Sphaerococcus 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46 Sphenophorus 37, 42 Sphinx 8, 13, 40, 48 Spaelotius 30 Spodoptera 48 Spoelotis 30 Stasilea 31 Stenocorus 27 Stenopterus 22 Stylopyga 40 Synomotis' 33 T Tachyusa 30 Tapinoma 36,47 Telephanus 35 Telmatophilus 35 Teras 32 Tetramorium 29, 36, 47 Tetranychus 40, 41 Tettigonia 23 Thyrocopa 33 Tinea 32 Tomocera 48 Toxocampa 30 Tramea 25,33 Trechus 23^ Tribolium 48 Trichoptilus 37 Trigonidium 24, 32 Tripleps 26 Trogophlaeus 30 Trox 6 Trypeta 25 Trypopitys 31 V Vanessa .4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31 Vedalia 38,49 X Xeroscopa .43, 46 Xiphidium 40 Xyleborus 35 Xyletobius 31, 35 Xylocopa 29, 36, 37 Z Zinckenia 37, 48 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SPECIES 55 A Page Abdominale, Sphaeridium 29 Abdominalis, Coccinella 39? 44 Trogophlaeus' 30 Abnormis, Crabro 36 Mestolobes Zl^ 43 Metasia 3^ Accepta, Botys 26, 27, 28 Nacoleia 46 Omiodes Z1^ 49 Achatina, Pyralis 26 Achroana, Heterocossa 33 Acuminatum, Lecanium 38, 39? 40, 4Ij 44»45 Acutus, Mirosternus 35 Adonidum, Dactylopius 44> 47 Adspectans, Crabro 36 Advena, Oxytelus 30 Aeneipennis, Xylocopa 29, 36, 46 Aenes'cens, Oodemas 24, 27 Aeneus, Laemorphloeus 35 Aenone, Mestolobes Z^. Aequale, Oodemas 35 Aequalis, Orthoperus 34 Plagithmysus 43> 49 Aestivus, Plagithmysus 43? 49 Affinis, Brachypeplus 31 Crabro 29, 36 Xyletobius v- 35 Agilis, Odynerus' 29, z^ Alatus, Prognathogryllus 40 Albertisi, Plagithmysus 45 Albicaudata, Orthomecyna -33, 37 Albizziae, Dactylopius ..42, 45 Albosparsa, Ephestia 31 Alienus, Cis 29 Altivolans, Hypena var. simplex 31 Scopula 30 Ambiguus, Eopenthus -.... 35 Ambrodes, Xerocopa 37 Americana, Periplaneta Z'^, 40 Amoenula, Calleida 23 Amygadali, Dias'pis 44, 46 Angularis, Proterhinus 31 Angusticollis, Acalles 35 Angustum, Oodemas 27 Annectens, Clytarlus „ 49 Annularis, Hyperaspis 24 Annulipes, Anisolabis 40 Anomalus, Disenochus' 2y Antennata, Misesa 23, 36 Anthracina, Prosopis '^ZiZ^ Apertus, Brachypeplus 35 Aphanopis, Orthomecyna 37 Apicalis, Cis 35 Dolichotelus 35 Apicicornis, Clerada 28 Page Appendiculata, Elimaea 32, 40 Arachnipes, Plagithmysus 43? 49 Araneiformis, Lagochirus 27 Araucariae, Eriococcus 44? 47 Arboricola, Nysius 28 Arboricolens, Scotorythra - 33 Archippus, Danaida 16 Danais - 27, 30, 36 Arenivolans, Agrotis 28 Argoscelis, Scopula Z1 Armigera, Heliothis 3^ Asellus, Oniscus 9 As'per, Antilissus 29 Aphodius 6 Brachypeplus ,... - 27 Aspersa, Laverna 32 Atalanta, Vanessa -,- 8 Atomarius, Bacanius .- 34 Atroferrugineum, Paratrigonidium .... 40 Attenuatus, Cis 35 Aurantii, Aspidiotus 41? 44? 45 Aurifer, Palistes 29, 34, 36 Aurora, Anemosa -- 31 Mecyna - 37 B Balteatus, Canthon 23 Bambusae, Kermicus' 46 Sphaerococcus 39? 40? 4i? 42, 45 Barbata, Sarcophaga 25 Bardus, Anchomenus 26 Basalis, Eopenthes 35 Proterhinus' 29 Sericoderus 34 Beckii, Mytilaspis - 47 Bella, Eromene Z'2' Bembidioides, Cyclothorax 28 Biclavis, Chionaspis 44 var, detecta 41 Howardia var. detecta 45' Bicolor, Brachypeplus 35 Cis 29 Mirosternus 31 Bidens, Brachypeplus 31 Bilineatus, Plagithmysus 43? 49 Bimaculatus, Cis 35 Biseriatus, Acupalpus --3i? 3^ Bishopi, Playithmysus 43? 49 Bivulnerus, Chilocorus 38 Blackburni, Botys' ..26, 27 Brachypeplus 31 var. lanaiensis 35 Brachymetopa 40 Chelonus Z^ Clytarlus 35 Conocephalus 32 Corixa 26 56 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Gonioryctus 27 GlyptQma 30 Holochila 28, 31 Lepthemis 33 Limneria 33, $6 Megalagrion 33 Nabis 28 Nacoleia 46 Nesogonia 46 Nysius - 31 Odynerus 29, 36 Omiodes , 37, 48 Pentarthrum 27 Plagithmysus 43, 49 Prosopis 29, 36 Proterhinus 27 Protoparce 30 Rhyncogonus 35 Blackburniae, Coleolichus 31 Bledioides, Oxytelus 34 Boetica, Lycaena 48 Boeticus, Polymmatus 32 Boisduvalii, Aulascaspis 46 Diaspis 41, 44 Bonvouloiri, Fornax 35 Borrei, Oodemas 27 Brachymorpha, Platyptilia 37 Brevicorne, Cryptorhopalum 35 Brevicornis, Monanus 35 Brevipenne, Glyptoma ^ 30 Brevipes; Omicrus 2S Brevis, Brachypeplus 27 Cyclothorax 27 Caementarius, Pelopaeus 36 Caeneusalis, Hermmia 26 Caenosulus, Nysius 25 Calceolaria, Dactylopius 42, 47 Calida, Deilephila 30 Calidus, Cis 35 Californica, Tomocera 48 Caliginosus, Dyscolus 26 Calliphya, Agrion 33 Calvus', Cymus 31 Camelliae, Aspediotus 44 Fiorinia 44 Cameroni, Chelonus 48 Capucinus, Trypopitys 31 Cardinalis, Odynerus 36, 37 Vedalia 49 Cardui, Vanessa 8, 9, 13, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30 Carinatus, Chelonus 31 Mirosternus 31 Carinata, Diestota 30 Carinatus, Chelonus 48 Castaneus; Calotermes 33 Celatus, Brachypeplus 35 Ceriferus, Ceroplastes 44, 47 Dactylopius 43, 45, 49 Page Chalceolariae, Dactylopius 44 Chalcites, Plusia 48 Chersotoides, Apamea 30, 48 Chloroptera, Xylocopa 46 Chloroticus, Cis 35 Cinctipennis, Apameidae 30 Cingulata, Phlaeopora 30 Protoparce 26 Phlegethontius 40, 48 Citri, Dactylopius 40, 45, 47 Citricola, Mytilas'pis 47 Cladestina, Phenolepis 29 Clavicornis, Oligota 30 Claviger, Clytarlus 49 Coarctata, Scoparia 31, 32 Coenosulus, Nysius 24, 28 Coflfea, Lecanium 44 Collaris, Ananca 35 Plagithmysus 49 Proterhinus 29 Concentricus, Aeletes 34 Concolor, Cis 3*5 Labrocerus 35 Plagithmysus' 43>49 Conferta, Heliothis 30 Confussus, Bacanius 34 Congruus, Odynerus 29, 36 Coniceps, Prosopis 36 Constricta, Protocolletis 37 Scopula 32 Continuatalis; Botys 28 Loxocreon 38 Nacoleia 46 Omiodes 37 Salbia 24, 28 Contracta, Metrarga 37 Ponera 29, 36 Convolvuli, Sphinx 40, 48 Corticea, Scotosia 30 Corruscus', Anchomenus 21 Corymbites 31 Cosmodactyla, Platyptilia 37 Cranifex, Palistes 34 Crassicorne, Oodemas 35 Crassicornis, Cistela 35 Crassipes, Trypeta 25 Crassus; Dryophthorus 27 Cremata, Agrotis 31 Spaelotis 30 Crenatus, Monanus 29 Crinicornis, Clytus 48 Criniger, Cymus 31 Crinigera, Spoelotis 30, 48 Cristatus, Clytarlus 27 Plagithmysus 43, 49 Cruciferarum, Plutella 44, 49 Cucurbitae, Dacus 18, 45, 47, 48 Cuneatus, Anisodactylus 31, 32 Plagithmysus 43 Cuneipennis, Anchomenus 26 List of Species 57 Page Currax, Falagria 30 Ctarta, Oligostigma 28 Curtipes, Myllaena 30 Curvicornis, Stasilea 31 Curtipennis, Nabis 37 Cydoniae, Aspidiotus 44, 45 van tecta 44, 45 Cylindricus, Heteramphus 35 Psammodius 6 Cytricola, Mytilaspis 44 D Dallasi, Nysius 28 Darwinianus, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Debilis, Caccodes 35 Clytarlus 49 Eopenthes 35 Mirosternus 31 Proterhinus 27 Telmatophilus 35 Deceptor, Agrion 33 Declivia, Dryophthorus 27 Decolor, Dilasia 29, 31 Decorata, Periplaneta 32 Stylopyga 40 Decoratus, Acalles" 35 Delecta, Chionaspis 42 Delectus, Nysius 28 Demaratalis, Botys 28 Nacoleia 46 Omiodes 37 Demodes, Xerocopa 37M3 Denigrata, Dilasia 29, 31 Denticornis, Crabro ". 29 Deplanata, Brachymetopa 40 Depressum, Lecanium 38, 40 Despecta, Rhodaria 26, 31 Scopula 37 Desuetella, Ephestia 37 Detritus, Proterhinus" 35 Deverilli, Cyclothorax 28 Diana, Plagithmysus 49 Diceraunia, Scotorythra 50 Dilecta, LiHa 29, 31 Diligens, Magachile 29, 36 Diluta, Phlaeopora , 30 Dimidiatus, Carpophilus 27 Diminutivus, Cis 29 Diremptus, Epitragus 31 Discedens, Brachypeplus 27 var. kauaiensis 35 Myllaena 30 Pachycorynus 30 Scymnus 35 Discolor, Brachymetopa 40 Dislocata, Leucania .....26, 27, 30 Dispar, Proterhinus 31 Distinctus, Crabro 23, 36 Diversus, Odynerus 36 Domestica, Musca 12 Page Domesticus, Dermestes 48 Dromedarius, Odynerus 36 Dubiosus', Odynerus 29, 36 Duplex, Acalles 35 Aspediotus 44, 47 Dux, Sarcophaga 25 Dytiscoides, Eleutheroda 32, 40 E Electrica, Scolopendra 9 Elegans, Brontolaemus 35 Elutella, Ephestia 26 Ennychioides, Mecyna 31 Scopula 37 Ephistemoides, Cis 35 Epicapna, Synomotis 33 Epicurus, Anchomenus 26 Eremioides, Agrotis' 50 Erro, Anchomenus 27 Eucrena, Scopula 37 Eugeniae, Chionaspis 44, 46 Eulella, Ephestia 37 Evanescens, Cis 29 Exaula, Margarodes 37 Exigua, Mecyna 28, 31 Orthomecyna 37 Orthomecyna var. cupreipennis.... 33 Scopula 30 Expers, Brachypeplus 35 Explanatus, Brachypeplus 29 Explicandus, Lispinodes 30 Extranea, Leucania 30, 32 Extraneus', Odynerus 36 Exulans, Salda 28 E Facilis, Aeletes 35 Prosopis 29, 36 Familiaris, Myllaena 30 Fascialis, Hypena 30 Fasciata, Deielia 38 Fasciatus, Lepidotus 6 Trechus 23 Fasciculatus, Araeocerus 49 Femoratus, Metacoelus' 36 Ferrugineum, Tribolium 48 Filicum, Eecanium 44 Filipes, Clytarlus 35, 49 Finschi, Clytarlus 30, 31 Playithmysus 43, 49 Fioriniae, Fiorinia 46 Flava, Mytilaspis 41, 42, 45 var. hawaiiensis 41, 42 Flavescens, Pantala 25, 33 Flaviceps, Liophaena 30 Flavifrons, Prosopis 29, 36 Flavimaculata, Lephygama 39, 48 Flavinervis; var.? Musca 25 Flavipes, Eupelmus 33, 36 Prosopis 23, 29, 36 58 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Flavo-orbitalis, Echthromorpha 36 Floricola, Brachypeplus 35 Floricolens, Gesneria S3 Hednota 37 Floridensis, Ceroplastes 44 47 Forficularis, Prognathogryllus 40 Formicarius, Cylas 13 Formosa, Xerocopa 37 Fossipennis, Anchomenus 26 Fossulatus, Promecoderus 31 Foveatus, Heteramphus 35 Fragilis, Clytarlus 31, 49 Fraternus, Anchomenus 26 Frigida, Blackburni 34 Scoparia 31. 37> 43 Frigidus, Xyleborus 35 Frontinalis*, Trogophlaeus 30 Frugiperda, I^aphygma 42, 44 Fugitivus, Anchomenus ,... 26 Gonioryatus 35 Fulleri, Aramigus 49 Funebris, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Fuscipennis, Prosopis 29, 36 Fuscipes, Elater 6 Fuscum, Xiphidium 40 G Geminata, Solenopsis 29, s^ Gerontialis, Asopia 37 Glabra, Oligota 30 Glabricollis, Holcobius 31 Glabripennis, Mirosternus' 31 Glaiiculalis, Margaronia 31 Gloverii, Mytilaspis 44 45 Gossypiella, Gelechia 17, 49 Gracilipes, lyiophaena 30 Gracilis, Itodacnus 35 Proterhinus 31 Rhyncolus' 24 Gracillimum, Monomorium 47 Granulatus, Holcobius 31 Gravidus, Dryophthorus 27 Greeni, Aspidiotus 47 Grisella, Achroea 37 Griseus, Asopus 21 Hypothenemus 35 Guineense, Tetramorium 29, 36, 47 Guttatus, Brachypeplus 31 H Halticoides, Oodemas' 26, 27 Haleakalae, Odynerus 36 Harschi, Cyclothorax 32 Hawaiiensis, Agrion 33 Forficula 32, 40 Gonitis 32 Limneria 36 Mytilaspis 45, 47 Odynerus * 36 Pimpla 36 Page Scoparia 31 Trichoptilus 37 Xerocopa 37, 43 Hebraeus, Polistes 36 Hebroides, Merragata 26 Hederae, Aspidiotus var. nerii 45 Hepatica, Anomalochrysa 33 Hemipterus, Carpophilus 27 Hemisphaericum, Lecanium 44, 47 Hesperidum, Lecanium 39, 40, 44, 45 Hieroglyphica, Blatta 32 Phyllodromia 40 Hilarella, Azinus 33 Hilaris, Prosopis 29, 36 Hirta, Spalangia 36 Hirtellus, Heteramphus 35 Hispidus, Eulachus 35 Honoluluensis, Apterocyclus 25 Hospes, Pison 29, 36 Humeralis, Elater 31 Ephestia 31 Homoeosoma 37 Proterhinus 29 Hunteri, Pyrameis 28 Vanessa 28 Hydrophila, Hednota 37 Scotomera 32 Hystrix, Proterhinus 31 I Ichnias, Xeroscopa 43 Idolias, Scotorythra 49 Ignavus, Oodemas 30 Ignicola, Bembidium 28 Ignotus, Acalles 35 Illepida, Teras' 32 Immaturus, Xyleborus 35 Impacta, Bolitochara 34 Impressus, Brachypeplus 27 Inaequalis, Brachypeplus 27 Inauratus, Brachypeplus 31 Incendiarius, Anchomenus 28 Incognita, Diestola 34 Incompta, Lithocharis 34 Inconspicuum, Saronychium 26 Indecora, Depress'aria 33 Ineptus, Proterhinus 35 Infernum, Oodemas 30 Infirmus, Brachypeplus 27 Inflata, Heliothis 24 Ingloria, Prodenia 15, 26, 30, 32 Innotabilis, Gryllus 32, 40 Innotatus, Nabis 26, 37 Insignis, Blackburnia 27 Dryophthorus 27 Hypena 26, 30 Proterhinus 35 Xyletobius 35 Ins'ociabilis, Anchomenus 27 Insolida, Luteva 26 List of Species 59 Page Insulare, Oodemas 27 Insularis, Acritus 34 Ammophorus 23 Calleida 23 Cis 35 Encyrtus 36 Erysarcoris 22 Lebia 23 Larentia 28 Leptogenys 29, 36 Luperus 24 Oligotoma 33, 35, 4i, 45 Selenophorus 2^^ Telephanus 35 Xyleborus 35 Instilicola, Odynerus 2>^ Integer, Proterhinus 35 Interpunctalis, Plodia 28 Interpunctella, Ephestia 2>7 lodora, Genophantis Z7 Iridipennis, Pison 29, 36 Irritans, Haematobia 17, 47 Ischnias, Xerocopa Z7 J Jacunda, Xerocopa 37, 43 Jaynei, Labrocerus 35 Jucunda, Scoparia var. formosa 31 Jucundus, Geotomus 26, 37 Junius, Anax 24, 25, 33 K Kammeamea, Vanessa (see tammeamea) Kauaiensis, Oligota 34 Kinbergi, Scymnus 24 Koelense, Agrion .^. 34 Koelensis, Brachypeplus 35 Koelensis, Nabis' 37 Kona, Prosopis 36 Konae, Eopenthes 35 Konanum, Chaenosternum 35 Lacteipennis, Epitranus 36 Lacerata, Tramea 25, 33 Laeticulus, Cis 29 Laetus, Cyclothorax 30 Laevigata, Evania 29, 34, 36 Lamarckianus, Plagithmysus 49 Lanaiensis, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Lacteipennis, Epitranus Z2> Lateralis', Acalles 35 Laticollis, Clytarlus 49 Proterhinus 35 Latrifrons, Diestota 30 Latus, Gonioryctus 27 Lecontei, Proterhinus 29 Lectularia, Acanthia 28, Z7 Leuconeura, Sierola 36 Lictorea, Anisolabis :^2 Page Ligata, Methana 40 Pariplaneta 32 Lignivora, Diplosara 33 Scardia 28 Limbipennis, Catapicephala 25 Linealis, Paropanyx 37 Linearis, Proterhinus 35 Lineatus, Ophion ZZ^ 3^ Xyletobius 35 Liodyta, Omiodes' 37 Litorea, Eurycreon 3^7 Scopula 33 Littorea, Anisolabis 40 Littoralis, Platyptilus z^, Z7 Livornica, Deilephila 26, 30 Localis, Nacoleia 46 Odynerus 29 Omiodes Z7 Longella, Blabophanes 33 Monopis 45 Longicollis, Nysius 37 Longicornis, Fornax 35 Prenolepis , 36 Proterhinus 35 Longillus, Ps'eudolus 35 Longipennis, Cis 35 Oligota 34 Longipes, Aeletes 34 Clytarlus 49 Longispina, Aspidiotus 41,44,45 Longulus, Proterhinus 29 Rhyncolus 24 Longulum, Lecanium z^, 39, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49 Lticicolens, Spaelotis 30 Lucipetens, Anchomenus 28 Lusciosus, Nabis 26 M Maclachlani, Anomalochrysa 34 Macroglossum, Sphinx 8 Maculatus, Carpophilus 27 Maculicollis, Hypothenemus 29 Maculipennis, Echthromorpha 24, 36 Major, Holcobius 31 Mammeae, Pulvinaria 41,42,44,45 Mandibularis, Crabro 29, 36 Marginipennis, Calotermes 2)Z Marmoratus, Xyletobius 31 Maritima, Anisolabis 32, 40 Marsdeni, Blepyrus 46 Maskelli, Aspidiotus 45 Morganella 43 Mauiense, Oodemas 27 Mauiensis, Acalles 35 Coplatus 34 Crabro :^^ Nysius 2i7 Mauritanica, Heterophaga 22 Mauritia, Spodoptera 48 Maurus, Odynerus 29 6o Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Mediocris, Clytarlus 49 Megacephala, Pheidole $6 Melanocephala, Tapinoma 36, 47 Melanopis, Xerocopa 37, 43 Melifica, Apis 29 Mes'oleuca, Xerocopa 37, 43 Metallescens, Brachypeplus 31 Metatarsalis, Lispe 25 Meticulosus, Anchomenus 26 Micacea, Aporodes 31 Scopula 37 Micans, Cyclothorax 27 Microgaster, Callithmysus 49 Clytarlus 29 Microphya, Chrysopa 33 Migrator, Bostrichus' 35 Minor, Euxestus 35 Minuscula, Boreophila 31 Mestolobes 37, 43 Mintitus, Eidoreus 35 Modestus, Agrypnus 6 Clytarlus 29, 49 Dryophthorus 27 Moesta, Reclada 28 Monogona, Omiodes 37 Montana, Anomalochrysa 34 Diestola 34 Scoparia 43 Montanus', Anotheorus 26 Odynerus 29, 36 Monticola, Aeletes 35 Chaetogaedia 36, 43 Gonioryctus 27 Sierola 36 Monticolans, Scopula 37 Eupithecia 30 lyocastra 32 Montivagus, Cyclothorax 27 Montrouzieri, Cryptolaemus 38, 42, 43 Mori, Lecanium 44, 47 Morio, Chelisoches 32, 40 Multipunctatus, Cyclothorax 27 Mundulus, Anthicus 35 Cardiastethus 26 Mundus, Heptoncus 27 Murimus, Lepidotus' 6 Muscicola, Anchomenus 26, 34 Mutabilis, Dyscolus 26 Mutanda, Oligota 30 Muticus, Mirosternus 31 Onthophagus 23 Mysticus, Anchomenus 26 N Nautarurn, Odynerus 36 Nemorivagus, Nysius 31 Nerii, Aspediotus 41, 42, 44 Newelli, Playithmysus 43 Nigrescens, Mecyna 31 Scopula 37 Page Nigricans, Ophion 33, 36 Proterhinus 29 Nigriceps, Pamera 25, 28 Rhyparochromus 22 Nigrinus, Xyletobius 31 Nigripenne, Rhygchium 24 Nigripennis, Odynerus 36 Nigrofasciatus, Cis 35 Nigro-hamatum, Agrion 34 Nigrum, Lecanium 42, 44, 45, 49 van depressum 41, 45 Nitida, Brachymetopa 40 Nitidus', Nysius 31 Nivicola, C)odemas 27 Noctivolans, Toxocampa 30 Nodifer, Clytarlus .,. 49 Nuda, Metrarga 28 Nutans, Micracantha 27 Nutator, Oopsis 27 O Oahuense, Agrion 34 Oahuensis, Cyclothorax 27 Myllaena 34 Selda 37 Obliquus, Xyleborus 35 Obscura, Calandra 22 Metrarga 37 Prenolepis 36 Obscurata, Chalcis 44 Obscure-punctatus, Odynerus' 36 Obscuricolor, Cyclothorax 27 Obscurum, Oodemas 27 Pentarthrum 27 Platydema 35 Obscurus, Astrimus 27 Eopenthes 35 Labrocerus 35 Mirosternus 31 Proterhinus 27 Rhabdocnemis 16, 40, 41, 49 Sphenophorus 37, 42 Obsoleta, Hypena 26, 30, 31 Obs'oletus, Brachypeplus 31 Obtusata, Phillodromia 40 Obtusus, Fornax 35 Oceanica, Chrysopa 33 Oceanicus, Anchomenus 26 Oceanicum, Megalagrion 33 Ocellatus, Anax ^. 24 Scymnus 35, 44 Ocellea, Eromene 37 Octoocellatus, Calpodes 31, 32 Oculatus, Propalticus 29 Oleae, Lecanium 39,40,41,42,44,45,48 Olinda, Brachypeplus 35 Olindae, Oodemas 30 Pandomorus 49 Omalioides, Brachypeplus 27 Ombrodes', Xeroscopa 43 List of Species 6i Page Opacus, Rhyncolus 31 Opurculella, Phthorimaea 13 Ornatipennis, Anomalochrysa 34 Oscillans, Nabis ^y Proterhinus 27 Osculatus, Xyletobius 31 Oxyptera, Hednota ^y P Pachysema, Xerocopa ^y, 43 Pacifica, Anisolabis 40 Arma 24 Euthyrrapha S2, 40 Myllaena 34 Pacificus, Aphodius 29 Cis 29 Colymbetes' 21 Odynerus ^6 Rhantus 6 Pacificum, Agrion 33, 34 Paratrigonidium 40 Trigonidium 24, 32 Pallescens, Ivispinodes 34 Palliatus, Monolexis 31, 36 Pallida, Mytilaspis 41, 44 var. Maskelli 45 Oniscosoma 32, 40 Pallidipennis, Telephanus 35 Pallinervis, Sarcophaga 25 Palmae, Dyscolus' 26 Palpalis, Diestota 30 Paludicola, Pseudocoremia 28 Pandanicola, Sciophagus 35 Paradoxus, Cyclothorax 28 Proterhinus 29 Parallelus, Brachypeplus 35 Fornax 35 Parda, Laverna var. montivolans 32 Parvulus, Colymbetes 21 Coplatus' 6 Parva, Diestota 30 Patellaeformis, Diaspis' 42, 44 Patruelis, Arma 24 Oechalia 28 Pectinatus, Helcogaster 35 Pele, Cyclothorax 28 Pellucidus, Capsus 24, 28 Pelodes, Automola 33 Pennatus, Clytarlus 31, 49 Perforatum, lyecanium 42 Pergandei, Parlatoria 44 Perjurus, Formicaleo ;^s Myrmelon 23 Perkinsi, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Permundus, Plagithmysus' 49 Perniciosus, Aspidiotus 45, 48 Persearum, Aspidiotus 45 Persequens, Tripleps 26 Peruvianus, Dysdercus 25 Photophila, Leucania 28 Page Picinus, Selenophorus 23 Picticornis', Solindenia 33, 36 Plana, Diestota 30 Planus, Platynus 31, 32 Plebeius', Attagenus 35 Piebejus, Gomphocerus 24 Plexippus, Anosia 36 .Poeyi, Gryllus 40 Polita, Oligota 30 Polynesians, Chalcis 31, 36 Crabro 31, 36 Limneria 33, 36 Scleroderma 36 Pomorum, Mytilaspis 41, 44, 45 Ponteni, CoHas 24, 25 Porcalus, Ps'ammodius 6 Prasina, Alschua 24 Procatus, Cis : 29 Procellaris, Agrotis 50 Prolixa, Oligota 34 Prolixum, Pentarthrum 27 Protervus, Anchomenus 26 Proteus, 3?arlatoria var. pergandei .... 47 Protinoides, Brachypeplus 29 Prunicola, Chionaspis .41, 44, 46 Psidii, Pulvinaria 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49 Pteridicola, Nysius' 31 Puberula, Crepidodera 24 Pubipennis, Sericoderus 34 Pulchra, Delphax 23, 24 Ploiariodes 37 Pulverulentus, Plagithmysus 23, 43, 49 Stenopterus 22 Pulvillatus, Clytarlus 31 Pumila, Tachyusa 30 Punctatissima, Ponera sub-sp. s'chauninslandi 47 Punctata, Blata 20 Punctatus, Mirosternus 31 Puncticeps, Brachypeplus 27 Diestota 30 Parandra 6, 27, 49 Punctipennis, Proterhinus 31 Pungeus, Sphinx 8, 13 Purchasi, Icerya 17, 41, 42, 44, 45, 49 Pusilla, Catorama 35 Pheidole 29, 32 Pusillus, Dryophthorus 27 Proterhinus 29 Pustulans, Asterolecanium 40, 42, 45 Putealis, Anchomenus 30 Pygidiata, I^abia 32,40 Q Quadracallis', Brachypeplus 35 Quadratus, Lispinodes 34 Quinquefasciatus, Culex 34 R Radula, Odynerus 19, 36 Rapae, Pieris 49 62 Bernice P. Bishop Museum — Bulletin Page Rapax, Aspidiotus 47 Rara, Scotosia 28,30 Recurvalis, Hymenia 26 Zinckenia 27, 4^ Reflexum, Aegosoma 31, 42, 49 Reitteri, Brachypeplus 27 Remota, Calandra 35 Rhynchophora, Platyptilia 2^7 Robustus, Brachypeplus 27 Clytarlus 27 Cyclothorax 30 Proterhinus" - - 35 Robustum, Oodemas 27 Rosae, Aulascaspis 46 Diaspis 41, 44 Roridus, Cis 35 Rotundus, Corylophus 34 Rubens, Ceroplastes 42, 44, 45 Rubescens, Nysius 31 Rubritinctus, Nabis 2>7 Odynerus 29, 36 Rubro-caudatus, Crabro 2^ Rubromaculata, Ploiariodes 27 Rubro-pustulatus, Odynerus 36 Rudolphi, Odynerus 37 Rufescens, Anomalochrysa 33 Diestota 30 Rugatus, Xyleborus 35 Rugiventris, Prosopis 2^ Rupicola, Anchomenus 27 S Sabuleti, Psammodius 6 Sandwicensis, Odynerus 36 Sarpendon, Papilio .^. 25 Satelles, Agrion 34 Eopenthes 35 Satellus, Mauia 25 Satellum, Prosopis :^ Saucia, Agrotis 44 Schauinslandi, Megachile 45 Paranemobius 41 Phalainesthes 47 Sculpturatum, Oodemas 27 Scrupulos'us, Anchomenus 26 Sculpturatus, Fornax 35 Scutatus, Proterhinus 35 Sedata, Parasia 33 Semiochrea, Mestolobes 32, 27, 43 Semicylindricus, Hydrophilus ....6, 20, 22, 28 Senegalensis, Elater 6 Senilis, Trogophlaeus 30 Sericea, Evania 2?>, 3^ Sericeus, Halobates 34 Serricornis, Xyletobius 35 Setarius, Cis' 35 Setiger, Sotenus 27 Severus, Anax 24 Sexguttatus, Camponotus 29, 2'^ Sharpi, Anchomenus 27 Page Atrachycnemis 27 Signatus, Cis 29 Simaethina, Mestolobes 32 Similis, Gonioryatus 35 Proterhinus 35 Simiolus, Cyclothorax 27 Simplex, Proterhinus 27 Simulans, Oligota 34 Tinea 2^ Sinicus, Adoretus 17 Sodalis, Cardiastethus 28 Solitarius, Plagithmysus 43 Sordidus, Brachypeplus 31 Specularis, Monomorium 36 Speculifera, Plagithmysus 43 Sphenophori, Ceromasia 16 Spretus, Brachypeplus 35 Spurcum, Bembidium 30 Squalidus, Dryophthorus 27 Squamosa, Hyperomorpha 35 Stellata, Melanomecyna 2Z Scopula 37 Stenocnemis', Aphodius 6 Stercorator, Aphodius 6 Sternalis, Proterhinus 29 Stigius, Crabro 29 Straminea, Chiloides 35 Strenuus, Anax 24, 33 Striatus, Brachypeplus 31 Stygius, Crabro 36 Subquadratum, Cyclonotum 29 Subrufus, Nabis 26, 27 Substrictum, Oodemas 36 Subtilis, Megascelis 24 Subtristis', Geotomus 26, 27 Suffusa, Agrotis 28, 30 Sulphurescens, Plagithmysus 43 Surinamensis, Panchlora 2^ Leucophaea 40 Pycnoscelus 20 Silvanus 48 Suturalis, Corylophus 34 Synastra, Phlyctaenia 50 T Tabidus, Cis 29 Tammeamea, Vanessa 4, 7, 26, 31 Pyrameis 25 Tantalus, Dyscolus 26 Tardum, Oodemas 35 Tarsalis, Proterhinus 35 Telarius', Tetranychus 40, 41 Terebratus, Disenochus 30 Teres, Bembidium 30 Terminale, Cryptorhopalum 35 Tesselatum, Lecanium 42, 44, 47 Testaceiceps, Moranila 23, 3^ Testaceipes, Sierola 31, 2'^ Tetragonus, Heptoncus 27 Tibialis, Labetis 29, 35 List of Species 63 Page Tinctus, Brachypepltis 29 Tormentosus', Elater 6 Torvus, Brachypeplus 35 'Transparens, Aspidiotus 47 Triscia, Scotorythra 50 Truncatus, Xyleborus 35 U Umbrosus, Adoretus 39, 42, 44 Unctus, Cyclothorax 30 Unicolor, Crabro 23, 29, s^ Unipuncta, Lecania 44 Usitata, Thyrocopa 33 V Vagans, Microvelia 28 Vagepunctatus, Cis' 35 Varicolor, Tettigonia 23 Validus, Proterhinus 31 Variegata, Oligota 34 Varians, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Varius, Brachypeplus 31 Lepidotus 6 Vastator, Dactylopius 41,45,47 Velans, Hypocala 32 Velox, Oxya 40 Venosa, Caradina 30 Scoparia 31 Xerocopa 37, 43 Verticalis, Graptodera 24 Verticillata, Plusia 26, 27, 30, 44 Vestator, Dactylopius' 42, 43 Vestitus, Brachypeplus 31 Page Litargus 29 Proterhinus 27 Rhyncogonus 35 Vicina, Myllaena 30 Vicinus, Plagithmysus 43, 49 Viduus, Bythoscopus 24 Villosa, Metrarga 28 Vinosus, Elipsocus S3 Violentus', Myrmelon 23 Virescens, Mecyna 31, 37 Virgatus, Dactylopius 45 Vitticollis, Plagithmysus 43 Vividus, Scymnus 35, 44 Volitalis, Prosopis .» 29, 36 Vulcan, Nysius 31 Vulcanus, Cyclothorax 28 Odynerus 36 W Walsinghamii, Proteopteryx 32 Whitei, Nysius 37 Ploiariodes 31 Wilsoni, Formicaleo 38 Wollastoni, Heteramphus 35 X Xanthomelas, Agrion 33 Y Ypsilon, Agrotis 44 Z Zizyphi, Parlatoria 44, 47 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BOUND AUGl a 1^44 UNIV, OF MICH. 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