IRLF THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY BY C. G. MOOR, M.A. (CANTAB.), F.I.C. CAI'TAIN 1ST LONDON SANITARY COMPANY I'URI.IC ANALYST FOR THE COUNTY OF DORSET AND THE BOROUGHS OF POOLE AND PENZANCE AND WILLIAM PARTRIDGE, F.LC. JOINT PUBLIC ANALYST FOR THE COUNTY OF DORSET THIRD EDITION •ft,. LONDON K A I L L I £ R E , T I N D A L L £ COX 8, HENRIETTA STREET, COVEN r GARDEN 1916 / PRINTED ix GREAT BRITAIN. ML? PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION WHILE no notable discovery has been recorded in bac- teriology since the appearance of the second edition of this book, much extension and consolidation of previous know- ledge have been effected. This has necessitated revision and enlargement of nearly all parts of the book. A war on highly-cultivated soil, with troops occupying the same ground for lengthy periods, has very forcibly obtruded the pathogenic abilities of many faecal bacteria. Tetanus, typhoid, paratyphoid, and dysentery bacilli, the bacillus of malignant oedema, and the faecal pyogenic streptococci, have all been in evidence. Bacillus WdcMi, under one or other of its many names, has also claimed much attention in connection with gaseous gangrene. In the case of these organisms, however, new developments have been chiefly in the directions of pathology and treat- ment rather than in bacteriology. We have considerably extended our article on and devoted an appendix to the meningococcus — an organism whose life outside the human body remains largely a matter for conjecture. We have collected in one chapter a summary of the little that is known about the filterable viruses, and have also dealt with anaphylaxis and the preparation of vaccines. In accordance with the advice of Professor David Ellis, we have substituted the classifi- cation of Migula for that of Hueppe. Few bacteriological investigations are free from possible fallacy or insusceptible of wrong deduction. The influ- ence of anti-typhoid inoculation on the Widal test, the absence of tubercle bacilli in milk from tuberculous udders, the absence of colon bacilli from polluted water, the incorrect selection of organisms in the preparation of bac- terial vaccines, and the fact that the popular Wassermann M3G0094 vi PREFA CE reaction is not a true antigen test, are but a few instances of many which occasionally intrude to mislead the unwary bacteriologist and to confuse those who rely on his findings. So far as space allows, we have briefly indicated where, why, and how, errors may be expected and avoided. Surgeons on military service, when first called on to deal with the complicated wounds caused by the pointed-nose bullet and contaminated with resistant faecal organisms carried in from soil and clothing, found methods then current for antisepsis quite inadequate. Discussion of the relative values of antiseptics for surgical use continues, the ten- dency at present being to use those dependent for action on the oxidising properties of chlorine. Sir Almroth Wright tackles the problem of cleansing wounds by the applica- tion of very strong saline solution, which results in a con- siderable exudation of serum. Though it has no gcrmicidal action for the streptococci, this process is much used, in- voking both praise and criticism. Magnesium sulphate and glycerin are also used, and, it is said, kill the strepto- cocci (A. E. Morison's process). Bacteriology promises to modify agricultural methods, and in Chapter XX. we give resumes of what has been accomplished in soil-sterilisation and nitrogen-fixation. While most bacteriologists have had some personal ex- perience of bacterial mutability, to which we make fre- quent reference, this remains largely of academic interest. In practice, species tend to crop up fairly true to type, and exceptional conditions are usually required to produce important change in attributes. C. G. M. W. P. LONDON, May, 1916. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 II. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS .... 29 III. THE PREPARATION AND USE OF NUTRIENT MEDIA 33 IV. THE MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF BACTERIA . 46 V. THE -ACID-FAST ORGANISMS .... 60 VI. SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS . . 75 VII. THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP .... 88 VIII. THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS . . . .110 IX. THE BACILLI OF H^MORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA . 121 X. MICRO-ORGANISMS OF SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES ....... 127 XI. PNEUMONIA MALTA FEVER .... 142 XII. THE INFLUENZA AND GLANDERS BACILLI . .145 XIII. THE SPIRILLA 150 XIV. THE TRICHOMYCETES . . . . . 156 XV. THE BLASTOMYCETES 161 XVI. THE HYPHOMYCETES . . . . .167 XVII. THE PATHOGENIC PROTOZOA . . . .174, XVIII. FERMENTATION ENZYMES SULPHUR AND IRON BACTERIA BACTERIAL DISEASES OF PLANTS . 188 XIX. DISEASES OF QUESTIONABLE ORIGIN THE FILTER- ABLE VIRUSES 195 vii viii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XX. THE BACTERIOLOGY OF SEWAGE, SHELLFISH, MEAT, SOIL, AIR, AND MILK 202 XXI. BACTERIOLOGY OF WATER .... 224 XXII. DISINFECTION AND DISINFECTANTS . . . 244 APPENDIX ....... 265 INDEX 267 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION THE Thallophyta, which form the lowest group of cryp- togainic plants, show no division into root and stem, and have no fibre- vascular system. They are divided into algae, which contain chlorophyll, and fungi, which contain none. Excluding the Hymenomycetes (mushrooms, etc.), the fungi are microscopic, and most genera and species come within the purview of bacteriology. The Hypho- mycetes (moulds) and the Blastomycetes (yeasts and torula) receive frequent attention from the bacteriolo- gist, and Chapters XV. and XVI. are devoted to them. While the study of bacteria, or Schizomycetes, is the primary object of bacteriology, its scope has gradually extended beyond the fungi to include organisms too small to be seen with the microscope (ultra-microscopic organisms) and such unicellular animals (Protozoa) as cause disease in man, beast, or plant. Of vital impor- tance is a knowledge of the circumstances under which organisms die, so disinfection occupies a prominent place in the science. Anatomy. — The cell wall is a true membrane (Ellis and Meyer), and is generally composed of a nitrogenous sub- stance very similar to chitin, a skeletin not found in vertebrates, but of frequent occurrence in the cuticles of invertebrates. The cell membrane in many, perhaps all, forms some- times swells to form a capsule. Large numbers of bac- teria may cluster together in a jelly-like mass known as a zooglosa. The cell contents, or cytoplasm, consists of translucent protoplasm. Scattered through the cell or massed at the poles of certain bacteria are granules that stain differently 1 2 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY to the remainder of the cell (metachromatic granules). These are composed of glycogen, fat, or, according to Dobell, nucleic acid combined with an organic base. They are probably in large part reserve food substance (Jordan). The presence of a nucleus in all species is regarded as proved by the work of Clifford Dobell. Movement. — Many bacteria, particularly bacilli and spirilla, are capable of motion, produced by the little protoplasmic threads (flagella). Ellis has shown that flagella arise from the cell substance and not from the membrane. Some organisms, such as the cholera spirillum, have a single flagellum at one end (monotricha), in others there is one at each pole (amphitricha) ; the flagella may assume the form of a tuft at one pole (lophotricha), or they may be scattered round the cell (peritricha). The position of the flagella is always the same in each species; but in those species having more than one flagellum the number is not always constant, and depends on the health of the culture (Ellis). Even these organisms are not always motile, but go through a resting stage. Motility is best seen in young cultures when conditions are favourable for growth. Flagella are not seen when the organism is examined under the microscope in the usual way, but they can be observed in specimens specially stained. This independent movement must not be confused with the motion that solid particles, whether bacteria or not, exhibit when suspended in a fluid medium, known as the ' Brownian movement,' which is variously attributed to electrical disturbances and to surface tension. Size. — The unit of measurement adopted is the ' micron ' (often erroneously called a micro-millimetre), which is equal to 0-001 millimetre, and is represented by the letter//. The influenza bacillus measures about 0-5 x 0-2 IJL, while the spirochsete of relapsing fever may attain 40^ in length. Great differences in length are not observed among the majority of species, most of the bacilli, for instance, measur- ing about 2 //. Even smaller than the influenza bacillus is the organism causing pleuro-pneumonia in cattle, which is just visible under the highest powers. ' Ultra-micro- scopic ' organisms capable of passing through the filter mass of a porcelain filter cause many diseases (see Chapter XIX.). REPRODUCTION 3 Reproduction. — Bacteria are asexual, and propagate by fission. When a cell has attained the maximum size for its species, it elongates, with constriction round its middle, followed by a simple partition. Hence the family name of Schizomycetes. Two young cells are thus formed from the mother cell. This process may be repeated as often as once in twenty minutes if conditions are favourable. An increase in geometric progression is not consistently maintained, however, owing to various checks on the growth. While insufficient food, lack of moisture, and other conditions, disallow unhampered multiplication, the chief hindrance is the production of inhibitory sub- stances by the vital activity of the bacteria themselves. When bacteria have occupied the same site in the body or lived in the same culture for a long period, or conditions for growth are otherwise unfavourable, abnormal shapes and sizes are produced (involution forms). These gener- ally take stain less readily, or else do not stain at all. Other characters, such as pathogenicity or fermentation power, are likely to diminish, and there is general evidence of degeneracy. The cbcci do not always separate after fission; division may occur in one plane with the formation of a chain (streptococci}; in two planes, producing a cluster (staphy- lococci); or in three planes, forming cubical bales (sarcina). Spore-formation is not common; it occurs most fre- quently in bacilli and spirilla, and rarely in micrococci. Endogenous Spores. — The protoplasm becomes granular, and some of the granules coalesce to form a highly re- fractile round or ovoid body enclosed in a tough membrane. Spores exhibit very great resistance to heat, desiccation, and chemical agents. They are thus able to preserve their species through most disadvantageous circumstances. When favourable conditions recur, the spore loses its refractile appearance, elongates, and bursts its membrane to extrude an organism which divides in the usual manner. Only one spore is formed in a cell, so that this cannot be regarded as a reproductive process. While in most cases the diameter of the spore does not exceed that of the parent organism, it may be greater, and will give a ' drumstick ' appearance if terminal and round; or it may be swollen and club-shaped (clostridium). The conditions determin- ing the formation of spores are variable for different 4 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY organisms. The anthrax bacillus spores when in contact with free oxygen, while the anaerobes generally require absence of oxygen. An organism containing no spore, but ready to divide by fission at maturity, is said to be a vegetative form. Arthrospores. — Some of the cells formed by fission were formerly thought to possess the characters of spores. The formation was known as ' arthrogenous,' and has only been noticed in the micrococci. The suggestion is based on a misconception. Eyre states that these so-called arthrospores have never been observed to germinate, and they cannot survive a temperature of 80° C. for ten minutes. It is now universally accepted that these individuals are not spores. The formation of spores in imperfectly divided sister cells has been interpreted, wrongly, according to most authorities, as ' autogamy.' There is no evidence that either this or other sexual process occurs among bacteria. Bacteria cannot arise ab initio, since a living organism can only be derived from a living organism (biogenesis). The supporters of the theory of ' spontaneous generation ' (abiogenesis or archebiosis) believed that organisms could be produced in a sterile medium without the introduction of living organisms. Classification. — The bacteria possess so few morpho- logical attributes, and so many forms are pleomorphic, that the ingenuity of bacteriologists has hitherto been incapable of formulating either a scientific or a convenient classification. The present nomenclature is more of a hindrance than a help, for so many organisms are crowded together in a single genus, many of them possessing names either unwieldy or unsuitable, that but little assistance can be expected from the classification. We append one scheme, that of Migula, and comment on it where necessary: The bacteria are divided into five families: Coccacese, Bacteriacese, Spirillacese, Chlamydo - Bacteriacea3, and Beggiatoacese. These again are subdivided into genera, based partly on the mode of division and partly on the number and arrangement of the flagella. I. COCCACE^. — Round or oval cells. The division into genera is based on the arrangement of the cocci on division. (1) Streptococcus. — The cocci form chains. Includes cocci forming pairs (Diplococci). CLASSIFICATION 5 (2) MicroGoccus.— Irregular grouping, Micrococci form- ing clusters in an arrangement suggestive of that of grapes on a bunch are still known as Staphylococci, though there is a movement among the precise to eradicate the word. (3) Sarcina, or Packet Cocci.— Division in three direc- tions, forming packets of eight or more elements, which remain associated in more or less cubical masses. Non-motile. (5) II. BACTERIACEJE. — Straight rod forms. (1) Bacterium. — Non-motile organisms. The name has been variously applied in other sj^stems of classification. In one it signified a very short rod, and in another a rod of a non-sporing species. In its plural form it is used as a general term for all the organisms included in this table; otherwise it has fallen into disuse. (2) Bacillus. — Migula applied the term to rods possessing both polar and lateral flagella. It is now customary to apply the name to all rod-shaped organisms — i.e., all of the Bacteriacece. (3) Pseudomonas. — Rods with polar flagella only. The title is now seldom used except for some bacilli concerned in the nitrogen cycle, and for others concerned in plant diseases. III. SPIRILLACE/E. — Curved or spiral rod forms. Migula divides this family into three genera: non-motile organisms (Spirosoma); motile forms with a single polar flagellum (Microspira) ; and motile forms with more than one polar flagellum (Spirillum). Other classifications apply the name Spirillum to a larger class, causing much confusion in nomenclature. The result is that any member of the family may now be properly referred to as a spirillum, though the term is often restricted to those organisms having three or more definite corkscrew turns. Short curved rods are commonly termed ' vibrios,' or ' comma ' bacilli, but the latter name is frequently used for, and should be restricted to, the cholera vibrio. IV. CHLAMYDO-BACTERIACE.E. — Thread forms not con- taining sulphur granules. (1) Streptothrix. — Forms showing true but not dichoto- mous branching. 6 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY (2) Crenothrix. — Threads thicker at apex than at base. Each thread is tubular, and inside each a linear series of cells is arranged, each cell possessing a membrane of its own. The cells are thrown out at the top, and elongate to form new threads like those of the parent plant. (3) Leptothrix. — Threads with or without sheaths, showing no branching. (4) Cladothrix. — The threads possess pseudo-branches. Strings of rod-like cells are enclosed in a sheath. V. BEaaiATOACE^. — Thread forms containing sulphur granules. (1) Beggiatoa. — Long motile free-swimming threads of colourless cells containing strongly refracting granules of sulphur. (2) Thiothrix. — Threads that differ from beggiatoa by having the filaments attached at one end. Organisms other than the true bacteria are dealt with later, and descriptions of them are left to the special mono- graphs and chapters. Growth of the Bacteria. — Few bacteria can derive their nourishment from inorganic sources, and an absence of chlorophyll prevents all species from utilising atmospheric carbon dioxide. The large majority require complex organic compounds such as proteins and carbohydrates as well as mineral salts for food. Suitable mixtures are pre- pared for laboratory purposes (culture media — v. Chap- ter III.). While some simple media allow growth of most species, by the introduction of other constituents certain bacteria are favoured and nourish, perhaps with specific indications of their presence, while other species are killed or suppressed (selective media). By studies of the pref- erences and conditions of vigorous growth in this and other respects, the extraction of a required organism from ad- mixture with others is facilitated. Bacteria derive their oxygen either from the air (aerobes) or from compounds containing oxygen (anaerobes). The ' facultative anaerobes ' grow either in the presence or absence of oxygen. There are gradations in this respect, from the strictly aerobic species, which require abundance of oxygen, and will not grow in its absence, to the anaerobic, which grow in the absence of free oxygen. Strict anaerobes do not exist. Organisms that can live without oxvgen thrive better when oxygen is present, but in very small quantity. EXTERNAL INFLUENCES 7 Moore and Stenhouse Williams killed tubercle bacilli by three weeks' exposure to an atmosphere enriched with oxygen, and found the plague bacillus and stapliylococcus growths were adversely affected (oxyphobia). As a rule, bacterial growth ceases at temperatures below 12° C. and above 42° C. The range of temperature within which bacteria will grow is practically constant for each species, but there is a more narrow margin (the ' optimum ' temperature) in which each does best. The optimum temperature differs more or less according to the species. Normal inhabitants of the human body and organisms pathogenic for man thrive best at blood-heat (37° C.), the colon bacillus, which grows luxuriantly at 42° C., being an exception. Bacteria obtained from the lower animals generally have the normal temperature of the host as an optimum. The body- temperature of a fowl is 42° C., and avian tubercle bacilli thrive at 43° C., a temperature at which human tubercle bacilli refuse to grow. Some bacteria isolated from dung and from heated hay grow best at temperatures between 60° and 70° C. (ther- mophilic organisms), while others can grow at 0° C. Growth at unnatural temperature may result in loss of some characters. When obtaining their nourishment from some living body or ' host,' organisms are known as ' parasites.' The adjective ' obligate ' is prefixed if they can live only on this ' host.' If the bacteria grow on dead organic matter, they are called ' saprophytes.' These are also divided into ' obligate ' and ' facultative ' saprophytes. The term * obligate parasite ' requires to be used with some reserva- tion. It merely indicates that hitherto attempts to cul- tivate an organism on culture media have failed, and a successful attempt thereat automatically transfers it to the list of facultative parasites. Resistance to External Influences — Cold. — The germi- cidal effect of low temperatures is small. Growth usually ceases below 10° C., but even after exposure to- 252° C. (the temperature of liquid hydrogen) for ten hours, or to — 170° C. for several weeks, bacteria are not killed, and when placed in favourable conditions show that no serious impairment has taken place. When water freezes naturally there is a high death-rate among the bacteria therein, and repeated freezing and thawing has been found more 8 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY destructive to the typhoid bacillus than continuous freez- ing. S. C. Keith states that living bacteria are hardly ever found in clear ice, though they are comparatively abundant in snow ice and bubbly ice. Cooling is valuable in the preservation of putrescible material, because it inhibits bacterial growth. Desiccation. — Moisture is absolutely necessary for the growth of bacteria. Ordinary drying in the air has a detrimental effect on the vegetative forms of bacteria, spores suffering less or not at all. Resistance varies with the species. The tubercle bacillus, which retains its virulence after five months' desiccation, is much more resistant than the cholera spirillum, which is incapable of development after three hours' drying in the form of a very thin film. In spite of the large numbers of colon bacilli continually being deposited in our streets, Gordon failed to find the organism in 500 litres of air of the East Central district of London. Heat. — The Thermal Death-point (Eyre) for vegetative forms is ' that temperature which with certainty kills a watery suspension of the organisms in question after an exposure of ten minutes.' Eyre defines the moist t.d.p. for spores as ' that time exposure to a fixed temperature of 100° C. necessary to effect the death of all the spores present in a suspension.' Eyre's dry thermal death- point for both vegetative forms and spores is the tem- perature that kills each form in a thin film after a time exposure of ten minutes. The thermal death-point can be determined with a fair degree of accuracy for each species, and is much higher for spores than for the vegetative forms. Heat may be applied either in the absence or presence of moisture, known respectively as ' dry heat ' and ' moist heat.' Dry heat is much less efficient than moist heat, the death of the protoplasm taking place more readily in the presence of moisture. In practical disinfection moist heat is therefore used where possible, especially where penetra- tion of fabrics is required (see p. 245). Steam may be applied under pressure, as in an autoclave, when a fifteen minutes' exposure to 125° C. suffices to destroy all known organisms. When moisture is present, most vege- tative forms are killed by an exposure to 65° C. for ten minutes, while an exposure for an hour and a half at STERILISATION 9 120° C. to 128° C. is necessary to attain the same result with dry heat. While the spores of most pathogenic bacteria are destroyed by boiling for a short time, those of non-pathogenic species require a much longer exposure. A temperature of 140° for three hours is necessary to secure destruction of the spores of some organisms by dry heat. B. subtilis spores are particularly resistant, and Ellis found they resisted boiling at 100° C. for six hours without injury to their germinating power. Fractional Sterilisation. — Instead of performing sterili- sation in one operation, ' discontinuous ' or ' fractional ' sterilisation may be employed. For this the medium or other material is exposed to heat for a few minutes on two or three successive days. Any spores surviving the first heating germinate, and the resulting organisms succumb to the second and third sterilisations. Hewlett ascribes some of the sterilising effect simply to the injurious action of alternate heating and cooling. As spores may take days or even weeks to germinate, the procedure is not always certain in its action, and it is thus possible for spores to germinate in a medium believed to be sterile. Light. — Sunlight and, to a less degree, the electric arc are very injurious to certain forms of bacteria. The red and yellow rays of the spectrum have little effect, germi- cidal action being exerted by the blue and violet portions. The violet rays are therapeutically applied in the Finsen light treatment of lupus vulgaris. Water and the ordinary milk of commerce can be sterilised without appreciable rise of temperature by exposure to the ultra-violet rays of a quartz-mercury lamp. Hewlett and Barnard find that these rays have practically no power of penetration, and are stopped even by thin glass. The action of light is superficial, even a short depth of water stopping the action. Probably sunlight does not materially assist the purifica- tion of rivers. Definite germicidal action cannot yet be attributed to the Rontgen rays, while radium emanations require long exposure and close contact to exert appreciable action. Pressure. — If suddenly applied or released, pressure may rupture bacterial cells; otherwise no appreciable effect has been observed. Electricity. — The products of electrolysis may destroy bacteria, and currents of high potential may inhibit io AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY growth, C. Russ (Proc. Roy. Sor,., 1909, p. 314) shows that under the influence of a suitable current certain bacteria aggregate at one or other electrode, and uses this action for the collection of bacteria from a fluid medium. Thus, if sodium chloride be used, nearly all go to the positive electrode, a large number being killed. It is suggested that successful ionisation of suppurating wounds is effected by drawing the bacteria out of the tissues and then exposing them directly to the destructive effect of the electric current. Products of Metabolism in Bacteria.— The action of bacteria on the surrounding medium is generally of an analytical nature, complex nitrogenous substances and carbohydrates being decomposed into simpler substances Jordan attempts to classify the chemical products of bacteria under the following heads: (i.) The secretions or substances which subserve some purposeful end in the cell economy; (ii.) the excretions or substances ejected because useless; (iii.) the disintegration products formed by the breaking down of food substances; and (iv.) the true cell substance. The word ' aporrhegma ' has been applied to any substance split off by biological actions, but its employment is not encouraged by the precise. Production of Heat. — Bacteria of thermophilic character are responsible for self -heating of hay and some forms of spontaneous combustion, especially the firing of moist cotton. Photogenesis. — Phosphorescence, especially that seen on fish, is often due to bacteria. The photogenic bacteria are generally, but not always, of marine origin. Some bacteria produce a fluorescence in the culture medium. Chrom,ogenesis. — A number of bacteria produce pigments, often lipochromes. The raison d'etre of these pigments is uncertain, but probably they are excretory products of no service to the organism. B. prodigiosus produces a red pigment. On one occasion it contaminated a water-supply and infected the bread made with it. The same organism is the causative agent of the ' bleeding host.' Chromidrosis (coloured sweat) is attributed to bacteria. While the term ' chromogen ' is restricted to bacteria that produce a pig- ment either for retention in their cells or for excretion, many others produce a pigment or change of colour in PRODUCTS OF METABOLISM culture media. Beycrinck gives some instances that result from oxidation by bacterial action: The oxidation of quinic acid to protocatechuic acid is brought about by Micrococcus calco-aceticus andB.fluorescens non-liquefaciens. Quercitol is oxidised to pyrogallol by Pseudomonas aro- matica. Melanine can be formed from tyrosine by Vibrio tyrosinatica, isolated from sea-water and sewage. Aceto- bacter melanogenum, occurring in vinegar, converts peptone into a caramel-like substance. Fermentation. — By bacteria (Chapter XVIII.); by moulds (Chapter XVI.); by yeasts (Chapter XV.); and by enzymes, or ' zymolysis ' (Chapter XVIII.). Putrefaction. — Nitrogenous substances, such as the proteins, are decomposed by bacteria, particularly by those of the Proteus group. The insoluble albumins, etc., are first converted into albumoses and peptones; then ammo- acids are produced, and a variety of other substances, such as fatty acids, basic bodies, and gases. Indole. — Indole is one of the final products of the decomposition of proteins, and is of importance in bacterial diagnosis, as organisms, otherwise very similar, may differ in regard to the production of this substance. To ascertain if an organism produces indole, it is inoculated into peptone water (2 per cent.) or into a glucose-free broth. The culture is incubated for twenty-four hours or longer. Two c.c. of a stock solution of sodium nitrite (5 per cent.) are diluted to 100 c.c. One c.c. of this weak solution is added to the culture (the volume of which should be about 10 c.c.). A little concentrated hydrochloric acid is then allowed to trickle down the wall of the in- clined test-tube to liberate nitrous acid, which gives a pink colour with the indole. If a definite reaction is not obtained, the tube is placed in the blood-heat incubator for half an hour to intensify the colour. At the same time as the peptone water is inoculated, another tube should be infected with an organism known to produce indole, and an uninoculated control- tube placed with the others in the incubator. The purity of the reagents and the power of the peptone to allow production of indole is thus secured. As a more delicate reaction for indole the following reagent may be used: 4 grammes of paradimethylamidobenzalde- hyde are dissolved in 380 c.c. of absolute alcohol and 80 c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid. To 2 c.c. of the culture 12 ' AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY similar quantities of the reagent and of a saturated aqueous solution of potassium persulphate are added, when indole produces a rose-pink colour. The cholera spirillum reduces peptone with formation of nitrites, and gives the reaction on the addition of acid alone. The production of indole depends on the presence of the tryptophan group in the culture medium,and Zipf el has pro- posed the following medium as most suitable : ammonium lactate (0-5 per cent.), dicalcium phosphate (0-2 per cent.), magnesium sulphate (0-02 per cent.), and tryptophan (0-03 per cent.). Production of Acid and Alkali. — Many bacteria produce ammonia in a sugar-free broth, while the power of some to ferment sugars, with the production of acid, and some- times of gas as well, is used for diagnostic purposes. Nitrification, Denitrification, Nitrogen Fixation. — The bacteria concerned in the nitrogen cycles are dealt with in the chapter on ' The Bacteriology of Soil.' The Ptomines (Cadaveric Alkaloids). — During the de- composition of proteins, bodies similar in constitution to the vegetable alkaloids may be formed. Some, like methylamine, dimethylamine, and trimethylamine, are non-poisonous; but others, such as muscarin (found in poisonous mushrooms), tyrotoxicon (found in poisonous cheese, milk, and ice-cream), and mytilotoxin (found in mussels), have very toxic properties. It is doubtful whether these products are responsible for so-called pto- mine poisoning. Many outbreaks are due to infection with an organism (such as B. enteritidis). See ' Bacteriology of meat,' Chapter XX. Toxins. — Bacteria may give rise to disease in various ways: by appropriation of nutriment, by abstraction of oxygen from the tissues, and obstruction of capillary vessels through their excessive multiplication. Their most important method of aggress, however, is in the production of poisonous bodies, known as ' toxins.' Toxins are supposed to be protein in nature, and in many cases re- semble enzymes. They are probably not products of disintegration, like the ptomines, but are specific meta- bolic products of the bacterial cell. Toxins may be retained in the bacterial cell as an integral part thereof (endotoxins or intracellular toxins), or, after their formation in the cell, they may be excreted PATHOGENESIS 13 into the surrounding medium (extracellular toxins). The diphtheria and tetanus bacilli produce extracellular toxins, and, if a fluid culture be passed through a Pasteur filter, the toxins pass through, giving a toxic filtrate. The bacilli of typhoid, anthrax, plague, and cholera, produce endotoxins, which are retained in the organisms in the filter, and the filtrate has but slight toxic properties. Pathogenesis. — The application of the adjective ' patho- genic ' to an organism does not signifiy more than that, given a certain set of conditions in a susceptible host, it is able to produce disease. No sharp line of demarcation can be drawn between the pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms, for even those regarded as harmless may on occasion produce ill-effects, as when the B. subtilis is introduced into the human eye. Koctis Postulates. — Before an organism can be regarded as specific for a certain disease, it must be shown to con- form to certain requirements which have been formulated by Koch: 1. The organism must be present in the tissues, fluids, or organs, of the animal affected with, or deadf rom, the disease. 2. The organism must be isolated and cultivated outside the body on suitable media for successive generations. 3. The isolated and cultivated organism, on inoculation into a suitable animal, should reproduce the disease. 4. In the inoculated animal the same organism must be found. To these Hewlett adds — 5. Chemical products with a similar physiological action may be obtainable from the artificial cultures of the micro-organism and from the tissues of man or animals dead of the disease. 6. Specific serum and other reactions, agglutinative, bacteriolytic, complement fixative, etc., are generally obtainable, under certain conditions, if the blood of the infected person or animal be allowed to act on the specific organism producing the infection. Although an organism fail to conform to all these con- ditions, other considerations may justify its association with the affection. Methods of Spread of Infection. — Contagion was the term applied to infective matter when contact with a diseased person was supposed to be necessary for the H AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY acquirement of the disease, while if the contaminating matter was conveyed aerially it was known as infection. At the present time distal aerial convection is seriously entertained only in regard to smallpox, and even over this disease opinions differ. Now, no distinction is made between infection and contagion, and it is usual to class diseases associated with micro-organisms as ' infective.' The principal methods of infection are — 1. Pulmonary infection, the bacteria or spores being inspired. Except where the bacteria are protected, as when in moist droplets, infection through the air is not common. 2. Intestinal infection, the organisms being swallowed with food, water, or dust. 3. Inoculation through a wounded or unwounded surface of the skin or mucous membrane. 4. Inoculation through the agency of some biting insect or other intermediate host, a developmental cycle usually, if not always, being passed in the host. Infection by contagion, fomites, etc., may also occur, in which the manner of entrance of the virus into the body is not precisely understood. Infection may be restricted to a particular portion of the body (local infection), or may be distributed more or less consistently thereover (general infection). Septi- ccpmia is the term applied to the infection when the organism is carried over the body in the blood-stream, saprcemia when the organism is localised and the bacterial products alone enter the system, and pycemia to the development of metastatic abscesses in the liver, joints, lymphatic glands, etc. Epidemics. — Many diseases are more or less persistent in a restricted locality (endemic). Thus leprosy is endemic in the Sandwich Islands, cholera in the Ganges Delta, and smallpox in the Soudan. On occasion a disease may spread over wide areas, when it is said to be ' epidemic,' or if spreading over the globe, more or less, it is ' pandemic.' Susceptibility. — The power of an organism to infect is determined by many conditions. Hunger, thirst, ex- cessive fatigue, exposures to extremes of temperature, debility, and immaturity, all predispose an individual to infection. On the part of the organisms many considera- tions are involved. If subcultured through many genera- tions on artificial media, most become ' attenuated ' — SUSCEPTIBILITY 15 i.e., much of the virulence is lost. A much larger dose will then be required to produce an effect on a susceptible animal, but the virulence may be enhanced by passage through a suitable animal. The virulence of an organism may be ' attenuated ' artificially; for example, by exposing cultures of anthrax to a temperature of 40° C. for some time, they become attenuated to such a degree that they will kill nothing larger than mice. While many animals exhibit more or less susceptibility to an organism, some may absolutely resist infection therewith (natural immunity). In the case of several diseases, notably in smallpox, to a less degree in measles, mumps, whooping-cough, and scarlet fever, it is not often that the same person is at- tacked twice by the same disease. That is to say, one attack is ' protective,' and in the above-mentioned diseases the ' protection ' may last a lifetime, but extends only to that particular disease, and does not in any way protect against other diseases (acquired immunity}. On the other hand, an attack from certain other diseases may even predispose the patient to a second attack of the same disease. This is true of influenza, diphtheria, pneumonia, and erysipelas. A distinct predisposition may be caused to attack by other diseases — thus, diphtheria and scarle.t fever mutually predispose to one another. The number of bacteria introduced is important, as a cell or tissue may successfully repel a limited number, but succumb to a greater. Combinations of infectious diseases are sometimes met with, such as syphilis with gonorrhoea, diphtheria with scarlet fever, and pneumonia with typhoid fever. These are known as ' mixed infections,' but if, as is generally the case, one disease has lessened the immunity to the one acquired last, the latter is known as a ' secondary infec- tion.' Symbiosis. — Symbiosis is the cohabitation of two different organisms for mutual benefit, or their co-operation to produce certain reactions. The presence of streptococci appears to enhance the virulence of the diphtheria bacillus. The effect on animals of an organism may be greatly en- hanced by the injection along with it of some other organism that has not pathogenic properties, but which, 16 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY in some way that we do not yet understand, adds greatly to the virulence of the pathogenic organism which it accompanies. Attenuated cultures of B. anthracis may reacquire virulence if injected simultaneously with a culture of B. prodigiosus, and attenuated tetanus bacilli become greatly exalted in virulence when cultivated with the Proteus vulgaris. Streptococci and colon bacilli are not uncommonly con- cerned in cystitis. When the urine is alkaline, the strep- tococci attain predominance, while an acid urine sup- presses them and allows the colon bacilli to get the upper hand. Antagonism of Species. — One species suppresses another by exhausting the food material or by excreting metabolic products detrimental to the growth of the other. Immunity. — Insusceptibility to the attack of a patho- genic organism may be natural to a tribe (racial immunity), or to a person (individual immunity). The animal economy stubbornly resists attack by pathogenic bacteria. If any be swallowed, the acidity of the gastric juice will probably destroy them, and the normal flora of the intestine tend to suppress harmful organisms. The nasal secretion entangles and destroys organisms that have been inspired. The tonsillar epithelium acts as a bacterial filter, preventing passage of bacteria at times, but allows free entry into the lymph-channels at others. Wright regards this as a physico-chemical pro- cess 'affecting the surface tension of colloids, of which the cells and bacteria are composed. Even milk, when first drawn, has a germicidal action. When infection takes place through skin or mucous membrane, the phagocytes can dispose of many alien bacteria (see below). Resistance is also offered to toxins, which are destroyed or eliminated by various processes, such work being a notable function of the liver. All these processes are non-specific, with more or less restricted capacity for eliminating bacteria and their toxic products. When, owing to the number of bacteria or amount of their toxins offered, they are overcome, the infection will obtain a hold unless a degree of immunity specific for the particular organism or toxin is available. Artificial immunity may be active or passive. Active immunity may be produced by one of the follow- ing methods: IMMUNITY 17 1. By injection of the virulent organisms in non- lethal doses. 2. By injection of the dead organisms. 3. By injection of the toxic products prepared from filtered broth cultures of the organism. 4. By the injection of the living, but attenuated, organ- ism prepared by one of the undermentioned methods: (a) By passing through a naturally resistant animal. (6) By growth at unsuitable temperatures or in unsuit- able atmosphere. (c) By frequent and prolonged subculturing. (d) By growth in the presence of very weak antiseptics. (e) Growth in a medium of unfavourable composition or reaction. 5. By feeding dead cultures of an organism. Achieve- ment of a degree of immunity by this means is slower and less certain than by others. It has been more successful with glucosides such as ricin and abrin, and with snake venom. An immunised animal is said to be ' protected ' against the specific disease. Protection against one disease some- times also carries an immunity, though to a less degree, against another. Passive Immunity. — The serum of a protected animal has an antagonistic effect on the virulent bacteria if in- jected into a second animal at the same time as, or shortly after, infection. Such immunity is transient. The serum of an animal highly immunised against a particular toxin is properly known as ' antitoxic serum ' ; that of an animal highly protected against a particular organism in a virulent condition is known as ' antimicrobic,' or ' antiserum.' To account for acquired immunity the following theories have been adduced: Exhaustion or Pabulum Hypothesis. — The bacteria are assumed to abstract from the blood some compound necessary for their growth, so that, once this pabulum is exhausted, a second attack cannot take place until it has been re-formed. As an organism will grow in the blood or tissues removed from an animal immune against it, this theory is untenable. Ehrlich, in his Atrepsy Theory modifies the hypothesis by assuming the presence of ' chemo-receptors ' for binding the poison before it can act. The Antidote or Retention Hypothesis. — After the first 1 8 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY attack the organisms are presumed to leave behind them some product of metabolism that is inimical to their existence. A later form of this theory was that antitoxin was a modified toxin, which supposition has been dis- proved. The Phagocytosis Theory (Metchnikoff). — The large mononuclear leucocytes and the polymorphonuclear leucocytes ingest and destroy such bacteria as obtain access to the blood-stream. If infection occurs in one locality, there is a simultaneous movement of leucocytes to that spot to cope with the bacteria (positive chemiotaxis). When no such attraction takes place, negative chemiotaxis is said to occur. Metchnikoff ascribes the process of im- munisation to the ' education ' of the phagocytes. It is supposed that phagocytes contain digestive ferments (cytases) which effect bacteriolysis (solution of bacteria) intracellularly. Or, on the breaking up of the phagocyte (phagolysis), bacteriolysis may be effected extracellularly, and the cytases are then the alexines or complements of Ehrlich's theory. While phagocytosis constitutes a most important factor in the production of immunity, it requires further development to explain passive immunity. Phagocytosis depends on the presence in the serum of ' opsonins,' which act on the bacteria, and in some way render them suitable for ingestion by phagocytes. Opinions are divided on the question whether normal blood contains specific opsonins for different diseases, or whether the opsonins are ' common ' and act irrespective of the bacteria proffered. However, in the process of immunisation, opsonins of specific character are developed. EhrlicJi's Side-Chain Theory. — Ehrlich assumes that protoplasm is composed of complex molecules possessing very unstable ' side-chains,' ready to combine with other atomic groups if suitable ones come within the sphere of action. In the production of antitoxin the following is assumed to take place: A group on the toxic body (or toxoid), called the haptophore group, combines with a group on the cell called the receptor group. If the ceil is not too much damaged, it produces an excess of receptor groups more than sufficient to combine with the toxin, thus following Weigert's law that continued stimulation is attended by overproduction — hypertrophy. After re- peated injections of toxin, so many receptor groups are PRODUCTION OF ANTIBODIES IQ formed that the cell cannot hold them, and they become detached, and float about, ready to unite with any fresh toxin introduced. These free receptor cells constitute the antitoxins, agglutinins, etc. Besides the haptophore group, the toxin molecule contains another group called a toxophore group, which, if it unites with another group on the cell known as the toxophile group, after the union of the haptophore and receptor groups, sets up poisoning. If, however, the toxin come in contact with free receptor cells (antitoxin, etc.), with consequent union of its hapto- phore groups thereto, it cannot produce poisoning, al- though its toxophore groups are free, because the first essential necessary, the fixation of the toxin to the cells by the combination of the haptophore and receptor groups, is no longer possible. The toxophore group is more readily destroyed than the haptophore group. By heating a toxin for some time from 140° to 158° F. its toxicity is destroyed, although it still possesses an affinity for anti- toxin, because the toxophore group, which conditions poisoning, has been destroyed, but the haptophore group, which unites with antitoxin, is intact. Production of Antibodies — Antitoxin. — When an animal is rendered immune to a toxin a substance known as ' antitoxin ' is developed in the blood, which possesses the power of neutralising the toxin. Aggressins. — Some believe that before infection can take place the bacteria must elaborate additional toxins (aggressins) in the body to overcome the natural resistance. This is presumed to be effected by paralysing the leucocytes and so stopping phagocytosis. Perhaps the aggressins are identical with the true endotoxins of micro-organisms. Hcemolysins (see p. 20). Cytotoxins. — The blood-serum of an animal injected with such cells as leucocytes, spermatozoa, ciliated epi- thelium, or cells from the liver, kidney, or nerves, possesses the power of immobilising and destroying cells of the same origin as those with which the animal was injected. The phenomenon is known as ' cytolysis.' Agglutinins. — The serum of an animal suffering from, or infected with, typhoid or cholera acquires after a few days the power of causing the aggregation together of typhoid bacilli or cholera vibrios respectively, when these are mixed with it. The agglutination is caused by 20 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY agglutinins (see Widal Reaction, p. 104, and Saturation Test, p. 152). A serum made from one organism may agglutinate bacteria of a closely allied species, but in a less marked manner. Precipitins. — An antiserum produced by the injection of an animal with a substance containing proteins, if added to a solution of the substance with which the inoculation was performed, causes a cloudiness or precipitate. The test is very delicate, especially when performed as a * ring test ' in tiny tubes. It is used for the detection of horse-flesh in sausages, of castor beans in cattle cake, and for ascertaining the species of animal from which a blood- stain came. The sole drawback to the test is the length of time (up to six weeks) necessary to produce an antiserum. Feeble reactions are also obtained with proteins allied to that used in the production of the anti- serum. Antigens. — Any substance which, when introduced into the blood, provokes the formation of antibodies for the defence of the organism is called an antigen. Blood- corpuscles, viruses, micro-organisms, etc., are thus all included in the term ' antigen ' without prejudging their nature. The antibody formed through the introduction of an antigen consists of two bodies. One is ' ther- molabile ' (destroyed by a temperature of 55° C.), and is termed an alexin, complement, or addiment. The other body is ' thermostable,' and requires a temperature of 75° C. for its destruction. It may be called by various names — amboceptor, sensitiser, agglutinin, or precipitin. While the alexin is present in the serum of every animal, whether healthy or diseased, the amboceptor is specific, being peculiar to a particular antigen. Haemolysis. — If blood-corpuscles be injected into an animal, the blood of the latter acquires hsemolytic proper- ties, and dissolves red corpuscles of the same origin as those which were injected. The solvent agent produced (' hsemolysin ') contains a complement and an amboceptor or immune body. For Haemolysis Test see p. 152. Fixation or Absorption of the Complement. — Cholera- immune serum, inactivated (i.e., the complement is destroyed) by heating to 56° C. for half an hour, is mixed with the cholera vibrio, when after a time the vibrios are HAEMOLYSIS 21 found to have absorbed the immune body. The test can be employed for other organisms and for red blood-cor- puscles. The same complement will sensitise either haemolytic or bacteriolytic immune bodies. A mixture of typhoid bacilli, inactivated typhoid-immune serum, and guinea- pig serum, is incubated at blood-heat for two hours, then 'sensitised' corpuscles (e.g., a mixture of inactivated serum hsemolysing sheep corpuscles plus washed sheep corpuscles) are added and incubation continued for a further two hours. No haemolysis occurs. The bacillary amboceptor has absorbed all the guinea-pig complement, leaving none to activate the amboceptor of the serum haemolytic for sheep corpuscles. Consequently no haemol- ysis of the sheep corpuscles is possible (Bordet and Gengou phenomenon). Should normal serum (inactivated, of course) be used instead of typhoid-immune serum, there is no amboceptor to absorb the guinea-pig complement, and the latter is available for absorption by the inactivated hsemolytic serum, and haemolysis occurs. The following test is based on this phenomenon: Wassermann's Test (Fixation Test, or the Antigen Test). — A guinea-pig or rabbit is inoculated several times intra- venously with the washed blood-corpuscles of a rabbit or sheep, with the consequent production of a hsemolytic serum specific for the corpuscles of a rabbit or sheep respectively, and the serum is inactivated. An antigen is prepared by mincing and triturating the liver of a syphilitic foetus in physiological salt solution. The serum from the patient (the test fluid) is inactivated in the same way as the haemolytic serum— by heating to 56° C. for thirty minutes, thus destroying the alexin. A complement is made by diluting guinea-pig serum tenfold. The test fluid is added to the antigen extract, some complement is added, and the mixture left for four hours at 20° C. The faptnolytic, system, (a mixture of inactivated haemolytic serum and the washed blood- corpuscles for which it is specific) is added, and if after four hours no haemolysis has taken place syphilitic taint is present. The antibody in the patient's blood has attacked the which abound in the liver of the infected foetus, the complement is absorbed, and there is none left to cause the inacti- vated haemolytic serum to dissolve the blood-corpuscles. 22 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Conversely, if no syphilitic antibody exists in the patient's blood, the complement is left free, and is deviated to the sensitiser of the haemolytic serum, and allows this to cause haemolysis of the blood-corpuscles. Controls with normal and with syphilitic sera with and without antigen are put through at the same time. Cul- tures of the treponemes do not prove suitable antigens, but various other substances act as well as the liver of a syphilitic foetus — e.g., alcoholic extract of normal heart- muscle + cholesterin. For this reason the reaction is not a true antigen test. (See also p. 182.) Bacteriolysis and Antimicrobic Sera.— If an animal be treated with gradually increasing doses of an organism, an immunity against this organism is, to a certain extent, created. If a mixture of the animal's serum with the bacteria be injected into an animal, subsequent examina- tion shows the bacteria in a state of dissolution (bacteri- olysis orPfeiffer's phenomenon). InPfeiffer^s reaction this solution of bacteria is applied to determine the species of an organism, particularly of the cholera vibrio. Two milligrammes (a loopful) of an eighteen or twenty-four hour agar culture of the virulent isolated vibrio is sus- pended in 1 c.c. of broth containing 0-001 c.c. of the serum of an animal very efficiently immunised to cholera. The mixture is injected into the peritoneal cavity of a 250 gramme guinea-pig. After intervals of thirty and sixty minutes, some of the peritoneal fluid is abstracted by a sterile capillary pipette, and a hanging -drop preparation made therefrom. If the organism be V. cholerce, the bacteria are seen broken down into granules. A control experiment with normal serum is made. The bodies bringing about this phenomenon are known as bacteriolysins. Bacteriolysis is brought about by two substances, an immune body different for each organism, and only existing subsequent to treatment with the specific organism, and an addiment, complement, or alexin, present in normal serum. The complement is highly unstable, and present in small amount, thus restricting the curative power of antityphoid and anticholera sera. Deviation of the Complement. — An excess of immune body in a serum proves as inefficient for bacteriolysis as too small a quantity. Some amboceptors unite with the receptors of the bacterial cells, while others combine with BACTERIAL VACCINES 23 the complement. No free complement is left to combine with those amboceptors that are attached to the bacterial cells. The complex (amboceptor-f complement + organ- ism) that is necessary for bacteriolysis is therefore not provided. Serum-Therapy. — By repeated injection of animals with gradually increasing doses, sublethal at first, of either the specific toxin or the living culture, a state of gradually increasing resistance is acquired by the animals against the toxin or the microbe. The blood attains an immunis- ing power that is transferable to a new subject. If in- jected into a fresh animal, the blood confers on the latter resistance against the specific infection. The immunising power of such blood-serum comes into action even after infection has already taken place — that is to say, the blood- serum has a curative therapeutic action. Bacterial Vaccines. — The injection of sterilised cultures of certain pathogenic organisms serves to protect against the diseases concerned. Such vaccines may be adminis- tered as prophylactics in anticipation of exposure to the specific infection; or they may be used as therapeutic measures after infection has taken place. Inasmuch as slightly different organisms of the same species may be involved in different cases of an infection, a vaccine is usually made from perhaps ten different strains (poly- valent vaccine). A vaccine is specific — i.e., only likely to suppress or cure infection when this is produced by an organism of a character identical with that used for the vaccine. By use of a polyvalent vaccine the probability that the article specific for the infection is used corre- spondingly increases. A vaccine supplied from organisms isolated from previous cases of the disease (or of other diseases due to the same organism) is known as a stock vaccine. If prepared from cases occurring in the same institution or neighbourhood, it is produced from strains of local flora. When infection of a case has already taken place, and the responsible organism is isolated, a vaccine may be prepared from it (autogenous or personal vaccine). A description of the preparation of an autogenous vaccine will show the principles employed. The responsible organism is identified by microscopical examination of the material obtained, this being supplemented if possible by cultural and agglutination experiments. It is isolated 24 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY on appropriate medium, and three or four ' streak ' or rather ' slant ' cultures made, the whole of the surface of the slanted medium being used. About 1 c.c. of sterile salt solution (O'l per cent.) is poured into one of the tubes, and by rubbing up with a sterile platinum loop the growth is detached and forms a milky emulsion. This is poured into a sterile test-tube or flask and the culture tube is rinsed out with a few more drops of the salt solution. The process is repeated with the other slants, and their emul- sions added to the first, so that a total volume of about 5 c.c. is obtained. The masses present in the emulsion have to be thoroughly broken up, and the bacterial content ascertained by Wright's method: A small definite volume of the emulsion is mixed with an equal volume of blood, and smears made on slides are stained with one of the blood- stains. The relative numbers of red cells and bacteria are determined. Human blood, if from a male, contains five million red cells per cubic millimetre, or a thousand times this number per c.c. A calculation therefore gives the number of bacteria per c.c. The emulsion is diluted to a strength suitable for administration, with sterile normal saline containing 0-5 per cent, carbolic acid, and sterilised for an hour or an hour and a half in a water- bath at 56° to 60° C. This will not always suffice for sterilisation. In such cases a further sterilisation at 60° C. for one hour, twenty-four hours later, is to be preferred to a single sterilisation at a higher temperature. With some of the cocci a temperature of 65° or even 75° C. is necessary. Prolonged heating or the use of too high a temperature lowers the activity of the vaccine. Before use a subculture must be made from the vaccine to prove its sterility, and all through the process of preparation rigorous sterility of apparatus, diluting solution, etc., must be maintained. A main cause of failure in vaccine treatment lies in the selection of the wrong organism. This is liable to occur with the colon bacillus, of which there are said to be 150 varieties, so that the infecting organism may not be matched even in a polyvalent vaccine. It is often difficult, sometimes impossible, to say at a first examination which of the organisms found is the eetiological agent, and when a vaccine fails a further examination is necessary. Perhaps two or three bacteria are responsible, and the vaccine has only been prepared from one, with the result that the ANAPHYLAXIS 25 others carry on until a mixed vaccine is discovered to be necessary. Success in vaccine-therapy also depends on the correct dosage and the observance of a right interval between doses. Anaphylaxis. — Instead of an injection rendering the subject less sensitive to further injections of the same substance, the reverse sometimes occurs, certain poisons creating a peculiar sensibility on the part of the organism towards themselves under conditions that would lead one to anticipate a tolerance. Delille defines anaphylaxis as ' a state of acquired vulnerability in an organism to a second injection of a substance to which, at the time of its first injection, it was indifferent.' For the production of anaphylaxis an interval (the latent or incubation period) must elapse between the first or sensitising dose and the second or reacting dose. The minimum length of time is said to be ten days, and should the second dose be administered within this time anaphylaxis will not develop. The length of time for which a sensitising dose will remain effective in increasing sensibility is not known. Anaphylaxis is in some measure specific — i.e., the second injection must be of the same nature as the first. While it has been mainly studied by the injection of horse serum into guinea-pigs, the phenomenon has been obtained with proteins, toxins, animal sera, glycogen, peptone, trypsin, saponin, sodium oleate, in fact it is asserted that any colloid will induce anaphylaxis. While crystals do not produce the reaction, quinine, antipyrin, and iodoform are apparent exceptions, and in some predisposed persons inevitably lead to urticaria and anaphylactic sickness. It is necessary that the substance injected be foreign to the animal used, and that the sani3 or an allied substance be employed for the reacting as for the sensitising in- jection. A guinea-pig sensitised with horse serum will not react if the second injection be sheep serum or goat serum, but it should react if the second injection be donkey or mule serum. Animals injected with a particular organism are anaphylactised by the corresponding toxin in a strictly specific manner. Curious to say, it is necessary that the sensitising and the exciting dose must take place through the same route. Anaphylaxis in vitro may be induced by adding horse 26 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY serum to the serum of a rabbit sensitised to horse serum, in a test-tube. If immediately injected into a rabbit anaphylactic symptoms, and perhaps death, follow. So small a dose as a millionth part of a c.c. of horse serum will sensitise a guinea-pig. If after a period of incubation a second dose be given, the symptoms of the so-called anaphylactic shock appear. Death may occur almost immediately; if not, the animal becomes restless, falls over, and after diarrhoea, convulsions, and respiratory failure, paralysis follows. Death may occur in this state or rapid recovery may follow (Theobald Smith phenomenon). The hypersensitive state may be transmitted by the female guinea-pig to her progeny. The blood of anaphy- lactised animals, if injected into normal animals, confers anaphylaxis after a large number of injections, sometimes, indeed, after a single injection (passive anaphylaxis). No satisfactory explanation of anaphylaxis has been made. Gay and Southard consider that the serum con- tains a substance provisionally termed anaphylactiri, which remains as a constant irritant to the cells of the body, increasing their reactivity for the other constituents of the foreign serum. Vaughan and Wheeler believe that anaphylaxis must be due to a toxic fragment of the pro- tein molecule. Richet thinks that in the injected animal there is produced a substance (toxogenin) which is not toxic in itself, but yields a toxic substance (apotoxin) on combination with antigen. The toxicity of the apotoxin (or precipitin) is increased by combination with the alexin of the blood. In the serum the precipitin content runs parallel with the severity of the symptoms, and disappears after the anaphylactic condition passes off. Halliburton has suggested that this explains the difference between the normal and the sensitive animal. The frequency with which normal horse serum and anti- diphtheritic serum are used in treatment, proves ana- phylactic shock to be of rare occurrence among human beings. Some workers question if death ever occurs, outside of cases of status lymphaticus. Serum Disease or Serum Sickness. — About one-third of persons injected with horse serum for the first time are found to be sensitive to it, an urticaria, more or less cedema, and sometimes arthritis, appearing between the sixth and SNAKE VENOM 27 Uventioth days after injection. The only explanation offered is that part of the serum used as an injection remains unaltered in the subject, while the remainder sensitises the serum of the subject. In fact, a sort of auto-anaphylaxis occurs. Snake Venom. — The venoms of different species of poisonous snakes differ greatly in composition. Some appear to contain proteolytic enzymas which are supposed to produce the softening of the inuscles in the animals attacked. Cobra venom contains a hsemolysin, innocuous by itself, but activated by normal complement in the blood-serum of the victim. This hsemolysin is also activated by lecithin. Rattlesnake venom acts partly by lysis of the endothelial lining of bloodvessels, the specific toxin from its effects being called ' haernorrhagin.' Other venoms, such as that of the krait, produce intravascular thrombosis through an almost instantaneous coagulation of the blood. Many venoms are neurotoxic, the neurotoxins of different species selecting different sites for activity, one acting on the respiratory centre, another on the nerve endings in muscle. Serpent venom, unlike true bacterial toxins, is unaffected in virulence by a considerable degres of heating. Antivenin or Antivenomous Serum. — Calmstte injects horses with gradually increasing doses of cobra venom mixed with diminishing quantities of a 1 in 60 solution of hypochlorite of lime. When they have acquired sufficient immunity, the venoms of as many species of reptile as possible are injected. The process of immunisation lasts at least fifteen months. Calmette's serum is active to the extent of 1 to 200,000 — that is to say, it is sufficient to inject as a prophylactic dose a quantity of serum into a rabbit equal to o^oooo of its body-weight; 0-5 c.c. of this serum is sufficiently active to protect a rabbit against a dose of venom, which other- wise would be lethal in three or four hours, if it is not injected later than half an hour after the bite. The dose of the antivenin for a human being is, according to Calmette, 10 to 20 c.c., but Lamb and Hanna consider that it should be 30 to 40 c.c., injected as soon after the bite as is prac- ticable. It has been asserted that cobra antivenin protects animals against any snake poisons; but Martin and 28 A IDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Tidswell have shown that antivenomous serum is just as specific as other antisera. Bacterial Mutability. — The production of involution forms (p. 3) and of attenuated bacteria (p. 14) have been already dealt with. Appearance in different forms at different times — e.g., as a bacillus and leptothrix — is called Isomorphism. Bacteria that normally are ' acid-fast ' or ' Gram-posi- tive ' may fail to resist decolorisation by acid in theZiehl- Neelsen process, or may becoms ' Gram-negative,' when old. This is most noticeable among the Streptothricice. Other changes in character occur especially in the colon- typhoid group. Twort endowed a strain of typhoid bacilli with lactose-fermenting power. Revis states that the fermentation of a sugar or polyhydric alcohol takes place in two stages — a preliminary acid formation and a subse- quent gas formation. Revis succeeded in causing an organism to lose its power to produce gas while retaining its capacity to produce acid, the resulting variety being of a permanent character. It should be noted that an organism may ferment a specific carbohydrate obtained from one dealer, and have no action on the same substance as supplied by another. By exposure to ultra-violet rays Mine. Victor Henry converted anthrax bacilli into cocci and other forms which are apparently stable. It also appeared to lose its capacity for secreting proteolytic enzymes. Simonini found thorium salts to modify morphology, staining reactions, and physiological characters of Shiga- Kruse and Flexner dysentery bacilli and B. diphtheria, B. coli showing less response. Theile and Embleton showed that a guinea-pig pre- viously sensitised to B. mycoides died after inoculation with this organism, and the post-mortem appearances were indistinguishable from those of anthrax. After passage through the sensitised animal, the organism was capable of producing disease in a normal animal. Similarly, smegma and Timothy- grass bacilli produced in animals specifically sensitised post-mortem appearances indis- tinguishable from those due to an intraperitoneal injection of tubercle bacilli. Dostal claims to have converted the tubercle bacillus into a non-acid-fast and non-pathogenic organism. MICROSCOPE 29 CHAPTER II BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS The Microscope. — A microscope for bacteriological work should be absolutely rigid, and the fine adjustment should be sensitive and precise. It must be fitted with a suitable substage condenser, with an arrangement for focussing, and iris diaphragm. A triple nose-piece avoids unscrewing the objectives to obtain variations in power, and saves not only time, but much wear and tear. The following objectives are required: |-inch, ^-inch, and a j^-inch oil immersion. These objectives com- bined with an ' A ' or ' B ' eye-piece will give magnifi- cations to 1,100 diameters, which is ample for all ordinary purposes. A mechanical stage of an easily detachable form is desirable, especially for the systematic examination of blood-films, etc. A brilliant illumination is essential for the examination of bacteria, particularly when in tissues. A paraffin lamp with flat flame, the edge of the flame being used, is very satisfactory; or, if electric current be available, a Nernst lamp enclosed in a frosted globe, or the Barnard lamp. Daylight is not always suitable, but it is as well to be able to use it on occasion. Micro-organisms in liquids and tissues are only visible through the shadows caused by the differences in the refractive power of the various structures. Consequently the hole in the diaphragm must be diminished. In the case of stained specimens, however, an open diaphragm can be used, and the preparation examined with the full aperture of the condenser. After using the oil-immersion objective, the cedar oil should be removed with soft filter-paper and the lens then wiped with a silk handkerchief. Should the oil be allowed to dry on at any time, a little fresh oil should be put over it and allowed to stand a short time; this will soften the hardened oil, when the whole may be cleaned off together, or it may be gently cleaned with a rag moistened with xylol. 30 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Limits of Microscopical Vision. — There is a limit to the visibility of microscopical objects. With the very best optical appliances and the use of monochromatic violet light it is impossible to see more than about 167,000 lines to the inch, an object measuring less than about 0-14//, not being perceptible. By means of transverse illumination, ultra -microscopic particles may be rendered visible as diffraction discs, and particles measuring far less than half a wave-length of light can be made visible (Siedentopf ' s apparatus). The Hot-Air Steriliser.— An iron box, with double walls, fitted with a door in front and supported on four legs. It is heated by means of. a rose gas-burner from below, and the temperature of the interior is indicated by means of a thermometer inserted through a hole in the top. If necessary, a mercury-gas regulator may be inserted through a second opening. The temperature in these ovens is by no means uniform ; it therefore must be ascertained that the objects exposed for sterilisation really reach the desired temperature. Test-tubes, Petri dishes, pipettes, etc., may be thoroughly sterilised by exposure to a temperature of 150° C. for one hour. The door must not be opened until the temperature has dropped to 60° C. Neglect to observe this precaution courts cracked glass. Inoculating-wires, forceps, etc., are best sterilised by passing through the flame of the Bunsen burner. The Steam Steriliser. — This is a cylindrical vessel of copper, about \ metre high by about 30 centimetres wide, jacketed with non-conducting material, and provided with a lid. The lid is covered with felt, and is perforated to receive a thermometer. Inside the vessel is a diaphragm or grating about two-thirds down which divides the interior into two portions: the upper, or ' steam- chamber/ and the lower, or ' water-chamber.' A water-gauge indicates the water-level. The apparatus stands upon three legs, and is heated by a large Fletcher burner, keep- ing the water in vigorous ebullition, so that steam issues freely from the top. A uniform temperature of 100° C. is thus maintained in the apparatus. The steriliser is fitted with a wire basket or metal rack for the reception of test-tubes containing nutrient media. This apparatus is employed for sterilising media and STERILISER 31 apparatus which cannot be exposed to temperatures above 100° C. Glass utensils may be steamed for from one to two hours. The High-Pressure Steam Steriliser. — High-pressure steam in an autoclave acts with greater rapidity than ordinary steam. Although not necessary for ordinary use, in the sterilisation of soil it must be used. Certain spores resist ordinary steaming for three hours, but are destroyed in fifteen minutes by steam at 110° to 120° C. Sterilisation by Chemical Agents. — For washing instru- ments, and for disinfecting the hands, solutions of 1 in 1,000 of corrosive sublimate, 1 in 20 solution of phenol, or 1 in 50 solution of lysol, are used. When chemical agents are used, risk is incurred by traces of the germicide escaping removal, and destroying the organisms under examination or introducing other elements of uncertainty into the work. For ordinary purposes it is best to rely upon the careful fulfilment of all the details required in the sterilisa- tion by the usual methods. Glass pipettes, etc., may be rapidly sterilised by rinsing with o per cent, phenol, then with absolute alcohol, and lastly with ether, the ether finally being driven off by careful heating over the Bunsen. Steel instruments, etc., are best boiled in water con- taining a little sodium carbonate. Sterilisation by Filtration. — Air and other gases are readily freed from micro-organisms by drawing them through a tube containing a plug of dry sterile cotton- wool or packed with sugar or sand. Water or other liquid which is not too viscid is sterilised by passage through unglazed porcelain cylinders (Pasteur- Chamberland filter). These filters are used for the pur- poses of concentration of bacteria in a liquid, or the separa- tion of bacteria from their products. For experimental purposes these filters must be cleaned and sterilised before being used. This operation does not affect the Pasteur filter, but tends to disintegrate the Berkefeld (see p. 239). The Microtome. — A large number of machines for the cutting of sections of tissues have been introduced. For some the tissue is frozen before cutting, for others it is first impregnated with paraffin or celloidin. 32 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY The Incubator. — The pathogenic bacteria grow best at the temperature of the body of the host, and for their culture an incubator with a temperature of 37° C. is employed. Many of the saprophy tic forms will not develop at so high a temperature, and they are cultivated either in a warm room or in a ' cool ' incubator, at about 22° C. The incubator consists essentially of a double-walled chamber, the space between the walls being filled with water warmed by a gas-burner. The outer wall is covered with some non-conducting material. In the Hearson incubator a regular temperature is secured by an Excelsior gas-valve, in which the pressure of ether and other vapours is employed in a flexible envelope; this, acting upon a lever, controls the gas-supply. Page and Reichert thermo- stats are also used, where a fall in temperature occasions the contraction of mercury and allows more gas to pass, while if too hot, mercurial expansion ensues, and by par- tially cutting off the gas, diminishes the flame. In case the main gas opening should become closed by the expan- sion of the mercury, a by-pass allows the maintenance of a pilot light. The ' cool ' incubator is similar in principle, but is sur- mounted by a vessel containing ice. The regulation of temperature within the chamber is effected by a small stream of water, which runs continuously through the apparatus in one of three directions, the choice being automatically determined by a thermostatic capsule. A third incubator, giving a temperature of 42° C., is useful for the culture of typhoid and colon bacilli in water, etc., examinations. Centrifuges. — For the removal of fine particles from suspension, centrifugal force is employed. The Gerber machine, as used in milk analysis, when fitted with centri- fuge tubes, answers well, and special machines are made for the purpose. For small quantities of material, haema- tocrites are used. Inoculating Needles. — For the transference and spread- ing, etc., of material, pieces of platinum wire fused into glass, or fixed into aluminium rods, are used. For ordinary purposes O4 millimetre (27-28 B.W.G.) wire is suitable, but the greater stiffness of a 0*7 millimetre wire is sometimes necessary. Needles, both straight and with loops (of vary- ing sizes up to 4 millimetres in diameter or bigger) are used. NUTRIENT MEDIA 33 Test-Tubes. — 6 x £ inches is the most useful size. For special purposes smaller and larger ones are required. Cornet forceps for cover-glasses, dissecting forceps of various patterns, and other instruments, are needed, together with flasks for holding media. CHAPTER III THE PREPARATION AND USE OF NUTRIENT MEDIA IT is necessary, in order to obtain a satisfactory know- ledge of the biological characters of a micro-organism, to obtain a pure culture — that is, a culture containing one species only. When, by exposure to air or by other means, isolated bacteria lodge on the surface of a nutrient medium, they are fixed in situ and commence to grow, each organism producing a colony which eventually becomes visible macroscopically. This character is used for the isolation of organisms. Pure cultures of bacteria are hardly ever met in practice, and a very common method of separating individual bacteria is to disperse the liquid containing them over or through some solid medium in such a dilution that individual bacteria can form sufficiently large colonies without their meeting. This is generally effected in Petri dishes. By the introduction of a part of a colony into a tube of sterile medium, a pure culture is obtained after incubation, and the larger quantity of growth provides more material for examination. The appearances of the growths on various media constitute important, and often positive, means of identification. In culture, the store of nutrient material becomes gradually used up, and reproduction stops. It is necessary, therefore, to reinoculate them from time to time into fresh media. Bacteria are artificially cultivated in both liquid and solid culture media. Nutrient media are employed in test-tubes, small conical (Erlenmeyer's) or other flasks, or Petri dishes. All test- tubes, flasks, etc., are thoroughly cleansed with 25 per cent. 3 34 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY hydrochloric acid, and well rinsed with water to remove all traces of acid. The tubes are then allowed to drain until nearly dry, when they are finally rinsed out with a little strong alcohol, drained, and allowed to dry. Or the tubes may be cleaned by boiling in water containing soap powder for thirty minutes, followed by cleansing with brush and thorough rinsing with water. They are then plugged with sterilised cotton-wool, and sterilised for an hour at 140° to 150° C. in the hot-air steriliser. Cotton- wool is sterilised by pulling loosely apart and heating for an hour at 145° C. in the hot-air steriliser. Though sometimes desirable, it is not always necessary to sterilise tubes and cotton-wool before filling with media. The sterilisation after tubing is generally sufficient. Reaction of Media. — A reaction slightly acid to phenol- phthalein (equivalent to a faintly alkaline reaction to litmus) is generally most suitable. Standardisation of Media. — Variations in reaction of media influence the character of the growths. For the enumeration of organisms and for descriptive work standard media are necessary. The signs + and— indicate acidity and alkalinity to phenolphthalein respectively. The American Committee describe +1-5 per cent, reaction, when to every 100 c.c. of medium neutral to phenolphtha- lein 1 '5 c.c. of normal hydrochloric acid are added. English workers, following Eyre, use an acidity of +1-0 per cent. (+ 10 on Eyre's scale). The procedure is briefly as follows: An aliquot portion of the nutrient medium is taken, say 20 c.c. ; this is diluted with warm distilled water, boiled for a minute, a few drops of a solution of phenolphthalein are added, and decinormal solution of sodium hydrate is run in drop by drop from a burette to the hot solution until a pink colora- tion is obtained. The correct volume in c.c. of normal, or, better, dekanormal, soda solution to be added to the bulk is calculated and added; the reaction of the medium will then be neutral to phenolphthalein, but strongly alkaline to litmus. The alkalinity is too great for the optimum growth of most organisms, and it is reduced by the addition of normal hydrochloric acid to the extent of 1 c.c. per 100 c.c. of medium. The reaction is then said to be + 10 (Eyre's scale) or 4- 1*0 per cent. (American scale). Instead of first neutralising and then adding normal NUTRIENT MEDIA 35 acid or alkali, sufficient alkali may be added to reduce the reaction to the required point. After standardisation, the medium is heated on a water bath for half an hour to bring down the precipitate caused by the change in reaction (mag- nesium ammonium phosphate, Jordan), and then filtered. Preparation of Beef Broth. — One pound of beefsteak, freed from fat and connective tissue, is cut up and passed through a mincing-machine. The finely-minced meat is digested with 1,000 c.c. of water. It is then boiled, with constant stirring, for thirty minutes in a tinned or enamelled saucepan, which is kept well covered. The broth is strained through muslin, and then made up with distilled water to 1,000 c.c., to replace that evaporated during the boiling. This is the ' acid-beef broth.' To the broth is then added 5 grammes of sodium chloride and 10 grammes of peptone. The latter is first rubbed up with a little of the broth in a glass mortar, after which it is added to the bulk. The mixture is now boiled for five minutes, and then very carefully neutralized with a solution of sodium car- bonate or hydrate, making the solution very faintly alkaline to litmus-paper. The alkaline solution is added carefully, drop by drop, shaking the flask well between each addition. The solution is again boiled for ten minutes, with constant agitation. The reaction is again tested with litmus -paper, and if still faintly alkaline, the solution is filtered into a flask through a double-pleated filter-paper. Or the broth may be standardized to + 10 (vide supra). The filtered product, which should be absolutely clear and bright, is then run into flasks (which are plugged with sterile cotton- wool) and sterilised on three successive days in the steamer for fifteen to twenty minutes on each occasion. Bullock's heart or sheep's heart may be used instead of steak. Lemco Broth. — Although some workers prefer beef broth, one in which extract of meat is used serves equally for most purposes, and is now generally used. Lemco, 20 grammes; peptone, 20 grammes; salt, 10 grammes; distilled water, 1 litre. Boil for thirty minutes, standardise, and filter. This is more easy to prepare, and varies less in composition, than beef broth. If, in spite of filtration, the broth remains turbid, the white of an egg is added to the cooled broth (50° C.), 36 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY well mixed, and raised and maintained at the boiling- point for ten minutes. The precipitated albumin is then filtered off, and the filtrate sterilised as above directed. Stitt uses 3 grammes of Lemco to the litre, and, as the msdium has almost invariably a reaction of +0'75 (Ameri- can scale), considers it is usually unnecessary to titrate and adjust the reaction unless precision is demanded. Glycerin Broth. — Five c.c. of glycerin to every 100 c.c. of beef broth. Glucose and Lactose Broth. — To each 100 c.c. of broth is added 1 to 2 grammes of pure glucose or lactose. Used in the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria. Nutrient Gelatin. — To 1 litre of acid beef broth are added 100 grammas of ' gold label ' gelatin, 10 grammes of peptone, and 5 grammes of salt. The mixture is placed on a water-bath until solution is complete, and then rendered faintly alkaline to litmus-paper with sodium hydrate solution. -After cooling to 50° C., the white of an egg is added, and after stirring it is steamed for one hour. The gelatin is now filtered through a pleated filter in a hot- water funnel, and then run into test-tubes. The tubes are sterilised on three successive days in the steam steriliser for fifteen minutes on each occasion. After the final steaming they are allowed to solidify in upright or slanting positions, according as to whether they are intended for stab or streak cultivations. In hot weather 15 or 20 per cent, gelatin should be used. The gelatinising power of gelatin is gradually destroyed by heating. Glucose Gelatin. — Two per cent, of glucose in nutrient gelatin. Nutrient Agar. — Fifteen grammes of powdered agar are well boiled with a litre of nutrient broth for two to three hours until dissolved; the water lost by evaporation is replaced from time to time. Care is then taken to see that the medium is faintly alkaline, after which it is cleared with egg-albumin, as described under the prepara- tion of gelatin. The agar is then filtered through ' Char- din ' filter-paper or a small jelly- bag. Some workers allow the hot agar to stand in the steam steriliser in a tall, cylindrical vessel till the flaky particles which cause the turbidity sink to the bottom, when the clear agar can be poured off. NUTRIENT MEDIA 37 Agar jelly remains solid at 40° C., and only melts com- pletely at 99° C. ; hence this medium is well adapted for the higher incubating temperatures. Nutrient agar is often quite clear when hot, but is always slightly opalescent on cooling. Glycerin Agar. — Nutrient agar containing 5 per cent, of glycerin. Glucose Agar. — The addition of 1 to 2 per cent, of glucose to nutrient agar is useful for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria. The tubes for this purpose are filled two- thirds full. The medium should not be heated more than is absolutely necessary during preparation and sterilisation, or it becomes dark. Urine Gelatin and Agar. — Fresh urine thickened with 10 per cent, of gelatin, or 2 per cent, of agar, with the addition of 1 per cent, of peptone and -£- per cent, of sodium chloride, is rendered feebly alkaline and filtered. Peptone Water.— Ten grammes of peptone and 5 grammes of sodium chloride are dissolved in 1,000 c.c. of distilled water; the solution is then well boiled, and neutralised carefully in the usual manner. The solution is again boiled and filtered. The solution is then run into tubes, and steamed for fifteen minutes on three successive days. Glucose and Lactose Peptone Waters. — The addition of 1 to 2 per cent, of glucose or lactose to peptone water is very useful when determining the fermentative power of organisms. The medium may be tinged with litmus, in order to show production of acid or alkali, sufficient of a neutral solution of litmus being added for this purpose. These media and their corresponding broths are preferably introduced into Durham's tubes, which consist of the ordinary test-tubes into which small inverted tubes have been introduced. The small tubes during the process of sterilisation becoma filled with the medium, and then serve as gas-holders, should the sugar be fermented with the production of gas. If the inner tubes do not fill during sterilisation, two grease-pencil marks should be made on the outer tube to show the volume of air left in, or the Durham tubes may be put in a water-bath and heated to boiling for ten minutes, when the air bubble will dis- appear. As a general rule the production of gas can be observed without using an inner tube, as a few small 38 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY bubbles are seen at the surface, or can be seen rising in the liquid if the tube is gently shaken. As gas production may have stopped at the time of inspection, it is never wise to dispense with the inner tube. Maltose, galactose, arabinose, raffinose, cane-sugar, mannite, sorbite, dulcite, adonit, dextrin, starch, and inulin, are similarly used. Milk. — Fresh separated milk, free from preservatives, is sterilised for twenty minutes on each of five successive days. The medium is frequently tinged with litmus. Milk must not be overheated, as this retards or prevents the formation of clot when organisms that should produce clotting are grown in it. This, perhaps, is the reason why some brands of non- sweetened condensed milk prove unsatisfactory for milk-tubes. Milk is always so greatly contaminated to start with that it is unwise to rely on sterilisation, and tubes should be incubated at blood-heat for two days in order to ascertain which are sterile. Potato-Tubes. — Large sound potatoes are thoroughly scrubbed, and then with a large cork-borer cylindrical pieces are cut to fit into test-tubes. Each cylinder is cut into halves diagonally, the wedges are well washed in running water for an hour, and each wedge is placed in a test-tube. The cores of potato rest on a moist plug of cotton- wool to keep the potato cylinder moist. The tubes are capped, and sterilised in the steam steriliser for thirty minutes on each of three successive days. The tubes are left in the blood-heat incubator overnight, and any con- taminated ones rejected. Blood-Serum. — Blood from the jugular vein or an incised wound is allowed to run into a tall sterile glass vessel, with aseptic precautions. The vessel is at once placed in a cool place without the least shaking, and allowed to stand overnight, when a firm clot forms; the clear serum is drawn off by a sterile glass siphon or large pipette into sterile test-tubes, which are plugged, and laid on a slanting surface, and the serum made to set by heating in the hot-air steriliser to 65° C. The tubes can then be sterilised in the usual way by steaming on three successive occasions. All tubes should be tested for sterility by a trial incubation before use. The serum should have a jelly-like consistency, and an opalescent, yellowish-white colour. NUTRIENT MEDIA 39 Chloroform is particularly suitable for the sterilisation of blood-serum, as it has a powerful germicidal action com- bined with a low boiling-point, so that it can be driven off with certainty after sterilisation is complete. (The liquid under treatment is shaken up with chloroform, and allowed to stand some days, when it is freed from chloroform by prolonged heating at 62° C.) The serum from human blood, obtained at operations and from placentae, occasionally presents advantages over that obtained from animals. Modifications of Blood-Serum. — The fluid obtained from hydroceles, cysts, or dropsical effusions, is practically the same in composition as blood-serum. Loffler's Medium. — Two parts of blood-serum with one part of nutrient glucose broth. The medium is solidified in a slanting position. Blood-smeared Agar.— The surface of the agar in sloped agar- tubes is smeared with blood obtained aseptically. The tubes must not be sterilised after the blood has been added. Egg-Albumin.— The albumin from birds' eggs is care- fully separated from the yolk, and treated as directed under the preparation of blood-serum tubes. The white from plovers' eggs yields an almost transparent medium. Hens' eggs may (Hueppe) be themselves used. New-laid eggs are washed in sodium carbonate solution, immersed in 1 in 2,000 mercuric chloride solution for a short time, thoroughly rinsed in water that has been well boiled, and finally rinsed in strong alcohol and ether. The end is pierced with a sterile needle, and the material to be inoculated is introduced into the egg by means of a glass capillary tube, from which it is blown with great care. The hole is now closed with sterile cotton-wool. This method of cultivation is particularly well adapted for the cultivation of the anaerobic bacteria. Beer- Wort. — Unhopped beer- wort is allowed to stand in a cool place for twelve hours, filtered, steamed for one hour, again filtered, and then sterilised. Beer- Wort Gelatin. — -One hundred grammes of gelatin are dissolved in a litre of unhopped beer- wort, clarified and filtered, but not neutralised. Silica Jelly. — This preparation is destitute of organic matter, and is used for the organisms of ' nitrification,' 40 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY which will not grow on an organic medium The gelat- inous consistency is obtained by means of dialysed silicic acid. Irish Moss Jelly is used for the culture of the thermo- philic organisms, and various other media are employed, the composition of which is given in different monographs. To prevent evaporation, and assist exclusion of aerial organisms, culture-tubes may be covered with rubber caps, or after the last steaming their mouths may be pro- tected with gutta-percha tissue. Media should be kept in a cool, dark place, such as in suitable- sized tins with lids. A piece of filter-paper may be placed at the bottom of the tin, and a few drops of clove oil sprinkled thereon. In this way the percentage of tubes spoiling on keeping is reduced considerably. Desiccated media may be purchased, some of which answer very well. The Cultivation and Isolation of Bacteria. — The ubiqui- tous character of bacteria renders it necessary that those under examination should not become contaminated with extraneous organisms. To preclude such con- tingency, resort is had to certain devices for protection against pro temjwre aliens. In the absence of draughts, aerial bacteria do not move in a horizontal direction, but merely drop. Consequently, tubes of media are not held with the mouths up during manipulation, but in a more or less horizontal position. Dry cotton-wool is an effectual bacterial filter, and is used for plugging vessels. The part of the plug entering the test-tube is never touched with the hand by conservative workers, who leave an ample portion of plug outside the tube for this purpose. Many, however, regard the large plug as an archaic fetish, and practise economy in cotton- wool by using a loosely fit- ting plug about an inch long, which all goes in the mouth of the test-tube, and is removed by sterile forceps and held by the top part. It was formerly the custom to always ' flame ' a plug before reinserting it, but except when the plug has been dropped, or otherwise exposed to con- tamination, this ritual is not generally honoured in routine work. Gelatin Plate Cultures. — Three test-tubes contain- ing nutrient gelatin are placed in warm water at about 40° C. until the contents are liquid. This temperature is ISOLATION OF BACTERIA 41 sufficient to keep the gelatin liquid, but not high enough to destroy the vitality of the bacteria which are to be the subjects of experiment. The tubes are then numbered 1, 2, and 3. By means of a platinum needle, which has been previously sterilised at red heat and allowed to cool, after carefully withdrawing the plug, a mere trace of the mixture of organisms under examination is intro- duced into tube 1 and well mixed. If the material is too coherent, attempts must be made to separate the organisms by rubbing them with the point of the platinum wire against the side of the tube below the surface of the gelatin. The plug is replaced and the needle sterilised by passing it through the flame. A platinum loop is sterilised, and whan cool, a loopful of the gelatin transferred from tube 1 to tube 2, and the contents well mixed, after which two or three loopfuls from tube 2 are transferred to tube 3. By the above dilution the number of organisms in the third tube is probably so small as to give a satis- factory ' plate.' It may happen that the dilution is carried too far, in which event the .plate required is ob- tained from the second tube. Success in this operation is a matter of experience and judgment. When inocula- ting tubes the cotton- wool plugs must be held between the fingers, best between the third and fourth, using the back of the hand, and must be carefully returned into the tube after inoculation, without the part that goes in the tube being allowed to come into contact with the surface of the hand or bench. The manner in which plugs and tubes are held is largely a matter of taste, but whatever posture is adopted, the positions of the respective plugs and tubes must be remembered, to avoid mixing them. The plug of No. 1 tube is flamed and removed, the lips of the tube are flamed, and the contents of the tube poured into a Petri dish which is marked ' No. 1.' The tubes marked 2 and 3 are treated similarly. Petri dishes are from 10 to 20 centimetres in diameter and about 1-5 or 2 centimetres deep, and have loosely fitting covers of the same form as the dishes themselves. The colonies may be examined and counted without removing the lid. Esmarch's Roll Cultures. — The inoculated liquefied gelatin is distributed in a thin layer upon the walls of a wide test-tube by rotating the tube upon a block of ice 42 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY having a horizontal surface, in which a shallow groove has been made by means of a test-tube containing hot water. Agar Plates. — Tubes containing nutrient agar are placed in a bath of boiling water until the contents are completely melted. The bath is allowed to stand until the temperature falls to nearly 45° C. The tubes are then immediately inoculated and the contents poured into a dish, as previously directed for the preparation of gelatin plates. It is a good plan to warm the dishes or plates to 40° C. before pouring the agar, and, above all, to work quickly, as the agar solidifies at 40° C., and after solidifica- tion has begun to take place an even distribution of the medium is no longer possible. Agar plates are usually inverted in the incubator. If left upright, moisture collects in drops on the medium and washes colonies into one another. Character of Bacterial Colonies. — Gelatin and agar plates (incubated at 22° C. and 37° C. respectively) are examined every day to ascertain the character of the colonies. It occasionally happens that a colony contains more than one species owing to the too close propinquity of the original bacteria, but as a rule each isolated colony is a pure culture. Some bacteria liquefy gelatin more or less quickly, liquefaction being shown by a sinking and the evident local destruction of gel. For further study of the colonies isolated on plates they may be inoculated into liquid or solid media. Inocula- tions on to solid media may take the form of a ' stab ' or ' streak ' culture. * Streak ' Cultures. — Nutrient gelatin or agar is solidi- fied in an oblique position, so as to expose as much surface as possible. The tube is held in a horizontal position to prevent aerial organisms from falling in, and the plug is carefully withdrawn with the third and fourth fingers of the right hand, using the back of the hand. The plati- num needle is sterilised by heating to redness in flame, and given time to cool. A trace of the colony is taken up on the point. The needle is carefully passed down the tube so as not to touch the sides, and then gently drawn along the centre of the medium, using a light but even pressure. The noodle, on removal, is at once sterilised, and the cotton- wool plug after flaming is returned to the CULTURE METHODS 43 tube. The whole operation is carried out as quickly as possible, so as to reduce the chance of outside contamina- tion to a minimum. * Stab ' Cultures. — A trace of the growth is picked up on the tip of a platinum needle, which is then thrust into the depth of a tube containing about 10 c.c. of nutrient medium solidified in the upright position, care being taken to introduce the wire in a central line and in a direc- tion parallel with the sides of the tube. The tube may be held and the manipulations carried out in the same manner as described for a ' streak ' culture. * Stab ' and ' streak ' cultures may be made in the same tube, if this be filled and ' slanted ' in such a manner that the slant ends halfway down it. To show the production of gas, stab cultures in glucose agar, shake cultures in gelatin, or cultures in Durham's fermentation tubes (see p. 37), may be employed. ' Shake. ' Cultures. — A tube of gelatin is liquefied by heating the tube in a beaker of water at 40° C. The medium is then inoculated with the organism under examination. The plug is replaced, and the contents of the tube gently mixed to distribute the organisms evenly through the medium, care being taken not to allow any of the gelatin to touch the cotton-wool plug. The contents of the tube are allowed to set in cold water. The presence of organisms capable of producing gas in this medium is shown by the formation of bubbles. At the same time, another tube of the medium is inoculated with an organism known to produce gas — as a control. This prevents an error of registering this attribute as negative when really non-production of gas is due to the use of unsuitable medium. The test sometimes fails with gelatin made with meat extract. Anaerobic Cultures. — Most anaerobes will grow in a deep stab in glucose agar or gelatin. The tube, three- quarters full of medium, is kept in boiling water for five minutes and then cooled. Dissolved oxygen is thus ex- pelled and the medium softened. After the stab is made, the top portion of the medium is gently warmed to seal the top of the needle track. Air may be excluded from a culture in a fluid medium by running a layer of sterile vaseline or olive oil (about a centimetre thick) on to the medium. 44 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Buchner's Tube. — A large test-tube, having a constric- tion a little above the bottom, and fitted with a rubber stopper, well vaselined. The inoculated tube is placed in the Buchner's tube, and rests on the constricted portion. Some strong aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid is then run into the outside tube, followed by an equal volume of 20 per cent, caustic potash solution. Without allowing the pyrogallic acid and potash to mix, the rubber stopper is quickly inserted, and the solutions in the tube below the constriction mixed. Stoppered glass bottles may be used for the purpose. In FrdnkeTs method a large, strong test-tube contain- ing the medium is fitted with a rubber cork, through which pass two glass tubes, bent at right angles just above the stopper, and the ends drawn out. One tube should reach almost to the bottom of the tube, and the other just through the cork. After sterilisation and inoculation, hydrogen is passed through the longer tube and escapes by the shorter one. When all the air has been expelled the tubes are sealed in a Bunsen flame, the shorter tube being done first. Bullock's apparatus consists of a large bell- jar with ground flange, which can be luted to a plate of ground- glass with a suitable grease or resin ointment. Through the top, two tubules with ground stoppers, and provided with stopcocks, pass. By means of these hydrogen can be passed through the bell- jar to displace the air, when the stop- cocks are closed. A dish of alkaline pyrogallol may be placed at the bottom to absorb oxygen in case of a slight leak. Discrete colonies of organisms may be obtained by smearing the infected loop over the surfaces of three or four slanted media tubes in turn, without reinfecting. The tubes are incubated in a wide-mouthed stoppered bottle with ample volumes of pyrogallic acid and soda~solutions. One gramme of the former should be allowed for every 100 c.c. of air space. Animal Inoculations. — Animal inoculations may be required, among other reasons, (a) to enhance the viru- lence of an organism which has become attenuated through culture on media — the infective agent may be injected alone, with another pathogenic organism, or with a toxin to lower the animal's resistance; (b) to identify an organ- ism; (c) to obtain a pure culture. ANIMAL INOCULATIONS 45 Rabbits, guinea-pigs, white mice, and white rats, are the animals generally used. The first two may be injected subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The hair on the abdomen, between the scapulae, or near the root of the tail, whichever part be chosen for the injection, is clipped, and the skin rubbed with cotton- wool soaked in 1 in 1,000 mercuric chloride solution. For a subcutaneous injection, the skin is pinched up and the needle inserted. The needle is run in for its whole length when a large amount is to be injected. Intraperitoneal injections are made in the lower part of the abdomen; the abdominal walls are pinched up, and the needle passed through the fold and then withdrawn until the point is felt to be free in the abdominal cavity, when the contents of the syringe are emptied. Care must be taken to avoid injuring the intestines. A special curved needle, with the hole about a quarter of its length from the point, is frequently used for intraperitoneal injections. The large auricular veins of the ear render the rabbit a suitable animal for intravenous injections. The vein selected is rendered prominent by lightly pinching the base of the ear. For a ' pocket inoculation ' a small incision is made in the skin, and, the latter having been separated from the muscles by inserting the point of a pair of scissors and slightly opening them, the tissue is inserted in the cavity. The wounds left after inoculation are closed with collodion, collodion and wool, or with one or two sutures.' Mice are generally inoculated on the back, at the root of the tail. Inoculations may also be made into the anterior chamber of the eye, by rubbing infected material into a scarified surface, or by the introduction of the material in collodion sacs. Examination of the Dead Animal. — As soon as pos- sible the body is pinned on a board, the dorsal surface down. The forceps, scissors, and scalpels, should be sterilised by boiling in water containing a little sodium carbonate. The animal and board are well soaked in disinfectant solution, and the hair on the abdomen shaved or clipped. The abdomen is seared with a hot iron, and an incision made from the top of the sternum to the pubes; lateral incisions are made, and the skin reflected and pinned out. A fresh set of instruments is used for the next 46 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY incisions, and a third set for removing the organs. The material from which cultures are to be made depends on the organism suspected. The site of inoculation, the spleen, or the blood, may furnish the organism in most abundance. Before any organ is opened it is first seared with the cautery. Blood and peritoneal fluid may be collected in sterile capillary pipettes. Blood is taken from the right ventricle. After dissection the animal is drenched with disinfectant, and, together with the board, is burnt at once. The greatest care must be taken to prevent the dissemination of infectious matter, and in the event of any material being dropped, it must be immediately swabbed up with disinfectant. Blood Preparations. — Small quantities of blood are obtained by pricking a finger or lobe of the ear with a bayonet-pointed needle after sterilisation of the skin by rubbing with alcohol and ether. For a Widal reaction the blood is taken up in a capillary pipette. For other &erum tests Wright's capsules are used. For blood-films, the exuded drop of blood is touched with the edge of a microscopical slide, and then brought in contact with an- other slide, near its end. When the drop has spread across the slide, the first is gradually drawn or pushed across the horizontal one. The thickness of the film can be varied at will by altering the angle at which the top slide is drawn across the other. For determining the nature of organisms in septicaemia, larger quantities of blood are required — up to 5 or 10 c.c. Such blood is taken, with aseptic pre- cautions, from a superficial vein (the median basilic or median cephalic veins are convenient) with a sterile glass syringe, a tourniquet being applied to produce venous congestion. The blood is introduced in quantities of \ c.c. into agar plates or broth-tubes. CHAPTER IV THE MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF BACTERIA LIVING bacteria are observed in ' hanging drops,' and dead bacteria in film preparations or in sections of tissue. For bacteriological purposes, cover-glasses | inch in HANGING-DROP PREPARATION 47 diameter and of No. 1 thickness are used. Cover-glasses may be round or square, as preferred. They are cleaned with sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate, and kept, when clean, in alcohol, from which they are removed with forceps, and either wiped with a clean rag or passed through the flame to burn away the alcohol. To obtain a satisfactory preparation, the cover-glass must be free from grease. On a clean cover-glass or slide a minute droplet of water or other liquid can be evenly spread, whereas in the presence of grease it will run into pools. A satisfactory film cannot then be expected, and there is a probability of its washing off during manipulation. A cover-glass should never be wiped with a circular or rotary motion, but the wiping rag should be gently drawn across it, taking care, in the case of a cover-glass, that the pressure on both sides of it is equal. Hanging-Drop Preparation. — Motility is most evident in young cultures, and broth or agar cultures of twenty- four hours old are most suitable. A hollow-ground slide is passed through a Bunsen flame and then laid on a clean bit of filter-paper, excavated side up. A ring of vaseline is painted round the outside margin of the excavation with a match-end. A clean cover-glass is passed through the flame, laid on a clean flat surface, and a droplet of a broth culture placed on the centre (when a culture from a solid medium is used, a droplet of sterile broth or water is placed in the centre of the sterile cover- glass and inoculated with a minute trace of growth). The excavated slide is lifted, turned over, and gently lowered over the cover-glass, so that the drop of culture is in the centre of the well and the ring of vaseline forms a seal. The slide is now turned over so that the cover- glass is uppermost, and placed under the microscope. For organisms of the size of the typhoid bacillus a -^ objective is suitable, but when a higher power is to be used, the edge or centre of the droplet should first be centred with a low-power objective. The light should be diminished, either by nearly closing the diaphragm or by lowering the condenser. Neither the Brownian movement (p. 2) nor movement due to currents in the fluid should be confounded with motility, in which the movement of individual bacteria is independent, progression taking place in different directions. Conversely, motile bacteria, 48 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY particularly in cultures more than a day old, have a rest- ing stage, when no motility is visible. Intra-Vitam Staining. — A drop of a fluid culture is placed on a sterile slide and covered with a sterile cover- glass. A drop of stain is placed in contact with the edge of the cover-glass. On application of a piece of filter- paper to the edge diametrically opposite, the preparation is irrigated with the stain. Non-toxic stains such as neutral red or methylene green are used in 0'5 per cent, aqueous solution. Other reagents may be similarly applied. Negative Staining.— Burri's Indian-Ink Method. — Liquid Indian ink (Chin-chin, Giinther and Wagner, etc.) is sterilised either by heating in an autoclave or allowing it to stand for twenty-four hours mixed with one twenty- fifth its volume of tincture of iodine and then centrifuging. A drop of this is placed on a microscope slide, and by the side of it a drop of the culture to be examined. (Dilution of the ink with from one to six times its volume of water is sometimes necessary.) Then the edge of another micro- scope slide is allowed to rest on the two drops, which mix and run along the line of junction of the slides. The second slide is drawn across the lower one to make a smear as for a blood-film (p. 46). Organisms show up white on a black background. The Staining of Micro-Organisms. — Bacteria take up the basic anilin dyes with great avidity, and in some cases peculiarity in respect of a certain staining method serves for identification. Concentrated alcoholic solutions of stains are prepared by allowing a large excess of the dye to digest for some time in strong alcohol, shaking the solution from time to time. The concentrated solutions are then filtered and preserved in stoppered bottles. To increase the staining properties, certain reagents (phenol, anilin, and alkalies) are employed as mordants. Stains should be filtered before use, otherwise granules of colouring matter may be deposited upon the preparation. Ehrlictis Anilin-Gentian Violet : Saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet 11 c.c. Saturated aqueous solution of anilin . . 100 c.c. The anilin solution is prepared by shaking about 5 c.c. of colourless anilin with 100 c.c. of distilled water for some STAINING METHODS 4$ time, and filtering the solution through a wet filter-paper. Gentian violet can be replaced by 11 c.c. of saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin or methyl violet. The prepared stain should not be kept longer than two weeks. Carbol -Gentian Violet : Saturated alcoholic solution of gentian violet . . . . . . . . . . 10 c.c. Five per cent, phenol ... .. .. 100 c.c. ZiehVs Carbol-Fuchsin : Fuchsin . . . . . . . . 1 gramme. Phenol . . . . . . . . 5 grammes. Absolute alcohol . . . . . . 10 c.c. Distilled water 100 c.c. The fuchsin is dissolved in the alcohol, and the phenol, previously dissolved in the water, is then added. For ordinary cover-glass preparations this solution is diluted with water in the proportion of 1 : 6. In staining for tubercle bacilli, it must be remembered that this dye sometimes loses its staining properties with age, and it shouldjbe tested on a sputum known to contain the bacillus in large numbers. Lo filer's Methylene Blue : Saturated alcoholic solution of methy- lene blue . . . . . . . . 30 c.c. Caustic potash solution (1 : 10,000) .. 100 „ This solution keeps well. Kuhne's Carbol- Methylene Blue : Methylene blue . . . . . . 1-5 grammes Absolute alcohol . . . . . . 10 c.c. Five per cent, aqueous solution of phenol . . . . . . . . 100 c.c. Nicolle's Garbol-Thionine Blue : Saturated solution of thionine blue in 90 per cent, alcohol . . . . . . 10 c.c. One per cent, aqueous solution of phenol . . . . . . . . 100 „ Eosin : | to 1 per cent, solution in water or alcohol. So AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Bismarck Brown [(&) stain in Neisser's method for diphtheria] : Bismarck brown . . . . . . 2 grammes. Distilled water (boiling) . . . . 1 litre. Filter. Pugh's Stain for Klebs-Lomer bacilli, see p. 111. Leishman (p. 186), Jenner, picrocarmine, and Ehrlich- Biondi triple stains are best bought ready prepared, either in solution or in tablet form. All stains should be kept in the dark when not in use. Cover-Glass Preparations. — A small droplet of water is placed in the centre of a clean cover-glass by means of a sterile looped platinum wire. The mouth of the culture- tube from which the preparation is to be made is singed in the Bunsen flame. The plug is loosened by a rotary motion, and partially withdrawn. An inoculating needle (straight in the case of a streak culture, looped for a broth culture) is heated to redness, the lower part of the rod being also heated. The needle is held between the right thumb and forefinger, and the plug is withdrawn and held by the ring and little fingers of the right hand. A trace of the growth (preferably from the margin in the case of a streak culture, as the growth is youngest there) is picked up. The needle is withdrawn and the plug replaced. The growth is rubbed up with the drop of water on the cover-glass, and spread over the surface thereof. The needle is sterilised. The cover-glass may be allowed to dry spontaneously, or may be held between the fingers high over the flame. The film is now fixed by passing the cover-glass, held in forceps, three times through the Bunsen flame at the same rate as a clock's pendulum swings. This fixing insures the film being thoroughly dry, coagulates albuminous material, causing adhesion of film to the glass, and may tend to diminish the staining capacity of extraneous matter. A drop or two of a filtered stain should now be dropped on the film, or the cover-glass may be floated face downwards on the stain contained in a watch-glass. The stain is allowed to act for from two to ten minutes, according to the preparation used. (The student should ascertain the length of time which gives best results by experiment.) To quicken the staining process, as is necessary in the COVER-GLASS PREPARATIONS 51 case of some organisms, by using hot staining solution, the cover-glass, well covered with the stain, is held by forceps over a low gas-flame until steam just begins to rise from the liquid, when the source of heat is removed* This treatment is repeated at frequent intervals. A better method is to float the cover-glass face downwards upon the staining liquid, which has just previously been heated in a small dish until the steam begins to rise. Great care must be taken not to allow the stain to boil, as this causes a precipitation of colouring matter, which renders the preparation useless. The cover-glass is then well rinsed in running water until no more colouring-matter conies away. The cover-glass is blotted between filter- paper and allowed to dry spontaneously. Sorop workers make their preparations on the slide instead of a cover-glass. A small drop of a thick solution of Canada balsam in xylol is placed in the centre of a clean glass microscope slip, and the cover-glass, prepared surface downwards, deposited on the drop of balsam, which then spreads out. The preparation can now be observed by placing a drop of cedar oil on the top of the cover-glass, and examining with the oil-immersion lens. After examination the cedar oil on the cover-glass is carefully absorbed with filter- paper. After a few days the balsam will become hard. if a permanent preparation is not required, the cover- glass can be examined immediately after washing off the excess of stain by placing on a glass slip, taking care to dry the top surface of the cover-glass before applying the drop of cedar oil, or may be dried and examined in cedar oil or liquid petrolatum. Smear Preparations. — A cover-glass is brought in contact with the freshly-cut surface of the organ, such as the liver or spleen. Another method is to press the material between two cover-glasses, which are then separated by sliding them apart, leaving a thin layer of material on each. This method is particularly applicable to blood and sputum. The smears are air- dried and stained, as described under cover-glass preparations. (For preparation of blood films see p. 46.) Smears of blood, pus, and organs may be stained by Leishman's or Jenner's methods (see p. 186). 'Impression' Cover-Glass Preparations. ('Contact* Preparations). — A cover-glass is held with a pair of forceps 52 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY over a colony (which should not exceed 2 millimetres in diameter), in a slanting position, with one edge resting on the nutrient medium, then allowed to sink gradually down over the colony, and very gently pressed. The cover-glass is carefully lifted with a needle, and allowed to dry spontaneously. The preparation is ' fixed ' and stained. This method shows the manner of growth and the arrangement of the organisms. Staining of Spores. — In ordinary cover-glass prepara- tions spores resist the stain. All unstained spots are not spores: they may arise from faulty staining due to air- bubbles, the use of old staining solutions, or, in the case of old cultures, the organisms may have become de- generate «tnd vacuolated. Heat Method. — A cover-glass preparation is passed through the flame twelve times in ' fixing,' stained for a few minutes with warm Ehrlich's gentian- violet or Ziehl's fuchsin solution, and then well washed in water. The heating destroys the power of the organisms to take up the stain, leaving only spores stained. Neisser's Method. — The cover-glass preparation, made in the usual way, is stained with warm carbol-fuchsin solution for about ten to twenty minutes. It is best to float the cover-glass on the surface of the stain contained in a small dish on a sand-bath or piece of asbestos card- board warmed with the Bunsen. The cover-glass is removed, washed in water, decolorised for a few seconds in a 3 per cent, alcoholic solution of hydrochloric acid, well washed in water, counter-stained with Ldffler's methylene blue for three minutes, washed in water, blotted, dried, and mounted. The bacilli will be stained blue and the spores red. Moeller's Method. — The films are prepared and fixed, and then treated with — (a) absolute alcohol, two minutes; (6) chloroform, two minutes; washed thoroughly; (c) 5 per cent, chromic acid, one minute. They are stained in warm Ziehl's fuchsin for ten minutes, decolorised in 1 per cent, sulphuric acid for a few seconds (this has to be done with care), washed, counter- stained with Loffler's blue for two or three minutes, again washed, dried, and mounted. The spores are stained red and the bacilli blue. Flagellum Staining. — Flagella possess no affinity for stains unless previously mordanted. The cover-glasses FLAGELLUM STAINING 53 must bo absolutely dean, and the growth be well diluted before spreading, to render individuals sufficiently isolated. A trace of an eighteen to twenty-four hour culture of the organism is very gently mixed with a few drops of tap- water in a watch-glass. A minute drop of water is placed on a clean cover-glass which has been well heated over a Bunsen flame and allowed to cool, and a very small loopful of the bacterial emulsion is added. The cover-glass is spread at once, and the material thereon should be suffi- ciently small to cause the film to dry immediately after spreading. The cover-glass is held in the fingers and passed three times through the flame at such a rate that the heat can be endured by the fingers. McCrorie's Night Blue Method. — Solution A. — Dissolve 0-5 gramme of McCrorie's night- blue in 20 c.c. of absolute alcohol. Solution B. — Dissolve 1 gramme of tannic acid in 20 c.c. of hot water. Add 1 gramme of alum dissolved in 20 c.c. of cold water. Add A to B slowly, shaking gently all the time. Filter. The stain is allowed to act for two minutes in a warm place. M uir's Modified Pit field Method. A. The Mordant.— Tannic acid (10 per cent. aq. sol., filtered) 10 c.c. Sat. aq. sol. mercuric chloride . . . . 5 „ Sat. aq. sol. alum . . . . . . . . 5 ,, Ziehl's carbol-fuchsin . . . . . . 5 „ A precipitate forms which may be allowed to deposit or centrifuged. The clear solution is removed and will keep a week. B. The Stain.— Sat. aq. sol. alum . . . . . . . . 10 c.c. Sat. alcoholic sol. gentian violet . . . . 2 „ This keeps two days. The film is flooded with the mordant and steamed for one minute. After well washing in water for two minutes, it is very cautiously dried, flooded with the stain, steamed for one minute and well washed in water. Capsule Staining. — By considerably diminishing the light, capsules may be observed in fresh preparations. 54 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY But the clear haloes sometimes seen round bacteria in albuminous material must not be confused with capsules. Bum's India ink method and Gram's method often show the capsules very well. Richard Muir's Later Method. — A thin film after drying is stained with warm carbol-fuchsin for 30 seconds, washed slightly in alcohol and again thoroughly in water. It is placed in the following mordant for a few seconds: Sat. sol. mercuric chloride . . . . . . 2 parts Tannic acid (20 per cent.) solution . . . . 2 „ Sat. sol. potash alum . . . . . . . . 5 „ After well washing in water, the preparation is treated with methylated spirit for about a minute and should then be pale red. After thorough washing in water and counter-staining with methylene blue for 30 seconds, the film may be dehydrated in alcohol, cleared in xylol and mounted, or may be simply dried with filter paper. The bacteria are of a deep crimson, and the capsules blue. The Treatment and Staining of Sections. — The tissue is first ' hardened,' and then cut into sections with some form of microtome. Hardening of Tissues. — The most satisfactory harden- ing reagent is alcohol. It is preferable to pass through increasing strengths of alcohol — e.g., 50 per cent., 75 per cent., and finally absolute — the tissue remaining in each for twenty-four to forty- eight hours. The tissue is cut into pieces 10 to 20 millimetres square and 5 to 10 milli- metres thick; these are immersed in the alcohol, which may be changed once. If absolute alcohol alone be used, it may be contained in a wide-mouthed bottle, in the cork of which are fixed several needles. The pieces of tissue are placed on the needles in such a manner that, when the cork is fixed in the mouth of the bottle, the pieces of tissue are just beneath the surface of the alcohol. The alcohol gradually abstracts the water from the tissue, and as that containing the water sinks to the bottom, fresh alcohol constantly comes in contact with the material. Tissues containing much water are naturally more diffi- cult to harden than those containing little. Before hardening in alcohol, it is usual to ' fix ' the tissues, for the better preservation of the tissue element A saturated solution of corrosive sublimate in water, to TREATMENT OF SECTIONS 55 which 1 to 2 per cent, of acetic acid may be added at the time of using, or 10 per cent, formalin, are suitable for the purpose. The pieces of fresh tissue are placed in either solution for twelve to twenty-four hours, washed in running water, and then placed in absolute alcohol, or passed through increasing strengths of alcohol as detailed above. After hardening, the tissue may be preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol. Miiller's fluid (potassium bichromate) and chromic acid are not suitable for hardening tissues for bacteriological work. After hardening, the tissue is embedded, in order to prepare it for the section- cutting machine. The Freezing Method. — The tissue can be frozen without preparation beforehand, but where it has been hardened it must be first freed from alcohol. The pieces of tissue are placed in a wide-mouthed bottle, a funnel is stuck in the mouth of the latter, and a stream of water from a tap allowed to run in for one to two hours. The tissues are then soaked in a mucilage of cane-sugar and gum acacia (to which a little carbolic acid or a piece of thymol should be added to prevent the growth of bacteria and moulds) for twenty-four hours, and are then ready for cutting. A piece of tissue is placed on the plate of the freezing-microtome, a little mucilage added, so that it is surrounded with this, and the whole frozen, the freezing being carried out by spraying the under-surface of the plate with ether. This is done by filling the bottle of the apparatus with ether and working the bellows. The sections are cut by working the knife, which should be moistened with water, and the sections as cut are re- moved with a moistened camel' s-hair brush, and immersed in a dish of tepid water for an hour to remove the gum. From time to time the bellows are worked to keep the mass frozen. Compressed carbon dioxide is now often used instead of ether; the jet of escaping gas impinging on the under surface of the plate quickly freezes the section. After the washing with water the sections may be stained, or may be preserved in 70 per cent, alcohol for future examination. The freezing process is indicated when rapid production is essential. The sections stain readily. It is frequently used during the actual progress of operations. It has 56 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY certain disadvantages — the cellular structure may be dis- torted, the sections are not very thin or regular, and delicate tissues are apt to be torn. Embedding in Paraffin. — This method gives the thinnest sections and preserves the structures. The material, after hardening, is placed in absolute alcohol for twelve to twenty-four hours, and then in pure xylol until it looks clear. Chloroform may be used instead of xylol. After this it is placed in a bath of melted paraffin wax, in which it remains for six to eighteen hours, according to the size, until thoroughly impregnated with the melted paraffin. The paraffin is kept in the melted state in a special bath or hot- water oven, the temperature of which is regulated by a thermo-regulator: Hearsons make a special form with ' Excelsior ' gas regulator. As regards the paraffin wax to be used, opinions differ, but probably one having a fairly high melting-point — e.g., 50° to 52° C. — is the best all round. Some tissues, such as skin, must not remain longer than is absolutely necessary in the melted paraffin, or they become hard and friable, and will not cut. After impregnation the material has to be embedded; a paper mould or small cardboard box (such as a pill-box) is about one- third filled with melted paraffin wax; the prepared pieces of tissue are laid on the centre of the wax layer, then more melted paraffin wax is poured on in such a way as to enclose the material in the centre of a small block of wax. When set, which is preferably hastened by immersion in cold water, the block is trimmed to a suitable form with a knife, and cemented to the carrier of the microtome by softening the base of the mass with a match-flame, and melting the margins with a hot wire. The sections are cut without any moistening fluid. The sections are next mounted on slides. This is done by placing them in a dish of warm water (a pastry- tin does well, and may be warmed over the Bunsen), the temperature being so adjusted that the paraffin becomes softened, but not melted, so that the sections become flat. A slide is introduced into the water under a section, which is then lifted up on it, being fixed and adjusted by means of a needle. The water is then tilted off, and the specimen allowed to dry for not less than two to three hours in the warm incubator. If the sections be thin, they adhere TREATMENT OF SECTIONS 57 sufficiently firmly to the slide to allow staining, etc., without floating off. But if they be thick, or if the stain- ing has to be prolonged, it is preferable to first smear the slide with egg-albumin mixture (egg-white beaten up with a little water, mixed with an equal volume of glycerin, and sodium salicylate, 1 gramme per 100 c.c., added as a preservative, and strained) before picking up the section on it. Before staining, the slide with section is immersed in xylol (best in a suitable pot or glass cylinder) for two minutes to dissolve out the paraffin, then in absolute alcohol to remove the xylol. The Staining of Bacteria in Sections. — The following procedure is common to most methods: The sections are rinsed with distilled water to remove alcohol, and then subjected to the action of the stain for a time varying from a few minutes to several hours. The time is in some cases shortened by warming the staining solution. The sections are next washed, preferably in distilled water, and then in some instances decolorised with a suitable reagent; they are again washed, then counter- stained if necessary. The sections are now dehydrated with alcohol, and then cleared with xylol, cedar oil, or oil of cloves. Xylol or cedar oil is preferable to oil of cloves as a clearing agent, as it has no solvent action on the stains, and the former does not resinify on exposure to the air, and evaporates without leaving a deposit. Great care must be taken to remove all the water from the section by means of absolute alcohol before transferring to the xylol or cedar oil, otherwise the section will not properly clear.* After remaining in the xylol for about two or three minutes, the section, if unattached to the slide, is removed by means of a section-lifter, and then laid out flat by careful manipulation with two small pointed glass rods or needles on a clean glass slide; the excess of clearing agent is removed by careful blotting, with firm pressure, with two or more thicknesses of filter- paper. A drop of thick solution of Canada balsam in * Oil of cloves will clear out of methylated spirit, but for xylol or cedar oil absolute alcohol must be used. For many purposes methylated spirit may be substituted for absolute alcohol, but the ordinary commercial methylated is unsuitable, as it becomes milky on the addition of water. The old methylated spirit (alcohol and wood .spirit) must be used. 58 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY xylol is dropped on the section, and a cover-glass laid on in such a way that the drop of balsam covers up the section, and extends over the whole under-surface of the cover-glass, as in the case of simple cover-glass prepara- tions. The preparation is now ready for examination with the oil-immersion lens. If the section is fixed to the slide, as is the case with paraffin sections, all the manipu- lations are carried out on the slide, the slide being flooded with the stains and various reagents, or immersed in pots containing them. Loffler's Method. — The sections are stained in L6 flier's methylene blue for from ten to sixty minutes, then rinsed in distilled water and slightly decolorised by immersing in a 0-5 per cent, solution of acetic acid for a few seconds. The sections are now washed, dehydrated in absolute alcohol, cleared in xylol, transferred to the slip, blotted, and mounted as usual. Carbol-thionine blue may also be used, and often differentiates better than Loffler's blue. Kuhne's Method. — The sections are placed in Kiihne's carbol methylene blue for thirty minutes or longer, then washed in water, and very carefully decolorised in very dilute hydrochloric acid (20 drops of strong acid in 100 c.c. water). Thin sections only require to be immersed for two or three seconds. The sections are at once trans- ferred to an alkaline solution (10 drops of a saturated solution of lithium carbonate in 10 c.c. of water), washed in water for a few minutes, dehydrated in absolute alcohol tinted with methylene blue. The sections are now placed in anilin oil, which also contains a little dissolved methy- lene blue. After being washed in colourless anilin, then in xylol, they are mounted, as usual, in balsam. Ziehl-N eelsen Method. — Where sputum is to be examined, a little of the material is spread on a microscope slide. If any small yellow caseous particles are present, these should be selected, otherwise the thick portion of the sputum should be used. After spreading, drying, and fixing, filtered carbol -fuchsin solution is dropped on the film, and the slide is heated over a Bunsen flame till steam just rises, care being taken to prevent the stain boiling. The stain is allowed to act for five minutes, fresh stain being added as evaporation takes place. The preparation is now decolorised by dipping alternately STAINING OF SECTIONS 59 in 25 per cent, sulphuric acid and in water until the film is practically colourless after the last rinse in water. The film is now well washed in water, and counter- stained with Loftier' s methylene blue for one minute, again washed in water, and allowed to dry. A drop of cedar oil is added, and the film examined with the oil-immersion objective direct. Any acid-fast organisms present will be stained red. The method for staining the tubercle or leprosy bacillus in section by this process is as follows: (1) Stain the sections in warm carbol-fuchsin solution for ten minutes. (2) Rinse in water. (3) Decolorise in 25 per cent, sulphuric acid and in water, transferring from one to the other alternately until almost decolorised; a faint pink does no harm. (4) Rinse in water. (5) Counter-stain in Loftier' s methylene blue solution for three minutes. (6) Dehydrate in absolute alcohol for half to one minute. (7) Clear in xylol or oil of cloves for five minutes, transfer to slide, blot off excess of clearing agent, and mount with a drop of balsam. Gramas Method. — Grain's method can be applied equally well to cover-glass preparations and to sections. The process is as follows: (1) Stain the film in Ehrlich's anilin gentian violet or carbol gentian violet for five minutes, or a section for ten to thirty minutes, and drain off the stain. (2) Immerse the preparation without washing in iodine solution (1 gramme of iodine and 2 grammes of potassium iodide dissolved in 300 c.c. of water) for one to two minutes, when the colour changes to a dirty brown. (3) Wash in alcohol until no more colour comes away. (4) Counter-stain in eosin or Bis- marck brown. Cover-glass specimens can now be washed, dried, and mounted, while sections require to be further treated as follows: (5) Dehydrate in alcohol. (6) Clear in xylol or oil of cedar, transfer to the slide, if necessary, with the section-lifter, lay out flat, blot off the excess of clearing agent, add a drop of balsam, and mount. (Cover- glass preparations of pure cultures do not require counter- staining. After (3) rinse in water, dry, and mount.) All bacteria do not retain their stain when thus treated. Those which after the alcohol treatment, i.e. (3), are still stained are referred to as ' Gram -positive,' while those which are decolorised are known as ' Gram-negative.' 60 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Gram-GilntTier Method. — The section is treated with a 3 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid for a few seconds after the first alcoholic washing. By this treat- ment cleaner and brighter preparations are obtained. CHAPTER V THE ACID-FAST ORGANISMS MOST organisms when stained with carbol-fuchsin are readily decolorised by weak solutions of mineral acids. The tubercle, leprosy, and smegma bacilli are, however, notable exceptions, and retain the stain even after treat- ment with 25 per cent, sulphuric acid or with 30 per cent, nitric acid. This persistent retention of the stain is also shown by some saprophytes (vide p. 74), and by some members of the Streptotrichece. It is probable that the degree of resistance of streptothrices to decolorisation is directly proportionate to the vitality of the organism. A pathogenic streptothrix from an old lesion or from one that has been vigorously treated with antiseptics will probably be decolorised, and will be Gram-negative, whereas acid-fast bacteria are Gram-positive. It is believed that some strains of the tubercle bacillus arc naturally not acid-fast. In young cultures of tubercle bacilli some, presumably immature, rods are not acid- fast while older ones are. The Tubercle Bacillus. Bacillus tuberculosis is a non-motile, slender rod often slightly curved, with rounded ends. It is from 2-5 to 5 /LI long and 0-2^ thick (see also p. 159). When stained it often shows unstained areas (' beading ') which a minority of observers consider to be spores. In the moist state the thermal death-point is 60° to 65° C. Milk which has been kept at 70° C. for thirty minutes (Pasteurisation) is regarded as safe, but there is some question as to whether tubercle bacilli are not protected by the pellicle that forms on milk heated in an open vessel. The Board of Agri- culture recommend an exposure to 85° C. for fifteen minutes for rendering creamery products harmless. TUBERCLE BACILLUS 6l Culture. — The organism is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. On ordinary media growth is either absent or scanty. It grows best at blood-heat, growth being extremely slow; no appreciable evidence being shown under four to six weeks. Primary cultures are made on Dorset's egg medium, glycerin agar cum egg-yolk, or glycerinated potato. In glycerin broth it develops as a floating pellicle. On glycerin agar it gives a cream or brownish-yellow film which is dry and wrinkled. A pure culture can be obtained by the inoculation of tubercular sputum into a guinea-pig. After three to six weeks the animal is killed, and matter from the tubercles is streaked over glycerin potato (a semicylinder of potato in a Roux's potato tube, the bulb being filled with 5 per cent, glycerin). In six or eight weeks a fair number of the tubes will show a growth. The organism does not liquefy gelatin. On repeated subculture it becomes longer and thicker; clubbed and branching forms may develop, which leads some to class the bacillus with the trichomycetes. As a sapro- phytic habit is developed the virulence is diminished, but can be restored by passage through an animal. Staining Reactions. — Ordinary stains have little effect on the organism, but it stains well by Gram's method and the Ziehl-Neelsen method. Much concluded that three forms of the organism exist: (1) The ordinary 'acid-fast' bacillus; (2) a bacillus that is not acid-fast; and (3) free granules also not acid-fast. Whether these last two forms are degenerate organisms or resistant types remains unproved. At any rate it appears un- questioned that the non-acid-fast granules on injection into animals produce tuberculosis due to the ordinary acid-fast bacillus. In addition to being acid-fast, the tubercle bacillus is also " alcohol-fast," a property that serves to distinguish it from the smegma and similar bacilli which lose their stain in alcohol treatment. Inasmuch as smegma bacilli may occur in urine, sputum, and other material frequently examined for tubercle, it is advisable to apply alcohol to fuchsin- stained preparations as a routine process, especially as it can be combined with acid treatment. Instead of using 25 per cent, sulphuric acid the fuchsin preparation is decolorised in acid alcohol (3 per cent, hydrochloric acid in alcohol) till almost white. 62 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Channels of Infection. — The sputa of consumptives are almost certainly responsible for most infections. The tubercle bacillus is, for a non-sporing organism, tenacious of life, and when sputum is allowed to dry, especially when protected from light and air, may easily be dis- seminated in dust. In the acts of coughing, sneezing, and talking, minute droplets of fluid are disseminated. Fliigge has shown that these droplets may remain in the air for some time, and also that, when from consumptives, they often contain tubercle bacilli. The inhalation of either tubercle-laden dust or droplets of saliva from consump- tives must be regarded as a standing menace. Infection may take place through the alimentary tract, especially in infants, by the ingestion of tuberculous milk or meat. Flies can carry the disease. A phthisical patient may swallow his own sputum, and thus infect his alimentary tract. Von Behring considers that tubercle bacilli taken in milk during infancy may remain dormant for years, and then set up infection. Accidental inoculations through the skin with tuberculous material, principally the result of post-mortem examinations (' pathologists' warts '), are seldom serious. Lupus is presumably acquired by inoculation through a wound or abrasion of the skin. Hamburger and Schlossmann practically agree that 90 per cent, of all children up to the completed twelfth year are infected. Autopsy statistics show tuberculous lesions in 58 per cent, of adults according to Beitzke. Other statisticians' figures run up to 90 per cent, and more. Pathogenesis. — Scarcely any portion of the human frame is immune to tubercle. Whooping-cough, pneu- monia, typhoid, measles, influenza, diabetes, and syphilis, predispose to the disease, as do also intemperance, poverty, uncleanliness, overcrowding, and lack of ventilation. Trades in which operatives are exposed to dust of an irritating kind, which are carried on in overcrowded, hot, or badly-ventilated rooms, in which workers adopt a cramped posture, or in which exposure to quick alterna- tions of temperature is frequent, show a heavy mortality from the disease. The disease is not hereditary in the true sense of the word. An infected child of a tuberculous mother is gene- rally the subject of postnatal infection. Nevertheless, TUBERCLE BACILLUS 63 intra- uterine or placenta! infection does occasionally occur. Although human semen may contain tubercle bacilli. Jordan considers that transmission by the male parent is very unlikely to occur, and there is only one recorded case of an infected ovum. A ' tendency ' to the disease may be inherited, but it is more logical to attribute the occur- rence of the disease in a family to the intimacy of family relations allowing abundant opportunity for infection. The lesions produced in tuberculosis have more or less similarity to those of leprosy. The little yellowish nodules or tubercles (to which anatomists first applied the term ' tuberculosis ') are non- vascular, and vary in size from that of a pin's head up. They consist of vast aggregates of cells (hence the term ' Granulomata '). In the centre of a young tubercle a mass or masses of pro- toplasm are found (' giant cells '). (Giant cells are much less common in leprosy.) In the giant cell is a ring of tubercle bacilli, and around this zone and arranged round the periphery is a ring of nuclei. Around the giant cells epithelioid cells with large nuclei are found, and around these a collection of lymphoid cells. Although tuberculosis is best known as a pulmonary disease, the glands, skin, bones, peritoneum, urinary organs, meninges, etc., are also frequently attacked. Widely diverse findings are recorded of the frequency with which the tubercle bacillus occurs or is found in the blood. Minchin assumes tubercle bacilli in the host to be suspended in ' shut-away fluid ' which protects them from the influence of germicides and sera. Bovine Tuberculosis. — Cattle, particularly those kept in insanitary sheds, are very liable to tuberculosis. The bovine organism may reach others than those in contact with the animal, through the medium of the milk or flesh. When the udder is affected, the bacilli will prob- ably be found in the milk, but even when the udder is free from tuberculosis, the bacilli may find their way into the milk, from the faeces, uterine secretion, or sputum, according to the locality of the infection, unless precau- tions are taken during milking. The bovine bacillus is. shorter, thicker, and less readily cultivated than the human one. These considerations, with others, led Koch in 1901 to question the communicabiiity of the bovine tubercle to man. A Royal Commission was appointed in 64 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY the same year, and they arranged human tubercle bacilli in two classes — those growing with difficulty on certain artificial media, which they called dysgonic, and those growing readily on the same media, which they called eugonic. Experiments with dysgonic bacilli of human origin gave results identical with those made with bovine bacilli. In a few cases both the human and bovine types may be found together. As a rule, pulmonary lesions in man are due to the human type of bacillus, but sometimes the bovine tubercle bacillus is solely responsible. (Kossel found two cases in 709 cases of phthisis.) See p. 265. The majority of cases in which the bovine tubercle bacillus produces lesions in man are cases of alimentary tuberculosis: cervical gland and primary abdominal tuberculosis. In the latter class of cases at least the tubercle bacillus has unquestionably been swallowed. The Commissioners stated their conviction that a certain number of cases occurring in the human subject, especially in children, are caused through the introduction into the body of bovine bacilli, the majority of cases being caused through tuberculous milk. As long ago as 1886,* Harries stated from clinical observations that lupus was not due to tubercle bacilli as then known to infect human beings, and a few years ago the opinion that lupus was an infection with the bovine type of tubercle bacillus gained credence. Nine out of the twenty cases of lupus investigated by the Commission proved on culture to be bovine tubercle bacilli, though generally they were of feeble virulence. Park and Krumwiede found that from 6 to 10 per cent, of all deaths due to so-called surgical tuberculosis were caused by bovine tubercle bacilli, the cases of tuberculous adenitis and abdominal tuberculosis of children being more often caused by the bovine than by the human type. The same was found true, though to a less extent, in adults. Stiles says that 90 per cent, of surgical tuber- culosis seen in Edinburgh was due to bovine tuberculosis and 90 per cent, of the gland cases were due to infection through the tonsils by milk. Some cases of tuberculous joints which show no improvement under human tuberculin treatment rapidly undergo cure with bovine tuberculin. * ' Lectures on Lupus ' : A, Harries, M.D., and C. Campbell, M.D. Bailliere, Tiudall and Cox. 1886. BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS 65 The Royal Commission did not conclude that the human and the bovine types represent two distinct organ- isms, but preferred to regard these two types as varieties of the same bacillus, and the lesions which they produce, whether in man or in other mammals, as manifestations of the same disease. Dr. Arthur Eastwood, the bacterio- logist to the Commission, after mention of the remark- ably stable characters of the viruses, says: ' I find that underlying all the mammalian viruses which I have investigated there is an essential unity of characteristics, the differences observed being differences of degree but not of kind. On artificial culture media they all grow in the same way, though they differ quantitatively in the amount of growth yielded. In the tissues of suitable experimental animals they all produce lesions histologically characteristic of mammalian tuberculosis, though they differ in the intensity of the tissue changes which they set up under similar experimental conditions.' As the Commission have conclusively shown that many cases of fatal tuberculosis in the human subject have been produced by the bacillus known to cause the disease in cattle, they are emphatic that the possibility of such infection cannot be denied. Of fifty-nine cases of tuber- culosis in pigs investigated by the Commission fifty yielded the bovine virus, three the human, five the avian, and one a mixture of the bovine and avian. Butter, skimmed milk, and butter-milk will contain tubercle bacilli if made from tuberculous milk. The use of the mixed milk of a herd, although perhaps reducing the risk, does not entirely remove it. Desirable though it would be to prohibit the use of meat from animals suffering from any manifestation of tuberculosis, economic considerations have to be regarded. It is found that the fat and muscular tissues are seldom involved, the lungs, liver, and pleura (' grapes ') being the organs most often diseased. The Royal Commission on Tuberculosis (1898) recognised the fact that tubercle bacilli are seldom encountered away from diseased areas, and recommended that, provided the carcasses b^ otherwise healthy, in the restriction of lesions to the lungs, thoracic lymphatic glands, liver or pharyngeal lymphatic glands, the non- tubercular portions of the carcass should not be con- demned. 5 66 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY In the German Freibanks, after removal of tubercular areas, the meat is sterilised, and then stamped and sold as inferior. It has been shown that the tubercle bacillus is not destroyed, if in the centre of a joint of meat over 6 pounds in weight, by the ordinary method of cooking. The Local Government Board has ordered that ' strip- ping ' (removal of ' skin ' from inside of the ribs or flanks, with a view to effacing signs of the disease), in the case of foreign dead meat, shall be sufficient reason for con- demnation. It must not be overlooked that, after re- moving tubercular organs, a butcher may use the same knife for cutting up a carcass, and thus infect healthy meat. Tuberculosis is rare in new-born calves, and, if removed from a tubercular mother at birth and properly treated, they will not, as a rule, develop the disease. In Bang^s method for eliminating tuberculosis, the herd is tested with tuberculin, those that react or which are suspicious being isolated. The herd is divided into two sections, which are separated from one another, and have separate attendants and separate buildings; they are, however, allowed to mix when out in the fields. Every six months the healthy side is tested with tuberculin, and any beasts that are found to react are placed on the infected side, while all calves are placed on the healthy side. The animals on the tuberculous side which are obviously tuber- culous are got rid of, but those that are apparently healthy are used for breeding. Ostertag's method consists in the elimination of cows suffering from ' open ' tuberculosis (i.e., where there are open tuberculous lesions in organs with means of external communication, such as in the udder, lungs, intestines, and urino-genital organs) from the others. Avian Tuberculosis. — Fowls, pheasants, turkeys, and pigeons suffer from the disease, which attains an extra- ordinary virulence in insanitary fowl-houses. Ducks and geese are immune. Whereas growth of the human bacillus ceases at 41° C., the avian organism grows well at 43° C. Its cultures on solid media are softer, more greasy, and less tightly packed than those of human tuberculosis. The rabbit is readily infected with it, mice, horses and swine are susceptible, while the guinea-pig shows much TUBERCULIN 67 greater resistance. Inasmuch as bacilli with typical avian characteristics have been obtained from human cases, it seems highly probable that avian tuberculosis may be a source of infection. Loswenstein found that the ovary was always diseased in affected fowls, and the bacilli were also present in the yolk and in the membranes of the ovum. He found that even boiling eggs to hardness did not destroy the vitality of the bacilli and thought human beings were infected through eating raw or imperfectly cooked eggs. On the other hand, the Commission, comparing the mammalian with the avian viruses, found differences not merely of degree but of kind, though sometimes lesions of a chronic type are produced that are indistinguishable from infec- tions set up by mammalian bacilli. In their final Report they dismissed the infection of man from tuberculosis in birds as a negligible factor. Tuberculin. — Koch's Old Tuberculin is prepared by growing tubercle bacilli in glycerin veal broth. A copious film formation being needed, flat flasks are used, so that a comparatively large surface is exposed to the air. After six to twelve weeks the culture is evaporated to one-tenth its bulk on a water- bath, and then filtered through a Pasteur filter. The injection of 0-002 c.c. into a tuberculous person gives rife to laboured breathing, malaise, and pyrexia, great inflammatory reaction and necrosis occurring round the tubercular focus. If injected into a patient in whom phthisis is dormant, it is very apt to cause the old trouble to break out afresh. In the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cattle it is very valu- able, the failures being only about 2 per cent. The injec- tion of 0-1 to 0-2 c.c. causes a rise of temperature of 2° to 3° F. above the normal in from eight to twelve hours. Koch's New Tuberculin is prepared by drying and pounding young and virulent tubercle bacilli, and ex- tracting with water; the emulsion is then centrifuged. The supernatant fluid (TO) is now discarded. The residue left in the centrifuge is dried, triturated and centri- fuged as before, these processes being repeated until hardly any solid residue is left. The whitish, opalescent liquids resulting from these operations are mixed, and constitute TR. 68 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY TR possesses immunising power with but little reaction. The fluid TR is made to contain 2 milligrammes of solid matter in the cubic centimetre. This is diluted with sterile salt solution to the required strength. If reaction occurs, this must be further diminished. Injections are made every other day with slightly increasing doses, so that there is never a rise of temperature of over 1° F. Koch's Bazillenemulsion is a suspension of pulverised bacilli in equal parts of water and glycerin. The reaction of a tuberculous individual to tuberculin is due to anaphylaxis. It differs from most anaphylactic reactions as it is accompanied by rise and not fall of temperature. A dose of tuberculin, however, does not sensitise the animal to a second injection, this preparation stage taking place in the tuberculous tissues. The sera of animals immunised in various ways have been employed in treatment, but only with occasional success. Notification. — Tuberculosis in man is compulsorily notifiable throughout England and Wales. Tuberculosis with emaciation in any bovine animal and tuberculosis of the udder in cows are notifiable under the Tuberculosis Order of 1913. Segregation (Newsholme's Law).— International statis- tics show reason for believing that the reduced mortality from tuberculosis is largely due to the increasing extent to which advanced cases are treated in general institu- tions, and thus segregated from their families, instead of receiving outdoor relief and thus infecting them. The term ' pseudo-tuberculosis ' has been applied to a number of conditions the common feature of which is the presence of tubercle-like nodules in the tissues. Such may be caused by pathogenic streptotrichece, yeasts and moulds, parasitic worms, etc. See also B. pseudo-tuber- culosis (p. 125), and Johne's bacillus (p. 70). Laboratory Diagnosis. — Sputum. — The Ziehl-Neelsen method is used (p. 58). Although tubercle bacilli are resistant to putrefactive changes, a little 5 per cent, phenol should be added when the examination is delayed. Where it is advisable to concentrate the specimen's content of tubercle bacilli, one part of ' antiformin ' (a mixture of equal parts of Liquor sodee chlorinates [B.P.] and 15 per cent, caustic soda solution) may be added to LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS 6g from four to six parts of sputum caccording to the con- sistence of the latter. The resulting mixture is shaken well and allowed to stand for two or three hours till solution occurs, which may be hastened by placing the mixture in the incubator. On centrifuging, the tubercle bacilli are obtained concentrated in the sediment, which is generally very slight. Other acid-fast organisms are occasionally met with (p. 74) in sputum. Negative evidence is only of value when repeated examinations have been made. Milk.— See p. 222. Urine. — To exclude the smegma bacillus (pp. 61, 73), the urine may be drawn off with a catheter. The urine should bo allowed to stand in a conical glass for twenty- four hours, or should be centrifuged. (Russ's electrical method (p. 10) often reveals the presence of tubercle bacilli when centrifugal methods fail to do so.) Should a catheter not be used, the meatus urinarius and the labia (or glans penis) should be cleansed by sponging. The first portion of urine should be discarded. The film is stained as for sputum, but after the acid treatment is put in absolute alcohol for one minute (or, after staining, is put in alcohol containing 3 per cent, hydrochloric acid for ten minutes — Housell's method) to decolorise any smegma bacilli, washed in water and counter-stained. Inoculation of guinea-pigs may also be used. Agglutination Reaction. — The serum of tuberculous cases agglutinates the tubercle bacillus, but the technique is difficult. Special cultures of the tubercle bacillus have to be employed, or dried and triturated cultures may be used (Koch). Tuberculin Reaction. — See p. 67. Von Pirquefs Cutaneous Reaction consists in the appli- cation of tuberculin to a scarified surface. In twenty- four hours red papules arise. It gives positive results in healed cases of adults as well as in those where the disease is active. It has more significance with children under three years. Lapage says the method gives a lower percentage of results than the subcutaneous, and that a single negative result is not of much value. Lapage's statistics on this method show that at the end of the school age between 50 and 60 per cent, of children have become infected with tuberculosis. yo AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Mortis Ointment. — An ointment of tuberculin in lanolin. The reaction is similar to that of von Pirquet. Calmette's Ophthalmo-TubercMlin Reaction.— A solution of old tuberculin freed from glycerin by precipitating with alcohol is instilled into the conjunctival sac. In a tuberculous subject a congestion of the conjunctiva takes place. Calmette does not consider it of any value in prognosis, and it is suggested by some as not safe to use, The Opsonic Index. — A healthy person's blood is cen- trifuged in normal saline solution containing sodium citrate. The leucocytes deposited are centrifuged with normal saline. An emulsion of moist dead tubercle bacilli (such as can be purchased) in 1-6 per cent, salt solution is prepared. Equal volumes of washed leucocytes, bacterial emulsion, and the patient's serum are drawn up into a capillary pipette, and then blown out, mixed, and drawn up into the pipette. The tip of the pipette is sealed in a flame, but the blood must not be heated, as this destroys the opsonic power, and an identical mixture is made, using normal serum. The pipettes are incubated at blood- h3at for fifteen minutes, and blood films are then prepared from each and stained. The number of tubercle bacilli in at least fifty polymorphonuclear cells is counted. The index is found by dividing the number of organisms in the specimen by the number in the control. Experience and care are necessary to obtain comparable results. It is general to examine the blood before and after some dis- turbance of the focus, by walking and breathing exercises in the case of pulmonary affections, or the application of a Bier's bandage or massage if the focus be localised and approachable. If fever be present, an inverse relation- ship of opsonic curve to temperature suggests, tubercular trouble. Johne's Bacillus. During life, Johne's -disease, a complaint peculiar to the ox and sheep, is sometimes mistaken for tuberculosis. The chief symptoms are diarrhoea and wasting. ' The walls of the diseased bowel contain large numbers of an acid- fast organism, ^morphologically indistinguishable from the tubercle bacillus. Twort says that in the first genera- tion the organism grows long, with branching and club LEPROSY BACILLUS 71 formation. In subcultures it is smaller, being in the second or third generation about the same size as the tubercle bacillus. Tt will not grow on ordinary media, but Twort not only devised a medium (of glycerinated eggs mixed with dried, dead, acid-fast bacilli) but also prepared an effective diagnostic vaccine from the cultures. Twort and Ingram incline to the view that the causative organism of Johne's disease in sheep is the same as that of cattle. Besides the animals mentioned only the goat seems affected by injections of the organism. Infected cattle are said to react to avian tuberculin. The Leprosy Bacillus. Morphology. — TheJ5. leprce is a long slender rod, usually straight, with more or less pointed extremities. So far as is known, it is non- motile, and produces no spores. It is Gram-positive and acid-fast, although it stains more rapidly and decolorises more quickly than the tubercle bacillus. Large numbers of the bacilli are found, but a large proportion, especially in the older lesions, are dead. By Ziehl's method, using 20 per cent, nitric acid, and counter-staining with polychrome blue, young bacilli are stained red, older bacilli violet, and granular bacilli blue. Kedrowsky found a diphtheroid leprosy organism which was not acid-fast. Bayon, the Research Bacteriologist at Robben Island, thinks it to be a stage in the develop- ment of the typical bacillus. A disease similar to leprosy may be found in rats in most parts of the globe. Some- times this runs to a glandular type, sometimes to a skin affection; acid-fast bacilli indistinguishable from typical leprosy bacilli are present in enormous numbers, and Dean has found an organism similar to Kedrowsky' s bacillus in cultures. Culture. — Peptone glycerin serum, human blood-serum, fish broth, placental juice glycerin agar (Bayon), symbiotic culture with amoebsc (Clegg), and eggs have been stated to allow the growth of the bacillus. Inoculation.— Several workers have reported successful attempts to inoculate man, monkeys, and white mice, but the results are much criticised. Bayon, however, says that Kedrowsky 's diptheroid produces leprous lesions in the rabbit, rat, and mouse, and that the result- ing lesions are similar to those caused by certain strains 72 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY of human tubercle. Couret says that multiplication of the leprosy bacillus occurs in inoculated fish, frogs, turtles, and other cold-blooded animals. Pathogenesis. — Two types of leprosy are recognised: the nodular (or tubercular), in which the new formation has its seat in the skin or mucous membrane; and the anaesthetic (lepra anaesthetica), in which the nerves are chiefly affected. In the skin variety the hands and face are mostly affected, and larger or smaller swellings appear (red or blue in colour), which become hard. These tubercles consist of granulation tissue, and may ulcerate and cicatrise, producing great deformities. In the anaesthetic form the nerve trunks become the seat of the granulations in the interstitial connective tissue. The spindle-shaped swellings compress and separate the nerve fibres. Besides the anaesthesia, other evidences of inter- ference with nerves, such as eruptions, alterations in pigmentation, and ulceration, frequently occur. The leprosy bacillus has been found in most of the tissues and viscera, though it occurs more in the 'liver and spleen than in the kidneys and brain. Tt has been detected in the blood during febrile paroxysms in the later stages. Enormous numbers are found in cutaneous and other nodules, and in the discharges therefrom. Stitt says the earliest lesion is probably a nasal ulcer at the junction of the bony and cartilaginous septum. Scrapings from this ulcer may give an early diagnosis. Lepers frequently react to Old Tuberculin and give positive Wassermann tests. The significance of these findings is uncertain, but it has been suggested that nothing more than coexistence of tuberculosis or syphilis re- spectively is indicated. Fletcher (Jour. Hygiene, July, 1915) says that lepers give negative luetin reactions and thinks the positive Wassermann due to a cause other than syphilis. According to Stanziale and Serra the Wasser- mann reaction is positive in rabbits which have been successfully inoculated with Kedrowsky's diphtheroid. Channels of Infection. — The use of fish, especially in the putrid condition, was considered by Hutchinson to be a causative factor, but the disease occurs among the Basutos, who never eat fish, and among the vegetarian Brahmins. David Walsh modifies the idea by pointing out that dried fish, a common article of diet amongst LEPROSY BACILLUS 73 Eastern nations, may be contaminated by the nasal dis- charges of lepers, the fish being merely the passive agent whereby transmission is effected. Deficiency of salt has been suggested as conducive to the disease. Insects — e.g., flies, fleas, lice, the itch parasite, etc. — may perhaps disseminate the disease, and Goodhue claims to have found the bacilli in the gnat and bed-bug. MacLeod thinks the most common mode of invasion is via the nasal mucosa and upper respiratory tract. The bacilli may gain an entrance through the mouth and infect the tonsils, and they have been found in the sputum; the genital organs and the skin may also allow invasion. The remarks made about the inheritance of tuberculosis seem to apply to leprosy. Although contagious, the extent to which it is propagated by this means is said to be exceedingly small. The resolutions of the British and Colonial delegates to the International Conference on Leprosy at Bergen (1909) included inter alia the following: Leprosy is spread by direct and indirect contagion from persons suffering from the disease. Leprosy is most prevalent under con- ditions of personal and domestic uncleanliness and over- crowding, especially where there is close and protracted association between the leprous and non-leprous. In leprosy an interval of years may elapse between infection and the first recognised appearance of disease. It is a disease of long duration, though some of its symptoms may be quiescent for a considerable period and then recur. The danger of infection from leprous persons is greater when there is discharge from mucous membranes or from ulcerated surfaces. The Smegma Bacillus. The smegrna bacillus closely resembles the tubercle bacillus in size and shape, and also in being acid-fast and Gram-positive. It is found in the preputial secretion and between the labial folds of the vulva. It occurs on the skin, and also, it is stated, in the ear, on the tongue and teeth, in the sebaceous secretion, and perhaps in the sputum. It exhibits a marked preference for those secretions containing fatty matters. As found on the bodies of lower animals, variations in appearance were 74 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY described by Cowie, and the name is now generally held to include a number of allied organisms. Inoculation of animals gives negative results. Czaplewski found it to grow, though with difficulty, on serum, glycerin agar, and in broth. Subcultures grow more freely. Muir and Ritchie first showed that after staining and decolorising with acid in the Ziehl-Neelsen method, a minute's ex- posure to alcohol sufficed to remove the red stain from smegma bacilli, and thus to prevent their being mistaken for tubercle bacilli of which there is sometimes a risk, especially in the examination of urine. In practice, HouselPs combination of alcohol with the acid is most frequently used (p. 61). Pappenheim's solution* has been recommended for decolorising acid-fast bacilli other than tubercle after fuchsin staining and washing, but it appears to have little, if any, advantage over acid alcohol. Other Acid-Fast Organisms. A number of acid-fast bacilli have been found in milk, butter, manure, and grass. Most of them grow freely on ordinary media at room temperature, often producing a pigment, yellow or brown. The best known among them are the Timothy-grass bacillus (p. 159) and the ' Mist- bacillus ' of manure. Some are pathogenic to guinea- pigs, and the lesions produced may simulate those of tuberculosis to some extent. Petri and Rabinowitch's ' butter bacillus ' is found in butter fairly frequently, and when intraperitoneally injected with butter into guinea-pigs produces nodules that may be confused with tubercles. Acid-fast organisms have been found in sputum when tuberculosis could be negatived on clinical and other grounds. A hint as to their true character may be sometimes obtained from the very small number seen on prolonged search. Doubt as to identity should also be expressed when the shape and size are not those usually found in the case of the tubercle bacillus. Acid-fast bacilli have been described in bronchitis and pulmonary * Pappenheim's solution, 1 part of corallin (rosolic acid) in 100 parts of absolute alcohol, to which methylene blue is added to saturation; 20 parts of glycerin arc then added. SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 75 gangrene. Wyatt Wingrave (Medical Press, 1014, 32) says simple acid-fast bacilli are found in chronic ear discharges, atrophic rhinitis, faeces, lingual accumulations, and in fact in any situation where bacilli grow in the presence of fat." Sanguinetti has found them in distilled water. CHAPTER VI SPORE FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS OF the many organisms recognised as distinctly patho- genic, only six are known to produce spores — viz., B. an- thracis, B. tetani, B. botulinus, the bacillus of malignant oodema, and two organisms pathogenic for animals alone — B. Welchii and B. (Clostridium) Chauvcei. With the exception of B. anlhracis, they are anaerobes. The Anthrax Bacillus. Morphology. — B. antliracis varies in length from 5 to 6//, in breadth from 1 to 1'5 /n. It is aerobic, and faculta- tively .anaerobic. It is not motile, is usually straight, and has square ends, which are characteristic. In the blood, where it occurs singly or in short chains, the ends of the bacillus are slightly convex; on cultivation they become slightly concave, but neither modification dispels the characteristic squareness of appearance. Round and oval involution forms are often seen in old and attenuated cultures. In the fresh state the threads do not show segmentation; this is seen only on staining. In cultures chains of great length are formed. When the bacilli have a supply of oxygen, and the temperature is between 20° and 38° C., ellipsoidal central spores are developed. Spores are not found during life, being only developed after death, when the bloody discharges come in contact with air. A variety, first obtained by Behring, which is sporeless for many generations, is produced by culture at 42° C., or on nutrient gelatin containing 0-1 per cent, of phenol. Culture.— On a gelatin plate small spherical colonies develop in the depth, which consist of closely twisted bands of bacillar chains. When the growth reaches the 76 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY surface, spikelets at once begin to radiate over this in wavy convolutions, liquefying the gelatin. This stage is usually reached in two days, and is most characteristic. In the gelatin stab, growth takes place along the needle track, fine branching filaments often growing out into the gelatin (' inverted fir-tree growth '). Liquefaction commences at the top of the stab, proceeding downwards in a horizontal plane, upon which a mass of bacilli rest, leaving the gelatin above clear and liquid. In broth a flocculent growth forms at the bottom of the tube, the bulk of the broth remaining clear and no pellicle forming. On agar a thick, grey-white, sticky growth takes place, and on potato a considerable white growth, both usually containing a large number of spores. Blood-serum is slowly liquefied. An alkaline reaction is generally favour- able to the growth of this organism, although it grows well on potatoes, which are normally acid The bacilli stain well by Gram's method. Pathogenesis. — In the human subject the disease appears as — (1) malignant pustule, a localised swelling caused by direct inoculation, and (2) ivoolsorter* s disease, a general infection caused through inhalation of spores during the handling of wools, hides, and fleeces. Infec- tion may also take place through the digestive organs (intestinal anthrax). A single case of the lesion appearing in the larynx is reported. In cattle the disease is known as ' Siberian plague ' or ' splenic fever,' the latter cog- nomen being due to the much swollen and soft condition of the spleen found in infected animals. In man, enlarge- ment of the spleen is less marked, and the disease appears to take the form of a toxaemia. It is pathogenic to the following animals, which are arranged roughly in order of their susceptibility: mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, sheep, cattle, horses, man, goats, and pigs. Algerian sheep, dogs, frogs,* and white rats are immune. In susceptible rodents there may be considerable in- flammation around the seat of inoculation, and the sub- cutaneous connective tissue may be distended with a bloody gelatinous exudation. If the tissue is examined microscopically, the blood is found to be full of bacilli, * Unless the frog is warmed to 37° C. SPORE-FORMING PA THOGENIC ORGA NISMS 77 which in some places may have so distended the capil- laries as to have ruptured them and escaped into the surrounding tissue. Anthrax, once introduced, may become endemic in a field in the following manner: The infected animal dies; the bacilli in the bloody discharges that come in contact with the air develop spores, which may be blown about on to the surrounding soil, and remain dormant there for long periods. Animals feeding on grass growing about this spot would be liable to infection. The bacilli, if developed, might be killed by the gastric juice, but the spores could withstand its action and enter the circulation. Pasteur suggested that after the burial of an animal, worms might bring the spores to the surface. Klein found that all bacilli and spores are killed within a week by putrefaction if the body be left intact. Outbreaks among horses and cattle have occurred through infected oats and Unseed cake. The bacillus has been found in effluents, and cattle drinking therefrom have been in- . fected. In one case, foreign bone manure conveyed the bacillus to a workman. The chief danger to operatives in industries involving the handling of wool, hides, and horsehair appears to lie in the small clots of blood on the same. The Bradford Anthrax Investigation Board urge that all blood-stained material should be thrown out before any process of combing takes place. A highly satisfactory immunity, which, however, is transitory, seldom lasting more than a few months, may be conferred upon susceptible animals by injection of_a culture attenuated by growth at 42-5° C. for fifteen days, followed twelve days later by a second culture attenuated by ten days' growth at the same temperature (Pasteur's vaccine). Cases of anthrax in animals are dealt with under the Anthrax Order of 1899 issued by the Board of Agricul- ture. Serum Treatment. — Marchoux vaccinated sheep with an attenuated culture, and then injected them with'in- creasing doses of virulent cultures. Sclavo employs the ass, immunising by the same method, and the antiserum so prepared has been used with success in the treatment of anthrax in man. The serum is bactericidal rather than antitoxic. 78 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Disinfection. — No danger is apprehended from the handling of wools from Australasia and the Argentine, but precautions are necessary when dealing with horsehair from China, Siberia, and Russia, and with Persian wool. While the vegetative forms are quickly killed by heat and disinfectants, 5 per cent, phenol acting for at least twenty- four hours is required for the destruction of the spores, and the disinfection of hides, hair, and wool is therefore difficult. For hides and skins the use of formaldehyde is impracticable, since it so injures the consignments as to prevent them being turned into good leather. Legge thinks it doubtful if there is any way in which hides to be afterwards tanned can be effectively disinfected. Constant Ponder concludes the best method for de- stroying the infection on hides to be that devised by Seymour Jones. The process involves treating the hides for twenty-four hours in a soak containing 1 per cent, of formic acid and 0-02 per cent, mercuric chloride, and then transferring them to the ordinary brine pit. This does not interfere with the subsequent processes involved in transformation into leather. Hewlett found the pro- cess to be satisfactory provided the strength of the solution was doubled or trebled when dealing with horsehair. Forty-eight hours' exposure to a solution containing 2 per cent, hydrochloric acid and 10 per cent, sodium chloride (Schattenfroh method) is also satisfactory (Lancet, August 7, 1915). Webb and Duncan's experiments seem to show that, leaving out of consideration white or grey hair, which is liable to change colour, no injurious effect is produced on horsehair by steam disinfection, provided the temperature does not exceed 218° F. — a comparatively low tempera- ture for efficient disinfection. Legge concludes that, to secure certain destruction of all anthrax spores in horse- hair, absolute reliance cannot be placed on either steam disinfection (within the limits in which it can be applied) or simple boiling. In the Home Office Regulations in respect of processes involving the use of horsehair from China, Siberia, or Russia, no manipulation except opening or sorting is allowed until the hair has undergone disinfection. Dis- infection may be accomplished either by exposure to a temperature of not less than 212° F. for at least half an SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 70 hour, or by exposure to a disinfectant which has been certified as effective for the destruction of anthrax spores, and approved by the Secretary of State. Eurich, the bacteriologist to the Anthrax Investigation Board, said (1909) that no trustworthy method of sterilising the wool before washing had been found. In 1913, Eurich and Willey conducted experiments in regard to the use of steam as a disinfectant, as a result of which their Board agree that disinfection by steam cannot be applied to ordinary wool or hair except under conditions that would stop any trade in the sorts so treated. The method can, however, be applied to blood-stained material that has been sorted out or otherwise separated from the bulk, so that blood-stained material need no longer be regarded as absolute loss, but as a waste product. A process of destroying carcasses involves solution of the entire animal in sulphuric acid. The Anthrax Order of the Board of Agriculture (1911) provides for prosecution for causing an effusion of blood, and no one may burn, bury, or otherwise dispose of the carcass without the sanction of the local authority. The Tetanus Bacillus. Morphology. — B. tetani is a straight, slender, rod 4 ju, long, with rounded ends. It is slightly motile, possessing many peritrichic ilagella. Especially in old cultures, long filaments are formed which show no spores. Spherical spores are frequent, which, being located at one end, and being thicker than the bacillus, gives the ' drumstick appearance.' The bacillus is Gram-positive. Culture. — The tetanus bacillus is a ' strict ' anaerobe, although Jordan states that a degree of tolerance to oxygen can be established, and that it will grow in a mixed culture when air is admitted. In glucose-gelatin or glucose-agar stab culture, a feathery radiated growth is formed with slight gas-formation. Gelatin is liquefied. All cultures possess a characteristic smell, suggestive of an ill-kept stable. The organism grows well on blood- serum without liquefaction. Theobald Smith has shown that the bacillus will grow in ordinary broth in a fermentation tube if a piece of sterile tissue, such as a piece of liver, kidney, or spleen of guinea-pig or rabbit, be inserted where open bulb and 8o AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY closed arm meet. No precaution for exclusion of oxygen is necessary, and spores are said to develop in a day or little longer. Embleton says B. tetani will grow in broth along with Staphylococcus aureus and need no precaution to exclude oxygen. Tetanus spores, especially if in a dry condition, keep their virulence for an indefinite time. Much uncertainty exists as to the temperature necessary to kill them. It seems probable that sometimes they withstand boiling for five minutes and require heating in an autoclave for their certain destruction. Embleton says they can stand almost a dull red heat. The resistance of the spores to disinfectants is also high. They survive 5 per cent, phenol solution for fifteen hours. Channels of Infection and Pathogenesis. — The tetanus bacillus and its spores are found very frequently (90 per cent, of samples) in cow and horse dung and less rarely in human fseces (5 per cent, of samples, Andre wes). It is constantly present in manured land. Unless some degree of penetration into the tissues is effected, the disease does not develop. If only a scratch, abrasion, or superficial cut be suffered, infected material obtaining access thereto seems never to become pathogenic. If manured soil, however, be injected into a laboratory animal, or a stableman or gardener gets wounded with a rusty nail or broken glass, the disease may be produced. The disease is more prevalent in some districts than in others, and by following the statistics of French veterinary surgeons, Bazy (Medical Press, 1915, p. 315) has been able to mark out certain ' accursed fields ' for tetanus just as can be done for anthrax. The disease is prevalent among horses and men on battlefields. The incidence varies with the state of the ground fought over. In the present war the disease is non-existent among troops engaged on uncultivated areas round the Dardanelles just the same as there has been no tetanus in naval cases of wounds. On the highly cultivated grounds of Flanders and France, especially in the Aisne region, cases were not infre- quent. Bazy's statistics bear on 10,396 wounded; of this number 129 developed tetanus, of which 90 proved fatal. Umbilical tetanus is common among newborn infants in some countries. Puerperal tetanus and tetanus super- vening after operations are now rare. Impure vaccine SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 81 lymph and Fuller's earth have occasioned tho disease. The spores can on occasion live through the operations involved in the manufacture of gelatin, and injection of contaminated gelatin has produced tetanus. The organism is pathogenic to man, the horse, guinea- pig, mice, and rabbit; birds are but slightly susceptible. The bacilli remain in the locality of the site of inoculation and in the nearest lymph glands, symptoms being caused by absorption of the toxins. In the development of the disease, damage to local tissues and prevention of phago- cytosis are the most important factors, the latter being allowed by the extraneous organisms which gain access with the tetanus bacilli. The spore, if freed from toxin by simple washing, is readily disposed of by phagocytosis. Usually fifteen days elapse between infection and the appearance of symptoms, but they may occur in man in two days, or not till after twenty-seven days. It is rarely that drumstick spores can be found in material from a wound, and should any be found, the existence of other Gram-positive bacilli growing terminal spores must not be overlooked. Toxins.— Grown anaSrobically in glucose broth, the tetanus bacillus produces a powerful extracellular toxin, of the constitution of which little is known. There is a substance producing the characteristic spasm (tetano- spasmin), a hsemolysin (tetanolysin), and some albumoses to which Sidney Martin ascribes the fever of tetanus. The toxin is readily destroyed by heat and light, and di- minishes in toxicity with keeping. Tetanus toxin is rapidly fixed by the tissues of the central nervous system, and travels from the wound by way of the nerve trunks. Antitetanic Serum. — In Roux and Vaillard's process, virulent tetanus bacilli are cultivated in broth in an atmosphere of hydrogen. After about fourteen days' growth, the culture is filtered through a porcelain filter to free it from bacilli. Injections are then made into horses with this toxin daily, subcutaneously or intra- venously, starting with 1 c.c. of iodised toxin, gradually increasing the dose until the pure toxin can be injected without danger, the treatment lasting about three months. The serum is standardised. The results attending the use of this serum have been less satisfactory than those obtained with antidiphtheria serum, as the disease is only 6 82 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY recognised when considerable absorption of toxin has occurred. Its use as a prophylactic is undoubted. Even in those cases where the disease is firmly established the serum is often still of service. In field ambulances, etc., where surgeons systematically give prophylactic injections, Bazy says the mortality is only one- third of that where it is only given to suspicious cases. The Bacillus of Malignant (Edema. Morphology. — B. cedematis maligni is a motile rod, about 4 IJL long and Ol ^ broad, with several flagella. It has a tendency to grow in long filaments. It forms spores in a more or less central position, but not when in filamentous form. It stains readily with the ordinary dyes, but is Gram-negative. Culture. — Distinction from the anthrax bacillus is also seen on cultivation. It is a strict anaerobe, and grows at room temperature. Development is accelerated by the presence of 2 per cent, of glucose. Gelatin is liquefied, and a foul-smelling gas is produced in both gelatin and agar stab cultures. Blood-serum is liquefied, but there is no visible growth on potato. Distribution and Pathogenesis. — Malignant oedema has followed subcutaneous injection of musk, and the organism has been found in musk-sacs. It may follow castration in the horse or parturition in cattle. The organism occurs in the soil, dust, and in the human intestine. The bacillus may be the exciting cause of gangrene after injuries, particularly when the parts are crushed or lacerated and soiled with earth, and is pathogenic to man, horses, pigs, sheep, guinea-pigs, rabbits, rats, mice, and some birds. The readiest plan for isolation is to inoculate subcutaneously a guinea-pig with garden earth. On death, which may occur in twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the bacillus is found in the cedematous fluid, but , not, like anthrax, in the blood, except later, when it has multiplied after death, when it may form filaments 15 to 40 jui in length. The gas manifested in the frothy exudation when an animal is inoculated with garden earth is absent, or nearly so, when the inoculation is made from a pure culture, and is therefore probably due to other organisms. SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 83 Bacillus (Clostridium) Ckauvcei. Black-leg, quarter-evil, or symptomatic anthrax is un- known in man, but in sheep and oxen a fatal termination is to be apprehended one or two days after infection. Localised swellings appear on the neck, shoulders, or thighs, and the affected muscles become discoloured. Puncture of infected muscle produces a frothy, sanguineous fluid, which contains the organism. The organism is a rod about 4 JLI long, and is actively motile. The large spores give it club- and spindle-shaped appearances. It is a strict anaerobe, and is usually Gram-negative. It grows in agar and gelatin cultures with the production of a foul gas. Gelatin is slowly liquefied. Kitt says the odour is due, not to B. Chauvwi, but to contamination with ' cadaver bacilli.' By drying an affected muscle at 35° C. and then heating to 85° or 90° C., attenuation in virulence is effected, and the materials injected for the production of immunity. Red Braxy in sheep is associated with an organism similar to B. Chauvcei, which, however, differs in its action on other animals. The bacilli are very numerous in the intestine and in the reddish-brown blood-stained mucus that collects in the last and true digestive stomach. After death, decomposition is very rapid, and the crimson colour of the fourth stomach is sometimes mistaken for a symptom of irritant poisoning. Hamilton found that during July and August the serum of healthy sheep did not allow multiplication of braxy bacilli. Very satis- factory immunity is obtained by dosing lambs by the mouth when their blood is most refractory to the organism. Bacillus Botulinus. Morphology. — A large bacillus (4 ft to 10 /LI long), with rounded ends, and a tendency to form short chains. It is an obligatory anaerobe, exhibits a slight motility, and forms spores. The spores are often destroyed by a temperature of 80° C. The position of the spores is generally terminal, and the flagella number from four to eight. The organism is Gram-positive. Cultural Characters. — Cultures must be grown in the dark. Milk is not curdled; glucose is fermented with production of acid and gas; saccharose and lactose are 84 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY not fermented. While Stockman mentions that cultures of this organism have no putrefactive odour, other ob- servers describe a rancid odour due to butyric acid. A stab culture in glucose gelatin grows white along the stab with lateral offshoots, liquefaction and disruption of the medium with gas. On glucose-gelatin plates the young colonies are translucent, of a yellowish-brown colour, and surrounded by a liquefied zone. Growth is abundant at ordinary temperatures, but scanty at 37° C., at which temperature involution forms of long twisted filaments develop. Sporulation does not occur at blood-heat. Pathogenesis. — The organism has been found in liver and blood sausages, pickled and smoked meat, tinned meat, preserved foods, and ham that have caused ' botul- ism ' or ' sausage poisoning.' Where symptoms show immediately after ingestion of the infected food they are those of gastro-intestinal disorder. It is not till after a period of incubation of twelve or more hours that the prominent symptoms described by van Ermengem show, these being disordered secretion in the nose, dryness of mouth and throat, dilated pupil, ptosis, paralysis of accommodation, double vision, dysphagia, aphonia, and retention of the urine. Fever is absent, and no impairment of intellect occurs. While marked constipation has been recorded, there may be slight and transitory vomiting and diarrhoea. Death, from bulbar-paralysis, follows in about a quarter of the cases. Except for an instance where a bacillus indistinguishable from B. botulinus was isolated by Kempner from the intestine of a pig, there is no information as to the origin of the organism. From the scanty growth obtained at blood-heat it is fairly certain that little or no multiplica- tion of the bacilli takes place in the living animal, so that a sufferer is not a source of danger to his associates, and it is pretty evident that infection of food must have occurred after death of the animal, the infection coming from sources outside the meat. Savage in reviewing the reported cases of botulism found that in none of the out- breaks had the foods incriminated been eaten in the fresh state, all had been stored. There is often no external sign of putrefaction in the infected meat, but it may have a rancid odour. An extracellular toxin of extremely high potency is SPORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 85 formed by this organism, and the intoxication is due to its formation in meat before ingestion. The toxin is destroyed by exposure to 80° C. for half an hour, and food causing the outbreaks has been either raw or im- perfectly cooked. As growth of the bacillus is checked by a 6 per cent, solution of salt, van Ermengem has recommended that in salting a brine containing at least 15 per cent, of sodium chloride should be used. The disease is now rare on the Continent, and Savage was unable to trace the occurrence of a single outbreak in this country. An antitoxin prepared by Kempner is said to be of value even some hours after ingestion of infected food. Bacillus Welchii. An organism commonly found in emphysematous gan- grene was discovered by Welch and Nuttall (1892), and named B. aerogenes capsulatus. Frankel (1893) inde- pendently described B. plilegmones emphysematosce, which is identical with Welch and Nuttall' s organism. Klein attributed an outbreak of diarrhoea in St. Bartholomew's Hospital (1895) to an organism (B. enteritidis sporogenes) found by him in the dejecta of patients. Oftentimes, regardless of all the attributes of Klein's bacillus, this name is commonly applied to a normal inhabitant of the digestive tract which is described here as B. Welchii. Other observers have independently discovered organisms either identical or very similar. Chester has renamed this organism, or class of organisms, B. Welchii. Morphology.— £. Welchii is a plump, long bacillus (3^ to 6/i long), with almost square ends, occurring singly, in chains, and in clumps. The length varies greatly on culture, when different media are used. It frequently has a capsule, and forms oval spores, generally situated near one end, but only in serum cultures. It is strictly anaero- bic, is Gram-positive and non-motile. B. enteritidis sporogenes is described by Klein as multi-flagellate and motile, and as sporing in gelatin. Cultural Characters. — Gelatin is slowly liquefied. Gas (two-thirds or three-quarters of which is hydrogen) is produced in dextrose, lactose, and saccharose media. •Since its growth is not suppressed by bile-salt it gives a po bitive reaction in MacConkey's bile-salt media like the 86 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY colon bacillus does. A characteristic fermentation is produced in milk in forty-eight hours: a firm, white, honeycombed curd and a clear, watery whey are produced with abundant gas-formation. The culture is strongly acid, and has a faint, sour smell, like that of butyric acid. Most varieties liberate haemoglobin when grown in broth containing blood (Jordan). When grown anaerobically in undiluted human blood serum with staphylococcus, very copious sporing occurs in two days (Douglas). Fleming recommends neutral-red egg medium for surface growths: in twenty-four hours bright pink spots, 2 milli- metres in size, appear, having slightly raised margins and characteristic prominences in the centres. Occurrence. — B. Welchii is found in excrernentitious matter and road dust. Its presence in water, milk, shell- fish, etc., is to be regarded as an indication of pollution, not necessarily recent, with faecal matter. Pathogenesis. — Subcutaneous inoculation of guinea-pigs with recent milk cultures produces in some cases intense spreading hsemorrhagic oedema and necrosis, and death in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. In other cases it is not pathogenic. Rabbits are almost immune, but if one be inoculated in- travenously, killed, and the carcass incubated at 37° C. for twenty-four hours, characteristic production of gas follows, especially in the liver (Welch-Nuttall test). B. Chauvoei produces a similar result, but forms spores, while (according to Hewlett) B. Welchii does not under such conditions. While the B. Welchii is either absent or rare in the faeces of the young, Kendall has found it in the stools of children with summer diarrhoea. Hewlett thinks it is probably capable of producing necrotic changes in the intestinal mucous membrane, and, because of its abund- ance in the intestine in some cases of primary anaemia, suggests it may have some relation to the condition. It occurs in various pathological conditions, in septicaemic and pyeemic infections of the gastro-intestinal and genito- urinary tracts, and is often responsible for the gas seen in ' foamy organs ' at autopsies. In cases of gaseous gangrene occurring among our troops in France B. aerogenes capsulatus (i.e., B. Welchii as originally described by Welch and Nuttall) is dominant in every case. Quinine hydrochloride is found to reduce SFORE-FORMING PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 87 the mortality considerably in experimental animals (Kenneth Taylor, Lancet, September 4, 1915). The same organism has been found in the expectorated matter from cases of pulmonary gangrene supervening after in- halation of the irritant gases employed by the Germans (De la Riviere and Leclercq, Medical Press, October 20, 1915). Detection in Water. — B. Welchii is regarded as of less importance as an index of pollution in water than for- merly. Large quantities of water must be examined, and it was previously the custom to pass half a litre through a Pasteur- Chamberland candle, suspend the deposit in 5 c.c. of sterile water, and inoculate three milk tubes with 3 c.c., 1 c.c., and 1 c.c. respectively of the concentrated water. The milk tubes were then treated as described below. Hewlett's method of conducting the test, though cumbersome, is more satisfactory. Ten large boiling tubes, each containing 50 c.c. of sterile milk, are inoculated each with 50 c.c. of the water, melted vaseline is poured on the surface of the mixture to exclude air, and each tube is covered with a double layer of sterile filter-paper, kept in position by a rubber band. The tubes are heated in a bath of water to 80° C. for twenty minutes, and incubated at 37° C. for two days. When smaller amounts, such as 10 c.c. of liquid, are to be examined, an exposure to 80° C. of ten minutes is sufficient. The gas produced in the fermentation (vide supra) collects as a bubble under the vaseline plug. The Closlridium butyricum (which is principally responsible for the butyric fermentation of milk, and which, when present, hastens the production of tyrotoxicon therein) gives a similar reaction in milk, but is not pathogenic for guinea-pigs. The only way to distinguish B. Welchii from Clostridium butyricum, which is regarded by some as a non- pathogenic form of the former, is to inject 2 c.c. of the whey subcutaneously into a guinea-pig of about 200 grammes weight, when B. Welchii will kill the animal in forty-eight hours. To isolate B. Welchii from pus, Alexander Fleming (Lancet, August 21, 1915) recommends the following pro- cedure: A tube of sterile milk is boiled and immediately, while yet at a temperature close to 100° C., is planted with some of the pus. The scum of cream suffices to exclude air. If other spores get in, anaerobic plate cultures on glucose agar are made. 88 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY CHAPTER VII THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP THIS group of bacilli is classed by Loffler as one family, the TypJiaceoB. The characters of individual members are not always clearly defined. As a general rule the organism is short, plump, with rounded ends, often with a tendency to develop long forms. No spores are formed and the organisms are Gram-negative. None liquefies gelatin except B. cloacce and a few coliform organisms described by MacConkey (B. levans, B. oxytocus perniciosus, and his No. 73). On a gelatin plate, they form thin, irregular, notched colonies. All are aerobes and faculta- tive anaerobes, none are chromogenic, and all grow well on ordinary media. The Colon Bacillus. Bacillus coli (B. coli communis) inhabits the intestinal tracts of man, the lower animals, birds, and, less fre- quently, fish. The dispersion of the dejecta causes this organism to be widely distributed. While a very large proportion of the organisms when isolated are found to conform to the salient characteristics of the recognised type, ' atypical ' organisms are met with which, in one or more respects, differ from the true type. Such are described as ' coliform.' Morphology. — The colon bacillus is a short rod, 2 JLI to 4 ]u long, with rounded ends, but may form much longer rods, or be so short as to be oval in shape. It possesses three or four flagella on an average, and although generally feebly motile, non-motile forms are not uncommon. It forms no spores, and is not stained by Gram's method. B. coli is slightly more resistant to heat, to disinfectants and other destructive agents than is B. typhosus. While B. coli does not usually survive an exposure to 60° C. for ten minutes, one variety, B. Griinlhal, produced a toxin that withstood ten minutes at 80° C. According to Ayers and Johnson 54-6 per cent, of cultures survived thirty minutes at 60° C., and 6-9 per cent, survived 62-8° C. for thirty minutes. THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 89 Cultural Characters. — On gelatin plates colonies appear in one or two days, the growth being thin and lilmy, irregular in shape, translucent at the margins, and moist in appearance. Jn gelatin stab or shake cultures bubbles of gas are produced. The gelatin is not liquefied. On serum and on agar greyish-white, moist, shining growths form. On potato, if acid, a yellowish growth is obtained, but the growth may be colourless if the potato is not fresh. Milk is rendered acid, and curdled in from one to three days at 37° C. without subsequent digestion of the casein and without subsequent production of alka- linity. When grown in peptone-water containing one of the following substances — glucose, laevulose, maltose, galactose, arabinose, raffinose (?), lactose, mannite, sorbite, dulcite or dextrin (cane-sugar, sometimes)— acid and gas are produced. The gas production varies in amount. From the fact that an organism may lose its power of forming gas from sugars while retaining its power of forming gas from alcohols, Penfold concludes that two enzymes are concerned (see also p. 28). The gas produced from dextrose consists of hydrogen 2 volumes and carbon dioxide 1 volume. Present American opinion places no reliance on this formula. B. coli produces indole in broth or peptone-water cultures, generally within two days, but sometimes a week is necessary before it can be demonstrated. It reduces nitrates to nitrites. In neutral-red lactose media the acid formed produces a rose-red colour. On solid media no further change of colour takes place, but in neutral-red lactose broth, the dye is reduced with production of a greenish-yellow fluorescence. In the Voges-Proskauer reaction the organism to be tested is grown for three days in 2 per cent, glucose broth. Two or 3 c.c. of strong caustic potash are added, and a pink eosin-like colour developing on exposure to air for twenty-four hours constitutes a positive reaction. The colon bacillus does not give this reaction. Rivas devised a quick method of performing this test: 1-4 c.c. of a forty- eight-hour culture is boiled with 5 c.c. of 10 per cent, sodium hydrate solution, the reaction being hastened by blowing air through the liquid or by shaking. By means of fermentation and other reactions over a hundred types of colon bacilli can be distinguished. It 90 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY becomes, therefore, necessary to enunciate definitely those attributes which, if possessed by an organism, will entitle it to be regarded as a colon bacillus. Of course when a pathogenic organism of this class is isolated from a patient, the name it is called by in the present state of knowledge matters little so long as it prove corpus delicti. But when estimating the organism to ascertain existence of fsecal contamination a reasonable degree of definition is necessary. Different bacteriologists select different characters to which they require an organism to conform before identifying it as typical B. coli. Houston described an organism as ' flaginac ' if it produced a fluorescent greenish yellow in neutral red glucose peptone-water (fl), acid and gas in lactose (ag), indole in peptone-water (in], and acid and curd in milk (ac). MacConkey suggests the omission of tests for the growth on gelatin, action on milk, glucose, and neutral red, and the indole test. In the place of them he recommends the action of the organism on (1) dulcite, (2) adonite, (3) inulin, and (4) the Voges and Proskauer reaction. A negative indole reaction becomes more significant when the para-dimethyl-amido-benzaldehyde test has been used instead of nitrite and acid. It is possible, but by no means certain, that certain varieties of the colon bacillus are of greater significance as indicators of excretal contamination than others. The presence or absence of power to ferment saccharose is particularly thought worthy of emphasis in this connection, and Houston denominates those fermenting saccharose, producing acid and gas in lactose peptone water, and giving an indole reaction as ' sagin ' organisms. Those having no action on saccharose, but giving the other two tests, are similarly christened ' agin ' bacilli. The bacillus producing acid and gas from cane-sugar (saccharose) has also been called B. coli communior by Durham, and this variety is supposed to be of more recent intestinal ancestry than another not fermenting saccharose. The American Committee mention the following attributes as defining the colon group : ' Fermentation of dextrose and lactose with gas production, short bacillus with rounded ends, non- spore-forming, facultative anae- robe, gives positive test with esculin, grows at 20° on gelatin and at 37° on agar, non-liquefying in fourteen days THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 91 on gelatin. Gram-staining negative.' Prescott and Wins- low doubt there to be ' sufficient evidence to warrant making the esculin reaction a general criterion of the colon group,' and they desire to reduce the test to positive reactions in a lactose fermentation medium, growth on an aerobic agar streak, and microscopic examination. Clemesha and Houston have independently shown that with fresh faecal pollution in water most of the organisms fermenting dextrose ferment lactose as well, while in stored or filtered water dextrose -fermenting lactose- negative forms relatively increase. To obtain presumptive evidence of the presence of the colon bacillus a medium containing a suitable carbohydrate and some substance to inhibit the growth of other organ-, isms is used, such as MacConkey's litmus lactose bile- salt peptone-water, which is fermented with the pro- duction, of acid and gas. This medium is used for further work (see p. 230). If the organism be present in large numbers and vigor- ous condition, acid and gas production will be evident in less than twenty-four hours, but attenuated organisms may require three days' incubation at blood-heat or at a slightly higher temperature. Bile-salt has the dis- advantage of suppressing some of the weak coliform organisms. In examinations for faecal contamination this is not a matter for worry, as feeble vigour cateris paribus denotes remoter faecal ancestry, and the attribution of slighter significance to their presence and numbers. (It may be mentioned here that the best ' pick-me-up ' media for rejuvenating sveak bacteria are liver broth, and gelatin at blood-heat.) Pathogenesis. — While in the intestine, the colon bacillus is supposed by some to suppress the growth of less desir- able organisms, and thus to protect the body. This surmise is based on the diminution in number or absence of the colon bacillus from the faeces in some bacterial diseases affecting the intestines. Although chiefly of importance as an ' indicator ' of pollution with excrement, the colon bacillus is also capable of causing disease. The organism is pyogenic, is commonly the cause of cystitis, and may affect the gall-bladder and bile ducts and other organs. Sir Almroth Wright suggests it may sometimes be responsible for mucous colitis. Arnold Lawson 92 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY describes cases of metastatic ocular inflammation as associated with B. coli toxaemia. It is generally the causal agent of calf diarrhoea (Bibby's ' Bovine Tuber- culosis,' p. 434). It is possible that B. coli may be re- sponsible for some outbreaks of bacterial food poisoning. Gordon R. Ward thinks a variant of B. coli produces pernicious anoemia. Bacilli coli as pathogenic organisms are supposed not to be identical with, but relations of the original B. coli ; to use Metchnikoff s phrase, they are ' wild races.' Some bacteriologists drop the term B. coli when speaking of an infective organism of the species and speak of it as a coliform organism. Vaccines. — Antisera have not proved of value. Cystitis and other affections of a chronic nature are successfully treated with autogenous vaccines. Greater improvement takes place when the vaccine is freshly prepared every month. By cultural characters alone, over a hundred types of B. coli have been described. As organisms culturally identical give widely different agglutination reactions it is quite evident that more types still undescribed exist. Even allowing for many types that are incapable of pro- ducing disease there must remain an enormous number of potentially pathogenic colon bacilli. In coli infections it remains largely a matter of chance whether a stock polyvalent vaccine will be antagonistic to an individual pathogenic type. Coli-like Organisms. In addition to the atypical B. coli mentioned, other organisms have been regarded as variants of the colon bacillus. Some of these are mentioned among the capsu- lated bacilli (vide infra). B. neapolitanus, isolated by Emmerich from the dejecta of cases of cholera, ferments saccharose and dulcite, and produces indole, but is non-motile. B. cloacce, a motile organism, liquefies gelatin quickly or slowly, ferments saccharose but not dulcitol, and gives the Voges-Proskauer reaction. It occurs in sewage, grave- yards, and slaughter-house drains. B. bifidus and B. acidophilus are coli-like, but Gram- positive organisms, which occur in the large intestine of THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 93 human infants. They arc described with B. bulgaricus, with which Rodella thinks them identical (see p. 189). B. coli anaerogenes, an organism of the coli-type, but producing no gas in the fermentation reactions. Is distinguished from B. typliosus by its production of acid in lactose media and by agglutination reactions. B. acidi lactici (pp. 188 and 108) is occasionally patho- genic. The Capsulated Bacilli. B. pneumonice, or Friedlander's pneumo-bacillus (see p. 143). B. lactis aerogems, found in the bowels of nurslings and sometimes in souring milk, is non-motile, does not ferment dulcitol, and gives the Voges-Proskauer reaction. In gelatin a projecting ' nail-head ' growth is formed, and milk is usually curdled more rapidly than with B. coli, with the formation of capsules. It is sometimes patho- genic. A short capsulated bacillus has been described in rhino- scleroma, which is Gram-negative, does not liquefy gelatin, and does not curdle milk. Several organisms have been described in ozsena (foetid atrophic rhinitis), one of which — Abel's B. ozcence — is capsulated, and causes the atrophy of the mucous mem- brane. Bacillus Enteritidis (Gartner). Morphology. — An actively motile bacillus, with shape and size similar to those of the typhoid bacillus, carries several flagella, forms no spores, and is Gram-negative. Cultural Characters. — Ferments glucose, laevulose, mal- tose, galactose, arabinose, raffinose, mannite, sorbite, dulcite and dextrin, with production of acid and gas. Has no action on saccharose, salicin (as a rule), nor glycerin (as a rule). It is generally regarded as without action on lactose, but some strains attack it. Neutral red is reduced with production of yellowish fluorescence. Milk is not curdled. In litmus milk in the first day a slight acidity develops which is replaced by a permanent alkalinity. The bacillus gives very little or no indole, and does not give the Voges-Proskauer reaction. Identi- fication as the cause of disease may be shown as in the 94 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY case of the paratyphoid bacilli by a satisfactory agglutina- tion with the patient's serum. Pathogen esis. — Gartner's bacillus is the most frequent cause of epidemics of meat poisoning. It has been dis- covered in meat from pigs, cattle, horses, and fish. In the only case of infection in mutton, the meat was supposed to have been infected from contaminated ox tongue (the organism found being B. suipestifer). In many cases meat has been derived from animals that had enteritis, in other cases all the evidence points to infection of the meat post mortem. It is known that a piece of infected meat will infect a sound piece if in juxtaposition. It has been suggested that Gartner bacilli are more or less natural inhabitants of the animal intestine. Savage has shown that, although prepared meat foods are very often subject to extensive contamination of excretal origin, Gartner bacilli are not often to be found. He is therefore of opinion that the Gartner Group organisms (or other special bacilli) are ' derived from animals which are either at the time suffering from disease due to Gartner Group bacilli, or acting as carriers of these bacilli.' Infected meat has usually been normal in appearance, taste, and smell, but salty or other peculiar flavours have been sometimes noticed, and turbidity of jelly was men- tioned in one case. Gartner's bacillus is easily killed by heat, not surviving thirty minutes at 60° C., but it produces a heat-resistant toxin that, as it is not destroyed in thirty minutes at 100° C., would survive most cooking processes. Symptoms are due to action of the toxins, their onset is generally sudden and may include vomiting, diarrhoea, pains in abdomen and head (sometimes in back and limbs as well), prostration, collapse, cold sweats, rigors, cramps, rashes, furred tongue, offensive breath and moderate pyrexia. If the affected food contain toxins preformed in the food, onset of symptoms may take place almost immedi- ately after ingestion. In most cases, however, the food contains toxins and bacteria, and symptoms may com- mence any time within thirty-six hours. Bainbridge suggests the rat's intestine to be the true home of Gartner's bacillus (see also p. 97). THE COLON -TYPHOID GROUP 95 Organisms Resembling Gartner's Bacillus. Para-Gartner Bacilli (or pseudo-Gartner bacilli). — Savage has described a number of organisms in the healthy human and animal feces, that can only be distinguished from true Gartner bacilli by extended schemes of fer- mentation reactions and by their failure to agglutinate with sera from animals immunised to Gartner bacilli. Bacillus Paratyphosus p. — The paratyphoid bacillus /3 is similar to B. enteriiidis (Gartner) in cultural reactions, and, like the latter, produces a toxin that withstands 100° C. for thirty minutes. While generally producing symptoms like those of a mild typhoid infection, it has been held responsible for some meat-poisoning outbreaks. Savage, while not disputing the possibility of this organism causing food-poisoning outbreaks, showed that where B. paratyphosus /3 has caused acute gastro- enteritis simulating a food-poisoning outbreak, the cases were connected, not by a common food supply, but by con- tact with a source of infection probably human. In the Cholet outbreak, Chantemesse found the bacilli in the confectioner's cream supplied for the wedding breakfast, and ascertained that the confectioner was a paratyphoid carrier. Bacillus Paratyphosus a. — Like the /3 bacillus, this organism produces symptoms resembling mild typhoid, but it is much less frequent than the /3 bacillus. In their reactions the paratyphoid bacillus a stands nearer the typhoid bacillus than does the paratyphoid bacillus /3. Group a produces less gas in glucose media than group 13. Milk remains permanently acid with group a; with group /3 it becomes alkaline after an initial acidity. Though group a changes neutral-red to yellow, the red colour returns after three weeks or so, while with group /3 the yellow colour is permanent. In paratyphoid fever, whether caused by a or /3 bacilli, the organism may be found in the blood and fseces. The 'mortality is low (less than 3 per cent.), and in the autopsy the characteristic typhoid ulcerations of the Peyer's patches are absent. Milk and meat are supposed to have conveyed the infection, and the organisms have been isolated from water. <)6 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY In identification of the disease and of any suspicions organisms isolated, agglutination tests are important. Paratyphoid serum either fails to clump B. typhosus or only does so in low dilution, but agglutinates the appropriate paratyphoid bacillus in dilutions of over 1 in 100. Examination of the fseces is performed as for typhoid. At the time of writing paratyphoid appears to be more frequent in the services than typhoid, often occurring as a chronic dysenteric condition. The diseases are fre- quently as severe as typhoid. Anti-enteric vaccine is frequently a mixed preparation of typhoid, paratyphoid a and paratyphoid /3 bacilli. This gives protection against any or all of the three diseases. A triple infection with the three diseases has been described (Castellani). Bacillus Psittacosis. — Imported parrots are liable to an infectious enteritis with septicaemia (psittacosis) which is communicable to man, producing a fatal broncho- pneumonia. The psittacosis bacillus belongs to the Gartner group, and is partly clumped by typhoid serum, some bacilli between the clumps retaining motility. Bacillus Suipestifer (B. Suicholerae). — This organism was formerly regarded as the cause of swine fever. The disease is now known to be due to an ultra-microscopic organism, but B. suipestifer always seems to invade the tissues of animals with swine fever (hog cholera), and is credited with pathogenic properties for that animal. Its presence in meat has caused food poisoning. B. suicJiolerce is supposed to be identical with Sanarelli's B. icteroides and with B. Aertryclc. While German authorities consider B. suipestifer to be identical with B. paratyphosus /3, Englishmen maintain them to be distinct organisms. Rat and Mouse Viruses. — The Danysz bacillus, cultures of which (' Danysz virus ') are sold for the extermination of rats, belongs to this group, as do the B. typhi murium, used as a mouse virus, and organisms found in other makes. Bainbridge showed that the viruses owe their potency to bacilli indistinguishable from B. Aertryck and B. enteritidis. Their destructive power on rats was incon- stant, the death rate varying from 20 to 50 per cent. Some of the rats recover and become immune, while others do not even suffer at all. The use of rat viruses appears to be sometimes attended with dangerous results. THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 97 They are one and all certified to be harmless to human beings, and in some cases this is based on actual ex- periment. As Bainb ridge says, the entire innocence of the bacterial viruses for man is a statement which needs justifying. Collingridge attributed an outbreak of illness lasting forty-eight hours — and characterised by headache, giddi- ness, and cramp — to a virus used for killing mice in a London business establishment. Nine girls at an Irish convent school died, and McWeeney attributed the out- break to B. enteritidis in beef, which, he said, was possibly infected by sick mice in the larder. Savage and Read found true (Gartner) B. enteritidis in the spleen and liver of apparently healthy rats and regarded its presence as the result of an old infection from which the rats had recovered. Savage thinks that there is a strong probability that rats surviving an epi- zootic of this nature will act as carrier cases for some time. Morgan's No. 1 Bacillus. — While this, or a very similar organism, is to be found in the normal stools of children occasionally, it is much more frequent in the motions of summer diarrhoea of children, and is accepted as being frequently the cause of this condition. It produces acid and a little gas in dextrose, but does not ferment lactose, saccharose, nor mannite. It does not liquefy gelatin nor give the Voges-Proskauer reaction, but it produces indole and slowly turns milk alkaline with no primary acidity. It has been found on flies in houses with cases of summer diarrhoea. Diseases of Calves. — Gartner group bacilli are responsible for or present in some cases of septicaemia, dysentery, pneumonia, and other septic diseases of calves. Jensen's paracolon bacillus of calf dysentery belongs to the group. The Typhoid Bacillus. Morphology. — B. typlwsus (the Eberth-Gaffky bacillus) is 2 /UL to 4 //, long by 0-5 JLI thick, with rounded ends, but shorter, longer, and, occasionally, filamentous forms are seen in cultures. No spores are formed, but granules and vacuoles may be seen. Involution forms 10 /LI to 30 fj, long are obtained on repeated subculture, and are somewhat characteristic. The organism is aerobic and 7 98 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY facultatively anaerobic and Gram-negative It is not killed by drying ; its thermal death-point is 55° C. Diffused daylight prevents its development, and direct sunlight is fatal in five hours. The typhoid bacillus usually carries eight to twelve flagella arranged round its sides and end. It is actively motile, and in hanging-drop preparations some of the organisms are seen to progress at a surprisingly rapid rate- while others rotate rapidly. While growth is best at blood-heat, the bacillus develops well at room tempera- ture, though less quickly than does the colon bacillus. Cultural Characters. — On agar the typhoid bacillus produces a thick, greyish, creamy layer. On gelatin it gives a white, thin growth, usually almost confined to the needle track, and without liquefaction. In a gelatin shake culture the growth forni^> a diffuse haziness, without any gas-bubbles. The surface colonies in gelatin plates are small (1 millimetre), semi-transparent, bluish- white in colour, with an irregular outline; the deep colonies are roundish points with sharp margins, finely granular, and yellowish- brown in colour. In broth a general turbidity is produced, with some deposit, but no pellicle. Milk is rendered slightly and permanently acid, but there is no curdling. Occasionally alkalinity may succeed acidity if culture in milk be prolonged. On slightly acid potato a thin, moist, greyish, almost invisible layer is formed. Glucose and mannite are fermented with the production of acid only, no gas, but lactose and saccharose are un- attacked. It forms no indole, does not give the Voges- Proskauer reaction, and neutral red is unaltered. Strains of typhoid bacilli showing slight divergence in some cultural character from typical attributes are met with. We found a carrier strain to slowly ferment lactose with production of acid (in three days) (see also p. 28). Strains grown on lactose, dulcite, or arabinose acquire the power of fermenting the respective carbohydrate or alcohol to which they have been ' educated,' but many educated strains quickly revert to the non-fermenting typical organism. Channels of Infection — Water. — Although water con- taminated with sewage may be drunk with impunity, should the dejecta of a case of typhoid contribute to the pollution, an epidemic of typhoid may be expected. In THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP gg many cases infection has been traced to water which chemical analysis showed to be of considerable organic purity. Even bacteriological examination in which colon bacilli and streptococci have been estimated will not necessarily reveal danger from typhoid. Where a pre- viously pure water is contaminated with urine from a typhoid carrier, typhoid bacilli will be present without colon bacilli and streptococci. Therefore, while as a rule the ' bacterial indicators of pollution ' (normal intestinal inhabitants) are to be found in a typhoid- bearing water, it does not follow that because they are absent, typhoid bacilli are also absent. Bacteria are not evenly distributed through the bulk in unfiltered water, many being aggregated in masses, so that where typhoid infection is present some of the bacilli will be discrete, but very many will clump together. Consumers of this water only imbibing separated bacilli are not likely, or are less likely, to acquire the disease. But the consumer who receives a clump of typhoid bacilli is the less likely to resist infection (spotted distribution). Storage and filtration, Houston believes, remove all likely danger from aggregated microbes, and tend to render separated microbes fairly equally distributed throughout a water supply. There is no" ground for the suggestion that B. coli may become transformed into the typhoid bacillus. The persistence of the typhoid bacillus in water is largely governed by the chemical constitution and bacteriological characters of the medium (see also p. 225). Typhoid bacilli persist longer in bacterially pure waters than in waters containing large numbers of bacteria, and Houston has shown that raw river water infected with ' uncultivated ' typhoid bacilli from a case of typhoid bacilluria cleared itself of 99-99 per cent, of typhoid bacilli after a week, and apparently the organism had completely disappeared in ten days (cf. pp. 202, 211, 225). When they are present, infusoria and crustacean organisms devour typhoid bacilli. Whipple and Mayer found that in water kept under anaerobic conditions (atmosphere of hydrogen) typhoid bacilli quickly died, although under similar conditions it may thrive in nutrient media. Houston found that between 0° and 18° C., the higher the temperature the quicker was the disappearance ioo AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY of typhoid bacilli in water. Provided it be sterile, organic- ally polluted water such as sterile sewage does not clear itself any quicker than a pure sterile water. Hewlett says that in aerated water (CO2), B. typhosus does not survive a fortnight. Very different periods of survival have been found by different workers, even a year in unsterilised tap water having been insufficient for it to die out. Shellfish. — Oysters, winkles, mussels, cockles, etc., from contaminated water may be a source of infection (see p. 207). Klein has shown that oysters readily take up B. typhosus, but clear themselves of the ingested typhoid bacilli if they are kept in clean water which is frequently changed. The process is slower if they are kept in a ' dry ' state — i.e., out of the sea- water. Oysters from a polluted locality clear them- selves of the ingested bacilli to a less extent and at a slower rate, even if kept in clean sea-water, than oysters clean at starting. Oysters from a polluted locality containing a large number of the B. coli very rapidly clear themselves of this microbe, whether kept in or out of the water. This shows that B. coli is foreign to the oyster, and is rapidly destroyed by it. When, therefore, it is present in the oyster, it must have been derived from the surroundings. However largely infected with typhoid bacilli, the oysters remain in all parts of normal aspect. Cockles and mussels similarly take up the typhoid bacillus, but clear themselves much more slowly, particularly in the case of cockles, than do oysters. The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in their Report for 1912 suggested a period of quarantine in pure water for shellfish before sale. Dust and Air. — Infection through the air for any dis- tance, though possible, is unlikely. In India, where excreta are buried in the ground, and dust-storms are frequent, water-supplies and food are sometimes con- taminated by faecal-loaded debris. Where latrines are employed, as in military camps, it has been found that the spot from which an epidemic started was that nearest to, and directly to leeward of, the filth trenches; and the direction in which it spread was always down the wind. Flies. — After feeding on excreta, and other infected material, bacilli adhere to the legs and wings of these THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 101 insects, and should any be swallowed they may pass through the fly unhurt. Living bacilli have been found in or on the bodies of flies twenty-three days after infec- tion. Dutton infected two healthy persons by exposing them to bed-bugs that had previously bitten a typhoid case. Vegetables. — Watercress grown in sewage-polluted streams, and vegetables from sewage farms, are proved to have been the means for the conveyance of the disease. Creel ascertained that plants from seed sown in infected soil carried typhoid bacilli on their leaves for over thirty days when shade was provided. In full sunlight the t3^phoid bacilli lived ten days at the outside. Soil. — Whereas in peat the bacillus dies within twenty- four hours, in moist earth it may exist for two or three months, but shows no tendency to increase in numbers. Milk. — Through being handled by infected persons, through the use of polluted water for rinsing out utensils or for purposes of dilution, typhoid bacilli can obtain access to milk, and it is probable that multiplication may take place. The organism will survive for at least twenty days, even after the milk has turned sour and curdled. Butter made from infected milk retains the power of infection for a time, and it is possible that the organism may exist in curd cheeses. A series of cases on the round of a specific milkman is the usual clue to the origin of a milk epidemic. There is no evidence to warrant a suggestion that cows may suffer from and transmit the disease. Filters. — A filter such as the domestic carbon type, which only arrests a portion of the micro-organisms, if contaminated by the passage of an infected water, will continue to infect water passing through it, even if this be pure. Contact. — Direct infection of a healthy person by a typhoid case is not uncommon. The ' typhoid carrier ' (vide infra] is especially dangerous on account of his condition being probably unrecognised. Pathogenesis. — The bacillus can nearly always be found in the blood during the fever period, the number being greatest during the early stages of the fever. The number decreases with the temperature, and disappears when the latter reaches normal. Inflammation and 102 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY necrosis of the Peyer's patches is set up, forming ulcers, which may become so deep as to lead to perforation. The bacillus may rarely be detected in the faeces and urine during the early stages of the disease, but appears in the former after the eighth or ninth day, and from urine enormous numbers can sometimes be found after the third week. The organism may be found in the spleen, sweat, mesenteric glands, liver, kidneys, bone-marrow, and in some cases of pneumo-typhoid in the sputum. From its presence in the kidneys, rose spots, and urine, Wright and Semple consider the disease to be a septi- caemia. The dorsi-lumbar region is not a very uncommon site for the late activity of the bacillus (' typhoid spine '). Such complications as cystitis (from infection by urine) and inflammations of the gall-bladder are common. Typhoid bacilli persist in the gall-bladder for a long time and are suggested to be a frequent nucleus of gallstone. Typhoid pleurisy is rare and typhoid meningitis rarer still. Osteomyelitis may develop six or seven years after recovery from typhoid (Jordan). Injected into animals, the typhoid bacillus produces a general septi- caemia. Animals, with the exception of chimpanzees and young suckling rabbits, are immune to the bacillus administered per os. In young rabbits a febrile affection is produced, with diarrhoea and inflammation and ulcera- tion of the lymphoid (Peyer's) patches and solitary glands. The organism is most readily demonstrated in, and isolated from, the spleen of a cadaver, in which it is found in the form of small aggregates or colonies. The view that the first lesion necessarily takes place in the ileum is giving way before the idea that an entrance into the blood-stream is effected through the tonsil or other alimentary lymphoid area. Typhoid Carriers. — After cessation of the fever, the bacillus disappears from the faeces and urine fairly soon as a rule, but a certain proportion (Semplo gives it as 11*6 per cent.) of cases are infectious for more than six weeks after infection (chronic carriers). It is estimated that three or four persons in every thousand are carriers. Cammidge records a case where the bacilli wore still being excreted in the faeces ten years after recovery from the disease. The gall-bladder and the urinary passages are the sources from which the faeces and urine are infected. THE COLON -TYPHOID GROUP 103 Mild typos of the disease arc as likely to give rise to bacilli carriers as the severest forms. Typhoid carriers may also be recruited from those who have not passed through an attack of the disease in a clinically recognisable form and from those who have been in contact with typhoid cases. The handling of food by such persons is a great source of danger, and outbreaks of the disease have been definitely traced to them. Serum-Therapy. — Chantemesse grows the typhoid bacillus in a maceration of spleen, bone-marrow, and defibrinated human blood. This, on the injection of an animal, produces a serum which, Wright suggests, perhaps owes its value to the presence of toxins and not of anti- bodies. Macfadyen and Hewlett, by injecting horses with the cell- juice of typhoid bacilli, prepared by grinding the bacilli in the presence of liquid air, obtained a serum of promise. Anti-Typhoid Vaccine (Wright). — Typhoid bacilli (the virulence being kept by intraperitoneal passages through guinea-pigs) are grown in nutrient broth in flasks, at 37° C., for a maximum period of thirty-six hours, and not that of ten to fourteen days as formerly. A temperature of 60° C. as originally employed for killing the bacilli seriously affected the keeping property of the vaccine. Now, after the contents of several flasks have been mixed (to get a uniform product), the culture is killed by exposure to 53° C. for an hour. Portions for testing sterility by both aerobic and anaerobic methods are removed and the bulk is allowed to cool, when 4 per cent, of lysol is added. (Addition of lysol to the hot vaccine destroys the immun- ising properties.) This killed culture forms the vaccine, which is standardised by estimating the content of bacilli (see p. 24). A dose of 500 million is injected subcutane- ously, and is followed by a febrile reaction, which soon passes off. To obtain more complete protection a second injection of twice the original dose may be given after an interval of ten to fourteen days. The success of this vaccine is remarkable both as a prophylactic and as a curative measure, and an expectation that it will clear the organism from carriers appears reasonable. In the Expeditionary Force in France the ratio of attacks is fourteen times and of deaths forty-two times greater among the uninoculated men. The vaccine loses its 104 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY properties by degrees, and should never be used if it is older than three months. Antityphoid vaccine does not protect against the para- typhoids (q.v.). Inoculation has proved to be quite a harmless procedure, the great majority of men inoculated experiencing nothing more than ' inoculation fever.' Very occasionally it starts pyogenic organisms, already lurking in the body, into activity. Bacteriological Diagnosis — Blood Culture. — Two to five c.c. of blood are withdrawn from a superficial vein with a sterile syringe, and small flasks of broth (25 to 50 c.c.) are inseminated, each with 1 to 2 c.c. of the blood, and incubated. This method serves to differentiate cases of paratyphoid from true typhoid by the differences in the bacilli isolated. It is useful for diagnosis during the first week. Widal's Reaction (see p. 19). — The lobe of an ear is Washed with ether or some other suitable liquid. With a straight, spear-pointed surgical needle a prick is made into the lobe and the blood collected in a capillary tube, preferably sterile. An ordinary vaccine tube does very well. The blood should form a continuous column in the tube. The ends of the tube should be cautiously sealed in the flame, dry end first, care being taken that the blood is so far away from the ends as not to become heated. It is better if the tube can be centrifuged, so as to obtain a clear serum; if this cannot be done, it will be found that after a few hours, on breaking off the ends of the tube, a string of clot and some serum can be blown out on to a glass slide, and the serum with some corpuscles collected in another capillary tube, or in the diluting pipette to be described immediately. If the tube has been centrifuged, it is broken off at the junction of serum and corpuscles, and the clear serum blown out. A haemocytometer pipette may be used for diluting, or a pipette may be made by drawing out a piece of glass tubing in the blowpipe flame. A little of the serum is drawn up into it, a mark made on the glass at the upper limit of the serum, and the serum blown out into a watch glass. Then any desired number of similar volumes of diluting fluid (O7 per cent, salt solution) are added to the serum, and the whole mixed. Alternatively, Delepine's method may be adopted: THE COLON -TYPHOID GROUP 105 Fifteen drops of broth or salt solution are successively taken up in a loop of platinum wire, and placed on a glass slide; close to them is placed one drop of the serum, and the sixteen drops are then thoroughly mixed. A small drop of this diluted serum is mixed on a cover-glass with an equal-sized drop of a broth culture of the typhoid bacillus. This gives a total dilution of the serum of rather over 1 in 30. The culture should preferably be from a specimen of low virulence, but it is not an essential point; some cultures agglutinate much better than others. It is also better (but again not essential, if free from clumps) for the culture not to be over twenty-four hours old. If no broth culture is available, an agar culture rubbed up in broth or salt solution will do as well, but should be filtered through filter-paper to remove clumps before use. Dead broth cultures (killed by heating to 65° C. for an hour) may also be used. A control hanging-drop preparation of the culture should always be made, and examined to see that no clumps of bacilli are present in it. The mixed drop of diluted serum and of culture is examined as a hanging-drop (p. 47) and should have very little depth, as the * clumps ' have a tendency to sink and get beyond the focal distance of the lens. At first the bacilli may be active, but if the case is one of enteric fever they soon slow down or stop, then gradually groups of two or three form; these groups soon aggregate until nearly all are collected into various crowds or ' clumps,' with very few isolated bacilli left. If the reaction is com- plete within thirty minutes, the case is certainly one of enteric fever. Generally it is not complete, and there may be groups of only ten or twenty, but the occurrence of grouping and loss of movement are in themselves decisive. The dilution of the serum is necessary, because the serum of normal individuals will often, undiluted, evince an agglutinative power, but not, so far as experience goes, in a total dilution of more than 1 in 16. More than one dilution should always be examined, and it is advisable that one should be high, such as 1 to 80 or 1 to 100. The lower dilutions may conveniently be 1 in 30 and 1 in 50. The time-limit is necessary since many normal sera will act, even when diluted, if left an indefinite time; with a dilution of 1 in 30 to 1 in 50 an hour should be io6 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY sufficient. Time and dilutions should always be recorded. A positive reaction with a 1 in 80 dilution would in almost all cases indicate the bacillus to be either specific for the serum or very nearly so. It sometimes happens that agglutination is obtained with a certain dilution but not with a lower one, e.g., the 1 in 50 may be positive and one of 1 in 16 may be negative. Such ' zone reactions' are very rare. The agglutination method is very satisfactory. It is not obtained until about the seventh day of fever, is rarely intermittent, and a negative result should not be accepted unless repeated three or four times at intervals of a few days; it is rarely absent throughout the course of the disease, and in such cases the disease is frequently severe. The reaction persists for years after an attack, and, therefore, before applying the test a previous attack should, if possible, be excluded. Inoculation with Wright's vaccine also causes the blood of the inoculated to acquire agglutinative properties. Pyrexia leads to a diminution or disappearance of inoculation agglutinins, and Tidy says that a positive Widal reaction after the sixth day of pyrexia is as definite a proof of B. typhosus infection in an inoculated as in an uninoculated man. Delepine isolated a strain of typhoid bacillus, designated as 7120, which clumped with the serum of an active case of typhoid, but not with the serum of an artificially inoculated person. The blood in paratyphoid infections may sometimes agglutinate the typhoid bacillus, but usually only in low dilution. Agglutometers for perform- ing the test by macroscopical observation with dead typhoid bacilli are sold. Ophthalmo-Diagnosis. — Chantemesse applies typhoid toxins to the conjunctiva — a reaction analogous to Cal- mette's tuberculin conjunctival reaction. Cutaneous Reaction. — Deehan applies a drop of fluid containing the standardised toxin to the skin, and then makes a slight abrasion with a lancet under the drop. The reaction, which does not cause the patients any discomfort, is supposed to be specific. Cultivation from Faeces and Urine. — Surface-plate cultures (p. 237) on Conradi-Drigalski agar, MacConkey's lactose bile-salt agar or malachite-green agar are made with the material, which should be as fresh as possible. THE COLON -TYPHOID GROUP 107 The faeces are first diluted by emulsifying 1 or 2 grammes of fcecal matter with about 700 c.c. of sterile normal salt solution; when the emulsion has stood for about one hour, so as to allow the coarser particles to subside, a small quantity of the supernatant fluid is pipetted off for plating. It is necessary to use three large Petri dishes for each case; about four drops of the fluid emulsion is transferred to plate 1, and carefully spread over the surface with a glass rod spreader bent at right angles. The same spreader, but without being reinfected, is then carefully rubbed in succession over the surface of plates 2 and 3; all three plates are then incubated at a temperature of 37° C. for twenty-four hours. Colonies resembling typhoid or paratyphoid are worked up. To inhibit B. coli, some workers make a primary inoculation of fseces into peptone water every 5 c.c. of which contains 0-2 c.c. of a 1 in 10,000 solution of brilliant green, incubate for one or two days and then plate out. The simple plating is, however, quite satisfactory. With urine it is only necessary to spread a small quan- tity, varying from a few drops to 1 c.c. or thereabouts, over the surface of a plate containing one of the media mentioned, and then to proceed as above. The Dysentery Bacillus. The several varieties of dysentery are due to different etiological agents. In one form — the tropical or amoebic — an amoeba is believed to be the causative organism (see p. 174); in a second form, the so-called epidemic or bacillary, a bacillus (B. dysentericc:} is the infecting agent. The paratyphoid bacilli and B. pyocyaneus may also cause a dysenteric condition, and possibly other organisms — e.g., the B. coli and Proteus vulgaris — and certain parasites— e. g., the bilharzia— produce a pseudo-dysen- tery. As many as fifteen types of dysentery bacilli are said to exist, the Shiga-Kruse and the Flexner groups being best known. Morphology. — The dysentery bacilli form no spores and are Cram-negative. They are generally said to be non-motile, and most workers have failed to demonstrate flagella. io8 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY PHOID GROUP. MEMBERS OF THE CO I I i i + + •djopuf I I i I+I+I++ + + +II+ + ill 1 1 i OOC5 1 1 1 I 1 . I , , +1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 1 + . §88-3j£ pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq rod G = Gas p auer reaction ion. C = Curd production. of indole, or positive Voges-Pr F = Fluorescence. duction. Alk = Alkali prod resence of motility, productio L = Liquef act io THE COLON-TYPHOID GROUP 109 Culture. — The bacilli are aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. The growths on surface agar and gelatin are much like those of typhoid; there is no liquefaction of gelatin. In broth and peptone-water there is a general turbidity without pellicle; indole may or may not be formed. On potato the growth is usually thin and colour- less, sometimes yellowish or brownish. In milk it grows well without clotting, the reaction being first acid, and generally after a few days becoming alkaline. It ferments glucose with the production of acid, but no gas; lactose is not attacked, and neutral red is unchanged. The varieties are identified by agglutination reactions and action on mannitol. The Flexner type ferments mannitol with production of acid, but no gas, while the Shiga-Kruse bacillus has no action on this polyhydric alcohol. Some varieties ferment maltose and saccharose as well. The thermal death-point is about 60° C. Soluble thermostable toxins are formed in alkaline media, and Todd has been able to produce an antitoxin by treating an animal with the toxin. Agglutinating Reaction. — Provided the type of organ- ism causing the disease be employed, the blood-serum of patients with bacillary dysentery gives an agglutination reaction, sometimes in high dilutions. Whereas agglutina- tion can be obtained on the second day in some cases, in others it is not found till the twelfth day. Pathogenesis. — The liver abscesses generally found in amoebic dysentery do not occur in the bacillary disease, and the organism is not found in the urine or blood, but it is abundant in the bowel discharges. The incubation period, after the bacilli have been swallowed, is from one to two days. The organism is met with in the so-called ulcerative colitis, or ' asylums dysentery,' and in a considerable proportion of cases of epidemic (summer) diarrhoea of infants. Direct or indirect contact with infected bowel dis- charges is recognised as a principal means of infection. After apparent recovery the convalescent may still excrete the bacilli. Polluted water has been held re- sponsible for infection, but Forster has shown that the Shiga bacillus has but a short life outside the body, and no AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Buchanan (Medical Press, June 30, 1909) is of opinion that water is not so often to blame as is generally imagined. MacGonkey's lactose agar or Conradi-Drigalski agar may conveniently be used for isolation of the bacilli from faeces. On the former white colonies, and on the latter small clear blue colonies, are worked up. CHAPTER VIII THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS Morphology. — The Klebs-Loffler bacillus (B. diphtherice) is a delicate, slender, non-motile, and non-sporing organ- ism, having rounded ends. Its length is variable, long, medium, and short varieties being described, the usual length seen being 3 ^ to 5 //. Both in the membrane and in cultures a remarkable parallelism in arrangement is seen, and club-shaped forms are frequent. It is not killed by drying; dust containing the bacillus will retain its virulence for months under certain condi- tions. The organism is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic, and its thermal death-point is 58° C. Staining. — When stained with Loffler's alkaline methy- lene blue, the staining is frequently irregular, darker and lighter stained portions alternating — the so-called ' seg- mentation ' ; sometimes the poles are deeply stained, appearing as dark dots at the ends — ' polar staining ' ; and occasionally there is a change of tint to a pinkish here and there — ' metachromatism.' Wesbrook divides the bacillus into three types: The ' solid ' type stains uniformly ; the ' barred ' form shows intervening segments, which either stain but slightly or not at all; and the granular type (which predominates in clinically characteristic affections) has deeply staining granules. The bacillus is Gram-positive, and as con- firmatory stains Neisser's or Pugh's stains are generally used, Neisser's diagnostic stain: A preparation for about thirty seconds is treated with the following solution: One gramme of methylene blue dissolved in 20 c.c. of alcohol, and mixed with 950 c.c. of distilled water and •50 c.c. of glacial acetic acid. It is rinsed in water, treated THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS in with Gram's iodine solution, and then counter- stained in Bismarck brown (see p. 50) for about a minute, washed, dried, and mounted. The Klebs-Loffler bacillus treated by this method appears a? a delicate rod, stained pale brown, and contain- ing two inky- blue dots, one at each end. Sometimes a dot is also seen in the centre. Most other organisms simply stain brown, without any dots. (In the original method the two staining solutions were alone employed; Tanner introduced the use of Gram's iodine. Both solutions should be filtered before use.) In some instances it is possible to obtain characteristic stained preparations from the cultures after five or six hours' incubation, long before there is any visible growth. Pugh's stain consists of 1 gramme of toluidine blue dissolved in 20 c.c. of absolute alcohol, and made up to a litre with distilled water. Fifty c.c. of glacial acetic acid are added, and the stain filtered. Cover-glass preparations are stained for five minutes, and then washed in water. This stain shows up the granules very dis- tinctly and saves the necessity for a double stain. Cultural Characters. — On gelatin the growth is slow, without liquefaction. On agar at blood-heat growth is more rapid; on potato, unless first moistened with beef broth, the growth is scarcely perceptible. On blood-serum and glycerin agar growth is rapid, but Loftier' s medium (p. 39) is most used, as the growth which appears as a cream-coloured streak along the line of inoculation is so rapid as to allow the bacillus generally to outstrip other organisms that may have been present in the throat, and is visible in twelve hours. A number of small isolated dots near to, but not touching, the actual streak is suggestive of the organism. The bacillus exhibits heemolytic property, a yellowish area encircling a colony on blood-agar. Hofniann and xerosis bacilli are said to be devoid of this power. Milk is turned acid without coagulation. Acid, but no gas, is produced in glucose and lactose media. In peptone-water, after a few days, an indole reaction can be obtained with sulphuric acid; this is not due to indole, but to skatole-carboxylic acid (Hewlett). The bacillus (and some staphylococci) grows red with a bluish-pink tint diffusing through the medium on a 112 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY glucose neutral red sheep-blood serum containing 1 per cent, potassium sulphocyanate (Myer Coplans). B. Hofmanni grows yellow! Bacteriological Diagnosis. — The diphtheria bacillus can occasionally be identified by direct examination of a teased-up fragment of membrane, or in expert hands it may be recognised in a smear made from a swabbing. But generally a cultivation is necessary. The throat may be touched with a platinum wire, and successive streaks made along the surface of a sloped tube of Loftier' s serum. Or an ' outfit,' consisting of a sterile cotton-wool swab in a sterile tube, may be used. The swab is rubbed over the suspected portion of the throat, replaced in the tube, and sent to the laboratory. The use of antiseptic gargles or tablets shortly before swabbing must not be allowed, nor should swabbing be performed soon after a meal, since particles of food containing bacteria may render the examination more difficult. The early morn- ing is a most suitable time for routine swabbings. In contacts and convalescents, where no obviously diseased patches are to be seen, the swab should be rubbed on both tonsils. The swab is rubbed over the surfaces of two serum-tubes in turn thoroughly, so that all parts of the swab come in contact with the serum, but lightly, so as to avoid ploughing up the surface, and the tubes are incubated at blood-heat for twelve to twenty-four hours. Cover-glass preparations are then made from the most likely colonies. If no growth is visible, a scraping of the whole surface should be taken, and should a micro- scopical examination of this preparation be negative, the tubes should be incubated for a further twenty-four hours. Millard, while regarding the ' long granular ' organism as the B. diphtherice par excellence, expects solid stained bacilli to show granules if further incubated. For diagnostic purposes the barred forms are less satisfactory, as B. coryzce segmentosus, commonly found in the nose in a common cold, B. xerosis (vide infra), and B. auris and B. ceruminis, found in the ear, are very similar. Diphtheroids. — In many healthy throats or throats diseased but not with diphtheria, are to be found bacilli that closely resemble the Klebs-Loffler bacillus in every particular except that of virulence, and it can hardly be THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS 113 doubted that they are really diphtheria bacilli which have lost their virulence. The Hofmann bacillus (' pseudo- diphtheria bacillus ') differs from the Klebs-Loffler bacillus in several particulars. It is a shorter, plumper, somewhat spindle-shaped rod, staining pretty evenly, only exceptionally presenting involution forms, and not giving the Neisser staining reaction. Like the true diphtheria bacillus, it stains well by Gram, and has the same parallelism in arrangement. Its most marked distinguishing feature is that it produces alkali and not acid in milk and glucose media. It is virulent to many small birds, but not to guinea-pigs, and Salter has claimed that, though not forming toxin, it does form toxoids, which are capable of combining with diphtheria antitoxin, but his results have not been confirmed by Hewlett no£ by Petrie. Some have believed that the Hofmann bacillus is a modified and non-virulent Klebs-Loffler bacillus. Most observers have failed to transform the one bacillus into the other, though success has been claimed in a few instances. The Hofmann bacillus seems to replace the diphtheria bacillus in the fauces during convalescence, and this has suggested the transformation of the latter into the former. But as Cobbett pointed out, diphtheria bacilli being soon found in the acute stage, Hofmann bacilli might pass unnoticed, but would be found when scarcity or absence of Klebs-Loffler bacilli necessitated a longer microscopical examination. Present opinion inclines to regard the Hofmann bacillus as a species distinct from the Klebs-Loffler bacillus. In view of this uncertainty, cases of ' angina,' in which the Hofmann bacillus only can be isolated, are often treated as infective. Van Eiemsdyk (Lancet, 1915, ii. 766) says that true diphtheria bacilli inhabit the throat for choice and not the nose; pseudo-diphtheria bacilli, contrariwise, are most often found in the nose and rarely in the throat. The Hofmann bacillus has been found in the nasal mucus of as many as 71 per cent, of dwellers in large towns. Ford Robertson believes the specific organism of general paralysis to be a diphtheroid organism occurring in the cere- bro-spinal fluid (B. paralyticans), and reports remissions in patients by the use of a vaccine. The xerosis bacillus, an organism met with on the H4 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY conjunctiva, is extremely like the diphtheria bacillus in morphology and staining reaction, but it grows more slowly, and the cultures are thinner, drier, and more granular than those of the diphtheria bacillus, and it is non-virulent. These organisms can be differentiated by fermentation reactions. Buchanan obtained excellent results by coagulating ox-serum in an equal quantity of water, filtering the mixture, adding 1 per cent, of glucose to one- half and 1 per cent, of saccharose to the other half, and ' tubing,' neutral red being used as an indicator. In twenty-four hours a marked acid reaction was produced in the glucose tube by B. diphtheria, and in both tubes by B. xerosis, while no change was produced in either tube by the bacillus of Hofmann. Hiss's serum-water medium is also used for the fer- mentation reactions: Serum 1 part, water 3 parts, with 1 per cent, of a carbohydrate or glycerin, tinged with litmus. The virulence of the bacillus varies considerably. The average amount of a forty-eight hours' broth culture required to kill a 250 to 300 gramme guinea-pig within one to two days is 0-5 to TO c.c. Channels of Infection. — Diphtheria is particularly a disease of the young between the ages of two and ten; the mortality is greatest at ages below five, and during the last quarter, and is lowest during the summer months. Its distribution is world-wide, but it is most prevalent in cold and temperate climes. The ' school influence ' is an undoubted factor in disseminating the disease, there being a decrease in the number of cases during holidays. The disease may be acquired by direct infection, as in kissing, or by less direct means. The organism retains its virulence for a long time in particles of dried mem- brane, sputum, and discharges. As a rule, the bacilli disappear from the throat within three or four weeks of the beginning of the attack, but they often persist for longer periods. Millard found bacilli present thirty days after admission in 25 per cent, of his cases, and a case of Hewlett's repeatedly gave the organism for twenty-two weeks after the commencement of convalescence. A case should not be pronounced as being free from infection until at least two, preferably three, examinations have shown that the bacilli are no longer present. THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS 115 While non- virulent diphtheria-like bacilli are frequently present in milk and its products, virulent Klebs-Loffler bacilli have several times been isolated from milk. Klein stated that cows inoculated in the shoulder with the bacillus are attacked with an eruptive disease of the udder, and that the diphtheria bacillus could be isolated from their milk. Abbott and Hitter, repeating Klein's experiments, failed to find the bacilli in the milk. Dean and Todd investigated a small outbreak of diphtheria, in which the Klebs-Loffler bacillus was isolated from the milk and from an eruption on the udders of two cows supplying it. They seem to have proved, however, that the eruptive disease was not due to the diphtheria bacillus, but was an eruption which had become infected with the bacillus, and they suggest that both the lesions on the cows and the milk had become infected from some outside source, possibly the milker. Milk epidemics are generally attributed to a human rather than a bovine origin. Experiments show that the bacillus may survive for some weeks in spring waters of little organic impurity, although during this time the virulence is gradually attenuated. If, however, at any time previous to its ultimate disappearance the organism be transplanted into a suitable culture medium, it can reacquire its full initial virulence. There is, however, no well- authenticated instance in which water has been proved to be the source of infection. Faulty sanitary conditions may also assist in the spread of this disease by preparing the throat for the bacillus, and may in this way apparently give rise to cases which would never have arisen had it not been for the existence of such conditions. It is not unusual for an epidemic of diphtheria to be preceded by a prevalence of ' sore throat,' which seems to gather in intensity till cases arise of undoubtedly true diphtheria. Pathogenesis. — The incubation period varies from two to seven days, but is usually from about two to four days. The mortality is about 0-20 per cent, of the total death- rate. Mucous surfaces are most prone to infection. The pharynx is most generally the area attacked, but infection of the larynx (membranous croup) and of the nose u6 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY (membranous rhinitis) are common. The middle ear and the mucous surfaces of the genitals may also be sites of infection. Traumatic diphtheria may arise through contact of an abraded surface with the organism. Con- junctival infections have been caused by patients coughing or sneezing in the eyes of attendants. In the skin an eruption indistinguishable from eczema is produced. The tonsil plays an important part in the defence of the body and in pre-antitoxin days the mildness and low mortality rate of tonsillar, as compared with other diphtherias, was attributed to this defence. Occasionally the organism may produce a septicaemia, but generally only the toxins circulate, the organism remaining more or less localised at the seat of infection (toxaemia). In a typical case a white wash-leather-like membranous coating, consisting of a fibrinous exudation, is present, and on detachment leaves a bleeding patch. Absorption of the toxin produces lesions in the heart, nerves, and kidneys, and paralytic sequelae may follow recovery from an attack. Hewlett says that paralytic sequelae are not found when infection of a non-diphtheritic nature is concerned. Kanthack and Stephens found that in fatal casein diphtheria bacilli can, almost without exception, be de- tected in the lungs, generally in the cervical and bronchial glands and spleen, and sometimes in the kidney. The term ' haemorrhagic diphtheria ' is applied to those cases in which, in addition to other signs of malignancy, haemorrhages appear in the skin at an early stage of the disease, with or without haemorrhages from the mucous membranes (Rolleston, Medical Press, 1909, 390). The mortality is over 80 per cent., reaction to antitoxin is delayed, and all the cases which recover suffer from extensive paralysis. A person may have the bacillus in the throat without contracting the disease. It may be found in 20 per cent, or more of contacts. Once lodged deep in the lacunae of the tonsil, the bacillus remains there and the patient becomes a ' carrier.' Pybus records a case that had three attacks of diphtheria in as many years and none after removal of the tonsils. A. G. Macdonald says that the length of carrier-life of the bacillus appears to have no THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS 117 effect upon its virulence, since the organism has been proved to be virulent after four and eight months in the ear and nose. The guinea-pig, rabbit, dog, cat, horse, and cow, are all susceptible to infection with the diphtheria bacillus. Rats and mice are refractory. A disease of cats appears to be identical with human diphtheria. They may also harbour diphtheria bacilli without symptoms of the dis- ease. Although both are susceptible to infection with the Klebs-Lo filer bacillus, the diseases known respectively as diphtheria of poultry and calves (p. 121) are of a different nature, and non-communicable to man. Mixed Infections. — In the false membrane the Klebs- Loffler bacillus is often associated with such organisms as Streptococcus pyogenes, staphylococci, and pneumococci. In such cases a high .temperature and foatid throat may be expected, and probably the pathologic process is more serious. W. J. Wilson says that staphylococci may be antagonistic to diphtheria bacilli. Diphtheria Toxin and Antitoxin. — The nature of the extracellular toxin is not known, but it probably consists of protein. When injected into an animal in doses, sublethal at first and gradually increasing, an antitoxin is formed. In addition to the toxin, a diphtheria broth culture contains other substances called toxones and toxoids that combine with antitoxin. Toxoids are non-toxic deriva- tives of toxin. Toxones are primary secretory bodies that produce induration, necrosis, and paralysis. Preparation of the Toxin. — A virulent culture (grown in slightly alkaline beef broth at 37° C., with free access of air, for a week) is filtered through a Pasteur-Chamber- land filter. The toxicity of the filtrate should be such that not more than O'Ol c.c. will kill a 250-gramme guinea- pig in forty-eight hours. Immunisation of the Horse. — A small dose of toxin is injected into the withers, together with a dose of anti- toxin. A slight swelling appears, and after a few days subsides, when the operation is repeated, using a larger quantity of toxin. A swelling again appears; when this has in turn subsided, further injections are made, till it is possible to inject 500 c.c. of toxin without injury nS AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY to the animal. When sufficiently immune, a sterile cannula is inserted in the jugular vein, and the blood drawn off into sterile bottles. The bottles are placed in an ice chamber to allow the clot to separate. The clear serum is separated for use. A small quantity of trikresol is added. For use in hot climates the serum may be evaporated to dry ness in vacuo, and then forms amber-coloured scales or granules, which, for use, may be dissolved in five to ten parts of sterile water (one part of dry serum = about ten parts of the fluid serum). There is gradual diminution of antitoxic power in the serum yielded by horses, even though they continue to receive toxin, so after some months fresh animals have to be employed. The preparation of a horse to give serum of very high antitoxic value by the above method involves treat- ment extending to six months or more. Cartwright Wood grows the diphtheria bacillus in ordinary peptone broth containing serum for three or four weeks at 37° C., and, after filtration, heats for an hour at 65° C. It is thereby claimed that powerful antitoxic serum can be produced in a short time. During immunisation a small quantity of blood is with- drawn from time to time, and its antitoxic power tested. Standardisation of the Serum. — The serum is tested against a certain amount of the toxin, the result being recorded in units. The methods of Behring and of Roux were formerly employed for this purpose. According to Behring's standard, a serum that contains one normal antitoxin unit per c.c. is of such a strength that ^o °f a c-c- completely neutralises the action of ten lethal doses of toxin. The lethal dose of toxin is the amount required to kill a given weight of guinea-pig. Of this toxin, ten times the amount required to kill a guinea-pig of about 250 grammes weight is injected, together with the antitoxin to be tested. By noting the absence or presence of local reaction and the increase or loss of weight, it is stated that an opinion may often be formed after twenty-four hours, but that after forty-eight hours a decision can always be given. When the toxin is completely neutralised, as it should be, the animal should not only live, but there should be no trace of local reaction (oedematous swelling). This THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS 119 swelling may not be apparent in the first twenty-four hours, but a rapid fall in weight will at that time fre- quently indicate its probable occurrence within the next twenty-four hours. In this connection it should be borne in mind that guinea-pigs, taken from stock and put into small cages, usually rise in weight when not injured by the action of the toxin. Roux's method defines the proportion of serum in relation to the weight of the animal which would protect a guinea-pig against a lethal dose of toxin. Ehrlich's method of standardisation, now universally adopted, eliminates errors due to toxoids and toxones. A standard antitoxin is employed, as this is more stable than toxin if dried and stored in vacuo. For use, this is diluted so that one unit is contained in 1 c.c. The laboratory toxin is then standardised with this standard antitoxin, and the exact amount of the toxin is ascertained, which, when mixed with one unit of antitoxin, just suffices to cause the death on the fourth or fifth day of a 250-gramme guinea-pig. This amount of the toxin is termed the L+ dose (L = limes = boundary — i.e., be- tween life and death, the neutral point — L+ meaning that there is one lethal guinea-pig dose of the toxin left unneutralised by the unit of antitoxin). The L+ dose of the laboratory toxin having been ascertained, this amount of the toxin is mixed with varying amounts of the antitoxic serum to be tested, and each mixture is injected into a 250-gramme guinea-pig. The amount of the serum which just suffices to completely protect the guinea-pig from the toxic effects of the L+ dose of toxin is then known to contain one unit of antitoxin. The standardised toxin is preserved by the addition of toluol, and is kept in a cool, dark place; but even then its toxicity gradually diminishes, and it has to be restandardised every three to six weeks. As Sudmersen and Glenny found that the active immunity of the doe guinea-pig is transferred passively to her offspring, animals from parents used previously in the test cannot be used. The unit of antitoxin corresponds to 105 to 115 minimal lethal doses of a toxin for the guinea-pig, or, roughly, to 100 minimal lethal doses. The most suitable place for injection of antitoxic 120 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY serum is the subcutaneous tissue of the flank. The dose given varies from 2,000 to 4,000 units up to 30,000 or more. A child may require as much as an adult. Injections of serum are often followed by the appearance of various rashes, sometimes erythematous. at other times urticarial, and in a few cases not unlike the rash of scarlet fever or of measles. These rashes usually come on in from seven to ten days after the injection; sometimes the rash is accompanied by more or less pyrexia, and in a small number of cases by pains, and even effusion into some of the joints. Such rashes may appear after injection of normal horse-serum (see Serum Disease, p. 26). Diphtheritic paralysis seems to occur more frequently than formerly, the explanation being that more cases, and especially severe ones, recover. For cases treated on the first day of the disease the mortality is nil, but rises with delay in treatment, until in cases not treated until after the fourth day the mortality is nearly as great as in pre- antitoxin times. In many cases the injection of the serum is followed by a speedy reduction in the severity of the symptoms, and a rapid separation of the membrane in cases where it was causing obstruction of the air-passages, thus diminishing the number of cases which would otherwise require tracheotomy. Prophylactic Use of Diphtheria Antitoxin. — To protect contacts the prophylactic dose should be about 500 units. The immunity so obtained does not last longer than three weeks. Vincent's Angina. This affection of the throat often closely simulates diphtheria, but the diphtheria bacillus is absent. In the lesions Vincent describes the presence of two sym- biotic organisms — one a bacillus, with pointed ends 6-8 // to 10-12,0. in length and 1-1-5^ in diameter, sometimes motile, not staining by Gram, and cultivable anaerobic- ally on the ordinary media with the addition of human serum (B. fusiformis). With this is usually associated a long, delicate, motile spirillum (Spirochceta Vincenti), which has not been cultivated, and which is supposed to be the fusiform bacillus in another stage. THE DIPHTHERIA BACILLUS 121 Diphtheria of Birds. ' Pigeon diphtheria ' appears to be generally due to an organism resembling the bacillus of hsemorrhagio septi- caemia, but the 1907 epidemic in wood-pigeons and some other epidemics were presumably due to Loffler's B. diphtheria? columbarium, a short, non-motile organism, which is Gram-negative and forms no spores. Diphtheritic roup of poultry is supposed to be due to a protozoon. Macfadyen and Hewlett isolated a Klebs- Loffler-like organism from the throats of healthy birds, but the organism was non- virulent to guinea-pigs. Jordan states that an organism usually present in roup differs essentially from the Klebs-Loffler organism; diphtheria antitoxin is without effect upon the progress of roup. A tough, yellow, false membrane is found on the conjunctivas and the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and breathing passages of the birds, and, apart from the ques- tion of transmissibility of the disease to man, the affected birds are emaciated to a degree that renders the flesh unfit for food. Calf Diphtheria (malignant or ulcerative stomatitis) is said by Hewlett to be produced by an anaerobic strepto- thrix, while Stockman attributes it to Bang's necrosis bacillus. CHAPTER IX THE BACILLI OF H^MORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA THIS class of organisms comprises the infecting agents of bubonic plague, rabbit septicaemia, swine plague, fowl cholera, and septic pleuro-pneumonia of cattle. These affections are characterised by the presence of hsemor- rhagic areas under the skin and throughout the internal organs. The organisms themselves all show bipolar staining (i.e., the ends of the organisms stain deeply, whereas the central portion hardly stains at all). The bacilli are Gram-negative, are short and non-motile, and do not form spores. Bacillus Pestis. Morphology. — In the body it occurs as a short, almost ovoid, rod, measuring on the average about 2'3 ft by 122 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY 1-7 /JL; but longer forms are seen, measuring 5 JLI. As convalescence approaches, round and ovoid involution forms, totally unlike the bacillus, appear. In cultivation the young bacilli are so short as to be almost coccoid or slightly oval, but in older cultures rod, thread, and involu- tion forms occur. In broth culture the organism forms chains (streptobacillus). In a film made from an agar culture the bacilli are swollen and yeast-like, but it is questioned whether a capsule exists. Staining Reactions. — B. pestis does not stain by Gram's method, but with ordinary dyes shows marked bipolar staining. Cultural Characters. — B. pestis is an aerobe and a facultative anaerobe. Growth is slow at 18° to 20° C., rapid at 37° C., but 30° C. is the optimum tempera- ture. In broth a characteristic flocculent, wavy deposit is formed, which settles to the bottom, leaving a clear medium above. In broth containing a little butter or coco-nut oil, and kept absolutely at rest, flocculent, tapering masses of growth depend from the droplets of oil floating on the surface (Haffkine's stalactite growth). On the surface of gelatin it forms a thin, whitish, punctate growth, which is confined to the inoculation streak ; the medium is not liquefied. On the surface of agar and of serum it forms a thick, cream-coloured, very sticky growth. On agar containing 2-5 to 3-5 per cent, of common salt pear-shaped and spherical involution forms are so common that Hankin recommends this salt agar as a diagnostic medium. It grows in milk without coagulation. On potato little or no growth takes place. It grows well in bile-salt media. While the virulence of some strains is retained in cultures for a long while, that of other races quickly diminishes. Resistance. — The organism is very easily killed by disinfectants. The thermal death -point appears to be between 58° and 70° C. While cold has little effect, complete desiccation kills the bacillus. In sterilised water the bacillus has remained alive for fifteen days at room - temperature . B A CILLI OF HJEMORRHA GIC SEPTIC&MIA 123 Pathogenesis. — Three types of the disease are common — bubonic, septicsemic, and pneumonic. The bacillus is found in the buboes (sometimes with streptococci and staphylococci) in the bubonic form, in the blood-stained (' rusty ') sputum in the pneumonic form, and in the blood in the septicsGmie form. It is also found in the blood in the other forms on the approach of death. The period of incubation appears to be usually from three to six days, but may extend to nine days. Pathogenesis for Lower Animals. — The injection of cultures into mice, guinea-pigs, and rats, produces plague symptoms, and the animals die in two to seven days. A mere scratch with a needle dipped in an emulsion of a recent culture of plague will generally kill a white mouse of ordinary size in one to three days. Rats and mice can be infected per os. The bacilli are found in the spleen and lymphatic glands of inoculated animals but arfe not very numerous in the blood. Calves and poultry may contract the disease in a chronic form, as the result of feeding on plague-infected offal (Simpson). Plague also attacks cats, dogs, ferrets, bats, squirrels, pigs, hares, rabbits, and monkeys. Transmission, — The plague bacillus probably obtains entrance through wounds in the skin, or through the mucous membrane of the respiratory or (more rarely) alimentary tracts. The sputa of patients with the pneu- monic disease, when discharged in droplets during cough- ing, etc., probably constitutes the main way in which disease spreads in these cases. The lower animals often convey the disease. An epizootic among rats is almost constantly seen before the disease becomes epidemic among men, and ground squirrels have been held responsible for epidemics in California. Rats may become infected by ingestion of carcasses of men and animals dead of the disease. When infection is experimentally produced in this way mes- enteric buboes are most frequent. But Jordan says that an examination of 5,000 naturally-infected rats showed no instance of mesenteric bubo, cervical buboes being most often found. Different species of rats vary greatly in regard to their susceptibility to the disease. The white rat is the most susceptible, the brown ship rat or brown dock rat coming next, then the black rat and a i24 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Norwegian species, and finally, the least susceptible of all, our own common sewer rat.* In the Bombay district, a new outbreak first attacks M us decumanus (the grey sewer rat), passing to M us rattus (the black house rat), and then on to man. The disease is largely spread by fleas. On the death of an animal the fleas desert it for a living host. The common rat-flea found in the tropics (Xenopsylla cheopis) readily attacks man, and laboratory experiments show that, provided a healthy animal can be protected against the fleas of one that is plague-stricken, the former is not likely to develop the disease, in spite of the proximity of the respective cages. (X. cheopis has only been found once on English rats.) Sambon insists that in epidemic plague transmission from man to man is more frequent than transmission from rat to man. He believes that during a true epidemic the rat strain of B. pestis is replaced in many cases by a human strain, and the rat fleas are replaced by the fleas of man, and by those of the cat and dog, which attack man as well. Jordan states that cervical buboes are most common when flea infection has occurred. Serum Treatment. — A horse is inoculated intravenously with a suspension of dead bacilli weekly for three months. During the next three months living organisms are given. Various reports have been given of the efficacy of serum treatment. Anti-Plague Vaccine. — The ' Haffkine prophylactic ' is prepared by growing a virulent bacillus in nutrient broth containing butter-fat. After a week the stalactite growth (see p. 122) is detached by shaking, and the broth reinoculated with the organism. By the time the medium has been treated thus four or five times development becomes slow and scanty. The culture is sterilised by heating to 65° C. for one hour, and 0'5 per cent, of carbolic acid added. The dose employed is about 2 -5 c.c., which is injected subcutaneously. A second injection, given a week after the first, increases the immunity. By the use of the Haffkine prophylactic the incidence of the disease is much reduced, and among the vaccinated who contract the disease the mortality is much less than among the unvaccinated. * ' The Bacteriology and Etiology of Oriental Plague' (Klein). BACILLI OF HJEMORRHAGIC SEPTICSEMIA 125 Bacillus Pseudo-Tuberculosis Rodentium* A disease occurring spontaneously in guinea-pigs and rabbits, accompanied by wasting, and progressing to a fatal issue in about three weeks, is caused by the B, pseudo-tuberculosis of Pfeiffer. This bacillus grows readily and rapidly, forms a creamy growth on agar, and a whitish growth on gelatin without liquefaction, not unlike that of the colon bacillus. It also grows well in bile-salt media (MacConkey). It is not acid-fast, and does not stain by Gram. It has been met with in milk and sewage. MacConkey has shown its fermentation attri- butes to be similar to those of B. pestis. In the Suffolk plague epidemic of 1910, a few rats whose appearances were suggestive of plague, were found to be infected with B. pseudo-tubercul Swine Plague. In the lung lesions of pigs affected with swine plague (contagious pneumonia of swine), an organism very similar to the bacillus of chicken cholera is found, but is not regarded as the cause of the disease. Stockman is of opinion that this disease comprises cases of swine fever with pneumonia as a complication, and confirms McFadyean's opinion that these organisms are normal inhabitants of the mouth and air-passages in pigs, which, owing to the weakened powers of resistance, have been able to invade and multiply in the lung tissue. Chicken Cholera. This disease as a rule runs a very rapid course, pro- minent symptoms being profuse diarrhoea, drooping wings, ruffled feathers, and somnolency. It is said to be some- times introduced into this country through foreign maize. In an epidemic investigated by the authors, a fresh con- signment of maize had certainly been fed to the birds shortly before the outbreak. The specific bacillus is a small oval bacillus, which exhibits polar staining so markedly as to look like a diplococcus in stained prepara- tions. The organism can be readily found in the blood, but Stockman points out that the presence of such an organism is, from his experience, insufficient to prove cause of death, as bacilli of a similar type, which may in 126 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY no way be connected with death, are not infrequently present in the heart- blood of fowls. There seems little doubt that the organism is identical with the bacillus of rabbit septicaemia, and probably with the so-called bacillus of swine plague. It differs from the similar bacilli isolated from the following diseases in that the latter are not communicable to the fowl: ' grouse disease,' epizootic pneumo-pericarditis in turkeys (McFadyean), and cholera in ducks. It also differs slightly from B. septicus agrigenus, an organism isolated by Nicolaier from manured soil, and from an organism found by Klein in fowl enteritis. B. cholerce gallinarum has been described as an infect- ing agent in some cases of gunshot wounds in the head at Alexandria (Bartlett). The bacilli of fowl cholera and its allies show very little, if any, multiplication in bile-salt media (MacConkey). The Committee of Inquiry on Grouse Disease decided that lesions thought to be due to acute and infective pneumonia in grouse were in many cases nothing more than normal post-mortem changes and therefore dismissed the bacteria isolated from further consideration. The undermentioned organisms differ from those previously described in this chapter in retaining the stain by Gram's method. The Bacillus of Swine Erysipelas. Many cases of swine erysipelas (commonly known as nettle-rash) amount to little more than a passing in- disposition. There is a rise of temperature, more or less shivering and loss of appetite, followed by a patchy red eruption on the skin about the base of the ears, thighs, and body. In severe cases there is vomiting and great prostration, the pigs stagger about, breathe rapidly, and perhaps die in about forty-eight hours. The specific organism is a non-motile, Gram-positive bacillus, with rounded ends, about 2jn long. It is found in the spleen, bone-marrow, and lymphatic glands. A vaccine is used, together with an anti-serum for prophylaxis, producing an active immunity lasting about a year. This is largely a seasonal disease, and animals should be immunised before the season of prevalence — not later than May. Swine erysipelas is said to be communicable to man, though rarely. SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 127 Bacillus Murisepticus. The bacillus found in mouse septicaemia is similar to if not identical with the bacillus of swine erysipelas. In the tissues it is an extremely minute bacillus, I /u in length, but in cultures filamentous forms occur. It stains well by Gram's method. It is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. On surface agar it forms minute delicate colonies, or a thin, delicate, greyish film, not unlike that of the strepto- coccus; in stab gelatin it grows well without liquefaction, forming a well-defined but delicate cloud-like growth radiating from the stab. CHAPTER X MICRO-ORGANISMS OF SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES THE action of organisms is not an indispensable condition for the formation of pus. Abscesses may be produced by the injection of turpentine, sodium cinnamate, and other substances. Such an abscess intentionally produced (Fixa- tion Abscess) is used by French surgeons for relief of certain bacterial infections, toxaemias, and even for cases of metallic poisoning (Brelet, Medical Press, 1915, i., 440). Pus may also be produced by the introduction into the tissues of sterilised bacteria of several kinds, with or without the soluble products of their growth, so that the exciting cause may be either the intracellular contents of the organ- isms, or, possibly, the mechanical effect combined with the positive ' chemiotaxis ' that most bacteria and their products exhibit to the leucocytes. Aseptic pus (sterile pus) is, however, rarely encoun- tered, and pus formation (suppuration) is almost always due to microbic agency. An organism capable of pro- ducing pus is termed ' pyogenic.' An abscess is a local and well-defined collection of pus, and the activities of these so-called septic organisms may produce boils, carbuncles, erysipelas, cellulitis, septicaemia, sapraemia, and pyaemia (for definitions, see p. 14). According to the presence of factors other than the organisms, different 128 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY manifestations may be brought about by the same species. By the injection of a broth culture of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus into the blood-stream of a rabbit a septicaemia alone is produced, except perhaps in the kidneys, where abscesses may be formed. If, however, before injection the culture is rubbed up with finely- ground potato, abscesses will be produced in the heart and a pyeemic condition be induced, owing to the inability of the potato particles, with the bacteria adherent thereto, to pass through the capillaries. The washing out of a loccilised abscess causing a saprsemia results in an im- provement of the condition of the patient, owing to the removal of organisms producing the offending toxins. In addition to the organisms dealt with in this chapter the following are also pyogenic: the tubercle, typhoid, colon, and glanders bacilli, the pneumococcus, the Actinomyces, and certain of the Blastomycetes and Hyphomycetes (q.v.). Staphylococcus Pyogenes Aureus. Morphology. — This organism is a spherical coccus, about 0'75^a to l/u, in diameter, and occurs as a diplococcus, or, more commonly, in grape cluster-like masses. It is non-motile, forms no spores, and is Gram-positive. Cultural Characters. — The coccus is an ae'robe and a facultative anaerobe. It grows well at room-temperature and at blood-heat. The virulence of cultures persists for many months. In broth a general turbidity forms within eighteen hours. Gelatin begins to liquefy as soon as there is any visible growth, liquefaction occurring in stab culture all along the stab, an orange-yellow sediment being pro- duced. On agar and blood-serum a thick streak develops, which is at first pale, but later becomes golden -yellow; exposure to diffused daylight favours chromogenesis. Resistance. — The thermal death - point is 58° C. (Sternberg), provided the organism is in a moist con- dition; if desiccated, much greater heat is required. It also seems that certain of the cocci in a culture are more resistant than the majority to destruction by heat and antiseptics. Habitat. — The surface of the body appears to be the normal habitat; it has been found in dust, earth, and water, but its presence in these is probably accidental. SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 129 Pathogenesis. — Different strains exhibit considerable variation in virulence. Injected subcutaneously, it forms a local abscess; into the circulation, a septicaemia; into the peritoneum, a purulent peritonitis; and rubbed into the skin, local inflammation, with small pustules (impetigo). Eczema is now generally regarded as being due to the irritative action of the chemical products of 8. pyogenes aureus. The organism has been found in ulcerative endocarditis, furunculosis, osteomyelitis, em- pyema, boils, carbuncles, and abscesses, in acne pustules, and occasionally in septicaemia and pyaemia. Little or no toxin is formed by 8. pyogenes aureus, and attempts to prepare an antiserum have proved un- successful. Vaccine treatment of staphylococcal infec- tions is, however, quite popular. Other Pathogenic Staphylococci. Staphylococcus pyogenes albus and 8. pyogenes citreus are not to be distinguished from the aureus variety, except by the colours of the growths on agar or potato. The former produces white and the latter lemon-yellow growths. Andrewes and Gordon regard these three organisms as a single species, owing to their ability to produce intermediate varieties of colour on cultivation. The albus is said to be frequently found in styes. A feebly virulent variety of the S. pyogenes albus is fre- quently present on the skin — S. epidermidis albus. Welch finds it to be so deeply buried in the epidermis as to render it difficult to destroy by means of disinfectants. It is the most frequent cause of stitch abscess. While S. pyogenes aureus ferments mannite, with production of acid, this organism has no action. Staphylococcus cereus albus forms a greyish-white, wax-like growth, and 8. cereus flavus a wax-like growth, first white, and then yellow, on gelatin. Neither liquefies gelatin. These organisms are specially met with in localised inflammatory conditions, and negative results follow inoculation experiments. Micrococcus salivarius, occurring in the saliva, and a micrococcus found in scurf from the scalp, give white growths on agar, and are non-pathogenic for animals. 136 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Pathogenic Tetracocci. Micrococcus tetragenus occurs in phthisical cavities, and sometimes in the pus of acute and chronic abscesses. The organism occurs in pairs or fours, often seen sur- rounded with an ill-defined capsule. It is Gram -positive, slowly develops on gelatin as a thick white growth without liquefaction, and on injection into white mice produces general septicaemia. Micrococcus catarrhalis is present in pairs or tetrads (often within the polymorphonuclear leucocytes) in the discharges of the ' influenza cold ' and other forms of nasal catarrh and bronchitis. It is sometimes concerned in producing pyorrhoea and other buccal abscesses. It grows at 22° C. It is Gram-negative, and produces opaque colonies of so tough consistence on serum agar that they often come away intact on a platinum loop. Sarcina ventriculi occurs in the stomach, particularly in cases of dilated stomach. Bacillus Pyocyaneus. The B. pyocyaneus is a small bacillus found in blue and green pus, very actively motile, non-sporing, giving a creamy growth on agar, to which it imparts a greenish fluorescence and rapidly liquefying gelatin, the fluid being similarly coloured. It may not produce blue pigment for some days, and perhaps not at all until it has been passed through animals (Lartigau). It does not stain by Gram. The pigment can be extracted with chloro- form, and consists of two pigmented bodies — pyocyanin and pyoxanthose. The organism occurs in various condi- tions, accompanied by debility, wasting, and diarrhoea — the so-called marasmus — and occasionally its presence in water has caused dysentery. It has also been re- sponsible for septicaemia. There are probably several varieties of the organism, varying in virulence and pig- ment production, of which the B. fluorescens liquefaciens, an organism common in water, may be one. A body of the nature of a ferment, ' pyocyanase,' when extracted from cultures, is used for the prophylaxis and cure of anthrax and diphtheria. SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 131 The Acne Bacillus. Unna's B. acnes occurs in many conditions of the skin, such as acne vulgaris. It is Gram-positive and resembles Hofmann's bacillus. Sabouraud regards it as the cause of seborrhcea, but proof of this is thought to be wanting by Cooke and Dold. The organism, which is a facultative aerobe, is most easily grown anasrobically on glucose agar. Raised greyish-white opaque colonies appear in three to five days. Sabouraud' s original medium con- sisted of agar, 15 grammes; peptone, 20 grammes; glycerin, 20 grammes; distilled water, 1 litre; and concentrated acetic acid, 5 drops. Fleming's medium (Lancet, April 10, 1909) consists of oleic acid (1 to 5 per cent.) in nutrient agar. Western (British Journ. Dermat., January, 1910) and others are of opinion that infection of the sebaceous material with the acne bacillus is a secondary event, and leads, by the irritation caused by its presence, to prolifera- tion of the adjacent epithelium and formation of the comedo. Autogenous acne bacillus vaccine is recom- mended for treatment, but this has apparently failed in seborrhcea (Practitioner, 1910, 526). Cases with much induration are most frequently due to a mixed infection of the acne bacillus and Staphylococcus albus, sometimes with 8. aureus or citreus as well. Streptococcus Pyogenes. Morphology. — In pus a chain may contain up to fifteen elements, but much longer ones of thirty or forty elements are met with in broth cultures, of which the individual cocci may vary very much in size, both large and small cocci being found in one chain. It also sometimes happens that a new chain starts away from one of the cocci in a chain, thus producing branching. The variation in the size of the cocci is also noticed in cultures on other media. The organism is Gram-positive. Cultural Characters. — The organism grows well in the presence or absence of oxygen. When grown in broth at 37° C., the medium becomes turbid in twenty-four hours; after three or four days multiplication ceases, owing to the production of an inhibitory metabolic substance, but living organisms have been found after ninety days. 132 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Growth on gelatin is slow and without liquefaction. The colonies are generally very small and discrete, while on agar at 37° C. the colonies are also small and seldom coalesce with neighbouring colonies that almost touch. This tendency of streptococcal colonies to remain small is of great assistance in picking them out from plates containing a variety of bacteria. In stab or shake culture in gelatin the colonies appear as small whitish spheres. In milk, acid is produced without a clot. It ferments lactose, saccharose, and salicin. Growth on blood agar shows it to be strongly haemolytic. The thermal death- point lies between 52° and 54° C. (Sternberg). Pathogenesis. — Streptococci of the pyogenes type are more frequently found to be concerned in pathogenic processes than are those of the short chain varieties. It is found in ulcerative endocarditis, occasionally in osteomyelitis and frequently in pyaemia, mammary abscess, cellulitis, lymphangitis, and other suppurative conditions. S. pyogenes is generally supposed to be identical with S. erysipelatis, an organism found at the periphery of the zone of redness in the lymph channels of the skin in cases of erysipelas. Some doubt exists whether the infective agent in puerperal fever is S. pyo- genes or an allied organism (see S. puerperalis, p. 133). There appears to be little doubt that several species of streptococci have been described under the name of S. pyogenes. Serum Treatment. — The virulence of a culture of S. pyogenes is ' exalted ' by passage through a series of rabbits. A culture medium of 1 part of human or ass's serum with 2 or 3 parts of broth is then inoculated, and a horse is immunised, first with killed and then with living cultures. A serum prepared with one variety of strepto- coccus may not immunise against another, so the horse is inoculated with several strains of streptococci (' poly- valent ' serum). This serum is antimicrobic Vaccines of killed cultures of streptococci are also used. Coley's Fluid. — An attack of erysipelas supervening upon a malignant growth has sometimes caused the dis- appearance of the latter, and sterilised cultures of the $. pyogenes have been used in the treatment of inoperable tumours with varying success. Coley grows S. pyogenes and B. prodigiosus together for two or three weeks, and SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 133 the cultures are sterilised by heating to 65° C. Injection is followed by a marked temperature reaction. The treatment appears to be more successful in sarcoma than in carcinoma. Streptococcus Puerperalis. While puerperal fever may be caused by B. coli and Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, in most cases it is a streptococcus infection, and this is popularly supposed to be S. pyogenes. While this may be the case, a strepto- coccus found in the uterine discharge and in any secondary pus, pleuritic fluid, or sputum by Mackey and Furneau Jordan is considered by them to be probably the most frequent cause. S. puerperalis grows freely upon agar, producing opaque colonies which are much larger than any other streptococci, producing chains of moderate length. It produces acid and clot in milk, acid in lactose, glucose, saccharose, and salicin, but no change in raffinosc, mannite, and inulin. Furneau Jordan suggests that this streptococcus, like 8. fcpcalis, is present in the contents of the bowel, and that the puerperal woman is very susceptible to its action. Diplococcus Rheumaticus. Poyriton and Paine's organism is usually a diplococcus measuring 0*5 ^ in diameter, but forms masses on solid, and chains in liquid, media. It stains feebly by Gram, grows slowly on gelatin without liquefaction, and forms in broth a flocculent deposit with clear supernatant fluid. On agar it forms minute, white, discrete, slightly opaque colonies, on potato hardly grows, and in litmus- milk forms much acid and a firm clot. It is found in the arthritic and valvular lesions in rheumatic fever, and on inoculation into rabbits may produce arthritis and endocarditis. Poynton and Paine's organism has been found in affected tonsils in the tonsillitis preceding rheumatic fever (Pybus). Varieties of Streptococci. Attempts at classification have hitherto proved unsatis- factory. Lingelsheim attempted a distinction between the long-chain (S. longus) and short-chain (S. brevis) streptococci, the former being considered more virulent 134 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY than the latter. But virulent short-chain streptococci are sometimes met with, and it is possible to transform one variety into the other by culture. Penfold describes the variations obtained as ' haphazard.' Strains that correspond to haemolytic streptococci have been converted into typical pneumococci and vice versa. Gordon divides the streptococci into four groups: (i.) S. longus (from the mouth). Very long and compara- tively straight chains. Broth remains clear with floccu- lent deposit. Acid but no curd in milk, (ii.) S. medius includes most pyogenic streptococci, which as a rule form fair-sized curling chains; corresponds to Lingelsheim's longus type. Broth acquires a flocculent deposit but supernatant liquid remains clear. Milk becomes slightly acid without curd, (iii.) 8. brevis. Short chains. Broth uniformly turbid. Slight acid and usually curd in milk. Includes pneumococcus. (iv.) S. scarlatina1 or conglo- meratus. Masses of chains. Deposit in broth but upper liquid keeps clear. Acid and curd in milk. Later, Gordon introduced fermentation tests as a basis of differ- entiation and using these Andre wes and Horder dis- .tinguish (1) S. pyogenes, already described. (2) S. salivarius (found in saliva), a brevis type that clots milk, is not haemolytic nor pathogenic for mice. (3) S. angino- sus (inflamed fauces, scarlatinal throats, and rheumatism), a longus type, with no action on salicin, is haemolytic and pathogenic for mice. (4) S. fcecalis, a faecal organism sometimes found in cystitis, meningitis, and pus. A brevis type that clots milk, is not hsemolytic nor pathogenic for mice, the only class to ferment mannitol. Perhaps the Diplococcus rheumaticus is identical with this organism. (5) The pneumococcus (q.v.). (6) S. equinus (from horse dung), a brevis type, not clotting milk and the only class that does not ferment lactose. Too much stress must not be placed on these differ- ences, experience showing the characters mentioned are anything but absolute. •Salivary streptococci do not usually ferment salicin, and Savage thinks the discovery of salicin-fermenting streptococci in throats during an epidemic of sore throat would point to a milk infection. Streptococcus mastitidis, found in streptococcic in- flammation of the mammae of cows (mastitis), and S. an- SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 135 ginosus, found in inflamed and scarlatiniform throats, are said to be indistinguishable morphologically and culturally (Local Government Board Reports, 1907-08, 'Garget in Cows'). S. mastitidis only produces a local abscess in animals, however, while S. anginosus produces general symptoms and death. The former produces mastitis in goats, while the latter does not. Jordan thinks most of the streptococci in milk are probably descended from saprophytic, not from patho- genic, ancestors (see pp. 221, 222). Wright (Lancet, October 30, 1915) describes the most frequent organism in wounds received in action as a streptococcus that, in film preparations of pus, nearly always shows up as a diplococcus. As obtained from agar and broth cultures, the elements of the diplococcus are lancet-shaped and the pair form an angle resembling a circumflex accent. In broth, a few short chains are also formed. Colonies on agar show up very faintly grey- green and when planted closely tend to run together. Growth is much more rapid than with ordinary S. pyogenes, luxuriant cultures being obtained at 37° C. on broth or agar in four or five hours. In normal serum, and on agar when transplanted in blood, it grows out. Wright finds this organism to correspond to the enterococcus of the French authors, and he also regards it as the ordinary streptococcus of faeces (see p. 265). Mutch says that in diabetes the duodenum is infested by the S. brevis and that the only other condition in which this abounds in the duodenum is rheumatoid arthritis. Rosenow considers it reasonable to suppose that in man gastric ulcer may be caused by streptococci. Houston describes a case in which phthisis was simulated by a streptococcic infection and in a case of duodenal ulcer he found in the contents of the stomach streptococci and staphylococci, from which a vaccine was made with promising results. Streptococcic infections occur in measles leading to septicaemia, which may prove fatal in the middle or end of the second week. Streptococci are frequent in alveolar abscesses and infected root canals : Gilmer and Moody found many varieties, including a haemolytic streptococcus with a wide zone of haemolysis, S. mucosus (see p. 141) and S. viridans. (S. viridans resembles 8. salivarius, but grows green on bloocl-agar.) 136 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Strangles, an equine disease, is supposed to be due to streptococci, and they have been found in scarlet fever (p. 195), variola (p. 200), and other diseases. The Gonococcus. Morphology. — The gonococcus is a small organism measuring about 0'7 /a by 0'5 ja, tending to be somewhat like a coffee-bean in shape, usually grouped in pairs, the flattened sides of the two organisms being adjacent, occasionally single or in tetrads. It is killed in ten minutes at 60° C. Cultural Characters.— The gonococcus is aerobic. Not growing on ordinary media, it can be cultivated on Wertheim's medium, a mixture of equal parts of nutrient agar and human blood-serum, blood-smeared agar, or the medium of Christmas — rabbit's blood-serum coagu- lated by heat. A simple method of cultivation is to deposit drops of blood obtained with aseptic precautions from the finger on the surface of an agar plate, then to add a drop of gonorrhceal pus, smear over the plate, and incubate at blood-heat. A pure culture of the gonococcus assumes a raised appearance, similar to a mulberry, and is of a greyish-white colour. It is necessary to sub- culture every few days, or the vitality is lost. Whitehouse uses ordinary agar, with the addition of human blood-serum and a few drops of human urine (Practitioner, 1910, 489). Pathogenesis. — The human urethra is generally the site of attack, producing an inflammation, which may be followed by posterior urethritis and stricture. In gonor- rhoea the pus usually contains gonococci in pure culture during the first few days, but later on staphylococci and streptococci will often be found. After the acute stage of gonorrhoea has passed, and there is no longer any con- siderable flow of pus, the gleet that follows still contains the gonococcus. After the discharge has ceased, an examination of the centrif uged deposit from the urine may reveal the organism in large numbers. The organism may persist in the genitals for years after apparent recovery, and the patient still be capable of infecting others. In the female the infection often spreads to the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and peritoneum. Gonorrhoea! ophthalmia of the SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 137 new-born is due to maternal infection (see Stephenson's * Ophthalmia Neonatorum '). In the male infection may produce epididymitis and prostatitis. The circulatory system may be invaded and produce arthritis (see Murrell, Medical Press, 1910, 87) or endocarditis. Infection may also be transferred by the use of infected towels, sponges, etc. Entrance of the pus into the eye may result in its loss unless properly treated. Christmas, by growing the gonococcus in a medium containing fluid rabbit's serum, obtained a feeble toxin, with which he immunised rabbits, the serum of which was feebly antitoxic. Vaccines are sometimes used. Microscopical Examination of Pus. — In the female an examination is best made directly after a menstrual period, as in some cases, especially in chronic and sub- acute conditions, the gonococci are then, and then only, to be found. Films are prepared from the cervix uteri, Bartholin's ducts, and Skene's tubules in the female, or from the discharge as it exudes from the urethra in the male. The films should be fixed by immersion in alcohol and ether (equal parts) for fifteen minutes. Some films are stained with Loffler's methylene blue, and the others by Gram's method. In using the latter method for this organism it is of the utmost importance that the technique be most carefully and religiously observed. Bismarck brown is a suitable counter-stain (Neisser's 6. stain, acting for two minutes.) Identification of the organism is only permissible when all the following characters are shown. The organism must completely lose its stain when treated by Gram's method, should have the coffee- bean form, and occur in the pus cells. In the early stage of infection the organisms may be found outside the cells. Abundance of other organisms may lead to the gonococci being missed, and in all cases a negative result should be received with great caution. The characters described will usually suffice to dis- tinguish the gonococcus, but in cases of importance cultures should be made. Organisms similar to the gonococcus are found in the genitals, but these grow on gelatin, with liquefaction of the medium, and on nutrient agar. Some of these urethral diplococci are Gram-positive, and there is no doubt that they are sometimes responsible for the urethritis or whatever form the infection takes 138 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Eyre and Stewart state that the B. xerosis, which is frequently present in the healthy and seldom absent from the diseased, genital tract, forms colonies on blood- agar which are indistinguishable from those of the gonococcus to the naked eye. Seeligman considers pruritus vulvse to be due to a diplo- coccus, which resembles the gonococcus in appearance, but is Gram-positive. The Meningococcus. Morphology. — In epidemic cerebro- spinal meningitis (' spotted fever ') the causative organism is the Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis of Weichselbaum (meningo- coccus). While found in the polymorphonuclear leucocytes of or lying free in the cerebro-spinal fluid as a diplococcus, on culture it is a markedly pleomorphic organism, and involution forms appear on media early. Lundie, Thomas, and Fleming (Lancet, September 25, 1915) state that associated with the meningococcus in the naso-pharynx and brain, there is nearly always a Gram-positive ' strepto- coccus,' tending on culture to become Gram-negative and producing involution forms — in the blood they are often Gram-negative. Donaldson (Lancet, June 26, 1915) suggests the true cause of cerebro-spinal fever to be a diphtheroid bacillus of which the meningococcus is only a phase. Lundie, Thomas, and Fleming have also de- scribed pseuclo-diphtheroids and they state the clots do not stain by Neisser like the Klebs-Loffler bacillus. These authors (loc. cit.) describe the ' caterpillar,' ' Zeppelin,' and ' bomb ' forms also met with. Like the gonococcus, which it resembles in appearance and arrangement, the meningococcus is Gram-negative. It is very susceptible to cold, and infected swabs or other material intended for culture experiments must be kept as near body-heat as possible, if an interval between sampling and plating-out is unavoidable. Halliday Sutherland (Lancet, October 16, 1915) says the meningo- coccus soon dies at 72° F. and is killed in thirty minutes at 62°. Culture. — For primary cultures from suspected material, blood-smeared agar may be used, but Wassermann's ascitic agar ('Nasgar') is the popular medium. SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 139 Nasgar is prepared as follows: 6 grammes of nutrose and 90 c.c. of ascitic fluid are added to 210 c.c. of distilled water. This is heated with constant agitation to boiling, when the nutrose dissolves. This solution is added to 600 c.c. of nutrient agar (previously melted) and the mixed liquid is heated in the steam steriliser for half an hour, filtered and tubed and sterilised as for nutrient agar. Cultures are incubated at 37° C. and colonies appear in twenty-four to forty-eight hours. The colonies are characteristic. They are pearl-grey, clear, smooth, and translucent with a firm, regular, oval or round outline. They are larger than the colonies of pneumococci and streptococci which are often found in material from the naso-pharynx. The meningococcus ferments maltose and glucose with the production of acid (distinction from Micrococcus catarrhalis) and fails to ferment saccharose. Muir and Ritchie point out that these fermentation re- actions are most satisfactorily carried out on solid serum media containing one per cent, of the sugar to be tested. Mclntosh and Bullock (Lancet, November 27, 1915) use a medium of nutrient 3 per cent, agar, 3 parts; unheated horse- serum, 1 part. The nutrient agar should be neutral to phenolphthalein and made from beef-broth. These authors mention that bile seems to inhibit growth of the meningococcus. Agglutination reactions may sometimes be obtained, but negative results are worthless. Morgan (Lancet, 1909, ii., 156) found that the serum of patients may agglutinate t}^phoid bacilli in a dilution of 1 in 50 — a phenomenon which would be looked upon as a positive reaction to Widal's test. A recently suggested diagnostic reaction is performed by adding a drop or two of anti-meningococcus serum to a tube of fresh cerebro-spinal fluid obtained by lumbar puncture and cleared by centrifuging. The tube and a control are incubated at 52° C. for a few hours. If the meningococcus is the cause of the meningitis, a precipitate is said to develop in the tube to which the serum was added, but not in the control. Channels of Infection and Pathogenesis (see also p. 265). — Cerebro-spinal meningitis is described in the horse, cattle, sheep, and dog, but it is not known if these arise 140 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY from the meningococcus, and the probability of the disease in man being derived from animal sources does not appear to be likely. Cerebro-spinal meningitis more often affects country districts than cities (Osier). It arises under cold atmospheric conditions and disappears with the advent of warm weather. Overcrowding, bad sanitation, and privation are cited as predisposing causes. In the body the meningococcus has primary residence in the naso-pharynx. While it is there the host is a carrier case, often without developing the disease himself. Though carriers are usually free from the meningococcus in two or three weeks, it persists in a small percentage for two or even seven months. Mayer reported a case probably existing two years. Carriers may develop meningitis after two or three weeks. There is consider- able variation in the number of carriers among contacts in different epidemics. Among 300 soldiers who were contacts Arkwright only found four carriers. In other epidemics as many as 23 per cent, to 37 per cent, have been reported. During the stay in the naso-pharynx, whether the host be a healthy carrier or in the incubation stage of the disease, the small drops of secretion expelled during sneezing, coughing, or speaking serve to carry and disseminate the meningococcus. Halliday Sutherland says that infection is carried by currents of warm moving air. Kissing is obviously dangerous. In the developed disease the meningococcus is found in the cerebro- spinal fluid and very often in the blood. Where a case is definitely attacked, the cerebro-spinal fluid obtained by lumbar puncture shows distinctive features: an increase of pressure, increase in albumin content, and a polymorphonuclear leucocytosis frequently so marked as to render the fluid quite turbid. An examin- ation of the centrifuged deposit shows the meningococci which are often within the leucocytes. If no diplococci are found, recourse must be had to culture, but even then negative results are sometimes obtained when all the other evidence suggests meningococcal activity. Carrier cases are detected by bacteriological examination of the naso-pharyngeal secretion. As several non- or feebly- pathogenic micro-organisms closely resembling the SUPPURATION AND SEPTIC DISEASES 141 meningococcus are present in the healthy mouth, contami- nation of the swab with saliva must, as far as possible, be avoided. West's swab is recommended. The swab from the naso-pharynx is lightly brought in contact with one portion only of ready set nasgar in a Petri. The material from the infected area is spread over the medium by means of a sterile glass spreader, and, without reinfection, this spreader is rubbed over the surface of a second plate. The plates are then incubated at blood-heat. It is imperative that the culture should be made immediately after the swabbing of the naso-pharynx or else the in- fected swab should be kept warm until it can be used. When the colonies are up, a film is stained by Gram's method, meningococci being Gram-negative. Sub- cultures are made and incubated at 37° C. and 23° C. respectively. The vast majority of the Gram-negative cocci of the normal mouth grow readily at 23° C., while the meningococcus does not. Gaskell (Jour. R.A.M.C., September, 1915) says that when the puncture fluid is allowed to stand for twelve to eighteen hours in the blood-heat incubator and the sedimented pus sown on blood- agar slopes, success is more frequent than with generous sowings of fresh fluid. Organisms that may possibly be mistaken for the meningococcus are — (1) Gonococcus. For practical purposes this may be excluded. (2) Micrococcus catarrhalis. Distinguished by fermen- tation tests (vide supra) and by its growth at 23° C. (3) Diplococcus pharyngis siccus. Grows at 23° C. Colonies are very tough, those of the meningococcus being easily removed and readily emulsified with water. (4) Diplococcus mucosus. Gives slimy colonies. Grows at 23° C. (5) Diplococcus crassus. Gram-positive. (6) Chromogenic cocci are not likely to lead astray, unless the colour does not develop. Under this circum- stance Micrococcus flavus gives colonies that closely resemble those of the meningococcus. (7) Pneuinococcus. Gram-positive. (8) Pseudo-meningococcus. (9) Streptococcus mucosus. Gram-positive; on serum - agar gives a colony as clear as water. 142 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Flexner's curative serum has been used with success (Lancet, October 30, 1909), and has considerably dimin- ished the mortality, but it is important to obtain a serum which is polyvalent to as many strains as possible. A serum prepared from one strain may be entirely ineffective when used to combat infection with a meningococcus morphologically and culturally identical. The judicious use of polyvalent vaccines is said to have met with frequent success. Colebrook (Medical Press, May 12, 1915) states that the vaccine did not help to eradicate the meningococcus from the naso-pharynx of carriers with any regularity. CHAPTER XI The Diplococcus (Streptococcus) Pneumonise. Morphology. — D. pneumonice is found in large numbers in the affected lung and in the rusty expectoration of acute croupous or lobar pneumonia, and occasionally in the blood. It is seen usually as a diplococcus, sometimes in chains of four elements. The cocci are oval or lance- head shaped, measure 0'5 JLL by TO [JL, and are surrounded with marked gelatinous capsules. The organism is Gram-positive. Maynard (Med. Press, November 4, 1914) thinks it probable that the pneumococcus can assume the form of a bacillus of diphtheroid type. Cultural Characters (see also Streptococci, pp. 134, 15). — The pneumococcus is an aerobe and facultative anaerobe. It grows well on blood-serum and glycerin agar at 37° C., but the dewdrop growth is only visible on close examination. On gelatin at room-temperature it does not develop. Under cultivation the capsule is lost, except in media containing blood-serum, and it forms short chains of a few cocci; hence it is probably a strepto- coccus. It rapidly (five to six days) loses its vitality on agar, but can be preserved alive for a considerable time on agar smeared with blood or in gelatin kept in the blood-heat incubator. It does not- develop on potato. It grows in milk, with the production of acid, and usually with curdling. THE DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 143 Clinical Examination. — With sputum the microscopical examination and the inoculation of a drop into the peritoneal cavity of a mouse give more reliable results than culture methods, since other species of organisms are frequently present; but with pus and exudations pure cultures can generally be obtained. Pathogenesis. — D. pneumonia? is pyogenic and may be found in broncho - pneumonias, pleurisy and empyema, endocarditis and pericarditis, meningitis (one- third of the cases), peritonitis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, and con- junctivitis. It can apparently also produce inflammation of the throat, with the formation of a false membrane, and is sometimes met with in this situation in association with the diphtheria bacillus. It frequently occurs in the healthy mouth. As it occurs naturally, its virulence is subject to great variation. In its clinical features pneu- monia presents strong resemblances to the specific fevers, and though isolated cases are most common, epidemics do occasionally occur. The diplococcus is very fatal to mice on subcutaneous or intraperitoneal inoculation, less so to rabbits and guinea-pigs, while pigeons and fowls are immune. Antipneumonic serum has not given very satisfactory results. Vaccine Treatment. — Willcox and Morgan commence treatment with a stock vaccine, while an autogenous vaccine is being prepared by culture: (1) from sputum; (2) from blood; or (3) by aspiration of the pleural cavity or superficial part of the consolidated lung by a small syringe with a fine needle. Vaccine treatment has sometimes been found beneficial. Resistance.— When protected by an albuminous coat- ing the pneumococcus may retain its vitality for three or four months, and has been found in the dust of a room occupied by pneumonic patients and in the dust of hospital wards. Mice may play an active part in the dissemination of pneumonia, particularly the epidemic variety (Gamaleia), The Pneumo-Bacillus of Friedlander. This organism, in the sputum, occurs as a short rod 1 fji to 2 /a in length, with rounded ends, though longer forms are seen. In the exudations it is encapsuled, and frequently occurs in pairs. It is non-motile and non- I44 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY sporing, and is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. It is Gram-negative. Cultural Characters. — The pneumo- bacillus grows well on all the ordinary media, both at room-temperature and at blood-heat, but loses its capsule under cultivation. On agar and blood-serum it forms abundant moist, thick, cream-coloured growths. On surface gelatin it forms a whitish spreading layer, and in stab gelatin a nail-shaped growth — the growth being heaped upon the surface like the head of a nail, and tapering from above downwards in the line of the puncture; the gelatin is not liquefied. On potato a well-marked white sticky layer develops. Milk is usually slowly coagulated. There is an abundant growth in broth, with a considerable deposit. It ferments glucose, saccharose, mannite, and lactose energetically, with the formation of gas and acid. Variations in its power of fermenting occur. It is sometimes met with in the sputum, particularly in bronchitis, and occasionally in association with the Diplococcus pneumonia?. It is also found in stomatitis and rhinitis, ulceration of the cornea, affections of the throat (sometimes with a false membrane), and in broncho- pneumonia. Mice are susceptible to infection, the guinea-pig is less so, and rabbits are infected with difficulty. Other Pneumonic Conditions. There are also pneumonic conditions frequently com- plicating other diseases, and most frequently seen in young children in the course of measles and whooping- cough, in influenza, in typhoid fever, in plague, and after operations about the mouth and throat (' septic ' pneumonia). Although acute croupous pneumonia may complicate these diseases, the pneumonic process is usually of a different type, starting in a number of scattered patches, which, however, may coalesce and so involve large areas. Micrococcus Melitensis. The causative agent of Malta or Mediterranean fever is the M. melitensis, a small coccus occurring singly, in pairs, or in short chains, with an active Brownian move- ment. (It is doubtful if it is a true motility, though THE INFLUENZA BACILLUS 145 flagella have been described by Gordon.) Bacillary forms have been observed in old cultures, and frequently occur in even young cultures. Maynard (Medical Press, November 4, 1914) says this bacillary form grows more rapidly and luxuriantly than the typical micrococcus. M. melitensis is of slow growth, especially in the primary cultures from the spleen; on agar in three to four days it forms small semi-transparent droplets, which later become opaque and yellowish -orange in colour. It develops slowly on gelatin as a limited dirty white streak without liquefaction. It does not stain by Gram's method. Inoculated into monkeys, it produces a febrile condition, with enlarged spleen, simulating the human disease; but it is non-virulent to guinea-pigs and rabbits, except on intracerebral inoculation. The disease is diagnosed by an agglutination reaction, but dilutions up to 1 in 100 should be prepared, as Hewlett points out that old laboratory strains agglutinate with normal serum in dilution of 1 in 20 or 30. The organism occurs in the blood and milk of goats, and the latter constitutes the main source of infection. Since tli3 prohibition of goat's milk to the garrison at Malta (1906) the disease has practically disappeared. The organism is sometimes found in the urine, and less often in the ffeces and milk of patients. It is not apparently a water-borne disease. CHAPTER XII The Influenza Bacillus. Morphology. — Pfeiffer's B. influenza is found in the sputum and nasal secretion during the febrile period of influenza. It is a very small rod, not exceeding 1-5 JJL in length and 0-3 JLC in thickness. It has rounded ends, and is generally found in pairs, but on cultivation grows out into strings. It is Gram-negative. When stained with dilute carbol-fuchsin there is a tendency to bipolar staining. Resistance to outside influences is very slight. Cultural Characters. — The influenza bacillus is a strict aiTobe. No growth occurs below 25° C., the optimum 10 146 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY temperature being 37° C. On the surface of blood- smeared agar it forms small transparent colonies, which are perceptible with difficulty. Growth on ordinary agar medium is slight and uncertain, but it grows better in broth containing grape-sugar and glycerin. The organism must be subcultured every eight days on blood- agar, or its vitality will be lost. Pathogenesis. — 'The period of incubation is twelve to twenty-four hours. The disease may occur in an un- complicated form, or may be accompanied or followed by respiratory or gastro-intestinal lesions or neuroses, but no case involving both respiratory and gastro-intestinal lesions has been recorded. The simple form lasts from three to five days, and the complicated from eight to ten, except those affecting the nervous system, when the patient is often months, or even years, in shaking off the effects, and there are a few cases where insanity or paralysis has resulted. It is not uncommon for the same patient to have two attacks in one year, and in each fresh epidemic those who have had the disease once are far more liable to be attacked than those who have previously escaped. The bacillus varies greatly in virulence and in the type of infection produced. The pneumococcus may be the causative agent in many cases of so-called influenza (Allen). In a small percentage symbiosis of the influenza bacillus with the pneumococcus or Staphylococcus albus occurs. Broncho-pneumonia of an epidemic type has been caused by the influenza bacillus. Influenza is transmissible to cats, and is the cause of ' pink eye ' in horses. The Bacillus of Ducrey. The bacillus of soft sore ( Ducrey 's bacillus) is found in the ulcers and buboes of soft chancre. It is minute and generally arranged in groups or chains, mostly outside the leucocytes. It does not stain by Gram, and is culti- vated on blood -agar, producing small shining grey colonies, or in guinea-pig's blood. It produces the disease on inoculation of the human subject. The Koch- Weeks Bacillus. This small bacillus is the cause of an acute contagious conjunctivitis Morphologically it resembles the influenza THE GLANDERS BACILLUS 1/17 bacillus, and growth is difficult except on serum agar (ininute transparent colonies) or ascitic fluid glycerin agar. It is not pathogenic for animals. The Bacillus of Whooping-Cough (Bordet and Gengou). B. pertussis has much the same characters as the influ- enza bacillus. It is a strictly aerobic small cocco-bacillus, non- motile, negative to Gram, and staining feebly with methylene and toluidene blues. The best medium is agar, with which has been mixed a large proportion of blood drawn off aseptically. The serum of patients who have recovered from the disease shows specific reactions to this organism. The serum of patients suffering from this disease agglutinates the bacillus sometimes in as much as a sixty-four-fold dilution, and gives the complement deviation method of Bordet-Gengou. The Glanders Bacillus. Morphology. — B. mallei is a straight or slightly curved rod, 2]n to 5// long, with rounded ends. Stained prepara- tions may show beading or bipolar staining. From the production of long filaments with swollen ends and ex- hibiting lateral branching, some regard it as belonging to the Trichomycetes, It does not form spores, and is non-motile, though an active Brownian movement is present in broth cultures. Its thermal death-point is 55° C. (Loffler). Cultural Characters. — The glanders bacillus grows slowly on gelatin without liquefaction, and readily oit glycerin agar as a creamy layer. On potato the growth, which is apparent in three to four days, at first has the appearance of drops of honey, but later on deepens in colour and becomes thicker, and eventually darker, till it approaches a chocolate colour. The potato itself remains unstained. Staining Characters.— B. mallei is Gram-negative, is not acid-fast and does not readily stain with ordinary dyes. Smears of glanders pus or material are best stained, according to McFadyean, with methylene blue, and then treated with 4 to 5 per cent, acetic acid for a few seconds, which decolorises the nuclear detritus, but still 148 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY leaves the bacilli well stained. In sections from the edge of an ulcer, glanders bacilli are few in number and difficult to recognise. Pathogenesis. — The disease is communicable to man, the horse, mule, ass, sheep, goat, field-mouse, and guinea- pig. Cattle are entirely immune, and white mice and rabbits partially so. Nocard considers the path of en- trance to be often through the alimentary canal. This cannot often be the case with human infections. In man glanders occurs generally through the infective discharge from a diseased horse coming into some traumatic injury, and is a very serious affection. In the horse there are a persistent nasal discharge, ulcers on the septum nasi, and usually an enlarged submaxillary gland. In the horse, when the disease affects the skin on the insides of the legs it is popularly known as ' farcy,' but lesions are invariably found in the lungs (McFadyean). The swellings of superficial lymphatics and glands are known as ' Farcy buds.' Suppuration usually follows. The discharge, either from the nostrils or from ulcers or pus, contains comparatively few bacilli, so that it is not easy to demonstrate the bacillus by staining. Straus's method of obtaining a pure culture consists in the injection of the suspected discharge into the abdominal cavity of an adult male guinea-pig. If B. mallei is present the scrotum will be red and shining after three days, and the testicles much enlarged and caseous, and the caseous material will contain the bacillus in pure culture. A similar orchitis may, however, be induced by other organisms, or a fallacious result be obtained through the animal not developing orchitis at all, or else dying from general peritonitis before orchitis has time to develop. Addison and Hett give the incubation period for man as from a few hours to a year, most generally four to seven days. They also emphasise the necessity for making the injection for Straus's reaction with a culture grown on potato. Mallein. — The organism is grown in glycerin broth for about six weeks; the culture is sterilised by heat, filtered through porous porcelain; the filtrate when concentrated constitutes mallem. If about 1 e.c. of maUcm be injected into a healthy animal, nothing, or THE GLANDERS BACILLUS 149 only a slight febrile reaction, occurs, in the horse not exceeding about 102°, the normal being about 100°; but if glandered ever so little, the temperature runs up to 103° or even 106° in eight to sixteen hours. At the seat of inoculation a large swelling appears, and any local lesions, if present, become much enlarged. This swelling is of more importance diagnostically than the rise of temperature. It was discovered at the Wellcome Research Labora- tories that many non-glandered horses, if immunised against other bacterial products such as diphtheria toxin, react to mallein, but the local swelling rapidly disappears and the rise in temperature persists for a shorter period. With this exception, the mallein test as a diagnostic agent is practically infallible. It seems to act but feebly as a curative agent, although a few cases of ap- parent cure after its use have been reported. The Glanders and Farcy Order, 1894, sec. 17, compels seizure and total destruction of every part of an animal that had glanders at time of death. Epidemic Abortion in Cattle. Bang described a very small non-motile, oval or rod- shaped, Gram-negative bacillus, found in the exudate betAveen the foetal membranes and the uterine mucous membrane, and also in the stomach and the blood of the foetus. The bacillus was sometimes lying singly, but in many cases was markedly clumped. This clumping is attributed to the agglutinating action of the animals' serum, and is especially noticeable when the bacillus is grown on serum media. Bang described the bacillus as growing in a shake culture from \ to 2 centimetres below the surface only, but McFadyean's cultures grew best either on or just underneath the surface. The bacillus grew on all the ordinary media, the agar-gelatin serum medium being the most favourable. On agar gro\vth takes ten days or more to appear. On potato the growth closely resembles that of glanders. The organism only grows between 30° and 37° C. The thermal death-point is 00° C. A Departmental Committee appointed in 1905 issued a Report in 1909, in which Sir John McFadyean and Mr. Stewart Stockman found that, although vaginal 150 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY infection may sometimes cause the disease, food contain- ing virulent material is a very important factor in its dissemination. Ewes, goats, bitches, and guinea-pigs can be infected experimentally. Non-pregnant cattle have been immunised by means of large doses of the living cultures of the abortion bacillus, and treatment of infected cattle by vaccines gave very promising results. Stockman thinks abortions can be reduced from the 30 per cent, that sometimes occur to 6 or 7 per cent, by prophylactic inoculation. CHAPTER XIII THE SPIRILLA The Spirillum of Asiatic Cholera. Morphology. — Spirillum cholerce Asiatics (Koch's ' comma' bacillus), as it appears in the excreta, is a curved rod ('vibrio'), 2 //, by 0-3 JLL. On cultivation, especially in liquid media, S-shaped and spirillar forms develop. It is actively motile, with a single flagellum at one end only, exceptionally more. No spores are formed. Desic- cation and sunlight are rapidly fatal, and its thermal death-point is about 50° C. The organism is Gram- negative, but is readily stained with anilin dyes, especially with dilute carbol-fuchsin. Cultural Characters. — The spirillum grows readily on most media. An alkaline reaction is essential, develop- ment being hindered by small amounts of acid. Aerobic conditions allow a much better growth than anaerobic ones, and its resistance to disinfectants increases as a saprophytic habit develops. It slowly liquefies gelatin, giving in a stab culture in forty-eight hours a bubble of liquefaction at the top of the stab only. While growing on most media at 22° C., on potato there is no perceptible growth at this tempera- ture. On potato at 37° C. there is a slow, light greyish- brown growth. The rapid formation of indole is very characteristic of Koch's comma. It gives a creamy growth on agar and THE SPIRILLA 151 a general turbidity, delicate pellicle and sulphuretted hydrogen in broth cultures. Bacteriological Diagnosis. — It is frequently possible to report positively at once as to the nature of the disease on the microscopical examination of one of the rice-like flakes, whether from the contents of the ileum or in a living patient from the stool. A minute fragment of one of the flakes is suspended in sterile salt solution (0-7 per cent.) and examined in a hanging drop, when the spirillum of Koch is recognised by its characteristic screw-like movement. If a portion of a flake be crushed carefully between two cover-glasses, which are then drawn apart and stained, the organisms lie with their long axes in the same direction, and present the ' fish-in-stream ' appearance. (Isolated vibrios may be found in normal dejecta, so no significance can be attached thereto.) Such appearances are, however, only to be found in perhaps half the cases, and it is generally necessary to perform the following cultural experiments: A flake or two are washed in two or three rinses of sterile salt solution, and then broken up and thoroughly emulsified in a little salt solution. Several gelatin tubes are melted, and inoculated with loopfuls of this suspension, and poured into plates, while at the same time six to twelve flasks containing sterilised Dunham solution are similarly inoculated. (This solution consists of peptone 1 per cent., salt 1 per cent., in distilled water.) The flasks should be conical Erlenmeyer ones of about 120 c.c. capacity, and containing 40 to 50 c.c. of the Dunham's solution. After inoculation the flasks are capped with a loose cap of sterile filter-paper and incubated at 37° C. The gelatin plates are examined after twenty-four hours' incubation at 22° C. The colonies are then macroscopic, and appear microscopically as granular discs, with faintly sinuous margins. After forty-eight hours there are small funnel- shaped depressions in the gelatin, having yellowish points at their apex, while the gelatin begins to liquefy. Frag- ments of colonies having these characters are picked out with a platinum needle for microscopic examination, both in the hanging-drop culture and in cover-glass specimens. The Dunham solution flasks are incubated for twelve hours only, and are then probably cloudy from the rapid growth of the organisms, and the production of indole and i52 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY nitrites has proceeded sufficiently far to cause the appear- ance of the indole reaction (a distinct rose-madder tint) on the addition of a few drops of pure sulphuric acid. Many other organisms besides Koch's comma also produce indole and nitrites in sufficient quantities to yield the indole reaction, but not in this time (twelve hours — it can often be obtained in five or six). The commas tend to form a delicate film on the surface of the medium. This should be examined, care being taken not to shake the flasks, so that the film may be preserved. In cases of true cholera the organism frequently cannot be demonstrated in the stool when the patient is on the way to recovery, so that the inability to demonstrate the organism in cases three or four days from the commence- ment of the attack must not be taken as evidence that the disease was not true cholera. An agglutination reaction may be performed with the isolated vibrio. (Agglutination reactions with the patient's serum on a pure strain of the vibrio are said to be of doubtful value.) Major Glen Liston (Kept. Bombay Bact. Lab., 1913) says the distinction between cholera and ' cholera-like ' vibrios is based solely on their behaviour with a standard agglutinating cholera serum, as no morphological or cultural differentiation was discovered that could dis- tinguish in a trustworthy way between the cholera and the ' cholera-like ' strains. Hccmolysis Test. — True cholera vibrios do not hacmolyse apparently even after prolonged contact, while several similar vibrios are ha3molytic. An emulsion of a young agar culture in 5 c.c. of normal salt solution is. made, O'l c.c. of which emulsion is mixed with 0-9 c.c. of normal salt solution, and then a drop of a suspension of well- washed rabbit corpuscles added. Haemolysis is gener- ally apparent in twe e to twenty-four hours if the organism produces a haemolysin, but some of the cholera- like vibrios described by Ruffer require forty-eight hours. Saturation Test. — The saturation of a specific agglu- tinating scrum with the homologous organism removes most or all of the specific agglutinin. (a) Ten loopfuls of a young agar culture of the isolated vibrio are mixed with THE SPIRILLA 153 10 c.c. of a 5 per cent, solution of a highly agglutinating serum. After standing for two or three hours at room- temperature, the mixture is centrifuged and the clear supernatant fluid decanted. (6) The agglutinating power of the latter on the organism with which the serum was prepared is ascertained. If the organism treated in (a) is homologous with the organism with which the agglutin- ating serum was prepared, the decanted fluid will have lost most, or a considerable proportion, of its agglutinating power for the latter (Hewlett). Fixation Test.— (See p. 20). Pfeiffer's reaction (p. 22) is particularly valuable in the diagnosis of cholera. Pathogenesis. — In Asiatic cholera urine is suppressed, and the copious and watery stools have the characteristic rice-water appearance due to flakes of detached epithelium. The most prominent symptoms are subnormal tempera- ture, distension of the abdomen, and ultimately profound collapse. The organisms are practically confined to the intestine, and are not to be found in other organs nor in the blood. Death may occur in twelve or even six hours after infection, or three hours after the first symptoms are noticed. The incubation period rarely exceeds two or three days. Unless some heroic measure, such as a device to neutralise the acidity of the gastric juice, be employed, experiments on animals fail to produce cholera. Intra- peritoneal injections into guinea-pigs, though fatal, do not produce cholera. Young suckling rabbits are an exception, ingestion of the organism producing choleraic diarrhoea. Occurrence and Distribution. — The disease is endemic in many parts of India, particularly the delta of the Ganges. In other countries its course may be traced along the ordinary lines of traffic, showing that it is carried by travellers. There has been no epidemic of cholera in the British Isles during recent years. Cholera spreads most rapidly when the earth tempera- ture is high; this happens chiefly when the ground-water is low, which is in accord with the observation of Petten- kofer that increase in cholera is often preceded by a fall in the ground -water. 154 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Transmission of the disease may take place by means of water (as at Hamburg), by milk (rare), uncooked vegetables, or by fomites. The infection is confined to the bowel and stomach discharges, and is not found in the urine. During outbreaks of cholera a number of persons show- ing only slight or no symptoms get infected at the same time as those who fall ill, and harbour the organism for some time. Haffkine has proved that such * vibrio- carriers ' can spread the disease. As the vibrio offers little resistance to drying, it seems unlikely to be disseminated by dust. At the same time, it is readily capable of a saprophytic existence. Un- cultivated vibrios die more speedily than cultivated ones and the duration of their life is shorter in the hot season than in the cold (Greig). In some waters the cholera vibrio will live for consider- able periods (see p. 225). Charcoal filters, once infected, have been known to continuously pollute water otherwise pure for many weeks, and cause grave epidemics. The best-known instance of milk infection is that of the outbreak of cholera in the Gaya Gaol, in which it was surmised that flies carried the infection. Under ordinary conditions, little or no toxin is found in cultures, but a powerful toxin (presumed to be an endo- toxin) has been obtained by disintegration of the vibrionic structure. Vaccine. — Haffkine's vaccine is prophylactic, not curative. An attenuated vaccine (prepared from cholera spirilla grown on agar at 38° or 39° C., over the surface of which a current of moist sterile air is passed) is injected. Five days later a stronger (' exalted ') vaccine is ad- ministered, which does not exert its full power of immuni- sation till five days after inoculation. The virulence of the latter is obtained by passage through the peritoneal cavities of guinea-pigs. Both inoculations are made subcutaneously. Neither vaccine is sterilised or filtered, both living bacilli and their products being injected. The protection is of a very decided character. Treatment by antisera has met with little success. The cholera immune serum is bacteriolytic, not antitoxic. THE SPIRILLA 155 Cholera-like Vibrios. Finkler-Prior Spirillum. — ^Etiological significance un- certain. Is likely to be confounded with Koch's comma. It is occasionally found in the stools in English cholera (cholera nostras), cholera infantum, etc. The vibrio is rather thicker and longer than the Koch's comma, and has the following cultural characters: In gelatin stab culture liquefaction is rapid, extending in shape of a funnel to the bottom of the stab within forty-eight hours. On potato at 22° C. there is a slightly yellowish growth, and at 37° C. a rapid, slimy, yellow growth. Grown in peptone-water, a feeble indole reaction may be obtained after three days. A vibrio having very similar characters has been found in decaying teeth (Miller's Spirillum). From cases of true cholera spirilla have been cultivated that closely resemble Koch's comma, yet differ slightly in cultural and other characters. Therefore ' Koch's comma ' may be taken to be an organism with variable attributes, or more probably a group of organisms all capable of producing cholera, but not all exactly similar in character. Sanarelli has isolated no less than thirty-two vibrios from water, morphologically distinct from each other, all of which gave a distinct indole reaction. Four of these organisms he found to be extremely pathogenic to animals, producing symptoms in guinea-pigs indistin- guishable from those given by the true cholera spirillum. Spirillum Metchnikovi. — This organism, which is patho- genic for fowls, pigeons, and guinea-pigs, but non- pathogenic for mice, closely resembles the cholera spiril- lum in morphological and cultural characters, even giving the indole reaction on the addition of sulphuric acid alone. The growth on gelatin affords a means of distinc- tion from the cholera spirillum. On gelatin plates small white colonies form, which produce cup-like depressions on liquefaction in two or three days. In a gelatin stab liquefaction is more rapid than with the cholera spirillum, and takes place in the form of a funnel-like tube. It is more pathogenic for guinea-pigs than the cholera spirillum, and can be distinguished from the latter by the readiness with which pigeons succumb to septicaemia after inocula- tion, and by fatal results from feeding to fowls. 156 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY Spirillum Tyrogenum. (Syn., Deneke's cheese bacillus.) Forms no indole, is but feebly pathogenic for laboratory animals, and does not develop readily at blood-heat. Spirillum Rubruin. This organism, which is non-pathogenic, is found in water and garden earth. In broth long threads, with up to fifty twists, are formed. The shorter spirals are very motile. Colonies on gelatin out of contact with air and those on potato are red, and a red sediment is produced in broth. Other spiral organisms, sometimes classed as Spirilla, are more correctly placed among the Protozoa, and will be dealt with later. CHAPTER XIV THE TRICHOMYCETES THE Trichomycetes are thread-forming organisms and form a group intermediate between the Schizomycetes and the Hyphomycetes. Much confusion exists as to the terminology of the class, the same term being used in different senses by authors. The following classification is convenient: Leptothrix: No branching. Cladothrix: ' False ' branching. Nocardia, or Streptothrix : True branching, with forma- tion of rounded bodies, regarded as spores. Aetinomycosis. Morphology. — Actinomyces, or ray-fungus, is a strepto- thrix occurring in three types in the colonies as they grow in the tissues — namely, filaments, cocci, and clubs. The filaments (seen better in cultures) are thin, measuring about 0-5 /* across, and are often of great length. The central protoplasm is enclosed in a sheath ; the filaments, particularly in the centre of a colony, interlace, forming a network. In oklor filaments the protoplasm may be segmented, giving rise to a streptococcal appearance. These bodies are regarded as gonidia. The clubs are THE TRICHOMYCETES 157 involution forms, perhaps produced by resistance of the tissues. The filaments are sometimes ' acid-fast.' When pus, sections, or teased-up specimens from human sources are stained by Gram's method, the filaments and gonidia are Gram-positive, while the clubs situated around the periphery and showing a radiating structure do not usually stain Jby Gram's method. Carbol-fuchsin and picric acid may be used, when the fungus stains red and the tissue yellow. In the bovine organism the clubs stain well by Gram and are well marked, clubs of the hominis variety being stunted. The prominent central filamentous network of the hominis variety is generally replaced by a mass of debris in the bovine type. Cultural Characters. — In artificial media clubs are not found. The organism grows well, and for almost an unlimited time, on glycerin-agar and potato. Fully developed cultures on potato are peculiar and character- istic: a dull raised and wrinkled growth, of considerable thickness, of a bright sulphur-yellow or light chocolate colour, somewhat similar to the lichen commonly seen on apple-trees. Occurrence and Distribution. — Actinomyces grows on grasses and cereals, particularly on barley, and especially on damp rich soils. Infection is due to the piercing of a mucous surface by a portion of a cereal bearing the fungus; possibly the fungus may also gain access to the system by inspiration. It does not seem likely that cattle are infected by contact, and although some human cases have occurred after eating grains of barley, Wright is of opinion that actinomyces is normally present in the mouth, and that irritation caused by the foreign particle merely facilitates invasion of the tissues. The change of teeth in young animals is regarded as a period when risk of infection is greatest. Scirrhous cord, the fibrous tumour found on the end of the spermatic cord of the ox, is stated by Stockman to be caused by the entrance of the actinomyces by the wound of castration. Pathogenesis. — Cattle are the principal subjects of the disease, but it also occurs in pigs, sheep, horses, squirrels, and man. In animals the disease is usually local and may arise in various parts of the body, the head and neck, particularly the tongue, being most 1 58 AIDS TO BACTERIOLOGY common sites. The? disease commences with a swelling (' wen ') that in due course ulcerates with the discharge of pus. In the tongue the growth of fibrous tissue makes it painful, hard, and immobile ('wooden tongue'), the tongue may protrude and ulcerate at its base. There is constant dribbling. The lower jaw-bone and the neck glands are commonly infected, the teeth often falling out from the former. The disease in man corresponds pretty closely to that observed in animals, but there is less tendency to localisation, to the abundant formation of connective tissue, and to the frequency of calcification. The tendency of the disease in man is to become chronic, and it is only by the implication of some vital organ or by the exhaustion following prolonged suppuration that the patient succumbs. The disease spreads by continuity, and no tissue seems able to resist its invasion. Besides this, secondary embolic foci may occur, perhaps the commonest seat being the liver. Griffith (Report to L.G.B., New Series, No. 107, 1915), after examining a number of actinomycotic ox-tongues, supports the view that under the term actinomycosis a number of distinct conditions are included. Most of his specimens showed an organism probably identical with the actinobacillus of Lignieres and Spitz. If a little of the pus be allowed to run gently down the side of a test-tube, which is then held up to the light, the small yellow grains which will be visible may be picked out, placed on a slide, and pressed down with a cover- glass. It will transmit to the finger a sensation similar to that of squeezing a drop of solid fat, if the granule be taken from man; while if from an animal, the granule may be gritty, from calcareous infiltration. On examining the slide with a low power, a number of ovoid kidney- shaped masses are seen, which with a higher power show the characteristic club-shaped structure. Mycetoma, or Madura Disease. The foot is generally attacked, occasionally the hand, and rarely other parts. Three varieties are seen. The most common is the white, the black being less frequent, while the red variety is rare. The varieties are named after the colour of the granules occurring in the cavities. The white form is produced by the Streptothrix madur