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Sibraru of (El^e Untcersitij of riortl] Carolina

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JOHN SPRUNT HILL of the class of 1889

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There are more do wnsthan touch clowns YOU OUGHT TO BUY LIFE INSURANCE

Because You May Die


Because You May Live


Cyrus Thompson, Jr.





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B. N. DUKE. Vice-President W. S. LEE, Vice-President


GEORGE STEPHENS. President P. C. WHITLOCK. Trust Officer



W. H. WOOD, Treasurer

J. E. DAVIS, Assistant Treasurer


Number 4

n% I n I n II M M I H n M H M H M M n m n M M M I w II nrrmnr








The President's Report Numbers Building's— New Forces at Work— Getting in Touch— Exten- sion—A Medium of Communication


The Greatest Need of this Wide-Awake Insti- tution is a New Building


Four Hundred Students Train for Leadership in Public Discussion






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lvlCC-VK-ri3 DEL.igii







tbe University of north Carolina


A. B.


(1) Chemical Engineering.

(2) Electrical Engineering.

(3) Civil and Road Engineering.

(4) Soil Investigation.







(1) General Information.

(2) Instruction by Lectures.

(3) Correspondence Courses.

(4) Debate and Declamation.

(5) County Economic and Social Surveys.

(6) Municipal and Legislative Reference.

(7) Teachers' Bureau, Preparatory Schools, and College

Entrance Requirements.

For information regarding the University, address THOS. J. WILSON, JR., Registrar

thhiMQ ilnhttattnttH


IPou can't affort) to place ^ouv or^er wbere cheapness of production is tbe tbino striven for ratber tban tbe quiet elegance anb strict aDberence to correct social form wbicb cbarac* terise our worl?. Hll tbe latest anO most Cor* rect Stales of enoravino anD sises. : : : :


EfitabUalirii I BBS Surinam, Nnrtlj (Earnltna


Volume II



Number 4


THE PRESIDENT'S The "President's Eeport," em- REPORT 'bracing reports from the Presi-

dent, the Acting President, and various University officers for the year ending De- cember 1, 1913, presents an extended and exceeding- ly interesting story of University development. The opening of the School of Education, the record regis- tration in the Summer and regular sessions, the growth of the Bureau of Extension, the increased circulation of the Review^ the new lease on life taken by athletic interests, the heartening spirit of student and faculty co-operation running through the whole gamut of University life these are some of the matters embodied in the account transmitted by the Acting President to the Trustees which make the report for 1913 epochal.

NUMBERS The size of the regular Freshman

class 269 and the total enrolment 875 naturally challenge first attention. The Uni- versity has drawn to its courses a splendid lot of new men and has held an increased per cent of former students. Erom a count made one month after the opening of the term it was apparent that 23 counties of the State had sent 10 or more students, with Mecklenburg leading with 41. On the other hand Graham, Clay, Swain, Transylvania, Ruther- ford, Mitchell, Polk, Brunswick, Dare, Currituck, Stokes, and Avery twelve counties were not repre- sented. A revised count, which the Review contem- plates carrying in an early issue, will show an in- creased number of counties contributing more than 10 and fewer counties contributing none. Of the 875 students, all excejjt 49 are residents of North CaroMna.


BUILDINGS 1913 was pre-eminently a building year. Caldwell Hall, the new dormi- tories, and the Peabody Building were all brought into full service for the first time. The long-needed filtration plant and the new dining hall were begun and are now well under way. When the alumni re- turn at commencement it is confidently expected that the water in the spigots will rival that from the " Well " in clarity and purity, and that the Alumni Luncheon will be served in the spacious New Com-

mons. The reports of the various deans and ofticers itemize the additional equipment in the form of ap- paratus, books, etc., all of which go into the making of an increasingly Greater University.


NEW FORCES Important as this material growth has AT WORK been, the getting under way of the School of Education during the Fall, the upbuilding of the 1913 Summer School, and the more thorough organization of the work of the Bu- i-eau of Extension, represent an even more valuable achievement. Handicapped in previous years by a lack of quarters and teachers for the Department of Education, the University has been unable to give the schools of the State anything like the full service it desired. With three new instructors added and the present equipment, it now has the opportunity to realize the ideal of service it has long held.


GETTING IN The Review shares the opinion ex- TOUCH pressed by the Director of the Summer

School that the Summer School of 1913 was very potent in bringing the University into sensitive touch with the State. Several very definite impressions were made upon the teacher-students. One was that the University was a genuine univer- sity capable of giving helpful instruction. Another, that it gave something which heartened the teachers for the task of educational uplift back home. Still another, that the University belonged to them, that it was theirs, and that its desire to stand behind them in their work was thoroughly genuine. Strong in this belief, they went back to their schools and homes with the result that wherever they are there are outlets through which the University can touch the life of the State.


EXTENSION Through the co-operation of the fac- ulty, the Societies, the Athletic Asso- ciation, and the Greater Council, the University took a far step forward during the year " in making the campus co-extensive with the bounds of the State." The quotation is from the Acting President's pro- gram of work as given on Oct. 12. Expressed satis- tically, 101 lectures have been offered clubs, schools and communities of the State to be given whei'ever



vhej are demanded. One liimdred high schools were brought together in the Debating Union contest of last March and 150 are now preparing for the com- ing contest in April. Five bulletins issued in the Extension series, and totaling 15,000 copies, have been distributed. Twelve correspondemee courses have been opeu.ed to teachers and others who could not otherwise secure instruction from the University. Two State-wide athletic meets were pi-ovided for Sec- ondary Schools. 2,000 letters were written by the various divisions of the Bureau of Extension in an- swer to inquiries for information, and 12,000 sej)- arate pieces of mail, including letters, bulletins, leaf- lets, etc., were sent out during the twelve months from the office of the High School Inspector.

NEEDED Certain needs of the University are

BUILDINGS set forth in the reports. Among these suitable buildings for Physics, Elec- trical Engineerino- Civil Engineerino- Geologv, Pharmacy, and the Y. M. C. A, are most pressing. For years the laboratory quarters of the departments mentioned have been in the basement of the adminis- tration building or in buildings poorly adapted to the best grade of work.


CORRELATION ^\^ second need mentioned in the re- OF COURSES j^orts, one which is fundamental, and to which the attention of the University has previously been called, is that of so correlating the courses now offered liy the University, the Summer School, and the correspondence division as to enable students pursuing them to receive def- iE.ite credits according to the character of the courses taken. For work done both in the (Correspondence and Summer courses, three or four different kinds of credits should be given. To begin with, an arrange- ment should be perfected with the State Department of Education whereby work completed in certain courses should entitle those completing them to cer- tificates which would admit them to positions of a specified character in the public schools. Work com- pleted in other courses should be accepted by the University for entrance, while work in still other courses should lead to regular University credits. In addition to this, as the system is developed, work extending over as many as four Summer sessions in graduate subjects should lead, in the case of gradu- ates of reputable colleges, to the degree of A. il. If need be, the courses leading to this degree could be confined largely to those given by the School of Edu- cation.

With the present appropriation of $2,000 for the

Summer School and the limited number of corres- pondence courses offered, it is probable that not much can be done, but the fact that study at Columbia University during the Summer session may be count- ed for an advanced degree, constitutes one of the chief reasons there are others of course why one hundred jVorth Carolina teachers go there annually and many others go to Knoxville and Charlottesville, where valuable credits are also given, instead of at- tending the Summer School of Chapel Hill. Such an arrangement will save North Carolina teachers money, in that expenses are lower in Chapel Hill than in New York; a serious, high-minded body of students v,-ill be brought to the University for con- tinuous work; and the University will have an op- portunity to come into such vital contact with prin- cipals and superintendents now not reached, that it can exert upon the public school work of the State a many fold greater influence than it is exerting today.


A MEDIUM OF Still another need, one hitherto COMMUNICATION nnexpresed, has been presented the need of a medium of com- munication through which the University can give, direct, an account of its work to the people. This need is voiced b_y the Schools of Ap]ilied Science and iledicine \n relation to work in various courses and is strongly felt by the Bureau of Extension, though it was not expressed. An analysis of the publications going from the University' will show that they are (a) technical and scholarly, like Studies in Philol- ogy; (b) official, like the Catalogue ; and (c) special, like the High School Bulletin and the Bul- letins of the Bureau of Extension. The Rkview, to be sure, goes to the alumni (1,500 of the 7,000 !), and the daily press recounts the purely news features, but the University has no medium through which it can go directly to the people by whom it is supported and to whom it would render full scrxace. The an- swer to this need is a live, popular, University publi- cation issued regularly and with sufficient frequency to keep the work before the people. If the iTniver- sity, through its officers and teachers, has informa- tion on public health, on social service, on munici- pal and State legislation, on public education, on highway construction, on rural co-operation, on a hundred other things if it has information to give and helpful suggestions to make, it should not have to depend u])oii. classroom activities, occasional or technical publications and academic discussions, as its sole means of communication, but should offer them direct to the public through a publication of the character indicated.


ALUMNI Plans are already under way for a big

REUNIONS reunion at Commencement. The Alum- ni Committee is now in communica- tion with the classes of 1864, 1889, 1894, 1904, and 1909 which are scheduled to hold official reunions this year. Other classes are being urged to. hold unofficial meetings, and the suggestion has been made of bringing 1913 back in. full force although it has been away from the Hill only one year.

Back in 1911 when the i^lans for the organiza- tion of the General Alumni Association had been adopted only a short time, it was fi-equently pre- dicted that within a very few years the campus would be dotted with alumni tents during Commence- ment week and that the " old grad," with " stunts '' similar to those familar to many campuses, would over-run the grounds. That has not happened yet, but it can be effected and it would be wholly worth while. Virginia effected it last year through the local committee and the class of 1908 and Minnesota is planning it this year and will use the class of 1904 as the organizer and director of all alumni festivities. Is there a volunteer among the classes of U. K C. ?

The presence of 1913 on the campus in June, or any time, will bring joy to alma mater. 1913's loy-

alty and spirit constitute one of her most cherished memories.


PROFESSOR Xhe announcement of the election of BRANSON Prof. E. C. Branson to the new chair

of Applied Economics and Rural Soci- ology is of signal importan/^e to the University and the State. It marks the further committment of the University to the policy of directing its forces in those currents which lead to the uplift and upbuilding of the Old North State. It is a further development of the plan of making the University campus State- wide.

Professor Branson comes admirably fitted for his work. He is a native Tar Heel. He is a skilled, effective educator. He is a trained sociologist and has first hand knowledge of the economic and social conditions in the South. He brings to the University an idea which he has contriI)uted to American educa- tion— the idea of having students study minutely and sympathetically the economic and social life of their own communities to the end that when they leave college they will go back to their own i^eople to aid them in the right solution of all their economic and social questions. The State is to be congratulated on his coming.


The Greatest Need of this Wide-Awake Institution is a New Building

The work of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion has continued its healthy growth of last year in taking several imj)ortant forward steps. Among the first in point of time was the reception to the now men which the Social Connnittee, Philip Woollcott and Francis Clarkson, removed from a fruit ])inicli in the Association Lobby to a reception by the whole college in the University Library.

The community interest and sustained energy of Manager George Eutslcr has caused the book ex- change to grow into a pretty big thing, doing busi- ness not only at the beginnning of each term but running through the year.

Bible Study Work has l)een organized in :i \erv efficient way by Tom Boushall, chairnian. Tliroe hundred and twelve men have been enrolled in over a score of groups and have met every Sunday witli an average attendance of one hundred and fortv men

in the dormitories, fraternity, houses and boarding- places.

Walter Fuller, in the neighborhood work, has kept, the young life of the campus in touch with the rural communitiees within a four mile radius. He has caught the true spirit of the social service move- ment and has made his department not only a matter of the country Sunday school but of boys' clubs and other rural organizations as well. Eighteen men have helped him and his lieutenant, B. F. Auld, iu making this work go.

The weekly meetings on Tuesday and Thursday nights have been arranged in definite schedules. Two series were given on Tuesday nights in the Fall, the first devoted to the theme of " College Men and Re- ligion," and the other to North Carolina problems of taxation, education, morals, health, conservation, con- stitution and religion. The Thursday night meet- ings were short prayer meetings led liy students who discussed the temptations and problems of the cam-



pus. Six of these meetings were given over to the study of negro life in the South.

The negro work has taken a long step forward. Tn three negro Sunday schools students teach classes. A night school is conducted five nights in the week for the negro Iwys who are unable to go to day school. Ten students are engaged in this work and have an. average class of fifteen boys.

Two hundred and five dollars have been sent to date to the Xew York office for the Barnett mission fund. Chairman House and his assistant. Collier Cobb, Jr., expect to send another large check later in the term. This fund, which goes into the work of Eugene Barnett, at the great student centre. Hang- chow, China, will perhaps go further in its perma- nent results both actively and reflexly than any equi\-- alent amount of money that goes from Chapel Hill this year. A new and deeper impulse is given the work here by this giving to the needs of young China and the sympathies of the student body are -widened with the vision of the mission movement which seeks to save the world through the ideals and personality of Christ. The enthusiasm of the five Kansas City delegates has not only called attention to the value of the Barnett fund but has also awakened interest in the whole Student Volunteer Movement for the evan- gelization of the world.

The financial system of the Association, which was put on a good basis by Treasurer Lee Wiggins last year, has been reorganized with even greater efficiency. Dr. L. R. Wilson, of the faculty, at the

request of the general secretary and the student treas- urer, consented to serve as active advisory treasurer. All monies however small are checked out by the treasurer and countersigned by Dr. Wilson. Every bill is scrutinized by him and paid u]ion his approval. Receipts are also given for all monies received and are required for all monies paid out.

Whether the Association will come out even or not cannot yet be said. Many improvcMuents have been made in the appearance and the upkeep of the build- ing and aggressive moves have been made in the conduct of the several departments. The integrity of the financial system and the soundness of the work itself are due to the fine spirit of co-operation be- tween the faculty and the students. The members of the faculty have given their thought and money to the success of the work and the students have worked gladly and tirelessly. President J. E. Holmes has about him a splendid cabinet of workers in H. S. Willis, W. P. Fuller. T. C. Boushall, R E. Parker. F. 0. Clarkson, .J. E. Turlington, G. W. Eutsler, R. B. House, P. W. Woollcott, .T^\. Holmes, L. H. Ran- son and C. E. Ervin.

Everywhere the need is felt for a Y. M. C. A. building costing not less than $75,000 and equipped to be a real student centre. The present cabinet started quietly in October a movement which looks to the erection of such a building. Seventy-five thou- sand dollars sounds like a dream but the need is big enough to make the dream come true in the present college generation.


Four Hundred Students Train for

The month of February finds the " Di " and " Phi " Societies in the midst of their debating ac- tivities and preparations for this year. In the matter of inter-collegiate debates, a ti'iangle has been formed consisting of the University of ISTorth Carolina, the University of Virginia, and Johns Hojikins Univer- sity, for a triangular debate on April 18th. The query is " Resolved, that the political interests of the United States demand the abandonment of the Monroe Doctrine." Each University will put out two teams, one on the affirmative and the other on the negative. Carolina will have the negative against Virginia and the affirmative against Johns Hopkins. The debates will all be held on neutral grounds ; Car- olina and Virginia will meet at Baltimore, Carolina and Johns Hopkins at Charlottesville, and Virginia and Johns Hopkins at Chapel Hill.

Already a representative number of students arc at

Leadership in Public Discussion

woi-k preparing to enter the preliminaries for these debates. Any student of the University who is a member of either society is eligible to enter the pre- liminary contests. Usually those who compete for places on the teams come from the Junior and Senior classes, and the Law School. In the thirty-seven de- bates that have been engaged in by Carolina with other Universities, from Pennsylvania to Tulaue and Vanderbilt, twenty-seven have been victories for Car- olina. Out of the last twelve debates, only one has been lost. The winnin.g of a place on a debating team is an honor that is highly prized and much striven for by University students. The debates themselves are events that are not surpassed in importance and universal interest by anything that happens on the campus during the course of the year. The debates this Spring with Virginia and Johns Hopkins are



being looked forward to with eagerness by the student body.


Just at this time, too, interest is gathering not only in Chapel Hill, but all over the State in. the ap- proaching State-Avide contest of the High School Debating Union. The effect of the extension of the societies' work last year to the high schools is seen in an active interest in debating in almost any school that might be selected in ?^orth Carolina. Already one hundred and fifty high schools have enrolled in the Union, and have been arranged in triangles for debates on March 20th. All the schools which win both of their debates in this contest will send both teams to Chapel Hill on. April 3rd to take part in the final contest. To the school winning out finally will be awarded the Aycock ilemorial Cup, the prize which has been generously contributed to the Union by the inter-collegiate debaters of the University. This cuji was awarded last year to the Pleasant Car- den High School, of Guilford County.

The query that will be discussed by all of these schools is, " Eesolved, That the Constitution of North Carolina should be so amended as to allow the Initi- ative and Referendum in State-wide legislation." A considerable amount of material on this question, in- cluding one sixty-page extension series publication devoted exclusively to a study of the Initiative and Referendum, and several thousand Congi-essional speeches and documents, has been sent to the schools from Chapel Hill. The sup])ort given to the move- ment by the school men and the active interest in debating and discussion of public questions all over North Carolina are an abundant justification of the wisdom of the Societies in extcmding their work to the high schools which form the lower part of the State's educational system. Every school is intent upon bringing the Aycock Cup home, and there is no doubt but that a warm and interesting contest will be staged in Xorth Carolina on the dates of March 20th ■A\\i\ April 3rd.


The inter-collegiate debates rest for their support and for the training of their participants upon the inter-society and intra-society debates. There ar(> three inter-society debates held every year. These are the Soph-Junior, held in December; the Fresh- Soph, held in A])ril ; and the Commencement debate, held on Tuesday night of Commeiicement week. These debates are usually close and always warmly contested. At present the interest centers mostly in the Fresh-Soph, and the Commencement debates. Two Juniors from each Society represent their So- ciety respectively in the ComniPTicement debate.

To the best speaker on the winning side in this debate the Bingham IMedal is awarded. Beginning in 1912, the Carr Medal in oratory has been contested for dur- ing Junior Week by two Juniors chosen in compe- tition from each Society'. The places on all of these teams are filled in competitive, preliminary contests.

Besides these inter-society contests, a Freshman Deliate is held separately in each Society. In both societies the final speakers are selected in competiti\'e contests. In the final contest in the Philanthropic Society there are two speakers to a side, and the man making the best speech is awarded a prize of ten dol- lars. The Dialectic Society provides for four speakers to a side, and gives a distinctive gold clasp ]nn to the man who makes the best speech.

Regular debates are held in the two Societies on Friday and Saturday nights of each week. Only the si^eakers are required to attend the Friday night meet- ings. Membership is not compulsory, but notwith- standing this fact, the greater number of the students join one or the other of the societies and find in them what is considered by many as the best training pro- vided at the University. From early times those from the East have joined the Philauthroi)ic Society, and those from the West have joined the Dialectic Society.


In this, the second year in which the University has supplied a course of public lectures for the benefit and i^leasure of students and faculty, the com- mittee has again sought to secure variety of in- terest, as well as high excellence in subject at presentation. Owing in large measure to the alterations in the dates originally set for the Japan- ese Exchange Lectures and the McNair Lectures, it was found difficult to secure open available dates for the University Lectures. The lectures which have already been delivered are Joel Chandler Hams and the Uncle Remus Stories, by Mr. R. T. Wyche, Pres- ident of the National Story-Tellers League, on No- vember 24, 1913; and Dr. Gaillard Hunt, Chief of tlie MSS. Division, Library of Congress, on .lanuary 16, 1914. On March 25, the famous physician and popular writer. Dr. Woods Hutchison, will speak here; and in May, Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, Director of the Bureau of Mines, who has recently visited Alaska in the interest of the U. S. Government, will speak on " Our Great Northwestern Empire." A consistent and prolonged effort has been made to secure Alfred Noyes, one of the greatest living poets ; and the hope is still advanced that he may visit the institution this Spring.



Hereafter Carolina and Virginia will be Governed by Almost Identical Regulations

At its regular January meeting the faculty adopted the following code of eligibility rules :

Eligibility Rules ok the University

1. No student whose parents or guardians object to his participation in athletic contests shall be allowed to take part in such contests.

2. No student shall pla.v upon the University athletic teams except after physical examination by the Director of the Gymnasium (or by a responsible expert officer of the University acting in his stead and by his request) and with the approbation of the Director.

3. A student who was in attendance upon the University during a previous term or session must have passed satis- factory examinations upon at least eight hours of work before he will be allowed to represent the University in any athletic contest.

4. Inasmuch as a member of an athletic team of this University is a representative student and enjoys special honor in thus representing the Universit}', this privilege shall be withheld from any student whose scholastic standing is discreditable. A preliminary report of the scholastic standing of the members of the football team shall be called for on October 15th and of the baseball team on March isth, and the players notified of their deficiencies. Another report shall be called for on November 15th for the football team and April 15th for the baseball team, at which time any player deficient in a majority of his studies shall be debarred from representing the University during the remainder of the term.

5. The members of any athletic team may be allowed not more than ten lecture days leave of absence from the Uni- versity for the purpose of engaging in athletic contests; but no student who is a member of more than one athletic team shall be allowed more than twenty lecture days leave of ab- sence during the entire session for such purpose.

6. The manager of each athletic team shall submit to the Faculty Committee on Athletics or to the President a schedule of all engagements before positive arrangements are made.

7. Before any student can become a member or a sub- stitute member of any athletic team in the University, and take part in any intercollegiate contest, he must make application to the Faculty Committee on Athletics in the University and secure the endorsed approval of that Committee to his appli- cation. It shall be the duty of the Faculty Committee on Ath- letics to have the Executive officers of the University endorse such application to the effect that the applicant is a registered student of the University.

8. It shall be the 5uty of the Athletic Committee to inquire into and make a record of the athletic experiences of the applicant, and it shall be the duty of the applicant to appear before the Committee and answer on his honor such questions as the Committee may see fit to ask.

9. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Committee to re- quire a pledge in writing of the applicant, certifying on his honor that he has never accepted, directly or indirectly, remuneration, compensatory gift, valuable consideration, or promise thereof, for his athletic services, and that he is in the proper and strict sense of the word an amateur player in

collegiate athletic sports, before the Committee endorses his application.

10. It shall be the duty of the Graduate Manager, the Head Coach, the President and the Treasurer of the Athletic Association, the members of the Athletic Council, the Direc- tor of the Gymnasium, and the Manager and the Captain of the team concerned to furnish the Faculty Committee on Athletics, on request, a statement to the effect that each member of an athletic team is above their suspicion as to liis eligibility to represent the University as an amateur player before such player shall be allowed to take part in any contest.

11. No student who has been a member of, or substitute member of, the football or baseball team of another college or University during the preceding college year shall be permitted to become a member of either team of this Uni- versity during his first session, with the following exception : Such student shall be eligible for these teams at this Uni- versity if he shall have registered in this University not later than within one week after the opening of the preceding spring term, and shall have been a student here during the said term.

Note I. The term "substitute" is interpreted to mean a student who has taken part in two or more inter-collegiate contests.

Note 2. The term "college" is hereby interpreted to mean any college named in Table 28 of the Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education for 1902, which has not fewer than 150 male students of collegiate grade recorded in the catalogue of the institution in question as students of the college year preceding the applicant's entrance into the Uni- versity.

Note 3. The college year consists of one session divided into two terms. '

12. No person whose name appears in the catalogue list of officers of instruction and administration of the Univer- sity, and who receives remuneration therefrom, shall be a member of any athletic team representing the University.

13. The maximum period of eligibility for baseball and fuotball shall be four years. In estimating the period of eligibility the years of baseball and football shall both be taken into account ; but in no case shall a player be charged with four years' athletic work, unless at least four calendar years have elapsed from the time he entered upon his first intercollegiate contest, omitting from the calculation any sessional intermission by non-attendance. In case the player does not participate in either baseball or football during a college session, such session shall not be counted, but if such player does play on either the baseball or football team dur- ing any intermediate session, this shall count as if the player had played on both teams during such session.

14. No student of this University shall be eligible for any athletic team who shall have played upon, or been a member or substitute member of any of the professional or league teams in Classes A, B, C, and D, in the publication of the American Sports Company. To the list of professional teams thus prescribed shall be added all league teams in any state or states, which the leading university of such state or states declares professional and from which it debars its own players.



15. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is directed to as- sume responsible charge of the details of the Athletic situation and to permit the playing of intercollegiate games with such colleges only as express a general conformity with the code of rules adopted by this faculty. The term "general con- formity" is interpreted to mean conformity in regard to period of residence, maximum period of eligibility and aina- tcur standing.

Eligibilitv Riles ov thi; University oi- \'irc.ini.\

1. The Faculty Committee on Athletics is intrusted with the general oversight of athletics, and is authorized to forbid any features in these exercises which endanger the health or morals of the participants, and to foster the true spirit of amateur sport among them.

2. No student shall play upon the University athletic teains except after physical examination by the Director of the Gymnasium (or by a responsible expert officer of the Univer- sity acting in his stead and by his request) and with the approbation of the Director.

3. Only students who act as regular or substitute members of the athletic teams will be granted leaves of absence to ac- company them on trips away from the university, except dur- ing vacation and holidays.

-(. Special reports inay be made to the President from time to time by any minor faculty with respect to the class-stand- ing and progress in study of each regular and substitute player on the athletic teams, and if the president and such faculty are convinced that the class-standing is discreditable, such student may be required to sever his connection with such team.

5. The athletic teams should not have contests elsewhere than upon the university grounds with any except teams from other institutions of learning.

6. Before any student can become a member or substitute member of any athletic team in the University and take part in any intercollegiate contest, he shall make application in a prescribed form in writing to the Faculty Committee on athletics, and secure the endorsed approval of the Coinmittec to his application. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Com- mittee to have the executive officers of the University endorse such application to the effect that the applicant is an uncon- ditionally registered student of the University.

7. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Committee to inquire into and make a record of the athletic experiences of the ap- plicant, and it shall be the duty of the applicant to apjiear before the Committee and answer on his honor such questions as the Committee may see lit to ask.

8. It shall be the duty of the Athletic Committee, before it endorses an application, to require a pledge in writing of the applicant certifying on his honor that he has never re- ceived directly or indirectly remuneration, compensaltory gift, valuable consideration, or the promise thereof for or on account of his athletic services, and that he is in the prop- er and strict sense of the word an amateur athlete.

9. No student who has been a member or a su1)stitute member of a football or a baseball team of another college or University shall be permitted to become a member of either team of this University during his first session; but in no case shall such student be eligible for these teams at this University unless he shall have been a student here at least five months. The above provision shall also apply to all students who enter this university with less than 10 units.

10. No person whose name appears in the catalogue list of officers of instruction and administration of the University and who receives remuneration therefrom, shall be a member of any athletic team representing the University.

11. It shall be the duty of the President of the Athletic Association, the Executive Committee of the Association, the Manager and the Captain of the team concerned, the Di- rector of the Gymnasium, the Associate Director of Ath- letics, the Treasurer of the Association, to furnish on request, a statement to the effect that each member of an athletic team is above their suspicion as to his eligibility to represent the University as a proper amateur player, before such player shall be allowed to take part in any contest.

12. No "coach" not an alumnus and no "trainer" not an officer of the University, shall be employed for the purpose of instructing or training any athletic team in this University.

13. The members of any athletic team may be allowed not more than eight days leave of absence from the University for the purpose of engaging in athletic contests; but no student who is a member of more than one athletic team shall be allowed more than sixteen days during the entire season for such purpose.

14. "Training tables" for football, baseball, and track teams are hereby abolished.

15. No student of this University shall be eligible for any athletic team who shall have played upon or been a member or substitute member of any of the professional or league teams named in classes A, B, C, and D, in the publication of the American Sports Company. To the list of professional teams thus prescribed shall be added all league teams in any state or states, which the leading University of such state or states declares professional and from which it debars its own players.

16. The terin "college" as used in the Faculty Regulations concerning athletics is hereby interpreted to mean any college named in Table 28 of the Report of the U. S. Commissioner of Education. In case such faculty fails to distinguish be- tween students of collegiate and preparatory grade, the presi- dent of the college concerned shall be requested to render or to authorize an official decision of the members belonging to each head.

17. The term "substitute" is interpreted to mean a student who has taken part in an intercollegiate contest.

18. The Faculty Committee on .\thletics is directed to as- sume responsible charge of the details of the athletic situation and to permit the playing of intercollegiate games with such colleges only as express a general conformity with the code of rules adopted by this faculty. The term "general conformity" is interpreted to mean conformity in regard to period of residence, maximum period of eligibility and amateur stand- ing.

If). The maximum period of eligibility for baseball or foot- ball shall be four years. In estimating the period of eligibility the years of baseball and football shall both be taken into account ; but in no case shall a player be charged with four years' athletic work, unless at least four calendar years have elapsed from the time he entered upon his inter-collegiate contest omitting from the calculation any sessional inter- mission by non-attendance. In case the player does not par- ticipate in either baseball or football during a college session, such session shall not be counted, but if such player does play on either the baseball or the football team during any inter-



mediate session, this shall count as if the player had played on both teams during such session.


A comparison of these regulations shows the de- sired identity in the three essential requirements in regard to the period of residence, maximum period of eligibility and amateur standing. The regulations concerning the period of residence exhibit a slight difference. Virginia requires an athlete from an- other college to have been a student at Virginia five months in the preceding year in order to qualify in the current year. Carolina requires such a student to have registered for his residence within one week after the opening of the spring terui in order to qualify in the current year. This dilference is due to the difference in the time of the commencement of the spring term and means that at Virgiuia the athlete must have registei'ed by Januai-y twelfth and at Carolina by February the fifth of the preceding year.

The other points of difference grow out of less material requirements adapted to the particular con- ditions of each institution. The Virginia athletic system is so well established as not to need a profes- sional coach. Carolina is in the process of establish- ing the Princeton system and Princeton coaches are indispensable to its establishment. Virginia has abolished the training table for all forms of athletics, Carolina still retains it for football. Other less im- portant differences have to do with the consent of parents or guardian to a student's participation in athletic contests, the definition of a substitute, and the number of days for which leave of absence is granted during a season.

On the important point of scholarship, the differ- ence is in the definiteness of the requirement in the Carolina regulations. The scholarship requirement at Virginia debars a player for class standing that is discreditable in the opinion of the president and the faculty and futhermore applies the residence rule to students who enter with credits amounting to less than ten units. The scholarship requirement at Car- olina debars a player who has not jjassed on eight hours of work in the previous year or who is deficient in a majority of his studies in mid-term.

The adoption of these rules mark an advance in representative sport at Carolina. However, we are not abreast of Vanderbilt and Georgia, two of our coming rivals and leaders in the athletics of the lower South. A glance at the regulations of the Eastern universities and at the rules of the Western Conference, shows how far Virginia and Carolina have yet to go in order to secure the highest guaran- tees of pure sportsmanship.

In the S. I. A. A. the nine months rule against athletes from other colleges is in force and fourteen units are required for any first year man to be elig- ible. In the representative universities of the East and the West, onJy undergraduates are eligible who have completed a full year's college work in residence the i^revious year and the maximum period of eligi- bility is limited to three years. Scholarship require- ments are enforced for failure the jirevious year and for deficiency in the term. Little or no concession is uiade for laboratory work. Training tables are abolished. Soliciting athletes by any athletic official of the college is ahsolutely under the ban. Amateur athletics is promoted at every i^bssible point. All over the country there is a forward movement for cleaia and representative sport.


Announceuieut has been made of two events which will prove important in the athletic life of Xorth Carolina secondary and high schools this Spring. These are the second annual inter-scholastic track meet, to he held at Chapel Hill on April 3rd under the auspices of the Greater Council and Alumni Ath- letic Association of the University of North Carolina, and the first annual championship contest in baseball, to be held at Chapel Hill on some date to be deter- mined later, under the auspices of the Alumni Ath- letic Association of the University.

All secondary schools of North Carolina, however supported, are eligible to send representatives to contest in the inter-scholastic track meet. The events of the meet will be: One-hundred-yard dash, 440-yard run, 880-yard run, one-mile run, 120-yard low hur- dles, high juni]), broad jump, pole vault, twelve-pound shot put, twelve-pound hammer throw, and a relay race.


To the school which wins the largest number of points a championship cup will be awarded. This cup at present is in the possession of the High Point Pligh School, the winner of the meet last year. The school which wins the relay race will be awarded a cup. To every contestant winning a first place in any event, a silver medal will be awarded, and to every contestant winning a second place a bronze medal will be awarded. All contestants coming to Chapel Hill for the meet will be entertained by the students of the University.


For this year the championship contest in baseball is open only to public high schools, city and rural. The committee at Chapel Hill will arrange a series



of games in a preliminary contest for all high school baseball teams, city and rural, which have up to and including May 2ud won as many as four games from teams representing schools of similar rank, and have not been defeated. To be eligible to enter this pre- liminary contest a school must fulfill the requirement of having won four games and lost none.

Throug'h the process of elimination in this prelimi- nary contest, two teams will be selected which will come to Chapel Hill to play the final game for the State championship. The General Alumni Athletic Association will bear all expenses, including trans- portation both ways and hotel bills, of the two teams selected for the final contest, and will provide enter- tainment for these two teams while they are on the Hill. This final game will be jjlayed some time in May, the exact date to be determined later, after con- sultation with the high school men and teams.


The championship contest in football which was carried to a successful issue last fall was highly en- couraging and resulted in deei)ening the interest of quite a number of high schools in football. The con- test in football, the track meet, and the contest in baseball are a natural part of the University's larger activities, particularly in the high school life of the State, and they are ranked along with the High School Debating Union, in which already more than 150 schools are enrolled for a state-wide debating tourney this Spring.

The committee which has in charge the matter of arranging these contests is composed of !N". W. Walk- er, chairman ; E. R. Rankin, secretary ; T. G. Tren- chard, C. E. Ervin, Oscar Leach, and 2^. J. Cartmell.


Of the 1913 baseball team six are in college now eligible to play. Hart, catcher, Aycock and Craven, pitchers, K. Bailey, captain, second baseman, John- son, and H. Bailey, outfielders. Other members of the squad who will again, he out for the team are Norris, first-'baseman, Knowles, catcher, and Zolli- coifer, outfielder.

"Shag Thompson," last year's left fielder, Kluttz of the Medical School, and Lee, of the Law School, are ineligible on acount of having played league liall. Lee will be with the Winston team again. Thomjison was annexed by Connie Mack from Durham and has been, farmed out tn Chattanooga. Kluttz has quit the diamond.

lights that failed is being formed. " Join the Fed- erals " is the consoling behest of Manager Joe Tinker Thompson (alias "Shag"). The Associated Rum- ors have it that Gooch, the 400 hitting outfielder, Cowell, Groom, Tandy and Edwards, the giant first baseman, have all gone back on the regular organiza- tion. The Federals inteiul to make the Regulars keep on the jump this season.

Raymond Lee, '12, who blanked Virginia three times and bested Rixey in two series, will report for duty as special coach of pitchers on February 15th and will assist Coach Earle Mack until March 15th. ■• General " Lee should make au excellent coach for a college statf of pitchers. He ran the course from an ordinary class team twirler to the premier pitcher of the Carolina league.


During the Christmas holidays the Carolina bas- ketball team defeated the strong team representing the Charlotte Y. M. C. A. in two games by the scores of 42 to 32 and 52 to 29. It was really a game of Charlotte against Charlotte. Four of the six Car- olina players were Charlotte lads, the Long brothers, Carey Dowd, and Preston Andrews. The long reach of Edwards and the shooting of Mehane Long and Dowd ran up the score for Carolina. Carolina Charlotte

Long, M., (Capt.) Stewart

Right Forward

Dowd Davenport

Left Forward

Edwards Averett


Tennant McClintock, Ross

Right Guard

Andrews, Long Corbett, Crook

Left Guard


The first game after the holidays was Avon by the Durham Y. ]\L C. A. in Durham by the score of 42 to 31. The game before Christmas was won by Caro- lina by the score of 31 to 24. The deciding game will be played in the auditorium at Raleigh. George Carrington, Carolina's centre for several seasons, is playing right guard for Durham.

Scholarship requirements have taken their toll of several bright hopes. An outlaw organization of the


In the most interesting game of the schedule to date .Carolina defeated Guilford in Greensboro January 30th by the score of 23 to 22. At the end of the second half the score stood 22 to 22. For five extra



minutes the game was continnerl without another score. Guilford missed two chances to score from fouls. With three seconds to play Guilford fouled and Captain Lon.g threw the decisive goal. The de- fensive work of Johnson and Teunant was an imjjort- ant part.

This is Guilford's first defeat ou her own fiuur in the history of basketball there.

Dowd Benbow

Right Forward

Long Morefield

Left Field

Edwards, Tandy McBain


Tennant Finch

Right Guard

Johnson Stewart

Left Guard Referee Sebring. Director Winston Y. M. C. A.


'Carolina defeated Elon at Elon January 31st by the score of 29 to 16. The team work was good and the passing vrell executed. Tandy was in. good form. Carolina weakened at the 'he-ginning of the second half.

Elon won the first game of the season in Chapel Hill. A third game will be played.


The mid-winter meeting of the Board of Trustees was held in the Governor's office in Raleigh, January 27th, at 11 A. M., a large number of the Board and Acting President Graham being in attendance. The following business was transacted.

The reports of the President and Acting President, conveying the reports of all the officers of the Uni- versity, were presented and received. The work of the University thus summarized showed the largest attendance in the University's history and evidenced progress in every department.

Upon the presentation of a letter from the Y. M. C. A. asking for permission to apply to John D. Rockefeller for $50,000 for a new Y. M. C. A. build- ing, a resolution was passed pledging a sum of $600 annually to the maintenance of the building in the event it was secured.

Professor H. H. Williams, of the Department of Philosophy, was granted a year's leave of absence, beginning September 1, to spend in study at North- ern universities.

Athletics and the Bureau of Extension received consideration. It was decided that the matter of resuming athletic relations with the A. & M. College

and all other athletic questions involving eligibility rules, schedules, etc., should be left entirely in the hands of the faculty. A formal resolution was passed in commendation of the work of the Bureau of Ex- tension.

$2,000 was approi^riated for the maintonanco of the Summer School for 1914.

In the absence of Dr. R. H. Lewis, Mr. Charles Whedbee served as Secretary. The following mem- bers of the Board were present: Governor Locke Craig, Charles Whedbee, L. T. Hartsell, J. C. Pritch- ard, J. S. Carr, H. A. Loudon, Victor S. Bryant, Charles Lee Smith, Thomas 11. Battle, A. M. Scales, James A. Gray, Jr., W. R. Edmonds, Charles C. Laughlin, David Stern, John A. Parker, George B. :\IcLeod, M. T. Hawkins, N. M. Ferabee, F. P.^Hob- good, George M. Rose, Benehan Camei-on, John G. Lamb, William A. Guthrie, Henry Weil, Walter :\ruv- phy, Claudius Dockery, W. K". Everett, W. T. Whit- sett, J. Bryan Grimes, A. W. Graham, T. J. Gold, E. A. Abernethy, R. S. Hutchinson, Fred J. Coxe, T. D. Warren, R. D. W. Connor, F. G. James, J. D. Proctor, J. S. Manning, Z. V. Walser, Dr. K. P. Battle, J. Y. Joyuer, J. vS. Hill. F. A. Woodard, and W. R. Dalton.


As a further step in its elfort to contriliute to the forces that are building u]) Xortli Carolina, the I'^n.i- versity announces the election, at the recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, of E. ,C. Branson, Profes- sor of Rural Economics in the State I^ormal School of Athens, Ga., as Professor of Applied Economics and Rural Sociology. Professor Branson's acceptance of the new professorship has been received and his connection with the University will liegin September 1, 1914.

Professor Branson's work at the University will be similar to that in which he has been engaged in Georgia where he originated the '' Georgia Club " or " Know Your Homo State Club " idea and gave it such practical form that it is being widely adopted throughout the country. His courses in the Uni- versity will be intensive studies of the resources, con- ditions, and tendencies in North Carolina's economic history, studied county by county. His work will supplement the present efficient work in political sci- ence and economics, and Avill extend the University's influence directly in helping sympathetically and scientifically the various counties in the State in the •solution of local questions.

Professor Branson is a native North Carolinian,



having been born, in ^loreheml City. He taught in Raleigh and Wilson in the early nineties and in 1896 organized the public schools of Athens, Ga. From 1900 to 1912, he was President of the State Xornial School of xVthens, and since 1912 lias been Professor of Eural Economics and Director of the Kuow Your Home State Clubs of Georgia. At the same time he has been editor of the Home and Farmstead, through which the studies of the clubs and other economic and social studies liave been given to the peeople of the South.

Professor Branson is the author of several educa- tional texts, and has frequently been in demand at leading universities and educational conferences. During the present year he has condticted sepeial studies at this University and the University of the South Carolina, has spoken before the Xorth Caro- lina Teachers' Assembly, and has delivered a series of lectures before the students of Columbia Univer- sity. His M-ork in the field of rural sociology has been so distinctive that he has been asked to serve on various commissions of the Federal Government and his work with the student groups of Georgia has been made the subject of a special bulletin issued by the U. S. Bureau of Education under the title, " The Georgia Club.''


Under the editorship of W. P. Fuller, the Uni- versity Magazine is this year a genuinely up-to-date, forceful college monthly. It will hold its own with any other monthly which reaches the exchange tables in the Y. M. C. A.

The January nunibor, attractive in cover and typo- graphy, contains three papers which are of decided interest. The first summarizes the views of religion held by twenty-one Juniors and fifteen Seniors; the second presents an admirable statement of the reasons why the faculty committee on athletics can be trusted to do the right thing in the administration of rules for gridiron and diamond contests; and the third treats historically and pictorially of the ups and downs of the Magazine itself since its beginning in 1844.

In the last article, nine covers under which the Magazine has appeared are reproduced ; the names of those who were instrumental in founding and re- vivifying the publication from time to time, are mentioned ; and a running story of its life is given. Many a former editor's name appears in the history, and its reading by former students whom the " Di " and " Phi " honored with editorial offices will prove of peculiar interest.


The University Dramatic Club is again preparing to put on its annual production. This year, in an effort to retain the humor and general hilarity which characterized last year's production of "■ What Happened to Jones," and, at the same time, to raise dramatics to a higher jjlane and produce a j)la'' worthy of a University organization, "■ The Magis- trate " by Arthur W. Pinero was chosen for presenta- tion. Sir Arthur Wing Pinero stands out as one of the most eminent of living English dramatists, and bis play '' The Magistrate " is in no way unworthy of its author. It is one of his most characteristic com- edies,— full of humor and sparkling with wit.

Mr. W. P. M. Weeks, of Washington, D. C, who played " Prof. Goody " in last year's production of ■' What Happened to Jones," is playing the title rule (if "The Magistrate." Those who saw last year's play will probably recall with pleasur-e the portrayer of the irrepressible " Jones," Mr. Chas. L. Coggin, of Salis- Iniry, JST. C. He is this year playing '"Colonel Lukyn," the role played by John Drew in the first American production. Several others of last year's cast are in this year's play. The members of the cast are : W. D. Kerr, Greensboro; H. C. Conrad, Pfafftown; W. B. Pitts, Charlotte ; H. J. Eenn, Oxford ; J. M. Cox, Hertford; J. F. Pugh, Elizabeth City; C. A. Bose- man, Enfield; H. M^Blalock, Raleigh; E. B. Marsh, Salisbury; J. E. Hoover, High Point; il. R. Dunna- gan, Yadkinville, and J. A. Capps, Shelby.

Before the Review comes from press, the play will have had its premiere in Ohapel Hill (February 6th) and will have been jiresented at the State formal, Greensi)oro (February 7th). The manager of the Club, ^Ir. J. S. Bryan, has succeeded in arranging the following engagements for the eastern trip in February: 14th, St. Mary's, Raleigh; I7th, Wilson; 18th, Eastern Carolina Training School, Greenville; ]9th, Newbern; 20th, Wilmington; and 21st, Clinton.

The western trip will be taken in A2:)ril, and will probably includ(! Salem College (Winston-Salem), Charlotte, Salisbury and Statesville.


The Carolina Uebating Union has recently had the unex|)ected pleasure of considering a challenge for a series of two debates with the Law School of the I'^niversity of Southern California. It was pi'oposed that the debate for 1914 be held in Los Angeles, in which city there is an extensive x^orth Carolina Club, and that the second be held in 1915 in North Caro- lina. Engagements with other rivals at home made it imfwssiblo for the Union to close the contract.




To be issued monthly except in July, August, September and January, by the General Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina.

Board of Publication

The Review is edited by the following Board of Publication :

Louis R. Wilson, '99 Editor

Associate Editors: Walter Murphy, '92; E. K. Graham, '98; Archibald Henderson, '98; W. S. Bernard, '00; J. K. Wilson, '05; Louis Graves, '02; F. P. Graham, '09; Ken- neth Tanner, '11. E. R. Rankin, '13 Managing Editor

Subscription Price

Single Copies $0.15

Per Year i.oo

Communications intended for the Editor should be sent to Chapel Hill, N. C; for the Managing Editor, to Chapel Hill. N. C. All communications intended for publication must be accompanied with signatures if they are to receive considera- tion.


Entered at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C, as second class matter.


Resolutions couiiueuding the University were pass- ed as follows by the Farmers' Union and its Edu- cational Committee at the Union's meeting held at Shelby iu December.

By the Union:

Whereas, we note with pleasure that the State Board of Agriculture has recommended that the Governor set apart a week in next November as "Civic Service Week," for holding local fairs, county school rallies, meetings to discuss plans for county and neighborhood improvement, etc. ; and the Board has recommended a conference of various State insti- tutions and departments to consider plans for working to- gether more effectively than ever before in service to the people of the State, therefore be it

Resolved, That we hartily endorse both suggestions and offer the co-operation of the State Union; and that a com- mittee of three be appointed to bring this action to the atten- tion of the Governor and the Department of Agriculture.

By the Educational Committee:

(i.) We congratulate the State Union at large upon the splendid success it has achieved during the past year along educational lines. Perhaps nothing has been done in the last quarter century that will have so far-reaching an effect upon the pattern and te.xture of the fabric of our citizenship as the six-months' school law and the compulsory attendance act, both of which owe their passage to our organization.

(2.) Especially do we commend the State University for its recent effort along the line of Country Life Work.


The annual mid-winter Council meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs met in Chapel Hill, January 15th and 16th, upon the invitation of the Community Club. The General Secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and John S. Cansler, as a representative of the Greater Student Council, met the visitors at University Station. The University kindly offered the use of the Peabody Building for meetings. Re- ports from the officers of the Federation, from chair- men of all departments, and of special committees were presented for discussion ; and the May meeting in Fayetteville was j^'l'^iim'^tl in detail. The out- standing features of Dhese reports were the plea for the establishment of winter gardens and kitchenettes in schools by Mrs. Carter, Chairman of Household Economics, and the plan of Mrs. Lingle to bring into the State a lecturer from the ^National Civic Asso- ciation, who would deliver an illustrated lecture on civic improvement, form Junior Civic leagues and get the children to work.

The Community Club held a large meeting in the Peabody Auditorium Thursday night at which excel- lent talks were made by Miss Fries, President of the Federation, by Mrs. Lingle, Chairman of Civics, and by Mrs. Hook, Chairman of Economics. Fri.day night a very beautiful reception was held in the li- brary at which members of the Council had an op- portunity of meeting members of the faculty and of the Community Club. Mrs. J. H. Pratt gave a lunch- eon on Thursday and Mrs. Archibald Henderson on Friday and on Friday afternoon Dr. Battle gave much pleasure by taking the ladies over the campus.


The Glee and Mandolin clubs of the University took a three day trip in the Eastern part of the State during the second week in December. They visited Goldsboro on December 11, Wilson on the 12th, and Raleigh on the 13th. At each place they were given a most cordial welcome and jolly time by the Alumni and citizens of the town ; it would be hard to say where they had the best time.

In Goldsboro_, Tom jSTorwood and Guy Dortch man- aged the business part and so well had they performed their task, that a large and enthusiastic audience greeted the boys in the Opera House with hearty ap- plause for each numlaer presented. After the per- formance the boys stormed a Methodist-bazaar and bought all the chicken salad and boudoir caps that could be had.

Blake Applewhite and Jim Hackney chaperoned the troupe at Wilson. By the kindness and generosity



of the Atlantic Christian College, the concert was held in its auditorium. A goodly portion of the audience was composed of fair co-eds whose generous applause inspired the boys to do their best.

Saturday morning, December 13, the musicians took Raleigh by storm. At the station they were met by Joe Boushall who escorted them to the Capital Club where they were entertained till dinner. In the afternoon they were invited to a dance at the Country Club where, needless to say, a most delightful time was had. The concert was given in the Auditorium and though it was not filled, those who were present atoned for this fact by the warm reception they gave the musicians. It was unfortunate that the girls from St. Mary's were detained 'by an entertainment of their own ; but the fair ones from Peace and Meredith were present in large numbers.

At each place the towns-people entertained the boys in their homes who in turn have only words of the highest praise to tell of the hospitality received in every case.

The Clubs will take their Spring trip during the last week of February and expect to visit Winston- Salem, Greensboro, Hickory, Lenoir, Gastonia, and Charlotte. The following is the personnel of the clubs :

Glee Club: First Tenor— E. M. Deaton, G. Har- den, E. W. Jarman, M. H. Meeks, W. A. Rudisill, M. Stubbs, W. C. Wright; Second Tenor— E. P. Andrews, L. H. Clements, F. W. Hancock. J. T. Pritchett, J. A. Taylor, E. A. Hill, G. M. Snci'tli; First Bass— C. W. Beckwith, P. H. Epps, G. M. Long, R. H. Long, R. X. Page, W. C. Lord ; Se.-ond Bass— H. L. Brockman, W. M. Hicks, E. P. .Fones J. F. Love, W. :N'. Pritehard, C. B. Woltz.

Mandolin Club: G. M. Long, M. H. Meeks, W. A. Rudisill, W. C. Wright, L. H. Clements, E. P Jones, W. C. Lord, H. Cone, J. L. Wright, W. H. Royster.


On Wednesday afternoon, January 14th, at four o'clock. Miss ^lary Berry, daughter of ilrs. Mary Strayhorn Berry, of Chapel Hill, and Dr. Kent Jones Brown, of the De|)artment of Gormau, were married at the Berry residence on Columbia avenue.


Members of the Faculty attended tlie following meetings during the holidays ; Professors Bain, Howe, Toy, Brown, and Parker, the American Philological Association, at Boston. Dr. Bain was chosen presi-

dent of a newly formed Southern section of the As- sociation.

Professors Cobb, Coker, Pratt, and Smith, the American Society for the Advancement of Science, at Atlanta. Dr. Pratt presented a paper on " Eco- nomics of Convict Labor in Road Construction," and Professor Cobb on " The Physiographic Reasons for Atlanta's Greatness."

Professors Hamilton, Wagstaff, and Henderson, the American Historical Association. Dr. Hamilton presided over the conferences on " The Teaching of History," and Dr. Henderson presented a paper on " Creative Forces in Western Expansion."

Professors ilacNider and H. V. Wilson attended the American Pharmacological and American Bio- logical Associations, respectively. Dr. MacISTider was elected treasurer.


The lecture engagements of Dr. Soshuke Sato. Exchange Lecturer from Japan, which were begun while the Rkview was at press are given below as follows :

February 9, •' From Old Feudalism to jSTew Im- perialism ;" February 10, " Social Changes and Re- forms Since the Restoration;" February 11, " Local Autonomy and Constitutional Government;" Febru- ary IC, " Agricultural Credits and Rural Sociology;" February IS, " Educational Sj-stem and Religious Movements."

Announcement has been made by the Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Pub- lic Law that it will soon issue in a volume in that series Dr. J. G. dcRoulhac Hamilton's extensive his- torical work ciilitled: "Reconstruction in North Car- olina."

" European Dramatists," by Dr. Archibald Hen- derson, was issued by Stewart & Kidd Co. during the holidays. A review of it Will appear in a later number of the Review.

On Dec. 27th Miss Nannie Smith, daughter of I)i-. and Mrs. W. R. L. Smith, of Chajicl Hill, and ^fr. L. J. Upton, of Norfolk, were nuirried in Nor- folk, Va., at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. A. S. Pope.

Acting President Graham was the contributor of "' Keeping AToney at Home " in Harper's WeeJdy of •lanuary Kjtii.

Dr. .lames F. Royster, of the Department of Eng- lish, will be a member of the Suuuuer School faculty of the University of Minnesota.





Officers of the Association

Julian S. Carr, '66 President

Walter Murphy, '92 Secretary

Members of the Council

Term expires 1914: D. B. Teague, '10; 1. K. Wilson, '05; P. D. Gold, 98; T. D. Warren, '9i-'93; J- O. Carr, '95.

Term expires 191S : J- Y. Joyner, '81 ; R. H. Sykes, '9S-'97 ; George Stephens, '96; W. H. Swift, '01; W. S. Bernard, '00.

Term expires 1916: A. M. Scales, '93; L. I. Moore, '93; J. A. Parker, '06; A. L. Cox, '04; W. J. Andrews, '91.

Officers of the Council

Julian S. Carr, '66 Chairman

Walter Murphy, '92 Secretary

J. Y. Joyner, '81 Treasurer


W. S. BERNARD. '00. Alumni Edito

It is the purpose of this department not only to publish all timely facts of interest about alumni changes of residence and occupation, marriages, deaths, meetings, achievements, etc.. but also to trace alumni of whom the University and their classmates have no record since their leaving college, thus bringing the class histories up to date. Therefore items of information are solicited from all alumni and their friends but especially are the secretaries of the associations and the secretaries of the classes requested to keep the editor informed. Notes on a few alumni in each city or county and class contributed every month will be greatly appreciated.


The classes scheduled to hold reunions during Commence- ment 1914 are those of 1864, 1889, 1894, 1904, 1909, 1913, the one-, five-, ten-, twenty-, twenty-five-, and fifty-year gradu- ates. Members of these classes will facilitate prepara- tion for these reunions if they will place themselves at once in communication with their respective class secretaries and with W. S. Bernard. Chairman of Committee on Class Re- unions. Chapel Hill. N. C.


Two new associations have been organized since Univer- sity Day: The Macon County Alumni Association at Franklin. S. H. Lyle. Jr., '08, president and R. D. Sisk, '04, secretary ; and the Gaston County Alumni Association at Gastonia, A. G. Mangum. '93. president, and E. R. Rankin, '13. secretary.


On Wednesday. Dec. 31, the Alumni of Macon County held a banquet at the home of Mr. J. S. Robinson, of Franklin, and organized the Macon County Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina. Mr. F. S. Johnston, of the Franklin bar, presided as toastmaster.

Officers of the permanent association were elected as fol- lows: President, S. H. Lyle, Jr., '08; Secretary, R. D. Sisk. '04; Treasurer, S. L. Franks. Other alumni present were: F. S. Johnston, Law '93, T. J. Johnston, ex-'96. Law '99, Harry F. Barnard, '04, J. R. Sloan, '12, H. T. Sloan, '14, Louis Angel, '14, Firman Angel, '17. J. C. Barnard. '17, C. S. Sloan, '17, A. L. Ramsey, '17, C. C. Daniels, Jr.. '17, J. W. Jones. '17. C. C. D.^NiELS, Jr.


On the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 30, the alumni of Gaston County met at a banquet at the Falls House, Gastonia, and organized the Gaston Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina. The banquet was informal, the spirit of comradeship, humor and song prevailing. The University songs were printed in full in a neat programme. Mr. A. G. Mangum, '93, was toastmaster and admirably happy in intro- ducing the speakers. Mr. John G. Carpenter, Law, '04, of the local bar, extended a hearty welcome to the visiting alumni present. Mr. George B. Mason spoke on the sulijccl of "Athletics at Carolina."

Professor Marvin H. Stacy, 02, acting dean iif the Uni- versity, was the guest of honor and the principal speaker of the evening. Professor Stacy's subject was "The Obliga- tions of the University to the State." He compared the old ideal of a University as emljodied by Ezra Cornell in the institution which bears his name with the newer ideal. The present day University will not only furnish opportunity for instruction and investigation in any line of work and study, but must devote itself to the social service of the State, extending its influence, its specialized knowledge, in immediate service, to every nook and corner of the State. The Univer- sity of North Carolina had passed through a wonderful transformation during the past fifteen years in material equiji- ment, size of student liody and faculty, but above all in its realization of its dut\- to the State and the people out- side its campus. The University was realizing this new awakening not simply on paper but by far reaching activities; the creation of the Department of Education; the extension of the Library in making it accessible through express and parcel post, through its bulletins and book-lists of special subjects; the extension of the lecture courses and the creation of the correspondence courses ; the organization of the High School Debating Union and other activities which the self-governing student body were quietly and suc- cessfully working out. He appealed, in closing, to the Gaston County Alumni to keep the best interests of the University on their hearts.

Officers of the permanent association elected were; Presi- dent, A. G. Mangum, '93; Vice-President, George B. Mason, '13; Secretary-Treasurer, E. R. Rankin, '13.

Alumni present were: A. G. Mangum. M. H. Stacy, J. G. Carpenter, Carl Carpenter, G. B. Mason, E. C. Adams, Carl Finger, J. Robert Craig, C. N. Smith, Will Wetzell, Fred Wetzell, Leslie Reid, W. K. Reid, Ralph Patrick, O. P. Rhyne, E. R. Rankin, D. P. Dellinger, Thad Clinton, Roland Clinton, Oscar Shannon, of Gastonia, J. H. Workman, Joe Nixon, Horace Sisk, of Cherryville, Floyd Whitney, J. H. Ramseur, R. H. Rowe, R. PL Garren, of Bessemer City, J. W. Reid, P. P. Murphy, of Lowell, Ed. C. Ray, McAdenville. C. B. Hoke, of Lenoir; E. E. Witherspoon, representing The Progress, and J. W. Atkins, representing the Gazette.


The annual banquet of the Wayne County Alumni Associa- tion of the University of North Carolina was held on the evening of Dec. 30 in the Elks' Club of Goldsboro. An admirable feature of this meeting of the Association was the presence by invitation of many students of the county and city High Schools. The credit for this idea seems due to the Wayne County Club at the University and might he imitated by other Associations with valuable results to the University and to the prospective college students.



Mr. Matt H. Allen, 'o-(, presided as toastmaster, tactfully postponing speechmaking until cigars and coffee. This plan of procedure not only lessens formality but gives opportunity for renewing auld acquaintance and sharpening reminis- cences.

Mr. Wm. S. Bernard, 'oo, of the University faculty was the lirst speaker, his subject, "The Newer University in Social Service to the State." He said that a new birth, a new ideal had come into University activity with the en- thusiasm of a religious revival, quickening faculty and students alike. This ideal was, in the apt words of Acting President Graham, "To make the campus co-extensive with the State," to distribute and apply the. knowledge and methods already gained in the laboratories and lecture rooms to the imme- diate and imminent needs of the people, to render services in civic, rural, social and educational endeavor. This was no sentimental ideal or typewritten programme, but already a well oiled piece of machinery turning out results under the brand University Extension. University Extension comprised thus far six phases of activity:

1. Correspondence Courses on any subject offered to any qualified to take them.

2. Lectures by members of the faculty on any subject, delivered anywhere in the State free of all charge save traveling expenses.

3. Access to the University library by means of express and parcel post.

4. The Statewide High School Debating Union organ- ized by the Students of the University.

5. The Inter-high school football and track athletic con- tests, also a student endeavor.

6. The County Clubs at the University and their aim to render service to their respective counties by "social and economic surveys." But however much or little the definite service rendered, the great fact for congratulation was the giving back to the State in heart and purpose her greatest institution.

Mr. Bernard was followed by Coach T. G. Trenchard, of the University, who gave a short history of the year's endeavor in athletics on the Hill and outlined the purposes and needs of the Athletic Management. He dealt particularly on the handicaps which University teams carried in competition with the University of Virginia.

Professor M. C. S. Noble, '81, devoted himself to entertain- ing the banqueters with his inexhaustible fund of humor and reminiscence.

Other speeches were made at the call of the toastmaster by Rev. N. H. D. Wilson, 'Sfj; Mr. Don C. Humphrey, '06, on the value of the University Extension; Mr. K. C. Royall, '14, in behalf of the Wayne County Club at the University for co-operation on the part of the Wayne Alumni.

Those present were :

S. F. Teague, '10; D. C. Humphrey, '06; D. R. Kornegay, '93; R. H. Edwards, '14; J. P. Shrago, '16; G. E. Egerton, 'is; H. I. Shrago, '17; W. B. Fort, '62; G. C. Royall, '16; H. P. Yelverton, '13; G. L. Winburn, '14; G. I. Taylor, '14; Carlyle Morris, '16; R. L. Yelverton, '15; F. B. Daniels, '08; K. B. Lee, '05; W. W. Pierce, '99; J. M. Powell, '82; Murray Borden, '95; Herman Weil, '01; Henry Whitfield, '15; C. A. Thompson, '17; J. L. Borden, '84; A. H. Edgerton, '97; B. F. Aycock, '14; E. A. Griffin, '14; C. B. Miller, Jr., '14; J. C. Crone, '14; Wyatt Whitley, '13; Dillon Morris, '13; Edgar Cobb, '13; W. R. Parker, '14; P. C. Darden, '14; E. D. Edgerton, '15; R. L. Ginn, '17; J. K. Herring, '14; W. A.

Dees, '11 ; G. S. Daniels, '10; T. A. Dewey, '03; K. C. Royall, '14; W. E. Borden, '89; R. B. Miller, '96; W. A. Smith, '14; E. B. Borden, Jr., '89; W. R. Allen, Jr., '17; E. W. Norwood, •16; N. H. D. Wilson, '86; M. H. Allen, '04; M. C. S. Noble, '81; Lionel Weil, '97; T. O. Berry, '07; J. A. Parker, '09; Leslie Weil, '95; F. H. Uzzell, '03; Emmett Robinson, '15; Tliomas Norwood, '13. News and Observer, Jan. 3.



Francis Theodore Bryan, A. B., '42, A. M., '45, Lieut. West Point, '46, is probably the oldest living alumnus of the University and probably also of West Point. He was born in 1823 ; was aide to General Wood in the Mexican war, received the brevet of first lieutenant on Feb. 23, 1847 for gallant conduct at Buena Vista. He resigned from the U. S. Army on June 10, 1861, then holding the rank of Capt. of Topographical Engineers. His address is 2654 Locust St., St Louis, Mo.

1845 Dr. .\lexander Boyd Hawkins, M. D., Jeff'. Med. College, '48, is living in retirement from business life in Raleigh, N. C.

1852 Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Lewis, of Kinston, N. C, celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding, Dec. 23, 1913 at their home. Dr. Lewis is 81 and Mrs. Lewis 69 years of age.

1864 The class of '64 is scheduled to hold its fifty-year reunion next Commencement on June 2. Although a few of its mem- Ijcrs were present in 191 1 to receive their graduating degrees, it is hoped that these and many more of the thirty-five surviving members will be able to attend in June. In the meantime a roll of the names of these with addresses, so far accurate as are the present records, will be mailed to each, and a request is made that every member of the class write to W. S. Bernard, Chapel Hill, giving personal information, even in case he does not expect to attend the reunion.


Ex-Judge Robert W. Winston, of Raleigh, addressed the South Carolina State Bar Association, January 16, on "Legal Reform, Genuine and Spurious."

1882 L. B. Eaton is in the service of the U. S. Treasury Depart- ment, Washington, D. C.

Dr. E. A. Alderman, president of the University of Vir- ginia, is reported as rapidly convalescing from a long and serious illness. He will soon return to Charlottesville.

1884 The Seeman Printery, Durham, N. C., has just issued the second edition of Walser's Index-Digest of the Criminal Law of North Carolina. This last edition has been greatly enlarged and thoroughly revised, and embraces, in addition to cases previously digested, digests of all cases decided in the thirty-seven volumes of North Carolina Reports issued since the first edition up to and including the February 1913 term of the Supreme Court. It is the joint work of Zeb \'. Walser, formerly Attorney-General and Supreme Court Reporter, and Zenobian Walser, '93, of the Lexington, N. C. liar.

William W. Long, for a long time in the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is now a member of the faculty of Clemson College, S. C.




W. T. Dortch, ex-'85, Law, '84, of Goldsboro, has been appointed United States Marshal for the Eastern North Carolina district.

1886 Herbert W. Jackson is president of the Virginia Trust Company, Richmond, \'a. He was among the party of Rich- mond bankers and business men who visited North Carolina cities in January for the purpose of enlisting their support towards securing a federal reserve bank for Richmond.

1887 James F. Barrett is clerk in the U. S. Custom House, New York, since 1901.

John M. Beall has resigned from his position as General Passenger Agent of the Mobile and Ohio R. R. to engage in the publishing business in St. Louis, Mo.


Charles G. Foust, with the R. B. Spencer Co., dealers in lumber is now located in Waco, Texas.

Julian H. Little is president of the Independence Trust Co., of Charlotte, N. C.

John C. Engelhard has been transferred in the service of the American Tobacco Company from Owensville to Louis- ville, Kentucky.

1889 The class holds its twenty-hve year reunion next Com- mencement, June 2, 1914.

Chas. A. Webb has been appointed United States Marshal for the Western North Carolina district.


James W. Wilson, Jr., is chief clerk in the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue for the Western District of North Carolina.

Hon. Stephen C. Bragaw, '90, has tenderd his resignation as Judge of the Superior Court of N. C, and formed a part- nership with W. B. Rodman, Jr., '10, A. D. McLean, "g8, and Hon. John H. Small for the practice of law in Washington, N. C. The style of the firm is Small, MacLcan. Bragaw, S: Rodman.

1891 C. C. McAlister. treasurer and general manager of the Southern Timber and Lumber Company was severely injured by a motor car in Fayetteville on January 23. His condition is precarious.

1892 William E. Darden, A. M., '96, is in the lumber business at Waco, Texas. Address, 423 S. 30th Street. Leonard Charles Van Noppen, Queen Wilhelmina Lecturer at Columbia University, I9i3-'i4, on the Literature of Hol- land, delivered the following lectures during November and December : "Dutch Origins : The Character of the Dutch and Their Influence on American Institutions." "Vondel : The Poet of the Sublime." " Vondel's Lucifer : Its Influence on Milton's Paradise Lost." "Vondel's 'Samson' : The Proto- type of Milton's 'Samson'". "Hooft and Huyghens : The Romantic Poets of the Dutch Renaissance." "Van Eeden and the Nieuwe Gids School, with a Discussion of the Litera- ture since 1880."

The report of the New York State Factory Investigating Commission for 1913 contains a 125-page report of Prof. Charles Baskersville, of the College of the City of New York, un Wood Alcohol.


The Class holds its twenty year reunion next Commence- ment, June- 2, 1914.

1895 James F. Oaither is manager of a lumber mill in Waco, Te.xas.

1896 Robert W. Blair has recently been appointed U. S. Revenue Agent at St. Paul, Minn.

Dr. George Hugh Kirby, B. S.. '96, is at the head of the clinical demonstration work at Ward's Island, New York, assisted by a force of thirty-live doctors. Dr. Adolph Myer, Alienist of Johns Hopkins Hospital, in a letter to Dr. Albert Anderson, of N. C. refers to Dr. Kirby as one of his best co-workers.

1897 Prof. A. T. Allen is Superintendent of City Schools of Salisbury, N. C.

T. Gilmer McAlister, president of the Southern Timber and Lumber Company is president of the Fayetteville (N. C.) Chamber of Commerce and is also a member of the Public Works Commission.


The speech of Professor H. K. Graham, Acting President of the University, on Culture and Agriculture is carried by Harper's Weekly in a January, 1914, issue. A. D. McLean has formed a partnership with W. B. Rod- man, Jr., '10, Stephen C. Bragaw. '90, and John H. Small for the practice of Law in Washington, N. C. The style of the tirm is Small. MacLean, Bragaw & Rodman.

1899 J. E. L.^TT.A, Secretary, Chicago, 111. H. Legare Watson is editor of the Greenwood Index, Greenwood, S. C.

Miss Emily Davis Green and Mr. Joseph Brooks Jarvis, e.N;-'99, were married on September 15, in the Chapel of the Intercession, New York City. Mr. Jarvis is from Greenville, N. C. and for a number of years has been engaged in busi- ness in Chihuahua. Mexico.

Henry M. London is chief collector in the office of J. W. Bailey, collector of internal revenue for the Eastern North Carolina district.

On Monday night, February 2nd, the new State Building in Raleigh was formally opened and a house-warming program was carried out in which the Governor of the State, members of the Building Commission, the Supreme Court, the Histori- cal Commission, and the State Library participated. The oc- casion was an altogether delightful one, and the State came into the possession of a thoroughly modern and handsome administration building.

While many North Carolina organizations and individuals have worked to eft'ect the end achieved, no one has been more persistent and effective than the secretary of the Historical Commission, R. D. W. Connor. His work has been of the kind that commanded support from many quarters, and he and all others who aided in the cause are to be congratulated for the new home of the State Library, the Historical Com- mission, the Library Commission, and the Supreme Court. It is a distinct credit to North Carolina.


W. S. Bern.arI). Acliiiy Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Allen J. Barwick is a member of the law firm of Barwick & Little, Raleigh, N. C.



—Professor W. S. Bernard of the faculty of the University delivered an address before the banquet of the Wayne County Ahimni in Goldsboro. N. C, on Dec. 30. Mr. Bernard also spoke at the Business Mens' Banquet of Pitt County held in Greenville, on the evening of Jan. I. His subject was "The Test of a County's Wealth."

—This comment by Herbert Reed ("Right Wing"), sporting editor of "Harper's Weekly," in the issue of December 20th will be of interest to the alumni of the University, particularly to those who knew Ernest Graves as a Carolina fullback.

"The victory over the Navy, taking into consideration all the brands of football played by the West Pointers, belongs first to the team, and second to purely Army coaching. It is true, of course, that the .Army's head coach was influenced to some extent by his football schooling at Harvard Uni- versity, but it must be remembered that Lieut. Daly was also a remarkable player while a cadet at West Point, and that his chief assistant, Capt. Ernest Graves, was a product of the same school, although like his chief, thoroughly in touch with Harvard football. The theories of line play promul- gated by Capt. Graves are known in Boston as 'Graves' Bible.' He has set his mark on football as indelibly as any other man who has ever played the game."

1901 F. B. Rankin, Secretary. Rutherfordton, N. C. .\lfred M. McLean of the Harnett, N. C. bar has been appointed a deputy income ta.x collector.

H. D. Bateman has been elected by the State Corporation Commission assistant bank examiner. His home is at Green- ville, N. C.

1902 R. A. MerRitt, Secretary. Greensboro, N. C. Whitehead Kluttz, LL. B., '02, of Salisbury, N. C, has been appointed secretary to the International Boundary Com- mission.

Louisburg, Jan. 29. Educational interests in Franklin county have received a great impetus this week through the visit of Prof. M. H. Stacy, of the chair of Applied Mathe- matics in the State University, who delivered an address in Franklinton Tuesday night, one in Louisburg last night and (me at Mapleville tonight Xew.i and Observer.

Professor Stacy was also the guest of honor at the Gaston County -Alumni banquet of Dec. 30 in Gastonia. Mr. J. H. Mclver and Miss Eva Dotson were quietly mar- ried at the home of the bride in Statesville, N. C. on the twentieth of December. Mr. Mclver is Superintendent of the Wadesboro, (N. C.) public schools.

Mrs. .Archibald Henderson, of Chapel Hill, N. C. uee Miss Minnie Curtis Bynum, Ph. B., '02, .A. M., '02, was elected president of the North Carolina Equal Suffrage League or- ganized in Charlotte, in September, 1913.

1903 X. W. W.\i.KKR. Secretary. Chapel Hill, N. C. E. B. Clement is practicing medicine at Atlantic City, N. J. Frank L. Foust is principal of the Pleasant Garden High .School of Guilford County. This school won the Aycock Memorial Cup in the High School Debating Union for 1913. Graham Kenan. '03, and W. P. Stacy, '08, members of the law firm of Kenan & Stacy, Wilmington, N. C. have been appointed attorneys for New Hanover County. Jack R. Rountrce, formerly with the Kinston Free Press and for some years a publisher in Phoenix, .Arizona, has entered the ministry of the Church of the Disciples of Christ

and will be transferred to regular charges in California.

Neivs and Observer. Jan. 20.

Zebulon Vance Judd, elected professor of Rural Education,

to begin active work in the University next September, has

been elected president of his class in the Teachers' College,

Columbia L^niversity, N. Y.

.Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss

Olivia Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chambers Smith,

to Dr. .\lbert Smedes Root, '03, of Raleigh, N. C. A dance

at the country club was the occasion of the announcement.

1904 T. F. HiCKERSON. Secretary. Chapel Hill, N. C. The class holds its ten year reunion this Commencement, June 2, 1914.

1905 Fr.ank McLe.\n. Secretary. Maxton, N. C. W. M. Wilson is practicing law in Charlotte, N. C. His offices are in the Lawyers' Building.

George M. McNider is in the service of the Corn Products Company with headquarters in New York. Dr. .Addison G. Brenizer is practicing Medicine in Charlotte, N. C. He is specializing in surgery.

Dr. James B. Murphey, B. S., '05, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins Medical School and a member of the Staff of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York, has published, with the collaboration of Dr. Peyton Raus, their investigations of cancerous growths in the American Jour- nal of E-vferiniental Medicine. Their researches are at- tracting world wide attention.

1906 J. .\. P.xRKKK, .'■>ecretary, Charlotte, N. C. Walter R. Jones is practicing law in Rockingham, N. C. W. ^■. Pryor is a member of the firm of Pryor, Rock- w.iod and Lively, attorneys at law, Sapulpa, Oklahoma.


C. L. Weil. Secretary. Greensboro, N. C. Harvey Hatcher Hughes has been appointed instructor in English in Columbia L'niversity, N. Y.

Claude W. Rankin is cashier of the Cumberland Savings and Trust Company, of Fayetteville, N. C. J. K. Dixon, Jr., for several years assistant State bank ex- aminer for S. C. is now teller for the American National Bank of Asheville, N. C.

Dr. George F. Leonard is in the service of the State Board of Health. He is at present engaged in a campaign against the hookworm in Davidson county.

Thomas H. Sutton, Jr.. is with the Wallace-Ellington Co., nf Fayetteville and is vice-president of the Public Works Commission of that city.

J. K. Warren, Law, '07, is practicing law at Trenton, N. C. He is a candidate for nomination as solicitor for the Fifth Judicial District.


J.\s. .\. Gr.w, Jr.. Secretary. Winston-Salem, N. C.

v.. C. .\dams, Pharm., '08. is part owner and manager of the

firm of I. H. Kennedy and Company druggists, of Gastonia,

X. c.

W. p. Stacy. "08. and Graham Kenan, '03, members of the law firm of Kenan and Stacy, Wilmington, N. C, have been appointed attorneys for X'ew Hanover County.


C. W. TiLLETT. Jr., Secretary. Charlotte, N. C.

The class holds its five year reunion this commencement,



June 2, 1914. Write to Charles W. Tillett, Jr., Class Secre- tary, Charlotte, N. C.

—J. F. Thompson and C. M. Allen, '12, have formed a part- nership for the practice of law in Goldsboro, N. C. —At four o'clock on the evening of January 21, Miss Sallie Hunter Reade of Timberlake and Mr. John Wesley Umstead, of Greensboro, were married in the Mt. Tirzah Methodist Church, Rev. N. C. Yearby officiating.

—On January 12, in St. Pauls Episcopal Church, Petersburg, Virginia, were married Miss Rosa Arrington Heath and Mr. William Lunsford Long.


W. H. Rams.\ur, Secretary, New York City. John A. Leitch, Jr., is teaching in the City Schools of Salisbury, N. C.

-John Allen McLean, Jr., Law, '10, is practicing law in Fayetteville, N. C, and is second vice-president of the Public Works Commission of that city.

D. B. Teague has formed a partnership with J. R. Baggett, '00, and Hiram Baggett. Law, '07, for the practice of law in Lillington, N. C. The style of the new firm is Baggett, Tea- gue & Baggett.

W. B. Rodman, Jr., has formed a partnership for the prac- tice of law in Washington, N. C, with Hon. Stephen C. Bragaw, 'go, A. D., MacLean, 98, and Hon. John H. Small, under the style Small, MacLean, Bragaw & Rodman.


I. C. MoSER, Secretary. Oak Ridge, N. C. Harry Solomon is in the Mercantile business at Wilming- ton, N. C.

Thad P. Clinton is in the insurance and real estate business at Clover, S. C.

Floyd G. Whitney is a member of the law firm of Whitney & Whitney, of Bessemer City, N. C. He is also editor of the Bessemer City Journal.

—The young men of Wadesboro, N. C, gave a banquet at the National Hotel on the evening of December 13, in honor of Mr. W. C. Hardison, ex-'ii, who was married to Miss Nancy Virginia Stanback of Byhalia, Miss, on December 24. Cyrus Thompson, Jr., is salesman for the New England Life Insurance Co., with headquarters at Raleigh, N. C. John A. McKay is professor of Physics and Chemistry in the Austin, (Texas) High School.

—Kenneth Tanner is general manager of the Cleghorn Mills (cotton) at Rutherfordton, N. C.


C. E. Norman. Secretary. Concord, N. C. Luke Lamb of Williamston, N. C. has been appointed special attorney to the U. S. Department of Justice. P. H. Gwynn, Jr., who was licensed to practice law by the supreme court in August last is this year principal of the North Durham School, Durham, N. C.

C. M. Allen and J. F. Thompson, '09, have formed a part- nership for the practice of law in Goldsboro, N. C. John G. Nichols was elected by the state Corporation Com- mission on Jan. 4, assistant bank examiner. He has been for some time assistant cashier of the Commercial Bank of Rutherfordton, N. C.

1913 A. L. M. Wiggins, Secretary, Hartsville, S. C. Shall the class of 1913 hold a one-year reunion Commence- ment 1914? Thomas Michael ("Mike") Raraseur is teaching in the

city Schools of Salisbury, N. C.

A. L. M. Wiggins, secretary of the class of 1913, writes a letter of "Greetings, congratulations and condolences" to his classmates from Hartsville, S. C.

Walter Stokes, Jr., is engaged in the automobile and garage business at Nashville, Tenn.

Miss Margaret Caldwell and Robert R. Sloan, ex-' 13, were married in October, 1912. Perhaps Miss Mary Leonora Sloan, born December, 1913, is the youngest member of the class. Gilchrist Baker Stockton, ex-'i3, of Jacksonville, Fla., is at present a senior in Princeton University. He has precipitated a warm contest in that institution for the abolition of secrecy in the American Whig Society, one of the two famous "Halls" of which he is president. He is further advocating co-opera- tion between the two societies such as obtains between the Phi and the Di Societies at the University of North Carolina. D. L. Rights is studying in the Moravian Seminary, Bethle- hem, Pa. He writes enthusiastically of 1913's one-year re- union this approaching commencement.


The High School Bulletin, Vohune V, No. 1, for January, has ju.st appeared. It contains, in. addition to editorial comment, educational notes, and briefer articles, two extended articles by Acting President Graham and Dr. Raper, entitled " Culture, Agricul- ture, and Citizenship," and " Taxation and the High School: How to Obtain Funds for Effective High Schools." It also carries a i^reliminary notice of the University Summer School which will he held .Tune 16 to July 29.


The annual cross-country run held on December 17, resulted in an easy individual victory for Ranson (Senior) and a class victory for the Sophomores. Bad judgment in pace-setting at the beginning caused two runners to drop out. Rogers (Freshman") showed promise of developing into good material.


The Athletic Council has awarded monograms in football to the following members of the 1913 squad: Ramsey, Tandy, Allen, Fuller, Ervin. Parker, Cowell, Foust.

Stars were given to: Captain Abernathy, Captain- elect Tayloe, Huske, and Homewood.

Dr. Charles Lee Raper spoke before the University of South Carolina on " Founders' Day," January 15th, on " Shall South Carolina's Taxation System Bring Forth Efficiency and Justice ?"

T. W. Polk, '17, recently won the $15 prize offered by the Magazine in the short story contest.



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J. L. ORR, Manager




If j'ou have accumulated propertj- during your lifetime you will wish to bestow that propertj' in certain ways. To do so the maUing of a will is necessary. The careful planning, drawing and execu- tion of a will is the most solemn act of a man's life and one that a man should never overlook. If this important matter is neglected then the courts will do what the individual should have done. It will ai> point an administrator of your estate.

In taking this action the court will do what it be- lieves to be right, but during life, or after death, no tliinking man wants another to determine how he will dispose of his accumulations.

It is important that you make a will, and it is also important that in the will you name a prudent and able executor. VVhv not name the

Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.

Winston-Salem, North Carolina







Richmond, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va., and points in the Northeast via Washington, D. C, and Southwest via Atlanta and Birm- ingham.


Electrically lighted and equipped with electric fans.

Steel electrically lighted Diners on all through trains. Meals a la carte. Service unsurpassed.

SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED, finest appointed train in the Florida Service, operated during the tourist season, January to April.


For rates, schedules and Pullman reserva- tions, call on your nearest Agent, or


Norfolk, Va. CHARLES R. CAPPS, Vice-Pres., Ralegh, N. C. Norfolk, Va.



Asks for a share of your laundry work, promising to serve you faithfully and guaranteeing satisfaction in every detail. We are well-equipped in every par- ticular to take care of your work in the most ap- proved, modern methods and we respectfully ask that you give us a trial. We can save money for you. Thousands of dollars worth of men's and wo- men's clothes is every year thrown away for no fault except stain, or streak, or spot that would readily yield to our dry cleaning process.


Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, House- hold Draperies, Plumes, Gloves, Automobile Coats, Furs, Rugs and Corsets in a Superior Manner. We use the genuine French method of dry cleaning. We are responsible. Give us a trial, and believe that you will be pleased.


Columbia Laundry Company

112"/2-114-116 Fayetteville St., Greensboro, N. C.




CHE Original Adam Kluttz— at the Book Store. Established 1583. Everything for the Student. The latest in Men's Fur- nishings, Novelties, Stationery and Souvenirs. Respectfully,




M. C. S. NOBLK President

H. H. PATTERSON Vice=President

J. C. TAYLOR Cashier

Let ©Ik (Cliap^l Tifill N^toa

reach you every week. One Dollar the Year. W. B. THOMPSON, Editor



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