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Library of the University of North Carolina

Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies.




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Volume IV

Number 6


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Volume IV

MARCH, 1916

Number 6


The Review carries here at its mast liead this

month the most important announcement that it has

. ., had this year. It is contained in a

A SPLENDID . . , _, _

CHALLENGE letter from Judge Win. r. Lraum,

of Greensboro, a big-brained, prac- tical man, a lawyer of eminence and insight, who loves his State, and who believes in doing big things in a biar wav.

This is the letter:

Prof. E. C. Branson, The News Letter,

Chapel Hill, N. C. My deak Sir:

In the last number of the News Letter, you note two gifts, one for ten dollars and one for twenty- five dollars, and wonder what an immense amount of good could be accomplished if the News Letter had an annual income of five thousand dollars. I have writ- ten you heretofore my estimate of the immense amount of good this little sheet is doing, and have expressed the wish that it could be placed in the hands of every farmer and business man in the State. I write now merely to say that I will gladly be one of fifty persons to give one hundred dollars annually for five years, for the publication and circulation of this invaluable paper. This would insure you for at least five years the annual income desired.

With kindest regards, 1 remain,

Yours very truly,

(Signed) Wm. P. Bynum.

What Judge Bynum says of the News Lietter, as an influence touching the interest of every business man, every farmer, every citizen of the State, has been said hundreds of times. No more important testimony to its interest and value could be found than the fact that it has steadily grown during its eighteen months of existence from one thousand to over seven thousand five hundred circulation every week. Fifty-seven individual requests came to it through the mails the past six days. It is copied in the daily press, it inspires innumerable editorials, it goes to men of influence in thirty-three states, it goes to every community in this State.

What distinguishes it from most informational literature is this: people like to read it! What dis-

tinguishes it from the news-sheets issued by some of the Western universities is that the news it gives is not news about the University; it is news about the State that the University has discovered.

Judge Bynum's proposition is not primarily a proposition to the alumni as alumni. His concern for extending the influence of the Neius Letter and handling it on the big basis that its worth and oppor- tunity merit is a patriotic concern for the State. It is the proposition of a citizen who would seize the opportunity to make a vital contribution to the prog- ress of the state in a practical and permanent way. He believes that the power of the News Letter for good is immense, and that that power can be multiplied by multiplying its circulation. He, furthermore, be- lieves that there are forty-nine other men in the State who will be interested in investing one hundred dol- lars a year for five years in this campaign to sub-soil North Carolina opinion with fertilizing facts about North Carolina, and to tell the people of other states what we are and what we are doing.

The Review shares this belief and rejoices in it. It is evidence that we are coming into a large way of looking at our problems, and into the means to en- able us to handle them in the large way that they re- quire. Great returns come only from great invest- ments.

Anyone who would like the opportunity of joining Judge Bynum in making this investment, and so put this big plan through, may communicate with The Review.


The lectures recently given under the auspices of the Philological Club by Mr. E. A. Loew, of Ox- i ofw ^or<^ University, represent a phase of LECTURES t'2e actiyu'es °f the University which

deserves more than a passing notice. The list of lectures given before the University this year is distinguished both in the prominence of the speakers and in the value and interest of their sub- jects. But Mr. Loew's lectures were of a type often neglected by institutions of learning. To use a term- inology borrowed from the scientists, they dealt with pure learning as differentiated from the applied learning that is usually the theme of university lee-



tures. Thus, the first lecture dealt with the story of a mediaeval manuscript of Tacitus, and greatly in- terested the audience not only because it was an ex- cellent illustration of scientific method applied to a problem in literary history but also because of the in- sight it gave into certain aspects of early humanism. The other two lectures were of wider appeal in that they told about mediaeval book-making and the ways in which the classics have come down to us. They were illustrated by lantern slides by which present- day students got glimpses of how their predecessors in mediaeval cloisters looked up references and re- ceived instruction. At first sight, such topics seem remote from current interests and problems, yet they were so treated by Mr. Loew as to bring home to his hearers the meaning of university tradition, the spir- itual quality of higher scholarship, the relation of the society of learning of the present to the long line of those who through the ages have devoted their lives to study for its own sake. Such subjects might have been merely so many illustrations of pedantry; but the charm of Mr. Loew's personality and the quiet humor which flashed through what he said, even in most unexpected places, prevented any such impres- sion. Palaeography has a forbidding sound ; one thinks of it as a theme fit onhy for be-spectacled dis- turbers of the dust of the past, but Mr. Loew treated it in such a way as to prove that a man of great learn- ing, filled with enthusiasm for his subject, may throw over even the remote and recondite the very glamour of romance.


In a recent issue of The Tar Heel appeared a let- ter, written by a student of the University, advocat- ing the addition of a Department A DEPARTMENT / . „. ., /

OF MUSIC Music. Ihe writers conten-

tions as to the desirability and practicability of such an addition merit serious con- sideration, even though he views the matter, in the main, absolutely, and not relatively. Doubtless there are more urgent needs, which will be looked to first, as they should be; yet it would be a mistake to rele- gate the proposed Department of Music to the limbo of impossible hopes. There is a real demand for in- struction in music. There is every reason to believe that a department of music would establish itself quickly and become an intimate part of the curricu- lum and of campus life. There is and this is the foremost consideration genuine need of it, or of other instruction in the fine arts. Many of our un- dergraduates have never heard a symphony orchestra or a first-rate pianist or singer, much less an opera


(a professor of English reports that it is impossible to make clear the distinction between "programme music" and abstract music in teaching a class nur- tured on ragtime) ; have never seen a first-rate paint- ing or a first-rate reproduction of one, much less a good art-gallery; have never beheld specimens of architecture more impressive than our beloved cam- pus buildings ; have never seen a good piece of sculp- ture, save in the meanest reproductions. Tlie art of literature, it is true, is open to all; and yet it misses too often the liberalizing aesthetic effect which be- longs to it as a fine art, because of the power and definiteness of its subordinate effects, the intellect- ual and moral. The third member of the ancient Trinity Truth, Goodness, and Beauty really has no official standing in the University, perhaps on the assumption that the private life of the students takes care of it. Whether or not that is so, anyone may determine by visiting a few of the dormitory rooms.


On another page this question of the relation of beauty to education is suggested in the interesting article by Dr. W. C. Coker, on "Our Campus," that we borrow from our neighbor, the University Magazine. This article discusses a matter that the alumni probably take more interest in than they do in any other single matter of University improvement. "If I had fifty thousand dollars to part with for pleasure," said re- cently an alumnus of the nineties, "I'd give it to en- dow the campus. Ten thousand to be spent during the next twelve months, and forty thousand as a campus endowment. I like to think about the campus. I do think about it, and because the happiest moments of my life were spent loafing under its trees I like to dream about it, and idealize it."

It is because the campus is the focus of his tri- umphs in youthful happiness that the old grad re- members it as the most beautiful spot in the world. Any college man from any college will tell you that the two great distinctions of his Alma Mater are its democratic spirit and its beautiful campus.

When the alumnus returns it is not to the recita- tion rooms and laboratories that he goes for the elixir of his youthful life. He seeks it on the campus, in the memories that hover about the well and among the shadowy forms that float over the monument and around the foot of the Davie Poplar. It is the campus, too, and not the real college that the casual visitors who whirl through the University, see; and it is the look of the campus that expresses in these



exchanges of hurried glances what the college says to the passerby.

The natural beauty and sincerity of our present campus is satisfactory enough, as Doctor Coker points out ; but its care and its cultivation are by no means what they should be. The look that the campus wears is not representative of the spirit of the col- lege. The beauty that it has is a feeble suggestion of the beauty that it might have, and that it should have. It is the home, the aesthetic base, of the robust youth ( otherwise called "savage breast") that lives his impressionable life there more than anywhere. If it were more beautiful, if it were full of beauty, it would .-peak a message of beauty that he would hear without resistance and that would permanently sat- urate his heart and his life.


As The Review goes to press our eye falls on an

editorial in the Raleigh Times entitled "Practical

, . Alumni." It raises an interesting

FRACTICAL . , . . . °

ALUMNI question several interesting questions

in fact and we pass them on without

present comment.

After recording the reunion of the alumni of a small school in Massachusetts and praising the prac- tical support given to the institutions of the North and West by their graduates the Times continues: "With us (in the South) the alumni spirit rarely goes beyond a perfunctory yearly attendance on a poorly attended dinner." It then compares the atti- tude of the Southern alumnus to that of the alumnus of other sections and admits the reason always as- signed for non-support : that the other sections are rich and that we cannot do everything at once. But it presses the inquiry as to whether there is not some- thing besides these material difficulties in the way? "How much thought do the graduates of our institu- tions give to their Alma Mater after graduation \ What does our alumni spirit really amount to? With the North and West it means an army of recruiting officers constantly working, volunteering, giving. Uni- versal Education results because the alumni, the fav- ored class, are willing to recognize the debt they owe and to pay back interest in proportion to what re- turn they have had from the gift to them on which it was founded."

How much of what he is docs a man owe to his college ? A graduate of Vanderbilt wrote to the alumni secretary, "Why do you send me class sub- scription blanks \ I owe Vanderbilt nothing."

The secretary replied: "You certainly do not. She evidently gave you nothing."

The relation of the alumni to the university in America is peculiar. "In America alone it is recog- nized both in act and in word that the university is the whole body of alumni throughout the world. . . a living organism," which cannot be otherwise ex- pressed.

The questions raised by the Times as to the differ- ence in quality and quantity between the alumni of colleges in the different sections in the active expres- sion of their loyalty cannot be dogmatically an- swered, but they, and other queries that fly to mind with them, are worth consideration.

The Review would like to have comments on the points raised by the Times from any of its readers who have had opportunity to observe the relation be- tween the alumnus and his college in various sections of the country.


The three hundredth anniversary of the death of Shakespeare will be fittingly celebrated at Chapel Hill by a pageant in the production of which the University will join forces with the ladies of the community club and with the school. The Omega Delta Society, which has as its object the study of the drama, is much interested in the performance and is taking a leading part in promoting it. The dates for the celebration are May S and 9. While the details remain to be worked out the general plan is to present a series of scenes from Shakes- peare's plays illustrating the life of his time and dif- ferent phases of his art. There will be old English dances and Shakespearean songs. Elizabethan rustics will make merry on the greensward. The glorious Prince Hal will march to his coronation; dainty Ariel will fly to and fro at the will of Prospero; and Bottom and Hamlet will enlighten the audience with their different conceptions of the histrionic art. The coaches are already searching diligently for an actor on whom the girdle of Falstaff will not hang loose.

A pageant of the sort contemplated is necessarily communal and depends for its success on the hearty support of the entire body of citizens within and without the college. When this is given the pageant is a valuable instrument for the creation of a spirit of unity. The tendency in this country toward a re- vival of this form of entertainment is a hopeful sign of the renewal of that old national life in which each member of society feels himself to be a part of a glorious and powerful whole. Alumni returning to the "Hill" on May 8 and 9 will find in the Shakes- peare celebration a pleasing entertainment.



By W. C. Coker, Professor of Botany in the University

Like most things in America that are over a hun- dred years old, excepting Savannah, Georgia, Cam- den, South Carolina, and the 'University of Virginia, our campus has grown into its present form through pure strength and awkwardness. Without much plan or forethought it has come down to us as a fortuitious gift of nature. This does not mean that it is with- out excellence ; on the contrary it has certain fine qualities that might easily have heen marred by un- enlightened interference in the past.

Let us first see what is to be admired. Our campus has two distinguished excellencies that are congenital and fundamental. These are (1) its spaciousness, especially the open sweep of the large central rectangle, and (2) its noble and venerable trees that we must thank our fathers for seeking in the beginning and for preserving to this day. Noth- ing could so distinguish us as the presence of these trees, and in their possession we stand without a rival among the colleges of the country.

As compared to the other colleges we have been very fortunate in having our trees of the most long lived and indestructible species. At Harvard, long famous for its fine elms, there are now, through the ravages of the gipsy moth and elm-leaf beetle, scarce- ly any of the old trees left. The University of South Carolina has also lost most of its old elms, and the grove of large short-leaved pines that once covered the east section of its campus is now represented by less than a half dozen trees.

The most serious defects of our campus are, first, the lack of a comprehensive and dignified plan for the entire University. This is a very serious and to a great extent an irremediable drawback to the ap- pearance of the University at present, and to its fu- ture growth and beauty. The founders were not guilty of this lack of foresight, for they did have a plan, and the most beautiful part of the campus to- day is that part sketched in by the oldest buildings. We still are lacking any definite plan for the future growth of the University, but we hope that before any more building is done, such a plan will be in hand.

Our second most serious defect, when compared to the best standards, is the poor condition of our lawn spaces, both in the attention to the grass and in the infinite number of short-cut trails that dis- figure them. To the average visitor this seems our most inexcusable fault, and it is in this that we who

are here now, both the students and the faculty, are most to blame. Burke did not know how to indict an entire nation, but in this case it is the entire col- lege community, rather than any one individual of- fender, that is to blame. Each of us who has a con- viction of sin should do everything possible to build up a sentiment against cutting up our grass with trails or littering it with trash. It is, however, fully realized that the consideration given the campus by the students will be to a large extent a direct reflec- tion of the care and interest shown by the adminis- tration. Conditions are much better now than they were ten years ago, except for the paths, and with a little more expenditure by the University and a lit- tle more agitation by all concerned a great improve- ment could be easily made. President Graham is anxious to see an improvement in this respect and will do all he can to help us bring it about.

Aside from the correction of these crudities, some of our minor hopes for the near future are for better arranged and better kept wagon approaches to the buildings, more careful attention to our trees and better protection of young trees from injuries by mowing machines, a correction of the irregular align- ment of the fraternity plots west of the library, the completion of the grading and the planting of grass in the corner between the west gate and Swain Hall, the removal of the little house near the west gate to the back of the experimental ground behind the Pea- body Building.

The question as to the desirability of planting shrubbery on the campus proper is a live one. If properly planted and cared for a judicious amount of shrubbery would be a very great improvement, par- ticularly around the foundations and in the angles of buildings. It has seemed to me, however, that as we cannot now take proper care even of our grass and walks it would be unwise at present to make fur- ther planting of things requiring care. There was once much more shrubbery on the campus than at present. Long lines of roses bordered the paths and there were other shrubs in corners, etc. ; but in Dr. Winston's administration these were cleared away. Whether they were so neglected as to be an eye-sore, or were thought inappropriate, I do not know.

If we should invite a typical landscape architect here to give us advice he would recommend a great deal of planting of shrubs and small trees, such as dogwoods, haws, crab-apples, etc. ; and in the almost



entire absence of such plantings is one of the striking differences between our campus and most of the northern and western ones. For m_v part, however, I shall be very slow to recommend the planting of much shrubbery, except to soften the foundations of buildings. There is a simplicity and dignity in our campus as it now stands, that would be in clanger of being lost or obscured with too much tampering.

The arboretum is not considered as part of the campus proper, but as a separate unit with its own object. The contrast between its masses and colors. and the open sweep of the campus, shade and sun should not detract from, but rather enhance, the charm of each.

The field behind the Peabody Building that has recently been turned over to the Botanical Depart- ment is not to be developed primarily as a decoration to the campus, but is for educational purposes. About half will be used as a display ground for the native shrubs and vines of North Carolina (numbering about 2ST). and the remainder as an experimental

plot for cultural tests on economic and decorative plants.

Our larger hopes for the campus must wait on more prosperous times. On Main Street the campus should extend from the President's house to the pres- ent, postofnee, the two churches now in that area re- maining as they are. The University Inn should be taken down, the Memorial Hall replaced by a better and more appropriate building, and the power plant moved farther to the south. The forest land adjoin- ing the campus on the south and south-east should be kept absolutely clean of offensive litter and put into as nice shape as Battle's Park. We hope some day to see a woods-drive leaving the campus at a point about north of the Y. M. C. A. building and follow- ing the branch by Judge's spring to Meeting of the Waters and then returning along the other branch to the Raleigh road east of the athletic field. When some student or alumnus who reads this gets rich he may give us the money to build it.


Dean Frederick J. E. Woodbridge of Columbia University Graduate School Delivers Ninth Series

of McNair Lectures

The course of lectures recently delivered here by Professor Frederick J. E. Woodbridge, Dean of the Graduate School of Columbia University, on the Mc- Nair foundation, was marked by a sense of scholar- ship and an intellectual distinction in full consonance with the theme, "The Purpose of History." Profound in thought, as the lectures were, so closely and subtly reasoned as to tax attention, they were phrased with rare elegance and linn precision. No one who gave them close attention could fail to be stimulated by the earnestness of the inquiry and the balanced just- ness of the conclusions. The real eloquence to which the speaker rose was the eloquence of perfect aptness of expression to the thought, of scientific precision shot through with imaginative color.

In his first lecture, "From History to Philosophy," the speaker sought to discover in history that pur- pose which means that the past is utilized as material for the progressive realization, at least by man. of what we call spiritual ends. From the scientific standpoint, each historical thing leaves its past be- hind it as the record of its life in time. Under the conception of the Bergsonian creative evolution, the historical fact continually grows, changes, and ex- pands the more adequately we seem to grasp it. The history of nothing is complete. The ages conspire to

give the truth this progressive cast, since historical truth lives and grows. History is not a mere chron- icle, the narration of definite facts which have been accurately as -ertained. History connotes understand- ing of what men have done and are doing; and this understanding grows by what it feeds on and pro- gressively projects-new images of interpretation. If we seek that which the sequence of events exposes and unfolds, we arrive at a purpose in history, and bridge the gap from history to philosophy.

In the si nd lecture, "The Pluralism of History,"

the speaker defined the past as dualistic in nature, since it is all that has happened precisely as it hap- pened, and all that is remembered and known pre- cisely as it, is remembered and known. In thus con- serving that which has happened, the moving pano- rama of events is rendered intelligible since conse- quences are viewed in the light of their antecedents and antecedents are estimated with respect to the con- sequences to which they lead. If every history is viewed as a career, its termination appears as a con- sequence to which its antecedents are peculiarly ap- propriate. It is in this sense that history is pur- posive and selective, dust as a line, in the drawing, grows, not into the future, but into the past, so each career is the producer, not the product, of its



past. If history be selective, there can be no com- plete history of anything; there are many histories. History is thus pluralistic.

Philosophically considered, it must in justice be acknowledged that to no one history can absolute superiority in preference be assigned. While, abso- lutely considered, the history of man cannot claim pre-eminence over the history of the stars, there is something unique in the history of man, since his- torical comprehension is peculiar to man. Human history becomes the record of human progress, since human intelligence appraisss the connection between means and ends, and so discovers the means necessary I'm' the attainment of desired ends. To define prog- ress is to discover the purpose of man in history.

Finally, there is a sense in which we speak of "The Continuity of History," the theme of the third lec- ture. !No event or fact is so rare as to be wholly iso- lated, so distinct as to be wholly cut off from antece- dents and consequences of some kind. Progress may

be thought of in two ways. There is progress of only a superficial sort when it involves merely the contin- uous accumulation of results in some specific direc- tion. There is progress in the real sense, only if we discover the conception of it from a standard which might intelligently judge it, and set a value upon it. When we speak of "making" progress, we con- ceive ourselves as employing the materials at com- mand for the ends we desire. The materials of the world are given data, modified by usage, perhaps, but essentially individual in character and struchrre. The purpose of man's history must of necessity be the "ability so to use the materials of the world that they will be permanently used in the light of the ideal perfection they suggest. Man can conceive no occu- pation more satisfying and no happiness more com- plete. In entering upon it he makes rational prog- ress. Its measure is the degree of success he attains in making his animal life minister to ideals he can own without reserve and love without rearet."


Carolina and Virginia Baseball Teams Will Meet on Emerson Field April 3rd

Indications are that the Carolina-Virginia base- ball game which will lie played on Emerson Athletic Field, Chapel Hill, Monday, April 3rd, will be a banner event in Carolina's athletic history. It will be at once the occasion for the first game of prime im- portance ever played on the new athletic field and the occasion for the biggest athletic contest to be staged on the University's home grounds in years.

Many alumni from all sections of the state are ex- pected to return for this game. To accommodate the heavy travel from the east a special train will be op- erated from Goldsboro to Chapel Hill and return on April 3rd. It will leave Goldsboro about 9 :30 A. M. and will leave Chapel Hill about 7 :00 P. M. The schedules of trains from the west are such that no special trains are needed. However on account of the game extra accommodations will be provided on all trains coming from the west. A large number of alumni will doubtless come by automobile. Arrange- ments for handling satisfactorily the large number of machines expected will be made by the athletic man- agement.

The two teams will be in good form by April 3rd and a great game may be confidently expected. Vir- ginia has this year practically her entire infield back again and one of her outfielders. A new pitcher, Fiixey, a brother of the former Virginia star twirler, Eppa Eixey, now with the Philadelphia Nationals,

is a member of the Virginia team and is expected to be a mainstay on the mound for the Old Dominion players.

For Carolina, the squad, which includes eight let- ter men, from which Coach Doak will draw his team, is composed of: catchers, Bennett, Hart, and Angel; pitchers, Cuthrell, Currie, Powell, and Williams; first base, Hardison, Love, and Llewellyn ; second base, Captain Patterson, Polk, and Massey; third base, Lewis and Meyer ; short stop, Royster, Huske, and Herty; outfielders, Bailey, Zollicoffer, Pippin, Hill, and Barnes. Coach Doak's prophecy after more than a month's steady practice is "Carolina's prospects for a representative baseball team are good."

The Emerson Field

This game will furnish to hundreds of alumni their first opportunity to see the now completed Em- erson Athletic Field, the gift of an alumnus of the University, Capt. Isaac E. Emerson, of Baltimore. This field is in all respects one of the modern ath- letic fields of the South.

The two stands are made of reinforced concrete and have a seating capacity of 1,000 people each or a total of 3,200. The first stand on the right of the entrance has been fitted out with two separate apart- ments containing a shower room, a drying room, a locker room, and a trainer's room. The second stand




is not enclosed but will be used for accommodating automobiles and other vehicles. The roofing of the stands consists of a combination of tarred felt and fine gravel and is of double thickness.

A cinder running track 22 feet wide has been laid off around the field with a quarter mile lap and a hundred yard straight-away in front of the stands. The gridiron is directly in front of the two stands. The baseball diamond is placed partly on tlie grid- iron, the home plate being directly in front of the driveway between the two stands. Over the space of the entire field a network of draining pipes has been constructed under a one-foot layer of packed cinders. Over the cinders has been placed a layer of sand and clay and this in turn will later be sowed in crass. This combination aives an excellent ground for football and baseball, one that will remain well- drained and solid during all kinds of weather.


By Head Coach Campbell

At a time when flip preparedness doctrine is being advocated throughout the country, it is well for us tn catch its spirit and prepare for the football season of 19 1G. We have one great advantage over the ad- vocates of national preparedness however ; while they are advocating preparation for an exigency which may never arise, our problem here is immediate and definite.

We are confronted by the proposition here of de- veloping a team out of material which has hid little or no experience to compete with teams which draw their athletic material from preparatory schools with well-coached teams. Lack of experience prevents a great many men who are physically equipped from trying for the team. This attitude of mind is un- fortunate, especially in view of the fact that some of

the greatest players in the history of the game have been developed while in college. Particularly is this true of linemen and is due to the fact that men of big- stature acquire strength at least two years later than the man of stocky build.

The purpose of spring practice this year is to thor- oughly drill the men in the fundamentals of the game. In this way much time can be saved in the fall in which individual coaching can be given. The response to the call for candidates has been more than satisfactory although there is still a lot of likely- looking material around the campus. Forty men have been equipped by the Athletic Association and about thirty men are reporting daily for work. One of the most encouraging aspects of the situation has been the response of men from this years' freshman class, a condition which augurs well for future Caro- lina football.


On March 17th on Emerson Field Carolina lost the first game of her has 'ball season to Oak Ridge by the score of 3 to 2. The game was close and in- teresting throughout, though slow. On March 18 Carolina showed a reversal of form and defeated Elon College by the score of 18 to i.


The Durham High School basketball team won the championship of North Carolina in a final game played in the gymnasium of the State University on Friday, March 10, their opponents being the Win- ston-Salem High School team, and the swe stand- ing: Durham 21, Winston-Salem 20. Previous to this the Durham team had won the Eastern championship and the Winston-Salem team hail won the Western championship. A cup will be awarded the winners



to commemorate their winning the championship. This contest was the second annual one to be staged by the University committee on high school athletics. Winston-Salem won the championship last year.


Carolina's football schedule for the season of 1916 has been announced by Graduate Manager Woollen as follows :

Sept. 30 Wake Forest at Chapel Hill.

Oct. 7 Princeton at Princeton.

Oct. 14 Harvard at Cambridge.

Oct. 21— Ga. Tech at Atlanta.

Oct. 28— V. M. I. at Chapel Hill.

Nov. 4 V. P. I. at Eoanoke.

Nov. 11 Davidson at Winston-Salem.

Nov. 18— Pending at Chapel Hill.

Nov. 30 Virginia at Richmond.


The new catalogue of the University, which has just come from the press, is the largest ever pub- lished, containing 340 pages in all. This growth is due to the addition of many new courses, and also to the fuller treatment of the many University activ- ities. The catalogue shows that the faculty of the University now numbers 97 in all: 65 professors and instructors, and 32 fellows and assistants.

The number of tudents enrolled for the year are as follows : In the college, 750 ; the graduate school, 36 ; the School of Law, 134; the School of Medicine, 77; the School of Pharmacy, 62 ; the Summer School (candidates for degrees, 193, and normal students, 538), 731. The total number of regular students (no names repeated) is 1,252, or including the norm- al students, 1,695, the largest enrollment in the his- tory of the institution.

A few changes have been made in the entrance conditions for next year, certain vocational subjects now being accepted for entrance. However, a candi- date may offer only two units in vocational subjects for admission to the College of Liberal Arts. These vocational subjects include commercial geography, a half unit; general agriculture, one unit; bookkeep- ing, commercial arithmetic, and stenography and typewriting, one unit each ; manual training, two units. One unit of credit in general science is also granted. Spanish may be substituted for French or German in lieu of entrance requirements.

The plan, inaugurated last year, of requiring spec- ialization, beginning with the junior year, in certain subjects major and minor courses has already

proved its value, and is continued. The following new courses in English are added for next year: English Composition, to supplement freshman Eng- lish, and a course in Editorial and Feature Writing.

The catalogue shows that the extension depart- ment of the University is now offering as many as 135 public lectures, by 38 members of the University faculty. Lecturers are furnished on request to any community which pays the traveling expenses of the lecturer. The extension department also offers gen- eral information concerning books, reading, essays, study outlines and subjects of general interest. Lit- erature will be loaned from the library upon the payment of transportation charges each way. As many as 37 correspondence courses in various sub- jects are now being offered. Furthermore, guidance in debate and declamation is furnished, county eco- nomic and social surveys are supervised, and munici- pal reference aids are given.

The more important lectures now given yearly at the University are the McNair lectures on science and philosophy, the Weil lectures on American Citi- zenship, the University lectures on Literature, and the Southern exchange lectureship.

A copy of the catalogue will be sent promptly to any alumnus who will send a postcard request to C. Currie, Secretary, Chapel Hill.


The Review is glad to publish herewith a letter from Mr. John Tillett, of Thomasville, concerning the big five-year reunion which the Class of 1911 will hold at the approaching commencement:

The Class of 1911 is planning to pull off at com- mencement the biggest reunion ever pulled off by any class at the University. The Reunion Commit- tee met last June and have gone at the thing syste- matically. Each member of the committee has spec- ial work to look after, so that it is hoped that no de- tail will be overlooked to make this reunion all that it should be. The ones who have been appointed to look after the entertainment have already planned so many things that we may have to "reune" all summer. It is not the purpose of the entertainers to tell just now what they have planned. They are at present trying to put the brakes on somewhere. They may take another shot at Mims Extra Dry, or they may branch off into new territory. It is enough to say at this time that they have passed a resolution to warn all those "whose good humor may not be equal to any atrocity that might be perpetrated" to stay away.

The great problem that the Reunion Committee has to deal with is (jetting in touch with the mem-



bers of the class. We had 216 in our Freshman year and several joined us later. We want everyone of these at the reunion. Every man who unto himself hath said "1911 is my Class" is expected to be on hand. We want to write each individual and tell him so, but we don't know where they all are. We have so far made an effort to write a line to everyone and if anybody has not heard from us. he is urgently requested to write George Graham, in care of Ashe- ville Citizen, Asheville, N. C, or R. G. Stockton, Wachovia Bank and Trust Co. Building, Winston- Salem, N. C, and give in his statistics and especially his address.

If anyone is inclined to believe that we ought to have kept up with him on account of his prominence, we call to his attention that have been unable to find out where Pat Bivins is. Letters addressed to him at Durham have been returned. You know if we can't find out where Pat is without an address, it is hope- less with the rest of you. Part of our plans for en- tertainment depend entirely on our ability to get a letter giving; certain information from each one who will be present at the reunion. So please let us know where you are. In the next week or two we are going to send out some literature. If you are a member of the biggest and best class that ever graduated from the University and don't get any literature, please let one of the above parties hear from you, if it is only on a post card.


The lectures to be given during the coming spring bid fair to be of exceptional interest to the general public, both by reason of the personality of the lec- turers and of the subjects treated. These lectures are designed, not solely for the benefit of those who live in Chapel Hill, but for the entertainment and edification of the people of the State. It is probable that a number of visitors from different sections of the State will be here during the period of the com- ing lecture engagements.

On March 29, 30, and 31, the Weil Lectures on American Citizenship will be delivered by George Brinson McClellan, former mayor of New York, now professor of political science in Princeton Uni- versity. The general subject of the lectures is "Na- tionality and Citizenship"; the individual lectures carry the respective titles: "The Nation," "The Law," and "The Citizen."

On April ti and T, the lectures on the Southern University Exchange Foundation will be delivered by Professor Patterson Wardlaw, Dean of the School of Education of the University of South Carolina. Professor Wardlaw will lecture on some phases of modern educational theory. One lecture will be de-

livered before the University audience, the other before the classes in the department of education.

On April 19, 20, and 21, the Lectures on Art and Literature, under the new foundation, will be de- livered by Bliss Perry, Lowell Professor of Litera-


ture in Harvard University. The general subject of the series is "The Youth of Representative Men" ; the subjects of the individual lectures are as follows: "The Young Napoleon," "The Young Goethe," and "The Young Emerson."


The following names of members of the Sopho- more and Junior classes who 'made honor grades of "2" or better on the fall term's work have been given out by Registrar T. J. Wilson, Jr. The names are arranged in order of scholarship rank :

Sophomores: J. B. Linker, II. E. Marsh, J. M. Gwvnn, Ray Armstrong, Ernest Xeiman, F. B. John, II. V. Wilson, Jr., C. II. Herty, Jr., W. E. Byrd.

Juniors: H. G. Baity, E. L. Mackie, J. L. Smith, C. C. Miller, Oliver Rand, A. M. Lindau, A. C. Forney, J. E. Harris, J. G. Eldridge. W. T. Polk.

Eleven freshmen made an average grade of "2" or over on (he past term's work. The following list ranks these men according to their scholarship stand- ing:

J. C. Eaton, W. C. Eaton, Earl Johnson, T. E. Rondthaler, G. B. Lay, R. W. Boling, E. S. Lind- sey, F. A. Clarvoe, W. E. Price, F. C. Shepard, S. R. Norris.




The High School Debating Union continues to gather interest and momentum as the dates for the mammoth contests approach. In all sections of the State students are busy getting their arguments in final form and rounding up their speeches in proper shape. The people of more than 300 North Carolina communities will have the opportunity, on March 31, of hearing the results of several months concentrated effort on the part of more than 1,200 young students. Large and enthusiastic audiences will, no doubt, greet the speakers when they clash upon the subject of the Enlargement of the Navy. The debates, too, will have a decided educational value as the youthful debaters have left no stone unturned in their efforts to gather all the facts in the case.


On Tuesday, March 21, papers were read before the Philological Club by Prof. Norman Foerster and Dr. Archibald Henderson. Prof. Foerster's paper was entitled, "Whitman as a Poet of Nature." Dr. Henderson spoke on Thomas Godfrey, the brilliant, ill-starred young poet whose remains lie buried in the churchyard of old St. James in Wilmington, N. C. "The Prince of Parthia," Godfrey's best known work, the first tragedy to be written by an American and to be produced on the American stage, has never hitherto received critical study; and because of its many marks of Shakespearean derivation, becomes fit subject for appraisal in this year of Shakespearean celebration. The lecture was illustrated with some pictures thrown on the screen. This program proved very interesting to club members.


The Bureau of Extension recently received a re- quest for information concerning the origin of the expression "Tar Heel." This request was referred to Dr. Kemp Plummer Battle of the Class of 1849. He wrote in reply as follows :

In the early years of the Civil War, about Janu- ary, 1862, some negroes in Mississippi were playing a game in which a copper cent was placed in the middle of a ring. Each danced up to it and if he could pick it up with his foot and dance with it out of the ring, he could have it. A darkey won it so often that the crowd became suspicious and one shout- ed "dat nigger has got tar on his heels !" He was searched and there was the tar.

The story went through the Southern newspapers, and the Virginia soldiers called the North Carolina soldiers Tar Heels, on account of the old geographies

stating that North Carolina was noted for producing "tar, pitch and turpentine."

The North Carolina boys took it good humoredly and declared that the Virginia boys would run away in a fight, but that North Carolina soldiers would stick firmly, because they had tar on their heels. Hence they were nicknamed Tar Heels.

I remember distinctly the newspaper article com- ing out with the Mississippi story, and the explana- tion for the nickname given above.


The University Summer School for 1916 will be the largest and most helpful in the history of the school, according to plans now being made by Direc- tor N. W. Walker. The curriculum will be broaden- ed in many particulars, lecturers of national impor- tance have already been secured, and all possible ef- forts will be put forth to make the six weeks valu- able and pleasant. This, the twenty-ninth session of the school, will open on June 13 and continue until July 28. A strong faculty of specialists and success- ful teachers and superintendents has already been secured. The entire plant and equipment of the Uni- versity will be at the disposal of all who attend.

The Coburn players will appear in several of Shakespeare's plays this year, and Gustav Hagedorn will again direct the Annual Choral Concert.

Both professional and cultural courses are planned for primary and grammar school teachers, high school teachers, and principals, superintendents, supervisors, and college and university students. Credit may be secured towards the A. B. degree, and graduate work leading to the A. M. is also offered. Professor Walker also states that the entire expenses need not exceed $35. The enrolment last year was 731, a gain of 22 per cent over 1914. It is expected that the enrollment this summer will be in the neigh- borhood of 1000.


The Reveiw is in receipt of the following thought- ful letter from an alumnus which it passes on for the careful consideration of the alumni : Editor, The Review,

Sir: May I call attention to a most important service the alumni throughout the State can render the University and the other institutions of the State during the next few months. It is in connection with the election of the legislature.

I know that it is the policy of the institution not to meddle in politics, and not to seek to influence the election of legislators. I approve of that policy. The point that I wish to emphasize as strongly as I



can is this: that it is the business of the alumni of the University and of the other colleges and of all intelligent, constructive citizens to see to it that men of breadth and intelligence are sent to the legislature, and that, the representatives selected represent some- thing more than the indifference of the people. It is our habit to wait till the legislature assembles in Raleigh to take any interest in it. Then we object to the sort of body it is, and wonder how it got there.

If it docs not represent the ojjinion we hold for the development of North Carolina it is because we aren't sufficiently interested, or because our opinions are themselves not representative.

I believe that lack of interest at the time that counts, is the reason that legislation for progress along large constructive lines has been slower than it should be. The State is ready for it, and it is simply a question of whether we care enough to see that our own section is represented by its best possible representative, and not by an accident, a misfit, or a false alarm. If there is any trouble with the members of the Assembly, it is not with what is known as "the common people" or the uneducated voter. It is because the educated voter is not far- sighted and interested and active. Preparedness is what we want, and now is the time. Make the good men run. Ninety-Eight.


Hon. William Gibbs McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, has accepted an invitation to deliver the address to the graduating class of the University on commencement day, May 31st. Secretary McAdoo was to have spoken last commencement but was kept away by unforeseen circumstances. He will be ac- companied to Chapel Hill by Mrs. McAdoo and baby. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached on Sunday, May 28th, by Bishop J. H. McCoy, of Alabama.


Editor, Alumni Review :

Sie: Allow me to express to you and all others who are responsible for the editing of The Alumni Review that your every issue inspires me to greater enthusiasm for the University, its past, present and the wonderful future which seems now only begin- ning to open out ahead. Though a missionary in a far country, and unable to do anything on the home base, I can and do preach North Carolina and Its University to my Palmetto State friends until they have come to regard me as somewhat daffy on the subject. Very truly,

A. L. M. Wiggins, '13. Hartsville, S. C, March 1, 1916.


Remember to keep the following dates open dur- ing the Spring. They are important. March 20, 30, 31— Weil Lectures. March 31 Try-outs High School Debate. April 13, 14 High School Debate. April 14 High School Track Meet. April 6, 7 Wardlaw Lectures. April 19, 20, 21— Bliss Perry. April 26 Easter.

April 29 Selection Commencement Orators. May 16-26 Final Examinations.


The following letter received by the alumni organ- ization committee will be of interest to the members of the Class of 1896 which holds its twenty-year re- union at the approaching commencement.

"I wish that you would send me a list of members of the Class of 1S96, with addresses, as I would like to get busy in trying to get out a full representation at our twentieth anniversary. I will do all that I can to that end."

J. S. White, '96.

Mebane, N. C, March 4, 1916.


Wm. Starr Myers, of the Class of 1897, a member of the faculty of Princeton University, is delivering courses of lectures on historical and political subjects at Columbia University, the Brooklyn Institute, the University Extension Society of Philadelphia, and elsewhere. He again will conduct both graduate and undergraduate courses during the Summer School of Johns Hopkins University this year.


W. W. Pierson, Jr., instructor in History in the University, successfully defended his dissertation and received the degree of Ph. D. from Columbia Uni- versity, New York, on February 26th. A review of his dissertation, "Texas vs. White," is published else- where in this issue of The Review.


The Graduate School of the University has just issued a bulletin which sets forth the advantages to be gained from graduate study and the special fa- cilities which the University has for carrying on this work. In addition the English Department has just brought out a special bulletin dealing with graduate courses offered in English.




Issued monthly except in July, August, and September, by the Gen- eral Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina.

Board of Publication

The Review is edited by the following Board of Publication:

Louis R. Wilson, '99 Editor

Associate Editors: Walter Murphy, '92; Harry Howell, '95; Archibald Henderson, '98; W. S. Bernard, '00; J. K. Wilson, '05; Louis Graves, '02; F. P. Graham, '09; Kenneth Tanner, '11. E. R. Rankin, '13 Managing Editor

Subscription Price

Single Copies $0.15

Per Year 1.00

Communications intended for the Editor should be sent to Chapel Hill, N. C; for the Managing Editor, to Chapel Hill, N. C. All communications intended f^r publication must be accompanied with signatures if they are to receive consideration.


Entered at the Postofnce at Chapel Hill, N. C, as second class matter.


Pierson., William Wii alley, Je. "Texas versus White, a Study in Legal History." The See- rnan Printery, 1916.

The famous case of Texas vs. White, as decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1869, states the theory of the Union as held by the judicial depart- ment of our government. Most lawyers and students of history know that this theory is embodied in the phrase "an indestructible Union composed of inde- structible States," but it has remained for Dr. Pier- son in a dissertation for the faculty of Political Sci- ence of Columbia University, to relate the events leading up to the litigation, also to give the argu- ments of counsel, a clear and full analysis of the de- cision of the court and an explanation of the po- litical theories which were the basis for the final judg- ment.

In brief the facts of the case are these : The State of Texas owned a number of United States bonds which had been given to it in payment of the boun- dary controversy as provided by the Compromise of 1850. During the course of the Civil War, Texas, then in the Confederacy, had contracted with certain individuals, namely White and Chiles, who were to furnish supplies, it was alleged, for use in carrying on the war against the armed forces of the United States. In 1867 the reconstruction government of Texas sued White and Chiles for these bonds on sev- eral grounds, the most important of which was that the war-time government, as illegal, could not alienate these bonds which therefore still belonged to the State of Texas.

The court was under the necessity of judging first of all as to the legality of the acts of the war govern- ment of Texas. This was decided in the negative "as in the time of Civil War the rights and privi- leges of the State were to be regarded as suspended" (page 65). Furthermore, the contract with White and Chiles "was without standing in law, since it was made in deliberate furtherance of the Confed- erate cause" (page 77). Secondly, the court also must decide as to the legal competence of the govern- ment of the reconstructed state. In this particular the court gave its judgment that Texas never had been out of the Union, since "the Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union, com- posed of indestructible States" (page 46). In addi- tion, Congress had recognized the present govern- ment of Texas as legal, acting under the clause of the Constitution which guarantees a republican form of government to each state (article IV, section 4), hence this government was competent to bring suit (page 74) and White and Chiles were unlawful pos- sessors of the bonds which must be returned to the State of Texas.

Dr. Pierson thus gives in outline the opinion of the court and with great clearness and logical reason- ing indicates the authority and importance of the case in our legal and political history.

The reviewer believes in the federalistic idea that the people as a whole, irrespective of state lines, are sovereign, and that the attempted secession of the South must be justified on moral and not legal grounds. For this reason he differs from many of the views of political theory as stated by Dr. Pierson who agrees with the court that sovereignty is organ- ized and reposed in the political peoples of the states in Union. This view is neither a Southern nor a Northern theory. But the reviewer is frank to admit that granting the author's premises, his conclusions are inevitable. He desires to congratulate Dr. Pier- son and the University of North Carolina on the pub- lication of a monograph of great brilliancy, and of a very high standard of scholarship. From the lit- erary standpoint, its style and diction are above criticism.

Wm. Starr Myers, '97.

Princeton, N. J., March 7, 1916.

Studies in Philology

The Bain Memorial Number of Studies in Phi- lology, published by the Philological Club of the Uni- versity in January, will have a value to North Caro- lina alumni beyond the interest of the articles it con- tains. Prompted as it was by the love and admira-



tion felt for Professor Bain by his fellow members of the Philological Club no more fitting- tribute could have been paid to his memory than this volume of significant contributions by his colleagues and friends to the studies which he loved. Two of the papers are preceded by personal notes of regard for Professor Bain, with an acknowledgment of his stimulating influence upon their authors. These notes and the readiness with which scholars from outside the Uni- versity responded, amid whatever pressing duties, to the invitation to contribute to the memorial bear wit- ness to the deep impress made by Professor Bain's personality and scholarship on all those with whom he was at any time associated.

The eight articles comprised in the volume are, with one exception, in the field of classical philology. The first, by Professor Basil L. Guildersleeve, entitled "Vocational Training," makes the point that the study of rhetoric was, in antiquity, the death of lyric poetry and suggests the lesson that the noblest pro- ducts of culture will not in any age long survive amid an exclusive devotion to vocational study. The ar- ticle by Professor Willis H. Bocock, of the Univer- sity of Georgia, "Notes on the Greek Present," eon- tains a thoroughgoing grammatical study which would have been of keen interest to Professor Bain could he have read it. Professor Charles Foster Smith, of Wisconsin, has a suggestive interpretation and discussion of a fine passage in Thucydides. The translations of some odes of Horace by Professor W. P. Trent, of Columbia, possess a particular appro- priateness in the present volume because they are in part the result of stimulating discussion with Pro- fessor Bain in the days of their association as col- Leagues at Sewanee. Professor Trent seems to the reviewer to have caught in an unusual degree the elusive grace of his original and to have made a note- worthy contribution to the art for it is an art in itself of translating the most untranslatable of the Latin poets. "A Study of Nonnus," by Professor Lewis P. Chamberlayne, of the University of South Carolina, revives the memory of a neglected late Greek poet, interesting rather as a type of the last phase of Greek sentimentality and decline than for any intrinsic merit but showing at the same time that even in the embers of a great literature is something that doth live. In "A Note on Lydgate's Use of the Do Auxiliary." Professor James Finch Royster, formerly Professor Bain's colleague at North Caro- lina, finds the explanation of Lydgate's innovation in the exigencies of rhyme. The two last studies in the volume are by present members of the classical de- partments at the University. Professor Henry shows

conclusively that the term "stararia," taken by mod- ern critics to designate a type of play, should properly be applied to a mode of acting. Professor Howe pre- sents an analysis of a type of verbal repetition which constitutes an important element in the special rhet- oric of Ovid.

As a scholarship organ Studies in Philology is com- ing to have an increasingly wide recognition. Fav- orable reviews of recent numbers have appeared in such foreign periodicals as the London Athenaeum, The Modem Language Review, and Anglia, and the editors have received many letters of commendation from scholars throughout the country. The present issue will serve materially to strengthen the position of the journal in the field of classical and modern philology.


Every man in the State, of a similar intelligence, must agree with Judge Bynum's high estimate of the constructive value of the University Xews Letter; that is if he has had occasion to examine the News Letter from week to week, as Judge Bynum has done. And we think that the citizen of North Carolina, confessing to anything like patriotism, who does not read the News Letter, can hardly pretend to the first order in intelligence unless his circumstances are such as to make very arbitrary demands upon his time and thought.

Such being the case, the offer of Judge Bynum to join with others in guaranteeing a substantial sum of money for a period of years to be applied in the distribution of the News Letter might to meet with a ready response. It is true 'that a considerable por- tion of our intelligent citizens are not well to do, but then, we have many citizens who are aide to afford to join in this enterprise, and quite a number of them are intelligent. Greensboro Daily News, March 20, 1016.


An appropriation of $65,000 for a new postoffice building at Chapel Hill was voted sometime ago by Congress, and a lot has been purchased by the Department from Dr. W. B. McNider as a building site. However, the matter is held up at present on account of the fact that Postmaster General Burleson has refused to give his approval to plans for a public building in Chapel Hill. The Postmaster General's declination is based on a rule which he has adopted of refusing to approve plans in cities where the pos- tal receipts are less than $15,000 annually and the population less than 5,000.




Messrs. George Stephens, '96, and Word H. Wood, '95, both of Charlotte, have purchased from the D. A. Tompkins estate its holdings of stock in The Ob- server Company, publishers of the Charlotte Daily Observer. Since 1911 they have owned a majority of the stock and they now become sole owners of the property. Under their direction the Observer has advanced to a position of exceptional influence in the newspaper field of the Carolinas.


Howard B. Shaw, a member of the class of 1888, is a member of the Public Service Commission of the State of Missouri. He is located at the State Capital, Jefferson City, Mo. For a number of years Mr. Shaw was dean of the engineering department of the University of Missouri, at Columbia.


Dr. J. G. deR. Hamilton, of the department of History, early in April under the auspices of the American Association for International Conciliation delivered lectures before international polity clubs at a number of Southern universities. He spoke at the University of South Carolina, the University of Georgia, the University of the South, the University of Louisiana, Tulane University, and Davidson Col- lege.


The executive committee of the board of trustees of the University has arranged for the building of an adequate power plant for the University. The present power plant has been condemned by the State board of internal improvements, the State insurance department, and the State boiler inspector. The committee decided to erect a power plant adequate to the needs of the University and work will be started at once.


Dr. Charles Lee Raper is one of the editors of a new journal which has just appeared, The Bulletin of the National Tax Association, published at Ithaca, 1ST. Y. The chief purpose of the Bulletin is to render service in the creation for the various localities and state and for the Federal Government of the most effective and equitable system of taxation possible. Dr. Raper represents the South and Southwest on the editorial board.


H. D. Bateman, of the Class of 1901, assistant State bank examiner, has tendered his resignation to the North Carolina Corporation Commission to take effect April 1st, and has accepted his election as cashier of the Branch Banking Company of Wilson, one of the strongest banks in eastern North Carolina.' Mr. Bateman has been living at Greenville for sev- eral years.


Robert Brooke Alberston, of the Class of 1881, of Seattle, Washington, formerly speaker of the House of the Washington Legislature and now a judge of the Superior Court, may be a candidate for the United States Senate. Should he decide to offer for the nomination it is predicted that he will be elected. Judge Albertson is a native of Elizabeth City.


Asheville's afternoon newspaper, the Gazette- News, has been purchased by Chas A. Webb, '89, U. S. marshal of the western district of North Carolina, and associates. It will be conducted as a Democratic journal. Mr. Webb is a former chairman of the Democratic executive committee of the State.


On March 11, Dr. Archibald Henderson, who in- augurated the O. Henry movement in North Caro- lina and raised the funds to erect the memorial in Raleigh, made an address on O. Henry, the man and his work, before the two literary societies at the State Normal and Industrial College. The same evening, at the opera house, he spoke at an O. Henry memorial meeting in Greensboro. This meeting was the outcome of a movement, begun several years ago by a meeting which he called at Greensboro, to raise funds to erect a national memorial to O. Henry. It is understood that Dr. Henderson has already raised a considerable sum of money for the erection of a memorial to O. Henry in Greensboro. The prin- cipal address at the Greensboro meeting was de- livered by Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, a native of Greensboro and the official biographer of his life-long friend, William Sidney Porter.

Major Henry A. London, a member of the class of 1865, well known editor of the Chatham Record, Pittsboro, has recently celebrated his 70th birthday, but says he still considers himself "one of the boys."





Officers of the Association

Julian S. Carr, '66 President

Walter Murphy, '92 Secretary


E R. RANKIN 13, Alumni Editor


1882 F. N. Skinner is located at Ridgeway, S. C. H. B. Peebles, a native of Jackson, has been for several years engaged in the lumber business at Woodward, Okla. M. C. Braswell does a large general merchandise business at Battleboro. He is one of the leading citizens of his section.


Win. K. Brown, a native of Red Springs, is a prominent lawyer of Birmingham, Ala.

A. M. Rankin, formerly engaged in school superintendency work in South Carolina and at one time a member of the S. C. Legislature, lives in Greensboro.

J. Frank Wilkes is manager of the Mecklenburg Iron Works, Charlotte. He is also chairman of the finance com- mittee of the Charlotte board of aldermen. C. H. Sexton is a physician of Dunn.

1884 Heriot Clarkson, Law '84, is one of the leading lawyers of Charlotte.

J. P. Joyner is teller with the Rouse Banking Co., at La- Grange.

Missouri Robert Hamer has been for some years treasurer of Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C.

-James Lee Love, a native of Gaston County and a former Harvard professor, is director of the Provident Teachers Agency, 120 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. S. B. Turrentine, a native of Chatham County, is president of the Greensboro College for Women.

1885 Berrie C. Mclver, a native of Sanford, has been superinten- dent of schools at Cheraw, S. C, for many years. A. H. Eller is a member of the law firm of Eller and Stockton, Winston-Salem.

Marion Butler is a member of the law firm of Butler and Vale, Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C.

W. C. Riddick, head of the department of civil engineering in the A. and M. College, West Raleigh, is being prominently mentioned as the next president of the College. F. S. Spruill is a prominent lawyer of Rocky Mount. George Gordon Battle is one of the leading lawyers of New York City.

Julian S. Mann is an active candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Treasurer. He is at present superin- tendent of the State Prison.

1886 Oliver C. Bynum represents large eastern cotton mills on the western slope, with headquarters in San Francisco.

Frank Dixon is a well known lecturer and speaker. John Motley Morehead, of Charlotte, was elected Republi- can national committeeman from North Carolina at the re- cent meeting of the Republican State Convention in Raleigh. W. N. Everett, president of the Everett Hardware Co., Rockingham, for ten years mayor of Rockingham, and a member of the board of trustees of the University, is a can- didate for the Democratic nomination for State Senator from his district.

Dr. Sterling Ruffin, one of the three or four best known and most successful physicians in Washington, D. C, was recently elected a director of the Riggs National Bank, Washington's most powerful banking institution. Dr. W. A. Graham is a well known and successful physi- cian of Charlotte.

C. G. Wright is one of the leading good roads advocates in North Carolina. He is practicing law in Greensboro. S. B. Weeks is connected with the U. S. Bureau of Edu- cation and lives in Washington, D. C. He has perhaps the best "North Carolina" library in existence. W. A. Self is one of the State's prominent lawyers, living at Hickory. He is a candidate for the Democratic nomina- tion for Attorney General of N. C.

J. J. Jenkins, formerly sheriff of Chatham County, is living in Chatham and engaged in farming.

William H. Carroll, formerly a member of the General Assembly of N. C, is located at Burlington and is engaged in the practice of law.

1887 J. F. Barrett is with the U. S. Internal Revenue Service and is stationed in Philadelphia, Pa. L. P. McGehee is dean of the University Law School. W. M. Person is practicing law in Louisburg. H. H. Ransom is teaching in Dallas, Texas. H. R. Starbuck, formerly a Superior Court judge and often a member of the General Assembly of N. C, is practicing law in Winston-Salem.

J. Bryan Grimes has been for twelve years Secretary of State for North Carolina. He is chairman of the N. C. Historical Commission.

Dr. J. A. Morris is county health officer for Granville County, located at Oxford. He is also a member of the County board of education.

V. W. Long lives in Birmingham, Ala., where he is presi- dent of a lumber company. D. M. Reece is a lawyer of Yadkinville. W. S. Wilkinson, prominent insurance man of Rocky Mount, is chairman of the Nash county board of education. R. L. Greenlee is a civil engineer. He is at present super- vising sidewalk and street work in Statesville.

1888 Capt. E. L. Gilmer, U. S. Army, formerly stationed at Fort Caswell, N. C, is now stationed at Fort Adams, New port, Rhode Island.

—Graham McKinnon is a prominent farmer of Rowland. He is president of the Rowland Alumni Association and secre- tary of the local board of school trustees. W. De B. McEachin is one of Scotland County's largest and most successful farmers. He lives at Laurinburg. St. Clair Hester is rector of the church of the Messiah in Brooklyn, N. Y. At the commencement of 1913 he was on the "Hill" for the 25-year reunion of his class. All who



were present in Gerrard Hall at the reunion exercises on

that Alumni Day recall with pleasure the address which he

made in behalf of the Class of 1888.

Robert L. Holt lives at Burlington and operates a number

of large cotton mills.

David W. Rentels is conducting a large wholesale drug

business in Boston. Mass.

John A. Hendricks is a special attorney connected with the

U. S. department of justice, Washington, D. C.

1889 John Sprunt Hill is president of the Durham Loan and Trust Co., Durham.

Miss May Courtney Oates and Mr. Henry Neal Pharr, Law '89, were married January 18th in the Second Presbyterian Church, Charlotte. Mr. Pharr is a lawyer of Charlotte and a former president of the State Senate.

1890 Geo. P. Howell has recently been promoted to the rank of Colonel U. S. A., and is now at the War College, Washing- ton, D. C.

Charles A. Rankin is engaged in the lumber business at Hallsboro.

—Julius I. Foust is president of the State Normal and In- dustrial College, Greensboro.


G. H. Currie is engaged in business at Clarkton. C. G. Peebles, LL. B. '91, is a lawyer of Jackson. Dr. L. C. Morris, med. '91, is a well-known physician of Birmingham, Ala.

W. W. Ashe is with the Forestry Division of the De- partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. N. A. Currie is a merchant at Clarkton.

1892 B. T. Simmons is a Captain U. S. Army, active list. —R. A. Urquhart is a prominent physician of Baltimore, Md. Richard H. Johnston is practicing medicine in Baltimore, Md.

W. D. Buie is practicing law at Nashville, Ga. Bart M. Gatling is postmaster at Raleigh. A. M. Scales, lawyer of Greensboro, second vice-president of the Southern Life and Trust Co., and University trustee, will probably be the next State Senator from Guilford County.

Perrin Busbee is a lawyer of Raleigh, greatly interested in Carolina athletics.

1893 William P. Wooten, Major U. S. A., is connected with the War College, Washington, D. C.

Douglas Hamer is a successful physician of McColl, S. C. A. H. Koonce, formerly a member of the faculty of the Cullowhee Normal, practices law in Chapel Hill. H. B. Parker, Jr. is a lawyer of Goldsboro. A. G. Mangum, lawyer of Gastonia and University trustee, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for State Sena- tor from Gaston County.

1894 A. Caswell Ellis, a native of Franklin County, is professor of the Philosophy of Education in the University of Texas, at Austin. He is being prominently mentioned in connection with the presidency of that institution. T. Bailey Lee is practicing law at Burley, Idaho.

Dr. James Sawyer, formerly located in Knoxville, Tenn.,

is now a successful physician of Asheville.

- E. S. Parker, Jr., Law '94, is a leading lawyer of Graham.

He is chairman of the board of trustees of the Graham

public schools.

E. W. Brawley is a leading banker, farmer and cotton mill

man of Mooresville.

Larry I. Moore, Law '94, former solicitor of his district,

is a member of the law firm of Moore and Dunn, New Bern.


L. M. Bristol is professor of philosophy in the University of West Virginia, Morgantown, W. Va. A book by him en- titled "Social Adaptation" has just come from the press. Girard Wittson is a lawyer and is located in New York City.

A. B. Kimball is one of Greensboro's leading lawyers, a member of the firm of King and Kimball. T. C. Leak, Jr. has large cotton mill interests at Rocking- ham.

D. K. McRae lives at Laurinburg and is engaged in farm- ing in Scotland County. At one time he was engaged in school work, having organized the city school system of Hickory.

A. L. Quickel is clerk to the House Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D. C.


R. W. Blair, of the U. S. Internal Revenue Service, has recently been transferred from St. Paul, Minn., to Buffalo, New York.

James S. White is manufacturing furniture at Graham. B. Rush Lee is a member of the firm of Wilkinson and Lee, General Agents for the Royal Indemnity Co., Charlotte. J. Harvey White is a cotton manufacturer of Graham, con- nected with the Travora Mills. He is a member of the board of trustees of the Graham public schools. F. M. Laxton, a native of Morganton, is a member of the firm of Tucker and Laxton, large electrical contractors of Charlotte.

1897 Wm. Starr Myers is a professor in the department of his- tory and politics in Princeton University. James M. Carson is a lawyer of Rutherfordton.


Robert Lassiter, secretary and treasurer of the Thrift

Cotton Mills, Charlotte, was recently elected president of the

Southern Manufacturers Club, Charlotte.

Rev. J. Kenneth Pfohl is a minister of the Moravian

Church in Winston-Salem. He is one of the leading spirits

in the Winston-Salem alumni organization.

W. G. Haywood has been for some time with the North

Carolina department of agriculture, Raleigh, as a chemist.


J. E. Latta, Secretary, 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111.

W. T. Bost is Raleigh correspondent for the Grensboro Daily News.

Julian S. Carr, Jr. is president of the Durham Hosiery Mills, Durham, one of the largest textile corporations in the South.

Virgil L. Jones, formerly a member of the faculty of Sweetbriar College at Sweetbriar, Va., is head of the de- partment of English in the University of Arkansas, Fayette- ville, Ark.



1900 W. S. Bernard, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. A. R. Berkeley is an Episcopal minister of Philadelphia, Pa. His address is 2631 Wharton St. T. A. Cheatham is an Episcopal minister of Pinehurst. J. N. Willson, Law '00, is treasurer and professor of civics in the Cullowhee Normal School at Cullowhee.

1901 F. B. Rankin, Secretary, Rutherfordton, N. C. Philip Busbee is a well-known lawyer of Raleigh. J. W. Turrentine. a native of Burlington, is engaged in scientific soil investigation with the U. S. Soil Survey. W. M. Stevenson is a successful lawyer of Bennettsville, S. C. He is one of the original subscribers to The Alumni Review.

1902 R. A. Merritt, Secretary, (Greensboro, N. C. T. C. Worth is active vice-president of the Durham Loan and Trust Co., Durham.

John A. Ferrell is assistant director general of the Inter- national Health Commission, 61 Broadway, New York City. J. L. Burgess is connected with the State department of agriculture as agronomist for North Carolina.


N. W. Walker, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. T. J. Gold of High Point is being prominently mentioned as a member of the next legislature from Guilford County. J. B. Thorpe is chief chemist for the Indiana Steel Co., Gary, Ind.

A. G. Alirens is proprietor of the Pine Grove Poultry Farm, Wilmington.

Kenneth Gant is engaged in the cotton mill business at Neuse.

The marriage of Miss Isa Frances Tracy and Rev. Edward Ray occurred January 2nd at Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago, 111. They are at home 5713 Drexel Avenue, Chicago, 111.

S. E. McNeely is cashier of the Farmers Bank and Trust Co., Cherryville. He is a loyal alumnus and is secretary of the Cherryville Alumni Association.

R. W. Herring is a lawyer of Fayetteville, a member of the firm of Oates and Herring.


T. F. Hickerson, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Ralph M. Harper is an Episcopal minister of Winthrop, Mass. Ralph M. Harper, Jr. is six months old. W. P. Jacocks is engaged in work for the International Health Commission at Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. J. V. Cobb is manager of the Vinedale Farm in Edgecombe County near Tarboro.

W. C. Rankin, former teacher in the Goldsboro and Dur- ham schools, is with the Stephens Company, one of Char- lotte's leading real estate firms.

Wm. Dunn, Jr. is a member of the law firm of Moore and Dunn, New Bern. He is secretary of .the Craven County Alumni Association.


W. T. Shore, Secretary, Charlotte, N. C. C. McD. Carr has been with the Durham Hosiery Mills since graduation in '05. He is treasurer of the corporation. S. B. Boone is a physician of Jackson.

C. S. Blackwell, Jr. is a merchandise broker in the South- ern Produce Bldg., Norfolk, Va.

P. E. Fogle is a cattle raiser in the mountains beyond Elkin.

P. H. Rogers, Jr. is secretary-treasurer of the Carolina Fiber Co., Hartsville, S. C.

—Mrs. M. C. S. Smith, M. A. '05, lives in New York City. She is engaged in literary work.

E. G. Stilwell, Phar. '05, is an architect of Hendersonville. W. G. Bramham, Law '05, prominent lawyer of Durham, is president of the North Carolina Association of Baseball Clubs.

B. T. Groome is city editor of the Greenville, S. C. News. W. P. Hill, of Winston-Salem, travels in North Carolina and surrounding states as a mirror salesman. He is looking fine and doing well, says the 1905 Class Bulletin. A. M. McLean is a lawyer of Lillington. G. L. Paddison is selling law books for the West Publish- ing Co.

L. R. Rountree, of Brooklyn, N. V., is a broker on the cotton exchange with his father.

J. F. Patterson is a physician and surgeon of New Bern. He is part owner of St. Luke's Hospital and stands at the top of his profession.

X. A. Townsend, president of '05, is a lawyer of Dunn, a member of the firm of Clifford and Townsend. Hal V. Worth is secretary and treasurer of the lumber firm of Oldham and Worth, Raleigh. C. M. Walters is a physician of Union Ridge. W. R. Taliaferro, Jr. is engaged in the manufacturing business at Charlotte.

Stroud Jordan is chief chemist for the American Tobacco Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.

H. B. Haywood, Jr. is a successful physician of Raleigh. He is college physician for the A. and M. College. —Kemp B. Nixon is a well-known and successful lawyer of Lincolnton. He is secretary of the Lincoln County Alumni Association.

1906 John A. Parker, Secretary, Charlotte, N. C.

Walter M. Crump is superintendent of a cotton mill at Concord.

Bennett H. Perry is a lawyer of Henderson. He is mayor of the city.

W. L. Mann is engaged in the insurance and real estite business at Albemarle. He is also president of the Pied- mont Commercial Club.

John A. Parker is a member of the law firm of Parker and Wilson, Charlotte.

Dermot Shemwell is president of the First National Bank of Lexington and a member of the firm of Foy and Shem- well, dealers in insurance, real estate, automobiles, horses and mules, and proprietors of a dairy.

J. H. Howell is a lawyer of Waynesville. He is captain of Co. H. 1st N. C. regiment of the national guard.


C. L. Weill, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C.

W. S. Dickson, a native of Chapel Hill, is city editor of the

Grensboro Daily News.

W. J. Barker is engaged in the cotton mill business at


Francis Gillam is with the Bank of Windsor, at Windsor.



T. G. McAlister, a native of Ashboro, is chairman of the

board of County Commissioners and superintendent of roads

for Cumberland County, located at Fayetteville.

Claud W. Rankin is cashier of the Cumberland Savings

Bank and Trust Co., Fayetteville.

R. F. Smallwood, Grad. '07, is an architect with the W. W.

Leland Co., New York City.

Dr. N. H. Andrews, med. '07, practices his profession at


1908 Jas. A. Gray, Jr., Secretary, Winston-Salem, N. C.

J. Rush Shull is a well-known physician of Cliffside. E. C. Conger is with the Edenton Ice and Cold Storage Co., Edenton.

The marriage of Miss Pearl Lakel and Mr. John W. Hester, both of Oxford, occurred October 21st at the home of C. E. Mcintosh, '11, Raleigh.

W. Barham Davis for several years a teacher in the Char- lotte high school is now principal of this high school. E. C. Harllee, at one time on the road as a traveling salesman, is now with the La Fayette Hotel, Fayetteville. E. W. S. Cobb has been for several years superintendent of Polk County schools.

Geo. M. Fountain, a former 'varsity baseball and tennis player, is a successful lawyer of Tarboro.

1909 O. C. Cox, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C.

W. L. Long is a successful lawyer of Roanoke Rapids, a member of the Legislature from Halifax County. —Norman Stockton, of the Mock-Bagby-Stockton Co., Win- ston-Salem, was on the "Hill" recently with a line of spring samples in clothing.

Jos. G. Fitzsimmons is president and general manager of the Carolinas Automobile Supply House, Charlotte. Wade A. Montgomery is treasurer of the Carolinas Auto- mobile Supply House, Charlotte.

V. M. Montsinger is an electrical engineer with the Gen- eral Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.

Donnell Gilliam is a successful lawyer of Greenville. He is counsel for the Atlantic Coast Realty Co., a large real estate firm.

The marriage of Miss Gladys Rogers and Mr. Julius Dwight Barbour occurred February 10th at Clayton. N. Howard Smith is engaged in the produce business at Fayetteville.

H. A. Stepp is with the insurance department of the First Bank and Trust Co., Hendersonville.

Jno. M. Queen is a lawyer of Waynesville and judge of the municipal court. Since his marriage in September 1911 he has become the father of three children, two boys and a girl.

The marriage of Miss Nancy Montgomery Cooper and Mr. Henry Plant Osborne occurred March 1st in St. Johns Episcopal Church, Jacksonville, Fla. They will be at home after April 1st, 725 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville.


W. H. Ramsaur, Secretary, China Grove, N. C.

J. S. Armstrong, Jr., is U. S. Consul at Bristol, England. Louis Gilliam is with the Mexican Boundary Commission and has an office in Washington, D. C.

\V. H. Ramsaur is studying for the' Episcopal ministry in the Philadelphia Divinity School, Philadelphia, Pa.

J. A. McLean, Jr., Law '10, lawyer of Fayetteville and secretary of the Cumberland County Alumni Association, has decided to become a Presbyterian minister and will at an early date enter Union Seminary at Richmond. F. V. Fuentes is connected with the Jotibonier Electric Plant, Cuba.

Salvador Rodriguez is in charge of the electrical depart- ment of the Marrati Sugar Co., Marrati, Cuba. Dr. Adofo B. Rodriguez, M. D. '10, is a physician with a good practice at Quernado de Guines, Cuba. S. B. Stroup is an Episcopal minister of Hickory. He has been married for some time.

T. D. Rose, a former member of the 'varsity baseball team now an electrical engineer, is with the Cram Engineering Co., of Baltimore, Md.

A. H. James is manager of the Model Pharmacy at Laurin- burg.

E. W. Bryant is teller with the National Bank of Lau- rinburg

Thurman Leatherwood is a member of the law firm of Alley and Leatherwood, Waynesville.

S. R. Carrington is manager of the Springfield, Mass. office of the Columbia Graphophone Co., distributors of the dictaphone.

Joe R. Nixon is engaged for his third year as superin- tendent of the Cherryville schools. A new school building has recently been constructed at Cherryville under his super- vision.

19U I. C. Moser, Secretary, Burlington, N. C.

Preparations for 191 l's big S-year reunion are continuing apace. Indications are that Alumni Day, Tuesday, May 30th, will find in the encampment of 1911 men on the "Hill" the largest number ever to attend a University class reunion. Any one having suggestions to offer or desiring to secure information concerning the reunion will please write R. G. Stockton, Chairman, Winston-Salem.

Henry C. Smith is an Episcopal minister at Roanoke Rap- ids.

Felix Llorens is engaged in the electrical engineering busi- ness in Cuba. He has invented an appliance to prevent the burning out of motors.

M. A. White has been for three years with the casualty department of the Southern Life and Trust Co., Greensboro. A wedding of interest to a wide circle of friends was that of Miss Sarah Huger Bacot and Mr. Kenneth Spencer Tan- ner which occurred February 15th at the home of the bride's parents in Charleston, S. C. Among the groomsmen and ushers were: R. M. Hanes, '12; Morehead Jones, '12; W. M. Parsley, '11; R. W. Winston, Jr., '12; Tom Moore, '12; Geo. E. Wilson, Jr., Law '11; R. H. Johnston, '12. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Tanner who were married on February 15th spent March 1st and 2nd in Chapel Hill on their return to Rutherfordton from New York.

The marriage of Mrs. Jessie Lee Clark and Mr. E. F. Mc- Culloch took place during the Christmas holidays at Eliza- bethtown. Mr. McCulloch is a lawyer of Elizabethtown.

1912 C. E. Norman, Secretary, Columbia, S. C.

A. W. Graham, Jr. is a member of the law firm of A. W.

Graham and Son, Oxford.

J. S. Manning, Jr. is with the Erwin Cotton Mills, West




Dr. A. J. Warren is practicing medicine in Hillsboro. R. W. Winston, Jr. is practicing law in Raleigh. Ike Blair is a bank cashier at Oakboro. The marriage of Miss Lilly Bassett Carter and Mr. J. F. Hoffman, Jr. took place November 4th at the home of the bride's parents in Albemarle. Mr. Hoffman is a druggist of Hickory.

C. E. Norman is a student in the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C.

A. M. Atkinson is a civil engineer at Enfield. L. A. Dysart is engaged in the banking business at Lenoir. He is secretary of the Caldwell County Alumni Association. Dr. A. S. Oliver, Med. '12, formerly a physician of Nor- lina, has been elected superintendent of the Bloomsbury Sani- tarium at Raleigh. Dr. Oliver is a hospital expert. W. B. C lib is engaged in soil survey work for the U. S. Bureau of Soils at Hope, Arkansas.

P. H. Gwynn, Jr., head of the departments of history and debating in the Durham high school, was on the "Hill" re- cently with his debaters at work in the University Library. Under Mr. Gwynn's direction the literary societies of the Durham high school are in a most flourishing condition. J. L. Orr is teaching in the high school of Tampa. Fla. Eugene Rimmer, formerly a druggist of Tarboro, is now with the Druggists Circular, New York City. Lawrence N. Morgan is spending the year at Harvard tak- ing advanced work in English. His address is 111 Hammond St., Cambridge, Mass.

John C. Lockhart is superintendent of the Apex schools. Claude E. Teague is superintendent of the Sanford schools. C. W. Higgins is a lawyer of Sparta in partnership with former Lieut. Gov. R. A. Doughton.

1913 A. L. M. WlCGINS, Secretary, Hartsville, S. C. Miss Watson Kasey continues as the popular head of the Latin department in Salem College, Winston-Salem. J. B. Scarborough continues as instructor in mathematics in the A. and M. College, West Raleigh. He was on the "Hill" recently.

Wilson Warlick, Law, '13, is a successful attorney of New- ton.

C. B. Wilson, of Greenville, is a student in the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. Banks H. Mebane is an attorney of Greensboro. W. G. Harry reports that he likes things very well at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C. He says that he saw Wiggins in Columbia recently in attendance upon the laymen's convention.

Wilbur V . Galbraith is an attorney of Pittsburg, Pa., with offices, 1255 Frick Annex. He writes that since he dropped out in 1910, he has seen only two nineteen-thirteeners, Stokes and Carmichael.

W. J. Forney is making a success with the Aultman Motor Co., distributors of Hudson Automobiles, Jacksonville, Fla. J. Herman Swink is an attorney of Miami, Fla., with offices in the lawyers building.

—J. A. McKay has charge of the electric lighting system at Rowland.

Henry E. Williams is practicing his profession, law, in Fayetteville.

—A. L. Hamilton, former principal of the Atlantic high school, is now at work at Newport News, Va. Supt. Horace Sisk has instituted a plan in the Lenoir

schools whereby the members of the graduating class receive training which will be helpful to them in teaching. It is his plan to add a course in pedagogy for the eleventh grade next year.

L. B. Rhodes is a chemist with the State department of agriculture, Raleigh.

B. R. Huske, Jr. is engaged in the insurance business at Fayetteville.

—The marriage of Miss Mattie E. Kendrick and Mr. L. Berge Beam occurred December 22nd at Clierryville. Mr. Beam is superintendent of Lincoln County schools. Paul R. Bryan is a member of the faculty in the chemistry department of the Medical College of the State of South Carolina, Charleston, S. C.

A. R. Marks has been since graduation engaged in the wholesale shoe business at New Bern.

J. H. Workman is teacher of mathematics in the Greens- boro high school.

1914 Oscar Leach, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Geo. V. Strong is with a law book firm in New York City. F. R. Owen is principal of the Ellerbe high school. Miss Anna Puett is at her home in Dallas. W. S. Beam is an attorney and counsellor at law with offices 315 Law Building, Charlotte.

H. E. Taylor, M. A. '14, is teaching at Canyon, Texas. J. A. Struthers is a chemist for the Du Pont Company. His address is 15 Hoagland Ave., Dover, N. J. Henry Clark Bourne is editor of the Tarboro Southerner. H. L. Cox is an assistant chemist with the N. C. agri- cultural experiment station, West Raleigh.

James Eldridge is spending some time in Chapel Hill, his school at Newland having been disbanded on account of small-pox.

James Holmes is superintendent of schools at Townsville. His debaters are making extensive preparations for the tri- angular debates March 31st.


B. L. Field, Secretary, Oxford, N. C.

R. E. Little, Jr., is located in Wilmington where he is teller with the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company. E. F. Conrad is principal of the Clcmmons farm life high school.

Zack Whitaker is teaching in Oak Ridge Institute. F. C. Manning is agent at Raleigh for the Germania Underwriters of New York. His office is 608 Citizens Bank Building.

J. W. Moser is teaching at Mebane.

Allen H. Moore, of Washington, is a member of the Senior Class in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

R. W. Jernigan, Phar. '15, is with the Fariss-Klutz Drug Company, Greensboro.

—John L. Henderson, Pd. D. '15, is with the Penick Drug Co.. wholesale dealers, 45 Barclay St., New York City. H. C. Sisk is principal of the Stantonsburg high school. D. W. Royster, of Shelby, is in the New Bedford Textile School. New Bedford, Mass., taking a special course in ho- siery knitting.


V. H. Idol is connected with the Bank of Madison, at Madison.





John Bethune Kelly, A. B. 1860, died suddenly at his home near Carthage February 14th, aged 76 years. He enlisted in the Southern army at the outbreak of the Civil War and fought throughout the four year's struggle. He was one of Moore County's best known and most highly respected citi- zens.

1900 P. H. Eley, of Williston, Tennessee, who entered with the class of 1898, but was graduated with the class of 1900, died on February ninth. After leaving the University, he spent a year at Harvard University, where he won distinction. He taught two years in the Philippine Islands, and held several positions of importance in Southern universities.

1918 Alexander Gary Gallant, a member of the Sophomore Class in the University, died at Watts Hospital, Durham, February 21st from an attack of appendicitis, aged 19 years. The funeral was conducted from the home of the parents of the deceased in Charlotte. Delegations were present from the University faculty, the student body, and the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Gallant took high rank in his studies and was promi- nent in various branches of student activity.

•5* *♦* *♦* *♦* •♦* *♦* *»* *♦* *♦* •** *»* *»4 *»* *♦* *»* *** *♦* *♦* *♦* "I* *!* *** **■*

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Greensboro Commercial School


BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPE- WRITING and the BIKINES* BRANCHES are our Specialty. School the year round. Enroll anytime. Write for Catalogue.



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t Raleigh Floral Company

% CHOICE CUT FLOWERS for ALL OCCASIONS * Write, Phone or Wire Orders to Raleigh, N. C.


Carolina Drug Company



WEBB and JERNIGAN, Proprietors

_ 1

Telephone No. 477 Opposite Post Office


Holladay Sftundi®



Photographer for Y. Y., 1915






O. LeR. GOFORTH, Manager

Appreciates the business of the students and of the alumni when they are in Chapel Hill. Special rates given to students for all their laundry. A special two-day service operated.


and driver will call for your package






Eubanks Drug Co.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Agents for Munnally's Candy






fllumni Coyalty fund

"One for all, and all for one"

Letter to R. B. Hall, Class of 1911, who sent the second subscription to the Alumni Loyalty Fund:

R. B. Hall, Esquire, Copperhill, Tennessee, Dear Mr. Hall:

Let me thank yon on behalf of the trustees of the Alumni Loyalty Fund for your generous contri- bution to that fund.

I believe that the fund will eventually reach a million dollars.

It will if we sufficiently believe in the University and the State it serves, and if we get a truly states- manlike and patriotic view of the University of North Carolina and the State of North Carolina. We need to get a great conception of both of them, and to have faith that we can bring that conception to pass.

The University will have a definite and essential task to perforin in the wonderful opportunities that are opening ahead of us. Because they are wonderful opportunities, we must be equipped greatly to use them. Leadership in such a task can be held on no other condition.

A clear vision of the place of the university in the development of a section and a state such as ours, and the united, intelligent effort of every son of the University to make that vision a living reality, is what we need, and it is what we will have!

For your part in it let me again thank you.

Faithfully vours,

EDWARD K. GRAHAM, President.

During the first week of the Alumni Loyalty Fund twenty-eight subscriptions were received.

These varied from $25.00 per year to $1.00 per year. The amount is not relatively important: the main idea is for every alumnus to be in on it. Six ol the first twenty-eight subscriptions were for $25; two were for $1; the remaining twenty averaged $10.00.

I! all the alumni who laid the cards aside to sign later and then forgot it, remember to send them in now, there will he a thousand enrolled l>v the end of the week. DO IT NOW.

Form of Subscription:

University of North Carolina Alumni Loyalty Fund:

I will give to the Alumni Loyalty Fund $ annually,

payable of each year; at which time please send

notice. I reserve the right to revoke at will.

Name (Class)






Made to the North Carolina Corporation Commission at the Close

of Business



Loans and Investments $2,150,319.34

Furniture and Fixtures 20,050.33

Cash Items 20,6-10.40

Cash in Vaults and with Banks _ 058,273.03

$2,85S,2S3.10 Liabilities

Capital Stock $ 100,000.00

Surplus _ 400,000.00

Undivided Profits S9.0G2.1S

Interest Reserve _ _ _ 6,000.00

Deposits _ _ 2,221,720.92

Bills Rediscounted 41,500.00


The attention of the public is respectfully call- ed to the above statement. We will be pleased to have all persons who are seeking a safe place to deposit their active or idle funds, to call on or write us.

B. N. DUKE. Pres. JOHN f. WILY. Vice-I'res. S. W. MH0R, Cashier

Our (boob Cloths

Our Store is fairly loaded with new fall and winter wearables for men and boys. The newest in Suits and Overcoats, the newest in Furnishings and Hats.

Sneed-Markham-Taylor Co.

Durham, N, C.

Ot)£ «first National !ftaak

of "Durham, St. <L.

"Roll of Honor" Bank

Total Resources over Two and a Quarter Mil- lion Dollars





..President Cashier

Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

of all kinds Special attention ^ivi-u Univer.-ilv ami

College banquets and entertainments i'hone 178









The Leading Massachusetts Company

New policies embodying csery desirable feature known to modern life insurance, including an exceptionally liberal disability clause. Dividend increase of from 25 c/o to 387° over former scale.

Slate Agent. 704.5-6 first National Bank Building




"The Progressive Railway of the South ' '


Richmond, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va., and points in the Northeast via Washing-ton, D. C, and Southwest via Atlanta and Birmingham.


Electrically lighted and equipped with electric fans.

Steel electrically lighted Diners on all through trains. Meals a la carte.


For rates, schedules, etc., call on your nearest agent, or

CHARLES B. RYAN, G. P. A., JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. Norfolk, Va. CHARLES R. CAPPS, Vice-Pres., Raleigh, N. C. Norfolk, Va.


£a JFaYctte

The Cafe Beautiful Newest and Best in Raleigh

Prices Moderate

Lavatories for convenience of out-of-town Guests

We Take Care of Your Baggage Free of Charge

215 Fayetteville Streel^Next to Almo Theatre

Under Same Management as Wright's Cafe

Make this your headquarters when in Raleigh

Odell Hardware

Cnmnpnv greensboro, Um\Dciriy north Carolina

Electric Lamps and Supplies Builders Hardware




Ir- --^-^

Sznb it to "Dick!

Dick's Laundry Baskets leave 13 New


for Greensboro at 3:00 P. M. on Monday,


day, and Wednesday. To be returned Wednesday,

Thursday and Friday.





The Bank o/Chapel Hill

The oldest and strongest bank in Orange County solicits your banking business.

M.C S NOBLE Prcsidei t









Chapel Hill Hardware Co.

Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints

Calcimo Sanitary Wall Coating

Fixall Stains and Enamels

Floor Wax, Dancing Wax




Ik ^i


Finishing for the Amateur. Foister ^^


C. S. Pendergraft

Pioneer Auto Man

Headquarters in DURHAM: Al the Royal Cafe, Main Street, and Southern Depot

Headquarters in CHAPEL HILL: Next to Bank of Chapel Hill

Leave Chapel Hill 8:30 and 10:20 a. m.

Leave Chapel Hill 2:30 and 4:00 p. m.

Leave Durham 9:50 a. m., 12:40 p. m.

Leave Durham 5:08 and 8:00 p. m.


Four Machines at Your Service Day or Night

PHONE 58 OR 23

Geo. C. Pickard & Son

Chapel Hill, N. C.


A. A. PICKARD ... - Manager

The Model Market and Ice Co.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

All Kinds of Meats. Fish and Oysters in Season. Daily Ice Delivery Except Sunday

S. M. PICKARD Manager


Z2i.ZlS>. Tftlutt? £o.,Unc-


Extend a cordial invitation to all students and alumni of the U. N. C. to make their store head- quarters during their stay in Chapel Hill.

Complete Stock of New and Second-hand Books, Stationery, and Complete Line of Shoes and Haberdashery Made by the Leaders of Fashion, Al- ways on Hand


ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS Specialty Modern School Buildings




Manufacturers of all grades and flavors of Ice Cream for the Wholesale Trade. Write us what you need.



Will save you from 3 to 5 dollars on your tailor- made suits. We also have in an up-to-date line of high grade gents' furnishings. Call to see us and be convinced.

The Peoples National Bank

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Capital $300,000.00

United Stales Depositary

J. W. FRIES, Prcs. Wm. A. BLAIR, V-Pres. nnd Cashier

J. WALTER DALTON, Asst. Cashier

END us any gar- ment or article you may have

needing Dry Cleaning

or Dyeing.

We will do the work promptly, at small cost, and to your en- tire satisfaction.

Send yours by Parcel Post, we pay return charges on orders amounting to $1.00.

Mourning Goods Dyed in 24 to 36 Hours


GREENSBORO, N. C. Phones 633-634

Chapel Hill Agents: T. C. Wilkins and E. E. W. Duncan 14 and IS Old West



Maximum of Service to the People of the State



(1) Chemical Engineering. E. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.

(2) Electrical Engineering. F. THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY.

(3) Civil and Road Engineering. G. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION.

(4) Soil Investigation. H. THE SUMMER SCHOOL.


(1) General Information.

(2) Instruction by Lectures.

(3) Correspondence Courses.

(4) Debate and Declamation.

(5) County Economic and Social Surveys.

(6) Municipal and Legislative Reference.

(7) Educational Information and Assist-


WRITE TO THE UNIVERSITY WHEN YOU NEED HELP For information regarding the University, address

THOS. J. WILSON, JR., Registrar.

Murphy's Hotel and Annex

Richmond, Virginia

The Most Modern, Largest, and Best Located Hotel in Richmond, Being on Direct Car Line to all Railroad Depots.

Headquarters for College Men European Plan $1.00 Up


■»'■ T J
