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Library of the University of North Carolina

Endowed by the Dialectic and Philan- thropic Societies.

This book must not be taken from the Library








Five years will soon have passed since our class 100 strong left the quiet campus quarters for active service. These men and every man and woman ever enrolled is urged to answer the roll call on the night of May 29th at the "Smoker" on the old camping ground. (The ladies will not be required to smoke.) This will be a time of goodfellowship. We shall note the interesting changes that have taken place here at Carolina, and we shall take stock of ourselves and our fellows. We shall find that the things that have always happened to men are taking place among our own ranks.


To our fortieth year reunion which may take place in June, 1951. May be you wonder whether or not you will come back then at about age 65 perhaps and join the little group that will rally around the 1911 standard at that time. It would be interesting to know just what changes thirty-five more years will bring.


Based en over fifty years of reliable statistics indicates that, in so far as the men who finished with the class do not prove to be exceptional, our secretary will have to report that of these 100 men: 36 have died, 1 is enormously rich, 4 are very wealthy, 5 are still active producers, 54 are wholly or partially dependent upon their every-day labor, younger relatives, or their communities for the ordinary neces- sities ef life. A small number in this majority class will not have the price of a round-trip air-jitney ticket to enable them to reunite with the "old boys of 1911."

One great system of thrift which will help every man to come back strong is Life Insurance. An endowment policy maturing about this time will protect your credit and your home meantime and will provide an available fund and "easy chair" for you in the diys of 1951.

Today the opportunity is open to you. Let us lielp you to avail yourself of its lasting and com- forting benefits now. See or write the old, old




CYRLS THCMFSCfi), JR., Special Agent EUCEI\E C. VcClfi'MS, General Agent

Raleigh, W. C Raleigh, N. C.



Sell all kinds of furniture and furnishings for churches, colleges and homes. Biggest stock of Rugs in the State, and at cheapest prices. CJIf you don't know us ask the College Proctor or the editor of the "Review." Call on or write for whatever you may need in our line.


Volume IV

Number 8

nimmiiiiiiii m i h »m»iiiuini/i





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MAY, 1916


A New Extension Development The Summer

School The Shakespeare Tercentenary


Figures of Interest from Government Reports

Read These Significant Facts

STUDENT EMPLOYMENT The Day's Work and What It Means A Frank Statement About Student Employment and Help for Those Who Need It in the Uni- versity of North Carolina

THE SHAKESPEARE PAGEANT Entire Chapel Hill Community Joins in Commemo- rating the Tercentenary of Shakespeare's Death. The Development of the Great English Drama Shown. The England of Shake- speare's Day and the Poet's Con- ception of His Art Portrayed










1865 FIFTY-ONE YEARS= 1916

TLhc pvovibcnt %ifc an6 ITrust Company

of fl>bilabelpbia







Write for leaflet "The Best Form of Policy"

W. B. UMSTEAD, Special Agent. CHAPEL HILL, N. C.







Volume IV

MAY, 1916

Number 8


Within the new few weeks the University, in co- operation with the State Board of Health, will in- augurate a new phase of extension

TENSION DE- WOrk that is oriSiual and ful1 of VELOPMENT splendid promise. It is a post-grad- uate course in medicine for practic- ing physicians, to be given in the home towns of the physicians.

The plan is, in brief, to give sixteen weeks of lec- tures and clinics in some special phase of medicine by an acknowledged expert in that field, brought from one of the centers of scientific progress. He comes to the doctors practicing at home, instead of one or two of the best of them going to him for a week or ten days. A group of towns, reasonably close to- gether, and with satisfactory train schedules, has been selected, and a class of physicians (consisting of from six to fifteen) formed in each town and its sur- rounding country. A lecture is given to group A on Monday morning, and a clinic held that afternoon; on Tuesday the lecturer goes to group B, and so on through the six towns, coming back to group A the following Monday for the second lecture and clinic, and so on through the sixteen weeks. The expenses are borne by the physicians who take the course. The University and the State Board of Health manage the course in co-operation with the physicians in each center. There will be a small laboratory maintained in conection with each clinic throughout the sum- mer.

The first course will begin early in June, and will be given by Dr. Louis Webb Hill, of Boston, at the following towns: Raleigh, Selma, Wilson, Tarboro, Goldsboro, Halifax. The subject of the courses will be the Diseases of Children. About seventy of the best known physicians throughout this district have registered for this course.


The ninth of May will be long remembered as a

red letter day in the history of the University. For

four hours the old campus, in the

PEARE TER- " ^ beauty of tlle new seaS°n and CENTENARY bathed in the light of a perfect day, was transformed into a bit of six- teenth century England. Tndeed, there was a sug-

gestion of a period even earlier, for from all the surrounding country the folk gathered to await the coming of the players, as if Chapel Hill were York or Wakefield or the mysterious "N-town" in the days when the most worshipful guilds presented at Whit- suntide their mysteries. From the time when the long procession of players wound through the campus walks to the closing lines so beautifully pronounced by Prospero, the closest attention of the audience was given to the various scenes chosen for presentation. The level of the acting was unusually high, some scenes having professional quality. Not less gratify- ing was the smoothness with which the long program moved ; there were no delays, despite the large num- ber of participants and the great variety of the scenes; the total effect was of dignity and adequacy. But aside from the beauty of the setting, the effect- iveness of the costuming, and the excellence of the acting, the outstanding fact about the Pageant is that it supplied to the community an object lesson of the highest value. In the first place, the scenes were not chosen merely for their interest, or because they were representative of various phases of Shakespeare's work, or because they were adapted to the powers of amateurs, still less because they were "selected from Shakespeare." A double unity ran through the pro- gram. The design to convert the campus into a bit of Elizabethan England, already referred to, was furthered by the presentation of scenes that gave some idea of the countryside in which Shakespeare passed his boyhood and of the city in which he did his mature work. Thus the sheep-shearing, with its pastoral characters, its country dances, and the in- imitable Autolycus and Touchstone, represented the first, while the tavern scenes and the repudiation of Falstaff vividly suggested the second ; both repre- senting native and original element which Shakes- peare introduced into his dramatization of plots drawn from all literature and all times. Here were scenes to be understood by the veriest prentice, in- teresting as spectacle, vital in characterization, easily understood as story. But Shakespeare, besides sup- plying abundance of story and character, wove into his fabric more subtle threads, not so patent to the groundlings, but a source of instruction and delight



to the observer who looks quite through the deeds of men. This element was suggested by the fact that the Pageant presented symbolically the entire devel- opment of the Elizabethan drama. There were the May games, the action songs, and the dances which represented the expression of the dramatic instinct among the folk. There was the crude tragedy so laughably presented by Bully Bottom and his brother mechanicals, showing how this same dramatic in- stinct wrestled with lofty themes and sought expres- sion in amateur theatricals. There was the address of Hamlet to the players, representing Shakespeare's conception of the dignity and quality of acting as a fine art. And, in that wonderful farewell to magic, so impressively given at the very end of the Pageant, when all the groups of gaily clad players had dis- appeared and the elfin music so fittingly interpreted by the dainty Ariel had died into silence, a farewell to which the woodland scene, the soft rays of the setting sun, and the gathering quiet of the evening contributed an almost unearthly beauty, we were made to feel, as never before, the greatness of this magician to whom not only his dream-world of the stage but life itself was an illusion. Thus the Pag- eant not only re-created, in a measure, Shakespeare's England ; it also showed how the drama grew from the native soil like a flower, developing from rude expressions of the dramatic instinct into a rich and varied symbolism lying close to the root of our being.


The remarkable development of the Summer School during the past few years should be a matter of pride to every alumnus of the University. Nine years ago the Summer School was reopened, after a short period of suspension, and enrolled 36 stu- dents. From this modest beginning it has grown in numbers, in reputation, and in efficiency until today it has come to be one of the big progressive Summer Schools of the South and one of the most effective agencies for the professional preparation of teachers to be found in this section of the country.

The session of 1916 gives promise of eclipsing all previous records. The office of the Director up until the middle of May had been in communication with between 1,500 and 2,000 progressive teachers who had been sufficiently interested to write for informa- tion. Nearly 1,000 had up to this time expressed their purpose to attend the 1916 session. Plans have been made for 1,000, and it seems that the enroll- ment will be limited only by the town's accommoda- tions.


There are several reasons for this great increase in attendance and in popular favor. In the first place the Summer School has been quick to a sense of the teachers' needs and it has been quite sincerely sympathetic in its efforts to meet these needs by providing here at home a high grade of instruction at the lowest possible expense. Every dollar spent has been made to do the work of two. The teachers who attend have received the benefit of this economic administration, and they appreciate it. They know they have been helped. They become enthusiastic sup- porters not only of the Summer School but of the University. They have the uplifting consciousness that the University is working at the same big prob- lems that they are struggling with, that it under- stands and is willing and glad to strike hands with them in a common cause. The letters of approval and appreciation from city superintendents, county superintendents, high school principals, grade teach- ers in city schools, and teachers in one-room schools of the country districts that have come in to the office during the past few months would fill this issue of The Review. This interest and appreciation on the part of the school workers of the State constitutes the Summer School's greatest asset, and at the same time, one of the greatest assets of the University.


Editor, Alumni "Review.

Sir: When this epithet was first applied to North Carolina soldiers in 1863 in the Army of Northern Virginia, they resented it as an insult. When Governor Vance visited that army in the spring of 1864, he began his address by saying he did not know how to address the soldiers. "I can not call yon fellow citizens because we do not live here; T can not call you fellow soldiers for while you are undergoing the hardships of camp life, I am com- fortably off at Raleigh with three meals a day, and T am not a soldier. So after thinking the matter over I have concluded to call you fellow Tarheels."

This announcement for a moment or two did not meet with a very hearty response, but the soldiers soon caught on and responded with cheers, and since that time Tarheel has been regarded as a name to be honored and respected by all who love or admire North Carolina.

I was witness to all that T have written.

W. A. Graham, '60.

Raleigh. N. C, April 12. 1916.



Figures of Interest From Government Reports— Read These Significant Facts

Of the 15 State Universities in the South and Southwest in 1914-15, ten had larger total working incomes than the University of North Carolina, but only five had larger student bodies.

Banking below North Carolina in total working income were: Alabama with $191,071 ; Florida with $140,014; New Mexico with $62,577; and South Carolina with $124,970 ; and ranking above us in total enrollment of students were Kentucky with 1,145 ; Oklahoma with 1,262 ; Tennessee with 988 ; Texas with 2,574 ; and Virginia with 946.

These five states with larger student bodies had also larger working incomes. Virginia for instance, had a total working income of $560,258, and Texas $602,609.

Our Small Working Income

Our total income in 1914-15 was $220,661, and our rank in this particular was 11th. Thirty-four per cent of it was derived from student fees, productive funds, private benefactions and other similar sources, $75,661 all told. The balance $145,000 came from the State.

Our working income per student was $245, and our rank in this particular among the 15 State Uni- versities was 12th. That is to say, eleven State uni- versities had larger working incomes per students ; Georgia 76 per cent larger, Misissippi 101 per cent larger, and Virginia 141 per cent larger. The work- ing income of the University of Arizona was more than five times that of the University of North Caro- lina.

Among the 25 State universities and A. & M. col- leges in the South, the rank of our University in working income per student was 22nd.

State Universities and A. and M. Colleges in the South

Kanked according to working income per student during the year ending June 30, 1915. Figures based on Bulletin No. 6, 1916, of the United States

Bureau of Education.

Working Income Rank Institutions Per Student

1 Arizona State University $1,299

2 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 709

3 Virginia State University 592

4 Texas A. & M. College 543

5 Mississippi State University 502

6 New Mexico State University 457

7 Georgia State University 433

8 New Mexico A. & M. College 410

9 Georgia School of Technology 409

10 Florida State University 393

11 Mississippi A. & M. College 390

12 North Carolina A. & M. College 333

13 Arkansas State University 317

14 Alabama Polytechnic Institute 315

14 Oklahoma A. & M. College 315

16 South Carolina A. & M. College, Clemson 302

17 Louisiana State University and A. & M. College. . . . 293

18 Tennessee State University 287

19 Kentucky State University 279

20 Texas College of Industrial Arts 255

21 Alabama State University 253

22 North Carolina State University 245

23 South Carolina State University 239

24 Texas State University 234

25 Oklahoma State University 183

Banked according to students enrolled per faculty member during the year ending June 30, 1915. Figures based on Bulletin No. 6, 1916, of the United

States Bureau of Education.

Students Per Rank Institutions Faculty Member

1 Tennessee State University 4.9

2 Arizona State University 6.3

3 New Mexico University 6.8

4 Arkansas State University 7.4

4 Oklahoma A. & M. College 7.4

6 Virginia Polytechnic Institute 9

6 Georgia State University 9

8 Alabama State University 9.1

9 New Mexico A. & M. College 9.2

9 Oklahoma State University 9.2

11 Florida State University 9.6

12 Alabama Polytechnic Institute 9.9

13 Louisiana State University and A. & M. College 10.2

14 Texas A. & M. College 10.3

15 North Carolina A. & M. College 11

16 Kentucky State Univeristy 11.7

17 Virginia State University 12.1

18 Texas College of Industrial Arts 12.3

18 North Carolina State University 12.3

20 South Carolina A. & M. College.. Clemson 12.6

21 Georgia School of Technology 13.3

22 Texas State University 13.4

23 South Carolina State University 14. 1

24 Mississippi A. & M. College 14.2

25 Mississippi State University 14.3


Junior week was celebrated on the "Hill" April 27th and 28th. The senior class presented as its slimt Dr. Doaff's Dilemma. The Junior oratorical contest was won by J. S. Stell of the Fhi Society. A faculty-senior baseball game added pleasure to the holidays. Seventy-five girls attended the dances.



The Day's Work and What it Means— A Frank Statement About Student Employment and Help for

Those Who Need it in the University of North Carolina

The University lias just issued through the self- help committee of the faculty, Professors J. M. Bell, A. S. Wheeler, T. F. Hickerson, and R. L. James, a circular entitled "Information on Student Employ- ment at the University of North Carolina." This circular contains so much information which should prove of interest and assistance to alumni in their co-operation with the University's work that it is reproduced almost in entirety herewith: The Challenge

Hundreds of young men earn a portion of the ex- penses of their college course, by summer work, or by outside work in Chapel Hill during the college year. Many a graduate of the University, who has made his mark in college and since graduation, has been partly or wholly self-supporting while in college.


The first problem is the problem of competition. New students seeking work often have the idea that they belong to a very small group. This is far from true. Of the three hundred new men to enter this year, fifty per cent applied for work to help pay their expenses. A careful canvass made last year showed that seventy per cent of the whole student body earn- ed, during the summer or during the college session, a considerable part (over $50) of their expenses.

The Chief Difficulty

There was a time when it was unusual for a stu- dent to "work his way" through, in whole or in part. Now it is in no sense unusual. Neither success nor failure in it is uncommon, nor are the conditions of success mysterious. They are based in college on the same qualities that give success in the world outside. Determination, energy, patience, courage, initiative these are some of the resources that get a in an through college, who starts without sufficient re- sources. A man who makes his living at the same time that he gets a college education is doing two things, either one of which is enough to take most of his time. It can be clone: but it requires extra effort or extra ability, or both. Something more intelligent and durable than a vague desire to get an education is necessary.

A Surplus to Start Necessary

In this fact, there is no discouragement for the man of true mettle. It simply brings him face to face with the question of how sincerely he wants an edu- cation, and how much effort he is willing to put forth to get it. The majority of the young men who want to work their way through college state that

they have no training in any kind of expert labor, but that they are willing to do anything. The cur- rent pay for unskilled labor is from twelve to fifteen cents an hour. No student earning this rate of wages, as gardener, furnace-attendant, wood-chopper, waiter, or in a similar grade of work, can earn all of his expenses and have sufficient time left for study. By such labor, many students earn their board and lodging, and so supplement insufficient funds; but a student should not come to college expecting to make his way by low-priced labor. In general, a new man should have at least a hundred dollars that he can fall back on.

There is less competition, of course, in the various kinds of expert labor. A man's prospects of success increase in proportion to his skill. A number of stu- dents are employed in clerical positions and in differ- ent forms of work involving stenography and type- writing. All sorts of agencies are held by students.

No positions are in the gift of the President, and none of them can be assigned in advance. Applica- tions with recommendations may be addressed to the Secretary of the President, who will file them and turn them over to the Committee on Student Employ- ment, just before college opens in September.

Borrowing Money

A young man entering college hesitates to borrow money. He does not like to think of starting out after graduation with a debt hanging over him. He is right to hesitate : no man should incur a debt with- out careful deliberation. But he wants an education, and he has not the money. He must either borrow or give up his ambition, or spend a large part of the time he should give to the education he is seeking, in manual labor. He can better afford to buy his own time, rather than sell it on that basis. Study for self- mastery and for full self-development is the purpose of a college education and full attention to study will multiply the earning capacity of a student many times beyond the amount that he can earn. However, there is time for work,, and there are forms of money- producing work that do not interfere at all with study, and there are forms of work that interfere only slightly. Many of the best college students make a large part of their expenses during the college session.

Swain Hall

About fifty students will be employed next fall at Swain Hall, the college dining room, as waiters and kitchen helpers. These students will receive their board in return for this work. The selection for these positions is based upon the need of the student to earn part of his expenses, and upon his suitability for



such work. These positions cannot be promised in advance.

The method of assigning them is as follows: The Committee on Student Employment will meet to in- terview candidates for these positions Monday, Sep- tember 11, 1916, at 3 P. M. in Chemistry Hall. This is the day before the fall registration begins. No position will be assigned without a personal interview between the candidate and the Committee. The names of the students chosen for such positions will be posted on Monday evening, and work will begin on Tuesday morning, the first registration day. Information Regarding Expenses, Scholarships and Loans

The cost of each of the two terms of the year is estimated as follows :

Tuition $ 30.00

Law or Medicine, $35.00

Matriculation fees 15.00

Board 50.00

Laundry 5 . 1 >< I

Room rent (with light and heat) 15.00

Books 10.00

$125.00 Scholarships

There are no county scholarships. These were abolished by the legislature in 1885. There are a number of privately endowed scholarships that pay tuition in the academic department. Some of these are awarded by the donors, some by the President. Applicants for these should send (1) a certificate, showing their preparation, and (2) letters of testi- monial as to their need and their ability.

Onder the State law, tuition in the academic de- partment is given to those who agree to teach two years after leaving college, and to sons of ministers. Notes are given, signed by the student and his parent, certifying to the agreement to teach.

No Scholarships in Professional Schools

No student should apply for a scholarship who can afford to pay tuition. If he succeeds in getting a scholarship he thereby prevents a student who can- not pay from getting a scholarship. The University has many more applications for scholarships from needy students than it can supply.


The University has two loan funds from which it is able to help worthy students. Loans from the Deems Lund are made for two years, at six per cent; from the Martin Fund for one year, at four per cent. Applications for loans should be made before August 15. The notes must have two good securities. The borrower should get a letter from the clerk of court or the register of deeds, stating that the securities are good.

Not over fifty dollars can be borrowed any one

term, and two hundred dollars is the limit for any one student. It is better for a student to borrow at home, on a note given to a relative or friend, if such an arrangement is possible.

A College Education As An Investment

To the young man without means the question of whether it is a wise investment to put four years of his life in a college education is of the greatest pos- sible importance. lie should consider the cost; he should consider the possible return in income and in- creased influence ami capacity to realize the durable satisfactions of life. No one can predict confidently what a college education will mean to any other man. But the figures gathered by reliable investigators will be of help. Dr. Wm. T. Harris, U. S. Commissioner for the Bureau of Education, found as the result of an exhaustive investigation that the average wage of a non-college man at twenty years was $10 per week. This average wage increased till the age of twenty- six, when it reached a maximum of $15.5(1 per week. The average wage of the college man at twenty-two is $25 ; at thirty it is $45 per week, after which it continues to advance.

According to this investigation, each year in col- lege adds $136.50 to a man's yearly earning capacity, or interest on $2,250.

These figures are given for what they may be thought to be worth. Numerous other investigations have shown with equal emphasis that, based on in- come return, a college education, genuinely pursued, produces a tremendous interest return. If it costs $350 per year to go to college, and if to this lie added the $650 that might be earned if the student went into business, the total cost of the college year, as an investment, would be $1,000. The student's earning capacity would have to be increased only $00 for each year he is in college, to make this a six per cent in- vestment. It may be said with assurance that this is a safe financial venture, and not only so, but that other and more vital returns are so great as make even this financial return the least important con- sideration.

The Choice of a College

Students who decide; to go to college should give the most thoughtful attention to their choice of a college. Students and parents often let the most trivial con- siderations determine the selection of a college. A difference of twenty-five dollars in the cost: the promise of a place that pays fifty dollars a year; the promise of a scholarship worth thirty dollars a term will determine the question without thought of pos- sible difference in /In' quality and worth of what the student is seeking. The student should decide on in- telligent grounds, after careful study where it is best for him to go for his training, and go there. He cannot afford to give up the big things he wants for a -mall job or for a scholarship.



Entire Chapel Hill Community Joins in Commemorating the Tercentenary of Shakespeare's Death

The Development of the Great English Drama Shown— The England of Shakespeare's Day

and the Poet's Conception of His Art Portrayed

The campus of the University on Tuesday, May 9, was the scene of certainly the most spectacular, and perhaps the most interesting and instructive event of the college year, the Shakespeare Pageant. Gor- geous costumes, brilliant music, graceful dances and skillful acting transported everyone back to the "spacious times of great Elizabeth." Fairies, elves, sprites, milkmaids, halberdiers, clowns, shepherds and shepherdesses, courtly lords and ladies, vied with one another in arousing the interest and enthusiasm of the spectators. Queen Elizabeth appeared, at- tended by her court : merry Jack Falstaff bantered with Prince Hal, as they drank sack in Dame Quick- ly's tavern ; the melancholy Dane gave grace and dignity to the occasion, Touchstone convulsed the crowd with his antics, and the wily Autolycus proved that a "merry heart goes all the way." Shepherds and shepherdesses tripped it on the greensward, and lads and their dears frolicked around the may-pole. Time truly rolled back three hundred years.

Not only did the pageant reveal sixteenth cen- tury life, but it afforded an object lesson in the way the great English Drama grew up and developed, from the rude merrymakings, such as the sheep-shear- ing festival, where dancing and ballad-singing were indulged in, through the crude performances of ama- teurs, baffled by the many problems of stage realism, to the perfected drama of the great poet, a symbol of life itself. The program was designed to show this evolution, beginning as it did with children's singing games and dances, continuing with a rural scene from "A Winter's Tale," then a tavern scene from Hen- ry IV, and the final dismissal of Falstaff by the yoirng Henry V, a scene representative of the interest in the early chronicle play. Tieck's "The Midsummer Night," which shows the boy, Shakespeare, as he wanders into the forest amid the fairy beings of his own creation, is illustrative of the sixteenth century interest in legends and fairy lore, which the poet turned to such good account in his own "Midsummer Night's Dream."

The burlesque rehearsal and performance of Py- ramus and Thisbe reveals the difficulties against which amateur actors had to struggle, as well as the interest of the proletariat in dramatic performances. The conventionalities and ineptitudes of professional

acting are revealed in Hamlet's advice to the players. Here also Shakespeare gives us his ideas of serious and effective acting.

The program fittingly closed with Prospero's "Farewell to Magic," from "The Tempest," most probably Shakespeare's last dramatic production. The purpose of this scene was well summarized in the program: "As the earlier parts of our program have represented some of the contemporary elements of which the Shakespearian drama is composed, folk belief and custom, the life of Elizabethan Eng- land in both country and town, a national conscious- ness centering in the person of the sovereign, and finally the eager interest of the period in all manner of performances, so the present scenes from "The Tempest" illustrate the action of the creative imagi- nation, which transforms experience into poetry and 'bodies forth the forms of things unknown.' " It is impossible not to see in Prospero Shakespeare him- self, in full control of the powers of creative art.

The program of the performance was as follows:

/. Prologue 11. Shakespeare's England The Country

A Rural Merrymaking From The Winter's Tale.

Touchstone and His Country Lass From As You Like It.

The Fairies Tieck's The Midsummer Night. The City

The Tavern : Falstaff the Braggart From / Henry IV. The Nation

Prince Hal Becomes Henry the King From // Henry IV.

III. Shakespeare's Art The Art of Acting

The Rehearsal From A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Performance at Court From A Midsummer Night's

Dream. Hamlet's Advice to the Players From Hamlet. The Art of Dramatic Poetry

The Farewell to Magic From The Tempest.

IV. A May-Pole Dance In addition to the above scenes from the plays suit- able music was rendered by the University glee club and orchestra, and also by a chorus of ladies under the direction of Mrs. A. S. Wheeler. Two of the dances were trained by Mrs. P. H. Winston, who also gave valuable assistance in directing the music for the occasion. The Chapel Hill Graded School rendered the fairy scene Tieck's "The Midsummer Night" in a most pleasing manner, and further added to the attractiveness of the program with oc-





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casional dances. The other scenes were performed by members of the faculty and student body of the University, assisted by ladies of the town.

The pageant began with a grand procession from Memorial Hall across the north end of the campus, to the section of the campus adjoining the arboretum. Here a sqiiare on the lawn had been roped off to serve as a stage. The slope of the campus here afforded a very effective amphitheatre, while the thick growth of the arboretum offered a charming background. More than 1,200 people gathered for the perform- ance, many from outside of Chapel Hill. Procession Ready

Promptly at 2 :30 Tuesday afternoon the shrill note of the clarinet informed the waiting hundreds of onlookers that the procession was ready to start.

Never before have the hoary landmarks of the University campus witnessed such a spectacle. The procession, headed by the cornet, Irvin Parker, and the chief marshal, T. A. Jones, Jr., was peopled with the men, women, and children of Shakespeare's time, and with the characters drawn from his plays. In one group marched Queen Elizabeth and her maids of honor, Prince Hal and courtiers, and the Lord Chief Justice of England ; in the second group were to be found the boy Shakespeare, Hamlet, Caliban, Prospero, Ariel, Touchstone, Autolycus, Quince and his company of mechanicals, shepherds and shep- herdesses, milkmaids and clowns, and innumerable elves, bees, butterflies and fairies.

The clanking of swords, the shrill note of the clarinet, and the quaint Elizabethan costumes easily carried the audience back three hundred years to the time when the great bard of Stratford lived amid these very surroundings.

The procession, as indicated above, was divided into two groups. In the first came, in order named : two crimson heralds; ten halberdiers; Queen Eliza- beth, four canopy bearers, and two pages; maids of honor, four court ladies ; Prince Hal and courtiers ; and Lord Chief Justice with two train bearers.

In the second group marched: two white heralds; the boy Shakespeare; rest of Prince Hal's group; Tempest group; Hamlet; Winter's Tale group, and Touchstone; shepherds, shepherdesses, milkmaids, and clowns ; Kate Greenaways, Dame Wenlock, and villagers ; Midsummer Night's Dream group ; Theseus and Hippolyta last ; Puck ; Ariel ; Oberon and two train bearers; Titania and two train bearers; bees and butterflies; white fairies; flowers, and jack in the pulpits.

Performance Opens

The performance opened with a group of action

songs by children of the public schools. This was followed by a presentation of selected scenes from "A Winter's Tale." The opcasion was a sheep-shear- ing festival, when the rustics gathered in the autumn to celebrate the completion of the year's work and make merry with their lasses on the greensward.

The first episode showed a bumpkin shepherd (Wil- liam Wright) on his way to town to make the pur- chases for the feast, duped and relieved of his heavy purse by a clever rogue of the highway named Au- tolucus (Buck Wimberley).

The scene then changed to the lawn before an old shepherd's cottage, where the sheep-shearing is in progress. First came the love scene between Prince Florizel (impersonated by Bruce Webb) and the sup- posed daughter of the old shepherd (Miss Mary Hen- derson).

The lovers are interrupted by the entrance of the shepherd (Mr. R. H. Thornton) and two strangers Camillo (E. Knox Proctor) and Polixenes (John Huske), as well as several of the revelers.

In order to amuse the strangers the shepherd in- troduced into this scene the dance of the shepherds and shepherdesses, and of the eight and twenty milk- maids.

In the midst of the jollity Autolycus appears, dis- guised as a pedlar and ballad monger. Wimberloy's impersonation of the dual role of rogue and pedlar was extremely clever.

The next scene was taken from "As You Like It." In this ludicrous episode town and country are brought grotesquely into contrast. Touchstone (Mr. Edgar Long), a court jester, falls in love with a simple-hearted country girl, Audrey, (Miss Nell Battle). Audrey is also loved by a bumpkin named William (Barber Towler), who, however, is driven into precipitous flight by the threats and strange language of Touchstone. Mr. Long's imper- sonation of Touchstone was excellent and elicited thunderous applause from the audience.

Children Give Scene

The fairy scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream was given by the children of the Chapel Hill public school. The boy Shakespeare (Sam Buice) is here imagined to have strayed into fairy-land and met some of the creatures of his art. After indulging in a dance, the fairies find the sleeping Shakespeare. Titania, their queen (Dorothy Greenlaw), scatters the perfume of certain flowers over him and conse- crates him as the greatest of all poets; Oberon breathes inspiration into him; and Puck a merry humor. The music for this scene was furnished by



a concealed chorus, directed by Mrs. A. S. Wheeler. At the close of the fairy scene a double quartette from the University Glee Club rendered "Hark, Hark, the Lark."

The next two scenes, taken from Henry IV, pres- ent incidents in the life of Henry V, the hero sover- eign of England. In the first scene he is shown as the madcap Prince Hal amid the gaities of the tavern life, just after the Gadshill robbery. The principal characters in this scene were: Prince Hal (imper- sonated by Dr. J. M. Booker) ; Falstaff (Charles Cog-gin) ; Mistress Quickly (Miss Maude Minish) ; Poins (Walter M. Matthews') ; Bardolph (Francis Clarkson); Peto (Ernest Neiman) ; Nym (I. H Butt).

In the next scene Falstaff goes to congratulate his companion upon his assumption of the kingship, never doubting that he will be royally received. But the Prince in assuming the kingship has also assumed a new dignity and refuses to have anything to do with his old friend. New characters introduced into this scene are: the Lord Chief Justice of England (T. C. Linn) and Pistol (Albert Oettinger).

In his impersonation of Falstaff in these two scenes, Charles Coggin, for four years a star in Uni- versity dramatics, reached the zenith of his success. Dr. Booker, as Prince Hal, was also especially good.

Shakespeare and His Art

The second part of the program dealt with Shakes- peare and his art. The rehearsal and performance at court of the mock play of Pyramus and Thisbe illustrated how the common people presented their little dramatic ideas.

These scenes from a play in which "there is not one word apt, not one player fitted" were more or less dominated by Prof. G. M. McKie, who impersonated Quince Tuesday afternoon, but who in rehearsals, impersonated each of the six roles in order to show what each of the players was to do. Robert House, as Bully Bottom, without previous dramatic experi- ence, rose to the occasion in a surprising manner, and has received much commendation for his interpreta- tion. The other characters represented in these scenes were: Snug (W. H. Stephenson); Flute (Dougald McMillan); Snout (B. L. Meredith); Starveling (W. T. Steele): King Theseus (.J. G. Cowan ) ; Queen Hippolyta (Mrs. R. L. James) ; Lysander (J. G. Ramsey) ; Philostrate (W. B. Pitts); Demetrius 'James I.. Harrison); Hermia (.Mi— Winnie MeGlamery) ; Helena I Miss Eleanor Wilson ).

The absurdities of amateur acting have their coun- terpart in the ineptitudes, conventionalities, and ex-

cesses of the professional stage. In Hamlet's address to the company of strolling players who are to pre- sent a tragedy before the King of Denmark, Shakes- peare gives final expression to the ideal of the actor's art. Hamlet was represented by Prof. W. S. Bern- ard.

The final scene denoted Shakespeare's farewell to magic. It was taken from The Tempest and was in a way the most beautiful scene in the pageant. The character impersonations were masterfully done. Miss Curtis Henderson as Ariel was the star of the scene. The other characters represented were : Pros- pero (Dr. W. M. Dey) ; Miranda (Miss Gypsie Bar- ton) ; Caliban (J. A. Capps) ; Ferdinand (Mr. Edgar Turlington) ; Alonzo (Mr. H. M. Dargan).

The festival was closed with a double May-pole dance by the children of the Chapel Hill schools. Tuesday evening a fancy dress ball was given in the gymnasium.

Future Celebrations

The Shakespearean celebration at the University last Tuesday will probably result in the presentation of a May-day festival on the campus every year. No definite plan has yet been worked out ; but, according to Dr. Edwin Greenlaw, head of the Department of English, the festival will embody the essential pag- eant features action songs, folk dances, and child- ish games in the afternoon and a communal play in the evening. A play that has already been sug- gested for next year is "A New Way to Pav Old Debts."

"The communal pageant idea," declared Dr. Green- law, "is the real way to stimulate the forces that are to produce the great American drama of the future. But before anything worth while can be derived from such festival, the people must feel that the drama is an expression of themselves."

The pageant last Tuesday served as an excellent illustration of this point. It was an object lesson of how the great English drama grew up. And, it was as truly a product of the Chapel Hill community, and folk as was the drama of Shakespeare's time. A Community Production

The celebration had no professional coach, but was spontaneous. And every part of the college commun- ity was represented by the three hundred volunteer participants in the celebration. It was a communal event and represented the interest manifest by every section of the community in Shakespeare and in the tercentenary celebration of his death.

Inasmuch as the pageant was a community affair, the sueecs.s was due to the interest and active co-op- eration of each of the three hundred participants.



Especial credit, however, is due the English Depart- ment of the University for their constant and tireless work in coaching the players; to Mesdames Archi- bald Henderson and J. H. Pratt who directed the costuming (one of the most brilliant features of the occasion) ; to Mrs. P. H. Winston for the various folk dances ; to Mrs. A. S. Wheeler and Earle Harris for the Shakespearean music; to the faculty of the Chapel Hill public schools for their work with the school children ; and to Dr. A. S. Wheeler and Dr. Geo. Howe for their work in raising funds with which to secure costumes.


The Review publishes herewith a final letter con- cerning the big reunion which the class of 1911 will hold at the approaching commencement. This is from Mr. W. A. Dees, of Goldsboro, president of the class:

I notice in the last several issues of the Review articles, by members of the class of 1911, bearing upon the characteristics and policies of that class and seeking to inspire and encourage every member of the class to return to the "Hill" for the five-year reunion on May the 29th and 30th. I was glad to see these articles, and I trust they have borne fruit in the way of making the approaching reunion of the class of 1911 the largest, most enjoyable, and most profitable class reunion every staged on the "Hill." It is not my purpose to attempt to write any lengthy article in continuation of the series I have referred to; but I think it well, if you will be kind enough to allow it, for some one to call attention, in your May Issue, to the increasing interest and enthusiasm manifested by the class of 1911 in its coming reunion. Suffice it to say that we all intend to be there.

Furthermore, there are some facts about the class of 1911 that might be of interest to all University Alumni. In the first place, at the time it entered (1907), the class of 1911 was by far the largest ever to enter the University, having, if I remember cor- rectly, 234 members the first year. Of course this number diminished from year to year, but by a less percentage than any other class ever decreased, for we came out in 1911 with exactly 100 graduates, which is by far the largest number ever to graduate in one class at the University even up to this good hour. The boys of 1911 had, therefore, the "stick- ing" quality beyond the average. In addition to the distinction in numbers, the class was also marked by the harmony that always prevailed in it and by the high average ability of its members. It was in this class that the feeling sometimes existing between the different college elements was completely forgot- ten and the finest sort of fellowship reigned instead.

It was a thoroughly democratic group of fellows, and merit, wherever found, was never ignored. The class furnished quotas, according to its size, to every col- lege activity. We had scholars, debaters, journalists, social artists, and athletes ; and yet perhaps no class ever had fewer outstanding "stars." Every man was a man of metal, and none were of mean ability. Ev- ery man did something, so that no one man, even no few men, did or had to do a great deal; and yet hardly any class can show greater achievements. We had a strong force of men, all qualified to be leaders. We had every sort of personality from Cy Thompson to Rube Oliver, and the whole line was pleasing. We had such a class that it could not have done its work without every member. Every one was essential when we were in college to make our class complete ; every one is essential now to make our reunion complete, together with all the wives and babies we can boast of. Come and bring 'em.

Two things every member of 1911 learned and now practices : We each learned to love all the others and to love and cherish our University. As exem- plifying that knowledge, let's every one get together once more on May 29th and 30th, and again drink from the rejuvenating well and revel in the "Classic Shades."


B. L. Field, of Oxford, secretary of the class of 1915, sends the Review the following news notes ami reports that prospects are splendid for 1915's having the biggest one-year reunion ever held on the "Hill":

James Hughes, ex-15, is taking work at a business college in Baltimore.

Or. A. Martin is principal of Abbottsburg high school.

Outlaw Hunt, ex-15-teener, is connected with the Imperial Tobacco Company and is at present located in Oxford.

Preston Epps was given splendid encouragement and recognition of the quality of his voice by Pas- quale Amato, the great baritone, upon his recent visit to Raleigh. The class of '15 recognized this a few years ahead of Pasquale.

B. B. Holder has been teaching at Stovall during the past year. His school closed during the past week and he has now gone to his home near Winston.

J. V. Whitfield has recently been initiated into the order of matrimony and we trust that he will bring his bride with him to the reunion exercises so that we can give them both the glad hand. Good luck to you, Whit!

Due notice is hereby served that all members of the class not answering to their names when the roll



is called at the smoker on Monday night, May 29, will be fined an amount equal to that which would have paid the absent member's expenses to the Hill. Thus you will not save by remaining away. Come and bring another fifteener with you. Write Dan Bell at Chapel Hill of your intentions so that he may have the kind of cigars you like.


Great preparations are being made on the "Hill'' and by the various classes holding reunions for the one hundred and twenty-first annual commencement of the University which begins on Sunday, May 28, and closes on Wednesday, May 31. Indications are that many alumni will return for the class reunions and the various other features of commencement. The classes holding reunions are: 1S66, with Gen. J. S. Carr, Durham, in charge of arrangements ; L886, with W. N. Everett, Eockingham, and W. S. Dunston, Birmingham, Ala., in charge; 1891, with Dr. C. S. Mangum, Chapel Hill, in charge; 1896, with Geo. Stephens, Charlotte, and J. S. White, Mebane, in charge; 1901, with F. B. Rankin, Ruther- fordton, and W. H. Swift, Greensboro, in charge; L906, with Frank P. Drane, Charlotte, W. B. Love, Monroe, and John A. Parker, Charlotte, in charge ; 1911, with R. G. Stockton, Winston-Salem, W. A. Dees, Goldsboro, John Tillett, Thomasville, K. S. Tanner. Rutherfordton, C. E. Mcintosh, Raleigh, I. C. Moser, Burlington, E. J. Wellons, Smithfiehl, E. W. Turlington, Chapel Hill, in charge; 1915, with R. G. Fitzgerald, Hillsboro, and B. L. Field, Oxford, in charge. These classes expect to have large numbers present for their respective reunions.

The full program of commencement follows :

Sunday, May 28 11:00 A. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, Bishop J. H. McCoy, of Birmingham, Ala.

6 :00 P. M. Vesper Service on the Campus. Rev. W. D. Moss, Chapel Hill.

Monday, May 29 9:30 A. M. Seniors form in front of Memorial Hall and march to Chapel for prayers.

10:30 A. M. Senior Class Day Exercises in Gerrard Hall. Orations by representatives of the graduating class in the contest for the Mangum Medal.

S :30 P. M. Closing Exercises of the Senior Class. 9:30 P. M. Anniversary Meetings of the Literary Socie- in their respective halls.

Tuesday, May 30

10:30 A. M.— Alumni Address, Dean W. C. Smith, '96, of the State Normal College. Greensboro.

11:00 A. M. Class Reunion Exercises, Class of 1866; Class of 1886; Class of 1891; Class of 1896; Class of 1901; Class of 1906; Class of 1911; Class of 1915.

12:30 P. M. Business Meeting of the Alumni Association.

1 :30 P. M. Alumni Luncheon in Swain Hall.

8 :00 P. M. Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in Chemistry Hall.

8:30 P. M. Annual Debate between representatives of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Societies.

10 :00 P. M. Reception in the Bynum Gymnasium by the President and Faculty.

Wednesday, May 31

10:45 A. M. Academic procession forms in front of Alum- ni Building.

11:00 A. M. Commencement Exercises in Memorial Hall. Commencement Address, William G. McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Announcements. De- grees Conferred. Benediction.


Indications are that the thirty-year reunion of the class of 1886 will be one of the interesting feat- ures of commencement. Expressions from various members of this class confirm the belief that the attendance will be large.

A few letters received by the alumni organization committee are as follows:

"It is my intention to be present, and it will af- ford me genuine pleasure to meet my class-mates and other University friends." II. W. Jacksox. Richmond, Va.

"I am delighted to know that the class of '86 is to have a reunion this year. I shall take pleasure in communicating with such members of the class as I ';ni get in touch with and shall urge them to at- tend."— W. 1ST. Everett.

Rockingham, N. C.

"I am in hearty accord with the reunion idea ami will be glad to co-operate in any way possible look- ing towards making the reunion of 'S6 the 'greatest ever.' " John M. Moeehead.

Charlotte, X. ( !.

"I will do all that I can to advance the reunion." Stephen B. Weeks.

Washington. 1). C.

"I hope it will be possible for me to attend this meeting and will make an effort to do so." J. Beyaw Chimes.

Raleigh. A'. C.

"It will give me a great deal of pleasure to attend the reunion of the class of '86 at the approaching com- mencement. Count on me. I hope the reunion will prove a great success. I am hungry to meet my obi classmates once more not more than five of them have I seen in 30 years." Lewis J. Battle.

Washington, I >. C.




Tuesday, May 30th, is Alumni Day, and we want to make it the biggest, happiest day of commence- ment !

In addition to the Alumni address and class re- unions there will be a general alumni conference from 12 to 1 :30. The object of this conference is to give the alumni a chance to tell the University what they think, and give the University a chance to tell the alumni how they can have an active part in its work. Don't miss it ! It will be informal.

After this conference there will be the alumni luncheon. This will be better than usual in fact, it will be as good as you want it. You remember the luncheon last year. It was a tremendous success. Four hundred attended and some couldn't get seats because they forgot to get tickets. There will be five or six hundred this year. There will be a cabaret performance between courses by the students and the stars from reunion classes, and an orchestra, and singing by everybody. If you've got a good time in you, you will have the chance to turn it loose. The price is $1.00 per cover, the cost of the service. Ladies are invited. Send E. R. Rankin, Secretary, the money for whatever reservations you want. Be sure to do this right now. If you are prevented from coming you can get the dollar 'back.

As far as possible the committee will furnish lodging for the alumni. But in order to do this the committee will have to know that you are coming.

Don't let anything stop you. Come back now and get in touch with the college. Obey that impulse. Big things are under way and you want to be "in"' on them.

E. R. Rankin, W. S. Bernard.. Collier Cobb.


In the triangular debate between Carolina, Vir- ginia, and Johns Hopkins, held April 22nd, Carolina was victorious over Virginia by a unanimous de- cision but lost to Johns Hopkins. Carolina's repre- sentatives against Virginia were F. F. Bradshaw and T. W. Ruffin, who upheld the affirmative of the query : Resolved, That our Federal Government should compel every able bodied citizen between the ages of 18 and 24 years, to take nnder adequate pro- vision, one year of military or naval training."

Carolina's representatives against Johns Hopkins were R. F. Crouse and C. R. Edney. who defended the negative side of the query.

These debates were held on neutral ground, Caro-

lina and Virginia meeting at Baltimore, Carolina and Johns Hopkins meeting at Charlottesville and Virginia and Johns Hopkins meeting at Chapel Hill. The decision in the debate at Chapel Hill went to Johns Hopkins.


Editors of the University Magazine and the Yack- ety Yach for the coming year have been elected by the two societies, as follows : Magazine, J. A. Capps, editor-in-chief; C. L. Snider, A. M. Lindau, M. B. Fowler, W. T. Steele, Moses Rountree, A. M. Coates, associate editors; V. F. Williams, business manager. Yackety Yach, J. R. Patton. Jr., editor-in-chief; E. K. Proctor. W. H. Stephenson, J. K. Holloway, H. G. Baity, E. L. Mackie, H. S. Clark, associate edi- tors; W. B. Austin, business manager. Several as- sociate editors and a second business manager are yet to be elected by the fraternities.




Membership Fees $4,410.00

Note 500.00

Season Tickets 25.00

Selling Concession 25.00

Equipment Sold 13.75

Telegraphic Reports (net) 160.86

Profit on Football Games 4,126.35

Profit on Baseball Games 142.53 9,403.49


Overdraft Sept. 1. 1915 254.92

Locker Rent 50.00

Notes and Interest 1,114.50

Grounds 39.00

Laundry and Help 165.00

Traveling Expense 15.00

Scouts 25.00

Printing and Postage 74.94

Coaching 3,403.54

Telephone and Telegraph 132.09

Salary of Treas. and Graduate Mgr. 1914-15 73.00

Salary of Treas. and Graduate Mgr. 1915-16 350.00

Net Cost Basketball Games 230.23

Net Cost Track Meets 326.75

Net Cost Tennis Meets 5.70

Net Cost Gmy Meet 55.40

Membership Fee S. I. A. A 20.00

Equipment and Supplies 2,347.14

Sundries 35.10

Band 36.00

Surfacing Emerson Field 160.00 8,913.31

Balance on Hand $ 490.18


The third annual race for the high school baseball •hampionship of North Carolina in the State-wide



contest conducted by the University committee on high school athletics came to a close on Emerson Field May 13th when the Clayton team of Johnston County defeated the Cherryville team of Gaston County in a closely contested came by the score of 1 to 0, and so won the State title. Clayton had pre- viously won the eastern championship and Cherry- ville had won the western championship. Other teams that these two taking part in the final series for the State championship were: Raleigh, Burgaw, Greensboro, East Bend, Charlotte, Sylvan, Asheville, Jamestown. The Cherryville team was accompanied to the "Hill" by Supt. Joe R. Nixon, '10.


On April 28th Carolina defeated Delaware Col- lege in baseball on the latter's home grounds by the score of 7 to 0. Powell and Captain Patterson starred for Carolina.


On April 29th at Annapolis the Carolina team met defeat at the hands of the Navy by the score of 13 to 2. This was Carolina's last game of the season.


In a closely contested gym meet held in Bynum Gymnasium April 24th Carolina lost to Virginia by the score of 22 to 23. Carolina was represented by Clarkson, Jones, Devereux, Crowell, Wright, Marsh, Siddall. Ravenel, and Hobbs. This was the first gym meet to be held by Carolina in several years.

JOHNSON AND ZOLLICOFFER CAPTAINS J. G. Johnson and A. A. Zollieoifer have been elected captains respectively of the Carolina track and baseball teams for next year.


G. B. Phillips, of the class of 1913, for the past three years a teacher in the Raleigh high school, lias been elected superintendent of the Oxford city schools. Mr. Phillips has met with success in his work at Raleigh and is regarded as one of the best equipped young school men in the State. Under his coaching, the Raleigh high school football team has won the State championship for three successive years.


O. J. Coffin, of the class of 1909, has joined the staff of the Raleigh Times, as news editor. Mr. Cof- fin is an experienced newspaper man. His first news-

paper work was as editor of the Tar Heel in his senior year on the "Hill." Later he was with the Ashe- boro Courier and the Winston-Salem Journal. He served as State news editor of the Charlotte Obst r- ver from 1912 until the time recently when he join- ed the Times staff.


C. E. Mcintosh, of the class of 1911, for the past three years chief clerk in the offices of the State de- partment of education. Raleigh, has recently been elected superintendent of the Hickory city schools and will enter upon his new duties July 1st. Mr. Mcintosh is one of Carolina's most successful young school men. He originated the plan for the High School Debating Union and was the first advocate of this State-wide movement, which has now grown to large proportions.


W. H. Pitman, of the class of 1907, has recently been appointed chief clerk in the offices of the State department of education, Raleigh, and will enter upon the duties of this position July 1st. Mr. Pitt- man has had success in his present position as super- intendent of the Edgecombe county schools and he goes to the work in Raleigh well equipped.


Statistics have recently been gathered concerning the occupations in which members of the classes of 1914 and 1915, respectively, are engaged. Seventy- one graduates in the class of 1914 are engaged in the following lines: teaching 33, law 13, business <•, medicine 6, engineering 5, chemistry 3, farming 2, newspaper work 1, advanced student 1, at home 1.

Seventy-five graduates in the class of 1915 are en- gager! as follows: teaching 33, business 11, medi- cine 11, law 5, advanced students 4. engineering 3. chemistry 2, Y. M. ( '. A. work 1, soil survey 1, min- istry 1, State Audubon work 1, State agricultural work 1. at home 1.

IN SOUTH AMERICA Dr. W. H. Kibler, a native of Morganton, and a

member id' the class of 1906, is meeting with success in his new work as field director for the international health commission with headquarters at Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, South America. Until recently Dr. Kibler was located at Nashville as county health officer for Nash County.




Issued monthly except in July, August, and September, by the Gen- eral Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina.

Board of Publication

The Review is edited by the following Board of Publication:

Louis R. Wilson, '99 Editor

Associate Editors: Walter Murphy, '92; Harry Howell, '95; Archibald Henderson, '98; W. S. Bernard, '00; J. K. Wilson, '05; Louis Graves, '02; F. P. Graham, '09; Kenneth Tanner, '11. E. R. Rankin, '13 Managing Editor

Subscription Price

Single Copies $0.15

Per Year 1.00

Communications intended for the Editor should be sent to Chapel Hill, N. C.J for the Managing Editor, to Chapel Hill, N. C. All communications intended for publication must be accompanied with signatures if they are to receive consideration.


Entered at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C, as second class matter.


Hamilton, J. G. deRouliiac ''Party Polities in North Carolina." (The James Sprunt Histor- ical Publications, Vol. 15, Numbers 1 and 2. 212 pages. Published under the direction of the North Carolina Historical Society. Chapel Hill, N C.)

In this issue of The James Sprunt Historical Publications Dr. Hamilton has put in permanent and easily accessible form a series of "studies in North Carolina political history" which appeared origin- ally in the Sunday issues of the Charlotte Observer from March 21 to August 22, 1915. It is interest- ing and encouraging to note that he regards "the entire investigation simply as a preliminary to fu- ture work in the same field," encouraging because of the implied promise in this statement of a fuller work to come to which those who read the present "studies" will look forward with keen interest.

However, students of North Carolina history would err greatly in taking too seriously the half apologetic "Foreword" with which Dr. Hamilton introduces his work to the public. He has perform- ed a valuable service in an hitherto neglected field and there is no occasion for apology. He has done his work well and it deserves the permanent form which he has given to it.

Beginning with the "Political Significance of the Convention of 1835," Dr. Hamilton traces the rise and development of parties and party issues in North Carolina until the disappearance of all the old party lines under the pressure of civil war in 1860. Parties in the modern sense of that term came into being with

the amendment to the constitution which took the election of the governor from the Legislature and gave it to the people. This was one of the most permanent and most beneficial of the constitutional reforms of 1835. Party government was necessarily accompanied by party issues and the State-wide po- litical campaign with its appeal directly to the voters. Of necessity such an appeal had to be made largely on issues of State-wide interest, and resulted in the formulation for the first time in our history of a State policy. Before thh change State elections were decided almost exclusively upon national issues. Of the election of 1830, Dr. Hamilton says: "local issues had no part in the choice of candidate and the candi- dates appealed for support on the ground of the strength of their loyalty to the presidential candidates of their respective parties." In accepting the nomi- nation for governor, Edward B. Dudley "said noth- ing whatever about State issues or the needs of the State, but devoted nearly all the space of his letter to denunciation of Van Buren." In this custom wholly subordinating the interests of the State to the interests of the leaders of the national parties may be found largely the cause of the stagnation in political, social, economic, industrial and intellectual life which was so characteristic of North Carolina during the first third of the nineteenth century. The election of the governor by the people introduced much violence, rawness, passion and demagogery into North Carolina politics, but it aroused the people from their lethargy and invited their attention to matters of vital interest. Speaking of the "dema- gogery of the worst type" that characterized the cam- paign of 1810, Dr. Hamilton says: "There is much that is bad about it all, but no student of the period can fail to see that at its worst it was better than the apathy and localism which had formerly prevailed. All of it is significant in that it marked the growth of a new sort of democracy which was at least inter- ested." The State elections were held in August and followed in November by the national elections. Dr. Hamilton notes as especially significant that in 1844 the vote in the presidential election was nearly 20,000 smaller than the vote in the State election, a remarkable circumstance for that day, and says : "The only explanation seems to be that the people at last were taking a greater interest in State than in national elections."

This was a decided step forward in North Caro- lina. As a result of it such issues as public schools, internal improvements, railroads, a safe and sane banking system, free suffrage, ad valorem taxation were discussed before the people. These discussions,



iu spite of the campaign absurdities with which they were accompanied, were distinctly educational. The people, awakened to a sense of their needs, their pos- sibilities, their power, forced their timid political leaders, so-called, to adopt a progressive program which resulted in the common school system, the North Carolina Railroad, the abolition of a prop- erty qualification for suffrage, the School for the Deaf, and other forward movements. The tide of emigration from North Carolina was checked and the State entered upon a career of progress and prosper- ity unequalled among the slave States of the Union.

Dr. Hamilton has interspersed his narrative with brief biographical sketches of such political leaders as Willie P. Mangum, Bedford Brown, William A. Graham, George E. Badger, David S. Reid, Edward B. Dudley, and many others famous in our political history. These sketches add variety and interest to the work. The author points out the influence of the press in interesting accounts of such papers as the Raleigh Register, The North Carolina Standard, The Fai/etteriUe Observer. There were no newspapers in those days. The newspapers so-called were in reality party organs, little concerned in the dissemination of news, but intent solely upon the propagation of po- litical views and the advancement of the fortunes of political parties.

Summarizing the results of party government from 1835 to 1860, Dr. Hamilton says: "The State in 1835 was decadent; in 1860 it was steadily moving forward. One can almost believe that the very na- ture of the people was being changed. The rapidly growing expenditure of public money for internal improvements and public education was heartily ap- proved by the majority of the people. Conservative they still were, but they were awake and from eco- nomic progress were looking to intellectual and po- litical progress. The future was bright and the hor- rors of the war and of reconstruction are intensified to the student of North < 'arolina history because of the wonderful educational work that they interrupted, the progressive spirit that they stifled, and the faith in the future that they destroyed."

The author's style is simple and easy; his judg- ment just ; and his conclusions well considered.

To the volume is appended a bibliography of "source material," embracing twenty items, and "sec- ondarv material" embracing twenty-three titles.

R. D. W. Cox xor:. '99.

Raleigh, N. C.


The American Year Book for 1915 gives in its section on Mineralogy and Petrography two reviews of special interest to Carolina men.

Gems and Precious Stones. (Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci.) The literature of this branch of mineralogy lias been enriched by the publication of an exten- sive monograph on the turquois by Joseph E. Pogue, '06. Professor of Geology, Northwestern University, (Evanston, 111.) In the chapters dealing with the mineralogy, the occurrence and the origin of turquois the writer has collected an array of facts rhe number and variety of which are well attested by the multitudinous foot notes. The monograph is illustrated by 22 plates which show chiefly the archaeological and ethnological uses of turquois and reproduce specimens from the collections of the U. S. National Museum, the Field Museum, the British Museum and the India Museum.

Textbooks. The pocket dictionary of Common Rocks and Rock Mineral-, prepared and published in 1914 by Prof. Collier Cobb of the University of North ("arolina has already gone into the second edition. The first edition of Professor Cobb's little book was listed in 1914 in the section of Dynamical and Structural Geology as one of the five books of tin- year. Ir meets the demands for a small hand- book which will furnish to college students of geology concise definitions of the terms to be met with in their professional reading, such words as atmogenic, arkose, bradyseism, bysmalith, chonolith, dreikanter, eutectic, femic, etc.. testifying to the scope, thor- oughness and modernity of the work.

Although the author has taken pains to point out that il was designed primarily for his own students, it seems to adapt itself to a considerable wider field.


( )n April l'7, Dr. Archibald Henderson delivered the principal address, on "The Founding of Nash- ville." before the Mississippi Valley Historical As- sociation at it- annual convention, in Nashville, Term. Dr. Henderson demonstrated among other things that the author of the famous Cumberland Compact was not James Robertson, the pioneer, but Judge Richard Henderson. President of the Transyl- vania Company, and the founder of Nashville.

Dr. H. W. Chase will teach in the Peabody Col- lege, Nashville, Tenn., during the Summer quarter.

I lie extension departmenl of the University mailed out in response to inquiries from all parts of the State during the months of January, February, March, and April a total of 4,724 letters and 11,864 letters, pamphlets and bulletins.





Officers of the Association

Julian S. Carr, '66 President

Walter Murphy, '92 Secretary


E. R. RANKIN 13, Alumni Editor


1869 Peter M. Wilson is chief clerk to the United States Senate. Piatt D. Walker, at one time a member of the Charlotte bar, has been for a number of years an associate justice of the N. C. Supreme Court.

1870 Charles Alston Cook, native of Warrenton and graduate of Princeton, moved from North Carolina to Muskogee, Okla., several years ago and has been living there since. Dur- ing his residence in North Carolina he was respectively state senator, U. S. district attorney, member the House of Repre- sentatives, and associate justice of the State Supreme Court. Dr. Richard H. Lewis, University trustee and a leading specialist of Raleigh, was recently elected a vice-president of the Citizens National Bank, of Raleigh.


George Mclver is a Colonel, U. S. Army active list.


Charles Coleman Covington, is one of Wilmington's best known and most substantial business men. Dr. K. P. Battle, Jr., is a specialist of Raleigh, a member of the firm of Drs. Lewis, Battle, and Wright. Dr. D. N. Dalton is a successful physician of Winston- Salem.

1880 Dr. Gilbert McLeod is a well known physician and loyal alumnus of Carthage.

A. L. Coble, former assistant U. S. District Attorney for western N. C, practices law in Statesville. James H. Southgate, of Durham, was on April 3rd elected president of the North Carolina Peace Society for the ensuing year.

1881 Dr. W. D. Pemberton is a well known physician of Concord.

18S2 John Hilton is a physician of Swansea, Mass.

1885 A. W. Long of the faculty of Princeton University is on sabbatical leave this year. He is spending some time at present at Point Pleasant, N. J.

J. U. Newman is professor of Greek in Elon College and is dean of the faculty.

—Ex-Attorney General Z. V. Walser, of Lexington, is chair- man of the Progressive party in North Carolina. - -

1886 —Clem G. Wright, well known citizen and alumnus of Greens- boro, is a candidate in the Democratic primaries for the

nomination for representative from Guilford County in the Legislature.

Kirkland Huske is a minister at Great Neck, Long Island, New York.

J. J. Jenkins of Chatham County is the Republican candi- date for Congress in the fourth N. C. district. J. Bryan Grimes present incumbent is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Secretary of State of North Carolina.

1887 D. M. Reece is a leading lawyer of Yadkinville. C. F. Smith is an Episcopal minister at Lynchburg, Ca. At one time he was located at Elizabeth City. —Geo. H. Mallett is a physician at 244 W. 73rd Street New York City.

V. W. Long is president of the V. W. Long lumber company at Birmingham, Ala.

1888 R. L. Smith is one of Stanly County's leading lawyers, located at Albemarle. He is a former member and president pro tem of the State Senate.


Brevard Nixon is a candidate for the Democratic nomi- nation for the State Senate from Mecklenburg County.


Dr. T. A. Cox is a well known and successful physician of Hertford. He was at one time located in Baltimore, Md.


Rev. J. L. Cuninggim, former presiding elder of the Durham district of the Methodist church, is now pastor of the Metho- dist church at Elizabeth City.

A. S. Wiliams is a prominent lawyer of Wilmington. J. S. Lewis, of Asheboro, is one of the delegates at large to the Republican National Convention.


F. H. Beall is proprietor and joint owner of Belmont Farm

in Davidson County near Linwood. His former place of

residence was Ridgeway, S. C.

H. C. Carson is a physician at Sugar Grove, Va.

A. W. McLean of Lumberton has recently succeeded Hon.

Josephus Daniels as National Democratic Committeeman from

North Carolina.

1893 Richard Thomas Wyche is engaged in the story telling profession. He visits the University during the sessions of the summer school and delivers lectures.

W. M. Allen is food chemist for the N. C. department of agriculture, Raleigh.

Thornwell Lanier, Law '93, an athlete of note in college days, practices law in Oxford. F. Hubbard Argo is an Episcopal minister of Philadelphia.


J. R. Price, Law '94, is a successful lawyer of Albemarle.

A. B. Byerly, Med. '94, is a physician at Cooleemee.

Ex-Congressman J. E. Fowler, Law '94, practices law in


1895 J. N. Williamson, Jr., of Burlington, is national committee- man of the Progressive party in North Carolina. Dr. W. C. Kluttz is practicing medicine at El Paso, Texas. T. M. Northrop is a successful business man at Laurinburg.



A. L. Quickel is secretary to the judiciary committee of the House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. Leslie Weil is one of the State's most successful merchants, a member of the firm of H. Weil and Brother, Goldsboro.

1896 L. B. Evans is a physician of Clarkton. W. B. Lemly is a captain in the marine corps U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.

President C. W. Briles of the East Central State Normal at Ada, Okla., is a regular reader of two North Carolina publications : the Alumni Review and the Lexington Dispatch. Wescott Roberson is senior member of the law firm of Roberson, Barnhart and Smith, High Point. E. P. Carr, A. B. U. N. C. '96, A. B. Harvard '97, A. M. Harvard '00, formerly with the U. S. Geological Survey, now has large ranching interests at Mecca, California, where he has been located for several years.


Hollis Winston is a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy, now located at Annapolis, Md. He is a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy.

Lawrence MacRae is secretary and treasurer of the Inver- ness Mills Company, manufacturers of sheeting, Winston - Salem.


Barney Skinner is in business in Kuttawa, Kentucky.

Rev. C. Connor Brown is synodical evangelist for Kentucky.

His address is 1703 Fourth Street, Louisville.

W. J. Brogden presented the Aycock Cup to the winning

team in the high school debate at the University April 14th.

Mr. Brogden is a member of the law firm of Bryant and

Brogden, Durham. He is a former mayor of Durham.

I. E. D. Andrews is a minister at Wheatley, Kentucky.

F. W. Miller is a chemist at Ensley, Alabama.

R. T. Gregory is a druggist of Stovall.

The marriage of Miss Jeanette Johnson and Dr. W. T.

Parrott occutred March 15th at the home of the bride's

parents in Wagram. They live in Kinston. Dr. Parrott is

one of eastern Carolina's best known physicians.

O. M. Suttle. a native of Shelby, is located at Corpus Christi,



J. E. Latta, Secretary, 207 E. Ohio St., Chicago, 111. Hon. T. C. Bowie, of Jefferson, was recently nominated enthusiastically by the Democrats of Ashe County for a seat in the next Legislature. Mr. Bowie was speaker of the last General Assembly, following the death nf Speaker E. R. Wooten, Law '00

Silas McBee Wetmore, Law '99, is located at Florence, S. C. and is engaged in the practice of law. George Pond is a captain U. S. Army.

Dr. Julius A. Caldwell is a practicing physician at Upper Montclair, N. I.

J. E. Foscue, Med. '99, is a physician of Jamestown. E. M. Koonce, Law '99, is a leading lawyer of Jacksonville, a former member of the State legislature. C. R. Hoey, Law '99, of Shelby, is assistant U. S. District attorney for western North Carolina.

R. G. Kittrell is a successful lawyer of Henderson and a member of the State legislature. At one time he was engaged in school work as superintendent of the Tarboro schools and the Edgecombe county schools.


W. S. Bernard, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Rev. T. A. Cheatham, Episcopal minister of Pinehurst, is supplying for the summer Calvary Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thad. W. Jones, Jr. is a lawyer at Weatherford, Okla. D. P. Parker is a successful lawyer at Buffalo, Okla.


F. B. Rankin, Secretary, Rutherfordton, N. C. Herman Weil is a successful business man of Goldsboro. G. D. B. Reynolds, Law '01, practicing law at Albermarle with offices in the Trust Building.

Willis Alston, Jr., Med. '01, is a physician of Littleton. B. A. Brooks is a lawyer of Nashville. Dr. C. W. Cowles, Jr., is with the U. S. public health service, Washington, D. C.

C. L- Glenn is a member of the firm of Buck and Glenn, Inc., advertising specialists, Winston-Salem. David S. Graham, of the U. S. Marine Corps, visited his father, Prof. Alexander Graham, in Charlotte recently. Mr. Grahamjs stationed near New Orleans. N. G. Newman is a Christian minister at Holland, Va. H. D. Bateman is cashier of the Branch Banking Company at Wilson.

Dr. R. O. E. Davis is engaged in physical and chemical investigations for the U. S. Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C.

H. W. Hand is located at 305 West 31st Street, Savannah, Ga. D. M. Swink is an electrical engineer of Winchester, Va.


R. A. Merritt, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C.

The marriage of Miss Melanie Kahn and Mr. Louis Good- man took place April 12th at the home of the bride's parents in Birmingham, Ala. They are at home in Wilmington where Mr. Goodman is a successful lawyer and is in addition sec- retary of the New Hanover County Alumni Association of the University.

Spier Whitaker is a member of the law firm of Whitaker and Nesbit, with offices 1611-15 American Trust Building, Birmingham, Ala.

E. R. Preston, Law '02. is an attorney and counsellor at law at Charlotte.

Wm. S. Roulhac, Med. '02 is with the F. S. Royster Ferti- lizer Co., Norfolk, Va.

R. W. Boyd, formerly editor of the Waynesville Courier, is reporting on a newspaper in Dallas, Texas. Guy V. Roberts is a lawyer and business man of Marshall. He is a member of the State Highway Commission. E. G. Moss is with the State department of agriculture, located on the test farm near Oxford.

E. G. Alexander is quite successful in the practice of his profession, medicine, in Philadelphia.

R. A. Merritt i*. boys work secretary of the Greensboro V. M. C. A.

W. A. Blue is superintendent of the Aberdeen and Rockfish Railway Company, Aberdeen.

1903 N. W. Walker, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C.

R. I'.. Collins is cashier for the Southern Railway at Char- lotte.

J. R. Rountree is an editor at Phoenix, Arizona.



R. S. Crisp is secretary of the Lenoir Furniture Corpor- ation, manufacturers, at Lenoir.

H. B. Chalfaut, Med. '03, has been for several years en- gaged in the practice of medicine at Mullica Hill, N. J. T. Staples Fuller, Law '03, is with the legal department of the P. Lorillard Co., New York City.

Rev. Chas. E. Maddry is pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle, Raleigh. He preached recently the University sermon for the month of April.

J. B. Ramsey is a prominent lawyer of Rocky Mount. He is president of the First National Bank of Rocky Mount and is president of the local chamber of commerce. R. P. Howell, Jr., is a captain U. S. Army, located at Fort Shafter in the Hawaiian Islands.

L. L. Parker is president of the Bank of Pageland, Page- land, S. C.

1904 T. F. Hickerson, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. —Gray Archer is cashier of the Valley Bank at Phoenix, Arizona.

Rev. H. L. Hoover is a minister of Uniontown, Kentucky. S. B. McLean is a member of the law firm of McLean and McKinnon, Maxton. He is also solicitor of his district. W. R. Wilkins, Phar. '04, is manager of the Brame Drug Co., North Wilkesboro.

1905 W. T. Shore, Secretary, Charlotte, N. C. S. T. Pender is with the Navassa Guano Co., Columbia, S. C.

L. C. Grant is a successful lawyer of Wilmington. Roger G. Lewis is located at 23 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cal.

W. H. Oldham is a chemist with the Ellis Furnace, Biming- ham, Alabama.

Harry McMullan, Law '05, practices his profession in Washington.

Albert M. Noble, of Selma, was recently appointed by Governor Craig as solicitor of the recorder's court of John- ston County.

1906 John A. Parker, Secretary, Charlotte, N. C. Edwin McDonald is engaged in State Y. M. C. A. work in Georgia with headquarters at Atlanta.

Dr. O. C. Absher, Med. '06, of Henderson, county health officer of Vance County, was elected vice-president of the North Carolina Health Officers Association at its recent meet- ing in Durham.

David P. Council is located at Limestone, Tenn. Capt. John A. Parker, of Charlotte, and W. L. Mann, of Albemarle, were recently elected president and secretary, respectively, of the Charlotte-Pinehurst-Raleigh Highway Commission.

W. L. Mann has resigned the position of general manager of the Albemarle Real Estate and Insurance Co., in order to take up the practice of law in Albemarle.


C. L. Weill, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. —The Record will say for John J. Parker of Monroe, who will make the race for Attorney General, that he is one of the ablest young lawyers in the State. Mr. Parker quit the Democratic party rather abruptly, but if he reasoned it out that the Republican party could render better service to the

Nation than the Democratic party, we will not question his motives. We happen to know that he is able to meet almost any man in the State on the platform. Hickory Record. K. C. Kidbury is located at Hopewell, Va. He is secretary of the North Carolina Colony at Hopewell. David R. Shearer is an electrical engineer, at present en- gaged in electrical construction work for the Appalachian Training School at Boone.

Arnold Shamaskin, Med. '07, is a physician at 785 Fremont Avenue, New York City.

Mcllwaine Archer is engaged in business at Fort Worth, Texas.

Harry A. Biggs, Law '07, is with the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co., Williamston.

B. S. Warren, Phar. '07, is a popular druggist of Greenville. E. B. Jeffress is one of the State's most successful news- paper men. He is business manager and part owner of the Greensboro Daily News.

Norman Hughes is engaged in farming at Powell's Point. Formerly he was located at Jackson.

J. B. James, lawyer of Greenville, was recently elected to the presidency of the Eastern Carolina Semi-Professional Baseball League.

Thomas O'Berry is an officer of the Enterprise Lumber Company, Mt. Olive. He is president of the Wayne County Alumni Association.

1908 Jas. A. Gray, Jr., Secretary, Winston-Salem, N. C. The marriage of Miss Helen Julian and Mr. Barnard Bee Vinson occurred April 19th in the Methodist church of Thomasville. Mr. Vinson is an attorney at Thomasville. Among the ushers and groomsmen were: Messrs. C. G. Hill, H. R. Kyser, and D. C. McRae, Thomasville; R. G. Stockton, Winston-Salem; J. S. Cansler. Charlotte; M. T. Spears, Lillington.

Rev. F. M. Hawley, M. A. '08, is a minister at Mebane. J. D. Maynard, M. D. '08, is a physician at Rougemont. Raymond G. Parker, Law '08, former center on the varsity football team, practices his profession in Winston-Salem. Dr. H. B. Rowe. Med. '08, practices his profession in Mount Airy. He attended the recent meeting of the N. C. Medical Society in Durham and was a visitor to the "Hill."


O. C. Cox, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. W. J. Parish is an electrical engineer at Pittsfield, Mass. C. D. Wardlaw is a lawyer residing at Plainfield, New Jersey.

S. N. Clark is a member of the firm of W. S. Clark and Sons, general merchants, Tarboro.

H. Leslie Perry is a lawyer of Henderson, former mayor of the city.

The marriage of Miss Alice Avery and Mr. B. W. Jones occurred recently in New York City. They live in Schenec- tady, N. Y., where Mr. Jones has charge of a branch of control design in the engineering department of the General Electric Company. Mr. Jones has proved to be a very capable engineer.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Clara Armstrong and Mr. W. L. Wetzell, both of Gastonia. The wedding will take place in June.

C. O. Robinson is engaged in the wholesale dry goods and notions business at Elizabeth City. Jerry Day is this year teaching near South Mills.



A. G. Thompson, a native of Rowland, remembered as a member of the football team of 1905, was recently elected auditor for the city of Charlotte.


W. H. Ramsaur, Secretary, China Grove, N. C. Lindsay C. Warren, of the law firm of Daniel and Warren, Washington, is a candidate for the State Senate from his district.

C. B. Spencer is a lawyer at Swan Quarter. F. W. Capplemann, Law '10, is a lawyer at 1300 Washington Street, Charleston, S. C.

Dr. S. E. Buchanan, Med. '10, is a physician of Concord. O. C. Lloyd sailed recently from Seattle, Washington, for China, where he will be in the employ of the Standard Oil Company.

S. R. Carrington is selling agent for the Dictaphone, 174 Worthington Street, Springfield, Mass.


I. C. MosER, Secretary, Burlington, N. C. T. W. Voils is with the Westinghouse Electric Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.

W. T. McLeran travels in the west for the Thomas B. Jeffery Co., of Kenosha, Wis., makers of automobiles. He writes that he and a Kenosha, Wis., girl will be married soon. K. O. Burgwyn is a successful lawyer of Wilmington. David L- Boyd, Jr., formerly of Waynesville, is practicing law in Dallas, Texas.

E. G. Bond practices law in his home town, Edenton. Henry Clark Smith is priest in charge of All Saints Mission, Roanoke Rapids.

—Fred S. Wetzell, formerly cashier for the Southern Rail- way at Gastonia, has accepted a promotion in the freight department of the Southern at Charlotte. Sam J. Royall is a lawyer of Florence, S. C, a member of the firm of Royall and Fulton. He will be on the "Hill" for the reunion of his class at commencement. Wm. P. Bivens is engaged in teaching at Crewe, Va. Roy L. Deal is a lawyer of Clarendon, Va. E. C. McLean is with the American Tobacco Co., New York City. His address is 96S Lexington Avenue.


C. E. Norman, Secretary, Columbia, S. C. T. B. Slade, Jr., is with the Wagner Electric and Mfg. Company, St Louis, Mo.

John T. Larkin is attending the Springfield Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., and is specializing in boys' work. He is tennis manager and is also a member of the varsity team. During the summer he will be an associate in Camp Cherokee at Bryson City.

Lingoh Wang is located at Wuchang, China. Walter Lambeth is joint manager with Charles Lambeth, '16, of the insurance department of the American Trust Co., Charlotte.

J. C. Lassiter is principal of the Madison high school. Chas. J. Moore, Law '12, is with the Carolina Distributing Company, wholesale grocers in his home town, Washington. J. B. Clingman is highway engineer for Madison County, located at Marshall.

Eugene F. Rimmer is engaged in the publication business in New York City, connected with the Druggists Circular. His address is 245 W. 99th Street.

D. L. Turnage is sucessfully and profitably engaged in the culture of tobacco at Farmville.

Fred H. Hemphill is proprietor of the Marion Garage at Marion.

C. H. Hemphill is a physician at Forest City.


A. L. M. Wiggins, Secretary, Hartsville, S. C. R. Y. Corbett is manager of the Corbett Garage Company at Burgaw.

—A. L. Porter is enjoying life as president of a Farmers' Union local at Rural Retreat, Va. He and Miss Ruth James were married last November.

—I. R. Williams was on the "Hill" recently with the Bingham baseball team.

E. Merton Coulter has been awarded the Fellowship in American History in the University of Wisconsin for next year. He will come up next year for the degree of Ph. D. He will probably be in Chapel Hill for the summer school during the approaching session.

J. W. Clinard sells "Arm and Hammer" Soda in parts of North Carolina and Virginia for the Church and Dwight Company. His headquarters are at Yadkin Valley. T. A. DeVane, until recently connected with the Albemarle Real Estate and Insurance Company, is now located at Thomasville where he is manager of the Thomasville Realty Company.

1914 Oscar Leach, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. H. C. Long, Jr., is with the Southern Bell Telephone Co., at Charlotte.

M. R. Dunnagan was recently appointed city editor of the Winston-Salem Journal. Mr. Dunnagan is a trained news- paper man and will meet with success in this position. Troy Isaiah Jones is located at Silas Creek, Ashe County. John Scott Cansler is engaged in the practice of law at Charlotte.

W. Rea Parker has returned to his home in Goldsboro after spending a successful year as principal of the Candor high school.

E. S. Peel is completing his second year as principal of the Greenville high school.

M. N. Oates is with the Westinghouse Electric Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.

1915 B. L. Field, Secretary, Oxford, N. C. Hugh A. Barnes is local selling agent for an automobile corporation at Maxton.

Leslie E. Jones Law '15, lawyer of Swan Quarter, has been nominated for Congressman by the Republicans of the first district.

B. C. Parker is with the Bank of Marshville at Marshville. E. L. Tilley is located in Durham as deputy clerk of Superior Court for Durham County.

Howard C. Conrad, of Winston-Salem, visited on the "Hill" during the latter part of April.

C. F. West is a student in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. His address is 3711 Walnut Street.

1916 J. L. Cockerham, Law '16, is practicing law at Selma. J. F. Jarrell is principal of the high school at Normandy, Term.





Gen. John Bratton Erwin, A. B. 1856, died April 18th in George Washington University Hospital, Washington, D. C., 82 years of age. After the Civil War, in which he served with distinction on the staff of Gen. Toombs, he settled down as a South Carolina planter at Lancaster, S. C. He was a member of the State Senate for several terms. In 1883, Gen. Erwin moved to Washington, D. C, where he had lived since. Interment was in the Lower Camp Creek cemetery, Lancaster County, S. C.

1870 John Maurice Webb, co-principal of the famous Webb School at Bell Buckle, Tenn., died at his home April 9th, aged 69 years. Mr. Webb was a student in the University during the years 1866 to 1868 inclusive. Again in 1878 he was a student and in this year received from the University the degree of A. M. The honorary degree of LL.D. was con- ferred on him in 1896 by the University of Nashville. He was one of the South's best known educators.

1895 Or. Thomas McLean Northrop, of St. Pauls, died March 14th at the Charlotte Sanatorium, Charlotte, aged 42 years. Dr. Northrop was born in Laurinburg and he had lived all of his life in that section of the State. He is survived by his wife and six children. He was one of the most popular and influential physicians and business men of his section. He was president of the Bank of St. Pauls, a director of the St. Pauls Cotton Mill, and a deacon in the St. Pauls Presbyterian Church.



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fllumni Coyalty fund

" One Tor all, and all Tor one "


"I will be one of five hundred to give $500 at any time before 1920." D. B. W.

"The alumni as a whole are very enthusiastic over this plan and it will only be a matter of a few years before the fund will amount to a sum which will be of great benefit to the University. I wish I were in a position to give ten times the amount of my pledge." T. D. V.

"I believe you will meet with splendid response and it gives me great pleasure to contribute my little mite— $50."— W. S. D., '86.

"What grateful son of the University has not dreamed through the years of the day he would be- queath to it a legacy worthy of its worth to him?" C. G. F., '88.

"A gratifying opportunity to express the appreciation that every alumnus must feel in return for the help and inspiration which the institution has been to him." T. B. F.

"This idea will concentrate and intensify our interest in the growth of the University and our knowledge of its affairs." H. B. G.

"I heartily thank you for giving me the chance to express in this small way the deep affection I have for the University and the sense of gratitude I shall always have." R. M. H.

"I feel indebted to you for having provided the opportunity whereby we may all help in the won- derful work the University is doing." S. L.

"I wish I could make it a million. I believe this is the greatest all-round movement as far as the mass of the alumni are concerned, because nobody is debarred from lending aid." S. E. M.

"An excellent plan and one welcomed by every alumnus." T. S. P.

"I enclose my check and will be glad when I am in position to show my full interest and faith in the great work the University is doing." R. G. S.

"I hope I may show more nearlv the great love and gratitude that I have for my Alma Mater. H. M. S.

"It gives me a tremendous thrill thus to keep in touch with the abounding life of the University." H. C. S.

Can you afford not to be in this? Of course you will eventually; but why not now?

Form of Subscription:

University of North Carolina Alumni Loyalty Fund:

I will give to the Alumni Loyalty Fund $ annually,

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notice. I reserve the right to revoke at will.

Name (Class)






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New policies embodying every desirable feature known to modern life insurance, including an exceptionally liberal disability clause. Dividend increase of from 25% to 38% over former scale.

S££ SAM ^-^

P^~ sTATttft/TM miais ^

f State Agent. 704=5=6 First National Bank Building



"The Progressive Railway of the South"


Richmond, Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va., and points in the Northeast via Washington, D. C, and Southwest via Atlanta and Birmingham.


Electrically lighted and equipped with electric fans.

Steel electrically lighted Diners on all through trains. Meals a la carte.


For rates, schedules, etc., call on your nearest agent, or


Ntrfillt, Y». CHARLES R. CAPPS, Vice-Pies., Raleijh, N. C. Norfolk. Va.

5en6 it to "Dick!

Dick's Laundry Baskets leave 13 New West for Greensboro at 3:00 P. M. on Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday. To be returned Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.



The Bank o/Chapel Hill

The oldest and strongest bank in Orange County solicits your banking business.

M.C. S.NOBLE President

H. H. PATTERSON Vice-President

M. E. HOGAN Cashier


The Cafe Beautiful Newest and Best in Raleigh

Prices Moderate

Lavatories for convenience of out-of-town Guests

We Take Care of Your Baggage Free of Charge

215 Fayetteville Street Next to Almo Theatre

Under Same Management as Wright's Cafe

Make this your headquarters when in Raleigh

Chapel Hill Hardware Co.

Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints

Calcimo Sanitary Wall Coating

Fixall Stains and Enamels

Floor Wax, Dancing Wax



Odell Hardware Comr>«nv oreensboro,


Electric Lamps and Supplies Builders Hardware









Finishing for the Amateur. Foister ^^


C. S. Pender graft

Pioneer Auto Man

Headquarters in DURHAM: Al the R#yal Cafe, Mail Street, and Southern Depot

Headquarters in CHAPEL HILL: Next to Banh of Chapel Hill

Leave Chapel Hill _ 8:30 and 10:20 a. m.

Leave Chapel Hill _ 2:30 and 4:00 p. m.

Leave Durham _ 9:50 a. m., 12:40 p. m.

Leave Durham 5:08 and 8:00 p. m.


Four Machines at Your Service Day or Night

PHONE 58 OR 23


ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS Specialty Modern School Buildings


Geo. C. Pickard & Son

Chapel Hill, N. C.


A. A. PICKARD - Manager


The Model Market and Ice Co.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

All Kinds of Meats. Fish and Oysters in Season.

Daily Ice Delivery Except Sunday S. M. PICKARD._ Manager


T\.l\. IKlutte (TcuUnc-


Extend a cordial invitation to all students and alumni of the U. N. C. to make their store head- quarters during their stay in Chapel Hill.

Complete Stock of New and Second-hand Books, Stationery, and Complete Line of Shoes and Haberdashery Made by the Leaders of Fashion, Al- ways on Hand



Telephone N<


Opposite Post Office


Holladay S



N. C.



for Y

Y., 1915






Will save you from 3 to 5 dollars on your tailor- made suits. We also have in an up-to-date line of high grade gents' furnishings. Call to see us and be convinced.

The Peoples National Bank

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Capital $300,000.00

United States Depositary

J. W. FRIES, Pres. Win. A. BI.AIR, V-Pres. and Cashier

J. WALTER DALTON. Asst. Cashier

END us any gar- ment or article you may have

needing Dry Cleaning

or Dyeing.

We will do the work promptly, at small cost, and to your en- tire satisfaction.

Send yours by Parcel Post, we pay return charges on orders amounting to $1.00.

Mourning Goods Dyed in 24 to 36 Hours


GREENSBORO, N. C. Phones 633-634

Chapel Hill Agents: T. C. Wilkins and E. E. W. Duncan 14 and IS Old West



Maximum of Service to the People of the State



(1) Chemical Engineering. E. THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE.

(2) Electrical Engineering. F. THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY.

(3) Civil and Road Engineering. G. THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION.

(4) Soil Investigation. H. THE SUMMER SCHOOL.


(1) General Information.

(2) Instruction by Lectures.

(3) Correspondence Courses.

(4) Debate and Declamation.

(5) County Economic and Social Surrey*.

(6) Municipal and Legislative Reference.

(7) Educational Information and Assist-


WRITE TO THE UNIVERSITY WHEN YOU NEED HELP For information regarding the University, address

THOS. J. WILSON, JR., Registrar.

Murphy9 s Hotel and Annex

Richmond, Virginia

The Most Modern, Largest, and Best Located Hotel in Richmond, Being on Direct Car Line to all Railroad Depots.

Headquarters for College Men European Plan $1.00 Up



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