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Volume V


Number 8


n M I II I M H a I a H M m M W m I * m H Iff M 1 1 III I W * I II I II I II 1 1 g









MAY, 1Q17


Come to the Great Patriotic Rally From Class Room to Training Camp Seniors Receive Their Degrees Commencement 1917 and the War Answer Present An Im- mediate and Critical Alumni Service


More Than Two Hundred Carolina Students and Alumni Enroll in the Fort Oglethorpe Train- ing Camp for Officers' Reserve Corps


The Victory in Fifth Annual Final Contest of High

School Debating Union Goes to Vinson Smath-

ers and Roy Francis, of Waynesville


Annual Game Between Virginia and Carolina at

Greensboro Won by Tar Heels 3 to 2 Review

of Season








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Volume V MAY, 1917 Number 8



As the "Review" goes to press President Graham is issuing the following highly important statement to the press and people of North Carolina. To you, fellow alumni, it is a special call to be present and participate in a great patriotic meeting. Alma Mater calls every one of her sons not at Oglethorpe or elsewhere in the Federal service to join her in this, her expression of loyalty to the nation in its hour of supreme crisis.

"In response to urgent invitations extended to the Secretary of War and to the Secretary of the Navy to visit North Carolina on the occasion of the commencement of the University, we have the acceptance of each of these great officials of the government, and assurances that they will be present and speak in Memorial Hall of the University, June sixth, at eleven A. M.

"Few men in the world have responsibilities at this moment so great as these two men. Their coming to the State now is an event of unusual import- ance, and we trust that it may be made memorable by a great patriotic cele- bration, testifying our confidence in the administration of our government and our complete and enthusiastic loyalty to the supreme cause in which our coun- try is engaged. We therefore invite the people of this State and section to come to the University and join in a worthy tribute of welcome to Secretary Baker and to Secretary Daniels.

"Should either or both of them be prevented from coming by any cir- cumstance, inunediate notice will be telegraphed to the papers."

The departure on May eighth of about one hun- University resource to be instantly and fully ready

dred and twenty-five of the students for three months whenever and for whatever service the government

of intensive military training should call. These activities have been previously

TO TRAININC CAMP at ■^ort Oglethorpe is the most outlined. They will be steadily pressed and enlarged

important event of the current as conditions suggest. The splendid and spontane-

college month. Thoughts of the war. and efforts to ous response of Carolina men everywhere to the coun-

adjust the University to the new situation created by try's call thrills the heart of the college with a deep

the great fact of our participation in it, have, in and assured faith in the nation, and a passionate

spite of all desire to keep our normal business going thankfulness that they are indeed and truly her sons, on as usual, chiefly absorbed the attention of students and faculty alike. Our books have been in our

hands, and we have answered "present" at our tasks; A large proportion of the University students who

but our eyes have been looking over the rim of the have gone to Fort Oglethorpe are members of the

college year and across the college walls to the strug- senior class. They are awarded

gling world outside. Not that we have been merely THEIR DEGREES their degrees just as if they had

dreaming. We have been as intelligently busy as stayed through till June sixth,

we know how to be in organizing and preparing every Some specially qualified underclassmen also went.



If their class room work was satisfactory up to May first, they were given credit as if the term had been completed. Military drill by the eight University companies has gone on each afternoon from 4:30 tj 6:00 P. M. on the athletic field. The local authori- ties have been assisted in the work by. Captain H. H. Broadhurst, U. S. A., who was detailed by the government to come over once a week, and by Lieuten- ant L. P. McLendon of the National Guard, and bv Sergeant Donnelly. With the opening of the 1917- 18 session, it is expected that a Reserve Officer i' Training Corps will be definitely established here. In addition to the undergraduates who have gone to Fort Oglethorpe, a large number of the young alumni have enlisted here. No figures are yet available; but from applications received at the college office, it appears that the number will go to at least two hundred.


No changes have been made in the approaching commencement, except that the dances and other so- cial feature s that follow the COMMENCEMENT . , ,

1917 AND THE WAR re8'ular exercises have been cut out. The Review had no strong feeling for eliminating the dances. We be- lieve in taking our war medicine seriously : but we do not believe in taking it solemnly. However, on the whole, we incline to the belief that the students acted with a true sense of propriety in deciding to omit the dances. As for the remainder of the pro- gramme, we are glad to know that it will go forward as usual, and that the indications are for a larger number of returning alumni than at any time dur- ing recent years. This is precisely as it should be. The University was never so dear to the alumni as it is now ; it was never so much in their thoughts ; it never so much needed their informed advice and other help ; it never had a finer outlook for service. The years following the war are to be beyond all question the greatest and most fruitful years in the history of higher education in this country. We are ready to serve the country now in the moment of its war-time need ; we need even more to prepare for the great period of peace to follow.


So come back! Come back for Tuesday, -Tune fifth, for your class re-union. We want to see you,

and we want you to see us. If your class PRESENT fmesn't have a re-union, come back for the

alumni conference and the alumni lunch- eon. We want you to help reorganize the alumni

association, and to help get that body in working shape for the great work ahead.

For your own comfort, there are certain details to which you should give early attention. Do not fail to send your check to E. R. Rankin for your tickets for the luncheon. They are $1.00 each, and failure to secure one before your return may possibly inconvenience you in getting to the luncheon prompt- ly. Reservations will be filled in the order requests are received, and if it is desired seats can be reserved for groups. But Mr. Rankin, the Secretary, must know beforehand.

And don't fail to make reservations for the ladies who will be with you ; for they are invited and will be most cordially welcomed.


University students in large numbers have gladly responded to such national service as the country

seemed to require, without re- AN IMMEDIATE d t t] j peraonal plans and

AND CRITICAL 6 ... ' . . , .,

ALUMNI SERVICE amDltl0ns- lhelr g0lng and tne

manner of their going is a mat- ter of deej) pride to their Alma Matei. She knew that they would do precisely as they have done, but she rejoices none the less that her faith is so abun- dantly justified.

One unescapable result necessarily follows: their going greatly weakens her at least temporarily. The importance of keeping the college plant going at full speed, the importance of not being diverted from the recent rapid strides of progress, is tremendous. It is primarily important to the college now and to the country that the stream of college-trained men is kept at full strength, and that the college organiza- tion is kept at full strength. The situation presents a splendid opportunity for alumni who have no na- tional service to render directly at present. They can render this essential service to the University and to the State and to the country: they can see that the young men in their immediate neighborhood have the opportunity to go to the University, and see that the opportunities of University education are made clear. Will not each alumnus who reads this note make a special and extraordinary effort this year to do this, make it a point of practical, personal pride to see to it that at least one boy goes through his in- fluence ? Organize a group of working alumni in your county to see that the county is thoroughly covered. Get the names of prospective students from your county, and see them personallv now before they make other plans. See that no present student of the University drops out for lack of means to con-




tinue his work. If he is a boy of good character, you run no risk in lending him money. Don't throw ■this aside, or leave it to some one else to do. Do something about it yourself now. The University hasn't one-third as many scholarships at its disposal as it can place advantageously with worthy boys this summer. Sixty dollars would give some boy the op- portunity of a scholarship for one year.


Within the next six months hundreds of alumni will be away from their present addresses through

„„„ their connection with Training Camps, ADDRESSES, i7 ,T x. , , iT .& V

PLEASE e -Natl0nal Guard, the Army, the

Navy, and other branches of the Fed- eral service. In all such cases the University wishes the new address. This is extremely important as in no other way can it maintain touch with the alumni and make an accurate record of the part they take in the great world conflict.


If there is any one particular in which the Revii w feels that it has failed more signally than in any other in the task assigned it to make itself interesting to its readers, it is that of securing letters from the alumni. ft has exhausted its re- sources in this direction without avail.

But in this hour of supreme crisis we trust there may be a change of fortune. Heretofore the alumni attitude has been that there has been nothing of in- terest to write about, lint the war situation is teem- ing with interest and the Review expects a steady supply of letters from the training camps, the ambu- lance corps, the air squadrons, etc., etc. And with the letters there should be pictures representing every phase of the service in which alumni are engaged.

Don't let this opportunity pass. It will give an interest to this publication which nothing eles in the world can give it. Who will be first, please ?


From a recent Tar Heel we clip the following ex- cellent statement of the realization of duty which has been borne in upon the conscious- STAY ness °^ ever.v University student who

has seen his comrades march away to camp but who has been left behind to continue his work here :

"Perhaps it is harder to stay than to go. Cer- tainly it is for many men. Yet the call to the campus is as clear and insistent as the calh-to the camp.

"To the war-inflamed minds of almost all of us.

it now seems useless and almost farcical to study and go on classes. 'How stale, and unprofitable' to us are all the uses of history, economics, science, Eng- lish and other lifeless routine class-work.

"Yet now as never before it is the duty of the col- lege student to breathe life into the lifeless work, to make his knowledge of economics, history, science, and so forth so accurate, deep, clear and alive that he can use it to serve most efficiently his community and his country. Not the man in the trenches or in the machine-shop or on the farm, but the college stu- dent,— the college student pre-eminently has both the leisure and the environment best suited to enable him in the future to sense and solve the probl ms of his nation and of the whole world.

"Those who stay in college now and fail to do the best work they can are the mental cowards and slack- ers, the intellectual deserters of their country."


During the week beginning April 23, the lectures on the Southern University Exchange Foundation were delivered here by Professor Herbert dishing Tolman, S. T. D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of Vanderbilt University. In his first lec- ture, given in Gerrard Hall on Monday evening, when he was happily introduced by Professor Bernard, Dr. Tolman spoke on "The Achievement of Life," and analyzed the principal laws underlying education, development, and progress. This lecture, as well as his Chapel Talk on "Faith" to the students Wednesday morning, was strongly religious in tone a reminder that I >r. Tolman is a minister of the Epis- copal Church, and for three summers past has oc- cupied the pulpit of Old Trinity Church in Wall Street, New York. A highly technical paper was read by Dr. Tolman before the Philological Club, on Tuesday evening, in which were considered "The Re- cently Discovered Turfan Inscriptions, dealing with the Crucifixion." Excellent audiences heard Dr. Tolman's two lectures, illustrated with beautiful lan- tern slides, appealing especially to the classical jtn- dents but of genuine interest to the general public: "The Shrines of Hellas" and "The Ancient Modu- ments of Persia." Dr. Tolman's broad scholarship, his intimate studies of the monuments by personal tours in Greece and Persia, and his genial simplic- ity and charm of presentation all combined to nnke these lectures rarely interesting and informing.

John Nolen, landscape architect from ( 'ambridge, .Mass., has recently been at the University planning the further expansion of University buildings and grounds.



More Than Two Hundred Carolina Students and Alumni Enroll in the Fort Oglethorpe Training

Camp for Officers' Reserve Corps

"Ich kann nicht anders" declared the great leader of tlie Reformation. "We can not do otherwise" reiterates Woodrow Wilson.

This thought finds echo in every Carolinian's heart. It is in search of "no selfish end" that nearly 200 students of the University of North Carolina have sought admission to the Fort Oglethorpe Training Camp for officers. The searching physical examina- tion to which all were subjected resulted in the re- jection of nearly fifty applicants, some because of suhnormal weight, some because of defective vision or hearing, and others for various minor ailments. The earnest desire of these men for service is re- flected in their urgent pleas for acceptance in spite of physical deficiencies.

Two Hundred Go to Camp

A total of 134 have been accepted among whom are over sixty per cent of the senior class and three members of the faculty. The applications of numer- ous others have not yet been acted upon. A large number who are below twenty-one years of age have urged in vain that the age limit be waived. Many who are not eligible for the Officers' Eeserve Corps have enlisted as privates in the regular army or in the National Guard. That this desire for military service is not merely the contagious enthusiasm of youth but is an earnest sense of patriotic duty is shown by the fact that among the alumni as well as among the students the call to arms has met a prompt response. From every quarter of the State our form- er students are enrolling for the Training Camp, many of them are coming back to Chapel Hill in order that they may enroll from their Alma Mater.

Dr. Pratt Receives Commission

Dr J. H. Pratt has received his commission as Major of Engineers and will command the battalion which he has organized. Captain Myers, an alumnus of the University, will command the Greensboro company. At the present writing Dr. Pratt is in Washington representing this State in a National Defense Conference. This conference, called by the Secretary of War, "consists of one delegate from each state for the purpose of considering the relations of state and Federal activities in the prosecution of the war and the methods of organizing state and local defense committees and their co-operation with the Council of National Defense."

Faculty Favored Selective Draft

While the fate of the Chamberlain bill was still in the balance the Faculty "Resolved, that the Secretary of the Faculty be instructed to write in the name of the Faculty to our Senators and Representatives in Congress strongly urging the adoption of the prin- ciple of the selective draft for the military service of the United States."

Seniors and Others Receive Academic Credit

In anticipation of the withdrawal of many stu- dents for military service before the close of the ses- sion it has been decided that to those who may enlist in either army or navy and to those who may enroll in the Reserve Officers' Training Camp full credit for the session's work will be granted in those subjects in which at the time of such enlistment or enrollment they may have a satisfactory standing. As a corollary to this the seniors who leave under these circum- stances will receive their degrees as though they had completed their full course.

University Outlines Policy

Although such credits are granted even to the un- derclassmen whose sense of patriotism impels them to forsake their studies for sterner duties, yet it is the strong belief of the faculty that these younger men can perform their highest service to our country by remaining in the University for the present and con- tinuing their scholastic work. The greater maturity of mind and body and the broader educational foun- dation resulting from further study will so increase their capacity for service that their greater useful- ness one or two years hence will easily counterbalance the value of the service they can now perform. We are entering a prolonged as well as a grave war. It is an important duty to maintain the steady supply of well trained college men who must constitute the source from which the most satisfactory subalterns are to be drawn.

Commencement to be as Usual

In full recognition of the gravity of the times the University purposes to exert every energy toward preparing her young men for military duty. But at the same time it is highly important that we should not give way to any form of martial hysteria. So far as possible the ordinary curriculum and the ordinary social life of the University will be continued. Many changes and additions that look toward equipping the



students for the serious international struggle will be made. No frivolities nor trivial things may be permitted to interfere with genuine preparation for national service. But the human being who entirely eschews all the lighter things of life becomes morbid and inefficient. The soldiers in the trenches have their games, their amateur theatricals, their various amusements whenever the lulls in conflict permit. Otherwise they would , go mad. In appreciation of these elements of human psychology it is purposed to have our commencement exercises as usual.

Military Instruction to be Offered

Similarly no unnecessary changes in the course of academic life for next year, nor in the plans for the Summer School and in the regular session nexl year. A carefully planned course of military in- struction will be offered. This course will be op- tional, but those electing it will be required to give it the same attention and study demanded in the regular academic classes. Scholastic credit will \v granted for satisfactory work. The interest already shown in this work promises that this course will be taken by a large proportion of the student body. The Faculty Committee on Military Training is i n gaged in outlining a series of special courses to be offered next year which will contribute toward mili-

tary efficiency. As examples may be mentioned wire- less telegraphy, the chemistry of munitions, military hygiene, and first aid work.

McLendon and Campbell Aid

About the middle of April the time for military drill was changed from one hour on two evenings a week to an hour and a half five afternoons in the week. It now supersedes baseball and all other ath- letics. Captain Broadhurst, the Commandant at the A. & E. College, has visited us for a day each week and has given us the benefit of his advice and sug- gestions. Lieutenant McLendon, who is well remem- bered on the campus as a capable student and who lias acquired reputation as an attorney, as a legislator, and as an efficient officer in the National Guard, has again proved his loyalty to his Alma Mater by tak- ing charge of the training of the battalion. A great loss was sustained when Coach T. J. Campbell left for a week's visit to his home, before going to the Reserve Officers' Camp at Plattsburg. He had or- ganized the battalion and had established it upon a firm basis. As an athletic coach, as an organizer of our military unit, and still more as a strong man and loyal friend, we miss him. Others may carry on his work but can not fill his place.

J. I! Bullitt.


The Victory in Fifth Annual Final Contest of High School Debating Union Goes to Vinson Smathers

and Roy Francis of the Waynesville High School

The fifth annual final contest of the High School Debating Union was held at the University on Thurs- day and Friday. April 19th and 20th. Messrs. Vin- son Smathers and Koy Francis, representing the Waynesville high school, were victorious over all others and carried away the debating trophy, the Ay- cock Memorial Cup. They won the decision in the tinal debate in Memorial Hall, upholding the affirma- tive side of the query. Resolved, That the Federal Government should own and operate the railways. They were opposed in the final debate by Misses Gladys Andrews and Emma Lindsay, of the Mount Olive high school, defending the negative.

Two hundred and ninety-six debaters 101 of them girls representing 74 high schools, came from 54 comities in all sections of the State to participate in the final contest for the Aycock Memorial Cup. Debaters were present from eastern points, such as Manteo, 1 )are county ; Sladesville, Hyde county ; and Atlantic, Carteret county. From the west repre-

sentatives came from Almond and Bryson < iiy, Swain county; Glade Valley, Alleghany county; Jefferson, Ashe county; Asheville, Waynesville and other extreme points. The final contest of the De- hating Union, the inter-scholastic track meet and the tennis tournament, altogether made up High School Week in the University's calendar. Fully 600 vis- itor- came in Chapel Hill for the week. They were heartily welcomed and their stay was made enjoyable. They carried hack with them to the high schools and the various communities a new knowledge of the co- operative work of the State University.

The Preliminaries

The 296 debaters who participated in the final con- tesl had all been successful in their triangular de- bates on March 30th, in which series 1,324 debaters representing 331 high schools in 92 counties of the State participated.

A general meeting; of debaters and teachers was



held in the auditorium of the Peabody building on Thursday afternoon, April 19. Professor 1ST. W. Walker presided over this meeting and extended a hearty welcome to the visitors. The teams on the affirmative were divided by lot into ten sections for the first preliminary Thursday night, and the teams on the negative were likewise divided into ten sec- tions. From each of these sections one team was chosen for a second preliminary on Friday morning, April 20th. The schools which had teams making the second preliminary ,on the affirmative were: Waynes ville. Pleasant Garden, Gatesville, Calypso. Wilmington, Benson, Mount Olive, -Graham, Ashe- ville and Mount Airy. The schools having teams in the second preliminary on the negative were: Mount Olive, Troy, Charlotte, East Bend, Wendell, Sylvan, Laurinburg, Pleasant Garden, East Durham and Waynesville. The schools having teams in the second preliminary, both affirmative and negative, were: Waynesville, Pleasant Garden and Mount Olive.

The Final Debate

The largest crowd which has ever witnessed a final high school debate at the University gathered on the occasion of this year's final debate on Friday night, April 20th, the entire assemblage numbering 2000 persons and more than filling Memorial Hall. The audience consisted of students and members of the faculty of the University, citizens of Chapel Hill, debaters, athletes, teachers, principals, superinten- dents and the large number of other visitors who had come from various parts of the State.

President E. K. Graham presided over the debate. Mr. R. O. Everett, of Durham, a member of the class of 1903, presented the Aycock Cup to the winning team in behalf of all the University's inter-collegiate debaters. Dean M. C. S. Noble, of the School of Education, presented the cups and medals to win- ners in the inter-scholastic track meet. The stage of Memorial Hall had been appropriately decorated for the occasion. The young debaters were given pro- longed applause frequently throughout the debate.

President Graham commented on the growth of the High School Debating Union and spoke of the present scope and extent of its work. He declared the high school debate to be the happiest occasion which the University knows. He emphasized the value of the debating system in developing good citi- zenship and good sportsmanship. He referred to the schools which had in past years won the Aycock Cup, Pleasant Garden, Winston-Salem, Wilson and Gra- ham.

The Speakers

Vinson Smathers was the first affirmative speaker for Waynesville high school. After referring to the changing social and political conditions he laid down his three propositions: That the present system of railroad ownership is wasteful in management; that it is a source of corrupting political influence; that the Interstate Commerce Commission can not correct these evils. He believed Government ownership the only solution.

The first speaker on the negative for Mount Olive was Miss Gladys Andrews. She outlined her argu- ment opposing Government ownership, declaring that the whole scheme is undemocratic and un-American; that Government ownership is unjust from a political standpoint ; that it is not the proper function of the Government; that private ownership is in accord with American principles, and that Government ownership would necessarily result in political cor- ruption.

Roy Francis completed the affirmative argument. He insisted that Government ownership and opera- tion is practicable. He pointed out its success where it had been tried and made clear how it would be operated for the interest of all the people. He at- tributed Germany's efficiency to its government owned railways.

The last speaker for Mount Olive on the negative was Miss Emma Lindsay. After reviewing the points made by her colleague she argued that Gov- ernment ownership was a most unwise policy from a business standpoint. The experience that foreign nations have had with it does not warrant its adoption here, she declared.

The rejoinders on both sides were spirited and forceful. The rejoinders, as well as the main speeches, showed that the debaters had a mastery of the subject and were speakers of composure.

The decision of the judges, Messrs. H. H. Wil- liams, L. P. McGehee, Edwin Greenlaw, H. M. Wagstaff and W. S. Bernard, stood 3 to 2 in favor of the affirmative.

Mr. R. O. Everett presented the Aycock Cup to the winning team in a fitting speech. He spoke of the value of the Debating Union both to the indi- vidual debaters and to the State as a whole. He stated that the plaudits which went to the winners of the cup were sufficient reward for those who did not win it. Dean Noble, in happy fashion, presented the c\ips and medals to winners in the inter-scholastic track meet. Immediately after the debate a recep- tion was tendered all visitors in the Library. This




was the closing exercise in the program of entertain- ment.

Community Co-operation

In carrying through to a successful conclusion the final contest praise should he given to the spirit of co-operation found everywhere. The homes of Chapel Hill entertained the 150 girls and ladies who came for the debate, members of the faculty acted as judges in the preliminaries and in the final debate, and students acted as officers in the preliminaries. They entertained the men and boys in the dormi- tories and co-operated heartily in giving the visitors a good time. The teachers and a number of students of the Chapel Hill graded school gave valuable help in serving at the reception and in decorating the stage of Memorial Hall. The Swain Hall manage- ment contributed in very satisfactory fashion the bill of fare at the reception. The baseball manage- ment provided complimentary tickets for the game between the Carolina Eeserves and the Raleigh Highs. The Y. M. C. A. gave its building and the time and efforts of its officers to the Debating Union.

Success of the Debating Union

Since its organization in 1913, the High School Debating Union has met with a remarkable success

and growth.

It has grown and has carried with it

beneficial results for the individual debater, his school, his community and the University.

In 1913, 360 debaters representing 90 schools in to counties took part in the contest. In 1914, 600 debaters participated, representing 150 schools in 64 counties. In 1915, 1000 debaters participated, rep- resenting 250 schools in 91 counties. In 1916, 1300 debaters representing 325 schools in 94 counties took part in the contest. This year 1324 debaters, rep- resenting 331 schools in 92 counties participated.

The Debating Union is a part of the University's Extension plan. It will be pushed with a still fur- ther vigor next year.

The list of schools taking part in the final contest was : Almond, Asheville, Atkinson, Atlantic, Aurora, Bain Academy, Benson, Boiling Springs, Bladen- boro, Bryson City, Charlotte, Clemmons, Candler, Calypso, Columbus, Cedar Grove, Cleveland, Clyde, Columbia, Dixie, East Bend, East Spencer, Elm City, Edenton, Elise, Enfield, Franklinton, Falcon, Falling Creek, Godwin, Graham, Greenville, Grif- fon, Glade Valley, Gatesville, Holly Springs, Hun- tersville, Indian Trail, Jackson, Jamestown, Jack- sonville, Jefferson, Knap of Reeds, Laurinburg, Leaksville, Lenoir, Leicester, Lillington, Lucama, Lumber Bridge, Mooresville, Mount Holly, Marsh- ville, Mount Airy, Mount Olive, Manteo, Mars Hill,



Oak Hill, Olney, Patrick Henry, Pleasant Garden. Pinnacle, Sparta, Sladesville, Sand Hill, Statesville, Selma. Spring- Hill, Snead's Grove, South Buffalo, Svlvan, South Fork, Tarboro. Towns-


ville, Thomasville, Troy, Waynesville, Winston-Sa- lem, Wendell, Wadesboro, Wilmington, Washington Institute, Winecoff, Yanceyville, East Durham. Many alumni were present for the debate.


Annual Game Between Virginia and Carolina at Greensboro Won by Tar Heels 3 to 2—

Review of Season

On Monday, April 24, Carolina finished up a suc- cessful baseball season in a rather bad manner, losing to Georgia 10 to 1 in a poor exhibition of base ball. Some figures worked up by the Tar II eel show that the Varsity did better this year than they have done in the past four years, and in spite of slumps played consistent base hall. The batting average is quoted below, together with the pitchers' records. The num- erals in parenthesis indicate the number of games in which the players participated :


Kirkman, 3b 400 ( 4)

Younce, c 388 ( 5)

Bennett, c 319 (14)

Barnes, If 317 (16)

Jennette, 2b 311 (17)

Stewart, cf 298 (17)

Coleman, p 286 ( 5)

Roberts, c Ill ( 3)

Team average. .248; Runs X. C. 89, opponents 55

Folger, lb 262 (17)

Feimster. 3b 217 (IS)

Powell, p 217 ( 8)

Kinlaw, p 166 ( 3)

Herty, ss 163 (16)

Weeks, rf 146 (14)

Llewellyn, p 134 ( 6)

pitcher's AVERAGE

Kinlaw 2 0 1,000 Coleman

Powell 3 2 .600 Llewellyn

Games won 11, lost 6, pet. .647.

3 2

3 2

.600 .600

Barnes has more home runs to his credit than any other man. In fact no one else is in his class, in spite of the inviting nearness of the left field fence.

A brief review of the season shows the details of the Varsity's edge on its opponents in runs. The opening game with Bingham was won by a close margin and bore the deserving name of a ball game. We treated Haverford and West Virginia Wesleyan worse, both contests being swatfests for the local boys, Barnes, Bennett, and Weeks each ringing up a home run. The next game with Davidson opened the contest for the State championship, and the White and Blue got off to a running start, trimming the Presbyterians 8 to 4. We were put back a notch the next game, however, when Wake Forest took a ten-frame classic from Coach Heam's men fi to 5. The tie was broken when Duncan scored from third on ( 'ox's sacrifice flv.

Northern Trip

On the trip up through Virginia, Powell's benders were scarcely touched by the Washington and Lee willows, and Carolina batted Pierroti's delivery for eight hits and two runs. The Virginians were let down with three safe bingles.

On their return home, the Tar Heels found Yale waiting. The game was prevented from going into extra innings by Munson, who drove one of Cole- man's straight ones over the fence, scoring himself and one of his teammates. The Elis had to shed their coats to win, and the game was pronounced to be one of the best of the season.

The following day found Wofford on the scene. The boys from the Palmetto State suffered a shutout at our hands, while we piled up three runs in a rather sleepy game, Barnes' home run being the clos- est thing to a feature.

Virginia Defeated 3 2

Owing to the rather sinister appearance of nation- al affairs, only one game was played with Virginia. On the Sa turday of Junior Week, Powell went on the mi mnd for Carolina at Greensboro, and for eight inn- ings had the Orange and Blue guessing. He was taken out in the ninth to allow a pinch hitter to wield the willow. The Virginians had a one run lead on us at the beginning of the ninth, but the score was tied in that inning when Stewart doubled and was sent across the plate when Younce, batting for Herty, smashed a single into center field. In the tenth Jen- nette doubled, his fourth hit of the day, and came home on Coleman's steamer to center. Coleman finished the game on the mound, and technically the victory belongs to him, but there is honor enough for both.

Southern Trip

From Greensboro our warrior band went on down south to take the measure of some of our neighbors. We took a fast game from Davidson, 1 to 0, Cole- man and Lawson opposing each other in a game characterized by neat fielding and little hitting.

At Spartanburg we were entertained by Wofford, whom we trimmed to the tune of 6 to 1. The same



pitchers who worked on Emerson Field, Kinlaw and Lawton. faced each other again, and the same man won.

At Atlanta we were treated badly by the Crackers who took one game from Llewellyn 8 to 2, and the second from Powell, 4 to 2. In neither could the Tar Heels find Parks or Westbrook for enough hits to win, and the home team had everything their own way.

On our way back we stopped at Columbia long enough to take a very one-sided contest from South Carolina. Coleman and Folger had a picnic with the stick, while almost every Tar Heel got at least two hits. One ball Folger knocked over the fence never has been found.

The last two games of the season were played with

Georgia, We took the first, Powell pitching, 5 to 0, completely outclassing the visitors. The changeable- ness of baseball was shown the next day, however, when we lost the worst played game of the year 10 to 1.


The well and favorably known ''Wop" Bennett has been elected to pilot the Carolina nine for 1917- 18. Bennett is one of the best catchers in college basehall and a glance at his healthy average speaks convincingly of his success with the stick. "Wop" is a sure, steady player who suffers no slumps. He's right there in the pinches and on his toes from the time he first buckles his shin guards until the last ball whizzes over in the ninth. Tar Heel.


The class of 1902 which holds its third reunion at the approaching commencement is planning to cele- brate the fifteenth anniversary of its graduation in fitting stylo. This reunion is scheduled to begin on Monday evening. June 4th, and each member is urged to be on the "Hill" at that time. The committee which is making arrangements for the reunion fur- nishes the Review with the following information of much interest to all members of the class:

The class of 1902 will hold its fifteen-year re- union on Tuesday, June 5th, of commencement. Ar- rangements have been made to take care of the class, during its stay at Chapel Hill, at the old South Building.

It was the intention of the committee in charge of the reunion to issue a bulletin containing informa- tion about each member of the class, which was to be published just prior to the reunion, but for various reasons this plan had to be given up. The names of the members of the class with their occupations and addresses are set out below.

Every classmate is itrged to be present at the re- union and is further asked to call the attention of any other member of the class whom he may meet to the event and request his presence. Every member is also requested to give information in regard to any mistakes which may occur in the following list:

Claude O. Abernathy, physician, Raleigh ; T. A. Adams, lawyer. Charlotte; Emory <1. Alexander, surgeon. 1(327 Oxford Street, Philadelphia, reports that he is a member of a Base Hospital Unit which is preparing to go into either the Army or the Navy ; Jas. O. Allison, Raleigh, secretary and treasurer of the Raleicli Building and Loan Association, and the Rotary (dub; C. B. Atwater. banking. Durham; D. . C. Ballard, cashier Manchester National Bank. Man-

chester, Va. ; H. M. Barnhardt, cotton yarn business, 164 Park Avenue, Utica, X. Y. ; Thos.' G. Basnight, physician, bank president, Stokes; Wm. A. Blue, sec- retary and treasurer Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad, Aberdeen: T. Robin Brem. insurance, Charlotte; J. ('. Brooks, physician, 5 East Ninth St., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; W. M. Brown, insurance, Chester, S. C. ; J. L. Burgess, State agronomist and botanist, Raleigh; Miss Christine Busbee, 31 Ward Place, South Orange, X. J.; Miss Minna Curtis Bynum (Mrs. Archibald Henderson), Chapel Hill; Chas. M. Byrnes, physician and surgeon, 207 E. Preston Street, Baltimore, Md. ; A. M. Carr, First Vice- President Durham Hosiery Mills, 88 Leonard Street, New Ym-k. X. Y. ; C. S. Chamberlain, travelling salesman, Kinston ; J. D. Champion, teacher and farmer. Fuquay Springs; R. B. Chastain, lawyer, Douglass, Ga. ; Joseph B. Cheshire, Jr., lawyer, Ral- eigh. United States Referee in Bankruptcy, mar- ried Xovcmber 27, 1915, Miss Ida J. Rogerson.

W. E. Crews, 565 W. 139th St., Xew York (2519 Broadway) ; R, P. Connelly, city electrical, building and pis inspector. Charlotte; O. W. Dowd, Carbon- ton: Brent S. Drane, civil engineer, landscape engi- neering, ( Iharlotte ; Richard X. Duffy, physician, president Craven Countv Medical Society, Xew Bern; Mrs. R. O. E. Davis. Washington, D.'C. Dr. 1 »avis is connected with the United States Bureau of Soils. J. F. Duncan, lawyer, Beaufort; S. J. Ev- erett, lawyer, Greenville; Josiah Exum, merchant, Snowhill. Seems to hold the class record; has a family of eight children. President of First Xa- tional Bank. John A. Ferrell, Assistant Divecr.ii' Geueral of the International Health Board. 61 Broadway, Xew York ; has charge of the direction of the work of the Board (commonly called the Rockefeller Foundation) in the Southern States and



Central America ; has made journeys of inspection for surveys, etc., to Central and South America ; S. P. Fetter, coal lands, etc., Paintsville, Ky. Married September 23, 1916, Mrs. Jno. C. C. Mayo; E. S. Ford, tobacco business, Louisburg; Daniel G. Fowle, lawyer, Atlanta, Ga. ; G. M. Garren, Bryan, Texas ; E. K. Gulley, cattle raising and turpentine business, Sylvester, Ga. ; R. L. Godwin, lawyer, Dunn ; Louis Goodman, lawyer, Wilmington; Louis Graves, jour- nalist, 5 West 82nd Street, New York City; E. P. Gray, physician, Winston-Salem; Quentin Gregory, chief representative, British-American Tobacco Com- pany, 22 Museum Eoad, Shanghai, China; J. S. Gibson, physician, Gibson; R. P. Gibson, travelling- salesman, Concord ; W. H. Hadley, wholesale grocery business, Siler City; Jno. S. Henderson, Industrial Department, Westinghouse Electric Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa. ; A. B. Hoover, hosiery manufact- urer, Concord; T. J. Hill, lawyer, Andrews; Percy V. Hogan, auditor, Johnston City, Tenn. ; Chancey Highsmith, dentist, Enfield, writes that he is still "looking down in the mouth" ; R. S. Hutchison, lawyer. Member of the Board of Trustees, U. N. C, connected with the Legal Department, Southern Power Company, Charlotte.

A. D. Ivie, lawyer, Leaksville; Preston B. John- ston, last address, Beidsville; Wm. T. Johnston, gen- eral insurance business, American National Bank Building, Richmond, Va. ; Chas. A. Jonas, lawyer, Lincolnton, member Board of Trustees, U. N. C, State Senator in the present and last legislatures; Miss Alice E. Jones, Rock Hill, S. G, professor of Latin, Winthrop College; C. D. Kellam, physician, Norfolk, Va. ; Fred G. Kelly, 1718 Avenue H, Ens- ley, Ala. ; A. C. Kerley, Morganton ; for past several years superintendent city schools ; Whitehead Kluttz, lawyer, Washington, D. C, secretary of United States-Canadian Boundary Commission ; H. A. Kornegay, last address, Kenansville ; F. H. Lemly, ranching, Travis Club, San Antonio, Texas; Ivey F. Lewis, teacher, University, Va. Professor of Biology, University of Virginia ; Robt. A. Liehtenthaeler, teacher, Kingston, R. I. Chemist in Rhode Island Experiment Station ; D. M. Mcintosh, last address, Wilmington; Evan G. Mclver, cotton milling. West Durham; James Harry Mclver, superintendent city schools, Wadesboro; J. W. McGehee, physician, Reidsville; Gaston B. Means, last address, 53 Worth St., New York; Robt. A. Merritt, Asheville; Jno. P. Miller, last address, Winston-Salem; Louis P. Mitch- ell, last address, 908 E. Clay St., Richmond, Va. ; E. G. Moss, United States Agricultural Department, Creedmoor; J. Cheshire Nash, vice-president, Co- lumbia Naval Stores Company, Savannah, Ga. ; Fred I. Nisscn, last address, Winston-Salem; Thos. C. Oliver, Oliver-Quartz Company, Charlotte ; C. C. Palmer, last address, Pickren, Ga. ; W. S. Pryor, farming; last address, Anderson, S. C. ; Wentworth W. Pierce, lawyer, Goldsboro. Captain Machine

Gun Company, 2nd N. C. Infantry. Has just re- turned from Mexican border. Judge Advocate of the Special Court of Regiment ; Provost Marshal.

Nathan Porter, druggist, 122 W. 4th Street, Salt Lake City, Utah ; W. M. Pearson, superintendent of schools, Tabor ; Guy V. Roberts, lawyer, Marshall ; Henry M. Robins, lawyer, Asheboro ; Billie Robins, superintendent schools, Monticello, Ark. ; E. D. Sal- lenger, newspaper, Florence, S. C. ; manager of Flor- ence Daily Times; Herbert Scholtz. last address, Macon, Ga. ; M. H. Stacy, Chapel Hill, Head De- partment Civil Engineering, U. N. C. ; K. B. Steph- ens, 735 William St., Henderson ; Geo. P. Stephens, Presbyterian minister. Missionary at Hsuchowfu Ku, China. Now on leave of absence in this country, Marshville, N. C. ; Miss Imogene Stone, last address Tulane University, New Orleans, La. ; Reston Stev- enson, instructor in chemistry in the University of the City of New York. Last' address, 501 W. 110th St., New York; Geo. B. Strickland, Superintendent Graded Schools, Murphy; Thos. M. Stroud, Repre- sentative Rouse, Hempstone & Company, headquar- ters, Greensboro ; Wm. W. Sutton, last address, Winona, S. C. ; J. E. Swain, lawyer, Asheville. So- licitor 19th district. Member of Board of Trustees of U. N. C. ; O. S. Thompson, with Corporation Com- mission, Raleigh ; A. II. Vann, secretary of Sterling Mills, Franklinton ; Jno. S. Webb, last address, Bell Buckle, Tenn. ; Spier Whitaker, lawyer, Birmingham Ala. Member of firm of Whitaker & Nesbit, office in American Trust & Savings Bank Building; V. E. Whitaker, General Agent, A. B. & A. Railway, At- lanta, Ga. ; John Wilcox, last address, Tucapau, S. C. ; B. B. Williams, lawyer, Warrenton ; R. R. Wil- liams, lawyer, Asheville ; Patrick Henry Winston, Chapel Hill, member of faculty of Law Department, U. N. C. ; J. Hunter Wood, Oliver Building, Boston, Mass., manager of Boston Branch, Alexander Sprunt & Sons ; Wm. S. Woodward, last address, Raleigh ; Thos. C. Worth, Vice-President Durham Loan & Trust Company, Durham. Married Miss Bessie M. Payne, December 9, 1915.

The bulletin of the class issued in 1913 reported that sixty-six of our number had married, which has since been augmented by several others. This same bulletin reported that there were sixty-four '02 babies; this number also, no doubt, has since been largely augmented.

The class has lost by death the following members :

John Howard Alexander, R. S. Deaton, P. B. Groome, F. H. Harris, C. M. Kennedy, J. R. Rey- nolds, James T. Smith, William F. Stafford, M. L. Elliott, Rev. F. A. L. Reid, D. P. Stern, H. M. Short, H. A. Lambeth, Mrs. M. G. McNinch, Mrs. E. K. Graham.

Every member of the class is urged to be present at the reunion and also to immediatelv communicate with Mr. E. R. Rankin, Chapel Hill, N C, and Mr. R. S. Hutchison, Charlotte, N. C.



TO MEMBERS OF THE CLASS OF 1897: The reunion committee of the class of 1897 lias issued through A. T. Allen, chairman, of Salisbury,

a letter to all members of the class with reference to the big 20-year reunion which this class will hold at the approaching commencement. This letter fol- lows:

To the Fellow Members of the Class of 1897:

We, the undersigned, have been appointed by the Central Alumni Committee at Chapel Hill for the purpose of preparing for the reunion of the class of 1897, its twentieth anniversary.

This reunion is to be held at Chapel Hill on June 5th and after considerable correspondence we have come to the conclusion to undertake the three fol- lowing things :

Fikst : During the twenty minutes which we have at our disposal in Gerrard Hall on June 5th, to ask D. B. Smith to speak for ten minutes; some of the others to make short talks ; and for some one to read a short account of our fellow members who have passed away. Nobody, who has anything to say, will be denied the privilege, save as the time at our dis- posal denies him.

Second: Following the example set by a num- ber of classes we thought it wise to try to make as large a contribution as possible to the Alumni Loy- alty Fund. Every member of the class is strongly urged to contribute a small amount or any amount that he may feel disposed to give to this fund before the 5th of June. Mr. E. R. Rankin at Chapel Hill will receive this contribution and credit it to our class or, if you prefer, any member of this committee will receive the funds and forward them to Chapel Hill. Would it not be possible for us to add five hundred ($500) or a thousand dollars ($1,000) to this fund?

Third: We are planning to hold a supper or a smoker on the evening of June 5th at some hotel in Chapel Hill and at this meeting everybody will have a chance to dispense with his pent eloquence.

Please write to some member of the committee and notify him whether you can attend or whether you wTill join with us in contributing to this Alumni Fund.

Come to Chapel Hill and let us celebrate old times

for a day !


The fifth annual inter-scholastic track meet of North Carolina was held on Emerson Field April 20th as a part of the program of High School Week. Nine schools were represented with a total of 47 athletes participating, as follows: Belmont, Friend- ship, Hillsboro, Huntersville, Mineral Springs, Row- land, Tarboro, Winecoff and Chapel Hill.

The Friendship high school, of Alamance County, scored 40 points and won the meet for the fourth successive time. It received the award of the trophy cup. The points scored by other teams were: Hills- boro 29 j Chapel Hill 16; Huntersville 9; Rowland <> ; Tarboro 5 ; Belmont 4. The Friendship relay team won the relay race and received the award of a special cup on this account. All winners of first places in the meet received silver medals and all winners of second places received bronze medals.

Two State records were broken, the hammer throw by Garland Islew of Friendship, and the pole vault by Max Browning of Hillsboro.


The second annual inter-scholastic tennis tourna- ment of North Carolina was held at the University on April 19th, 20th, and 21st. The Wilmington high school, represented by Morgan Fenley, was victorious in the singles. Oak Ridge Institute rep- resented by Messrs. Smith and Clark, was victorious in the doubles. Cups will be awarded Wilmington and Oak Ridge to commemorate their championship honors. Ten schools were represented in the tourna- ment as follows: Oak Ridge, Wilmington, Fremont, Normal, Greensboro, Raleigh. Warrenton, Asheville, Mooresville, and Cleveland.


More than 350 delegates to the convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs were the guests of the University, Thursday, May 3rd, the official May Day for Chapel Hill. Following a business session in Durham, where the convention was in session May 1-4, the ladies were given an automobile ride to the University by their hostesses of Durham.

Arriving at Chapel Hill shortly before 1 o'clock the ladies went to Gerrard Hall, where they were welcomed by President Graham. Mrs. H. W. Chase, president of the Chapel Hill Community Club, also extended a welcome to the visitors.

At 2 :30 the ladies were given a luncheon at Swain Hall, and afterwards attended the May Fete in Bat- tle's Park.

On Emerson Field, May 12th, the Cherrwille high school baseball team won the State champion- ship of North Carolina , defeating Raleigh high school, eastern champions, by the score of 1 to 0. The Cherrwille team had previously defeated Charlotte, Gastonia, and East Bend, thereby winning the west- ern championship.




Issued monthly except in July, August, and September, by the Gen- eral Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina.

Board of Publication

The Review is edited by the following Board of Publication:

Louis R. Wilson, '99 Editor

Associate Editors: Walter Murphy, '92; Harry Howell, '95; Archibald Henderson, '98; W. S. Bernard, '00; J. K. Wilson, '05; Louis Graves, '02; F. P. Graham, '09; Kenneth Tanner, '11. E. R. Rankin, '13 Managing Editor

Subscription Price

Single Copies *0-l->

Per Year 100

Communications intended for the Editor should be sent to Chapel Hill, N. C; for the Managing Editor, to Chapel Hill, N. C. All communications intended for publication must be accompanied with •ignatures if they are to receive consideration.


Entered at the Postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C, as second class matter.


Despite the fact that it appears at a time when all men's minds are occupied by thoughts of the crisis that confronts America, the April issue of Studies in Philology is attracting wide attention among schol- ars 1 >ecause of its unique character and the high qual- ity of the material which it contains. One well- known scholar has written that in his opinion it is the greatest number that has ever appeared in an American university series. Other illustrations might be given to show that the high expectations aroused by the preliminary announcements are thor- oughly substantiated now that the completed book is in our hands. What is more to the point is the fact that the attractive little circular sent out by the editor a few weeks ago has already borne fruit in the shape of a considerable amount of money, so that up to the present writing about one-third of the total cost of this issue has been met by voluntary contri- butions by men not in any way connected with the University. More money will certainly be received from these sources within the next few weeks, ami it is also hoped that Carolina men, recognizing the great value of this work as a means of increasing the prestige of the University throughout the world of scholarship, will see the necessity of still further re- lieving the pressure upon the limited resources of the journal.

This is not the place for an extended review of the contents of this volume of nearly two hundred pages, hut some idea of the book can be given in a few words. In his Foreword, the editor, Professor Greenlaw, calls attention to the fact that these ten

essays, dealing with a single great period in English thought and letters, form a concrete example of col- laborative scholarship which gives "a totality of ef- fect that would have been impossible had they ap- peared in a number of periodicals scattered through a dozen months." He cites as illustration of the principle that inspired the genesis and the working- out of the volume, the results gained by collaboration in the fields of science, history, and medical research. The point of view is well stated in his concluding paragraph :

''That radical changes in American education are at hand is beyond question. To think that the issue lies between compulsory Greek and compulsory vo- cational training is to start another profitless con- troversy between the Ancients and the Moderns and to fall into the blindest of errors. But that advanced scholarship, in whatever field, must emerge from its isolation and through both individual and co-opera- tive effort contribute not alone to learned journals for initiates in the mystery but also to the life of our common humanity is as certain as that America must prepare to take her part in world affairs. In the new age now dawning in America, impulses that en- riched the renaissance may once more become active. To foster such impulses is a duty of scholarship now as it was in the humanistic revival of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries."

Thus, the volume is unique not only in the fact that never before in the history of American phi- lological scholarship has a single issvie of a learned journal contained contributions from so many schol- ars of the highest distinction in a special field hut also in its illustration of an idea of collaboration in this field of research that is capable of further and even more fruitful development. The first part of the book is devoted to the Elizabethan Drama. Mr. W. J. Lawrence, of Dublin, who is widely known for his studies of the Elizabethan theatre, makes his first American contribution in an interesting article about a young Irishman who came to London when Shakes- peare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher were at the height of their powers, and wrote a lively comedy of manners which held the stage for a generation. Pro fessor Adams, of Cornell, contributes a paper on the famous Blackfriars, with three illustrations, and Professor Graves, of Trinity, makes further contri- hutions to our knowledge of the presentation of plays in the Elizabethan period. This section of the vol- ume is completed by a paper on Hamlet by Profes- sor Tucker Brooke, of Yale, and by one on Shakes- peare's methods of composition by Professor Manly, the distinguished head of the department of English at the University of Chicago.



The second section of the volume is devoted to es- says on English poetry from Spenser to Milton, this series being introduced by a lengthy and informing study of certain aspects of Elizabethan poetic style by Professor Alden of Leland Stanford. Professor Aldcn has recently published a monumental edition ot Shakespeare's Sonnets, and the present essay is in a sense a by-product of his work in preparation of that volume. Professor Fletcher, of Columbia, wide- ly known for his work on Spenser and on Dante, has a charming Spenser essay on "The Painter of Poets," which even non-specialists may read with pleasure. Professor Osgood, of Princeton, editor of the Con- cordance to Spenser, recently published by the Car- negie Institution, has an essay on Spenser's indebted- ness to Biblical literature of wisdom which opens up a new source of renaissance thought. Our own Uni- versity is represented by Professor Hanford's inter- esting study of the dramatic element in Paradise Lost and by Professor Greenlaw's study of Milton's philosophical idealism, a paper which will increase his wide reputation as an Elizabethan scholar. At the end of the volume is a valuable bibliography, classified and with annotations, of recent literature dealing with this field, about one hundred books and monographs being included in this record of a year's activities.

The book about birds, which we have all been in search of for years, at last conies from the press of a firm principally manned by North Carolinians and from the pen of a North Carolinian. This is "The Bird Study Book," by T. Gilbert Pearson (1899), Secretary of the National Association of Audubon Societies. Mr. Pearson has done extraordinarily ef- fective work, and today is virtual head of the Audu- bon societies in the United States. A prolific writer, with a deep interest in his subject, he accomplishes a great deal through the magazine articles, frequently happily illustrated, which appear in such magazines as The Craftsman, Country Life in America,, and The Art World. The present volume (Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, 1917), some two hundred and fifty pages long, is excellently and fully illustrated with drawings, photographs, and a colored frontis- piece. Mr. Pearson is a close observer of the life of birds in their haunts, and has studied them in all parts of the United States and contiguous territory. The chapter headings are indicative of this personal interest: "First Acquaintance with the Birds," "The Life About the Nest," "Domestic Life of the Birds," "The Migration of Birds," "The Birds in Winter," "The Economic Value of Birds," "Civiliza-

tion's Effect on the Bird Supply," "The Traffic in Feathers," "Bird Protection Laws and Their En- forcement— How Laws are Made," "Bird Reserva- tions," "Making Bird Sanctuaries," and "Teaching Bird Study." This interesting and long-needed book, as stated by the author, "has been written for the consideration of that ever-increasing class of Americans who are interested in acquiring a greater familiarity with the habits and activities of wild birds."

There was organized in Greensboro on Saturday, April 13th, the Association of Mathematics Teach- ers (Western North Carolina). W. W. Rankin, Jr.. of the University of North Carolina, was elected president; J. W. Moore, of the Winston-Salem high school, first vice-president ; Miss Fannie Starr Mitch- ell, of the Raleigh high school, second vice-president; L. R. Johnston, of Oak Ridge Institute, third vice- president; J. W. Lasley, Jr., of the University of North Carolina, secretary and treasurer.

It is the purpose of the Association to follow this meeting with a meeting at Chapel Hill during the summer school.

In the near future the Bureau of Extension will publish a full account of the proceedings of the Greensboro conference. These can then be had with- out charge from the secretary of the Association: J. W. Lasley, Jr., Box 574. ( fhapel Hill, N. C.

The Community Festival this year hold at the new amphitheatre in Battle's Park, was one of the best events of its kind ever witnessed in Chapel Hill. The program of Thursday, May :5rd, which was at- tended by the Federation of Women's Clubs, consist- ed of two one-act plays written by students in the University, followed by May games and dances by children of the Chapel Hill graded school. All ele- ments that make up the Chapel Hill community took part in the exercises.

Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" was given or. Sat- urday afternoon with a carefully selected cast, which was coached by Professors McKie and Dargan. Spe- cial costumes helped to give a real Elizabethan flavor to this production. The cast follows: Orsino, Cecil Rymer; Sebastian, Robert deRosset; Antonio, O. W. Hale; a sea captain, Prof. George McKie; Valen- tine, Mr. Macmillan; Sir Toby, Hubert Smith; Sir Andrew, Buck Wimberley; Malvolio, Sam Fisher; Fabian, T. L. Pace; Feste, Avon Blue; priest, Mr. McKie; officer, Mr. Dargan; Oliver, Miss Gladys Avery; Maria, Mrs. N. Foerster; Viola, Miss Eleanor Wilson.




1857 1867 1887

1892 1897 1902

1907 1912 1916



10:00 A. M. Class Reunion Exer?ises in Gerrard Hall, Classes of 1857, 1867, 1887, 1892, 1897,

1902, 1907, 1912, 1916. 12:00 M. Alumni Conference and Business Meeting. The Alumni and the University: a Re-

view of the Year, President Graham. 1:30 P. M. Alumni Luncheon in Swain Hall. (Get tickets from E. R. Rankin, Secretary,

now. Price $1.00. Ladies Invited.) 4:00 P. M. Alumni Parade and Festivities Emerson Field.

7 :00 P. M. Class Get-Togethcr Meetings, Dinners, and Banquets.

8 :00 P. M. Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees in Chemistry Hall.

8 :30 P. M. Annual Debate Between Representatives of the Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary

Societies, Gerrard Hall. 10:00 P. M. Reception in the Gymnasium by the President and Faculty.

General Reunion Headquarters University Inn

Class Headquarters :

1857 Infirmary 1892 . Old East 1907 South

1867 Infirmary 1897 Old East 1912 Carr

1887 Old West 1902 South 1916 Can-

Is Your Class in Line? If Not— Why Not?

Alumni Day is Only 10 Days Distant. Make Your Plans Now To Be Present and Communi- cate With Your Class Committee.





Officers of the Association

Julian S. Carr, '66 President

E. R. Rankin, '13 Secretary


E. R. RANKIN. 13, Alumni Editor


The class of 1867 will hold its 60-year reunion on Alumni Day, June 5. This is the first 60-year reunion to be held in the history of the University and it is earnestly hoped that as many members of the class as possible will be present on Alumni Day. Col. Robert Bingham, of Asheville, and Major Jno. W. Graham, of Hillsboro, have already signified their intention of being present. Ten members of this class are living today.

1867 The class of 1867 will hold its 50-year reunion on Alumni Day, June 5. Every commencement visitor is deeply interested in the 50-year reunion occasion each year and it is hoped that as many members of the class as possible will be present on Alumni Day. Geo. M. Rose, of Fayetteville, is chairman of the class reunion committee.

1887 The class of 1887 will hold its 30-year reunion on Alumni Day, June 5. Thirty years is a long time away from the "Hill" and probably no other reunion of the class will be held until the 50-year reunion in 1937. Eacli member is urged to be present and to communicate with Haywood Parker, chairman reunion. committee, Asheville.

W. S. Wilkinson is secretary of the Underwriters Fire In- surance Co., of Rocky Mount.

Dr. M. R. Braswell is president of the Underwriters Fire Insurance Co., of Rocky Mount.


Eighteen hundred and ninety-two, that is 25 years ago ; what have you been doing and bow are you? You look well and seem to have hit the soft spots in the main ; have a family of course and have run the usual line of achieve- ment and some of course out of the usual line; for all of that bunch have done some things that are big; things that count in the several ways that go to complete every man.

It's up to you to come back for your great 25-year reunion on Alumni Day, June 5. You owe it to yourself, and to your family, and further you owe it to the State University. Just figure out the time you will need ; make it long enough any- way and come back and see how big old Carolina has become ; it will make you more proud than ever to be one of her sons. Communicate with C. F. Harvey, chairman of the reunion committee, Kinston.

1895 Alex M. Winston is a successful lawyer of Spokane, Wash. A. L. Brooks, lawyer of Greensboro, is president of the North Carolina Bar Association. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Asheville, July 3, 4, and 5.

Murray Borden is connected with the Wayne National Bank of Goldsboro.

1896 Captain W. B. Lemly, U. S. Marine Corps, has been ap- pointed a member of a committee at Washington, D. C., which has direction of the manufacture and purchase of munitions for the government.

Dr. J. F. Nooe is a well-known and successful physician of Boerne, Texas.

R. W. Blair, U. S. Revenue Agent, has recently been trans- ferred from Buffalo, N. Y., to Cincinnati, Ohio. J. Harvey White is president of the Travora Manufacturing Co., at Graham.

1897 The class of 1897 will hold its 20-year reunion on Alumni Day, June 5. An attractive program is being prepared. All members and their families are urged to come back for this important event. Communicate with A. T. Allen, chairman class reunion committee, Salisbury.

S. Brown Shepherd is successfully engaged in the prac- tice of law at Raleigh, with offices in the Commercial Bank Building.

1898 Robert Lassiter, of Charlotte, is a successful cotton manu- facturer. He is vice-president and treasurer of the Victory Mills, Fayetteville; president of the Ocnee Mfg. Co., Ocnee, S. C. ; and is connected with the Thrift Mfg. Co., Charlotte. F. W. Miller is superintendent of the Semet-Solvay Co., Holt, Alabama. He was at one time superintendent of the Semet-Solvay Company, Ensley, and again was Director of the Birmingham Testing Laboratory at Birmingham.

1900 W. S. Bernard, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Dr. H. C. Cowles is a physician of New York City with offices at the Pamlico, 97 Central Park West. W. A. Goslen is manager and treasurer of the Union Republican, Winston-Salem.


Dr. J. G. Murphy, Secretary, Wilmington, N. C. Dr. Wm. deB. MacNider, of Chapel Hill, professor of pharmacology in the University was elected first vice-presi- dent of the North Carolina Medical Society at its 64th annual session held in Asheville on April 17, 18 and 19. B. T. Cowper is general agent of the Maryland Life In- surance Co., with offices in the Citizens National Bank Build- ing, Raleigh.

W C. Linville, Med. '01, is located at Goldsboro. John L. Harris is salesman with the Southern School Sup- ply Co., Raleigh.


R. A. Merritt, Secretary, Asheville, N. C. The class of 1902, which has held some celebrated reunions in the past, will hold its third reunion commemorating the fifteenth anniversary of its graduation on Alumni Day, June 5. An attractive program is being prepared under the leader- ship of R. S. Hutchison, president of the class, of Charlotte. All members are urged to come back.

Dr. Claude D. Kellam practices his profession, medicine, at Norfolk, Va. His offices are in the Monroe Building, suite 642-645.

R. S. Hutchison is connected with the legal department of the Southern Power Co., Charlotte.




N. W. Walker, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. Capt. Hugh H. Broadhurst, U. S. Cavalry, Commandant of Cadets at the N. C. College of Agriculture and Engineering, West Raleigh, makes trips once a week to inspect the drill- ing going on at Chapel Hill.

A. P. Spell is engaged in the practice of law at Red Springs. He is president of the local alumni association. Lieut. J. J. London, in command of North Carolina naval recruiting, with headquarters in Raleigh, talked recently to the students at St. Mary's College, about "Torpedoes," "Submarines" and "Naval Warfare." He had an interested audience and found patriotism among the girls running high. On behalf of the University's inter-collegiate debaters, R. O. Everett, attorney of Durham, presented the Aycock Me- morial Cup on April 20th to the winners in the contest of the North Carolina Debating Union at Chapel Hill.


T. F. Hickerson, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C. J. H. Vaughan has been for several years a member of the faculty of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.

Dr. A. G. Brenizer, physician of Charlotte, was chosen first vice-president of the Tri-State Medical Society at the meet- ing held in Durham in February.

D. F. Giles, Law '04, superintendent of Wake County Schools, was appointed recently by Governor Bickett a mem- ber of the State board of examiners and institute conductors. A. W. Grady is treasurer of the Durham Traction Co., at Durham.


J. K. Wilson, Secretary, Elizabeth City, N. C. The marriage of Miss Frances Boykin and Mr. Thos. D. Meares, Jr., occurred April 18th in St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Wilson. They are at home in Wilmington. Dr. Hubert Haywood, Jr., is a prominent physician of Ra- leigh. He is college physician to the N. C. College of Agri- culture and Engineering.

Dr A. D. Browne, at one time physical director and coach at the University, is now director of the department of physi- cal education in the Oregon State Agricultural College, Cor- vallis, Oregon. He was formerly professor of physical edu- cation and hygiene and medical director of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Dr. R. S. Stevens, M. D. '05, is engaged in the practice of medicine at Raleigh with offices in the Tucker Building.


John A. Parker, Secretary, Charlotte, N. C. S. T. Ansell. LL. B. '06, is major and judge advocate in the U. S. Army. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, class of 1899, and was at one time instructor in Law and History in that institution. —J. B. Goslen is editor of the Union Republican, Winston- Salem.

—The marriage of Mrs. L. A. Carr and Mr. L. A. Tomlinson occurred April 10th in St. Phillips Episcopal Church, Durham. They are at home in Durham, where Mr. Tomlinson is en- gaged in the practice of law.

At the recent meeting of the North Carolina Medical So- ciety in Asheville, Doctors H. W. McCain and J. T. Bumis, of High Point, gave an illustrated lecture on North Caro- lina hospitals.

Dr. Ben F. Royal, of Morehead City, was elected third vice-president of the North Carolina Medical Society at its 64th annual session held in Asheville on April 17, 18 and 19.

1907 C. L. Weill, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. The class of 1907 will hold its second reunion in celebra- tion of the tenth anniversary of its graduation on Alumni Day, June 5. This class plans to start its celebration with a rousing get-together meeting and smoker on Monday night, June 4. A tip to all members: Be on time for big things are in store for you !

The marriage of Miss Annie Laurie Ervin and Mr. Percy Hoke Royster occurred April 26th at the First Baptist Church, Raleigh. They live in Pittsburgh, Pa., where Mr. Royster is with the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Worth Cole is a manufacturer of Charlotte. Duncan P. Tillett is cashier of the Union National Bank, Charlotte.

Clarence V. Cannon is a member of the mercantile firm of R. C. Cannon and Sons, Ayden.

W H. McKinnon is connected with the U. S. Tire Co., at Atlanta, Ga.

Dr J. M. Thompson, M. D. '09, a star athlete in his college days, practices medicine at Mebane.

W. M. Bond, Jr., formerly of Plymouth, has taken up the practice of law in Denver, Cal. Ernest L. Cole is located at Carbonton. Stahle Linn, of Salisbury, has tendered to Governor Bickett his resignation at senator from Rowan County in order to accept Judge Boyd's appointment as referee in bankruptcy. T. Holt Haywood is prominently connected with the firm of Frederick Vietor and Achelis, commission merchants of New York.

Thos. O'Berry is vice-president and general manager of the Enterprise Lumber Co., at Goldsboro and Mount Olive.


Jas. A. Gray, Jr., Secretary, Winston-Salem, N. C.

Dr. J. B. Nichols has moved from Windsor to Catawba

Sanatorium. Va., where he is engaged in the practice of


F. M. Simmons, Law '08, is president of the real estate, in- surance and contracting firm of Simmons, Hartenstein and Whirton, Charlotte.

John B. Palmer has been nominated mayor of Warrenton in one of the most interesting campaigns ever held in the town. His opponent was Mr. John W. Allen, the present mayor. Wm. B. Davis, principal of the Charlotte high school, was on the "Hill" for a day or two in April. Z. H. Rose is engaged in agricultural work in Wake County near Raleigh.

W. W. Umstead is a member of the firm of the Bahama Milling Co., at Bahama.

S. Singletary, Jr., is vice-president of the firm of N. A. Currie and Co., general merchants, at Clarkton. M. M. Williams is instructor in the public schools at Jack- son.

W. E. Yelverton is director of the Harris-Ewing Photo- graphic News Service, Washington, D. C. Rev. B. O. Shannon is pastor of the Presbtyerian Church of Tazewell, Va. He and Miss Marguerite Ward, of Pound- ing Mill, Va., were married several months ago. F. L. Hoffman is secretary and treasurer of the Blue Ridge Furniture Manufacturing Co., at Marion.


2 1 5


O. C. Cox, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. The marriage of Miss Rebecca Spencer and Mr. Jos. S. Mann, former Carolina quarterback and football captain, oc- curred recently at the home of the bride's parents in Engle- hard. They live at Fairfield where Mr. Mann is engaged in farming.

S. H. Wiley. Jr., recently U. S. Consul at Asuncion. Para- guay, has been transferred to St. Pierre. Dr. Wm. H. Wadsworth, Med. '09. is a prominent physi- cian of Concord.

Dr. D. D. Walker is located at Macon, Ga., where he prac- tices his profession, medicine.

Frank P. Graham was in Chapel Hill recently. He went from the "Hill" to his home in Charlotte


J. R. Nixon, Secretary, Cherryville. N. C.

L. Ames Brown, of Washington, D. C. has been named a member of the newspaper censor board which has direct con- trol of all news going out of the state, war and navy depart- ments.

The marriage of Miss Mary Lillian Reddish and Dr. John Roger Hester, M. D. '10. occurred April 26th in Raleigh. They are at home in Franklinton where Dr. Hester prac- tices medicine.

Dr. Bascom L. Wilson, a native of Greenville, is a member of the U. S. Medical Reserve Corps. Washington, D. C. Dr. J. A. Strickland, M. D. '10, formerly a physician of Wendell, has moved to Norfolk, Ya.. for the practice of his profession.

J. S Armstrong, Jr.. is U. S. Consul at Bristol, England. J. J. Thomas is a member of the firm of McDonald and Thomas, the paint store, Raleigh.

Rev. L. N. Taylor has recently taken up the work as rector of the Episcopal Church of Roanoke Rapids.


I. C. MosER, Secretary, Burlington, N. C. Geo. Graham is principal of the Fairmont high school. H. L. Newbold is assistant bank examiner of North Caro- lina with headquarters in Raleigh.

A. B. Cozart is manager of the Cozart Motor Sales Co.. Greensboro.

Farl V. Patterson is engaged in the cotton mill business with the Gem Cotton Mills, of Gibsonville. Gus Palmer is located at 607 North Harrison St., Wil- mington. Del.

J. J. O'Brien, formerly located at Mayworth, is now in Durham.

Cyrus Thompson, Jr.. special agent of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, is spending a few daws on the "Hill."

—Rev. Joseph G. Walker is assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro.


C. E. Norman. Secretary, Columbia, S. C. The class of 1912 will hold its first reunion celebrating its fifth birthday since graduation on Alumni Day. June S. A large number of the members of this class are coming to celebrate this occasion around the well and under the oaks and poplars at the "Hill." while a good-sized number are planning to celebrate it at the reserve officers' training camp at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga. All who aren't in training at Fort

Oglethorpe are expected to report at the "Hill." Write C. K. Burgess, chairman of the general reunion committee, Raleigh, and H. B. Marrow, chairman of the house commit- tee, Battleboro.

W. J. Crutchfield is sales manager of the North State Motor Co., Greensboro.

The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Woodard Leary and Mr. George Collins Wood occurred April 28th in Saint Paul's Episcopal Church. Edenton. They are at home at Greenfield, the colonial home on the Albemarle Sound of Mr. Wood's paternal grandfather. John G. Wood, Jr., '06, was best man. Among the ushers and groomsmen were H. R. Learv. and

F. P. Wood, '16.

Graham K. Hobbs is captain of Co. H. 2nd N. C. Infantry, stationed at Wilmington.

Tom Moore, of Webster, has become identified with the sales force of the Johnston chain of cotton mills, of Char- lotte. He is maintaining headquarters in Chattanooga. Tenn. The marriage of Miss Nona Ruth Thompson and Mr. A.

G. Webb, Ph. G. '12, both of Chapel Hill, took place Novem- ber 29th last in Louisburg. Mr. Webb is manager of the Carolina Drug Co., of Chapel Hill.

J. R. Sloan, of Franklin, is teaching in the Shelby high school.

The marriage of Miss Mary Carmichael and Dr. David Reid Murchison occurred May t8th in St. John's Episcopal Church. Wilmington. They are at home in Detroit. Mich., where Dr. Murchison is connected with the hospital main- tained for the employees of the Ford automobile plant. Thad S. Page is manager of the Page Motor Co., with headquarters in Charlotte.


A. I.. M. Wiggins. Secretary, Hartsville. S. C. The marriage of Miss Marian Abercrombie Jones and Mr. Banks Holt Mebane occurred April 18th at the home of the bride's mother in Greensboro. Mr. Mebane is an attorney of Greensboro.

J. W. Carter, of Morganton, was on the "Hill" recently en route to the Fort Oglethorpe reserve officers' training camp.

Ira W. Hint, formerly with the Wachovia Bank and Trust Co., of Winston-Salem, is now a member of the firm of Cook-Mitchell Co.. Inc., clothiers and furnishers of the same city.

Y. A. Perrett is located at Elon College. Among the school men on the Hill for High School Week were: Supt. Horace Sisk. Lenoir: Supt. E. W. Joyner, Man- teo ; Supt. I. M. Bailev. Jacksonville ; Supt. T. E. Storv, Oak Hill.

Douglas Rights teaches in Salem College and is pastor of the Moravian Church of Greensboro.


Oscar Leach, Secretary, Raeford, N. C. Lenoir Chambers, Jr.. who is a student in journalism at Columbia University, covers Columbia University news for the New York World.

J. Grover Lee, superintendent of the Aurora Schools, was on the "Hill" during High School Week with his debating teams.

Alex M. Worth, until recently teller with the Durham Loan and Trust Co., has now located in Winston-Salem. B. B. Sears is located in Norfolk, Va. R. H. Shuford. M. A. 1914. LL. B. 1916, practices law in



Hickory, a member of the firm of Blackwelder and Shuford. He is county att'orney.

J. F. Pugh, of Charlotte, and J. F. Love, of Statesville, are at the Fort Oglethorpe reserve officers' training camp. The marriage of Miss Margaret Mann and Dr. L. H. Swindell, Jr., occurred in April at the home of the bride's parents in Swan Quarter. Dr. Swindell practices his pro- fession, medicine, in Swan Quarter.

Troy I. Jones is taking graduate work in Columbia Uni- versity. His address is 412 West 115th St., New York. Thomas W. Ferguson is manager of the River Plain Farm at Ferguson.

W. S. Beam is a member of the law firm of Shannonhouse and Beam at Charlotte.

John S. Cansler is practicing law at Charlotte under the firm name of Cansler and Cansler.


B. L. Field, Secretary, Louisburg, N. C.

Preston H. Epps, M. A. '16, formerly a member of the University quartette and director of the Glee Club is teaching Latin and Greek in the Boys' High School, of Atlanta, Ga. He is also a member of the quartette in the First Baptist Church of Atlanta.

Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Minnie Lee McFalls and Dr. Auley McRae Crouch, Med. '15. The marriage occurred September 7, 1914. at Yorkville, S. C, but had been kept secret. They will he at home in Raleigh after June 1st.

R. W Jernigan, Phar. '15, is a member of the firm of the Fariss-Kluttz Drug Co., Greensboro. Dr. H. Frank Starr is practicing medicine at Badin. R. E. Little, Jr., is engaged in the practice of law at Wades- boro.

Roy M. Homewood is enrolled in the Fort Oglethorpe reserve officers' training camp.

C. F. West is a senior in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania. His address is 3728 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

F. C. Manning is a member of the firm of the State Motor Co., Raleigh.

A. H. Carr is second vice-president of the Durham Hosiery Mills at Durham.

C. L. Isley, Jr., is with the Jos. A. Isley and Bro. Co., de- partment store, at Burlington.


H. B. Hester, Secretary, Chapel Hill, N. C.

Harry Miller is engaged in farming at Mount Ulla. He

was married July 10th last at Stony Point.

Chas. J. Moore is with the Carolina Distributing Co.. of


Wm. E. Pell is teaching in the Randolph-Macon School at

Bedford City, Va.

The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Sherr ill and Mr. Fred H.

Deaton occurred April 25th in the First Presbyterian Church

of Statesville. Mr. and Mrs. Deaton visited Chapel Hill

while on their honeymoon trip. They are at home in Newton

where Mr. Deaton manages the branch office of the Carolina

Motor Co., a firm of which he is secretary and treasurer.

R. N. Page, Jr., is manager of the Greensboro branch

of the Page Motor Co.

Thirty-eight members of this ela<s have entered United

States military servi- :e

Editor, Alumni Review. Dear Sir:

I am sorry to be so late with this fee but you know Y. M. C. A. Secretaries don't have a great deal of money especial- ly when they live close to a city like Denver.

I have really enjoyed the Review a great deal this year and am delighted to watch the progress of Carolina. But I am a little jealous of that Virginia victory even though I'm overjoyed to know that we beat them.

Awaiting your arrival on the frontier of the Somme, I am, Yours very truly,

J. Merrel Parker. Golden, Colorado, April 24, 1917.

Officers of the class announce that in accordance with a vote of the class taken last spring, the class will not hold a formal reunion this commencement. However, there will he a smoker and perhaps other features to be participated in by all who are on the "Hill" at commencement. Details are being worked up by the officers.

1917 H. G. Baity, Secretary, Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. The class of 1917 at a meeting held the latter part of April elected permanent officers as follows : President, S. J. Ervin ; Vice-President, C. C. Miller; Secretary and Treasurer, H. G. Baity.

The marriage of Miss Jane Whittle Norman and Mr. Leon Grady Shields occurred April 18th in St. Mark's Episcopal Church at Halifax. They are at home in Hobgood, where Mr. Shields is engaged in business. H. L. Swain is practicing law in Columbia. The marriage of Miss Lina Banks Norris and Mr. Walter Jarvis Adams occurred May 3rd in the Baptist Church of Holly Springs. They are at home at Vance Farm, Fayette- ville.

1918 W. A. Erwin, Jr., is engaged in the manufacture of cotton with the Erwin Cotton Mills Co., at Duke.



—John Elisha Wharton, A. B. 1857, A. M. 1866, died recently at his home in Sherman, Texas, aged 82 years. He was a native of Guilford County and served as a captain in the Confederate States Army.

1870 Jacob Battle, lawyer, former State Senator and former judge of the Superior Court, died at his home in Rocky Mount, December 12, 1916. He served as a member of the House in the Legislature of 1915. He was a student in the University during the years 1866-68.

1879 Van Boddie Moore, prominent citizen of Raleigh, died April 29th in the hospital at Wake Forest from injuries re- ceived when his own automobile ran over him on the Louis- burg road, three miles from Wake Forest. Deceased was for a long time president of the Melrose Knitting Mill, Ra- leigh. He was a student in the University during the years 1875-77.

1 883' Chambers Rankin Owen, a native of Salisbury, and a stu- dent in the University during the year 1879-80, died recently in Washington, D. C, where he had been for more than twenty years a clerk in U. S. Pension Office.


Alumni Coyalty fund

"One for all, and all for one"


A. M. SCALES. '92


A. W. HAYWOOD, Jr., "04

J. A. GRAY, Jr., '08

D. F. RAY. '09

A Commencement Gift for

Alma Mater

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The voluntary tribute of Carolina's grateful sons to the creation of a great University

Provides a way for every man who wants to strengthen the University

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Name (Class)






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BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TOUCH TYPE WRITING and the BUSINESS BRANCHES are our Specialty. School the year round. Enroll any time. Special summer rates.

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Carolina Drug Company



A. G. WEBB, Proprietor

Asphalt Pavements






















A Representative Will Visit You and Supply Any Information or Estimates Wanted

Robert G. Lassiter & Co.


First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Oxford, N. C.

Citizens Nat'l Bank Bldg. Raleigh, N. C.




Offers the Highest Quality of Service in One Day's Time.

J. K. EVANS, Agent

Chapel Hill, N. C.

The Bank o/Chapel Hill

The oldest and strongest bank in Orange County solicits your banking business.


President Vice-Ptesident Cashier

Z3I)£ l£tuversit? fivdss






Eubanks Drug Co.

Chapel Hill, N. C.

Agents for Munnally's Candy




Pickard's Transfer

Chapel Hill, V C.


A. A. PICKARD .... Manager

The Peoples National Bank

Winston-Salem, N. C.

Capita! $300,000.00

J. W. FRIES, Pres.

United Slates Depositary

Wni. A. BLAIR. Vice-Pres. LEWIS. Cashier

The Model Market and Ice Co.

Chapel Hill. N. C.

All Kinds of Meats. Fish and Oysters in Season.

Daily Ice Delivery Except Sunday S. M. PICKARD Manager

Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

of all kinds Special attention given University and

College banquets and entertainments. Phone 178



.A. .A. Tftlutt* do.,lnc.


Extend a cordial invitation to all students and alumni of the U. N. C. to make their store head- quarters during their stay in Chapel Hill.

Complete Stock of New and Second-hand Books, Stationery, and Complete Line of Shoes and Haberdashery Made by the Leaders of Fashion, Al- ways on Hand

Just Test Our Better Clothes

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Life insurance companies are distributing more than $2,000,000 per day. The surest way to provide against future misfortune is through Life Insurance, and no company can

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Odell Hardware


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Electric Lamps and Supplies Builders Hardware




Chapel Hill Hardware Co., inc.



Pocket Cutlery, Safety Razors, Razors,

Strops, Flash Lights, Oil Heaters,

Paints and Kalsomines

Tin Shop in Connection


C. S. Pender graft

Pioneer A uto Man

Headquarters in DURHAM: At the Royal Cafe, Main Street, and Southern Depot

Headquarters in CHAPEL HILL: Next to Bank of Chapel Hill

Leave Chapel Hill _ 8:30 and 10:20 a. m.

Leave Chapel Hill 2:30 and 4:00 p. m.

Leave Durham - 9:50 a. m., 12:40 p. m.

Leave Durham 5:08 and 8:00 p. m.


Four Machines at Your Service Day or Night

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Y., 1915


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Finishing for the Amateur. Foister w

The J. B. McCrary Company

Municipal Engineers


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The J. B. McCrary Company serves the south as Municipal Engineers. V<"e have nothing but ser- vice to sell. It is our business to devise munici- pal improvements. We plan, finance, construct and operate. We want to get in touch with every town or city needing improvements. We guarantee our service will produce dividends. Our experience covers twenty years. We will promptly give you all information. It will pay vou to get in touch with us. Write

HARRY W. LOVING, District Manager






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"Roll of Honor" Bank

Total Resources over Two and a Quarter Mil- lion Dollars




-President Cashier





shirts Less than Cost; Bath Robes now selling at Cost; Men's Collars, 2 for 25c at



J. D. Webb & Son


Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings

For Spring: A Full Line of

Cool Cloth Suits

Horse Hide Shoes


END us any gar- ment or article you may have

needing Dry Cleaning

or Dyeing.

We will do the work promptly, at small cost, and to your en- tire satisfaction.

Send yours by Parcel Post, we pay return charges on orders amounting to $1.00.

Mourning Goods Dyed in 24 to 36 Hours


GREENSBORO, N. C. Phones 633-634

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Maximum of Service to the People of the State





(1) Chemical Engineering. E.

Electrical Engineering. F.

Civil and Road Engineering. G.

Soil Investigation. H.


(2) (3) (4)



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(2) Instruction by Lectures.

(3) Correspondence Courses.

(4) Debate and Declamation.

(5) County Economic and Social Surreys.

(6) Municipal and Legislative Reference.

(7) Educational Information and Assist-



For information regarding the University, address

THOS. J. WILSON, JR., Registrar.

New York Life Insurance Company

Money for Education

Many young men and women secure money for their education through life insurance. President Garfield was a notable example. All through his conspicuous career he paid frequent and high tribute to the New York Life Policy on which he borrowed money that put him through college and started him on the road to success. New York Life policies in addition to the usual provisions, provide free insur- ance and a life income in advent of disability by accident or disease; double indemnity for fatal travel accidents.

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Successful Careers in Later

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Depend not wholly upon Football, Baseball, or other sports

But upon sheer pluck and ability to build the solid foundation of Success by Saving every possible dollar.

It takes Men to participate in Football, Base- ball, elc, but it takes Greater Men to Build Successful Careers.

Resolve to Start Saving Today.

The Fidelity Bank

North Carolina's Greatest Banking Institution DURHAM, N. C.


"If only it was not so hot," sighed the pretty girl as she tried to manipu- late her handkerchief so as to absorb the perspiration without rubbing the powder off her nose. '"If only it was not so hot the dancing would be lovely. But I feel like a rag and look like a beet."

"You look you look/' hesitated the youth, trying to summon courage and poetic fancy at the same time, "like a dewy rose to me." Then embarrassed at his gallant attempt, he hurried on wdth: "But I'll soon make you feel as fresh and sweet as you look, for that big punch bowl is full of the finest drink you ever tasted."

"My, you certainly think a lot of it,'" said the girl rather condescendingly. "Are you sure it's all right for me to drink '. What is the name of this wonder- ful elixir?"

"Of course it's all right for you to drink it. Mother gives it to the children to keep them well during this warm weather, and they served it at the church social the other night; but I shall not tell you the name, not until after you have tasted it."

"Well, what do you think of it ?" the young man asked a couple of minutes


"It's wonderful ! It tastes so good, and I'm beginning to feel like dancing all night. Please tell me the name of it right away, please, and I'll give you the next dance."

"That's a bargain. It's Pepsi-Cola, the heat killer!"


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