(J^-;^ ■> »*. •■•.vCT^n.^gweya LIBRARY OF THE i863* DATE DUE 1 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SF 193 D5 A5 V.3 !■ I. AMERICAN DEVON RECORD, CONTAINING THE PEDIGREES OF PURE BREP DEVON CATTLE, — IN THE United ^tateg and Dominioq of Canada, To -^■crc3h-crsT 1st, ISS^. VOLUME III. Bulls— No. 2237 to No. 2990. Cows— No. 4371 to No. 5760, both inclusive. James Buckingham, ZANESVILLE, OHIO. ZANESVILLE, OHIO, L. D. SANDEL, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. 1884. 6? O fe? . ^ ^ Dflr V. I mTRODUCTIOI ■oO'OOc*^— jL>FEREAVlTH I present to the Devon Cattle breeders ^■'- of America, Vol. Ill, of the American Devon ■• Record. In domg so I have a few words to say l)y way of preface and they are these : I have nsed great care and spared no expense to liavc Vol. Ill as free from defect as possible, bnt spite of my watchfulness and labors in this behalf, I have no doubt some few errors will be noted by the reader. Un- til one has actual experience in editing a herd book, he can have no adequate idea of the difficulty and labor in- volved, nor of the amount of watching that is required to keep out mistakes and bar the door against unworthy animals. I speak of this not to palliate in advance any errors that may have crept into this volume notwithstanding my vigilance, but to show reason for the inflexibility of rules, as well as my strictness in the application and en forcement of them, which may have seemed to some of my patrons, in certain cases, unreasonable. I beg to as- sure such that it was only that my work might have that iiighest and best claim to the approval of the Devon breeding public, namely, i'eliabilit)\ that I was and am so strict. When it is known that this inflexibility on my part in enforcing the rules of entry and transfer not only added greatly to the labor and expense of conduct- ing this business, but actually lessened its income^ it will be seen that in my conduct towards some who may have thought themselves dealt hardly with, 1 was certainly HOt actuated by any selfish or unmanly motive. IV INTRODUCTORY. On the 26th of March of this year (1884) upon the oft repeated suggestion of several prominent l)e\()n men, a number of breeders assembled in the parlors oi' the East End Hotel, in the City of Pittsburgh, and or- ganized the American Devon Cattle Club. A constitu- tion was adopted, an executive committee chosen, and officers elected. At this writing the Secretary is receiving the names of breeders who have accepted the invitation to become charter members. It is the expectation that the Club will take charge of the American Devon Record shortly after the present volume has been published. The 4:th and all succeeding volumes will therefore be edited and published under the auspices of the Club, As this then will be the last issue I shall edit, I take the opportunity of thanking my patrons and the Devon in- terest generally for their uniform courtesy and forbear- ance during my incumbency of the editorial chair and to bespeak for the new management the same patronage and kindly assistance in tracing out partially forgotten pedigrees «&c., as was extended to me. In bidding fare- well, I would urge upon members of the Club and other patrons, the duty of making an effort in behalf of the Record in the way of influencing breeders to promptly enter their herds, and as they grow, to enter the increase, to see to it that when a sale is made a transfer is pro- cured, as well as to assist the enterprize by purchasing its pubUcations as they are issued. This is the way to put the work fairly upon its feet and to make it self- supporting. Applications for entry in Volume IV and transfer should be addressed to me until further notice. Very Respectfully, J. Buckingham, Editor, Sketches of DeYon Breeders. It was my intention to print in Volume II. short sketches of the hves and experiences of some of the older Devon men of America, and accordingly I wrote the survivors so far as I could find them, or their successors, requesting such facts as were needed as ground-work for the sketches. A few only responded in season, and I was compelled to abandon the project so far as Vol. II was concerned. I have hovv^ever, preserved the information obtained, and have arranged it for the present Volume. In many as the reader will notice, I give few or no facts as to the personal history of the parties, the information furnished me being in most cases, very meagre. I have arranged the sketches alphabetically as to the subjects. Editor. Lewis F. Allen was born in Westfield, Mass., Janu- ary 1, 1800. He began to breed Devons at his farm on Grand Island in the Niagara River, near Buffalo, N. Y. in the fall of the year, 1833. He made his first purchase from Caleb N, Bement, of Albany, obtaining from him the bull King 765. About the same time he purchased two young cows from the late Hon. Jas. G. King, a banker of New York City. All these were descendants of Demons bred by the cele- brated Mr. Coke, of Holkham, England, (afterward Earl of Leicester) and imported by Hon. Rufus King in the year 1819. 6 SKETCHES. In 1837 Mr. Allen obtained from Mr. George Patter- son, of Maryland, the well known importer and breeder, two beautiful yearling heifers and an aged cow. These constituted the basis of Mr. Allen's fine herd, the de- scendants of which are held in high esteem all over the United States. Mr. Allen's Uevons were first prize winners in a i^^reat number of exhibitions, both State and County and although he nev(>r made /cs/s of milk and butter qualities, his Devons stood /li'o// as dairy animals. Mr. Allen continued to raise and sell Devons until about the year 1874, when having been reducing his herd lor some years, he sold what remained to a cattle breeder in Mis- souri, and retired from that branch of business. Mr. Al- len however, still retained his faith in the superiority ol' the breed and only gave up breeding them because of t\w then lack of appreciation on the part of cattle men gen- erally. He writes me from Buffalo, N. Y,, where he now re- sides : "I bred Devons for about forty years, side by side with Shorthorns, each in their purity of blood, and in their grades with common cows, both steers and lieil- ers to my entire satisfaction. ***** The I)ev(ms were as a rule excellent milkers." Mr. Allen from the year 1845 to 1883 was the Editor and publisher of the then twenty-four volumes of tlie American Short Horn Herd l>ook. Samuel Baker, the lather of Truman Baker, whose name has long been so familiar to Devon men, ^\ as born near Troy, N. Y.,in the year 1793. His first venture hi Devons was about the year 1830, at New Lisbon, N. Y. He obtained souk* h(>ifers Irom George Tuckerman a breeder living in the same county, also a bull iiom the SKETCHES. 7 same neighborhood, but as no herd books existed at that day, it is impossible to give a further clue to these ani- mals. Mr. Baker continued in the business for a few years, when he sold his farm and stock. He next a]3pears as a breeder in partnership with his son, the above mentioned, Truman Baker, who was born March 17, 1820, at New Lisbon, N. Y. About the year 184:7, this gentle- man began to breed Devons in partnership with his fath- er, under the firm name of S. Baker & Son. " They made their first purchase of Samuel Gilbert, of Gilbertsville, N. Y,, who had them from Jno. Cowlin, of Truxton, N. Y., by whom their ancestors were imported. Among those obtained from Mr. Gilbert was the cow Dolly 1002, a descendant of Cowlin's imported Dolly 111|. Their first bull was descended from the Patterson importation, through the herd of H. N. Washbon, Morris, N. Y. They also procured a bull of the Cowlin stock about the same time. These Devons, the names of which have been lost in the lapse of time, were the starters of the Baker herd. Like all good breeders they bought and sold from time to time, adding new blood and making encouraging progress in the development of the valuable qualities of the breed. The senior member of the firm died in 1866, from which time the business has been conducted by Mr. Tru- man Baker alone, under whose careful management it has continued to grow in favor. Mr. Baker has bred largely for the yoke and reports it profitable ; he has not however neglected the butter qualities, several of his cows showing most excellent results when tested in this regard. Mr. Baker is the winner of many prizes, often agamst § SKETCHES. a large number of competitors exhibiting animals it is an honor indeed to beat. E. P. Beck. From the very meagre information I have been able to obtain, concerning this notable breeder of I)e\ons, I collate the following facts : — Mr. Beck was a native of Dumfries, Scotland, and was born in the year 1800. He emigrated to the U. S. and in the year 1837 he began the business of Devon breed- in«- at vSheldon, N. Y. He obtained his first stock from William Garbut, of Wheatland, N. Y. Messrs. Beck & Garbut seem to have bred on shares, using Garbut's cow Devon 979 from about the year named to 1842. Out of this cow Mr. Beck obtained Lily 1806, Crescent 880, Victoria (young) '2652, and Betty 683, and these with some others constituted the basis of his herd. The transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society for the years 18J:2, 1848, 1849, 1850 and 1851, show that Mr. Beck received a large share of the prizes lor Devons, competing with such breeders as Van Rens- selaer, Blakeslee, Washbon and L. F. Allen. Mr. Beck's name is a familiar one in the old Herd Books, and to liis herd trace some ol the best De\ons on the continent to- day. James A. Bill. This distinguished Devon breeder was born in Lyme, Ct., (the town in which he still re- sides) March 20, 1817. Mr. Bill has for many years been the leading spirit in the Connecticut State Agricul- tural Society, and is still its President. To his energ) and executive ability the State is largely indebted ibr its successful Agricultural fairs. Mr. B. began to breed Devons in tlic year 1845, ma- SKETCHES. 9 king his first purchases from tlic justly relebrated herd ol' S. c^' L. Hurlbut. At that early day in tlie history of Devon breedhig in America, we had no Herd Books, and so I am unable to give the names of Mr. Bill's first animals. It however suffices any intelligent Devon breeder to know that his herd is based on Hurlbut stock. Mr. Bill entered the business with genuine Yankee energy, and has in the 39 years he has devoted to it, built up a reputation of which not only his town and county but his State and the Devon interest all over America may well be proud. He has for many years been a most successful com- petitor at the various fairs and cattle shows of his neigh- borhood and State. From 1851 when he carried away the lion's share of the prizes awarded at the Connecticut State Fair, down to the present time he has had a career of uninterrupted brilliancy as an exhibitor of pure bred Devons in State as well as in County and local fairs. As a sample: last fall he took the first premium on aged and also on young bulls, on heifer calf, yearling heifers, three year olds and cows above four years old ; also the gold and silver medals on herd and sweepstakes at the State Fair. After so many years of experience and observation, Mr. Bill gives his verdict in the most unqualified terms. I quote from a late letter : "I never bred any other cattle in my life save Devons. " * * * * I have owned many other breeds, " but have never } et found so good a breed for butter and " milk combined as the Devon. Take the cost of keep- *' in^ into account, and in ray opinion, they outdo any 1 0 SKETCHES. " other breed of stock. Their calves come matched up " lor steers and for practical purposes of the i'arm, they " are the breed for the farmer. Were I to worship any- " thing of the brute creation, it would be my fancy " Devon pets." Elam C. Bliss was a native of Skaneateles, N. Y., and was born Nov. 13, 1802. He began life as a far- mer at Westfield, N. Y., about the year 1819, and re- mained at the same place until his death, which occurred May 6, 1882. Mr. Bliss began to breed Devons in the year 1853, making his first purchase from J. W. Collins, Sodus, N. Y., from whom he obtained the bull Bonaparte 327, and from L. F. Allen, Black Rock, N. Y., who sold him. the Cow Rosa 2377. The bull traces to Fancy 134, one oi* the Patterson importation of 1817 ; the cow to the llu- fus King importation of 1819. In 1855 he purchased Blooming Beauty 702, of B. H. Andrews, Waterbury, Ct. These were the foundation of Mr. Bhss' fine herd. Mr. Bliss seems to have bred with a view to butter and had marked success, his full grown cows yielding him an average of 300 lbs. per annum. He writes that his cow " Helena 32d 14:38, has a record of 19 lbs. in seven days on grass a lone. ''^ After an experience with Durhams, Herefords and Jerseys, Mr. Bliss gave his verdict in favor of the Dev- ons in a letter to me written not long before his death as follows : "All things considered I prefer the Devons; they will keep fat on less feed and at the same time make as much butter as any breed of cattle I ever experiment- ed with." He also says that they will make more beef to the amount of feed £iud care than any other breed. SKETCHES. 11 Mr. Bliss was recognized as a model farmer and stock raiser and his extensive practice and observation not less than his well known integrity render his opinion as to the respective merits of the breeds, of no small value to men engaged in kindred pursuits. His herd is now in the possession of his grandsons, the Rumsey Brothers, of Westfield, N. Y. Ira H. Butterfield, Sr., was born Dec. 6, 1812, in Gainesville, Wyoming county, N. Y. In 1838 he emi- grated to Michigan, then a part of the extreme North West, and settled near Utica, Macomb county. Mr. Butterfield became a Devon breeder in 1859. He purchased his first stock from L. F. Allen, of Black Rock, N. Y. They consisted of nine cows, one bull and five calves. Among the cows were Ariadne 4th 479, Fairy 1123, Sappho 8th 2503, Sappho 9th 2504 and Sappho 13th 2506. The bull was Tempest 1168. Such was the basis of Mr. B's herd, descendants of which may be found in all parts of our country, and they are justly regarded as amone: the best, Mr. Butterfield continued in the busi- ness imtil the year 1864, when his son I. H. Butterfield, Jr., took control of the herd and managed it until about the year 1870; meanwhile several animals of note were bred, bought and sold by these parties, and although they do not seem to have bred with a view to milk and butter, yet their Sapphos and Fairy 1260 were notable milkers and butter yielders. Mr. Butterfield died May 10, 1884, at Lapeer, Mich. From a notice of his death printed in the Michigan Far- mer, I clip the following : " Mr. B. was an active mem- ber of the State Agricultural Society from its organi^a^ 12 SKETCHES. tion, and was twice elected a member of the Executive Committee. In the awards of premium for several years liis name frequently appears. He Avas a member of the State Senate at the time of the reorganization of the Agricultural College in 1861, and Chairman of the Com- mittee on Agriculture and lent his aid to its fullest ex- tent, for the benefit of that institution. He was one of the organizers and active officers of the Macomb Countv Agricultural Society, during his residence in that county." J. W. Collins. This gentleman was born Nov. 12, 1807, in Smyrna, Chenango county, N. Y. He began breeding thoroughbred Devons in 1851 at Smyrna. In 1853 he removed to Sodus, in the same State. The cows he began with were Victoria 2653 (of the Hurlbut stock), Caroline 764 and Roselle 2452, all tracing to Fancy 134, imported by Patterson in 1817. Victoria and Caroline, with their calves Jenny and Leo, both by Harry 654, were bought of J. K. Miner, of Guilford, N. Y. Roselle was bought of Seth Johnson, also of Guilford. I am unable to obtain any information as to milk tests made by Mr. Collins. His son writes me, hoAvever, that Mr. C. considered the Devon a very superior milk and butter cow. It is also impossible to give any facts as to prizes awarded at fairs and shows, during his career as a breed- er. Mr. Collins died at Belvidere, 111., Aug. 29, 1869. L. G. Collins was born in Otsego county. New York, in 1813. He first became connected with the cattle breeding business in 1837, when he took charge as man^ SKETCHES. 13 ager of L. F. Allen's herd which then consisted of Dur- hams, Alderneys and Ayrshires as well as Devons. He continued in the employ ot Mr. Allen until 1838, when he began to handle Devons on his own account, making his first purchase from Mr. Allen his late employer, of whom he obtained Duchess 1031. This cow was bred by James G. King, of Jamaica, Long Island, N. Y., sired by the celebrated Holkham 89, dam Duchess 112, imp.^rted by Hon. Ruhis K*ing in 1819. Out of Duchess 1031 Mr. C. obtained Duchess 1032 and Daisy 928 both by Anchises 7. Mr. Collins writes: ^' In 18^1 I bought two Devon cows that had been imported by Francis Rotch about the year 1838, I think, tor which I paid $50.0 (for the two). These were Herd Book animals, but at that time pedigrees were not so much looked after." * In 1846 Mr. C. removed to Dutchess county, N. Y., taking his Devons with him to his new home. In 181:9 he purchased from S. & L. Hurlbut, a cow and a bull out of Patterson stock; the names of these two animals are unfortunately lost. These may be con- sidered the foundation of Mr. Collins' herd of Devons. The more important additions, made by purchase, for which only we have room, were the cow Fancy 1189 from H. N. Washbon, and bulls Herod 87 and Priam 138, from George Patterson. In the fall of 1850, Mr. C. removed to Clinton county, Ohio, stopping on his way at Albany, where the New York State Fair was being held. He exhibited some of * 1 regret to say that 1 have heeii unable to otjtain any further iiiformatiou concerning- these two cows. In my •' History of Devon Cattle in America," Vol. I. American Devon lleeonl, i>age xlv., 1 give all the facts I liave been able to glean, in reference to Mr. lloteh's importation. Editok, 14 SKETCHES. his Devons at this fair and was awarded first prizes otl his bull called " Eclipse" and cow Fancy 1189. He was a prize winner on Devons the same fall at the Ohio State Fair at Cincinnati and in 1851 at Columbus. From that date for several years Mr. C. was an exhibitor at Nation- al, State and County exhibitions and had a series of bril- liant successes, the particulars of which we must omit for lack of room. Mr. B. became a resident of Mont- gomery county, Ind., in 185 J:, where he lived and car- ried on the business of cattle breeding until about 1866, when he removed to Lewis county, Missouri, settling near Gilead. He continued to reside in that part ol' the State until about 1882, when he removed to his present home at Bonne Terre, from which place he writes me that he has " the management of about 100 head of cat- tle, 500 sheep, 60 hogs &c." As a result of his large experience in handling cattle, Mr. Collins gives the following opinions as to the merits of the Devons : " After trying nearly all kinds ol' cattle, I can say that in my opinion the Devons are as good cat- tle for general purposes as tliere is, taking feed into con- sideration. * * * I have one cow (Luckey 3784) that has produced 2| lbs. of butter per day for wee/cs^ and I have frequently had others that have made from 2j to 2| lbs. per day." William L. Co\vles was born in Farmington, Conn,, in 1787, and continued to reside in the same neighbor- hood during his long life. Mr. Cowles began to breed Devons about the year 1847. His herd was founded on purchases made from Geo. Patterson, R. L. Colt, and the Hurlbuts, and is the source to wliich many tine Devons trace. 1 am unable to give names and numbers of the first animals he used. Mr. Cowles was a frequent winner of prizes at the fairs and cattle shows. Failing health compelled him to relinquish the busi- ness in the year 1856, when his entire herd was sold at auction. He regarded the Devons as more valuable not only for milking quahties but for draft cattle and beef, than any ol the other breeds. Mr. Cowles died in the year 1868, at the advanced age of 81. The writer regrets his inability to give a more extended sketch of this well- known Devon breeder. Harvey Dodge. This eminent Devon breeder was born in Sutton, Mass., March 22, 1807. In a very in- teresting letter Mr. D. jokingly proves that he is himself a thoroughbred (Yankee) by reference to the fact that he is of the lourth generation on the female side and that his ancestor in the male line, was imported from England in 1645. The family has occupied the farm upon whicii he now resides during lour generations. Mr. Dodge has long been a leading spirit in the organ- ization ol Agricultural Societies, having been one ol' the originators ol the United States, Massachusetts State and Worcester County Societies, as well as a promoter of the Agricultural College. He is also a member of a num- ber of Town and local Agricultural Clubs. Mr. D. writes me (in 1882) that he has been a constant and suc- cessful exhibitor of Devons at lairs and Cattle Shows during the last thirty-six years. In 184:5 the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, sent a man to England to bring over some pure bred Devons. Among those imported by the 16 SKETCHES. Society on this occasion, was the bull Bloomfield 20 and cows Cyprus 87 Honeymoon 172, Jasper 173 and Stella 348 ; all these cows were in calf to Derby 45 a bull si- red by the celebrated English bidl Hundred Guinea 91. The calf of Cyprus was dropped on board the vessel during the voyage and was named Chaos 41. All these were li'om the justly famed herd of the Earl of Leicester, for whom John Bloomfield acted as manager. The So- ciety placed its imported animals in the care of Mr. Dodge and irom them were descended the basis of his herd. He continued to breed Devons until a few months ago,* when he sold the residue of his herd to Mr. L. E. Cox, of Graiton, Mass. He was compelled to sellout because his advanced age and infirmities forbade his giving the herd his personal attention. His interest in the bret^d, however, and his faith in their future are undiminished. He writes: '■'If 1 was young again, I would go on with the same cattle, never breed a heifer until three years old, nor a bull until two, and never sell an imper- I'ect animal but send it to the shambles, never sell to a poor keeper on any account. * * * # If I had the blue grass of Kentucky, I would keep Dev- ons for grazing, for they carry more hig/i-priccd meat to the shambles, take flesh faster, make as much butter and are more hardy for any section, than any other breed I know of." RoLLiN Gleason was born November 27, 1825, at Benson, Vt., where he still resides. He began his herd of Devons in September, 1858, when he purchased the cow Alma 436 from Mr. W. R. Sanford, of Orwell, Vt. Alma was by Blucher 318, dam imported Lily 199. Mr. * i write 111 iMuv, 1«»4.— AW. SKETCHES. 17 G. al'terwards obtained from Mr. Saiifbrd, tbret^ lieitbrs all descendants of Beauty 526, whicb celebrated cow is credited with having produced fourteen pounds of butter in seven days. Upon these three heifers Mr. Gleason founded his fine herd. He writes that from these cows he " raised several very fine animals and noted prize winners ; among them, Beauty 3d G. 574 which took a first premium at the Vermont State Fair. * * Beauty 4th G. 579, Beauty 5th G. 580 and Beauty 6th G, 2978, all descended from Beauty 572, were also first prize whuiers, and, with others, was awarded a herd first prize." One of the bulls used by Mr. G. in the early part of his career as a breeder, was Meriden 861, (by Comet 34, dam Fairy 131 imported.) Mr. Gleason has on several occasions been a prize winner on bulls, some of which were bred by him and others obtained by purchase from the herds of Hon. E. H. Hyde and W. R. Sanford. We are without information as to butter tests made by Mr. G.; but we are assured that after many years of experience in handling Devons, he holds them in high regard and has an abiding faith in their future. Stanley Grisavold was born at Torringford, Ct., (where he still resides) March 4, 1817. His grandfather was among the original settlers in that neighborhood, having made it his home in the year 1754, when he built a house on the farm now occupied by his grandson, the subject of this sketch. Mr. G. writes me that when he was a child, his father " bred some Devons from Holkham 686, the first Devon bull brought hito New England." Mr. Griswold made his first purchase of recorded stock 18 SKETCHES. in 1850, when ho obtained the cow Rose 2405 of F. W. Cowles, Farming-ton, Ct. This cow descended from S. & L. Hurlbut's Fancy 1181. He bred this cow to Albert 6 (a bull imported by the Hurlbuts), also to Tuttle 1192, Albert Jr., 242, Robin 1055, and all Hurlbut bulls. The last named bull (Robin 1055) Mr. G. purchased of the Messrs. Hurlbut in 1854. In the years 1855, 1856 and 1857, Mr. Griswold took the first prizes at the Connec- ticut State Fair on this bull, also premiums at a number of local fairs during the same years. In 1851 he bought of John Boyd, of Winsted, Ct., the cows Clara 845 and Lily 1811, both descended from the Patterson importa- tion of 1817. These may be considered Mr. Griswold's start as a Devon breeder. In the 34 years that have elapsed since the foundation of his herd was laid, Mr. G. has bred, bought and sold a great many animals. He writes : " I usually keep about 40 head, I think the Devons the best for milk and butter of any that I have had. I have tested them with Durhams, Ayrshires and Jerseys, and find none that make as good butter and pay as well for their feed. They are hardy, keep easily, make the best of beef and for the yoke they are not excelled by any breed." Harley M. Hall. This gentleman was born Aug. 1, 1818, at East Burke, Vt. His father, Sylvester Hall, whose wife was a sister to S. & L. Hurlbut, bred Devons at an early day making his original purchases from the Hurlbuts, of some of the descendants of the celebrated bull Holkham 686. These animals were the originals of the herd of Mr. Hall, the subject of our sketch. Mr. Hall continued to breed Devons until his death, which occurred Oct. 6, 1878. He was a man highly re- spected in his neighborhood and State, and justly regard" SKETCHES. 19 ed as a careful and very successful breeder. He took several first prizes at State Fairs, but during the last few years of his life he discontinued the exhibition of his stock, as he thought it discouraged others whose success as stock raisers had not been so marked. How Mr. Hall was regarded by those who knew him personally is well shown by the following extract from a newspaper on the occasion of his death : " In the death of Harley M. Hall, Burke loses one of her best and most prominent men. He was known by everybody in Caledonia county and quite extensively known as a breeder of fine horses and Devon cattle. He was a man of excellent judgment, correct in all his views of social and business life, with every impulse and prompting of his heart in the right direction." A. C. Howard. This well known farmer and stock raiser, was born May 21, 1811, near Black Rock Church, Baltimore county, Md. The family removed to Ohio in 1828, settling on the farm five miles east of Zanesville. Mr. H. became interested in the breeding of fine wool sheep in 1843, and was for many years a noted breeder in that line. In 1860 he began to breed Devons, purchasing in Au- gust ot that year, the cows Euretta 1099, and Touleta 2617 and (in 1861,) Ophelia 2190 and Fleda 1266, all from Jas. Buckingham. His first bull was S. A. Doug- lass 1090, bred by E. & A. B. Battelle, Newport, Ohio. Upon these Mr. Howard founded a herd the descend- ants ot which are held in high esteem by Devon men in all parts of our country. Besides the one named, his most noted bulls were Marylander 841, (the sire of the prize cows Rena 2d 2362 and Rena 3d 2363,) Gold 625, 20 SKETCHES. Honesty 696, Honor 697 and Jack 721 ; the last four named were bred by Mr. H. and all became famous as sires. Among his cows, Touleta 2617 won so many prizes at County exhibitions that she became known as the Fair cow. Ophelia 2190 weighed 1480 lbs. and was very suc- cessful as a prize winner at State Fairs. Cherry 824, Eena 2d 2362, Rena 3d 2363, Rena 17th 3562 and Clifton Belle 3433 were prominent among the large num- ber of prize cows bred and owned by Mr. Howard. The descendants of these fine animals may be found in all parts of the Western States and Territories, and seem to maintain their high character wherever they go. Mr. Howard died February 28, 1877, at the homestead near Zanesville, where his widow and sons continue Ihe business of breeding Devons. Lemuel Hurlbut, of the celebrated firm of S. & L. Hurlbut, so familiar to every Devon breeder, was born at Winchester, Ct., in 1796. It oueht to be stated tliat of the firm, Lemuel Hurl- but was the Devon man ; his brother Samuel, the senior partner had no taste for cattle breeding, but as the broth- ers were partners in general business, so were they joint owners of the Devon herd. The first purchase made by Mr. H. was from Richard Caton, of Baltimore, in the Fall of 1819, when he ob- tained the bull calf Holkham 686, (a name which figures in so many pedigrees) and the heifer Fancy 1179. These are claimed to be the first Devons calved in this country and probably are the earhest of which there exists any record. * Mr. Hurlbut's son to whom I am indebted for « Mr. Samuel Hurlbut writes me that Hulkham and Fancy were certainly the first Devons calved in this country, and that lie had frequently heard his father and Mr, Caton speak of this fact,— £, 1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Sold Oct. 18, 1882, to Daniel Marsh, Jamesville, N. Y. By Brant 1344, Dam Verna 2649, by Litchfield 789. 2355 BATAVIA (Y). Calved Dec. 10, 1875. Bred by R. G. Hart, Lapeer, Mich. By Batavia 284, Dam Lucy 1897, by Prmce Al- bert 972. ' 2356 DON PEDRO A. Calved Aug. 10, 1881. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff,New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 2357 JIM FISK. Calved Oct. 28, 1881. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Atonio, Texas. By Batavia (Y.) 2355, Dam Jessie 3974, by Grant 2d 637. 2358 SLEEPY JIM. Calved May 15, 1882. Bred by W. H. H. Scai'ft', New Carlisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San BULLS. 57 Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1S42. Dam Nellie S. 4520, by Grant 2cl 687, 2d Dam Lottie 3r)86, by Grant 2d 637. 2359 IVANHOE S. Galvcd Aug. 2L 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarft" & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura X. 4533, by Grant 2d 637, 2d Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrow- head 255. 2360 DON CARLOS REX. Calved June 6, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarft* & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold De:. 26. 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Rose 2429, by Frank (:iuartly 578. 2361 WIDE AWAKE. Calved May 14, 1882. Bred by E. A. Udail, Hiram. O. vSold July 15. 1882, to Caleb Rice, of the same place. By Garfield 2d 1578, Dam Ella Udall 4270, by Garfield 591. 2362 PEREGRINE PKKLE. C^alved Dec. 17, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Pearl 3212 by Litchfield 789. 2363 lAGO. Calved Dec. 19, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 9, 1883. to Henry P. Turner, Hunts- ville, Ala. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Inez 3406, by Litchfield 789. 2364 SIR LEON DEVENANT. Calved Oct. 16, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. Sold Oct. 9, 1883, to Orrin Pomeroy, of the same place. By Vernon I^ord 2243, Dani L^dv Xhpres^ 3091. by Frank Chapmai^ 574, 58 BULLS. 2365 ETHELRED. Calved Aug. 3, ISSO. Bred by I. W. Putnam, llockland, O. By Homer 1825, Dam Belle of Belpre 649, by Hud- son 699. 2366 LLULOO. Calved May 22, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1T40, Dam Lavina 3596, by Prince George 984. 2367 WILD EYES. Calved June 15, 1882, Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey ville, Kansas. Sold July 10, 1883, to W. H. Gorton, of the same place. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Alida 3595, by Prince George 984. 2368 GOLDEN AGE. Calved April 3, L882. Bred by Mrs. D. R. Bixby, Disco, Mich, By Shelby Boy 1269, Dam Rose 2432, by Don Pedro 2d 470. 2369 RAYON D'OR. Calved Oct. 18, 1881. Bred by A. A. Jordan, New Ash- ford, Mass. By Superior 1160, Dam Jennie June 1555, by Prince Albert 975. 2370 STIVER. Calved Feb. 10, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, AVaits- field, Vt. Sold April 23, 1883. to L. Barry, Springfield, Vt. By Gem's Duke 1401, Dam Rose 8th 3074, by North Star 916. 2371 SPY. Calved March 7, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold March 1, 1883, to E. D. Hicks, Nash- viUe, Tenn. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Dolly 1005, by Chenango 390. 2372 LONGFELLOAY. C'alved March 17, 1882, Bved by Truman Baker, Earl- BULLS. 59 viUe, N. Y. Sold March 8, 1883, to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. Sold April 9, 1883, to Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Edith 1047, by Chenango 390. 2373 RED KING. Calved April 14, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Fairy 1174, by Genesee 2d 616. 2374 STRANGER. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La, By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Extra 4567, by Litchfield 789, 2d Dam Fancy 1222, by Mohawk 872. 2375 UPROAR. Calved July 19, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Lizzie 3257, by Lord Nelson 800. 2376 BAR-MENTOR. Calved Oct. 8, 1882. Bred by J. C. Alward & Son, Pataskala, O. By Mentor 1839, Dam Shirley Dare 2515, by Jenny's Climax 731. 2377 WAITSFIELD. Calved March 1, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Yt. Sold Aug. 29, 1882, to Jno. P. Fish, Chelsea, Yt. By Gem's Duke 1401, Dam Beauty 8th 2957, by Fairy's Duke 550. 2378 BILL PURITAN. Calved Dec. 23, 1881. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, LTnion Deposit, Pa. Sold Feb. 6, 1883, to Andrew Ross, Burrell, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Starlight 3925, by The President 137, 60 BULLS. 2379 EVENING STAR. Calved April 19, 1881. Bred by Simon Enierick, Alex- andersville, O. By Morning Star 1373, Dam Iris 1.V21), by Marylander 841. 2380 CALCULATION. Calved Eeb. 11, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Maggie 3026, by The President 137. 2381 WASHINGTON. Calved Oct. 4, 1874. Bred by J. S. Titus, AVashington Depot, Ct. By Bethel 299, Dam Rose 2441, by Wara- maug 1214. 2382 SWEEPSTAKES. Calved April, 1878. Bred by G. F. Hotchkiss, Bristol, Ct. Sold Sept. 1881, to Stanley Griswold, Torringford, Ct. Sold Oct. 1, 1883, to W. L. Durand, of the same place. By Washington 2381, Dam Gem 4587, by Shep- aug 1115, 2d Dam Victoria 3d 2662, by Holkham 690. 2383 BUTTER BOY. Calved May 20, 1880. Bred by Powell Bros., Sprhig- boro, Pa. Calved the property of J. W. Dobbs, A^ ur- temburg. Pa. Sold June 23, 1880, to Jas. Porter, Por- tersville. Pa. By King William 769, Dam Hattie 4242, by Nero 2160. 2384 HUGH BELDEN. Calved May 28, 1880. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro, Pa. Calved the property of J. W. Dobbs, A\ ur- temburg. Pa. By King William 769, Dam Maggie 4247, by Nero 2160. 2385 LEATHER STOCKINGS. Calved March 18, 1882. Bred by H. W. C^alkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Lena 2996, by John 747. BULLS. 61 2386 FOLENGO. Calved Jan. 24, 1883. Bred by Ward Parker, E-eed's Ferry, N. H. Sold March 17, 1883, to Henry J. Wilson, Milford, N. H. By Uncas 2d 2206, Dam Lily A. 2d 4191, by Forester 2d 568. ASS{ WIGGINS. Calved Oct. 8, 1882. Bred by D. & J. Banker Franklin Forks, Pa. Sold March 13, 1883, to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Bright Promise 3d 3263, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. AiiSS BACHELOK. Calved Oct. 1882. Bred by James Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Nemophilla 3d 2141, by Jack 72L 2389 PRINCIPAL. Calved May 27, 1882. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold June 12, 1882, to J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. Sold March 12, 1884, to Geo. Woolcut, of the same place. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Belle 8th 3247, by Prince of Wales 151. 2390 DUKE WOODBURY. Calved March 28, 1882. Bred by O. E. Cartwright, Woodbury, Ct. Sold Feb 22, 1883, to S. L. Sutliff, Thomaston, Ct. By Woodward 1254, Dam Jenny Lind 3607, by Holkham (Y.) 691. 239i PEDRO ALL Calved April 23, 1876. Bred by Hiram D. Runyan, Disco, Mich. By Inkerman 714, Dam Dora 1015, by Prince ot the West 992. 2392 OVERSEER. Calved April 12, 1880. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Feb. 28, 1881, to John Preston, Pleasant, Mich. By Macomb 810, Dam Nelly 2d 3774, by Arrow- head 255. 62 BULLS. 2393 STEWARD. Calved April 16, 1882. Bred by John Preston, Pleas- ant, Mich. By Overseer 2392, Dam Mabel May 4604, by Pedro Ali 2391, 2d Dam Lena Lass 4603, by Arrow- head 255,3d Dam Dora 1015 by Prince of the West 992. 2394 EMPEROR. Calved May 15, 1858. Bred by J. Ballard & Sons, Niles, Mich. By Major 826, Dam Curly 901, by Coke 402. 2395 BILLY. Calved in 1860. Bred by J. Ballard & Sons, Niles, Mich. By Emperor 2394, Dam Betty 4609, by Coke 402, 2d Dam .Julia 1640, by Splendid 1137. 2396 TIOGA. Calved April 27, 1856. Bred by E. G. Faile, West Farms, N. Y. By Exeter 75, Dam Jenny 174, by Son of Prince Albert 186. 2397 BERRIEN. 366 H. Calved May 12, 1858. Bred by J. Ballard & Sons, Niles, Mich. By Major 826, Dam Mayflower 1991, by Coke 402. 2398 BERRIEN 2d. Calved May 4, 1860. Bred by Lucius Beach, Port Hu- ron, Mich. Died Oct. 12, 1872. By Berrien 2397, Dam Red Lady 2339, by Coke 402. 2399 ROB ROY. Calved May 12, 1867. Bred by Lucius Beach, Port Huron, Mich. Died in 1876. By Pontiac 953, Dam Beauty 4614, by Berrien 2397, 2d Dam Curly 901, by Coke 402. 2400 ROYAL AVILLIAM. Calved May 5, 1875. Bred by Lucius Beach, Port Hu- ron, Mich. Sold Oct. 20, 1875, to A. A. Siieldon, Mid- land, Midi. By Rob lioy 2399, Dam Rosahe 4611, by fetJLLS. 63 Biily 2395, 2d Dam Old Rose 46 lO, by Tiog^ 2396, 3d Dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 2401 RED CLOUD. Calved May 27, 1879. Bred by Asa A. Sheldon, Mid- land, Mich. By Royal William 2400, Dam Rosette 4612, by Berrien 2397, 2d Dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 3d Dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 4th Dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 2402 BARNEY. Calved May 12, 1877. Bred by A. A. Sheldon, Mid- land, Mich. By Royal William 2400, Dam Rosette 4612, by Berrien 2397, 2d Dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 3d Dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 4th Dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 2403 CORNISH. Calved July 16, 1882. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt. Sold Jan. 10, 1883, to Sam'l Putnam, Cornish, N. H. By Barron 1407, Dam Marilla 2799, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 2404 BEN NEVIS. Calved Feb. 25, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Sept. 1, 1882, to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold April 8, 1882, to Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Barelbot 272, Dam Eftie 3194, by Butler 357. 2405 DUKE OF APPLEDALE. Calved April 11, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold April 8, 1883, to Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Breastwork 1294, Dam FauLy 1245, by Guelph Chief 640. 2406 SAILOR. Calved July 14, 1882. Bred by John McMillen & Son, Galligher, O.; calved the property of Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold April 9, 1883, to Seth Cook, San Fran- cisco, CJal. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Posey 3162, by 64 BtTLLS. Guelph Chief 640. 2407 JEROME PURITAN. Calved Feb. 12, 1881. Bred by J. B. Ijongenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold April 7, 1883, to S. J. Shear- er, New Springfield, O. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Duchess of Dauphin 3930, by Springfield 1141. 2408 DICK PURITAN. Calved Oct. 9, 1881. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold Feb. 21, 1884, to J. M. Miller, Hick- ory, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Moiuitain Stark 3024, by The President 137. 2409 HAIL HL\WATHA. Calved March 1, 1883. Bred by Samuel H. Peck, Wa- tertown,. Ct. Sold March 13, 1883, to Henry Leaven- wort Ji, Hotchkissville, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Flaxy 4482, by Holkham 691, 2d Dam Lydia 1902, by Jerry 736. 25410 DAKOTA DAN. Calved Aug. 28, 1882. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to H. A. Rice; sold April 5, 1884, W. C. Hale, both of ColumbiLs, Miss. By Flitton 7tli 1490, Dam Jenn> Lind 9th 3870 by Frank Chapman 574. 24ii BELKNAP PRINCE. Calved April 27, 1882. Bred by J. P, Fish, Chelsea, \t Sold Sept. 11, 1882, to H. L. Philbook, Laconia, N. H. By, Jupiter 2186, Dam Juno 4302, by Bismarck 2187. 2412 PATAPSCO. o2d H. Calved No\. 1856. Bred by S. T. C. Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold to J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Norlblk 123, Dam by Eclipse 72. 2413 STONEWALL. Calved Dec, 1869. Bred by S. T. C. Broun, Sykes\ille, Md. Sold May 1, 1870, to J. E. Sisson 6c Son, Roney's BULLS. 6^ Point, W. Va. By Freedom .381, Dam Effie Taylor 1058, by Dick Taylor 47. 2414 LONE STAR. Calved April, 1874:. Bred by S. T. C. Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold July 15. 1875, to John E. Sisson & Son, Honey's Point, W. Va. By Defiance 452, Dam Ida Taylor 1518, by Dick Taylor -17. 2415 PATAPSCO 2d. Calved April, 1861. Bred by R. H. Wilson, Wheeling, W. Ya., (late ot Mayview, Mo.) Sold to J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Patapsco 2412, Dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 2416 WHEELING. Calved April, 1880. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold April 30, 1881, to J. E. Sisson & Son, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Samuel J. Tilden 1102, Dam Lady Grace 1732, by The President 137. 2417 LIBERAL. Calved Mar. 15, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Chmax U51, Dam Dot 3045, by Champion 383. 2418 DUKE CHENANGO 2d. Calved April 17, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston c^^ Son, Alton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Red Rose 2d 3944, by Billy 300. 2419 ROCCO. Calved April 23, 1882. Bred by N. A. Humphrey, Bainbridge, N. Y. Sold Oct. 27, 1883, to D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Dixon 1830, Dam Early Bird 3766, by Golddust 1885. 2420 MY BOY. Calved March, 1881. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du- Lac, Wis. Sold Oct. 1, 1881, to D. H. Hillman, Bran- 66 BULLS. don, Wis. Sold Jan. 4, 1883, to E. L. Ruiials, Ripon, Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Mrs. Devon 4664, by Rowley 'id 1()8(), 2d Dam Blossom 711, by Carter, 371. 2421 CAPTAIN MORRIS. Calved June 2, 1882. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 1st 2457, by Bloomtield 313. 2422 PROMISE PRINCE. Calved March 27, 1883. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Franklin Forks, Pa. Sold May 10, 1883, to Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Bright Promise 724, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2423 ZIB. Calved April 1, 1880. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Sold Oct. 1, 1880, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Cherry 3d 813, by Mohawk 872. 2424 BILLY CRAWFORD. Calved July 5, 1882. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O, Sold April 21, 1883, to Joseph Buttruff, Bowling Green, O. By Stanley 1854, Dam Lady Craw- ford 3681, by Red Cloud 2d 1435. 2425 SALONA KING. Calved Oct. 2, 1881. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa.; calved the property of W. S. Smoot, Lang- ley, Va. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Fancy 3028, by The President 137. 2426 MAJOR DANIELS. Calved March 5, 1882. Bred by W. S. Smoot, Langley, Va. By Bloomtield 3d 1783, Dam Ella L. 3781, by The President 137, BULLS. 67 2427 DUKE OF LANGLEY. Calved Nov. 21, 1882. Bred by W. S. Smoot, Langley, Va. By Bloorafield 3d 1783, Dam Fancy 3028, by The President 137. 2428 LORD BALTIMORE. Calved March 9, 1883. Bred by W. S. Smoot, Langley, Va. Sold May 9, 1884, to G. W. Shafer, Utica Mills, Md. By Bloomfield 3d 1783, Dam Minnie 3780, by Springfield 1141. 2429 BABY CHARLES. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hus- tisford, Wis. Sold Aug. 31, 1883, to H. J. Shoemaker, Minneapolis, Minn. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Devon- shire Lass 2753, by Buckeye 352. 2430 STEENIE. Calved April 25, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis. Sold Aug. 29, 1883, to R. C. Judson, Farm- ington, Minn. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam M. L. I. 2756, by Buckeye 352. 2431 BENEDICT F. Calved Jan. 17, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to Gnstave A. Breaux, New Orleans, La. By Barefoot 272, Dam Nina 2152, by Stout 1155. 2432 CALVIN. Calved Dec. 17, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to Henry C. Ryder, Spanker, O. By Bishop 1450, Dam Rose 3037, by Bar- ley 275. 2433 PHARAOH. Calved Nov. 23, 1881. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- towii, Q.j calved the property of Samuel Turner, Troy, 68 BULLS. O. Sold Aug. 22, 1882, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold March 2, 1883, to Henry Ingram, Wyoming, 111. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Zilpha 2740, by Elgin 531. 2434 BUCEPHALUS. Calved May 15, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Feb. 22, 1883, to W. E. Higgins, Melt- zer, Ind, By Barefoot 272, Dam Rosa 2386, by Grant 2d 637. 2435 NEWBURY. Calved June 14, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1883, to J. N. Shellebarger, Cov- ington, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Dora 1018, by Prince of Lapeer 989. 2436 MIAMI. Calved March 14, 1883. Bred by Thomas D. Lewis, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 2, 1884, to D. J. Whitmore, of the same place. Sold Jan. 3, 1884, to Samuel H. Moore, Huntsville, Ala. By Barefoot 272, Dam Blanche 3192, by Butler 357. 2437 GENERAL GOFF. Calved Aug. 25, 1882. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold Sept. 25, 1883, to John M. Bell, Coon Island, Pa. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Alace 4650, by Lone Star 2414, 2d Dam Dumpling 4648 by Patapsco 2412, 3d Dam Betty Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 4th Dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 2438 EMINENT. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Alton, N. Y. Sold Jan. 30, 1884, to Chester Benedict, Coventryville, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Dora 3928, by Andrew Jackson 2017. 2439 WORTH. Calved May 17, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, BULLS. 69 Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Fannie J. 3945, by Billy 300. 2440 CARLO. Calved May 20, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y.; calved the property of Jas. Buckingham, Zanesville, O. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Edith 3d 1049, by Genesee 2d 616. 2441 COUNT AFTON. Calved May 23, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Queen of May 5th 3702, by Candy 2d 364. 2442 • OSCAR WILDE. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Helena 7th 1472, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 2443 HELPFUL. Calved May 2, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Columbus, Miss. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Dory 3d 1025, by Frank Baker 572. 2444 BETHANY. Calved May 7, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to W. C. Hale, Columbus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Mc Arthur's Helena 4th 2912, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 2445 FELLOWSHIP. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. By Alexander Rex 2323, Dam Helena 34th 1440, by Iroquois 716. 2446 CITIZEN. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East to BULLg. Bethany, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1885^ td H. A. Rice; sold April 5, 1884, to J. S. Billups, both of Columbus, Miss. By Willard 2052, Dam Cherry 2d 812, by Frank Baker 572. 2447 DON. Calved June 16, 1881. Bred by M. W. Oliver, Spring- boro. Pa. Sold Nov. 1881, to M. B. Thayer, Linesville, Pa. By Brant 1344, Dam Belle of Oneida 2882, by Doctor 462. 2448 Sm WALTER DON. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by M. B. Thayer, Linesville, Pa. Sold June 4, 1883, to E. E. Lee, Richmond Center, O. By Don 2447, Dam Moilie 4238, by Baronet 2162. 2449 FINE FREDRIC. Calved March 10, 1883. Bred by T. C. Peacock, Har- risville, Ind. Sold May 28, 1883, to W. E. Shultz, of the same place. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Emma 1087, by Grant 2d 637. 2450 CARADOC. Calved Feb. 16, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 9, 1883, to W. W. Garth, Huntsville, Ala. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Cherry 3745, by Archer 1868. 2461 SARPEDON. Calved March 2, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Sally Watson 2496, by Sterling Price 1151. 2452 LOCOFOCO. Calved Mar. 9, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lovely 25th 1881, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 2453 BUDDHA. Calved March 17, 1883. Bred bv E. D. Hicks, Nash- fetJLLS. tl Viile, Tenh. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Beauty 8739, by Patterson 1867. 2454 CAMBYSES. Calved March 21, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 1798, Dam Ceres 3746, by Robin 163. 2455 LANCER. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. Sold Nov. 6, 1883, to G. W. Delbridge, Oxford, Miss. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lady Bird 3491, by Litchfield 789. 2456 DALGARNO. Calved May 26, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 24, 1883, to W. C. Hale, Columbus, Miss. By Elgin 1798, Dam Daisy 5th 3303, by Lord Nelson 800. 2457 DALGETTY. Calved May 22, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 24, 1883, to Willis Banks, Columbus, Miss. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Damsel 3749, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2458 PRINCE JOHN H. Calved April 12, 1880. Bred by J. S. Titus, Washing- ton Depot, Ct. Sold Sept. 17, 1880, to Jos. Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Nellie 2d 4128, by Hollister 693. 2459 PRINCE OF DEVONS. Calved Oct. 2, 1881. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 2460 PRINCE TAURUS. Calved Jan. 19, 1883. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Whales 20th 1395, Dam !t^ fitttLS. Edith 16th 4709, by Crown Prince 434, 2d Dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 2461 BRAVO HILTON. Calved Feb. 1, 1883. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 6th 1044, by Prince ot Wales 151. 2462 DUKE OF WOODSTOCK. 1188. Calved Mar. 28, 1879. Bred by John F. Hibbard, West Woodstock, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. 2463 HUGO 2d. Calved Jan. 28, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J. Hutchin- son, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 24th 1880, by Red Jacket 1033. 2464 MARGRAVE. Calved Feb. 22, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J. Hutchin- son, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Wanda 3d 3769, by Burnett 1648. 2465 ENOBARBUS. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. By Independence 713, Dam Helena 53d 3985, by Burnett 1648. 2466 EROS. Calved June 4, 1883. Bred by W^m. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, •Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lady Elgin 8th 3770, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2467 MENAS. Calved June 6, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 33d .3767, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. BULLS. 73 2468 TOM BLOSSUM. Calved April 2, 1883. Bred by Hiram Barse, Parker, Dak. By Duke of Avon 7th 2111, Dam Pink 5th 4211, by Duke 3d 1751. 2469 DAKOTA JIM. Calved May 22, 1883. Bred by Hiram Barse, Parker, Dak. By Duke of Avon 7th 2111, Dam Curly Princess 4210, by Curly Boy 2144. 2470 WINOOSKI PRINCE 3d. Calved Dec. 17, 1883. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Queen 2312, by Sam 1095. 2471 TRUE BRITON. Calved May 14, 1881. Bred by W. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold Nov. 6, 1881, to A. W. Rumsey, Westfield, N. Y.; sold Oct. 25, 1883, to Rumsey Bros., of the same place. By Jones' Prince of Wales 751 1, Dam Rose of May 2465, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2472 ERIC REX. Calved May 25, 1883. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Lena 3110, by Dandy 448. 2473 . CLARENCE. Calved June 15, 1883. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, Ohio. By Othello 1520, Dam Lida 3108, by Dandy 448. 2474 EARL OF WARWICK. Calved June 16, 1883. Bred by I. W. Putnam Rock- land, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Ruth 4156, by Homer 1325. 2475 VICTOR BRUCE. Calved Jan. 1883. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md, Sold March, 1883, to R. B, Massey, Mt. Holly, 74 BULLS. Va. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Lucy Price 4755, by Defiance 452, 2d Dam Betsy Price 4754, by Sterling- Price 1151, 3d Dam, by Dick Taylor 47. 2476 SPRINGVALE. Calved May 12, 1882. Bred by F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Madge 1909, by Admiral 239. 2477 COMET BILLY. Calved March 27, 1881. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Billy Boy 1345, Dam Lovely 28th 2884, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2478 DYER'S BPITTON. Calved March 18, 1883. Bred by L. W. Dyer, Jeffer- son, N. Y. By Britton 1420, Dam Netty 3186, -by Candy 2d 364. 2479 COLONEL GEORGE. Calved May 21, 1883. Bred by Winthrop Dyer 2d, Jef- ferson, N. Y. By Britton 1420, Dam Daisy 2d 3728, by Candy 2d 364. 2480 KENDALL. Calved July 4, 1871. Bred by R. G. Kendall, Twy- man's Store, Va. By Bismark 308, Dam Cherry 815, by Duke of Hanover 508. 2481 POTOMAC BOY. Calved April 12, 1881. Bred by Dillard & Graves, Lahore, Ya. By Pamunkey 1368, Dam Imogene 2786, by Hudson 699. 2482 BUCKINGHAM. Calved Aprd 20, 1881. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. Sold Nov. 10, 1882, to Henry Wilson, Belaire, Md. By Pamunkey 136S, D^ju Nemophilla 6th 2781, by Hudson 699, BULLS. 75 2483 FRANKENSTEIN. Calved Jan. 10, 1883. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Lady Kate 1752, by The President 137. 2484 HOOSIER BOY. Calved June 28, 1883. Bred by Jas. L. Crawford, Oakland City, Ind. By Bastion 2d 1856, Dam Lady Viola 3975, by Grant 2d 637. 2485 JACK HAYES. Calved May 6, 1882. Bred by Wilber Estes, Garratts- ville, N. Y. By Colonel 1764, Dam Eva 3266, by Gen- esee 3d 617. 2486 CHARLIE FOSTER. Calved May 4, 1883. Bred by J. W. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O. By Cole's Perfection 1369, Dam Narcissus 3889, by Barrister 281. 2487 LOVELACE. Calved June 2, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold AprH 21, 1884, to W. W. Berry, of the same place. By Paladin 1905, Dam Lola 3640, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2488 CLINKER. Calved June 4, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Cerito 3752, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2489 DAIMIO. Calved June 7, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Daisy 3740, by Patter- son 1867. 2490 PANURGE. Calved June 9, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Pansy 3608, by Litch- field 789. 76 BULLS. 2491 LOKMAN. Calved June 14, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lotta 2943, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2492 KEOSAUQUA. Calved April 4, 1883. Bred by Jas. C. Slater, Linneus, Mo. By Jerry 1525, Dam Ella Bell 3541, by Honesty 696. 2493 TRIM TIGER. Calved March 25, 1879. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Candy 2d 364, Dam Queen of Clover- deU 2316 by Otsego 1st 929. 2494 lAGO. Calved March 30, 1881. Bred by C. E. Davis, Spring- viUe, Pa. Sold Feb. 27, 1882, to F. H. Bunnell, South Montrose, Pa. By General Grant 1918, Dam Rosabelle 4784, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000, 2d Dam Rose of Baltimore 1st, 2457, by Eclipse 72. 2495 ORANGE. Calved Jan. 13, 1883. Bred by R. K. Payne, Parkman, O. Sold Sept. 21, 1883, to Wm. May, Austintown, O. By Cyrus 1860, Dam Jennie 3731, by Dandy 446. 2496 ROBERT SYDENHAM. Calved Jan. 10, 1883. Bred by D. T. Newton, Bridge- water, Dak. Sold Aug. 22, 1883, to M. N. Gillett, of the same place. By Dane Boy 2020, Dam Mollie 3134, by Earl of Sydenham 521. 2497 BERRY. Calved Oct. 16, 1881. Bred by Jno. Blake, Whipple, O. Sold Nov. 2, 1881, to Pemberton Palmer, of the same place. By ChaUenge 378, Dam BeUe 622, by Jack 721. 2498 EASTERN LAD. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, BULLS. 77 Whipple, O. By Garfield P. P. 2082, Dam Molly 2d 3064 by Baron 278. 2499 HALPAH. Calved March 29, 1883. Bred by Pembertoii Palmer, Whipple, O. By Garfield P. P. 2082, Dam Cherry 3d 826, by Dan Baker 444. 2500 BREEZY B. Calved June 15, 1883. Bred by P. Palmer, Whipple, O. By Baron 278, Dam Queen 2313, by Hudson 699. 2501 VERMONT CHIEF. Calved Feb 23, 1883. Bred by J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. Sold June 23, 1883, to Jno. W. Haines, Fort Fairfield, Me. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Venus 4304, by Vermont 2188. 2502 HINDO. Calved June 15, 1883. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold Dec. 18, 1883, to C. Pence, Pleas- antville, O. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Alace 4650, by Patapsco 2412, 2d Dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 3d Dam Betty Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 4th Dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 2503 CONSTANT. Calved July 5, 1883. Bred by G. R. HiU, Oxford, Miss. Sold March 29, 1884, to Isom & Petrie, of the same place. By Sam Weller 1884, Dam Ruth 3778, by Duke Darlington 1336. 2504 CROWNER. Calved Feb. 27, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold May 24, 1883, to J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y.; sold June 21, 1883, to Jas. Knes- kein, CarUsle, N. Y. By Willard 2052, Dam Fairy 1174, by Genesee 2d 616. 78 BtJULS. 2506 COLORIFIC. Calved April 4, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Bloom 3d 700, by Mohawk 872. 2506 CARTRIDGE. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold May 24, 1883, to J. A. Pomeroy, Sid- ney Center, N. Y.; sold Feb. 5, 1884, to Fred T. Pom- eroy, of same place. By Willard 2052, Dam Mina 3249, by Empire 538. 2507 CANTER. Calved May 2, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Victoria 2d a. 2670, by Mohawk 872. 2508 CONVERS. Calved Aug. 17, 188.S. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Clifton Belle 3433, by Bodine 324. 2509 CRATER. Calved June 2, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y.; calved the property of J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Cen- tre, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Crescent 4007, by Litchfield 789. 2510 COMPULSORY. Calved July 15, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Gipsy 1383, by Genesee 2d 616. 2511 COMPLETE. Calved July 21, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Vernon Lord 2243, Dam Jenny Lind 7th 1576, by Mohawk 872. 2512 ALAMANCE. Calved May 30, 1882. Bred by L. Banks 1 loU, Graham, feULLS. 7^ N. C. Sold Oct. 18, 1882, to Wm. Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. By Puritan Lad 1630, Dam Helena 5th 3079, by Candy 363. 2513 HONOR BRIGHT. Calved July 6, 1883. Bred by E. T. & H. W. Doney, Jackson, Mich. By Duke of Flitton 148i, Dam Nancy 4th 3675, by Macomb 810. 2514 VALLEY HUNTER. Calved April 21, 1 880. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. Sold June, 1880, to John F. Hunter, South Montrose, Pa. By Litchfield 789, Dam Belle of Spring- ville 3896, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 2515 SCHULTZ. Calved March 19, 1883. Bred by AV. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold April 24, 1883, to Bernard Dors- heimer, Schultzville, Pa. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Rose of May 2465, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2516 KNIGHT TEMPLAR. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Pet 3800, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 2517. . CATCH ME. Calved April 1 2, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Myra 3368, by Litchfield 789. 2518 CLAN NELSON. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. Sold April 7, 1884, to Ventress Bros., Wood- ville. Miss. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Extra 4567, by Litchfield 789, 2d Dam Fancy 1222, by Mohawk 872. 80 BULLS. 2519 CAXTON. Calved April 26, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N, Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Pet 3213, by Litchfield 789. 2520 CONSTABLE. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earhille, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Etta 3277, by Litchfield 789. 2521 CHECKMATE. Calved June 1, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. Sold May 16, 1881, to Mrs. A. L. Van Eaton, Woodville, Miss. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Lizzie 3257, by Lord Nelson 800. 2522 ELECT. Calved Spring of 1880. Bred by Rollin Gleason, Ben- son, Vt. Sold Dec. 3, 1880, to Samuel Putnam, Cornish, N. H. By Pepin 910, Dam Fairy 37th 1155, by Pemi- gewassett 937. 2523 BEN BUTLER. Calved April 13, 1883. Bred by Samuel Putnam, Corn- ish, N. n. By Jockey 2076, Dam Chosen 1812, by Pe- pin 910, 2d Dam Gem 3d 1351, by Sardanapalus 1106. 2524 DUKE WORCESTER. Calved June 10, 1877. Bred by Wm. Eames, AVorcester, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 18 16, by Bloom- field (Y) 311, 2d Dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 2525 BELVIDERE. Calved June 28, 1880. Bred by Wm. Eames, Worces- ter, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 1816, by Bloomfield (Y) 3U, 2d Dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. BULLS. 81 2526 PUT-IN-BAY. Calved June 16, 1883. Bred by Oliver H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Rose 22d 2846, by Duke of Hampden 6th 507. 2527 TULLIE S. Calved Jan. 2, 1883. Bred by J. J. ScarfF & Son, New Carlisle, O.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Oct. 5, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Dexter 1842, Dam Gracie Scarff 4679, by Dexter 1842, 2d Dam Maggie 3528, by Ba- tavia 284. 2528 YOUNG ALBERT. Calved in 1853. Bred by S. & L. Hurlbut, Winchester, Ct. Sold to Orrin Prichard, Springville, Pa. (Full broth- er to Albert Jr. 242). By Albert 6, Dam, by Bloom- field 310. 2529 ATTICA BOY. Calved May 12, 1^83. Bred by George Chick, Attica, N. Y. By McCloskey 1624, Dam Lady Elgin 7th 3319, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2530 ASCUTNEY BOY. Calved April 14, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt.; calved the property of D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Pink E. H. 4070, Pepin 940. 2531 GULDEN. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt.; calved the property of D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Beauty 7th 578, by Sar- danapalus 1106. 2532 PASCO. Calved Jan. 6, 1882. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Coplay, Pa. By Whitehall 1537. Dam Phoebe 4828, by Duke 82 BULLS. of Lehigh 509, 2d Dam Laura 2d 4827, hy Ole Bull 921, 3d Dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. 2533 CHICAGO. Calved March 1, 1883. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Car- lisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Kate 4522, by Wah- bah-nis 1209, 2d Dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 2534 LITTLE BBAT. Calved March 19, 1883. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Oct. 22, 1883, to J. C. Hansom, New London, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 2535 BILLY BRATTON. Calved March 26, 1883. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lilly 1830,- by Prince of Lapeer 2d 990. 2536 COLORADO. Calved April 3, 1883. Bred by C. F. Elliott & Bro., Bell Brook, O.; calved the property of J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Walter 1370. Dam Netty 2148, by Grant 2d 637. 2537 COMPTROLLER. Calved Aprtl 30, 1883. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Rose 2442, by Wah- bah-nis 1209. 2538 BILL. Calved March 28, 1883. Bred by T. M. Harvell, Am- herst, N. H. By General Stark 613, Dam Lily A. 3457, by Fremont 585. 2539 BEN BOLT. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by T. M. HarveU, Amherst, N. H. By General Stark 613, Dam Rhoda 2373, by Fremont 585. BULLS. 83 2540 McDonald. Calved Feb. 22, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse, Verona, Wis. By Triumph 2d 1779, Dam Gipsy 3057, by Belty 2d 292. 2541 VILAS. Calved March 31, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Jennie June 1554, by Earl of Sydenham 521. 2542 CONANT. Calved July 23, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Carlos 2013, Dam Jewell 3056, by Belty 2d 292. 2543 LORD PENRHYN. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold May 26, 1883, to Elisha Strickland, Springville, Pa. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Fairfield Bloome 3000, by Helena's Huron 8th 663. 2544 BIG WACHUSETT. Calved Oct. 20, 1882. Bred by N. B. Reed, Princeton, Mass. By Merrimac 2d 1970, Dam Lucy Bly 3533, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 2545 PUNCH. Calved Aug. 20, 1883. Bred by Jno. M. Miller, Hick- ory, Pa. Sold Nov 22, 1883, to Robert Mackey, Youngs- town, O. By Hartland 1510, Dam Lena 3051, by Bar- rister 281. 2546 WILLETT. Calved March 22, 1883. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. Sold June 30, 1883, to B. H. Loomis, Willett, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Hulda 1505, by Madison 812. 2547 TRIM TELEGRAPH. Calved June 7, 1883. Bred by W. D. Mc Arthur, Le 84 BULLS. Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y.; sold June 12, 1884, to Lucian J. Lewis, Copenhagen, N. Y. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Mrs. Helena 4857, by LeRoy 780, 2d Dam Helena 44th 1449 by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 2548 TELEPHONE. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N.Y. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Mc Arthur's Helena 3d 3654, by Duke ot Flitton 9th 66. 2549 SMUGGLER. Calved May 28, 1883. Bred by F. D. Beck, Bethany, W. Va. By Bar-Bodine 1893, Dam Rena 3d 2363, by Marylander 841. 2550 CAREER. Calved April 2, 1883. Bredby Jno. Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Comet Billy 2477, Dam Bloome 2d 2883, by Grant 638. 2551 BOLTAMORE. Calved March 13, 1882. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold Sept. 16, 1882, to E. T. Finch, Cannonsville, N. Y.; sold Feb. 2, 1884, to S. E. Holmes, Rock Rift, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Candy Girl 3184 by Candy 2d 364. ' 2552 ORONTO. Calved Jan. 2, 1881. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold in the fall of 1881, to Owen Clover, Alton, O. By Challenge 378, Dam Belle Helena 9th 645, by Breast- plate 341. 2553 WIT. Calved March 2, 1881. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. Sold Oct. 10, 1881, to Allen B. Smith, Mor- ristown, Vt. By Bertram 1397, Dam Beauty 4th 575, by Benson 297. BULLS. 85 2554 MICHIGAN. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by Mrs. D. R. Bixby, Disco, Mich. By Shelby Boy 1269, Dam Verona 2851, by Eric 540. 2555 TUCKER. Calved Dec. 20, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura Z. 4535 by Dexter 1842, 2d Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 2556 PRINCE MICKEL. Calved Jan. 17, 1881. Bred by Jos. Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. Sold April 23, 1882, to Tobias Mickel, Warnerville, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 6th 1044, by Prince of Wales 151. 2557 DUKE STERLING. Calved Dec. 9, 1880. Bred by Lyman FuUer, Utica, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Nancy Fuller 3023, by Macomb 810. 2558 YOUNGER. Calved April 22, 1882. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nelly 2d 3774, by Arrowhead 255. 2559 LITTLE JOE. Calved Feb. 12, 1883. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultur- al College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nancy Ful- ler 3023, by Macomb 810. 2560 JIM MESSMORE. Calved May 24, 1883. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. GuUy, Agricultural College, Miss. By Duke Sterling 2557, Dam Mary Ful- ler 4880, by Macomb 810, 2d Dam Nancy 2d 2094, by Megunticook 858. 86 BULLS. 2561 JIM'S BOY. Calved May 9, 1883. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Texas Jim 221 3, Dam Faultless 4345, by Livingston 1443. 2562 FISK ALEXANDER. Calved Aug. 1, 1883. Bred by W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Texas Jim 2213, Dam Lovely 29th 3321, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2563 DIAMOND CHIEF. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by James Burr, Monroe, Ct. Sold April 8, 1883, to Wm. R. Ferris, Cold Spring, Ct. By Prince Winton 1995, Dam Susie 4th 3954,^ by King's Duke 767. 2564 MUMBO JUMBO. Calved June 13, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Nancy 2096, by Carter 371. 2565 FRIEND FELIX. Calved July 21, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to J. L. Harris, St. Mathews, Ky. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam A innie Lee 2681, by Mayboy 853. 2566 HOMER HAL. Calved Aug. 7, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to J. L. Harris, St. Mathews, Ky. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Estelline 1097,byElkanah532. 2567 VICTOR OAK. Calved Jan. 25, 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Annie 2d 4113, by Sir John 1125. fitJLLS. St 2568 FRANK CUTE. Calved Aug. 15, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Cute 4171, byRochelle 1062. 2569 ROVER ROSS. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by Wm. Younger, Fair- bury, 111. By Remus 2118, Dam Lady Ross 3245, by Colonel Ryan 410. 2570 SIR GIBBIE. Calved Jan. 20, 1882. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold Sept. 6, 1883, to Frank D. Bradley, South Britain, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Beet 2d 4138, by Grant 638. 2571 YOUNG BONUS. Calved April 1, 1881. Bred by J. B. Sanborn, East Con- cord, N. H.; calved the property of H. L. Philbrook, Laconia, N. H. Sold April 1, 1881, to Orrin Clarke, Tilton, N. H. By Count Rumford 2182, Dam Beauty 596, by Pennecook 938. 2572 BAY BOY Jr. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by H. L. Philbrook, La- conia, N. H. Sold Jan. 30, 1883, to J. R. Hunkins & Son, East Tilton, N. H. By Bay Boy 286, Dam Beauty 596, by Pennecook 938. 2573 • BANKER BOY. Calved Jan. 13, 1880. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold Nov. 29, 1880, to Dr. W. B. Jones, Herndon, Ga. By Prince ol Wales 15th 1004, Dam Belle 8th 3247, by Prince of Wales 151. 2574 GOLESMITH. Calved April 1 7, 1 883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Nov. 16, 1883, to Samuel Rees, Sparta, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Cappy 2864, by Dan Baker 444. 88 BtJLLS. 2575 LOOKOUT. Calved May 7, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Oct. 15, 1883, to Uriah B. Moyer, Mt. Cory, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Molly Stark 2083, by Baltic 262. 2576 HERR HUMBOLT. Calved Aug. 16, 1881. Bred by Waldo M. Healy, Dud- ley, Mass. By Hyde's Duke 3d 706, Dam Fairy 10th E. 2976, by Bar Huron 274. 2577 CHESTERFIELD BOY. Calved May 11, 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold June 7, 1883, to T. P. Porter, Ches- terfield, Mass. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Beauty 2d 4736, by Centennial Boy 376, 2d Dam Phelps' Beauty 4153, by Cudjo 436. 2578 COLONEL HUNT. Calved April 2, 1883 Bred by L. W. Dyer, Jefferson, N. Y.; calved the property of David Stevens, of the same place. By Britton 1420, Dam Bonnah 2^79, by Fergus 556. 2579 BARKLS. Calved Dec. 2, 1882. Bred by W. R. Goddard, Ames- ville, O. By Ohio Lad 1390, Dam Fannie Ehza 4926, by Breastwork 1294, 2d Dam Fanny 1242, by Marylan- der 841. 2580 SPECULATION. Calved June 5, 1883. Bred by W. R. Goddard, Ames- ville, O. By Ohio Lad 1390, Dam Fanny 1242, by Marylander 841. 2581 BROCK BOY. Calved April 10, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O,; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Champion 383, Dam Bessy G72, by Barley 275. BULLS. 89 2582 WEALTHY. Calved July 8, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Champion 383, Dam Antic 475, by Barley 275. 2583 NED PUTNAM. Calved March 21,1 882. Bred by Samuel Putnam, Corn- ish, N. H. By Elect 2522, Dam Beauty lOth 3219, by Red Duke 1024. 2584 STANLEY OF SHADELAND. Calved May, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Duchess 2d 4243, by Baronet 2162. 2585 NAHABED 2d. Calved March 15, 1882. Bred by E,. N. Francis, West Hartford, Ct. Sold Sept. 13, 1883, to J. M. Foote, of the same place. Sold Dec. 12, 1883, to Wm. G. French, Watertown, Ct. By Nahabed 2063, Dam Devon Girl 3398, by Ralph 1425. 2586 NERO OF SHADELAND. Calved April 12, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros. Spring- boro. Pa, By Kmg William 769, Dam Queen 4237, by Nero 2160. 2587 HEROD OF SHADELAND. Calved May, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Ida 4254, by King William 769. 2588 JUPITER OF SHADELAND. Calved May 4, 1883. Bred by Powel Bros., Springboro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Empress 4234, by Empire 6th 1817. 2589 ROVER OF SHADELAND. Calved May 28, 1883, Bred by PoweU Bros., Spring- 90 BULLS. boro, Pa. By King William 169, Dam Duchess 2d 4243, by Baronet 2162. 2590 SAGITO. Calved Dec. 19, 1882. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O.; calved the property of A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold April 2, 1883, to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. ByTecumseh 1167, Dam Belle Helena 11th 2783, by Hudson 699. 2591 OHIO DUKE. Calved May 13, 1882. Bred by .J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O.; calved the property of A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Oct. 14, 1882, to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. Sold Dec. 1, 1883, to C. W. Mills, Co- lumbus, Miss. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Nemophilla 7th 2784, by Hudson 699. 2592 MARK TWAIN. Calved March 31, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold Sept. 10, 1883, to C. R. Robert, Oak- dale, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Pawpaw 4948, by Buckeye 2d 351, 2d Dam Lovely 18th 1875, by Exeter (Y) 546. 2593 TIDAL WAVE. Calved March 12, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Torringford, Ct.; calved the property of Jonathan Hoag, Tomhannock, N. Y. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Susy 4145, by Lord Lovell 797. 2593i TRIUMPH. Calved Jan. 12, 1883. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La.; sold July 1, 1883, to Chas. E. Percy, of the same place. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Ruby 3747, by Hobin 163. BULLS. 91 2594 WESTMORELAND. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. Sold July 25, 1883, to Thomas Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Pearl 3748, by Robin 163. 2595 QUILL. Calved Aug. 8, 1883. Bred by H. Dane, Woodland, Wis. Sold Aug. 10, 1883, to Chas. Betz, Huelsburch, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Betsy 3d 674, by Row- ley 2d 1079. 2596 LONG TOM. Calved April 25, 1882. Bred by W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Sold Oct. 31, 1882, to A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. By Livingston 1443, Dam Lovely 29th 3321, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2597 JUNO SUTTON. Calved June 27, 1883. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass. Sold Sept. 28, 1883, to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt; sold Nov. 20, 1883, to Samuel Putnam, Cornish, N. H. By Kentucky 1972, Dam Beauty 15th 3864, by Comet (Y) 2d 416. 2598 JACK CLARK. Calved May 18, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Bishop 1450, Dam Alida 3043 by Cham- pion 383. 2599 READ COAT. Calved June 25, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Active 399, by Grant 636. 2600 POLICEMAN. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, 0.; sold April 10, 1884, to J. E. Clark, Fort 92 BULLS. Branch, Ind. By Climax 1451, Dam Alida 3043, by Champion 383. 2601 DICK DAISY. Calved May 23, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bovvlus- ville, O. By Champion- 383, Dam Daisy 3041, by Champion 383. 2602 BIG BOLIVAR. Calved May 25, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Alice 426, by Barley 275. 2603 DEE JAY. Calved July 23, 1 883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlnsville, O. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore,Casstown,0. By Champion 383, Dam Ida 3046, by Bright Eyes 344. 2604 EXTREME. Calved July 24, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Champion 383, Dam Adelaide 3036, by Barley 275. 2606 OGLE. Calved Nov. 25, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Clara Keokuk 4460, by Keokuk 763, 2d dam Clara 3d 3292, by Samp- son 1099. 2606 CHAMPION CAP. Calved Dec. 19, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Princess 5th 3552, by Bruce 348. 2607 GRANGER GIFT. Calved Oct. 18, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. Sold Sept. 10, 1883, to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By Billy 2147, Dam Melody 2015, by Prince Arthur 980. BULLS. 93 2608 SPLENDOUR. Calved March 13, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Beauty 3d 599, by Sampson 1099. 2609 HIGH HOPE. Calved April 8, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Pmk 3d 3545, by Duke Alexis 482. 2610 COLUMBIAD. Calved Aug. 5, 1883. Bred by J. C. Alward & Son, Pataskala, O. By Mentor 1839, Dam Shirley Dare 2515, by Jenny's Climax 731. 2611 DUKE RIVERSIDE. Calved July 4, 1883. Bred by G. J. Martin, East Providence, R. I. By Chocorua 2328, Dam Wildfiower 3880, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506. 2612 CHARLESTON. Calved Aug. 5, 1883. Bred by G. J. Martin, East Providence, R. I. Sold Oct. 13, 1883, to N. B. & Geo. C. Hazard, Charleston, R. I. By Chocorua 2328, Dam Rose 6th 3233, by Reed's Fazio 1043. 2613 RECORD. Calved June 10, 1879. Bred by J. H. & T.T. Johnson, Orange, C H., Va. Sold Oct. 10, 1879, to C. J. Stoner, Liberty MiUs, Va. By El Dorado 529, Dam Sunnyside 4979, by Bismark 308, 2d Dam Fantine 1254, by Roa- noke 1054. 2614 PRINCE OF ORANGE. Calved March 10, 1880. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange, C. H., Va. By El Dorado 529, Dam Princess Anna 3386 by Duke of Chfton 489. 2615 DEFENDER. Calved Aug. 20, 1883. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, 94 BULLS. Orange. C. H., Va. Sold Oct. 8, 1883. to Thos. Love- lock, Gordons ville, Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Fantell 2d 4980, by El Dorado 529, 2d Dam Fan- teU 3387. by Duke of ciifton 489. 2616 ' , GOLD DUST. Calved Oct. 1883. Bred by J. AA'. Moase, Pleasant Mount, Pa. Sold Oct. 10, 1883, to J P. Royce, Mon- gaup Vallev. X. Y. By Comet Billy 2477 Dam Willow Maid 3922, by Prince ot Wales 15th 1004. 2617 ST. LOUIS RED. Calved Oct. 15, 1883. Bred by K. B. Hume, Florisant, Mo. By John Randolph 751, Dam Maud 1977, by But- ler 357. 2618 GEORGIA 4th. Calved June 20, 1883. Bred by W. M. White, Cana- seraga, N. Y. Sold June 27. 1883, to Capt. A. J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Georgianna 8th 1364, by Cole's Puritan 3d 405. 2619 CAPTAIN RODNEY. Calved Sept. 1880. Bred by C. G. AMiitc, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to the Agricidtural College of Miss., at Agricultural College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Lucy 3d 3470 by Barefoot 272. 2620 SOUTHRON. Calved April, 1883. Bred by C. G. White, Lapeer, Mich, Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultur- al College, Miss. By Captain Rodney 2619, Dam Cherry of Lapeer 7th 3288, by Barefoot 272. 2621 UTICA. Calved June 20. 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Oct. 15. 1883, to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 20, 1883, to W. A. Tawse, Agricul- tural College, Miss. By Reno l()4(i. Dam Nemophilla 7th 27^4. bv Hudson 699. BtTLLS. 95 2622 STRENGTH. Calved Xov. 22, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston &Son, Afton, X. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Cleopa- tra 2d 3946, by Bloomfield 2018. 2623 HOADLEY. Calved July 26, 1«83. Bred by W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. By Ishmael 1296, Dam Jenny Brown 2d 1567, by Dandy 446. 2624 CAPUT. Calved Oct. 21, 18«2. Bred by A. Smith Stevens, New- ark, O. Sold Oct. 22, 18»3, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- to^\Ti, O. Sold Jan. 4, 1884, to C. J. Foster, Shreve- port, La. By Ishmael 1296, Dam lona 2b91 by Bar- ceha 271. 2625 RED ROBIN. Calved Oct. 27, 1882. Bred by A. Smith Stevens, New- ark, O. Sold Oct. 22, lb«3, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Ishmael 129tj, Dam Mignon 2898, by Bar-celia 271. 2626 RIDGEWAY. Calved July 15, 18^3. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le- Roy, N. Y. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Mc Arthur's He- lena 2d 3653, by Duke of Fhtton 9th 66. 2627 CALIFORNLY Calved June 7, 18b2. Bred by W. D. McArthur, LeRoy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. Sold Nov. 5, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Telegraph 1^04, Dam ^Irs. Helena 4857, by LeRoy 780, 2d Dam Helena 44th 1449, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 2628 LIGHTNING. Calved Sept. 15, 1882. Bred by White & Collins. In- 96 BtTLLS. dian Bayou, Miss. By Duke 3d 1751, Dam Princess 6th 3553, by Duke Alexis 482. 2629 TRACY B. Calved April 27, 1883. Bred by Carl Tiefenbach, Tor- ringford, Ct.; calved the property of E. B. Birge, same place. Sold March 24, 1884, to Nelson W. Kinney, North vilie, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Tracy 4048, by Lord Lovell 797. 2630 FUNDER. Calved May 15, 1878. Bred by James Murray, Sabot Island, Va. Sold Aug. 1880, to J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. By Master James 112, Dam Kate 4996, by Dehance 452, 2d Dam Kitty Price 1685, by Sterling Price 1151. 2631 CARLISLE. Calved May 25, 1883. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson. Orange C. H., Va. Sold Nov. 27, 1883, to John W. Morton, same place. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Callie 4983, by El Dorado 529, 2d Dam Fantine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 2632 NICHOLAS. Calved June 7, 1880. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Sold Dec. 1, 1880, to E. D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Belle 628, by Grant 638. 2633 ALLFOOLS. Calved April 1, 1881. Bred by J. T. McPherson, Cam- bridge, O.; sold Oct. 1881, to J. N. Cowden, ot the same place. By Buckeye 1331, Dam Fancy 1218 by Samp- son 6th 1101. 2634 FIGURE. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by W. D. AVctmore, Spring- boro, Pa.; sold Jan. 5, 1884, to Powell Bros., of same BULLS. 97 place. By King William 769, Dam Nameless 2091, by Litchfield 789. 2635 SYDENHAM. Calved April 10, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, AVis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Lady 3529, by Earl of Sydenham 521. 2636 CHARLEMAGNE. Calved Sept. 8, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Ruby N. 3939, by Belty 2d 292. 2637 LAPEER. Calved April 24, 1882. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, toF. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Nora's Arrowhead 2211, Dam Bessie 668, by Duke 478. 2638 FEBRUARY. Calved Feb. 14, 1883. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Nora's Arrowhead 2211, Dam Jen- nie Pike 3624, by Barefoot 272. 2639 GRIGSBY. Calved March 18, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. Sold Nov. 5, 1882, to E. S. Fuller, Warren, Vt. By Gem's Duke 1401 Dam Beauty 4th 575, by Benson 297. 2640 TURNER. Calved March 14, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. Sold May 31, 1882, to Henry Giddings, Fair- fax, Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Gem 1350. by Figaro 557. 2641 FARRELL. Calved Feb. 20, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- 98 BULLS. field, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Rose 8th 3074 by North Star 916. 2642 ARKANSAW. Calved June 21, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Ada 2858, by Dan Baker U4. 2643 LITCHFIELD 3d. Calved April 7, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of A. P. Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Fancy 1222, by Mohawk 872. 2644 SHADELAND PILOT. Calved July, 1883. Bred by M. W. Oliver, Springboro, Pa. Sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Powell Bros., of same place. By King William 769, Dam Belle of Oneida 2882,. by Doctor 462. 2645 DAMON. Calved June 1, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Laura 1794, by Chenango 390. 2646 NINUS. Calved Nov. 21, 1883. Bred by Edward D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Nina 3456, by Litchfield 789. 2647 INCA. Calved Dec. 1, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Inez 3406, by Litch- field 789. 2648 MALVOLIO. Calved Dec. 16, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Maryland 1960, by Sterling Price 1151. 2649 LARA. Calved Pec. 21, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, BULLS. 99 Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lady 3743, by Patter- son 1867. 2650 JAY GOULD. Calved April 23, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Queen of May 1st 2319, by Madison Chief 814. 2651 TITUS. Calved Sept. 12, 1882. Bred by J. Sherman Titus, Washington Depot, Ct. Sold April 5, 1884, to David M. Hard, Watertown, Ct. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Nellie 3d 4129, by Sam 1095. 2652 DUKE OF COLD WATER. Calved May 3, 1881. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Duke of FHtton Jr. 1487, Dam Curt 2997, by Billy 301. 2653 PETER COOPER. Calved March 15, 1883. BredbySam'l Turner, Troy,0. Sold Nov. 5, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O.; sold Nov. 13, 1883, to John Hudson, Mowequa, III By Bishop 1450, Dam Zilpha 2740, by Elgin 531. 2654 BURDINE. Calved March 17, 1883. Bred by Sam'l Turner, Troy, O. Sold Oct. 5, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O.; sold Dec. 15, 1883, to Nathan A. Day, Mt. Carmel, O. By Bishop 1450, Dam Katie 3188, by Butler 357. 2655 BURTON LEWIS. Calved Aug. 5, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Dec. 22, 1883, to L. E. Gale, Freemans- burg, W. Va. By Bishop 1450, Dam Arna 3034, by Barley 275. 2656 MAJOR DOWNING. Calved Aug. 4, 1882. Bred by V. F. Simpson, Cam- bridge, O. Sold Nov. 26, 1882, to Dr. J. T. McPherson, 100 BULLS. of same place; sold Nov. 18, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O.; sold Jan. 2, 1884, to Maj. J. li. Stevens, Huntsville, Ala. By Frank 1562, Dam Belle Simpson 3169 by St. Julien 1555. 2657 COLUMBUS BOY. Calved Sept. 4, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, HiUiard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Kataline 4157, by Homer 1325. 2658 DRUKE. Calved Nov. 30, 1883. Bred by S. J. AVoolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Belle of Belpre 649, by Hudson 699. 2659 SWIFT WATERS. Calved Dec. 7, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Lady Weldon 3244, by Challenge 378. 2660 HAUTEOR. Calved Dec. 9, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Maumee 4670, by Chal- lenge 378, 2d Dam Belle Hayes 638 by Barefoot 272. 2661 RED BEAR. Calved Dec. 13, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, HiUiard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Lady Cromwell 3243, by Challenge 378. 2662 MALUKA. Calved Dec. 18, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Emma Blake 4196, by Frank 1333. 2663 DAVID COPPERFIELD. Calved Nov. 8, 1882. Bred by L. F. Russ, Avon, III; calved the property of Henry Cowden, Biggsville, 111. By Lady May's Duke 1377, Dam Maggie Morris 1922, by Madison 811. BULLS. 101 2664 OLIVER TWIST. Calved Jan. 1, 1883. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, 111.; calved the property of Henry Cowden, Biggsville, 111. By Jerry 1525, Dam Ninetta 2d 2154, by Colonel May 409. 2665 BARNABY RUUGE. Calved March 2, 1883. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, lU.; calved the property of Henry Cowden, Biggsville, 111. By General Hancock 1951, Dam Cute 2d 3114, by Rochelle 1062. 2666 NICHOLAS NICKLEBY. Calved May 11, 1883. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, III; calved the property of Henry Cowden, Biggsville, 111. By General Hancock 1951, Dam Mina Hilton 2021, by Madison 811. 2667 PAUL DOMBEY. Calved Sept. 1, 1883. Bred by Henry Cowden, Biggs- ville, 111. Sold Dec. 21, 1883, to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By Duke of Avon 10th 2113, Dam Zephya 3724, by Shelto 2d 1114. 2668 CALAMITY. Calved Dec. 31, 1883. Bred by Henry Cowden, Biggs- ville, 111.; calved the property of W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb, By Duke of Avon 10th 2113, Dam Cute 2d 3114 by Rochelle 1062. 2669 COPTIC. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn.; calved the property of the Agricultural College, of Agricultural College, Miss. By Paladin 1905, Dam Gratitude 3755, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2670 JOHN P. 2d. Calved March 27, 1883. Bred by E. B. Dennison, Chel- sea, Vt.; calved the property of S. F. Dutton, Williams^ 102 BULLS. town, Vt. Sold Nov. 5, 1883, to Isaac A. Ormiston, Barlow, O. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Fire Fly 4326, by Vermont 2188. 2671 JOE DENNIS. Calved June 24, 1882. Bred by David Wait, WeUs Bridge, N. Y.; calved the property of Peter N. Dennis, Trout Creek, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Rosey 3704, by Delaware 1835. 2672 TOWANDA BOY. Calved June 14, 1881. Bred by Silas P. Shiner, Tow- anda. Pa. By Don Pedro 471, Dam Georgianna 9th 5064, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d Dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 2673 MONITOR S. Calved March 11, 1882. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Springville, Pa. Sold April 29, 1882, to S. P. Shiner, Towanda, Pa. By Litchfield 789, Dam Surprise 3548, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2674 SHAKER. (Mved April 15, 1878. Bred by John B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H. By Bay Boy 286, Dam Buttercup 746, by Mountain Ranger 888. 2676 MOUNTAINEER. Calved Aug. 18, 1883. Bred by E. Hungerford, Bur- lington, Vt.; calved the property of William Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Minnie 23d 3504, by Merrimac 863. 2676 OREGON. Calved Aug. 30, 1883. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington Vt.; calved the property of William Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Nelly Bly 2d 3953, by Massachusetts 2d 843. fiULLS. 103' 2677 CYNIC. Calved Dec. 29, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Candy Girl 5th 3075, by Helena's Huron 8th 663. 2678 BEHGER. Calved Oct. 25, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass-' town, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Dora 1018, by Prince of Lapeer 989. 2679 BERWICK. Calved Dec. 27, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Asteroid 2152, Dam Winnie 2700, by Butler 357. 2680 BERTRAM. Calved Jan. 27, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Asteroid 2152, Dam Effie 3194 by Butler 357. 2681 BEN ALLEN. Calved March 12, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Cold- water, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore^ Casstown, O. Sold March 6, 1884, to J. T. Collins, Macon Sta., Ala. By Duke of FHtton, Jr., 1487, Dam Jane 1538, by Prince of Meridian 991. 2682 FUNDER'S VICTORY. Calved Nov. 13, 1883. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange, C. H., Va.; calved the property of T. Lovelock, Gordonsville, Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Fantelle 3387, by Duke of Chfton 489. 2683 SUNNYSIDE. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by W. F. Chermside, Dick- son, Col. Sold May 17, 1883, to John F. Brooke, of same place. By Prince 2d 966, Dam Idol 2760, by Hudson 699. 2684 SUNRISE. Calved July 14, 1883. Bred by W. F. Chermside, Dick- 104 BULLS. son, Col. By Prince 2d 966, Dam Belle Patterson 8th 2758, by Hudson 699. 2686 JUPITER. Calved Jan. 30, 1881. Bred by I. Hancock, Wivelis- combe, Somerset, England. Sold to the Earl of Fortes- cue, (of England). By Lord Stoford (1395), Dam Jes- sie (4577), bred by Hancock. 2686 MAHCO POLO. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold April 24, 1884, to Walter E. Case, Suflleld, Ct. By Reveller 2125. Dam CJherry 3d 819, by Grant 638. 2687 GLAUCUS. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Torringtbrd, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Quiet 4140, by York 2124. 268b WEST SHORE. Calved Nov. 21, 1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Lady Hartland 1735, by Litchtield 789. 2689 BLAZE. Calved July 12, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Pnnce of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Ellie Rhea 4167, by The Marquis 1705. 2690 BETHEL 2d. Calved May 1, 1875. Bred by J. S. Titus, Washington Depot, Ct. Sold May 10, 1875, to Wm. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By Bethel 299, Dam Fanny 1240, by Prince John 3(1 986. 2691. DAN. Calved May, 1876. Bred by J. S. Titus, AVashington Depot, Ct. Sold Oct. 1, 1878, to Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Hollister 693, Dam Fanny 1240, by Prince John 3d 986. BULLS. ; 105 2692 DUPLEX. Calved March, 1882. Brod by Stanley Oris wold, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold May 8, 1882, to Wra. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By SAveepstakes 2382, Dam Beet 6()<), by Cudjo 436. 2693 REFEREE. Calved Sept. 30, 1883. Bred by David Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. By Tom's Ploy Boy 2224, Dam Maud 3713 by Bonner 1837. 2694 ERIC THE RED. Calved March 8, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C Flngg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Princess Alice 3785, by Osceola 1380. 2695 KEYSTONE. Calved Nov. 27, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold March 20, 1884, to J, J. ScarfF & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406. Dam Mountain Stark 3024, by The President 137. 2696 ELEVATOR. Calved Oct. 25, 1883. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold March 26, 1884, to J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Sold April 19, 1884, to S. M. Sheller, Claysville, Pa. By Modesty's Duke 2325, Dam Jennie 3933, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2697 BROKENSTRAW. Calved Feb. 22. 1882. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold Nov. 1, 1882, to Dwight A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N. Y. By Hamlet 1687, Dam Jessica 5126, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d Dam Lovely 18th 1875, by Exeter (Y) 546. 2698 SABLE PLUME. Calved Dec. 3, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Eva 2871, by Baron 278. 106 BULLS. 2699 COMMODORE NUT. Calved March 23, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & 8on> Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Jos. Juli- and, Bainbridge, N. Y. Sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Robert P. Barry, Warrenton, Va. By Otsego 1836, Dam Daisy 954, by Madison Chief 814, 2700 SHASTA. Calved Nov. 12, 1883. Bred by James Morris, Weaver- ville, Cal. By Blucher 1279, Dam Mayflower 4th 2752, by Governor Low 1278. 2701 BUTTE. Calved Jan. 11, 1884. Bred by James Morris, Weaver- ville, Cal. By Blucher 1279, Dam Betsy Morris 4582, by Pedro 2222, 2d Dam Anna Morris 4355, by Phil. Sheridan 2220. 2702 ROGER. Calved May 5, 1882. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis.; calved the property of D. T. Newton, Bridgewater, Dak. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Judy 3060, by Seventy Six 1109. 2703 FREELAND. Calved Jan. 28, 1881. Bred by Dr. P. E. Brush, Spring- ville. Pa. Sold Jan. 29, 1881, to Elisha Strickland, of same place; sold May 26, 1883, to Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. By Bloomfield 2d 316, Dam Prin- cess of Springville 5139, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000, 2d Dam Big Curly 2d 5138, by Young Albert 2528, 3d Dam Big Curly 5137, by Oscar 925^, 4th Dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 676|, 5th Dam a Patterson cow. 2704 HURLBERT. Calved Jan. 6, 1884. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Dutchess 4th 4256, by King William 769. BULLS. 107 2705 HAMPTON. Calved Jan. 8, 1884. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboiro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Princess 3d 42&0, by King William 769. 2706 CLIFTON. Calved June 10, 1884. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boTo, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Empress 4th 4241, by King William 769. 2707 KING ARTHUR. Calved Jan. 3, 1883. Bred by A. P. Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Cherry 5th 3274, by Lord Nelson 800. 2708 PETER L. Calved Aug. 8, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmoxe, Cass- town, O. Sold April 10, 1884, to S. A. GHbert, Cuya- hoga Falls, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Jewess 3672, by Gold 625. 2709 TWILIGHT BEN. Calved Nov., 1883. Bred by T. D. Lewis, CasstowB,0. By Bishop 1450, Dam Brenda D. 4095, by Barefoot 272. 2710 JOHNSTON. Calved Aug. 25, 1882. By M. C. Brookover, Carlwick, O. Sold June 13, 1884, to W. H. McCartney, Cam- bridge, O. By Reno 1046, Dam Elta 4160, by Boston 332. 2711 BRICK. Calved March 22, 1883. Bred by Dwight Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Sold April 13, 1883, to M. C. Dean, Falls Village, Ct. By Cornwall 2119, Dam Gem 1349, by Manitowoc 833. 2712 DELIVERANCE. Calved Nov. 8, 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Nancy 3d 3112, by Sir John 1125. 108 BULLS. 2713 CASTILE. Calved Feb. 5, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Rosy Bell 2473, by Frank Baker 572. 2714 DON CASSOCK. Calved Feb. 18, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Georgianna 6th 3085, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 2715 AMBIDEXTER. Calved Aug. 13, 1883. Bred by W. H. H. ScariF, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lotty 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 2716 HASSAN. Calved Sept. 9, 1883. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New CarUsle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Jessie 3974, 3974, by Grant 2d 637. 2717 REX JUMBO. Calved May 1, 1882. Bred by John Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. Sold Sept. 20, 1882, to J. W. Moase, of the same place. Sold March 20, 1884, to W. H. Fitze, of same place. By Candy 2d 364, Dam Bloome 2d 2883, by Grant 638. 2718 MONTEREY. Calved Oct. 6, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, C; calved the property of Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dame Rosa Baker 4363, by Joe 1563. 2719 HUDSON Jr. 1246. Calved Oct. 4, 1878. Bred by Chancy Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Hudson 700, Dam Beauty 600, by Mat- toon's Lion 849. 2720 CHASE. Calved March 27, 1883. Bred by Zenas Mallory,Ham- BULLS. 109 den, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to C. W. Chase, Lex- ington, N. Y. By Vixen 1504, Dam Elva 1079, by Mountain Star 889. 2721 CHALCO. Calved Feb. 5, 1883. Bred by Harrison Shaw, Coffey- ville, Kan. Sold Nov. 2, 1883, to Peter Edsill, of same place. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Daisy 3588, by Cassio 373. 2722 ORONOKO. Calved May 18, 1883. Bred by Harrison Shaw, Coffey- ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Cherry 3143, by Oxford 2d 933. 2723 CONRAD. Calved May 28, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey viUe, Kan.; calved the property of L. W. Simmers, of same place. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dame Ida 3144, by Oxford 2d 933. 2724 KING MONTGOMERY. Calved Aug. 6, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Adelaide 3200, by Cassio 373. 2725 NEMO. Calved Dec. 25, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Daisy 3588, by Cassio 373. 2726 SIGNAL. Calved July 8, 1883. Bred by C. F. Elliott & Bro., Bell Brook, O. By Walter 1370, Dam Helena 49th 1456, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405, 2727 FREE TRADE. Calved Feb. 19, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Alton, N. Y. Sold May 1, 1884, to H. B. Johnston & 11 Q BULLS. Bros., of the same place. By Duke Chenango 2023, Dam Queen of Cloverdell 2316, by Otsego 1st 929. 2728 ROXBURY LAD. Calved Feb. 16, 1883. Bred by G. L. Minor, Roxbury, Ct. Sold March 6, 1884, to Augustus Storrs, Mansfield, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Flora 4339, by Hudson 7()(). 2729 BUCKEYE JOHN. Calved March 16, 1883. Bred by Isaac A. Ormiston, Barlow, O. Sold June 2, 1 883, to Robert Lamb, Vin- cent Sta., O. By Othello 1520, Dam Molly 2d 3721, by Jack 1846. 2730 FAIRFIELD. Calved July 2, 1883. Bred by A. J. Day, Greenwich, N. Y. By Forest King 1828, Dam Nydia 2d 4144, .by Reveller, 2125. 2731 LEO RIX. Calved Jan. 1, 1884. Bred by Wm. Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Lady Jane 3163, by Buckeye 1331. 2732 EXTRA. Calved March 1, 1884. Bred by J. L. Crawford, Oak- land City, Ind. By Bastion 2d 1856, Dam Oakland Pink 4025, by Grant 2d 637. 2733 ORIENT. Calved April 10, 1883. Bred by Jas. E. Walker, Walk- er's Mills, Pa. By Dare 2068, Dam Jean Blake 4039, by Dan Baker 444. 2734 CORPORAL CASEY. Calved Nov. 14, 1883. Bred by Jos. Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam May Maid 4711, by Crown Prince 434, 2d Dam Editli 14th 4708, by Crown Prince 434, 3d Dam Editli 4th 1042, by Prince of Wales 151. BULLS. Ill 2735 RETAINER. Calved Jan. 2, 1884. Bred by Jos. Hiltdn, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 16th 4709, by Crown Prince 434, 2d Dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince ot Wales 151. 2736 BROCK. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Isaac Moses, Green- ville, O. Sold Nov. 13, 1883, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Mayflower Daisy 4405, by Bar- ley 2d 2070, 2d Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 2737 FORAKER. Calved July 10, 1883. Bred by Isaac Moses, Green- ville, O. Sold Nov. 13, 1883, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Frank P. 2078, Dam Maggie Moses 4404, by Barley 2d 2070, 2d Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 2738 ROSCOE RONEY. Calved Dec. 26, 1883. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold March 3, 1884, to J. E. McCleary, Cameron, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Vick 4658, by Cyril 1459, 2d Dam Jessie Joy 4655, by Stonewali 2413, 3d Dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 4th Dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 2739 ROBIN HOOD. Calved Oct. 28, 1883. Bred by Jno. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa.; calved the property of W. P. Sherrard, Cambridge, O. By Hartland 1510, Dam Alta Vela 4221, by Reno 1046. 2740 " UPWARD. Calved Jan. 3, 1884. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa.; calved the property of Jas. Russell, Polk, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Anna 4257, by King Wil- liam 769. 2741 FARE SPENCER. Calved May 7, 1883. Bred by Peter N. Dennis, Trout 112 BULLS. Creek, N. Y. By Richard C. B. 2177, Dam Rosey 2d 3704, by Delaware 1835. 2742 DIRECTOR. Calved Feb. 12, 1884. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Bright Promise 3d 3263, by Prince of Wales loth 1004. 2'?'43 REED. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by J. N. Cowden, Cam- bridge, O. Sold Dec. 1883, to Dan'l Tom, Rix Mills, O.; sold Dec. 17, 1883, to Jno. Weaver, Basil, O. By Aillbols 2633, Dam Jenny Lmd 1590, by Samson 6th 1101. 2744 EXECUTIVE. Calved April 7, 1882. Bred by Dan'l Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Oct. 5, 1882, to Beaty Carrothers, Moorelield, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Kitty 3714, by Dexter 1842. 2745 BANJO. Calved July 11, 1872. Bred by Moses Blake, Whipple, O. By Jack 721, Dam Agnes 417, by Marylander 841. 2746 PEMBERTON. Calved March 14, 1884. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. By Berry 2497, Dam Bevy 4087, by Ohio Lad 1390. 2747 CHAPMAN'S STARLIGHT. Calved Jan. 1, 1883. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whip- ple, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1884, to H. O. Chapman, VVilkes- ville, O. By Ered Queen 2084, Dam May 2d 3493, by Hudson 699. 2748 HARRY LANGDON. Calved Feb. 14, 1884. Bred by Hiram True, Lower Salem, O. By Fred Queen 2084, Dam Flora Palmer 3063, by Dan Baker 444. BULLS. 113 2749 UNCLE ABE. Calved Sept. 5, 1882. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Mollie Lottie 4521, by Batavia (Y) 2355, 2d Dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 2750 SOBER. Calved Feb. 20, 1883. Bred by F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. Sold June 1, 1883, to J. L. Backus, Chaplin, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Cupid 2d 889, by Leslie 781. 2751 YOU KNOW. Calved June 14, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard; calved the property of Lemuel Bushnell; Sold Feb. 14, 1884, to Orrin Prichard, all of Springville, Pa. By Lord Nel- son 2d 801, Dam Lena Prichard 4276, by Litchfield 789. 2752 SURPRISE'S DUKE. Calved Feb. 9, 1884. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Surprise 3548, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2753 CANOPE. Calved Aug. 18, 1882. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Lovely 2d, 3469, by Lord Nelson 800. 2754 PRINCE OF OTSEGO. Calved Aug. 31, 1882. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Tota 2890, by Rutherford 1087. 2755 FENNIMORE COOPER. Calved March 2, 1883. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Cherry 2886, by Red Rover 1042. 2756 HIGH TIDE. Calved March 21, 1884. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- 114 BULLS. field, N. Y.; calved the property of Geo. H. Magee & Son, Portersville, Pa. By True Briton 2471, Dam Satie 3568, by Buckeye 2d 351. 2757 PREMIER. Calved Dec. 14, 1883. Bred by Jos. Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Lady Jane Edith 4713, by Prince of Wales 20th 1395, 2d Dam Edith 14th 4708, by Crown Prince 434, 3d Dam Edith 4th 1042, by Prince of Wales 151. 2758 DICK DOTY. Calved March 31, 1883. Bred by Wm. McCartney, sold March 31, 1883, to W. P. Sherrard, both of Cam- bridge, O. By Frank 1562, Dam Julia Black 5244, by Blackwood 1290, 2d Dam Agnes 2d 5243, by Baltic 262 3d Dam Agnes 417, by Marylander 841. 2759 DUKE 2d. Calved March, 1877. Bred by E. T. Tiffany, Dimock, Pa. By Duke 476, Dam Nellie 2110, by Prince John 3d 986. 2760 CLIFTON OF CLIFTON. Calved March 19, 1884. Bred by David Wait, Wells Bridge, N. Y.; calved the property of Robert P. Barry, Warrenton, Va. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Cory 3187, by Candy 2d 364. 2761 TOM KNOX. Calved March 18, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Mathews, Ky. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Alice 4176, by Rochelle 1062. 2762 CHEMOS. Calved Jan. 18, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Cherry 3745, by Archer 1868. BULLS. 115 2763 LADAS. Calved Mar. 18, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lady Bird 3491, by Litchfield 789. 2764 CEPHEUS. Calved March 25, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Datn Ceres 3746, by Robin 163. 2765 ASH GROVE CHIEF. Calved Nov. 9, 1883. Bred by W. S. Sraoot, Langley, Va. Sold Feb. 9, 1884, to Franklin Sherman, Vienna, Va. By Bloomfield 3d 1783, Dam Nellie 3934, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2766 MAZEON. Calved March 17, 1884. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. By Franklin B. 2086, Dam May 2d 3493, by Hudson 699. 2767 JOHN HARDY. Calved March 22, 1884. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. By Berry 2497, Dam Cherry 3d 826, by Dan Baker 444. 2768 BOB GEE. Calved Feb. 24, 1882. Bred by Dwight Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Sold March 31, 1884, to R. L. Ines, of same place. By Cornwall 2119, Dam Gem 12th 3137, by Hero 675. 2769 BOOM. Calved March 1, 1882. Bred by E. C. Bliss, Westfield, N. Y. Sold May 10, 1882, to A. W. Rumsey, of same place. Sold March 27, 1884, to J. W. Dobbs, Wurtem- burg, Pa. By Hamlet 1687, Dam Viola 3549, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 11:6 BULLS. 2770 DAMCETAS. Calved April 5, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Damsel 3749, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2771 BOLIVER. Calved April, 1877. Bred by G. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold Aug. 1, 1877, to Samuel Bonar, Coon Island, Pa, By Lone Star 2414, Dam Rose Ray 5254, by Stonewall 2413, 2d Dam Lilly Lay 5253, by Stonewall 2413, 3d Dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 241 2, 4th Dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 2772 MARSHAL J. Calved March 12, 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Feb, 4, 1884, to W. D. Wetmore, Spring- boro, Pa. Sold May 26, 1884, to Denis Hadsell, of the same place. By Reno 1046, Dam Juniata 3070, by Hudson 699. 2773 CICERO. Calved Dec. 1, 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy. Mich. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to W. D. Wetmore, Spring- boro, Pa. By Reno 1046, Dam Belle Helena 1 1th 2783, by Hudson 699. 2774 CONRAD. Calved Dec. 8, 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to W. D. Wetmore, Spring- boro. Pa. By Reno 1046, Dam Rena 2d 2362, by Mary- lander 841. 2775 ESTO. Calved March 2, 1884. Bred by Samuel Turner, Troy, O. By Benedict F. 2431, Dam Katie 3188, by Butler 357. 2776 PRINCE ALBERT KENT. Calved March 17, 1884. Bred by Samuel Turner, Troy, BIJLLS. lit O. By Benedict F. 2431, Dam Princess of Kent 2741, by Batavia of Lapeer 2d 285. 2777 YOUNG WONDER. Calved March U, 1 883. Bred by John Strong, Elkhorn, Wis. Sold Oct. 15, 1883, to Wm. Ewins, Palmyra, Wis. By Comet 2867, Dam Pet 3253, by Seventy Six 1109. 2778 JOHNY. Calved Oct. 5, 1880. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. Sold June 29, 1881, to C. G. Cumming, Spring Hill, Ct. By Fairy's Last 1647, Dam^ Leonore 3352, by Bar-Huron 274. 2779 GEORGE R. '^»! Calved Jan. 10, 1884. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. By Fairy's Duke of Hamden 552, Dam Fancy H. 3350, by Guilford 641. 2780 ABELARD. Calved in 1846. Bred by L. F. Allen, Black Rock, ]!*. Y. Sold Oct. 184^, to J. V. Jones, Herndon, Ga. SoM in 1857, to Owen P. Fitzsimmons, of Georgia. By Ro- ver 1074, Dam by King 765, 2d Dam bought of J. G. King, of Long Island, and descended from his importa tion of 1819. 2781 LILLY'S COUNT. Calved June 1, 1883. Bred by J. B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to C. E. Rogers, Albany, Vt. By Count Ruraford, Jr., 2183, Dam Lily of the Field 3522, by Mountain Ranger 888. 2782 SHEWANGUNK. Calved March 30. 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Fancy 2d 4262, by Centennial Boy 376. 2783 BRADDOCK. Calved April 15, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Ver- il8 BULtS. non, N. Y. Sold April 8, 1884, to Stephen W. Zeh, Schoharie, N. Y. By Jeddo 18()9,]3am Wanderer 4163, by Lord Nelson 2d 801. 2784 LAWRENCE. Calved May, 1880. Bred by Samuel Bonar, Coon Is- land,Pa. Died Dec. 1883. By Bohver 2771, Dam Bell Bonar 5194, by Stonewall 2413, 2d Dam Harriet 5193, by Sterling Price 1151, 3d Dam by Norfolk 123. 2785 CANDIDATE. Calved Aug. 1883. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md, Sold March, 1884, to Samuel Bonar, Coon Island, Pa. By Samuel J. Tilden 1102, Dam Bettic 3215, by Springfield 1141. 2786 PRINCE FOSTER. •: Calved Feb. 16, 1884.- Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. Sold April 8, 1884, to L. W\ Foster, Lone Rock, Wis. Sold April 28, 1884, to L. U. Thomas Jr., of the same place. By Major 1599, Dam Miss Mermaid 4449, by Belty 292, 2d Dam Lady 3529, by Earl of Syden- ham 521. 2787 COLONEL ROSS. Calved June 10, 1883. Bred by A. Mekemson, Biggs- ville, 111, By Duke of Avon 10th 2113, Dam June 3268, by Mayboy 2d 854. 2788 ORLANDO. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Lida 3108, by Dandy 448. 2789 ALERT. Calved March 30, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold April 23, 1884, to H. S. Eastman, Waterville, N. Y. By Damon 2645, Dam Lizzie 3257, by Lord Nelson 800. BULLS. 119 2790 EASTER. Calved April l3, 1884. Bred by W. F. Chermside, Dickson, Col. By Prince 2d 966, Uam Crucita 3971, by Hudson 699. ' 2791 BARNABY. Calved April 17, 1884, Bred by W. F. Chermside, Dickson, Col, By Prince 2d 966, Dam Idol 2760, by Hudson 699. 2792 GEORGE WASHINGTON. Calved June 16, 1882. Bred by Isaac Woodbury, Salem Depot, N. H. By Duke of Worcester 2524, Dam Juno, 3235, by Reed's Fazio 1043. 2793 COMMODORE FOOT. Calved Jan. 3, 1884. Bred by W. H. Webster, Berlin, Ct.; calved the property of D. J. Raynesford ; sold Feb. 27, 1884, to J. M. Foot, both ot West Hartford, Ct. Sold May 8, 1884, to N. A. Humphrey, Bainbridge, N. Y. By Abe's Comet 1990, Dam Lady Stafford 6th 3446, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 2794 ALLBRIGHT. Calved Jan. 25, 1884. Bred by R. N. Francis; sold Feb. 27, 1884, to J. M. Foot, both of West Hartford, Ct. By Nahabed 2d 2585, Dam Hyde's Hyacinth 3397, by Leander 775. 2795 SATURN. Calved May 20, 1883. Bred by J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. Sold Sept. 20, 1883, to Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Sold Oct. 20, 1883, to M. F. Kelly, of same place. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Juno 4302, by Bismarck 2187. 2796 BOULDER. Calved July 17, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold April 2, 1884, to Levi Allen, Altona, Col. By Bishop 1450, Dam Missouri 3190, by Barefoot 272. 1^0 BtTLLS. 2797 BIJOU. Calved Jan. 17, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O,; calved the property of Rebecca Smith, Troy, O. Sold March 20, 1884, to D. J. Whitmore, as above. By Benedict 2431, Dam Gracie Scarff 4679, by Dexter 1842, 2d Dam Maggie 3528, by Batavia 284. 2798 BURKE HAZEL. Calved March 21, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Rosa 2386 by Grant 2d 637. 2799 BALSORA. Calved April 9, 1884. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Duke ol' Coldwater 2652, Dam Lucky 5044^ by Orphan Boy 9*25, 2d Dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 3d Dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare 1111. 2800 SIR COPLAY. Calved June 23, 1883, Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Cop- lay, Pa. Sold Nov. 10, 1883, to L. E. & J. D. Schrei- ber, ot same place. By Whitehall 1537, Dam Pallas 2195, by Jasper 728. 2801 SERGEANT. Calved Aprd 14, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Elitton 7th 1490, Dam Celia 3659, by Cowslip's Duke 1496. 2802 ALTRO. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Earl Genesee 2334, Dam Cora 4030, by Flitton 7th 1490. 2803 LAWYER. Calved April 16, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Soh., Ea.st Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7tli 1 490, Dam Canme 3658, by Cowslip's Duke 1496. BFLLS. 121 2804 BEN ALL Calved April 17,1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Sou, East Betlmiiy, N. Y. Died May 18, 1884. By Flittoii Tth 1490, Dam Camilla 4006, by Litchfield 789. 2805 PRINCE RANDOLPH. Calved Mar. 8, 1884, Bred by Wm. Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Betsy Baker 4362, by Bonner 1837. 2806 ALTITUDE. CalvedMay 10, 1883. Bred by Jas. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. Sold Sept. 30, 1883, to R. J. Rimdell, Middletown, Ct. By Kino's Duke 767, Dam Bill's Hetty 3d 4331, by Duke of Hampden 6th 507. 2807 LAMOILLE BOY. Calved March 21, 1883. Bred by G. W. Doty, Morris- ville, Vt. Sold Nov. 19, 1883, to James Atwell, Eden, Vt. By Gen, Garfield 1^16, Dam Wynona 26th 3621, by Merrimac 863. 2808 ROMANZO. Calved May 2, 1884. Bred by Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By California 2627, Dam Lovely 2()th 1877, by Nemophilla's Huron 900. 2809 GRAND GARFIELD. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by E. E. Curtis Berlin, Wis. By John Bidl 1935, Dam Gold Dust 3255, by Seventy Six 1109. 2810 BIG BISMARK. Calved March 15, 1884. Bred by E. E. Cnrtis, Berlin, Wis. By John Bull 1935, Dam Gold Dust 3255, by Seventy Six 1109. 2811 GREAT BEND. Calved June 24, 1882. Bred by Byron E. Smith, Great 3end Pa. Sold April 22, 1884, to F. H. Bunnell, South 122 BULLS. Montrose, Pa. By Bloomfield 1748, Dam Belle of Bal- timore 648, by Bloomfield 313. 2812 STAFFORD. Calved Oct. 28, 1883. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Maggie 3528, by Batavia 284. 2813 CHAMPO. Calved Feb. 22, 1884. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura Z. 4535, by Dexter 1842, 2d Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 2814 PRIMUS. Calved April 23, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Phryne 3987, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2815 PANDARUS. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Pansy 3608, by Litch- field 789. 2816 LOKI. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Lotta 2943, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2817 DAMYAN. Calved May 8, 1884. Bred by E. 1). Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Daisy 3740, by Patterson 1867. 2818 PRINCE ALBERT NED. Calved April 28, 1880. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Mapleville, R. I. By Comet (Y) 4th 418, Dam B(41eof Mapleville 3667, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506. 2819 REGULUS. Calved March 22, 1884. Bred by Stanley Griswold, BULLS. 123 Torringford, Ct. Sold March 27, 1881, to Charles C. Ford, Washington Depot, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Tennie 1st 2591, by Grant 638. 2820 GENERAL SCOTT. Calved July 15, 1883. Bred by Chas. H. Pendleton, Scotland, Ct. By Duke of Lebanon 2190, Dam Cherry Bly 3943, by Mahaska 817. 2821 BIDEFORD. Calved Feb. 10, 1884. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved the property of Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Georgianna 9th 3324, by Duke of Fhtton 9th 66. 2822 BARNSTAPLE. Calved March 24, 1884. Bred by W. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved the property of Arthiir J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Georgianna 11th 3984, by Burnette 1648. 2823 JESSE GILBERT. Calved Nov. 10, 1882. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct.; calved the property of Daniel Webster, Berlin, Ct. Sold Dec. 15, 1882, to W. H. Webster, of same place; sold March 26, 1883, to J. W. Yale, Meri- den, Ct.; sold Dec. 5, 1883, to Timothy Gilbert, Middle- town, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Oriole 4223, by York 2124. 2824 CHESTER BOY. Calved Aug. 1883. Bred by L. Banks Holt, Graham, N. C. Sold March 25, 1884, to R. A. Love, Chester, S. C. By Puritan Lad 1630, Dam Helena 5th 3079, by Candy 363. 2825 SAMBOO. Calved Feb. 9, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Minta 2812, by Dan Baker 444. 124 BULLS. 2826 MAIN TOP. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by J. A. Tomeroy, Sidney Centre, N.Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Long Horn 1855, by Mohawk 872. 2827 SKY SAIL. Calved May 3, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. By Principal 2389 Dam Ehoda 3875, by Hartland 1510. 2828 PLANET. Calved April 14, 1884. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Peony 2d 2217, by Comet 420. 2829 DEFIANCE. Calved April 21, 1884. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Lawn Beauty 4066, by Litchfield 789. 2830 MESHOPPEN. Calved Feb. 27, 1880. Bred by Dr. P. E. Brush, Spring- ville. Pa. Sold March 2, 1880, to F. H. Bunnell, South Montrose, Pa.; sold June 2, 1881, to Theron Strickland, Springville, Pa. By Prince of Wales 12th 1002, Dam Princess of SpringviUe 5139, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000, 2d Dam Big Curly 2d 5138, by Young Albert 2528, 3d Dam Big Curly 5137, by Oscar 925|,4th Dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 676^, 5th Dam a Patterson cow. 2831 COLONEL T. Calved March 5, 1884. Bred by Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Jim Fisk 2357. Dam May Blos- som 4537, by Dexter 1842, 2d Dam Lily 1830, by Prince of Lapeer 2d 990. BULLS. 125 2832 CONVOY. Calved May 3, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By FHtton 7th 1490, Dam Lena 3267, by Litch- field 789. 2833 JACK OF CLUBS. Calved May 17, 1884. Bred by Samuel Putnam, Cor- nish, N. H. By Jockey 2076, Dam Beauty 10th 3219, by Red Duke 1024. 2834 MADOC. Calved May 17, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Madeira 3758, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2835 CALEB AVILLIAMS. Calved May 30, 1882. Bred by DiUard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Ella's Pet 1072, by The President 137. 2836 ST. LEON. Calved May 20, 1884. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam NemophiUa 6th 2781, by Hudson 699. 2837 PAULUS. Calved Nov. 2, 1878. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Amy 455, by Col. Newcome 407. 2838 OSIRIS. Calved March 9, 1879. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Martha 3590, by Col. Newcome 407. 2839 JOHN BULL. Calved March 6, 1880. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Mor- ris, West Chester, Pa. By Paulus 2837, Dam Elaine 5361, by Prince of Fernbank 987|, 2d Dam Eleanor 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 126 BULLS. 2840 JAMES. Calved Sept. 27, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Eleanor 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 2841 JUMBO. Calved July 27, 1882. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. Sold Sept. 4, 1882, to Wright & Battin, Shiink, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Eleanor, 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 2842 DARIUS. Calved July 23, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734^ Dam Nannette 352^, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 2843 CYRUS. Calved Aug. 14, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. Sold Feb. 21, 1884, to R. A. Love, Chester, S. C. By Thomas 1734, Dam Eleanor 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 2844 CATAPULT. Calved Feb. 16, 1884. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. Butchered May, 1884. By Thomas 1734, Dam Clarissa 850, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 2845 PATHFINDER. . Calved July l5, 1883. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Madam 4033, by Brainard 337. 2846 DEERSLAYER. Calved Feb. 28, 1884. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Alida 2d 431, by Chenango 390. 2847 JOE. Calved March 5, 1884. Bred by Clarence W. Whicher, Northtield, N. H. By Pat 2142, Dam Jessie Ranger 3900, by Mountain Ranger 888. BULLS. 127 2848 PRINCE ARTHUR. Calved May 2, 188-1. Bred by Jas. A. BiU, Lyme, Ct. Sold May 10, 1884, to Wm. D. Pomeroy, Somers, Ct. By Sampson (Y) 1988, Dam Daisy 953, by Mountain Star 889. " 2849 BILLY POWERS. Calved in 1868. Bred by Truman Baker; Earlville, N. Y'. Sold about 1875, to Stillman Powers, Panama, N. Y. By Frank Baker 572, Dam Lilly 1824, by Huron 2d 704. 2850 LITTLE DAN POWERS. Calved May, 1871. Bred by S. Powers, Panama, N. Y. By Billy Powers 2849, Dam Fancy 1209, by Baltimore (Y) 267. 2851 READ JACKET. Calved Nov. 15, 1873. Bred by Stillman Powers, Pana- ma, N. Y. Sold Nov. 15, 1874, to D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Billy Powers 2849, Dam Bessie Pow- ers 5400, by BHly Powers 2849, 2d Dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 2852 HEANON. Calved April 15, 1877. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Read Jacket 2851, Dam Bessie Pow- ers 5400, by Billy Powers 2849, 2d Dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 2853 WINEFAT. Calved May 5, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Winnefred 4024, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 2854 BERLIN. Calved May 7, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn, By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Belinda 4015, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 128 BULLS. 2855 NEMESIS. Calved May 17, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn, By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam No Name 4021, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 2856 ARMORIAL. Calved May 21, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn' By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Annabel 40()5,by Litchfield 2d 1766. 2857 RED ROVER H. Calved Nov. 10, 1881. Bred by Jos. L. Hyatt, Floris- ant, Mo. By Randolph 1016, Dam Texana 3805, by St. Louis 1153. 2858 CRACKER. Calved Dec. 17, 1883. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O.; calved the property of Robert Boyd, Steu- benviUe, O. By Berry 2497, Dam Molly 2081, by Hud- son 699. 2859 DAVID W. Calved Jan. 17, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O.; calved the property of A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo, By Asteriod 2152, Dam Bessie Barefoot 4092, by Barefoot 272. 2860 VOLTAIC. Calved May 28, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Dory 3d 1025, by Frank Baker 572. 2861 BOMPAS. Calved May 25, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Kitty Clover 1684, by Bounty 334. 2862 BAGOSAS Calved May 26, 1884. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved the property of D. J. W hitmore, Casstown, BULLS. 129 O. By Duke of Coldwater 2652, Dam Curt 2997, by Billy 301. 2863 LANCELOT, Calved May 28, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Lalla Bookh 3777, by Duke of Darlington 1336. 2864 LEGATE. Calved May 30, 1884. Bred by John M. Bass, Nash- ville, Tenn.; calved the property of E. D. Hicks, of the same place. By Spy 2371, Dam Lesbia 3641, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 2865 FRANK BROWN. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Samuel J. Tilden 1102, Dam Lydia Thompson 1905, by Defiance 452. 2866 REGIMENT. Calved Feb. 11, 1884. Bred by L. W. Dyer, Jefferson, N. Y. By Milo 2275, Dam Ada Jefferson 4408, by Delaware, 1835, 2d Dam Candy Girl 3184, by Candy 2d 364. 2867 COMET. Calved Dec. 26, 1880. Bred by W. T. Smith; calved the property of John Strong, both of Elkhorn, Wis. By Wisconsin 1250, Dam Adeline 3d 3147, by Locomo- tive 790. 2868 CLAN'S OLE BULL. Calved March 19, 1884. Bred by George Baker &Son, Hustisford, AVis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam M. L. E. 2755, by Buckeye 352. 2869 RECKLESS BOY. Ulved M^r, 23, 1884. Bred by George Baker ^ Son, 130 BULLS. Hustisiord, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Devon- shire Lass 2753, by Buckeye 352. 2870 BABBY DOLE. Calved April 1, 188i. Bred by George Baker & Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Fanny 3d 1239, by Bowley2d 1079. 2871 DUDE. Calved May 29, 1884. Bred by Jas. D. Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Doxy 2833, by Buckeye 352. 2872 O. K. BOY. Calved June 1, 1884. Bred by George Baker & Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Wiscon- sin Belle 2831, by Buckeye 352. 2873 CATAPULT. Calved March 17, 1884. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Mor- ris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Emily 5454, by King of Ury 1765, 2d Dam Maid of Ury 3214, by Prince of Fernbank 987 1. 2874 AJAX. Calved April 17, 1851. Bred by LeRoy Mo wry, Green- wich, N. Y. By Molton 874, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloomfield 310, 2d Dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d Dam from the Patterson importation of 1817. 2875 WALLACE. (334) Calved March 1, 1853. Bred by Geo. Vail, Troy, N. Y. By Molton 874, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloomtield 310, 2d Dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d Dam from the Patterson importation of 1817. 2876 MUD LICK. Calved June 1, 1853. Bred by VV. L. Cowles, Farm- ington, Ct. By Prince Albert 968, Dam Gazelle 5462, by Echpse (Y) 525, 2d Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloomfield BULLS. 131 310, 3d Dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 4th Dam from the Patterson importation of 1817. 2877 DUKE YOUNG. Calved in 1859. Bred by Grosvenor Clark, Geneva, N. Y. By Bolivar 326, Dam Jewel 5478, by Chinga- cook 394, 2d Dam TwHight 2630, by Dibble 46. 2878 MIDDLEBURY. Calved April 17, 1860. Bred by B. H. Andrews, Wat- erbury, Ct. By Illinois 708, Blossom 703, by Bloom- field 310. 2879 DUKE OF ARDER. Calved March 23, 1876. Bred by David Baker, Mans- field, O. By May Boy 1841, Dam Belle Clifton 3542, by Barnemo 276. 2880 RED JEROME. Calved Feb. 15, 1884. Bred by J. W. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O. By Cole's Perfection 1369, Dam Luna 2d 3050, by Barrister 281. 2881 PAWTANSKA. Calved May 4, 1884. Bred by J. W. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O. By Cole's Perfection 1369, Dam Narcissus 3889, by Barrister 281. . 2882 BEN BATTLE. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by David Stevens, Jeffer- son, N. Y. By Magee 2276, Dam Bonnah 2979, by Fergus 556. 2883 JUNO APRIL. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by Chas. A. Woodward, Woodbury, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Fanny 1243, by Grant 638. 2884 MASSIVE. Calved June 26, 1883. Bred by Thos. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Victorif^ 132 BULLS. Oxford 4952, by Oxford 2d 933, 2d Dam Trincess Car- lotta 2294, by St. Lawrence 1152. 2885 MIGHTY. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by Thos. D. Coffiiig, Wag- oner, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Annie Flit- ton 2814, by FHtton 2d 558. 2886 FARGO. Calved June 12, 1884. Bred by Thos. D. Coffing, Wag- oner, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Ella, 3689, by Barefoot 272. 2887 JIM BLAINE. Calved Oct. 23, 1883. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold June 14, 1884, to Jas. L. Paul, Clarksburg, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Mountain Stark 3024, by The President 137. 2888 HAVANA. Calved May 18, 1884. Bred by Luther Lavvson, Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. By Col. Choate 2134, Dam Mink 4173, by Sir John 1125. 2889 FROLLO. Calved June 18, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Frolic 3741, by Patterson 1867. 2890 GEN. SHERMAN. Calved March, 1867. Bred by Jacob N. Blakeslee, Watertown, Ct. Slaughtered when 2 years old. By Johnny Bull 750, Dam Kate Hays 1672, by Prince Al- bert 969. 2891 CARPETTE. Calved June 6, 1884. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange, Va.; calved the property of Thos. Lovelock, Gordousville, Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam tttJLLS. 133 t'antell 3d 4999, by Funder 2630, 2d Dam Fantel]r338T, by Duke of CHfton 489. 2892 NOEL. Calved June 9, 1884. Bred by J. H. Sc t. T. Johnson, Orange, Va.; calved the property of Thos. Lovelock, Gordonsville, Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Maid of Orange 5001, by Funder 2630, 2d Dam Funtell 2d 4980, by El Dorado 529, 3d Dam Fantell 3387, by Duke of Clifton 489. 2893 SHAMROCK. Calved Jan. 30, 1884. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. Sold Aprd 8, 1884, to Jno. A. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Ida Eye Bright 4450, by Belty 2d 292, 2d Dam Lightfoot 3059, by Seventy Six 1109. 2894 OSCEOLA. (Mved March 31, 1884. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. Sold April 8, 1884, to F. E. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Lady 3529, by Eari of Sydenham 521. 2895 KILPATRICK. Calved April 19, 1884. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis.; calved the property of F. E. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Princess 4th 2293, by Duke 481. 2896 JIM BLAINE. Calved April 28, 1884. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis.; calved the property of Jno. A. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Lilly 2d 1818, by Capron 367. 2897 RALLY. Calved April 9, 1884. Bred by Geo. F. Davis, Windsor, Vt.; calved the property of Edwin Congdon, Clarendon > 134 BtJLLS. Vt. By Jockey 2076, Dam Fairlie 2795, by Lanson 774. 2898 DUKE BETHLEHEM. Calved Feb. 2, 1884. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Cornwall 2079, Dam Beet 606, by Cudjo 436. 2899 CONTINENTAL. Calved May 25, 1884. Bred by Orrm Prichard, Spring- ville. Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Evaleen 3547, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 2900 HOKY. Calved March 12, 1884. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356 Dam Twila 4523, by Grant 2d 637, 2d Dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 3d Dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 2901 DELONG. Calved March 14, 1884. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Carlisle, O,; calved the property of P. W. Artz, Osborn, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam China 4831, by Grant 2d 637, 2d Dam Harmless 4526, by Grant 2d 637, 3d Dam liose 2442, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. 2902 ORPHAN LAD. Calved March 16, 1884. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Castoria 4830, by Grant 2d 637, 2d Dam Twila 4523, by Grant 2d 637, 3d Dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 4th Dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 2903 ZIP ZED. Calved March 28, 1884. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Harmless 4526, by Grant 2d 637, 2d Dam Rose 2442, by Wah- bah-nis 1209. 2904 ISLAND CHIEF. Calved June 10, 1884. Bred by N. A. Humphrey, Bahibrid^e, N. Y. Sold Juno 16, 1884, to A. G. Wash- BULLS* 135 bdn, Morns, N. Y. By Dixon 1830, Dam Clieiry Blos- som 4663, by Puritan 1349, 2d Dam Blossom 4661, by Huron Chief 705, 3d Dam Tiara 2602, by Gen. Grant 602. 2905 APPLEDORE. Calved May 7, 1884. Bred by A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Captain C. G. 2061, Dam Lady El- gin 8th 3770, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2906 PLYMOUTH. Calved May 26, 1884. Bred by A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Captain C. G. 2061, Dam Georgianna 10th, 4424, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d Dam Georgianna 9th 3324, by Duke of Fhtton 9th 66. 2907 LOGAN. Calved March 28, 1883. Bred by John B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H. Sold April 19, 1884, to Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Count Rumlord 2182, Dam Mayflower 3498, by Mountain Ranger 888. 2908 NATT. Calved March 3, 1884. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Gen. Garfield 2043, Dam Fairy 1st 3066, by North Star 916. 2909 NEDD. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Gen. Garfield 2043, Dam Belle 629, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 2910 CULMINATION. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y.; calved the property of R. Hankinson, Mt. Holly, N. J. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Wanderer 4163, by Lord Nelson 2d 801. 2911 TOM TADMORE. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by John M. Miller, Hick- 136 BtTlLS. ory, Pa. By Dare 2068, Dam Genevieve 4040, by Breastwork 1294. 2912 WESTMORELAND. Calved May 15, 1884. Bred by John M. Miller, Hick- ory, Pa. Sold June 14, 1884, to Adam Stoner, Stoners, Pa. ByHartland 1510, Dam Lena 2d 3052, by Barris- ter 281. 2913 REUBENS. Calved May 20, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa.; calved the property of John M. Mil- ler, Hickory, Pa. By Dick Puritan 2408, Dam Bright Puritan 4034, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d Dam Moun- tain Maid 3029, by The President 137. 2914 LAWGIVER. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by David Stevens, Jefferson, N. Y. By Earl of Schoharie 2333, Dam Dyer's Beauty 3833, by Britton 1420. 2915 CUDJO JOY. Calved Feb. 25, 18^4. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Jessie Joy 4655, by Stonewall 2413, 2d Dam Cherrie 4653, by Pa- tapsco 2412, 3d Dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 2916 TRISTAN. Calved May 29, 1884. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Flossy Wind- ham 4652, by Cyril 1459, 2d Dam Jessie Fremont 4651, by Lone Star 2414, 3d Dam Nellie June 4649, by Stone- wall 2413, 4th Dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 5th Dam Betty Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 6th Dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 2917 CLANNA ROSESON. Calved June 7, 1884. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis.; calved the property of Clark W. Thompson, BULLS. 137 Wells, Minn. By Clannaboro 1967^ Dam Dinah Rose 4037, by Buckeye 352. 2918 JUPITER 2d. Calved May 18, 1884. Bred by S.F. Dutton, Williams- town, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Roxy 4323, by Bis- marck 2187. 2919 GOLD HUNTER. Calved March 10, 1884. Bred by J. P. Fish & Son, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Venus 4304, by Vermont 2188. 2920 PILOT. Calved June 10, 1884. Bred by John P. Fish & Son, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Luna 4305, by Jupiter 2186. 2921 TAKE PRIZE. Calved Feb. 21, 1884. Bred by Banker Bros., Franklin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Emily 3d 3941, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 2922 CHASTISER. Calved April 3, 1884. Bred by Banker Bros., Franklin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 7th 3583, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 2923 BRUSSEL. Calved April 18, 1884. Bred by Banker Bros., Frank- lin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 8th 3584, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 2924 ODIN. Calved June 27, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. By Col. Choate 2134, Dam Rena Raw- son 4170, by Rochelle 1062. 138 BULLS. 2926 TROILUS. Calved June 16, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lily 1824, by Hu- ron 2d 704. 2926 BOB LEE. Calved Aug. 1, 1874. Bred by Moses Blake, Whipple, O. By Baltic 262, Dam Fanny 1242, by Marylander 841. 2927 BILL'S DUKE. Calved Nov., 1881. Bred by Jas. A. BiU, Lyme, Ct. Sold Oct. 10, 1882, to Selden S. Carter, Clinton, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Rose 18th 2419, by Duke of Hampden 504. 2928 PRINCE LYNHURST. Calved April 14, 1884. Bred by L. H. Bushnell, Spring- ville. Pa.; calved the property of J. D. Nevius, Philadel- phia, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam May Queen P. 4062, by Litchfield 789. 2929 BARON LYNHURST. Calved May 31, 1884. Bred by L. H. Bushnell, Spring- vill. Pa.; calved the property of J. D. Nevius, 21 8| AVal- nut St., Philadelphia, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Lena Prichard 4276, by Litchfield 789. 2930 DUKE YORK STREET. Calved Dec. 18, 1883. Bred by Perry Peck, Pataskala, O. By Mentor 1839, Dam Maud 1976, by Hudson 699. 2931 NELSON Jr. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y.; calved the property of A. P. Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam DeU 976, by Chenango 390. 2932 J. D. TAYLOR. Calved Aug. 1882. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. BULLS. 1 39 Sold June 12, 1884, to W. H. McCartney, Cambridge, O. By Salem U70, . Dam Lady Jenette 5555, by Bob Lee 2926, 2d dam Medora 2008, by S. A. Douglass 1090, ' 2933 JESSUP. Calved April 18, 1881. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt. By Gem's Duke 140L Dam Scantora 2d 2511, by Scantic 1107. 2934 KIT CARSON 2d. Calved May 1, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt.; sold Sept. 1, 1882, to N. D. House, of the same place. Sold June 9, 1884, to James E. Riddell, South Tunbridge, Vt. By Kit Carson S, 2069, Dam Jessie 3d 4074, by Mountain Star 890. 2935 GREAT SEAL. Calved Feb. 9, 1884. Bred by N. D. House, Waitsfield, Vt. By Kit Carson 2d 2934, Dam Scantora 2d 2511, by Scantic 1107. 2936 CAPTAIN DeLONG. Calved July 14, 1884. Bred by Mrs. L. E. Cox, Graf- ton Center, Mass. By Jockey 2076, Dam Broad Horns Beauty 3867, by Monarch 1971. 2937 SON OF PRINCE. Calved April 2, 1881. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold July 2, 1881, to S. R. Houghton, Tracy Creek, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 1st 2457, by Bloomfield 313. 2938 LEW SANDEL. Calved May 8, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son; calved the property of H. B. Johnston «& Bros., all of Afton, N. Y. By Bloomfield 2018, Dam Queen of May 5th 3702, by Candy 2d 364. 2939 SMELTZER. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son; 140 BULLS. calved the property of H, B. Johnston & Bros., all of Afton, N. Y. By Bloomtield 2018, Dam Dora 3928, by Andrew Jackson 2017. 2940 DELPHIC. Calved May 18, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son; calved the property of H. B. Johnston & Bros., all ot Afton, N. Y. By Bloomfield 2018, Dam Nella J. 4098, by Billy 2d 2023. 2941 DECK WRIGHT. Calved May 25, 1884. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- vHle, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Nemophilla 3d 2141, by Jack 721. 2942 JUNEBUG. Calved June 4, 1884. Bred by B. E. Smith, Great Bend, Pa., calved the property of F. H. Bunnell, South Montrose, Pa. By Great Bend 2811, Dam Ruby Royal 5316, by Bloomfield 2d 316, 2d Dam Belle of Baltimore 648, by Bloomfield 313. 2943 NEIL BECKLEY. Calved May 13, 1881. Bred by J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt.; calved the property of S. F. Dutton, Williamstonn, Vt. Sold Oct. 10, 1881, to S. J. Akerman, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Red Cherry 4324, by Bismarck 2187. 2944 JOE COSE. Calved July 17, 1884. Bred by Wm. E. Shultz, Har- risville, Ind. Sold July, 1884, to P. M. Shultz, Win- chester, Ind. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Princess of Kent 3d 2743, by Elgin 531. 2945 WATERTOWN. Calved July 8, 1884. Bred by J. S. Titus, W^ishington Depot Ct.; calved the property of Lockwood Bros., Wa- tertown, Ct. By Titus 2651, Dam Flora Titus 5038, by Washington Depot 2121, 2d Dam Fannie Pedley 2d 3171, by Sam 1095. BULLS. 141 2946 BLAINE. Calved July 25, 1884. Bred by O. H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Dora 2d 2847, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 2947 COHEROSON. Calved May 23, 1883. Bred by F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Cora 4753, by Leslie 781, 2d Dam Cupid 888, by Kerne Bly 764. 2948 BED BILLY. Calved April, 1878. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By York 2124, Dam Quiet 4137, by Cudjo 436. 2949 RED JACKET. Calved April 1, 1861. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold April, 1862, to R. A. Ford, East Litchfield, Ct. By Watch 2d 1220, Dam Hetty 2d 1486, by Leo 779. 2950 MONARCHY. Calved June 16, 1884. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By Sir Gibbie 2570, Dam Prudy 5589, by Red Billy 2948, 2d Dam Ida 2d 1515, by Grant 638. 2951 CLEVELAND. Calved July 8, 1884. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Virginia 5000, by Funder 2630, 2d Dam Sunnyside 4979, byBismark 308, 3d Dam Fantine 1254, by Roa- noke 1054. 2952 JOE COSGRAVE. Calved May 24, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Clever 5123, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d Dam Red Lady 2344, by Alexander 248. 2953 BERLIN BOY. Calved June 25, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, 142 BULLS. O.. calved the property of G. L. Sackett, Delaware, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Mollie 2079, by Wah-bah- nis 1209. 2954 PETER S. Calved Oct. 18, 1883. Bred by G. L. Sackett, Dela- ware, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Fanny 1245, by Guelph Chief 640. 2955 ZENO. Calved March 12, 1884. Bred by Zenas Mailory, Ham- den, N. Y. By Vixen 1504, Dam Elva 1079, by Moun- tain Star 889. 2956 ALPHONSO. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by G. W. Loveberry, Somerset, O.; calved the property of Mrs. A. C. How- ard, Zanesville, O. By Jack 1473, Dam Caddie 3d 3178, by Gov. Tilden 1511. 2957 OHIO CHIEF. Calved June 1, 1884. Bred by G. W. Loveberry, Som- erset, O.; calved the property of Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Jack 1473, Dam Caddie 5th 5192, by Gov. Tilden 1511, 2d Dam Caddie 2896, byBar-Celia 271. 2958 NEEDFUL. Calved July 17, 1884. Bred by J. L. Crawford, Oak- land City, Ind. By Bastion 2d 1856, Dam Lady Viola 3975, by Grant 2d 637. 2959 ROMULUS. Calved Feb. 13, 1882. Bred by E. C. Bliss; inherited by A. W. Rumsey, both of Westfield, N. Y. Sold July 24, 1884, to George M. Miller & Bros., Ringwood, N. J. By Hamlet 1687, Dam Betsy 3733, by Charley 385. 2960 LATTER DAY. Calved May 9, 1884. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rockland, BULLS. 143 O. By Othello 1520, Dam Leora 3109, by Dandy 448. 2961 BOISFORT. Calved Jan. 22, 1884. Bred by J. H. Smith, Troy, O. Sold May 6, 1884, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Rose 3037, by Barley 275. 2962 BONTECOU. Calved June 20, 1884. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Duke of Coldwater 2652, Dam Beauty Jane 5045, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d Dam Jane 1538, by Prince of Meridian 991. 2963 BASHI BAZOUK. Calved June 23, 1884. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Duke of Coldwater 2652, Dam Handsome 5047, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d Dam Fanny 1236, by Shake- speare nil. 2964 ERA. Calved Aug. 1, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. T. McPherson, Cambridge, O. Sold Nov. 1883, to D.' J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Frank 1562, Dam Rosa McPherson 3158, by Guelph Chief 640. 2965 COMMA. Calved April 18, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Red Champion 2092, Dam Banner 4102, by Champion 383. 2966 HYPHEN. Calved July 5, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bo wlusville, O. By Champion 383, Dam AHce 426, by Barley 275. 2967 COLON. Calved July 13, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Beauty 595, by Honesty 696. 144 BULLS. 2968 GEN. WARNER. Calved June, 1880. Bred by Pliili}) Boye, Warner, (). Slaughtered Sept. 1-5, 1883. By Salem 1470, Dam Bob- tail Beauty 5208, by Banjo 2745, 2d Dam Medora 2008^ by S. A. Douglass 1090. 2969 KING DAVID. Calved July 5, 1884. Bred by David Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. By Froudioot 1559, Dam Lady rrinc(> 5111, by Joe 1563, 2d Dam Maud 3713, by Bonner 1837. 2970 * NATHAN B. Calved Marcli 20, 1884. Bred by W. L. Durand; calved the property of Stanley Grisvvold, both ot Torringford, Ct. By Hariey M. 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Emma 4260, by J.ord Eovell 797. 2971 SAM LAWTON. Calved April 10, 1884. Bred by Stanley (iriswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Sir Gibbie 2570, Dam Quiet 3d 4141, by Hariey M. 2d 1706. 2972 REVEL. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringibrd, Ct. By Hariey M. 2d 1706, Dam Alma Revel 5088, by Reveller 2125, 2d Dam Mercedes 4139, by York 2124. 2973 GENERAL JACKSON. Calved Jan. 20, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam High- land Belle 5630, by Comet (Y) 4th 418, 2d Dam Belle 2d 627, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 2974* JIM FISH. Calvod Jan 25, 1883. Bred by C. 1). W. Cooper, Ma- pleville R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Pligh- land Queen 5631, by Comet (Y) 4th 418, 2d Dam Lady Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 3d Dam Beau- ty 11th 3868, by Comet (Y) 2d 416. BULLS. 145 2975 DIAMOND DON. Calved Dec. 31, 1883. Bred by J. VV. Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Abe's Comet 1990, Dam Ida 1st 3207, by Grant 638. 2976 ROSITA. Calved May 30, 1884. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Comet Billy 2477, Dam Lovely 28th 2884, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 2977 MAD ANTHONY. Calved June 19, 1884. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Comet Billy 2477, Dam Edith 21st 4760, by Candy 2d 364, 2d Dam Edith 18th 4758, by Crown Prince 434, 3d Dam Edith 3d 1041, by Sachem 1089. 2978 BOSTON DRUMMER. Calved Dec. 28, 1883. Bred by 1). Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Beauty Blest 4429, by Delaware 1835, 2d Dam Beauty 3698, by Mad- ison Chief 814. 2979 DON FOLIO. Calved July 22, 1884. 15red by Mrs. L. E. Cox, (irai- ton Centre, Mass. By Jockey 2076, Dam Petty 5573, by Kentucky 1972, 2d Dam Beauty 15th 3864, by Comet (Y^) 2d 416. 2980 FANNIE'8 DUKE. Calved June 29,' 1884. Bred by Mrs. H. M. Hall. East Burke, Vt. Sold July 14, 1884, to E. A. Darling, of the same place. By Mammoth 2348, Dam Fannie 2d 1227, by Star King 1147. 2981 GENTEEL. Calved April 20th, 1884. Bred by 8. F. Weller, New Lexington, O. By Bracken 1756, Dam Caddie 4th 4275, Bar-celia 271, 146 ^ BULLS. 2982 DONOR. Calved May 12, 1884. Bred by M. F. Preston, Sharon, Vt. By Mars 2197, Dam Belle Juno 4503, by Arling- ton 253, 2d Dam Blonde 695, by Blueblood 321. 2983 OCOTCHEE. Calved Aug. 20, 1881. Bred by George Mason, Jr.; sold Sept. 27, 1881, to Joseph Miller, both of Princeton, Mass. By Dncas 1196, Dam Rose 5th 3232, by Reed's Fazio 1043. 2984 FERDINANDIZ. 1201. Calved Aug. 19, 1877. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552, Dam Fairy 10th C. 1168, by Cohaset 401. 2986 HOMER. Calved Aug. 8, 1882. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Ferdinandiz 2984, Dam Hortense 2d 1501, by Felix 554. 2986 GOVERNOR WALLER. Calved Oct. 28, 1882. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Leander 775, Dam Adelice 414, by Jack 718. 2987 FAIRIE'S OMEGA. Calved Dec. 28, 1883. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Leander 775, Dam Fairie 1116, by Devoni 453. 2988 DALLAS. Calved July 1, 1884. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 2989 DARBY. Calved March 5, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Carrie 769, by Genesee 2d 616. 2990 DAN RICE. Calved March 8, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Myra 3368, by Litchfield 789. CO^NS. 4371 ETTA MAY. Calved May 8, 1881. Bred by C. H. Baker, Oneonta, Otsego Co., N. Y. Sold Nov. 4, 1881, to Tyler Burn- side, Maryland, N. Y. By May Boy ISU, Dam Dolly 2d 1004, by Prince Albert 975. 4372 MONONA. Calved Nov. 1, 1881. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 18, 1883, to Zenas MaUory, Hamden, N. Y. By Hartland 1510, Dam Blanche 694, by Genesee 2d 616. 4373 INDIFFERENT. Calved April 10, 1876. Bred by C. E. Davis, Spring- viUe, Pa. By Ruben Davis 2232, Dam One Horn Balti- more 4285, by Comet 420. 4374 FARMER'S DAUGHTER. Calved May 23, 1872. Bred by James Thompson, Philo, 111. Sold to, or calved the property of Solomon Bocock, of the same place. By Prairie Farmer 957, Dam Cherry 807, by Prince of Wales 149. 4375 LOTTIE PRINCE. Calved May 15, 1878. Bred by Solomon Bocock, Philo, 111. Sold Sept. 1, 1877, to J. J. Skidmore, Camargo, 111. By Royal Prince 2247, Dam Cherry 807, by Prince of Wales 149. 4376 MAGGIE CHERRY. Calved July 10, 1877. Bred by Solomon Bocock, Philo, 111. Sold Sept. 1, 1878, to John J. Skidmore, Camargo, 111. By Royal Prince 2247, Dam Farmer's Daughter 148 cows. 4374, by Prairie Farmer 957, 2d dam Cherry 807, by Prince of Wales 149. 4377 IRENE CLOUD. Calved July 14, 1881. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O. Sold April 21, 1883, to Jos. Buttruff, Bowling Green, O. By Red Cloud 2d 1435, Dam Beauty 2d 3516, by Barefoot 272. 4378 MAYFLOWER MAID. Calved April 5, 1882. Bred by J. B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H. By Count Rumford 2182, Dam May- flower 3498, by Mountain Ranger 888. 4379 MISS DUSTIN. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by J. B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H. By Count Rumford 2182, Dam Lilly of the Field 3522, by Mountain Ranger 888. 4380 JENNIE J. Calved May 14, 1882. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Billy 2d 2023, Dam Dora 3928, by Andy Jackson 2017. 4381 BREDA 3d. Calved June 20, 1880. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Lady May's Duke 1377, Dam Breda 721, by Red Path 1034. 4382 NEBRASKA. Calved Nov. 4, 1880. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Lady May's Duke 1377, Dam Fulla 1321, by Karnack 758. 4383 RUBY RED. Calved Nov. 6, 1880. Bred by Mrs. AV. C. Flagg, Moro, lU. By Lady May's Duke 1377, Dam Indiana 1524, by Haynoke 658. 4384 CRESENZ. Calved April 13, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Movo, III By Eclipse 1909, Dam Annie Laurie 3790, cows. 149 by Lady May's Duke 1377. 4385 MARY F. Calved April 22, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Nebraska 4382, by Lady May's Duke 1377, 2d dam FuUa 1321, by Karnack 758. 4386 MARCIA. Calved March 5, 1881. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Princess Beatrice 3786, by Osceola 1380. 4387 CERISE. Calved May 27, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Princess Beatrice 3786, by Osceola 1380. 4388 MAGGIE MORO. Calved Feb. 24, 1881. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Belle of the West 2917, by Haynoke 658. 4389 BESSIE DELAWARE. Calved April 24, 1882. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O.; calved the property of G. L. Sackett, Delaware, O. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Inez 2790, by Hudson 699. 4390 LOPEAR. Calved March 16, 1882. Bred by Chancy Atwood, Woodbury, Ct. By Juno 2210, Dam Beauty 600, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 4391 NANCY ATWOOD. Calved April 30, 1880. Bred by Chancy Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Grant 638, Dam Fancy 1221, by Holk- ham (Y) 691. 4392 GERTRUDE HUME. Calved June 4, 1882. Bred by R. B. Hume, Florisant, Mo. By Randolph 1016, Dam Maud 1977, by Butler 357. i50 cows. 4393 BELL BLAKE. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by Isaac A. Ormistoii; Barlow, O. By General Hancock 1863, Dam Molly 2d 3721, by Jack 1846. 4394 NELLY BIRD. Calved May 25, 1882. Bred by Isaac A. Ormiston, Bar- low, O. Sold July 5, 1882, to I. R. Tilden, Renrock, O. By General Hancock 1863, Dam Alice Ohio 4027, by Jacob 1847. 4395 MINNIE CLIPPER. Calved June 6, 1882. Bred by Isaac A. Ormiston, Bar- low, O. By General Hancock 1863, Dam Molly 3720, by Hudson 699. 4396 CARRIE BELL AFTON. Calved May 28, 1882. Bred by E. M. Johnston &Son, Afton, N. Y. By Bloomiield 2018, Dam Queen of May 5th 3702, by Candy 2d 364. 4397 MABEL GRAY. Calved May 22, 1882. Bred by John H. Keller, Sul- phur Springs, O. Sold April 26, 1883, to Joseph Buch- er,of the same place. By Stanley 1854, Dam Lucy 3575, by Batavia 284. 4398 AGNES AUGUSTA. Calved May, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy; calved the property of M. B. Pomeroy; sold May 3, 1882, to M. E. Pomeroy; sold Nov. 14. 1882, to M. B. Pomeroy, all of Sidney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Augusta 485, by Genesee 2d 616. 4399 ESMERALDA. Calved Jan. 15, 1882. Bred by O. H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. Sold March 9, 1883, to George H. Sumner, West Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Little Mary 2d 2844, by Duke of^ Hampden 6th 507. cows. 151 4400 KINDERHOOK. Calved March 9, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. Sold April 18, 1882, to A. W. Mulliiis, Lin- neus, Mo. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Minnesota 2923, by Haynoke 658. 4401 DIMPLE. Calved April 12, 1882. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, 111.; calved the property of Harvey Wanck, Linneus, Mo. By Shelto 2d 1114, Dam Flora 33 U, by Honesty 696. 4402 KATHLEEN. Calved April 14, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. Sold April 18, 1882, to James C. Slater, Lin- neus, Mo. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Red Bird 2920, by Haynoke 658. 4403 KATRINE. Calved May 23, 1882. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, III; calved the property of Jas. C. Slater, Linneus, Mo. By Shelto 2d 1114, Dam Ella Bell 3541, by Honesty 696. 4404 MAGGIE MOSES. Calved June 15, 1879. Bred by Hamilton Slade, Green- ville, O. Sold Feb. 18, 1882, to Isaac Moses, of the same place. Sold Oct. 13, 1883, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 4405 MAYFLOWER DAISY. Calved May 28, 1880. Bred by Hamilton Slade, Green- ville, O. Sold Feb 18, 1882, to Isaac Moses, of the same place. Sold Oct. 13, 1883, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 4406 MAUD MOSES. Calved June 25, 1881. Bred by Hamilton Slade, Green- ville, O. Sold Feb. 18, 1882, to Isaac Moses, of the same place. Sold Oct. 13, 1883, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 152 cows. 4407 DEBBIE. Calved June 19, 1882. Bred by W. D. McArthiir, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Sold July 31, 1882, to J. B. Smallwood, Warsaw, N. Y. Died August, 1882. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Helena 45th 1450, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 4408 ADA JEFFERSON. Calved May 26, 1881. Bred by David Wait, Well's Bridge, N.Y. Sold Feb. 1, 1882, to L. W. Dyer, Jef- ferson, N. Y. By Delaware 1835, Dam Candy Girl 3184, by Candy 2d 364. 4409 CURLY 2d. Calved in 1869. Bred by J. R. Rose, LakeviUe, Cal. By Lorain 2217, Dam Curly 4349,by Sara toga Boy 2216. 4410 CHLOE ROSE. Calved in 1879. Bred by J. R. Rose,Lakcville, Cal. By Prince John 2221, Dam Curly 2d 4409, by Lorain 2217, 2d dam Curly 4349, by Saratoga Boy 2216. 4411 CLARICE CHLOE. Calved April, 1882. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Pedro 2222, Dam Chloe Rose 4410, by Prince John 2221, 2d dam Curly 2d 4409, by Loraine 2217, 3d dam Curly 4349, by Saratoga Boy 2216. 4412 LORETTE. Calved in 1810. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Lorain 2217, Dam Maud 2d 4356, by Bloomfield 2219. 4413 LEONA ROSE. Calved March, 1878. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Prince John 2221, Dam Lorette 4412, by Lor- ain 2217, 2d dam Maud 2d 4356, by Bloomfield 2219. 4414 LOLA SONOMA. Calved in 1880. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By cows. 153 Prince John 2221, Dam Lorette4412,byLoram 2217, 2d dam Maud 2d 4356, by Bloomfield 2219. 4415 WILMA. Calved in 1872. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Bloomfield 2219, Dam Lady Williamson, 4351, by Lorain 2217. 4416 WINONA WILMA. Calved in 1882. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Pedro 2222, Dam Wilma 4415, by Bloomfield 2219, 2d dam Lady Williamson 4351, by Lorain 2217. 4417 WISTERIA. Calved in 1879. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Prince John 2221, Dam Wilma 4415, by Lorain 2217, 2d dam Lady Williamson 4351, by Lorain 2217. 4418 RUBY REGINA. Calved in 1879. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Prince John 2221, Dam Maud 2d 4356, by Bloom- field 2219. 4419 LADY MYERS. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford,Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Dora 2837, by Buckeye 352. 4420 OH MY. Calved April 17, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hus- tisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Cherry 2d 2838, by Buckeye 352. 4421 SHYNESS. Calved July 4, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Wisconshi Belle 2831, by Buckeye 352. 4422 LAVINIA QUEEN. g^lved July 13, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hu^tis- 154 cows. ford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Queen 2834, by Buckeye 352. 4423 AGNES BARLOW. Calved August 7, 1882. Bred by I. A. Ormiston, Bar- low, O. Sold Dec. 30, 1882, to Edward Wolcott, Water- town, O. By George Barlow 1864, Dam Agnes 3d 2857, by Hudson 699. 4424 GEORGIANNA 10th. Calved Oct. 10, 1879. Bred by W. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. Sold June 2, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Geor- gianna 9th 3324, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4425 LOVELY 36th. Calved March 20, 1882. Bred by W. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 21st 1878, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4426 HELENA 54th. Calved March 29, 1882. Bred by W. M. White, Caii- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Puritan Girl 4th 3554, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 4427 HELENA 55th. Calved April 30, 1882. Bred by W. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Stephen N. Ben- nett, of same place. By Independence 713, Dam Helena 50th 1457, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 4428 HELENA 56th. Calved May 19, 1882. Bred by W. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lady Elgin 3d 1722, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. cows. 155 4429 BEAUTY BLEST. Calved March 1, 1881. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Delaware 1835, Dam Beauty 3698, by Madison Chief 814. 4430 CORY CANDY. Calved April 20, 1881. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Delav^^are 1835, Dam Cory 3187, by Candy 2d 364. 4431 LOVELY RED. Calved March, 1882. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Jos. Juliand, Bainbridge, N. Y.; sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Rob- ert P. Barry, Warrenton, Va. By Otsego 1836, Dam Sunflower 3707, by Delaware 1835. 4432 BELLE BEAUTY. Calved March 2, 1882. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Tom 1855, Dam Beauty 3698, by Madison Chief 814. 4433 ZEPHYR ZELIA. Calved April 1, 1882. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Lene 3625, by Madison Chief 814. 4434 CLYTIE. Calved April 27, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Ceres 3746, by Robin 163. 4435 LORETTE. Calved May 19, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 20, 1882, to George R. Hill, Oxford, Miss. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lotta 2943, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4436 DANAE. Calved June 14, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, 156 cows. Tenn. Sold Nov. 20, 1882, to George R. Hill, Oxford, Miss. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Daisy 5th 3303, by Lord Nelson 800. 4437 CLELIE. Calved July 6, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Oct. 17, 1882, to Porter & Powell, Roe, Ark. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Cerito 3752, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4438 RUCHE. Calved July 14, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Ruby 3276, by Litchfield 789. 4439 SALLY LUNN. Calved July 17, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Feb. 13, 1883, to Jas. M. Rhorer, Fair- mount, La. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Salmagundi 2912, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4440 DAYDREAM. Calved July 19, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Dec. 20, 1882, to James M. Rhorer, Fair- mount, La. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Daisy 3740, by Patterson 1867. 4441 VERDANDI. Calved Aug. 4, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Feb. 13, 1883, to James M. Rhorer, Fair- mount, La. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Vesta 3258, by Litchfield 789. 4442 DEW DROP GEM. Calved April 23, 1882. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Dew Drop 3054, by Belty 2d 292. 4443 FULL BLOOD BEAUTY. Calved April 24, 1882. Bred by J. W. Morse ^ cows. 157 Sons, Verona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Full Blood 1322, by Capron 367. 4444 CLESSIE. Calved April 24, 1882. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Jessie 2d 1604, by Capron 367. 4445 LADY GIRL. Calved July 4, 1882. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Lady 3055, by Belty 2d 292. 4446 LAURA ROSE. Calved July 17, 1882. Bred by Oliver H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. Sold June 20, 1883, to Geo. H. Sum- ner, West Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Rose 22d 2846, by Duke of Hampden 6th 507. 4447 MINNIE CURT. Calved July 18, 1882. Bred by H. L. Carrier, Brook- field, Mich. By Frank 1308, Dam Curt 2d 2998, by Orphan Boy 925. 4448 LILLY DELL. Calved June 23, 1882. Bred by J. A. Gillhara, Brighton, 111. By Lady May's Duke 1377, Dam Dakota 2924, by Haynoke 658. 4449 MISS MERMAID. Calved April 12, 1882. Bred by Isaac S. Newton, Ver- ona, Wis. Sold April 8, 1884, to L. W. Foster, Lone Rock, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Lady 3529, by Earl of Sydenham 521. 4450 IDA EYE BRIGHT. Calved April 18, 1882. Bred by Isaac S. Newton, Ver- ona, Wis. Sold April 8, 1884, to John A. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Lightfoot 3059, by Seventy Six 1109. 158 cows. 4451 CRYSTAL QUEEN. Calved April 25, 1882. Bred by Isaac S. Newton, Ver- ona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292,. Dam Lily 2d 1818, by Capron 367. 4452 ALBINA. Calved March 17, 1881. Bred by John M. Miller, Hickory, Pa.; calved the property of llobert Boyd, Steu- ben ville, Ohio. By Barrister 281, Dam Bena 16th 2369, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4453 ODILLE ORME. Calved Aug. 21, 1882. Bred by F. D. Beck, Bethany, W. Va. By Bar-Bodine 1893, Dam Rena 7th 2366, by Bastion 283. 4454 MORNING GLORY. Calved March 25, 1882. Bred by O. B. King, Water- town, Ct.; calved the property of C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Sontag 2d 2543, by Springfield 2d 1140. 4455 BOQUET. Calved April 7, 1882. Bred by O. B. King, Watertown, Ct.; calved the property of C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Sontag 3d 2544, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 4456 QUEEN EASTER. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by O. B. King, Watertown, Ct.; calved the property of C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Beauty 3d 3011, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 4457 QUEEN ELIZABETH. Calved April 12, 1882. Bred by O. B. King, Watertown, Ct.; calved the property of C. II. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dain Pink 2d 3841, by Grant 638. cows. 159 4458 • KITTY KING. Calved April 25, 1882. Bred by O. B. King, Water- town, Ct.; calved the property of C. H. Hiiggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Amanda 2d 1:44, by Holkham (Y) 691. 4459 VALE'S PET. Calved July 28, 1882. Bred by Hamilton Slade, Green- ville, O.; calved the property of Isaac Moses, of the same place. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Maggie Moses 4404, by Barley 2d 2070, 2d dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 4460 CLARA KEOKUK. Calved March 7, 1879. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Keokuk 763, Dam Clara 3d 3292, by Sampson 1099. 4461 PINK 4th. Calved March 27, 1879. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Keokuk 763, Dam Pink 2243, by Prince Arthur 980. 4462 IOWA PINK. Calved July 6, 1881. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. Sold March 18, 1882, to Hiram Barse, Parker, Dakota. By Curly Boy 2144, Dam Pink 4th 4461, by by Keokuk 763, 2d dam Pink 2243, by Prince Arthur 980. 4463 DAISY LASS. Calved Dec. 19, 1881. Bred by N. B. Choate, Wa- terloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Daisy 2d 3306, by Duke Alexis 482. 4464 CHOATE'S BEAUTY. Calved March 1, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Beauty 2d 599, by Sampson 1099, 160 cows. 4465 MELODY C. Calved March 3, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel liyaii 410, Dam Melody 3d 3501, by Billy 301. 4466 PINK WATERLOO. Calved March 9, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Pmk 3d 3545, by Duke Alexis 482. 4467 PRINCESS RYAN. Calved April 7, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Princess 7th 4199, by Keokuk 763. 4468 MINNIE MEG 2d. Calved Aug. 7, 1882. Bred by G. W. Doty, Morris- ville, Vt. Sold Nov. 14, 1883, to W. M. Small, of the same place. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Min- nie Meg 3982, by Hampden 2010. 4469 BRIDGET BESS. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by John Blake, Whip- ple, O.; calved the property of Pemberton Palmer, of the same place. By Frank 1333, Dam Cherry 3d 826, by Dan Baker 444. 4470 QUEEN QUIET. Calved May 29, 1882. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. Sold Oct. 5, 1882, to George W. Wolfe, Keene, O. By Frank 1333, Dam Queen 2313, by Hud- son 699. 4471 DAINTY DAISY. Calved June 3, 1882. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. Sold Oct. 30, 1882, to A. J. Hineline, Ava, O. Sold April 10, 1883, to F. M. Fulton, Hirams- burg, O. By Fred Que(>n 2084, Dam Daisy P. 4088, by Dan 1471. cows. 161 4472 DORA THE DEVON. Calved June 1882. Bred by Byram Moulton, Alexan- der, N. Y. Sold Aut^nist 25, 1882, to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Sold Sept. 25, 1882, to J. B. Small- wood, Warsaw, N. Y. Sold Dec. 4, 1883, to H. A. Rice; sold April 5, 1884, to W. C. Hale, both of Columbus, Miss. By New England 1805, Dam Jessie Moulton 3665, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4473 CAROLINE CREST. Calved May 26, 1881. Bred by Byram Moulton, Alex- ander, N. Y. Sold Aug. 25, 1882,' to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N.Y. By Duke of Devon Hill 1622, Dam Georgianna 2d 1359, by Comet 34. 4474 CONQUEST. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold April 2, 1882, to Peter N. Dennis, Trout Creek, N. Y. By Otsego 1835, Dam Rosey 3183, by Madison Chief 814. 4475 NELLIE SALEM. Calved Aug. 8, 1882. Bred by Isaac Woodbury, Salem Depot, N. H. Sold Sept. 7, 1882, to G. J. Martin, East Providence, R. I. By Reed's Fazio 1043, Dam Rose 6th 3233, by Reed's Fazio 1043. 4476 WILLOW MAID 2d.. Calved April 20, 1882. Bred by J. W. Moase, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Candy 3d 364, Dam Rose of Baltimore 6th 2461, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4477 SOPHIA COLVIN. Calved April 11, 1882. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold May 12, 1882, to H. H. Colvin, Dalton, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Edith 5th 1043, by Prince of Wales 151. 162 cows. 4478 BRIGHT PROMISE 5th. Calved July 18, 1881. Bred by D. & Jr Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold Oct. 3, 1881, to H. H. Colvin, Dalton, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Bright Promise 3d 3263, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 4479 CHERRY CHARM. Calved April 1, 1882. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Litchfield 789, Dam Evaleen 3547, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 4480 SAVEET LOVE. Calved Jan. 2, 1880. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du-lac, Wis. Sold Oct. 1, 1881, to D. H. Hillman, Brandon, Wis. Sold Jan. 4, 1883, to E. L. Rimals, Ripon, Wis. By Rowley 2d 1080, Dam Antic 473, by Huron 2d 704. 4481 FIRST FRUIT. Calved Dec. 28, 1881. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du- lac, Wis.; calved the property of D. H. Hillman, Bran- don, Wis. Sold Jan. 4, 1883, to E. L. Runals, Ripon, Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Sweet Love 4480, by Rowley 2d 1080, 2d dam Antic 473, by Huron 2d 704. 4482 FLAXY. Calved April, 1873. Bred by Chas. C. Hickcox, Water- town, Ct. Sold June 6, 1882, to Samuel H. Peck, of the same place. By Holkham (Y) 691, Dam Lydia 1902, by Jerry 736. 4483 GOLD LEAF. Calved Oct. 21, 1882. Bred by J. L. Crawford, Oakland City, Ind. By Bastion 2d 1856, Dam Jessie 1609, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. 4484 BERTHA PAYNE. Calved Jan. 2, 1882. Bred by R. K. Payne, Parkman, 0, By Cyrus 1860, Dam Jennie 3731, by Dandy 446. cows. 163 4485 MISS JUNO. Calved March 30, 1882. Bred by R. K. Payne, Park- man, O. By Cyrus 1860, Dam Frances 3732, by May Boy 1859. 4486 LADY SARAH. Calved July 15, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N.Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Jenny Lind 7th 1576, by Mohawk 872. 4487 LAURA EDITH. Calved Aug 3, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 6, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earl- viUe, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Pam Edith 3d 1049, by Genesee 2d 616. 4488 LADY VOLANTE. Calved Oct. 20, 1882. Bred by C. C. Palmer, Whipple, O. By Fred Queen 2084, Dam Blanche 2865, by Dan Baker 444. 4489 ADANTE. Calved Sept. 10, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Abessa 3751, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4490 DUENNA. Calved Sept. 24, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Dew Drop 3632, by Litchfield 789. 4491 LAMIA. Calved Oct. 17, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Nov. 24, 1883, to Willis Banks, Columbus, Miss. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Lady El- gin 6th 3320, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 4492 LINA LOVELY. Calved May 18, 1882. Bred by C. F. Elliott & Bro., 164 cows. Bell Brook, O. By Walter 1370, Dam Lovely 23d 1879, by Red Jacket 1033. 4493 GOLD TRINKET. Calved July 12, 1882. Bred by C. F. Elliott & Bro., Bell Brook, O. By Walter 1370, Dam Helena 49th 1456, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 4494 TRIXY. Calved April 4, 1882. Bred by John Blake, Whipple, O. By Frank 1333, Dam Betty 2d 685, by Dan Baker 444. 4495 PUSS THE PET. Calved July 1, 1882. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Ada 2858, by Dan Baker 444. 4496 LITTLE BETTIE. Calved Aug. 20, 1880. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. Sold Nov. 7, 1882, to S. J. AVoolley, Hilliard, O. By Homer 1325, Dam Betsy Baker 681, by Jack 721. 4497 WHITE TIP. Calved May 31, 1882. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Lena 3110, by Dandy 448. 4498 AURELLIA. Calved Sept. 15, 1882. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. Sold Nov. 7, 1882, to S. J. Woolley, Hilhard, O. Sold April 12, 1883, to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Betsy Baker 681, by Jack 721. 4499 VALENTINE GIRL. Calved Feb. 1, 1882. Bred byC. D. Northrop, CHnton, Wis. By Royal Briton 1466, Dam Roxy Ann 2480, by Hamilton 645. 4500 LALAGE. Calved July 5, 1882. Bred by C. D. Northrop, Clinton, coi^s. 165 Wis. By Royal Briton 1466, Dam Helen 1418, by Wisconsin 1249. 4501 DAINTY MAID. Calved Nov. 21, 1882. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to H. A. Rice; sold April 5, 1884, to W. C. Hale, both of Columbus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Georgianna 4th 1360, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4502 MARIT. Calved March 26, 1882. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Maud 2d 2860 by Buckeye 352. 4503 BELLE JUNO. Calved June 6, 1878. Bred by George Davis, East Montpelier, Vt. Sold Nov. 28, 1882, to M. F. Preston, Sharon, Vt. By Arlington 253, Dam Blonde 695, by Blueblood 321. 4504 PETTED PRUE. Calved May 5, 1882. Bred by George Davis, East Montpelier, Vt. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to D. K. Wakefield, Danville, Vt. By Montpelier 1915, Dam Purity 2301, by Blueblood 321. 4505 DOT CREOLE. Calved June 7, 1882. Bred by George Davis, East Montpelier, Vt. Sold Nov. 28, 1882, to A. B. Preston, Sharon, Vt. By Montpelier 1915, Dam Creole 3911, by Harley M. 652.' 4506 CHARMING PET. Calved Jan. 16, 1882. Bred by W. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Pet 3800, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4507 CASTELLAW. Calved April 5, 1881. Bred by W. H. Jones, South 166 cows. Montrose, Pa. By Jones' Prince of Wales 751 1, Dam Kose of Baltimore 5th 2460, by Prince of Wales 8th, 1000. 4508 BALTIMORE'S PEARL. Calved Aprill2, 1882. Bred by W. H. Jones, Sonth Montrose, Pa. By Jones' Prince of Wales 75 1|, Dam Rose of Baltimore 5th 2460, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4509 TEMPERANCE QUICK. Calved April II, 1882. Bred by W. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. By General Grant 1918, Dam Pride 2d 2265, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4510 MAID OF PLEASANT HILL. Calved June 6, 1882. Bred by J. D. Northrop, Clinton, Wis. By Royal Briton 1466, Dam Pink 2246, by Wisconsin 1249. 4511 MEGGY. Calved April 16, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford. Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Fanny 2d 1238, by Rowley 2d 1079. 4512 PEGGY. Calved April 16, 1882. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford. Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Fanny 2d 1238, by Rowley 2d 1079. 4513 ANTIC'S BEAUTY. Calved July 15, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. Sold Sept. 11, 1882, to Irvin York, Brock, O. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Champion 383, Dam Antic 475, by Barley 275. 4514 PORTLAND FANCY. Calved March 13, 1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Ver- non, N. Y Sold Nov. 21, 1882, to Wm. H. Barton, Schoharie, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Belle 628, by cows. 167 (^rant 638. 4515 ANNIE VON. Calved Dec. 10, 1882. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, III.; calved the property of C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Jerry 1525, Dam Bertha 3264, by Sir John 1125. 4516 RUTH DOLBY. Calved May 18, 1882. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O.; calved the property of John McMillen, Galligher, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Fanny 3712, by Bonner 1837. 4517 PROUD BLANCHE. Calved Oct. 27, 1882. Bred by George A. McMillen, Galligher, O. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Flora 1295, by Prince of Wales (Tye) 998. 4518 ACHSAH. Calved March 1, 1882. Bred by Daniel Marsh, James- ville, N. Y. By Beauregard 1446, Dam Myra 2878, by Doctor 462. 4519 ZELETTE. Calved April 1, 1882. Bred by Daniel Marsh, James- ville, N. Y. By Beauregard 1446, Dam Onondaga Belle 3031, by Lord Nelson 2d 801. 4520 NELLIE S. Calved Oct. 20, 1878. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 4521 MOLLIE LOTTIE. Calved Oct. 18, 1880. Bred by W. II. H. ScarfF, New Carlisle O. By Batavia (Y) 2355, Dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 4522 KATE. 1803. Calved Nov. 26, 1873. Bred by I. H. Butterfield Jr., Lapeer, Mich. Sold Jan. 1874, to R. G. Hart, of the 168 cows. Same place^; sold to J. J. ScarfF & Son ; sold I'eb. 18, 1878, to b! B. Scarff, all of New Carlisle, O. By Wali- bah-nis 1209, Dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 4523 TWILA. Calved Jan. 24, 1879. Bred by B; B. Scarff, New Car- lisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Kate 4522, by Wah- bah-nis 1209, 2d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 4524 NELL DEXTER. Calved April 5, 1882. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Car- lisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 2d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 4525 NINA. Calved May 25, 1882. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Gar- lisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Twila 4523, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 3d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 4526 HARMLESS. Calved April 4, 1879. Bred by B. B. Scarff; New Car- lisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Rose 2442, by Wah- bah-nis 1209. 4527 MAGGIE MITCHELL. Calved Oct. 29, 1882. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New CarUsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Jessie 3974, by Grant 2d 637. 4528 MAUD. 1898. Calved May 22, 1875. Bred by D. J. Wliitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold June 4, 1878, to W. 11. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Kitty Clover 1684, by Bounty 334. 4529 LADY VIOLA DEXTER. Calved Sept. 1, 1881. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New cows. 169 Carlisle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lady Viola 3975, by Grant 2d 637. 4530 LADY DAYTON. Calved Sept. 25, 1880. Bred by W. 11. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Nellie S. 4520, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 4531 MEDIE. Calved April 4, 1879. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold June 7, 1883, to Frank Bowman, of the same place. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 4532 CARRIE DEXTER. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Dec. 6, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Medie 4531, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 4533 LAURA X. Calved March 1, 1879. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New CarHsle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 4534 LAURA Y. Calved March 15, 1880. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 4535 LAURA Z. Calved March 25, 1881. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 4536 LAURA SCARFF. Calved April 4, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New CarUsle, 0, Sold Dec. 36, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San 170 cows. Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Uam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 4537 MAY BLOSSOM. Calved March 16, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarff «& Son, New CarUsle, O. Sold Dec. 26, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lilly 1830, by Prince of Lapeer 2d 990. 4538 SUSQUEHANNA PRIDE. Calved Dec. 14, 1882. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Cleopatra 3027, by The President 137. 4539 HANEY. Calved April 7, 1879. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Litchfield 789, Dam Carrie 769, by Genesee 2d 616. 4540 SILKY BET. Calved March 4, 1880. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- viUe, N. Y. Sold May 4, 1883, to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. By Litchfield 2d 1 766, Dam Rosy Bell 2473, by Frank* Baker 572. 4541 MISS MORGAN. Calved March 14, 1880. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- viUe, N. Y. Sold March 13, 1883, to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Lovely 1887, by Genesee 2d 616. 4542 GOOD NEWS. Calved Sept. 16, 1882. Bred by Oliver H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. Sold June 23, 1883, to George H. Sumner, West Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Dora 2d 2847, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 4543 PIETY. Calved Dec. 3, 1882, Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, cows. 171 Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Pink 3630, by Genesee 2d 616. 4544 NINETTE. Calved Dec. 22, 1882. Bred by E. D. Hicks, NashviUe, Tenn. By Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620, Dam Nina 3456, by Litchfield 789. 4545 LADY FENN. Calved Dec. 28, '1881. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam LiUy 2d 1825, by Mohawk 872. 4546 LADY DEVENANT. Calved Dec. 12, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lilly 2d 1825, by Mohawk 872. 4547 LADY HESBA. Calved July 12, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. Sold May 6, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Vernon Lord 2243, Dam Victoria 2d 2670, by Mohawk 872. 4548 LADY MANVILLE. Calved July 16, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Vernon Lord 2243, Dam Jessie 3878, by Hartland 1510. 4549 DAISY GENERAL. Calved Feb. 2, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Major General 2154, Dam Daisy 3588, by Cassio 373. 4550 PRAIRIE QUEEN. Calved April 28, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Desdemona 977, by Prince of Meridian 991. 172 cows. 4551 LADY IDA SHAW. Calved May 11, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, CoiFeyviUe, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Ida 3144, by Oxford 2d 933. 4552 DOLLY MAY. Calved May 26, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, (:;offeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Shaw's Pet 4225, By Oxford 2d 933. 4553 CHEROKEE MINNIE. Calved June 16, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th, 1740, Dam May Girl 4229, by Oxford 2d 933. 4554 CHEROKEE BELLE. Calved June 24, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th, 1740, Dam Cherry 3143, by Oxford 2d 933. 4555 LITTLE BEE. Calved Aug. 10, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, CoffeyviUe, Kan. By Duke of Atou 5th 1740, Dam Princess Helena 2296, by Red Jacket 1032. 4556 MONTGOMERY QUEEN. Calved Sept. 18, 1882. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Adelaide 3200, by Cassio 373. 4557 CHESTNUT. Calved Sept. 1882. Bred by W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. By Ishmael 1296, Dam Jenny Brown 2d 1567, by Dandy 446. 4558 BERTHA HART. Calved Aug. 18, 1882. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New CarUsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Mollie 2079, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. Cows. 173 4559 LEONORE MANSFIELD. Calved July 25, 1882. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. By Ben 1724, Dam Leonore 3352, by Bar- Huron 274. , 4560 FANCY H. MANSFIELD. Calved Nov. 14, 1882. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. By Ben 1724, Dam Fancy H. 3350, by Guil- ford 641. 4561 . ELECTION. Calved Jan 15, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Cleopa- tra 2d 3946, by Bloomfield 2018. 4562 LADY BLANCH HYDE. Calved Dec. 19, 1880. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold Dec. 9, 1882, to G. J. Martin, East Providence, R. I. By Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552, Dam Lady 7th 1701, by Zachary Taylor 1262. 4563 MARION MARTIN. Calved April 3, 1882. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold Dec. 9, 1882, to G. J. Martin, East Providence, R. I. By Guilford 641, Dam Millie 2981, by Upham 1200. 4564 PATTI GIRL. Calved June 28, 1882. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. Sold Nov. 13, 1882, to Henry Terrell, San Antonio, Texas. By Dexter 1842, Dam Maud 4528, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Kitty Clover 1684, by Bounty 334. 4565 IMP. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. By Gem's Duke 1401. Dam Lady 8th 3420, bv Red Duke 1024. 174 cows. 4566 EVER. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. By Gem's Duke 1401, Dam Jessie 2d 1608, by Forester 2d 568. 4567 EXTRA. Calved April 15, 1879. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Litchfield 789, Dam Fancy 1222, by Mohawk 872. 456B GOSSIP. Calved March 21, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- \dlle, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Dory 3d 1025, Frank Baker 572. 4569 GIFT. Calved April 11, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Pet 3213, by Litchfield 789. 4570 WOODBINE. Calved April 14, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Gem 3259, by Litchfield 789. 4571 WITCH. 4 Calved April 17, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Lovely 1887, by Genesee 2d 616. 4572 GIPSY QUEEN. Calved April 20, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Lady Baker 3379, by Litchfield 789. cows. 1^5 4673 RED HEBE. Calved April 29, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Cherry 2d 812, by Frank Baker 572. 4574 NONE SUCH. Calved May 5, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N.. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Carrie 769, by Genesee 2d 616. 4575 OWENA. Calved May 10, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Lulu 3569, by Litchfield 789. 4576 JUNE ROSE. Calved June 10, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Pansy B. 4004, by Litchfield 789. 4577 VALLEY GIRL. Calved June 15, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Dec. 19, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Myra 3368, by Litphfield 789. 4578 BLOSSOM FAY. Calved Jan. 1879. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Prince John 2221, Dam Fairy 4357, by Bloomfield 2219. 4579 FAY BUTTERCUP. Calved in 1881. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. By Pedro 2222, Dam Blossom Fay 4578, by Prince John 2221, 2d dam Fairy 4357, by Bloomfield 2219. 176 cows. 4580 MISS NACOMIS. Calved April 29, 1882. Bred by J. P. Fish, Chelsea^ Vt. Sold Sept. 20, 1883, to Edward Hmigerford, Bur- lington, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Luna 4305, by Bismarck 2187. 4581 LADY ALICE FISH. Calvei May 1, 1882. Bred by J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Hattie H. 4292, by Harley M. 652. 4582 BETSY MORRIS. Calved Oct. 1, 1881. Bred by J. R. Rose, Lakeville, Cal. Sold Oct. 20, 1881, to James Morris, Weave rville, Cal. By Pedro 2222, Dam Annie Morris 4355, by Phil Sheridan 2220. 4583 MAY PURITAN. Calved Nov. 22, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold Feb 6, 1883, to Andrew Ross, Burrell, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Helena 3025, by The President 137. 4584 EUNICE. Calved July 30, 1882. Bred by S. F. Dutton, Williams- town, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Roxy 4323, by Bis- marck 2187. 4585 BURDETTE. Calved Feb. 5, 1883. Bred by E. T. & H. W. Doney, Jackson, Mich. By Duke of Flitton 1484, Dam LuGy 4tli 3674, by Macomb 810. 4586 PATTY HAYES. Calved Nov. 22, 1882. Bred by R. K. Payne, Parkman,, O.; calved the property of A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. By Cyrus 1860, Dam Lulu 3090, by Bouncer 333. 4587 OEM. Calved March 24, 1871. Bred by J. S. Titus, Wash,. cows. 177 ington Depot, Ct. Sold in the summer of 1875, to Mrs. George Picrpont, Plymouth, Ct.; sold in the spring of 1877, to Geo. F. Hotchkiss, Bristol, Ct.; sold Oct. 1, 1882, to J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Shepaug 1115, Dam Victoria 3d 2662, by Holkliam 690. 4588 ANNIE OF PLAINS. Calved April 20. 1881. Bred by John Blake, Whipple, O. Sold Oct. 7, 1881, to Samuel L. Waggoner, White Eyes Plains, O. By Dan Baker 444,^ Dam Molly Stark 2083, by Baltic 262. 4589 ODELLA. Calved March 1, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. Sold Jan. 30, 1884 to Chester Benedict, Coventryville, Ct. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Queen of Cloverdell 2316, by Otsego 1st 929. 4590 INA HILTON. Calved April 18, 1882. Bred by Walter E. Case, Suf- field, Ct. By Hilton 1824, Dam Sissie 3904, by Cen- tennial Boy 376. 4591 FLORA FAY. Calved June 1, 1882. Bred by Walter E. Case, Suf- field, Ct. By Hilton 1824, Dam Tennie 2593 by Grant 638. 4592 MINNIE WILBEB. Calved March 20, 1882. Bred by Tyler Burnside, Maryland, N. Y. Sold Aug. 11, 1882, to S. C. Swack- hamer, Schenevus, N. Y. By Wilber 1829, Dam Dinah 2931, by Madison 813. 4593 ROSY DAW^N. Calved June 1, 1881. Bred by J. W. Dohbs, Wurtem- burg. Pa. By King Fred 2166, Dam Hattie 4242, by Nero 2160. 4594 LADY QUEEN. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by J. W. Dobbs, Wurtem- 178 cows. burg, Pa. By King Fred 2166, Dam Hattie 4242, by Nero 2160. 4595 REDDY. Calved June 8, 1881. Bred by J. W. Dobbs, Wurtera- burg, Pa. By King Fred 2166, Dam Maggie 4247, by N€ro 2160. 4596 FACTORY GIRL. Calved May 23, 1881. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Lottie 2807, by Richard 1051. 4597 BUTTERCUP LASS. Calved Aug. 17, 1881. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Opechee 2189, by Prince of Wales 149. 4598 ALLEGAN. Calved April 13, 1882. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Lottie 2807, by Richard 1051. 4599 ORANGE GIRL. Calved June 10, 1882. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Sample 1098, Dam Oleosa 2808, by John 747. 4600 SNOW STORM. Calved Feb. 3, 1883. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich. By Charles 2014, Dam Factory Girl 4596, by Sample 1098, 2d dam Lottie 2807 by Richard 1051. 4601 DOLOROS. Calved Jan. 10, 1882. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Uncas 2206, Dam Belle 629, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 4602 COSTANYA. Calved June 10, 1882. Bred by T. M. Harvell, Amhefst, N. H,; calved the property of Ward Parker, Reed's cows. 179 Ferry, N. H. Sold March 4, 1884, to Othneil Eames & Son, North Wilmington, Mass. By Forester 2d 568, Dam Lilly C. 3459, by Forester 2d 568. 4603 LENA LASS. Calved April 2, 1875. Bred by Calvin Pierce, Disco, Mich.; calved the property of Hiram D. Runyan, of the same place. By Arrowhead 255, Dam Dora 1015, by Prince of the West 992. 4604 MABEL MAY. Calved May 8, 1878. Bred by H. D. Runyan, Disco, Mich. Sold March 1, 1881, to John Preston, Pleasant, Mich. By Pedro Ali 2391, Dam Lena Lass 4603, by Arrowhead 255, 2d dam Dora 1015, by Prince of the West 992. 4605 PRINCE LAURETTA. Calved Jan. 1, 1881. Bred by H. C. Graff, Kensington, O. Sold Dec. 27, 1881, to Thos. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. By Napoleon 896, Dam Lady Laura 3450, by Huron Chief 705. 4606 ROYAL ROSETTA. Calved April 20, 1881. Bred by H. C. Graff, Kensington, O. Sold Dec. 27, 1881, to Thomas Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. By Napoleon 896, Dam Ros^tta 2467, by Wah- bah-nis 1209. 4607 PRINCESS LUCY. Calved June 15, 1881. Bred by H. C. Graff, Kensing- ton, O. Sold Dec. 27, 1881, to Thomas Mount, Vicks- burg, Miss. By Napoleon 896, Dam Lady Lucy 3473, by Barefoot 272. 4608 QUEEN LILLY. Calved July 15, 1881. Bred by H. C. Graff, Kensing- ton, O, Sold Dec. 27, 1881, to Thomas Mount, Vicks- burg, Miss. By Napoleon 896, Dam Lilly 5th 1822, by Arrowhead 255. 180 cows. 4609 BETTY. 1184 H. Calved April 1857. Bred by C. M. Ballard, Sheldon, N. Y. By Coke 402, Dam Julia 1640, by Splendid 1137. 4610 OLD ROSE. Calved in 1862. Bred by E. G. Faile, West Farms, N. Y. Sold to Lucius Beach, Port Huron, Mich. By Tioga 2396. Dam Pinta 2247, by WeUington 1226. 4611 ROSALIE. Calved June 4, 1863. Bred by Lucius Beach, Port Hu- ron, Mich. Butchered Jan. 1876. By Billy 2395, Dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 2d dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 4612 ROSETTE. Calved May 10, 1869. Bred by Lucius Beach, Port Huron, Mich. Sold Nov. 14, 1869, to Jos. Porter, Hem- lock, Mich.; sold July 19, 1875, to Asa A. Sheldon, Mid- land, Mich. By Berrien 2397, Dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 2d dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 3d dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 4613 CHERRY. Calved April 20, 1873. Bred by Joseph Porter, Hem- lock, Mich. Sold July 19, 1875, to Asa A. Sheldon, Midland City, Mi»h. By Berrien 2d 2398, Dam Rosette 4612, by Berrien 2397, 2d dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 3d dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 4th dam Pinta 2247, by Wellington 1226. 4614 BEAUTY. Calved April 8, 1862. Bred by Joseph Porter, Hemlock, Mich. Butchered in 1874. By Berrien 2397, Dam Curly 901, by Coke 402. 4615 MAID. Calved April 20, 1876. Bred by Joseph Porter, Hem- lock, Mich. Sold July 19, 1877, to A. A. Sheldon, cows. 181 Midland City, Mich. By Royal William 2400, Dam Cherry 4613, by Berrien 2d 2398, 2d dam Rosette 4612, by Berrien 2397, 3d dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 4th dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 5th dam Pinta 2247, by WeUington 1226. 4616 MYRTLE MAID. Calved April 28, 1878. Bred by A. A. Sheldon, Mid- land, Mich. By Barney 2402, Dam Maid 4615, by Royal William 2400, 2d dam Cherry 4613, by Berrien 2d 2398, 3d dam Rosette 4612, by Berrien 2397, 4th dam Rosalie 4611, by Billy 2395, 6ih dam Old Rose 4610, by Tioga 2396, 6th dam Pinta 2247, by WelUng- ton 1226. 4617 LADY GARBIE. Calved April 30, 1880. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Conn.; calved the property of H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt. Sold to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt.; sold Sept. 21, 1883, to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. By Ralph 1425, Dam Fairy 61st 2796, by Balco 259. 4618 MAY DAVIS. Calved Feb. 6, 1882. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt. Sold to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt.; sold March 25, 1884, to Geo. F. Davis, of the same place; sold March 31, 1884, to Orcutt Bixby, Chelsea, Vt. By Barron 1407, Dam Majestic 16th 2800, by Mitteneague 868. 4619 MAUD JULY. Calved July 2, 1882. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt. Sold to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt.; sold March 25, 1884, to J. P. Fish & Son, Chelsea, Vt. By Barron 1407, Dam Fairy 61st 2796, by Balco 259. 4620 VESTAL. Calved Feb. 3, 1883. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North 182 cows. Hartland, Vt. Sold to Geo. F. Davis, Windsor, Vt. By Barron U07, Dam Jessie Davy 26th 2798, byMattoon's Lion 849. 4621 OUINA. Calved Dec. 27, 1879. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold Nov. 10, 1882, to Jesse Brandt, Carroll, O. By Challenge 378, Dam Belle Mason 2777, by Breastplate 341. 4622 UNETTE. Calved March 18, 1881. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hil- liard, O. Sold March 6, 1883, to J. AV. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O. By Challenge 378, Dam Fanny 1245, by Guelph Chief 640. 4623 DAISY APPLEDALE. Calved May 10, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Frank 1333, Dam Mary 2870, by Dan Baker 444. 4624 QUEEN OF APPLEDALE. Calved June 25, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilhard, O. By Frank 1333, Dam Buckeye Belle 2869, by Baron 278. 4625 WAHNETA. Calved Aug. 22, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold March 6, 1883, to J. W. Pollock, Cedarville, O.; sold March 10, 1884, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O.; sold May 26, 1884, to Peter McArtor, New Lexing- ton, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Agnes 4th 2861, by Dan Baker 444. 4626 ETURA. Calved Sept. 5, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold Feb. 7, 1883, to J. C. Alward & Son, Patas- kala, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Maud 1976, by Hudson 699. cows. IBS 4627 ALFEHETTA WOOLLEY. Calved Oct. 17, 1882. Bred by S. J. WooUey, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Belle Helena 9th 645, by Breastplate 341. 4628 REN A 19th. Calved Sept. 6, 1880. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Bodine 324, Dam Rena 7th 2366, by Bastion 283. 4629 RENA 21st. Calved May 30, 1882. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Reno 1046, Dam Rena 19th 4628, by Bodine 324, 2d dam Rena 7th 2366, by Bastion 283. 4630 LADY McHENRY 2d. Calved March 20, 1880. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Bodine 324, Dam Lady McHenry 1760, by Mary lander 841. 4631 LADY RENO. Calved July 30, 1882. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Reno 1046, Dam Lady McHenry 2d 4630, by Bodine 324, 2d dam Lady McHenry 1760, by Marylander 841. 4632 RENA 20th. Calved Feb. 12, 1882. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. Sold April 9, 1883, to Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Reno 1046, Dam Rena 17th 3562, by Bodine 324. 4633 MAGGIE PURITAN. Calved Feb. 10, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold April 7, 1883, to S. J. Shearer, New Springfield, O. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Duchess of Dauphin 3930, by Springfield 1141. 4634 BRIGHT PURITAN. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. Sold Feb. 21, 1884, to J. M. Miller, 184 cows. Hickory, Va. By Cole*s Puritan 3d 406, Dam Moun- tain Maid 3029, by The President 137. 4635 ETTA PURITAN. Calved April 12, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Deer 972, by The President 137. 4636 ROSEMAY. Calved April 2, 1882. Bred by Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold June 10, 1882, to Elisha Strick- land, Springville, Pa. By Jones' Prince of Wales 751 1, Dam Rose of May 2465, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 4637 LINDY LASS Calved May 13, 1880. Bred by P. F. Coulter, Newark, O. By Franklin 1353, Dam Nellie 2894, by Bar-Celia 271. 4638 MYRTLE MAID. Calved Dec. 24, 1880. Bred by P. F. Coulter, Newark, O. Sold Dec. 21, 1882, to J. J. Watts, Buckeye Cot- tage, O. By Franklin 1353, Dam Ida May 1517, by Thad Stevens 1169. 4639 BERTHA BELLE. Calved Nov. 20, 1881. Bred by P. F. Coulter, Newark, O. Sold Dec. 21, 1882, to S. F. Weller, New Lexing- ton, O. By Ishmael 1296, Dam Bronte 2806, by Romeo 1070. 4640 MAY MYSTIC. Calved Feb. 15, 1882. Bred by P. F. Coulter, Newark, O. Sold Dec. 21, 1882, to S. F. Weller, New Lexing- ton, O. By Ishmael 1296, Dam Ida May 1517. by Thad Stevens 1169. 4641 SPLASH. Calved Nov. 19, 1882. Bred by P. F. Coulter, Newark, O. By Ishmael 1296, Dam J5ronte 2806, by Romeo 1070. cows. 185 4642 JOY. Calved Jan. 2, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Columbus, Miss. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Curly 2d 3302, by Lord Nelson 800. 4643 DARDANIA. Calved Aug. 10, 1882. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Colum- bus, Miss. By Fhtton 7th 1490, Dam Cowslip 66, by Master Alic 110. 4644 EAliLIE. Calved Jan. 17, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to W. C.Hale, Colum- bus, Miss. ByFlitton7th 1490, Dam Candy Girl 5th 3075, by Helena's Huron 8th 663. 4645 ARTA. Calved Feb. 23, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany. N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Rosy Belle 2473, by Frank Baker 572. 4646 ELSIE ELF. Calved March 26, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Name- less 4019, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 4647 BETTIE NEIL. . Calved July 12, 1859. Bred by R. H. Wilson, then ol' Wheeling, W. Va., late of May view. Mo. ' Sold to L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Stephen 1150, Dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4648 DUMPLING. Calved April 15, 1866. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's 186 cows. Point, W. Va. By Pataj^sco 2412, Dam Betti{> Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 2d dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4649 NELLIE JUNE. Calved June, 1871. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Stonewall 2413, Dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 2d dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 3d dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4650 ALACE. Calved March 25, 1879. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 24 12, 2d dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 3d dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4651 JESSIE FREMONT. Calved April 20, 1876. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point W.Va. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Nellie June 4649, by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 4th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4652 FLOSSY WINDHAM. Calved April 15, 1881. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Cyril 1459, Dam Jessie Fremont 4651, by Lone Star 2414. 2d dam Nellie June 4649, by Stonewall 2413, 3d dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412. 4th dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 5th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4653 CHERRIE. Calved April 25^ 1862. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Patapsco 2412, Dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4654 NELLIE. Calved May, 1871. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Died June, 1880. By Patapsco 2d 2415, Dam cows. 187 Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 2d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4655 JESSIE JOY. Calved April, 1873. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va, Sold Oct. 1, 1882, to L. P. Sisson, of the same place. By Stonewall 2413, Dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 2d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4656 BETSY BAKER. Calved April, 1877. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 2d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Ma- rion 835. 4657 WILD LILLY. Calved April. 1878. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Jessie Joy 4655, by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam, Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 241 2, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4658 VICK. Calved June, 1879. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Cyril 1459, Dam Jessie Joy 4655, by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4659 VALLEY PRIDE. Calved Feb. 14, 1881. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Cyril 1459, Dam Betsy Baker 4656, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4660 WINSOME. Calved March 10, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. ^y Champion 383, Dam Carrie 767, by Batavia 284. 188 cows. 4661 BLOSSOM. Calved U^ 14, 1878. Bred by Mrs. W. E. Arnold, Ote- go, N. Y. Sold Oct. 8, 1881, to Joseph Juliand, Bain- bridge, N. Y. By Huron Chief 705, Dam Tiara 2602, by General Grant 602. 4662 BAINBRIDGE QUEEN. Calved Feb. 28, 1882. Bred by Joseph Juliand, Bain- bridge, N. Y. Sold March 10, 1883, to N. A. Hum- phrey, of the same place. By Uixon 1830, Dam Queen of May 3d 2321, by Madison Chief 814. 4663 CHERRY BLOSSOM. Calved April 6, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. E. Arnold, Otego, N. Y.; calved the property of Joseph Juliand, Bainbridge, N. Y. Sold March 10, 1883, to N. A. Hum- phrey of the same place. By Puritan 1349, Dam Blos- som 4661, by Huron Chief 705, 2d dam Tiara 2602, by General Grant 602. 4664 MRS. DEVON. Calved April 4, 1876. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du- lac, Wis. By Rowley 2d 1080, Dam Blossom 711, by Carter 371. 4665 EFFIE ROSE. Calved April 2, 1882. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 7th 3583, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 4666 ELFIN. Calved March 9, 1883. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Rose of Baltimore 7th 3583, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 4667 EMILY QUARTO. Calved April 10, 1883. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- Co^s. 189 lin Forks, Pa. Sold Nov. 19, 1883, to J. B. Newsom, Davisboro, Ga. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Emily 3d 3941, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004. 4668 IRENE HOLLYBERRY. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by Ensign & Brown, Jed- do, N. Y. Sold Nov. 5, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Zib 2423, Dam Hollyberry 2872, by Doctor 462. 4669 MISS WIGGINS. Calved Feb. 18, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold March 13, 1883, to A. Smith Stevens, Newark, O. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Bright Eyes 3631, by Genesee 2d 616. 4670 MAUMEE. Calved Feb. 15, 1880. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Challenge 378, Dam Belle Hays 638, by Bare- foot 272. 4671 LUCENE. Calved Oct. 25, 1882. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Lulu 2810, by Dan Ba- ker 444. 4672 LADY LEE. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by W. S. Smoot, Langley, Va. By Bloomfield 3d 1 783, Dam Ella L. 3781, by The President 137. 4673 JOSIE L. (jalved March 20, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hus- tisford. Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Dora 2837, by Buckeye 352. 4674 BAKER'S BEAUTY. Calved March 30, 1883. Bred l)y George Baker, Hus- tisford. Wis. By Clannaboro 1 967, Dam Cherry 2d 2838, by Buckeye 352. 190 cows. 4675 JERSEY LILY. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Flora 3d 1288, by Rowley 2d 1079. 4676 MA GREENE. Calved April 30, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford. Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Fanny 3d 1239, by Rowley 2d 1079. 4677 GRECHEN Z. Calved Au^-. 27, 1881. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Oct. 20, 1883, to A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. By Barefoot 272, Dam Maggie 1919, by Bounty 334. 4678 ISADORA. Calved Jan. 2, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Oass- town, O. By Red Cloud 1918, Dam Lillith 3195, by Barefoot 272. 4679 GRACIE SCARFF. Calved March 26, 1881. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Aug. 22, 1882, to D. J. Whit- more, Casstown, O. Sold March 31, 1884, to Samuel Turner, Troy, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Maggie 3528, by Batavia 284. 4680 FLIP. Calved Sept. 28, 1880. Bred by John Blake, Whipple, O. Sold Oct. 21, 1881, to Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Lady Miller 2862, by Dan Baker 444. 4681 ISADORE L. Calved Jan. 7, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Aug. 27, 1883, to James II. Ross, Find- lay, O. By Red Cloud 1948, Dam Gertrude 3191, by Barefoot 272. cows. Idi 4682 FLORINE G. Calved Jan. 9, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Kitty Clover 1684, by Bounty 334. 4683 KERENHAPPUCH. Calved Jan. 16, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- tovvn, O. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Wm. Younger & Co., Fairbury, 111. By Barefoot 272, Dam Winnie 2700, by Butler 357. 4684 GERVASE. Calved Jan. 26, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- tovvn, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Effie 3194, by Butler 357. 4685 MYSTERY. Calved April 7, 1883. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Aug. 27, 1883, to Jas. H. Ross, Findlay, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Rosa 2386, by Grant 2d 637. 4686 FANNIE LANGTRY. Calved March 4, 1881. Bred by J. J. Scarff, New Car- lisle, O. Sold Aug. 22, 1882, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Medie 4531, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 4687 BELLE SCARFF. Calved May 8, 1881. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Aug. 22, 1882, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold March 2, 1883, to Henry Ingram, Wyoming, 111. By Dexter 1842, Dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 4688 JESSIE MEAD. Calved June 29, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Feb. 22, 1883, to Wm. E. Higgins, Meltzer, Ind. By Bishop 1450, Dam Arna 3034, by Barley 275. 192 cows. 4689 KITTY LEWIS. Calved March 23, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass-- tovvn, O.; calved the property of T. D. Lewis, of the same place. Sold Sept. 25, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstovvn, O.; sold Oct. 5, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Barefoot 272, Dam Blanche 3192, by Butler 357. 4690 POSEY S. Calved May 28, 1882. Brerl by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1883, to J. N. Shelhbarger, Cov- ington, (). By Bareioot 272, Dam Rose 3d 2430, by Bounty 334. 4691 PRINCESS JESSIE. Calved May 6, 1883. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Jessie Fremont 4651, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Nellie June 4649, by Stonewall 2413, 3d dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 4th dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 5th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4892 QUEEN BESS. Calved May 7, 1883. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Flossy Wind- ham 4652, by Cyril 1459, 2d dam Jessie Fremont 4651, by Lone Star 2414, 3d dam Nellie June 4649, by Stone- wall 2413, 4Lh dam Dumpling 4648, by Patapsco 2412, 5th dam Bettie Neil 4647, by Stephen 1150, 6th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 4693 FLASH. Calved Nov. 14, 1882. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y.; calved the property of J. B. Smallwood, Warsaw, N. Y. By Fhtton 7th 1490, Dam Blossom 3668, by LeRoy 780. 4694 BLESSING. Cahed April 12, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- cows. 193 ville, N. Y.; calved tlie property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By Willard 2052, Dam Lena 3267, by Litchfield 789. 4695 VERNAL. Calved April 20, 1?S83. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Colum- bus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Celia 3659, by CowsHp's Duke 1496. 4696 GOOD TASTE. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y.; calved the property of B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Laura 1794, by Chenano-o 390. 4697 CRP^DIT. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to W. C. Hale, Colum- bus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Cannie 3658, by. Cowslip's Duke 1496. , f:;^ 4698 NELLIE MACK. Calved April, 1879. Bred by l^ewis Cook, Torrington, Ct. Sold April. 8, 1882, to David Mack, of tlie same place. By Lord Lovell 797, Dam Snipper 3695, by Grant 638. 4699 GIRL OF PROMISE. Calved May 7, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa.; calved the property of M. B. Thayer, Linesville, Ph. By King- William 7,69, Dam Mollie 4238, by Baronet 2162. 4700 LASS MOLLY STARK. Calved April 27, 1 883. Bred by Jas. D. Baker, Hustis-" : ford, Wis. ByClannaboro 1967, Darn Skipper Lass 4036," hj Buckeye 35^, .^^01 194 cows. 4701 MAUD S. BAKER. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by James D. Baker, Hus- tisford. Wis. By Claniiaboro 1967, Dam Doxy 2883, by Buckeye 352. 4702 GIRL FRANCES. Calved April 24, 1882. Bred by T. C. Peacock, Harris- ville, Ind. By Benmore 1337, Dam Emma 1087, by Grant 2d 637. 4703 FAIR FILENA. Calved Oct. 30, 1882. Bred by T. C. Peacock. Harris- ville, Ind. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Princess of Kent 3d 2743, by Elgin 531. 4704 AMAZON. Calved March 13, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Abbess 3744* by Archer 1868. 4705 LETHE. Calved March 19, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lady Elgin 5th 1724, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 4706 EDITH 7th A. Calved Dec. 20, 1872. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. Butchered in 1879. By Prince ol Wales 151, Dam Edith 2d 1040, by Sachem 1089. 4707 EDITH 13th. Calved Dec. 11, 1877. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 11th 1001, Dam Edith 7th A. 4706, by Prince of Wales 1 51, 2d dam Edith 2d 1040, by Sachem 1089. 4708 EDITH 14th. Calved Jan. 3, 1878. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 4th 1042, by Prince ol Wales 151, cows. 195 4709 EDITH 16th. Calved Feb. 9, 1879. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 4710 EDITH 17th. Calved March 27, 1879. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 6th 1044, by Prince of Wales 151. 4711 MAY MAID. Calved Dec. 28, 1880. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 14th 4708, by Crown Prince 434, 2d dam Edith 4th 1042, by Prince of Wales 151. 4712 LUCY CROWN. Calved March 5, 1881. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 13th 4707, by Prince of Wales 11th 1001, 2d dam Edith 7th A. 4706, by Prince of Wales 151, 3d dam Edith 2d 1040, by Sachem 1089. 4713 LADY JANE EDITH. Calved Jan. 8, 1882. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 14th 4708, by Crown Prince 434, 2d Dam Edith 4th 1042, by Prince of Wales 151. 4714 PATIENCE. Calved Jan. 24, 1882. Bred Joseph Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 16th 4709, by Crown Prince 434, 2d dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 4715 . MABEL ENSIGN. Calved March 13, 1882. Bred by Ensign & Brown, Jeddo, N. Y. Sold Sept. 29, 1882, to Joseph Hilton, 196 cows. New Scotland, N. Y. By Zib 2423, Dam Hollyberry 2872, Doctor 462. 4716 MAID OF UTICA. Calved Sept. 25, 1882. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince John H. 2458, Dam Edith 12th 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 4717 MISS NANCY NEW. Calved Jan. 16, 1883. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 14th 4708, by Crown Prince 434, 2d dam Edith 4th 1042, by Prince of Wales 151. 4718 CROCUS. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold May 25, 1883, to Jay Morton, Rock- land, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Pansy B. 4004, by Litchfield 789. 4719 BELLE FAIRY. Calved April, 1880. Bred by Jno. F. Hibbard, West Woodstock, Ct. Sold May, 1880, to Jno. P. Gage & Son, Southbridge, Mass. By Prince William 1427, Dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. 4720 LADY WOODSTOCK. Calved May 4, 1881. Bred by Jno. P. Gage & Son, Southbridge, Mass. By Duke of Woodstock 2462, Dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. 4721 LOVELY 37th. Calved Feb. 6, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Canas- eraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 31st 3468, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4722 LOVELY 38th. Calved Feb. 17, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Cm- cows. 197 aseraga, N. Y. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 21st 1878, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4723 LOVELY 39th. Calved March 7, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 30th 3466, by Duke of FHtton 9th 66. 4724 LOVELY 40th. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 34th 3768, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4725 LOVELY 41st. Calved April 17th, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Canaseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to Arthur J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Wanda 2d 2688, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 4726 LOVELY 42d. Calved April 22, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 20th 1877, by Nemophilla's Huron 900. 4727 GEORGIANNA 12th. Calved March 14, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J. Hutchin- son, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Georgianna 9th 3324, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4728 HELENA 57th. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y. Sold June 21, 1883, to A. J. Hutchin- son, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lady Elgin 3d 1722, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 4729 HELENA 58th. CdUel May 2S, 18S3. Bred by Wtn. M. White, Can- 1^8 cows. aseraga, N. Y. By Independence 713, Dam Helena A. 47th U53, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4730 LILY PARKER. Calved May 27, 1883. Bred by Hiram Barse, Parker, Dak. By Duke of Avon 7th 2111, Dam Melody B. 4206, by Duke 3d 1751. 4731 MOUNTAIN MINNIE. Calved Sept. 8, 1882. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Minnie 24th 3507, by Merrimac 863. 4732 BUTTER MINNIE. Calved Sept. 12, 1882. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Sold to Wm. Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Minnie 2oth 3505, by Merrimac 863. 4733 ROSE MOUNTAIN. Calved Jan. 12, 1882. Bred by M. F. Kelley, Winooski, Vt. By Wilbraham 3d 1232, Dam King's Rose 1681, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 4734 MOUNTAIN BEAUTY. Calved June 18, 1882. Bred by M. F. Kelley, Win- ooski, Vt. By Wilbraham 3d 1232, Dam Beauty 2d 590, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 4735 CIVIL SERVICE. Calved June 2, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Colum- bus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Jane 3d 2881, by Doctor 462. 4736 PHELPS' BEAUTY 2d. Calved in 1879. Bred by W. L. Durand, Torringford, Ct. By Centennial Boy 376, Dam Phelps' Beauty 4153, by Cudjo 436. cows. 199 4737 DORA BELLE. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by J". W. Dob'bs, Wurtem- burg, Pa. By Hugh Belden 2384, Dam Hattie 4242^ by Nero 2160. 4738 NETTIE BUCKEYE. Calved March 2, 1880. Bred by E. C. BHss; sold May 15, 1882, to A. W. Rumsey; sold Oct. 25, 1883, to Rumsey Bros., all of Westfield, N. Y. By Buckeye 2d 351, Dam Jenny 1565, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 4739 SYNTHIA BLISS. Calved May 7, 1881. Bred by E. C. Bliss; sold May 15, 1882, to A. W. Rumsey; sold Oct. 25, 1883, to Rumsey Bros., all of Westfield, N. Y. By Buckeye 2d 351, Dam Rosa 2387, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 4740 CHERRY 6th. Calved March 20, 1874. Bred by Thomas Bid well, Gurnee, 111. By Forester 569, Dam Cherry 3d 788, by Baltimore 270. 4741 LADY BIDVVELL. Calved Aug. 22, 1878. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Cherry 6th 4740, by For- ester 569, 2d dam Cherry 3d 788, by Baltimore 270. 4742 GEM CAMILLA. Calved Jan. 31, 1879. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Camilla 2d 4112, by Forester 569. 4743 ALMA LAKE. Calved Feb. 12, 1880. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Alma 438, by Lord Port- man (Y) 2d 804. 4744 FAIRY FESTINA. Calved May 14, 1881). Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Festina 2d 4110, by Lord Portman (Y) 2d 804. .200 cows. 4745 GENA. Calved Feb. 13, 1881. Bred by Tlios. Bidwell, Gurnee,- 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Cherry Ith 789, by Lord Portmaii (Y) 2d 804. 4746 ALMA BALTIMORE. Calved April 9, 1881. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Alma 438, by Lord Port- man (Y) 2d 80-i. 4747 FESTINA GURNEE. Calved May 12, 1881. Bred by Tlios. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Baltimore 2102, Dam Festina 2d 41 10, by Lord Portman (Y) 2d- 804. 4748 PANSY ST. JOHN. Calved Feb. 28, 1882. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Sir John 1125, Dam Camilla 2d 4112, by 'For- ester 569. 4749 LIGHT COLOR. Calved July 28, 1882. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Sir John 1125, Dam Lady ol Gurnee 4116, by Baltimore 2102. 4750 MISS PRIM. Calved Dec. 11, 1882. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Sir John 1125, Dam Alma Lake 4743, by Baltimore 2102, 2d dam Alma 438, by Lord Portman (Y) 2d 804. 4751 FAIR FESITNA. Calved Dec. 31, 1882. Bred by Thos. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. By Sir John 1125, Dam Festina 2d 4110, by Lord Portman (Y) 2d 804. 4752 TERESA ALBA. Calved June 2, 1883. Bred by Israel W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. Sold June 20, 1883, to Wm. H. Nease, Miners- ville, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Leora 3109, by Dandy 448. cows. 201 4753 CORA. 2229. Calved June 20, 1876. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold to J. F. Hibbard, West Woodstock, Ct.; sold Aug. 1879, to John H. Childs, East Woodstock, Ct.; sold April 9, 1881, to F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. By Leslie 781, Dam Cupid 888, by Kerne Bly 764. 4754 BETSY PRICE. 831. Calved in 1868. Bred by Geo. Patterson ; sold to S. T. C. Brown ; owned by Frank Brown, all of Sykesville, Md. By Sterling Price 1151, Dam by Dick Taylor 47. 4755 LUCY PRICE. Calved May, 1877. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. By Defiance 452, Dam Betsy Price 4754, by Ster- ling Price 1151, 2d dam by Dick Taylor 47. 4758 JULIET APRIL. Calved April 29, 1882. Bred by F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. Sold Nov. 19, 1883, to Chas. S. Turner, Chaplin, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Cora 4753, by Les- lie 781, 2d dam Cupid 888, by Kerne Bly 764. 4757 DOLLY LOVELY. Calved April 5, 1880. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Billy Boy 1345, Dam Lovely 2884, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4758 EDITH 18th. Calved Feb. 12, 1879. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. Sold Dec. 22, 1880, to John Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Crown Prince 434, Dam Edith 3d 1041, by Sachem 1089. 4759 EDITH 20th. Calved June 27, 1880. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. Sold Feb. 25, 1881, to John Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Crown Prince 434, Dam TAith 9th 1046, by Prince of Wales 15 L 202 cows. 4760 EDITH 21st. Calved Nov. 15, 1881. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Candy 2d 36^, Dam Edith 18th 4758, by Crown Prince iU, 2d dam Edith 3d 1041, by Sachem 1089. 4761 LAURA LASSIE. Calved July 1, 1880. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Coi)lay, Pa. By Lackawanna 1550, Dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. 4762 PALLAS COPLAY. Calved Nov. 7, 1881. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Coplay, Pa. By Lackawanna 1550, Dam Pallas 2195, by Jas- per 728. 4763 LASS ANNIE LAURIE. Calved May 18, 1880. Bred by Dillard & Graves,' La- hore, Ya. By Bismark 308, Dam Diamond 991 by The President 137. 4764 ORPHAN ROSE. Calved Jan. 10, 1881. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Kendall 2480, Dam Mountain Rose 2908, by The President 137. 4765 NATALIE. Calved Jan. 20, 1882. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Lady Kate 1752, by The President 147. 4766 ALMARALDA. Calved April 8, 1882. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Alma 439, by Champion 382. 4767 PRIMA DONNA. Calved May 12, 1882. Bn^d by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Nemophilla 6th 2781, by Hudson 699. cows. 203 4768 FLORENCE VANE. Calved May 30, 1883. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La^ hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Ella's Pet 1072, by The President 137. 4769 MARCELINE. Calved June 13, 1883. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Buckingham 2482, Dam Lass Annie Laurie 4763, by Bismark 308, 2d dam Diamond 991, by The President 137. 4770 GIRL GRACE. Calved Jan. 1, 1883. Bred by W. C. Stiles Jr., Volcano, W. Va.; calved the property of Thompson Leach, Park- ersburgh, W. Va. By Baron 278, Dam Molly Stark 2d 2859, by Dan Baker 444. 4771 LETTIE LEACH. Calved Jan. 24, 1883. Bred by W. C. Stiles Jr., Volcano, W. Va.; calved the property of Thompson Leach, Park- ersburgh, W. Va. By Baron 278, Dam Betty 684, by Baltic 262. 4772 GOLDEN GRAIN. Calved Feb. 13, 1883. Bred by W. C. Stiles Jr., Vol- cano, W. Va.; calved the property of Thompson Leach, Parkersburgh, W. Va. By Baron 278, Dam Lady Maud 2863, by Dan Baker 444. 4773 JUNIA. Calved March 28, 1883. Bred by J. W. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O.lBy Cole's Perfection 1369, Dam Luna 2d 3050, by Barrister 281. 4774 RUFFLE. Calved May 31, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Ruby 3276, by Litch- field 789, 204 cows. 4775 SAPPHIRE. Calved June 3, 1883. Bred by E. U. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Salmagundi 2942, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4776 VERONICA. Calved June 12, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Vesta 3258, by Litch- field 789. 4777 LUCASTA. Calved June 22, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. Sold Jan. 24, 1884, to Geo. W. Delbridge, Oxford, Miss. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lucille 3467, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4778 FORTUNE. Calved June 26, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Frolic 3741, by Patter- son 1867.' . • 4779 LEGACY. Calved June 7, 1883. Bred by Jno. M. Bass, Nashville, Tenn. By Paladin 1905, Dam Lesbia 3641, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4780 BODIE CRAIG. Calved April 17, 1883. Bred by J. H. Craig, Linneus, Mo. By Jerry 1525, Dam Breda 2d 3789, by Massasoit 1378. 4781 DIONA. Calved April 26, 1883. Bred by H. Wanck, Linneus, Mo. By Jerry 1525, Dam Flora 3314, by Honesty 696. 4782 BESSY TURNER. Calved April 2, 1883. Bred by David Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Candy Girl 3184, by Candy 2d 364, dows. 206 4783 LADY CARTER. Calved March 7, 1878. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond- du-Lac, Wis. By Rowley 2d 1080, Dam Antic 473, by Huron 2d 704. 4784 ROSABELLE. Calved April 10, 1873. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa; sold Nov. 7, 1873, to C. E. Davis, of the same place. By Prince of Wales 8th 1000 Dam Rose of Bal- timore 1st 2457, by Eclipse 72. 4785 TALOO. Calved March 30, 1883. Bred by C. E. Davis, Spring- ville, Pa. By General Grant 1918, Dam Rosabelle 4784, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000, 2d dam Rose of Balti- more 1st 2457, by Eclipse 72. 4786 JESSIE P. Calved April 7, 1882. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville. Pa.; sold June 20, 1 882, to C. E. Davis, of the same place. By Litchfield 78^, Dam Peony 1st 2216, by Bloomfield 313. 4787 EASTER LADY. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by Hiram True, Lower Salem, O. By Fred Queen 2084, Dam Flora Palmer 3063, Dan Baker 444. 4788 FLORENCE GERTRUDE. Calved Jan. 12, 1883. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to Jno. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Sold Nov. 1, 1883, to S. Coleman, Cen- tertown. Pa. By Fred Queen 2084, Dam Molly 2081, by Hudson 699. 4789 LADY WOLFERT. Calved March 23, 1883. Bred by Pemberton Palmer, Whii»ple, O. By Garfield P. P. 2082, Dam Bessie May 4089, by Dan 1471. 9 206 cows* 4790 CERTAIN. Calved March 5, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold June 21, 1883, to James Kneskei:i, Carlisle, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Venah 387G, by Hartland 1510. 4791 CENTRAL. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sid- ney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Caroline 766, by Genesee 2d 616. 4792 CLOVERNIP. Calved March 22, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sid- ney Center, N. Y. Sold May 13, 188^, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Silvy 2525, by Genesee 2d 616. 4793 CLASSMATE. Calved June 5, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 17, 1884, to Abram Boyce, Loomis, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Jessie 3878, by Hartland 1510. 4794 CALM. Calved June 6, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold Nov. 20, 1883, to James Kneskein, Carlisle, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Long Horn 1855, by Mohawk 872. 4795 MINNIE'S PET. Calved July 20, 1883. Bred by Mrs. J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Vernon Lord 2243, Dam Lady Theresa 3091, by Frank Chapman 574. 4796 QUINCY LASS. Calved Feb. 13, 1883. Bred by H. Dane, Woodland, Wis. By Long John 1317, Dam Curly 31 15, by Rochelle 1062. 4797 FRANCES P. Calved April 26, 1882. Bred by Orrin Prichard ; sold June 20, 1882, to C. E. Davis, both of Spring ville, Pa cows. 207 By Litchfield 789, Dam Peony 2d 2217, by Comet 420. 4798 OSIA. Calved Jan. 13, 1883. Bred by R. K. Payne, Parkman, O. By Cyrus 1860, Dam Jennie 3731, by Dandy 446. 4799 ARDA. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by R. K. Payne, Park- man, O. By Cyrus 1860, Dam May Queen 3600, by Bouncer 333. 4800 FLIP. Calved April 9, 1883. Bred by Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold April 24, 1883, 'to Bernard Dors- heimer, Schultzville, Pa. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Pau- line 2805, by Helena's Huron 8th 663. 4801 JONES' BALTIMORE. Calved March 7, 1883. Bred by Wm. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold May 31, 1883, to Elisha Strickland, Springville, Pa. By Valley Hunter 2514, Dam Rose of Baltimore 5th 2460, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4802 CALLIE. Calved March 10, 18«3. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- vUle, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Lala4012, by Prince of Wales 13th 1003. 4803 CANNY. Calved March 14, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville; N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Helen F. 4003, by Chenango 390. 4804 CUSHA. Calved March 16, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Metta 4001, by Prince of Wales 13th 1003. 4805 CHARTE. Calved April 3, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Dory 4th 3318, by Lord Nelson 800. 208 cows. 4806 CHORUS. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Willard 2()5'2, Uam Lucretia 4212, by Litchfield 789. 4807 CAPER. Calved April 15, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- viUe, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, DamUolly 1005, by Chenango 390. 4803 CHIPPY. Calved April 27, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- Ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Uam Meadow Queen -4020, by Prince of Wales 13th 1003. 4809 CIRCLE. Calved x\pril 27, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Willard 2052, Dam Beauty 598, by Genesee 2d 616. 4-10 CHERISH. Calved May 27, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Willard 2052, Uam Helena 3273, by Genesee 2d 616. 4811 CATER. C'alved June 6, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Uam Edith 1047, by Chenango 390. 4812 CHOSEN. Calved in the spring of 1880. Bred by Rollin Gleason, Benson, Vt. Sold Uec. 3, 1880, to Samuel Putnam, Cornish, N. H. By Pepin 940, Uam Gem 3d 1351, by Sardanapalus 1106. 4818 LAUY CORNISH. Calved April 17, 1883. Bred by Samuel Putnam, Cor- nish, N. H. By Elect 2522, Uam Beauty lOth 3219, by Red Uuke 1024. cows. 209 4814 GASELA. Calved July 12, 1888. Bred by E. 1). Hieks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Jan. 24, 1884, to Geo. R. Hill, Oxi'ord, Miss. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Graceful 3742, by Pat- terson 1867. 4815 AGATE. Calved July 17, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Sold Jan. 29, 1884, to Henry P. Turner, Hunts- ville, Ala. By Elgin 2d 1798, Uam Abessa 3751, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 4816 LADY MARY. Calved March 15, 1870. Bred by Wm. Eames, Wor- cester, Mass. By Bloomfield (Y) 314, Dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 4817 DAME HELEN. Calved July 28, 1876. Bred by Wm. Eames, Worces- ter, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 4816, by Bloomfield (Y) 314, 2d dam Lucy 1893, by Prmce John 985. 4818 HELEN UNCAS. Calved June 15, 1878. Bred by Wm. Eames, Worces- ter, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 4816, by Bloomfield (Y) 314, 2d dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 4819 JUNE HELEN. Calved June 5, 1879. Bred by Wm. Eames, Worcester, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 4816, by Bloomfield (Y) 314, 2d dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 4820 HELEN EAMES. Calved June 24, 1881. Bred by Wm. Eames, Worces- ter, Mass, By Uncas 1196, Dam Lady Mary 4816, bv 210 cows. Bloomfield (Y) 3U, 2d dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 4821 ORPHEAN BEAU.TY. Calved July 20, 1883. Bred by George Baker, Hustis- ford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Beauty (Y) 2d 2754, by Rowley 1078. 4822 IDA WORK. Calved July, 1878. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold Aug. 15, 1880, to S. C. Work, Buffalo, Pa. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d 2415, 2d dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 4828 DOR ALINE. Calved July 20, 1883. Bred by Oliver H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Dora 2d 2847, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 4824 CUTICURA. Calved June 23, 1883. Bred by A. Smith Stevens, New- ark, O.; calved the property of Seth Cook, Danville, Cal. By Bennie 2223, Dam Jane Ishmael 3899, by Ishmael 1296. 4825 BELLE BLOOMFIELD. Calved March 5, 1883. Bred by W. B. Taylor, Lincoln- ville. Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Duchess Ella 4245, by King Wilham 769. 4826 ATTICA. Calved April 15, lb8l. Bred by George Chick, Attica, N. Y. By McCloskey 1624, Dam Lady Elgin 7th 3319, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4827 LAURA 2d. 1823. Calved July 25, 1875. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Cop- lay, Pa. By Ole Bull 921, Dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. cows. 211 4828 PHOEBE. 2562 Calved June 25, 1878. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Cop- lay, Pa. By Duke of Lehigh 509, Dam Laura 2d 4827, by Ole Bull 921, 2d dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. 4829 PHOEBE FINE. Calved Oct. 15, 1882. Bred by O. L. Schreiber, Coplay, Pa. By Whitehall 1537, Dam Phoebe 4828, by Duke of Lehigh 509, 2d dam Laura 2d 4827, by Ole BuU921, 3d dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. 4880 CASTORIA. Calved April 8, 1881. Bred by B. B. ScarfF, New Car- lisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Twila 4523, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 3d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 4831 CHINA. Calved April 14, 1881. Bred by B. B. ScarfF, New Car- lisle, O. Sold Jan. 1, 1884, to P. W. Artz, Osborn, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Harmless 4526, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Rose 2442, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. 4832 MISS DONNA. Calved Jan. 9, 1883. Bred by J. J. Scarff &: Son, New CarHsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Medie 4531, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 4333 LA JUNE. Calved Jan. 16, 1883. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New CarHsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Maggie 3528, by Batavia 284. 4834 CAROLENA. Calved March 24, 1883. Bred by J. J. ScarfF & Son, New CarHsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura Y. 4534, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 212 oows. 4835 CLAIM. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by B. B. Scarff, New Car- lisle, O. By Dexter 18^2, Dam Twila 4523, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Kate 4522, by Wah-bah-nis 1209, 3d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 28-i. 4836 FAIR FRANCE. Calved July 7, 1883. Bred by J. J. ScarfF & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Laura X. 4533, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Laura 3d 1789, by Arrowhead 255. 4837 CONGRESS. Calved July 13, 1883. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New CarHsle, O.' By Dexter 1842, Darn Maud 4528, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Kitty Clover 1684, by Bounty 334. 4838 COLIC. Calved July 21, 1883. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Nellie S. 4520, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 4839 ROSA DEE. Calved April 12, 1883. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt.; calved the property of Geo. F. Davis, Windsor, Vt. By Barron 1407, Dam Fairlie 2795, by Lanson 774. 4840 ASCUTNEY BELLE. Calved June 5, 1883. Bred by H. D. Dunbar, North Hartland, Vt.; calved the property of D. H. Davis, Wind- sor, Vt. Sold March 25, 1884, to George F. Davis, of the same place. By Barron 1407, Dam Fairy 61st 2796, by Balco 259. 4841 SUE. Calved June 10, 1881. Bred by S. Nancie Reilly, Mt. Vernon, N. H. Sold July 27, 1883, to Thos. M. Har- veU, Amherst, N. H. By Forester 2d 568, Dam Butter- cup 3440, by Fremont 585. 4842 EMMA ERA. Calved April 6, 1882. Bred by T. M. HarveU, Amherst, N. H. By Forester 2d 568, Dam Princess Jenny 2856, by Fremont 585. 4843 ELLA ECHO. Calved March 26, 1883. Bred by T. M. HarveU, Am- herst, N. H. By General Stark 613, Dam Princess Jen- ny 2856, by Fremont 585. 4844 DESS. Calved March 4, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse, Verona, Wis. By Triumph 2d 1179, Dam Venie 3967, by Seventy Six 1109. 4845 ROSY S. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Rose 2444, by Earl of Sydenham 521. 4846 NESS. Calved May 19, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse & Sons, Verona, Wis. By Triumph 2d 1779, Dam Jessie 2d 1604, by Capron 367. 4847 CHITAUQUESS. Calved July 10, 1883. Bred by J. W. Morse, Verona, Wis. By Carlos 2013, Dam Dewdrop 3054, by Belty 2d 292. ^ '^''" 4848 MONTANE. Calved May 18, 1881. Bred by N. B. Reed, Princeton, Mass. By Uncas 1196, Dam Princess Uncas 3901, by Uncas 1196. 4849 BRITTA. Calved April 25, 1883. Bred by J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Dam Belle Patterson 6th 658, by Jack 721. 214 coTfs. 4850 MONA. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by J. M. MiUer, Hickory, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Dam Adena 3861, by Zulu 1268. 4851 DANA. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Dam Lena 2d 3052, by Barris- ter 281. 4852 LORLE. Calved Aug. 15, 1883. Bred by J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Dam Jubilee 3671, by Hudson 699. 4853 MAID LEVA. Calved March 28, 1883. Bred by W. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold June 25, 1883, to R. Mackey, Youngstown, O. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Leva 3936, by Jones' Prince of Wales 75 1|. 4854 BELLE MONTROSE. Calved May 2, 1883. Bred by W. H. Jones, South Montrose, Pa. Sold June 25, 1883, to Robert Mackey, Youngstown, O. By Mordecai 1917, Dam Georgianna 2804, by Helena's Huron 8th 663. 4855 LADY CATHARINE. Calved Feb. 17, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold June 22, 1883, to Robert Mackey, Youngstown, Ohio. By True Briton 2471, Dam Jenny 1565, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 4856 MAY^BELL. Calved May 11, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold June 22, 1883, to Rob't Mackey, Youngstown, O. By True Briton 2471, Dam Synthia Bliss 4739, by Buckeye 2d 351, 2d dam Rosa 2387, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. cjows. 215 4857 MRS. HELENA. Calved Sept. 18, 1878. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold Nov. 2-i, 1883, to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By LeRoy 780, Dam Helena 44th 1449, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 4858 HELENA DUKE. Calved June 30, 1881. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By Cowslip's Duke 1496, Dam McAr- thur's Helena 2d 3653, by Duke ot Flitton 9th 66. 4859 GIRL HELENA. Calved July 11, 1881. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By CowsUp's Duke 1496, Dam Mrs. Helena 4857, by LeRoy 780, 2d dam Helena 44th 1449, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 4860 HOPE HELENA. Calved Aug. 14, 1882. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y.; sold Nov. 5, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Mc Arthur's Helena 2d 3653, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4861 LAST TWILIGHT. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by W. D McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. Sold June 15, 1883, to Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y.; sold Nov. 5, 1883, to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Telegraph 1804, Dam McAr- thur's Twilight 3077, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4862 SWEET TWILIGHT. Calved April 10, 1881. Bred by W. D. McArthur, Le Roy, N. Y. By Cowslip's Duke 1496, Dam Mc Arthur's Twilight 3077, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 216 cx)Ws. 4863 BEST BEAUTY. Calved June 15, 1882. Bred by Robert Boyd, Steuben- ville, O. ■ By Handle 1840, Dam Reua 16th 2369, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4864 BEAUTY BOYD. Calved Jan. 8, 1883. Bred by Robert Boyd, Steuben- ville, O. Sold Oct. 15, 1883, to J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. By Handle 18-iO, Dam Rena 16th 2369, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4865 ROWENA RED. Calved Oct. 2, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. T. McPherson, Cambridge, O. Sold Nov. 10, 1882, to G. W. Large, Portland Station, O. By Frank 1562, Dam Lady Jane 3163, by Buckeye 1331. 4866 RENA 24th. Calved July 10, 1884. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Rena 19th 4628, by Bodine 324, 2d dam Rena 7th 2366, by Bastion 283. 4867 AMANDA. Calved Jan. 18, 1883. Bred by V. F. Simpson; sold Aug. 26, 1883, to W. P. Sherrard. both of Cambridge, O. By Hawkeye 3040, Dam Rena 13th 3168, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 4868 SILESIA. Calved Aug. 8. 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y.; calved the property of E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Silky Bet 4540, by Litchfield 2d 1766, 2d dam Rosy Belle 2473, by Frank Baker 572. 4869 COPY. Calved May 17, 1883. Bred by H. L. Carrier, Brook- field, Mich. By Frank 1308, Dam Jenny 4th 2820, by Ethan Allen 541. cows. 217 4870 BEST. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by J. Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Candy 2d 364, Dam Lovely 28th 2884, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4871 CREAMER. Calved March 29, 1883. Bred by J. Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Comet Billy 2477, Dam Lovely 28th 2884, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 4872 CELLO. Calved April 8, 1883. Bred by J. Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Comet Billy 2477, Dam Edith 21st 4760, by Candy 2d 364, 2d dam Edith 18th 4758, by Crown Prince 434, 3d dam Edith 3d 1041, by Sachem 1089. 4873 IRILLA. Calved May 9, 1882. Bred by A. E. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Sold Jan. 13, 1883, to E. D. Meacham, Mara- thon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Wliizz 4273, by Brant 1344. 4374 EVE. Calved April 23, 1882. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y.; calved the property of E. T. Finch, Can- nonsville, N. Y. By Tom 1855, Dam Red Lady 3705, by Delaware 1835. 4875 WICHITAH. Calved April 7, 1883. Bred by E. T: Finch, Cannons- ville, N. Y. Sold Feb. 2, 1884, to S. E. Holmes, Rock Rift, N. Y. By Orion 1976, Dam Red Lady 3705, by Delaware 1835. 4876 VINCA. Calved March 22, 1883. Bred by Mrs. D. R. Bixby, Disco, Mich. By Shelby Boy 1269, Dam Rosa Bixby 2852, by Eric 540. 218 cows. 4877 COURTLY. Calved June 2, 1883. Bred^by J. J. Scavff" & Son, New Carlisle, O. Sold Oct. 22, 1883, to J. C. Ransom, New London, O. By Baxter 1842, Dam Estella 2809, by Dan Baker 444. 4878 CANCEL. Calved April 21, 1881. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Duke of Darlington 1336, Dam Haney 4539, by Litchfield 789, 2d dam Carrie 769, by Genesee 2d 616. 4879 BEAM. Calved May 15, 1881. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Duke of Darlington 1336, Dame Mina 3249, by Empire 538. 4880 MARY FULLER. Calved March 28, 1881. Bred by Lyman FuUer, Utica, Mich. By Macomb 810, Dam Nancy 2d 2094, by Me- gunticook 858. 4881 NELLY TRIP. Calved April 10, 1881. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold to the Agricultural College, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam NeUy 2d 3774, by Arrowhead 255. 4882 FULL BEAUTY. Calved March 7, 1882. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultur- al College, Miss. Sold Dec. 1, 1883, to C. W. Mills, (Columbus, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nancy Ful- ler 3023, by Macomb 810. 4883 TAN TOPSY. Calved Dec. 2, 1882. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nancy 2d 2094, by Megunticook 858, cows. 219 4884 NELLY NIX. Calved April 12, 1883. Bred by Lyman Fuller, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, DamNelly 2d 3774, by Arrov^^head 255. 4885 NELLY LEECH. Calved June 15, 1880. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Butchered Dec. 1882. By Macomb 810, Dam Nelly 3d 2127, by Arrowhead 255. 4886 LUCY LEECH. Calved March 21, 1882. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Lucy 3d 1896, by Arrowhead 255. * 4887 FAN FAULTLESS. Calved June 9, 1882. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A, Gully, Agricultur- al College, Miss. Sold Dec, 1, 1883, to C. W. Mills, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nancy 2093, by Hia- watha 681. 4888. STARBRIGHT, Calved July 1, 1882. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Nelly Leech, 4885, by Macomb 810, 2d dam Nelly 3d, 2127, by Ar- rowhead 255. 4889 DEVON PRINCESS 2d. Calved July 3, 1882. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to the Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston 1443, Dam Loraine 2853, by Eric 540. 4890 NELLY UTICA. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by P. K. Leech, Utica, 220 C50WS. Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Livingston U43, Dam Nelly 3d 2127, by Arrowhead 255. 4891 LYDIA PINKHAM. Calved April 23, 1882. Bred by P. K. Leech; calved the property of W. S. Walker, both of Utica, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to the Agricultural College, Miss. By Nora's Arrowhead 2211, Dam Lovely 27th 1883, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 4892 FAIRY 50th. Calved Feb. 13, 1876. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. The dam of this cow was used on shares by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass., and when the produce was divided Fairy 50th became his. Died Aug. 6, 1883. By Bar- Huron 274, Dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. 4893 HULDAH HEALY. Calved June 7, 1880. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Hyde's Duke 3d 706, Dam Rosa 2949, by Bar-Huron 274. 4894 ADALADE. Calved Aug. 1, 1880, Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Hyde's Duke 3d 706, Dam Lena 2944, by Bar-Huron 274. 4895 AZUBIA. Calved April 27, 1881. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Hyde's Duke 3d 706, Dam Mazeppa 2006, by Windsor 1247. 4896 EUDOCIA. Calved April 6, 1883. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Huldah Healy 4893, by Hyde's Duke 3d 706, 2d dam Rosa 2949, by Bar-Hurou 274. eows. 221 4897 "^ " fANSYBURK. Gaived April 24, 1883. Bred by James Burr, Monroe Ct. By Cherokee 1634, Dam Princess Louise 3006, by King's Duke 767. 4898 CRICKET M. Calved Sept. 2, 1883. Bred by James Morris, Weaver- ville, Cal. By Blucher 1 279, Dam Annie Morris 4355, by Phil Sheridan 2220. 4899 AMBLE. Calved Dec. 15, 1880. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved ttie property of Zenas Mallory, Ham- den, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 13th 1003, Dam Elva 1079, by Mountam Star 889. 4900 ACHSA RAWSON. Calved May 20, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Clioate 2134, Dam Estelline 2d 3111, by Sir John 1125. 4901 CHLOE CHOATE. Calved July 12, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Mink 4173, by Sir John 1125. 4902 EDNA ELM. Calved Oct. 1, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Gnneek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam May 3523, by Sir John 1125. 4908 NORA NIP. Calved Nov. 22, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Cute 915, bySir John 1125. 4904 IRENE IDA. Calved Dec. 28, 1882. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Pearl 2d 3126, by Sir John 1125. 222 cows. 4905 JEAN JUNIOR. Calved April 18, 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Estelline 3d 4177, by Rochelle 1062. 4906 LANGTRY. Calved May 19, 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Estelline 2d 3111, by Sir John 1125. 4907 CUSTOM. Calved July 18, 1883. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Red Rose 3d 3947, by Bloomfield 2018. 4908 GLADDIE. Calved Feb. 3, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Gass- town, O.; calved the property of Samuel Turner, Troy, O. Sold Sept. 12, 1882, to D. J. Whitmore; sold Oct. 5, 1882, to W. Younger, Fairbury, III; sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Barefoot 272, Dam Katie 3188, by Butler 357. 4909 BUELAH. Calved May 13, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Oct. 5, 1882, to W. Younger, Fairbury, lU. By Barefoot 272, Dam Queen Emmy 2315, by Bounty 334. 4910 CHLOE PEARL. Calved March 1, 1882. Bred by W. Younger, Fairbury, 111. By Remus 2118, Dam Pearl 2213, by Wisconsin 1249. 4911 LADY MAC. Calved Dec, 15, 1882. Bred by Wm. Younger, Fair- bury, 111. By Remus 2118, Dam Roxy 3840, by Colonel Ryan 410. cows. 223 4912 EMMA COON. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by Wrii. Younger, Fair- bury, 111. Sold Oct. 6, 1883, to Duncan Stewart, Bayou Sara, La. By Remus 2118, Dam Miss Luckey 2072, by Colonel May 409. 4913 ALLIE REMUS. Calved March 27, 1883. Bred by AVm. Younger Fair^ bury, 111. By Remus 2118, Dam Fairy Hill 3839, by Colonel Ryan 410. 4914 PETRONELLA. Calved June 14, 1883. Bred by S. F. Dutton, Williams- town, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Roxy 4323, by Bis- marck 2187. 4915 NYMPH. Calved May 13, 1879. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- Hn Forks, Pa. Sold Jan. 23, 1880, to Dr. W. B. Jones, Herndon, Ga. By Prince of Wales 15th 1004, Dam Rose of Baltimore 6th 2461, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4916 SUNNY SOUTH. Calved April 28, 1880. Bred by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold Nov. 29, 1880, to Dr. W. B. Jones, Herndon, Ga. By Prince of Wales loth 1004, Dam Bright Promise 724, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 4917 LILLY BANKER. Calved June 12, 1882. Bred by W. B. Jones, Herndon, Ga. By Banker Boy 2573, Dam Nymph 4915, by Prince of Wales 15th 1004, 2d dam Rose of Baltii^iore 6th 2461, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 4918 SADIE McMILLEN. Calved Jan. 31, 1883. Bred by J. McMillen & Son, GalHgher, O.; sold March 31, 1884, to T. B. Ringer, of the same place. By Proudloot 1559, Dam Posy 3711, by Dan Baker 444. 224 Oo^rs. 4919 GIRTY SMITH. Calved April 21, 1883. Bred by John McMillen & Son, Gallio-her, O. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Fanny 3712, by Bonner 1837. 4920 MANDY GIRL. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Oct. 15, 1883, to Uriah B. Moyer, Mt. Cory, O. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dam Fhp 4680, by Breastwork 1294, 2d dam Lady Miller 2862, by Dan Baker 444. 4921 MAIDEN BLUSIL Calved May 11, 1883. Bred by Daniel Fom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Sept. 5, 1883, to John Weaver, Basil, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Kitty 3714, by Dexter 1842. 4922 ZIP. Calved March 24, 1883. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O. Sold Sept. 17, 1883, to J. L. Kramer, Bowl- ing Green, O. By Stanley 1854, Dam Lucy 3575, by Batavia 284. 4923 KITTY KRAMER. Calved June 12, 1883. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O. Sold Sept. 28, 1883, to J. L. Kramer, Bowling Green, O. By Stanley 1854, Dam Primrose 3682, by Red Cloud 2d 1435. 4924 ZYLPHA. Calved Aug. 13, 1878. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Toronto 1183, Dam Rosa 2385, by Pemige- wassett 937. 4925 ZORA. Calved April 7, 1883. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 21fc>0, Dam Zylpha 4924, by Toronto 1183, 2d dam Rosa 2385, by Pemigewassett 937. cows. 225 4926 FANNIE ELIZA. Calved April 4. 1881. Bred by W. R. Goddard, Ames- ville, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Fanny 1242, by Marylander 841. 4927 EVILENA. Calved Sept. 6, 1883. Bred by J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa.; calved the property of S. M. Sheller, Claysville, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Dam Joanna 3802, by Barrister 281. 4928 LONE TWIN. Calved March 5, 1877. Bred by Charles C. Hickcox, Watertown, Ct. By Holkham ( Y) 691 , Dam Lydia 1902, by Jerry 736. 4929 OLIVE BUD. Calved .Vil 10, 1881. Bred by Chas. C. Hickcox, Watertown, Ct.; sold May 12, 1883, to W. G. French, of the same place. By Hudson 700, Dam Lone Twin 4928, by Holkham (Y) 691, 2d dam Lydia 1902, by Jerry 736. 4930 BELLE OF WATERTOWN. Calved March 29, 1882. Bred by 'Chas. C. Hickcox. Sold May 7, 1883, to S. H. Peck, both of Watertown, Ct. By Juno 2210, Dam Floxy 4482, by Holkham (Y) 691, 2d dam Lydia 1902, by Jerry 736. ' 4931 QUEEN OF SHEBA. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by S. H. Peck, Watertown, Ct. By John Titus 2122, Dam Nora 2d 4318, by King's Duke 767. 4932 DUTCHESS 5th. Calved March 31, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Duchess 4235, by Empire 6th 1817. 4933 QUEEN 3d. Calved April 28, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- 226 cows. boro, Ta. By King William 769, Dam Queen 4237, by Nero 2160. 4934 PRINCESS 4th. Calved June 15, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros.', Spring- boro. Pa. By King William 769, Dam Princess 4236, by Empire 6t'h 1817. 4935 ANNA 2d. Calved Jan. 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Anna 4257, by King William 769. 4936 AGNES OF SHADELAND. Calved April 4, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Empress 3d 4240, by King William 769. * 4937 BLANCHE OF SHADELAND. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros , Spring- boro. Pa. By King William 769, Dam Empress 2d 4239, by Baronet 2162. 4938 CARRIE 2d. Calved May, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Carrie 4255, by King William 769. 4939 JESSIE QUEEN 2d. Calved May, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Jessie Queen 4252, by King William 769. 4940 EUGENIE OF SHADELAND. Calved May, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Eugenie 4244, by Baronet 2162. 4941 DUCHESS 6th. Calved May 4, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, cows. 227 Pa. By King William 769, Dam Duchess 4235, by Empire 6th 1817. 4942 PRINCESS 5th. Calved July 29, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro. Pa. By King William 769, Dam Prmcess 4236, by Empire 6th 1817. 4943 JESSIE OF SHADELAND. Calved Aug. 23, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro, Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Duchess 3d 4246, by King William 769. 4944 PEARL OF SHADELAND. Calved Sept. 13, 1883. Bred by Powell Bros., Spring- boro. Pa. By Shadeland Chief 2173, Dam Princess 2d 4249, by King William 769. 4945 CREAM GIRL. Calved June 1, 1883. Bred by W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. By Texas Jim 2213, Dam Lovely of Utica 4346, by Devon Prince 1444. 4946 JENNY 5th. Calved April, 1874. Bred by Jacob Blakeslee, Water- town, Ct. Sold March 18, 1880, to Daniel F. Hannon, of the same place. By Ruben (Y) 2000, Dam Jenny 4th 3892, by Prince Regeon 1006. 4947 ELLA CORNWALL. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by Daniel F. Hannon, Wa- tertown Ct. Sold April 1, 1883, to Lockwood Bros., of the same place. By Cornwall 2079, Dam Jenny 5th 4946, by Ruben (Y) 2000, 2d dam Jenny 4th 3892, by Prince Regeon 1006. 4948 PAWPAW. Calved Oct. 17, 1880. Bred by E. C. Bliss; sold May 15, 1882, to A. W. Rumsey; sold Oct. 25, 1883, toRum^ 228 cows. sey Bros., all of Westfield, N. Y. By Buckeye 2d 351, Dam Lovely 18th 1875, by Exeter (Y) 546. 4949 ROSEBUD RED. Calved Dec. 16, 1879. Bred by X. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. Sold Oct. 3, 1880, to White & Collins, Indian Bayou, Miss. By Duke 3d 1751, Dam Rosebud 2d 3578, by Sampson 1099. 4950 MEG. Calved May 14, 1883. Bred by Jonathan Hoag, Tom- hannock, N. Y. By Forest King 1828, Dam Belmont 3761, by Otto 1823. 4951 NEXT. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by Jonathan Hoag, Tom- hannock, N. Y. Bv Forest King 1828, Dam Corinth 3708, by Grant 638. 4952 VICTORIA OXFORD. Calved April 10, 1879. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan.; calved the property of T. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Ind. By Oxford 2d 933, Dam Princess Carlotta 2294, by St. Lawrence 1152. 4953 QUEEX CARLOTTA. Calved April 5, 1880. Bred by T. D. Cofhng, Wagoner, Lid. By Blucher 1539, Dam Princess Carlotta 2294, by St. LaTVTence 1152. 4954 ADA BLUCHER. Calved April 15, 1881. Bred by T. D. Coffing, Wagon- er, Ind. By Blucher 1539, Dam Princess Carlotta 2294, by St. Lawrence 1152. 4955 LUCY COFFIXG. Calved April 3, 1882. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich.; calved the property of T. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Ind. By Bulldozer 1827, Dam Maud Flitton 2813, by Flitton 3d 558. cjows. 229 4956 RHODA REST. Calved July 10, 1882. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich., calved the property of T. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Ind. By Bulldozer 1827, Dam Ella 3689, by Barefoot 272. 4957 COSTLY. Calved Oct. 15, 1883. Bied by E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. By Duke Chenango 2022, Dam Qeopa- tra 3027, by The'President 137. 4958 LOVELIGHT. Calved May 11, 1881. Bred by J. B. Sims, BayouSara, La. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Pearl 3748, by Robin 163. 4959 SWEETHEART. Calved July 2, 1883. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Billy Cheatham 1S71, Dam Coral 3759, by Billy Cheatham 1871. 4960 LAURA BLISS. Calved Eeb. 16, 1881. Bred by E. C. BUss; sold May 1, 1882, to A. W. Rumsey, both of Westfield,X. Y. Sold Sept. 25, 1883, to C. R. Robert, Oakdale, Long Island, N. Y. By Buckeye 2d 351, Dam Jenny 1565, by He- lena's Huron 9th 66A. 4961 LAVINIA TRUE. Calved Feb. 5, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, ^Vest- field, N. Y. Sold Oct. 23, 1883, to RumseyBros., of the same place. By True Briton 21:71, Dam Viola 3549, by Cole's Puritan 3'd 406. 4962 MEAD'S ONE. Calved May 27, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Climax 1451, Dam Beauty 595, by Hon- esty 696. 230 cows. 4963 MEAD'S TWO. Calved June 20, 1882. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Bishop 1450, Dam Rena 3038, by Honesty 696. 4964 MEAD'S THREE. Calved April 21, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Climax 1451, Dam Kitty 3042, by Cham- pion 383. 4965 MEAD'S FOUR. Calved July 5, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Darhng M. 4108, by Bishop 1450.' 4966 MEAD'S FIVE. Calved July 9, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Beauty 595, by Honesty 696. 4967 SUMMER. Calved July 24, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O.; sold Jan. 3, 1884, to W. W. Garth, Hunts- ville, Ala. By Champion 383, Dam Little Fairy M. 4104, by Bishop 1450. 4968 DAISY RYAN. Calved Nov. 22, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Daisy 2d 3306, by Duke Alexis 482. 4969 PRINCESS SEA. Calved Nov. 23, 1882. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Princess 4th 2287, By Prince Arthur 980. 4970 CLARA CLUSTER. Calved Jan. 11, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Clara 3d 3292, by Sampson 1099. cows. 231 4971 PINK RYAN. Calved Feb. 1, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Pink 2d 3544, by Billy 301. 4972 MY MELODY. Calved Feb. 6, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Melody 4th 4203, by Duke 3d 1751. 4973 MELODY DEE. Calved Feb. 10, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Melody 3d 3501, by Billy 301. 4974 PRINCESS DON. Calved Oct. 6, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Princess 4th 2287, by Prince Arthur 980. 4975 EARLY ROSE. Calved July 1, 1883. Bred by N. A. Humphrey, Bain- bridge, N. Y. By Dixon 1830, Dam Early Bird 3766, by Gold Dust 1885. 4976 LUSTER. Calved July 22, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to J. S. Billups, Colum- bus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Cowslip 66, by Master Alic 110. 4977 LISTEN. Calved July 7, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. Sold Dec. 10, 1883, to W. C. Hale, Colum- bus, Miss. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Lovely 26th 1882, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4978 TINTED. Calved Oct. 11, 1883. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- 232 cows. any, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Candy Girl 7th 3088, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4979 SUNNYSIDE. Cdlved July 10, 1875. Bred by F. W. Chiles, Tolers- viUe, C. & O. U. R., Va. Sold to J. H. & T. T. John- son, Orange C. H., Va. By Bismark 308, Dam Fantine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 4980 FANTELL 2d. Calved May 12, 1880. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to Thos. Love- lock, GorJonsville, Va. By El Dorado 529, Dam Fantell 3387, by Duke of Clifton 489. 4981 PRINCESS ANNA 2d. Calved Sept. 8, 1883. Bred by J. H. ik T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to Thos. Love- lock, Gordonsville, Va. By Record 2613, Dam Princess Anna 3386, by Duke of Clifton 489. 4932 VERNIE. Calved Sept. 10, 1883. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. By Hendricks 665, Dam Sunnyside 4979, by Bismark 308, 2d Dam Fantine 1254, by Roa- noke 1054. 4983 CALLIE. Calved June 15, 1819. Bred by F. W. Chiles, Tolers- ville, C. & O. R. R., Va. Sold Sept. 13, 1879, to J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H , Va. By El Dorado 529, Dam Fantine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 4984 POESY. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by J. C. Holmes; sold Nov. 1883, to Truman Baker, both. of Earlville, N. Y.; sold Dec. 22, 1883, to J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Curly 914, by Chenango 390, cows. 233 4985 PEARL HUME. Calved Nov. 1, 1883. Bied by R. B. Hume, Florisant, Mo. By John Raiidolpli 751, Dam Maud Hume 3886. by Barefoot 272. 4983 GEO RGI ANNA 13th. Calved June 11, 1883. Bred by W. M. White, Cana- seraga, N. Y. Sold June 27, 1883, to A. J, Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Georgi- anna 10th 4424, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2ddamGeor- gianna 9th 3324, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 4987 LUCY WHITE. Calved May, 1881. Bred by C. G. White, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. Sold l>c. 1, 1883, to C. W. Mills, Columbus, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Lucy 2d 1892, by Batavia. 284. 4988 .LASS JOSEPHINE. Calved May, 1882. Bred by C. G. White, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to the Agricultural College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Josephine 7th 3411, by Red Cloud 2d 1021. 4989 LIVE LUCY. Calved April, 1883. Bred by C. G. White, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultur- al College, Miss. By Nora's Arrowhead 2211, Dam Lucy 3d 3470, by Barefoot 272. 4990 JOSEPHINE JOY. Calved May, 1883. Bred by C. G. White Lapeer, Mich. Sold Aug. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Captain Rodney 2619, Dam Josephine 2d 1623, by Prince Albert 972. 4991 JOSIE FINE. Calved May, 1883. Bred hj C. G. White, Lapeer, Mich. 234 cows. Sold All-. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agriciiltuial Col- lege, Miss. By Captain Rodney 2619, Dam Josephine 7th 3411, by Red Cloud 2d 1021. 4992 TROY PRIDE. Calved Feb. 28, 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Oct. 15. 1883, to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. By Reno 1046, Dam lantha 2789, by Bodine 324. 4993 LADY MINE. Calved March 28, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold Oct. 27, 1883, to N. A. Hum- phrey, Bainbridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Sun- flower 3707, by Delaware 1835. 4994 RED BIRD FLIT. Calved Nov. 24, 1883. Bred by J. L. Crawford, Oak- land City.Ind. By Bastion 2d 1856, Dam Jessie 1609, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. 4995 LADY FAIRFAX. Calved Nov. 23, 1883. Bred by W. S. Smoot, Langley, Va. By Bloomfield 3d 1783, Dam Fancy 3028, by The President 137. 4995 KATE.^ Calved March, 1874. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold in the foil ot" 1876, to James Murray, Sabot Island, Va. By Defiance 452, Dam Kitty Price 1685, by Sterling Price 1151. 4997 TINY. Calved June 2, 1881. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. By Funder 2630, Dam Sunnyside 4979, by Bismark 308, 2d dam Fantine 1254, by Roa- noke 1054. 4998 PATTI. Calved July 23, 1881. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson^ cows. 235 Orange C. H., Va. By Funder 2630, Dam Callie 4983, by El Dorado 529, 2d dam Fan tine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 4999 FANTELL 3d. Calved July 1, 1882. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange, C. H., Va. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to Thomas Love- lock, Gordonsville, Va. By Funder 2630, Dam Fantell 3387, by Duke of Clifton 489. 5000 VIRGINIA. Calved July 19, 1882. Bred by J. H. & T. T Johnson Orange C. H., Va. By Funder 2630, Dam Sunnyside 4979, by Bismark 308, 2d dam Fantine 1254, by Roa- noke 1054. 5001 MAID OF ORANGE. Calved Aug. 15, 1882. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va. Sold Oct. 8, 1883, to Thomas Love- lock, Gordonsville, Va. By Funder 2630, Dam Fantell 2d 4980, by El Dorado 529, 2d dam Fantell 3387, by Duke of Chfton 489. 5002 CRICKET. Calved Feb. 13, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y.; calved the property of E. D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Cherry 3d 813, by Mot hawk 872. 5003 VERB. Calved March 17, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Ver- non, N. Y.; calved the property of E. D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Verna 2649, by Litchfield 789. 5004 JESSA. Calved April 7, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y.; calved the property of E. D. Meacham , Marathon, N. Y. By Wonder 2133, Dam Jemima 3673, by Hud- son 699, 236 cows. 5006 MAGGIORE. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. By Belty 2d 292, Dam Lilly 2d 1818, by Capron 367. 5006 MERIDA. Calved April 9, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Li^^htfoot 3059, by Seventy Six 1109. 5007 CHOLULA. Calved May 6, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Princess 4th 2293, by Duke 481. 5008 CARBERA. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by I. S. Newton, Verona, Wis. By Major 1599, Dam Lilly 3d 3058, by Duke 481. 5009 MODERN. Calved Dec. 15, 1879. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. GiUly, Agricultural College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Jennie Pike 3624, by Barefoot 272. 5010 KUTE KITTIE. Calved March 2, 1881. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. GuUy, Agricultural College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Jennie Pike 3624, by Barefoot 272. 5011 EMMA EXTRA. Calved March 10, 1882. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Josie 1631, by Bata\da 284. 5012 BEAUTY BALM. Calved March 15, 1882. Bred by H. D. Pike, Lapeer, Mich. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to F. A. Gully, Agricultural cOTTis. 237 College, Miss. By Rodney 1673, Dam Jennie Pike 3624, by Barefoot 272. 5013 FASTIDIOUS. Calved Feb. 12, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Jessie 2d 1608, by Forester 2d 568. 5014 FESTOON. Calved March 16, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Jessie 4th S. 4075, by Mountam Buck 1737. 5015 FUTURE. Calved March 23, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Gem 2d 4072, by Bar-Huron 274. 5016 LADY PLOW BOY. Calved Oct. 29, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix MiUs, O. Sold Oct. 26, 188;;, to G. A, McMiUen, Galligher, O; sold April 10, 18^4, to J. J. Watson, of the same place. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dam Cora 2867, by Frank 1333. 5017 EMMA NETT. Calved Dec. 3, 1883. Bred by J. McMillen, GaUigher, O; sold April 10, 1884, to J. J, Watson, of the same place. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Posy 3711, by Dan Baker 444.^ 5018 MISS RED BIRD. Calved Feb. 11, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Sold Dec. 13, 1883, to John Weaver, Basil, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Lotty 2811, by Breastwork 1294. 5019 RED DAISY GIRL. Calved Feb. 14, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Joe 1563, Dam Belle 2d 623, by Baltic 262. 238 cows. 5020 WINEDOT. Calved June 28, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom,Rix Mills, O. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dam Posy 3162, by Guelph Chief 640. 5021 LAURA MILLER. Calved Aug. 25, 1883. Bred by G. A. McMillen, GalU- gher, O. Sold Aug, 31, 1883, to Daniel Tom, RixMills, O. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Flora 1295, by Prince of Wales (Tye) 998. 5022 BUTTER BALL. Calved Dec. 15, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dam Lotty 2811, by Breastwork 1294. 5023 JUNO BLAKE. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by John Blake, Whipple, O. By Garfield P. P. 2082, Dam Betty 2d 685, by Dan Baker 444. 5024 SAMANTHA. Calved March 18, 1883. Bred by Daniel Marsh, James- ville, N. Y. By Beauregard 1446, Dam Charis 2873, by Litchfield 789. 5025 DOLLY TABER. Calved Feb. 13, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold March 15, 1883, to J. N. Taber, West Oneonta, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Lene 3625, by Madison Chief 814. 5026 BONNIE DOON. Calved April 14, 1880. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 13th 1003, Dam Liz- zie 3257, by Lord Nelson 800. 5027 DUDU. Calved Nov. 13, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, cows. 239 Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Dewdrop 3632, by Litchfield 789. 5028 PEPITA. Calved Dec. 8, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Pearl 3212, by Litch- field 789. 5029 PITAPAT. Calved Dec. 8, 1883. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Pmk 3630, by Genesee 2d 616. 5030 WINEFORD. Calved March 12, 1881. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Sold Dec. 8, 1883, to Mary Taber, West Oneonta, N. Y. By Billy Moore 1851, Dam Daisy 954 by Madison Chief 8U. 5031 VALLEY PKIDE. Calved April 27, 1881. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Delaware 1835, Dam Gay 2d 3729, by Candy 2d 364. 5032 OTSEGO MAID. Calved March 28, 1882. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Buttercup 3706, by Delaware 1835. 5033 ZENA. Calved April 25, 1882. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Tom 1855, Dam Jenny 3703, by Delaware 1835. 5034 BUTTER FLOWER. Calved March 2, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Buttercup 3706, by Delaware 1835. 5035 FLOSEY. Calved April 3, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells 240 cows. Bridge, N. Y. By Otsego 1836, Dam Cory 3187, by Candy 2d 364. 5036 BEAUTY MINE. Calved April 9, 1883. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Beauty 3698, by Madison Chief 814. 5037 TITIA. Calved in 1882. Bred by J. S. Titus, Washington De- pot, Ct. Sold March 6, 1884, to Starr L. Sutliff, Thom- aston, Ct. By Washington Depot 2121, Dam Fanny Pedley 3d 4132, by Duke of Washington 1984. 5038 FLORA TITUS. Calved in 1882. Bred by J. S. Titus, Washington De- pot, Ct. Sold April 5, 1884, to Lockwood Bros., Water- town, Ct. By Washington Depot 2121, Dam Fannie Pedley 2d 3171, by Sam 1095. 5039 LUCY. llio; Calved May 23, 1869. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Oxford 932, Dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5040 LONG LEGS. Calved April, 1873. Bred by John Alien, Coldwater, Mich. By Blucher 320, Dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare 1111. 5041 TRI-LUCY. Calved May, 1875. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Blucher 320, Dam Lucy 5039, by Oxford 932, 2d dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5042 TULIP ALLEN. Calved May, 1875. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Blucher 320, Dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 2d dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare 1111. cows. 241 5043 SKIM MILK. Calved Jan. 15, 1876. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Orphan Boy 925, Dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare 1111. 5044 LUCKEY. Calved Feb. 12, 1877. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Orphan Boy 925, Dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 2(1 dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare 1111. 5045 BEAUTY JANE. Calved May 1877. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Orphan Boy 925, Dam Jane 1538, by Prince of Meridian 991. 5043 CHERRY TULIP. Calved July 3, 1877. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Blucher 320, Dam Tulip Allen 5042, by Blucher 320, 2d dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 3d dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare 1111. 5047 HANDSOME. Calved April, 1878. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore. Cass- town, O. By Orphan Boy 925, Dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare 1111. 5048 DUMPLIN. Calved March 27, 1881. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. By Duke of Flitton Jr., 1487, Dam Handsome 5047, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare 1111. 5049 BLUE EYES 10th. Calved June 5, 1883. Bred by Simon Emerick, Alex- anders ville, O.; calved the property of Jas. Buckingham, 242 cows. Zanesville, O. By Evening Star 2379, Dam Blue Eyes 4th 2772, by Jack 721. 5050 BIDDY. Calved Sept. 9, 1881. Bred by V. F. Simpson ; sold July 20, 1882, to Dr. J. T. McPherson ; sold Nov. 1882, to J. S. Wilkin, all of Cambridge, O. By Lord Baltimore 1558, Dam Rena 13th 3168, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 5051 BETTY WILKINS. Calved Oct. 3, 1881. Bred by V. F. Simpson; sold July 20, 1882, to Dr. J. T. McPherson ; sold Nov. 1882, to J. S. Wilkin, all of Cambridge, O. By Buckeye 1331, Dam Lenna 3417, by Lord Baltimore 1558. 5052 MISS LORD. Calved July 20, 1882. Bred by V. F. Simpson,- sold Sept. 1882, to Dr. J. T. McPherson, both of Cambridge, O. Sold Nov. 18, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 2, 1884, to B.C. Hunter. Curl's Sta., Ala. By Lord Baltimore 1558, Dam Lenna 3417, by Lord Baltimore 1558. 5053 FINE PHOEBE. Calved Aug. 9, 1882. Bred by V. F. Simpson; sold Sept. 20, 1882, to Dr. J. T. McPherson. both of Cambridge, O. Sold Nov. 18, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold March 6, 1884, to J. T. Collins, Macon Sta., Ala. By Prince Leopold 1695, Dam Rena I2th 3167, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 5054 EMMA HURST. Calved Oct. 10, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Sold Jan. 10, 1884, to J. B. Harrod, Sparta, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Mary 2870, by Dan Baker 444. 5055 ANNIE STEWART. Calved Nov, 5, 1883. Bred by S. J. WooUey, HiUi^ra, cows. 243 O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Little Bettie 4496, by Homer 1325, 2d dam Betsy Baker 681, by Jack 721. 5056 EMLU. Calved Dec. 4, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Forest Queen 4158, by Homer 1325. 5057 ELMINA. Calved Dec. 7, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, HiUiard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Buckeye Belle 2869, by Baron 278. 5058 LITTLE DORRIT. Calved March 4, 1883. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, 111.; calved the property of Henry Cowden, Biggsville, 111. Sold Dec. 21, 1883, to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By General Hancock 1951, Dam Abitha 398, by Duke of Avon 483. 5059 MIDGE. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by L. F. Ross, Avon, 111.; calved the property of A. Mekemson, Biggsville, 111. Sold Dec. 21, 1883, to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By General Hancock 1951, Dam Orphan Girl 2194, by Hamilton 645. 5060 FREDERICKA. Calved Jan. 14, 1884. Bred by Henry Cowden, Biggs- ville, 111.; calved the property of W. A. Paxton, Jr., Oma- ha, Neb. By Duke of Avon 10th 2113, Dam Abitha 398, by Duke of Avon 483. 5061 PRIMUS. Calved Dec. 27, 1883. Bred by Henry Cowden, Biggs- ville, 111.; calved the property of W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By Duke of Avon 10th 2113, Dam Ni- netta 2d 2154, b^ Col. May 409. 244 cows. 5062 CYRILLA. Calved Dec. 8, 1883. Bred by W. R Goddard, Ames- viUe, O. By Ohio Lad 1390, Dam Fannie Eliza 4926, by Breastwork 1294, 2d dam Fanny 1242, by Mary lan- der 841. 5063 MARY PAYNE. Calved May 2, 1883. Bred by Isaac A. Ormiston, Bar- low, O. By Othello 1520, Dam Molly 3720, by Hudson 699. 5064 GEORGIANNA 9th. 2351. Calved Jan. 24, 1878. Bred by Walter Cole, Batavia, N. Y. Sold to Silas P. Shiner,Towanda, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5065 DAISY SHINER. Calved April 24, 1881. Bred by Silas P. Shiner, To- wanda. Pa. By Don Pedro 471, Dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5066 HETTIE PEDRO. Calved June 21, 1882. Bred by Silas P. Shiner, Towan- da, Pa. By Don Pedro 471, Dam Georgianna 9th 5064, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5067 PANSY PET. Calved May 23, 1883. Br6d by Silas P. Shiner, To wan- da, Pa. By Towanda Boy 2672, Dam Georgianna 9th 5064, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5068 EDITH BEAN. Calved April 3, 1883. Bred by Daniel Bean, Warner, N. H. By Shaker 2674, Dam Lofty 4290, by Moun- tain Star 890. dows. 245 5069 LULA LEE. Calved Aug. 11, 1883. Bred by Thomas D. Lewis, Casstown, O.; sold Jan. 2, 1884, to D. J. Whitmore, of the same place. Sold Jan. 3, 1884, to Samuel H. Moore, Huntsville, Ala. By Bishop 1450, Dam Betsy W. 4093, by Barefoot 272. 5070 BELLE SHREVE. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by Samuel Turner, Troy,0. Sold Nov. 5, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to C. J. Foster, Shreveport, La. By Bishop 1450, Dam Prhicess of Kent 2741, by Batavia of Lapeer 2d 285. 5071 HELENORA. Calved Feb. 25, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Asteroid 2152, Dam Lillith 3195, by Bare- foot 272. 5072 ETHEL SHREVE. Calved March 3, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater^ Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Jan. 4, 1884, to C. J. Foster, Sheveport, La. By Duke of Flitton Jr. 1487, Dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 2d dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shake- speare 1111. 5073 BRUNELLA. Calved March 17, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwa- ter, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Feb. 14, 1884, to J. W. Dye, of same place. By Duke of Flitton, Jr. 1487, Dam Luckey 5044, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 3d dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare nil. 5074 BERTIE MOORE. Calved March 24, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwa- 246 cows. ter, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1884, to Samuel H. Moore, Huntsville, Ala. By Duke of Flitton Jr. U87, Dam Skim Milk 5043, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare 1111." 5075 CLYTIE D. Calved April 9, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich, Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1884, to B. C. Hunter, Curl's Station, Ala. By Duke of Flitton, Jr. 1487, Dam Beauty Jane 5045, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Jane 1538, by Prince of Meridian 991. 5076 BELVIRA. Calved AprQ 19, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Feb. 14, 1884. to J. W. Dye, of same place. By Duke of Flitton, Jr., 1487, Dam Handsome 5017, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare nil. 5077 BROWNIE ALLEN. Calved April 20, 1882. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Duke of Flitton, Jr. 1487, Dam Curt 2997, by Billy 301. 5078 EDITH DEWEESE. Calved Feb. 16, 1883. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O.; sold Dec. 22, 1883, to A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Se- dalia. Mo. By Duke of Coldwater 2652, Dam Tulip Allen 5042, by Blucher 320, 2d dam Long Legs 5040, by Blucher 320, 3d dam Sophia 2d 2548, by Shakespeare nil. 5079 SADIE MOORE. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, cows. 247 Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O.; sold Jan. 3, 1881, to Sam'l H. Moore, Hunts- ville, Ala. By Duke of Coldwater 2652, Dam Curt 2997, by Billy 301. 5080 BELNORA. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by Jno. Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, C; sold Jan. 3, 1881, to D. M. Lewis, same place. By Duke ol Coldwater 2652, Dam Handsome 5047, by Or-^ phan Boy 925, 2d dam Fanny 1 236, by Shakespeare 1111. 5081 LULU PHELPS. Calved July 10, 1882. Bred by J. S. Titus, Washington Depot, Ct.; calved the property of Horace M. Phelps, Colebrook, Ct. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam May Titus 4133, by Sam's Sam 1985. 5082 CARMELITA. Calved May 10, 1882. Bred by Walter F. Chermside, Dickson, Col. By Prince 966, Dam Idol 2760, by Hud- son 699. 5083 MARJORIE. Calved May 12, 1882. Bred by Walter F. Chermside, Dickson, Col. By Prince 966, Dam Idalia 2759, by Hudson 699. 5084 JU JU. Calved May 28, 1883. Bred by W. F. Chermside, Dick- son, Col. By Prince 2d 966, Dam Crucita 3971, by Hudson 699. 5035 MAYFLOWER 2d. (Imported). Calved May 18, 1879. Bred by Arthur Jutsum, Litcha- ton. North Molton, Devon, England. Sold April, 1882, to and imported by B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. By Duke of Cutsey (Eng.), Dam Rent Payer, bred by J. Joice, Allencott, near Dunster, England. 248 cow^s. 5086 MISS ALBION. Calved Jan. 1883. Bred by Arthur JlitsUm, Litchaton, North Molton, Devon, England. Imported in her dam by, and calved the property of B. F. Peck, Ea^t Bethany, N. Y. By Jupiter "2685, Dam Mayflower 2d 5085, by Duke of Cutsey (Eng.) 5037 SISSIE'S FAVORITE. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by Walter E. Case, Suf- field, Ct. By Hilton 1824, Dam Sissie 3904, by Cen- tennial Boy 376. 5038 ALMA REVEL. Calved March, 1881. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Reveller 2125, Dam Mercedes 4139, by York 2124. 5089 LUCILLA TRACY. Calved April, 1882. Bred by F. L. Taylor, Torringford, Ct.; calved the property of Carl Tiefenbach; sold Dec. 11, 1882, to Stanley Griswold, both of Torringford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Tracy 4048, by Lord LoveU 797. 5090 EDNA EAST. Calved Jan. 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Torring- ford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Beet 2d 4138, by Grant 638. 5091 ETTA HALL. Calved March 16, 1883. Bred by Carl Tiefenbach, Tor- ringford, Ct.; sold .^pril 10, 1883, to Stanley Griswold, of the same place. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Tilla 4052, by Lord Lovell 797. 5092 INEZ STANLEY. Calved April, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Tennie 1st 2591, by Grant 638. cows. 249 5093 QUIET 4th. Calved May 17, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Quiet 4137, by Cudjo 436. 5094 ORA 2d. Calved June 9, 1882. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Ora 4148, by Lord Lovell 797*. 5095 ALMA ASTER. Calved June 12, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Alma Revel 5088, by Reveller 2125, 2d dam Mercedes 4139, by York 2124. 5093 FORTUNE. Calved March 13, 1883. Bred by Jno. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186. Dam Hattie H. 4292, by Harley M. 652. 5097 PRIZE. Calved April 28, 1883. Bred by Jno. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Josie L. 4293, by Jupiter 2186. 5098 RAINBOW. Calved May 8, 1883. Bred by N. D. House, Waitsfield, Vt.; calved the property of John P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Topsy 3d 4043, by Gem's Duke 1401. 5099 SPARKLE. Calved May 23, 1883. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt,; calved the property of J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Topsy 2d 4042, by Bertram 1397. 5100 TREASURE. Calved Aug-. 1, 1883. Bred by John P. Fish, Chelsea, 250 cows. Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Luna 4-305, by Jupiter 21 86. 5101 REUBUD. Calved May 11, 1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. ByJeddol809, Dam Nameless 2d 2876, by Doctor 462. 5102 LAURA DON. Calved Oct. 20,-1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Sunshine 2880, by Litch- field 789. 5103 FURY. Calved Nov. 20, 1882. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Flora 1294, by Grant 638. 5104 COUNTESS OF CARNABY. Calved Feb. 13, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Victoria 3481, by Prince Albert Victor 227 i. 5105 LONELY. Calved June 12, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Bride of Greenwood 4168, by Kempenfelt 759. 5106 LADY HURLBUT. Calved Oct. 1, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Sunshine 2880, by Litch- field 789. 5107 HAZEL KIRKE. Calved Jan. 11, 1884. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. By Jeddo lh09. Dam Victoria 3481, by Prince Albert Victor 227^. 5108 SHAPELY. Calved Oct. 20, 1882. Bred by J. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct.; calved the property of A. J. Corbin, Newington, Ct. Sold Nov. 15, 1883, to Timothy Gilbert, Rocky Uill, Ct, cows. 251 By King's Duke 767, Dam Lady Stafford 6th 3446, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 5109 PEARL KASSON. Calved July, 1882. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Torring- ford, Ct. Sold April 6. 1883, to Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam lone 2d 4147, by Oneida Chief 922. 5110 HILDEGARD. Calved March, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. Sold April 6, 1883, to Wm. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Beet 606, Cudjo 436. 5111 LADY PRINCE. Calved May 24, 1882. Bred by James A. McCutchen, Rix Mills, O. Sold Dec. 17, 1882, to David Forsyth, of the same place. By Joe 1563, Dam Maud 3713, by Bonner 1837. 5112 PSALM. Calved Oct. 12, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom; calved the property of David Forsyth; sold May 10, 1884, to Dan- iel Tom, both of Rix Mills, O. By Tom's Plow- Boy 2224, Dam Lady Jenet4365, by Joe 1563. 5113 CARRIE BAXTER. Calved June 28, 1883. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Wheehng 2416, Dam Betsy Baker 4656, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Cherrie 4653, by Pa- tapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5114 PORTIA. Calved Dec. 11, 1882. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Iduna 1519, by Kar- nack 758. 5115 CREMHILD. Calved Jan. 22, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, 252 cows. Moro. 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Indiana 1524, by Haynoke 658. 5116 FANITA. Calved Feb. 19, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Kuby lied 4383, by Lady May's Duke 1377, 2d dam Indiana 1524, by Hay- noke 658. 5117 ANNABEL LEE. Calved Feb.' 21, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Buttercup 3794, by Massasoit 1378. 5118 HILDA. Calved Feb. 26, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Annie Laurie 3790, by Lady May's Duke 1377. 5119 DIDO. Calved Aug. 5, 1883. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Princess Beatrice 3786, by Osceola 1380. 5120 POMONA. Calved Jan. 4, 1884. Bred by Mrs. W. C. Flagg, Moro, 111. By Eclipse 1909, Dam Marcia 4386, by Eclipse 1909, 2d dam Princess Beatrice 3786, by Osceola 1380. 5121 NORA MARCH. Calved March 31, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field, Vt. Sold Oct. 20, 1883, to Homer Thompson, Un- derbill Center, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Beauty 4th 575, by Benson 297. 5122 ROSA APRIL. Calved April 11, 1883. Bred by Edwin House, Waits- field^ Vt. Sold Oct. 20, 1883, to Homer Thompson, Un- coirs. 25B derhill Centet, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Jessie 3d 4074, by Mountain Star 890. 5123 CLEVER. Calved May 31, 1882. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Red Lady 2344, by Alexander 248. 5124 HER LADYSHIP. Calved Oct. 17, 1883. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Red Lady 2344, by Alexander 248. 5125 BLOOD ROYAL. Calved Jan. 23, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Modesty's Duke 2325, Dam Actress 4056, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 5126 JESSICA. 2402 Calved Oct. 1, 1878. Bred by E. C. Bliss; inherited by A. W. Rumsey; sold Oct. 25, 1883, to Rumsey Bros., all of Westfield, N. Y. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Lovely 18th 1875, by Exeter (Y) 546. 5127 ACHSA. Calved Nov. 18, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Cherry 824, by Mary lan- der 841. 5128 TOTELA. Calved Dec. 15, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Lecta 2866, by Dan Ba- ker 444. 5129 COOSA. Calved Dec. 20, 1883. Bred byS. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Queen Bessie 2868, by Baron 278. 5130 METAH. Calved Jan. 6, 1881. Bred by S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, 254 cows. O. By Challenge 378, Dam Belle Hays 638, by Bare- foot 272. 5131 MAI. Calved Jan. 2, 1882. Boed by S. J. WooUey, HiUiard, O. By Challenge 378, Dam Belle Mason 2777, by Breastplate 341. 5132 PExlCH BLOW. CaLved July 10, 1883. Bred by Jos. Juliand, Bainbridge, N. Y. Sold Nov. 23, 1883, to Robert P. Barry, War- renton, Va. By Dixon 1830, Dam Blossom 4661, by Huron Chief 705, 2d dam Tiara 2602, by General Grant 602. 5133 TINY LORETTA. Calved Jan 27, 1883. Bred by D. T. Newton, Bridge- water^ Dak. By Dane Boy 2020, Dam Daisy Newton 3663, by Seventy Six 1109. 5134 PRAIRIE BELLE. Calved April 15, 1883. Bred by D. T. Newton. Bridge- water, Dak. By Dane Boy 2020, Dam Judy 3060, by Seventy Six 1109. 5135 STUMP. Calved June, 1878. Bred by L. P.Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold Nov. 10, 1878, to Geo. E. Sisson, of the same place. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Nellie June 4649 by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam Dumpling 4648 by Patap- sco 2412, 3d dam Betty Neil 4647 by Stephen 1150, 4th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 1835. 5136 CURLY. Calved about 1855. Bred by Geo. Patterson, Sykesville, Md. Sold to Asa Prichard, Springville, Pa. By Herod (Y) 676|, Dam, a Patterson cow. 5137 BIG CURLY. Calved in 1863. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Springrille, cows. 255 i»a. By Oscar 925^, Uam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 676|, 2d dam, a Patterson cow. 5138 BIG CURLY 2d. Calved in 1866. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Springville, Pa. By Young Albert 2528, Dam Big Curly 5137, by Oscar 925|, 2d dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 676i, 3d dam, a Patterson cow. 5139 PRINCESS OF SPRINGVILLE. Calved April 21, 1873. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville,Pa. Sold April 21, 1876, to Dr. P. E. Brush, ol'same place. By Prince of Wales 8th 1000, Dam Big Curly 2d 5138, by Young Albert 2528, 2d dam Big Curly 5137, by Oscar 925^, 3d dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 6 76 J, 4th dam, a Patterson cow. 5140 JULIA P. Calved May, 1882. Bred by Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Eugenie 4244, by Baronet 2162. 5141 SUSIE BAKER. Calved May 3, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y. Sold Sep. 29, 1882, to A. P. Baldwhi, Pitcher, N. Y. By Litchheld 2d 1766, Dam Beauty 598, by Genesee 2d 616. 5142 EVA BALDWIN. Calved April 25, 1882. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. Sold Sept. 29, 1882, to A. P. Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Camilla 4006, by Litchfield 789. 5143 STUB HORN. Calved March, 1873. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, .Mich. By Blucher 320, Dam Fanny 1236, by Shakes- peare 1111. 256 cows. 5144 DAELING MINE. Calved April, 1877. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater,/ Mich. By Ethan Allen oil, Dam Fanny 1236, by Shakespeare 1111. 5145 LOVELY ALLEN. Calved April 17, 1877. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. -20, 1883, to 1). J. Whitmore, Cass-* town, O. By Orphan Boy 925. Dam Lucy 503^^, by. Oxford 932, 2d dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5146 iiOSE ALLEN. Calved Feb, 13, 1880. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater,. Mich. By Ethan Allen 5^1, Dam Lovely Allen 5115, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Lucy 5039, by Oxford 932,, 3d dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5147 EMMA G. Calved Feb. 12, 1883. Brek by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, ld83, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 3, 18«4, to W. \V. Garth, Huntsville, Ala. By Duke ol Fiitton Jr. 1187, Dam Rose Allen 51-46, by Ethan AUei) 511, 2d dam Lovely Allen 5115, by Orphan Boy 925, 3d dam, Lucy 5039, by Oxford 932, 1th dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5148 ESTELLA G. Calved May 3, 1883. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich. Sold Dec. 20, 1883, to D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1881, lo W. W. Garth, Hunts- ville, Ala. By Duke oi Coldwater 2652, Dam Lovely Allen 5115, by Orphan Boy 952, 2d dam Lucy 5039, by Oxford 932, 3d dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5149 LOLA LEE. Calved Aug. 1, 1883. Bred by D. M. Lewis, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 2, 1881, to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Sold Jan. 3, 1881, to Samuel H, Moore, Huntsville, Ala. By Bishop 1150, Dam Isabella 2738, by Barefoot 272. cows. 257 5150 BESSIE ALLEN. Calved Jan. 2, 18S4. Bred by Joliii Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved tlic i>ropprty ol'D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Duke of ( "oldwater 2652, Uani Lovely Allen 5145, by Orphan Boy 925, 2d dam Lucy 5039, by Ox- ford 932, 3d dam Cleopatra 853, by Major 829. 5151 BERTIE ALLEN. Calved Jan. 18, 1881. Bred by John Allen, Coldwater, Mich.; calved the pro])erty of U. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. By Ben Allen 2681, Dam Brownie Allen 5077, by Duke of Flitton Jr. 1187, 2d dam Curt 2997, by Billy 301. 5152 PUG. Calved Oct. 7, 1883. Bred by M. C. Brookover, Carl- wick, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Elta 1160, by Boston 332. 5153 GAZELLE DEAN. Calved Mar. 21, 1883. Bred by Dwight Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Sold June 28, 1883, to M. H. Dean, Falls Village, Ct. By Cornwall 2119, Dam Gem 9th 4084, by Gem's Lion 596. 5154 LYRA GEM. Calved April 15, 1883. Bred by H. L. Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Sold May 8, 1883, to D wight Rogers, ol the same place. Sold June 28, 1883, to Edmund Dean, Falls Village, Ct. By Cornwall 2119, Dam Gem 3137, by Hero 675. 5155 VERA. Calved April 17, 1883. Bred by Dwight Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct.; calved the property of H. L. Rogers, of the same place. By Cornwall 2119, Dam Gem 10th 3135, by Manitowoc 833. 258 cows. 5156 ROSEBUD RED. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Geo. Davis, East Mont- pelier, Vt. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to D. K. Wakefield, Dan- ville, A^t. By Montpelier 19 15, Dam Golden Robin 3913, by Montpelier 1915. 5157 SADIE HOWE. Calved May 9, 1883. Bred by Geo. Davis, East Mont- pelier, Vt. Sold Feb. 4, 1884, to D. K. Wakefield, Dan- ville, Vt. By Montpelier 1915, Dam Excelsior 3910, by Harley M. 652. 5158 OUR CHOICE. Calved Nov. 2, 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Cute 915, by Sir John 1125. 5159 FAITHFUL. Calved Dec. 1883. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Mary 2d 4175, by Rochelle 1062. 5160 MERRY. Calved Jan. 11, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Pearl 2d 3126, by Sir John 1125. 5161 SONG BIRD. Calved Jan. 25, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Dell 3129, by Sir John 1125. 5162 SWEET REST. Calved Jan. 30, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Mary 3523, by Sir John 1125. 5163 MISS PEDRO. Calved Sept. 15, 1883. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Lady Day- cows. 259 ton, 4530, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Nellie, S. 4520, by Grant 2d 637, 3d dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 5164 CONTRA COSTA. Calved Oct. 9, 1883. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O.; calved the property of Seth Cook, San Francisco, Cal. By Joe 1563, Dam Milkmaid 4366, by Breastwork 1294. 6165 GOLDEN GATE. Calved Dec. 20, 1883. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of Seth Cook, San Fran- cisco, Cal. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Red Gipsy 4016, by Prince of Wales 13th 1003.- 5166 GIPSEY K. Calved May 8, 1875. Bred by Arthur Hollister, Wash- ington, Ct. Sold May 10, 1875, to Wm. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By Bethel 299, Dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5167 KITTEE K. Calved April 25, 1877. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Bethel 2d 2690, Dam Gipsy K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 2d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5168 GIPSY K. 2d. Calved April 6, 1879. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Dan 2691, Dam Gipsey K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 2d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5169 MAUD K. Calved March 15, 1881. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By Oneida Chief 2d 1767, Dam Kittee K. 5167, by Bethel 2d 2690, 2d dam Gipsey K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 3d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5170 BLANCHE K. Calved March 2, 1882. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. By Hudson Jr. 2719, Dam Gipsey K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 2d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 260 cows. 5171 ' LAST DAY. Calved Jan. 31, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawsoii, Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Math- ews, Ky. By Colonel Choate 2134, Dam Cute 4th 4171, by Rochelle 1062. 5172 CAPTOR. Calved May 20, 1883. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Celestia 3872, by Hartland 1510. 5173 LAURETA. Calved Aug. 25, 1883. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Lady McHenry 2d 4630, by Bodine 324, 2d dam Lady McHenry 1760, by Marylander 841. 5174 RENA 22d. Calved Sept. 3, 1883. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Billy 1 306, Dam Rena 19th, 4628, by Bodine 324, 2d dam Rena 7th 2366, by Bastion 283. 5175 RENA 23d. Calved Jan. 20, 1884. Bred by Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Rena 17th 3562, by Bodine 324. 5176 GAGE'S LADY JANE. Calved Oct. 9, 1882. Bred by John P. Gage & Son, West Woodstock, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. • 5177 GAGE'S LADY BELLE. Calved June 3, 1883. Bred by John P. Gage & Son, West Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Belle Fairy 4719, by Prince AVilliam 1427, 2d dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. cows. 261 5178 GAGE'S NELLY ELY. Calved July 28, 1883. Bred by John P. Gage & Son, West Woodstock, Ct. By Duke of Woodstock 2462, Dam Beauty 2929, by Rollin 1068. 5179 VINETTIE. Calved Feb. 15, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey viUe, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Lilly 1833, by Cassio 373. 5180 LADY COFFEY. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffey ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Daisy Oxford 4226, by Oxlord 2d 933. 5181 LADY SHAW. Calved April 9, 1883. Bred by Harrison Shaw, Coffey- ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Lavina 3596, by Prince George 984. 5182 BRAZILLA. Calved May 14, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke ol Avon 5th 1740, Dam May Girl 4229, by Oxford 2d 933. 5183 MISS RED CLOUD. Calved May 27, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, CoffeyviUe, Kan. Sold Nov. 2, 1883, to J. C. Cobb, of the same place. By Duke of Avon 5tli 1740. Dam Shaw's Pet 4225, by Oxford 2d 933. 5184 LADY CLO. Calved June 17, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Shaw's Pride 2514, by General Warren 614. 5185 NELLIE B. Calved July 24, 1883. Bred by H. Shaw, Coffeyville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Daisy Shaw 4227, by Major General 2154. 262 cows. 5186 DAME CORA. Calved Nov. 17, 1883. Bred by Harrison Shaw, Coffey- ville, Kan. By Duke of Avon 5th 1740, Dam Cora 422o, by Oxford 2d 933. 5187 FANNIE HYDE. Calved June 5, 1880. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold Dec. 7, 1882, to Augustus Storrs, Mansfield, Ct. By Ben 1724, Dam Fah'ie 1116, by Devoni 453. 5188 LOUISE STAFFORD. Calved June 21, 1880. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold Dec. 7, 1882, to Augustus Storrs, Mansfield, Ct. By Toronto 1183, Dam Lalillie 1784, by Bar-Hu- ron 274. 5189 LEONORE MANSFIELD 2d. Calved Aug. 15, 1883. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. By Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552, Dam Leo- nore 3352, by Bar-Huron 274. 5190 LADY BEACONSFIELD. Calved June 15, 1875. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass. Sold March 29, 1879, to C. D. W. Cooper, Maple- ville, R. I. By Duke of Devonshire 497, Dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. 5191 LADY DODGE. Calved June 20, 1876. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass. Sold March 29, 1879, to C. D. W. Cooper, Maple- ville, R. I. By Duke of Devonshire 497, Dam Beauty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5192 CADDIE 5th. Calved Feb. 28, 1882. Bred by G. W. Loveberry, Som- erset, O. Sold March 14, 1884, to Mrs. A. C. Howard, ZanesviUe, O. By Gov. Tilden 151 L Dam Caddie 2896, by Bar-Cclia 271. cows. 2&S 6193 HARRIET. Calved March, 1869. Bred by S. T. C. Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold July 5, 1871, to J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. By Sterling Price 1151, Dam by Norfolk 123. 5194 BELL BONAR. Calved March, 187 J:. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Sold July 15, 1874, to S. Bonar, Coon Island, Pa. By Stonewall 24:13, Dam Harriet 5193, by Sterling Price 1151, 2d dam, by Norfolk 123. 6195 CADDIE 6th. Calved Nov. 23, 1882. Bred by G. W. Loveberry, Som- erset, O. Sold March U, 1884, to Mrs. A. C. Howard, Zanesville, O. Sold May 30, 1884, to W. H. McCart- ney, Cambridge, O. By Jack 1473, Dam Caddie 2d 3177, by Gov. Tilden 1511. 6196 PRINCESS OF WALES. Calved Oct. 27, 1883. Bred by Jos. Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 3691, by Prince of Wales 151. 6197 HENRIETTA H. Calved Dec. 14, 1883. Bred by Jos. Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Lucy Crown 4712, by Crown Prince 434, 2d dam Edith 13th 4707, by Prince of Wales 11th 1001, 3d dam Edith 7th A. 4706, by Prince of Wales 151, 4th dam Edith 2d 1040, by Sachem 1089. 6193 VELVET Y. Calved Jan. 2, 1884. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scot- land, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Edith 6th 1044, by Prince of Wales 151. 6199 BETSY BOBBETT. Calved March 25, 1882. Bred by Juhus W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. Sold March 3, 1884, to Henry Minor, 26 i cows. Little River, Ct. By Leo 1940, Dam Nellie Bly 2d 35^4^ by Merrimac 8613. 6200 LAURA M. Calved July 26, 1883. Bred by Isaac Moses, Greenville, O. Sold Nov. 13, 1883, to Lvin York, Brock, O. By Frank P. 2078, Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 5201 MINNIE BKLLE. Calved Dec. 6, 1883. Bred by E. J. Fennessy, Avon, 111. By Tarn O'Shanter 2242, Dam Lady May 1758, by Madison 811. 5202 CAMILLA. Calved Feb. 11, 1884. Bred by Henry Cowden, Biggs- viile. 111.; calved the property of W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. By Duke of Avon 10th 21 13, Dam^ Mina Hilton 2021, by Madison 811. 5203 NELLIE WASHINGTON. Calved Feb. 20, 1884. Bred by J. Sherman Titus, Washington Depot, Ct. Sold March 6, 1884, to Chas. C. Ford, of same place. By Washington Depot 2121, Dam Nellie 2d 4128, by Hollister 693. 5204 KEIRAN LASS. Calved Sept. 9, 1882. Bred by A. P. Baldwin, Pitclier, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Myrtie 2994, by Brainard 337. ^ 5205 JESSAMINE BECK. Calved June 25, 1883. Bred by F. 1). Beck, Bethany, W. Va. By Bar-Bodinc 1893, Dam Jessamine 3332, by Bodinc 324. 5206 JEN IE McPHERSON. Calved Feb. 28, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. T. McPherson, Cambridge, O.; calved the property of Wm. Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. By Frank 15()2, Dam Lady Jane 3163, by Buckeye 1331. coTfS. 265 5207 STELLA L. Calved July 13, 1883. Bred by D. J. Wliitmore, Cmss- tovvii, O.; calved the property of Mrs. D. M. Lewis, of same place. By Remus 2118, Dam Bertha Elgin 4091, by Elgin 531. 5208 BOBTAIL BEAUTY. Calved in 187L Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. By Banjo 2745, Dam Medora 2008, by S. A. Douglas 1090. 5209 CLOTELLA. Calved Nov. 1882. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. Sold Feb. 29, 1884, to Peraberton Palmer, Whipple, O. By Salem 1470. Dam Bobtail Beauty 5208, by Banjo 2745, 2d dam Medora 2008 by S. A. Douglas 1090. 5210 PALM. Calved Nov. 1883. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. Sold Feb. 29, 1884, to Pemberton Palmer, Whipple, O. By Salem 1470, Dam Bobtail Beauty 5208, by Banjo 2745, 2d dam Medora 2008, by S. A. Douglas 1090. 5211 MAUD J. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Mrs. Wm. E. Arnold, Otego, N. Y. Sold April 24, 1883, to Joseph Juliand, Bainbridge, N. Y. Sold Nov. 25, 1883, to Robt. P. Barry, Warrenton, Va. By Puritan 1349, Dam Lady Maud 4216, by Puritan 1349. 5212 MISSISSIPPI. Calved May 1, 1882. Bred by H. C. Graff, Kensington, O. Sold March 1, 1884, to Thos. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. By Napoleon 896, Dam Lauretta 1795, by Hu- ron Chief 705. 5213 ODETTA. Calved June 5, 1880. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 637, Dam Betsy Baker 3361, by Barefoot 27^, 266 cows. 5214 DUCHESS S. Calved April. 1877. Bred by J. E. Sissoii, l^oney's Point, W. Va. By Lone Star 2414, Dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d 2415, 2d dam Cherry 4653. by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5215 DAISY WICKFIELD. Calved June, 1880. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's Point, AV. Va. Sold March 29, 1881, to H. B. Erskine, West Alexander, Pa. By Cyril 1459, Dam Duchess S. 5214, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d' 2415, 3d dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 4th dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5216 HOSTESS. Calved Aug. 1882. Bred by H. B. Erskine, West Alex- ander, Pa. By Bazan 1838, Dam Daisy Wickfield 5-215, by Cyril 1459, 2d dam Duchess S. 5214, by Lone Star 2414, 3d dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d 2415, 4th dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 5th dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5217 DANAE. Calved March 16, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis. By Colonel Choate 2134, Darn Laura 3762, by Sir John 1125. 5218 BELLE CREOLE. Calved Feb. 2, 1884. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Ruby 3747, by Robin 163. 5219 LOUISIANA. Calved March 7, 1 884. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Lovelight 4958, by Billy Cheatham 1871, 2d dam Pearl 3748, by Robin 163. 5220 PRINCESS BELKNAP. Calved Feb. I, 1884. Bred by H. L. Philbrook, Lacon^ cows. 267 ia, N. H. By Bolknap Prince 2411, Dam Beauty 596, by Pennecook 938. 5221 SURPRISE 2d. Calved Feb. 25, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Surprise 3548, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 5222 BELLE OF SPRINGVILLE 2d. Calved April 13, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Belle of Spring- viUe 3896, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 5223 MATCHLESS 2d. Calved April 26, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville. Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Matchless P. 4065, by Litchfield 789. 5224 PEONY'S CHERRY. Calved April 29, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- viUe, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Peony 1st 2216, by Bloomfield 313. 5225 MAJESTY. Calved May 15, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville. Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Queen of Scots 4064, by Litchfield 789. 5226 TWILIGHT. Calved May 31, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville. Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Peony 2d 2217, by Comet 420. 5227 BELL BAKER. Calved March 27, 1881. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Josey 1630, by Red Rover 1042. 5228 DINA DEVON. Calved April 5, 1881. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells 268 cows. Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Nettie 2147, by Susquehanna 1162. 5229 PRETTY MAID. Calved April 15, 1881. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N.Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Nettie 2d 2889, by Rutherford 1087. 5230 lONE. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Rosie 2471, by Susquehanna 1162. 5231 IDA HILTON. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam May Otsego 4277, by Major 1579. 5232 NYDIA. Calved April 1, 1883. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Lizzie 4109, by Frank Chapman 574. 5233 MINNIE HERMON. Calved June 1, 1883, Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Nettie 2147, by Susquehanna 1162. 5234 JOSEY JAY. Calved June 7, 1883. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By S. J. Tilden 1132, Dam Josey 1630, by Red Rover 1042. 5235 CHERRY DANDY. Calved March 16, 1884. Bred by Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Dandy Devon 2244, Dam Cherry 2886, by Red Rover 1042. 5236 BELLE MAGEE. Calved March 29, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N, Y. Sold June 5, 1883, to Geo. H. Magee & cows. 269 Son, Portersville, Pa. By True Briton 2471, Dam Jes- sica 5126, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2ddamLovely 18th 1875, by Exeter (Y) 546. 5237 BLANCHE BRITON. Calved April 6, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold June 5, 1883, to Geo. H. Magee & Son, Portersville, Pa. By True Briton 2471, Dam Satie 3568, by Buckeye 2d 351. 5238 EMMA JUNO. Calved March 25, 1882. Bred by Preston Atwood, Woodbury, Ct. By Juno 2210, Dam Minnie 4342, by Grant 638. 5239 PAULINE MYRA. Calved Feb. 22, 1883. Bred by Preston Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Myra 4340, by Sam 1095. 5240 QUEEN DIDO. Calved March 20, 1883. Bred by Preston Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Minnie 4342, by Grant 638. 5241 BIJOU. Calved May 16, 1883. Bred by Preston Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Aleefa 4341, by Grant 638. 5242 SUPERBA. Calved May 29, 1883. Bred by Preston Atwood, Wood- bury, Ct. By Albert 1922, Dam Belle Hudson 4370, by Hudson 700. 5243 AGNES 2d. Calved April 19, 1874. Bred by Moses Blake, Whip- ple, O. Sold Oct. 2, 1874, to Andrew McCleary, Sugar Tree, O. By Baltic 262, Dam Agnes 417, by Marylan- der 841. 270 C50WS. 5244 JULIA BLACK. Calved April 15, 1876. Bred by Andrew McCleary, Sugar Tree, O. Sold May 15, 1880, to WiUiam Mc- Cartney, Cambridge, O. By Blackwood 1290, Dam Agnes 2d 5243„by Baltic 262, 2d dam Agnes 417, by Mary lander 841. 5245 CRESSY. Calved April 1, 1879. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass.; calved the property of C. D. W. Cooper, Maple- ville, R. I. By Duke of Hamden 5th 506, Dam Lady Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d dam Beauty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5246 LURA. Calved April 2, 1879. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass.; calved the property of C. D. W. Cooper, Maple- ville, R. I. By Duke of Hamden 5th 506, Dam Lady Beaconsfield 5190, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. 5247 WILLING. Calved Jan. 10, 1884. Bred by Lewis Einsel, Tiffin, O. Sold April 14, 1884, to G. VV. Havens, Burgoon, O. By General Pope 1273, Dam Florence 2746, by Barefoot 272. 5248 CALLIE DIMOCK. Calved April 3, 1880. Bred by E. T. Tiffany, Dimock, Pa. Sold July 3, 1882, to S. S. James, Silvara, Pa. By Duke 2d 2759, Dam Caroline 765, by Tasso 1163. 5249 SADA Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by E. T. Tiffany, Dimock, Pa. Sold Oct. 11, 1882, to S. S. James, Silvara, Pa. By Duke 2d 2759, Dam Caroline 2d 3164, by Hero 674. 5250 SUSIE JAMES. Calved May 14, 1882. Bred by E. T. Tiffany, Dimock, cows. 271 Pa. Sold Oct. 11, 1882, to S. S. James, Sil vara, Pa. By Duke 2d 2759, Dam Caroline 3d 3165, by Hero 674. 5251 EASTERN. Calved March 1, 1864. Bred by R. L. Coe, Center Har- bor, N. H. Sold March 1, 18b4, to Wm. Neal, Mere- dith, N. H. By Granger 1357, Dam Rose 3d 2398, by Forester 567. 5252 JACQUELINE. Calved March 11, 18^4. Bred by Joseph Juliand, Bain- bridge, N. Y.; calved the property of Robert P. Barry, Warrenton, Va. By Dixon 1830, Dam Queen oi May 3d 2321, by Madison Cliiet 814. 5253 LILLY LAY. Calved May, 1872. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va. Died in 1880. By Stonewall 2413, Dam Cher- rie 4653, by Patapsco 24 1:^, 2d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5254 ROSE RAY. Calved April, 1875. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va.; sold Oct. 1, 1875, to G. E. Sisson, of same place. Died in 1882. By Stonewall 2413, Dam Lilly Lay 5253, by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam Cherrie 4653, by Patapsco 2412, 3d dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5255 QUARTETTE. Calved March 26, 1884. Bred by J. B. Sims, Bayou Sara, La. By Billy Cheatham 1871, Dam Pearl 3748, by Robin 163. 5256 LILITA. Calved Feb. 19, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Term. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lady Elgin 5th 1724, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5257 LODONA. Calved March 11, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- 272 cows. ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Lovely 25th 1881, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 5258 SALACE. Calved March 11, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1 798, Dam 8ally Watson 2496, by Sterling Price 1151. 5259 ABIALA. Calved March 16, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Abbess 3744, by Archer 1868. 5kid0 l^AYADERE. Calved March 17, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Beauty 3739, by Patterson 1867. 5^dl SALONA BELLE. Calved March 31, 1884. Bred by VV. S. Smoot, Lang- ley, Va. By Bloomtield 3d 1783, Dam Ella L. 3781, by The President 137. 5262 FLORENCE. Calved in the Spring of 1869. Bred by Geo. Patterson, Sykesville, Md. Sold March 30, 1870, to G. A. T. Snouifer, Adamstown, Md. Sold Nov. 29, 1880, to W. S. Smoot, Langley,Va. By The President 137, Dam, a Patterson cow. 5263 MINNIE WARD. Calved March 27, 1884. Bred by W. D. Wetmore, Springboro, Pa. By King William 769, Dam Nameless 2091, by Litchfield 789. 526^ DOLLIE WORK. Calved Nov. 5, 1880. Bred by J. E. Sisson, Roney's Point, W. Va.; calved the property of S. C, Work, Buffa- lo, Pa-. By Cyril 1459, Dam Ida Work 4822, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d 2415, 00,^.8. 273 3d dam Chcrrie 4653, by Pa.tapscp 2412, 4th dam Virgin- ia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5265 BUFFALO QUEJiN. Calved Aug. 30, 1883. Bred by S. C. Work, Buffalo, Pa. By Hartland 1510, Da,m Dollie Work 5264, by Cyril 1459, 2d dam Ida XVork 48,22, by Lone Star 2414, 3d dam Nellie 4654, by Patapsco 2d 2415, 4th dam Cherrie 4653, by PatapsQO 2412, 5th dam Virginia Belle 2685, by Marion 835. 5266 WESTERN BEAUTY. Calved April 9, 1880, Bred by E. C. Bliss; sold May 10, 1882. to A. W. Rumsey, both of Westfield, N. Y. Sold March 27, 1884, to J. W. Dobbs, Wurtemburg, Pa. By Buckeye 2d 351, Dam Rosa 2387, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5267 KING. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred by S. Bonar, Coon Island, Pa. By Boliver 2771. Uam Bell Bonar 5194. by Stone- wall 2413, 2d dam Harriet 5193, by Sterling Price 1 1 5 1 , 3d dam by Norfolk 123. 5268 ORPHAN LASS. Calved May 7, 1882. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O.; calved the property of A, J. Burrows, Troy, Mich. Sold Feb. 14, 1884,' to W. U. Wetmore, Spring- boro, Pa. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Itasca 2794, by Boston 332. 5269 MAUD MAID. Calved March 14, 1884. Bred by Samuel Turner, Troy, O. By Benedict F. 2131, Dam Zilpha 2740, by Eluin 531. 5270 LOUISE STAFFORD 2d. Calved Jan. 15, 1884. Bred by Augustus Storrs, Mans- field, Ct. By Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552, Dam 274 cows. Louise Stafford 5188, by Toronto 1183, 2d dam Lalillie 1784, by Bar-Huron 274. 5271 FANNIE HYDE 2d. Calved Feb. 25, 1884. Bred by Augustus Storrs. Mans- field, Ct. By Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552, Dam Fannie Hyde 5187, by Ben 1724, 2d dam Fairie 1116, by Devoni 453. 5272 BRENDA. Calved about 1839. Bred by Richard Caton, of Balti- more, Co., Md. Sold to R. L. Colt, Patterson, N. J. Sold to W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Anchises 7, Dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5273 RUBY. Calved in 1845. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. Sold in 1849, to Geo. Vail, Troy, N. Y. Sold in 1850, to LeRoy Mowry, Greenwich, N. Y. By Bloom- field 310, Dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 2d dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5274 JENNY LIND. (795) Calved July 9, 1850. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farming- ton, Ct.; calved the property of Geo. Vail, Troy, N. Y. By Eclipse (Y) 525, dam Ruby 5273, by Bioomfield 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5275 RUBY 2d. Calved Feb. 10, 1852. Bred by LeRoy Mowry, Green- wich, N. Y. By Prince Albert 968, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bioomfield 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5276 LEAH 2d. Calved May, 1881. Bred by Wm. A. Macy, Lewisville, Ind. By Starlight 1607, Dam Leah 3453, by Grant 2d 637. cows. 275 5277 LEAH 3d. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Wm. A. Macy, Lewisville, Ind. By Starlight 1607, Dam Leah 3153, by Grant 2d 637. 5278 MAPLE EMMA 2d. Calved March 22, 1882. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- mgford, Ct. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Em^ ma 4260, by Lord Lovell 797. 5279 MAPLE EMMA 3d. Calved March 18, 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Harley M 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Em- ma 4260, by Lord Lovell 797. 5280 CLOVER EMMA. Calved June 4, 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringlord, Ct. By Harley M 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Em- ma 2d 4261, by Lord Lovell 797. 5281 WECOMA FANCY. 'Calved July 23, 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Harley M 2d 1706, Dam Phelps' Fan- cy 3d 4263, by Centennial Boy 376. 5282 WEALTHY. Calved March 19, 1884. Bred by C. F. Elliott, Bell Brook, O. By Wilbur 2028, Dam Georgianna 6th 1362, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 5283 CERISETTE. Calved April 18, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Cerito 3752, by Geor- gianna's Puritan 1st 620. 5284 SABRA. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Eclipse 2d 1798, Dam Salmagundi 2942, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 276 cows. 5285 DAMONE. Calved April 21, 1884. Bred by E. 1). Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Daisy 5th 3303, by Lord Nelson 800. 5286 HIGH TYPE. Calved Aug. 1883. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykcsville, Md. Sold March, 1884, to Samuel Bonar, Coon Island, Pa. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Relief 3384, by Defiance 452. 5287 BITTERSWEET. Calved March 22, 1884. Bred by Samuel Bonar, Coon Island, Pa. By Lawrence 2784, Dam Bell Bonar 5194, by Stonewall 2413, 2d dam Harriet 5193, by Sterling Price 1151, 3d dam by Norfolk 123. 5288 CLEOSA 2d. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Trow- bridge, Mich.; calved the property of J. Warner Reed, Hinsdale, 111. By Charles 2014, Dam Cleosa 2808, by John 747. 5289 MISS BITTER SWEET. Calved Oct. 29, 1881. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Homer 1325, Dam Betsy Baker 681, by Jack 721. 5290 MATERNA. Calved Dec. 31, 1883. Bred by I. W. Putnam, Rock- land, O. By Ben Wilson 2128, Dam Miss Bitter Sweet 5289, by Homer 1325, 2d dam Betsy Baker 681, by Jack 721. 5291 ROSETTA. Calved Feb. 5, 1884. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y.; calved the property of C. R. Robert, Oak- dale, L. I., N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Rosa 2387, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. cows. !271f 5292 ROSEBUD BLISS. Calved April 4, 1884. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y.; calved the property of C. R. Robert, Oak- dale, Long Island, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Laura Bliss 4960, by Buckeye 2d 351, 2d dam Jenny 1565, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5293 ROSAMOND 4th. Calved May 22, 1883. Bred by Isaac Woodbury, Salem Depot, N. H. By Reed's Fazio 1043, Dam Rose 2d 2436, by Rockingham 1064. 5294 EDE. Calved Oct. 20, 1883. Bred by Isaac Woodbury, Salem Depot, N. H. By Worcester 2045, Dam Lulu 3990, by Reed's Fazio 1043. 5295 BANNERET. Calved Feb. 29, 1884. Bred by W. M. White, Cana- seraga, N. Y.; calved the property of Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By Independence 713, Dam Helena 50th 1457, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 5296 MUSE. Calved April 17, 1884. Bred by Ensign & Watson, Jeddo, N. Y. By Wanda's Puritan 1623, Dam McAr- thur's Twilight 3077, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 5297 ECHO. Calved Feb. 4, 1884. Bred by Wm. H. Barton, Scho- harie, N. Y. By Ira .2332, Dam Portland Fancy 4514, by Jeddo 1809, 2d dam Belle 628, by Grant 638. •5298 MINNIE VERDE. Calved July 4, 1883. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Bur- lington, Vt. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Min- nie 24th 3507, by Merrimac 863. 5299 WYNONETTA. Calved July 6, 1883. Bred by El^vard Hungerford, Bux- 278 COWS. lington, Vt. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Wy- nona 24th 3620, by Merrimac 863. 5300 NELLY BLY 4th. Calved Sept. 14, 1883. Bred by Edward Hiingerford, Burlington, Vt. By Green Mountain Boy 2037, Dam Nelly Bly 3d 3981, by Hampden 2010. 5301 BELMARIA. Calved March 11, 1884. Bred by S. T. Dorsey, Tawa- wa, O.; calved the property of D. J. Whitmore,Casstown, O. By Prince of Lapeer 1581, Dam Zoe 4202, by El- gin 531. 5302 MAY QUEEN P. 2d. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by Orrin Prichard; calved the property of L. H. Bushnell, both of Springville, Pa. Sold Feb. 14, 1884, to J.D. Nevius, 218^ Walnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam May Queen P. 4062, by Litchfield 789. 5303 TEMPERANCE. Calved March 26, 1884. Bred by W. D. Mc Arthur, Le Roy, N. Y.; calved the property af B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. Died April, 1884. By Telegraph 1804, Dam Mrs. Helena 4857, by LeRoy 780, 2d dam Helena 44th 1449, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5304 CONTRIBUTION. Calved April 13, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Laura 1794, by Chenango 390. 5305 REFLECTION. Calved April 14, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Earl Genesee 2334, Dam CA- la 3923, by Flitton 7th 1490. 5306 ESSAY. Calved April 24, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, cows. ^1^ East Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Name- less 4019, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 5307 CALCULATION. Calved April 29, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck, & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Helena 45th 1450, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5308 STUDIO. Calved April 30, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son^ East Bethany, N. Y. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Geor- gianna 4th 1360, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 5309 LEAP YEAR. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. Died May 30, 1884. By FHtton 7th 1490, Dam Jane 3d 2881, by Doctor 462. 5310 JUNE GIRL. Calved June 5, 1883. Bred by James A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. Sold Sept. 30, 1883, R. J. Rundell, Middletown, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Daisy 953, by Moun- tain Star 889. 5311 ROSE WHITE. Calved April 5, 1884. Bred by Geo. A. McMillen, Gal- ligher, O.; sold May 3, 1884, to Andrew Rankin, of same place. By Proudlbot 1559, Dam Grace Darling 4327, by Joe 1563. 5312 BEAUTY'S LAST. Calved June 28, 1882. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O. By Stanley 1854, Dam Beauty 2d 3516, by Barefoot 272. 5313 MYRTLE MARCH. Calved March 15, 1883. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphur Sprhigs, O. By Stanley 1854, Dam Floss 3683, by Red Cloud 2d 1435. 280 Cows. 5314 CORAL CEDAR. Calved Dec. 2, 1883. Bred by J. H. Keller, Sulphuf Springs, O. By Stanley 1854:, Dam Lady Crawford 3681, by Red Cloud 2d 1435. 5315 CHERRY CURTIS. Calved May 10, 1882. Bred by 1. S. Newton, Verona^ Wis.; calved the property ol E. E. Curtis, Berlin, Wis. By xMajor 1599, Dam Gold Dust 3255, by Seventy Six iio9. 6316 RUBY ROYAL. Calved July 2, 1880. Bred by Byron E. Smith, Great Bend, Pa. Sold April 22, 1884, to F. H. Bunnell, South Montrose, Pa. By Bloomlield 2d 316, Dam Belle of Bal- timore 648, by Bloomtield 313. 5317 LOFNA. Calved May 7, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Lola 3o4(), by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 5318 JULIA GR.\CE. Calved Sept. 26, 1878. Bred by C. D. \V. Cooper, Ma- pleviiie, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Beauty 18th 545, by Duke of Devonshu-e 497. 5319 HIGHLAND BEAUTY. Calved Mar. 8, 1880. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam JuHa Grace 5318, by Comet (Y.) 4th 418, 2d dam Beauty 18th, 545, by Duke ot Devonshire 497. bSAO HIGHLAND MARY. Calved March 15, 1880. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Lady Bea- constield 5190, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. cows. 281 6321 LADY ALMA. Calved Jan. 20, 1881. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Belle of Mapleville 3667, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506. 5322 JESSIE MAY^ Calved May 10, 1881. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, K. I. By Comet (Y'.) 4tli 418, Dam Lady Bea- consfield 5190. by Duke of Devonshue 497, 2d dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. 5323 HIGHLAND ROSE. Calved March 12, 1882. Bred by C. I). W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Lady Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d dam Beau- ty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y ) 2d 416. 5324 IDA BELL. Calved April 25. 1882. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Lura 5246, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506, 2d dam Lady Bea- consfield 5190, by duke of Devonshire 497, 3d dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. 5325 HIGHLAND LILLIE. Calved Jan. 28, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam High- land Beauty 5319, by Comet (Y) 4th 418, 2d dam Julia Grace 5318, by Comet (Y) 4th 418, 3d dam Beauty 18th 545, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5326 MANDY MAPLE. Calved March 1, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Julia Grace 5318, by Comet (Y) 4th 418, 2d dam Beauty 18th 545, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5327 NELLIE NEAT. Calved March 25, 1883. Bred by C, D. W. Cooper, 282 cows. Mapleville, R. 1. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Cressy 5245, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506, 2d dam La- dy Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 3d dam Beauty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y) 2d 416. 6328 RIVERSIDE BEAUTY. Calved March 26, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Mapleville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Lura 5246, by Duke of Hampden 5th 506, 2d dam Lady Beaconsfield 5190, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 3d dam Beauty 9th 539, by Sam 2d 1094. 5329 FAIRY BELLE. Calved Aug. 25, 1883. Bred by Ch. H. Pendleton, Scotland, Ct. By Duke of Lebanon 2190, Dam Scot- land Belle 3942, by Mahaska 817. 5330 BEAUTY BLY. Calved May I, 1884. Bred by Jos. Holmes, Bozrahville, Ct.; calved the property of Ch. H. Pendleton, Scotland, Ct. By Mahaska 817, Dam Katie Bly 3532, by Hyde's Fazio 707. 5331 MAID OF TORRIDGE. Calved Feb. 24, 1884. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved the property of Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Lovely 34th 3768, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 5332 MAID OF PLYM. Calved March 4, 1884. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved th(^ property of A. J. Hutchin- son, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Wanda 3d 3769, by Burnett 1648. 5333 MAID OF TAW. Calved March 12, 1884. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved the property of Arthur J. Hutch- inson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam cows. 283 Lovely 36th 4425, by Independence 713, 2d dam Love- ly 21st 1878, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 6334 MAID OF TAMAR. Calved March 26, 1884. Bred by Wm. M. White, Can- aseraga, N. Y.; calved the property of A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Independence 713, Dam Helena 56th 4428, by Independence 713, 2d dam Lady Elgin 3d 1722, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5335 CIRCLET. Calved Feb. 28, 1884. Bred by J.H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange C. H., Va., calved the property of T. Lovelock, Gordonsville, Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Lady Culpepper 3260, by Duke of Clifton 489. 5336 RUTH M. Calved March 12, 1883. Bred by Douglas Vass; sold March 12, 1883, to John E. Michael, both of Mobile, Ala. By Kensington 1715, Dam Bell Bronson 4081, by Napoleon 896. 5337 MINNEY TOM. Calved April 30, 1882. Bred by Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. By Tom's Plow Boy 2224, Dam Cappy 2864, by Dan Baker 444. 5338 EDNA BLISS. Calved April 24, 1884. Bred by George McCreary, Gal- ligher, O. By Proudfoot 1559, Dam Hadda 4329, by Joe 1563. 5339 ROSA FAMES. Calved June 30, 1882. Bred by Wm. Fames, Worcester, Mass.; sold July 6, 1882, to Rufus Carter, of the same place. By Belvidere 2525, Dam June Helen 4819, by Uncas 1196, 2d dam Lady May 4816, by Bloomfield(Y.) 314, 3d. dam Lucy 1893, by Prince John 985. 284 co-ws. 5340 AUNTIE. Calved Sept. 3, 1882. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Uncas 1196, Dam Blanche 694, by Genesee 2d 616. 5341 RIVER. Calved March 4, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy Sidney Center, N.Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Blanche 694, by Genesee 2d 616. 5342 CASSIA. Calved April 3, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 13, 1884,. to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Caroline 766, by Genesee 2d 616. 5343 ALMOND. Calved April 8, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold June 10, 1884, to W. M. Starks, Northampton, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Vic- toria 2d 2670, by Mohawk 872. 5344 CANDOR. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Mina 3249, by Empire 538. 5345 PAY WELL. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold May 13, 1884, to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. By Principal 2389, Dam Lady Fenn 4545, by Litchfield 2d 1766, 2d dam Lilly 2d 1825, by Mohawk 872. 5346 QUEEN OF SPRINGVILLE. Calved Aug. 24, 1879. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Litchfield 789, Dam Big Curly 2d 5138 cows. 285 by Young Albert 2528, 2d dam Big Curly 5137, by Os- car 925|, 3d dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y) 676i, 4th dam, a Patterson cow. 5347 QUEEN OF SPRINGVILLE 2d. Calved May 18, 1883. Bred byOrrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Queen of Springville 5346, by Litchfield 789, 2d dam Big Curly 2d 5138, by Young Albert 2528, 3d dam Big Curly 5137, by Oscar 925|, 4th dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y.) 676 J, 5th dam, a Patterson cow. 5348 MATCHLESS 3d. Calved March 21, 1884. BredbyOrrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Matchless P. 4065, by Litchfield 789. 5349 DEVON'S PRIDE 2d. Calved April 7, 1884. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Devon's Pride 4063, by Litchfield 789. 5350 QUEEN OF SPRINGVILLE 3d. Calved March 21, 1884. Bred by Orrin Prichard, Spring- ville, Pa. By Lord Nelson 2d 801, Dam Queen of Springville 5346, by Litchfield 789, 2d dam Big Curly 2d 5138, by Young Albert 2528, 3d dam Big Curly 5 137, by Oscar 9251, 4th dam Curly 5136, by Herod (Y.) 676|, 5th dam, a Patterson cow. 5351 MEMBERSHIP. Calved April 18, 1884. Bred by W. H. H. ScarfF, New Carhsle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam MoUie Lottie 4521, by Batavia ( Y) 2355, 2d dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. 5352 MOLLY P. STARK. Calved April 23, 1884. Bred by Samuel Putnam, Corn- ish, N. H. By Jockey 2076, Dam Chosen 4812, by 286 cows. Pepin 940, 2d dam Gem 3d 1351, by Sardanapalns 1106. 5363 CHISPA. Calved May 16, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Cinderella 3898, by Elgin 2d 1798. 5354 DIONE. Calved May 17, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Demirep 3779, by Duke of Darlington 1336. 5355 NIRVANA. Calved May 18, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Pomp 2286, Dam Nixe 3776, by Duke of Darlington 1336. 5356 GABRINA. Calved May 19, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Graceful 3742, by Patterson 1867. 5357 NEW NYDIA. Calved May 20, 1883. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Imogene 2786, by Hudson 699. 5358 VIOLA VINCES. Calved Nov. 16, 1883. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Lady Kate 1752, by The President 137. 5359 AZALEA ASTRAL. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by Dillard & Graves, La- hore, Va. By Powhatan 1367, Dam Ella's Pet 1072, by The President 137. 5360 MINETTA. Calved May, 1872. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Prince of Wales 2d 999, Dam Minnie 2052, by Dick 459. COM^S. 287 5361 ELAINE. Calved March 9, 1878. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Prince of Fernbank 987|, Dam Eleanor 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 5362 BETTIE. Calved April 3, 1878. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Prince of Fernbank 987|, Dam Martha 3590, by Col. Newcome 407. 5363 HATTIE MORRIS. Calved June 7, 1878. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Col. Newcome 407, Dam Hattie 1409, by Dick 459. 5364 BELLONA. Calved Nov. 4, 1878. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Prince of Fernbank 987 5, Dam Belle 624, by Dick 459. 5365 SALLIE 2d. Calved Sept. 11, 1879. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Amy 455, by Col. Newcome 407. 5366 CLARE. Calved Jan. 23, 1879. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Clarissa 850, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5367 NINA. Calved Dec. 9, 1879. Bred by Dr. J. Clieston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Nannette 3525, by Prince ol Wales 2d 999. 5368 NORA. Calved Dec. 11, 1879. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Eleanor 3540, by Col. Newcome 407. 288 COWS. 5369 MATTIE. Calved Jan. 11, 1880. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, AVest Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Matilda 1965, by Prince ot Wales 2d 999. 6370 CALEND8. Calved May 15, 1S81. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, AVest Chester, Pa. By Tliomas 1734, Dam Ethel 3476, by Col. Nevvcome 407. 5371 MARY ELLA. Calved May 26, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris^ West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Matilda 1965, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5372 KITTIE. Calved Aug. 31, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Bettie 5362, by Prince of Fernbank 987^, 2d dam Martha 3590, by Col. Newcome 407. 5373 NANNIE 2d. Calved Sept. 17, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Nannette 3525, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5374 CLARITA. Calved Oct. 2, 1881. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, AVest Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Clarissa 850, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5375 TILLIE. Calved April 8, 1882. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Matilda 1965, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5376 ETHELIND. Calved April 13, 1882. Bred ty Dr. J. Cheston Morris, AVest Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Ethel 3476, by Col. Newcome 407. cows. 289 5377 MINUET. Calved Nov. 30, 1882. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Paulus 2837, Dam Julia 3526, by Col. Newcome 407. 5378 PLACER. Calved Dec. 9, 1882. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Sallie 2d 5365, by Thomas 1734, 2d dam Amy 455 by C'ol. Newcome 407. 5379 BEAM. Calved Feb. 20, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. Sold Feb. 21, 1884, to E. A. Love, Chester, S. C. By Osiris 2838, Dam Clare 5366, by Thomas 1734, 2d dam Clarissa 850, by Prince oF Wales 2d 999. 5380 VALHALLA. Calved March 6, 1883. Bred by Dr J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Matilda 1965, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5381 KATE 2d. Calved Aug. 18, 1783. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Kittie 5372, by Osiris 2838, 2d dam Bettie 5362, by Prince of Fern- bank 987|, 3d dam Martha 3590, by Col. Newcome 407. 5382 VERSATILE. Calved Sept. 11, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris 2838, Dam Clarita 5374, by Thomas 1734, 2d dam Clarissa 850, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. 5383 VERACITY. Calved Oct. 3, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734, Dam Julia 3526, by Col. Newcome 407. 290 cows. 5384 FRESHET. Calved Oct. 15, 1883. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Thomas 1734 Dam Bettie 5362, by Prince of Fernbank 987|, 2d dam Martha 3590, by Col. Newcome 407. 5385 TIDAL. Calved Feb. 24, 1884. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By Osiris' 2838, Dam Nannie 2d 5373, by Thomas 1734, 2d dam Nannette 3525, by Prince of Wales 2d 999. ::^5386 DARLING. * 897. Calved May, 1870. Bred by S. T. C. Brown, Sykesville, Md. By Freedom 581, Dam Reserve 2370, by Carroll EcHpse 370. 5387 LADY EMILY. 1079. Calved in 1870. Bred by Geo. Patterson; calved the property of S. T. C. Brown; inherited by Frank Brown, all of Sykesville, Md. By The President 137, Dam, by Dick Taylor 47. 5388 MY GIRL. 2543. Calved Nov., 1873. Bred by S. T. C. Brown, Sykesville, Md.; inherited by Frank Brown, of the same place. By Springfield 1141, Dam Carrie Taylor 772, by Dick Tay- lor 47. 5389 BESSIE. 2187. Calved Aug. 1875. Bred by S. T. C. Brown; inherited by Frank Brown, both of Sykesville, Md. By Spring- field 1141, Dam Jennie Price 1592, by Sterling Price 1151. 5390 ATTENTION. Calved May 15, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck & Son, East Bethany, N. Y. By Fhtton 7th 1490, Dam Lovely 26th 1882, by Duke of Flitton 9th 66. cows. 291 5391 JUDITH. Calved March 12, 1883. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchheld 2d 1766, Dam Jessie 2993, by Armable 254. 5392 ALICE GRAHAM. Calved March 28. 1883. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Edna 1053, by Mohawk 872. 5393 MISS PEYTON. Calved April 2, 1883. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N.Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Florine 4034, by Monarch 2d 878. 5394 HIST. Calved Feb. 7, 1884. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Ada Nelson 3998, by Lord Nelson 2d 801. 5395 ALICE MUNRO. Calved March 6, 1884. Bred by Julius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 2d 1766, Dam Inez 3996, by Madison 812. 5396 HETTY HART. Calved March 12, 1884. Bred by Juhus Johnson, South Otsehc, N. Y. By Wharton 2320, Dam Jessie 2993, by Armable 254. 5397 MISS NORTHFIELD. Calved Feb. 25, 1883. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H.; calved the property of C. W. Whicher, Northfield, N. H. By Pat 2142, Dam Jessie Ranger 3900, by Mountain Ranger 888. 5398 ELIZABETH STERLING. Calved May 2, 1884. Bred by Jas. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. Sold May 10, 1884, to Wm. D. Pomeroy, Somers, Ct, 292 cows. By Sampson Y 1988, Dam Bill's Lady Stafford 7th 4e311, by King's Duke 767. 5399 BEAUTY STRUNK. Calved March 25, 1869. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y.; calved the property of S. Powers, Panama, N. Y. Sold March 5, 1874, toD. A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N. Y. By Frank Baker 572, Dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5400 BESSIE POWERS. Calved March 15, 1871. Bred by S. Powers, Panama, N. Y. Sold March 5, 1874, to D. A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N. Y. By Billy Powers 2849, Dam Eva 1102, by Hu- ron 2d 704. 5401 CHERY. Calved May, 1872. Bred by S. Powers, Panama, N. Y. Sold March 5, 1874, to D. A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N. Y. By Billy Powers 2849, Dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5402 BRONNY. Calved May 2, 1875. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Little Dan Powers 2850, Dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5403 BEAUTY ALLEN. Calved April 19, 1876. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Read Jacket 2851, Dam Beauty Strunk 5399, by Frank Baker 572, 2d dam Eva 1102, by Hu- ron 2d 704. 5404 LADY CHERY. Calved May 6, 1877. Bred by D. A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N. Y. By Read Jacket 2851, Dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 2d dam Eva 1102 by Huron 2d 704. 5405 DINER. Calved March 6, 1878. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Read Jacket 2851, Dam Chery 5401 COW3. 293 byJBilly Powers 2849,^2d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5406 ROSEBUD RED. • Calved June 1, 1879. Bred by D. A. AUen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Heanon 2852, Dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 2d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5407 HEAFY. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Billy 1306, Dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 2d dv.m Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5408 NOBY. Calved May 10, 1878. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By I\ead Jacket 2851, Dam Bronny5402, by Little Dan Powers 2850, 2d dam Eva 1102, by Hu- ron 2d 704. 5409 MOLLY AtLEN. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Billy 1306, Dam Bronny 5402, by Little Dan Powers 2850, 2d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5410 FLOSSY. CalvedNov. 2, 1881. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Billy 1306, Dam Rosebud Red 5406, by Heanon 2852, 2d dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5411 LA MODE. Calved May 3, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Linda 4022, by Litchfield 2d 1766. 5412 PELLUCID. Calved May 9, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elgin 2d 1798, Dam Phoebe 4017, by LitcMeld 2d 1766. 294 cows. 5413 EFFIE B. Calved May 13, 1884. Bred by E. D. Richards, Nash- ville, Tenn. By Elo-in 2d 1798, Dam Elva4011,ly Litchfield 2d 1766. 5414 SISSIE'S PET. Calved March 30, 1884. Bred by Walter E. Case, Suf- field, Ct. By Hilton 1824, Dam Sissie 3904, by Cen- tennial Boy 376. 5415 TENNIE'S DARLING. Calved May 24, 1884. Bred by Walter E. Case, Suffield, Ct. By Hilton 1824, Dam Tennie, 3d 2593, by Grant 638. 5416 DAISY BETHLEHEM. Calved May 15, 1882. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- lehem, Ct. ^ Sold May 20, 1882, to Geo. W. Peck, of same place. By Oneida Chief 2d 1767, Dam Gipsey K. 2d 5168, by Dan 2691, 2d dam Gipsey K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 3d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5417 CURIOSITY. Calved Dec. 10,1883. Bred by Robt. Boyd, Steuben- viUe, O. By Handie 1840, Dam Rena 16th 2369, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 5418 SUPERIORITY. Calved Dec. 22, 1883. Bred by J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa.; calved the property of Robt. Boyd, Steubenville, O. By Hartland 1510, Dam Belle Patterson 9th 2783, by Hudson 699. 5419 NOMINATE. Calved March 23, 1884. Bred by J. S. Titus, Wash- ington Depot, Ct.; calved the property of Starr L. Sut- liff, Thomaston, Ct. By Washington Depot 2121, Dam Titia 5037, by Washington Depot 2121, 2d dam Fanny Pcdh^y 3d 4132, by Duke of Washington 1984. doWs. * 2^^ 5420 EMMA BLACK. Calved Jan. 3, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O.; calved the property of A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. By Asteroid 21 52, Dam Gertrude 3191, by Barefoot 272. 5421 ESTHER SILVEY. Calved May U, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O.; calved the property of A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. Bv Asteroid 2152, Dam Missouri 3190, by Barefoot 272. 5422 FAUSTINA. Calved May 11, 1884. Bred by J. S. Titus; calved the property of Chas. C. Ford, both of Washington Depot, Ct. By Washington Depot 2121, Dam Fanny 2d 4131, by Sam's Sam 1985. • 5423 VERITY. Calved June 3, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville,- Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Vesta 3258, by Litchfield 789. 5424 ANTHIA. Calved June 6, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Abessa 3751, by Georgian- na's Puritan 1st 620. 5425 MAMIE MINE. Calved Oct. 1878. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. By Defiance 452, Dam My Girl 5388, by Spring- field, 1141, 2d dam Carrie Taylor 772, by Dick Taylor 47. , ' ' 5423 DAISY LANGTRY. Calved May, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d, 230, Dam My Pet 3427, by De- TT3.nr*p "tO^ 5427 MARGARET MATHER. Calved May, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, 296 cows. Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Lotta 3837, by Defi- ance 452. 5428 SARAH BERNPIARDT. Calved May 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Bettie 3215, by Sprin- field 1141. 5429 MAGGIE BROWN. Calved May 18, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykes- ville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt,. Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam My Girl 5388, by Springfield 1141, 2d dam Carrie Taylor 772, by Dick Taylor 47. 5430 MARIE ROZE. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Darling 5386, by Freedom 581, 2d dam Reserve 2370, by Carroll Eclipse 370. 5431 KAFE CLAXTON. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Relief 3384, by Defi- ance 452. 5432 PATTI. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Lady Emily 5387, by The President 137, 2d dam, by Dick Taylor 47. 543d MINNIE HAUCK. Calved June, 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec. 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. ]5y Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Bessie 5389, by Spring- cows. 297 field 1141, 2cl dam Jennie Price 1592, by Sterling Price 1151. 5434 GER8TER. Calved Sept., 1882. Bred by Frank Brown, Sykesville, Md. Sold Dec, 1882, to L. B. Holt, Graham, N. C. By Prince Leopold 2d 230, Dam Mamie Mine 5425, by Defiance 452, 2d dam My Girl 5388, by Springfield 1141, 3d dam Carrie Taylor 772, by Dick Taylor 47. 5435 QUEEN ANN 2d. Calved April 23, 1882. Bred by Preston Atwood, Wa- tertown, Ct.; calved the prop-rty of Geo. L Hamlin, Lanesviile, Ct. By Juno 2210, Dam Queen Ann 4338, by Sam 1095. 5436 AGGIE. Calved April 2, 1 883. Bred by Geo. L. Hamlin, Lanes- viile, Ct. By Victor H. 1993, i3am Queen Ann 4338, by Sam 1095. 5437 DORA DOT. Calved June 1, 1884. Bred by Geo. L. Hamlin, Lanes- viile, Ct. By Victor H. 1993, Dam Queen Ann 2d 5435, by Juno 2210, 2d dam Queen Ann 4338, by Sam 1095. 5438 DELIVER. Calved Jan. 27, 1884. Bred by L. W. Dyer, Jefferson, N. Y. By Britton 1420, Dam Netty 3186, by Candy 2d 364. 5439 SWEET VIOLET. Calved May 13, 1884. Bred by W. H Kilbury, Plain City, O. By Duke of Madison 2208, Dam Lady Wool- ley 4336, by Frank 1333. 5440 PANSY BLOSSOM. Calved March 18, 1884. Bred by George Baker &Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam M. L. I, 2756, by Buckeye 352. 298 cows. 5441 MAUD ARLYN. Calved March 21, 1884. Bred by George Baker &Soii, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Dora 2837, by Buckeye 352. 5442 MODESTY. Calved March 27,1884. Bred by George Baker «fe Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Cherry 2d 2838, by Buckeye 352. 5443 YELLOW GAL. Calved April 13, 1884. Bred by Geo. Baker & Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Ul'rica 3829, by Buckeye 352. 5444 MISS NUGGET. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by Geo. Baker & Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Nan Nugget 3828, by Buckeye 352. 5445 BADGER'S LILY. Calved May 5, 1884. Bred by Geo. Baker & Son, Hus- tisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Badger Girl 2839, by Buckeye 352. 5446 MAY QUEEN B. Calved May 27, 1884. Bred by Geo. Baker & Son, Hustisford, Wis. By Clannaboro 1967, Dam Queen 2834, by Buckeye 352. 5447 SONSY. Calved April 1, 1881. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Heanon 2852, Dam Diner 5405, by Read Jacket 2851, 2d dam Chery 5401, by Billy Pow- ers 2849, 3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5448 CHARY ANN. Calved April 6, 1881. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Heanon 2852, Dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 2d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. cows. 299 5449 FLEECY. Calved April 5, 1882. Bred by by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Billy 1306, Uam Uiner 5105, by Head Jacket 2851, 2d dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, M dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5450 GIPSY ALLEN. Calved March 20, 1884. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Brokenstraw 2697, Dam Noby 5408, by Read Jacket 2851, 2d dam Bronny 5402, by Little Dan Powers 2850, 3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704, 5451 TOPSY TRICK. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Brokenstraw 2697, Dam Lady Chery 5404, by Read Jacket 2851, 2d dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849,3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5452 WOLD ROSY. Calved May 5, 1884. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Brokenstraw 2697, Dam Chary Ann 5448, by Heanon 2852, 2d dam Chery 5401, by Billy Powers 2849, 3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5453 FOURST. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by D. A. Allen, Broken- straw, N. Y. By Brokenstraw 2697, Dam Beauty Allen 5403, by Read Jacket 2851, 2d dam Beauty Strunk 5399, by Frank Baker 572, 3d dam Eva 1102, by Huron 2d 704. 5454 EMILY. Calved July 3, 1880. Bred by Thos. Fassitt, Calvert, Md. Sold Feb. 28, 1883, to Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By King of Ury 1765, Dam Maid of Ury 3214, by Prince of Fernbank 9871. 300 oows. 5455 ALLIE. Calved June 3, 1881. Bred by Thos. Fassitt, Calvert, Md. Sold Feb. 28, 1883, to' Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By King of Ury 1765, Dam Queen of Ury 3415, by Prince of Fernbank 987i. 5456 LAURA. Calved June 10, 1882. Bred by Thos. Fassitt, Calvert, Md. Sold Aug. 10, 1882, to Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By King of Ury 1765, Dam Queen of Ury 3415, by Prince of Fernbank 987^. 5457 LULU. Calved July 7, 1882. Bred by Thos. Fassitt, Calvert, Md. Sold Feb. 28, 1883, to Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By King of Ury 1765, Dam Maid of Ury 3214, by Prince of Fernbank* 987 J. 5458 GRACE. Calved Aug. 20, 1883. Bred by Thos. Fassitt, Calvert, Md.; calved the property of Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. Sold Feb. 21, 1884. to R. A. Love, Ches- ter, S. C. By Osiris 2838, Dam Queen of Ury 3415, by Prince of Fernbank 987^. 5459 PER SE. Calved March 26, 1884. Bred by Dr. J. Cheston Morris, West Chester, Pa. By John Bull 2839, Dam Ethel 3476, by Col. Newcome 407. 5460 ANNABEL LEE. Calved June, 1 884. Bred by Dillard & Graves, Lahore, Va. By Potomac Boy 2481, Dam Prima Donna 4767, by Powhatan 1367, 2d dam Nemophilla Hth 2781, by Hudson 699. 5461 BELLE COWLES. Calved in 184-. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Red Rover 1036, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloom- cows. 301 field 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5462 GAZELLE. Calved in 184-. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Eclipse (Y.) 525, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloom- field 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5463 BED ROSE. Calved in 184-. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Eclipse (Y.) 525, Dam Ruby 5273, by Bloom- field 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam, descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5464 BRIDGET. Calved in 184-. Bred by R. L. Colt, Patterson, N. J. Sold in 1847, to W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Bloomfield 310, Dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 2d dam, descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5465 BRIDGET JR. Calved June 29, 1847. Bred by R. L. Colt, Patterson, N. J. Sold in 1847, to W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Red Rover 1036, Dam Bridget 5464, by Bloomfield 310, 2d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 3d dam, de- scended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5466 FANCY COWLES. Calved July 11, 1849. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farm- ington, Ct. By Red Rover 1036. Dam Bridget Jr. 5465, by Red Rover 1036, 2d dam Bridget 5464, by Bloomfield 310, 3d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 4th dam, de- scended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5467 BRIDGET COWLES. Calved Oct, 29, 1850. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farm- ington, Ct. By Eclipse (Y.) 525, Dam Bridget Jr. 5465, by Red Rover 1036, 2d dam Bridget 5464, by Bloomfield 302 cows. 310, 3d dam Brenda 5272, by x\nchises 7, 4th dam, de- scended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5468 PRUDE 1st. Calved in 1851. Bred by Bela Tiffany, vSouth bridge, Mass. By Tiffany 1172, Dam Fancy 1183, by Baltimore 263. 5469 BELLE COWLES 2d. Calved Oct., 1851. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farmington, Ct. By Schoville 1108, Dam Belle Cowles 5461, by Red Rover 1036, 2d dam Ruby 5273,by Bloomfield310, 3d cam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 4th dam, descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5470 JENNIE COWLES. Calved March 25, 1852. Bred by W.L. Cowles, F/irm- ington, Ct. By Rob Roy 1057, Dam Bridget Jr. 5465, by Red Rover 1036, 2d dam Bridget 5464, by Bloomfield 310, 3d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 4th dam, de- scended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5471 RED ROSE 2d. Calved April 15, 1852. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farm- ington, Ct. By Ranger 1017, Dam Red Rose 5463, by Eclipse (Y.) 525, 2d dam Ruby 5273, by Bloomfield 310, 3d dam Brenda 5272, by x\ncliises 7, 4th dam, descended from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5472 BEAUTY COWLES. Calved April 23, 1852. Bred by W. L. Cowles, Farm- ington, Ct. By Ranger 1017, Dam Fancy Cowles 5466, by Red Rover 1036, 2d dam Bridget Jr. 5465, by Red Rover i036, 3d dam Bridget 5464, by Bloomfield 310, 4th dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 5th dam, descend- ed from the Patterson importation of 1817. 5473 JENNY LIND 2d. (796.) Calved July, 1853. Bred by George Vail, Troy, N. Y. cows. 303 :^y Molton 874, Dam Jenny Lind 5274, by Eclipse (Y.) 525, 2d dam Huby 5273, by Bloomiield 310, 3d dam Brenda 5272, by Anchises 7, 4th dam, descended from the Pattersom importation of 1817. 5474 PRUDE 2d. (996.) Calved Oct. 18, 1853. Bred by George Vail, Troy, N. Y. By Norfolk 913, Dam Prude 1st 5468, by Tiffany 1172, 2d dam Fancy 1183, by Baltimore 263. 5475 BEAUTY ANDREWS. Calved April, 1856. Bred by Sheldon Lewis, Bristol, Ct. Sold to B. H. Andrews, Waterbury, Ct. By Cliam- pion 379, Dam Minerva 2022, by Albert 6. 5476 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE. 1294 H. Calved Jan. 1856. Bred by George Vail, Troy, N. Y. By May boy 115, Dam Prude 1st 5468, by Tifl'any 1172, 2d dam Fancy 1183, by Baltimore 263. 5477 MOSS ROSE. 1417 H. Calved Jan. 4, 1858. Bred by E. G. Cook, Rural Hill, N. Y. By Grand Duke 633, Dam Florence Nightingale 5476, by Mayboy 115, 2d dam Prude 1st 5468, by Tiff- any 1172, 3d dam Fancy 1183, by Baltimore 263. 5478 JEWEL. Calved March 22, 1858. Bred by J. W. Hamlin, West Aurora, N. Y. Sold to Grosvenor Clark, Geneva, N. Y. By Chingacook 394, Dam Twiliglit 2630, by Dibble 46. 5479 CASTIA. 414. Calved March 11, 1863. Bred by H. W. Knowlton, Freeport 111.; sold in 1865, to John Baiioot, of the same place. i^By Baltimore 2d 268, Dam Polly 2250, by Balti- more 264. 5480 CASTIANIRA. 415. Calved Feb. 22, 1864. Bred by IL W. Knowlton, Free- 304 cows. port, 111., sold in I860, to John BarfooU of the same place. By Baltimore 2d 268, Dam Polly 2250, by Bal- timore 264. 5481 ELEVEN. Calved May 25, 1871. Bred by Walter Cole, Batavia, N. v.; calved the property ot Frank Stur>^es, Chicago, 111. By Queen Ann's Huron 1014, Dam Helena 37th 1442, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5482 SEVENTEEN. Calved July 11, 1872. Bred by Frank Sturges, Chicago, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Helena 38th 1443, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5483 TWENTY. Calved March 21, 1873. Bred by Frank Sturges^ Chi- cago, III. By Honor 697, Dam Iris 1529, by Marylan- der 841. 5484 NINETEEN. ('alved Mar. 31, 1873. Bred by Frank Sturges, Chicago, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Helena 41st 1446, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5435 TWENTY FIVE. (halved Sept. 24, 1873. Bred by Frank Sturges, Chica- go, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Cordelia 871, by Mary- lander 841. 5486 FIFTY THREE. Calved Nov. 1, 1874. Bred by Frank Sturges, Chicago, III. By Honor 697, Dam Eleven 5481, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014, 2d dam Helena^37th 1442, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 548 1 SIXTY. Calved Mar. 29, 1875. Bred by Frank Sturges, Chica- go, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Twenty 548,3, by Honor 697, 2d dam Iris 1529, by Mary lander 841. cows. 305 5488 SIXTY ONE. Calved A])!-!! 1, 1875. Bred by Frank Stiirtj:es, Chicao-o, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Seventeen 5482. by Honor 697, 2d dam Helena 38th 14J:3, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5489 SIXTY FOUR. Calved April 7, 1875. Bred by Frank vSturges, Chicago, III. By Honor 697, Dam Ninetem 5484, by Honorb97, 2d dam Helena 41st 1446, by Queen Ann's Huron 1014. 5490 SIXTY EIGHT. Calved May 7, 1875. Bre4 by Ftank Sturges, Chicago, 111. By Honor 697, Dam Twenty Five 5485, by Honor 691, 2d dam Cordelia 871, by Marylander 841. 5491 RODA. Gdved June 11, 1875. Bred by David Baker, Mans- field, O. By May Boy 1841, Dam Belle Clilton 3542, by Barnemo 276. 5492 RED ROSE. Calved April 7, 1877. Bred by David Baker, Mansfield, O. By May Boy 1841, Dam Belle Clilton 3542, by Barnemo 276. 5498 KATE BLAINE. Calved Aug. 30, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, HiUiard, O.; calved the property of J. W. Pollock, Cedarville, O. By Breastwork 1294, Dam Agnes 4th 2861, by Dan Ba- ker 444. 5494 JENNIE POLLOCK. Calved Dec. 1, 1883. Bred by S. J. Woolley, HiUiar.i, O.; calved the property of J. W. Pollock, Cedarville, O. By Breastwork, 1294, Dam Unette 4622, by Chal- lenge 378, 2d dam Fanny 1245, by Guelpli Chief 640. 306 cows. 6495 BELLE LOGAN. Calved June U, 1884. Bred by J. W. Pollock, Cedar- ville, O. By Cole's Perfection 1369, Dam Aj^nies 4th 2861, by Dan Baker 444. 5496 MAME E. Calved Oct. 15, 1880. Bred by O. B. King; calved the property of Wm. G. Wood; sold May 3, 1884, to Clias. L. Dayton, all of Watertown, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Amanda 4th 3012, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 5497 ELEGANCE. Calved April 6, 1883. Bred by T. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Lid. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Jennie Flitton 4307, by Flitton 2d 558. 5493 FASHIONABLE. Calved Feb. 13, 1884. Bred by Thos. D. Coffing, AVag- oner, Lid. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Lucy Coffing 4955, by Bulldozer 1827, 2d dam Maud Flitton 2813, by Flitton 2d 558. 5499 COURTEOUS. Calved April 13, 1884. Bred by T. D. Coffing, W^agon- er, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Jennie Flitton 4307, by Flitton 2d 558. 5500 URBANITY. Calved May 22, 1884. Bred by Thos. D. Coffing, Wag- oner, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212, Dam Queen Car- lotta 4953, by Blucher 1539, 2d dam Princess Carlotta 2294, by St. Lawrence 1152. 5501 POLITE. Calved May 22, 1884. Bred by Thos. D. Coffing, Wag- oner, Ind. By Duke of Shelby 2212. Dam Ada Bluch- er 4.;'54, by Blucher 1539, 2d dam Princess Carlotta 2294, by St. Lawrence 1152. cows. 307 5502 CONSTANCE. Calved April 9, 1884. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y.; calved the property of W. C. Hale, Colum- bus, Miss. By Earl Genesee 2334, Dam Diana 4322, by Flitton 7th 1490. 5503 PALMISTE. Calved March 18, 1884. Bred by W. A. & R. P. Mc- Clain, Lebanon, Tenn. By Pendennis 1902, Dam Frou- Frou 3820, by Georgianna's Puritan 1st 620. 5504 GOLDEN ROSE. Calved April 15, 1884. Bred by Jas. A. Bill, Lyme,Ct. Sold June 1, 1884, to E. A. Darling, East Burke, Vt. By Samson Y. 1988, Dam Rose 19th 2420, by Lion 786. 5505 LADY BILL, Calved May 4, 1884. Bred by James A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. Sold June 1, 1884, to E. A. Darling, East Burke, Vt. By Samson Y. 1988, Dam Bill's Susannah 4332, by King's Duke 767. 5506 ERNESTINE. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Sold Oct. 3, 1883, to Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Litchfield Belle 2d 2875, by Doctor 462. 5507 IMPRINT. Calved Dec. 27, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Jenny 1565, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5508 DREAMER. Calved Dec. 28, 1883. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Viola 3549, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 5509 RELATIVE. Calved Jan. 17, 1884. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, Wes t 308 cows. field, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Betsy 3733, by Charley 385. 5510 COSTUME. Calved June 7, 1884. Bred by A. W, Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Synthia Bliss 4739, by Buckeye 2d 35 1 , 2d dam Kosa 2387, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5511 AIEDA. Calved April 28, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. By Col. Choate 2134, Dam Pert 4178, by Sir John 1125. 5512 FARNATTA. Calved May 18, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson,^ Oak Creek, Wis.; calved the property of J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. By Col. Choate 2134, Dam Fawn 4180, by Sir John 1125. 5513 JENNY. Calved April 8, 1870. Bred by Jacob Blakeslee, Water- town, Ct.; sold April 20, 1871, to T. F. Judson, of the same place. By Gen. Sherman 2890, Dam Jenny 4th 3892, by Prince Regeon 1006. 5514 HATTIE MENTOR. Calved Jan. 10, 1884. Bred by J. C. Alward & Son, Pataskala, O. By Mentor 1839, Dam Belle Helena 9th 645, by Breastplate 341. 5515 DOLLY DAVIS. Calved March 18, 1884. Bred by D. H. Davis, Wind- sor, Vt. Sold March 25, 1884, to Edwin Congdon, Clar- endon, Vt. By Jockey 2076, Dam Pink E. H. 4070, by Pepin 940. 5516 GRANTA. Calved Feb. 12, 1884. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Beth- cows. 309 lehem, Ct By Duplex 2672, Dam Maud K. 5169, by Oneida Chief 2d 1767, 2d dam Kittee K. 5167, by Bethel 2d 2690, 3d dam Gipsy K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 4th dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5517 TWILLA. Calved March 20, 1884. Bred by Wm. T. Kasson, Bethlehem, Ct. By Duplex 2692, Dam Gipsey K. 5166, by Bethel 299, 2d dam Hilpa 1493, by John 746. 5518 DOT DEE. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by C. E. Davis, Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. By Jubal Early 2246, Dam Rosabelle 4784, by Prince of Wales 8th lOOi), 2d dam Rose of Baltimore 1st 2457, by Eclipse 72. 5519 JESSIE P'S FIRST. Calved June 2, 1884. Bred by C. E. Davis, Auburn 4 Corners, Pa. By Jubal Early 2246, Dam Jessie P. 4786, by Litchfield 789, 2d dam Peony 1st 2216, by Bloomfield 313. 5520 WATHENA. Calved March 20, 1884. Bred by B. B. ScarfF, New Carlisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Kate 4522, Wah bah-nis 1209, 2d dam Jenny 1563, by Batavia 284. 5521 LEOTA. Calved April 10, 1884. Bred by B. B. ScarfF, New Car- lisle, O. By Don Pedro A. 2356, Dam Rose 2442, by Wah-bah-nis 1209. 5522 HAZEL DELL. Calved May 16, 1884. Bred by N. A. Humphrey, Bain- bridge, N. Y. By Dixon 1830, Dam Bainbridge Queen 4662, by Dixon 1830, 2d dam Queen of May 3d 2321, by Madison Chief 814. 5523 EARLY GIRL. Calved June 10, 1884. Bred by N. A. Humphrey, Baiu- 310 COWS. bridge, N. Y. By Dixon 1830, Dam Early Bird 3766, by Gold Dust 1885. 5524 MAID OF TAVY. Calved May 5, 1884. Bred by A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Captain C. G. 2061, Dam Helena 54:th 4426, by Independence 713, 2d dam Puritan Girl 4th 3554, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 5525 MAID OF DART. Calved May 30, 1884. Bred by A.J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. By Captain C. G. 2061, Dam Georgianna 8th 1364, by Cole's Puritan 2d 405. 5526 TABY. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Uncas 2d 2206, Dam Lilly C. 3459, by Forester 2d 568. 5527 CHESTNUT. Calved March 3, 1884. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Gen. Garheld 2043, Dam Lily C. 3459, by Forester 2d 568. 5528 MAHOGANY. Calved March 28, 1884. Bred by Ward Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. By Gen. Garfield 2043, Dam Gem 6th 1353, by Forester 2d 568. 5529 HOLLY SWEET. Calved May 19, 1884. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y.; calved the property of R. Hankinson, Mt. Holly, N. J. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Ellie Rhea 4167, by The Marquis 1705. 5530 PIMIT MAID. Calved March 18, 1884. Bn^d by W. S. Smoot, Lano-- ley, Va. By Salona King 2425, Dam Minnie 3780, by Springfield 1141. 5531 PANSY PET. Calved April 27, 1884. Bred by L. P. Sisson, Roney's cows. 311 Point, W. Va. By Wheeling 2416, Dam Alace 4650, by Lone Star 2414, 2d dam Dumpling- 4648, by Patapsco 2412, ;M dam Betty Neil 4647, by Stephen 2412, 4th dam Prairie Bird 2252, by Marion 835. 5532 CLANNA FOXEY. Calved April 28, 1884. Bred by Geo. Baker, Hustis- Ibrd, Wis.; calved the property oi Clark W. Thompson, Wells, Minn. By Clannaboro 196 -, Dam Foxey V 4038, by Buckeye 352. 5533 GOLD MILK. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by S. F. Dutton, Williams- town, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Fire Fly 4326, by Vermont 2188. 5534 CERES. Calved May 23, 1884. Bred by John P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Juno 4302, by Bismarck 2187. __ 5535 FAVORITE. Calved June 16, 1884. Bred by John P. Fish & Son, Chelsea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Lady Alice Fish 4581, by Jupiter 2186, 2d dam Hattie H. 4292, by Har- ley M. 652. 5536 MORNING STAR. Calved June 22, 1884. Bred by J. P. Fish & Son, Chel- sea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Daisy Chelsea 4306, by Jupiter 2186. 5537 FAVORITE FAN. Calved April 23, 1884. Bred by Banker Bros., Franklin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Red Rose Banker 4297, by Prince of Wales 8th 1000. 5538 LETART. Calved April 30, 1884. Bred by Seth Cook, San Fran- cisco, Cal. By Longfellow 2372, Dam Rena 20th 4632, ^\2 coWs. by Reno 1046, 2cl dam Rena 17th 3562, by Bodine 324. 5539 CAliSlE. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by Sech Cook, San Francis- c), Cal. By Longiellovv 2372, Dam Molly 3715, by Dexter 1842. 5540 DULCIMER. Calved May 23, 1884. Bred by Seth Cook, San Fran- cisco, Cal. By Longfellow 2372, Dam Jane Islimael 3899, by Ishmael 1296. 5541 SARAH WHARTON. Calved May 29, 1884. Dred by Jnlius Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. By Litchfield 3d 2643, Dam Ma'dam 4033 by Brainard 337. 5542 VALA. Calved June 23, 1884. Bred by Luther Rawson, Oak Cieek, Wis.; calved the property ol' J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. By Col. Choate 2134, Dam Dame 4169, by Sir John 1125. 5543 CASH BOX. Calved March 31, 1883. lired by M. B. Po.neroy, Sid- ney Center, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Augusta 485, by Genesee 2d 616. 5544 LACTEA. Calved xMarch 20, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Sold June 10, 1^84, to W. M. Starks, Northampton, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Fairy 1174, by Genesee 2d 616. 5545 CRESSID. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Crescent 4007, by Litchfield 789. 5546 CARTER'S CLEO. Calved May, 1883. Bred by Jas. A. Bdl, Lyme, Ct.; cows. 313 calved the property of Seidell 8. Carter, Clinton, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Cleopatra 2845, by Duke of Hampden 6tli 607. 5547 CARTER'S CLEO 2d. Calved May 2, 1884. Bred by Selden S. Carter, Clinton, Ct. By Bill's Duke 2927, Dam Cleopatra 4th 2845, by Duke oi Hampden 6th 507. 5548 BILL'S EUGENIA. Calved May, 1882. Bred by .las. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Eugenia 3375, by Independence 713. 5549 BILL'S ROSE 27th. Calved Nov. 10, 1882. Bred by James A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. By King's Duke 767. Dam Rose 18th 2419, by Duke of Ham])den 504. 5550 BILL'S SUSIE 7th. Calved Eeb. 5, 1883. Bred by James A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. By King's Duke 767, Dam Susie 2583, by Bethel 299. 5551 BILL'S HP:TTY 4th. Calved Eeb. 15, 1883. Bred by Jas. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. By Kini^^'s Dake 767, Dam Hetty 2d 2840, by Royal Duke 2d 1084. 5552 BILL'S HETTY 5th. Calved March 25, 1884. Bred by Jas. A. Bill, Lyme, Ct. By Samson Y. 1988, Dam Bill's Hetty3d 4331, by Duke of Hampden 6th 507. 5553 HYDE'S HYACINTH 2d. Calved March 1, 1882, Bred by Roger N. Francis, West Hartford, Ct. By Nahabed 2063, Dam Hyde's Hyacinth 3397, by Leander 775. 5554 KEIRAN LASS 2d. Calved March 28, 1884. Bred by A. P. Baldwin, Pitch- 314 cows. cr, N. Y. By Nelson Jr. 2931, Dam Keiran Lass 5204, by Litchfield 2d 1766, 2d dam Myrtie 2994, by Brainard 337. 5555 LADY JENETTE. Calved in 1876. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. By Bob Lee 2926, Dam Medora 2008, by 8. A. Douglass 1090. 5556 SANDAL. Calved Feb. 8, 1882. Bred by N. D. House, Waitsfield, Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Fairy 13th 1143, by Felix 554. 5557 CRAYON. Calved Feb. 25, 1 883. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Chloe 2959, by Felix 2d 555. 5558 TESTER. Calved April 20, 1883. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt. By Hampden 2010, Dam Scantora 2d 2511, by Scan tic 1107. 5559 LEDGER. Calved May 10, 1883. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field. Vt. By Kit Carson S. 2069, Dam Mollie H. 4045, by Bertram 1397. 5560 MISS CARSON. ' Calved Feb. 11, 1884. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt. By Kit Carson 2d 2934, Dam Chloe 2959, by Felix 2d 555. 5561 KINDRED. Calved Feb. 14, 1884. Bred by N. D. House, Waits- field, Vt. By Kit Carson 2d 2934, Dam Fairy 13th 1143, by Felix 554. 5562 FIRESIDE. Calved March 12, 1884. Bred by N. D. House, Waits. cows. 315 field, Vt. By Kit Carson 2d 2934, Dam Sarepta 4044, by Bertram 1397. 5663 MADAME KIT. Calved April 16, 1884. Bred by N? D. House,. Waits- field, Vt. By Kit Carson 2d 2934, Dam Mollie H. 4045, by Bertram 1397. 5564 REDRESS. Calved March 14, 1883. Bred by E. B. Denison, Chel- sea, Vt. By Jupiter 2186, Dam Nellie Gray 4325, by Vermont 2188. 5565 TILT. Calved June 1, 1884. Bred by E. B. Denison, Chelsea, Vt. By Waitsfield 2377, Dam Nelly Gray 4325, by Vermont 2188. 5566 PANSY PEARL. Calved April 11, 1878. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond- du-lac. Wis. By Rowley 2d 1080, Dam Blossom 711, by Carter 371. 5567 LITTLE ANTIC. Calved March 26, 1881. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond- du-lac. Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Lady Carter 4783, by Rowley 2d 1080, 2d dam Antic 473, by Hu- ron 2d 704. 5568 PEARLA DEVON. Calved Feb. 14, 1882. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du- lac, Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Mrs. Devon 4664, by Rowley 2d 1080, 2d dam Blossom 711, by Carter 371. 5569 LADY CARTER 3d. Calved Feb. 20, 1882. Bred by A. Homiston, Fond-du- lac. Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Lady Carter 4783, by Rowley 2d 1080, 2d dam Antic 473, by Huron 2d 704. 316 cows. 5570 MISS DEVON. Calved Feb. 2, 1883. Bred by A. Homiston, Foiid-dii lac, Wis. By Badger Boy 258, Dam Mrs. Devon 4664, by Rowley, 2d 1080, 2d dam Blossom 711, by Carter 371. 5571 PERILLA. Calved March 20, 1884. Bred by Mrs. D. R. Bixby, Disco, Mich. By Golden Age 2368, Dam Rosa Bixby 2852, by Eric 540. 5572 PRIMULA. Calved April 27, 1884. Bred by Mrs. D. R. Bixby, Disco, Mich. By Golden Age 2368, Dam Verona 2851, by Eric 540. 5573 PETTY. Calved Sept. 24, 1881. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass. Sold x^ug. 14, 1883, to Mrs. L. E Cox, Grafton Center, Mass. By Kentucky 1972, Dam Beauty 15th 3864, by Comet (Y) 2d 416. 5574 MAGGIE MITCHELL. Calved May 1, 1883. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass. Sold to Mrs. li. E. Cox, Grafton Center, Mass. By Kentucky 1972, Dam Gale Hambleton 3869, by Monarch 1971. 5575 ANN LOUISE. Calved July 3, 1883. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton Mass. Sold Aug. 14, 1883, to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Center, Mass. By Kentucky 1972, Dam Broad Horns Beauty 3867, by Monarch 1911. 5576 LOIS. Calved Oct. 4, 1883. Bred by D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt.; calved the property of Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Cen- ter, Mass. By Jockey 2076. Dam Lady Garble 4617, by Ralph 1425, 2d dam Fairy 61st 2796, by Balco 259, cows. 3lt 5577 VIO].ET. Calved April 10, 1884. Bred by Harvey Dodge, Sutton, Mass.; calved the property of Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Center, Mass. By Kentucky 1972, Dam Beauty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5578 ADRIANNA. Calved July 10, 1884. Bred by Mrs. L. E. Cox, Graf- ton Center, Mass. By Jockey 2076, Dam Beauty loth 3864, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5579 LADY THOHN. Calved April 12, 1884. Bred by J. P. Gage «& Son, Southbridge, Mass. By Fantoro 2192, Dam Lady Woodstock 4720, by Duke of Woodstock 2462, 2d dam Fairy 15th 1144, by Lion 786. 5580 BRIGHT PROMLSE 6th. Calved April 15, 1882. Bred, by D. & J. Banker, Frank- lin Forks, Pa. Sold Oct. 6, 1882, to S. R. Houghton, Tracy Creek, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Bright Promise 724, by Prince of Wales 12th 1002. 5581 GIPSY QUEEN. Calved June 2, 1884. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Mabel Ensign 4715, by Zib 2423, 2d dam HoUyberry 2872, by Doctor 462. 5582 RITIE. Calved July 12, 1884. Bred by Joseph Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. By Prince of Wales 20th 1395, Dam Provincial Maid 4165, by King ot the Ocean 766. 5588 NAOMI. Calved Sept. 8, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct.; calved the property of T. P. Porter, Ches- terfield, Mass. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Truth 4146, by Lord Lovell 797. 318 cows. 5584 LOU MAY. Calved May 4, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son; calved the property of H. B.Johnston & Bros., allof Af- ton, N. Y. By Bloomfield 2018, Dam Fanny J. 3945, by Billy 300. 5585 JIFFY. Calved June 6, 1884. Bred by E. M. Johnston & Son; calved the property of H. B. Johnston & Bros , all of Al- ton, N. Y. By Bloomfield 2018, Dam Red Rose 3d 3947, by Bloomfield 2018. 5586 DELAINE. Calved May 23, 1884. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- ville, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Edith 3d 1049, by Gene- see 2d 616. 5587 SERENE. Calved April 16, 1884. Bred by O. H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. By Bayard 1319, Dam Rose 22d 2846, by Duke of Hampden 6th 507. 5588 MAGGIE N. Calved June 19, 1883. Bred by F. H. Anclrews, South Woodstock, Ct. By Hero 2d 676, Dam Madge 1909, by Admiral 239. 5589 PRUDY. Calved May 12, 1881. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By Red Billy 2948, Dam Ida 2d 1515, by Grant 638. 5590 CHICO CASTA. Calved May 2, 1884. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y.; calved the property of Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Eileen 4166, by Brant 1344. r 5591 LOUISA. Calved June 10, 1884. Bred by J. H. & T. T. John- • cows. 3l9 Sdn, Orange C. H., Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Callie 4983, by ElDorado 529, 2d dam Fan tine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 5592 PAGE. Calved July 14, 1884. Bred by J. H. & T. T. Johnson, Orange, C. H., Va. By Prince of Orange 2614, Dam Tiny 4997, by Funder 2630, 2d dam Sunnyside 4979, by Bismark 308, 3d dam Fantine 1254, by Roanoke 1054. 5593 FINANCE. Calved Oct. 22, 1883. Bred by J. B. ^Longenocker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Modesty's Duke 2325, Dam Starlight 3925, by The President 137. 5594 WOODLAWN. Calved March 8, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Adell 3929, by Springfield 1141. 5595 GREEN FIELD. Calved March 15, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Cole's Puritan 3d 406, Dam Deer 972, by The President 137. 5593 SOOTHSAYER. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Modesty's Duke 2325, Dam Helena 52d 3322, b) Duke of Flitton 9th 66. 5597 RETURN. Calved June 9, 1884. Bred by J. B. Longenecker, Union Deposit, Pa. By Dick Puritan 2408, Dam Etta Puritan 4635, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d dam Deer 972, by The President 137. 5593 DAISY DOT. Calved March 19, 1881. Bred by J. P. Gage & Son, Southbridge, Mass. Sold March 28, 1881, to Moses L. 3:20 cows. * Gage, North Woodstock, Ct. By Dot 1612, T3am iDaisy 952, by Fusileer 588. 5699 SLEEK. Calved May, 1884. Bred by Moses L. Gage, North Woodstock, Ct. By Faiitoro, 2192, Dam Daisy Dot 5598, by Dot 1612, 2d dam Daisy 952, by Fusileer 588. 5600 DAISY BELLE. Calved July 21, 1884. Bred by J. P. Gage & Son, Southbridge, Mass. By Faiitoi'o 2192, Dam Fairy Belle 2d 2930, by Rolliu 1068. 5601 GRACE DELAWARE. Calved May 21, 1883. Bred by G. L. Sackett, Dela- ware, O. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Inez 2790, by Hud- son 699. 5602 EVA S. Cahed April 5, 1884. Bred by G. L. Sackett, Dela- ware. O. By Tecumseh 1167, Dam Inez 2790, by Hud- son 699. 5603 NOBLE. Calved May 13, 1884. Bred by 1. R. Tilden, Renrock, O. By Jerry Tom 2338, Dam Nelly Bird 4394, by Gen- eral Hancock 1863, 2d dam Alice Ohio 4027, by Jacob 1847. 5604 MABEL MARTIN. Calved May 25, 1884. Bred by J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y.; calved the property of ( '. W. Martin, South Worcester, N. Y. By Hiawatha 1977, Dam Gipsy 1383, by Genesee 2d 616. 5605 MAUD S. 2d. Calved Oct. 25, 1883. Bred by Jacob Blakeslee, Water- town, Ct. By Cornwall 2079, Dam Maiid S. 3909, by King's Lion 1437. cows. 321 5606 MINNIE E. Calved March 8, 1884. Bred by Jacob Blakeslee, Wa- tertown, Ct. By Cornwall 201^, Dam Minnie B. 8907, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 5607 BLUE EYES 1 1th. Calved Aug. 1, 1884. Bred by J. Buckingham, Zanes- villc, O. By Billy 1306, Dam Blue Eyes 4th 2772, by Jack 721. 5608 LUXIMEE. Calved July 29, 1884. Bred by E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. By Spy 2371, Dam Lucille 3467, by Georgian- na's Puritan 1st 620. 5609 REAPER. Calved July 15, 1884. Bred by J. L. Crawford, Oak- land City, lud. By Ba>tio;i 2i 1S56, Dam Gold licaf 4483, by Bastion 2d 1856; 2d chim Jessie 1609, by Wah- bah-nis 1209. 5610 BELLE 10th. Calved June 3, 1884. Bred by Banker Bros.. Eranklin Forks, Pa. By Prince of Wales 19th 1919, Dam Belle 9th 4195, by Prince of Wales 19th 1919. 5611 ALVIRA BROWN. Calved Nov. 22, 1882. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O., calved the property of J. H. Smith, Troy, O. By Barefoot 272, Dam Nina 2152, by Stout 1155. 5612 BEOWAWA. Calved June 23, 1884. Bred by D. J. Whitmore, Cass- town, O. By Benedict F. 2431, Dam Fannie Langtry 4686, by Dexter 1842, 2d dam Medie 4531, by Grant 2d 637, 3d dam Lilly 1828, by Bounty 334. 5613 ANTERIOR. Calved Oct. 30, 1883. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville,0. By Champion 383, Dam Amber B. 4100, by Barley 275. 322 cows. 5614 LUSTRA. Calved Mar. 29, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Champion 383, Uam Ada 401, by Honesty 696. 5615 ' SUNDAY. Calved June 15, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Red Champion 2092, Dam Kitty 3042, by Champion 383. 5316 SPINSTER. Calved June 29, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlus- ville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Active 399, by Grant 636. 5617 PATH. Calved July 1, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. By Champion 383, Dam Darling M. 4108, by Bish- op 1450. 5618 UIMIT. Calved July 3, 1884. Bred by Jesse Mead, Bowlusville, O. By Red Champion 2092, Dam Buttercup x\da 4105, by Champion 383. 5619 LIZZIE ORMISTON. Calved April 3, 1884. Bred by I. A. Ormiston, Barlow, O. Sold July 29, 1884, to P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, O. By Gen.' Warner 2968, Dam Molly 2d 3721, by Jack 1846. 5620 MAUD'S GIRL. Calved April 13, 1884. Bred by I. A. Ormiston, Bar- low, O. Sold July 29, 1884, to P. Palmer & Son, Wliipple, O. By Gen. Warner, 2968, Dam Maud O. 4026, by Jacob 1847. 5621 LONA. Calved May 26, 1884. Bred by I. A. Ormiston. Barlow, 0. Sold July 29, 1884, to P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, cows. 323 O. By Gen. Warner 2968, Dam Minnie Clipper 4395, by General Hancock 1863, 2d dam Molly 3720, by Hud- son 699. 6622 UNA LESTER. Calved June 24, 1884. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O.; calved the property of P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, O. By J. D. Taylor 2932, Dam Clotella5209,by Salem 1470, 2d dam Bobtail Beauty 5208, by Banjo 2745, 3d dam Medora 2008, by S. A. Douglass 1090. 5623 MURIEL. Calved July 23, 1884. Bred by P. Palmer & Son, Whip- ple, O. By Hartland 1510, Dam Luna 3049, by Barris- ter 281. 5624 ELFRIDA. Calved July 26, 1884. Bred by P. Palmer & Son, Whip- ple, O. By Hartland 1510, Dam Blanche 2865, by Dan Baker 444. 5625 BESSIE PUTNAM. Calved May 31, 1884. Bred by J. B. Sanborn, East Concord, N. H.; calved the property of C. & G. M. Put- nam, Contoocook, N. H. By Young Count 2185, Dam Mountain Rose 2d 3521, by Mountain Ranger 888. 5626 ORA 3d. Calved Oct. 23, 1883. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Sir Gibbie 2570, Dam Ora 4148, by Lord Lovell 797. 5627 BLUSH 2d. Calved March 16, 1884. Bred by Stanley Griswold, Torringford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Blush 4150, by Reveller 2125. 5628 MAYFERN. Calved Jan. 25, 1879. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- 324 oows. pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Belle 2d 627, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5629 HIGHLAND GIRL. Calved Sept. 1, 1879. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.)4th 418, Dam Beauty 18th 545, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 6630 HIGHLAND BELLE. Calved Dec. 25, 1879. Bred C. D. VV. Cooper, Maplc- ville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Belle 2d 627, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5631 HIGHLAND QUEEN. Calved March 25, 1880. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Mapleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Lady Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d di.m Beauty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5632 ROXY. Calved June 2, 1881. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I. By Comet (Y.) 4th 418, Dam Lady Dodge 5191, by Duke of Devonshire 497, 2d dam Beau- ty 17th 3868, by Comet (Y.) 2d 416. 5633 JESSIE FREMONT. Calved Jan. 4, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Maple- ville, R. I. By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam Higli- land Girl 5629, by Comet (Y.) 4th 418, 2d dam Beauty 18th 545, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5634 MEDORA. Calved April 10, 1883. Bred by C. D. W. Cooper, Ma- pleville, R. I, By Prince Albert Ned 2818, Dam May- fern 5628, by Comet (Y.) 4th 418, 2d dam BeUe 2d627, by Duke of Devonshire 497. 5635 BLOSSOM PET. Calved March 30, 1881. Bred by J. W. Yale, Meriden, coTfs. 325 Ct.; calved the property of Julius I. Ives, South Meriden, Ct. By Abe 6th 237, Dam Pet 3380, by Holkham (Y.) 691. 5636 TIRZAH ANN. Calved April 8, 1882. Bred by J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Samson Y. 1988, Dam Molly 3835, by Abe 6th 237. 5637 YOUNG FANCY. Calved Jan. 24, 1883. Bred by J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Sampson Y. 1988, Dam Fancy 1214, by Red Jacket 1032. 5638 LOTTIE LEO. Calved Jan. 31, 1883. Bred by J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Leo 1940, Dam Ida 1st 3207, by Grant 638. 5639 MELON. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by Julius I. Ives, South Meriden, Ct. By Abe's Comet 1990, Dam Pet 3380, by Holkham (Y.) 691. 5640 BESSIE BEE. Calved July 13, 1884. Bred by J. W.Yale, Meriden, Ct. By Abe's Comet 1990, Dam Gem 4587, by She- paug 1115, 2d dam Victoria 3d 2662, by Holkham 690. 5641 GOOD BY. Calved April 25, 1884. Bred by John Brooking, Pleas- ant Mount, Pa. By Comet Bill 2477, Dam Edith 18th 4758, by Crown Prince 434, 2d dam Edith 3d 1041, by Sachem 1089. 5642 STAMEN. Calved May 11, 1884. Bred by John Brooking, Pleasant Mount, Pa. By Comet Bill 2477, Dam Best 4870, by Candy 2d 364, 2d dam Lovely 28th 2884, by Cole's Pur- itan 3d 406. 326 cows. 5643 MADAM VERN. Calved March 19, 1884. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Lene 3625, by Madison Chief 814. 5644 HA8EN BESS. Calved April 4, 1884. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Beauty 3698, by Madison Chief 814. 5645 SUN SHINE. Calved April 28, 1884. Bred by D. Wait & Son, Wells Bridge, N. Y. By Trim Tiger 2493, Dam Jenny 3703, by Delaware 1835. 5646 EDrrH PHELPS 4th. Calved Feb. 26, 1883. Bred by W. L. Durand/for- ringford, Ct. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Edith Phelps 3626, by Bloomfield 313 5647 EDTIH PHELPS 5th. Calved May 18. 1883. Bred by W. L. Diirand, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Harley M. 2d 1706, Dam Edith Phelps 2d 4142, by Grant 638. 5648 PHELPS' BEAUTY 3d. Calved May 1, 1884. Bred by W. L. Durand, Torring- ford, Ct. By Marco Polo 2686, Dam Phelps' Beauty 2d 4736, by Centennial Boy 376, 2d dam Phelps' Beauty 4153, by Cudjo 436. 5649 EDITH PHELPS 6th. Calved May 20, 1884. Bred by W. L. Durand, Torriug- ford, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Edith Phelps 2d 4142, by Grant 638. 5650 MARION G. 2d. Calved June 16, 1884. Bred by W. L. Durand, Tor- ringford, Ct. By Marco Polo 2686, Dam Marion G. 4265, by Reveller 2125. cows. 327 5651 LUETTA. Calved July 22, 1884. Bred by Mrs. L. E. Cox, Graf- ton Center, Mass. By Jockey 2076, Dam Lady Hamp- den 3890, by Duke ol Hampden 5th 506. 5652 BARBARA BIRD. Calved July 20, 1884. Bred by Mrs. L. E. Cox, Graf- ton Center, Mass. By Jockey 20^6, Dam Beauty 14th 544, by Comet (Y.) ;M 417. 3363 AR VILLA. Calved July 27, 1884. Bred by Mrs. L. E. Cox, Graf- ton, Mass. By Jockey 2076, Dam Gale Hambleton 3869, by Monarch 1971. 5654 CADDIE 7th. Calved May 27, 1883. Bred by G. W. Loveberry, Somer- set, O,; calved the property of S. F. Weller, New Lex- mgton, O. By Jack 1473, Dam Caddie 2896, by Bar- celia 271. 5655 GRETTA. Calved June 12, 1880. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Fairy's Last 1647, Dam Gomara 1387, by Sar- danapalus 1106. bOoQ GAZELLE HYDE. Calved April 3, 1881. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. Sold June 12, 1884, to W. D. Hohiies, West Well- ington, Ct. By Leander 775, Dam Gomara 1387, by Sardanapalus 1106. 5657 GWENDOLEN. Calved Oct. 20, 1882, Bred .by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Leander 775, Dam Gomara 1387, by Sardan- apalus 1106. 5658 GENEVIEVE. Calved Sept, 19, 1883. Bred by E. H. Hyde, Stafford, Ct. By Leander 775, Dam Gretchen 3360, by Bar-Hu- ron 274. 828 cows. 5659 DACIANA. Calved July 29, 188i. Bred by B. F. Peck &8011, East Bethany, N. Y. By Earl Genesee 2334, Dam Cowslip 66, by Master Alic 110. 5660 M08SBANK. Calved Aug. 21, 18H3. Bred by J. B. Sraallwood, War- saw, N. Y. By Alexander Rex 2323, Dam Jessie Moul- ton 3665, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 5661 RUBY REGIS. Calved Jan. 12, 1884, Bred by J. B. Smallwood, War- saw, N. Y. By Alexander Rex 2323, Dam Blossom 3668, by LeRoy 780. 5662 RUt^BY. Calved July 11, 1884. Bred by J. B. Smallwood, War- saw, N. Y. By Alexander Rex 2323, Dam Jessie Moul- ton 3665, by Cole's Puritan 3d 406. 5663 DAY DREAM. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Odetta 5213, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Betsy Baker 3361, by Bareioot 272. 5664 DAME TROT. Calved July 1, 1884. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Dexter 1842, Dam Nellie S. 4520, by Grant 2d 637, 2d dam Lottie 3586, by Grant 2d 637. b66d DARKNESS. Calved Juh 25, 1884. Bred by W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. By Uncle Abe 2749, Dam Maggie Mitchell 4527, by Dexter 1842, 2d dam Jessie 3974, by Grant 2d 637. 5666 DAYLIGHT. Calved Jan. 20, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- cows. 329 viUe, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d "iOoO, Dam Lovely 1887, by (xenesee 2d 6 Hi. 5667 DAYTON BELLE. Calved Mavcli8{), 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2()o(), Dam Lulu 3569, by Litcbfield 789. 5668 DECEPTION. Calved April 8. 1 884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Dolly 1005, by Chenanji>-o 390. 5669 DELIGHT. Calved April 3!), 1884. Bred by Tnimxn Baker, Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Meadow Queen 4020, by Prince of Wales 13tb 1003. 5670 DELILAH. Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker. Earl- ville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d 2050, Dam Pansy B. 4004, by Litcbfield 789. 5671 QUEEN ROSA. Calved April 3, 1884. Bred by F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct.; calved the property of Chas. S. Turner, Chaplin, Ct. By Spring\ale 2476, Dam Juliet April' 4756, by Hero 2d 676, 2d dam Cora 4753, by Leslie 781, 3d dam Cupid 888, by Kerne Bly 764. 5672 BUTE. Calved March, 1884. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By Red Jacket 2949, Dam Speck 4136, by Bobolink 322. 5673 BIRTHA. Calved March, 1877. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By York 2124, Dam Bute 5672, by Red Jack- et 2949, 2d dam Speck 4136, by Bobolmk 322. 330 cows. 5674 PET FORU. Calved April 4, 1882. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By Red Billy 2948^1 Dam Birtha 5673, by York 2124, 2d dam Bute 5672, by Red Jacket 2949, 3d dam Speck 4136, by Bobolink 322. 5675 CHERRY RED. Calved June 6, 1884. Bred by R. A. Ford, East Litch- field, Ct. By Sir Gibbie 2570, Dam Pet Ford 5674, by Red Billy 2948, 2d dam Birtha 5673, by York 2124, 3d dam Bute 5672, by Red Jacket 2949, 4th dam Speck 4136, by Bobolink 322. 5676 VICTORIA 8th. Calved Jan. 9, 1880. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y.; calved the property of W. W. Pool, Ma- jors. Neb. By Fhtton 7th 1490, Dam Victoria 2d 2669, by Mohawk 872. 5677 PRAIRIE QUEEN. Calved March 31, 1880. Bred by B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y.; calved the property of W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Flitton 7th 1490, Dam Helena 48th 1454, by Lovely's Huron 3d 806. 5678 MAGGIE 7th. Calved Nov. 14 1880. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 3d, 365, Dam Maggie 2d 1916, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5679 VICTORIA 9th. Calved Feb. 20, 1881. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 3d 365, Dam Victoria 6th 2673, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5680 DIDO. Calved March 25, 1882. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 7tb 1515, Lfjm Victciia 2d 2669, by Mohawk 872. cows. 331 5681 DIXIE. Calved April 10, 1882. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 7th 1515, Dam Daisy 4th 938, by Mo- hawk 872. 5682 BLUE BIRD. Calved April 13, 1882. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 7th 1515, Dam Maggie 5th 3099, by Candy 3d 365. 5683 BLACK MAPIA. Caived May 6, 1882. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 7th 1515, Dam Victoria 8th 5676, by FUtton 7th 1490, 2d dam Victoria 2d 2669, by Mohawk 872. 5684 BELLE WILSON. Calved June 15, 1882. Bred by W. W. Pool, Majors, Neb. By Candy 7th 1515, Dam Twilight 7th 3102, by Candy 3d 365. 5685 MIRINNA. Calved Aug. 1, 1884. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. By Mars 2197, Dam Minnie 25th 3505, by Merrimac 863. 5686 WYNOMAR. Calved Aug. 7, 1884. Bred by Edward Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. By Mars 2197, Dam Wynona 24th 3620, by Merrimac 863. 5687 ^ JULIA NORTH. Calved June 14, 1881. Bred by W. G. Buckner, New Lexington, O. Sold June 25, 1881, to Noah Karr; sold Dec. 15, 1881, to Thos. Wilson, both of Somerset, O. Sold Dec. 30, 1881, to J. T. Wilson, Rehoboth, O. Sold Mar. 29, 1884, to Jas. S. North, New Lexington, O. By Hancock 2123, Dam Orphan 2782, by Barefoot 272. 332 cows. 5688 MINNIE DEE. Calved May 5, 1882. Bred by Jacob Blakeslee, Water- town, Ct. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Minnie B. 3907, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 5689 DEXTRESS. Calved Feb. 29^ 188-i. Bred by Isaac Moses, Greenville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Frank P. 2078, Dam Maud Moses 4406, by Barley 2d 2070, 2d dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 5690 Derosa. Calved Mar. 5, 1884. Bred by Isaac Moses, Greenville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Frank P. 2078, Dam Mayflower Daisy 4405, by Barley 2d 2070, 2d dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 5691 DOLLY SMITH. Calved April 5, 1884. Bred by T. C. Peacock, Win- chester, Ind. Sold Aug. 5, 1884, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Girl Frances 4702, by Ben- more 1337, 2d dam Emma 1087, by Grant 2d 637. 5692 DUCK. Calved April 10, 1884. Bjed by T. C. Peacock, Win- chester, Ind. Sold Aug. 5, 1884, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Fannie Kent 4083, by El- gin 531. 5693 DECORAH. Calved April 22, 1884. Bred by Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Bessy 672, by Barley 275. 5694 DELLE. Calved May 2, 1884. Bred by Isaac Moses, Greenville, O.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Frank P. 2078, Dam Maggie Moses 4404, by Barley 2d 2070, 2d dam Daisy 9do, by Tom 1180. cows. 333 5695 HAPPY. Calved June 1, 1884. Bred by Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Carrie 767, by Batavia 284. 5696 DAISY DALE. Calved June 3, 1884. Bred by Isaac Moses, Greenville, 0.; calved the property of Irvin York, Brock, O. By Barley 2d 2070, Dam Daisy 955, by Tom 1180. 5697 GRACEFUL 3d. Calved June 20, 1877. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Beecher 290, Dam Graceful 2d 1396, by Tiger 1174. 5698 CHLOE CUTE. Calved Dec. 18, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Water- loo, Iowa. By Col. Ryan 410, Dam Pink 2d 3544, by Billy 301. 5699 DAISY DEE. Calved Dec. 20, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, W^aterloo, Iowa. By Colonel Ryan 410, Dam Daisy 2d 3306, by Duke Alexis 482. 5700 LAURA LEE. Calved Dec. 25, 1883, Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Col. Ryan 410, Dam Pink 4th 4461, by Keo- kuk 763, 2d dam Pink 2243, by Prince Arthur 980. 5701 SHORT EARS. Calved Dec 28, 1883. Bred by N. B. Choate, Waterloo, Iowa. By Col. Ryan 410, Dam Clara Keokuk 4460, by Keokuk 763, 2d dam Clara 3d 3292, by Sampson 1099. 5702 MISS RYAN. Calved Jan. 10, 1884. Bred by N. B. Choate, W^aterloo, Iowa. By Col. Ryan 410, Dam Princess 5th 3552, by Bruce 348. 5703 CHEARFULL. Calved March 11, 1884. Bred by David Mack, Torruig- 334 cows. ton, Ct.; calved the property of Charles Merriman, Litch- lield, Ct. By Sweepstakes 2382, Dam Nellie Mack 4698, by Lord Lovell 797, 2d dam Snipper 3695, by Grant 638. 5704 PRIDE LITCHFIELD. Calved April 4, 1884. Bred by Chas. Merriman, Litch- field, Ct. By John Titus. 2122, Dam Ida 2d 1515, by Grant 638. 6705 QUADRILLE. Calved Jan. 10, 1884. Bred by H. L. Carrier, Brook- field, Mich. By Frank 1308, Dam Jenny 3d 1559, by Oxford 932. 5706 SEQUEL. Calved April 12, 1884. Bred by H. L. Carrier, Brook- field, Mich. By Frank 1308, Dam Jenny 4th 2820, by Ethan Allen 541. 5707 KATE BLAINE. Calved July 17, 1884. Bred by I. A. Ormiston, Barlow, O. By Oliver 1521, Dam Molly 3720, by Hudson 699. 5708 RUBY. Calved in 1877. Bred by H. M. Hall, East Burke, Vt. By Harley M. 652, Dam Fannie 1226, by Lincoln 782. 5709 DREAMWOOD. Calved Feb. 13, 1884. Bred by S. S. James, Silvara, Pa. By Hero Silvara 2006, Darn Callie Dimock 5248, by Duke 2d 2759, 2d dam Caroline 765, by Tasso 1163. 5710 YOLANDE. Calved Dec. 27, 1883. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich.; calved the property of A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. By Reno 1046, Dam Number Nine 2179, by Dick Taylor 47. 5711 FLEETA. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by A. C. Hayes, Burgh cows. 335 Hill, O. By Credo 1888, Dam Devpn Princess 4347, by Livingston 1443. 5712 OHIO MAID. Calved June 25, 1884. Bred by A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. By Credo 1888, Dam Juniata 3670, by Hud- son 699. 6713 MIMIC. Calved Jan. 3. 1884. Bred by A. W. Rumsey, West- field, N. Y. Sold Aug. 12, 1884, to James Kniskern, Carlisle, N. Y. By True Briton 2471, Dam Nettie Buck- eye 4738, by Buckeye 2d 351, 2d dam Jenny 1565, by Helena's Huron 9th 664. 5714 JUNE MINNIE 2d. Calved March, 1, 1884. Bred by M. F. Kelly, BurUng- ton, Vt. By Wilbraham 3d 1232, Dam June Minnie 3979, by Hampden 2010. 5715 MOUNTAIN BEAUTY 2d Calved May 10, 1884. Bred by M. F. Kelly, Burling- ton, Vt, By Wilbraham 3d 1232, Dam Beauty 2d 590, by Mattoon's Lion 849. 5716 ADELAIDE BOYE. Calved June 14, 1884. Bred by Philip Boye, Warner, O. Sold May 14, 1884, to P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, O. By J. D, Taylor 2932, Dam Lady Jenette 5555, by Bob Lee 2926, 2d dam M.-dora 2008, by S. A. Doug- lass 1090. 5717 GEORGIANNA 10th. 2352. Calved Feb. 9, 1879. Bred by Silas P. Shiner, Towan- da. Pa. By Don Pedro 471, Dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th b07. 5718 MAGIE. Calved April 14, 1884. Bred by S. P. Shiner, Towanda, Pa. By Monitor S. 2673, Dam Georgianna 9th 5064, 336 coT^^s. by Cole's Puritan 3d 406, 2d dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron Uh 807. • 5719 KITTIE KIP. Calved April 20, 1884. Bred by S. P. Shiner, Towanda, Pa. By Monitor S. 2673, Dam Georgianna 10th 5717, by Don Pedro 4'71, 2d dam Georgianna 7th 1363, by Lovely's Huron 4th 807. 5720 SULA. Calved xMarch 4, 1884. Bred by R. K. Payne, Park- man, O. By King William 2d 2170, Dam Miss Juno 4485, by Cyrus 1860, 2d dam Frances 3732, by May Boy 1859. 5721 SITTER. Calved March 24, 1884. Bred by R. K. Payne, Park- man, O. By King William 2d 2170, Dam May Queen 3600, by Bouncer 333. 5722 ULALIA. Calved April 18, 1884. Bred by R. K. Payne, Park- man, O. By King William 2d 2170, Dam Bertha Payne 4484, by Cyrus 1860, 2d dam Jennie 3731, by Dandy 446. 5723 MINNEOLA. Calved April 26, 1879. Bred by Emmons M. Brown, Gilford Village, N. H. By Old Fort 1727, Dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Forester 2d 568. 5724 DAISY EM. Calved Aug. 2, 1880. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gillord Village, N. H. By Old Fort 1727, Dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Forester 2d 568. 5725 HITTY. Calved June 16, 1881. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gilford Village, N. H. By Old Fort 1727, Dam Minneola 5723, cows. 337 by Old Fort 1727, 2d dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Fores- ter 2d 568. 5726 ROMANTIC. Calved July 5, 1881. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gilford ViUaoo, N. H. By Old Fort 1727, Dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Forester 2d 568. 5727 LOWLAND BEE. Calved June 4, 1882. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gilford Village, N. H. By Garfield 1994, Dam Minneola 5723, by Old Fort 1727, 2d dam Lady Darrah 3369, by For- ester 2d 568. 5728 NELLIE MAY. Calved May 29, 1883. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gilford Village, N. H. By Garfield 1994, Dam Minneola 5723, by Old Fort 1727, 2d dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Fores- ter 2d 568. 5729 PEWIT. Cnlvcd Feb. 25, 1^84. Bred by E. M. Brown, Gilford Village, N. H. By Garfield 1994, Dam Daisy Em 5724, by Old Fort 1727, 2d dam Lady Darrah 3369, by Fores- ter 2d 568. 5730 SW^EETLAND. Calved July 1, 1884. Bred by Truman Baker, Earlville, N. Y. By Lord Nelson 3d ,2050, Dam Cancel 4878, by Duke of Darlington 1336, 2d dam Haney 4539, by Litchfield 789, 3d dam Carrie 769, by Genesee 2d 616. 5731 FAROZINA. Calved March 31, 1884. Bred by Daniel Marsh, James- ville, N. Y. By Barstow 2354 Dam Charis 2873. by Litchfield 789. 5732 RUBY DAVIS. Calved May 15, 1884. Bred by D. H. Davis; calved 338 cows. the property of Geo. F. Davis, both of Windsor, Vt. By Jockey 2076, Dam Fairy 61st 2796, by Balco 259. 5733 CORDELIA. Calved Jan. 1, 1883. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985,Dam Watertown Beauty 3848, by King's Duke 767. 6734 ANNIE ROSE. Calved March 12, 1883. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gil- son, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Rose 7th 2112, by Major 830. 5735 ROMANCE. Calved March 29, 1883. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gil- son, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Beauty 3d 301 1, by Mattoon's l^ion 849. 5736 NIGHTINGALE. Calved July 17, 1883. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, III. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Victoria R. 3845, by King's Lion 1437. 5737 LEEVA. Calved Jan. 23, 1884. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Rose 7th 2412, by Ma- jor 830. 5738 KITTY GILSON. Calved Feb. 1, 1884. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. Bv Duke Orange 2314, Dam Kitty King 445«, by Sam's Sam 1985, 2d dam Amanda 2d 444, by Holkham (Y.) 691. 5739 PEARL KNOX. Calved Feb. 10, 1884. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Belle Amanda 3847, by King's Lion 1437. cows. 339 5740 EVALINE HUGGINS. Calved Feb. 19, 1884. Bred byC. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Watertown Beauty 3848, by King's Duke 767. 5741 OMEGA. Calved June 25, 1884. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gil- son, 111. By Sam's Sam 1985, Dam Belle Watertov^^n 3846, by King's Duke 767. 5742 IRENE A. Calved Aug. 2, 1884. Bred by C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. Sold Aug. 16, 1884, to Alpha B. Huggins, of the same place. By Haw Creek 2352, Dam Morning Glory 4454, by Sam's Sam 1985, 2d dam^^Sontag 2d 2543, by Springfield 2d 1140. 5743 LUCY ANN. Calved Sept. 24, 1883. Bred by L. E. & J. D. Schrei- ber, Coplay, Pa. By Whitehall 1537, Dam Laura Las- sie 4761, by Lackawanna 1550, 2d dam Laura 1793, by Dick Taylor 47. 5744 DAISY PERCY. Calved June 20, 1884. Bred by L. E. & J. D. Schrei- ber, Coplay, Pa. By Pasco 2532, Dam Pallas Coplay 4762, by; Lackawanna 1550, 2d dam Pallus 2195, by Jasper 728. 5745 SUSIE^ STEPNEY. Calved June 20, 1884. "Bred by James Burr, Monroe, Ct. By Bill's Pride of Stepney 2266, Dam Susie 4th 3954, by King's Duke 767. 5746 ESMARALDA. Calved April 30, 1879. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Ver- non, N. Y,;" calved the property^' of A. H. Pope, Rome, N. Y. Sold Aug. 1884, to A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. y. Bj Doctor 462, Dam Esma 1095, by Tasso 1163, 340 co^s. 5747 BREEZE. Calved March 23, 1884. Bred by A. F. Bronson, Ver- non, N. Y. By Jeddo 1809, Dam Litchfield Belle 2d 2875, by Doctor 462. 5748 DESIRE. Calved May 25, 1884. Bred by A. J. Burrows, Troy, Mich.; calved the property of W. D. Wetriiore, Spring- boro, Pa. By Captain Rodney 2619, Dam Orphan Lass 5268, by Tecumseh 1167, 2d dam Itasca 2794, by Bos- ton 332. 5749 OPEECHE 2d. Calved Feb. 1 , 1884. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Allegan, Mich. By Charles 2014, Dam Buttercup Lass 4597, by Sample 1098, 2d dam Opeeche 2189, by Prince of Wales 149. 5750 TOAD. Calved in 1884. Bred by H. W. Calkins, Allegan, Mich. By Charles 2014, Dam Orange Girl 4599, by Sample 1098, 2d dam Oleosa 2808, by John 747. 5751 LULU LEROUX. Calved March 5, 1879. Bred by J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. By Grant 2d 637, Dam Mollie 2079, Wah-bah-nis 1209. 5752 DUTCH GIRL. Calved April 1, 1884. Bred by Abram Peacock, Har- risville, Ind. Sold Aug. 5, 1884, to Irvin York, Brock, O. By Bouncer 2088, Dam Quaker Bess 4082, by Bare- foot 272. 5753 BELVIEW. Calved March 1, 1884. Bred by Jonathan Hoag, Tom- hannock, N. Y. By Fortune 2250, Dam Belmont 3761, by Otto 1823. oows. 341 5754 SNOWBOUND. Calved March 11, 1884. Bred by Jonathan Hoag, Tom- hannock, N. Y. By Forest King 1828, Dam Maud S. 3760, by Hartland 1510. 5755 ADALANTINE. Calved Aug. 29, 1883. Bred by Waldo M. Healy, Dud- ley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Adalade 4894, by Hyde's Duke 3d 706, 2d dam Lena 2944, by Bar-huron 274. 5756 INIS BROWN. Calved Aug. 29, 1883. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Maud Brown 2952, by Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552. 5757 DELLA BROWN. Calved Dec. 1, 1883. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Nelly Brown 2137, by Fury 587. 5758 ZUNIKA. Calved March 24, 1884. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dud- ley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Zylpha 4924, by Toronto 1183, 2d dam Rosa 2385, by Pemigewasset 937. 5759 DADY ADALADE. Calved July 18, 1884. Bred by W. M. Healy, Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Adalade 4894, by Hyde's Duke 3d 706, 2d dam Lena 2944, by Bar-huron 274. 5760 SYLVIA BROWN. Calved July 25, 1884. Bred by W. M. Healy Dudley, Mass. By Neptune 2180, Dam Maud Brown 2952, by Fairy's Duke of Hampden 552. INDEX TO AMERICAN DEVON RECORD. BULLS. Abelard_ 2780 Aberam 2307 Afton Boy. 22G4 Ajax 1 2874 Alamance 2512 Alert 2789 Alexander Rex 2281 Alexander Eex 2323 Allbright 2794 Allfools 2633 Alphonso 2956 Altitude 2806 Altro 2802 Ambidexter 2715 Appledore 2905 Arkensaw 2642 Armorial 2856 Ascutney Boy 2530 Ash Grove Chief. 2765 Attica Boy 2529 Augustus 2237 Babby Dole 2870 Baby Charles 2429 Bachelor 2388 Bagosas 2862 Baker 2346 Balsora 2799 Banjo - - 2745 Banker Boy 2573 Barnaby 2791 Barnaby Budge 2665 Barney 2402 Barnstaple . 2822 Baron Lynnhurst 2929 Barkis 2579 Bar Mentor 2376 Bar Lena 2271 Barstow 2354 Bashi Bazouk 2963 Batavia(Y) 2355 Bay Boy Jr 2572 Belknap Prince 2411 Belvidere 2525 Hen Ali 2804 Ben Allen 2681 Ben Battle 2882 Ben Bolt 2539 Ben Butler i_2523 Benedict F 2431 Ben Nevis 2404 Berger 2678 Berlin-^ __ 2854 Berlin Boy 2953 Berrien-_I 2397 Berrien 2d 2398 Berry 2497 Bertram 2680 Berwick 2679 Bethany 2444 Bethel 2d 2690 Bideford . 2821 Big Bismark 2810 Big Bolivar___- 2602 Big Buckeve 2340 Big Wachusett 2544 Bijou 2797 Bill 2538 Bill Puritan 2378 Bill's Duke 2927 Bill's Pride of Stepney 2266 Billy 2395 Billy Bratton. 2535 Billy Crawford 2424 Billy Powers 2849 Blaze 2689 Blaine 2946 Bob Gee 2768 Bob Lee 2926 Boisfort 2961 Boliver 2771 344 INDEX. Boltamore 2551 Bompass 2861 Bontecou 2962 Boom 2769 Boston Drummer. 2978 Boulder 2796 Braddock 2783 Brave Hilton 2461 Breezy B 2500 Brick 2711 Brock 2736 Brock Boy 2581 Brokenstraw 2697 Bruno 2331 Brussel 2923 Bucephalus 2434 Buckeye John 2729 Buckeye Lad 2248 Buckingham 2482 Buddha 2453 Bully 2363 Burdine. 2654 Burke Hazel 2798 Burton Lewis 2655 Butte 2701 Butter Boy 2383 Calamity 2668 Calculation 2380 Caleb Williams 2835 California 2627 Calvin 2432 Cambyses 2450 Candidate 2785 Canope ,2753 Canter 2507 Caput 2624 Captain DeLong 2936 Captain Morris 2421 Captain Rodney 26 i 9 Caradoc 2450 Career . ^^ 2550 Carlisle 2631 Carlo 2432 Carpette 2891 Cartridge 2506 Castile 2713 Catapult 2844 Catapult 2873 Catch Me 2517 Caxton 2519 Cepheus 2764 CJialco 2721 Champion 2324 Csampion Boy 2606 Champo 2813 Chapman's Starlight 2747 Charlie Foster 2486 Charlemagne 2363 Charles Elliott 2267 Charleston..^ 2612- Chase 2720 Chastiser . 2922 Checkmate 2521 Chesterfield Boy 2577 Chemos 2762 Chester Boy 2824 Ciiicago. 2533 Chocorua 2328 Cicero _^^ . 2773 Citizen 2446 Clanna Roseson. 2917 Clan Nelson 2518 Clan's Ole Bull 2868 Clarence. 2473 Cleveland 2951 Clifton 2706 Clifton of Clifton 2760 Clinker 2488 Coheroson . 2947 Colon 2967 Colonel George 2479 Colonel Hunt 2578 Colonel Ross 2787 Colonel T 2831 Colorado "2536 Colorific 2505 Columbiad 2610 Columbus Boy 2657 Comet 2867 Comet Billy 2477 Comma 2965 Commodore Foot 2793 Commodore Nutt 2699 Complete 2511 Comptroller 2537 Compulsory , 2510 Conant 2542 Conrad 2723 Conrad 2774 Constant 2503 Continental 2899 Constable 2520 Convers 2508 Convoy. 2832 Coptic 2669 Cornish 2463 Corporal Casey 2734 Count Afton 2441 Count Bertram 2256 Lracker 2858 Crater 2509 Crowner 2504 Cudjo Joy 2915 Culmination 2910 CuHy John 2280 Custer : 2306 Cynic 2677 Cyrus 2843 INDEX. 345 Dainiio 2489 Dakota Dan 2410 Dakota Jim 24(39 Dalgarno 2456 Dalgetty 2457 Dallas_l 2988 Damoetas 2770 Damon : 2645 Damvan 281 7 Dan ' ■._2691 Dandy Dt^von 2244 Dandy Flitton 2253 Daniel Boone 23o6 Dan Rice __2990 Darby 2989 Darius 2842 Darter 2302 David Coppeifield 2663 David W 2859 Davy Crockett 2339 Deacon 2283 Deck Wriglit 2941 Dee Jay 2306 Deerslayer 2846 Defender 2615 Defiance 2829 D'diverance 2712 Delong 2901 Delphic 2940 Denmark 2^:74 Diamond Chief __2563 Diamond Don 2975 Dick Daisy. 2601 Dick Doty ' 2758 Dick Puritan 2408 Director 2742 Doc Litchtie.d 2254 Dogwood 2342 Don -2447 Don Alphonso. 2294 Don Carhis Hex 2360 Don Cassock 2714 Don Folio 2979 Donor 2982 Don Pedro A 2356 Druke 2658 Dublin 2312 Dude 2871 Duke 2d 2759 Duke Chenango 2d 2418 Duke Orange 2314 Duke Rjveiside 2611 , Duke Sterling 2557 Duke Worcester 2524 Duke Woodbury 2390 Duke Young 2877 Duke of Appledale 2405 Duke of Arder 2879 Duke of Bethlehem 2898 Duke of Coldwater 2652 Duke of Laiigley 2427 Duke of O.ssian 2293 Duke of Templeton 2272 Duke of Verona 2308 Dundee 2259 Duplex 2692 Dyer's Britton ___2478 Earl Genesee ;_2334 Earl Spencer 2741 Earl of Schoharie 2333 Earl of Warwick 2474 Easter 2790 Eastern Lad 2498 Egypt 2318 Elect 2522 Elevator 2696 Eminent 2432 Emperor 2394 Enobarbus 2465 Era 2964 Eric Rex 2472 Eric the Red 2694 Eros 2466 Esto 2775 Ethelred 2365 Evening Star 2879 Executive 2744 Extra 2732 Extreme 2604 Fairfield , 2730 Fairie's Omeua 2987 Fannie's Duke 2980 Fargo 2886 Farrell 2641 February 2638 Fellowship ... 2445 Fenniniore Cooper 2755 Ferdinandiz ..__2984 F.gure 2634 Fine Fredric 2449 Fisk Alexander. 2562 Folengo 2386 Foraker 2737 Formax 2299 Fortune 2250 Frank Brown 2865 Frank Cute 2568 Frankenstein 2483 Freeland 2703 Freetrade. 2727 Friend Felix 2565 Frollo 2889 Frosty 2350 Funder 2630 Funders Vi''tory 2682 General Goft'. 2437 General Jackson 2973 General Scott .^ — ^ 2820 346 INDEX. Gen.Slieniuin 2890 Genteel 2981 Gen. Warner 2968 Gen. Vallejo 2278 George Lee 2238 George R 2779 George Washington 2792 Geurgia 2288 Georgia 2d ..2289 Georgia 3d 2290 Georii;ia 4th 2618 Glau'cus _--2687 Gold Dust 2616 Golden Age 2368 Gold Hunter 2919 Governor Waller 2986 Golesmith 2574 Grand Garfield 2809 Grand Monarch 2326 Grand Triumph 2304 Granger Gift 2607 Great Bend 2811 Great Seal 2935 Green Mountain Boy 2d 2311 Gri-isby 2639 Gulden 2531 Hail Hiawatha 2409 Halpah 2499 Hamilcar 2353 Hampton 2705 Hannibal S 2327 Harrj- Langdon 2748 Hassan 2716 Hauteor 2660 Havana 2888 Haw Creek 2352 Hawkeve 2277 Havnoke4th 2258 Heanon 2852 Helpful 2443 Herd Chief 2329 Herod of Shadeland 2587 Hero of Pleasant Hill 2345 Herr Humbolt, 2576 High Hope 2009 High Tide 2756 Hindo 2502 Hoadley 2623 Hoky 2900 Homer 2985 Homer Hal 2566 Honor Bright 2513 Uoosier Boy ..,,.2484 Hudson Jr 2719 Hugh Belden 2384 Hugo 229:i Hueo 2d 2463 Hurlbert 2704 Jlj^phen 2966 laco 2363 lago 2494 Inca 2647 Ira 2332 Ironside 2285 Irving 2330 Island Chief. 2904 IvanhoeS 2359 Jack Clark 2598 Jack Haves 2485 Jacko—". 2295 Jack of Clubs 2833 Jackson Home 2319 James 2840 Jay Gould 2650 J. D. Taylor 2932 Jerome Puritan 2407 Jerry Tom 2338 Jesse Gilbert 2823 Jessup 2933 Jim Blaine 2887 Jim Blaine 2896 Jim Messmore 2560 Jim Fish 2974 Jim Fisk 2357 Jim's Boy 2561 Joe 2847 Joe Cose 2944 Joe Cosgrave 2952 Joe Dennis 2671 John Bull 2839 John Hardy, 2767 John P. 2d 2670 Johnston 2710 Johny 2778 Jubal Early 2246 Jumbo 2262 Jumbo, 2291 Jumbo 2841 Junebug 2942 Juno April 2883 Juno Sutton 2597 Jupiter 2685 Jupiter 2d 2918 Jupiter of Shadeland 2588 Kalakula 2269 Kendall 2480 Keasauqua — 2492 Keystone 2695 Kiipatrick 2895 King Arthur 2707 King David 2969 King Montgomery 2724 King Neptune 2337 Kmd'sGlorv 2313 Kit Carson 2d 2934 Knight Templar 2516 l,adas 2763 Laertes -_-_-.,^__229§ INDEX. 347 Lamoille Boy 2807 Lancelot '_ 2863 Lancer 2455 Landgrave 2300 Lapeer 2037 Lara 2649 Large's Major 2322 Latter Day". 2960 Lawgiver 2914 Lawrence 2784 Lawyer 2803 Leather Stockings 2385 Legate 2864 Leo Rix 2731 Lew Sandel 2938 Liberal 2417 Lightning 2628 Lilly's Count 2781 Litchtield 3d 2643 Little Brat 2534 Little Dan Powers 2850 Little Joe 2559 Liuloo 2366 Locofoco 2452 Logan 2907 Loki 2816 Lokman 2491 Lone Star 2414 Longfellow 2372 Long Tom 2596 Lookout 2575 Lord Baltimore 2428 Lord Penrhyn 2443 Lovelace 2487 Mad Anthony 2977 Madison of Moro 2255 Madoc ^ 2834 Mage 2276 Main Top 2826 Major Daniels 2426 Major Downing 2656 Maluka 2662 Malvolio 2648 Mammoth 2348 Marco Polo 2686 Margrave 2464 MarkCockrill 2301 Mark Twain 2592 Marshal J 2772 Massive 2884 Masterpiece : 2260 Matchless Sam 2315 Mazeon 2766 Menas 2467 McDonald 2540 Meslioppen 2830 Miami 2436 Michigan 2554 Michigander , 2257 Middlelmrv 2878 Mighty—J 2885 Miio 2275 Modesty's Duke 2325 Monarchy 2950 Monitor S 2673 Montague 2245 Monterey 2718 Morton iving.__>_ 2287 Mountaineer 2675 Mud Lick 2876 Muinbo Junibo 2564 My Hoy 2420 IVahabed 2d 2585 Nathan B 2970 Natt 2908 Nedd 2909 Ned Putnam 2583 Needful 2958 Neil Beckley 2943 Nelson -Ir..' 2931 Nemesi-s 2855 Nemo 2296 Nemo 2725 Nero of Shadeland 2586 Newburv 2435 Nicholas'. . 2632 Nicholas Mcklebv 2666 Ninus ' 2646 Noel 2892 Ocotchee 2983 Odin 2924 Ogle 2605 Ohio Chief 2957 Ohio Duke 2591 O. K. Boy 2872 Oliver. Twist 2664 Oran e - 2495 Oregon 2676 Orient 2733 Orlando 2788 Oronoko 2722 Oronto 2552 Orphan Lad 2902 Oscar Wilde 2442 Osceoa 2894 Osiris 2838 Overseer . 2392 Pandarus 2815 Panurge 2490 Pasco 2532 Pasha 2303 Patapsco 2412 PatHpsco 2d 2415 Pathfinder 2845 Paul Dombey 2667 Paulus 2837 Pawtanska 2881 Pedro Ali 239\ 348 INDEX. Pemberton 2746 Peregrine Pickle 2362 Perfect 2310 Peter Cooper 2653 Peter L 2708 Peter S 2954 Pharaoh 2483 Pitcher Otselic 2321 Pilot 2920 Planet 2828 Plymouth 2906 Policeman 2600 Pomp 2286 Potomac Boy 2481 Premier 2757 Primus 2814 Prince Arthur 2848 Prince Albert Kent 2776 Prince Albert Ned 2818 Prince Foster 2786 Prince John H 2458 Prince Lynnhurst 2928 Prince Mickle 2556 Prince Randolph 2805 Prince Rupert 2270 I'rince Taurus 2460 Principal 2389 Prince of Devons 2459 Prince of Orange 2614 Prince of Otsego 2754 Punch 2545 Pure Gold 2268 Put-in-Bav. --.. 2526 quill.. _1 2595 Rally 2897 Rayon d' Or. 2369 Red Cloud 2401 Red King 2373 Read Coat. 2590 Read Jacket 2851 Record 2613 Reckless Bov 2869 Red Bear^.l 2661 Red Billy 2948 Red Jacket 2949 Red Jerome 2880 Red Bobin 2625 Red Rover 2857 Reed 2743 Referee 2693 Regiment 2866 Regulus 2819 Retainer 2735 Reubens 2913 Revel 2972 Rex Jumbo 2713 Rexford. 2239 Richmond 2241 Ridgeway 2626 Right Trusty 231 6 Rioter's Gem 2309 Rip Van Winkle 2273 Robert Sydenham 2496 Robin Hood 2739 Rob Roy 2399 Rocco 2419 Rock 2341 Roger 2702 Rornanzo 2808 Romulus 2959 Roscoe Roney 2738 Roscoe Ryan 2317 Rosita 2976 Rover of Shadeland 2589 Rover Ross 2569 Roxbury Lad 2728 Roy Laten 2305 Royal Prince 2247 Royal William 2400 Sable Plume 2698 Sagito 2590 SaUor 2406 Salona King 2425 Samboo 2825 Sam Lawton '_ 2971 Sarpedon 2451 Scbultz 2515 Saturn 2795 Senator McH 2284 Sergeant 2801 Shadeland Pilot 2644 Shaker 2074 Shamrock 2893 Shasta 2700 Shewangunk 2782 Signal 2726 Sir Coplay 2800 Sir Gibbie 2570 Sir Leon Devenant 2364 Sir Walter Don 2448 Sir William 2279 Sky Sail 2827 Sleepy Jim 2358 Smeltzer 2939 Smuggler 2549 Sober 2750 Son of Prince 2937 Sonoma Boy 2282 Southron 2620 Souvenir 2261 Speculntion 2580 Splendour 2608 Springvale 2476 Spy 2371 Stafford 2812 Stanley Fils 2265 Stanley of Shladeand 2584 Steenie 2430 INDEX. 349 steward 2393 Stiver 2370 St. Leon 2836 St. Louis Red 2617 Stonewall 2413 Strant;-er 2374 Strength 2622 Stub.__. 2343 Take Prize 2921 Tarn O'Shauter 2242 Telemachus 2335 Telephone 2548 Tidal Wave 2593 Tioga 2396 Titus 2651 Tom Blosisom 2468 Tomhannock 2251 Tom Knox 2761 Tom Tadmore 2911 Towanda Boy 2672 Tracy B 2629 Trim Tiger 2493 Trim Telegraph 2547 Tristan 2916 Triumph 2593^ Troilus 2925 True Briton 2471 Trump 2349 Tucker 2555 Tullie S 2527 Turner 2640 Turners Eonieo 2347 TwilighfBen 2709 Twist i 2344 Unadilla Prince 2297 Uncle Abe 2749 Uproar 2375 Upward - 2740 Utica 2621 Valley Hunter 2514 Vermont Chief 2610 Vernon Lord 2243 Victor Bruce 2475 Victor Oak 2567 Virginia Prince 2249 Vilas 2541 Voltaic 2860 If^aitsfield 2377 Wallace 2875 Washington .2381 Watson 2240 Watertowii 2945 Wealthy 2582 Westmoreland 2594 Westmoreland 2912 West Shore 2688 Wharton 2320 Wheeling 2416 Wide AWake 2361 Wiggins 2387 WiTd Eyes 2367 Willett 2546 Winefat 2853 Winooski Prince 8d 2470 Wit . 2553 Worth 2439 You Know 2751 Young Albert 2528 Young Bonus — 2571 Younger 2558 Young Fort 2252 Young Wonder 2777 Zeno 2955 Zib 2423 Zip Zed 2903 cows. Abiak 5259 Achsa 5127 Achsah 4518 Achsa Eawson 4900 Ada Blucher 4954 Ada Jefferson 4408 Adalade 4894 Adalantine 5755 Adelaide Bove 5716 Adante 1 4489 Adrianna . 5578 Agate 4815 Aggie 5436 Agnes Augusta 4898 Agnes Barlow 4423 Agnes 2d 5243 Agnes of Shadeland, 4936 Aieda 5511 Alace 4650 Albina 4452 Alferetta Woolley 4627 Alice Graham 5392 Alice Munro 5395 Allegan 4598 AUie 5455 AllieKemus 4913 Alma Aster 5095 Alma Baltimore 4746 Alma Lake 4743 Alma Revel 5088 Almaralda 4766 Almond 5343 Alvira Brown 5611 Amazon 4704 Amble 4899 Anna 2d 4935 Annabel Lee 5460 Annabel Lee 5117 Anna Stewart.. . 5055 Annie of Plains 4588 Annie Rose 5734 Annie Von 4515 Ann Louise 5575 Anterior 5613 Anthia 5424 Antic's Beauty 4313 Arda 4799 Arta 4G45 Arvilla 5653 Ascutney Belle 4840 Attention 5390 Attica 4826 Auntie 5340 Aurellia 4498 Azalea Astral 5359 Azubia ._. . z 4S95 Badger's Lily 5445 Bainbridge Queen 4662 Bakers Beauty 4674 Baltimore's Pearl 4508 Barbara Bird 5652 Banneret 5295 Bavadere 5260 Beam 4879 Beam 53 79 Beauty 4614 Beauty Allen 5403 Beauty Andrews 5475 Beauty Balm. 5012 BeautV Blest 4429 Beauty Blv 5330 Beauty Boyd 4804 Beauty Cowles 5472 Beauty Jane 5045 Beauty's Last 5312 Beauty Mine 5036 Beauty Strunk 5399 Bell Baker 5227 Bell Blake 4393 Bell Bonar 5194 Belle 10th 5610 Belle Beauty 4432 Belle Bloomfield J 4825 Belle Cowles : 5461 Belle Cowles 2d _- 5469 Belle Creole 5218 Belle Fairy 4719 Belle Juno 4503 Belle Magee 5236 Belle Montrose 4854 Belle Logan 5495 Belle Scarff 4687 352 INDEX. Belle Shreve 5070 Belle of Springville 'id 5222 Belle of Wutertown 4030 Belle Wilion 5684 Bellona 53G4 Belmaria 5301 Belnora 5080 Belview 5753 Belvira . 5076 Beowawa 5612 Bertie Allen 5151 Bertie Moore 5074 Bertha Belle 4639 Beriha Hart 4558 Bertha Bayne 4484 Bessie 5389 Bessie Allen 5150 Bessie Bee 5640 Bessie Delaware 4389 Bessie Powers 5400 Bessie Putnam 5625 Bessy Turner 4782 Best 4870 Best Beauty 4863 Betsv Baker 4656 Betsy Bohbett 5199 Betsy Morris 4582 Betsy Price. 4754 Bettie - 5362 iietty *— 4609 Betty Neil 4ij47 Betty Wilkins __: 5051 Biddy 5050 Big Curly 5137 Big Curlv2d 5138 Bijou. __I 5241 Bill's Eugenia 5548 Bill's Hetty 4th 5551 Bill's Hettv 5th 5552 Bill's Eose 27th ._- 5549 Bill's Susie 7th 5550 Birtha 5673 Bittersweet 5287 Black Maria 5683 Blanche Briton 5237 Blanche K 5170 Blanche of Shadelund 4937 Blessing 4694 Blood Koyal 5125 Blossom 4661 Blossom Fay 4578 Blossom Pet 5635 Blue Bird .5682 Blue Eye^ 10th 5049 Blue Eyes 11th 5607 Blush 2d' 5627 Bobtail Beauty 5208 Bodie Craig^.". 4780 Bonnie Doon, 5026 Boquet 4455 Breda 3d 4381 Breeze 5747 Brenda 5272 Bridget 5464 Bridget Bess 4469 Bridget Cowles - 5467 Bridget Jr 5465 Bright Pronuse 5th 4478 Bright Promise 6th 5580 Blight Puritan 4634 Britta 4849 Bronny 5402 Brownie Allen 5077 Bruni^lla. _ _ 5073 Buelah 4909 Buffalo Queen 5265 Buidelte 4585 Butter Ball 5022 Buttercup Lass 4597 Butter Flower •- 5034 Builer Miiinie,-- .. 4732 Caddie 5th 5192 Caddie 6th 5195 Caddie 7th 5654 Calculation !. 5307 Calends 5370 Callie 4983 Cailie 4802 Callie Dimock 5248 Calm 4794 Camilla 5202 Cancel 4878 Cando' 5344 Canny 4803 Caper 4807 Carmelita. 5082 Carrie 2d . 4938 Carolena 4834 Caroline Crest 4473 Carrera 5008 Carrie Baxter 5113 Carrie Bell Afton 4396 Carrie Dexter, 4532 Carsie 5539 Carter's Cleo 5546 Carter's Cleo 2d 5547 Castia 5479 Castianira 5480 Castellaw 4507 Castoria 4830 Cash Box 5543 Cassia 5342 Cater 4811 Cello 4872 Central -- 4791 Cere^ 5534 Cerise 4387 Censettc 5283 INDEX. 353 Certain 4790 Clianiiiiig Pet 4o0() Cliarte._l 4805 Cliary Ann 5448 Cliico Casta 5590 Cliea-rie 4()53 Chearful 5703 Chcry 5401 Cliorry 4(Jl?. Cherry Blossom 4()()?) Cherry Charm 4479 Cherry Curtis 5315 C'herry Dandy 5235 Ch'^rry Red 5675 Cherokee Belle 4554 Cherokee Minnie 4553 Cherrv Tulip 504tj Cherish 4810 Ciiestnut 4557 Chestnut 5527 China 4831 Chippy 4808 Chispa 5352 Chitauques* 4847 Chloe Choate 4901 Chloe Cute 5098 Chloe Pearl 4910 Chh.ePvose . 4410 Choate's Beauty 44G4 Choru* _■ _. 480G Chosen 4812 Circle 4809 Circlet 5335 Civil Service 4735 Claim 4885 Clara Cluster 4970 Clara Keokuk 4460 Clare j 5366 Clarice Chloe 4411 Clarita 5374 Classmate 4793 Clanna Foxev 5532 Clelie. ■_ 4437 Cleosa 2d 5288 Clessie 4444 Clever 5123 Clotella 5209 Clover Emma 5280 Clovernip 4792 Clvtie 4434 Clvtie D . 5075 Colic 4838 Congress 4837 Constance 5502 Contra Costa 5164 Contribution 5304 Conquest 4474 Coosa 5129 Copy 4869 Cora 4752 Coral Cedar 5314 Cordelia 5733 Cory Candy 4430 Costanya 4602 Costly 4957 Costume 5510 Countess of Carnab\'. 5104 Courteous 5499 Courtly _, 4877 Crayon 5557 Creamer 4,S71 Cream Girl 4945 ( redit 4697 Cremhild 5115 Cresenz 4384 Cressid 5545 Cressy 5245 Cricket 5002 Cricket M 4898 Crocus. 4718 Crystal Queen 4451 Curiosity 5417 Curly 5136 Curly 2d 4409 Cusha . 4804 Custom 4yu7 Cuticura 4824 Cyrilla 5062 Daciana __. 5659 JJainty Da'sy 4471 Dainty Maid ___ 4501 Daisy Appledale 4623 Daisy Belle 5600 Daisy Bethlehem 5416 Daisy Dale 5696 Daisy Dee 5699 Diisy Dot 5598 Daisy 'Em 5724 Daisy General 4549 Daisy Langtry 5426 Daisy J.ass . 4463 Daisy Percy 5744 Daisy Pvyan 4908 Daisy Shiner 5065 Daisy Wickiield 5215 Dame Cora 5186 Dame Helen 4817 Dame Tiot 5664 Damone 5285 Dana 4851 Danae 5217 Daiiae • 4436 Dardaiiia'___ 4643 Darkness. 5665 Darling Mine 5144 Daydream 4440 Darling _* 5386 Day Dream , 56G3 354 INDEX. Duylit^'ht 5G()() DaVtim IJelle 5667 J)ci)bit' 4407 De'ception 5668 Deeorah 5693 Delaine 5586 Delight 5660 Delilah 5670 Deliver 5438 Delia Brown 5757 Delle 5694 DeRosa 5690 Desire 5748 Dess 4844 Devon's Pride 2d 5349 Devon Princess 2d 4889 Dew Drop Gem 4442 Dextress 5689 Dido 5119 Dido 5680 Dimple 4401 Dina Devon 5228 Diner 5405 Diona __, 4781 Dione 5354 Dixie 5681 Dollie Work 5264 Dolly Davis 5515 Dolly LoVely 4757 Dolly May 4552 Dolly Smith 5691 Dolly Taber 5025 Doloros 4601 Dot Creole 4505 Dot Dee 5518 Dora Belle 4737 Dora Dot 5437 Doraline 4823 Dora the Devon 4472 Dreamer 5508 Dreamwood. 5709 Ducliess S 5214 Duchess 6th 4941 Duck 5692 Dudu , 5027 Duenna 4490 Dulcimer 5540 Dumplin : 5048 Dumpling 4648 Dutchess oth 4932 Dutch Girl 5752 Earlie 4644 Early Girl 5523 p]arly Rose 4975 Easter Lady 4787 Eastern 5251 Echo 5297 Ede 5294 Edith 7th A , 4706 Edith ]3tli 4707 Edith 14th 4708 Edith 16th 4709 Edith 17th 4710 Edith 18th 4658 Edith 20th 4759 Edith 21st 4760 Edith Bean 5068 Edith Deweese 5078 Edith Phelps 4t^ 5646 Edith Phelps 5th 5647 Edith Phelps 6th 5649 Edna Bliss 5338 Edna East 4090 Edna Elm 490:i Eflfie B 5413 Effie Rose 4665 Elaine 5361 Election 4561 Elegance 5497 Eleven 5481 Elfin^ 4666 Elfrida 5624 Elizabeth Sterling 5398 Ella Cornwall 4947 Ella Echo •_ 4843 Elmina 5057 Elsie Elf 4(i46 Emeralda 4399 Emily , 5454 Emily Quarto 4667 Eiiilu : 5056 Emma Black 5420 Emma Coon ^___ 4912 Emma Era 4842 Emma Extra 5011 Emma G 5147 Emma Hurst 5054 Emma Juno 5238 Emma Nett 5017 Ernestine 5506 Esmeralda 5746 Essaj' 5306 Estella G 5148 Esther Silvey 5421 Ethelind 5376 Ethel Shreve 5072 Etta Hall 5091 Etta Mav. 4371 Etta Puritan 4635 Etura 4626 Eudocia 4896 Eugenie of Shadeland 4940 Eunice. 4584 Eva Baldwin 5142 Evaline Huggins 5740 Eva S - 5602 Eve 4874 Ever , 4566 INDEX. 355 Evilena 41)27 Extra 45G7 Factory Girl -459(3 Fair Festina 4751 Fair Filena _. 470o Fair France ^ 488G Fairy Belle 5329 Fairy Festina 4744 Fairy 50th 4892 Faitnful 5159 Fancy Cuwles 5466 Fancy H. 31anstield 4560 Fan Faultless 4887 Fanita. 5116 Fannie Eliza 4926 Fannie Hyde 5187 Fannie Hyde 2d 5271 Fannie Langtry 4686 rantell2d 4980 Fantell 3d 4999 Farmer's Daughter 4374 Farnatta 1 5512 Farozina. 5731 Fashionable 5498 Fastidious : 5013 Faustina 5422 Favorite 5535 Favorite Fan 5537 Fay Buttercup 4579 Festina Gurnee 4747 Festoon 5114 Fifty Three 5486 Finance -5592 Fine Phoebe 5053 Fireside 5562 First Fruit -1481 Flash -itjyS Flaxy ^482 Fleecy 5449 Fleeta 5711 Flip itiHO Flip 4800 Flora Fay -1591 Flora Titus 5038 Florence Gertrude 4788 Florence Nightingale 5476 Florence Vane 4768 Florine G -4682 Flossy 5035 Flossy 5410 Flossy Windham 4652 Fortune 4778 Fortune 5096 Fourst 5453 Frances P 4797 Fredericka 6060 Freshet 5384 Full Beauty 4882 I'VlU Blood Beauty 4443 Fury 5103 Future 5015 Gabrina 5350 Gage's Lady Helle 5177 Ga^es Lady Jane 5176 Gage's Nelly Blv 5178 Gasela _■ 4814 Gazelle 5462 Gaze ie Dean 5153 Gazelle Hyde 5656 Gem 4587 Gem Camilla 4742 Gena _- 4745 Genevieve 5658 Georg anna 9th 5064 Georgianna 10th 4424 Get-rijianna 10th 5717 Georgianna 12th 4727 Georgianna 13tti 4986 Gerster 5434 Gertrude Hume - 4392 Gerviisp 4684 Gift 4569 Gips\ A.len 5450 Gipsev K- 5166 Gipsey K. 2d 5168 Gip.-v" Queen 4572 Gipsv Queen 5581 Girl ■ Frances 4702 Girl Grace 4770 Girl Helena 4859 Girl of Promise 4699 Girtv Sm.ih 4919 Gladdie 4908 Gold Lenf 4483 God Mi k 5533 Golden Gat.- 5165 Golden G'ain 4772 Golden Rose 5504 Go'd Trinket 4493 Good Bv 5641 Good ]S'ews 4542 Good Taste 4696 Gossip 4568 Grace 5458 Grace Delaware 5601 Graceful 3d 5697 Grac'e Scarff - 4679 Graiita 5515 Greclien Z 4677 Green Field 5595 Gretta 5655 Gwendolen 565/ Handsome 5047 Happy 5695 Haimless 4526 Harriet 5193 Hasen Bess 5644 Hattie Mentor 5514 356 INDEX. llattie Morris 5363 Hazel Dell 5522 Hazel Kirke 5107 Heafy 5407 Helena 54th 4426 Helena 55th 4427 Helena 56th 4428 Hfl.na57th 4728 Helena58th 4729 Helena Duke 4858 Helena Eani' s 4820 Helenora ._ 5071 Helen Uncas 4818 Henrietta H 5197 Her Ladyship 5124 Hetty Hart 5396 Hettie Pedro 6066 Highland Beauty 5319 Highland Belle.I 6630 Highland Girl 5629 Highland Lillie 5325 Highland Marv 5320 Highland Kosel 5323 High Type 5286 Highland Queen 5631 Hilda 5118 Hildegard 5110 Hist 5394 Hitty 5725 Holly Sweet 5529 Honey 4539 Hope Helena 4860 Hostess 5216 Huldah Healy 4893 Hyde's Hyacinth 2d 5553 Ida Belle 5324 Ida Eye Bright 4450 Ida Hilton 5231 Ida Work 4822 Imp 4565 Imprint 5507 Ina Hilton 4590 Indiflferent— 4373 Inez Stanley 5092 Inis Brown 5756 lone 5230 Iowa Pink 4462 Irene A 5742 Irene Cloud 4377 Irene Hollyberry 4668 Irene Ida 4904 Irilla 4873 Isadora 4678 Isadore L 4681 Jacqueline 5252 Jean Junior.? 4905 Jenie McPherson 5206 Jennie Cowles 5470 Jennie J 4380 Jennie Pollock 5494 Jenny 5',l;i Jenny 5th 4946 Jenny Lind 5274 Jenny Lind 2d 5473 Jersey Lily 4675 Jessa 5004 Jessamine Beck 5205 Jessica 5126 Jessie Fremont 4651 Jessie Fremont . 5633 Jessie Joy 4655 Jessie Maj^ 5322 Jessie Mead 4688 Jessie of Shadeland 4943 Jessie P 1 4786 Jessie P's First 5519 Jessie Queen 2d 4939 Jewel 5478 Jiffy 5585 Jones' Baltimore 4801 Josephine Joy 4990 Josey Joy 5234 Josie Fine ^ 4991 Josie L 4673 Joy 1 4642 Judith 5391 Ju Ju 5084 Julia Black 5244 Julia Grace 5318 Julia North 5687 Julia P 5140 Junia 4773 Juliet April 4756 June Girl 5310 June Helen 4819 June Rose 4576 Juno Blake 5023 Kate 4996 Kate 4522 Kate 2d 5381 Kate Blaine 5493 Kate Blaine 5707 Kate Claxton 5431 Kathleen 4402 Katrine 4403 Keiran Lass 5204 Keiran Lass 2d 5554 Keren happuch 4683 Kinderhook 4400 Kindred 5561 Kittee K 5167 Kittie 5372 Kittie Kip 5719 Kitty Gilson 5738 Kitty King 4458 Kitty Kramer 4923 Kitty Lewis 4689 Kute Kittie 5010 INDEX. 357 Ivactea .„_^„- 6544 Lady Alice Fish 4581 Lady Alina 5321 Ladv Beaconsfield 5190 Ladv Bill 5505 Lady Bidwell 4741 Lady Blanche Hyde 4562 Lady Carter 4783 Lady Carter 3d 5569 Lady Cathrine, 4855 Lady Chery 5404 Ladv Clo 5184 Laiy Coffey 5180 Lady Cornish 4813 Lady Dayton 4530 Ladv Devenant 4546 Lady Dodge 5191 Lady Emily 5387 Lady Fairfax 4995 Lady Fenn 4545 Lady Garble 4617 Lady Girl — 4445 Lady Hesba 4547 Lady Huribut 5106 Lady Ida Shaw 4551 Lady Jane Edith 4713 Lady Jenette 5555 Lady Lee 4672 Lady Mac 4911 Lady Adalade 5759 Lady Manville 4548 Ladv Mary 4816 Lady McHenry 2d 4630 Ladv Mine. 4993 LadV Mvers. ^ 4419 Lady Plow Boy 5016 Lady Prince 5111 Lady Queen 4594 Laiy Reno. 4631 Lady Sarah 4486 Lady Shaw 5181 Lady Thorn 5579 Lady Viola Dexter 4529 Lady Volante 4488 Lady Wolfert 4789 Lady Woodstock 4720 Lajune 4833 Lalage 4500 Lamia 4491 LaMode 5411 Langtry 4906 Lass Annie Laurie 4763 Lass Josephine 4988 Lass Molly Stark 4700 Last Day 5171 Last Twilight 4861 Laura 5456 Laura Bliss 4960 Laura Don 5102 Laura Lee 5700 Laura M 5200 Laura Miller 5021 Laura Rose 4446 Laura Scaiff. 4536 Laura X 4533 Laura Y 4534 Laura Z 4535 Laura 2d 4827 Laureta. 5173 Lavina True 4961 Lavina Queen 4422 Leah 2d 5276 Leah 3d 5277 Leap Year 5309 . Ledger 5559 Leeva 5737 Legacy-__ 4779 Lelita 5256 Lena Lass 4603 Lena Eeiia 4867 Leona Rose 4413 Leonore Mansfield 4559 Leonore Mansfield 2d 5189 Leota. 5521 Letart 5538 Lethe 4705 Lettie Leach 4771 Light Color 4749 Lilly Banker 4917 Lilly Lav 5253 Lily Deli 4448 Lily Parker 4730 Limit. 5618 Lina Lovely 4492 Lindy Lass 4637 Listen 4977 Little Antic 5567 Little Bee 4555 Little Bettie 4496 Little Uorrit 5058 Live Lucy 4989 Lizzie Orniiston 5619 Lodona 5257 Lofna 5317 Lois. 5576 Lola Lee 5149 Lola Sonoma 4414 Lona 5621 Long Legs. 5040 Lonely 5105 Lone Twill 4928 Lopear 4390 Lorette 4412 Lorette - 4435 Lorlc 4852 Lottie Leo 5638 Laura Editb 4487 Laura Lassie 4761 358 INDEX. Lottie Prince 4375 Lou:\lMy •- 5584 Louisa 5591 Louisiana 5219 Louise Siatfoi-d 5188 Louise Stuttui a 2d 5270 Lovelight 4958 Lovelv Allen . 5145 Lovely Bed 4431 Lovely 36th -. 4425 Lovdy 37 th 4721 Loely 38th . _ 4722 Lovelv 39th _ 4723 Lovely 40th 4724 Lovely 41st 4725 Lovely 42d 4726 Lowland Bee 5727 Lucasta 4777 Lucene 4671 Lucilla Tracy- — 5089 Luckey -_-_" 5044 Lucy 5039 Lucy Ann_ 5743 Lucy Coffing 4955 Lucy Crown 4712 Lucy Leech 4886 Lucy Price 4755 Lucy White 4987 Lula Lee -^.- 5069 Luetta 5651 Lulu -- 5457 Lulu Leroux 5751 Lulu Phelps 5081 Lura 5246 Lustra 5614 Lustre 4976 Luximee 5608 LydiaPinkhani 4891 Ly7-a (Tcm 5154 Mabel Ensign -l 4715 Mabel Gray ■-- 4397 Mabel Marlin 5604 Mabel Mav 4604 Madam Kit 5563 Wadaui Vern 5643 Mnggie Brown 5429 Maggie Cherry 4376 Maggie Mitrhell . - 5574 Maggie Mitchell ■ 4527 Maggie Moore 4388 Maggie Moses 4404 Maggie N 5588 Magirie Puritan _ 4633 Maggie 7th 5678 Maggiore 5005 Magie 5718 Maiioganv 5528 Mai l_.l 5131 Maid 4G15 Maiden Blush 4921 Maid Leva 4853 Maid of Dart 5525 Maid of Orange 5001 Maid of Pleasant Hill 4510 Maid of Plym 5332 Maid of Tamar 5334 Maid of Taw 5333 Maid of Tavy 5524 Maid of Torridge 5331 Maid of Utica 4716 Majesty 5225 Majorie 5083 Mame E 5496 Mamie Mine 5425 Mandy Girl 4920 Mandy Maple 5326 Maple Emma 2d 5278 Maple Emma 3d 5279 Marceline 4769 Marcia 4386 Margaret Mather 5427 Marie Eoze 5430 Marion G 2d 5650 Marion Martin . 4563 Miirit 4502 Mary Ella 5371 Mary F 4385 Mary Fuller 4880 Mary Payne 5063 Matchless 2d 5223 Matchless 3d 5348 iVlaterna 5290 Mattie 5369 Maud 4528 Maud Arlyn 5441 Maud's Girl 5620 Maud J 5211 Maud July 4619 Maud K 5169 Maud Maid 52(.9 Maud Moses 4406 Maud S. Baker 4701 Maud S. 2d ^_ 5605 Maumee 4670 Maybell 4856 May Blossom 4537 May Davis 4618 Mayfern 5628 Mayflower Daisy 4405 Mayflower Maid 4378 Mayflower 2d 5085 May Maid 4711 May Mystic 4640 May Puritan 4583 May Queen B 5446 MaV Queen P 2d 5302 Mead's One 4962 Mead's Two 4963 INDEX. 359 Mead's Three 4964 Mead's Four 4965 Mead's Five 4966 Medie 4531 Medora 5634 Meg 4950 Meggy 4511 Melody C 4465 Melody Dee . 4973 Melon 5639 Membership. 5351 Merida 5006 Merry 5160 Metah ^ 5130 Mimic 5713 Midge 5059 Minnie Belle 5201 Minnie Clipper 4395 Minnie Curt 4447 3Iinnie Dee 5688 Minnie E 5606 Minnie Hauck 5433 Minnie Hermon 5233 Minnie Meg 2d 4468 Minneola 5723 Minnie's Pet 4795 Minnie Ward 5263 Minnie Wilber 4592 Minnie Verde 5298 Mini.ey Tom 5337 Minetta 5360 Minuet 5377 Mirinna __. 5685 Miss Albion 5086 Miss Bitter Sweet 5289 Miss Carson 5560 Miss Devon 5570 Miss Donna 4832 Miss Dunstan 4379 Mississippi 5212 Miss Juno 4485 Miss Lord 5052 Miss Mermaid 4449 3Iiss Morgan 4541 Miss Nacomis 4580 Miss Nancy New 4717 MissNrrthtield 5397 Miss Nugget 5444 Miss Ped'ro 5163 Miss Peyton 5393 Miss Prim : 4750 Miss Red Bird 5018 Miss Il(d Cloud 5183 Miss Wiggins 4669 Modern 5009 Modestv *- 5442 Mollie Lottie 4521 Molly Allen 5409 Molly P. Stark 5352 Mona 4850 Monona . 4372 Montgomery Queen 4556 Morning Glory 4454 Morning tttar 5536 Mossbank 5660 Moss Eose 5477 Montane 4848 Mountain Beauty 4734 3Iouutaiii Minnie 4731 Mrs. Devon 4664 Mrs. Helena 4857 31uriel 5623 Muse 5296 My Girl 5388 My 31eludy 4972 Mystery. 4685 Myrtle Maid 4616 Myrtle Maid ^ 4638 Myrtle March 5313 IHancy Atwood 4391 IS'annie 2d ^ ^__ 5373 JSaomi 5583 Natalie 4765 Nebraska - 4382 Nell Dexter 4524 Nellie 4654 Nellie B 5185 Nellie June ♦_ 4649 Nellie Mack 4698 Nellie May 5728 iSfellie Neat 5327 Nellie S 4520 Nellie Salem 4475 Nellie Washington 5203 Nellie Bird 4394 Nellie Bly 4th 5300 Nellie Leech 4885 Nellie JN' ix 4884 Nellie Trip 4881 Nellie Utica 4890 Ness 4846 Nettie Buckeye 4738 Nette 4951 New Nydia 5357 Nightingale 5736 Nina 4525 Nina 5367 Nineteen 5484 Ninette 4544 Nirvana 5355 Noble . 56o3 Noby 5408 Nominate 5419 None Such 4584 Nora 5368 Nora March. 5121 Nora Nip 4903 Nydia 5232 360 INDEX. Nymph -_.__.i_. _______ 4915 Odelhi 4589 Odetta 5218 Odille Unue 4-453 Ohio Jiaid 5712 Oh My .____ 442U OldFvose_. 4U10 Olive Bud _.__ 4929 Omega ^ 5741 Opceche 2d . . 5749 Om 2d 5094 Oru £)d. _^ __^ 5(J2G Orange Girl 4599 Orphan Lass __^ 52158 Orphan Hose 4764 Orphean Beauty 4821 Osia . 479d Otsego Maid 5082 Ouina . 4621 Our (Jhuice 5158 Owena 4575 Page 5592 Pallas Coplay 4762 rulni. 5210 Paliniste. 5508 Pansy Burr 4897 Pansy Blossom 5440 Pansy Pearl 5566 Pansy Pet 5581 Pa I sy Pet 5U67 Pansy .st. John 4748 t^ith 5617 Patience 4714 Putti 4998 Patti 5482 PattiGirl 4564 Pauy Hayes 458.) i*;iuline Myra-_. 528',t Pawpaw.- 4948 Pay Well 58^5 Pejich Blow 5182 Pearia Devon 5568 Pearl Hume 4985 Pearl Kasson. 5109 i l\-arl Knox 5789 | Pearl of Shadeland 4944 i Peggy 4512 i Pellucid 5412 Peony's Cherry 5224 Pep.La 5028 Perilla 5571 PerSe-_ 5459 Pet Fo.d 5674 Pelronella 4914 Petted Prue 4504 PeLty 5578 Pewitt 5729 Piielps' Beauty 2d 4786 Phelps' Beauty 3d 5648 Phoebe ___._... 4828 Piioebe Fine 4829 Piety 4548 PiniiL Maid 5580 Pink 4th ^ 4461 Pink Kyan 4971 Pink Waterloo 4466 i'itapao 5029 i^lacer 5878 Poesy 4984 Polite 5501 Pomona i 5120 Poriia 5114 Portland Fancy 4514 Posey 8 46-^0 Prairie Belie 5184 Prairie Que^n 4550 Prairie Queen 5677 I reily JViaid __. __ 5229 Prima Donna 4767 Primula 5572' Primus 5061 Princess Anna 2d 4981 Princess Belknap 5220 Princess Don 4.974 Princess Jessie 4691 Princess Lauretta 4605 Princess Lucy 4607 Princess Kyan 4467 Princess tJea 4969 I'rincess of Springville 5139 Princess of Wales 5196 I'rincess 4th 4934 Princess 5th 4942 Prize 5097 Proud Blanche 4517 Proud Litchtield 1 5704 Prudv 5589 Prude 1st 5468 Prude 2d 5474 Psalm 5112 Pug 5152 Puss the Pet 4495 CJuadrille 5705 (Quartette 5255 (4ueen Ann 2d- 5485 Queen Bess.. 4692 C^ueen Carlotta 4958 Queen Dido 5240 Queen Easter 4456 Queen Elizabeth « 4457 Queen Lilly 4608 Quet-n Quiet 4470 Queen liosa 5671 Queen 3d 4983 Queen of Appledrfle 4624. Queen ofSheba 4981 Queen of 8pringville 58 16 Queen of Springville2d 5847 INDEX. 361 Queen of Springville 3d 5350 Quiet 4th 5003 Quincy Lass. . 4796 Rainbow 5098 Reaper 5609 Red Bird Flit 4994 Redbud 5101 Red Daisy Girl 5019 Reddv _1 4595 Red Hebe 4573 Red Rose „_ . 5463 Red Rose 5492 Red Rose 2d , 5471 Redress 5564 R.-flection •_ 5305 Rena 19th. 4628 Rena 20rh 4632 R-na21st 4629 Rena 22d 5174 Rena 23d 5175 Return 5597 Rhoda Rest 4956 Rino- 5267 Ritie 5582 River 5341 Riverside Beauty 5328 Roda 5491 Romance 5726 Romance — 5735 Rosa April 5122 Rosabelle 4784 Rosa Lee 4839 Rosa Eatnes 5339 Rosalie 4611 Rosamond 4th 5293 Rose Allen 5146 Rosebud Red 5156 Rosebud Red 4949 Rosebud Bliss 5292 Rosemjiy 4636 Rose :\(iountain-_. 4733 Rose Ray 5254 Rosetta ..»_^ 5291 Rosette 4612 Rose White 5311 Rosy Dawn 4593 RosyS 4845 Rowena Red 4865 Roxey j 5632 Royal Rosetta 4606 Ruby 5708 Ruby 5273 Ruby 2d 5275 Ruby Red 4383 Ruby Regina 4418 Ruby Regis 5661 Ruby Royal 5316 Ruche 4438 Ruffle ._ 4774 Rugby 5662 Ruth Dolby 4516 Kulh M _. __ 533(; Sabra 5284 Sada 5249 Sadie Howe 5457 Sadie McMillen 4918 Sadie Moore 5079 Sallie 2d 5365 Saloi.a Belle 5261 Sally Lunn 4439 Samantha 5024 Sandal 5556 Sapphire 4775 Sequel 5706 Serene 5587 Shapely 5108 Short Ears 5701 Shyness 4421 Seventeen 5482 Silesia 4868 Silky Bet 4540 Sissie's Favorite 5087 Sissie's Pet 5414 Sitter 5721 Sixty One 5488 Sixty Four 54'89 Sixlv Eight 5490 SkiniMilk 5043 Sleek 5599 Snowbound _ 5754 Snow Storm 4600 Solace. 5258 ^ong Bird 5161 Sonsy 5447 Soothsayer 5596 Sophia Colvin 4477 Sparkle. 5099 Spinster 5616 Splash 4641 Stamen 5642 Starbright 4888 Stub Horn 5143 Studio 5308 Stella L 5207 Stump 5135 Sue 4841 Sula 5720 Summer 4967 Sunday — 5615 Sunnyside 4979 Sunny South " 4916 Sun Shine 5645 Superba 5242 Superiority. 5418 Surprise 2d 5221 Susie Baker 5141 Susie James 5250 Susie Stepney 574 362 INDEX. Susquehanna Pride 4.538 Sweetheart 4959 .Sweetland 5730 Sweet Love 4480 Sweet Rest 5162 Sweet Twilight 4862 Sweet Violet 5439 Sylvia Brown 5760 Synthia Bliss 4739 Tabv 5526 Taiub 4785 Tan Topsy 4883 Temperance. 5303 Temperance Quick 4509 Tennie's Darlini; 5415 Teresa Alba.—I 4752 Tester 5558 Tidal 5385 Tillie 5375 Tilt 5565 Tinted 4978 Tiny 4997 Tiny Loretta 5143 Tirzah Ann 5636 Titia 5037 Toad 5750 Topsy Trick 5451 Tolefa 5128 Treasure 5100 Tri-Lucv 5041 Trixy. I 4494 Trov Pride 4992 Tulip Allen 5042 Twila 4523 Twilla 5517 Twilight 5226 Twenty 5483 Twentv Five 5485 rialial 5722 Una Lester 5622 Unette 4622 Urbanitv 5500 Vala —1 5542 Valentine Girl 4499 Vale's Pet 4459 Valhalla 5380 Vallev Girl 4577 Valley Pride 4659 Valley Pride 5031 Velvet Y 5198 Vera 5155 Veracity 5383 Verb 5003 Verdandi 4431 Verity 5423 Vernal 4695 Vernie 4982 Veronica 4776 Versatile 5382 Vestal 46'20 Vick 4658 Victoria Oxford 4952 Victoria 8tb 5676 Victoria 9th 5679 Vinca 4876 Vinettie 5179 Viola Vinces 5358 Violet 5577 Virginia 5000 IVahneta __- 4625 Wathena 5520 AVealthy 5282 Wecoma Fancy 5281 Western Beautv 5266 White Tip 1 4497 Wichitah 4875 Wild Lillv 4657 Willing.-' z 5247 Willow Maid 2d 4476 Wilma 4415 Winedot 5020 Wineford 5030 Winsome. 4660 Winona Wilma 4416 Wisteria 4417 Witch 4571 Wold Rosy 5452 Woodbine .— _ 4570 Woodlawn 5594 Wvnomar 5686 Wynonetta 5299 Yellow Gal 5443 Yolande 5710 Young Fancy ^ 5637 Zeletfe '- 4519 Zena 5033 Zephyr Zelia 4433 Zip 4922 Zora 4925 Zunika 5758 Zvlpha 4924 INDEX SHOWI^fG WHAT DEVO]!«^S HAVE BEEN OWNED, OR USED IN THE HERD OF, EACH BREEDER. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Miss. Bulls— C&ittAm Rodney 2619, Coptic 2669. Cow8 — Devon Princess 2d 4889, Lass Josephine 4988, Lydiu Piukbam 4891, Nelly Trip48Sl. AKERMAN S. J., Chelsea, Yt. Bulls— 'i!i eil Beckley 2943. ALLEN D. A., Brokenstraw. N. Y. _ .Be/Z/s— Brokenstraw 2677, Heanon 2852, Read Jacket 2851. Cow;s— Beauty Allen 5403, Beauty Strunk 5399, Bessie Powers 5400. Bronny -5402, Chary Ann 5458, Chery .5401 Diuvr5405. Fleecy 5449, Flossy 5410, Fourst5453. Gipsy Allen .54-50. Heafy 5407. Lady Chery 5404, Molly Allen 5409, Noby5408. Ro~ehud Red 5406, Sonsy 5447, Topsy Trick 5451, Wold Rosy 5452. ALLEN JOHN, Coldwater. Mich. Bulls— B&go&SiS 2862. Balsora 2799, Bashi Bazouk 296:1, Ben Allen 2681, Bontecou 2962, Duke of Coldwater 2652. Coifs — Beauty Jane 5045, Belnora -5080, Belvira -5076, Bertie Allen 5151. Bertie Moore 5074, Bessie Allen 51-50, Brownie Allen -5077, Brunella -5073, Cherry Tulip 5046, Clytie -5075, -DarJing Mine 5144, Dumplin -5048, Edith Deweese 5078, Ethel Shreve 5072 Handsome 5047, Long Legs 5040, Lovely Allen 5145, Lucy 5039, Luckey-5044, Rose Allen 5146, Sadie Moore 5079, Skim Miik-5043. Stub Horn 5143, Tri-Lucy 5041, Tulip Allen -5042. ALLEN L. F., Black Rock, N. Y. Bulls— Ahe\aTd 2780. CoMJs— Emma G. 5147, Estella G. 5148. ALLEN LEVI, Altona, Col. £w«s— Boulder 2796, 364 INDEX. ALWARD J. C. & Son, Piitaskala, O. Bulls— B&v-MentoT 2376, Columbiad 2(;i0. Cows— Etura 4626, Hattie Mentor 5614:. ANDREWS B. H., Waterbury, Ct. £mMs— Middlebury 2878. Cows — Beauty Andrews 5475. ANDREWS F. H., South Woodstock, Ct. Bulls — Coheroson 2947, Sober 2750, Springvale 2476, Turner's Romeo 2347. Cows— Cov^ 4753, Juliet April 4756, Maggie N. 5588, Queen Rosa 5671. ARNOLD Mks W. E., Otego, N. Y. Com;s— Blossom 4661, Cherry Blossom 4663, Maud J. 5211. ARTZ P. W., Osborn, O. £mMs— Delong2901. Cows— China 4831. ATWELL JAMES, Eden, Vt. Bulls— JjumoiUe Boy 2807. ATWOOD CHANCY, Woodbury, Ct. Bulls— Hudson Jr. 2719, Jumbo 2262. Coivs — Lopear 4390, Nancy Atwood 4391. ATWOOD PRESTON. Woodbury, Ct. Cows — Bijou 5241, Emma Juno 5238, Pauline Myra 5239, Queen Ana 2d 5435, Queen Dido 5240, Superba 5242. BACKUS J. L., Chaplin, Ct. Bulls-Soher 2750. BAKER C. H., Oneonta, N. Y. Cows— Etta May 4371. BAKER DAVID, Mansfield, O. Bulls— Bnke of Arder 2879. Cows— Red Rose 5492, Roda 5491. BAKER GEORGE (and GEORGE BAKER & SON,) Hustisford, Wis. Bulls— Ahevdm 2307, Babby Dole 2870, Baby Charles 2429, Clanna Roseson 2917, Clan's Ole Bull 2868, Frosty 2350, Grimes 2351, Iron- side 2285, O. K. Boy 2872, Pomp 2286, Reckless Boy 2869, Senator McH. 2284, Steenie 2430, Trump 2849. Cotos — Badger's Lily 5445, Baker's Beauty 4674, Clanna Foxey 5532, Jersey Lily 4675, Josie L. 4673, Lady Myers 4419, Lavinia Queen 4422, Ma Greene 4676, Maud Arlyn 5441, May Queen B. 5446, Meggy 4511, Miss Nugget 5444, Modesty 5442, Oh My 4420, Or- phean Beauty 4821, Pansy Blossom 5440, Peggy 4512, Shyness 4421, Yellow Gal 5443. BAKER J. D., Hustisford, Wis. Bulls— Aheram 2307, Dude 2871. Cows— Lass Molly Stark 4700, Maud S. Baker 4701. mDEX. 366 SAKER TRUMAN, Earlville, N. Y. 5w«s— Alert 2789, Billy Powers 2849, Cartridge 2506, Catch Me 2517, Caxton 2519, Checkmate 2521, Citizen 2446, Clan Nelson 2518, Con- stable 2520, Crater 2509, Crowner2504, Damon 2G45, Dan Rice 2990, Darby 2989, Earl Genesee 2334, Helpful 2413, Litchfield 3d 2643, Longfellow 2372, Red King 2373, Richmond 2241, ripy 2371, Stran- ger 2374, Tarn O'Shanter 2242, Watson 2240. Com;s— Amble 4899, Arta 4645, Beam 4879. Beauty Strunk 5399, Bless- ing 4694, Bonnie Doon 5026, Callie 4802, Cancel 4878, Canny 4803, Caper 4806, Cater 4811, Charte 4805, Cherish 4810, Chippy 4808, Chorus 4807, Circle 4809, Crocus 4718, Cusha4804, Daylight 5666, Dayton Belle 5667, Deception 5668, Delight 5669, Delilah 5670, El- sie Elf 4646, Eva Baldwin 5142, Extra 4567, Gift 4569, Gipsey Queen 4572, Golden Gate 5165, Good Taste 4696, Gossip 4568, Joy 4642, June Rose 4576, Miss Morgan 4541, Miss Wiggins 4669, None Such 4574, Owena 4575, Roesy 4984. lied Hebe 4573, Silesia 4868. Silky Bet 4540, Susie Baker 5141, Sweetland 5730, Valley Girl 4577, Witch 4571, Woodbine 4570. BALDWIN A. P., Pitcher, N. Y. Bulls— King Arthur 2707, Litchfield 3d 2643, Nelson Jr. 2931. Cows — Eva Baldwin 5142, Keiran Lass 5204, Kieran Lass 2d 5554, Susie Baker 5141. BALLARD C. M., Sheldon, N. Y. Cows— Betty 4609. BALLARD J. & SONS, Niles, Mich. BuUs—BeTvien 2897, Billy 2395, Emperor 2394. BANKER D. & J. (and BANKER BROS.), Franklin Forks, Pa. Bulls — Banker Boy 2573, Brussel 2923, Captain Morris 2421, Chastiser 2922, Large's Major 2322, Principal 2389, Promise Prince 2422, Son of Prince 2937, Take Prize 2921. Wiggins 2387. Cbiws— Belle 10th 5610, Bright Pro^nise 5th 4478, Bright Promise 6th 5580, Effie Rose 4665, Elfin 4666, Emily Quarto 4667, Favorite Fan 5537, Nymph 4915, Sophia Colvin 4477, Sunny South 4916. BANKS WILLIS, Columbus, Miss. .BmWs— Dalgetty 2457. Cows — Lamia 4491. BARFOOT JOHN, Freeport, 111. Cows — Castia 5479, Castianira 5480. BARRY L., Springfield, Vt. Bulls— Stiver 2370. BARRY R. P., Warrenton, Va. Bulls— Cmton of Clifton 2760. Cows — Jacqueline 5252, Lovely Red 4431, Maud J. 5211, Peach Blow 5132. 366 INDEX. BAKSE HIRAM, Parker, Dak. Bulls— Diikot& Jim 2459, Tom Blossom 2468. Cows— Iowa Pink 4402, Lily Parker 4730. 13ARTUN W. H., Schohar.e, N. Y. Bulls— Ira 2332. Cows— Echo 5297, Port, and Fancy 4514. BASS JOHN xM., Nashville, Tenn. £?*Hs— Legate 2864. Cuios — Legacy 4779. • BATCHELDER J. & E., North Danville, Vt. Build -Jackson Home 2319. BEACH LUCIUS, Port Huron, Mich. JSw«s— Berrien 2d 2398, Rob Roy 2399. Royal William 2400. Cow^,— Old Rose 4610, Rosalie 4611, Rosetta 4612. BEAN DANIEL. Warner, N. H. Cows — Edith Bean 5068. BECK r. D., Bethany, W. Va. Bulls — Smuggler 2549, Virginia Prince 2249. Qjivs — Jessamine Beck 5205, Odille Orme 4453. BECK JOHN B.. Varysburg, N. Y. Bulls— Dan Flitton 2253. BELL JOHN M., Coon Island, Pa. Bulls — Oeneral Golf 2437. BENEDICT CHESTER, Coventryville, N. Y. Bulls— Eiument 2438. Covt^s— Odella 4589. BENNETT S. N., Canaseraga. N. Y. Bulls- Georgia 3d 2290. Cows — Helena 55th 4427. BERRY W. W., Nashville, Tenn. Bulls— Lovelace 2487. BETZ CHAS., Huelsburch, Wis. • Bulls— iluiW 2595. BIDWELL THOMAS, Gurneelll. Cows — Alma Baltimore 4746, Alma Lake 4743, Cherry 6th 4740, Fair Festina 4751, Fairy Festina4744, Festina Gurnee 4747, Gem Camilla 4742, Gena 4745, Lady Bidwell 4741, Light Color 4749, Miss Prim 4750, Pansy St. John 4748. BILL JAMES A., Lyme, Ct. £((Ws— Altitude 2806, Bill's Duke 2927, Bill's Pride of Stepney 2266, Prince Arthur 2848. Cov«s— Bill's Eugenia 5548, Bill's Hetty 4th 5551, Bill's Hetty 5th 5552, Bill's Rose27Lh 5549, Bill's Susie 7th 5550, Carter's Cleo 5546, Eliza- beth Sterling 5398, June'Girl 5310, Lady Bill 5505, fchapely 5108. INDEX. 867 jfelLLUPS J. M., Columbus, Miss. -^M^iis— Citizen 2446. BILLUP6 J. 6., Culumbus, Miss. -Sm*!^*— Alexander Kex 2323, Helpful 2443. Cows — Civil Service 4735, Dardania 4643, Joy 4042, Lustre 4976, Vernal 4695. BIRGE E. B., Torringford, Ct. BuUs— Tracy B. 2629. BIXBY Mrs. D. K, Disco, Mich. ^mZZs— Golden Age 2368, Michigan 2554. Cows — Perilla 5571, Primula 5572, Vinca 4870. BIXBY OBCUTT, Chelsea, Vt. Cows— May Davis 4618. * BLAKE JOHN, Whipple, O. ^M«s— Berry 2497, Davy Crocket 2339. .|;:^/^_Coi«s— Annie of Plains 4588, Bridget Bess 4469, Flip 4680, Juno Blake 5023, Trixy 4494. BLAKE MOriES, Whipple, O. ^«//6— Banjo 2745, Bob Lee 2926. Cows — Agnes 2d 5243. BLAKESLEE JACOB N., Watertown, Ct. Bulls — Gen. Sherman 2890. Cot«s— Jenny 5513, Jenny 5th 4946, Maud S. 2d 5605, Minnie Dee 5688, Minnie E. 5606. BLISS E. C, Westfield, N. Y. BuUs— Boom 2769, Romulus 2959. Cows — Jessica 5126, Laura Bliss 4960, Nettie Buckeye 4738, Pawpaw 4948, Synthia Bliss 4739, Western Beauty 5266. BOCOCK SOLOMON, Philo, 111. | Bulls— lloy-dl Prince 2247. Cows — Farmer's Daughter 4374, Lottie Prince 4375, Maggie Cherry 4376. BONAR SAMUEL, Coon Island, Pa. Bulls — BoUiver 2771, Candidate 2785, Lawrence 2784. Cows— Bell Bonar 5194, Bittersweet 5287, High Type 5286, Ring 5267. BOWMAN FRANK, New Carlisle, O. Coujs — Medie 4531. BOYCE ABRAM, Loomis, N.Y. Cows — Classmate 4793. BOYD ROBERT, Steubenville, O. Bulls — Cracker 2858. Cows — Albina 4452, Beauty Boyd 4864, Be^t Beauty 4863, Curiosity 5417, Superiority 5418. 368 INDEX. BOYE PHILIP, Waraer, 0. Bulls— Gqti. Warner 2908, J. D. Tajior '2932. Cow--.>— Adelaide Boye 571(3, Bobtail Beauty 5208, Clotella 5209, Lady Jenette 6555, Palm 6210, Una Lester 5G22. BRADLEY F. D., fcJoutli Britain, Ct. Bulls — iSir Gibbie 2570. BRAXJJT JE6SE, Carroll, O. Cows — Uuina 4021. BRi;^UX GUSTaVE a., New Orleans, La. ^u^/5— Benedict F. 2431. BRONSON A. F., Vernon, N. Y. Bulls— Vmvstow 2354, Blaze 2689, Braddock 2783, Culmination 2910, Nicholas 2632, Vernon Lord 2243, West bhore 2688, Zib 2423. Cotes — Breeze 5747,Chico Casta, 5590, Countess of Carnaby 5104, Cricket 5002, Einestiue 5506, Esmera.da 5746, Fury 5103, Holly Sweet 5529, inlla 4873, Jessa 5004, Lady Hurlbut 5106, Laura Don 5102, Portland Fancy 4514, Redbud 51U1, Surprise 2d 5221, Twilight 5226. BROOKE JOHN F., Dickson, Col. Bulls — Sunnyside 2683. BROOKING JOHN, Pleasant Mount, Pa. Bulls — Career 2550, Comet Billy 2477, Mad Anthony 2977, Rex Jumbo 2717, Rosita 2976. Cows— Beit 4870, Cello 4872, Creamer 4871, Dolly Lovely 4757, Edith I8th 3758, Edith 20th 4759, Edith 21st 4760, Good By 5641, Stamen 5642. BROOKOVER M. C, Carlwick, O. Bulls — Johnston 2710. Coics — Pug 5152. BROWN E. M., Gilford Village, N. H. Cov>-s — Daisy Em 5724, Hitty 5725, Lowland Bee 5727, ilinneola 5723, Nellie May 5728, Pewit 5729, Romantic 5726. BROWN FRANK, Sykesvillo, Md. Bulls — Candidate 2785, Frank Brown 2865, Victor Bruce 2475 Wheel- ing 2416. Cows — Bessie 5389, Beisy Price 4754, Daisy Langtrj' 5426, Gerster5434, High Type 5286, Kate 4996, Kate Claxton 5431, Lucy Price 4755, Maggie Brown 5429, Mamie Mine 5425, Margaret Mather 5427, Marie Roze 5430, Minnie Hauck 5433, My Girl 5388, Palti 5432, Sarah Bernhardt 5428. BROWN FRED B., Gilead, Ct. Bulls — Souvenir 2261. BROWN S. T. C, Sykfsville, Md. Bulls— Lohb Star 2414, Patapsco 2412, Slonewall 2413. Cows— Bessie f389, Betsy Price 4754, Darling 5386, Harriet 5193, My Girl 5388. INDEX. 369 BRUSH B. L., Elk Lake. Springville, Pa. Bulls^Boc Litchfield 2254. BRUSH DR. P. E., Spring ville, Ph. £m«.s— Freeland 2703, Meshoppen 2H:'>0. Cows — Princess of Springville 5180. BUCHEPv JOSEPH, Sulphur Springs, O. BhIIs— Stanley Fils 22t35. Coic.-,— Mabel Gray 4397. BUCKINGHAM JAMES, Zanesville, O. ^wi/,9_Bachelor 2388, Cirlo 2440, Deck Wright 2041, Director 2742, Ohio Duke 2591, Eip Van Winkle 2273, Sagito 2b'M). Cbws— Bessie Delaware 4389, Blue Eyes 10th 5049, Blue Eyes lllh5607, Delaine 5586, Orphan Lass 5208. BUCKINGHAM & HOWARD, ZanesviUe, O. £i<^/s— Telemachus 2335. BUCKNER W. G., New Lexington, O. Coirs— Julia North 5687. BUNNELL F. H., South Montrose, Pa. Bull.^— Great Bend 2811, lago 2494, Junebug 2942, Meshoppen 2830. Cows — Ruby Royal 5316. BURNSIDE TYLER, Maryland. N.T. Cows— Etta May 4371, Minnie Wilber 4692, BURR JAMES, Monroe, Ct. Bulls — Diamond Chief 2563. Cow.'i — Pansey Burr 4897, Susie Stepney 5745. BURROWS A. J., Troy Mich. Bul/s— Cicero 2773, Conrad 2774. Long Tom 259G. Marshal J. 2772, Ohio Duke 2591, Sagito 2590, Utica 2621. Co*fs— Desire 5748, Lucy Coffing 4955, Orphan Lass 5268, Rhoda Rest 4956, Troy Pride 4992, Yolande 5710. BUSHNELL L. H., Springville, Pa. Bu//s — Baron Lynnhurst 2929, Prince Lynnhurtt 2928, You Know 2751. Cows— May Queen P. 2d 5302. BUTTERFIELD I. H. Jr.. Lapeer, Mich. Co c-s— Kate 4522. BUTTRUFF JOSEPH, Bowling Green. O. ^„//.s_Biily Crawford 2424. Coics — Irene Cloud 4377. CALKINS H. W , Trowbridge, Mich. ^i^//s_Leather Stockings 2385. Co,ea_Allegan 4598, Buttercup Lass 4.597. Clecsa 2d 5288. Factory Girl 4596, Opeeche 2d 5749, Orange Girl 4599, Snow Storm 4600, Toad 5750. 370 INDEX. CARRIEK H. L., Brookfield. Mich. ^2^/s— Custer 2306, Roy Laten 2305. Q>?03— Copy 4869, Minnie Curt 4447, Quadrille 5705, Sequel 5706. CARROTKERS BEATY, Moorefield, O. Bulls — Executive 2744. CARS WELL F. E., Lone Rock, "Wis. Bulls— KW^&tnck 2895, Osceola 2894. CARSWELL JOHN A., Lone Rock, Wis.J ^Bulls—3\m Blaine 2896, Shamrock 2893. CARTER RUFUS, Worcester, Mass. Cows — Rosa Eames 5339. CARTER SELDEN S, Clinton, Ct. Bulls— BWVs Duke 2927. Coivs — Carter's Cleo 5546, Carter's Cleo 2d 5547. CARTWRIGHT O. E., Woodbury, Ct. ^m//s— Duke Woodbury 2390. CARY LEVI B., Greenbush, AVis. ^w//s— Frosty 2350. CASE WALTER E , Suffield, Ct. Bulls- Marco Polo 2686. Cot<;s— Flora Fay 4591, Ira Hilton 4590, Sissie's Favorite 5087, Sissie's Pet 5414, Tennie's Darling 5415. CATON RICHARD, Baltimore Co., Md. Cows — Brenda 5272. CHAPMAN BROS, Wells Bridge, N. Y. Bulls — Augustus 2237, Canope 2753, Fennimore Cooper 2755, George Lee 2238, Prince of Otsego 2754, Rexford2239. Cores — Bell Baker 5227, Cherry Dandy 5235, Dina Devon 5228, Ida Hilton 5231, lone 5280, Josey Jay, 5234, Minnie Hermon 5233, Nydia 5232, Pretty Maid 5229. CHAPMAN H. O., Wilkesville, O. Bulls — Chapman's Starlight 2747. CHASE C. W., Lexington, N. Y. ^m//s— Chase 2720. CHERMSIDE W. P., Dickson, Col. Bulls — Barnaby2791, Easter 2790, Sunnysido 2683, Sunrisi' 2t;.S4. Cows — Carmelita 5082, JuJu5084, ilarjorie 5083. CHICK GEO., Attica, N. Y. Bulls— A.ti\cA Boy 2529. Co (cs— Attica 4826. CHILD JOHN H., East Woodstock, Ct. Coios — Cora 4753. CHILES F. W., Tolersville, Va. Cows — Callie 4983, Sunnyside 4979. INDEX. 371 CHOATE N. B., Waterloo, Towa. ^w//.s_Champion Cap 2606, Egypt 2318, Granger Gift 2607, High Hope 2609, Ogle 2605, Koscoe Ryan 2317, Splendour 2608. Cows— Chloe Cute 5608, Choatc's Beauty 441GN & BROWN, Jeddo, N. Y. (_,oiX)s — Irene Hollyberry 4668, Mable Ensign 4715. 376 INDEX. ERSKIXE H. B.. West Alexander. Pa. CoM-s— Daisy Wicklield 5215, Hostess 5210 ESTES VVlLBEB, Garrattsville, N. Y. ^m//6— Jack Hayes 2485. EVVINS VVM., Pctlmyra, Wii. Bulls — Young Wonder 2777 FAILE E. G., West Farms, N. Y > ^m//s— Tioga 2396. C'c.i<;.s— Old Rose 4610. FARQUHAK PHILIP, Oakland, (J. Balls — King Neptune 2337. FARTHING- WALTER, Bridgewater, Er-gland. i>i<«s— Cbampion 2324, Modesty's Duke 2325, FASSITT THOS.. Calvert, Md. Coica — A Hie 5455, Emily 5454, Graee 5458, l^aura 5456, Luiii ■)457. FENNESSY E. J., Avon, 111. Cowa — Minnie Belle 5201. FERRIS WM. R., ColdSpjing, Ct. i^wW.^— Diamond Chief 2563. .; FINCH E. T., Cannonsville, N. Y. Bidln — Boltimore 2551. Cow.s— Eve 4874, Wichitah 4875. FLSH J, P., Chelsea, Yt. iiM«.5— Belknap Prince 2411, G..U1 Hunter 291'J, Neil Heckic-y 2043, Pdot 2920, Saturn 2795, \'crinont Chief 2501, Waitstield 2377. Cuws — Ceres 5534, Favorite 5535, Fortune 50U6, Lady Alice Fish 45.^1, JMand July 4691, Miss Naconus 4580, Morning Star 5536, J'rize - 5097, Rainbow 5098, Sparkle 5099, Treasure 5100. FITZ W. H., Pleasant Mount, Pa. iJwi/6 — Rex Jumbo 2717. FIIZSIMMONS O. P, of Ga. iS'M/i.v— A.belatd 2780. FLA(iG Mrs. W. C, Moro, 111. BuUh — Oouut Bertram 22;' 6, Dunde*- 2259, Eric the Red 2694, Haynoke 4th 2258, Kalakula 2269, Madison of iloro 2255, Masterpiece 226(>, Michigander 2257. Cowa — Ajuiabel Lee 5117, breda 3tl 4381, Cerise 4387, Crernhild 5115, Cressenz 4384, Dido 5119, Fanita 5116, Hilda 5118, Kathleen 4402, Kinkeri.ook 4400, Maggie Moro 43«8, xVIarcia 4386, Mary F 4385, JSebraska 4382, Pomona 5120, Portia 51 14, Ruby Red 4383. FOOT J. M., West Hartland, Cl. >5W/s— Allbright 2793, Commodore Fool 2793, Mahabed 2d 2585. FORU C. C, Washington Depot, Ct. ^W/.s—Kegulus 2819. Vmlus — Faustina 5422, Nellie Washington 5203. INDEX. 377 FORD R. A , East Lit.hfid.1. Ct. Bu//s—M<,unvchy 29-30, Ri-d Billy 2W.S, Rc, Daisy Dot .')5'.i8, Gai;e > Lady Belle 5177, Gage's Lady Jane 51 7li, Gages Nelly Bly 5178, Lady Thorn 5579, Lady Woodstock 4720. GAGE MOSES L., North Woodstock, Ct. Cov's— Daisy Dot 55.98, Sleek 5599. GALE L. E., Freeman.«burg, W.Va. Bulls — Burti.in Lewis 2G55. GARTH W. AV., Huntsville, Ala. i?w//.s— Caradoc 2450. Cows — Emma G. 5147, Estella G. 5148, Summer 49G7. GIDDINGS HENRY, Fairfax, Vt, i?i^/s— Turner 2640. 378 INDEX. GILBERT T., Middlctowii, Ct. Bulls— Jeasc Gilbert '2823. GILBERT TIMOTHY, Rocky Hill, Ct. Cotrs — Shapelj' 5108. GILBERT S. A„ Cnyahoga FiiUs, O. Bulls— Veicr L. 2708. GILLETT M. N., Bridgowater, Diik. i?«//s— Robert Sydenham 2in(i. GILLHAM J. A., Brighton, 111. Coi/;.s-— Lily Dell 4448. Gl E.\SOJS ROLLIN, Benson, Vt. ^?«//s— Elect 2522. Coivs — Chosen 4812. GODDARD W. R., Amesvlllo. O. Bii//s — Barkis 2570, Speculation 2580. Cow«—Cyri 11a 5062, Fannie Eliza 402(;. GORTON W. H., Coffey ville, Kan. ^,,//s_Wild Eyes 23G7. GOULD C. W., Randolph, Wis. •- Buils^ Ahev&m 5307. GOVE LUCIEN, East Templeton, Mass. BuUs—Duke of Teinpleton 2272. GRAFF H. C, Kensington, 0. Coves — Mississippi 5212, Princess Lauretta 4(105, Princess Lucy 4(507, Queen Lilly 4608, Royal Rosetta 4606. GRISWOLD STANLEY, Torringford, Ct. ^w«s— Duplex 2692, Glaucus 2687, Jesse Gilbert 2823, Marco Polo 2686, Nathan B. 2970, Red Jacket 2949, Regulus 2819, Revel 2972, Sam Law-ton 2971, Sir Gibbie 2570, Sweepstakes 2382, Tidal Wave 2593. CoK'.s— Alma Aster 5095, Alma Revel 5088, Blu.sb 2d 5627, Edna East 5090, Etta Hall 5091, Hildegard 5110, Inez Stanley 5002, Lucilla Tracy 5089, Naomi 5583, Ora 2d 5094, Ora 3d 5626, Pearl Kasson 5109, Ciuiet 4th 5093. GRIMES WM., Raleigh, N. C. .5m//s— Alamance 2512, Mountaineer 2675, Oregon 2676. Cows — Butter Minnie 4732. GULLY F. A., Agricultural College, Miss. /^M^/.s— February 2638, Fisk Alexander 2562, Jim's Boy 2561, Jim Mess- more 2560, Lapeer 2637, Little Joe 2559, Ohio Duke 2591, Southron 2620, Younger 2558. Cows— Beauty Balm 5012, Emma Extra 5011, Fan Faultless 4887, Full Beauty 4882, Josephine Joy 4990, Josie Fine 4991, Kute Kittle 5010, Live Lucy 4989, Lucy Leech 4886, Lucy "White 4987, Modern 5009, Nelly Nix 4884, Nelly Utica4890, Starbright4888, Tan Topsy 4883. INDEX. 379 HADSELL DENIS, Springboro, Pu. ^mWs— Marshal J. 2772. HAINES JOHN W., Fort Pairtield, Mo. Bu/Zs—Y evmont Chief 2501. HALE W. C, Columbus, Miss. iSw/Zs— Bethany 2444, Dakota Dan 2410, Dclganiu 2450. Cows — Constance 5502, Credit 4697, Dainty Maid 4501, Dora the Devon 4472, Earlie 4644, Listen 4977. HALL H. M., East Burke, Vt. Cows— Ruby 5703. HALL Mrs. H. M., East Burke, Vt. Bulls— F&nnie's Duke 2980, Mammoth 2348. HAMLIN GEO. L., Lanesville, Ct. Cowa— Aggie 5436, Dora Dot 5437, Queen Ann 2d 5435. HAMLIN J. W., West Aurora, N. Y. Co2««— Jewel 5478. HANCOCK I. Wiveliscombe, Somerset, England. Bulls — Jupiter 2685. HANKINSON R,, Mt. Holly, N. J. Bulls — Culmination 2910. Coi«5— Holly Sweet 5529. HANNON DANIEL F., Watertown, Ct. Com;s— Ella Cornwall 4947, Jenny 5th 4946. HARD D. M., Watertown, Ct. ^M^^s— Titus 2651. HARRIS J. L , St. Matthews, Ky. i9M«s— Friend Felix 2565, Havana 2888, Homer Hal 2566, Odin 2924, Tom Knox 2761. Cows— Aieda^5511. Farnatta 5512, Last Day 5171, Vahi 5542. HARROD J. B., Sparta, O. Cows — Emma Hurst 5054. HARVELL T. M., Amherst, N.H. Bu//s— Bill 2538, Ben Bolt 2539. iCows— Costanya 4602, Emma Era 4842, Ella Echo 4843, Sue 4847. HAYES A. C, Burgh Hill, O. BuUs- Enobarbus 2465, Sagito 2590. Cows— Fleeta 5711, Lovely 39th 4723, Ohio Maid 5712, Patty Hayes 4586, Yolande 5710. HAZARD GEO. C, Charleston, R. L £mHs— Charleston 2612. HEALY WALDO M., Dudley, Mass. Bulls— B.&Tr Humbolt 2576. Cows— Adalade 4894, Azubia 4895, Eudocia 4896, Fairy 50th 4892, Hul- dah Healy 4893, Zora 4925, Zylpha 4924. 380 INDEX. HIBBAKL) JOHN F., West Woodstock, Ct. Bulls— Duke of Woodstock 2462. Cows— Belle Fairy 4719, Cora 4753. HICKCOX CHAS. C, Watertown Ct. Cbi/w— Belle of Watertown 4930, Flaxy 4482, Lone Twin 4928, Olive Bud 4929. HICKS E. D., Nashville, Tenn. />'m«s— Buddha 2453, Cambyses 2454, Caradoc 2450, Cepheu^ 27G4, Chc- mos 2762, Clinker 2488, Coptic 2669, Dainio 2489, Dalgarno 2456, Dalgetty 2457, Damojtas 2770, Dainyan 2817, Darter 2302, Formax 2299, Frollo 28S9, lago 2363, Inca 2647, Ladas 2763, Laertz 2298, Landgrave 2300, Lancelot 2863, Lancer 2455, Lara 2649, Legate 2864, Locofoco 2452, Loki28]6, Lokman 2491, Lovelace 2487, Ma- doc 2834. Malvolio 2648, Mark Cockrill 2301, Nimus 2646, Pandar- us 2815, Pan urge 2490, Pasha 2303, Perigrine Pickle 2362, Pomp 2286, Primus 2814, Sarpedon 2451, Spy 2371. Cofw.s— A drtute 4489, Agate 4815, Amazon 4704, Anthia 5424, Abiala 5259, Bayadere 5260, Beauty Mine 5036, Butter Flower 5034, Ceri- sette 5283, Chispa 5353, Clytie 4434, Damone 5285, Dar.ae 4436, Daydream 4440, Dudu 5027, Duenna 4490, Dione 5354, Flosey' 5035, Fortune 4778, Gabrina 5356, Gasela 4814, Lamia 4491, Lethe 4705, Lilita 5256, Lodona 5257, Lofna 5317, Lucasta 4777, Luximee 5008, Ninette 4544, Nirvana 5355, Otsego Maid 5032, Pepita 5028, Piety 4543, Pitapat 5029, Buche 4438, Ruffle 4774, Sabra 5284, Salace 5258, Sally Luun 4439, Sapphire 4775, Valley Pride 5031, Verdandi 4441, Verity 5423, Veronica 4776, Wineford 5030, Zona 5033. niGGINS W. E., Meltzer, Ind. J5mWs— Bucephalus 2434. Cows — Jessie Mead 4688. HILL GEO. R., Oxford, Miss. ^M/is— Constant 2503. Com;s— Danae 4436, Gasela 4814, Loretta 4445. HILLMAN D.H., Brandon, Wis. Bulls— My Boy 2420. Cows— First Fruit 4481, Sweet Love 4480. HILTON JO.-^., New Scotland, N. Y. Bulls — Brave Hilton 2461, Corporal Casey 2734, Premier 2757, Prince John H. 2445, Prince Mickel 2556, Prince of Devons 2459, Prince Taurus 2460, Retainer 2735. r/ow.s— Edith 7th A. 4706, Edith 13th 4707, Edith 14th 4708, Edith 16th 4709, Edith 17th 4710, Edith 18th 4758, Edith 20th 4759, Gipsy Queen 5581. Henrietta H. 5197, Lucy Crown 4712, Lady Jane Edith 4713, .\[ay Maid 4711, Mabel Ensign 4715, Maid of Utica 4716, Miss Nancy New 4717, Patience 4714, Princess of Wales 5196, Ritie 5581, Velvet Y. 5195. INDEX 381 HINELINE A. J., Ava, 0. Cows — Dainty Daisy 4471. HO AG JONATHAN, Tomhannock, N. Y. v9wWs— Fortune 2250, Tidal Wave 2593, Toinliannociv 2251. Cows— Belview 5753, Meg 4950, Nett 4951, Snowbound 5754. HOFFMAN JOHN, Rome, Wis. BuUs— Clan's Ole Bull 2868. HOLLISTER ARTHUR, Washington, Ct. Cows — Gripsey K. 5166. HOLM AN WM; D., West Wellington, Ct. ^m//s— Gazelle Hyde 5656. HOLMES J. C„ Earlville, N. Y. Bulls— ^YnUon. 2240. Cows — Poesy 4984. HOLMES S. E., Rock Rift, N. Y. jBuI/s — Boltamore 2551. Coiws— Wichitah 4875. HOLMES JOS., Bozrahville, Ct. Cows— Beauty Bly 5330. HOLT L. B., Graham, N. C. iSM//s— Alamance 2512, Chester Boy 2824, Frank Brown 28G5. Cows — Daisy Langtry 5426, Gerster 5434, Kate Claxton 5431, Maggie Brown 5429, Marie Roze 5430, Margarot, Mather 5427, Minnie Hauck 5433, Patti 5432, Sarah Bernhardt 5428. HOMISTON A., Fond du Lac, Wis. Bulls— :M J Boy 2420. Cows— First Fruit 4481, Lady Carter 4783, Lady Carter 3d 5569, Little Antic 5567, Miss Devon 5570, Mrs. Devon 4664, Pansy Pearl 5566, Pearla Devon 5568. HOPPIN E. S., Dexter, Minn. Bulls— GTa.T\d Triumph 2304. HORNE JAS. G., North Danville, Vt. iiwiis— Jackson Home 2319. HOTCHKISS G. F., Bristol, Ct. £wHs— Sweepstakes 2382. HOUGHTON S. R., Tracy Creek, N. Y. Bulls— Son of Prince 2937. • HOUSE EDWIN, Waitsfield, Vt. Bulls— Ascatney Boy 2530, Farrell 2641, Grigsby 2639, Gulden 2531, Kit Carson 2d 2934, Stiver 2370, Turner 2640, Waitsfield 2377, Wit 2553, Young Fort 2252. Cows — Ever 4566, Fastidious 5013, Festoon Future 5015, Imp 4565, Nora March 5121, Rose April 5122. HOUSE N. D, Waitsfield, Vt. .gM«s— Great Seal 2935, Jessup 2933, Kit Carson 2d 2934. 382 INDEX. Oowi — Crayon oooT, Fireside 5552, Kindred 6561, Ledger 55d9, Mi$3 Car««in -5560, Madame Kit 5563. Rj\inbow 5098, Sandal 5556,Sparkle 50itit, Tester 555b. 11 « (WARD MRS. A. C, Znnesville, O. BulLi — Aiphonso 2956, Convers 2508, Ohio Chief 2957, Virginia Prince 2249. O/uJs— Caddi.' 5th 5192. Caddie 6th 5195. Lady McHenry 2d 4630, Lady Reno 4631, Lauretta 5173. Sena 19th 4628, Rena 20th 4632, Rena 2l5t 4629, Rena 22d 5174, Rena 23d 5175, Rena 24th 48C6. HOXIE C. R., Leonardsville,N.Y. jB»//.*— Richmond 2241, Tam O'Shanter 2242. HUDSON JOHN, Mowequa, 111. Bulis — Peter C*RY, Wyoming, 111. BuUs—thAVioh 2433. CowTs— Belle Scarff 4687. I^'ES R. L., North Cornwall, Ct. BulLi— Boh Gee 2768. ISOM & PETKIE, Oxford, Miss. Bulls — Constant 2503. IVES JULIUS L, South Meriden, Ct. Cbtc3— Blossom Pet 5635, Melon 5639. JACKSON L. M, Danbury, N. H. .5uia— Prince Rupert 2270. JAMES S. St Silvara. Pa. Coics — Callie Dimock 5248, Dreamland 5709, Sada 5249, Susie James 5250. JOHNSON, J. H. .i T. T., Orange C. H., Va. ^uZ/s— Carlisle 2631, Carpeite 2891, Defender 2615, Funder 263U, Fun- ders Ticlory 2682, Noel 2892, Prince uf Orange 2614. Record 2613. Cbics— Callie 4983, Circlet 5335, Fantell 2d 4980, Fsmtell 3d 4999, Louisa -3591, Maid uf Urange -iCMJl, Page 5592, Parti 4998. Prindss Anna 2d 4981, Sunnyside 4979. Tiny 4997, Vernie 4982. Virginia -5000. JOHNSON JULIUS, South Otselic, N. Y, Bulls— DeenlsixeT 2846, Nelson Jr. 2931, Pathfinder 2845, Pitcher Otse; lie 2321, Wiilett 2-546, Wharton 2320. CwiTa— Alice Graham 5392. Aiice^Munr^'e 5395, Hetty Hort -3396, Hist 5394, Judith -5391, Miss Peyton -5393, ijarah Wharton -5-541. JOHNSTON E. M. A: SON, AJton, N. Y. Bulh— A fion Boy 2264, Calculation 2380. Cleveland 2951. Count Afton 384 INDEX. 244], Delphic 21)40, Duke (Jhoiiaii^'o 2d 2418, Eminent 2488, Free Trade 2727, Lew fciandel 'I'Jdti, fcj.nellzer 2939, Strength 2lJ22, VVoith 2489. A Cows — Cuirie Bell Afton 4396, Costly 4957, Custom 4907, Electron 4561, Jennie J. 4380, Jilty 5585, Lou May 5584, Odella 4589, Susque- hanna Pride 4538. JUHINSTOiN' H. 13. cV: liiCO., Afion, JS. Y. BuLls — Alton lioy 2264, Count Afton 2441, i)elj)iiie 294l», Free Trade 2727, Lew oandel 2938, Smeltzer 2939, Strength 2622, Worth 2439. Cows — J itty 5585, Lou May 5584. JUNES W. B., Herndon, Ga. BuUs — Banker Boy 2573. Cows — Lilly Banker 4917, Nymph 491;'), bunny South 4916. JONES J v., Htrjidon, Ga. ^mWs— Abelard 2780. JONES W. H., South Montrose, Pa. Buiis — Ereelaud 2703, Knight Templar 2516, Lord Tenrhyn 2543, Sehultz 2515, True Briton 2471. Cows — -Baltimore's Pearl 4508, Belle Montrose 4854, Castellaw 4507, Charming Pet 4506, Flip 4800, Jones' Baltimore 4801, JM aid Leva 4858, Kosemay 4636, Temprence (juick 4509. JORDAN A. A., New Ashiord, AJass. Buiis — Rayon d'Or 2369. JUDSON R. C„ Farming-ton, Minn. BuLLs — Steenie 2480. JUDSON P. F., Watertown, Ct. Cows — Jenny 5513. JULIAN JOS., Bainbridge, N. Y. Bulls — Commodore Nult 2699. Cows — Banbridge Quv^en 4662, Blo.ssom 4661, Cherry Blossom 4663, Jacqueline 5252, Lovely Red 4431, Maud J. 5211, Peach Blow 5122. JUTSUM ARTHUR, Litchaton, North Moltun, Devon, Eng. Cows — Mayflower 5085, Miss Albion 5086. KARR N. H., Somerset, O. Cows — Julia North 5687. KASSON WM. F., Beihlehem, Ct. /iMW.s— Bethel 2690, Dan 2691, Didie Beihlehem 289,s, Duplex 2692. Cows — Blanche K. 5170, Daisy IJethlehem 5416, Gipsey K. 5166, Gipscy ii. 2d 5168, Granta 5516, Hildegardc 5119, Kiitee K. 5167, Maud K. 5169, Twilla 5517, Pearl Kasson 5109. KELLER JOU.M IL, Sulphur Si)ring.s, O. ruiUs — Billy Crawsord 2421, Stanh^y Fils2265. Cows— Beauty's Last 4812, Coral Cedar 5814, Irene Cloud 4377, Kitt^- Kramer 4923, Mabel Gray 4397, Myrtle March 5313. INDEX. 385 KELLY M. F., Wiiiooski, Vt. Bulls— Siitvirn 2705. Cows — June Minnie 2d 571:1, Momitjiiii Beauty 4734, Mountuiii Beauty 2d57L5, Kose Mountain 4733. KENDALL 11. G., Twyman's Store, Va. nulls—KondaU 1480. KILBURY W. H., Plain City, (). row.s— Sweet Violet 5489. RING O. B., Water-town, Ct. iJwi'/.S'— Duke Orange 2314, King's Glory 2313. Match le.s.s Sam 2315. Cows — Bocjuet 4455, Kitty King 4458, JVlauie E. 54'JG, Morning Glory 4454, Queen E;ister 4456, Queen Elizabetli 4457. KINNEY NELSON W., Nortlivill.\ Ct. Bulls -Tracy B. 2620. KNAPP J. H., Mayfield, N. Y. Bulls — Montague 2245. KNESKEIN JAS, Carlisle, N. Y. Bulls — Crowner 2504. Corvs — Calm 4794, Certain 4700, Inipritit 5507, Mimie 5713. KNOWLTON H. W.. Freeport, 111. Cdiijs — Castia 5479, Caspian ira 5480. KRAMEE J. L., Bowl, ng Green, O. Com,— Kitty Kramer 4923, Zip 4922. LAMB ROBERT, Vincent station, «). Bulls — Buckeye John 1729, LARGE G. W., Portland, Station, O. Bulis—'L-^rga'ii Major 2322. Cows — Rowena Red 4805. LEACH THOMPSON, Parkersburgh, W. Va Cows— Girl Grace 4770, Golden Grain 4772, Lettie Leach 4771. LEECH P. K., Utica, Mich. Bulls — Jim's Boy 2561. Cows— Devon Princess 2d 4889, Fan Faultless 4887. Lucy Leech 4886, Lydia Pinkham 4891, Nelly Utica 4890, Nelly Leech 4885. LEAVENWORTH HE N RY, Hotehkinsville, Ct. ^«//.s— Hail Hiawatha 2409. LEE E. E., Richmond Centre, O. ^m//.s— Sir Walter Don 2448. LEWIS D M., Casstown, O. Cows— Balnora 5080, Lola Lee 5149, Stella L. 5207. LEW IS SHELDON, Bristol, Ct. | Cows — Beauty Andrews 5475. LEWIS T. D., Casstown, O. Bulls— W\Km\ 2436, Twilight Ben 2709. Cows— Kitty Lewis 4689, Lula Lee 5069, 386 INDEX. LEWIS J. L., Copenhagan, N. Y. />'/'a//s— Triumph 2593i. rEllCY U. H., rioulh Woudstock, Ct. J>u//s — li\H\iin 2di^, Tut-in- liay 2526. Cows — Doraliiie 482o, Esuieralda 4o'.j9, Good News 4o42, Laili'a Hose 4446, Serene 5587. THE LPS liUKACE M., Co.ebrooic, Ct. Cows — Lulu Phelps 508L PHILLBKOOK H. L , Laconia, N. H. Bu//s — Ba^ Boy Jr. 2572, Belknap Prinf'e24]1, Young Bonus 257L Cows — Prineess iielknap 5220. PIEKCE CALViN, Disco, Mich. tows — Lena Lass 4603. PIERPONT Mrs. GEU., Plymouth, Ct. Cows — Gem 4687. PIKE H. D., Lapeer, Mich. £u//s — February 2638, Lapeer 2687. C'ow6— Beauty Balm 5012, Emma P^xtra 5011, Kute Kitlie 5010, Mod- ern 5009. POLLOCK J. W., Cedarville, O. /?w//*— Charles Elliott 2267, Charles Foster 2486, Pawtanska 2881. tows — Belle Loi^aii 5495, Jennie Pollock 5494, Junia 4773, Kate Blaine 5493, Unette 4622, VVidineta 4625. POMEPvOY J. A., Sidney Center, N. Y. /)«//.i— Canter 2507, Carlo 244U, Cartridge 2506 Colorific 2505, Complete 2511, Compulsory 2510, Crater 2509, Crowner 2504, Dandy Devon 2244, Ira 2332, Irving 2330. xVlain Top 2826, Montague 2245, Prin- cipal 2389, Sky Sail 2827, Sir Le^^n Devenant 2364, Troilus 2925, Vernon Lord 2243. Coios — Agnes Augusta 4398, Almond 5343, Auntie 5349, Candor 5344, Captor 5172, Calm 4794, Cassia 5342, Central 4781, Certain 4790, Classmate 4793, Clovernip 4792, Cressid 5545, Lactea 5544, Lady Devenant 4546, Lady F'enn 4545, Lady Hesba 4547, Lady ilanville 4548, Lady Sarah 4486, Laura Edith 4487, [Mabel Martin 5604, Mo- nona 4872, Pay Well 5845, liiver 5341. POMEROY Mrs. J. A., Sidney Center, N. Y. Cow6 — Minnie's Pet 4795. POMEROY" M. B., Sidney Center, N. Y. * Cows — Agnes Augusta 4898, Cash Box 5543. POMEROY ORRIN, Sidney Center, N. Y. Bu//s — Sir Leon Devenant 2364. POMEROY FRED T., Sidney Center, N. Y. Cows— Cartridge 2506. INDEX. 393 POMEJ^OY Wm. D, Somers, Ct. ^m//s— Prince Arthur 284H, Coivs—Wizsibeth Sterling b398. P031ER0Y M. E,, Sidney Center, N. Y. Cows— Agnes Augusta 4398. POOL W. W., Majurs, Neb. Cows — Prairie Queen 5677, Victoria 8tl] 5(376. POPE A. H., Rome, N. Y. Cows — Esmeralda 5746. PORTEPv JOS, Hemlock, Mich/. Cot'«^/.s--Big Buckeye 2340, Clarence 2473, Dogwood 2342, Earl of War- wick 2474, Eric Rex 2472, Ethelred 2365, Latter Day 2960, Orlando 2788, Rock 2341, Stub 2343, Twist 2344. Cows— Aurellia 4498, Little Bettie 4496, Materna 5290, Marit 4502, Miss Bitter Sweet 5289, Teresa Alba 4752, White Tip 4497. PUTNAM SAMUEL, Cornish, N. H. Bulls— Ben Butler 2523, Cornish 2403, Elect 2522, Jack of Clubs 2833, Juno Sutton 2597, Ned Putnam 2583. Coias- Chosen 4812, Lady Cornish 4813, Molly P. Stark 5352. PUTNAM C. & G. M., Contoocook, N. H. Cows — Bessie Putnam 5625. RANKIN ANDREW, Galligber O. Cotos — Rose White 5311. RANKIN J. H. (and W. D. Work), Buttklo, Pa. Bulls— Daniel Boone 2336. RAWSON J. C, New London, O. Bulls~\ ittle Brat 2534. Cown — Courtley 4877. RAWSON LUTHER, Oak Creek, Wis. i^Miis- Deliverance 2712, Frank Cute 2568, Friend Felix 2565, Havana 2888, Homer Bal 2566, Mumbo Jumbo 2564, Odin 2924, Tom Knox 2761, Victor Oak 2567. Cows — Achsa Eawson 4900, Aieda 5511, Chloe Choate 4901, Danae5217, Edna Elm 4902, Faithful 5159, Farnatta 5512, Irene Ida 4904, Jean Junior 4905, Langt-y 4906, La.st Day 5171, Merry 5160, Nora Nip 4903, Our Choice 5158, Song Bird 5161, Sweet Rest 5162, Vala 5542, RAYNESFORD D. J., West Hartford. Ct. Bulls — Commodere Foot 2793. REED N. B., Princeton, Mass. Balls— W\g Wachusett 2544, Duke of Templeton 2272. Cows — Montane 4848. BEED J. W^ARNER, Hinsdale, 111. Cows— Cleosa 2d 5288. INDEX. 395 KEES SAMUEL, Sparta, 0, Bulls — Golesmith 2574. REILLY S. NANCIE, Mt. V^enion, N. H. Cows— Sue 4841. ROHRER JAS. JI., Fainnuunt, La. Cows — Daydream 4440, Sa>lly Lunn 443U, Vcrdaudi 444L RICE H. A , Columbus, Miss. Bulls -Q\i\zQn 2446, Dakota Dan 2410. Cows — Dainty Maid 4501, Dora the Devjn 4472. RICE CALEB, Hiram, O. £m«s— Wide Awake 2361. RICHARDS E. D., Nashville, Tenn. Bulls — Armorial 2856, Berlin 2854, Nemesis 2855. Cows— EfEe B. 5413, La Mode 5411, Pellucid 5412, Silesia 4868, Silky Bet 4540. RIDDELL JAS. E, South Tunbridge, Vt. Bulls— Kit Carson 2d 2934. RINGER T. B., Galligher, O. Cows— Sadie' McMillen 4918. ROBERTS J. T., Fultonham, O. Cows — Bertha Belle 4639. ROBERT C. R., Oakdale, N. Y. i9M//s— Mark Twain 2592. Cows— Laura. Bliss 4960, Rosedud Bliss 5292, Rosetta 5291. ROGERS D WIGHT, North Cornwall, Ct. ^m//s— Bob Gee 2768, Brick 2711. Cows — Gazelle Dean 5153, Lyra Gem 5154, Vera 5155. ROGERS H. L., North Cornwall, Ct. Cows — Lyra Gem 5154, Vera 5155. ROGERS C. E , Albany, Vt. Cows— Lilly's Count 2781. ROSE J. R., Lakeville, Cal. £mMs— Alexander Rex 2281, Curly John 2270, Gen. Vallejo2278, Hawk- eye 2277, Sir William 2279, Sonoma Boy 2282. Cows — Betsy Morris 4582, Blossom Fay 4575, Chloe Rose 4410, Clarice Chloe 4411, Curly 2d 4409, Fay Buttercup 4579, Leona- Rose 4413,. Lola Sonoma 4414, Loretta 4412 Ruby Regina 4418, Wilma4415, Winona Wilma 4416, Wisteria 4417. ROSS L. F., Avon, 111. Ziw«s— Augustus 2237, Barnaby Rudge '^66^, Da\id Cupperfield 2663, Dundee 2259, Georgee Lee 2238, .M asterpiecc 2-60, Nicholas Nickle- by 2666, Oliver Twist 2664, Rex foid 2239, Richmond 2241, Tam O'Shanter 2244, Watson 2240. Cw4— Annie Yen 4515, Dimple 4401, Katrine 4402, Midge 5059, 396 INDEX. ROSS ANDREW, Burrell, Pa. Bulls— B\\\ Turitan 2378. Cows — May Puritan 4583. ROSS J. H., Findlay, O. Bui/s—JJee Jay 2603. Cows — Isadore L. 4681, Mystery 4685. ROYCE J. P., Mongaup Valley, N. T. ^w^^s— Gold Dust 2016. RUMSEY A. W., Westfield, N. Y. Bulls— Boom 2769, Brokenstraw 2697, High Tide 2756, Mark Twain 2592, Romulus 2959, True Briton 2471. Cows—BeWe Magee 5236, Blanche Briton 5237, Chico Casta 5590, Cos- tume 5510, Dreamer -5508, Ernestine 5506, Imprint 5507, Jessica 5126, Lady Catharine 4855, Laura Bliss 4960, Lavinia True 4961, Mimic 5713, Maybell 4856, Nettie Buckeye 4738, Pawpaw 4948, Relative 5509, Rosebud Bliss 5292, Rosetta 5291, Synthia Bliss 4739, Western Beauty 5266. RUNALS E. L, Ripon, Wis. Bulls— ^Vy Boy 2420. CoMJS— First Fruit 4481, Sweet Love 4481. RUNDELL R. J., Middletown, Ct. jB«<«,s— Altitude 2806. Cows — June Girl 5310. RUNYAN HIRAM D.. Disco, Mich. BmMs— Pedro Ali 2391. Cows— Lena Lass 4603, Mabel May 4604. RUSSELL J AS., Polk, Pa. ^Mi^s— Upward 2740. RYDER H. C, Spanker, O. Bulls— C&Wm 2432. SACKETT G. L., Delaware, O. Bulls— BnvWn Boy 2953, Peter S. 2954. Cows — Bessie Delaware 4389, Eva S. 5602, Grace Delaware 5601. SANBORN J. B., Ea. BuUs — Burdine2654, Esto 2775, Peter Cooper 2653, Pharaoh 2433, Prince Albert Kent 2776. Cows— Belle Shreve 5070, Gladdie 4908, Gracie Scartf 4679, Maud Maid 5269. UDALL E. A., Hiram, O. Bulls — Wide Awake 2361. VAIL GEO., Troy, N. Y. BuUs—WaUace 2875. Cows — Florence Nightingale 5476, Jenny Lind 5274, Jenny Lind 2d 5473, Ruby 5273, Prude 2d 5474. VAN EATON Mrs. A. L., Woodville, Miss. Bulls — Checkmate 2521. VASS DOUGLASS, Mobile, Ala. Com— Ruth M. 5336. VENTRESS BROS., Woodville, Mi.ss. Bulls— CUn Nelson 2518. WAGONER S. L., White Eyes Plains, O. Cows— Annie of Plains 4588. WAIT DAVID & SON, Well< Bridge, N. Y. Bulls — Boltamore 2557, Boston Drtimmer 2978, Clifion of Clifton 2760, Commodoie Nutt 2699, Jay Gould 2650, Joe Dennis 2671, Mage 2276, Milo 2275, Rocco 2419, Trim Tiger2493^ Unadilla Prince 2297. Cows- Ada Jefferson 4408, Beauty Blest 4429, Belle Beauty 4432, Bessy Turner 4782, Cory Candy 4430, Conquest 4474, Doliy Taber 5025, Eve 4874, Hasen Bess 5644, Lady -Mine 4993, Lovely Red 443], Madame Vern 5643, Sun Shine 5645, Zephvr ^elja 443^, INDEX. 403 WAKEFIELD D. K., Danville, Vt. Cows— Petted Prue 450i, Kosebud Red 5156, Sadie Howe 5157. WALKEE W. S., Utica, Mich. Bulls—Fisk Alexander 2562, Long Tom 2590, Ohio Duke 2591, Utica 2621. Cou-s— Cream Girl 4945, Lydia Pinkham 4891, Troy Pride 4992. WALKER JAS. E„ Walker's Mills, Pa. j5w//s— Orient 2733. -* WASHBON A. G., Morris, N. Y. . £mH.s— Island Chief 2904. WATSOiV J. J., Galligher, 0 Cows— Emma Nett 5017, Lady Plow Boy 5016. WATTS J. J., Buckeye Cottage, O. Cows— Myrtle ]^aid 4638. WANCK HARVEY, Lirneus, Mo. Com;s— Dimple 4401, Diona 4781. WEAVER JOHN, Basil, O. Bulls— Beed 2743. Cows— Maiden Blush 4921, Miss Red Bird 5018. WEBSTER W. H., Berlin, Ct. £m«s— Commodore Foot 2793, Jesse Gilbert 2823. WEBSTER DANIEL, Berlin, Ct. ^M^is— Jesse Gilbert 2823. WELLER S. F., New Lexington, O. .Sm/Zs— Genteel 2981. CoM^s— Bertha Belle 4639, Caddie 7th 5654, May Mystic 4640, Myrtle Maid 4638. WETMORE W. D., Springboro, Pa. ^Mi^s— Cicero 2773, Conrad 2774, Figure 2634, Marshal J, 2772- Cows — Desire 5748, Minnie Ward 5263, Orphan Lass 5268. WHICHER C. W., Northfield, N. H. Bu/ls— Joe 2847. CowJs- Miss Northfield 5397. WHITE & COLLINS, Indian Bayou, Miss. ^is— Rosebud Red 4949. WHITE C. G., Lapeer, Mich. Bulls — Captain Rodney 2619. Cows — Josie Fine 4991, Josephine Joy 4990, Lass Josephine 4988, Live Lucy 4989, Lucy White 4987. WHITE W. M., Canaseraga, N. Y. ^m//s— Barnstaple 2822, Bideford 2821, Don Alphonso 2294, Duke of Ossian 2593, Enobarbus 2465, Eros 2466, Georgia 4th^2618, Georgia gieorgia 2288, Georga 2d 2289, Georgia 3d 2290, Hugo 2292, Hugg 404 INDEX. 2d 2463, Jacko 22%, Jumbo 22'Jl, Margrave 2464, Menas 2467, Nemo 2296. Coii;s- -Banneret 5295, Georgianna lOtli 4424, Georgianna 12Ui 4727, Georgianna 13th 4986, Helena 54th 4426, Helena 55th 4427, Helena 58th 4428, Helena 57th 4728, Helena 58th 4729, Lovely 37th 4732, Lovely 38th 4722, Lovely 39th 4723, Lovely 40th 4724, Lovely 41st 4725, Lovely 42d 4726, Maid of Torridge 5331, Maid of Plym 5332, k Maid of Taw 5333, Maid of Tamar 5334. WHITMOKE D. J , Casstown, 0. ^m//s— Bagosas2862, Balsora 2799, Bashi Bazouki 2963, Ben Allen 2681, Benedict F 2431, Ben Nevis 2404, Berger 2678, Bertram 2680, Ber- wick 2679, Hoisfort 2961, Bontecou 2962, Bompass 2861, Boukler 2798, Bijou 2797, Buckeye Lad 2248, Bucephalus 2434, Burdine2654, Burke Hazel 2798, Burton Lewis 2655, Calvin 2432, Caput 2624, David W. 2859, Dee Jay 2603, Extreme 2604, Era 2964, Hannibal S. 2327, Miama 2436, Major Downing 2656, Newbury 2435, Pharaoh 2433, Peter L. 2708, Peter Cooper 2653, Policeman 2G00, Tullie S. 2527. Cows — Alvira Brown 5611, Beowawa 5612, Belle Scarff 4687, Beauty Jane 5045, Belle Shreve 5070, Belvira 5076, Bertie Moore 5074, Belnora 5080, Belmaria 5301, Bessie Allen 5150, Bertie Allen 5151, Brunella 5073, Brownie Allen 5077, Buelah 4909, Cly- tie D. 5075, Emma Black 5420, Emma G. 5147, Estella G. 5148, Esther Silvey 5421, Edith Deweese 5078, Ethel Shreve 5072, Fannie Langtry 4686, Fine Phoebe 5053, Florine 4682, Gervase 4684, Glad- die 4908, Gracie ScarflF 4679, Grechen Z. 4677, Handsome 5047, Helenora 5071, Isadora 4678, Isadoreh L. 4681, Jessie Mead 4688, Kerenhappuch 4680, Kitty Lewis 4689, Lola Lee 5149, Lovely Allen 5145, Lulu Lee 5069, Luckey 5044, Maud 4528, Miss Lord 5052, Mystery 4685, Posey S. 4690, Sadie Moore 5079, Stella L. 5207, Summer 4967 Wahneta 4625. WILKIN J. S., Cambridge, O. Coios— Betty Wilkin 5051, Biddy 5050. WILSON K. H. Wheeling, W. Va. .5m//s— Patapsco 2d 2415. Cows— Bettie Neil 4647. ' • WILSON HENRY J., Milford, N. H. Bulls— Folengo 2386. WILSON HENRY, Belaire, Md. .5mHs— "Buckingham 2482. WILSON THOS , Somerset, O. Cows— J aWa. North 5687. WILSON J. T., Rehoboth, O, Cows — Julia North 5687. W^OODBURY ISAAC, Salem Depot, N. H. Bu/ls — George Washington 2792. Com;s— Ede 2294, Nellie Salem 4475, Rosamond 4th 5293. INDEX. 405 WOOLCUT GEO., Sidney Center, N. Y. ^m//s— Principal 2389. WOOLLEY, S. J., Hillard, O. Bu/is— Ben Nevis 2404, Berlin Boy 2953, Duke 2658, Duke of Apple- dale 2404, Hauteor 2660, M:aluka2662, Oroiito 2552, Red Bear 2661, Sable Plume 2698, Swift Waters 2659. Cows— Alfretta WooUey 4627, Annie Stewart 5055, Achsa 5127, Au- rellia 4498, Coosa 5129, Daisy Appledale 4623, Emma Hurst 5054, Etura 4626, Emlu 5056, Elmira 5057, Jennie Pollock 5494, Kate Blaine 5493, Little Bettie 4496, Lucene 4671, Mai 5131, Metah 5130. Maumee 4670, Ouina 4621, Queen of Appledale 4624, Totela 5128, Unette 4622, Wahneta 4625. WALCOTT EDWIN, Watertown, O. Cows — Agnes Barlow 4423. WOLFE GEO. W., Keene, O. Cows — Queen Quiet 4470. WORK S. C, Buffalo, Pa. Cows— Buffalo Queen 5265, Dollie Work 5264, Ida Work 4822. WRIGHT & BATTIN, Shunk, Pa. ^m//s— Jumbo 2841. YALE J. W., Meriden, Ct. Bulls — Diamond Don 2975, Jesse Gilbert 2823. Cows— Bessie Bee 5640, Betsy Bobbett 5199, Blossom Pet 5635, Lottie Leo 5868, Tirzah Ann 5636, Young Fancy 5637. YORK IRWIN, Brock, O. Bulls— Bvock 2736, Brock Boy 2581, Foraker 2737, Liberal 2417, Right Trusty 2316, Wealthy 2582. Cows— Antic's Beauty 4518, Daisy Dale 5696, Decorah 5693, Delle 6694, De Rosa 5690, Dextress 5689, Dolly Smith 5691, Duck 5692, Dutch Girl 5752. Happy 5.695, Laura M. 5200, Maud Moses 4406, Win- some 4660. YONNGER WM., Fairbury, 111. £m«s— Rover Ross 2569. Cows— Allie Remus 4913, Buelah 4909, Chioe Pearl 4910, Emma Coon 4912, Gladdie 4908, Kerenhappuch 4683, Lady Mac 4911. ZEH S. W., Schohaire, N. Y. -5m//s— Braddock 2783. CORRECTIONS. The following errors chiefly typographical and omissions have been discov- ered in Volume II. since its publication. PAGE. 39, Bull Evans 1505, "sold in 185-, to ," should read sold 185-, to O. H. P. Scott, Farmington. Iowa. 50, Bull Portage 1577, castrated March, 1879. (This was reported too late for Vol. II. 85, Bull Empire 6rh 1817. Sold to H. Powell «fe Son, should read sold in 1865, to H. Powell & Son. 159, Cow "Belle Flora 9th 2773. Sold Sept. 1, 1878, to John Miller, Rich- mond, Ind.; should read sold Sept 1, 1878, to John M. Miller, Hick- ory, Pa. 393, Index, should c< ntain the name of Beecher 1G79. 395, Index, .should contain the name of Evans 1505. TRANSFERS. Transfers of Devons, entered in Volumes I and II, made since the publi- cation of those volumes. BULLS. Abbott 1882— E. D. Hicks to A. W. Hurst, Letohachee, Ala. Adam 2053— T. Baker to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Admired President 2016 — J. B. Longeneckerto J. Benson, Colebrook, Pa. ' Agnostic 2228^E. D. Hicks to Porter «& Powell, Roe, Ark. Arthur S. J. W. 2087— P. Palmer to .S. J. Woollcy, Hilliard, O. Asteroid 21 52 —D. J. Whitmore to A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. Badger Boy 258 — A. J. Homiston to P. Root. Medina, Wis. Banker 1974 — J. A. Pomeroy to A. T. Boice, Loomis, N. Y. Banker 1974— A. T. Boice to J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Bar Bodine 1893— J. M. Richardson to F. D. Beck, Bethany, W. Va. Barefoot 272— D. J. Whitmore to S. J. WooUey, Hilliard, O. Barley 2d 2070— J. Mead to A. Slade, Greenville, O. Baron 278— W. C. Stiles, Jr., to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Bashan 2015— B. F. Peck to W. C. Hale, Columbus, Miss. Bashan 2015— W. C. Hale to B. C. Hunter, Curl's Station, Ala. Benmore 1337 — W. Peacock to T. C. Peacock, Harrisville, Ind. Bennie 2223— W. C. Coulter to R. Gleason, Benson, Vt. Big Phil 1936— G. Baker to W. H. Potter, Watertown, Wis. Billy 1306— E. C. Bliss to D. A. Allen, Brokenstraw, N". Y. Billy 1306— D. A.. Allen to J. Buckingham, Zanesville, O. Billy 2d 2023— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B, Johnston & Bro., Afton, N. Y. Billy Butter 2195— C. H, Huggins to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, III. Billy Cheatham 1871 — J. B. Sims to F. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. Bishop 1450 — J. Mead to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Bloomfield 2018 — J. B. Longenecker to E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. Bloomfield 2018— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, NY. Bouncer 2088 — D. J. Whitmore to T. C. Peacock, Harrisville, Ind. Bracken 1756— W. Denison to W. H. & L. Keyes, Adams ville, O. Bracken 1756— W. H. &L. Keyes to S. F. Weller, New Lexington, O. 408 TRANSFERS. Breastwork 129-i— S. J. Woolley to S. C. Cook. San Francisco, Cal. Britton 1420 — L. W. Dyer to H. Haner, Lexington, N. Y. Brutus 2089 — D. J. Wliitmore to W. Younger, Fairbury, 111. Buckeye Boy 2189 — F. Palmer to W. Dent, Wewcomerstown, O. Burnett 2d 2038 — Wm, White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angles, Cal. Burnete 3d 2039 — W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angles, Cal. Cadmus 2044 — 1. Woodbury to Ji. Lamb, Leicesttr, Mass. Captain 2187 — L. Rawson to F. E. Carswell, Lone Kock, Wis. Captain C. G. 20b 1 — B. F. Feck to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angles, Cal. L/arlos 2018 — U. F. Peck to J. W. Morse, Verona, Wis. Chaperon 1883 — E. I). Hicks to E. C. Demoss, Belle View, Tenn. Charles 2014 — B. F. Peck to H. Calkins. Alleghau, Mich. Christopher 2100 — T. Baker to L. F. Boss, Avon, 111. Clarence 2473 — 1. W. Putnam to P. Palmer «feSon, Whipple, O. Clifford 2099 — T. Baker to L. F, Ross, Avon, 111. Comet Young 4th 418— H. Dodge to C. D. W. Cooper, Mapleville, R. I. Colebrook 2231 — J. o. Titus to H. M. Phelps, Colebrook, Conn. Columbus P. 2074 — B. F. Peck to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angles, Cal. Cornwall 2079— C. L. Dayton to tJ. H. Peck, Watertown, Ct. Cornwall 2119 — J. fc>. Titus tu ti. Griswold, Torringford. Ct. Credo 188» — W. M. White to A. C. Hays, Burgh Hill, O. Dane Bo^ 2020 — 1. !S. iSevvton to D. ¥. jN'ewton, Bridev?titer, Dak. Dare 2008— D. J. Whitiuure to J. Jd. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Defiance 2184 — J. B. tianborn to C. Putnam, Conticook, N. H. Delaware 1835 — D. Wait to E. M. Johnston »lc ISon, Afton, N. Y. Diamond R. 2081 — D. Rogers to E. P. Lyman, Warren, Conn. Dick 2115 — L. F. Ross to G. P. Howell, Keener Station, Mo. Dictator 1811— J. M. Miller to J. G. & J. A. B. Walker, Enon Valley, Pa. Dobson 2058 — T. Baker to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Duke 3d 1751 — JS. B. Choate to White & Collins, Indian Bayou, Miss, Duke B. 2094 — T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Dukeot Avon 5th 1740 — L. F. Ross to H. Shaw, Cotfeyville, Kan. Duke of Avon 6th 2110 — L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, la. Duke of AvoD 7th 2111 — L. F. Ross to W. K. Hollenbeck, Parker, Dak. Duke of Avon 9th 2112 — L. F. Ross to R. R. Fisher, Colfax, Iowa. Duke of Aven 10th 2113 — L. F. Ross to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Duke of Chenango 2022 — E. M. Johnston to C. W. Masten, South Wor- cester, Ct. Duke of Darlington 1336— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Duke of Devenshire 2d 498— H. Dodge to C. D. W. Cooper, Mapleville, R. L Duke of Madison 2208— E. S. Killbury to W . H. Killbury, Plain City, O. Earl of Exeter 1910— Mrs. W. C. Flagg to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Earl of Exeter 1910— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Earl of Warwick 2474— I. W. Putnam to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Eix-hty-Onc 2031 — J. W. Morse & Sons to T. Rowle, Jackson, Minn. Elgin 2d 1898 — E. D. Hicks to E. D. Richard.s, Nashville, Tenn. TRANSFERS. 409 Eric Rex 2472—1. W. Putrjam to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Fairy's Duke of Hampden &52— E. H. Hyde to A. Storrs, ]Maiisfield, Ct. •Fantora 2192 — E. H. Hyde to J. P. Gage, "West W oodetock, Conn. Forest King 1828— J. Hoag to D. Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Frank 1562— J. T. McPherson to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Frank 1562 — D Tom to Powell Bros., Springboro, Pa. Frank P. 2078— T. C. Peacock to I. Moses, Greenville, O. Frank P. 2078—1. Moses to I. York", Brock, O. Frank P. 2078— T. York to D. Stewart, Bayou Sara, La, Frank P. 2078— D. Stewart to Dr. T. O. Woods, Woodvilie, Miss. Franklm B. 2086— P. Palmer to J. Blake, Whipple, O. Garfield P. P. 2082— -J. Blake to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Garfield P, P. 2082— P. Palmer to H. McCartney, North Salem, O. Gen. Garfield 1865—1. A. Ormi.-ton to E. Wolcott, Watertown, O. Gen. Garfield 1016— G. W. Doty to W. M. Small, Morrisville, Vt. Gen. Garfield 2047— A. J. Mitchell to W. Parker, Reed's Ferry, N. H. Gen. Hancock 1951— C. H. Huggins to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Gen. Pope 1273— Lewis Einsel to J. H. Keller, Sulphur Springs, O. George Lee 2238— Chapman Bros, to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. George Lubeck 2085— P. Palmer to E. D. Hupp, Lubeck, W. Va. Gracchus 1881— E. D. Hicks to W. Reed, Hematite, Ky. Gurnee Ladd 2d 2107— T. Bidwell to L. F Ross, Avon,- 111. GurneeLad 2d 2107— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Hampden 2010 — H. M. Sessinos to Rev. E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. HanlandlSlO- J. M. 3Ii!ler to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Haynoke 3d 1912— Mrs. S. S. Flagg to Gen. L. F. Ross, Avon, Hi. Henry D 2083— P. Palmer to G. \Volf, Keene, O. Hercules 2163— Powell Bros, to W. B. Taylor, Lincolnville, Pa. Hero 2138 — L. Rawson to J. A. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. Hiawatha 1977— J. A. Pomeroy to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. Jack 1473— P. Palmer to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Jack 1473 — A. McGregor to P. Palmer, V\ hippie, O. Jackson S. 2101 — Chapmon Bros, to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Jackson S. 2101 — L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. James Merson 1629— J. B. Beck to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N . Y. James Merson 1629— B. F. Peck to Neb. Land & Cattle Co., Majors, Neb. Jay 1891— W, M. White to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Jerry 1525 — L. Rawson to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Jerry 1525 — L. F. Ross to J. H. Craig and H. Wauck & Co., Linneus, Mo. Jockey 2076— Geo. W. Thurston to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre,* Mass. Jockey 2076— E. House to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Jockey 2d 3018— G. W. Thurston to G. F. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Joe 1937— G. Baker to A. R. Earle, Aztalan, Wis. Joe of Iowa 2109— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. John B. E. B. 2108 — L. F. Ross to B. E. Brewster, Cheyenne, Wyoming John Bull 1935— G. Baker to E. E. Curtis, Berlin, Wis. John Titus 2122— S. H. Peck to C. Merrian, Litchfield, Ct, 410 TRANSFERS. Kensington 1715 — H. C. Graft" to D. Vass, Mobile, Ala. King Fred 2166— Powell Bros, to J. W. Dobbs, Wurtemburg, Pa. King Fred 2166— J. W. Dobbs to J. H. Magee, Portersville, Pa. King of the Dairy 2035— E. Hungerford to A. R Fuller, Malone, N. Y. King William 2d 2170— Powell Bros, to R. K. Payne, Parkman, O. King William 769— Powell Bros, to J. Russell, Polk, Pa. Lady May's Duke 1377— Mrs. S. S. Flagg to J. A. Gillman, Brighton, 111. Lady May's Duke 1377 — J. A. Gillman to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Latter Day 2690—1. W. Putnam to P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, O. Leader 1356— R. L. Coeto E. M. Brown, Gillford, N. H. Lebanon 2056— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Leroy.1271— D. J. Whitmore to L. S. Baldwin & Co., Whitehall, 111. Linden 2096— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Lion King 1956— C. H. Huggins U) L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Litchfield 2d 1766— T. Baker to J. Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y.; ^ : Little Tom 1934— G. Baker ta R. E. Wedgewood, Shawano, Wis. Lochiel 2230— E. D. Hicks to Porter & Powell, Roe, Ark. Lord^Nelson 2d 801 — A. F. Bronson to O. Prichard, Springville, Pa. Lord Nelson 3d 2050 — T. Baker to J. B Sims,-Bayou Sara, La. Major 2095— J. C. Holmes to^T.-Baker, Earlville, N. Y". Major 2095— T. Baker to L. F. Loss, Avon, 111. Major B. 1725— E. D. Hicks to W. W. Berry, Nashville, Tenn. Major B. 1725 — W VV. Berry to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. ■ Major Shaw 2159— H bhaw to W. Shaw, Cofieyville, Kan. Mazeppa 1953 — C. H, Huggins to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Monarchy 2950 — R. A. Ford to Charles Merriman, Litchfield, Ct. Moses B. 2153— I. W. Putnam to I. A. Ormiston, Barlow, O. Moses B. 2153— I. A. Ormiston to S. F. Russell, Waterford, O. Nahabed 2063— J. A. Bill to R. N. Francis, West Hartford, Wis, Napoleon 896— H. C. Graff to T. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. Ned Marvis 2205— L. F. Ross to W. Scofield, Alma, Kan. Ned Morris 2205— J. A. Gillman to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Ned England 1805— B. Moulton to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Norman 2097— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Ohio Boy 2090—1. A. Ormiston to S. T. Russell, Waterford, O. Oliver 1931— W. Brough to T. Netheny& J. A. Ollis, Mira Creek, NebT^ Omega 1975 — J. A. Pomeroy to N B. Reed, Princeton, 111. Oneco2091— J. Holmes to J. B. Gelston, East~Haddam, Ct. Oratorio 2233 — Mrs. A. C. Howard to S. Harris, Adamsville, Ohio. Palermo 2204— J. A. Gillman to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Pat 2142— Ward Parker to C. W. Whicher, Northfield, N. H. Pendennis 1902 -E, D. Hicks to W. A. & R. P. McClain, Lebanon. Tenn. Prince 2048— W. E. Arnold to T. & P. H. Yale, Nineveh, N. Y". Prince Imperial 2167 — Powell Bros, to R. A. Love, Chester, S, C. Prince of Lapeer 1581 — S. T. Dorsey to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Professor 2054— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. froudfoot 1559— J. T. McPherson to J. McMillen & Son, Galigh^r, Q, TRANSFERS. 411 Puritan 4th 1889— W. M. Whit« to L. F. Ross, Avon III. Furitan 4th 1889— L. F. Ross to T. E. Andrews, Hollenberg, Kan. Ratler 1892— G. Baker to P. U eber, Richfield, Wis. Red Buck 1949— W. Youngpr to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Red Buck 1949— L. F. Ross to L. Allen, Altona, Col. Red Cloud 1948— D. J. Whitmore to H. Jewett, Fenton, O. Red Jacket 2201— E. B. Denison to W. Curtis, East Orange, Vt. Red Oak 1947— W. Younger to L. F. -Ross, Avon. 111. Red Oak 1947 — L. F. Ross to B. E. Brewster, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Remus 2118— L. F. Ross to W. Younger, Fairbury, 111. Rena's Boy 2012— F. D. Beck to M. V. Hukill, Bethany, W. Va. Roaney 2108— T, Bidwell to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Roaney 2l03— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Rboderick Dhu 1911— Mrs. W. C. Flags: to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Rhoderick Dhu 1911— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Sambo 2136 — L. Rawson to T. Bidwell, Gurnee, 111. Scott 2116 — Chapman Bros, to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Scott 2116 — L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Servosee 2057— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. 6ir Guy 1843 — H. M Bush to J. M. Rohrer, Fairmount, La. Sir Walter Scott 2093— T Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Spanker 2227— E. D. Hicks to T J. & J. C. Brooks, Griffin, Ga. Splendour 2608— N. B. Choate to C. H. Huggins, Gilson, 111. Superior 1160 — J. M. Bacheldor to A A. Jordon, New Ashford, Mass. Tempest 1979— J. A. Pomeroy to L. G. Darbee, Liberty, N. Y. Texas Jim 2213— P. K. Leech to F. A. Gulley, Agricultural College Miss. Thomas 1734— Dr. J. C. Morris to T. Lovelock & Co., Gordonsville, Va. Triumph 2d 1779 — J. W. Moase & Sons to W. S. Hyer, Springfield Cor- ners, Wis. Unadilla 2117 — Chapman Bros, to L, F. Ross, Avon, 111. Unadilla 2117— L. F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Valiant 2104— T. Bidwell to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Valiant 2104 — L F. Ross to J. T. Stewart, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Verona Champion 2030 — J. W. Morse & Sons to A. White, Wonewoc, Wis. Wilbraham 3d 1232— Rev. E. Hungerford to M. T. Kelly, Burlington, Vt. Willard 2052— T. Baker to Jay & Morton, Rockland, N. Y. Winchester 2098— T. Baker to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Winooski Prince 2d 2066— E. Hungerford to M. T. Kelly. Burlington, Vt. Wonder 2133 — A. T. Bronson to R. Hankinson, Mount Holly, N. J. Woodbury's Fazio 2046—1. Woodbury to H. C. JSevius, Methuen, Mass. 412 TRANSFERS. COWS Abitha 398— L. F. Ross to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Adeline 3d 3147— W. F. Smith to J. Strong. Elkhorn, Wis. Adell 3929— J. B. Longenecker to J L. Paul, Clarksburg, Pa. Agnes -Ith 2861— J. B. Blake to S. J. Woollcy, Hilliard, O. Alice 4176 — L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Alice Ohio 4027—1. A. Ormiston to J. C. Tilden, Penrock, O. Alida 431— T. Baker to J. Johnson, South Otselic, N. Y. Alida 4th 434— L. & T. Hoxie to C. R. Hoxie, Leonardsville, N. Y. Alta Vela 4221 -J. M. Miller to W. P. Sherrard, Cambridge, O. Amanda 4th 2141—0. B. King to W. G. Wood, Watertown, Ct. Anna 4257 — Powell Bros, to J. Russell, Polk, Pa. Annabel 4005— T. Baker to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Antic 473 — L. Rawson to A. Homiston, Fond du Lac, Wis. Antic 475— J. Mead to I. York, Brock, O. Antic 475 — I. York to D. Stewart. Bayou Sara, La. Anna 3034 — J. Mead to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Azalea 375 -ED. Hicks to T. J. «& J. C. Brooks, Griffin, Ga. Beatrice 3753— E. D. Hicks to T. J. «fe J. C. Brooks, Griffin, Ga. Beatrice K. 4090— D. J. Whitmore to I. B. Gilbert, Lewisville, Ind. Beauty 584— W. E. Arnold to T. & P. H. Yale, Nineveh, N. Y. Beauty 596 — J. B. Sanborn to H. H. Phiibrook, Laconia, N. H. Beauty 2d 590— Rev. E. Hungerfoid to M. T. Kelly, Burlington, Vt. Beauty 7th 578— R. Gleason to E. House, Waitsfield. Vt. Beauty 7th 578 — E. House to D H. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Beauty 7th 578— G. W. Thurston, admr., to G. F. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Beautv 14th 544— Harvey Dodge to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. Beauty 15th 3364— H. Dodge to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. Beauty 17th 3868— H. Dodge to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Center, Mass. Beauty 18th 545— H. D.'dge to C D. W. Cooper, Burrellville, R. I. Becky B B. 4094— D. J. Whitmore to M. Erwln, Hona Path, S. C. Beet 606 — S. Griswold to W.T. Kassuii, Bethlehem. Ct. Belinda 4015— T. Baker lo E. D. Richard^, Nashville, Tenn. Belle 8th 3247— J. Hilton to D. & J. Banker, Franklin Forks, I'a. Belle Bronson 4081— H. C. Gratfio D. Vass, Mobile, Alu. Belle Helena 9th 645 S. J. Woolley to J. C. Alwurd & Son, Pataskla. O. Belle Helena 11th 2783 — A. J Burrows to \V. D. Wetmor,;, Springboro, Pa. Belle Patterson 2785— J. M. Miller lo R. Boyd, Steuben ville, O. Belle of Oneida 2882— A. F Btonson to M. W. Olliver, Springboro, Pa TRANSFERS. 413 Belle of Watertown 493— C. C. Hickcox to S. H. Peck, Watertown, Ct. Beile of Belpre 649—1. "W, Putnam to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Bertha 3264— L. F. Ross to C. H. Huggins, Gilson, III. Bertha Elgin 4091— D. J. Whitmore to Mrs. D. M. Lewis, Casstown, O. Beryl 4368— E. D. Hicks to T. W. Hardy, Artesia, Miss. Bessie Barefoot 4092— D. J. Whitmore to A. G. & P. L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. Bessy 672— J. Mead to I. York, Brock, O. Betsy 3733— M. B. Rumsey to Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. Betsy 3d 674— H. Shuttler to G. Baker, Hustisford, Wis. Betsy 3d 674— G. Baker to H. Daue, Woodland, Wis. Betsy Baker 8361— J. J. ScarflF to ^. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. Betsy Baker 4362— D. Tom to J. White, Chandlersville, O. Betsy Baker 4362— J. B. White to W. Forsythe, Rix Mills, O. Betty 684— W. C. Stiles, Jr., to T. Leach, Parkersburg, W. Va. Blanche 2865— J. Blake to C. C. Palmer, Whipple, O. Bloom 2d 699—1. M. Rockwell to E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. Blossom 711 — L. Rawson to A. Homiston, Fond du Lac, Wis. Blossom 3668— W. D. McArthur to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Blossom 3668— B. F. Peck to J. B. Smallwood, Warsaw, N, Y. Blue Eyes 4th 2772 — S. Emerick to J. Buckingham, Zanesville, O. Breda 2d 3789— Mrs. S. S. Flagg to J. H. Craig, Linneus, Mo. Bride of Greenwood 4168 — A. F. Bronson to Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. Bright Eyes 3631— T. Baker to A. S. Stevens, Newark, O. Bright Promise 3d 3263— Banker Bros, to J. Buckingham, Zanesville, O. Bright Promise 4th 4194 — Banker Bros, to J, Buckingham, Zanesville, O. Broad 725 — D. Richardson to I. S. Newton, Yerona, Wis. Broad Horn's Beauty 3867— H. Dodge to Mrs L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. Buckeye Belle 2869— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Buckeye Girl 4294— P. Palmer to J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Caddie 3924— B. F. Peck to W. C. Hale, Columbus, Miss. Caddie 2d 3197— G. W. Loveberry to G. Howard, Zanesville, O. Caddie 3d 3178 — G. W. Loveberry to G. Howard, Zanesville, O. Caddie 4th 4275— G. W. Loveberry to S F Weller, New Lexington, O. Camilla 4006— T. Baker to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Cappy 2864— J. Blake to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Carnation 2d 2918 — Mrs. S. S. Flagg to J. C. Slater, Linneus, Mo. Carrie 767 — J. Mead to I York, Brock, O. Chapman's Starlight 2744— P. Palmer to H. O. Chapman, Wilkesville, O. Ch' rry A. 3286— T. M. Harvell to M. Jennie Bidwell, Goffstown, N. H, Cherry 824— J. Blake to S J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Cherry 4313— J. Porter to A. A. Sheldon, Midland City, Mich. Cberry2d 825— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Cherry 2d 812— T. Baker to B. P. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Cherry 3d 813 — A. F. Bronson to E D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. 41-4 THANSKEHS. CluTi-y od 820— J. Blake to P. P-ilmer. Whipple, O. (MieiM-y 5th 3274— T. Baker tu A. l\ Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. Cherry of Liipeer 7th 8288— C. G. While to Agricultural College, Agri- cultural College, Miss. Cleasa 2808— H. W. Calkins to VV. Pveed. Chicago, 111. Cleopalrti 3027 — J. B. LoiigenecKer to E. .VI. Johnston & ^on, Alton, N. Y. Cleopatra 3027 — E M. John.stoi' & Sou to. K. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, N. Y. Clifton Belle 3433— Mrs. A. C. Howard to G. B. Beecher, HUlsboro, O. Cora 2867~J. Blake to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Cora 2867— D. Torn to G. A. McMillen. Galigher, O. Cory 3187 — 1>. Wait to J. Juliand, [?^inbridge, N. Y. Cory 3187 — J. Juliand to R. P. Barrey, Warrenton, Va. Crescent 4007— T. Baker to J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Cupid 2d 889— J. H. Child to F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. Curly 914— T. Baker to J. C. Holmes, Earlville, N. Y. Curley 3115— L. Eawson to H. Daue, Woodland, Wis. Curly 4207 — N. B. Choate to H. Barse, Parner, Dak. Curly 2d 3302— T. Baker to B. P. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Curly Myrt 4328— Alex. Newman to Hugh Miller, Galigher, O. Curly Princess 4240 — N. B. Choate to H. Barse, Parker, Dak. Curt 2997— J. Allen to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Cute 2d 3114— L. F. Ross to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Cute 4tli 4171— L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Daisy 955 — D. J. V\ hitmore to H. Slade, Greenville, < ). Daisy 955— H. Slater to I. Moses, Greenville, O. Daisy 955 — I. Moses to I. York, i'.rock, 0. Daisy 2d 3728 — D. Wait & Son to W. Dyer 2d, Jeffersno, N. Y. Daisy 7th 3305 — D. Wait& Son to J. Juliand, Bainbridge, N. Y. Daisy 7th 3305 — J Juliand to R. P. Barry, Warrenton, Va Daisy Jiewton 3663 — I. S. Newton to D. T. Newton, I'.ridgewater, Dak. Daisy P. 4088 — P. Palmer to A. J. Hineline, Ava, O. Daisy P. 4088 — A. J. Hineline to C. W. Neiswinger, Ava, O. Daisy Yale 3888 — J. W. Yale to Timothy Gilbert, Middletown, Ct. Dame 4169 — L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Dane Co. Girl 3968 — J W.' Morse & Son to A. R. Earl, Aztalan, Wis. ■ Dell 976 — J. Johnson to A.P Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y. Dell 4183— L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Mattews, Ky. Devon Princess 4347— P. K. Lrcech to W. S. Walker, XJtica, Mich. Dew Drop 4159 — I. W. Putnam to S. J. WooUey Hilliard, O. Diana 2322— B. F. Peck tc H. A Rice, Columbus, Miss. Dianna4322 — L A. Rice to W. C. Rice, Columbus, Miss. Dinah Rose 4037 — G. Baker to C. W. Thompson, ".Veils Mian. Dollv Varcen 3428 — T. Baker to Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y. Dora 3928 — J. B. Longenecker to E. .VI. Johrn-ton & Son, Afton, N. Y. Dora 3938 — E. M. Johnston & Sdti to H. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, N. Y. Dora 2d 2847 — J. A. Bill to O. H. Perry, South Woodstock, Ci. TRANSFERS. 415 Dory 3d 1025— T. Baker to B. P. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Dory 3185— D. Wait to E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. T. Dot 3045— J. Mead to I. York, Brock, O. Doxy 2833— G. Baker to J. D. Baker, Hustisford, Wis. Duchess Ella 4245— Powell Bros, to W. B. Taylor, Lincolnville, Pa. Duck 5692— T. C. Peacock to Irvin York, Brock, O. Dyer's Beauty 3833— L. W. Dyer to David Stevens, Jefferson, N. Y. Early Bird 3766— J. Juliand to N. A. Humphreys, Bainbridge, N. Y. Echo 3962— C. F. Elliott & Bro. to George L. Sackett, Delaware, O. Edith 3d 1049 — J. A. Pumeroy to J. Buckingham, Zanesville, O. Ella Bell 3541— L. F. Ross to J. C. Slater, Linneus, Mo. Ellen 4166— A. F. Bronson to Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. EUie Rhea 4167— A. F. Bronson to L. Hankinson, Mount Holly, N. J. Elva 1079— T. Baker to Z. Mallory, Hamden, N. Y. Elva4011— T. Baker to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Emma 1087— W. Peacock to T. U. Peacock, Harrisville, Ind. Empress 3451— H. C. Graff to D. Vass, Mobile, Ala. Empress 3940—1. S. Newton to W. N. McCunnell, Dartford, Wis. Esmeralda 2399—0. H. Perry to G. H. Summers, West Woodstock, Ct. Estella 2809— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Estella 2809— S. J. Woolley to J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle, O. Eugenia 3375- -J. A. Bill to E. A. Darling, East Burke, Vt. Eva 2871— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Eva 3266— T. Baker to J. .\. Pomeroy, Sidney Center, N. Y. Eva Queen 4298 — J. B. Sanborn to C. E. Rogers, Albany, Vt. Excelsior 3910— G. Davis tu D. K. Wakefield, Danville, Vt. Fairlie 2795— G. F. Davis to E. Congdoii, Clarendon, Vt. Fairy 15th 1144— J. P. Hibbard to J. P. Gage & Son, Southbridge, Mass. Fairy 61st 2796— H. D. Dunbar to D. H. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Fairy 61st 2796— G. W. Thurston, admr., to G. F. Davi<, Wmdsor, Vt. Fairy of Gurnee 4114— T, Bidwell to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Fannie J. 3945— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, N Y. Fanny 1222— T. Baker to A. P. Baldwin, Pitcher, N. Y Fanny 1243— A. W. Titas to C. C. Woodward, Woodbury, Ct. Fanny 1245— S. J. Woolley to Geo. L. Sackett, Delaware, O. Fanny 2d 4131— J. S. Titus to C. C. Ford, Washington Depot, Ct. Fantell 3387— J. H. & T. T. Johnson to T. Lovelock, Gordonsville, Va. Faultless 4345 — P. K. Leech to Agricultural College, Agricultural College, Miss. Fay 4172— L Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Fire Fly 4326— E. B. Denison to S. F. Dutton, Williamstown, Vt. Flora 1195— G. A. McMillen to D. Tom, Kix Mills, O. Flora 3314— L. F. Ross to J. H. Craig and H. Wanck & Co., Linneus, Mo. Flora Titus 4204— J. S. Titus to H. M. Phelps, Colebrook, Ct. Flurence 2746— L. Einsel to G. W. Havens, Burgoon, O. Forest Queen 4158—1. W. Putnam to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. 416 TRANSFERS. Forest Rose 4155—1. W. Putnam to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Foxey V. 4038— G. Baker to C. W. Thompson, Wells, Minn. Frou Frou 3820— E. D. Hicks to W. A. & R. P. McClain, Lebanon, Tenri. Gale Hambleton 3869 — H. Dodge to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. Gem 2d 4072— R. Gleason to E. House, Waitsfield, Vt. Gem 10th 3135— D. Rogers to H. L. Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Gem 12th 3137 — D. Rogers to H. L. Rogers, North Cornwall, Ct. Genevieve 4040— J. Blake to J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Georgianna 8th 1364 — W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Georgianna 9th 3324 — W. M. White to Capt. A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Georgianna 11th 3984 — W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Gertrude 3191 — D. J. Whitmore to A. G. & P, L. Deweese, Sedalia, Mo. Gipsey 1383— J. A. Pomeroy to C. W. Martin, South Worcester, N. Y. Gold Dust 3255—1. S. Newton to E. E. Curtis, Berlin, Wis. Golden Robin 3913— G. Davis to D. K. Wakefield, Danville, Vt. Gratitude 3755 — E. D. Hicks to Agricultural College, Agricultural Col- lege, Miss. Grisette 4367— E. D. Hicks to T. J. & J. C. Brooks, Griffin^ Ga. Hadda 4329 — J. McMillen & Son to G. McCreary, Galigher, O. Harlie 4164— A. F. Bronson to W. M. White, Canaseraga, N. Y. Harlie 4164— W. M. White to S, M. Bennet, Canaseraga, N. Y. Hattie 4242— Powell Bros, to J. W. Dobbs, Wurtemburg, Pa. Helena 34th 1440— B. Moulton to B. F. Peck, East 15ethany, N. Y. Helena 45th 1450— W. D. McArther to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Helena 53d 3985— W.M. White to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. Hilpa 1493— S. Griswoid to A. HoUister, Washington, Ct. Hollyberry 2872 — A. F. Bronson to Ensign & Brown, Jeddo. N. Y. Hyde's Hyacinth 3397— R. N. Francis to J. M. Foot, W. Hartford, Ct. Hyde's Hyacinth 3397— J. M. Foot to E. L Smith, Wethersfield, Ct. Ida 3144— H. Shaw to L. W. Simmers, CofFeyvillt', Kan. Ida 1st 3202— G. F. Hotchkiss to J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. Ida 2d 1515— Stanley Griswoid to R. A. Ford, East Litchfield, Ct. Ida 2d 1515 — R. A. Ford to Chas. Merriman, Litchfi.eld, Ct. Ida 2d 2962— L. & T. Hoxie to C. R. Hoxie Leon irdsvill , N Y. lona 2897— W. C. Coulter to A. S. Stevens, Newark, O. Irene A. 5742 - C. H. Huggins to .-\lpha B. Huggins, Gilson, 111. Iris 3228— T. & P. H. Yale to N. A. Humphrey, Bainbrid^e, N. Y. Isabella 2738— D. J. Whitmore to D. M. Lewis, Casstown, O. Jean Blake 4039— J. Blake to J. M Miller, Hickory, Pa. Jean Blake 4039— J. M. Miller to J. E. Walker, Walker's Mills, Pa. Jemima 3673 — A. F. Bronson to E. D. Meacham. Marathon, N. Y Jenny 1565 — M. B. Rumsey, exr., to A. W. Rumsey, Westfield, N. Y. Jenny 1565 — A. W. Rumsey to Rumsey Bros, Westfi-ld, N. Y. Jennie 3933 — J. B. Longenecker to J. L. Paul, Clarksburg, Pa. TRANSFERS. 417 Jennie June 1555 — J. M. Bacheldor to A. A. Jordan, New Ashford, Mass. Jennie Lind 1590 — J. T. McFherson to J. N. Cowden, Cambridge, O. Jenny Lind 3607 — L. Sperry to O. E. Cartwright, Woodbury, Ct. Jenny Lind 7th 1576 — J. A. Pomeroy to 0. T\f. Martin, South Worcester, N. Y. Jennie Pike 3624 — H. D. Pike to F. A. GuUey, Agricultural College Miss. Jerasha 4023— T. Baker to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Jessie 3878— J. A. fomeroy to N. F. Sholes, Earlville, N. Y. Jessie 1609 — J. J. Scarff & Son to J. L. Crawford, Oakland City, Ind. Jessie 3974— D. J. Whitmore to VV. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. Jessie 3974— D. J. Whitmore to J. J. Scarff" & Son, New Carlisle, O. Jessie 2d 1608— J. B. Sanborn to E. House, Waitsfield, Vt. Jessie 3d 4074— J B. Sanborn to E. House, Waitsfield, Vt. Jessie 5th 4076— E. House to C. VV . Smith, Tunbridge, Vt Jessie Moulton 3665 — B. F. Peck to J. B. Smallwood, Warsaw, N. Y. Jessie Ranger 3900— Ward Parker to C. W. Whicher, Northfield, N. H. Joanna 3802 -J. M. Miller to S. M. Sheller, Claysville, Pa. Josephine 6th 1626— C. G. White to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. Josephine 7th 3411 — C. G. White to Agricultural College, Agricultural College, Miss. •Josephine Johnston 4121 — L. F. Ross to T. E. Andrews, Hollenberg, Kan. Imprint 5507 — A. W. Rumsey to Jas. Kniskern, Carlisle, N. Y. Josie 1631 — H. D. Pike to Agricultural College, AL^ricultural College, Miss. Judy 3060—1. S. Newton to D. T. Newton, Bridgewater, Dak. June 3268 — L. F. Ross to A. Mekemson, Biggsville, 111. June 3268 — A. Mekemson to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. June Minnie 3979 — H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. June Minnie 3979 — E. Hungerford to M. Kelly, Burlington, Vt. Juniata 3670 — A. J. Burrows to A. C. Hayes, Burghil], O. KaUikula 2269— Mrs. S. S. Flagg to J. C. Slater, Linneus, Mo. Kataline 4157—1. \^■. I'utnam to S. J. WooUey, Billiard, O. Katie 1676— E T. Tiffiiny to F. H. Bunnell, bouth Montrose, Pa. Katie 3188— D. J. Whitmore to S. Turner, Troy, O. Katie Bly 3532 — Jos. Holmes to Charles H. Pendleton, Scotland, Ct. King's Rose 1681 — E. Hungerford to M. T. Kelly, Burlington, Vt. Kitty 3714 -D. Tom to George Mcilillen, Galigher, O. Kitty 3714— Goorjje McMillen to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Lady 3529—1. S Newton to T. E. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. Lady 8th 3420— R. Gleason to E. House, Waitsfield, Vt. Lady Culpepper 3260— J. H '& T. T. Johnson to T. Lovelock, Gordons- ville, Va. Lady Elgin 8th 3770 — W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Lady Evelyn 3877— J. A. Pomeroy to P. Zeh, Middleburgh, N. Y. Lady Hampden 3890 — H. Dodge to Mrs. L. E. Cox, Grafton Centre, Mass. Lady Hur >n 2d 4174 — L. Rawson to J L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. 418 TRANSFERS. Lady Jane 3163— J. T. McPherson to W. Forsythe, Rix Mills, O. Lady Jenet 4365— D. Tom to D. Forsythe, Rix Mills, O. Lady Laura 3450 — Mrs. W. E. Arnold to H. C. Graff, Kensington, O. Lady Laura 3450— H. C. Graff to T. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. Lady Lincoln 4096 — I. A. Ormiston to P. Palmer & Son, Whipple, O. Lady Lucy 3473— R. G. Hart to H. C. Graff Kensington, O. Lady Lucy 3473— H. C. Graff to T. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. Lady Maud 2863— W. C. Stiles, Jr., to T. Leach, Parkersburg, W. Va. Lady May 1758— L. F. Ross to E. J. Fennessey, Avon, 111. Lady Miller 2862— J. Blake to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Lady Stafford 6th 3446— J. A. Bill to A. J. Corbin, Newington, Ct. Lady Stafford 6th 3446— A. J. Corbin to E. S. French, West Hartford, Ct. Lady Stafford 6th 3446— E. S. French to D. J. Raynesford, West Hart- ford, Ct. Lady Stafford 6th 3446— D. J. Raynesford to J. M. Foot, W est Hartford, Ct. Lady Stafford 6th 3446— J. M. Foot to E. L. Smith, Wethersfield, Ct. Lady Viola 3975 — J. J. Scarff & Son to J. L. Crawford, Oakland City, Ind. Lady Woolley 4336— E. S. Killbury to W. H Killbury, Plain City. O. Lais 3756— E. D. Hicks to T. J. & J. C. Brooks, Griffin, Ga. Laura 1794— T. Baker to B F. Peck, East Bethany, N. T. Lena 3267— T. Baker to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Lena 3d 3709— J. M. Miller to J. G. & J. A. B. Walker, Enon Valley, Pa. Lena Prichard 4276 — O. Prichard to L Bushnell, Springville, Pa. Lena Prichard 4276— L. Bushnell to J . D. Neviiis, Philadelphia, Pa. Leora 4008— T. Baker to Jay & Norton, Rockland, N. Y. Lesbia 3641- E. D. Hicks to J. M. Bass, Nashvil'e, Tcnn. Lesbia 3641 -J. .M. Bass to E. D. Hicks, Nashville, Tenn. Letta 2866 J Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Lilly 1830 — R. G. Hart to J. J. Scarff & Son, New Carlisle. O. Lilly 1833— H. Shaw to W. H. Gorton, Coffeyville, Kan. Lilly 2d 1818—1. S. Newton to J A. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. Lilly 5th 1822— H. C. Graff to T. JVIount, Vicksburg, .Miss. Lilly A. 3457— T. M. Harvell to L & J. E. Kimball. Milfor.l, N. H. Lilly A. 2d 4191 — W Parker to H. J. Wilson, Miif Td, N. H. Lilly McPherson 3160 -J T. McPherson to J. N. Cowden, Cambridge, O. Lilly .McPherson 3160 —J. N. Cowden to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Lima 3049— J. M. Miller to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Linda 4022— T. Baker to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Little Fraud 4041 -J. Bl ike to J. M. Miller, Hickory, Pa. Little Mary 2d 2844 -J. A. B.ill to O. H Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. Lizzie Ormiston 2969 — I. A. Ormiston to P. Paimer, Whipple, (). Lofty 4290— J. B. Sanborn to D. Bean, Warm-r, N. H. Lorena 3874 — 1. A. Pomeroy to N. B. Reed, Princeton, Mass. Lorena3874 — N. B. Reed to J. B. Miller, Princeton, Moss. TKANSFEKS. 419 Lotty 2811— J. Blake to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O. Lottie 3586— D. J. Whitmore to W. H. H. Scarff, New Carlisle, O. Lovely 2d 3469— T. Baker to Chapman Bros., Wells Bridge, N. Y, Lovely 27th 1883— P. K. Leech to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Lovely 29th 3321— P. K. Leech to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Lovely 29th 3321— W. S. Walker to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. Lovely 80th 3466 -W. M. White to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. Lovely 31st 3468— W. Cole to W. M. White, Canaseraga, N. Y. Lovely 32d 3017 — P. K. Leech to Agricultural College, Agricultural Col- lege, Miss. Lovely 34th 3768— W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Lovely 35th 3983— W. M. White to A. J. Hutchinson, Los Angeles, Cal. Lovely of Utica 4346— P. K. Leech to W. S. Walker, Utica, Mich. Lucy 3575 — J. H. Keller to J. L. Kramer, Bowling Greei), O. Lucy 3d 3470— C. G. White to F. A. Gully, Agricultural College, Miss. Lucy BIy 3533— J. Holmes to N. B. Reed, Princeton, Miss. Lucy Bly 3533— N . B. Reed to C. Leorund, Jr., Raynham Centre, Mass. Lulu 2810— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Lula Einsel 3995 — L, Einse! to E.Swickard, Millersville, O. Luly 2d 3991—1. Woodbury to H. C. Ncvins, Methuen, Mass. Lydia 1902 — J. M. Muiison to C. C. Hickcox, Watertown, Ct. Mada 4358— R. Shaw to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. Mada435S— W. C. Coulter to R. M. Harrod, Sparta, O. Madeline 3351— J. F, Hibhard to J. H. Child, East Woodstock, Ct. Madeline 3351— J H. Child to F. H. Andrews, touth Woodstock, Ct. Madge 1909— J. H. Child to F. H. Andrews, South Woodstock, Ct. -Maggie 3026— J. B. Longenecker to E. M. Johnston & Son, Afton, N. Y. Maggie o026 — E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, N. Y. Maggie 3528— R. G. Hart to J. J. ScarfF & Son, New Carlisle, O. • Maggie 4247 — Powell Bros, to J. W. Dobbs, Wurtemburg, Pa. Maggie Morris 1922— J. A. Gillman to L. F. Ross, Avon, 111. Maggie Morris 1922 -L. F. Ro.^s to W. A. Paxton, Jr , Omaha, Neb. Maid uf Ury 3214— T. Fassett to J. C. Morris, Westchester, Pa. Maine 2501— J. P. Fish to J. W. Hainer, Fort Fairfield, Me. Marilla 2799— H. D.Dunbar to D. H Davis, Windsor, Vt. Mairilla 2799— G. W. Thur^ton, adra'r,, to G. P. Davis, Windsor, Vt. Mary 2870— J. Blake to S. J. Wuolley, Hilliard, O. Mary 2870— S. J. Wuolley to J. B. Harrod, Sparta, O. Mary Ohio 3865— H. Dodge to G. .1. Martin, East Providence, R. I. Matenia 5290—1. W. Putnam to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Maud 1976— J. Blake toS. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Maud 3128— L. F. Koss to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Maud 1976— S. J. Woolley to P. Peck, Pataskala, O. Maud 3713— J. A. McCutchen to D. Forsyth, Rix Mills, O. M aud 3713— D. Forsyth to Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. 420 TRANSFERS. May Queen P. 4062— L. H. Bunnell to J. D. Nevius, Philadelphia, Pa. May Titus 4133— J. S. Titus to H. M. Phelps, Colebrook, Ct. McArthur's Helena 1st 3655— W. D. McArthurto B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. McArthur's Helena 2d 3653— W. D. McArthur to B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. McArthur's Helena 4th 2912— W. D. McArthur to B. F. Peck, East Beth- any, N. Y. McArthur's Twilight 3077 — W. D. McArthi.r to Ensign & Watsori, Jeddo, N. Y. Mellie 3d 4129— E. Titus, exr., to G. B. Giddings, Lanesvillc, Ct. Melody B.4202— N. B. Choate to H. Barse, Parker, Dak. Meta 4149 — S. Griswold to J. Hoag, Tombannock, N. Y. Miami 2436 — T. D. Lewis to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Mignon 2898 — A. S. Stevens lo S. Cook, San Francisco, Cal. Mina 3249 — T. Baker to J. A. Pomeroy, Sidney Cfntre, N. Y. Mina Hilton 2021— L. F. Ross to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Mina Hilton 2d 4117- L. F. Ross to C. Culver, Larymont, Col, Minnesota 2923 — Mrs. S. S. Flagg to A. W. Mullins, Linneus, Mo. Mink 4173 — L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Minnie 3982— G. W. Doty to J. E. Warren, Eden Mills, Vt. Minnie 19th 2046 — H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Minnie 32d 3504 — H. M. Sessions to Rev. E. Hungerford, Burlin<^ton, Vt. Minnie 32d 3504 — E. Hungerford to W. Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. Minnie 24th 3507 — H. M. Sessions to Rev. E. Hungerford, Curlington, Vt. Minnie 25th 3505 — H. M. Sessions to Rev. E. Hungerford, Burlingti^n, Vt. Minnie .Vlay 3976 — H. .\I. Sessions to Rev. E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Minnie May 3976 E. Hungerford to H. C. Nevins, Mothuen, Mass. Minnie Meg 3982 — H M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Minnie Meg 3982— E. Hunger!, rd to G. W. Doty, Morri-ville, Vt. Minnie Muchmilk 3978— H. M? Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington Vt. Minnie Muchmilk 3978 — E. Hungerford to M- Kelly, {Turlington, Vt Minta 2812— John Blake to Daniel Tom, Rix Mills, O. Miss Bitter Sweet 5289—1. W. Putnam to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Missourie 3190 -D J. Whitmore to A. G.& P. L. Devvee>e, Sedalia, Mo. Mollie 2079— R. G. Hart to J J. Scarft'& Son, New Carlisle, 0. Mollie 2079— J. J. Scarff & Son to S. J. WooUey, Hiiliard, O. Mollie 2079- S J. Woolley to Georije L. Sackett, Delaware, O. Mollie 3134—1. S. Newton to D. T. Newton, Bridgewater, Dak. Mollie 4238 — Powell Bros, to M. B. Thayer, Liiie=ville, Pa. Molie Puritan 4057 — J. B. Longenecker to S. J. .Shearer, New Sprii.gfiold. Ohio. Molly 2081 — P. PalmertoJ. M. .Miller, Hiekory, Pa. Molly 2081— J. M. Miller to R. Bo^d, Steubenvilje, O. Moss Rose B. 4018— T. Baker to Jay & Norton, Rock and, N. Y. Molly Stark 2083— J. Blake to D. Tom, Rix Mills, O Molly Stark 2d 2859 - W. C. Stiles, Jr., to T. Leach, Parkersburg VV. Va. TRANSFERS. 421 . MoultoD 3665— B. Moulton to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Mountain Rose 2d 3521 — J. B. SaLborn to C. & G. M. Putnam, Contoo- cook, N. H. Nameless 2091 — A. ¥. Bronson to "V\'. D. Wetmore, Sringboro, Pa. Nameless 4019— T. Baker to B. F. Peck, East Betbany, N. Y. Nell 4184 — Lutber Rawson to C. D. Nasb, Milwaukee, Wis. Nella J. 4098— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnston & Bro., Afton, N. Y. Nellie 2d 4128— E. Titus, exr., to D. M. Hard, Watertown, Ct. Nellie Bly 2d 3953— E. Hungerford to W.Grimes, Raleigh, N.C. Nellie Mack 4698— D. Mack to Seth Pratt, Litchfield, Ct. Nellie Mack 4698— Seth Pratt to Charles Merriman, Litchfield, Ct. Nellie P. 3950 — J. Fefter's estate to Mrs. James Peffers, Burton, O. Nelly 3d 2832 — H. Schuttler to H. Sorleberg, Oconomowoc, "Wis. xNelly Bly 2d 3953 — H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Nelly Bly 3d 3981— H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Nemophilla 7th 2784 — A. J. Burrows to W. D. W etmore, Springboro, Pa. Netty 2148— Elliott Bros, to J. J. Scarfi'& Son, New Carlisle, O. Netty 3186— D. Wait & Son to L. W. Dyer, JeflTerson, N. Y. Nina 2152— D. J. Whitmore to J. H. Smith, Troy, O. Ninetta 2d 2154— L. F. Ro.ss to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. No Name 4021— T. Baker to E. D. Richards, N:;shville, Tenn. Number N.ne 2179 — A. J. Burrows to A. C. Hayes, Burgh Hill, O. Nydia 2d 4144 — S. Griswold to Rev. A. J, Day, Greenwich, N. Y. Ouina 4621 — S. J. W oolley to J. Brandt, Carroll, U. Oriole 4223 — S. Griswold to John Webster, Newington, Ct. ■ Oriole 4223 — John Webster to Daniel Webster, Berlin, Ct. Orlando 2780-1. \V . I'utnam to P. Palmer, Whipple, O. Orphan Girl 2194 — L. F. Ross to A. Mekemson, Biggsville, 111. Orphan Girl 2194— A. Mekemson to W. A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Orphan Girl 3254—1. S. Newton to E. E. Curtis, Berlin, Wis. Paupau 1948— M. B. Rumsey to A. W. Rumsey, Westfield N. Y. Pert 4178 — L. Rawson to J L. Harris, St. Matthews, Ky. Pet 3380 - J. W. Yale to J. I. Ives, South Meriden, Ct. Phelps' Emma 4260— W. L. Durand to S Griswold, Torringford, Ct. Phcebe 4017— T. Baker tu E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Pink 5.ii 4211— N. B. Choate to H. Barse, Parker, Dak. rink Beauty 4071 -E. House to C W. Smith, Tunbridge, Vt PinkE. H. 4070 - E. House to D H. IJavi.-^ Windsor, Vt. rink E. H. 4070— D. H. Davis to E. Congd.m, Clarendon, Vt. Pink Titus 4134— E. Titus, exr., to D. M. Hard, Watertown, Ct. Princess 4th 2293— I S. Newtoi. to T. E. Carswell, Lone Rock, Wis. Princess 6th 3553 -N. B. Choate to White & Collins, Indian Bayou, .Vliss. Prince>s Anna 3386 J. H. «& T. T. Johnson to T. Lovelock, Gordons- ville, Va. Princess Carlotta 2294 — H. Shaw to T. D. Coffing, Wagoner, Ind. Princess Rosetta 4079— H. C. Graff to D. Vass, Mobile, Ala. 422 TJiAiN'SFEUS. Princess of Kent 3d 2743 — W Peacock to T. C. Peacock, Harrisville, Ind. Princess of Kent 3d 2743— T. C. Peacock to W. E. Bhultz, Harrisville, Ind Princess of Kent 3d 2743— W. E. Shultz to P. M. Shultz, Winchester, Ind. Primrose 3682 — J. H. Keller to J. L. Kramer, Bowling Green, O. Provincial Maid 4125 — A. F. Bronson to J. Hilton, New Scotland, N. Y. Prudy 5589 — K. A. Ford to Charles Merriman, Litchfield, Ct. Purity 2301— G. Davis to D. K. Wakefield, Danville, Yt. Quaker Bess 4082 — T. C. Peacock to A. Peacock, Harrisvillf, Ind. Queen 3d 4035— E. Hungerford to W. Grimes, Raleigh, N. C. Queen Ada 4364 — Daniel Tom to George A. McMillen, Galigher, O. Que(!n Bessie 2868— J. Blake to S. J. Woolley, Hilliard, O. Queen Emma 2315 — D. J. Whitmore toS. Turner, Troy, O. Queen of Cloverdell 2316— D. Wait to E. M. Johiston & Son, Afton, N. Y Queen of Cloverdell 2316— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnstan & Bro., Afton, N, Y. Queen of Lamoille 3915— G. W. Doty to J. E. Warren, Eden, Vt. Queen of Lillies 4080— H. C Graff to D. Vass, Mobile, Ala. Queen of May 3702— D. Wait to E. M. Johnston & Son. Afton, N. Y.' Queen of May 3d 2321— D. Wait to J. Juliand, Bainiridge, N. Y. Queen of May 3d 2321— J. Juliand to R. P. Barry, Warrt-nton, Va. Queen of .May 5th 3702— E. M. Johnston & Son to H. B. Johnston & Br..., Afton, N. Y. Queen of Ury 3415— T. Fasselt t.. J. C. Morns, Westchester, Pa. Quill 2575 — H. Daue to C. Betz, Huelsburch, Wis. Red Bird 2920— Mrs. S. S. Plagg to J. C. Slater, Linneus, .Mo. Red Gipsy 4016— T. Baker to W.C. Coulter, Newark, O. Red Lady 3705— D. Wait & Son to E. T. Finch, Cannonsville, N. Y. Red Lady 3705 - E. T. Finch to I. C. Vannakin, Rock Rift, N. Y. Red Riding Hood, 4013— T. Baker to Jay & Norton, Rockland, N. Y. Red Rose 2353— J. M. Rockwell to E. M. Johns on & Son, Afton, N. Y. Red Rose 2d 3944— E. M. Johnston &Son to H . B. Johnston & Br ... Aft..n, N. Y. Red Rose 3d 3947— E. .\1. Johnston & Son to H B. Johnston & Bro.. Afton, N. Y. Rena 17th 3562— Mrs. A. ('. Howard to G. B. Beccher. Hillsboro, O. Rena Rawson 4170— L. Rawson to J. L. Harris, St. .Matthews, Ky. Rex Jumbo 2717 — J. W. Moase to W. H Fitze, Pleasant .Mount, Pa. Rosa 2387— M. B. Rumsey, exr., to A. W. Rumsey, Wc-stfield, N. Y. Rosa 2387— A. W Rumsey to C. R. Robert. Ojikdnlc, N Y. Rosa 2388— J. A. Pomeroy to P. Zeh, Mildieburgh, N. Y. Rosa 2d 3704 -S. H. Wait to P. N. Uenni-s Trout Creek, N. Y. Rose 3037 — J. .Mea 1 to D. J. Whitmore, Casstown, O. Rose 3037— D. J. Whitmore to J. H. Smith. Troy, O. Rose 6th 3233—1. Woodbury to G. J. Martin, East Provi lence, R. I. Rose 8th 3074— W. Parker to E. House, Waitsfield, Vt TRANSFERS. 423 Rose 14th 3004— O. B. King to G. B. Giddings, Lanesville, Ct. Rose 19th 2420— J. A. Bill to E. A. Darling, East Burke, Vt. Roie 22d 2M46-J. A. Bill to O. H Perry, South Woodstock, Ct. Rose Banker 3585— Carrie B. Watrous to Banker Bros., Franklin Forks, Pa. Rosetta 2467— H. C. Graff to T. Mount, Vicksburg, Miss. Rosy Belle 2473— T. Baker to BE. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Rosy Belle 2d 2474— J. A Pomeroy to A. T. Boice, Lootnis, N. Y. Roxie 3873 -J. A. Pomeroy to F. T. Pomeroy, Sidney Centre, N. Y. Roxyann 2480— L. Rawson to CD. Northrop, Clinton, Wis. Sady 7th 1701— E H. Hyde to A. Storrs, Mansfield, Ct. Salome 3639— E. D. Hicks to W. Reed, Hematite, Ky. Satie 3568 — A. W. Rumsey to Magee «& Son, Portersville, Pa. Silvey 2525 — J. A. Pomeroy to C. W. Martin, South Worcester, N. Y. Siss 4359— R. Shaw to W. C. Coulter, Newark, O. Siss 4359 -W. C. Coulter to J. B. Harrod, Sparta, O. Skipper Lass 4036 — G. Baker to J. D. Baker, Hustisford, Wis. Stella Morris 3735— J. A. Gillman to L. F. Ross, Av..n, 111. Strawberry B. 4002— T. Baker to Jay & Norton, Rockland, N. Y. Suke 4192— T M. Harvell to H. J. "Wison, xMilford, N. H. Sulu 3090— R. K. Payne to A. C. Hays, liurg Hill, O. Sunnyside 2683— W. F. Chermside to J P. Brooke, Dickson, Col. Surprise 2d 5221 — Orrin Prichard to A. F. Bronscn, Vernon, N. Y. Susy 4145 — S. Griswold to J. Hoag, Tomhannock, N. Y. Susie 4th 3954 — O. B. King to J. Burr, Monroe, Ct. Tennie 2d 2592— S. Griswold to John Webster, Newington, Ct. Tennie 2d 2592— John M ebster to W. H Webster, Berlin, Ct Tennie 2d 2592— W. H. Webster to J. W. Yale, Meriden, Ct. Topnot 3871— J. A. Pomeroy to L. G. Darbue, Liberty, NY. Topsy 2d 4042— N. D. House tu J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. Topsy 3d 4043— N. D. House to J. P. Fish, Chelsea, Vt. Tracy 4048— C. Tiefenbach to E. B. Birge, Torringford, Ct, Truth 4146— S. Griswold to T. P. Porter, Chesterfield, Mass. Twilii;ht 5226-0. Prichard to A. F. Bronson, Vernon, N. Y. Verna 2649 — A. F. Bronsun to E. D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. Verona Girl 3938—1. S. Newton to E. E. Curiis, Berlin, Wis. Viola 3549— A. W. Rumsey to Rumsey Bros., U estfield, N. Y. Wanda 3d 3767— W. M. White, to A. J. Hutchinson Los Angeles, Cal. Wanderer 4163 — A. F. Bronson to R. Hankinson, Mount Holly, N. J. Whizz 4273— A. F. Bronson to E. D. Meacham, Marathon, N. Y. Winchester Girl 4274 — A. P. Bronson to Rumsey Bros., Westfield, N. Y. Winifred 4024— T. Raker to E. D. Richards, Nashville, Tenn. Winooski Belle 3d 3969 — E. Hungerford to H. C. Nevins, Methuen, Mass. Winter Blossom 3669— W. D. McArthur to B. F. Peck, East Bethany, N. Y. Winter Blossom 3669— B. F. Peck to J. B. Beck, Varysburgh, N. Y. Wynona8th 2712— W. Parker to]E. House Waits g>ld, Vt. 424 TRANSFERS. Wynona 21-t 3617— H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Wynona 21st 3617 — E. Huagerford to H. C. Nevins, Methuen, Mass. Wynona 24th 3620— H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Wynona 25tli 3619— H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Wynona 26th 3621— H. M. Sessions to E. Hungerford, Burlington, Vt. Wynona 26th 3621— E. Hungerford to G. W. Doty Morrisville, Vt. Wynona 26th 3621— G W. Doty to J. E. Warren, Eden Mills, Vt. "Wynona 27th 3977— E. Hungerford to W. Grimes, Kaleigh, N. C. Zephya3724— L, F. Ro?s to W". A. Paxton, Jr., Omaha, Neb. Zettie 4086— P. Palmer to R. P Otis, Winfield, O Zilpha 2740— D. J. Whitmore to S. Turner, Troy, O. Zoe 2745 — L. Einsel to C. Havens, Bur^oon, O. Zoe 4202— S. T. Dorsey to D J. Whitmore, Casstown, 0.