“hehe. a twee ino A dtr oe Serres < fey wage moe Nee oe . tor atew owes ey ot - Se ate ae Se eating Si pareseem eon ee Cat oayrs rata ee as Fre ae et SF oe eT sa et tt 1 ee vw ae eS ee eo ee oe : eS a 7 hr ee _—— ee ca | , "aye i mi WN) Fy 8 lie ear ” Weal my 5% ‘ | ots rhe gf 7 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY VOLUME XXXVIII | sil all” BALTIMORE, MD. ve CONTENTS No. 1. Juny.1, 1915 Tue Respiratory Drap Space. By Yandell Henderson, F. P. Chilling- PDT A GTS na UP OUULTBO INE & (25. t ce aaa «choke Bthel so 4% ew Nateeieate Med obs THE VARIATIONS IN THE ErrectTive Drap Space In BrwatHiIne. By J. 8S. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH. XXIV. THE Tonus AND HUNGER CONTRACTIONS OF THE STOMACH OF THE NEW Born. By EAE RAT: /SO7h ONL His GON SOUT tia FEM Ass. Se Se ahe Use skid 2 weiss Aajesses eS Factors AFFECTING THE CoAGuLATION Timp oF Bioop. VII. Tue INFiv- ENCE OF CERTAIN ANESTHETICS. By Walter L. Mendenhall............ A CALORIMETRIC CALIBRATION OF THE KrocH BicycLp ERGoMETER. By F. Gen LACAN TE GAGE I eM OM OG TICES Ae SRA Bee a ERIS OSU SE ae nanbe Smite Tue Errect or ADRENALIN ON THE Heart-Rate. By Walter J. Meek and EE STOEL A iy tt RE. 8 Set eye Cases a AIA, Dra eae SES oa nb weak erapends Tue INFLUENCE OF THE OIL OF CHENOPODIUM ON THE CIRCULATION AND Respiration. By William Salant and A. E. Livingston............... INFLUENCE OF DIIODOTYROSINE AND JODOTHYRINE ON THE SECRETION OF CEREBROSPINAL Fiuip. By Charles H. Frazier and Max Minor Peet... THE RESPONSE or THE VASODILATOR MECHANISM TO WEAK, INTERMEDIATE, AND STRONG SENSORY StimuuaTion. By E. G. Martin and W. L. CTECLENIAEL Us ee MTA MRR ne a loeb Os coin ley BiIOIA 2 cesamd oa inlaraie, tes SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE Cat. By G. G. Smith and W. T. Porter...... Tur ConpucTION WITHIN THE SPINAL CoRD OF THE AFFERENT IMPULSES PrRopDUCING PAIN AND THE VASOMOTOR REFLEXES. By S.W. Ransom and LS URES ER Se SS igs OEE ee aan ee nr ere ae RHYTHMICAL CONTRACTION OF THE SKELETAL MuscLe TisSuE OBSERVED IN fissum Cortores. By Margaret Reed Lewis. .....2.5.026.s00ca0 needs No. 2. Auveust 1, 1915 THE PRESERVATION OF THE LIFE OF THE FROG’S EGG AND THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT BY INCREASE IN PERMEABILITY. By J. F. McClendon... Tue AcTIon or ANESTHETICS IN PREVENTING INCREASE OF CELL PERME- AUVELUEY aeMEN 1) vel coe ACO LETE LOIRE ©. 4/1 4. 053. Sy x:8tsl tin Vee Bh oot Mee hase eA o> New HyproGEN ELECTRODES AND Rapip METHODS OF DETERMINING HypDRo- GEN Ion ConcentrRATions. By J. F. McClendon..................... A Direct READING POTENTIOMETER FOR MrAsuRING HyproGen Ion Con- ERMA TIONS: seid ol. MA GOLENDON 0.08 6 eiess Ve cdee Weesascte dee se iees Acipiry CURVES IN THE STOMACHS AND DUODENUMS OF ADULTS AND INFANTS, PLOTTED WITH THE AiD OF IMPROVED MrtTHopDs oF MEASURING HYDROGEN low Gancentuavtion.. By J. F. MéClendoti. sit cicscscncceccevecsacs ili PAGE 29 153 NG CONTENTS . PAGE Tue PERFUSION OF THE MAMMALIAN MEDULLA: THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM AND oF PoTASSIUM ON THE RESPIRATORY AND Carpiac Centers. By D. R. PLoOW Er. : «oes. Ree edie 6 een 5 Ee ay Ee EE ss ee 200 An INTERPRETATION OF THE MEMBRANE MANOMETER CURVES AS AFFECTED BY VARIATIONS IN Buoop Pressure. By J. D. Pilcher............-... 209 SruDIES ON THE HypROoGEN ION CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD UNDER VARIOUS ABNORMAL ConpiTions. By M. L. Menten, M.D., and G. W. Crile, M.D. 225 THE ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN. By George P. Denny, M.D. and George R. Minot MDs. oe spine oti leas» 2 oe et a OA eA oy oe ae 233 CoNTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH. XXV. A Notre on THE CHEMISTRY OF NoRMAL HuMAN Gastric Juice. By A. J. Carlson, Assisted in part of the experiments by H. Hager and M. P. Rogers....... 248 Tue ConTENT OF SUGAR IN THE BLoopD oF CATS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF Cocaine. By Edward Waldo Emerson Shear............-.-...++++++> 269 CoNTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE StoMacH. XXVI. THE RELA- TION BETWEEN THE DIGESTION CONTRACTIONS OF THE FILLED, AND THE HunGER CONTRACTIONS OF THE ‘‘Empty’’ Sromacn. By F. T. Rogers and LJ oHatdtetd os cx Soe ho ee Ce ee 274 A ConrTRIBUTION TO THE PuysioLoGcy or Lactation. By W. L. Gaines..... 285 No. 3. SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 An ANALYSIS OF CERTAIN PHOTIC REACTIONS, WITH REFERENCE TO THE WeEBER-FECHNER Law. I. THE REACTIONS OF THE BLOWFLY LARVA TO OproseD Brams or Ligut. By Bradley M. Patten..................... 313 Tue INFLUENCE OF THE EXTRACT OF THE POSTERIOR LOBE OF THE HYPOPHYSIS UPON THE SECRETION OF SALIVA. By G.O. Solem and P. A. Lommen..... 339 THE INFLUENCE OF THE VAGUS NERVE ON THE GASEOUS METABOLISM OF THE Kipnry. By Roy G. Pearce and Edward\P.Carter.2>--.-- - =.» eee 350 CHANGES IN IoDINE CoNTENT OF THE THYROID GLAND FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE BLoop Ftow THrRouGH THE GLAND. By C. F. Watts........... 356 PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN THE EYE OF THE FisH. By Edward C. Day.... 369 THE CoMPARATIVE RATE, AT WHICH FLUORESCENT AND NON-FLUORESCENT BACTERIA ARE KILLED By ExposuRE TO ULTRA-VIOLET. By W. E. Burge and A. J. Neill. 00. ae tb. <. oda be eee a 399 Tue Errects oF CHANGE IN AURICULAR TONE AND AMPLITUDE OF AURICULAR SYSTOLE ON VENTRICULAR Output. By Robert Gessel................-. 404 No. 4. Ocroper 1, 1915 Srup1es IN EXPERIMENTAL GLycosuRIA. IX. THr LEVEL OF THE BLOOD- Sucar iN THE Doc Unprr Laporatory Conpirions. By J. J. R. Macleod and RG. Pearce... ...:< occcuste ees oe eee 415 Strupies IN ExPERIMENTAL GLycosuRIA. X. THE SUGAR RETAINING POWER OF THE LIVER IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE AMOUNT OF GLYCOGEN ALREADY PRESENT IN THE OrGAN. By'J. J. R. Macleod and R. G. Pearce........ 425 Tue DirreRENTIAL Errects oF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC.AND PERIPHERAL AnTERIns. By Frank A. Hartman. : os. 80s. iis daues poe eee 438 THe Osmotic PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE IN RELATION TO THOSE oF Livinc Cetis. By Edward B. Meigs........... 456 BRD IK os seelee o's «vo a's e si0ie eb o.ae eo dy bites cd ood ne maine 491 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY VOL. 38 JULY 1, 1915 No. 1 THE RESPIRATORY DEAD. SPACE YANDELL HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH anp J. L. WHITNEY From the Physiological Laboratory of the Yale Medical School Received for publication April 13, 1915. A correct estimation of the volume of the respiratory dead space is of fundamental importance in connection with many of the prob- lems of the regulation of breathing and related topics. The interpreta- tion of the data accumulated by many investigators depends upon the decision of the question whether the dead space is a fixed or a variable quantity. If the latter is the case, what are the nature, cause, and mode of control of such variations? Although earlier investigators recognized the dead space as a factor in breathing,! Loewy,” seems to have been the first to report a measure- ment of it. By means of a plaster cast of the cavity of the mouth, pharynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles of a cadaver he found a vol- ume of 144 cc. He noted, however, that in the living subject even in an expiration much smaller than the volume of the dead space there are always to be found considerable amounts of COs, and that as expira- tion progresses the percentage of CO. in successive portions increases gradually, not abruptly: facts which later investigators have not always kept in mind. Basing their opinion upon these observations, Zuntz and his col- laborators in their extensive investigations have assumed the dead space to be an unvarying volume—the same no matter whether the sub- ject were at rest, or breathing deeply from physical exertion, or on a mountain. All of their calculations of the alveolar ventilation and of the composition of the alveolar air involve this assumption. The method employed by them was based on the proportion: the composi- 1 2 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY tion of the alveolar gases (i.e., the excess of COs over, or the deficiency ‘of oxygen under, the inspired air) is to the composition of the (total, mixed) expired air as the tidal volume is to the tidal volume minus the dead space. It is noteworthy that by this method the constancy of composition of the alveolar air was not discovered. As Haldane and his co-workers have demonstrated that such a constancy normally exists, the natural inference is that the dead space is of widely varying volume. This inference was followed up by Douglas and Haldane* who found when the subject was at rest a volume of 160 cc., and a progressive increase with physical exertion up to more than 600 cc. Their method was based (as all indirect determinations must be) upon the same pro- portion as that used by Zuntz, Loewy and others, but with this differ- ence that Douglas and Haldane, instead of assuming the dead space and calculating the alveolar gases, have determined the composition_ of the alveolar air_by direct analysis, and calculated the dead space. The other terms in the proportion are the (mean) tidal volume as determined from the total volume of air expired into a Douglas bag in a certain number of breaths, and the composition of this expired air. Even before this work of Douglas and Haldane, Siebeck,* had found that during the hyperpnoea of physical exercise the dead space is increased. He used a method involving only a single breath—instead of the average volume of a series of expirations—in which 500 ce. or 1000 cc. of hydrogen were inspired, and then expired into a gasometer. The percentage of hydrogen in the alveolar air (from a sample at the end of expiration), the percentage in the mixed expired air, and the volume of the expiration afforded three terms in the proportion from which the fourth, the dead space, was calculated. He concluded that the dead space is larger with the lungs inflated, and suggested that this might be due to participation of the bronchi in the respiratory move- ments. Thus far, as we believe, Siebeck was correct. He concluded also, however, that the depth of breathing does not influence the dead space, and that it is even decreased during the deep breathing caused by inhaling CO,. On these points we think that Biebeck was misled by not using sufficiently deep inspirations. The latest considerable contribution to the problem of the dead space has been made by Krogh and Lindhard.® They have returned emphati- cally to the doctrine of a dead space of unvarying volume. They first subjected the method of Siebeck to a decidedly damaging criticism, and then adopted it themselves and founded quite precise conclusions a inAd ao” oe ary THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 3 upon it. They have recently published a number of papers contain- ing a large amount of data on yarious respiratory problems. In the interpretation of their data they have used a fixed dead space, and, as they themselves have remarked, if the dead space is a variable they will have to recalculate all of these experiments, and reconsider their arguments. ; : As we shall show that the dead space is a variable, it is of interest to note how Krogh and Lindhard were caught in a trap set (quite unin- tentionally) by Douglas and Haldane. The latter suggested that the enlarged dead space, which they found during hyperpnoea, serves to facilitate the flow of air, and is due to an active broncho-dilatation under the influence of nervous or chemical stimuli. This highly teleological suggestion has not, so far as we can discover, led Douglas and Haldane into any error of fact, but it has led Krogh and Lindhard to confuse the question of an augmented dead space with the quite distinct problem of an active broncho-dilatation. Accordingly, Krogh and Lindhard, in testing the volume of the dead space at_rest and after exercise, seem to have arranged intention- ally that the subject should take no deeper inspiration under one con- dition than under the other. The two measurements were equal; and they concluded therefore (correctly) that there is no evidence of ~ active, teleological, broncho-dilatation during exercise. They did not, however, make adequate tests of the volume of the dead space in breaths as deep as occur during hyperpnoea. If they had, they would doubt- less have found, as we do, a dead space varying up to as great a maxi-_ mum as Douglas and Haldane claim.’ The true explanation of these variations is in the main, we believe, that during extra deep breathing the bronchi and bronchioles are dilated passively with the rest of the lungs. Thus a deep inspiration involves an increased dead space no matter whether the subject is at rest or exercising. We recognize, of course, that broncho-dilatation and constriction are func- tions under sympathetic or autonomic control, that they are influenced by drugs, and are subject to pathological disturbances.’ Our results demonstrate merely that the ordinary variations of the dead space as between quiet and deep breathing are not for the most part of this active character. Axial flow of gases through the tubes. As several of the recent investi- gators in this field have evidently left out of account the peculiarities of the movements of liquids and gases in tubes, we may begin the report of our data with a few simple experiments on this topic. They illus- 4 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY trate why it is that with a dead space of 150 cc. the first 150 cc. expired (or even the first 50 cc.) are not free from a considerable admixture of pulmonary air. They afford the reason why a dog during heat poly- pnoea may have a tidal volume considerably less than the volume of the dead space. They suggest that, during rapid shallow breathing _in man, what we may call the physiological dead space is a much smaller volume than the anatomical dead space of Loewy’s plaster cast. There may easily be a gaseous exchange sufficient to support. life even when the tidal volume is considerably less than the dead space. If one takes a glass tube of, say, a meter length and one or two centi- meters bore, and blows tobacco smoke into one end, he sees that the smoke does not move along the tube in a cylindrical column, filling the tube from side to side, but in the form of a very thin spike. If the tube is held vertically, so that gravitational effects are avoided, the spike follows the axis of the tube, and the tip of the spike begins to issue from the upper end before the tube as a whole is more than a quarter or a third filled with smoke. The quicker the puff, the thinner and sharper the spike, and the more smoke must be blown through before all the clear air is washed out. If, at the moment that the tip of the spike reaches the upper end of the tube, the puff is stopped by applying the tongue to the lower end, the spike breaks instantly everywhere; and the tube is seen to be filled from side to side with a mixture of smoke and air, thin at the upper end, a thicker mixture at the lower, and all gradations between. If now an inspiration is made, a thin spike of clear air projects itself down along the axis and into the mouth of the operator along with some of the thicker mixture in the lower end of the tube. An even more striking demonstration is obtained with a glass bulb having inlet and outlet tubes on opposite sides. When smoke is blown in through one of these tubes, the column at first shoots across the cen- tre of the bulb and out through the other tube with little contamina- tion of the clear air surrounding the stream. If it is stopped suddenly, a complete mixing of smoke and clear air occurs almost instantaneously, and thereafter a very large volume of air must be drawn through the bulb before the last trace of smoke is washed out. For instrumental purposes these frictional effects are easily neutralized by filling the large glass tube with some loose fibrous material such as glass wool, jute, disks of wire gauze, ete. The friction being then the same at every point in the cross section, the column of smoke pushes the air ahead of it like the plunger of a pump. This holds true even THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 5) when the fibrous material is so loosely packed as to afford no noticeable resistance to an expiration. We have employed a tube of this sort to determine the composition of successive fractions of an expiration. At intervals along the tube were inserted side tubes to which were connected small pipettes of a type described in a previous paper from this laboratory.* The appara- tus is shown in figure 3, and examples of the results obtained in figure 4. From them it is clear that in a quick expiration through the mouth the “spike”’ of alveolar air begins to issue between the lips with the first 25 to 50 cc. of air expelled. They show also that for an approximately complete washing out of the dead spate, so that the last portion shall consist of practically undiluted alveolar air, an expiration (especially Fi 9. / Fig. 2 Fig. 1. (a) Shows a “‘spike’’ of smoke moving through a glass tube. (6) Shows the condition when the current is suddenly stopped and mixing instan- taneously occurs. (c) Shows clear air drawn in. Fig. 2. Shows how a column of smoke crosses a bulb with little mixing or sweeping out of the air within it. if rapid) of at least 400 cc. or three times the volume of the dead space is required. This applies to ordinary quiet breathing. During hyper- pnoea the larger dead space necessitates a much greater expiration be- fore an undiluted sample of alveolar air can be obtained. We have used and compared five methods with minor variations for determining the dead space: First, or CO: method. The subject began with the deepest possible expiration with the mouth open, and followed this with an inspiration - sufficient in volume to fill the dead space with entirely fresh air. In some cases this breath was held for seven to ten seconds; in others the next act followed immediately. This consisted in the subject making the deepest possible expiration through a rubber tube into a gasometer 6 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY or rubber bag. The subject then kept his tongue against the end of the tube until it was closed with a spring clip. A sample of alveolar air was drawn from the tube as in the method of Haldane and Priestley, and its CO, percentage (a,;) was determined with a Haldane apparatus. (The little apparatus graduated up to 10 per cent for CO, only is most convenient for this purpose.) A sample of the mixed air (mm) in the gasometer was also analyzed. The volume of the (second) expiration Fig. 3. Apparatus for analyzing successive portions of an expiration. The volume expired is measured by means of the gasometer. The tube (volume 400 ce. and length 100 em.) is filled with loosely shredded glass wool or jute. The pipettes hanging from it are filled with ,~,; normal baryta. Immediately after an expiration the clip at the end of the tube is closed. By opening the clips on the pipettes, exactly one-half (15 ec.) of the baryta is then allowed to run out of each, thus drawing in a sample of air from the tube. The clips are reclosed, and the remaining half of the baryta is thoroughly shaken with this air, and is then drained into a small flask, and tightly stoppered. After complete sedi- mentation of the BaCO;, a sample (5 cc.) of the supernatant baryta is titrated with ;y normal acid; and, with corrections for the barometric pressure and tem- perature when the air sample was taken, its CO, percentage is calculated. (£) was read from the gasometer, or by means of a gas meter con- nected with the rubber bag. The dead space (d) of the apparatus, i.e., the volume of the tube, was determined once for all. It should be as small as convenient. By using a readily collapsible tube, or by filling the tube with water before each experiment, it can be eliminated ~ entirely. Although more exact these arrangements are also more trouble and not necessary. THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 7 Per cent COz 7i9. 4 Fig. 4. Showing the percentages of CO, in successive portions of quick expirations in four experiments with the apparatus of figure 3. The (virtual) dead space (D,) for COs. was calculated from these data by the formula: my D, = E ray E d ay It is not necessary that the alveolar samples should have a normal CO, content, as it is not the absolute amount but the relation of this factor to the CO, in the mixed air which counts. For instance, in two experiments (on Y. H.) the data and results were: E Ai Mi d Di 3810 3.75 2.90 195 670 3850 6.20 4.70 195 665 The characteristics of the results obtainable with this method are shown by figure 5. These data and their significance may be summarized as follows: (1) The dead space as determined by this method (without a pause) varies with the extent to which the lungs are inflated. Below the in- flation of quiet breathing it may be as small as 60 ce. or less. At the normal level volumes of 150 or 160 cc. are obtained in close agreement with other observers. When the lungs are inflated to an extent cor- responding to that of hyperpnoea, the volumes are much larger (up to 600 or 700 cc. or more). But they are the same no matter whether the subject is at rest or exercising. This indicates that the increased dead space observed by Douglas and Haldane under the latter condition is chiefly a mere mechanical stretching, not an active broncho-dilatation. (2) When inspiration is as far as possible of a costal character, the 8 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY values obtained even by fairly great inflation (3100 to 3800 cc.) are only about half as large as when it is of the ordinary diaphragmatic charac- * ter. This indicates that the expansion of the dead space between or- dinary and deep breathing depends to a great extent upon the lengthen- ing of the bronchi and bronchioles with the downward movement of the diaphragm. CC Virtval dead tr space for C02 Extent of Chestinflation as sd ie by pt hn final Geepest expiral Ton Fig. 5 Fig. 5. A diagram of results obtained by our first method. Ordinates ex- press the (virtual) dead space, and abscissae the extent to which the lungs were expanded above the residuum at deepest expiration. In the subject (Y. H.) during quiet breathing with a tidal volume of 500 cc. inspiration reaches a level of about 1600 cc. as indicated by the arrow at the left, and an active hyperpnoea raises the level to between 2900 and 3630 as indicated by the arrows at the right. The values for the dead space when the final expiration was made immediately after the inspiration are indicated by the little circles (0)., and upper line. The values obtained when the inspiration was held for seven to ten seconds are expressed by the little squares (0) and the middle line. The influence of making the inspiration and pause so far as possible with the costal mechanism without contraction of the diaphragm is shown by the incom- plete squares ‘C) and the lower line. All of the foregoing observations were made while the subject was at rest, sitting on a stool in a room of comfortable temperature. The solid circles and squares (@ @) on the contrary express observations by identical procedures, but taken while the subject was hyperpnoeic from vigorous exercise on a station- ary bicycle. As they correspond closely with the observations during rest, they show that the increased dead space during exercise is not due to active broncho- dilatation, but to passive distension incident to deep inspirations. ae THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 9 (3) When the inspired air is held for seven to ten seconds before the final expiration is made, the values obtained for the virtual dead space are at all levels of chest inflation considerably smaller (less by a third to one-half) than when no pause is made. This is probably due to dif- fusion of CO, in appreciable amounts through the mucosa of the mouth, trachea, bronchi, etc. (A study of the diffusion of CO. and oxygen in the mouth is now under way in this laboratory, has afforded con- firmation of this view, and will be reported in a later paper.) Second, or oxygen method. The procedures were the same as in our first method except that the gas samples were analyzed for oxygen and the percentages found (m,. and a2) were subtracted from the oxygen percentage of the inspired air. Thus the dead space for oxygen (D2) was found by the formula | _ 720-93 — ms cv 20.93 — ay It is noteworthy that when both this and the CO, method were car- ried through on the same breath the (virtual) dead space for COz was al- ways smaller than that for oxygen. The difference between them was greater (owing to the fact that D,; was reduced much more than D,) when the breath was held for several seconds than was the case when no pause was made. For example we found (on J. L. W.): DT “ E Di Dz Di: Dz With pause......... 720 33 78 42:100 With pause......... 1450 66 192 34:100 Wath pause: ..&..... 3430 569 1020 55:100 Without pause...... (800) 130 | 154 84:100 Without pause...... (1450) 156 164 95:100 Without pause...... (3000) 563 809 69: 100 The last three experiments here instanced were really made with our fourth and fifth methods which give the average dead space for a series of breaths. But they suffice to show that the difference between D, and Dz is much less without, than it is with, a pause. From this fact as from the evidence of the first method above discussed, it is clear that there ts a very considerable diffusion of COz from the walls of the res- piratory passages. The oxygen exchange on the other hand between the air in these tubes and the blood in their walls is comparatively small. It is probable that the great part of the blood affected by this 10 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY diffusion is not in the pulmonary, but in the systemic circulation and flows from the bronchial veins to the right heart.* _ This bronchial CO, diffusion affords an explanation of the fact that the respiratory quotient calculated from alveolar analyses is always lower than that found from the total expired air. Indeed this explana- tion was pointed out to one of us some years ago by Dr. J. 8. Haldane,'® and it was his forecast which led us to look for a smaller (virtual) dead space for CO, than for oxygen. Third, or hydrogen method. This is the method of Siebeck as em- ployed by Krogh and Lindhard. In our use of it we made a pause of some six to eight seconds before the final expiration. We also varied the depth of the inspiration, the point which, as already explained, Krogh and Lindhard overlooked. In several experiments we deter- mined on a single breath the dead space, both for oxygen and for hy- drogen. The formula for the method, in which H is the percentage of hydrogen in the gas inspired, m3 and a; are the percentages of hydro- gen in the mixed and alveolar samples, and the other terms, as in pre- vious formulae, is Dig” d D,=E-E Our results with this method are given in the fourth column of the table of comparative results. The dead space for hydrogen is, in general, of approximately the same size as that for oxygen. Like that both for oxygen and for COs, it varies with the extent to which the lungs are inflated. These obser- vations do not, however, invalidate the demonstration of Krogh and Lindhard that with breaths of the same size the dead space is the same during exercise as during rest. Fourth and fifth, or Douglas bag methods. The fourth method which we used was identical with that of Douglas and Haldane. The total expired air for a certain length of time was caught in a Douglas bag and measured. This volume was divided by the number of breaths made in the period to find the mean volume of expiration (e). A sample was analyzed for CO., and a separate determination of the subject’s alveolar air was made. The formula was the same as that for our first method, except that the mean tidal air (e) replaces (2) *Since this paper was written, correspondence with Dr. Haldane has changed our opinion on this point. The greater part of this blood must go into the pul- monary Veins and to the left heart, See note at the end of this paper. THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 11 the deepest possible expiration. The extent of the lung dilatation (2) when needed, was determined separately with a small graduated spirometer. The fifth method was the same as the fourth except that oxygen analyses also were made on the expired and alveolar air. The formula was the same as for our second method with (e) substituted for (2). With these methods the dead space for oxygen was always larger than that for CO.. But as there was no pause between inspiration and expiration the differences were not nearly so great as between the results of the first and second methods with a pause. The effects of exercise (fast walking) were found, in agreement with the observations of Douglas and Haldane, to include a considerable increase in the dead space. But this was not to any considerable ex- tent assignable to active broncho-dilatation, for it was of practically the same amount as that obtained by the other methods with equal chest inflation while the subjects were at rest. Furthermore, with the bag methods when the subject sat perfectly still and voluntarily made deep, but slow breaths, the dead space worked out to a volume as great as, or greater than, that during the hyperpnoea of exercise. For example, the dead space for CO, and for oxygen (Ds and Ds) were found (on J. L. W.) to be: TIDAL AIR Ds Ds At rest, shallow breathing with constricted che3t................ 180 130 154 At rest, natural breathing. ........ 403 189 198 Fast walking and natural hyper- TOTDVEIEE. tocol Bee Se SiR oa eee ee 1373 407 650 At rest, deep slow breathing....... 1384 563 809 At rest, deep slow breathing....... 2116 917 1237 Comparative results. In the table of comparative results are shown data for a single subject by all five methods. The first column indi- cates the extent to which the lungs were dilated above deepest expira- tion. In this subject when seated and breathing quietly the tidal air amounted to 400 or 450 ec. In ordinary inspiration his lungs were dilated to 1400 or 1500 cc. above deepest expiration. The “vital capacity’? was 3800 or 3900 ce. The data of the fourth and fifth meth- dds are inserted at places in the table corresponding to the extent to which the lungs were expanded at inspiration. 12 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY Table of comparative results of determinations of the volume of the dead space of a single subject (J. L. W.) by five methods (D, to Ds) arranged according to the extent to which the lungs were dilated (EF) E | Di | Dz 720 33 78 725 860 58 1450 66 192 1480 1500 191 296 1650 82 245 ° 1710 86 186 1860 370 2430 2540 156 2710 2770 290 3220 1116 3400 3430 569 1020 3450 847 3460 289 620 3550 406 3580 3620 796 1212 cc. 138 102 267 139 234 1105 653 725 928 Ds | Ds 130 154 154 163 132 154 189 198 407 650 563 809 917 1237 Below level of normal breathing, i.e., with con- tracted chest. At level of normal breath- ing. At level of hyperpnoea of vigorous exercise. The table clearly demonstrates by all methods the passive dilatation of the dead space with chest expansion. CO, from the walls of the dead space by the facts that the figures for D, are somewhat smaller, and those for D, (with a pause) are very much smaller, than those obtained by the hydrogen (D;) and the two oxygen methods (Ds and Ds). There is also to be noted a contrast between the first three methods (on single breaths) and the fourth and fifth (with the Douglas bag) in that, while the latter increase fairly uniformly, the former are quite It shows the diffusion of THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 13 irregular. These discrepancies are not due to analytical errors which can scarcely exceed 10 per cent (except possibly in the third, or hydro- gen method, where they may reach 20 per cent), nor to variations in the final measured expiration which should not err more than 100 or 200 cc. in totals of from 1000 to 4000 cc. They are due to the fact that, while the fourth and fifth methods give the mean dead space for several minutes, the first three methods determine it at a single instant. This suggests that the dead space is continually undergoing active variations which are recorded by our first three methods and averaged by the last two. Rhythmic variations in the dead space. When one makes a series of determinations at regular intervals by any one of our first three methods on a single subject under conditions and at a chest expansion as nearly uniform as possible, it seldom happens that any two successive results agree to within even the extreme errors of the method. This fact which we have verified repeatedly puzzled us even after many months had been spent in unravelling the influence of chest expansion on the dead space. The suggestion was made to us by Dr. A. L. Prince of this laboratory that there might be variations of tonus in the non-striated muscle fibers of the bronchi similar to those in other organs contain- ing such tissue. A survey of the literature shows that Einthoven" many years ago observed slight rhythmic variations of bronchial tonus in dogs, although more recent investigators seem not to have noticed them. Accordingly we carried through by our first method two series of obser- vations (on J. L. W.) in which the dead space was determined every three minutes for more than an hour.* The results are shown in figures 6and 7. In figure 6 are to be seen rhythmic variations of a periodicity of about 7.5 minutes, large waves amounting to thirty or forty per cent of the whole volume of the dead space alternating with waves only half as large. In figure 7 the results obtained on the same sub- ject the next day exhibit equally marked variations, but of slower and less clearly marked periodicity. We may fairly conclude from these experiments, supported by a mass of observations too voluminous for detailed publication, that the respiratory dead space, like other cavities having non-striated muscle ' fibers in their walls, is subject to considerable active variations of a more or less rhythmic character. *We are indebted to Dr. Prince for assistance in carrying out the necessary rapid succession of analyses. 14 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY Reflex influences of close and fresh air on bronchial tonus. One of us (Y. H.) is very susceptible to the ill effects of a close and crowded room. ‘The nasal mucosa becomes congested almost to the occlusion of the nostrils, and asthmatic sensations also develop. On going out of doors, or feeling a cool breeze on the face, there occur a reflex constriction of the nasal blood vessels, and an ease of breathing, after a few deep breaths, suggestive of an active reflex change from constriction to dila- tation of the bronchi. The stimulus seems to be the cool sensation from the face. The effect is too rapid to depend on body temperature. Sensations of ‘‘stuffiness” and obstructed breathing have been noticed also in a crowded railroad car when there was no perceptible perspira- s Virtual dead space ie BERS... cl De Time Smtr. frtervals Fig. 6. A series of dead space determinations (averaging 500 cc.) at inter- vals of three minutes for over an hour made by our first method on J. L.W. The chest expansion was as nearly uniform as possible: averaging 3300 cc. for E. Active variations in the volume of the dead space are here seen to occur rhythmi- cally, large waves alternating with small at intervals of about seven and one-half minutes. tion, no impression of being too warm, and occasionally even when it. was rather too cold for comfort. We have noticed also that in a Turkish bath, persons who are unaccustomed to it, or who do not perspire readily, may experience obstructed breathing, nausea and faintness, while the practiced bather breathes quite easily and feels exhilarated. The same holds true, however, in a steam room (Russian bath) with an atmosphere at 45° C., and saturated with moisture. Under the latter - conditions body temperature must rise practically equally whether one perspires or not. The obstructed breathing, if it is a broncho-eon- striction, together with the nausea and faintness, appear to us, there- THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 15 fore, to be rather due to reflexes from the skin than to the central effects of hyperthermia.” Early in these investigations there were carried out on Mr. Edmund Andrews, then a student in this laboratory, a series of observations which indicated that in a “close” room with a distinct feeling of stuffiness the dead space is abnormally small; that standing in an agreeably cool breeze from an open window for even a few seconds induces an enlargement; that a distinct chill on the contrary induces in one coming from a close room, not an increase, but on the contrary a further decrease in the volume of the dead space—in one case the subject “caught cold;” and that a warm room with no sensation of stuffiness but free perspiration tends to cause enlargement of the dead space. The methods employed for these ob- servations were crude (the apparatus shown in figure 3 was used) and C.C Virteal dead | JS SSeS ae moe ee ea _ aS ae ae Nee Ap = Be |-\ ie 20 ; mimesis tie ticle Pl fh ris Is 120 ny, rrille Js 7g a Fig. 7. A series of observations similar to those in figure 6 on the same sub- ject the next day. The rhythm is much less regular. The mean (330 cc.) of these determinations is less than before because E was smaller, averaging 2650 cc. we had not then puzzled out the relation of the volume of the dead space to chest inflation. The observations are, however, worthy of record as a starting point for future investigations. Using our second method and expirations as nearly equal as pos- sible (3260 and 3140 cc.) we found the dead space (in J. L. W.) in a close room to be 645 cc. and a few minutes later out of doors—air cool and dry, and sky clear—a volume of 816. Owing,- however, to our demonstration of the type of variations discussed in the preceding sec- tion, it will require many additional observations to settle the point as to whether this really indicates broncho-dilatation. We have, however, carried out several experiments on the influence upon the dead space of steam, hot air, and cold shower baths. The 16 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY results are rather discordant, although they suggest that when one begins taking such baths the hot rooms cause broncho-constriction, and the ‘cold shower a dilatation, but that after a little practice reactions of the opposite type occur. Our initial experiments on the effects of the hot room (65° C. with dry bulb thermometer and 37° with wet bulb), steam room (44° C. with both wet and dry bulb thermometers), and cold shower (16°) of a Turkish bath gave the following results for the oxygen dead space (D.) at nearly uniform chest inflation (£): SUBJECT Waves Je awe FE; or amount of lung inflation................ 3150-3320 ce. 3340-36850 ce. D2 in cool well ventilated room.............. 230 1346 Dz after fifteen minutes in steam room....... 104 218 Dz: after fifteen minutes more in hot room.... Dprattericola:showersean. sede ce oe 634 D; after dressing cool room:.3.2....2.-. a. <*. 338 1124 A few days later, the following results were obtained. SUBJECT ease Jeune Ei or amount of lung inflation................] 3650-4100 ec. 3550-38800 ce. Dei cooldressingroum see. 300 505 D2 after ten minutes in steam room.......... 385 777 Dz after ten minutes more in hot room....... 752 1288 alsen, Cold Shower tos Fa hae oi ae oe 234 557 Dz after dressing in cool room............... 360 1270 One experiment on this topic was made also with the Douglas bag methods. It showed that (in J. L. W.) after ten minutes in the steam room and similarly in dry heat the (virtual) dead spaces for CO, and for oxygen were 200 cc. and 396 ec. respectively, as compared with 189 cc. and 198 cc. when the subject was sitting in a room of ordinary temperature. But the volume of air breathed per minute, and the tidal volume were about twice as great in the hot rooms as in the cool, so that the chest inflation (which we failed to measure) was probably enough to balance to an unknown extent the apparent broncho- dilatation. This incomplete experiment, however, yielded one new observation: it indicated that in great heat the exhalation of COs from the walls of the dead space is enormously increased. This may well be due to an active hyperaemia. ‘This exhalation is shown in the fact that although THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 17 the subject was breathing twenty times a minute the virtual dead space for CO, (D4) was only half of that for oxygen (D;). In agree- ment with the observations of Haldane," the alveolar CO. was consider- ably lowered. The respiratory quotient for the mixed expired air was 0.928, while the quotient calculated from the alveolar air was only 0.717: an extraordinary difference. The dead space in asthma. Some observations on asthmatic sub- jects (by F. P. C. at the Tulane Medical School in New Orleans) show dead spaces (D;) smaller than in normal subjects although not to the extent expected.“ It is very probable, however, that their chests were dilated much above the normal level and that they failed to make expirations of normal depth in the tests. When these measurements were made, we were still unaware of the influence of chest expansion on the dead space. Assuming their chests to have been expanded to the extent of 1000 or 1500 cc. above the normal their dead spaces were only about one-third of that of normal subjects at such chest expan- sions. Jt appears probable that in asthmatics the abnormally expanded condition in which the chest is held affords a passive stretching of the bronchi and bronchioles which partially compensates for the active broncho- constriction. CONCLUSIONS From a consideration of the axial flow of gases through tubes, and from determinations of the CO, content of successive fractions of the expired air it is found that in man some alveolar air (i.e., CO. in increasing amounts), begins to issue from the nose and mouth even in the first 50 cc. of an ordinary expiration. A tidal volume even much smaller than the volume of the dead space may thus afford u very considerable gaseous exchange, as in animals during heat polypnoea. With the ordinary expansion of the chest during quiet breathing an expiration of at least 400 cc. is necessary to effect an even approximately complete washing out of a dead space of 150 cc. During hyperpnoea a much larger expiration is necessary before a sample of pure alveolar air is obtainable. Five methods of determining the dead space on man have been em- ployed with generally concordant results and some significant differ- ences. The results show that the dead space expands and contracts passively with the movements of the thoracic walls and lungs. At the level of ordinary breathing the dead space is about 150 ce. (as practically all previous observers have found). At shallower levels, it is, however, considerably less; with deeper breathing it is much 18 Y. HENDERSON, F. P. CHILLINGWORTH AND J. L. WHITNEY more (400 to 600 cc.); and with the deepest breaths the (virtual) dead space may exceed a liter in volume. It is much more affected by dia- phragmatic than by costal movements. The dead space is found to be of practically the same volume during rest and exercise, providing that the determinations are made at equal extents of chest inflation. This fact indicates that the enlargement of the dead space during hyperpnoea is essentially a passive stretch- ing and_not an active broncho-dilatation. 3 The dead space for oxygen is always larger than that for CO:. This is shown to be due to the diffusion of CO, in considerable amounts from the walls of the mouth, trachea, bronchi, ete. The dead space, even at a uniform extent of chest inflation, is con- tinually undergoing active variations in volume. At times these varia- tions exhibit a distinct rhythm of a period of several minutes. They may amount to as much as 30 per cent of the mean volume of the dead space in quiet breathing. Some facts are reported which suggest that in a “close and stuffy” room the bronchi, etc., are constricted, and that a distinct chill con- stricts them further, while pleasantly fresh cool air, on the contrary, induces broncho-dilatation. Experiments in a Turkish bath have not, however, afforded concordant results, except that they have shown that during profuse perspiration and cutaneous hyperaemia there is a greatly augmented diffusion of CO, from the walls of the dead space. This doubtless indicates a hyperaemia of the respiratory passages. As a partof the CO, given off in the passages is inspired into the alveoli before being expired, and as the alveolar respiratory quotient may be only a little above 0.7 when the quotient of the mixed expired air is considerably above 0.9, it appears that under such conditions as much as one-half of the total CO, exhaled by the subject may come from the dead space. In asthmatics, the chronic dilatation of the chest stretches the pul- monary passages passively, and thus tends to compensate to some extent for their active contraction. Note: After our investigations were completed and this paper was ready for publication, one of us (Y. H.) wrote to Dr. J. S. Haldane of the results obtained. By return mail, Dr. Haldane replied that he had been at work on the same topic and had obtained practically identical results as regards the passive expansion of the dead space. A few days later he sent to us the manuscript of his paper with the suggestion that it should either be combined with ours or pub- THE RESPIRATORY DEAD SPACE 19 lished simultaneously. As publication of the two papers uncombined appears to us to be the most effective method of carrying conviction to the minds of others, and as each paper has some special aspects, Dr. Haldane’s paper (which he has curtailed and modified after read- ing our paper) appears elsewhere in this number of this Journal. It is certainly a rare event that investigators, working entirely independently on opposite sides of the Atlantic, reach so nearly the same conclusions on a topic which has been in a state of confusion as long as has that of the respiratory dead space. The only important point of difference, between Dr. Haldane and ourselves was as to whether the greater part of the blood, which has lost CQOz directly to the dead space, passes to the right heart, as we supposed, or to the left heart, as Dr. Haldane sug- gests. In the latter case the large amounts of COz2 given off to the respiratory passages during hyperpnoea, and especially during heat hyperpnoea and bronchial hyperaemia (see our experiments in the Turkish bath) may prove to be of great importance. After reading the papers of Miller® to which Dr. Haldane refers there is no doubt in our minds that Dr. Haldane is correct in considering that the passive stretching of the dead space occurs principally in the atria, and that the greater part of the blood from the dead space flows in to the pul- monary veins and left heart. 1 For literature cf. Siebeck: Skandinavisches Archiv fiir Physiologie, 1911, KV. Pe OL. : 2 Loewy: Pfliiger’s Archiv, 1891, lviii, p. 416. 3 Douglas and Haldane: Journal of Physiology, 1912, xlv, p. 235. 4 Siebeck: Loc. cit. 5 Krogh and Lindhard: Journal of Physiology, 1913, xlviii, p. 30. 6 Cf. Campbell, Douglas and Hobson: Journal of Physiology, 1914, xlviii, p. 303. 7 Similar observations have been made but misinterpreted by Carter.: Jour- nal of Experimental Medicine, 1914, xx, p. 81. 8 For literature see Jackson, D. E.: Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- mental Therapeutics, 1914, v, p. 479. ° Henderson and Russell: American Journal of Physiology, 1911, xxix, p. 441. 10 Pike’s Peak Expedition: Phil. Trans. B. cciii, p. 231. 41 Kinthoven: W. Pfliiger’s Archiv. f. d. gesammte Physiologie, 1892, li, p. 415. 1 Cf. Henderson: The unknown factors in the ill effects of bad ventilation. Transactions of Fifteenth International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, 1913, ii, p. 622. 13 Haldane: Journal of Hygiene, 1905, v. p. 494. ‘4 Hoover, C. F. and Taylor, L. have reported similar observations but have interpreted them differently: Archives of Internal Medicine, 1915, xv, p. 1. 15 Miller, W. S.: Journal of Morphology, 1893, viii, p. 165; and Anatomomische Anzieger, 1906, xxviii, p. 433. THE VARIATIONS IN THE EFFECTIVE DEAD SPACE IN BREATHING J. S. HALDANE From Cherwell Laboratory, Oxford Received for publication April 13, 1915 In the foregoing paper by Messrs. Yandell Henderson, Chillingworth and Whitney, clear evidence is brought forward that the increase in the respiratory dead space during hyperpnoea, as noted by Douglas and myself during muscular work, and by Campbell, Douglas and Hobson for hyperpnoea caused by COz,! is due, not to active dilatation of the bronchi, as we believed, but to mechanical stretching of the lungs. I had meanwhile reached the same general conclusions, and it is unnecessary for me to repeat what my American colleagues have so admirably expressed; but as my methods differed in certain respects from theirs, and in one or two points I have been led to a different interpretation of the data, it seems worth while to put my experiments on record along with theirs. Douglas and I obtained our results for the dead space with the existing natural breathing, deep during hyperpnoea, and compara- tively shallow during rest. I had been led to suspect that the appar- ent divergence between our results and those of Krogh and Lindhard depended on the depth of breathing, and in order to determine the influence of varying the depth per se, without any hyperpnoea, I made use of the fact, discovered by Priestley and myself, that the frequency of breathing may be varied within wide limits, without altering the alveolar CO, percentage, provided that the depth of breathing is allowed to regulate itself naturally, with no forcing or holding back. Thus by varying the frequency one can greatly vary the depth, without altering the mean alveolar CO. percentage, and without true hyper- pnoea being present. I have verified this on myself within wider limits than in our original experiments, in groups of experiments, the experiments in each group succeeding one another at as short in- tervals as possible, but the different groups being on different days. 1 Journal of Physiology, xlv, p. 235, 1912, and xlviii, p. 303, 1914. 20 VARIATIONS IN THE DEAD SPACE IN BREATHING 21 It was easy enough to reduce the frequency to three breaths a minute without any discomfort, provided the inspirations and expirations were sufficiently slow and regular. The results obtained were as follows: Alveolar CO: percentage F La teeth lated geal END OF INSPIRATION END OF EXPIRATION MEAN J 30 5.66 5.70 5.67 } 4 5.24 6.09 5.66 24 5.48 5.49 5.48 6 5.40 5.73 5.56 36 5.63 5.73 5.68 4 5.11 6.34 5.72 3 5.19 6.24 5.71 | 60 6.17 6.16 6.16 The constancy of the alveolar CO: percentages with frequencies of from three to thirty-six breaths is very striking. The cause of the paradoxical rise in alveolar CO: percentage when the frequency was increased to sixty will be discussed later. The effective dead space was now determined by our method with varying frequencies of breathing, and consequent variations of depth, the expired air being collected over a period of three minutes, and the rate of breathing having been accurately adjusted by a clock for at least two minutes before the collection of samples was begun. Inspira- tion and expiration were timed to be of about equal duration and with no pause between them. For reasons which will appear below, the results, which are given in the following table, are stated somewhat fully. This table shows clearly that in spite of the absence of hyperpnoea the effective dead space increases enormously with increased depth of breathing, the increase in dead space bearing a rough proportion to the increase in depth. This fact explains the apparent divergence between our own results and those of Krogh and Lindhard, since the latter observers made their determinations with a constant and relatively small depth of breathing. The data for oxygen bring out a further point. It will be noticed that the differences between the oxygen percentages at the end of inspiration and end of expiration are much greater than the differences in the CO, percentages: also that the respiratory quotient as calculated HALDANE s. J. 22 661 9é1 1&Z &6G G6E 619 06 3G WOIy SST It T9I TZT ~PGG GLG LOV €89 ZOO woz peyeENoyVH | pexe[NoyBH INGILOnNod ‘00 ‘ToqIdHLAOW JO LVHL SANIW Govds davad GAMOadAat AUOL -Vuldsawt UVIOAATY 00° ST G9 &T GL &l v8 &T sé Pl 20’ FI OL &T uo uoly -Bi1dxo jo puny GTI 88° ST WW El G6 &T ts vi 86°F 99 TI uoly -ei1dsut jo pul ADVINGAONAd 6M UVIOAATYV | 18°¢ metro 2 oO OF ae 19 D> DOS 1 Se 15 19 19 19 19 19 19.29 oa > aoa (=) SS C © 19 219 19 19 19 O oD us 1 21D 1D 19 AD 19 19 AN oO ~ Sis uory uory ure -Bidxe -eirdsut jo pul JO pul ADVINGOUAd GOO UVIOMATY 028'0 | $4 8T 68° 082°0 | ST ZT GG 888'0 | 86°9T 8o°& 288°0° | T0°2L |= 6S_6 “(118° Q> | Lo LT Ig'& ¢06'0 | 2h 91 ivana G18°0 | 16 91 9c F Shs'0 | 20°91 66 F qgueryonb A10yw %*O %OO -11d50 YY, eS uly AAuIdxXa L&E 09 OIF xa €h9 L Lt O¢9 O'LI €89 ost SIF i) SEG P F866 € ‘00 NI da | ALON -Lvuoiys| uad olg iv |SNolLvu SNOIL -IdSau -Vuldxa a0 40 Hidad | ANNAN NVIWN -aud VARIATIONS IN THE DEAD SPACE IN BREATHING 23 from the alveolar samples is lower than the true quotient as calculated from the composition of the expired air. To the latter point and its probable explanation attention had already been called by Douglas, Henderson, Schneider and myself in our account of the Pike’s Peak Expedition.? It follows that, as shown in the table, the effective dead space calculated from the oxygen percentages is greater than that calculated from the CO. percentages, mny results in this respect being entirely confirmatory of those given in the previous paper. It will also be seen that in the three experiments with normal breath- ing, and a depth of breathing of about 650 cc., the dead spaces found differed considerably, thus also confirming the conclusions of the previous paper. It seemed probable to Douglas and myself that the increase in the dead space during hyperpnoea is due to general relaxation of the bron- chial muscular coat, so that air can pass more easily. As, however, the increase occurs without any hyperpnoea, this view becomes un- tenable: the more so as Professor Dixon informs me that he had mean- while found in direct’ experiments on animals that no broncho-dilata- tion occurs on administering air containing CQO..* It is thus necessary to seek for another explanation. Considering that the walls of the bronchi are very thick selaivaly to the walls of the freely distensible air spaces of the surrounding lung- tissue, it does not seem probable that any considerable dilatation of the bronchi can be brought about by mere mechanical distension of the lungs in deep breathing. The position at which the increase of dead space occurs must therefore, I think, be sought beyond the terminal bronchioles. The manner in which a terminal bronchiole in _the mammalian lung breaks up was carefully worked out by recon- struction and other methods by W. 8. Miller, and is clearly described and figured in his paper. Miller’s work seems to furnish the key to the interpretation of the increased dead space. Each terminal bronchus (see fig. 7 and 8 of Miller’s paper), ends in several openings or “vestibules,” each of which leads into an air-cavity or “atrium,” lined Primi. Trans.; B, cciii, p. 221. ’ The method he used was that employed in the experiments of himself and Ransom on broncho-dilator nerves (Journal of Physiology, xlv, p. 413, 1912). Einthoven observed broncho-constriction under the influence of CQ: with the vagi intact, and no effect after vagus section. Einthoven, W: Pfliiger’s Archiv f. d. gesammte Physiologie, 1892, li, pp. 411 and 423. 4W.S. Miller, Journal of Morphology, viii, 1893, p. 165. 24 J. S. HALDANE by alveoli. From each atrium several openings lead onwards into “air- sacs,’ which are main cavities of which the walls are constituted by alveoli or air-cells. By far the greater number of the lung alveoli be- long to the air-sac system, but a very appreciable number belong to the atria, and the latter act partly as air-passages to theair-sacs, and partly perform the same respiratory functions as the air-sacs themselves. The walls of the atria have the same general structure as those of the air-sacs, and must be just as free to expand when air enters the lungs. It is evident that the atria must have a far greater supply of fresh air than the groups of air-sacs beyond them, since all the fresh air sup- plied to the air-sacs passes through the atria, and at the end of an in- spiration they will be left full of relatively pure air. They will there- fore contribute to the “effective” or ‘‘virtual’’ dead space due to the bronchi and upper respiratory passages; and as they will expand freely with a deep inspiration, and be washed out more thoroughly, the dead space will increase with a deep inspiration. If the lungs as a whole are over-ventilated by temporary forced breathing, the respiratory quotient, as calculated from the composition of the expired air, is extremely high, since over-ventilation extracts much extra CO, from the blood, but cannot impart appreciably more oxygen to it. As, however, the atria are, as it were, constantly over- ventilated, the part of the expired air coming from them will have a high respiratory quotient. The air from the air-sacs must therefore have a lower quotient, so that the mixed expired air, coming from atria and air-sacs, has a quotient representing that for the body as a whole. As, moreover, the pulmonary blood passes partly through the atria, though mainly through the air-sacs, the partial pressure of CO, in the mixed arterial blood will be slightly lower than that of the blood from the air-sacs, though higher than that of the blood from the atria. This conception explains the fact, noted above, that with very shallow and frequent breathing the excess of CO. and deficiency of oxygen in the air-Sac air increases. j It is doubtless true that the respiratory exchange of the bronchi and upper air-passages must make some contribution to the total exchange represented in the expired air; but considering the thickness of the bronchial epithelium and the very small massof the whole mucous mem- brane lining the bronchi, ete., this contribution must be very small: whereas the extra CO, represented by the difference in respiratory quo- tient between alveolar and expired air represents about 12 per cent of the total CO, given off by the body. Moreover it is only during ex- VARIATIONS IN THE DEAD SPACE IN BREATHING 25 piration that the bronchial mucous membrane can contribute towards raising the respiratory quotient above that of the alveolar air, since any CO, coming off during inspiration is carried down to the alveoli. It seems, therefore, that the respiratory exchange of the bronchial mu- cous membrane contributes hardly anything to the difference in res- piratory quotient between alveolar and mixed expired air. In this con- clusion I was confirmed by finding that the respiratory quotient of the first part of the expired air is not strikingly different from that of later parts. The first part would be expected to have a very high respira- tory quotient if the respiratory exchange of the bronchi were responsible for the respiratory quotient of the expired air being so much higher ~ than that of the alveolar air. Priestley and I found that when, during normal breathing, air is expelled sharply from the lungs, the partial pressure of CO, in the ex- pired air is constant after a certain amount of air has been expelled, and we inferred that the air of constant CO, pressure is alveolar air. It now appears that the air in question is alveolar air from the “air-sacs”’ of Miller’s nomenclature, and that the air from the alveoli of his “atria’’ is of a different and more variable composition. I have made a few experiments in order to test more definitely than in our original experi- ments the depth of expiration needed in order to obtain air of constant composition. A rubber bag, of which the capacity when inflated could be varied at will by the adjustment of a large wooden clamp, was at- tached to the far end of the piece of tubing used for obtaining samples of alveolar air. As the inflation of this bag stopped the expiration, samples of the air leaving the mouth after any desired depth of expira- tion could be obtained. With ordinary resting breathing (about 18 breaths per minute in my case) the following results were obtained in successive trials on the same day. pzorit oF exernaniow | PERCENTAGE OF CO*IN pron oF expmamiox | PERCENTAGE Of COs 1350 5.51 650 Deal ° 190 3.03 650 5.32 335 4.37 650 5.18 510 5.17 1350 5.57 510 4.91 950 5.49 1350 5.39 950 | 5.53 1350 Nea yi 1350 5.44 650 4.95 1350 5.63 650 5.23 26 J. S. HALDANE If we average this series the results are: DEPTH OF EXPIRATION COs ECE ee areaEn aaa 190 3.03 335 4.37 510 5.04 650 5.19 950 5.51 1350 5.48 In ordinary determinations of the alveolar CO, percentage about 1350 ce. was, so far as I could judge, about the depth of expiration usu- ally employed in my own case. By somewhat forcing the expiration about 1750 ec. could, however, be expired without causing undue delay. A further series (on a different day) was therefore made, to see if any change could be detected in the deepest portions of the expired air. The results were that in six successive determinations the mean per- centage of CO. was 5.39 with an expiration of 900 cc., and 5.36 with an expiration of 1750 cc. Hence the deeper part of the expiration “con- tained no more CO, than the middle part. A few experiments were also made in order to see what depth of ex- piration is needed in order to reach a constant CO: percentage in a sample taken at the end of inspiration when the breathing was deep. The mean results were as follows, with breathing at a frequency of four per minute, and a depth of about 2000 ec. at 12°. COz PERCENTAGE IN AIR ISSU- DEPTH OF EXPIRATION ING FROM THE MOUTH IN A IN cc. AT 12° SHARP EXPIRATION AT THE END OF INSPIRATION First 460 4.74 series 910 Lye bil 2550 5.34 Second ees 5.10 series Selo 2550 It appears from these results that a depth of expiration of about 1500 cc. would be needed to obtain a sample of undiluted alveolar air VARIATIONS IN THE DEAD SPACE IN BREATHING ai at the end of an inspiration of 2000 cc. With still deeper breathing the depth of expiration needed would doubtless be greater. If some of the current descriptions of the manner in which the ter- minal bronchioles are connected with the alveoli were correct it would be hard to offer any explanation of why the composition of the expired air becomes constant after a certain depth of expiration: for according to these descriptions the further away an alveolus is from the terminal bronchus the less fresh air will it receive. Miller’s investigations have made it possible to explain the actual facts, including the increase of the virtual dead space with deep breathing. With regard to methods used for determining the dead space, it seems worthy of remark that the ‘effective’ or “‘virtual” dead space is a physiological, and not an anatomical conception. The magnitude of this space depends on the physiological efficiency of the respiratory sur- faces in relation to the supply of venous blood and fresh air, It there- fore seems wrong in principle to use the method of hydrogen inhalation for the purpose of estimating the effective dead space. It is also evi- dent that the varying magnitude of the effective dead space with dif- ferent depths and types of breathing, and the differences of the dead spaces calculated for oxygen and COs, make the calculation of the com- position of the alveolar air from that of the expired air a very uncertain matter. In this connection I may perhaps put on record that my own experiments have confirmed the observation of Messrs. Henderson, Chillingworth and Whitney that a pause at the end of inspiration greatly reduces the effective dead space, as would be expected. In- crease of depth of breathing must tend to increase the effective dead space, since the atria are more expanded, but increase of frequency. must have the same effect, since the air remains for a r a shorter time in the atria. In very anallow and frequent breathing these two factors appear to counterbalance one another, as seen in the results obtained with a frequency of 60 per minute. see SUMMARY ees ae 1. phe effective dead space increases enor Pah ith ier eased depth causes which seis also affect fie dead spat oe 2. This increase is apparently due to Aa “atria’’ into which the terminal bronchioles 28 J. S. HALDANE 3 The dead space for oxygen is greater than for COs. 4, Estimates of the composition of alveolar air from the composition are fallacious. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH XXIV. Tue Tonus anp HUNGER CONTRACTIONS OF THE STOMACH OF THE NEwW-BorN A. J. CARLSON anp H. GINSBURG From the Hull Physiological Laboratory of the University of Chicago, and the Pres- byterian Hospital Received for publication April 16, 1915 The gastric hunger mechanism is probably inherited. At any rate, the frequency and duration of the periods of gastric hunger con- tractions are related to the feeding habits of the individuals or the species only in so far as the feeding time and the food quantity are factors in the time required for emptying of the stomach, and hence for the appearance of the hunger contractions.!. On the other hand, the hunger mechanism determines to a certain extent the feeding habit. Animals and children probably eat as soon as the stomach is nearly empty, if food is at hand, and the greater frequency of the gastric hunger periods in the young, as shown by Patterson for the dog,” is probably related to the more continuous feeding on the part of the young animal. We have now made observations on a number of new-born infants, and on two pups, born 8-10 days before term, with results showing - that the empty stomach at birth and in the prematurely born ex- hibits the typical periods of tonus and hunger contractions of the adult, the only difference between infant and adult being the greater frequency and relatively greater vigor of these periods in the young. In the case of the two pups, and in some of the infants, the observa- tions were made before their first nursing. It is thus clear that in the normal mammal the gastric hunger mechanism is completed, physiolog- ically, and is probably active some time before birth. ! Carlson: This Journal, 1914, xxxiv, p. 169. 2 Patterson: This Journal, xxxiili, p. 423. 3’ Carlson: This Journal, 1912, xxxi, pp. 151, 175. 29 A. J. CARLSON AND H. GINSBURG 0 3 ‘IOJIUOUBUT ULIOJOLO] YO “T9}OUOUBUL UNOJOIOTYD *seynurUL CF : OIL], PY} SHON “Bursanu 10978 sanoy ¢@ ‘VUBJUI plo-Aep-G B Jo suoly ‘SOINUIU ge ou, ‘porsed eT FV “Sursunu 4sag a10jaq “JuByuI po INOY-6 B UI SUOTIOBIYU09 1asuny d1148e8 jo potsod xv iasuny Surpeoosd ey} JO pus ayy uses ‘polied ay} spua YoryM snueyey e}yo/dwo0ur OBIFUOD LEBUNY o11}sed jo polsed & Sutmoys SULlIvIT iu ‘% “BIY oq ABUL Sure} jo pua SUIMOYS Sulevry, *] ‘SI CONTRACTIONS OF STOMACH OF NEW-BORN 31 The recording of the gastric hunger contractions of the new-born hu- man infant offers no great difficulties. We used delicate rubber balloons of 15 cc. capacity, attached to a flexible rubber catheter of 2 mm. diam- eter. Most of the infants swallowed this apparatus without difficulty and went to sleep in our arms during the observation periods. The results were always most satisfactory with the infants asleep, as that eliminated all nervous inhibitory factors, and the disturbances from body movements and from irregularities in respiration. Practically nothing can be done with the balloon method if the infant is at all Fig. 3. Tracings of contractions of the empty stomach of a pup born 8-10 days before term. No food given before securing tracings. Time: 10 minutes. Chloroform manometer. restless. All of our observations were made on healthy and vigorous infants. The two premature pups were very small, and the balloon introduced into the stomach via the oesophagus had a capacity of only 4 ce. RESULTS 1. Human infants. Periods of gastric tonus and hunger contrac- tions are in evidence shortly after birth and before any food had en- tered the stomach. These gastric hunger periods exhibit all the pe- culiarities of the gastric hunger contractions of the adult, except that 32 A.’ J. CARLSON AND H. GINSBURG the periods of motor quiescence of the stomach between the hunger peri- ods are on the whole much shorter (10-15 minutes). When the gas- tric hunger contractions become very vigorous the sleeping infant may show some restlessness, and even wake up and ery. If the infant is awake the very vigorous hunger contractions frequently induce crying and restlessness. Two tracings showing typical hunger periods in a nine-hour old infant before first nursing, and in a nine-day-old infant three hours after nursing are reproduced in figures 1 and 2. The reader’s attention is called to the fact that in both of these infants the gastric hunger periods end in incomplete tetanus, an index of youth and vigorous stomach. 2. Prematurely born pups. The observations were made _ before any food was given to them. The empty stomach of these very small pups exhibited a continuous motor activity of a character shown in figure 3. These contractions are not identical with the digestion peristalsis, because the latter contractions in the dog occur at 15-18 seconds intervals. , The contractions shown in figure 3 last for 30 to 60 seconds or longer, and at times seem to be periods of gastric tetanus. This is the type of motor activity one might expect to observe with the slightly inflated balloon in the cardiac end and the empty stomach in very great tonus. We are under obligations to Dr. N. 8. Heaney of the Presbyterian Hospital for facilities in part of this work. We also wish to thank Mr. I. Tumpowsky and the Misses Jacobson, Rautsche, Clapp, Windmiller, and Jones for their willing assistance. FACTORS AFFECTING THE COAGULATION TIME OF BLOOD VII. Tue INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN ANESTHETICS WALTER L. MENDENHALL From the Laboratory of Physiology in the Harvard Medical School Received for publication April 1, 1915 In preceding papers of this series evidence was presented that in- jections of adrenalin result in a hastening of the coagulation time of blood.t. Other evidence showed that stimulation of the splanchnic nerves produces a like effect upon coagulation time.2 Several investi- gators have shown that artificial stimulation of the splanchnic nerves leads to a discharge of adrenalin into the blood.* Also it has been proved that certain emotional reactions such as fear and rage occurring in the normal life of an animal induce a discharge of adrenalin. This latter effect has been proved to be due to the passage of impulses along the splanchnic nerves.* Elliot has shown that the adrenalin content of the suprarenal glands is reduced by administration of various anes- thetics;> and that this effect with ether and chloroform is due to stimu- lation of the suprarenal glands through the splanchnic nerves. A similar result has been shown by another investigator, Oliva.6 The experiments of the latter showed that chloroform discharges the adrenal glands more completely than does ether. It was also shown in the same experiments that the adrenalin content is more quickly regained after ether anesthesia than after chloroform anesthesia. The question ‘Cannon and Gray: This Journal, 1914, xxxiv, 232. * Cannon and Mendenhall: This Journal, xxxiv, p. 243. 3 See Dreyer: This Journal, 1898-99, ii, p. 219; Tscheboksaroff: Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie, 1910, cxxxvii, p. 103; Asher: Zentralblatt fur Physiologie, 1910, xxiv, p. 927; Kahn: Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie, 1911, cxl, p. 240; Meltzer and Joseph: This Journal, 1912, xxix, p. xxxiv, 34; Elliott: Journal of Physiology, 1912, xliv, p. 400; Cannon and Lyman: Loe. cit., p. 377. *Cannon and Mendenhall: This Journal, xxxiv, p. 255. 5 Elliott: Loc. cit., p. 388. § Oliva: Lyon Chirurg., 1914, ii, p. 11. 33 34 WALTER L. MENDENHALL of the effect of anesthetics upon coagulation time has long been of prime importance to both surgeons and obstetricians. Their chief concern, however, has been in the after-effects as agents productive of post- operative or post-partum hemorrhages. Chloroform seems to be the one most often recognized as causing a change in the coagulation proc- ess. Whipple and Hurwitz’ recently have shown that several hours after administration of large doses of chloroform to dogs the coagulation time is unchanged; they call attention, however, to the weak con- sistency of the clots. They ascribe the cause of post-operative hemor- rhages following administration of chloroform as a failure of the- clot to hold firmly rather than a retardation of clotting processes. That the liver is concerned in the coagulation of blood has been shown 2 “many observers. The foregoing evidence led to the question of the effects of ether and chloroform upon blood coagulation during the administration of the drugs. Inasmuch as experiments recorded in previous papers of this series were concerned with immediate factors affecting coagulation time it was thought logical to study the immediate effects of ether and chloroform upon the coagulation process. These drugs, furthermore, have been shown to exert action upon organs that are intimately in- volved in blood coagulation, i.e., the liver and adrenals. It was hoped, if changes occurred during anesthesia by these drugs, that such changes might be of value in studying their after-effects or in explaining after- effects of this form of anesthesia upon coagulation time, and also that they might throw some light upon the complex of organs involved in the coagulation mechanism. The method of drawing blood and recording the coagulation time was the same as described in a previous paper.* Decerebrate animals (cats) were used throughout this investigation. Two reasons led to the adoption of this type of animal; first the animals of the whole series were placed under practically uniform conditions, and second, the animal was free from the anesthetic whose action it was desired to study. It was necessary in the beginning of each experiment to induce anesthesia for a short time in order to perform decerebration. Ether was used therefore in the beginning of the experiment. Care was taken to produce not too profound anesthesia and to remove the cere- brum as quickly as possible after beginning the administration of the ether. The usual routine was as follows. Simultaneously with secur- 7 Whipple and Hurwitz: Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1911, xiii, p. 136. 8 Cannon and Mendenhall: This Journal, xxxiv, p. 225. INFLUENCE OF ANESTHETICS ON BLOOD COAGULATION 39 ing the animal on the board the ether was applied with a cone, and the neck was prepared by clipping the hairs. By this time anesthesia was deep enough to permit operative procedures. The animal was then tracheotomized, a tracheal cannula inserted, and both ecarotids tied. Then it was turned over and decerebration performed according to the method described recently by Forbes and Sherrington.’ The total time elapsing from the application of ether to its removal never exceeded fifteen minutes, usually it was from ten to twelve minutes. After decerebration the femoral artery was prepared according to direc- tions given in a preceding paper of this series.!° The temperature of the animal was maintained when necessary by an electric heating pad. A thermometer was inserted into the rectum. The ether or chloroform was given by means of the bottle used in ordinary laboratory operations. It consisted of a small bottle of about 75 cc. capacity. It was stoppered by a rubber cork through which passed two right angle glass tubes, each 1 cm. in diameter. One of these tubes conducted air to the surface of the anesthetic; the other conducted the ether-air mixture to the animal by means of a short rubber tube connected to the tracheal eannula. This rubber tube had an oblique cut in the wall so that by shifting the bottle more air could be mixed with the ether if the animal showed signs of asphyxia. The corneal reflex was used to determine if anesthesia was present; also vibrissae, ear and tail reflexes were used. After all operative procedures were finished the animal was left undis- turbed for forty-five minutes or an hour. This was done in order that the animal might be free from ether when observations were to be made, and also because of the discovery recorded in a previous paper that operative procedures may shorten the coagulation time. It was felt that the time mentioned above sufficed to free the animal from the preliminary small dose of ether and also any hastening factor that may have been aroused by operations. All experiments began with observa- tions taken at intervals of ten minutes for forty minutes or an hour to determine the normal coagulation time of the animal, then anesthesia was induced by the means described above and observations con- tinued every ten minutes for an hour. A total of sixty-three successful experiments were e performed. Pre- liminary to the investigation of chloroform a number of experiments were made with chloral hydrate. It was thought that this drug would give some valuable data which would be indicative of the action of the ®Forbes and Sherrington: This Journal, 1914, xxxv, p. 367. 10Cannon and Mendenhall: Loc. cit., p. 227. 36 WALTER L. MENDENHALL whole series of chlorine containing anesthetics. Moreover it might reduce the number of animals which would be necessary for the study of chloroform. Thus the fatalities resulting from the powerful toxicity of the chloroform would be reduced. In actual practice, however, the fatalities due to chloroform were surprisingly small. Inasmuch as chloral hydrate is frequently used for its anesthetic effect, the study of its influence upon coagulation is not without value. TABLE 1 Effect of chloral hydrate = DOSE IN NORMAL PER CENT PER CENT EXE SEMEL De SEX MGMS. COAGULATION INCREASE DECREASE HG: SDS PER KILO TIME COAG. TIME | COAG. TIME lips apae ine, cee 120 Female 90 2.4 50.0 Re aR eee 2 Male 65 2.8 60.0 chal ce ne 4 Male 65 2.8 142.0 Fela 3 ee en ae 4 Female 65 3.6 30.5 ales tics EER PORE 2 Female 65 4.0 5.0 SSE Sette diss 3 Male 70 6.4 10.9 SOs sete each: 4 Male 70 6.5 1525 SIO LVS 2 eee mare 4 Female 100 6.8 0.0 0.0 ae ane ot 3 Female 70 6.8 20.8 heat eee ye 3 Male 100 6.9 8.7 Ghee Aenea 3 Male 100 7.0 7.0 ARI Oe Po. 1 Female 70 Wat 20E7; A SA ms Mtr. dee 3 Male 80 7.9 623 Silla ee ete lata So: 2 Female 100 8.0 1337 7 Cs ae lle a 3 Female 70 8.6 — 6.9 AS RT eee ti 0 Male 70 9.3 Use Gore IR: Mite hee 0 Female 80 9.3 1128 Average...... 6.2 OT oll 10.3 Effect of chloral hydrate. A total of twenty-three experiments were performed with chloral. Table 1 shows the results of seventeen of these experiments arranged in ascending order according to length of the normal coagulation time. The increase or decrease of coagula- tion time is represented in per cent of the normal. The doses were given intravenously. Injection was made slowly. It usually took three to five minutes to introduce the drug. The dose varied from 65 to 100 mgm. per kilogram. Six experiments were performed with large toxic doses (150-165 mgm. per kilogram). These are not in- cluded in the table because they are of no interest except from a toxi- INFLUENCE OF ANESTHETICS ON BLOOD COAGULATION oT cological standpoint. Three of them showed an increase, one no change, and two a decrease in coagulation time. A glance at the table reveals the curious fact that the effect which chloral hydrate has upon coagula- tion bears a distinct relation to the coagulation time before chloral was administered. It is noted that if the normal coagulation time of the blood was 6.8 minutes or less, chloral prolonged the coagulation; whereas, if the normal coagulation time was 6.9 minutes or more, then chloral decreased the coagulation time. That this effect is not due to size of dosage is revealed by the table; furthermore it is unlikely that it may depend upon the sex of the animal or the length of time it had been in stock. Thus Experiment 42 was a female in stock one- half day and received a dose of 70 mgm. per kilogram. Its normal coagulation time was 6.8 minutes. Chloral increased the coagulation q oo eile is 2025 S085. 40 45 75095) 60 165 75 80-85 90 Fig. 1. Effect of chloral hydrate. time 20.5 per cent. Experiment 41 was a female in stock one day; it received the same dose per kilogram; its normal coagulation time was - 7.7 minutes. Chloral in this instance decreased the coagulation time 20.7 per cent. This shows clearly that sex and size of dosage are not the determining factors in the effect of chloral hydrate upon coagula- tion time. A point of further interest in the above two experiments was in the weights of the animals. It was a mere coincidence that their weights were exactly the same 2.6 kgm., and therefore each re- ceived the same size of dose of chloral. Figure 1 is a composite curve based upon the results obtained in Table 1. The straight line at the beginning of the curve represents the average normal coagulation time. It is extended as a line of dashes through the length of the curve. The ordinates represent minutes of time for coagulation to occur. The 38 WALTER L. MENDENHALL abscissae represent intervals of five minutes from the time when the drug was given. The general averages of these experiments showed a normal coagulation time of 6.2 minutes. After chloral was admin- istered the average coagulation time increased 4.8 per cent. Figure 2 is a composite curve constructed in the same manner as the one above. In this curve only those experiments were used whose normal coagula- tion time was 6.8 minutes or less. It is noted that only once did the coagulation fall below the normal, and then only 0.1 minute. The curve shows the striking effect that chloral hydrate has upon a short coagulation time. The average increase in coagulation time as shown by this curve amounted to 28.2 per cent. Figure 3 is a curve which is composed of those experiments whose normal coagulation was de- cj 05 pK 2 0 9 0 1 50 55 WU DM GB BO Bs Fig. 2. Effect of chloral hydrate (short normal). creased in these observations. The average decrease amounts to 7.5 per cent. The decrease does not correspond to the increase. In the first paper of this series the per cent of average error due to the method is stated as 6 per cent. Therefore, the result when the normal coagula- tion time was long might be regarded as nil. The fact that chloral hy- drate exerts its retarding effect more when a short normal is present suggests the idea that it acts antagonistically to hastening factors pres- ent in the blood or that it may depress activity of organs which produce or activate hastening factors. The action of chloral hydrate upon the liver is too well known to need description here. There seems to be no reference available in regard to its effect upon the adrenals. If chloral hydrate caused the production of factors that retarded coagula- INFLUENCE OF ANESTHETICS ON BLOOD COAGULATION 39 tion one should expect it to exert its retarding effect even though the normal coagulation was long. Only one clear instance of this is shown and then a large toxic dose of chloral hydrate was used. Thus in Experiment 36 the average coagulation time for a half hour preceding the injection of chloral hydrate was 8.8 minutes; for forty minutes fol- lowing the injection the average was 9.6 minutes, an increase of 9.0 per cent. This result is not far from the average per cent of error. Experiment 32 was another (normal 8.0 minutes) in which a toxic dose of the drug was used. This showed an increase of 16 per cent over the normal. The evidence in this experiment was not clear, in- asmuch as the animal became extremely irritable after decerebration and because of twitching made difficult the drawing of blood. The q ee 50535 S55. 45. 30. SO i tS 0. 8h Ae Fig. 3. Effect of chloral hydrate (long normal). general disturbance present in this animal made the normal coagula- tion time doubtful. The animal became quiet after the chloral was injected. Experiment 33 was another instance in which a long normal (10.2 minutes) was increased by a toxic dose of chloral hydrate. Here again the evidence is not clear, because the animal had just come into the laboratory and in observations lasting an hour before chloral was given the coagulation time fluctuated from 6.5 minutes to 14.5 minutes. After chloral was given the respiratory center was paralyzed and artificial respiration became necessary. The increase amounted to 13.7 per cent. Contrary to this experiment is one (Exp. 37), in which a toxic dose was given to an animal whose coagulation time was short (6.0 min.). Here there was practically no change whatever. This was a male animal, in stock two days. It fought furiously while being placed upon the board and continued thus until anesthesia be- 40 WALTER L. MENDENHALL came effective. Experiment 8 is an example of a short coagulation re- maining unchanged, but the dose was not toxic. This animal, a fe- male, had been in stock four days. The weight of evidence obtained in these experiments shows that chloral hydrate, if it affects the coagula- tion at all tends to prolong it. The prolongation is greatest when the normal coagulation is short. The evidence does not warrant a con- clusion that retarding factors are produced. Effect of chloroform. Fifteen experiments were performed with chloroform. Table 2 shows the results obtained. The amount of chloroform used varied somewhat, the average being 10 cc. Anesthesia, as noted by reflexes, was usually complete in from three to four minutes. With two exceptions, Experiments 58 and 50, chloroform behaved 8 05 AK 0D 0 HS 05 0 § OO EG CO ee Fig. 4. Effect of chloroform. similarly to chloral hydrate—thus if the normal coagulation time was short chloroform prolonged it, whereas, if it was long a decrease re- sulted. In these experiments as in those with chloral hydrate a com- posite curve shows little effect of the drug upon coagulation time other than to make it irregular. Figure 4 is such a curve constructed upon the basis of the observations in Table 2. The average normal coagula- tion time in this set of experiments with chloroform was 6.7 minutes. The average coagulation time during administration of chloroform was the same, 6.7 minutes; hence the change in per cent was 0.0. This, however, was a mere coincidence, since leaving out any one experiment would alter the figures slightly one way or the other. TEL Head 18 16 0.4 2 C. Ill Tail 33 2 0:4 1. 235° )D: II Tail 73 9 0.1 1 D. IV Head 10 8 0.1 1 D. IV Tail 37 35 0.4 2.5 DD: ES Spine 27 5 0.3 2 1D IV Tail 37 12 0.5 2 L. I Tail 24 7 0.1 2 D. IV Tail 60 1l 0.4 2 ty SEE Tail 24 6 0.2 2 D. IV Tail 60 10 0.2} 2 L. III | Head 25 43 0:2°F .&: IDSs. VI. Spine 54 49 0.2) 5 tr VE Spine 25 3 0.5 | 2 Dee. EX Head 38 47 0.5 2 L. VIl Head 30 2 0.5 1 D. XIII Head 33 injected forcibly. 42 0.2 5 Le. VEL Spine 16 25 0.2 2.5|L VI 33 50 0.2 | 10 L. VII | Spine 10 44 PAGS ies) | Ee VE: Spine 37 45 £0) DOG. VEL Spine 45 48 0.8 2.5 |L VII Spine 47 In all the above experiments a mixture of novocaine and adrenalin C. was used. ““Spine”’ means that the needle was pointed at right angles to the long axis of the cord. SUMMARY Injection away from Injection in splanch- splanchnic area nic area 11 Experiments 14 Experiments LATER CEG OS = 0.0093 g. = 0.0082 g. PAREESP ESTE Kee se ee ck eh ce alale — i (nsces = 0.42 ce. PAMOIAE SC IGT GEIG (550.5 2s aco .soees wie = 3.6 per cent = 2.3 per cent Average blood pressure fall......... = 19.5 per cent = 45.2 per cent cause as great a fall as its use in the dorsal region—at any rate, the fall should not be less. The conclusion that the vasomotor paralyses of spinal anaesthesia are to be sought in the splanchnic area rather than in the bulbar vaso- motor center is further supported by the observations on the fall of blood pressure as affected by the direction in which the injection is made. 116 G. G. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER Fig. 2. The original size. Injection of 0.01 g. novocaine and adrenalin (0.2 cc.) at Dorsal VI causes fall in blood pressure from 110 mm. to 45 mm. in three minutes with abolition of vasomotor reflex from sciatic and brachial. Lower curve—left to right Upper curve—left to right 1. Sciatic stimulation 8.55 p.m. 1. Brachial stimulation 9.15 p.m. 2. Brachial stimulation 8.58 2. Dorsal VI stimulation 9.17 3. Dorsal VI stimulation 9.01 3. Brachialstimulation 9.42 ( 9.02 4, Brachial stimulation 10.12 | (9.03 Injection 5. Sciatic stimulation 10.14 4. Record of blood pres- } of drug) €. Dorsal VIstimulation 10.15 sure 9.06 ' 9.09 | 9.12 5. Sciatic stimulation 9.13 Scale: 30, 50, 70, 90, 110 ,130, 150, mm. Hg. > Experiment 43, curarized cat. February 19, 1915. SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE CAT 117 Fig. 3. The original size. Injection of 0.01 g. novocaine and adrenalin (0.2 ce.) at Lumbar VII causes fall of blood pressure from 120 mm. to 95 mm. in three minutes. Paralysis of sciatic incomplete eleven minutes after injection. Eleva- tion of foot of board at angle of 30°, eighteen minutes after injection, is followed by complete paralysis of sciatic nerve. Lower curve—left to right Upper curve—left to right 1. Sciatic stimulation 9.11 p.m. 1. Sciatic stimulation 9.48 p.m. 2. Brachial stimulation 9.13 2. Lumbar VII stimulation 9.49 3. Lumbar VII stimu- 9.15 3. Lumbar I stimulation 9.51 lation ( 9.17 4. Brachial stimulation 9.54 | (9.22 Injection 5. Sciatic Stimulation 10.22 4. Record of blood pres- | of drug) sure ) 9.25 | 9.28 | 9.31 5. Sciatic stimulation 9.33 Scale: 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190 mm. Hg. Experiment 42, curarized cat. February 16, 1915. 118 G. G. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER Table 2 deals with the fall of blood pressure in relation to dosage, region injected, and the direction of the injection. On the left side of this table are placed the cases in which the fall of blood pressure was 30 per cent or less; on the right side are those in which the fall was more than 30 per cent of the initial pressure. In every case in which the fall was 30 per cent or less (except Experiment 35), the in- jection was so made that the drug was driven away from the area in- cluded between Dorsal I and IX (figs. 2 and 3). Contrast Experiment 8 with Experiment 9; in both, 0.1 ce. of 1 per cent novocaine and adrenalin was injected at Dorsal IV. In Experiment 8, in which the drug was driven towards the tail, the fall was 37 per cent; in Experiment 9, in which the solution was driven towards the head, the fall was 10 per cent. Again, in Experiment 16, 0.4 ec. of 2 per cent solution was injected at Cervical III caudad; the fall was 33 per cent; in Experiment 4, 0.4 ce. of 2.5 per cent solution, injected caudad from Dorsal II, much nearer the fall-producing area, was followed by a fall of 73 per cent. The conclusion again appears justified that with moderate but ade- quate doses, the fall in blood pressure in spinal anaesthesia is caused by paralyses in the splanchnic area. The clinical use of spinal anaesthesia is limited to the injection of the drug in the lumbar region. As the drug diffuses towards the head, the first part of the vasomotor mechanism affected by it will be the roots in the thoracic area. It seems justifiable to assume that ih clinical, as well as in experimental spinal anaesthesia, the fall of blood pressure is caused by paralysis of the splanchnic area. Paralysis of respiration. Out of a total of 18 experiments in which no curare was used, the injection was made in the cervical or upper thoracic region ten times. In four of these ten injections, the drug was driven towards the tail from a point below the phrenic nerve and there was no paralysis of respiration. In the other six, the drug was injected towards the fifth cervical level; in four of these cases, respiration was paralyzed. In the other two cases, the dosage was very small (0.1 ec. of 1 per cent, 0.1 of 2 per cent novocaine and adrenalin. ) In closing this discussion of the regions affected by spinal anaesthesia, it is important to answer the very practical question, How often will surgical anaesthesia of the lumbar and sacral region be complicated by a serious fall in blood pressure or by an interruption of the breath- ing? In our experiments, there was but one case out of twenty lumbar injections in which the fall in blood pressure (to 55 mm.) might have Fig. 4. The original size. Injection of 0.01 g. novocaine and adrenalin (0.2 e.c.) at Cervical II cephalad causes fall of blood pressure which is gradual rather than abrupt, due probably to slower action of drug on cord itself than on thoracic roots. Dorsal columns blocked, but vasomotor mechanism below D I is un- affected. Lower curve—left to rizht Upper curve—left to right 1. Sciatic stimulation 9.40 p.m. 1. Brachial stimulation 10.05 p.m. 2. Brachial stimulation 9.438 2. Cervical II stimulation 10.07 3. Cervical II stimula- 9.46 3. Dorsal II lateral surface tion stimulation 10.12 9.48 4. Sciatic stimulation 11.40 | (9.49 Injection 5. Brachial stimulation 11.43 4. Record of blood pres- 9 ae gene ia 9.55 9.58 10.01 5. Sciatic stimulation 10.03 Experiment 46, curarized cat. March 4, 1915. 119 120 G. ¢. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER been serious, and in the eight injections in which no curare was used there was no paralysis of respiration. THE STRUCTURES AFFECTED The usual site of paralysis being in the splanchnic area, we should now enquire whether the drug affects the anterior nerve roots or the paths bringing vasoconstrictor impulses from the bulb.’ Since paralyses of respiration are so infrequent in spinal anaesthesia, we have not attempted to differentiate paralysis of the phrenic root fibers from that of the bulbo-phrenic respiratory path. It may at once be stated that a strength of the drug sufficient to paralyze the afferent sensory paths (so that stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve produces no reflex) will also paralyze the effer- ent vasomotor fibers (fig. 4). This is illustrated by Experiment 23,:in whidh 0.5 ce. of 2.5 per cent tropacocaine and adrenalin were applied to all surfaces of the cord at Cervical II. The dura at that level was laid open. The blood pressure fell from 80 to 55 mm.; stimulation of the sciatic and brachial nerves and the anterior surfaces of the cord at Cervical III produced no response. Stimulation of the anterior surface of the cord at Dorsal II, however, was followed by an excellent rise in blood presgure, thus proving the integrity of the vasomotor mech- anism below the paralyzed portion. It is possible, on the other hand, to secure paralysis of the nerve roots without disturbing the conductivity of the vasomotor paths in the substance of the cord, as in Experiment 15. In this cat, 0.2 ec. of 4 per cent novocaine and salt solution ‘“‘D’’ was injected at Cervical III. The stimulation of the sciatic caused the blood pressure to rise from 80 mm. to 140 mm., but brachial stimulation caused no rise. The brachial roots in this experiment were paralyzed but the afferent paths conveying sciatic impulses remained unaffected. There is some evidence to show that different functions may be af- fected differently. For example, Experiments 2, 3, and 8 showed that the motor paths are paralyzed more easily than the sensory paths Experiment 2. 0.5 ec. of 1 per cent novocaine and adrenalin was injected at Dorsal XIII. Stimulation of left sciatic nerve followed by rise in blood pres- 5 We have at present no satisfactory method of isolating effects limited to the splanchnic cells, if indeed the cells are ever paralyzed independently of the nerve paths. SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE CAT 121 sure throughout experiment, whereas right hind leg was completely paralyzed for 55 minutes.® Experiment 8 shows that the vasomotor reflex may persist although spontaneous motion of the extremities is lost. Experiment 8. In an etherized cat, 0.1 cc. of 1 per cent novocaine and adrena- lin was injected at Dorsal IV at 12.04p.m. At 12.31, 12.36 and 12.44, left sciatic stimulation was followed by rise in blood pressure from 105 to 120, 100 to 115, and 110 to 120. The right hind leg remained paralyzed for 65 minutes. THE DIFFUSION OF THE DRUG ALONG THE CORD In studying the diffusion of the drug along the spinal cord,’ it seemed well to fix a reasonable interval between the moment of injection and the testing of the resultant paralysis. This period was set at fif- teen minutes, in which time the drug seemed to have exerted its maxi- mal effect. Care was taken not to manipulate the spine after the injection, lest the fluid injected should be pumped or driven to a more distant level. Per cent of drug. In the following experiments, the same quantity of solution was injected, but the solution contained different amounts of anaesthetic (a constant mixture of novocaine and adrenalin “‘C’’). Paralysis of the dorsal column to direct stimulation was the test’ em- ployed to fix the limits to which the drug had spread. Experiment 26. 0.225 cc. of 2.5 per cent (0.0056 g.) at Lumbar VII diffused 6 vertebrae. Experiment 42. 0.2 cc. of 5 per cent (0.01 g.) at Lumbar VII did not diffuse 5 vertebrae. Experiment 49. 0.2 ec. of 5 per cent (0.01 g.) at Lumbar VI did not diffuse 2 vertebrae. Experiment 50. 0.2 ce. of 10 per cent (0.02 g.) at Lumbar VII did not diffuse 4 vertebrae. The average diffusion here was less than four vertebrae. 6S. Baglioni (Centralblatt fiir Physiologie, 1910, xxiii, pp. 869-873), has shown that after the subdural injection of stovain, sensations disappear in this order: pain, cold, heat, pressure; they return in reverse order. This seems to show a varying degree of resistance to the effect of drugs. 7 Some writers in this field emphasize movements of the spinal fluid due to the effects of respiration upon the emptying and filling of the cerebro-spinal venous system. That this possible factor in the diffusion of the drug is done away with when the dorsal sac is opened to atmospheric pressure, an operation found essen- tial in our experiments, we are not prepared to deny. Other, and more important, factors affecting distribution within the dural sac can be studied by our method and indeed the problem is simplified by the removal of confusing influences. 122 Cc. Gi. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER Varying bulk of fituid. In the following experiments the amount of fluid injected ek varied, while the percentage of the drug (novo- caine and adrenali/n “‘C’’ remained the same. The paralysis of the dorsal columns w/as again the test of diffusion. Experiment 25. | 0.225 ce. of 2.5 per cent (0.0056 g.) at Lumbar VII diffused 6 vertebrae. Experiment 2, 4. 0.25 cc. of 2.5 per cent (0.0062 g.) at Lumbar VI diffused 6 vertebrae. | Experiment #. 0.4 ce. of 2.5 per cent (0.01 g.) at Dorsal II diffused 9 vertebrae. Experimenté 35. 0.4 cc. of 2.5 per cent (0.01 g.) at Dorsal IX diffused 11 vertebrae. Experimy ent 48. 0.8 cc. of 2.5 per cent (0.02 g.) at Lumbar VII diffused 8 vertebraue The average diffusion was eight vertebrae. Additional information is afforded by certain experiments in which the drug was injected at approximately the same levels (Lumbar VI or VII) but in which dilute and concentrated solutions are examined with regard to their effect upon blood pressure. The greater the fall, the further the drug progressed toward the splanchnic area. Divute solutions Experiment 48. 0.8 ec. of 2.5 per cent (0.02 g.) caused blood pressure to fall 46 per cent. Experiment 44. 1.0 cc. of 1.5 per cent (0.015 g.) caused blood pressure to fall 37 per cent. ; Experiment 45. 1.0 ce. of 1.0 per cent (0.01 g.) caused blood pressure to fall 45 per cent. Experiment 47. 0.5 ec. of 2.0 per cent (0.01 g.) caused blood pressure to fall 39.5 per cent. The average fall was 41.9 per cent. The average dose was 0.014 g. Concentrated solutions Experiment 50. 0.2 cc. of 10 per cent caused blood pressure to fall 11 per cent. Experiment 41. 0.3 cc. of 5 per cent caused blood pressure to fall 16 per cent. Experiment 49. 0.2 ec. of 5 per cent caused blood pressure to fall 25 per cent. Experiment 42. 0.2 cc. of 5 per cent caused blood pressure to fall 17 per cent. Experiment 40. 0.2 cc. of 5 per cent caused blood pressure to fall 20 per cent. The average fall was 17.8 per cent. The average dose was 0.013 g. The analysis of the observations on diffusion does not show any very definite laws, probably because the number of experiments is SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE CAT 123 necessarily limited. On the whole, the bulk seemed a factor of greater importance than the strength of the solution. Dilute solutions seemed to spread further than concentrated solutions. But in some cases, a dose of small bulk and containing a small amount of the drug pro- duced a more widespread effect than a dose larger both in bulk and in percentage of drug injected in a manner as nearly similar as possible. Effect of gravity. We are aware of the possibility of error in attempt- ing to determine the effect of gravity upon the diffusion of a drug in- jected into a dural sae which is exposed at the highest point to atmos- pheric pressure, whereas normally the cord is protected by its bony envelope. To avoid this source of confusion as far as possible, we tilted the animal and allowed the blood pressure and spinal fluid to become settled after the change of position, before injecting the drug. After the injection, the board was left tilted for fifteen minutes, then returned to level and the dorsal columns were stimulated to determine the extent of the diffusion. The following experiments compare three animals in the horizontal position with four in which the head was tilted down at a varying angle. Horizontal Experiment 42. 0.2 ec. 5 per cent novocaine and adrenalin C at Lumbar VII, did not diffuse 5 vertebrae. Experiment 49. 0.2 cc. 5 per cent novocaine and adrenalin C at Lumbar VI, did not diffuse 2 vertebrae. Experiment 29. 0.2 ec. 5 per cent novocaine D at Lumbar VII, diffused 3 vertebrae. Tilted, head down Experiment 31. 0.2 ec. 5 per cent novocaine D at Lumbar VII, diffused 6 vertebrae. Experiment 32. 0.2 ce. 5 per cent tropacocaine and adrenalin at Lumbar VII, diffused 7 vertebrae. Experiment 39. 0.2 ec. 5 per cent novocaine D in 5 per cent glucose at Lumbar VII, diffused 8 vertebrae. Experiment 40. 0.2 cc. 5 per cent novocaine C in 5 per cent glucose at Lumbar VII, diffused 8 vertebrae. It appears that tilting the animal board at an angle of 40, head down, increases the diffusion of novocaine and salt solution, and that the diffusion is increased to a slight degree when the drug is carried in a 5 per cent glucose solution. Fixation of the drug. The complete fixation of the drug in some loose chemical combination with the tissues of the cord would be greatly 124 G. G. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER to the advantage of the surgeon. If such a bond existed, the action of the anaesthetic would soon be localized. If the paralysis had ex- tended far enough to affect seriously the blood pressure, the patient could then be tilted head down, thus keeping by the force of gravity a supply of blood in the brain. If, however, it can be demonstrated that the drug is not entirely fixed, it would follow that tilting the patient might cause the unfixed remainder of the anaesthetic to flow towards the head, invading more of the splanchnic region, and even reaching the phrenic cells, and finally the spinal bulb. We present three observations upon fixation: Experiment 34. One ce. of 1.0 per cent tropacocaine and salt solution was in- jected at Lumbar VII. Twenty minutes later, stimulation of Lumbar I pro- duced a fair rise in blood pressure. Five minutes after that, the dura at Lumbar III was opened. Evidently the manipulation drove the drug upwards, for after that Lumbar I no longer reacted. Experiment 38. 0.4 ec. of 5.0 per cent novocaine and salt solution D was in- jected at Cervical III. Blood pressure fell from 100 to 90 mm., but returned to 100 mm. in 13 minutes. Sixteen minutes after the injection, the dura was opened at Dorsal X and as the spinal fluid flowed down the cord the blood pressure fell from 100 to 80. Experiment 40. 0.2 ce. of 5.0 per cent novocaine and adrenalin C was in- jected at Lumbar VII. Paralysis of the sciatic did not occur. Eighteen minutes after the injection, the board was tilted and immediately afterwards complete paralysis of the sciatic was found to have taken place. From these three experiments we may conclude that after 25, 16, and 18 minutes respectively, enough drug free from fixation was present to paralyze other nerve fibers. THE DURATION OF THE PHENOMENA The duration of paralysis of the vasomotor reflexes was studied in relation to the absolute amount of drug injected, and also in relation to the percentage of the drug in solution. In many cases, a low dos- age or one of weak percentage (1 to 2 per cent) secured as long a paraly- sis as did stronger or larger doses. The minimum dose could not be determined with any finality, for in one experiment 0.1 cc. of 1 per cent solution would be fairly effective, while in another a much larger dose would not give the desired effect. In Experiments 26, 27, 29, and 30, the spinal fluid was drained off 15 minutes after the injection of the solution, but this did not shorten the duration of the paralysis. i SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE CAT 125 In Experiments 5, 6, 8, 20, 21, 22, 24, and as the effects of the drug began to wear off, the stimulation of the sciatic nerve was followed by a fall of blood pressure instead of a rise. In cases in which this phenomenon occurred, the normal reflex returned before the blood pres- sure rose to its original level. THE INFLUENCE OF ADRENALIN In order to learn whether adrenalin was a factor in the phenomena following spinal anaesthesia, we twice injected adrenalin chloride alone. Experiment 37. 0.5 cc. of 1-10,000 adrenalin chloride was injected cephalad from Dorsal XI. No change in blood pressure followed, but sciatic reflex was temporarily diminished, perhaps because the solution was cool. Experiment 38. 0.5 cc. 1-10,000 adrenalin chloride, warmed, was injected caudad from Cervical III. The blood pressure fell from 120 to 110 in five min- utes. The reflexes were not affected. A comparison of the action of novocaine and adrenalin C with that of novocaine and salt solution D is given in Table 3. The injection was caudad in Experiment 15 and cephalad in all the others. TABLE 3 Comparison of action of novocaine + salt (““D’’) and novocaine + adrenalin (‘‘C’’) BA et 2. & A os ° Aa DURATION OF - ° ° z On | ahs PARALYSIS a 2 £ sre DOSE LEVEL | & 4 2 a a e ———| 2 < é Zn ae at: ee at and ee : On B AD sae reflexes < ap 2 & per cent 15-D ie ec. of 4% (caudad)........ Gat Tiialign2 20 25 26 No Yes 17-C 0.2 ee. of 4% (cephalad)...... Co FER 3 5 5 0 No No 29-D WP MIGE TOLD Voss. occ0 co decle ts cows s L. VII 0 0 0 25 Yes . 42-C aren OF Va. ae a cits cc L. VII 3 16 60+ 60+ | Yes Yes 30-D | 1 CE n/n L. VII | Rise 0 27 Yes Yes 49-C (V2) fo ON N Oe Re ee Le Vi 9 25 23 28+ | Yes Yes 36-D Ree CGH OO G20. sta onc ce ee CG. TE Rise 35 Yes ? 46-C TT TE a) TY A ee ae GC: Tf 12 46 110+ 110 Yes fy 38-D Sp ECAORD DUG Se he: Co In 05 9 4 20 No Yes 16-C ATCC OR 2 gs3 005 Slag lone oS Cc. Lil 3 33 16+ 0 No Yes 39-D a cee. of 5% glucose.......... L. VII 0 0 0 105+ | Yes Yes 40-C 0.2 ce. of 5% glucose.......... L. Vil 3 20 60 60 Yes Yes Table 3, showing six pairs of experiments, exhibits a markedly greater fall of blood pressure in the cases in which adrenalin was used. This occurs in five of the six pairs. In the remaining pair, the fall of blood pressure with novocaine and salt is not great (20 per cent). We do 126 G: G. SMITH AND W. T. PORTER not attempt to explain this fact. It may be that the pressure of salt in solution D is a factor. It is also noteworthy that although in three experiments the novo- caine D was more effective as regards duration of paralysis of the re- flexes, the average duration of the paralysis after use of D was 40 min- utes, whereas, of the four experiments in which C produced paralysis at all, the average duration was 64 minutes. The longest action of D was secured when the solution was made up in 5 per cent glucose. C failed twice to produce paralysis; D never failed. On the whole, the honors seem to be divided fairly evenly. MEASURES TO RAISE THE FALLEN BLOOD PRESSURE In five experiments an effort was made to raise the lowered blood pressure by the intravenous injection of salt solution, adrenalin chloride or pituitrin. This was done both when the blood pressure was lowered by section of the cord, and by spinal anaesthesia. To be of value, such experiments should be done only after section of the cord as other- wise the natural return of blood pressure as the spinal drug wears off will influence the results. Saline solution, in the two experiments in which it was injected in- travenously, did not materially affect the blood pressure. The effect of pituitrin and adrenalin were tried with the cord cut across at Cervical III. Blood pressure stood at 50 in Experiment 36, at 55 in Experiment 38. In Experiment 36, 0.5 cc. pituitrin in 5 ec. H,O was given. The blood pressure rose in one minute from 50 to 100, and four minutes later had fallen again to 60. In Experiment 38, 0.5 ec., 1-10,000 adrenalin chloride in 5 ec. NaCl was given. The blood pressure rose from 55 to 160 at once, but in four minutes after the injection was back at 50. CONCLUSIONS 1. In our experiments on spinal anaesthesia, there was in twenty animals but one case in which a moderate but adequate injection in the lumbar region caused a fall in blood pressure that might have been serious (to 55 mm.); and in the eight cases in which no curare was used there was no paralysis of respiration after lumbar injection. 2. Even after marked falls in blood pressure partial but sufficient recovery took place in from 30 to 90 minutes. The duration of low blood pressure appeared to depend more upon the amount of drug injected than upon the site of the injection. SPINAL ANAESTHESIA IN THE CAT 127 3. The fall in blood pressure seen after lumbar and dorsal injection is due to paralysis in the splanchnic region, In our numerous obser- vations, it was not due to paralysis of the bulbar vasomotor center. 4. A strength of the drug sufficient to paralyze the afferent sensory paths in the cord (so that stimulation of the central end of the sciatic nerve produces no reflex) will also paralyze the efferent vasomotor fibers. 5. The nerve roots may in some cases be paralyzed without dis- turbing the conductivity of the vasomotor paths in the substance of the cord. 6. There is some evidence that different functions may be affected differently; thus in three experiments the motor paths were paralyzed more easily than the sensory paths. 7. Regarding the diffusion of the drug, the bulk seemed on the whole a factor of greater importance than the strength of the solution. Dilute solutions usually but not always spread further than concentrated solutions. 8. Gravity is a factor of some importance; tilting the animal at an angle of 40°, head downward, increased the diffusion of the drug. 9. Fixation of the drug is only partial. In three experiments, after 25, 16, and 18 minutes respectively, enough remained free to paralyze other nerve fibers. 10. In seven experiments, as the effect of the drug began to wear off, the stimulation of the sciatic nerve caused a fall of blood pressure instead of the usual rise. In these cases, the normal reflex rise returned before the blood pressure attained its original level. 11. A greater fall of blood pressure occurred in the cases in which adrenalin was used in connection with tropacocaine or novocaine. 12. Measures taken to raise the fallen blood pressure were of little value. It was easy to restore the blood pressure to normal but the normal level could be maintained but a few minutes. THE CONDUCTION WITHIN THE SPINAL CORD OF THE AFFERENT IMPULSES PRODUCING PAIN AND THE VASOMOTOR REFLEXES S. W. RANSON anp C. L. VON HESS From the Anatomical and Pharmacological Laboratories of the Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School Received for publication May 7, 1915 One of the problems which has been puzzling investigators for many years is that of the varieties of cutaneous sensation. How are im- pressions of pain, touch, heat and cold differentiated, and how are the underlying afferent impulses propagated along peripheral nerves and the spinal cord. So far as the peripheral nerves are concerned the problem has remained very obscure, and yet in the last decade advances have been made in our knowledge of the physiology and histology of afferent nerve fibers which promise to throw some light on the question. On the physiological side Head (1) has shown that cutaneous sen- sations fall into two groups. In general it may be said that pain and temperature correspond to his “protopathic’’ group and light touch to his ‘‘epicritic.’”” He has shown that there must be two kinds of cutaneous afferent nerve fibers corresponding to his two types of sensation. Fibers of one kind mediate protopathic sensation; fibers of the other sort mediate epicritic sensation. These two kinds of fibers differ as to anatomical distribution and rate of regeneration. On the histological side Ranson (2) has shown that there are two kinds of afferent nerve fibers, the medullated and non-medullated. Although the non-medullated afferent nerve fibers are very numerous, in some nerves more than twice as numerous as the medullated, they remained unknown, until in 1911 a differential axon stain was developed and applied to the peripheral nerves. A remarkable parallel exists between Head’s account of the protopathie fibers and the facts which have already been ascertained in regard to the non-medullated fibers. Space does not permit us to make a detailed comparison. We will restrict ourselves to a comparison of their course in the spinal cord. Head’s protopathic fibers after entering the cord turn at once into the 128 st BOA as ev intermediate layer. SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 129 gray matter. The epicritic fibers ascend for longer or shorter distances in the posterior funiculus before they enter the gray matter. This difference in the arrangement of the protopathic and epicritic fibers . in the cord corresponds exactly to the difference in the course of the medullated and non-medullated dorsal root fibers. While most of the medullated fibers enter the posterior funiculus, all the non-medul- lated fibers turn at once lateral-ward into the tract of Lissauer in the apex of the posterior gray column (fig. 1.) Their course up or down the cord in Lissauer’s tract is very short, the length of one or two cord segments. There is good reason to believe that they terminate in the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi (fig. 1), and that this is the nucleus of reception of these non-medullated afferent fibers. On the basis of many such points of similarity between the protopathic and the non- medullated afferent fibers one of us formulated the theory (Ranson 1914) that the non- medullated afferent fibers con- veyed pain and temperature sensation. It was suggested 1 that the tract of Lissauer, the Fig. 1. Diagrammatic section of the pe ostan tae labinns eae spinal cord of the cat at the level of the and the bundle of non-medul- first lumbar segment. m.f., medullated lated fibers in the ventrally dorsal root fibers; n.f., non-medullated lying intermediate layer (fig. dorsal root fibers; L.t., Lissauer’s tract, 1) constituted a mechanism s.g.-R., substantia gelatinosa Rolandi; 7.1., for the reception and conduc- tion of pain and temperature sensations. It was further suggested that this assumption ‘“‘does not exclude the possibility that we are dealing here with a center for vasomotor and pilomotor control, as suggested by Sano. In fact these autonomic functions are of necessity closely correlated with the afferent impulses which find their conscious expression in the form of sensations of pain, heat and cold. It is thus possible that the apparatus in question has a double function, serving as a central autonomic apparatus and for the reception and conduction of pain and temperature sensations.” It has been pretty well established that pain is transmitted up the cord in the anterior part of the lateral funiculus (Van Gehuchten (3), 130 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS Petrén (4), Piltz (5), Bertholet (6), May (7) and Rothman (8) ). Ziehen (9) however stated that pain is conducted upward in the apex of the posterior horn; and we were inclined, because of our studies on the tract of Lissauer, to believe that he was correct. At least it seemed probable that the apex of the posterior horn was an important part of the mechanism for the reception, and conduction of the ‘‘nocicep- tive” (Sherrington (10)) afferent impulses which are represented in consciousness by the sensation of pain. With such possibilities in mind we determined to make a careful study of the conduction within the cord of the nociceptive afferent impulses. Such a study divides itself into two parts, dealing first, with the conduction of these impulses to the cortical centers for con- scious pain, and second, with the conduction of these impulses to the centers for the autonomic reflexes, notably the vasomotor center. It will be clear that the paths in the cord for the conduction of these impulses to the cerebral cortex on the one hand and to the autonomic centers on the other need not necessarily be the same. The study of paths in the spinal cord for the nociceptive afferent impulses as deter- mined by the ordinary tests for pain and as determined by the vaso- motor reflexes forms two mutually supplementary lines of investi- gation which have been carried out by us on the same series of animals. The results of both lines of investigation can, therefore, be directly compared. TECHNIQUE Cats were used throughout this series of experiments. Various spinal cord lesions were produced, and after recovery each cat was subjected to two kinds of tests to determine the effect of the lesion, first, on the conduction of pain; and second, on the character of the vasomotor reflexes. To avoid possible variations according to age only full grown cats were used. The operations were made at the level of the first lumbar segment, which lies under the spine of the second lumbar vertebra. A very high grade of asepsis was maintained. In addition to the usual pro- cedures to secure asepsis, three special precautions were taken. All skin was excluded from the operative field by sterilized oiled muslin placed under the laparotomy-sheet and slit to correspond to the skin incision. The cut edges of the skin and the margins of the slit in the muslin were held together by skin clips in such a way that no skin could be seen through the opening in the laparotomy-sheet. The operator’s SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 131 fingers were kept out of the wound, and gauze, needle and sutures were handled only with instruments. In closing the wound a layer of super- ficial fascia was drawn over the line of closure in the deep fascia and sutured to the deep fascia half an inch beyond this line. This layer of superficial fascia becomes adherent to the deep fascia in a few hours’ and forms a perfect protection for the deeper part of the wound. In a few cases the cutaneous incision was torn open by the cats, but in none of the twenty-five did infection develop beneath this layer of im- bricated superficial fascia. The dura was exposed and opened in the usual way. Dorsal and lateral hemisections and sections of the posterior funiculis were made with a small sharp knife. The apex of the posterior horn was de- stroyed on bothsides of the cord in six cats by dissecting with a specially designed probe between the dorsal and lateral funiculi. All lesions were made in the first lumbar segment, except in four of the earlier experiments, in which by mistake the lesion was in the second and one in which it was in the third lumbar segment. Attempts to produce ventral hemisections were unsuccessful. Each of the three trials resulted in serious injury to the lumbrosacral cord, probably due to a disturbance of its blood supply. From all the other operations the animals recovered promptly and moved about nor- mally after periods varying from two days to two weeks, except in the ease of cat A3 in which there was permanently some disturbance of motion and some atrophy of the hind limbs. The cats gained in weight ‘and were in excellent condition when their vasomotor reflexes were tested. The pain sense was tested in the unanaesthetised animals by prick- ing with a needle and by pinching the skin. These crude methods of inducing pain were regularly supplemented by the use of the cutaneous needle electrodes, used by Martin, Porter and Nice (11) in determining the “sensory threshold for faradic stimulation in man.” Faradic stimulation of uniform strength through these electrodes gives much more uniform and dependable pain reactions than can be obtained by pinching or pricking the skin. The cord lesion was at the level of the first or second lumbar segments and hence above the level of origin of all the nerves going to the hind limb. All tests of the hind limbs were made over the area of distribution of the sciatic nerve which takes origin below the level of the fifth lumbar segment. A sharp ery and generalized struggling movements were taken as criteria of pain. 132 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS After complete recovery of the animal from the lesion and after the conduction of pain in the cord had been tested the vasomotor reflexes were studied. Under ether anaesthesia a tracheotomy was performed and the ether bottle attached. Connections were made as rapidly as possible for carotid blood pressure and respiratory tracings. Both sciatic nerves were exposed, ligated and cut distally to the ligature. The central end was laid bare for some distance above the ligature and could be handled by the attached thread. On the left side three brachial nerves, the median, ulnar and internal cutaneous were ex- posed, ligated together, and cut distally to the ligature and there- after treated as a single nerve. Care was taken not to stretch the nerves at any time. When not being stimulated, they were kept covered with other tissues to prevent drying. To eliminate passive dilatation of blood vessels in the areas supplied by the divided nerves the limbs were constricted with heavy cord placed proximal to the elbow and knee joints. Fluctuations in blood pres- sure from pressure on the abdomen by flexion of the limbs during stim- ulation of a nerve were prevented by securely tying the legs to the animal board. The stage of ether anaesthesia is of the greatest importance as the vasomotor reflexes are affected by the slightest overdose, (Porter (12)). This seems to be especially true of the depressor reflex which is diffi- cult to obtain under deep anaesthesia. The animal was kept relaxed, - with regular respiration, with pupils half contracted, and with a brisk corneal reflex. Any tendency toward cyanosis was prevented because - asphyxia, being a powerful vaso-constrictor stimulus, would obscure the results of sciatic stimulation (Sollman and Pilcher (13)). Faradic stimulation of the central ends of the cut nerves was used to elicit the reflexes. Standard platinum electrodes were applied at least half an inch from the cut ends of the nerves, held suspended by the threads with which they had been ligated. The electrodes were moved slowly along the nerve during stimulation. The source of the current was a Stoelting inductorium No. 7090 through the primary of which passed a constant half ampere current. The primary current was obtained by shunting the instrument circuit across part of the resistance of a two ampere one hundred ten volt direct current ‘‘indi- vidual unit’? system (von Hess (14) ) attached to an ordinary lamp socket. By actual observation at repeated intervals the current through the primary coil was found to be very constant. The rate of interruption of the primary current was made fairly slow, about 25 per SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 133 second, in order to avoid possible overlapping of the currents induced in the secondary coil (Erlanger 1914). A knife switch in the primary circuit insures uniform contact. It is believed that with this system the strength of the induced current for each position of the secondary coil does not vary greatly from day to day. In this way stimulation of the same strength can be applied to several nerves in the same cat and to the nerves of different cats and the results compared. Curare was used in some of the experiments. It was injected in- travenously very slowly, until the stimulation of the peripheral end of a cut nerve gave no response. After the reflex vasomotor and respiratory responses had been re- corded the animal was killed, the cord exposed and the level of the lesion accurately determined. A stretch of cord about seven milli- meters long containing the lesion was removed and prepared by the pyridine-silver method (Ranson (2) ) and cut into serial sections. The serial sections were then studied to determine the extent of the lesion. LITERATURE ON THE VASOMOTOR REFLEXES There is a vast number of articles on the conduction of pain in the spinal cord. Good reviews of this literature have been given by Bertho- let (6), May (7) and Karplus and Kreidl (15). Considerable work has been done on the vasomotor reflexes, but relatively little ts known concerning the anatomical location of the reflex arcs involved. It is generally stated that there exists in the brain stem a center for the regulation of blood pressure. It is sup- posed that this is primarily a vasoconstrictor center and is associated with the pressor reflexes. Little or nothing is known concerning the location of a center or centers for the depressor reflexes. In addition to the “‘principal’”’ vasomotor center in the bulb “‘secondary”’ segmental centers are located in the thoracic and upper lumbar portions of the spinal cord, i.e., in those segments of the cord with which the white rami are associated. Concerning the paths in the cord along which afferent impulses as- cend to the vasomotor centers little is known. Dittmar (16) ob- tained the usual pressor effects from sciatic stimulation after section of the posterior columns and gray matter of the spinal cord. Sherring- ton (17) obtained results which led him to conclude that the afferent path to the vasomotor center lay in the anterior part of the lateral funiculus and states that Miescher had previously obtained similar 134 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS results. Bikeles (18) also reports some experiments which led him to the same conclusion. None of these papers give evidence of a thorough- going investigation of the question and the results are open to numerous objections such as the testing of the vasomotor reflexes before the animal has recovered from the effects of the operation, the location of the lesion too high (9th Th. Seg.) and the failure to distinguish between pressor and depressor reflexes. Aside from these experiments little has been done to determine the effects of cord lesions on the vasomotor reflexes. Stursberg (19) showed that complete destruction of the cord at the level of the 7th thoracic segment involved the fibers which produced a coérdination of the vasoconstrictors of the arm and leg. The observations of Sherrington (10), Pike (20) and Porter and Muhlberg (’21) on “spinal shock” have an important bearing on our work. After transection of the spinal cord at the 8th cervical segment or during complete cerebral anaemia the blood pressure falls but soon returns to normal. The vasomotor reflexes are at first abolished but return in a short time. According to Sherrington the pressor reflex becomes very good after a few weeks and must now be purely spinal. It has recently been shown that stimulation of the central end of the sciatic produces depressor or pressor reflexes according to the strength of the stimulus. (Porter (12), Sollman and Pilcher (22), Martin and Lacey (22).) Weak stimulation gives depressor reflexes, strong stimulation gives pressor reflexes. Martin and Lacey argue that the depressor reaction from sciatic stimulation is the more normal, since the pressor reactions are produced only by excessive stimulation. VASOMOTOR REACTIONS IN NORMAL CATS In order to determine the character of the normal vasomotor reac- tions we obtained tracings from fourteen normal adult cats. In all of these, excepting two, stimulation of the sciatic or brachial nerves with strong currents (s.c. 4 to 6=secondary coil at 4 to 6) gave an increase in blood pressure, Table I. This pressor response varied considerably in extent. The cat giving the least response showed a rise in blood pressure of 11 mm. The greatest reaction obtained from these normal cats was a rise of 48 mm. SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 135 Stimuli in the depressor range (s.c. 13 to 18) were given to nine of these normal cats. They all showed a drop in blood pressure vary- ing in extent from 4 to 22 mm. Hg. With medium strengths of cur- rent the results varied greatly, some cats showing a rise others a fall in blood pressure. These results corroborate those of Porter (12), Sollman and Pilcher (22) and Martin and Lacey (23) that stimulation of the central ends of afferent spinal nerves gives depressor reflexes with weak and pressor reflexes with strongstimulation. In the theoreti- cal discussion of our results we will attempt to give an explanation of TABLE I. Normal cats. CHANGES * IN BLOOD PRESSURE IN MM. HG. FOR INDICATED Ee cesar POSITIONS OF SECONDARY COIL PRESSURE 17-18 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 4-5 WEE or ios cles c's 142 +13 1 Gee 129 sed 1 ee eee 139 +23 1 Se 140 +11 ) ee 121 +18 | +14 +48 le 122 — 8} -—11 | — 5} —22) —14} —12] —-11 (bo 2 144 15 +45 +38 lS 2) aes 130 — 9; —12} —18} —18} —14] —11 | +24] +10 [DS A ae 154 —22 —28 | —26 +24 | +24 oo 124 —6;|-4 —10 +14/+4+ 8 Lk Dea, ee 171 — 8 —18 | —22 —16 1007 2 144 —22 —20 +24 | +16 lh 8 36> 3 ae 153 —3|-— 6 +20 ls, DS 178 —10 | —20 +38 *A rise in blood pressure is indicated by +, a fall by —. this change in direction of the reflexes with increasing strengths of stimulation. In our series of normal cats the sciatic nerve was used almost exclu- sively. Occasionally, however, tests were madeon the brachial nerves— median, ulnarand internal cutaneous beingstimulated alone or together. So far as our results show there was no difference in the reflexes obtained from sciatic and brachial nerves. This agrees with the observations of Porter and Richardson (24), who found by a long series of experiments with stimuli of given intensity, applied to the sciatic and brachial nerves in cats and other animals, that the result did not depend in any 136 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS way on which afferent spinal nerve was stimulated. These experiments were all with strong stimuli in the pressor range. Weak stimulation also gives a depressor response which is independent of the individual nerve stimulated, (Martin and Lacey (23)). LATERAL HEMISECTIONS The vasomotor reflexes were tested on five cats which had suffered a right lateral hemisection of the spinal cord 17 to 63 days before the tracings were taken. All five had recovered perfectly and had full use of both hind legs. Post mortem examination showed the lesion located in the first lum- bar segment in three of these cats and in the second lumbar segment in two. In one (cat O7) the lesion when studied microscopically proved to be a perfect hemisection. In all the others part or all of the right anterior funicu- lus escaped injury (fig. 2). In two the lesion extended slightly beyond the mid line posteriorly into the left posterior funiculus (fig-2). Since the conduction of pain and the reflex changes in blood pressure were the same in cat O 7 in which the hemisection was a perfect Fig. 2. Diagram of the second one as in the others in which the lesion lumbar segment of cat O 8. The was incomplete ventrally we conclude shaded eee shows the part involved that these variations in the lesion have a tue right lateral hemisection. OLA EE omen As far as could be determined by pricking the skin and by the use of cutaneous needle electrodes pain was conducted up the cord equally ° well from all four legs. We had hoped that by the use of the cutaneous electrodes we could locate accurately the pain threshold and determine if there were any difference on the two sides of the body below the lesion. We found that the threshold on the normal limb varied considerably and these normal variations were greater than any difference between the two hind limbs or between the front and the hind limbs in cats with lateral hemisection of the cord. We do not deny that in the cat some difference may exist in the conduction of pain from the two sides after lateral hemisection but such difference as may exist is too small to be readily recognized. In the same way we found it impossible SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 137 TABLE II Depressor reflexes after lateral hemisection NN ‘ POSITION E DROP IN BLOOD OF ile (ile PRESSURE IN MM. HG. : : CAT SECONDARY NERVE AVERAGE corn Individual tests Brachial oe als: 20 16 Right sciatic | 24 22 23 ‘06 Left sciatic Hae. er 5 6 I. B. P. 166 Brachial | 20-019 31. 27 24 14 Right sciatic 2119 25 26 23 Left sciatic ey aie era ia 9 Brachial 21 19 20 16) Right sciatic alee 20) 21 0-7 Left sciatic —-4-5 0 5 —] I. B. P. 166 Brachial 20 18 31 28 24 . 14 Right sciatic | 21 18 27 26 28 Left sciatic Bye 9 7 Brachial 20 19 13 17 12 Right sciatic UCN ksh 7 15 0-8 Left sciatic | 9-3 9 9 6 I. B. P. 142 Brachial 16 16 8 Right sciatic 23 23 Left sciatic 5 5 Brachial 1 15 15 16 15 18 Right sciatic US Eee abe a0) 11 ee Left sciatic i y-8 29 8 I. B. P. 166 Brachial 14 23 22 20 16 Right sciatic 20; 10 12 °8 13 Left sciatic iMcyemalS} 1) as 11 AS Brachial ype ; iy 17 Right sciatic 15 15 eae. 176 Left sciatic 5 5 to demonstrate any loss in sensibility to pain in the hind limbs as com- pared to the front limbs. It is clear that the conduction of pain in the cat’s cord takes place bilaterally. This agrees with the results of other observers on animals (Bertholet (6) and May (7)). But it is usually stated that, while 138 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS TABLE III Pressor reflexes after lateral hemisection POSITION RISE IN BLOOD CAT Pe ee NERVE Sr a tae Ae ‘ ene Individual tests 0-6 Brachial 5 0 0 2 I B.P. 193 5 Right sciatic 0 0 0 ‘oe dl Left sciatic 6 6 14 |* 9g 0-7 Brachial 29X 32X 31X I. B. P. 166 5 Right sciatic 0 0 0 Oc gay rte se Left sciatic 9x 10%: J6% 12x Brachial 12 12 4 Right sciatic 0 0 0-8 Left sciatic 8 8 gee an Brachial bx 0 16 | 10 2 Right sciatic 0 0 Left sciatic 10 10 Brachial 28X ~25x 27X 6 Right sciatic 8X 8X re Left sciatic 11 1l ee as Brachial 26x 32x 29x 4 Right sciatic 5 0 -—2 1 Left sciatic 4 0 0 | que Brachial 22X 31X 27X I B. P. 176 5 Right sciatic 0 0 i, ee Left sciatic 9 9x9 9 xX indicates that the rise was followed by a considerable fall in blood pressure. conduction of pain is bilateral in animals, it is more contralateral than homolateral. It is usually said that after a hemisection in animals there is partial analgesia of both hind limbs and that this is most notice- able on the side opposite the lesion. Karplus and Kreidl (15) have recently shown that after section of both halves of the cord in the cat at different levels, pain is still felt in the hind limbs. This would indicate that in the cat short spinal paths take an especially important part in pain conduction. We were unable to demonstrate any hypal- gesia in the hind limbs of our cats with laterally hemisected cords. Despite these negative results as to the conduction of pain, these cats SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 139 showed characteristic departures from normal in their vasomotor reactions. As will be seen by a study of Table II the depressor reactions obtained from the brachial and right sciatic nerves were normal and approximate- ly equal. They were of the same average extent as the drops obtained in normal cats and showed no greater variation than these. In strik- ing contrast is the reaction obtained from the left sciatic which was as a rule not more than a third as great as that obtained from the brachial and right sciatic nerves (fig. 3.). Each nerve was stimulated several times and the results of the individual tests were very consistent as Fig. 3. Blood pressure tracings from cat O 8, with right lateral hemisection of the cord. Base line raised 57 mm. a, drop of 18 mm. Hg. on stimulation of the left brachial nerves with weak faradic current s.c. 14.; b, drop of 19 mm. Hg. on stimulation of the right sciatic nerve with weak faradic current s.c. 14, c, negligible drop on stimulating the left sciatic nerve with weak faradic current Ree. will be seen by the table. Each of the five cats gave the same results. It is, therefore, clear that after right lateral hemisection of the cat’s spinal cord at the level of the first lumbar segment the depressor re- actions obtained from the brachial and right sciatic nerves are normal while those obtained from the left sciatic nerve are greatly reduced. This would indicate that the conduction in the spinal cord of the affer- ent impulses producing the depressor reflexes is chiefly contralateral but to some extent also homolateral. The changes in the pressor reflexes were not so clear. In every case the pressor reaction obtained from strong sciatic stimulation, is below the average pressor response obtained by stimulating the sciatic in normal cats with the same strength of current, Table III. With one 140 S. W. RANSON AND C. L. VON HESS exception the pressor response from either sciatic was considerably less than from the brachial. Since the pressor reflexes from both sciatic nerves are decreased after lateral hemisection it would seem that the a‘erent impulses bringing about this rise in blood pressure must pass up the cord bilaterally. It will be noted further that the rise from right sciatic stimulation is less than that from stimulation of the left sciatic. This may be due to the impulses passing up the cord somewhat better homolaterally than contralaterally. Or it may be due to the fact that the antagonis- tic depressor reflex is almost eliminated from the left side, while on the right side the depressor reflex is normal and tends to overpower the weakened pressor. It seems probable, therefore, that the afferent impulses producing a rise in blood pressure are conducted bilaterally in the cord, and either equally well on both sides or somewhat better homolaterally. | Since the best depressor reactions were obtained from the sciatic on the side of the lesion and the best pressor reactions from the sciatic on the side opposite the lesion, it is clear that the afferent paths in the - cord involved in these two reflexes are not the same. POSTERIOR HEMISECTION A posterior hemisection was performed on six cats at the level of the first or second lumbar segments. The autopsy, performed 6 to 84 days later, showed that in two (A 1 and A 2) the lesion was in the first, in three (O 2, O 3 and A 3) in the second, and in one (O 4) in the third lumbar segment. Microscopical examinations showed that in each case the lesion involved all of the posterior funiculus, the posterior part of the lateral funiculus and all of the gray matter except the anterior horns a (fig. 4). In eat O 2 the entire gray Fig. 4. Diagram of the second substance was destroyed at the level lumbar segment of cat A 3. The of the lesion. shaded area shows the part involved in the posterior hemisection. So far as could be determined by careful tests these. cats felt pain equally well in all four extremities. These lesions in the posterior half of the cord had had no appreciable effect on the conduction of SPINAL SENSORY PATHS FOR PAIN AND VASOMOTOR STIMULI 141 pain impulses from the hind limbs to the cortex. This is in keeping with the results of most other recorded experiments which place the pain path in the anterior part of the lateral funiculus. The interest in these experiments lies in the fact that they show, contrary to the assumption on which this investigation was started, that the apex of the posterior horn is at least not the chiefh of pat pain toward the cerebral cortex. It is also of interest to note that in cat O 2 the gray matter was completely destroyed at the level of the lesion, showing that pain is not transmitted upward in the gray matter of the cord. The vasomotor reactions on these cats were tested from 6 to 84 days after the operation. It was found that in each animal stimulation TABLE IV Reflex changes in blood pressure after posterior hemisection CHANGES IN BLOOD PRESSURE IN MM. HG. INITIAL BLOOD BoeTOy Oe CAT = SECONDARY eae Bou Brachial Right sciatie Left sciatic U2 so Ae 138 4.5 +18? —-2 | — 2° ao ae 152 4.5 +31? + 3? + 3? (1) Gee 148 4.5 +29 +15 +15 NS hoe eee 148 6.0 ai — —13? 1 ee 160 8.0 + 16? : + 4 ne 160 0.0 +20 — 3 — 2 Pe eyar are eS 3 22 104 6.0 +14 — § — 6 Beit Tee .:.-. 100 60 50 45 60 (2) 15 ee. of eggs in each dish Seton | * NaNO; ®. NaNO;+2% ale. | 3 NaNO;+3% ale. Chlorides..... | 100 50 40 The duration of the experiment, six hours, was selected because this was the maximum duration that could be considered safe. Even then, some of the experiments had to be thrown out because one or two eggs died before they were completed. The NaNO; has to be pure in order to have the right degree of toxicity. The ethyl alcohol was redistilled over metallic sodium. Although the dishes were covered in all experiments, the experiments with ether were discontinued after it was found that ether has the same effect as alcohol, owing to the fact that some of the ether diffused into the air above the eggs and the concentration of that remaining in the solution was no longer known. It is probable that all anesthetics have the same action. A word of caution to any one who wishes to make similar experiments on pike eggs: Some of my early experiments were irregular in results. I believe the reason for this is that the egg is made more permeable by increase in temperature,’ and that different eggs are not affected by the same temperature. I did not determine the maximum temperature at which it is safe to work, but a temperature of about 8° is safe and is easily maintained in a refrigerator. Fundulus eggs may he used at room temperature in Woods Hole, and are preferable in every way. It is clear that 2 to 3 per cent by volume of ethyl alcohol partially inhibits the permeability-increasing action of a pure NaNOs solu- tion. It is theoretically possible to entirely prevent this increase in permeability if the toxicity of the NaNO ; solution is low enough. The difficulty in demonstrating this lies in the fact that the toxicity of the sodium salt does not depend on its absolute concentration, but *Osterhout: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1914, Ixvii, 272. EFFECT OF ANESTHETICS ON CELL PERMEABILITY 177 on the ratio of sodium to calcium. With a very mildly toxic solution of NaNO; the Ca diffusing out of the egg at the first increase of per- meability lowers the toxicity and hence the permeability to such an extent that no permeability increase can be measured by means of the nephelometer, and electric conductivity experiments with their large and numerous sources Of error would have to be substituted. - That 2-3 per cent ethyl alcohol is really the anesthetic concentration, follows from the fact that it retards the development of these eggs. The same concentration may not be correct for every species or every tissue. In general, it seems that nerve tissue requires a less concen- tration of an anesthetic for anesthesia than other tissues. But it is hardly justifiable to assume that this affect of anesthetics on per- meability is peculiar to egg tissue. Pike embryos were found to behave the same as eggs up to the time of the development of kidney function, when the excretion of salts interferes with the method used to measure permeability. It is probable that anesthetics retard the increase in permeability of any cell by any “stimulus.” DISCUSSION In 1910 I observed that chloroform, when added to the sea water, reduces the electric conductivity of sea urchin eggs. This experiment was not repeated, owing to lack of time and the large number of sources of error that must be guarded against in order to be sure that decreased conductivity indicates decreased permeability. Osterhout,’® by find- ing a tougher material, was able to show that anesthetics decrease the permeability, at least of certain plant cells. Joel'! found that anesthetics decrease the permeability of erythrocytes. The question arises whether anesthetics prevent increase in permeability by decreas- ing permeability. If a cell is absolutely impermeable its permeability cannot be decreased. The Fundulus egg is so nearly impermeable to salts that it would be extremely difficult to measure a decrease in permeability. The pike egg may be more permeable to salts but it would be no easier to measure a decrease in permeability, owing to the delicate nature of the egg and danger of non-uniformity of material. It seems probable, however, that the anesthetic and toxic substances act on the same constituent of the cell surface or plasma membrane. If the cell surface is composed of a mosaic of different constituents, 10 Osterhout: Sci., 1913, 111. U Joel: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1914. 178 J. F. MCCLENDON and one constituent is permeable, the cell is permeable. But if one constituent is impermeable the whole cell is not necessarily impermeable, since diffusion can take place through the other constituent. If the NaNO; makes the cell permeable by acting on a protein it is difficult to see how the anesthetic could antagonize this effect by acting on a lipoid. Stimulation and anesthesia seem to be antagonistic states. I have shown that the permeability of striated muscle is increased on stimu- lation” and that the permeability of the eggs of the sea urchin and the frog increases when they pass from the state of repose into that of activity. The question arises whether this is true of other cells, such as those of glands. In order to decide this we must discuss the psycho-galvanic reflex. If a constant electric current is sent through the body from non- polarizable electrodes and the person is given a nervous shock, as by sticking a pin in him unexpectedly, the strength of the current is mo- mentarily increased. Leva't showed that the degree of this change is in direct ratio with the number of sweat glands per unit area of the skin, and therefore concluded that the sweat glands produce this phenomenon. Gildemeister®’ was able, by improvements in the electric conductivity method, to show that this is due to the increased permeability, presumably of these glands. Apparently the gland cells are stimulated by the sympathetic nerves and their permeability is increased. It seems, therefore, that the increased permeability on stimulation is a general phenomenon, and we might expect the action of anesthetics in preventing this increase to be general, also. Warburg" has shown that anesthetics retard the oxidation of oxalic acid by blood charcoal to about_the same degree as they decrease the respiration of nucleated erythrocytes. I have repeated and confirmed these experiments. Tashiro and Adams! have shown that the nerve fiber gives out less CO» when it is anesthetized. Although it was shown by Warburg! that the respiration of sea urchin eggs is only slightly 1 McClendon: This Journal, 1912, xxix, 302. 13 McClendon: This Journal, 1910, xxvii, 240, and ibid, in press. 14 Leva: Miinch. Med. Wochenschr., 1913, 2386. 15 Gildemeister: Miinch. Med. Wochenschr., 1913, 2289; see also Schwartz: Zentlbl. f. Physiol., 1913, xxvii, 734. 16 Warburg: Pfliiger’s arch., 1914, elv, 147. 17 Tashiro and Adams: Int. Zeitschr. f. Physik.-chem. Biol., 1914, i, 451. 18 Warburg: Zeitschr. f. Physiol. Chem., 1910, Ixvi, 306. a EFFECT OF ANESTHETICS ON CELL PERMEABILITY 179 reduced during anesthesia, it seems generally true that anesthetics may antagonize oxidations by cells, oxidases and some inorganic katalyzers. The question whether permeability has any relation to the oxidative processes cannot be finally settled until we know more about the mech- anism of the latter. At present we can, at most, make the generaliza- tion that in the presence of Oz cell respiration varies more or less with cell permeability so long!’ as the cellis alive. The only observation that I know of that might appear to extend this rule to a dead cell is that of Warburg.*®° He found that the oxidation in the young erythrocytes of the goose is increased by freezing and thawing provided they are closely packed. Freezing and thawing causes hemolysis and increases permeability, and the hemolyzed cells might be considered dead. SUMMARY Anesthetics in the concentration that retards development (2-3 per cent alcohol dr 0.5 per cent ether) tends to inhibit the permeability- increasing action of a ;5 molecular solution of NaNO; on the eggs and embryos of the pike (Esox). 19 McClendon and Mitchell: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1912, x, 459. 20 Warburg: Zeitschr. f. Physiol. Chem., 1911, 419. NEW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES AND RAPID METHODS OF DETERMINING HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATIONS J. F. McCLENDON From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Minnesota Received for publication May 8, 1915 The technique of hydrogen electrodes as applied to pure chemistry is in a high state of perfection! but the impression is sometimes given that these electrodes require a skilled physical chemist to use them correctly. It is true that some solutions give trouble, for example, a pure KCl solution. Starting with Merck’s highest purity KCl, I recrystallized it five times in fused silica dishes and dissolved it in conductivity water, but could not obtain a neutral reading with the hydrogen electrode until I poured it boiling hot into the electrode and passed a rapid stream of hydrogen through it while cooling and while making the reading. This difficulty is never experienced with solu- tions containing considerable amounts of carbonates, phosphates or proteins, and hence biological fluids are less difficult than some inor- ganic solutions. In fact, it is not necessary with biological fluids to change the hydrogen in the electrode during the reading. The time required to determine the reaction of a fluid depends chiefly on the time required to saturate the electrode with hydrogen. Since ° gold absorbs comparatively little hydrogen, it becomes quickly satu- rated. I found No. 36 gold wire very satisfactory from this stand- point but the electrodes made of it could not be so conveniently cleaned by heating, as platinum electrodes. Drucker made electrodes of films of iridium burned on Jena glass, but the same objection holds true of them. By reducing the thickness of the platinum, the saturation time may be reduced. I found that platinum foil 0.02 mm. in thickness, coated with platinum black, requires less than two minutes for satura- tion, provided it is separated from the hydrogen by only a film of the solution. Since the electrodes which Michaelis designed for rapid ' Ostwald-Luther: Physiko-chemischer Messungen, 3d ed. 1910, Leipzig. 180 Ne eek on eee el DETERMINATION OF HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION 181 work require thirty minutes for saturation? a considerable saving of time is thus accomplished by simply using narrow strips of thin foil instead of the wire that he used. The chief difficulty in determining the H* concentration of biologi- cal fluids arises from the fact that they contain dissolved gases. The dilution of the hydrogen with other gases causes an error in the direc- tion of greater acidity. The loss of CO, from the solution increases its alkalinity, hence the passage of COs. and O» from the solution into the hydrogen causes two errors which tend to oppose one another, and hence the reading might happen to be correct. Héber, Hasselbalch, Michaelis and others have guarded against the error due to escape of CO, from the solution. The method of Michaelis depends on the use of a very small volume of Hy, in ratio to the volume of the solu- tion, and is best adapted to rapid work. The chief difficulty with other gases is experienced in determinations on arterial blood. The oxyhemoglobin gives out so much QO, into the H, as to cause a greater error than arises from the escape of CO,. Milroy* centrifuged the blood and then poured it through the air into the electrode. In order to obviate errors arising from this procedure, as well as other errors, and to shorten the time required for a determination, I de- signed the following electrode: This electrode consists essentially of a U-tube with one end constricted, figure 1. Next to the constriction, a strip of platinum foil, 0.02 mm. in thickness or thinner, is fused through the glass so that the plane of that portion of the foil which protrudes into the interior of the tube passes through the axis of the tube. The free end of the foil, A, is bent up so that when a loop of wire is passed over the constricted end of the tube electric contact will be made with the foik A short piece of rubber tube, B, is attached to the constricted end of the glass tube, and closed with a small Langenbeck clip or pinch cock at C. The rub- ber tube is as short and of as small bore as practicable, and its free end is connected with a hypodermic needle. The large end of a hy- podermic needle is filed down so that it may be inserted into the rub- ber tube. The platinum is coated with platinum black and cleaned in the usual manner. Fig. 1 2 Michaelis: Die Wasserstoffionenkonzentration, 1914, Berlin. 3 Milroy: Quart. Journ. Exper. Physiol., 1914, 141 182 \ J. F. McCLENDON Before filling the electrode, the needle is dried thoroughly be means of a suction pump and filled with oil. It may then be boiled for sterili- zation. The rubber tube is filled with a concentrated solution of hiru- din in water or Ringer. The needle is inserted into the artery or vein and the Langénbeck clip removed. The U-tube is held in such a posi- tion that only the first few drops of blood come in contact with air, as this first blood covers and protects the rest of the blood. When the U-tube is filled, the Langenbeck clip is put on the rubber tube and the needle is removed. The U-tube is now placed in the shield of a centrifuge, counter- balanced, and centrifuged a few minutes. It is then removed and a pipette inserted into the free end of the rubber tube. By sucking on the pipette and at the same time partially opening the Langenbeck clip; the blood corpuscles that remain in the rubber tube are removed. A tube from which pure hydrogen is flowing is instantly put in place of the pipette, without admitting any air. By cautiously opening the Langenbeck clip, hydrogen is admitted until the platinum foil is sur- rounded by the gas. A film of plasma adheres to the platinum and sides of the glass tube and establishes electrical connection with the blood below. After waiting two minutes for the platinum to be satu- rated with He, the U-tube is shaken so as to bring a fresh portion of the plasma in contact with the platinum, and the reading is immediately taken. Care should be taken not to shake so hard that any of the corpuscles rise high enough to liberate any oxygen into the hydrogen. In order that no time be lost in connecting this electrode with the calomel electrode, a ball of cotton cord soaked in a saturated solution of KCl is kept at hand and a piece cut off previously, with which to make the connection. The inclosure of this conducting cord in a tube is unnecessary. Since the reading can be made in a few seconds with a proper potenti- ometer, the CO, does not have time to diffuse out of the film of plasma covering the platinum and cause an error. Since the erythrocytes have all been precipitated away from the surface layers, and the ex- posure is but little more than two minutes, the contamination of the hydrogen with other gases is very slight, and the error due to this unmeasurable. This electrode has been indispensable in my work on blood, but it can be used with any biological fluid. In studying stomach or duo- denal contents, the rubber tube may be connected to the smallest size stomach or duodenal tube, having a strainer (bucket) on the end that DETERMINATION OF HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION 183 is swallowed. The filling of the U-tube may be assisted by aspiration through a rubber tube attached to its free end, but the suction should not be sufficient to cause bubbles to appear in the fluid. In case the readings are made at room temperature, it will be neces- sary to insert the U-tube in mercury in order to cool it with sufficient rapidity. If blood or any other fluid that requires to be centrifuged is used, the centrifuge shield may be filled with water so that most of the cooling takes place without loss of time. If extreme accuracy is not required and the fluids to be investigated, contain no oxyhemoglobin, the electrode designed by Michaelis may be used, provided thin platinum foil is substituted, and a bulb is blown on the open end of the glass tube to pre- u ay 8 vent spilling while introducing the He. A strip of foil ; 0.05 mm. thick may be drawn through a small rubber stopper by means of a needle and thread, instead of sealing it in a glass stopper. This foil may be cleaned F by heating, provided the stopper is first wet with dis- tilled water, whereas a glass stopper is liable to crack. In measuring the acidity of the gastric contents, it was found possible to lower an electrode into the stomach. The apparatus designed for work on the stomach con- tents consists chiefly of a rubber tube 60 cm. long and 3 mm. bore, and two No. 40 silk covered copper wires, that were coated with rubber cement and dried several times (fig. 2). One wire, M, extends through the rubber tube, JJ, and the other, N, passes down outside of it until by entering the hole, EH, it connects with a platinum wire that is fused into the lower end of a short piece of glass tube that is inserted into the rubber tube. The lower end of the glass tube and copper-platinum junction is covered with sealing wax, A. A drop of pure mercury is dropped into the lower end of the glass tube so as to connect with the platinum wire at the level of B. Above the mercury a little calomel washed with concentrated KCl solution, C, is placed, and the rest of the glass tube packed with moist KCl crystals, D, and the hole, E, stuffed with cot- ton soaked in KCl solution. This forms a calomel electrode, and is separated off from the remainder of the tube by a short piece of glass rod, F. Above F several holes are cut in the rubber tube at the level of G, and from this point a fine platinized platinum wire extends through the lumen of the tube and is held in place by fusion 184 J. F. McCLENDON to a bump on the inside of a short piece of glass tube at the level of I. This platinum wire then connects with the wire M and the junction is coated with rubber. The rubber tube is connected at K with a tube, L, leading from a hydrogen generator, and a slow stream of Hy passes down the rubber tube and out at G, thus converting the platinum wire from H to F into a hydrogen electrode. Whereas the results are not quite as accurate as those obtained with larger electrodes, I think them sufficiently accurate for stomach contents, where there are such great individual variations. It is necessary to have a source of hydrogen of sufficient pressure to prevent the stomach contents from rising in the tube higher than H. Fresh crystals of KCl must be put in D before the appa- ratus is used, and the end of the tube from A to G may be immersed in saturated KCl solution so as to keep it moist until it is swallowed. A correction is made for hydrogen pressure (subtract 0.17 mv. for 1 cm. increase in pressure). The time necessary to calculate the H+ concentration from the potentiometer reading may be saved either by using a conversion table or making a potentiometer that reads off directly the H+ con- centration. It is most convenient to express results in the form of the hydrogen ion exponent, PH. Thus 0.001 normal is 10-*, or PH=8. Figure 3 is a conversion table to be used at 23°, provided the hydrogen electrode is connected with a calomel electrode of the saturated type (containing KCl crystals). The codrdinates are to be followed only to the edge of the diagonal band. Starting with the potentiometer reading in millivolts on the ordinate, the corresponding PH on the abscissa may be read. The temperature coefficient is small and is practically zero for an H* concentration of 0.0001 normal (PH=4). That is to say a 0.0001 normal solution of hydrogen ions will give a reading of 481 milli- volts whether the temperature is 19°, 25° or 37°. If 23° is taken as the standard, at 19° there is a variation of +3 millivolts for PH =0 and ~ DETERMINATION OF HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION 185 —5 mv. for PH=10. At 37° the variation is —11 mv. for PH=0 and +16 mv. for PH=10. Since the PH of gastric juice is not far on the acid side of 4, that of urine is about 4 and that of the other biological fluids (except those containing much bile) is not far on the alkaline side of 4, a slight variation of the temperature from 23° does not make a serious error in using this conversion table or a potentiometer reading the PH directly. None of the potentiometers on the market can be easily adapted to read the PH directly, but I made one that will serve all such purposes. It consists of 2200 em. of No. 30 hardened German silver wire stretched over cross section paper. By means of a Weston cell, and 2 movable contacts, the current of a lead storage cell passing through a variable length of the wire is so adjusted that each centimeter has a fall of potential of one millivolt. By means of a conversion table the PH is marked on the cross section paper. We thus have a scale reading the PH instead of the millivolts. See also the description of a direct read- ing potentiometer in this journal. SUMMARY The method of H+ concentration as used by Michaelis is modified so as to reduce the time necessary for a determination from forty min- utes to about two or three minutes. An electrode which eliminates errors due to O2 (from oxyhemoglobin) and COs, is described. An electrode that may be lowered into the stomach is also described. A potentiometer reading the Ht concentration directly, instead of millivolts, is described. A DIRECT READING POTENTIOMETER FOR MEASURING HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATIONS J. F. McCLENDON From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Minnesota Received for publication May 14, 1915 One disadvantage of the use of the hydrogen electrode in determining the hydrogen ion concentration of biological fluids is the time re- quired to calculate the results, and the liability to error by one not ex- perienced in the use of mathematics. In order to avoid part of the calculation, some workers stop the calculation as soon as the logarithm is obtained. These logarithms cannot be used in compiling statistical data in the same way as decimal fractions, and hence the calculation that is saved at one time may have to be done at another. The direct reading potentiometer does the entire calculation for you in zero time. The difficulty in making a direct reading potentiometer for hydro- gen ion concentrations lies in the numerous temperature coefficients that would have to be considered in making an extremely accurate and universal apparatus. But Ihave shown in a recent paper! the temperature coefficient of the whole apparatus is negligible in modern heated rooms with wall thermoregulators. During the summer the temperature variation would be serious only for determinations on blood, where the differences observed are comparatively minute. The error due to temperature is certainly not greater than the same error in reading a burette. The instrument is correct at 23°. The potentiometer is made to be used in connection with a calomel electrode filled with crystals of KCl, because this avoids the danger of error due to the change in concentration of the KCl solution by dif- fusion or evaporation. A Weston cell is used. If it does not give the theoretical voltage, it should be standardized and its voltage marked on it. The potentiometer may be made in two sizes, a large size that is easily made accurate and a small size with evident advantages. 1 McClendon: This Journal, 1915, xxxviii, 180. 1S6 DIRECT READING POTENTIOMETER 187 The large form is essentially a resistance wire 23,000 mm. long, with movable contacts. Suppose the Weston cell is correct, that is to say, the voltage marked on it is 1.0185 at 23° the temperature of standardi- zation of the potentiometer, if the current from it is passed through 10,185 mm. of the wire each centimeter will have a fallof potential of 1 millivolt. A storage cell current is sent through and balanced against the Weston cell current by changing the length of the wire. Since the lead storage cell gives a current from about 1.85 to 2.23 volts, the length of the wire should be capable of being changed a corresponding amount. By means of the half dial, C, and the sliding contact, D, figure 1, the eS - g PTEREST eM CELE ORT CALO MEL ELECTRODE S eS ere » ;:° ~ %® xy aa + Cass wo Oo Ot nw os 4 v4 a a 5 = aoe = = 2.8 Py eB = 3 = : : ; : : = 5 22: 103 ft TOSTORAGE CELL — Fig. 1 length of the wire can be changed from 18,000 to 23,000 mm. corre- sponding to 1.8-2.3 volts. The slide wire, D, is 1 meter and hence out of proportion in the figure. In the figure, the length of wire between two buttons is marked by a number parallel to the wire and the total length of wire up to a button is marked perpendicular to the wire. The measurement of the wire for the half dial and Slide wire, men- tioned, need not be accurate, since the results are not affected by these measurements. In order to determine the E. M. F. of the hydrogen + calomel elec- trodes, they are connected with the contacts on the dial, A, and the 188 J. F. MCCLENDON slide wire, B. Since with a normal solution of hydrogen ions in the hydrogen electrode, the apparatus has a voltage of 0.2468, therefore 2468 mm. of wire are included between the dial and the slide wire. Since the moving of the decimal point in the hydrogen ion concentra- tion one place, causes a change in voltage of 0.0587, there are 587 mm. of wire in the slide wire, B, and the same length between each pair of but- tons on the dial, A. There are 14 buttons, and hence the length of the wire up to the slide wire is (13x587)+2468 = 10,099, and hence 86 mm. on the slide wire is the place for leading off to the Weston cell, or a total of 10,185 mm. S ey ier : : ° S od A ° : G Le ao y es ~~ e 28 ° . aS ° y Ne oe ot) e y ~) en og’ 250 wot 2213 + 213 D Fig. 3 The lengths of wire in millimeters for the small instrument are shown in figure 3. The length of the slide wire, B, is 250 mm. This is the same length as the logarithmic scale on small-sized slide rules, and logarithmic codrdinate paper of this length may be obtained of Keuffel and Esser or other dealers. Therefore it is not worth while to calculate the divisions on the scale. Some samples of logarithmic paper are a little short, especially in a very dry room, but they may be moistened until they expand to the required length and then glued tight, especially at the ends, under the slide wire. By comparing figure 2, the orienta- tion and labeling of the scale may be easily done. The mark on the slide wire scale for the Weston cell is 37 mm. from the left end. The 190 J. F. McCLENDON temperature correction for this point is so small that it may be judged with the eye. In general this mark should be shoved approximately 1 mm. to the right for 5° fall and 1 mm. to the left for 5° rise in tempera- ture. At 30° it should be about 1.5 mm. to the left. Instead of flexible wires to connect the sliding contact, B, with the double throw switch, ‘and the sliding contact, D, with the binding posts, it is better to use brass rods with movable sleeves bearing the contact points, as in figure 3. : There are 250 mm. of wire between each two buttons on the dial, A, and 1051 mm. between this and the slide wire, B. If this wire is measured accurately the instrument will not need calibration for bio- logical purposes, because the non-uniformity of well made wire, taken fresh off of the original spool, will be small, and notwithstanding slight errors in the wire the instrument will show differences accurately. There are 9 buttons on the half dial, C, with 213 mm. of wire be- tween each pair, and 215 mm. on the slide wire, D. The more resistant the wire the better the storage cell will hold up. Manganin (86 Cu, 12 Mn, 2 Ni) invented by Weston, or Constantan (60 Cu, 40 Ni) of from 32 to 36 gauge, are the best materials for the wire, but German silver will do, especially if it is bare and strung in a ventilated box under the dials to avoid heating effects. Some of the wire should be saved to renew the slide wires when necessary. The connecting wires marked by heavy lines in figure 1, should be heavy copper (resistance free). The leads to the potentiometer do not have to be heavy, as only enough current passes through them to operate the electrometer. I do not have a contact key on the potentiometer, because this key when released, must short circuit the electrometer, and a telegraph key connected directly with the electrometer, is used. The small instrument is about 12x7 inches. SUMMARY The hydrogen ion concentration is read on the scale, B, figure 2, and the position of the decimal point read on the dial, A. ACIDITY CURVES IN THE STOMACHS AND DUODENUMS OF ADULTS AND INFANTS, PLOTTED WITH THE AID OF IMPROVED METHODS OF MEASURING HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION J. F. McCLENDON From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Minnesota Received for publication May 14, 1915 The hydrogen ion concentration’ of the gastric juice and stomach con- tents after test meals is very well known.' According to Michaelis and Davidsohn? hyperacidity means a hydrogen ion concentration of from 0.011 to 0.088; average acidity means 0.028—0.0015 and hy- poacidity means 0.00041—0.0000001. Owing to the number of factors involved in the physiology of the stomach, as elucidated by the extensive work of Cannon and of Carl- son, it occurred to the writer that the giving of a scant test meal, poor in protein, and the complete evacuation of the stomach all atonce, might not reveal all that could be learned of the acidity of the stomach under normal conditions. Consequently an attempt was made to trace the progress of digestion after a normal meal, by lowering a hy- drogen electrode into the stomach, and also by removing a few cubic centimeters every half hour by means of a very small tube with a strainer (bucket) on the end that is swallowed. The new departures in the technique are given in two other papers.* It was found possible to keep the tube in the stomach all day except during the ingestion of the meals. After a little practice it was not very difficult to keep the strainer well in the interior of the main part of the stomach. The acidity at the cardia fluctuated more or less owing to the intermittent entrance of saliva. The pylorus became acid more rapidly than the rest of the stomach. But it is not true that ' the pylorus is always more acid than the fundus. My observations 1 Frankel: Zeitschr. f. Exper. Path. u. Therap., 1905, i, 431. * Davidsohn: Zeitschr. f. Exper. Path. u. Therap., 1910, 398. ’ McClendon: This Journal, 1915, xxxviii, 180 and 186. 191 192 J. F. McCLENDON indicate that the stomach contents begin to mix immediately after the ingestion of the food, and that the mixing is very thorough in about two to three hours. _ The meals that were eaten were governed by the appetite, except in one case when a scant meal was purposely eaten for comparison. The real efficiency of the stomach to take care of these meals may be determined by finding the time required for the acidity of the main bulk of the food to rise to that degree most favorable to peptic digestion. This may be determined with little discomfort and little or no loss of nourishment. The usual method of pumping out the entire stomach contents after an abnormal meal and titrating the acids and the salts of weak bases, is not calculated to shed very much light on the digestion. Such a procedure implies that acidity is some indestructible property of certain kinds of matter. The same procedure that is used to esti- mate matter, such as total nitrogén, cannot be used for studying acidity. In the first place new hydrogen ions are formed during the titration and the original number cannot be estimated in this way. The acidity may be determined more accurately by tasting than by titration. In the second place, the same number of hydrogen ions in the stomach may favor or retard digestion according to how they are distributed. Peptic digestion is most rapid in a hydrogen ion concentration of about 0.03 normal! and decreases when the acidity increases or decreases. The total stomach contents after being pumped out and mixed may be at the optimum acidity, whereas in the stomach, part may have been too acid and part not acid enough. It is much better to determine the hydrogen ion concentration of a sample taken from the large part of the stomach, away from the wall, because the main bulk of the food is in this location. Whereas digestion may commence immediately in the pylorus and next to the wall, the quantity of food so affected appears to be small, and general digestion is delayed until there has been a thorough mixing of the food with the gastric juice. THE REACTION OF THE ADULT STOMACH AND DUODENUM Figures 1 and 2 show a number of curves, representing the rise in acidity of the adult stomach during digestion. On the ordinates are the hydrogen ion concentrations and on the abscissae are the hours ‘Sorensen: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1909, xxi, 131; Michaelis and Davidsohn: loc. cit.; Michaelis and Mendelssohn: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1914, Ixiv, ACIDITY CURVES OF STOMACH AND DUODENUM 193 after finishing the meals. Curves 1-4 are taken from the same individual to show the effect of meals of varying bulk, and hence varying protein content. Curve 1 was taken after a light meal of milk, curves 2 and 3 after average meals and curve 4 after a heavy dinner. Curve 5, from another individual, was taken after a meal that was not only light but also very poor in protein (chiefly carbohydrates). It is clearly seen that the heavier the meal and the more protein it contains, the more slowly the acidity rises. This is due to the fact that the protein neutralizes the acid and the acidity of the stomach cannot rise very high until all of the protein is changed into acid albuminate. The curves in figure 2 are all taken from different individuals and in general steeper than those in figure 1. This is due to personal character- istics and not to the pro- tein content. Whether Lee this personal difference is 4 due to difference in rate of acid secretion by the stomach, or difference in __,,,, the quantity of saliva swallowed, is not clear. Curve 12, showing a very slow rise after a medium meal, was taken from a 70! ; ; ; oi8 person having a very sen- ; Sat. and notices Fig. 1. Curves 1-4, male, 34 years; curve 1, a wee luncheon, 500 cc. milk. Curve 2, breakfast, 1 bly large quantities of orange, 250 cc. milk, 200 cc. water, 2 eggs, 2 slices saliva were swallowed. of buttered toast. Curve 3, luncheon, roast In the average individual, lamb, potato, bread and butter, lettuce, ice the tube produces no Cream. Curve 4, dinner, soup, beefsteak, potato, ag : bread and butter, tomato, 250 cc. milk, 200 ce. stimulation of the mucous : ite z water, slice of pie. Curve 5, male, 32 years, membranes. Curve 11, breakfast, bacon, cereal, bread and butter. taken after a light meal, rises steeply, whereas curve 6 taken from another individual, after a light meal, chiefly carbohydrate, does not rise so steeply. It is well known or generally assumed that the height to which the acidity rises is a personal characteristic. This is well illustrated in curves 1—4 (all from the same individual) all of which reach the same maximum. Curves 7 and 8 are from two brothers and show the same maximum. This suggests that the acidity of the stomach is influenced by heredity. -00000! 194 J. F. McCLENDON After reaching the characteristic maximum, the acidity of the stomach remains constant for considerable time, at least until the greater part of the food has left the stomach. After this it is difficult to take a sample from the interior, that is, away from the wall, and fluctuations that are sometimes observed may be due to this fact. After all of the food has left the stomach the acidity may fall, due to cessation or decrease in the secretion of acid and also to the swallowing of saliva + t mH is is SS Ol 6 ae 7B 4 7 .00] a 000! 3 as } {]/ -00001 -00000} / 900000! ' hour 2 3 y Fig. 2. Curve 6, male, 40 years, breakfast, toast and buttermilk. Curve 7, male, 24 years, dinner, ham, eggs, potato, pie. Curve 8, male, 19 years, dinner, veal roast, rhubarb, soup, buttermilk. Curve 9, male, 18 years, luncheon, 4 roast beef sandwiches, chocolate creams. Curve 10, male, 22 years, dinner, roast beef, 2 eggs, bread and butter, strawberries. Curve 11, male, 25 years, luncheon, ham, potato, bread and butter, coffee, sauce. Curve 12, male, 25 years, ham, potato, bread and butter, sweets, milk, rhubarb. Curve 13 (unfinished), fe- male, 19 years, luncheon, vegetables, bread and butter. Curve 14, compiled from 27 samples of stomach contents of infants of the first month. that is about neutral in reac- tion and contains protein capa- ble of neutralizing acid. The hydrogen ion concentra- tion of a number of duodenal samples taken with the duode- nal tube were all very close to 2x10-°. This may be generally true of all normal individuals, but it is not always true in dis- ease. A sample which I de- termined for Dr. Schneider was very far from this value, but I will not give it here be- cause he may wish to work up the subject from the patho- logical side. : THE CALIBRATION ©,’ INDI- CATORS ~ During the experiments de- scribed, I took occasion to calibrate a number of indica- tor solutions and _ papers. Michaelisand Davidsohn’ give a table of indicator solutions that are to be used after the Ewald breakfast. My results, after normal meals correspond closely with theirs except in case of methyl violet (and tropaeolin 00). Since my re- sults correspond closely with those of Sorensen on non-protein solutions, this difference is not due to the higher protein content of my samples, 5 Davidsohn: Zeitschr. Exp. Path. u. Therap., 1910, viii, 398. ACIDITY CURVES OF STOMACH AND DUODENUM 195 and some of my samples had as low a protein content as those of Michae- lis. The difference is probably due to the fact that Michaelis’ samples were highly colored with tea. The yellow tea and blue indicator gave a green at 0.01 whereas in my experiments green never appeared, and in those of Sorensen it appeared at 1 normal and yellow appeared at 2 normal. I confirmed Sorensen’s results on non-protein solu- tions and used different brands of methyl violet, Merck’s 3B and Grub- ler’s 5B, on gastric contents, but never obtained green at 0.01 when the contents were originally colorless. A similar difference was observed in the case of tropaeolin 00. In my tests it became orange at 0.01 and in those of Michaelis at 0.0033. This trouble with the color of the sample increases as we go into the duodenum or test the urine. For this reason I calibrated a number of indicator papers to see if such a thing were possible. It is generally considered that indicator papers are less sensitive than the solutions. One reason for this is that the paper used contains substances that preserve the reaction (alkaline earths?). Bausch and Lomb congo paper begins to turn at 0.001 whereas some that I made begins to turn at 0.00005. I made a number of papers by soaking Schleicher and Schull’s ash-free paper no. 589 in the indicator solutions and drying, and found them but little less sensitive than the solutions. The end of the paper is dipped into the sample and held there a little while. As the sample rises in the paper any coloring matter is adsorbed very quickly and prevented from rising further. The acid or alkali rises highe ->d gives the characteristic tinge to the indicator. Pure water rh higher, so that only the middle of the wet region should be observed. Proteins, and some other interfering substances also, are partially held back from ascending in the paper. The original solutions and the color of the papers were as follows: - methyl violet 0.2 per cent (violet), tropaeolin 00 2 per cent (deep yellow), dimethylamidoazobenzole 0.5 per cent (light yellow), Congo red, 0.5 per cent (red), methyl orange 2 per cent (yellow), alizarine sodium sulphonate 0.5 per cent (salmon pink), p-nitro phenol 2 per cent (light yellow), litmus 2 per cent (violet), neutral red 0.5 per cent (red). The following table gives the observed changes in adult gastric contents: (—)=no change, B=blue, G=green, O=orange, R=red, V=violet, W=white and Y=yellow, (+) =a slight change: 196 J. F. McCLENDON Normal H?..... .|0.05) 0.01 | 0.005! 0.001} 0.0001 | 0.00001! 0.000001) 0.000005 Met. violet...... B B — —_ = os ES = _ iropaolinw, see: R O — _ = = =e a 2 met.a.a.ben....| R R O _ =: a at = Convowee eee B B B V V = = < Met. orange..... Ray) JR R R O _ _ -- Alizarine....... Ye MY YC "Ys ¥: oa = a LBL e Aco Perea os a a R R R a = nit P-nitro-ph....... wi WwW W W W + = a Neut. red.......| — | — — - _ = a O These indicator papers were tried on infants’ stomach contents with the same result. The indicator papers used on duodenal contents were: neutral red 0.5 per cent (red), rosolic acid 0.5 per cent (orange), cyanin 0.5 per cent (blue) phenol-phthalein 0.5 per cent (colorless). All of the normal duo- denal contents investigated (0.00000005—0.00000001) affected the papers in the same way. Neutral red was changed to orange, rosolic acid was reddened, cyanin and phenol-phthalein were unchanged. THE REACTION OF THE INFANT STOMACH AND DUODENAL CONTENTS The work on the infant was done at the request of Prof. J. P. Sedg- wick, head of pediatrics, University Hospital. The determinations of acidity were done by me with the hydrogen electrode, except for a few that were done by Dr. Rood Taylor under my direction. The samples were taken by Dr. Taylor, and the radiographs taken by Dr. F. S. Bissell, to both of whom my sincere thanks are due. Dr. Sedg- wick gave me some references to the literature. It was observed by Huenekens® that the acidity of the infant’s stomach depends on the diet, and Hess,’ that the titratable acidity of the stomach of the new born before it has taken any food, is high. I was able to obtain several samples of the latter and the acidity was 0.005, _but the acidity of the empty infant’s stomach is in general high, as will be shown later. Since the protein of the milk binds the acid, we should expect the acidity to be higher the less food is in the stomach, and such was found to be the case. In other words, the regulatory mechanism of gastric acidity in the infant is very imperfect. Although 27 samples of the gastric contents of infants of the first month were investigated, I had no control over the manner in which 6 Huenekens: Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk., 1914, xi, 297. 7 Hess: Amer. Journ. Diseases of Children, 1913, vi, 264. » tee ACIDITY CURVES OF STOMACH AND DUODENUM 197 the samples were taken, and an actual curve of the rise in acidity can- not be drawn. The entire stomach contents were pumped out and mixed in each sample. Since no relation between age of the infant and acidity was found, the various determinations may be used to construct a theoretical curve. Individual variations cannot be investigated, owing to the few determinations made on one infant. If we consider all samples taken one hour after nursing, for instance, it would be in- correct to use the mean acidity in computing the one-hour point in the curve, because a single stomach that emptied itself in one hour would have more influence than several stomachs that remained full for one hour. But if the variation curve of these determinations is made, the ‘‘mode”’ of the curve may be taken instead of the ‘‘mean.’’ Most of the determinations are very near the ‘‘mode,”’ and to use the “‘mode’’ has the same effect as throwing out the extreme variations. The results are as follows: Time after nursing in hrs. 0.25 0.5 1.00000 ins Uber is 2 Pls 3 4 H* 0.000006 0.000005 0.000006 0.00006 0.00005 0.00012 0.00005 0.001 0.01 The acidity rises to 0.00012, two hours after nursing, and then drops to 0.00005, only to rise again very rapidly until the stomach is empty or until the next meal. This fall is due to the fact that there were not enough samples between two and three hours to obtain a good variation curve from which to determine the ‘‘mode.” If the acidity curve is smoothed, we obtain the one shown in figure 2, curve 14. Since woman’s milk is neutral* and the earliest samples taken were of a much greater hydrogen ion concentration, it is probable that the stomach contains some gastric juice before the milk enters it. The acidity of this juice is high, as shown by curve 14. At the end of four hours there is practically no milk or even curds in the stomach, and at this time the acidity equals that of the adult stomach. From a quarter to one hour after nursing the acidity remains prac- tically stationary. During this time the protein is being transformed into acid albuminate and all of the acid secreted is used in the process. It was during this period and the hour following it that Davidsohn,? and others took their samples and observed the very low acidity. Schackwitz,'° who did not take samples in the same way as Davidsohn, observed a greater acidity in a few cases. 8 Davidsohn: Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk, 1913, ix, 11. ® Davidsohn: Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk, 1911, ii, 420. 10 Schackwitz: Monatschr. f. Kinderheilk., 1903, xiii, 73. 198 J. F. MCCLENDON It seems probable that the milk does not begin to leave the stomach until the end of one hour. From this time on, it is gradually dimin- _ ished in quantity in the stomach and the acid that it secreted has less protein to neutralize it, and this protein is already partially saturated with acid, so that the acidity of the stomach continually rises. When the acidity has risen high enough for rapid peptic digestion, the quan- tity of milk left in the stomach is so small and passes out so quickly that it is safe to say that protein digestion practically does not occur in young infants’ stomachs after a milk diet. As a control on the collecting of the samples, the enzymes were determined. Pepsin was determined by the edestin method, trypsin by the casein method and lipase by the splitting of tributyrin as deter- mined by the surface tension measured with Traube’s stalagmometer (Michaelis). The stomach contained pepsin and gastric lipase (and milk lipase) but no trypsin. Twenty-three samples of the duodenal contents of the same babies, taken by means of a catheter, were examined. Some of these were not bile stained but contained trypsin. By means of X-rays and de- terminations of bile and enzymes and the length of the tube swallowed, the origin of the samples was determined. There is no relation be- tween the time after nursing and the acidity. I exclude three samples that were not bile stained, taken about four hours after nursing in the attempt to get duodenal contents, and showing an acidity of about 0.01. Dr. Taylor considered these as stomach contents, and I have included. them in making the curve of stomach acidity. The variation curve of duodenal acidity has a ‘‘mode”’ of about 0.0008, amaximum of 0.004 and a minimum of 0.00000015. When the stomach is very acid the acidity of the duodenum is lower than that of the stomach, but when the stomach is weakly acid the acidity of the duo- denum is higher than that of the stomach. Very probably the acidity of the pylorus is always high, and causes the high acidity of some of the duodenal samples. The less acid samples have a greater admixture of bile. The bile is not sufficient to make the duodenal contents alkaline. Unless the succus entericus is alkaline and abundant, the entire in- testine must be acid. The question arises, what is the nature of the infant’s digestion? The enzymes were determined in the same way was those of the stomach. I did not find it possible to distinguish between gastric and pancreatic lipase, but presumably gastric, pan- ereatic and milk lipase were present. Pepsin was present. ‘Trypsin ACIDITY CURVES OF STOMACH AND DUODENUM 199 was probably always present, although in three samples outof fifteen it seemed doubtful. It seems certain that a high acidity is necessary for very rapid pep- tic digestion, but it is probable that after the pepsinogen is once activated by acid, slow digestion may take place at a very low acidity. Sorensen" observed peptic digestion in an acidity of abut 0.00008. According to Michaelis and Davidsohn® tryptic digestion ceases when the acidity is raised to 0.00001. We see therefore that the acidity of the infant’s stomach is high enough to activate the pepsinogen, and that the reaction of the duodenum is as favorable for peptic digestion as it is for tryptic. Probably both forms of proteolysis proceed si- multaneously in the infant’s intestine. According to Rona and Arn- heim" the reaction curve for erepsen is about the same as that of trypsin. Very little is known of these enzymes, except the processes which they hasten and the conditions under which they act. Since it is certain that proteolysis occurs in the alimentary canal of the infant, the next thing to be determined is the reaction of the remainder of the intestine. SUMMARY The acidity of the adult stomach rises rapidly during the first 1.5 to 3 hours after a meal, after which it remains stationary until the food has nearly all left the stomach. The rapidity of rise is less the heavier the meal and the more protein it contains, but it seems also to depend on the efficiency of the individual stomach. The height to which the acidity rises is a personal characteristic. The adult duodenal contents are slightly alkaline. The hydrogen ion concentration is about 0.00000002. The acidity of the infant’s stomach (of the first month) rises slowly during the time from fifteen minutes to one bour after nursing, after which it rises rapidly until the stomach is empty. Four hours after nursing it may be as acid as the adult stomach. The acidity is sufficient to activate the pepsinogen, but there is so little milk left in the stomach after the acidity has risen half way that the peptic digestion in the stomach seems unimportant. The infant’s duodenum is more acid than the average acidity of the stomach. Pepsin is always present and peptic digestion must take place. 11 Sorensen: Biochem. Zeitschr. 1909, xxi, 294. 12 Davidsohn: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, xxxvi, p. 280. 1% Rona and Arnheim: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1913, lvii, 84. THE PERFUSION OF THE MAMMALIAN MEDULLA: THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM AND OF POTASSIUM ON THE RESPIRATORY AND CARDIAC CENTERS D. R. HOOKER From the Physiological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University Received for publication June 10, 1915 Using a perfusion apparatus the principle of which has already been described (1) the author has sought to perfuse the medullary centers in the dog. The method is now sufficiently advanced to report upon it and in this paper it is proposed to give the results obtained from a study of the effects of calcium and potassium upon the cardiac and respiratory centers. An investigation of the effects of these salts upon the respiratory activity in the frog (2) while in part apparently conflicting showed clearly that, as compared with a balanced solution, predominance of calcium over potassium caused excitation and predominance of potas- sium over calcium caused depression. The same effects are now found in the case of the respiratory activity in the dog. It is found further that the salts in question have a definite action upon the tonicity of the cardiac centers, and it is interesting to note that while the resultant effect of potassium is to cause a slowing of both respiration and heart rate the one effect is apparently due to inhibition of one medullary center (respiratory), while the other is due to the excitation of another center (cardio-inhibitory). The most recent work on the perfusion of the mammalian medulla is that of Herlitzka (3) and of Winterstein (4). Herlitzka fed defibrinated blood to the heart in dogs in which the circulation was limited to the head region. Under these conditions he noted the cardiac and respira- tory movements and observed that the repeated head circulation of defibrinated blood, even when oxygenated was inadequate to preserve function for any length of time. The substitution of fresh defibrinated blood, however, temporarily improved conditions. Winterstein per- fused new-born rabbits with saline solution at room temperature and observed that the addition of carbon dioxide and other acids produced 200 a PERFUSION OF MAMMALIAN MEDULLA 201 respiratory discharge in centers previously quiescent and concluded that the hydrogen-ion concentration of the perfusate governed the function of the respiratory center. Both of these authors review the earlier work in this field. Hirschfelder and Brown (4) have reported on certain pharmacological reactions in the central nervous system perfused with defibrinated blood but their results are not yet accessible to the writer. Method. Such success as has been obtained by the present method is probably due in large part to the use of a new device for aerating the blood perfusate. The ap- paratus is shown in figure 1. It con- sists of an inverted bell-jar covered with a brass plate which clamps air-tight over a rubber wash- er. Openings in this plate permit the in- troduction of a thermometer, a tube for the gas mixture and a tube for the entering venous blood; a third tube leads outward through a trap for the escape of gas. Fig. 1. Apparatus for aerating blood. Description In the center of the in text. plate a hollow axle (a) carries a hub (6) which extends above and below the plate; below, it supports a flat rubber dise (c) of a diameter slightly less than that of the bell-jar, and above, a pulley (d) rotation of which causes the rubber disc to rotate. As the blood falls upon the rotating disc it is thrown against the side of the bell-jar and runs -down in a thin film exposed to the contained air and collects in a suitable reservoir below. (The figure shows only the rubber stopper adapted to close the union 202 D. R. HOOKER between the chamber and the reservoir.) The hollow axle is closed by the entrance of insulated wires which lead to a small electric bulb by means of which the temperature is regulated. The bell-jar now in use is about 15 by 20 cm. In the work here reported the perfusate consisted of washed cor- puscles suspended in Ringer’s solution. There was in consequence little tendency to froth. In numerous preliminary experiments, how- ever, to test the maintenance of function in the medullary centers and in experiments directed to other ends defibrinated and hirudinized bloods have been used successfully. The apparatus permits the ex- posure of circulating blood to any chosen gas mixture and obtains ade- quate aeration without the frothing so likely to occur when protein solutions are agitated. So far as tried the size of the chamber is ade- quate to experimental needs. It is obvious that a larger one could be substituted if the volume of blood flow demanded it. Technical procedure. The animal is prepared for perfusion under chloretone anaesthesia. The thorax is freely opened under artificial respiration after ligation of the internal mammary vessels. The right subclavian artery and vein are ligated. Loose ligatures are laid under the superior vena cava and left subclavian artery. The innominate is ligated close to the aortic arch and an inflow cannula is inserted distal to this ligature. An outflow cannula is placed in the right external jugular vein. The preparation is now connected with the perfusion apparatus and the ligatures about the left subclavian artery and superior vena cava are permanently tied. The head circulation is thus isolated except for anastomotic branches along the cord which doubtless unite the spinal branches of the intercostal with the spinal branches of the vertebral arteries. The arterial supply to the brain by the latter paths is insufficient to maintain life. A more serious difficulty lies in the venous anastomoses along the cord by which path there is a continuous seepage of blood from the head circulation into the body. The tech- nical difficulties of occluding this path are so great that it has seemed best to ignore it at least until experimental results are likely to be invalidated by the entrance of chemical substances into the systemic circulation. After the perfusion is established 300-400 cc. of blood are allowed to waste from the left external jugular vein before the latter is connected to return the perfusate to the apparatus. The isolated circulation as thus accomplished includes the neck parts and the whole head as sup- PERFUSION OF MAMMALIAN MEDULLA 203 plied by the branches of the carotid and the external carotid. The perfusate enters by way of both carotids and the right vertebral artery. During an experiment artificial respiration is maintained to preserve the cardio-vascular system as a recorder of the medullary effects on this system. The heart-rate has been recorded with a Hiirthle manom- eter connected with the femoral artery and the respiration by record- ing the movements of the epigastrium. With the procedure as stated there is a possibility that spinal and vertebral vascular anastamoses might connect the systemic with the isolated circulation and that the former might in part contribute to sustain medul- lary life. Opposing this possibility are these facts: (a) medullary life ceases at once after ligation of both carotids and both vertebrals or upon stopping the per- fusion in an experiment. It is interesting to note, however, that when the medulla has been isolated and perfused for some time the respiratory center will continue to discharge for a little while after the perfu- sion has been stopped just as the isolated Fig. 2. ruary 10. Tracing of the re- Experiment of Feb- mammalian heart will continue to beat under like conditions. (b) Medullary activity (respiratory movements) contin- ues on the isolated circulation long after the heart has stopped beating. In some experiments lasting an hour or more the heart was not beating at any time. Figure 2 is reproduced to indicate the reliability of the method employed. It shows the respiratory movements in a dog two hours and fifteen minutes after per- fusion was begun. diluted with about an equal volume of Ringer’s solution. spiratory movements from a dog in which the head was perfused with defibrinated blood. Record 2 hours, 15 minutes after perfusion was begun. Heart ceased beating 30 minutes and eyelid reflex disappeared 2 hours after per- fusion was begun. Perfusion pressure 60 mm. Hg. Up- stroke indicates inspiration. Time in seconds. The perfusate consisted of defibrinated dog’s blood The per- fusion pressure at the time the record was taken was 60 mm. Hg. Respiratory movements continued regular for ten minutes longer or for a total period of two hours and twenty-five minutes. In this ex- periment the heart stopped beating in the first half hour, a fact which supports the assertion that the isolation of the medulla is complete. 204 D. R. HOOKER It is further of interest to note that the eyelid reflex disappeared thirty minutes before the respiratory center ceased to discharge; in the major- ity of experiments, however, the eyelid reflex persisted longest. It should be stated that this is the longest period the respiratory center has been kept alive. Because the heart had stopped beating no ex- perimental procedures were instituted; this undoubtedly contributed to the period of activity of the preparation because it has been repeat- edly observed that changing the experimental conditions in prepara- tions with such a narrow margin of safety markedly reduces the period of survival. Nevertheless a number of experiments were continued successfully for two hours or more. The temperature of the blood in the venous outflow cannula was about 32° C. Experimental. In the present experiments dogs’ corpuscles sus- pended in salt solution made up the perfusate. An anaesthetized animal was bled, transfused with Ringer’s solution and bled again. The blood was defibrinated and the corpuscles were separated in a centrifuge. The corpuscles were then washed twice in and finally suspended in the following solutions: per cent per cent per cent NBC aenisuks ere 0.90 JI Od Lee ioe es 0:90 NaGl!, 22. See 0.90 Ca Ole tics chime tts 0.03 CaCl 25>. Aa 06 KG ty ieee 0.06 1 OSS ape ee 0.03 The solutions, tested before the corpuscles were added, were all slightly alkaline. The Ringer’s mixture had a value of P, = 8.4 +; the potassium solution P, = 8.2; while the calcium solution fell be- tween the others. This variation in H ion concentration, if it prevailed after the corpuscles were added, was in all likelihood too small to affect the results. Furthermore, it will be noted, the potassium solution which depresses respiratory activity tends to be more acid than the calcium solution which acts as a stimulant. In order to obtain the requisite volume of perfusate the corpuscles were suspended in a volume of salt solution about twice as great as that of the serum. While this dilution was not determined accurately in the several experiments care was observed to have the dilution the same in the suspensions used in any one experiment. The perfusate as thus prepared was kept on ice over night, in some cases over two nights, before being used. It was hoped that the washing would yield a final solution free of calcium or potassium when the absence of one or the other of these salts was desired so that the results might be correlated PERFUSION OF MAMMALIAN MEDULLA 205 with those obtained from the frog referred to in the introduction of this paper. This was not possible, however, as the supernatant fluid was never free of either calcium or potassium as shown by analysis. The experiments therefore bear only upon the effect of a preponderating amount of caleium and of potassium. The perfusate was aerated in all the experiments with pure oxygen. Figure 3 shows the stimulating effect of a predominance of calcium. Between the marks the perfusate low in potassium and high in calcium content was substituted for the balanced solution. The respiratory center, previously quiescent, is caused to discharge and the heart-rate is markedly increased. This record, in common with others, shows a latent period of considerable length. The construction of the perfusion system is such that the change of perfusion solution is made some dis- tance from the organ under investigation which no doubt ac- counts in large part ry on Fore for the delayed effect bt TI DD eee ll sincesometimemust _iae WN elapse before the new solution reaches the medulla. After the return to the control Fig. 3. Experiment of February 9. To show the : effect of a preponderance of calcium on the heart-rate perfusate the respi- and respiratory movements. Downstroke indicates ratory movements inspiration. Time in seconds. quiet down and the heart-rate, somewhat more slowly, returns to the former rate. Figure 4 shows the depressant effect of a predominance of potassium. Between the marks the perfusate low in calcium and high in potassium content was substituted for the balanced solution. A transitory in- crease in respiratory activity is noted which is followed by a period of complete depression. This momentary increase of respiratory activity was observed in several but not in all the records. The analagous con- dition of momentary depression when changing to the calcium-strong perfusate was also occasionally seen. This effect is not unlike that sometimes exhibited by the isolated heart when the feeding solutions are changed. Along with the depression of respiratory activity there is a marked slowing of the heart-rate. This slowing is taken to be a vagus effect caused by stimulation of the cardio-inhibitory center since it largely disappears after vagus section. The conclusion therefore 206 D. R. HOOKER seems inevitable that potassium inhibits one center in the medulla while stimulating another. The data from this series of experiments, in which the cardiac nerves were intact, are presented in Table I. An analysis of the response of the cardio-inhibitory and cardio- accelerator centers independently of one another was attempted after section of the vagus or accelerator nerves. These results are collected in Table IT. In the single experiment in which the accelerator nerves were cut potassium increase produced a retardation of the heart-rate comparable to that observed in the animals with cardiac nerves intact. The in- | | | \ | WAU I i IMI UM vu Hy wilt i VRPORDAGOGOREL Fig. 4. Experiment of February 2. To show the effect of a preponderance of potassium on the heart-rate and respiratory movements. Downstroke indi- cates inspiration. Time in seconds. crease in heart-rate following calcium increase was relatively insignifi- cant. The result is, however, decisive enough to justify the belief that -alecium exerts some Ba ae effect on the cardio-inhibitory center. Five experiments were directed to show that calcium increase stimu- lates the cardio-accelerator center directly. The difficulty in this pro- cedure is to obtain a slow heart-rate after vagus section so that accele- rator effects will be apparent (6). In four of the experiments a slowing of the rate was attempted by reducing the pulmonary ventilation (7); the result in one of these was negative, in two it was insignificant and in the fourth the increase amounted to twenty beats per minute. In the last of these there was a very definite increase in the amplitude of PERFUSION OF MAMMALIAN MEDULLA 207 beat. In the fifth of this series of experiments the heart-rate was slowed by pilocarpine in the systemic circulation. By this procedure (experiment of June 4) a very definite increase in both rate and ampli- tude of beat was obtained by calcium increase. TABLE I Respiratory and heart-rates per minute before and during medullary perfusion of solutions containing a preponderance of calcium or of potassium. Cardiac nerves intact. The records were counted for 30 seconds. RESPIRATION HEART RATE RESPIRATION HEART RATE Before Ca |During Ca} Before Ca |During Ca|| Before K | During K| Before K | During K Feb. 2.... 3 0 72 30 18 0 104 30 mag. |- 0 52 38 122 0 12 34 124 | Mar.5.... 18 0 29 0 15 0 ManG...|.> 6 12 70 82 6 0 54 28 TABLE II Heart-rate per minute before and during medullary perfusion of solutions con- taining a preponderance of calcium or of potassium after accelerator section and after vagus section. The records were counted for 30 seconds. HEART RATE HEART RATE ap ps =) hes | PROCEDURE Before Ca | During Ca| Betore K | During K 0 a 142 150 150 50 After accelerator section iS ee 124 134 116 102 After vagus section May 20 oo... 102 110 After vagus section May 22... 2. 144 164 After vagus section wane 4.27... 11 20 After vagus section 9 24 After vagus section It seems therefore probable that both cardiac centers are responsive to each of the salts investigated. The effect of calcium is however much more pronounced on the accelerator center while the effect of potassium is much more pronounced on the inhibitory center. The 208 D. R. HOOKER last described results in conjunction with several negative experiments emphasize further that the marked effect of the salts of calcium and potassium on the heart-rate seen in the experiments in which the cardiac nerves were intact is not due to a direct cardiac effect produced by the entrance of the perfused solution into the systemic circulation otherwise the heart would be influenced as much in the one set of experiments as in the other. CONCLUSIONS 1. The medulla of the dog may be successfully perfused and the car- diac and respiratory centers will continue to function for a period of two hours or more on a saline solution in which dog’s red blood corpus- cles are suspended. 2. An apparatus is described which appears adequate for the aeration of blood used in perfusion experiments. 3. The effect of calcium predominating over potassium in a solution containing both of these salts is to stimulate the respiratory center and to increase the heart-rate. Conversely potassium predominating over calcium inhibits the respiratory center and slows the heart-rate. 4. When the accelerator nerves are cut potassium increase causes pronounced cardiac slowing while calcium increase causes slight cardiac acceleration. When the vagi are cut calcium increase causes definite cardiac acceleration and augmentation while potassium increase causes slight cardiac slowing. 5. The results obtained cannot be ascribed to incomplete isolation of the medulla. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Hooxesr: This Journal, 1910, xxvii, 24. (2) Hooxer: Journ. Pharm. and Exper. Therap., 1913, iv, 443. (3) HerurrzKa: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1911, exxxviii, 185. (4) WuInTERSTEIN: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1911, cxxxviii, 167. (5) HirscHFELDER AND Brown: Reported at 1914 meeting, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Hooker: This Journal, 1907, xix, 417. (7) Henperson: This Journal, 1908, xxi, 126. Oe ee eee AN INTERPRETATION OF THE MEMBRANE MANOMETER CURVES AS AFFECTED BY VARIATIONS IN BLOOD PRESSURE J. D. PILCHER From the Pharmacological Laboratories, Schools of Medicine, Western Reserve Uni- versity, Cleveland, and the University of Nebraska, Omaha Received for publication June 7, 1915 Introduction. While there is a large literature on the subject of the tracings formed by the membrane blood pressure manometer, this does not bear directly on the changes in the membrane manometer curve as related to the different mechanisms by which the blood pressure changes were caused. During the past few years a large number of tracings have collected in the laboratories! in which the membrane manometer of the Harvard type has been used. As these tracings contain a large number of curves showing various types of circulatory phenomena, such as vasoconstriction and dilation, hemorrhage, etc., they have been studied with the idea of determining if there were not a fairly definite relationship of this kind; to learn, for example, if such phenomena as vasoconstriction, cardiac stimulation or depression, etc., are not repre- sented by characteristic peculiarities in the manometer curves. It seemed probable that such an interpretation would disclose type curves that would give an indication of the cause of a change in blood pressure, which might be of especial value when other, possibly more exact, data were lacking. This we think has been accomplished. No reference will be made to the form of the individual pulse record for the paper will be limited largely to a presentation of the modifica- tions in the systolic and diastolic pressures caused by various physio- logical and pharmacological actions on the circulation. The pulse pressure will also be discussed. Methods. The tracings were made with a Harvard membrane ma- nometer attached by a Y tube to the carotid artery; to the other end of the tube a mercury manometer was attached, damped to give the mean blood pressure only and to prevent any changes in the membrane ma- nometer that might arise from oscillations of the mercury. The dog 1 With but few exceptions in the Pharmacology Laboratory at Cleveland. 209 210 J. D. PILCHER was the usual experimental animal but occasionally the cat was em- ployed. As the work extended over a period of several years, a number _ of rubber membranes of different thicknesses were used. This fact precludes an exact study of the relation between the amount or extent of the changes in the systolic and diastolic pressures and the degree of the rise or fall in blood pressure. Another fact that must be borne in mind is that the higher the blood pressure, the greater the tension on the membrane, so that a given impulse would probably cause a lesser change at a high level of pressure than at a low level. Neither of these factors, however, would alter the type ea) hoe ; rf ] 1 j 1 Prem = of the curve, which is the question Aes Movi under discussion. Pe a) Experiments showing fling of the lever are disregarded except when this followed the experimental procedure; rmmet 14 note will be made of such results. ae Se Method of presenting the results: Big. ds pe eee eee eee The results will be presented accord- themembrane manometer. Upper 18 to the form of the curve displayed level, the systolic pressure; lower by the tracing rather than by the dif- level, the diastolic pressure. Type ferent physiological or pharmacologi- A—formed by general vasocon- ca] procedures. This classification See Cn (aie Pig ceed ee SS eomn to be somewhat simpler as most rate. Type B—formed by general ; : vasodilation and by decreased 0 the curves fall into definite group heart rate. Type C—formed by types. In all curves the upper limit cardiac depression and by de- represents the systolic and the lower creased volume of blood. Type limit the diastolic pressures. ee RN he ue ts Gs The following type curves include and by increased volume of blood. res the great majority of the curves: Type A—In this type both systolic and diastolic pressures are ele- vated, but the diastolic much more than the systolic pressure, so that the amplitude of the pulse excursion is lessened (fig. la). Type B—Both systolic and diastolic pressures are lowered, but the diastolic more than the systolic pressure, so that the amplitude of excur- sion is increased (fig. 1b). Type C—Both pressures are lowered, but the systolic more than the diastolic pressure, so that the amplitude is lessened (fig. 1c). Type D—The systolic pressure is raised somewhat. while the diastolic remains the same or is slightly lowered or raised; in any case the ampli- tude is usually somewhat increased (fig. 1d). INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 211 To discuss the individual curves: Type A curve is formed from two distinct physiological phenomena, viz., vasoconstriction and increased heart rate. Vasoconstriction. This was produced by several procedures, by faradic stimulation of sensory nerves (sciatic), by asphyxia and by large doses of nicotine and aconite, all of which stimulate the vasomoter center; also by the administration of epineph- rin, pituitary extract, ergotoxin and ergot whose primary action is a direct stimula- tion of the arterioles although cardiac stimulation plays a part in the action. A great majority of the curves from these procedure fall under type A, that is as the blood pressure rises both systolic and diastolic pressures are raised but the elevation of the diastolic pressure is dis- proportionately great, so that the ampli- tude of the pulse excursion (pulse pres- sure) is lessened. The purest example of this class of vasoconstriction is that of faradic stimu- lation of the sciatic nerve (fig. 3 A), for the cardiac action of the drugs employed complicates their action somewhat, al- though as their predominant action is on the vessels the results are quite similar to that of pure vasoconstriction. The dias- tolic pressure is the determining feature of this type of curve, with the systolic pressure playing a secondary part. This point is well illustrated in experiment 33, figure 2. Four separate stimulations of the sciatic nerve caused a moderate rise in blood pressure each time; in each case the diastolic pressure was raised considerably while the systolic pressure remained the same or was very slightly elevated. The experiments were made with normal blood pressure and when the Fig. 2. stage type of curve. Experiment 33, dog; the upper curve sfrom the membranemanometer; themid- dle curve the mean blood-pres- sure from the damped mercury manometer; the signal line is the zero blood-pressure. 4— Sciatic stimulation; note the moderate rise in pressure, with the diastolic level raised con- siderably but the systolic very slightly. To illustrate the early in the vasoconstriction 7 WW J. D. PILCHER pressure had been lowered by phenol or curare. A further illustra- tion of the greater importance of the diastolic over the systolic pres- sure in this type of curve (vasoconstriction) is that as the blood pres- sure rises on stimulation of the sciatic nerve, the earliest effect to be observed in the curve is the prompt elevation in the diastolic level, usually before any change is noticeable in the systolic level. Huerthle! found that, during the rise in blood pressure from sciatic stimulation in the rabbit, the pulse pressure was diminished. He, however, makes no reference to the importance of the diastolic pressure under such conditions. Experimental data under type A curve. Faradization of the sciatic nerves: Forty-five uncomplicated experiments were made on 17 dogs; 35 curves were of type A and 9 of type D (increase in amplitude by a disproportionate elevation of the systolic level). The explanation of these exceptional cases is not clear; how- ever the respiratory improvement and, secondarily, the cardiac improvement by the relief of a partial asphyxia may account for the increased systolic excursion. This does not include a large number of curves (19) made under abnormal con- ditions but all of which followed type A; they will be mentioned later. The exper- iments were made at all levels of blood pressure from 50 to 160 mm. and in all experiments the pressure rose considerably (from 10 to 50 mm.). While in gen- eral it may be stated that the greater the rise in blood pressure, the greater was the elevation of the diastolic level, yet the change in amplitude (pulse pressure) seemed to be fairly independent of the rise in pressure, not only in different but in the same experiments. Probably carefully conducted experiments with this end in view would show a closer relationship between the rise in pressure and the variation in the pulse pressure, but it must be borne in mind, as was mentioned in the introduction, that the higher the pressure the greater the tension on the manometer membrane, and this would tend to lessen the systolic excursion while not affecting the diastolic relaxation; this is a factor that would be difficult toestimate. It seems, then, that the form of the curve is the determining feature of this type of curve and not the extent of the change in the amplitude of the excursion. Sciatic stimulation during low blood pressure from other procedures. The curve did not differ from that of the normal pressure. This type of curve wasmet twelve times while the pressure was low from curare, four times from phenol and three times from nitrite. With both curare and phenol there were experiments in which sciatic stimulation caused a rise in mean blood pressure with elevation of the diastolic pressure but without change in the systolic pressure as measured by the membrane manometer. Asphyxia. Slight asphyxia was induced three times in one animal; each time as the blood pressure rose somewhat the manometer curve assumed the form of type A curve. Aconite and Nicotine. With the great stimulation of the vasometer center from these drugs, type A curve was met once from aconite and twice from nico- tine. In two other experiments with nicotine the pulse excursions were in- 1 Quoted from Erlanger and Hooker (1). INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 213 creased somewhat by the greater elevation of the systolic level. As nicotine stimulates the heart as well as the vasomotor apparatus, this may explain the increase in systolic excursion. In a single instance nicotine paralyzed the vaso- motor center; the blood pressure curve assumed type B, typical of vasomotor depression which is to be described later. A B Fig. 3. Type A Curve—To illustrate vasoconstriction and increased heart rate. Upper curve is from the membrane manometer; middle curve is the mean blood-pressure from the damped Hg manometer. A—Sciatic stimulation; experiment 28. B—Injection of pituitary extract immediately after curve A. C—Injection of epinephrin; experiment 34. D—Section of the vagi; experiment 79. A, B and C illustrate the rise in pressure from vasoconstriction; D from section of the vagi. Epinephrin. The curve of epinephrin resembles that of sciatic stimulation very closely in the majority of experiments (7 of 10). (Fig. 3C) As the blood pressure rises the diastolic pressure usually is elevated before there is any change in the systolic pressure, and the maximum decrease in the excursion occurs, as a rule, during the rise in pressure; at the maximum level the amplitude of excur- sion becomes larger but still remains below the normal. Tbisincrease in the 214 J. D. PILCHER excursion at the height of the curve may be due to the cardiac stimulation, for three times the amplitude was above the normal at this point but early in the rise in pressure there was a brief period in which the amplitude was lessened solely by the elevation of the diastolic pressure; these experiments are the three exceptional ones mentioned above so that in reality all the epinephrin curves follow type A. In these exceptional experiments, however, sciatic stimulation also caused an increased pulse pressure. When epinephrin is given in acute car- diac failure, of course the rise in pressure is accompanied by a greater increase in systolic than in diastolic pressure. Pituitary extract. Type A curve was formed in five of seven experiments; in the other two both pressures were equally elevated; possibly the cardiac element was more marked in these cases. The curve at times resembles that of sciatic stimulation very closely as is shown in figure 3B, in which sciatic stimulation immediately preceded the injection of the pituitary extract. There may be . considerable decrease in the excursion solely by the elevation of the diastolic level, with the systolic level remaining the same: in experiment 227, on the injec- tion of pituitary extract the blood pressure rose from 75 to 130 mm. and the excursion was lessened from 24 to 10 mm. solely by the elevation of the diastolic pressure; however, too much stress should not be placed on but one experiment for there may have been a certain amount of fling of the lever that was not noted during the experiment and this would have given a greater original systolic excur- sion than really existed; the point that is to be emphasized is that the diastolic pressure is the determining feature of the pituitary curve. Ergotoxin and ergot. Each drug formed type A curve in but a single experi- ment. ‘ Type A curve from increased heart rate. The general form of the type is maintained in this group but as a rule the blood pressure rose more gradually than in the members of the previous group (especially sciatic stimulation and epinephrin) so that the changes were not so pronounced, although in a few instances there was little difference between the two classes (fig. 3D). The heart rate was increased by section of the vagi or by the administration of atropin to paralyze the vagal endings. Vagus section. In nine instances this resulted in an increased heart rate and a rise in blood pressure (average 35mm.). All manometer curves assumed type A with moderate decrease in the amplitude of excursion, Jargely by the elevation of the diastolic pressure; occasionally the systolic level was but very slightly changed, if at all. Atropin. When atropin caused an increased heart rate and a rise in blood pressure, type A form of curve was found in three of four experiments; in the fourth case type D was formed. Erlanger and Hooker (1) have pointed out that acceleration of the heart, such as occurs after section of the vagi, as a rule diminished the pulse pressure, a statement that these results confirm. INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 215 Type B curve. In this type the amplitude of the excursions is in- creased by a great lowering of the diastolic pressure; the systolic pressure is also usually lowered but exceptionally may remain unaffected. The type is met during the fall in blood pressure from two distinct phenom- ena, vasodilation and cardiac slowing, conditions that are just the re- verse of those that produced the preceding type of curve. eG) 9: 3) 7 ae d Cc Fig. 4. Type B Curve—To illustrate the effect of the fall in blood-pressure from cardiac slowing and vasodilation. Upper curve is that of membrane manometer; the middle curve is the mean blood-pressure from a damped Hg manometer; the signal line is the zero blood-pressure. A—Cardiac slowing from cevadin; experiment 49. B—Vasodilation from nitroglycerin; experiment 90. C—Vasodilation from amyl nitrite; experiment 55. The vasodilator group. The vasodilation was induced most typically and in the purest form by the administration of nitrites—amyl and sodium nitrites and nitroglycerin (fig. 4B, C); also by chloroform, phenol, atropin (in large doses only), and by the intravenous adminis- tration of curare which probably causes peripheral vasodilation. The typical dilator action of chloroform and phenol, however, is modified 216 J. D. PILCHER by their cardiac action. In this group the heart rate was practically unaffected. The Nitrites. In all the experiments (19) with the nitrites as the blood pres- sure fell the diastolic level was greatly lowered, while the systolic level, though usually also lowered considerably, was frequently unaffected or but very slightly lowered; this caused a great increase in the amplitude of the excursion of the pulse-pressure. Too much emphasis should not be placed on the occasionally unchanged systolic level as the sudden emptying of the heart into the dilated vessels would undoubtedly tend to cause fling of the manometer lever. It is rather striking that there seemed to be a tendency for the systolic level to re- cover to the normal somewhat earlier than the diastolic level, but as many of the experiments were interrupted by other procedures, the evidence for this point is not complete. There was no material difference in the curves of the three members of the group, amyl and sodium nitrites and nitroglycerin. There were twelve experi- ments with nitroglycerin (0.5 to 1.0 mgm. per kilogram), five with amyl nitrite and two with sodium nitrite (5and10 mgm). In each case there was a pronounced fall in blood pressure, varying from 25 to 65 mm; the experiments were made at all levels of pressure from 70 to 205 mm, without showing any striking differences in the manometer curves. The amplitude was more than doubled in several curves. Chloroform. This has a twofold action, depressing both the heart and vaso- motor systems. When administered not too rapidly by inhalation the vasomotor action predominates; when given by vein in suitable dosage direct cardiac de- pression can be obtained. The intravenous results will be discussed under the cardiac depressants. Chloroform was given by inhalation seven times to six ‘wale and in all of them type B curve was formed as the blood pressure fell. In asingle experiment, in which the administration was pushed rather rapidly, the systolic pressure fell about as much as the diastolic, thus approaching the cardiac depression type of curve; the blood pressure also fell more rapidly in this experiment. The average fall in pressure was 50 mm., extremes of 20 and 90 mm. Phenol. As the blood pressure fell from the intravenous administration of phenol in six of seven experiments type B curve was formed, thus indicating that the cause of the fall in pressure was vascular, at least in part, and for this there is direct evidence from the perfusion method elsewhere described (2). Direct cardiac depression is the other factor in the fall in pressure; there is, however, but a single instance in which there is evidence for this statement: in one experi- ment the systolic level fell more than the diastolic, thus decreasing the amplitude of the excursion in a manner that indicates cardiac depression (to be discussed later). In all experiments the blood pressure fell sharply, an average of 45 mm., extremes of 25 and 65 mm. Atropin. When atropin caused a fall in blood pressure the curve assumed type B, indicating that the fall in pressure was due to vasomotor depression as the heart rate was not materially affected under the conditions of the experiment. There were six experiments in which atropin in doses of from 0.1 to 1.0 mgm. per kilogram, and single experiments with 5 and 10 mgm., caused a mean fall in INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 217 blood pressure of 15mm. (extremes 5 and 72mm.). All but one tracing followed type B. The amplitude was increased a variable amount, usually moderately, but in one experiment from 5 to 35 mm., part of which was probably due to fling of the lever. The heart rate was somewhat increased twice and decreased once; in the other experiments there was practically no change in rate as the vagi were divided or previous doses of atropin had been given. Curare. During the fall of blood-pressure from the intravenous administra- tion of curare there is always a great lowering of diastolic pressure, and usually, but not always, the systolic pressure falls also; in either case there is a marked increase in the amplitude of the cardiac excursions. The lowering of the dia- stolic level precedes the fall in systolic pressure, and the former falls abruptly while the latter falls gradually, indicating that the lowering of the diastolic level is the essential cause of the fall in blood pressure. As this curve is of the same type as the nitrite curve it gives further evidence that peripheral vasomotor de- pression is the’ cause of the curare fall; peripheral because the vasomotor center is not depressed but rather stimulated (2). Curare was given a total of 23 times to 23 dogs. The average fall in pressure was 40 mm. (extremes 12 and 95 mm.). In several experiments the systolic pressure was either raised slightly (five times) or remained unchanged (twice); with but one exception the blood pressure fall was considerably less than in the other experiments, so that when the curare action is marked the systolic level also falls. Fling of the lever may also account for the maintenance of the sys- tolic pressure in such experiments. When the minimum blood pressure was reached, usually the systolic pressure had fallen considerably so that the pulse pressure was lessened, although there were numerous exceptions as noted. Hales,” and later Bernard,” pointed out that a fal] in blood pressure increases the amplitude of the pulse. Our observations confirm this statement as regards the fall in pressure from general vasodilation and from decreased heart rate; we wish to emphasize that the increase in the pulse pressure is brought about largely by the disproportionate lowering of the diastolic pressure. The lesser change in the systolic level is nicely put by Marey:? ‘‘If we assume that the more or less rapid and more or less abundant entrance of blood into the arterial system result from the excess of ventricular pressure over the pressure in the arterial system, then it is evident that a fall of arterial pressure would be exactly similar to an increase in the force of the heart beat, and there is, therefore, nothing surprising in this augmentation of the force of the pulse in all conditions that lower the blood pressure.’’ The effect on the pulse curve of lowered blood pressure from hemor- rhage will be discussed later. Type B from decreased heart rate. The curve is similar to that of the vasodilator group except that usually the systolic level is not lessened to as great an extent. The curve is simply that of the “vagus pulse” characterized by a prolonged diastole, during which the pressure falls greatly, while the systolic pressure is but moderately lowered or may ? Quoted from Erlanger and Hooker (1). 218 J. D. PILCHER even remain unaffected; in any case the pulse pressure is greatly increased. The heart rate was decreased by faradic stimulation of the peripheral end of the divided cervical vagus, by the intravenous administration of veratrum viride and its alkaloid cevadin, and in a single experiment by aconite. Veratrum viride, as the tincture, was given in doses of from 1 to 10 mgm. per kilo of body weight; cevadin in 0.05 mgm. per kilo doses. In all there were 13 experiments on 11 animals and the two drugs gave similar results. With the ad- ministration of the drug the heart rate was markedly decreased so that the blood pressure fell from 30 to 70 mm. in each experiment. All experiments gave type B form of curve (fig. 4A). Vagus stimulation gave results similar to veratrum in three cases. In other experiments the heart was completely inhibited so that the systolic pressure fell to zero. Type curves C and D. In the preceding curves the characteristic feature has been the changes in the disatolic pressure; in the curves to be described next (C and D) the characteristic feature is the systolic variation in pressure although the diastolic pressure may also be con- siderably changed. In type C both levels are lowered, but the systolic much more than the diastolic level so that the pulse pressure is lessened. This type is met typically following sudden arterial hemorrhage and depends upon a decreased quantity of blood (fig. 5 B); and from cardiac depression. In type D the systolic pressure is somewhat elevated while the diastole remains unaffected or is slightly raised or lowered. The curve follows an increase in the volume of blood, either from the injee- tion of defibrinated blood or normal saline solution into the bled animal, or from the injection of saline solution into the normal animal (fig. 5 A, C). Type D is also met from cardiac stimulation, although the experiments showing pure cardiac stimulation are somewhat limited in number. As the two curves follow one another experimentally it is simpler to discuss them together. Hemorrhage. The animals were bled rapidly from the femoral artery in successive small hemorrhages until a very low point in blood pressure was reached; then either the defibrinated blood or normal saline solu- tion, or each in succession, was injected into the femoral vein. At the onset of the hemorrhage the systolic level usually fell promptly, and the diastolic level also fell but to a much lesser extent, so that the amplitude of the pulse excursions was lessened. This effect was met with small hemorrhages of but 5 cc. per kilo and increased with succeeding hemor- INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 219 rhages, the pulse pressure becoming smaller and smaller as the total amount of blood withdrawn increased. The individual experiments showed considerable differences in the extent of the change in the max- imum and minimum pressures because of the variation in the thickness of the membrane, so that ‘t is not feasible to make quantitative com- Fig. 5. Types C and D Curves—To illustrate the effect of saline infusion and hemorrhage; experiment 18, dog; the upper curve is from the membrane manometer; the middle curve the mean pressure from the damped Hg manometer. Curve A—Saline infusion before hemorrhage. Curve B—Hemorrhage, two por- tions of 10 cc. each. Curve C—Saline infusion after hemorrhage. Curves A and B have been interrupted. parisons. Between the successive hemorrhages there was _ usually very little recovery in the systolic pressure but as a rule the diastolic pressure recovered somewhat. Reinjection of blood and saline solutions. When the blood pressure had fallen to the minimum point compatible with safety, the defibrinated blood or saline solution were injected. As the pressure rose the ma- 220 . -» J. D. PILCHER nometer curves showed changes practically the reverse of those formed from the withdrawal of the blood, i.e., while both the systolic and dias- tolic pressures were raised, the systolic was raised more than the dias- tolic level so that the pulse excursions were increased. If the injections were sufficiently large, the curve returned to the normal. The injection of saline solution into the normal animal. This resulted in a constant, though variable, elevation ‘of the systolic pressure; the diastolic pressure was variable, slightly raised, unchanged or lowered a little. The amplitude of the excursions were increased by the predomi- nance of the systolic rise. The slight lowering of the diastolic pressure is of little import as it may have been caused by fling of the lever. Daia on hemorrhage and saline infusion. There were 16 experiments on 12 dogs. The blood was withdrawn in 5 to 10 ce. portions until the minimum point in pressure was reached, about 30 to 40 mm. In 12 experiments the systolic pressure was lowered disproportionately so that type C curve was formed; in one experiment the maximum and minimum pressures were equally lowered and in three the curve was irregular but the diastolic pressure recovered before the systolic which is the usual occurrence. When the defibrinated blood (5 experi- ments) and saline solution (2 experiments) were injected there was a prompt elevation of the systolic level while the diastolic level was but.slightly affected as mentioned above until rather large amounts were injected when conditions returned toward the normal. Saline infusion into the normal animal. Ten experiments were made on six dogs, injecting from 5 to 35 cc. per kilo. All experiments gave an increased am- plitude of excursion after type D curve. The diastolic pressure was slightly raised four times and slightly lowered or unaffected each three times. In each experiment the blood pressure rose moderately, average 13 mm., extremes of 4 and 20 mm. Type C curve from cardiac depression. Direct cardiac depression was produced by the intravenous injection of chloroform or by saline solu- tion saturated with chloroform. The drug, of course, depresses the vasomotor system as well, but by giving small doses by vein the primary action seems to be direct cardiac depression as the action is of such brief duration and recovery prompt and complete; in one instance, however, there was evidence of marked temporary depression of the vasomotor center without altering the cardiac depression form of curve. On the injection of 0.1 to 0.2 cc. of chloroform the blood pressure fell imme- diately and considerably, but returned to the normal usually within two to four minutes. During this period the cardiac excursions were greatly lessened, largely by a great lowering of the systolic level although the diastolic level was also lowered somewhat (fig. 6). Usually, also, OKC Oe INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 221 the diastolic pressure recovered before the systolic, which indicates weakening of the heart. except in three instances when there was consider- able slowing without altering the type of the curve. There were ten such experiments on six animals. The blood pressure fell an average of 45 mm., ex- ‘tremes of 20 and 67 mm. Cardiac depression was also observed in ten ex- periments from asphyxia when the vasomotor center was paralyzed, thus preventing the usual rise in pressure from central vasomotor stimulation. In each instance as the pressure fell there was a grad- ual lowering of the systolic pressure before the diastolic pressure fell as well, thus following type C curve. Experiments showing cardiac stimulation are sug- gestive only, for they are not free from the element of vasomotor action. Thus strophanthus gives the curve of vasoconstriction somewhat more frequently than what may be considered the type of cardiac stimulation, that is with the systolic level raised more than the diastolic level, thus increasing the excursion. With caffein the number of experiments with good membrane manometer curves is limited and these show a variable response: In two in- stances stimulation was indicated by a rise in blood pressure, the amplitude of excursion was either in- creased by a greater elevation of the systolic level or it remained unchanged with both pressures some- what raised, both*curves indicating cardiac stimula- tion. In other experiments, with fall in pressure, the systolic level was twice lowered more than the diastolic level, indicating cardiac depression; in still another instance vasodilation was indicated. In the acute fall in pressure from the intravenous in- jection the curve was also irregular, indicating either cardiac or vasomotor depression or both, The heart rate was not materially affected Fig. 6. To illus- trate cardiac de- - pression. Experi- ment 91, dog; the upper curve is from the membrane manometer; the middle curve the mean pressure from the damped Hg manometer; signal line is the zero pres- sure. At the signal chloroform in line solution was given intrave- nously. Sa- The irregularity of the caffein curves is readily appreciated when it is recalled that the drug primarily stimulates the heart and depresses the vasomotor apparatus and later depresses the heart as well. 222 J. D. PILCHER Discussion. After the experimental results had been classified as in the text, the explanation of the formation of the type curves was sought on a priori grounds and are here presented. The main factor in the formation of the curves is, of course, the physiological processes, modi- fied, it may be to a certain extent, by the mechanical influences of the rubber membrane of the manometer. As the various types of phenom- ena were classified in the text as if they occurred in what may be called the pure state, that is, unmodified by other circulatory influences, the same plan will be followed in this discussion. It must be borne in mind, however, that the various factors that determine the circulation inter- act with, and modify, one another, so that probably a strictly “pure” type does not exist. The vasoconstriction type. This is characterized by the dispropor- tionate elevation of the diastolic level. The diastolic pressure is deter- mined by the rate of blood-flow through the arterioles to the venous side of the circulation, therefore the greater the resistance offered by the arterioles during the vasoconstriction, the less will be the passage of blood through them and consequently the higher the diastolic pressure will rise. The systolic pressure is determined by the rate and force of the discharge of blood into the aorta; the greater the resistance in the aorta the smaller the quantity of blood that can be forced into it with a given strength of heart beat. The higher the diastolic pressure rises the nearer it approaches the systolic intracardiac pressure, and this means that with each systole a lesser quantity of blood will be discharged into the aorta because of the increasing resistance to the discharge, and the added increment of pressure will be less and less as the diastolic pressure rises. Therefore, as was stated in the text, it is the diastolic pres- sure that determines the vasoconstriction type of curve, with the systolic pressure playing a secondary part. The mechanical factor that might influence the form of the curve is that the higher the blood pressure the greater the resistance offered by the rubber dam of the manometer. This would tend to lessen the systolic excursion while not affecting the diastolic relaxation. However, as this type of curve is the same at all levels of blood pressure and with different manometer mem- branes, the mechanical factor is evidently of little importance in deter- mining the type of curve. The vasodilation type, characterized by excessive depression of the dias- tolic pressure is lowered by the rapid escape of blood through the dilated arterioles into the venous side of the circulation. The systolic pressure tends to approach the normal as the expulsive force of the heart remains INTERPRETATION OF MEMBRANE MANOMETER TRACINGS 223 practically unchanged and because of the lessened resistance in the aorta to the systolic discharge. Thus the determining feature of the vasoconstriction curve is the diastolic pressure. Cardiac depression. The systolic level is lowered by the lessened force of the eardiac contraction. The diastolic pressure is primarily unaffected as the resistance to the blood-flow from the arterial to the venous side is primarily unaffected. ~ Cardiac stimulation. The systolic level is raised because of the in- creased force of the systolic contraction. The diastolic pressure is not materially affected. Change in the volume of blood. - Decrease in the volume of blood would result in a lessened discharge, hence a Jowered systolic pressure. In- crease in the volume would result in a greater systolic output and a higher systolic pressure. In either case the diastolic pressure would be a secondary feature. This agrees with the experimental findings. The change in the systolic pressure was greater in the case of hemorrhage as the compensatory mechanism would not be as efficacious as when the volume of the blood is increased by the addition of saline solution. When the infusion followed hemorrhage the increase in the systolic level was correspondingly great. To recapitulate in another way. The diastolic pressure is determined mainly by the outflow through the arteries during the diastolic pause and it is, therefore, affected mainly by the calibre of the vessels and by the rate of the heart; so that changes which affect mainly the diastolic pressure are either vasomotor or heart rate. The systolic pressure is determined mainly by the pressure with which the heart forces blood into the vessels and is, therefore, determined by the force of the cardiac contraction and by the volume of blood at the disposal of the heart; so that changes in the systolic pressure implies either variations in the force of the cardiac contractions or in the volume of the blood at the disposal of the heart. Conclusions. The membrane manometer gives evidence of the cause of a variation of blood pressure by the form of the curve assumed. These curves are classified in the text. Vasoconstriction is indicated by the elevation of both diastolic and systolic pressures, but the former much more than the latter, so that the amplitude of the excursion (pulse pressure) is greatly lessened. Vasodilation is indicated by a lowering of both pressures, with the diastolic pressure lowered much more than the systolic, so that the amplitude is greatly increased. The diastolic pressure is the determin- - ing feature in both vasoconstriction and dilation. 224 J. D. PILCHER When the heart rate is increased sufficiently to raise the blood pres- sure, the curve resembles vasoconstriction; while a lowered pressure from decreased rate is similar to that of vasodilation. Following hemorrhage both systolic and diastolic pressures are low- ered, but the systolic disproportionately, so that the amplitude of the excursions are lessened. The infusion of blood or saline solution in- creases the excursion largely by elevating the systolic level. In both hemorrhage and infusion the systolic pressure largely determines the form of the curve. I am glad to express my indebtedness to Dr. Sollmann for many help- ful suggestions, especially in the discussion of the results. LITERATURE (1) ErRuanGeR AND Hooker: Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, 1904, xii, 155. (2) SoLuMAN AND PiucHER: This Journal, 1910, xxvi, 233. EEE Ee STUDIES ON THE HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD UNDER VARIOUS ABNORMAL CONDITIONS M. L. MENTEN, M.D. anp G. W. CRILE, M.D. From the Cushing Laboratory for Experimental Medicine, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio Received for publication June 16, 1915 INTRODUCTION Since the application by Hoéber (1) in 1900 of the Nernst hydrogen concentration chain to the measurement of the reaction of the blood, our knowledge of that subject has been greatly extended. Many modifi- cations of the original method have been adopted by various investi- gators, but practically all the results published reveal the fact that the reaction of normal blood lies within comparatively narrow limits, vary- ing according to the earlier observers between 0,3.10~7 and 0,7.107~7 (2) and according to the later and more accurate studies of Hassel- balech (3) on Mammalia at body temperature between 3,5.10~* while Michaelis (4) records an average value of 2,75.10~° at a temperature of from 18°C to 20°C. Both these later observers have noted that venous blood is always slightly more acid than arterial blood, due, probably, to the greater carbon dioxide tension in the former. Even the investigations of blood in pathological conditions, where acidosis occurs, have failed to show any considerable deviation from the narrow limits already quoted, and only in diabetes, (5) (6) where deep coma has been reached, does there occur any demonstrable increase in the hydrogen-ion concentration of the blood, although oxybutyric and diacetic acids are known to be produced in not inconsiderable amounts in that disease. The only remaining conditions in which an increased acidity of the blood has been observed, where the technique is free from serious criticisms is that of narcosis, reported by Michaelis (7). The investigations outlined in the following pages deal with changes in the hydrogen-ion concentration, noted in animals in various conditions. 225 226 M. L. MENTEN AND G. W. CRILE METHODS The method employed for estimating the acidity of the blood was that of measuring the hydrogen-ion concentration by means of the gas chain; and since the technique used was essentially that already published in detail by Michaelis (8) no further description need be given here. It may be mentioned however that all measurements were made on animals at laboratory temperature varying from 18°C to 24°C., and for these variations corrections were made. The quantities of blood used vary- ing from 2.5 ec. to 3.5 ce., were diluted to 6.5 cc. with 0.85 per cent sodium chloride containing hirudin in solution. When possible the blood was allowed to drop directly into the electrode from the ear of the animal employed; in other cases a cannula wasinsertedin the vessel and the blood passed from this into the electrode. In every experiment duplicate readings were made. — Instead of expressing our results as the hydrogen concentration C,, = 10" as has been done in the introduction, we have followed the Sérensen procedure in using throughout the hydrogen-ion exponent pH = p. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In some of our earlier estimations of the hydrogen-ion concentrations of the blood it was observed that in anaesthetized animals the acidity of the blood was considerably higher than that reported for normal ani- mals. A systematic study was then made of the blood of animals anaes- thetized with chloroform, ether and nitrous oxid. For these experi- ments dogs and rabbits were chosen because of the comparative ease in obtaining blood from the ear blood vessels of these two animals. As previously stated the blood was bled from an incision in the blood vessel of the ear directly into the electrode; the same animal was then anaes- thetized and blood again taken from the same site in a similar manner so that in every case the blood in anaesthesia could be compared with the normal blood of the same animal. In a large number of experiments the values obtained for normal blood show a wide variation, ranging in the dog from pH = 7.64 to pH = 7.32. In the rabbit the variations are even more marked, the minimal and maximal figures obtained being pH = 7.18 and pH = 7.70, a phenomenon which will be discussed later. Under the influence of the three above mentioned anaesthetics, when anaesthesia reaches the stage in which the reflexes are completely HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD 227 abolished, the reaction of the blood measured at 20°C. may fall to pH = 7.00. Although our experimental studies of the blood reaction in anaesthesia number over twenty-five, no protocols are recorded here because the degree of acidity produced is, as far as could be ascertained, dependent solely upon the amount of the drug inspired, if corrections are made for the different weights of the various animals. Correspond- ing more or less closely to the degree of anaesthesia therefore, values extending from pH = 7.00 to pH = 7.60 may be obtained. The deeper the anaesthesia the more marked the acidity, and vice versa; also pro- longed duration of the anaesthesia is apparently not a factor in increas- ing the hydrogen-ion content of the blood. Further, the increase in acidity commences as soon as the anaesthetic enters the circulation, and a diminution takes place immediately on the cessation of the ad- ministration of the drug, until 45 minutes subsequently the blood again resumes its normal hydrogen-ion concentration. Narcosis produced by morphia, even when this drug is given in such large doses as 75 cc. of 1 per cent morphia sulphate in two hours, fails to reveal any demonstrable changes in hydrogen-ion concentration. As it is interesting on account of the prolongation of the duration of the induced acidity, mention is made of one experiment with ethyl aleohol, where a dog whose normal blood reaction was pH = 7.47 was given by stomach tube a mixture of 60 ec. of 95 per cent alcohol in 40 ce. of water. Forty-five minutes subsequently the blood acidity was pH = 7.32 and 6 hours later, although the animal had apparently gained complete consciousness, the reaction remained at the high value of pH = 7.28. Finally, in two cases of surgical operations in the senior author’s clinic, during nitrous oxide anaesthesia, measurements showed the blood reaction to be respectively pH = 7.20 and pH = 7.22. Not only in anaesthesia but also in other abnormal states the blood reaction was observed to become more acid. The most striking of these was fright, a phenomenon remarkably shown in the rabbit. Ordi- narily if blood is taken from the ear of a rabbit, so that the animal is disturbed as little as possible, the blood shows a fairly high alkalinity. Under the influence of fright this is altered in an astonishingly short time and to a most profound extent. Another noteworthy feature is the rapidity with which the blood regains its normal reaction. The following protocols will serve to illustrate these facts: I. Normal blood reaction of rabbit was pH = 7.67. Animal was comfortably placed in a box covered with a wire screen and frightened 228 M. L. MENTEN AND G. W. CRILE for ten minutes by a barking dog. Blood immediately taken from the ear blood vessels showed an acidity of pH = 7.17. The rabbit was then allowed to rest quietly 45 minutes and again frightened, directly following which the animal was bled, and the blood reaction was found to be pH = 7.34. After being allowed to rest quietly for 30 minutes, blood examined in like manner gave a value of pH = 7.60. II. Rabbit whose normal blood was pH = 7.60, after being frightened for 5 minutes in the manner above described, showed a hydrogen-ion concentration of pH = 6.98. Fifteen minutes subsequently the blood again gave anormal reaction. No signs of distress other than shallower and more frequent respirations seemed to accompany the increased acid- ity and the animal apparently suffered little inconvenience during or subsequent to the fright and 15 minutes afterward appeared to be quite normal again. It is probable however that such a process frequently repeated throughout life must leave some traces. It is indeed, most probable that the varying figures obtained for the normal blood of the rabbit noted earlier in this paper, and which have been previously re- ported by Hasselbalch and Lundsgaard (9) have their explanation in the above phenomenon, the repetition of which during the life of the rabbit may account for the varying pathological conditions of the blood vascu- lar apparatus of that animal, encountered by so many investigators and which, therefore, make it such an undesirable experimental animal. Similar observations regarding such marked effects of fright have been very rarely observed by us in dogs. Since the stimulus of fright can produce such a prompt and intense response it is to be surmised that in other emotional disturbances, sim- ilar changes in acidity would be encountered. Experiments to test this supposition were made for anger in cats, and it was found that the expression of that emotion is also accompanied by profound changes in the blood of the animal. Unfortunately the cat is not as desirable for such experiments as the rabbit. To obtain blood from the cat without general anaesthesia is much more difficult than from the rabbit, largely because in the former the blood vessels must be exposed under local anaesthesia. Further if the operation is not skillfully and quickly done so as to minimize the pain and eliminate as far as possible the excite- ment of the animal, the blood from the beginning assumes the high acid value indicative of emotional disturbance. The following abbreviated protocols serve to illustrate the character and results of the experiments. I. Normal blood withdrawn by syringe from the femoral artery, ex- posed under cocaine, had a value of pH = 7.43. The cat was angered HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD 229 by a barking dog and in blood then withdrawn from the femoral artery acidity was pH = 7.20. The animal was kept tied down and at the end of an hour the blood reaction was pH = 7.37. II. Cat was tied down and femoral artery exposed under cocaine. Normal blood withdrawn with syringe had a hydrogen-ion concentra- tion of pH = 7.20. Cat was then frightened for 15 minutes and blood acidity had risen to pH = 7.02. It may be noted, that in these experi- ments on cats the normal reaction of the blood acidity is invariably high, due, doubtless, to the effect of fright and some unavoidable distress of the animal during the experiments. The possibility that the cause of the increased acidity in the above reported experimental data was an accelerated oxidation with the accumulation of its accompanying products in the circulation led to the estimation of the blood reaction during and immediately follow- ing insomnia, where it was thought the prolonged metabolic processes taking place might give rise to a similar condition of the blood. But tests on a series of six rabbits, housed in a warm place, abundantly sup- plied with food and water but kept awake for 100 consecutive hours, were quite negative on this point. Evidence of a similar sort is also obiained by the following experi- ments. In pithed animals immediately following the severing of the spinal cord there is a rapid rise of hydrogen-ion concentration, due un- doubtedly to the decreased lung aération and the consequent faulty elimination of carbon dioxide, for on the establishment of artificial respiration the normal reaction of the blood is promptly restored. When in such a pithed animal where a normal hydrogen-ion concentra- tion was being uniformly maintained by artificial respiration, violent contractions of the skeletal muscles were produced by electrical stimu- lation of the cut end of the cord in communication with the musculature of the thorax, abdomen and extremities, no evidence of an increased acidity of the blood was found except when the animal was dying. One other condition in which the blood showed an increased acidity was that of shock. Only two experiments were performed but as the results in both cases were very definite, they are now outlined. I. Blood from dog’s ear had a hydrogen-ion concentration of pH = 7.61. The animal was anaesthetized with ether, the abdomen opened and intestines manipulated for 12 hours at the end of which time the blood pressure was exceedingly low. Thirty minutes subse- quent to this manipulation and 40 minutes after the ether was discon- tinued, the acidity of the blood was pH = 7.11; and 60 minutes follow- 230 M. L. MENTEN AND G. W. CRILE ing intestinal manipulation and 70 minutes after the cessation of the administration of the ether, the acidity had risen to pH = 6.98. II. Reaction of dog’s blood at the beginning of the experiment was pH = 7.48. Shock evidenced by a marked fall in blood pressure was produced by a manipulation of the intestines. One hour after ether was discontinued, blood from the vena cava had a value of pH = 7.08. Blood pressure at this time was so low that sufficient blood for a reading could not be withdrawn from the femoral artery with a syringe. That the increased acidity was not due to imperfect elimination of ether was indicated by the return to consciousness of both animals in from 25 to 30 minutes after the anaesthetic was discontinued. In addition to the conditions above reported, where increased acidity of the blood obtains, is appended lastly a very interesting observa- tion where a diminution of the hydrogen-ion concentration was noted; namely, in the blood flowing from the adrenal gland. In order to ob- tain blood which would contain, as far as possible, the maximal con- centration of adrenal secretion, it was found necessary to clamp the adrenal vein just before it joins the vena cava, on the one side, and be- fore it passes over the adrenal gland on the other side. The portion of the vein, between the clamps therefore, lay directly over the gland and contained only blood from that organ. When this blood was with- drawn with a syringe and measured the value of the hydrogen-ion con- centration was always from pH = 0.10 to pH = 0.12 lower than the blood taken from the immediately adjoining vena cava or from that part of the adrenal vein lying distal to clamp. While this difference is not large it isa very constant feature of adrenal blood. The assumption that this increased alkalinity is due to adrenalin is supported by the fact that the addition of adrenalin to blood serum, whose hydrogen-ion concentration is known, lowers its acidity and the diminution corre- sponds to the weight of adrenalin added when this is below the amount necessary for saturation. Thus if adding a definite amount of this sub- stance, which as has been shown by Aldrich (10) and others to be a very strong base, causes a certain increase in the hydroxyl ion concentration, then when twice or four times that amount is added the increase in alkalinity is multiplied by two and four respectively. Since at no time was it possible, with the apparatus used, to obtain blood from the vena cava, in the immediate vicinity of the opening of the adrenal vein which was appreciably more alkaline than blood from any other part of the vena cava, the adrenalin apparently causes a measurable modification of the blood in a very limited area. Moreover, that the influence of the HYDROGEN-ION CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD aa adrenalin on the circulatory fluids is local in character is further evi- denced by the fact that the removal of the gland caused no change whatever in the reaction of the blood until the animal was moribund. Although blood from the pancreas, liver and thyroid, as well as from the internal and external jugular veins was compared with blood from the vena cava of the same animal, no evidence of any variation in the hydro- gen-ion concentration could be obtained. Further the removal of these organs singly or in combination caused no change in the reaction of the blood. The data presented in this paper proves conclusively that a very marked increase in the hydrogen-ion concentration may occur under cer- tain abnormal conditions, and that the existence of this high acidity of the blood is not,incompatible with life. As to the cause of the phenom- enon and regarding its significance, the authors feel the present data to be too limited to warrant much speculation. Concerning the first point, however, one or two suggestions may not be amiss. The immediate and intense response of the blood to emotional stimuli by a marked rise in the hydrogen-ion concentration with the corresponding alteration of the character of respiration, and the rapid disappearance of these on the removal of the exciting cause, indicate that under these cireum- stances the carbon dioxide is a major factor; it is obvious however that all increased acidity of the blood cannot be ascribed to this source. This explanation does not suffice for shock and anaesthesia, since in the former the carbon dioxide in the blood is markedly diminished as has been shown by Henderson (11), and in the latter the carbon dioxide in the blood is increased according to the researches of Buckmaster and Gardner (12). Indeed in such a composite fluid as blood, containing so many complex chemical compounds, it is quite conceivable as has been suggested by Robertson (13) that the amphoteric character of certain proteins must be of extreme importance in regulating the acidity of the blood. SUMMARY 1. The hydrogen-ion concentration of the blood during certain emo- tional disturbances, such as fright in rabbits and dogs, and- anger in cats, is markedly increased and at a temperature of 20°C., frequently reaches an acidity corresponding to pH = 7.00. This is probably due to increased carbon dioxide tension. 2. In anaesthesia caused by ether, chloroform and nitrous oxid. the hydrogen-ion concentration may be increased to the same ex- 232 M. L. MENTEN AND G. W. CRILE tent. The change in acidity begins when the inspired anaesthetic com- mences to react with the blood, and depends, approximately, on the degree of the anaesthesia. The restoration of the normal reaction of the blood is completed in 45 minutes after the administration of the drug is discontinued. 3. In two cases of shock the acidity of the blood was very much increased. 4. The blood flowing from the adrenal gland is always more alkaline than venous blood elsewhere in the body. This increased alkalinity is local, not extending to any appreciable extent beyond the immediate vicinity of the adrenal vein, and is due to the dissolved adrenalin which it contains. REFERENCES (1) H6éseEr, r: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1900, 81, 522 and 1903, 99, 572. (2) Micuartis, L.: Die Wasserstoffionen Konzentration, Berlin, 1914. (3) HasseL.patcH: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, 30, 317 and HassELBALCH AND LUNDSGAARD: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 38, 77. (4) Micuartis, L.: Loe. cit. (5) Benepixt: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1906, 115, 106. (6) MicHartis, L.: Loe. cit. (7) MicHaE.is, L.: Loe. cit. (8) ABDERHALDEN: Handbuch der Arbeitsmethoden, v, 11. (9) HASSELBALCH AND LUNDSGAARD: Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 1912, 27, 13. (10) Aupricu: Journ. Amer. Chem. Soce., 1905, 27, 1074. Complete bibliog- raphy is given in Barger’s Monograph ‘‘The simpler natural bases.’’ (11) Henprrson, Y.: Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1908, 21, 126. (12) BuckMASTER AND GARDNER: Journ. Physiol., 1910, 41, 246. (13) Rosertson, G. B.: Journ. of Biol. Chem., 1908, v, 155; 1909, vi, 313; 1910, vii, 351. THE ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN GEORGE P. DENNY, M.D., Boston, GEORGE R. MINOT, M.D., Boston From the Physiological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Medical School Received for publication June 17, 1915 INTRODUCTION It is a well-known fact that Witte’s peptone when injected intra- venously into dogs produces in their blood an anti-coagulating sub- stance which causes blood withdrawn from such animals to remain fluid for long periods. The plasma from peptonized animals has the power to delay or inhibit the coagulation of normal blood in vitro. Many workers have studied peptonized animals with a view of find- ing the origin of the anti-coagulating substance, among them being Delezenne (1), Nolf (2). Doyon (3), and Popielski (4). All agree that the liver is the most important site; in fact, with the exception of Popiel- ski they feel it to be the only site. The last named author thinks the intestine and extremities play a large part. Almost all experiments on the origin of antithrombin have been carried out by means of peptone injections and it has been found that in animals with the liver cut out of the circulation peptone is without effect on coagulation. The liver then seems essential to the production of the anti-coagulating substance which we shall call antithrombin according to Howell’s theory (5). Just in what way peptone acts on the liver is a disputed point but all workers agree that Witte’s peptone itself has no action. It is some substance formed in the blood which stimulates the liver to produce antithrombin. Delezenne believed the destruction of leucocytes to play the whole part. Nolf’s work does not substantiate this. Both Nolf and Popielski believe the liver endothelium produces antithrombin but this point is not as yet adequately proven. No attempt will be made in this paper to discuss the various theories of the method of pep- tone action but the above brief summary serves to indicate that the liver is the organ most concerned. 233 234 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT Up to the present time almost all determinations of antithrombin have been made by determining the effect of the peptone plasma on whole blood. This of course is a very rough method and serves only to show a great increase in antithrombin. According to Howell’s theory of coagulation antithrombin is a normal constituent of the blood. By its antagonizing action to prothrombin it prevents the latter from being converted to thrombin and tends to neutralize the action of any thrombin that may be formed. In other words it is the normal excess of antithrombin which prevents intra- vascular clotting. If antithrombin is normally present in the blood, and if, as previous workers have shown, it is formed in the liver, it would seem likely that in a normal animal blood taken from the hepatic vein would show a greater amount of antithrombin than blood from other parts of the body. Doyon (6) has reviewed the numerous articles on the coagulation time and fibrinogen content of blood so taken and finds the results so greatly at variance that no conclusions are possible. He concluded from work of his own that such blood may coagulate more quickly than carotid blood. Nolf found that whole blood introduced into a living washed liver clotted normally. | We have taken up the study of blood after its normal passage through various organs and after stasis in the same organs. TAPPING OFF OF ORGANS In order to determine how the antithrombin content of the blood may vary in different parts of the body a series of six experiments were done, the results of which are tabulated below. Method. A dog was etherized, after previous administration of morphia, and a tracheal cannula inserted for continued etherization and artificial respiration. Dissecting down on the jugular vein a specimen of blood was drawn from it as a control, ten to twenty minutes before a head thorax circulation was established. In all but Experiment IT ligatures were then placed in the following order: around the inferior vena cava in the thorax close to the diaphragm, around the inferior cava directly below the liver, and around the aorta directly below the diaphragm. In Experiment II the order of the ligatures at the liver was reversed, first below and second above. It took about ten minutes to place these ligatures after the vessels were exposed. The ligatures were allowed to remain until after the experiment was completed. ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN B35 Specimens of blood were drawn as rapidly as possible after the stasis was produced, usually in the following order: first, from the portal vein, second, from the inferior vena cava below the lowest ligature, and third, from the hepatic vein. In Experiments III and V the order was, the inferior cava, the hepatic vein and the portal vein. It was about ten minutes from the time the last ligature was tied until the last of the above samples of blood was obtained. The antithrombin determina- tions of these specimens are recorded in the table as “before stasis.”’ To be sure, a few minutes of stasis of the blood had occurred before these samples were obtained, but they represent blood before prolonged stasis had taken place. After the blood below the diaphragm had re- mained stagnant and a head thorax circulation had existed for varying lengths of time, 30-70 minutes, as recorded in each instance in the table, other specimens of blood were drawn from the same regions for com- parison. Samples of blood were drawn from the splenic and renal veins in three experiments before the ligatures creating a head thorax circulation were tied; then the arteries and veins of these organs were clamped and after an interval of stasis blood was again drawn to be compared with other specimens. The specimens of blood to be examined were drawn with a Luer syringe previously rinsed with salt solution. A-definite volume of this blood was put into a tube with a constant amount of 1 per cent sodium oxalate in 0.9 per cent sodium chloride solution and well mixed, centri- fuged for 20 minutes, and the plasma pipetted off, heated to 60°C. to precipitate the fibrinogen and destroy prothrombin, filtered and exam- ined for antithrombin by the method described by Howell (7) and dis- cussed by Minot and Denny (8). In brief the test used was as follows: 1 drop of the antithrombin solution (after heating to 60°C. and filtering) from each specimen was mixed in a tube with the varying amounts of a solution of thrombin. After these two substances had been in contact for a given interval, a constant amount of a fibrinogen solution was added to each tube so that the clots formed in a period of time suitable to distinguish differences. The time taken for clotting was upon the first appearance of a clot, that which clotted first having the least antithrombin and that last the most. At least four suitable series of determinations on the different speci- mens were made. To compare the specimens of any single experiment, the time that their antithrombin allowed thrombin and fibrinogen to clot was sufficient. 236 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT But in order to compare those of different experiments time could not be satisfactorily used, owing to differences in the reagents, so that antithrombin is expressed as the antithrombin factor (8). The average time of clotting of a series of suitable determinations of a specimen was divided by a similar figure obtained for a control. The control in these experiments was the specimen from the jugular vein before any stasis was produced and its factor was taken as unity. By referring to the table it will be noticed that in the six different experiments the antithrombin in the venous blood of the jugular or superior vena cava before and after a head thorax circulation remained about the same. The two observations of splenic blood before stasis showed less anti- thrombin than the jugular blood. The three specimens of splenic vein blood after stasis all gave a plasma in which some definite hemolysis had taken place. It has been shown that large amounts of fatty acids occur in the spleen and this may be the reason that the blood standing in the spleen is hemolyzed. Except for one specimen of renal plasma, none of the other specimens showed any hemolysis. It was felt that the hemolysis in this renal specimen might have been due to the fact that the syringe contained water and was not washed out with salt solution before the blood was drawn. Antithrombin, being ‘‘neutralized’”’ by thromboplastin, cannot be. determined satisfactorily in a plasma in which hemolysis is apparent, so that the figues for antithrombin after stasis of blood in the spleen are probably lower than they should have been owing to the presence of thromboplastin liberated from the hemolyzed corpuscles. The two observations of antithrombin in renal vein blood before stasis were sim- ilar to the control with a slight tendency to rise after stasis. Portal blood before prolonged stasis was studied in five experiments; in four it contained less antithrombin than the control, in one a greater amount. In the three observations after an interval of stasis from 32-60 minutes there was a slight rise. Inferior vena cava blood (taken from below the lowest ligature) in the four experiments in which it was studied showed less antithrombin than the control, with a definite rise after an interval of 32 to 48 minutes of stasis in three instances, and essentially no change in the fourth. Hepatic vein blood before prolonged stasis showed an antithrombin content essentially like the control blood. Just before the specimen to be tested after stasis of 30 to 70 minutes was obtained, varying amounts of blood were drawn off from the vein and discarded so as to ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN 237 obtain blood that had been in actual contact with the liver cells. Owing to the short length of the hepatic vein it was easy to draw blood from the cava that had stood between the clamps above and below the liver instead of obtaining hepatic vein blood. To obviate this diffi- culty in the last three experiments just before the hepatic blood after prolonged stasis was drawn, a clamp was placed across the cava above the liver, just below the point where the hepatic vein enters it. After prolonged stasis of blood in the liver there was in the last four experiments a very marked rise in the antithrombin, a much greater amount than in blood from other sources. In the first experiment there was a slight rise and in the second a fall. Why there was not a greater rise in Experiment 1 and a fall in Experiment 2 is not clear, but it is possible that the blood obtained had not been stagnating deep in the liver tissue. Not only does the antithrombin show a distinct increase after stasis of blood in the liver, but the clot formed by the thrombin and fibrinogen in the presence of the antithrombin from this source was of a weak character such as occurs when one has increased antithrombin. The portal blood and the blood from the inferior cava and spleen, obtained before stasis, had less antithrombin in most instances than that from the jugular. The renal blood on the contrary had about an equal amount, as did the hepatic.. Blood taken after stasis in any or- gan showed in most instances a slight rise in antithrombin. This was particularly evident in the inferior cava below the lowest ligature, but in no case was found the great rise observed after stasis in the liver. In Experiment VI the time of clotting of the recalcified oxalated plasma was determined. Precautions were taken to find the optimum amount of calcium for this clotting and the time obtained designated as the prothrombin time. It constitutes a test of the relative efficacy of the prothrombin present. To a series of tubes each with 5 drops of plasma from each specimen 2, 3, 4 and 5 drops of 0.5 per cent CaCl, solu- tion were added and the time of clotting noted. The tubes with 3 drops of calcium were the first to clot in all instances, i.e., had the - optimum amount of calcium. The shortened time occurring with plasma from the splenic blood after stasis in this organ, is undoubtedly due to the hemolysis and the consequent liberation of thromboplastin as we have frequently noticed on other occasions. Prothrombin times are as follows: Jugular vein before stasis 5 minutes. Jugular vein after stasis 5 minutes. 238 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT Splenic vein after stasis 3 minutes. Renal vein before stasis 5 minutes. Renal vein after stasis 5 minutes. Portal vein before stasis 5 minutes. Portal vein after stasis 5 minutes. Hepatic vein before stasis 5 minutes. Hepatic vein after stasis 35 minutes. A striking delay in the prothrombin time occurred with the hepatic blood after stasis. This delay is probably wholly due to the increased antithrombin content, although possibly there was also a decreased amount of prothrombin. Examination of arterial and venous blood taken from the heart has not shown any difference in either antithrombin or prothrombin content. PERFUSION OF LIVER Perfusion of the liver with mixtures of blood and peptone, plasma and peptone, etc., has been shown by Delezenne (1), Nolf (2) and others to produce antithrombin. Both of these authors have perfused the liver with defibrinated blood alone and Delezenne came to the con- clusion that such blood acquired a very slight anticoagulating power. Nolf also obtained negative or doubtful results. Doyon (9), by attaching the carotid artery of one dog to the portal vein of another which had been bled to death found that on emer- gence from the inferior cava the blood was slow to coagulate and re- tarded the clotting of normal blood. Positive results were obtained only with young, fasting dogs. With the exception of the above work we have been unable to find in the literature any successful demon- stration of a formation of antithrombin by perfusion of the liver with a normal circulating medium without drugs added to the perfusing ma- terial. We have perfused the liver with defibrinated blood in the following manner: Method. A large dog was bled to death while under ether and the blood defibrinated. Part of this was diluted 1 to 2 with normal salt solution and used for irrigation and the rest was used to perfuse the liver of a second dog. Dog II was given morphia and ether, the abdomen opened and the portal vein exposed. A large cannula was placed in the portal vein and the inferior cava quickly clamped above its tributaries, close to the liver. The hepatic artery was also clamped at this time. 08 OL Og'e % JA Jusuredxy xe /99 | 00°E | 00°T 200 ROGes ee OnOh |e Ohen | cm ens Roe /0& | 08°0 | 08°0 | ,02 GT} OT : ; 0€ WP | GOS 03 10¥. || OL T A juowtedxy él OF | 81% 188 | 901 | 89°0 | ,S& | 00T | 89°0 | 0G OT] OT 08 SP | 20% AI Juourrsed xT 06 8h | S8T | 20 T | OF | OFT | 82°0 06 | GT OT} $6 | 08°0 | S8°0 | ,S& (Oe |} 1! ; 86 L& | O'T TI] Jueursodxg st S$ | OST} LOT} .& | €2T | 22°0 660 08 OT|OT > ST 10S | 80] 00T| OF | TZ0| 20} ,c& | 42°0}) 990 109), 90 10% II Jucewpodxiy a | ee Ss ee ee ee a ee ee eS EF ee ae oy | 380 J Juoeurnsod xo 0Z =| ,0€ jeer |20T eT & L0°T if $90 8 £6°0 | OT Y 99 RinGalce lee. |e ee lreeslsen) oe le onl os le ye) Spl ae aca] ¢ |g2/82| € |sh/52| 2 | s2/S2| 2 | 82/22] 9 | s2| SEARS sels oe on be e teas oO ek oe oct & Sats oo rl ast oe 2 ee ot SPS sea sos toap = oe ae = +5 ae Ee ae ae 5 e+e | a oe 4E 1] a8 |atPrela Bilisienics $2) co ° a ° an ° is) is ie} po + ° © ct lo) e,g-| » |BS/EG| 2 | BSIES| & | BS ES] ® | 28/88) = 128) 8s SE") S8ises Boas 2. Sle@ol Q1*e¢lao] Si *erlas| & Se inet | ews |e ooo) ace Zo Slee nee 4 (i es eae 2 a | § Be feraea (ss Ele e erate Geile Eo oat) Se sellin oe ele eS ay is) ® sce e | Be} F| & | Bl F)e | Bl F) | Bl Fle | BF) Pe) eel FF AUOALVOIT L84 VAVO VNGA NIGA OliVdaH -MOT MOTAG VAVO NIGA IvLuod NIGA ‘IVNAU NIDA OINAIdS wolMmados XO UV VNGA HOIMAANI -Op0f 'IVWNUGLXa 240 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT While one operator was doing this the other had opened the chest and introduced a cannula into the inferior cava just above the liver and washing with diluted blood was immediately started through the portal vein. As soon as the washing fluid had been run through perfusion was started with defibrinated blood. The time during which the liver had no circulation varied from 4 to 7 minutes. The apparatus used for perfusing was in most cases very simple. It consisted of a large tank filled with water. In this was placed the reservoir for the perfusing and washing fluids from which tubes lead to the inflow cannula in the portal vein. The flow was by gravity. A thermometer was introduced at a point just before the entrance into the liver and the perfusing fluid was kept at about 38°C. by regulation of the temperature in the large water bath. The outflow was caught in a container kept at about 38° by means of a water bath. The outflow was whipped, when defibrinated blood was used as a perfusate, since it was found that the first specimens com- ing through after washing showed some tendency to clot. Defibrina- tion was continued only during the first part of the experiment and was necessary probably because the liver had not been washed entirely free from blood. In some experiments oxygen was bubbled into the outflow container and in one an artificial lung devised by Dr. Hooker was used. Oxygenation seemed to make little or no difference since those experi- ments in which no attempt was made to oxygenate gave similar results. The outflow was poured back by hand into the reservoir above and thus allowed to circulate many times. Perfusion was carried on under a pressure of 90 to 120 mm. of mer- cury. Although there was a certain amount of loss in the amount of the perfusing liquid the latter was not concentrated enough to account for any significant increase in antithrombin content. The method, however, has the objection that the system was not closed. Specimens were taken of the perfusate before perfusion was started and at intervals during perfusion. These were taken in 5 ce. lots and mixed with 0.7 ce. of 1 per cent oxalate in normal saline. After centri- fuging, antithrombin tests were done on the serum by the method of Howell previously described. Four experiments were done. ExperimentI. Perfusion with Ringer’s solution. Dog—Morphia and ether. Cannulas placed as described. Liver washed with 3 liters of Ringer’s solution until outflow was clear. ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN 241 Perfusion then started with about 200 cc. of Ringer’s solution. This was clear at the start but quickly became bloody. Whole system cleaned out and started again with fresh Ringer’s. Perfused in first case for about one hour and in the second for one and a half hours. The latter became bloody and a third perfusion was done with fresh Ringer’s after washing. After one hour and forty- five minutes perfusion was again bloody. The specimens taken during the last perfusion showed a heavy precipitate on heating to 60° which was not fibrinogen and was evidently protein from the dying liver. None of the seven specimens taken during the perfusion showed any more antithrombin than might be ex- plained by the blood which had been picked up during the repeated passage through the liver. Experiment II. Perfusion with defibrinated blood. Preparation as described. Liver washed out with 100 cc. defibrinated blood plus 200 ce. normal saline. Perfusion started with 570 cc. defibrinated blood after a control specimen had been taken. This is labeled I in the table. Specimens taken 30, 40, 50, 58 and 64 minutes after the start of perfusion are labeled II, III, IV, V, and VI. All specimens centrifuged at high speed for 20 minutes, serum pipetted off, heated to 60° and filtered. On heating none showed any precipitate. One drop of the heated and filtered serum (antithrombin) was added to the thrombin in varying amounts and after an interval of 15 minutes 10 drops of fibrinogen were added. Antithrombin determination THROMBIN I Ir Ill Iv v ae SPECIMEN NUMBER 4 gtt. 18’ 30’ Bik 41’ 46’ 48’ | Figures represent time in minutes which it took for 5 gett. 12’ PPK 22’ 2! 38’ 40’ clot to form after addition of fibrinogen. | The two series correspond well and show a very marked gradual in- crease in antithrombic power. Experiment III. Perfusion with defibrinated blood. Large dog bled to death and cannulas inserted into the portal vein and inferior eava of another dog in the usual way. Liver washed with 100 ce. defibrinated blood plus 200 ee. normal salt solution. Perfusion started after control specimen had been taken and 20 minutes later Specimen II was obtained. Just after this was taken a rather large amount of water was spilled accident- ally into the outflow jar. This of course produced great hemolysis as well as dilution in the circulating blood and the effect in lowering antithrombin will be seen in the table. Specimens taken 65, 95 and 108 minutes after start of perfusion are labeled III, IV and V in the table. On centrifuging, those specimens taken after the accident were much more hemolyzed than those before it. Antithrombin tests were run in the usual way. 242 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT Antithrombin determination THROMBIN I Il III IV nf . SPECIMEN NUMBER 5 gtt. PAN ie i igs 14’ 16’ | Figures represent time in minutes which it took a clot to form after 6 gtt. 10’ iY ue 10’ 12% addition of fibrinogen. No. III represents the first specimen taken after spilling water into the blood. Nos. IV and V show a gradual increase in antithrombin content although the antithrombin never reached the concentration that it had at the beginning. Experiment IV. Perfusion with defibrinated blood. This experiment was carried on in the usual way except that the outflow from the liver was connected with an artificial lung devised by Dr. Hooker. This en- sured thorough oxygenation of the blood. The liver was washed with mixture of 300 cc. normal salt solution and 150 ec. defibrinated blood. Perfusion started after taking control, Specimen I. Specimens IJ, III, IV and V taken 30, 59, 70 and 83 minutes respectively after the start of perfusion. After Specimen V was taken 1.5 gm. peptone in solution was added to the perfusing material (about 400 ce.). Specimens taken 15, 24 and 34 minutes after addition of peptone are labeled VI, VII, and VIII in the table. On centrifuging, all specimens showed hemolysis as usual, the degree increas- ing somewhat as the experiment went on. Antithrombin determination Q Z ZA 2p of a) THROMBIN I II Ill IV Vv & a VI VII Vill S 2 aS Bz 5 ett. 10’ 13’ 13’ 19’ | No No clot in clot 30’ in 30’ 6 gtt. 8’ 8’ 8’ 9’ Very Poor clot in poor 21’ 26’ 5 clot 15/ From this table it will be seen that antithrombin was not acquired by the perfusing fluid for about 1 hour, Specimen IV being the first to show any change. Specimen V shows a well marked increase. The specimens taken after addition of peptone show a still further increase in antithrombin content but not to the extent which one would expect ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN 243 in.a fresh liver perfused with a blood and peptone mixture. Probably much of the antithrombin had been taken.up from the liver in this case before the peptone was added to the perfusate. These experiments show that the frequent passage of defibrinated blood through the liver results in a gradual increase is the antithrombin content of the perfusate. Specimens of defibrinated blood were obtained from perfusions of the spleen, head and hind leg done by other workers in this laboratory, and although in some of these cases the perfusions were carried on much longer than in our experiments with the liver, we were unable to demon- strate any marked increase in antithrombin; in fact, usually the amount was decreased. Three perfusions of the head showed in each instance a very slight increase of antithrombin. _ The decrease in antithrombin was probably due to hemolysis and deserves a word in connection with our experiments. The centrifuged serum from defibrinated blood always shows a certain amount of hemolysis. In perfusing for any length of time the amount of .this hemolysis increases distinctly up to a certain point. Since hemolysis liberates an active thromboplastic substance some of the antithrombin in the perfused blood must have been neutralized and therefore the increase in antithrombin which we actually found after perfusion of the liver probably did not represent the total increase obtained. If we could have done away with this factor of hemolysis our results would probably have been more striking. ATTEMPTS AT STIMULATION OF LIVER | Having shown that stasis in the liver causes an increase in anti- thrombin and that perfusion with defibrinated blood likewise causes an increase we next attempted to stimulate the liver in various ways. Doyon (10) has attempted this also and claims success as a result of intravenous injection of bile and bile salts. He found that bile salts injected intravenously could cause an incoagulable blood, and that doses which were ineffective in the general circulation were capable of delay- ing coagulation when injected into the mesenteric veins. He did not show that the long coagulation time was due to an increased anti- thrombin. The substances which we have used were all injected into the mesen- teric veins, and all the dogs used were starved 24 hours or longer. These experiments will not be given in detail because they were en- tirely negative. 244 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT Experiment 1. Effect of bile salt. Dog, weight 7 kg. 9.5 cc. of 10 per cent solution of sodium glycocholate was injected into the mesenteric vein. In 10 minutes the coagulation time had gone from 40 minutes (normal) to one hour and twenty minutes and remained in this vicinity for three hours. All specimens taken after injection showed a very marked hemolysis and the antithrombin was uniformly reduced as compared with the control specimen. Prothrombin not changed to any marked degree. We felt that larger doses might cause greater delay in coagulation time but that the increasing hemolysis would make it impassible to say if it were due to an increased antithrombin. Experiment 2. Effect of bile by mouth. A dog, weight 8 kg., having had control specimen of blood taken, was given 16 gm. of dried ox bile in 200 cc. water by stomach tube. Allowed to come out of ether. Vomited a little (40-50 ec.). Two hours and fifteen minutes after giving bile another specimen of blood was taken. 17 gm. of ox bile in 150 ce. water then given by stomach tube. Specimens taken one and two hours later showed no hemolysis, no change in coagulation time and no change in prothrombin and antithrombin content. Experiment 3. Effect of secretin. Dog, weight 7 kg. Morphia and ether. 10 ce. of a secretin solution prepared according to Bayliss and Starling (11) injected into the mesenteric vein. Specimens taken 10 minutes after, showed coagulation time of 56 minutes against the control time of 28 minutes—20 min- utes after injection coagulation time was 29 minutes. 9 cc. more injected and specimens taken 16 and 24 minutes later, showed a coagulation time of 41 and 55 minutes respectively. Large amounts of secretin introduced into the mesenteric veins with a bu- rette failed to further lengthen the coagulation time. No pancreatic fistula having been made, it is not certain that the secretin used was active. There was a slight lengthening of the coagulation time after the first two injections but on the whole the experiment must be considered nega- tive. There was no change in the antithrombin content of the numerous speci- mens taken after the various injections. Experiment 4. Effect of nerve stimulation. Dog, weight 8 kg. Morphia and ether. Control specimens taken for coagu- lation time and antithrombin. Abdomen opened and coeliac plexus exposed. Electrode passed under the ganglion and stimulation applied with a rather strong current from an induction coil. Duration of stimulation 20 seconds with an interval between of 40 seconds. The procedure was continued for one hour, specimens being taken at 15, 35 and 50 minutes from the start of stimulation. These specimens showed no change in coagulation time or antithrombin con- tent. The hepatic branches of the plexus were next isolated and stimulated with the result that no change was obtained either in coagulation time or antithrombin. Experiment 5. Effect of injection of thrombin. Dog, weight 8 kg. Morphia and ether. Injection of 0.4 gm. of pure thrombin in which there was some salt (this solu- tion was very active in clotting fibrinogen) into the mesenteric vein. In a spec- imen taken 12 minutes after injection there was lengthening of coagulation time ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN 245 from 30 minutes (normal) to 43 minutes and an increase in antithrombin from 10 minutes to 17 minutes. Davis (12) found an increase in antithrombin by injecting thrombin in very large amounts into the general circulation. Here we see a small amount into the mesenteric vein giving a slight but definite effect. PHOSPHORUS POISONING Antithrombin as Influenced by Phosphorus Poisoning in Dogs If the liver is the site of antithrombin formation it would seem pro- able that a liver destroying substance such as phosphorus would lower the antithrombin content of the blood. It has been shown by many Jacoby (1900); Loeb (1903); Morawitz (1905); Doyon (1906); Nolf (1908) ; and Whipple and Hurwitz (13) that the fibrinogen of the blood in phosphorus poisoning is greatly diminished or almost absent. We have studied the blood of five dogs with varying degrees of phos- phorus poisoning, all of which showed extensive liver destruction at autopsy. The specimens of blood were kindly given us by Drs. Good- pasture and Marshall, to whom we wish to express our thanks. Antithrombin determination PHOSPHORUS NORMAL ANTITHROMBIN BOG DOG FACTORS Det S00 ee 9’ 14’ 0.64 2 I Oa 8’ Ae 0.53 “7 0 (DUS 1 25/ 0.44 1) Oe a ae 16’ 0.12 0.15 NSS le er 2! 13’ Figures represent time of formation of a clot in the usual antithrom- bin test. It will be remembered that the normal antithrombin factor is approximately 1. Dog IV was the most severely poisoned and shows the greatest dim- nution in antithrombin; in fact, almost a complete absence of any anti- coagulating power. All specimens showed by rough tests a diminution in fibrinogen. These results tempt speculation as to what part of the liver is con- cerned in the formation of antithrombin. It will be remembered that Nolf and Popielski are inclined to think that the endothelium in the liver is responsible. 246 GEORGE P. DENNY AND GEORGE R. MINOT While it cannot be stated that phosphorus does not injure the endo- thelium of the liver there can be no doubt of its destructive action upon the liver cells and we suggest from our results that antithrombin may very likely be a true liver cell product. However, further work on this’ subject, with careful histological study, must be done in order definitely to demonstrate this point. Numerous clinical cases of liver disease which we have studied have shown no constant variation in antithrombin content of the blood. A few with low fibrinogen have shown a low antithrombin. Some cases having a normal antithrombin showed very extensive destruc- tion of liver substance at autopsy but it is a fairly well recognized fact that only small amounts of active liver tissue are necessary to carry on the functions of the liver. CONCLUSIONS 1. Antithrombin is formed in the liver. 2. Venous blood taken from the liver, spleen, kidneys and intestines shows no appreciable difference from jugular vein blood in antithrombin content. 3. When stasis is produced in these organs the liver blood alone shows a definite increase in antithrombin. 4. Perfusion of the liver with defibrinated blood causes an increase of antithrombin in the perfusate. 5. Perfusion of the head, spleen and hind leg showsno marked increase and generally a decrease in antithrombin content. 6. Attempts to stimulate the liver to production of antithrombin by means of bile, bile salts, secretin and electrical stimulation were nega- tive. Injection of small amounts of thrombin into the portal circula- tion caused a slight rise in antithrombin. 7. Dogs with phosphorus poisoning and liver destruction show a very marked decrease in antithrombin content of the blood as well as dimin- ished fibrinogen. We wish to express our gratitude to Professor Howell for invaluable advice and suggestions and to thank Dr. D. R. Hooker for material from his experiments and for help with our perfusion work. (1) DELEzENNE: Compt. Rend. d. Soc. Biol., 1898, v, 354. (2) Nour: Arch. Internat. d. Physiol., 1910, ix, 407. (3) Doyon and GAuvTIER: Compt. Rend. d. Soc. Biol., 1910, Ixviii, 450. ORIGIN OF ANTITHROMBIN 247 (4) Popretskxi: Zeitschr. f. Immunitatsfurschung, 1913-0, 1 Teil, xviii, 542. (5) Howe: Text Book of Physiology, 5th ed., 1914. (6) Doron: Journ. Physiol. et Path. gen., 1906, viii, 1003. (7) Howe tt: Arch. Int. Med., 1914, xiii, 76. (8) Minor anp Denny: Unpublished work. (9) Doron: Comp. Rend. d. Soc. Biol., 1910, Ixviii, 752. (10) Doron: Jour. Physiol. et Path. gen., 1910, xii, 197. (11) Bayess anp Staruine: Journ. Physiol., 1902, xxviii, 425. (12) Davis: Am. Journ. Physiol., 1911, xix, 160. (13) WurtpreLe anp Hurwitz: Journ. Exp. Med., 1911, xiii, 136. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH XXV. A Nore on THE CHEMISTRY OF NorMAL HuMAN GASTRIC JUICE A. J. CARLSON ASSISTED IN PART OF THE EXPERIMENTS BY H. HAGEeR anp M. P. Roggrs From the Hull Physiological Laboratory of the University of Chicago Received for publication June 29, 1915 The gastric juice employed in this work was obtained from Mr. V., our gastric fistula case with complete cicatricial stenosis of the oesoph- agus of 20 years’ standing. The gastric juice is therefore at no time mixed with saliva. The appetite juice is thus secreted during the mastication of the food and some data relative to the secretion of appetite and hunger gastric juice in Mr. V., as a type of normal adults, have already been reported (1). A few samples of appetite gastric juice was secured from a second gastric fistula case with partial cica- tricial stenosis of the oesophagus. Samples of appetite and of hunger gastric juice were also secured from one of the authors (A. J. C.) by a method that will be referred to later. A few controls are also noted on dog’s gastric juice, that is, the secretion from the accessory stomach pouch prepared according to Pawlow. Most of the present work refers to appetite gastric juice. A few determinations were made on samples of the hunger gastric juice. The reader is referred to our previous report for an account of the continuous or hunger gastric secretion. I. The solids of the gastric juice. 100 ce. of six different lots of appetite gastric juice of Mr. V. were evaporated on water bath and then dried to constant weight in an oven at 112°C. The incineration was made at dull red heat so as not to drive off the potassium chloride, which ~ according to Rosemann is more abundant in gastric Juice than the sodium chloride (2). The results are given in Table I. On three of these lots of appetite juice the specific gravity, the freezing point, and the total acidity (phenolthalein) was also determined. The one deter- mination on hunger gastric juice represented many separate collec- tions of juice, as no juice was included in this lot if it was secreted by 248 1 The CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 249 the empty stomach at a greater rate than 3-4 cc. per hour. For the purposes of comparison the analyses of two lots of the juice or fluid found in the stomach free from food one hour after putting 200 ce. of water into the stomach are also given in Table I. It will be seen from Table I that the total solids of the appetite juice vary from 0.48. gr. to 0. 58 gr. per 100 cc., of which 0.34 gr. to 0.47 gr. is organic, and 0.11 er. to 0.14 gr. inorganic material. The hydrochloric acid is, of course, expelled in the process of evaporation and drying of the gastric juice residue. The hunger gastric juice of Mr. V. is distinctly higher than the appe- tite juice in total, and in organic solids. It appears also to be higher than the average appetite juice in inorganic solids. The gastric juice or fluid in the stomach free from food one hour after ingestion of 200 cc. of water is distinctly more dilute than the TABLE I composition of pure human gastric juice. The solids of appetite gastric juice, hunger juice, and content of ‘“‘empty’’ stomach per 100 cc. of juice. HUNGER | : ; CONTENTS OF APPETITE GASTRIC JUICE cases Prva pele I II Til IV V VI I | II yecific gravity .. 1007 1009 1006 1008 1004 1006 A —0.550 —0.580 —0.530 —0.31 —0.45 ity (total)...| 0.45 0.48 0.42 0.34 0.22 0.33 ptal Bolids....... 0.557 er. 0.606 gr. 0.480 gr. | 0.571 gr. |0.580 0.544 0.667 gr. 0.3€0 gr. 0.450 gr. ‘ganic » Ee 0.420 gr. 0.466 gr. 0.341 0.452 gr. |0.470 0.430 0.521 gr.| 0.260 gr. 0.350 gr. organic Besa aes 0.137 gr. 0.140 gr. 0.139 0.119 0.110 gr.} 0.114 gr. | 0.146 gr. 0.100 gr. 0.100 gr. appetite juice, although it may approach the concentration of the latter in cases where the rate of the continuous secretion is considerable (Lot IT). The above figures on Mr. V.’s appetite gastric juice are slightly higher than those given by Sommerfeld (3) for tHe gastric juice from a ten-year-old girl, namely, 0.40 gr. to 0.47 gr. Sixty years ago Schmidt (4) reported on the gastric juice of a human gastric fistula case, the oesophagus being partly patent. He found total solids 0.58 per cent, of which 0.32 per cent was organic, and 0.26 per cent inorganic. But Schmidt did not work with pure gastric juice This is evident from his method of obtaining the juice, as well as from the fact that the acidity of the juice was only 0.20 per cent, which is less half that of normal human gastric juice. The figure of 0.26 per cent for inorganic solids is probably also too high Albu (5) reports one experiment 02 250 A. J. CARLSON a patient with hypersecretion finding the percentage of solids only 0.24 gr. practically all of which (0.23 gr.) was inorganic salts. Albu also reports one determination on normal human gastric juice (pure appetite juice) in which the inorganic solids were 0.18 per cent; the organic solids are not given. Our results on Mr. V. agree closely with most of those reported for the gastric juice of dogs, as the following figures will show: Total Observer Solids Organic Inorganic per cent per cent per cent Pawlow and Schoumow-Simanowksi (6)............. 0.47 dS Gop aKa ya) (0) Bie (VA) RS prontens ono oro athens tom sin as Oto lac 0.48 SChHOUMOW- SLM ANO WES See ees olen eee eee 0.528 0.393 0.135 FVOSETMAININ (2) aos scares cpa es ariae rots. 2 ee ree eae 0.427 0.294 0.1382 Nenckavandssieberk(G) passe een... a ee ee 0.306 The total concentration of organic and inorganic substances is there- fore about the same in the normal gastric juice (appetite juice) of man and dog. The very low solids (in one case only 0.16 per cent) reported by Nencki and Sieber are clearly exceptional and must be due to some unusual condition of their animal. II. The specific gravity of the gastric juice. The specific gravity of Mr. V.’s appetite gastric juice varies between 1006 and 1009 with an average of 1007. This is the average of twenty tests on an equal number of gastric juice samples. It will thus be seen that 1009 is an exceptional concentration. The specific gravity of the hunger juice is certainly higher than that of the appetite juice, since the total solids are higher, but no actual measurements were made on the hunger juice. The specific gravity of the fluid or juice found in the empty stomach thirty to sixty min- utes after ingestion of water varies from 1003 to 1006, with an average of 1004. The specific gravity of the appetite gastric juice of the dog, as re- ported by Schoumow-Simanowksi, Konowaloff, Friedenthal (10), and Rosemann varies from 1002 to 1007, with an average of 1004. This low average figure is probably due to the fact that in most of the experiments the gastric juice was collected for several hours after only a few minutes sham feeding. There is evidence that the percentage of solids in the gastric juice is greatest during the first hours of appe- tite or digestion secretion. The concentration of the dog’s appetite gastric juice during the first twenty minutes of secretion will in all probability be found identical with that of man for the same period. vat al CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 251 III. The osmotic concentration of the gastric juice. Our data on the osmotic concentration of the gastrie juice are brought together in Table II. The appetite juice lowers the freezing point, —0.55° C. to —0.62°C.; the hunger juice from —0.47°C. to —0.52°C.; the fluid of the empty stomach —0.21° C. to —0.41° C. The juice found in the empty stomach an hour after ingestion of water exhibits the TABLE II The osmic concentration of normal hwman gastric juice (Mr. V.) The total acidity of the samples of gastric juice were determined with phenothalein as the indicator FLUID IN ‘‘ EMPTY ’’ STOMACH HUNGER JUICE APPETITE JUICE Total acidity A Total acidity A Total acidity A per cent per cent per cent 0.33 —0.38 0.40 —0.51 0.53 —0.58 0.26 —0.33 0.39 —0.52 0.52 —(0).61 0.35 —0.42 0.36 0.45 —0.57 0.26 —0.30 0.35 —0.51 0.53 —0.60 0.30 —0.39 0.32 —0.50 0.52 — O68 0.27 —0.38 0.36 —0.53 0.47 —0.59 0.18 —0.25 0.29 —0.49 0.42 —().55 0.33 —0.38 0.28 —0.45 0.47 —0.60 0.17 —0.21 0.30 —0.47 0.49 — Oren 0.21 —0.27 0.41 —0.52 0.53 —0.60 0.17 —0.25 0.36 —0.49 0.45 —0.59 0.25 —0.32 0.41 —0.53 0.50 —0:61 0.26 —0.33 0.40 —0.52 0.49 —0.60 0.27 —0.37 0.32 —0.50 0.51 —0.57 0.18 —0.28 0.25 —0.47 0.46 —0.62 —0.33 0.51 —0.60 —0.37 0.51 —0.60 0.47 —(0:57 0.48 —0.55 0.49 —0..59 —0.62 —0.62 greatest fluctuations in osmotic pressure, the appetite and the hunger Juice being very constant. The hunger juice has, on the whole, a lower osmotic concentration than the appetite juice. The total acidity of the hunger juice is also uniformly lower. The above figures for the appetite gastric juice of Mr. V. are prac- tically identical with those reported on the pure gastric juice of other Bae A. J. CARLSON human fistula cases. Sommerfeld (in a ten-year-old girl) found the freezing point to vary from —0.47° to —0.65° C.; Kaznelson (11) (25- year-old girl) reports a variation from —0.46° to —0.54°. Umber (12) reports two tests on the gastric Juice (pure) of a 59-year-old man with cancer, finding a variation of —0.15° C. to —0.82° C. Assuming that Umber’s determinations are correct, the gastric juice of this cancer patient was clearly not normal. We question whether the normal stomach can secrete a juice with an osmotic concentration so much greater than the blood as the figure —0.82° C. demands. The reader will note that the figures of Sommerfeld and Kaznelson, as well as our own for Mr. V., indicate an osmotic pressure of the appetite gastric juice not far below or above that of the human blood. According to Bickel (13) the gastric juice (10-year-old child) is always hypotonic to the blood. Lehmann (15) concludes that the osmotic pressure of nor- mal gastric juice (gastric content) is usually less than —0.50° C. and that a concentration above this figure indicates hyperacidity or other pathological conditions. This view is obviously untenable. The osmotic concentration of the dog’s appetite gastric Juice appears to be practically identical with that of man. Sasaki (14) reports a variation from —0.51° to —0.60°; Rosemann gives somewhat higher figures as —0.56° C. to —0.64°C. On the other hand, Bickel (13) reports extraordinary fluctuations in osmotic concentrations of dogs gastric juice (Pawlow pouch) or —0.52° to —1.21°C. We question whether the normal stomach can secrete a juice of the osmotic con- centration —1.21° C., that is, twice that of the blood. IV. The nitrogen of the gastric juice. 1. The total nitrogen was deter- mined by the method of Kjeldahl on nine different lots of appetite gastric juice-of Mr. V., with the following results: Nitrogen per 100 cc. Appetite gastric juice gr. Lot I 0.074 ot UE 0.051 Lot III 0.054 Lot IV 0.057 Lot V 0.054 Lot VI 0.051 Lot VII 0.075 Lot VIII 0.057 Lot IX 0.071 YAY 2c) Oa eR OT LOREM ETE. ec AS Aas Oe 0.060 CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 253 The average of all our determinations is 0.060 gr. nitrogen per 100 ce. appetite juice. The total nitrogen of the hunger juice was not determined. If all the nitrogen is in the form of proteins, and if we accept the figures of Nencki and Sieber, and of Pekelharing (16) namely, that the nitrogen constitutes 14.39 per cent of the proteins of the gastric juice, the appetite gastric juice of man would contain on the average nearly 0.42 gr. protein per 100 ce. This is practically all the total organic solids in the appetite juice (Table I). It is there- fore probable that some of the nitrogen in the gastric Juice is present in non-protein combinations, such as ammonia, amino acids, and sul- phoeyaniec acid. The literature does not, to our knowledge, contain any data on the total nitrogen of pure human gastric juice. Rosemann reports nitro- gen determinations on two lots of dog’s appetite gastric juice, finding 0.035 gr. and 0.054 gr. per 100 cc. respectively. The reader will note that these figures are considerably lower than those on the appetite juice of Mr. V. 2. The ammonia of the gastric juice. The ammonia of the fresh gas- tric juice was determined by a combination of Folin’s aeration and the Nessler colorimetric methods, using 1 to 5 ee. of the juice. It ap- pears that the ammonia cannot be determined by the Nessler reagent directly in pure gastric juice, as parallel tests on the same samples of gastric juice yielded higher figures by aeration and Nessler than by Nessler direct (using 1 cc. of the juice). Our data, summarized in Table III, go to show that 1. Ammonia in the amounts of 2-3 mgr. per 100 ce. is a constant constituent of pure gastric juice of man and dog. 2. The ammonia appears to be slightly more concentrated in the continuous secretion or hunger juice than in the appetite juice. 3. The ammonia appears to be greatly increased in gastric ulcers (dog). Rosenheim (17) and Strauss (18) reported small amounts of am- monia in the gastric content of man. Zunz (19), working with the gastric content (test meals) on normal persons and on persons with various disorders of the alimentary tract, also reports the presence of ammonia. In the normal individuals the ammonia of the test meal contents varied from 0.7 to 5.0 mgr. per 100 ce. In cancers of the stomach the ammonia in the test meal content is greatly increased, according to Zunz’s figures. Zunz concludes there is no relation be- tween the state of the gastric digestion or the acidity of the gastric 254 A. J. CARLSON content and the quantity of ammonia in the gastric content. Never- theless, the test meal introduces factors (bacterial action, saliva, ete.) not present in pure gastric juice. Sommerfeld (13), working with pure gastric juice of a ten-year-old girl with complete stricture of the oesophagus, states that gastric juice contains no ammonia. Nencki, Pawlow, Zaleski (20) and Salaskin (21) reported 4 to 4.5 mgr. am- monia per 100 ce. pure gastric juice of the dog. Rosemann (2) reports TABLE III : The ammonia in gastric juice NHs In MGR. PER 100 cc. GASTRIC ; NOZCe JUICE INDIVIDUAL MATERIAL OBSERVA- TIONS Maximum | Minimum | Average Mr. V : Appetite juice 30 5.5 2.0 3.0 tate ‘ Hunger juice 10 5.6 3.0 4.0 IM ese Eee anes colar crac Appetite juice 8 3.0 Les 0 A ite jui 5 5 yf ; Wie (O'S eienties oe 2 Peewee ee 2 eee ine aaa Hunger juice 3 10.0 9.5 9.8 aia “foes | | Appetite juice 20 4.5 1.5 2.5 bi ie Digestion juice 24 4.5 1.5 2:5 pouches, ...=- Dogt Pawlow pouchand Continuous secretion 5 25 .0 10.0 18 .0 ulcer in pouch *Mr. E. is a second gastric fistula case, a man age 24, partial cicatricial stenosis of oesophagus from drinking lye. Gastrostomy of five months’ standing. The man is in good general health, and shows no gastric disturbance. + Mr. C. noticed increased hunger pains, and at times slight epigastric pain for a period of several months when these tests were made. There was no varia- tion in the diet. t This dog had an experimental ulcer in the stomach pouch produced by intravenous injection of a strain of streptococci isolated from a gastric ulcer in man by Dr. C. E. Rosenow. This dog was used in another line of work by my assistant, Mr. L. L. Hardt. the constant presence of a small amount of ammonia in the pure gastric juice (appetite secretion) in the dog. Reisner (29) concludes that the ammonia in gastric juice comes from the saliva. What is the origin and significance of the gastric juice ammonia? It is known that saliva contains traces of ammonia. We find that the mixed saliva of man (A. J. C.) contains from 0.5 to 1.5 mgr.ammonia per 100 cc. Salaskin found 2.5 mgr. NH; per 100 ce. in the saliva of the dog. But in dogs with Pawlow’s stomach pouch, and in my gastric ve ee ae CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 255 fistula case, Mr. V., no saliva can enter the stomach or the part of the stomach yielding the juice. In the present work the saliva therefore is not a factor. The ammonia of the duodenal content may be a factor, as Boldyreff has shown the frequency with which intestinal content enters the stomach. This factor is excluded in dogs with the Pawlow stomach pouch. In my human fistula case this factor is readily controlled by making the ammonia determinations only on those samples of gastric juice that are absolutely free from admixture with bile, pancreatic juice, and succus entericus. Rosemann points out that the gastric juice ammonia cannot be a simple filtrate from the blood since normal blood contains only about 0.5 mgr. of ammonia per 100 ce. The above considerations seem to limit the origin of the gastric juice ammonia to the following factors: 1. It may be an active excretion from the blood, in which case one would expect an increase in the gastric Juice ammonia on increasing the blood ammonia. In normal individuals there appears to be a decrease in the elimination of ammonia by the kidneys during gastric secretion (Gammeltoft (28). 2. The ammonia may be formed in the secretion process itself. 3. The action of the hydrochloric acid on the proteins of the gastric juice (conversion of alkaline or neutral proteins to acid proteins). 4. The action of the hydrochloric acid on cells of the mucosa (splitting off of ammonia by the cells as a protective measure against the action of strong acids). 5. In the case of gastric ulcers of infectious origin ammonia may actually be produced continually by bacterial action in the active focus of the ulcer. 6. In the case of traumatic or non-infectious ulcers it seems highly probable that the action of the hydrochloric acid on the raw surfaces of the gastric mucosa will result in the formation of ammonium chloride. In 1898 Nencki, Pawlow and Zaleski (20) reported studies on the ammonia concentration in the gastric mucosa and its relation to the secretion of gastric juice. They found that, per unit of mass, there is more ammonia in the gastric mucosa than in any other tissue of the body. 100 gr. gastric mucosa at rest contained 20 mgr. NH;. 100 gr. gastric mucosa’after 2 hours secretion (sham feeding) contained 42 mgr. NHs3. _ These findings were essentially confirmed by Salaskin the same year. They seem to indicate some relation of the ammonia formation to the 256 A. J. CARLSON secretion process itself, unless the higher ammonia content of the secreting mucosa represent ammonium chloride in the process of ab- sorption from the gastric juice. The other possible factors referred to above are capable of experimenta tests and work is in progress in that line. 3. The amino-acids of the gastric juice. The formol titration was made on eight lots of appetite gastric juice of Mr. V., and on three lots of appetite gastric juice of Mr. E. When deductions were made for the ammonia nitrogen of the juice, the formol titrable nitrogen of Mr. V.’s gastric Juice varied from 3 to 9 mgr. nitrogen per 100 cc. Mr. E.’s appetite Juice gave 7 mgr. per 100 cc. Four lots of dog’s appetite gastric juice (Pawlow pouch) gave only 1 to 2 mgr. of amino-acid nitro- gen. It thus appears that normal human gastric juice contains slightly more amino acid than ammonia nitrogen; but the greater part of the gastric juice nitrogen is associated with the more complex proteins. Zunz (19) working with gastric contents after test meals reports that the amino acid nitrogen usually exceeds the ammonia nitrogen, and that both substances are increased in cases of gastric cancer. In three normal persons the maximum amino acid nitrogen was 10 mer. per 100 cc. of gastric content, while in several gastric cancer cases it reached 15-20 mgr. per 100 ce. of content. But these figures cannot be directly compared with ours on pure gastric juice, because of the uncertain factors associated with the gastric contents following a test meal. 4. The auto-digestion of the gastric juice. When fresh gastric juice is incubated at 38° C. the following changes take place in the proteins and the gastric mucin. (1) All the ropy mucin and mucin flocculi are dissolved. (2) The pink color of the biuret reaction is increased. In fact, fresh human gastric juice gives practically a violet biuret reaction, and this color is intensified and changed towards pink by the auto-digestion. (3) The characteristic protein precipitation at the point of neutrali- zation is decreased. (4) The quantity of proteins precipitated by nitric acid and by heat is reduced. It is thus clear that the proteins of pure gastric juice undergoes pepsin-hydrochloric acid digestion in the stomach itself. But some of the gastric juice proteins are not hydrolyzed, at least not down to the peptone stage. It has been pointed out in a previous report. (1) that this auto-digestion of the gastric juice itself is probably a factor in the continuous secretion of gastric juice in the way of yielding gas- tric secretagogues. CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE TABLE IV 257 Anaphylactic reactions of guinea pigs, using human gastric juice and human serum as Pigs 7, 8 and 9 were sensitized with human gastric juice that had been incubated at 38°C. for 10 days sensitizing and toxic agents. = SENSITIZING DOSE 1 | 0.1 ce. fresh g. juice 2 |. 0.2 cc. fresh g. juice 3| 0.5 ec. fresh g. juice 4/ 1.0 ce. fresh g. juice 5 | 1.5 ce. fresh g. juice 6] 2.0 ce. fresh g. Juice 7| 2.0 ce. digested g. juice 8 | 1.0 cc. digested g. juice 9] 0.2 ce. digested g. juice 10} 1.0 ce. fresh g. juice | 11 | 2.0 ce. fresh g. juice 12| 5.0 ce. fresh g. juice 13 | 0.5 ce. fresh g. juice 14| 1.0 ce. fresh g. juice 15 | 5.0 cc. fresh g. juice 16 | 0.5 ce. fresh g. juice 17 | 1.0 cc. fresh g. juice 18 | 2.0 ce. fresh g. juice 19 | 10.0 ce. fresh g. juice 20 | 10.0 cc. fresh g. juice. 21 | 10.0 cc. fresh g. juice \22 10.0 ce. fresh g. juice 23 | 10.0 ce. fresh g. juice 24 | 10.0 cc. fresh g. juice 25 | 5.0 ce. human serum 26 | 5.0 cc. human serum 27 |} 5.0 ce. human serum 28 | 5.0 cc. human serum 29 0.05 ec. human serum 30 | 0.05 ec. human serum 31} 0.10 cc. human serum 82 | 0.10 cc. human serum 33 | 0.15 ce. human serum 34 0.15 cc. human serum 35 | 0.25 ec. human serum 36 | 0.25 ec. human serum 37 | 0.5 ce. human serum 38 | 0.5 cc. human serum a4 INTERV AL 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 15 days 20 days 20 days 20 days 23 days 23 days 23 days 27 days 27 days 27 days 30 days 30 days |. 30 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 18 days 27 days 27 days days days days days days days days days NNONNNNND es en CS SS | TOXIC DOSE juice juice juice juice :. fresh g. . fresh g. . fresh g. .. fresh g. . fresh g. juice . fresh g. juice -c. human serum ehh ee be bb QQ lOM iO ae (6. 3 Col SCOECo) IES eS Ito) (O . fresh g. juice 3 cc. fresh g. juice 0.5 fresh human serum .O fresh g. juice .0 fresh g. juice .O fresh g. juice 0.5 ce. human serum 5.0 fresh g. juice 0.5 ec. human serum 5.0 fresh g. juice .0 fresh g. juice 1.0 ee. human serum 1.0 ec. human serum 1.0 ec. human serum 1 1 or Or Or on .0 ec. human serum .0 ce. human serum 1.0 ec. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice 10.0 fresh g. juice 10.0 fresh g. juice 10.0 fresh g. juice 1 ce. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice 2.0 ce. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice 2.0 ee. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice 1.0 ec. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice 1.0 ec. human serum 10.0 fresh g. juice ANAPHYLACTIC SYMPTOMS None Doubtful None Doubtful Doubtful None Severe; death in 1} hrs. None None Severe; death in 1 hr: Doubtful Slight Doubtful Severe; recovered None Severe; recovered Doubtful None Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe Severe None Doubtful None None Severe; death in 13 hrs. No symptoms Severe; recovered None Severe; recovered Doubtful Severe ;death Lhr. None Severe;death1 hr. None 258 A. J. CARLSON 5. The nature of the gastric juice, proteins and their relation to the serum proteins as shown by the anaphylactic reaction. This series of experiments on guinea pigs with human gastric juice as a sensitizing and toxic dose for anaphylaxis were made as a pre- liminary step for the study of pathological gastric juice. The injec- tions were made intraperitoneally with a blunt needle. The gastric juice was rendered slightly alkaline by titration with 7 NaOH. It is well known that at the neutral point of the gastric juice some of the proteins are precipitated, and that these go into solution on rendering the juice slightly alkaline. The human serum was obtained, not from Mr. V. who yielded the gastric juice, but from Mr. Rogers, who assisted in this part of the work. The results are summarized in Table IV. These data seem to show that: (a) Normal human gastric juice contains a sensitizing substance for human serum, but that it 7s practically devoid of toxic substances both in relation to the proteins of the gastric juice and to serum proteins. This is rather an unexpected situation, in view of the fact that the gastric juice contains complex proteins in considerable amounts. (b) The gastric juice contains some practically unchanged serum proteins cap- able of acting as sensitizer, but incapable or in too small concentra- tion to act toxically. This sensitizing substance is not diminished or destroyed by auto-digestion of the gastric juice at 38° C. for ten days (Table IV, pigs 7, 8, 9). It is of interest in this connection to recall that according to Gay and Adler (22) the euglobulin (of horse serum) is sensitizing but not toxic. And Wells (23) has shown that enzyme (trypsin) hydrolysis of proteins destroys the toxic preperties of the proteins very must faster than the sensitizing properties, the latter persisting even after three years continued tryptic digestion. V. The acidity of normal gastric juice. The acidity was determined by titration with =~; NaOH, and using dimethyl-amino-azo-benzene and phenolthalein as indicators for the free and the total acidity re- spectively. During the three years that Mr. V. has been under obser- vation hundreds of determinations have been made of the acidity of the contents of the ““empty”’ stomach, of the hunger juice or continu- ous secretion, and of pure appetite juice. The reader will recall that the contents of the ““empty”’ stomach is taken one hour after washing out the stomach with 200 ce. of water. All the cases where the gastric juice or gastric content was contaminated with bile (intestinal con- tent) are excluded from the summaries given in Table V. CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 259 The second gastric fistula case, Mr. E., is a man 26 years of age, healthy and vigorous. Nearly a year ago his oesophagus was cor- roded with a solution of lye, and this led to a nearly complete cica- tricial stenosis. The gastrostomy was made in October, 1914. I am under obligations to Dr. Bayard Holmes for the privilege of working with Mr. E. daily for two weeks. My observations were made in February, 1915. At that time the oesophagus had been dilated suffi- ciently to permit swallowing of any well masticated food and the gas- trostomy opening was used only in the dilation processes. In this case saliva is therefore not excluded from the contents of the empty stomach, and possibly not from the continuous or hunger secretion, although Mr. E. was instructed and urged not to swallow any saliva during these experiments. The appetite juice was obtained by Mr. E. TABLE V The acidity of normal human gastric juice ACIDITY PERSON MATERIAL NO. CF OBSER- VATIONS be . 4 ® cs) el ° oe r] ee Cont. empty stomach.| 235 | 0.10 | 0.35 | 0.18 | 0.15 | 0.40 | 0.28 Mr. V. .| ; Hunger juice..........} 180 | 0.15 | 0.35 | 0.25 | 0.20 | 0.45 | 0.34 Appetite juice.........| 285 | 0.35 | 0.44 | 0.40 | 0.40 | 0.53 | 0.48 Cont. empty stomach. 10 | 0.09 | 0.36 | 0 Mr. E. .| ; Hunger juice.......... 8 | 0.20 | 0.32 | 0. Appetite juice......... 15 | 0.30 | 0.36 | 0 chewing palatable food, and spitting out the chewed food, care being taken not to swallow saliva or particles of food. These results on my two gastric fistula cases are in agreement with the work of Pawlow and his pupils on dogs, and the work of previous observers on pure gastric juice of normal persons. The latter data have recently been brought together and discussed by Boldyreff (24). Normal human gastric juice (appetite secretion) when secreted above a certain minimum rate shows a practically constant total acidity of nearly 0.5 per cent HCl, or the same as the gastric juice of normal dogs. The gastric juice (appetite as well as hunger juice) secreted by the normal stomach at a low rate shows lower than normal acidity and total chlo- rides. The view of Pawlow based on experiments on dogs that gastric juice is secreted at uniform and constant acidity is true for man only 260 A, J. CARLSON in regard to the appetite, digestion, and hunger juice secreted at fairly high rate. We must take cognizance of the equally important fact that the normal gastric mucosa is capable of secreting a juice of sub- maximal acidity. Last year Rehfus and Hawk (25) reported a series of interesting observations on the acidity of the gastric content at varying periods after drinking water, and ingesting an Ewald test meal, which they offer as “direct evidence of the secretion of gastric juice of a constant acidity in the human stomach,” and as “the first direct demonstration in the human subject in favor of Pawlow’s theory of the secretion of a juice of a constant acid concentration.”” Rehfus and Hawk are deal- ing with the gastric content, not with pure gastric juice. The fact that the gastric content soon reaches and then maintains for some time a fairly constant acidity indicates the equilibrium between the acid secretion and the factors of neutralization, as shown by Boldyreff, but. it does not show that the juice is poured into the stomach at a certain constant acidity. Analysis of the Ewald meal or the continu- ous secretion do not permit us to draw any conclusion in regard to the acidity of the actual gastric juice. If the authors mean by the above conclusions that the gastric juice of normal persons, that is the pure appetite juice, or the juice secreted during the first two or three hours of digestion exhibit a fairly constant acidity of nearly 0.5 per cent HCl, they are undoubtedly correct; but this conclusion is not new, as shown by Boldyreff’s review of the earlier literature, and it cannot be based on the observations they report. The reader will note that normal human gastric juice is equal in total acidity to the maximum acidity reported by clinical observers for so-called hyperacidity in man. So far as I am acquainted with the literature, there is no evidence that the gastric glands under any pathological condi- tions are able to or do secrete a juice of higher than normal acidity. More- over, the presence in the stomach of gastric juice of full acid strength leads by itself and immediately to no untoward symptoms. The contents of the ‘‘empty”’ stomach, and the continuous or hunger secretion (when the secretion rate is low) have uniformly a lower acidity than the appetite juice. The total acidity of contents of the “empty” stomach is about 0.2 per cent. The reader will note that this figure is frequently given, especially by clinicians, as the acidity of pure gastric juice of normal persons. The acidity of the continuous or hunger secretion is higher, and the greater the secretion rate the higher the acidity until it may equal that of the appetite juice. Inno instance CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 261 does the acidity of the continuous secretion exceed that of the appetite juice. What is the cause of the low acidity of the continuous secretion and ° contents of the empty stomach? The following factors must be taken into account: 1. The actual acidity of the juice as secreted may increase with the secretion rate, until the maximum acidity is reached with the high average rate of secretion, a condition similar to that obtaining in the case of the salivary glands where the concentration of the salts and the organic materials increase with the rate of a salivary secretion. If this is a factor the gastric juice secreted at a low rate should show a lower osmotic concentration and total chlorides than the juice secreted at high rate. The figures reported by Umber (12) for man and by Rosemann (2) for the dog appear to support this view, the former investigator showing particularly that the osmotic concentration (A) of the gastric juice increases with the rate of secretion. The cryoscopic data may, however, be misleading, as the salts produecd by the neu- tralization of the HCl may not dissociate as freely as the acid. 2. The slower rate of secretion may give chance for the HCl to be partly neutralized by the alkaline mucus secreted by the mucin cells of the gastric mucosa. This is the factor emphasized by Pawlow. In fact, Pawlow takes the position that in the normal animal gastric juice has practically a constant acidity, irrespective of the secretion rate, but the actual acidity of the juice in the cavity of the stomach is purely a matter of rate of neutralization. If this is the sole factor, the total chlorides of the gastric juice ought to show a greater constancy than the acidity. That the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is in part neutralized by the gastric mucus is obvious. But according to Boldyreff the alkalinity of gastric mucus is only 0.05-0.10 per cent Na2CO;. That is to say, it would require 50-100 cc. gastric mucus to reduce 100 cc. gastric juice from the normal acidity of 0.45 per cent down to 0.25 per cent. The importance of this factor has therefore been overestimated by Pawlow. 3. When the gastric juice is collected from a Pawlow accessory stomach, or from an individual with complete closure of the oesophagus, as is the case with Mr. V., the saliva cannot be a factor in lowering the gastric juice acidity by neutralization and dilution. When all or most of the saliva is swallowed the acidity of the gastric juice is neces- sarily reduced in proportion to the relative rate of salivary and gastric secretion. This is effected by dilution rather than by neutralization, 262 A. J. CARLSON as the titration alkalinity of saliva is low (0.08 per cent NasCO;, Neu- meister, cited by Boldyreff). 4. According to Boldyreff the most important factor in lowering the acidity of gastric juice from that actually secreted by the gland (0.5 per cent) to that usually found in the cavity of the stomach (0.25 per cent) is the entrance of intestinal contents (pancreatic juice, bile, and succus entericus) into the stomach. Boldyreff has shown that this occurs in dogs, and probably occurs in man, when the acid in the stomach mounts much above 0.25 per cent. I am satisfied from my observations on Mr. VY. that Boldyreff’s view is essentially correct. When 15-25 ce. appetite gastric juice of full normal acidity is per- mitted to remain in the empty stomach, even a few minutes, the pylorie sphincter dilates, and the contents of the upper end of the duo- denum is in some way forced into the stornach. The quantity of intestinal content entering the stomach at any one time varies from a trace up to 10 ce., and the acidity of the gastric juice is correspondingly reduced by dilution and neutralization. The presence of duodenal content in the empty stomach is therefore a normal occurrence, but the mechanism involved in this intestinal regurgitation has not been closely worked out. We know from the work of Cannon and others that an acid reaction on the stomach side of the pylorus tends to dilate the pyloric sphincter. But it is difficult to see how a patent pylorus can cause the pancreatic juice and bile to enter the stomach without an actual antiperistalsis in the duodenum. It is clear that it is this ‘mechanism for self regulation of the acidity of the stomach content’? (Boldyreff) which breaks down in cases of so-called ‘‘hyperacidity’ in man. In eases of ‘‘hypersecretion” the quantity of juice secreted is greater than normal, and the secretion may persist in the absence of all normal stimuli, but the neutralizing factors suffice to reduce the acidity of the juice approximately to that found in the normal stomach. It is purely a balance of secretion rate and of neutralization capacity. Impairment of the neutralization fac- tors or very excessive secretion rate of gastric*juice would tend to render the acidity of the gastric content equal to that of pure gastric juice; in other words, produce clinical “‘hyperacidity.” VI. The total chlorides of the gastric juice. The total chlorides of the gastric Juice were determined by the method of Volhard on 10 different lots of appetite juice and 11 different lots of the hunger juice or continuous secretion. The results are summarized in Table VI. The secretion rate and the acidity of the various lots of juice are also —_yhe CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 263 recorded. It will be seen that the total chlorides of the appetite juice are very constant, the minimum being 0.49 per cent and the maximum 0.56 per cent chlorine. The continuous secretion or hunger juice is more variable in chloride content, and this variation appears to be directly dependent on the secretion rate and on the acidity. In gen- eral the lower the secretion rate the lower the acidity and the lower TABLE VI The total chlorides of normal human gastric juice SECRETION RCETA dg GASTRIC JUICE BANE. PHS || 1) nore CL. HE Free Total cc. 1 { Hunger juice 6 0.20 0.32 0.40 2 Appetite juice 560 0.42 0.48 0.56 9 { Hunger juice 4 0.18 0.25 0.25 ee Appetite juice 308 0.41 0.48 0.53 3 { Hunger juice 8 0.30 0.40 0.38 tg Appetite juice 500 0.41 0.49 0.54 4 { Hunger juice. 12 0.30 0.41 0.44 a Appetite juice 398 0.42 0.49 0.55 (| Hunger juice I 2 0.20 0.32 0.28 Gere Appetite juice 154 0.42 0.48 0.56 Hunger juice II 10 0.29 0.38 0.36 6 { Hunger juice 2 0.20 0.33 0.34 i: Appetite juice 200 0.41 0.46 0.53 7 { Hunger juice 6 0.30 0.41 0.43 ied) Appetite juice 280 0.45 0.52 0.56 8 { EMM PERMUTCES 655+. o ose saa 3 0.18 0.28 0:27 i, a Appetite juice 150 0.41 0.47 0.53 9 { Hunger juice 2 0.14 0.29 0.24 merase Appetite juice 210 0.48 0.50 0.56 10 { Hunger juice 3 0.26 0.36 0.36 Bareis iPapnetiteryuices. 4. ........ 0.0. 100 0.32 0.40 0.49 i { Hunger juice 36 0.34 0.40 0.53 eetes Appetite juice(mixedwithbile)} 228 0.32 0.37 0.56 the total chlorides. This is in agreement with the findings of Foster and Lambert (26) on dogs. These facts seem to point to the conclusion that the low acidity of the gastric juice secreted at a slow rate is not due entirely to neutrali- zation by alkaline mucus. We have apparently a secretion of gastric juice of an acidity actually lower than that of the rapidly secreted 264 A. J. CARLSON appetite juice. The dependence of the actual secreted acidity on the secretion rate is not a very close one, however, as we may have very marked fluctuation in rate without any change in chlorides. But below a certain secretion rate (25-30 ce. per hour from the entire stom- ach of the adult) an actual hypoacid juice is secreted. The above figures for total chlorides in normal human gastric juice agree closely with the findings of previous observers on the gastric juice of dog and of man. Rosemann gives 0.54—0.64 per cent Cl for the appetite gastric juice of the dog. The figures given by Sommer- feld for human appetite juice varies from 0.53 to 0.59 per cent Cl. Umber working on an old man (59 years) with partial esophageal stenosis (malignant) reports total chlorides of the gastric juice as varying from 0.27 to 0.60 per cent Cl. The reader will note that the lowest figure reported by Umber is practically identical with the lowest total chlorides found by me in the very slowly secreted hunger juice. It is probable that the low chloride gastric juice samples of Umber were secreted at a slow rate. VII. The concentration of pepsin. Most of the pepsin determina- tions were made by the method of Mett; a few tests were also made with the ricin, and the U.S. Pharmacopceia methods. The tubes (2-23 mm. diameter) were sealed at both ends with heat and the egg albumin coagulated by boiling for 10 minutes, and the tube left in the water until cooled, and then set aside for two days before using. The digestion mixture was made up as follows: 1 ce. gastric juice + 15 ec. § HCl, + two Mett’s tubes (13 em. length) at 37° C. for 24 hours. The + HCl was used because it approximates the free acidity of appetite gastric juice, although we are aware of the fact that this degree of acidity is somewhat higher than the optimum for artificially prepared pepsin (ef. Cobb (27), Sérensen (30), Michaelis and Davidsohn (31)). We propose to determine the optimum acidity for the pepsin in normal gastric juice in a later work. It would seem singular if normal gastric juice is secreted with an acidity too great for optimum peptic digestion. It may be so, however, for under normal conditions the actual peptic digestion must be carried out under less than normal acidity of the gastric juice, because of dilution with saliva and the water of the food, and the fixation of the acid by the protein of the food. Our results with the Mett’s test on the gastric juice of Mr. V. may be given in the following summary: CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 265 Appetite gastric juice. Number of tests (Lots of G. J.): 45. Digestion in mm.: High, 83; low, 6; average, 7. Hunger juice (continuous secretion): Number of tests: 35. Digestion in mm.: High, 83; low, 5; average, 6. Contents of the ‘‘empty’’ stomach: Number of tests: 35 Digestion in mm.: High, 4; low, 3; average, 3. The results are stated in the length of albumin column actually digested, because according to Cobb the law of Schiitz does not hold for pepsin in concentrations that digest more than 4-5 mm. in 24 hours. The variations in pepsin concentrations in these three groups of TABLE VII The relation of total acidity and pepsin concentration (Mett’s method) innormal human gastric juice (Mr. V). CONTENTS ‘‘EMPTY”’ Saat HUNGER G. JUICE APPETITE G. JUICE SERIES pases bes ee ee eee ne Acidity Pepsin Acidity Pepsin Acidity Pepsin per cent mm. per cent mm. per cent mm. 27 eee eee 0.18 4 0.40 6 0.48 if 2S. . See eee 0.10 3 0.25 6 0.48 1S 339.5 5 ee 0.18 33 0.41 63 0.47 7 og Se 6 ee 0.15 4 0.38 if 0.48 TS Li) ater eee 0.15 a 0.40 63 0.49 iz 2S. Se eee 0.22 ft 0.28 63 0.41 7 ae 0.10 3 0.35 6 0.44 62 _ gastric juice, and the absence of a close relation of pepsin concentra- tion and acidity is further illustrated by a few typical series of tests given in greater detail in Table VII. The appetite gastric juice of Mr. E., our second gastric fistula case, when tested as above in 14 experiments showed a pepsin concentration of 5-7 mm. with an average of 6 mm., a slightly lower value than the gastric juice of Mr. V. We have tested as above the gastric juice (appetite, as well as diges- tion secretion) of 25 dogs with Pawlow fistula. The dogs, normal and in good condition, were being used in other lines of work. We were surprised to learn that the dog’s gastric juice showed uniformly a lower pepsin concentration than the gastric juice of man. The figures ob- 266 A. J. CARLSON tained on dog juice was: highest, 5 mm.; lowest, 2 mm., with an average of 34 mm. The reader will note that this is only about half the quan- tity of digestion obtained in the human juice. When the Mett’s tubes are placed in 16 ce. of undiluted human gastric juice (appetite secretion) the digestion in 24 hours at 37°C. varies from 12-16 mm., or only twice the quantity digested in the dilution of 1 cc. juice to 15 ec. 45 HCl. This seems to indicate that ‘in normal gastric juice the pepsin is present in excess of the needs or at least far in excess of that needed in economic digestion. The U. 8S. Pharmacopeceia defines ‘100 per cent Pepsin as a prepa- ration capable of digesting three thousand times its own weight of finely divided egg white (coagulated) in three hours.’”’ The Pharma- copeeia test is carried out as follows: 10 grams of boiled white of egg is macerated through a No. 40 filter and placed in 40 cc. 0.3 per cent HCl, 34 mgr. dried pepsin added, and the mixture incubated at 52° C. for three hours, with occasional stirring When thus carried out there is only a very small residue of undissolved egg white at the end of three hours, but the procedure to measure the amount of this residue does not yield very accurate results. This test was applied to six different lots of appetite gastric juice of Mr. V. Under above conditions, 1-14 cc. appetite gastric juice digest 10 gr. of coagulated and finely divided egg white in three hours practically as completely as is done by 33 mgr. “100 per cent pepsin.” As defined by the U. 8. Pharmacopeeia, 1 ec. of human gastric juice must therefore contain 33 mgr. pepsin, or 100 cc. of the juice, 35 mgr. pepsin. We have:seen that the appetite gastric juice of man contains about 400 mgr. organic material per 100 cc. That is, according to the Pharmacopeeia definition, only about 10 per cent of the organic matter in the human gastric juice is pepsin. Of course, we are aware of the fact that the Pharmacopeeia definition and test is only one of conveni- ence for standardizing commercial preparations of pepsin, and having no direct relation to pepsin concentration in normal gastric juice. It has been shown in a previous report that an adult normal person if hungry secretes 600-700 cc. gastric juice on an average palatable dinner, or about 1500 cc. gastric juice total in 24 hours. That is to say, there is a secretion of 240-250 mgr. pepsin per dinner, capable under proper conditions of digesting from 630 gr. to 750 gr. of protein (coagulated and finely divided egg albumen) in three hours; and the total pepsin secretion in 24 hours is 525 mgr., capable of digesting 134 kilo proteins (coagulated egg white) in three hours. — — = 1 Se eee CHEMISTRY OF NORMAL HUMAN GASTRIC JUICE 267 The practically complete digestion of 10 gr. boiled and finely divided egg white by 1 cc. human gastric juice in three hours is a fact. The secretion of 600-700 cc. gastric juice on an avergage dinner by the adult human stomach is an estimate, but not far from the actual fact. It is therefore clear that the normal human stomach secretes pepsin far in excess of the actual needs of gastric digestion, or, more precisely, far in excess of what can be used advantageously under ordinary con- ditions of gastric digestion When the boiled egg white is broken up in larger pieces, such as occurs in ordinary rapid mastication, 1 cc. of gastric juice requires 6-10 hours for complete digestion. This great excess of pepsin in normal gastric juice probably explains the clinical findings of great reduction in pepsin content without any evidence of impaired gastric digestion, provided sufficient acid is pres- ent. It probably also explains, in part at least, the practical useless- ness of commercial pepsin as a therapeutic measure in gastric disorders. REFERENCES (1) Cartson: This Journal, 1915, xxxvi, 30. (2) Rosemann: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1907, exviii, 467. (3) SomMEeRFELD: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1905, Suppl., 455. (4) C. Scumipt: Anal. de Chem. et Pharm., 1854, xlv, 46. (5) AuBu: Zeitschr. f. exp. Pathol. u. Pharm., 1908, v, 17. (6) PawLow anD ScHoumow-Simmanowsk!: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1895, 58. (7) KnowatorrFr: Maly’s Jahrb., 1893, xxiii, 289. (8) Schoumow-Simanowsk!: Arch. f. exp. Pathol. u. Pharm., 1894, xxx, 342. (9) NeNcKI AND Sreser: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1901, xxxii, 302. (10) FriepeNnTHAL: Arch. f. Physiol., 1900, 186. (11) Kanetson: Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1907, exviii, 327. (12) Umper: Berl. kl. Woch., 1905, xlii, 56. (13) Bickex: Berl. kl. Woch., 1905, xlii, p. 60. - (14) Sasakr: Ibid., p. 1386. (15) Lenumann: Zeitschr. f. exp. Pathol. u. Pharm., 1906, iii, 359. (16) PEKELHARING: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1902, xxxv, 8. (17) RosenHEmM: Zeitschr. f. kl. Med., 1892, xiii, 817. (18) Strauss: Berl. kl. Woch., 1893, 398. (19) Zunz: Intern. Beitr. z. Pathol. u. Therap, d. Ernarungsstérungen, 1910, re eye (20) NeNck1, PawLow anp Za.eski: Arch. f. exp. Pathol. u. Pharm., 1898, _ XXxvVil,. 26. (21) Sauaskin: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1898, xxv, 448; 1902, xxv, 246. (22) Gay anp ApteR: Journ. Med. Research, 1908, xviii, 433. (23) Wetts: Jour. Inf. Dis., 1908, v, 449. (24) BotpyrerrF: Quart. Journ. Exp. Physiol., 1914, viii, 1. (25) Renrus anp Hawr: Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1914, lxiii, 2088. 268 A. J. CARLSON (26) Foster anp LamBert: Journ. Exp. Med., 1908, x, 820. (27) Coss: This Journal, 1905, xiii, 448. (28) GammuttortT: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1911, Ixxv, 51. (29) Reisner: Zeitschr. f. kl. Med., 1903, xlvili, 110. (30) SérENSEN: Bioch. Zeitschr., 1909, xxil, 131. (31) Micuaniis AND DaviIpson: Zeitschr. f. exp. Pathol. and Therap., 1910, Vili, 2. THE CONTENT OF SUGAR IN THE BLOOD OF CATS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF COCAINE EDWARD WALDO EMERSON SCHEAR From the Department of Physiology of Columbia University Received for publication June 29, 1915 It has become apparent that the chemical composition of the blood is very rapidly changed by the conditions to which animals are sub- jected both preliminary to and during the operation of drawing sam- ples of blood. Especially is this true with reference to the carbohydrates. Thus Pavy (1) shows not only that it is necessary that the animals be kept free from excitement while the sample is being drawn, but also that when the animal is killed and all the bloodisused, “. . . it is necessary to proceed with the utmost expedition in order that no change may take place in the contents of the circulation from the post mortem production of sugar in the liver.” These results have been substantiated by many investigators since the publication of Pavy’s work and are treated in considerable detail in a recent paper by Scott (2), in which the results of extensive researches are given, with numerous references to the literature both on glycaemia and glycosuria. Still more recently Shaffer (3) shows that the sugar con- tent of the blood of the dog when ‘‘free from excitement or pain is surprisingly low and constant.’ Scott also discusses the effects of - chloroform and ether, and records a few results from the use of cocaine. It is the purpose of this paper to put the effects of cocaine to a more thorough analysis by means of a larger series of experiments. The chemical technique used in the experiments here recorded is the same as that described by Scott in the paper above referred to, and need not be repeated. The work was performed under the immediate direction of Dr. Scott, and it is a pleasure to acknowledge my indebtedness to him. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTS In these experiments rather large doses of cocaine hydrochloride dissolved in M/8 sodium chloride solution were given. It is obvious 269 270 EDWARD WALDO EMERSON SCHEAR that if results to which any reliability can be attached are to be ex- pected, certain standard conditions must be determined upon which the effect of the drug itself can be superimposed. The conditions adopted in this work are the same as those reported by Scott in the paper above referred to, pages 278 to 293. The chief essentials are that the animals were kept in captivity for from ten to twenty days under excellent conditions and were fed exclusively on meat, the natu- ral diet of the cat. It is well known that certain other processes of metabolism are affected by cocaine injections; therefore it was necessary to proceed with extreme caution in the carrying out of the experiments, as well as in their interpretation. For example, Araki (4) found that lactic acid was eliminated in the urine of frogs and rabbits after cocaine injections; also one rabbit out of four secreted sugar with the urine. Underhill and Black (5) report that while small doses of cocaine, 10 mgm. per kilo of body weight, cause no appreciable influence upon the course of nitrogenous metabolism or the utilization of protein and fat, larger doses, 15 to 20 mgm. impair, first, fat utilization and, sub- sequently, that of protein, while a marked decline in body weight is manifest. It has also been shown by Scott and others that the char- acter of the diet upon which animals are fed will affect the sugar con- centration. Besides this it is quite evident from the work of a number of investigators that the glycosuria which has been found in many cases, as well as the hyperglycaemia which is known to exist even before any sugar is excreted, is frequently due to the emotional condition of the animal entirely apart from the diet or the anesthetic. For these and other reasons only such animals as conformed to the standard conditions were used in these experiments. Throughout the work great care was taken to avoid everything that would in any way tend to excite the animals before drawing the blood for analysis. It was of course impossible to do this with absolute success in every case, inasmuch as some of the cats which it was found necessary to use were unaccustomed to being handled, even though not particularly wild. Others were somewhat wild. When, however, anything occurred that might indicate other causes than that of the drug for hypergly- caemia strict records of such conditions were made. The animals were killed by’ sudden decapitation, and the blood was obtained from the severed vessels of the neck. In table 1 are given the results from five animals which were almost entirely quiet throughout the handling preliminary to the injection INFLUENCE OF COCAINE ON SUGAR CONTENT OF BLOOD 271 and during the operation itself. It will be noticed that the amounts of sugar in the blood here recorded are very close together, the highest variation from the mean being only 15 per cent. In fact the variation is but little greater than that found by Scott in normal cats, or than is to be expected from unavoidable variations in the internal rela- tionships with their necessary readjustments, as is pointed out by Cannon (6). TABLE 1 : TIME 5 NO.OF | sex | “ow | 2OP¥ | toe. | FROM | stoop | “mw | Peon sone cael DIET 5 INJ. SaaS DRAWN] BLOOD | MEAN [2 gm. min. gm. gm. 1 F 18 | 2.80 | 0.070} 6 | 62.83/0.0736} +11 | Fairly quiet 2 F 18 | 3.30 | 0.070) 6 | 79.85/0.0720/ + 9 / Quiet 3 F 12 | 3.00 | 0.050} 10 | 77.38/0.0679} + 2 | Ideal 4 F 14 | 2.20 | 0.050} 10 | 50.11/0.0619} — 7 | Practically quiet 5 F 17 | 1.90 | 0.050} 8 | 49.90/0.0546} —15 | Slightly excited be- fore, but quiet during injection Mean 0.0664 The results from the four excited animals reported in table 2 would scarcely be expected to vary greatly from those of table 1, since the excitement, while evident, was not at all excessive. The mean is somewhat higher than the mean of table 1, which result is in accord with the results obtamed by various investigators already referred to. TABLE 2 TIME oO sd DAYS 2 AMT. AMT. |%SUG.| VAR. eRe SEX ON ean coc. ania BLOOD IN FROM REMARKS ; NJ. que N AD DIET INJ DEATH | DRAWN| BLOOD | MEAN Kee gm. min. gm. gm. 6 F 18 | 2.6 | 0.045) 11 | 81.45/0.0815| + 9 | Excited from first Cried during injec- 3 tion 7 F 12 | 2.3 | 0.050) 5 | 58.63/0.0643} —14 | Cried during injeo- tion 2.8 | 0.050} 5 | 80.00/0.0832} +11 | Restive 2.15 | 0.050) 6 | 64.65/0.0695| — 7 | Restless; slightly , excited Mean 0.0746 272 EDWARD WALDO EMERSON SCHEAR This conclusion is strengthened by the interesting examples of the two individuals recorded in table 3. These animals showed excep- tional reaction to the drug. In the first there was no particular ex- citement manifest before the injection, but as soon as the operation was over marked excitement was noticed. Protocol of Experiment 10 Time of injection 10.05. Quantity, 27 mgm. per kilo of body weight. 10.08. Cries, due to drug; had not been excited. 10.09. Evidence of nausea; deep respiration; vomiting. 10.10. Pupil reflex slow. 10.12. Hind legs weak; respiration rapid; cries; salivation. 10.15. Spasms; after about 10 seconds the first spasm diminished slightly, and the animal was killed just as the second spasm set in; blood seemed cyanotic. TABLE 3 TIME : DAYS _ | AMT AMT. | %SUG pg SEX ON tite coc. ea taty BLOOD IN REMARKS DIET INJ pEaTH | DRAWN] BLOOD k. gm. min. gm. gm. 10 F 11 2.6 | 0.070) 10 | 54.52/0.1393) Quiet at start; drug show- ed marked influence; nausea and spasms. 0.035) 27 | 82.92/0.2215| Cat fought during injec- tion 11 F 11 i) or In the other experiment, No. 11, the cat was difficult to handle and fought from the first. The injection was not entirely successful, only about one-half of the syringeful of cocaine being introduced. Since the cat was rather large the injection was thought hardly sufficient to yield adequate results, hence the animal was rejected and returned to the cage. In a short time, however, the characteristic symptoms were manifest: intense salivation, dilated pupils,ete. The cat was killed twenty-seven minutes after the injection. It will be noticed that the result in No. 10 was higher than in any other except No. 11, yet the quantity of cocaine used in the former was approximately the same as that in other cases; in the latter case the quantity used was only about half as great, yet the carbohydrate recovered is extremely high. The reason why the result in No. 11 is higher than in No. 10 is possi- bly twofold. In the first place the excitement manifested by the cat was very much greater, and, secondly, the time between the injection and the killing wat longer. This, however, merely substantiates the results of a number of investigators previously reported. INFLUENCE OF COCAINE ON SUGAR CONTENT OF BLOOD 273 CONCLUSIONS 1. If we compare the amount of Sugar in the blood of cocainized cats in table 1, mean 0.0664, with Scott’s standard of 0.069 for nor- mal animals, it is seen that the mean of the series here presented is slightly lower than the standard. This might be taken to indicate that the direct influence of the cocaine tends to diminish the concen- tration of the carbohydrate in the blood, and is thus in harmony with the short series reported by Scott. This difference, however, is so slight that for most purposes it may be neglected. 2. While an increased concentration of sugar was noted in the blood of several cocainized animals it seems obvious that this was due to excitement. It seems a matter of indifference whether this excitement is due to the action of the drug or to other causes. In this connec- tion it may be noted that while the cocaine may truly cause hyper- glycaemia it does so only in an indirect manner. 3. While cocaine may be used for local anesthesia, in drawing blood for sugar analyses its use involves an element of doubt that would better be obviated if possible. LITERATURE (1) Pavy, F. W.: Journ. Physiol., 1899, xxiv, 479. (2) Scorr, E. L.: This Journal, 1914, xxxiv, 271. (3) SHarrer, P. A.: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1914, xix, 297. (4) Araxi, T.: Zeitschr. f. Physiol. Chem., 1891, lv, 546. 5) UNDERHILL, F. P. and Buacx, C. L.: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1912, xi, 235. (6) Cannon, W. B., SHont, A. T. and Wricut, W.S.: This Journal, 1911, xxix, 280. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE STOMACH XXVI. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE DIGESTION CONTRACTIONS OF THE FILLED, AND THE HUNGER CONTRACTIONS OF THE ‘Empty’? STOMACH F. T. ROGERS anp L. L. J. HARDT From the Hull Physiological Laboratory of the University of Chicago Received for publication June 29, 1915 Boldyreff in 1905 (1) first reported that there occurred contractions of the empty stomach of the dog during starvation. Cannon and Washburne (2) reported that the same occurred in man. Carlson (3) by more delicate methods, analyzed the various types of motor activi- ties of the empty stomach during prolonged hunger. His work showed that the empty stomach exhibits three types of activity. 1. Rhythmical contractions occurring about three times per minute designated the “twenty second rhythm.” 2. Very vigorous contractions occurring periodically. The duration of each of these contractions is about thirty seconds. 3. Tonus changes of the stomach musculature. In his first paper Carlson states that probably the twenty second rhythm is the peristaltic activity of the antrum pylori. The thirty second rhythm or hunger contractions were thought to be contractions of the fundus. His later work on dogs with Pawlow pouches showed that the twenty second rhythm is not confined to the pylorus, but is also exhibited by the fundus (4). The general trend of all of Carlson’s experiments is toward the conclusion that the first period of hunger contractions apparent after a meal is an exaggeration of the motor activities of the stomach occurring during gastric digestion. In experiments on the rabbit (5) undertaken at Dr. Carlson’s sugges- tion it was found difficult to differentiate the hunger contractions of the stomach from the digestion peristalsis. No other conclusion seemed possible than that the hunger contractions were augmented peristaltic contractions. 274 CONTRACTIONS OF EMPTY AND FULL STOMACH 275 In conference with Dr. Carlson the following experiments were out- lined to determine whether or not the same conclusion applied to man and dog: We used the two standard methods of investigating the movements of the stomach: the rubber balloon and the X-ray methods. To study the genesis of the hunger contractions the rubber balloon, which was connected by small size rubber tubing with the recording manometer, was swallowed shortly after a meal and continuous graphic records of the intragrastric pressure variations were made until after the onset of a typical hunger period. Soon after eating an average meal the subject of the experiment swallowed the balloon and put himself into a comfortable position either sitting in a chair or lying on a cot. The results were similar, irrespec- tive of the position; the best results were obtained while the subject was asleep for then inhibiting psychic influences were removed. Dur- ing a long continued series of tracings we tried to keep the balloon in the upper part of the stomach by pulling it up at intervals and swallow- ing it again. We realize it is possible for it to be pushed to the pyloric end of the stomach, but by the X-ray observation in the dog we found that the balloon introduced after feeding remained in the cardiac end of the stomach for a considerable time. In order to actually see the hunger movements we coated a balloon with a bismuth paste and observed its movements in the stomach with the X-ray. The only practicable way we found of preparing these balloons con- sisted in painting the outer wall of one balloon with a bismuth paste prepared by mixing bismuth subnitrate with vaseline. This balloon was then inclosed within another of the same size; thus the two balloons were separated by a thin wall of bismuth paste. These balloons had to be prepared anew for each experiment, as the peristaltic waves tend to sweep all the bismuth to the lower end of the balloon and the vase- line soon causes the rubber to lose its elasticity. We were able to make graphic tracings with simultaneous direct fluoroscopic observation. Our records show that the fundus is quiescent immediately after eating a meal. The pressure upon the balloon is maintained at a steady level. If a light meal is taken the tonus variations may be demonstrated immediately after eating. At first they are so slight as to seem insignificant but they increase in vigor and are usually visible thirty minutes after the meal. In one experiment an unusually large _ meal was eaten and the tonus waves were distinctly in evidence twenty 276 F. T. ROGERS AND L. L. J. HARDT minutes later (fig. 1). They increase in intensity and may but do not always, become more rapid. Each wave is of one to three minutes’ duration. When the stomach is nearly empty (as determined by the stomach tube or induced vomiting) they become conspicuous and at this stage of digestion there usually appear superposed upon them, stronger contractions which increase in vigor and are felt by the sub- ject as hunger pains (fig. 2). Although it is by no means always the Ll ly Wf Ih mle : if | Nal Fig. 1. Tonus rhythm of fundus of stomach (man) 20 minutes after a hearty dinner. Time in seconds. Fig. 2. Tonus rhythm of stomach (man) three hours after dinner (beef- steak, spaghetti, bread, butter, apples and cream). case, it is significant that the first contractions felt may occur when the stomach still contains traces of food. Carlson (6) in his first paper describing the hunger contraction noted that the onset of a hunger period was marked by the appearance of a slow tonus rhythm which gradually increased in vigor and culminated in the hunger contractions. As stated above this tonus rhythm is CONTRACTIONS OF EMPTY AND FULL STOMACH 277 present not only as an immediate precursor of the hunger period but also throughout the course of normal gastric digestion. Many workers have employed the rubber balloon in recording the stomach movements but none of the published tracings so far as we are aware, indicate the presence during normal digestion of a slow continuous rhythm as herein described. Moritz (7) reported contractions of the fundic end of the stomach occurring two and one-half to three and one-half times per minute. According to Dietlan (8) the time required for the peristaltic contrac- tions of the pyloric end of the stomach is twenty to twenty-four sec- onds. We, therefore, think as suggested by Cannon and Carlson that the tracings of Moritz record the intragastric variations due to the pyloric peristalsis. Sick (9) using the same method reported that there occur tonus variations of the fundic end of the stomach which give rise to the peristaltic waves. These occur at the rate of two to four per minute in the full or empty stomach. The tracings of Sick show three kinds of pressure variations: Respiratory, cardiac, and “‘ Magen tonus schwan- gungen,”’ the latter averaging twenty seconds each. The duration of these “‘stomach tonus variations’ coincide with the time intervals required for the pyloric peristalsis. Is the hunger contraction simply an augmented peristaltic contrac- tion or a contraction of the fundus as a whole? To answer this we studied the stomach movements in the dogs and in ourselves by the “balloon X-ray’? method. We were able to make direct observations of the movements of the balloon in the stomach and at the same time note the character of the graphic record. The upper part of the balloon was held in the cardiac end of the stomach. A young and vigorous dog was employed for the experi- ments. The dog was starved for intervals of thirty-six to forty-eight hours and in order not to have the hunger contractions completely inhibited by the excitement attendant upon the X-ray examination, frequent repetitions were made until the dog became accustomed to the necessary manipulations. The vigor of the stomach contractions thus made visible to the naked eye is surprising. The weaker type of hunger contractions begin as a constriction in the cardiac end of the stomach and pass down toward the pyloric end as a rapid peristaltic wave. In’the very vigorous contraction the wave spreads over the stomach so rapidly that it is difficult to decide whether there is a con- traction of the fundus as a whole or a very rapid peristalsis (fig. 3). 278 F. T. ROGERS AND L. L. J. HARDT Such a condition may well be compared to the peristaltic rush of the intestine as described by Meltzer and Auer (10). When the X-ray observation of the hunger contractions were made in ourselves, with subject in reclining position a series of photographs were taken of the balloon at times when the record showed the stomach to be comparatively at rest and at varying intervals during a period Al] q A! } ‘ned Fig. 3. Hunger contractions of dog’s stomach after 30 hours’ starvation. A, Outline of stomach (as seen by X-ray and bismuth balloon), between hunger contractions with stomach relaxed. B, Outline of stomach at the height of a hunger contraction. of hunger contraction (figs. 4, 5, 6, 7). We made sure the balloon was just below the cardia by pulling the distended balloon upward as far as it would come. By careful observation we were able to tell from the movements of the balloon when a hunger pain was being felt by the subject. In every case the graphie record and the subject CONTRACTIONS OF EMPTY AND FULL STOMACH 279 confirmed our own observations. When a hunger pang was felt, a series of constrictions passed rapidly over the balloon. Beginning at the cardiac end, they swept rapidly toward the pyloric end increasing in strength as they proceeded. It was readily seen that the hunger contractions are powerful peristaltic contractions, which, arising at or near the cardiae sphincter, swept downward over the entire stomach. During a typical hunger period the stomach exhibits movements which resemble very closely the movements which have been described by clinicians in patients after a bismuth meal as hyperperistalsis, but described by Cole as normal peristalsis of a stomach that contains small quantities of food. Observations of the hunger contractions of the dog were made after thirty-six hours’ deprivation of food, on ourselves after fifteen hours. Prolonged starvation in the case of the dog was - necessary to overcome the inhibitory influence of the excitement at- tendant upon the X-ray examination. Whether or not the stomach of man after a longer period of starvation would show a condition ap- proaching that described for the dog, we are not in a position to state. The current teaching with reference to the part played by the fundus during digestion is that it is a reservoir, exerting a tonic grasp upon its contents. The kinematographic figures of the stomach published by Kastle, Ridder, and Rosenthal show that the fundus is not quiescent during digestion. Cole (12) has shown that when food is in contact with the cardiae end of the stomach, contractions begin in the fundus and frequently are as deep in this region as in the pylorus. Forsell (13) describes the fundus changes as follows: In the standing position, the fundus shows no peristalsis. In the reclining position there occur typical persitalses of the fornix. The fornix empties itself principally by a concentric contraction of the whole wall. At the conclusion of gastric digestion there occur circular contractions of the wall. One may then observe stages in which the fornix assumes a more oval form: then a circular contraction presses the food into the korpus: then a stage of rest in which the fornix takes a more spherical shape. The peristaltic period is begun by a trans- verse division of the fornix which presses the fornix into a more cylindrical shape and forces the contents into the korpus. This is repeated at intervals until the fornix is empty. These circular contractions of the stomach may be the cause of the rhythmical pressure variations which we found and which we here speak of as tonus rhythm. That there is a certain degree of independ- ence between the slow tonus rhythm and the hunger contractions is shown by the behavior toward inhibiting agents. Carlson (14) showed Fig. 4. X-ray photograph (Dr. Rowntree), of the bismuth balloon in the stomach when the graphic record shows the stomach to be quiescent. Fig. 5. X-ray photograph (Dr. Rowntree), of the balloon in the stomach at the height of a moderately strong hunger contraction. 280 Fig. 6. X-ray photograph (Dr. Rowntree), of the balloon in the stomach at the height of a very strong hunger contraction. Fig.7. X-ray photograph (Dr. Rowntree) of the balloon in the stomach near the end of a hunger contraction. 281 282 F, T. ROGERS AND L. L. J. HARDT that numerous substances and circumstances inhibit reflexly the hunger contractions. This we found true in ourselves, but this tonus rhythm does not show the same sensitiveness toward the same inhibiting influ- ences. Thus tasting sugar or acid, swallowing water or 0.36 per cent hydrochloric acid solution in small quantities (10—25 ec.) do not inhibit this rhythm or only very slightly (fig. 8). This is in contrast to the immediate effect of the same substances on the hunger contractions. VT i ih Kilt un" ¢ \ vi ih ‘a fy an Nyt Ni HH ua ul ii i nH Ai i (hi wt iN Mi HAN nisin i thi i ry W MN | a i thi Ne HM ie i } Fig. 8. Tonus rhythm of stomach (man) during gastric digestion is not inhibited to the same degree by substances which completely inhibit the hunger contractions. A, at x 25 cc. of 0.36 per cent HCl was swallowed. B, at x S0ece. of cold water swallowed. C, Tonus rhythm just before a hunger period; atz 50 ec. of cold water was drunk. Large quantities of liquids do inhibit the tonus rhythm probably as a result of the distension which a sudden increase in volume of gastric¢ contents would necessitate. A quantity of liquid which does not inhibit the rhythm in a filled stomach may do so in an empty stomach. Excitement, interest, worry or any strong psychic influences immedi- ately inhibit the rhythm. The twenty-second rhythm is not so easily inhibited as either the hunger contractions or the slower tonus rhythm. CONTRACTIONS OF EMPTY AND FULL STOMACH 283 - Our findings interpreted in the light of the contributions of Cannon, Carlson and Forsell show that the normal stomach exhibits the follow- ing types of muscular activities: 1. A tonic grasp of the upper stomach musculature upon the food. This tonic condition exhibits slow rhythmical variations. - 2. Peristaltic contractions of the antrum pylori. 3. Peristaltic contractions of the entire stomach (the hunger contrac- tions of Boldyreff, Cannon and Washburne, and the thirty-second rhythm of Carlson). 4. In the young dog the vigorous hunger contraction begins with a constriction at the cardiac end and is followed by a contraction of the entire fundus. (If this type of contraction. be peristaltic the waves are too rapid to be detected by our methods.) : During normal digestion the peristaltic waves sweep over the lower part of the stomach. The fundus exhibits a rhythm of the same rate as was shown by the work of Carlson and Orr. In the meantime there are slow rhythmical tonus variations of the upper part of the stomach. As the stomach empties itself the peristaltic waves arise from. points higher and higher toward the cardiac end of the stomach run over the entire stomach, culminating in a more or less tetanic. contractions of the antrum. The hunger contractions are therefore strong peristaltic contractions in a stomach whose condition compared with its normally filled condition is hypertonic. Evidently these two phases of stomach contractions are most intimately related. The tonus may become so great as to run into tetanus or it may maintain a level on which the separate peristalses are superposed. These two different activities are not necessarily similarly affected by the same inhibiting influences. Both may be inhibited by introducing food or liquid into the mouth or stomach or by psychic influences but not to the same degree. CONCLUSION 1. Both in man and in the dog, the fundic end of the stomach, dur- ing normal digestion, exhibits a slow tonus rhythm of one to three minutes’ duration. During the emptying of the stomach and the onset of the hunger period, this tonus rhythm becomes more vigorous. 2. In the dog after thirty-six hours’ starvation the stomach is mark- edly hypertonic; a vigorous hunger contraction is a contraction of the fundus as a whole. 3. In man after fifteen hours’ starvation the hunger contractions 284 F. T. ROGERS AND L. L. J. HARDT are vigorous peristaltic contractions in groups of 2-4, superposed upon the slow tonus rhythm. They begin at the cardiac end of the stomach and sweep over the whole stomach. 4. A given inhibiting agent does not necessarily have the same effect upon the different types of gastric contractions; thus the pyloric peri- stalsis is the most resistant to reflex inhibiting influences; fundic peri- stalsis is least resistant, while the tonus rhythm occupies a position between the two. We wish to express our thanks to Dr. Rowntree of the Presbyterian Hospital under whose supervision the X-ray work on ourselves was carried out, and to Dr. A. J. Carlson for his help and criticism. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Boupyrerr: Arch. d. Sci. Biol., 1905, xi, 1. (2) CANNON AND WASHBURNE: This Journal, 1912, xxix, 441. (3) Carztson: This Journal, 1914, xxxiil, 95. (4) Carson, OrR AND McGratu: This Journal, 1914, xxxiii, 119. (5) Rogers: This Journal, 1915, xxxvi, 183. (6) Caruson:. This Journal, 1912, xxxi, 151. (7) Moritz: Zeit. f. Biol., 1895, xxxii, 356. (8) Diertan: Ergebn. d. Physiol., 1913, 87. (9) Sick: Deutsch. Arch. f. Klin. Med., 1906, Ixxxviii, 190. (10) Merurzer anp AugR: This Journal, 1907, xx, 259. (11) Karstite, RrepER AND RosentTHAL: Miinch. Med. Wochenschr., 1909, No. 6. (12) Coxe: Arch. of Roentgen Ray, 1911, 242. (13) Forsetu: Miinch. Med. Wochenschr., 1912, No. 29. (14) Caruson: This Journal, 1913, xxxi, 212. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION W. L. GAINES From the Hull Physiological Laboratory, University of Chicago Received for publication June 29, 1915 FOREWORD The development and functioning of the mammary gland in the female mammal is closely associated with, and dependent upon the reproductive function.! The normal course of activity of the gland is somewhat as follows. Embryonic— Puberty | Pregnancy | Delivery | Pregnancy— Delivery— The first sign of the mammary organs, the milk line, appears at an early stage in embryonic life, and growth is continued until the gland reaches a con- siderable development at At birth a milky fluid may be expressed from the gland in either sex, indicating a secretory activity, but this activity soon ceases and the gland remains quiescent until At puberty under the influence of the ovaries growth is resumed and carried to a greater or less develop- ment, varying with the individual and the occurrence of Pregnancy induces a great hypertrophy of the gland, and it reaches a high state of development, accom- panied by the accumulation of colostrum, by the time of At this time milk secretion proceeds actively and if the milk is removed at short intervals, by nursing or artificially, secretion continues for a period of days, months, or years. The rate of secretion, however, after a time gradually decreases to zero. This decrease is favored by a succeeding Further growth of the gland ensues but not as marked as in the preceding gestation, and at milk secretion is again actively resumed. the pregnancy-delivery cycle is repeated. Whence, 1The mammary gland may, in turn, influence the reproductive and other body functions, although such influence is, apparently, not so fundamental. 285 286 , W. L. GAINES This paper presents some data and discussion based on an investi- gation of certain phases of the above outlined course of activity of the mammary gland carried out at the Hull Physiological Laboratory of the University of Chicago. I wish to acknowledge especially the assistance and suggestions of Dr. Carlson throughout the work. I am also indebted to Dr. Mathews and Dr. Koch, among others, for various suggestions. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND RESULTS Prenatal development. The milk lines may be distinguished as early as the 4 mm. stage in the human embryo, according to Strahl (1) Knoepfelmacher (2) states that in children born prematurely there is no appearance of milk in the mammary glands. In a post mortem examination of two kids, the mother of which died about two weeks before term, I found mammary tissue plainly developed but no ap- pearance of milk in the transected gland. Chemical examination for the presence of sugar was not made and this test might have shown the presence of milk in amount too small to be distinguished by simple cutting of the gland. The udder of the mother, a multipara, was at the time undergoing a rapid hypertrophy as evidenced by increase in size. (Data on this point will be found in table 1, Goat No. 4). A part of the increase in size was due to the accumulation of colostrum, which exuded freely from the cut ducts of the gland after death. The influence of pregnancy on the growth of the mammary gland. The growth of the mammary gland during gestation is a very striking phenomenon. This development is in preparation for its function of milk secretion following delivery. Ribbert (3) transplanted the mam- mary gland of a guinea pig into the skin back of the ear. Five months later (the gestation period is about two months) living young were born, whereupon the transplanted gland functioned promptly. Ribbert states that hypertrophy was not sufficiently marked to make the gland apparent beneath the skin, that the nipple did not develop, and there was, therefore, no outlet for the secretion, but that milk was present in the gland. Marshall (4) cites the case of the Bohemian pygopagous twins, Rosa-Josepha, one of whom became pregnant. The breasts of both underwent development during pregnancy and functioned following delivery. Lane-Claypon and Starling (5) produced a development of the mammary glands in a virgin rabbit closely resembling that occurring during pregnancy by means of in- jecting extracts of rabbit foetus. PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION 287 On the other hand, Lombroso and Bolaffio (6) using parabiotic methods with rats found no evidence that the pregnancy of one of a pair of females produced any effect on the mammary glands of the other one of the pair. Knoepfelmacher (2) injected blood serum from a pregnant goat into a non-lactating goat. The amounts used were 55, 33, and 90 cc. taken respectively 6 days, 2 days, preceding delivery, and 1 day following delivery. The results were negative. I have injected defibrinated blood from a pregnant non-lactating, multiparous goat into a non-pregnant, non-lactating, multiparous goat with negative results with reference to increase in the volume of the mammary glands or milk secretion. The volume of the udder was determined by pressing a suitable vessel containing warm water up TABLE 1 Showing the effect on the volume of the udder of a non-pregnant goat jrom the intra- venous and intraperitoneal injection of defibrinated blood froma pregnant goat td GOAT NO. 4—DONOR (PREGNANT, GOAT NO. 3—RECIPIENT (NON-PREGNANT, NON-LACTATING, NON-LACTATING, MULTIPAROUS) MULTIPAROUS) Date see of Melee o ai Method of injection 1915 ce cc ce 1-21 935 170 90 Intraperitoneal 1-23 935 165 115 Intraperitoneal 1-25 950 175 100 Intraperitoneal 1-27 980 175 75 Intraperitoneal 1-30 1005 160 15 Intravenous 2-3 1060 170 85 Intraperitoneal 2-6 1090 170 35 Intraperitoneal —~— around the udder and firmly against the body wall. The amount of water displaced (determined by the difference between the amount left in the vessel and its capacity) was taken to represent the volume of the glands. The method is not exact but is sufficiently accurate to show any marked changes in volume. The data are given in table 1. No appearance of milk resulted during the period of injections or fol- lowing. The figures in table 1 show that the udder of the donor was increas- ing steadily in size but the amount of blood injected failed to affect the size of the udder of the recipient. The latter at a previous time during a similar stage of pregnancy as represented by the donor in the present instance had fully as large an udder as the donor. The figures, then 288 W. L. GAINES serve to show the enormous difference in size of the udder with the stage of pregnancy. . The influence of pregnancy on milk secretion. Lane-Claypon and Starling (5) advance the theory in connection with the work referred TABLE 2 Daily milk and fat yield oj goat No. 2, showing the effect of intravenous injections oj defibrinated blood from a pregnant goat, No. 3; from her two days old kid; and again from No. 3 six days after delivery. No. 2 said to have dropped her kids about April 12. No. 3 kidded August 8, 1914 DATE MILK FAT FAT REMARKS 1914 cc. |percent| gms. 7-24 | 823 5,1 | 41.9 7-25 | 796] 6.4] 51.0 7-26 | 730] 6.4] 46.8 7-27 | 645 | 5.4} 35.0 7-28 | 720| 6.4] 46.3|f Injected intravenously 175 cc. defibrinated blood 7-29 | 463 | 69) 31.9]\ from No. 3 (10 days before term) 7-30 | 708 | 6.8 | 48.2 7-31 674 | 6.2 [ 41.7 8-1 783 | 6.8 | 53.7 |f Injected intravenously 300 cc. defibrinated blood 8-2 | 652| 7.0| 38.6|\ from No. 3 (7 days before term) 8-3 783 | 7.0 | 54.8 8-4 847 | 7.8} 66.1 Injected intravenously 175 cc. defibrinated blood 8-5 913 | 7.5 | 68.4 from No. 3 (3 days before term). Caused some 8-6 349 | 4.9 | 17.1 general depression, weather hot, flies trouble- 8-7 633 | 8.0] 50.8 some 8-8 832 6.2) | o136 8-9 (HPS || ieay || Gala 8-10} 665| 5.9 | 39.3|{ Injected intravenously 100 ce. defibrinated blood 8-11 | 538 | 6.6 | 35.4 il from male kid of No. 3. Age of kid 2 days 8-12 | 806| 6.8 | 54.7 8-13 | 873 | 6.0 | 52.4 8-14} 853] 6.5 | 55.0|f{ Injected intravenously 100 cc. defibrinated blood 8-15 | 765 | 7.0| 63.7/\ from No. 3 (6 days after delivery) 8-16 | 880| 6.3 | 55.4 8-17 | 823 | 7.3 | 59.6 6.2 | 52.3 8-18 | 848 to above that the developing foetus passes a substance into the maternal circulation which favors the growth of the mammary gland but in- hibits its secretory activity. The removal of this inhibitor, then, at delivery allows the gland to function in its milk secretory capacity. Bearing on this point I have made the following series of injections PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION 289 of defibrinated blood into a lactating goat: 1, from a pregnant goat near term; 2, from a kid of this same goat 2 days after birth; 3, from the same goat 6 days after delivery. Data of this test are given in table 2. The figures indicate an inhibitory action from each of the trans- fusions. The milk and fat data as given for each day are the sum of two milkings made throughout at approximately 12-hour intervals. In every case the inhibitory influence was most marked at the first milking following the transfusion. Except in the case of the trans- fusion made August 5 there was no apparent systemic disturbance TABLE 3 Daily milk and fat yield of goat No. 6, showing the effect of intraperitoneal injection of a water extract of dried, fat-freed cow’s placenta; also, defibrinated blood from goat No.5. No.6 said to have kidded March 12,1915. No.édroppedkids April 17, 1915, and at the time of transfusion, April 24, was milking around 2000 ce. per day DATE MILK FAT FAT REMARKS 1915 ce. percent| gms. 418 | 475 | 6.8 | 32.3 4-19} 488] 7.3 | 35.5 420| 460| 6.4| 29.3|f Injected intraperitoneally a water extract of 5 gms. 4-21| 168) 9.4)15.8/\ of dried, fat-freed cow’s placenta 422} 2388] 8.5] 20.4 ee a a ae | Injected intraperitoneally 200 cc. defibrinated : blood from No. 5 (fresh 7 days and giving about 4-25 | 182] 8.6 | 15.7 [.:soomtne: daily) 4-26 | 147| 7.1.) 10.5 a re 4-27 | 111} 9.4| 10.4 4-28 | 183 | 7.8 | 14.3 4-29} 154) 8.3] 12.8 in the condition of the recipient. Leaving this case out of consideration the inhibitory action seems to be equally marked for either the blood of the pregnant goat or that of her two-day old kid. The transfusion made 6 days after delivery had onlya very slight inhibitory action as seen in the yield of milk and was not at all reflected in the yield of fat. Results in another trial with two other goats were similar to the above except in the transfusion following delivery (see table 3). Effect of placental extract on milk secretion. Niklas (7) found that an extract of placenta caused milk production in virgins and mothers. 290 W. L. GAINES Lederer and Pribram (8) found greatly increased secretion of milk upon intravenous injection of placental extract. Table 3 presents the data of a test of the effect of an extract of cow’s placenta on milk secretion in the goat. The fresh placental tissue was ground, dried, extracted with gasoline and ether to rid of fat, and the residue extracted with water as needed. The figures show a distinct inhibition, quite similar in nature to that just observed from the blood of a pregnant goat or new-born kid (see table 2). Relation of the blood to milk secretion. The activity of the mammary gland with reference to milk secretion varies enormously. A large part of the time it may be at zero, but immediately following a normal pregnancy and delivery it is at a high point. To test for the presence of a substance in the circulating blood stream which accelerates the secretory function of the mammary gland during the period of its highest activity following delivery, transfusions were made from a fresh, heavy milking goat to one giving a low yield. No increase in secretion was obtained by this means. In table 2 no change, or a very slight decrease was shown. In table 3 there is shown a very marked decrease. In this latter case the donor was milking heavily at the rate of about 2000 ce. daily, including the milk taken by two nursing kids. The recipient although giving a relatively low yield, about 300 ce. daily, had been fresh only about 6 weeks and would seem to have offered a favorable subject for positive results. No general disturbance was apparent to account for the decrease noted. The effect of mammary gland extract on milk secretion. Gavin (9) fed mammary gland preparations to cows without affecting the yield or quality of the milk. The mammary gland of the same cow whose placenta was used in the data shown in table, 3, was prepared in the same way as given for the placenta. Results from the injection of water extracts of this material are given in table 4. The figures appear to show a temporary inhibition followed by an increase to something above the previous yield. The net result of the several injections seems to be a considerable increase, but it may be that this should not be attributed to the injected material. Reference to table 3 shows that goat No. 6 was, a few days before, giving more than the yields recorded in table 4, and the apparent increase may be nothing more than recovery following the blood transfusion of April 24. However, the immediate inhibition, similar to that noted for the pla- cental extract, seems to be unequivocal. PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION 291 The action of pituitrin on the mammary gland. Since Ott and Scott (10) first noted that pituitrin hada galactagogue action this material has received considerable attention in its relation to milk secretion. All reports of investigators on the immediate action of pituitrin confirm the observation of Ott and Scott, viz., that its injection into the cir- culation causes an immediate flow of milk in a lactating animal. «-Mac- Kenzie (11) working with cats in anesthesia and observing the flow of milk from the cut surface of the gland found pituitrin the most active of the several animal extracts he studied. Gavin (9) working with TABLE 4 Daily milk and fat yield of goat No. 6, showing the effect of intraperitoneal injection of a water extract of dried, fat-freed cow’s mammary gland (pregnant). No. 6 said to have dropped kids March 12, 1916 DATE MILK FAT FAT REMARKS 1915 ce. percent} gms. 5-3 113 | 8.3 9.4 5-4 Sa Ne627 | Gd 5-5 ig. | 69 5-6 119| 7.6| 9.0|f Injected intraperitoneally water extract of 5 gms. 5-7 75 | 65) 4.9/\ cow’s mammary gland 5-8 135 | 6.2] 8.4 5-9 i435 | 6:6) 9.5 5-10] 176| 6.4 | 11.2|f Injected intraperitoneally water extract of 1 gm. poviaie 167.|° 7.1. | 11.1 } cow’s mammary gland o-12 | 190} 6.9} 13.1 Injected intraperitoneally water extract of 4 gms. 5-13 | 134| 7.8/10.4|\ cow’s mammary gland 5-14 | 189] 7.4 | 13.9 5-15 | 220| 7.5| 16.4|f Injected intraperitoneally water extract of 5 gms. Donets | vit) | Lost \ cow’s mammary gland 7.3 | 14.3 o-l7 | 194 cows yielding 15-35 pounds of milk daily found no effect on quantity or quality of milk as the average result of 3-5 days treatment with pituitrin. In some cases, he reports, there was a distension of teat and cistern with milk immediately following injection. Hill and Simpson (12) report similar results. Hammond (13) has studied in some detail the effect of pituitrin on the composition of milk secreted under its influence. He finds that the fat content is greatly increased and that the protein, sugar and ash content remain very constant. This refers to the milk secured immediately after the injection of pituitrin and is not in conflict with Gavin’s results which referred to longer periods; 292 W. L. GAINES for the yield of milk and its fat content are later depressed. Hammond concludes from his data that the action of pituitrin is not muscular. Hill and Simpson (14) confirm Hammond’s results as to the composi- tion of milk obtained after the use of pituitrin except they did not find the depression in fat content later, as noted by Hammond. Heaney (15) found in the human a contraction of the breast upon injection of pituitrin followed by a return to initial volume, and at- tributes the milk secretory action of pituitrin to its muscular effect. Goat No A. Milk Yiela Ny (AUT ASIP AIP ABP AAP ARP ABS Anat Fig. 1. Showing fluctuation in yield of milk by a goat milked at regular 12- hour intervals and the dependence of the flow of milk produced by the injection of pituitrin upon this fluctuation. The heavy vertical lines represent the yield of milk obtained upon intravenous injection of 1 cc. of pituitrin immediately after the regular milking. It is inferred, for example, that pituitrin would have caused a large further flow at X; while at Y little or no extra milk would have been obtained. A = morning milking; P = evening milking. As to the quantity of milk and fat yielded as a result of the tise of pituitrin (Parke & Davis preparation was used throughout the work here reported on pituitrin) based on the average of two days and not the immediate yield, my data show no effect either way. My results, based on three goats, confirm those of Hammond who found a decrease in fat content of the milk for a day or two following the use of pituitrin. I have found no marked or consistent variations in the sugar or pro- tein content of the milk. PHYSIOLOGY OF LACTATION 293 The flow of milk from an active mammary gland, which has not been drained for a few hours, upon injection of pituitrin is a very strik- ing reaction. In the goat I have never failed to secure some flow of milk from its use even immediately after milking “dry.’”’ The amount obtained, however, varies considerably. Figure 1 illustrates this point. The goat was milked regularly at 12-hour intervals but the yield is seen to fluctuate widely. The intravenous injection of pituitrin immediately following a regular milking produces a further flow varying in amount inversely with the yield secured by the hand milking which preceded it. That is, in- jection of pituitrin following a relatively high yield of milk produces a small flow; and following a relatively low yield it produces a large flow. A second, third or fourth dose produces only a very slight flow, 2-4 ee. in the goat. I have followed the yield of milk in the nursing dog very satisfactorily by keeping the pups separated from the mother and allowing them to nurse at 8-hour intervals. The pups were balanced on a smooth- working balance, with shot, then allowed to nurse, and again balanced with the standard weights. The increase in weight represents approxi- mately the yield of milk by the mother. Under the above conditions, after the pups have nursed fully (6 or 7 minutes), I have never succeeded in producing any further flow of milk by the intravenous injection of pituitrin. But if the mother be placed under ether at the regular nursing hour and the pups then allowed to nurse the yield of milk is greatly depressed, although the pups do their part of the act in the usual vigorous manner. Often, in fact usually, the yield is so low as not to be detectable by the method used (that is, it appears, well under 5 gms., considering errors in loss of saliva, ete.). If, now, pituitrin be injected intravenously, with the - mother still under ether, the pups immediately secure the normal yield, or the balance of it which they had failed to get in the first nursing, and this, in rather less time than is required in nursing under normal con- ditions. A second dose following the first in 10 minutes, produces no further flow. Figure 2 shows an illustration of the effect of pituitrin under normal conditions and also with the mother under ether, but in the latter case some milk yielded to the pups nevertheless. Ordinarily the ether curve would hold to the base line until the pituitrin was administered. While pituitrin causes no further flow of milk in the dog after nurs- ing, this does not seem to hold true for the goat. Data from two 294 W. L. GAINES experiments are given in table 5 which show that after the kid had nursed and secured all the milk it could, injection of pituitrin still caused a further marked flow. The high fat content (15.8 to 19.6 per cent) of the milk thus obtained is also remarkable. Bearing on the nature of the mechanism involved in the flow of milk produced by pituitrin under certain conditions, the following test was carried out. A cannula was inserted in the teat of a goat and con- nected with a chloroform manometer recording on the revolving drum of a kymograph. The gland was then inflated with air through a T- Ga i a RT 00 ES (ta: aes SSssei mA isl a we cals Aca) sl). S04 [eee | ole lila a] net [eg] NE ao 50 “ lsat a Fiow of Mitk inthe Dog : = tee a4 ure Hp nject Wace Pituitrin at ~~ | / Ad ( me FAA Pinel: Hint Aza de 7 fiat aaa eid Pala a. BF a Fig. 2. Showing failure of pituitrin to cause a flow of milk following normal nursing in the dog; and, its restoral of the flow normal to the stimulus of nursing when the normal flow is inhibited by anesthesia; and, the failure of a second dose to cause any further flow. Also, showing under the stimulus of normal nursing the latent period in the flow of milk during the first minute, followed by the very rapid flow for the next two minutes, and then the gradual decline to zero (ef. figs. 4-8). connection to a pressure of 8-10 cm. chloroform. The device may be made quite sensitive in recording any change in pressure within the gland. . With the apparatus properly adjusted pituitrin was injected intravenously. The effect varies with the stage of activity of the gland. In the non-pregnant, non-lactating goat there is no apparent effect. This is true, also, in the pregnant, non-lactating goat up to a time close to term. sc.. . frog | 0.045 | 0.085 | 0.3” | 0.05’’| 0.18-0.27” | 15 per sec. Diver. <2cs.: pike | 0.082 {0.075 | 0.26 |0.049| 0.165 28 per sec. mittent stimulationthe phenomenaare closely similar. The correspond- ing deflections are all like in sign. In Table II are given for comparison the latent periods for the A, B and D deflections, together with the time required for the B and D crests to attain the maximum points in their courses. The first set of values is that obtained by v. Briicke and Garten (2) on the bleakfish (Bleie), the second set by Piper (20) on the frog, and the last by myself on the pike. Since the same string galvanometer had been used by Piper as was used in the foregoing experiments, it is noteworthy to compare especially 386 EDWARD C. DAY the last two sets of values. It should be first remarked however that v. Briicke and Garten employed a smaller and considerably less sensi- tive string galvanometer than Piper did. Furthermore, since they succeeded in obtaining but two photographic records for the bleak, measurements of which are given in the table, their results are to be accepted with reserve. Turning then to the second and third sets of values, it will be seen that both the latent periods and the times required for the on- and off-. effects to reach their maxima, are greater in the frog than in the fish; also that the amphibian eye ceases to respond to intermittent stimuli at a lower frequency than the fish eye does. These facts might lead one to suppose that the photoelectric processes in the visual organ of the pike were of a more rapid nature than those of the frog. Considering the facts however that the values for the fish were obtained from eyes in situ and still in communication with the circulatory system, while those for the frog were obtained from extirpated eyes; and that Piper employed a light of stronger intensity (five ampere arc) than I did, the values in the table are not so closely comparable. The interruption of the circulation in the eye through extirpation presumably occasioned a retardation of the photoelectric reaction, while the higher intensity probably had an accelerating effect which tended to shorten the latent periods; but there is no way of esti- mating how much the acceleration compensated for the retardation. As a matter of opinion, I believe that the compensation was not enough to make up for the depression in irritability induced by impairing the metabolic activities of the retina. The value 28 in the last column, the frequency of intermittent flashes at which a blending of the individual deflections in the retinogram occurred, was not an average but was a single value obtained in the course of one experiment upon a normal vigorous animal. Experience taught that much depended upon the tension of the string in the gal- vanometer in securing the fleeting currents of the eye. Thus currents of high frequency to which the slack fiber would not respond, could be recorded on stretching it tighter. Piper (20) found that dove and buzzard eyes responded to as high as 40 flashes per second, the chicken to 35, the owl to 20, the rodent to 25, the cat and dog both to 25 and the Makakus Rhesus monkey to 17. That the fish, then, a cold-blooded animal, should possess an eye which reacts with greater rapidity to photic stimuli than do those of warm blooded animals like the rabbit, cat, dog or monkey, seems PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 387 incredible, because the fact that the rate of nerve transmission in the cold blooded forms is slower, would lead one to expect a correspondingly slower reaction on the part of the retina as well. Further, the fact that . the latent periods for the on- and off-effects in the eyes of the mammals mentioned are about twice as short as those for the fish, would like- wise indicate that only minimal intermittent values have as yet been obtained for the warm blooded animals, because theoretically the animal with the shorter latent period is physiologically better capaci- tated to react to a higher rate of intermittent stimulation than an ani- mal with a slower reaction period. Since various drugs were employed by Piper in his operative methods, such as ether for narcotizing, curare for inhibiting muscular movement, and atropin for enlarging the pupil, these may have played a réle in diminishing the sensitiveness of the eye to light. As to the use of atropin, Gotch (9) states definitely that it lengthens the latent periods. Other factors, too, such as the tension of the galvanometer string, the resistance of the electrodes, the intensity of the light, the physiological condition of the animal, etc., enter in to make difficult a close comparison between the results obtained by Piper on birds and mammals and those here given for the fish. C. Synthesis of the oscillatory curve An analysis of the deflections produced in the retinogram by inter- mittent stimulation has been carefully made by Piper (20). He re- gards the curve first from the standpoint of photoelectric currents set up by a series of ‘‘flashes” of darkness, and again as compounded of the serial effects from a sequence of flashes of light. By both methods of approach he arrives at the conclusion that the curve consists chiefly of negative preliminaries plus positive off-effects, i.e., of A and D de- flections alternating in rapid succession. If the rate of stimulation is slow, the B deflections predominate; but since with increase of frequency the B effects diminish in amplitude while the A and D deflections retain practically their original size, the curve comes gradually to be com- posed of the last two kinds of deflections. His argument is based upon three facts revealed by measurement on the intermittent curve: first, the time elapsing from each make of light to the beginning of each de- pression is identical with the length of the latent period for the negative preliminary, A; second, the period elapsing from break of light to the maximum point of the next succeeding depression is identical with the latent period for the positive off-effect, D; third, when an intermittent 388 EDWARD C. DAY series ends in an off-effect, the last deflection, positive, corresponds in length of latent period to that of a deflection appearing at the end of a continuous exposure, thus making the two identical. In the oscil- latory curve of the frog, therefore, it is the A and D deflections which primarily determine the oscillations when the frequency of stimulation is relatively high. From a similar analysis of my own curves I have arrived at a like conclusion in regard to the synthesis of the intermittent curve for the eye of the fish. Figure 6, Plate II, will serve to illustrate. As the duration of each flash in this curve is about the same as that of the last flash in Figure 5, Plate II, which, as has already been pointed out,? occasioned a superposition of the D deflection on top of a B deflection, one may infer that such is probably the case here too, every upward stroke being compounded of the ascending slopes of the B and D ele- vations. There is however another factor involved which tends to diminish this additive effect. It is the negative preliminary A, which exerts a depressing influence upon the positive phases of the curve in the following way: since the sum of the interval of darkness following a stimulation plus the latent period of the next ensuing A deflection (i.e., 0.029 + 0.02’’) is always less than the latent period (0.09’’) needed by the off-effect to arrive at a maximum, the A depression curtails the full additive value of each off-effect. Therefore the summits of all the upward deflections in the curve, as soon as the effect of the first strong positive on-effect has subsided enough to allow them to appear, are necessarily submaximal up to the last one; but this final one, because of the fact that no A deflection follows to depress it, rises to a maximum. The more the rate of stimulus is increased, the more the A deflections overlap the B deflections and tend to diminish their altitudes. Further, since the altitudes of B and D deflections both are depend- ent upon the restorative periods of dark and light preceding each respectively, according as these periods are shortened the altitudes of the crests are diminished. It follows then that two factors, one of interference and the other a diminution in the length of the restorative periods after each stimulation, combine to depress the crests of the waves to a common level as the frequency of stimulation is increased. The rise at the end of an intermittent series is an expression of the re- lease from the depressing effect of a subsequent negative preliminary. 3 See p. 382. PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 389 D. Interpretation of the retinogram It is generally conceded that the C deflection can play no part in producing the sensation of light, because of the slowness with which it develops. The underlying cause for this deflection might be one of several phenomena which take place in the eye: the chemical dis- sociation of visual purple, the migration of pigment, the contraction of cones or the chromolytic changes said to occur in the ganglion cells of the retina. As to the first phenomenon, Kiihne and Steiner (16) state that the photoretinal currents occur in the frog after the visual purple has been bleached out. This is confirmed by Holmgren (14). The former authors also claim that if during dark adaptation the re-formation of visual purple be prevented by lowering the temperature, the eyes do not then exhibit any gain in sensitiveness, but react like light-adapted eyes. From the general nature of the statements, however, it is im- possible to say whether it is the B and D deflections alone which are affected, or whether C is also. Since visual purple and the C deflection are both characteristic for dark-adapted eyes of many animals, two questions arise: first, whether visual purple is present in the eyes of all animals whose retinas, when dark-adapted, yield the C deflection upon exposure to light; and second, whether the C deflection is obtainable from all retinas which exhibit visual purple. An answer to these queries must await the accumula- tion of more experimental data on the subject. In regard to whether the migration of pigment offers a basis for the explanation of this slow-developing fluctuation in the curve, the num- ber of facts at hand from which to judge is meagre. The migration of - pigment and the C deflection are both elicitible from the dark-adapted eye of the fish, frog, dove and lobster. In the retina of the dog on the contrary, neither phenomenon occurs, for, according to Chiarini (4), there is no evidence of photokinetic activity in the pigment, and upon the statement of Piper (20) the C deflection is either entirely absent or else is very small. In the pig’s eye the migration of pigment is very slight according to Van Genderen Stort (21); and in the case of the cat the same thing is probably true, judging from the scant amount of pigment present in the epithelial layer. No retinogram has ever been made for the pig, but for the cat v. Briicke and Garten (2) and Piper (20) have photographically recorded pronounced C deflections. Although Hesse (11) among others has described a migration of pig- 390 EDWARD C. DAY ment in the cephalopod eye under the influence of light, the photographic curves of the photoelectric effects obtained by Piper (20) from cephalo- pod eyes reveal not the slightest trace of a C deflection. Thus the evidence, although inconclusive because the two phenomena have not been studied side by side in the same animal and under simi- lar conditions, makes it rather improbable that the photokinetic activity of the pigment underlies the phenomenon of the C deflection in the re- tinogram. A study of the photoelectric effects in the eye of an albino rabbit where pigment is entirely lacking, would throw direct light on the problem. For the common rabbit the C crest has already been recorded photographically by Piper (20). The contraction of the cones of the retina, observed for the eyes of the fish, frog, salamander, lizard, dove and pig [Van Genderen Stort, (21); Chiarini (8, 4); Hertel (10)] might come into consideration in seeking an explanation for the C deflection, were it not for the fact that, although the latter phenomenon occurs in the arthropod eye [v. Briicke and Garten, (2)], no such contraction of retinular elements takes place in it under the influence of light [Parker (19); Day (5)]. In palaemonetes Parker claims that, although the “proximal pigment cells’? undergo no change in length through exposure to light, the “distal pigment cells” become contracted, and the “‘accessory pigment cells’’ exhibit ‘migratory activity. But if, as has previously been shown, the mechani- cal movement of pigment granules can not account for the C deflection, it is no more to be expected that any other kinetic activity, whether of contraction or the shifting of cellular elements, should account for it. It is more probably to be explained upon the basis of a chemical reac- tion of some substance such as visual purple, or possibly in terms of the chromolysis in the retinal ganglion cells which, according to the observations of Chiarini (3, 4), occurs under the action of light. Until the substance can be definitely identified which underlies the phenome- non of the C deflection, it goes by the general designation of the “Third Substance” in the theories of Einthoven and Jolly (8) and of Piper (20). In regard to the other deflections in the curve it is impossible from the experimental data at hand to conclude just what their relations to the visual sensations are. Ishihara (15) has argued that they can not be correlated with sensations, first, because they are of too brief duration to represent continuous sensations, and second, because the 1) deflection which should represent a sensation of darkness is the same in sign as the B deflection which theoretically represents the sensation of light. But the premises upon which these conclusions are based PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 391 are debatable issues themselves. The fact that the B and D deflections are alike in sign does not necessarily exclude all correlation between them and the sensations of light and darkness respectively, if one assumes them to be produced by the reactions of two substances which, although reacting with like directional sign as to the electric currents produced, possess a qualitative difference which the galvanometer is incapable of expressing. Were the instrument, for example, to record the B deflection as a red curve and the D deflection as a blue one, the directional sign remaining the same, any such qualitative difference would immediately be apparent; thus red could be associated with the sensation of light and blue with that of darkness. As to the first argument, the premise that sensations of light are continuous, is invalid in the sense of an unvarying continuity. It was however evidently with that sense in mind that the argument was formulated. According to Ishihara, for example, the sensation which a person experiences when an electric light is turned on is a con- tinued, unchanging sensation of brightness which lasts until the light is turned off. An analysis of such a sensation however discloses the error of the premise. When one gazes at the sky one may think that with respect to brightness the sensation thereof suffers no apparent change; but one needs only to perform two simple experiments in order to convince himself to the contrary. In a room having a window which commands a free expanse of sky, cover one eye, hold a card in front of the other so as to screen off half the patch of sky, gaze fixedly at a speck on the pane for a moment and then withdraw the card. The half of the sky at which you were gazing is seen to be distinctly dimmer than the one just uncovered. Again, in a very dimly illuminated room, when one gazes at a white spot on a black background, the spot soon vanishes like an extinguished light. The element of fatigue, therefore, both for the retina as a whole and for the fovea centralis, makes quite impossible a continuous sensation of light in the sense of an unchanging sensation. Under ordinary conditions the eye is ceaselessly shifting on its axis so as to bring now this now that portion of an object to fall upon the fovea for close inspection, so that the factor of fatigue is reduced to a minimum. The sensation of darkness is likewise assumed by Ishihara to be continuous, and that on that account the D deflection can not be the correlative of the sensation. But one may gaze at a black field as well as at > sky, cutting off half of the view with a card, and find upon xe the card that the newly exposed half is comparatively the 392 EDWARD C. DAY darker, thus showing that the sensation of blackness steadily diminishes in intensity as its duration increases. The decline of a deflection after reaching its maximum altitude might therefore be the expression of the diminution in strength of a sensation, whether of light or of darkness. The ascending phase of a deflection would analogously indicate the growth of a sensation to a maximum. In the foregoing I have had B in mind rather than A as being the repre- sentative of the sensation of light; but that the A deflection can not be ignored will be apparent from an analysis of the intermittent curve. When one compares the threshold value for the fusion of visual images with that for the blending of the oscillations in the intermittent curve, it is found that there is a certain approximation between the two. In the former case the threshold value for the human eye ranges, according to Piper, from 20-50 stimulations per second, at which frequency the intermittent flashes give the sensation of continuous light, while in the latter case the value ranges, depending on the ani- mal, from 17—40 flashes per second, at which the individual oscillations blend into a smooth curve. From these comparative values one may infer that some general correlation exists between the photoelectric phenomena and the visual sensations of light and darkness. They do not however throw much light on the question of the significance of the individual deflections. If the oscillatory curve is formed synthetically as has been described, then the sensations in the brain corresponding to the oscillations must be due, those of light to the depressions and those of darkness to the crests in the curve; because, from the analysis of the curve, the A de- flection plays the chief réle in creating the depressions and the D deflections the crests. The B deflection here seems to participate but little and consequently has little to do with the sensation of light. Nikiforowsky (18) has shown furthermore that the B deflection vanishes completely when the temperature is lowered to zero degrees centigrade, while the A and D deflections remain almost unaffected. According to this again, the A and D deflections, being the most stable, would represent the sensations of light and darkness respectively; because, were the sensation of light to be attributed to the B deflection, when the latter vanished upon lowering the temperature it would be a case of reductio ad absurdum, of an eye capable of rendering a sensation of darkness but incapable of rendering one of light. In the simple curve for the normal eye, however, the B deflection is sucha prominent feature PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 393 that further investigation is needed to decide whether it can be left entirely out of consideration or not. The preceding experiments dealt, it must be remembered, with dark- adapted animals (with but one exception), so that both simple and oscillatory curves must yet be studied for the effects of light-adaptation before a definite theory can be well grounded. E. Similarity of the tri-substance theories In looking over the literature there have come to my attention cer- tain facts in regard to the theories proposed by Einthoven and Jolly on the one hand and by Piper on the other which are worth drawing attention to. The two theories are supposed to be antagonistic to each other, but they have in fact more in common than has been sus- pected. When Piper evolved his theory it was with the object (p. 120) of obviating the necessity of ascribing each fluctuation in the curve to a separate process in the retina, as he suppposed had been done by Ein- thoven and Jolly. I think however that a careful analysis of the two theories will show that Piper partly misinterpreted the application of the theory of the other two men, and that what he sought to obviate was something which he had imputed to their theory which did not in reality belong there. Table III will enable us easily to compare the two substance theories. On the left side are given the characteristics of the substances as con- ceived by Einthoven and Jolly, and on the right as conceived by Piper. Substances II, I and III of Piper’s are comparable to I, II and III of the Einthoven-Jolly theory. In each cross comparison it will be -noted that the direction of the reaction is the same for the lighting effects and also for the darkening effects and further that the latencies of reaction for the several substances likewise correspond in the matter of relative duration. During illumination the curves for Piper’s sub- stances IT and I, after having attained a maximum positive and nega- tive level respectively, remain constant on that level up to the off-effect, whereas, according to Einthoven and Jolly they do not remain constant, substance I continuing in the original direction and becoming more and more negative, and substance II changing direction after reaching a maximum positive value and returning to zero. Except for this dif- ference in the continuous effects during the exposure, the three sub- stances of the one theory have identically the same characteristics as 394 EDWARD C. DAY the three corresponding ones of the other theory. Thus Piper’s sub- stance II is nothing more nor less than substance I of Einthoven and Jolly, and vice versa. The third substance is identical for both. An apparently radical difference between the two theories comes to light when the theoretical reactions of the substances are applied TABLE III. The tri-substance theory of Piper compared with that of Einthoven and Jolly. EINTHOVEN AND JOLLY PIPER Substance I Substance II Lighting effect........... negative...... 3 elo eee negative. During exposure......... increasingly negative..... constant negative level. Darkening effect......... Positive: .. .. 2... 2.36 e4) USL Eve: Latency of reactions..... relatively short.......... relatively short. Requirements............| light eye exposed to a flash of darkness Substance II Substance I Lighting effect........... positive to a maximum...) positive to a maximum. During exposure......... diminishingly positive....| constant positive level. Darkening effect......... MORALIVO. oo see eee eke negative. Latency of reactions..... MCC... <). 3.41 Ae medium. Requirements............| dark eye and short expos- ure to weak light. Substance III Substance III Lighting effect........... positive to a maximum...) positive to a maximum. During exposure......... diminishingly positive....| diminishingly positive. Darkening effect......... HONG; 2. os"... ee none. Latency of reaction...... fo) 1 sre ee long. Requirements............ dark eye and relatively strong illumination. to the retinogram. In the theory of Einthoven and Jolly the reactions of the three substances apparently occur in sequence, while by the Piper hypothesis they progress simultaneously. It would seem, then, to be a difference between driving horses tandem and driving them abreast. It is true there is a commencement sequence for the reactions of the three Piper substances, but the intervals between the beginning-times PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 395 of each are relatively short. In the construction which Piper placed upon the statements of Einthoven and Jolly concerning their curves on the contrary, the reactions of substance I proceeds to its finish be- fore the reaction of substance II begins. This seems at least to have been the conception of the E and J. theory held by Piper when, in referring to it (p. 120), he judged it as physiologically impossible be- cause it demanded a separate retinal process to account for each varia- tion in the curve. In opposition to this idea it appeared therefore more probable to Piper that the fluctuations in the curve were interference phenomena resulting principally from two almost simultaneous reactions acting in opposite directions and at slightly different rates; and upon the basis of this conception he evolved a graphic schema by which he explains the genesis of both simple and oscillatory curves. Although this interference conception was developed and formulated into definite terms by Piper, its essence was nevertheless present in the theory of Einthoven and Jolly. That these investigators had also conceived of interference occurring between overlapping reactions will be seen from the following quotations (in which all italics are mine). “The lighting effect (p. 400) of the first substance . . . does not yet appear in fig. 14, which need not surprise us, since the darken- ing reaction must appear sooner than the lighting reaction. Never- - theless the lighting effect makes itself appreciable to some extent during the record of the curve; for. . . . it is evident that the summit height in fig. 14 is only little greater than that in fig. 13. The increase is only 6 on 110 microvolts, while the duration of lighting is increased from 1.9 to 3 sec. It is the lighting effect of the first substance which here hinders the development of a higher summit B.’’ Again on p. 401, “‘the summit A, is swperposed in such a way upon the slow wave C that the form of the waves may easily be recognized separately.”” On p. 402 the interference conception is more expressly formulated in the statement, “If the duration of the lighting is a little longer and the effects of the other two substances begin to become perceptible, the off effect is determined by the resultant of three forces.”’ From these citations it is clear that the nucleus of an interference hypothesis existed in the minds of Einthoven and Jolly but that it was never developed to the extent that it was later by Piper. In many of my records the continuous effect of illumination is not expressed in the curve as an undeviating course on a constant level, but by a steady and continuous descent, a phenomenon not interpretable upon the basis of the Piper theory that the reactions of substance I 396 EDWARD C. DAY and II remain in a state of equilibrium during the period of illumina- tion. Either substance I must diminish in the strength of its positive reaction or else the reaction of substance II must steadily grow in strength negatively, in order to account for this fall in the curve which seems to be a constant feature in retinograms of dark-adapted fish eyes. Nor can the difference between the reactions of dark and light eyes, a phenomenon not taken into consideration by Piper in testing his theory, be otherwise accounted for than by the foregoing assumption. I am therefore inclined to agree with Einthoven and Jolly that the reactions of substances I and IT, instead of reaching a level of stability, vary constantly, either waxing stronger or growing weaker, throughout the period of illumination. BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Brossa AND Kouurauscu: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., physiol. Abt., 1913. 449. (2) BrickE AND GarRTEN: 07. Arch. f. ges. Physiol., 1913, exx, 290. (3) Curarini, Arch. Ital. Biol., 1904, xlii, 303. (4) Curartni: Arch. Ital. Biol., 1906, xlv, 337. (5) Day: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1911, lili, 305. . (6) Dewar AND M’Kewnprick: Trans. Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh, 1874, xxvii, 141. (7) pu Bots-Rrymonp: Untersuchungen iitber thierische Elektricitit, 1849, Bd. 2, Abt. 1, pp. 256-257. (8) EtInTHOVEN AND JOLLY: Quar. Jour. Exper. Physiol., 1908, I, 373. (9) Gorcu: Jour. Physiol., 1903, xxix, 388. (10) Herre: Arch. f: Augenheilk., 1907, lviii, 229. (11) Hesse: Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1900, lxviil, 379. (12) Hotmeren: Upsala Likareforenings Forhandlingar, 1866, I, 184. (13) Hotmeren: Untersuchungen aus dem physiol. Inst. der Univ. Heidelberg. 1880, III, 278. (14) Hotmcren: Untersuch. aus dem physiol. Inst. der Univ. Heidelberg, 1882, II. (15) Isurmara: Arch. f. ges. Physiol., 1906, exiv, 569. (16) Kine anp Steiner: Untersuch. aus dem physiol. Inst. der Univ. Heidel- berg, 1880, III. (17) Kitune AND Steiner: Untersuch. aus dem physiol. Inst. der Univ. Heidel- berg, 1881, IV, 64. Verhandl. d. Heidelberg. Naturhist.-Med. Vereins, IN. Serie; 18815 i, 1. (18) Nrxirorowsky: Zeitschr. f. Biol., 1912, lvii, 397. (19) Parker: Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1897, xxx, 275. (20) Pirer: Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., physiol. Abt., 1911, 85. (21) Van GENDEREN Srort: Arch. Neérl., 1887, xxi, 316. (22) Water: Quar. Jour. Exper. Physiol., 1909, ii, 169. . PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF FISH 397 + DESCRIPTION OF PLATES The figures in the two plates are tra¢ings from photographic records. PuaTE | Fig. 1. Experiment 40. Date, °13/III/7. 12.05 p.m. Exposure No. 2. The fish was brought fresh from the market and photographic records were made immediately. Exposure No. 1 yielded a curve similar to No. 2 but the latter was selected for reproduction because of its clearer image. This record was made after the eye had been adapted to the Nernst light for two minutes to counteract the twe minute interval of dark adaptation necessitated by the devel- opment of exposure No. 1. The off-effect for the light-adapted eye is here seen to be stronger than the on-effect. B and D deflections manifest. Fig. 2. Experiment 40. Date, ’13/III/7. 12.18 p.m. Exposure No. 3, following exposure No. 2 (fig. 1) after 10 min. dark adaptation. The on-effect is now stronger than the off-effect. B and D deflections present and a faint suggestion of A. Fig. 3. Experiment 40. Date, ’13/III/7. 12.27 p.m. Exposure No. 4, following expos. No. 3 after 7 min. more dark adaptation. Deflection A is now fully present, B has increased in strength while D has grown feebler. Fig. 4. Experiment 39. Date, 713/III/6. 11.33 a.m. Exposure No. 1. Fish dark-adapted over night. A, B, C and D deflections present. Although the D deflection in this exposure is stronger than the B, in the other exposures of this experiment the reverse relation is found. The larger D deflection may, in this case, have been due to a slight condition of light adaptation at the begin- ning. This light adaptation was not however strong enough to repress the C deflection. Priate II Fig. 5. Experiment 39. Date, ’13/III/6. 12.04 p.m. Exposure No. 4. Fish was kept dark-adapted after each of the previous exposures. The illumina- tion, recorded by the dashes in the lowest line of the figure, was intermittent, the rate of stimulation being about three flashes per sec. The duration of a single flash is about 1/6 sec. A, B and D deflections are present. The last D de- flection is superposed upon the last B deflection owing to the curtailment of the final period of illumination. Fig. 6. Experiment 37. Date, ’13/III/4. 4.27 p.m. Exposure No.5. Fish was dark-adapted over night. Rate of stimulation, 16 flashes per second. Inter- vals of light = 0.029 sec., of darkness = 0.037 sec. To the 32 flashes of light there correspond 32 crests in the curve. Fig. 7. Experiment 37. Date, °13/III/4. 4.47 p.m. Exposure No. 6. Rate of stimulation, 28 flashes per sec. The individual oscillations have fused and the effect is the same as for continuous illumination. Fig. 8. Experiment 37. Date 713/III/4. 5.25 p.m. The three deflections were produced by substituting a galvanic battery for the eye of the fish and send- ing three consecutive shocks through the galvanometer having a current strength of 0.1 millivolt. The current from the eye throughout Experiment 37 gave throws of scarcely half this altitude. PHOTOELECTRIC CURRENTS IN EYE OF THE FISH PLATES I anp IT EDWARD C. DAY . d refinogram b Fig. / time | Ve See exposure — ii on 4 d “| Fig. 2 AS She es sae d b *) Fig. 4 ds o, Tbs ae a a a Fig. 5 dd aa Fig. 6 d 4 a Fig. 7 Fig. 8 ZOOLOGICAL LABORATORY, SYRACUSE UNIV., SYRACUSE, N. Y¥. Ono ——— THE COMPARATIVE RATE AT WHICH FLUORESCENT AND NON-FLUORESCENT BACTERIA ARE KILLED BY EXPOSURE TO ULTRA-VIOLET — W. E. BURGE anp A. J. NEILL From the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Illinois Received for publication July 28, 1915 The source of ultra-violet used was a Cooper-Hewitt quartz mercury- vapor burner operating at 170 volts, 3.8 amperes and 2400 candle- power. The non-fluorescent bacteria used were B Colil communis, B. violaceous, B. Proteus vulgaris, B. sulbtis, Sarcina aurantiaca, Micrococcus capsulatus, and B. mucosus capsulatus. The fluorescent bacteria were furnished by the State Water Survey of Illinois. The Water Survey obtained the bacteria from the samples of water sent in from different parts of the state for examination. Mr. Tanner of the Water Survey had not gone far enough in the classification of these bacteria at the time we obtained them from him to furnish the names for them and for that reason they were referred to in this paper as fluorescent bacteria numbers 1, 2, 3,4,5,6and7. He had determined, however, that they were all different types of fluorescent bacteria and | were non-spore formers. The liquids containing the bacteria to be exposed to ultra-violet were prepared in the following way. A standard loop of bacteria was taken from a five day old culture and introduced into 25 ce. of 0.8 per cent sterile sodium chloride solution. This liquid was filtered through a fine grained sterile filter. Two ce. of the clear filtrate containing the bacteria were introduced into each of eleven quartz tubes. These tubes were placed 30 cm. from a Cooper-Hewitt quartz mercury- vapor burner operating at 2400 candle power. At intervals of 20 seconds a tube was removed. In this manner tubes containing the bacteria were obtained which had been exposed to the light for 0, 20, 40, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 seconds respectively. The contents of these tubes were plated with agar and incubated at 37° C. for 48 hours. At the end of this time counts were made according to the ordinary bacteriological method. 399 400 W. E. BURGE AND A. J. NEILL Results of these counts may be seen in Table | for eight kinds of fluorescent bacteria and in Table 2 for seven kinds of non-fluorescent bacteria. The numbers of colonies for the 20 and 40 second intervals of exposure are not given, because as a rule they were too numerous to be counted accurately. The counts for the numbers of colonies after 0 time of exposure were made possible by diluting the liquid a million times before plating. It may be seen in Table 1 that there were alive 31 colonies of fluores- cent bacteria No. 1, 15 of No. 2, 3 of No. 3, 3 of No. 4, 11 of No. 5, 2 Table I. Fluorescent Baoteria Time of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Mumber of Number of Number of exposurs bacteria bacteria vacteria bacteria becteria bacteria bacteria bacillus No.l No.k No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6 No.7 pyocyaneus 0 Seo. 72,000,000 80,000,000 28 ,000 ,000 70,000 ,000 75,000 ,000 33,000 ,000 25,000,000 79,000,000 20% www anne ens cee n nen nn = cee ene nn ewan eee ene eae en eee seme eeeee= en eeeenee = soon eaen= 400 9 nanan en nee nn nnn nn nee rere nnn - = rene aren ne enna n nen renner nnn renee en ne- teen n----- 60 750 813 55 210 460 12 361 88 80 459 623 29 79 211 10); 112 20 100 " 222 221 25 56 113 7 16 14 120 128 102 20 29 103 5 8 12 140 ” 97 88 15 18 56 4 6 8 i60 " 81 73 12 13 38 3 6 2 a¥foy 43 29 10 6 25 3 5 1 200 ” 31 15 3 3 il 2 4 B Table II. Non-fluorescent 3acteria Time of Number of Number of Number of umber of Number of Number of fMumber of exposure 8,Subtilis B.Mucosus BeProteue B.Violaceus Micrococcus 8,Coli Sarcine oapsulatus vulgaris capsulatus communie esurantiecs 0 Seo. 13,000,000 24,000,000 295,000,000 £7,000 ,000 28,000,000 268,000,000 195,000,000 S000 Maseesesed | wepeeneeee | eesenecener © eweew= nea N oeee~esseet ase bbee amet ase POY “CD SER oReee, eee Seo oe ss WERE SSS ee eee (oe 13 460 2,480 83 171 378 4,820 80 =" Lg 112 79 60 4 9 60 10c —=—* 7 107 71 20 2 1 10 320) 6 8 4 5 2 0 2 140 * 4 6 2 4 1 oe] 1 rT) 2 5 2 te) le) ° 1 180 " 1 ° 1 te) ° ta) 0 200 ”" 0 0 ie) 0 1°) 0° i) of No. 6, 4 of No. 7, and 1 of B. pyocyaneus after an exposure of 200 seconds to ultra-violet while in Table 2 it may be seen that all of the non-fluorescent bacteria were killed when exposed for a similar length of time. This is taken to mean that the fluorescent bacteria are more resistant to the effect of ultra-violet than non-fluorescent bacteria. The results of these experiments are also expressed in the form of curves in figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, and 7. The unit of the ordinate seale is 1 em. to one hundred bacteria, that of the abscissa is 1 em. to 20 roe) ee 2 Se Number of Bacteria Living. 20 “# oo eo 100 120 140 /60 (80 200 Pig. 1. Seconds Fluorescent bacteria "No. 1 ———— Non-fluorescent B.subtilis (two deys old) ——-— Non-fluorescent B.subtilis (two weeks ola! Pee LL. J JENSSEN eee _SRERSGeSS g Nember of Bacteria Living. = & 40 60 60. 0 140 140 (60 (80 #00 Pig. 2 Seconds Fluorescent bacteria No. 2 ——-—- B.muicosus capsulatus _ Tse _ meses ET tet ie NET meme bok Pea ety | SESS JER S6n2eae an /eo [80 200 Seconds © i; Number of Bacterra Living i. Hex FE . “ eo 40 ee Fig. 5S. Pluorescent bacteria (20 (#0 Ho. 5 Sarcina aurantiace B.pyocyeneus F928 Nember of Bacteria Living. “ae £00 Fig. 6. Sacones —— Fluorescent bacteria No. 6 ——-—— Micrococcus capsulatus 401 #8 Pe hs A ie BERSSS2ees Garth A pigs gt Pluorescent bacteria Number of Bacteria Living eo 6 Number of Bacteria Living Pane ee mane rede ia ddl il ais Se El b— SSS (eo ke a OS Fluorescent bacterin No. 4 (lo /@o (80 200 Jecords ——-—— B.violacens hort No. of Bacteria Living g Fluorescent bacteria No. 7 ———— B,¢oli communis 402 W. E. BURGE AND A. J. NEILL seconds. Each curve marked N is plotted to a scale whose ordinate is 10 times as great as that marked M. It may be seen from the curves that the non-fluorescent bacteria are killed more rapidly than the fluorescent bacteria. Of the non- fluorescent bacteria B coli was the least resistant to the action of ultra- violet, being killed after an exposure of 100 seconds, while B. subtilis was the mst resistant, being killed after 180 seconds. No attempt was made to determine how long an exposure was necessary to kill all the bacteria in any of the cultures of the fluorescent bacteria. The questions of most interest to us were why are bacteria killed by ultra violet and why are the fluorescent bacteria more resistant than the non-fluorescent. Dreyer, Hanssen! and others found that the ordinary proteins such as serum albumin, serum globulin, egg albumin and egg globulin, etc., are comparatively easy to coagulate by ultra- violet. In view of this observation it seemed to us that the most plausible explanation for the bactericidal action of ultra-violet is that the short waves coagulate the protein or protoplasm of the bacteria and by this means kill them. This assumption while explaining the bac- tericdical action of the short waves does not, however, explain the fact that fluorescent bacteria are more resistant to the action of ultra- violet than the non-fluorescent. Von Graefe and Helmholtz? showed that the lens possesses the prop- erty, fluorescence, by which it converts the absorbed short waves into longer waves and gives them off in this form. Burge,’ while carrying out experiments in an attempt to determine the part played by ultra- violet in the production of glass blower’s cataract, found that the lens protein differs from most of the other proteins in that it is very difficult to coagulate by means of ultra-violet. He also showed that the lens protein could be modified by the salts of calcium and magnesium and by sodium silicate, substances found to be greatly increased in human cataractous lenses, so that the short wave-lengths of the spec- trum could coagulate it and hence produce an opacity of the lens or cataract. He found that these salts decrease the fluorescence of the lens at the same time that they render the lens protein easily coagu- ‘Comptes Rendus, 1907, cxiv, 234. * Von Graefe and Helmholtz: Ueber die Fluoreszenz der retina. Poggendorfi Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Bd. xciv ’ Burge: This Journal, 1914, xxxvi. Hanssen: Comptes Rendus, 1907, exiv, 234. EFFECT OF ULTRA-VIOLET LIGHT ON BACTERIA 403 lable by ultra-violet. This last observation suggested that there might be some relation between the fluorescence of the lens and its great re- sistance to the coagulative effect of ultra-violet. To explain the great resistance of the lens protein the assumption was made that the lens by converting the short waves into longer waves and giving them off as such disposes of the energy of the absorbed short waves, which otherwise would have been spent in coagulating its protein. The fact that these substances which render the lens protein more easily coagu- lable by ultra-violet at the same time decrease the fluorescence of the lens would seem to lend support to this hypothesis. To explain the great resistance of fluorescent bacteria to the action of ultra-violet an assumption is made similar to that made in explaining the resistance of the lens protein to the action of ultra-violet, namely that fluorescent bacteria protect themselves from the coagulative effect of ultra-violet by converting the short wave-lengths into longer waves and hence dispose of the energy of the absorbed short waves. The non-fluorescent bacteria, however, are unable to dispose of the energy of the absorbed short waves and for this reason they are killed more easily by ultra-violet than the fluorescent bacteria. THE EFFECTS. OF CHANGE IN AURICULAR TONE AND AMPLITUDE OF AURICULAR SYSTOLE ON VENTRICULAR OUTPUT ROBERT GESELL From the Laboratory of Physiology, Washington University Medical School Received for publication July 24, 1915 What we know concerning the role of the auricles in the dynamics of the heart has been largely a matter of inference: the inference being that the auricles have a passive and an active role; acting passively as reservoirs for the accumulation of blood which is to pass into the ventricles, and actively as pumps, injecting blood into the ventricles and producing a better ventricular filling. The importance of good ventricular filling is apparent when we consider that the ventricle, within certain limits, tends to’ expel with each systole most of the blood it receives in the preceding diastole. The auricles regulate in- directly by their contraction, the volume output of the ventricles. To what extent blood pressure and ventricular output are affected by auricular systole has not been a subject of much experimentation. Henderson (1) using the cardioplethysmograph on the heart of the dog, came’ to the conclusion that auricular systole had practically no filling effect on the ventricles. With the use of another method, I showed (2) that auricular systole occurring at the normal time interval in the cardiac cycle, increased the blood pressure by 55 per cent of that maintained by the filling action of venous pressure alone. While the filling effect of auricular systole on the ventricles was not directly recorded, it seemed a logical infer- ence, from the experiments then performed, that the increased ventric- ular output was due largely to an increased ventricular filling. How- ever, at the time, it was considered probable that auricular systole affected ventricular output in other ways. Also it was argued How many factors are there at work in the interval of auricular systole under consideration causing these large blood pressure changes. Whether the relative amounts of blood forced into the ventricles, and the varied perfection of valvular action alone can account for the changes, is very difficult to say. 404 INFLUENCE OF AURICLE ON VENTRICULAR OUTPUT 405 The physiological condition of the yentricular muscle at the moment of ven- tricular stimulation may be of considerable importance. It is a well known fact that a properly stretched miscle gives a far more efficient contraction to a given stimulus than a relaxed muscle. The same probably holds true with ventricular muscle, without in any way being at variance with the ‘all or none law.’ Straub’s records clearly show that the tension of the ventricles is markedly increased by auricular systole, and lasts a short but appreciable time. This period of tension may be of considerable importance. Probably that auricular systole producing it just at the moment the ventricular impulse reaches the ventricles is the most efficient systole in producing the largest end result, namely, ventricular output. It was to determine the relative importance of increased ventricular filling, perfection of valvular action, and presystolic intraventricular pressure, on ventricular output, and also to determine if other factors are at work, that this research and others concerning the role of auric- ular systole were undertaken. The experiments reported in this paper have primarily to do with ventricular filling and valvular action. For purposes of comparison, the method used in the previous work will be briefly reviewed. The heart of the dog was exposed and independence of the auricles and ventricles established by crushing the auricular ventricular bundle with the Erlanger heart clamp. Arterial and venous pressures, and contractions of the auricles and ventricles were recorded. The ven- tricles were stimulated at approximately the rate of auricular con- traction. By such stimulation “interference waves’’ similar to inter- ference waves of sound, were produced. That is, the auricles and ventricles at times would beat in accord and at other times in varying degrees of interference. Auricular systole was placed in different phases of ventricular cycle; at one time occuring during ventricular systole, another time early in ventricular diastole, and at another time ‘immediately before ventricular systole. The method showed that the effects exerted by auricular systole on increasing ventricular output vary with the place occupied by auric- ular systole in ventricular cycle. The auricular systole placed at about the normal time interval in the normal heart cycle was found to be most effective. In these experiments the magnitude of auricular systole remained constant, the varying factor was time—the time in- terval at which auricular systole occurred in ventricular cycle. In the present method, for a particular reason the heart of the river terrapin was used. The auricles of that heart show two distinct types of contraction, the rapid clonic and the slow tonic. The clonic are superimposed upon the tonic, and, asa rule, vary in amplitude, inversely 406 ROBERT GESELL as the height of the tonic contraction. These properties of the auri- cles allow the studying of the effect of auricular systole on cardiac dynamics in an entirely different way from that of the previous method mentioned. It permits a study in which the magnitude of auricular systole is the varying factor, while the time interval at which auricular systole occurs in ventricular cycle is the constant factor—the direct opposite of conditions prevailing in the experiments in Method I. In Method I, the possibility of variation in the perfection of valvular action, until eliminated, might be considered a possible controlling factor. In Method II, where auricular systole precedes ventricular systole by the same constant time interval, this possibility is reduced to a minimum. With changes in auricular tone, the auricular output varies greatly. Therefore, it was thought that if ventricular output varied as a result of auricular tone changes, these variations could be ascribed primarily to different filling effects of the auricles on the ventricles, rather than to variations in valvular action. To determine whether ventricular output varied with auricular tone, the method represented in the schema was employed. The heart was perfused in situ with Ringer’s solution. The contrac- tions of both auricles were recorded and the ventricular output measured directly. The left Cuvierien duct and hepatic veins were ligated and a cannula of maximum capacity was inserted in the right Cuvierien duct. This cannula was connected with a Marriotte bottle which delivered the Ringer’s solution to the base of the heart at any constant pressure. All the arteries coming from the truncus arteriosus with the exception of one were ligated. This artery was connected by cannula with a differential volume recorder. This recorder consists of a three-way connecting tube with two long vertical arms running upward and one short one running down- ward. The short vertical tube is supplied with a stop cock. Into one of the long vertical tubes the volume flow to be measured is led. In the other tube is a cork float carrying a glass writing point which records the height of the liquid in the recorder. The stopcock is so regulated that the mean volume flow when led into the recorder will maintain the level of the liquid at about the center of the tube. When the volume flow decreases, the outflow is greater than the inflow, the level of the liquid falls to a point where its pressure will reduce the recorder outflow to the recorder inflow and maintain the writing point at a lower level. When the volume flow increases, the reverse INFLUENCE OF AURICLE ON VENTRICULAR OUTPUT 407 occurs: the liquid rises until by its,increased height it produces a re- corder outflow equal to the recorder inflow. The sharpness of the curves indicate the suddenness of change in volume flow. Without exception all the hearts experimented upon showed marked oscillations of auricular tone. The frequency of the waves varied with the animal. In some experiments in which oscillations were infrequent additional ones were artificially produced either by mechanical irrita- tion (tug on the auricular suspension), or by flooding with a few ccm. of cold Ringer’s solution. The results in all cases were the same. Numerous records were made with venous pressures varying from 10- 60 mm. of water. Tone waves occurring with all these pressures had an effect on ven- tricular output. When the higher venous pressures were employed, however, the tone waves were not nearly as marked, and changes in ven- tricular output ac- companying auric- ular tonus changes were correspond- ingly less marked. With venous pres- sure at about 25 mm. of water the Fig. 1. tone waves were most marked and consequently with this pressure the effects of vary- ing amplitude of auricular systole were best studied. This pressure, apparently, permitted heart action as normally seen in the exposed heart of the turtle. Figures 2 and 3 show the usual effects of changes in auricular tone on ventricular output. The corresponding points of the curves are marked. In the case of figure 1 the decreased ventricular output occurring with increase of tone is large. Before the onset of a tone wave, the output was 31 ccm. per minute. This decreased to 10 ecm. per minute. The decrease in ventricular output occurs immediately with the onset of the tonic contraction of the auricles, but becomes more i si leks MN IIAAARNNAARRAND NTN bf Wig y aa eevee yy an ih 4 aa ene tae Mayall i Wily My ideal yl Ma yl f Whi fu My] jalylV RAAARNAACRAARARARR AIAN CARRIURRIRADASAIIS DIDI RAL DIDS RARIARAS ANANSI SP RADA LL LD DPDLLDRAA RA PPA AN rer rrtrte An 410 ROBERT GESELL marked at the crest of the tonic contraction. The late appearance of the marked decrease undoubtedly is due to the masking effect of the tonic contraction itself. The tonic contraction is fairly rapid, and the filling effect resulting from it astonishingly effective. In some cases where the tonic contractions are exceptionally large, the volume output of the ventricles may be increased during the period of short- ening of the tonic contraction, even though the amplitude of the indi- vidual auricular systoles are progressively decreasing: the decreased amplitude of auricular systole is largely compensated by the effective- ness of the tonic contraction. The marked decrease of ventricular output occurs where the tonic contraction has reached its crest and the ventricles are filled only by venous pressure and small auricular systoles. Figure 3 shows the decreased volume output followed by partial recovery. The early compensatory effect of the tonic contraction for the decreasing amplitude of auricular systole is shown again. After the completion of the first part of the tonic contraction, which is the most effective, the volume output decreases rapidly and begins to in- crease again only with the relaxation of the tonic contraction and increase in amplitude of auricular systole. The increase in volume flow is very gradual, corresponding with the gradual increase in the amplitude of auricular systole. The volume flow never reaches the initial volume output for two reasons: the initial auricular amplitude does not return and the auricle remains in higher tone, consequently having a smaller capacity, which in turn reduces the auricular output. The objection might be raised that the reason for the rapid decrease in ventricular output occurring during the relaxation phase of the tonic contrac- tion is to be found in a diminished venous pressure at the base of the ventricle caused by blood accumulating in the easily dilated auricles. With this objection in mind, a cannula which could deliver from 10- 30 times the ventricular output was inserted into the right Cuvierien duct. The very gradual return of volume output occurring with the gradual return of initial auricular amplitude in figure 2 speaks against this objection. In order to be in a position to ascribe changes in ventricular output to accompanying changes in auricular tone as due purely to an au- ricular effect, it is necessary to demonstrate that the ventricle itself is not participating in the tone changes. Measurements of the length of ventricular fiber with a myocardiograph were not made, because of the danger of interfering with ventricular contraction and because rhythmical variation in length of ventricular fiber occurring synchron- INFLUENCE OF AURICLE ON VENTRICULAR OUTPUT 411 ously with oscillations of auricular tone would not necessarily be an index to true tonus changes, but rather to differences in the filling of the ventricle occurring during various stages of auricular tone oscillation. From the experiments I performed, it seemed reasonably safe to as- sume that true ventricular tone changes did not accompany or follow tone changes in the auricles. The number of tone oscillations in the right auricle were much greater than those in the left. The right and left auricles though much more intimately connected with each other than the auricles and ventricles, seldom showed synchronous tone oscillations. When the oscillations were synchronous, one could not feel sure whether the wave was conducted from one auricle to the other or whether it occurred independently in both auricles. Rosenzweig (3) states that tonus waves may occur synchronously in both auricles and in auricles and ventricles. Fano (4), however, in 100 experiments found the ventricle to show tone oscillation in only three cases. In view of these facts, and of the fact that ventricular output in- variably is affected by changes in auricle tone, it would seem fair to ascribe these changes in ventricular output to auricular tone changes. Henderson and Johnson (5) in their discussion of valve closure by back pressure and broken jet, state that my previous results may be adequately explained by variation in perfection of valvular action, the valve at times closing by hinge movement from back pressure with considerable regurgitation of blood. This explanation of my results loses much of its force in the present experiments where auricular systole precedes every ventricular systole by the same time interval, thereby exerting its broken jet action on valve closure at all times at the proper moment. The auricular effects in these experiments apparently are not due to variations of valvular action but to: 1. Variation of auricular diastolic volume. This is a factor of prime importance since it permits a varying auricular output, provided the auricles tend to empty themselves with every contraction and do not meet with materially increased resistance when the auricular output is large than when it is small. 2. Variation in the ability to develop tension in varying phases of tonus oscillations. Patterson, Piper and Starling (6) place consider- able importance on the relation between the initial length of mam- malian ventricular fiber and tension developed in ventricular systole. If the auricle of the turtle shows the same relation, the auricular sys- 412 ' : ROBERT GESELL tole occurring when the auricular tone is low should be able to overcome more tension and fill the ventricle better. (I am at present investi- gating this question.) 1 and 2 would work in the same direction by producing a better filling of the ventricle and in turn an increased efficiency of ventricular fiber. If presystolic intraventricular tension is of any importance, this factor would vary inversely with the height of tone and work in the same direction as the other auricular effects. SUMMARY The effects of variation of amplitude of auricular systole on ventric- ular output were studied on the heart of the river terrapin. Because of the oscillations of auricular tone, this heart is peculiarly adapted to this research. Perfusion of the heart with a constant venous pressure showed varia- tions in ventricular output resulting from oscillations of auricular tone. Reasons are given for considering variation of valvular action as a minor or negligible factor. The variations in ventricular output are attributed mainly to the direct effects of variations in ventricular filling. The slow tonic contractions as well as the rapid clonic contractions of the auricles exert a filling effect on the ventricle in proportion to the amplitude of these contractions. The decreasing effect of auricular systole of decreasing amplitude occurring during the shortening phase of the tonic contraction is masked by the filling effect of the tonic contraction. The increased ventricular output resulting from auricular systole of large amplitude is discussed and attributed to a. Large auricular content at the disposal of auricular systole, this tending to increase the auricular output or ventricular filling. b. Greater length of auricular fiber, this increasing the efficiency of the auricular contraction and therefore the volume of auricular output, and to c. Greater ability to increase the length and tension of the ventric- ular fiber, thereby producing a greater efficiency of ventricular systole. INFLUENCE OF AURICLE ON VENTRICULAR OUTPUT 4138 REFERENCES (1) Henperson: This Journal, 1906, xvi, 325. (2) GesELL: This Journal, 1911, xxix, 32. (3) Rosenzweia: Arch. f. Physiol., 1903, supplement, 192. (4) Fano: Beitr. zur Physiol. C. Ludwig gewidmet, 1887. (5) HENDERSON AND JoHNSON: Heart, 1913, iv, 69. (6) Patrerson, PreerR AND Starwina: Journ. of Physiol., 1914, xlviii, 465. ™ eeett ® all ALA ny on : ® ai aie iF, rete y othe AY, =< § *% A sad ibe "ae? mer oa WG ; ale oral. cere ; re hs sea @ , aq ers ’ | ove <3 er, ro 7 ' Ce a a acyl de eee r ¥ tine 4 fT hen ot gi ae (TR: ea A ba ee: aah a A os RMR : ‘ ( r | tare . i , wh ey af ‘ = T Widi ay 4 ! : 7 a ae | re Lia gr, ' AAs ' ee et ahd w ° - ¥) ; Fikaea a A ar" rPé q ® pee. ee . * nh id i. ' & ie y a - > » : nh a _ = el THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY VOL. 38 OCTOBER 1, 1915 No. 4 STUDIES IN EXPERIMENTAL GLYCOSURIA IX. Tue LevEL oF THE BLogp-SuGaR IN THE DoG UNDER LABORATORY CONDITIONS J. J. R. MACLEOD anp R.'‘G. PEARCE From the Laboratory of Physiology and Biochemistry, Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland, Ohio Received for publication August 21, 1915 It is a well-established fact that the anaesthetizing and preparation of laboratory animals causes a varying and often very considerable degree of hyperglycaemia to develop. Although there can be no doubt that the influence of certain factors on the blood-sugar level will be masked by the presence of this condition, yet it has so far been impossible to obviate it by procedures which are not open to objections that are prob- ably as serious as the presence of the excess of sugar in the blood. Both E. L. Scott (1) and Shaffer (2) have recently shown that the blood-sugar level in the dog and eat is really much below that usually taken as the ‘normal’ in experiments bearing on sugar metabolism. Seott concludes that ‘if consistent results are to be expected, the ani- mals (cats) must be . . . . killed without pain or excitement,”’ and Shaffer, working on the dog, shows that the removal of blood from a vein with entire avoidance of any excitement on the part of the animal, yields blood-sugar values which are about one-half those which have been considered by previous workers as normal. Both inves- tigators emphasize the diabetic influence of the excitement caused by giving a general anaesthetic, and in a later communication, Shaffer (along with Hubbard (3)) shows that the initial hyperglycaemia may - be avoided, or, if present, caused almost to disappear by forced respira- tion through a tracheal cannula. 415 416 J. J. R. MACLEOD. AND R. G. PEARCE Similar observations by other investigators are referred to fully in the above papers. If we are to confine our investigations on the behaviour of the sugar level of the blood to unanaesthetized animals, however, a very limited field will be open to us, for we shall be unable to study many of the factors which influence the glycogenic functions of the liver. For pur- poses of following the blood-sugar level from day to day, the precautions advocated by the above workers must henceforth be strictly adhered to, but for the large group of observations requiring surgical interfer- ence, and therefore anaesthesia, an entirely different method must be followed in obtaining normal standards with which to compare the ex- perimental results. Shaffer and Hubbard suggest that in such cases the initial hyperglycaemia, since it is largely due to dyspnoea, should be avoided by forced artificial respiration. One of us (J. J. R. M.) (4) some years ago employed this method to avoid the dyspnoeic hypergly- caemia brought about in dogs by stimulation of the central end of the vagus nerve. It was also used in experiments involving stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. The forced ventilation was always found to cause a decline in blood-sugar, but the method was abandoned as a routine practice in subsequent work because it was concluded that the depression in the CQ,-tension of the blood involved in using it would introduce conditions which were at least as unphysiological as those due to a slight excess of sugar. We have frequently reconsidered the advisability of using forced respiration or insufflation of oxygen in our experiments, but as work has accumulated showing, on the one hand, the close relationship between the CO,—tension of the blood and its reaction and, on the other, the susceptibility of the physiological activi- ties of nerve centers, as well as of many organs and tissues—including ulmost certainly the glycogenic function of the liver—to the reaction of the blood, we have abandoned the idea. . These difficulties in securing constantly low ‘normal’ values for blood-sugar in laboratory experiments make it necessary to adopt other standards with which to compare the results obtained during some ex- perimental procedures. The ideal being unattainable at present, there remains available one of two methods, either: (1) to determine the blood- sugar level of each animal for some time before bringing about any ex- perimental change, or (2) to use, for comparison with the experimental animal, data secured from a sufficient number of anaesthetized animals in which all the conditions are as similar as possible to those obtaining in the experimental animal. LEVEL OF BLOOD-SUGAR IN THE DOG 417 We have hitherto employed the former of these methods although, as already stated, we have recognized the limitations due to the fact that the initial disturbances dependent upon etherization, etc., might mask many of the results. For further work which we contemplate, how- _ ever, it will be necessary to employ the second method, and some of the data which we have collected to this end are given in the present paper. Methods. Dogs were employed in all the experiments. Most of these were removed from the stock kennels several days before being used and were either starved or given a liberal diet of bread broken up inameat broth. Certain of the animals were given 5—7 grams of cane _ sugar per kg. body weight, dissolved in water, by stomach tube, on the evening preceding the experiment. Etherization was brought about as quickly as possible, and the animal was then tied out on a warmed operating table and a tracheal cannula introduced and connected with an anaesthetic bottle. Throughout the remainder of the experiment the concentration of ether in the inspired air was kept as constant as possible. The arterial blood pressure, the respiration and the rectal temperature were carefully watched. After opening the abdomen the aorta was ligated between the coeliac axis and renal arteries, and the vena cava tied at the same level. A cannula was then introduced in the vena cava so that its open end lay opposite the hepatic veins. This cannula was plugged by a pipe cleaner. To secure samples of blood from the portal vein a similar cannula was inserted in the pancreatico-duodenal vein with its free end just at the vena porta. For the analyses samples of blood were removed, usually at intervals of two minutes, by removing the pipe cleaners and connecting a pipette to the cannula. A sufficient amount of blood was removed to be certain that the cannula was filled with that present in - the particular vein under observation. This pipette was then removed and a moistened 2 cc. pipette connected with the cannula. There was practically never any trouble with clotting, for if a clot did form it re- mained adherent to the cleaners and was withdrawn with them. The 2 ce. samples of blood were immediately transferred to test tubes containing 8 cc. water, and the sugar content was ascertained by one of the methods described elsewhere by one of us (R. G. P.) (5). Portions of liver were also removed at the end of the experiments for glycogen estimation. Results. The following features of the blood-sugar level have occu- pied our attention in the present investigation, viz: (1) the extent of the fluctuations occurring under normal conditions; (2) the initial height of 418 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE the level in relationship to the amount of glycogen in the liver; (3) the relationship between the levels in the blood of the portal vein and vena cava. Although we have performed a considerable number of experiments, we do not consider that we have by any means sufficient data from which Re. cent 260] Slyeag iveB/ OS fo * 150 ee ea REA doe | NaI Mibu lees fos Exp. Fig. 1. Curves from seven experiments showing the fluctuations in the sugar level in the blood of the vena cava. all of these questions can be finally answered, but we have thought it advisable to place what we have on record. The extent of the fluctuations. For most of the experiments in this connection the modified method of Bang was employed, as described LEVEL OF BLOOD-SUGAR IN THE DOG 419 by one of us (R. G. P.) elsewhere, and the results of seven of them are compiled as curves in figure 1. The extent of the experimental error involved in this method, as indicated here and there along the curves by vertical oblongs, is seen to be considerable. Usually, however, it is be- low 5 per cent, and frequently duplicate analyses agreed exactly. After allowing for the greatest possible error, it is plain that considerable fluctuations occur, even when the two specimens of blood were removed at intervals of five minutes apart. It will be noticed that the fluctua- tions are of two types, one, sudden, occurring over a period of a few minutes, and the other, much more gradual. A. The sudden fluctuations. It is probable that these are often due to experimentalerror, but this is not al- ways the case be- cause they are also present when the much more accu- rate modified Ben- edict method is employed. The re- sults of three ex- periments of the same type in which the estimations were made by this method, are com- piled in the curves of figure 2, from which it will be observed that the samples of blood were removed every two or three minutes, instead of every five. This permits us to determine with greater certainty whether these momentary fluctuations actually exist, which, it will be seen, they do, although usually very slight in degree. Thus, in the fifty or so estimations used in the compilation of the curves, the greatest fluctuations occurring in two minutes are a fall from 0.156 to 0.137 per cent (No. 78) and a rise from 0.140 to 0.160 per cent (No. 76). Earlier in this latter experiment two consecutive rises of about 15 per cent each are also present. The former variation occurred immediately after the start of the experiment, and is probably to be attributed to operative Fig. 2. Curves showing behavior of blood-sugar level compiled from data furnished by a modified Lewis-Bene- dict method. 420 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE disturbances involving the portal circulation. We have observed simi- - lar declines in the blood-sugar during the first few minutes of other experiments of this type, so that we always allow a sufficient time for it to occur before attempting to bring about any experimental change. The sudden rises seen in experiment 76 are more serious and we are at a loss to explain them. The animal used in the experiment behaved under anaesthesia in a perfectly normal fashion, and there can be no doubt about the accuracy of the estimations, since blood samples taken from the portal vein Ad page gave values which Es ' . 310 [nae | agreed very closely | | Ke | swith those taken simul- O() al zi =] =a taneously from the 29 ae | vena cava. Unusual | though such sudden fluctuations may be, it 210 is essential that their ; | : ae j pH possible occurrence in bl / work of this nature should be allowed for ee ba Ke by frequent repetition 0 t % sim mie of the exper iments. BEY Such sudden rises in ce we ae! the blood-sugar level og oF Lyven 975 Pst . ae aoe , ul rs during the course of PP RSS| an peinent on an all) on 0 3b 7 D wee PS be apparently ‘normal’ r * ; animal should be dis- Fig. 3. Curve from experiment in which a sudden Ce ; inguished f imi- fall in blood pressure occurred following a period of tingul hed ae eee faulty anaesthesia. lar rises almost invari- ably to be observed when the animal becomes asphyxiated, or when there is a pronounced fall in arterial blood pressure. In figure 3 curves plotted from the re- sults of such an experiment are given, the animal being hyperglycae- mic from the very start. B. The gradual changes. Tn all the eleven experiments, save the one already referred to (viz., No. 76), there occurred a progressive fall in the blood-sugar level during the first part of the period of observation. This fall lasted for at least thirty minutes, although it persisted for the pey LEVEL OF BLOOD-SUGAR IN THE DOG 421 whole duration of the observation in about one-half of the experiments (viz., Nos. 6, 14, 16, 73, 78). The gradual decline is probably due to the passing away of conditions which excite the glycogenolytic process during the anaesthetisation and operative manipulation of the animal. Such evidence that the preparation of the animal causes hyper- glycogenolysis, along with the marked variation in the level to start with, might seem to indicate that investigation of the glycogenic function would be impossible in anaesthetized animals, since the already existent disturbance would mask any further change, especially an increase, which might be brought about by experimental interference. It is very probable that conditions which would cause a slight increase of blood- sugar in a ‘normal’ animal might fail to do so in one that was hypergly- caemic, but this fact does not, in our estimation, justify the conclusion of one author that ‘the dog is little suited for investigations concerning glycaemia’ (Bang) (6). The emotional glycaemia is at least as marked in the other animals available for such work (cat and rabbit), and, in the case of the rabbit at least, there are much more serious objections to their employment, such as their small size, their herbivorous habits and the impossibility of removal of the pancreas. Unless dogs are em- ployed, investigation of many of the problems concerning the glyco- genic function of the liver becomes impossible, but to discount the dis- turbing influences due to etherization and operative interference we must know exactly the extent ‘and frequency of such disturbance. The initial level and the subsequent rise in blood-sugar in relationship to the percentage of glycogen in the liver. It is clear from figures 1 and 2 that an initially high level of blood-sugar is more likely to occur in ani- mals having a high percentage of glycogen than in those in which there is only a trace. ‘The secondary rise is also usually more marked in gly- eogen-rich animals, although it sometimes occurs, as in experiment 11, in those that are glycogen-poor. The relationship between glycogen-content and the initial sugar-level is well illustrated in the following table (I) taken from other experiments than those used in the compilation of the curves in figure 1. The relationship between the levels in the blood of the portal vein and vena cava. On account of the magnitude of the blood flow through the liver, the very smallest difference in sugar concentration in- the blood entering and leaving it could exist only when an extreme degree of gly- cogen formation or breakdown existed in the liver. In a subsequent paper we shall submit results showing how such ‘percentage’ values be- have when dextrose is injected into the portal vein. In the present 422 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE paper we have collected, in Table II, the results of estimations which were made on samples of blood which were collected from the two ves- sels either simultaneously or at intervals of not more than one minute apart and prior to the sugar injections. : TABLE I Relationship between the initial sugar-level and the glycogen-content of the liver. STARVED WELL-FED Number of Glycogen in | Sugar in blood Number of Glycogen in | Sugar in blood experiment liver at start experiment liver at start per cent per cent per cent per cent Sle geek eee trace 0.176 32 6.50 0.246 BOM a aeaee nae trace 0.098 34 0.70 0.163 Bislaihe ser ohh b ce heerekc trace 0.090 35 3.62 0.161 1 RN OP eI ee trace 0.110 37 Did} 0.181 A ee Ai eects cee trace 0.085 40 1.57 0.200 AONE «meer oy Wh trace 0.075 42 10.37 0.202 AS: Ee po trace 0.131 47 0.41 0.170 7 Nace ee trace 0.120 46 9.12 0.118 py tegers ho, ee ye trace 0.118 48 2.00 0.122 Goben ses ee oe trace 0.168 53 12.00 0.170 (\Usctaeiee an eee we trace 0.146 54 4.16 0.205 Gott yt eat oe trace 0.130 62 0.150 68 0.67 0.100 72 6.5 0.200 Max mum 0.176 Maximum 0.246 Minimum 0.075 Minimum 0.100 Average 0.120 Average 0.170 TABLE II INTERVAL BETWEEN COLLECTION SUGAR IN BLOOD OF PAN- ry. 4 x oF eS ee pxpemivess| —REATICODUODENAL | YON ava ee (1) From same}(2) From other vein vein per cent per cent min. min. OO rare eee 0.170, 0.168 0.168, 0.167 1 1 IO ee eae 0.133, 0.1338 — , 0.146 1 1 ie pee eee tee 0.100, 0.099, 0.100 0.100, 0.098, 0.100 1 1 bs Ne tee Be 0.137, 0.136, 0.126 0.140, 0.140, 0.140 2 0.5 7 Nera «| 0.200, 0.200, 0.207 4 0.5 ft eee. 0.160, 0.148, 0.160 0.160, 0.160, 0.160 2 0.5 fi are stad 0.158, 0.138 0.166, 0.158, 0.158 2 0.5 LEVEL OF BLOOD-SUGAR IN THE DOG 423 A remarkable correspondence is evident between the two bloods in most cases. When any difference exists it is always small in degree and is, with one exception (No. 70), due to a decline in the portal blood value (Nos. 71, 74, and 75). In the case of No. 74 it is possible that the value 0.148 is due to experimental error, but we have no reason to suspect this in the two other experiments in which the decline occurs (Nos. 71 and 75). In two experiments (Nos. 73 and 76) the estimations were made over longer periods without injecting dextrose into the portal circulation. The results of these experiments are given in the curves in figure 4, from which it will be seen that in one of the experiments (No. 73) there Fig. 4. Curves showing blood-sugar levels in vena cava and portal vein in _ two dogs which were only anaesthetized. was entire correspondence, whilst in the other (No. 76) the sugar con- centration of the ‘cava’ blood stood very considerably above that of the portal blood during a period of nearly twenty minutes. This result indicates a high degree of hyperglycogenolysis for which there was no apparent cause. The behaviour of the curve for the portal blood indicates further that the increase of sugar in the blood of the systemic circulation did not in this experiment immediately cause a similar increase in that of the portal vein. The excess of sugar is evi- dently retained somewhere in the organism, probably in the muscles. In the experiment in which artificial glycaemia was brought about by 424 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE injecting dextrose into the portal vein, this delay in the appearance of the excess of dextrose in the portal blood was not noticed (see subse- - quent communication). We cannot account for it in the present ex- periment unless we assume that dextrose which has been set free in the liver as a result of hyperglycogenolysis is more liable to be ‘fixed’ or used in the tissues than injected dextrose. Although there is so far no direct evidence (7) that glycogen-dextrose is dealt with by the tissues in any different manner from chemically pure dextrose, yet it is possible that it is so, and that one of the differences is with regard to its readiness to become deposited in the tissues. In conclusion we would point out that although the blood-sugar level in an anaesthetised animal does not remain unchanged from time to time, yet the changes occurring during a period of ten minutes are very small when compared with those observed by us on blood similarly removed from animals in which the splanchnic or hepatic nerves were stimulated (8). REFERENCES (1) Scorr: This Journal, 1914, xxxiv, 271. (2) Swarrer: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1914, xix, 297. (3) SHAFFER AND Hupparp: Proc. Soc. Biol. Chem., 1914, iii, 31. (4) Macteop: This Journal, 1907, xix, 388; 1908, xxii, 373. (5) Pearce: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1915 (in publisher’s hands). (6) Bana: Der Blutzucker. Wiesbaden, 1913, p. 31. (7) Macterop: Journ. Biol. Chem., 1913, xv, 497. (8) Macireop AnD Prarce: This Journal, 1911, xxviii, 403. STUDIES IN EXPERIMENTAL GLYCOSURIA X. THe SuGAR RETAINING POWER OF THE LIVER IN RELATIONSHIP TO THE AMOUNT OF GLYCOGEN ALREADY PRESENT IN THE ORGAN J. J. R. MACLEOD anp R. G. PEARCE From the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland, Ohio Received for publication August 21, 1915 Since the time of Claude Bernard it has been usual to consider the glycogenic function of the liver as one analogous to that of starch for- mation in plants, that is, as a means for temporarily storing away for future uses in the organism, carbohydrate that is not immediately re- quired. It has been recognized, however, that the capacity of the liver to store glycogen is quite inadequate to account for all the carbo- hydrate that is assimilated from the intestine, and it is believed that » some of the excess is carried to the muscles and deposited there as glyco- gen, the remainder being either oxidized or more slowly converted into fat. According to the above view, we should expect that the power of the liver to retain sugar as glycogen would be more marked when this organ is empty than when it is already well filled with glycogen. Undoubtedly, such a view is correct when we consider the total glyco- gen capacity; that is to say, the empty liver will hold more than the - liver that is already partly filled. But this does not necessarily mean that the rate with which the liver converts the sugar to glycogen will be different in the two cases. Capacity for glycogen and rate of glycogen-formation in the liver need not run parallel. Indeed there are several observations on record which would seem: to show that dextrose, absorbed from the intestine, passes more freely into the blood of the systemic circulation in fasting, than in well-fed animals. Thus, Bang (1) and his collaborators have found that after giving from 2 to 10 grams of dextrose by stomach to rabbits, the dextrose concentration of the systemic blood began to rise in fifteen minutes, gaining a maximum in about an hour and then re- turning to the normal level in three hours. This hyperglycaemia de- 425 426 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE veloped more rapidly and reached a higher level in starved rabbits than in those that had received previous administrations of dextrose; and it usually failed to develop at all in animals that had received and re- covered from several previous injections. Such a result can most easily be interpreted by assuming that the liver more quickly removes the absorbed dextrose when it already contains some glycogen than when it is glycogen-free. If these results can be confirmed, it would indicate that the process which is going on in the liver during starvation is one of glycogenolysis, or more correctly of glyconeogenesis, and that the liver cell cannot immediately reverse it to one of glycogen-formation (glycogenesis) when excess of dextrose appears in the portal blood. The liver cells, in other words, cannot produce glycogen and dextrose at the same time, either when the dex- trose comes from their own stores of glycogen or from protein, and it takes some time for the cells to change over from the one function to the other. The present investigation was undertaken to supply more direct evi- dence for or against the above hypothesis. Methods: Dogs were either starved or fed for some days on a diet of bread and meat, or given cane sugar by stomach tube on the evening preceding the experiment. After being anaesthetized with ether, can- nulae were placed in the inferior vena cava and, in the later experiments, in the duodenal vein, as described in a previous paper. A cannula filled with Ringer’s solution was also placed in one of the branches of the mesenteric vein, as far down as possible. Through the tubing which closed this cannula passed a hypodermic needle connected through a three-way stop-cock with tubes leading to the bottom of two graduated cylinders, one containing Locke’s solution, the other, a 4 per cent solu- tion of pure dextrose. The graduates were closed above with stoppers, through a second hole in which they were connected with an 8-litre bottle, in which an air pressure was established by means of a pump. The large capacity of the bottle and the comparatively slow rate of outflow through the hypodermic needle ensured a practically uniform rate of injection during five minutes, and this rate was altered in the different experiments, either by choosing needles of different bore or by changing the air pressure—by means of a mercury valve—in the bottle. Although somewhat hypotonic, the above strength of dextrose was chosen to simplify calculation, since we intended, at the outset, to alter the rate of injection by known degrees during each experiment. The rate of injection varied from 8 to 27.5 ce. in the different experi- INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER 427 ments, i.e., from 0.32 to 1.2 grams of dextrose in five minutes. Taking the average blood-flow through the portal vein as 1300 ce. in five min- utes (calculated on the basis of 4.3 cc. per second for a liver of average weight, 400 grams) (2), and assuming that the blood to start with con- tained 0.15 per cent dextrose, the above amounts of injected dextrose would give a maximal percentage of 0.25 in the portal blood, suppos- ing none of the dextrose was removed from the blood during the five minutes of injection. This degree of hyperglycaemia in the blood of the portal vein is believed to be not infrequently overstepped during the absorption of carbohydrate, so that the conditions in our experiments in this regard can be considered as well within the normal limits. In order to ascertain the normal sugar concentration of the blood of each animal, several samples of blood (2 cc. each) were removed at two- minute intervals from the vena cava, and also—in the later experiments —from the duodenal vein. Meanwhile, in most of the experiments, Locke’s solution was being injected into the mesenteric vein. The sugar solution was then injected for exactly five minutes, samples of blood being still collected every two or three minutes, and at similar inter- vals after discontinuing the injection. A second injection period fol- lowed after from ten to twenty minutes, unless the condition of the animal was such as to make it inadvisable. 2 At the end of the experiment a portion of liver was removed and cut in thin slices, which were then dried between filter paper. Duplicate portions, of 10 grams each, were then used to determine the glycogen- content. In some of the earlier experiments a piece of liver was re- moved, after mass ligation, early in the experiment. It was hoped that results could be secured, from a comparison of the glycogen-con- tent at the beginning and the end of the experiments, that would fur- nish information as to whether glycogenesis or glycogenolysis was tak- ing place during the time of the observation. So far, the results in this respect have not been satisfactory. Anaesthesia, arterial blood pres- sure, and the respirations were practically unchanged during the experi- ments, unless otherwise noted in the tables of results, which follow. Discussion of results: These are compiled in Tables I and II. It will be most convenient to consider them as a whole first of all, and later to select one or two typical experiments for the purpose of examining more closely the time relationships and the magnitude of the changes produced by the sugar injections. The figures in the fourth columns of the tables represent the grams of dextrose injected into a mesenteric vein in five minutes; those of the MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE URE Jie , 428 ‘UOTZBUITISA VUOo *£IMDAODOI peyaegl pr Bae ai “dd {49Ip [etoods qua siup ¢ pot “UOTPBUITISI JUQo ‘DA 2 °C ‘d# ‘uorTyooful puoves ped ‘“uorjoofur puooes 199ye IIT4 yovq oulod JOU plo “porp oq “youq au09 ou pid * A][eIyzed youq VUIB oe ‘UOTJVUITYSA OU # “Toye Apqw -pisuoo = posvoi0uy x “A]jrvd Yyouqg IWIV > “DUIMO]IO} BIMIVvVdIA[SALIA A TTX “yoeq vu100 you pig *K “DUISTL A[TMO]Qo SMUV Wo eI papy pwar ay? fo poo7g ay) fo 7wWa}UWOI-as0.yxap ay} WO sbop paasm7s fo uraa yo7Lod ay7 opur UOYyIalur asoujxap [oO J9a[Ja AY], dOVIL d0BL OBL, dOVL], dBA, dBRL, dOBL, OVAL, ORAL, OBL, BLY, quad Jad a 6100 080°0 PIL 0 060° 0 920° 0 890° 0 9F0'0 660 0 P80 0 ONIUOG WOWIXVW aNv ONIGUIAUd GTOVUAAV NUM LAE GON AMAT ATG II Go 0 |§€0'0 8c1'0 ¥ 8S '0 [0090 STL 0 CF9L'O |0ZZ°0 |F80°0 C69T'0 |0€2°0 |420'°0 CAS6I'0 |088 0 |€60°0 Cc9t'0 | 80 T \299°0 C8sST 0 |c20'G |80I 0 Vé0L 0 |6ZT 0 |620 0 CISTI 0 |9cF' 0 |2S0'0 COL 0 \68T' 0 |€20°0 va 0 61 0 C106 0 080° 0 dcsl 0 |’S0' 0 |S00°0 V8SI 0 |€9L'0 |8S0 0 CcErl 0 |949'0 |TE0 0 C2cl 0 \9FZ' 0 |600°0 do0€ 0) 96° T |620°0 quad dad NOLL -OULNI (V) |LHDIGM| ASOUL ONIMOTION| -AGO -xada ANGLVIG | CHL AG] “WY T -AWWL UO aatid ud (dq) DONIWOAG] -1n7OW | asvayo ASVAMONI ‘od -NI IVWIXVW OL 6 8 vs sh OC «00'0 | {09T°0 | OFT'0 | 09'0 ouo Ny 9FT'O | o9FT'0 | 8F'0 x 9F0 0 Fle 0 89T'D | OF 0 *2460'0 | oGSFl 0 SILO | c&0 4€0°0 c9L'O Sel 0 | SFO 090° 0 OST’ O OGIO | #90 £600 ccT 0 0&1 0 | FF 0 920° 0 LST 0 TEI 0 | ¥2°0 *,610'0 60° 0 G10 0 | ¥2 0 1c0' 0 FOL 0 €80' 0 | OF 0 G10 0 160° 0 G80 0 | 2G 0 oxO0IL 0 FIG’ 0 | ¥F0L 0 | O80 «690 0 revedh (0) NTO | 08 0 *900 0 GIL O 9010 | 06° T GPO 0 GEL O 060°0 | G20 [€0'0 |} oZIL 0 980°0 | 00 T *800'0 | ¥*90T°0 860° 0 | 88 0 r » 620°0 | ¥*&82'0 | o9ZT°0 | 00'T quad Jad quad dad qua9 sad “ub NOILOULNI | NOLLOALNI | aaLoar ASV GUONI ONIUod auodae -NI GDVUGAV | GsouLxad | asoOuLxad | asouL -doo1mg -doo 1d -xaa J I WTA VL 9 eral a ¥peT |08'°9 PPAIBIS OE 6G P9AIBIS |0G'¢ poaryg |eg’s PIAIVIG |OC’ 6 PAAIBI_ 0G’ 6 poealeyg |00' 6I PeAtIByS |00° 6I poareyg |9Q' OL peareyg |JT'S8 POAIBIS JTS PoAIvyg POAIBIS PpoAreyg PoAareyg Ppoareyg DAS S —_ P9sArByg poarvyg | @ LT qdoost LTHOIaM éIl OL CIP If BYE 8é BOE 9€ I€ “ON 429 INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER “HOTIOLUTL OY} LOFJE SOPLULUL OAT, UTYIIM [BULLOU OY} OF WANJOL YOU PIP AVBNS Jo oBBJUddAed OY} YRY} OFOIPUT SySLIOYSV OY T,y *MOTPBUITYSE OU) ¥ *poP MUO TOTYBUIT}SO OUD,» | “1078 Buisvodout youq ouwuy* *qno snxe [d oredoyy oy ‘A ‘d ul astl jar[easd Ayjoexoy # | G19°0 *youq oulod you pic] # ‘ATO 831898 Jo “BULY JO UOISNJUl Sulla}, y Ol'p “youq ourod Jou pic[ # 00°21 *pepnypout JON *‘]ensn uy} JOPEy, yByS], “BIUOBOA [D10d -Aqy Jooyjo oVBIpoUrUyT ‘s}[NSeL AB[NBIT AlOAS 00°% G16 “RItUOBOA[DIOdGAY AT[BOT# | ZIP'O *AIODAO001 ON # 1°01 "SSOT [[1GS posoaooey | LG" T » *UOLJBUITISA [ o “A[IYSLYS posroaoooas A[UGO # Loy ‘MIND aasy *podojoaop Al 1pwe4s BIULOVOA[DIOdAY poxieyy # Lg (aU *youq euros you pic] #* “TB[NGOIT SI[NSOYo | GIL°0 G9 UUALT NI NGO fMUV NG -OOXTD INGO ud ll él 120°0 200°0 10 020°0 810°0 000 C100 020°0 280°0 s10°0 OFL 0 sel 0 8700 ££0°0 000° 0 000°0 £20°0 6S0°0 al 0 090°0 £110 _ 00°0 60° 0 620°0 quad sad NGGAL -2a& GoONaudssida ONINOG WOWKIXVHK QNY SONIGGOGNd SOVUGAY a L610 (c61'0 Vo6e 0 022 0 CsIt'0 260 Cg9t'0 CU9Te’ 0 C1696 0 V88L0 CLO86 0 (092° 0 Ce9t 0 CIst 0 CiIPT 0 COLL 0 (19220 Ss 0 VbPe 0 (10920 Vos 0 Voor 0 g61°0 “MOTION MIALVIGUN -WI Uo (a) OnTUOnG ASVANONT IVWIXVIN Or GCE 0 026 °0 G9'T L¥'0 0L6°0 0820 GOT 0 GEh 0 9¢2°0 610 OST’? 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J, IL WTAVL 430 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE fifth, the percentage of dextrose in the blood of the vena cava immedi- ately preceding the sugar injection. In practically every instance these - figures, i.e., in column 5, are the average of determinations on several samples of blood removed at two-minute intervals. The sixth column gives the average percentage of blood-sugar during the injection of the sugar, and the seventh, the average increase. This average increase is nearly always considerably less than the maximal increase, which is given in the tenth columns, because the values in the samples of blood obtained immediately after the injection did not, in most cases, show any increase over the normal. On this account, and also be- cause the first samples taken after discontinuing the injection still showed the increase in sugar, it might have been advisable to use, for the computation of the average, not the values obtained during the injection, but rather those immediately preceding and following the end of the injection period. This method was not chosen because it was found in many cases that the increased discharge of sugar was main- tained for some considerable time after discontinuing the injection, thus indicating that a hyperglycogenolysis had become established, probably as a result of the sugar injections. This stimulation of a more or less persistent sugar mobilization will be discussed ina future paper; meanwhile it is important to note that it was more frequent in the case of glycogen-laden livers than in those that were glycogen- free, so that, to have used the figures obtained after the injection, would have made the averages for fed animals too high. The cases in which the sugar percentage did not return to the normal within about five minutes after the injection are indicated by asterisks. Since figures in the seventh columns represent increases produced by the injection of varying amounts of dextrose into the portal vein, they cannot be compared with one another. To make this possible it was necessary to calculate in each case the average increase for 1 gram of injected dextrose. This has been done by direct proportion— figures in column 8—on the assumption that the same fraction of in- jected sugar will always be retained by the liver, an assumption for which there is however no experimental justification, for it may well be that, with progressively increasing injections, a greater or a smaller fraction of the sugar is retained. We intend to investigate this pomt at an early date. To further reduce the figures to a common basis allowance had of course to be made for the greater quantity of blood in the portal cireu- lation in large, as compared with small animals. Since the total volume INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER 431 of blood in the body is practically proportional to the body weight, we have made this correction by multiplying the figures in the eighth column by those in the second, since the larger the animal, the greater . must be the dilution to which the injected sugar would be subjected. The values thus obtained are more or less arbitrary, but they are com- parable one with another. The figures in the twelfth column give the percentage amounts of glycogen found present in portions of liver re- moved immediately after the animal was killed, or, in some cases, in portions removed before the injection was started. Although the values obtained after making the corrections as above indicated—i.e., those in the ninth column—do not exhibit as close a correspondence as we had hoped they would, yet, when we compare them in Tables I and II, they seem sufficient to justify the general con- clusion that the glycogen-free liver does not remove dextrose from the portal blood any more quickly than one that is glycogen-rich. The ultimate storage capacity of the glycogen-free liver is no doubt greater than that of one that is already partly filled with glycogen, but its avidity for dextrose is certainly not more pronounced; indeed, if anything, it appears to be somewhat less, as a close comparison of the results in the two tables will indicate. It will be noted that the percentage of dextrose in the blood issuing from the liver at the start of the experiment is very much more con- stant in the case of the starved animals than in those that were fed. The variation for the former is between 0.075 and 0.146 (leaving out the values in experiments 31 and 65, which are considerably higher) and the average 0.111. The variation for the latter is between 0.100 and 0.206 (leaving out experiment 32) and the average 0.150. This is of course what we should expect, and is entirely in line with our previous experi- ‘ence that operative hyperglycaemia is much more likely to develop in well-fed, as compared with starved animals. The differences, however, render comparison somewhat uncertain, and they make it desirable to compare the extent of the hyperglycaemia produced by 1 gram of dextrose in animals having about the same initial blood-sugar percent- age. This is done in the following table (Table III). It will be seen that the dextrose tends to pass the liver more readily in the starved group of animals. The initial hyperglycaemia probably does not introduce any very serious error, for the increase produced by injecting 1 gram of sugar js at least as marked in initially hyperglycaemic, as in normal animals. Thus, for sugar percentages up to 0.16, the increases were: 0.330. 0.00, 432 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE TABLE III STARVED ANIMALS WELL-FED ANIMALS Increase in percentage of dextrose perl gram . dextrose injected mul- tiplied by the body- weight Increase in percentage Original percentage of of dextrose perl gram | Original percentage of dextrose in blood dextrose multiplied dextrose in blood by the body weight 0.098 0.246 0.100 0.270 0.090 0.630 0.118 0.720 0.118 0.280 0.140 0.220 0.150 0.162 0.160 0.270 0.161 0.000 0.163 0.330 0.168 . 0.600 0.170 0.000 0.169 0.120 0.000, 0.283, 0.850, 0.162, 0.27, 0.270; and in those having an initial blood-sugar percentage of 0.200 or above, they were: 0.216, 0.203, 0.618, 0.763, 0.545, 0.327, 0.000. The uncertain nature of the results of the above experiments led us to suspect that the differences obtained might be due to unequal amounts of sugar entering the liver, for although we always examined to see that the sugar solution was really going into the mesenteric vein, yet it might not become properly mixed with the blood by the time that thehilus of the liver was reached. ‘To control this we performed several experi- ments in which blood was taken from the portal vein, through a cannula inserted in the central end of the pancreatico-duodenal branch, at about the same time as that collected from the vena cava. The results of these experiments are given in Table IV, in the sixth, seventh and eighth columns of which the figures standing opposite D represent the percentages of sugar in the blood of the portal vein, and those opposite V, the percentages in that of the vena cava. That is to say, the figures occupying the position of numerators represent the values of the portal blood; the denominators, those of the blood of the vena cava. The numbers are arranged in each column in the order in which the samples of blood were withdrawn from either vein. \ It will be seen that, almost without exception, the percentage of sugar in the inflowing and that in the outflowing blood of the liver are equaél before any injection of sugar is made (see previous paper). In colump 7 the change produced by the injection of sugar is recorded. \ 433 INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER “WUr Qf OINSserd poorg x “AIOVV PLYOICD,, 96F°0 ,68F°0 .o2F'0 C680 ,Sée"0 oge"0 29270 A ' bie = a rg B “uyUr ¢°0 ‘ura g | #z¢6°0 Zee FeO | 58" OFe0 w20 weod| % 9 i a eae Deal L81°0 | S¢1°0 .8S1°0 ,99T'0 A “UI G9 “UU % (WOT}By1OSNsar SUuIY4BoIq peddoys) ozo} Selo ssl od 980 a7 POFTIPAL g a 8810 ,88I'0 2610 L610 ,981'0 POLLO eAal| Pe eres “UTM ¢°9 ‘urn | SFO O20 T6F'0 Ta ga oroa| %°? ee ple I 8810 ,98I°0 ,egt'0 G61" .091°0 | o9r'o ooo oor 0 A] _. be “urUr ¢°9 ‘amg | ZO BLO 290 I8L°0 0610] o9t'0 stro osroa| S22 5 Ea | La8oale ve eae 80.7" ,268°0 LLE°0 0920 ,002°0 £5Z'0 .6F2'0 A G-] Suoroofur GEE O (G06 446 0 .0G ‘ ; OF6 0 A : bre erie - “‘uyur g'9 | oroyoq “ur Z| ZeeQ ose"0 G€8°0 8920 6F7 0 oce'0 ocwoa| 9 fee Bes TPA 8 EY es 022°0 ,002°0 2220 ,S1Z"0 ,21z'0 102'0 ,002°0 A ; ; 002'0 212°0 002°0 A an 2 “urUr ¢°Q “urUL g One Ua se 020 0260 Oza'0 (e'0) ooo a} SF 9% peas fl P8I'0 ,961'0 0220 . 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GIT VY col 0 SAT 0 OE ra SY a ee a0vd DAIBY “uyUr J ‘um tT | gO FEO S210 8.10 010 S10] sro ero eroa| 80 sh paar PW PL “16 quad sad “By Se a a re oe a ee Loe SNIQA “NIW G INDUCE NIGA GNVS WOlQdofur SutMo][o iT wolqoofat Satan uorqoefur o10j;agZ NI NHATT woud WOU SaTda - aqggoar NI aooa “TM “ON SQ1TdWwyvs -WVS NAGM ia -NI Napoox 1p NOUGMALAE IVAUGTINI SS Le ee asoun IVAUMALNI SATdNVS COO1s NI qsouLxaa INGO uma -xada Or. 6 a L a > _ 434 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE In the two-minute interval that was allowed to elapse between the be- ginning of the sugar injection and the collection of the next sample of blood, a detectable increase in sugar concentration had occurred in the portal blood (i.e., numerators) in nearly every instance. In the case of the cava blood (i.e., denominators), however, the increase in sugar concentration in the two-minute interval was not nearly so fre- quent (e.g., it was absent in Nos. 65, 70, 70a, 71, 71 a, 72 a and 74). This delay in the appearance of the injected sugar in the ‘cava’ blood is very evident in the curves which will be referred to immediately. It seems to occur as frequently in well-fed as in starved animals. The delay is no doubt partly due to the time occupied by the blood in passing through the liver vessels, but this can not account for all of it, as the following rough calculations will show. In a dog weighing 12 kg., which is about the average of those employed in the experiments, and the liver weight 400 grams, there would be from 1300-1500 ce. of blood passing the organ in five minutes, say 550 cc. in two minutes. Assuming that the liver contains 30 per cent of the total blood in the 30 X 800 100 before the injection started would have been displaced at least twice during the first two minutes of the injection. Part of the delay must, therefore, depend on diffusion of the excess of dextrose into the lymph and tissue juices of the liver, a diffusion which presumably goes on until blood and tissue juices contain the same concentration of dextrose. When we compare the sugar concentrations in the samples of blood removed from the two vessels during the last three minutes of the in- jection periods, they are seen to be practically identical in all of the experiments, except 71 and 72 a. From the neighboring values we are inclined to attribute the result in No. 71 to experimental error. That in No. 72a is undoubtedly due to the progressive hyperglycogenolysis present in this case. The figures in column 8 furnish us with information regarding the after-effects of the sugar injection, the first samples being usually taken two minutes after. discontinuing the injection, and the others at sub- sequent two-minute intervals. Taking the change in the cava-blood first, it will be seen that in twelve of the experiments (Nos. 63, 65, 70, 70 a, 68, 68 a, 71, 72, 72 a, 74, 74 a, 75) there was no return to the normal level within four or five minutes after discontinuing the injec- tion, such a return being evident only in one experiment (No. 71 a). Similar comparison of the portal blood reveals a more rapid return body (i.e., = 240 cc.), it will be seen that the blood in the organ INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER 435 to the normal sugar level in five or six of the experiments (Nos. 63, 65, 70?, 71, 71 a, 74 a), but in the remainder the increase in sugar concen- tration remained as high as in the cava-blood. These results indicate that there can have been no retention of sugar by the muscles of the body within the time of the observation, so that the blood entering the portal radicles in the intestine contained a concentration of dextrose which was almost equal to that leaving the liver. The dilution due to admixture of this blood with blood from the upper extremities and head was not sufficient to make an appreciable difference. On the other hand, in the experiments in which the sugar level in the portal blood fell more rapidly than that of the cava-blood, it must be concluded that muscle retention of dextrose had occurred. We hope to publish further obser- vations on this question in a subsequent communication. It is of in- terest to compare this result with that noticed when the increase of sugar in the cava-blood is entirely due to hepatic hyperglycogenolysis (see previous paper). Returning to our main question, as to whether any difference exists between glycogen-poor and glycogen-rich livers in their avidity for dextrose, we may say that there is no evidence, as judged from the difference between the sugar concentrations of portal and cava-blood, of any difference. In order to give a clearer presentation of the results than is possible in a table, the curves in figure 1 have been plotted from three of the experiments (LXX, LXXI and LXXIV). The dotted line represents the percentage of sugar in the portal blood, and the discontinuous line, that in the portal vein. The following points should be noted: 1. The quicker rise in sugar concentration in the porta! blood than in that of the vena cava. 2. The delay, after discontinuing the injection, in the return to the normal level of the sugar concentration of the blood of the vena cava and frequently also in that of the portal vein. CONCLUSIONS The existing glycogen-content of the liver does not demonstrably influence the rate with which this organ removes dextrose from the blood of the portal vein. The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Messrs. M. and H. Mahrer in the preparation of this paper. 436 J. J. R. MACLEOD AND R. G. PEARCE Exp. LXX. Starved animal (dextrose injection between arrows). a HE a eT ge a EOE ee ce i i ii “| CAE aR Neary oe aa is a | nial a ac pee i ee a i EUG al oo. ce a a = eps bate Sees SESE t-— eee eH ia Per cent. Dextrose isa Nag GE ce ae Ha eite cee a 7 Ht Ga 14 gree Magee TE Shae foe BREE 133 Hi! Hatte SEU: FEREE EEO ESSES RE 1 Wey 3) ae i i a ate ia cy i be ai an oe 16 17 ‘16 19 Minutes 22 Exp. LXXI. Fed animal, but ees Peron eee pen hobs ee ee dee i Hd _ it eae ii ie etc ee et HUI LEE E BH He fo) eli eles et oe a H GTA HiT Ret Sa 22 Le £ AL 2 aa OH S Fa ie AE © U7 i a ® 16 i ri TG Ee ee Te 14th soo TEE HEHTHE iit itt iT Bhar aneeyaeenamnNGIN an 13) Hf H{! Hits * Hh staltssnetts SU isiesipseetucsteesesieestiegge tases: Stet rstestsEs Ha aces 2 3 (Pe) 6 “rd 8 9. 10, JT 22 33 24 25 Ie aya ® Exp. LXXIV. Fed animal, with over 4 per cent. glycoyen. 8 2 ee 2 Ti a il a ce a Le i | | ( HH He tf le? i rt ; ae a ee - ee | | a a Cee a cs He oo i My BHTH Ht i : H Ei ef ee a ee i ee 3 3 ‘& 5 9 270 ll Fa 13 14 25 2690 Fig. 1. Curves showing effect of dextrose injections into the portal vein on the sugar content of the blood of the portal vein and vena cava. INFLUENCE OF GLYCOGEN ON SUGAR STORAGE OF LIVER 437 REFERENCES . (1) Banc: Der Blutzucker, Wiesbaden, 1913; Jacopson: 1913, lvi, 471; Bo#: ibid, 1913, lviii, 106; Wet: : und Phar., 1913, Ixxiii, 159. (2) MactEop anp PrEarce: This Journal, 1914, xxxv, 87. Biochem. Zeitsch., Arch. f. exper. Path. THE DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES FRANK A. HARTMAN From the Laboratory of Physiology in the Harvard Medical School Received for publication August 24, 1915 The opposed action on arterial blood pressure, in the dog and cat, of different amounts of adrenin injected intravenously—a rise, or a rise and fall, after large doses; and a pure fall after small doses—present phenomena of considerable theoretical interest. This is especially true in the relation of adrenin to the sympathetic system, and in view of present rather meager evidence of vasodilator influences effected through that system. In studies previously made in this laboratory! it was proved that the same amount of adrenin might have opposed effects under different circumstances. Thus the depressor influence of a given small dose when normal arterial pressure prevails is changed to a pressor influence if the arterial pressure has been carried below a certain level, as, for example, by pithing. These opposed effects indicate that adrenin may operate on antagonistic processes, and, as an alternative to the idea of dilator and constrictor sympathetic actions, the tentative suggestion was offered that adrenin causes relaxation of blood vessels when they are tonically contracted, and contraction when they are re- laxed. Another natural opposition in the vascular system which has been claimed by various observers? is one existing between the vessels of the splanchnic area and those of the periphery. The present inves- tigation was directed towards an answer to the question whether adrenin has differential effects on these two vascular regions. The cats used in these experiments were anesthetized with urethane (2.0 g. per kilo, by stomach). The form of adrenin employed was fresh adrenalin diluted with distilled water just before each experiment. Unless otherwise stated the concentration was 1: 100,000. Injections were made into the jugular vein from a syringe graduated to fiftieths of a cubic centimeter. In most cases injections of 0.2 ec. were made, at a 1 Cannon and Lyman: This Journal, 1913, xxxi, 385. 2 Dastre and Morat: Systéme Nerveux Vaso-moteur, Paris, 1884, 329. 4388 EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 439 uniform rate in each instance, over a period of from fifteen to thirty seconds. Blood pressure was registered by means of a mercury manometer, connected usually with one of the carotid arteries. In a few cases the pressure changes in the nasal mucosa were recorded by a membrane manometer connected with one of the anterior nares, the other being plugged with vaselined cotton and the posterior nares being closed with Mendenhall’s apparatus.’ . The vasodilator effect of small doses of dilute adrenin is, in our experi- ence, a constant phenomenon rather than ‘‘a somewhat variable effect,” as Dale’ describes it. Of the fifty-three animals used in this series of experiments only five failed to show a fall of blood pressure when in- jected with 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1: 100,000. As will be shown later, four of these were in an abnormal condition which would account for the failure. Of the forty-nine normal cats, therefore, in only one did the small standard dose of adrenalin fail to cause a drop of arterial pressure. The response of peripheral arteries. In order to determine the re- sponse of the peripheral arteries to this small dose of adrenalin, the cir- culation was excluded from the splanchnic region by tying the inferior -and superior mesenteric arteries and the coeliac axis, and sometimes also the renal arteries. Of twenty-three animals with splanchnic ves- sels thus tied, fourteen still showed the characteristic fall of arterial pressure after injection of the standard dose. In four animals in which there had been a preliminary rise of pressure followed by a fall the same dose failed to cause the rise after the splanchnic vessels had been excluded. In two, showing only a rise previous to the tying, the adren- alin produced only a fall after the tying. And in another case a fall of 20 mm. (14 per cent) before splanchnic exclusion was increased to 38 mm. (32 per cent®) afterwards. These results clearly indicate that a small dose of adrenalin (0.2 cc., 1: 100,000) causes relaxation of the peripheral arteries. In no case did constriction result. That in some instances the fall was not increased after splanchnic exclusion was probably due to lessened tone in the pe- ripheral arteries as a result of the operation. With such lessened tone the adrenalin would probably not have so great an influence as in con- ditions of greater tone. This explanation is supported by the obser- 3 Mendenhall: This Journal, 1914, xxxvi, 59. 4 Dale: Journ. Physiol., 1913, xlvi, 291. 5 The blood pressure which had been 143 mm. before tying the splanchnic ves- sels was lowered to 118 mm. by the operation. 440 FRANK A. HARTMAN vation that immediately after the operation the standard dose of ad- renalin evoked no response, but as time elapsed it brought forth the characteristic dilation. The response of splanchnic arteries. To find the response of splanchnic arteries the abdominal aorta above the iliacs, both subclavians and both carotids were tied. There remained for the circulation the vessels sup- plying the trunk and the thoracic viscera as well as those of the splanch- TABLE I Effect of excluding the limb and neck arteries upon the response to 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,000. Pressures are in mm. of mercury. The same dose of adrenalin was given in each case. BEFORE TYING AFTER TYING PERIPHERAL ARTERIES Adrenalin Per cent Adrenalin A Cat Pressure caused a fall of tall Pressure | caused ariseof| Per cent rise mm mm. mm mm I 104 23 22.1 150 2 13 72 7 9.7 II (54.ct Wwe 13.6 157 11(fall)| 7.0 (fall) 104 6(rise)| 5.7 (rise) III 135 9 6.7 131 10 7.6 IV 115 30 26.0 81 12 14.8 V 113 17 15.0 99 11 1148 VI 110 20 1g. 55 14 25..4 VII 124 28 22.5 75 30 40.0 VIII 112 32 98.5 131 8 6.1 80 26 93.5 EX 109 12 11.0 140 12 8.5 54 108 16 14.8 44 17 38.6 Dat 112 24 21.4 60 8 13.3 x 106 20 18.8 108 15 13.8 LET 94 32 34.0 107 23 21.4 XIV 132 36 27 .2 95 4 4.2 XV 138 18 13.0 140 16 11.4 XVI 90 26 28.8 48 7 14.5 nic region. Adrenin is without effect on the pulmonary arteries;® it typically causes relaxation of the coronaries,’ but since the coronary vessels are not capacious they need not be considered. So far as the blood supply to the trunk is concerned, it is probably of much smaller 6 Brodie and Dixon: Journ. Physiol., 1904, xxx, 488. 7 Langendorff: Zentralbl. f. Physiol., 1907, xxi, 555; Cow: Journ. Physiol., 1911, xlii, 132. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 44] volume than that of the large and extensive abdominal organs.® It is justifiable, therefore, to regard the animal operated upon as described above as carrying on mainly a splanchnic circulation, and to consider the influence of adrenin as exerted chiefly upon the splanchnic vessels. The limb and neck arteries were tied in twenty animals. The opera- tion invariably resulted in a marked increase in arterial pressure. In all but two of the twenty cases the standard dose of adrenalin (0.2 ee., 1: 100,000), injected after the limb and neck arteries were tied, TABLE II Effect of excluding alternately the peripheral and splanchnic arteries upon the re- sponse to 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,000. Blood pressure is expressed in milli- meters of mercury.. The Roman numerals show the order of clamping and unclamping the arteries. PERIPHERAL SPLANCHNIC ARTERIES SAS gue ARTERIES CLAMPED WEEE CLAMPED ro rs) 3 = Per 2 Per Adren- a a Per One| Jsore | ae | Genk | sure | SE | Some | ‘sure | 2024| cent | sure | 2% | Se 23 23 Ba ao om ao < < < mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. E II III Bae ar | 21.7 | 7 32 | 48.8] 83 19 | 22.8} 110 10 9.1 fall | fall Ill II I Pee AZ |} 15.3) 73 5 6.8} 68 5 7.3 | No elffect rise | rise Ill II I C}] 112) 32 | 28.5 | 132 8 6.0} 118 17 | 14.4] 128 1 tab 80 26 | 32.5 fall | fall if II Ill D| 1385 18 13.3 | 182 9 6.8 113 36 31.8 caused a rise of arterial pressure—an effect just the opposite of that caused by the same dose before the tying. Often when the pressure had been greatly increased by the tying, the standard dose at first pro- duced a fall of pressure, but later, as the pressure lessened, the fall was changed to arise. Moreover, as the pressure decreased below normal the percentage rise after the standard dose usually increased. In Table I the figures show the change from a fall to a rise when the peripheral arteries are tied. 8 Ranke: Die Blutvertheilung, Leipzig, 1871, 69. 449 FRANK A. HARTMAN Splanchnic and peripheral effects in the same animal. In four animals both splanchnic and peripheral responses were obtained after adrenalin injection by clamping first one group of arteries and then the other after the first had been released. The splanchnic arteries were clamped first in two cases, and the peripheral arteries were clamped first in the other two. The results are shown in Table II. In each case the dose of adrenalin was 0.2 cc., 1: 100,000. In every case clamping of the peripheral arteries, whether primary or secondary to splanchnic exclusion, caused the vascular response to the standard dose of adrenalin to change from the normal relaxation (fall) to contraction (rise) (see fig. 1). And in every case except one (B), Fig. 1. Effect of injecting 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,000: a. Upon the whole cir- culation; b. Upon the arteries of the splanchnic area (peripherals clamped); c. Upon the arteries of the limbs (splanchnic arteries clamped). Time interval five seconds. Middle line, pressure base line (0 mm). either primary or secondary clamping of the splanchnic arteries contin- ued the normal drop in pressure resulting from the standard dose of adrenalin, though the drop in some instances was not so great as before. In D, however, the fall of 13 per cent under normal conditions was in- creased to 31 per cent after the splanchnics were clamped. The failure of effect in B may have been due to a too-great relaxation of the vessels as a result of the operation In A and C after the release of the peripheral and the splanchnic vessels adrenalin produced the usual fall. The rise in B may be explained as a splanchnic effect, in the pres- ence of relaxed peripheral vessels (note the low pressure, 68 mm.). Cases in which dilute adrenalin caused a rise in blood pressure. Occa- sionally there are animals in which no fall in arterial pressure results EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 443 from doses of adrenin which normally cause a fall, nor can a fall be ob- tained by diminishing the dose. As already stated, five cases out of fifty-three were found in which no fall occurred after the standard dose. It will be recalled that all but one of these animals were in poor physical condition. creased in weight from 2.9 to 2.4 kilos. of mercury; 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1: 100,000, injected at the same rate as in other experiments resulted in 17-18 mm. rise in blood pressure. Even 0.2 cc. adrenalin 1: 1,500,000, caused in some tests a slight rise. In no test was the slightest fall in pressure obtained. In a second case the animal was pregnant and appeared poorly nourished, for its ribs were very prominent. The blood pressure was about 95 mm. of mercury, and nothing but a rise could be in- duced, even with as little as 0.02 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,000. The arteries of the splanchnic area were tied, whereupon five or six times as much adrenalin was required to cause a rise equivalent to that ob- tained before the occlusion of the splanchnic arter- ies (sufficient time was allowed to elapse for the recovery of vasomotor tone). Apparently the pri- mary rise had been due largely to contraction of the splanchnic area and the remainder of the ar- terial system was not responsive, in the direction of contraction, to the standard minute dose. A third animal, whose blood pressure was but 67 mm. of mercury, was diseased; in this animal 0.2 ec. adrenalin, 1: 100,000, caused a rise of 7mm. (fig. 2), but after the splanchnic arteries were tied the same dose caused a fall of only 3 to 6 mm. One animal had been suffering from urethritis for about three weeks and had eaten insufficiently during that time. It had de- The blood pressure was 58 mm. Fig. 2. Effect of 0.2 ce. adrenalin, 1:100,000 upon a cat that was ill: a. Upon whole circula- tion; b. Upon pe- ripheral arteries (splanchnics clamped). Nasal plethysmograph line just above pres- sure base line (0 mm). Time line at bottom, interval half minutes. A fall in plethysmograph curve indicates con- striction. This experiment, there- fore, indicates that the rise, with very dilute adrenin, in animals in weakened condition, is due to constriction of the splanchnic arteries and also to lessened dilation of the peripheral vessels. A fourth animal which had been given alcohol, failed to show a defi- nite fall with dilute adrenalin. No explanation was to be had for the failure of the depressor effect in the fifth animal. 444 FRANK A. HARTMAN | In three of the five, however, there was clear evidence of a low blood pressure, a condition that harmonized with the atonic state of the animals. The indication that toneless peripheral vessels are not made to relax further by injections of adrenin has already been mentioned. It seems reasonable to assume, therefore, that when animals are in poor physical condition, a small dose of adrenin fails to cause relaxa- tion of the vessels that normally relax for such a dose, because the tone of these vessels is already low. Depressor action of adrenin as affected by low.arterial pressure. If low arterial pressure was the occasion for failure of adrenin to produce a ° fall of arterial pressure in the foregoing cases, it becomes a matter of interest to learn whether an induced low pressure will affect the action TABLE III Effect of lowering the arterial pressure, by hemorrhage, and then raising it, by restor- ing the lost blood, upon the response to the standard dose of adrenalin E IN PRE 5 BLOOD PRESSURE IN MM. CHANGE IN PRESSURE IN OF MERCURY mE Teich ae PER CENT CHANGE mm. mm. 102 14 fall 13.7 fall 83 from hemorrhage 6 fall 7.2 fall 71 from hemorrhage 5 rise 7.0 rise 65 from hemorrhage 8 rise 12.3 rise 77 from injection 4 rise 5.1 rise 87 from injection 4rise 4.6 rise 94 from injection 4rise’° 2 fall 2.1 fall 99 from injection 5 rise 65 fall 5.0 fall 109 from injection 2rise 12 fall 11.0 fall of the substance. Low pressure was established in two different ways, by hemorrhage, and by depressor stimulation. (a) Low pressure due to hemorrhage. In seven experiments there was one in which the primary fall of arterial pressure due to injected adrenalin was changed to a rise as the pressure was reduced by hemor- rhage from 102 mm. to 65mm. The drawn blood was defibrinated and returned to the circulation by degrees. As the pressure rose in conse- quence of the restored blood the depressor action of adrenalin grad- ually reappeared. Table III shows in this case the change in response to 0.2 ec. adre- nalin, 1: 100,000, as the pressure was lowered and then raised again by injection of defibrinated blood. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 445 In the remaining six experiments there was merely a smaller fall, following the standard dose of adrenalin, as the blood pressure was lowered by bleeding, until at about 40-50 mm. there was either no effect or a slight rise and fall. That no considerable rise occurred may have been due to a temporary abolition of the splanchnic response as a result of hemorrhage, for very little time elapsed between the bleeding and the injection. The effect of the standard dose of adrenalin was next studied in ani- mals with splanchnic circulation excluded and with blood pressure low- ered by hemorrhage. In the five cases studied nothing but a fall in pressure occurred even when the pressure had been lowered to 40 or 50 mm. (fig. 3). At 20 to 30 mm. the dose had no effect. The figures in TABLE IV Response to the standard dose of adrenalin in an animal with the splanchnic arteries tied, when the pressure is lowered by hemorrhage ae | Faroe 20,3 PeR CENT ALL mm. mm. 161 12 fall 7.4 135 12 fall 8.8 129 18 fall 13.9 110 13 fall 11.8 97 15 fall 15.4 84 13 fall 15.4 71 18 fall 25.3 50 10 fall 20.0 34 6 fall 17.6 Table IV present a good example of the response to adrenalin (0.2 cc., 1: 100,000) when in an animal with splanchnic circulation excluded, the blood pressure is decreased by hemorrhage. Judging from the experiments described earlier in this paper one would expect, in an animal with the peripheral arteries tied, that the rise in pressure, in response to adrenin would continue as the pressure was lowered by bleeding. This was found to be the case in the only animal in which it was tried. The rise with 0.2 cc. adrenalin persisted with the pressure as low as 10 mm. (fig. 4). At 70 mm. pressure the dose caused 8 mm. or 11.4 per cent rise. At 29 mm. the same dose caused 8 mm. or 27.5 per cent rise. At 10 mm. the same dose caused 3 mm. or 30 per cent rise. 446 FRANK A. HARTMAN Fig. 5. Fig. 3. Effect of 0.2 ec. adrenalin, 1: 100,000 after hemorrhage, with arteries of splanchnic area tied: a. Before bleeding; b. 65 ce. of blood removed; c. 35 ce. additional blood removed. Time half minutes. Lower line pressure base line (0 mm). Fig. 4. Effect of 0.2 ec. adrenalin, 1: 100,000 after hemorrhage with peripheral arteries tied: a. Before tying peripheral arteries; b. After tying peripheral arter- ies; c. 35 ec. of blood removed; d. 28 ec. additional blood removed. Time inter- val half minutes. Base line zero pressure. Fig. 5. Effect of 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1: 100,000 when blood pressure is lowered by stimulation of the depressor nerve: a. Without depressor stimulation; b. Pres- sure lowered by depressor stimulation, showing rise with adrenalin; ec. Pressure lowered by depressor stimulation, showing fall with adrenalin (different animal). Adrenalin injected at ad. wx shows effect of same dose of adrenalin with normal pressure. Time half minutes. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 447 (b) Low pressure due to depressor stimulation. When blood pressure is lowered by stimulation of the depressor nerve, 0.2 cc., adrenalin, 1: 100,000, may cause, as shown by Cannon and Lyman,’ a fall, a rise and fall or a pure rise depending to a certain extent upon the height of the pressure when injected (fig 5). In cases where a rise occurs, it disappears if the splanchnics are tied. Seven animals were used in TABLE V Effect of stimulation of the depressor nerve upon the response to the standard dose of adrenalin (0.2 cc., 1:100,000). Pressures are expressed in mm. of mercury. NORMAL AFTER DEPRESSOR STIMULATION Ba: Splanchnics tied Per be =I Per Animal es pet eres gas pe peet hie ae Pressure from Effect of re sfepreseor | adrenalin eal =] mm. mm. mm. mm. mm. Jii,o-Lise se ts fall| 12.0} 65| 9rise| 13.8 74 | Noeffect B 115 | 30 fall | 26.0 85 | 14 rise | 16.4 114 14 fall (158 mm. after tying splanch- nics) C 129) 10 fall Sl 67 19 rise | 28.3 80 No effect D 120 | 19 fall | 15.8 93 1l5rise| 5.3 tall es E 89 | 28 fall | 31.4 43 5rise | 11.6 F 126 | 12 fall] 9.5 90 13 fall | 14.4 (90 {| 2 rise [ 2.2 13 fall || 14.4 G 102 | 15 fall | 73 | 4rise 5.4 42 No effect | 4fall || 5.4 \49 || Srise}| 6.1 studying the effect of dilute adrenalin when pressure was lowered by depressor stimulation. In every case both vagi were cut. Standard doses of adrenalin (0.2 cc., 1: 100,000) were invariably injected. Table V shows the results of these experiments. As the results in Table V indicate, exclusion of the splanchnic area - causes adrenin to have no pressor effect when the general blood pressure 9 Cannon and Lyman: Loc cit., 387. 448 FRANK A. HARTMAN has been lowered by depressor stimulation to a point where the standard dose would naturally produce a rise. In the foregoing experiments the evidence obtained by simple tying out of the splanchnic region or of the neck and limb vessels has been supported. If arterial pressure has been lowered either by hemorrhage or by depressor stimulation the standard dose of adrenin, instead of producing a fall of pressure, produces a rise or has no effect. If now the splanchnic area is excluded adrenin fails to have any pressor influence and may indeed drop the pressure still further. If, on the contrary, the peripheral arteries are tied, the same dose causes an elevation of the lowered pressure, even when 10 mm. measures the arterial tension. Latent period and duration of the adrenin effects. Since the splanchnic and peripheral arteries respond in opposite directions to minute doses of adrenin, and yet the end result, when both portions of the circulation are affected, is the characteristic fall of pressure which is seen when the peripheral vessels alone are involved, the time relations of the response in the two vascular regions becomes a question of considerable interest. Tests were made on eight animals, and by records written on a rapidly moving drum the latent period and the duration of the adrenin effect were carefully estimated. The results are presented in Table VI. In the cases of a pure drop in pressure the latent period varied from 12.5 to 22 seconds, with an average of 15.7 seconds. The average latent period for the splanchnic rise (after tying the peripheral arteries) was 18.6 seconds. It seemed probable, therefore that with a minute dose of adrenin, peripheral dilation precedes splanchnic constriction and consequently masks it. There is a possibility, however, that the oper- ation of tying or clamping off part of the circulatory system tends to lengthen the latent period—a suggestion that receives support from an observation that a fall of pressure which occurred in 12.6 seconds before operation did not occur after splanchnic exclusion until 26 seconds had elapsed. If the foregoing suggestion is correct, the discrepancy between the latent periods of the peripheral relaxation and the splanchnic contrac- tion would not be so great as the figures in Table VI indicate. Indeed in two of the cases there was first a rise of blood pressure and then a fall. With somewhat larger doses of adrenin than those here given this is a usual result. Since the standard dose causes both a splanchnic contraction and a peripheral relaxation of arteries, the common occur- rence of a pure fall of pressure, when both these parts of the circulatory system are affected, indicates that this small amount of adrenin usually affects first the peripheral vessels. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 449 The duration of the fall in pressure after the standard dose (0.2 ce. adrenalin, 1: 100,000) averaged in five animals 59 seconds. The aver- age duration of the splanchnic rise in five animals, however, was only © 37.8 seconds. In no single case did the splanchnic rise last more than three-fourths as long as the normal fall. With the amount of adrenin used in these experiments, therefore, the dilation of the peripheral arteries begins earlier and lasts longer than the constriction of the splanchnic arteries. The result is that the splanchnic rise is masked by the peripheral fall of pressure. TABLE VI Latent period and duration of adrenin effects. In each case 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,- 000, was injected. Records were made on a rapidly moving drum LATENT PERIOD A y Ss WEIGHT - TENE BEBTOD DURATION OF oF peel DURATION OF ANIMAL IN KILOGRAMS OF THE FALL SPLANCHNIC RISE cs re NORMAL FALL : RISE (PERIPH- ERALS TIED) sec sec sec sec 7 i pa 13 70 17 42 Bao... 2.0 12.6 53 1lf/ 5 38 Ce ae sss: 3.2 15 46 18 31 |b) 2 2.5 PGs 66 23 41 Ds be Qe ali (rise 8) fall 15 (52) 18 37 LR cts eee PAV 20 ; (Co cadena 3.0 (rise 14) fall 22 (48) i 3.2 16 59 AVOTAPE:....:.. 15.7 59 18.6 37.8 Effect of dilute adrenin on the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa. In view of the opposite effects of dilute adrenin upon the splanchnic and peripheral arteries, the question arose as to whether the dilation of the peripheral vessels extended to the skin or was limited to the more deeply lying vessels. No convenient method was found to determine the ac- tion of vessels in the skin areas over the general body surface, but the vascular changes in the nasal mucosa were easily studied. A mem- brane manometer was connected to one of the nasal openings in the manner described earlier in this paper. The nasal plethysmograph record was made simultaneously with the tracing of general blood pressure. 450 FRANK A. HARTMAN Doses of adrenalin (0.2 cc., 1: 100,000) which caused dilation of the peripheral arteries always caused constriction of the nasal mucosa (fig. 2). Amounts as small as 0.05 ec. of adrenalin, 1: 100,000, caused constriction. Martin and Mendenhall'® produced constriction of the nasal mucosa by injecting 0.5 cc. adrenalin, 1: 1,000,000. The reaction of the nasal mucosa to adrenin therefore is of the splanchnic type rather than the peripheral type. The threshold dose of adrenin changing a fall of blood pressure to a rise. In determining the threshold dose it is necessary to consider the rate"! of injection as well as the concentration. And since the sensitiveness of tissues to adrenin decreases if the injections are too frequent or too concentrated,” care must be exercised to avoid these sources of error. ATT TTT TTT TUTTI UTA TTT MTT MMMM TTT a b c d Fig. 6. Threshold of the change from a fall to a rise with adrenalin when splanchnic arteries are tied: a. 0.1 cc. adrenalin, 1: 10,000, fall only; b. 0.25 ce. adrenalin, 1: 10,000, fall and rise; c. 0.3 cc. adrenalin, 1: 10,000, slight fall, large rise; d. 0.35 ec. adrenalin, 1: 10,000, rise only. Time seconds. The rate of injection was kept nearly constant, being uniform and over a period of from ten to twenty seconds, For convenience two con- centrations of adrenalin solution were kept ready, viz., 1: 100,000 and 1: 10,000. To prevent dilution in the process of changing the solu- tions one solution was injected into the external jugular vein while the other was injected into the femoral vein. In order to avoid the lowering of the sensitiveness of the blood vessels to adrenalin the smallest possi- ble number of doses were injected. As the evidence already presented has shown that adrenin causes con- striction of the arteries of the splanchnic area and relaxation of those of the periphery, the question of the threshold dose of adrenin, changing '0 Unpublished work done in this laboratory. 11 Cannon and Lyman: Loc cit., 382. 12 Mlliott: Journ. Physiol., 1905, xxxii, 443. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 451 a fall to a rise, is concerned solely with the effect on the peripheral vessels. The threshold was determined for three animals, the splanchnic arteries being tied off in each case. The threshold for two of these was between 0.2 cc. and 0.3 cc. of 1: 10,000 adrenalin while in the third it was about 0.1 cc. of 1: 10,000 adrenalin. threshold of the change of a fall to a rise apparently varies with the individual. The experiments were too few in number to permit definite conclusions but they indicate the magnitude of the threshold. Reversal of the adrenin effect after ergotoxine. Dale’s® discovery, that after ergotoxine a dose of adrenin that would normally cause an increase of arterial pressure causes a decrease, is of consider- able interest in connection with the reversed effects of adrenin on peripheral and splanchnic arteries. Since the alteration induced by ergotoxine is from contraction to relaxation it was necessary to make the test on animals with the peripheral arteries tied. Under these circumstances does ergotoxine cause the usual increase of pressure resulting from the standard dose of adrenin to change to a decrease? It was impossible to obtain the “‘reversal effects” after the injection of small doses of ergotoxine phosphate (e.g., 0.56 mgm.). Indeed these small doses seemed to render the splanchnic response more sensitive, for the rise of pressure after adrenalin in- jection was thus increased (see fig. 7). Reversal or inhibition of the splanchnic constriction was ob- tained only after several larger doses (5 to 10 The third animal weighed but 2.0 kilos while the others weighed 3.7 and 3.4 kilos. hold was just passed a preliminary fall preceded the rise (fig. 6). As the thres- The Fig. 7. Effect of small doses of ergo- toxine phosphate in increasing response of splanchnic arter- ies to adrenalin (pe- ripheral arteries tied): a. Effect of 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1:100,000, before giving ergotoxine; b. Effect of same dose of adrenalin af- ter giving two doses of ergotoxine 0.5 mgm. and 0.6 mgm., respectively. Time half minutes. mgm.) of ergotoxine, such as Dale used, had been administered (see fig. 8). Thus after such large doses, adrenalin (0.4 cc., 1: 10,000) caused, in an animal with limb and neck arteries tied, a fall of arterial pressure from 86 mm. to 65 mm. Recovery required six minutes. When 1 ce. of this solution was injected there was a similar fall, which was recovered from after eleven minutes. 13 Dale: Journ. Physiol., 1905, xxxii, lix. 452 FRANK A. HARTMAN Discussion of the opposed action of splanchnic and peripheral arteries in response to dilute adrenin. Cannon and Lyman" proposed the idea that adrenin causes relaxation of the blood vessels when they are toni- cally shortened,—contraction when they are relaxed. The evidence in this research indicates that the opposite action of dilute adrenin depends rather upon opposite effects produced in the splanchnic and periperal arteries. The rise of pressure when the vessels are relaxed would thus be explicable on the ground that the standard dose of adrenin cannot relax further the peripheral vessels already relaxed but can still have its constrictor influence on the splanchnic area. In certain conditions, however, the state of tonicity may play a part, e.g., when the blood oly a Fig. 8. Reversal of splanchnic arterial response to adrenalin after giving large doses of ergotoxine phosphate: a. Effect of 0.2 ce. adrenalin 1: 100,000 before tying arteries; b. Effect of 0.2 ce. adrenalin 1: 100,000 after tying peripheral arteries; c. Effect of 0.2 cc. adrenalin 1: 100,000 after 21.5 mgm. ergotoxine had been given. d. Effect of 0.4 cc. adrenalin, 1:1,000 after a total of 27.5 mgm. ergotoxine had been given. pressure has been rendered unusually high by clamping the peripheral arteries, for dilute adrenin then often causes dilation. But even in this case, the dilation might be due to the arteries supplying the trunk, as it is impossible to tie them off. Although there is no convincing proof that there are vasodilator nerves in the sympathetic system, their presence in the peripheral blood vessels and their absence from, or relatively slight development in, those of the splanchnic area, would offer the most plausible explanation of the differential effects of dilute adrenin. An alternative explanation would 144 Cannon and Lyman: Loc cit., 398. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 453 be that the arterial muscle differed in the two regions and that adrenin produced its effect by direct stimulation of the plain muscle. The first seems impossible, while the second is contradicted by evidence of Dixon and Brodie that adrenin produces its effect through the sympathetic nerve ending. If the ‘‘sympathetic vasodilator” hypothesis is accepted it is neces- sary to assume that the vasodilators are more sensitive to adrenin than are the vasoconstrictors, in order to account for the change from a fall to a rise in the response of the peripheral arteries to increasing doses of the drug. The rise which occurs as the vasoconstrictor threshold is passed is preceded by a fall (see fig. 6). This would be expected from adrenin slowly injected because the first amounts reaching the nerve endings might be insufficient to stimulate the less sensitive constrictor endings yet strong enough to affect the vasodilator endings and then as the amount of adrenin increased the vasoconstrictors would be brought into action and overwhelm the vasodilator effect. The idea that vasodilator and vasoconstrictor nerves can be brought into action in turn by different strengths of stimulation receives sup- port from the observation that weak sensory stimulation may cause a lowering'® of blood pressure while strong sensory stimulation (20 to 200 times stronger than the stimulation which produces a depressor effect) usually produces a rise.!7_ Bowditch and Warren!’ found that a slow rate of stimulation with an induced current caused vasodilation while a more rapid rate caused vasoconstriction. Vasodilators may have been stimulated in the former case and vasoconstrictors in the latter case. Ostroumoff!® was one of the earliest to believe that the sympathetic contained vasodilator nerves. He was supported in this belief by - Puelma and Luchsinger.?® Dastre and Morat* thought that they had evidence of the existence of vasodilators in the sympathetic. Dale” is inclined to accept the theory of the existence of an admixture of vaso- dilators and vasoconstrictors in the sympathetic and, as he points out, 16 Dixon and Brodie: Loc cit., 494. 16 Knoll: Sitzungs. a. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Klasse, 1885, xcii, Abtheilung, 3, 449. 17 Martin and Lacey: This Journal, 1914, xxxiii, 222. 18 Bowditch and Warren: Journ. Physiol., 1886, vii, 447. 19 Ostroumoff: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1876, xii, 219. 20 Puelma and Luchsinger: Pfliiger’s Arch., 1878, xvili, 489. 21 Dastre and Morat: Loc cit., 247. 22 Dale: Loc cit., 299. 454 FRANK A. HARTMAN this would account for the fact that no reversal can be obtained in the rabbit, vasodilators in the sympathetic being theoretically absent. The utility of the simultaneous peripheral dilation and splanchnic con- striction. It may be that the amount of adrenin, which is poured into the blood stream during times of stress or excitement, is at first of the order of that used in the foregoing éxperiments. Hoskins and McClure”* estimated that the amount of adrenin secreted as a result of splanchnic stimulation was at first of this order. Ellott?4found that the sensitive- ness of the arrectores pilorum to adrenin varied with the functional use by each animal. Ina similar mannerit is possible that response of the blood vessels to adrenin is in accordance with their functional use in times of excitement, there being an active dilation of the peripheral arteries and simultaneously a constriction of the arteries of the splanchnic region. Such an arrangement would assure the motor organs an abundant blood supply for their most efficient action. SUMMARY 1. Dilute adrenalin slowly injected caused a fall in general blood pressure in 48 out of 53 animals tried. Three of the animals in which a fall did not occur, were in poor physical condition and one was just recovering from the effects of alcohol. 2. Dilute adrenalin caused dilation of the peripheral arteries even after extremely low pressures had been produced by hemorrhage. The same dose of adrenalin caused constriction of the splanchnic arteries. 3. When the blood pressure was lowered by depressor stimulation the same dose of adrenalin caused a fall, a rise and fall or a pure rise de- pending somewhat upon the height of the pressure. 4. The average latent period for the peripheral fall in the blood pres- sure (from doses of 0.2 cc. adrenalin, 1: 100,000) was 15.7 seconds; the latent period for the splanchnic rise was 18.6 seconds. The duration of the splanchnic rise was 37.8 seconds, while the duration of the peripheral fall was 59 seconds. 5. The threshold for the change of a fall to a rise in the peripheral arteries, when adrenalin was injected (in three animals only) over a period of from ten to twenty seconds, was between 0.1 and 0.3 ee. of a 1: 10,000 solution. 23 Hoskins and McClure: Arch., Internal Med., 1912, x, 352. 24 Elliott: Loc cit., 416. EFFECT OF ADRENIN ON SPLANCHNIC AND PERIPHERAL ARTERIES 455 6. Large doses of ergotoxine phosphate inhibit the splanchnic re- sponse to dilute adrenalin. The existence of sympathetic vasodilator nerves in the peripheral arteries and their absence in the splanchnic arteries would account for the opposed action of like doses of dilute adrenalin upon the peripheral and splanchnic arteries. I wish to thank Dr. W. B. Cannon for suggesting this research and for his advice and criticism. THE OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAG- NESIUM PHOSPHATE IN RELATION TO THOSE OF LIVING CELLS EDWARD B. MEIGS From the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology INTRODUCTION In 1867 Traube suggested that living cells might owe their semi- permeable properties, at least in part, to precipitates of inorganic sub- stances.! In recent times this suggestion has been nearly lost sight of and the attention of physiologists has been chiefly centered on the ques- tion whether or not the semi-permeable surface of the cell is composed of lipoid. Most of the work on this question has been directed toward discover- ing to what substances the cell surface is or is not permeable, it being tacitly assumed that we know or can predict a priori the semi-perme- able properties of ‘‘lipoids.”” But the little work that has been done with artificial lipoid membranes is far from justifying this assumption. It has been shown, for instance, by Nathansohn? and Ruhland* that ‘ artificial lipoid membranes, when soaked with water are quite perme- able to substances which are soluble in water, whether or not the sub- stances in question are soluble in lipoids. On the other hand, water- free lipoid membranes are impermeable to water as well as to dissolved substances. It was shown by Pfeffer that semi-permeable membranes can be made of calcium phosphate, and it is well known that both calcium and inorganic phosphates are present in most living cells. Since Pfeffer’s time there has accumulated a considerable body of evidence which shows that calcium plays a very important part in the activities of living tis- sues, and particularly that the permeability of the cell surfaces is af- fected by its presence or absence. 1 Traube: Arch. f. Anat. Physiol., und wissensch. Med.; 1867, xxxiv, 146. 2 Nathansohn: Jahrb. f. wissensch. Bot., 1904, xxxix, 607. 3 Ruhland: Jahrb. f. wissensch. Bot., 1909, xlvi, 1. 4 Pfeffer: Osmotische Untersuchungen, Leipzig, 1877, 11. 456 PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 457 Thus Loeb’ finds that CaCl, can protect the fish, Fundulus, against the toxic effects of KCl. He gives reasons for thinking that the calcium protects by forming an insoluble compound with some ‘‘organic anion”’ at the surface of contact between the fish and the solution (Loc. cit., pp. 320 and 321). Somewhat more direct in their bearing on this question perhaps are certain experiments of Osterhout on plants. This author gives a series of experiments which indicate that the surface of spirogyra filaments is decidedly more permeable to NaCl than to CaCls, and that the addition of CaCl, to an NaCl solution may prevent the latter salt from entering.* In another series of experiments he shows that the resistance of the leaf cells of the common kelp (laminaria) to the passage of an electric cur- rent may be increased by the action of CaCl, and gives reasons for think- ing that the salt acts by decreasing the permeability of the plasma membrane.’ Both Loeb and Osterhout find that the effects of the CaCl; can be to a greater or less extent imitated by substituting for it certain other salts such as SrCl,, BaClh, MgCle, and Lag(NO3)¢. The kations of all these salts form insoluble compounds with the phosphates, and it seems, therefore, not impossible that they may all tend to decrease the permea- bility of the cells in the same way, namely by impregnating their sur- faces with layers of insoluble phosphate. Both calcium and magnesium are known to be present in most living cells. The physiological experiments make it appear that calcium is decidedly the more important of these two, but a consideration of the ash of certain tissues of which the permeability has been much studied, points to a different conclusion. Abderhalden, for instance, finds that the blood corpuscles of a number of the domesticated mammals con- - tain small and rather variable quantities of Mg, but no Ca. And Katz has shown that samples of striated muscle taken from the human being, pig, ox, calf, deer, rabbit, dog, cat, hen, frog, haddock, eel, and pike contain larger and more constant quantities of Mg than of Ca. The Mg content of the muscle in this series of animals varies from 0.017 per cent of the weight of the fresh tissue in the haddock to 0.037 per cent in the hen; while the Ca content varies from 0.002 per cent in the ox to 0.04 per cent in the pike.?® 5 Loeb: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, xxxii, 308. 6 Osterhout: Science, N.S8., 1911, xxxiv, 187. 7 Osterhout: Science, N.S., 1912, xxxv, 112; ibid., xxxvi, 350. * Abderhalden: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1898, xxv, 106. ® Katz: Arch. f. d. gesammt. Physiol., 1896, Ixiii, 1. 458 EDWARD B. MEIGS An interesting observation which indicates that magnesium phosphate is present in considerable quantities at the surfaces of the striated muscle fibers is recorded by Hiirthle.!° He finds that if fresh frog’s muscle fibers are treated with ammonia, they “cover themselves” with crystals of magnesium ammonium phosphate. It is difficult to see how such erys- tals can be formed, unless magnesium phosphate is previously present. In view of the facts given above, it has seemed to me worth while to make a study of the osmotic properties of calcium and magnesium phos- phate. I had hoped to make a more or less extended comparison be- tween the permeability of these precipitates to various substances and that of living cells. But.some two years of work on this subject have con- vinced me that the time is not yet ripe for such a comparison. One begins by thinking of a semi-permeable membrane as a more or less simple and stable kind of filter by means of which water can readily be separated from most substances that can be dissolved in it. But this view is far from the truth. The studies that have been made on the copper ferrocyanide membrane, which is at present the best known semi-permeable membrane, show that its permeability varies greatly with the physical conditions under which it is formed and to which it is afterward subjected—with the electrical conditions at the time of its formation, with the time which elapses between its formation and the experiment, with temperature, with the presence or absence of elec- trolytes, and with the nature of the electrolytes which happen to be present.!! If one wishes, therefore, to determine whether one osmotic membrane is more or less permeable to a given substance than another, one must be careful to control all these conditions. To do this in the case of artificial membranes formed in the laboratory is by no means easy; it is obviously impossible when one of the membranes to be studied is that of a living cell. The experiments to be reported, therefore, bear only in a general way on the question whether the semi-permeable prop- erties of the phosphate membranes are similar to those of the surfaces of animal and plant cells. But they do throw some light on the semi- permeable properties of these precipitates and on certain fundamental questions regarding the nature of semi-permeable membranes and of osmotic reactions in general. I am compelled by external circumstances either to publish this work now or to lay it aside for an indefinite period, and these considerations impel me to publish it now, though the results are in many respects fragmentary and incomplete. 10 Hiirthle: Arch. f. d. gesammt. Physiol., 1903, C, 451. 11 Morse: The osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions; Publication No. 198 of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1914, Chapter IV. PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 459 THE CONDITIONS ON WHICH DEPEND THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE Morse believes that true semi-permeability is an attribute of colloids only, and gives many cogent reasons for holding this belief.2. Experiences of my own, which will be described later, lead me to concur in this be- lief; and I have spent a considerable amount of time in inquiring under what circumstances the phosphates of calcium and magnesium fail to crystallize. I have confined my inquiry to the orthophosphates and monohydro- phosphates of the two metals, as the dihydrophosphates can exist only in acid solutions. Abegg describes the crystallization of both the orthophosphate [Mg3(PO,)2] and monohydrophosphate [MgHPO,] - of magnesium and of the monohydrophosphate of calcium [CaHPO,].'8 With regard to Ca3(POx.)2, however, he says,'* ‘‘ This amorphous precip- itate has never been observed to become crystalline.” CaHPO, precipitates were prepared by mixing together equimolec- ular solutions of CaCl, and KzHPOx,; Ca3(PO;)2 precipitates, by mix- ing solutions of CaCle with solutions of KzHPO, to which KOH had previously been added. The KOH and K,HPO, mixtures were made by adding together equal portions of equimolecular KOH and K2_HPO, solutions. It was found that under these conditions the CaHPO, crystallized'® within twenty-four hours, while the Ca3(PO,)2 never crystallized, though its precipitates were kept sometimes for more than four months. Precipitates of MgHPO, and Mg3(POx,)2 were prepared in a manner corresponding to that which has just been described, MgCl: being sub- stituted for the CaCl. The rapidity with which both these precipi- 12 Morse: Loc. cit., pp. 87 and 209. 13 Abegg: Handuch der anorganischen Chemie, Leipzig, 1905, vol. ii, Abt. 2, pp. 65 and 151. 14 Thid., p. 152. 15 Concentrations are, throughout this article, given in the terms of what Morse calls ‘‘weight-normal solutions.’’ See p. 479 of this article and ‘“‘Osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions,’’ Chapter V. 16 Tt was determined whether or not the various precipitates crystallized by examining them microscopically. Such examination cannot, of course, show whether or not the precipitates are in a colloidal state in the sense of Morse, and capable of showing true semi-permeability. Morse finds, for instance, that precipitates of zine ferrocyanide may become granular and lose their semi-per- meable properties without becoming actually crystalline (Osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions, p. 91). But it may at least be said that crystalline precipi- tates do not exhibit semi-permeability. 460 EDWARD B. MEIGS tates crystallized was extremely variable. The MgHPO; sometimes crystallized in four days, and sometimes failed to crystallize at all, ‘though its precipitates were kept for more than four months. I did not make any study of the conditions which control the crystallization of this precipitate; as it is so soluble that it can hardly be supposed to play a part in modifying the semi-permeable properties of living cells. With regard to Mg3{PO,)2 it was found that its crystallization de- pended on a number of conditions, of which the following were more or less extensively investigated. (1) Amount of alkali present. (2) Temperature. (3) Presence or absence of Ca. (4) Concentration of salts in supernatant fluid. The influence of alkalinity on the crystallization of Mg3(PO,)2 was investigated by mixing solutions of MgCl and K,HPO, together with varying quantities of KOH, and noting the time required for crystal- lization to occur (experiments 1 and 2). These experiments show that when varying proportions of MgCle, KzHPO,, and KOH are mixed to- gether, the crystallization of the resulting precipitates depends on the relative proportions of the three ingredients. When the final mixture contains a higher molecular concentration of K2.HPO, than of KOH and enough Mg to combine with all the PO: as Mg;(POu,)s, the resulting precipitates remain for the most part amorphous, for many weeks at least. But when the final mixture contains a higher molecular concen- tration of KOH than of KsHPO, or not enough Mg to combine as Meg;(PO,)ewith all the PO, present, the resulting precipitate crystallizes more or less rapidly. It is probably not correct to speak of the precipitates which have just been described as Mg3(PO,)2. Such precipitates are probably mixtures of this compound with varying amounts of MgHPO, and Mg(OH)s. There are many reasons for thinking that the quantities of the last two named substances present are small, but no special investi- gation of this question has been undertaken. For my purpose the main point of interest is the fact that magnesium phosphate combina- tions, which have a high degree of insolubility, may, under certain cir- cumstances, remain amorphous indefinitely, or, at least, for a long time; for convenience the precipitates will in future be spoken of simply as magnesium phosphate. Experiments 3 and 4 show the influence of temperature on the erystal- lization of magnesium phosphate. When formed above a certain criti- cal temperature, which is not far from 23° the precipitates fail to erys- tallize, whereas they crystallize readily at lower temperatures. These ’ PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 461 experiments indicate also that precipitates which have been formed at temperatures above 23° and have*therefore failed to crystallize, show little or no tendency to crystallize, when later kept at lower tempera- tures. A comparison of experiment 3 with experiment 4 shows finally that, other things being equal, the precipitates have a greater tendency to crystallize when formed from more concentrated solutions. The precipitate formed from the less concentrated solutions at 20° in experi- ment 3 was only about half crystalline after 21 hours, while that formed from the more concentrated solutions in experiment 4 was completely crystalline at the end of the same period at the same temperature. Experiment 5 shows that calcium has an inhibiting effect on the crystallization of magnesium phosphate precipitates. THE OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE AND OF COPPER FERROCYANIDE The osmotic properties of calcium and magnesium phosphate and of copper ferrocyanide have been studied by making small, unsupported membranes of them according to the method of Traube!’, and by pre- cipitating them on porous clay cups. The electrolytic method of pre- cipitation of Morse!® has not been employed in these experiments. It is, of course, highly desirable that the properties of phosphate mem- branes precipitated by the electrolytic method should be studied, but it would be out of the question to follow the technique of Morse in the rough preliminary survey which constitutes the subject matter of this article. EXPERIMENTS WITH PHOSPHATE AND FERROCYANIDE MEMBRANES PRECIPITATED ON POROUS CLAY CUPS Experimental methods It has been my plan to determine as far as possible for what sub- stances the phosphate membranes are impermeable and for what sub- stances they are permeable, and to compare the rapidities with which substances of the latter class diffused through the membranes. To do this, it is not necessary to measure the osmotic pressure of the solutions used. The substance, of which the osmotic properties are to be studied, 17 Traube: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol., und wissensch. Med., 1867, xxxiv, 123, 133, et seq. 18 Morse: Loe. cit., 83-84. 462 EDWARD B. MEIGS may be precipitated on the inner surface of a porous cup, which may then be provided with suitable attachments for determining how rap- idly fluid passes through it to the interior against a slight hydrostatic pressure. The cup is then filled with a solution of known composition and concentration and immersed for a given period in distilled water or in another known solution. At the end of the experimental period it is determined how much fluid has passed through the walls of the cup and the membrane; and the fluids within and without the cup are analyzed to determine how much, if any, of the solute experimented with has passed through the membrane from within the cup to the exterior. I supposed at first that almost any kind of porous earthenware vessel would do for experiments of this class, and I spent a good deal of time in attempting to precipitate phosphate membranes and membranes of CuzFe(CN)s on alundum filters and on various other kinds of porous clay vessels which allow a ready passage of water through their walls, but are supposed to hold back undissolved solids. I found, however, that all of the precipitates mentioned are easily forced through the walls of most of these vessels under pressures of a metre of water or less. The porous cups which I finally found satisfactory were furnished me through the kindness of Prof. B. E. Livingston of the Johns Hopkins University. They are the regular cylindrical atmometer cups supplied by the Plant World, Tucson, Arizona; and are formed by pouring liquid kaolin and quartz mixture into dry plaster of paris moulds, and subsequently drying and burning the cups so formed. These cups are about 13 em. high with an inner diameter of about 2.2 cm. and en- tirely unglazed. For the purposes of my experiments I filled the pores of the upper rims (about 2 cm. in height) with paraffin. This left an inner surface of about 70 sq. em. on which the membrane was precipi- tated. The walls of the cup are about 0.25 em. thick. These cups were connected by means of rubber attachments to an upper piece of glass provided with a stop-cock and an upright glass tube about one metre high. The whole cell so formed held from 70 to 80 ce. of fluid. The amount of fluid passing through the walls of the cup and the semi-permeable membrane was determined by noting the rise or fall of the meniscus in the upright tube. I used rubber attachments instead of the sealing wax used by Pfeffer'® in his experi- 19 Pfeffer: Osmotische Untersuchungen, Leipzig, 1877, 5 et seq. } PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 463 ments, because I wished to work with alkalies in many cases, and be- cause it was not necessary for me to make arrangements to withstand any considerable pressure. I need not describe my attachments in de- tail. They are such as will readily suggest themselves to anyone seri- ously interested in the subject. But it may be worth while to say that I found it much harder than I had supposed to entirely prevent leakage through rubber attachments, and overcame this difficulty only by using pretty tight fittings and binding the joints tightly with stout cotton thread which had previously been wet. I removed the air from the porous cups by allowing first boiled dis- tilled water and then a solution of one of the membrane-formers to seep through them under a pressure of about 70 cm. of water. Each of these fluids was allowed to seep through for a period of three or four days. After the cup had been thoroughly infiltrated with the outer membrane-forming solution, it was emptied of this fluid, rinsed out quickly with distilled water, dried slightly, filled with the inner mem- brane-forming solution and allowed to stand for twenty-four to forty- eight hours in the outer membrane-forming solution, there being no difference in the pressures within and without the cup. Subsequently a pressure of about 70 cm. of water was put on the inner membrane- forming solution, and the cup was allowed to stand for another twenty- four to forty-eight hours in the outer solution. In this way the semi- permeable membrane was precipitated on its inner surface.?° RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTS I had little difficulty in making by these methods membranes of CusFe(CN). which showed osmotic activity. Experiment 6 shows the behavior of such a membrane under various conditions, and experiment 7 gives the results of somewhat similar procedures with another copper ferrocyanide membrane. These two experiments add a little to the already existing evidence for the view that the CuzFe(CN).s membrane is impermeable for sugar?! and highly permeable for NaCl.” Perhaps their most interesting re- sult, however, is the rapid osmotic intake of fluid caused by the NaCl solution in spite of the facts that its osmotic pressure (as calculated from freezing point determinations) was nearly the same as that of 20 Compare Pfeffer: Osmotische Untersuchungen, Leipzig, 1877, 4 et seq. 21 Morse: Loe. cit., pp. 92 and 93. 22 Traube: Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. und wissensch., Med., 1867, xxxiv, 137-141. 464 EDWARD B. MEIGS the sugar solution used, and that it escaped so rapidly from inside the cell to the exterior. In the first experiment the osmotic intake caused by the NaCl was nearly twice as rapid as that caused by: the sugar; and, as the NaCl period fell between two sugar periods in which the osmotic intake was nearly the same, it can hardly be supposed that the result was due to any irreversible change taking place in the membrane. In the second experiment the osmotic intake caused by the NaCl was slower than that caused by the sugar, but it seems to me reasonable to explain this as caused by the decidedly greater leakiness of the second membrane. For the experiments with membranes of Ca3(POx)2 the cups were provided with the same fittings as in the experiments which have just been described, and subjected to the same preliminary treatment. They were then impregnated with a 0.09M CaCl: solution and filled with a 0.075M K,HPO, + 0.075M KOH solution, the details of the procedure being the same as in the case of the ferrocyanide membrane. Experiments 8 and 9 show that semi-permeable membranes can be made of Ca3(PO,)2, and give an idea of the permeability of this mem- brane with respect to cane sugar and potassium hydroxide. The mem- brane is impermeable to cane sugar, but quite permeable to potassium hydroxide. An interesting result of experiment 8 is shown in the period from March 13 to March 24. In the first four days of this period the cell contained a 0.22M C,2H_201, solution; in the next three days, a KOH solution of about the same calculated osmotic pressure; and in the last four days, the same sugar solution as at first. It was immersed during the whole period in a 0.009M CaCl. solution. The cell showed con- siderable osmotic activity in both the first and second sugar periods, fluid passing to the interior against a moderate hydrostatic pressure. But during the alkali period there was practically no osmotic activity after the first hour, in spite of the fact that the alkali solution had about the same calculated osmotic pressure as the sugar solution. It is true that the alkali escaped fairly rapidly from the cell to the exterior. But the rate of its escape was not many times greater than that of the NaCl in experiment 6 between the dates March 16 and 20, and yet the NaCl solution caused a more rapid intake of fluid in this case than did a sugar solution of the same calculated osmotic pressure. Further, the results obtained in experiment 11 between November 3 and 11 show that a sedium chloride solution may cause greater osmotic activity in a mag- PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 465 nesium phosphate membrane than a sugar solution of the same calcu- lated osmotic pressure, in spite of the fact that in this case also the salt escapes to a considerable extent through the membrane while the sugar does not. KOH does not cause the crystallization of the Ca3(POx)> membrane, nor does it produce any known chemical change in it; the membrane is formed in the presence of a pretty strongly alkaline solu- tion. Further, the fact that the membrane showed decided osmotic activity in the presence of a sugar solution subsequent to its treatment with the alkali indicates that this latter produced no destructive irre- versible change in it. It seems likely, therefore, that alkalies and salts produce entirely different osmotic responses when applied to the sur- face of a semi-permeable membrane. It would be easy to find some explanation for this difference if it may be supposed that all such mem- branes are colloidal in nature, but difficult on any other basis. Experiment 9 shows the same sort of result with sugar on the Ca3(PO,). membrane as experiment 8; and, in addition, the result of filling the cell with a mixture of KCl and KOH. A rather slow intake of fluid is produced. Several features of the alkali effects shown in experiment 8 are reproduced, but it would be rash to attempt a detailed interpreta- tion of these results at present. Experiments 10, 11, and 12 show some of the properties of the mag- nesium phosphate membrane; the general method of making these mem- branes was the same as in the case of the ferrocyanide and calcium phos- phate membranes. These experiments show that magnesium phos- phate may retain its osmotic activity for two months or more in the absence of its membrane formers; that it is quite impermeable to cane sugar; somewhat permeable to KCl] and NaCl; and apparently about equally so to each of the two salts. It seems to be decidedly less per- - meable to either NaCl or KCl than is the copper ferrocyanide membrane. It is highly permeable to ethyl] alcohol. In addition, two interesting points come out which bear on the na- ture of osmotic action in general. In experiment 11 the results obtained between November 3 and 11 indicate that a sodium chloride solution sets up a greater osmotic activity in the magnesium phosphate mem- brane than does a cane sugar solution of the same calculated osmotic pressure, in spite of the fact that the salt escapes through the membrane fairly rapidly and the sugar not at all. This result is similar to that obtained in experiment 6 in the case of the CusFe(CN), membrane (see page 464); it indicates that solutions of neutral electrolytes have the 466 EDWARD B. MEIGS general property of setting up a more rapid osmotic action in semi- permeable membranes than solutions of non-electrolytes of the same - calculated osmotic pressure. The results obtained in experiment 11 from November 3 to 7, 11 to 20, 1914, and from November 25, 1914 to February 12, 1915 indicate that the rapidity with which NaCl escapes through the magnesium phosphate membrane depends, among other things, on the concentra- tion of the outer solution. During these periods the salt uniformly escaped more rapidly when the outer solution was more dilute. In regard to the experiments on the osmotic properties of magnesium phosphate, it must be added that there were a number of other attempts to precipitate semi-permeable membranes of this substance on porous cups, besides the three which are described in the protocols. In some of these attempts the precipitations were carried out at temperatures below 23°; in others, the proportions of alkali added to the phosphate solutions were such as would induce crystallization of the magnesium precipitates. It was found that the precipitates formed under these conditions showed no osmotic activity. The experiments with mag- nesium phosphate taken all together, therefore, are in accord with the view that precipitates must be in a colloidal condition if they are to exhibit osmotic acitivty. EXPERIMENTS WITH UNSUPPORTED MEMBRANES Traube studied the osmotic properties of a number of substances by precipitating thin layers of them across the mouths of small glass tubes. He filled tubes, for instance, with solutions of K,Fe(CN)., and immersed the lower open ends in solutions of copper salts. Under these circumstances a layer of CusFe(CN). forms across the open mouth of the tube. I have attempted to form magnesium phosphate membranes in a similar way, but without any very satisfactory results. Ifa small glass tube be filled with a solution of K2.HPO, and KOH and dipped into a solution of MgCls, a layer of magnesium phosphate is, of course, precipitated across its mouth. But this layer rapidly becomes thicker, and the least disturbance suffices to detach it from the walls of the tube; so that it cannot be used even for the rough kind of osmotic experi- ment described by Traube. Membranes of Ca3(PO,)2, however, produced in this way are quite as resistant and satisfactory for experimentation as the CueFe(CN)s. membranes. To work with such membranes it is necessary in the first PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 467 place to use a rather small glass tube. Further, the phosphate and calcium solutions used in making the membrane must have somewhere near the same osmotic pressure; otherwise, the membrane will be very soft, and will rapidly become thicker. In my experiments I have used tubes which had an inner cross sec- tional area of about 0.14 sq. cm. (inner diameter, about 0.42 cm.). These were closed at the top with a rubber tube and pinch cock; the lower ends were inserted through bored corks into small cylindrical vials.23 In some experiments a few cubic centimeters of 0.186M K,HPO, + 0.186M KOH* were placed in the vials and the lower ends of the tubes were filled with 0.666M CaCl. solution. Under these circum- stances there is a considerable tendency for fluid to pass through the membrane from the phosphate to the calcium solution. As the cal- cium solution has a decidedly higher calculated osmotic pressure than the phosphate solution, there can be little doubt that this phenomenon is the result of osmotic action on the part of the calcium phosphate membrane. It is perhaps not generally realized by biologists that impermeability to NaCl and KCl is by no means a usual characteristic of semi-perme- able membranes. Traube* asserts that a CueFe(CN)s membrane when infiltrated with AgCl becomes impermeable to KCl. But he finds the CuzFe(CN).s membrane by itself highly permeable to KCl and probably also to NaCl (loe. cit., pp. 137-141). Morse** describes experiments in which KC] solutions were allowed to act on electrolytically deposited CuzFe(CN)smembranes. He found that old (and probably thick) mem- branes at first exhibited a high resistance to the passage of KCl, but that the salt had a tendency to render the membrane permeable to itself. In experiments of my own I have found the CusFe(CN)s, membrane highly permeable both to KCl and to NaCl. In order to compare the permeability of this membrane to NaCl with that of the Ca3(PO,). membrane, the following experimental procedure was employed. Four vials, and four glass tubes with inner diameters of 0.42 cm. were ar- ranged as described above. Into the lower end of each of the tubes was drawn 0.28 ec. of 0.125M NaFe(CN). + 0.5M NaCl solution; 23 Compare Traube: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wiss. Med., 1867, xxxiv, 123 and 133. 24 Made up by adding 32.4 grams KpHPO, and 10.4 grams KOH to liter of water. 25 Traube: Loc. cit., p. 146. 26 Morse: Loc. cit., pp. 211, et seq. 468 EDWARD B. MEIGS and 10 ce. of 0.25M CuSO, solution was placed in each of the vials. The lower ends of the tubes containing the chloride and ferrocyanide mixture were then immersed in the copper solution, and 0.14 ce. of the chloride and ferrocyanide mixture was forced through the lower end of the tube and appeared below it as a drop covered by the CusFe(CN)¢ membrane. This drop was then drawn back into the tube carrying the membrane behind it and finally leaving the latter in a much folded state across the tube’s mouth.2” The tubes were then immediately withdrawn from the vials and the solution left in the latter was ana- lyzed for Cl. The amount found was taken to represent that which escaped from the inner solution during the formation of the membranes. The same procedure was then exactly repeated up to the point at which the drop of chloride and ferrocyanide mixture was drawn back into the tubes, leaving the folded membrane across its mouth. At this point the tubes, instead of being withdrawn, were left for twenty min- utes with their lower ends immersed in the CuSO, solution. As the chloride and ferrocyanide mixture has a decidedly higher osmotic pres- sure than the CuSO, solution, fluid passed from the latter to the former during this period, more rapidly at first and more slowly afterward; at the end of the twenty minutes the membrane was completely distended and filled with a drop of diluted chloride and ferrocyanide mixture, about 0.14 ec. of fluid having passed through it during the interval. The drops of chloride and ferrocyanide mixture were now again drawn back into the tubes, the tubes were withdrawn from the CuSQ, solution, and this last was analyzed for Cl. In both cases, of course, the Cl must represent NaCl which has escaped from the chloride and ferrocyanide mixture. It was found in the first case when practically no time was allowed for diffusion that the 40 ec. of CuSO, solution contained 0.0015 gram of NaCl. In the second case, after the diffusion had gone on for twenty minutes the 40 ec. of CuSO, solution contained 0.0115 gram of NaCl. It may be supposed that 0.0115 minus 0.0015 or 0.01 gram of NaCl diffused through the four CusFe(CN), membranes in the course of twenty minutes. The four glass tubes contained originally 0.28 x 4 or 1.12 ec., of 0.125M NasFe(CN).s + 0.5M NaCl solution or 0.03248 gram of NaCl. Of this 0.0015 gram was lost during the formation of the membrane, leaving 0.031 gram at the time the diffusion began. 27 Compare Traube: Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wiss. Med., 1867, xxxiv, pp. 136 and 137. PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 469 And of this 0.031 gram 0.01 gram or about 32 per cent diffused through the four membranes in the course of twenty minutes. A similar experiment was carried out to test the permeability of the Ca3(PO,)2 membrane to NaCl. In this case the four tubes were filled each with 0.28 ce. of 0.24M CaCl, + 0.875M NaCl solution and im- mersed in 10 ce. of 0.186M K.HPO, + 0.186M KOH solution. It was found that under these circumstances it required about two hours for as much fluid to pass through the Ca;(POs)2 membranes as passed through the CuzFe(CN)s membranes in the previously described experi- ment in twenty minutes. In this case, therefore, the diffusion was allowed to go on for two hours instead of for twenty minutes; other- wise the procedure was the same as in the previously described experi- ment. When practically no time was allowed for diffusion the 40 cc. of 0.186M K,HPO, + 0.186M KOH solution contained 0.0021 gram NaCl. When the diffusion was allowed to go on for two hours, the 40 ce. of alkaline phosphate solution contained 0.0034 gram NaCl. It may be supposed therefore that 0.0013 gram of NaCl diffused through the four Caz (POx)2 membranes in the course of two hours. The four tubes of 0.24M CaCh + 0.875M NaCl solution contained originally 0.0243 gram of NaCl, and of this 0.0021 gram was lost during the formation of the membranes leaving 0.0222 gram at the time the diffusion began. 0.0013 is about 5.8 per cent of 0.0222, and it appears, therefore, that only about 5.8 per cent of the NaCl contained in the four tubes diffused through the Ca3(PO,)z membranes in the course of two hours. That is about five times as much NaCl diffused through the Cu,Fe(CN),. mem- brane in twenty minutes as diffused through the Ca3(PO.)2 membrane under more or less similar conditions in two hours. I have confirmed these results by other experiments which it is not necessary to describe in detail, and I am prepared to assert, therefore, that, under the condi- tions of formation which have been described, the CusFe(CN)s mem- brane is much more permeable to NaCl than the Ca3(PO;)2 membrane. PROPERTIES OF THE CELLOIDIN MEMBRANE In my earliest experiments I used celloidin membranes on which lay- ers of calcium phosphate were precipitated. Celloidin or collodion membranes have been used for many years for the study of osmotic phenomena; Smith?’ has suggested their use as a basis for the precipi- 28 Smith: Science, 1913, N.S., xxxvii, 379. 470 EDWARD B. MEIGS tation of other forms of semi-permeable material. Since Traube’s time it has been known that the permeability of sheets of celloidin va- ried with the circumstances of their formation. Such sheets are formed by pouring an alcohol-ether solution of celloidin on a flat surface, al- lowing the alcohol and ether to evaporate to a certain extent, and then immersing the sheet so formed in water. If the water be applied be- fore much of the alcohol and ether have evaporated, the membrane will be found highly permeable; otherwise, it becomes quite impermeable to water as well as to dissolved substances.?® I formed my celloidin membranes by pouring the alcohol-ether solu- tion over the inner surface of a beaker, and carried out several experi- ments to determine the properties of the membranes so formed under different conditions of drying. The celloidin sacs were tied around large rubber corks, and the cells so formed were fitted with long upright outlet tubes, filled with various solutions, and immersed in others. When the celloidin membrane was immersed in water less than an hour after its formation it was highly permeable to water and dissolved salts; it was easy to show that a solution of K,.HPO, could be rapidly forced through its walls by the very moderate hydrostatic pressure of 50 to 100 cm. of water. But if the membrane was not wet with water until after the alcohol-ether mixture had dried out for twenty-four hours or more, it became highly impermeable, though it showed some osmotic activity. The following experiment shows this. A celloidin mem- brane was allowed to dry for twenty-four hours, and then washed for twenty-four hours in tap water. At the end of this time it was used in making a cell, which was filled with 0.075M K,HPO, and immersed in distilled water. The contents of the cell were put under a pressure of 78 em. of water. The meniscus immediately began to rise in the outlet tube and continued to do so steadily for the twenty days during which the experiment was continued at a rate indicating that a little more than 0.1 cc. of fluid per day was passing into the cell.2° At the end of the twenty days the water in which the cell had been immersed was tested for K,HPO, and found to contain none.*! In another simi- lar experiment, similar results were obtained. In still another experiment a membrane was used which had been 29 See Traube: Arch. f. Anat. Physiol., und wissensch. Med., 1867, xxxiv, 106° 30 The area of semi-permeable surface was involved in this experiment was about 60 sq. em. 31 The escape of 1 per cent of the KegHPO, originally contained in the cell could easily have been detected by means of the test used. PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 471 dried for somewhere between one and twenty-four hours before being wet with water. The cell made with this membrane was filled with 0.075M K.HPO, solution and immersed in distilled water. The menis- cus immediately began to rise in the outlet tube, indicating a rapid in- take of fluid; about 2 cc. passed through the membrane into the - cell in the first half hour. In the next two hours only about 1.5 ce. of fluid passed into the cell, and at the end of that time a good deal of K2HPO; was found to have escaped to the distilled water surrounding it. These experiments seem to me interesting, because they show so clearly that a given chemical substance may have enormously different semi-permeable properties under different physical conditions. It was found possible to alter the osmotic properties of the celloidin membrane by precipitating calcium phosphate on it; but, as it was not possible accurately to control the variable osmotic properties of the celloidin itself, the experiments carried out along these lines are of very doubtful significance, and I do not consider it worth while to give any description of them. DISCUSSION The colloidal character of semi-permeable membranes and the nature of osmotic action The results of the experiments described in the preceding pages lend support to the two hypotheses advanced by Morse—the hypotheses, namely, that semi-permeable membranes are always colloidal, and that the passage of water through such membranes is the result of unequal hydration at the opposite surfaces of the colloid. The first of these hypotheses is supported by the facts that a mem- brane highly impermeable to K2zHPO, and yet showing some osmotic activity can be made of an undoubted colloid, celloidin (pp. 469-471) ; that semi-permeable membranes can readily be made of Ca3(POx,)2, which never crystallizes (p. 459 and pp. 464, 465) that semi-permeable mem- branes can be made from magnesium phosphate only under such con- ditions as prevent its crystallization (p.466) ;and that the semi-permeable properties of the various membranes are altered by such influences as would be likely to change the physical state of colloids (pp.464—466, and pp.469-471). Finally this first hypothesis is supported by whatever evi- dence tends to support the second, for the view that osmotic action de- pends on unequal hydration at the two surfaces of a colloid membrane presupposes the existence of a colloid membrane to start with. 472 EDWARD B. MEIGS The hypothesis that the passage of water through a semi-permeable membrane is the result of unequal hydration of the two surfaces is sup- - ported by the anomalous results obtained with regard to the amount of osmotic activity set up by salt, sugar, and potassium hydroxide solu- tions. A sodium chloride solution causes a more rapid passage of water through the ferrocyanide and magnesium phosphate membranes than does a cane sugar solution of the same calculated osmotic pressure, while an equally concentrated potassium hydroxide solution causes prac- tically no osmotic activity in the calcium phosphate membrane. The salt and alkali escape through the membranes with considerable ra- pidity, while the sugar does not escape at all (pp. 464-466). If the hy- pothesis just stated is correct, these facts might be explained as the result of the well known rule that neutral electrolytes have a greater dehydrating effect on colloids than non-electrolytes while alkalies tend to increase their power of holding water; I do not see at present how they can be explained on any other basis. Certain experiments reported many years ago by Graham® are in- teresting in this connection. Graham found that the osmotic activity set up in a plece of pig’s bladder by sugar solutions was very small in comparison to that set up by salt solutions, and that when the bladder separated a dilute solution of acid from distilled water, a considerable quantity of fluid passed through the membrane from the acid solution to the other side. Graham’s results with the sugar and salt solutions are similar to mine, though not so clear cut, because the salt solutions used by him had a much higher calculated osmotic pressure than the sugar solutions. The result with the acid, however, is very striking. It seems quite inexplicable from the ordinary conceptions of osmosis and osmotic pressure, but can be readily explained on the hydration hy- pothesis from the well known fact that acids tend to hydrate colloids even more strongly than pure water. If semi-permeable membranes are really hydrated colloids, it seems probable that their semi-permeable properties would vary with the de- gree of their hydration. My experiments furnish evidence for the view that this is the case, and also for the view that the membranes become more readily permeable both to water and dissolved substances the greater the degree of their hydration. Perhaps the most direct evi- dence for this view is the series of experiments with celloidin membranes 32 Quoted by Girard: Journ. d. Physiol. et de path. générale, 1911, xiii, pp. 365-367. = PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 473 (pp.469-471). But on p.466 it is shown that the magnesium phosphate membrane also is more permeable to salts when it is in contact with a more dilute outer solution and, therefore, presumably in a state of greater hydration. Much of the peculiar behavior of living cells would find a ready ex- planation from the considerations above set forth and from the addi- tional consideration that in the case of living cells we are dealing prob- ably always with leaky membranes. The experiments of Morse on the osmotic pressure of potassium chloride and of lithium chloride show that we have yet much to learn regarding the osmotic behavior of electrolytes even with respect to the most ideal semi-permeable mem- branes that have yet been produced. The conditions become much more complicated; and the results, correspondingly less predictable, when we have to deal with such membranes as may be supposed to cover the surfaces of living cells. DO MAGNESIUM AND CALCIUM PHOSPHATE PLAY ANY PART IN THE OSMOTIC PROPERTIES OF LIVING TISSUES? It is well known that calcium, magnesium, and inorganic phosphates are constant or nearly constant constituents of living tissues; and there is much evidence (reviewed at the beginning of this article) for the view that calcium, at least, plays a very important physiological role, and has the property of rendering the surfaces of cells less permeable for other ions. The experiments reported in this article are at least suf- ficient to show that both calcium and magnesium phosphate are capable of forming semi-permeable membranes. Beyond this, however, the experiments do not go very far in showing either that these substances do or do not play an important part in giving to living cells their semi-permeable properties. It is hardly pos- sible that they should, because we know at present so little, on the one hand, of the influences which affect the permeability of osmotic mem- branes, and, on the other, of the conditions which obtain in living cells. Still, it seems worth while to review very briefly those of the results which bear on this question. Both the calcium and magnesium phosphate membranes are highly impermeable to cane sugar, potassium phosphate, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride. Under certain conditions they may show a con- 33 Morse: Loc. cit., Chapter XI. 474 EDWARD B. MEIGS siderable degree of impermeability to sodium chloride and potassium chloride. The calcium phosphate membrane is permeable to potassium hydroxide, when that substance is present in considerable quantities. The magnesium phosphate membrane is quite permeable to ethyl al- cohol. The surfaces of living cells are commonly more or less impermeable to cane sugar and to the salts mentioned above. They are always, so far as I know, quite permeable to ethyl alcohol. Most cells are killed by potassium hydroxide when it is present in any considerable quantity, and, at the same time, their surfaces become permeable to it as well as to crystalloids generally. Striated muscle cells and kidney cells are apparently decidedly more permeable to potassium chloride than to sodium chloride.*t In this respect they seem to differ from the mag- nesium phosphate cells. But the surfaces of red blood corpuscles are equally impermeable to both these salts.* These facts and a great many others®®* show how complicated is the question of the permeability of living cells. It is perhaps just to close this part of the discussion by saying that the semi-permeable properties of magnesium and calcium phosphate, so far as they have been studied, are as much like those of living tissues as are the semi-permeable properties of any other artificial osmotic mem- branes that have been examined up to this time. In conclusion I wish to extend my most heartfelt thanks to Dr. J ohn Marshall and to the staff of the Hare Chemical Laboratory of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, without whose kind assistance and support the work reported in the foregoing article would have been difficult or impossible. SUMMARY 1. Semi-permeable membranes can be formed both from calcium and from magnesium phosphate. 2. In order to form semi-permeable membranes from magnesium phosphate, it is necessary to precipitate it under such conditions that it does not crystallize. 34 Siebeck: Arch. f. d. gesammt. Physiol., 1912, exlviii, 443; 1914, cl, 316. Meigs: Journ. Exper. Zool., 1912, xiii, pp. 518. 5?0. 35 Hamburger: Osmotischer Druck und Ionenlehre, Wiesbaden, 1902, vol. 1, pp. 208 and 209. 36 The surfaces of human red blood cells and of these of certain other animals, for instance, appear to be quite permeable to dextrose; see Kozawa: Biochem. Zeitschr., 1914, lx, 231; Masing: Arch. f. d. gesammt. Physiol., 1914, clix, 476. PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 475 3. The calcium phosphate membrane is impermeable or nearly imper- meable to cane sugar, dipotassium phosphate and calcium chloride, only slightly permeable to sodium chloride, and quite permeable to potas- sium hydroxide. 4. The magnesium phosphate membrane is impermeable or nearly impermeable to cane sugar, dipotassium phosphate and magnesium chloride, somewhat permeable to sodium and potassium chloride, and highly permeable to ethyl alcohol. 5. Anomalous results are obtained when the calcium phosphate, magnesium phosphate, and copper ferrocyanide membranes are sub- jected to the action of neutral electrolytes and alkalies. Sodium chlo- ride solutions cause a more rapid osmotic action in the copper ferrocya- nide and magnesium phosphate membranes than do cane sugar solu- tions with the same calculated osmotic pressure, in spite of the fact that the salt escapes through the membrane to a considerable extent, while the sugar does not. Potassium hydroxide produces no lasting osmotic activity in the calcium phosphate membrane, though it appar- ently causes no marked irreversible change in the membrane, and does not escape through it very much faster than does sodium chloride through the copper ferrocyanide membrane. 6. It is shown that the semi-permeable properties of celloidin mem- branes depend to a very great extent on their physical state, and reasons are given for thinking that this is true of semi-permeable membranes in general. . 7. Evidence, in addition to that already given by Morse, is adduced for the view that semi-permeable membranes are always colloidal, and that the passage of water through them is the result of unequal hydra- tion of the colloid at its two surfaces. 476 12.05 to 12.30 p.m., {12.05 to 12.30 p.m.,/12.05 to 12.30 p.m.,|12:05 to 12.30 p.m., April 30, 1914. 10=cic) OF. 5) Mi KesHPO, mixed with 8.4 cic: 0.267M MgCl, 12.05 p.m., May 2. Precipitate is now almost en- tirely crystalline 11.40 a.m., June 6. Precipitate now entirely crystal- line. 2.05 p.m., Oct. 14, 1914. EDWARD B. MEIGS Experiment 1 April 30, 1914. LO Meic=) “Or SINE Ke»HPO, mixed with!) 8.4 ce. 0.267M MgCl. and 0.8 ee. 0.86M KOH April 30, 1914. 10 ec. 0.15M K,HPO, mixed with8.4cc.0.267M MgCl, and 1.6 ce. 0.86M KOH April 30, 1914. 10 ec, 10-15 K,HPO, mixed with8.4cc.0.267M MgCl: and 2.0 ce. 0.86M KOH 12.15 p.m., May 2./12.15 p.m., May 2./12.15 p.m., May 2. Precipitate con- tains a few crys- tals, but is still for the most part amorphous Precipitate con- tains a good many crystals, but is still, for the most part, amorphous Precipitate is still entirely amor- phous 11.50 a.m., June 6./12.00 m., June 6./12.00 m., Precipitate — still entirely amor- phous Experiment 2 10 ec. 0.15M K2HPO, mixed with 5 ec. 0.2M MgCl. Precipitate is now chiefly made up of crystals June 6. Precipitate now almost entirely crystalline 3.00 p.m., Oct. 14, 1914. 5 ce. 0.15M K2HPOg mixed with 10 ce. 0.2M and 0.5 cc. 0.86M KOH 3.95. Precipitate contains a few small crystals, but is still, for the most part, amorphous 10.30 a.m., Oct. 15. Precipitate is still largely amorphous but contains a good many crystals 11.15 a.m., Oct. 16. Precipitate is now about half crystalline and half amor- phous MgCl, and 0.5 ec. 0.86M KOH 4.00. Precipitate still entirely amor- phous. 10:35xe.m., Oct. 15. entirely amorphous. Precipitate still MS paenicg OC. m0. entirely amorphous Precipitate still Experiment 3 3.40 p.m., Dec./4.10 p.m., Dec./12.45p.m., Dec./11.50 a.m., Jan.|2.54 p.m. Dee. 4,1914. 5cc.| 1,1914. 5ce.| 10, 1914.5 ce. 0.3M MgCl,; 0.3M MgCl} 0.3M MgCl, mixed with 5| mixed with 5) mixed with 5 cc: 0.134M| cc.0.134M K,| ce. 0.134M K2HPO, +) HPO;+0.096) K-HPO,; + 0.096M KOH.| M KOH.) 0.096M KOH. Temp. 10° Temp. 18° Temp. 20° 11.27.a.m., Dec.}10.10 a.m. Dec.|9.25 a.m., Dec. 5. Precipi-| 2. Precipi-| 11. Precipi- tate entirely} tate entirely} tate about erystalline| crystalline.| half crystal- Temp. 10° Temp. 18° line and half amorphous Temp. 20°. 12. Precipi- tate is about two - thirds erystalline and one-third amorphous. Temp. 19° 19,1915. Pre- cipitate now entirely crys- talline. Temp. 21° <2) Dec. 10, 1914, and Feb. 19, 1915, the tem- perature va- ried between 10° and 25° 477 23, 1915. 5c. 03M MgCl, mixed with 5 ce. 0.134M K2,HPO, + 0.096M KOH. Temp. 23° 10.20 a.m., Dec.|9.30 a.m., Jan. 25. Precipi- tate contains a fair number of crystals, but is still, for the most part, amor- phous. Temp. 14° 19,1915. Pre- cipitate con- tains a good many crys- tals, but is still, for the most part, amorphous. Temp. 21° (1) Between Jan. 25 and Feb. 19 the temperature varied be- tween 10° and 25° 11,1914. 5ce. 03M MgCl, mixed with 5 ce. 0.134M KeHPOx, — 0.096M KOH. Temp. 27° | | ee) SSS 10.30 a.m. Dec. 12, Precipi- tate still en- tirely amor- phous. Temp. 21.5° ee 11.47 a.m. Dec. 15, Precipi- tate still en- tirely amor- _ phous. Temp. 15° 12.30 p.m., Feb.|2.30 p.m., Feb.|12.47 p.m. Feb. 19, 1915. Pre- cipitate con- tains a few crystals, but is still, for the most part, amorphous. Temp. 21° (1) (1) Between/(1) (1) Between Dec. 12, 1914 and Feb. 19, 1915 the tem- perature va- ried between 10° and 25° 478 EDWARD Experi B. MEIGS ment 4 3.40 p.m., Dec. 4,/12.45 p.m., Dec. 10,|11.55 a.m., Jan. 23,/2.54 p.m., Dec. 11, 1915. 5 cc. 0.5M MgCl mixed with 5 cc. 0.2M K2HPO, + O0.14M KOH. Temp. 10° 11.35 a.m., Dec 5. Precipitate en- tirely crystalline. Temp. 10° 1914. 5 cc. 0.5M MgCl. mixed with 5 cc. 0.2M K.HPO, + 0.14M KOH. Temp. 20° 9.30 am., Dec: 11. Precipitate en- tirely crystalline. Temp. 20° 1915. 5 cc. 0.5M MgCl. mixed with 5 cc. 0.2M K.HPO, + 0.14M KOH. Temp. 23° 10.10 a.m., Jan. 25. Precipitate con- tains a large num- ber of crystals, but is still chiefly amorphous. Temp. 14° 1914. 5 cc. 0.5M MgCl, mixed with 5 cc. 0.2M K.HPO, + 0.14M KOH. Temp. 27° 10.32 a.m., Dec. 12. Precipitate still entire ly amor- phous. Temp. 21.5° 11.53 a.m., Dee. 15. Precipitate still entirely amor- phous. Temp. 15° 2.33 p.m., Feb. 19,/12.50 p.m., Feb. 19, 1915. Precipi- tate contains a large number of crystals, but is still chiefly amor- phous. Temp. 21° (1) 1915. Precipitate contains a few crystals but is still chiefly amor- phous. Temp. 21° (4) (1) Between Jan. 23/(1) Between Dec. and Feb. 19 the temperature has varied between 10° and 25° 12, 1914 and Feb. 19, 1915, the tem- perature has va- ried between 10° and 25° T— » So PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 479 Experiment 5 12.00-12.05 p.m., Dec. 7,/12.00-12.05 p.m., Dec. 7,/12.00-12.05 p.m., Dec. c 1914. 5cc.0.2M MgCl.) 1914. 5.15 ce. 0.19M} 1914. 5.8 ee. 0.17M mixed with 5 cc. 0.134M| MgCl, + 0.019M CaCl.) MgCl.+ 0.086M CaCl. + K:H PO, + 0.096M| mixed with 5.15 cc.) 5 cc. 0.134M K,HPO,+ KOH. Temp. 20° 0.134M K2,_HPO4+0.096M| 0.096M KOH. Temp. KOH. Temp. 20° 20° 3.15 p.m. Precipitate en-|3.22 p.m. Precipitate|3.25 p.m. Precipitate en- tirely crystalline.| about half crystalline| tirely amorphous. Temp. Temp. 21° and half amorphous.} 21° Temp. 21° 10.00a.m., Dec.8. Precip-|10.05 a.m., Dec. 8. Pre- itate about half crystal-| cipitate contains a very line and half amorphous.| few crystals, but is still Temp. 17° almost entirely amor- phous. Temp. 17° 2.20 p.m., Feb. 19, 1915./2.22 p.m., Feb. 19, 1915. Precipitate about half} Precipitate contains a crystalline and half} very few crystals, but is amorphous. Temp. 21°) still almost entirely (1) amorphous. Temp. 21° (1) (1) Between Dec. 7, 1914/(1) Between Dec. 7, 1914 and Feb. 19, 1915 the} and Feb. 19, 1915 the temperature varied be-| temperature varied be- tween 10° and 25° tween 10° and 25° EXPLANATION OF EXPERIMENTS 6 TO 12 INCLUSIVE These experiments were carried out on membranes of CusFe(CN)., Ca3(PO,)2 and magnesium phosphate (see p. 460) precipitated on the in- ner surfaces of such porous cups as are described on p. 462. The dimen- sions and capacity of the cups are given on p. 462. The preliminary treatment of the cups and the general method by which the membranes were precipitated are given on pp. 461 to 463. The succeeding protocols give a condensed history of the behavior of the osmotic cells from the period when the actual membrane formation was begun. The solutions described are what Morse calls ‘“weight-normal so- lutions” (Osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions, Chapter V). That is, a “molecular” solution of cane sugar would mean a solution made by adding 342 grams of cane sugar to a litre of water. In the same way, 480 EDWARD B. MEIGS a “0.5M NaCl + 0.5M KCI solution” would mean a solution made by adding 29.2 grams of NaCl and 37.2 grams of KCl to a litre of water. The amounts of dissolved substances which passed through the walls of the cells were determined by using solutions of known strength at the beginning of the experiments, and making a chemical analysis of either the inner or the outer solution at the end. Which of these pro- cedures was adopted in each particular case is shown in the individual protocols. In some cases both inner and outer solutions were analyzed; and it was then found, as was to have been expected, that more solute disappeared from the inner solution than could be recovered in the outer solution. In experiment 12, for instance, at the end of the period between January 28 and February 3, 1915, it was found that 0.18 gram NaCl had disappeared from the inner solution while only 0.04 gram was recovered in the outer solution. The 0.14 gram left unaccounted for was no doubt held in the membrane itself and in the pores of the earthen- ware cup.37. The difference observed in this case was no doubt extreme. It would be much less, for instance, in experiment 6, March 16 to 20, where the membrane and pores of the earthenware cup already con- tained much NaCl when the experimental period in question was begun. Sugar was determined by means of the saccharimeter. Under the conditions of the experiment this method made possible the determina- tion in the outer solution of about 1 per cent of the sugar originally con- tained in the inner solution. Alcohol was determined by means of the pyknometer. The method adopted made possible the determination of the escape of about 0.5 per cent of alcohol from the inner solution. Sodium and potassium chloride were determined by the Vollhard-Ar- nold method of chlorine determination (see Hawk: Practical Physiologi- cal Chemistry, 3d edition, 1910, pp. 390-391); and potassium hydrox- . ide, by titrating against HCl with azo-litmin as an indicator. These determinations are decidedly more accurate than either the sugar or alcohol determinations. Most of the experiments were carried out at room temperature, which underwent considerable variations; and it was noted, of course, that.changes in temperature caused changes in the position of the menis- cus in the outlet tube independent of the osmotic changes of the quan- tity of fluid in the cell. The temperature changes, however, were small in comparison to the osmotic changes. Where small osmotic changes are recorded throughout the experiments, it may be taken for granted that the readings on which they depend were taken at the same tem- peratures. 37 Compare Morse: Osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions, p. 213. 481 M PHOSPHATE MAGNESIU AND PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM 06 09 O&T 08 08 UALVAM TO “WO NI NGAIO 1109 JO HOIMALNI NI auossaud ADVUAAV “uSI6 SNUIUL 94} AG PoxBOIPUT SB ‘UOTFN]OS 109NO OY} OF [[99 OY} UIYIIA WoIJ podvose ping *99 2°) z “smOrgNn[os 199no ay} SurzAjeue Aq poutuliojop ‘yuoultedxe sity} JNoYsNoyy ‘o19M ‘pedwose YOY O4N]Os Jo sorytzUENDH oT, 7 *,9% PUB ZI UEdMJoq poeTIVA YOIYM o1nyv1i9duls} WOOL 4B INO PoTIIVO SBM JUSUITIEdXe SIT], 0 S7& IOBN Jo % 8°¢ peuraniezep JON og pourmieyep JON oh 0— 0 LY poauluiejep JON 80% pouruiejeap ION 40°0 0 (1p) sooed J, 0 0 poururiajap JON 0 peururieyap JON yaddVOSa HOIKM ‘00 NI ‘V1d0 NI GANIVINOO ATIVNIDIVO ALATOS JO ADSVINGDOUudd MOAINI G1n1a FOSNO W2400°0 FOS") WZ00'0 Fosn) W200'0 FOSNO W200°0 +IOVN W2r'0 FOSND W200°0 FOS") W2L00°0 FOS D W200°0 +NO@HAD WZS'0 FOS"OD WZI0'0 FOS"D WZI0°0 FOSNOD Ws0'°0 ‘OSU INGO 0 NOILOTOS UdALoo tI6El ‘g hupnigag 9 quawmisaday (NO)9d'M E000 +NOZHAD WZs'0 9(NO)94'BN IWE00'0 +I0®N NZT'0 %NO)24"8N INE00'0 +IO®N Wet0 (NO)°4°8N WE00°0 +IO®N WEE 0 %(NO)@M W £00°0 +HO*@H*D WZ2'0 °(NO)°4'M WE00'0 +"O#@HAD W2s'0 °NO)°a"S IWG00°0 +NOR@HAD NZ '0 °NO)®4'*M W80'0 °(NO)2a'M IWGO'0 %(NO)94'M IWS0°0 %NO)°4" IN¢0'0 NOILOTOS HANNI #Z 97:06 “ABW 0@ 07 OT “1B OT 09 GT “1B 61 07 OF “TFN 01°F € “ABI € “TB 9796 “F9A 96 94 €3 “99H & OF LT “F9A 11996 “9d (ij CNG) GEN FIGT “9 099 “Gog WIL MEIGS EDWARD B. 482 ‘UZIS SNUIUL 94} AQ PdzBOIPUI 8B ‘UOTYN]OS JONO OY4 OF [[90 OY} UIYIIM WOT possed png “00 J’) ¢ “SUOIJNIOS 109NO OY} SulzA[vue Aq poululiojop ‘yuoulliedxe S14} JNOYsNOIY4 ‘d19M podwose YOIYA 9N[OS Jo selqIgUBNb oyy, + *.9Z PUB .Z] W9EMJoq palIVA YOY ‘dIN}e19dUI9} WOOL 4B YNO poliied SBA JuaUITIOdxe BIYT, 9(NO)94'°M WE00'°0 oor 0 O-LT FOS") W000 +NOZ@HAD W220 FI OF OF “ABN 9(NO)°a"EN IWE00°0 06 1OBN JO %9'9 oF Ss OS") WZ00'0 +10®N W2I 0 01 939 “ABT %NO)°4'S IWE00'0 021 NORHAD JO %1°S é 81 ’OSnD WZ00°0 +NO@HAD W220 9 03 Z “ABW 9(NO)9a"S INE00 0 0ZT peutulieyap JON 9°8T FOS") WZ00'0 +NO@HAD W2S'0 G ‘ABW 93 9% “G94 ¥OS"D WZ00°0 °NO)°4'M WE00'0 OF 0 2L0—- +MO%2H7D W220 +NO@HD WZZ'0 9% 93 $6 “G9 0 0 peulul1azp JON, OS") WE0'0 9(NO)°4'M IWS0'0 £% 9F 16 “G94 &6 0 9¢€ ’OsnD WS0 0 NO)94'M W800 1Z 93 0% “994 ¢9 0) L410 YOSUD WSs 0 9(NO)°4°M IN80°0 0G 93 61 “99d 06 0 99 FOS"O Ws 0 %NO)°4'M IN80°0 61 94 9T “G94 £ 0 peururieyep JON FOS") W220 9(NO)94'°M W80°0 PIGI ‘OT 99 FT “990 UadLvyM AO yaadVOSa HOIHM “09 NI ‘WO NI NGAID I100 ‘71a0 NI GANIVLNOO dO MOIMALNI NI XTVIVNIDINO @LAI108 MOTANI GIn14 NOILATIOS HALNO NOILO IOS UANNI GWIL Gunssadud ADVUAAV HO GADVINGOUNGd % YI6L ‘yT haonsgag ‘4 quaumruadxy 483 PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE “sunoy 1% 484y 9Y} Ut 00 Zp'0 ‘anoy ysuy OY} UT UT pessed ping JO “09 GTQ “UOTQN]OS Bsns oY AQ poov[doi SBVA\ T]BH]B OY} Jogye Ajpayoipawwud AJIATZO’ OLYOUISO POMOYS [99 OUT, » *[[99 049 WOIy PNY Jo sso] FYSI[S AIA v SBM J1OY} ‘IOAVMOY ‘SAP INO} ZUIpoooons 9Y} UT “MOY J/BY puodes oY} UT “90 #0°0 pue inoy sey sig oY} UT UT passed “90 gp'9 !pxBAUT JNOYIIM WO pny Jo odussed Suryse]-qsoys YSNoy} prdva ojinb *B 4s1y 4B SVM O19Y} ‘1[BYTB YITM [09 oY} SurI[[Y Jo 4[Nso1 BSW ¢ “uSIS SNULUL AY} AQ PayBoIPUT SB UOTZNIOS 109NO 94} OF [[29 OY} UIYIIM UWOIJ possed pny Jo *90 CTT z *SUOTJN[OS 19jNO oy} BurzAjeue Aq poululsoejep ‘uouITIEdxe sty) YNoYSNo1YY ‘o19M podvose YOIYM o4N]Os Jo sorqztyUBNh oy, + *.9% pusw ,G] WseMJoq polIVA YOIYM ‘oinjvs9dUIe} WOOL 4B 4NO poliiGo SBA JUSUITIOdXO SITY], HOM W200'0 +'OdH*s WS200°0 s8 0 621 *1[08) W600 °0 +NO@HAD Wes '0 86 03 FG “IBIN HOM WS200°0 ; +'OdH*SM WS200°0 $9 0 198° *TO®) W600'0 +NO@H*) W260 #6 99:06 “ARN 'OdH*M WE200°0 09 HOM J° %02 10 TO) W600'0 +HOM WL21'0 0¢ OF LT “ABN HOM WS200°0 'OdH*M WE200'0 00T 0 68 *[08) W600 °0 +NO@HAD W220 LT °F €T “T8W HOM W20°0 : &¢ 0 alt TO8) W600 +'OdH*M W100 £1 09 IT “AW HOM W¢20°0 0 0 peurur1e,ep JON *TO®) W60'0 +'OdH*M WS20°0 POF SIN UGLY M LO 11d VOSH HOTA "20 NI ‘WO NINQAID 1100 ‘77100 NI GaNIVINOO F nO AV OTaIRD IE ee re MIaTEG TLEOTIGG MOTANI a1n 1a NOILA'I0S uaLno NOILA108 YANNI ANIL aUASSaud GOVUAAV 410 AOVINGOUG FI6I ‘6 yotopy 8 quamisaduy “UOTINIOS IVsNs ay} Aq pooe[dos sv UOTINJos OUT[eH]B OY} JoO4Je AjoJVIpoMUT g JUOUTTIOdXY] U1 se ose SITY UT APIATPVOV ONOUISO POMOYS [[99 OT, » “INOY PUodes OY} UI "99 10") PUB INOY 4s1y 94} UI UI pessed pring Jo ‘90 Z7'9 !paBMuT 4yno “{}IM Wosy pny jo osussed prdvr Ayyensnun uw ‘g yuowTodx| Ul SB OsBd SIYY UT ‘4SIY 9B SLA O14} ‘UOIJNI[OS OUT[eYLe OY} YALA [[90 94} ZUT|[Y JO F[NSeI BSW ¢ “USIS SNUTUL OY} A po}PVoIpUT SB MOTFN]OS 10}NO OY} OF [[99 OY} UITIIM UIOIy possed PMY jo *99 ZI] *SUOTINIOS JOINO 94} SuizATeuE Aq poulUJojzop ‘yUoUUNTIEdxe S1Y} JNOYZnosY} ‘aoa ‘podvose Yor oyNyjos Jo saryyUENb eu. “093 PUB GT UdEMJoq patIVA YOY ‘omyvs9duI} WOOI 4v 4NO patizvO SBM JuOUTTIOdxe stTyT, SSS SS a Ee eS eee eee eee HOM W¢200'0 +'OdH*M W¢200°0 29 0 6°0 10%) W600°0 +NO#HD W220 8% 09 9g “UN o See Sr coe See Sel ee oS 'OdH*M WE200°0 gl : +HOM W2e0'0 a 29 HOM J° %0z e8°0 “10% W600°0 +IOM 1W980°0 9% 04 1 “AUN . HOM W¢200°0 a +'OdH*M W¢200°0 5 gL 0 91 10%) W600°0 +"O#H"D W220 1 07 OT “18 = a a HOM WE20'0 zi eg 0 201 I— “10% NGO'0 +'0dH*M W200 QT 0 Sp “By HOM W$20°0 0 0 pouturse}9p ON 10%) W60'0 +'OdH*M W200 G1 0 IT “Ie UaALY AM fO 1yaaddvoOsad HOIHM “00 NI Bt heacaer caae Gilde antenenlae Me MOTANI GIA TA NOILOIOS “HaALNO NOILQN10OS HANNI GWILL G2YOsSsaud ADVUAAV JO GVINGudd a TIGL ‘TT yowyy °6 Wawaday 484 PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM PHOSPHATE 485 Experiment 10. May 4, 1914 AVERAGE PRESSURE IN INTER- TIME INNER SOLUTION OUTER SOLUTION FLUID INFLOW | !0R OF CELL GIVEN IN ws co. | SENET WATER May 4to6 | 0.2M MgCl, | 0.134M K,HPO,+ | Not determin- 0 0.092M KOH ed May 6 to 8 0.2M MgCl, 0.134M K,HPO.+ -1.12! 40 0.092M KOH May 8 to 0.2M MgCl, |} 0.0134M K:HPO,+ June 8 0.00922M KOH 10.3 75 June 8 to 29 0.2M MgCl.| 0.0134M K.HPO,+ 12.0 100 0.00922M KHO This experiment was carried out at room temperature which varied between 18° and 29°. The passage of dissolved substances through the walls of the cell was not followed at all. 11.12 ce. fluid passed from within the cell to the outer solution, as indicated by the minus sign. MEIGS EDWARD B. 486 8¢ poeurulie}ep JON pauruseyap JON TOM 3° %e't IOBN JO %G'0 ‘OdH*M WL0°0 *103W WSI10'0 +TIOM WHIT'0 0€ 94 LZ “AON 103 WS10'0 +IO®N Wel'0 peuruiia39p JON poeuruliejap JON pouturiey9p JON paururiezep JON peururieyap JON PeurUIIEJOp JON poeurtuiejap JON poeurUtiej}ap JON HOM W9600°0 +'OdH*S WFE10°0 HOM WW960°0 +'OdH*M WET ‘0 'OdH*M WSL0°0 'OdH*M W200 0 ‘Od H*M WS20°0 HOM W8¥00'0 +'OdH*M W900 °0 s HOM Wst00°0 +'Od HH? 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' ) é : ‘ : = —_ . + i . ‘ j ‘ \ . . : * * . 1. i ‘ . ' * . INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII DRENALIN, effect of on the heart- rate, 62. Adrenin, effects of on splanchnic and peripheral arteries, 4388. Anaesthesia, spinal in the cat, 108. Anasthetics, effect on coagulation of blood, 33. Antithrombin, origin of, 233. Arteries, effects of adrenin on, 438. Auricle, effect on ventricular output, 406. BACTERIA, killed by exposure to ultra violet, 401. Brenepict, F. G. and L. E. Emmgss. A calorimetric calibration of the Krogh bicycle ergometer, 52. Blood, coagulation of, 33. pressure, influence on membrane manometer curves, 209. ——, sugar in, 269. —— -sugar, in the dog, 415. Blowfly larva, reactions to opposed beams of light, 313. Burce, W. E. and Nett, A. J. The comparative rate at which fluores- cent and non-fluorescent bacteria are killed by exposure to ultra-violet, 399. CALCIUM, effect on cardiac and : respiratory centers, 200. —— phosphate, relation to osmotic properties of living cells, 456. Cardiac center, effect of calcium and potassium on, 200. Cartson, A. J. and H. GInspure. Contributions to the physiology of thestomach. XXIV. The tonus and hunger contractions of the stomach of the new born, 29. Carison, A. J.. H. Hacer and M. P. Rogers. Contributions to the phys- iology of the stomach. XXV. A note on the chemistry of normal human gastric juice, 248. CarTEeR, E. P. See Pearce and Car- TER, 350. Cerebrospinal fluid, secretion of, 93. Chenopodium, influence of on the cir culation and respiration, 67. CHILLINGWoRTH, F. P. See HENDER SON, CHILLINGWORTH and WHITNEY iI Circulation, effect of oil of chenopod- ium on, 67. Coagulation of blood, 33. Crite, G.W. See MENTEN and CRriLE, 225. DAs E. C. Photoelectric currents in the eye of the fish, 369. Dead space, respiratory, 1, 20. Denny, G. P. and G. R. Minor. origin of antithrombin, 233. Dog, blood-sugar in, 415. Duodenum, acidity curves of, 191. The FRMMES, L. E. See Benepicr and EmMEs, 52. Ergometer, Krogh bicycle, calorimetric calibration of, 52. Eye, photoelectric currents in the fish, 369. Eyster, J. A. E. See Merrx and EyYstTrEr, 62. FRAZIER, C. H. and M. M. Pzer. Influence of diiodotyrosine and iodothyrine on the secretion of cere- bro-spinal fluid, 93. 491 492 AINES, W. L. A contribution to the physiology of lactation, 285. Gastric juice, chemistry of, 248. GESSEL, R. The effects of change in auricular tone and amplitude of au- ricular systole on ventricular output, 406. GinsBuRG, H. GINSBURG, 29. Glycosuria, Studies in experimental, 415, 425. See CARLSON and HIAGER, H. See Caruson, Hacer and Rogrrs, 248. Haupane, J. S. The variations in the effective dead space in breath- ing, 20. Harpt, L. L. J. See Rogers and Harpvt, 274. Hartman, F. A. The differential ef- fects of adrenin on splanchnic and peripheral arteries, 438. Heart-rate, effect of adrenalin on, 62. HENDERSON, Y., F. P. CHILLINGWORTH and J. L. Wuirney. The respiratory dead space, 1. Hooker, D. R. The perfusion of the mammalian medulla: The effect of calcium and of potassium on the respiratory and cardiac centers, 200. Hydrogen ion concentration in blood, 225. , methods of determining, 180, 186. Hypophysis, influence on the secretion of saliva, 339. KIDNEY, gaseous metabolism of, 350. LACTATION, physiology of, 285. Lewis, M.R. Rhythmical contraction of the skeletal muscle tissue observed in tissue cultures, 153. Light, reactions of blowfly larva to, 3138. INDEX Livineston, A. E. See Sauant and LiviINGstTon, 67. Liver, sugar retaining power of, 425. Lommen, P. A. See Sotem and Lom- MEN, 339. MACLEOD, 3. J. Re» itd Tie Pearce. Studies in experimental glycosuria. IX. The level of the blood-sugar in the dog under labora- tory conditions, 415. Studies in experimental glyco- suria. X. The sugar retaining power of the liver in relationship to the amount of glycogen already present in the organ, 425. Magnesium phosphate, relation to os- motic properties of living cells, 456. Mammalian medulla, perfusion of, 200. Manometer membrane interpretation of, as affected by variations in blood pressure, 209. ; Martin, E. G. and W. L. MEnpDEN- HALL. The response of the vasodi- lator mechanism to weak, interme- diate, and strong sensory stimula- tion, 98. McCuienpon, J. F. Acidity curves in the stomachs and duodenums of adults and infants, plotted with the aid of improved methods of measur- ing hydrogen ion concentration, 191. A direct reading potentiometer for measuring hydrogen ion concen- trations, 186. New hydrogen electrodes and rapid methods of determining hydro- gen lon concentrations, 180. The action of anesthetics in pre- venting increase of cell permeability, 173. The preservation of the life of the frog’s egg and the initiation of development, by increase in perme- ability, 163. Meek, W. J. and J. A. E. Eyster. The effect of adrenalin on the heart- rate, 62. INDEX Metics, E. B. The osmotic properties of calcium and magnesium phosphate in relation to those of living cells, 456. MENDENHALL, W. L. Factors affecting the coagulation time of blood. VII. The influence of certain anesthetics, 33. 98. Menten, M. L. and G. W. CRriLeE. Studies on the hydrogen ion concen- tration in blood under various ab- normal conditions, 225. Minot, G. R. See Denny and Minor, 233. Muscle, rhythmical contraction of, in tissue cultures, 153. See Martin and MENDENHALL, NEILL, A. J. See Burce and Nett, 399. QsMoOTIC properties of living cells, 456. AIN, nervous paths of, in spinal cord, 128. Patten, B. M. An analysis of certain photic reactions, with reference to the Weber-Fechner Law. I. The re- actions of the blowfly larva to op- posed beams of light, 313. Pearce, R. G. See Mactreop and PEARCE, 415. See Macitrop and PEARCE, 425. — and E. P. Carter. The influence of the vagus nerve on the gaseous metabolism of the kidney, 350 Pret, M. M. See Frazier and PEEt, 93. Permeability, action of anesthetics in preventing increase of, 173. , of frog’s egg, 163. Photoelectric currents, in the eye of the fish, 369. Pitcuer, J. D. An interpretation of the membrane manometer curves as affected by variations in blood pres- sure, 209. 493 Porter, W. T. See Smirx and Por- TER, 108. Potassium, effect on cardiac and re- spiratory centers, 200. RANSOM, S. W. and C. L. Von Hess. The conduction within the spinal cord of the afferent impulses pro- ducing pain and the vasomotor re- flexes, 128. Respiratory center, effect of calcium and potassium on, 200. —, dead space, 1, 20. Respiration, effect of calcium and po- tassium on, 200. —., effect of oil of chenopodium on, 67. Roecers, F. T. and L. L. J. Harpr. Contributions to the physiology of the stomach. XXVI. The relation between the digestion contractions of the filled, and the hunger contrac- tions of the ‘‘empty” stomach, 274. Rogers, M. P. See Carison, HAGER and Roggrs, 248. GALANT, W. and A. E. Livineston. The influence of the oil of cheno- podium on the circulation and respi- ration, 67. Saliva, secretion of, 339. ScuEar, E.W.E. The content of sugar in the blood of cats under influence of cocain, 269. Smita, G. G. and W. T. PorTER. Spinal anaesthesia in the cat, 108. Sotem, G. O. and P. A. Lommen. The influence of the extract of the pos- terior lobe of the hypophysis upon the secretion of saliva, 339. Stomach, acidity curves of, 191. —, hunger contractions of, 274. ——, the tonus and hunger contrac- tions of, 29. Sugar, content of in the blood of cats under cocaine, 269. HYROID, changes in the blood flow through the gland, 356. 494 INDEX AGUS, influence of, on the gaseous metabolism of the kidney, 350. Vasodilator mechanism, response to weak, intermediate and strong sen- sory stimulation, 98. Vasomotor reflexes, nervous paths of, in spinal cord, 128. Ventricle, effect of auricular tone on output of, 406. Von Hess, C. L. See Ransom and Von Hess, 128. WATTS, C. F. Changes in iodine content of the thyroid gland fol- lowing changes in the blood flow through the gland, 356. Wuitney, J. L. See HENDERSON, CHILLINGWORTH and WHITNEY, 1. 6695 — 7 Se - oi) “<< Le - - @ : ~ —- a re ee a naa a > — _ ny = a . — coal Y Suen re en Evo ~ err oe a acer ‘ ai < pa 4 Tee ee ee Be CO. ee un 906 QP American Journal of Physiology 1 A5 v.38 cop.ea 1G/S- Biological & Medica] Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY STORAGE Sot er EP © Bee me = a Sh we ee ey NL Re ome ee z eee Samer = SC on mae ae oe. ~ Soest tpl anton yt oes oo od er oem yet eee Saree Aes Syste mee Sen ay Net