Ns nc rec ee ee te = A i ene «4 Pe me te tM te OF Lae Sn D . er 2 Panee ee oe eee ae ee - dev neve Mei NT i ie Ete eee san polhaiie ee Aor eS BAe THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCLENCE. Epiror: EDWARD S. DANA. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Proressorns GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW ann WM. M. DAVIS, or Campripce, Proressors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, L. V. PIRSSON anp H. E. GREGORY, or New Haven, Proressor GEORGE F. BARKER, or PHILADELPHIA, Proressor HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or Irwaca, Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Battimore, Mer. J. S. DILLER, or Wasuinerton. FOURTH SERIES VOL. XXIX—[WHOLE NUMBER, CLXXIX.] WITH FIVE PLATES. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. ok 0. ni2L84 ee ee eel THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR COMPANY, NEW HAVEN. oo Oe ee ee CONTENTS TO VOLUME XXIX. a SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Relative Volatility of the Bromides of Barium and Radium, Stock and HEYNEMANN : Action of Light upon Hydrogen Chloride, CoEHN and WASSILIJEWA: Ratio between Uranium and Radium in Min- erals, Mile. GuEDITscH, 79.—Action of Radium Hmanation upon the Elements of the Carbon Group, Ramsay and UsHer: Quantitative Chem- ical Analysis, CLOWES and CoLEMAN, 80.—Positive Electricity, J. J. THomson : Doppler Effect in Positive Rays in Hydrogen, T. Royps, 81.— Magnetic Rotation of Plane of Polarization in the Ultra-red, U. MEYER: Instantaneous X-Ray Photography, F. DessavErR: Light and Sound, W. S. FRanxKuIN and B. Macnutr, 82.—Direct and Alternating Current Test- ing, F. BEDELL: Elements of Physics, H. Crew and F. T. Jonszs, 83. Geology.—Radio-activity and Geology, J. Jory, 85.—Geology and Ore Deposits of Goldfield, Nevada, F. L. Ransome, 85.—United States Geological Survey, 86.—Geological Survey of West Australia: Contribuzioni allo _ Studio Petrographico della Colonia Eritrea, EH. Manasse, 87.—Carboniferous Air-breathing Vertebrates of the United States National Museum, R. L. ; Moopie: Cenozoic Mammal horizons cf Western North America, H. F. ; OsBORN, with Faunal Lists of the Tertiary of the West, W. D. Martruew, 88.—New Fossil Mammals from the Fayfim Oligocene. Egypt, H. F. OssBorn : New Carnivorous Mamma!s from the Faytim Oligocene, Egypt, H. F. Ossorn, 89.—New or little known Titanotheres from the Eocene and _ the Oligocene, H. F. Ossorn, 99. Miscellaneous Scientific Lntelligence.—The Autobiography of Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, 90.--Third Report of Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum, A. Barsour, 91.—lIllustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-flies, EH. E. . q Num ber 162: Page | Arr. I1.—Dinosaurian Distribution; by R. 8. Lunn. __-- ___- 1 - IL—Origin of the Crinoidal Muscular Articulations ; by .A. : =. JTLUPID 2 Do Re eer 0) ie ae ones epee 40 - if].—Substitution of Bromide and of Iodine for Chlorine in the Separation of Cerium from-the other Cerium Earths; fee he Srownine and K..J. Roperrs .._2..--.. 222 45 | IV.— New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant, with Notes on : fomc already described ; by H..F. WickHAM_2__-2 22-2 47 V.—Feldspar from Linosa, and the existence of Soda Anorthite ; by H. 8S. Wasuineton and F. E. Wright. 52 VY I.—Rare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods from the Mis- Beemeeeeti by) DL) Ae GREGHR oe! See oe : Vil.—Descriptions of Tertiary Plants, HI; by T. D. A. ‘ op SEEDER DIODE, Bn a lena Austin: The Cambridge Natural History, HaRmMeR and SHIPLEY: The Human Bodyand Health, A. Davison : International Congress of Radiology and Electricity, 92. lV CONTENTS. Number ao: Page Art. VIII.—Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium ; by A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman ; with an Investigation of; thesMetals, by HE. T. Alun 2222 72222 eee 93 IX.—New Sclerometer; by A. l. Parsons _... ......_.2]23iiee X.—Dodecahedral Jointing due to Strain of Cooling ; by PE WARE aoe. 22 ou. ~ 2k ERE ES se oe 169 XI.—Restoration of Paleolithic Man ; my RS. Lorn (Wis Plate Dio 2:25. aes eee Pees | | XII.—Bismite; by W. T. Scatter and F. L. Ransome’. 173 XIII. S-ehite bution to the fe of Franklin Furnace, N.J.; by C. PavacnE.. 2...) 52 22. Lo! SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Yormation of Colloidal Sclutions by the Action of Ultra-violet light upon Metals, SVEDBERG, 187: Potassium Percarbonate, RIESENFELD and ReEINHOLD: Practical Application of Radium, BaxtER and TinutEy, 188.—Volumetric Determination of Selenious Acid, L. Marino: Contract for Radium : Absolute Measurement of High Pressure with the Amagaet Manometer, P. P. Kocnw and KE. WaGner: Relation between Absorption and Phosphorescence, M. L. BRUNiInGHAUS: Mass of Moving Electrons, E. HupKa, 189.—Hertz’s Photo-Electric Effect, M. EK. Birocu: Influence of Thunder on Size of, Raindrops, V. J. Laine: Conduction of Electricity through Gases and Radio-activity, R. K. McCuiune, 190.-—Die Strahlen der positiven Elektrizitat, EK. GEHRCKE, 191. Geology and Natural History—Thirtieth Annual Report United States Geo- logical Survey, G. O. Smita, 191.—Fifth Biennial Report State Geolog- ical Survey of North Dakota, A. G. Leonarp, 192.—Figure of the Earth and lsostacy from Measurements in the United States, J. F. Hayrorp, 193.—Geological Survey Cape of Good Hope, A. W. Rocrers: Devonian _fauna of the Ouray limestone, KE. M. KinpLE : Lower Paleozoic Hyolithidz from Girvan, F. R. C. Reep: Dieasiatischen Fusulinen : Die Fusulinen von Darwas, G. DyHRzNFURTH, 194.—Paldozoiche Seesterne Deutschlands ; I. Die echten Asteriden der rheinischen Grauwacke, F. SCHONDORE : La Vallée de Binn (Valais); Etude géographique, géologique, minéralogique et pit- toresque, L. DESBuISSoNS: Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoain the Depart- ment of Geology, British Museum of Natural History, J. W. GREGORY: Hand-List of the Genera and Species of Birds, R. BOWDLER SHARPE: Physiologische Pflanzen-Anatomie, G. HABERLANDT, 195. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, C. D. WaxcottT, 196.—Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, 197.—National Antarctic Expedi- tion, 1901-1904, Magnetic Observations, 198.—Evolution of Worlds, P. ‘LoweLL: Hyperbolic Functions, G. F. Becker and C. E. Van ORSTRAND, 199.—Robbins’ Plane Trigonometry, E. R. Roppins: Experimental Dairy Bacteriology, H. L. Russetut and EK. G. Hastines: Bref och Skirfvelser af och till Carl von Linné, Tu. M. Friss, 200. CONTENTS. V Numbers tek. - Art. XIV.—Armor of Stegosaurus ; by Ricwarp 8. Luti_. 201 XV.—Times of Fall of Meteorites; by O. C. Farrineton. 211 XVI.—Note on the Occurrence of Astrophyllite in the Granite at Quincy, Mass. ; by L. V. Pirsson.--_-. .----- 215 XVII.—Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma from the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry ; by C. N. Fuenner_. 217 XVIII.—Notes on Goethite ; by V. Gotvscumipr and A. L. PRES ON SURE ele cone ss ee ge 2 UE Ra 235 X1X.—Velocities of Certain Reactions between Metals and Dissolved Halogens; by R. G. Van Name and G. ieee rs eer eter ES EL, Oe ee See 237 XX.—New Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabama; by E. W. Bere try ey area) Pe i ee OS SREY O56 XXIi.—Anhydrite and Associated Minerals from the Salt Mines of Central Kansas ; by A. F. Rogers -__._----- 258 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Purple Dye of the Ancients, P. FRIEDLAENDER, 262.—Purification of Water Supplies by the use of Hypochlorites, W. P. Mason: Allen’s Commercial Organic Analyses, H. LEFFMANN and W. A. Davis, 263.—Introduction to Physical Chemistry, H. C. Jones: Change from Positive Reflection to Negative through Pressure, O. LUMMER and K. SorGE: Study of Gaseous Suspensions, M. DE BROGLIE: Constitution of the Electric Spark, T. Royps: Cadmium Amalgams and the Weston Normal Cell, F. HE. Smita, 264. Geology and Natural History—Florida State Geological Survey, E. H. SELLARDS, 260.—Report of Topographic and Geologic Survey Commission of Pennsylvania, 1906-1908, 266.—Virginia Geological Survey, I’. L. WATSON : Illinois State Geological Survey, H. F. Bain: Geology and Water Resources of the Northern Portion of the black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming, N. H. Darron, 267.—Biological Survey of Michigan: An Ecological Survey of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, C. C. Apams: The ee Geological Survey of Kansas, E. Haworru, 268.—Das Antlitz der Erde, _ SUESS, 269.—Beitrage zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs, Teil it: Die Gattung Nathorstiana P. Richter und Cylindrites spongioides Goeppert, P. B. Ricater: Cave Vertebrates of America; a Study in Degenerative Evolution, C. B. Eigenmann, 270.— Die Saéugetierontogenese in ihrer Bedeutung ftir die Phylogenie der Wir- beltiere, A. A. W. HuBRECHT: Occurrence of Strepsicerine Antelopes in the Tertiary of Northwestern Nevada, J. C. Merriam, 271.—Recherches Géo- logiques et Pétrographiques sur lOural du Nord ; Le Bassin de la Haute Wichéra, L. Duparc: Laboratory pony for the High School, W. N. CLUTE, 272. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—The Norwegian Aurozva Polaris Expedi- tion 1902-1903, 272.—Carnegie Institution of Washington, Highth Year Book: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement’ of “Teaching. Fourth Annual Report, H. S. PrircuetTr and T. M. Carnecir, 274.— Relief Maps: Report of the Librarian of Congress and Report of the Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds, 275.—Harvard Col- lege Observatory, E. C. PICKERING, 276. Obituary—M. Srerce Nikitin; Dr. SHELFORD BIDWELL, 276. al CONTENTS. INT e eee Page Arr. XXII.—Studies on the General Circulation of the Earth’s Atmosphere; by Il. WH. Bigelow 2... 2232 eaee Ah x XU1.—Mixed Crystals of Silver Sulphate and Dichromate ; by R. G: Van Name and RS, Bosworrm -- eee 293 XXIV.—Osteology and Affinities of the Genus Stenomylus ; by I, B. Loomis... 22222: vale 2 XXV.—Refractive Index of Canada Balsam; by W. T. SCHALLER, -.- 34245. 255 gee eee ke 324 XX VI.—Stratigraphy of the upper Carboniferous in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico; by G. B. RicHarpson 325 X XVII.— Gravimetric Determination of Free Bromine and Chlorine, Combined Todine, and Oxidizing Reagents by means of. Metallic Silver ; by C. C. Perkins. -_-.._--- 338 XXVIII.—Discharges of Electricity Through Hydrogen; by J. TROWBRIDGE: (2.22.02. 2) 2) 2 2 ee XXIX.—New Pennsylvania Meteorite; by O.C. Farrineron 350 XX X.—Remarks on the Pentamerous Symmetry of the Cri- noidea s-by ADE Cram. 22.2.2 2 ee 353 XX XI.— Association of Enargite, Covellite, and Pyrite from Ouray Co., Colorado ; by W. M. Tuornton, JR..__--._ 358 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics—Detection of Sodium, Czesium, and Rubidium, W. C. Baux, 360.—Volumetric Determination of Sulphates, MircHrLi and SMITH: Action of Metals on Fused Caustic Soda, LEBLANC and BERGMANN, 361.— Transformation of Diamond into Graphite, VoGrEL and TAmMMann: The Johns Hopkins University Circular, No. 2: Meteorologische Optik, F. M. EXnNeEr, 362. Geology and Mineralogy-—Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey, G. O. Smita, 363.—Geological Survey Canada, Department of Mines, R. W. Brock, 365.—Kilauea and Mauna Loa, Hawaiian Volcanoes, W. T. BricHamM : Deviations from the Normal Order of Crystallization in Granite, Macktez, 366,—New Occurrence of Lujavrite: Mercury Minerals from Ter- lingua, Texas, HILLEBRAND and SCHALLER, 367.—The Rochester Collec- tion of Meteorites ; Descriptive List of Specimens, K. 5S. Howarp: A new Meteorite from Georgia, G. P. MERRILL, 368. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.—Carnegie Institution of Washington : Publications of the Ailegheny Observatory of the University of a 368. CONTENTS. Vil INGuanilo eng leita: Page Arr. XXXII.—Contributions to the Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona.—The Geology of the Shinumo Area ; BogleedNommis Mart: - ili 222 e ee ee eee 2. 369 XX XUI.—Additions to the Pleistocene Flora of Alabama ; me ae igre ve oe hE ee ee ote 387 XXXIV.—Application of Potassium Ferricyanide in Alka- line Solution to the Estimation of Arsenic, Antimony, Mee OY. lei. I ALMOR: 5 2.2 ee re oa. 399 XXXV.—New Cystid from the Clinton Formation of Onta- rio—Lepadocystis clintonensis ; by W. A. Parks.--- -- 404 XXXVI.---New Petrographic Microscope ; by F. E. Wrieur 407 XXXVII—New Ocular for Use with the Petrographic Micro- Becerra pyeh: Me VWRIGHT 22S 5 Veil a ee 415 XXXVIII.—Behavior of Crystals in Light Parallel to an Biers by Cn LRAVIS. Soe ee eta ek. 427 XXXIX.—Some Simple Improvements for a Petrographical Microscope... by—A.- JIOHANNSEN. 2... 22-0202 -..-2.2-.- 485 XL.—Natural Naphtha from the Province of Santa Clara, Cuba; by C. Ricuarpson and K. G. Mackenzixr ._-. -- 439 XLI.—Intrusive Granites and Associated Metamorphic Sedi- » ments in Southwestern Rhode Island ; by G. F. Loucurin 447 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry—Metallic Zirconium, Wertss and NruMANN, 457.—Gas-volumetric Determination of Hydrogen, Paat and HaRrTMANN : Theoretical Principles of the Methods of Analytical Chemistry, M. G. Coesnrau : Analyse Volu- métrique, L. Duparc et M. Basaponna, 408.—Solid Bitumens, S. F. PECKHAM, 459. Geology—lowa Geological Survey, S. Catvin: West Virginia Geological Survey. I. C. Warte, 459.—New Zealand Geological Survey, J. M. BELt, 460.—Certain Jurassic (Lias-Oolite) Strata of South Dorset, and their Cor- relation, etc., S.S. Buckman, 461.—Palzontologia Universalis : Geologic Atlas of the United States: Folio 169, Watkins Glen-Catatonk, New York, 1909, H. S. Winuiams, R. S. Tarr, and E. M. Kinpie, 462.—Geol- ogy of the Auburn-Genoa Quadrangles, D. D. LuTHER, 463. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—National Academy of Sciences, 463.— Ostwald’s Klassiker der Exakten Wissenschaften, 464. Obituary—ALEXANDER AGASSIZ: ROBERT PARR WHITFIELD: CHARLES REID BARNES : SAMUEL WARD LOPER. Vill CONTENTS. Number 174. Page. Art. XLII.—Experimental Investigation into the Flow of o Rocks, by Frank D. Avams, assisted by Ernest G, Coxrr. First Paper—The Flow of Marble. (With Plates.-LI-[V)). . 22.1 See 465 XLIIT.—Heat of Formation of the Oxides of Moiybdenum, Selenium and Tellurium ; and fifth paper on the Heat of Combination of Acidic Oxides with Sodium Oxide; by WG. MIT BR oS 488 XLIV.—Contributions to the Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona.—The Geology of the Shinumo Area (continued); by L.-F! Nosies-> (With Plate’V.) 22 222232.) ae oa XLV.—Effect of Certain Magnetic and Gravitational Forces on the Motion of the Moon ; by Ernest W. Brown-_.- 529 XLVI.—Use of Silver in the Determination of Molybdenum, Vanadium, Selenium and Tellurium; by CraupE C. PERKINS (lo 2200502 Ol hey Spe XLVII.—Chemical Composition of Hulsite and Paigeite, by WArpmanel. SCHALLER 222505505 2 ee 543 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Ohemistry—Gas containing Helium from the German Potash Deposit, H. ErpMANN, 549.—Detection of Methyl Alcohol, G. Denicks, 550.—A Sub- stitute for Platinum Wire for Use in Blowpipe Work, O. F. Kirsy : The Use of Sodium Hypobromite in the Separation of Certain Metals, Pozzi- Escort: Doppler Effect in Hydrogen, B. Strasser, 551.—Effect of Dust and Smoke on the Ionization of Air, A. S. Eve: Measurements in the Extreme Infra-Red Spectrum, H. Rupens and H. HOLLNAGEL, 592. Geology—Paleogeography of North America, C. SCHUCHERT, 552.— Virginia Geological Survey, T. L. Warson, 507.—-Geological and Archeological Notes on Orangia, J. P. Jounson : Handbuch der Regionalen Geologie G. STEINMANN and G. WILCKENS, 508. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence—United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, O. H. Tirrmann: Connecticut Geological and Natural History, Survey, 559.—Kraft das ist animalische, mechanische, soziale EKnergien und deren Bedeutung fiir die Machtenfaltung der Staaten, EH. REYER : Soziale Machte als Erganzung der Arbeit uber ‘‘Kraft,” E. Reyer: Pub- lications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh, F. ScHLESINGER and R. H. Baker: Bulletin of the University of Kansas, M. E. Rice and B. McCotivum, 560. Obituary. —ALEXANDER AGAssizZ, 561: Roprert PARR WHITFIELD, 060: SIR WituiamM Hueerns, Knut JoHan ANGSTROM, JULIEN FRatpont, H. Lanpo.ut, EH. Purnippr1, Richard ABEGG, 566. INDEX TO VoL. XXIX, 567. = 4 t \ yrus Si, ibrarian U. S. Nat. Museum. Sivop xx JANUARY, 1910. Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Epiror: EDWARD S. DANA. ASSOCIATE EDITORS | Proressors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, | W. G. FARLOW anp WM. M. DAVIS, or CamsBrmwngcz, Proressors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, L. V. PIRSSON anp H. E. GREGORY, or New Haven, Proressor GEORGE F. BARKER, or PHIvapenPen, Proresson HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or Irsaca, Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Bautimore, Mr. J. S. DILLER, or Wasuineton. | | . FOURTH SERIES VOL. XXIX—[WHOLE NUMBER, CLXXIX.] No. 169—JANUARY, 1910. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. 1910. a THE TUITLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO., PRINTERS, 123 TEMPLE STREET. ' | ~ “se ONlall [ASPs SN éocountries in thea, tifer by money orderss:” Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance. $6. Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made _ registered letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York ban S). JAN 3 1909 We: tty? $ alignal Mys?* 4 _— Announcement of New Arrivals. Iceland Minerals. I have just received after considerable delay a new lot of Iceland Zeolites consisting of one hundred specimens. The species represented are Heuland- ite, Stilbite, Epistilbite, Scolecite, Ptilolite and Quartz geodes in both Museum and cabinet size specimens, which I have priced at far below former values placed on, these choice trap rock minerals. Their beauty, brilliancy and the quality of the crystals is finer than any Be BERS lot bet 2 to this country. Minerals from Franklin Furnace, N. J I have also been fortunate in obtaining a very old collection from a gentle- man who specialized in Franklin Furnace minerals and which contains many duplicates of finely crystallized specimens. For instance, several of the ex- tremely rare crystallized Zincites as well as Franklinites, Rhodonites, Troost- ites in very large crystals; also Gahnite, Tourmaline, Calamine, Garnet and Spinel. An exceptional lot of choice Phlogopite in Calcite of the largest size found. Minerals from Colorado. Recent additions to my large stock of the desirable Cripple Creek Tellur- ides include specimens of the very best quality obtainable. such as Tellu- rium, Sylvanite, Calaverite, Gold, ete, With these came Amethyst in parallel growth of exquisite quality and a crystallized Calciovolborthite and Carno- tite from Telluride, Col. Minerals from New Mexico. A number of Vanadinites have been received from New Mexico, which show crystals distributed over Barite matrix forming desirable specimens of beautiful contrast. Also a number of fine native Silvers from the same locality. Desirable and timely gifts for Christmas of cut gems, gem crystals, antique cameos, opal carvings, with semi-precious stones cut and polished and adapt- able for mounting in pins, brooches, etc. The large stock carried places me in the best position to cater to ae many requirements of my patrons for either minerals, rare or common gems, as well as the highest quality of reconstructed Rubies, Sapphires, blue or white, and the beautiful new pink Topaz. I would be pleased to send on approval for inspection aud selection any- thing that would interest my patrons. Information as to special lists and prices of individual specimens cheer- fully furnished. ASH. PETEREII. 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE POU Ril, S Eas 3] ee Se Arr. 1.—Dinosaurian Distribution ; by Ricuarp 8. Lott. ehooutibaion from the Paleontological Laboratory, Peabody Museum, Yale University. | I. Introductory. II. Classification. Ill. Habitats and adaptations. IV. Geological distribution. V. Geographical distribution. VI. Summary of migrations and paleogeography. VII. Bibliography. Dinosaurian Distribution. I. InrropuctTory. Tue significance of terrestrial vertebrates of bygone days as aids to geological interpretation, and especially in throwing light upon the isolation and connection of continents, is becom- ing more and more appreciated. The dinosaurs, with their known geological range through- out nearly the entire Mesozoic period, and of almost world- wide distribution, are the most significant vertebrates of Secondary times. Add to this their great numbers both of individuals and kinds and the amazing range in their adapta- tions and one can appreciate the importance of the line of research of which this paper is the first fruit. It constitutes the further elaboration of a presidential address delivered before the American Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists at Baltimore, December, 1908. As such a work is of necessity to a certain extent a compila- tion, I can but express my indebtedness to the various authors listed in the Bibliography, of whom my confrere, Professor v. Huene, is the one to whom I owe the most. I am also Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtsH SEeRies, Vou. X XIX, No. 169.—January, 1910. a ; 9 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. grateful to my colleagues Professors Schuchert and Barrell for helpful criticisms and suggestions. II. CLASSIFICATION. The dinosaurs, because of their great adaptive radiation throughout their long career, seem to be a very heterogeneous group, so much so that Baut (1891) emphatically denied any relationship on the part of the several orders which are included within the group. They exhibit two distinct lines of cleavage, dividing the super-order into three orders, of which two, the carnivorous, bipedal Theropoda and the herbivorous, quadrupedal Sauro- poda, may be grouped together, in spite of great adaptive dif- ferences ; while the herbivorous, bipedal or quadrupedal Ortho- peda stand more aloof and show a vastly greater range of intra-ordinal variation, To the first two orders collectively the name Saurischia has been given by Seeley (1888), while the Orthopoda have been designated by the corresponding title of Ornithischia. A further differentiation of the Theropoda points to two distinct races. The heavier megalosaurs, typified by Iegalosau- rus of Europe; Alloswwrus of the American Morrison, and culminating in the huge Zyrannosaurus of the Laramie, were the more conservative group, the evolution of which consists mainly in an increase in size, accompanying a relative diminution of the fore limbs, which were never used for loco- motion, and an assumption of the prehensile function by bine feet and mouth armament as in birds of prey. The other carnivores, the compsognathoid forms, were ne an aberrant nature, not increasing so markedly in size; but of a more agile character, better fitted to prey upon feebler rep- tiles, birds and mammals than upon other dinosaurs. Typical members of this sub-order are C ompsognathus from the litho- graphic stone of Bavaria and Ornitholestes of the American Morrison beds. The Sauropoda appear and disappear with startling sudden- ness in the northern hemisphere, though lingering in the southern until the close of the Mesozoic. During this time they undergo but little evolution, and that mainly in the line of a marvelous adaptation for lightness coupled with great strength, especially in the elongated vertebral column. Per- haps the best-known repr esentatives of this group are Apato- saurus (Brontosaurus), a huge, unwieldly beast, and Dzplo- docus, a lighter, more slender form; both from the Morrison of Wyoming and Colorado. It is a significant fact that the most generalized (Haplocanthosaurus) and the most specialized R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. S (Diplodocus) among sauropods occur in the same quarry and were therefore contemporaneous. (Hatcher 1903, p. 57). Of the plant-feeding Orthopoda there are three main types, which have differentiated from the original stock; one, the unarmored Ornithopoda, paralleling the carnivores in general bodily contour and bipedal gait, though bringing the fore feet to the ground when occasion demanded. Like the car- nivores they too included a greater and a lesser race. The former, like gwanodon of the Wealden of Europe and Camp- tosaurus of the American Morrison, culminated in 7’ rachodon of the late Cretaceous ; while the latter are represented by the fleet Laosawrus of North America and fypsilophodon of Europe. On the other hand, two groups of armored, secondarily quad- rupedal dinosaurs arose, possibly derived from the same branch of the Orthopoda, possibly of independent origin. These were the Stegosauria, the defensive sort with small head and heavy body armor sometimes forming, over part of the body at least, a veritable cuirass or carapace ; and the more ageressive Ceratopsia with huge armored skull, but, so far as our knowl- edge goes, bereft of any special body mail. The first are represented by the British Polacanthus and the American Stegosaurus, while the last have a splendid representation in that most grotesque of dinosaurs, Zrzcerutops from the Ameri- can Laramie. V. Huene (1907-1908, p. 351) derives the Sauropoda from the early Theropod dinosaurs of the Trias, seeing in the genus Plateosaurus the annectant type. In his scheme of relation- ships (v. Huene 1909, p. 22), however, he seems to defer the divergence of the Sauropoda from the Plateosauridee until the Lias, which would hardly give time for the profound change shown by either Cetosaurus or Dystropheus of the Dogger. It is my impression that the divergence occurred earlier in Triassic time. Of annectant forms, lmking the Theropoda and Orthopoda, none is suggested by v. Huene among known types, as our known record of the latter does not go back far enough in time. Of the Stegosauria, Scelidosaurus of the English Lias seems to be the most primitive as it surely is the oldest; it is, however, still removed from the Ornithopoda and a common ancestor must again be sought in more remote strata. The Ceratopsia: may have their earliest representative in Stenopelix of the Wealden of Briickeburg. V. Huene (1907- 1908, p. 374) has shown strong points of resemblance between the pelvis of Stenopelia and that of Triceratops. Whether, as he suggests, one can derive the phylum from the Scelido- sauridan stem, or whether the group represents an independ- ent offshoot from the Orthopod stock, is not quite clear. 4 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. These relationships are expressed in the table (figure 1), which is largely compiled from lesser ones by v. Huene (1907— 1908, pp. 340, 375, 877; 1909, p. 22). III. Haprrats and ADAPTATIONS. In order to comprehend the remarkable geographical distri- bution of the dinosaurs, it is necessary to investigate the character of their various habitats, the conditions they were forced to meet and the marvelous degree of adaptation to the environment which they underwent. I imagine the conditions which gave to the dinosaurs their initial evolutionary trend were such as are thought to have prevailed, beginning in the Permian, throughout Triassic time. This is well shown in the region now known as the Connecticut valley. The older notion of the estuarine origin of these deposits has been abandoned in favor of the idea that they were of terrestrial origin, the climatic conditions being those of semi-aridity with areas here and there which were subject to inundations occurring in times of torrential rains such as are observed to-day under similar climatie conditions in different portions of our globe. This lends color to the view that the early dinosaurs were truly terrestrial types, with marked cursorial adaptation, indicated in the free, bipedal stride and compact, bird-like foot which is shown by the fossil footprints. V. Huene (1907-1909, pp. 396-401) derives the Theropoda and Parasuchia from one stem, the supposition being that the distinguishing characteristics were developed during the oldest Trias through adaptation. Increasing aridity of climate would _render it necessary for an animal to go farther afield for water and possibly for food and thereby place a premium on good powers of locomotion, so that selection would be very active in weed- ing out the unfit or inadaptable lines. This locomotor adapta- tion in the quadrupedal stage is beautifully shown in the Parasuchian genus Stegomus (Lull 1904 B, pp. 147-148) from the Connecticut valley Trias (Rheetic), evidently a persistent type which, possibly because of the retention of armor, remained a “quadruped though long of limb and with the greater portion of the weight borne on the hinder extremities. Stegomus, I imagine, though belonging, morphologically, to a very different race, represents a stage in the adaptation of the dinosaurs which was reached early in the Trias. Many modern lizards are amazingly swift of movement, but their journeys are brief and the rapidly moving types are small. It is a well known fact that a number of lizards, nota- ably Chlamydosaurus, when startled, rise on the hinder limbs \ R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 5 and run with a truly bipedal gait (Sayville-Kent 1898, p. 341). It is significant that the bipedal lizards, so far as my knowl- edge goes, are all found in semi-arid climates— Australia, Southwestern United States. This tendency toward bipedal- ism, with a consequent profound alteration of the hind limbs and pelvis, both in bone and musculature, seems therefore to have developed to meet the need of greater range of move- ment necessitated by increasing aridity, and was the prime factor in the early evolution of the dinosaurian race. So strongly was this feature impressed, that the main lines of dinosaurian evolution, whether plant or animal feeders, were cursorial, terrestrial types, though, as new conditions arose, or were met with during their forced migrations, aberrant types of marvelous complexity and range of specialization developed. These aberrant forms, from the fact that their remains were more readily preserved, are the ones best known to us and have colored our whole conception of the dinosaurian race. When the plant-feeding Orthopoda arose we do not know. Nanosaurus (v. Huene and Lull 1908) is known from the upper Trias (or lower Jurassic) of Colorado, while in the pos- sibly contemporaneons beds of the Connecticut valley there have been found many footprints which Lull (1904 A, pp. 499-509) has shown to belong to plant-feeding types of general propor- tions not unlike those of their theropod allies, but differing mainly in the feebly prehensile character of the little, blunt- toed manus, the imprint of which is sometimes seen. The Theropoda, on the other. hand, had a strong, grasping hallux, as a rule rotated to the rear of the foot so as to be in opposi- tion to the other toes, and a manus with powerful claws, which had already sacrificed fully the function of locomotion to that of prehension. The Orthopoda could give rise to secondarily quadrupedal (Dollo 1905) forms, the Stegosauria, the Ceratop- sia; the Theropoda, on the other hand, had cast the die in favor of absolute bipedalism and stalked on upon the hind limbs to the end of their career. While both small and large forms prevailed at the close of the Trias, the differentiation, if we except the character of the pubis, is largely owing to opposite habits, acquired apparently _ In the remote Trias, very early in the dinosaurian evolution. The carnivores, as has been said, are relatively conservative in their evolution, except for the differentiation into the greater megalosauroid forms and the lesser compsognathoid types. The Theropoda were evidently the most mobile of all dinosaurs, free to migrate wherever other creatures lived which could possibly be utilized for prey, for not only do we find them the world over, with the exception of Asia (vide 6 R.S. Lall—Dinosaurian IMstribution. infra p. 81) north of India, but practically wherever dinosaurs of whatever sort are found. The Sauropoda. ~ During the Triassic, the carnivores had spread to other conditions and had given rise to a new order, the Sauropoda, no longer truly terrestrial, but inhabiting the bayous and swamps S of the numerous deltas which fringed the continental shores. This change of habitat was far-reaching in its effects, for rapid locomotion was no longer necessary and a certain degeneracy resulted—whether the carnivorous ancestors had attained bipedalism or whether the Sauropoda were primi- tively quadrupedal I cannot say. Increase in size was accom-* panied by an elongation of the neck to get a greater range of feeding with as little bodily movement as possible and it necessitated as well a diametric change in diet, for with increasing bulk, no longer finding the animal food of their forbears “adequate or readily obtainable, they took to an herbivorous feeding habit which required but little change in the mouth armament. The modern Iguanidee show a certain parallelism with the Sauropoda, for while the primitive diet is carnivorous (insect- ivorous) ‘some of the most striking forms are herbivorous, e. g. Iguana, Amblyrhynchus, and Basiliscus.” (Gadow 1908, pp. 528, 533.) Moreover, one finds within the family not only seml-aquatic adaptation, but even semi-marine. The iast is shown by Amblyrhynchus cristatus, which “inhabits the rocky and sandy strips of coast of most of the Galapagos Islands, feeding on certain kinds of algae, which it has to dive for, since these plants grow below tide-marks.” The precise food of the Sauropoda is a matter of doubt. Dr. Hay (1908, p. 674), in discussing that of Diplodocus, the most highly specialized member of the order, sums up the expressions of opinion as follows: “ Hatcher suggested that. the teeth might have been useful in detaching from the bot- toms and shores the succulent aquatic and semi-aquatic plants that must have grown there in abundance. Osborn [1889, p. ae says that the ‘ food probably consisted of some very large and nutritious species of water plant. ‘The anterior claws may have been used in uprooting such plants * * * The plants may have been drawn down the throat in large quantities without mastication” * * * Holland [1906, p. 240] thinks. that the teeth were better adapted for raking and tearing off from the rocks soft masses of clinging alge than for securing any other forms of vegetable food now represented in the waters of the world. RS. Lul—Dinosaurian Distribution. ¥( “To the present writer [Hay] the suggestion of Dr. Holland has in it more of probability than any of the others presented. If the food-plants sought by Diplodocus had been large and such as required uprooting by the great claws of the reptile, the prehension and manipulation of the masses would have been liable to break the slender teeth and would certainly have produced on them perceptible wear. * * * “Tt is more probable that the food consisted of floating algae than of plants that were loosely attached to the bottoms of stagnant bayous and ponds. .. . In addition to various algae were probably other floating plants.” The teeth of the Sauropoda, notably Moroswurus and Apto- saurus (Brontosaurus), are much more robust and frequently show decided wear. ‘This wear, however, is along the edges on either side of and sometimes including the apex; which could readily be accounted for by abrasion of the alternating teeth of the opposing jaw and which could not be due to scraping of vegetation from the rocks. The food of these animals may have been more in keeping with the character of that mentioned by Osborn. : It is interesting to note in this connection, a propos of the question of the digestibility of huge masses of unmasticated vegetation, the occurrence of “stomach stones” or “‘gastroliths”’ (Wieland 1906) which seem to have had an important .funetion in aiding in the-trituration of the food. Wieland records the occurrence of such polished flint pebbles in immedi- ate association with the remains of a large sauropod observed at the northern end of the Big Horn Mountains. Pebbles, _ presumably gastroliths, were also found by Wieland with the type of the Sauropod genus Barosaurus from near Piedmont, South Dakota. Dr. Hay (loc. cit., p. 673-674) further says: ‘“‘Hatcher has discussed at length the nature of the region in which the species of Diplodocus and their allies lived, as well as the habits of the Sauropoda in general; and the present writer [Hay] agrees with him on most points. Hatcher believed that the Atlantosaurus [ Morrison] beds were deposited, not in an immense freshwater lake, as held by some geologists, but over a comparatively low and level plain which was occupied by perhaps small lakes connected by an interlacing system of river channels. The climate was warm and the region was overspread by luxuriant forests and broad savannas. The area thus occupied included iarge parts of the present states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Montana and the Dakotas. In his memoir on Diplodocus Hatcher compares the conditions prevailing in that region during the Upper Jurassic [Lower Oretaceous] to those now found about the 8 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. mouth of the Amazon and over some of the more elevated plains of Western Brazil. “In such regions the rivers, fed from distant elevated lands, must have been subject to frequent inundations. The beds of the streams were continually shifting, and there existed numerous abandoned channels that were filled with stagnant water. An animal that lived in such a region would be com- pelled to adapt itself to a more or less aquatic life, and this adaptation would be reflected to a greater or less extent in the structure of the animal.” Through the courtesy of Dr. Holland, I have been able to study somewhat critically an undoubted sauropod footprint from the Morrison dinosaur quarry at Cafion City, Colorado. Hatcher figures a cast of this track in his memoir on the osteology of Haplocanthosaurus (1908, fig. 28, p. 161). The figure is somewhat deceptive, however, in that it was taken from a plaster cast of the specimen which in turn is a natural cast of the original impression made by the living animal and which is therefore in relief. .The surface of the specimen itself is covered with deep pits caused by a solution of the calcareous cement which bound the grains of sand together, thus allowing the latter to be washed out. In the photograph the casts of these pits, being in relief, give the impression of pebbles, whereas the rock in the quarry is a fine-grained, cross- bedded sandstone of uniform texture, without appreciable clay, and not gravelly at all. A microscopic study of the sand- grains themselves show them to be angular with slightly abraded corners, sand of aqueous deposit; but apparently laid down in a lake or bayou, rather than in a normal river as indicated by the absence of clay and the presence of a lime cement. The cross-bedding which the rock exhibits could readily have been made by wave action along the shores of a comparatively shallow delta-lake or bay, and the track, which is that of a very young animal, was evidently made under water. The character of the sediment does not give evidence of much vegetable matter at the particular point where the track was made. The footprint is that which one would expect from the known character of the sauropod foot, and is evenly impressed throughout as though the animal’s weight were borne equally over the entire sole, evidence in favor of a true walk rather than a sprawling er awl, at any rate when the body was partly water-borne. | I believe these animals to have been truly aquatic though — capable of coming ashore where the substratum was sufficiently firm to support the immense weight, and, while they show no trace of swimming appendages, they doubtless could swim as a hippopotamus does or, as Hay (1908, p. 667) has implied, like a R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian Mstribution. 9 colubrid snake .“‘which makes fair progress in the water, not- withstanding the absence both of a compressed tail and of a vertical fin.” The Wealden formation of England is thus described by Geikie (1903, pp. 1180-1181). “The Purbeck beds bring before us evidence of a great change in the geography of England towards the close of the Jurassic period. They show how the floor of the sea, in which the thick and varied forma- tions of that period were deposited, came to be gradually elevated, and how into pools of fresh and brackish water the jand leaves, insects, and small marsupials of the adjacent land were washed down. ‘These evidences of terrestrial conditions are followed in the same region by a vast delta formation, that of the Weald, which accumulated over the south of England, while the marine strata were being deposited in the north. Hence two types of Lower Cretaceous sedimentation occur, one where the strata are fluviatile (Wealden), and the other where they are marine (Neocomian).” In Wyoming the Morrison beds lie directly upon the marine Baptanodon beds of Marsh in which Belemnites abound. Lying between this and the main dinosaur-bearing layer are about 156 feet (Loomis 1901, pp. 192-1938) of variegated sand- stones and clays, of which bed No. 13, 824 feet above that which contains Baptanodon itself, seems to represent the first of the freshwater (or brackish) series, as it contains an aban- doned dinosaur quarry in Como bluff. This would seem to fndicate that in the Morrison, conditions very similar to that of the Wealden prevailed and that in each instance access to the sea on the part of the sauropod inhabitants was not only possible but actually probable, as the littoral realm seems to have been the highway of immigration of this order of dino- saurs. The Morrison beds, lying as they do in a great synclinal trough, and at the time of their deposition but little above sea level, probably were drained, in the southern portion at least, into the sea, which lay some two hundred and fifty miles (Schuchert 1909, Late Upper Jurassic Chart) to the south- ward. This drainage outlet because of its very low gradient may again have given conditions similar to those of the Amazon (vide supra p. 8), so that the passage of the Sauropoda across the area included in the present state of New Mexico would appear to have been perfectly feasible. Evidence which may be corroborative is found in Madagascar, in a locality east of the bay of Narinda, wherein were dis- covered the remains of Zvtanosaurus in a matrix containing the marine Mytilus madagascarensis and foraminifera (Boule 1896, p. 348). : »% 10 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. Orthopoda. The Orthopod dinosaurs were adapted to a very different kind of food from that of the Sauropoda, developing in the course of their evolution a more and more perfect dental mechanism for chopping into short lengths the relatively firm terrestrial vegetation. The toothless anterior part of the mouth was sheathed in a leathery or horny beak which reached its highest perfection in the Ceratopsia and which constituted the prehensile, while the teeth, borne in the posterior por tion of the jaws, formed the masticatory part of the mouth ; best developed in the Ceratopsia (Hatcher 1907, pp. 48-46) on the one hand and the Trachodontidee (Brown 1908, pp. 52-53) on the other. The Sauropoda and Theropoda had only prehensile teeth and did not masticate their food at all. This shows quite clearly that, so far as feeding habits go, none of the three great groups of dinosaurs came into competition with each other, except that the carnivores did occasionally devour the others, and that, in so far as the Sauropoda and Orthopoda were concerned, the habitat was necessarily different; the latter being in the main terrestrial, the former amphibious. In no other way can we account for the marked differences in distribution of the two orders which, reduced to its final analy- sis, has gone so far that the two groups are rarely found in the same quarry even within the same region and geological forma- tion. | For example, “ Quarry 13” (Gilmore, 1909) pp zea in Como Bluff, Wie can from which several of Professor Marsh’s more important type specimens came, contains almost entirely the remains of Orthopoda, Camptosaurus, Pryosau- rus, Stegosaurus ; of Carnivores, Allosawrus and Ce lurus, while but a single Sauropod, the type of Morosaurus lentus, an extremely young individual, was found in association. On the other hand, the famous Bone Cabin Quarry, situated but a few miles distant, had yielded up to 1904 (Osborn, 1904, p. 694) sauropods, 44; stegosaurs, 3; smaller herbivorous dinosaurs, 4; large carnivorous dinosaurs, 6; small carnivorous dinosaurs, 3 ; showing the Sauropoda to be vastly more numerous than the other plant-feeding varieties, and evidently implying a distinet habitat from that repr esented by “Quarry 13.” Within the Orthopoda the marked differentiation into Ornithopoda, or unarmored types, and the Stegosauria and Ceratopsia, or armored forms, seems to have been due to their different modes of defence, presumably against the omnipresent carnivores, though the existence of enemies other than dinosaurs, such as the crocodile Goniopholis, is not unlikely. The Ornithopoda, which were the most conservative in their evolu- R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. ee tion among the Orthopoda, retained the cursorial character of their ancestry, relying evidently upon celerity and speed rather than upon weapons or armor for defence against their san- guinary foes. The ideal of this type of dinosaur was perhaps Laosaurus of North American Morrison and its old world representative [ypsilophodon of the English Wealden. Later Trachodon, and probably its ancestor Claosaurus, the remains of which are found repeatedly in marine rocks, became in their turn semtaquatic, possibly in their sear ch for food because of competition with the great armored forms. They did not, however, rely on increasing bulk for immunity against attack as did the Sauropoda ; but, by means of a powerful, laterally compressed swimming tail may have been as active as erocodiles in the water while still retaining a means of com- paratively rapid locomotion on land. The defencelessness of these creatures, so far as armor is concerned, has been beauti- fully shown in the ‘‘mummitied” specimen of Zvachodon, discovered in 1908 by C. H. Sternberg, in Converse County, Wyoming, and now preserved in the American Museum of Natural History. Professor Osborn (1909, pp. 793-795) says of it: “The first and most surprising impression is that the epidermis is extremely thin, and that the markings are exces- sively fine and delicate for an animal of such lar ge dimensions. There is no evidence in any part of the epidermis either of coarse tubercles or of overlapping scales. In all parts of the body observed it is entirely composed of scales of two kinds: (1) larger pavement or non-imbricating scales, (2) smaller tubercular scales.” Osborn speaks not only of the « vigorous use of the tail as a balancing, and perhaps partly as a swim- ming organ,” but also tells us that the “ manus is completely encased in the integument, and was thus web-footed.” Evi- dence for aquatic or senii- aquatic life. The armored dinosaurs make their first appearance in Scel7- dosaurus of the English Lias, the possible ancestor of all of the subsequent mailed types. The earliest forms were proba- bly bipedal, but, as time went on, and the armor increased in. bulk and weight, we find these dinosaurs becoming secondarily quadrupedal (Dollo 1905), losing all celerity of movement and becoming sluggish, slow moving, living citadels of well-nigh impregnable character. In habitat they were doubtless terres- trial, as in the case of the earlier Ornithopoda with which their remains are found associated. A curious differentiation of armored dinosaurs occurred, correlated with a marked differ- ence in the mode of defence, in that the more aggressive, men- tally alert Ceratopsia used the head both for offence and defence, while the stegosaurs seem to have used the tail. Ste- gosaurus proper, which developed to an extreme this method 12 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. of defence as well as a remarkable body armament of huge probably upstanding plates, became too highly specialized to survive and apparently died out early in the Lower Cretaceous. Its allies, however, still lived on until the close of the Mesozoic, developing over the rear of the body m Polacanthus of the English Wealden, and later in Ankylosaurus of the Laramie, a veritable cuirass, elyptodon-like in its perfection, covering what seemed to be the most vulnerable portion of the body. That the Ceratopsia were aggressive fighters among them- selves, as the cattle are to-day, is known from the frequent punctures of skull and frill, broken horn-cores, and such san- guinary evidences. That they held their own against the ter- rible carnivores of their time is shown by their survival until the close of dinosaurian history. The environment of the Cretaceous Orthopod dinosaurs and of the attendant carnivores is described by Stanton (1909, pp. 280-282) as consisting of great areas but slightly elevated above the level of the sea and occasionally actually beneath it, wherein are found fresh-water, brackish water, or marine deposits. Upon these great marshes vegetation became estab- lished, and land animals, and those of the streams and lagoons as well as the bays and estuaries, sought their appropriate habitats. In speaking of the conditions prevailing toward the close of the Cretaceous, Hatcher (1893, p. 142; Hatcher, Marsh, Lull 1907, p. 194) says: “ The Ceratops beds are thought to afford evidence in themselves of having been deposited not in a great: open lake, but in a vast swamp with occasional stretches of open waters, the whole presenting an appearance similar to that which now exists in the interior of the Everglades of Florida. This condition would account for the frequent changes from one material to another in the same horizon.* * * “The conditions that prevailed over this region during the - period in which the Ceratops beds were deposited were prob- ably those of a great swamp with numerous small open bodies of water connected by a network of water courses constantly changing their channels. The intervening spaces were but slightly elevated above the water level or at times submerged. The entire region where the waters were not too deep was covered by an abundant vegetation, and inhabited by the huge dinosaurs (Z7iceratops, Torosaurus, Claosaurus, etc.), as well as by the smaller crocodiles and turtles and the diminutive mammals, all of whose remains are now found embedded in the deposits.” For the terrestrial Orthopoda, such as Camptosaurus and Iquanodon, the cycads and ferns which grew in such profusion during their time would supply ample nourishment. Stegosau- R. §. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 13 rus, however, has relatively feeble teeth, and must have fed upon the most succulent of terrestrial plants. The Ceratopsia, living as they did toward the close of the Upper Cretaceous, were surrounded by a virtually modernized flora, and hence may have had feeding habits very similar to those of the sub- tropical browsing ungulates of to-day. Trachodon, however, presents more of a problem on account of its undoubted aquatic habits. Here the anterior, toothless part of the mouth in the most highly specialized types became broadened and depressed into a duck-like form, and, while undoubtedly sheathed with a horny or leathery integument, probably did not have the shearing mechanism so perfectly developed as in the true terrestrial plant-feeders. On the other hand, the dental battery reaches its greatest perfection in Zrachodon, consisting as it does of “from 45 to 60 vertical and from 10 to 14 horizontal rows of teeth, so that there were more than 2,000 teeth altogether in both jaws.” (Brown, 1908, p. 53.) The immense number, especially of those in reserve, implies a very rapid wear and consequent replacement of the teeth ; which, together with the sharp, serrated, shear- ing edge which the collective teeth of a jaw present, argues strongly in favor of the idea as expressed by Brown (loc. cit., p- 55) that some species of Equesetze, the remains of which are - the most abundant among the plant relics entombed with these dinosaurs, supplied them with food. The broad duck-like muzzle would be admirable for dislodging the rhizomes from their resting place, while the abundance of silica in the cuticle of the plant would necessitate just such a dental battery as the Trachodonts possessed for its proper mastication. IV. GroitocicaL DistrRiBuTion. Both geologically and geographically the dinosaurs show a peculiar discontinuous distribution, due in large measure to the imperfection of our records, but also to the fact that they were principally terrestrial types and that the preservation of their remains in water-laid rocks is largely the result of accident. Theropoda. Geologically the Theropoda have the greatest range, as they are first found in the Lower Muschelkalk of Europe and con- tinue on until the end of the Mesozoic. Triassic. Of the Triassic forms, a very complete series is found in central Europe, of which one of the most primitive genera is Thecodontosaurus, which also had the widest distribution both geographically and in time (see fig 2). From the Zhecodonto- 14 Frais: Tul Dinosaurian Distribution. saurus stem are derived, as side lines, the Newark dinosaurs Anchisaurus and Ammosaurus of the Connecticut valley ; while the first known of these, d/egadactylus polyzelus from Springfield, Massachusetts, v. Huene (1906, pp. 115-118) refers to the genus 7) hecodontoswurus itself, J anystropheus, ancestral to the delicate, hollow-boned Oceluridee, begins also in the Muschelkalk, and while differing widely from Zhecodonto- saurus, its successor Celophysis, from beds in Colorado equiva- lent to the Upper Keuper of Europe, converges again toward the Thecodontoid phylum, so that the later representatives, Celurus on the one hand and the Compsognathoid forms on the other, are closely approximated. In the Lower Keuper a new genus, Zanclodon, appears in Europe, of greater size than its contemporaries, and from which v. Huene (1909, p. 20) would derive Ceratosaurus of the Morrison with no annectant forms, There are, however, among the Connecticut valley footprints (Rheetic), besides numerous ones referable to the Thecodontoid types (Anchesauripus Lull—1904, p. 468), those of a large carnivore with powerful anterior claws but witha relatively feeble hallux. This track which Hitchcock called Gigandipus (Lull, loc. cit., p. 492) because of its great size, may well have been made by a mem- ber of the Zanclodon phylum, the bones of which are as yet unknown in these deposits. The Middle Keuper ushers in another genus in the form of Leratosaurus; giving rise, in the Rheetic, according to v. Huene, to two main branches, from one of which arose, through Gressylosaur us and Euskelosaurus, the great Megalosaurian line, the other giving rise, through Plateosaurus, to the Sau- ropoda. This seems to me, however, to place the divergence of the Sauropoda somewhat too late in time; to the imply phylogeny I take no exception. The Connecticut valley forms, which had reached great profusion, to judge from the abundance and variety of their footprints, are contemporaneous with the European Rheetic. Footprints apparently of equivalent age and character are found in New Mexico as well. | The lower Keuper beds contain Thecodontosaurus and possibly dassospondylus in India (Lydekker 1890, p. 22), while the Upper Keuper entombed the fermer genus in Australia. The Upper Karoo beds: of Africa, rorerned by v. Huene to the Rheetic and by Broom (1907, p. 161) to the Lower Jura (Stormberg Beds), contain Thecodontosaurus, Husxelosaurus and Massospondylus, all Triassic types. R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Mstribution. 15 Jurassic. During Jurassic time the record is confined practically to England and the adjacent parts of France until the ushering in of the North American Morrison and Potomac toward its close. _ While several species of carnivores are found in England and France during this period, they are all referred to the genus Megalosauvrus with the exception of the Kimmeridgian Streptospondylus of England and Compsognathus of equiva- lent age from the lithographic limestone of Solenhofen, Bavaria. | Dr. A. Smith Woodward (1906, pp. 1-3) has recently deseribed a Megalosaurian ungual phalanx from the Lower Jurassic of Victoria, Australia. He does not, however, sug- gest a more precise correlation of the beds with those of Europe. Lower Cretaceous. The American Morrison in the West and the basal Potomac (Patuxent—Arundel) in the Kast have yielded a number of Theropoda; from the Potomac, Ad/osaurus, the American representative of Megalosaurus and Celurus ; while the Mor- rison has produced, in addition to these forms, Creosawrus and Labrosaurus, the horned carnivore Ceratosaurus, and the agile “ bird-cateching ” dinosaur Ornitholestes. In Europe the Wealden, probable equivalent in part to the American Morrison, has produced numerous remains of Megalosaurus. This genus is also reported from the Albian or Gault of Franceand from the Bellasien of Portugal, considered by Chaffat to be midway between the Aptian and Cenomanian. Upper Cretaceous. “In the Upper Cretaceous, ushered in by the Cenomanian, the European species of Ther opoda are, almost without excep- tion, referred to the genus Megalosaurus, a well-nigh incredible range, Lias to Danian, for a single genus, even of a relatively conservative type. Depéret (1899, -p. 692) has referred a carnivore from the Danian (Rognac) of Montagne-Noire, France, to the genus Dryptosaurus, first made known from the Upper Cretaceous of New Jer sey. The New World carnivores, on the other hand, have been given various names ; of these the principal types are Drypto- saurus of the New Jersey Greensand and the Judith River (Senonian) of Montana and Alberta and Tyrannosaurus of the Laramie (Danian; among the huge Megalosaurs; while the lesser race is represented by Ornithomimus of the Judith River beds, a probable derivative from. Ornitholestes of the 16 R. 8. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. Morrison. From the Guaranitic beds (Danian) of Patagonia two genera of carnivores, Genyodectes (Woodward 1901) and Loncosaurus (Ameghino 1900, p. 61), both similar to dLegalo- saurus, have been described. The Sauropoda. The oldest undoubted Sauropod dinosaur thus far recorded is Dystropheus, described by Cope (1877), from the Red beds of the Painted Canyon in southeast Utah, which he refers to the Trias, but which v. Huene (1904, pp. 320) 321), upon the evi- dence offered by Whitman Cross, ‘believes to be the equivalent to the Dogger. Doubtless owing to the dearth of Jurassic continental deposits, the American record is a blank from this time until the Morrison and its equivalent, the Lower Potomac of Maryland. Sauropoda appear in England with the Bathonian (Great Odlite) in the form of the generalized Cetrosaurus. The Oxfordian has produced Orndthopsis, the Kimmeridgian _ Ornithopsis, Bothriospondylus and Pelorosaurus; the Portlandian, the first of these; while in the Lower Cretaceous Wealden we find Cetiosaurus, Pelorosaurus, Morosaurus and Titanosaurus (Lydekker non Marsh). ‘Cetiosaurus and Pelorosaurus, v. Huene believes, represent parallel phyla giving rise, in the first instance, to the aberrant American Brachiosaurus and Haplocanthosaurus of the Morrison, while Pelorosaurus, through an early Morosaurus as a central type, gives rise to Atlantosaurus and Apatosaurus (Bron- tosaurus) on the one hand, and Dzplodocus on the other, being succeeded in time by “Titan osaurus (Lydekker) which ranges as high as the uppermost Cretaceous. The American basal Potomac beds have produced Pleuro- celus, which is also found in the Wealden of England and Purbeckian of France. The Trinity sands of Texas, of prob- able equivalent age.to the upper Aptian, contain the remains of Morosaurus, a » typical Morrison genus. In the southern hemisphere, in Africa, Madagascar and India, in beds of an age approximately ‘equivalent to the Cenomanian, there have been found Titanosaurus and allied genera, such as Gigantosaurus, Bothriospondylus and, in Patagonia in the Guaranitic beds, 7itanosaurus, Argyrosaurus and the relatively small aberr ant Microsaurus. Depéret (1889, p. 692) has also described 7ttanosaurus from the Rognac, Danian, of Saint Chinian in the south of France, the last record of the Sauropoda in Europe. Orthopoda— Ornithopoda. The Ornithopod dinosaurs, which exclude the armored types, make their first appearance in the North American R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. IG Upper Triassic, the possible equivalent of the Rheetic, being represented in the bone by Vanosaurus, of the Hallopus beds near Cafion City, Colorado, described by Marsh as a carnivore, but which v. Huene and Lull (1908, p. 148) have lately referred to this order. This type comes from the Upper Trias or Lower Jura of Colorado and is absolutely unique. Williston, in a letter to the author dated Cafion City, Colo- rado, July 11, 1909, says: “‘ After a careful study of the locality and region the conclusions [ reach are: Nothing more definite as to the age of the Hallopus beds can be said than was given by Marsh. In my opinion they are either uppermost Trias or Lower Jurassic, though possibly of Middle Jurassic age. No fossils of any kind have ever been found below them in the Cation City region. The type [of Hallopus| was found between 60 and 70 feet above the Red beds, doubtless of Triassic age. The intervening strata are distinctly conformable with the Red beds. All the known Morrison fossils from Cafion City are from above the Hallopus horizon, from one to three hundred feet, though numerous fragments of sauropods in the hillside suggest the possibility of less interval between them. There is no persistent red sandstone stratum in the Hallopus horizon. * * * my conclusion is that, until other fossils are found to fix more definitely their age, it is unwise to assign definitely either Triassic or Jurassic age to them. Jura- Trias will express this uncertainty.” Impressed upon the rocks of the Newark system, the equiva- lent of the Old World Rhetic, m the Connecticut valley and New Jersey are numerous footprints which Lull (1904, p. 499) has shown to pertain to ornithopod forms, the genus Ano- mepus unquestionably. Two other genera may also belong to the Ornithopoda, Hubrontes of larger size and the aberrant Otozowm, the bipedal tracks of which indicate a foot unlike that of any known dinosaur. The footprints included under the genus Anomepus show a considerable range in size but are all such as could have been made by forms like WVano- saurus and Hypsilophodon. England again gives us the only record of Jurassic types, if we eliminate Vanosawrus and the Morrison forms, Campto. saurus prestwichii described as Jguanodon being found in the Kimmeridge clay. The other Jurassic types which have been referred to Camptosaurus Gilmore (1909, pp. 289-292) con- siders as invalid so far as the genus is concerned. The Oxfordian has yielded Cryptodraco (Cryptosaurus) which v. Huene (1909, p. 21) considers as ancestral to Camptosaurus, the central type of this group. From the American Morrison are Camptosaurus, and a lesser form Laosauvrus and its relative Dryosaurus, which, together Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtH SERiEs, Vou. X XIX, No. 169.—Janvary, 1910. 2 ; 18 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. with the persistently primitive Wealden /Zypsilophodon, v. Huene derives from the Colorado Wanosaurus. Lull (1910) will report Dryosaurus also from the basal Potomac beds of Maryland, and Gilmore (1909, pp. 892-895) has described a Camptosaurus from the Lakota in South Dakota. The Wealden of England and especially of Belgium has yielded remarkably preserved specimens of Jguanodon, the successor of Camptosaurus. ILyuanodon is in turn succeeded in the Cenomanian of England by a type referred to the. Ameri- ean genus Zrachodon, but somewhat questionably. In America, the Niobrara, the equivalent of the European Turonian, has yielded the type of Claosaurus agilis, which is followed in the New Jersey Greensand and in probably equivalent beds of North Carolina by Zvrachodon (Hadro- SOUTUS)\s oe In the West, Zvachodon is found in the Judith River beds and again in the Laramie, where it lingers on until the final extinction of the dinosaurian race at the close of the Mesozoic. The European Cenomanian has produced Craspedodon in Belgium and JMJochlodon from the Gosau formations of Aus- tria. L2habdodon, found in Rognac of southern France and in the Meestricht beds of Belgium and Hoiland, both of the Danian period, is probably the closing member of the race in Europe. Armored Orthopoda—Stegosauria. The Stegosaurs have their first known representative in Scelidosaurus of the English Lias, beyond which the record is blank until we come to Dacentrus (Omosaurus) of the Kimme- ridgian, which appears to be the central type in the evolution of this group. The Morrison yields Stegosaurus, which some authors have identified with the European Dacentrus, but which appears to be an aberrant side branch derived also from the Scelidosaurian stem. In the basal Potomac beds of Mary- land several teeth and more questionably a vertebrum (Lull 1910) are described as Przconodon and referred to the Stegosauria. The Purbeckian of England has also yielded Przconodon, while from the Wealden come Polacanthus and Hyclosaurus, the latter bemg found in Belgium as well as in England. | Acanthopholis, from the English Cenomanian, v. Huene makes the connecting link with Ankylosaurus of the Laramie. Intervening forms in the series, however, are probably repre- sented by Vodosaurus from the Pierre (Turonian) of Colorado, while Stegopelta, recently described by Williston (1905, pp. 503-505) from the Lower Benton of Wyoming, and Paleo- scincus of the Judith River are closely related if not identical LR. 8. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 19 with Ankylosaurus of the Laramie. All three, according to Williston, were derived from Polacanthus of the Wealden of Europe. 7 The Gosau beds of Wiener Neustedt near Vienna, probably equivalent to our Judith River, contain a number of armored forms such as Struthiosaurus (Nopesa 1902) and Acanthopho- lis (Nopesa 1902) some of which, at least, probably pertain to the same race. Ceratopsia. The Ceratopsia have a relatively brief career,—Stenopelia, . the pelvis of which resembles that of Z7rzceratops, being the earliest possible representative among known forms. It is found in the Neocomian of Germany. The remains described by Seeley (1881, pl. xxviii, fig. 4) from the Gosan formation under the name of Cratwomus (=Struthiosaurus ; Nopesa 1902) contain what appears to be a ceratopsian left supra- orbital horn-core which would seem to represent a stage of evolution equivalent to Ceratops of the American Judith River. Nopesa (1902, p. 7) is of the opinion, however, that the horn-like bone in question represents a dorsal spine after the manner of those of Polacanthus. This, together with the total absence of two-rooted teeth of the ceratopsian sort among the number preserved at Vienna, casts grave doubt upon the existence in Europe of this remarkable group. The American Judith River (= Belly River of Canada) contains two stages in the evolution of the Ceratopsia, JZono- clonius and Ceratops, as well as the somewhat aberrant Centrosaurus described, by Lambe (1904). The Laramie deposits which follow later after a hiatus of some 2,000 or more feet of marine strata contain the terminal members of this race, Triceratops and Torosaurus. The geological distri- bution and phylogenies are shown in figure 1. V. GrocrapHicaL DisrripuTion. Theropoda. The geographical distribution of dinosaurs presents some very interesting problems, some of which, at first sight, are difficult to explain. By far the widest spread forms are the carnivorous Theropoda (fir. 2), evidently the most adaptable and of a nature not so subservient to a peculiar kind of food, which was apt to be local in distribution, as in the case of the plant-feeding forms. These carnivores are reported in practically every locality where herbivorous dinosaurs have been found, as they seem to ‘vieued UBIINesOUIp [edroutszd oy} Jo UOTNqIA4sIp [eo1dojoes pus AueSo[Ayg ene ee 2 eee ° ton. ShaNDSOUN Quisdyoos)sndawu0Uuly Lhistribut C2OSMULPTEAN (Snanvsojd O2vUpoyd hag Fie. 1. ES. Latl—D Sniuo|Jou0Lp) SNANMOSON4II445 z S sdoqv4e9 snunvsopon uopoyrD4) Quiadjeos) (snarpsojeysa3) 2sndipuvbis Sn4rrsojhssaay snus) WOUqU4o Snwwoy;u4O snanvsojd hag snanveouu vahy SNAMVSO9AD]| 4 saanvsoun jt) Snanvsoun iy ‘| Tun R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 21 have accompanied the latter in all of their wanderings. In addition to this they had, during Triassic times, deployed rapidly before our records give us evidence of the existence of the herbivores. The oldest recorded Theropoda, those of the Lower Muschel- kalk, are found in Germany, but we have no proof that this was the center of dispersal. Indeed v. Huene (1908, pp. 100- 101) is of the opinion that one must go farther west, where a ereat continent extended from England to America, to find the conditions which, we have imagined, must have given rise to the dinosaurian race. During the Keuper, particularly, “a brackish sea and swamp extended from England to Eastern Germany as far as the Scandinavian, East Prussian and Bohe- mian borders, where another great northern continent began and extended eastward.” The semi-arid continent of Triassic time would doubtless be the chosen habitat, the swamp regions the place where the remains of wandering individuals might more readily be preserved. During the Trias, the Theropoda spread in one direction through Germany, France, England, and in the other to east- ern and finally to western ‘North Ameri ica, which was reached not later than the Upper Keuper. On the other hand, they migrated southward in the Old World to the Gondwana con- tinent, for in the Lettenkohle time we find them in India, in the Upper Keuper in Australia, while South Africa was reached at least by Rheetic time. What the precise line of march was is somewhat doubtful— I imagine, however, it was southward to what is now northern Africa, thence east to India and Australia, and south to the Cape Colony. We have no recorded evidence of Triassic dinosaurs in South America or in New Zealand. I should hesitate to infer that they. had not reached South America during this period, though, as we shall see, the first remains to be found are not older than the Wealden. New Zealand, however, has yielded a rich Triassic flora, together with the remains of labyrinthodonts, implying extensive terrestrial deposits though not the ideal dinosaurian habitat; but as Theropoda are found in all sorts of deposits, even marine, that feature is not espe- cially significant. The total absence of the dinosaurs from New Zealand deposits of any age; the presence in the Permian and Trias of laby rinthodonts ; the presence to-day of the abso- lutely unique Hatteria, the sole survivor of its order, dating its ancestry also from the Permian; the presenée of no tailed amphibia, of one rare species of frog, of a few lizards, which Heilprin tells us cannot pass the sea as adults, but do in the egg as they are found on remote oceanic islands to which they 22 R. 8. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. Fie. 2. Upper Rhdatic Muschel- Ammosaurus, Manchester,Conn. Anchisaurus as " Thecodontosaurus, Springfield, Mass. Gresyllosaurus, Wedmore Hill, - Somersetshire. Plateosaurus, Brigend, Glamor- ganshire. Plateosaurus, Leicester Thecodontosaurus, |Warwick; Durdham Down; Bristol, Plateosaurus, Provenchere,Hte. Marne; Buerre and Domblans n. Besancon; Bois de Chassagne, Polisny,Jura; Fechaux n. Lons-le-Saunier. Gresyllosaurus, Provenchére, Hte.Marne; Bois de Chassagne, Poligny, Jura; Lons-le-Saunier Luneville. GERMANY Plateosaurus, n.Gottingen, n. Hedeper Schlosslesmiihle in Sch6nhuch, n. Tubingen. Plateosaurus, n.Katzenhof, Pegnitgthal, Unterfranken, n.Nuremberg, n.Bayreuth, n.Tiibingen, n.Stuttgart, Balingen. Gresyllosaurus, n.Nuremberg, n.Tiihingen, | n, Stuttgart. Pachysaurus, n.Tibingen, n.Rottweil, n. Gmiind, n.Lowenstein. Teratosaurus, n.Rottweil, n.Stuttgart, n.Brack- enheim, n.Nuremberg. Sellosaurus, n.Stuttdart, n.Brackenhein. Tanystropheus, n.Stuttgart. Thecodontosaurus, n.Stuttgart. Zanclodon, n.Ludwigsburg, n.Stuttgart, n.Hall. [hecodontosaurus, Bayreuth, n.Crailshein. Tanystropheus, Bayreuth, n.Crailsheim, Hall, QOberbronn, Alsatia. Thecodontosaurus, GSogolin, Upper Silesia. Tanystropheus, Gogolin, Krappita. Paar pri | isang tees rr n. Basel soi AFRICA Thecodontosaurus, Barkley-East (Stormberg beds), Aliwal North. Buskelosaurus, Aliwal North. Massospondylus, n.Harrismith, Drakensberg. INDIA Thecodontosaurus, |? Ranigansch. ae oe a Figure 2. Distribution of the Triassic Theropoda Cena from v. Huene). Thecodontosaurus, North-east Coast. R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 23 Me Gy Fullonianl os Uxfordian| Coral li- Paecensl Soon Purbeckian a a a ENGLAND Nuthetes, Swanage, Megalosaurus, Yorkshire. Megalosaurus, Reymouth. | FRANCE Megalosaurus, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Megalosaurus(Streptospondylus), Le davre, Devizes, Boulogne, Cape-de-la-Heve. ok wee Calvados. | ee gaurus, Caen in Calvados, Saint-Gaulthier. Megalosaurus, Mont Lambert. Megalosaurus(Lusitanien), Pombal,environs of Se aa a Dystrophdeus, Painted Ganon S: Aautan: ENGLAND of Portland.. Pelorosaurus, Strethag, Cambridgeshire. Pelorosaurts(Bothriospondy lug), Swindon, Bradford, Wiltshire. Pelorosaurus(Qrnithopsis), feymouth, Ely. Pelorosaurus, Peterborough. | | Pelorosaurus(Ornithopsis), Byebury, Oxfordshire. etiosaurus, Peterborough. Cetiosaurus, Oxford, Stonesfield, Blismorth, Bilbury, &nslow, Cogenhoe. FRANCE Bou- logne-sur-Mer. Pelorogaurug, Rimille n. Eou- logne. Pelorosaurus(Pothriospondylus), n.Havre. Pelorosaurus, Vestaria. Fic. 3. Distribution of the Jurassic Theropoda and Sauropoda (original). 94 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. may have found means of introduction by floating timber ; the absence of any indigenous mammals other than bats, a rat, and the Maori dog, the introduction of which may be as readily accounted for ;—all of these evidences seem to me to point to an utter isolation geographically on the part of New Zealand since the close of the Permian. De Lapparent’s maps (1906) indicate a continuous New Zealand-Australian connection into the basal Eocene—long after the breaking up of the Gondwana conti- nent. The biological evidence which I have given strongly opposes this view. During Jurassic times the record of Theropoda (fig. 3) is practically continuous in England and Europe, and one Megalo- saur has been described by Smith Woodward (1906) from the Lower Jurassic of Cape Patterson, Victoria, Australia, about the nearest point toward the unattainable New Zealand. For Africa, South America, and most strikingly for North America, the known Theropod record is a perfect blank throughout the Jurassic, though the remains of other dinosaurs are sparingly known. This is unquestionably due to dearth of known terrestrial deposits in Africa and North America, for the few which exist have thus far yielded no dinosaur remains: As for South America, it may be that the migrant dinosaurs did not arrive until the beginning of Lower Cretaceous time. The Lower Cretaceous (fig. 4; saw the Theropoda at their widest extent, the Wealden of England and the Morrison and basal Potomac of North America having yielded a mar- velous assemblage of types. In Europe their record is seen somewhat scatteringly throughout the Lower and Upper Creta- ceous, indicating that they inhabited the whole area through- out the period. In North America, while there are extensive breaks in the continuity of the record, the great numbers and wide distribution at the beginning and end imply an equally extensive distribution in time and space. Central Africa, near the Tchad See, yields theropod remains during the Cenoma- nian; Madagascar, India and Australia as well in beds of approximately equivalent age; while in the neighborhood of Bahia, Brazil, in beds of an age equivalent to the Wealden, is found the first positive indication that these forms had reached South America. Having once found a foothold in South America, the Theropoda lingered on until the close of the Cre- taceous, as their remains are reported from several localities in Patagonia in the Guaranitic (Danian) strata. Sauropoda. The Sauropoda (fig. 5) are also very widespread though evidently local in distribution owing to necessary peculiarities in habitat and food. Their appearance in time is startling, as R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. - 2 Hie. 4; Wealden | Aptian Albian |Cenomani-j Turonian j Senonian| Danian Morrison an NOR[H AMERICA pyrannossurus, Hell Creek, Mont.;E.Fork of Little Pow- der R.,Mant.;O0jo Alamo,N.M.; Converse Co., Nyo. Ornithomimug, Converse Co., Wyo.;n.Denver, Col. Ornithomimus, Red Deer River, Alberta, Can.;Mont. Aublysodon, Judith,Yont.:Red Deer Riv- er, Alberta. Deinodon, Judith,Mont.;Red Deer River, Alberta. Dryptosaurus, Red Deer River, Alberta; Haddonfield,N.J,° Colosaurus, Haddonfield, N.J. PAllosaurus, Kansas. Allosaurus, Como, fyo.;Bone Cahin n.Nedicine Bon, Wyo.; Canyon City,Col.;Prince George Co., Ud. (Potomac). Labrosaurus, Gomo, Wyo.;Canyon City,Col. €reosaurus, Como, Wyo. Ceratosaurus, Como, liyo.;Canyon City,Col. Qrnitholestes, Bone Cabin, fyo. | Coelurus, Como, Wyo.;Prince George Co.,\d. ENGLAND degalosaurus, Hastings,Cuckfield,Isle of Wight. Calamospondylus, Isle of Wight. Coelurus, Isle of Wight. FRANCE : Dryptosaurus, Saint Chinian. Megalosaurus, Boulonnais,Grand Pré,Louppy. PORTUGAL Mesalosaurus, Vizo. Megalosaurus, Boco do Chapin,Cap d'Bspichel. ee. BELGIUM and HOLLAND Yesalossurus, North Germany. | AUSTRIA and HUNGARY Megalosaurus, n.Vienna(Nene Pelt )Sie- benhirgen. Mesgalosaurus, Maestricht. ® INDIA 2a ee Yegalosaurus, Trichinipoli. Sia AUSTRALIA Wo. | Megalosaurus, New South Wales(Geol.level not siven) E SOUTH AMERICA Loncosaurus, Rio Rehuen, Pata- gonia. Genyodectes, Patagonia. Megalossurus, Bahia, Brazil. Fic. 4. Distribution of the Cretaceous Theropoda (original). 26 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. they are found in strata which v. Huene refers in each ease to the Dogger but at points far removed geographically, in Eng- land, in Utah, and in Madagascar (v. Huene, 1909, p. 14). If v. Huene is correct in his derivation of the group from the Theropod genus Plateosaurus, I should look to this swamp- land extending during the late Trias from England to Eastern Germany, before alluded to (vide supra p. 21) as the place of origin of the race. That they reached such remote places before their very existence is indicated in our records points to the incompleteness of the latter and good powers of migration along the swamp and delta formations which fringed the con- tinental shores. The Sauropoda are abundant in England from the Bathonian (Dogger) to the Wealden, in France from the Bathonian until the Aptian, and then, if Depéret (1899) is right, after a lapse of time during which no Sauropoda left their records else- where in the northern hemisphere, they appear again in the form of Titanosawrus at Saint Chinian and Languedoe in southern France in beds referable to the Danian—the very close of the Cretaceous period! In America, with the exception of Dystropheus of the Dogger of Utah and an unnamed Sauropod reported by Gil more (1909, p. 300) from the Lakota (Aptian) of Buffalo Gap, South Dakota, the Sauropoda are confined entirely to the Mor- rison and its eastern equivalent, the basal Potomac, and in the South, to the Trinity sandstones of Texas and Oklahoma. A remarkable feature of the career of the American types is that, with the exception of the ill-known Dystropheus, the most generalized aplocanthosaurus and the most specialized Diplodocus have been found associated in the same quarry, although Riggs (1904, p. 246) argues for LHaplocanthosaurus a terrestrial habitat, on account of the similarity in length of fore and hind limb and the apparent inflexibility of the verte- bral column; while Diplodocus shows the highest degree of aquatic adaptation known within the group. In the southern hemisphere one finds sauropod remains from India across Madagascar and East Africa to Patagonia, almost the entire length from East to West around the south shore of the old Gondwana continent. There is, however, no record of their occurrence in Australia, a piece of negative evidence which can hardly be weighed heavily in view of the meagerness of the known dinosaur remains in that quarter of. our globe. The principal southern genus is 7?tanosaurus (Lydekker non Marsh), the remains of which are found also in the Eng- lish Wealden. The beds wherein the southern Sauropods are found are, curiously enough, Upper Cretaceous, probably R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian IMstribution. DANK HIGGS oD: Cenomani ee paa NORTH AMERICA Atlantosaurus, Canyon Baer cule were igus. Coie Morrison Apatosaurus(Brontosaurus), Como, N"yo.;Bons Cabin, Wyo.;Medicine Bow, Ryo., Sheep Creek, Wyo.; ) Grand River Valley n.Fruita,Col.;Freeze Out Hills, ¥yo.;Morrison,Col.; Webster Park,Col. Worosaurus, Oklahoma(Trinity Sands). Worosaurus, Como, Wyo.;Canyon City,Col.;Grand River Valley,Col.;Freeze Out Hills, Wyo. Camerasaurus, Canyon City,Col | Pleurocoelus, Prince George Co.,Md.( Potomac): Como, Wyo. Diplodocus, Bone Cabin, Nyo.;Sheep Creek, Wyo.;Canyon City,Col.;n.Worrison,Col. Barosaurus, Piedmont, S.D. | Brachiosaurus, Grand River Valley,Col. Haplocanthosaurus, Canyon City,Col. "Sauropod"(Lakota), Buffalo Gap,S.D. ENGLAND Cetiosaurus, Isle of oy eee ee lGra es: Pelorosaurus, Isle of Wisht, Sandown, Cuckfield, Sussex. Pelorosaurus(Ornithopsis), Cowden. Titanosaurus, Isle of Wight. Morosaurus, Cuckfield, Sussex. Pleurocdelus, Hastings,Cuckfield,Isle of Wight. Hoplosaurus, Isle of Wight. FRANCE n urugs, Saint Chinian, Languedoc, Aepysaurus Mont Ventoux(Vaucluse)Perigord. Pleuroccelus, Caen. PORTUGAL | Pleurocoelus, Boca do Chapin,Cap d’BEspichel. AFRICA ' Algoasaurus, Port Blizabeth(precise level doubtful). Titanosaurus, Tendaguru, Fast Africa. Gigantosaurus, Tendaguru, Fast Africa. MADAGASCAR I Titanosaurus, Nevarana. Pelorosaurug(Bothriospondylus), n.Bay of Narinda. | ; itanosaurus(may be Albian), Maleri,Pisdura, SOUTH AMERICA E Titanosaurus, Neuquen, Rio Che— but, Patagonia. Argyrosagurus,Rio Chehut, Pat- agonia. Microsaurus, Neuquen, Pata- gonia. 8 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. Fie. 6. Jura-Trias and Jurassic Pe Peers race ridgian Dal ae Rae ae NORTH a Nanossurug, n.Canyon City,Col. AnomoéSpus( Footprints), Wass.,Conn.,N.J. Otogoump( Footprints), Mass.,Conn. ENGLAND guanodop Camptosaurus(Iguanodon), Cumnor Hurst, Oxfordshire. | Lguanodon(Camptosaurus), Peterhorough. yptodraco, (loc. unknown) Seer a ae a Echinodon, Swanage. Qmosaurus, Swindon, Nootton Bassett, Wiltshire. ji guanodon( Camptosau- rug), Soulogne-sur- Mer Scelidosaurua, Charmouth, Dorset: Cretaceous so Tigh Th ne a NORTH AMERICA achodon( Laramie), Hell Creek,n. Forsyth, Chalk Buttes 20 mi.¥.of Elblaka, E.Fork Little Powder R.,n. Glendive, Mont. ;Converse Co.,N.Platte R.mouth of Medicine Bow, Wyo.;Grand River,S.D. Trachodon, Red Deer River, Alberta;S. Fork Cheyenne,S.D.;Judith,Missouri R.;Hell Creek(Pierre Musselshell Ba- gin,Sweet Grass Co.,Mont.;Cape Fear R.,N.C.; Georgia; Haddonfield, N.J. Claosaurus(Niobrara)Smoky Hill Valley,Kan Camptosaurus(Lakota), Buffalo Gap,S.D. Camptosaurus, Como, Bone Cahin, Albany Co.,Garbon Co.,Wyo.;Canyon City,Garden of the Gods, Col.;Custer Co.,S.D. Laosaurus, Como,Bone Cabin, Wyo. Dryosaurus, Como, Wyo. ;Bladensburg, Md.( Potomac). ENGLAND 2?Trachodon Isuanodon, Isle of Wight, Sussex; Maidstone, Kent. g@uanodon, Bradfordshire(Neocomian), Hastings, Cuckfield, Isle of Wight. guanodon(Camptosaurus), Isle of Wight. |- lypsilophodon, Cuckfield,Isle of Wight,n.Brixton. 1 aoe PORTUGAL Suanodon(Bellasien Infer.), Boco do Chapin, Capd'Bspichel. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Mochlogon,n. Vienna, Siebenhirgen. saurus)Siehenhiirgen Fr Ic. 6. Dicerioution of the Jura-Trias and Jurassic Orthopoda and of the Cretaceous Ornithopoda (original). Craspedodon, Maeatricht, Orthomerus, Maestricht. Rhabdodon, Rognac n. Provence ?Hypselosaurus, Rognac. R.S. Lull —Dinosaurian Distribution. 29 not older than Cenomanian time, and, with the exception of the questionable Wacrourosaurus of the English Cenomanian and the 7?%tanosaurus reported by Depéret (vide supra) from the Danian of Southern France, the contained dinosaurs repre- sent by far the latest appearance of the Sauropod group any- where recorded on the face of the globe. The last stand of these huge creatures, so far as our present knowledge goes, and again excepting Depéret’s Z2tanosaurus (vide supra, p. 26), was in Patagonia, where the remains of three genera, Z?tanosaurus, Argyrosaurus and the small aberrant J/icrosaurus are found in the Guaranitic beds corre- lated by Hatcher (1900, p. 95) with the Laramie (Danian) of North America. Orthopoda. Geographically the Orthopoda (figs. 6 and 7) as a whole, with the exception of the Ceratopsia, which are apparently eonfined to western North America, have a common distribu- tion; and, while paralleling that of the other dinosaurs in the northern hemisphere, are unique in their entire absence from the southern. It can hardly be said that the paucity of our records is responsible for this apparent lack of southern forms, for their preservation and discovery should surely have brought some to hght when the Theropoda and Sauropoda are relatively so abundant. America seems to have been the original home of the orthopod dinosaurs, the first recorded type the bones of which are known being Vanosaurus of the Jura-Trias of Utah. In the upper series of the Newark (Rheetic) beds in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey are indications of numerous species of these plant-feeding forms, so that it is evident that by the beginning of Jurassic time not only were they widespread in North America but they had reached a considerable degree of variation as well, implying a long though unrecorded career. During the Jurassic the record is again a blank as with the American Theropoda, but with the ushermg in of Lower Cretaceous time by the great Morrison deposits in the West and the Potomac in the East we find a marvelous assemblage of types, small and large, armored and unarmored. This is especially true in the West, since the Potomac dinosaurs, coming as they do from few localities which are all of one character, reflect the Sauropod rather than the Orthopod habitat, so that while an armored dinosaur, Priconodon, and an unarmored Dryosaurus (Lull 1910) only have been found in Mary- land, others doubtless existed and may some day be brought to light. Pan through Upper Cretaceous time the American record is quite complete, especially in the West, though New Jersey, 30 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. WIG SH: is | | NORTH AMERICA Ankylogaurus, Hell Creek, Mont. Ankylosaurus(Stereocephalus), Red Deer River, Alberta. Paléeoscincus, Red Deer River, Alberta; Judith River,Mont. Nodosaurus, n.Como, Wyo. egopelta, Lander, fyo. erosaurus(Niobrara), Gove Co.,Kan. Hoplitosaurus(Lakota), Buffalo Gap,S.D. | Stesosaurus, Como,n.Medicine Bon,Bone Cabin, Sheep Creek, Ryo. Stesosaurus(Diracodon), Como, Myo. Priconodon( Potomac), Prince George Co.,Md. ENGLAND Acanthopholis, Folkstone. Acanthopholis, Cambridge. Polacanthus, Hastings,Isle of Wight. | Hydélosaurus, Hastings, Tilgate, Cuckfield. Vectisaurus, Isle of Wight. FRANCE Struthiosaurus( Cratdéomus)St.Chinian. Hyd@losaurus, Boulonnais,Grand Pré. GERMANY Hyaelosaurus, North Germany. Steno opelix, Briickebursg. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Struthiosaurus, n.Vienna(Neue felt). Hoplosaurus, n.Vienna(Neue Welt). a ae = || Fic. 7. Distribution of the Cretaceous Stegosauria and Ceratopsia (original). Triceratops, Converse Co., N.Platte River opposite mouth of Medicine Bop, fyo.; Hell Creek, Powder River, Chalk Buttes 20 mi.¥.of Slklaka,&.Fork Little Pow- der River,n.Glendive,n. Rosebud, Mont.; Yule, Billings Co.,N.D.;@jo Alamo,N.M.; n.Denver,Col. Diceratops, Converse Co.,Wyo Torosaurus, Converse Co.,fyo. Agathaumas, Black Buttes, Ryo. Ceratops(Judith River), n.Judith, Mis- souri River,Mont.;Red Deer River, Al- berta. Monoclonius(Judith River), n.Juditn, Mont.;Red Deer River, Alberta. entrosaurus(Judith River), Red Deer River, Alherta. "Ceratopsians", Musselshell River Ba- sin, Sweet Grass Co., Wont. R. S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 31 North Carolina and Georgia have yielded Trachodons of Magothy (Senonian) age. ee The great culmination of the group, in which the older types were joined by the remarkable Ceratopsia, occurred toward the close of the Cretaceous in the area lying just eastward of the Rocky Mountains and extending from New Mexico on the south to Aiberta on the north, perhaps beyond. In the Old World I have searched in vain for traces of Orthopoda before the Lias. Beasley, Sollas and others have described many fossil footprints from beds ranging from the Bunter to the Upper Keuper, including some undoubted dinosaurian tracks (Sollas 1879, pp. 511-516) resembling those of Anchisauripus (Brontozoum, part) (Lull 1904, p. 486) of the Connecticut formation. There is none among them in any wa comparable with Anomepus (Lull 1904, p. 500) of the New World. Beasley (1907, p. 167-168) is inclined to think that he has in Chirotherium storetonense trom near Liverpool the foot- print of an herbivore. That one may readily consent to, but the foot in no way resembles that of a dinosaur and the tracks are generally referred to unknown labyrinthodonts. In the English Lias the first Orthopod appears in the form of the armored Scelidosaurus followed in the Oxfordian by Omosaurus and later by Echinodon. Recorded specimens of armored forms are entirely confined to England during Jurassic time and not until the Wealden do we find their remains on the continent. With the Cenomanian they apparently forsake their earlier home entirely for the continent, culminating in Struthiosaurus and Hoplosaurus of Austro-Hungary and southern France. The unarmored Orthopoda, the Ornithopoda, begin their Old World career simultaneously in England and Portugal in beds of Oxfordian age, but are not numerous during the Jurassic. The Wealden, however, brings in a great many species, some in wonderful preservation. Their subsequent history is much like that of the armored types, culminating in Austro-Hungary, France and Belgium. It will be observed that no mention is made of the Asian continent north of India—the ancient Angara-land. Thus far ,, our records show absolutely no trace of dinosaurian remains from any part of this vast area. Professor Marsh (1897, pp. 413-414) says: “In St Petersburg I hoped to find many dino- saurlan remains, as here had been brought together an abundance of fossil treasures from various parts of the Russian Empire, which I knew must contain many forms of this group. In the four principal museums of the city, however, I could find no bones of Dinosaurs on exhibition, nor could I learn from any of the museum authorities that such remains had Ya Ak _ Rd” S \N iia AWN w ae 34 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. been recognized among the specimens received, neither could I find any such fossils myself among the debris of the collec- tions, so often a rich repository for new or inconspicuous specimens. This was true, also, of the smaller collections visited, and I was at last forced to admit that here, at least, the Dinosaurs of Russia like the snakes of Ireland, were conspicuous only by their absence. “This opinion was not changed by a visit to the rich geolog- ical collections of Moscow, which J examined with care; although other fossil vertebrates, including many reptiles, were abun- dantly represented. I was assured, moreover, by various Russian paleontologists, that in other museums of the empire or in the known localities they had seen no dinosaurian remains.” , This evidence can be interpreted again in the light of the fact that Asia is so largely a terra incognita from the paleon- tologist’s point of view, or in that of the physical isolation of © Angara during the whole dinosaurian epoch. VI. Summary or MIGRATIONS AND PaLEOGEOGRAPHY. The probable center of evolution and course of migration of the Theropoda has already been sketched. Having their ‘origin apparently somewhere in the northern continent of Laurentia, they deployed southward and westward, covering not only the confines of western Europe but extending into Gondwana, the southern land mass, during Triassic times. New Zealand they never reached and they may have been retarded in their passage to South America until the begining of the Lower Oretaceous (see fig. 8). The Sauropoda probably had their origin in Europe, migrating early in Jurassic time to the sonthern as well as to the western continent. Thence in the southern hemisphere both east, south, and west until their range was almost as great as that of their carnivorous allies. Whether the Danian Titanosaur of southern France was a returned migrant or whether suitable conditions caused it to linger long after the death of all of its neighboring allies, like the Steller’s sea cow in Behring Sea, I cannot say. The second idea seems the more probable (fig. 9). The Orthopoda (fig. 10) present at first sight a much more serious difficulty in their entire absence from the southern hemisphere. It would seem as though we had here a group the center of whose dispersal was North America. They were truly terrestrial types, many of marked cursorial adaptation, which should be as capable of migration as the Theropoda. They were, however, dependent upon a peculiar sort of food which was in turn dependent upon certain climatic \\ “ N W a e ¢ Ni KS YY “al ee SS ~ > 9 4 WS ie K S Ne NS IE Ne eC \ KC eee SSNs WAS \ Ys \ NSS : i gf SEQ NE NS 2p | x S : - a5 fv : ey 02 Wa ; ” 36 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. conditions and necessarily went where food was abundant and were checked where it failed. The opportunity for migration to Gondwana Land from Europe by a dry land route may readily have ceased before the Orthopoda reached the Old World. The Sauropoda, on the other hand, being amphibious could cross broken land connections provided the water were not of too great an extent. It is a significant feature that only Theropods, Sauropods and the late Cretaceous Orthopods, Claosaurus and Tyrachodon, have been found in marine deposits, indicating a semi-aquatic life on the part of the latter two and at least a fearlessness of water when necessity arose upon that of the carnivores. By the time the Trachodont dinosaurs reached the Old World the opportunity for southern migration even for an amphibious animal had apparently ceased. . A comparison may well be made with living mammals, the deer on the one hand, the hippopotamus on the other. The former are world-wide in their distribution except for Australasia, the Arabian peninsula and Africa, save for a sin- gle species, Cervus barbarus, which inhabits the Mediterranean coast from Tunis to the slopes of the Atlas range. Schillings (1906, p. 261) says: “In 1896 hippopotamuses were still plentiful in the Nzoia River and the Athi River in British East Africa; they were to be found, too, along the coast between Dar-es- Salaam and Pangani. I saw them on several occasions in the surf, and I shall never forget my astonishment once, on get- ting out of a clump of cocoanut palms, to see what I had imagined to be an uprooted tree trunk on the sands suddenly change into a hippopotamus and make its way into the sea. ‘“Hippopotamuses travel by sea to get from one estuary to another, no doubt ridding themselves at the same time of certain parasites in the salt water.” Hippopotamuses show no more aquatic adaptation than the sauropod dinosaur, Diplodocus, if as much. Hippopotamuses are confined in their present range to Africa south of the Sahara, being found in the Nile only above Khartum. In former times they extended to Madagascar, northwest India and practically the whole of western Europe including southwest England (Murray 1866, map X XIX). This shows that certain barriers exist which prove effective against such extremely mobile creatures as the deer and which have debarred them from the Ethiopian realm. These barriers, however, were not prohibitive in the case of the less mobile hippopotamus. A similar contrast of conditions might readily have limited the distribution of the Orthopod dinosaurs, while the Sauropoda, as in the case of the hippopotamuses, could easily migrate. R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. Bil e Why the Sauropoda lingered so long in the southern hemi- sphere after their apparent extinction in the North, is difficult to answer unless it were because of the limitations of food and climate in the North which did not at once prevail in the South. Even though the Trachodontide gradually assumed aquatic habits, they were too late to be brought into active competition with the Sauropoda in the northern Jand mass. The carnivores being always present doubtless served at first only to limit the plant-feeding forms ; they may, however, have been responsible for the final blotting out of the Sauro- poda when weakened in numbers and by the burden of racial old age. I believe that, all things considered, the degree of moisture, whether atmospheric in accelerating or limiting plant growth, or in the form of actual water barriers, was the most potent factor in the origin, evolution, migrations, and final extinction of the dinosaurian race. Williston (1909, p. 401) is inclined to think that “there must have been free communication during part or all of the Meso- zoic time between North and South America, proof of which is seen in the dinosaurs, mosasaurs, and crocodiles, some of them being, according to competent observers, identical generic- ally even with North American forms.” This may be true of the crocodiles and mosasaurs and yet imply no land bridge over which dinosaurs could pass. True, fragmentary remains from Patagonia have been referred to Allosaurus so character- istic of the American Morrison, but I seriously question the generic identity of any of the dinosaurs with North American forms. The presence of the earliest recorded remains near Bahia, on the line of march from the East, may be taken at its apparent value. [have found no evidence in favor of a north and south migration in the western hemisphere. These studies only serve to verify for the most part the paleogeographical maps of de Lapparent and Schuchert, for. in every instance, with the exception of Patagonia and where the dinosaur was found in salt water deposits, the locality fell upon a land area as indicated upon the maps. I would, how- ever, differ from de Lapparent in his inclusion of New Zealand in the Gondwana continent after the beginning of the Trias. The finding of similar dinosaurs on either side of the Mozam- bique Channel during the Cenomanian, after the cleavage of Gondwana Land into an Indo-Madagascar and an Africo- Brazilian mass, has been explained by Depéret (1909, p. 303), who assumes that a temporary closure of the gap occurred. As the Madagascar types are mainly Sauropod, one of which was found associated with Mytilus and Foraminifera, the closure may not have been complete. It is not, however, necessary 38 R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. to assume even a partial closure, as my map (fig. 9) will show. De Lapparent’s maps show no connection between Gondwana Land and Patagonia until the Basal Eocene, which is too late for the migration of the Patagonian (Danian) dino- saurs from the northeast. The closure may have occurred not long before, however, so far as dinosaurian evidence is concerned. | VIL Bibliography. Ameghino, F.—1900. Loncosaurus, similar to Megalosaurus, from the Guaranitic Rag fs es of Rio Sehen. Anal. Soc. Cient. Argentine, vol. xlvii, p. 61. Baur, C.—1891. Renee on reptiles generally called Dinosauria. Amer, Nat., vol. xxv, pp. 484-454. Beasley, H. ©.—1907. The Storeton find of 1906. Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc., 1906-1907, pp. 157-171. Boule, M.—1896. Note préliminaire sur les débris de Dinosauriens envoyés au Muséum par M. Bastard. Bull. du Muséum d’Hist. nat., 1896, pp. 347-300. Brown, Barnum—1908. The Trachodon group. Amer. Mus. Jour., viii, Apr. 1908, pp. 51-56. Cope, E. D.—1877. On adinosaurian from the Triasof Utah. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., vol. xvi, pp. 579-584. Depéret, C.—1899. Apercu sur la géologie du chainon de Saint Chinian. Bull. Soc. Géol. France (3), vol. xxvii, p. 692. 1909. The Transformations of the Animal World. English edition. New York. Dollo, L.—1905. Les Dinosauriens adaptés & la vie quadrupede secondaire. Bull. Soc. Belg. de Géol. de Pal. et d’Hydrol., T, vel. xix, pp. 441-448. Gadow, H.—1908. Cambridge Natural History, vol. viii. London. Geikie, A:—1903. A Text Book of Geology. London. Gilmore, C. W.—1909a. Osteology of the Jurassic reptile Camptosaurus, with a revision of the species of the genus, and descriptions of two new species. Proc. U.S. Nat’l Mus., vol. xxxvi, pp. 197-882. 1909b. A new Rhynchocephalian reptile from the Jurassic of Wyoming. with notes on the fauna of ‘‘ Quarry 9.” Proc. U.S. Nat’l Mus., vol. XXXvii, pp. 35-42. Hatcher, J. B.—1893. The Ceratops beds of ConverseCo., Wyoming. This Journal, 3d ser., vol. xlv, pp. 135-144. 1900. Sedimentary rocks of southern Patagonia. This Journal, 4th ser., vol. ix, pp. 85-108. 1903. Osteology of Haplocanthosaurus. Mem. Carnegie Mus., vol. ii, No. ilsooe Wenz Hatcher, J. B., Marsh, O. C., and Lull, R.S.—1907. The Ceratopsia. U.S. Geol. Survey, Mono., vol. 49. Hay, O. P.—1908. On the habits and pose of the Sauropodous dinosaurs, especially of Diplodocus. Amer. Nat., vol. xlii, pp. 672-681. Holland, W. J.—1906. The osteology of Diplodocus Marsh. Mem. Carnegie Mus. , vol. ii, pt. 6, pp. 225-278. von Huene, Fe. —1904. Dystrophzeus vieemalz Cope in neuer Beleuchtung. Neues Jahrb. f. Min. Geol. u. Pal., Beilage-Band XIX, pp. 319-338. 1906. Ueber die Dinosaurier der ‘Aussereuropaischen Trias. Geol. u. Pal. Abhand., neue folge, Band VIII, Heft 2, pp. 99-156. 1907-1908. Die Dinosaurier der Europiischen Triasformation. Geol. u. Pal. Abhand., Jena. 1909. Skizze zu einer Systematik und Stammesgeschichte der Dinosaurier. Centralbl. f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., Jahrg. 1909, No. 1, pp. 12-22. R.S. Lull—Dinosaurian Distribution. 39 von Huene, F. and Lull, R. S.—1908. Neubeschreibung des Originals von Nanosaurus agilis Marsh. Neues Jahrb. f. Min., Geol. u. Pal., Jahrg. 1908, pp. 184-144. E Kent, W. Sayville- —1897. The Naturalist in Australia. London. 1898. [Bipedal Lizards.] Nature, Feb. 10, 1898, vol. lvii, p. 341. Lambe, L. M.—1904. On the squamoso-parietal crest of two species of horned dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Alberta. Ottawa Naturalist, vol. xviii, pp. 81-84. de Lapparent, A.—1906. Traité de Géologie. Paris. Loomis, F. B.—1901. On Jurassic stratigraphy in southeastern Wyoming. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol xiv, pp. 189-197. Lull, R. $.—1904a. Fossil footprints of the Jura-Trias of North America. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. v, No. 11, pp. 461-557. 1904b. Nature’s Hieroglyphics. Pop. Sci. Mo., vol. Ixvi, pp. 139-149. 1907. See Hatcher and others. 1910. Fossil reptiles of the Potomac of Maryland. Maryland Geol. Sur- vey, Lower Cretaceous, Lydekker, R.—1890. Rec. Geol. Survey India, vol. xxiii, pt. 1. Marsh, O. C.—1897. Recent observations on European Dinosaurs. This Journal, 4th ser., vol. iv, pp. 413-416. 1907. See Hatcher and others. Murray, A.—1866. The Geographical Distribution of Mammals. London. Nopesa, F. Baron, Jr.—1902. Notizen tiber cretacische Dinosaurier. 1. Zur systematischen Stellung von Struthiosaurus (Crateomus). Sitz. d. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien. Math-nat. Classe, Band CXI, Abth. I, Feb. 1902, pp. 1-16. Osborn, H. F.—1899. Fic. 5. Radial face of one of the Zygometride. that they act in sympathy with them, expanding and contract- ing, in their small way as they do. It may be readily sup- posed that the tension of the fibers in the syzygy is adjusted to the ordinary movements of the crinoid arm. The dorsal lga- ments are normally always antagonized more or less by the powerful ventral musculature and ordinarily never contract to their furthest capacity. If for any reason the ventral muscles are rendered inert, as by the panic incident to capture, then 44. Clark—Origin of Crinoidal Muscular Articulations. the dorsal ligament would contract to the farthest limit, and the fibers in the syzygies, through sympathetic action, would — also contract, but, being normally under more or less tension, would not be able to take up this contraction within them- selves, but would be pulled apart, thus breaking off the arm at the syzygy. Fracture of the arms at the syzygies, then, would appear to be an entirely involuntary act on the part of the eri- noid, due solely to the physiological effects of panic; this panic may, of course, be more or less general, or localized, so that stimulus of the calyx would induce fracture at the first brachial syzygy, stimulus on the arms at the neighboring syzygies. During the growth of most of the oligophreate comatulids the ten original arms are cast off, often at the first syzygy, and from the stumps axillaries arise bearing severalarms. Minckert supposed that this was a voluntary action; but it is noticeable that all the comatulids which have more than ten arms have short brachials which are correlated with a corresponding shortness in the muscle fibers and dorsal hgament fibers unit- _ ing them. Now it seems probable that during growth the dorsal ligament fibers are able to accommodate themselves gradually to their decreasing length through their contractile power; but this would have exactly the same effect upon the syzygies as panic—they would be torn apart—so that the cast- ing off of the arms of the ten armed young of the oligophreate comatulids appears to be, not a voluntary action, but a direct result of the gradual change from the juvenile to the adult type of brachial. Browning and Roberts—Separation of Cerium. 45, Arr. Ill.—On the Substitution of Bromine and of Lodine For Chlorine in the Separation of Cerrvum from the other Cerium Harths; by Puitie E. Browntne and. Epwin J. RopeRts. [Contributions from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Univ.—cevi. | One of the best known processes for the separation of cerium from lanthanum and didymium is that of Mosander.* This process consists in passing chlorine gas into a mixture of the hydroxides suspended in a distinct excess of a fixed alkali hydroxide, until the solution is saturated and the reaction of the liquid is no longer alkaline to litmus. Under these con- ditions nearly all the cerium remains undissolved as the ceric hydroxide, while the other cerium earths go largely into solution. In treating mixed material the residue of ceric hydroxide generally retains some of the cerium earths so that _ the treatment with chlorine must be repeated. Two disad- vantages associated with this method therefore are, the prepa- ration and use of chlorine gas, and the solvent action of the hydrochloric acid formed in the reaction upon the ceric hydroxide _ 2Ce(OH), + Cl, = 2CeO, + 2HC1+4 2H,0. The work to be described was undertaken to study the effect of substituting bromine or iodine for chlorine in this process. A preliminary experiment was made by suspending a precipitate of the washed hydroxides of the cerium earths in water, adding a little liquid bromine, and allowing the action to go on for several hours with occasional stirring. The pre- cipitate took on the color of the ceric hydroxide, and on filter- ing the filtrate was found to contain a considerable amount of cerium earths free from cerium. In the-followmg experiments solutions of known amounts of the mixed oxides, composed of about 50 per cent of cerium and 50 per cent of the cerium earth oxides other than cerium, were treated with a slight excess of sodium or potassium hydroxide. To these hydroxides suspended in the alkaline solution, liquid bromine or bromine water was added in dis- tinct excess, and the mixture was placed upon a steam bath until the greater part of the free bromine was expelled. The residue was then filtered off, washed, and treated as before. This process was repeated twice, and the filtrate after each treatment was found to contain the amounts of cerium earth oxides, free from cerium, indicated in the table. The residue from the last treatment on being dissolved in acid showed only * J. prakt. Chem., xxx, 267. 46 Browning and Roberts—Separation of Cerium. faint didymium bands. In experiment (6) the indication of the presence of didymium was very faint. In another experi- ment the same amount of material used in (5) and (6), 10 grams, was subjected to a fourth and fifth treatment with bromine, the fourth treatment yielding a small fraction of a gram of the oxides, and the fifth only a few milligrams. In both cases these oxides were free from cerium. The oxides from the first filtrates were much lighter in color than those obtained from the last, which, of course, indicates that the lanthanum is dissolved by the action of the bromine more readily than the didymium. The results follow in the table: : Mixed oxides Oxides found Oxides found Oxides found Total taken in first in second in third oxides filtrate filtrate filtrate . found grm. erm. erm. grm. erm. (1) 1°0000 0°3310 0:0720 0:0190 0°4420 (2) 1°0000 0°2900 0°1010 0:0420 © 6°4330 (3) 1°:0000 0°2250 0°1290 0°0640 0°4180 (4) 1°0000 | 0°2750 0°0860 0°:0740 0°4350 (5) 10°0000 3°1360 1°:0050 0°5930 4°7340 (6) 10°0000 3°4590 0°5240 0°8560 4°8390 So it has been shown that by substituting bromine for chlo- rine in the Mosander process about 50 per cent of the other cerium earths can be separated from ceric hydroxide in one treatment, and that after three treatments practically all the other cerium earths are removed without any solvent action upon the ceric hydroxide. The advantages of the method are, the convenience in the use of the bromine, and the apparent lack of tendency of the hydrobromie acid to dissolve the ceric hydroxide. An experiment was made, using iodine in place of bromine, as follows: The precipitated and suspended hydroxides from 2 grams of the mixed oxides were treated with 1 gram of solid iodine. After standing for about two hours on a steam bath, the excess of iodine was removed by boiling, and the residue of hydroxides was filtered off. The filtrate gave 0:0980 orm. of oxides, free from cerium, and of a slight brown color. This shows that the action of iodine is the same, in a general way, as that of chlorine and bromine, but is too incomplete to be of any practical value. Wickham— New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant. 47 Art. 1V.—WNew Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant, with Notes on some already described; by H. F. Wicknam. Calosoma Web. C. cockerella nu. sp. A piece of a wing cover lacking both base and apex is referred to this genus. It represents a species about the size of C. calvini m., from the same shales. The elytron is marked with sixteen well impressed punctured strie, besides an indeterminate number (perhaps two) closer to the outer margin. ‘The interspaces are nearly four times as wide as the diameter of the punctures in most parts of the area, but in the neighborhood of the apex of the tenth and eleventh strize the punctures are much larger than elsewhere and are equal in diameter to the interstitial width. In general, the punctures are rounded or slightly elongate and they are separated longi- tudinally by spaces about equal to their own diameters. The elytral surface shows no indication’ of the coarse imbricate seabrosity of the interstrial spaces which is evident in our recent North American C. calidum, nor are any series of inter- stitial punctures visible. The interspaces are apparently slightly convex. Length of fragment about 9°25™™, greatest width 6°15™". Station number not given. Collection number 232, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Holotype in Peabody Museum of Yale University. Cat. No. 10. Pierostichus Bon. P. pumpellyz Scudder. An elytron showing obverse and reverse is referred here with fair certainty. The elytral strize are nine in number and are more clearly exhibited on the reverse. They are fine, sharp, fairly deep, perfectly smooth, the interspaces moderately convex. The scutellar stria joins fe. rst at about 1-75" from the base. Length 9-75™™, width 3-40". Station number 13. Collection number, obverse 87, reverse 65, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Platynus Bon. A specimen in obverse and reverse, believed to belong to this genus, is among the material sent by Prof. Cockerell. The elytra are 6°20" in length, and have a conjoint width of 4-10™™ at middle. They are finely striate, about as in our recent P. placidus, and are apparently almost or quite impunc- 48 Wickham—New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant. tate. Compared with P. tartareus Scudder, from the Floris- sant shales, the specimen in hand has the humeral angles less rounded and the elytral apices decidedly less truncate. The remainder of the body is too poorly preserved for study, and - it seems scarcely wise to impose a specific name. Station number 13a. Collection numbers 114 and 155, Florissant Expedition 1906. Collected by Mrs. W. P. Cockerell, and received from Professor Cockerell. Specimen in the Peabody Museu of Yale University, Cat. No. 11. Peltis Wliger. P. laminata n. sp. Form oblong-elliptical, similar to that ~ of the recent North American P. pipingskeldi. Head larger than in that species, somewhat dilated by pressure. Prothorax, as preserved, broader shortly in front of the base, sides arcu- ately narrowed to apex which is broadly emarginate, front angles a little greater than right, hind angles obscure but — apparently obtuse and rounding, a faint basal marginal line somewhat as in Colorado specimens of the recent P. ferruginea. Elytra slightly broadest at base, where they are a little wider than the prothorax, scarcely perceptibly narrower to a point behind the middle, thence rapidly arcuately narrowéd to the apices, which are nearly pointed and (through distortion) dehiscent. The disk shows traces of having been finely striate but the sculpture of the entire surface is now scabrous and obscure. ‘The sexual organs are protruded from the tip of the body but show no definite structure. Length, including extruded sex organ, 12°50™"; of prothorax along median line, 2°25™™ ; of elytra, 6°60"; width of prothorax, 5™™; of elytra conjoined, 6°25™™. | In outline, this inseet quite closely recalls several recent species of Peltis, though the form of the thorax is slightly nearer that of Ca alitys scabra. However, the thoracic and elytral margins are perfectly clear-cut and entire as in Peltzs, while in our Calitys they are coarsely serrate. The antenne and legs are not shown. Station number R. 4. Collection number 145, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Holotype in the Peabody Museum of Yale University, Cat. No. 12. Atenius Harold. A. putescens Scudder. One specimen, in reverse, exceeding Scudder’s measurements by about °50™™, is included in the collection. The state of preservation is only fair and no important characters can be added to the original description. Station number 14. Collection number 207, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. ), ee Wickham—New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant. 49 Aphodius Mlliger. A. laminicola n. sp. Form stout, evidently a little more so than in the recent A. fimetarius, head narrowed anteriorly, elypeus almost squarely truncate at middle, the angles rounded. Prothorax broadest about the middle, sides apparently regularly arcuate but not alike in the specimen and therefore incapable of exact definition. The appearance is that the base was distinetly broader than the apex. Sculpture obliterated by the impressions of the underside, which show through. Scutel- lum (?) large, almost equilaterally triangular, the basal (anterior) angles obliquely truncate, basal region rugosely punctate, middle finely carinate. Elytra subparallel to an indeterminate distance behind the middle, regularly conjointly rounded at tip, striz fine, single, finely and not closely punctured, interspaces broad and very nearly or quite flat with a few scattered fine punctures, sutural interval narrower than the next. Legs stout, middle tibia slightly bent at base, tip moderately ex- panded, median oblique ridge faintly indicated. Length 9°70", of elytra 5-75™™, of middle femur about 1°70™™, of middle tibia 1:35", of middle tarsus about 1°35™", conjoimt width of elytra about middle 4:80"™. Station number 14. Collection number 231, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. The type is in the Peabody Museum of Yale University (Cat. N®. 13); a second, poorer specimen, a reverse, from the same station and with the catalogue number 140, is in the Museum of the University of Colorado. The type specimen is very puzzling, on account of the peculiar state of preservation; the parts of the under side are largely shown through and interfere with the view of the upper surface. Thus [I am not sure whether the structure described as the scutellum may not be the mesosternum, and on account of similar confusion [I have not tried to give measurements for the head and prothorax. Of the legs, the two middle femora show plainly, the front and hind ones indistinctly. One middle tibia and the tarsus of the opposite leg are distinct. Amphicoma Latr. A. defuncta n. sp. The specimen shows only the tips of the elytra, with ill-defined exposed portions of the abdominal apex, some traces of hind wings, a well preserved hind tibia and tarsus and poorly indicated portions of the other leg of this pair. Elytra strongly dehiscent and tapering to the tip, which is rounded, surface clothed with hairs which are appar- ently longer and sparser than in the recent California A. ursind. The outer edge of each elytron shows a fine marginal bead, as in that species; the sutural bead is less strongly marked. No Am. Jour. Sct.—Fourtu SERIES, Vou. X XIX, No. 169.—January, 1910. 4 50 Wickham—New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant. indication of discal sculpture, aside from the fine piligerous punctures, can be seen. The exposed tibia of the hind leg is perhaps a trifle stouter than in A. wrsina, about equally broadened to the tip, the lateral margins (perhaps accidentally) irregular; one terminal spur shows, which is more than half as long as the first tarsal joint, but the extreme apex is con- cealed so that the exact length cannot be determined. Tarsi rather stout for this genus, the first joint longest (about one third longer than the one following) third and fourth joints nearly equal to each other and slightly longer than the second, claw joint again longer but ill defined, lee not in conden for study. Apparently, the first, second and third tarsal joints were finely longitudinally carinate above, a feature that I can- not detect in any recent Amphicoma at my disposal. ‘Neither do I find any certain evidence that the legs were hairy, though I believe that certain sculpturings on the tibia represent pilig- erous punctures. The tarsal joints surely bore short stiff hairs on their margins, as in the recent A. vulpena from the New England coast. Width of elytral fragment, at 5™" from tip, 37"; length of tibia, 4°‘75™™5 of tarsus, entire, 1-25" =sonmnmer joint about 1°75™™. Station number 14. Collection number 186, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. The holo- type is in the Peabody Museum of Yale University, Cat. No. 14. Lema FEabr. L. evanescens n. sp. Form similar to that of the recent L. collaris and equally stout. As the type is largely in pro- file, it is not possible to give comparative measurements of the length and breadth of different parts of the body, though the head, with greater portions of the eyes and antenne, the prothorax, elytra, abdomen, and parts of the lees are more or less clearly shown. The antennze are very nearly approxi- mate at base and are stout, the intermediate jomts but very little longer than broad ; the eyes are large and prominent, legs stout. The specimen isa reverse, and lines of small elevations indicate that the elytra were punctured in rows similarly to most of our recent North American species. Total length, 560°" = on elytron, o;b0rs. Station number not given. Collection number 86, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Type in Peabody Museum of Yale University, Cat. No. 15. A second specimen, collected at Florissant in 1906 but ith no station designated though bearing the collection number 107, is less in profile than the first and indicates that the pro- thoracic constriction was shghtly antemedian and fairly deep. In this the broader elytron is 3°65" in length and about 1°30" in width. Wickham—New Fossil Coleoptera from Florissant. 51 Ologlyptus Lacordaire. O. primus n. sp. The rather poorly preserved specimen indicates a species of moderate size and probably flattened form, approximating that of our recent O. anastomosis. The prothorax is broadest near the middle, sides regularly round- ing, apex considerably narrower than the base but owing to incompleteness of the specimen the exact proportions cannot be given. Head obscured, antennee with the median joints about as broad as long. Elytral sculpture apparently rough, but no details can be made out. Legs wanting. Length of specimen, which lacks a small portion of the tip of the elytra, 7-25" ; of prothorax about 2°15"; width of elytra, conjoint, 3°65™™ ; of prothorax (distorted ?), 2°75™™. Station number 13. Collection number 154, Florissant Expedition 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Holotype in the Peabody Museum of Yale University, Cat. No. 16. The generic reference is not made with any great certainty, but the facies is decidedly that of several recent species of Ologlyptus, with which it has been directly compared. The prothorax appears to have the basal margin extending farther backwards than the points of the hind angles, much as in the Mexican O. sinuaticollis but to an even greater degree. Macratria Newm. M. gigantea n. sp. Form elongate, head small, short, prothorax very long and narrow, elytra conjointly much broader than the prothorax, sides subparallel, apices rounded, surface finely, distinctly and rather closely striate, the strie finely, not closely punctured, interspaces flat. Middle leg not elongate and only moderately stout. Antenne showing only a few intermediate joints which are sufficiently. well preserved to indicate that they are longer than wide, but not greatly elongate. Length from front of head to tip of elytra, but exclusive of projecting abdominal organs, 8". Length of head, as preserved, 1™; of prothorax, 2° 10"; of elytra, a LORE: Width ot prothorax about 1: Orns) Ob, el yang conjointly, 2 OMe. The articulations of the leg joints are not well enough defined to permit of accurate measurements. Station number 14. Collection number 9, Florissant Expedi- tion 1906. Received from Prof. Cockerell. Holotype in the Peabody Museum of Yale University, Cat. No. 17. The specimen has a decidedly Anthicide look, and in build as well as sculpture resembles our recent North American species of Macratria though far exceeding them in size. Possibly it may represent an- extinct allied genus, but no characters are evident upon which to base a separation. Iowa City, Lowa. 52 Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. Art. V.—A Feldspar from Linosa and the Existence of — Soda Anorthite (Carnegicite) ; by Henry S. Wasnineton and Frep. Eugene WricuHr. Tue mineral described in this paper was found as loose crystals, together with crystals of kaersutite, at a small parasitic, einder cone of the volcano Monte Rosso, on the island of Linosa; east of Tunis.* -The chemical investigation was under- taken by the senior author and the optical by the junior. Physical Characters. ‘The dark brown, pumiceous, basaltic lava clings so tenaciously to the erystal faces that it was not possible to obtain satisfac- tory material for crystallographic measurements. The crystals vary much in size, the largest one measuring 3:5 in length and about 2 in width. While some are fragmentary, others are wholly bounded by erystal faces. They are elongated parallel to the @ axis, and are of simple crystal habit, bemg bounded by the forms (001), (010), (110), and (110), on the assumption that the mineral is a triclinic feldspar. Although the crystal faces do not lend themselves to gonio- metric measurement, the basal cleavage is highly perfect, and albite twinning lamelle are occasionally well developed. On such a cleavage flake the angle between the basal cleavage planes of two adjacent albite jamellee was measured on a two- circle goniometer with ee attachment, and found to be _ 8° 3’. From this the angle (001), (010) — 85° 59’ can be deduced, this angle for albite being 86° 24’, for anorthite BH 200, ‘and for labradorite 86° 12’. The cleavage after (010) is very imperfect, as is often the case with the soda-lime feld- spars, and only indications of cleavage after the prism faces (110) and (110) were noted. When the cleavage does not control, the fracture is highly conchoidal. Viewed along cer- tain directions, especially about normal to the front pinacoid, a peculiar, milky, opalescent sheen, resembling that of moon- stone, can be seen in some of the erystals. Fine polysynthetic twinning lamelle after the albite law are not uncommon, and occasionally cross polysynthetic twinning lamellee, probably after the pericline law, were observed. On a plate nearly normal to the obtuse bisectrix the angle between the albite and the pericline twinning lamelle was found to be 94°. The specific gravity was determined (by H. S. W.) with the pycnometer on two separate portions of the carota selected * Cf. H. S. Washington, Jour. Geol., vol. xvi, p. 10, 1908 ; and Washington and Wright, this Journal, vol, xxvi, p. 187, 1908. Washington and Wright—feldspar from Linosa. 58 material used for the chemical analyses, and was found to be Zoom at 5, and 2;°693 at 17°. The latter may, therefore, be considered to be the specific gravity of the mineral, or, rather, correcting for about 0°75 weight per cent, or 0°35 volume per cent, of included magnetite, the true specific gravity of the mineral would be 2°684. The hardness is slightly less than that of adularia, but not far from 6. Except for ferruginous stains derived from the inclosing basaltic scoria on the exterior portions of the crystals, and the very small and rare inclusions of magnetite to be described later, and which did not interfere with the optic determina- tions, the material is remarkably fresh, colorless and trans- parent, and admirably adapted for optic work. Zonal structure was not evident. The refractive indices were measured in sodium light on an Abbe—Pulfrich total refractometer, the probable error of the values being less than + ‘001, with the following results: @ ya 1°5549, B yz=1°5587, y na=1°5634, y—a=0°0085, y—B=0°0047, B—a=0°'0038 According to these values the measured crystal plate was optically positive and 2Vy,—82° 48’. On a second, less per- fect plate slightly higher values were obtained, but the observed differences were only a little greater than the probable error. The optic axial angle was measured directly on a Wiilfing axial angle apparatus in sodium light, the plates being im- mersed in a liquid of the refractive index 1: 559, the observed readings giving, therefore, at once the true optic axial angle 2Vxa- Five plates normal to the bisectrix ¢ and one plate normal to a were measured. ‘The values thus obtained did not agree well, and several of the plates were remeasured with practically the same results.* The probable error of the values in the following table is certainly less than +30’. Crystal Optical Extinction plate 2VNa Dispersion character angle,t aaa it 78° 0’ p>v + 28°0° 2 is aes). Bcaged + 12°0- 3 84° 99’ p>v = G2 4} areal a ISERe “ir 33.0. 5) 89° 27,8 ene = 11°9° 6 88° 59’ | eres — BHO * We are indebted to Mr. E. S. Larsen, jr., of the Geophysical Laboratory, for an independent measurement of the optic axial angles of the entire set. His results are practically the same as those in the table, the greatest differ- ences being 20’ on a less favorable plate. + Too much stress cannot be placed on these extinction angles, since the plates were cut only approximately normal to the bisectrices and were out a number of degrees in certain instances. { Plate cut normal to the obtuse bisectrix. 94° 18’ measured. $ 90° 33’ measured. | 91° 1’ measured, 54. Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. These variations are of considerable magnitude and the values seem to differ from crystal to erystal rather than within a single crystal. This phenomenon of variation in optic axial angle: might possibly be explained as a result of unequal cooling of the different er ystals, as is the case with orthoclase and sani- dine; but other evidence, particularly that of the extinction angles, shows that the composition probably varies slightly from crystal to erystal. The extinction angles were measured both on cleavage flakes after (O01) and on (010). In each case the angles were measured as accurately as possible, with the aid of the cireularly polarizing bi-quartz wedge,* and the probable error is less than 15’. On (001) the values for axa ranged from —0°6° to —4°5°, and on basal cleavage flakes from one crystal the angles averaged —2-0°, and from a second —4:5°. Other pieces showing poly- — syuthetic lamelle were observed occasionally with very high extinction angles; but the examination in convergent light, and also the determination of the ellipsoidal axis, whether a or c, proved that either the cleavage fragment was not parallel to the base or that pericline lamelle were bemg examined.t Extinction angles were also measured on the brachypinacoid (010), both on the rhomb-shaped cleavage flakes and also on a section ground parallel to the brachypinacoid. Different values were obtained for different flakes, although in the larger ground plates no marked indications of wavy extinction or zonal structure were observed. The values ranged from ana= —2°5° to —11°. Since, however, the cleavage parallel to (010) is not perfect, it is possible that part of this variation was due to the fact that the surfaces were not precisely parallel to (010) at the place of measurement, but were inclined because of minute irregularities of the cleavage. Flakes parallel to (010) often show in white lght the peculiar interference phenomena characteristic of minerals with shght dispersion of the bisectrices. In convergent polarized light the optic normal emerges near the center of the field on plates parallel to (001); while the bisectrix cis nearly normal to the brachypinaoid, and appears near the center of the field on flakes parallel to (010). Taken collectively, these results indicate that the present material is a plagioclase feldspar, of somewhat variable com-_ position and with slightly modified characters. Taken alone, *Cf. F. E. Wright, this Journal, vol. xxvi, p 391, 1908. }+ A series of measurements on 12 different cleavage flakes from one of the crystals was also made by Mr. E. 8S. Larsen, with the result a . a=2° 2'+6, a value well in accord with Wright’s observations. Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. 55 the extinction angles on (001) would indicate a feldspar com- position ranging from about Ab,,An, to Ab,,An,,, while from those on (010) a composition from Ab,,An, to Ab,,An,, and higher might be inferred. The values,of the optic axial angle alone indicate variations from Ab,,An,, to Ab,An,, according to the most accurate measurements of the different members of the plagioclase series. As a whole, therefore, the optic charac- : ters would show that we have an andesine feldspar of a composi- tion somewhat more sodic than Ab,An,, on an average about Ab,An,, while the specific gravity is almost exactly that of a labradorite of the composition Ab,An,, or (corrected) of an andesine Ab,An,,. Chemical Composition. _ The material used for the chemical analyses was obtained by coarsely crushing several of the crystals and fragments and very careful hand-picking under the lens. It was found to be impossible to separate the portions contaminated with adherent basaltic scoria by means of heavy solutions. Because of the similar specific gravities, particles with and without attached scoria floated and sank together. In the heavy solution the material used for analysis seemed to be homogeneous. All the material analyzed was perfectly fresh, colorless, and water-clear, and consisted of but one mineral, so far as could be ascertained by examination under the microscope. While the greater portion was entirely free from inclusions, it was impracticable not to use some fragments containing inclusions, and as these have a bearing on the chemical discussion, they may be briefly described here. Apart from them the material was perfectly pure and admirably suitable for chemical analysis. The inclusions are never very abundant, especially in the fragments used for the analyses. They are very minute in size, the largest being 0°5"™ long by 0°1™™ wide, and the great majority are much smaller. They are of uniform character, in the form of narrow, spindle-shaped bodies or thin cylinders with rounded ends. They are black, with metallic luster, and perfectly opaque, so that they may be regarded as essentially magnetite, a conclusion also indicated by the results of the analyses. The feldspathic mineral is only slightly acted on by hot, dilute hydrochloric acid, even after prolonged treatment, so that the main portion was brought into solution by fusion with mixed sodium and potassium carbonates. In this, as in other respects, the analyses were made by the methods advocated by Hillebrand and by Washington, the alkalies being determined by the Smith method. 56 Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. An analysis was made in duplicate (except for FeO, the alkalies and H,O) on one lot of selected fragments, portions of which also served for the specitic gravity determinations, the material being dried at@10°. As the results were decidedly unexpected, especially in view of the preliminary optic work, a second lot of fragments was analyzed, special care being taken to select, so far as possible, only those showing cleavage surfaces, so as to exclude any possible nephelite. The results of the three analyses, with the average and the molecular ratios of this last, are given below. I II III Average S10, Sra te & NOS SOS 52°83 DEAT "874 Ti@:e ates trace trace trace trace | AOne oy 29°34 29:54 29°68 2950 -290 UNS Oo ac ay OGY 0°75 0°53 0°65 004 HeOyr tia O17 (0:17) 17): 7 Oa aa MeO af rete aoe, 0°03 0°05 0°07 ~ 0°05 ‘001 CAO ees OTS 10°59 10°67 10°66 °190 Na,O...2.) 5:40. (540) | °(640) ~ 5 40) ene KO? shih 0-74 (0-74) (0-74) 0-74 noe 1,0 CS 0°38 (0°38) 0°34 —~60°36 100°19 100°37 100°38 100°30 The very small amounts of iron oxides and magnesia are evidently derived from the small, opaque inclusions. Ferrie oxide is in excess of ferrous, but in the determination of such small amounts the fact is not of much significance, so that the fizures bear out the microscopic examination in the conclusion that the inclusions are of a (non-titaniferous) magnetite. They also probably contain the magnesia. We may, therefore, sately reject the small amounts of ferric and ferrous oxides, magnesia and water, which last is to be ascribed to adsorption of atmospheric moisturet by the powder. On this basis the composition deduced from the analysis will be as follows: Linosa mineral (4Nao#Ca)AI1,Sis01. Abi:An, Abs;Anz S10, 53°26 °882 9:09 52°84 55:67 58:24 AOR 29:78 429 aor 00 29°94 28:26 26°53 CaO 10°76 °192 1:98 10°96 10°34 8°32 Na,O 545 +088 lo: 99 6°26 5°73 6-91 K,O O75) 008 0°00 0:00 0°00 100-00 10000 100°00 100°00 * The color produced by H,O, in the solution used for the titration of iron as Fe.O; was barely perceptible, so that only faint traces of titanium can be present, + Cf. Day and Allen, Carnegie Publication, No. 31, 1905, p. 57, Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. 57 The ratios of the Linosa mineral are very close to whole numbers, though there is a slight excess of silica. Calculating the small amount of potash with the soda, the figures of the analysis correspond to the formula Na,O.2Ca0.3A1,0,.9Si0,, which, simplified, becomes ($Na,,3Ca)A1,Si,0,,.. The percent- age composition of this molecule is given above. No anhydrous silicates with formulas corresponding to this appear to be known independently, but several zeolites are analogous, namely: wellsite, (K,,Ca,Ba)AI,8i,0,,+3H,O; eding- tonite, BaAJ,Si,0O,,+3H,O; natrolite, Na,Al,Si,0,,+2H,O; and a potassium natrolite observed by Pirsson* in missourite with the approximate composition (K,Ca)A1,Si,0,,+2H,O. Indeed, the composition of the Linosa mineral is exactly that of a mesolite, (mNa,A1,Si,O,,.2H,O +nCaAl,8i,0,,.3H,O), with Na,O: CaO = 1:2, and lacking the water. Compounds of this type can be regarded as salts of the alumo-trisilicie acid (H,A1,Si,O,,) of Morozewiez,} the potas- sium salt of which he considers as present in nephelite, with varying proportions of the sodium alumo-disilicate, (Na,A1,Si,0,). Reduced to still simpler terms they would be salts of the acid H,Si,O,,, for which Vogtt proposes the name pyrosilicic acid. He refers akermanite and gehlenite to this simple formula, as does T’schermak§ the mineral melilite. Comparing the composition of our mineral with those of the two plagioclases, Ab, An, and Ab,An,, which it closely resembles in its physical properties, it will be seen from the table above that Ab,An, shows closely concordant figures for lime and soda, while silica is distinetly higher and alumina lower; and that, on the other hand, Ab,An, shows much higher silica and slightly higher soda, but lower lime and alumina. In fact a composition satisfactorily close to that of the Linosa mineral as regards all the constituents, and furnishing like ratios, cannot be calculated from mixtures of the albite and anorthite molecules. The relations may be better seen in the respective ratios, as shown when the formulas are compared, as follows: Linosa mineral - = Na,O.2Ca0.3Al,0,.9Si0,. Labradorite (Ab,An,) = Na,O.2Ca0.3Al1,0,.10Si0,,. Andesine (Ab,An,) =3Na,0.4Ca0.7AI,0,.225i0,. Discussion. The data given in the preceding pages make it clear that the physical and chemical characters of our mineral are at variance. The crystal system, twinning laws, cleavage, and hardness are * Weed and Pirsson, this Journal, ii, p. 320, 1896. + Morozewicz, Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracov., p. 999, 1907. t Vogt, Mineralbildung in Schmelzmassen, p. 162, 1892. $ Tschermak, Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, p. 523, 1905. 58 Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. those of the lime-soda feldspars. The specific gravity, the crystallographic angles measured and the birefringences are those of a labradorite of about the composition Ab,An,. Although the optic axial angle and the extinctions are decid- edly variable, they correspond to those of andesines somewhat more sodic than Ab,An,, on the average about Ab,An,. On the other hand, the chemical composition is not that of any possible member of the normal plagioclase series, or mixtures of albite and anorthite. The ratios of Al,O,, CaO and Na,O are those of Ab,An,, but the amount of SiO, is lower than that demanded for these by the known feldspar formulas, and the mutual ratios of this with those of the other constituents indi- eate a composition which corresponds to that of an anhydrous mesolite, or a salt of the acid H,A1,Si,O,,, with Na:Ca-= 1:1. Our mineral is, therefore, physically closely allied to labrado- rite and andesine, but chemical distinctly different in the ratios of the constituents. The possibility that the material analyzed was a mechanical mixture of particles of two minerals, such as labradorite and nephelite, and that only fragments of the former were subjected to optic investigation, is rendered untenable by the following facts. Careful examination of the unbroken crystals, as well as microscopic study of the crushed tragments and cleavage flakes, by both of the authors independently, revealed the presence of but one mineral, colorless, transparent, cleavable and feldspar-like. Apart from the small, opaque inclusions, each crystal appeared to be homogeneous, and all appeared to be of identical material, except for the optic variations. The action of hydrochloric acid showed that no readily decom- posable mineral was present as separate individuals. The very close agreement between separate portions in specific gravity and in chemical composition renders the mathematical chances against the hypothesis of a mechanical mixture of particles of two minerals so great that it may be safely eliminated from consideration. Finally, the lavas of Linosa are all typical feldspar basalts, and only a few very small amounts of nephe- lite possibly existent as a glassy base. . Assuming, therefore, that the material was homogeneous, two hypotheses present themselves to account for the anomalies observed. One is that the Linosa mineral is to be regarded as a distinet species, chemically, of the formula Na,Ca,AJ1,Si,O,,, but with physical properties which correspond very closely to those of — a plagioclase of the composition Ab,An, to Ab,An,. The uniformity of the material as shown by the specific gravity and the chemical analyses and, above all, the very close approach to exact rationality of all the ratios, are in favor of this view. But the pecutiarities of chemical composition are explicable in Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. 59 another way, and as it would be contrary to our notions of the definitions of mineral species to consider two chemically similar minerals as distinct which possess essentially identical crystallo- graphic form and physical and optic properties in so many respects, we may also disregard this hypothesis. The alternative view is that the mineral is a labradorite of abnormal optic characters and chemical composition, due to the presence of another mineral in intimate molecular mixture as a mixed crystal or solid solution. The amount of this must be small, and in its optic characters the subordinate mineral should presumably resemble a plagioclase, since the optic constants of the Linosa mineral are essentially those of a lhme-soda feldspar, but indicate a composition somewhat more sodic than that indicated by the specific gravity. The range of possibilities as to the mineral molecule which may be supposed to be admixed molecularly with the labrado- rite is very limited, as it must be, chemically, an alumino- silicate of either soda or lime, or of both of these, with alumina equal molecularly to the basic oxide or oxides, ‘and with the ratio of silica to bases less than in labradorite. Furthermore, it seems necessary to assume that the base is soda alone, because if the subordinate mineral is purely calcie, all the soda entering albite, the lime must be equally distributed between the mole- eules CaO.A1,O,.2SiO, (anorthite) and CaQ.Al],O,.SiO,, to obtain the ratios and percentages shown by our mineral. This ealcic subsilicate is not known to occur either in nature or artificially, its nearest analogue being kornerupine, MgO.A1]1,0,.- SiO,, and its existence does not seem probable. Also no mineral in which CaO+Na,O = Al,O, is known which suits the requirements of the case. The sodium-aluminum metasilicate, Na,O.A],O,.4810,, occurs in nature as jadeite, and might also presumably exist as an isometric and isotropic soda-leucite. The presence of this molecule would yield a composition identical with that of our mineral, if soda is equally distributed between this and albite, the whole forming the mixture: Na,O.A1,O,.6S8i0,+ Na,O.A1l,O,.- 48i0,+4(CaO.Al,O,.28i0,). But the presence of either of these mineral molecules may be considered as impossible here, on crystallographic as well as on optic grounds. The most probable mineral molecule, therefore, is the ortho- silicate Na,O.A1,O,.28i0,. Assuming this to be present, the composition of the Linosa mineral in terms of mineral mole- cules can be calculated to be as follows : WAIST e 1-016)". : . Pals) NaAlSi,O,... °137 vas Le 36:16 Cy cis cae 192 9°84 53-7 Ne AIO Ge. -019>..- 1-00 5-5 60 Washington and Wright—Ffeldspar from Linosa. Reckoning the small amount of potash as orthoclase with the albite molecule, the ratios of albite, anorthite and sodium alumino-metasilicate approximate closely to whole numbers, and are almost exactly 8:10: 1. The labradorite would thus have the composition Ab,An,, while we have seen that the optic data indicate that the mineral is actually somewhat more sodic, from about Ab,An, to Ab,An,. The molecule Na, Al, Si ,O, 1s that of potash-free nephelite, which does not seem to occur in nature, but which has been made artificially in small hexagonal crystals, much like those of nephelite, and with a specific gravity of 2°555.* If this mineral were present it would necessarily be as a mechanical mixture or as what has been termed + an “anomalous solid solution,” since it is not crystallographically isomorphous with the triclinic albite and anorthite, and true solid solution or a mixed erystal, containing such an amount of the subordinate mineral as shown above, would hardly be expected in such dissimilar minerals. True solid solution could take place, however, if the mole- cule Na, Al,Si,O, is dimorphous, and a second form exists whose symmetry relations approximate those of anorthite and albite. The two formulas Anorthite, CaO.A1,O, 2510, Nephelite, Na,O.A1,O,.28i0, are identical, except that in the second Na,O replaces the CaO of the first, and it is not out of the range of possibility that a soda anorthite should exist. This mineral is not yet: known to occur in nature, but its presumable characters would harmonize the conflicting data. Thus, it should be’ triclinic and isomorphous with albite and anorthite, and there- fore capable of forming mixed crystals with these analogous to the ordinary plagioclase series. Similarly, it would presumably - possess optic characters more sodic, that is, more like those of a soda-lime feldspar, than those of purely ecalcic anorthite; so that we would thus have an explanation of the fact that, while the relations of CaO and Na,O in our mineral are those of Ab,An,, certain of the optic characters are those of a more sodic plagioclase. Since the specific gravity of nephelite, and presumably also of the soda anorthite, is less than that of anorthite, the density of the mixed crystal should be less than that of the equivalent plagioclase in which no soda anorthite occurs, and we have seen that, while the normal plagioclase present is about Ab,An,, which would have a density of 2°698, the density of our mineral is that of Ab, An, or Ab,An,. * Cf. Hintze, Mineralogie, vol. ii, p. 97. + A. Johnsen, Neues Jahrbuch, 1903, ii, p. 93. Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. 61 From the above data on the percentage composition in terms of the different mineral molecules (Or, Ab, An, Ne), the specific gravity of the mineral can be calculated on the assuinp- tion that no great volume change in the component molecules has taken place, a condition which experience has shown to hold true for practically all cases of solid solution. The weight per cent of each molecule present, divided by its density in erystallized condition, furnishes its speciiic volume or its volume compared with water of esnal weight. The sum of these specific volume values for all the molecules present denotes in turn the specific volume of the substance, the reciprocal of which is the density required. In this calculation the most accurate density determinations of the components were used, namely: Or = 2°55, Ab = 2°605, An = 2°765, and Ne = 2-571 (the last determined on artificial triclinic Na, Al.,- Si,0,). The resulting density, 2°685, approximates very closely the measured density, 2°693, and is almost identical with this as corrected for the magnetite inclusions, 2°684. This in itself is a strong proof that the Linosa mineral is a mixed crystal of feldspar and soda anorthite. This complex mineral would belong logically to the group of feldspars, just as do the barium-bearimg members of the orthoclase-celsian series, some intermediate members of which are called hyalophane, and which contain the molecule BaAl,Si,O0,. In this connection it is interesting to note that a sodium-barium plagioclase, described by Des Cloiseaux,* was erystallographically similar to albite-oligoclase, optically like a labradorite, and with the oxygen ratios of andesine. Mention- ing this mineral, Rosenbusch}+ points out that, as celsian is monoclinic, the barium alumino-silicate must be. dimorphous. The Linosa mineral would thus be a representative of a dis- tinct and hitherto unrecognized triclinic feldspar series, char- acterized by the joint presence of molecules of albite, lime anorthite, and soda anorthite. Reckoning in with the soda the small amount of potash present, and distinguishing the lime and soda anorthites as Can and Nan respectively, our feldspar would have the composition Ab,Can,, Nan,. Regarded as a feldspar of such abnormal character, and especially if the assumption is verified that soda anorthite is present and that we are dealing with a representative of a new feldspar series, the Linosa mineral is deserving of a new name. For this we propose anemousite, after the ancient Greek name of the island. The term anemousite would imply, of course, not only a feldspar with the exact composition given above, but, like hyalophane, oligoclase, labradorite, etc., couid be * Tscherm. Min. Mitth., p. 99, 1877. + Mikr. Phys., vol. i, part ii, p. 313, 1905. 62 Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. applied to feldspars composed of the three molecules men- tioned in somewhat varying ratios. If more representatives of the series are discovered, these limits might be more sharply defined, centering round the composition of the present ease. The very close approach to stoichiometric ratios of the oxides may seem to be inconsistent with the view that the mineral is an isomorphous mixture or solid solution. It is, however, in harmony with the well known fact that solid solu- tions tend to form with their elements in simple ratios, in which case they possess greater stability, giving rise to the sub- stances known as molecular compounds. This is exemplified in many mineral groups, such as the plagioclases, pyroxenes, olivines, nephelite, and the calcite group, the intermediate members of which are very apt to show simple ratios of the end components. The tact that soda anorthite is not known to occur inde- pendently in nature cannot be brought up against the hypoth- esis of its presence in this case, as the assumption of the presence of a molecule unrepresented by itself in nature is not uncommon in explaining the constitution of many complex — mineral groups. Its non-existence as a mineral may be best explained on the ground that the conditions necessary to its formation seldom obtain, the physical conditions being gen- erally such that the more stable nephelite is formed in its stead. Assuming the presence of the soda-anorthite molecule, it is certainly remarkable that it does not appear to have been detected as yet among the hundreds of chemical analyses which have been made of the feldspars. It would seem to be certain, at least, that it does not enter into the composition of many of these, so far as known, and that, if present at all, it forms only a very small percentage of the feldspar substance, so that its effect in altering the silica ratios would either be overlooked or attributed to impurities or analytical error. It is a plausible, and indeed reasonable, supposition that we have to do here with a case of imperfect isodimorphism or limited miscibility, as it is termed,* instances of which have been investigated by Retgers and others. As stated by Groth: “Tf the temperature intervals for the stability of the indi- vidual modifications of two substances differ so widely that, under the conditions ruling during the crystallization, the cor- responding state of the one substance is metastable, then as a rule this substance can crystallize along with the other in the form which is stable for it [the other], but only to a limited extent.” This is illustrated by monoclinic FeSO,7H,O and *Cf. P. Groth, Introduction to Chemical Crystallography, New York, 1906, p. 92. Washington and Wright—feldspar from Linosa. 68 orthorhombic MgSO,.7H,O. Monoclinic mixed erystals with the form of the former can be obtained with up to 54 per cent of magnesium sulphate, indicating the existence of a mono- elinie form of this salt. Then a gap occurs, until we obtain orthorhombic mixed crystals with 81 to 100 per cent of the magnesium salt, showing the existence of an orthorhombic ferrous sulphate. Very. unstable monoclinic crystals of the magnesium salt have been prepared, but orthorhombic ferrous sulphate is as yet unknown in the free state. An analogous ease is that of rhombohedral sodium nitrate and. orthorhombic silver nitrate. Rhombohedral mixed crystals have been pre- pared containing up to 52°5 per cent of silver nitrate, while orthorhombic erystals containing only up to 4:5 per cent of sodium nitrate have been obtained. In accordance with these results, no orthorhombic modification of sodium nitrate is known, but the pure rhombohedral silver salt is formed from fusion on cooling. Analogously we can suppose that Na, Al,Si,O, and CaA1,Si,O, are isodimorphous, each forming hexagonal and triclinic modi- fications. Of these, however, only the hexagonal form of the sodium salt and the triclinic form of the calcium salt are stable under ordinary pyrogenetic conditions, while the converse forms are metastable and capable of existence in mixed er ystals with the other only in small amount. and within a very narrow range of temperature or other physical conditions. The eal- cium almost always present in nephelite, up to about two per cent, may be thus regarded as existent as hexagonal calcium nephelite,* which must possess a_very limited degree of stabil- ity, while the stability of the triclinic modification of the sodium salt is apparently somewhat greater, to judge from the percentage shown by anemousite. It is obvious that the existence of soda anorthite and its presence in the lime-soda feldspars, or the possibility of the assumption by these of other molecules in solid solution, would have a very important influence on determinative miner alogy and petrography. The optic characters of such an abnormal feldspar would not indicate its true chemical composition in accordance with the tables and diagrams in use at present, as the feldspar would be apparently more sodic than it is in reality. The optic determination of the soda-lime feldspars in thin sec- tion would thus not be the comparatively simple and unerring matter that itis now supposedsto be, as the possibility of the presence of soda anorthite and its influence on the optic con- stants would have to be taken into consideration. The recogni- tion of celsian introduces a similar uncertainty. * Morozewicz (op. cit., p. 988) and others consider the calcium as replac- ing the sodium in nephelite. 64 Washington and Wright—Ffeldspar from Linosa. Again, assuming the possibility of existence of soda anorth- ite, it would presumably depend on the conditions controlling during crystallization, whether the sodium-alumino orthosili- eate would crystallize as nephelite in separate individuals, or as soda anurthite im mixed erystals with albite and anorthite. With identical chemical composition of the rock, we would have in the one case a nephelite tephrite, and in the other a feldspar basalt, but the norms of both would be the same and would show normative nephelite, since nephelite and soda anorthite are normatively the same molecule. We might explain in this way the anomaly of certain holocrystalline rocks containing plagioclase, the norms of which show considera- ble nephelite, though none of this mineral is present in the mode; and this may be applied to the normatively nephelitic feldspar basalts of Linosa itself. In some cases, of course, the discrepancy is to be attributed to the readjustments of the ~ normative molecules due to the formation of other modal minerals. and the case is mentioned as illustratmg some of the petrographic possibilities consequent on the existence of soda anorthite. The points brought out in the preceding paragraphs indicate the importance and necessity of the verification of the assumed existence of soda anorthite, before any modification is called for of our ideas in regard to the composition and constitution of the soda-lime feldspars, based as these are on the large amount of accurate work by Tschermak, Schuster, Fouqué, Michel Lévy, Fedorow, and others. The very general agree- ment of the observations of all these workers with the theory that only mixtures of NaAISi,O, (albite) and CaA1,Si,0, (anorthite) are involved is strong evidence in favor of its gen- eral truth, and points to the conclusion that, if present at all, the amount of soda anorthite must be very small in most feld- spars so far examined. On the other hand, the occasional very notable divergences from the figures demanded by the pre- mises and the variability of the feldspars optically, indicate the possibility of the presence of some modifying constituents one of which might well be the molecule suggested by us. The Formation of Soda Anorthite. Fouqué and Michel Lévy* succeeded in 1880 in producing oligoclase, labradorite, and anorthite containing strontium, — barium and lead, instead of calcium, but they did not appar- ently attempt the formation of soda anorthite. * Synthése des Minéraux et des Roches, Paris, 1888, p. 145. Washington and Wright—Feldspar from Linosa. — 65 The possibility of the existence of this mineral seems to have been first pointed out by Lemberg,* though he did not succeed in preparing it, and he remarks on its probable instability under ordinary conditions. Soda anorthite seems to have been actually formed by 8. J. Thuguttt by heating artificial “nephelite hydrate” to a white heat, followed by rapid cooling. A erystalline melt was obtained which contained lath-shaped sections of an apparently triclinic mineral, which showed numerous polysynthetic twin- ning lamelle, with extinction angles of about 386°. The pho- tomicrographs in Thugutt’s paper show clearly sections of this twinned plagioclase-like substance. . E. Escht describes a nephelite in the nephelinite from the Etinde volcano in German Kamerun. This nephelite shows extraordinary optic properties, and in all probability is tri- clinic, the crystals being intricately twinned so as to resemble an apparently simple nephelite crystal. The individuals are biaxial, with small optic axial angle, optically negative, and so twinned that basal sections are often divided into sextants, one of which may be normal to a negative acute bisectrix, while the opposite sextant is then about normal to the positive obtuse bisectrix. From this behavior, combined with large extinction angles, Esch considers the mineral to be triclinic. It may also be noted, as germane to the present subject, that the corresponding potassium alumino-silicate, K,A1,Si,O,, has been produced artificially in several modifications which differ erystallographically from the natural mineral kaliophilite.§ One of these, formed by Lemberg and examined by Lagorio, was in aragonite-like twins, resembling those of the Etinde nephelite. Another was isometric, while those formed by Weyberg were prismatic and possibly tetragonal. In the Geophysical Laboratory, soda anorthite was first obtained in 1905 by Dr. Allen by fusing together the com- ponent oxides in proper proportions. The resulting glass was clear and brilliant| but contained bubbles here and there, and although it softened gradually at high temperatures it was not as viscous as albite glass. The power of crystallization of this substance from the pure melt is not so great as that of many silicates, owing to its high viscosity. The glass was erystallized by heating it to 1080°, and was examined by * Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., vol. xl, p. 641, 1888. + Neues Jahrb., Beil. Bd. ix, p. 561, 1894. t Sitzb. Berl. Akad., vol. xviii, p. 400, 1891. §$ Cf. Z. Weyberg, Centralblatt Min. etc., p. 395, 1908. | For a determination of the refractive indices of this glass, the writers are indebted to Mr. E. S. Larsen, of the Geophysical Laboratory. His values were obtained by the minimum deviation method with a polished prism of the glass. The results were: n,, = 1°5181, n,, = 1°5148, n,, = 10208. Am. Jour Sci.—Fourts Srerizs, VoL. X XIX, No. 169.—Janvary, 1910. 5 66 Washington and Wright—Feldspar From Linosa. Wright at the time. It varied in granularity and, except for occasional patches of more crystalline material, was too fine for optic determinative work. No separate crystals were obtained and no goniometric measurements could therefore be made. Since 1905 repeated experiments have been made with the crystallization of this substance from the melt, and also by heating the glass at different temperatures, but the results of the optic examinations have been practically the same in each case, and the different experiments need not be con- sidered in detail here. Fie. 1. Fic. 1. Polysynthetic albite-like twinning on artificial soda anorthite. Nicols crossed. Magnification 85 diameters. The most characteristic feature of this form of Na,A1,Si,O, is its polysynthetic twinning, which in many instances closely resembles that of the plagioclases (fig. 1). On other sections the cross grating twinning of microcline is developed, and if encountered in a rock section might easily be mistaken for this (figs. 2 and 3). The extinction angles on such polysyntheti- cally twinned individuals ranged up to 44° on symmetrically extinguishing sections, the angles between the (c) ellipsoidal axes of adjacent lamelle being 88°. As in the plagioclase Washington and Wright—Ffeldspar from Linosa. 67 lamellee, the extinction angles in the zone of symmetry varied with the position of the sections, and the symmetrical extinc- tion angles most commonly observed ranged between 35° and 40°, the ellipsoidal axis c being next the twinning junction line in each case. In many of the sections showing apparently albite twinning lamellee, a second set of polysynthetie lamellee often appeared, making ‘usually angles of 57° to 63° with the first, and so dis- tributed in the lamellee of the first set as to be sy mmetrical to Hic. 2. Fic. 2 . Polysynthetic microcline-like twinning on soda anorthite. Nicols exossed. Mag. 75 diameters. its planes of twinning. Thus, if the lamelle of the first set (albite lamellee) are placed in a north-south direction, then in Jamella No. 1 of this set the lamellee of the second set trend N. 60° E. approximately, while im the adjacent lamella No. 2 of vo first set the lamellee of the second set trend N. 60° W., the N.- direction acting as a plane of symmetry. The positions i extinction of the interposed lamellae in any given twinning band of the first set agree closely with the extinction positions of the immediately adjoining second lamelle of the first set. 68 Washington and Wright—Ffeldspar from Linosa. The general tendency of this involved twinning is to produce a hexagonal network of interpenetrating lamellee, but ordi- narily one set predominates and the other sets appear only dimly outlined in the background. As aresult of this complicated twinning, single individual grains suitable for optical work were rarely observed, and were then too small for accurate measurements. Optic axial angle determinations were influenced particularly by this condition, and although much time was spent in searching for suitable Iie. 3), Fie. 3. Polysynthetic twinning on artificial soda anorthite. Nicols crossed. Magnification 75 diameters. sections, the angular values obtained varied considerably. The most probable value for 2V is about 36°45°. The optie character is negative. The refractive indices were determined by the immersion method: a = 1:516+£:003, y = 1°520+-003. The birefringence is weak and was measured on several sec- tions, the highest value for a-y being 0°0042. The specitic gravity of soda anorthite was determined by the pycnometer method of Day and Allen, and the value 2-571 at 25° was obtained. Washington and Wright---Keldspar from Linosa. 69 Experiments on the melting temperature of soda anorthite have been made, and also on the relation between soda anorthite and nephelite, whether they are monotropic or enan- tiotropic, but the results are not yet decisive, and mention of them will be deferred until more definite information is at hand. In one of the preparations crystallized at about 1100°, single grains free from twinning were observed, which proved to be uniaxial and optically negative, and similar to nephelite in other properties, except that the refractive indices were very shghtly lower. Artificial nephelite has been produced by several workers.* The effect of an impurity, or of the presence of other sub- stances, on the stability of soda anorthite has not yet been determined. It is, however, of interest to note that, while soda anorthite crystallizes invariably out of the pure Na,Al,8i,0, melt, crystals obtained by melting down natural nephelite from Magnet Cove, Arkansas, and then allowing it to crystallize, were uniaxial and optically negative, and agreed in optic properties with the original nephelite. Natural nephelite is not the pure sodium salt, contains but notable but varying amounts of potassium as ever-present and essential constitu- ent, and from its melt not a trace of the triclinic form was observed to crystallize out. It is to be hoped that eventually well-developed crystals of soda anorthite will be obtained suitable for precise optic and goniometric work, because then its relation to the plagioclase feldspars, whether isomorphous or not, can be positively determined. ‘ihe fact of its notable solid solution in the Linosa plagioclase, the similarity in twinning phenomena, refrac- tive indices, birefringence, specific gravity, triclinic symmetry relations, and also in the chemical formulas, are strong argu- ments in favor of close crystallographic resemblance and probable isomorphous relations between soda anorthite and the plagioclase feldspars. In the preceding pages the name soda anorthite has been applied to the triclinic phase of Na,A1,Si,O,, this having been used previously by Lemberg and Thueutt. "While this name has some justification by analogy, and might serve as a pro- visional designation, yet it is open to serious objections. In the first place it is not in harmony with the usual nomencla- ture of the feldspars, soda orthoclase, for stance, signifying * Fouqué and Michél Levy, C. R., Ixxxvii, p. 961, 1878; xc, p. 698, 1880 ; and Bull. Soc. Min. Fr., ii, p. 116, 1879; and iii, p. 118, 1880; Hautefeuille, Ann. de l’Ecole Monn. Supér., ix, 1880: Bourgeois, Ann. Phys. Chim., 1885, p. 19: Doelter, Zeitschr. Kryst., ix, p. 321, 1884; C. and G. Friedel, Bull. Soc. Min. Fr., xiii, p. 129, 1890. 70 Washington and Wright—feldspar from. Linosa. not a purely sodie monoclinic feldspar, but an orthoclase in which sodium partially replaces potassium. Also if, as is prob- able, the presence of this Na,AI,8i,O, molecule is verified in other feldspars, the use of the term soda anorthite will be apt to lead to awkwardness and ambiguity. The compound name, furthermore, does not lend itself to the formation of an appro- priate symbol, as Ab, An, and Or, for use in feldspar formulas ; and finally the new triclinic feldspar, which has been actually formed in a pure state, and which we have shown to be capa- ble of existence in nature in mixed crystals, is of such practical and theoretical importance as to deserve a special and distine- tive designation. For these reasons we propose to substitute for the earlier and essentially descriptive term soda anorthite, applied to the triclinic form of Na,AI,Si,O,, the name Carne- gierte (symbol Cg), in honor of the founder of the Institution under whose auspices the mineral was collected and the present investigations were undertaken. Locust, New Jersey, and Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C., October, 1909. Greger—Lare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods. 71 Art. Vi.—Some Rare and Imperfectly Known Brachio- pods from the Mississippian; by Dariine K. Greeer. Tue four species of Brachiopoda which are figured here have caused not a little confusion to collectors of Mississippian fossils, the writer having frequently observed them severally labeled as the Phynchonella ringens of Swallow, in local col- lections. That the shell described by Prof. Swallow under the name above referred to may be definitely known, and that a distinctive appellation may be had for the forms long con- fused with it, is the object of the present paper. Camarophoria ringens (Swallow). Figs. 7, 8. Rhynchonella ringens Swallow, 1860, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. L., Vol. I, page 653. Original description. Shell large, thick, triangular, pli- cated, truncated and flattened in front. Ventral valve flat- tened, triangular; the anterior and the posterior lateral margins abruptly turned up to meet the dorsal valve: the anterior lat- eral margins curved downin the opposite direction; beak acu- minate; sinus wide and_ shallow, containing about eight plications. Dorsal valve more convex ; anterior and posterior lateral margins abruptly turned down to meet the opposite valve; strongly arched towards the anterior lateral margins. The juncture of the valves is sharply and deeply serrated. Surface marked with about fourteen large plications on each valve. Length, 1:90; breadth, 1°48 ; thickness, 0°99.” The plications all have their origin at orenear the beak and increase in size as they approach the front, the number occupy- ing the sinus and fold being quite variable; their number is never increased either by implantation or bifurcation over the body of the shell. The specimen we figure is from the Boyce collection and bears a label written by the late Prof. Swallow ; and while it is not so large as the type, we have no reason to ‘doubt its being the species to which his description applies, since we have col- lected from the Burlington cherts of Callaway county numer- ous single valves that equal the dimensions given by the author. Locality and horizon of the figured specimen, and a number of others in our collection—East of New Bloomfield, Callaway county, Mo., in residual cherts of the Burlington limestone. That the shell figured by Dr. Girty* from the Madison * Monograph U.S. G.S., vol. xxxii, pt. 2, 1899, p. 587, pl. lxix, figs. 1°, fr Te: 72 Greger+Rare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods. limestone is not conspecific with Camarophoria ringens is obvious if one follows the description with care, but whether Dr. Girty’s shell should be referred to our Paraphorhynchus Kies, 112: // gibbosum, or to the species described by Dr. White* under the name Lehynchonella caput-testudinis, we are not in a posi- tion to state, nor are we willing to risk the placing of either in the genus Paraphorhynchus, since practically nothing is known of their internal structure. However, Dr. White’s * Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1862, vol. ix, p. 28. Greger— Rare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods. 73 description of the exterior of his shell would suggest a species of Paraphorhynchus; he says “* * * surface marked by from sixteen to eighteen distinct somewhat rounded plications on each valve, which mostly reach the beak with some distinct- ness, but are occasionally increased both by implantation and bifureation ; they are traversed by fine radiatiug lines and erossed by fine concentric lines of growth.” Camarophoria arctirostrata (Swallow). Figs. 11, 12. Rhynchonella arctirostrata Swallow, 1868, Trans. Acad. Sci. St. L., Vol. II, page 34. This species was described by Prof. Swallow from material collected at Boonville, Mo., from the Keokuk limestone. The original description reads as follows: “Shell triangular or cuneate, valves nearly equal, costate, striate. Ventral valve most convex towards the beak, which is long, pointed, and strongly incurved. Dorsal valve most convex in front; beak small, pointed, and strongly incurved. Both valves flattened in the middle, and bent abruptly near the margins, forming perpendicular subrectangular faces on the sides and one more or less convex and rounded on the front. Each valve marked with from fourteen to sixteen rounded, radiating, plications, which extend to the beak—two or three implanted—and are ornamented by fine longitudinal striee, and by obsolete concen- tric folds. The angle at the beak very variable.” Our figures are from specimens collected at the type locality and labeled by Prof. Swallow, being a part of the Boyce col- lection. Average measurements are as follows: length, 15™™; breadth, 15°"; thickness, 12™™. The general outline of this species at once recalls Camaro- phoria subcuneata Hall, which fact was noticed by Prof. Swal- low, but the peculiar, interrupted, hair-like lines on the plications at once removes the possibility of its belonging to Hall’s species. Prof. Swallow’s statement that the ribs are orna- mented by longitudinal striz is correct only in a sense, since the striz are not only interrupted but are also inclined to curve down to the interradial grooves. Sinus and fold obso- lete or wanting in this species. : Paraphorhynchus gibbosum sp. nov. Figs. 1-6. Rhynchonella sv. Keyes, 1894, Mo. Geol. Surv., Vol. V, pl. xli, figs. 8 a—b. Shell elongate-ovate, very gibbous, greatest width at or anterior to the median line, fold and sinus obsolete or wanting in most examples. Valves ornamented with a few coarse ribs, irregular in number and position, increased by implantation 74 = Greger—Lare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods. and bifureation, entire surface covered with fine longitudinal striz, valve margins sharply serrate. Pedicle valve inflated, flattened in the middle, gently curved upwards in the anterior and posterior regions with the posterio-lateral margins inflected, beak somewhat prominent and pointed. Brachial valve decidedly more gibbous than the former, beak less prominent and obscured by that of the opposite valve, posterio-lateral margins inflected or flattened, corresponding with the opposite valve. This is one of the very rare brachiopods of the Burlington limestone and well preserved specimens are seldom met with ; it is only in specimens retaining the exterior uninjured that the delicate longitudinal striz are to be observed. Our collection contains specimens from Louisiana, Mo., and Hannibal, Mo., the last being the locality from which Dr. Keyes obtained his specimens. Figures 1, 3, and 4 are of the largest so far observed, measuring: length, 39"™; breadth, 25™™; thickness, 28™™. Paraphorhynchus ovatum sp. nov. Figs. 9-10. Shell elongate-ovate, greatest width anterior to the median line, vertically compressed, the transverse diameter always greater than the vertical, fold and sinus obscure, producing only a slight sinuosity in the marginal line. Surface orna- mented with eighteen to twenty low rounded ribs, which have their origin near the beak, growing constantly larger as they approach the front; the surface is further ornamented by fine ~ longitudinal striz, three or four in the space of one milli- meter. Pedicle valve but slightly inflated, sloping gently from the center to the anterior and anterio-lateral margins and some-_ what more abruptly to the posterior end; posterio-lateral mar- gins inflected, beak not prominent, incurved. Brachial valve with less depth than the former, subequally sloping and inflected in the posterio-lateral region; beak small and blunt. Average dimensions of the specimens in our collection: 35™™ long, 27™™ broad and 16™" in thickness, the greatest thickness being in the umbonal region. Horizon and locality—Chouteau limestone, Kiesenger Bluff, Warsaw, Benton County, Mo. Greger—Rare and Imperfectly Known Brachiopods. D> OTs 0 0 Sale! an Be EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Paraphorhynchus gibbosum sp. nov. Brachial view of specimen from Hannibal, Mo. Profile view of specimen from Hannibal, Mo. Brachial view of large specimen from Louisiana, Mo. Profile view of specimen from Louisiana, Mo. Brachial view of young specimen from Hannibal, Mo. Brachial view of specimen from Hannibal, Mo. Camarophoria ringens (Swallow). Posterior view of specimen from New Bloomfield, Mo. Anterior view of same. Paraphorhynchus ovatum sp. nov. Brachial view of specimen from Warsaw, Mo. Profile view of specimen from Warsaw, Mo. — Camarophoria arctirostrata (Swallow). Brachial view of specimen from type locality, Boonville, Mo. 75 Pedicle view of somewhat smaller specimen from same locatity. Figures ? natural size. Fulton, Missouri. 76 T. D. A. Cockerell— Descriptions of Tertiary Plants. Arr. VIl.—Descriptions of Tertiary Plants, IIT; by T. D. A. CockERE Lt. A SorBus FROM FLORISSANT, CONSIDERED TO BE A HYBRID. Sorbus diversifolia (Lx.), fig. 1. Myrica diversifolia Lx., Cret. and Tert. Flora (1883), p. 148, pl. xxv, f. 6 (not Crateequs diversifolia Steud.; not Pyrus diver- sifolia Bong.). Crategus acerifolia Lx., Cret. and Tert. Flora, p. 198, pl. xxxvi, f. 10 (not C. acerifolia Moench). Orategus lesquereuxt Ckll., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 33 (1906), p 311 (not Sorbus lesquereuxti Nath.). Onoclea reducta Ckll., Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 24 (1908), p. 76 and 108, pl. vi, f. A, TueE extraordinarily variable plant to which the above names have been applied is quite common in the Miocene shales of Florissant, at Station 14. A good leaf was also found by my wife at Station 20. In Knowlton’s Catalogue (Buil. U.S. Geol. Surv. No. 152) Myrica diversifolia is referred as a synonym to Crategus flavescens Newberry (newberryz Ckll.) ; but in his Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, p. 66, Knowlton recognizes that while the John Day specimen referred to Myrica diversifolia by Lesquereux is undoubtedly C’. flavescens, the Florissant specimens are doubtfully identical. There occurs at Florissant (Station 14, W. P. Cockerell), a species of Crategus which I have provisionally referred to CU. newberryt, although the leaf is less deeply lobed, and it is not unlikely that the plant is distinct. This, however, has nothing to do with the true Myrica diversifolia, which is evidently identical with Crategus lesquereuar. A comparison of numerous specimens had convinced me that this well-named “ diver ee was a Pyrus in the broad sense, and probably a Sorbus; but I possessed no material exactly comparable, although I distinctly remembered having seen a similar living plant. During the past summer I was permitted to gather leaves in Kew ‘Gardens, and there at length I found what I had been looking for, labelled Pyrus pinnatifida var. fastigiata, and Pyrus newillyensis. These trees are hybrids between the Aucuparia and Aria sections of Sorbus. P. pinnatifida Ehrh. is properly called Sorbus hybrida Linne. It has the apical half of the leaf like Sorbus intermedia Pers. (Pyrus entermedia Ehrh.), while the basal half is variably cut into leaflets in the manner of the Aucuparia group. This occurs in Europe as a natural hybrid (¢utermedia K aucuparia). T. D. A. Cockerell— Descriptions of Tertiary Plants. TT There is a variety known as decurrens Koehne, in which only three to five of the upper leaflets are connate in a terminal lobe, which, like the separate leaflets, is decurrent at the base. Another variety is S. hybrida var. newillyensis (Dippel), (Pyrus newillyensis Hort.), of garden origin, having about four pairs of separate leaflets, those of about the apical third connate, but the leaflets not at all decurrent at the base. A related hybrid is Sorbus thuringiaca (Ilse) = Pyrus thuringiaca Ilse, with shorter leaves, as might be expected from the parentage, S. aucuparia X aria. In the fossils, the characters of these hybrids are reproduced with astonishing exactitude. The more common form is similar to S. hybrida, ine le Fie. 2: Fic. 1.—Sorbus diversifolia. Fig. 2.—Sorbus nupta. but narrower, and as in var. decurrens, the divisions are strongly decurrent at the bases, so much so that the leaflets are not wholly separated. In a form which I collected at Station 14 (fig. 1), the lobing extends far toward the apex of the leaf. The form of the petiole, as well as the structure of the blade, is extremely similar in the fossil and recent leaves. Being thus wholly convinced that Sorbus diversifolia is a hybrid, I naturally sought for the parents. It was necessary to find in the shale species of the compound-leafed or Aucuparia type, and also the dentate, or slightly lobed Aria type. The first has already been published as Sorbus megaphylla Ckll., Bull. Am, Mus. Nat. Hist. 1908, p. 95, pl. 1x, f. 20.. The second, at first regarded as a mere variety of S. diversifolia, may be described as follows: 78 TL. D. A. Cockerell—Descriptions of Tertiary Plants. Sorbus nupta sp. nov., fig. 2. Leaf-blade about 67™™ long, and nearly as broad, with short triangular lobes, the margin also sharply dentate. Structure and appearance of leaf exceedingly like that of the Italian S. crategifolia (Targ.-Tozz.) Wenzig, except that the Italian plant has the base of the leaf strongly cordate, whereas in the fossil it is strongly though narrowly decurrent on the petiole, extending for a distance of at least 10™™. The strong lateral veins are five or six pairs, as in S. crategifolia. The sharp teeth are perhaps a little more in the manner of S. dati- folia Syme (rotundifolia Auctt.). There is a strong resem- blance to S. entermedia in the lobing and toothing, but the shape of the leaf is different. Florissant, in the Miocene shales, Station 13 B (1908). S. dwersifolia is thus considered to be S. megaphylla X nupta. The only objection to this parentage appears to le in the fact that deversifolia leaves are normally narrower than those of hybrida, whereas from the breadth of S. nwpta one would expect them to be broader. There is reason to believe that the decurrent base of the leaf is a primitive character; the earliest form of leaf in the Pyrus group may perhaps have been narrow-lanceolate, like the living P. salicifolia Pall. from the Caucasus, which I had an opportunity of examining in the Cambridge Botanical Garden. From this, P. amygdaliformis Vill. (S. Europe) affords a transition to the more ordinary types. The extreme limit of modification is seen in Sorbus aucuparia var. laciniata (Pyrus aucuparia var. laciniata Hort. Kew.), in which the leaflets themselves are deeply lobed. Chemistry and Physics. 79 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. Curmistry AND Puysics. 1. The Relative Volatility of the Bromides of Barium and Radium.—Stock and HeyNnEMANN have determined the temper- atures at which the bromides of calcium, strontium and barium begin to sublime in a quartz tube exhausted by the mercury pump as follows: Calcium bromide, about 720° C. Strontium bromide, “ 770 Barium bromide, See?) These results showed that the temperature of sublimation rises with the atomtic weight of the metal in these cases, and it was inferred that barium bromide would sublime more readily than radium bromide. This was found to be the case by fraction- ally subliming several samples of barium bromide containing varying quantities of radium and determining the radium in the products by theelectroscopic method. For instance, a sample gave 8°8 per cent of a sublimate containing 0:008 per cent of radium, while the residue, 88°2 per cent, contained 0°015 per cent of radi- um. In another case 17 per cent of sublimate contained 4°8 per cent of radium, while the 83 per cent of residue contained 6:6 per cent of radium. The authors are of the opinion that frac- tional sublimation may be of practical use in the preparation of pure radium salts— Berichte, xlii, 4088. H. L. W. 2. The Action of Light upon Hydrogen Chloride.—The action of light in causing the combination of hydrogen and chlorine gases is very familiar, hence it is suprising to find from the experiments of CozHN and WassiisEwa that ultra-violet light is capable of decomposing hydrochloric acid gas to some extent into hydrogen and chlorine gases. ‘These investigators, having previously found a similar decomposition of SO, into SO, and O,, passed pure HC! gas through a quartz tube, where it was exposed to the hight of a quartz-mercury=vapor lamp. The gas was then led through a blackened glass tube into potassium iodide solution where the liberation of iodine indicated the formation of chlorine, and the unabsorbed gas, collected in a eudiometer, was shown to be hydrogen. The decomposition of the hydrogen chloride in this way amounted to 0:25 per cent. No decomposi- tion was obtained when tubes of glass, instead of quartz, were used. Any suspicion that the liberation of chlorine here was due to the presence of atmospheric oxygen, which might give the reaction of the Deacon process, 4HC1+0,=2H,0+2Cl,, was shown to be without foundation since hydrogen was shown to be present.— Berichte, xlii, 3183. H. L. W. 3. The Ratio between Urunium and Radium in Minerals.— Miz. Guepitscu has studied this question, which is important in 80 Scientifie Intelligence. connection with the theory of the production of radium by ura- nium. Other investigators have concluded that this ratio is practically constant, but she has obtained the following results after making corrections for certain sources of error in her method: Radium : Uranium Krexnch-autumites:-= ae en ee 9°35 SC eae Joachimsthal pitchblende, ..---_-._-- 3°58 5c LOme Ceylon thorianite; 2° - == 222222525 2219) Gave While these results show magnitudes of the same order, they do not agree closely, and the author concludes that the determina- tion of the mean life of radium based upon the existence of a constant ratio between the uranium and radium in minerals can- not be considered exact. It may be observed in regard to this conclusion that the author does not appear to take into consideration the possible removal by solution of a part of the radium from the minerals. H. L. w. 4. The Action of Radium Hmanation upon the Elements of the Carbon Group.—Ramsay and User, using the emanation produced in about a week from 1°2111¢. of metallic radium, have caused this to act upon solutions of silicon, titanium, zirconium, thorium, and lead compounds for periods of about four weeks, with the result that they believe that they have proven the pro- duction of carbon by this action. The following table shows the amounts of carbon found per cubic millimeter of emanation : Solution of Carbon, mg. ERSIR 2 22 a TSO) co. Coe eee 0-d82 BESO Dn hs i cack Sale es ee Lee Se ea ee eee 2°93 Th(NO,), rae SAL Re ee a 0°968 Pb(ClO:) 5 2 The carbon was found in the form of the dioxide, or as a mixture of this with the monoxide. The amount of CO, measured amounted in one case to more than 0°5°. ‘The authors state that mercurous nitrate gave no trace of carbon dioxide or monoxide, and that similar experiments are being performed with the compounds of other elements, It is probable that the statement in regard to this production of carbon from other elements will be received with much incredulity, because Sir William Ramsay’s previous assertion of the production of lithium from copper in a similar manner was not confirmed.— Berichte, xlii, 2930. H. L. W. 5. Quantitative Chemical Analysis ; by CLowxEs and COLEMAN. 8vo, pp. 564. Philadelphia, 1909 (P. Blakiston’s Son & Co.).— This English book, which is also issued in America, has passed through eight editions, with continual improvement and enlarge- ment, since its first appearance in .1891. It gives an introduction Chemistry and Physics. 81 to the subject by describing the general processes and giving an extensive series of simple gravimetric determinations (here called estimations according to the British custom) suitable for the practice of beginners. The more important methods of volu- metric analysis are then taken up. The general yuantitative analysis covers a wide range of subjects, largely technical in character; the analysis of ores, metals, alloys, fuels, fertilizers and other products. It takes up also fire assaying, sanitary water analysis, the analysis of milk, butter, alcoholic beverages, sugar, tea, tanning materials, soap, oils, fats and waxes, and technical gas analysis. One section of the book is devoted to ultimate organic analysis and molecular weight determinations. Although some of the topics are necessarily treated rather briefly and incompletely, the book is an excellent one for giving the student practice in nearly all of the usual work of the analy- tical chemist. The methods are generally well selected and clearly described, but there are naturally some variations be- tween the British practice here given and what may be called the best American practice in analysis. The book has found extensive use as a text-book, and the new edition will doubtless be still more popular. HY EW? 6. Positive lectricity—Sir J. J. THomson asks: — (1) Does a definite unit of positive electricity exist? (2) If so, what is the size of the unit ? This paper introduces a discussion upon these questions at the Winnipeg meeting of the British Association and therefore contains matter previously printed. There are, however, some new experiments upon the effect of magnetic fields on positive and negative rays, which led the author to elaborate theories in regard to neutral doublets. He concludes that even at the start from the cathode the “canal strahlen” include a large number of neutral doublets, if indeed they do not wholly consist of them. Much space is given to discussion of the neutral doublets, both in canal strahlen and retrograde rays, which proceed from the cathode toward the anode. It is supposed that these doublets are of the same character from whatever kind of gas they originate. Thomson refers to a former paper in which he showed that if a vessel was exhausted until the pressure was so low that the discharge would not pass, and small quantities of hydrogen, helium, air, oxygen, carbonic acid or argon were introduced so as_ to raise the pressure sufficiently to produce a discharge, the velocities of the particles were the same for all the gases. The paper closes with description of a method of measuring the effective magnetic field in the magnetic deflection of canal strahlen.— Phii. Mag., Dec. 1909, pp. 821-845. OTe 7. Doppler Effect in Positive Rays in Hydrogen.—T. Royps has studied this effect, both in front and behind the cathode. He believes that the canal rays mostly start from the negative glow, and believes that the commencement of the cathode glow corresponds to the minimum Doppler effect when the cathode is viewed from AM. eg nets SERIES, VOL. XXIX, No. 169.—Janvuary, 1910. 82 Screntific Intelligence. the anode side. After twenty hours exposure with a cathode fall of 2800 volts, he obtained a marked Doppler effect corresponding | to the positive rays approaching the cathode. This minimum velocity is not constant for different wave lengths, but is approx- imately inversely proportional to the square root of the wave length.— Phil. Mag., Dec. 1909, pp. 895-900. 571m g. Magnetic Rotation of Plane of Polarisation in the Ultra- ved.—Many investigations have been undertaken to put Fara- day’s experiment on a sound theoretical basis. Voigt has placed all such investigations in two classes, and the author of this paper, Ulfilas Meyer, discusses Drude’s theories, which are largely based upon the electron theory. He finds that with crystals of fluorspar, sylvin and rock salt, the amount of the turning of the plane of polarization diminishes with increasing wave length. At 8°85 p it is less than a minute for a thickness of the crystal of 1™ and a field strength of 10,000 Gauss units. The influence of ions on this turn- ing is very small in comparison to that of the ions. This con- clusion is reached from the ground of Drude’s view of the elec- tron theory, according to which ultra-red absorbtion arises from vibrating ions, while ultra-violet is excited by resonance of rotating electrons.— Ann. der Physik, No. 132, 1909, pp. 607-630. Spe 9. Instantaneous X-ray photography.—FRieprich DussavER states the desirability of shortening the time of exposure to X-rays, and describes a powerful apparatus which he has devised for this purpose. It consists of a very large induction coil, fed by a powerful current which on arising to a proper value is quickly broken by a peculiarly constructed fuse. This fuse is a calibrated piece of wire which is surrounded by a moist covering consisting of a mixture of earths. When the wire heats, the water vapor is formed quickly under pressure and the fuse explodes with violence, breaking the current. The author recommends his method to physicians and has obtained Réntgen cinematographs of the movement of the heart.— Physikalische Zeitschrift, Nov. 10, 1909, pp. 859-860. Leta 10. Light and Sound; by Wm. 8. Franxuin and Barry Macnoutr. Pp. vill, 344. New York, 1909 (The Macmillan Co.).—This volume is a part of a series of elementary texts ; practically a revision of Nichols and Franklin’s Elements of Physics, which it is doubtless designed to replace. The pres- ent volume is the third of the new set: Mechanics having appeared in 1907, Electricity and Magnetism in 1908 and Heat being in course ‘of preparation. Improvement is noted in the relegation to an appendix of the more detailed discussion of lens systems, of radiation and the addition of 86 problems as exercises | on the several chapters. An excellent discussion of wave motion in general is illustrated by particular waves in water. A total of 143 pages have been added. Much of the additional matter pertains to practical applications, on the importance of which to elementary students the authors express their opinion in the Geology. 83 following words:—“A so called knowledge of elementary science which does not relate to some actual physical condition or thing is superlatively contemptible.” Dep Ag 11. Direct and Alternating Current Testing ; by FREDERICK BeEDELL ; assisted by CLraRENCE A. Pierce. Pp. x, 265. New York, 1909 (D. Van Nostrand Co.).—To call this book a labora- tory manual of tests on direct and alternating currents, would not be doing it justice. The consideration given to the under- lying principles of the experiments, as well as to the significance of the results, places it both in the category of reference and of text books. It is not offered as an exhaustive treatment of the subject but is sufficiently comprehensive to give the student a good working knowledge. It presupposes only the usual college courses in physical and electrical measurements. The subjects of the seven chapters are :— D.C. generators; D.C. motors; synchron- ous alternators ; single phase currents ; transformers ; polyphase currents ; phase changers, potential regulators, etc. Other chap- ters on A.C. motors and converters are promised in a later edition. D. A. K. (12. Elements of Physics; by Henry Crew. Revised by Frankuin T. Jones. Pp. xiv, 435. New York 1909 (The Macmillan Co.).—This high school text is a revision of Crew’s original Elements of Physics and embodies much of his more recent General Physics. The insides of the covers contain the English and Metric systems of weights and measures, with tables of their equivalents. In the appendix are given 370 questions reproduced from examination papers of various high schools throughout the country. Definitions and leading statements are emphasised by bold-faced type, and numerous problems are embodied in the text. It is to be hoped that in the next edition the authors may eliminate such slips as ‘“‘knots per hr.,” “attraction of gravity, g,” “in physics rate always means ‘divided by time’ ”, and revise the somewhat misleading discussion of harmonic motion. Diy AK, Il. Gronocy 1. Radio-activity and Geology. An account of the influence of radio-active energy on terrestrial history ; by J. Jory. Pp. 287. London, 1909 (Archibald Constable & Co., Ltd.).—This book is an outgrowth of the author’s presidential address to Sec- tion C of the British Association and brings into one volume the present information regarding radio-activity in its bearings on geology. Geologists will consequently find it a most welcome volume since but few have the time or opportunity to follow in the physical journals the rapidly accumulating results of recent investigations. The first larger subject treated is that of radium in the earth’s surface materials. Many measurements have now been made on 84 Scientific Intelligence. ‘igneous and sedimentary rocks. The amount of radium varies, however, within wide limits, the abyssal radiolarian ooze and red clay being especially high. As radium loses half its mass in 1760 years while its ultimate parent uranium takes five billion years for the same loss, it is seen that the radium in the rocks is really a measure of the contained uranium. Strutt, extending the work of Rutherford, has shown that the radio-active materials in the crust exist in sufficient abundance so that a crustal layer less than 100 miles in thickness would continually supply the quantity of heat which the earth loses to space (45 miles in the original estimate). Joly argues, therefore, that the uraninm must be concentrated in the outer crust of the earth. Consequently where this concen- trated zone is depressed by the accumulating sediments of a geo- syncline, the loss by conduction being lessened, the temperature must rise. Local excesses as in the Simplon tunnel are also thought to play an important part in determining local tempera- ture gradients. Joly further argues that the instability of the earth’s crust and the ocean floor are also due chiefly to uranium and radium becoming more deeply buried. Another chapter of great geological interest is that on uranium and the age of the earth. Considering helium and lead as the ultimate disintegration products of uranium, measurements of their amounts in uranium minerals, while varying among them- selves and pointing to the need of further research, agree in givy- ing much larger values to geological time than estimates based upon denudation and sedimentation. Throughout the volume, the author, while arguing for the large influence of radio-activity, shows a spirit of fairness and caution. But there is room for so many possibilities in the underearth, which he does not discuss, that a large degree of skepticism may be maintained toward many of his conclusions. Of the geological importance of radio-activity there can be no doubt and it seems adequate to more than account for the tem- perature gradient, so that instead of a cooling earth we may come to face the possibility of a heating earth. But the deep-seated distributions of energy, pressure and mass traceable to earth origin, whatever that may be, seem able to play the chief part in terrestrial dynamics without invoking the radio-activity of the outer crust as a controlling cause. The contributions of various writers, but more notably Chamberlin, show the weakness of the outer zone to generate compressive movements, which seem, on the contrary, to be initiated by shrinkage of the centrosphere, periodically producing collapse of a thick outer shell of the earth. The great vertical movements, on the other hand, as shown by investigations on isostacy, seem to be in their origin largely inde- - pendent of denudation and sedimentation, but dependent upon differential volume changes in the outer hundred miles. The isostatic adjustments are further without doubt modified by sur- face unloading and loading. ‘These considerations are not ade- quately discussed by Joly. Geology. 85 To make the foregoing criticisms specific by citing an illustra- tive point: it is inferred by Joly that uranium is concentrated in the outer hundred miles of the crust because if it extended indefi- nitely downward in the same amount, the energy liberated would be more than sufficient to maintain the temperature gradient. This inference, however, has no supporting evidence and leads in turn to some assumption as to the manner in. which uranium could be so concentrated and yet remain in its extremely diffused state. On this inference of the subsurface concentration is never- theless based an explanation of the making of mountains and of continental and oceanic movements. As other allowable infer- ences which would meet the same condition of a subsurface excess in radio-activity, it may be suggested that in the deep body of the earth the pressures and temperatures, greater than any attainable in the laboratory, may partially or completely inhibit ‘the radio-active degradation of uranium, or offsetting heat- absorbing reactions in other materials may take place, or igneous activity may serve as a safety valve to reduce the excess of internal energy transmuted from subatomic to atomic form. These are all speculations which have not been disproved. None of them may be true, but they indicate the danger of arriving at conclusions supported on a complicated superstructure of reason- ing when the stability of the foundation premises is open to serious question. In considering the problems connected with internal terrestrial activities the field of the unknown is so large that the method of multiple working hypotheses should be more largely employed than is done in this volume. Nevertheless much is brought out which is stimulating and suggestive. J.B. 2. The Geology and Ore Deposits of Goldfield, Nevada ; by F. L. Raysomze. U.S. G. 8., Prof. Paper No. 66, pp. 253, 35 plates, 34 text fig. Washington, 1909.—The Goldfield district consists essentially of a low, domical uplift of Tertiary lavas and lake sediments resting upon a foundation of ancient granite and . metamorphic rocks. The erosion of this flat dome has exposed the pre-Tertiary rocks at a number of places in the central part of the district, and these outcrops are surrounded by wide con- centric zones of successively younger formations. Some of the later lavas were erupted after the dome had been elevated and truncated. The pre-Tertiary rocks consist to-day of quartz rocks intruded by masses of a granitic rock like that to which the name alaskite has been given. The Tertiary lavas include dolerite, rhyolite, basalt, andesite and latite. Most of these are found in different flows of different periods and lying between them are various fragmental rocks. The sulphide ores of the Goldfield district are of complex miner- alogical character, native gold and pyrite being accompanied by minerals containing copper, silver, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, tellurium, and other elements. In some ores the gold occurs free in ine particles, which, as a rule, are aggregated together to form yellow bands or blotches. The associated minerals are pyrite, (0 6) 6 | Screntific Intelligence. marecasite, bismuthinite, perhaps famatinite, and a new cupric sulphantimonite, which has been named goldfieldite. (See below.) The most notable features of these ore bodies are their remarkable richness and their equally remarkable irregularity. The ores are associated with craggy outcrops of silicified volcanic rock. Associated with the silicification other processes of locally intense alteration, especially the formation of alunite, have also been active. The deposits have formed along irregular and branching zones of fissuring. The surface ores were oxidized and furnished a large part of the gold during the first years of exploitation. GOLDFIELDITE occurs aS a gray material in a dark telluric crust found at the Mohawk mine. The material was crushed and picked over under a lens. The gray portion appeared homo- geneous, with the exception of a few minute specks of gold. Color, dark lead-gray, with a high metallic luster. Brittle’ Con- choidal fracture. Hardness = 3 — 3°5. No crystal faces noted. Analysis by Palmer on small amount of material gave : Cu S Te Sb As Bi Au Ag Gangue 33°49 21°54 17:00 19°26 0°68 6°91 0°51 .0°18 - 2°00 == soi The mineral is considered to be a cupric sulphantimonite, in which part of the antimony is replaced by arsenic and _ bis- muth and part of the sulphur by tellurium. Formula derived 1 1s 5CuS.(Sb, Bi, As), (5, Te),. It would seem, in view of the facts presented concerning this substance, that the giving to the material a name and rank as a new species is hardly warranted. The material was intimately mingled with other minerals and had to be crushed and picked over by hand, so that the purity of the material analyzed must be somewhat questioned. It showed no crystal forms. The analysis was made on a small amount of material, and shows a high sum- mation, and the formula derived is only approximately justified by the analysis. It would seem desirable that more positive proof should be given before we can assume the existence of such an unusual compound as a cupric sulphantimonite. WwW. E. F. 3. United States Geological Survey ; Issue of Geologic Folios in pocket form.—The Geological Survey has recently inaugurated the publication of an edition of the Folios of the Geologic Atlas of the United States in octavo form convenient for field use. The maps are folded and enclosed in a pocket so that the whole, including the accompanying text, forms a pamphlet of about 6 x 9 inches. The folio form will also be continued, as it is most satisfactory for office and library use, but the new pocket edition will be welcomed by those at work in the field. The Folio now ~ received is No. 167 of the series, and describes the Trenton, New Jersey-Pennsylvania Quadrangle ; it is stated that the five folios, No. 164-168, have been printed and are ready for distribution in this new form. It is also to be noted that henceforth the separate maps, unfolded, showing the areal geology of the Geology. 87 Quadrangle, will be, when desired, furnished separately at the nominal cost of five cents each. 4. Geological Survey of West Australia.—The following publications have recently been received : Annual Progress Report for the year 1908. Pp. 19, 3 maps. Bulletin No. 32, containing: Greenbushes Tinfield, by A. Gibb Maitland, A. Montgomery, W. D. Campbell, and Mr. E. 8. Simp- son. Pp. 75, 2 maps, 2 plates, and 7 photos. Mount Malcolm Copper Mine, by Harry P. Woodward. Pp. 8,1 plate. Fraser’s Gold Mine, Southern Cross, by Harry P. Woodward. Pp. 6, 1 map, l plate. Bulletin No. 35, containing Geological Report upon the Gold and Copper Deposits of the Phillips River Goldfield, by Harry P. Woodward. Pp. 104, 2 maps, 8 plates, 7 photos. Phosphate deposits have been discovered near Christmas Island, where a layer of phosphatic travertine 153,600 square yards in area and with a thickness of two feet has been investigated. The travertine is believed to owe its origin to capillary attraction, drawing up ground water from the lime contained in the under- | lying sands. In an investigation of the Green Bushes Tinfield (Bulletin 32) examination was necessarily made of the laterite of this region, which has a wide distribution and varies in composition from solid and pure limonite to aluminous rocks almost destitute of iron and often so tough that explosives have little effect. The distribution and character of the laterite in the Green Bushes region “clearly indicates periodic and zonal changes in the climatic conditions.” {n connection with the petrographic description of the crystalline rocks of the Phillips River (Bulletin 35) analyses were made of the following types: soda-granite, spodumene, albite, and eclogite. H. E. G. 5. Uontribuziont allo Studio Petrographico della Colonia Eritrea ; by H. Manassz. 4°, pp. 168, 8 plates and map. Siena, s made by Profs. G. Dainelli and O. Marinelli during their geological researches in the Italian colony of Erythrea, Kast Africa, in 1905-1906. After a brief sketch of the geology of the area visited, the main body of the work is devoted to a detailed report of the results of a thorough petrographical study of the specimens. ‘The author first describes, rather briefly, a series of schists of various kinds, including some porphyroid, mica schists, amphibolites, gneisses, etc. Then the igneous rocks are treated, and these were found to consist of granites, some of which, as shown by the analyses, are of alkalic character with predominant soda ; diorites of several types; a hornblendite which is a local facies of diorite, and two specimens of teschenite. There are also dike rocks, granite and diorite prophyries, aplites, paisanite, bostonite, tinguaite, malchites and among the lamprophyres, kersantites and camptonites. The effusive rocks or lavas are also not wanting and include quartz porphyry, rhyolite and rhyolitic tuffs, obsidians and pumices. Dacite and a great variety of 88 Scientific Intelligence. basalts close the list. In the sedimentary rocks are found sand- stones, argillites, limestones, travertine, etc. The work closes with a chapter dealing with various generalizations on the results obtained. It is illustrated by a large number of excellent photo- gravures made from microphotographs of the thin sections studied. Its value is also much enhanced by a large number of excellent chemical analyses of the various rocks, which are the result of much patient labor in the laboratory. The work is an excellent contribution to our knowledge of Kast African petrology, and it is interesting to observe that the nature of the rocks isin harmony with the general alkalic character of the Kast African petrological province, as shown by a number of investigators during the last few years. ie he 12. 6. Carboniferous Air-breathing Vertebrates of the United States National Museum ; by Roy L.Moopir. Proce. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 37, pp. 11-28, with pls. 4-10.—This paper, the fifth of Dr. Moodie’s contributions to our knowledge of the early Am- phibia, is a result of the study of a small collection in the National Museum ; but one which is of great interest in that it contains the only known examples of scaled Amphibia from North Amer- ica, as well as the only known specimen of a Carboniferous reptile from the Allegheny series. This reptile, Zsodectes punctulatus Cope, Doctor Moodie thinks, shows certain aquatic as well as ter- restrial adaptations ; the former being the broad-surfaced foot, such as MacGregor has described in MMesosaurus brasiliensis. The affinities of Isodectes are close to the Microsauria among the Amphibia ; to what group of reptiles it is related is not known. Of the Microsauria, Moodie describes some 17 species and 15 genera, of which 3 of the former and 1 of the latter are new. The material comes in part from Linton, Ohio, and Cannelton, Pennsylvania. RLS. 7. Cenozoic Mammal horizons of Western North America, by Henry Farrrietp Ossorn; with Launal Lists of the Tertiary of the West, by Winitiam Dinter Matruew. Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey No. 361, 1909, pp. 1-138, with 15 text figs. and 3 plates.— For the student of faunal paleontology as well as the stratigraph- ical geologist this paper is of the utmost importance, containing as it does a bibliography, a general discussion of the geologic and climatic history of the Tertiary, a careful description of the successive faunal phases, and most comprehensive faunal lists of the Tertiary mammals. The principal facts established are the two great natural divisions of geologic deposition and of habitat, the mountains and the plains; the progressive aridity of the climate during the Cenozoic with its consequent soil denudation and deforesta- tion, and the destruction of most of the larger forms of life during the lower Pleistocene glacial epoch. The contrast of the moun- tain and plains regions are no less striking than their resemblances. In the mountain region, with some exceptions, the drainage sys- tems are the same to-day as in the Tertiary, while on the plains Geology. 89 the rivers are comparatively modern. In the mountains from the Basal Eocene to the John Day the rocks are not worked over, as erosion was retarded by the heavy cappings of lava in the John Day basin of Oregon, in the Bridger basin by a dense Pleistocene (?) conglomerate and in the Washakie by a fine conglomerate. In the plains region, by contrast, the very extensive Oligocene strata were in part worked over to form the Miocene and these in turn to form the Pliocene; all three contributed to the Pleis- tocene, and all four are now contributing to the alluvium of the Great Plains. The successive faunal phases are :— 1, Archaic Mesozoic mammals with partly South American, partly European affinities. Basal Eocene. 2, The first modernization, invasion of the archaic by the modern fauna—whence is not surely known, but Osborn favors a North American-Asiatic or Holarctic origin ; the severance of the South American land connection—Initial elimination of the archaic fauna in competition with the modern. Wasatch. 3, Absence of fresh Kurasiatic migration, descendants of archaic and modern mammals slowly evolving and competing, with the gradual elimination of the archaic. Establishment of the North American Artiodactyla. Wind River to close of Mocene. 4, Second modernization—First knowledge of the plains’fauna —Absence of all archaic mammalia except the Hyznodontide— Reéstablishment of faunal resemblances with western Europe. Oligocene and Lower Miocene. 5, Fresh migrations from Europe. First proboscidians and true Feline. Middle Miocene to Lower Pliocene. 6, Land connection with South America. Intermigration of North and South American mammals. Middle and Upper Pliocene. 7 Increasing cold, moisture and forestation. Third moderniza- tion by EHurasiatic invasion—Gradual extinction of larger Ungulata. Pleistocene. Conclusion :—North America promises to give us a nearly complete and unbroken history of the Tertiary in certain regions, which are, after all, comparatively restricted. Middle and Upper Eocene are approaching solution ; Lower and Basal Eocene still require additional surveys. The chief remaining gap is now in the Pliocene stratigraphy, materials being at hand for an estab- lishment of the Pleistocene sequence. RS. Ls 8. New Fossil Mammals from the Haytiim Oligocene, Egypt ; by Henry Fairrietp Osporn. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. xxiv, 1908, pp. 265-272, with 6 text figures. New Carnivorous Mammals Jrom the Kaytim Oligocene, Eigypt ; by H. F. Osporn. Ibid., vol. xxvi, 1909, pp. 415-424. and 9 text figures.—In these two papers Professor Osborn describes part of the remarkable wealth of material collected in the Fayaim by the expedition from the American Museum sent out during the winter of 1906-1907. The first paper contains descrip- 90 Scientific Intelligence. tions of two new genera of uncertain ordinal position as well as two new genera of rodents, including in all an equal number of species. In the second paper a number of creodont genera and species are described, all referable to the Hyznodontide, the last surviving family of the order. | Re, Soule 9. New or little known Titanotheres from the Hocene and the Oligocene; by Henry Farrrietp Osporn, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. xxiv, 1908, pp. 599-617 with 21 figures in the text. “In the preparation of the U. 8. Geological Survey monograph ‘The Titanotheres’ the collections of Kocene and Oligocene materials in the larger museums of the country have been reviewed with care. Like the Oligocene titanotheres previously reviewed, the Eocene titanotheres prove to be in a high degree polyphyletic.” From the Wind River formation are two: genera and three species ; from the Lower Bridger one genus and three species; from the Upper Bridger and Lower Washakie three genera and five species; from the Upper Washakie and Lower Uinta two genera and four species; from the Upper Uinta two genera and three species, and finally from the White River Oligocene two new genera, each with a single species, are described. : Dolichorinus hyognathus, of which the more familiar name, Telmatotherium cornutum, is a synonym, is restored in the skele- ton and gives a good idea of the appearance of one of these ancestral titanotheres. . dos. as III. MisceLtuanrous Screntiric INTELLIGENCE. 1. The Autobiography of Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, with a supplementary Memoir by his wife. Pp. 481, with 16 illustra- tions. Boston and New York, 1909 (The Houghton Mifflin Company ).—The six or seven thousand students who heard Shaler’s lectures at Harvard during his forty years service were always deeply impressed with his personality, his wide experience of men and the world, and his vivid presentation of the principles of geo- logy, enlivened by ever-flowing narrative of pertinent incidents, all the more entertaining from being phrased in picturesque language. The personality of the man is strikingly presented in this volume, of which the first half, descriptive of his youth up to the begin- ning of the Civil War, comes from Shaler’s own pencil—for it was his habit to prepare manuscript with pencil rather than with pen—while the second half, descriptive of his more mature years, is written by his wife. The picture that we gain of the way in — which science was studied at Harvard under Agassiz is particu- larly interesting ; a way that was well fitted for youths of the strong individuality that Shaler possessed. Several chapters on excursions along the coast of Maine and farther down east, with Hyatt, Stimpson, Verrill and others, are of special interest as Miscellaneous Intelligence. 91 illustrating the delightfully primitive conditions of scientific exploration in the early sixties; they show the richness of happenings even ona near-by coast, if one only has the knack of meeting them as Shaler always had. The memoir by Mrs. Shaler exhibits the extraordinary variety of relations into which Shaler entered after his return to Harvard at the close of the war. It includes accounts of his several journeys abroad, where he made personal acquaintance with the leading geologists of the time; of his work on the Kentucky State Geological Survey and on the Coast Survey; of his occasional westward journeys chiefly in connection with mining interests ; of his wide excursions in literary fields, reflected again in the list of publications at the end of the volume ; and above all of the innumerable activities at Harvard which made him, as William James put it, “the myriad-minded and multiple-personalitied embodiment of all academic and extra-academic /enntnisse and Gemiithsbewegungen.” The real worth of this book les in the deep impression that it gives of the value df personality as com- pared to mere learning. Ww. M. D. 2. Third Report of the Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Memorial College, Khartoum; ANDREW BaLrour, Director. Published for the Department of Education, Sudan Government, Khartoum. Pp. 477, with 28 colored plates, 413 reproductions of drawings and photographs, and 19 maps and plans. London, 1908 (Bailliére, Tindall & Cox); New York (Toga Publishing Co., 45 Lafayette St.).—This handsome vol- ume shows the latest work of the enthusiastic investigators at this now famous tropical laboratory. As in the earlier reports, noticed in this Journal, the work covers a wide field of inves- tigation, although such biological topics as concern the health of the natives are given a prominent position. The blood parasites of man, domestic animals, rats, birds, reptiles, and fishes of the region have been subjected to extensive investigations by the director of the laboratory, and by Dr. Wenyon, both of whom contribute several beautifully illustrated reports, which form important contributions to the knowledge of these important parasites. The sanitary conditions existing in Khartoum are discussed, and further observations on sleeping sickness, kala-azar, and other diseases reported. Poisonous snakes and other reptiles have been studied by specialists, the parasitic worms investigated, and the insects of economic import- ance discussed and illustrated by colored plates. The later chapters deal with well illustrated articles on the healing art as practiced by the dervishes, the physical characters of certain negroid tribes, and notes on ethnographical specimens, while the reports of chemical investigations at the laboratory conclude the work. The floating laboratory on the Jurriver has proved a marked success. The admirable courage shown by those who have made these investigations, under the most trying climatic conditions, has been , 92 Scientific Intelligence. further tested by a recent fire which destroyed many of the important preparations and documents at the laboratory. W. R. ©. 3. Illustrations of African Blood-sucking Flies other than Mosquitoes and Tsetse-flies ; by EKrnest Epwarp Austin. Pp. xy, 221, with 13 colored plates. London, 1909 (British Museum of Natural History).—Since the discovery that many of the most fatal diseases of man and animals are disseminated by means of the bites of blood-sucking flies, the British Museum has published a number of handsomely illustrated monographs on various groups of these insects. Belonging to this series is the present volume, which gives general and non-technical descriptions and excellent colored figures of 103 African species, all of which have blood-sucking habits, although it is not yet known which of them may serve in spreading diseases. | Ww. RB. C. 4. The Cambridge Natural History ; edited by Harmer and Saipcry. Vol. IV. Crustacea and Arachnida. Pp. xviii, 566, with 286 figures. London 1909 (Macmillan & Co.).—The series of ten volumes of excellent treatises by specialists in the different groups of the animal kingdom is now complete, and forms perhaps the most convenient and generally useful work of reference on the subject that has appeared in the English language in recent years. The present volume is quite up to the high standard of the others of the series, and treats of the Crustacea, and the widely divergent forms, as king crabs, spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, water-bears, pycnogonids, and other animals, both fossil and living, which are now generally grouped together as Arachnida. The contributors for this volume are Geoffrey Smith, Henry Woods, A. E. Shipley, Cecil Warburton and D’Arcy W. "Thomp- son. The general excellence of the text is shared by the numerous illustrations. W. Ra C, 5. The Human Body and Health: An Intermediate Text- Book of Essential Physiology, Applied Hygiene, and Practical Sanitation for Schools ; by Auvin Davison. Pp. 223, with 150 illustrations. New York, 1909 (American Book Company).— The aim of this little book is to give the pupil in the public school a general knowledge of the principles of personal and public hygiene. Such of the essentials of the anatomy and physiology of the human body as it is necessary to introduce are clearly described and illustrated. WwW. R. C. 6. International Congress of Radiology and Klectricity.—It is announced that an International Congress of Radiology and Electricity will be held in Brussels in 1910 under the patronage of the Belgian government and of the French Physical Society. A provisional program has been issued ; the address of the Gen- eral Secretary is | Rue de la Prévoété, Brussels. brarian U. S. Nat. Museum. 4 ar FEBRUARY, 1910. oa Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818. * | AMERICAN | || JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. “2 Eprrorn; EDWARD S. DANA. a ASSOCIATE EDITORS 3 ay: Proressors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, Bs W. G. FARLOW anv WM. M. DAVIS, or Campnince, || Prorzssors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, y L. V. PIRSSON anp H. E. GREGORY, or New Haven, a | Proressor GEORGE F. BARKER, or PumapeLput, Bi) Proressor HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or Iruaca, a Proressor JOSEPH S. AMES, or Battrore, eg) Mr. J. S. DILLER, or Wasurneton. se FOURTH SERIES aS VOL. XXIX—[WHOLE NUMBER, CLXXIX] % No. 170—FEBRUARY, 1910. WITH PLATE I, Bip geen el -aysonian inszjj Faas Qn . . NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. FEB 3 19] Bet. | 1910. CP Fi aa | Nos q a “onal fiuse THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO., PRINTERS, 123 TEMPLE STREET. 2 x Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada, Remittances should be made either by money orders, _ registered letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York banks), ~~ ine . . ay ie BRIEF ANNOUNCHMENTS: Recent pressure of business has hindered me from compiling a detailed list of new minerals arrived. I wish to mention, however, a new lot of the metallic Awaruite from Smith River, California, ranging in sizes from 4 inch-to linch. These interesting metallic pebbles are of scientific value on account of the nickel being associated with the iron in the metallic state. Considering the great amount of attrition which they received from stream action, I find them very well preserved and deserving a place in every © collector’s cabinet. These range in.price from 25 cents to $2,00. Although the finest of the recent Iceland Zeolites and Franklin Furnace minerals have been sold off rapidly, I still have choice examples of these splendid specimens at reasonable prices. Having received some excellent shipments representing chiefly Hungary, Saxony and other celebrated German localities, of which specimens I was unable to prepare a list in time for this issue, I shall be pleased to furnish further data on request. JI noted in these shipments several specimens of the rare Argyrodite ahd other silver minerals too numerous to mention. I recently received additional minerals from Colorado and can now supply any reasonable demand in Tellurides, native Tellurium, Amethystin- Quartz, Calciovolborthite and Carnotites. Prices on request. Lhave also considerably increased my stock of the celebrated California Tourmalines so that I now feel that no dealer has ever had the quality and quantity of these specimens that I have, while the prices of same have been somewhat lowered, considering their value, as compared with former prices. Have also made a recent addition to my stock of the Reconstructed Rubies, Sapphires and Pink Topaz, which places me in the best position for supplying the demands of my customers. It would be advisable for those interested in the shore to have their names on my mailing list, and I shall be pleased to send on approval for inspection and selection anything that may interest my patrons. Information as to special lists and prices of individual specimens cheer-— fully given. A. Ae PEE REVE, - 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. dts Ls, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [FOURTH SERIES.] of Art. VIII.— The Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palla- dium ; by Antuur L. Day and Rozserr B. Sosman; with an Investigation of the Metals, by Eucrnr T. Aten. CONTENTS: Introduction and Plan. Apparatus. Details, Errors, and Corrections. A. Temperature of Gas in Bulb. B. Definition of Temperature by Measurement of Pressure. C. Transference of Temperature by the Thermoelement. D. The Fixed Points. 4, Experimental Data and Calculated Results. A. Hxpansion Coefficient. B. Gas Thermometer Data and Fixed Points, Interpolation between the Fixed Points. Analysis of Metals. (By E. T. Allen.) Cone¢ijusion. Peer. aad ah 1. Introduction and Plan. THE measurements of absolute temperature here offered were undertaken in direct continuation of those published from the Geophysical Laboratory two years ago,* with the purpose of extending the gas scale to 1600°, or as near it as might prove practicable. Except in explanations of new or particularly important features, descriptive details have accord- ingly been omitted here and must be sought in the first paper. Substantially the same methods and apparatus have been employed throughout. One conclusion in particular which was brought out at that time is entitled to even greater emphasis, namely, that the existing uncertainties in the absolute temperature scale at 1000° and above are the result of experimental limitations and not of any failure of the principles involved. The experi- mental conditions were scrutinized with great care throughout the first investigation, and not only were the known correction factors all redetermined, but their total magnitude was reduced nearly 75 per cent. This success, after so long and painstak- * Arthur L. Day and J. K. Clement, this Journal (4), xxvi, 405-463, 1908. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtaH Series, Vout. XXIX, No. 170.—Frsrvuary, 1910. 7 94 A. L. Day and f. B. Sosman— ing a study of the correction factors, led the authors to believe that the upper end of the existing gas scale (melting point of pure copper), which has been vacillating in a somewhat irregu- lar way in various hands for three-quarters of a century, had been finally confined to the limits + 0°5°, or within 1°. Although this ideal had been affectionately cherished for a good many years, its triumph has been shortlived. The present investigation has discovered a source of error which appears to have passsed unnoticed before, which operates to raise the temperature scale at the copper point about 1°4°. This kind of history has repeated itself with remarkable persistence all through the record of high temperature research, and may, of course, do so again, but the limits of uncertainty are continu- ally becoming narrower, and it appears to the authors unlikely that further investigation will again reveal errors ageregat- ayee On the other hand, the detailed study of temperature distri- bution about the bulb (page 102) in which the present error | was discovered, cannot but convince an experienced observer that the limit of refinement in an electrically heated air bath has been practically attained, and that higher accuracy in gas thermometry must be sought in a liquid bath which can be stirred. Since the publication of the Reichsanstalt scale* in 1900, it has remained the standard for all temperature measurements between 400° and 1100°. Its limit of accuracy as an absolute scale was estimated to be about 3° at 1000°. The work of Day and Clement was mainly directed to the following essential features of the problem of absolute meas- urement with a constant volume gas thermometer: (1) An absolutely gas-tight bulb of definite volume; (2) uniform dis- tribution of temperature over the bulb surface during the measurements; (3) the reduction of the error due to the unheated capillary tube connecting the bulb with the mano- meter; (4) a more accurate determination of the expansion coefficient of the bulb itself. The results accomplished by them in these directions may be outlined seriatim as follows: (1) The bulb chosen (90 parts platinum, 10 parts iridium) is quite rugged enough for meas- urements as high as 1500°, and no difficulty was experi- enced in maintaining a nitrogen atmosphere in it without loss by diffusion or leakage. At high temperatures the material becomes considerably softer, but with the help of a gas-tight. furnace in which nitrogen could be maintained at the same pressure outside the bulb as within, neither diffusion through the bulb walls nor mechanical strain was encountered. Varia- tions in the zero point of the thermometer, which have been *L, Holborn and A. L. Day, Ann. d. Phys. (4), ii, 505, 1900; this Journal, (4), x, 171, 1900. Jitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 95 very persistent and inaccessible errors throughout the history of gas thermometry, have therefore now become practically negligible. This gas-tight furnace possessed the further advan- tage that the initial pressure of the gas, and consequently the sensitiveness of the instrument, could be varied within con- siderable limits. A sensitiveness as great as 1™™ of the mano- meter scale per degree was regularly employed. The iridium alloy has the disadvantage that platinum thermoelements, which are necessary for recording variations in the tempera- ture over the surface of the bulb, and for transferring the gas thermometer temperatures to standard melting points, become contaminated in the presence of iridium at all temperatures above 900° ©.; the higher the temperature and the longer the time of exposure, the greater the degree of contamination. (2) It was sought to obtain a uniform temperature over the surface of the bulb by winding the (pure platinum) furnace coil on the inside of a refractory magnesia tube which contained sufficient iron oxide and other impurities to be a fairly good conductor of heat. The winding was somewhat closer at the ends than in the middle. This was further supplemented by sec- ondary coils of smaller wire extending a few centimeters into the tube from each end. The current in the three coils could be independently regulated with the help of thermoelements attached to the bulb and giving its temperature at the middle and upon each shoulder (positions 2, 4, and 6, fig. 1). When these temperatures had been adjusted so that the differences between them were smaller than 0°5°, it was assuined that the temperature over the whole surface of the bulb was constant within those limits. (For the oversight in this assumption, see pages 99 and 102.) (8) The platinum capillary and connections between the bulb and the manometer were much diminished in volume. Compared with the total volume of the bulb (195-7°) this con- necting volume amounted to ‘0015 in their instrument, and reduced the total correction for the “unheated space” to less than 5° at 1100°, a correction factor not more than one-fourth as large as the best previous attainment in this direction. The uncertainty of the temperature distribution in the ‘‘ unheated space” was perhaps 10 per cent, making the probable error from this source about 0°50°. (4) A special bar 25 in length, made up from the same alloy as the bulb, was provided with a scale and its length measured in a special form of comparator at temperature intervals of 50° up to 1000°. The expansion was found to be 10°8=—8°84+0°00131¢, with an error of about 0°5 percent. An irregularity was detected both in the expansion and subsequent contraction in the region below 300°, which appeared variable with the rate of cooling or heating, and in character resembled the hysteresis which appears in a. bar which has been subjected 96 A. L. Day and k. B. Sosman— to stress. If the bar was cooled down very slowly, it returned nearly to its initial length; if cooled rapidly, it required sey- eral days to return to its original dimensions. This irregularity makes up most of the 0°5 per cent uncertainty mentioned above. Plan.—Above 1100° considerable uncertainty has existed in the temperatures of various fixed points. The melting point of nickel, considered as 1484°,* has been frequently employed. The curve of the platinum-rhodium thermoele- ment, extrapolated beyond the copper-point, has been still more generally used, but like any extrapolation, may lead to quite erroneous results. The only gas thermometer compari- son that has been made in this region is that of Holborn and Valentiner,t but by their own estimaté the accuracy of the upper portion of their scale is not greater than + 10°. The chief purpose of our work was, therefore, to establish the tem- perature of several fixed points between 1100° and 1600° and to find what curve is followed by the platinum-rhodium ther- moelement in this region, with an accuracy comparable to that obtained in the lower portion. The plan of the work is simple. It consists, first, in select- ing certain fixed thermometric points, usually melting points of metals, and in determining their reproducibility ; second, in making a measurement of the true temperature on the nitrogen scale at or close by one of these fixed points; third, in transferring this known temperature by means of a thermo- element over to the fixed point in question. This transference by the thermoelement is necessary because the thermometer bulb cannot be put directly into melting or solidifying sub- stances at high temperatures. The relation of electromotive force to temperature for any particular kind of thermoelement does not enter into the problem when the temperatures measured are close to the fixed points; a linear correction is then abundantly accurate. The interpolation curve, for any element, between the fixed points established by the gas ther- mometer, is therefore a separate matter. The questions which remain to be answered are, then: (1) How exact and uniform can the temperature of the gas in the bulb be made (independently of any effort to measure this temperature)? (2) How accurately can its pressure be meas- ured in order to establish that temperature on the nitrogen scale? (3) How accurately can this temperature be transferred from the thermometer and compared with the fixed melting point? (4) How accurately can the fixed points be reproduced for purposes of calibration of secondary measuring devices ¢ As has been stated, our experience has convinced us that the most of the variations in the gas scale temperatures of the * Holborn and Wien, Wied. Ann., xlvii, 107, 1892 ; and lvi, 360, 1899. {Amn deschys.1(4). x00 too 7 Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 97 fixed points commonly in use, as given by various observers, are due, not to differences in the properties of different gases used, nor to differences in pressure, nor to differences between the constant-volume and constant-pressure scales, all of which have been frequently discussed from the theoretical stand- point; but to systematic errors residing in the apparatus and the methods employed. at 1 , we v1 “1 * he —— + — i, ae 3Bt 2 == Viv, ox Vo Vo ost ge kewl eee ei, Se er | oT V1 ‘ 2 V1 1 + aus 1 a V. Te ey, LO2e A. L. Day and. RB. B. Sosman—- the mass of the gas within the bulb is propor tional to aan : Q If we now suppose the unheated space raised to the uniform temperature ¢ without change of volume, the pressure being thereby raised to p, the total mass is proportional to pity, Q Therefore, : LO PN: eee) 1+al, l+at ae l+at whence 1 — eas ! — ~ z -- = tere p oS aes This correction is easily caleulated and tabulated ; or, better, the factor in parenthesis (in the second member of the equa- tion) is plotted against temperature. In practice, the volume v, 1s divided into three portions at temperatures ¢,’, ¢,’’, and ¢,” as explained on p. 109, and the corrections obtained from the curve for each of these portions are simply added together to obtain the total correction p—p’. With these corrected pres- sures, p, and p, the temperature ¢ is calculated by formula (5) on page 101. The discussion of errors and corrections will now be taken up under the general outline sketched on page 96. A. Temperature of the Gas in the Bulb. (a) Unt Jormity.—Above the temperatures where a liquid or vapor bath can be used to secure uniformity, the differences of tem- perature between different parts of a furnace has always been a serious limitation to the accuracy of the gas thermometer. This variation, even in a furnace containing well-conducting materials, is much larger than has usually been assumed, and the three equalizing factors of conductivity, radiation, and convec- tion by air-currents, are all credited with much greater influence in bringing about uniformity than they really possess. It sometimes happens that our faith in these factors is inversely proportional to our quantitative information. To remove this source of uncertainty, Day and Clement introduced two auxiliary heating coils in the furnace, one at each end, and by varying he three independent currents, brought the temperature at the middle and at both ends, on the outside of the bulb, to equality. In our first measurements with the new bulb, the end ele- ments were placed on the axis of the bulb, in positions 1 and 9 (fig. 1), instead of on the outside surface. It became evi- dent at once that the supporting tube in the bottom of the furnace, used in the work of Day and Clement, had a consid- v al or, Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 108 erable cooling influence on the central! portion of the bottom, an effect which would tend to make their results low. This effect was largely obviated by using, in place of the heavy magnesite tube, a thin Marquardt porcelain tube in the top of which was placed a Marquardt crucible, cut ont into a three-pronged support. The bottom of the crucible acted as a screen to pre- vent radiation from the bottom of the bulb, and the smaller thickness and thermal conductivity of the tube practically pre- vented the loss of heat from the bottom by conduction. Later, a second diafram was added, about 1™ lower down, primarily Mires 1 Fie. la. SECTION. Fig.1. Numbers indicate the positions of the thermoelements grouped about the bulb. Fic.1la. A photograph of the bulb made after the palladium- point deter- mination showing all the elements and the diaframs in position. for the purpose of centering the tube and bulb in the furnace, but without noticeable effect on the temperature distribution. In addition to the three thermoelements mentioned, a fourth was located inside the reentrant, in position 8.* Several trials under varied conditions confirmed the fact that this element, when the other three were set equal, was 2° to 3° hotter than the cone on the outside. A thorough exploration of the dis- * See fig. 1, and note, p. 104. 104 A, L. Day and Le. B. Sosman— tribution of temperature over the surface of the bulb was therefore undertaken. Since the number of wires which could be led out through the packed joints was limited, the plan was adopted of using the bulb itself as a differential thermoelement, single platinum wires being tied to the bulb at points whose temperature was to be determined. Each of these wires formed, with the platinum of the standard element tied to the bulb at the mid- dle, a differential element which would read zero if the wires were alike and if no difference of temperature existed between the two points on the bulb. The relation of the wires was established by sealing each in turn to the platinum of the standard, and measuring their E.M.F. at various temperatures. The readings varied, accord- ing to the quality of the wire, from 0 to 40 microvolts.’ The method of evaluating differences of temperature, when such existed, is discussed on page 118. The distribution of temperature lengthwise of the bulb was first investigated, and auxiliary wires were placed at the levels 1 (base of stem), 2 (top shoulder), 6 (bottom shoulder), 7 (bottom, outside of funnel), in addition to thermoelements at 4 (middle outside), 8 (nside reentrant), and 9 (bottom, just inside of funnel).* With this system of thermoelements, it was found that at 1082°, when 9 was brought to equality with 4 and 1, the bot- tom of the bulb was superheated 6 to 8° at position 6, and about 4° at 7, due entirely to the fact that the thermoelement at 9, not being in contact with the bulb, lost sufficient heat by conduction and radiation downward to keep its temperature below that of the metal surrounding it. The element at 8, on the other hand, received heat by conduction up the reentrant tube and by radiation from below, which made it read higher than the element at the same level outside. The element at position 9 was therefore discarded and each setting of tem- perature made with reference only to the elements which were attached directly to the bulb. The temperature between the middle and the top shoulder was also examined in several experiments. The temperature at this position was found to be within 0°5° of the other two, with a tendency to be lower than these. Further experiments showed that in addition to the possi- bility of vertical variation of temperature, there was a varia- * The system of numbering the positions of elements on the bulb is shown in fig. 1. The figure before the decimal point indicates the horizontal level, the figure after the decimal indicates the orientation around the bulb. For instance, an element in position 3°5 would be about half way between the top and middle and on the side of the bulb away from the front of the apparatus. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladium. 105 tion around the circumference of the bulb. This amounted in the worst case (at 1450°) to a variation of 1°3° from the mean, four elements being used around the circumference to make the test. This variation seemed to be due either to unequal conductivity of the furnace material at different points or to the falling off of small portions of the furnace lining, leaving exposed places on the wire. Variations of this character are probably an unavoidable result of using a furnace where the heat supply is so near to the point where it Fig. 2. Fic. 38. oMG | ANNAN ENN Ge \ N Ne a | \\ N N a NN NN ce i NN N Ne | =. WY \ ENN Nets Ny Ne es 7 LA NN aN N33 [V7 YF K/// Fic. 2. Sectionof furnace and bulb showing the arrangement of coils and diaframs about the bulb which gave the most uniform temperature distri- bution in the measurement of both high and low temperatures. The sup- plementary end coils were independently heated and regulated. Fie. 5. Aspecialarrangement of the heating coil and diaframs designed to give a very uniform temperature distribution about the bulb. The coil was heavily ballasted inward with a good heat conductor and outward with a poor conductor. The heating coil was also divided into three sections which could be independently regulated. This furnace was used at the copper point only. is measured, as is the case with the furnace which is wound on the inside. This form of winding is necessary, however, in order to reach the highest temperatures, so that absolute uniformity of temperature around the bulb had to be sacrificed to increased range of the instrument. After this variation was discovered, measurements were always made with four elements at equal distances around the 106 A. L. Day and. R. B. Sosman— circumference of the bulb and the mean of their readings was taken. In order to be perfectly certain that no systematic error was being introduced by using this one form of furnace (fig. 2.) throughout, it was replaced temporarily by a furnace of plati- num wire wound on the owtside of a similar tube. In this way a heavy mass of good heat-conducting material was intro- duced between the source of heat and the bulb, with the expectation that a more uniform temperature might thereby be obtained in the inside space. The two types of furnace are shown in figs. 2.and 38. A measurement at the copper point with the outside-wound furnace gave as the melting point of copper 1082°6°, which differs only 0°4° from 1082°2°, the mean of the results obtained at the same pressure with the other furnace, and is identical with the final mean of all the results, thus proving that no systematic error was to be feared from the inside-wound type of furnace. The horizontal uniformity obtained in the outside- wound furnace was better than that in the inside-wound, but the furnace was more difficult to regulate and to hold at a given temperature. (0) Constancy of Conditions.—Several causes interfered with the establishment of a constant temperature for observa- tion. The three heating currents required constant observa- tion and readjustment with the gradual extension of the heated zone toward the outside of the furnace. This comes to equi- librium for a particular temperature after about half an hour, after which the bulb was held steady 15-80 minutes longer before readings of the pressure were taken. ‘The temperature thus established could be relied upon to remain constant to within 1 to 3 microvolts (0-1° to 0°3°) during the course of the pressure measurements. Above 1100° a noticeable leakage of current from the heat- ing coil into the bulb and thermoelements frequently appeared. This may have been due in part to conductivity across the narrow air space between bulb and coil, but was probably chiefly due to accidental contact between the protecting tube of one of the thermoelements and the furnace wall. ‘To obvi- ate any uncertainty from this cause, it was found necessary to use alternating current for all temperatures above 1100°. This was less easy to regulate than the direct current from storage batteries, but by careful regulation of the voltage of the motor generator supplying the alternating current, equally satisfac- tory results were obtained. The constancy and exactness of the temperature at 0° were beyond question. On several occasions pressure measurements at 0° were made at intervals of one-half to one hour and no Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladium. 107 measurable difference found. Similarly, repacking the bulb in a fresh supply of ice gave exactly the same value. B. Definition of Temperature by Measurements of Pres- sure.—The procedure in measuring the pressure, p’, was as follows: First the three mereury thermometers on the mano- meter were read to determine the temperature of the mercury eolumn and scale; then three to four settings of the barometer were made, alternating with measurements of the manometer. The mercury thermometers were read again at the close. Dur- ing this interval the other observer made as many readings as possible of all the thermoelements. Before the manometer was connected to the bulb, the point on the scale corresponding to the reference point of the mano- meter* was determined once for all before the manometer was connected to the bulb, by connecting the two arms and raising the mercury to the point, as in a regular pressure measure- ment. Subsequent manometer readings were subtracted from this fixed level, and the resulting difference corrected for the temperature and calibration corrections of the scale and then reduced to 0°. The barometer reading was similarly corrected. The algebraic sum of the two gave the pressure p’, in terms of a centimeter of mercury at 0° and at the latitude and elevation of the laboratory. Since the absolute value of the pressure does not enter into the gas thermometer formula, corrections for altitude and latitude are superfluous. Errors and Corrections in p’.—The level of the fixed refer- ence point of the manometer varies with the temperature of the room because of the difference in expansion of the brass scale on the one hand and of the glass tube of the manometer which carries the fixed point on the other. This correction can be calculated from the expansion coeticients of the mate- rials and amounts to 0:04™™" per 5°. Its direction and amount were checked experimentally by determining the fixed point at two temperatures differing by about 10°, the room being open on acold day for the one case, and then closed and heated for the other. The difference found was 0:09™™, and that caleu- lated 0:08"™. The lengths of the divisions of the brass scale were corrected for change of temperature by a formula determined for this scale at the Normal-Aichungs-Kommission, the absolute length of the scale having been determined at 16°. In addition, cali- bration corrections, determined for each millimeter of the scale, were applied. The total scale correction was always less than 0°15™™, hence the temperature measurement by the adjacent mercury thermometers was abundantly accurate for this pur- pose. 5p. 100. 108 A. L. Day and Rk. B. Sosman— The length of the mercury column was reduced to 0° by the expansion coefficient given in the Landolt-Bérnstein-Meyer- hofter Tabellen. This correction varied from 0 to about 3-00™™. As the mercury thermometers were calibrated and read to 0:1°, the uncertainty in this correction due to uncertainty in the room temperature may amount to 0°05"™". For the calibration the mercury thermometers were compared with a Richter standard thermometer calibrated at the Reichsanstalt. The barometer reading was corrected to 0° by the Landolt- Bornstein-Meyerhoffer table for barometer with brass scale. Two Fuess barometers were used. Both had been tested by the Bureau of Standards; one had an absolute correction of 0-06"™, the other was exact. This was checked by direct com- parison of the two. The variable error in the barometer is probably about the same as in the manometer reading (0°05™"). On a very windy day or during the approach of a storm, the barometer was too unsteady to permit satisfactory measure- ments to be made. A further small correction to the barometer was necessary to allow for the weight of the air column between the cup of the barometer and the top of the mercury in the open manometer column. This correction was appreciable, amounting to 0:16™™ in the extreme case. To give some idea of the effect of these small corrections upon the final temperature measurement, it may be added that 1:00" corresponds approximately to 1°. To determine the corrected pressure, p, from the measured pressure, p’ (see page 101), the volume of the unheated space, v,, connecting the bulb with the manometer, must be known.* Taste I.— Unheated Space. Max. effect Space Volume, c.c. Uncertainty | at Cu. pt. of errors Before | After |jof vol.jof temp. Apr. ’09 Apr. ’09 Pt-Rh capillary, bulb to top | furnace (v;') 0:055 | 0°055 | 0°002) 100° 0°04° Pt-Rh capillary, top to out- | side furnace (v;") 0:086 | 0:°086 | 0-008 50° 020° Pt-Rh capillary to gold | capillary | 07102 | 0:054 ) Gold capillary i) OLUSEE Ua | Pt capillary and Ni Oe 0°015 | 0°5° 0:20" valve 0:025 0°025 | Space above meniscus J} 0-023 | 0°023 | Total 0385 | 0°309 | 0°45° * See discussion of this correction, Day and Clement, loc. cit., p. 410. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladium. 109 This was caleulated from the dimensions of the capillary. The figures are given in Table J. This volume was reduced in April, 1909, by bringing the manometer closer to the furnace, since the water jacket of the furnace cut off the heat so com- pletely that there was no risk in bringing the manometer as close as possible (85™). The volume v, was thereby reduced from 0°39% to 0°31°%, and the ratios! from 0°00187 to 0:00150. The volume, V, which enters into the correction term (see page 102) was "determined by weighing the bulb empty, and filled with distilled water at a known temperature. NQPEPNQOE> 1 a (1), 6 (2°4), EK c (6°4), e (7°38) 18 June 81 1512°96 | 1517-69 | 961:21/A 9080 + | G VOW Waawre 82) 1630:94 | 1636:53 1062°53/A 10252 } | G 10292 | 7 AOtSit) N We} i) =n Or A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— Standard Elements F 10584) E 10534 | A 10487 + G 10526 | 1082-14 Z 10403 F 10536 } E 10534 | 1082-91] A 10485 } G 10525 | Z 10426 J Gas Fituine No. 3a 136 Date |No.| p'(orpo')| p (or po) 18 June | 83) 1608°61 | 1659°37 a 84) 1654°51 | 1660°27 19 June | 85; 340-51 345°47 19 June | 86) 219°73 | 219-71 os 87, 710°34 | 711°88 ? 88) 962°21 | 965°23 “ 89) 1051-74 | 1055°41 21 June | 90) 219°74 | 219-72 22 June | 92) 220°65 | 220°63 24 June | 93) 220°62 | 220°59 25 June | 95) 220°56 | 220°58 2 July | 96) 1288-36 | 1288°82 i 97| 1285-43 | 1290°89 3 July | 98) 221-02 | 220°99 i 99) 1281°97 | 1287°45 “« — |100} 1284-05 | 1289-54 6 July |101| 220°62 | 220°60 0 oe 961°71 1082-75 Sorc 1 4 1 I H 14251 } E 14227 | F 14992 $ G 14245 | Z 14121 J H 14282} E 14247 | F 14241 $ 1391°97 1394-89 G 14274 | ay! 14156 J H 14213) E 14214 | F 14196 } G 14216 | Z, 14099 | H 14264) E 14242 | F 14235 $ G 14259 | Z 14156 | 1393°34 13896°17 Taste VIT—( Continued) Posi- tion Cb HW HS 0 HH HH “JF OU CD 2 O10) r+ 3 C100 Ob He He HH CO He HH > 0 HHH oe 2 Ot CO 2 Or 00 2 Ol Co r+ 2 Or Co Go He Ha HS OO HS We HSS GOSS HOO SH Soe Woore , Other elements and positions a (1), 6 (2°4) ce (6°4), e (7:3) a (1), e (2°3) c (6°3), f (73) Do. Do. Do. Do. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 187 TasLE VII—( Continued ) | | | | | Ra's r i | 'Standard Posi- | Other elements ais oe Gena ))P (OF Po) | t eaies es tion | and positions 1 | | Gas Fiuuine No. 4 8 July |102| 216-81 216°79 0 a (1), e (2°38) ¢ (6°3), f (73) 1 3 ca 103) 1261°35 | 1266°80 |1391°15 |F 14209 + 5 a Do. © — |104) 1263-13 | 1268°59 /1893°55 |F 14199 b | G 14236 | | Z 14155 | 2 1 Co | H 14251 ) | E 14236 | < 106 1261-71 | 1267-15 1891-64 |F 14238 $| | G 14241 | | Z 14123 J H 14240) E 14236 | 4: 4: 4: 4: 8 4: 4° 4: 4: 8 4- Do. 4 4: 4: 8 4: 4: 107; 1263-01 | 1268°46 1393-44 |F 142254) 4: 4: 0 4: 4: 4: 4: 8 4: 4- 4: 4: 8 A: 4: 4: 4- Soe aoe G 14233 | | 1Z 14152 | H 15019} E 15020 | 1109) 1806-60 | 1312-52 |1455°37|F __.. $ ~2 109 Gyre | Z 14903 } 12 July |110| 217°36 | 217-34 | 0 pes | H 14978} | E 14980 | « (114) 1805-53 | 1811-85 [1453-52 |F ___. 4 | } G nha | Z 14867 | | Do. 2 Oreo | | H 14980} oe | E 14960 | « 1112) 1305-46 | 1811-28 1453-31 |F 14947 }| | | GP ess | Z 14872) | 8 31 0 2) 13 July 113) 217-40 | 217°38 | 0 10 Sept. |114) 217-38 | 217-36 | 0 | | a (1), ¢ (2°3) | Um E 15389 | | e(6°7), f (73) 11 Sept. |115] 1328-68 | 1334-79 1484-70 F 15374 || eae peut art OU | ies | Hs 116) 1332°18 | 1338-32 1489: 60 \E 15417 } [A 15421 | SHO POT OD o S) OD HH He OD HH 13 Sept. |117] 217-62 | 217-60 | 0 138 Date 22 Sept. 27 Nov.* 29 Nov. 9 Dec. No. 129 130 131 132 A. L. Day and PR. B. Sosman— Taste VII—( Continued ) p' (or py’) 1829-92 217-51 1331-40 217-52 1306°75 1807-28 217°45 1045-80 217-28 1129°52 1194°81 1261-16 217°30 1125-92 * Outside-wound furnace. Pp (OY Po) | 1336°08 217-49 1335°78 1837°51 217°50 1312-72 1318°25 217°43 1049-49 217°26 1135°91 1199-74 1266°68 217°28 1180-29 1487°36 1486°95 1489°34 1454°83 1459°60 1090°59 1206°63 1298-01 1391-45 1201°50 Standard Elements F 15376 \ G 15368 | A 15379 | 14957 | 14952 | 14996 | H 10618 } EB F G C H 12002) 12006 | 12008 $ 12010 | ) 11914 J 13106 } 13112 | 13107 $ 13115 | 13007 J 14246 ) 14250 | F 14248 | G 14256 | © 14146 | H 11940) E 11946 | F 11951 $ G 11949 | K r G C H i F G C H iy Posi- tion C 11887 | CoH HHH GOR SH CO CO RAR 0 HHH Other elements and positions 4:1 | a (1), © (2°38) e(6°%) f(78) Do. Do. Do. a (1:5), J (2:4) c (62), e ('7°2) J OTC =? OU CD r+ “OU ce Do. Sade a (1), J c (6:2), (2°3), e (7°1) Io See page 106. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 189 TasLe VII—( Concluded ) | | | ' ' | | |Standard | Posi- | Other eiements pee | NOL D (oF Pa) | NOE Po) |5a Elements tion | and positions 'H 14950 } [EK 14958. | 20 Dec. |138) 1802-40 | 1308°33 |1450-03 |F 14962 + G 14955 | IC 14882 J H 16156 | E 16160 | 2 134) 1872°16 | 1878-78 |1550°15 |F 16170 } G 16148 | C 16075 | a(1), J (2°38) ce (6°72), e (71) Oo He HH HO HA 2 C1 CO r+ 2 OU ce o (2) 21 Dec. {135) 217-29 217-27 0 (Continued from p. 132.) The melting and freezing points of the metals and salts, measured with the various thermoelements used during the investigation, as well as the frequent comparisons of thermo- elements with each other, are too numerous to be published here, especially as they are practically all summarized in Table VIII. Table VIII contains the final temperature of each thermo- metric point studied. In the first column is the number of the experiment corresponding to that in Table VII. In the second column is the correction in degrees to be applied to each of the thermoelement readings on the owtside of the bulb, integrated from the readings of the auxiliary elements as described on page 119; in the third column is given the corresponding cor- rection in microvolts. In the fourth column are the readings of the standard elements on the owts¢de of the bulb, corrected as above mentioned. In the fifth column are the readings of the same thermoelements at the fixed point in question, as obtained in the melting or freezing of metal or salt; these fisures usually represent the mean of a considerable number of determinations. In the sixth and seventh columns are the corresponding figures for the element zmside of the bulb. In this case, however, no correction has been applied to the reading of the element, since, being located practically at the center of the bulb, it might be expected to represent the mean temperature of the entire volume of the bulb. In the eighth and ninth columns are the temperatures of the fixed points derived from the preceding four columns. In the last column is given the weight assigned to each measurement. In assigning these weights the number of standard thermoele- ments used, the amount of variation in p,, and other incidental variables were taken into consideration. As has been pointed out on page 116, the relative weights to . be assigned to the inside and outside elements are different at 140 A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— different temperatures; (1) on account of the difference in contamination, and (2) on account of the fact that the inside element is subject to the influence of conduction and radiation from below. The weights assigned were as follows: Temperatures Outside Element Inside Element 400-1100° oe il 1100-1300° 2 if! 1300-1550° 1 1 The final weighted mean of the inside and outside elements is given at the head of each section of the table. In the last section of the table are given various points which were determined to aid in interpolating between the fixed points by means of the thermoelement. The only comment which need be made here on the data in Table VIII concerns the figures given under the heading “copper point.” In this section “of the table, the values derived at the two different initial pressures (217— 291™ and 346— 347™™) are quoted separately in order to bring out the fact that the difference between the temperatures obtained from these two pressures is less than the experimental error. In the other sections of the table the data obtained at the two pressures are not separately arranged. Above the copper point only the low pressure was used, as the high pressure would have exceeded the range of the manometer. The significance of the comparison between the inside-and outside-wound furnaces, which appears in the first half of the section on the copper point, has been commented on elsewhere (see p. 106). 5. Interpolation Between the Fixed Points. The preparation of formulae to represent the relation between the temperature defined by the gas thermometer and the elec- tromotive force of a thermoelement has always been a cause of considerable dissatisfaction, both to the maker and the user. The chief reason for this is perhaps the fact that the formulae used have been applicable only to limited portions of the curve and have therefore given no suggestion of physical signifi- cance. In tho Reichsanstalt publication* the data extended from 300° to 1100° and included several good fixed points (melting points of pure metals) between which no interpolation, however rough, could go far astray. Accordingly, in so far as interpolation was concerned, but little attention required to be given to the formulation of this relation. It was sufiicient that a simple formula of the form EK = —-a+0bt+ct’ could be made to represent the observations between 300° and 1100° within the limits of the errors of observation. * Holborn and Day, 1900, loc. cit. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladiwn. 141 — TasLte VIII— Temperatures of the Fixed Points. Integrated Standard Elements Temperature correction | ae = 4 Exp. t outside : ‘ nside ; yi ye : Ne. ne Ha ues | ie Tee Fixed OGuisde. inside Weight ______~__|Correcte . rected * | Klement! Element Degr’s | M.V. | | Zine Point. 418°2° Tae 0-0° |A 3414 3411 /Y 3486 3436, 418°1°] 418°4° 0 3 A 8405 (8410°5 Y 3445 3435 | 418-0 4i8-4 dL 00; 0 (A 3410 |3410°9 Y 5436 3435 | 418°3 418-2 ; 2 A 3402 3410 Y 3425 3434 | 418°0 418-1 W W WO OO 50 | —0-1 |—0-5/A 3413 [3411 418-2 D 3405°3 13406 |Z 33845 | 3882 | 418-4 , 498" | 418-9 | 3) # 73 | —0°2 |—2 |A 3401 |3413°5 418°4 BH 3417 [8429 418°3 F 3412 = [8429 418°8 G 3414 (38429 |Z 3370 3382 | 418°6 418°5 418°3 + Weighted Mean, | 418-2°| 418-3° Antimony Point. 629°2° 24) —01 |—1 |A 5509 5503 [¥ 5550 | 5546 | 629-2°| 629-4°| 2 25 | —0°5 |—5 7A 5496 [5503 |¥ 5529 | 55451 629-0 | 629-9 2 38 | —O-1 |—1 |A 5513 (5503 |¥ 5558 | 5544 | 629-2 | 629-3 2 34| —0°5 |—5 |A 5505 [5503 |¥ 5537 | 5543 | 629-1 | 629-9 2 52 | —0°5 |—5 |A 5505 (5508 629°6 | | D 5490 5492 -Z 5463 | 5460 | 629-2 | | 629°4 | 629-1 2 74 | —0-2 |—-2 |A 5514 (5504 7 628-2 | | |Z 5533 (55380 628°8 | ‘F 5526 5530 629°5 5) | | G5527 5580 Z 5461 0461 629°4 | | | | is 629°0 | 629-1 4 87 | —0°3 |—8 |F 5517 [5380 628-9 | |B 5517 [5580 628:9 1A 5481 (5504 | 629-9 G 5513 55380 |Z 5437 | «5461 | 629-3 | | 629°2 | 629-9 4 Weighted Mean, 629-1°| 629°5° Silver Point. 960:°0° 6) +08 /1+9 |W9070 (9057 |X 9100 9071 | 959°4°| 958-0° 26 | —0°3 |—3 |A 9087 (9083 |Y 9159 9141 | 959-9 958°6 27 | —08 |—9 |A 9066 (90838 |Y 9119 9141 | 959-9 960°4 a0 |.—07 |—-8 |A 9079 (9082 |Y 9142 9141 | 959-7 959-4 a6 | —O1 |—1 |A 9097 (9082 [Y 9163 9141 | 959-4 958°7 41 —0°3 |—3 |A 90838 (9081 |Y 9156 9141 | 959-6 958-5 42 | —0°8 |—9 |A 9076 (9081 |Y 9131 9141 | 959°3 959°7 | WWORr KF OWwrH 63 | —06 —7 |A 9079 9084 960-7 | | D 9048 9058 'Z 9010 | 9019 | 961-2 | | | 960-9 | 9611! 2 Am. Jour. Sci1.—Fourts SEeries, VoL. X XIX, No. 170.—FEpBruary, 1910. 10 142 A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— Taste VIII—( Continued) | Integrated Standard Elements Temperature a correction : 2 ee Exp.) to outside a . Inside ; By By i No. | elements Out ee Fixed Uncor- Hee Outside Inside a | Se Pt. al Pt. ‘El t El t Degr’s | M.V.| recte eames | emen Silver Point—(Cont.) 68 | —0°'7 |—8 |A 9080 (9085 960:3° D 9051 |9058 |Z 9013 |9019 960-4 960°4 | 960°3° 2 76 | —0°2.|—2 |A 9088 /|9082 959-2 E 9112 = 9118 929-7 EF 9097 9113 961-2 G9106 |9111- |Z 9002 9018 960-2 960-1 961225) et 81 | +0°3 }+38 |F 9182 (9118 959°5 E 9131 |9113 9596 A 9088 — |9082 961°] G 9125 9111 |Z 9015 |9018 960-0 960-0 961°5 4 88 | +0°3 }4+38 |F 9148 (9118 959-0 EK 9139 91138 959°4 A 9993 |9082 960°7 G 9135 (9112 |Z 9086 (9018 959°6 959°7 | 9601 | 4 Weighted Mean, 959:9° | 960:2° Gold Point. 1062°4° 64 | —0°3 |—8 (A 10262 10265 | 1062-4° D 10226 {10233 |Z 10178 |10193 | 1062°8 1062°6 | 1063°4° 2 69 | —0°4 |—4 |A 10253 {10266 1061°4 D 10217 |10234 |Z 10169 {10193 | 1061-7 1061°6 | 1062°3 2 77 | —0°3 |—3 |A 10255 |10263 1061°2 E 10282 {10298 1061°6 F 10263 {10296 1063-4 G 10276 '10294 |Z 10161 '10198 | 1062:1 106271 | 1063°3 t 82 | +04 |)+4 |F 103038 |10296 1061-9 E 10304 |10295 1061°8 A 10256 |10263 1063°1 G 10296 |10294 |Z 10181 10198 | 1062°4 1062°3 1063°6 4 Weighted Mean, | 1062:2°) 1063°2° Copper Point. 1082°6° (Lower Pressure. py=217—221™™) 2) +1°2 )4+14 |wi0457 (10478 |X 10491 2 at OCTET ieee 1 9} 4+1°0 |+12 (W 10495 10478 |X 10555 | ---. | 1082-2 iat 1 1) 2 4 WA0487 0478s Xeno Sp ee OS sal one 1 18 | +0°7 |+ 8 |A 10510 |10502 /¥ 10612 |10573 | 1082-2 ies 2 19 | —0:4 |— 5 JA 10501 |10502 |Y 10584 |10573 | 1082-0 | 1081-0 3 Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladium. 148 Taste VITI—( Continued) | Integrated | Standard Elements Temperature | Ext correction | Tnsid B _ ue tsid : . nside : y y ep No. Pee eee aay Uncor- Fixed | Outside Inside | Weight Deor’s| MV. 4 | rected * |Klement | Klement fo) 3 alt Copper Point (Lower Pressure)—Cont. 90 | —0°8 |— 9 |A 10488 [10502 ;Y 10555 10578 | 1082°1° , 1082°5° 3 98 | —0°3 |— 4 |A 10512 (10501 |Y 10593 |10573 | 1082-1 | 1081-4 3 99 | —0°9 |—10 |A 10494 {10501 |Y 10556 (10573 | 1082°2 | 1088-0 3 37 | —06 — 7 A10504 (10501 -Y 10576 |10573 | 1082-0 | 1082-0 2 388 | —0°3 |— 4 |A 10509 |10500 |Y 10585 (10573 | 1082°2 | 1081°9 2 Bone O7 | SIA T0017 (10500 |Y 10617 |. -. | 1082°3 egecs 2 43 | —0°3 |— 4 |A 10512 (10500 |Y 10595 (10578 | 1082°2 | 1081°3 3 44 | —0°9 |—10 |A 10501 {10499 |¥ 10568 [10578 | 1082-0 | 1082°6 3 45 | +06 /4+ 7 |A 10515 |10499 |Y 10617 | -.-- | 1082-3 uae: 2 gg | +05 |+ 6 F 10546 [10534 1081°8 E 10544 |10534 1081°9 A 10496 |10508 10834 a G10538 (10533 |Z 10428 |10482 | 1082-4 | | 10824 | 1088-1 | 4 126* | 40-4 /+ 5 @ 10631 |10534 1082-2 F 10627 10534 1082°6 G 10621 10538 1083-0 H 10623 [10535 |C 10567 10470 | 1083-0 1082°7 | 10825 | 4 Weighted Mean ! 1082-2°| 1082:2° Copper Point—Oont. (Higher Pressure. p)=346-347™™) 60 | —0-7 |— 8 |A 10500 |10502 1083°4° | D 10465 |10470 |Z 10422 |10482 | 1083-6 | 1083°5 | 1084:1° il 6) | —0-8 |— 9 |A 10502 |10503 1083°0 D 10465 (10471 |Z 10420 |10482 | 1083-4 | 1083°2 | 1083-9 70 | —0-3 |— 4 |A 10508 [10504 | 1082-4 , | | D 10475 |10472 |Z 10444 10432 | 1082-6 | 1082°5 | 1081°8 CS) cy) 7 | —0-1 |— 1 |A 10502 [10508 1081-4 | | E 10528 |10534 1081°8 F 10509 10534 1083°4 G 10522 |10533 |Z 10404 |10432 | 1082-3 1082°2 | 1083:7 4 $3 +01 + 1 |F 10585 [10534 | 1082"1 E 10535 10534 1082-1 | [A 10488 10503 | 1083°5 | 10533 |Z 10403 /10432 | 1082-7 | G 10527 | -1082°6 | 1084-6 4 * Made with outside-wound furnace. See page 106. 144 ats legs Day and R. B. Sosman— TasLE VITI—( Continued) Integrated | Standard Elements | Temperature Exp correction oe | By Now | to outside | Outside |Fixed Unser. Fixed | Outside mon Weight | elements (Corrected| Pt. has) Pt.) |Wlement esac Dep’rs| M.V.| recte Hlement Copper Point—Cont. (Higher Pressure) 84 | +0°7 |+ 8 |F 10544 [10534 1082-0° E 10542 110554 1082°3 A 10493 {10508 1083°8 4 G 10583 {105383 |Z 10426 | 10482) 1083-0 1082°8 | 1083°5 ‘Weighted Mean, | 1082°7°| 1083-7° Mean of 2 pressures, 1082°5° | 1082-9° Diopside Point. 13891°2° 96 0-0 0 |E 14227 {14228 1392°1° F 14222 14229 1392°5 G 14245 |14229 1390-7 H 14251 |14231 |Z 14121 {14108 | 1390-4 1891-4 | 1390°5° 1 97 ; +1°0 |413 |E 14260 (14228 1892-4 F 14254 |14229 1593:°0 G 14287 |14229 1390-4 H 14295 |14281 |Z 14156 |14103 | 1889-9 1391°4 | 1890°5 i 99 | —O71 |— 1 jE 14218 (14228 1894°5 14195 |14229 1396:0 G 14215 |14229 1394-4 H 14212 |14231 |Z 14099 {14103 | 1394°8 1394°9 | 1893‘7 il 100 | +0°7 |+ 9 |K 14251 /|14228 1394-4 IF 14244 |14229 1395-0 IG 14268 14229 1393°1 'H_ 14273 |14231 |Z 14156 (14108 | 1392-9 1395°8 | 1891°8 il 103 | —0°4 |— 9 |H 14211 |14228 ‘ 1392°5 \F 14204 |14229 13931 ‘1G 14217 |14229 1392-1 'H 14230 (14231 |Z 14124 |14103 | 1391-2 | 1392°2 | 1889-4 3 104 | +1:0 |+183 |B 14242 [14228 1392°5 | F 14212 |14229 1394-9 'G 14249 {14229 1392-0 ‘H14262 14231 |Z 14159 14103 | 1391-1 | | | 113926 | 1889°3 | 3 Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 145 TasLe VIII—( Continued) ' | Integrated Standard Elements - | Temperature Exp. correction | ae By yd ae xp. | tsid : : i : ioht No. aie Ome foe Uncor- 5 ee Outside | Inside a ae | ECG : | rected * |Hlement|Element | Degr’s| M.V. | Diopside Point—(Cont.) 106 | —0°6 |— 8 JE 14228 {14228 Tooley F 14225 = |14229 1392:°0 G 14233 |14229 1391°3 | H 14243 «|142381 |Z 14123 |14108 | 1390°7 | 13890-0° 9 | 1891-4 107 | +0°9 |4+12 JE 14248 |14228 1891-9 EF 14237 . |14229 13892°8 G 14245 (14229 1892°2 | H 14252 (14231 |Z 14152 (14108 | 1391-8 | 1389-4 9 fo92s2 «| 130 | —0°6 |— 7 |E 14248 /|14228 1390:2 ; IE 14241 |142380 1390-6 G 14249 (14230 1389-9 H 14239 14228 |C 14146 |14153 | 1390-6 1390°3 | 1892-0 3 | \ Weighted Mean, 13892°0° | 1890°4° Nickél Point. 1452°3° 109 | +07 |+ 8 |E 15028 |14977 1451°2° H 18027 (14980 |Z 14903 |14850 | 1451-6 1401°4 | 1451°1° 1 q1! 0 0 E 14980- 14977 1453-2 H 14978 (14980 |Z 14867 [14850 | 1453-7 ,| 1403°35 | 1452-1 2 112 | +0°9 |}+11 'E 14971 |14977 1453°8 F 14958 14978 1454°9 H 14991 |14980 Z 14872 |14850 | 1452-4 1453°7 | 1451-5 coy) 123 | —0-6 |— 7 |B 14984 [14977 | 1454-3 'F 14989 |14978 |A 14982 |14945 | 1453-9 | | 1454:1 | 1451:8 coy) 124 | +0:8 |+10 [BE 14989 |14977 1454:6 F 14994 14978 |A 14996 14945 | 1454-3 1454°5 | 1451°5 1 133 —0°3 |— 4 E 14954 14977 : 1451-9 F 14958 14976 1451°5 G 14955 =|14981 1452-2 H 14946 {14977 |C 14882 14898 | 1452-5 | 1452-07) 1451-3°| : 4 Weighted Mean, | 1453-0°| 1451-6° 146 A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— Taste VIII—( Continued) Integrated Standard Hlements eek | ak eck ee xp.| to outside . . nside ; No. | elements Aas ae Uncor- RIES oe ‘oneae | ; ho : rected Element Element | Degr’s | M.V.| Cobalt Point. 1489°8° 115 | +01 |4+ 1 |E 15390 |15489 1488-7° | F 15875 |15485 |A 15857 (15409 | 1489-6 1489-1 | 1488-9° 116 | +1°4 }+17 |E 15428 |15439 1490°5 F 154384 (15435 1489°7 G 15435 (15441 |A 15421 §15409 | 1490-1 | 1490-1 | 1488-6 .118 | —0°5 |— 6 |E 15385 |15489 1491-7 F 15383 /15485 1491°6 G 153898 /15441 |A 153882 (15409 | 1491°3 1491°5 | 1489-6 120 | —0°4 |— 5 JE 15881 |15439 1491-7 F 153871 |15435 1492°1 G 15368 (15441 |A 15379 (15409 | 14938°3 | . 1492°7 | 1489-4 121 | +0°7 |+ 9 |/E 15406 |15489 1492°0 F 15405 |15485 1491°8 G 15898 (15441 |A 15412 /15409 | 1492°8 1492°2 | 1489-1 1490-6° | 1489-0° Palladium Point. 1549:2° 134 | —O-7 |— 9 |E 16151 116143 1549°5° | F 16161 |161388 1548°3 G 16139 {16145 1550°6 | H 16147 (16145 |C 16075 16058 | 1550:1 | | | 1549-6° | 1548-8° Anorthite Point. 1549°5° 134 | —0°7 |— 9 /E 16151 16148 1549-9° | ‘R 16161 16141 1548°6 | 'G 16139 16148 | 1550-9 | (H 16147 16145 C 16075 |16060 | 1550°0 | | | | | 1549-9° | 1549-0° | Interpolation Points. 20) Salih fe ab pak Zabel | 22k) | | 320°2° | | | | D 2482 | 2486 |Z 2462 | 2465 | 320-0 | | Peay! | | 320-1 319-9° Mean for cadmium, 320°0° | 51 0-0 | 0 |A 4451 4450 | 524°6 D 4439 4442 |Z 4413 4417 | 525-0 | | | §e48-] 825-1 Mean for A = 4450, 524°9° Nitrogen Thermometer from Zine to Palladium. 147 TasLte VIII—( Concluded) | Integrated Standard Elements Temperature Er correction Fe fe B = xp.| to outside : . _ Inside . y y : ee teeta | Outside Fixed’ Wncoe: Fixed Roe eeier ade Weight Corrected, Pt Pt i: |-skected: ’ | Element) Element | Degr’s M.V. | | Interpolation Points—(Cont.). 21 0:01 0 {A 7895 | 7900 | | 854-22 | | 'D 7869 | 7881 |Z 7829 | 7848 | 854-9 | | | | | 854°6 | 855-5° —0-2 | —2 [A 7883 | 7900 | | 854-0 ID 7859 | 7881 Z 7820 | 7848 | 854:5 | | | | 8543. 855-0 Mean for A = 7900, 854°7° —0-2 |— 2 |E 12004 |12000 1206°3 F 12001 |12001 1206-7 G 12008 |12001 | 1206-1 H 12000 |12003 c 11914 (11928 | 1206 9 | | | 1206°5 | 1207°8 132 | +0-1 {+ 1 |E 11947 |12000 | 1206-0 | | F 11952 |11097 1205 8 | | G 11950 |12001 1205-8 | | H 11941 |12003 |G 11887 (11928 | 1206-8 | | 1206°0 | 1205-0 Mean for E = 12000, 1206-4° 129 | —0-6 |— 5 |E 18107 |13100 | 1297-4 | | |F 13102 [13101 | 1297-9 | G 13110 /13101 | 1297-2 | | +H 13101 13103 c 13007 13028 | 1298-1 | ee | | 12977 1299°3 Mean for E = 18100, | 1298:5° | (Continued from p. 140.) If the investigator’s responsibility could be made to end with the representation of his own observations, no serious difficulty would arise, but such a formula when published is placed in the hands of many who do not realize that no physi- cal significance was attached to the formula by its author and that its extrapolation in either direction would be fraught with grave danger. A mere inspection of the equation is sufficient to show that the electromotive force does not become zero for zero temperature, thereby immediately proving that extrapola- tion downward does not correspond to the observed readings of the thermoelement. In the Reichsanstalt equation this constant term was in fact sufficiently large to lead to absurdi- ties if the extrapolation was continued far below 300°. Notwithstanding the warning contained in this situation, extrapolation upward of the thermoelectric curve has been 148 A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— employed almost universally for the determination of tempera- tures above 1100°, not only for direct determinations of tem- perature with the ‘thermoelement itself, but also for the cali- bration of optical pyrometric apparatus. The absence of absolute determinations in this region has left this practice in undisturbed security until recently, when some doubt has been thrown upon the validity of irresponsible upward extrapola-_ tion by various observations. (1) The increase in the accuracy now attainable with the optical pyrometer has given an inde- pendent thermal scale comparable with that of the thermoele- ment and overlapping the same region. The two curves have not been found to correspond. (2) Experimental determina- tions of the melting point of platinum by continuing observa- — tions of the thermoelement up to a point where a portion of its platinum wire melts, have been undertaken in the national laboratories of Germany, England and the United States, and have yielded a value measured upon the extrapolated thermo- electric curve of about 1710°. The agreement in the different determinations was good and the result found general accept- ance fora time. More recently, Holborn and Valentiner have made successful measurements with the gas thermometer at the temperature of melting palladium, and although high accuracy was not attempted; it “became clear that the “palladium point . obtained by extrapolating with the thermoelement was much too low and by inference the platinum point also, for the vari- ous optical methods give opportunity for a very good determi- nation of the temperature difference between the melting points of the two metals. The most recent estimates of the platinum melting point obtained in this way place it between 1750° and 1775°, indicating that the upward extrapolation with the thermoelement has given rise to an error of about 50° at the platinum point. The data obtained in the present investigation throw much light upon this situation. If we take the observations of our series over the range covered by the Reichsanstalt scale (500° to 1100°) and write an equation for these of the same type as that used at the Reichsanstalt, it will read, EK = —302+ 8:2356¢+ "0016393¢° and this equation will reproduce the temperatures of the stand- ard melting points which fall in this region with a maximum error of 3 microvolts, an accuracy far within the errors of obser- vation. But if we extrapolate this curve in accordance with the general practice above described, and compare the resulting electromotive forces with our observations between 1100° and Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc to Palladium. 149 1550°, a somewhat startling surprise awaits us. Although the curve below the copper point is a practically perfect reproduc- tion of the observations, it diverges from the gas thermometer seale at the melting point of palladium by 245 microvolts, which represents a temperature error of nearly 20°. This comparison is made in the table below : Observed — ; Observed Calculated Calculated Temperature Microvolts Microvolts Microvolts Wine ae 5 AVE 2 3429 3429 0 Antimony ..- 629°2 5530 5530 0 piver: is... '960:0 9113 9115 —2 reer eh ent 1062°4 10295 10298 —3 Mopper 2-22 1082°6 10534 10534 0 Extrapolation. F201 12000 12027 —27 1298°8 13100 15161 —61 Miopside ~.2. 1391°2 14228 14338 —110 Mickel. 205.2 1452°3 14945 15112 — 167 Mertea lt es 1489°8 15439 15608 — 169 Palladium ... 1549-2 16143 16388 © —245 If, on the other hand, we follow Day and Clement, and represent ¢ as a function of E, using the same data as before, the equation will take the form t= 47-2 4°11297E—1-3946(10)—°K? This curve passes through the fixed points below 1100° nearly as accurately as the previous one, and is also quite competent to interpolate temperatures throughout the range of the old standard scale. Extrapolating this in turn up to the palladium point and comparing it with our gas thermometer measure- oe in the higher region leads to temperatures about 40° too ow. Observed — Observed Calculated Calculated 7S TY ae ie a regs ATL B°O2 ALGO? Oe Antimony =... 629-2 629°3 —01 30 960°0 960°9 = (2 ‘5536 eS aie 1062°4 1062°4 0 Copper .__-.-.- 1082°6 1082°5 +0:1 Extrapolation 207-4 : 1202°0 +5°1 1298°8 1287°8 +11°0 Diopside ___. 1891-2 1372°0 +192 Wi rekoh ss et-8 1452°3 1424:-0 ees Cabalis ss 1489°8 1459:0 + 30°8 Palladium .__ 1549°2 1507-0 +492°9 150 A. L. Day and R. B. Sosman— The untrustworthiness of the present practice of extending thermoelement values obtained below 1100° into the region above that temperature is therefore abundantly demonstrated.* We were unable to find a simple parabola with which to represent the whole series of observations between 300° and 1550° within the errors of observation. The simplest proce- dure is therefore to divide the long curve into two parts. This plan is carried out below in the form in which it will probably be found most useful. A parabola passing through zine, anti- mony and copper reproduces the results over that temperature range within the errors of observation. A similar parabola through copper, diopside and palladium gives the upper tem- peratures as accurately as they were measured. These two equations offer a means of safe and convenient interpolation throughout the entire range of the gas thermometer measure- ments. In this series are included certain gas thermometer measurements given at the end of Table VIII which were made at temperatures between the fixed melting points, for the purpose of checking the interpolation formula, together with a single gas thermometer determination of the cadmium melting point. The temperature 854:1 appears here corrected by —0°6°, since the series, of which this measurement formed a part, showeda systematic difference of about this amount from the final average of antimony and silver, which lie on either side of this point. Cadmium to Copper EK = —302 + 8:°2356¢ + :0016393877 Observed — Observed Calculated Caleulated Temperature Microvolts Microvolts Microvolts Cadmium. 2 322042 3210-0 % 2504 2501 +3 ZAC es See a eA " . 8429 3429 O 524°9 4470 4472 —2 ANUHNINOS Sree hse. GLOM 5530 5530 0 854°1 7927 7928 —1 Silver Vy eee 960°0 9113 9115 —9 (old Ae eee 1062°4 10295 10298 —3 Copper Zot Ses ESC MSI 1082°6 10534 10534 0) Copper to Palladiwm E = —1941 +11°1746¢+ 00032161? Copper eae 1082°6 10534 10534 0 BONA 12000 12010 —10 1298°8 13100 13112 —12 Diopside 320) 1391°2 14228 14298 ®) NGG eet es 1452°3 14977 14967 +10 Cobain ne) MAA ORs 15439 15421 +18 Panladitnti oe 1549°2 16143 16143 0 * For an account of some of the dangers of careless interpolation, see Day and Clement, loc. cit., p. 453. Nitrogen Thermometer from Zinc.to Palladium. 151 It is possible to write a cubic equation which will reproduce the entire series from zinc to palladium without error greater than the normal accuracy of the observations themselves. The equation offered makes no pretensions to a least square solu- tion with balanced residuals, but is arranged so that the great- est uncertainties are found in that portion of the curve where the greatest experimental error lies. The coefficients were rounded off for convenience of computation. Cadmium to Palladium E = —169°+7°57¢ + 0:0026482? —0:0000004724¢° Observed — Observed Calculated Calculated Temperature Microvolts Microvolts Microvolts Se AOEUIN: ofS. 320-0, 2504 2509 —5 mers ek 2 418°2 3429 3425 +4 524°9 4470 4466 +4 PAMEIMONY 2 =.= - 629°2 5530 5525 +5 854°1 7929 7984 —9d Bene 960-0 9113 9121 —8 5. Se ee 1062°4 10295 10296 —1 Mipper 9 4..° 2: EO S226 10534 10530 +4 1206°4 12000 11988 +12 1298°5 13100 13091 +9 DWiopside 2-2... 1391-2 14228 14215 +13 TCI 3) a a ae 1452°3 14977 14963 +14 Sowalt ioe elk 1489°8 15439 15424 +15 EAladtum : 22 2. 1549°2 16143 16157 —14 6. Analysis of Metals. (By £. T. Allen.) The object of these analyses was primarily, of course, to decide whether the metals should be used or rejected for the temperature scale, and those selected were examined very care- fully so that in the future, when more is known about the specific lowering which the various impurities produce on the melting point, corrections may be made if desirable. The accuracy of the determinations is problematical. There is of course the possibility of increased solubility of difficultly soluble compounds in the comparatively concentrated solutions of the metals from which the impurities have to be precipi- tated, viz., 5 to 6 g. in 250° volume. Also, when it is neces- sary to separate the bulk of the metal by precipitation from the impurities, as it sometimes is, one cannot be sure that the impurity sought is not occluded by the precipitates. In most cases, the latter source of error is probably the more serious. Only methods worked out synthetically with materials labori- ously prepared could decide these questions. Large quantities of metal, 25 to 100 g., were generally taken for analysis, and 152 A. L. Day and R..B. Sosman— since the impurities were weighed to the tenth of a milligram, the results are generally stated to the ten-thousandth of a per cent. This does not mean that the results are considered accu- rate to this figure. The variation in successive determinations comes in the thousandths, so that the fourth decimal place may have about as much value as the second in an ordinary analysis. Great pains have been taken to purify precipitates, often by many precipitations, so that in all cases the figures given may be regarded as minima. In all cases, too, | have endeav- ored to avoid missing anything, by repeating every process, rejecting no precipitate or solution until it was decided that nothing more was to be gotten from it. In any reasonable ease of suspicion, blank determinations were made with the reagents.* Heraeus’ Palladium. The palladium was naturally suspected to contain other metals of the platinum group. It is well known that the sep- aration of these metals is a problem of unusual difficulty. The plan here was therefore to precipitate most of the palladium from solution as one of its characteristic compounds and, while the filtrate was reserved for impurities, to redissolve and again precipitate the metal as another characteristic compound. In this way it was hoped that those impurities which were retained by the first precipitate would not be occluded by the second. ‘The sheet metal was first cut into shavings on a mill- ing machine which was especially cleaned for the purpose. Then the shavings were boiled a short time with dilute hydro- chlorie acid to remove any iron from the surface, washed and dried. After an unsuccessful endeavor to dissolve the palla- dium in nitric acid (insoluble brown hydroxide (?) always formed), it was dissolved in aqua regia and rid of nitric acid by successive evaporations with excess of hydrochloric acid. It was then dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid and diluted further to about 1]. Ammonia was added in excess.t BAS 7 3800 34°43) 134-80 MnO AS- 00; 53-20), 54°35) 2 54°80. | 54°33 2753-60 Cl 3°43 3°45 Sesh) 3°42 3°39 4°12 H,O+ 9°08 9°15 8°84 7°82 8°60 8°36 H,O— 1°94 FeO 1°45 MgO 98 ZnO 1°05 CaO 63 Loto seo 7 LOO A 10077. 100-75 ) 100-92 Less O = Cl Nh 7 "5 ais 0°75 ‘92 —_—____——- ——___— — _—_— ——_—. ——___. <- eee 100°48 100°00 100°00 100°00 100°00- 100°00 184 C. Palache—Mineralogy of Franklin Furnace, WV. J. The Franklin friedelite agrees closely in composition with that of other localities, as shown by comparison of columns 2 and 3. Groth’s formula for the mineral, used by Dana, does not well express the results of these analyses, which uniformly give a higher content of manganese or its equivalents and a lower content of chlorine than demanded by it. The formula adopted here, H,(MnCl)Mn,(Si0,),, is satisfactory as to all constituents save water, for which it is too low. The formula H,,(MnCl), Mn,,8i,,0,,, obtained by adding one-half mole- cule of water to the latter, comes nearest to the exact equivalent of the analytical data but was rejected as not being reducible to the orthosilicate form. Zambonini* has derived for pyrosmalite and friedelite the formula RCI,.12R0.10810, + 8H,0 an expr ession which takes no cognizance of the fact that the water in these minerals is apuapanad. The above formulas, reduced to this form of expression, are: (1) RCI,.15R,O.128i0, +9H,O (2) RCl,. 15RO. 12810, “+10H, O This formula of Zambonini gives a composition very similar to (2) and quite as close to the analytical results except for chlorine, which is too high. It is better than (1) as to water but is no closer in regard to other constituents. Vesuvianite, variety Cyprine: Analysis. Bluish green fibrous vesuvianite corresponding in character with the Norwegian cyprine was found in 1905 in granite from ~ the Parker shaft. The material was carefully freed from minute specks of metallic copper and had a specific gravity of 3451. The analysis by Steiger, U. 8. G. 8., 1907, follows: S10, 36°41 PbO trace BIO). oe Na,O 0°44 HeiOe)) 1-86 K,O 0°50 FeO | H,O— 0-24 MgO 1°38 H,O+ 3°51 MnO Nertss F 0°36 ZnO 1°74 CuO 1°85 100°23 CaO BO ll less. O27 Ory Sum 100:06 This analysis agrees closely with that of the cyprine from Tellemarken save in the greater amount of water and less fluorine. It corresponds to ahs formula: * Zeitschr. Kryst., xxxiv, 904. C. Palache—Mineralogy of Franklin Furnace, N. J. 185 EL(AT He) -Cazsi7@7, with part of the lime replaced by a number of oxides. Datolite: Crystal Form. Datolite has been known for some time from the Parker shaft, Franklin Furnace, but crystals have not hitherto been described from there. Complex crystals were found in a specimen in the Harvard Collection on which were observed a number of forms including several new to the species. In the following list new forms are marked with an asterisk : @ (001) ¢ (023) & (101) y (221) « (111) f: (241) & : (245) e (100) M (011) #1 (304) A: an a (221) j : (243) rile) 0 (021) & (102) 6 (112) @- (121) *a (263) m (120) * gq. (701) € (101) Y- (223) p: (211) *& as Symbols and lettexs after Goldschmidt, Winkeltabellen. The pyramid d (263), new to datolite, is present on all the erystals with characteristic form. Cuspidine: Occurrence ; Composition. The occurrence of this mineral, known hitherto solely from Vesuvius, at Franklin Furnace is established by the following analysis, for which the writer is indebted to Dr. C. H. Warren. The material, which occurred with nasonite, was isolated by hand-picking and heavy solution and analyzed by him at the time (1899) Penfield and Warren were working on nasonite and other peculiar silicates from the Parker shaft. At the time no satisfactory interpretation of the analysis was hit upon, the identity of the mineral remained hidden, and, all the mate- rial having been used in analysis, the matter was put one side. The imaterial analyzed consisted of glassy white crystal frag- ments of specific eravity between 2°965 and 2-989. I. Analysis of cuspidine, C. H. Warren, 1899. II. Same recast and recalculated to 100 per cent after substi- tuting equivalents of Ca for Mn, K, and Na. iE II Molecular Ratio SiO, 32°30 Si 15:10 "539 1 CaO Gita Ca 44°63 Leste 2°05 MnO eral | Fe 9°05 238 ) ‘ ay 04s t Ose 1-051 Ge ek 2 OP K,O 0:27 EF 9°05 104°24 Less.0'= F,.. 3°81 100°43 Mineralogy of Franklin Furnace, NV. J. 186 @C. Palache The ratio Ca: Si: (O+F,) = 2:1:4 very nearly, leading to the formula Ca,Si(O, F,),. This is the formula suggested by Dana (System, 529) for cuspidine, in which fluorine is treated as replacing oxygen. No other treatment of the analytical data gave a satisfactory ratio. It is much to be regretted that no further material remains for more complete physical deter- mination of this interesting species. Humite: Crystal Form. Minerals of the humite group have long been known from Franklin under the name of chondrodite. They have not been analyzed nor till recently have good crystals been found. In 1906 were found orthorhombic crystals of deep orange-red and pale yellow color which yielded contact measurements accurate | enough to prove the material to be humite. Forms : 6 (010), 0, (210), m (110), €; (102), m,(112), 7, (214). Combinations: Oy Oy Wig Ce nD 5 0, Og Ons Gon Pos ee , JE On, (ly yy Ven Pe Leucopheenicite: Crystal Horm. Leucopheenicite was described by Penfield, whose material did not permit him to determine the system to which the crys- tals belong. From its relation in composition to the humite group he believed it to be monoclinic. Crystals of measurable quality very kindly placed in the writer’s hands by Mr. Canfield, furnished data for the determi- nation of system and forms. System, monoclinic: — Axial ratio: @: 6: ¢ = 1:1045: 1:: 2°3155. B= 162445 Forms: | c (001) s (120) @ (103) y (103) 7% (121) d (123) 6 (010) e (101) 2901) 0 (OL) Yah et eae on, @ (100) fF (102) ea O22 (0121) ree 1) gales m (110) The crystals are of epidote habit, elongated parallel to the b-axis, the orthodome zone deeply striated. Crystals are twinned on a face in this zone which was taken as the basal pinacoid, the two individuals frequently interpenetrating. The form series is peculiar and could not be correlated in any way Chemistry and Physics. 3 187 with that of any member of the humite group to which leuco- pheenicite is related chemically. The presence at Franklin Furnace or at Stirling Hill of the following minerals, not hitherto recorded, has been established : Marcasite, millerite, pyrrhotite, aurichalcite, hydrozincite, psilomelane, géthite, albite, chlorite, ganophyllite, manganese pectolite, descloizite, anglesite and native silver. With these additions and the omission of a number of spe- cies of the older lists which could not be verified, the number of minerals recorded for this locality becomes ninety-three. Harvard University, October, 1909. Se bE NRL EEC INTEL ELG ENE. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 1. The Formation of Colloidal Solutions by the Action of Ultra- violet light upon Metals.—It was observed by Lenard and Wolf in 1889 that certain substances, particularly metals, were resolved to dust by the action of ultra-violet light. This effect was detected both by the roughening of the surfaces and the detection of the detached particles in the adjacent layers of air. It was found that different metals gave different degrees of this action, that the electrical condition of the metallic plate exerted a pronounced influence upon the action, as did also the nature of the source of light employed. These investigators did not attempt the pre- paration of colloidal solutions by this means, but they observed, when experimenting with a zine plate, that a layer of water held back the zinc dust. SvepBERG has now made use of this phenomenon in preparing colloidal solutions of various metals in various liquids. He placed the metal, the surface of which must be freed from layers of oxide, in a shallow dish, placed the liquid upon it, and exposed it to the rays of a Heraeus’ quartz-mercury arc lamp at a distance of a few centimeters. After afew minutes the liquid when examined by the ultra-microscope showed the characteristic appearance of a colloidal solution. Different metals and different liquids behaved very differently. Silver, copper, tin and lead gave colloidal solutions easily, while platinum, alumininm and cadmium showed little or no effect. The action with lead was particularly strong. When water was used this metal gave a milky liquid in five minutes, probably colloidal hydroxide, while with ethyl alcohol the same metal gave a colloidal metallic solution. Furtherexperiments with lead and silver in water and six different organic liquids indicated that 18 06) Scientific Intelligence. the size of the particles is very different in the various cases, and that this depends upon the nature of the liquid employed. It was especially interesting to find that it was possible to produce solutions with particles of very small, uniform size which dis- played the Brownian movements in a very lively manner. Fur- ther study of this matter, which the author is undertaking, promises to be of great interest, and he suggests that it may be of importance in explaining the mechanism of common photo- chemical reactions.—erichte, xlil, 4377. H. L. W. 2. Potassium Percarbonate.—Much uncertainty has arisen in regard to the true constitution of the product prepared in 1897 by Constam and von Hansen by the electrolysis of concentrated potassium carbonate solutions to which the percarbonate formula, K,C,O,, was ascribed by the discoverers. Up to the present time this product has always been obtained in an impure condition, containing carbonate, bicarbonate and water, and since it yields hydrogen peroxide and potassium carbonate when dissolved in water, it has been possible to regard it as potassium carbonate with hydrogen peroxide of crystallization, instead of a true per- carbonate. Moreover Tantar has obtained a well crystallized product by the combination of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide, to which he gave the formula Na,CO,+4H,O,+ H,0, regarding it as a percarbonate combined with both hydrogen peroxide and water. RiksENFELD and REINHOLD have now succeeded in preparing the electrolytic product in a nearly pure anhydrous condition by the use of special precautions. The absence of hydrogen in this preparation proved that it was not a hydrogen peroxide addition product and analyses confirmed the formula K,C,O,. They have also found a means for distinguishing between percarbonate and hydrogen peroxide in the fact that the former liberates iodine immediately from a neutral potassium iodide solution, while hydrogen peroxide acts only slowly upon such a solution. By means of this reaction they found that ‘Tantar’s product contains no percarbonate, so that its formula should be given as Na,CO, + 13H,O,.— Berichte, xii, 4377. H. L. W. 3. A Practical Application of Radium.—In connection with a research on a revision of the atomic weights of iodine and silver, BaxTeER and TirtEy found it necessary to determine small quantities of water in the iodine pentoxide which they were analyzing. ‘This water was absorbed and weighed in glass U-tubes containing phosphorus pentoxide. The usual difficulty in weighing glass apparatus, due to electrical disturbance from wiping it, was avoided here by placing in the balance a few milligrams of radium bromide of radio-activity 10°000 to dispel electrical charges. Under these conditions no difficulty was experienced in weighing the tubes within a few hundredths of a milligram, since they quickly came to constancy in the balance case and retained their weights unchanged for days at a time.— Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., xxxi, 212. H. L. W. Chemistry and Physies. 189 4. Volumetric Determination of Selenious Acid.—L. Marino has-devised a method for this purpose which he prefers to those previously in use. The solution of the selenious acid is made slightly alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution, then a specially prepared alkaline permanganate solution is added gradually, until after heating to boiling a strong violet color is permanent for 4 or 5 minutes. After cooling somewhat the liquid is acidi- fied with dilute sulphuric acid, and an oxalic solution is run in until all the manganese dioxide has dissolved. Then, finally, the excess of oxalic acid is titrated with the permanganate solution. ‘The test-analyses given show very satisfactory results. A special method is given for the removal of nitrates in order that this method may be applied.—Zeitschr. Anorgan. Chem., Ixy, 32. H. L. W. 5. A Contract for Radium.—lIt is stated on the authority of the London Times that a contract has recently been entered into between the British Metalliferous Mines (Limited) and Lord Iveagh and Sir Ernest Cassel for the supply of 74 grams of pure radium bromide at the rate of four pounds per milligram (total about $150,000). The source is pitchblende from the company’s mine in Cornwall. ‘This radium bromide is to be presented by Lord Iveagh and Sir Ernest Cassel to the Radium Institute, which will be under the direction of Sir Frederick Treves, for use in the treatment of cancer.— Chem. News, xci, 303. H. L. Ww’ 6. Absolute Measurement of High Pressure with the Amagat , Manometer._-PETER Paut Kocu and Ernst WaGNeER have de- scribed in a previous paper a method of measuring accurately high pressures which gave very satisfactory results; but in order to reach a higher degree of exactness they concluded to measure the pressures directly by a height of mercury. ‘The tower of the Laboratory in Munich afforded a height of 25™, and they describe the arrangement of steel tubes by means of which they contained the mercury. A comparison is given of the results of the Ama- gat manometer, with the results obtained by direct measures, obtained from the height of the mercury column. Pee ie me adr icy ft MAR -2 19L® , MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO,, PRINTERS, 123QTEMPLE STREET, tig i A \ 4 _ Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance $6.40 to co ies i Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances ‘should be made either by ise eas eT egistered letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York banks). la : NEW ARRIVALS’ Braziu, I have just received from this locality an excellent shipment which includes the following specimens: An exceptionally large Tourmaline, green and pink, showing good color and form with its crystal attached to a quartz crystal ; deep green Tourmaline Crystats, gem quality with very steep rhombohedral terminations ; a fine lot of EucLAasr CrysTAts showing sharp crystal faces and good form ; a number of the new gem PHENACITE CRYSTALS and Groups which show better quality for this mineral than has ever before been found, and some excellent AmMETHYsSTS, deep in color, in good crystal form. ; SouTH CALIFoRNIA. From here a new lot of Tourmalines, green and brilliant pink in color; some showing both colors together, others in groups; a fine lot of beautiful TouRMALINE SrEcTIons ; and fine Topaz CrYsTALs from Ramona, clear, sharp and symmetrical. Happam, Conn. From an old collection which I secured complete I have a fine lot of Tourmalines showing beauty in color and form not to be found elsewhere. New Mexico. From this place a lot of beautiful BLuz Turquoise in the matrix. . Besides these additions I have still on hand a number of AWARUITES, as announced and described in the February issue. I am still receiving small shipments of Franklin Furnace Minerals, con- sisting of excellent Rhodonite, Willemite, Franklinite, Zincite specimens, etc. . ICELAND. Some very fine specimens of Iceland Zeolites, including Stil- bite, Heulandite, Ptilolite, Quartz geodes, etc., are still in my possession. AUSTRALIAN MINERALS. I have received a small lot of these which in- cluded: Atacamite, Cerussite and precious Opals, both cut and in the rough also a few Tasmania Crocoites ; one very fine, with large crystals. Prices on application. ~ Having an exceptionally large lot of common and rare SEMI-PRECIOUS and PREcIOUS Stones, both cut and in the rough, I am in a position to satisfy the wants of all my customers. I also have a fine collection of Antique CAMEOS, cut in Malachite, Coral, Lava, ete. Roman and Florentine Mosaics showing excellent artistic workmanship, and REconstRUcTED Gems as follows: Rubies; blue, white and pink Sapphires; pink Topaz, etc. Anything desired for selection I shall be pleased to send to my patrons on approval. Special lists with prices cheerfully given on application. A. H. PETEREIT, 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE moun Ta SmrRIn Ss.) EL eee Arr. XIV.—TZhe Armor of Stegosaurus ; by Ricwarp S. | Lex. [ Contributions from the Paleontological Laboratory of Yale University.] I, Introductory. II. Character of armor. Ill. Morphology of the plates. IV. Position of the armor, I. Inrropucrory. Tue American genus Stegosaurus, first made known to science by Professor Marsh, includes the most bizarre and grotesque of armored dinosaurs; a group apparently quite apart from the glyptodon-like Ankylosauridee with heavy mail developed over the entire body, for in Stegosaurus the striking armament was confined to certain regions and, so far as our knowledge goes, but little developed elsewhere. Stegosaurus, while belonging to the Morrison, the beginning of the Lower Cretaceous (Lull, this Journal, vol. xxix, p. 15), was highly specialized and evidently represented a senile race, and was, as Beecher has shown with other spinescent forms, on the verge of extinction, for it shortly disappears entirely from our records. II. CHARACTER OF ARMOR. The known armor of Stegosaurus includes five: types of structures, all dermal in origin, of which the first are the small, rounded ossicles (gular plates) found 7m sz¢éw beneath the skull. These form a continuous, pavement-like investiture protecting the throat (fig. 1) and doubtless extending over a considerable portion of the body as well, though not elsewhere preserved, for it is unreasonable to suppose that an armored reptile would have any portion of the skin bereft of scutes or scales of some sort. These throat ossicles increase in size as one goes back- Am. Jour. Sc1.—Fourts SEeriss, Vou. XX1IX, No. 171.—Marca, 1910. 14 202 R. 8. Lull— Armor of Stegosaurus. 1/30 natural size. After Marsh. Weve; Jk, Restoration of Stegosaurus ungulatus. Bie. 1, R. S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. 203 ward from the apex of the jaw, the largest of them being not less than 25"™ in diameter. The dorsal armor consists in turn of four distinct shapes, two apparently defensive and two offensive, with a marked differ- entiation in form as well as in function. Of these the first (fig. 2) are more or less oval, with a base divided longitudinally Bie. 2: Fic. 2. Cervical plate of Stegosaurus ungulatus. After Marsh. 1/12 naturalsize. a, side view; b, inferior view of base ; c, opposite side; d, thin margin; e, rugous bases; f and f!, surface marked by vascular grooves. by a deep cleft so as to be distinctly bifid and of very short fore and aft extent compared with the expanse of the plate. These plates show a very rapid increase in size, though the largest of them in Stegosaurus ungulatus is only about half the height and one-third the antero-posterior diameter of the largest of the next type. These bifid based plates seem to have been borne on the neck, the largest oval one here figured (fig. 2) being near the point of junction between the neck and the trunk. The second type are the large, thin, rectangular or somewhat triangular plates with a thick base but without the median longitudinal cleft. They doubtless stood in pairs along the trunk region and upon the proximal portion of the tail (fig. 3). BIG. 3: Fic. 5. Dorsal plate of Stegosaurus ungulatus. After Marsh. 1/12 natural size. a, right side; b, thick basal margin; c, leftside; other letters as in fig. 2. 204 RL. S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. Stegosaurus ungulatus as represented by the specimen (Cat. No. 1853) now being mounted at Yale was apparently the best endowed with offensive weapons of any of its relatives, for there are associated with the one skeleton no fewer than four pairs of spines and three odd, sharp-edged, spine-like plates, one of which is so much larger than the other two that it seems to imply that at least one intervening size is missing. The spine-like plates are characterized by a very oblique, flat base, by sharp edges fore and aft and, like the others, by the impression of blood-vessels over the side expanse (fig. 4). In Fig. 4. iGo! Fie. 4. Caudal spine-plate of Stegosaurus ungulatus. After Marsh. 1/12 natural size. a, side view; 6b, posterior view; c, section; d, inferior view of base. Fie. 5. Caudal spine of Stegosaurus ungulatus. After Marsh. 1/12 natural size. a, side view; 6, dorsal view; c, section; d, inferior view of base. common with the dorsal plates they give evidence of having been deeply imbedded in the integument and underlying con- nective tissue, but, unlike the latter, they show a better surface for the attachment of muscles to give rigidity to their position. Of the caudal spines (fig. 5) the anterior ones are the larger and more deeply embedded, being lodged in a thicker portion of the tail, and in common with all of the plates give evidence of having been ensheathed with a close-fitting imtegument, probably of a horny character as in the modern horned toads (Phrynosoma) and in Moloch horridus. II]. MorrHoLocy OF THE PLATES. Upon comparing a given plate with a scute of a crocodile, or that of such a dinosaur as Ankylosaurus or Stegopelta, it at once becomes apparent that the great expanse of the first rep- resents merely an enormous hypertrophy of the median ridge R.S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. 205 or carina of the latter. This expanse is practically alike on both sides, with blood-vessel impressions and no indication that either one side or the other was in contact with the creature’s Wigs Ge Fic. 6. Dermal plate of Ankylosaurus. Figured by Marsh as that of Triceratops and showing the median carina. 1/8 natural size. flesh. On the other hand, the base, the morphological equiva- lent of the body of the scute in crocodile or Ankylosaur, is always somewhat asymmetrical even when divided into two portions by the longitudinal cleft of those of the cervical region. This base in the great dorsal plates particularly is extremely rugous, implying either a heavy pad of cartilage or a very thick connective tissue between the plate and its under- lying skeletal support. There is in no instance any indication of a true articulation with the subjacent bones. IV. PositIon OF THE ARMOR. The position of the armor plates has given rise to an animated discussion as to whether they were in one row or two, opposite or alternating, erect or procumbent. The evidence seems to point to a double row of paired, erect plates, though toward the end of the tail the aggressive series evidently stood out at a decided angle from the perpendicular. It is quite possible that they were provided with an erectile musculature to give them greater rigidity especially in time of use, ag is the case with the nasal horn of the rhinoceros. This seems to have been particularly true of the tail. Professor Marsh (this Journal, xxxiv, 1887, p. 415), who first described and figured the dermal armor of Stegosaurus, says: “The upper portion of the neck, back of the skull, was protected by plates arranged in pairs {italics mine] on either side. These plates increased in size farther back and thus the trunk was shielded from injury. From the pelvic region backward, a series of huge plates stood upright along the median line, gradually diminishing in size to about the middle of the tail.” In his restoration of Stegosaurus (fig. 1), first published in 1891, however, Marsh places the entire series of plates in a single row along the mid-line of neck, back, and tail, although the caudal spines are represented as paired. 206 R. 8. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. Evidence for pairing of the entire series is shown in two specimens preserved in the U. 8. National Museum, in one of which the plates alone are represented while in the other they are actually in association with the underlying bones. These plates if placed consecutively would measure twice the length of the neck and back, the proportion being 16 to 8 feet. This evidence, together with the fact that each individual plate as shown above is in itself not symmetrical, indicates that the plates were not median but lateral structures and were arranged in at least two rows. , The first restoration showing the plates in two rows is given in a drawing made by Charles RK. Knight under the direction of F. A. Lueas and published by the latter first in his book “Animals of the Past,” New York, 1901, fig. 24, and again in the Smithsonian Report for 1901, plate rv. Later, under Mr. Lueas’s direction, a model was made by Mr. Knight in which the number of caudal spines was reduced to two pairs and the plates were placed in such a way as to alternate along the back. The reasons given for this arrangement were two-fold : first, that the plates did actually alternate as they lay embedded in the rock, and second, that no two of them were precisely similar in exact.shape or dimensions. Against the argument that no known reptile has alternating dermal elements was urged the apparent fact that this did not render it an impossi- bility in Stegosaurus. It seems to me, however, that the posi- tion of the plates in the rock is hardly conclusive, for the series of one side might easily have shifted forward or backward slightly during maceration or in the subsequent movement of the rocks, as an oblique crushing of fossil bones is a very familiar phenomenon. The slight disparity of size and shape in the two plates ofa pair is not surprismg when one considers that the entire hypertrophy of the plate is in a sense abnormal and is com- parable to the growth of the antlers of deer of which those borne by an individual are rarely if ever precisely similar in size, weight, form, or even in number of points. I should con- sider a precise matching of the stegosaur plates remarkable rather than the reverse. The fact that in no other reptile the lateral dermal elements alternate seems too weighty an argu- ment to be lightly dismissed. The evidence in favor of an erect rather than a procumbent or imbricating position is the morphology of the plate itself, as described above, and the fact that in the crocodile and gavial one can witness the actual hypertrophy of the median keel in the two rows of scutes, which finally merge into one along the mid-dorsal line of the distal half of the tail. The elevation of the keel becomes more and more pronounced beginning with RL. S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. 207 ~ ie iirey Fie. 8 Fic. 7. Section of neck of Stegosaurus ungulatus. pl, plate; r, rib; v, vertebrum. Fic. 8. Section of the trunk of Stegosaurus ungulatus. p, transverse process ; other letters as in fig. 7. 208 R.S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. the second quarter of the tail, reaching its maximum where the two rows merge into one and finally dwindling again toward the tip. In AS specimen of Stegosaurus stenops, No. 4934 of the National Museum, the last three plates, those over the sacral region, lie as though they had fallen to the right, the anterior ones to the left, a thing manifestly impossible in plates naturally procumbent on either side. Hie. oF Fic. 9. Section of the proximal part of the tail of Stegosaurus ungulatus. ¢, chevron: n, neural process; other letters as in fig. 7. R. S. Lull—Armor of Stegosaurus. 209 Bie 20} Fie. 10. Section of the distal portion of the tail through the spines. s, caudal spine ; other letters as in fig. 7 The four sections of Stegosaurus which I present will show the relationship of the plates to the underlying skeletal elements. The first section (fig. 7), that through the neck, shows the piates with bifid base astride the transverse process of the vertebra, and the second, that through the trunk (fig. 8), the immense broad-based plates borne over the transverse process and ribs. - P) = o ia rr > z2 ej oS a. & > >) < < LJ oO =) ui oO e) Wl = Le = < = = = c; refractive index >1°7; extinction parallel to the cleavage cracks; birefringence high >0-04. In convergent light a single biaxial optic axis was obtained on the edge of the field; the limited number of erystals and their nearly parallel orientation did not permit of further investiga- tion of the optic scheme. These are the properties of astrophyllite and definitely determine it; from the micas, which it resembles in thin sec- tion, it is easily distinguished by the much higher relief, the reversal of the absor ption scheme referred to the cleavage and the wide optic angle indicated. There is yet much to be learned concerning this interesting mineral, whose formula is still uncertain, but which Broggert ie it I : Ir believes to be R,R,Ti(SiO,), in which R = H, Na, K and R= Fe, Mn, and a new occurrence well investigated might be expected to throw much light upon its composition. Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1909. * Contributions to the Geology of New Hampshire. No. III, On Red Hill, Moultonboro ; this Journal, vol. xxiii, p. 273, 1907. + Zeitschr. fur Kryst., xvi, p. 212, 1890. O. NV. Fenner— Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma. 217 Art. XVIIL—The Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma from the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry ; by CiaRENcE N. FENNER. Introduction. : Scope of the article. Part I. Process of crystallization as demanded by the laws gov- erning eutectiferous solutions. Petrographic description of the Watchung basalt. Part LY. The crystallization of a magma as affected by the law of mass-action. Dispiacements of equilibrium within a solution effected by changes of temperature and pressure — van’t Hoff’s law. Resorption of olivine in the Watchung magma. INTRODUCTION. Wirxtn the last few years petrographers have recognized the important aid which might be rendered to the interpre- tation of the structure and history of igneous and metamorphic rocks by an application of the pr inciples of physical chemistry. The discoveries which have been made regarding the laws gov- erning the crystallization of solutions, the application of the phase-rule of Gibbs and of the law of mass-action, and the new conception of the phenomena of solid solutions, are believed to be capable of rendering very great assistance in interpreting the meaning of the structures with which petrographers have become familiar. Although the applicability of these principles is generally conceded, very little has yet been done in applying them to specific cases. In making a study of certain peculiar phases of the basalt which forms the Watchung Mountains in New Jersey, it came to be recognized that the rather unusual conditions which had attended its solidification had produced results which illus- trated certain laws of the crystallization of solutions more per- fectly than could be hoped for from the most elaborately devised laboratory experiments. _ Ina previous articie* the author has shown that the Watch- ung sheets were surface flows poured out over areas in which Triassic shales and sandstones were accumulating under con- ditions of continental sedimentation in structural valleys.¢ At most points the basalts present the dense, holocrystalline texture normal to this type of rock, but in certain areas the flows appear to have spread over the sites of shallow lakes, and * Features Indicative of Physiographic Conditions Prevailing at the Time of the Trap Extrusions in New Jersey. Journ. of Geol., vol. xv, No. 4, May-June, 1908. {See also J. V. Lewis, Annual Report N. J. State Geol. Survey for 1906. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH SERIES, VoL. X XIX, No. 171.—MArcg, 1910. 15 218 CO. WV. Fenner—Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma many modifications of structure resulted. The chief effect, as regards the features which will be considered in this paper, was that the fused magma was rapidly chilled and rendered viscous. In places the stiffening liquid accumulated in masses of rounded or bowlder-like forms similar to the “ pahoehoe” of Hawaiian flows. The progress of er ystallization was checked at various stages and the bowlder-forms were crusted with basaltic glass, in which examination with the mier oscope shows few phenocrysts, while the more slowly cooling interiors of the bowlders assumed the normal texture. Between the two types transitions occur, by which one may trace the passage of the microlites of the vitrophyrs into the well-developed crystals of normal basalt. The glass-enerusted bowlders are especially well developed in an area lying between Paterson and Montclair Heights. Quarries have been opened at several points, as it has been found that this variety of trap is easily blasted and crushed for road-material. It has therefore been possible to obtain material for petrographic study unacted upon by weathering. ScoPE OF THE ARTICLE. Two principal features of the Watchung basalt will be con- sidered, and in accordance with this the article is divided into two parts. Part I will deal with the order of crystallization of the constituent minerals, and it will be shown that, contrary to certain prevalent ideas regarding the order of succession of the minerals of a basaltic rock, the three constituents, plagioclase, diopside, and magnetite, began to appear almost simultane- ously from the magma and onemcd to crystallize side by side until complete solidification was attained. In order to show that this result is demanded by the laws of crystallizing solu- tions, a very brief outline of these laws will be given as a pre- liminary to the petrographic study. In Part II resorption- -phenomena will be considered in con- nection with the resorption of olivine, a minor feature as regards the constitution of the rock, but very significant in its interpretation. The law of mass-action will be considered in this connection, and the author will endeavor to show that the usual explanation of resorption is inadequate to explain certain phases of the phenomenon, but that a very satisfactory explanation may be derived from an application of van’t Hoft’s law. Parz I, Pre ocess of Crystallization as demanded by the Laws governing Hutectiferous Solutions. In order that the crystallization of a magma may proceed strictly along the lines indicated by eutectic laws, it is essential that From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. Pah there shall be little or no reaction going on within the magmatic solution from the time that the initial erystals appear until the process of solidification is complete. In such cases the pro- eress of solidification is very regular. Hach compound present in the fusion has its temperature of solidification depressed according to the number of mols (gram-molecules) of other sub- stances present and begins to appear at the appropriate point in the process of coolmg. That mineral will first appear which, under the conditions stated regarding fusing-point, still has the highest temperature of fusion. The first mineral may be regarded as that which is present in greatest excess over the eutectic ratio. Within a certain range of temperature it alone will be thrown out of solution. At a certain point, however, it will be joined by a second min- eral, and these two in turn by a third. ‘The composition of the solution approaches the eutectic ratio by the elimination of those constituents which are in excess. A sudden chill at any stage of the process causes a great increase of viscosity, which acts as a very effectual check to further crystallization. The result is the production of the greatly undercooled liquid of immense vis- cosity which is termed a glass. The com position of the glass depends upon the stage of progress toward the attainment of the eutectic ratio which has been reached. If no such inter- ruption occurs, at the eutectic point the group of minerals form- ing the eutectic will crystallize out in the proper ratio. No further depression of the temperature of solidification can oceur, and the loss of heat will be merely that due to the latent heat of fusion given up by each mineral in passing from the liquid to the crystalline phase. An application of the phase- rule of Gibbs confirms this conclusion, for at the eutectic point the number of phases exceeds the number of components by one, and no change of temperature or composition of the system can occur. It is doubtful whether the solidification of a magma is ever quite such a simple process as is expressed in the form de- seribed, but though complications may ensue, the underlying principles of eutectics hold and should constitute a guide of great value in interpreting rock structures and history. In the solidification of the Watchung magma the reactions which would tend to obscure the process were of such nature that their results do not offer great obstacles. The only one of moment is that by which olivine was crystallized out and later was resorbed by the magma and did not again appear. This phenomenon will require explanation, but it is due to other physico-chemical laws, and the reaction was so nearly complete before the three final constituents, diopside, plagioclase, and magnetite, began to appear, that its effects may be disregarded for the present. 220 OC. V. Fenner—Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma Petrographic Description of the Watchung Basalt. In those portions of the Watchung flow in which chilling was most rapid the surfaces of the pahoehoe. -like bosses were erusted with much glassy material. Apparently, however, judging from the study of a great number of slides, orystalli- zation was under way and phenocrysts had begun to appear in the mass of flowing lava before the sudden chill occurred which stiffened it into a glass. The resultant glass shows a typical vitrophyric texture. The well-developed phenocrysts are sur- rounded by isotropic glass or by a groundmass in which glassy material is more or less mixed with the feathery forms of micro- lites. Under the generally accepted hypothesis, in a typical diabase consisting of magnetite, plagioclase, and diopside, the magnetite would ‘be first to form, and its elimination from the magma would be complete before the plagioclase began to appear. These two are held to be followed by the third constit- uent, diopside, which oceupies the space left by the other two. On the other hand, the manner in which the minerals should erystallize out, as demanded by the principles of eutectiferous solutions, is quite different, and in every case the sections exam- ined conform to the latter requirements. No matter to what degree glass may be present in the slide, plagioclase and diopside appear side by side. It is evident that almost from the beginning of crystallization these two constituents were being eliminated simultaneously. At times it appears that the diopside is in somewhat preponderant amount, and at other times the plagioclase. With regard to the magnetite the evidence is more obscure The proportion of magnetite in the magma is not large and it seems to appear first as a dark dust. The exact point at which elimination from the fusion began is not clear, but it is certain that growth of magnetite grains continued while diopside and plagioclase were still forming. Slide No. 105 shows a typical development of glass and . phenocrysts. (See ites IE) Probably three- ine of the section is isotropic glass, uniformly pale green or light olive-green in the thin section. Scattered throughout are numerous phenocrysts of plagioclase and diopside. The plagioclase is in typical lath-like crystals reaching an ordinary maximum of 0°2—0°3"" long by -05™™ wide. The diopside is developed in more nearly equidimen- sional forms of a characteristically stouter appearance. An exceptionally large crystal measured 0°6 by 0-2". The out- line is sometimes octagonal, but in general irregular. In many cases the plagioclase and diopside are closely associated, small clusters of mutually intergrown individuals lying in groups surrounded by glass. It is noticeable in such cases From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 221 that while the plagioclase laths are indented by the diopside erystals, the characteristic elongated form of the plagioclase is maintained. These phenocrysts of diopside and plagioclase are bordered by dark plumose growths, or hair-like tufts, fading out at the Imes Jie Fig. 1. Typical structure of the vitrophyric phase resulting from quick chill. (Slide No. 105.) Elongated crystals plagioclase, stouter forms diop- side, matrix light-green glass, perfectly isotropic. Actual diameter of field 1:5™™. periphery into the surrounding glass. Under the high-power objective they are resolved into innumerable microcrystalline growths, straight or curved, sometimes branching in lattice-like forms, thrown out from the boundaries of the phenocrysts. With the high magnification they exhibit the development sketched in fig. 2. = A Fie. 2. Microlitic growth of plagioclase and diopside, greatly magnified. 222 CO. N. Fenner—Crystullization of a Basaltic Magma The phenocrysts were probably formed during rather slow cooling in the flowing mass of lava, and the bordering micro- litie erowths represent the continuation of the er ystallization during the initial stages of chilling, before increasing viscosity put a stop to the process. Their brown color seems best explained by the separation of magnetite dust at the same time that diopside and plagioclase were crystallized out. If this is true, the eutectic ratio had been reached, and if normal crystal- lization had been followed the continuation of the process would have taken the form of simultaneous growth of crystals of diopside, plagioclase, and magnetite. This was prevented by the increasing viscosity of the liquid, with which erystalliza- tion could not keep pace. The almost simultaneous appearance of diopside and plagio- clase at the initiation of erystallization, attended or followed after only a short interval by magnetite, would appear to demonstrate that the composition of the magma as erupted did not differ greatly from that required to form a eutectic of the three. The only other feature of interest in the slide is the presence of a number of olivine crystals, which have been strongly attacked and resorbed by the magma. This phenomenon will be taken up later. Slide No. 1 is almost a duplicate of No. 105 and exhibits the same set of phenomena, except that there is no evidence of olivine grains, and that the glassy groundmass shows with high magnification abundant brown dust. Diopside pheno- crysts are a@ very minor constituent but plagioclase is abundant. In No. 57 the chilling was apparently a little less sudden, for the phenocrysts have a tendency to blend with the plumose microlitic borders and a smaller proportion of the slide is occupied by strictly undifferentiated glass. Slides 30, 85, and 90 are other examples showing essentially the same relations of phenocrysts, microlites, and undifferen- tiated glass. In No. 182 (fig. 3), the microlites are seen to be spreading over a greater portion of the field, and in No. 2 a further stage is shown. This latter slide was taken from the same hand specimen as No. 1, but whereas the portion of the rock from which No. 1 was taken presented a decidedly vitreous appearance, that from which No. 2 was prepared was a little farther removed from the chilled crust and was of a felsitic character. Microscopie examination confirms the deduction which would naturally be drawn. In No. 1 the phenocrysts are merely bordered by plumose microlites and a large part of the section is undifferen- tiated glass. In No. 2 the microlites have spread over the rap) entire field not ocenpied by the phenocrysts and no glass can from the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 223 be perceived. Instead there is a beautiful development of tufts and sheaves of feathery microlites occupying the entire groundmass. The phenoerysts, as before, show groups of diopside and plagioclase in mutual intersrow th. ‘Fhe general dark brown color of the groundmass appears to be due to dust hie=o: Fig. 3. Microlitic additions to phenocrysts of diopside and plagioclase. (Slide No. 152.) Diameter of field 1°5™™. Fic. 4. Intermediate texture between microlitic and holocrystalline. (Slide No. 58.) Diameter of field 1:56™™. and grains of magnetite developed along the lines of growth of the feathery microlites and outlining their form. In slides No. 96 and No. 58 (fig. £4) a-step in advance is shown toward the holocrystalline texture of a normal basalt resulting from moderately slow cooling. The sharply detined outline of the phenocrysts has been ‘lost and their borders fray out into the finely erystalline groundmass. The ground- mass itself is coarser than in the earlier described sections and the subhedral crystals are comparable in size to the phenocrysts. Some of the magnetite is in distinct grains, but much of it is still in the form of a dark dust lying between the lighter minerals. Nos. 98, 99, and 18 (Photograph, fig. 5) show successively coarser phases of crystallization, and Nos. 23, 24, and 25 show the normally developed texture of these basalts. Nos. 47 and 64 represent the maximum of coarseness of crystallization attained. In the normally crystallized basalt the essential constituents are plagioclase, pyroxene (diopside), and magnetite, the first two in crys talline forms, the last in dust, gr anules, or trellis- like groups. (See fig. 6 The plagioclase i is In oT shaped crystals, euhedral to subhe- dral, generally showing two or three stripes of albite-twinning lamelle. Pericline twinning is rarely present. Its average 294 OC. N. Fenner— Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma dimensions are ‘15 by :03"™, but occasionally crystals of larger size up to 1™™ in length, and more nearly equidimensional, are scattered through the mass. It comprises, roughly speak- ing, two-fifths of the whole. TENG. Fie. 5. Photograph of normally eryetalized basalt. (Slide No. 18.) Diameter of field 24™™. Fic. 6. Ophitic texture of normally crystallized basalt. (Slide No. 47.) Plagioclase laths, diopside granules, and crystals and dust of magnetite in mutual intergrowth, The magnetite is mostly included in the ‘diopside, but partly also in the plagioclase. Diameter of field 1:o™™, Extinction angles measured on symmetrically extinguishing albite twins give maxima of 383-34 degrees. This indicates a medium labradorite of about the composition Ab 40 An 60. The pyroxene is in stouter forms of an irregularly angular outline. The grains show a tendency to coalesce in groups of From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 225 individuals of different extinction. Single units show dimen- sions of 0°2 by 0°15™" with occasional larger grains up to 0°5™™ in size. The crystals are almost colorless , with a faint tinge of brown or green. In many slides twinning i is a common char- acteristic. Twinning and composition plane the orthopinacoid (100). Polysynthetic basal twinning is absent. Optical character biaxial and positive. No difference in dispersion between red and violet can be perceived. Prismatic cleavage often poor in the small grains but well developed in the larger. Birefringence 0-020 —0-022. Extinction measured from the ortho-pinacoidal twinning plane to the axis of minimum elasticity, Z, gave angles of 45 degrees. The mineral is evidently not pure diopside, but whether it varies toward hedenbergite or toward augite would be difficult to determine without chemical analysis. It is referred to as diopside. The quantity is somewhat in excess of the plagioclase. The magnetite is seldom in euhedral crystals, more often in fine dust or in trellis-like or fir-tree groups. During the erystallization of the plagioclase and diopside the magnetite appears to have been mechanically pushed aside until the last stages of crystallization were reached, and then included within the final er ystals of the lighter constituents, to which it gives a dark brown color. Even in the final stages the plagioclases seem to have had the power to free themselves of the magnetite dust fairly effectually, and most of it is included within diop- side grains. A small portion is enclosed within irregular patches of light-green chloritic material, which may represent resorbed olivines “subsequently chloritized. Tn addition to these essential constituents there are a number of well-defined areas of what was originally olivine, but which show strong resorption and later alteration to serpentine and chlorite. The magnetite in these rocks is probably titaniferous, as it gives rise on decomposition to milky-white leucoxene. In examining those slides which have the texture normal to basalts the plagioclases appear to have the crystals developed in more nearly euhedral forms than the diopside, and it might be argued that this is confirmatory of the generally accepted view that the growth of the plagioclases was finished before that of the diopside began, and that the latter minerai molded itself around the plagioclase. It is only necessary, however, to devote a little study to the question to determine that this is emphatically rot the case. In those vitrophyrie rocks first described (e. g. No. 105 and No. 57) in which plagioclase and diopside undoubtedly developed while swimming freely in a 296 0. N. Fenner—Crystallization of a Basaliic Magma liquid, the plagioclase is bounded by plane faces, while the diopside has irregular outlines, and it appears that this differ- ence in development is due to the mode of growth, the cause of which is not germane to the subject. When, in the more glassy types, the plagioclase and diopside form groups of intergrown crystals, as they often do, the characteristic form is shown in fig. 7, a notable feature of which is the manner in which the plagioclase laths wedge out toward the central portion of the diopside grains. Fig. 7. Fie. 7. Intergrowth of diopside and plagioclase. (Slides Nos. 2 and 57.) These features are apparent in all phases of development of the basalt from glassy to holocrystalline, and alone would be Fie. 8. Fic. 8. Modification of forms of plagioclase and diopside resulting from simultaneous crystallization. A few magnetite grains (black) and some chlorite (gray) are also present (Slide No. 64). almost conclusive evidence of simultaneous growth of the two minerals. from the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 227 In the holocrystalline phases the plagioclase gives, at first, Fie. 9. an impression of being much more euhedral than the diopside, but it is almost impossible to find a crystal in which the symmetry is not destroyed by encroachment of diopside, and the extremely irregular growth of plagioclase sketched in fig. 6 (Slide No. 47) and fig. 8 (Slide No. 64) is entirely normal and charac- ACA Fie. 9 Inter- teristic. : . : > : erowth of magne- The magnetite is often in such fine evans tite, diopside, and that no conclusions can be drawn regarding plagioclase (eutec- its period of growth, but in No. 23 it is found ds Ae oan Hea in better developed crystals, which show un- eee mistakably a simultaneous deposition with plagioclase and y S diopside. Fig. 9 shows the general relations. Part ILI. The Crystallization of a Magma as affected by the Law of Mass-Action. It was pointed out on a preceding page that in order that the crystallization of a magma should follow strictly the laws of eutectiferous solutions the compounds present in the fusion- solution should have no inter-reaction during crystallization, but that simply the freezing-point of each should be depressed by the presence of the others and each should begin to crystal- lize at the appropriate temperature as thus modified. In the Watchung magma it appears that this ideal course was nearly realized as regards the final products of crystallization, and in many other cases this is probably true, especially where the range of temperature from the beginning of erystallization until the final consolidation of the eutectic is not large and where great variations of pressure do not occur. Reference was made, however, to resorbed olivines which appear in certain slides, and resorption-phenomena are of common occur- rence in the study of igneous rocks. Their chief features are explainable by the law of mass-action. It is well understood that when substances capable of reaction are brought together in a solution the reaction does not ordinarily proceed to completion, but that in principle every reaction is reversible and the degree to which a reaction will proceed under given conditions of temperature and pressure is dependent primarily upon the concentrations or active masses of the substances participating. In solutions of molten silicates it is recognized that we have very little knowledge of the extent to which reactions proceed to attain equilibrium; but we know that the state of equili- 228 0. NV. Henner— Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma brium, i.e., the proportions in which various mineral compounds exist in the solution, depends upon the concentrations of the various oxides present. If we imagine that in a solution of this nature in which equilibrium has been attained, crystallization begins, it is seen e ° co) that a disturbing factor is introduced; for the removal by erystallization of one or more compounds is constantly chang- ing the relative proportions of the substances left in the mother-liquor. It is evident that certain substances which may have been present in small amount in the original magma may reach a high degree of concentration in the residual dr COS of mother liquor. The conditions of equilibrium are com- pletely shifted. New compounds are formed, while those compounds which were present in preponderant amount in the original magmatic solution may be entirely broken up and destroyed. ‘As a result the crystals first deposited become unstable in contact with the mother-liquor and are either taken up by the solution or react with it to form zones of new min- erais. ‘This consequence of the principle of mass-action is well understood. Pirsson has thus explained reaction-rims of ensta- tite and biotite surrounding olivine erystals and separating them from alkali.feldspar in the shonkinite of the Little Belt Mountains, Montana.* While it is possible to account for certain phases of the phe- nomena of resorption in this manner, there are others which cannot be brought into hne with this explanation. Magmas consolidating at depth frequently exhibit a different association of minerals from magmas of the same composition consolidat- ing on the surface ; and a magma in which intra-tellurie erys- tallization has begun may, when er upted at the surface, attack the minerals first deposited and take them more or less com- pletely into solution, and in the final consolidation these min- erals may not re- appear. In the Watchung magma olivine erystals of the intra-telluric period were attacked and in most cases almost. completely resorbed before any notable develop- ment of the three final products of surface crystallization appeared. In this case it is obvious that the phenomenon cannot be explained by reference to a concentration of material in a residual mother-liquor. To account for such occurrences the author would offer another explanation, based upon the displacements of equilibrium which take place within a solu- tion under conditions of simultaneous diminution of pressure and temperature. Displacements of equilibrium within a solution effected by changes of temperature and pressure —vawt Hof’s law,—The extension of the law of mass-action to include changes of tem- *L. V. Pirsson: 20th Ann. Rept. U. 8. Geol. Sur., 1898-99, p. 482. From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 229 perature was developed by van’t Hoff. The principle is of gyeat importance, but it does not appear to have received the attention it merits in the study of petrological problems. The basic principle of van’t Hoff’s law is that.change of temperature displaces the equilibrium within a-solution. If, then, crystallization of a magma can be brought about, in one ease at a higher and in another case at a lower temperature, the chemical state of the solution as regards compounds exist- ing within it will be different in the two cases. Change of pressure between the depths of the earth and the surface is an effective agent in changing the temperature at which crystalli- zation begins. Pressure alone, as has been pointed out by several writers,* is not capable of causing great variations in the melting-points of minerals; but it is quite conceivable, and in fact probable, that within a complex solution the variation of the temperature of crystallization caused by relief of pres- sure is often attended by displacements of equilibrium, such that reactions proceed further in one direction or another and the relative proportions of the various compounds present is altered. These displacements of equilibrium find correspond- ing expression in the point at which crystallization is initiated and in the minerals deposited. The change thus begun tends to progress continuously in the same direction and may result at the final consolidation in an association of crystallized prod- ucts quite different from what would be found under conditions of greater pressure.t+ * A. Harker: The Natural History of Igneous Rocks, New York, 1909, pp. 163 and 194. + The effects of temperature and pressure upon reactions within a system of the nature of a magmatic solution are expressed by two fundamental equa- tions. ‘he first is van’t Hoff’s formula = Wayep — al =) log K og Kay, OT in which K’ and K are the constants of mass-action at the (absolute) tem- peratures T’ and T, q is the heat of the reaction per unit considered, and R is the gas-constant (= 2 cal.) From this equation it follows that with decrease of temperature (T greatcr than T’) a reaction which evolves heat (q positive) is driven forward or in that direction in which heat is given out. (It will be noted that this is in accord with Le Chatelier’s theorem.) If, forexample, two substances, A and B, unite to form AB with evolution of heat, the formation of the compound AB will increase as the temperature is lowered, and the greater the value of g the greater will be the amount of the compound formed. The eifeet of pressure in inducing crystallization at a higher temperature is expressed by the formula BYE oe w APS Dee = v2) in which Ap is the pressure required to cause crystallization to begin at the temperature increased AT degrees above the normal crystallizing point, zw is the latent heat of fusion, T is the absolute temperature, and 7, and v2 are the specific volumes of the substance in the liquid and solid forms respectively. 230 C. VN. Fenner—Crystallization of a Basaltic Magma Resorption of Olivine in the Watchung Basalt. In hand specimens, both of the vitreous and the aphanitie varieties of the Watchung basalt, small, dark-green spherulitie bodies can often be seen. They appear in many of the thin sections and are found to be built up of concentric shells of hghter and darker material of chloritic or serpentinous nature. A typical example is shown in slide No. 105 (fig. 10). The diameter of the spherulite is about 0:27", but larger ones are not uncommon. The central portion is composed of comparatively large blades of radial chlorite, decidedly birefringent. The outer shells are very feebly polarizing and appear to be made up of minute scales of chlorite mingled with isotropic glass. Beyond the border of the spheru- lite the normal vitrophyrie structure is found, consisting of small crystals and grains of feldspar and diopside and brown microlitic tufts, set in the paste His, 10) Oblorivic nod= of glass, Im this case recorpmomeama ule in vitrophyr (Slide No. . 105). alteration have progressed so far that there is almost nothing suggestive of the manner in which the spherulite originated, but in other cases the evidence is plain. Outlines of some original min- eral are left, to whose resorption by the magma the spheru- lites are attributable. None of the mineral itself remains, “oz. ) EG lle Fie. 12. Fig. 11. Partially resorbed olivine, subsequently altered. (Slide No. 100.) Fic. 12. Separation of oxide of iron along cracks in olivine crystals which have been replaced by secondary products. the crystal outlines being filled with chlorite, calcite and other alteration products. These retain certain features, how- ever, which point strongly to olivine. From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 231 All stages of resorption appear in different parts of this slide. An example is sketched in fig. 11. Without the analy- zer the corroded forms shown in heavy hnes in the sketch (now replaced by calcite) are all that appear, but with crossed nicols the erystal form, almost complete, is brought out in serpentine. Immediately adjacent are remnants of several other crystals which the crossed nicols similarly outline. In fig. 12 the typical manner in which oxide of iron has separated along cleavage cracks of the original mineral is shown, although nothing but alteration products survive. The resemblance to olivine is obvious. From such examples one may pass by gradual transition to the results of almost complete resorption, in which the rounded and blurred outlines convey only a vague suggestion of the original form of the crystal, and upon whose areas, spreading out into the glass, microlites are encroaching. The color in such cases is pr actically the same as that of the surrounding glass, but crossed nicols show the presence of aggregates of minute chlorite scales. The stages of the process and the relations which the olivines bear to the plagioclase and diopside are sketched in fig. 13. Similar phenomena are shown in slide No. 83, in No. 30, and in No. 48. In No. 57 the several steps can be followed very perfectly. IRS 1133. Fic. 18. Breaking-up and resorption of olivine. Several stages, found in various portions of the slide, are brought together. (Slide No. 105.) Diameter of field 1°5™™, In No. 54 the outline of an original olivine crystal is pre- served, but most of the area within the boundary of the original crystal is occupied by a mixture of brown glass and irregular grains of a dark brown color. This form of attack upon the olivine, by which the crystal has been broken up into many fragments, appears to have been common, and the brown grains show up in many of the slides, at times associated 282 OC. WV. Fenner Orystallization of a Basaltie Magma with chloritic areas retaining a suggestion of a erystal unit, and again scattered through the glass. Lidice Fie. 14. Inclusions in glass, resulting from the breaking-up of olivine erystals. (Slide No. 17.) Diameter of field 1:6™™. These effects are shown in slide No. 17, sketched in fig. 14. The greenish glass is filled in places with brownish inclusions, arranged in erescentric or cusp-like figures. The inclusions appear to be in part surviving fragments of olivine, and in part magnetite dust set free in the reaction. The figures Ie! 105). Fie. 15. Effects of resorption of olivine accentuated by secondary altera- tion. (Slide No. 54.) Diameter of field 1:o™™. assumed would appear to be due to the manner in which the resorbed material was diffusing in the surrounding magma when increasing viscosity terminated the process. Diopside and plagioclase are present in minor amount. A slight degree of subsequent zeolitic alteration of glasses containing partially resorbed olivines serves to accentuate the features described. This is seen in slide No. 54 (fig. 15) and in many other cases. Even in advanced stages of secondary alteration traces of these features persist. From the Standpoint of Physical Chemistry. 233 In all cases the olivine shows unmistakably that corrosion had attacked it and that it was in process of resorption by the magma, from which plagioclase, diopside, and magnetite were beginning to erystallize. At some point in the history of the magma the olivine which was first deposited became unstable and would undoubtedly have gone completely into solution if sufficient time had been allowed. It is noticeable that in the later erystallization olivine did not again appear as one of the products. It must follow, therefore, that the olivine molecule which was absorbed underwent some change within the solu- tion by which it entered into new combinations. Considered from the standpoint of the principles previously developed, the most probable explanation of the resorption of the olivine appears to be the following: Before extrusion the magma had cooled sufficiently so that erystallization had begun. Inasmuch as most rock-forming minerals occupy less volume in the solid than in the fused condition, the great pressure to which the magma was subjected aided erystallization, so that it was Initiated at a somewhat higher temperature than would be the case under less load. The effect upon the crystalliza- tion of a given mineral would vary inversely as the heat of solution and directly as the difference in volume between the two states. Pressure may also have had an appreciable effect upon the direction of reaction within the fusion-solution. Olivine was the chief mineral deposited under these con- ditions but there are indications that a little plagioclase had also begun to crystallize out. (In slide No. 47 a large plagio- clase crystal shows some indication of zonal structure, most probably developed during this period.) When extrusion of the magma occurred it was attended by great changes in all the physical conditions. Diminution of load would be a factor of prime importance in causing the minerals which had erystallized out to be resorbed. The loss by volatilization ‘of aqueous and other vapors also affected the combinations existing within the solu- tion. It can hardly be supposed that the vapors evolved existed in the solution entirely in the combinations in which they were given off. Undoubtedly a portion of the vaporized material was combined with the nonvolatile portion and its removal from the system necessitated more or less readjust- ments of equilibrium throughont. Under these circumstances it is not surprising that most of the olivine which had been deposited was taken up by the magma. Still if the olivine molecule continued its existence in the re-fused mixture it would be redeposited when the appro- priate temperature was reached under the new conditions, but it appears that the lower temperature to which the initiation Am. JOUR Sci.—FOuRTH SERIES, VoL. X XIX, No. 171.—Marcu, 1910. 16 234 OC. WV. Fenner— Crystallization of a Basaltie Magma. of crystallization was carried, together with the other disturb- ing factors, resulted in an entir ely new chemical arrangement. The olivine molecules which were resorbed thereby lost. their entity, being distributed among other compounds in a manner which cannot be completely followed, and olivine as such did not reappear among the products of crystallization. The fact that remnants of the olivine persist is due to lack of time given for resorption before increasing viscosity put an end to the process. Under somewhat different conditions, easily conceived, the less complete resorption of a mineral would be attended by the formation of reaction rims, or replacement by an aggregate of other minerals; or its slow solution in a magma in which crystallization was far advanced would constantly change the composition of the mother-liquor, with consequent displacements of equilibria. Im the case studied the resorption or solution was nearly complete before the second period of crystallization began, and the effect as regards complexity of results was almost a minimum. Petrographic Laboratory, Columbia University, Nov., 1909. bo or Goldschmidt and Parsons—WNotes on Goethite. 3 Art. XVIII.—Wotes on Goethite* (Abstract); by V. Gotp- scuMipt (Heidelberg) and A. L. Parsons (Toronto). Iy the summer of 1908 Mr. Parsons collected some speci- mens of goethite which occurs in veins in carboniferous shale at Walton, N. S. The veins are brecciated and the center filled with calcite. When the calcite was dissolved in hydro- chloric acid the goethite was left as a druse of bright crystals. nek. Fig. 2. Three crystals were measured. The observed forms are: 6=00(010); M=20(210); a=x0(100); y= (110); mee ott) 6 — OL (011)5 4 = 10 (101); p=1011); p = 31(311). The form designated as XX appears in all the erys- tals as the face with the greatest development. This face is striated lengthwise and is not a single face but a transition * Abstract of a paper in Groth’s Zeitschrift fir Krystallographie. bo os 3 Goldschmidt and Parsons—LNotes on Coethite. face or “ Scheinflaeche,” and it gives a bright band of light in the prism zone with the angle @ varying from 3° to 20°. In this band are bright points which imperfectly indicate the positions of the faces 0 3 (180), « 4(140), 0 5 (150), « 6 (160), o (180), 0 12(1:12°0). The harmonic discussion of the char- acteristic diel in this series gives 0 3, 04, 06, and «8 as the points of best position, but no characteristic letter is assigned to them until they have been determined by single distinct reflecting faces. The symbol XX is used for the series and in figure 2, o 4 represents the series. For comparative purposes three crystals from Lostwithiel, Cornwall, were measured and the habit and faces are shown in figure 1. he observed norms are) = 0ao (O10). il zee (CRD Resi eo (a0) v7 == col). ) == co B(120))- u=10 Gon): ga Ul (011); p=l (111); w= 41 1 (413), All the forms except a were present on every crystal. The new form w = $0 (480) was present on two crystals and for the best reflections gave angle @ 55° 6" and 55°33’. A poor reflection gave one face as 57°27’. Angle p was in every case 90°. The caleulated angles are @ 55°26’, p=90°. The face is small but well defined, and may be regarded as well established. The form w= Ft (413) i is also new and is present on all three crystals with four faces on each. The faces reflect well and give a dis- tinct signal cross, but it is worthy of remark that the reflection is sliohtly yellow while the others are white. The, angles agree well among themselves, but in every case the angle p is 2” to 69’ less than the calenlated angle. The calculated angles are d = 77° 4’, p 42° 6. Considering the good character of the reflection and the sharpness of the faces, this difference is not easily understood, but the form may be considered as well established. Heidelberg, Aug. 14, 1909. Van Name and Edgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions. 237 Arr. XIX.—On the Velocities of Certain Reactions between Metals and Dissolved Halogens; by RK. G..Van Name and GRAHAM Ene ar. [Contributions from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Univ.—ccvii] In a reaction between a liquid and a solid, according to the so-called diffusion theory of reaction velocity, a thin layer of liquid adhering to the solid remains unaffected by stirring, and the reaction is maintained by the transport of dissolved substances across this layer by diffusion. When the diffusion is sufficiently slow compared with the other stages of the reac- tion, the velocity of the whole will be determined by the rate of diffusion alone. This theory was proposed by A. A. Noyes and W. R. Whitney,* in 1897, for the special case of the solution of a solid in a liquid, but Nernst and E. Brunnert were the first to suggest its general applicability to the various types of hetero- geneous reactions. It was tested by Brunner for cases of simple solution, neutralization, action of acids on metals, and for several electrolytic processes, and has since been accepted by various other investigators as giving the best explanation of the facts in the case of a number of other types of reac- tions,t including even gas and enzyme reactions. On the other hand, the validity of the diffusion principle in the case of reactions between metals and acids has been dis- puted by Ericson-Aurén and Palmaer,§ and R. Marec| has shown that the crystallization of supersaturated solutions of certain salts seems to follow a different mathematical relation. Recently the theory has been vigorously attacked by M. Wilderman,{| who holds that the hypothesis of a diffusion layer is improbable and unnecessary, and shows that the same velocity equation can be derived without it. Furthermore, Wilderman has found that the rate of solution of gypsum is not constant as the theory would require, but varies widely with its physical state, and is different on different surfaces of the same erystal. The experiments to be described deal with the rate of reac- tion between dissolved iodine and the metals mercury, copper, silver, cadmium, and zinc, also with those between bromine and mercury, and between cupric bromide and mercury. The work was undertaken with a view to testing the applicability * Zeitschr. phys. Chem., xxiii, 689. + Tbid., xlvii, 52 and 56, 1904. tSenter, ibid., li, 696; Teletew, Dissertation, Heidelberg, 1906; Jabl- ezinsky, Zeitschr. phys. Chem., lxiv, 748: Spear, Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., xxx, 195; Bodensteln and Fink, Zeit. phys. Chem., 1x, 1; Schleuderberg, Jour. Phys. Chem., xii, 583. § Zeitschr. phys Chem., lvi, 689. || Ibid., 1xi, 885 ; Ixvii, 470. “| Ibid., lxvi, 445. 238 Van Name and Kdgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions of the diffision theory, and the results have proved to be in agreement with its requirements in all essential details. A similar field was covered by the work of Schiikarew,* in 1891, on the reaction velocities between metals and halogens, but the failure to provide for effective and constant stirring renders Schiikarew’s results uncertain. So far as known to the present writers, a few experiments by Brunner,t on the rate of solution of pure electrolytic zine in iodine, constitute the only real test of the validity of the diffusion principle for a reaction between a halogen and a metal, of which an account has been published up to the present time. Brunner does not give his results in detail but found the theory confirmed, especially in the fact the velocity constant agreed with that for the elec: trolytic reduction of iodine. Apparatus and Method. For all of our experiments the apparatus shown in the figure was employed. The liquid, an aqueous solution of iodine or m, metal disk. s, speed indicator. bromine with a large excess of the corresponding potassium halide, was contained in an ordinary beaker of about 11°5™ * Zeitschr. phys. Chem., viii, 76. yp Lowel 5 Jk, SM) between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 239 diameter and 1} liters capacity supported in a thermostat con- taining about 50 liters of water. Most of the experiments were conducted at 25° +0:1°; one, however, at 35°. In the reaction vessel was a two-bladed ‘elass stirrer of the ae m illustrated, the blades standing at an angle of about 45° to th vertical stem. The latter was attached to a brass shaft run- ning in a bearing rigidly supported above the beaker and terminating in a horizontal pulley. A speed indicator provided with a bell which sounded every 100 revolutions was attached above the pulley and kept permanently in position. The different metals were taken for experiment in the form of circular disks 40" in diameter and usually 0°6™" in thick- ness. or the experiments with mercury the disk was of pure gold heavily amalgamated. The holder for the disks was made of a thin class rod provided at its lower end with three branches bent at right angles to the stem and tipped with an easily fusible glass, which “orasped the disk at three points on its circumference. By softening one or more of these tips in the flame the disk was inserted so as to be firmly held with the minimum of contact between glass and metal. The glass stem was mounted in a cork which fitted into a brass socket in the form of a vertically slotted ring held by a stationary support above the beaker, so that the disk with ‘its glass holder could be quickly removed from the apparatus or returned to exactly the same position. When in place the disk was held as shown in the figure, with its plane vertical, opposite the blades of the stirrer and 5-7™™ distant from the wall of the beaker, so that the liquid circulated freely behind it. Care was taken that the relative position of disk, stirrer, and beaker should be the same in all the ace The stirrer was driven by an electric motor of ¢ horse power, and the different speeds obtained partly by interposing pulleys of various sizes and partly by adjustment of a rheostat in series with the motor. Variations in the speed of the stirrer were small and for the most part negligible in comparison with the other errors of experiment. The rate of fall in concentration of the free halogen was determined by removing samples of the liquid with a pipette at definite intervals and titrating. ee each two successive C titrations the value of the expression ; 3 In < > was calenu- lated and found, as required by the theory, to ee practically constant throughout each series; ¢, and c, being the concentra- tions of the halogen at times 7, and t.. and v the volume of the solution, which remains constant ‘during the interval in question. 240 Van Name and HLdgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions From ‘the point of view of the diffusion theory the mechanism of the reaction is as follows: The weight of bromine or iodine which reaches and reacts with the surface of the metal in the time interval d¢ is the amount which can diffuse through the adherent layer of liquid in that time, that is, according to Fick’s law, it is proportional to the concentration fall across the layer. Owing to the rapidity of the chemical reaction the concentration of the halogen at the surface of the metal is always practically zero. At the outer surface of the layer it is equal to ¢, the concentration of the main solution. Hence the concentration fall is ce, and if m is the total weight of available halogen in the solution, 3 dm 2 EN AGED) ae dt where K is the velocity constant. Integrated for constant volume this gives == 1Ke) i = i ca a In @. the expression referred to above. To assume that K is proportional to the area of the surface of contact, and to calculate upon this basis its value per unit of surface, is only permissible when the reaction takes place uniformly at every point of the surface. In the following tables this has not been done, since under the conditions of experiment the stirring could not have been equally effective on both sides of the disk. Finally, it should be mentioned that the above equation, though a necessary consequence of the diffusion hypothesis, is by no means dependent upon it, since it is nothing but an expression of the a@priori very probable assumption that the reaction velocity is proportional to the concentration of the halogen. Heperiments with Iodine. The iodine solutions were initially about 0-03—0-045 equiva- lent normal, and contained in different cases from 100 to 800 grams of potassium iodide per liter (0°6 to 4°8 normal with respect to KI), the larger concentrations of potassium iodide being needed with the metals copper and silver to prevent the formation of a coating of insoluble iodide. In the experiments with mercury and iodine the procedure was as follows: The gold disk was immersed in clean mercury, a known volume (500—520°) of the solution was placed in the beaker, and the stirrer adjusted to the required speed, after which a 20° sample was removed with a pipette and delivered into a glass-stoppered flask for subsequent titration. The disk between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 241 _was then lifted from the mercury, the excess shaken off, and at a definitely noted time inserted in the liquid. Exactly at the end of the chosen time interval the disk was removed from the solution, rinsed with water and again inserted in the mercury, and another sample of the solution taken for titration as before. This cycle of operations was repeated as often as desired, or TABLE I. Rate of Solution of Mercury in Iodine at 25°. c ENG vo 1K Cc At v Kk eee s00m. AE per liter. . r=170 2. 100 g. KI per liter. r=240 0:0381 500 : 0:0378 500 en 00356 =? agp «8 0-0315 10 Ago oe $e 6 6:30 , 10 8°83 0°0328 5-3 460 6-36 00260 10 460 8°89 00304 57 440 6-35 0:°0213 10 440 8-79 0:0279 : 420 ns 00172 420 Ses 5 655 my 10 8°87 0°0236 380 ree 0:0109 380 re Average 643 |. Average 8°81 3. 200 ¢. KI per liter... r=170 4, 200 g. KI per liter. r—210 0-034 5 510 (6-92 0-0288 10 510 8-49 0-0319 490 : 0:0238 490 or 10 718 : 10 8°64 0°0274 470 0:0198 470 ; Ae 10 = 7°23 10 8°65 0:0233 450 Bhs 0:0163 450 Sc £01 Q' 10 . 7:26 10 : & 49 0°0197 10 430 7-90) 00134 7 430 8°45 0:0165 410 0-0116 410 Average 7:21 Average 8:04 d. 200 g. KI per liter. r=240 On 00Rey Kel per liter) 7—300 0:0372 0:0346 520 0.0305 1p A800 DIIGO FR 500 aoe 0:0248 460 ee ~ 0:0211 480 Ko : 10 9°73 MVE 10 A 11°34 90199 10 440 9-63 0:0165 10 460 11-31 00158 10 420 9°50 0:0127 10 440 10°82 0°0125 10 400 9-38 0-00984 10 420 10°82 0-00978 SCO are 0-00751 ADO ees Average 9°00 Average 11°12 7. 400 g. KI per liter. r—170 8. 400 g. KI per liter. r=240 0°0332 ‘500 oat 0:0439 500 ; re he AR0i iy er), ; 0°0850: | Fails) 2480, tae 0°0236 10 460 8-09 0:0276 10 460 10:61 0:0197 10 440 8-95 0:0219 10 440) 10°52 00162 10 420 8:14 0°0171 10 420 10-48 0°0132 10 400 8-39 0:0131 10 400 10°30 001057 SEO) ah e. D.OL00N iia, Se Uneaiy as Average 8:14 | 000672 SOU: aa Average 10°48 249 Van Name and Edgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions until the volume had been reduced to 380°, which was thought. to be a safe limit. Under these conditions the mercury goes into solution as the complex ion HgI,”, and no mercurous salt appears to be formed. The samples were carefully titrated with N/20 sodium thiosulphate, using starch as indicator. The burette used had been certified by the Berlin Reichsanstalt. In Table I are given the results of the experiments with mercury and iodine. The four columns taken in order contain : 1st, the concentration ¢, of the iodine in gram atoms per liter*: 2d, the time interval Az (the same as ¢,—7,), in minutes; 3d, the volume v, in cubic centimeters ; 4th, the velocity constant, K, as calculated by the equation above. The speed of stirring, in revolutions per minute, is denoted by 7. In this and the following tables abnormal values of the constant, indicated by parentheses, have been disregarded in caiculating the averages. It may be stated in this connection that the experiments recorded in this article include all that were made with the exception of preliminary experiments and a few affected by known errors. On comparing the experiments carried out with like rates of stirring it is evident that the velocity of the reaction is greater the higher the concentration of the potassinm iodide. ‘This effect of the iodide will be equally conspicuous im the experi- ments with other metals, and will be discussed later. An increase in the rate of stirring also accelerates the reaction, as was to have been expected, the value of the constant being here approximately proportional to the 4/5 power of 7. To obtain the temperature coefficient of the reaction a single experiment was carried out at 35° with the following result : Lop. 9.—Mercury and Iodine at 35°. 100 g. KI per liter. n= 240 eG (Oe eee eae ta) il aie 11°59 Average tleas The ratio of this constant to that of experiment 2 gives 1:3 as the temperature coefficient for 10°. This is in sharp con- | : trast with the usual value of Kuno t neous systems, which is on the average about twice as large. In the experiments with metals other than mercury the method followed only differed from that just described in that the metal disk, after its insertion into the solution, was allowed to remain in position until the close of the experiment, and the calculations were based upon the time intervals between suc- for reactions in homoge- * Halogen concentrations are expressed in these units throughout this article. between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 243 cessive fillings of the pipette. As the filling process occupied | less than five seconds, the time was easily defined with sufficient accuracy. TABLE II. TaBLeE IIT. Copper and Iodine at 25°. Silver and Iodine at 20°. € At v K | c At v K 1. 400 g. KI per liter. r—170 {400% = Ket per liter. 7——1S0 00347 500 wie, || 00405 ipa ees eee gy | 90340 29 ag BP 10 SOR | NIRS 10 8°49 0-0248 AG0e aaat cerns (es 020283 460 ‘ 10 i999 | E 10 8:14 0-0207 440 ow, 0°0235 440) 10 Sis | 10 5 8:17 0:0172 10 A20 Re Gin o| 0:0198 10 420 7.98 0:0141 400 || 0-0159 10 400 8.95 Bear enti 1001280 380) Average 790 | --— Corrected 7:95 |. Average 818 Corrected 8:23 2400 & Ki-per liter, r=240 0:0277 620 CaS) 400 g. KI per liter. r=240 10 8-78) || ss S e239 5, os | C0 1 S00 gee 00202 580 Fs 00358 480 eG 2 10 a 9-78 NORY 10 10 13 0:0169 560 : 00287 460 = = 10 9°69 “92 10 9°" 0:01415 540 : | 0°0230 4A me 10 ; 9°38 : 10 5 9°65 0-01181 10 520 9-53 0:0183 10 420) 9-69 0:00976 10 500 Pe eeeOO143 10 400 9-80 0:00796 480 ees Heres OG OTST SOO Hi ssiue Average 9°67 | Average 9°87 Corrected* 9:98 Corrected 9:93 3. 800 g. KI per liter. r=240 0-0378 10 500 (9-91) 0-0304 49 {99 OAS 10 10°20 0°0245 460 ; 0192 10 10°31 0°0192 440) ae 0-0151 ay ee : es 10 10°30 0:00894 380 Average 10°21 Corrected 10°27 * The disk was below standard size both in diameter and in thickness. Table II contains the results obtained with copper. The disks were cut from a good quality of commercial sheet copper of the same diameter (40™") as the gold mercury disk, but were slightly thimner at the outset, and during the experiment of course became still thinner, though the diminution of sur- face area from the latter cause was barely appreciable. From measurements made before and after the experiment the aver- 244 Van Name and Kdgar— Velocities of Cn Lreactions age thickness was estimated, and the necessary on corréction calculated and applied to the mean value of the velocity con- stant. Where “corrected” values of the constant are given in this and the following tables the corrections have been made necessary by slight deviations of this kind from the normal dimensions. In cases where no correction is mentioned the disk was of the standard diameter and thickness. A relatively high concentration of potassium iodide was found to be necessary in the work with copper. An experi- ment carried out with a concentration of 200 grams of the iodide per liter was a failure owing to the for mation of a layer of insoluble cuprous iodide on the disk, which caused a rapid fall in the value of the constant. Even in the presence of 400 grams of potassium iodide per liter traces of such a film were noticed at the close of the experiment, although, as the table shows, fairly good constants were obtained. With 800 grams per liter no visible film was formed. With silver the same ditticulty was encountered. A concen- tration of 200 grams per liter of potassium iodide was not enough, and 400 grams per liter barely sufficient, to prevent a decided interference with the reaction by a coating of silver iodide on the metal. The disks were cut from a very pure sheet silver and were a little below the standard thickness, so that a correction had to be applied to the values of the veloc- ity constant as in the case of copper. The results are given in Table ILL. For the experiments with cadmium, recorded in Table IV, Kahlbaum’s metallic cadmium was employed. This was cast into thick disks which were either rolled out to the proper thinness or ground down with emery. Experiment 1 was made with a disk of rolled metal, experiments 2 and 3 with cast and ground disks. The more crystalline nature of the latter was apparent after the action of the iodine; in fact, these two disks showed more roughening of the surface during the experi- ment than was the case with any of the other metals investi- gated. Even here, however, the roughening was comparatively slight, and seems to have affected the value of the constant but little, although experiment 2 shows a rise in the constant which may be due to this cause. In order that the constants might be comparable with oe obtained with mercury, the concentration of the potassium iodide in the work both with cadmium and with zine was fixed at either 100 or 200 grams per liter, a much larger amount, in view of the ready solubility of the iodides of these two metals, than would otherwise have been needed. The zine disks used in the experiments of Table V were prepared by casting and grinding into shape from a sample of between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 245 TABLE LV. Cadmium and Iodine at 25°. c At v K c ‘At v K Peres Keb per liter. r=176 | 2. 100 g. KI per liter. r=240. 0-0364 BOOT cyt | ee 0c0a29 500 0-0340 2 Ce Abe 0-0301 : FETT ars 0:0318 5 460 (5-95) 00274 5 4608.49 0-0276 x 420 B98 _ 0:0214 6 420 9.93 00255 = 400 6-28 0:0195 6 400g. 0°0235 2 SSO) | SOLON O) SS) aiee Average 6°29 Average 8°69 Corrected 6°36 C At v IKE d. 200 g. KI per liter. r=240 0-0387 : BOO. Bees 00350 3 HO area 0:0316 2 A603 00283 AO ess 0-0253 : OE a 00224 2 LOO ei 00197 320 Average 9°56 metal of high purity, obtained from Kahlbaum. Experiments carried out in the same manner as those with cadmium and the other metals gave low and rapidly diminishing values of the constant. On examining the disk at the close of such an experi- ment a whitish semi-transparent film could be seen on its sur- face which proved to consist of zine hydroxide, evidently formed by hydrolysis of the zine iodide. To obviate this diticulty the iodine solutions were made 1/100 normal with respect to sulphuric acid, after it had been proved by trial that sulphuric acid of this strength had no appreciable effect upon the very pure zine of the disks. This expedient proved effective and at once gave normal values of the constant. According to Schiikarew,* the reaction between zinc and iodine is retarded by the presence of zinc iodide, but no figures are given in support of the statement. As the reaction is non- reversible such an effect would hardly be expected. To test this point, ten grams of zinc iodide, prepared by direct action of the two elements, was added at the outset to the solution in experiment 4, which in other respects was carried out exactly * Zeitschr. phys. Chem., viii, 81. 246 Van Name and Kdgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions TABLE Zine and Jodine at 25°. Cc At v K. Cc at v Ke ie LOO ee Kis persliier en —se 2. 100 g. KI per liter. r=240 H.SO,=N/100 H.SO,=N/100 00339 500 00371 500 0-0316 2 age 78S 0-0339 : 480 ee 00292 5 460 4.ng 0:0309 2 460 bg 00270 440 & 99 0 0280 4 440 oe 00249 5 420 6.99 0:0253 5 420 6.60 0-0228 2 400 von 00227 : 400. Ginn 0-0207 z S807 at ake 0-0202 380 4) eae Average 7:03 Average 8:64 3. 200 g. KI per liter. r=240 4. 200 g. KI per liter. r=240 H.SO.=N/100 20 g. Zul. per liter. 00300 BU aes H.SO,=N/100 0-08538 Pp 480 9.71 00402 : 500 00318 ? Hae is 0-0364 3 Mey 0:0225 : 400 a 0:0264 d 420) 9°52 D 9°60 5 ee 9:55 0°0198 380 0:0235 2 400 Gro eae Average 9°64 00207 380.7) soe Average 9°40 like experiment 8, using the same zine disk, repolished. Untortunately, through an oversight, the disk was not re- measured for experiment 4, so that the correction for dimin- ished thickness can only be roughly estimated. Allowing for a correction of 0:04-0:08, the constants for experiments 5 and 4 agree to within the possible error of experiment, so that they can not be considered to confirm the observation of Schukarew. Owing to lack of time this point was not further investigated. Bromine and Mercury. Bromine dissolved in potassium bromide solution of sufficient strength reacts with mereury in much the same way as lodine. Such a solution has, however, a considerable bromine vapor pressure, and to measure the rate of reaction with a metal the evaporation of bromine must either be prevented or a correc- tion must be apphed. We have followed the latter method. If the reaction with the metal is conducted and calculated as in the case of iodine, disregarding the evaporation of bromine, a fairly good constant is nevertheless obtained. ‘The reason for this is obvious. The vapor pressure of the bromine is approximately proportional to its concentration in the solution, between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 247 so that the rate of evaporation (for constant volume and constant free surface) must be proportional to the concen- tration, and will follow a mathematical expression of the same form as that which holds for the reaction with a metal. To correct the observed velocity constants it is therefore only necessary to subtract from them the velocity constants for the evaporation of bromine, as determined by separate blank experiments under like conditions. TaBLE VI. Evaporation of Bromine. Temperature 20° 400 g. KBr per liter. r= 240 ' At 0 a . Se min. GG: ie a 0:02882 0:02767 500 0-02418 002322 2 500 ee 0:02027 0-01946 15 500 4-37 0:01707 0:01639 15 500 led 0°01484 0:01377 15 500 4-09 0-01218 500 pais Av. 4°38 2. 003262 0:03117 ps 450 0-02669 002550 ie 450 fee 0:02171 002074 15 450 4-89 0°01766 0:01688 15 450 (5°47) 0-01406 0:01344 15 450 4-8] 0°01145 0:01094 15 450 Ao 0:009335 : 450 pean Av. 4°77 3. 003526 0:03350 400 002764 002626 1B 400 a 0-02165 002057 15 400 5-97 001687 001603 is 400 Tey 0°01333 0-01266 1b 400 4-88 0-01054 400 eee Av. 95:06 in practice the rate of evaporation of the bromine increases as the volume diminishes, owing to the increasing concavity of the surface of the solution caused by the rotary stirrer. The blank experiments recorded in Table VI were therefore carried out at constant volume, which was accomplished by add- ing to the liquid, immediately after withdrawing each sample for analysis, an exactly equal quantity of fresh potassium bromide solution. The resulting bromine concentrations were readily calculated, and are given in the column headed ©’, 248 Van Name and Ldgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions while the concentrations directly indicated by the titrations are given under ©. It will be observed that each C’ denotes the concentration of the bromine at the beginning of a time interval Az, the concentration at the end of the same interval being that value of C which is found in the table on the horizontal line next below, so that the equation by which the constant K” is calculated takes here the form aon ee Gn! KY ee ae The analyses, both here and in the later experiments with mereury, were made by running each sample from the pipette into an excess of potassium iodide solution and titrating the iodine in the usual way. From the mean values of K” in the three experiments of Table VI the following values were obtained by graphic interpolation : TaBLE VII. log oF Cy v Kk" LOG At —wli 480 4°55 460 4°70 0°0044 440 A°84 0 0048 420 4°96 0°0051 400 5°06 0°0055 380 5°15 0:0059 In the experiments with mercury and bromine the same method was followed as in those with iodine, but with atten- tion to certain details which were previously not important. The pipette was filled immediately after each removal of the disk from the solution, and the time during which the disk remained out of the liquid was limited to exactly one minute in each case. The concentration changes due to loss of bromine during each such interval were calculated with the aid of the / above values of loge - Table VIII contains the results of : ; two parallel experiments on the rate of solution of mereury in bromine, with the necessary corrections applied. Under ¢ are the bromine concentrations as determined by direct analysis, under c’ the (calculated) concentrations at the moment of inserting the disk. The concentrations at the beginning and end of the same reaction period AZ are therefore given respec- tively by ¢’ and that value of ¢ which stands on the next line below. K’ is the combined velocity constant for the solution of mercury and the evaporation of bromine. K is the velocity constant for the solution of mereury alone, obtained by sub- tracting from K’ the corresponding value of K”, as given in Table Vik between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 249 TasBLE VIII. Mercury and Bromine. Temperature 20° 400 g. KBr per liter. r= 240. , At 4) ! ¢ & min. ec. kK K if : 0-03133 0-03133 500 oe 0:02658 0:02630 2 480 Gone cS ®) 0-02188 0:02162 y 460 : prides 5 17°10 12°26 0-01780 0:01759 440) nal ee 0-01434 001416 _ 420 17-19 19-11 001142 001126 9 400 17-08 11°88 0:00900 3 380 NN Pes 2, 0-02919 0:02919 ‘ 500 ns, 0-02494 0-02469 GATT, aa ee co) 0-02047 0-02025 oe inte see ee 001654. 0 01634 2 440 17-397 san 0-01330 0-01318 : 420) 1743 19-06 0-01060 0:01046 400 es fscie 000832 380 4 spa Av. 12°40 Owing to the method by which they were obtained these constants are necessarily somewhat more uncertain than the iodine constants. A comparison between the two is rather unsatisfactory on account of the presence in both cases of the large excess of soluble halide, and of the pronounced effects which the potassium iodide, and presumably also the potassium bromide, exert upon their respective reaction velocities. In Table I, experiment 8 is the one which approximates most closely to the conditions of the bromine experiments. If we take equal concentrations of the potassium halide as the basis of comparison, we must allow for the fact that the halide con- centration was not the same in the two cases, but was greater in the bromine experiments in the ratio 166/119. Upon the assumption, based on the results of Table I, that a doubling of the concentration of the potassium iodide increases the constant by about ten per cent, the value of the iodine constant, at the same halide concentration as the bromine experiments, would be about 11:0. So compared, the reaction between mercury and bromine would appear to be about twelve per cent more rapid than that with iodine. As an example of a reaction of a somewhat different type the rate of solution of mercury in cupric bromide was also determined. The presence of a sufficient quantity of potassium bromide was found to effectually prevent the formation of Am. Jour. Sci.—FourRtTH SERIES, Vout. X XIX, No. 171.—Marcu, 1910. 4a 250 Van Name and Edgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions TaBLe IX. Mercury and Cupric Bromide. Temperature 25° 400 g. KBr per liter. c At 1 c At v mol/liter min. ec. us mol/liter min. cc. = ihe _r=160 2. r=215 Uae 10 900 485 0-0074 10 510 8-40 0:0529 480 i 0-0679 490 TAVIS 10 4°86 10 6°38 0:0476 460 : 0°0593 470 11 5°02 ARIA 10 6°24 0:0420 440 ! 0:0516 450 oon 10 4-92 : 10 6°29 0:0378 420 ; 0:0446 430 i 10 4°96 10 6°27 0:0330 10 400 4-94 0:03882 10 410 6-19 0:0290 380 0:0326 390 Av. 4:93 Av. 6°30 insoluble bromides, and the reaction was followed by adding samples of the liquid to a large excess of potassium iodide and titrating the iodine set free. If the solution is exposed to the air throughout the experiment some oxidation of the cuprous salt occurs, as the steady fall of the constant in the following preliminary experiment will show: | 400 g. KBr per liter. p= YX) K = 6°59, \6-54y 6°93, 6:17, 5-62.) ayaa This was avoided in the experiments of Table IX by saturat- ing the cupric bromide solution with carbon dioxide at the outset and conducting, throughout the experiment, a rapid current of the gas into the upper part of the reaction vessel, so that the liquid was covered at all times by a layer of carbon dioxide. Under these conditions, as the results indicate, little or no oxidation took place. Discussion. In Table X the values of the velocity constants are sum- marized for convenient comparison. The agreement between the constants obtained for different metals under like condi- tions is unmistakable, and is especially striking with the metals mercury, cadmium and zine, which show a maximum variation of less than two per cent. This can hardly be an accident and points strongly to the conclusion that the reaction velocity is independent of the metal. As compared with mercury the constants for copper and silver are uniformly slightly lower, the largest difference being about five per cent, which is more than can reasonably be ascribed to experimental error alone. The difficulty encountered in the work with copper and with silver in entirely preventing the formation of coatings of insoluble iodide upon the metal at once suggests itself as a probable explanation of the lower constants. As stated above, between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 251 TABLE X. Summary of Velocity Constants. A. Iodine with Various Metals. ; | Concentration of KI : | grams per liter. revs. per ee | 100 | 200 | 400 800 E | 648 (Hg) | 721 (Hg) | 8-14 (Hg) 170 } QR 6:36 (Cd) 95 (Cu) 180 703% (Zn) 8°23 (Ag) 210 8:54 (Hg) 8-81 (Hg) 9°55 (Hg) | 10-48 (Hg) | 9:98 (Cu) F) 10227 (Cu) 240 8°69 (Cd) 9°56 (Cd) . 8°64 (Zn) 9°64 (Zn) | 9-93 (Ag) 300 11°12 (Hg) Pea 182 B. Bromine with Mercury. r= 240 400 g. KBr per liter. Kes ae C. Cupric Bromide with Mercury. r=160 400 g. KBr per liter K=4:93 t=219 400 g. KBr per liter K=6:°30 traces of such coatings were observed in some of the experi- ments included in the table, and it is by no means certain that their effect was wholly absent even when no sign of a coating was detected, and the value of K was fairly constant. Further evidence on this point is brought out in the two following tables. Table XI shows the increase in K with the rate of stirring Ik, Dc ey ei sks cleat applied to each pair of comparable experiments carried out with one and the same metal. It will be observed that nearly all of the constants in Table X have been used in these calculations, including five of the six which stand alone in Table X and hence can not be directly compared with any others. This is important because a comparison of the values of 7 affords the best available test of the concordance between these isolated constants and the others. as measured by the value of 7 in the equation 252 Van Name and Edgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions TABLE XI, Influence of Rate of Stirring. Metal - Table Experiments ——-Kk-—— nN: Hg I Ibn oO 6°45, 8°81 0°91 i a SG) ON POA don NYS) 0°82 I 4 & 6 S04 die 0-74 I 0G 3) 8°14, 10°48 0°78 Cu IL In igo 2) 7°95, 9-98 0°66 Ag Ill Lee 8°28, 9°93 0°65 Cd IV We SG 6°36, 8:69 0°90 Zn V il 9s 3B 7°03, 8°64 0-75 Hgin CuBr, IX Selene 4°93, 6°30 0°83 The values of 2 for copper and for silver are the lowest in the table. Except for these the agreement is about as.good as could be expected ; first because is in all probability not a constant but variable with the conditions of concentration, ete., and second because n, for mathematical reasons, is rather sensitive to variations in K. The effect upon the reaction velocity of doubling the con- centration of the potassinm iodide is shown in Table XII, where the ratios of the constants are given for such pairs of experiments as differed only in this respect. Here again copper shows a distinct difference in behavior from the other metals, silver not being represented in the table. The differ- ence is unexpectedly large, but in the absence of other data. to confirm it, nothing more than a qualitative significance can be attached to this single result. TABLE XII. Influence of Concentration of Potassium Iodide. Metal Table Experiments ——-k-——X Ratio Hg I Sou all 721, 6:48 1°12 I Dou e SSO Mimteloill 1:08 I (Oe paem O) Slack 1°18 I 8 & 95 10°48, 9°55 1°10: Cu II 3) We 1 OPA SOs 1°03 Cd IV By Sey a 9:56, 8 69 1:10 Zn Vv We CG a 9-64, 8°64 tai2 These comparisons serve to emphasize both the close agree- ment in the reaction velocities of mercury, cadmium and zine, and the consistent though usually small deviations shown by copper and silver. The latter, however, are all explainable upon the assumption that the reaction is retarded to a sheht extent by the presence of traces of the solid iodide at the contact surface. This explanation is a probable one and in the opinion of the writers may reasonably be accepted. We may conclude, in other words, that not mereury, cadmium, between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 253 and zine only, but all the five metals investigated react with iodine at practically the same rate. Unless we accept the diffusion theory there seems to be no reason why these reaction velocities should be the same. But even if the above result should be found to hold for a large number of metals, it would not constitute conclusive proof that the diffusion of iodine is, as: it appears to be, the deter- mining factor. Evidence of a more direct nature is needed upon this point. As shown above, a doubling of the concentration of the potassium iodide accelerates the reaction by about ten per cent. According to the diffusion theory such an acceleration might be due to an increase in (a), the rate of diffusion (here that of the iodine), or to a decrease in (0), the average thick- ness of the unstirred layer, or to both together. While (@) is In general directly measurable, little can be predicted about (6) except that it would vary with the properties, especially the viscosity, of the liquid. It seems, however, permissible to assume that in the majority of cases the changes in (@) would predominate over those in (4), and especially here, since the viscosity of strong solutions of potassium iodide at 25° varies but little with the concentration.* According to this view the rate of diffusion of iodine, or more accurately, that of potassium triiodide,; ought to show a distinct increase with the concentration of the potassium iodide. As we have been unable to find any published data which either confirm or disprove this conclusion, we have carried out a qualitative test by comparing in two Nessler tubes of the same dimensions, clamped side by side in a large water bath, the rate at which the color spread from a lower layer of iodine in potassium iodide into an upper layer of pure potassium iodide of the same strength. The potassium iodide solutions in the two tubes contained respectively 25 and 400 grams of iodide per liter, and the iodine concentrations (the same in both tubes) were similar to those used in the previous work. Several repetitions of the experiment gave the same result. After a few hours a difference was visible in the extent to which the brown color had progressed beyond the initially * According to W. W. Taylor and C. Ranken (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xxv, 251) the viscosities of 1 and 3-normal KI at 25° are 0°467 and 0°459 respectively, that of water at the same temperature being 0°501. + With the aid of the equilibrium constant of the reaction KIz==KI+I,, (k = 0:0014 at 25°), determined by Jakowkin (Zeitschr. phys. Chem. xx, 19), it may easily be calculated that in no experiment in the above tables did the proportion of free iodine exceed a few tenths of one per cent of the total iodine, i.e., that indicated by thiosulphate. A similar calculation based on Jakowkin’s data for bromine shows that in the experiments of Table VIII the tribromide bromine formed in all cases more than 98 per cent of the total bromine, so that here too the diffusion velocity would be practically that of the tribromide. 254 Van Name and Ldgar— Velocities of Certain Reactions sharp boundary, and in every case it was the stronger solution in which the diffusion appeared to be most rapid, thus confirm- ing the conclusion drawn above with the aid of the diffusion theory. A confirmation based upon quantitative measure- ments would of course be much more satisfactory, and an attempt will be made by one of us in the near future to obtain quantitative evidence on this question. The result obtained is interesting in that it seems to be an exception to the rule of Abege and Bose® according to which an electrolyte diffus- ing in the presence of a large excess of a salt with like cation tends to assume the velocity of its own anion. As the electri- cally measured velocity of I,’ ion is much less than that of Kt lont, a retardation would ‘be expected in the present case instead of the observed acceleration. We have still to consider the application of the diffusion theory to the explanation of the observed reaction velocities. of mercury with iodine, bromine, and cupric bromide respec- tively. ‘The values of the iodine and bromine constants, for a potassium iodide or bromide concentration of 3°4 normal and stirring at 240 revolutions per minute, were compared on page 249. A correction for difference in the rate of stirring permits the cupric bromide constants of Table IX to be included in the comparison, which gives, for the approximate ratio of the reaction velocities, iodine 11-0, bromine 12°3, cupric bromide 6°9. Of the three solutions corresponding to these constants the last two would have practically the same vis- cosity ; that of the iodine solution, judging: by the viscosities given by Taylor and Ranken? for 3normal solutions of potas- sium bromide and iodide, would be slightly lower. The differ- ence between the iodine and bromine constants is therefore in the wrong direction to be explained by difference in the thickness of the unstirred layer, so that we must conclude, first, that the rate of diffusion of potassium tribromide is somewhat greater than that of potassium trilodide, at least in the concentrated solutions here used, and second, that cupric bromide diffuses. decidedly slower hon either. Both of these conclusions can be tested by direct measurement, but at present experimental confirmation is lacking. Both however are plausible, especially the last, which is in full agreement with the slow rates of dif- fusion of copper salts in ceneral as compared with potassium salts. We are far from regarding the evidence presented above as in any way conclusive in favor of the diffusion theor y as applied to the reactions in question, but the fact that it * Zeitschr. phys. Chem., xxx, 901. + See Burgess and Chapman, Jour. Chem. Soce., lxxxv, 13800. { Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, xxv, 231. between Metals and Dissolved Halogens. 255 accounts for the results obtained, and so far as yet shown leads to no inconsistencies, would seem to justify its retention for the present in dealing with reactions of this class. The work will be continned along similar lines. Summary. 1. The rates of solution of the metals mercury, cadmium, zine, copper, and silver, in aqueous iodine solutions containing a lar ge excess of potassium iodide, have been measured at 25° and shown to be practically equal, a shght difference observed with copper and silver being in all probability due to accumu- lation of the solid jodide at the contact surface. 2. The temperature coethicient for 10° (between 25° and 35°) is about 1°3. 3. An increase in the concentration of the potassium iodide produces a marked acceleration of the reaction. 4. Mercury dissolves in bromine in the presence of potassium bromide slightly faster than in iodine, but in cupric bromide ~ much more slowly, the ratios of the velocities being about irons E10: :6°9. 5. The reaction velocity was found to be proportional, on the average, to the 4/5 power of the rate of stirring. 6. So far as can be decided from the data at present avail- able, the diffusion theory of Noyes, Whitney, and Nernst gives a satisfactory explanation of the results obtained. 256 Berry—New Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabama. Art. XX.—A Wew Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabama, a) by Epwarp W. Berry. In a recent note in Torreyat a new Cretaceous Bauhinia was described from the Magothy formation of Maryland, and the writer at that time took oceasion to call attention to the various fossil species, seven in all, ascribed to this genus of the Czesalpiniacese with their respective ages. Still more recently Cockerell has described{ an additional species from the Florissant, Colorado, shales which he calls Bauhinia pseudocotyledon. While the genus is known from both the Oretaceous and the Tertiary of Europe, no Tertiary species had heretofore been described from North America, although the Cretaceous forms are exceedingly well marked and characteris- tic. The species described by Cockerell is not as characteristic _either in outline or venation as might be desired and should possibly be compared with other genera of the Ceesalpiniaceze or Mimosacee ; at the same time its relations are sufficiently obvious to indicate the presence of a warm temperate element in the Florissant flora. Lesquereux insisted that these deposits which Cockerell calls late Miocene were the same age as the Green River shales, a position no longer tenable; and in this connection it is interesting to recall that they were originally called Pliocene by Dr. A. iC. Peale. The occasion for the present note, however, is furnished by the discovery of a large and striking species in the Tuscaloosa formation of Alabama which may be characterized as follows: Bauhinia alabamensis sp. nov. Bilobate leaves of medium and large size, 8°" to 15° i sreatest lenoth by 11 10 13 im ereatest breadth. Medial sinus rather broad and rounded, reaching two-thirds of the dis- tance toward the base or even more. Lobes somewhat reni- form in outline, sublobate, rounded above and with three broadly rounded sublobes on the outer side, the entire margin curving upward and inward from the lower and largest lobe to the truncate or deeply cordate base, which appears to be shghtly peltate in some specimens. Midrib comparatively slender, 1°7 to 3°" in length, running to the base onesme medial sinus and sending off two branches in its upper part, one on each side, which curve upward parallel with the inner margin to join inwardly directed branches from the lateral primaries. Main lateral primaries stout, sending two or three * Published by permission of the Director, U. 8. Geol. Surv. + Berry, Torreya, vol. viii, p. 218, 1908. { Cockerell, ibid., vol. ix, p. 184, 1909. oe Berry—New Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabama. 257 upwardly directed branches inward and three or four longer less oblique branches outward, the latter forking and forming broad arches in the lateral lobes. One or two additional lateral primaries on each side take their origin from the com- mon point of divergence of the palmate or bilateral system of venation of this species and are confined to the lower lateral lobe on each side along the margin of which their branches arch. This ornate and butterfly-like species of Bauhinia is not uncommon in the sandy clays of the Upper Tuscaloosa near HiGaule Fic. 1. Restoration of Bauhinia alabamensis Berry, 4/7 nat. size. Havana in Hale County, Alabama, but owing to the unsatis- factory character of the matrix, which is too sandy for good collecting, and also to the fact that the plant remains had evidently been in the water a long time before entombment, only fragmentary specimens were secured. These represent, however, ali parts of the leaf and are complete enough to serve as an entirely accurate basis for the complete leaf shown in the accompanying figure. This species is markedly distinct from any of the fossil species hitherto known. In size and general appearance it 258 Berry—New Cretaceous Bauhinia from Alabama. suggests Bauhinia cretacea Newberry* of the Raritan forma- tion in New Jersey, and it may well be a descendant of that species, which as time passed widened out and became sub- lobate. It differs from any existing species known to the writer in its great width and sublobate character, although several recent smaller-leaved Species approach it in ‘the latter respect, and it seems probable that if representative collections of the foliage of the recent forms showi ing the limits of specific variation were available for comparison, it would be found that a tendency toward the formation of ‘sublobes was far from exceptional. Two recent species were noted as showing this marginal character. These are Bauhinia hookeri F. v. M. of Australia and Bauhinia tomentosa Linné of the West Indies. The display of species of this modern tropical genus in the Upper Cretaceous of the Atlantic coastal plain is certainly remarkable, for it embraces very small and very large forms and shows a variety almost as great as that furnished by the existing species. Quite recently still another and very dis- tinct species of Bauhinia was collected by the writer from typical Ripley strata in Alabama and this will be described upon a subsequent occasion. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Art. XXI.—Anhydrite and Associated Minerals from the Salt Mines of Central Kansas; by Avcstin F. Rogurs.t In this country anhydrite, the anhydrous calcium sulphate, seems to be a rather rare mineral. A year or so ago the writer found it in some abundance at several of the salt mines in central Kansas. So these must go on record as occurrences similar to the well-known localities in Germany and Austria where it is a common mineral. In characters and paragenesis the Kansas anhydrite resembles the foreign anhydrite. The anhydrite was collected from the dump-piles of the salt mines at Kanopolis, Ellsworth Co., and at Lyons, Rice Co. At Kanopolis rock-salt is mined in one shaft at a depth of 795 feet and in another shaft at a depth of 805 feet. The layer of salt is about 11 feet thick. A log of the Lyons shaft and of a deep well at Kanopolis are on record{ but the anhydrite evi- eee berry, Fl. Amboy Clays, p. 91, pl. xliii, figs. 1-4; pl. xliv, figs. 1-3, 1 + Published by permission of the State Geologist of Kansas. ¢ Annual Bulletin on Mineral Resources of Kansas for 1898, pp. 93-4. A. F. Rogers—Anhydrite and Associated Minerals. 259 dently was not identified, as no record of it appears. At Lyons a 17-foot bed of salt occurs at the bottom of a shaft 1100 feet deep. At Kingman, Kingman Co., Prof. J. T. Willard of Manhattan also obtained anhydrite from the dump of a salt mine. Bailey and Failyer in their list of Kansas minerals* mention this occurrence of anhydrite, but it has evidently Fic. 1. Fic. 2. a, anhydrite. J, Sypsum. been overlooked, for no mention of it is made in any ofthe reports of the University Geological Survey of Kansas. From an examination of the dump-piles it is evident that the anhydrite occurs in thin lenticular layers interbedded with shales, and probably has an appreciable vertical distribution. This is also true of the salt according to the shaft and well records cited above. Some specimens from the dumps show an intimate mixture of salt and anhydrite. The writer was also informed that at Lyons anhydrite occurs below the main * Transactions Kansas Academy of Science, vol. xili, p. 78, 1891-2. 260 A. F. Rogers—Anhydrite and Associated Minerals. salt bed. At the salt mines gypsum occurs in small quantities and probably only as a secondary mineral. The explanation of the association of anhydrite with the salt is based upon the experimental work of Rose and others. When- sea-water is evaporated CaSO,.2H,0 is the first substance to crystallize out. On further evaporation NaCl forms and with it CaSO,. That is, anhydrite instead of gypsum forms from a concentrated solu- tion saturated with NaCl. Later magnesium and potassium chlorids and sulphates are formed. In the Kansas deposits these have been dissolved if ever they were formed. The salt and anhydrite occur in the lower Permian. Accord ing to Plate V of the report on Kansas salt,* the salt-beds are between the Wellington and Marion formations. Nota single fossil was found on the saltmine dumps, and this is not strange when we consider the conditions under which these deposits were formed. rom evidence gathered in various places it seems certain that throughout the northern hemisphere an arid climate prevailed in the Permian. The poverty of fossils, the oceur- rence of Red-beds, and the presence of extensive beds of gypsum and salt, all point to the fact that Kansas was like the rest of the northern hemisphere during Permian time. Now the occur- rence ot anhydrite with the salt is additional evidence that the Kansas Permian is like the Permian (Zechstein) of Germany during which time the salt-deposits of Stassturt, Leopoldshall, Vienenburg, and Bernburg were formed. At all these localities anhydrite occurs with salt. Anhydrite.—The massive anhydrite is a gray or reddish gran- ular rock occurring in thin lenticular layers rarely over four inches thick. Itresembles gypsum but is heavier (sp. gr. 2°9) and harder (h. 34). A microscopic examination of the rock shows an aggregate of imperfect sub-angular squares and rectangles, with bright interference colors and parallel extinction. Some of the massive anhydrite gives off water in the closed tube. This points to the presence of gypsum, which is shown in a thin section (figure 1). . The mineral with high relief marked ais anhydrite. The spaces between the anhydrite are filled with gypsum marked g, which has low relief, aggregate struc- ture and low-order interference colors. The gypsum has evi- dently formed from the anhydrite by hydration. Dolomite is also present, marked d. Cleavable and fibrous anhydrite occurs in seams often an inch or more thick. The anhydrite has the typical pseudo-cubic cleavage and one of the cleavages is usually parallel to the plane of the seam. The seams are often fibrous in an oblique direction. The explanation of this is shown in figure 2, which represents a cross-section of a seam. The fibrous structure is due to polysynthetic twinning parallel to an *Annual Bulletin of the Mineral Resources for 1898. A. F. Rogers—Anhydrite and Associuted Minerals. 261 oblique face. The twinning is probably secondary, as it appar- ently begins at one side of the seam and gradually causes the mineral to take on a fibrous structure. A few minute pseud- eubie crystals of anhydrite were found in close association with halite. These are doubtless secondary and on account of the halite crystallized as anhydrite instead of as gypsum. ~ Gypsum.—Gypsum is present as a subordinate mineral and apparently is always secondary. It occurs in some of the mas- sive anhydrite as an alteration product (figure 1). Also coats seams of cleavable anhydrite but as sharply defined layers (figure 2). On the surface of some of the anhydrite specimens are small gray crystals of gypsum mixed with clay. These have evidently been formed since the material was thrown on the dump-piles. Dolomite.—Dolomite occurs in minute crystals disseminated through some of the massive anhydrite (see d, figure 1). . In habit the crystals are unusual, the forms being (4041) and (0001) as represented in figure 3. Similar crystals occur in gypsum at Hall in the Tyrol. Celestite.—A heavy reddish mineral, occwrring in masses of imperfect tabular crystals and also in small fibrous forms in the cleavable anhydrite, proves to be celestite. This intimate connection with anhydrite would perhaps indicate that the celestite is a direct deposition from sea water. Quartz.—Quartz occurs in sinall (2 or 3 mm.) pale reddish erystals imbedded in the massive anhydrite. It has the usual faces (1011), (0111), and (1010) and the habit is like that of the Suttrop, Westphalia crystals. Pyrite.—Pyrite is found in minute brown oxidized erystals in the anhydrite. Itis coated with a yellow alteration product resembling copiapite. | _ Halite.—Halite occurs in clear cubic cleavages up to three or four inches in size. Negative crystals filled with a liquid and moving bubbles are common. A red fibrous halite occurs at Kanopolis. Halite is directly associated with anhydrite and is sometimes embeddded in it. Careful search was made for the other Stassfurt minerals but none was found. A reddish fibrous mineral very much resembled polyhalite but proved to be celestite. Stanford University, California, December, 1909. 262 Screntifie Intelligence. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CwHemistry AND Puysics. 1. Zhe Purple Dye of the Ancients._-In an address delivered at Frankfort a. M., P. FrrepLaENDER has given an interesting account of the highly prized purple dye of the ancients, together with a solution of the mystery of its chemical nature. It appears that Greek and Roman literature supplies abundant information concerning the history of this dye, but the technical details of the lost art of applying it are almost wholly lacking. It is hardly possible that the process was a secret one, since it was employed by nearly all Mediterranean peoples in many localities, hence the lack of information seems to be due to the low social status of the dyers of ancient times. The species of mollusks employed in the preparation of this royal purple are well known, both from ancient descriptions and the remains of broken shells still existing in heaps at places where the dye was prepared, and it appears that the sea-snails or periwinkles now known as murex brandaris, murex trunculus, and purpura haemostoma were those chiefly used. It is known also that only a very small organ of the snail was utilized. From ancient statements concerning the value of the dyed material the calculation is made that the value of the dyestuff must have been something like $5,000 per pound. Several previous investigators have attempted the study of this coloring matter, but without definite results, except that color tests seemed to indicate some analogy to indigo-blue or indigo- red. In undertaking a new study of the matter Friedlaender obtained a supply of mollusks from various Mediterranean zoological stations. After breaking the shells, the glands, which show no color in their original condition, were taken out, their contents were spread upon filter paper and exposed to sunlight for the development of the color. This material was then treated with hot dilute sulphuric acid in order to remove more soluble matters, and then the coloring matter was extracted with a high- boiling solvent, such as quinoline or benzoic ether, from which it was easily obtained pure by crystallization. ‘The yield was very smal], amounting to only 1°5 g. from 12,000 specimens of murex brandaris. Upon analysis the remarkable fact was found that it contained much bromine, and it was established without doubt that the substance was 6,6, diabrom indigo, a compound already known which can be synthesized in several ways, and which could be manufactured at a price a thousand times less than its cost in times of antiquity. But it is hardly to be expected that it will be used at the present time, for it has a rather dull, reddish-violet color, which makes no marked i impression upon modern eyes, and besides the tint can be reproduced by several thio-indigo deriva- tions. Friedlaender says that we have thus lost one of our Chemistry and Physics. , 268 illusions ; but still he has observed that murex trunculus gives, besides this reddish-violet coloring matter, also a dark blue one, which results by oxidation, and not by the action of ligbt, from a colorless body. In spite of Friedlaender’s verdict in regard to the royal purple, it still seems possible that the ancients may have been able to produce a really magnificent color by means of some lost method of combination or manipulation.—Zeltschr. angew. Chem., xxii, 2321. lo We Ais 2. The Purification of Water Supplies by the use of Hypo- chlorites.—Dr. W. P. Mason has given an account of the use of bleaching powder or of sodium hypochlorite in the purification of water supplies. He says that those who have been opposed to this method must change their position on account of the results that have been obtained in France and England, as well as at the Chicago Stock Yards and with the municipal supply of Jersey City. In the latter case the dose of available chlorine used during the month of December, 1908, averaged approx- imately 0°03 grains per gallon, and has since been materially reduced. While using the above amount the daily counts of bacteria per c.c. were as follows : Raw Water ‘Treated Water Naam Wims2 oo see oe 1600 fae 3() WMirrriritit=-- 2. 2s ee 240 0 Ay WORE Fae See a eae 559 2°7 No part of this minute dose of hypochlorite reaches the con- sumer, and protection against pathogenic germs appears to be assured. It is not expected that the process will take the place of filtration, because it does not improve the physical appearance of a water, but as an adjunct to a filter plant there can be no question of its usefulness in times of emergency, and it can be depended on to render a somewhat polluted water safe for domestic purposes at a moderate price.—-Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., xlviii, No. 191. Hae Wo 3. Allen’s Commercial Organic Analyses, edited by Henry LerrMann and W. A. Davis. Fourth edition, entirely rewrit- ten. Philadelphia, 1909 (P. Blakiston’s Son & Co.).—The first volume of a complete revision of Allen’s great work will be wel- comed by all commercial analysts. The revision is being under- taken by specialists in the various branches of the subject, an arrangement which will undoubtedly lead to a presentation of the most recent and best methods. The present volume contains an introduction dealing with general operations and the deter- mination of physical properties of substances, and takes up the subjects of alcohols, malt and malt liquors, wines and potable spirits, veasts, neutral alcoholic derivatives, sugars, starch and isomers, paper and paper-making materials, and acid derivatives of alcohols. The contributors to this volume are EK. Frankland Armstrong, Julian L. Baker, William A. Davis, G. C. Jones, Henry Leffmann, Emil Schlichting and R. W. Sindall. Two of these contributors and several others who will assist in the prepa- 264 Scientific Intelligence. ration of subsequent volumes are Americans, so that the work will have an international character. The complete work will consist of eight volumes, which will be issued rapidly. 4.1. w. 4. Introduction to Physical Chemistry ; by Harry C. Jonzs. 12mo, pp. xv+279. New York, 1910 (The Macmillan Co.).— This book is practically an abbreviated edition of the author’s Introduction to Physical Chemistry and is designed for a shorter college course in physical chemistry. Much of the text and many figures are taken from the larger book. The six chapters in the book are on the atom, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, thermo- chemistry and photochemistry, electrochemistry, and chemical dynamics and equilibrium. It will probably find considerable use in the colleges. H.W. F 5. Change from Positive Reflection to Negative through Pres- sure.—O. LumMER and K. Sorex have repeated Lord Rayleigh’s observations on this subject, moved, probably, to a consideration of the subject by the remark of Rayleigh, that in the study of surface conditions by means. of light much can be learned of the constitution of matter. The authors of this paper show that the ellipticity at a reflecting surface can be appreciably changed by a mechanical change of the medium without influencing the reflecting surface.—Ann. der Physik, No. 2, 1910, pp. 325-342. Je Bs 6. Study of Gaseous Suspensions.—MauvricE DE BROGLIE refers to the Brownian movement in fluids and calls attention to analogous movements of suspended particles in air or gases. He describes an ultra microscopic arrangement which he uses to study smoke particles. He discusses the ‘effect of an electric field, influence of weight, and the relations of the movements observed to Brownian movements, In smoke, he finds particles of which the radius lies between py and a hundredth of py.— Physik, Zeitschrift, Jan. 15,1910, pp. 33-39. Sealy 7. Constitution of the Electric Spark.—The work of Schuster and Hemsalech has been continued by T. Royps, under the advice and suggestion of Schuster and Rutherford. The method of observation consisted in focussing the spark upon a rapidly revolving photographic film. The velocities of metallic vapor caused by the spark between different terminals are given in a oe vee m table. In general these velocities are within 10° a The author shows that the vaporization of the metallic electrode is simul- taneous with the pilot or initial spark. Two simultaneous veloci- ties were obtained in the case of calcium vapor.— Phil. Mag., Feb., 1910, pp. 285-290. Jos 8. Cadmium Amalgams and the Weston Normal Cell.—In a communication from the National Physical Laboratory, F. E. SMITH reviews the work of previous writers on this subject and submits his own measurements. There are many suggestions ,deduced from his work. Among them is the advice that the 123 per cent amalgam be replaced by a 10 per cent amalgam.— Phil. Mag., Feb., 1910, pp. 250-276. seem Or Geology and Natural Mstory. 26 If. Grotogy anp Natura History. 1. Florida State Geological Survey; E. H. Srttarps, Geolo- gist. Second Annual Report, 1908-9. Pp. 296, 19 pls., 5 figs., geologic and topographic map in_ pocket. —This includes the following : 1. A Preliminary Report on the Geology of Florida ; by Grorer Cuartton Matson and Frepericx G. CLAPP, pre- pared in codperation between the United States Geological Sur- vey and the Florida State Geological Survey under the direction of Tuomas Wayianr.VauGHAN. 2. Topography and Geology of Southern Florida; ‘>y Samuret Sanrorp.—Scattered papers and reports dealing segs with the coast line have heretofore been the basis of our knowledge of Florida geology. We now have, however, a preliminary report on the geology of the whole state, together with a topographic and geologic map. In view of pre- vious opinions, the reader of this report will be interested to learn that the geologic structure of Florida is diversified, not simple ; and that corals, instead of being the chief agent in the formation of the bed rock of the state, have really played a minor role: have always been limited to the extreme southeastern part of the peninsula. ‘‘There appears to be no reason to suppose that reefs have existed on the west coast or north of the north line of Palm Beach County on the east coast ” (p. 40). Florida is a region of low plains and deeply dissected uplands. The state as a whole has an elevation of less than 100 feet. The topographic map shows an area in the southern part of the state 150 miles long by 100 miles in width, with an altitude of less than 50 feet ; and one of the longest rivers in the state, the St. Johns, is nowhere more than 30 feet above the tide. On the other hand, detached areas along the Georgia-Alabama line reach 250 feet and “small areas may exceed 300 feet.” The drainage is consequent and superimposed, and includes excellent illustra- tions of extended streams. The imperfectly drained areas con- tain thousands of lakes occupying either solution cavities or shallow basins due to unequal deposition of sands. Lakes of the former type predominate in the more elevated portion of the peninsula, and the rate of solution by ground water in this area is found by Sellards to equal the annual removal of 400 tons per square mile. The Everglades, 22.4 feet above tide, are found to be almost completely surrounded by a rim of rock ; and are believed by Mr. Sanford to be similar in origin to the Dismal Swamp of Virginia. In structure Florida is “the southern extension of the coastal plain, and its history, in general, has been the same.” An uplift similar to the Cincinnati arch has raised the lower Oligocene more than 100 feet above the sea. The geological formations include Tertiary and Quaternary ; the oldest rocks belong to the Oligocene Period, and include the Am. JOUR. ag ea Series, Vou. X XIX, No. 171.—Marcu, 1910. 266 Scientific Intelligence. Vicksburg and Appalachicola groups. ‘Three of the four forma- tions of the latter are believed to have been deposited contem- poraneously. Two formations have been distinguished in the Miocene, five in the Pliocene, including the Lafayette. The various formations are discussed in detail, pp. 50-162. The Pleistocene geology is unusually interesting here because of abundant proof of several elevations and depressions of the penin-: sula, including movements going on at the present time. Modi- fied drainage, sea cliffs and terraces are topographic features abundantly represented. The report of Samuel Sanford on the Topography and Geology of Southern Florida (pp. 177-231) is the fst attempt at a com- plete geological description of this area. The studies include the Everglades, the Coastal Plain, and the reefs and keys along the line of the Florida East Coast Railway. Owing to the recent deposition of the beds and their more recent elevation, the topography of this area is in a stage of infancy. “ Drainage is defective, sloughs, shallow ponds and lakes abound. Most of the interior is 4 swamp, there are no well-defined river systems nor stream valleys, and some of the short rivers that flow from the Everglades into the Atlantic are, where bed rock comes a few feet above tide level, characterized by rapids in their upper courses.” The author agrees with Dall that “the present Florida mainland is but the top of a vastly greater submarine plateau, the southeastern and southern edges of which are near the pres- ent shore line, the western edge many miles to the west.” One of the striking features of southern Florida is the absence of rock outcrops over wide areas where the ledge is but a few feet below the surface. Part of the extensive mantle of sand which so effectually conceals the bed rock has been carried down the Atlantic coast by waves and currents, and part of it comes from the disintegration of arenaceous linestones and marls. — The State Geologist discusses the origin, distribution and com- mercial importance of phosphates, diatomaceous earth, fullers’ earth, and other economic products. H. E. G. 2. Report of Topographic and Geologic Survey Commission of Pennsylvania, 1906-1908. Pp. 375, 21 plates and 21 figures, Harrisburg, 1908.—The First Geological Survey of Pennsylvania under the direction of H. D. Rogers was organized in 1836, and issued reports in 1836, 1838, 1840, 1841, and 1842, with two vol- umes of final reports in 1858. The Second Geological Survey, organized in 1874 under the direction of J. P. Lesley, was con- tinuously in operation from 1874 to 1887, issuing 77 volumes, 38 atlases, in addition to a “grand atlas.” Three volumes of the final report of this survey were issued in 1893-1895. in 1899 a topographic and geologic survey was organized to work in codper- ation with the United States Geological Survey. Under these auspices work was carried on under the general direction of M. Rh. Campbell until 1894, when the general supervision was placed in the hands of George H. Ashley. The results of the work have been published from time to time by the United States Geologi- Geology and Natural Mstory. 267 cal Survey. Under present conditions, accuracy and complete- ness in topographic and geologic work have reached a much higher level than was possible under the conditions controlling the earlier state surveys. The present volume will doubtless be welcomed by the people of Pennsylvania as well as by students of geology in general, because it contains within a reasonable compass a discussion of the salient features of the geology of the state. By means of this General Review it is possible now to get a clear conception of Pennsylvania geology, stratigraphic and physiographic, as well as economic, and including recent discoveries, without reading through a mass of detailed and technical description. The gen- eral geologic report has been largely written by R. W. Stone, the pre-Pennsylvanian stratigraphy by Charles Butts, the petroleum and gas report by M. J. Munn. Es Gy 3. Virginia Geological Survey ; THomas L. Watson, Direc- tor. Bulletin No. I-A; The Cement Resoarces of Virginia, West of the Blue Ridge, by Ray S. Bassier, with an Introduc- tory chapter on the Materials and Manufacture of Hvdraulic Cements, by Epwin C. Ecker. Pp. xii, 309, 30 plates, 30 figures. Charlottesville, 1909.—The development of the cement industry in Virginia justifies the publication of the present report, which, however, is more than an economic paper, and includes a valuable report (pp. 136-185), chiefly stratigraphic, on the geology of western Virginia, a region which has heretofore been inadequately studied. 3 Heprlig Ge 4. Illinois State Geological Survey ; H. Foster Bain, Direc- tor. Bulletin 11; Physical Features of the Des Plaines Valley, by James WaLtEeR GoLpTuwait. Pp. x, 103, 9 plates and 21 figures. Urbana, 1909.—Attention has previously been called to the admirable series of Educational Bulletins dealing with the geology of the state of Illinois, planned by the Illinois Geological Survey. This present bulletin is fully up to the standard «f the others, and amply justifies the labor expended. ‘Too little atten- tion has been paid by state and national surveys to the needs of teachers and general readers ; and it is hoped that this series, dealing-in a more or less untechnical way with interesting type localities, will encourage other organizations to undertake a similar work. H. E. G. 5. Geology and Water Resources of the Northern Portion of the Black Hills and Adjoining Regions in South Dakota and Wyoming ; by N. H. Darron. Professional Paper, U. 5. G.S., No. 65, 1909. Pp. 105, 24 plates, 15 figures.—Several previous papers and reports by Mr. Darton, dealing with the Black Hills and the surrounding region, have presented the geology of this interesting area in an exceptionally attractive manner. These papers of Darton’s taken in connection with the reports by Professor Jaggar and Professor Irving, and the earlier report of Newton and Jenney, constitute a body of geologic literature available for few areas in the United States. 268 Scientific Intelligence. The present report includes part of the material previously published, as well as much additional matter ; and, taken in con- nection with the author’s report on the southern Black Hills, will remain as the authoritative work on this area. This paper, including as it does the topography, general geology, strati- graphy, structure, geological history, as well as a discussion of the water resources, mineral resources, and climate, all parts of it well written and well illustrated, may serve as a type publica- tion if the United States Survey desires to be directly helpful to teachers and students, and to the increasing body of readers who are interested in geography, physiography, and general geologi- cal description, rather than in details of paleontology, petrog- raphy and economic geology. He ER inGe 6. Biological Survey of Michigan: An Ecological Survey of Isle Royale, Lake Superior ; prepared under direction of CHaRLEs C. Apams. Pp. xiv and 422, 63 figures.—The following papers are included in Part I of this report: 1. Isle Royale as a Biotic Environment ; Dr. Charles C. Adams. 2. The Ecological Rela- tions of the Invertebrate Fauna of Isle Royale, Michigan; Dr. H. A. Gleason. 3. The Ecological Distribution of the Birds of Isle Royal, Lake Superior ; Otto McCreary. 4. The Fall Migration of Birds at Washington Harbor, Isle Royale, Lake Superior ;. Max Minor Peet. 5. The Ecological Succession of Birds; Dr. Charles C. Adams. 6. The Coleoptera of Isle Royale, Lake Superior, and their Relation to the North American Centers of Dispersal ; Dr. Charles C. Adams. Part II contains the following annotated lists: 1. Notes onthe Vegetation of Isle Royale, Michigan; W.P. Holt. 2. Annotated List of Certain Isle Royale Invertebrates ; ; Dr. Charles C. Adams. 3. Annotated List of the Mollusca of Isle Royale, Michigan ; Bryant Walker. 4. Report on the Isle Royale Orthoptera of the 1905 Expedition to Isle Royale ; A. P. Morse. ‘5, Neuropteroid Insects from Isle Royale, Michigan; Dr. James G. Needham. 6. Diptera of the 1905 University Museum Expedition to Isle Royale ; Professor James 8. Hine. 7. Annotated List of Isle Royale Hymenoptera; E. 8. Titus. 8. The Ants of Isle Royale, Michigan; Dr. Wm. M. Wheeler. 9. The Cold-Blooded Verte- brates of Isle Royale ; Dr. A. G. Ruthven. 10. Annotated List of the Birds of Isle Royale; M. M. Peet. 11. Notes on Isle toyale Mammals and their Ecological Relations ; Dr. Charles C. Adams. H. E. G. 7. The University Geological Survey of Kansas, Erasmus HawortH, State Geologist. Vol. ix, Special Report on Oil and Gas. Pp. xiv, 586, with a geological map, 1 chart, 107 plates, and 8 figures. Topeka, 1908. Sent when applied for upon the receipt of 30 cents postage.—This large volume is devoted to a special report on the petroleum and natural gas of Kansas, and has been prepared by the state geologist and his assistants. The great economic development of these industries in the mid-con- tinental field of Kansas and Oklahoma within the first few years (see also xxvili, 560) gives a peculiar interest to this volume. It Geology and Natural History. 269 opens with a historical chapter in regard to the discovery of oil, particularly in Kansas, from 1860 down to the present time, the third or most important period beginning with 1890. Chapters follow on the history of field work, the stratigraphy, etc., while the subjects of the chemical composition of both gas and petro- leum are taken up in much detail. J. W. Beede and- A. F. Rogers (pp. 318-389) contribute an account: of faunal studies from the Coal Measures, and E. H. Sellards chapters on fossil plants (pp. 386-480) and on fossil cockroaches (pp. 501-541). 8. Das Antlitz der Hrde; von Epnuarp Surss. Third vol- ume, second half; conclusion of the entire work. Pp. iv+789, 55 text illustrations, three tables and five colored maps. Accom- panied by an index of 153 pp. bound separately.—The publica- tion of this final volume of ‘The Face of the Earth” marks the | consummation of the life work of the distinguished leader of European geology, the completion of a labor so important and so vast that at the recent annual meeting of the Geological Society of Ameriga a resolution of congratulation and admiration signed individually by the entire body of geologists present was trans- mitted to its author. In this work, the publication of which has extended over a generation, the entire geological literature of the past century of ‘both the old and new worlds has been drawn upon for the mate- rials of construction. The more important papers have been abstracted and numerous references will enable the future investi- gator to use these volumes as a starting point for research on any geological province or to acquaint himself with that degree of progress in the earth science which marked the nineteenth century. It must not be thought of, however, as primarily a compilation, for Suess has done this work with a breadth of view which has made all subsequent generations of geologists his debtors and has used the materials to achieve ends of his own, bringing forth conclusions which the individual workers did not perceive. ; The volume opens with a description of the regions folded at the close of the Paleozoic in the old and new worlds and goes on in later chapters to consider folded tracts of later date, faulted regions, and the island arcs of the Pacific. Later parts treat of the theories of origin of these structures and of igneous activity. A chapter is devoted to the Moon and a concluding chapter to the life of the earth. In a brief notice of a voluminous work such as this no. discus- sion can be given of the subject matter and conclusions, as space would only permit a partial view of a few arbitrarily selected topics. It may be noted, however, regarding the mode of treat- ment that the work is built upon an exhaustive study of areal, structural and paleontological geology. It sums up, therefore, and uses with great power the modes of research which were especially employed in the nineteenth century. The youngest member among the family of geological sciences, physiography, 270 Scientific Intelligence. has been widely applied as a mode of research only since the opening of the twentieth century and the light which it is throwing _on the continental histories since the close of the Paleozoic has. come too late to be incorporated into the body of this work. It is to be hoped that an English translation of this, as of the pre- vious volumes, will soon appear in order that a wider and more intimate acquaintance of it among English readers may be acquired. Jj Be 9. Beitrdge zur Flora der unteren Kreide Quedlinburgs, Teit IT; Die Gattung Nathorstiana P. Richter und Cylindrites spon- gioides Goeppert ; by P. B. Ricurrer. Pp. 11, with 62 figures and 6 plates. Leipzig, 1909 (Wilhelm Engelmann).—In this part. are described in detail two new species of the new Lycopod genus Nathorstiana and Cylindrites spongioides. The latter is thought to be a strand nian either a conifer or Pseudocyceas. . Gruss 10. Cave Vertebrates of America: A Study in Degenerative Evolution ; by Cant B. Kicenmann. Pp. ix, 241, with 72 text figs., 29 plates and frontispiece. Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington, Publication No. 104, July 9, 1909.—Dr. Higenmann has. enjoyed unusual privileges for the study of cave life and its de- generating influence, and the results of his years of study are embodied in this handsome quarto. Some of the more striking of the author’s conclusions are as follows : “The bleached condition of animals living in the. dark, an indi- vidual environmental adaptation, is transmissible and finally becomes hereditarily fixed. “ Ornamental secondary sexual characters not being found in blind fishes are, when present, probably due to visual selection. “ Individual degeneration of the eye may begin in even earlier stages of development until nearly the entire development be- comes affected, that is, functional adaptations are transmissible.” The cave environment is divided into three regions: (1) Twi- light just within the cave bounded by the distance to which light penetrates from without; (2) Region of fluctuating tempera- tures ; (3) Inner cave region with absolute darkness, very slight temperature changes. The animals constituting the cave fauna are not all of one class, nor do those within one class belong to. one family. They are very diverse in character and origin, but not all families of vertebrates are represented, as a certain predis- position in habit and structure is necessary Caves are populated by one of the four following processes : (1) By accidental carrying into caves; (2) Animals may step by step have colonized the caves, becoming adapted to the environ- ment as successive generations gradually entered deeper and deeper recesses of the caves; (3) Animals which had elsewhere become adjusted to do without light may have gathered volunta- rily in caves; (4) Animals may have developed along with the development of the caves. The plant food of cave dwellers is from the nature of things Geology and Natural History. 271 all imported. Eyes and color tend to degenerate ; but cave ani- mals are marvelously sensitive to tactile sensations, especially to vibrations; and experiments goto prove that blind cave fishes are still sensitive to pencils of light over the entire body. In general the older caves have a more profoundly modified fauna than the newer, and cave animals tend to converge while epigean animals tend to diverge. Ri, Sal: 11. Die Sdugetierontogenese in threr Bedeutung Sur die Phy- logenie der Wirbeltiere ; by A. A. W. Husrecnt. Jena, 1909 (Gustav Fischer). Pp. 247. with 186 figures in the text.—In this important memoir Professor Hubrecht discusses the early ontog- eny of mammals and its bearing upon the accepted phylogeny of the vertebrates. The paper sums up the later work not only of the author but of contemporary embryologists and arrives at some very interesting conclusions, several of which, however, are yet open to corroborative proof from other branches of biology. Hubrecht regards the fetal structures as of prime importance in the study of mammalian evolution, for the finer details of ontog- eny give us a keen insight into the relationship of the various groups. The author proposes a new classification based upon this source of knowledge, which will not, however, be universally accepted. He divides the vertebrates into four super-classes : (1) Cephalochordata (Amphioxus); (2) Cyclostomata; (3) Chondrophora (Elasmobranchii) ; (4) Osteophora (all higher vertebrates). He suggests that many of the Dipnoi, Ganoids, and Teleosts may have had terrestrial ancestors just as did the Cetacea ; that the mammals and Sauropsida may both trace their phylogeny back through amphibian-like Carboniferous animals and thence back- ward through aquatic ancestors to worm-like forms derived from the Celenterate stem. Based upon evidence derived from the placentation, Hubrecht concludes that Man, the Anthropoid apes and the insectivorous hedgehog are most primitive; the human ontogeny showing the most archaic characteristics of all—an interesting argument in favor of the high antiquity of Man. Re Sa D. 12. The Occurrence of Strepsicerine Antelopes in the Tertiary of Northwestern Nevada ; by Joun C. Merriam. University of California Publications, Vol. V, No. 22, pp. 319-330,—The expe- dition of 1909 to the Virgin Valley and Thousand Creek region of N. W. Nevada procured a wide range of mammalian forms of which a considerable per cent are new. Of these some of the most interesting are twisted-horned antelopes, known now only in Africa and throwing additional light upon past mammalian migrations. Two new genera, each with a new species, are de- scribed which are most nearly related to the strepsicerine or tra- gelaphine division of the antelope group, now confined to Africa, but represented by several typical twisted-horned types in Europe and Asia in later Tertiary time. Ry Sed 272 Scientific Intelligence. 13. Recherches Géologiques et Pétrographiques sur ? Oural du Nord. Le Bassin dela Haute Wichéra; par L. Duparc. Mem. Soc. phys. et d’hist. nat. de Genéve. 4°, vol. xxxvi, fase I, 1909, pp. 207, pls. v.—The author states ‘that in this work he has had the codperation, especially in the field, of Prof. F. Pearce and Mdlle. Tikanowitch, It is the third volume on this region pub- lished by the author, the two preceding volumes being devoted to other parts of the northern Urals. The geological map shows that the bottom of the basin and the course of the river is determined along belts of Devonian rocks consisting of schists and dolomites, flanked on the one side by a range of Carbonifer- ous limestones and quartzites, and on the other by mountains of pre-Devonian metamorphic schists of various types containing quartzite belts and injected masses of diabase. The various geo- logic features of this region, including studies of its structure, of terrace formations, of the petrology of its rocks with a number of chemical analyses, are given in considerable detajl. Attention is also paid to the iron mines in a study of them and of the probable genesis of the ores. ‘The whole forms a useful addition to our knowledge of the geological features of a little known region. Li, VorBs 14. Laboratory Botany for the High School ; by WiLuaRp N. Crutz. Pp. xiv, 177. Boston, New York, etc., 1909 (Ginn & Company).—This little laboratory manual is divided into three parts. The first deals with the structure and life processes of angiosperms ; the second, with the structure and evolution of the plant kingdom ; while the third describes a series of experi- ments in plant physiology. The distinctive feature of the book is that the student is left largely to his own resources. Under each topic a long series of questions is asked, and these are to be answered independently through the study of appropriate mate- rial. The advantage of such a method is that the knowledge thus gained will be first-hand knowledge. The disadvantage is that much of it must of necessity be fragmentary and uncor- related. Of course a well-trained teacher would be able to counteract this disadvantage by a formal and connected presenta- tion of the more important topics, and in the hands of such a teacher the book should prove of distinct service. A. W. E. III. Miscettanseous Screntiric INTELLIGENCE. 1. The Norwegian Aurora Polaris Hepedition 1902-1903. Vol. J. On the Cause of Magnetic Storms and the Origin of Ter- restrial Magnetism ; by Kr. Birrketanp. First section. Pp. vi, 315, with 21 plates. Christiana, 1909.--The author of this work, between the vears 1896-1903, carried out three expeditions to the polar regions, with the object of procuring material for the investigation ‘of terrestrial magnetism and the aurora. The investigations are recorded in this work, the first section of volume I having the special title given above, while volume II Miscellaneous Intelligence. 2738 will treat of the aurora and some results of the meteorological observations made. The amount of material available will be obvious from the fact that in 1902 and 1903 magnetic register- ings were available from twenty-five observatories, seattered over the world, including the four Norwegian stations on Iceland, Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, and Finmark. Certain well-marked magnetic storms in 1882-3 have also been treated from the observations in the reports of the International Polar Expedition. The author in 1896 advanced the theory that magnetic disturb- ances on the earth, as well as the aurora borealis, are due to cor- puscular rays emitted by the sun; and the observations recorded have been treated with a view to show their relation to this theory. He says: “The magnetic storms, for instance, have been studied in such a manner, that on the one hand we have formed from our observation-material a field of force which gives as complete a representation as possible of the perturbing forces existing on the earth at the times under consideration. On the other hand, by experimental investigations with a little magnetic terrella in a large discharge-tube, and by mathematical analysis, we have endeavoured to prove that a current of electric corpuscles from the sun would give rise to precipitation upon the earth, the magnetic effect of which agrees well with the magnetic field of force that was found by the observations on the earth.” He adds : “The disintegration theory, which has proved of the greatest value in the explanation of the radio-active phenomena, may possibly also afford sufficient explanation as to the origin of the sun’s heat. The energy of the corpuscular precipitation that takes place in the polar regions during magnetic storms seems, indeed, to indicate a disintegration process in the sun of such magnitude, that it may possibly clear up this most important question in solar physics.” He believes that future results in this line will serve to solve the questions as to the origin of terrestrial magnetism and that of the sun’s heat. Professor Stormer has carried on the mathe- matical investigations in connection with the author’s theory, which are intended to make clear the movement of electric cor- puscles from sun to earth. These will be published in a special part of the present work. The author considers it to be beyond doubt that the powerful ‘magnetic storms in the northern regions are due to the action of electric currents above the earth near the auroral zone. The attempt has been made in the case of some of the storms to cal- culate the strength of horizontal currents that would cause them, supposing that they acted magnetically as galvanic currents. In the case of the greater storms, current strengths of from 500,000 to 1,000,000 amperes or even more have been obtained. He has calculated also that according as to whether the currents are due to cathode or to B-rays, the energy for 1,000,000 amperes would be 19°6 X 10° or 535 10° horse-power. Further considerations lead to an estimate of 10’° horse-power for the energy of the rays 274 Screntific Intelligence. that would come in contact with the earth if the latter was non-magnetic. 2. Carnegie Institution of Washington.—In connection with the dedication of the administration building of the Carnegie Institution at Washington, Dec. 13, 1909, a pamphlet has been issued describing the plan and scope of the Institution, and showing in brief form what it has grown to be in the past eight years. There are ten departments enumerated, most of which have their own permanent homes where active research is being carried on ; these are illustrated by numerous views in this report. The Highth Year Book of the Institution (pp. vii, 259, with 16 plates), which has just appeared, gives a detailed account of its work during the year 1909. On the financial side it is inter- esting to note that about $700,000 of income were available, of which the sum of $467,500 was expended for the now well estab- lished larger projects, $50,000 for minor grants toe individuals, $30,600 for research assistants and $104,600 for publication and. administration. The entire amount expended by the Institution up to 1910 reaches the imposing total of $4,129,000. The work of the Institution has expanded in a remarkable manner, particularly along the lines determined by the various special departments of research to which the resources are chiefly devoted. ‘These include, as enumerated in former notices, the Solar Observatory in California ; the Geophysical Laboratory in Washington (the important results from which are contained in this Journal); the Marine Biological Laboratory at Tortugas, Florida, and that of Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring, N.Y.; the Desert Botanical Laboratory at Tucson, Arizona, and others. The non-magnetic yacht Carnegie started’ on her first trip in August last and at this date has just returned from a highly successful voyage of 8,000 miles. An interesting digest of the results accomplished in these and the other lines of research is given in the Year Book ; as a whole it gives a good idea of the efficiency of the entire organization under the charge of Dr. Woodward, and the vast amount of good work which is being accomplished. As noted above, the administration of the Institution has now a permanent home in a handsome building at the corner of Six- teenth and P streets in Washington, dedicated in December last. The work of publication has gone on steadily through the year, nineteen volumes, aggregating about 5,000 pages, having been issued (see vol. xxvii, 347, xxvill, 564). The total number of publications is now 141, with some 35,000 printed pages. 3. Lhe Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teach- ing. Fourth Annual Report of the President, HENRY Sm1ITHa Pricurtr, and the Treasurer, Tuomas Morrison CARNEGIE. . Pp. 201; 576 Fifth Avenue, New York City.—At the end of September Jast the total funds of the Carnegie Foundation amounted to $11,108,000. The income for the year was $544,355, of which $343,870 was paid out for retiring allowances and about Miscellaneous Intelligence. 275 $53,600 for expenses of administration, publication, etc. An unexpended balance of $147,000 remained, which is included in total amount of the fund as stated above. During the year 115 pensions aggregating $177,000 were granted, bringing the num- ber of pensions now being paid up to 318, involving a cost of $466,000; this statement alone shows how widely the benefits of this great contribution to the cause of the higher education are being distributed. There are now 67 institutions in the accepted list, including five state institutions, one of these at Toronto, Canada. An important change has been made the past year in the work- ing of the system, the service pension, which allowed an indi- vidual to retire at any age after twenty-five years of professional service, having been withdrawn except in the case of teachers who from disability are unable to continue active work. On the other hand, the age pension, which as previously allows retirement at an age of sixty-five years, is extended to all who have served twenty-five years, including their work as instructors. The reasons which have led to these changes are clearly stated by the President. A variety of other problems are also discussed by him: these are in part administrative, dealing with college finances and financial reports, advertising, the function of the trustee, and other related points. Other matters treated of are educational and have to do with the standards of entrance examinations, and of college and university instruction in general. The Foundation aspires to be a powerful force in raising and unifying college requirements and standards; in this direction it can accomplish great good, but constructive criticism from without, in the case of an established institution, involves many delicate questions which require careful handling that good results may be assured. 4. Relief Maps.—The geological department of the University of Wisconsin has prepared a geological relief map, or model, of the state of Illinois, copies of which may be purchased from the Board of Regents at Madison for $100. The map framed is 6 feet 7 inches < 3 feet 9 inches, and is on a horizontal scale of five miles to one inch and a vertical scale of 1320 feet to one inch. A model of the Malaspina glacier, Alaska, including the adjacent region near Mt. St. Elias and Yakutat Bay, may also be obtained for $125. It is about 7 feet x 4% feet, and is on a scale (horizontal and vertical) of 1 : 80,000 or one inch to one and one- quarter mile. 5. Report of the Librarian of Congress and Report of the Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds for the fiscal year ending June 30,1909. Pp. 220, with 6 illustrations. Washington, 1909.—The Library of Congress is so universally recognized now as the standard of work of that kind in the coun- try that the report of Mr. Putnam has great interest for those especially concerned. It may be noted that the appropriation for 1916 amounts to $855,000 as against an expenditure of $685,560 in 1909. The Library on June 30th, 1909, contained 1,703,000 276 Scientific Intelligence. books, a gain of nearly 168,000 for the year. The most important accession of the year was a gift from the Chinese Government of a set of the great Chinese Encyclopedia, comprising over 5,000 volumes; this was brought to Washington by a special ambas- sador. Another important gift is that of one hundred printed volumes from the library of George Bancroft presented by Mrs. J. C. Bancroft Davis. The Library has also issued the follow- ing : Want List of Publications, 1909, pp. 30. Publications issued since 1897. Pp. 48. January, 1910. Select List of References in Sugar, chiefly in its economic aspects ; compiled under the direction of Hermann H. B. MEyer. Pp. 238. 4. Harvard College Observatory: Enywarp C. Pick RING, Director.—Recent publications are noted in the following list (continued from vol. xxviii, p. 565). Annats. Vol. LI, Part II. A Discussion of the Eclipses of Jupiter’s Satellites, 1903-1893 ; by RatpH ALLEN Sampson. Pp. 153-343, with 4 plates. Vol. LV, Part Il. Maxima and Minima of Variable Stars of Long Period; by AnniE J. Cannon, under the direction of Epwarp C. Pickrerine. Pp. 99-291. Vol. LIX, No. V. Photographic Magnitudes of 76 Stars ; by Epwarp 8. Kine. Pp. 128-155. Vol. LXIX. Part I. Photometric Observations made with the Fifteen-inch East Equatorial during the Years 1892 to 1902; by Otiver C. WENDELL. Pp. ii, 97. Vol. LXX. Durchmusterung Zones observed with the Twelve- inch Meridian Photometer ; by Epwarp C. PickERiING. Pp. vi, 235. Crrcutars. No. 149. Group of Red Stars in the Constellation Sagittarius. Pp. 3. No. 150. A Standard Scale of Photographic Magnitudes. No. 151. 20 New Variable Stars in Harvard Map, No. 49. No. 152. New Variable Stars in Harvard Map, Nos. 2, 5, 32, 44, and 53. Pp. 3. OBITUARY. M. Serce Nixitin, geologist-in-chief of Comité Géologique of Russia, died on the 18th of November, 1909. Dr. SHELFORD Bmw Lt, the English physicist, died on Decem- ber 18 at the age of seventy-one years. Dr. Cyrus Adler, ‘Librarian U. S. Nat. Museum. mreVOL. XXL. APRIL, 1910. Established by BENJAMIN SILLIMAN in 1818. \ THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Environ: EDWARD S. DANA. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Proressors GEORGE L. GOODALE, JOHN TROWBRIDGE, W. G. FARLOW anp WM. M. DAVIS, or Camsrince, Proressors ADDISON E. VERRILL, HORACE L. WELLS, L. V. PIRSSON anp H. E. GREGORY, or New Haven, Proressor GEORGE F. BARKER, or PumapE.pHi, Proressork HENRY S. WILLIAMS, or ItwHaoa, Proressorn JOSEPH S. AMES, or Battrmore, Mr. J. S. DILLER, or Wasurneton. FOURTH SERIES VOL. XXIX—[WHOLE NUMBER, CLXXIX.] No. 172—APRIL, 1910. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. Lape tsOy, THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR CO., PRINTERS, 123 TEMPLE STREET. _ Published monthly, Six dollars per year, in advance. $6.40 to countries in the m. _ Postal Union ; $6.25 to Canada. Remittances should be made either by money orders, 3 apeetored letters, or bank checks (preferably on New York banks). “5 , es ) —% ' a \ *S a NEW ARRIVALS BRazIL. I have just received from this locality an excellent shipment which includes the following specimens: An exceptionally large Tourmaline, green and pink, showing good color and form with its crystal attached to a quartz erystal; deep green Tourmaline CRYSTALS, gem quality with very steep rhombohedral terminations ; a fine lot of EucLase Crystats showing sharp - crystal faces and good form; a number of the new gem PHENACITE CRYSTALS and Groups which show better quality for this mineral than has ever before been found, and some excellent AmETHYSTS, deep in color, in good crystal form. SouTH Catirornia. From here a new lot of Tourmalines, green and brilliant pink in color; some showing both colors together, others in groups; a fine lot of beautiful ToURMALINE SEcTIONS ; and fine Topaz CRYSTALS from Ramona, clear, sharp and symmetrical. Happam, Conn. From an old.collection which I secured complete I have a fine lot of Tourmalines showing beauty in color and form not to be found elsewhere. New Mexico. From this placea lot of beautiful BLum TurQuotse in the matrix. Besides these additions I have still on hand a number of AWARUITES, as announced and described in the February issue. I am still receiving small shipments of Franklin Furnace Minerals, con- ' sisting of excellent Rhodonite, Willemite, Franklinite, Zincite specimens, etc. IcELAND. Some very fine specimens of Iceland Zeolites, including Stil- bite, Heulandite, Ptilolite, Quartz geodes, etc., are still in my possession. AUSTRALIAN MINERALS. I have received a small lot of these which in- cluded: Atacamite, Cerussite and precious Opals, both cut and in the rough; also a few Tasmania Crocoites ; one very fine, with large crystals. Prices on application. Having an exceptionally large lot of common and rare SEMI-PRECIOUS and Precious Stones, both cut and in the rough, I am in a position to -satisly the wants of all my customers. I also have a fine collection of Antique CamEos, cut in Malachite, Coral, Lava, etc. Roman and Florentine Mosaics showing excellent artistic work mance and RECONSTRUCTED Gems as follows: Rubies; blue, white and pink Sapphires; pink Topaz, etc. Anything desired for selection I shall be pleased to send to my patrons on approval. Special lists with prices cheerfully given on application. A. H. PETEREIT, 81—83 Fulton Street, New York City. (ata AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [FOURTH SERIES.] ——___ 99 ———— Arr. XXII1.—Studies on the General Circulation of the Earth's Atmosphere; by Frank H. Biartow. A Discussion of the Departures and the Residuals of the Tenperature and Precipitation in Climatology. Merrorotocicat and climatological observatories, at numer- ous stations in all parts of the world, are turning out an enormous mass of raw material every year, which is of only moderate value unless it can be intelligently and thoroughly discussed. This material consists of daily observations which, when collected together in tables, produce the daily, monthly and annual means, respectively, by the usual processes of summation for the several time-terms. When these time- terms or periods are repeated many times, a normal mean can be computed as a reference value. The variations of each time-term on the normal may be called its departure ; the variation of a time-term on its consecutive mean may be called its residual. ‘To illustrate these terms, take the following examples derived from Bulletin 8S, U. S. Weather Bureau, as given in table 1, 1909. The annual means from 1873 to 1905 for five stations are called Z,, ¢,, ¢,, ¢,, ¢, and this notation can be extended for v stations to t,. When the original observa- tions are reduced to a strictly homogeneous series by eliminat- ing the errors of observing and computing, the mean of a long record, as of thirty-three years, is the normal, t,.. The differ- ences ¢,-¢,, ¢,-¢,, . . . 4,-?¢,, for the several years, 7 in number, give the departures, v, having 7 values for the first station, v, having 7 values for the second station, and v, having 7 values for the mth station. There are rm departures for n stations and 7 time-terms. Since it is evident that in restricted areas, as the Lake Region of the United States, the variations Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtH Series, Vou. X XIX, No. 172.—Aprin, 1910. 278 F. H. Bigelow—Studies on the General Circulation p Fires. 1-3. 1/870 1875 1880 - IBES 1890 1895 1900 1905 MME ChS. ae | Perm ee : SE aA a SS Sees erm oes Ral Ge ees So meas pts ae ead eee So eee fof a ae aan — aeore —— i ] Ti <=>, a aay We dA ay LA [| : i [Sa] ( \ a oT al ali 7 aT) eee Tse TT ie EN = AY Dd < ( iD LIN ) Gy D c : ; Lato WN Uy D \ « E | ‘ N lite Sate eae ee ee aaa /1- Ya. om | 77-year | Be ent eae ce ee poe vane Fh) i ee fi_\_ IN | o-year | "@) VAN BPS B/G DUE) Nee ee pe eae hese i a i hn ee ae a a ae El Ces Es Ss OT AC FLO NSN [ANZ NY ZA) eee cease AES, We) Aes IN NO SENT ee) Mt Ann Le ismeews i iY (rekon. cen Cs Me Fic. 1. Long period of prominences and temperatures. Fic. 2. Short period for prominences and temperatures. Fic. 3. Summation of variable periods in a single definite period. in the temperature system, month by month, year by year, are similar, it is proper to concentrate the departures by taking the mean, 7, for several stations, 5 in this case, or m in general. The mean departures, 7,, for 7 years, make good material for the discussion of problems concerned with the general and 279 of the Earth’s Atmosphere. TasBLe [.—ILLUSTRATIONS OF TIME-TERMS, DEPARTURES, MEAN DEPARTURE, CONSECUTIVE DEPARTURE AND RESIDUALS. a Po 1 CR BOO SH CO SH SH CO CO SH OO 6 19 D RM S SO SL CCID eMC 1 1 potted y.10oyg | Ad 1 1G) HH ID IG ~~ 9] 1GB GD SB CRAREBSARSSIRRES rot : be eae) GO =H GY G2 sH aaa 3. Dark drab clay interbedded with yellowish sand and carrying much comminuted vegetable matter and leaf impressions toward the base _-_/_=_.22_222 Sie 4. Concealed 2 i... gree 3 USP et The following species were identified from this outcrop: Pinus echinata, Taxodium distichum, and Quercus phellos. Locality No. 3.—This outcrop is on the right bank of the Warrior River near Fosters Landing, about 3283 miles above Mobile. The following diagrammatical section (fig. 1) well illustrates the character of the materials at this point: TGs pdg ib) Diagrammatical Section of the Pleistocene at Locality No. 3. EE. W. Berry—FPleistocene Flora of Alabama. 389 Section. os SEGA SO 2 ee ea ge ee about 5 feet 2. Similar materials concealed by landslips------- < ees 3. Sand with much gravel containing some pebbles of coal and rather angular bowlders of Paleozoic EPson tO tect. IN. Giameterss. a jee ss. 2 ES T1Onss 4, Massive, dark gray, finely micaceous, plastic clay with leaf impressions and overlain by a thin iron crust 0-3 “ The following species were identified from this outcrop: Betula nigra, Populus deltoides, Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis, and Acer rubrum. Locality No. 4.—This outcrop is on the right bank of the Warrior River at Steeles Bluff, 3114 miles above Mobile, and is well illustrated by the following diagrammatical section (fig. 2). Big. 2: Diagrammatical Section of the Cretaceous and Pleistocene at Locality No. 4. Section. Pleistocene. Beatin Clays ee eka we about. 6 féet 2. Light colored massive clay and sand with lig- nitic layers in both the clay and the sand, grading laterally, i.e. up the river, into the SE DO a) fede a po LE Siac SR ON Pee eee aL be . Coarse yellowish sand with gravel and pebbles toward the base, lignitic at the base toward paC Owe enh Shri Se 8 4. Yellowish micaceous stratified sand with scat- iw) beled miliait peubles. = oy 2 a EOm 3 5. Sandy argillaceous peat with fruits, seeds, and Pe eepOnCasiOma aay oe LS le LO—19 Upper Cretaceous (Tuscaloosa formation). 6. Blotched purplish, massive, somewhat sandy clay With irom GEusis, much eroded... _. 202 Je5.- WI 7. Light gray, finely arkosic, slightly micaceous sand, argillaceous and compact in places.... 4-8 “ 390 FE. W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. The following species were identified from this outcrop: Osmunda spectabilis, Pinus taeda, Arundinaria macro- sperma, Betula nigra, agus americana, Quercus nigra, Quercus primus, Quercus phellos, Curpinus caroliniana, Ostrya virginiana, Uimus alata, Hicoria villosa, Juglans ine Populus deltoides, Liquidambar styraciflua, Nyssa biflora, Vaccinium corymbosu, Aolisma ligustrina. Locality No. 5.—This locality is on the left bank of the Chattahoochee River and therefore in the state of Georgia. It is about one mile above the Abercrombe Landing exposure and is represented by three unimportant species found in pieces of Pleistocene clay along the river cove and not in place. The species are Arundinaria macrosperma, Betula nigra, and Carpinus caroliniana, all of which occur in the Alabama Pleistocene. Locality No. 6.—This outcrop is on the right bank of the Chattahoochee River near Abercrombe Landing, about one mile below locality No. 5 and was described in the article pre- viously mentioned.* The following species new to this local- ity were collected: Pinus taeda, Populus deltoides, Phora- dendron flavescens, Acer sacchaninum. Locality No. 7.—This outcrop shows the Pleistocene in a pocket of the Lower Cretaceous on the left bank of the Ala- bama River abont one-half mile below Gun Island and about 12 miles above Montgomery. It is shown in the following diagrammatical section (fig. 3): IME By Diagrammatical Section of the Cretaceous and Pleistocene at Locality No. 7. Section. Pleistocene. 1. Light yellowish, somewhat argillaceous sand, with gravel base.) oo 528 2 a ON tn ee 2. Buff sandy clay with leaf impressions....... “ 6 ois * Berry, 10c, cit... 1907; EF. W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. 391 Lower Cretaceous (Cape Fear Formation). 3. Compact, somewhat arkosic and micaceous sand, meimenoncdes 2/0 0 Li MEE Ferg Mes Ba 2 oO 0-5 feet The following species were identified from this outcrop: Fagus americana, Quercus nigra, Platanus occidentalis, and Vaccinium arboreum. There follows a briefly annotated enumeration of the species collected in systematic order, with citations of the fossil records of the various forms. OsMUNDA SPECTABILIS WILLD. The royal fern frequents swamps and openings and borders of wet woods. It ranges from Canada to Mexico and probably into South America, but is often confused with the old world Osmunda regalis Linné. In the existing Alabama flora it is common throughout the State. None of the existing species of Osmunda, which are six or eight in number, have here- tofore been found fossil, although Hollick records* masses of rootlets attached to rhizomes in the swamp deposits of the Tal- bot formation in Maryland, which are almost certainly refer- able to Osmunda. ‘The present record is based upon a single specimen showing a part of a pinnule and exhibiting the char- acteristic venation and marginal characters of this species found at locality No. 4. TaxopiuM pisTicHuM (Linné) Rich. Holmes. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Soc. for 1884-85, p. 92, 1885. Berry, Torreya, vol. vi, p. 89, 1906. Jour. Geol., vol. xv, p. 339, 1907. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., pp. 218, 287, pl. 68, 1906. The cypress was probably one of the commonest forest trees of the Pleistocene from New Jersey southward, at least it is the one most frequently met with, having been recorded from New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. The more northerly occurrences probably represent inter and post glacial warm periods. The recent collections show no trace of this species except at locality No. 2, where impressions of the detached leaves of this species are common in the clays Pints TAEDA Linné. In the existing flora the Loblolly pine extends from Dela- ware and Maryland to Florida and Texas. In the northern part of its range it is confined to the coastal plain but farther south it spreads over the Piedmont Plateau and into the mountain region. In the Pleistocene it apparently extended farther north than at the present time since seeds which are * Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 214, pl. 67, fig. 8, 1906. 392 EF. W. Berry— Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. believed to belong to this species have been collected by the writer from the Pleistocene of New Jersey. The present record is based on cones and cone-scales from locality No. 4 and seeds from locality No. 6. The cones are frequent at the former locality but much water worn; some of the scales, however, preserve the characteristic markings of the species. Pinus rcoHtnaTa Mill. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 217, pl. 67, fig. 1, 1906. This is a species found on sandy soils from New York to northern Florida and west to northeastern Texas, reaching its greatest development in the Mississippi Valley. Cones have been recorded in the Pleistocene as common in the Talbot formation of Maryland and the present record is based upon seeds which are common in the clay at locality No. 2. ARUNDINARIA MACROSPERMA Michx. In the recent flora this species forms those remarkable plant associations known as “ canebrakes ” in the bottom lands alone the larger streams from southern Virginia to Florida and Louisiana and extending up the Mississippi Valley to Missouri and Kentucky. It has not previously been recorded in the fossil state but was evidently common in Alabama during Pleistocene time since characteristic fragments of the leaves have been collected from localities No. 1, 4, and 5. JUGLANS NiGRA Linné. Berry, Torreya, vol. ix, p. 98, fig. 6, 1909. In the recent flora this species is found in rich soil from Canada to Minnesota and south to Florida and Texas. In’ Alabama according to Mohr it is found scattered in rich bottom lands from the Tennessee Valley to the Coast Pine belt, spread- ing southward along the banks of the larger rivers. As a fossil it was recently recorded by the writer from the Talbot formation in Maryland, the remains consisting of the character- istic nuts. The Alabama occurrence is based upon a single nut from locality No. 4. Hicorta vinLosa (Sargent) Ashe. This species, differentiated from the common Hicoria glabra by Sargent, is an inhabitant of the Carolinian zone ranging — from Delaware to Georgia and Alabama. In the latter state it is said to be one of the commonest hickories in the upland and mountainous parts of the state, extending southward to the Coast Pine belt. It has not been previously found fossil, the present record being based upon several husks and three eecigite pete EL. W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. 398 nuts from locality No. 4. The latter are identical with the more globular nuts of the recent tree resembling somewhat in appearance the nuts of Hicorza minima but with much thicker shells. PoruLUS DELTOIDES Marsh. In the existing flora this species ranges from Canada and New England westward to Colorado and southward to Florida and Texas. In Alabama and throughout the Coastal Plain it is most frequent in the bottoms and alluvial river swamps. The genus extends back to the late Lower Cretaceous and a large number of extinct species have been described. The present species has not heretofore been found fossil, but both Populus balsamifera Linné and grandidentata Michx. are present in the Canadian inter-glacial deposits and Hollick has recorded three species from the Pleistocene of Maryland. From the European Pleistocene the following still existing species are known: Populus alba Linné, canescens Sm., nigra Linné, and tremula Linné. The present record is based on the characteristic leaves which are abundant at locality No. 3 and less common at localities No. 4 and No. 6. Beruna niGRA Linné. Knowlton, Amer. Geol., vol. xviiim, p. 371, 1896. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 841, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 692, pl. 2, figs. 2-4, 1907. Ibid., vol. xliii, p. 485, 1909. This species is common along streams and in bottoms with an existing range from Canada to Florida and Texas, and is common throughout Alabama. It was a common species in the Pleistocene, at least it was frequently preserved, and has been recorded by the writer from several localities in North Carolina and Virginia as well as from near Abercrombe Land- ing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama. Knowlton has described it from the Pleistocene river terraces near Morgan- town, West Virginia. The present record is based on leaves from localities No. 1, 3, 4, and 5, they being especially abundant in the peat at locality No. 4. FAGUS AMERICANA Sweet. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 226, 1906. Berry, Torreya, vol. vi, p. 88, 1906. Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 341, 1907. aaa Nat., vol. xli, p. 692, pl. 2, fig. 7, 1907. Ibid., vol. xliii, p. 485, Fagus ferruginea Michx., Lesq., this Journal, vol. xxvii, p. 363, 1859. Geol. Tenn., p. 427, pl. 7 (K), fig. 11, 1869. Fagus ferruginea Ait., Knowlton, Amer. Geol., vol. xviii, p. 371, 1896. Mercer, Journ. Phila. Acad. (11), vol. ii, pp. 277, 281, fig. 8 (15), 1899. 394 EL W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. This common mesophile forest tree of the Alleghenian, Carolinian, and Louisianian zones which is common through- out Alabama is of frequent occurrence in the Pleistocene from Maryland southward and it has been recorded from a large number of localities, the buried swamp deposits usually furnish- ing remains of nuts or burrs, while the leaves are generally confined to the clays. This species was recorded from near Abercrombe Landing in 1907 and additional occurrences are locality No. 4 (leaves, nuts, and burrs) and locality No. 7 (leaves). QUERCUS PHELLOS Linné. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 342, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, 2 694, play fig. el OO This common mesophile tree of the Carolinian and Louisi- anian zones ranges from New York to Florida and Texas. It is common in northern Alabama, but becomes rare south of the central part of the state. It is a common fossil in the North Carolina Pleistocene and at Abercrombe Landing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama. The present cccurrences are at locality No. 2 (leaves) and locality No. 4 (leaves, cupules and acorns). QueERcuS NiGRA Linné. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 342, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 693, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4, 1907. In the existing flora this is a widespread species of the Carolinian and Louisianian zones extending northward to Delaware, Tennessee, and Missouri and common all over Ala- bama in low rich woods and swamps. As a fossil it has been recorded from the Pleistocene of North Carolina and eastern Alabama. The present records are locality No. 1 (leaves), locality No. 4 (leaves and acorns, common) and locality No. 7 (leaves). | One specimen from locality No. 4, while too imperfect for carey, suggests its reference to Quercus virginiana Mill., a species previously recorded by the writer from Abercrombe Landing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama. QUERCUS PRINUS Linné. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 342, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 693, plo, figs 2, 1907: This is an upland tree of the Alleghanian and Carolinian zones, of rare occurrence in the southern Coastal Plain,* and *This species has not been found in the Coastal Plain of Alabama, although Hilgard reported it years ago from Tippah County, Mississippi. In Georgia, according to R. M. Harper, it does not even approach the Fall- line, while in North Carolina it is confined to the Piedmont and mountains, according to Pichot and Ashe. Farther northward, however, it is found in the Coastal Plain from Long Island to Virginia, occurring in this province of New Jersey outside of the pine barrens and common on the upper eastern shore of Maryland and in Delaware. E. W. Berry— Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. 395 since it is easy to confuse the leaves of this species with those of Quercus michauxii, a common tree of Coastal Plain bot- toms, doubt has been expressed regarding the identifications cited above. However, it is believed that the fruit of Quercus prinus is sufficiently distinct for certainty, and when it is remembered that at some time during the Pleistocene practi- cally the whole Coastal Plain was submerged by the sea and that there was a massing of species in the emerged portion of the southern Piedmont area, which served as a center of radia- tion for inter- and post-glacial dispersion,* the propriety of finding the species in the Pleistocene sediments is unquestion- able. The present record is based upon an acorn and leaf frag- ment from locality No. 4. : CARPINUS CAROLINIANA Walt. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 340, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 692, pl. 1, figs. 8, 9, 1907. This is a wide ranging species of low rich woods occurring from Canada to Florida and Texas. It is common in suitable situations over the greater part of Alabama and appears to have been frequent in the later Pleistocene of America, previous Pleistocene occurrences being along the Neuse River in the North Carolina Coastal Plain and from near Aber- crombe Landing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama. The new records are localities No. 4 and No. 5, this species being especially common at the former of. these. OstRYa virGINIANA (Mill.) Willd. Hollick, Bull. Torrey Club, vol. xix, p. 332, 1892. Penhallow, Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 447, 1907. In the recent flora this species ranges from Canada to Florida and Texas, ordinarily in dry soil and on hillsides. It is said by Mohr to occur principally on calcareous soils in Alabama, where it ranges from the Tennessee Valley to the upper division of the coast pine belt, its southern limit corre- sponding roughly to the northern limit of the Cuban pine. In the fossil state it is recorded by Hollick from the late Miocene or Pliocene of Bridgeton, New Jersey, and by Penhallow from the interglacial deposjts of the Don valley in Canada. Material indistinguishable from the modern species has been described by Nathorst from the post-Miocene of Japan under the varietal name fossilis. Finally the material from Wythe- ville, Virginia, said to be of Pleistocene age, which was identified by Lesquereuxt as Ostrya Walkert Heer, an early * See the various papers by C. C. Adams on this subject. + Lesq., Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus., vol. x, p. 38, 1887. 396 =F. W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. Tertiary arctic species, is probably identical or closely allied with the present species. The present occurrence consists of leaves which are infre- quent at locality No. 4. Uxmus ALATA Michx. Lesq., this Journal, vol. xxvii, 365, 1859. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, D. BAS, 1907. Amer. Nat. , vol. xli, p. 694, pla le ties, Gai 1907. This species is a common element in the recent flora of Alabama in low woods particularly along stream banks. It ranges northward to Virginia, Illinois and Kansas and south- ward to Florida and Texas. As a fossil it was recorded from the Pleistocene near Columbus, Kentucky, by Lesquereux, and from the Neuse River in North Carolina and Abercrombe Landing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama by the writer (loe. cit.). Two species of Ulmus occur in the Pleistocene of Maryland, Ulmus racemosa is recorded from the Pleistocene near Morgantown, West Virginia, and both the latter and Ulmus americana occur in the interglacial beds of the Don valley in Canada. The present record is based upon infrequent leaves from locality No. 4. PHORADENDRON FLAVESCENS (Pursh) Nutt. A species, in the modern flora, of the Carolinian and Louisi- anian zones ranging northward as far as New Jersey and common throughout Alabama. It has not previously been recorded as a fossil, although certain European Upper Plocene remains have been described as Viscophyllum. However, it is not at all certain that these are not related to the genus Pasta rather than to Visewm. The present record is based on the characteristic leaves of the modern species found at localities No. 1 (common) and No. 6 (1 specimen). LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA Linné. Rr Amer, Nat., vol. xli, p. 695, 1907. Torreya, vol. ix, p. 71, ney 1909. This common mesophile forest type of the Alleghanian, Carolinian, and Louisianian zones finds its present southern limit in Alabama at about latitude 31°. Previous fossil records are based on fruits from Abercrombe Landing on the Chattahoochee River in Alabama and upon abundant leaves from the Wicomico formation near Weldon, North Carolina. The present record is based upon leaf fragments from locality No. 1 and upon a leaf and a carpel from locality INGi3: E. W. Berry— Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. 397 PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS Linné. Knowlton, Amer. Geol., vol. xviii, p. 371, 1896. Penhallow, Trans. Roy., Soc. Can. (II), vol. ii, sec. 4, pp. 68, 72, 1897. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 448, 1907. Mercer, Journ. Phila. Acad. (IJ), vol. ii, p. 277, 1899. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 344, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 695, ple, He. 9), 1907. Platanus aceroides Gopp., Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 231, pls. 73, 74, 1906. This modern inhabitant of low woods and banks from Canada to Florida and Texas is frequent in the bottom lands of central Alabama but not common elsewhere in the state. As a fossil it is of frequent occurrence in Pleistocene deposits from those of the Don Valley in Canada to Alabama. The present record is based upon characteristic leaves which occur in considerable abundance at localities No. 1, No. 3, and No. 7. LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA Linné. Hollick, Bull. Torrey Club, vol. xix, p. 381, 1892. Knowlton, Amer. Geol., vol. xviii. p. 371, 1896. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 348, 1907. This species ranges from New England to Florida and west- ward to Texas and Mexico in the recent flora and is found throughout Alabama, more especially in the rich bottoms and swamp borders of the Coastal Plain. It has previously been recorded from the Pleistocene of North Carolina and West Virginia. The present record is based upon leaf fragments and upon two somewhat macerated and flattened but charac- teristic fruits from locality No. 4. ACER RUBRUM Linné. A species of swamps and low ground ranging from Canada to Florida and Texas in the existing flora and common throughout Alabama, not previously known as a fossil. The present record is based upon leaf fragments from locality No. 3. ACER SACCHARINUM Linné. This species in the existing flora ranges from Canada to Florida and westward to the Great Plains. It extends from northern Alabama southward along the larger streams. It has not been previously recorded from the Pleistocene, the form described by Penhallow under this name from the Cana- dian Pleistocene being referable to Acer saccharum Marsh. The present record is based on characteristic samaras from locality No. 1 and No. 6. 398 FE. W. Berry—Pleistocene Flora of Alabama. Nyssa BIFLORA Walt. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pieist., p. 285, pl. 69, fig. 5, 1906. Berry, Torreya, vol. vi, p. 90, 1906. Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 345, 1907. This species in the Recent appears to be contined to the Coastal Plain, ranging from Virginia to eastern Texas. Asa fossil it has been recorded from the Pleistocene of Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. The present record is based upon leaves from locality No. 4. VACCINIUM ARBOREUM Marsh. Berry, Torreya, vol. ix, p. 73, 1909. This species, which ranges from Virginia to Indian Territory and southward to Florida and Texas in the Recent, has previ- ously been recorded from the Pleistocene of North Carolina. The present material comes from locality No. 7. The genus is wide ranging and a number of Pleistocene occurrences are known both in this country and abroad. Thus in addition to the next species, Vaccinium spatulata Berry occurs in the Pleisto- cene cf North Carolina and Vaccinium uliginosum Linné at Scarboro Heights, Ontario, Vaccontum maderense Link is known from the Pleistocene of Madeira and Vaccinium myr- tillus Linné and Vaccinium vitis-rcdea Linné occur in the interglacial peats of the southern uplands in Scotland. VACCINIUM CoRYMBOSUM Linné. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 236, pl. 69, figs. 7-9, 1906. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 346, 1907. This species ranges in the modern flora from Canada to Louisiana and in Alabama is said to be confined to the moun- tain region. As a fossil it is recorded from Maryland and. North Carolina. The present record is based upon leaves from locality No. 4. XOoLISMA LIGUSTRINA (Linné) Britton. Hollick, Md. Geol. Surv., Pli. and Pleist., p. 236, pl. 69, fig. 6, 1906. Berry, Journ. Geol., vol. xv, p. 346, 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. xli, p. 696, pl. 2, fig. 6, 1907. This species has been previously recorded in the Pleistocene of Alabama as well as from Maryland and North Carolina. The present record is based on leaves from locality No. 4. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Palmer— Application of Potassium Ferricyanide. 399 Art. XXXIV.—The Application of Potassium Ferricyanide in Alkaline Solution to the Estimation of Arsenic, Anti- mony, and Tin; by Howarp E. Patmmr. [Contributions from the Kent Chemical Laboratory of Yale Univ.—cex.] In 1892, Quincke* published a method for estimating arsenic and antimony gasometrically, consisting essentially in oxidizing the arsenic or the antimony by a known excess of potassium ferricyanide in the presence of alkali, and determining the excess by measuring in a gasometer the oxygen evolved by the action of hydrogen peroxide on it according to the following equation: ; : 2K FeC,N,+H,0,+2KOH = 2K FeC,N,+2H,0+0,. In previous papers from this laboratory, methods for the esti- mation of cerium in the presence of the other rare earths,t+ and for the estimation of thallium,t have been described, based on oxidation by potassium ferricyanide in alkaline solution and titration with permanganate of the ferrocyanide formed. The work to be described is the result of an attempt to apply this reaction to the estimation of arsenic, antimony, and tin, which are oxidized according to the following equations: As,O,+4K,FeC,N,+4KOH = As,O,+4K,FeC.N, +290. Sb,O, -+4K,FeC,N, +4KOH = Sb,0, +4K,FeC,N, + 2H,0. SnO +2K,FeC,N,+2KOH = Sn0, +2K FeC,N,+H,0. The ferrocyanide formed is then oxidized by permanganate according to the equation 10K,FeC.N,+2KMnO,+8H,S0, = 10K,FeO,N,+6K,SO,+2MnSO, +8H,0. Estimation of Arsenic. The essential procedure was to oxidize the arsenic by potassium ferricyanide in alkaline solution, and after making ammoniacal by the addition of ammonium sulphate, to precipi- tate the arsenic by magnesia mixture, filter off the ammonium magnesium arseniate, and titrate the filtrate with permanganate, after acidification with sulphuric acid. For the work a solution of arsenious acid was prepared in the usual way by dissolving pure sublimed arsenious oxide in potassium hydroxide, neutralizing with sulphuric acid and adding sodium bicarbonate. The magnesia mixture used * Zeitschr. f, Anal. Chem., xxxi, 1. + This Journal, xxvi, 83. t This Journal, xxvii, 379. 400 Palmer—Application of Potassium Ferricyanide was made up by dissolving 55 grams of the crystallized magne- sium chloride and 29 grams of purified ammonium chloride in a liter of water, with the addition of about 5 cubic centimeters of concentrated ammonium hydroxide. The potassium ferri- cyanide used was puritied by recrystallization, but even then, as in the previous work, it was necessary to apply a correction to the determinations for the number of cubic centimeters of permanganate required to give the pink coloration to the ferri- cyanide alone, generally amounting to about one-tenth of one — cubic centimeter. A solution of potassium ferricyanide of convenient strength for use in the determination of all three elements contained 20 grams to 100 cubic centimeters. In the preliminary experiments, recorded in Table I, low results were obtained, apparently due to the incomplete oxida- tion of the arsenic by the amounts of ferricyanide and potas- sium hydroxide used. If at least ten times the theoretical amount of ferricyanide, with a rather dilute solution of potas- sium hydroxide, is used, as in experiments (1) to (12) of Table II, the oxidation is complete; or, if a more concentrated solu- tion of potassium hydroxide is used, as in experiments (13) and (14) of Table II, less ferricyanide is necessary. In an case, it is advantageous that the total volume of the solution be rather small, preferably less than 100 cubic centimeters, since, as shown by experiments (4), (5), and (6) of Table I, if the volume is greater than that, low results are obtained. TABLE I. Vol As2O3 of As2O3 taken K3;FeC;N, KOH sol. found Error grm. erm. grm. cm?, erm. grm. (1) 0°0997 Z 1°25 100 0:0966 —0.00381 (2) 0:0997 4 1°25 75 0:0987 —0°0010 (3) —0°1496 8 1°25 100 0:1486 —0°0010 (4) 0:0997 8 1°25 150 0°0982 —0°00i5 (5) 0:0997 4 2°95 175 0:0978 —0-°0019 (6) 0°'1001 4 4° 150 0°0984 —0°0017 The procedure to be recommended, therefore, is as follows: To the solution containing the arsenic in the arsenious condi- tion is added an amount of potassium ferricyanide equal to at least five times the amount theoretically required to oxidize the arsenic to the higher condition of oxidation, and about 25 | cubic centimeters of a 20 per cent solution of potassium hydroxide, keeping the volume of the solution less than 100 cubic centimeters. After standing a few minutes, the solution is made ammoniacal by dissolving in it about 10 grams of am- monium sulphate, which acts on the potassium hydroxide, set- to the Estimation of Arsenic, ete. 401 TABLE II. Vol. As2O3 of As2O3 taken K3;FeC;N, KOH sol. found Error erm. erm. erm. cm3. erm, erm, (1) 0:0499 8 1225 100 0°0502 +0:°0003 (2) 0°0499 4 1°25 75d 0°0499 + 0°0000 (3) 0:0499 3 le25 75 0°0501 +0°0002 (4) 0:0501 4 1525 75 0°0500 —0°0001 (5) 0:0997 8 eS) 100 0:0999 +0°0002 (6) 0°0997 6 25 90 0:0993 -—0°0004 (7) 0°0997 6 E25 90 0°:0993 —0°0004 (8) 0°1001 8 1°25 100 0°0998 —0°0003 (9) 0°1496 9 125 110 0°1492 —0:0004 (10) 0°1496 LO 1°25 110 0°1495 +0:°0000 (11) 0°1502 10 1°35 LEO 0°1502 + 0°0000 (12) 0°1994 2 1°25 125 0°1994 + 0°0000 (13) 0°1001 4 4° 75 0°0998 —0:0008 (14) 0°1001 3 4° 75 0:0998 —0°00038 ting free ammonia, and about 100 cubic centimeters of the magnesia mixture are added. After settling, the ammonium magnesium arseniate is filtered off on asbestos, and washed with faintly ammoniacal water. The filtrate is strongly acidi- fied with dilute sulphuric acid, and titrated with permanganate. As Griitzner* has shown, during the titration of Jar oe amounts of ferrocyanide by. permanganate, a precipitate of K,MnFeC,N, often forms by the action of the manganese sulphate, which is formed by reduction of the permanganaite, on the unchanged ferrocyanide. ‘This precipitate slowly clears up as more permanganate is added, clearing up entirely as the end point is reached, but it tends to cause high results, on account of the difficulty in noting the end point exactly. It was found, in connection with the present work, that by titrating in the presence of a large amount of sulphuric acid, the formation of this precipitate is prevented. The titration may safely be made in the cold in the presence of ten per cent of sulphuric acid, and this amount will generally be sufficient to prevent the formation of the precipitate. Determination of Antimony. A solution of antimony trichloride was made up by dissolv- ing pure antimony trioxide in hydrochloric acid, and diluting to a definite volume with the addition of sufficient hydrochlorie acid to prevent the formation of the basic salt; the standard of this solution was determined by titrating with standard iodine. * Chem. Centralblatt, 1902, I, 500. Am. Jour. Sct.—FourtuH Series, Vou. X XIX, No. 173.—May, 1910. 27 402 Palmer—Application of Potassium Ferricyanide The procedure was, in general, the same as in the determina- tion of arsenic, except that it was found unnecessary to remove the antimony before titrating with permanganate. At. least five times as much potassium ferricyanide as theoretically necessary was added in solution, and about 25 cubic centimeters of a 20 per cent solution of potassium hydroxide. After stand- ing a few minutes, the solution was strongly acidified with dilute sulphuric acid and titrated with permanganate. The results are given in Table III. TABLE ITI. : Vol. Sb203 of Sb203 taken Ks;FeC,;N, KOH sol. found Error orm. grm. grm. em?, grm. grm, (1) 0°0986 8 4 100 00989 + 0°00038 (2) 0:0986 4 4 TS 0:0984 — 0:0002 (3) 00986 2 4 US 0:0984 —0°0002 (4) 0:0986 + 4 150 0°0984 —0-0002 (5) 0:0986 4 4 15 0°0984 = 00002 (6) 0°0493 4 4 75 0:0495 +0:°0002 (7) 0°04938 4 4 75 0:0497 +0°0004 (8) 0:0493 4 4 TE 0:0495 +0°0002 (9) 01479 4 4 75 0°1482 + 0:0003 CUO) Ould s 4 4 75 071477 —0°0002 (i) 0°1479 4 - 4 75 0°1476 —0°00038 Ge). Olginl 8 8 125 01972 +0:0001 Determination of Tin Definite portions of metallic tin were accurately weighed out and dissolved in concentrated hydrochloric acid; it was found necessary to perform this operation in the cold, and to keep an atmosphere of hydrogen over the liquid during solution of the tin, as under other conditions results lower than the theoretical were obtained, indicating that the stannous salt had been par- tially oxidized by the air or by dissolved oxygen. When the tin was completely dissolved, asolution containing at least five times as much potassium ferricyanide as theoretically necessary was added, and enough of a solution of potassium hydroxide to completely dissolve the precipitated stannic acid, the two solu- tions of ferricyanide and potassium hydroxide having been pre- viously mixed. The stannic salt was removed by the addition of about ten grams of ammonium sulphate, and warming to 50° or 60°, under which conditions the tin was completely pre- cipitated. After it had settled, the precipitate was filtered off on asbestos, under gentle pressure, and washed with a 10 per cent solution of ammonium sulphate. The filtrate was strongly acidified with sulphurie acid, and titrated with permanganate to the Estimation of Arsene, ete. 4.03 in the usual manner. The results of the determinations are recorded in Table LY. TABLE Ve Vol. Sn of Sn taken K;FeC;N, KOH - sol. found Error erm. erm, erm, em? erm. erm, (1) 0°1032 25 6 65 0°1038 +0:°0001 (2) 0°1022 Dee 6 65 0°'1016 — 0:0006 (3) 0°1029 3° ef 60 0°1030 +0:°0001 (4) 0°1009 5° 6 85 O°1011 +0:°0002 (5) 0°1005 5° 3) 60 0°1010 +0:0005 (6) 0°1011 Os 3) 85 0°1015 +0°0004 (7) 0°0995 10° 3) 85 0°1004 +0°0009 (8) 0°2020 4° 6 80 0°2019 —-0°0001 (9) 0°20038 oe 6 90 0°1998 —0°0005 (10) 0°2Z021 10s 3) 85 0:2027 + 0°0006 404 W. A. Parks—Lepadocystis clintonensis. Arr. XXXV.—A New Cystid from the Clinton Formation of Ontario—Lepadocystis clintonensis ; by WriittAm ARTHUR Parks. | In 1873, F. B. Meek described a peculiar Cystid from the upper part of the Cincinnati formation at Richmond, Ind., under the name of Lepocrinites mooret.* This form, accord- ing to Meek, differs from all other examples of Lepocrinites by the possession of four instead of three pectinirhombs and five instead of four arms. P. H. Carpenter} regards these peculiarities as of generic value, and proposes to establish the genus Lepadocystis for the reception of Meek’s species. Jaekel, in 1899, suggests J/eekocystis as the generic name, but Fie. 1. Lepadocystis clintonensis, sp. nov. Fig 1. Viewed from the right postero-lateral aspect. x3 Bather gives precedence to Carpenter’s name and recognizes the genus as a distinct member of the sub-family Cadlocystine of the Glyptocystide.t So far as I am aware, no other example of the genus has hitherto been described, so that its discovery at a higher hori- * Geol. Sur. Ohio, Paleontology, vol. i, pp. 39-41, pl. iii, figs. 4a and 4b. + Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. xxiv, p. 10. { A Treatise on Zodlogy, E. Ray Laneaster, vol. iii, the Echinoderma, p. 61. W. A. Parks—Lepadocystis clintonensis. 405 zon, the Clinton, is worthy of note. This formation is pos- sessed of a very meagre Echinoderm fauna, the exposures in Ontario having yielded only a few fragmentary Crinoids. The present example lay for a long time in our collection as an uni- dentifiable specimen. Recently, however, an attempt to clean it was made with unexpectedly satisfactory results. By sawing the specimen out and treating it with caustic potash the organ- ism was entirely freed from the matrix, so that it now shows the chief anatomical peculiarities in an excellent manner. Adopting the method of numbering the plates proposed by Forbes,* we have, in the lower circlet, four plates, of which 1 and 2 are regularly pentagonal. Plate 4 is irregularly penta- onal, and 3 is hexagonal with its upper edge curved inwards. Of the second circlet, plates 5 and 6 are irregularly hexagonal: IiGe-o: Fie. 2. Dissection of cup. 7 is also hexagonal, but it has an heptagonal appearance owing to the encroachment of the anal orifice on its upper, right- hand angle. Plate 8 is smaller than 7 and is likewise deeply cut by the anus on its upper left-hand corner ; its lower side is curved to fit into plate 3. Plate 9 is irregularly hexagonal. -Of the third circlet, plates 10, 11 and 12 are hexagonal, but 12 is larger and more irregular than the other two. Plate 13 is narrower and reaches farther up the cup than any other plate of the ring: it is five-sided or six-sided 1f the deep anal exca- vation on its lower right-hand angle is included. Plate 14 is large and hexagonal, with the anal notch in the lower left-hand corner. The five plates of the fourth circlet (16, 17, 18, 19, 15) are pentagonal with the upper margin deeply notched for the ambulacral furrows. The plates of the fifth circlet (21, 22, 23, 24, 20) are small and almost indistinguishable in the speci- men. All the plates of the cup are ornamented with polygonal ridges, separated by shallow depressions. On the first two * Memoirs of the Geol. Survey of Great Britain, vol. ii, pt. ii, p. 488. 406 W. A. Parks—Lepadocystis clintonensis. cirelets of plates these ridges are radially arranged, but on the upper plates this regularity is lacking. Pectinirhombs appear across the sutures between plates 1 and 5,12 and 18, 14 and 15, and 10 and 18. Pectinirhomb 1-5 presents two small, oval discrete halves without apparent ster- eom folds. Pectinirhomb 12-18 is larger: the half on plate 12 shows indistinct stereom folds, but that on 18 is almost destroyed. Pectimirhomb 14-15 has a large oval half on 14, presenting eight folds of stereom and lip-like margins. The half on 15 is triangular in shape, with stereom folds reaching to the suture and not confined by a lip. Pectinirhomb 10-15 has a small, oval, lipped, discrete half on 10. The portion on 15 is exactly the same as the other half-rhomb belonging to that plate. The anus is large and is situated at the angle between plates 7, 8, 18 and 14. These plates are deeply excavated by the anal margin, which is raised into an oval or circular ridge. Except for distinct evidence of their original presence on the median line of each plate of the fourth cirelet, the ambu- lacral furrows are not perceptible. The column is round and tapers distally. The first ten segments show a sharp median crest and occupy a space of about 7". They show a gradually increasing thickness dis- tally. Beyond the tenth segment, the median crest is less defined, the segments gradually becoming barrel-shaped. The 17th segment is 2"™ long and of about the same width. The present example differs from Meek’s species in its larger size, being 15™™ high by 10™™ wide, while the genotype is 11°57" by 9™™. The column, at its proximal end,as 4 thick as compared with 3°5™™ in Meek’s species. The seulp- turing of the plates is different, as LZ. mooret shows only “thread-like, radiating costee, one of which, passing from the middle to each side of each plate, is usually slightly larger than the others between.” The shape and arrangement of the plates of the cup are strikingly alike in the two species. Florizon—Clinton. Locality—F¥ orks of the Credit River, Ontario, Collector—Mr. Joseph Townsend. Specimen number—University of Toronto Museum, No. 372 Cl. FE. Wright—New Petrographie Microscope. 407 Art. XXXVI.—A New Petrographic Microscope; by FREv. EuGENE WRIGHT. EXPERIENCE has shown that the so-called universal instru- ments are as a rule unsatisfactory, and often do not accomplish in a thoroughly competent manner any one of the several purposes for which they are intended. To fulfill a given set of conditions adequately, it is usually necessary that a special instrument be designed for the purpose. Thus, a small calibre rifle may be admirably suited for small game, but for larger game it is totally inadequate and might even be of more harm than service in an emergency; and vice versa, a large calibre rifle is of little value in hunting small game. The same principle of adaptability applies equally to micro- scopes and scientific apparatus in general. The ordinary microscope, which is designed to aid in the examination of thin sections of rocks and minerals, is satisfactory and convenient for such purposes, but is less so for use in the investigation of artificial preparations which are usually very fine-grained, the diameter of the individual grains averaging often not more than -01"™. ‘To determine satisfactorily and with fair accuracy the optical constants of substances in such minute grains, special methods of attack are required, and these in turn postulate certain new conditions to be fulfilled by the petrographic microscope. It was with this end in view, to construct a microscope better adapted than the microscopes now available for the examination and determination of fine-grained artificial silicate preparations, that the present microscope was designed and constructed in the workshop of the Geophysical Laboratory. Several of its features appear to be of general application, and a brief description of its essential parts is therefore justified. In the construction of the present instrument (fig. 1), a Zeiss microscope No. 1 C for photomicrography served as base, and on it extensive changes were introduced so that the result- ing microscope resembles the original only slightly. This particular model was chosen chiefly because of its wide upper barrel, which was well adapted for the introduction of diaphragms and the movable Bertrand lens. The changes which have been introduced are essentially as follows.* (1) The nicols are revolvable simultaneously about the optic axis of the microscope. They are connected rigidly by the bar T of fig. 1, and their angle of revolution can be read off directly by the vernier on the stage. This method obviates the errors introduced by the usual system of gear-wheels with accompanying lost motion in the moving parts. The details of * A still further change, made recently aud not shown in fig. 1, is the intro- duction of a block just below the upper tube support. The distance between the stage and the upper tube is thereby increased and the use of the univer- sal stage facilitated. 408 FE. Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. Gaels Fic. 1. New petrographic miscroscope. T, rigid bar connecting two nicols and effecting simultaneous revolution of the same; A, arm connect- ing upper nicol carriage with T; C, part supporting bar T and revolving about stage: B, arm from lower nicol carriage connecting with bar T; by means of the screw and cross plate at B, this arm can be instantly released from T and the lower nico! either revolved by itself or, after a release by a snap spring not shown in the figure, thrown out of the field altogether. The total angle of simultaneous revolution of both nicols by this device is 190°. O, new mechanical stage, simple in design and construction and fairly dust-proof. H,, stage screw with divisions on head reading to ‘01™™ motion of stage plate. Q, sensitive-tint plate inserted above lower nicol, W, and revolvable about microscope axis by means of containing carriage, F. M, combination wedge above objective ; a; de, fine adjustment screws above objective ; U, screw of fine adjustment device of upper microscope tube; V, iris diaphragm below Bertrand lens, diaphragm opened and closed by turning head V, which is connected with iris diaphragm by pin and ratchet move- ment; KH, pin for insertion of Bertrand lens which moves in an accurately fitting carriage, supporting iris diaphragm V, Bertrand lens E and auxiliary lens L, which swings on an arm indicated in fig. la and is of such focal length that together with ocular, it forms a small microscope used in focusing the image from the objective in the plane of the iris diaphragm, V. The supporting carriage of V, KE, and L, can be moved up and down in the microscope tube and the amount of movement read off on the adjacent scale, thus obtaining different magnifications (6°5 to 15°2 diameters) of the interference figure. G, upper iris diaphragm directly beneath ocular. FE. Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. 409 Fies. la, 2, 3. Fic. la. Section through microscope of fig. 1, showing working parts. The letters T, A, B, C, H, W, Q, F, O, U, V, HE, L, and G, refer to the same parts asin fig.1. I= lower iris diaphragm ; N, upper nicol; X, Y, Z, brass parts effecting revolution of upper nicol; P, revolving stage supporting movable plate, O. Fic. 2. Section showing stage P and microscope plate supporting stage and other revolving parts and support for revolving nicol device, C ; T, cross section of bar connecting two nicols ; this bar slides accurately in the arms A and B of fig. la. Fic. 5. Cross section through mechanical plate 1 of stage. I,, Iz, brass plates screwed to revolving stage P and with wedge-shape sides in which rectangular plate K can move in an east-west direction, the movement being effected by the screw He. Jy, Je and Js, three plates attached to under side of stage plate, O, and forming grooves for plate K, permitting stage plate O to move only in north-south direction, the movement being accomplished by screw, H,, which in turn fits in a sliding block attached to the upper plate O, and traveling in the pin, D. construction are shown in fig. la. By means of the screw and cross bar at B the connecting rod T can be instantly released and the lower nicol withdrawn or revolved by itself 410 LF. EL Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. independently of the upper nicol. The total angle through which both nicols can be revolved by this device is 190°.* (2) A mechanical stage of new designt (fig. 3). This stage is practically dust-proof and mechanically simple in con- struction. In fig. 8. the vertical edge or rim of the cap, O, of the stage plate is indicated by the shaded broken circle, the upper surface of this plate being considered removed and the working parts as seen from above thus exposed to view. The small plates I, and I, are attached to the lower stage and are so constructed that wedge-shaped edges allow the rectangular plate K to move only in an east-west direction. This movement is effected by means of the screw H,. The plates J,, J, and J, of fig. 3, on the other hand, are attached to the upper movable plate O, and their wedge-shaped edges are so adjusted that they allow the upper plate to move’ only in a north-south direction with reference to the rectangular piece K. The screw H, which terminates in a block attached to the upper plate and running in a sliding pin D, accomplishes these north-south movements. The heads of both screws H, and H, have divisions reading to -(01™" movement. Springs not indicated in the figure have been introduced and oppose the forward motion of the screws H, and‘H, and thus obviate errors due to lost motion in the screws. The total movement of the stage plate in any direction is 24". Mechanically, it is of simple construction and consists of few parts. (3) The metal part containing iris diaphragm and polarizer can be withdrawn from the optic axis of the microscope by means of a release spring not shown in fig. 1. This part is also revolvable by itself about the axis. This arrangement was adopted in preference to the usual method of inserting and withdrawing the upper nicol because of the disturbing effect which the introduction of the upper nicol causes, both on the focus and position of the field. With the present disposi- tion, the upper nicol t remains permanently in the upper tube and the optical system, objective, nicol, and ocular, is not disturbed in passing from ordinary to polarized light. In certain microscopes the effect of the upper nicol on change of focus is compensated by means of a small lens of weak magni- fying power, but even after the introduction of this device some shifting of the field may still be experienced on inserting the upper nicol. *FHuess & Company have recently constructed, at the writer’s suggestion, a simplified model of microscope on this principle of a rigid bar connection between the two nicols, so that the two can be revolved simultaneously. (Price 300 mks.) + This stage was designed by Mr. Chamberlin of this laboratory, and con- structed by Mr. Semple. t For certain positions of the reflector and on certain days the light from the reflector is polarized to such an extent that faint polarization colors are observed on minerals in the thin section even after the polarizer has been withdrawn. For this reason it would be an improvement if the upper nicol also could be withdrawn readily, whenever desirable. This is the case on the model constructed by Fuess & Co., noted above. FE. Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. 411 (4) An Abbe condenser is used, and with it a large nicol prism, or an Ahrens prism, 15™™ edge, after the manner of the Fuess microscope No. la. With this arrangement the entire con- denser lens system remains in position and its upper lens need not be removed when low-power objectives are used. This does away with the devices which have been employed for throw- ing the upper part of the condenser combination out of the axis of the optic system and which complicate the construction considerably. (5) The selenite, or quartz, plate of sensitive tint is inserted in a metal case at Q (fig. 1), just below the condenser. It is revolv- able in the carriage F about the optic axis of the microscope, an arrangement which often facilitates the determination of the ellipsoidal axis of a particular section because the abrupt rise or fall of interference colors on insertion and rapid revolution of the plate appears more clearly than if the slower moving stage itself were revolved. At M a combination wedge is introduced as in ordinary microscopes. (6) The Bertrand lens E, fig. 1, is mounted on a sliding arrangement which, in connection with the sliding ocular tube, permits of different magnifications of the interference figure, an arrangement already adopted on several well-known micro- scopes. In the present microscope the focal length of the Bertrand lens (55™™) has been so calculated that the initial magnification of the interference figures can be varied from "81 diameters to 1°90 diameters. The ocular itself magnifies this image in turn eight-fold, so that the resulting magnifica- tions range from about 6°5 to 15-2 diameters. The fact that the upper nicol intervenes between the objective and Bertrand lens limits very materially the range of magnifications possible by the Bertrand lens. Aniris diaphragm is introduced directly below the Bertrand lens and slides up and down simultane- ously with it. This diaphragm is opened and closed by means of the pin, V, fig. la, which is connected with the diaphragm itself by means of pin and ratchet movement. (7) A second iris diaphragin is introduced at G, fig. 1, directly below the oeular, and is used in connection with the observa- tion of interference figures by the Lasaulx method without the Bertrand lens. To be of service in this connection, the iris diaphragm should be located precisely in the image plane from the objective, as was emphazised especially by Czapski in 1891,* for in that plane alone can light be excluded from adjacent minerals in the thin section. To realize satisfactorily this condition, the writer has heretofore used the cap stop indicated by fig. 4, with two sets of slides, S, and S,, at right * Neues Jahrbuch, Beilage Band vii, 506, 1891. 412 Ff. EL Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. angles to each other. ‘This cap fits the microscope tube and is inserted in place of the ocular. By means of the lens “a” the field is focused in the plane of the slides and any por- tion singled out for examination. Because of diffraction phenomena the aperture should not be made less than :5™™ in diameter, but even with this restriction, and with the ordinary objectives, 3 or 4™™ focal length, grains not over:01™™ furnish good interference figures which or- dinarily would be completely over- shadowed and not discernible if adjacent light were not exclnded. Experience has shown that the effects are still clearly recognizable if the diaphragm is at a distance of Dicey ae Fic. 4. Device for cutting down the field when interference figures from small grains are being observed as they form in the objective itself (Lasaulx method). Two sets, S: and Sa, of two plates at right angles and sliding in grooves permit the observer to cut off the light from any part of the field. Be- fore observing the interference figure, the image from the objec- tive is first brought to coinci- dence with the plane of the iris diaphragm by means of the field not over 5 from the eye, and for convenience sake, therefore, this diaphragm was inserted just below the ocular. The usual round disks with small aperture supplied with microscopes serve the same pur- pose but are less convenient. Before stopping down the field by the diaphragm V just below the Bertrand lens, the image plane from the objective should on the ° lens ‘‘a,.” same principle be brought to coin- cide with the plane of this dia- phragm and the desired mineral section isolated by shutting off light. from the adjacent grains. To accomplish this readily, a small lens, L, fig. la (19° focal length) has been introduced in the present microscope above the Bertrand lens, and in conjune- tion with the ocular serves the purpose of bri inging to sharp focus the image picture in the plane of the Bertrand lens iris dia- phragm, in accord with the principle noted above. In place of this small auxiliary lens, the writer has heretofore used a lens of Jong focal length and viewed the Bertrand lens diaphragm directly from the top of the tube. The new arrangement is more convenient, however, and obviates the necessity of remoy- ing the ocular before viewing the interference figure. ‘The lens L swings on an axis and can be instantly thrown out of the field. A small spring with pointer automatically indicates the correct position of the lens when thrown into the field. The Bertrand lens diaphragm ordinarily supplied with micro- scopes is of little value in the observation of interference EF. EL Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. 418 figures by the Lasaulx method without the use of the Bertrand lens, chiefly because of the disturbing effects of diffraction from the small apertures required and the distance of the aperture from the eye of the observer. In designing this instrument, special attention has been paid to adjustment facilities and arrangements by which adjustmeuts ean be readily accomplished by the observer himself. In scien- tific instruments in general, too much reliance is often placed on the adjustment by the maker and the assumption ‘“ once in adjustment always in adjustment” notwithstanding jars and jolts of transportation, and the gradual relief of stress in any complicated mechanical system. Fortunately, the principle, which some manufacturers have adopted, of making all parts rigid and eliminating adjustment facilities, cannot be carried out in the construction of the microscope. In this instrament the axis of both the upper tube and the condenser holder on the microscope must coincide precisely with that of the revolving stage, in order that in every position the optical system remain centered. Since the ocular and the condenser remain auto- matically centered with respect to the revolving stage, while the objective changes its position slightly on each insertion, it is necessary that centering screws (@,, @,, fig. 1) be introduced for the objective itself and the direction of motion of center- ing should be parallel with the cross hairs of the ocular, as the eye estimates much more readily coordinate directions than diagonal directions. The principle sometimes adopted of placing the centering screws with directions of movement along the diagonals is therefore less favorable than along the cross hairs, and places a burden on the microscopist which might easily be avoided. The practice of placing the adjustment screws on the revolving stage instead of above the objective is wrong. The part of the optic system which is not in adjust- ment is the objective, not the stage. The axis of revolution of the stage should form the starting point for the adjustment of the whole instrument and should always remain fixed in its position. To this axis the ocular, condenser, and objective should be adjusted, and since the ocular and condenser remain practically stationary while the objectives are changed con- stantly, the only logical point of adjustment, to obtain satis- factory results, is above the objective. To summarize briefly, the most important changes intro- duced on the present microscope are: (1) Both nicols revolve simultaneously, the connection between the two being a rigid bar, thus eliminating the errors due to lost motion in the gear- wheels of the systems ordinarily employed for this purpose. Since adopting the above device, the writer has learned that . the scheme of revolving the nicols by a rigid connecting bar 414. FE. Wright—New Petrographic Microscope. was used over thirty years ago by Dick in London, but was applied only to the revolution of a cap nicol above the ocular in conjunction with the polarizer. It was, therefore, slightly different from the present disposition. (2) The upper nicol always remains in the tube and the substage nicol is inserted or withdrawn on passing from ordinary light to crossed nicols. This device eliminates the annoying change of focus and shift of field ordinarily experienced when the nicol is inserted in the upper tube. (8) The sensitive plate is inserted just below the condenser and fits in a carrying device which is revolvable about the axis of the optical system. This disposition has been found convenient in determining the relative ellipsoidal axes in a plate, since the plate can be revolved more quickly and easily than the microscope stage or the two nicols together. (4) It has a new mechanical stage of novel design and simple but effective mechanical construction. The stage is practically dust-proof, has a free upper plate and a movement of 24” in any direction. (5) The Bertrand lens is fitted in a sliding device such that the magnification of the interference figure can be varied from 6°5 to 15:2 diameters. Immediately below the Bertrand lens, the iris diaphragm is introduced, while above this lensa second lens of short focal length can be thrown into the field which, together with the ocular, serves the purpose of focusing the image picture sharply in the iris diaphragin. (6) The second iris diaphragm at G, immedi- ately below the ocular, is intended for use when observing interference figures directly by the Lasaulx method without the ocular and Bertrand lens. This iris diaphragm is a substi- tute for the device indicated in fig. 4, and the Saal cap plates usually furnished with microscopes, and although theo- retically less satisfactory, practically it answers the purpose sufficiently well. (7) A large Abbe condenser is used, together with an Ahrens prism of 15™™ edge, or large nicol in place of the usual nicol and condenser with removable upper lens. This arrangement, first introduced on the Fuess microscope 1a, is a marked improvement over the usual arrangement and does away with the more or less complicated devices for removing the upper condenser lens from the optic axis of the microscope. Wright—New Ocular with Petrographic Microscope. 415 Arr. XXXVII.—A New Ocular for Use with the Petro- graphic Microscope ; by Frep. EvGENE WRIGHT. Mrverats in the thin section are determined and recognized chiefly by the effects they produce on transmitted light and the relation of these effects to observed crystallographic features, such as cleavage, crystal form, ete. The usual optical properties which are thus made use of in determinative work are: crystal habit, cleavage, character of elongation, color, pleochroism and absorption, refractive indices, birefringence, extinction angles, optic axial angle, optical character, and rarely, dispersion of the optic axes. These characters can be divided into two classes based on the methods of their determination. Those of the first-class (crystal habit, color, pleochroism and absorption, optical charac- ter of elongation, optical character of the mineral, and dispersion of the optic axes) are ascertained by direct observation without measurement, while for the second class (cleavage angles, extinction angles, optical axial angles, refractive indices and birefringence) numerical values obtained by actual measure- ment are required. The ordinary petrographic microscope is adequate and satis- factory for the determination of the features included in the first class, but not for the second, if accurate data are desired. The result is that in petrographic determinative work and de- scription these data are often only very roughly measured and are then expressed in general terms, such as “‘optic axial angle large,” “birefringence strong,” etc., without giving actual numerical data. The importance of quantitative measurements in all scientific work is obvious. The chief reason for the absence of the quantitative element in the major part of petrographic descriptions must, therefore, be sought in the cumbersome methods now available for the purpose. Thus a Babinet com- pensator, or other special device, is required for the measure- ment of the birefringence; a double screw micrometer ocular or Becke drawing stage for the measurement of the optic axial angle, ete. Believing that these various requirements can be met with sufficient accuracy by the use of a single ocular, which can be made to fit any ordinary microscope, the writer has had the present ocular constructed, which has proved satis- factory and convenient in actual use.* The ideas involved in this ocular are not new,t but the assembling of the different *This ocular was constructed by Fuess & Co. of Steglitz, Germany, (cost 200 mks.) and the writer desires to express his appreciation of the care taken by that firm in carrying out his suggestions. + Compare F. E, Wright, this Journal (4) xxiv, 317-369, 1907; xxvi, 349- 099, 1908; Journal of Geology, x, 33-35, 1902; Tscherm. Min. Petr. Mitteil., xx, 275, 1901. J. W. Evans, Min. Mag., xiv, 87-92, 1905. 416 FE. EB. Wright—New Ocular for Use with the attachments into one ocular is novel and of sufficient general interest to warrant brief description. The ocular is represented in fig. 1, and consists essentially of a metal holder, which is inserted in the microscope tube in place of the ordinary ocular and into which in turn a positive Ramsden ocular* is introduced at A and certain plates mounted in metal carriages, a, 6, c, are inserted at B. Cross hairs are attached to the base of the tube A and are practically in the same plane with the upper surfaces of the sliding plates a, b, e¢, with the result that on focusing the Ramsden ocular on the cross hairs, the divisions marked on the plates a, 0, ¢, are also in focus and their relative movements can be read off directly. With the above arrangement the optical constants required can be measured directly by means of the three plates. Fine ale Fic. 1. New ocular with accompanying plates a, b,c, to be used in measuring the birefringence, the optic axial angle, and extinction angles of minerals in the thin section or in powder form. Plate @ (fig. 1, fig. 2a, b) is a combination quartz wedget 35°3™™ long and 10™™ wide, and consists (fig. 2a) of a quartz wedge cut parallel with the principal axis (direc- tion of elongation—c) °5™™ thick at the thin end and ‘89"™ at the thick end, its pitch being, therefore, about 6° 16’; and (2) of a quartz plate with direction of elonga-— tion a of same length and width and °56™™ thick. If these * An ordinary Huyghens ocular can also be used, provided the plates be inserted in the focal plane of the aplanatic eye lens. + Compare F. E. Wright, Tscherm. Min. Petr. Mitteil., xx, 275, 1901; Jour. Geol., x, 35-35, 1902. Petrographic Microscope. ALT dimensions be followed exactly, 1/10 millimeter divisions ruled on the upper surface of the wedge (fig. 26) will give directly the difference in distance in we between emergent light waves at a particular point. Thus, for sodium light the distance between successive interference bands will be 5:89™™. The zero line of the scale must coincide precisely with the black line of exact compensation between wedge and super- imposed plate. In the present wedge this is the case; the slope of the wedge, however, is not exactly correct, and a slight correction must be applied to the readings obtained Fic. 2a. <<, z Fie. 2a. Combination wedge. Upper part of combination quartz wedge with direction of elongation=a, while lower part is a quartz plate, direction of elongation=c. since 22™™ on the wedge is equivalent to 22°62 wu. For inter- ference colors of the first and second order this error (nearly 3 per cent) is very slight and can practically be neglected, but - for higher orders it must be taken into 1G. 2b. : ane account and the readings multiplied by a factor of proportion. In actual work a table of equivalent values can HAI} be prepared or an inclined line of ee oe proper slope:can| be added ‘to the color chart and the correct value equiva- Hi 2b. Top view of com- Jent to any observed value read off ination wedge showing divi- |. : sions and position of dark directly. With proper care, however, line of exact compensation of it 1s possible to grind these wedges wedge and plate. The 01™ correctly, so that the 1/10 millimeter divisions on the scale are not Bei ad direntie iter lait ete he Genre, ivisions read directly in terms of di ferences in wave length (up). In practice, the determination of the birefringence of a erystal plate in the thin section requires the determination of two distinct factors—the thickness of the crystal plate and the Am. Jour. Scl.—Fourts Series, Vou. XXIX, No. 173.—May, 1910. 28 XL 418 -F. EF. Wright—New Ocular for Use with the path difference between the emergent light waves. The thick- ness of the plate can be measured either by direct contact by micrometer screw or spherometer or by means of the fine adjustment screw of the microscope, or indirectly by means of the interference color or path difference of an adjacent mineral, properly cut and of known birefringence. Of these different methods the second is most convenient, although possibly less aceurate. ‘The usual method consists in bringing to sharp focus the upper surface of the plate and then the lower surface as seen through the plate itself, or if the plate be free along one side, to focus on the object plate on which the section is resting. In the first case, the apparent thickness must be multiplied by the refractive index of the mineral to obtain the true thickness. Since the average thickness of minerals in the thin section is about -0380"™, an error of -001™™ in setting the micrometer screw will produce an error of 8 per cent in the thickness determination. In ordinary microscopes this error may frequently amount to 002 or 003, and the resulting error in thickness to 10 per cent. Suppose the extreme limits of error be -003"™ or :0015™™ on either side of the true value, then an error of 5 per cent in the actual thickness determination may be considered probable. If this probable. error be increased to 8 per cent to allow for multiplication by the refractive index and to introduce a safety factor, it can safely be assumed that the thickness of favorable crystal plates in thin sections, ranging from ‘03 to -05™™" in thickness, can be determined readily by this method within 8 per cent of the true value. For minerals in powder form, the thickness of the individual grains may be much greater and the thickness determination correspondingly more accurate. On the wedge whose scale divisions correspond to 10 py path difference of light waves, the error of determination is not over one division on the scale (-1™™), which is less than 2 per cent. The total probable error of the determination of the bire- fringence of a mineral plate in the thin section in an unfavor- able instance may amount, therefore, to 10 per cent. As the birefringence of the ordinary rock-making minerals ranges from about -005 to -050, an error of 10 per cent is confined to the third decimal place.* In determining the birefringences (y—a) or (y-) or (6-a) of a mineral the position of the mineral plate (under examination) * An average of the birefringences of the 118 minerals listed under bire- - fringence on page 292-295 of Rosenbusch-Wiilfing, Micros. Phys. I, ie gives ‘040 as the mean value, while the value of the members midway between the two limits is °020--025. This value represents more nearly the mean value of the birefringence of rock-making minerals than the arith- metical mean, ‘040. Petrographie Microscope. 419 Fie. 3. Fic. 3. In this stereographic projection plat (circles 10° apart) the posi- tions of the directions in a biaxial crystal whose birefringence (y'~a’) is 2 per cent less than that of the optic normal (y-a) are indicated for the optic axial angles 2 V—0°, 45° and 90°. The optic normal coincides with the central point of the figure. Fic. 4. Fie. 4. Stereographic projection plat showing positions of the directions for which the birefringence (y'-a’) is 5 per cent less than that of the optic normal (y-a@) which coincides with the center of the concentric 10° circles. These curves are drawn corresponding to the optic axial angles 2 V=0°, 45°, and 90°. 420 FL Ek. Wright—New Ocular for Use with the Fic. 5. Fic. 5. Like fig. 4, except that the directions are indicated whose bire- fringence is 10 per cent less than that of the optic normal located at the center of the projection plat. The positions of the curves corresponding to optic axial angles 2 V=0", 15°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, are indicated in the figure. Fig. 6. Fie. 6. In this figure the directions whose birefringence is 10 per cent less or greater than that of the acute bisectrix (optic axial angle 2 V—45°) are shown by the dotted curves. In this figure the dotted curve which passes through the center point (acute bisectrix) marks the directions whose birefringence is equal to that of the acute bisectrix (y-@) or (G-a) as the case may be. is ascertained by means of convergent polarized light. In — actual work it is not always easy to find a plate cut precisely normal either to the optic normal or to one of the bisectrices, and it is of interest to know the percentage error caused by Petrographic Microscope. 421 ite We Fic. 7. Similar to fig. 6, except that the center of the projection plat is the obtuse bisectrix (2 V=45°). As in fig. 6, the directions whose birefring- ence is 10 per cent greater or less than that of the obtuse bisectrix are indicated. HGS: Fic. 8. Similar to fig. 6, except that the optic axial angle is 2 V=—90°. The dotted curves again represent the directions for which the birefringence is 10 per cent greater or less than that of the bisectrix at the center of the projection plat. In this stereographic plat, as in all preceding, the concen- tric circles are 10° apart. 492 «FL EF. Wright—New Ocular for Use with the using sections inclined at low angles with the correct direc- tions. Fora given plate the birefringence can be calculated approximately from the usual formula, 2 cin aime Y —a in which I and I’ are the angles which the normal to the plate makes with the two optic axes (or optic binormals) respectively. In figs. 8-8 these relations are shown graphically in stereo- graphic projection. In each figure the angular distance between any two successive concentric circles is 10°. Thus in fig. 3 are indicated the positions of the sections whose bire- fringence is 2 per cent less than the true birefringence (y—a) exhibited by a properly cut plate exactly perpendicular to the optic normal. The position of these lines of equal bire- fringence is different for different optic axial angles as indi- cated by the lines for 2 V=0°, 45° and 90°, but it is evident from the figures that an inclination of 10° with the true optic normal section will cause an error not over 2 per cent less than the true value (y-a) and often much less. In fig. 4 lines of equal birefringence 5 per cent less than the correct value (y—a) are drawn for different optic axial angles and show that inclinations of 15° produce errors of 5 per cent and less in the true value (y-a), while inclinations of 20° (fig. 5) produce errors of 10 per cent and less of the total bire- fringence. Similarly, for sections normal to a bisectrix, fig. 6 indicates that for an optic axial angle 2 V=45°, a plate cut at an angle of 7° with the bisectrix may produce a positive or negative error of 10 per cent or less in the birefringence (y—8) or (8-a). But in this case the birefringence (y—) or (@-a) is only about 14 per cent of the total birefringence, and an error of 10 per cent, therefore, usually applies only to the fourth decimal place. In fig. 7 the directions for which the bire- fringence is 10 per cent greater or less than (S—a) or (y—#), here about 8) per cent of (y—a) for 2 V=145° (obtuse bisectrix), approach within 18° of the bisectrix. In this figure, the curve indicating an increase of 10 per cent birefringence is 50° and over from the obtuse bisectrix. Plates making an angle of less than 20° with the bisectrix can, therefore, be safely assumed to furnish values of (8-a) or (y—@), which are not over 10 per cent in error. An inclination of 8° would produce an error of about 2 per cent in (@—a) or (y-8). In fig. 8, the rate of change of birefringence for sections at differ- ent angles with the bisectrix is indicated on the assumption that 2 V=90°; there an inclination of 12° and over is required to effect a negative error of 10 per cent in the birefringence (y-8) or (@-a), and 18° or more to effect an equal, positive error.—Assembling these data, it may be assumed in general Petrographic Microscope. 423 that the birefringence of a plate, inclined at an angle of 5-10° with the true direction (optic normal or bisectrix), will be in error about 2 per cent of the true value (y-a), (y—8) or (6-a) ; an inclination of 10-15°, about 5 per cent, while for 15°—20° inclination the error may be as much as 10 per cent of the true value desired. By means of the optic axial angle grating device described below, the angular inclination of the section can be ascertained and the probable error due to this cause thus eliminated. In actual practice, therefore, the method of procedure in the determination of the birefringence of a mineral plate in the thin section or a mineral grain is to measure first the thickness by one of the methods noted above and then to insert the wedge “a”? and determine under crossed nicols and in homo- geneous (e. g. sodium) light, the path difference between the interfering light waves.~ For less accurate work the direct determination of the interference color and equivalent path difference indicated on standard color charts like that of Michel Levy is sufficient.—The actual error of such a deter- mination should not exceed 10 per cent of the true value of the birefringence of the section. The probability of finding a section making an angle within 10° of a particular direction (optic normal) is about 1 in 66; and a section within 20° about lin 16. Since wedge “a” is merely a refined combination wedge, it cau be used for all purposes for which the latter serves. Fic. 9. Fic. 9. Top view showing cross grating ruling on plate 6 used in the measurement of optic axial angles of mineral plates in the thin section. In this figure, the 0°5™™ divisions are indicated but not the 0:1™™. (b) Plate 4 (fig. 1 and fig. 9) and the measurement of the optic axial angle.—By the use of this device, which is simply athin glass plate 1°5"™ wide, on which fine codrdinate linés Q-1"" apart have been ruled, the optic axial angle of a mineral can be measured, provided one or both optic axes appear within the field of vision. The principles on which the method is based are considered in detail in a former paper.* * The Measurement of the Optic Axial Angle of Minerals in the Thin Sec- tion, this Journal (4) xxiv, 317-369, 1907; also, Das Doppel-Schrauben- Mikrometer-Okular und seine Anwendung zur Messung des Winkels der optischen Achsen von Kristalldurchschnitten unter dem Mikroskop, Tscherm. Min. Petr. Mitteil., xxvii, 293-314, 1908. 494 Ff. EF. Wright—New Ocular for Use with the There the different methods for measuring the optic axial angle are treated at length, especially those of Mallard, Becke and Fedorow, together with a new method which requires for its application a double screw micrometer ocular or a cross grating ocular like plate b (fig. 9). The method of procedure for both double screw micrometer ocular and cross grating ocular is the same,—the observed coordinates being first reduced to equivalent angular values, and these in turn, Fie. 10a. Fic. 10a. View of bi-quartz wedge plate showing relative positions of right and left-handed wedges and underlying left and right-handed quartz plates, all normal to the optic axis, and in combination forming the most sensitive device for the determination of the exact position of total extinc- tion of minerals in the thin section. To be used also in adjusting the nicols in the petrographic microscope. Fic. 10b. Fic. 10b. Top view of bi-quartz wedge plate. The position of dark line of zero rotation or exact compensation is indicated at C. after reduction to values obtaining within the crystal, plotted in stereographic projection in order that the axial angle values may be found graphically. In the article mentioned the different steps requisite for this method are described at length and need not be repeated here. By means of this ocular, with ruled cross section slip, the optic axial angle of a favorable section on which both optic axes are visible can be determined within Petrographic Microscope. 425 1-2°. If only one optic axis appears within the field, an error of +38° is possible on even a favorable section. (c) Plate ¢ (fig. 1 and fig. 10a and b), bi-quartz wedge plate for the accurate determination of extinction angles.—The principles and methods for determining extinction angles are presented at length in another paper,* where it is shown that for general purposes with variable light conditions and varying sensitive- ness of the eye, a satisfactory general method should possess an element of adjustable sensibility in order to meet best the dif- ferent conditions. This was found to be realized most satisfac- torily in the bi-quartz wedge plate. The present plate was made after the following specifications: (fig. 10a) Wedge of right-handed quartz, length 35°3"", width 6™", thickness at thin end 35™™, at thick end :85™™; plate of left-handed quartz, lene@th 3537", width 6™™, thickness -47™; thin plate to be cemented on the wedge to a combination plate wedge which gives zero extinction at a distance 3°5™™ from the thin end. The same specifications to be followed with a wedge of left- handed quartz and a plate of right-handed quartz, likewise superimposed and cemented side by side as indicated in the figure and in such a way that the line of total extinction in the first combination is the extension of the line of zero extinction in the second (C in fig. 10b). This wedge in sodium light gives at the extreme end symmetrical extinction of about +10° (fig. 10b), while at the thin end it is +1°. The position of darkness between crossed nicols for any plate is tested by simply inserting the bi-quartz wedge plate and observing the effect on the adjacent halves of the plate. If the position of total extinction coincides precisely with the — planes of the nicols, both sides of the wedge will show the same intensity of illumination on insertion. If this is not the case, the observed plate must be revolved again and the test repeated. With this method on favorable sections the position of total extinction can be determined on a single trial within 10’. The determination of an extinction angle on a mineral plate involves two distinct steps—the location of the exact position of total extinction and the angular relation (optical system, accurately centered) of this direction to some observed crys- tallographic direction, as crystal edge or cleavage line. The error of the latter determination is not great since the eye is sensitive to errors in parallelism of adjacent lines as cross hair line and cleavage line. The measurement of the extinction angle by simply revolving the stage and thus determining the position of total extinction, is sufficiently accurate for ordinary purposes, if the average of a number of determinations be *On the Measurement of Extinction Angles in the Thin Section, this Journal (4), xxvi, 349-390, 1908. 426 Wright—New Ocular with Petrographie Microscope. taken, and for ordinary petrographic work the expensive bi-quartz wedge might possibly be omitted altogether. The time saved, however, by its use in accurate work isa factor — which would soon offset the expense involved. For the adjustment of the petrographic microscope the bi-quartz wedge plate is also well adapted. * With the three plates, a, 6, ¢ (fig. 1), accompanying this ocular, it is therefore possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the birefringence, the optic axial angle and extine- tion angles of mineral plates in the thin section. There remains still the determination of the refractive indices, and no satis- factory method has yet been devised for the accurate deter- mination of these on plates in the covered thin section. On the polished thin sections the refractometer attachment of of Wallerant has proved satisfactory, while for minerals in fine grains or powdered sections the immersion method in liquids of known refractive index is best adapted. By this method, the refractive indices can readily be obtained on favorable sections with a probable error of about +:002.+ By such direct refractive index measurement, birefringence determinations and optic axial angle measurement can be checked and possible errors eliminated. Summary. With the ocular pictured in fig. 1, three fundamental optic properties of minerals in the thin section can be measured. (1) With the combination wedge “a” the birefringence; (2) with the ruled plate “b” (cross section ruling interval -1™™) the optic axial angle, provided one or both optic axes appear within the field of vision ; (3) with the bi-quartz wedge plate “ce” the extinction angle. These three features, and particularly the first two, are usually estimated only roughly and not meas- ured accurately in petrographic work, chiefly because of the complicated apparatus now required for the purpose. The present ocular was constructed to serve as a simple but effective substitute for such apparatus, and thus to facilitate the actual measurement of these important properties. In the same holder other wedges and plates can be introduced which may serve for the determination of the above and other optical prop- erties of a crystal plate. Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C., January 31, 1910. * PF. E. Wright, this Journal (4), xxvi, 386-388, 1908. + Compare O. Maschke, Pogg. Ann., cxlv, 568, 1872 ; Wiedemann’s Ann., ii, 722-734, 1880; J. Thoulet, Bull. Soc. Min., Fr., iii, 62-68, 1880; J. L. C. Schroeder van der Kolk, Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikroskr., viii, 458, 1892; F. EH. Wright, this Journal (4), xxvii, 385-387, 1907; Tscherm. Min. Petr. Mitteil., x, 239, 1901. C. Travis—Behavior of Crystals in Light. 427 Art. XX XVIIL—On the Behavior of Crystals in Light Parallel to an Optic Axis ;* by Cuartes Travis, Ph.D. Ir a section of a biaxial crystal be cut normal to an optic axis, and this section examined in parallel light between erossed nicols, it appears uniformly bright in all positions when rotated about the axis. This is commonly ascribed to interior conical refraction, the explanation given by various authorities} being the equivalent of the following : When a ray of light, the wave-front of which is normal to the optic axis, enters the section, it is broken up into a cone of rays, each element of which is polarized in a different plane. Hence the light on emerging is polarized in all azi- muths. This is equally true if the entering ray is plane polar- ized, for its vibration will have a component parallel to the vibration direction of each elementary ray of the cone. No matter how the analyzing nicol is placed with respect to the polarizer, then, it will fail to extinguish all the light that comes from the crystal. Following out this line of reasoning, it appears that the intensity of the light passing the upper nicol will be one-half of that from the lower. Certain important factors are neglected in reaching this con- clusion, which is untenable when these are considered. It is, therefore, the object of this paper to present a discussion of the behavior of crystals in light that is approximately parallel to an optic axis, and to explain the observed differences between uniaxial and biaxial crystals under these conditions. $1. In any pencil of light that it is possible to obtain in practice, there are rays having all directions within certain limits. ‘The energy of those rays that are strictly parallel to a given direction (e. g., the optic axis) is infinitesimal compared to the total energy of the pencil. An example will make this clear. Suppose our source of light is.a circular area of radius, 7, at the focus of a collimating lens of focal length, 7. The angular radius of the pencil is then equal to the angle whose tangent ist. A line drawn through the optical center of the lens, parallel to the optic axis, will intersect the source in a point, ~, and from this point only do we obtain rays that are * This paper was suggested by the work of W. Voigt (referred to below), who shows that interior conical refraction has no practical existence. The writer’s chief object is to point out the correct explanation of a phenomenon that is well known to crystallographers. + For example, cf. Groth, P., Physikalische Krystallographie, Leipzig, 1905, p. 109. 428 OC. Travis—Behavior of Crystals in Light parallel to the axis. The area of the point p is obviously zero compared to the total area of the source, no matter how small we may make the latter. | It appears from this that interior conical refraction is a purely mathematical ideal, never attained in practice. Yet it is a well-known fact that a small source of light (a pin hole), viewed along the optic axis of a biaxial crystal, appears not as a double image, but as a luminous ring. Voigt* has shown that what is observed in this case is not interior conical refrac- tion, but simply an approximation to it. His reasoning may be summarized as follows: A hollow cone of rays, of very small angular radius a, and surrounding the axis, traverses the crystal in two hollow cones of radius, & + a, where ¢, is the angle of the cone of interior refraction. )q eee dimethyleyclopentane** boils at 91° , sp. gr. 0°7410 (24°/4°), Np18° 1:4253. Evidently contains both paraffins and naph- thenes. Fraction 95° — Wau Sp. ers) 0-(o0s O20 aw Np2o° 14061. n-Heptane boils 98:4°,+] sp. gr. 06886 (1o2) ieee 1°3854;8§ methyleyclohexanell|| boils 103°, sp. gr. 0°7662 (18°5°/4°), Np19° 1:-4243.99 Paraffins and naphthenes both are present. Fraction 105°—115°. Sp. gr. 0°7387 (20°), Np255 12am Fraction 115°—125°. Sp. gr. 0°73892 (20°), Np25° 1°4121. n-Octane boils 125:°5°,*** sp. sr, 0:7020 (0a 1:3943 ;ttt two unknown octanes described by Mabery and Hudsong$§ boil at 119°5° and 124°—125°, and have gravities (20°) of 0°7243 and 0°71384; octonaphthene|||| boils at 119°, sp. gr. 0°7508 (18°) Np20° 1:42384;94 4 isooctonaphthene **** boils at 124°, and has sp. gr. 0°7637 (175°). The percentage of naphthenes in each fraction seems to increase with the tem- perature. In this fraction, nearly equal amounts of parafiins and naphthenes are present. Fraction 125°—135°. Sp. gr. 0-7477 (20°), Np25° 1:4162. 8—Nonanetttt boils 129°5°, sp. gr. 0°725 (247°); nonanaph- thenet{tt boils 135°—1386°, sp. gr. 0-7667 (20°/0°). Here also is a mixture of the two classes of hydrocarbons. Fraction 1385°—145°. Sp. gr. 07517 G0"), Nj25. ieee a—Nonane§$§$ boils 185°—187° and has sp. er. 0°742 (124°). From these constants we can see that the lower boiling hydrocarbons are of the paraffin series while those coming over * Engler and Routala, Ber. xlii, 4615. + Engler and Routala, loc. cit. ¢{ Fortey, J. Chem. Soc., lxxiii, 982. § Fortey, loc. cit. | Engler and Routala, loc. cit. €| Schorlemer, Ann., cxxxvi, 209. ** Engler and Routala, loc. cit. ++ Francis, Young, J. Chem. Soc., lxxiii, 921. tt Thorpe, Ann., cxeviii, 364. gy Engler and Routala, loc. cit. ||| Knoevenagel, "Ann. , cexevii, 159. aia] Zelinsky, Ber., xxviii, 1022. *** Thorpe, J. Chem. Soc., xxxvii, 217. +++Engler and Routala, loc. cit. ttt Engler and Routala, loc. cit. SS§ Am. Chem. J., xix, 255 ||||| Engier and Routala, loc. cit. 9/4/*| Knoevenagel, loc. cit. **** Wngler and Routala, loc. cit. tt++ Lemoine, Bull. Soc. ‘Chem., Paris, xli, 164. tttt Konowalow, J. Russ. Chem. Ges., Xix, 205. S§S§ Lemoine. Province of Santa Clara, Cuba. 445 at higher temperatures contain increasing percentages of naph- thenes, approximately equal amounts being finally found. It has already been mentioned that with the naphtha, a sub- stance was obtained which was described by the driller as paraffin. It was a grey substance, somewhat gelatinous, and similar in appearance to an oil emulsion. Its composition was found to be: Calill <2) Stee Ae op Ua a ea ag eal aN 0 81% A NGGLE | da aL RI eV ce pr 14% Oey piy er ee ee ee SG in the form of an emulsion. The oil had a Spor Westphal lo:6" 2 2° - 0°738 INGOG Ore eer A 1:4100 Distillation Engler. - Temperature % 15° Sp. gr. 20°/20° Np25° —75° 0°4 ahs ee Linea 1°4045 75°-100° 18°0 O-72 O72 17 1°4006 LOO 125" 56°4 0:74 0'7372 1:4090 a Sans 18:4 0°75 0°7500 1°4161 Residue 3°4 Digs Layt) 1:4499 This oil is practically identical with the clear naphtha, except for a slightly higher gravity. It was more deeply colored and had a larger amount of brown sediment. Action with reagents. Oil from emulsion. Removed by OM aw ee mL OW Lie oes "6% Concentrated acid. vi.L1.4522 2: 15% Bim ey acid ia. Ss (i152 65 Sie 0:0% The water had 2°31 per cent total solids. The ciay, which was gray, lost 15-7 per cent on ignition, the iron being oxidized. It was submitted to the Office of Public Roads, Washington, D. C., and an examination by Dr. Lord showed that the indurated material consisted essentially of highly decomposed fragments of a ferruginous rhyolitic glass and rounded grains of bitumen cemented together by chalcedonie silica and an indefinite hydrated silicate. The clay is composed of the secondary products resulting from the decomposition of the rhyolite, with some bitumen grains and fragments of undecomposed glass. The emulsion is of the greatest interest. Gilpin and Cram have shown* that when petroleum is allowed to rise in a tube packed with fuller’s earth, a fractionation * Am. Chem. J., xl, 495. This property was first pointed out by Day, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., xxxvi, 154. 446 Lichardson and Mackenzie—Natural Naphtha. results, the fraction at the top of the tube has a lighter gravity than that at the bottom, and that the saturated hydrocarbons come to the top while the unsaturated are lower. Also when water is added to the fuller’s earth containing the petroleum, the oil is displaced, but about one-third of the oil remains in the earth. 3 Day and Gilpin* have carried this work further and have obtained similar results with clay. They have pointed out its application to the accumulation of petroleum in different places. We have in this Cuban oil an exact confirmation of these experiments by nature. It will be remembered that from the oil well there was obtained naphtha, water and emulsion. The history of this naphtha may be very briefly told. At some depth, considerably below 1500 feet, a crude petroleum filtered up through this rhyolitic clay,t the upper part of the clay stratum by fractionation containing the lightest naphtha. Saline waters then came in contact with this upper clay layer, displacing two-thirds of the oil contained in it and forming with it the emulsion. In Trinidad asphalt, as shown by one of us,{ we have an exactly similar case of a permanent emulsion of bitumen, water and mineral matter. To summarize briefly, we have examined a naturally oceur- ring white naphtha from the province of Santa Clara, Cuba. It occurs at a depth of 1560 feet in black quartz and green ser- pentine with water and an emulsion of oil, water and rhyolitic clay. It contains practically no unsaturated hydrocarbons, but a mixture of paraffins and naphthenes. Over 50 per cent dis- tills between 100°-125°, and very little above 150°. It was undoubtedly formed by the upward filtration of a heavy pe- troleum through the clay stratum, similar to the fuller’s earth filtrations of Gilpin and Cram, and the light naphtha in the upper part of the stratum was afterwards partly liberated by saline waters, the oil remaining in the clay forming with water the emulsion. Our thanks are due to Mr. L. W. Page of the Office of Public Roads for the examination of the clay, and to the Cuban American Sugar Company, the owners, for permission to publish these resulis. New York Testing Laboratory, January 31, 1910. | *Ind. Eng, Chem., i, 449. + It may be stated that the drillers are confident of finding a heavy petroleum at greater depths. + Richardson, Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., vi, 509. Loughlin— Granites and Metamorphic Sediments. 447 Art. XLI.—Jntrusive Granites and Associated Metamorphic Sediments in Southwestern Rhode Island; by G. F. LovGHuin. CONTENTS. Introduction. Bibliography. Résumé of evidence in 8S. E. Connecticut. Evidence at Westerly and Niantic, R. I. Reconnaissance eastward to the Kingstown area. The Kingstown area. Granite. Time of intrusion. The Kingstown sediments. Granite pebbles. Derivation and correlation of the Kingstown sediments. Summary. INTRODUCTION. Studies in southeastern Connecticut and southwestern Rhode Island have convinced the writer that all the granites in this area are parts of one composite batholith, and that this batholith is not of pre-Cambrian age, but is intrusive into rocks that have been mapped as Carboniferous. A detailed report on the southeastern Connecticut portion was completed about two years ago, and is awaiting publication by the United States Geological Survey. * The present paper expresses the results of reconnaissance work from the Connecticut-Rhode Island boundary eastward to the vicinity of Narragansett Basin and of more detailed study along the western border of the Basin—here designated the Kingstown area. Bibliography.—The granites of the area studied have been mentioned in a few publications, but their ages and structural relations have seldom received close attention, especially at critical points. C. T. Jackson, in 1840, mapped the granite as “Primary” + and the sediments of the Narragansett Basin as “transition graywackes” derived from the Primary. In 1899, Shaler, Woodworth, and Foerste published “The Geology of the Nar ragansett Basin, R. 1.” + Shaler and Foerste, who worked in the area under discussion, gave little attention to the granites bordering the Basin. They regarded them as Algonkian and distinct from the pegmatite dikes that cut the Carboniferous strata of the Basin. The latest geological map of North America§ represents the granite as pre-Cambrian. * Contributions to Geology of Eastern Connecticut. + Geol. and Agricult. Surv. of the State of R. I., 1840. t U.S. Geol. Surv., Mon. XX XIII, 1899. § Bailey Willis, Geol. Map of No. America, 1906. 448 Loughlin—Intruswe Granites and Associated B. K. Emerson and J. H. Perry* in 1907 deseribed and mapped the formations along the western border of the Narra- gansett Basin. The southern end of their area overlaps the northeast corner of the area here discussed, but no contacts are there exposed. They also mapped the oranite as pre-Oambrian (fig. 1 of this paper). Résumé of Evidence in S. E. Connecticut. As the writer’s work here described has been essentially a continuation of his studies in southeastern Connecticut, a sum- marized statement of the character and relations of the granite and adjacent metamorphic sediments in that area is here given to serve as a basis for correlation.+ A portion, also, of the map is copied (fig. 1, west of long. 71° 45’ and north of lat. 41° 25°). The metamorphic sedimentaries shown in ibe map are a quartzite (Plainfield quartz-schist) and a more extensive quartz-biotite-schist, more or less feldspathic ( part of the Put- nam eneiss series). These, and closely related metamorphics not shown in the map are characterized by the general predomi- nance of plagioclase wherever feldspar is present. The com- position of the plagioclase ranges from Ab,An, to Ab,An.,. They are possibly of Carboniferous age. The granite—Sterling granite series—mostly of pine color and gneissoid structure, includes three varieties : normal biotite- granite, porphyritie biotite-eranite, and alaskite. . The alaskite is known to cut the other two varieties, but all gradations in composition and texture appear. All the varieties are intrusive into the sedimentary series. Pegmatite and aplite, in sheets and dikes, cut the granite series, and are abundant in the meta- morphic sediments. The granite series is characterized by a well-developed microline, in some cases microperthitie, white oligoclase, or albite, and some quartz. The relation of the micro-textures of the granites to regional metamorphism has been treated at some length in the original paper, with the conclusion that the normal and porphyritic types were intruded and crystallized while the disturbing forces _ were most active, and that the alaskite became solid during the waning stage of regional movement. This relation, if the sedi- mentary series includes Carboniferous rocks, correlates the time of metamorphism and intrusion with that of the Appalachian — Revolution. The question of age will be furthur considered towards the end of this paper. * The Green Schists and Associated Granites and Porphyries of Rhode Island, U. S. G.S, Bull. 311, 1907. + By permission of the Director of the U. S. Geol. Survey. Metamorphic Sediments in Southwestern Ehode Island. 449 Evidence at Westerly and Niantic, R. I. The writer during the past six years has made several visits to the Westerly, R. L, granite quarry district along the south- ern part of the Connecticut boundary, and one visit to the neighboring and similar district of Niantic, R. I. (fig. 1) He finds at these places the above summarized evidence dupli- cated and supplemented by a later intrusion—that of the Wes- terly granite. Metamorphic sediments here appear only as isolated inclusions in granite. Both the sediments and the Sterling granite series are cut by dikes of the fine-grained Westerly granite ( quartz-monzonite according to Dale ).* The latter rock has the same mineralogic characters as the Sterling granite, differing only in containing a higher percent- age of plagioclase. Its contact phase and apophyses are medium-grained to pegmatitic, and cannot be distinguished in the specimen from the Sterling granite series. The contacts of the Westerly with the Sterling granite are sharp, but the close petrographic resemblance between the two rocks and the absence of any evidence indicative of widely different age favor the interpretation that the Westerly granite is not a type independent of the Sterling granite series, but the latest exposed phase of the same batholith. Reconnaissance Eastward to the Kingstown Area. Two reconnaissance traverses have been made across south- western Rhode Island, one extending from the southeastern Connecticut area eastward to Wickford Junction, the other from Hope Valley southward to Niantic and thence eastward, in a zigzag course, to Wakefield (fig. 1). The outcrops visited are plotted on the map. Those along the first, or northern, traverse are identical in character with the normal gneissoid Sterling granite, save one outcrop of the porphyritic type a mile west of Millville. The normal type is disintegrated to a considerable extent, a characteristic feature in parts of south- eastern Connecticut, and some outcrops are completely reduced to a coarsely granular soil to a depth of six feet or more. Short veins of pegmatite and pegmatitic quartz, from less than an inch to one foot in width, are commonly present, most of them cutting across the schistosity of the granite. One small dike of fine-grained granite, similar to the Westerly type, was noted on the southward sloping ridge 1$ miles east of Pine Hill. No inclusions of the metamorphic sediments were found. A glance at the map will show that no outcrops were tound along the eastern three miles of the traverse; but over 99 per * Dale, T. N., The Chief Commercial Granites of Mass., N. H. and R. I. Bull., U. S. G.S., No. 354, 1908, pp. 190 et seq. The reader is referred to this Bulletin for structural and petrographic details. Am. Jour. Sci.—FourtTH Series, Vou. X XIX, No. 1738.—May, 1910. 30 450 Loughlin—Intrusive Granites and Associated cent of the abundant bowlders in these three miles, and in fact along the whole traverse, are of the normal gneissoid Sterling granite, and it is the writer’s experience that the majority of bowlders in southern New England are of strictly local origin. The granite therefore is believed to be continuous from the Connecticut boundary to the edge of the Narragansett Basin, 14 miles west of Wickford Junction, but the relations there between the granite and the rocks of the Basin are concealed by drift. The eastern part of this traverse overlaps a small part. of the area mapped by Emerson and Perry as a southward continua- tion of the pre-Cambrian Northbridge gneiss of Massachusetts. The thorough concealment of all contact relations renders it impossible at this point to choose between the conclusion of the authors cited and that of the writer. Evidence supporting the writer’s views will be presented in the description of the Kingstown area. Evidence along the southern traverse is not quite so incon- clusive as that just presented. The granite outcrops are all of the Sterling types, chiefly the normal and to some extent the porphyritic. Two small dikes of the Westerly type were noted; one a mile south of Plainfield, the other on the summit of Shumunkanug Hill. No outcrops were found along the eastern six miles of the traverse, but here again practically all the bowlders are of the Sterling granite. Exposed inclusions of the metamorphic sediments are very scarce and only one deserves mention. ‘This one lies in the road on the hill a mile west of Worden’s Pond (see map, fig. 1). Its texture is pseudo-porphyritic with flattened, lens-shaped pebbles of quartz-schist, but the matrix is identical in color and texture with the quartz-biotite schist exposed in southeast- ern Connecticut and at Westerly. It is also similar to the most severely metamorphosed conglomerate in the Kingstown area. It is cut by a narrow pegmatite dike of the Sterling (or Westerly) type. This evidence though limited proves that the age relations found in Connecticut and at Westerly exist as far east as Worden’s Pond. The Kingstown Area. The limits of the Kingstown area are shown in fig. 2. It includes the west boundary of the Narragansett Basin sedi- ments from Hamilton southward, and has yielded decisive evi- dence for determining the relative ages of the rocks in question. The area was studied and mapped in detail by Messrs. Y. 5S. Bonillas and V. M. Frey under the writer’s direction.* The * MS. thesis No. 340, 1908, Min. Dept. Mass. Inst. Tech., Boston, Mass. Metamorphic Sediments in Southwestern Lhode Island. 451 ce 3 o> DS H = x +9 q Sas 5 = 3 3 ae NN 6 f os QUKx*Xxx] gg & > Tor Fas +2 > ROG Ae: ae SC 25> Us aN oo Q Oy ioe 5 © & Sys 79 +> ie SL ee ol Ma aea: 738 SBA NN 0 Oo Say es de eS eae BREN » 4 e = Bey KXxxx| OX gg % Se bo > 3 = z emo] oz oa > = «Gf =) = 3 According to earlier maps Fic. 1. Geologic map of S. W. Rhode Island and S. E. Connecticut. Detailed mapping is expressed only in the eastern and western portions of the area. Only outcrops seen by the writer are shown in the central por- tion, which is believed to consist essentially of the Sterling granite. 452 Loughlin—ILIntrusiwe Granites and Associated writer has not visited every outcrop in the area, but has studied the continuous exposures along the shore of the Bay, and all the exposed granite contacts, and has examined thin sections of the several rock types represented. Granite.—The various granite exposures include types iden- tical in texture, mineral composition, and structural relations with the several members of the Sterling series (including the Westerly granite). These types and their relations to one another are perfectly shown in the continuous granite ledge which extends along the shore of the Bay from Narragansett Pier for two miles southward. There is, in addition to the types previously mentioned, a pegmatitic muscovite granite which, as will be shown presently, is a contact phase of the Sterling batholith, and is transitional into those pegmatites which were previously interpreted as post-Carboniferous.* Muscovite variations are present in the areas previously described, but only in the Kingstown area are they conspicuous and important. The feldspars of the muscovite granite are the same in character and composition as those of the other types. Schist inclusions are found in all the granite types. Normal and. porphyritic Sterling granite, moderately to highly gneissoid, are the prevailing types in the Kingstown area. ‘They comprise the body of the two-mile exposure along the shore, and are exposed to the north on Rose, McSparren, and Hammond Hills. Exposures are few at intervening points, but are of the same types of granite. Small pegmatite dikes, more or less muscovitic, are of common occurrence. The northern part of this area also overlaps the southern limits of the area previously mapped as pre-Cambrian (see p. 448) ; but here again, owing to the general lack of local evidence, it is impossible to choose between the differing interpretations. Weathered schist inclusions are found on MeSparren Hill, but the presence of these alone is not convincing evidence. Definite evidence, however, is afforded east of Wakefield, at the bend of Indian Run, in an exposed contact with quartz- biotite schist, the metamorphic sediments of the Narragansett Basin. The granite a short distance from the contact 1s red, distinctly gneissoid, and irregularly porphyritic. Both its megascopic and microscopic characters are identical with those of the Sterling granite types of Connecticut. As the contact is approached, the gneissoid character is obscure or absent, and pegmatitic segregations are numerous. Distinct dikes of pegmatite are also. present, cutting the granite. The adjacent schist is penetrated by many pegmatitic apophyses, most of which follow the foliation plains. A mile eastward, along the southeast slope of Tower Hill, *U. S. G. S. Mon. XXXII, p. 377. Metamorphie Sediments in Southwestern Rhode Island. 458 el a= al [ent [a GR Lois Allen LOL ie a4ijzewuboy pue a4iUPe4Ss) S’'Greénes Pt. SN -9S UMOASbUIy S{Wauilpas Jo sai4 7 [pS Ss PA Bwawaasss, xX)x aC CS x \— ex EAGs7 S==no VH FERRY A | A A A | AN rod f#—__h i] 10 2 ee 2 / ee eS aa Za S VASE Z7Z (ast (LT Z * WHALE Rock LIGHT wi) yO ww eM vk ei v\ Me Pag x > » ye, La Frele Work b Dy ¥ S.Bontllas and V.M Frey. ---under direction of--—- —. GF Loughlin Fie. 2. Detailed geologic map and sections of parts of North and South Kingstown, R. I., along the western border of the Narragansett Basin. Boundaries actually exposed or definitely located are represented by solid lines ; indefinite boundaries by dotted lines. The dotted lines in the sections indicate the unexposed surfaces of bed rock. 454. Loughlin—Intrusive Granites and Associated are excellent exposures of granite apophyses following and cutting across the foliation of the schist. The apophyses are medium-grained to pegmatitic, slightly to highly muscovitic, and of red to white color. The white color is more pr onounced in the more highly muscovitic rock. The pegmatitic and muscovitic characters are best developed in the large dikes (fig. 2), which cut approximately at right angles to the foliation of the schists. These dikes, or large apophyses, are exposed at intervals along Tower Hill towards Bridgetown. ' Excavations in a oraphitic bed of the schist, between one and two miles south of Bridgetown, have exposed pegmatite dikes and associated quartz veins. The graphitic rock is also cut by small, branching, fibrous veins composed chiefly of sillimanite, quartz, and muscovite. ‘These veins are believed to be genetically associated with the pegmatite, but no careful study has yet been given them in connection with the problem under discussion. Similar, and even more convincing, evidence is found along the shore of the Bay from Little Neck northward to Hazzard’s quarry. The muscovitic granite with schist inclusions is the prevailing rock on Little and Boston Necks. It is increasingly muscovitic and pegmatitic as the contact with the schists is approached. At Watson’s Pier schist, cut by many large dikes of the granite and pegmatite, is the prevailing rock. Large pegmatite dikes are numerous along the coast as far as the north end of the Bonnet, and outcrop at intervals as far north as Saunderstown. From this point northward, pegma- tite dikes are scarce, and the northernmost exposure seen is at Hazard’s quarry. Here is a small dike consisting chiefly of quartz with a little feldspar and practically no mica. A few quartz veins with rare feldspar crystals, exposed near the summit of Barber’s Heights, are the northernmost pegmatitic exposures found. The evidence in the Kingstown area, there- fore, appears conclusive that the granites bordering the meta- morphosed Narragansett Basin sediments are members of the Sterling batholith and are intrusive into the schists. Petro- graphic study proves that the pegmatite dikes on Tower Hill and along the shore of the Bay are not independent intrusions, but apophyses from Sterling batholith, tending to grade into quartz veins as the distance from the batholith increases. Evidence in the whole area studied has proved that the gran- ites of southwest Rhode Island, south of the Washington Co.— — Kent Co. boundary (fig. 1) are not of pre-Cambrian age as previously supposed, but belong to the Sterling batholith, the youngest formation (including the Westerly granite dikes) of the area. Time of Intrusion.—The details of metamorphism in the Metamorphic Sediments in Southwestern Fhode Island. 455 Kingstown area have not been exhaustively studied, but it is very evident, from the field work done, that vertical dips and the most complete recrystallization of the sediments are found where granitic intrusions are most abundant. There seems, then, no reason for doubting that in. the Kingstown area, as well as in southeastern Connecticut, the granite intrusion accompanied metamorphism and folding. As the Kingstown sediments have been determined to be of Carboniferous age,* the time of granite intrusion and folding may be correlated with the Appalachian Revolution. The Kingstown Sediments—As the Kingstown sediments have heretofore been regarded as resting uncomformably upon the granite, a study of their composition is necessary for a complete solution of the problem here considered, and as a check on the conclusions already reached. Detailed descrip- tions of outcrops have been made by Foerste,+ and only petro- graphic evidence is considered here. The sediments comprise chiefly an alternating series of light to dark gray arkose, conglomerate and phyllite beds, with at least one highly graphitic bed. Metamorphism effects are everywhere distinct, varying from moderate around Hamilton, the northernmost point studied, to extreme in close proximity to granite contacts. In the latter case traces of clastic struc- ture are nearly, or quite, obliterated, and the rocks are typical gray gneisses and schists, penetrated by the reddish granite. The pebbles of the less metamorphosed conglomerate com- prise quartzite, quartz-sericite schist, black very fine-grained slaty schist, vein-quartz, felsite-porphyry, a fine even-grained granite. The granite pebbles, which do not resemble the Sterling or Westerly granite, will be separately described below, In the highly metamorphosed conglomerate, the pebbles appear as flattened lenses and even linear streaks. Only the less severely mashed are clearly recognizable. The arkose and the matrix of conglomerate consist of quartz, feldspar, biotite, and muscovite in varying amounts. The most metamorphosed expo- sures present the same general megascopic characters and_varia- tions as the quartz-biotite schist of southeastern Connecticut. Thin sections prove the feldspars to be mostly plagioclase with a few of poorly defined microperthite and, possibly, of ortho- clase. Nota feldspar grain was noted with the well-developed microcline twinning so characteristic of the feldspar in the Sterling and Westerly granite, save in the one instance, 14 miles south of Narragansett Pier, of a schist inclusion which is thoroughly injected with dikelets and stringers from the granite. * Mon, X Na, MoO, +... 2: 12 «=e. 26374" Reo MoO = Na MoO... 0 2c 3. See Memes Op — WoO neue ie ee oe eh SIS Molybdenum trioxide used in the following experiments was heated in a porcelain crucible to expel moisture, allowed to cool in a desiccator and weighed. Sulphur or acetylene carbon was added to the mixture of the trioxide and sodium dioxide to reduce the latter to oxide and also to furnish heat necessary for fusion. It will be observed that where carbon was used the amount of oxygen evolved was large although sodium oxide was formed in excess of the amount equivalent to the molybdenum trioxide. The following are the experi- mental] results: 3 + 5 Molybdenum trioxide- .--- EoOleoy. > ol torr, S14 0.04 ESO ae ee Or618: °° 0°546 “ TINT) St) ig Be at ae a ee nee ee 2-000 <“* Sodium peroxide. .__...-- Uae eae fo 02 ot neat i Water equivalent of system 4,164: “* 4,018" “ 4.196" & Temperature interval. _._- aS ie 2°145° 3°616° 490. Mixter—Formation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, ete. Heat effeetis 42 4a ue bp al OA 28 8,619° 15, 173° “‘ of oxygen set free..._.. + 796° + 362° +39° “¢ “ oxidation of carbon... —6,876° —6,075° peta So a so SUITES ieee eae —10,542° 66 “ce 6c 3 iron Nit ie —4ige —4g¢ LA RE 4,344° 2,858° 4,622° Hor iecram of Mo@is a3 579° 559° 568° The mean is 569° and for 144 grams it is 81,936°. It was shown* that the heat effect of 3Na,O,R,O,, in which Ris phosphorus, arsenic or antimony, is closely related to the HIGee de 180 | 140 100: 60 Cr are WwW atomic weights of these elements. The same relation appears in the sub-group of chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten. In the figure the atomic weights are plotted as abscissas and the heats of combination as ordinates. The line I indicates the heat of the reaction Na,O,RO,, and II of R,O,. Molybdenum Dioxide. Molybdenum dioxide was made by reducing the trioxide as follows: a 100° pipette was weighed, filled with molybdenum * This Journal, vol. xxviii, 103, 1909. Mizxter—Formation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, etc. 491 trioxide, heated in an electric furnace to expel moisture, then the tube was closed with stoppers, allowed to cool and weighed. The reduction was made with pure dry hydro- gen at temperatures between 410° and 440° approximately. It required 76 hours and in the last four hours the loss was 20 milligrams. The original weight of the trioxide was 49-795 grams and the total loss in weight 6175 grams. The composition calculated from these data is MoO, 99-11 per cent and MoO, 0°89 per cent. It was not deemed best to try to complete the reduction at a higher temperature than used on account of danger of reducing some of the substance to the metallic state. The following are the experimental data: 6 7 8 Molybdenum dioxide------ 10-123 er. 12°028 gr. ‘127000 gr. Sodium peroxide __-.----- 13- . 15° ype os Water equivalent of system 3,918: $693. 989- cee Osi Ss Temperature interval. ---- 1°802° 2°085° 2°08° 2.2 SG ee ee a 7,060° Gok r 8,397° fur Oxyoen set free. ._. =. P36 6 Tt Te. 128° ee OXIdAtiON Of Iron —-. . —48° —48° —48° 8,148° 9,386° 9,477° Meet eram‘'ot MoO, =... -- 805° 780° 789° The fusions were good and dissolved in water with evolution of oxygen and no black residue remained. The oxygen set free in the bomb was collected in a flask over water and the volume of it found by weighing the flask containing it, then filling with water and weighing again. The number of cubic centi- meters of oxygen at 0° and 760™" multiplied by 1°73 gave the number of calories lost by the change of sodium peroxide to oxide. If the experimental data above are reduced, allowing for the presence of 0-9 of 1 per cent of trioxide in the dioxide used, the result is not essentially different from that given. The mean for 1 gram of molybdenum dioxide is 791° and for 128 grams it is 101,200°. The following are the results of the experiments with molybdenum : meee MOO —*Na. Moles ser ee 10 200° we Eagle SEAS eee 9 am a 19,400° Ma O-- MoO... 'O°=> Na MoOw- 2.50252 222 120,600° mae) 2+ MoO) Na, MoOri-p aa. Oe 81,900° GO AO) MOO a te see es bes 2 Le eG Se 38,700° Es ea a WO es oe i ek oo Peay.) 181,500° vA TOE 5 Pa ot SE eee ee 142,800° 492 Mixter—FHormation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, ete. Selenium. Determinations were made of the heat effect when gray metallic selenium is burned with sodium peroxide, using 5 to 10 grams of the former for a test. The mixture fused imper- fectly. The water solution of the fusions after acidifying with hydrochloric acid gave no precipitate of selenium when sulphurous acid was added, showing that only selenic acid was present. This was confirmed by the fact that a nitrie acid solution of the fusions did not decolorize permanganate. The results for 1 gram of selenium were 1216°, 1208°, and 1208°; average 1211°. For 79-2 grams it is 95,900°. Two combustions were made of a mixture of crystalline selenium dioxide, sodium peroxide, and sulphur. 13°940 and 7-652 grams of selenium dioxide were taken respectively. The results for 1 gram of SeO, were 644° and 588°. Two other determinations were made, taking 6°118 and 7:109 grams of selenium dioxide and an excess of sodium peroxide. These two fusions were good and oxygen was not liberated, proving conclusively that all of the SeO, was oxidized to SeO,, and that the reaction was Na,O,+SeO,—Na,SeO, and not Na,- SeO,+0O. The heat effect for 1 gram of SeO, was 617° and 637°. The fusion giving 588° contained some sodium selenite and the result should be discarded. The average of the remaining three is 632° and of the two highest results it is 640°. This last number multiplied by 111-2 gives 71:200° for the heat effect of Na,O,, SeO,,. The results of the combustions of sodium peroxide are as follows: 3Na,0O, + Se = NaiseO, + 2Na,0 4 S232 s ee 959° 8Na,0) +.30: =:3Na,0) eos 582° Na,O + Se 80) = Na, SeOjit 3 Sanne eee 154-1° Na, O74 iSeO n= | NasseO) pip ee eee it 7 oe Tee Na,O. + Ore Na Oo cent ueke ee be eee 19°4° 90°6° The heat of formation of crystalline selenium dioxide derived from these results is 154°1—90°6=—63°5°. Thomsen’s figures are 57°1° derived from the heat effect when the dioxide is reduced in hydrochloric acid solution by sodium hydrosulphide and also from the heat of formation of SeCl, and its hydrolysis. His results by the two methods are practically identical. Thomsen used amorphous selenium and the writer the grey metallic modification, and as the change of the amorphous form into the crystalline evolves heat the writer’s results would have been a little higher had he used amorphous selenium. The reason Mixter—Formation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, etc. 493 for the difference of 6°4° between Thomsen’s result and the writer’s is notapparent. He stated that the hydrolysis of SeCl, is complete and is probably right in this view since selenium dioxide dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid without appre- ciable heat effect. R. Metzner* found the heat of H,SeO,,Aq to be the same as that H,SO,Aq. On the assumption that the heat effect of SeO,,H,O is the same as SO,,H,O, he calculated that Se +30 = 42°1°, using Se,80,Aq = 76°660° (T). That is, SeO,- +O—-—144° This explains, according to Metzner, why SeO, can not be isolated. The view that SeO,+ O is an endothermic reaction accords with the results of the experi- ments with sodium peroxide. The observed heat effect of Na,O,,SeO, is 90°6°; adding 14°7°, the heat absorbed by the oxidation of SeO, gives 105°3° for the heat effect of Na,O,- SeO,. If we consider Se,2O—63°5 and subtract 14°7° we have for Se,80—48'8° and MeO oe gO th 2) lets e ek. 1b ae eee Obras Se ere see A abe 48°8° RO SCO) = ee ee her ed 165°3° This result is identical with that found from the reaction between Na,O, and SeO,, but substituting another number for 14°7 in the calculation will give equal numbers. The heat of formation of Na,SeO, in solution calculated from Thomsen’s data is 262°3°; subtracting 99°8 for the heat effect of 2Na,O gives 162°5° for Na,O,Se,30. The heat of solution of Na,SeO, has not been determined but it is negligible, as a rough test with 15 grams of Na,SeO, in 200° of water gave a rise of approximately 0-1%. The writer is unable to explain why 154-1° obtained by burning selenium with sodium peroxide is so much lower than the number derived from Thomsen’s experiments. It should be stated that attempts were made to determine the heat of formation of selenium dioxide by burning in a bomb a mixture of selenium and charcoal. In one instance the bomb was filled with a crystalline mass of selenium dioxide, but the combustion was incomplete. In other experi- ments the mixture burned only on the surface. Tellurium. The tellurium used in the work was purified by dissolving the crude metal in acid and making a fractional precipitation with sulphur dioxide or by recrystallizing the nitrate. The precipitated tellurium was fused in hydrogen. Tellurium and * Ann. Ch. Phys. (7), xv, 228. 494. Miaxter—FHormation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, ete. its dioxide do not burn well with sodium peroxide and sulphur was added to supply the heat requisite for combustion. Tel- lurium dioxide was obtained by heating the nitrate and fusing the residue. Telluric acid was prepared by Staudemaier’s* method by oxidizing the dioxide with chromium trioxide. The telluric acid was slowly heated in an electric furnace to 375-400° and until a sample did not yield water on melting. The per cent of trioxide was calculated from the loss of oxygen on heating a weighed portion until the weight was constant. It was considered better to correct for tellurium dioxide present than to attempt to remove it by hydrochloric acid. ‘Two different preparations of tellurium trioxide were used. That for Experiment 5 contained 80°8 per cent of trioxide, and for 6, 91:3 per cent. The following are the experiments : | 1 2 Mel wary Were aes Oe eee 5:000 grams 6:000 grams Sulphur wie en en Pee 1000. « 1000 « Sodium’ peroxides 2.03. =: 20° ee 30° a Water equivalent of system... 3,866: er 4,032° Bf Temperature interval __.--.- 2°883° 3°096° Heatveficetie Shiite ae 11,146° 12,483° = ‘to tof osu phir. certs eae —5,271° —5,271° 66 Ts Co ATOM Ries ee ees eee 549 ARC ‘ «oxygen absorbed —34° — 34° 5, 793° 7,130° For 1 gram of tellurium --.--- 1 Las 1,188° The result for 127°5 grams of tellurium is 149,700. 3 + Tellurmamiidioxades 22s sees 10000 grams 10°000 grams SUL pos bienae es er ee 15000 9 10007 podiumperoxide: 2 a ei fo 21° es pele < Water equivalent of system__ 3°906° ‘ 3°896. (ee Temperature interval_._.-..- 2°968° 207s Fleat) eltects.2=:44 UU are 11,593° 11,602° << * of oxygen evolved +51° | +110° Rene ESTO ODPL A's ae —5,271° —5,271° 6 Ge 66 iron an ached gan eats, A == Pat 6,325° 6,393° For 1 gram of tellurium dioxide 633° 639° * Zeitschr. anorgan. Chem., x, 189. Mixter—Formation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, etc. 495 The result for a gram molecule of tellurium dioxide is 159°5 x 636 = 101°400°. 5 6 Substance taken.....------- 10:060 grams 6°000 grams Composition of { TeO, .----- 82000 ic Beal ee Fo substance He Ong Aue BFS SA Mee Be Op Din) 06 TN eee ee ats Sia: O00 OSC Oa BeGiMM peroxide. 4.2. =... 16° f 14° 5 Water equivalent of system_. 3,963: re 3,152 sc Temperature interval .-_-_-- 2;802- 2°537- Bieauesiect, 2 oS 8s 11,104° 7,996° e «of oxygen evolved -+1,072° + 636° A preteens eG) s Se). 2 2 0G —1,241° at ee sé *« jron for ignition —48° — 48° % o5n sulphuric: ys —5,271° — 4,216° 3 EAE BEN 0) el hd a 5,616° 4,036° Memlocram of TeO, -. 2... - 684° : TET The mean of the results is 708, which gives for the reaction Na,O + TeO, = Na,TeO,+175°5 & 708 = 124,300°. Summary of results. ana O - be = Na VeO, + 2Na,O + 22.2 .2..2_.. 149°7° eee Or SINa Oe Orel. Seas ee Se 58°2° meme het 3O Na TeOe 4 Los. fe 8s een eee 207°9° Bem ehe@) vs Na PeOn teas ose ote ol 12493° t=. 30 = TeO, eee eee eee eee Ok tata Ug ar ne aa er ep ok 83°6° epee cO). =) Na PeO. ei oe 0 ae A ee 101°4° a ON Ose ae ee epee ye ee Sh 19°4° epee em. Or Na TeO) ee ee 2058: The heat of formation of erystalline tellurium dioxide is 207°9—120°8=87-1. Thomsen’s result of 77-2° for TeO,Aq is too low since TeCl, does not hydrolyze completely. The result of experiments 5 and 6 giving 124°3° for the heat of combination of Na,O and TeO, is to be considered as approxi- mate only on account of the large correction for oxygen set free, and hence the heat of formation of TeO, derived is to be regarded as an approximation. Since the trioxide and dioxide of tellurium give nearly the same heat when fused with sodium peroxide, it is evident that the oxidation of crystalline 496 Mixter—FHormation of the Oxides of Molybdenum, ete. TeO, is accompanied by little or no heat effect. The results indicate that the reaction is slightly endothermic. The heat effect of Na,O,SO, derived from Thomsen’s data is 125°6° and from the writer’s* 123-7°. That of Na,O,TeO, is 124°3 approximately. If we take 162°5° based on Thomsen’s results and subtract Se,80 = 42°4°, we have 120:1° for Na,O,- SeO,. The heat of the reaction Na,O,RO, where R is sulphur, selenium or tellurium, is probably nearly the same in all cases. This much is however, evident, that it does not increase or diminish notably with increasing atomic weights as it does in the reaction Na,O,R,O, where R is phosphorus, arsenic, anti- mony, and bismuth,t or in Na,O,RO,, where R is chromium, molybdenum and tungsten. Moreover the heat effect of Na,O- RO, is in all cases higher where R is sulphur, selenium or tellurium, than where K is chromium, molybdenum or tungsten. * This Journal, vol. xxvi, 125. + Loe. cit. Noble— Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. 497 Art. XLIV.—Contributions to the Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona.—The Geology of the Shinumo Area (continued); by L. F. Noztz. (With Plate V.) Pore EL. GENERAL GEOLOGY (continued). Algonkian—Grand Canyon Series. Name. Distribution in the Grand Canyon. Stratigraphic Position, Structure, and Distribution in the Shinumo Area. Sediments of the Unkar Group. Preliminary Ouiline. Detailed Section. Comparison with the Type Section in Unkar Valley. Diabase Intrusive in the Unkar. Occurrence. Petrography. Variations in character. Contact Metamorphism. Conclusions. Age and Correlation. GEOLOGIC HISTORY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. ALGONKIAN. Grand Canyon Series. Name.—The unaltered pre-Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the Grand Canyon region were first studied by Walcott (Walcott, 0) at the eastern end of the Kaibab division of the Canyon. They are described as a series of sedimentary rocks, 12,000 feet in thickness; comprising limestones, shales, sand- stones, and interbedded flows of lava ; separated both from the underlying Vishnu schists and from the overlying Cam- brian sediments by profound unconformities ; and exposed over a considerable area in the greater depths of the Grand Canyon and in the inter-canyon valleys of the north side. To this series of sedimentary rocks the name “ Grand Canyon series” was given by Walcott. A slight unconformity of erosion was found to occur in the middle of the series. The strata lyimg below this minor unconformity were designated as the ‘“Unkar terrane,” while those lying above it were desig- nated as the “ Chuar terrane.” The Unkar terrane derives its name from Unkar valley, in which these strata are typically exposed. The Chuar terrane is named from its typical exposures in Chuar valley. These two valleys are parallel inter-canyon valleys of the north side of the Colorado river in the area described by Walcott. Lnistribution in the Grand Canyon.—There are six locali- ties within the Grand Canyon between the mouth of the Little Am. Jour. Scl.—Fourts Serizs, Vou. X XIX, No. 174.—June, 1910. 33 498 Noble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. Colorado in the eastern end of the Kaibab division and the mouth of Tapeats Creek some 80 miles below in the eastern end of the Kanab division, where the strata of the Grand Canyon Series are exposed between the crystalline schists of the Archean and the basal Tonto sandstone of the Cambrian. The location of these exposures is shown on the map accom- panying this article. Five of the localities are within the Kaibab division; the sixth is within the Kanab. The first of these localities is the classic area below the mouth of the Little Colorado described by Walcott. This is the largest areal exposure of these rocks in the Grand Canyon, and includes both the Unkar and Chuar groups. The second locality les five miles west of the first at the head of the inner gorge of Clear Creek on the north side of the Colorado river within the depths of the Ottoman Amphi- theater. The exposure is limited to less than a square mile. It comprises a small portion of the basal Unkar and is strue- turally a unit with the first locality. The third locality lies along the north side of the Colorado river at the mouth of Bright Angel Creek opposite the railroad terminus and hotels of the Sante Fe Railroad. About 1000 feet of the basal portion of the Unkar group are there repre- sented and the areal extent of the exposure is about three square miles. This locality has been briefly described by Ransome (Ransome, a). It hes about 10 miles west of the type locality. The fourth locality comprises a limited exposure of basal Unkar strata which lies in the depths of the Hindu Amphi- theater on the north side of the Colorado river about three miles up Crystal Creek from its mouth. It is situated some 20 miles west of the type locality. The areal extent of the exposure is about one square mile. It is as yet undescribed. The fifth locality lies about the mouth of Shinumo Creek about 30 miles west of the exposures of the type area. It com- prises about 12 square miles in areal exposure and represents nearly the entire thickness of the Unkar group. It is hitherto undescribed in geological literature and is the subject of the succeeding pages of this article. The sixth locality is situated on the Colorado river just above the mouth of Tapeats Creek in the eastern end of the Kanab division of the Canyon, about 12 miles northwest of the mouth of the Shinumo im a direct line and about 25 miles down the river in its actual course. The length of the expo- sure is about three miles in the bed of the river and in its narrow gorge beneath the Tonto sandstone. About 4,000 feet of the basal portion of the Unkar group are exposed, striking N.W.-S.E. and dipping about 15° N.E. This locality is The Shinumo Area. 499 structurally a unit with the exposures of the Shinumo area. Jt is unmentioned in geological literature. In the western end of the Kanab division in a section across the Grand Canyon at the foot of Toroweap valley, 50 miles west of the Shinumo area, Dution figures “ rocks of Silurian and Archean unconformable” in the bed of the river beneath the basal Tonto sandstone of the Cambrian (Dutton, a, p. 88). It is probable that these *‘ Silurian” rocks there represent the Grand Canyon series. Whether these rocks appear at places in the Shivwits division between the Vishnu schist and the Tonto sandstone is not at present known. Stratigraphic position, structure, and distribution in the Shinumo Area.—TIwo unconformities determine the strati- graphic position of the sediments of the Grand Canyon series in the Shinumo Area: they are separated from the underlying Vishnu schists of the Archean by a profound unconformity which represents a base-leveled surface of erosion, and from the overlying Tonto sandstone of the Cambrian by an uncon- formity which represents a similar base-leveled surface above. The strata of the Grand Canyon series here constitute a wedge-shaped mass whose apex lies along the south side of the Colorado river parallel to its northward course in this part of the area. The mass as a whole constitutes one great tilted block, which in turn consists of a great number of minor tilted and rotated blocks pitching at successively greater angles northeast away from the apex of the wedge, until at a distance of three miles from the Colorado river the whole mass is dropped by a profound fault which. brmgs up the under- lying Vishnu schist from a great depth,—a structure which strikingly resembles that of the area of similarly faulted Triassic blocks of the Connecticut valley. The strike of the strata is N. 40° W. The dips are variable: in general the strata of the fault blocks near the apex of the wedge dip 10°-15° N.E.; near the center of the wedge the dips average 25° N.E.; while in proximity to the line of the great limiting fault on the northeast they are completely reversed by the “drag” along the fault plane. The truncation of this _pre- Cambrian structure by the unconformity at the base of the Tonto sandstone is absolute. The great pre-Cambrian fault that limits the wedge upon the northeast represents the exposure in the basement rocks of the line of displacement of the West Kaibab fault and displays in the most spectacular manner a phenomenon analogous to that described by Walcott upon the line of the East Kaibab mono- cline (Walcott, z). Upon the line of the ancient fault in the Shinumo area two later displacements have taken place after 500 Noble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. the deposition of the entire Paleozoic series of the Canyon wall and probably later strata. The first of these is a mono- clinal flexure which reverses the throw of the pre-Cambrian fault, while the second is a still more recent fault super- imposed upon the line of the monoclinal flexure. The strata of the Grand Canyon series are exposed beneath the Tonto sandstone in all that part of the inner gorge of the Muay-F lint Creek canyon which is on the south side of the great pre-Cambrian fault,-—a distance of about three miles. They are exposed for three miles in the gorge of the Shinumo Canyon; for seven miles along the north side of the Colorado river; and in all the inter-canyon valleys within that distance which are eroded below the base of the Tonto sandstone. The two largest of these inter-canyon valleys are the “ Kast Wash,” a mile east of the Shinumo, and the “ Asbestos Canyon,” three miles to the west. The gorge of the Colorado river has everywhere been trenched to a depth sufficient to expose the Vishnu schists along the river beneath the overlying strata of the Grand Canyon series. This is due to the fact that the course of the river lies close along the southern apex of the wedge. The exposures on the south side of the river are more lim- ited, due to the thinning out of the wedge in that direction and the lack of inter-canyon valleys trenched beneath the Tonto sandstone. The strata are exposed for two miles above and one mile below a point opposite the mouth of the Shinumo. A southwestward bend in the river in the western part of the area carries it beyond the apex of the wedge, below which point the Tonto sandstone caps the Vishnu schists which lie in the river gorge. Southeastward up the river, in the eastern part of the area, a similar relation obtains. The hard middle members of the Unkar resisted the erosion which preceded the deposition of the Cambrian sandstone and stood as an island in the Tonto sea. This long monadnock of quartzite runs across the area in a N.W.-S.E. direction parallel to the general strike of the strata of the wedge, and a narrow outcrop of these quartzites is ex- posed along the Tonto platform on the north side of the river just at the base of the Redwall cliff, running for a distance of about five miles beyond the main areal exposures about the © mouth of the Shinumo and uniting with the limestones of the upper Tonto group to form the lower part of the great cliff of Redwall limestone. In the eastern part of this exposure the quartzite monadnock projects 700 feet above the base of the Tonto sandstone. Westward from the exposures about the Shinumo the prolongation of the monadnock along the strike of the quartzites exposes them in a narrow outcrop upon the Tonto platform one mile west of the Shinumo. LL The Shinumo Area. 501 The total areal exposure of the Grand Canyon series in the Shinumo area is about 12 square miles. In following up the Shinumo from its mouth to the point where it leaves the lateral gorge of the Muav-F lint Creek can- yon, a traverse is made of the total exposed thickness of the Unkar group from the unconformity at the base to the highest member that is limited by the profound fault on the northeast. There can hardly be a more magnificent illustration of details of geological structure than is here revealed. Along the entire western side of the Shinumo canyon, in cliff faces a thousand feet above the bed of the stream, is displayed every detail of the structure beneath the basal Tonto sandstone. Westward down the Colorado river the intersection of the two great unconformities forming the apex of the wedge is seen in the cliff face above the river bank, below which point the river narrows in its somber gorge in the Vishnu schists. From here northeastward, in the cliff faces along the western wall of the Shinumo canyon, bed after bed of the Unkar strata appears, wedging out southwestward beneath the plane of the uncon- formity beneath the Tonto sandstone. Every detail of the successive fault blocks of the great wedge is clearly shown,— their increasing tilt northeastward, the dips of the fault planes that bound them, and the occasional down-dropped wedges. Above runs the plane of the pre-Tonto unconformity, revealing in cross section the monadnock in this peneplain which existed as a rocky island during the inroads of the Tonto sea, the debris from its wave-cut cliffs being incorporated and preserved to the minutest detail in the Tonto sandstone. In the background, bed above bed in conformabie succession, lies the horizontal Paleozoic section in the wall of the mile-deep Canyon. After traversing a thickness of 5800 feet of Unkar strata in a distance of three miles dipping northeastward into the bed of the stream, the traveler crosses the line of the great pre-Cambrian fault of more than 5800 feet and comes once more into the Vishnu schists on the farther side of the Muav-Flint Creek canyon. Here again is an instance of the simplicity with which the geological structure is revealed in this wonderful country. Along the whole northern wall of the lateral gorge he the Vishnu schists below the Tonto sandstone cliff. On the south- ern side, at the same level, lie the upper sandstones of the Unkar, their beds dragged up sharply against the fault line, which lies in the bed of the stream. The whole Paleozoic system on the northern side of the gorge has been dropped 500 feet by the torn monocline of the West-Kaibab fault, reversing the throw of the pre-Cambrian fault on the same line in the basement rocks. Looking westward up the Muav Canyon, the beds of the Paleozoic are seen bending down 502 WNoble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. against the fault line in a graceful arc. Far up the canyon at its head under the Muav Saddle, the more recent fault has reversed its throw and restored the throw of the monoclinal flexure. There is not a detail of this structure that may not be seen at a glance. SEDIMENTS OF THE UNKAR GRovUP.—LITHOLOGY.. Preliminary Outline.—The pre-Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the Shinumo area represent the greater part of the Unkar group of the Grand Canyon series of Algonkian age. The upper, or Chuar, group is not represented in the area. Although these sediments present no more evidence of alteration or meta- morphism, aside from local igneous contact phenomena, than the overlying beds of the Paleozoic, they are destitute of fos- sils or decisive evidence of life. In the absence of fossils the natural basis for dividing the group into component mem- bers is the lithology. On this basis the Unkar group in the Shinumo area is divisible into five members, succeeding each other in conformable stratigraphic succession. It is not in- tended that the importance of this division should be greatly emphasized. Its chief value lies in the fact that it furnishes a basis for comparing the lithological succession of the Unkar group in this area with that in the type locality described by Walcott 30 miles to the east, as well as a basis for distinguish- ing in a broad way the main changes in the physical conditions under which these sediments were laid down. At the base, resting upon the profoundly eroded and base- leveled surface of the metamorphic rocks of the Vishnu series, Synopsis. Tonto Group Unconformity. 5. Micaceous shaly sandstone (exclusive of 36 feet of intrusive rock)------ 2297 4, Sandstone and quartzite.__.------- 1564 | 3. Argillaceous and arenaceous shale r f f intrusive ia eeaoun (exclusive of 950 feet o ce P TOCKs) ih. J Be eee ee 580 | 2. Calcareous shale and limestone..--. 335 13, Basaliconslomerates2 228559 2eee 6 [ Total 2 seduces Se ee Unconformity Vishnu series. The Shinumo Area. 503 is a thin conglomerate. This constitutes the basal member of the Unkar. Overlying the conglomerate is a series of lime- stones and ealeareous shales. These grade upward into argil- laceous and arenaceous shales which are intruded by a thick sill of diabase, and are succeeded in turn by great thicknesses of sandstone and quartzite. The uppermost exposed member of the group in the area is a thick series of micaceous shaly sandstones. It has been shown that these strata lie in a wedge-shaped mass inset in the Vishnu schists, and that this wedge is com- posed of a great number of smaller titled fault blocks. It is apparent from this relation that nowhere in the Shinumo area ean the thickness be measured in one unbroken section. Sinee, however, the lithological characters of the strata are constant and easily recognized, and since the throw of the faults that bound the titled blocks seldom exceeds 100 feet, the restoration of a section showing the unbroken sequence is not a matter of great difficulty. Detailed sections were made upward from the base of the Unkar through each fault block until its limiting fault was reached. The highest bed measured was then located in the next block to the northeast, and the measurement resumed at that point. Except in the fifth, or highest member of the group, all sections were measured with a tape along the nearly vertical wall faces of the box canyons of the Shinumo and other washes that cut across the strike of the strata. In the fifth, or highest member of the group, the strong drag of the great fault on the northeast has flexed and contorted these shaly sandstones in such a manner that accurate measurement with the tape alone was impossible. Their thickness was computed by the aid of trigonometric formule, using the com- bined data afforded by the use of the tape, the topographic map, and observations of the varying strike and dip. The section incorporated in this article was made in two places. The greater part of the total thickness was measured in a traverse up the Shinumo. This section includes all the strata above the diabase sill which is intruded midway in the “arenaceous and argillaceous shales” which comprise the third member of the Unkar. It would have been perfectly possible to make a complete section of the group in a traverse of the entire course of the Shinumo from the basal unconformity at the mouth of the creek to the great fault three miles above, although four faults cross the creek between its mouth and the place where the diabase sill dips beneath the bed of the stream. But a place was found in the canyon of the East Wash where all the strata between the basal unconformity and the diabase sill lie in a continuous unfaulted section, in a fault block that 504 Noble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. is tilted about 10° N.E. The section of the basal members of the group was measured in this locality, where the sequence is unbroken by faulting. Detailed Section. Lirst Member.—Basal Conglomerate. The surface rep- resented by the upper unconformity that separates the Unkar group from the basal Cambrian is a striking enough example of a base-leveled surface, although monadnocks rise in places to a height of 700 feet above the base of the Tonto sandstone. But the surface represented by the lower unconformity that separates the Unkar group from the Vishnu is an almost per- feet plane: nowhere in the seven linear miles exposed in the Shinumo area can a difference in relief be observed that exceeds 20 feet. The depth of weathering below this surface appears to be slight, in spite of the enormous amount of rock that has been removed, and the weathering appears to be the result of physical disintegration rather than of chemical decomposition. The basal conglomerate is an arkose conglomerate varying in thickness from 1 to 6 feet in the Shinumo area. It is com- posed of angular or subangular fragments of the rocks of the underlying Vishnu series, cemented by a roatrix of red arkose mud which usually contains small fragments of pink feldspar. Occasionally the matrix contains small rounded grains of quartz. The degree of induration of this conglomerate presents all variations from a hard, dense, siliceous rock, which fractures across matrix and enclosed rock fragments alike, to an easily disintegrated rock in which the matrix crumbles away from the enclosed fragments. This phenomenon, however, does not depend upon original cementation, but upon metamorphic effects produced by the diabase sill that is intruded in the over- lying rocks, the degree of induration depending upon how far the conglomer ate lies below the contact of the sill. The matrix is usually of the same composition everywhere in the area. The character of the enclosed fragments, how- ever, is sharply localized by the character of the underlying rock. The rock which underlies the conglomerate in the East Wash is the quartz-diorite of the batholith previously described. For three feet below the conglomerate the diorite is weathered along the joints into roughly angular blocks. These joints are filled with the red arkose material of the matrix. Above follows a layer of the conglomerate one foot in thickness, composed of weathered fragments of the diorite cemented with the red arkose material. Then follows a layer six inches thick composed of small rounded quartz pebbles and The Shinumo Area. 505 fragments of chert of the same character as that contained in the overlying limestones. The whole is cemented with the red mud. The conglomerate is very little indurated in this local- ity. Although the contact of the diorite with the mica-schists in the underlying Vishnu is not two hundred yards distant, there is not a fragment of the mica-schist to be observed in the conglomerate. In the Asbestos Canyon, four miles to the west of the East Wash, the underlying rocks are mica schists and veins of quartz and pegmatite. Here the Vishnu schist is scarcely weathered at all below the unconformity. The overlying conglomerate is 6 feet thick and consists of angular fragments of the underlying mica-schists, fragments of pegmatitic feldspar and vein quartz, and the arkose cement described above. The degree of induration is here very great, and the rock fractures across the grains like a hard, dense quartzite. This is due to the fact that the lower contact of the diabase sill lies only 150 feet above this basal conglomerate in the Asbestos Canyon, while in the locality in the East Wash it lies 550 feet above. Two important features characterize the basal conglomerate of the Unkar in the Shinumo area; the arkose nature, and the lack of sorting and transportation of the component frag- ments. Second Member.—Calcareous Shales and Limestone. The section was measured on the west side of the canyon of the East Wash. This and all the following sections read from the base upward, a. 1 being the bottom bed, overlain by a. 2, ete. CHARACTER THICKNESS a. Basal white limestone. 1. White, nodular, cherty limestone. The chert occurs in nodules with a roughly concentric structure somewhat suggestive of the structure GIAO ENO LO ZO OMe Meo edesne att neni nero erate 3 1k6s 2. White, cherty limestone carrying the chert in thin parallel bands which are etched out by the weather on the cross sections. ‘The surface of each chert layer shows polygonal cracks sugges- tive of sun-cracks in shale. This structure belongs to each separate chert layer and is not a columnar structure. The weathered surfaces of these chert layers are dotted with small cubic depressions which were apparently formed by the leaching out of some mineral of a cubic TE en a IG eas Sf otc 4’ 6" 506 Noble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. CHARACTER b. Argillaceous and calcareous red shale and limestone. 1. ottenurple: shales: eos a8 oe oe eye eee 2. sleurple, chert ylumestones 2. == seems. oa iaeee 3. Purple shale with occasional bands of purple Galleite 528/08 ER eee ets cr eee ee 4, Purple, crystalline limestone ___---.----.-_.-_- 5, Alternating layers of buff and chocolate-red shale with a splintery habit of weathering and a roughly concretionary structure. Like all the succeeding shales and sandstones of the Unkar they are mottled with light-colored spots which are usually circular or elliptical in form and of aULSIZeS Baa aera a pew ae i se 6. Blue limestone, white for 1” at the base and showing dendritic markings 22225) 32 sees Ta redishale ee 2 coe eee ey ee ee oe na 8. Blue limestone 22-2 e205 a ese 9. Red shale uy. eos eal wee) gee eee 10:\Purpledimestone.) 20s 5 2) soe aoe ee 11. Calcareous, red shale with three thin bands of purple limestone [2.0 ese oa ae see ee eee 12.) Red) crystalline limestone {a5 02252 oe see 18.) Red shalevsocS 2 ae ee eee 14. eds crystallinedimestome ===> 222 se eee 15 Red whale 2G Tee eee Oe ee 16) Blue limestone hae se 2 ee ee ea 17, dvedushalesa: se este ee ee ee eee 18. Bluedimestone en. | ese) oes ees 2 eee 19.) Pink limestone 3218 oe ee ee 200 Red: shale ta 425 2e week ues see eee ae 21, Ohertys aiite limestones aise eee 22. Compact, red shale forming a cliff.__.-...---- 23. Alternating layers of buff and red shale-__---__. Dense, purple, calcareous shale carrying bands of pink calcite and forming a cliff. Contains occasional thin bands of chert .--..---------- . Blue, calcareous shale with an onion-like concre- tionary structure on a large scale_._-..--...-- c. White limestone. Li, 2. Thin-bedded, white, cherty limestone carrying the chert in parallel bands, and containing three paper-thin layers of purple shale. Weathers to a white powder. Dendritic markings are present 2212 ee a ee eee ees Coe Nodular, white, cherty limestone. The chert is present in irregular nodules of no definite shape. THICKNESS 6” 85. 7tom — The Shinumo Area. 507 CHARACTER THICKNESS hie 23. 24, SO 0-1 The upper part of the stratum has a paper-thin bedding giving it the aspect of a calcareous shale. The limestone weathers to a white powder. Dendritic markings are present __--..----.--- . Dense, homogeneous, white, crystalline lime- stone, forming a cliff. The upper part is thin- ieee sn oe ees Ses ee . Homogeneous, thin-bedded, white, crystalline limestone containing occasional thin bands of chert and nodules whose character suggest the srBueLEre OF Cry ptoz00nt os 2. oats on ee Sc White limestone carrying a large amount of chert in undulatory and gnarled bands -.----. Lumpy and gnarly, white limestone carrying chert in large irregular nodules. Crumbles to Ba WHECAPOWOEE: 222 ys mat en ees PN Shs MreEp le Sale poses fee AH Ses Layers of undulatory-banded, bluish chert- ---- MSerC WMUEp oO shiale fe oa see! Satya le Layer of gnarled and twisted chert nodules in a matrix of white talc. The surface of the talc is covered with dendritic markings ..-.-_---- Thin-bedded, white limestone crumbling to white powder or weathering into thin plates like a SN See oN Nr ce oe ae Cpe: ok ee Derma Be OO Hi saDUPple SMaAlO uss SS hee ooh ts es rege ia _ Thin- bedded, crystalline, white finest oe . Soft, purple ic eee Ne Dense, blue, crystalline limestone hee ae a small EE. ard ae ee ee ONE Ao! cole OE AN eS . Homogeneous, thin-bedded, white limestone, crumbling to a white powder and weathering Mino plavesstike a Shalere. S12. 228 Syne . Dense, crystalline, blue limestone _-__-.--..--- 2 APATITE G12 GARR aes Sha secre Saar eC . Layers of undulatory-banded, nodular chert in a matrix of earthy white limestone __-_-..---.--- Thick-bedded layers of pure, homogeneous, white marble, forming the strongest cliff in the secon member of the Wnkare. 2. 2.22. eoamic ut taminer beds: 322225. a's) ee oe oe 2. Undulatory-banded, cherty limestone becoming Gly sia Ne ANON C5 ane pce ee Red shale below and purple shale above, sepa- rated by a thin layer of chert _._......--...- Thick-bedded, crystalline, white limestone of ee same character as 20, forming a strong CLUTTER = Silence SNES ie 0c oe oD, ae ae 508 Woble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. C 2K 26. Wie d. oR ONE by SoC OGD HARACTER Thin-bedded, crystalline, white limestone -_-___- Gnarled and nodular, white, cherty limestone _- Very hard, dense layer of flint forming small GUT ooo wn bo ev EB eked ee ee ee lue slate and white limestone. Soft; purpleishale; Ne 22 eee eae cee Hard, blue slate forming small cliff_..__.._-_- Fissile, blue slates with fine partings ___.__--- Thin-bedded, purple, crystalline limestone ~__- Dense, purple, crystalline limestone forming a smiall-cliff 2. oe Be eed Same aise ha VN es Ue een SaMelasiay LOu MMe. sill ee liit mes ee Thin-lamellar, spotted, blue slate-_-...__-.-.-- Gnarly layers of fine-lamellar, blue calcareous slate with a very coarse concretionary struc- ture. Irregular nodules of chert occur in the middie portion 220 Uae ene ene ee . Dense, blue, crystalline limestone forming small C)UEE! coor i A En Se en ee ee . Thin-bedded, platy, white limestone_.-----.-- . Very thin-lamellar, fissile, blue slate________-- . Calcareous, blue slate forming a cliff ___.._._- . Thin-bedded, platy white limestone.-_-.--.---- >. Missile tblaeslate sis 2) os eee ee ee nee . Dense, lumpy, white crystalline limestone ---. Pinkish-green, fissile, siliceous slate of a jaspery appearance Lorine aye lith =e ee eee eee . Layers of dense, white, crystalline limestone separated by thin bands of pale-green, talcose MMAerials Tey Le Bs oe SNe ee re ae ee ee ee . Dense, red and black-banded jasper, weathering green between the layers and forming a cliff. The layers contain shrinkage cracks and ripple WALKS" hc se ee ee ee . Layers of dense, white, crystalline limestone separated by bands of pale green, talcose material 2.027. Jo) ee Ss ee eee Synopsis of second member of the Unkar. a. Basal white limestone eee]. oe ee ees b. Argillaceous and calcareous red shale and limestone ce. WW thhite limestone {tie ee el oo aie eels a d. Blue slate and white lnmestone. 92225225). 223 Total thieknessaei:. 20 eee Re THICKNESS 5! 6” we 5 y 9! Bul 9! 6” ay 6” aha Au The Shinumo Area. 509 When the specimens of these rocks were examined in the laboratory it was found that all the limestones were more or less dolomitic. The limestones of division ‘“*¢” were found to be entirely dolomites. Thin sections were cut from specimens from twenty separate beds in the second member. Eighteen of these slides were cut from the limestone strata and two from the red shales. The sections of the limestones were cut both from the chert bands and the nodules and from the limestone itself, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact mineralogical char- acter of these rocks, and in the forlorn hope that they might reveal traces of a structure that could be referred to something organic. No ininerals other than calcite and quartz were revealed by the microscope in any of the shdes. The silica of the chert bands and nodules was found to exist in the form of interlocking grains of quartz. None of the grains were rounded and there was no suggestion that the quartz grains of the chert bands represented an inwashed sand. Nor was there any trace of an organic structure revealed, either in the chert or in the limestone. The purer limestones were found to consist of calcite (or dolomite) alone, the crys- talline forms having the typical structure of marble. The impure varieties were found to consist of mixtures of quartz and calcite in all proportions. The greater part of the lime- stone was of this impure character. The shales were found to consist of a fine impalpable ferruginous or calcareous mud, containing occasionally a minute grain of quartz. Several features of interest are shown in the lithologic sec- tion of the second member of the Unkar as a whole. Ripple marks and sun cracks appear for the first time in the shales in stratum No. 18 of division “d,” just below the highest limestone stratum at the summit of the member. The increasing intensity of metamorphic phenomena in the section from the base upward may also be noted. This is due to the approaching proximity to the lower contact of the dia- base sill which is intruded in the member above. The metamorphic action is manifested in the shales by their change upward both in color and in degree of induration: the shales of division “>” are almost entirely red; from the summit of this division upward the color changes to purple and blue. Below division “d@” the shales are soft and crumbly; within this division, however, they become dark blue slates, while in the upper part they become extremely hard, siliceous jaspers. The vertical succession of the strata is seen to be broadly characterized by continual and rapid alterations of limestone and shale. According to the dominance of either type of rock the four divisions a, b, c, and d are separated : division “@” is 510 WNoble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. entirely limestone, “6” is alternating limestone, and “d” predominantly shale. Thus there are four major cycles of oscillation upon which the minor cycles are superimposed. A comparison of the above section in the East Wash with a section measured in the Asbestos Canyon, four miles to the west, is of interest. In the Asbestos Canyon the “ basal white limestone” (a) has a thickness of 30 feet contrasted with a thickness of 6 feet in the East Wash. The lower stratum of “nodular, cherty limestone” is there 7’ 9”, contrasted with 1’ 6” in the East Wash. The upper stratum of “parallel- banded, cherty limestone” is 22’ 3” in the Asbestos Canyon, containing in the middle an intercalated layer of purple shale, and near the top a thin layer of rather fine arkose conglomerate. The “ argillaceous and calcareous red shales and limestones ” of division “6” have a thickness of 88 feet in the Asbestos Canyon contrasted with 85’ 5” in the East Wash. They do not have the red color that characterizes them in the East Wash, but are purple and blue, and much indurated. This change of color and difference in degree of induration is due to their closer proximity to the diabase sill in the Asbestos Canyon. The correspondence in lithographical character and vertical succession of these two sections four miles apart is so close that the individual strata of the sections can be matched bed for bed. The only marked contrast in thickness occurs in the basal white limestone (q). Third Member.— Argillaceous and Arenaceous Shale. Section measured at East Wash in continuation’ of the pre- ceding section. a. Clif-forming jasper. 1. Dense, hard layer of blue-black jasper mottled with red spots and showing no banding in the mass, forming with the three following layers a strong perpendicular cliff. This is the most resistant rock in the Unkar. Where the under surface shows beneath the overhang of the cliff it is sun-cracked on a large scale and in several generations! (oc pee! eee Reape) ys, ah 28' Same general character as 1, but showing a banded structure. The lower 2 ft. are slaty and bo weather out, giving the cliff an overhang.. ---- 19° 3. Same as 2 with a soft slaty layer at the base. - - 14’ 4. Same as 2 and 3 witha soft layer at the base. 12! Total 73° The Shinumo Area. 511 6. Caleareous blue slate. 1. Slaty, black jasper, sun-cracked throughout. -- 12’ Ae Eankperystalline limestone: 22222-2205 42 lL. eG 3. Slaty, blue jasper with small red spots... .- 4’ 6" Total ie ce. Clif-forming jasper. 1. Dense, hard layer of blue-black jasper mottled with red spots, forming with the following prerawesurOme lilt. see as 2¢ ee ou eae 14’ 2. Same as 1 with a soft slaty layer at the base which weathers out, giving the cliff an overhang. 3a 6” Total A Pea d. Sandy quartzitic jasper. ie olaty. blue, spotted jasper.0.-.20 2 22.22.2222 4’ 2. Fine-grained, pink quartzite, ripple-marked ~ -- 5! aa olay, Dive, Spotted Jasper. — 0. - 2.2 2252022- 1? fFeob ine-orained, pink gQuartzite. 2-2 22_. 22222222 4! 5. Slaty, blue, spotted jasper with sun-cracks. .. ._ 6 6. FHine-grained, pink quartzite, ripple-marked. _- 1 Bpeieliis UAECZItIC. Jasper... 2. 822 fsa 2 52. Li 5! es) Pine-erained, pmk quartzite...2.2.- 22.2.2 4! 9. Fine-grained, pink, sandy jasper, sun-cracked _. ee Total 52! é. Red and blue jasper. 1. Banded, blue jasper with curious spots. Sun- ELACKCO CMEOUGNOUW een 4 2 oe ee ee 22" 2. Red and black banded jasper ..-._----..--.-- 9’ Total 31’ Jf. At this horizon is intruded a sill of diabase, whose thickness varies from 650 feet on the Shinumo to 950 feet or more in the Asbestos Canyon. The remainder of the section was measured in a traverse up the Shinumo, starting with the upper contact of the diabase sill. g. Blue slate and quartzite forming a cliff.--.-.....-- ee 20, Pade state: forming a slope se220 22 222 5 tee feb Le 100’ 7. Red, argillaceous shale —sun-cracked throughout. The rock is very soft and forms a slope together with the underlying blue slate... -....2._.2....- ile, j. Alternating, vermilion, argillaceous shale and sand- stone. The alternations in this series occur with remarkable reg- ularity. The sandstone is white in color and is compact and 512 Noble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. fine-grained. It is cross-bedded and ripple-marked throu; | out. The shales of the alternating beds are very soft <.” weather out, leaving etched-out bands between the sandsto: » which are very conspicuous in the cliff-faces. On the unc surface of each sandstone layer are beautifully preserved s cracks. The shales are fine-grained, fissile, and argillaceous The succession in this alternating series is as follows: No. Bed Thickness S. S.—Sh. cycle 1. Sandstone- __-- Ae pt OAD ale tee! tee BO! sa ve eatin 8” SMOG et eee nee As eSNG ee eae atte Bi ia 5 BRAS IS: GP aan ie i sigro) cgmee en a i Bac OF 25) eee Bes ee 3 Te Se cen ee Me) Gy Sh ee eas LOKI 2078 5 eo ge ae pce Ge OLS, Si eames 5 LOSS bose a eo sapeee Be ge Phe ya ae ee 8! Lease nee omen hie, 6! Toy eae Beek Rea AGE rete ba ee a ales 8’ 6” 13 05s Re ee a eee eT Asse Shia he i ge pep eens Spc ight. ya dee eae 9’ 6” Lye fs tat Fan oe gah itd 6! 1 GP pS ay SRO erty a ae OG C72 CNS ae eee Tain 16 LON: Maks be Beas Aa ee Vs le ae ee tiesGe 1 Telia: Bie yg eet et Bou TA Othe 1 pee aed IM a AI Gr, Se ee aa 4! DAS Sas ae a eee DOSED ih oe ees hea Le pe on De GND TONe 21ers BO” DARA SIs areas cee DECI: Lee T ee a eae Gas DSS Sr See are 2 Vor Siiseeee wr eee OG H Ce ae ees 8) eam 7a Fidel > ke a 3! O80: Sink ee eens Oia te | eine ee a ie Otaleuer: 109/47 Ave., 7 Oe k, Alternating, vermilion, arenaceous shale and sandstone. The sandstone is white, compact, and fine-grained. It cross-bedded and ripple-marked throughout. The unde: surface of each sandstone layer is sun-cracked where it resi: upon the arenaceous shale. The shale is vermilion in coor, soft, and very sandy. Sun-cracks occur throughout. The succession is as follows : The Shinumo Area. 513 ieesandscones! ai) suse Zoe gi 4 Jae arenaceous shales 1 aueyegs Fe 21 1" Sweandstone se. (kneels eee ieee Se 9! £ sArenaceous shale i... 222 bank v2--2 = lh) 87 Rem Sam@d stoners.) 4 2)... Syne wn eigess = 9-2! GapArenaceous shale. . 24.524 <2 22 Se-22: 24! MS UNUCTONC 2 xc). eyes oe al! Total OS AM Synopsis of third member of the Unkar. Gae@Mit-formine jasper. o.42 4-55-2229 73° b. Blue slate with caleareous band..-.- 18’ GC litt forming: jasper essa 1 ae. 2 17 6 Ge sandy quartzite: jaspeleee = oe a5 2 - 52! Go teed and jolie? Jaspelas a2 ase. 31’ J. (Intrusive diabase) g- blue slate and quartzite. 22222 .< - 20° Jimmintucrslater. 20s 0 te eo tee LOO a xed areillaceous’ shale. 25225222 81’ j. Alternating vermilion argillaceous Shera an Seeie sae EeN Sra) 2 NOG 4? k. Alternating vermilion arenaceous Siialle andusy Si See eee SOURS wee Tope Total thickness RO Thin sections were cut from several specimens of the jaspers. The slides were unsatisfactory, however, because of the exceedingly fine grain of the rock. The highest power of the microscope revealed nothing more than an impalpable silicified mud. -A slide of the ‘“ quartzitic jasper” showed it to have been a somewhat arkose sandstone indurated to a siliceous quartzite. It was seen to be composed chiefly of small rounded quartz grains about which secondary silica had been deposited, lying in a fine arkose matrix made up of small fragments of pink feldspar. A thin section was also made from a specimen of one of the sandstone layers in the “ alter- nating argillaceous shale and sandstone” of division “7.” The rock proved to consist of small, well-rounded grains of quartz, cemented by silica in the form of secondary quartz. It is a pure, fine-grained sandstone. The metamorphic effects produced by the diabase sill intruded at the horizon “7” are seen in the lithologic section of the third member given above. This metamorphic action is manifested in three ways: 1. Induration by silicification,—jaspers. 2. Induration by baking,—slates. 3. Decoloration,—red to blue and black. Am. Jour. Scl.—FourtH SERIES, Vou. XXIX, No. 174.—June, 1910. 34 514 WNoble—Geology of the Grand Canyon, Arizona. It was noted in the summary of the features of the second member that the shales became successively slates and jaspers above, while their color changed from red to blue. In the third member the shales are represented entirely by jaspers and quartzites. Just below the contact the induration is very great, and the jaspers are tough and vitreous; the prevailing color is blue or black. Above the contact the overlying rocks are hard blue slates for 20 feet, succeeded by 100 feet of less indurated slate, grading upward into the original red shale. The metamorphic effects above and below the contact differ in degree of intensity as well as in kind: above the contact the induration and decoloration characterize only about 100 feet of strata; below the contact this action extends through 300 feet. Above the contact the strata are characterized by baking and decoloration only, changing the red shale into a blue slate; below the contact there has been a considerable addition of silica, transforming the red shales into blue and black jaspers; added to this are the effects of baking and decoloration. It may be said in summary that the third member is charac- terized by argillaceous shales in the lower portion, which grade upward into arenaceous shales and sandstones through the interesting series of alternations described in division “7.” There is hardly a stratum in the entire member that does not bear marks of shallow water origin, manifested by either sun- cracks, ripple-marks, or cross-bedding. Fourth Member.—Sandstone and Quartzite. Section on the Shinumo. a, Purple-brown sandstone of fine grain containing locally an occasional lense of fine conglomerate and sometimes a thin local bed of red or purple shale. The sand- stone is cross-bedded throughout -_..-..------------ 406’ b. Compact, white quartzite of fine and uniform grain, displaying a faint cross-bedded structure. ‘This quartz- ite is the most resistant rock in the fourth member, It is exposed everywhere in one massive perpendicular cliff face, which does not display the slightest break except where it is cut by faults. Wherever its base rests upon a shaly lense the under surface displays well preserved mud-cracks. The face of the cliff is stained magenta by the ferruginous cement of the shale lenses in the overlying sandstones, which washes down from above 2222... 22 2 eee eee 1197 c. Purple-brown sandstone of the same character as a.-.- 353’ d. Banded, white quartzite, stained magenta on the expo- Sures, and forminepanelith).. (eos) se eemeee Cece eee 120’ The Shinumo Area. 515 é. Fine-grained, purple sandstone with a white band in the middle. The white band is constant and presents a conspicuous feature by which this purple sandstone can be distinguished at a distance of several miles. The rock is cross-bedded and sometimes displays a mimaisted and onarled ” structure: 252500 s5e22 4 2b i.) 150’ Jf. Compact, cliff-forming, white quartzite of the same character as 6, though not so massive in structure --. 250’ Peisandeduwinte quartzite 02.2). 251.2 s be. uot ke 20’ 4 ter ede bedded sandstone ..-.. --- mprive 1. “Curiously twisted and gnarled layers,” of. fine- grained white sandstone containing large red spots of a circular and elliptical form. The upper part of the bed is more massive. The twisted and gnarled struc- ture seems to have been a phenomenon of the original deposition. It gives the rock an appearance which suggests that the original sand was moist and plastic and once flowed by rolling over and over in the form of a quicksand. 105’ (It may be noted that a bed of this character is described by Walcott in his section in Unkar Val- ley. (Walcott 6, page 511.) It occurs at the same horizon as the bed described above, and contains the same red spots.) mesamaed. purple sandstones: 2.21 l.262.5.L-22L205-2- 20! 3. Green, cross-bedded sandstone .--....-....------_--- DIL 146’ The total thickness of the fourth member of the Unkar is 1564 feet. Slides were cut from several specimens of the sandstones and quartzites. All were found to consist of small rounded quartz grains, the size of which seldom exceeds 0°7™™. This extreme fineness and roundness of the grains, as well as the cleanness of the sorting, is remarkable. The cement is usually siliceous, sometimes slightly ferruginous.